VISITATION OF THE BLESSED VIRGIN MARY ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH 98 RICHARDS STREET BROOKLYN, NY 11231 Tel. (718) 624-1572 Fax (718) 722-7748 Rev. Claudio Antecini, Pastor Rev. Johannes Siegert, Parochial Vicar Rev. Eamon Murray, Parochial Vicar Secretary/Bookkeeper Office Assistant/Religious Ed Religious Ed. Director Religious Ed. Youth Ministry Pastoral Associate Mrs. Elsie Tweedy Mrs. Sylvia Dobles Fr. Johannes Sr. Laura Fr. Eamon Sr. Frauke 917-515-4225 Public Relation Sr. Rosanna 718-406-3670 Music Ministry Sr. Máire 805-300-6913 Trustee Trustee Ms.Lori Burkard Mr. Norm Sweeney Grades 1-8 CONFIRMATION and COMMUNION RELIGIOUS EDUCATION Communion Wednesday's 3:15pm Or Sunday 11:00am Confirmation Sunday’s 11:15 until 12:20pm RCIA Classes -Sunday's Wednesday English Spanish 11:00am - 12:25noon OFFICE HOURS Monday – Thurs. 9:00 a.m. - 3:00pm MASS SCHEDULE Saturday (Sunday Vigil Mass) Sunday: Weekdays Mass: Tuesday and Thursday 5:00 p.m. (In the Church) 10:00 a. m. (Spanish) 12:30 p. m. (English) 8:00 pm (English) Community Prayer Tuesday & Thursday 7:30pm House of Prayer: Tuesday Tuesday Thursday Thursday Monday Friday Friday Friday Sunday @7pm @7pm @7pm @7pm @7pm @7pm @7pm @7pm Ileanna Emily Rodriguez Hilda Josefina Graciela Emily M. Sr. Rosanna Annette Mendez @ 2pm Crystal Rodriguez 347-461-5169 347-383-7850 347-932-2985 718-522-0205 347-549-7499 718-875-2969 718-406-3670 (Eng) 646-932-0757 (Eng) 347-383-7850 EL BAUTISMO DE NIÑOS MENORES DE 7 AÑOS Bautismos serán cada dos meses. Después de los padres y padrinos toma el curso Philip la clase será los Baptism will be every other month.. After parents and god- fines de semana o usted puede ir a seis clases que parents take Philip Course. Classes will be on weekends or tienen cada martes a las siete en punto. Uno de los you can go to six classes that will be given on Tuesdays @ padres debe traer el certificado de nacimiento del niño. 7pm. Please make sure you bring child’s birth certificate beEL SACRAMENTO DE LA RECONCILIACION fore the date of baptism. Sabados con cita SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION EL MATRIMONIO Saturday at 4:30pm By appointment. (Confessions) La pareja deberá fijar un cita con el párroco por lo menos 6 meses antes de la fecha de la boda MARRIAGES For the Sacrament of Matrimony, an appointment must be made with LA CONFIRMACION Y LA COMUMION La preparación para estos sacramentos se cumple the Pastor 6 months in advance of the proposed date según la edad de la persona y su conocimiento de la Fe Católica VISITS TO THE SICK VISITA DE LOS ENFERMOS Please contact the parish office so we visit the sick. Please notify us when you know an active member Comunicarse con la oficina parroquial. GRUPO DE ORACION of our parish is ill. Lunes 7:00pm - 9:00pm BAPTISMS FOR CHILDREN UNDER 7 A LANDMARK OF FAITH IN RED HOOK SINCE 1854 First Sunday of Advent November 29, 2015 Sat. Nov 28th 5:00pm Jose & Edwin Ortiz Jose & Julia Goitia Frances D”Angelo Anthony Amendola John Burkard Sun. Nov 29th 10:00am “Para la Comunidad” 12:30pm “For the Parish Community” Tue. Dec 1st 8:00pm Anilda Rodriguez (For Health) Thurs. Dec 3rd 8:00pm “For the Parish Community” Sat. Dec 5th 5:00pm Kenny Gussman Frances D’Angelo Sun. Dec 6th 10:00am “Para la Comunidad” 12:30pm “For the Parish Community” I will raise up for David a just shoot; he shall do what is right and just in the land. Jeremiah 33:15 Oración Personal Cristo ha resucitado! Evangelio Salmo Canto ...De pie - En voz alta! 3 segmentos de 20minutos: Un capitulo del Evangelio Un Salmo Canto de Alabanza Canto en Lenguas Oración espontánea “Padre Nuestro” “Dios Te Salve Maria” Personal Prayer Christ is risen! Gospel Psalm Song ...Standing. Out Loud! 3 segments of 20minutes A chapter of the Gospel A Psalm Song of Praise Singing in Tongues Spontaneous Prayer “Our Father” “Hail Mary” Start Your Day of Victory! WINE & HOSTS IN MEMORY OF Frances D’ Angelo SANCTUARY LAMP Theresa Tombasco BLESSED SACRAMENT CANDLE (chapel) Eddie Rosado Please Pray for the Decease Adelina Aponte PRAYER REQUESTS FOR THE SICK Kaitlin Nelson, Anilda Rodriguez Dalia Martinez ,Horseo Capplla First Reading : Jeremiah 33:14-16 Second Reading :1 Thessalonians 3:12 Gospel :Luke 21:25-28, 34-36 THE COMING KINGDOM Jeremiah could see it coming—the kingship of Jesus and the restoration of Jerusalem. But was anybody listening? Is anybody listening now? It must have been tough being a prophet, but Jeremiah was persistent in his message because he knew that it needed to be heard. Also persistent in his message is Paul as he encourages the Thessalonians—and all of us—to live in accordance with the kingship that Jeremiah foretold. He encourages us to conduct ourselves in ways of holiness so that we may be well prepared for the king’s coming. Finally, Jesus himself tells us to be ever diligent so that we may gain favor before our God and King. Jeremiah could see the kingship of Jesus coming. As we begin the season of Advent, Paul and Jesus tell us not only how to prepare for the Kingdom, but how to live it day to day. Primera lectura: Jeremías 33:14-16 Segunda lectura: 1 Tesalonicenses 3:12 Evangelio: Lucas 21:25-28, 34-36 LA VENIDA DEL REINO Jeremías lo veía venir –el reinado de Jesús y la restauración de Jerusalén. Pero, ¿había alguien que le escuchara? ¿Alguien escucha ahora? Ser profeta tenía que haber sido muy difícil, pero Jeremías era persistente en su mensaje, porque sabía lo necesario que era escucharlo. Persistente en su mensaje también es Pablo, animando a los tesalonicenses –y a todos nosotros– a vivir de acuerdo al reino que Jeremías anunció. Nos motiva a comportarnos en el camino de santidad para que estemos bien preparados para la llegada del rey. Finalmente, Jesús mismo nos dice que estemos siempre atentos para lograr el agrado de nuestro Dios y Rey. Jeremías podía ver que se acercaba el reinado de Jesús. Al comenzar el tiempo de Adviento, Pablo y Jesús nos enseñan no sólo cómo prepararnos para el Reino, sino cómo vivirlo día a día. Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co. Friday, December 18th at 7pm Miercoles 9 de diciembre 7pm SING OUT FOR THE LORD! You can do it ! Choir Rehearsals Saturday@ 4pm for Mass at 5pm Eng. Sunday@ 9am for Mass at 10am Spanish Sunday, @ 11:30am for ADVENT The Church begins a new Liturgical year Advent lasts for four weeks, from the first Sunday of Advent until Christmas Day. “Advent” means “coming”. The Advent season is a time of prayer and preparation for the feast of Christmas Customs of the season include the Advent Wreath (3violet & 1 pink candle) and the Jesse Tree (symbols of the family of Jesus) Vestments during Advent violet Bishop Kearney’s Scholarship Exam Saturday, December 5th at 9am , fee $25. Over $300,000 given in academic scholarships-Sign up at
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