Cozad UNITED Methodist Church Newsletter
Cozad UNITED Methodist Church Newsletter
Volume 6 COZAD UNITED METHODIST CHURCH June 2016 “Out with the Old – In with the New” Whenever we start talking about change, we always get nervous or upset or both. I think it has a lot to do with not being sure of the future. It is so comfortable to live and do what is familiar. When we start thinking about change we many times cannot imagine how it is going to work and so fear sets in and many times keeps us from doing anything new. I know that in my life that is very true. Let me give you an example that happened just this past week. For the past eight years our primary vehicle has been a 2008 Chevrolet Trailblazer. We got it brand new off the showroom floor – it had 33 miles on the odometer when it we delivered to us. We enjoyed that vehicle and really felt comfortable in it and it served us well. But when we purchased a larger camping trailer it became obvious that it was not going to be big enough for longer trips and with the possibility of retirement in 4 or 5 years, we felt we needed something different now (also we now have 7 grandchildren and it would be nice to have a vehicle where we could get most of them into at once). We found the ideal vehicle – a 2011 Chevrolet Suburban – and finally negotiated a deal for it (that’s another story). But it was when we had to turn over the keys to the Trailblazer that we both felt a tugging (and fear of the unknown) of our hearts for a trustworthy truck that had been a part of our lives for 8 years. I know it is just a truck but it was still hard to say goodbye to it and hello to something new. I know we will get to love our new vehicle as much as the last but there is still the fear of the future that makes us doubt our decision. I have seen the same thing happen in our church. Anything new meets with some amount of skepticism as to whether it will work. When we announced that we were starting a second worship service with contemporary music, there were many that gave us six months before it stopped. After 2-1/2 years it is still going strong (in fact this past Sunday saw almost as many attending the early contemporary worship service as attended the late traditional service). We are moving towards new ways to contribute other than cash/check in the offering plate. I would like to see us get organized enough to go on mission trips to help people ravaged by summer storms. There were even many who could not imagine the church making a go of selling fireworks for the Fourth of July but excitement is building for our second year of sales (even in a new location). Our Kids of the Kingdom and Bible School programs continue to amaze everyone inside and outside of the church. If we allow our fears and doubts to keep us from dreaming, we will eventually die as a church. God is calling us to new areas and opportunities – in fact I would say God is challenging us to expand our idea of service beyond our church to the community and the world in which we live. Instead of hearing, “We have never done that (or that way) before!” I would like to hear, “We have not tried that before but let’s do it because God is leading us there!” Who knows what adventures we can find when we let God lead us to new opportunities and get everyone involved. So if you see someone in a shiny new black Suburban waving at you, wave back it is probably Carolyn or I getting used to our new vehicle. And the next time you hear a new idea coming from the church, jump in and join in the excitement of doing something new for God in our church, community and the world. Together we can conquer our fear of the unknown and accomplish great things for God. Pastor Doug Pastor Doug and Ralph Keiswetter will be attending Annual Conference May 31—June 4. Pastor Doug & Carolyn will then be traveling to a granddaughters graduation and Scott Schmidt will be giving the message at the 10:30 service on June 5. Greeters June 5 Marty Wright, Ardyce Dickey Cheryl Kauffman, Ardy Dodge June 12 Marty Wright, Ardyce Dickey Cathy Starr June 19 Bob & Ardy Marshall June 26 Irene Oliver Roger & Jan Boerkircher Worship Helpers 10:30 Service June 12 Larry Harvill June 19 Judy Andres June 26 Carolyn Smith Easy Worship & Camera June 5 - 8:30 AM/Kem Zook 10:30 AM/Mike Marshall & Larry Harvill June 12 8:30 AM/Kem Zook 10:30 AM/Doug & Ellen Adkisson & Larry June 19 8:30 AM/Kem Zook 10:30 AM/Mike Marshall, Larry Harvill June 26 - 8:30 AM/Doug & Ellen Adkisson 10:30 AM/Mike Marshall & Larry Harvill June Head Usher - Alan Clark If you are unavailable for your Sunday please find someone to take your place or call the church office. Cave Quest Bible School Director * Alison Feik Music * Tammy Paulsen & Cheryl Nemeth Imagination * Nickole Zook & Erika Hanna Recreation * Wendy Waller & Stacy Munster Story * Kem Zook & Barb Devine Group Leaders * Tasia Aden, Sarah Anderson, Katie Sturgeon, Kylee Morris, Kalynn Fleharty, Amber Peden, Ayden Ourada Nursery * Sandy Keiswetter, CeCe Rutkowski & Alyssa Kolbo Kitchen * Marty Wright, Ardyce Dickey, Jane Berreckman, Cheryl Kauffman, Judy Cumming & Leola Wittenberger Pastor Doug Bible School Numbers Children Preschool - 5th Grade * 52 Nursery * 10 It was a great week for the adults and children. We are blessed with a great place to have Bible School and a great group of people to share Jesus’ light. For the 2016 Comeca Summer Camp Schedule go to to see all the details about each camp. Cozad UMW provides scholarships for campers. Call the church office for more information. Camp Comeca is a special place for renewal - for the young people who come for its full schedule of summer programs and for the adult visitors who arrive year round for retreats, weddings and community events. After years of active use, the camp is now in need of its own renewal. The goal is to raise $994,000 in gifts and pledges by August 31, 2016. The $500,000 balance will build the endowment to strengthen the camp's financial base. The Lloyd Wilson Foundation has challenged the Great Plains Conference to match a $250,000 grant toward the endowment,. We are happy to announce we have received pledges and donations which total $698,606.69 at this present date, which includes the full $250,000 of the Wilson Foundation grant. If you are interested in joining in this effort with a donation to a wonderful camp with incredible potential, please send your gift by mail. TO PAY BY CHECK: 1. Include "Camp Comeca Capital Campaign" in the memo of your check. 2. Make check payable to: Great Plains Camps. 3. Mail check to: Great Plains Conference, P.O. Box 4837, Topeka, KS 66604-0837 Scott J. Jones Bishop, Great Plains Episcopal Area Health is more than mere absence of disease and illness Health is “abundant life” as promised by Jesus in John 10:10 “I came that they may have life, and have it abundantly.” Ellen Adkisson, Wendy Waller and Kem Zook have met the requirement of 7 hours of training for the Healthy Congregations Program. They are excited to get more information to everyone about this new program. Sunday, June 5 United Methodist Women News Work Day at Cozad UMC & Parkview The Youth along with the congregation are planning to barbeque for lunch and then get busy touching up around both buildings. Let the office know if you are interested in helping so we can plan for food and jobs that can be done. Mary Circle—Thursday, June 16 @ 2 Leah Circle—Monday, June 20, 7 p.m. @ the church Thank you to everyone who helped make the UMW May Event a success. Men’s Breakfast Sunday, June 12@ 9:45—10:15 All men are invited to join! Cave Quest Bible School 2016 Go to CozadUMC on Facebook to see all of our pictures. Mission to Cozad July 28 through July 31. An event held every year for Youth grades 7 -12, attend and do service projects requested by members of our local community. Youth mark you calendars and plan on being part of this event. Cozad UNITED Methodist Church June Calendar SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY 5 8:30 Contemporary Worship 9:00 Adult Sunday School 9:15 Mom’s Bible Study 10:30 Traditional Worship 11:30 BBQ & Work Time 6 7:00 Board of Trustee meeting 7 5:00 Weight Watchers @ PV 8 2:30 Pastor Doug will give a message at Golden Livingcenter & Meadowlark Pointe 9 10 7:00 Administrative Council meeting 11 12 13 14 8:30 Contemporary Worship 9:00 WIC @ 9:00 Adult Sunday School PV 9:15 Mom’s Bible Study 9:30 Men’s Breakfast 10:30 Traditional Worship 1:00 Comeca Open House 15 16 2:00 Mary Circle 17 18 19 8:30 Contemporary Worship 9:00 Adult Sunday School 9:15 Mom’s Bible Study 10:30 Traditional Worship 6:30 PAWS @ PV 20 7:00 Leah Circle @ the church 21 22 23 7:00 Finance Committee meeting 24 9:00 8:00 Fireworks Stand 25 9:00 8:00 Fireworks Stand 26 8:30 Contemporary Worship 9:00 Adult Sunday School 9:5 Mom’s Bible Study 10:30 Traditional Worship 12:00 - 8:00 Fireworks Stand 27 9:00 - 8:00 Fireworks Stand 28 9:00 - 8:00 Fireworks Stand 5:00 Weight Watchers@ PVB 29 9:00 - 8:00 Fireworks Stand 30 9:00 - 8:00 Fireworks Stand As I review the Church’s financial position as of the 20th of May 2016, I’m reminded of the sermons we have heard regarding the power of prayer. Prayer may be on of the primary actions the congregation can collectively take to improve the Church’s financial situation. Presently the Church has approximately $1,565.00 in it’s checking account. Therefore our net position as of the 20th is a negative #342. If and only if we are able to double the amount of the May 15th offering for each of the remaining Sundays in May, the Church will have $7,122 to apply towards it’s $10,811 expenses. I am an optimist that believes we will be able to find the money to continue the Church’s outreach. However, being down $3,700 as we enter the expensive summer months does not instill a lot of confidence. I ponder what we will do, when and if we run out of money and can’t pay payroll. The Church has a priority system in place that calls for payroll to be addressed first, local bills next, and other expenses last. Presently following this plan we are delinquent on the property insurance payment for the Church. We all need to be praying that no major storms are on the horizon. I have been reading articles that talk about what steps Church’s have taken when they are faced with similar financial situations. There are a number of ideas that these articles point to. One of which is that Church’s should not be bashful about asking for money. They point out that Churches exist to develop people in the Christian faith and to spread the message of the Gospel. While the work of God is free, spreading the good news is not. These writers point out that every time we go to the grocery store, the doctor, the gas station, to the movies, or out to dinner, someone is asking for money. Therefore looking at our Church’s current financial condition, and falling into step with not be bashful about supporting the Church. If you’re able to financially support the Church a little more at this time, it would be greatly appreciated. Alan L. Clark, Finance Chairman Cozad UNITED Methodist June Birthday’s & Anniversaries SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY 1 Tina Schmidt Jim Frazier Linda Thompson Greg Anderson Randy & Kathy Jacob (42) 2 Don Butler Kevin Gengenbach Bobby Cumming 3 Bob Adams Bill Hanson Randy Jacob Jeff Howerter Kurt & Luann McBride (21) Chad & Aimee Erickson (10) 4 Mary Adams Dallas Nichols Eric & Gretchen Love (5) 5 DeWayne & Shirley Urwiller (61) Dick & Dottie Davis (50) Doug & Ellen Adkisson (34) Zach & Erin Horse (6) 6 Gary Gruber Evan Worrell 7 8 Lemoyne Strasburg Keith Smith Karen Oelkers 9 Wynona Lawhead Jim Brownfield Justin Kinnan Jr & Roxanne Reyes (15) Rick & Anngie Love (32) 10 Judy Andres Austin Pedersen 11 Joyce Olds Jeff Walker Mallory Munster Nick & Sara Ruhmann (11) Robin & Karen Smith (49) Kevin & Shelli Gill (33) Justin & Sheena Kinnan (5) 12 Dale Brownfield Larry Bratton Jordan Lee 13 Martha Smith Rod Carlson Mike Griffith Dale & Ruby Bartlett (68) 14 Ivan Adle Jody Henry Jerry & Kem Zook (35) 15 16 Kem Zook Kira Stevenson Isaac & Jeannie Worrell (4) Jr Roberts & Michelle Bauer (15) 17 Chad Bauer Jon & Jann Kloepping (38) 18 Terry & Joan Keller (40) Dave & Stacy Evertson (33) Mitch & Nickole 19 Elaine Spanjer 20 21 Andrew Chrisinger Dave & Cindy Crick (41) Larry & Tammy Paulsen (30) 22 Kent Fingerhut Dan & Marty Wright (53) 23 Zach Beckenhauer 24 Dave Evertson 25 Gary Skala Rock Armagost 26 Abbi Etherton Charles & Judy Eggleston (45) 27 Shelly Tetley 28 29 Tanner Tyler Sturgeon Sturgeon Derold & Clarine Davidson Bill & Jill Beckenhauer(19) Brandon & Whitney Lindstedt (2) 30 Betty Shoop Dale & Bev Brownfield (70) The Cozad UMC Fireworks Stand was a huge success and a lot of fun last year. We will be at a new location this year. 718 Meridian (old Verizon bldg). We will begin on June 24. If you would like to take a shift of working at the stand call the church office. 784-2887 Administrative Council Minutes, May 5, 2016 Those present: Pastor Doug Smith, Judy Cumming, Allen Clark, Kem Zook, Ellen Adkisson, Nickole Zook. Chuck Knows Church video and discussion. Pastor Doug opened with a prayer. Agenda: Approved. Ellen moved to approve the minutes 2nd by Nickole Zook approved. Luncheon. 2. On May 1, nine graduating seniors were honored at the annual Senior Breakfast. Paul McGinnis was keynoter, with a POWERFUL, scholarly presentation. 3. The May Banquet was a special event, with beautiful decor and delicious food, served by the men. "The Journey" was the program, presented by Sue Hart. Representatives from Camp Comeca shared brief comments. Discipleship/Education Team: Vacation Bible School will be May 9-12 3:30 to 6:00. Church school ended the last week of April. Scholarship Committees: $1,000 Parkview Scholarships were given Kolton Morse and Dalton Klein and $300 Marshall Scholarships were given to Kaylee Kolbo, Sam Cole, Rebecca Etherton & Jordyn Worrell. Missions/Outreach Team: No Report Pastors Report: Reports of Ministry Teams: General Conference - May 10 - 20 at the Oregon Convention Center, Portland, Oregon Daily News - or web sites Pray Daily Great Plains Annual Conference - June 1-4 Membership Nurture Team: No Report at the Kansas Expocentre in Topeka, KS Worship Team: No report. Continued talks with Renewal Church, will do a walk through on May 10 of Parkview. Youth: No report. Fireworks stand can be June 24 - July 5. Health Ministry: Ellen reported that the team of We are working on details. 3 has begun the 7 hour online training required Update on Comeca - it is under new leadfor the Health Ministry. We have already reership. Sara Shaw, Conference Camping Director ceived $1,000 for signing up. More information will be at the camp. will following as the team continues to meet. Prayer Concerns and Joys Committee Reports: Adjournment Finance/Stewardship-Finance report: Allen reported that we continue to have challenges. We Next meeting: June 9, 2016 at 7:00pm. are looking into electronic giving. Suggested to Respectfully submitted, Kem Zook have the Farmers Market to help with funds. We have a few members who would love to Staff/Pastor Parish Relations Committee: No worship with us but are unable to get to report. worship on their own. If you feel the calling Committee on Lay Leadership & Nominations: to offer someone Pastor Doug reported no change. a ride to church Trustees report: Pastor Doug reported that please call the there are some sprinkler repairs that need to be church office. done. 784-2887 Cozad UMC Endowment Committee: Reviewed the quarterly report. The Cozad Emergency Action is low on Evangelism/Witness Team: Pastor Doug reported that the Sheena Kinnan and Kiley Goff provided a meal and thank you presentation for the Volunteer Fire Persons on May 3. They did a great job with presentation and the meal. Memorial Committee: No report. UMW: 1. Five women, representing Cozad UMW, attended the District Spring Retreat at Camp Comeca. Our Unit Sister Marlene Boysen attend the meeting and will be our guest at the Fall funds. If you would like to make a donation to them you may mail it to CEA, PO Box 405. Bible School collected $144.55 and children's sermon money totaled $237.96. Total to the CEA from our children is $382.51. Dear Church Family, I would like to thank the Cozad UMW, the Junior parents and servers, and Pastor Doug for the delicious breakfast, book bag, and water bottle we were given at the Senior Breakfast. I enjoyed Paul McGinnis’ message and spending time with my family, my mentor, (Judy Cumming), my classmates, and my church family. Thank you so much for the support over the years. Jordyn Worrell Congratulations to Marcus & Shawna Kloepping who were united in marriage on May 7, 2016. Congratulations to Robb & Stacey Mundell on the birth of a daughter, Lily Olivia Mundell. She has two brothers Trey and Conner. Paternal grandparents are Jeff & June Walker. Congratulations to Evan & Bailie Worrell who were united in marriage on May 23, 2016 Thank you to Bob Marshall for keeping our landscaping on the South side of the building always looking so nice. Camp Comeca is having an open house! Come enjoy a day with the whole family and experience what Comeca has to offer. We have some great activities planned; archery, crafts, rock wall, swimming pool, campfire, games and much more! If you sign up for summer camp during our open house you will receive 10% off of registration! Sunday, June 12th 1PM to 4PM Worship 8:30 10:30 Total Attendance Actual Offering May 1 17 126 143 $3,037 May 8 37 78 115 $4,919 May 15 38 86 124 $1,865 May 22 47 71 118 $2,048 CUMC Worship Attendance & Offering Report The average offering needed per budget/week for 2016 is $4,568. Cozad United Methodist Church, Thank you so much for the Robert and Lillian Marshall Scholarship. I appreciate receiving this generous award, it will come in handy with all of my college expenses. I’ve appreciated the support of my church family over the years and will miss you while I am away at college. Thanks again! Sincerely, Jordyn Worrell Robert & Lillian Marshall Memorial, Thank you for the generous scholarship. I was honored to be chosen. Next fall, I will be attending the University of Nebraska at Kearney, so this money will be helpful in paying for expenses. Thank you, Kaylea Kolbo Dear Scholarship Committee, Thank you for awarding me this scholarship. I will be attending UNK and will be majoring in Computer Sciences. Thank you for helping fund my future. Kolton Morse Dear Scholarship Committee, I appreciate your choosing of me for your scholarship. I will be attending Wayne State College in the fall of 2016. While attending I will major in Computer Information Systems with a concentration in programming. Thank you, Dalton Klein Dear UMCW, My Nannies and I can’t thank you enough for the generous gifts at the shower. We had an all-time record of babies this year all welcomed by your beautiful gifts. The May Day meal was delicious. Thank you. Sincerely, Linda Linke, & Nannies Cozad UMC Thrift Shop Ladies, We loved your remembering our sweet Gen—especially with her favorite—Red Rose!! God Bless You All Jim, Karen & the entire Haug family Words are inadequate to express our appreciation to our Church Family for the loving kindness you all shared with us for our 65 years of marriage. Your words, calls and cards really made our day extra special. Thanks, Bob & Mary Adams Cozad UNITED Methodist Church Newsletter x 1515 B Street Cozad, NE 69130-0187 [email protected] 308-784-2887 ADDRESS SERVICE REQUESTED Chancel Choir Director Patty Fenstermacher Kids of the Kingdom Coordinator Tammy Paulsen United Methodist Women Marilyn Peterson Education Team Leader Kem Zook Worship Leader Ellen Adkisson Nurture Team Leader Wendy Waller Witness Team Leader Sheena Kinnan Mission Team Leader Shelli Gill/Wendy Hammerlun Organists Patty Fenstermacher, Ray Jackson Non-Profit Org. U.S. POSTAGE PAID Cozad, NE Permit No.24 x
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