Porition Requirements
Porition Requirements
Fort Lewir College, Upwqrd Bound il now hiring f TRiO UPWARDBOUND uniors & teniors lor tummer Leaders! Porition Requirements: . Murt be q college iunior or renior who hqr lived on cqmput End hqve q minimum 2.5 GPA Murt hqve tutoring experience in qt leqrt one of the following: Mqth, tcience, English, tpqnish Murt hqve experience worhing with youth Murt be qvqilqble to worh f une 3- f uly 13 May NOT be enrolled in FLC tummer iessiont ll or lll tummer Employment tolory: $2000 plur FREE houring & meqlr!! fune 3-f uly Applicqtion due Fridoy, Morch 23,2012 13 For info & application, visit the UB website: http:ll www.fortlewis.edu/ upwardbound/ home.aspx Marya Corrigan, Director 97A.247.76L8 Corriga [email protected] Upward Bound Summer Academy Leader QualiJications . o r o o o o Minimum G.P.A. of 2.5. Junior or Senior in college. Campus resident for least two semesters, or equivalent. Valid Driver's license Tutoring experience in Math, English, Science, or Foreign Language (Spanish.) Experience working with youth. NOT enrolled in Summer Sessions II or III Desired qualities o a a a a a a a a a Be professional at all times and in all interactions with students and staff. Have a clear understanding of leader and student boundaries with regard to supervision Be a positive role model to high school students (have passion and ability to inspire, possess a clear set of values, demonstrate a commitment to community, demonstrate selflessness and acceptance of others. have an ability to overcome obstacles) Be able to follow directions and be willing to seek help from Upward Bound and college staff. Show fairness and consistency dealing with a variety of students. Use effective methods for dealing with conflict Be flexible, tolerant, and in control in any situation. Show concern for others and relate in a positive manner to the students. Share the benefits to be gained from going to college. Encourage and assist individuals in finding their own solutions, while offering direction to campus and community resources. Develop trust and maintain confidentiality. Expectations o o o e Participate in three-day leader training prior to student arrival. Attend Academy-oriented staff meetings prior to and during the Academy. Work and be available for the full six-week period of the Uprvard Bound Summer Academy. During the Academy, the position is to be a priority over ali other interests. classes, or employment. Leaders cannot be enrolled in FLC summer session II or III. Leaders are discouraged from holding other jobs outside the Upward Bound Summer Academy when the UB students are on campus. UB students are on campus each week from Sunday at 7 p.m. through Friday afternoon at 5p.m. Leaders are on duty during this time. A typical work day runs from 2:00pm until 12:00 midnight. Monday through Thursday, and 7am-5pm on Friday, with leaders alternating morning breakfast duty. Leaders are on call during evening and early morning hours. Leaders will be required to drive 10 passenger vans. A state driver's license is required for this position and leaders must complete a mandatory online training prior to driving vans. Position requirements r o o a a Direct and support the students (with guidance from supervisor), most of who will be away from home for the first time. Assist and advise students in their Upward Bound experience. Serve as an information resource about the college life and services that are offered both on campus and through the Upward Bound Program. Translate the College and Housing guidelines to the students. Superuise student conduct. Note that this can be one of the toughest roles that the Leader performs. Even though Leaders may feel they are close in age to the UB participants, they must still be able to draw the line between being a friend and an effective adviser. Be accurate in documentation for the Vice President of Student Affairs and the Director of Upward Bound. Academy Leader duties . General duties: o o o o o o o o o o Directand supportall student actirities benreen -1:00pm-10:00 pm: monitorall dorm activity. Be an information resource to students about college lit-e and responsibilities. Offer a supportive ear and feedback for students' questions and concerns. Instill in and demonstrate to students a sense of camaraderie and college-level socialmembership o During meals Chaperone and oversee events and trips. Provide assistance during evening tutoring sessions. Supervise a student service project. Organize and run evening recreational activities. Assist with planning and execution of special events. Other duties as assigned by leader supervisor and/or director. Leaders have student contact and responsibilities in the follou'in-e places: o o . Leaders take attendance, dine with students, and manage anv situations that may arise. During afternoon free time (4:00-5:00pm) direct and monitor students At Friday morning project work . . Leaders manage student community service project. Work with students on presentation about project for end-of-academy banquet. o At evening activities . Leaders will organize and run evening after-dinner recreational activities M-R nights. Fridays . Leaders will chaperone and assist on Friday afternoon field trips. Sunday nights . Chaperone and assist at Sunday night movie or dorm hang-out times. Evaluations o In addition to regular supervisor-staff feedback throughout the course of the summer, formal written evaluations will also be conducted. Performances will be evaluated based on the above criteria. These evaluations provide the staff member with an updated appraisal of their performance at the end of the summer program. Residence Hall duties: . General duties: o Supervise in-dorm times and enforcement of residence rules. o Provide interaction and exemplify behavior that encourages students to act with reason, to assume responsibiliry for their actions, and to be consistently considerate of the rights and freedoms of others. o o Take appropriate action to protect the health, safety, and rights ofresidents. Assist in opening and closing the residence hall, preparation of rosters, damage inventories, maintenance checks, and other duties as assigned by the Upward Bound and college staff. o Be familiar with fire safety equipment and coordinate the floor's fire drill program. o Report safety hazards. o Assist Leader Supervisor and Residence Director as assigned in emergencies o Maintain necessary Academy records and paperwork o At night, Leaders will be available for student contact, to manage situations, o o o and to enforce residence hall rules. Educate students so that they are aware of rvhat is expected of them in Residence Life and promote an understanding ofthe reasons for the regulations. Develop consistent methods of enforcing rules and regulations, and assist students in developing methods of self-enforcement. Walk through the building periodically over the course of a night (as assigned), securing the building/complex by checking that all perimeter doors are closed/not propped and inappropriate noise is confronted. TRiO UPWARDBOUND Upward Bound Summer Academy Leader high school students develop Upward Bound is a federally funded plogram that helps qualified school, and advance to and comthe skills and motivation needed to succeslsfully complete high Durango' Montezumaft.,. u college education. Fort Lewis College Upward Bound serves Cortez, and Ignacio high schools. preparatory program that gives The Upward Bound Summer Academy is a six-week college from early June to early July, Upward Bound students a taste of the .t[.g. experience. Held in community service projects, and experience fu.ti.ipurts take college-style classes, particilate group interaciott"ge-tite social life through sports, cultural experiences, outdoor adventures, of literature/ areas tion. and social events. Participants receive instruction in core curriculum also take elective courses' composition, foreign language, math, and laboratory science' They and get exposure to enrichment are offered guidance in eduiational and career opportunities, self-confidence' activities designed to promote leadership, cultural awareness' and What is an (Ipward Bound Summer Academy Leader? student who has experiAn Upward Bound Summer Academy Leadei is an upper level college and who wants to share that expeence living in a campus dormitory urri ,r".."ding in college, lives in a residence hall with rience with college-bound high school students. A Summer Leader which Leaders facilitate conUpward Bound students throirghout the Summer Academy, during student service projects' versation groups, plan and lead evening recreational activities, support primary lesoulce for information' chaperone and assist on field trips, anJgenerally serve as the participants' inspiration, and assistance to Upward Bound Summer Academy Why would you want to be a UB Summer Academy Leader? Summer Academy Leaders are Beyond the basic expectations and requirements, Upward Bound and friendship for their offered tremendous opportunities for creativity, adventure, challenge, college experience. TRiO UPWARD Upward Bound Employment Application-Leader Name SSN Mail ing Addresq DOB City zip State Main Phone Work # E-mail Drivers Lic. # Enuclrrox High School Graduation Year GPA Undergraduate Degree and Major Graduation Year GPA- Postgraduate Degree and Major GPA- Graduation Year Other Degree and Major Graduation Year GPA- Pr-nasr Arra.cH r r Transcripts (unofficial or copies) Resume n Two letters of reference n Page describing skills and experience you can contribute to the Program PosTTTox SUBJECT TO BACKGROUND CHECK UPON HIRE. Date Signature Send application to: Fort Lewis College FLC Upward Bound Jackie Fischer 1000 Rim Dr, Reed Library, 3rd Floor Durango, CO 81301 **APPLICATIO\ Df E FRID.{.\. \IARCH 23,20I2X* BOUND