Welcome Back! - Chehalis School District
Welcome Back! - Chehalis School District
W. F. West High School Parent Bulletin 342 SW 16th Street • Chehalis, WA 98532 (360) 807-7235 • (360) 807-7235 (FAX) www.chehalisschools.org/wfw Bob Walters, Principal Wendla Balmer, Assistant Principal Tom Elder, Assistant Principal Jeff Johnson, Athletic Director/Assistant Principal @WFWestHS ch o o y of s l is August/September 2015 ! 8 r be m e t p Se rs t d fi e h T a B Supplies/Materials list th e m o c l e W ! k c Ba Go S! T A C EA R • • • • • • • • A package of blue or black pens A package of pencils A package of lined notebook paper Two 3-inch 3-ring view binders (One is for Advisory, which you may already have, and one is for classes.) Two packages of binder index dividers (One is for Advisory, which you may already have, and one is for classes.) Book covers for all your textbooks Plastic page protectors for Advisory Notebook items A Calculator (Please see your math and/or science teachers for specific model.) Registration Completion of the student registration process for the 2015-16 school year begins August 24th. Students will have an opportunity to purchase individual picture packets, pay fees, buy ASB cards, sign up for lockers, register vehicles for parking tabs, and obtain copies of their fall schedules. Fees may be paid by a check made out to W. F. West High School for the exact amount, only. Be sure to check the enclosed W. F. West Registration Day Check-Off List for the costs/fees. For purchase of a picture packet, checks should be made out to Lifetouch. The photographers will not have change, so the exact amount must be provided. Picture packet information is included in this Parent Bulletin, or you can purchase packets online at www.mylifetouch.com. Payment envelopes will be available from the photographers or from the school office. Photographers will be available until 2:30 on each registration day. Students with outstanding fees from previous semesters must make that payment before registering or being eligible for sports programs. Registration activities will take place in the Commons. Students will be processed on a first-come first-served basis. Freshmen will attend Freshman Orientation on Thursday, August 27th, 8:00 AM to 2:30 PM. ALL freshmen will meet in the gym at 8:00 AM. The orientation process will last until 2:30 PM and will include registration. Registration times are divided by an alphabetical split: Freshmen Orientation Seniors Juniors Sophomores New-to-District Student Registration Monday, Aug. 24th Tuesday, Aug. 25 Wednesday, Aug. 26th Thursday, Aug. 27th 8:30 - 11:30 AM 8:30 - 11:30 AM 8:30 - 11:30 AM 8:00 - 11:30 AM 12:30 - 2:30 PM 12:30 - 2:30 PM 12:30 - 2:30 PM 12:30 - 2:30 PM New students are reminded that immunization records are required to register. Please stop by the Counseling Office to pick up pre-registration materials before August 27th. Office hours are 8:00 am to 3:30 p.m., Monday through Friday. Students not returning to W. F. West for the fall semester are asked to contact the Counseling Center to offer that information. This will service the returning students in a more efficient manner and allow for a more accurate class count. The office phone number is 807-7235, ext. 5514. Lunchroom Meal Prices 2015-16 Breakfast Student$1.85 Reduced Free 20 Regular 37.00 Lunch W. F. West High School MISSION STATEMENT W. F. West High School exists to provide all students a superior education so they may discover and achieve their full potential. Core Beliefs Elementary Teachers inspire and challenge all students, guiding them toward knowledge and the achievement of their Student$2.60 full potential. Reduced .40 20 Regular 20 Reduced Adult 52.00 8.00 3.35 Chehalis Middle School Student$2.75 Reduced .40 20 Regular 55.00 20 Reduced 8.00 Adult 3.35 W. F. West High School Student$2.85 Reduced .40 20 Regular 57.00 20 Reduced 8.00 Adult 3.35 Freshman Orientation All upcoming freshmen are invited to attend a very important Freshman Orientation to be held at W. F. West High School, on Thursday, August 27th, from 8:00 am to 2:30 pm. The orientation will begin in the high school gym. Freshman will also be able to pick up their schedules, pay fees, get a locker, etc., during this time. Students have a responsibility to commit to learning in order to achieve their full potential. All students are unique individuals who have the potential to become positive contributing members of society. Learning how to learn serves students for a lifetime. A positive school climate enhances learning. Co-curricular activities enhance learning and develop self worth, pride, and leadership. Schools are most effective when parents and the community are integral parts of the educational process. Cell Phones Cell phones have made it easy for all of us to keep in touch with each other. However, during class time a ringing cell phone is a distraction to the entire class. Student cell phones are to be turned off during class time. They are confiscated until after school if they ring or a student uses the phone during class. If you need to get in touch with your student, please call the high school office at 807-7235, and we will get a message out to your student. ---Thank you! No Cell Phone use during class time! Sports Go B e a r c at s! Dear Parents: August brings Bearcat Athletics to another school year with a great deal of enthusiasm! Please take time to read the following, as I believe you will find the information helpful. 1. All-Sports Parent Meeting ---- ALL PARENTS of 201516 W. F. West athletes are asked to attend a meeting on Wednesday, September 2nd, at 6:00 pm, in the W. F. West Commons. 2. Athletic Clearance -- Varsity football practice begins on Wednesday, August 19th. All other fall sports begin on Monday, August 24th. Students must complete all forms and pay ASB ($20) and Athletic Fees ($20 plus $15 transportation fee per sport) before they are eligible to practice. The paperwork is available in the Athletic Office. 3. Season Tickets -- We presently offer an All-Sports Ticket and a Football Season Ticket for parents and sports fans. The Football Season Ticket costs $20. A football season ticket with a reserved seat costs $25. The All-Sports Ticket sells for $80, and admits you to all regular Bearcat home athletic contests for the entire year. The All-Sports ticket with a reserved football seat costs $85. The AllSports Ticket, in terms of general admission, exceeds $195. Individuals 65 years of age and older may purchase an All-Sports Ticket for $45. Tickets will be on sale beginning in late August, in the Athletic Office, at W. F. West High School. I look forward to meeting you on Wednesday, September 2nd, at 6:00 pm! Jeff Johnson Athletic Director Bearcat Football Kickoff The first home football game will be Friday, September 4th, at 7:00 p.m. The Bearcats will play Kingston. Coach Wollan and the coaching staff, along with the Bearcat players, have been working hard since June to prepare for the 2015 Bearcat football season. Go Bearcats! Sports Schedule Students are encouraged to participate in extra-curricular activities. The following is a list of what sports are played in which season. Fall Football Cross Country Volleyball Tennis-Boys Soccer-Girls Golf-Boys Swimming-Girls Cheer Winter Basketball Cheer Wrestling Spring Baseball Fastpitch Track Tennis-Girls Golf-Girls Soccer-Boys Attention Fall Sports Participants All participants in fall sports must complete the necessary paperwork, pay the Athletic fee and ASB fee by August 18th. DO NOT wait until the first practice for clearance. Bits ‘n Pieces Student Fees 2015-16 ASB Officers The fee schedule for the 2015 - 16 school year is as follows: For these fees, make checks payable to: W. F. West High School ASB Card $20 ASB Card replacement $5 Annual $50 Athletic Fee $20 Transportation fee per sport $15 Football Helmet fee $10 Traffic Safety $390 (Offered before or after school, only. Must apply/pay online.) For school pictures, make checks payable to: Lifetouch A fee will be charged for some take-home projects made in class during the year. Costs for the materials will be determined by the teacher. There is a $15 fee for Pottery class. There are no fees for a parking tag or a locker lock. However, if a parking tag has to be replaced, the cost will be $5. The cost to have a locker lock replaced is $5. President Vice-President Hunter Snyder Secretary Kelli Roberts Nathan Anglin Treasurers Tessa Wollan Maddy James Hannah Cummings Activities/Spirit Coordinator: Emilee Witham Assembly Coordinator: Randi Pedersen Senior Class President Junior Class Presidents Sophomore Class President Freshman Class President Emma Baerny Andrew Painter Haley Simmons TBD There is no reduced rate for Traffic Safety class. We will be hosting our Open House on Tuesday, September 22, at 6:00 p.m. You are invited to come, meet your student’s teachers and get a feel of where your student spends his/her day. Please join us! W. F. West Music Department 2015-2016 Tentative Calendar Date Event Time Place School Affected 9/15 Ted Brown Instrument Rental Night 3:00-6:30pm Olympic Multipurpose OES 9/21 SWWMEA Fall Meeting 5:30pm Music Staff 10/2 UPS Choral Festival thru 10/3 All Day University of Puget Sound WFW 10/2 8th grade joins WFW Pep Band 5:30pm WFW B. Room/Bearcat Stadium WFW/CMS 10/13 Music Booster Potluck/Concert 7:30pm WF West Commons WFW 11/10 CMS Fall Choir Concert 7:00pm CMS Commons CMS 11/20 WIBC @ Seatac thru 11/23 All Day SeaTac Doubletree Hotel WFW 12/3 Cascade Music Program 7:00pm Cascade Gymnasium Cascade 12/5 Chehalis Santa Parade TBA Downtown Chehalis WFW 12/8 CMS WinterFest 6:15/7:30 CMS Gym CMS 12/10 WFW Winter Concert 7:00pm WFW Gymnasium WFW 12/16 Westsinger’s Rotary Performance TBA TBA WFW 1/8 PLU Honor Band thru Jan. 9 All Day Pacific Lutheran University WFW 1/12 CMS Steel Drum Concert 7:00pm CMS Commons CMS 1/21 CMS Band Night 7:00pm CMS Gymnasium CMS 1/28 WF West Percussion Show 7:00pm WF West Little Theatre WFW 1/29 Viking Jazz Festival All Day Poulsbo, WA WFW 2/4 CMS Solo & Ens. Showcase 7:00pm CMS Commons CMS 2/6 Regional Instr. Solo & Ens. Contest All Day WF West High School WFW / CMS 2/11 WMEA All-State through 2/14 All Day Yakima, Washington WFW / CMS 2/16 4th Grade Musical - Hays 7:00pm Olympic Multipurpose OES 2/18 4th Grade Musical - Hays 7:00pm Olympic Multipurpose OES 2/20 Regional Voc. Solo & Ens. Contest All Day WF West High School WFW/CMS 2/23 Olympic Elementary Recruitment Assembly 8:30am Olympic Elementary School CMS/OES 2/25 2nd Grade Musical 7:00pm Chester Rhodes Auditorium REB 2/26 Warner Pacific Band Festival All Day Warner Pacific - Portland CMS 3/1 3rd Grade Musical 7:00pm Rhodes Auditorium REB 3/5 Regional Elementary Honor Choir All Day CMS/OES 3/7 String Night (6-12) 7:00pm RE Bennett Auditorium WFW/CMS 3/8 WFW Band Night 7:00pm WFW Commons WFW 3/10 CMS Choir Night 7:00pm CMS Commons CMS 3/11 Clackamas Jazz Trip thru 3-13 All Day Oregon City, OR WFW 3/15 WFW Medley in March Choir Concert 7:00pm WFW Commons WFW 3/15 Regional MS Band Festival All Day Monticello Middle School CMS 3/17 Regional MS Choir Festival All Day Tenino CMS 3/17 Cascade Music Program 7:00pm Cascade Gymnasium Cascade 3/18 Evening For The Arts – Music Fundraiser 6:30pm WF West Commons 3/19 Frontier Jazz Festival All Day CMS 3/22 Regional HS Band Contest All Day LCC in Longview WFW 3/22 CMS Festival Concert 7:00pm CMS Gymnasium CMS 3/23 Regional HS Orchestra Contest All Day LCC in Longview WFW 3/24 Regional HS Choir Contest All Day LCC in Longview WFW/CMS 3/25 TYSA String Festival All Day Ever. State Coll.- Olympia CMS 4/14 Jazz Unlimited Jazz Festival thru 4/16 All Day Pasco, WA WFW 4/18 University of Washington Choral Festival All Day University of Washington WFW 4/29 State Solo/Ensemble Thru 4/30 All Day CWU - Ellensburg WFW 5/6 Bellevue Jazz Festival All Day Bellevue, WA CMS 5/7 Mt. Hood Jazz Festival All Day Mt. Hood Community College CMS 5/12 Cascade Music Program 7:00pm Cascade Gymnasium Cascade 5/13 Bellevue Jazz Festival All Day Bellevue High School CMS 5/17 CMS Steel Band Concert 7:00pm CMS Commons CMS 5/19 CMS Spring Band Concert 7:00pm CMS Gymnasium CMS 5/23 WFW/CMS Jazz Concert 7:00pm TBA WFW / CMS 5/24 Spring Choir Concert (Gr. 6-12) 7:00pm REB Auditorium WFW/CMS/REB 5/26 WFW Spring Band Concert 7:00pm WFW Gymnasium WFW 6/2 Spring String Concert (Gr. 6-12) 7:00pm WF West High School WFW/CMS 6/6 SWWMEA Spring Meeting 5:30pm Music Staff 6/8 4th Grade Music Recruitment Assembly 8:25am Olympic Gymnasium OLY 6/9 Evening Rental Meeting 3:00pm Olympic Multipurpose OLY 6/11 WFW Graduation (WFW Band) 6:00pm WFW Gymnasium WFW 6/13 5th Grade Concert 7:00pm CMS Gymnasium CMS / OES I-5 Back-to-School Dash August 30th at 9:30 a.m. All proceeds go for local scholarships. Run -- Walk -- Ride your Bike Starts at I-5 Toyota then to the Riverside Golf Course and back to I-5 Toyota All students that participate or volunteer will be given priority in scholarships Entry fees -- $15 Student Adults -- $25 Family -- $50 And includes a T-shirt, beverages and breakfast. Contact Tami Squires or Heidi Pehl at 740-9300 or email Tami at [email protected] 2 G Entry E Family 2x3 12 5x7 4 $43 3x5 4 5x7 2 C. Value 2x3 8 When you pay by check, you authorize us to process the payment as a check transaction, or to use information from your check to make a one-time electronic fund transfer from your checking account. A service fee may be charged on returned checks. Prices include tax where applicable. Post dated checks are not accepted. Más opciones en More choices at $13 $11 Surtido de 8 - 2x3 $15 $5 $8 $19 • Variety 8 - 2x3 Surtido de 8 - 2x3 PLUS • Variety 4 - 3x5 Surtido de 4 - 3x5 Conjunto variado Variety Bundle Ahorro del 25% Save 25% Fotos para la billetera (2x3) Wallets (2x3) OR Todos los retratos All Portraits Con el nombre y el grado Name & Grade On MYLIFETOUCH.COM 8 MYLIFETOUCH.COM • Variety 8 - 2x3 PLUS Nombre y grado en todos los retratos • Name & Grade on All Portraits Conjunto combinado Combo Bundle El retoque básico quita imperfecciones. • Basic Retouching (Removes blemishes) PLUS Nombre y grado en todos los retratos • Name & Grade on All Portraits Enriquece el conjunto Upgrade Bundle VALUE BUNDLES CONJUNTOS DE VALOR Collage medioambiental Environmental Collage ADD-ONS ADICIONALES 7 Order with this form or go to Student Grade Grado del estudiante $26 $49 $38 $21 $15 C Value D Ultimate E Family F Basic G Entry Removes blemishes TOTAL $ TOTAL $ $5 $8 $6 $12 N/A N/A N/A W F West High School LS225058Q0 LS20HP525421 69557 FOR ONLINE ORDERS: You do NOT need to fill out or return this form. PARA PEDIDOS POR INTERNET: NO es necesario que llenes o envíes este formulario. Nombre del estudiante Escribe el nombre con letras de imprenta, tal como te gustaría que aparezca en los retratos. Print name as you would like it to appear on portraits. Student First Name Name & Grade On Wallets Name & Grade On All Portraits Basic Retouching Basic plus whitens teeth and evens skin tone $13 R Environmental Collage Premium Retouching $13 $13 N (4) 3x5 Q (8) Variety 2x3 $13 M (1) 8x10 $15 $13 L (2) 5x7 $13 $13 K (8) 2x3 Wallets P (4) Variety 3x5 N/A $19 J Variety Bundle O CD High and Low Resolution N/A $11 $15 N/A LOOK CODE I Combo Bundle Total Total H Upgrade Bundle VALUE BUNDLES CONJUNTOS DE VALOR $43 B Premium Price Precio $32 Qty Cantidad A Deluxe HAZ TUS SELECCIONES MAKE YOUR SELECTIONS Dirección de correo electrónico del padre o de la madre (Proporciona tu dirección de correo electrónico con el fin de recibir futuros recordatorios y ofertas para el Día de la Foto.) Parent Email Address (Provide your email address to receive future offers and reminders for Picture Day.) Home Phone Teléfono particular Teacher Last Name Apellido del docente Student Last Name Apellido del estudiante Student First Name Nombre del estudiante la Foto. Incluye dinero en efectivo, giro postal o cheque a la orden de Lifetouch. El fotógrafo no entregará cambio. Place order online or fill this form out completely, enclose EXACT payment, and return to school on Picture Day. Enclose cash, money order or check payable to Lifetouch. Photographer won't make change. Haz el pedido por internet o llénalo por completo, incluye el pago EXACTO y envíalo a la escuela el Día de Picture Day ID: LS225058Q0 Encarga con este formulario o visita mylifetouch.com MYLIFETOUCH.COM Students are to have their pictures taken on the same day as their registration. Picture packet envelopes will be available at picture time. The photographers will be available until 2:30 p.m. each registration day. Payment must be presented when pictures are taken. Make checks payable to: Lifetouch, or bring exact change. The photographer cannot make change. Cuando pagas con cheque, nos autorizas a procesar el pago como una transacción mediante cheque o a usar la información de tu cheque para realizar una transferencia electrónica de fondos desde tu cuenta de cheques por única vez. Por cheques rechazados se podrá aplicar un cargo. Los precios incluyen impuesto cuando corresponde. No se aceptan cheques de pago diferido. 6 Students, if you want your picture in the yearbook you must have your photo taken by the photographers at registration or during re-takes in September. You don’t need to buy a packet of photos to have your photo taken, but you do need to have your picture taken by the school photographer. We’d like YOUR picture in the yearbook. 69557 69556 $15 $38 $26 MYLIFETOUCH.COM 5 Questions? Please call customer service at 866-9558342Lifetouch19717 62nd Avenue South, Suite D-101Kent, WA 98032 $21 F Basic Portrait CD 3x5 4 8x10 2 B. Premium Personaliza tu paquete del retrato en $49 2x3 8 5x7 2 $32 4 Customize your portrait package at 3 D Ultimate 3x5 4 8x10 1 A. Deluxe PACKAGES PAQUETES NOTE: Background for your yearbook is selected by your school. Nota: El fondo para tu anuario es seleccionado por tu escuela. 1 LOOK CODE Descarga GRATIS de la imagen para compartir, con cualquier compra del paquete por internet. Código del cupón: SHARE | Mira los detalles en lifetouchdeals.com/share Coupon code: SHARE See details at lifetouchdeals.com/share sharable image download with any online package purchase. Encarga ahora en MYLIFETOUCH.COM MYLIFETOUCH.COM FREE PORTRAIT LOOKS (POSE + BACKGROUND) ESTILOS DE RETRATO (POSE + FONDO) W F West High School August 24-27, 2015 Picture Day ID: LS225058Q0 PAQUETES ADICIONALES Order now at PACKAGES SAVE 25% ADD-ONS These Students Earned a 4.0 GPA Seniors Eric Braun Alison Graham Jericka Jones Jeong Hyeon Kim (Daniel) Grecia Leal Pardo Brycen O’Hara Hayden Roberts Jordan Sherfey Justin Wendling Jason Yarter Juniors Nathan Anglin Rafael Arceo Niko Bhagwandin Brielle Black Hannah Cummings Abby Guerrero Dane Hannum Madeline James Adam Schwarz Alexander Schwiesow Rory Slattery Samantha Turner Matthew Zylstra Seniors Colin Albert Tailor Albright Rachel Arriaga Alicia Bivins Daniel Blomdahl Erin Bluhm Sharndeep Chokar Brayden Cooley Brandon Davis Alexandria Dawson Beau Dugo Matthew Durham Riley Edwards Nicolas Fisher Maddison Folwell Tad Foster Tristian Gallegos Alyssa Gerritsen Brittany Gilbert Wyatt Gleason Olivia Gray Audrey Hansen James Hansen Sheila Hines Connor Howard Joshua Johnson Rachel Johnson Adam Keevy Payton Kelly Matthew King Jessica Lovelett Sophomores Kaelen Bach Jason Chung Andrew Gregory Jeong Min Kim (Andrew) Andrew Painter Freshmen Katherine Amrine Matthew Avery Nathan Avery Katrina Bray Bennett Bull Mya Davis Ashlynn Gallagher Kynan Goldsby Domonic Kim Morgan Lakey Jillian McCarthy McKenzi Murden Haley Simmons Ashlee Vadala Tierra West Joshua Wilks Brooke Mason Charles McElroy IV Matthew Mohney Lisandro Nunez Melanie Oseguera Iniguez Tiana Parker Lacey Phillips Madison Phillips Matthew Ray Caitlin Reynolds Kyla Richards Kendra Rife Michael Rose Payton Rothlin Anna Russell Levi Sabin Cristian Sanchez Payje Schulz-Leef Julie Spencer Ryan Steepy Gypsy Steffens Carissa Summers Jeffrey Tereski Courtney Teshera Gage Thayer Sean Touhey Ethan Tufts Leslie Vazquez Olivia Verduzco Rilee Viggers Heather Wilson Joanna Wise W. F. West High School Honor Roll - Spring Semester 2015 These students earned a 3.25 or better GPA Juniors Emma Baerny Madelyn Baker Jillian Benson Nathaniel Birchard Veronica Braun Jordan Bryant Ethan Butterfield Mason Caird Tyler Clark Ashley Cordrey-Short Hayden Dobyns Kyra Dykeman Rielee Flodin Hannah Freeman Leah Gallivan Payton Goble Kassidy Grandorff Scott Hasbrook Brody Holcomb Elijah Johnson Kendra Kostick Mary Lalone Sabrina Lloyd Emma Lund Ethan Lund Mahlia Mahoney Kelly McCarthy Jessica McKay Molly McMahan Imari Merchant Sarah Mickel Cody Miller Colton Moorhead Ana Nanco Colula Ashley Reeder Brandon Smith Alysha Stayton Ruthann Swart Hannah Tak Nakita Tibbits William Toynbee Alexandria Wahl Joshua Walters Blake Wichert Heidi Wilson Brittany Wood Sophi Wulff Isaac Yang Garrett Yarter Sophomores Ivy Alexander Will Alexander Mary Bartlow Aurora Biggers Adrian Boites-Arellano Dylan Boman Brayden Bostwick Chloe Bradley Ashley Burnham Madison Christian Kayana Curwood Shiann Davidson Kristen Dipo Danielle Dugo Shannon Flexhaug Angel Foster Kimberly Frazier Elena Garcia Allison Haakenson Kyndra Haller Jamie Hawley Alec Ibanez Alexandra Johnson Julie Johnston Andrew Mann Tyler Mason Isabel Nanco Jordan Norquist Eugene Pak Tysen Paul Colton Pruitt William Radtke Grace Redmon Elijah Robinson Iris Sanchez-Franco Hunter Snyder Sophia Som Cameron Steepy Alexandra Strasser Katherine Sutley Brenna Tennant Brandon Touhey James Walker Ethan White Nataliya Zagorodnyaya Freshmen Alexis Akins Gabrielle Alberson Scotlyn Anderson Tyler Ashmore Kathryn Balmelli Bern Berg Kayti Bishop Kendra Bottenberg Erin Brown Katelyn Buckman Camden Bull Zi Chen Bianca Collins Bailey Cooper Nicholas Crawford Cory Davis Kindra Davis Cole Demaris Emma Dobbs Bryce Dobyns Alexis Dodd Jasper Ellingson Daniel Ford Jacob Ford Rebecca Ford Payton Gift Lauren Godfrey Morgan Goodrich Takapautolo Hafoka McKenzie Hall Victoria Hernandez Whitnee Herr Logan Hicks Tiffany Huestis Julia Johnson Myra Kalich Trissa Lete’ Abbey Link Damien Lopez Melissa Luque-Coronel Jack Mallonee Bianca Martinez Shay McCarthy Ivan Mendez Austin Michal Max Miller Emma Moon Alan Pierson Joseph Powe Jacob Prigmore Kyle Rodgers Madeleine Roy Anton Schilter Luke Schwarz Justin Schwiesow Josiah Sellers Alexander Sells Cassandra Shipman Colby Shoemaker Brittany Snyder Mason Stark Karalee Stritmatter Connor Tardiff Dallas Taylor Emma Tufts Jeweliana Walker Jordan Waring Brandon White Katherine White Megan Wilks Nole Wollan Joseph Wylam Bits ‘n Pieces Annual News Sept. 30 -- Photo Deadline for 2016 Seniors Now is the time to have your senior photos taken if you haven’t already done it. Don’t wait until the last minute when yearbook deadlines are due. Now is also a good time to dig out those old baby pictures to go along with your senior photo on your annual page. Some guidelines to remember when you have your senior photo taken: • Please wear clothing that reflects our school’s standards. No strapless, low cut or spaghetti strap tops. • No gang or obscene gestures. • And please, no photos with your favorite vehicle, animal or friend. We just want to see you. • Tell your photographer that you need a resolution of 300 dpi when sized at 2.5” x 3.5” in either .jpg or .tif format. Please don’t turn in any photos smaller than 2.5” x 3.5” or pictures printed on paper. • Head shots in color are preferred. Tell your photographer that you need a resolution of 300 dpi when sized at 2.5” x 3.5” in either .jpg or .tif format. Please don’t turn in any photos smaller than 2.5” x 3.5” or pictures printed on paper. Facebook photos generally do not have a high enough resolution. • You can turn in photos, CDs, flash drives or send your photos by email to [email protected]. • Make sure any CDs or original photos are marked with the student’s full name. Writing on a strip of masking tape and then taping it to the back of the photo works best. Senior photos, baby pictures, senior biographies and quotes are ALL due by Wednesday, SEPTEMBER 30. If you can’t afford senior photos or won’t have them by that date, please see Mrs. Fink in the library, call her at 807-7235 ext. 5455, or email the address above. We want your photo in the yearbook! What is Core/Flex? Core/Flex is a time built into the regular school day that provides support and rewards to all students for academic achievement. This program is aimed at reducing failure and increasing learning opportunities for all students. Students who have a “D” or an “F” grade in any class return to that class to take advantage of an extra 25 minutes of focused instruction each day. This is a tremendous help to those students who struggle in one or more areas of study. Students who maintain “C” grades or above enjoy the FLEXibility of using this time in a variety of ways such as: additional teacher help, attend a guided study hall, access computer labs, access the career center, meet in study groups, or attend an AP seminar. W. F. West High school began using the Core/Flex program in November. This is a great opportunity for our students to achieve success in their high school careers. TRAFFIC SAFETY Same Class; New Procedures Thinking of taking traffic safety at W.F.West this year? There are some changes you must be aware of. The only way to register and pay for the class is on-line. The cost is $390.00 which does include the DOL written test. It does not include the cost of the DOL drive test. Go to www.esd113.org hold your mouse over Support Services click on the Traffic Safety drop down. Scroll to Fees & Enrollment process. You will be given a list of classes that are currently available, find the location (W.F.West), click on the For More Information link and enter your payment information. Please don’t add spaces or dashes when entering your phone number. The first class this year begins September 14th and ends November 3rd. It is a 7:00 am class and is held Monday through Thursday. Drives will be scheduled outside of school hours with the instructor. Students must be 15 years of age prior to the beginning of instruction time. Advisory Period Advisory Period is an important part of W. F. West. Twice a month students and staff meet to have additional lessons on Study Skills, Social Skills, and Career Pathways. It is also a time to conduct school business that takes away from the regular schedule while allowing students to connect to a specific faculty member in a mentor/mentee relationship. These advisory groups are randomly assigned by grade level by the Counseling Center, and students are with the same group for four years. Some teachers have only freshmen and they are familiar with the events and issues specific to ninth graders. The majority of the staff keep the same advisory group for the next three years. Immunization Reminder If your student has not had a TD (Tetanus) shot in ten years, it is time for a booster. For many students, it may be time for a MMR Booster. All students in grades 6 through 12 must have an MMR Booster. Also, ALL students entering Kindergarten will need to be fully immunized against Hepatitis B. Check with your doctor or the Health Department for additional immunization information. Aug. 19 Aug. 24 Aug. 24 Aug. 25 Aug. 26 Aug. 27 Calendar of Events First day of Varsity Football practice Fall Sports Practice Starts Registration for Seniors Registration for Juniors Registration for Sophomores Freshmen Registration/Link New-to-the-District Student Reg. Varsity Football Setp. 4 7:00 w/Kingston Sept. 11 7:00 @ N. Kitsap Sept. 18 7:15 @ West Valley Sept. 25 7:00 w/Olympic Sept. 2 Sept. 7 Sept. 8 Sept. 22 Sept. 30 6:00 PM - All-Sports Parent Meeting Labor Day First Day of School Welcome-Back Assembly Open House Picture Make-Up Day September Athletic Competitions JV Football Sept. 7 3:00 @ Kingston Sept. 14 4:30 w/N. Kitsap Sept. 28 5:30 @ Olympic 9th Grade Sept. 14 Sept. 21 Sept. 28 (C) Football 4:30 w/N. Kitsap 4:30 w/Montesano 6:00 @ Capital Swimming Sept. 10 Sept. 17 Sept. 24 Sept. 29 4:00 @ Grays Harbor 4:00 @ Centralia 4:00 @ Centralia 4:00 @ Centralia Golf Aug. 28 Sept. 8 Sept. 14 Sept. 16 Sept. 18 Sept. 21 Sept. 23 Sept. 25 Sept. 30 3:30 @ Centralia Tee-Off Tourney 3:30 @ Rochester 3:30 w/Centralia 3:30 @ Tumwater 3:30 @ Kelso 3:30 w/B. Hills 3:30 @ RA Long 3:30 @ Centralia 3:30 w/Tumwater Tennis Sept. 9 Sept. 11 Sept. 14 Sept. 16 Sept. 18 Sept. 22 Sept. 23 Sept. 25 Sept. 28 Sept. 30 3:30 @ Aberdeen 3:30 @ Mark Morris 3:30 @ Centralia 3:30 w/Tumwater 3:30 w/RA Long 3:30 @ B. Hills 3:30 w/Eatonville 3:30 w/Centralia 3:30 @ Black Hills 3:30 @ Tumwater W.F. West DRONE ZONE STEM ACADEMY This year’s Summer STEM Academy was a huge success. Over 70 students attended from all over Lewis County and beyond! We also had 20 W.F. West students take time off from summer break to lead and teach their peers how to fly drones and program Sumobot robots alongside W.F. West science and math teachers under the direction of Lynn Panther, STEM Coordinator and Tommy Elder, STEM Director and Assistant Principal. This year’s field trip was to the Boeing Future of Flight Aviation Center, a museum and educational facility built by Boeing to showcase their contributions to aviation and to provide opportunities to students interested in STEM fields. The Academy’s goal is to provide motivation for all students pursing STEM education by featuring an interactive week with new and noteworthy technology. Students also got a chance to explore real life applications of science and engineering through workshops put on by professors at Centralia College. Topics included a pig heart dissection lab, making aspirin, a field trip to the Mima Mounds, and many more. Students got to spend three days at W.F. West flying drones and building their Sumobot programs, as well as a day at the Boeing Future of Flight Aviation Center, and a day learning about cool applications of Chemistry, Biology, Engineering, Math, and several other STEM disciplines at Centralia College. Academy students participated in workshops about drones and robotics in the context of a real life company. It was a fun and insightful day! Throughout the week students worked to master skills that would allow them to compete in the Tournament of Champions, a combined Drone Obstacle Course and Sumobot Match hosted on the W.F. West football field. Volleyball Sept. 8 Sept. 10 Sept. 12 Sept. 15 Sept. 17 Sept. 26 Sept. 29 5:30/7:00 @ Kalama 5:45/7:00 @ Rochester JV Kelso Invite 5:30/7:00 w/Mossyrock 5:30/7:00 @ King’s Way 8:30 @ Monarch Challenge (Var) 5:30/7:00 @ Ft. Vancouver Varsity Soccer Sept. 3 6:00 @ Tiger Jamboree Sept. 8 5/7:00 @ Yelm Sept. 10 5/7:00 w/Rochester Sept. 15 7:00 w/Seattle Christian Sept. 19 6:00 @ Washougal Sept. 24 5/7:00 @ Black Hills Sept. 26 1:00 Alumni Sept. 29 5/7:00 w/Ft. Vancouver Cross Country Sept. 12 10:00 @ Capital Sept. 19 TBA @ Ft. Steilacoom Invit Sept. 23 4:00 w/Cent/Tum Sept. 30 4:00 @ Tumwater Parents and members of the community came out to watch as students competed for prizes and showed off their new skills. The Tournament was an enormous success and was a great way to wrap up a wonderful week. “I really enjoyed programming the robots and learning more about programming. I also really enjoyed the drones…. overall a really good experience. I also enjoyed meeting new people” –Madi “I think that the drones were pretty cool, and the Centralia College [day] was interesting since we were learning new things” –Seth Bits ‘n Pieces Registration Policy and Procedures Students are registered for classes every spring by the counseling staff. Students are advised of their academic standing and graduation requirements through classroom visits and advisory. After the completion of the spring student-led conferences, students go to the computer lab to register for their courses. At this time, students request which courses they would prefer to take. Classes requiring teacher approval (TA, advanced weights, annual, tech assistant, etc.), or audition (choir, jazz band, etc.) will be assigned by the counselors accordingly and placed on the student’s schedule. The registration process helps us plan the number of sections we need for classes and to distribute students equally. Since students choose their courses, they will remain in the courses they are placed in at the beginning of the year. Students receive their completed class schedules in August. All schedules are reviewed by the counselors for accuracy. Counselors are available for a few days before school to make academic adjustments if there is an error in a schedule (see reasons below). The time set aside on these days is for brief problem solving of schedules that are missing key components. They are not academic advising or four-year planning appointments. Note: There should be very few schedule changes necessary as students request the courses they wish to take toward graduation. Schedule changes will be made for the following reasons: 1. Academic misplacement – If the student is placed in the wrong level of class or is placed in a class without meeting the pre-requisite. 2.Program change – If the student has been accepted into an academic program or the student is no longer enrolled in a specific program of study (choir, band, New Market, Running Start, AP, etc.). 3.Missing an academic class – If the student is missing a core class such as English, history, math or science. 4.Missing a graduation requirement – If the student is missing a course necessary to graduate in the upcoming school year. 5.To balance classes so that overcrowding does not occur. Schedules will NOT be changed for the following reasons: 1. Student does not like the teacher. 2. Parent does not like the teacher. 3. The teacher does not like the student. 4. The teacher is “too hard.” 5. The teacher is “not hard enough.” 6. The teacher gives too much work. 7. The student is failing the class. 8. The class is perceived by the student to be too difficult. 9. To change the student’s lunch. 10. To have classes with friends. Personality conflicts will not be justification for changing a class. All conflicts need to be resolved in a mature, professional manner. We ask that the student and parent first take the responsibility to meet with the teacher and work through the problem. If a resolution cannot be reached, then the parent or teacher should contact an administrator to meet about the issue. If a class change is granted by the administration, it will be based on space availability and with the least impact to the student’s schedule. Course changes must be completed within the first 10 days of each semester. After 10 days, an “F” will be placed on a student’s transcript if he/she drops a course. If a student adds a course after 10 days, he/she possibly would not receive full semester credit for the course. To schedule a meeting with a teacher, administrator and counselor, please contact the counseling center at 807-7235 ext. 5514. Attendance Reminders To help make the year run smoother, here are a few reminders. When your student is absent: • Please put first and last name on all notes to the office. • Please put the date of the day(s) your student is absent on the note. When students have a scheduled appointment and need to leave school early, please send a note with them, so they may receive a pink excused slip. Remind your student that it is mandatory for them to sign in and out at the attendance window when they leave prior to the end of the day, or come to school after the 8:15 bell. Failure to sign in and/or out is 1/2-hour detention. It is against policy to allow students to leave campus during class time without parent permission. If a student leaves campus without permission, he/she will be truant. Students who are frequently late without notes will be given same-day lunch detention. Nondiscrimination Statement/Equal Opportunity Employment Notice Chehalis School District is an equal opportunity education system and employer that does not discriminate on the basis of race, creed, color, national origin, age, honorably-discharged veteran or military status, sex, sexual orientation including gender expression or identity, marital status, or qualified individuals with disabilities including the presence of any sensory, mental or physical disability or the use of a trained dog guide or service animal by a person with a disability, and provides equal access to designated youth groups, (i.e. Boy Scouts). (Board Policies 3210 and 5010) El Distrito Escolar en Chehalis es un sistema escolar con igualdad de oportunidades en la educacion y trata a todos por igual sin discriminación racial, religion, color, origen nacional, edad, sexo, orientación sexual, expresiones del genero, identidad, estado matrimonial, ó individuos incapacitados, ó con impedimientos sensoriales, mentales, impedimientos fisicos o´ impedimientos que requieran la asistencia de perros guias, ó personas que utilizen los servicios de mascotas y proporcionamos igual acceso a grupos juveniles designados, (i.e. Boy Scouts). The following employees have been designated to handle questions and complaints of alleged discrimination: Title IX/Affirmative Action Officer Mary Lou Bissett, Assistant Superintendent 310 SW 16th Street Chehalis, WA 98532 (360) 807-7200 Section 504/ADA Officer Director of Student Support Programs 1265 SW Pacific Ave. Chehalis, WA 98532 (360) 807-7245 Attendance Law The Washington State Legislature passed a strict attendance law to let parents and guardians know of an attendance problem. Our Board Policy 3122 is in compliance with RCW 28A.225.005-060. Title I, Part A, Highly Qualified Teachers Notification to parents informing them that they can request the following information regarding instructional staff who work with their children: · Whether or not the child’s teacher has met state certification for the grades and subjects s/he is teaching. · Whether or not the teacher is working with an emergency or conditional certificate where state certification criteria has been waived. · The baccalaureate degree major of the teacher and any other graduate certification or degree held, including field of discipline of the certificate or degree. · If the child receives instructional services from a paraeducator, the paraeducator’s qualifications. (Board Policy 4130) Revised June 2013 Title I, Part A, Highly Qualified Teachers Notification to parents informing them that they can request the following information regarding instructional staff who work with their children: Whether or not the child’s teacher has met state certification for the grades and subjects s/he is teaching. Whether or not the teacher is working with an emergency or conditional certificate where state certification criteria has been waived. The baccalaureate degree major of the teacher and any other graduate certification or degree held, including field of discipline of the certificate or degree. If the child receives instructional services from a paraeducator, the paraeducator’s qualifications. (Board Policy 4130) Media Recognition of Students During the course of the school year, our students are often involved in activities featured in news articles and possibly pictures. If you do not want your child/student individually identified by name, please notify our office in writing at your earliest convenience. This excludes group pictures where student are not personally identified. Also, our school parent bulletin/newsletter may include pictures of your child, as well as school and district webpages. Should you wish for your child’s name and picture not to appear in school bulletins, newsletters or on school or district webpages, please notify our school office. SPECIAL EDUCATION SERVICES The Special Education Services Department provides services to students with a wide range of disabilities from mild learning difficulties to severe disabilities. Services may include psychological assessments, counseling, communication disorder services, vision and hearing screening, occupational and physical therapy, infant/toddler preschool programs for children birth to six years of age, home-based or centerbased programs. (Board policy 2161)) SECTION 504 OF THE REHABILITATION ACT OF 1973 The Rehabilitation Act of 1973 prohibits discrimination against persons with disabilities. Section 504 requires that schools provide a full range of special accommodations/services, so that student may participate and benefit from public education programs and activities. Students may be considered disabled under 504 even though they may not require Special Education services pursuant to the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA). (Board policy 2162) Parent/Student Rights in Identification, Evaluation and Placement The following is a description of the rights granted by federal law to students with disabilities. The intent of the law is to keep you fully informed concerning decisions about your child and to inform you of your rights if you disagree with any of these decisions. You have the right to: 1. Have your child take part in, and receive benefits from, public education programs without discrimination because of his/her disabling conditions. 2. Have the school district advise you of your rights under federal law. 3. Receive prior notice with respect to actions regarding the identification, evaluation, or placement of your child. Parent consent must be obtained before initial evaluation and placement. 4. Have your child receive a free appropriate education. This includes the right to be educated with non-disabled students to the maximum extent appropriate. 5. Have your child educated in facilities and receive services comparable to those provided nondisabled students. 6. Have your child receive special education and related services if he/she is found to need them under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act or Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act and provide transportation as a related service when necessary as part of a student’s accommodation plan. 7. Have evaluation, educational program, and placement decisions made based upon a variety of information sources, and by persons who know the student, the evaluation data, and placement options. 8. Have transportation provided to and from an alternative placement setting at no greater cost to you than would be incurred if the student were placed in a program operated by the district. 9. Have your child be given an equal opportunity to participate in nonacademic and extracurricular activities offered by the district. 10.Examine all relevant records relating to decisions regarding your child’s identification, evaluation, educational program, and placement. 11. Obtain copies of your child’s education records at a reasonable cost unless the fee would effectively deny you access to the records. 12.A response from the school district to reasonable requests for explanations and interpretations of your child’s records. 13.Request amendment of your child’s educational records if there is reasonable cause to believe that they are inaccurate, misleading or otherwise in violation of the privacy rights of your child. If the school district refuses this request for amendment, it shall notify you within a reasonable time and advise you of the right to a hearing. 14.Request mediation or an impartial due process hearing related to decisions or actions regarding your child’s identification, evaluation, educational program or placement. You and the student may take part in the hearing and have an attorney represent you. Hearing requests must be made to the Director of Student Support Services. 15.Ask for payment of reasonable attorney fees if you are successful on your claim. 16.File a local grievance. 17. Have your child receive accommodations under a Section 504 plan, if he/she has a physical or mental impairment that substantially limits a major life activity. The person in this district who is responsible for assuring that the district complies with Section 504 is the Director of Student Support Services, phone number (360) 807-7245. The Director of Student Support Services can provide 504 ADA information. (Board Policy 2162) CHILDFIND The ChildFind program conducts activities for the purpose of locating, evaluating and identifying students with a suspected disability. Activities apply to students ages birth through 21. Formal screenings and assessments, which could include the areas of hearing, vision, social skills, language, learning and motor skills, are available for preschool students. For parent(s)/guardian(s) concerns about their child’s development or questions about the ChildFind program, please contact the district Student Support Services office at (360) 807-7245. Board policies 2161 and 2162. (WAC 392-172-100) Prohibition of Harassment, Intimidation and Bullying (BP 3207) The District is committed to a safe and civil educational environment for all students, employees, parents/ legal guardians, volunteers and patrons that is free from harassment, intimidation or bullying. “Harassment, intimidation or bullying” means any intentional written message or image – including those that are electronically transmitted - verbal, or physical act, including but not limited to one shown to be motivated by race, color, religion, ancestry, national origin, gender, sexual orientation including gender expression or identity, or mental or physical disability, or other distinguishing characteristics, when an act: Physically harms a student or damages the student’s property. Has the effect of substantially interfering with a student’s education. Is so severe, persistent, or pervasive that it creates an intimidating or threatening educational environment. Has the effect of substantially disrupting the orderly operation of the school. Nothing in this section requires the affected student to actually possess a characteristic that is a basis for the harassment, intimidation, or bullying. “Other distinguishing characteristics” can include but are not limited to: physical appearance, clothing or other apparel, socioeconomic status, and weight. “Intentional acts” refers to the individual’s choice to engage in the act rather than the ultimate impact of the action(s). Behaviors/Expressions Harassment, intimidation or bullying can take many forms including, but not limited to: slurs, rumors, jokes, innuendos, demeaning comments, drawings, cartoons, pranks, gestures, physical attacks, threats, or other written, oral or physical or electronically transmitted messages or images. This policy is not intended to prohibit expression of religious, philosophical, or political views, provided that the expression does not substantially disrupt the educational environment. Many behaviors that do not rise to the level of harassment, intimidation or bullying may still be prohibited by other district policies or building, classroom, or program rules. Training This policy is a component of the district’s responsibility to create and maintain a safe, civil, respectful and inclusive learning community and is to be implemented in conjunction with comprehensive training of staff and volunteers. Prevention The District will provide students with strategies aimed at preventing harassment, intimidation, and bullying. ployees will not be disciplined for making a report in good faith. However, persons found to knowingly report or corroborate false allegations will be subject to appropriate discipline. Interventions Interventions are designed to remediate the impact on the targeted student(s) and others impacted by the violation, to change the behavior of the perpetrator, and to restore a positive school climate. The District will consider the frequency of incidents, developmental age of the student, and severity of the conduct in determining intervention strategies. Interventions will range from counseling, correcting behavior and discipline, to law enforcement referrals. Compliance Officer The superintendent will appoint a compliance officer as the primary district contact to receive copies of all formal and informal complaints and ensure policy implementation. The name and contact information for the compliance officer will be communicated throughout the district. Compliance Officer: Mary Lou Bissett, Assistant Superintendent 310 SW 16th Street, Chehalis, WA 98532, (360) 807 7200 The superintendent is authorized to direct the implementation of procedures addressing the elements of this policy. Retaliation/False Allegations Retaliation is prohibited and will result in appropriate discipline. It is a violation of this policy to threaten or harm someone for reporting harassment, intimidation, or bullying. It is also a violation of District policy to knowingly report false allegations of harassment, intimidation, and bullying. Students or em- FERPA/PPRA (District Board Policies 3230, 3231, 3232 & 4040) The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) affords parents and students over 18 years of age (“eligible students”) certain rights with respect to the student’s education records. These rights are: 1. The right to inspect and review the student’s education records within 45 days of the day the School receives a request for access. Parents or eligible students should submit to the building principal a written request that identifies the record(s) they wish to inspect. The School official will make arrangements for access and notify the parent or eligible student of the time and place where the records may be inspected. 2. The right to request the amendment of the student’s education records that the parent or eligible student believes are inaccurate or misleading. Parents or eligible students may ask the School to amend a record that they believe is inaccurate or misleading. They should write the building principal, clearly identify the part of the record they want changed, and specify why it is inaccurate or misleading. If the School decides not to amend the record as requested by the parent or eligible student, the School will notify the parent or eligible student of the decision and advise them of their right to a hearing regarding the request for amendment. Additional information regarding the hearing procedures will be provided to the parent or eligible student when notified of the right to a hearing. 3. The right to consent to disclosures of personally identifiable information contained in the student’s education records, except to the extent that FERPA authorizes disclosure without consent. One exception, which permits disclosure without consent, is disclosure to school officials with legitimate educational interests. A school official is a person employed by the School as an administrator, supervisor, instructor, or support staff member (including health or medical staff and law enforcement unit personnel); a person serving on the School Board; a person or company with whom the School has contracted to perform a special task (such as an attorney, auditor, medical consultant, or therapist); or a parent or student serving on an official committee, such as a disciplinary or grievance committee, or assisting another school official in performing his or her tasks. A school official has a legitimate educational interest if the official needs to review an education record in order to fulfill his or her professional responsibility. Upon request, the School discloses education records without consent to officials of another school district in which a student seeks or intends to enroll. 4. The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), a Federal law, requires that the Chehalis School District, with certain exceptions, obtain your written consent prior to the disclosure of personally identifiable information from your child’s education records. However, the Chehalis School District may disclose appropriately designated “directory information” without written consent, unless you have advised the District to the contrary in accordance with District procedures. The primary purpose of directory information is to allow the Chehalis School District to include this type of information from your child’s education records in certain school publications. Examples include: a playbill, showing your student’s role in a drama production; the annual yearbook; honor roll or other recognition lists; graduation programs; and sports activity sheets, such as for wrestling, showing weight and height of team members. Directory information, which is information that is generally not considered harmful or an invasion of privacy if released, can also be disclosed to outside organizations without a parent’s prior written consent. Outside organizations include, but are not limited to, companies that manufacture class rings or publish yearbooks. In addition, two federal laws require local educational agencies (LEAs) receiving assistance under the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965 (ESEA) to provide military recruiters, upon request, with three directory information categories - names, addresses and telephone listings - unless parents have advised the LEA that they do not want their student’s information disclosed without their prior written consent.(1) The Chehalis School District has designated the following information as directory information: student’s name, participation in officially recognized activities and sports, address, telephone listing, weight and height of members of athletic teams, electronic mail address, photograph, degrees, honors, and awards received, date and place of birth, major field of study, dates of attendance, grade level, the most recent educational agency or institution attended In order to exercise refusal to release directory information, the school district, within ten (10) days of the publication of this notice, shall receive written refusal by the student’s parent/guardian or student if he/she has reached the age of 18. Such written notice shall be addressed to the District’s Title IX officer listed below: Equal Opportunity Employment Chehalis School District #302 complies with all federal rules and regulations does not discriminate on the basis of race, creed, color, national origin, age, honorably-discharged veteran or military status, sex, sexual orientation including gender identity, marital status, or disability. This holds true for all district employment opportunities. Minorities and candidates with disabilities are welcome to apply. Appropriate reasonable accommodations will be provided by the District. Job sharing will be considered if deemed appropriate by The Board. All employees must, at all times, be aware of the spirit and principle of equal employment opportunity and cooperate fully to assure the success of the Affirmative Action Program. Inquiries regarding compliance or appeal procedures may be directed to the School District’s Title IX Officer, Mary Lou Bissett Assistant Superintendent, Chehalis School District, 310 SW 16th Street, Chehalis, WA 98532, (360) 807-7200, option 1 or the Section 504 Officer, Director of Student Support Programs, 1265 S. W. Pacific Ave, (360) 807-7245 Mary Lou Bissett, Assistant Superintendent Chehalis School District 310 S. W. 16th Street Chehalis, Washington 98532 360-807-7200 5. The right to file a complaint with the U.S. Department of Education concerning alleged failures by the School to comply with the requirements of FERPA. The name and address of the Office that administers FERPA are: Family Policy Compliance Office U.S. Department of Education 400 Maryland Avenue, SW Washington, DC 20202-5901 PPRA affords parents certain rights regarding our conduct of surveys, collection and use of information for marketing purposes, and certain physical exams. These include the right to: • Consent before students are required to submit to a survey that concerns one or more of the following protected areas (“protected information survey”) if the survey is funded in whole or in part by a program of the U.S. Department of Education (ED)– 1. Political affiliations or beliefs of the student or student’s parent; 2. Mental or psychological problems of the student or student’s family; 3. Sex behavior or attitudes; 4. Illegal, anti-social, self-incriminating, or demeaning behavior; 5. Critical appraisals of others with whom respondents have close family relationships; 6. Legally recognized privileged relationships, such as with lawyers, doctors, or ministers; 7. Religious practices, affiliations, or beliefs of the student or parents; or 8. Income, other than as required by law to determine program eligibility. •Receive notice and an opportunity to opt a student out of – 1. Any other protected information survey, regardless of funding; 2. Any non-emergency, invasive physical exam or screening required as a condition of attendance,administered by the school or its agent, and not necessary to protect the immediate health and safety of a student, except for hearing, vision, or scoliosis screenings, or any physical exam or screening permitted or required under State law; and 3. Activities involving collection, disclosure, or use of personal information obtained from students for marketing or to sell or otherwise distribute the information to others. •Inspect, upon request and before administration or use – 1. Protected information surveys of students; 2. Instruments used to collect personal information from students for any of the above marketing, sales, or other distribution purposes; and 3. Instructional material used as part of the educational curriculum. These rights transfer to from the parents to a student who is 18 years old or an emancipated minor under State law. The Chehalis School District has developed and adopted policies, in consultation with parents, regarding these rights, as well as arrangements to protect student privacy in the administration of protected information surveys and the collection, disclosure, or use of personal information for marketing, sales, or other distribution purposes. The Chehalis School District will directly notify parents of these policies at least annually at the start of each school year and after any substantive changes. The Chehalis School District will also directly notify, such as through U.S. Mail or email, parents of students who are scheduled to participate in the specific activities or surveys noted below and will provide an opportunity for the parent to opt his or her child out of participation of the specific activity or survey. The Chehalis School District will make this notification to parents at the beginning of the school year if the District has identified the specific or approximate dates of the activities or surveys at that time. For surveys and activities scheduled after the school year starts, parents will be provided reasonable notification of the planned activities and surveys listed below and be provided an opportunity to opt their child out of such activities and surveys. Parents will also be provided an opportunity to review any pertinent surveys. Following is a list of the specific activities and surveys covered under this requirement: • Collection, disclosure, or use of personal information for marketing, sales or other distribution. • Administration of any protected information survey not funded in whole or in part by ED. • Any non-emergency, invasive physical examination or screening as described above. Parents who believe their rights have been violated may file a complaint with: Family Policy Compliance Office U.S. Department of Education 400 Maryland Avenue, SW Washington, D.C. 20202-5901 W. F. West High School Registration Check-Off List WELCOME BACK! Student Name:Grade: Parent Name: $20 ASB Card (required, if participating in sports) FREE ID Card (An ID card is required if you do not get an ASB Card.) $50 Yearbook (Will cost $55 in spring ‘08.) $20* $15 $10 Football Athletic Fee + Transportation Fee+ Helmet Fee $20* $15 Boys’ Tennis Athletic Fee + Transportation Fee $20* $15 Boys’ Golf Athletic Fee -- Plus green fee paid at Newaukum Valley Golf Course + Transportation Fee $20* $15 Girls’ Soccer Athletic Fee + Transportation Fee $20* $15 Girls’ swimming Athletic Fee + Transportation Fee $20* $15 Volleyball Athletic Fee + Transportation Fee $20* $15 Cross Country Athletic Fee + Transportation Fee $_____ delinquent fees & fines $ TOTAL payable to W. F. West High School Checks payable to W. F. West will be accepted for exact amount, ONLY. *Must have Athletic Department clearance prior to first practice -- See Mrs. Weeks (807-7240) Pick up your completed ASB/ID card before you leave Checks for pictures must be made out to Lifetouch. Issues regarding delinquent fees and fines must be resolved prior to receiving a fall class schedule. December - 14 T W Th F 1 2 3 4 8 9 10 11 15 16 17 (18) 22 23 24 25 29 30 31 F 7 14 21 28 4 11 18 25 4/22 Early Release - Staff Inservice 4/4-4/8 Spring Break 6 13 20 27 5 12 19 26 M F 1 7 8 14 15 21 (22) 28 29 April - 16 T W Th 12/21-1/1 Winter Break 12/18 Early Release for Holidays 7 14 21 28 M M 3 10 17 24 31 August T W Th 4 5 6 11 12 13 18 19 20 25 26 27 April 21, 2015 Adopted F 5 12 19 26 2/15 Presidents' Day - Holiday M 1 8 15 22 (29) February - 20 T W Th 2 3 4 9 10 11 16 17 18 23 24 25 F (6) 13 20 27 5/30 Memorial Day - Holiday no school 5/27 2nd closure makeup day OR 5/6 Early Release - Staff Inservice M 2 9 16 23 30 May - 20 T W Th 3 4 5 10 11 12 17 18 19 24 25 26 31 1/29 Early Release - Staff Inservice 6/16 Last day of school - Early release 6/11 Graduation 6 13 20 27 M June - 12 T W Th F 1 2 3 7 8 9 10 14 15 (16) 17 21 22 23 24 28 29 30 F (4) 11 18 25 4 11 18 25 M 5 12 19 26 6 13 20 27 7 14 21 28 July T W Th no school F 1 8 15 22 29 3/25 1st closure makeup day OR Early releases 3/2-3/4 Spring Conferences - 3/1 Early Release - Staff Inservice 7 14 21 28 M March - 22 T W Th (1) (2) (3) 8 9 10 15 16 17 22 23 24 29 30 31 Non-school days/holidays ( ) Early release days Regular school days 12:05 p.m. 12:05 p.m. 12:30 p.m. 12:40 p.m. 12:15 p.m. 12:25 p.m. 12:25 p.m. 12:55 p.m. 1:00 p.m. 12:40 p.m. November 25, 2015 December 18, 2015 June 16, 2016 Cascade R.E. Bennett Olympic Chehalis Middle School W.F. West High School 11:05 a.m. 11:05 a.m. 11:35 a.m. 11:45 a.m. 11:15 a.m. Early Releases -Holidays/Last Day of School (No lunch) October 2, 2015 October 23, 2015 January 29, 2016 February 29, 2016 March 1-4, 2016 April 22, 2016 May 6, 2016 Cascade R.E. Bennett Olympic Chehalis Middle School W.F. West High School 2 hr Early Releases – Inservice and Spring Conference Days (Lunch served) November 16-20, 2015 Cascade R.E. Bennett Olympic Chehalis Middle School W.F. West High School Fall Conference Days (Lunch served) 2015-2016 Early Release Times REGULAR SCHOOL HOURS Cascade 8:10 am – 2:25 pm RE Bennett 8:10 am – 2:25 pm Olympic 8:25 am – 2:55 pm Chehalis MS 8:25 am – 3:00 pm WF West 8:15 am – 2:40 pm Legend 11/26-11/27 Thanksgiving Holidays 11/25 Early Release for Holidays 11/16-11/20 Conference Week - 10/23 Early Release - Staff Inservice Early release - all week 11/11 Veterans' Day - Holiday November - 18 M T W Th F 2 3 4 5 6 9 10 11 12 13 (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) 23 24 (25) 26 27 30 10/2 Early Release - Staff Inservice 5 12 19 26 M October - 22 T W Th F 1 (2) 6 7 8 9 13 14 15 16 20 21 22 (23) 27 28 29 30 1/18 Martin Luther King Day - Holiday 2/29 Early Release - Staff Inservice 1/4 Back to School M 4 11 18 25 January - 19 T W Th F 5 6 7 8 12 13 14 15 19 20 21 22 26 27 28 (29) 9/8 First Student Day 9/7 Labor Day - Holiday 9/4 No School 9/3 District Day 7 14 21 28 M September - 17 T W Th F 1 2 3 4 8 9 10 11 15 16 17 18 22 23 24 25 29 30 Chehalis School District 2015-2016 School Year Calendar W. F. West High School 342 SW 16th St. Chehalis, WA 98532 Habla Espanol? El distrito escolar de Chehalis ofrece servicios de traducción al Espanol a nuestros padres y familias. Por favor comuniquese con Maria Schneider al 360-8077225, o al correo electrónico a [email protected] Get your Parent Bulletin online! The Parent Bulletin is available online at www.chehalisschools.org If you would still prefer to receive your Parent Bulletin in the mail, please call 807-7235, ext. 5560, to request a home delivery. -- Thanks! Chehalis School District Annual School’s Report nder i m e R e d o Dress C enviprovide an to e iv tr s e est, w o our stuAt W. F. W from distractions, s ny tank ee ucation. A d e ronment fr ir e th n t least ocus o that are a s p dents can f a tr s e v ulders, ust ha age on sho r e top worn m v o c f o the finwidths ust reach m two finger n r o w wnward /shorts tended do x e and skirts e r a s oles in en arm ants with h p gertips wh r o s n a e ms are ing. J ps when ar ti r while stand e g n fi e not albove th tanding are s any area a e il h w d r orn that ownwa g may be w in extended d th lo c f o y prodrticle romotes an p lowed. No a r o y a w y . As you e in an ent to use d is offensiv tu s e th r child, al for es for you th uct not leg lo c l o o h ew sc tions. purchase n ese expecta th r e b m e please rem Chehalis School District and the State of Washington believe that important information about local public schools should be provided to educators, parents, community members and the general public. The combined support of these various stakeholders ensures the success of all students. Information regarding current and past test scores, demographics, teacher qualifications, graduation and dropout rates for secondary students and the status of school improvement can be obtained from the following website: http://reportcards.ospi.k12.wa.us/. Search for Chehalis School District and click on the school of choice. Chehalis School District Community Newsletter The School District’s community newsletter, “The Learning Network,” can now be accessed online through the district’s website at: http://www.chehalisschools.org Printed copies of the annual schools’ report or newsletter may be obtained from the Chehalis School District Office at 310 SW 16th St., Chehalis, WA 98532, or call 360-807-7200.