Tie-Dye Potholders
Tie-Dye Potholders
Tie-Dye Potholders Inspiration: 11149 Dissolve 1kg fine salt in 10 liters of 30-60 degrees hot water. The warmer the water, the darker the colour. Turn off the heat. Add 100ml ES Batik. When the 30 minutes have passed, remove the potholders from the pot. Rinse in several changes of water. For smaller portions a pipette can be useful to suck up the right amount of Batik paint. Dissolve 200g ES Batik fixing agent in a little warm water and pour it into the colour mixture. When there is no longer much excess dye in the rinse water, machine wash the item at max. 60 degrees. After drying the potholders can be decorated with Textile Color and a foam stencil brush. Wet the fabric and put it immediately into the dye bath. The fabric must lie in the bath for 30 minutes and should be able to float freely. If you wish to make funny patterns, you can put rubber bands around or attach clothes pegs as shown. Stir frequently to prevent stains. If you wish you could mix two colours and make small blobs of colour with the tip of a brush. Tie-Dye Potholders Tie-dyed potholders decorated with rubber stamps using Textil Solid. Made from a gorgeous fabric quality with a trendy metallic ring for hanging. Sewn with a nylon thread; i.e. the stitching will not get dyed, but appears as part of the decoration. Agarrador de ollas, medidas 22x22 cm, blanco, 2ud 444611 Fijador medio para tela, 200gr 33353 Plantillas 28202 Set de pinceles Gold Line Acrylic, medida 2+8+12 , A: 3+9+12 mm, plano, 3surtido 100267 Pinceles Gold Line, medida 0+2+4+8+12+16+20 , A: 2-24 mm, plano, 30surtido 10249 Pinceles para estarcir, dia: 6 mm, 3ud 10405 Pinceles para estarcir, 6 , 12 10406 Tinte para tela, lila, 100ml 33350 Textil Solid, blanco, 50ml 34195 Textile Solid , morado, Opaca, 50ml 34223 Pintura para manualidades Plus Color , blanco, 60ml 39677 Plus Color pintura, blanco, 250ml 39477