The Communicator - Bellefontaine UMC
The Communicator - Bellefontaine UMC
The Communicator B el lef onta in e Uni te d M eth odi s t C hu rc h PASTOR’S CORNER - Reverend Glen Connoley able to do so, and indicated that Jesus was making a similar argument for faith being an individual or personal practice. 5 “And whenever you pray, do not be like the hypocrites; for they love to stand and pray in the synagogues and at the street corners, so that they may be seen by others. Truly I tell you, they have received their reward. 6 But whenever you pray, go into your room and shut the door and pray to your Father who is in secret; and your Father who sees in secret will reward you. —Matthew 6:5-6 (NRSV) The other day, I read a post from someone of the scripture above on FACEBOOK. This post was one of a great many posts debating the freedom of students to pray on school grounds prior to school events. The individual who posted this scripture was opposed to students being I hope by now you are all very aware of my thoughts about faith and the strong emphasis that I put on a community practicing our faith together. I also hope you are aware that this emphasis is not my own idea, but the very emphasis of scripture throughout the entire story of God. In the second creation story, we are told almost from day one that God acknowledges, “It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him a helper as his partner” (Genesis 2:18). You can look at this word “man” as an individual, or you can look at it in the general term of humankind, either way, you cannot mistake the fact that God created us to be with one another. APRIL - MAY 2015 Understand I am not making a comment on singleness versus married life, but making a statement about how we practice our faith, and how God intended for us to. Psalm 19 touches upon the danger of doing faith alone when it asks in verse 12, “But who can detect their [own] errors?” John Wesley emphasized this from the start of Methodism as well, with his insistence on attendance in small group meetings. He recognized that in order to remain strong and faithful to God, we need one another to keep one another accountable to good thoughts, words, and behaviors. pray for show, and don’t pray falsely; instead, go into your personal place, your inner place, where you and the Father can connect more deeply than if you just mumble empty words for the show of others. I emphasize this same idea every Sunday in our time of partaking together in Holy Communion. (Cont. pg 3 Inside this issue: Confirmation & Potluck Children’s Ministry Youth Ministry Bible Study Classes 2 Couples & Singles Baptism, Baby, & Bells 3 Pastor’s Corner Cont. St. Marks Retreat In April and May, we will Boy & Girl Scouts explore the Beatitudes, Community Outreach Jesus’ statements on our thoughts, words and behaviors, from what’s commonly called the “Sermon on the Mount.” The scripture above from Matthew comes from this same sermon, so it seemed fitting here. Know that when Jesus says “go into your room” this is the Greek word for inner room. Thus Jesus is saying don’t Young Leader’s Luau Top of the Hill Project Hope Fish Fry Rummage Sale Results 4 BBQ Fundraiser 5 Birthdays 6 Worship Service Church Contact Info. 7 Page 2 THE COMMUNICATOR CHILDREN’S MINISTRY - SUE BLATTEL CONFIRMATION SUNDAY MAY 3, 2015 10:30 AM Hallelujah! We have three young ladies that will be confirmed: Anna Connoley Elise Connoley Nnenna Okpara A celebration will be held in Fellowship Hall following ser vice. Please come and join them on their special day. Children's Sunday School 9:30 am - 10:15 am We continue our study on what it means to be a Methodist - the three graces, the quadrilateral come join us any time we value your thoughts and input. Thanks to everyone who donated candy and eggs, filled eggs, hid eggs, served hot dogs and drinks. We touched about 60 lives and were able to witness to many who didn't know what the egg represents - new life in Christ. Fellowship Hall Immediately Following 10:30 Service Bring a Mexican dish or dessert to share and celebrate our Confirmands special day. GENERAL MEETING & POT LUCK EVERYONE IS INVITED! SATURDAY APRIL 11, 2015 12:00 PM Tom & Ruth Robinson 314.323-1373 BIBLE STUDY CLASSES REMNANT UNDERGROUND & CINCO DE MAYO POTLUCK CELEBRATION COUPLES & SINGLES (COU-SINS) 1st & 3rd Wednesday Every Month at BUMC 7pm - 8 pm Current Study: “24 Hours” By Adam Hamilton” Tuesday Evenings 6:00 pm - 7:00 pm Steak & Shake on Bellefontaine Rd., north of 270 hwy. Join us for good discussions, and a little “stirring of the pot.” SPRING TEACHER APPRECIATION We will again take up a collection for the two Riverview Grade Schools we have "adopted". Colored paper, post it notes, markers, hi-lighters, colored pens, hard candy, bulletin board decorations, anything that might perk up a teacher's day. We are also going to send "freeze pops" for the kids in these schools for a special lunch treat so donations of these popsicles are also needed. Wednesdays 6:30 pm Prayer Room Meta Linn gifted in the Spirit, teaching, and prayer will lead you on a spirit-filled journey through the Bible. YLM YLM YLM YLM Young Leader’s Ministry Sunday Classes 9:30 am Gatherings T.B.A. Page 3 THE COMMUNICATOR PASTOR’S CORNER BAPTISM, BABY & BELLS (Cont. from pg.1) SUNDAY APRIL 12, 2015 10:30 AM SERVICE BAPTISM OF AVA MARIE WILLIAMS... daughter of Jennifer Riley (Anna Lee Young’s niece) and David Williams as they place their daughter before God and the BUMC Community on this blessed day. BABY SHOWER SATURDAY APRIL 18, 2015 4:00 PM Young Leader’s Room on 2nd Floor All are invited to celebrate Lori Mc Donald & Benjamin Childs as they prepare to bring a blessed baby boy into the world. Please RSVP Charlotte Abel at 314.517.5553 SATURDAY JUNE 13, 2015 WEDDING BELLS WILL BE RINGING AT BUMC! Join Jennifer Riley (Anna Lee Young’s niece) and David Williams as they say their vows before God and the congregation. More details T.B.A. Jesus taught that prayer was important, and Jesus showed that time alone was important; but Jesus spent the majority of his ministry on earth in community. Make no mistake, we cannot detect our own errors, and we are called to gather together, as “two or three” or more, in worship of our God, for there He will be. I hope to see you all in worship over the coming Easter season. Confident in His Community, Pastor Glen COMMUNITY OUTREACH OPPORTUNITIES GREEN & BLACK DAY ST. MARKS WOMEN’S RETREAT BELLEFONTAIN UMC SATURDAY MAY 2, 2015 TIME T.B.A Please contact Margaret Klein to help with set up, catering, and/or clean up. More details T.B.A. BOY SCOUT TROOP 271 WILL HOLD A MOCK TRIAL SUNDAY APRIL 19, 2015 3:00 PM C O ME FI N D O U T W H O M U R DE RE D W H O M? MIND, BODY & SOUL CONFERENCE SATURDAY MAY 9, 2015 9:00 AM-3:00 PM ALL GIRLS INVITED! RIVERVIEW GARDENS & BUMC JOINT COMMUNITY OUTREACH PROJECT COME OUT & CLEANUP R.G.H.S. AND THE NEIGHBORHOOD SAT. MAY 16, 2015 9:00 AM-12:00PM GRATITUDE Dear Bellefontaine, Thank you for all your prayers, cards, and support. Love, Beth Husted Page 4 THE COMMUNICATOR TOP OF THE HILL GANG “Top of the Hill Gang meets at 9:30am every Thursday to share fellowship with beverages, doughnuts, and great conversation.” — Norman Porch The Top of the Hill Gang is a lively group of 20-30 men and women of all ages (high school - 80 years old) who gather every Thursday morning at 8am to do work in God’s House and on the property. We pause at 9:30am every Thursday to share fellowship with coffee, doughnuts, and great conversation. More people are always needed and appreciated. The chores include: God bless, Norman Porch Like good stewards of the manifold grace of God, serve one another with whatever gift each of you has received. - 1 Peter 4:10 Hello Bellefontaine, Thanks for your support and donations!!! God bless., Thelma Wayne, Project Hope Coordinator Luau RESULTS The sale held on March 14, allowed a donation of $405.00 to the food pantry and allowed for the struggling in our community to be clothed and buy needed household items at a minimal cost. If you think about it, the majority of the items for sale are a $1.00 or less. $405.00 is a lot of dollars and quarters. Thank you to the rummage gals and guys - good job. Thank you to all who cleaned out their closets so we had items to sell. What you do for the community, you do for Christ. moving , cleaning items, washing windows in the Sanctuary, classrooms, restrooms, and Chapel Hall. Other help is used in the office by cutting, folding, and mailing of Church bulletins or newsletters. Handymen and women are also needed for painting, gardening and other jobs that need to be done. PROJECT HOPE Saturday, May 30, 2015 4:00 pm Activities, Games, Food, Torches, Disc Jockey SUNDAY MAY10,2015 1st & 3rd Friday 4PM - 6PM Page 5 THE COMMUNICATOR BBQ FUNDRAISER Saturday, May 30, 2015 11:00 am-4:00 pm Dine-in or take out Drinks provided for dine in only Menu: Pork steaks, chicken leg quarters, hamburgers, brats & hot dogs Volunteer to help today! Contact Becky Schulte SIZZLING HOT! Page 6 THE COMMUNICATOR HAPPY BIRTHDAY - MAKE A JOYFUL NOISE UNTO THE LORD! Mark 8:34-35 January 3 - Colin Martin 4 - Olu Tayo 6 - Russell Blattel 6 - Michael Okpara 9 - Alma (Flo) Hoon 12 - Deric Mahil 13 - Jameese Saddler 16 - Nicholas Abel 28 - Shelly Hiob 29 - Letitia Dowdy 30 - Tim Woelbling Psalm 25:1-10 February 3 - Joan Connoley 13 - Olu-Dayo Folarin 13 - Olu-Gbenga Folarin 13 - Morayo Folarin 13 - Bridgette Hiob 19 - Eric Woelbling 22 - Myra Behmer 24 - Rev. Glen Connoley 28 - Kyle Abel 1 Peter 3:18-22 Mark 8:31-38 March 1 - Patricia Power-Davis 3 - Kathryn Betts 3 - Charity Okpara 3 - Robert Hiob, Jr. 4 - Elsie Vamboi 14 - Anna Lee Young 14 - Norman Honer 16 - Joanne Bynum 19 - Lucy Adams 20 - Charles Mayfield 30 - Pat Champion 30 - Jane Cook April 8 - Will Cook 9 - Edna Henze 9 - Frank Johnson 19 - Nathan Okpara 20 - Ryan Folarin 20 - Robert Hiob Sr. 21 - Brian Kay 22 - Aricha Mahil 22 - Alisha Saddler 26 - Michael Abel 27 - Danielle Mink 28 - Shirley Butin 30 - Darice Comer May 2 - Luisette Behmer 4 - Nadine Marshall 6 - Dorothy Crosbie 6 - Michael Mink 8 - Kathryn Wunderlich 12 - Dean Hanshew 12 - Nellie Porch 16 - Mark Behmer 18 - Michelle Folarin 25 - Yasmine Folarin 25 - Isaiah Thomas 27 - Adrienne Behmer 28 - Bruce Larimer 31 - Eva Honer 31 - Chelsey WoelblingJune 1 - Jordon Saddler 5 - Anthony Behmer 6 - Bill Paulic 12 - Jackie Mink 12 - Nnenna Okpara 16 - Edwin Bacon 23 - Tyler Mork 23 - Michelle Woelbling 24 - Paul Husted 24 - Bill Woelbling 25 - Bunny Mork 26 - Thelma Wayne 29 - Connie Youchoff July 3 - Meta Linn 5 - Fran Scarborough 6 - Daniel Woelbling 9 - Crystal Larimer 9 - Gabrielle Mink 11 - Teresa Woelbling 15 - Lori McDonald 18 - Norman Porch 18 - William Blackburn 19 - David Bond 25 - James Poe 29 - Thomas Robinson 30 - Bill Klein August 2 - Jaykla Folarin 5 - Susan Blattel 10 - Kathy Estes 13 - Virginia Blackburn 13 - Mary Borgmann 14 - Elise Connoley 18 - Olu Femi Folarin 18 - Barbara Kay 22 - Mary Luecke 22 - Alex Mink 23 - Linda Hicks 24 - Joseph Mink 27 - Dorothy Morris 29 - Donna Johnson 30 - Vera Lickey 31 - Gloria Kay Mark 8:34-35 September 1 - Kevela Robinson 2 - Judy Bond 8 - Steven Mork 12 - Betty White 12 - Merceda Pedroley 12 - Bethany Husted 15 - Carl Hoon 20 - Russell Luecke 26 - Olu Yemisi Folarin 28 - Opeolu Folarin 29 - Alene Gates October 9 - Charles Pedroley 14 - Cathy Connoley 17 - Ogechi Okpara 20 - Eunice Schuermann Mark 1:9-15 Psalm 25:4-5 Psalm 22:26-27 November 3 - Matt Blattel 4 - Wilbur White 5 - Katherine Saddler 5 - Gabriel Vamboi 8 - Barbara Morris 10 - Ruthie Robinson 11 - Carl Behmer 14 - Charlotte Abel 15 - Frank Durbin 15 - Mary Saddler 15 - Jasmine Vamboi 16 - Adam Comer 17 - Sharon Folarin 21 - Sarah Blackburn 27 - Margaret Klein 28 - Anyaku Okpara Romans 4:13-25 Psalm 25:4-5 December 1 - Mildred Copeland 5 - Linda Crader 8 - Christian Childs 9 - Naomi Vamboi 12 - Carol Crosbie 24 - Rebecca Schulte 29 - Morgen Woelbling 30 - Anna Connoley 31 - Kelli Braggs April 2015 Sun Mon Tue Wed 1 6:30pm Remnant Bible Study 7pm Choir Practice 7pm AA Mtg. 7pm Coffee House 5 Easter Breakfast T.B.A. 9:30am 7 6 Hallmark Class Children’s Class 10:30am Easter Service 3:00pm Boy Scouts 12 13 9:30am Hallmark Class Children’s Class 10:30am Classic Service 3:00pm Boy Scouts 19 20 9:30am Hallmark Class Children’s Class Young Leader’s Class 10:30am Classic Service 3:00pm Boy Scouts Mock Trials 26 27 9:30am Hallmark Class Children’s Class Young Leader’s Class 10:30am Classic Service 12:00pm Ministry Mtg. 3:00pm Boy Scouts 8 9:00 am-11:30 am Project Hope Steak ‘n Shake Bellefontaine - 6pm Bible Study - 7pm Planning Mtg. 8pm AA Mtg. 6:30pm Remnant Bible Study 7pm Choir Practice 7pm AA Mtg. 14 15 9:00 am-11:30 am Project Hope Steak ‘n Shake Bellefontaine - 6pm Bible Study - 7pm Planning Mtg. 8pm AA Mtg. 6:00pm Creative/Worship Mtg. 6:30pm Remnant Bible Study 7pm Choir Practice 7pm AA Mtg. 7pm Coffee House 21 22 9:00 am-11:30 am Project Hope Steak ‘n Shake Bellefontaine - 6pm Bible Study - 7pm Planning Mtg. 8pm AA Mtg. 6:30pm Remnant Bible Study 7pm Choir Practice 7pm AA Mtg. 28 29 9:00 am-11:30 am Project Hope Steak ‘n Shake Bellefontaine - 6pm Bible Study - 7pm Planning Mtg. 8pm AA Mtg. 6:30pm Remnant Bible Study 7pm Choir Practice 7pm AA Mtg. Thu 2 8am Top of the Hill Fri Sat 3 4pm Fish Fry 4 11am Easter Egg Hunt Activities Office Closed 6pm Good Friday Service 11 9 8am Top of the Hill 10 16 8am Top of the Hill 17 4pm Fish Fry 18 Lori McDonald’s Baby Shower 4:00 pm Youth Leader’s Room 23 8am Top of the Hill 24 25 12pm Cou-Sins Potluck & General Mtg. 30 8am Top of the Hill May 2015 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri 1 4pm Fish Fry 3 Confirmation & 4 6 7 6:30pm Remnant Bible Study 7pm Choir Practice 7pm AA Mtg. 7pm Coffee House 8am Top of the Hill 12 13 14 15 9:00 am-11:30 am Project Hope Steak ‘n Shake Bellefontaine - 6pm Bible Study - 7pm Planning Mtg. 6:00pm Creative/Worship Mtg. 6:30pm Remnant Bible Study 7pm Choir Practice 7pm AA Mtg. 8am Top of the Hill 4pm Fish Fry 19 20 21 22 9:00 am-11:30 am Project Hope Steak ‘n Shake Bellefontaine - 6pm Bible Study - 7pm Planning Mtg. 6:30pm Remnant Bible Study 7pm Choir Practice 7pm AA Mtg. 7pm Coffee House 8am Top of the Hill 25 26 27 28 Memorial Day Office Closed 9:00 am-11:30 am Project Hope Steak ‘n Shake Bellefontaine - 6pm Bible Study - 7pm Planning Mtg. 8pm AA Mtg. 6:30pm Remnant Bible Study 7pm Choir Practice 7pm AA Mtg. 8am Top of the Hill Pot Luck 9:30am Hallmark Class Children’s Class Young Leader’s Class 10:30am Classic Service 3:00pm Boy Scouts 10 Mother’s Day 11 9:30am Hallmark Class Children’s Class Young Leader’s Class 10:30am Classic Service 3:00pm Boy Scouts 17 9:30am Hallmark Class Children’s Class Young Leader’s Class 10:30am Classic Service 3:00pm Boy Scouts 24/31 9:30am Hallmark Class Children’s Class Young Leader’s Class 10:30am Classic Service 12:00pm Ministry Mtg. 3:00pm Boy Scouts 18 5 9:00 am-11:30 am Project Hope Steak ‘n Shake Bellefontaine - 6pm Bible Study - 7pm Planning Mtg. 8pm AA Mtg. 8 Girl Scouts Setup 12pm - 7pm Sat 2 9-3 St. Mark’s UM Women’s Retreat 9 9am Girl Scout’s Convention All Girls Invited 16 9am -1pm Green & Black Day Community Service Riverview Gardens 23 Memorial Holiday Weekend 29 30 11-4pm BBQ Fundraiser 4pm Luau Host: YLM B e l le f on ta i ne Un ited M et ho di s t C hu r ch 10600 Bellefontaine Rd. St. Louis, MO 63137 314.867.0800 [email protected] Bellefontaine UMC Bellefontaineum Visit us on the web: Many, Becoming One, Serving Many We are called to become “ONE” in Christ and to serve. Pastor’s vision is exactly about unity and service. Serving brings changes to the heart and people to Christ, which ultimately leads all of us to oneness with God. There is life, love, and happiness at Bellefontaine where the Beautiful Spring of Life can be found. Come taste and see that the Lord is good. At Bellefontaine United Methodist Church, we hope to inspire disciples of Jesus Christ to live a life led by his gospel to transform their selves, their homes, our communities, and the world. We are situated within a multi-ethnic community with a diverse team of ministry partners who stand with us in proclaiming Jesus Christ to the world from the heart of St Louis County. We believe we cannot and should not do ministry alone, and therefore seek opportunities to work with other groups and agencies to address the needs of the whole person. Today’s world, as with each generation, is filled with unprecedented challenges. The pastor and staff of BUMC feels the church should be a strong and vital resource to help individuals and communities, as a whole, face those challenges. We strongly believe that life and salvation in Jesus Christ begins with loving and healthy relationships with persons seeking the upward call of God in Christ Jesus. If you are seeking this type of change in your life, please contact the Reverend Glen Connoley, Charlotte Abel, or any of the members of BUMC. We look forward to getting to know you. S U N D AY W O RS H I P & CL AS S ES 9:00 am Coffee Hour (Fellowship) 9:30 am Children’s Ministry Hallmark Class (Adult Ministry) Young Leader’s Ministry 10:30 am Classic Worship Service