Table of Contents Agenda 3 Motion to Approve
Table of Contents Agenda 3 Motion to Approve
Table of Contents Agenda Motion to Approve Amendment To Section 17.050, Use Regulations, of the City of Collinsville zoning Regulations, to Allow Hookah Bars within the City of Collinsville. Agenda Item Report Staff Report Applicant's Proposal Chairman Jerome's Memo Ordinance Approving a Planned Development District P-BP3 Planned Business Park District (Laura Buick-GMC/Teklab) Agenda Item Report Ordinance Staff Report Chairman Jerome's Memo Ordinance Approving a Rezoning to an R1 Single Family Residential District and a B4 Commercial District (100 Highland Place & 936 St. Louis Road) Agenda Item Report Ordinance Staff Report Chairman Jerome's Memo Motion to Approve Payroll for the Periods Ending 01/02/15 & 01/12/15 in the Amount of $555,656.31 Agenda Item Report Payroll Boardlist Payroll Boardlist Motion to Approve Payment of Bills for the Period Ending January 16, 2015 in the Amount of $1,457,591.53 Agenda Item Report Board List 09-01-14 Board List 10-01-14 Board List 11-01-14 Board List 12-01-14 Board List 01-09-15 Board List 01-16-15 Motion to Approve Minutes of the 1/12/15 Regular Meeting Agenda Item Report Minutes 01/12/15 Resolution Giving Preliminary and Final Plat Approval to Subdivision Under Collinsville Subdivision Control Ordinance (Highland Estates/Thomas Brothers) Agenda Item Report Resolution Preliminary Plat Final Plat 1 3 7 8 13 22 23 25 29 40 41 43 47 70 71 72 82 83 84 87 90 93 96 105 125 126 132 133 135 136 Staff Report Chairman Jerome's Memo Ordinance Amending the Collinsville Municipal Code Title 16, Subdivisions, Regarding Final Plat Procedures and Performance Guarantee and Bonds Agenda Item Report Ordinance Staff Memo Chairman Jerome's Memo 2 138 161 162 163 169 172 AGENDA Regular Meeting Of Monday, January 26, 2015 7:30 PM Number 15-0126 JOHN MILLER Mayor NANCY MOSS MICHAEL TOGNARELLI Councilman Councilman JEFF KYPTA KAREN WOOLARD Councilman Councilman SCOTT WILLIAMS City Manager STEVE GIACOLETTO Corporate Counsel KIMBERLY WASSER City Clerk City Council meetings are scheduled on the second and fourth Mondays of each month at 7:30 p.m. Page 1 3 AGENDA FOR CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING Number 15-0126 TYPE: Regular Meeting DATE/TIME: Monday, January 26, 2015/7:30 PM LOCATION: City Hall Council Chambers, 125 S. Center, Collinsville, Illinois A. CALL MEETING TO ORDER B. ROLL CALL C. INVOCATION D. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE E. PROCLAMATIONS/RECOGNITION/PRESENTATIONS F. BUSINESS PRIOR TO PUBLIC INPUT G. 1. Motion to Approve Amendment To Section 17.050, Use Regulations, of the City of Collinsville zoning Regulations, to Allow Hookah Bars within the City of Collinsville. 2. Ordinance Approving a Planned Development District P-BP3 Planned Business Park District (Laura Buick-GMC/Teklab) 3. Ordinance Approving a Rezoning to an R1 Single Family Residential District and a B4 Commercial District (100 Highland Place & 936 St. Louis Road) SPEAKERS FROM THE FLOOR Speakers may address the Council under the terms of Ordinance No. 4765. Time is limited to 4 minutes per speaker. Please refer to the last page of the agenda for specific rules governing input. H. COMMENTS & ANNOUNCEMENTS - MAYOR I. COMMENTS & ANNOUNCEMENTS - COUNCIL MEMBERS J. COMMENTS & ANNOUNCEMENTS - CITY STAFF Page 2 4 K. L. CONSENT AGENDA 1. Motion to Approve Payroll for the Periods Ending 01/02/15 & 01/12/15 in the Amount of $555,656.31 2. Motion to Approve Payment of Bills for the Period Ending January 16, 2015 in the Amount of $1,457,591.53 3. Motion to Approve Minutes of the 1/12/15 Regular Meeting NEW BUSINESS 1. Resolution Giving Preliminary and Final Plat Approval to Subdivision Under Collinsville Subdivision Control Ordinance (Highland Estates/Thomas Brothers) 2. Ordinance Amending the Collinsville Municipal Code Title 16, Subdivisions, Regarding Final Plat Procedures and Performance Guarantee and Bonds M. OLD BUSINESS N. CLOSED SESSION Discuss in accordance with 5 ILCS 120/2(c): 1. Appointment, employment, compensation, discipline or performance of employees 2. Collective bargaining 3. The selection or performance of a person in a public office 5. The purchase or lease of real property 6. The setting of a price for sale or lease of property 7. The sale or purchase of securities, investments, or investment contracts. 8. Security procedures 11. Pending or Threatened or Imminent Litigation 21. Discussion of Closed Meeting minutes O. ANNOUNCEMENTS P. ADJOURNMENT Page 3 5 ADDRESSING THE COUNCIL DURING SPEAKERS FROM THE FLOOR Below are the rules for input during City Council meetings as set out in Ordinance No. 4765 entitled “Ordinance Governing Speakers From the Floor During Meetings of the City Council and the Commission, Boards, and Sub-Bodies of Collinsville, Illinois”. Speakers may address the Council during the time designated as Speakers From the Floor on the agenda. RULE 1: Speakers shall be allowed only during “Speakers from the Floor,” or at any other time if requested by a member of the City Council. RULE 2: Input must relate to a matter under the authority of the City of Collinsville. RULE 3: Upon request by the meeting Chairman for speakers from the floor, a prospective speaker shall express the desire to speak, be recognized by the meeting Chairman, approach the designated podium, and state their name and general subject matter to which they will address the City Council. RULE 4: After establishing their identity, prospective speakers shall immediately address only the City Council. RULE 5: Each speaker is limited to four (4) minutes to address the City Council. No extensions will be granted and no time shall be compensated to the speaker resulting from interruptions by or discussion with the City Council, City Manager, or any other City officer or employee. RULE 6: Speakers shall address only the City Council collectively or its members individually. Speakers shall speak to issues and shall refrain from personal attacks on City appointed officials and employees. Speakers may not address issues related to pending litigation in which the City or its subsidiary bodies, officers, agents, employees, boards or commissions is a party. RULE 7: Speakers shall not be permitted to advertise, solicit, request, urge, summon, or cajole the City Council or the general public, except as otherwise provided for herein, with regard to any products, goods, services, information, gains, losses, advantages, consequences, or any other similar matter, notwithstanding that there may or may not be any pecuniary, monetary, financial or property gain, loss, or benefit to the speaker or any other person or entity. RULE 8: Speakers shall act and speak with decorum and conform to conventional social manners in speech, writing, dress, and behavior. The audience shall refrain from conduct that disrupts the meeting in any way such as clapping, booing, loud talking or outbursts. A speaker may be immediately terminated at the meeting Chairman’s discretion. RULE 9: Determination of breaches of this Ordinance shall be made by the meeting Chairman. The meeting Chairman customarily will warn the speaker or members of the audience of inappropriate behavior through one warning use of the gavel. Subsequent inappropriate behavior shall result in the immediate removal of the responsible parties at the discretion of the meeting Chairman. Page 4 6 AGENDA ITEM REPORT DATE OF MEETING: January 26, 2015 ITEM: Motion to Approve Amendment to Section 17.050, Use Regulations, of the City of Collinsville Zoning Regulations, to Allow Hookah Bars with the City of Collinsville. STRATEGIC PLAN GOAL: Goal #1 –High Quality Neighborhoods Goal #4 – Strong and Diverse Local Economy BACKGROUND: Tabitha Matthews has petitioned the City to amend the existing zoning regulations to permit Hookah Bars within the City limits. Currently, no use category exists for this type of use, effectively prohibiting the use within the City. The Planning Commission held a public hearing on December 11, and heard from the applicant, with no additional speakers providing testimony for or against the proposal. The hearing was continued by the Planning Commission to the January 8th meeting so additional information could be reviewed by the Commission. At the January 8th Planning Commission meeting the public hearing was reopened where in the absence of the applicant, the Commission voted unanimously to recommend denial of the proposal thereby reinforcing the prohibition of Hookah Bars as an allowable use. Please refer to the attached Staff Report Memo for additional details on Hookah Bars and the memo from Chairman Jerome for details on the Commission discussion. Since the recommendation was denial, if the Council decides to uphold the recommendation, the motion will need to be voted down; if the Council would like to overturn the recommendation of the Commission, then the motion will need to be voted in the affirmative. RECOMMENDATION: The Community Development Director recommends denial of the Motion to Approve an Amendment to Section 17.050, Use Regulations, of the City of Collinsville Zoning Regulations, to Allow Hookah Bars with the City of Collinsville. ITEM SUBMITTED BY: Mitchell Bair, AICP, Community Development Director ATTACHMENTS: Staff Report Applicant’s Proposal Chairman Jerome’s Memo 7 DIRECTOR’S MEMO TO: PLANNING COMMISSION FROM: MITCHELL E. BAIR, AICP, COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR RE: HOOKAH BAR LAND USE AMENDMENT DATE: JANUARY 8, 2015 WHAT IS HOOKAH? A hookah is a single or multi-stemmed instrument used to smoke tobacco. Shisha is the type of tobacco smoked in a hookah. It is a very moist and sticky tobacco that is often soaked in honey or molasses, fruit, or other flavored components. Shisha provides a pleasant aroma when heated slowly with burning charcoal and comes in a variety of flavors including apple, strawberry, rose, mango, cappuccino, banana, peach, lemon, orange, mint, and licorice. The shisha is heated in the bowl at the top of the hookah and the smoke is filtered through the water in the base of the hookah, providing a cooling effect on the smoke that is inhaled. The user inhales the water filtered smoke through a tube and mouthpiece. A typical session lasts from 45-60 minutes, but can last for several hours. Alternate names for hookahs include: waterpipe, goza, hubble-bubble, borry, and narghile. Hookah use dates back at least 500 years, believed to have originated in India, and is a cultural tradition across the Middle East, Persia, Afghanistan, Turkey and parts Africa. THE HOOKAH BOOM Prevalence data on hookah use in the U.S. is limited, but there is a clear indication of the growing popularity of hookah use among youth and young adults. In 2011, over 18% of 12th graders reported using hookah in the past year. According to a June 2012 study, one third of college students reported having smoked hookah. The rise in hookah smoking among young people may be related to several factors: Many young people mistakenly believe that hookah smoke has less nicotine and is less toxic because the smoke is filtered through water. Shisha tobacco is available in a variety of enticing flavors. Hookah smoking is a social activity, and often advertised as exotic. Shisha tobacco is often cheaper to buy than cigarettes. Shisha tobacco can be sold online making access to this product easier for youth. HOOKAH LOUNGES/CAFES Hookah bars, lounges, and restaurants have become popular social gathering places for young smokers. Two-thirds of states have hookah bars and cafes, usually near large colleges and universities. Hookah bars attract young customers through advertising in college/university and local newspapers and on radio stations popular among young people. These establishments also appeal to college populations by emphasizing exotic aspects of Middle Eastern culture in their décor, furnishings, music, and displays of a variety of colorful, finely crafted hookahs. Some lounges do not serve alcohol, and can be particularly appealing to youth under the age of 21. MARKETING Many businesses have developed websites to advertise and sell hookah products. Often lounges focus on flavorings, pleasure, relaxation, product quality, and social aspects. Lounges capitalize on the exotic nature and cultural history of hookah, promoting a variety of products within those themes. In the US, hookah use is often promoted as new, trendy, and a safe social activity for college students in particular. A recent study determined that of 144 hookah lounge websites sampled across the US only 4% included a tobacco-related warning on their website and information on age limits, health 1 HOOKAH BAR LAND USE MEMO JANUARY 8, 2015 8 DIRECTOR’S MEMO warnings, and involvement of tobacco in hookah smoking was limited. MYTHS & TRUTHS ABOUT HOOKAH (THE BACCHUS NETWORK, TOP FACTS: HOOKAHS) MYTH: Hookah smoke is filtered through water so it filters out any harmful ingredients. TRUTH: Smoking tobacco through water does not filter out cancer-causing chemicals. Water-filtered smoke can damage the lungs and heart as much as cigarette smoke. MYTH: Inhaling hookah smoke does not burn the lungs, so it is not unhealthy. TRUTH: The hookah smoke does not burn the lungs when inhaled because is cooled through the water in the base of the hookah. Even though the smoke is cooled, it still contains carcinogens and it is still unhealthy. MYTH: Smoking hookahs are healthier than smoking cigarettes. TRUTH: Hookah smoke is just as dangerous as cigarette smoke. Hookahs generate smoke in different ways: cigarette smoke is generated by burning tobacco, while hookah smoke is produced by heating tobacco in a bowl using charcoal. The end product is the same smoke, containing carcinogens. MYTH: Smoking a hookah is not as addictive as smoking a cigarette because there is no nicotine. TRUTH: Just like regular tobacco, shisha contains nicotine. In fact, in a 60-minute hookah session, smokers are exposed to 100 to 200 times the volume of smoke inhaled from a single cigarette. MYTH: Herbal shisha is healthier than regular shisha. TRUTH: Just like smoking herbal or “natural” cigarettes, herbal shisha exposes the smoker to tar and carcinogens. MYTH: Shisha tobacco contains fruit, so is healthier than regular tobacco. TRUTH: Tobacco is tobacco, no matter how you look at it. Shisha is often soaked in molasses or honey and mixed with fruit, but it still contains cancer-causing chemicals and nicotine. HEALTH RISKS OF HOOKAH USE Research studies have provided ample evidence that hookah smoking is not a safe alternative to cigarette smoking: Health risks of smoking hookahs include lung, mouth, throat, stomach and other cancers; heart disease; lung damage; and dental disease. Hookah smoke has been found to contain high concentrations of carbon monoxide, nicotine, tar, and heavy metals. Very little nicotine is filtered out of hookah smoke. A study found that a less than 5% decrease in nicotine was observed. Heat sources like charcoal or wood cinders may increase health risks because they produce carbon monoxide, metals, and cancer causing chemicals in addition to the tobacco. Smoking hookah requires taking longer and harder drags, increasing levels of inhaled nicotine and cancer causing chemicals in the lungs. The longer the hookah session, the more nicotine and toxins one takes in. A 45 to 60 minute hookah session exposes the smoker to approximately the same amount of tar and nicotine as one pack of cigarettes. Sharing mouthpieces without washing them can increase risk of spreading of colds, flu, and communicable infections like oral herpes and mononucleousis. 2 HOOKAH BAR LAND USE MEMO JANUARY 8, 2015 9 DIRECTOR’S MEMO Hookahs give off very high levels of secondhand smoke exposing even nonsmokers to damaging levels of toxic substances in hookah smoke. A recent study suggests that 18-24 year olds who use other substances, such as cigarettes, marijuana, alcohol, or other illicit drugs smoke hookah at a higher rate. Hookah smoke has the same addictive properties as cigarettes, which can lead a hookah user to begin using cigarettes, or becoming a dual user of hookah and cigarettes. CAN COLLINSVILLE REGULATE HOOKAH USE? Fact: The Smoke Free Illinois Act prohibits smoking in bars, restaurants and other indoor areas open to the public. Question: If smoking is prohibited in bars and restaurants, why is smoking allowed inside hookah bars? Answer: The Smoke Free Illinois Act provides the following exemption upon which Hookah bars may operate: “"Retail tobacco store" means a retail establishment that derives more than 80% of its gross revenue from the sale of loose tobacco, plants, or herbs and cigars, cigarettes, pipes, and other smoking devices for burning tobacco and related smoking accessories and in which the sale of other products is merely incidental. R " etail tobacco store" includes an enclosed workplace that manufactures, imports, or distributes tobacco or tobacco products, when, as a necessary and integral part of the process of making, manufacturing, importing, or distributing a tobacco product for the eventual retail sale of that tobacco or tobacco product, tobacco is heated, burned, or smoked, or a lighted tobacco product is tested, provided that the involved business entity: (1) maintains a specially designated area or areas within the workplace for the purpose of the heating, burning, smoking, or lighting activities, and does not create a facility that permits smoking throughout; (2) satisfies the 80% requirement related to gross sales; and (3) delivers tobacco products to consumers, retail establishments, or other wholesale establishments as part of its business. "Retail tobacco store" does not include a tobacco department or section of a larger commercial establishment or any establishment with any type of liquor, food, or restaurant license. Rulemaking authority to implement this amendatory Act of the 95th General Assembly, if any, is conditioned on the rules being adopted in accordance with all provisions of the Illinois Administrative Procedure Act and all rules and procedures of the Joint Committee on Administrative Rules; any purported rule not so adopted, for whatever reason, is unauthorized. “(2) Retail tobacco stores as defined in Section 10 of this Act in operation prior to the effective date of this amendatory Act of the 95th General Assembly. The retail tobacco store shall annually file with the Department by January 31st an affidavit stating the percentage of its gross 3 HOOKAH BAR LAND USE MEMO JANUARY 8, 2015 10 DIRECTOR’S MEMO income during the prior calendar year that was derived from the sale of loose tobacco, plants, or herbs and cigars, cigarettes, pipes, or other smoking devices for smoking tobacco and related smoking accessories. Any retail tobacco store that begins operation after the effective date of this amendatory Act may only qualify for an exemption if located in a freestanding structure occupied solely by the business and smoke from the business does not migrate into an enclosed area where smoking is prohibited.” Question: What more can the City do to regulate hookah? Answer: State law grants “police power,” to the City of Collinsville, especially as it is a “Home Rule” City. This gives the City the authority to adopt ordinances in the interest of “maintaining the health, welfare and public safety” of the City. The City also has the power of land use regulation regarding Hookah bars as smoking is not a constitutionally protected right. POTENTIAL LAND USE AND ENFORCEMENT ISSUES Many municipalities have prohibited Hookah bars and other similar uses as they do not advance the long term planning goals of the City. These land uses are primarily found within larger more eclectic mixed use districts such as in St. Louis, MO on Washington Avenue and in Philadelphia, PA in the downtown district. Generally these uses, when found as stand alone businesses, present a negative impact onto the adjoining properties and can stifle development activities in these areas. They also present secondary impacts for enforcement of codes and public safety reasons. The issues associated with the negative, or adverse, impacts to other properties associated with Hookah related uses is that they typically attract younger adults between 18 and 21 years of age. While this alone is not a negative, several municipalities in Illinois - Chicago and Peoria - have revised their Zoning Regulations to restrict Hookah uses after negative issues surfaced. These issues included increased noise and public disturbances, underage drinking, littering, and loitering. These issues resulted in significant calls for both code enforcement and public safety personnel. While Hookah uses are not in and of themselves negative land uses, when located outside of eclectic mixed use districts and in isolation they present more negative issues than not. The evidence on these uses is still limited as the use is just gaining prevalence but one common finding is that the problems associated with these uses outweigh the benefits and these Hookah related uses do not make a positive contribution to the proactive growth and development of an emerging development area. RECOMMENDATION At this time and in consideration of the available information, it is the opinion of the Community Development Director that an amendment not be pursued that would permit Hookah bars or lounges within the corporate limits of Collinsville. 4 HOOKAH BAR LAND USE MEMO JANUARY 8, 2015 11 DIRECTOR’S MEMO REFERENCES 1. The Bacchus Network. Top Facts: Hookahs. Available at 2. Tobacco Free U/The Bacchus Network. Reducing Hookah Use, A Public Health Challenge for the 21st Century: http:// 3. American Lung Association - Hookah Smoking - A Growing Threat to Public Health: tobacco-control-advocacy/reportsresources/cessation-economic-benefits/reports/hookah-policy-brief.pdf 4. Johnston LD, O’Malley PM, Bachman JG, Schulenberg, JE. Monitoring the Future, national survey results on drug use, 1975-2011. Volume I: secondary school students, 2011. Ann Arbor (MI): Institute for Social Research, The University of Michigan; 2012. 5. Primack, BA, et al. Waterpipe Smoking Among U.S. University Students. Nicotine and Tobacco Research. [Epubahead of print], May 28, 2012. 6. Morris, DS, Fiala, SC, Pawlek, R. Opportunities for Policy Interventions to Reduce Youth Hookah Smoking in the United States. Prev Chronic Dis 2012; 9:120082. DOI: 7. Chan et al. Up in Smoke: The fallacy of the harmless hookah. Chest. 2011; 139: 737-738. 8. Primack, BA, et al. U.S. hookah and tobacco smoking establishments advertised on the internet. Am J Prev Med 2012; 42(2):150-156. 9. Neergard et al. Waterpipe exposure and nicotine exposure: A review of the current evidence. Nicotine and Tobacco Research. 2007; 9(10):987-994. 10. Dugas et al. Waterpipe smoking among North American youths. Pediatrics. 2010. 125(6):1184-1189. 11. American Cancer Society, Hookah’s are trendy, but are they safe?: post/2012/05/29/hookahs-are-trendy-butare-they-safe.aspx 5 HOOKAH BAR LAND USE MEMO JANUARY 8, 2015 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 There was no applicant present but we proceeded forwarded anyway and discussed the pros and cons on modifying our Ordinances to ALLOW Hookah Bars in our area. After discussions learning more about what a Hookah Bar was (Mike, you were not alone on this issue) as well as serious discussions regarding the health and safety issues on allowing this form of entertainment, it was the unanimous opinion of the Planning Commission that we NOT modify the current ordinances to allow Hookah Bars in the City of Collinsville. 22 AGENDA ITEM REPORT DATE OF MEETING: January 26, 2015 ITEM: Ordinance Approving a Planned Development District P-BP3 Planned Business Park District (Laura BuickGMC/Teklab) STRATEGIC PLAN GOAL: Goal #1 –High Quality Neighborhoods Goal #4 – Strong and Diverse Local Economy BACKGROUND: After rezoning the dealership location at 909 North Bluff Road and an associated $3 million remodel & expansion in April 2012, Laura Buick-GMC experienced a huge and unexpected increase in sales, requiring them to expand again by purchasing another 3 acres and constructing an additional parking lot to the rear of the dealership in 2013. As their sales have continually increased, the need for additional parking and storage for new vehicle inventory has become necessary on a temporary basis. Laura Buick-GMC has now leased additional acreage from Teklab near the intersection of Horseshoe Lake Road and North Bluff and are proposing to legalize the use of that lot for parking new vehicle inventory for a period not to exceed a total of 4 years. By the end of that period, they feel they will have a better handle on the market and will be able to determine if they need to purchase the property and develop it fully as a part of the dealership, or will cease the use of it and return it to a green state to await future development. The ordinance contains the following noteworthy provisions: 1. Laura Buick shall be the sole allowable operator; the allowance is not transferable to another dealership or user or for another use. 2. The lot shall be used for the storage of new vehicle inventory only. 3. The current gravel surface shall be allowed for the term of the ordinance and shall be removed at the expiration of site use by Laura Buick-GMC. 4. The allowance shall be for a term not exceeding 3 years with 1 extension of another year available upon request and demonstration of performance. 5. During the period of use by Laura Buick-GMC and after expiration of the lease, the property may be developed under the original BP3 zoning with all related uses should a potential development become available and consistent with the development regulations and code requirements of the City of Collinsville. The Planning Commission held a public hearing on January 8th, and recommended approval of the ordinance by unanimous vote. There is no site plan required as there are no improvements proposed or required. 23 RECOMMENDATION: The Community Development Director recommends approval of the Ordinance Approving a Planned Development District P-BP3 Planned Business Park District (Laura Buick-GMC/Teklab) ITEM SUBMITTED BY: Mitchell Bair, AICP, Community Development Director ATTACHMENTS: Ordinance Staff Report Chairman Jerome’s Memo 24 ORDINANCE NO. APPROVING A PLANNED DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT P-BP3 PLANNED BUSINESS PARK DISTRICT LAURA BUICK GMC / TEKLAB (Laura Buick Overflow Parking Lot-Temporary) AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE ZONING OF LAND WITHIN THE CITY OF COLLINSVILLE AND REQUIRING CERTAIN CONDITIONS WITHIN SAID PLANNED DISTRICT. WHEREAS, Jack Anderson, on behalf of Laura Buick-GMC, has filed with the City of Collinsville, Illinois an application for temporarily amending the zoning of real estate which is owned by Teklab, Inc. and located near the intersection of Horseshoe Lake Road and Bluff, from BP3 Business Park District to P-BP3 Planned Business Park District. WHEREAS, prior to the presentation of this ordinance to the City Council, all hearings required to be held took place pursuant to proper legal notice, and all petitions, documents and other necessary legal requirements were fulfilled in compliance with the law in such cases made and provided, including Title 17 of the Collinsville Municipal Code and Section 5/11-13-14 of the Illinois Municipal Code. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT ORDAINED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF COLLINSVILLE, ILLINOIS, as follows: Section 1: That the following legally described land located within the City of Collinsville, Illinois, and further described on Exhibit A, attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference, is hereby temporarily zoned P-BP3, Planned Business Park District, to wit: Location: unaddressed vacant land Parcel ID #: 13-2-21-20-00-000-021 Applicant/Lessee: Laura Buick-GMC Current Owner: Teklab, Inc. Section 2: That no site plan has been granted nor approved for the temporary use described herein, per Section 17.120 of the Collinsville Zoning Code and Section H of this ordinance. Section 3: That the City Clerk is hereby authorized to note the zoning grant made by this Ordinance upon the official zoning map of the City. Section 4: That the authority and approval provided in this Ordinance is granted subject to all ordinances, rules and regulations of the City of Collinsville and the following conditions: 1. PERMITTED AND SPECIAL USES The permitted uses for the P-BP3 Planned Business Park District shall be those described in Section 17.040.210, BP3 Business Park District and Section 17.050.010, Use Table of the Collinsville Zoning Code, with the following exception: a. For the term of this ordinance, Laura Buick GMC shall solely be permitted the temporary use of the site as a parking lot. Such use shall not be transferable; and shall be permitted only as described and issued in this ordinance. 2. PERMITTED ACCESSORY STRUCTURES AND USES No accessory structures and/or uses shall be permitted during the term of this ordinance, without approval of the required site plan. Upon approval of a site plan accessory structures and uses shall be those described Section 17.040.210, BP3 Business Park District and Section 17.050.010, Use Table of the Collinsville Zoning Code. 25 3. PERFORMANCE / BULK STANDARDS Upon development and/or at the expiration of the term of this ordinance, the requirements set forth in this P-BP3 Planned Business Park District shall be consistent with the general standards for use of land; the use, type, bulk, design, and location of buildings; and the density for intensity of use, open space and public facilities as set out in the underlying district regulations and other applicable sections of these regulations, upon the approval of the required site plan. 4. CONDITIONS OF USE Upon development and/or at the expiration of the term of this ordinance, any modification of the underlying zoning or other regulations may be permitted, providing the design and the amenities incorporated therein are consistent with the City’s Comprehensive Plan and the interest of the general public is served. 5. DESIGN CRITERIA This P-BP3 Planned Business Park District shall adhere to the design criteria guidelines set forth in the Collinsville Zoning Code, Section 17.040, except as follows: A. Lighting & Utility Standards: 1) Lighting & Utility Standards shall be waived for the term of this ordinance. B. Off Street Parking & Loading Standards: 1) Existing gravel shall be permitted as an acceptable parking surface for the term of this ordinance; the gravel parking surface shall be maintained in a safe and functional manner by the Lessee. 2) Parking stalls: number, location and design shall be waived for the term of this ordinance. 3) Said allowable parking shall be limited to new vehicle inventory only. C. Landscaping, Screening and Buffering: The requirements of Section 17.080, Landscaping, Screening and Buffering, shall be waived for the term of this ordinance. D. Signage: No signage shall be allowed during the term of this ordinance. E. Temporary Structures: No temporary structures shall be allowed during the term of this ordinance. F. Limitations: 1) This P-BP3 Planned Business Park District shall be authorized for a period not to exceed 3 years from the date of ordinance authorization. Upon expiration of the 3-year period the petitioner may make written request to the Community Development Director for an extension of the term of use for a period not to exceed 1 additional year in duration. In determining the appropriate extended term of use or whether said use should be continued, the Community Development Director shall re-evaluate the use, considering the guidance of the Comprehensive Plan, the Zoning Code, the performance and operational criteria of the applicant with the requirements of this ordinance as well as any other code and ordinance requirements, and potential or impending development in the area. Upon expiration or abandonment of this ordinance the zoning designation of the property shall revert back to the underlying zoning designation of BP-3 Business Park. 2) The continuation of the use(s) permitted by this ordinance shall be dependent upon the conditions established within this ordinance. In the event of a change of conditions or noncompliance with conditions, the City Council shall have the authority to cause the revocation of this Planned District Ordinance upon recommendation of the Community Development Director and after affording the petitioner the right to be heard. 26 3) The conditions contained within this ordinance shall be reviewed by the Director of Community Development at the end of the first year of operation to evaluate operating and performance standards, as well as any violations or complaints received related to this use. Where a problem is found to exist, the Director shall notify the petitioner who, in turn, shall propose appropriate remediation measures. Where such measures dictate changes to the relevant conditions of this ordinance, the Director shall recommend to the Planning Commission an amendment to the ordinance. After affording the petitioner the right to be heard, the Planning Commission shall make a recommendation to the City Council for consideration. G. Ordinance Abandonment, Revocation or Expiration: Upon abandonment of this ordinance by Laura Buick-GMC as the sole operator, revocation of this ordinance by the City of Collinsville, or expiration of the term herein described, Laura Buick-GMC as the sole operator shall be required, at their sole expense, to remove all temporary improvements installed on the property, including but not limited to the gravel parking surface, and the property shall be restored to an agrarian state to the satisfaction of the Director of Community Development. Abandonment, in the context of this ordinance, shall mean non-use of the property per the conditions of this ordinance for a period exceeding sixty (60) days. After sixty (60) days of non-use, the City Council may revoke this ordinance upon recommendation of the Community Development Director, and the zoning of the property shall revert to the zoning in place prior to the approval of this ordinance, which shall be BP-3 Business Park District after the operator/owner has been afforded the right to be heard. H. Site Plan Requirement: This P-BP3 Planned Business Park District shall not require a site plan, per Section 17.120, Site Plan Review, of the Zoning Code, due to temporary nature of the approved use and the lack of required site improvements. Consistent with the performance review and amendment to the ordinance, a site plan shall be required when improvements of a permanent nature are required or if/when the site is further developed or used. I. Appeals & Grievances: In the event of a disagreement between the owner/operator and the Director as to whether the use of the site meets the criteria or conditions established within this ordinance, such disagreement shall be submitted to the Community Development Director and be forwarded to the Planning Commission for recommendation to the City Council for consideration. Any decision made by the City Council shall be in the form of an ordinance amendment. PASSED by the Council and Approved by the Mayor on , 2015. Ayes: Nays: Absent: Approved: , 2015. John Miller, Mayor ATTEST: Kim Wasser, City Clerk 27 EXHIBIT A Legal Description of the Property Lot 1 in Kosten Acres, a subdivision in the Southeast Quarter of Section 20, Township 3 North, Range 8 West of the Third Principal Meridian, according to the plat thereof recorded in plat book 49 page 110, in Madison County, Illinois. Except coal, gas and other mineral rights excepted or reserved in prior conveyances. Situated in the County of Madison, State of Illinois. PPN: 13-2-21-20-00-000-021 28 C C STAFF REPORT JANUARY 8, 2015 PLANNING COMMISSION TO: PLANNING COMMISSION PROPOSAL OVERVIEW: THE APPLICANT, JACK ANDERSON, OF LAURA BUICK-GMC, IS REQUESTING THE REZONING UTILIZING THE PLANNED DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT OF A VACANT LOT ON FROM: HORSESHOE LAKE ROAD. THIS REQUEST, IF APPROVED WOULD PERMIT THE DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT STORAGE OF AUTOMOBILES ON THE SITE . T HIS LOT IS LOCATED BETWEEN ENNEDI AUTO SALES AND TEKLAB AND IS ILLEGALLY IMPROVED WITH A GRAVEL K CASE MANAGER: MITCHELL E. BAIR, AICP, COMMUNITY SURFACE FOR PARKING PURPOSES . THIS LOT HAS BEEN THE SOURCE OF ENFORCEMENT ACTIONS FOR SEVERAL YEARS AS BOTH THE USE FOR PARKING DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR AND THE MANNER OF IMPROVEMENT (GRAVEL) FAILS TO MEET THE REGULATORY REQUIREMENTS OF THE CITY. THE APPLICANT IS PURSUING THE UTILIZATION OF APPLICATION NAME: THIS LOT AS THEIR CURRENT FACILITIES ARE NOT ADEQUATE TO SERVE THEIR LAURA BUICK-GMC CURRENT INVENTORY NEEDS. SUBJECT: REZONING TO PERMIT PARKING OF INVENTORY VEHICLES ON UNADDRESSED LOT ON HORSESHOE LAKE ROAD. ACTION REQUESTED: STAFF REQUESTS CONSIDERATION OF THE PETITIONER’S REQUEST FOR A PLANNED DISTRICT ORDINANCE THAT WOULD PERMIT AUTOMOBILE STORAGE ON HORSESHOE LAKE ROAD TO THE CITY COUNCIL. APPLICANT/CONTACT: JACK ANDERSON, LAURA BUICK-GMC, 903 N. BLUFF RD., COLLINSVILLE, IL 62234 OWNER: TEKLAB, INC., 5445 HORSESHOE LAKE RD., COLLINSVILLE, IL 62234 PARCEL IDENTIFICATION NUMBER: 13-2-21-20-00-000-021 SITE ADDRESS: SITE IS UNADDRESSED EXISTING ZONING DESIGNATION: “BP-3” (G E N E R A L O F F I C E /S M A L L WAREHOUSING) RECOMENDATION: APPROVAL WITH PD CONDITIONS 29 PLANNING COMMISSION REPORT LAURA BUICK-GMC SITE ASSESMENT The site is approximately 3 acres and is located on Horseshoe Lake Road and is not addressed as no structure exists on the property. The site is located directly between Kennedi Auto Sales and Teklab. The site was previously used for automotive purposes by Dave Croft Dodge in a manner that was not permitted per zoning. The City pursued various enforcement actions with the property owner until the lot was sold in 2009 in an associated activity of the closing of the Croft dealership. Laura Buick-GMC started using the site in 2012 when construction on their location at 903 N. Bluff location was occurring. The use of the property was assumed to cease once the construction was complete; however, due to market conditions and uncertainty the applicant has requested to use this property for automobile parking and is requesting relief from all improvement requirements associated with this use. FIGURE 1: SITE LOCATION AERIAL 2 LAURA BUICK-GMC STAFF REPORT 30 JANUARY 8, 2015 PLANNING COMMISSION REPORT LAURA BUICK-GMC EXISTING SITE DEVELOPMENT CONDITIONS SITE ACREAGE/SF: 3.07 AC/133,805.6 SF TOTAL STRUCTURES: ZERO (0) STRUCTURE SF: ZERO (0) SF STRUCTURE COVERAGE: ZERO 0% IMPERVIOUS COVERAGE: UNKNOWN NAICS USE: “PARKING LOTS & GARAGES” NAICS LAND USE CODE: “81293” FIGURE 2: SITE SPECIFIC AERIAL 3 LAURA BUICK-GMC STAFF REPORT 31 JANUARY 8, 2015 PLANNING COMMISSION REPORT LAURA BUICK-GMC FIGURE 3: SITE SPECIFIC AERIALS 1995, 2003, 2006, & 2009 4 LAURA BUICK-GMC STAFF REPORT 32 JANUARY 8, 2015 PLANNING COMMISSION REPORT LAURA BUICK-GMC 5 LAURA BUICK-GMC STAFF REPORT 33 JANUARY 8, 2015 PLANNING COMMISSION REPORT LAURA BUICK-GMC EXISTING ZONING The area in question is zoned as commercially as “BP-3” (General Office/Small Warehousing), “CP-2” (Commercial), “B5” (Warehouse Commercial), and “B-4” (Commercial) (refer to Figure 4). TABLE 1: ADJOINING LAND USE AND ZONING DIRECTION: ZONING DISTRICT: LAND USE: SEPARATED BY: NORTH “P-CP2” (PLANNED COMMERCIAL PARK) AUTOMOBILE PARKING LOT PROPERTY LINE EAST “CP-2” (COMMERCIAL) AUTOMOBILE DEALERSHIP PROPERTY LINE SOUTH “P-BP3” (PLANNED GENERAL OFFICE/SMALL WAREHOUSING) HOSPITALITY & RECREATIONAL HORSESHOE LAKE RD. WEST “BP-3” (GENERAL OFFICE/SMALL WAREHOUSING) RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY LINE FIGURE 4: EXISTING ZONING 6 LAURA BUICK-GMC STAFF REPORT 34 JANUARY 8, 2015 PLANNING COMMISSION REPORT LAURA BUICK-GMC LAND USE CODE 122 163 195 320 330 420 550 TABLE 2: EXISTING LAND USE LAND USE CHURCH MUNICIPAL PARK VACANT-COMMERCIAL IMPROVED COMMERCIAL VACANT-RESIDENTIAL UTILITIES-INDUSTRIAL FIGURE 9: EXISTING LAND USE 7 LAURA BUICK-GMC STAFF REPORT 35 JANUARY 8, 2015 PLANNING COMMISSION REPORT LAURA BUICK-GMC COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: FUTURE LAND USE PLAN The Future Land Use Plan contained within the Comprehensive Plan establishes the future land use of the subject property as “OFFICE-EASTPORT 2”. The request is for a land use that is commercial in nature, one that is customarily observed as accessory to a primary use, it is found to be generally consistent with the Future Land Use Plan as contained within the Comprehensive Plan. However, generally a request as the applicant is proposing, to use the lot in an unimproved manner, is usually found to be not consistent with the Future Land Use recommendation of “Office”. The offsetting point regarding this specific request is that the applicant is proposing to use the lot in an unimproved manner on a temporary basis thus establishing the property as a placeholder land use which is customarily seen in emerging areas undergoing development pressure from the market. FIGURE 10: FUTURE LAND USE PLAN 8 LAURA BUICK-GMC STAFF REPORT 36 JANUARY 8, 2015 PLANNING COMMISSION REPORT LAURA BUICK-GMC PROJECT SUMMARY The applicant is proposing to rezone the property utilizing the “Planned Development District” coupled with a sunset clause so that the property may be used for the purposes of parking automobiles on an unimproved site. While the lot has a surface of gravel, it does not meet the regulatory improvement requirements of the Zoning Regulations. It is critical to maintain focus on the request as one that is temporary. Absent this critical consideration this application would be accompanied with an unfavorable recommendation. Therefore, the analysis is conducted in complete context of the requested use being temporary and having an accompanying mandatory “Sunset Clause” and termination date. The applicant has stated that the very nature of the automobile industry prevents them from making an investment in improving this site similar to the action they took in 2013. Should the market become stable and the need for this lot become more permanent the applicant has stated they will be willing to develop the site in a permanent manner in compliance with the City’s development regulations. ZONING REQUEST OVERVIEW AND ANALYSIS As the applicant is requesting a rezoning of the “Planned Development District”, the review must start with an analysis of the specific intent and objectives for “Planned Development Districts”, this intent is as follows: “One of the principal objectives of the Zoning Ordinance is to provide for a compatible arrangement of uses of land and buildings that is consistent with the requirements and welfare of the City. To accomplish this objective, most uses are classified as permitted or special uses in one or more of the districts established by the Zoning Ordinance. However, it is recognized that there are certain uses that, because of their scope, location or specific characteristics, give raise to a need for a more comprehensive consideration of their impact, both with regard to the neighboring land and the City in general. Such uses fall within the provisions of this Section and shall only be permitted if authorized as a planned development. Applications for Planned Development shall specify the intended land use, complete with a description of said use and the intended underlying zoning district or districts. The nearest similar conventional zoning district, use regulations or other regulatory provisions shall apply except as specifically adjusted for the particular development, such as, but not limited to, reduced lot sizes or setbacks.” Further, the objectives, along with a corresponding analysis of each, follows: “The objective of the Planned District Procedure is to enable the granting of certain allowances or modifications from the basic provisions of the Zoning Ordinance to achieve attractive and timely development in furtherance of the City of Collinsville’s objectives and proposed land uses as stated in the Comprehensive Plan. Through the flexibility of the planned development process, the City seeks to achieve one or more of the following specific objectives: 1. Creation of a more desirable environment than may be possible through the strict application of other City land use regulations. The proposed use creates a more desirable environment than is possible through the strict application of the regulations as it permits the property to be used in an accessory and supportive manner with a limited duration for an expanding business. 2. Promotion of a creative approach to the use of and related physical facilities resulting in better design and development implementation, including aesthetic amenities. No creative approach to physical facilities or better design is being proposed with this application. 3. Combination and coordination of the character, the form and the relationship of structures to one another. The application is proposing no structures. 9 LAURA BUICK-GMC STAFF REPORT 37 JANUARY 8, 2015 PLANNING COMMISSION REPORT LAURA BUICK-GMC 4. Preservation and enhancement of desirable site characteristics such as natural topography, vegetation and geologic features. The existing lot will remain “as is” in an undeveloped state. 5. The beneficial use of open space. No open space is being proposed with this application. 6. Encouragement of land use or combination of uses that maintain the existing character and property values of the City and promote the public health, safety, comfort, and general welfare of its residents. The proposed use does maintain the existing character and is not detrimental, in the short term, to property values. However, if the use does not terminate, then it will have a detrimental impact on adjoining property values and repress the marketability and development of the adjoining area. 7. Promotion of long-term planning pursuant to a site plan that will allow harmonious and compatible land uses or combination of uses with surrounding areas. The proposed development is short term in intent and is not intended to be the long term use of the property. 8. Promotion of economic development within the City.” The proposed use will promote the economic vitality and development of the City by allowing an existing business adjust to an unsure market in the short term. SUNSET CLAUSE As has been mentioned several times within this report, critical to the approval of this request is the inclusion of a “Sunset Clause”. This clause would establish an expiration date for the Planned Development District ordinance and require the site to either cease being used, or for the site to come into compliance with the City’s development regulations. This term should be established somewhere between two (2) and five (5) years. The option for extension should also be included. This option should be upon demonstration of good faith and should be between six (6) and twelve (12) months and should only be permitted to be exercised one (1) time. TRANSFERABILITY LIMITATION As the history of the use of the lot in question began with another automobile dealer, a limitation on transferability should also be included. This limitation is similar to how Special Use Permits are administered when authorized for residentially zoned properties. The Planned Development District ordinance should have a clause that limits the temporary use only to Laura Buick-GMC and is non-transferrable to other owner operators. USE PERMISSIBILITY The use permissibility for the property should be limited to solely that of the “BP-3” district and that of NAICS #81293, “Parking Lots & Garages”. Further the uses should be limited to the parking and storage of new automobiles. As the property is not being proposed to be developed in compliance with current regulatory requirements, parking permissibility should be limited solely to that of new automobiles. The presence of new automobiles significantly reduces the adverse impacts of the temporary use of the site on adjoining properties. Used vehicles and other items should be required to be parked, or stored, on the property owned by Laura Buick-GMC and associated with their related proper location. ENFORCEMENT PROVISION The ordinance should also include a clear enforcement provision. This will eliminate the issues associated with enforcement that have occurred over the past several months. As the applicant is requesting significant concessions and relief from the regulatory requirements for the development and use of the site, this provision is critical to protecting the rights of the City and adjoining property owners. RECOMMENDATION It is the recommendation of the Community Development Director that the application for a rezoning utilizing the Planned 10 LAURA BUICK-GMC STAFF REPORT 38 JANUARY 8, 2015 PLANNING COMMISSION REPORT LAURA BUICK-GMC Development District to operate a parking lot for automobiles be favorably recommended to the City Council provided that the following items are included within the ordinance: 1. A sunset clause (expiration) be included in the ordinance of not less than two (2) years and not more than five (5) years; 2. The use of the property as a parking lot be non-transferrable to any owner operator other than Laura BuickGMC; 3. The parking and storage of automobiles shall be limited to new automobiles; and 4. An enforcement provision should be included in the ordinance. Respectfully submitted Mitchell E. Bair, AICP Community Development Director 11 LAURA BUICK-GMC STAFF REPORT 39 JANUARY 8, 2015 Motion to request rezoning submitted by Laura Buick for vacant property located at the corner of Horseshoe Lake Road and Bluff. At issue is the temporary rezoning of the subject site to allow Laura Buick to use the vacant site for temporary storage of vehicles. The site is currently a gravel site that applicant has been using to store the overflow of their new vehicles. Applicant is currently leasing the property with discussions of purchasing the property if his current level of inventory remains at such a high level to require the extra parking area. Applicant was present and indicated that he currently has a significant increase in inventory due to his high sales. Applicant noted that there exist questions as to whether this high level of inventory will exist in the future or is simply a temporary anomaly. Discussions were held by the Commission regarding the duration of this temporary rezoning. After further discussions, it was agreed that a temporary rezoning would be acceptable for three years with a one-year extension that could be granted by Staff. Further limitations were placed on this temporary rezoning that requires that the rezoning be nontransferable to any other applicant. Applicant agreed to only use this parking lot for new vehicles. Further, for any discussions of sale or requirements of the property, the zoning will remain BP3. Finally, applicant agreed that upon its termination of this lease, it would restore the property to its original status. There were no speakers in opposition to this temporary rezoning. Temporary rezoning was passed with a vote of 9-0. 40 AGENDA ITEM REPORT DATE OF MEETING: January 26, 2015 ITEM: Ordinance Approving a Rezoning to an R1 Single Family Residential District and a B4 Commercial District (100 Highland Place & 936 St. Louis Road) STRATEGIC PLAN GOAL: Goal #1 –High Quality Neighborhoods Goal #4 – Strong and Diverse Local Economy BACKGROUND: The Thomas’s have proposed the replatting and rezoning of several lots under their ownership located at 100 Highland Place and 926 St. Louis Road, to facilitate the sale of the residential structures on these lots. Currently there are 4 lots of record (parcels), with structures built across property lines, in both St. Clair and Madison Counties, zoned with 3 different zoning designations (R1, R1A, and B4). The proposal, consisting of preliminary & final plats as well as a rezoning ordinance, amalgamates through replatting the property into 2 legal lots, the 1st containing the residential property and uses and the 2nd containing the commercial property and uses, including the “storage yard” previously used by Thomas Brothers Automotive & Towing, but now virtually empty and unused. On the residential lot are 4 small single family homes and one duplex, with access to all 5 residences from the partially vacated alleyway off Highland Place; this lot will be zoned R1 Single Family Residential. The commercial lot consists of the primary commercial structure functioning as the proper business for Thomas Brothers and the above mentioned storage yard; this lot will be zoned B4 Commercial. Please note that none of the existing conditions are being legalized via this rezoning ordinance; land use, structures, and improvements that do not meet zoning requirements shall continue as nonconforming, and no development, expansion, rebuilding or redevelopment will be authorized without additional action through approval of a site plan and rezoning if required. The Planning Commission held a public hearing at the meeting of January 8th. One neighboring resident spoke about his concern that another business may take over the Thomas Bros. building and begin to use the rear vacant parking area for vehicles and equipment without properly screening it. The resident was assured that would be prevented through the use of the required site plan, and that any redevelopment or reuse would be required to conform to current zoning standards, including screening from neighboring residential homes. The Planning Commission then voted unanimously to recommend the rezoning. 41 RECOMMENDATION: The Community Development Director Recommends Approval of the Ordinance Approving a Rezoning to an R1 Single Family Residential District and a B4 Commercial District (100 Highland Place & 936 St. Louis Road) ITEM SUBMITTED BY: Mitchell Bair, AICP, Community Development Director ATTACHMENTS: Ordinance Staff Report Chairman Jerome’s Memo 42 ORDINANCE NO. APPROVING A REZONING TO AN R1 SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT AND A B4 COMMERCIAL DISTRICT (100 Highland Place & 936 St. Louis Road) AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE ZONING OF LAND WITHIN THE CITY OF COLLINSVILLE AND REQUIRING CERTAIN CONDITIONS WITHIN SAID PLANNED DISTRICT. WHEREAS, Wanda Lee Thomas Living Trust represents itself as the owner of the subject property, and has filed with the City of Collinsville, Illinois an application for amending the zoning of real estate located at 100 Highland Place and 936 St. Louis Road, in both Madison and St. Clair Counties, Collinsville, Illinois, from mixed zoning of R1 & R1A, Single Family Residential District and B4 Commercial District to R1 Single Family Residential and B4 Commercial District. WHEREAS, prior to the presentation of this ordinance to the City Council, all hearings required to be held took place pursuant to proper legal notice, and all petitions, documents and other necessary legal requirements were fulfilled in compliance with the law in such cases made and provided, including Title 17 of the Collinsville Municipal Code and Section 5/11-13-14 of the Illinois Municipal Code. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT ORDAINED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF COLLINSVILLE, ILLINOIS, as follows: Section 1: That the following legally described land located within the City of Collinsville, Illinois, and further described on Exhibit A, attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference, is hereby zoned R1 Single Residential District, to wit: Location: 100 Highland Place (new addresses pending) Parcel ID #: part of 13-1-21-32-20-402-004 & 03-05.0-216-001 (new plat pending) Developer: None. Existing Property Current Owner: Wanda Lee Thomas Living Trust Section 2: That the following legally described land located within the City of Collinsville, Illinois, and further described on Exhibit A, attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference, is hereby zoned B4 Commercial District, to wit: Location: 936 St. Louis Road Parcel ID #: part of 13-1-21-32-20-402-004 & 03-05.0-218-001 (new plat pending) Developer: None. Existing Property Current Owner: Wanda Lee Thomas Living Trust The above described property shall be consolidated into one legal lot of record. Section 3: That the site plan has been waived by the Community Development Director as this property is already developed and is not redeveloping or expanding. No additional improvements are proposed or required at this site. Section 4: That the City Clerk is hereby authorized to note the zoning grant made by this Ordinance upon the official zoning map of the City. Section 5: That this rezoning does not legalize any current land use, structures, or improvements on the subject property, and all land use, structures and improvements not meeting current zoning requirements shall be considered non-conforming and shall not be expanded or rebuilt without additional zoning action and approval per Section 17.090 of the Collinsville Zoning Code. 43 Section 6: That the authority and approval provided in this Ordinance is granted subject to all ordinances, rules and regulations of the City of Collinsville. Section 7: This ordinance shall apply only to the following existing structures: A. Commercial Structure at 936 St. Louis Road, previously occupied by Thomas Brothers Automotive and Towing, and the existing southern vacant parking area accessory to the Commercial structure. B. Residential Duplex, to be addressed, currently located on the parking lot of the above referenced commercial structure, and 4 single family residential units located at 100 Highland Place. Any expansion, future development or redevelopment shall meet the requirements of Section 17.040.050 R1 Single Family Residential District and Section 17.040.130, B4 Commercial District in their entirety. Such approval of expansion, future development or redevelopment shall be by way of an approved Site Plan, according to the provisions of Section 17.120, Site Plan Review. Any expansion, future development or redevelopment that does not meet the requirements set forth in this Ordinance shall be subject to rezoning by way of an amendment to this Ordinance, along with the approval of the accompanying Site Plan. Section 8: That this Ordinance shall take effect upon its passage, approval and publication in pamphlet form, as provided by law. PASSED by the Council and Approved by the Mayor on , 2015. Ayes: Nays: Absent: Approved: , 2015. John Miller, Mayor ATTEST: Kim Wasser, City Clerk 44 EXHIBIT A Legal Description of the Property Subdivision Plat Pending LOT 1 OF THE HIGHLAND ESTATES SUBDIVISION BEING PART OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 32 IN TOWNSHIP 3 NORTH, RANGE 8 WEST OF THE THIRD PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN, IN MADISION COUNTY, ILLINOIS AND ALSO PART OF A TRACT OF LAND BEING PART OF LOT 2 IN BLOCK 3 OF HIGHLAND PLACE IN SECTION 5 IN TOWNSHIP 2 NORTH, RANGE 8 WEST OF THE THIRD PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN, IN ST. CLAIR COUNTY, ILLINOIS BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: COMMENCING FROM A POINT INTERSECTING THE COUNTY LINE OF MADISON AND ST. CLAIR COUNTY, ILLINOIS WITH THE EASTERLY RIGHT OF WAY LINE OF HIGHLAND PLACE (60’W) ROAD; THENCE EAST ALONG SAID COUNTY LINE NORTH 89 DEGREES 50 MINUTES 48 SECONDS EAST, 114.27 FEET TO THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF LOT 2 OF HIGHLAND PLACE SUBDIVISION; THENCE CONTINUING EAST ALONG SAID COUNTY LINE AND ALSO THE SOUTH LINE OF SAID LOT 2, NORTH 89 DEGREES 50 MINUTES 48 SECONDS EAST, 55.00 FEET TO THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF LOT 1 AND BEING THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE NORTH 01 DEGREES 59 MINUTES 37 SECONDS EAST, 76.00 FEET; THENCE NORTH 85 DEGREES 29 MINUTES 34 SECONDS WEST, 48.00 FEET; THENCE NORTH 03 DEGREES 13 MINUTES 40 SECONDS EAST, 97.50 FEET TO THE SOUTH RIGHT OF WAY LINE OF ST. LOUIS (VARIABLE WIDTH) ROAD; THENCE EAST ALONG SAID SOUTH RIGHT OF WAY THE FOLLOWING THREES CALLS NORTH 76 DEGREES 37 MINUTES 56 SECONDS EAST, 76.37 FEET, THENCE SOUTH 11 DEGREES 44 MINUTES 28 SECONDS EAST, 3.17 FEET; THENCE NORTH 76 DEGREES 56 MINUTES 24 SECONDS EAST, 45.00 FEET; THENCE LEAVING SAID RIGHT OF WAY SOUTH 11 DEGREES 05 MINUTES 23 SECONDS EAST, 205.32 FEET TO THE COUNTY LINE OF MADISON AND ST. CLAIR COUNTY, ILLINOIS; THENCE EAST ALONG SAID COUNTY LINE NORTH 89 DEGREES 50 MINUTES 48 SECONDS EAST, 181.25 FEET; THENCE LEAVING SAID COUNTY LINE SOUTH 00 DEGREES 28 MINUTES 52 SECONDS EAST, 107.14 FEET; THENCE NORTH 85 DEGREES 03 MINUTES 42 SECONDS WEST, 260.15 FEET; THENCE NORTH 06 DEGREES 31 MINUTES 08 SECONDS EAST, 84.57 FEET TO THE COUNTY LINE; THENCE WEST ALONG SAID COUNTY LINE SOUTH 89 DEGREES 50 MINUTES 48 SECONDS WEST, 26.63 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. SAID LOT 1 OF HIGHLAND ESTATES SUBDIVISION BEING LOCATED IN MADISON AND ST. CLAIR COUNTY, ILLINOIS CONTAINING 48,545 SQUARE FEET OR 1.115 ACRES MORE OR LESS. LOT 2 OF THE HIGHLAND ESTATES SUBDIVISION BEING PART OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 32 IN TOWNSHIP 3 NORTH, RANGE 8 WEST OF THE THIRD PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN, IN MADISION COUNTY, ILLINOIS AND ALSO PART OF A TRACT OF LAND BEING PART OF LOT 2 IN BLOCK 3 OF HIGHLAND PLACE IN SECTION 5 IN TOWNSHIP 2 NORTH, RANGE 8 WEST OF THE THIRD PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN, IN ST. CLAIR COUNTY, ILLINOIS BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: COMMENCING FROM A POINT INTERSECTING THE COUNTY LINE OF MADISON AND ST. CLAIR COUNTY, ILLINOIS WITH THE EASTERLY RIGHT OF WAY LINE OF HIGHLAND PLACE (60’W) ROAD; THENCE SOUTH ALONG SAID RIGHT OF WAY LINE SOUTH 07 DEGREES 18 MINUTES 19 SECONDS WEST, 7.56 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE NORTH 89 DEGREES 50 MINUTES 48 SECONDS EAST, 114.81 FEET; THENCE NORTH 03 DEGREES 13 MINUTES 40 SECONDS EAST, 7.51 FEET TO THE COUNTY LINE OF MADISON AND ST. CLAIR COUNTY, ILLINOIS, THENCE NORTH 03 DEGREES 13 MINUTES 40 SECONDS EAST, 80.00 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 85 DEGREES 29 MINUTES 34 SECONDS EAST, 48.00 FEET; THENCE 01 DEGREES 59 MINUTES 37 SECONDS EAST, 76.00 FEET TO THE COUNTY LINE OF MADISON AND ST. CLAIR COUNTY, ILLINOIS; THENCE EAST ALONG SAID COUNTY LINE NORTH 89 DEGREES 50 MINUTES 45 48 SECONDS WEST, 26.63 FEET; THENCE LEAVING SAID COUNTY LINE SOUTH 06 DEGREES 31 MINUTES 08 SECONDS EAST, 84.57 FEET; THENCE NORTH 85 DEGREES 03 MINUTES 42 SECONDS WEST, 214.64 FEET TO THE EAST RIGHT OF WAY LINE OF HIGHLAND (60’W) PLACE; THENCE ALONG SAID EAST RIGHT OF WAY LINE NORTH 07 DEGREES 18 MINUTES 19 SECONDS, 58.00 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. SAID LOT 2 OF HIGHLAND ESTATES SUBDIVISION BEING LOCATED IN MADISON AND ST. CLAIR COUNTY, ILLINOIS CONTAINING 18,111 SQUARE FEET OR 0.423 ACRES MORE OR LESS. 46 C C STAFF REPORT JANUARY 8, 2015 PLANNING COMMISSION TO: PLANNING COMMISSION PROPOSAL OVERVIEW: THE APPLICANT, MARY THOMAS, IS REQUESTING APPROVAL OF A REZONING AND REPLATTING FOR RESIDENTIAL AND COMMERCIAL PROPERTIES LOCATED ON ST. FROM: L DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT OUIS ROAD AND HIGHLAND PLACE. THESE PROPERTIES HAVE BEEN OWNED AND OPERATED FOR THE PURPOSE OF THE THOMAS FAMILY BUSINESS FOR SEVERAL DECADES AND ARE DEVELOPED OVER AND ACROSS MULTIPLE (4) LEGAL LOTS OF CASE MANAGER: MITCHELL E. BAIR, AICP, COMMUNITY RECORD. THIS ACTION WOULD CONSOLIDATE THE DEVELOPMENT INTO 2 LEGAL LOTS OF RECORD AND ASSIGN THE PROPER ZONING DESIGNATION TO EACH OF DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR THESE LOTS; THE FIRST BEING ZONED RESIDENTIALLY AS “R-1” AND THE SECOND APPLICATION NAME: BEING ZONED COMMERCIALLY AS “B-4”. THOMAS BROTHERS IT IS IMPORTANT TO NOTE THAT THIS SITE ALREADY EXHIBITS A SUBSTANTIAL LEVEL OF NONCONFORMANCE WITH THE CURRENT CODES AND REGULATIONS FOR SUBJECT: REZONING AND REPLATTING OF FOUR (4) DEVELOPMENT. THIS ACTION WILL REDUCE THE LEVEL OF NONCONFORMITY, AND WHILE NONCONFORMITIES WILL STILL EXIST, ANY EXPANSION OR REDEVELOPMENT LOTS ON ST. LOUIS ROAD ACTIVITIES WILL BE REQUIRED TO ADHERE TO THE CURRENT CODE AND REGULATIONS. ACTION REQUESTED: C ONSIDERATION OF A R EZONING , PRELIMINARY & FINAL PLAT FOR PROPERTY CURRENTLY ZONED AS “R-1” (SFR), “R1A” (SFR), AND “B-4” (COMMERCIAL) APPLICANT/CONTACT: CHRISTINE BEASLEY, KUHLMAN DESIGN GROUP, INC., 15 E. WASHINGTON, BELLEVILLE, IL 62220 OWNER: WILLIAM, WANDA, & MARY THOMAS PARCEL IDENTIFICATION NUMBER: 13-1-21-32-20-402-004, 13-1-21-32-20402-005, 03050216001, & 03050218001 SITE ADDRESS: 100 HIGHLAND PL., & 936 ST. LOUIS RD., COLLINSVILLE, IL 62234 EXISTING ZONING DESIGNATION: “R-1A” (SFR), “R-1” (SFR), & “B4” (COMMERCIAL) RECOMENDATION: APPROVAL 47 PLANNING COMMISSION REPORT THOMAS BROTHERS APPLICATION OVERVIEW AND SITE DEVELOPMENT HISTORY The site is located at 936 St. Louis Road and 100 Highland Place. The commercial property is the location for Thomas Brothers Automotive and the residential property has several residential structures located on it. The property is composed of four (4) separate lots all being developed over the past 40 years. The application is for a rezoning and replatting of the development. The replatting would consolidate the lots into two (2) separate lots. There are currently four (4) lots with structures extending over lot lines. The replatting would bring the development into some level of conformance with current regulatory requirements and would consolidate all of the commercially used property onto one (1) lot and the residentially used property onto one (1) lot. The property is currently zoned with three (3) zoning designations; “R-1A” (SFR), “R1” (SFR), and “B-4” (General Commercial). The rezoning would assign one lot as “B-4” and the other as “R-1”. While there will still be a number of nonconformities present on these lots, the action will not legalize or further protect those nonconformities and any change in use or redevelopment or expansion activities will require compliance with current regulatory requirements. FIGURE 1: SITE LOCATION AERIAL 2 THOMAS BROTHERS STAFF REPORT 48 JANUARY 8, 2015 PLANNING COMMISSION REPORT THOMAS BROTHERS EXISTING SITE DEVELOPMENT CONDITIONS SITE ACREAGE/SF: 1.53 AC/66,656 SF TOTAL STRUCTURES: ONE (1), COMMERCIAL STRUCTURE, ONE (1) FOUR (4) UNIT MFR STRUCTURE STRUCTURE SF: 13,050 SF STRUCTURE COVERAGE: 19.5% NAICS USE (CITY ASSIGNED): “AUTOMOTIVE MECHANICAL & ELECTRICAL REPAIR & MAINTENANCE” & “DWELLING, MULTIFAMILY” NAICS LAND USE CODE (CITY ASSIGNED): “81111” & “1540” FIGURE 2: SITE SPECIFIC AERIAL 3 THOMAS BROTHERS STAFF REPORT 49 JANUARY 8, 2015 PLANNING COMMISSION REPORT THOMAS BROTHERS FIGURE 4: SITE SPECIFIC AERIALS 1995, 2003, 2006, & 2009 4 THOMAS BROTHERS STAFF REPORT 50 JANUARY 8, 2015 PLANNING COMMISSION REPORT THOMAS BROTHERS FIGURE 5: LOT DATA 5 THOMAS BROTHERS STAFF REPORT FROM MADISON & ST. CLAIR COUNTIES 51 JANUARY 8, 2015 PLANNING COMMISSION REPORT THOMAS BROTHERS 6 THOMAS BROTHERS STAFF REPORT 52 JANUARY 8, 2015 PLANNING COMMISSION REPORT THOMAS BROTHERS 7 THOMAS BROTHERS STAFF REPORT 53 JANUARY 8, 2015 PLANNING COMMISSION REPORT THOMAS BROTHERS EXISTING ZONING The area in question is zoned as a mixture of commercial and residential land uses and zoning designations including “B4” (General Commercial), “R-3” (Multi-Family Residential), “R-1A” (Single-Family Residential), and R-1” (Single-Family Residential). TABLE 1: ADJOINING LAND USE AND ZONING DIRECTION: ZONING DISTRICT: LAND USE: SEPARATED BY: NORTH “B-4” (COMMERCIAL) & “R-1” (SFR) OFFICE AND SFR ST. LOUIS ROAD ROW EAST “R-1” (SFR) SFR PROPERTY LINE SOUTH “R-1A” (SFR) SFR PROPERTY LINE WEST “B-4” (COMMERCIAL) & “R-1” (SFR) HOSPITALITY AND SFR HIGHLAND PLACE ROW FIGURE 6: EXISTING ZONING 8 THOMAS BROTHERS STAFF REPORT 54 JANUARY 8, 2015 PLANNING COMMISSION REPORT THOMAS BROTHERS COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: FUTURE LAND USE PLAN The Future Land Use Plan contained within the Comprehensive Plan establishes the future land use of the subject property as both “RETAIL-TRADE-COMMERCIAL” and “SINGLE FAMILY”. As the request is for both of these uses, the request is consistent with that of the Future Land Use component of the Comprehensive Plan. FIGURE 7: FUTURE LAND USE PLAN - COMPREHENSIVE PLAN 9 THOMAS BROTHERS STAFF REPORT 55 JANUARY 8, 2015 PLANNING COMMISSION REPORT THOMAS BROTHERS REZONING REQUEST OVERVIEW The applicant proposes to rezone the subject property from “R-1A” (SFR), “R-1” (SFR), and “B-4” (Commercial) to a focused arrangement of “R-1” and “B-4”. The rezoning, if approved, would consolidate the zoning designations in an organized manner based on legal lot lines and the use of each lot. The rezoning and subsequent replatting of these lots does not permit any additional development rights for this site nor does it represent any expansion of nonconformity for the site. Critical planning issues to consider when evaluating the merit of the rezoning request include the following: Is the request consistent with the guidance contained 1. COMPREHENSIVE PLAN CONSISTENCY – FUTURE LAND USE: within the City of Collinsville’s Comprehensive Plan? Yes, the request is for both a residential and commercial zoning designation and the Future Land Use Plan establishes the future land use for the site as split between single family and commercial. 2. ZONING REGULATIONS CONSISTENCY: Is the rezoning request consistent with the regulations contained within the City of Collinsville's Zoning Regulations? The request represents a higher level of conformance to the Zoning Regulations than what is currently exhibited through the reduction of lots from 4 to 2, and the consolidated zoning designations by use across those lots. While many of the bulk requirements will not be able to be met in the current development form, any redevelopment will be required to adhere to current codes and regulations. 3. NEIGHBORHOOD COMPATIBILITY: Is the rezoning request consistent with the character of development and land uses of the surrounding and adjoining neighborhoods? Yes, the request is consistent with the character of development and land uses for the surrounding area as this area is a densely developed both residentially and commercially. There are issues with several neighboring properties regarding the condition and history associated with the rear storage area. The applicant made a petition to rezone this area approximately 10 years ago and this application was recommended for denial by the Planning Commission and denied by the City Council due to the condition of this area. The condition of this storage area should be considered when considering this request along with potential screening approaches the applicant may potentially be able to take to mitigate the negative impacts associated with the use of this area on the adjoining residential properties. 10 THOMAS BROTHERS STAFF REPORT 56 JANUARY 8, 2015 PLANNING COMMISSION REPORT THOMAS BROTHERS ZONING REGULATION CONSISTENCY The request is consolidate the lots and zoning designations for the property from four (4) lots and three (3) zoning designations down to two (2) lots and two (2) zoning designations. These designations, both existing and proposed, will be analyzed for appropriateness in the following section. “R-1A” SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT - EXISTING ZONING DESIGNATION The property in question is zoned “R-1A”, which specifically permits single family residential land uses. The specific intent of the “R-1A” district follows: “The R-1A District is intended only for property previously zoned R-1A. All preexisting R-1A property shall be permitted for all lawful uses as of the effective date of these Regulations. After the effective date of these Regulations, no additional land shall be designated or thereby rezoned to the R-1A District. The Planned District options may be used as an alternative to the conventional “R” zoning districts. Use of property maintaining the R-1A preexisting zoning shall be subject to all other regulations of this Code.” The property is currently zoned as “R-1A” and while this designation is perhaps the most appropriate when considering the current residential use of the property (1-duplex and 4 single family structures) maintaining this designation would permit an expanded residential use that is counter to the desire of the applicant and the direction contained in the Future Land Use Plan. The intent is that given the high level of nonconformance on the site, the zoning designation would promote a higher degree of conformance in the event that any redevelopment activities occur on the site. “R-1” SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT - EXISTING AND REQUESTED ZONING DESIGNATION The zoning designation that exists and is being requested is “R-1”, and the specific intent for this zoning district follows: “The intent of this district is to provide for low-density residential development, including those uses which reinforce residential neighborhoods, and to allow certain public facilities.” Based on the intent of the “R-1” district and the desires of the applicant, the request is compatible with the residential zoning designation of “R-1” on the proposed residential lot. “B-4” GENERAL COMMERCIAL DISTRICT - EXISTING AND REQUESTED ZONING DESIGNATION The zoning designation that exists and is being requested is “B-4”, and the specific intent for this zoning district follows: “The “B-4” District is intended only for preexisting B-4 zoned properties and shall encourage and permit medium density, neighborhood scale, compact pedestrian oriented-comparative shopping facilities, restaurants, entertainment & arts establishments, limited hospitality services and limited neighborhood scale office uses. Uses deemed inappropriate and/or incompatible with those uses identified shall be prohibited. After the effective date of this Code, no additional property shall be added to the City’s “B-4” zoning district. The regulations contained in this section are the district regulations for existing areas zoned as “B-4” Commercial District. These regulations are supplemented and qualified by additional general regulations contained elsewhere in this ordinance and are incorporated as part of this section by reference.” Based on the intent of the “B-4” district and the desires of the applicant, the request is compatible with the commercial zoning designation of “B-4” on the proposed residential lot. ZONING CONSISTENCY FINDINGS Based on the intent and requirements for the “R-1” and “B-4” zoning districts of the Zoning Regulations, it is the finding of the Community Development Director that the requested rezoning is consistent with the City of Collinsville’s Zoning Regulations. 11 THOMAS BROTHERS STAFF REPORT 57 JANUARY 8, 2015 PLANNING COMMISSION REPORT THOMAS BROTHERS NEIGHBORHOOD COMPATIBILITY When considering the issue of neighborhood compatibility as associated with this application, the primary question should be centered on impacts that the rezoning request would have upon adjacent properties. The adjacent properties are a mixture of single family residential land uses (both 1 and 2 family uses), multi-family residential land uses (3 family uses up to and including traditional garden apartment developments) on lots generally averaging 10,000 SF and larger, and commercial uses. The degree of impact should also be reviewed, and as the request essentially does not change the current use of the property, but rather limits the future use of the property as well as requiring compliance with current regulations for any redevelopment, the proposal actually reduces the impacts to the neighborhood. When considering the character of the neighborhood, the request does indeed fit with the established pattern, and the proposed use is consistent with the established neighborhood character of the area. 12 THOMAS BROTHERS STAFF REPORT 58 JANUARY 8, 2015 PLANNING COMMISSION REPORT THOMAS BROTHERS FIGURE 8: PROPOSED HIGHLAND ESTATES PRELIMINARY PLAT 13 THOMAS BROTHERS STAFF REPORT 59 JANUARY 8, 2015 PLANNING COMMISSION REPORT THOMAS BROTHERS FIGURE 9: PROPOSED HIGHLAND ESTATES FINAL PLAT 14 THOMAS BROTHERS STAFF REPORT 60 JANUARY 8, 2015 PLANNING COMMISSION REPORT THOMAS BROTHERS CONSIDERATION OF PRELIMINARY PLAT SECTION 16.12.030, “PRELIMINARY PLAT PROCEDURES” The following requirements are provided in the Subdivision Ordinance regarding the procedures for submittal of a Preliminary Plat (staff review comments follow each item in bold/italic): “Based upon input by the City and decisions reached at the time of the pre-application conference, the subdivider shall make formal preliminary application to the Community Development Director. Said application shall transmit twenty (20) copies of all required data and shall include, but not necessarily be limited to: A. General description of the location and size of the tract to be platted; Requirement met. B. The intent as to character type and use of the property and structures to be developed; Requirement not met, the character and use of the property is for residential and commercial purposes; however the Preliminary Plat does not identify the use of the lots. C. The deed restrictions proposed, if any; Requirement met, no deed restrictions are being proposed. D. A statement of mineral rights; Requirement met, no mineral rights are associated with the property. E. The extent and character of the improvements to be made by the subdivider; Requirement not applicable as no improvements are associated with this subdivision. F. The zone district classifications of adjacent parcels of land and parcel ID numbers; Requirement met, zoning district classifications and parcel ID numbers are provided for adjoining parcels of land. G. If appropriate, a description of any unique hardship or difficulty limiting the physical development of the property under consideration and a description of any past history of the property under consideration which is pertinent thereto; Requirement not applicable as no unique hardships or difficulties are present. H. Twenty (20) copies of prints of the Preliminary Plat and other necessary documentation in accordance with the requirements of Section 16.12.040 of this Article; Requirement met, all documentation has been provided in a satisfactory manner. I. An initial retainer fee of five hundred dollars ($500.00) (see Section 16.20.010); Requirement met, all fees have been paid associated with the application. J. A completed “Preliminary Submittal Check List” which must be signed by both the developer and his engineer who prepared the preliminary plat and overlays; Requirement met, the checklist has been provided. Further, this section establishes the following review parameters for Preliminary Plats: “The Planning Commission shall review the Preliminary Plat within forty-five (45) days from the date of application, or the filing by the subdivider of the last item of required supporting data, whichever date is later, provided that such date of application and/or filing is not less than thirty (30) days prior to a regularly schedule meeting of the Planning Commission, otherwise the Commission shall review the Preliminary Plat within sixty (60) days from the date of application and/or filing, unless such time is extended by written mutual consent, and shall determine whether the Preliminary Plat shall be approved as submitted; shall be approved subject to 15 THOMAS BROTHERS STAFF REPORT 61 JANUARY 8, 2015 PLANNING COMMISSION REPORT THOMAS BROTHERS certain conditions or modifications; or shall be disapproved. If action is not taken by the Planning Commission within sixty (60) days, then the application proceeds to the City Council without a recommendation from the Planning Commission. The City Council shall have final approval of the Preliminary Plat. The City Council shall accept or reject said Preliminary Plat within thirty (30) days after its next regularly scheduled meeting that follows the recommendation by the Planning Commission, unless such time is extended by written mutual agreement of the City Council and the applicant, or such Preliminary Plat will be deemed as approved. The City Council shall determine by resolution whether the Preliminary Plat is approved or disapproved as submitted. If the Preliminary Plat is disapproved, the resolution shall state the reasons for disapproval, specifying with particularity the aspects in which the Preliminary Plat fails to comply with the City’s ordinances. A certified copy of the resolution by the City Council shall be attached to the Preliminary Plat and shall be filed with the City Clerk. Approval of the Preliminary Plat shall not qualify the Preliminary Plat for recording with the County Recorder of Deeds.” This section then establishes the rights and privileges associated with approval of the Preliminary Plat for the subdivider: “Preliminary Plat approval shall confer upon the subdivider the following rights and privileges: A. That the Preliminary Plat approval will remain in effect for a one-year period. The applicant may, during this period, submit all of or part or parts of said Preliminary Plat for final approval. In the event that the subdivision is being developed in stages, the applicant may, by written mutual agreement with the Planning Commission, have final approval of the last part of the Plat delayed for a period not to exceed two (2) years from the date of the Preliminary Plat approval. Any part of a subdivision which is being developed in states shall contain a tract of land at least one block in length. B. That the general terms and conditions under which the Preliminary Plat approval granted will not be changed. The Preliminary Plat shall be drawn to a scale of one (1) inch equals twenty (20) feet, forty (40) feet, fifty (50) feet, or one hundred (100) feet; however, the resulting drawing should be either twenty-four (24) inches by thirty-six (36) inches or thirty (30) inches by forty-two (42) inches. Scales or sheet sizes other than this may be approved only on a case basis by the City. Lettering shall be 0.1 inches or larger for the sake of legibility when the record documents are archived in microfilm by the City. Samples of the required plat overlays are included herein in Appendix A. Detailed requirements for each document to be included in the preliminary submittal request are set forth in paragraphs contained hereinafter.” All of the conditions and requirements contained within Section 16.12.030, “Preliminary Plat Procedures”, have been satisfactorily met by the applicant. SECTION 16.12.040, “PRELIMINARY PLAT REQUIREMENTS”, OF THE LAND SUBDIVISION CONTROL REGULATIONS The following requirements are provided in the Subdivision Ordinance regarding the requirements for the design and review of a Preliminary Plat (staff review comments follow each item in bold/italic): “Every Preliminary Plat shall be prepared by a land surveyor, or an engineer, registered in their respective field in the State of Illinois. If necessary, the information required below may be shown on separate overlay sheets (i.e., drainage and roads overlay, water and sewer main overlay). The Preliminary Plat shall meet and include the following specifications: 16 THOMAS BROTHERS STAFF REPORT 62 JANUARY 8, 2015 PLANNING COMMISSION REPORT THOMAS BROTHERS A. Name of the proposed subdivision and identification as to “Preliminary Plat”. Requirement met. B. Identification of the Section and 1/4 Section or Claim and Survey, Township, Range, and County within which the proposed development is located with a small key map showing the relation of the property to Section or U.S. survey lines. Requirement met. C. Names, addresses and phone numbers of the owner, subdivider, and registered land surveyor who prepared the plat. Requirement met. D. North arrow, graphic scale, and date. Requirement met. E. Locations and dimensions of the boundaries of the proposed subdivision. Requirement met. F. Locations and dimensions of existing and proposed lots within the subdivision with an identifying number for each lot. Area in square feet of every proposed lot. Requirement met. G. Proposed and existing road rights-of-way and widths, proposed and existing pavement(s) lines and widths, and roadway intersection angles and centerline radii. Streets and rights-ofway on and adjoining the site of the proposed subdivision showing the names and including street roadway and right-of-way widths; proposed and existing pavement(s) lines and widths, and roadway intersection angles and centerline radii; approximate gradients, types and widths of pavement, curbs, sidewalks, crosswalks, planting strips and other pertinent data, including classification of all existing or proposed streets as to function as collector, arterial or local street or county road; accurate right-of-way lines of streets, easements and other rights-of-way and property lines and areas of lots and other tracts, with accurate dimensions, bearings and curve data, including radii, arcs and chords, points of tangency, and central angles. Requirement not met; no access easements are included. H. Locations, names, widths, and R.O.W. radii of all proposed streets. Requirement not applicable. I. Locations, widths, and purposes of all existing and proposed easements. Requirement not met; no easements are included for public utilities or access purposes nor is the required purposes, location nor dimensional information included. J. Gross and Net Areas of the subdivision, the acreage of streets, and of any areas reserved for green space or public and common use, and zoning of the subdivision as shown on the City’s official zoning map. Requirement met. K. Building setback lines and dimensions. Requirement not met; no setback lines or dimensions are provided. L. Location of any existing buildings and structures and their intended use, and location of any tree masses and areas to be cleared. Requirement partially met; the dimensions are not included for the existing structures. M. Location and size of existing public utilities and drainageways or facilities within or adjoining the proposed subdivision and the location and size of nearest water trunk mains, interceptor sewer lines and other pertinent utilities. Requirement not met; the location of neither public utilities nor drainageways is provided. N. Topography of the tract to be subdivided as indicated by 2-ft. contours for land having slopes of 0% to 4%; 5-ft. contours for land having slopes of 4% to 12%; and 10-ft. contours for land having slopes >12%. Additional off-site topography may be required at the discretion of the 17 THOMAS BROTHERS STAFF REPORT 63 JANUARY 8, 2015 PLANNING COMMISSION REPORT THOMAS BROTHERS City Engineer. Requirement met. O. Locations and directions of flow of existing major waterways, ponding areas, and natural drainageways. Requirement partially met; the location of drainageways is not provided. P. Storm water management including layout of proposed system and locations and approximate sizes of outlets, catch basins, and detention ponds. Approximate lengths and sizes of storm sewer should be shown if available. Requirement not met; although additional stormwater management is not expected to be required, no information is included to review how stormwater on the site is currently being managed. Q. Parcel ID# and zoning of adjacent parcels of land. Reference to recorded subdivision plats within 300 feet of the proposed subdivision by record name, plat book and page number and names of owners of record of adjoining un-platted land. Requirement met. R. Recorded and proposed 100-year flood elevations. Location of any portion of property which lies within the 100-500 year flood plain. Requirement met. S. Whenever a large tract is intended to be developed in stages, and only a part of that tract is to be submitted for Final Plat approval, a Preliminary Plat for subdivision of the entire tract shall be submitted. Requirement not applicable. T. Location and size of existing and proposed water mains including hydrants and valves. Requirement not met; while the general location of the water lines is illustrated, no details are provided. U. Location and size of existing and proposed sanitary sewer mains including manholes. As an alternate to providing plans for sanitary sewer lines as a pre-requisite to approval of a final plat, in cases where sanitary sewers are not available and individual sewage systems are being utilized, a written approval from Madison County shall be required indicating that they have given general approval to the individual sewage system plan proposed by the subdivider. Requirement not met; no details regarding the sanitary sewer system are provided. V. Location, type and width of existing and proposed easements for water and sewer mains. Requirement not met. The dimensions required in the above information may be taken from existing records, or scaled, in the absence of field surveying. Any such approximations should be properly identified or noted on the preliminary plat. Requirement met. At the time of submittal of the preliminary plat to the City, the subdivider shall submit two (2) copies of the preliminary plat to the respective utility companies providing gas, electric, and telecommunication in the area of the proposed development. Requirement met. SECTION 1270.56 MINIMUM STANDARDS OF PRACTICE AS PART OF THE ILLINOIS PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEYOR ACT OF 1989 A. On all boundary surveys the completed plat shall be drawn on a stable and durable medium with a minimum size of 8.5” by 11”. Requirement met. B. Firm name, address and registration number. Requirement met. C. Professional land surveyor seal, signature, date of signing, and license expiration date. Rubberstamp signatures, compute generated signatures or other reproduced signatures are prohibited. Requirement met. D. Client’s name. Requirement met. 18 THOMAS BROTHERS STAFF REPORT 64 JANUARY 8, 2015 PLANNING COMMISSION REPORT THOMAS BROTHERS E. North arrow. Requirement met. F. Scale-written or graphic. Requirement met. G. Date of completion of field work. Requirement met. H. Legal description of the property. Requirement met. I. Legend for all symbols and abbreviations used on the plat. Requirement met. J. Monuments or witness corners, whether set or found, intended to represent or reference corners of the survey, shall be shown and described as to size, shape and material, and their positions noted in relation to the survey corners. Requirement met. K. Sufficient angles, bearings or azimuths, linear dimensions and curve data must be shown on the plat to provide a mathematically closed figure for the exterior of the survey. Where record angular dimensions, bearings or azimuths, linear dimensions or cure data exist, such data shall be shown on the plat and distinguished from measured dimensions or data. Area of the survey is to be shown on the face of the plat unless otherwise requested by the client. Requirement met. L. Where bearing, azimuth or coordinate systems are used, the basis or proper names of the system shall be noted on the plat. Requirement met. M. If the survey is a parcel in a recorded subdivision, any adjacent rights or way or easements and setback lines shown on the recorded plat that affect the subject parcel are to be shown and dimensioned. Requirement met. N. Visible physical evidence of possession or occupation either way from the exterior lines of the survey shall be shown and dimensioned. Requirement met. O. Show visible evidence of improvements, rights of way, easements, or use when requested by the client. Requirement met. P. Exculpatory statements that attempt to restrict the uses of boundary surveys shall not be affixed to any plat. Requirement met. Q. The following statement shall be placed near the professional land surveyor seal and signature: “This professional service conforms to the current Illinois minimum standards for a boundary survey.” Requirement met. PRELIMINARY PLAT RECOMMENDATION It is the finding of the Director of Community Development that the submitted Preliminary Plat for Highland Estates meets the regulatory requirements for approval provided that a perfected Preliminary Plat be resubmitted in a manner that satisfactorily addresses the identified deficiencies. Based on this finding it is the recommendation of the Director of Community Development that the Preliminary Plat for Highland Estates be favorably recommended by the Planning Commission to the City Council for final approval upon receipt of the Community Development Director of a perfected Preliminary Plat. 19 THOMAS BROTHERS STAFF REPORT 65 JANUARY 8, 2015 PLANNING COMMISSION REPORT THOMAS BROTHERS FINAL PLAT CONSIDERATION An application was made for consideration of the Final Plat for Highland Estates. Section 16.12.140, “Final Plat Procedures”, of the Land Subdivision Control Regulations states the following: If there are no changes in the plat from the preliminary approval stage to the Final Plat request, the Planning Commission need not take action on the Final Plat. The Community Development Director will inform the Planning Commission at their regularly scheduled meetings, either orally or in writing, of any Final Plats that will be reported to the City Council. The Planning Commission will review and report on the Final Plat under the following conditions: A. There has been a substantial change made from the Preliminary Plat to the Final Plat as notified to the Commission by the Community Development Director. B. The Mayor or City Council requests that the Planning Commission review a particular Final Plat. C. The developer requests the Planning Commission to review the Final Plat. However, he must waive normal time restrictions for Final Plat approval. Given this direction regarding the procedure for a Final Plat, a review is being provided as a courtesy and companion to the total development application package as requested by the owner of the property. No action is requested regarding the Final Plat by the Planning Commission. Regulatory guidance for consideration of Final Plats is found in Section 16.12.150, “Final Plat Requirements”, of the Land Subdivision Control Regulations. These requirements follow: A. Every final (record) plat shall be prepared by a land surveyor registered in Illinois. Requirement met. B. The final plat may include all or only a part of the Preliminary Plat which has received approval. Requirement met. C. The plans of the Final Plat shall be drawn on mylar with waterproof black ink. The scale shall be 1” equals 20’, 40’, 50’ or 100’; however, the resulting drawing should be either 24”x36” or 30”x42”. Letter shall be 0.1” or larger for the sake of legibility when the record documents are archived by the City. Ten (10) black or blue line prints shall be provided to the City on or before the time of the Final Plat application. Requirement met. D. All dimensions shall be shown in feet and decimals of a foot and all angles shown to at least the nearest minute. Requirement met. E. Name of the proposed subdivision with Section, Township and Range numbers in which the subdivision is located. Requirement met. F. North arrow, graphic scale, and date. Requirement met. G. Names, addresses and phone numbers of the owner, subdivider, and registered land surveyor who prepared the plat (file in conjunction with the plat). Requirement met. H. Accurate boundary lines, with dimensions and bearing or angles, which provide a survey of the tract, closing with an error of closure of not more than one (1) foot in five thousand (5,000) feet. Requirement met. I. Accurate metes and bounds description or other adequate legal description of the tract to be platted with distances and direction to the nearest established Section Corner monument and location of monuments along with type, material and size (where discrepancies occur, both recorded descriptions and surveyed descriptions should be included). Requirement met. 20 THOMAS BROTHERS STAFF REPORT 66 JANUARY 8, 2015 PLANNING COMMISSION REPORT THOMAS BROTHERS J. Number each lot or site for identification and indicate the address when assigned by the City. Requirement met. K. All elevations shall be referenced to the National Geodetic Vertical Datum of 1929, and the said reference and benchmark shall be clearly stated on any plans or drawings showing such datum. Requirement met. L. Accurate locations of all existing and recorded streets intersecting the boundaries of the tract, shown by heavy solid lines. Requirement met. M. Locations, dimensions and purposes of any locatable, previously recorded or newly created easements including the easement statements defining the use and rights conveyed with each type of easement, as specified in Sections 16.16.340 and 16.16.350. Requirement not met; no easements are delineated on the plat for access or utility purposes. N. Location and purposes of any sites, other than private lots, which are dedicated or reserved. Requirement met. O. Location, dimension and area of all parcels reserved or used for green space or public space, and their intended use. Requirement not applicable at this time; to be reflected at the time of Site Plan review and approval. P. Applicable 100-year flood elevations as determined by FEMA or as determined by the highest applicable downstream culvert, roadway or other drainageway overflow elevation and the lowest allowable finished floor elevations for all lots subject to said flood elevations along with references to the nearest established USGS, FEMA or published benchmark. Requirement met. Q. A statement to the effect that the streets and alleys delineated on this plat are not accepted by the City. Requirement met. R. A statement that the City, by approving the drainage plans or by requiring certain standards with respect to drainage, accepts no responsibility for damages caused by the drainage or drainage facilities, to the owners or occupants of real estate affected, nor does the City guarantee that the improvements or changes in drainage will not cause damage to the owners or occupants of real estate affected, nor does the City accept drainage facilities or improvements for maintenance. The responsibility for change in drainage and for the maintenance of drainage facilities or improvements remains that of the developer, subdivider or landowner or occupant. Requirement met. S. Names of owners and mortgages accepting said Plat with owner or owners personally signing the Plat. Requirement met. T. Reference to recorded subdivision plats within 300 feet of the proposed subdivision by record name, plat book and page number and names of owners of record of adjoining un-platted land. Requirement met. U. Lot lines with accurate dimensions, angles or bearings and curve data including radii, arcs or chords, points of tangency, central angles; number of each lot; and setback lines and dimensions; and in a separate list, the area of each lot. Requirement not met; setback lines are not provided. V. Street and other public right-of-way lines with accurate dimensions, angles or bearings and curve data including radii, arcs or chords, points of tangency, and central angles. Requirement met. W. Street names, right-of-way widths and other pertinent data. Requirement met. 21 THOMAS BROTHERS STAFF REPORT 67 JANUARY 8, 2015 PLANNING COMMISSION REPORT THOMAS BROTHERS X. Restrictions of all types which will run with the land and become covenants in the deeds for lots. Should any or all restrictions and trusteeships be of such length as to make the lettering of same on the Plat impracticable and thus necessitate the preparation of a separate instrument, reference to such instrument shall be made on the Plat. Requirement met. Y. Name of school district(s) in which the property is located. Requirement not met. Z. Certification by a registered land surveyor and a registered professional engineer with registration numbers and seal(s) affixed to all final documents of the Final Plat. The engineer shall also certify that the following agencies were properly notified as required and approve the project: IHPA, IDNR, IDNR OWR, SCS, USACE, IEPA, IDOT and USDA. These agency sign-offs shall be submitted to the City before the City will sign the Final Plat. Requirement met. SECTION 16.12.160, “CERTIFICATES REQUIRED” The following certificates shall be included on the final (record plat) in language that is commonly acceptable to the County Recorder of Deeds and in accordance with State Statutes. The final plat shall be signed by the registered land surveyor and owner(s), and notarized prior to submittal to the City. All certificates shall be provided prior to Final Plat submittal. A. Owner’s certificate. Requirement met. B. Notary Public’s certificate. Requirement met. C. Surveyor’s certificate. Requirement met. D. County Clerk’s certificate. Requirement met. E. City Council’s certificate. Requirement met. F. Undermining. Requirement not met. G. Drainage changes. Requirement met. H. Certificate of dedication of all public areas. Requirement met. I. Certificate that all taxes due have been paid. Requirement met. J. 9-1-1 Coordinator certificate. Requirement met. K. Flood hazard areas certificate. Requirement met. L. Stormwater facilities certificate. Requirement met. SECTION 1270.56 MINIMUM STANDARDS OF PRACTICE AS PART OF THE ILLINOIS PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEYOR ACT OF 1989 A. On all boundary surveys the completed plat shall be drawn on a stable and durable medium with a minimum size of 8.5” by 11”. Requirement met. B. Firm name, address and registration number. Requirement met. C. Professional land surveyor seal, signature, date of signing, and license expiration date. Rubberstamp signatures, compute generated signatures or other reproduced signatures are prohibited. Requirement met. D. Client’s name. Requirement met. E. North arrow. Requirement met. F. Scale-written or graphic. Requirement met. G. Date of completion of field work. Requirement met. 22 THOMAS BROTHERS STAFF REPORT 68 JANUARY 8, 2015 PLANNING COMMISSION REPORT THOMAS BROTHERS H. Legal description of the property. Requirement met. I. Legend for all symbols and abbreviations used on the plat. Requirement met. J. Monuments or witness corners, whether set or found, intended to represent or reference corners of the survey, shall be shown and described as to size, shape and material, and their positions noted in relation to the survey corners. Requirement met. K. Sufficient angles, bearings or azimuths, linear dimensions and curve data must be shown on the plat to provide a mathematically closed figure for the exterior of the survey. Where record angular dimensions, bearings or azimuths, linear dimensions or cure data exist, such data shall be shown on the plat and distinguished from measured dimensions or data. Area of the survey is to be shown on the face of the plat unless otherwise requested by the client. Requirement met. L. Where bearing, azimuth or coordinate systems are used, the basis or proper names of the system shall be noted on the plat. Requirement met. M. If the survey is a parcel in a recorded subdivision, any adjacent rights or way or easements and setback lines shown on the recorded plat that affect the subject parcel are to be shown and dimensioned. Requirement met. N. Visible physical evidence of possession or occupation either way from the exterior lines of the survey shall be shown and dimensioned. Requirement met. O. Show visible evidence of improvements, rights of way, easements, or use when requested by the client. Requirement met. P. Exculpatory statements that attempt to restrict the uses of boundary surveys shall not be affixed to any plat. Requirement met. Q. The following statement shall be placed near the professional land surveyor seal and signature: “This professional service conforms to the current Illinois minimum standards for a boundary survey.” Requirement met. SUMMARY AND RECOMMENDATION: It is the recommendation of the Community Development Director that the following actions should be taken by the Planning Commission for each respective request made by the applicant: 1. Rezoning Request: Favorable recommendation to the City Council to amend the zoning designation of the property from “R-1A”, “R-1”, and “B-4” to “R-1” for proposed Lot 2 and “B-4” for proposed Lot 1. 2. Preliminary Plat: Favorable recommendation to the City Council regarding the Preliminary Plat for Highland Estates. 3. Final Plat: Favorable recommendation to the City Council regarding the Final Plat for Highland Estates. 23 THOMAS BROTHERS STAFF REPORT 69 JANUARY 8, 2015 Motion for request for Rezoning submitted by Thomas Brothers Automotive for property located at 936 St. Louis Road and 100 Highland Place. At issue was the consolidation of sites currently zoned R1A, R1, B4. It was request that Lot 1 be rezoned to R1 and Lot 2 be rezoned to B4. Currently, the sites have substantial levels of nonconformity with current codes for any form of redevelopment of the sites. By rezoning these into the proper specifications, it will allow the site owner to have a better understanding of the guidelines for further development. It will also provide the Planning Commission better direction for the intended use of these property sites. A resident spoke out in opposition to this and pointed out that this rezoning to B4 was attempted 10 years prior and was rejected at that time. The resident was a neighbor who was concerned that the B4 designation could allow the introduction of a new business without proper screening. The Planning Commission pointed out that since that time period, code enforcement has been strengthened as well as designation of the use of proper screening for transitional properties between commercial and residential. Resident was satisfied that if a new business was to open at that location, we would require proper screening to transition between commercial and residential properties. Rezoning was passed with a vote of 9-0. 70 AGENDA ITEM REPORT DATE OF MEETING: January 26, 2015 ITEM: Motion to Approve Payroll for the Periods Ending 01/02/15 & 01/12/15 in the Amount of $555,656.31 STRATEGIC PLAN GOAL: Goal # 7 – Financially Sustainable City BACKGROUND: Payroll amounts are as follows: Payroll Ending 01/02/15 $547,996.23 (Regular payroll) Payroll Ending 01/12/15 $7,660.08 (Civilian sick bonus payroll) RECOMMENDATION: The Director of Finance recommends approval of the Motion to Approve Payroll for the Periods Ending 01/02/15 & 01/12/15 in the amount of $555,656.31 ITEM SUBMITTED BY: Tamara Ammann, Director of Finance ATTACHMENTS: Payroll Report 71 SYS DATE 010815 PROGRAM 'PBL' 01/08/15 CITY OF COLLINSVILLE P A Y R O L L B O A R D L I S T E M P L O Y E E C H E C K S PAYROLL ENDING DATE 01/02/15 SYS TIME 13:21 PAGE 1 EMPLOYEE DATE CHECK NO GROSS OT PAY HOURS =================================================================================================================================== 10KYPJE-KYPTA, JEFFREY S 01/09/15 90051832 250.00 .00 1.00 10MILJO-MILLER, JOHN V 01/09/15 90051833 300.00 .00 1.00 10MOSNA-MOSS, NANCY 01/09/15 90051834 250.00 .00 1.00 10TOGMI-TOGNARELLI, MICHAEL L 01/09/15 90051835 250.00 .00 1.00 10WOOKA-WOOLARD, KAREN M 90051836 01/09/15 Totals for Department 10P 12LIMJA-LIMERINOS, JANE C 01/09/15 90051837 12WESAL-WESEMANN, ALAN S 01/09/15 90051838 Totals for Department 12P 13JACJU-JACKSON, JULIE A 01/09/15 90051839 90051840 13WILMA-WILLIAMS, MALCOLM S 01/09/15 90051841 Totals for Department 13 14COTKI-COTTON-WASSER, KIMBERL01/09/15 90051842 Totals for Department 14 14CARCA-CARLISLE, CARRIE 01/09/15 90051843 Totals for Department 14P 15FRISH-FRIERSON, SHANA 01/09/15 90051844 Totals for Department 15 250.00 .00 ---------- ---------- Checks: 25.00 5 .00 25.00 .00 ---------- ---------- Checks: 1905.00 1.00 .00 2 80.00 2307.70 .00 ---------- ---------- Checks: 80.00 577.28 .00 ---------- ---------- Checks: 32.00 1923.08 .00 ---------- ---------- Checks: 80.00 3 1 1 1 90051845 2423.08 .00 80.00 16MCCDA-MCCORMICK, DANIEL P 01/09/15 90051846 90051847 2307.70 .00 80.00 3 20BOEJO-BOERM, JON B 01/09/15 90051848 3379.23 .00 80.00 20EVAST-EVANS, STEPHEN R 01/09/15 90051849 90051850 3726.92 .00 80.00 20HERER-HERMAN, ERIC A 01/09/15 90051851 3632.67 253.44 84.00 20ROTDA-ROTH, DAVID J 01/09/15 90051852 3457.70 .00 80.00 20SCAGA-SCAGGS, GARY W 01/09/15 90051853 3917.79 538.56 88.50 20WITRI-WITTENAUER, RICHARD E 01/09/15 90051854 4019.56 388.99 90.00 20ZABER-ZABER, ERIC H 90051855 90051856 90051857 3379.24 .00 80.00 72 .00 6106.54 .00 2307.70 .00 577.28 .00 1923.08 .00 4730.78 .00 80.00 01/09/15 01/09/15 50.00 1.00 4201.54 .00 ---------- ---------- Checks: ---------- ---------- Checks: .00 1.00 16AHLMA-AHLVERS, MARK E Totals for Department 16 1300.00 SYS DATE 010815 PROGRAM 'PBL' 01/08/15 CITY OF COLLINSVILLE P A Y R O L L B O A R D L I S T E M P L O Y E E C H E C K S PAYROLL ENDING DATE 01/02/15 SYS TIME 13:21 PAGE 2 EMPLOYEE DATE CHECK NO GROSS OT PAY HOURS =================================================================================================================================== ---------- ---------Totals for Department 20 - Checks: 10 25513.11 1180.99 21AKEBR-AKERS, BRADLEY J 01/09/15 90051858 4273.66 1379.06 110.75 21BAUMI-BAUER, MICHAEL P 01/09/15 90051859 3660.79 679.16 100.00 21BELMI-BELL, MICHAEL W 01/09/15 90051860 90051861 90051862 3668.66 644.94 96.00 21BROMI-BROWN, MICHAEL G 01/09/15 90051863 90051864 90051865 3472.93 153.95 106.00 21CERJO-CERNA, JOSE A 01/09/15 90051866 4614.38 1437.62 117.00 21COOME-COOPER, MELISSA M 01/09/15 90051867 90051868 3579.14 640.26 96.00 21DANER-DANFORD, ERIC K 01/09/15 90051869 90051870 3740.64 219.36 100.00 21EDWJA-EDWARDS, JAY R 01/09/15 90051871 3522.86 627.84 100.00 21HARJA-HARRISON, JASON M 01/09/15 90051872 3746.81 912.69 102.00 21HUNJO-HUNT, JOSHUA MICHAEL 01/09/15 90051873 3996.32 756.56 111.00 21JACKE-JACKSON, KEITH A 01/09/15 90051874 3719.98 1017.42 100.00 21JERWI-JEREMIAS, WILBERT G 01/09/15 90051875 3663.00 .00 96.00 21KILPA-KILQUIST, PAUL D 01/09/15 90051876 4342.66 1311.38 157.00 21KRUMA-KRUG, MARK A 01/09/15 90051877 4441.91 1213.07 105.00 21KUEMA-KUECHLE, MARK E 01/09/15 90051878 3300.24 .00 96.00 21KUNTO-KUNZ, TODD J 01/09/15 90051879 3739.66 657.54 116.00 21KYRJE-KYROUAC, JENNIFER L 01/09/15 90051880 90051881 3538.92 622.08 96.00 21LUNSA-LUNA, SAMUEL G 01/09/15 90051882 3422.45 643.13 97.00 21MACCH-MACKIN, CHARLES E 01/09/15 90051883 90051884 3913.18 89.26 97.50 21MCEST-MCELROY, STACY J 01/09/15 90051885 4298.58 1550.10 110.00 73 SYS DATE 010815 PROGRAM 'PBL' 01/08/15 CITY OF COLLINSVILLE P A Y R O L L B O A R D L I S T E M P L O Y E E C H E C K S PAYROLL ENDING DATE 01/02/15 SYS TIME 13:21 PAGE 3 EMPLOYEE DATE CHECK NO GROSS OT PAY HOURS =================================================================================================================================== 21OWEER-OWEN, ERIC D 01/09/15 90051886 3541.00 355.32 88.00 21PICBR-PICKEREL, BRADLEY 01/09/15 90051887 4019.38 1121.34 108.00 21PORDA-PORTER, DANIEL T 01/09/15 90051888 90051889 3779.58 698.46 96.50 21PRISC-PRITCHETT, SCOTT M 01/09/15 90051890 4123.39 916.34 130.50 21PYRST-PYRDECK, STEVEN P 01/09/15 90051891 3516.02 629.46 96.00 21REIMI-REICHERT, MICHAEL W 01/09/15 90051892 3827.26 725.02 101.50 21ROSTR-ROSS, TRENT A 01/09/15 90051893 3863.48 1086.04 106.00 21ROWLE-ROWLAND, LELAND R 01/09/15 90051894 3465.12 .00 96.00 21TALDO-TALBOT, DOUGLAS W 01/09/15 90051895 3477.32 523.20 96.00 21TERMA-TERVEER, MARK D 01/09/15 90051896 3892.04 438.36 104.00 21TISKE-TISCH, KEVIN L 01/09/15 90051897 3571.18 604.08 102.00 21WARCH-WARREN, CHRISTOPHER 01/09/15 90051898 4115.52 1418.40 108.00 21WASTE-WASSER, TERRY J 01/09/15 90051899 Totals for Department 21 21BERWI-BERGER, WILLIAM L 01/09/15 90051900 90051901 90051902 3506.88 .00 96.00 ---------- ---------- Checks: 42 1600.77 .00 ---------- ---------- Checks: Totals for Department 21A 80.00 3 22BEAJA-BEAN, JACQUELYN M P 01/09/15 90051903 2666.85 240.75 158.00 22BETLA-BETTORF, LAUREN M 01/09/15 90051904 90051905 2689.74 474.66 96.00 22CHRMI-CHRISTENSEN, MICHAEL W01/09/15 90051906 2413.68 421.92 172.00 22GORSH-GORKA, SHEILA K 01/09/15 90051907 90051908 90051909 2284.52 241.08 96.00 22HARYO-HARRIS, YOLANDA R 01/09/15 90051910 2364.36 417.24 96.00 22KIRLI-KIRK, LISA G 01/09/15 90051911 2593.92 .00 96.00 22LACAL-LACQUEMENT, ALAN R 01/09/15 90051912 90051913 90051914 2852.46 499.14 176.00 74 125354.94 23071.44 1600.77 .00 SYS DATE 010815 PROGRAM 'PBL' 01/08/15 CITY OF COLLINSVILLE P A Y R O L L B O A R D L I S T E M P L O Y E E C H E C K S PAYROLL ENDING DATE 01/02/15 SYS TIME 13:21 PAGE 4 EMPLOYEE DATE CHECK NO GROSS OT PAY HOURS =================================================================================================================================== 22LEEKA-LEE, KATHLEEN S 01/09/15 90051915 2676.50 397.50 96.00 22LINAN-LINDAUER, ANDREA S 01/09/15 90051916 2723.40 477.00 164.00 22MAYTE-MAY, TERESA LYNN 01/09/15 90051917 90051918 1852.80 .00 80.00 22OLLCH-OLLER, CHRISTINA M 01/09/15 90051919 2182.32 380.88 176.00 22TIMKE-TIMKEN, KELSEY E 01/09/15 90051920 2228.88 200.88 160.00 22VERSH-VERSTRAETE, SHERI LYNN01/09/15 90051921 1602.40 .00 80.00 22VICMA-VICKERS, MARISSA A 90051922 90051923 2568.00 .00 96.00 01/09/15 ---------- ---------- Checks: 21 Totals for Department 22 22WISLO-WISE, LORI A 01/09/15 90051924 Totals for Department 22A 24LALNA-LALEMAN, NATHANIEL 01/09/15 90051925 24PARJE-PARRACK, JESSE W 01/09/15 90051926 Totals for Department 24 2183.08 .00 ---------- ---------- Checks: 1943.04 .00 1819.58 133.14 ---------- ---------- Checks: 3751.05 2183.08 .00 3762.62 133.14 80.00 1 88.00 80.00 2 25ALLRY-ALLEN, RYLEE 01/09/15 90051927 177.84 .00 8.00 25BROMA-BROWN, MARY A 01/09/15 90051928 122.72 .00 6.50 25BUEAN-BUETTNER, ANDREW H 01/09/15 90051929 544.64 .00 24.50 25BYRMI-BYRUM, MICHELLE L 01/09/15 90051930 442.68 .00 31.00 25DIXTR-DIXON, TRACI L 01/09/15 90051931 1155.96 .00 52.00 25KOSJE-KOSTE, JENNIFER A 01/09/15 90051932 377.60 .00 20.00 25MERCO-MERSINGER, COURTNEY M 01/09/15 90051933 428.40 .00 30.00 25MICBR-MICK, BRIANNA K 01/09/15 90051934 226.56 .00 12.00 25MITCH-MITCHELL, CHRISTOPHER 01/09/15 90051935 435.54 .00 30.50 25MITJU-MITCHELL, JULIE A 01/09/15 90051936 151.04 .00 8.00 25ROBSH-ROBINSON, SHAWNA 01/09/15 90051937 644.67 .00 29.00 25WILKE-WILKE, KELLEY C 01/09/15 90051938 604.16 .00 32.00 25WOESH-WOELFEL, SHELBY 01/09/15 90051939 511.29 .00 23.00 75 33699.83 SYS DATE 010815 PROGRAM 'PBL' 01/08/15 CITY OF COLLINSVILLE P A Y R O L L B O A R D L I S T E M P L O Y E E C H E C K S PAYROLL ENDING DATE 01/02/15 SYS TIME 13:21 PAGE 5 EMPLOYEE DATE CHECK NO GROSS OT PAY HOURS =================================================================================================================================== ---------- ---------Totals for Department 25P - Checks: 13 5823.10 .00 30EMEMA-EMERT, MARK A 01/09/15 90051940 3697.70 .00 80.00 30KINST-KING, STACEY S 01/09/15 90051941 1970.40 .00 80.00 30KYRDA-KYROUAC, DALE M 01/09/15 90051942 90051943 3269.23 .00 80.00 ---------- ---------- Checks: Totals for Department 30 30ANDJA-ANDERSON, JAMES 01/09/15 90051944 Totals for Department 30P 612.16 .00 ---------- ---------- Checks: 4 .00 612.16 .00 16.00 1 31ARNFR-ARNOLD, FRANK J 01/09/15 90051945 3696.93 217.13 152.58 31BADDA-BADGETT, DAVID G 01/09/15 90051946 3256.12 47.60 125.00 31BARRA-BARNETT, RANDY E 01/09/15 90051947 90051948 3760.86 198.74 131.75 31BENDA-BENNETT, DAVID A 01/09/15 90051949 3529.43 .00 124.33 31BENJO-BENKER, JOSEPH 01/09/15 90051950 3140.15 342.47 112.50 31BRIJE-BRICKEEN, JERRY T 01/09/15 90051951 3377.44 .00 100.00 31CANJO-CANULL, JOHN 01/09/15 90051952 3246.48 46.32 104.00 31CASCH-CASTENS, CHRISTOPHER A01/09/15 90051953 90051954 3520.88 373.44 132.00 31DEARO-DEADMOND, ROBERT D 01/09/15 90051955 90051956 3588.68 .00 100.00 31FRACH-FRAWLEY, CHRISTOPHER N01/09/15 90051957 4287.48 1072.56 170.50 31GAFMI-GAFFORD, MICHAEL D 01/09/15 90051958 3459.26 206.10 104.25 31GILMA-GILES, MATTHEW C 01/09/15 90051959 3456.43 106.19 178.25 31GOSJE-GOSSETT, JEREMY C 01/09/15 90051960 3773.33 468.97 133.50 31GULDA-GULLEDGE, DANIEL 01/09/15 90051961 3122.09 45.77 101.67 31HAMBR-HAMILTON, BRIAN R 01/09/15 90051962 90051963 3854.00 328.48 110.50 31HARMI-HARRIS, MICHAEL E 01/09/15 90051964 4112.65 741.49 119.25 31KATDU-KATICH, DUSTIN J 01/09/15 90051965 4355.79 509.16 116.84 76 8937.33 SYS DATE 010815 PROGRAM 'PBL' 01/08/15 CITY OF COLLINSVILLE P A Y R O L L B O A R D L I S T E M P L O Y E E C H E C K S PAYROLL ENDING DATE 01/02/15 SYS TIME 13:21 PAGE 6 EMPLOYEE DATE CHECK NO GROSS OT PAY HOURS =================================================================================================================================== 31KLUNI-KLUCKER, NICHOLAS L 01/09/15 90051966 3359.87 137.30 149.17 31LITKU-LITTEKEN, KURT W 01/09/15 90051967 3758.23 405.83 136.50 31LUTMI-LUTZ, MICHAEL STEVEN 01/09/15 90051968 3781.71 391.19 131.75 31MEADA-MEADOWS, DAVID C 01/09/15 90051969 3342.52 .00 92.67 31MIKMI-MIKOFF, MICHAEL L 01/09/15 90051970 3378.33 224.37 104.75 31OSBDE-OSBORN, DEREK C 01/09/15 90051971 3435.29 98.13 150.00 31RAITI-RAINEY, TIMOTHY P 01/09/15 90051972 4179.89 591.21 111.00 31REEST-REED, STEVEN J 01/09/15 90051973 3289.28 .00 128.00 31SCHER-SCHRAGE, ERIC J 01/09/15 90051974 90051975 4521.20 965.00 123.83 31SIEDA-SIENKIEWICZ, DAVID M 01/09/15 90051976 90051977 3802.15 290.47 109.75 31TATCO-TATE, COLTER R 01/09/15 90051978 3393.88 86.68 101.75 31THOJA-THOMPSON, JAMES M 01/09/15 90051979 3055.88 .00 100.00 31WARJA-WARNER, JASON 01/09/15 90051980 90051981 90051982 3362.49 .00 103.33 ---------- ---------- Checks: 38 Totals for Department 31 41CHERO-CHEATHAM, ROD A 01/09/15 90051983 Totals for Department 41 3163.08 .00 ---------- ---------- Checks: 7894.60 3163.08 .00 80.00 1 41CLADA-CLARK, DANIEL P 01/09/15 90051984 90051985 90051986 90051987 2628.71 71.91 81.50 41DELRO-DELANEY, ROBERT M 01/09/15 90051988 90051989 2404.00 .00 80.00 41GOERO-GOETTER, RONALD L 01/09/15 90051990 1969.60 .00 80.00 41JACRA-JACKSON, RANDY B 01/09/15 90051991 90051992 2404.00 .00 80.00 41KLEPA-KLEIN, PAUL J 01/09/15 90051993 90051994 90051995 2358.40 .00 80.00 77 108198.72 SYS DATE 010815 PROGRAM 'PBL' CITY OF COLLINSVILLE P A Y R O L L B O A R D L I S T E M P L O Y E E C H E C K S PAYROLL ENDING DATE 01/02/15 01/08/15 SYS TIME 13:21 PAGE 7 EMPLOYEE DATE CHECK NO GROSS OT PAY HOURS =================================================================================================================================== 41MEIMA-MEIER, MATTHEW S 01/09/15 90051996 2358.40 .00 80.00 41MOTCH-MOTIEJAITIS, CHAD R 01/09/15 90051997 2380.51 22.11 80.50 41MURDA-MURPHY, DANIEL J 01/09/15 90051998 90051999 90052000 2519.17 46.37 81.00 41PROMI-PROSSER, MICHAEL J 01/09/15 90052001 90052002 2508.80 .00 80.00 41RUKJO-RUKAVINA, JON A 01/09/15 90052003 2495.98 23.18 80.50 41SHETE-SHEPHARD, TERRY A 01/09/15 90052004 2358.40 .00 80.00 41WATRO-WATT, RONALD C 01/09/15 90052005 Totals for Department 411 2358.40 .00 80.00 ---------- ---------- Checks: 22 41AHLCA-AHLVERS, CAMERON B 01/09/15 90052006 92.96 .00 8.00 41CRORY-CROWE, RYAN C 01/09/15 90052007 522.90 .00 45.00 41GARGE-GARCIA, GERMAN 01/09/15 90052008 464.80 .00 40.00 41JABJO-JABLONSKI, JOHN M 01/09/15 90052009 522.90 .00 45.00 41KREDE-KRESS, DENNIS S 01/09/15 90052010 557.76 .00 48.00 41PIEBR-PIERSON, BRYON D 01/09/15 90052011 488.04 .00 42.00 41SUEAN-SUESS, ANTHONY C 01/09/15 90052012 Totals for Department 411P 673.96 .00 ---------- ---------- Checks: 7 01/09/15 90052013 90052014 1921.60 .00 80.00 43KREDE-KRESS, DENNIS 01/09/15 90052015 90052016 90052017 3163.08 .00 80.00 ---------- ---------- Checks: 43CALWI-CALANDRO, WILLIAM M 5 01/09/15 90052018 2358.40 .00 80.00 43FRIRU-FRIEDERICH, RUSSELL M 01/09/15 90052019 2358.40 .00 80.00 43GRITO-GRIES, TODD A 01/09/15 90052020 90052021 2358.40 .00 80.00 43JEFMI-JEFFRIES, MICHAEL J 01/09/15 90052022 2508.80 .00 80.00 78 163.57 3323.32 .00 5084.68 .00 58.00 43GUSJA-GUSHLEFF, JANET E Totals for Department 43 28744.37 SYS DATE 010815 PROGRAM 'PBL' 01/08/15 CITY OF COLLINSVILLE P A Y R O L L B O A R D L I S T E M P L O Y E E C H E C K S PAYROLL ENDING DATE 01/02/15 SYS TIME 13:21 PAGE 8 EMPLOYEE DATE CHECK NO GROSS OT PAY HOURS =================================================================================================================================== 43KESDO-KESSLER, DONALD K 01/09/15 90052023 2518.40 .00 80.00 43KILAD-KILLIAN, ADAM M 01/09/15 90052024 2461.60 .00 80.00 43LUTGR-LUTKER, GREGORY J 01/09/15 90052025 2612.84 94.44 82.00 43PAYMA-PAYNE, MATTHEW JOHN 01/09/15 90052026 2358.40 .00 80.00 43STABA-STANTON, BARRY S 01/09/15 90052027 2129.60 .00 80.00 43TARDE-TARRANT, DENNIS A 01/09/15 90052028 Totals for Department 432 43JULGE-JULIAN, GEORGE R 2380.80 .00 80.00 ---------- ---------- Checks: 11 01/09/15 90052029 3783.84 805.68 105.00 43KAVWI-KAVALIUNAS, WILLIAM M 01/09/15 90052030 3050.25 110.25 82.00 43LIEEM-LIENARD, EMIL S 01/09/15 90052031 3795.92 1174.32 105.00 43MONDO-MONTGOMERY, DOUGLAS L 01/09/15 90052032 3653.56 402.84 105.00 43MOUST-MOULTON, STEPHEN 01/09/15 90052033 3583.28 805.68 145.00 43PICTI-PICKEL, TIMOTHY W 01/09/15 90052034 Totals for Department 433 44BANST-BANKS, STEPHEN D 3831.34 805.68 122.00 ---------- ---------- Checks: 6 01/09/15 90052035 90052036 90052037 2789.00 366.24 90.00 44CLACH-CLARK, CHRISTOPHER M 01/09/15 90052038 90052039 90052040 2757.32 362.76 96.00 44CLULA-CLUBB, LARRY E 01/09/15 90052041 90052042 2404.00 .00 80.00 44HOPKI-HOPKINS, KIMBERLY V 01/09/15 90052043 2404.00 .00 80.00 44KREDA-KRESS, DALE K 01/09/15 90052044 90052045 2494.15 90.15 82.00 44NAGER-NAGEL, ERIC M 01/09/15 90052046 2508.80 .00 80.00 44SCHJO-SCHAEFFER, JOHN D 01/09/15 90052047 Totals for Department 442 1969.60 .00 80.00 ---------- ---------- Checks: 13 44CHAMI-CHAMBLISS, MICHAEL 01/09/15 90052048 3368.36 849.96 98.00 44CRODO-CROSSLEY, DOUGLAS E 01/09/15 90052049 2747.20 .00 80.00 79 24045.64 94.44 21698.19 4104.45 17326.87 819.15 SYS DATE 010815 PROGRAM 'PBL' CITY OF COLLINSVILLE P A Y R O L L B O A R D L I S T E M P L O Y E E C H E C K S PAYROLL ENDING DATE 01/02/15 01/08/15 SYS TIME 13:21 PAGE 9 EMPLOYEE DATE CHECK NO GROSS OT PAY HOURS =================================================================================================================================== 44DAVTR-DAVIS, TRACY A 01/09/15 90052050 90052051 2615.20 .00 80.00 44HILRO-HILL, ROBERT E 01/09/15 90052052 3320.56 366.24 113.00 44HUFRO-HUFFMAN, ROBERT 01/09/15 90052053 3121.00 370.20 97.00 44MOTRO-MOTIEJAITIS, RONALD A 01/09/15 90052054 3158.00 376.80 97.00 44WALJO-WALKER, JONATHAN A 90052055 90052056 3277.68 748.08 97.00 01/09/15 ---------- ---------- Checks: Totals for Department 443 44HENKE-HENDERSON, KEITH W 01/09/15 90052057 Totals for Department 443P 534.52 .00 ---------- ---------- Checks: 9 1 01/09/15 90052058 90052059 90052060 3469.23 .00 80.00 50CALAP-CALANDRO, APRIL J 01/09/15 90052061 2079.25 128.05 83.50 50DARJA-DARNELL, JAMIE J 01/09/15 90052062 2141.83 200.23 85.50 50DONNI-DONTIGNEY, NICHOLE M 01/09/15 90052063 90052064 1854.40 .00 80.00 50FUENE-FUENTES, NEYFIT 01/09/15 90052065 1941.60 .00 80.00 50GUINI-GUILE, NICOLE 01/09/15 90052066 90052067 1995.60 .00 134.00 50KEPKA-KEPLAR, KATHLEEN M 01/09/15 90052068 90052069 2033.60 .00 80.00 50LOEAN-LOEH, ANDREA 01/09/15 90052070 1947.60 .00 86.00 ---------- ---------- Checks: 13 64BAIMI-BAIR, MITCHELL E 01/09/15 90052071 90052072 3163.08 .00 80.00 64CARTR-CARLSON, TRACY 01/09/15 90052073 90052074 90052075 2182.70 .00 80.00 64LAMBR-LAMB, BREANA K 01/09/15 90052076 Totals for Department 64 64CLAGA-CLARK, GARY LEE 01/09/15 90052077 Totals for Department 64P 65JOYLE-JOYCE, LEAH B 01/09/15 90052078 1461.54 .00 ---------- ---------- Checks: 80.00 270.24 .00 ---------- ---------- Checks: 24.00 1831.92 80 .00 2711.28 534.52 .00 17463.11 328.28 6807.32 .00 270.24 .00 46.00 50AMMTA-AMMANN, TAMARA K Totals for Department 50 21608.00 6 1 80.00 SYS DATE 010815 PROGRAM 'PBL' CITY OF COLLINSVILLE P A Y R O L L B O A R D L I S T E M P L O Y E E C H E C K S PAYROLL ENDING DATE 01/02/15 01/08/15 SYS TIME 13:21 PAGE 10 EMPLOYEE DATE CHECK NO GROSS OT PAY HOURS =================================================================================================================================== 65KENER-KENNETT, ERIKA L 01/09/15 90052079 Totals for Department 65 66BOHRO-BOHNENSTIEHL, ROBERT 01/09/15 90052080 Totals for Department 66 66FORMI-FORSHEE, MICHAEL O 01/09/15 90052081 66KROGE-KRODER, GEORGE T 01/09/15 90052082 Totals for Department 66P 71SZEKA-SZEGEDY, KAREN S 01/09/15 90052083 Totals for Department 71 3163.08 .00 ---------- ---------- Checks: 80.00 2817.30 .00 ---------- ---------- Checks: 80.00 267.04 2 1 .00 31.00 1167.30 .00 ---------- ---------- Checks: 80.00 2 1 71JACDE-JACOBER, DENNIS W 01/09/15 90052084 290.50 .00 25.00 71JONRO-JONES, RONALD 01/09/15 90052085 197.54 .00 17.00 71MESKE-MESSMER, KENT R 01/09/15 90052086 209.16 .00 18.00 71MOOWI-MOORE, WILLIAM JR 01/09/15 90052087 360.22 .00 31.00 71PERCO-PEREZ, COBBY F 01/09/15 90052088 313.74 .00 27.00 71STEDA-STELMACH, DAVID A 01/09/15 90052089 151.06 .00 13.00 71WANJA-WANAGAT, JAMES M 01/09/15 90052090 Totals for Department 71P ** GRAND TOTAL 259 CHECKS ---------- ---------494340.12 44252.39 81 .00 2817.30 .00 727.70 .00 1167.30 .00 1882.44 .00 8.00 460.66 .00 ---------- ---------- Checks: 360.22 .00 ---------- ---------- Checks: 4995.00 31.00 7 SYS DATE 011415 PROGRAM 'PBL' 01/14/15 CITY OF COLLINSVILLE P A Y R O L L B O A R D L I S T E M P L O Y E E C H E C K S PAYROLL ENDING DATE 01/12/15 SYS TIME 11:59 PAGE 1 EMPLOYEE DATE CHECK NO GROSS OT PAY HOURS =================================================================================================================================== 22BEAJA-BEAN, JACQUELYN M P 01/15/15 90052091 642.00 642.00 48.00 22CHRMI-CHRISTENSEN, MICHAEL W01/15/15 90052092 1687.68 1687.68 144.00 22MAYTE-MAY, TERESA LYNN 01/15/15 90052093 90052094 961.14 961.14 83.00 22VERSH-VERSTRAETE, SHERI LYNN01/15/15 90052095 Totals for Department 22 24PARJE-PARRACK, JESSE W 01/15/15 Totals for Department 24 ** GRAND TOTAL 6 CHECKS 90052096 1442.16 1442.16 144.00 ---------- ---------- Checks: 5 4732.98 4732.98 1597.68 1597.68 144.00 ---------- ---------- Checks: 1 1597.68 1597.68 ---------- ---------6330.66 6330.66 82 AGENDA ITEM REPORT DATE OF MEETING: January 26, 2015 ITEM: Motion to Approve Payment of Bills for the Period Ending January 16, 2015 in the Amount of $1,457,591.53 STRATEGIC PLAN GOAL: Goal # 7 – Financially Sustainable City BACKGROUND: Individual check run amounts are as follows: September 1, 2014 October 1, 2014 November 1, 2014 December 1, 2014 January 9, 2015 January 16, 2015 $275,582.62 $263,574.80 $263,574.35 $263,574.35 $212,141.45 $179,143.96 $1,457,591.53 RECOMMENDATION: The Director of Finance recommends approval of the Motion to Approve Payment of Bills for the Period Ending January 16, 2015 in the Amount of $1,457,591.53. ITEM SUBMITTED BY: Tamara Ammann, Director of Finance ATTACHMENTS: Board Lists 83 Board Listing Vendor Invoice For Meeting Dated 11/10/14 Description Inv. Date Due Date List #243 Amount IPBC Invoice: 09/14 INSURANCE Generated by the Locis Software...printed 11/05/14 01-13-00-4510 09/14 HEALTH INS 01-14-00-4510 09/14 HEALTH INS 01-15-00-4510 09/14 HEALTH INS 01-16-00-4510 09/14 HEALTH INS 01-20-00-4510 09/14 HEALTH INS 01-20-10-4510 09/14 HEALTH INS 01-20-20-4510 09/14 HEALTH INS 01-20-40-4510 09/14 HEALTH INS 01-30-00-4510 09/14 HEALTH INS 01-31-00-4510 09/14 HEALTH INS 01-41-10-4510 09/14 HEALTH INS 01-66-00-4510 09/14 HEALTH INS 01-50-00-4510 09/14 HEALTH INS 01-64-00-4510 09/14 HEALTH INS 01-65-00-4510 09/14 HEALTH INS 01-71-00-4510 09/14 HEALTH INS 41-00-00-4510 09/14 HEALTH INS 41-65-00-4510 09/14 HEALTH INS 52-43-20-4510 09/14 HEALTH INS 52-43-30-4510 09/14 HEALTH INS 52-44-20-4510 09/14 HEALTH INS 52-44-30-4510 09/14 HEALTH INS 01-00-00-3849 09/14 HEALTH INS 01-13-00-4510 09/14 DENTAL INS 01-14-00-4510 09/14 DENTAL INS 01-15-00-4510 09/14 DENTAL INS 01-16-00-4510 09/14 DENTAL INS 01-20-00-4510 09/14 DENTAL INS 01-20-10-4510 09/14 DENTAL INS 01-20-20-4510 09/14 DENTAL INS 01-30-00-4510 09/14 DENTAL INS 01-41-10-4510 09/14 DENTAL INS 01-66-00-4510 09/14 DENTAL INS 01-50-00-4510 09/14 DENTAL INS 01-64-00-4510 09/14 DENTAL INS 01-65-00-4510 09/14 DENTAL INS 01-71-00-4510 09/14 DENTAL INS 41-00-00-4510 09/14 DENTAL INS 41-65-00-4510 09/14 DENTAL INS 52-43-20-4510 09/14 DENTAL INS 52-44-30-4510 09/14 DENTAL INS 01-00-00-3849 09/14 DENTAL INS Page 1 84 09/01/14 $1,719.63 $1,716.72 $1,141.62 $3,433.44 $12,833.10 $54,312.12 $14,674.55 $2,310.90 $3,699.86 $47,002.14 $16,095.45 $1,391.16 $8,165.74 $2,872.74 $570.81 $578.01 $570.81 $578.01 $13,401.28 $7,411.25 $7,024.12 $10,904.46 $43,206.77 $116.21 $90.19 $65.96 $180.38 $657.37 $26.02 $26.02 $116.23 $65.96 $50.27 $26.02 $270.57 $32.98 $26.02 $32.98 $26.02 $45.10 $45.10 $7,207.21 09/01/14 $275,582.62 Board Listing Vendor Invoice For Meeting Dated 11/10/14 Description 01-13-00-4520 09/14 LIFE INS 01-14-00-4520 09/14 LIFE INS 01-15-00-4520 09/14 LIFE INS 01-16-00-4520 09/14 LIFE INS 01-20-00-4520 09/14 LIFE INS 01-20-10-4520 09/14 LIFE INS 01-20-20-4520 09/14 LIFE INS 01-20-40-4520 09/14 LIFE INS 01-30-00-4520 09/14 LIFE INS 01-31-00-4520 09/14 LIFE INS 01-41-10-4520 09/14 LIFE INS 01-66-00-4520 09/14 LIFE INS 01-50-00-4520 09/14 LIFE INS 01-64-00-4520 09/14 LIFE INS 01-65-00-4520 09/14 LIFE INS 01-71-00-4520 09/14 LIFE INS 41-00-00-4520 09/14 LIFE INS 41-65-00-4520 09/14 LIFE INS 52-43-20-4520 09/14 LIFE INS 52-43-30-4520 09/14 LIFE INS 52-44-20-4520 09/14 LIFE INS 52-44-30-4520 09/14 LIFE INS 01-00-00-3849 09/14 LIFE INS 01-15-00-5490 09/14 MEMBER FEE 01-15-00-5490 09/14 OVER/SHORT Vendor Total for: IPBC Generated by the Locis Software...printed 11/05/14 Inv. Date $11.78 $5.89 $5.89 $11.78 $47.12 $80.79 $35.85 $4.28 $14.99 $16.74 $44.41 $.88 $28.36 $17.67 $2.95 $2.43 $2.95 $5.89 $35.05 $20.87 $22.47 $27.02 $78.98 $50.50 $10,285.78 (Fiscal YTD Payments: $2020,613.86) Page 2 85 Due Date List #243 Amount $275,582.62 Board Listing For Meeting Dated 11/10/14 Generated by the Locis Software...printed 11/05/14 Page 3 86 List #243 Amount GENERAL FUND TIF DISTRICT #1 WATER & SEWER OPERATIONS Grand Total: Total Vendors: $235,429.24 $1,216.66 $38,936.72 $275,582.62 1 TOTAL FOR REGULAR CHECKS: 275582.62 Board Listing Vendor Invoice For Meeting Dated 12/08/14 Description Inv. Date Due Date List #247 Amount IPBC Invoice: 10/14 INSURANCE Generated by the Locis Software...printed 11/25/14 01-13-00-4510 10/14 HEALTH INS 01-14-00-4510 10/14 HEALTH INS 01-15-00-4510 10/14 HEALTH INS 01-16-00-4510 10/14 HEALTH INS 01-20-00-4510 10/14 HEALTH INS 01-20-10-4510 10/14 HEALTH INS 01-20-20-4510 10/14 HEALTH INS 01-20-40-4510 10/14 HEALTH INS 01-30-00-4510 10/14 HEALTH INS 01-31-00-4510 10/14 HEALTH INS 01-41-10-4510 10/14 HEALTH INS 01-66-00-4510 10/14 HEALTH INS 01-50-00-4510 10/14 HEALTH INS 01-64-00-4510 10/14 HEALTH INS 01-65-00-4510 10/14 HEALTH INS 01-71-00-4510 10/14 HEALTH INS 41-00-00-4510 10/14 HEALTH INS 41-65-00-4510 10/14 HEALTH INS 52-43-20-4510 10/14 HEALTH INS 52-43-30-4510 10/14 HEALTH INS 52-44-20-4510 10/14 HEALTH INS 52-44-30-4510 10/14 HEALTH INS 01-00-00-3849 10/14 HEALTH INS 01-13-00-4510 10/14 DENTAL INS 01-14-00-4510 10/14 DENTAL INS 01-15-00-4510 10/14 DENTAL INS 01-16-00-4510 10/14 DENTAL INS 01-20-00-4510 10/14 DENTAL INS 01-20-10-4510 10/14 DENTAL INS 01-20-20-4510 10/14 DENTAL INS 01-30-00-4510 10/14 DENTAL INS 01-41-10-4510 10/14 DENTAL INS 01-66-00-4510 10/14 DENTAL INS 01-50-00-4510 10/14 DENTAL INS 01-64-00-4510 10/14 DENTAL INS 01-65-00-4510 10/14 DENTAL INS 01-71-00-4510 10/14 DENTAL INS 41-00-00-4510 10/14 DENTAL INS 41-65-00-4510 10/14 DENTAL INS 52-43-20-4510 10/14 DENTAL INS 52-44-30-4510 10/14 DENTAL INS 01-00-00-3849 10/14 DENTAL INS Page 1 87 10/01/14 $1,719.63 $578.01 $1,141.62 $3,433.44 $11,116.38 $52,595.40 $14,674.55 $2,310.90 $3,699.86 $46,135.52 $16,095.45 $1,391.16 $8,165.74 $2,294.73 $570.81 $578.01 $570.81 $578.01 $13,401.28 $7,411.25 $7,587.73 $10,340.85 $42,183.16 $116.21 $90.19 $65.96 $180.38 $567.18 $26.02 $26.02 $116.23 $65.96 $50.27 $26.02 $180.38 $32.98 $26.02 $32.98 $26.02 $45.10 $45.10 $7,207.21 10/01/14 $263,574.80 Board Listing Vendor Invoice For Meeting Dated 12/08/14 Description 01-13-00-4520 10/14 LIFE INS 01-14-00-4520 10/14 LIFE INS 01-15-00-4520 10/14 LIFE INS 01-16-00-4520 10/14 LIFE INS 01-20-00-4520 10/14 LIFE INS 01-20-10-4520 10/14 LIFE INS 01-20-20-4520 10/14 LIFE INS 01-20-40-4520 10/14 LIFE INS 01-30-00-4520 10/14 LIFE INS 01-31-00-4520 10/14 LIFE INS 01-41-10-4520 10/14 LIFE INS 01-66-00-4520 10/14 LIFE INS 01-50-00-4520 10/14 LIFE INS 01-64-00-4520 10/14 LIFE INS 01-65-00-4520 10/14 LIFE INS 01-71-00-4520 10/14 LIFE INS 41-00-00-4520 10/14 LIFE INS 41-65-00-4520 10/14 LIFE INS 52-43-20-4520 10/14 LIFE INS 52-43-30-4520 10/14 LIFE INS 52-44-20-4520 10/14 LIFE INS 52-44-30-4520 10/14 LIFE INS 01-00-00-3849 10/14 LIFE INS 01-15-00-5490 10/14 MEMBER FEE 01-15-00-5490 10/14 OVER/SHORT Vendor Total for: IPBC Generated by the Locis Software...printed 11/25/14 Inv. Date $11.78 $5.89 $5.89 $11.78 $41.23 $78.65 $35.85 $4.28 $14.99 $16.20 $44.41 $.88 $28.36 $11.78 $2.95 $2.43 $2.95 $5.89 $35.05 $20.87 $22.47 $27.02 $85.41 $50.50 $5,506.76 (Fiscal YTD Payments: $2296,196.48) Page 2 88 Due Date List #247 Amount $263,574.80 Board Listing For Meeting Dated 12/08/14 Generated by the Locis Software...printed 11/25/14 Page 3 89 List #247 Amount GENERAL FUND TIF DISTRICT #1 WATER & SEWER OPERATIONS Grand Total: Total Vendors: $223,421.42 $1,216.66 $38,936.72 $263,574.80 1 TOTAL FOR REGULAR CHECKS: 263574.80 Board Listing Vendor Invoice For Meeting Dated 01/26/15 Description Inv. Date Due Date List #255 Amount IPBC Invoice: 11/14 INSURANCE Generated by the Locis Software...printed 01/10/15 01-13-00-4510 11/14 HEALTH INS 01-14-00-4510 11/14 HEALTH INS 01-15-00-4510 11/14 HEALTH INS 01-16-00-4510 11/14 HEALTH INS 01-20-00-4510 11/14 HEALTH INS 01-20-10-4510 11/14 HEALTH INS 01-20-20-4510 11/14 HEALTH INS 01-20-40-4510 11/14 HEALTH INS 01-30-00-4510 11/14 HEALTH INS 01-31-00-4510 11/14 HEALTH INS 01-41-10-4510 11/14 HEALTH INS 01-66-00-4510 11/14 HEALTH INS 01-50-00-4510 11/14 HEALTH INS 01-64-00-4510 11/14 HEALTH INS 01-65-00-4510 11/14 HEALTH INS 01-71-00-4510 11/14 HEALTH INS 41-00-00-4510 11/14 HEALTH INS 41-65-00-4510 11/14 HEALTH INS 52-43-20-4510 11/14 HEALTH INS 52-43-30-4510 11/14 HEALTH INS 52-44-20-4510 11/14 HEALTH INS 52-44-20-4510 11/14 HEALTH INS 01-00-00-3849 11/14 HEALTH INS 01-13-00-4510 11/14 DENTAL INS 01-14-00-4510 11/14 DENTAL INS 01-15-00-4510 11/14 DENTAL INS 01-16-00-4510 11/14 DENTAL INS 01-20-00-4510 11/14 DENTAL INS 01-20-10-4510 11/14 DENTAL INS 01-20-20-4510 11/14 DENTAL INS 01-30-00-4510 11/14 DENTAL INS 01-41-10-4510 11/14 DENTAL INS 01-66-00-4510 11/14 DENTAL INS 01-50-00-4510 11/14 DENTAL INS 01-64-00-4510 11/14 DENTAL INS 01-65-00-4510 11/14 DENTAL INS 01-71-00-4510 11/14 DENTAL INS 41-00-00-4510 11/14 DENTAL INS 41-65-00-4510 11/14 DENTAL INS 52-43-20-4510 11/14 DENTAL INS 52-44-30-4510 11/14 DENTAL INS 01-00-00-3849 11/14 DENTAL INS Page 1 90 11/01/14 $1,719.63 $578.01 $1,141.62 $3,433.44 $11,116.38 $52,178.64 $14,674.55 $2,310.90 $3,699.86 $46,135.52 $16,095.45 $1,391.16 $7,587.73 $2,872.74 $570.81 $578.01 $570.81 $578.01 $13,401.28 $7,411.25 $7,587.73 $9,765.75 $41,852.52 $116.21 $90.19 $65.96 $180.38 $567.18 $26.02 $26.02 $116.23 $65.96 $50.27 $26.02 $206.40 $32.98 $26.02 $32.98 $26.02 $45.10 $45.10 $7,156.96 11/01/14 $263,574.35 Board Listing Vendor Invoice For Meeting Dated 01/26/15 Description 01-13-00-4520 11/14 LIFE INS 01-14-00-4520 11/14 LIFE INS 01-15-00-4520 11/14 LIFE INS 01-16-00-4520 11/14 LIFE INS 01-20-00-4520 11/14 LIFE INS 01-20-10-4520 11/14 LIFE INS 01-20-20-4520 11/14 LIFE INS 01-20-40-4520 11/14 LIFE INS 01-30-00-4520 11/14 LIFE INS 01-31-00-4520 11/14 LIFE INS 01-41-10-4520 11/14 LIFE INS 01-66-00-4520 11/14 LIFE INS 01-50-00-4520 11/14 LIFE INS 01-64-00-4520 11/14 LIFE INS 01-65-00-4520 11/14 LIFE INS 01-71-00-4520 11/14 LIFE INS 41-00-00-4520 11/14 LIFE INS 41-65-00-4520 11/14 LIFE INS 52-43-20-4520 11/14 LIFE INS 52-43-30-4520 11/14 LIFE INS 52-44-20-4520 11/14 LIFE INS 52-44-30-4520 11/14 LIFE INS 01-00-00-3849 11/14 LIFE INS 01-15-00-5490 11/14 MEMBER FEE 01-15-00-5490 11/14 OVER/SHORT Vendor Total for: IPBC Generated by the Locis Software...printed 01/10/15 Inv. Date $11.78 $5.89 $5.89 $11.78 $41.23 $78.65 $35.85 $4.28 $14.99 $16.20 $44.41 $.88 $28.36 $17.67 $2.95 $2.43 $2.95 $5.89 $35.05 $20.87 $22.47 $27.02 $87.23 $50.50 $6,845.33 (Fiscal YTD Payments: $2559,771.28) Page 2 91 Due Date List #255 Amount $263,574.35 Board Listing For Meeting Dated 01/26/15 Generated by the Locis Software...printed 01/10/15 Page 3 92 List #255 Amount GENERAL FUND TIF DISTRICT #1 WATER & SEWER OPERATIONS Grand Total: Total Vendors: $223,996.07 $1,216.66 $38,361.62 $263,574.35 1 TOTAL FOR REGULAR CHECKS: 263574.35 Board Listing Vendor Invoice For Meeting Dated 01/26/15 Description Inv. Date Due Date List #257 Amount IPBC Invoice: 12/14 INSURANCE Generated by the Locis Software...printed 01/20/15 01-13-00-4510 12/14 HEALTH INS 01-14-00-4510 12/14 HEALTH INS 01-15-00-4510 12/14 HEALTH INS 01-16-00-4510 12/14 HEALTH INS 01-20-00-4510 12/14 HEALTH INS 01-20-10-4510 12/14 HEALTH INS 01-20-20-4510 12/14 HEALTH INS 01-20-40-4510 12/14 HEALTH INS 01-30-00-4510 12/14 HEALTH INS 01-31-00-4510 12/14 HEALTH INS 01-41-10-4510 12/14 HEALTH INS 01-66-00-4510 12/14 HEALTH INS 01-50-00-4510 12/14 HEALTH INS 01-64-00-4510 12/14 HEALTH INS 01-65-00-4510 12/14 HEALTH INS 01-71-00-4510 12/14 HEALTH INS 41-00-00-4510 12/14 HEALTH INS 41-65-00-4510 12/14 HEALTH INS 52-43-20-4510 12/14 HEALTH INS 52-43-30-4510 12/14 HEALTH INS 52-44-20-4510 12/14 HEALTH INS 52-44-30-4510 12/14 HEALTH INS 01-00-00-3849 12/14 HEALTH INS 01-13-00-4510 12/14 DENTAL INS 01-14-00-4510 12/14 DENTAL INS 01-15-00-4510 12/14 DENTAL INS 01-16-00-4510 12/14 DENTAL INS 01-20-00-4510 12/14 DENTAL INS 01-20-10-4510 12/14 DENTAL INS 01-20-20-4510 12/14 DENTAL INS 01-30-00-4510 12/14 DENTAL INS 01-41-10-4510 12/14 DENTAL INS 01-66-00-4510 12/14 DENTAL INS 01-50-00-4510 12/14 DENTAL INS 01-64-00-4510 12/14 DENTAL INS 01-65-00-4510 12/14 DENTAL INS 01-71-00-4510 12/14 DENTAL INS 41-00-00-4510 12/14 DENTAL INS 41-65-00-4510 12/14 DENTAL INS 52-43-20-4510 12/14 DENTAL INS 52-44-30-4510 12/14 DENTAL INS 01-00-00-3849 12/14 DENTAL INS Page 1 93 12/01/14 $1,719.63 $578.01 $1,141.62 $3,433.44 $11,116.38 $51,419.51 $14,674.55 $2,310.90 $3,699.86 $46,135.52 $16,095.45 $1,391.16 $9,292.96 $2,872.74 $570.81 $578.01 $570.81 $578.01 $13,401.28 $7,411.25 $7,587.73 $9,765.75 $41,469.12 $116.21 $90.19 $65.96 $180.38 $567.18 $26.02 $26.02 $116.23 $65.96 $50.27 $26.02 $206.40 $32.98 $26.02 $32.98 $26.02 $45.10 $45.10 $7,042.52 12/01/14 $263,574.35 Board Listing Vendor Invoice For Meeting Dated 01/26/15 Description 01-13-00-4520 12/14 LIFE INS 01-14-00-4520 12/14 LIFE INS 01-15-00-4520 12/14 LIFE INS 01-16-00-4520 12/14 LIFE INS 01-20-00-4520 12/14 LIFE INS 01-20-10-4520 12/14 LIFE INS 01-20-20-4520 12/14 LIFE INS 01-20-40-4520 12/14 LIFE INS 01-30-00-4520 12/14 LIFE INS 01-31-00-4520 12/14 LIFE INS 01-41-10-4520 12/14 LIFE INS 01-66-00-4520 12/14 LIFE INS 01-50-00-4520 12/14 LIFE INS 01-64-00-4520 12/14 LIFE INS 01-65-00-4520 12/14 LIFE INS 01-71-00-4520 12/14 LIFE INS 41-00-00-4520 12/14 LIFE INS 41-65-00-4520 12/14 LIFE INS 52-43-20-4520 12/14 LIFE INS 52-43-30-4520 12/14 LIFE INS 52-44-20-4520 12/14 LIFE INS 52-44-30-4520 12/14 LIFE INS 01-00-00-3849 12/14 LIFE INS 01-15-00-5490 12/14 MEMBER FEE 01-15-00-5490 12/14 OVER/SHORT Vendor Total for: IPBC Generated by the Locis Software...printed 01/20/15 Inv. Date $11.78 $5.89 $5.89 $11.78 $41.23 $76.51 $35.85 $4.28 $14.99 $16.20 $44.41 $.88 $28.36 $17.67 $2.95 $2.43 $2.95 $5.89 $35.05 $20.87 $22.47 $27.02 $87.23 $50.50 $6,399.21 (Fiscal YTD Payments: $2823,345.63) Page 2 94 Due Date List #257 Amount $263,574.35 Board Listing For Meeting Dated 01/26/15 Generated by the Locis Software...printed 01/20/15 Page 3 95 List #257 Amount GENERAL FUND TIF DISTRICT #1 WATER & SEWER OPERATIONS Grand Total: Total Vendors: $223,996.07 $1,216.66 $38,361.62 $263,574.35 1 TOTAL FOR REGULAR CHECKS: 263574.35 Board Listing Vendor Invoice For Meeting Dated 01/26/15 Description Inv. Date Due Date List #254 Amount AMEREN IP Invoice: 12/14 01-41-10-5710 12/14 GAS SERVICE 01-41-10-5720 12/14 GAS SERVICE 52-43-30-5710 12/14 GAS SERVICE 01-34-00-5710 12/14 GAS SERVICE Vendor Total for: AMEREN IP BELLEVILLE NEWS DEMOCRAT Invoice: 1401262772 Invoice: 81648685 Invoice: 81648686 Invoice: 81650123 01-10-00-5530 PC PH NTC JOHNSON 01-31-10-6520 HEAD IMMOBILIZERS 01-31-10-6520 GAUZE 01-31-10-6520 GLOVES 01-31-10-6520 SPLINTS 01-31-10-6520 NASAL CANNULA 01-31-10-6520 GLUCS TEST STRIPS 01-31-10-6520 CATHETERS 01-31-10-6520 STERILE WATER 01-31-10-6520 COLD PACK Generated by the Locis Software...printed 01/09/15 11/25/14 $90.27 $214.46 01/09/15 $90.27 $572.11 12/29/14 01/09/15 $502.71 12/29/14 01/09/15 $16.99 12/30/14 01/09/15 $734.36 $48.00 $109.47 $309.00 $36.24 (Fiscal YTD Payments: $.00) 01/01/15 $2,186.00 $1,826.17 01/09/15 (Fiscal YTD Payments: $.00) 01-31-00-6520 BULBS,ALARM,LITTR Page 1 96 $90.27 01/09/15 $119.40 $44.70 $352.56 $55.45 $734.36 01-14-00-5360 01/15 JANITOR SRV $214.46 12/22/14 $16.99 01-31-10-6520 BACKBOARDS Vendor Total for: BUILDINGSTARS OPERATIONS, INC. CARD SERVICES Invoice: 12/14 01/09/15 (Fiscal YTD Payments: $.00) Vendor Total for: BOUND TREE MEDICAL, LLC BUILDINGSTARS OPERATIONS, INC. Invoice: 726614 $41.40 $135.01 $20.27 $17.78 (Fiscal YTD Payments: $.00) Vendor Total for: BELLEVILLE NEWS DEMOCRAT BOUND TREE MEDICAL, LLC Invoice: 81643868 01/05/15 12/26/14 $48.33 $2,186.00 $2,186.00 01/09/15 $378.99 Board Listing Vendor Invoice For Meeting Dated 01/26/15 Description 01-31-10-6520 CLIPPERS 01-31-00-6130 TRE PRSSR EQLIZRS Vendor Total for: CARD SERVICES CITY OF COLLINSVILLE Invoice: WORK COMP 173 Invoice: WORK COMP 174 Invoice: 31685955 Invoice: 31687889 Invoice: 31689815 $378.99 01/05/15 01/09/15 $2,671.00 01/08/15 01/09/15 $5,047.68 $1,987.73 $683.27 01-31-00-4540 RD: WORK COMP 52-43-20-4540 BS: WORK COMP 52-43-20-4540 DT: WORK COMP $2,040.53 $2,754.96 $252.19 (Fiscal YTD Payments: $.00) 01-14-00-5360 12/14 RUG SERVICE 01-14-00-5360 12/14 RUG SERVICE 01-14-00-5360 12/14 RUG SERVICE 01-14-00-5360 12/14 RUG SERVICE $7,718.68 12/04/14 01/09/15 $165.49 12/11/14 01/09/15 $165.49 12/18/14 01/09/15 $165.49 12/25/14 01/09/15 $165.49 $165.49 $165.49 $165.49 $165.49 (Fiscal YTD Payments: $.00) 01-65-00-5490 AD DESIGN 41-00-00-5490 PRKNG SIGN DESIGN Vendor Total for: CORKTREE CREATIVE FIDELITY SECURITY LIFE INS/EYEMED Invoice: 9677284 $16.66 $314.00 01-31-00-4540 RD: WORK COMP 52-43-20-4540 BS: WORK COMP Vendor Total for: CLEAN THE UNIFORM COMPANY HIGHLAND CORKTREE CREATIVE Invoice: 793 Due Date (Fiscal YTD Payments: $.00) Vendor Total for: CITY OF COLLINSVILLE CLEAN THE UNIFORM COMPANY HIGHLAND Invoice: 31684020 Inv. Date 01/02/15 $537.00 $275.00 $661.96 01/09/15 (Fiscal YTD Payments: $.00) 01-10-00-4510 VISION INSURANCE Vendor Total for: FIDELITY SECURITY LIFE INS/EYEMED List #254 Amount 01/01/15 $1,565.40 $812.00 $812.00 01/09/15 (Fiscal YTD Payments: $.00) $1,565.40 $1,565.40 FKG OIL Invoice: I-0059089 Generated by the Locis Software...printed 01/09/15 12/31/14 Page 2 97 01/09/15 $5,825.66 Board Listing Vendor Invoice For Meeting Dated 01/26/15 Description 01-20-10-6550 2,230.03 GAL GAS 01-20-00-6550 169.61 GAL GAS 01-20-40-6550 48.87 GAL GAS 01-20-20-6550 50.18 GAL GAS 01-64-00-6550 72.51 GAL GAS 01-66-00-6550 63.40 GAL GAS 01-30-00-6550 65.30 GAL GAS 01-31-00-6550 58.32 GAL GAS 01-65-00-6550 22.91 GAL GAS Vendor Total for: FKG OIL FLORISSANT PSYCHOLOGICAL SERVICES INC Invoice: 01/15 Invoice: 1070486277 Invoice: 1070486278 Invoice: 1070486279 Invoice: 1070486280 Invoice: 1070494575 01-15-00-5340 CS: PRE EMP EVAL 01-15-00-5340 JF: PRE EMP EVAL 01-15-00-5340 HF: PRE EMP EVAL 01-15-00-5340 TS: PRE EMP EVAL Invoice: 12/14 Generated by the Locis Software...printed 01/09/15 $4,677.72 $353.16 $108.80 $101.40 $150.29 $128.34 $132.15 $123.69 $50.11 01/02/15 $200.00 $200.00 $200.00 $200.00 $5,825.66 01/09/15 (Fiscal YTD Payments: $.00) 52-43-30-5930 WTR PLANT UNIFORM 52-43-20-5930 WTR LINES UNIFORM 52-44-30-5930 WW PLANT UNIFORMS 52-44-20-5930 WW LINES UNIFORMS 01-41-10-5930 UNIFORMS $800.00 01/09/15 $55.31 11/25/14 01/09/15 $69.73 11/25/14 01/09/15 $46.20 11/25/14 01/09/15 $56.21 11/25/14 01/09/15 $65.10 12/30/14 01/09/15 $65.10 $55.31 $69.73 $46.20 $56.21 $65.10 (Fiscal YTD Payments: $.00) 01/09/15 -$1,000.00 01/01/15 01/09/15 $112,977.95 -$1,000.00 01-10-00-5990 12/14 HOTEL TAX 01-10-00-5990 12/14 FOOD/BEV TX $71,771.53 $41,206.42 98 $357.65 01/01/15 01-00-00-3750 01/15 ADMIN FEE Page 3 $800.00 11/25/14 $65.10 01-41-10-5930 UNIFORMS Vendor Total for: G & K SERVICES - ST LOUIS GATEWAY CENTER Invoice: 01/15 ADMIN FEE Due Date (Fiscal YTD Payments: $.00) Vendor Total for: FLORISSANT PSYCHOLOGICAL SERVICES INC G & K SERVICES - ST LOUIS Invoice: 1070486276 Inv. Date List #254 Amount Board Listing Vendor Invoice For Meeting Dated 01/26/15 Description Vendor Total for: GATEWAY CENTER GIACOLETTO LAW OFFICE, PC Invoice: 12/14 LGL 01-10-00-5330 12/14 LEGAL 41-00-00-5330 TIF 01-10-00-5330 BENEFITS,RETAINER REIMBURSE TUITION & BOOKS 01-20-10-5640 JH: 9 UNDRGRD HRS 01-20-10-5640 JH: TEXTBOOKS 01/09/15 12/20/14 $2,916.00 $205.71 DD COLLINS HOUSE 01-12-00-5610 1 YR MEMBERSHIP 01/06/15 $50.00 01/09/15 Vendor Total for: IPM ILLINOIS POWER MARKETING 12/02/14 $1,562.09 $634.83 $1,080.90 $14,842.62 $837.16 $170.31 $194.07 $10,525.71 $908.36 $15,733.98 $35.95 $73.67 $3,121.71 $3,121.71 01/09/15 (Fiscal YTD Payments: $.00) 01-20-00-5710 11/14 ELEC SRVC 01-30-00-5710 11/14 ELEC SRVC 01-41-10-5710 11/14 ELEC SRVC 01-41-10-5720 11/14 ELEC SRVC 01-14-00-5710 11/14 ELEC SRVC 01-45-00-5710 11/14 ELEC SRVC 52-43-20-5710 11/14 ELEC SRVC 52-43-30-5710 11/14 ELEC SRVC 52-44-20-5710 11/14 ELEC SRVC 52-44-30-5710 11/14 ELEC SRVC 01-34-00-5710 11/14 ELEC SRVC 41-00-00-8100 11/14 ELEC SRVC $9,752.67 $9,752.67 (Fiscal YTD Payments: $.00) Vendor Total for: IL ASSOC. OF MUSEUMS IPM ILLINOIS POWER MARKETING Invoice: 4395714111 01/01/15 $4,115.41 $1,875.00 $3,762.26 $111,977.95 (Fiscal YTD Payments: $.00) Vendor Total for: HUNT, JOSHUA IL ASSOC. OF MUSEUMS Invoice: 2015 MEMBERSHIP Due Date (Fiscal YTD Payments: $.00) Vendor Total for: GIACOLETTO LAW OFFICE, PC HUNT, JOSHUA Invoice: FALL QTR 14 Inv. Date List #254 Amount $50.00 $50.00 01/09/15 (Fiscal YTD Payments: $.00) $46,599.65 $46,599.65 JOYCE, LEAH Invoice: 08/12/14 UPTOWN Generated by the Locis Software...printed 01/09/15 REIMBURSE UPTOWN LUNCH MEETING Page 4 99 08/12/14 01/09/15 $26.70 Board Listing Vendor Invoice Invoice: 10/29/14 UPTOWN Invoice: 12/02/14 ROTARY Invoice: 12/16/14 ROTARY For Meeting Dated 01/26/15 Description 41-65-00-5620 LJ: UPTOWN LUNCH 10/29/14 01/09/15 $22.80 REIMBURSE 12/02/14 ROTARY MEETING 12/02/14 01/09/15 $10.00 REIMBURSE 12/16/14 ROTARY MEETING 12/16/14 01/09/15 $10.00 41-65-00-5620 LJ: UPTOWN LUNCH 41-65-00-5620 LJ: ROTARY LUNCH 41-65-00-5620 LJ: ROTARY LUNCH 01-10-00-5490 DOC SERV DBLETREE 52-44-20-6120 GENERAC FUEL FLTR TICKET #97795 52-43-20-6140 2.09T EZ STREET 01-65-00-5490 ANALYSIS, REPORT 01-65-00-5540 MAPS,RPRTS,HNDOUT $50.00 01/09/15 12/10/14 $51.47 12/29/14 $250.80 12/29/14 $4,500.00 $304.08 01/06/15 $70.00 01/09/15 12/29/14 Page 5 100 $51.47 $51.47 01/09/15 $250.80 $250.80 01/09/15 $4,804.08 $4,804.08 01/09/15 (Fiscal YTD Payments: $.00) O'REILLY AUTOMOTIVE, INC. (788) Invoice: 1068-104425 $50.00 $50.00 (Fiscal YTD Payments: $.00) 01-14-00-5630 KW: MCI SEMINAR Vendor Total for: MUNICIPAL CLERKS OF ILLINOIS Generated by the Locis Software...printed 01/09/15 12/16/14 $69.50 (Fiscal YTD Payments: $.00) Vendor Total for: MORAN ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT, LLC MUNICIPAL CLERKS OF ILLINOIS Invoice: 01/15 SEMINAR $10.00 (Fiscal YTD Payments: $.00) Vendor Total for: MACLAIR ASPHALT SALES, LLC MORAN ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT, LLC Invoice: 466 $10.00 (Fiscal YTD Payments: $.00) Vendor Total for: LUBY EQUIPMENT SERVICES MACLAIR ASPHALT SALES, LLC Invoice: 21184 $22.80 (Fiscal YTD Payments: $.00) Vendor Total for: KELLERMAN INVESTIGATIONS LUBY EQUIPMENT SERVICES Invoice: P05380 $26.70 Due Date REIMBURSE UPTOWN LUNCH MEETING Vendor Total for: JOYCE, LEAH KELLERMAN INVESTIGATIONS Invoice: 139969 Inv. Date List #254 Amount $70.00 $70.00 01/09/15 $105.84 Board Listing Vendor Invoice For Meeting Dated 01/26/15 Description Inv. Date 52-43-20-6130 #33 WET BATTERY $105.84 Vendor Total for: O'REILLY AUTOMOTIVE, INC. O'REILLY AUTOMOTIVE, INC. (967) Invoice: 1068-102379 Invoice: 9141870 (15) (Fiscal YTD Payments: $.00) 01-31-00-6520 LIFT SUPPORTS Vendor Total for: O'REILLY AUTOMOTIVE, INC. ORKIN EXTERMINATING CO., INC. Invoice: 3231175 (15) (788) (967) 12/17/14 $34.36 $105.84 01/09/15 (Fiscal YTD Payments: $.00) 01/2015-12/2015 52-43-20-5110 1 YR PEST CONTROL 52-43-30-5110 1 YR PEST CONTROL 01/2015-12/2015 52-44-30-5110 1 YR PEST CONTROL Vendor Total for: ORKIN EXTERMINATING CO., INC. PECKHAM, GUYTON, ALBERS & VIETS, INC Invoice: 104067 Due Date Vendor Total for: PECKHAM, GUYTON, ALBERS & VIETS, INC $34.36 $34.36 12/31/14 01/09/15 $848.16 12/31/14 01/09/15 $2,019.96 $424.08 $424.08 $2,019.96 (Fiscal YTD Payments: $.00) 41-00-00-5490 RSEARCH,CONSULTNG List #254 Amount 01/02/15 $1,520.24 $2,868.12 01/09/15 (Fiscal YTD Payments: $.00) $1,520.24 $1,520.24 RADIO SHACK Invoice: 036341 52-44-30-6520 CABLE, BATTERIES Vendor Total for: RADIO SHACK SECAP FINANCE Invoice: 2374561-DC14 Generated by the Locis Software...printed 01/09/15 $61.84 01/09/15 (Fiscal YTD Payments: $.00) 12/10/14-01/10/15 01-14-00-5930 MAIL MACHINE Vendor Total for: SECAP FINANCE STAPLES ADVANTAGE Invoice: 3251597524 12/30/14 12/23/14 $136.86 $61.84 01/09/15 (Fiscal YTD Payments: $.00) 12/17/14 52-44-20-6510 PRINTER INK 52-43-20-6510 PRINTER INK $359.97 $14.99 Page 6 101 $61.84 $136.86 $136.86 01/09/15 $387.40 Board Listing Vendor Invoice Invoice: 3251656817 Invoice: 3251731022 Invoice: 3251893983 For Meeting Dated 01/26/15 Description 52-43-30-6510 ACCORDION FILE 52-43-20-6510 PRINTER INK TECH ELECTRONICS, INC. Invoice: I141229526 $12.44 01/09/15 $14.99 12/19/14 01/09/15 $62.94 12/20/14 01/09/15 $138.99 $62.94 52-44-20-6510 JULIE PRNTR TONER Due Date 12/18/14 $14.99 52-43-30-6510 PRINTER INK Vendor Total for: STAPLES ADVANTAGE Inv. Date $138.99 (Fiscal YTD Payments: $.00) 01/28/15-04/27/15 01-14-00-5120 FIRE ALARM MAINT Vendor Total for: TECH ELECTRONICS, INC. List #254 Amount 01/06/15 $396.00 $604.32 01/09/15 (Fiscal YTD Payments: $.00) $396.00 $396.00 TEKLAB INC Invoice: 169560 Invoice: 169561 52-44-30-5490 12/14 SLUDGE SMPL 52-44-30-5490 12/14 SLUDGE SMPL Vendor Total for: TEKLAB INC U.S. POST OFFICE Invoice: 01/15 PERMIT 21 Vendor Total for: VERIZON WIRELESS VILLAGE LOCKSMITH Invoice: 18418 Generated by the Locis Software...printed 01/09/15 01/09/15 $362.00 12/29/14 01/09/15 $362.00 $362.00 $362.00 (Fiscal YTD Payments: $.00) 52-43-00-5510 PERMIT 21 PRESORT Vendor Total for: U.S. POST OFFICE VERIZON WIRELESS (PD) Invoice: 9737501082 12/29/14 01/07/15 $5,000.00 $724.00 01/09/15 (Fiscal YTD Payments: $.00) 01-20-00-5520 11/21-12/20 CELL 01-20-10-5520 11/21-12/20 CELL 01-20-20-5520 11/21-12/20 CELL 01-20-40-5520 11/21-12/20 CELL (PD) 12/20/14 $331.87 $451.33 $91.99 $58.76 $5,000.00 01/09/15 (Fiscal YTD Payments: $.00) 52-43-20-6520 GATE PADLOCK KEYS Page 7 102 12/29/14 $4.35 $5,000.00 $933.95 $933.95 01/09/15 $4.35 Board Listing Vendor Invoice (VILLAGE LOCKSMITH Cont'd) Invoice: 48031 For Meeting Dated 01/26/15 Description VIVIANO HEATING & COOLING, INC. Invoice: C02671 Invoice: C02679 $60.00 Due Date 01/09/15 (Fiscal YTD Payments: $.00) 01-14-00-5110 SVC CALL TRNG RM 01-14-00-5110 RPL ROLLOUT, FAN Vendor Total for: VIVIANO HEATING & COOLING, INC. Generated by the Locis Software...printed 01/09/15 12/01/14 01-14-00-5110 RPL 2 LOCKS Vendor Total for: VILLAGE LOCKSMITH Inv. Date 103 $60.00 $64.35 12/22/14 01/09/15 $226.50 12/29/14 01/09/15 $230.00 $226.50 $230.00 (Fiscal YTD Payments: $.00) Page 8 List #254 Amount $456.50 Board Listing For Meeting Dated 01/26/15 Generated by the Locis Software...printed 01/09/15 Page 9 104 List #254 Amount GENERAL FUND TIF DISTRICT #1 WATER & SEWER OPERATIONS Grand Total: Total Vendors: $167,357.04 $3,813.41 $40,971.00 $212,141.45 36 TOTAL FOR REGULAR CHECKS: TOTAL FOR DIRECT PAY VENDORS: $163,355.80 $48,785.65 Board Listing Vendor Invoice For Meeting Dated 01/26/15 Description Inv. Date Due Date List #256 Amount ABC SUPPLY CO., INC. Invoice: 37945228 CARD SHED 12/26/14 01/16/15 $81.89 Invoice: 38057760 CARD SHED 01/06/15 01/16/15 -$56.92 52-43-30-8200 SIDING TOOL 52-43-30-8200 RTN SIDING Vendor Total for: ABC SUPPLY CO., INC. B & H PHOTO-VIDEO Invoice: 91150574 -$56.92 (Fiscal YTD Payments: $.00) 01-16-00-6520 CABLE TSTR,CABLES Vendor Total for: B & H PHOTO-VIDEO BEELMAN LOGISTICS LLC Invoice: 419590 $81.89 12/24/14 $323.56 $24.97 01/16/15 (Fiscal YTD Payments: $.00) $323.56 $323.56 CLAY STREET WATER LINE 01/02/15 01/16/15 $920.24 Invoice: 420281 BOL #551664-1 01/08/15 01/16/15 $461.76 Invoice: 420282 BOL #400012621 01/08/15 01/16/15 $445.79 41-00-00-8500 106.14T CA6B 52-44-30-6560 24T HYDRD LIME 52-43-30-6560 26.30T QUICKLIME Vendor Total for: BEELMAN LOGISTICS LLC BELLEVILLE NEWS DEMOCRAT Invoice: 1401265030 01-10-00-5530 PC PH NTC ZONING Generated by the Locis Software...printed 01/16/15 $445.79 12/23/14 $116.82 $1,827.79 01/16/15 (Fiscal YTD Payments: $90.27) 12/29/14 01-20-10-6130 #12 4 TIRES 01-20-10-6130 #17 2 TIRES Vendor Total for: BEN TIRE DISTRIBUTORS BIGGS BROS SERVICE CENTER Invoice: 1628-9 $461.76 (Fiscal YTD Payments: $.00) Vendor Total for: BELLEVILLE NEWS DEMOCRAT BEN TIRE DISTRIBUTORS Invoice: 10200197 $920.24 $449.08 $260.82 $116.82 01/16/15 (Fiscal YTD Payments: $.00) 12/17/14 01-31-10-5130 #1241 TESTED 01-31-10-5130 #1242 TESTED $21.50 $21.50 Page 1 105 $116.82 $709.90 $709.90 01/16/15 $64.50 Board Listing Vendor Invoice Invoice: 2629-24 Invoice: 2629-47 Invoice: 2629-49 For Meeting Dated 01/26/15 Description 01-31-10-5130 #1244 TESTED $21.50 01-71-00-5130 SHTTL BUS INSPCTN 01-71-00-5130 SHTTL BUS INSPCTN 52-44-20-5120 TV TRUCK TESTED 52-44-20-5130 #6 TESTED 52-44-20-5130 #9 TESTED Vendor Total for: BIGGS BROS SERVICE CENTER Inv. Date Due Date List #256 Amount 08/27/14 01/16/15 $21.50 11/25/14 01/16/15 $21.50 11/26/14 01/16/15 $64.00 $21.50 $21.50 $21.00 $21.50 $21.50 (Fiscal YTD Payments: $.00) $171.50 BIO-FRESH Invoice: 8419 Invoice: 8423 Invoice: 8429 01-20-10-5490 BIO CLEAN CELLS 01-20-10-5490 BIO CLEAN CELL 01-20-10-5490 BIO CLEAN CELL Vendor Total for: BIO-FRESH BLUE LINE LEARNING GROUP, LLC Invoice: 10B9063R14 01-20-10-5630 74 BLOOD PATH CRS 01-20-10-5630 74 HAZ MATL CRS Invoice: 727452 01-41-10-6530 SQUEEGES, HANDLES 12/30/14 01/16/15 $135.00 01/05/15 01/16/15 $135.00 $135.00 $135.00 10/29/14 $814.00 $814.00 $605.00 01/16/15 12/29/14 $120.35 01-14-00-5360 12/14 JANITOR SUP 01-20-00-6540 12/14 JANITOR SUP 01/16/15 106 $120.35 $120.35 12/31/14 01/16/15 $141.72 12/31/14 01/16/15 $291.49 $141.72 $291.49 (Fiscal YTD Payments: $2,186.00) Page 2 $1,628.00 $1,628.00 (Fiscal YTD Payments: $.00) Vendor Total for: BUILDINGSTARS OPERATIONS, INC. Generated by the Locis Software...printed 01/16/15 $335.00 (Fiscal YTD Payments: $.00) Vendor Total for: BRUSKE PRODUCTS BUILDINGSTARS OPERATIONS, INC. Invoice: 727451 01/16/15 $335.00 (Fiscal YTD Payments: $.00) Vendor Total for: BLUE LINE LEARNING GROUP, LLC BRUSKE PRODUCTS Invoice: 864093 12/29/14 $433.21 Board Listing Vendor Invoice BUTCH ASHMANN EXCAVATING, INC. Invoice: ORD3972-158 For Meeting Dated 01/26/15 Description 01-34-00-5930 RENT,GARAGE & W&S Vendor Total for: BUTCH ASHMANN EXCAVATING, INC. BUTLER SUPPLY, INC. Invoice: 11901363 52-44-30-6150 BREAKER HANDLES 01-20-40-5710 W&S 10/17-12/12 01-20-10-5130 #5 INSTL BATTERY 52-44-30-5510 SHIP METER, PROBE 52-44-30-6520 KEROSENE 52-44-30-6530 THREAD CUTTERS $564.00 01/16/15 12/26/14 $172.20 12/30/14 $123.99 12/26/14 $27.91 $100.00 $240.46 01-30-00-4710 JA: JACKET 01-31-00-6530 WRNCH,CHNSW CHAIN 12/26/14 $39.99 $142.28 01/16/15 12/26/14 Page 3 107 $172.20 $172.20 01/16/15 $123.99 $123.99 01/16/15 $368.37 $368.37 01/16/15 (Fiscal YTD Payments: $.00) CARD SERVICES Invoice: 12/14 $564.00 $564.00 (Fiscal YTD Payments: $.00) Vendor Total for: CARD SERVICES Generated by the Locis Software...printed 01/16/15 01/02/15 $795.00 $795.00 (Fiscal YTD Payments: $.00) Vendor Total for: CARD SERVICES CARD SERVICES Invoice: 12/14 01/16/15 (Fiscal YTD Payments: $.00) Vendor Total for: C'VILLE AUTO INC. CARD SERVICES Invoice: 12/14 $795.00 (Fiscal YTD Payments: $.00) Vendor Total for: C OF C W & S FUND C'VILLE AUTO INC. Invoice: 137 01/15/15 Due Date (Fiscal YTD Payments: $.00) Vendor Total for: BUTLER SUPPLY, INC. C OF C W & S FUND Invoice: 76640712 12/14 Inv. Date List #256 Amount $182.27 $182.27 01/16/15 $9.04 Board Listing Vendor Invoice For Meeting Dated 01/26/15 Description 01-20-00-5510 SHIP EVIDENCE Vendor Total for: CARD SERVICES CARD SERVICES Invoice: 12/14 01-20-00-5620 F/P INTRVW LUNCH 01-20-00-5620 F/P INTRVW LUNCH 01-20-00-6520 INFANT/CHILD SEAT 01-20-10-5130 CAR WASH CARDS 01-20-00-5370 SOCIAL MEDIA SRVC 01-16-00-5490 ADOBE WBSTE UPGRD 01-16-00-5490 FLUX WEBSITE LINE 01-16-00-5490 CCTV: MUSIC ONLNE 01-16-00-5490 ADOBE WEBSITE 01-16-00-5490 CCTV: WBSTE TMPLT 41-65-00-6520 LJ: IPAD KEYBOARD 01-16-00-5490 ADOBE CLOUD 01-20-10-6520 CMRA BTTRY BCKUPS $79.40 $73.48 $62.17 $360.00 $14.99 01/16/15 12/26/14 $6.59 $49.95 $9.95 $30.00 $49.00 $67.81 $49.99 12/15/14 $312.00 01-30-00-5710 01/15 INTERNET 01-30-00-5520 01/11-02/10 PHONE 01-30-00-6520 LATE FEE 01/01/15 $55.00 $198.02 $3.78 01/16/15 12/26/14 Page 4 108 $263.29 $263.29 01/16/15 $312.00 $312.00 01/16/15 (Fiscal YTD Payments: $.00) CHARTER COMMUNICATIONS Invoice: 01/15 $590.04 $590.04 (Fiscal YTD Payments: $.00) Vendor Total for: CHARTER COMMUNICATIONS Generated by the Locis Software...printed 01/16/15 12/26/14 $9.04 (Fiscal YTD Payments: $.00) Vendor Total for: CDW GOVERNMENT, INC. CHARTER COMMUNICATIONS Invoice: 01/15 $9.04 (Fiscal YTD Payments: $.00) Vendor Total for: CARD SERVICES CDW GOVERNMENT, INC. Invoice: RJ74497 Due Date (Fiscal YTD Payments: $.00) Vendor Total for: CARD SERVICES CARD SERVICES Invoice: 12/14 Inv. Date List #256 Amount $256.80 $256.80 01/16/15 $127.36 Board Listing Vendor Invoice For Meeting Dated 01/26/15 Description 01-41-10-5520 01/04-02/03 TELE Vendor Total for: CHARTER COMMUNICATIONS CHARTER COMMUNICATIONS Invoice: 01/15 Invoice: 40278565 Invoice: 40279351 52-43-20-6170 ACID BASED CLEANR CNCL APPROVED 1/12/15, OSTLE DRIVE 52-44-20-8500 EMERGENCY REPAIRS Generated by the Locis Software...printed 01/16/15 12/31/14 $219.05 12/18/14 $59,101.92 01-41-10-5290 MATS, MOPS, TWLS 01-20-00-5490 MATS,TWLS,BLNKTS 01-20-00-5490 MATS,TWLS,BLNKTS 01/16/15 01/16/15 Page 5 109 $59,101.92 $59,101.92 01/01/15 01/16/15 $157.60 12/31/14 01/16/15 $85.59 01/07/15 01/16/15 $174.43 $157.60 $85.59 $174.43 01/08/15 $1,343.37 $417.62 01/16/15 (Fiscal YTD Payments: $.00) 01-41-10-6110 WTR HTR ELEMENT $219.05 $219.05 (Fiscal YTD Payments: $661.96) 01-00-00-2215 12/14 RPLCMNT TAX $75.00 $75.00 (Fiscal YTD Payments: $.00) Vendor Total for: COLLINSVILLE PUBLIC LIBRARY DIST CONNOR COMPANY Invoice: S6441368.001 01/16/15 (Fiscal YTD Payments: $.00) Vendor Total for: CLEAN THE UNIFORM COMPANY HIGHLAND COLLINSVILLE PUBLIC LIBRARY DIST Invoice: 12-14 REPL $75.00 $127.36 (Fiscal YTD Payments: $.00) Vendor Total for: CHRIST BROS PRODUCTS, LLC CLEAN THE UNIFORM COMPANY HIGHLAND Invoice: 31691671 $127.36 01/06/15 01-00-00-3840 WIFI SERVICE Vendor Total for: CHEMCO INDUSTRIES, INC CHRIST BROS PRODUCTS, LLC Invoice: 1886 Due Date (Fiscal YTD Payments: $.00) Vendor Total for: CHARTER COMMUNICATIONS CHEMCO INDUSTRIES, INC Invoice: 68419 Inv. Date List #256 Amount 12/18/14 $18.48 $1,343.37 $1,343.37 01/16/15 $18.48 Board Listing Vendor Invoice For Meeting Dated 01/26/15 Description Vendor Total for: CONNOR COMPANY CUMMINS MID-SOUTH LLC Invoice: 026-68024 Due Date (Fiscal YTD Payments: $.00) 52-43-30-5120 REP GENERATOR Vendor Total for: CUMMINS MID-SOUTH LLC DICTATION & PRINTERS OFFICE PRODUCTS Invoice: 13558 Inv. Date 09/29/14 $2,604.32 $18.48 01/16/15 (Fiscal YTD Payments: $.00) 01/05/15 01-20-20-6520 3 HEADSETS Vendor Total for: DICTATION & PRINTERS OFFICE PRODUCTS $105.00 01-13-00-5620 SW: LUNCHEON 01-30-00-5620 ME: LUNCHEON 01-20-00-5620 SE: LUNCHEON 01-41-10-5620 RC: LUNCHEON 01-64-00-5620 MB: LUNCHEON 41-65-00-5620 LJ: LUNCHEON 01-13-00-5620 RG: LUNCHEON 01-13-00-5620 GP: LUNCHEON 01-13-00-5620 TBD: LUNCHEON 01-13-00-5620 TBD: LUNCHEON 11/14/14 $37.50 $37.50 $37.50 $37.50 $37.50 $37.50 $37.50 $37.50 $37.50 $37.50 01/16/15 STREETSCAPE LIGHT POLE 41-00-00-8500 INSTALL OUTLET Vendor Total for: ELECTRICO, INC EMPIRE FENCE & CUSTOM IRON WORKS Invoice: 12757 01/16/15 $278.02 41-00-00-8500 REP DOG PARK FNCE 12/31/14 $1,185.00 (Fiscal YTD Payments: $.00) Page 6 110 $375.00 $375.00 01/16/15 (Fiscal YTD Payments: $.00) Vendor Total for: EMPIRE FENCE & CUSTOM IRON WORKS Generated by the Locis Software...printed 01/16/15 12/31/14 $105.00 $105.00 Vendor Total for: EAST-WEST GATEWAY COUNCIL OF GOVERNMENTS(Fiscal YTD Payments: $.00) ELECTRICO, INC Invoice: 14582-03 $2,604.32 $2,604.32 (Fiscal YTD Payments: $.00) EAST-WEST GATEWAY COUNCIL OF GOVERNMENTS Invoice: 14 LUNCHEON List #256 Amount $278.02 $278.02 01/16/15 $1,185.00 $1,185.00 Board Listing Vendor Invoice ERB TURF & UTILITY EQUIP, INC Invoice: 327281 Invoice: 327307 For Meeting Dated 01/26/15 Description 52-44-20-6120 SCAG FLTRS, SEAL 52-44-20-6120 SCAG SPARK PLUGS Vendor Total for: ERB TURF & UTILITY EQUIP, INC FEDDER OIL COMPANY Invoice: 69873 Invoice: 69911 Invoice: 69912 Invoice: 69913 01-41-10-6550 117 GAL DIESEL 01-31-10-6550 276 GAL DIESEL 01-31-00-6550 251 GAL DIESEL 52-43-20-6550 25 GAL DIESEL 52-44-20-6550 243 GAL GAS 01/06/15 01/16/15 $27.14 01/07/15 01/16/15 $7.78 $27.14 $7.78 52-43-20-6550 470 GAL DIESEL $34.92 12/24/14 01/16/15 $1,519.31 01/08/15 01/16/15 $424.28 01/08/15 01/16/15 $228.75 01/08/15 01/16/15 $916.03 $265.71 $626.80 $570.03 $56.77 $424.28 52-44-30-6550 25 GAL HYD OIL $228.75 $916.03 (Fiscal YTD Payments: $.00) 01-41-10-5620 RC: 2014 FESTIVAL 01-41-10-5620 MM: 2014 FESTIVAL 01-13-00-5620 JJ: 2014 FESTIVAL 01-13-00-5620 SW: 2014 FESTIVAL 01-16-00-5620 MA: 2014 FESTIVAL 01-10-00-5620 MT: 2014 FESTIVAL 01-10-00-5620 JK: 2014 FESTIVAL 01-10-00-5620 JM: 2014 FESTIVAL 01-10-00-5620 NM: 2014 FESTIVAL 01-65-00-5620 EK: 2014 FESTIVAL 52-43-20-5620 DK: 2014 FESTIVAL 01-30-00-5620 DK: 2014 FESTIVAL 01-30-00-5620 JK: 2014 FESTIVAL 01-20-00-5620 SE: 2014 FESTIVAL 01-00-00-3840 REIMB 7 FOT GUEST Vendor Total for: FESTIVAL OF TREES Generated by the Locis Software...printed 01/16/15 Due Date (Fiscal YTD Payments: $.00) Vendor Total for: FEDDER OIL COMPANY FESTIVAL OF TREES Invoice: 12/14 Inv. Date 12/03/14 $40.00 $40.00 $40.00 $40.00 $40.00 $40.00 $40.00 $40.00 $40.00 $40.00 $40.00 $40.00 $40.00 $40.00 $280.00 (Fiscal YTD Payments: $.00) Page 7 111 List #256 Amount $3,088.37 01/16/15 $840.00 $840.00 Board Listing Vendor Invoice For Meeting Dated 01/26/15 Description FLORISSANT VALLEY FIRE PROTECTN DISTRICT Invoice: 3432 01-30-00-5630 ME: LEADERSHP CLS Vendor Total for: FLORISSANT VALLEY FIRE PROTECTN DISTRICT G & K SERVICES - ST LOUIS Invoice: 1070496257 Invoice: 1070496258 Invoice: 1070496259 Invoice: 1070496260 HARTZ SECOND CHANCE Invoice: 07/14 Invoice: 08/14 Invoice: 09/14 Invoice: 10/14 Invoice: 11/14 Invoice: 12/14 52-43-20-5930 WTR LINES UNIFORM 52-44-30-5930 WW PLANT UNIFORMS 52-44-20-5930 WW LINES UNIFORMS Invoice: 01210996 01/16/15 $50.00 01/16/15 $51.53 01/06/15 01/16/15 $65.95 01/06/15 01/16/15 $46.20 01/06/15 01/16/15 $59.99 $51.53 $65.95 $46.20 $59.99 01/16/15 $1,389.25 08/01/14 01/16/15 $873.50 09/01/14 01/16/15 $844.65 10/01/14 01/16/15 $1,221.50 11/01/14 01/16/15 $533.00 12/01/14 01/16/15 $474.50 01-20-40-5490 SPAYS & NEUTERS $873.50 $844.65 01-20-40-5490 SPAYS & NEUTERS $1,221.50 01-20-40-5490 SPAYS & NEUTERS $533.00 01-20-40-5490 SPAYS & NEUTERS $223.67 07/01/14 $1,389.25 01-20-40-5490 SPAYS & NEUTERS $474.50 (Fiscal YTD Payments: $.00) 01-31-10-6520 CYLINDERS 01/16/15 $107.95 12/29/14 01/16/15 $20.00 $20.00 (Fiscal YTD Payments: $.00) Page 8 112 $5,336.40 12/31/14 $107.95 01-31-10-6520 OXYGEN $50.00 01/06/15 01-20-40-5490 SPAYS & NEUTERS Vendor Total for: HELGET GAS PRODUCTS, INC Generated by the Locis Software...printed 01/16/15 $50.00 (Fiscal YTD Payments: $357.65) Vendor Total for: HARTZ SECOND CHANCE HELGET GAS PRODUCTS, INC Invoice: 00861728 01/07/15 Due Date (Fiscal YTD Payments: $.00) 52-43-30-5930 WTR PLANT UNIFORM Vendor Total for: G & K SERVICES - ST LOUIS Inv. Date List #256 Amount $127.95 Board Listing Vendor Invoice HEROS IN STYLE Invoice: 135535 Invoice: 88 Invoice: 89 For Meeting Dated 01/26/15 Description 01-20-10-4710 TW: PANTS HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES - 9016 Invoice: 01/15 Invoice: 170-3714-1 $103.98 12/29/14 01/16/15 $54.49 12/29/14 01/16/15 $36.00 $36.00 (Fiscal YTD Payments: $.00) 01-31-00-6520 EAR PROTECTN,WAND 01-31-00-6520 FUEL MIX Vendor Total for: HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES - 9016 HURST-ROSCHE ENGINEERS, INC Invoice: 170-2323-15 01/16/15 $54.49 01-20-00-4710 RW: EMBROIDERY Due Date 12/22/14 $103.98 01-20-00-4710 EH: SHIRT Vendor Total for: HEROS IN STYLE Inv. Date 01/05/15 $96.65 $23.84 $194.47 01/16/15 (Fiscal YTD Payments: $.00) PROJECT #170-2323, ORD 4669 $120.49 01/16/15 $21,359.00 01/07/15 01/16/15 $12,000.00 $21,250.50 $60.50 $48.00 41-00-00-5320 WTR TWR DESIGN $12,000.00 Vendor Total for: HURST-ROSCHE ENGINEERS, INC $120.49 01/07/15 52-43-30-5320 BASIC DESIGN SRVC 52-43-30-5320 ENGINEER HOURS 52-43-30-5320 CLERICAL HOURS PROJECT #170-3714, CLAY STREET List #256 Amount (Fiscal YTD Payments: $.00) $33,359.00 IAHPC Invoice: 2015 MEMBERSHIP 01-12-00-5610 1 YR IAHPC DUES Vendor Total for: IAHPC IL BUSINESS JOURNAL, INC Invoice: 7481 Generated by the Locis Software...printed 01/16/15 $50.00 01/16/15 (Fiscal YTD Payments: $.00) 01/01/15 41-65-00-5530 01/15 AD TIF Vendor Total for: IL BUSINESS JOURNAL, INC IL ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY Invoice: 119428ABI (15) 01/07/15 $600.00 $50.00 01/16/15 (Fiscal YTD Payments: $.00) ID # 119428ABI 12/31/14 Page 9 113 $50.00 $600.00 $600.00 01/16/15 $235.00 Board Listing Vendor Invoice For Meeting Dated 01/26/15 Description 52-44-30-5490 2015 SITE FEE (Fiscal YTD Payments: $.00) 01-30-00-5610 ME: 2015 MMBRSHP Vendor Total for: IL FIREFIGHTER'S ASSOC., INC. IMCO UTILITY SUPPLY CO. Invoice: 1067017-00 E CLAY ST WATER MAIN 41-00-00-8500 INSTAVALVE PLUS 52-44-20-6130 DMP TRCK MOULDING Generated by the Locis Software...printed 01/16/15 01/08/15 $24.45 $417.00 12/30/14 $908.50 01/16/15 12/31/14 $4,837.40 01/16/15 Page 10 114 12/11/14 $24.45 $24.45 01/16/15 $417.00 $417.00 01/16/15 $908.50 $908.50 01/16/15 (Fiscal YTD Payments: $.00) REIMBURSE FALL 2014 TUITION/BOOKS $2,498.00 $2,498.00 (Fiscal YTD Payments: $.00) 01-20-10-6520 AMMUNITION $95.00 $95.00 (Fiscal YTD Payments: $.00) 52-44-30-6110 HVAC UNIT Vendor Total for: KIESLER'S POLICE SUPPLY, INC. KLUCKER, NICK Invoice: FALL 2014 12/30/14 $2,498.00 12/21/14 01-20-00-5110 REP HEATER Vendor Total for: JOHNSTONE SUPPLY CO KIESLER'S POLICE SUPPLY, INC. Invoice: 0744463 01/16/15 (Fiscal YTD Payments: $.00) Vendor Total for: JARRELL MECHANICAL CONTRACTORS JOHNSTONE SUPPLY CO Invoice: 1015561 $95.00 (Fiscal YTD Payments: $.00) Vendor Total for: JACK SCHMITT FORD JARRELL MECHANICAL CONTRACTORS Invoice: 190904 12/15/14 $235.00 (Fiscal YTD Payments: $.00) Vendor Total for: IMCO UTILITY SUPPLY CO. JACK SCHMITT FORD Invoice: 263482 Due Date $235.00 Vendor Total for: IL ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY IL FIREFIGHTER'S ASSOC., INC. Invoice: 469 Inv. Date List #256 Amount $4,837.40 $4,837.40 01/16/15 $183.00 Board Listing Vendor Invoice For Meeting Dated 01/26/15 Description 01-31-00-5640 NK: 1 UNDERGRD HR 01-31-00-5640 NK: TEXTBOOK Vendor Total for: KLUCKER, NICK Inv. Date Due Date List #256 Amount $147.00 $36.00 (Fiscal YTD Payments: $.00) $183.00 KONE INC Invoice: 221651445 01-14-00-5120 01/15 ELEV MAINT Vendor Total for: KONE INC KUECHLE, MARK Invoice: 12/14 CLOTHING $272.40 01/16/15 (Fiscal YTD Payments: $.00) REIMBURSE JACKET 12/21/14 01-20-10-4710 MK: JACKET Vendor Total for: KUECHLE, MARK LEON UNIFORM COMPANY,INC Invoice: 335322 01/01/15 $24.81 $272.40 01/16/15 (Fiscal YTD Payments: $.00) INITIAL ISSUE 12/02/14 01-20-10-4710 BP: 2 VESTS Vendor Total for: LEON UNIFORM COMPANY,INC $1,084.50 $272.40 $24.81 $24.81 01/16/15 (Fiscal YTD Payments: $.00) $1,084.50 $1,084.50 LEXIS NEXIS Invoice: 110335020141231 01-20-10-5490 BACKGROUND RPTS Vendor Total for: LEXIS NEXIS LHOIST NORTH AMERICA OF MISSOURI, INC Invoice: 1141906319 BOL #400012621 52-43-30-6560 26.3T QUICKLIME 01/16/15 12/30/14 $4,365.80 01/07/15 $44.44 (Fiscal YTD Payments: $.00) Page 11 115 $61.25 $61.25 01/16/15 (Fiscal YTD Payments: $.00) 52-43-20-6520 STEEL Vendor Total for: LICKENBROCK & SONS, INC Generated by the Locis Software...printed 01/16/15 $61.25 (Fiscal YTD Payments: $.00) Vendor Total for: LHOIST NORTH AMERICA OF MISSOURI, INC LICKENBROCK & SONS, INC Invoice: 042812 12/31/14 $4,365.80 $4,365.80 01/16/15 $44.44 $44.44 Board Listing Vendor Invoice LONDON SHOE SHOP Invoice: 01/09/15 EN BTS For Meeting Dated 01/26/15 Description 52-44-20-4710 EN: BOOTS 2015 Vendor Total for: LONDON SHOE SHOP LUBY EQUIPMENT SERVICES Invoice: V07642 01-20-10-5120 GENERATOR MAINT TICKET #97799, 97808 18-00-00-6140 5.04T EZ STREET 01-31-00-5610 HAZMAT DUES 2015 Invoice: 171507 (14) Invoice: 171975 Invoice: 172024 Invoice: 172097 (15) Generated by the Locis Software...printed 01/16/15 12/09/14 $1,179.00 01/05/15 $604.80 01/02/15 $300.00 52-44-30-6120 KUBOTA WIPER ASSY 01/02/15 $93.20 01/16/15 01-41-10-6130 PRIMR,HRDNR,PAINT 52-44-20-6130 #7 FILTERS 01/16/15 52-44-20-6130 DUMP TRCK FILTERS Page 12 116 $604.80 $604.80 01/16/15 $300.00 $300.00 01/16/15 $93.20 $93.20 12/26/14 01/16/15 $78.62 12/29/14 01/16/15 $305.03 01/05/15 01/16/15 $21.90 01/05/15 01/16/15 $1.38 01/06/15 01/16/15 $51.21 $78.62 $305.03 $21.90 52-44-20-6130 A/C LINE CAPS $1,179.00 $1,179.00 (Fiscal YTD Payments: $.00) 01-41-10-6120 VBOX SWITCHES $142.50 $142.50 (Fiscal YTD Payments: $.00) Vendor Total for: MASCOUTAH EQUIPMENT CO, INC. MCKAY AUTO PARTS, INC Invoice: 171308 01/16/15 (Fiscal YTD Payments: $250.80) Vendor Total for: MADISON CO LEPC-HMRT MASCOUTAH EQUIPMENT CO, INC. Invoice: T410325 $142.50 (Fiscal YTD Payments: $51.47) Vendor Total for: MACLAIR ASPHALT SALES, LLC MADISON CO LEPC-HMRT Invoice: 1-2015 01/09/15 Due Date (Fiscal YTD Payments: $.00) Vendor Total for: LUBY EQUIPMENT SERVICES MACLAIR ASPHALT SALES, LLC Invoice: 21189 Inv. Date List #256 Amount $1.38 $51.21 Board Listing Vendor Invoice (MCKAY AUTO PARTS, INC Cont'd) Invoice: 172171 Invoice: 172288 Invoice: 172396 (15) Invoice: 172401 Invoice: 172413 For Meeting Dated 01/26/15 Description 52-44-30-6130 MAINT TRK FILTERS 52-43-20-6530 #38 SOCKET SET 52-43-20-6130 CLEANERS 52-44-20-6120 GNRTR FUEL FLTR 52-44-20-6130 DMP TRCK RETAINER Invoice: L-4519 Invoice: L-4520 Invoice: L-4587 Invoice: 0138952 01-20-10-5130 #19 CHANGE TIRE 01-20-10-5130 #10 CHANGE TIRE 01-20-10-5130 #12 CHANGE TIRE 01-20-10-5130 #10 CHANGE TIRE Invoice: 219214 Invoice: 219398 E CLAY WATER MAIN 41-00-00-8500 FITTINGS, CLAMPS 52-43-20-6150 BALL VALVES 01/07/15 01/16/15 $41.99 01/08/15 01/16/15 $62.22 01/08/15 01/16/15 $1.80 01/08/15 01/16/15 $5.29 $41.99 $1.80 $5.29 $634.02 12/01/14 01/16/15 $50.00 12/15/14 01/16/15 $50.00 12/23/14 01/16/15 $50.00 12/31/14 01/16/15 $50.00 $50.00 $50.00 $50.00 $50.00 $200.00 01/09/15 01/16/15 $400.18 01/09/15 01/16/15 $580.80 $400.18 $580.80 (Fiscal YTD Payments: $.00) 01-15-00-5340 JR: PRE EMP PHYS 01-15-00-5340 BS: PRE EMP PHYS 01-15-00-5340 KW: VACCINE Vendor Total for: MIDWEST OCCUPATIONAL MEDICINE Generated by the Locis Software...printed 01/16/15 $64.58 (Fiscal YTD Payments: $.00) Vendor Total for: MIDWEST MUNICIPAL SUPPLY INC MIDWEST OCCUPATIONAL MEDICINE Invoice: 219023 01/16/15 $64.58 (Fiscal YTD Payments: $.00) Vendor Total for: MCLANAHAN TOWING INC MIDWEST MUNICIPAL SUPPLY INC Invoice: 0138951 Due Date 01/06/15 $62.22 Vendor Total for: MCKAY AUTO PARTS, INC MCLANAHAN TOWING INC Invoice: L-4501 Inv. Date 01/16/15 $107.00 01/06/15 01/16/15 $84.00 01/06/15 01/16/15 $65.00 $107.00 $84.00 (Fiscal YTD Payments: $.00) 117 $980.98 01/06/15 $65.00 Page 13 List #256 Amount $256.00 Board Listing Vendor Invoice For Meeting Dated 01/26/15 Description MIKES AUTOMOTIVE Invoice: 29651 Invoice: 30002 01-20-00-5130 #28 LOF 01-20-00-5130 #28 RPL BATTERY 01-20-10-5130 #10 LOF Vendor Total for: MIKES AUTOMOTIVE Inv. Date Due Date List #256 Amount 12/03/14 01/16/15 $150.73 01/03/15 01/16/15 $28.74 $28.74 $121.99 $28.74 (Fiscal YTD Payments: $.00) $179.47 MIKES, INC. Invoice: 046521 52-44-20-6120 GENRTR FUEL FLTRS Vendor Total for: MIKES, INC. 12/22/14 $46.66 01/16/15 (Fiscal YTD Payments: $.00) $46.66 $46.66 MILAM RDF Invoice: 0035455-2056-5 01-66-00-5490 515 CLINTON DEMO Vendor Total for: MILAM RDF MISSISSIPPI LIME COMPANY Invoice: 1184750 Invoice: 062049 BOL #551664-1 52-44-30-6560 23.99T HYDRD LIME 01-20-10-5120 RADAR CERTIFICATN 01-20-10-5120 REP RADAR EQUPMNT 01/16/15 12/23/14 01/16/15 $525.00 12/29/14 01/16/15 $287.19 $525.00 $287.19 12/11/14 52-44-20-6150 FRAME, LID $145.00 (Fiscal YTD Payments: $.00) Page 14 118 $4,162.27 $4,162.27 (Fiscal YTD Payments: $.00) Vendor Total for: NEENAH FOUNDRY COMPANY Generated by the Locis Software...printed 01/16/15 01/02/15 $4,162.27 $3,604.47 $3,604.47 (Fiscal YTD Payments: $.00) Vendor Total for: MUNICIPAL ELECTRONICS INC NEENAH FOUNDRY COMPANY Invoice: 810561 01/16/15 (Fiscal YTD Payments: $.00) Vendor Total for: MISSISSIPPI LIME COMPANY MUNICIPAL ELECTRONICS INC Invoice: 062033 01/01/15 $3,604.47 $812.19 01/16/15 $145.00 $145.00 Board Listing Vendor Invoice O'REILLY AUTOMOTIVE, INC. (786) Invoice: 1068-104670 For Meeting Dated 01/26/15 Description 01-41-10-6130 FUSE HOLDERS Vendor Total for: O'REILLY AUTOMOTIVE, INC. O'REILLY AUTOMOTIVE, INC. (787) Invoice: 1068-104631 Invoice: 1068-104664 Invoice: 1068-105230 Invoice: 1068-105236 Invoice: 1068-106073 Invoice: 1068-499962 Invoice: 1068-499963 ORKIN EXTERMINATING CO., INC. Invoice: C-10174818 (15) 52-44-20-6130 #1 ANTIFREEZE 52-44-20-6130 WIPER FLUID 52-44-20-6120 RTN GASKET (787) $6.98 $24.89 12/30/14 01/16/15 -$8.90 01/02/15 01/16/15 $37.98 01/02/15 01/16/15 $14.94 01/06/15 01/16/15 $43.97 12/04/14 01/16/15 -$49.98 12/04/14 01/16/15 $143.68 -$8.90 $37.98 $5.99 $37.98 $143.68 (Fiscal YTD Payments: $.00) 52-43-20-6130 #31 PWR STG FLUID (788) 01/02/15 $14.49 $206.58 01/16/15 (Fiscal YTD Payments: $105.84) 03/2015-03/2016 52-43-20-5110 1 YR PEST CONTROL 01/01/15 $380.00 12/31/14 $132.50 (Fiscal YTD Payments: $.00) Page 15 119 $14.49 $14.49 01/16/15 (Fiscal YTD Payments: $2,868.12) 01-20-10-5120 TREADMILL MAINT $6.98 01/16/15 -$49.98 52-44-20-6560 MINERAL SPIRITS Vendor Total for: ORTHO TECH SPORTS MED EQUIP, INC. Generated by the Locis Software...printed 01/16/15 01/16/15 12/30/14 $14.94 52-44-30-6130 MAINT TRK BTTRIES 52-44-30-6130 MAINT TRK ANTIFRZ Vendor Total for: ORKIN EXTERMINATING CO., INC. ORTHO TECH SPORTS MED EQUIP, INC. Invoice: 176654 $6.98 $24.89 52-44-20-6130 RTN FUEL FILTER Vendor Total for: O'REILLY AUTOMOTIVE, INC. 12/30/14 Due Date (Fiscal YTD Payments: $.00) 52-44-20-6130 #1 FILTERS Vendor Total for: O'REILLY AUTOMOTIVE, INC. O'REILLY AUTOMOTIVE, INC. (788) Invoice: 1068-105119 (786) Inv. Date List #256 Amount $380.00 $380.00 01/16/15 $132.50 $132.50 Board Listing Vendor Invoice For Meeting Dated 01/26/15 Description OVERHEAD DOOR CO Invoice: 442058 52-44-30-5110 INSTL RECEIVERS Vendor Total for: OVERHEAD DOOR CO PATTERSON BRAKE & FRONT END SERVICE, INC Invoice: 102341 Invoice: 102397 Invoice: 102463 Invoice: 76962 Invoice: 9050556 Invoice: 9060980 01-41-10-5120 BUCKT TRK 2 TIRES 52-44-20-5130 DMP TRK ALGNMNT 52-44-20-5130 #1 1 TIRE Generated by the Locis Software...printed 01/16/15 $999.99 01/16/15 $991.44 01/02/15 01/16/15 $91.95 01/05/15 01/16/15 $185.50 01/02/15 01/16/15 $140.00 $991.44 $91.95 $140.00 $1,408.89 12/30/14 01/16/15 $96.84 12/30/14 01/16/15 $68.70 12/30/14 01/16/15 $14.97 $68.70 01-20-00-6510 CD STORAGE SLEEVE $14.97 (Fiscal YTD Payments: $.00) 01-10-00-5610 ANNUAL DUES 2015 01/01/15 $3,350.00 $180.51 01/16/15 (Fiscal YTD Payments: $.00) 01-20-00-8300 RPL UPTWN CAMERAS 12/30/14 $1,250.00 Page 16 120 01/07/15 $3,350.00 $3,350.00 01/16/15 (Fiscal YTD Payments: $.00) CNCL APPROVED 10/27/14, ORD 4755 $999.99 01/02/15 $96.84 01-20-00-6510 CD CASES Vendor Total for: REVISON SYSTEMS RICH'S RECORD EMPORIUM Invoice: 01/07/15 TIF 01/16/15 (Fiscal YTD Payments: $.00) 01-20-00-6510 INK STICK Vendor Total for: RCGA - ST. LOUIS REVISON SYSTEMS Invoice: 12/30/14 $999.99 $185.50 01-41-10-5120 SWEEPER 2 TIRES Vendor Total for: QUILL CORPORATION RCGA - ST. LOUIS Invoice: 125044 12/31/14 Due Date (Fiscal YTD Payments: $.00) Vendor Total for: PATTERSON BRAKE & FRONT END SERVICE, INC QUILL CORPORATION Invoice: 9041469 Inv. Date List #256 Amount $1,250.00 $1,250.00 01/16/15 $456.00 Board Listing Vendor Invoice For Meeting Dated 01/26/15 Description 41-00-00-8900 TIF REIMBURSEMENT Vendor Total for: RICH'S RECORD EMPORIUM Inv. Date Due Date List #256 Amount $456.00 (Fiscal YTD Payments: $.00) $456.00 RTS, INC. Invoice: 15900 Invoice: 15901 01-20-10-5130 #12 BALANCE TIRES 01-20-10-5130 #17 BALANCE TIRES Vendor Total for: RTS, INC. SCHAEFFER MFG CO Invoice: BP2541-INV1 Invoice: S1098807.008 Generated by the Locis Software...printed 01/16/15 01/16/15 $42.00 $42.00 $269.60 CNCL APRVD 11/24/14;PRJ #EQP-577-14 $134.00 01/16/15 $269.60 01/16/15 $17,520.89 01/02/15 01/16/15 $1,084.75 $17,520.89 52-43-20-6150 WTR MAIN REPLCMNT $1,084.75 CNCL APRVD 11/24/14;PRJ #EQP-577-14 (Fiscal YTD Payments: $.00) 52-43-20-6130 #32 ALUMINUM 01/07/15 $66.50 $18,605.64 01/16/15 (Fiscal YTD Payments: $.00) PROJ: 1826-57 52-43-20-5320 SURVEY STRONG AVE 01/05/15 $692.00 Page 17 121 01/05/15 $113.73 $66.50 $66.50 01/16/15 (Fiscal YTD Payments: $.00) 52-44-20-5710 12/14 FOURNIE L/S $269.60 12/29/14 52-43-20-6150 WTR MAIN REPLCMNT Vendor Total for: SHERBUT-CARSON-CLAXTON, LLC SOUTHWESTERN ELECTRIC COOP, INC Invoice: 12/14 FOURNIE 01/05/15 (Fiscal YTD Payments: $.00) Vendor Total for: SHAPIRO METAL SUPPLY CO SHERBUT-CARSON-CLAXTON, LLC Invoice: 8557 $92.00 01/08/15 52-44-30-6550 OIL Vendor Total for: SCHULTE SUPPLY, INC. SHAPIRO METAL SUPPLY CO Invoice: 79927 01/16/15 $92.00 (Fiscal YTD Payments: $.00) Vendor Total for: SCHAEFFER MFG CO SCHULTE SUPPLY, INC. Invoice: S1098807.007 01/02/15 $692.00 $692.00 01/16/15 $113.73 Board Listing Vendor Invoice (SOUTHWESTERN ELECTRIC COOP, INC Cont'd) Invoice: 12/14 MCDONOUGH Invoice: 12/14 SHELTER For Meeting Dated 01/26/15 Description 52-44-20-5710 12/14 MCDONGH L/S 01-20-40-5710 12/1-1/1 ELECTRIC Vendor Total for: SOUTHWESTERN ELECTRIC COOP, INC STAPLES ADVANTAGE Invoice: 3252751165 Due Date 01/05/15 01/16/15 $86.39 01/05/15 01/16/15 $1,219.90 $86.39 $1,219.90 (Fiscal YTD Payments: $.00) 52-44-20-6510 CALENDAR, PENS 52-44-20-6520 INK Vendor Total for: STAPLES ADVANTAGE SUPERCO SPECIALTY PRODUCTS Invoice: 15018836 Inv. Date 01/01/15 $23.67 $13.57 $1,420.02 01/16/15 (Fiscal YTD Payments: $604.32) 01-41-10-6560 GRAFFITI BUSTER Vendor Total for: SUPERCO SPECIALTY PRODUCTS List #256 Amount 12/24/14 $393.80 $37.24 $37.24 01/16/15 (Fiscal YTD Payments: $.00) $393.80 $393.80 TEKLAB INC Invoice: 169673 52-43-30-5490 12/14 WTR QUALITY Vendor Total for: TEKLAB INC USA BLUEBOOK Invoice: 527562 52-43-20-6150 MARKING FLAGS 01/16/15 12/22/14 $104.81 52-43-20-6120 BORE MCHN RINGS 01/07/15 $47.11 01/16/15 12/29/14 Page 18 122 $104.81 $104.81 01/16/15 (Fiscal YTD Payments: $.00) VILLAGE LOCKSMITH Invoice: 18419 $609.50 $609.50 (Fiscal YTD Payments: $.00) Vendor Total for: VERMEER OF MISSOURI & ILLINOIS Generated by the Locis Software...printed 01/16/15 $609.50 (Fiscal YTD Payments: $724.00) Vendor Total for: USA BLUEBOOK VERMEER OF MISSOURI & ILLINOIS Invoice: P57715 01/02/15 $47.11 $47.11 01/16/15 $10.00 Board Listing Vendor Invoice For Meeting Dated 01/26/15 Description 01-14-00-5110 2 KEYS Vendor Total for: VILLAGE LOCKSMITH WELCOME HOMES CREDIT SERVICES Invoice: 56531 Invoice: 2194646 01-20-10-4710 MT: EARPCE,TRSMTR $15.00 01/16/15 12/22/14 $66.80 52-43-20-6120 #39 TAIL LIGHT 12/29/14 $127.34 01/16/15 01/16/15 123 $127.34 01/16/15 $234.00 12/18/14 01/16/15 $59.04 $59.04 (Fiscal YTD Payments: $.00) Page 19 $127.34 12/17/14 $234.00 01-31-10-6520 MONITOR PAPER $66.80 $66.80 (Fiscal YTD Payments: $.00) 01-31-10-6520 ELECTRODES $15.00 $15.00 (Fiscal YTD Payments: $.00) Vendor Total for: ZOLL MEDICAL CORPORATION Generated by the Locis Software...printed 01/16/15 12/31/14 $10.00 (Fiscal YTD Payments: $.00) Vendor Total for: WOODY'S MUNICIPAL SUPPLY ZOLL MEDICAL CORPORATION Invoice: 2194127 $10.00 01-20-20-5490 1 CREDIT REPORT Vendor Total for: WIRELESS USA WOODY'S MUNICIPAL SUPPLY Invoice: 43860 Due Date (Fiscal YTD Payments: $64.35) Vendor Total for: WELCOME HOMES CREDIT SERVICES WIRELESS USA Invoice: 229273 Inv. Date List #256 Amount $293.04 Board Listing For Meeting Dated 01/26/15 Generated by the Locis Software...printed 01/16/15 Page 20 124 List #256 Amount GENERAL FUND MOTOR FUEL TAX FUND TIF DISTRICT #1 WATER & SEWER OPERATIONS Grand Total: Total Vendors: $39,321.45 $604.80 $18,442.75 $120,774.96 $179,143.96 101 TOTAL FOR REGULAR CHECKS: TOTAL FOR DIRECT PAY VENDORS: $178,126.35 $1,017.61 AGENDA ITEM REPORT DATE OF MEETING: January 26, 2015 ITEM: Motion to Approve Minutes of the 1/12/15 Regular Meeting STRATEGIC PLAN GOAL: Goal #6 – Customer Focused Superior Municipal Services RECOMMENDATION: Approve the minutes as prepared. ITEM SUBMITTED BY: Kim Wasser, Administrative Coordinator ATTACHMENTS: Minutes 125 Collinsville City Council Regular Meeting of 1/12/15 CALL MEETING TO ORDER Mayor Miller called the regular meeting to order at Collinsville City Hall at 7:30 p.m. ROLL CALL Council members present were: Karen Woolard, Nancy Moss, Jeff Kypta, Michael Tognarelli, John Miller, City Manager Williams, Corporate Counsel Giacoletto, and City Clerk Wasser. INVOCATION Pastor Avery Duff of New Mt. Zion Church delivered the invocation. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE The Pledge of Allegiance was recited. PROCLAMATIONS/RECOGNITION/PRESENTATIONS BUSINESS PRIOR TO PUBLIC INPUT SPEAKERS FROM THE FLOOR Mayor Miller referred to Ordinance 4765. Bob DesPain spoke about the amount of public meetings held. He also mentioned the Joint Review Board meeting he attended on December 8. Joe Ashmann spoke about the Joint Review Board meeting. He also mentioned the water plant project. COMMENTS & ANNOUNCEMENTS - MAYOR Mayor Miller announced an event scheduled to honor Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. on January 19 at 6:30pm at the First United Methodist Church with the theme being “A Call to Serve.” COMMENTS & ANNOUNCEMENTS - COUNCIL MEMBERS 1/12/15 Regular Meeting Minutes 1 126 Councilman Tognarelli spoke of the swearing in ceremony of 4 newly hired police officers. He mentioned these officers are replacing previously vacated positions bringing the department to complete staff. COMMENTS & ANNOUNCEMENTS - CITY STAFF CONSENT AGENDA City Clerk Wasser read the consent agenda items as follows: 1. Motion to Approve Payroll for the Period Ending 12/05/14 and 12/19/14 in the Amount of $1,040,287.88 2. Motion to Approve Payment of Bills for the Period Ending December 31, 2014 in the Amount of $4,445,268.79 3. Motion to Approve Minutes of the 12/08/14 Regular Meeting 4. Resolution Reappointing Member of the Collinsville Planning Commission (Wepking) Mayor Miller asked if the Council wished to pull any items prior to a Motion. No items were pulled. Motion by Councilman Woolard, seconded by Councilman Kypta. Answer on roll call: Ayes – Woolard, Moss, Kypta, Tognarelli, Miller; Nays - None; Absent – None. NEW BUSINESS 1. Ordinance Authorizing Stop Signs at the Intersection of Washington and N. Morrison Motion by Councilman Tognarelli, seconded by Councilman Moss. Overview by Rod Cheatham, Street Department Director, advised there is a substantial increase in traffic flow at the intersection of Washington and N. Morrison due to the cul-de-sac on Keebler from the 159 expansion. The increase traffic flow has created complains of near traffic accidents. A four was stop would improve the safety at this location. Councilman Woolard inquired as to whether the traffic flow may decrease once the 159 construction is done. Director Cheatham said he will be monitoring the situation and may have to re-evaluate it. Councilman Tognarelli advised this intersection does meet all the requirements outlined in the manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices due to new traffic patterns and it would be a good safety factor. Councilman Moss advised she is in agreement with the need of stop signs at this location but does not believe the traffic pattern will change once the construction is complete. 1/12/15 Regular Meeting Minutes 2 127 Mayor Miller agreed, in that, he too does not believe the traffic pattern will change and stop signs will help slow the traffic down. He recommended flagging the intersection to caution motorist of the new stop signs. Director Cheatham said they will also display the information on the electronic sign board at that location. Councilman Woolard wished to clarify her previous comment. She was not inquiring if the signs would need to be removed but whether they would be sufficient. Director Cheatham advised the Council that much of the traffic has shifted due to several construction projects but assured her he will continue to evaluate the situation. Answer on roll call: Ayes – Woolard, Moss, Kypta, Tognarelli, Miller; Nays - None; Absent – None. 2. Motion to Approve Payment of Bill to Christ Bros. for Emergency Road Repairs on Ostle Dr. in the Amount of $59,101.82 Motion by Councilman Kypta, seconded by Councilman Moss. Overview by Rod Cheatham, Street Department Director, advised on 12/9/14 there was a water main break on Ostle and then on 12/10/14 a trench collapsed under the weight of a trash truck. He said a large cavern was discovered on Ostle, from Rt. 157 up to Beverly. A complete reconstruction of the road was necessary. Director Cheatham advised Christ Bros. was in the area doing work and their asphalt plant was still open. They were readily available to do the repairs. Staff recommends approval. Councilman Tognarelli inquired as to what fund the street repair came from. Director Cheatham advised it will be the Enterprise Fund. Answer on roll call: Ayes – Woolard, Moss, Kypta, Tognarelli, Miller; Nays - None; Absent – None. 3. Ordinance Authorizing the Mayor to Execute a Quit Claim Deed Conveying Property to the Madison County Housing Authority (Northgate Housing Development ROW) Motion by Councilman Tognarelli, seconded by Councilman Moss. Overview by Mitch Bair, Community Development Director, advised the deed is regarding the properties within the limits of the project. He further stated the Madison County Housing Authority (MCHA) is in the process of redeveloping the Northgate Homes. The development will include new infrastructure and security measures. Director Bair informed Council the streets will become private and MCHA will assume ownership and maintenance responsibilities. Staff recommends approval. Councilman Tognarelli inquired if Cumberland St. was going to be blocked off or not. Director Bair advised he believes Cumberland St. will be one of three entrances but advised the project will be gated. Councilman Tognarelli inquired about emergency vehicle access due to the area being gated. Director Bair ensured access will be available. 1/12/15 Regular Meeting Minutes 3 128 Mayor Miller expressed his concerns regarding fire protection and suggested any plans should be reviewed by the Fire Marshal, specifically ingress and egress. Director Bair advised plans will have to go through site plan review and the Fire Marshal is included in that process. Answer on roll call: Ayes – Woolard, Moss, Kypta, Tognarelli, Miller; Nays - None; Absent – None. 4. Motion to Authorize the Purchase of Uptown Waste Receptacles From Barco Products in the Amount of $20,546.92 Motion by Councilman Kypta, seconded by Councilman Woolard. Overview by Leah Joyce, Uptown Coordinator, advised this would allow for the purchase of 12 additional waste receptacles to be used in the new streetscape area, public parking lot across from City Hall and supplement existing receptacles on Main St. She received two bids. She attempted to obtain additional quotes but either the companies no longer carries the item or anything compatible or was now out of business. Staff is recommending approval. Councilman Moss asked about the cost comparison between the new receptacles to that of the previous ones. Ms. Joyce did not know the comparison from Trash but did say this quote is less than that from Titan. Ms. Joyce advised Council the receptacles are compatible in style and quality. They are fastened down, have withstood being hit by cars and are low maintenance. Councilman Tognarelli inquired if this expense will be funded with TIF and Ms. Joyce confirmed. Answer on roll call: Ayes – Woolard, Moss, Kypta, Tognarelli, Miller; Nays - None; Absent – None. 5. Motion to Award Bid and Authorize Contract for Police Department Utility Vehicles, Project #EQP-578-15, to Jack Schmitt Ford in the Amount of $81,896.14 Motion by Councilman Moss, seconded by Councilman Woolard. Overview by Steve Evans, Chief of Police Department, advised Capital Project Funds is allowing them to purchase replacement vehicles. Last year they purchased the Police Interceptor Utility Vehicle, similar to that of a Ford Explorer, since the Crown Victoria was no longer available. The vehicle has proven to be reliable and afforded adequate room for equipment. He informed Council bids were opened on January 2 in which 3 bids were received (Jack Schmitt Ford, Lankmark Ford and Reuther Ford.). Chief Evans advised that Jack Schmitt Ford came in well below the others and the additional benefit is they are local. Staff is recommending approval. Answer on roll call: Ayes – Woolard, Moss, Kypta, Tognarelli, Miller; Nays - None; Absent – None. 1/12/15 Regular Meeting Minutes 4 129 6. Resolution Adopting the Madison County Multi-Jurisdictional All Hazards Mitigation Plan Motion by Councilman Tognarelli, seconded by Councilman Moss. Overview given by Dale Kyrouac, Assistant Fire Chief, advised the mission of the plan is to reduce the negative impacts of natural and manmade disasters. This plan includes information regarding previous storms and their effects, suggested activities and projects to reduce damages in the event of severe weather conditions. Additional funding would also be available to the City in the event of disaster damages. Asst. Chief Kyrouac informed the Council that much time and effort was given to formulate this extensive mitigation plan and that it will ensure that the community is prepared to proactively address natural and manmade disasters. Councilman Tognarelli advised the plan was very informative and comprehensive. He inquired if the Public Works Departments were given the opportunity to review the plan. Asst. Chief Kyrouac said the plan is reviewed annually and he will make the recommendation to consult public works. Councilman Moss said the plan was interesting and thanked the department for taking being proactive. Mayor Miller advised everyone the City has their own Emergency Action Plan, as well as this County initiative, that includes the Public Works Departments. Answer on roll call: Ayes – Woolard, Moss, Kypta, Tognarelli, Miller; Nays - None; Absent – None. 7. Ordinance Authorizing a Release and Settlement Agreement Between the City and Ameren Illinois Company Motion by Councilman Tognarelli, seconded by Councilman Kypta. Overviews by Steve Giacoletto, Corporate Counsel, advise several months ago it was discovered Ameren failed to collect certain utility taxes from its users from various cities and their failure to pay such taxes to the City. A mutual agreement was reached. An audit is pending to determine the specific dollar amount due and who owes them. Mr. Giacoletto advised for Collinsville it looks like approximately 250 customers are involved from 2009 to present with a typical residential impact being about $100 per account with a limit of $10 per month pay out. Councilman Moss inquired if any commercial accounts are involved. Mr. Giacoletto advised he Was not aware of any but the audit will determine that. Councilman Tognarelli asked if Ameren had an explanation of how this occurred. Mr. Giacoletto said they didn’t give an detailed explanation. Mr. Giacoletto advised other cities are also involved (Maryville, Edwardsville, Columbia and Alton). Councilman Woolard commented that this tax is arbitrary. She would like the City to determine if this is viable. 1/12/15 Regular Meeting Minutes 5 130 Answer on roll call: Ayes – Woolard, Moss, Kypta, Tognarelli, Miller; Nays - None; Absent – None. OLD BUSINESS CLOSED SESSION Discuss in accordance with 5 ILCS 120/2(c): 11. Pending or Threatened or Imminent Litigation Motion by Woolard, seconded by Moss. Answer on roll call: Ayes – Woolard, Moss, Kypta, Tognarelli, Miller; Nays - None; Absent – None. ANNOUNCEMENTS ADJOURNMENT Motion by Councilman Kypta, seconded by Councilman Tognarelli. Answer on roll call: Ayes – Woolard, Moss, Kypta, Tognarelli, Miller; Nays - None; Absent – None. 8:14 p.m. 1/12/15 Regular Meeting Minutes 6 131 AGENDA ITEM REPORT DATE OF MEETING: January 26, 2015 ITEM: Resolution Giving Preliminary and Final Plat Approval to Subdivision Under Collinsville Subdivision Control Ordinance (Highland Estates/Thomas Brothers) STRATEGIC PLAN GOAL: Goal #1 –High Quality Neighborhoods Goal #4 – Strong and Diverse Local Economy BACKGROUND: The Thomas’s have proposed the replatting and rezoning of several parcels under their ownership located at 100 Highland Place and 926 St. Louis Road, to facilitate the sale of the residential structures on these parcels. Currently there are 4 lots of record (parcels), with structures built across property lines, in both St. Clair and Madison Counties, zoned with 3 different zoning designations (R1, R1A, and B4). The proposal, consisting of preliminary & final plats as well as a rezoning ordinance, amalgamates through replatting the property into 2 legal lots, the 1st containing the residential property and uses and the 2nd containing the commercial property and uses, including the “storage yard” previously used by Thomas Brothers Automotive & Towing, but now virtually empty and unused. On the residential lot are located 4 small single family homes and one duplex, with access to all 5 residences from the partially vacated alleyway off Highland Place. The commercial lot consists of the primary structure housing Thomas Brothers and the above mentioned storage yard. The Thomas’s have ceased full operation of their Auto & Towing Business after the death of the senior Mr. Thomas, and are now using the building on a part time much less active basis. As all the structures are pre-existing and there are no proposed or required improvements, the preliminary and final plats can be approved at the same time on the same Resolution. The rezoning ordinance will be considered under “Business Prior to Public Input” as it was the subject of a public hearing (and will have been considered by the time this agenda item is discussed at the meeting). RECOMMENDATION: The Community Development Director recommends approval of the Resolution Giving Preliminary and Final Plat Approval to Subdivision Under the Collinsville Land Subdivision Control Ordinance (Highland Estates/Thomas Brothers) ITEM SUBMITTED BY: Mitchell Bair, AICP, Community Development Director ATTACHMENTS: Resolution Plats Staff Report Chairman Jerome’s Memo 132 RESOLUTION NO. RESOLUTION GIVING PRELIMINARY AND FINAL PLAT APPROVAL TO SUBDIVISION UNDER COLLINSVILLE SUBDIVISION CONTROL ORDINANCE (Highland Estates/Thomas Brothers) WHEREAS, Wanda Lee Thomas Living Trust, represents that it is the owner of real estate within the City of Collinsville, Madison & St. Clair County, Illinois, as shown on a certain plats for purposes of identification being designated as Highland Estates, said tract of land being a Part of Lot 2 in Block 3 of “Highland Place” in Section 5, Township 2 North, Range 8 West of the Third Principal Meridian in St. Clair County, Illinois, and a part of the Southeast Quarter of Section 32 in Township 3 North, Range 8 West, of the Third Principal Meridian in Madison County, Illinois, all being with the City of Collinsville, Illinois. Said preliminary and final plats are attached hereto and made a part hereof, with said plats having been prepared by Kuhlmann Design Group, Inc., an Illinois Professional Design Firm, Christine M. Beasley, an Illinois Licensed Professional Engineer, and WHEREAS, said plat complies with the applicable law respecting plats, including the requirements for final plat approval under the Collinsville Municipal Code, Chapter 16, (Subdivision Control); and WHEREAS, said plat is presented to the Council for final approval pursuant to the Collinsville Municipal Code, Chapter 16 (Subdivision Control); NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF COLLINSVILLE that said preliminary and final plats be and the same is hereby given final approval pursuant to the Collinsville Municipal Code, Chapter 16, (Subdivision Control). BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City Clerk of the City of Collinsville, Madison and St. Clair Counties, Illinois, be and he is hereby directed to certify, in accordance with the law, that the said plat of Highland Estates having been prepared by Kuhlmann Design Group, Inc., an Illinois Professional Design Firm, Christine M. Beasley, an Illinois Licensed Professional Engineer, was presented to the City Council of Collinsville, Illinois, at a regular meeting of said Council, and that said plat received final approval by this Council as of this Resolution. This Resolution is effective upon its passage and recording in both Madison & St. Clair Counties. 133 PASSED by the Council and Approved by the Mayor on Ayes: Nays: Absent: Approved: , 2015. John Miller, Mayor ATTEST: Kim Wasser, City Clerk Recorded: , 2015. 134 , 2015. 135 136 137 C C STAFF REPORT JANUARY 8, 2015 PLANNING COMMISSION TO: PLANNING COMMISSION PROPOSAL OVERVIEW: THE APPLICANT, MARY THOMAS, IS REQUESTING APPROVAL OF A REZONING AND REPLATTING FOR RESIDENTIAL AND COMMERCIAL PROPERTIES LOCATED ON ST. FROM: L DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT OUIS ROAD AND HIGHLAND PLACE. THESE PROPERTIES HAVE BEEN OWNED AND OPERATED FOR THE PURPOSE OF THE THOMAS FAMILY BUSINESS FOR SEVERAL DECADES AND ARE DEVELOPED OVER AND ACROSS MULTIPLE (4) LEGAL LOTS OF CASE MANAGER: MITCHELL E. BAIR, AICP, COMMUNITY RECORD. THIS ACTION WOULD CONSOLIDATE THE DEVELOPMENT INTO 2 LEGAL LOTS OF RECORD AND ASSIGN THE PROPER ZONING DESIGNATION TO EACH OF DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR THESE LOTS; THE FIRST BEING ZONED RESIDENTIALLY AS “R-1” AND THE SECOND APPLICATION NAME: BEING ZONED COMMERCIALLY AS “B-4”. THOMAS BROTHERS IT IS IMPORTANT TO NOTE THAT THIS SITE ALREADY EXHIBITS A SUBSTANTIAL LEVEL OF NONCONFORMANCE WITH THE CURRENT CODES AND REGULATIONS FOR SUBJECT: REZONING AND REPLATTING OF FOUR (4) DEVELOPMENT. THIS ACTION WILL REDUCE THE LEVEL OF NONCONFORMITY, AND WHILE NONCONFORMITIES WILL STILL EXIST, ANY EXPANSION OR REDEVELOPMENT LOTS ON ST. LOUIS ROAD ACTIVITIES WILL BE REQUIRED TO ADHERE TO THE CURRENT CODE AND REGULATIONS. ACTION REQUESTED: C ONSIDERATION OF A R EZONING , PRELIMINARY & FINAL PLAT FOR PROPERTY CURRENTLY ZONED AS “R-1” (SFR), “R1A” (SFR), AND “B-4” (COMMERCIAL) APPLICANT/CONTACT: CHRISTINE BEASLEY, KUHLMAN DESIGN GROUP, INC., 15 E. WASHINGTON, BELLEVILLE, IL 62220 OWNER: WILLIAM, WANDA, & MARY THOMAS PARCEL IDENTIFICATION NUMBER: 13-1-21-32-20-402-004, 13-1-21-32-20402-005, 03050216001, & 03050218001 SITE ADDRESS: 100 HIGHLAND PL., & 936 ST. LOUIS RD., COLLINSVILLE, IL 62234 EXISTING ZONING DESIGNATION: “R-1A” (SFR), “R-1” (SFR), & “B4” (COMMERCIAL) RECOMENDATION: APPROVAL 138 PLANNING COMMISSION REPORT THOMAS BROTHERS APPLICATION OVERVIEW AND SITE DEVELOPMENT HISTORY The site is located at 936 St. Louis Road and 100 Highland Place. The commercial property is the location for Thomas Brothers Automotive and the residential property has several residential structures located on it. The property is composed of four (4) separate lots all being developed over the past 40 years. The application is for a rezoning and replatting of the development. The replatting would consolidate the lots into two (2) separate lots. There are currently four (4) lots with structures extending over lot lines. The replatting would bring the development into some level of conformance with current regulatory requirements and would consolidate all of the commercially used property onto one (1) lot and the residentially used property onto one (1) lot. The property is currently zoned with three (3) zoning designations; “R-1A” (SFR), “R1” (SFR), and “B-4” (General Commercial). The rezoning would assign one lot as “B-4” and the other as “R-1”. While there will still be a number of nonconformities present on these lots, the action will not legalize or further protect those nonconformities and any change in use or redevelopment or expansion activities will require compliance with current regulatory requirements. FIGURE 1: SITE LOCATION AERIAL 2 THOMAS BROTHERS STAFF REPORT 139 JANUARY 8, 2015 PLANNING COMMISSION REPORT THOMAS BROTHERS EXISTING SITE DEVELOPMENT CONDITIONS SITE ACREAGE/SF: 1.53 AC/66,656 SF TOTAL STRUCTURES: ONE (1), COMMERCIAL STRUCTURE, ONE (1) FOUR (4) UNIT MFR STRUCTURE STRUCTURE SF: 13,050 SF STRUCTURE COVERAGE: 19.5% NAICS USE (CITY ASSIGNED): “AUTOMOTIVE MECHANICAL & ELECTRICAL REPAIR & MAINTENANCE” & “DWELLING, MULTIFAMILY” NAICS LAND USE CODE (CITY ASSIGNED): “81111” & “1540” FIGURE 2: SITE SPECIFIC AERIAL 3 THOMAS BROTHERS STAFF REPORT 140 JANUARY 8, 2015 PLANNING COMMISSION REPORT THOMAS BROTHERS FIGURE 4: SITE SPECIFIC AERIALS 1995, 2003, 2006, & 2009 4 THOMAS BROTHERS STAFF REPORT 141 JANUARY 8, 2015 PLANNING COMMISSION REPORT THOMAS BROTHERS FIGURE 5: LOT DATA 5 THOMAS BROTHERS STAFF REPORT FROM MADISON & ST. CLAIR COUNTIES 142 JANUARY 8, 2015 PLANNING COMMISSION REPORT THOMAS BROTHERS 6 THOMAS BROTHERS STAFF REPORT 143 JANUARY 8, 2015 PLANNING COMMISSION REPORT THOMAS BROTHERS 7 THOMAS BROTHERS STAFF REPORT 144 JANUARY 8, 2015 PLANNING COMMISSION REPORT THOMAS BROTHERS EXISTING ZONING The area in question is zoned as a mixture of commercial and residential land uses and zoning designations including “B4” (General Commercial), “R-3” (Multi-Family Residential), “R-1A” (Single-Family Residential), and R-1” (Single-Family Residential). TABLE 1: ADJOINING LAND USE AND ZONING DIRECTION: ZONING DISTRICT: LAND USE: SEPARATED BY: NORTH “B-4” (COMMERCIAL) & “R-1” (SFR) OFFICE AND SFR ST. LOUIS ROAD ROW EAST “R-1” (SFR) SFR PROPERTY LINE SOUTH “R-1A” (SFR) SFR PROPERTY LINE WEST “B-4” (COMMERCIAL) & “R-1” (SFR) HOSPITALITY AND SFR HIGHLAND PLACE ROW FIGURE 6: EXISTING ZONING 8 THOMAS BROTHERS STAFF REPORT 145 JANUARY 8, 2015 PLANNING COMMISSION REPORT THOMAS BROTHERS COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: FUTURE LAND USE PLAN The Future Land Use Plan contained within the Comprehensive Plan establishes the future land use of the subject property as both “RETAIL-TRADE-COMMERCIAL” and “SINGLE FAMILY”. As the request is for both of these uses, the request is consistent with that of the Future Land Use component of the Comprehensive Plan. FIGURE 7: FUTURE LAND USE PLAN - COMPREHENSIVE PLAN 9 THOMAS BROTHERS STAFF REPORT 146 JANUARY 8, 2015 PLANNING COMMISSION REPORT THOMAS BROTHERS REZONING REQUEST OVERVIEW The applicant proposes to rezone the subject property from “R-1A” (SFR), “R-1” (SFR), and “B-4” (Commercial) to a focused arrangement of “R-1” and “B-4”. The rezoning, if approved, would consolidate the zoning designations in an organized manner based on legal lot lines and the use of each lot. The rezoning and subsequent replatting of these lots does not permit any additional development rights for this site nor does it represent any expansion of nonconformity for the site. Critical planning issues to consider when evaluating the merit of the rezoning request include the following: Is the request consistent with the guidance contained 1. COMPREHENSIVE PLAN CONSISTENCY – FUTURE LAND USE: within the City of Collinsville’s Comprehensive Plan? Yes, the request is for both a residential and commercial zoning designation and the Future Land Use Plan establishes the future land use for the site as split between single family and commercial. 2. ZONING REGULATIONS CONSISTENCY: Is the rezoning request consistent with the regulations contained within the City of Collinsville's Zoning Regulations? The request represents a higher level of conformance to the Zoning Regulations than what is currently exhibited through the reduction of lots from 4 to 2, and the consolidated zoning designations by use across those lots. While many of the bulk requirements will not be able to be met in the current development form, any redevelopment will be required to adhere to current codes and regulations. 3. NEIGHBORHOOD COMPATIBILITY: Is the rezoning request consistent with the character of development and land uses of the surrounding and adjoining neighborhoods? Yes, the request is consistent with the character of development and land uses for the surrounding area as this area is a densely developed both residentially and commercially. There are issues with several neighboring properties regarding the condition and history associated with the rear storage area. The applicant made a petition to rezone this area approximately 10 years ago and this application was recommended for denial by the Planning Commission and denied by the City Council due to the condition of this area. The condition of this storage area should be considered when considering this request along with potential screening approaches the applicant may potentially be able to take to mitigate the negative impacts associated with the use of this area on the adjoining residential properties. 10 THOMAS BROTHERS STAFF REPORT 147 JANUARY 8, 2015 PLANNING COMMISSION REPORT THOMAS BROTHERS ZONING REGULATION CONSISTENCY The request is consolidate the lots and zoning designations for the property from four (4) lots and three (3) zoning designations down to two (2) lots and two (2) zoning designations. These designations, both existing and proposed, will be analyzed for appropriateness in the following section. “R-1A” SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT - EXISTING ZONING DESIGNATION The property in question is zoned “R-1A”, which specifically permits single family residential land uses. The specific intent of the “R-1A” district follows: “The R-1A District is intended only for property previously zoned R-1A. All preexisting R-1A property shall be permitted for all lawful uses as of the effective date of these Regulations. After the effective date of these Regulations, no additional land shall be designated or thereby rezoned to the R-1A District. The Planned District options may be used as an alternative to the conventional “R” zoning districts. Use of property maintaining the R-1A preexisting zoning shall be subject to all other regulations of this Code.” The property is currently zoned as “R-1A” and while this designation is perhaps the most appropriate when considering the current residential use of the property (1-duplex and 4 single family structures) maintaining this designation would permit an expanded residential use that is counter to the desire of the applicant and the direction contained in the Future Land Use Plan. The intent is that given the high level of nonconformance on the site, the zoning designation would promote a higher degree of conformance in the event that any redevelopment activities occur on the site. “R-1” SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT - EXISTING AND REQUESTED ZONING DESIGNATION The zoning designation that exists and is being requested is “R-1”, and the specific intent for this zoning district follows: “The intent of this district is to provide for low-density residential development, including those uses which reinforce residential neighborhoods, and to allow certain public facilities.” Based on the intent of the “R-1” district and the desires of the applicant, the request is compatible with the residential zoning designation of “R-1” on the proposed residential lot. “B-4” GENERAL COMMERCIAL DISTRICT - EXISTING AND REQUESTED ZONING DESIGNATION The zoning designation that exists and is being requested is “B-4”, and the specific intent for this zoning district follows: “The “B-4” District is intended only for preexisting B-4 zoned properties and shall encourage and permit medium density, neighborhood scale, compact pedestrian oriented-comparative shopping facilities, restaurants, entertainment & arts establishments, limited hospitality services and limited neighborhood scale office uses. Uses deemed inappropriate and/or incompatible with those uses identified shall be prohibited. After the effective date of this Code, no additional property shall be added to the City’s “B-4” zoning district. The regulations contained in this section are the district regulations for existing areas zoned as “B-4” Commercial District. These regulations are supplemented and qualified by additional general regulations contained elsewhere in this ordinance and are incorporated as part of this section by reference.” Based on the intent of the “B-4” district and the desires of the applicant, the request is compatible with the commercial zoning designation of “B-4” on the proposed residential lot. ZONING CONSISTENCY FINDINGS Based on the intent and requirements for the “R-1” and “B-4” zoning districts of the Zoning Regulations, it is the finding of the Community Development Director that the requested rezoning is consistent with the City of Collinsville’s Zoning Regulations. 11 THOMAS BROTHERS STAFF REPORT 148 JANUARY 8, 2015 PLANNING COMMISSION REPORT THOMAS BROTHERS NEIGHBORHOOD COMPATIBILITY When considering the issue of neighborhood compatibility as associated with this application, the primary question should be centered on impacts that the rezoning request would have upon adjacent properties. The adjacent properties are a mixture of single family residential land uses (both 1 and 2 family uses), multi-family residential land uses (3 family uses up to and including traditional garden apartment developments) on lots generally averaging 10,000 SF and larger, and commercial uses. The degree of impact should also be reviewed, and as the request essentially does not change the current use of the property, but rather limits the future use of the property as well as requiring compliance with current regulations for any redevelopment, the proposal actually reduces the impacts to the neighborhood. When considering the character of the neighborhood, the request does indeed fit with the established pattern, and the proposed use is consistent with the established neighborhood character of the area. 12 THOMAS BROTHERS STAFF REPORT 149 JANUARY 8, 2015 PLANNING COMMISSION REPORT THOMAS BROTHERS FIGURE 8: PROPOSED HIGHLAND ESTATES PRELIMINARY PLAT 13 THOMAS BROTHERS STAFF REPORT 150 JANUARY 8, 2015 PLANNING COMMISSION REPORT THOMAS BROTHERS FIGURE 9: PROPOSED HIGHLAND ESTATES FINAL PLAT 14 THOMAS BROTHERS STAFF REPORT 151 JANUARY 8, 2015 PLANNING COMMISSION REPORT THOMAS BROTHERS CONSIDERATION OF PRELIMINARY PLAT SECTION 16.12.030, “PRELIMINARY PLAT PROCEDURES” The following requirements are provided in the Subdivision Ordinance regarding the procedures for submittal of a Preliminary Plat (staff review comments follow each item in bold/italic): “Based upon input by the City and decisions reached at the time of the pre-application conference, the subdivider shall make formal preliminary application to the Community Development Director. Said application shall transmit twenty (20) copies of all required data and shall include, but not necessarily be limited to: A. General description of the location and size of the tract to be platted; Requirement met. B. The intent as to character type and use of the property and structures to be developed; Requirement not met, the character and use of the property is for residential and commercial purposes; however the Preliminary Plat does not identify the use of the lots. C. The deed restrictions proposed, if any; Requirement met, no deed restrictions are being proposed. D. A statement of mineral rights; Requirement met, no mineral rights are associated with the property. E. The extent and character of the improvements to be made by the subdivider; Requirement not applicable as no improvements are associated with this subdivision. F. The zone district classifications of adjacent parcels of land and parcel ID numbers; Requirement met, zoning district classifications and parcel ID numbers are provided for adjoining parcels of land. G. If appropriate, a description of any unique hardship or difficulty limiting the physical development of the property under consideration and a description of any past history of the property under consideration which is pertinent thereto; Requirement not applicable as no unique hardships or difficulties are present. H. Twenty (20) copies of prints of the Preliminary Plat and other necessary documentation in accordance with the requirements of Section 16.12.040 of this Article; Requirement met, all documentation has been provided in a satisfactory manner. I. An initial retainer fee of five hundred dollars ($500.00) (see Section 16.20.010); Requirement met, all fees have been paid associated with the application. J. A completed “Preliminary Submittal Check List” which must be signed by both the developer and his engineer who prepared the preliminary plat and overlays; Requirement met, the checklist has been provided. Further, this section establishes the following review parameters for Preliminary Plats: “The Planning Commission shall review the Preliminary Plat within forty-five (45) days from the date of application, or the filing by the subdivider of the last item of required supporting data, whichever date is later, provided that such date of application and/or filing is not less than thirty (30) days prior to a regularly schedule meeting of the Planning Commission, otherwise the Commission shall review the Preliminary Plat within sixty (60) days from the date of application and/or filing, unless such time is extended by written mutual consent, and shall determine whether the Preliminary Plat shall be approved as submitted; shall be approved subject to 15 THOMAS BROTHERS STAFF REPORT 152 JANUARY 8, 2015 PLANNING COMMISSION REPORT THOMAS BROTHERS certain conditions or modifications; or shall be disapproved. If action is not taken by the Planning Commission within sixty (60) days, then the application proceeds to the City Council without a recommendation from the Planning Commission. The City Council shall have final approval of the Preliminary Plat. The City Council shall accept or reject said Preliminary Plat within thirty (30) days after its next regularly scheduled meeting that follows the recommendation by the Planning Commission, unless such time is extended by written mutual agreement of the City Council and the applicant, or such Preliminary Plat will be deemed as approved. The City Council shall determine by resolution whether the Preliminary Plat is approved or disapproved as submitted. If the Preliminary Plat is disapproved, the resolution shall state the reasons for disapproval, specifying with particularity the aspects in which the Preliminary Plat fails to comply with the City’s ordinances. A certified copy of the resolution by the City Council shall be attached to the Preliminary Plat and shall be filed with the City Clerk. Approval of the Preliminary Plat shall not qualify the Preliminary Plat for recording with the County Recorder of Deeds.” This section then establishes the rights and privileges associated with approval of the Preliminary Plat for the subdivider: “Preliminary Plat approval shall confer upon the subdivider the following rights and privileges: A. That the Preliminary Plat approval will remain in effect for a one-year period. The applicant may, during this period, submit all of or part or parts of said Preliminary Plat for final approval. In the event that the subdivision is being developed in stages, the applicant may, by written mutual agreement with the Planning Commission, have final approval of the last part of the Plat delayed for a period not to exceed two (2) years from the date of the Preliminary Plat approval. Any part of a subdivision which is being developed in states shall contain a tract of land at least one block in length. B. That the general terms and conditions under which the Preliminary Plat approval granted will not be changed. The Preliminary Plat shall be drawn to a scale of one (1) inch equals twenty (20) feet, forty (40) feet, fifty (50) feet, or one hundred (100) feet; however, the resulting drawing should be either twenty-four (24) inches by thirty-six (36) inches or thirty (30) inches by forty-two (42) inches. Scales or sheet sizes other than this may be approved only on a case basis by the City. Lettering shall be 0.1 inches or larger for the sake of legibility when the record documents are archived in microfilm by the City. Samples of the required plat overlays are included herein in Appendix A. Detailed requirements for each document to be included in the preliminary submittal request are set forth in paragraphs contained hereinafter.” All of the conditions and requirements contained within Section 16.12.030, “Preliminary Plat Procedures”, have been satisfactorily met by the applicant. SECTION 16.12.040, “PRELIMINARY PLAT REQUIREMENTS”, OF THE LAND SUBDIVISION CONTROL REGULATIONS The following requirements are provided in the Subdivision Ordinance regarding the requirements for the design and review of a Preliminary Plat (staff review comments follow each item in bold/italic): “Every Preliminary Plat shall be prepared by a land surveyor, or an engineer, registered in their respective field in the State of Illinois. If necessary, the information required below may be shown on separate overlay sheets (i.e., drainage and roads overlay, water and sewer main overlay). The Preliminary Plat shall meet and include the following specifications: 16 THOMAS BROTHERS STAFF REPORT 153 JANUARY 8, 2015 PLANNING COMMISSION REPORT THOMAS BROTHERS A. Name of the proposed subdivision and identification as to “Preliminary Plat”. Requirement met. B. Identification of the Section and 1/4 Section or Claim and Survey, Township, Range, and County within which the proposed development is located with a small key map showing the relation of the property to Section or U.S. survey lines. Requirement met. C. Names, addresses and phone numbers of the owner, subdivider, and registered land surveyor who prepared the plat. Requirement met. D. North arrow, graphic scale, and date. Requirement met. E. Locations and dimensions of the boundaries of the proposed subdivision. Requirement met. F. Locations and dimensions of existing and proposed lots within the subdivision with an identifying number for each lot. Area in square feet of every proposed lot. Requirement met. G. Proposed and existing road rights-of-way and widths, proposed and existing pavement(s) lines and widths, and roadway intersection angles and centerline radii. Streets and rights-ofway on and adjoining the site of the proposed subdivision showing the names and including street roadway and right-of-way widths; proposed and existing pavement(s) lines and widths, and roadway intersection angles and centerline radii; approximate gradients, types and widths of pavement, curbs, sidewalks, crosswalks, planting strips and other pertinent data, including classification of all existing or proposed streets as to function as collector, arterial or local street or county road; accurate right-of-way lines of streets, easements and other rights-of-way and property lines and areas of lots and other tracts, with accurate dimensions, bearings and curve data, including radii, arcs and chords, points of tangency, and central angles. Requirement not met; no access easements are included. H. Locations, names, widths, and R.O.W. radii of all proposed streets. Requirement not applicable. I. Locations, widths, and purposes of all existing and proposed easements. Requirement not met; no easements are included for public utilities or access purposes nor is the required purposes, location nor dimensional information included. J. Gross and Net Areas of the subdivision, the acreage of streets, and of any areas reserved for green space or public and common use, and zoning of the subdivision as shown on the City’s official zoning map. Requirement met. K. Building setback lines and dimensions. Requirement not met; no setback lines or dimensions are provided. L. Location of any existing buildings and structures and their intended use, and location of any tree masses and areas to be cleared. Requirement partially met; the dimensions are not included for the existing structures. M. Location and size of existing public utilities and drainageways or facilities within or adjoining the proposed subdivision and the location and size of nearest water trunk mains, interceptor sewer lines and other pertinent utilities. Requirement not met; the location of neither public utilities nor drainageways is provided. N. Topography of the tract to be subdivided as indicated by 2-ft. contours for land having slopes of 0% to 4%; 5-ft. contours for land having slopes of 4% to 12%; and 10-ft. contours for land having slopes >12%. Additional off-site topography may be required at the discretion of the 17 THOMAS BROTHERS STAFF REPORT 154 JANUARY 8, 2015 PLANNING COMMISSION REPORT THOMAS BROTHERS City Engineer. Requirement met. O. Locations and directions of flow of existing major waterways, ponding areas, and natural drainageways. Requirement partially met; the location of drainageways is not provided. P. Storm water management including layout of proposed system and locations and approximate sizes of outlets, catch basins, and detention ponds. Approximate lengths and sizes of storm sewer should be shown if available. Requirement not met; although additional stormwater management is not expected to be required, no information is included to review how stormwater on the site is currently being managed. Q. Parcel ID# and zoning of adjacent parcels of land. Reference to recorded subdivision plats within 300 feet of the proposed subdivision by record name, plat book and page number and names of owners of record of adjoining un-platted land. Requirement met. R. Recorded and proposed 100-year flood elevations. Location of any portion of property which lies within the 100-500 year flood plain. Requirement met. S. Whenever a large tract is intended to be developed in stages, and only a part of that tract is to be submitted for Final Plat approval, a Preliminary Plat for subdivision of the entire tract shall be submitted. Requirement not applicable. T. Location and size of existing and proposed water mains including hydrants and valves. Requirement not met; while the general location of the water lines is illustrated, no details are provided. U. Location and size of existing and proposed sanitary sewer mains including manholes. As an alternate to providing plans for sanitary sewer lines as a pre-requisite to approval of a final plat, in cases where sanitary sewers are not available and individual sewage systems are being utilized, a written approval from Madison County shall be required indicating that they have given general approval to the individual sewage system plan proposed by the subdivider. Requirement not met; no details regarding the sanitary sewer system are provided. V. Location, type and width of existing and proposed easements for water and sewer mains. Requirement not met. The dimensions required in the above information may be taken from existing records, or scaled, in the absence of field surveying. Any such approximations should be properly identified or noted on the preliminary plat. Requirement met. At the time of submittal of the preliminary plat to the City, the subdivider shall submit two (2) copies of the preliminary plat to the respective utility companies providing gas, electric, and telecommunication in the area of the proposed development. Requirement met. SECTION 1270.56 MINIMUM STANDARDS OF PRACTICE AS PART OF THE ILLINOIS PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEYOR ACT OF 1989 A. On all boundary surveys the completed plat shall be drawn on a stable and durable medium with a minimum size of 8.5” by 11”. Requirement met. B. Firm name, address and registration number. Requirement met. C. Professional land surveyor seal, signature, date of signing, and license expiration date. Rubberstamp signatures, compute generated signatures or other reproduced signatures are prohibited. Requirement met. D. Client’s name. Requirement met. 18 THOMAS BROTHERS STAFF REPORT 155 JANUARY 8, 2015 PLANNING COMMISSION REPORT THOMAS BROTHERS E. North arrow. Requirement met. F. Scale-written or graphic. Requirement met. G. Date of completion of field work. Requirement met. H. Legal description of the property. Requirement met. I. Legend for all symbols and abbreviations used on the plat. Requirement met. J. Monuments or witness corners, whether set or found, intended to represent or reference corners of the survey, shall be shown and described as to size, shape and material, and their positions noted in relation to the survey corners. Requirement met. K. Sufficient angles, bearings or azimuths, linear dimensions and curve data must be shown on the plat to provide a mathematically closed figure for the exterior of the survey. Where record angular dimensions, bearings or azimuths, linear dimensions or cure data exist, such data shall be shown on the plat and distinguished from measured dimensions or data. Area of the survey is to be shown on the face of the plat unless otherwise requested by the client. Requirement met. L. Where bearing, azimuth or coordinate systems are used, the basis or proper names of the system shall be noted on the plat. Requirement met. M. If the survey is a parcel in a recorded subdivision, any adjacent rights or way or easements and setback lines shown on the recorded plat that affect the subject parcel are to be shown and dimensioned. Requirement met. N. Visible physical evidence of possession or occupation either way from the exterior lines of the survey shall be shown and dimensioned. Requirement met. O. Show visible evidence of improvements, rights of way, easements, or use when requested by the client. Requirement met. P. Exculpatory statements that attempt to restrict the uses of boundary surveys shall not be affixed to any plat. Requirement met. Q. The following statement shall be placed near the professional land surveyor seal and signature: “This professional service conforms to the current Illinois minimum standards for a boundary survey.” Requirement met. PRELIMINARY PLAT RECOMMENDATION It is the finding of the Director of Community Development that the submitted Preliminary Plat for Highland Estates meets the regulatory requirements for approval provided that a perfected Preliminary Plat be resubmitted in a manner that satisfactorily addresses the identified deficiencies. Based on this finding it is the recommendation of the Director of Community Development that the Preliminary Plat for Highland Estates be favorably recommended by the Planning Commission to the City Council for final approval upon receipt of the Community Development Director of a perfected Preliminary Plat. 19 THOMAS BROTHERS STAFF REPORT 156 JANUARY 8, 2015 PLANNING COMMISSION REPORT THOMAS BROTHERS FINAL PLAT CONSIDERATION An application was made for consideration of the Final Plat for Highland Estates. Section 16.12.140, “Final Plat Procedures”, of the Land Subdivision Control Regulations states the following: If there are no changes in the plat from the preliminary approval stage to the Final Plat request, the Planning Commission need not take action on the Final Plat. The Community Development Director will inform the Planning Commission at their regularly scheduled meetings, either orally or in writing, of any Final Plats that will be reported to the City Council. The Planning Commission will review and report on the Final Plat under the following conditions: A. There has been a substantial change made from the Preliminary Plat to the Final Plat as notified to the Commission by the Community Development Director. B. The Mayor or City Council requests that the Planning Commission review a particular Final Plat. C. The developer requests the Planning Commission to review the Final Plat. However, he must waive normal time restrictions for Final Plat approval. Given this direction regarding the procedure for a Final Plat, a review is being provided as a courtesy and companion to the total development application package as requested by the owner of the property. No action is requested regarding the Final Plat by the Planning Commission. Regulatory guidance for consideration of Final Plats is found in Section 16.12.150, “Final Plat Requirements”, of the Land Subdivision Control Regulations. These requirements follow: A. Every final (record) plat shall be prepared by a land surveyor registered in Illinois. Requirement met. B. The final plat may include all or only a part of the Preliminary Plat which has received approval. Requirement met. C. The plans of the Final Plat shall be drawn on mylar with waterproof black ink. The scale shall be 1” equals 20’, 40’, 50’ or 100’; however, the resulting drawing should be either 24”x36” or 30”x42”. Letter shall be 0.1” or larger for the sake of legibility when the record documents are archived by the City. Ten (10) black or blue line prints shall be provided to the City on or before the time of the Final Plat application. Requirement met. D. All dimensions shall be shown in feet and decimals of a foot and all angles shown to at least the nearest minute. Requirement met. E. Name of the proposed subdivision with Section, Township and Range numbers in which the subdivision is located. Requirement met. F. North arrow, graphic scale, and date. Requirement met. G. Names, addresses and phone numbers of the owner, subdivider, and registered land surveyor who prepared the plat (file in conjunction with the plat). Requirement met. H. Accurate boundary lines, with dimensions and bearing or angles, which provide a survey of the tract, closing with an error of closure of not more than one (1) foot in five thousand (5,000) feet. Requirement met. I. Accurate metes and bounds description or other adequate legal description of the tract to be platted with distances and direction to the nearest established Section Corner monument and location of monuments along with type, material and size (where discrepancies occur, both recorded descriptions and surveyed descriptions should be included). Requirement met. 20 THOMAS BROTHERS STAFF REPORT 157 JANUARY 8, 2015 PLANNING COMMISSION REPORT THOMAS BROTHERS J. Number each lot or site for identification and indicate the address when assigned by the City. Requirement met. K. All elevations shall be referenced to the National Geodetic Vertical Datum of 1929, and the said reference and benchmark shall be clearly stated on any plans or drawings showing such datum. Requirement met. L. Accurate locations of all existing and recorded streets intersecting the boundaries of the tract, shown by heavy solid lines. Requirement met. M. Locations, dimensions and purposes of any locatable, previously recorded or newly created easements including the easement statements defining the use and rights conveyed with each type of easement, as specified in Sections 16.16.340 and 16.16.350. Requirement not met; no easements are delineated on the plat for access or utility purposes. N. Location and purposes of any sites, other than private lots, which are dedicated or reserved. Requirement met. O. Location, dimension and area of all parcels reserved or used for green space or public space, and their intended use. Requirement not applicable at this time; to be reflected at the time of Site Plan review and approval. P. Applicable 100-year flood elevations as determined by FEMA or as determined by the highest applicable downstream culvert, roadway or other drainageway overflow elevation and the lowest allowable finished floor elevations for all lots subject to said flood elevations along with references to the nearest established USGS, FEMA or published benchmark. Requirement met. Q. A statement to the effect that the streets and alleys delineated on this plat are not accepted by the City. Requirement met. R. A statement that the City, by approving the drainage plans or by requiring certain standards with respect to drainage, accepts no responsibility for damages caused by the drainage or drainage facilities, to the owners or occupants of real estate affected, nor does the City guarantee that the improvements or changes in drainage will not cause damage to the owners or occupants of real estate affected, nor does the City accept drainage facilities or improvements for maintenance. The responsibility for change in drainage and for the maintenance of drainage facilities or improvements remains that of the developer, subdivider or landowner or occupant. Requirement met. S. Names of owners and mortgages accepting said Plat with owner or owners personally signing the Plat. Requirement met. T. Reference to recorded subdivision plats within 300 feet of the proposed subdivision by record name, plat book and page number and names of owners of record of adjoining un-platted land. Requirement met. U. Lot lines with accurate dimensions, angles or bearings and curve data including radii, arcs or chords, points of tangency, central angles; number of each lot; and setback lines and dimensions; and in a separate list, the area of each lot. Requirement not met; setback lines are not provided. V. Street and other public right-of-way lines with accurate dimensions, angles or bearings and curve data including radii, arcs or chords, points of tangency, and central angles. Requirement met. W. Street names, right-of-way widths and other pertinent data. Requirement met. 21 THOMAS BROTHERS STAFF REPORT 158 JANUARY 8, 2015 PLANNING COMMISSION REPORT THOMAS BROTHERS X. Restrictions of all types which will run with the land and become covenants in the deeds for lots. Should any or all restrictions and trusteeships be of such length as to make the lettering of same on the Plat impracticable and thus necessitate the preparation of a separate instrument, reference to such instrument shall be made on the Plat. Requirement met. Y. Name of school district(s) in which the property is located. Requirement not met. Z. Certification by a registered land surveyor and a registered professional engineer with registration numbers and seal(s) affixed to all final documents of the Final Plat. The engineer shall also certify that the following agencies were properly notified as required and approve the project: IHPA, IDNR, IDNR OWR, SCS, USACE, IEPA, IDOT and USDA. These agency sign-offs shall be submitted to the City before the City will sign the Final Plat. Requirement met. SECTION 16.12.160, “CERTIFICATES REQUIRED” The following certificates shall be included on the final (record plat) in language that is commonly acceptable to the County Recorder of Deeds and in accordance with State Statutes. The final plat shall be signed by the registered land surveyor and owner(s), and notarized prior to submittal to the City. All certificates shall be provided prior to Final Plat submittal. A. Owner’s certificate. Requirement met. B. Notary Public’s certificate. Requirement met. C. Surveyor’s certificate. Requirement met. D. County Clerk’s certificate. Requirement met. E. City Council’s certificate. Requirement met. F. Undermining. Requirement not met. G. Drainage changes. Requirement met. H. Certificate of dedication of all public areas. Requirement met. I. Certificate that all taxes due have been paid. Requirement met. J. 9-1-1 Coordinator certificate. Requirement met. K. Flood hazard areas certificate. Requirement met. L. Stormwater facilities certificate. Requirement met. SECTION 1270.56 MINIMUM STANDARDS OF PRACTICE AS PART OF THE ILLINOIS PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEYOR ACT OF 1989 A. On all boundary surveys the completed plat shall be drawn on a stable and durable medium with a minimum size of 8.5” by 11”. Requirement met. B. Firm name, address and registration number. Requirement met. C. Professional land surveyor seal, signature, date of signing, and license expiration date. Rubberstamp signatures, compute generated signatures or other reproduced signatures are prohibited. Requirement met. D. Client’s name. Requirement met. E. North arrow. Requirement met. F. Scale-written or graphic. Requirement met. G. Date of completion of field work. Requirement met. 22 THOMAS BROTHERS STAFF REPORT 159 JANUARY 8, 2015 PLANNING COMMISSION REPORT THOMAS BROTHERS H. Legal description of the property. Requirement met. I. Legend for all symbols and abbreviations used on the plat. Requirement met. J. Monuments or witness corners, whether set or found, intended to represent or reference corners of the survey, shall be shown and described as to size, shape and material, and their positions noted in relation to the survey corners. Requirement met. K. Sufficient angles, bearings or azimuths, linear dimensions and curve data must be shown on the plat to provide a mathematically closed figure for the exterior of the survey. Where record angular dimensions, bearings or azimuths, linear dimensions or cure data exist, such data shall be shown on the plat and distinguished from measured dimensions or data. Area of the survey is to be shown on the face of the plat unless otherwise requested by the client. Requirement met. L. Where bearing, azimuth or coordinate systems are used, the basis or proper names of the system shall be noted on the plat. Requirement met. M. If the survey is a parcel in a recorded subdivision, any adjacent rights or way or easements and setback lines shown on the recorded plat that affect the subject parcel are to be shown and dimensioned. Requirement met. N. Visible physical evidence of possession or occupation either way from the exterior lines of the survey shall be shown and dimensioned. Requirement met. O. Show visible evidence of improvements, rights of way, easements, or use when requested by the client. Requirement met. P. Exculpatory statements that attempt to restrict the uses of boundary surveys shall not be affixed to any plat. Requirement met. Q. The following statement shall be placed near the professional land surveyor seal and signature: “This professional service conforms to the current Illinois minimum standards for a boundary survey.” Requirement met. SUMMARY AND RECOMMENDATION: It is the recommendation of the Community Development Director that the following actions should be taken by the Planning Commission for each respective request made by the applicant: 1. Rezoning Request: Favorable recommendation to the City Council to amend the zoning designation of the property from “R-1A”, “R-1”, and “B-4” to “R-1” for proposed Lot 2 and “B-4” for proposed Lot 1. 2. Preliminary Plat: Favorable recommendation to the City Council regarding the Preliminary Plat for Highland Estates. 3. Final Plat: Favorable recommendation to the City Council regarding the Final Plat for Highland Estates. 23 THOMAS BROTHERS STAFF REPORT 160 JANUARY 8, 2015 Motion for request for Rezoning submitted by Thomas Brothers Automotive for property located at 936 St. Louis Road and 100 Highland Place. At issue was the consolidation of sites currently zoned R1A, R1, B4. It was request that Lot 1 be rezoned to R1 and Lot 2 be rezoned to B4. Currently, the sites have substantial levels of nonconformity with current codes for any form of redevelopment of the sites. By rezoning these into the proper specifications, it will allow the site owner to have a better understanding of the guidelines for further development. It will also provide the Planning Commission better direction for the intended use of these property sites. A resident spoke out in opposition to this and pointed out that this rezoning to B4 was attempted 10 years prior and was rejected at that time. The resident was a neighbor who was concerned that the B4 designation could allow the introduction of a new business without proper screening. The Planning Commission pointed out that since that time period, code enforcement has been strengthened as well as designation of the use of proper screening for transitional properties between commercial and residential. Resident was satisfied that if a new business was to open at that location, we would require proper screening to transition between commercial and residential properties. Rezoning was passed with a vote of 9-0. 161 AGENDA ITEM REPORT DATE OF MEETING: January 26, 2015 ITEM: Ordinance Amending the Collinsville Municipal Code Title 16, Subdivisions, Regarding Final Plat Procedures and Performance Guarantee and Bonds STRATEGIC PLAN GOAL: Goal #1 –High Quality Neighborhoods Goal #4 – Strong and Diverse Local Economy BACKGROUND: Upon processing the subdivision plats and approvals for the recently approved California Timbers subdivision, Staff discovered several problematic procedural requirements in the Subdivision Code. These issues concerned the procedure for approval of a Final Plat, as well as the requirements for submittal of Performance and Warranty Bonds for the installation of public improvements and infrastructure. The issues were discussed and the attached draft language reviewed by the Planning Commission at the meeting on January 8, and received unanimous support to recommend approval of the proposed amendments. The attached ordinance contains strikethrough and yellow highlight on the proposed amendments for your information. Please see the attached memo for a complete explanation of the issues and how each of them is being addressed. RECOMMENDATION: The Community Development Director recommends approval of the Ordinance Amending the Collinsville Municipal Code Title 16, Subdivisions, Regarding Final Plat Procedures and Performance Guarantee and Bonds ITEM SUBMITTED BY: Mitchell Bair, AICP, Community Development Director ATTACHMENTS: Ordinance Staff Memo Chairman Jerome’s Memo 162 ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE COLLINSVILLE MUNICIPAL CODE TITLE 16, SUBDIVISIONS, REGARDING FINAL PLAT PROCEDURES AND PERFORMANCE GUARANTEE AND BONDS BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF COLLINSVILLE as follows: SECTION 1: That Collinsville Municipal Code Title 16 (Subdivisions), Section 16.12.140, Final Plat Procedures, is repealed in its entirety and replaced with the following: Section 16.12.140, “Final Plat Procedures” Every person who proposes to subdivide any land within the City’s jurisdiction shall comply with the procedural and substantive provisions of the subsections below; except, that said requirements shall not be applicable to land that is specifically exempted from such requirements under subsections (b)1, (b)2, (b)3, (b)4, (b)5, (b)6, (b)7, (b)8, and (b)9 of “An Act to Revise the Law in Relation to Plats” contained in Illinois Revised Statutes, Chapter 109, Section 1, and as the said subsections may be amended. The City specifically does not adopt the last unnumbered paragraph of Section1 thereof that was enacted by P.A. 83-627 and P.A. 83-634 permitting Counties to adopt 2 acres instead of 5 acres as the standard for requirement Plat approval. A “Final Plat Check List”, as exhibited in Appendix D, shall be submitted with the final plat. As an alternate to providing plans for sanitary sewer lines as a pre-requisite to approval of a final plat, in cases where sanitary sewers are not available and individual sewage systems are being utilized, a written approval from Madison County shall be required indicating that they have given general approval to the individual sewage system plan proposed by the subdivider. The Final Plat shall be filed with the Community Development Director. The Final Plat shall include all plans and specifications and such other documents as may be necessary concerning the form of guarantee or performance bond to be used. If there are no changes in the plat from the preliminary approval stage to the Final Plat request, the Planning Commission need not take action on the Final Plat. The Community Development Director will inform the Planning Commission at their regularly scheduled meetings, either orally or in writing, of any Final Plats that will be reported to the City Council. The Planning Commission will review and report on the Final Plat under the following conditions: A. There has been a substantial change made from the Preliminary Plat to the Final Plat as notified to the Commission by the Community Development Director. B. The Mayor or City Council requests that the Planning Commission review a particular Final Plat. C. The developer requests the Planning Commission to review the Final Plat. However, he must waive normal time restrictions for Final Plat approval. If the Planning Commission reviews the Final Plat, it shall do so within forty-five (45) days from the date of application, or the filing by the subdivider of the last item of required supporting data, whichever date is later, provided that such date of application and/or filing is not less than thirty (30) days prior to a regularly scheduled meeting of the Planning Commission, otherwise the Commission shall review the Final Plat within sixty (60) days from the date of application and/or filing, unless such time is extended by written mutual consent, and shall determine whether the Final Plat shall be approved as submitted; shall be approved subject to certain conditions or modifications; or shall be disapproved. If action is not taken by the Planning Commission within sixty (60) 163 days, then the application proceeds to the City Council without a recommendation from the Planning Commission. Where there is no change in the plat from the preliminary to the final stage, the Community Development Director shall review the Final Plat and plans and transmit his report of findings and recommendations to the City Council within thirty (30) days of the filing date of the Final Plat. The action of the Community Development Director, whether approval or disapproval of the Final Plat as well as the date of said action, shall be noted in writing and attached to the Final Plat. If the Final Plat is disapproved, the reasons why should be so stated. If the Community Development Director fails to act within the said thirty (30) day time limit, the plat shall be deemed to be approved by the Community Development Director. The City Council shall take action on the Final Plat within sixty (60) days from the date of the Planning Commission recommendation (or Community Development Director recommendation if not reviewed by the Planning Commission) unless such time is extended by written mutual consent. If the Final Plat is disapproved by the City Council, the reasons for such action shall be noted in writing by resolution stating the reasons for disapproval. If the Final Plat is approved by the City Council, the Final Plat shall be held by the City clerk until such time the subdivider posts a performance guarantee or bond as required by Section 16.12.210, if required. Upon receipt of said performance guarantee or bond, the Mayor shall affix his signature to the Final Plat and attach thereto a notation that the Final Plat has received final approval of the City Council; the Clerk shall attest the signature of the Mayor and affix his seal and attach a certified copy of the City Council’s resolution of approval to said approved Final Plat. If such Performance Guarantee or bond is not posted by the subdivider within sixty (60) days from the date of approval of the Final Plat by the City Council, approval of such Final Plat shall expire and become null and void. SECTION 2: That Collinsville Municipal Code Title 16 (Subdivisions), Section 16.12.210, Performance Guarantee or Bond is repealed in its entirety and replaced with the following: Section 16.12.210, “Performance Guarantee or Bond” A performance guarantee or bond shall be posed by the subdivider with the Community Development Director upon Final Plat approval. Such performance guarantee or bond shall be in an amount approved by the City as equal to the estimated construction of all improvements intended to be dedicated to the City for maintenance and operation. The developer shall submit a detailed engineer’s estimate to the City for review and approval. The estimate shall include quantities of each individual work items and an estimated unit price. The performance guarantee or bond shall be in the amount of the final estimate as approved by the City. Performance of work necessary to complete construction and installation of the required improvements to be dedicated to the City shall be within two (2) years of the date of approval of the Final Plat, unless such time is extended by written mutual consent of the subdivider and the City. If such improvements are not satisfactorily installed within the time constraints imposed herein, then such guarantee or bond shall be forfeited by the subdivider, and the surety shall be used to complete and/or install such improvements in accordance with the requirements specified herein. All developers shall post with the Community Development Director a performance guarantee in the form of a good and sufficient cash bond or irrevocable letter of credit (or other guarantee acceptable to the city) and deposit agreement in a form prescribed by the city (“performance guarantee”) after final plat approval but before recording, within the time requirements set forth in Section 16.12.140 of this chapter, and before construction of the improvements is started. Such performance guarantee shall be in an amount equal to 100% of the Community Development Director approved estimate of cost of properly and fully completed construction and installation of all improvements (“estimated costs”) intended to be dedicated to the city, any public entity, or public 164 or private utility for maintenance and operation and such other improvements required on the final improvements as designated by the Community Development Director. The performance guarantee amount shall cover expenditures including, but not limited to, reasonable inspection fees and professional review fees of the city, installation and maintenance of improvements (including landscaping and street trees, where applicable), storm water detention/retention, survey monumentation and soil erosion and sediment control measures, and such other improvement obligations required herein, for a two (2) year period after inspection, approval and acceptance by the city, if applicable, as specified by the city, as well as engineering and inspection costs to cover the cost of failure or repair of improvements installed on the site, all to be borne by the applicant, and necessary to conform to the requirements established and conditioned upon completion of the requirements set forth in this chapter. As public improvements are completed, a pro rata amount of the performance guarantee may be reduced upon approval by the Community Development Director. Performance guarantees for development performance and maintenance may be separate. Where permanent maintenance will be assumed by an agency or entity other than the developer, the time period of the maintenance performance guarantee should be limited accordingly. The Community Development Director may cause funds to be drawn from the guarantee to remedy any failure of the developer to meet the performance guarantee obligations; provided that, except in emergencies, prior written notice shall be provided to the developer to reasonably allow for the developer to remedy the deficiency. In accordance with the above, the developer shall submit a detailed engineer’s estimate to the Community Development Director for review and approval. The estimate shall include quantities of each individual work items and an estimated unit price. Performance of work necessary to complete construction and installation of the required improvements to be dedicated to the city shall be within two years of the date of approval of the final plat, unless such time is extended by written mutual consent of the subdivider and the city. If such improvements are not satisfactorily installed within the time constraints imposed herein, then such guarantee or bond shall be forfeited by the subdivider, and the surety shall be used to complete and/or install such improvements in accordance with the requirements specified herein. In lieu of the performance guarantee required above, the city may at its discretion permit the developer to install certain improvements by posting a construction guarantee in an amount of 20% of the estimated costs (but such guarantee to be not less than $50,000) of these certain improvements to be completed and inspected to the satisfaction of the city prior to recording of the final plat; provided that, the developer also posts the full guarantee required for all improvements not being completed prior to recording and such guarantee includes an amount for all maintenance and warranty obligations for all improvements as required by this section. Such specific improvements proposed for immediate construction with a 20% construction guarantee shall be noted on the final plat and shall be completed for inspection not later than 12 months after Council approval of the final plat. Where the developer requests this alternative, the final plat shall not be signed by any city representative, nor may it be recorded until the Community Development Director has caused such completed improvements to be inspected and approved such recording in writing to the Mayor. If such improvements are not completed within the 12month period required herein, or unless such time is extended by the Council, the final plat approval shall be void and shall provide no authorization of any kind. After Council approval, but prior to recording of the final plat, the city shall have all rights of access, testing and inspection as it would after the final plat is recorded. Where the subdivision is completed in multiple plats, any improvements attributable to or for the benefits of all plats shall be completed or guaranteed as part of the first final plat. Where a performance guarantee otherwise fully satisfying the purpose of this section is posted by the developer with either Madison County, Illinois or St. Clair County, Illinois, the City Council may waive in whole or in part the required placement of a performance guarantee with the city; provided that, prior to final plat approval the developer provides to the city a performance guarantee otherwise in compliance with this chapter in the amount 165 of 20% of the estimated costs, to guarantee both completion of improvements and the warranty period. Upon annexation of any subdivision into the city prior to completion and release of all improvements, the developer shall transfer to the city or replace with the city the performance guarantee posted with the respective county, and the City Council may require the developer to post a new performance guarantee to ensure that any improvements meet the requirements of this chapter. SECTION 3: That Collinsville Municipal Code Title 16 (Subdivisions), Section 16.12.220, Construction Performance and Final Warranty, is repealed in its entirety and replaced with the following: Section 16.12.220, “Construction Performance and Warranty Final Improvement Plan Requirements” All improvements in the proposed subdivision or part thereof intended to be dedicated to the City for maintenance and operation shall be constructed and/or installed within two (2) years of the date of Final Plat approval in accordance with the requirements specified herein, and such improvements shall not be considered as completed until such are officially approved and accepted by the City Council. Construction plans and specifications for such improvements shall be provided by the subdivider at the time that the Final Plat is submitted to the City Council. The developer shall provide a two (2) year warranty against defects in materials and workmanship for the completed work. The term shall commence immediately after the final inspection punch list items have been addressed by the developer and approved by the City. The original performance guarantee or bond will not be released prior to the completion of the two-year warranty term. All improvements in the proposed subdivision or part thereof intended to be dedicated to the city, any public entity, or public or private utility for maintenance and operation shall be constructed and/or installed within two (2) years of the date of final plat approval in accordance with the requirements specified herein, and such improvements shall not be considered as completed until officially approved and accepted by the Community Development Director conditioned on any modification required by the City Council as a part of final plat approval. Construction plans and specifications for such improvements shall be provided by the subdivider on final improvement plans at the time that the final plat is submitted to the City Council. Such plans shall include improvements as required by the Community Development Director. The plans and profiles of all streets, storm and sanitary sewers, water lines and drainage structures together with their drainage area, shall be prepared on standard plan and profile sheets and shall bear the seal and signature of the registered professional engineer responsible for their preparation. A cross-section of the proposed streets shall be included showing the widths of roadways, location and width of sidewalks and the location of underground utilities. The plans shall show the lines of all proposed sidewalks and the location of all proposed street lights. The plans, cross-sections and specifications for the proposed improvements shall be submitted to and approved by the Community Development Director prior to submission to the City Council with the final plat. Four black or blue line prints of the approved documents shall be included with the final plat submission. After the completion of the construction of the improvements, a set of reproducible cloth or polyester base film (Mylar) positives and a digital file in a format acceptable to the city showing the as-built details and changes, if any, shall be filed with the city. The developer shall provide and honor a minimum two-year full warranty against defects in materials and workmanship for the completed work. This term, upon demonstrated evidence regarding the development conditions of the proposed site may be established for a period exceeding two-years upon recommendation by the Community Development Director to the City Council. The term shall commence immediately after the final inspection punch list items have been addressed by the developer and approved by the Community Development Director. The original performance guarantee will not be released prior to the commencement of the two-year warranty term. The warranty period shall be secured with a performance guarantee in the amount of 20% of the estimated costs (but such guarantee to be not less than $50,000). If a separate warranty and maintenance bond 166 is not provided at the time of final plat approval, the construction bond shall guarantee these obligations and any pro rata release for each improvement shall withhold the 20% amount necessary to meet these obligations. SECTION 4: That Collinsville Municipal Code Title 16 (Subdivisions), Section 16.12.230, Inspections and Acceptance, shall be added as follows: Section 16.12.230, “Inspections and Acceptance” All public improvements proposed to be made under the provision of this chapter will be inspected during the course of construction by the city’s duly designated representative. The developer shall inform the Community Development Director or his or her duly authorized representative prior to the construction of, and upon the completion of, each phase of construction of said public improvement(s). All fees and costs connected with such inspections and tests, and in reviewing the plans and specifications for such improvements shall be paid by the developer at a rate to be determined by the Community Development Director and as approved by the City Council. All subdivision inspections, including plan review and all associated review, performance, and inspection fees, shall be applicable and enforced within the city and within one and one-half miles beyond the corporate limits. The city reserves the right to retain outside expertise for performing special inspections. In these instances, the city shall select the outside inspection consultant and coordinate their work. The cost for such special inspections shall be borne by the applicant. No land, property interest or improvement dedicated to the city on a recorded final plat shall be deemed accepted by the city for purposes of public maintenance or liability until acceptance for such purposes shall have been specifically approved by subsequent formal written order signed and dated by the Community Development Director and Mayor. SECTION 5: That Collinsville Municipal Code Title 16 (Subdivisions), Section 16.12.240, Quality Assurance, shall be added as follows: Section 16.12.240, “Quality Assurance” City inspections will be made periodically to ensure that the subdivision is being constructed substantially in accordance with the approved plans on file and the city’s development regulations. The developer is responsible for quality assurance checks on the work, to include both on-site inspection and appropriate testing. City inspections are not to be construed as relieving the developer of any part of his or her responsibility for quality assurance of the work. SECTION 6: The remainder of Section 16.12 shall remain in full force and effect. SECTION 7: This Ordinance shall be effective upon its passage and recording in the City Clerk's Office. PASSED by the Council and Approved by the Mayor on Ayes: Nays: Absent: Approved: , 2015. John Miller, Mayor 167 , 2015. ATTEST: Kim Wasser, City Clerk 168 THE CITY OF COLLINSVILLE 125 SOUTH CENTER STREET COLLINSVILLE, IL 62234 PHONE: (618) 346-5200 FAX: (618) 343-3688 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT TO: CITY COUNCIL FROM: MITCHELL BAIR, AICP, COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR PERFORMANCE & WARRANTY BOND REQUIREMENTS OF THE LAND SUBDIVISION CONTROL REGULATIONS JANUARY 21, 2015 RE: DATE: OVERVIEW Through the process of administering the Land Subdivision Control Regulations several procedural requirements have presented themselves as problematic. Primary among these issues is the requirement for both Performance and Warranty Bonds for the installation of public improvements and infrastructure associated with the development of a subdivision. The attached proposed amendment was presented to the Planning Commission at their January 8th meeting where they voted unanimously to support the proposed amendment (the Planning Commission has no statutory purview over the Land Subdivision Control Ordinance as the right to amend, in whole or part, being that of the City Council). The remainder of this memo will outline the issues that are being recommended to be addressed through a requested amendment to the Land Subdivision Control Regulations. PERFORMANCE BOND OR IMPROVEMENT INSTALLATION OPTIONS Prior to the recording of a Subdivision Final Plat a performance bond is required for 100% of the public improvement costs. Should the developer of the subdivision wish not to secure the performance bond there is a procedural option available that seems to permit the developer is required to install all public improvements prior to Final Plat execution. In the event that the developer chooses to install all the improvements prior to execution of the Final Plat then the performance bond is not required per the code. WARRANTY BOND REQUIREMENT Another requirement prior to the recording of the Final Plat is that the developer secure and posts a warranty bond that essentially insures all the public improvements against defects in materials and workmanship. This warranty bond is required to equal 100% of all public Improvement costs and must be effective for a term of 2 years from date of Final Plat public improvement inspection approvals. The intent of the warranty bond is that it provides the City and residents protection against “defects in materials and workmanship for the completed work”. The problem with this requirement is that it is punitive in nature through the requirement to cover 100% of the total site improvement costs. This requirement results in an unreasonable development cost to the developer one that is real and in some instances will lead a developer to abandon the development project. When looking at other jurisdictions requirements for warranty bonds they range between 10%-20% of the improvement costs and almost all cover a term of 2 years. The one outlier is Schaumberg, IL that requires 50% cost of improvements for a term of 2 years. Given this simple burden and problematic issue there is yet another larger issue, one more directly related to the real world of development finance. WHAT IS THE REAL PROBLEM? The real problem is with both sections (performance and warranty bond) as related to the seemingly disconnectable requirements for either or both a performance and/or a warranty bond. The current process is simply misleading to all parties when applied in the real world of development as the current process and requirement leads one to believe C:\Users\kwasser\AppData\Local\Temp\AgendaManager\Staff Memo.docx 169 THE CITY OF COLLINSVILLE 125 SOUTH CENTER STREET COLLINSVILLE, IL 62234 PHONE: (618) 346-5200 FAX: (618) 343-3688 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT the developer can install public improvements without a performance bond and then simply secure the required warranty bond. At the end you are required to have a warranty bond, but bond companies will not warranty the work after the fact for any “reasonable” cost to the developer. Given this knowledge a developer will choose to secure a performance bond upfront instead of installing the improvements prior to executing the Final Plat. One of the problems is how the current Land Subdivision Control Ordinance is organized with the warranty bond requirement established at the very end of the Final Plat section; at best case this is misleading and at worst case this is equal to “sandbagging” someone in a game of cards. The simple solution is to begin with the end in mind, lay out both the performance and bond requirements earlier in the ordinance and in the process in a connected manner. Also the requirement of the 100% improvement costs of the warranty bond is not in alignment with contemporary practices or with the practices of our competitors. The result of this procedural and organizational requirement puts us at a competitive disadvantage in the market and reflects bad business practices. WHAT IS THE SOLUTION? Any potential solution must first protect the interests of the City and its residents and then must be fair to the development community. These interests must be balanced for the City to remain a place where the development community wants to invest its money in new subdivisions. The solution being recommended addresses the problem that is immediately facing the City regarding both the process and requirements for performance and warranty bonds. The recommended solution, in the form of the amendment before the City Council, requires, generally, the following: Posting of a performance bond in an amount equal to 100% of the costs of the public improvements is established as a requirement up front in the process. The required amount may be reduced by the Community Development Director to a minimum of 20% (but not less than $50,000) if the public improvements have been installed by the developer (they are also required to be inspected and “as built” plans submitted, reviewed and approved for said installed improvements). The critical requirement is that a performance bond is required and cannot be waived. This requirement is critical to the process as one of the main issues is that not posting a performance bond significantly damages the ability to obtain a warranty bond for the installed improvements. Another critical notation regarding this requirement is that the performance bond may also be used in place of the warranty bond due to the revised consistency of the requirements of the 2 bonds. The required performance bond is required to be in effect for a period of not less than 2 years from Final Plat execution. The warranty bond requirement is required to cover a de facto 2 year term; however, upon a finding of development conditions on the site (undermining, etc.) the Community Development Director may recommend the City Council require a period that exceeds the required 2 year minimum term of the bond. The requirement is added establishing the timeframe for the installation of said improvements and the requirements for the improvement and “as built” plans. Currently this is loosely included in the Land Subdivision Control Ordinance; this solidifies this requirement in an overt manner. The requirement for the warranty bond is clarified and language permitting the performance bond to function as the warranty bond is included. C:\Users\kwasser\AppData\Local\Temp\AgendaManager\Staff Memo.docx 170 THE CITY OF COLLINSVILLE 125 SOUTH CENTER STREET COLLINSVILLE, IL 62234 PHONE: (618) 346-5200 FAX: (618) 343-3688 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Requirements are included outlining the process and standards for the inspection and acceptance of the improvements. Currently this process is only briefly addressed when the City is accepting the maintenance responsibilities of these improvements. Requirements are included outlining the rights of the City to inspect any public improvements at any time to ensure proper maintenance, quality, and functionality of the installed improvements. Critical to this amendment is the clarification throughout that the term of public improvement extends beyond those improvements where the City is accepting maintenance responsibilities. The term public includes all of the infrastructure and improvements for the development (stormwater, water, wastewater, streets, sidewalks, landscaping, etc.). SPECIFIC SECTIONS BEING RECOMMENDED FOR AMENDMENT 1. Section 16.12.140, “Final Plat Procedures” (amend) 2. Section 16.12.210, “Performance Guarantee or Bond” (amend) 3. Section 16.12.220, “Construction Performance and Final Improvement Plan Requirements” (amend) 4. Section 16.12.230, “Inspections and Acceptance” (NEW SECTION) 5. Section 16.12.240, “Quality Assurance” (NEW SECTION) SUMMARY & RECOMMENDATION The attached draft amendment to the Land Subdivision Control Ordinance is being recommended by the Community Development Director for legislative adoption and approval of the City Council. MEB C:\Users\kwasser\AppData\Local\Temp\AgendaManager\Staff Memo.docx 171 Staff has Amendments for the Subdivision Code relating to Performance Guarantee and Warranty of Improvements As Staff will point out, our current Code has created a possible conundrum for developers trying to build Subdivisions within the City of Collinsville. Our current Code requires a Performance Guarantee (or bond) for the improvements but then also requires a Warranty Bond. As was explained by Staff, this duplication of Performance Guarantee/Warranty Bond could be considered confusing to possible developers as well as untenable since a Performance Guarantee could never satisfy a Warranty Bond which could require a developer do both even if they only wanted to provide a Performance Guarantee. Further, Staff is recommending that the Warrantey Bond equal to 20% of the estimated costs (not less than $50,000) instead of 100% of the estimated costs. Requested Amendment passed with a vote of 9-0. 172