Brathwaite, K`Nesia T`Nique


Brathwaite, K`Nesia T`Nique
K'Jai Donastorg ·
Kesia King ·
Lethia Brathwaite ·
Kirk Brathwaite
Kerry Thomas
Eria Raymond, June Brathwaite, Cheryl King, Arlene Thomas
Albeto King, Jr., Aubrey Raymond, Sr., Cedric Thomas
Keshawn, Kaemoy & Kiabre Thomas, Kyron Correa, Jahiem Tyrell, K'Vante, Kirk Brathwaite, Jr.
Kierra & Kmiqua Thomas, Kurene, Jahmelia, Krista, Le'Neya & Constance Brathwaite
Survivors Cont'd
Great Grandfather ~ Arestelle Richardson · Great Grandmother~ Pearlette Rhymer
Latania Gumbs, Shyra Raymond-Henley, Tekeisha & Teshonda Thomas
Claude & Alston Richardson, Shawn & Shakim King, Tray&, Aubrey Raymond, Jr., Khoy Stout, Richard Hoheb
Special Cousins~ Okeamo Freeman, Windy Fahie Donovan, Shakima & Tamika Herbert, Makeda Simmonds, Celia
Hodge, Irvin Monsanto, Cordel Rhymer
Athneil "Bobby" Thomas, Donna Wesselhoft, Darryl Smalls, Florecita Brunn, Sharon Richardson
Fern P. Clarke, Lisa Haynes, Elston Mercer
Great Aunts~ Corrine King, Caren George, Carol King, Joyce Stalworth, Pauline Hodge
Sharon Todman, Marva & Mary Brathwa\te, Juliet Todman, Monica Segobin, Emelda Monsanto,
Cheron Grant, Yvonne Browne, lleen Stout, Lillian Chartes
Great Uncles- Allen King, Alvin, Edward, Dale, Albert, C11fton, Austm, Cl'mton "Brafuwa1\e, l\.ecatt\1) ""R)c\(' ~\<a\~\)\\\\
Special Friends- Cane Garden Bay Community, I van Dawson Primary School Family, Elvin Stout Jr.
Elvin and E'Sonia Stout, Elissa Todman & Family, Ebony Correa & Family, Diane 'fodman & Family
Molik Malone & Family, Monique Matthews & Family, Tammy Henry & Family, Renee Joseph and Family
Stephanie Richards & Family, The Clarke Family, Akeem Robinson & Family, Tannie Edwards and Family, ·
The Donastorg Family, Esmie Callwood & Family, The Jones Family, Elmore Stoutt High School Class of2006,
Staff at the Division of Personnel.
Many other family and friends too numerous to mention.
Pall Bearers
Jay Diggs, Ahmmoi Donovan, Raymore "Shakear· Mercer, Aubrey Raymond, Jr., Alvin Brathwaite, Elvin Stoutt.
Raysha\\n Mercer, Jahmal Jones
Honorary Pall Bearers
Claude Richardson, Troy Raymond, Khoy Stout, Kerry Thomas, Wayne Robinson, Dwyane Thomas, Elvin 'Skinny'
Shakim & Shawn King, Lionel'Dickie' Smith, Okeamo Freeman
K'Nesia's early years were spent
on St. Thomas where she attended
Future World Pre-School and
Lockhart Elementary School.
She always stood tan; thinking, at
times, that her small stature would
cause her to be missed. K'Nesia
thrived to be the center of
attention; she was to many, most
especially her family. She would
often be seen rehearsing her
recitals for school, twirling with
the Sebastian Majorettes, even
singing in the Cherubin Choir at
the Methodist Church on Sundays.
In 1996, she reigned as the Little
Miss Spring Queen.
Anyone who knew K'Nesia
will tell you, her pride and joy was
her son K'Jai
Donastorg, who
meant the world to her-K'Jai was
the sparkle in her eyes. As K'Nesia
unconditionally loved her parents,
grandparents, brothers, sisters and
other family members, she adored
and shared a special bond with her
grandmother, Eria Raymond. As
was in life, Grandma Eria, held
K'Nesia lovingly and gently to the
K'Nesia's relocation to the British
Virgin Islands In 1997 with her
mother, Keshia, brought about
another chapter in K'Nesia's
growth and development to the
young lady she became.
watched her "blossom" her mom,
Kesia and Kerry Thomas, her
adopted stepfather, always touts.
After attending Belle Vue Primary
School for one year, K'Nesia
attended the Ivan Dawson Primary
A bright-eyed, beautiful baby girl, K'Nesia T'Nique Brathwaite, was born on November 29,
1990 in Tallahassee, Florida to Kesia King and Kirk Brathwaite. K'Nesia, as she was
affectionately called, was the pride and joy of her mother and father; a smart, healthy child
It was during this time
that K'Nesia began to sprout and
accomplishing much to her credit.
She developed a love for track &
field and dance.
who parents pray for and desire. K'Neshia was christened in the Methodist faith.
participated in almost every track
meet and Christmas Program; she
did exceptionally well. K'Nesia also won the National Conde Nast Essay of the BVI; sbe
to Barbados as an ambassador for the British Virgin Islands.
At the tender age of 10, K'Nesia, moved on to the BVI High School, after sitting and successfilll!
passing the Primary Five Exam. Her love ofsports continued; she was a member of the BVI Track
Team, with whom she oftentimes traveled to St. Thomas and St. Croix to compete. She was also a
member of Panthers Softball Team, Steps, Woman of Power and High Society (WOPAH).
Harrigan's Music School, and the New Life Baptist Church's Youth Group and other organizations
in the church.
By the age of 15, this focused and gifted young lady, K'Nesia, had graduated from high school.
K'Nesia's many extra-curricular
Family time and long nights of
activities complemented her
studying did not stop K'Nesia from
academic excellence.
finding time to visit with friends and
Proudly, in 2011, K'Nesia received
her Bachelor of Arts Degree in
Social Sciences from the University
ofthe Virgin Islands; she had studied
hard, enjoyed college life. She was
gainfully employed during this time,
as well. Her decision to live with her
grandmother, while pursuing her
undergraduate degree and more
recently her Master's Degree was an
easy one. K'Nesia liked the comfort
engage extra-curricular activities.
She was often seen down at Griffith
Park, playing softball, as a catcher;
carnival and festival times, she
played mass with Hugga Bunch,
Infernos and the Anasazi Dancers of
Tortola, BVI.
Her community
involvement also included active
membership as an AKA and the
organization, Eastern Star.
K'Nesia was about to venture into a
of living at home with her beloved
new career as a Fraud Investigator
son, K'Jai, grandparents, Eria and
with the Department of Human
Buntin and dear uncle, Troy. It was
Services, a challenge she was
her haven for peace, tranquility,
looking forward to. She relished and
K'Nesia loved to shop and travel.
We trust in God and know of his
She enjoyed the BVI Music Festival
in Tortola, travelling oftentimes with ~Brathwaite, our "shining star"
one of her favorite cousins, Okeamo
forever be in our hearts. We were
Freeman, who was also one of her
graced and blessed with a young lad)
K'Nesia was goal
mind to do, she accomplished with
Her memories will always be in
great success. K'Nesia has made her
fondest of thoughts.
mark, she has set the standard for
K'Nesia knew God... may
many of us to emulate. Her beloved
FOREVER Rest in Peace.
live a life that was full.
On Tuesday, October 18, 2011,
K'Nesia departed this earthly life to
K'Nesia spent
basked in the opportunity to work for
be with the Holy Redeemer.
suddenness of her passing is
invaluable time with her family,
the Government of the Virgin
while on the computer and cell
Islands, as she was a dedicated staff especially painful. K'Nesia departed
member of the Division of this world knowing that she was
coursework in Criminal Justice from
Personnel, working at the GERS
loved unconditionally; we will
Southern Uni versity would be
Building since 2008.
forever know and feel her love, too.
challenging. K'Nesia's life was full.
generous, kind and compassioo_ -
goodness, worthiness and desire to
She knew graduate level
who was always loving.
oriented and whatever she put her
son, K'Jai will know of his mother's
loving support.
K'N es ia T'N ique