ST. MARK THE EVANGELIST CATHOLIC COMMUNITY ST. MARK THE EVANGELIST 1201 Alma Dr., Plano, TX 75075 (Parish) 1105 West 15th St., Plano TX 75075 (Office) Church: 972-423-5600 Fax: 972-423-5024 Office Hours: Monday - Thursday 9AM-4PM; Friday 9AM-12PM CLERGY Fr. Clifford G. Smith, Pastor • Fr. Jack Hopka, Parochial Vicar • Fr. Lauro González, M.N.M, Parochial Vicar Deacon Shawn French • Deacon Ed Putonti • Deacon Juan Jorge Hernandez• Deacon Dominic T. Hoang ADMINISTRATIVE STAFF: 972-423-5600 PARISH MANAGER: Deacon Gregg Kahrs & Melissa Humason • PASTOR’S ASSISTANT/OFFICE MANAGER: Cathie Seibold • SAFE ENVIRONMENT: Connie Istas ASSISTANT TO PAROCHIAL VICAR: Veronica Fonseca • CONTRIBUTIONS, MEMBERSHIP, REGISTRAR: Nadya Collard • COMMUNICATION SPECIALIST: Adriana Brady FACILITIES MANAGER: Will Alt • FACILITIES: Joe Walter YOUTH MINISTRY: 972-578-9583 DIRECTOR: Megan McQuaid FF COORDINATOR: Linda Watts ADMIN. ASSIST: Cristina Ochoa FAMILY & ADULT MINISTRY COUNSELING SERVICES: 972-424-5794 CO-DIRECTORS: George & Judy Clark PROGRAM COORDINATOR: Marcela Solis PROGRAM COORDINATOR: Rosalba Hernández ADMIN. ASSIST: Delma Brennan ST. MARK CATHOLIC SCHOOL: 972-578-0610 FAITH FORMATION: 972-423-4715 DIRECTOR RCIA, ADULT & ELEMENTARY FAITH FORMATION: Debbie Betz RICA & AFF (Spanish) Coordinator: Sr. Esther M. Guerrero, mcdp FF COORDINATOR: Ruth Sanchez (Bilingual) FF COORDINATOR: Peggy Theis CHOIRS & MUSIC: 972-423-6041 PRINCIPAL: Suzanne Bacot PRESCHOOL COORDINATOR: Toni Jobes 972-423-7926 Coordinator: Kenton Kravig ADMIN. ASSIST: Christine Carrington PARISH ORGANIZATIONS GRUPOS PARROQUIALES CATHOLIC ORGANIZATIONS ORGANIZACIONES CATÓLICAS Adult Community: Candy Butcher 972-578-9293 Charismatic Prayer Group (CCR On Fire): Dan Garcia 972-750-1809 Communion to Home Bound: Parish Office 972-423-5600 ENDOW: Family & Adult Ministry 972-424-5794 Eucharistic Adoration: Kathy Keenan 972-596-8550 Fuente de Vida: Pedro García 214-536-4039 Liturgy Coordinator: Marilou Hernandez 972-985-0732 Communion Ministers: Mary Jane Heiting 972-664-0188 Lectors: Jack Carlisle 972-549-0740 Ushers: Sandy Ptacek 972-424-6507 Altar Servers: Kathi & Parker Thompson 972-965-0563 Military Support Group: Andy & Ellen Ray 972-334-0255 Mom’s Group: Teresa Knode 972-437-9277 Mujer a Mujer: Viviana Olmos 214-809-4538 Nursery Coordinator: Judy Lyons 972-423-5600 Pastoral Council: Julius Chambers 972-881-7015 Pro-Life: JoAnn Murray 972-442-1127 Provida Ministry: Silvia Caballero 972-916-8345 Renovación Carismática Católica: Evelyn Colón 214-636-0282 Rosary Group: Lore Profaizer 972-424-7326 Rosary Makers: Margaret Woollett 214-808-8277 Rosario Biblico:Olivia Rojas 972-985-0051 Rosario Tradicional: Pilar de la Torre 214-745-9831 Women of St. Mark: Dorette Putonti 972-898-0421 Boy Scouts: Ron Imel 972-423-3500 Catholic Daughters: Mary Cieslewicz 817-995-2928 Cub Scouts: Michael Karicher 479-769-0207 Cursillos: Nancy Saucedo 972-989-1531 Families of Nazareth: Miles & Claudine Humphries 972-423-8834 Knights of Columbus #6065: 469-450-6651 Ladies Auxiliary: Alice Alt 972-423-9450 Marian Movement & Mother Thrice Admirable Schoenstatt: Josephine: 972-867-2192 Marguerite: 972-424-9779 Marriage Encounter: Ed & Ann Cabrera 972-424-3885 Movimiento Familiar Cristiano: Pedro & Jackeline Sanchez 214-994-6151 Homeschooling: Janet Moos 972-213-6437 St. Mark Home & School Assn: Theresa Meyers 469-939-7729 St. Mark School Advisory Council: Bill Wray 214-912-2722 St. Vincent De Paul: 972-423-1877 That Man is You: Bryan Quarrles 972-359-0185 BULLETIN DEADLINE IS WEDNESDAY 12:00 PM (11 DAYS BEFORE PUBLICATION) PLEASE SUBMIT ALL ENTRIES IN A TIMELY MANNER TO [email protected] SACRAMENT INFORMATION / CELEBRACIÓN DE LOS SACRAMENTOS BAPTISM: English classes are held the 1st Saturday of each month from 9:30 to 12:30 PM. Call the Family & Adult Ministry Office for registration form. CLASSES MAY BE TAKEN BEFORE THE BABY IS BORN. Baptisms are held the 2nd and 4th Saturday at 3:45 in English. RECONCILATION: Wednesdays: 6:30-8PM; & Fridays: 4:30-5:15 PM Saturdays: 3:30-5PM, also by appointment. MARRIAGE: Contact the Family & Adult Ministry Office at least 6 months prior to the wedding date. ANOINTING OF THE SICK: 1st and 3rd Saturdays of the month at 8:30 AM Mass or call the parish office and request a priest. VOCATIONS & CONSECRATED LIFE: Call Fr. John Szatkowski (214-379-2860) BAUTISMO: Para niños menores de 7 años las pláticas pre-bautismales son el 3er sábado de cada mes. Es requisito inscribirse en la oficina del Ministerio de Familias y Adultos. Los bautizos son el 2º y 4º sábado del mes. Para niños de 7 años o mayores llame a la oficina de Formación de Fe. CONFESIONES: Viernes a las 4:30-5:15PM y sábados: 3:30-5PM. MATRIMONIO: Favor de llamar a la oficina del Ministerio de Familias y Adultos para hacer una cita. Se requieren 6 meses de anticipación. UNCIÓN DE LOS ENFERMOS: 1° y 3er sábado del mes en la Misa de las 8:30AM en Ingles, último miércoles del mes en la misa de las 7:30PM en español o llame a la oficina. ORDENES SAGRADAS y LA VIDA CONSAGRADA: Llame al P. John Szatkowski (214-379-2860) 1 1 DE DICIEMBRE DEL 2013 DECEMBER 1, 2013 STEWARDSHIP MASS INTENTIONS & DAILY BIBLE READINGS Saturday ‐ Sábado (11/30) 8:30 AM Betty Stewart 5:30 PM Jose Baetiong Sunday ‐ Domingo (12/1) First Sunday of Advent Is 2:1‐5 Ps 122 Rom 13:11‐14 Mt 24:37‐44 7:30 AM Jim Hogan 9:00 AM Rosalie Weir 10:30 AM People of St. Mark 12:00 PM Ángelica Mariana Vaca 1:30 PM Ramón García 3:00 PM Jose Ignacio Aguilar 4:30 PM John Collins 6:00 PM Rosalie Weir Monday ‐ Lunes (12/2) Is 4:2‐6; Ps 122; Mt 8:5‐11 6:30 AM Pauline Calleia 8:30 AM Fr. John Hennessy Tuesday ‐ Martes (12/3) Saint Francis Xavier, Priest Is 11:1‐10; Ps 72; Lk 10:21‐24 6:30 AM John Collins 8:30 AM Erica Rivera Wednesday ‐ Miércoles (12/4) St John Damascene, Priest Is 25:6‐10a; Ps 23; Mt 15:29‐37 6:30 AM Rosalie Weir 8:30 AM John Collins 7:30 PM Margarita Lichtenberger Thursday ‐ Jueves (12/5) Is 26:1‐6; Ps 118; Mt 7:21, 24‐27 6:30 AM Rosalie Weir 8:30 AM Nicanor Rodriguez Friday ‐ Viernes (12/6) St Nicholas, Bishop Is 29:17‐24; Ps 27; Mt 9:27‐31 6:30 AM Jim Hogan 8:30 AM Porfirio Dy 5:30 PM Jim Hogan First Sunday of Advent The Son of Man will come at an hour you do not expect. Good stewards know that they are accountable to God for all they have and are, and they strive to live in readiness for His coming. Primer Domingo de Adviento En una hora que ustedes no esperan, el Hijo del Hombre vendrá. Los buenos administradores saben que son responsables ante Dios por todo lo que tienen, y lo que son, y se esfuerzan por vivir preparados para Su venida. SAFE ENVIRONMENT SESSIONS AMBIENTE SEGURO PLEASE DO NOT BRING CHILDREN FAVOR DE NO TRAER NIÑOS Christ the King Family of Faith John Paul II High School Family of Faith Monday, December 9 at 7PM Community Center Room Tuesday, January 7 at 7PM Saturday, January 11 at 10AM The Stewardship Report for the weekend of November 23‐24 will be posted in next weekend’s bulletin. Advent Reconciliation Schedule Saturday ‐ Sábado (12/7) 8:30 AM John Collins St Ambrose, Bishop 5:30 PM Bob Hamblen Is 30:19‐21, 23‐26; Ps 147; Mt 9:35–10:1, 5a, 6‐8 PLEASE PRAY FOR THE SICK OF OUR PARISH Wednesday, December 4, 6:30‐8PM Thursday, December 5, 6:30‐8PM Tuesday, December 17, 6:30‐8PM Wednesday, December 18, 6:30‐8PM Thursday, December 19, 6:30‐8PM Please call the Parish Office to add or remove someone from the list. Names will be listed for four weeks. Angel Tree The Angel Tree is in the Bethany Narthex Judy Ahr; Payton Ahr; Robert Ahr; Sofia Alvarado; Tom Anderson; again this year! Tags will be available until Elvia Arias; Erica Arias; Raquel Ávila; Jerry Bonniol; Anthony they’re gone or December 15. Last year you Captino; Clemente Carroso; Marina Devlin; Michael Thomas helped over 200 families with gifts. We have Donovan; Deacon Bill Flynn; Real Giguere; Ronnie & Phillip requests from families in our Faith Formation Jannetto; Mike Kabaj; Brenda Kinsella; Patricia Kozuch; Arny program, RCIA and St. Mark school plus fami‐ Landry; Ellie Leonard; Jerry Lewallen; Judy Looney; David lies from St. Vincent de Paul and St. James Luciano; Sydney Marquis; Margarita Mena; Victoria Mena; José Catholic Church in Oak Cliff. Please help us Luis Mendoza; Teresa Mercado; Rita Michael; Mike Murray; Per‐ again this year by taking a tag or two. When sia Family; Carlyn Prince; Ray Rivera; Angel Reyes; Paulina Reyes; you take a tag please register it at Francisco Rivera; Maria Sanchez; Anita Schoeneberger; Scott This way we can inform you of any Stimberman; Patricia Vigil; Sofia Ventura; Gustavo Vergara changes and help you if you lose your tag. Please return your gifts on Saturday, December 21 from 10AM‐1PM in the Gymnasium. St. Vincent de Paul Society is in need of the following items: If you can not deliver your gifts on Dec. 21 or if you have any questions please contact Cynthia McDonald at 972‐824‐4459 or [email protected]. Tuna Fish, Spaghetti Sauce, Mac and Cheese, Chili, Peanut Butter, Jelly, diapers (newborn) and bed frames in any size. Place items in donation box located in the Narthex. Pick up of large items can be arranged by calling SVDP at 972‐423‐1877. 2 ST. MARK THE EVANGELIST CATHOLIC COMMUNITY Celebraciones Para Nuestra Virgen de Guadalupe Our Lady Of Guadalupe Celebrations Acompáñenos para estas celebraciones especiales en honor a Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe. Toda la familia está invitada a participar. Join us in the Celebrations in honor of Our Lady of Guadalupe. The entire family is invited to participate. Fechas del Novenario y las Misas: Dates for the Novena and Masses: (Todas las noches iniciaremos con el Rosario y continuaremos con Misa, Danza y Convivio) Martes, 3 de Diciembre, 7PM Miércoles, 4 de Diciembre, 7PM Jueves, 5 de Diciembre, 7PM Viernes, 6 de Diciembre, 7PM Sábado, 7 de Diciembre, 7PM Domingo, 8 de Diciembre, 7PM (We will begin with the Rosary every night followed by Mass, Danza and reception) Tuesday, Dec. 3, 7PM Wednesday, Dec. 4, 7PM Thursday, Dec. 5, 7PM Friday, Dec. 6, 7PM Saturday, Dec. 7, 7PM Sunday, Dec. 8, 7PM Solemnidad de la Santísima María Inmaculada Lunes, 9 de Diciembre, 7PM Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary Solemnity Monday, Dec. 9, 7PM Festividad de San Juan Diego (traiga a su niño vestido de San Juan Diego, habrá bendición especial para ellos) Martes, 10 de Diciembre, 7PM St. Juan Diego (bring your child dressed as St. Juan Diego, there will be a special blessing for them) Tuesday, Dec. 10, 7PM Mañanitas a la Virgen de Guadalupe Miércoles, 11 de Diciembre: 10PM Danza Tleyotl y Danza Azteca 10:30PM Rosario 11PM Misa 12AM Mañanitas a la virgen y Convivio Our Lady of Guadalupe Mañanitas Wednesday, December 11: 10PM Danza Tleyotl & Danza Azteca 10:30PM Rosary 11PM Mass 12AM Mañanitas to the virgin and reception Our Lady of Guadalupe Feast Thursday, December 12: 6PM our Lady of Guadalupe Apparitions 7PM Danza Tleyotl & Danza Azteca 8PM Mass with St Mark Choirs 9:30PM Danza and Reception in the Cafeteria Al terminar cada noche, la comunidad esta cordialmente We will be accompanied by Danza Azteca and Danza Tleyotl during the Novena. Join us each night for a small reception in invitada a pasar al cafetorio para disfrutar de la Danza Azteca y the Cafetorium following the Rosary and Mass. Danza Tleyotl y el tradicional convivio. Festividad de la Virgen de Guadalupe Jueves, 12 de Diciembre: 6PM Apariciones de la Virgen de Guadalupe 7PM Danza Tleyotl y Danza Azteca 8PM Misa con Coros de San Marcos 9:30PM Danza y Convivio en la Cafetería 3 1 DE DICIEMBRE DEL 2013 DECEMBER 1, 2013 FAMILY & ADULT MINISTRY - COUNSELING SERVICES Typhoon Relief Collection MINISTERIOS DE ADULTOS Y FAMILIA SERVICIOS DE CONSEJERIA A few weeks ago one of the most powerful storms ever recorded destroyed entire villages and devastated cities across the Philip‐ pines and Vietnam. Our church mourns the terrible suffering of our brothers and sisters affected by this powerful storm. St. Mark will take up a collection benefiting the victims of this tragedy THIS WEEKEND. Your generosity is greatly appreciated. CHRIST RENEWS HIS PARISH Men Apr 5‐6 Women Jan 18‐19 Weekend retreat provides an atmosphere for individual growth through prayer, inspiring presentations, and personal reflection. It is also an opportunity to share with others in the parish about the joys and challenges of living a Christian lifestyle in our family life, at work, with friends, and in society. CRISTO RENUEVA SU PARROQUIA Hombres abr 26‐27 Mujeres feb. 8‐9 El retiro provee un ambiente para crecimiento indi‐ vidual por medio de la oración, presentaciones conmovedoras, y reflexión. También es una oportunidad para compartir con otros en la parroquia sus alegrías y desafíos de vivir una vida Cristia‐ na en su vida familiar, en el trabajo, con amigos, y en la sociedad. The Knights of Columbus & the Ladies Auxiliary Monthly Prayer Service December 12, 2013 at 7PM in McGivney Hall This prayer service takes place the second Thursday of each month for those in the parish who are ill, recovering from surgery or any other intention. All parishioners are invited to attend and submit names of those individuals for whom prayers are needed. These names will be read during the service. This Parish Prayer Service begins with the Exposition of the Most Blessed Sacrament, reading of the names of those for whom we are praying, the Rosary, hymns, a Litany, and concludes with Benediction. Please call Will Alt at 972‐423‐9450 to add names to the list. You can also add names prior to the service if you are in attendance. WELLNESS CENTER FREE OFFER The Plano Senior Center of Plano has been given a grant to offer free blood pressure and blood sugar testing to those 55 years and older. They will be at St. Mark on Dec. 2 to offer the screen‐ ing for no Cost. Call the St. Mark Family & Adult Ministry (972‐424‐5794) to schedule your screen‐ ing. It will be held in the St. Mark Parish Center and take less than 15 minutes. OFERTA GRATIS DEL CENTRO DE BIENESTAR El Plano Senior Center ha otorgado exámenes gratuitos de Presión Arterial y Glucosa en la San‐ gre, para todas aquellas personas de 55 años de edad o mas. Estarán en St. Mark el 2 de Diciem‐ bre, para ofrecer los exámenes a ningún costo. Llame a la oficina de Familia y Adultos al teléfo‐ no 972‐424‐5794 para hacer una cita. Se llevará a cabo en el Centro Parroquial de St. Mark y tomará menos de 15 minutos. Awaiting Christ teaches us to think like and love His church as the Blessed Mother did. NEW DAY GRIEF SUPPORT GROUP begins on January 16 and meets for 9 consecutive Thursdays, 7PM – 8:30PM, St. Mark Parish Center, 1105 W. 15th St. New Day is for any‐ one who has lost a loved one to death. Par‐ ticipants work through the tasks of grief in an atmosphere of caring and understanding. Cost: $20 (workbook). Registration required. All are welcome to an Advent Retreat presented by Fr. Jarek Zanienski & Fr. Tadeusz Kopcynski of the Families of Nazareth Movement and will include Conference, Eucharistic Adoration, Confession, & Holy Mass. Registration forms located in the Bethany Narthex rack. Date: Wed., Dec. 4, 2013 ‐ please register by Nov. 29 Time: 8:00 AM ‐ 12:15 PM Advent Book Sale Where: St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Parish There will be books and materials on Advent 2700 W. Spring Creek Pkwy. for sale in the Narthex on December 8 after Plano, TX 75023 all the masses. Mark your calendars now and Cost: $10/person by Nov. 29 ‐ $15/person at the door plan to stop by to get your Advent materials. Morning snack included in the registration fee. Venta de Libros Contact: Claudine Humphries at [email protected] Habrá una venta de libros de Adviento en el or 214‐236‐9916 vestíbulo de la Iglesia el 8 de Diciembre des‐ pués de todas las misas. ¡Marquen sus calen‐ darios y no falten! 4 ST. MARK THE EVANGELIST CATHOLIC COMMUNITY KNIGHTS’ CORNER ELEMENTARY FAITH FORMATION: 972-423-4715 Council 6065 Dear Parents, Today, December 1st we begin the Season of Advent. Assembly 2266 Information Night: December 2 All men who are interested in learning more about or in joining the Knights of Columbus are invited to attend an information night on Mon., Dec. 2 at 7:30PM in McGivney Hall located in the Parish Center. Spouses/fiancées are also invited. You must be a practical Catholic man at least 18 years old. This informal presentation will last approximately one hour. Please call one of our Membership Chairmen, Armando Guerra or Paul Krusac, if you will be attending. Their phone numbers follow. For general information on joining the Knights, please see our Council website,, or call our Grand Knight, Bill Butcher at 469-450-6651 or one of our Membership Directors, Armando Guerra at 214-272-3537 or Paul Krusac, PGK, PFN, on 972-516-0659. On the website, click on the “Want to Join Our Council or Get More Info?” button on our Home Page and complete the form that is shown. You will be contacted promptly. Much more information about the Council is also available on the website. Advent is a great time to focus on your home as a holy place that is called the domestic church. The domestic church refers to your home as the primary place where children first hear about and witness the Catholic faith. In your home, your children will learn to love, to pray and to serve. Honor this joyful season in a simple way in your home. Keep the focus on Jesus with prayer. Gather the family at least once a week to pray – how nice if you could do this every day during Advent. It does not need to be more than a five‐minute moment in the day. Have everyone join hands and form a circle. Then invite each person to praise God for the gift of his Son, whose birthday is celebrated on Christmas Day. Assembly Christmas Party: December 8 The Assembly is holding our annual Christmas Party on Sunday, December 8 at the Ye Shire Tavern in Richardson. Assembly members and their families have been invited to attend. We have also invited the two seminarians we sponsor to be our guests. Bless all families during this Advent Season! Estimados padres, El Adviento es una Buena temporada para enfocar al hogar como un lugar santo que llamamos la iglesia domestica. La iglesia domestica se refiere a su hogar como el lugar principal donde sus niños oyen y ven la fe católica por primera vez. En su hogar, sus hijos aprenderán a amar, a rezar y a servir. Computer Refurbishing Used CPUs (especially Pentium 4 or equivalent and newer), monitors, printers, scanners, fax machines, pointing devices (mice) as well as CDs and DVDs are being accepted for donation to the Computers for the Blind organization. Please contact Gil Brand at 214-282-2581 or [email protected] for information. He can provide a charitable receipt for your donations. For information about the organization, the website is Please do NOT leave any used computer equipment in the church Narthex. Flags and Electronics Recycling for Special Olympics Unserviceable flags continue to be collected in the flag box which is now located inside the Usher’s Room at the rear of the old Narthex. If you are not familiar with the location of the Usher’s Room, please ask an usher for directions. Used cell phones, inkjet cartridges, digital cameras, camcorders, and hand held electronic games can also be placed in this box. The flags will be disposed of in a proper manner. All electronic equipPermítame sugerirle una forma simple de honrar esta tempora‐ da de alegría en su hogar. Mantenga su enfoque en Jesús ment will be recycled by an environmentally responsible company and the proceeds from the recycling will be donated to Special Olympics. mediante la oración. Reúna a la familia al menos una vez a la semana para rezar—qué bueno sería hacer esto cada día duran‐ Special Note: If you see a flag on a business establishment that is in te Adviento. No tiene que tomar mas de cinco minutos del día. need of replacement, please talk with the store manager, thank him for Haga que todos se den de la mano, formando un círculo. Luego flying the Stars and Stripes, and ask that the unserviceable flag be reinvite a cada persona a alabar a Dios por el don de su Hijo, cuyo placed and given to you. You should then place the flag into the flag box identified above. The flag is the symbol of our nation and it is important cumpleaños celebramos el día de Navidad. that it be displayed and maintained properly. If you would prefer not to ¡Bendice a todas las familias durante este tiempo de Adviento! speak with the store manager, please provide the necessary information (store name and location) to either Bill Ptacek on 972-424-6507 or Paul Krusac on 972-516-0659 and we will contact the appropriate store perIf you have an extra vehicle you have been considering donating, sonnel. please call Charity Motors Car Donation Program to donate your vehicle and designate the Altar Flower Honorariums proceeds to Honorariums for the Altar Flowers are accepted. If ST. MARK CATHOLIC CHURCH. you would like to dedicate the weekend flowers for a You will receive a tax deduction while helping our special intention, please contact the Parish Office at church. For information, call 972‐242‐7489. 9724235600. 5 1 DE DICIEMBRE DEL 2013 DECEMBER 1, 2013 Youth & Young Adult Ministries News! ¡Noticias del Ministerio de Jóvenes & Jóvenes Adultos! 972-578-9583 E-mail: [email protected] Youth Grades 6-12 2013/2014 Faith Formation! Registration by appointment only Office Hours: Mon‐Thurs 10am‐6pm and Friday 10am‐2pm. Catechists Needed Spirit Mass Sunday 6PM Sun., Dec. 1 & 8 – Domingo 1 y 8 de Dic. •MS ‐10am, 12pm, 2pm & 4pm •HS ‐7pm to 9:30pm We are looking for Catechist and Catechist Aids for the following sessions: Thursday 7‐9:30PM, Monday 7‐ 8:30PM and Wednesday 7‐9:30PM. Call or visit our office for more information. The Youth and Young Adult Ministries Office will be Closed on December 23‐27, 30, 31,and January 1‐3 We will reopen on Monday, January 6. Mon., Dec. 2 & 9 – Lunes 2 y 9 Dic. •MS ‐7pm Tue., Dec. 3 & 10 – Martes 3 y 10 Dic. •MS ‐ 7pm Wed., Dec. 4 & 11– Miér. 4 y 11 Dic. •HS‐ 7pm High School R.A.D. Night Middle School Youth Group Social Tues., December 3,10 &17 7‐9PM in the Youth House Saturday, January 25 from 7‐9pm in Youth Center / cost: $5 Signed Permission Form is Required Thurs., Dec. 5 & 12– Miér. 5 y 12 Dic. •HS‐ 7pm Happy Birthday to all the December Birthdays! ¡Felicidades a todos los que cumplen en el mes de diciembre! All sessions will meet in the Youth Center No Faith Formation December 15 through January 9. Sessions will resume the week of January 12! Azteca Dance Group High School Teens perform for the celebration of the Virgin of Guadalupe and other events. Contact Laura Salazar at [email protected] or Armando Vazquez at 214‐916‐9027 Come Home for Christmas ¡Ven a Casa esta Navidad! Do you know someone who has left the Church? Most of us don’t have to look very far to find someone in our circle of family and friends who is an inactive Catholic. We are concerned about these loved ones, but we don’t know how to help them. Many people can’t explain why they stopped coming to church except that life just got in the way. Some inactive Catholics bear a tremendous amount of guilt, legitimate anger, or misinforma‐ tion, but they are afraid of rejection if they approach the Church. For a variety of reasons, some may mistakenly think they are unwelcome or feels excluded in the Catholic Church. Most non‐practicing Catholics are simply waiting for an invita‐ tion to return. If you or someone you know are thinking of coming home to the Catholic Church, we welcome you to come to a quiet place to ask your questions and voice your concerns. An initial private meeting will allow you to discuss any individual matters that you may have. You are not under any obligation to con‐ tinue, but if you desire to come home again, you will have the opportunity to talk and be listened to; learn the up to date teachings of the Church; pray and socialize with other members of our parish family. If you would like to talk about this process, have questions, or would like additional information, please call Debbie Betz at 972‐423‐4715, ext. 232. 6 ¿Conoces a alguien que se ha alejado de la Igle‐ sia? No tenemos que ver muy lejos para encon‐ trar a alguien dentro de nuestra familia y amigos que es un católico inactivo. Nos preocupan estos seres queridos, y no sabemos cómo ayudarles. Mucha gente no puede explicar porque dejaron de venir a la Iglesia, solamente que la vida intervino. Por varias razones, algunos equivocada‐ mente piensan que no son bienvenidos y se sienten excluidos de la Iglesia Católica. La mayoría de los católicos no practican‐ tes simplemente están esperando una invitación para regresar. Tú puedes hacer una diferencia tremenda en la vida de alguien simplemente diciéndoles que los extrañamos y nos gustaría que regresaran a nuestra familia de Iglesia. Si conoces a alguien que está pensando en regresar la Iglesia Católica, le invitamos a que vengan a un lugar privado para hacer sus preguntas o expresar cualquier inquietud que ten‐ gan. Una reunión privada le permitiría dialogar cualquier asunto personal que tengas. Si deseas regresar a casa nuevamente, tendrás la oportunidad de hablar y ser escuchado, aprender las últimas enseñanzas de la Iglesia, orar y convivir con otros miem‐ bros de nuestra familia parroquial. Si te gustaría hablar de este proceso, tienes preguntas, o te gustaría más información, por favor de llamar a la Hermana Esther M. Guerrero, mcdp al 972‐ 423‐4715 ext. 225. Gracias. ST. MARK THE EVANGELIST CATHOLIC COMMUNITY The St. Mark Church choir will be singing the national anthem at the Allen American's game on January 4. As a member of St. Mark, you along with family and friends have the opportunity to take advantage of discounted seats to the game vs. Rapid City at 7:05pm (doors open at 6:05pm). All St. Mark seats will cost $14 (gate price will be $18). To purchase tickets visit:‐0ARwKy4DYg WHAT’S HAPPENING AT ST. MARK CATHOLIC SCHOOL Leave Your Legacy at St. Mark Legacy Bricks are on sale for a limited time. Visit the school w e b s i t e for additional informa‐ tion about this op‐ portunity to leave your own personal and permanent im‐ pression at St. Mark for generations to come. Recycling Opportunity for St. Mark Community At St. Mark church, we have a recycling container behind the Smyth Pastoral Center. By placing your recyclables here, you can help both the environment and your parish. DVD Drive: A letter From Joel Hello, my name is Joel Kattady and I am a sixth grader at St. Mark School. I have come up with the idea to donate DVDs to Children’s Medical Center. A couple of years back I was in Children’s Hospital for a bacterial infection and I was in ICU for ten days. During that time I was amazed by the astounding hospitality and persevering patience of the medical staff. I was delighted by the movies and TV shows that I watched and I would like to give other children the chance to enjoy their stay at the hospital by donating DVDs to Children’s Hospital. These movies should be brand new or gently used and they should either by G rated, PG rated, or PG‐13 rated. These donations will be accepted until Christmas. With your help, we can change the experience of hospital visits from scary to enjoy‐ able! If you can help, drop off your DVDs at the school office. The church is reimbursed for collecting these materials YES! Please recycle these Paper and Cardboard products in the St. Mark recycling container: Brown paper bags, catalogs, junk mail, envelopes, paperback books, newspapers, magazine, greeting cards, wrapping paper and tissue paper and office paper (paperclips & staples are ok). Immigration & Legal Services‐West Dallas Branch 2843 Lapsley Street, Dallas TX 75212 (214) 217‐5600 * By appointment Only Hours of Operation: M‐W & Friday 8am‐12noon and 1‐4pm Thurs. 8am‐12noon and 1‐2pm Closed SAT & SUN St. Mark School Open House Tuesday, January 28, 2014 9‐10:30AM TIS THE SEASON ADVENT SOCIAL FOR PERSONS WITH DISABILITIES AND CAREGIVERS The Diocese of Dallas announces its Second Annual Tis the Sea‐ son Advent Social for Persons with Disabilities and Caregivers. Date: Friday, December 6, 2013 Time: 6‐9:00PM Where: St. Patrick Catholic Church, School auditorium, 9643 Ferndale Road, Dallas 75238. ST. MARK COLUMBARIUM: Niches are available. If you would like information or to purchase a niche, please call Cathie Seibold This social event is open to all persons with disabilities, families at 972‐423‐5600 ext. 222 to schedule an appointment. Brochures and friends of persons with disabilities, and caregivers. are available in the Narthex. Activities, caroling, dinner, and dessert will be provided. There is no charge. All are encouraged to attend. Reservations for the COLUMBARIO DE ST. MARK: Los nichos del columbario de la Advent Social can be made by contacting the Pastoral Center at parroquia están en venta. Para más información llame a Cathie 214‐379‐2867 (leave a message), or by registering on‐line at Seibold al 972‐423‐5600. Folletos disponibles en el Narthex. 7 1 DE DICIEMBRE DEL 2013 DECEMBER 1, 2013 AROUND THE DIOCESE 5th Annual Christmas Bazaar Saturday, December 14th 9AM-4PM Bishop Lynch High School 9750 Ferguson Road at Peavy in Dallas More than 75 area vendors are expected. They will feature one‐ of‐a‐kind items such as home décor, clothing and accessories, handbags, jewelry, religious articles, artwork, candles, kitchen wares, children's items, delightful goodies and much more. Supporting The Bishop Lynch Brigade Drill Team FREE ADMISSION Raffle drawings all day For booth rental information please email [email protected] Catholic Night at the Mavericks Game Purchase your tickets now for the first‐ever Catholic Night at the Mavericks Game on Sunday, January 26 at American Airlines Center. Come join hundreds of fellow Catho‐ lics and cheer on the Mavs as they take on the Detroit Pistons. It’s a great way to kick off National Catholic Schools Week and build community. Choose from two great ticket prices: $27 (Reg. $33) or $14 (Reg. $17) (All seats are located on the Terrace Level ‐ 300 Sections.) Lower level tickets available. Call for pricing. Orders with payment are filled on first‐come, first served basis and are subject to availability. We will sell out! The White Rose has opened a third crisis pregnancy center in Dallas and is in need of prayer support and volunteers. Any necessary training will be provided. Please call (214) 821‐6292 or visit for more information. Annual JWA Jesuit Christmas Bazaar Saturday, December 7, 9AM-5PM Shop for beautiful handcrafted jewelry, gorgeous clothing and accessories, art, crafts, handmade crosses and rosaries, delicious food items and more from over 100 vendors. Our incredible Bake Sale of homemade goodies will provide the perfect dessert for your holiday party or "special treat" for your favorite teacher! Santa will be available for photos 10am‐3pm, and there will be over 100 raffle items. Contact Mavs rep Brittany Kucia at 214‐658‐7139 to purchase your discounted tickets now! Deadline to purchase tickets and be part of Catholic Night at the Mavs Game is January 3rd 2013! Come early and shop ‘til you drop at Jesuit College Preparatory School, 12345 Inwood Road, Dallas 75244. Admission is free. Worldwide Marriage Encounter Today’s gospel tells us we must be prepared because the Son of Man is coming at a time we least expect. If Jesus came today, would your marriage pass the test? The next Worldwide Marriage Encounter weekend will be held Jan 24‐26, 2014. To apply or for more information visit our website or call Angelo & Shanna Nasche, 972‐317‐3400. Para más información sobre el Encuentro Matrimonial en Español mande un correo electrónico a [email protected]. 15th Annual Landregan Lecture December 7, 2013 | 7:30 PM Lynch Auditorium ‐ University of Dallas Drawing on his breadth of experiences as a Trinitarian theolo‐ gian and a U.S. Ambassador to the Holy See, Dr. Miguel Diaz will highlight the call for Catholics to listen to the world's needs, to offer a wealth of Catholic resources for the benefit of all, and to welcome human diversity along with what is good, beautiful and truthful to advance the common good. Now on Facebook! Check out & “LIKE” two pages for St. Mark the Evangelist Catholic Church & School St. Mark Catholic Church – Plano,TX St. Mark Catholic School – Plano,TX 8 Listen to Catholic Radio KATH 910 AM Escucha Radio Católica KJON 850 AM ST. MARK THE EVANGELIST CATHOLIC COMMUNITY Blessing of the Advent Wreath Lord God, your Church joyfully awaits the coming of its Savior, who enlightens our hearts and dispels the darkness of ignorance and sin. Pour forth your blessings upon us as we light the candles of this wreath; may this light reflect the splendor of Christ, who is Lord, for ever and ever. Amen. Week 1: Lighting of the First Candle O Lord, stir up your might and come! Be our protector and libera‐ tor; rescue us from the dangers that threaten us because of our sins, and lead us to salvation; you who live and reign with God the Father in the unity of the Holy Spirit, God, forever and ever. Amen. 9