wild women - Warren County Conservation Board
wild women - Warren County Conservation Board
WILD WOMEN of the Woods Registration Form Name____________________________________________ Address____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ WILD WOMEN of the Woods Phone # ____________________________________________ E-mail____________________________________________ Session # 1st Choice 2nd Choice One (write letter) _________ _________ Two (write letter) _________ _________ Three (write letter) _________ _________ Four (write letter) _________ _________ Are you attending Friday night? Do You need a tent for Friday? Are you attending sunrise yoga? Do you prefer vegetarian meals? Yes/No Yes/no Yes/No Yes/No Payment Information Registration fee is $45 Make checks payable to FWCC Mail to Logan Roberts Warren County Conservation 15565 118th Avenue Indianola, IA 50125 Registration Deadline: Monday, April 27th, 2015 May 8-9, 2015 Annett Nature Center Indianola, Iowa What is a Wild Women of the Woods Event? Location/Lodging WILD WOMEN of the Woods Would you like to meet other women with similar interests, attend classes to learn new skills, or just kick back in the great outdoors? If so, this is the event for you. Grab your hiking boots and get ready for a funfilled weekend in nature! With so many exciting sessions to choose from, the hardest part will be deciding which to attend. Who Can Attend? Women ages 12 and older are invited to participate in this event. This is a great mother’s day weekend event for mom and daughter to do together, or bring your sister or best friend. You will create long-lasting memories for both of you to share. How do I Register? Fill out and return the form on the back of this brochure. The registration fee is $45 and includes all activities, a free nights camping, campfire dinner, breakfast, a noon meal, and a Wild Women gift. Registration deadline in Monday, April 27th, 2015, but you will want to register as soon as possible as classes are filled on a first-come, first-served basis. Participants will receive a confirmation letter when registration form and payment are received. You will also receive a medical form to fill out and return back. Silent Auction Help support us by donating an item and participating in the silent auction. Please bring something outdoor related in new or near new condition. All proceeds go toward future Wild Women events. Questions? Contact Logan at 515-961-6169 ext. 204 or [email protected] Free camping is available Friday night at the Annett Nature Center. If you do not have a tent one can be provided for you, or you may sleep indoors or under our picnic pavilion. Other lodging options nearby: Apple Tree Inn 215 N. Jefferson St. (Hwy. 65-69) Indianola, IA 50125 1-800-961-0551 Super 8 1701 N. Jefferson St (Hwy. 65-69) Indianola, IA 50125 515-961-0058 Woods Motel & Park 906 S. Jefferson St. (Hwy 65-69) Indianola, IA 50125 515-961-5311 Lake Ahquabi State Park Electric and non-electric sites Camping reservations suggested 515-961-7101 Annett Nature Center 15565 118th Avenue Indinaola, IA 50125 515-961-6169 Outdoor Adventure Check List Please consider bringing with you: * jacket * rain gear * hiking boots * hat * extra socks * sunglasses * camera * sunscreen * notepad/pen * aspirin * * * * * insect repellent money for silent auction reusable water bottle your silent auction item water clothes/shoes if signed up for watersports session Equipment will be provided for all sessions. Participants will receive a Wild Women of the Woods backpack to carry gear to each session. There will be time to get ready for afternoon sessions following lunch. NOTE: If the weather is rainy we will still hold each session, but may relocate it to a dry place. You may want to bring rain gear. The Outdoor Fun Begins Friday Night! No extra cost, just extra fun Friday, June 14th (optional) 6:00 p.m. Registration, set up tents, social time 7:00 p.m. Campfire Cooking Program & Dinner 8:30 p.m. Canoe by Moonlight Need a place to spend the night? Camping is free at the Annett Nature Center. Motels are also nearby. Enjoy Sessions all day Saturday! Saturday, June 15th 7:00 a.m. Sunrise Yoga (optional) 8:00 - 8:30 a.m. Breakfast, registration, silent auction begins 8:30 - 8:45 a.m. Welcome and Introductions 9:00 - 10:15 a.m. Session One: (Choose One) A. Shooting Sports 101 B. Get Into Geocaching C. Woodland Walk & Tree Identification 10:30- 11:45 a.m. Session Two (Choose One) D. Dutch Oven Cooking E. Lake Fishing F. Bike Maintenance/Trail Riding 11:45 a.m. -12:45p.m. Wild in the Woods Lunch 1:00 -2:15 p.m. Session Three (Choose One) G. Hunting 101 H. Atlatl I. Paddleboarding 2:30-3:45 p.m. Session Four (Choose One) J. Fly Tying K. Archery L. Kayaking 4:00 p.m. Share the Fun, silent auction ends 4:15 p.m. Have a safe trip home! Select your Sessions Sunrise Yoga Start your day in nature with a relaxing and rejuvenating yoga session! Lynn Cunningham of Illuminate Yoga will lead us. A. Shooting Sports 101 Instructor: Craig Cutts, Iowa DNR Conservation Officer This is a great opportunity for beginners to learn about gun safety , shooting stance, grip and equipment. You will get time on the range to practice your shooting skills. All guns and ammunition will be provided. B. Get into Geocaching Instructor: Iowa Geocaching Association Come find out what this real-world, outdoor treasure hunt using GPS devices is all about! Members of the Iowa Geocaching Association will fill you in on fun facts you didn’t know about their hobby. You will explore the park trying to complete a high tech scavenger hunt in nature! C. Woodland Wak/Tree Identification Instructor: Jessica Flatt, Iowa DNR Forester Take a walk through the woodlands and observe the beautiful trees around you. This hands-on, outdoor session will focus on learning to identify common Iowa tree species. Participants will use leaves, bark, fruit/seeds/nuts, and form to analyze the most common native and non-native tree species found in our area. Time will also be given to a few common shrub species. D. Dutch Oven Cooking Instructor: Allen Crouse, Iowa DNR Recreational Safety Officer Food cooked in a dutch oven can taste great, especially when you’re camping! Join Allen to try your hand at a few dutch oven recipes. You will learn the process of dutch oven cooking, cleaning and caring for your cast iron dutch oven. Make some recipes that we will enjoy at lunchtime! E. Lake Fishing Instructor: Josh Shipman, Iowa DNR Lake Ahquabi Park Manager Spend some time on the shore of Lake Ahqabui. You will learn all about fishing on a lake, starting with getting your pole set up and including fish identification, the best times of the day and best times of the year to go fishing, and some of the best spots. See what you can catch! Participants in this session will ned a valid 2015 fishing license. F. Bicycle Maintenance/Trail Riding Instructor: Timothy Lane, Des Moines Bike Collective Tim is an enthusiastic local cycler. He will be prepared to share information on trail riding in central Iowa, basic bicycle repairs and maintenance, and bicycle fitness. You’ll also learn about the Des Moines Bike Collective and the services and events they offer. Wild in the Woods Lunch Bring your taste buds and be ready to try something new! For lunch we will enjoy a variety of wild game/wild edibles dishes. This may include bison, elk, venison, bluegill, dandelion ice cream and more! G. Hunting 101 Instructor: Jim Coffey, Iowa DNR Wildlife Biologist Have you always wanted to try hunting but didn’t know where to get started? Jim Coffey will walk you through what game that can be hunted in Iowa, the different hunting seasons, basic equipment to get started, and the most challenging and rewarding parts that you may encounter each season. Be ready for a question and answer session on hunting in Iowa. H. Atlatl Instructor: Laura Zaugg, Dallas County Conservation Naturalist Before the bow and arrow, there was the atlatl, an ancient form of hunting that involves spear throwing. Learn about how the native americans used this tool and try your hand at it. You will have a blast practicing with Dallas County Conservation’s equipment and we’ll see how good your aim gets! I. Paddleboarding Instructor: Warren County Conservation Naturalist Stand up paddling is the fastest growing sport in America. Why? It’s is easy to learn, tons of fun, & can be done on almost any body of water. SUP may have been born in Hawaii, but its a perfect fit for Iowa! Come walk on water with us today! J. FlyTying Instructor: Central Iowa Fly Fishing Association If you are a beginner or an expert at fly-fishing and have always wanted to learn how to tie your own flies, now is your chance. Instructors from Central Iowa Fly Fishers will discuss the difference between wet and dry flies, streamers, bucktails, nymphs, and when to use them. Afterwards, participants will learn how to tie a wooly bugger and a nymph. You will get to take them home with you and can try them out in the water! K. Kayaking Instructor: Canoe Sport Outfitters Learn the basics of water safety, equipment, steering and paddling strokes. Participants will practice kayaking skills on the pond, so dress for the weather and be prepared to get your feet wet. L. Archery Instructor: Warren County Conservation Naturalist Archery is a fun and challenging skill that offers something for everyone. Learn about the different styles of target shooting and equipment choices available today. You will be introduced to archery through examples,demonstrations, and hands on practice. This class is also excellent for those interested in bowhunting!
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