03/17/15 - Niagara County
03/17/15 - Niagara County
AGENDA NIAGARA COUNTY LEGISLATURE March 17, 2015 7:00 P.M. Resolutions not on previous agenda: IL-038-15 Legislators John Syracuse, Richard Updegrove, Wm. Keith McNall, Anthony J. Nemi, Michael A. Hill, et al. re Opposing Executive Action to Ban Widely-Used Common .223/5.56 Rifle Ammunition Designated M855/SS109 by the U.S. Depaitment of Justice & Bmeau of Alcohol, Tobacco & Firearms & Condemning All Backdoor Gun Control Via Executive Actions Approval PW-046-15 Public Works, re Award of Contract Braley-Ransomville Intersection Site Distance Improvement - Approved Regular Meeting - March 17, 2015 *AD-005-15 Administration, re Approval of Voting Machine Agreement between the County of Niagara & the Niagara Falls City School District (§3-224, New York State Election Law) - Board of Elections *CSS-016-15 Community Safety & Security & Administration, re District Attorney Crimes Against Revenue Program Grant Acceptance - District Attorney *CSS-017-15 Community Safety & Security & Administration, re Budget Modification Re-Appropriate Operation Stonegarden Grant - Sheriff *CSS-018-15 Community Safety & Secmity & Administration, re Budget Modification NYS Canal Corporation Marine Patrol Program - Sheriff CW-003-15 Committee of the Whole, re Abolish/Create Position m Public Works and Inf01mation Technology *ED-003-15 Economic Development, re Opposing Part W of Governor's Proposed 2015 Budget IL-020-15 Legislators William L. Ross, Jason A. Zona & Economic Development, re Support for NIMAC Through the Use of Casino Funding IL-021-15 Legislator William L. Ross & Economic Development, re Support for Funding for the Niagara County Builders Association Through the Use of Casino Funding IL-035-15 Legislators Richard L. Andres, Randy R. Bradt, Kathryn L. Lance & Economic Development, re In Support of Funding the North Tonawanda History Museum Through the Use of Casino Funds IL-039-15 Legislators Richard L. Andres, Randy R. Bradt & Kathryn L. Lance, re In Support of North Tonawanda Football Hall of Fame Through the Use of Casino Funding IL-040-15 Legislator Randy R. Bradt, re Resolution to Analyze the Capability of Niagara County Printing Election Ballots In-House IL-041-15 Legislator Randy R. Bradt, re Resolution to Analyze Polling Places throughout Niagara County IL-042-15 Legislators Kathryn L. Lance & Clyde L. Burmaster, re In Support of Granting a License to Grow Medical Marihuana to Herbal Agriculture, LLC of Lewiston, New York IL-043-15 Legislator William L. Ross, re In Supp01i of Alipark Family and Children's Programming Through the Use of Casino Funding IL-044-15 Legislator William L. Ross, re In Support of the Peach Festival Through the Use of Casino Funding IL-045-15 Legislators Dennis F. Vhiuoso, Jason A. Zona, Mark J. Grozio & Owen T. Steed, re Resolution Amending Resolution B-03-14 IL-046-15 Legislators Dennis F. Vitiuoso & Mark J. Grozio, re Censure and Admonishment of Legislator Richard E. Updegrove for his Breach of Fiduciary Duty and Misrepresentation of State Law IL-047-15 Legislator William L. Ross, re In Support of the Historic Lewiston Jazz Festival Through the Use of Casino Funding IL-048-15 Legislator William L. Ross, re In Support of Niagara River Region Chamber of Commerce Mission of Marketing Businesses in the Lewiston P01ier At·ea Through the Use of Casino Funding IL-049-15 Legislators Richard L. Andres, Kathryn L. Lance, Anthony J. Nemi, John Syracuse, et al. & Parks Recreation, & Tourism Ad Hoc Committee, re Support for the Town of Newfane Ye Olde Log Cabin M~yJoT ~~ Niagara C unty Legislature * Indicates Preferred Agenda items Attachments for resolutions may be obtained in the office of the Clerk of the Legislature upon request. The next meeting of the Legislature will be held on April 21, 2015. NJAGARA COUNTY LEGISLATURE FROM: _8dmil)istration Committee APPROVJm CO. ATTOUNEY REVlEWRD CO. MANAGER X7/} 'J /Jg----· -f:JL!_&-;ffl't::tb- - - - 51 (II!i- DATE: 03/17 /15 COMMITTE1C ACTION ...AD - 3/9/1 5 RESOLUTION# AD-005- 1 5 LEGISLATCVE ACTlON Approved: Ayes_ _ Abs.__ _ Noes_ _ R~jectcd: Ayes _ _ Abs. ___ Noes_ _ Referred: - - -- APPROV AJ, O.F VOTING MACIUNE AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE . COUNTY OF NIAGARA AND THE NIAGARA FAI,LS CITY SCHOOL DISTRICT (§3~224, NEW YOHK STATI~ ELECTION LAW) WHEREAS, the Niagara Falls City School District will be conducting an election on May 191 2015 and requires the use of lhe Niagara County Board of Elections voting equipment in connection wir h this election, and WHEREAS, the Niagara County Attorney's Office has prepared a formal agreement for use between the County of Niagara and the Niagara Falls City School District, which-has been fu lly approved by the School District, a copy of which has been tiled with the Clerk of the Legislature, and WHEREAS, time is of the essence in conneclion with the approvals by the Niagara Coun(y Legislnture, and WHEREAS, under the terms of the agreement the County wil l provide, and be rni1nbut'scd fot· transportation o f the voting machine preparation, progrnmmlng, and packaging of the voting machine and all necessary Niagnra Counly personnel; the District, umong other things, shall furnish at its expense, election custodians anc! inspectors and also insurance in form, content and amounts as approved by the Niagara County Attorney, and Wl-fERP.AS, lhe final written agreement between the parties is subject to the rev iew and approval by the parties' respective lega l counsel, now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, l'lrnt pursuant to the provisions of §3-224 of New York Stale Election Low, the Chairman of tlie Niagnra County Legislature and the Niagara Coumy Election Commissioners at·c authorized and di rected to execute and deli ver an. agreement, in substnntially the form of agreement now filed with the Clerk or the Legislature bclween and among the County of Niagarn, the Niagara Counly Election Commissione1·s and lhe Niagara Falls CiLy School District for the provision, by lho County of Niagara, of sufficient voting equipment, including the pl'Ogrnmming thereo f, lo the Niagara Falls City School District in connection with an election scheduled to be held the '19 111 dny of May 2015, uncl be it forther RESOLVED, that the execution and delivery of Ibis equipment, is subject lo the approval of the Boord of the Niagara Falls City School District and thu t'cview and opprovnl of the N ingaru County Allorney's Office nnd counsel to the Ningarn Falls City School District, and be it further RESOLVED, that a true copy of the fully signed and approved agreement be filed by the Clerk of this Legislature simultaneous1y with the delivery of the or as soon as reasonably possible thereafter. I I I ADMINfSTRATION COMMLTIEE I NIAGARA COUNTY LEGJSLATURE VROM:~ Safety & Security DATE: 03/17 /15 RESOLUTION# CSS - 0 16-1 5 _ and Administration Committees APJ>ROVED CO. ATTOHNl!:Y \/ , ,\\ 111. ~f'\~ ~1~ \\\.WMi!JJJ.)_ ,_\j,l !Wtv REVIEWED CO. MANAGEH. COMMITTEE ACTION CSS - 3/9/15 AD - 3/9/15 --· . Ll~GISLATIVE ACTJON Approved: Ayes_ Rejected: Ayes_ Reforred:_ _ Abs. _ _ Nocs_ _ _ Abs._ _ Noes_ _ _, ' DISTRICT ATTORNEY CRIMES AGAINST ru:VENUE PROGRAM GRANT ACCEPTANCE WHEREAS, the Niagara County District Attorney's Office applied for and was awm:dcd funding from tl_1e New Y01·k State Divisio.n of Criminal Justice Services for the Crimes Against Revenue Progrnm to enhance prosecution of crimes against the revenue of New York Stale which jncludc Income and Sales Tax evasion and fraud and Unemployment Insurance fraud, and WHEREAS, funding has been awmded in the amounl of$50,000.00 for the period January I, 2015 through December 3 I, 2015, and WHEREAS, basic revenue and appropriation figures for said program were calculated al1d are contained within the District Attorney's operating budget for the 2015 budget year, and WHEREAS, the program will continue to fund one fnH time Assistant District Attorney, Position# 10969~ ATTI, Step 3, $53,795 annually, with fringe benefits which shaU remain cotermino1ls with grant f\mding, now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the County of Niagara docs hereby accept this grant award, and be it further RESOLYEO, following the Coun1y Attorney's review, the Chairman of the Niagara County Legislature be, and hereby is, authorized to sign the grant award documents. . COMMUNlTY SAFETY & SECURITY COMMJTTEE -- ~~~~ ADMINISTRATION COMMIITEE I! f NlAGARA COUNTY LECHSLATURE FJ~OM: - DAT~: Communit..¥- &afety & Security 03I 17I 15 RESOLUTION-# _cs.s.-o 17-1 5 - and Administration Committ ees l~F.VIEWED APPROVED CO. ATTORNJW f CO. MANAGER t, ~~~ ------ COMMITTEE ACTION css - _AP - 3/9/1 5 3 I 9 ·/ j l5 l LEGISLATIVE ACTlON Approved: Ayes___ Abs._ __ Noes_ _ Rejeclcd:· Ayes_ _ Abs._ _ Noes_ _ Rcforred:_ _ _ __ _ ____ _ NIAGARA COUNTY SHERIFF'S OFFICE - BUDGJ~T MODIFICATION RE~A.PPROJlRJATE OllEJlATION STONEGARDEN 2012 WHEREAS, lhc Niagara County Sherif.f's Office was awarded a grant in the amount of $ 124,220 from the Depart1ilent of Homeland Security a11d Emergency Services for protecting our borders, and WHER-EAS, this grant bas .not been fully expended and was not included in the 20 15 county budget, and WHEREAS, the DHSES has agreed to extend the contract through December 3 l, 2015, now, therefoJ'e, be it RESOLVED, that the follo·wing budget modil1cation be made: TNCREASE REVENUE: A.17.3110.000.44305.02 Homeland Sccmity $26,428.00 Law Enforccrnent Equipment $26,428.00 INCREASE APPROPRIATION: A.17.3110.000.72100.21 COMMUNITY SECURITY & SAFE'tY COMMITTEE ADMINISTRATION COMMJTIEE NIAGAnA COUNTY LEGJSLATURE FROM: _ Community Safety & Securi..t_Y-_ _ DATE: 03/17 /1 5 RESOLUTlON# CSS-018-15 and Administration Committees APPROVlm CO. ATTORNEY \l.i,111 lmVIEWED CO.MANAGER \\i ~MJ i. COMMl'JTEE ACTION CSS - 3/9 / 'l 5 AD - 3/9/15 (ruK~9--ju~Ut~ LEGISLATJVE ACTION Apprnved: Ayes_ _ Abs._ _ Noes_ _ Rejected: Ayes_ _ Abs._ _ Noes_ _ Heforred:- -- -- --· BUDGET.MODIFICAT ION - SHEIUFF>S OFFICE NYS CANAL COHPORATION MARINE PATROL PROGRAM WHEREAS, the Niagara County Sheriff's Ofiice was awarded a grant from the New York State Cami] Corporation in the amount of $40,000 for the period April 1, 2015 through March 30, 2016, and WHEREAS, this grant will be used to patrol lhe canal to help facilitate new and existing local canal public safoty patrols, and WHEREAS, the Sheriff's Onice will provide additional patrols on an ove1timc basis to meet the requirements of this grnnl, now, lherefore, ·be it RESOLVED, that the following budget modification be made: .INCREASE APPROPRIATIONS: A. L7.3 l l.0.000.7 I050.00 A. 17.3110.000. 74750:21 A.17.3 l l 0.000.78100.00 A.17.3110.000.78200.00 A.17.3110.000.78300.00 Overtime Gas/Oil Retirement FICA Wot·kers Compensation. $24,000 6,196 5,439 t\fariJ1e Patrol $40,000 1,836 648 lNCREASE REVENUE: A. 17.3110.000.43315 COMMUNITY SAFETY & SECURITY COMMITTEE AD1vflNfSTRATION COMMITTEE Ii NIAGARA COUNTY LEGISLATURE FUOM: __<.:;'.Q.!l_l.f!Jl ttee _g_t___the Wh<?.l e_ _ ____ _ DATE: 03/17 /15 APPROVED REVIEWED CO. A TO~~n ~·MANAGER - )11' COMMlTTER ACTION _c.w - 3/17/15 _i,tlb~·-- RESOLUTION# CW-00 3 - 15 LEGISLATIVE AC'.flON Approved: Ayes_ _ Abs. _ _ Noes_ _ Rejected: Ayes_ _ Abs._ _ Noes_ _ _ Referred ;_ _ _ - - - - - - -- - LISH/CREATE POSITfON IN PUBLIC WOJU(S AND INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY WHEREAS, tho Senior Safoty and Security Coordinator (Position #280) in the Department of Public Works becarne vacant 011 January 3 I, 2015, and WHEREAS, the County Manager, Commissioner of Public Works> Dil'ector oflnformation Tcchhology, and Director of Human Resources have collaborated to study the duties performed by this position, and WHEREAS, a capital project to update secmity cameras and cf1rd access in county buildings is being developed, and WHEREAS, previous duties of scl1ecluli11g and respo11ding to fit·e and emergency alarms have been transferred to the Emergency Management Office, and WHEREAS, several of the duties of cN~ating keys and installing equlprnent will remain in the Building and Gro·u11cls Department, and WHEREAS, it has been determined that the position of Senior Safety and Secudty Coordinator should be abolished and a Deputy Director created in order to provide essential project management functions and oversight of critical infrastructure security and alat·m systems, and WHEREAS, it has been dctermfoed that technological adv~nces in seeµrity an4 alarm systems and reliance 011 County computer network systems requires thal the position be moved from the Department of Public Works to the Information Technology Department, now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, that effective March 29, 2015, the Seniol' Safety and Security Coordinator (Position #280) be abolished from the Department of Public Works, and RESOLVED, that effective March 29, 2015 1 the position of Deputy Director; 35-hour per week Flat Salary Grade 8 ut $45,433 to $56,40 I per year, be created and ft lied in the Information Technology Dcpmtment, nod be it further RESOLVED, that the following budget modifications be effectuated: lNCRl~ASE A PPROPRTATJONS: A.16.1680.000 71010.00 A.16.1680.000 78100.00 A.16.1680.000 78200.00 A.16.1680.000 78300.00 A.16.1680.000 78400.01 A. l6.1680.000 78400.05 xxx Position Retirement FICA Worker's Comp Health Ins. HRA $36,696 3,230 2,808 991 9,800 850 CW-003-15 Page Flex A.16.1680.000 78800.00 350 DECREASE APPROPRIA TlONS: A.15.1620.000 71010.00 A,15.1620.000 78100.00 A.15.1620.000 78200.00 A.15.1620.000 78300.00 A.15.1620.000 78400.0l COMMITIEE OF THE WHOLE 280 Position Retirement PICA Worker's Comp l-Iel;Jlthfos. $36,696 4,430 2,808 99l 9,800 NIAGARA COUNTY LEGISLATURE .FROM: Ec°-_i:~_<?mic DeveJ.oprnen~_ REVIEWED CO.MANAGER Cammi t tee DATE: 03I17I1 5 RESOLUTION #Ef)-003-15 COMMITTEE ACTION _ LEGISLATfVJ~ ACTION Eb - 3/11 / 1 S Approved: Ayes___ Abs._ _ Noes_. __ R~i.ccted: Ayes_~ Referred:- -- Abs._ _ Noes_ _. - RESOLUTION OPPOSING PART W OF GOVERNOR'S I>ROPOSED 2015 BUDGET WHEREAS, Governor Cuomo has submitted a budget for New York State for 20 J5 for the Legislature's consideration, and WHEREAS, Pad W of the proposed btfdget severely restricts the ability of Ttldustri~I Development Agencies to respond to the needs of businesses by removing hom~ rule decisions and placing certain incentive decisions with the Regio1icll Economic Develqpment Council and Empire State Development, and WHEREAS, Parl W of the proposed buqget would require that Niagara- County obtain Albany's approval to grant sales tax breaks. and mortgage recbl'ding tax breaks; Empire State Development Corpotatio11 and New York State Office of Taxation and Finanoe would have to sign off and uss.uming.that they WOl.lld poth agree-to do that, it could add month(s) to the approval process for a pi"oject, and WHEREAS, this proposal inserts the ABO into the IDA statute and imposes unique e1iforGemeht powers on one class of public authorities, I J WHEREAS, Part W of this budget also grants the Authorities Budget Office. greater power over local Industrial Pevelopme11t Agencies; inhibits the County's ability to build industry dusters, aiid significantly slows. Industrial Development Agencies' ability to respond to ' 1at the speed of business,'' now, thel'efoi·e, be it RESOLVED, that fo.llowing the Niagara County Attorney's review, the Chalrmmt of the Niagara County Legislature, be m1d hereby is authorized to execµte and d<~liver the letter in <~pposition to Pait W of the proposed 2015 New York St~1te Budget, and be it further l j i RESOLVED, that a copy of this Resolution along with the l~ttel"'in opposition to Part \V of the proposed 2015 New York State Budget, be fnrwarded to: Governor Andrew- Cuomo; S.enate Majority Leader De~m Skelos; Assembly Speaker Cad Heasti.e; Asse·mbly Minority Leader Btian Kolb; Senatoi· Robert Ortt; Senator Mm'c Panepinto; Assernbly Men:ib~r Jolrn Ceretto) 14-S'h Disti'iot; Assembly Men'lber Ja1w Convin, 144th District; Assembly Member Robin Schfmmingel', 140111 Disl1'.ict; As~embly Member Raymond Walt.er, 146111 District; Senatoi· Rich~ml Funke; Senator Michael Nozzolio; NYS Fimmce Department~ President Howard Zemsky, Empfre State Development Corporation; Executive Director Brian McMahon, NYS Economic Development Co\111oil; Hemy M. Slo1i,rn) Chairman of the Boal'd, NCIDA; andNCIDA Boarcf'Members, ·~-~~~--~~~--·~~~·~~~ ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE i I I I l i i NIAGARA COUNTY Lti:GJSLATUlU~ FROM: Legislators Wi lliam L. Ross Jason A. Zona and Economic Development Committee APPHOVED CO. A'JTORNEY DATE: 0 3 I., 7 I 1 5 COMMLTTEE ACTION REVIEWED C0.1\'IANAGER ED - 3L1J..,_L1~S~- RESOLUTION# _IL-OZO- l S LEGISLATIVE ACTJON Apprnvccl: Ayes_ _ Abs._ _ Noes_ _ Rejected: Ayes_ _ Abs._ _ Noes_ _ ReJbred:_ _ _ _ _ _ __ __ _ SUPPORT FOR NIMAC THROUGH THE USE OF CASINO FUNDING WHEREAS, the Niagara Military Affairs Council (NfMAC) has worked diligently over the past 20 years to retain the Niagara Falls Air Reserve Station which is Ni·agara Cotinty's largest employer and has the largest weekly payroll, and WHEREAS, the Niagara County Legislature realizes the economic and strategic importance of the Niagara Falls Air Reserve Station and suppo1ts the effort of retention by an annual contribution to NIMAC, now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, lhat the following initiatives be fundeJ with Niagara Counly Casino Funds: NIM AC Retention of Niagara Falls Air Reserve Station $10,000.00 and be it futther R.ESOLVED, that the following budget modification be effochiated to the Niagara County Economic Development 2015 budget: INCREASE APPROPRIATED FlJND BALANCE: A.28.8020.8 l 2 40599.0 l Appl'opriated Fund Balai10e - Commitled Funds $10,000.00 INCREASE APPROPRIATIONS: A.28.8020.81 2 74400.15 Seneca Niagara Community Development Fund LEG JS LA TOR WILLIAM L. ROSS LEGISLATOR JASON ZONA ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE $10,000.00 NIAGARA COUNTY LEGISLATURE FROM: Le q:is lator William L. Ross and_DATE:__QJ_l_UL~J-5~- RESOLUTION# __Ik,._Q21 -1 5 Economic Development Committee LEGISLATIVE ACTION WHEREAS, the Niagara County Iluilders Association is an economic e.ngine in Niagara County in the construction of residential and commercial building, and WHEREAS, the Niagara County Legislature realizes the economic importance of the building industry in the county, and WHEREAS, the Niagara County Builders Association sponsors an Annual Home Show to display various builders' new homes which generates sales, now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, Niagara County Casino Funds be used to help sponsor 1hc publicity of the Home.Show, aocl be it further RESOLVED, that the fol lowing initiatives be funded with Niagara County Seneca Casino FundS:: Niagara County Builders Association Annual Home Show $2,000.00 and be jt fmther RESOLVED, that the following budget modification be effectuated to the Niagara County Economic Development 2015 budget: INCREASE APPROPRIATED FUND BALANCE: A.28.8020.812 40599.01 Appropriated Fw1d Dalance - Committed Funds $2,000.00 INCREASE APPROPRIATIONS: A.28.8020.8 I 2 74400.15 Seneca Niagara Comrnunity Development Fund LEGISLATOR WlLLIAML. ROSS ECONOMCC DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE $2,000.00 NIAGARA COUNTY LEGISLATURE FROM: ~lators Richard L. Andr ~_ DATE: 03/17/15 RESOLUTION# IL- 0 3 5-1 5 Randy R. Bradt, Kathryn L. Lance and Economic Development Committee APPROV.KD RTWIEWED COMMITTEE ACTION CO.ATTORNJ.i~Y CO. MANAGER ED - . 3/11./15 I) ·~ r•r 1illlilllVJS !_\ ! \ ; I LEGISLA'nvr~ ACTION Approved; Ayes_ _ Abs._ _ Noes___ . Rejected: Ayes_ _ Abs._ _ Noes_ _ RefelTed: _ __ _____ _ _ _ __ I, RESOLUTION lN.StJPJ,>ORT OF RUND ING THE NORTII TONAWANDA HISTOnY MUSEUM THROUGH TJig USE OF CASINO REVENUIC WHEREAS, Niagar~ County is in receipt of funds geiierated front the Seneca Niagura Cashw a$ pet· New Yotk State statue, a11d · WHEREAS, the No1th Tonawanda History Museum is committed to assemble, presetve, p1•otect and exhibit collectio11s pertaining to the history of North Tonawanda, its people and community life~ and WllEREAS, the North Tonawanda Hi$tory Museum is at the Gateway of Niagara County and is also a tourist infol'ination center for the couilty, and WHEREAS, the North Tonawanda Histo1·y Museum draws thousands of visitots into Noeth Tonawanda every yefll'. thus having a positive impact 011 the many rest,aurnrits, shop~ an~ businesses ii~ the area, ~nd WHEREAS,.the North Toilawanda History Museum ls currently working 011 an exterior restoi·ation pi·oject to ensure tfo1t the priceless collections inside the museum are pwperly shielded from outside elements, now, therefore-, be it RESOLVED, that Niagara County suppurts the North Tonawanda History Musernn as follows: North Tonawanda I-listory Muscwn $2,000.00 and be it fuither RESOLVED, thht the following btldgct inodific11tion be effecHmte.d to the Niagara Coqnty Economic: Development 2015 budget: INCREASE APPROPRIATED FUND 8ALANCE: A.28.8020.8 12 40599.0 l Appropriated Fund Balance~ Com1nitted Funqs $2,000.00 INCREASE APPROPRfATfONS: A.28 .8020~8 1 2 74400.15 Seneca.Niagara Community Development Fund $2;000.00 LEGISLATOR RICHARD L. ANDRES LEGISLATOR RANDYR. DRADT LEGfSLATOR KATHRYN L. LANCE ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE NIAGARA COUNTY LEGISLATUlIB. FROM: __ &~is la tors _Richard L. Andres, DATE: _J]_/17 /15 Randy R. Bradt and Kathryn L. Lance Al>PROV,EJ?-/' CO.}lf~JlN:Ifr'~ ,,. REVLEWED CO. MANAGER COMMITT11;1~ ACTION ~ RESOLUTION# IL- 0 3 9-1 5 LEGTSLATJVI!~ ACTION Approved: Aye..::_ _ Abs.__ __ Noes____ R~jected: Ayes___ Abs._ _ Noes_ _ ~;OF~llE NORTH TON~~ANDA F001::::: ~ALL OF FAME 1 ·--·····- THROUGH THE USE OF CASINO li'lJNDING WHEREAS, Niagara Cou1ity. is in receipt of funds generated from the Seneca Niagara Casino as per New York State statue, and WHEREAS, the North Tonawanda Footbal!Hall ofFarne i$ committed to supporting fhc youth involved in North Tonawanda 1-"ootball and al so to the preservatio11 and promotion of the esteemed history of No11h Touawanda Football which.includes the Class AA Championship Team of2009, and WHEREAS, the North Tonawanda Football Hall of Fame contains indi1ctees dating ·back to 1967 and is a testament to the talented athletes that played for North To11awandt1, and WHEREAS, the North Tonawanda Football Hall of Fame is committed to assisting the Noith Tonawatida Football Team and lrns suppotted fonner athletes by providing uniroqns and c1·ea_Ling a scholarship, ·and WHEREAS, the North Tonawanda Football Hall ()f Fame FacWty is in need of a front porch.rehabilitation to ensure the safety of staff1 volunteers and visitors, nowj therefore, be it RESOLVED, that Niagara County supports lhe North ToMwanda Football Hall pfFame.t;ts follows: North TonHwanda Pootball Ha ll. of Fame $4,000.00 and be it furtlier RESOLVED, that the .following budget moditlcatlon be effectul\ted to the Niagara County Econom ic Development ZO 15 budget: INCREASE APPROPRIATED FUND BALANCE: A.28.8020.812 40599.0 I Appropriated Fund Ba.lance - Committed Pund1) INCREASE APPROPRIATIONS: A.28.8020.812 74400.15 Seneca Niagara CommunityDevelopmentFund LEGISLATOR RICHARD L. ANDRES LEGfSLATORKATHRYN L. LANCE $2,000.00 LEGISLATOR RANDY R. BRADT NIAGARA COUNTY LEGJSLATUllli FROM: Legi.tlator 119.Udl?:...JL_ .llt:_ad_t_ _ __ _ })ATE: 03/17_,_ /·_1s'--_ RESOLUTION# IL- 0 4 0 - l.L APPROVED CO. A ~ -~0~7y/\ ,/ · ( jV IJ~VIEWEJ> /-1/~J2.MANAOER COMMITTEE ACTION ! (-;t_ --c··- ~~ r ;:/? LEGISLATIVE ACTION Ap1\rovcd; Ayes Abs, Noes Rejec~ed: Ayes_ _ Abs.____ Noes_ _ Refoned.~ 7/t>/ifESOLUTlON TO ANALYZE THE CAPABILITY OF NIAGARA COUNTY PRINTING ELECTION BALI,OTS IN-HOUSE WHEREAS, each year thei·e is voting in Niagara County for various IQcal, county, state and fedet·al elections, and WHEREAS, for those elections; Niagara Cotmty spends approximately $100,000 each year for ballots for the residents of the county to cast their votes> and WHEREAS, Niagara County currently is contracted with Phoenix PrinJing to produce the afbremen.tioned ballots each year, and WHEREAS 1 this body is continuously loo.king at new ways to reduce expenses and deliver services in the most economic~il manner possibJe, and WHEREAS, Niagara County does have a11 jn~house print shop that may be able to print ballots each year, potentially saving the .county a significant sut)1 of money_, now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the Niagara County Legislature does hereby approve the formation of a committee to analyze the feasibility of pl'inting eiection baiiots in-house, and be it ftJrther RESOLVED, that said committee will be made up of Niagara County Republican Electiotls Commissioner Jem1ifet Frn.nczak _or her appointee, Niagma County Democratic Elections Commissiot1er Lora Allen or her appointee, ~md Niagara County Legislature Majority Leader Richard Updegrove or his al?P<>intee, and be it further RESOLVED, that the committee will repo1t its fimiings, including the costs and manpower requirements ot such a trarisitkln, to this body in a timely mnnnel', LEGISLATOR RANDY R. BRADT I I I i I j NIAGARA COUNTY LEGISLATURE FROM: Legislator Randy R. Bradt APPROVED CO.ATTQ ~y~ ,' 1JJ< . REVIEWED CO.MANAGER ) DATE: 03/17/2015 COMMITTEE ACTION RESOLUTION# II .- 04:1-15 LEGISLATIVE ACTION Approved: Ayes_ · _Abs. _ _ Noes_ _ Rejected: Ayes_ _ Abs._ _ Noes_ _ RefetTed:- -- - -- -- - - -- RESOLUTION TO ANALYZE POLLING PLACES THROUGHOUT NIAGARA COUNTY WHEREAS, each year there is voting in Niagara County for various local, county, state and federal elections, and WHEREAS, for those elections, Niagara County must obtain polling places throughout the county for residents to cast their votes, and WHEREAS, concerns have been raised in municipalities across the county related to the viability and costs associated with some of the current polling places, and WHEREAS, issues with polling places include a lack of accessibility, a lack of parking, and a lack of lighting, as well costs associated with some polling locations, as some locations are free and some have costs to the county, and WHEREAS, it has also been stated that due to recent redistricting across the county, some polling locations are not appropriately located, creating confusion and additional travel time for voters, and WHEREAS, this body is continuously looking at new ways to deliver services in the most efficient manner possible, and WHEREAS, it is in the best interests of Niagara County to encourage and increase voter turn-out for its residents each year, now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the Niagara County Legislature does hereby approve the formation of a committee to analyze polling places throughout Niagara County with the goal of assessing all aspects of the respective polling places, and be it further RESOLVED, that said committee will be made up of Niagara County Republican Elections Commissioner Jennifer Fronczak or her appointee, Niagara County Democratic Elections Commissioner Lora Allen or her appointee, and Niagara County Legislature Majority Leader Richard Updegrove or his appointee, Chairman William Ross or his appointee, Minority Leader Dennis Virtuoso or his appointee, and be it further RESOLVED, that the committee will report its analysis to this body on or before April l 71h of this calendar year. LEGISLATOR RANDY R. BRADT NIAGARA COUNTY LEGISLATURE FROM: Le<Jislators Kathryn L. Lance and Clyde L. Burmaster DATE: -~}/ 17 /15 COMMITTEE ACTION - ,·L )/!Jf·{"' · · -7 RESOLUTION ff IL-04 2-15 Ll!:GISLATIVR ACTION Approved: Ayes_ _ Abs. _ _ Noes____ Rejected: Ayes_ _ Abs.___ Noes_ _, Referred; · RESOLUTION IN SUPPORT Olt' GRANTING A LICENSE TO GROW MEDICAL MARIHUANA TO HERBAL AGRICULTURE, LLC O.F LEWlSTON, NEW YORK WHEREAS, the use of medical marihuana has proven effective in treating symptoms of cancer, HIV, post-traumatic stress disorder, muscle spasms caused by multiple sclerosis, nansea from cancer chemotherapy-, appetite and weight loss caused by chronic illness such as HIV, nerve pain, seizure disorders, and Crohn's disease, and WHEREAS, twenty-three states and the District of Columbia cul1'ently have laws legalizing nrnrihuana in some form, including New Yol'k's Compassionate Care Act, which Governor Andrew Cuomo signed into law on .luly 5, 2014, and WHEREAS, New York's program allows mai'JhuaM to be administered to people with Hlness.es including epilepsy, multiple sclerosis, A.L.S., Park.lnson's disease, lf untington's disease, neuropathies, spinal cord injuries, cancel' and HJV/AIDS, wjth the state health department to decide within J 8 n'lonths whether to add Alzheimer's, musoular dystrophy, dystonia, post-traumatic stress disorder and rheumatoid al'thritis, with the addition of further conditions at the discretion of lhe Commissioner of Health, and WHEREAS, the Compasstonate Care Act requires the following indications for the prescr.iption of medical mal.'ihuana in New . York: a serious condition defined as: "having one of the following severe -debilitating or Iifc~th.reatening conditions: cancer, positive status for human immunodeficiency virus or acquired immune deficiency syndrome, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, Parkinson's disease, multiple sclerosis, damage to the nervous tissue of the spinal cord with objective neurological indication or intractable spastic-ity, epilepsy, inflammatoty bowel disease, neuropathics, Hwltington's disease, ot ;ls added by !he commissioner; and (ii) any of the following conditions where .il .is clinically associated with, or a complication of, a condition uncle!' this paragraph or its treatmeu:t: cachexia or wasting syndrome; sovere Ol' chrnnic pain; scvete nausea; seizul'es; severe or persistent muscle spasms; or such conditions as are added by the commissioner," and WHEREAS, the Compassionate Care Act estab.lishes a stringent regulation regime requmng any medical mmihuana grown in New York not exceed Department of Health-approved co11centratlorts of canm\binoids like Tetrnhydrocannabinol (THC), allowing manufacture and prescription of drugs derived from extracted caimabinoicls, and not the adminislration of smokable marihuana, and WHEREAS, any manufacturer seeking a license to farm medical marihuana in New York will have to meet a series of qualifications, under the direction of the New York State .Department of Health and its commissioner, and must demonstrate facility security common to the pharmaceutical industry, and WHEREAS~ the law also stipulates that only li ve manufacturers will be licensed to grow medical marihuana, with each being allowed to run up to four dispensaries around the state, and that the growing of the medical mnrihuana must be done indoors, and II f I 1L-042-15 Page2 WHEREAS, in the Town of Lewistor1 in Niagara County, Herbal Agricoltttre, LLC is expected to submit an application to the state of New York to be granted the tight to grow medical marihuana. at their H2grn facHity, a 12-acre greenhouse on Ple.tcher Road, and WHEREAS, Herbal Agriculture, LLC holds the exclusive New York, license for Charlotte's Web, l.l variety of the marihuana plant with an extremely low T~trnhydrocannnbinol co11cen1rntiori measured at 0.3% THCi a THC level incapable of pmducing a psychoactive ''high", ancl WHEREAS, the issue has hi-partisan support in Lewiston, with Supervisor Dennis Bro:chey atid .Town Council members Ron Winldey, Alphonso Bax, William Conrad, and Beth Cei'etto all having expressed their S\1pport for the concep1 of medical u1arihuana,.a significant point since suppo1t from local JegisJative bodies is a condilio11 of the appfication process for companies that wish to grow medical marihuana in the state, and WHEREAS., the awarding of a license to grow mediQal 1narihnana lo Herbal AgrictdlltJ'e, LLC will have significatit econom~c development benefits t·o the county and its taxpayers, a$ cou11ties where medical rnarihuana is gnJwn in New York will rece.ive 22.5 percent of the state's seven percent excise tax charged for medical marihuana, and WHE_RRAS, this body also recognizes the b~nefits of medical madhuana for 'individttal.s suffed11g from the aforeme11tioncd disenscs and/or ailments, now, therefore, be it RESOLVEJ), that the Niagara Cornily Legislature does hcreby ·support the granting ofa license to grow medical marihuana to Herbal Agriculture, LLC of Lewiston New York, with the stipulations put in place by the State of New York, and he it further · RESOLVED, that the County of Niagara shall forward copies oi' this Resoh1tion to Govem<'>r Cuomo; Senator Robert G. Ortt; Senate Temporary President and Majority Leader Dean G; $kelos~ Member of the Assembly Jane L. Corwin; Member c,1f the Assembly Ray Walter; Member of the Assembly Jqhn n. Ceretto; Mem~ber of the Assem.bly Robi11 Scb.imminge1~; Speaker of the Assembly Carl H~astie; U.S. R~presentative Cht'is Collins; Mr. Gary Smith and all others deemed .nccesimry and proper. LEGISLATOR KATHRYN L. LANCE l LEGJStATOR CLYOE L: BURMASTER I ! i I f ~ I ti ~ ~ ~ ~ I ' NIAGARA COUNTY LEGISLATURE FROM: ...Le.gisJ a tor Wi Jli.anL....L.._..__Ro.s.s,_ _ _ DATE: 03/17 /15 REVIEWED COMMITTEE ACTION CO. l\'lANAGER Rl!~SOLUTJON # IL-043-15 LEGISLATIVE ACTION Approved: Ayes_ _ Abs._ _ Noes_ _ Rejected: Ayes_ _ Abs.___ Noes_ _ Referred: -------~·--- NIN SUPPORT Oli' ARTPAI{K FAMILY AND CHILDREN'S PROGRAMMING THROUGH TlJE USE OF CASINO FUNDING WHEREAS, Artpru:k, located in the Village of Lewiston, has ovet' 225,000 visitors from the United States ond Canada attend the four month schedule of events and programs, and WHEREAS, Artpark generates an $1 l.5 million economic impact to the Niagara Region by providing a summer schedule of exciting Main Stage Theatre shows and .a diverse offering of family and children's programs, and WHEREAS, fonding support, corporate sponsorships and donations are a key t:o the continllation of Artpark programs, nnd WHEREAS) Artpark's popular free and low cost family and children's events are a Westem New York traditionJ but recent funding cuts resulted in the loss of some of Artpark's family programs, now, the.refore, be it RESOLVED, that Niagara County Casino Funds help support some of the lost family and children)s programs, and be it further RESOLVED, that Niagara County suppoits Artpark as follows: Artpark $2,500.00 and be i.t further RJ~SOLVED, that the following budget modification be effectuated to the Niagara County Economic Development 2015 budget: TN CREASE APPROPRIATED FUND BALANCE: A.28.8020.812 40599.01 Appropriated Fund Balance - Committed Funds $2,500.00 INCREASE APPROPRIATION: A.28. 8020.812 74400 .15 Seneca Niagara Conununi ly Development Fund LEGISLATOR WILLIAM L. ROSS $2,500.00 NIAGARA COUNTYLEGISLATuRE FROM: _Legi slator William L. Ross RKVlEWED CO.MANAGER DATE: 03/ 17 /15 COMMITTEl~ ACTION nESOLUTJON ff IL-044-1 5 LEGISLATIVE ACTION Approved: Ayes_ _ Abs. __~ Noes_ _ Rejected: Ayes_ _ Abs._. _ Noes_ _ RefetTed: _ _ _ __ _ ____:_._ RESOLUTION IN SUPPORT OF THE PEACH JrES'I'JVAL THROUGH THE USE Oil' CASINO FUNDING WHEREAS, the Village of Levviston is blessed with great natural beauly and its local organizations sponsor a multitude of extre111ely exciting evenfs;which draw thousands of people from all over Western New York, Southern_Ontario and beyond, and WHEREAS, these fostival evet'lts generate a positive ~conomic impact on the b:usinesses, which include first class restaura~1ts_and .interesting shops, and WHEREAS, the Peach Festival, whkh is sponsotecl by the Lewiston Kiwanis Club., is Nlugata County's premier family even:t which has been h~ld for over 50 years, and WHEREAS, the Lewiston Kiwanis Club will use the casino fun<ls for mai'keting the 2015 Peach Festival, now, thercforo, be it RESOLVED, tbnt Niagara County suppo1ts the economic initiatives ofthe P~ach Festival as follows: .Peach Festival Matketing and Promotion $1,500.bo illld be it further RESOLVED, that the following budget modification be effectuated to the Niagara County Econornic Development 2015 budget: INCREASE APPROPRIATED FUND BALANCE: A.28 ,8020,812 40599.01 ApproprlatecJ Ft1nd Balance - Committed Funds $1,500.00 INCREASE APPROPRIATION: A.28.8020.lU2 74400.15 Seneca Niagara Community pevelopmenl .Fund .LEGISLATOR WILLiAM C ROSS . . . $1,500.00 NIAGARA COUNTY LEGISLATURE FROM: Leqislators Dennis F. Virtuoso, DATE: 03/17 /15 Jason A. Zona, Mark J. Grozio and Owen T. Steed APPROVED REVIEWEU CO.ATTORNEY CO. MANAGER COMMITTEE ACTION RESOLUTION# IL-045- ·15 LEGISLA TIVI~ ACTJON Approved: Ayes_ _ Ahs._ _ Noes_ _ Re:jected: Ayes_ _ Abs. _ _ Noes_ _ Referred: llESOLUTJON AMENDING Rf~SOLUTION ll-03-14 WHEREAS, on Decembel' 9, 2014, the Legislature passed resolution B-03-14 Establishing Niagara County Tax Relief Fund and Niagara County Community Develop1nent Fund I, and Providing Procedures for Disbursal of Funds Arising from New York State Finance Law Section 99-h and Tribal-State Gaming, and WHEREAS, said resolution stated that New York State Finance Law Section 99-h Subdivision 3-a required casino funds to be distributed to all towns and cities wilhin the Counly with the exception of the City of Niagara Falls, and WHEREAS, after the resolution was passed into law, New Yotk State Senator Robert Ortl and New York State Assemblyman John Ceretto both publicly announced that section 99-J) did not precl11de the disbursement of casino funds to the City of Ningara Falls, and WHEREAS, in order for the resolution to be proper and legal,. il must e11compass all mtmioipalities ir1 Niagara County, including the City of Ni~ignra Fa Us, now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, that resolution B-03-14, as passed, shall be an1ended to include the City of Niagara Falls in the distribution of Niagara County's share of casino fuilds. LEGISLATOR DENNIS P. VIRTUOSO LEGISLATOR JASON A. ZONA LEGlSLATORM/\RKJ. GROZfO LEOISJ..ATOR OWEN T. STEED I I I NIAGARA COUNTY LEGISLATURE FROM: _~egislators .Dennis P. Virtuoso., DATE: RESOLUTION# IL-046-15 03/17 /15 and Mark J. Grozio APPROVED REVJEWED CO. ATTORNEY CO, MANAGER COMMITTEE ACTION LEGISLATIVE ACTION Approved: Ay~s_ _ Abs,_ _ Noes_ _ Rejected: Ayes_ · _ Abs. _ _ Noes_ _ Referred: ·~~~~~~~.,---~~~ CENSURl~j AND ADMONISHMENT OF LEGISLATOR IUCHARD E. UPDEGROVE FO..R HIS BREACHOFFIDUCIARY -DUTYAND MISREPRESENTATION OF STATE LAW WHEREAS, on Decembet' 9, 2014, Legisl&tor Richard E. Updegrove sponsored resolution B-03-1_4 Establishing Niagara Cot1nty Tax Relief Fund and Niagara County Community Development FL1nd 1, and Providing Procedures for Disbursal of Funds Arising from New York State Finance Law Section 99-h and Tribal-State Gaming Compact, and WHEREA.S, the resqlu_tion, as drafteci by Legislator Updegtove, states that ''per sectidn 99,h Sllbdivision J-a, revenqes a'rising frnm the Seneca_Niagara Casino; tl}ai are disbtJrsed to the County of Niagara are to be apportioned by population for such purposes as shall benefit ,-iesiOents of the. To\.vns of Cambria, Hartland, -Lewiston, Lockport, Newfane, Niagara, Pendleton, Porter, Royalton, Somerset, Wheatfield arid Wilson -and the Cities of Lockport ai1d No1th Tonawanda, and · WHEREAS,. said resolution excluded the City of Niagara Falls from receiving a p01tion of tfa; County's share of casino funds, and WHEREAS, prior to proposing said l'esOlJ.ltion, Legislator Updegrove was advised that he was misconstl·uing the fangt_1age in section 99-h, ar1d WHEREAS, after the tesolution was passed into law1. New Yor1\ State Se11ator Rohe1t Ottt and New York State. Assernblyman John Ceretto both ptiblicly atfnouhced that section 99-h did not preclude the disbtirsement of casino funds to the City of Niagara Falls, anti WHEREAS, -in fact, section Updegrove, and 99~h Il I lI ! I ·t l ·! I subdivision 3-a does not state what is purp61ted by Legislator, l WHEREAS, in the meeting on December 9, 2014, Legislator Opdegrove pubticly stated that the St_at_e Law pl'ohibited the distribution of cas.iQo money to the City of Niagara Falls despite the fact that his-statement was inaccurate and deceptive, and I l I WHEREAS-, the Niagata County tegisfatoi's have· an obligation tb be t~uthful tp their colleagt1es, the press and taxpayers, and · Il WHEREAS, Legislatoi' Updegrove misused his posltion of'leadership and breacBed his fidlicia'ry duty to all_of the residents of Niagara County for his misrepresentation of the N_ew 'york,State Finance Law 99-h, and I WHEREAS, censure by a public b_ody is a judgment of stern condemnatfon of one of its membel's for behaviors or actions that breach the fiduciary duty to the residents ofthe County, and I WHEREAS, censure is also a ptiblfo act ofi'ebuking a membe1· for unacceptable a~ts thl'ough ~h official rej)timand, now, therefol'e, be it · ! TL-046-1 5 Page2 RESOLVED, tll<:1t the Niagara County Legislature publicly censures and admonishes Legislator Richard E. Updegrove fOl' bis breach of fiduciary duty to all of the residents of Niagara County, and be it further RESOLVED, that the Niagara County Legislature publicly censures and admonishesl.egislator Richard E. Updegrove for his misrepresentation of New York State Law to the ei1tire Legislative body, the press, and the pubI tc, ru1d be it fhrthct' RESOLVED, that Niagara County Legislator Richard E. Updegmve shall publicly apologize for his misrepresentation of the New York Slate Finance Law Section 99-h. LEGISLATOR DENNIS F. VIRTUOSO LEGISLATOR MARK J. GROZIO l\ I I I i I I t { l ; NIAGARA COUNTY LEGISLATURE FROM: Legislator William L. Ross DATE: 03/17/15 COMMITTEE ACTION RESOLUTION# IL-04 7-·1 5 LEGISLATIVE ACTION Approved; Ayes_ _ Abs._ _ Noes_ _ Rejected: Ayes_ _ Abs._ _ Noes_ _ Reforred: ~~~~~~~~--~~ LUTION IN SUPPORT OF THE HISTORIC LEWISTON .JAZZ FESTIVAt THR,OUGH 'fHE lJSE OF CASINO J.l'UNDING or WHEREAS, the Village Lewiston is blessed with great natmal beauty and its local organizations sponsor a multitude of extremely e~citing events which or&w thousands of people from all over Weste.rn New York, Southern Ontario and beyond, and WHEREAS, these festival events generate a positive economic impact 011 the. businesses which include first class restaurants and interesting shops, and WHEREAS, the Historic Lewiston Jazz Festiv~l is the premier Jazz Festival in Western New York anp has the total support of the residents and companies for funding this regional music jewel, and WHEREAS, the Niagara County Legislature casino fund contribution will suppoxt the marketing ~ffort of the Lew1ston Jaz:t: E.estlval Board of Directors, now, therefore, be it · RESOLVED, that the Niagara County Legislature support this oufstanding musical event as follows : Historic Lewiston Jazz Festival $1,500.00 and be it further RESOLVED, that the following budget modifkation be effectuated to the Niagara County Economic Development 2015 budget: INCREASE APPROPRIATED FUND BALANCE: A.28.8020.812 40599.0 i Apptopl'iated Fund Balance - Co1nmitt~d F~mds $1,500.00 J INCREASE APPROPRIATION: A.28.8020.812 74400.15 Sen:eca Niagara Community Development Fund LEGISLATOR WILLIAM L. ROSS $1,500.00 I I NIAGARA COUNTY LEGISLATURE FRUM: Legislator William L. Ross APPROVED} REVIEWim CO ~·MANAGER ~ / / DATE: 03I1 7 I 1 5 COMMITTEE ACTION ~ ./ RJ~SOLUTION # IL-048-15 LEGISLATlVE ACTION Appmvcd' Ayes _ _ Abs._ _ Noes._ _ Rejecled: Ayes_ _ Abs._ _ Noes_ _ Referred: ~PPORT OF NIAGARA RIVER REGION CIIAMnER OF COMMERCE MISSION HCJSINESS.l!:S IN OF MARKETING THE LEWISTON PORTF,R AREA THROUGH THE USE OF CASINO FUNDING WHEREAS, the Town of Lewiston and Town of Poiter at'e blessed with g1·eat natural beauty and the local businesses and organizational sponsoring exciting events draw thousands of people from all over Western New York and Southern Ontario, and WHEREAS, the businesses of the Town of Lewiston and the Tow11 of Porter with the Village of Lewiston and the Village of Youngstown located within their respective boundaries, generate a positive economic impact which includes first class restaurants and interesting shops, and WHEREAS, the commw1itie.~ within the boundaries of the Niagara River Region Chnmber of Commerce draw thousands Qf visitofs every year, bringing t'o\irism dollars to the area which are vitEil to the Niagara County economy, now, therefore, be it .RESOLVED, that the Niagara County Legislature supports funding to the Niagara River Region Chamber of Conunerce for marketing purposes as follows: Niagara River Region Chamber of Commerce $2,000.00 and be it further RESOLVED, that the following budget modification be cffecltmted to the Niagara County Economic Development 2015 budget: tNCREASE APPROPRIATED FUND BALANCE: A.28.8020.8 J2 40599.01 Apprnpriated Fund B~ilance - Committed Funds $2,000.00 INCREASE APPROPRIATION: A.28.8020.812 74400.15 Seneca Niagara Community Development Fund LEGISLATOR WILLIAM L. ROSS $2,000.00 NIAGARA COUNTY LEGISLATUl~E J•'ROM: I.egislato::s Richard L. Andres, DATE: 03/17/15 RESOLUTION# ~TL - O4 9 -1 5_ Kathryn L. Lance , Anthony J. Nemi John Syracuse , et al. and Parks, Recreation & Tourism Ad Hoc Committee APPROVED CO. ATTORNgy REVIEWED CO. MANAGJm COMMITTEE A(.'TION Ad Ho.c - 8/ '.L.3..i-lA LUGJSIJATIV.E ACTION Approved: Ayes Abs. Noes Rejected: Ayes~ Abs::==_ Noes_ Reforred:_ _ _____ __ __ _ _ SUPPORT FOR THE TOWN OF NEWFANE-YE OLDE LOG CABIN WHEREAS, the Niagara Power Coalition ("NPC") and the New York Powc1· Authority agreed to a licensing settlement for the next 50 ycurs for the Niagara Power P.roject, and WHEREAS, that settlement allows Niagara County to receive, through NPC Host Commun ity Standing Commitlee ("I-ICSC"), up to $390,000 arunwlly to fund projects which are found to be consistent with the Niagara Greenway projects aJong the Greenway Trail, and l WllEREAS, the Town of Ncwfime has made application to the Niagara County's Ad Hoc Committee on Recreation and Tourism for Greenway funds (o support the Town of Newfane Ye Olde Log Cabin Project, and 1 l ! I WHEREAS, these funds are to be utilized by the Town of Newfane to complete this Pl'Oject, and I WHEREAS, the Town of Newfane's ·application for the building of Ye Olde Log Cabin in Niagara County_'s Olcott Patk which draws thousa11ds of visitors and residents of Niagara County every year, who enjoy all of its services, and WHEREAS, this application will assist the local citizens, taxpayers and business people being able to establish an additional tourist attraction and museum along with the playgrounds, parks and sport facilities, costing a total of over one half million dollars, and WHEREAS, the Town of Newfane, its residents and businesses intend to continue to improve their own facilities, crnating accessibility to other Greenway Prnjects, and WHEREAS, this project enhances the quality ofl ife for our.residents and visitors alike, and WHEREAS, the tourists, visitors and residents it will att.ra.ct will cause a positive economic impact in the Town and County, and WHEREAS, the application is requesting $ l70,000.00 to be utilized, along wilh p1'ovious efforts, for a total projccl cost of their request of over $200,000.00, and a total investment Of over a half million dolfors in Newfane park areas and imprnvements, and WHEREAS, the Town of Newfane is aware that actual funding will not take place until after July 1, 20 15,and WHEREAS, the Town of Newfane Ye O ld~ Log Cabin Project has the support and approval of Legislator John SyrnclJsc, Carousel Park, Niagarn County Historical Society along with various organizations in the Town or Newfane, and I II I I I J IL-049~15 Page 2 WHEREAS, the County of Niagara and Town of Nevvfane wHI need a lease agreeme1it covering the premises to be utilized ii1 Niagara County in Olcott Park, and WHEREAS, the Lease wiJJ be of no cost to Ntagarn County and the Town of Newfane will bear all costs of construction, improvements and maintenance of the building, and WHEREAS, the County of Niagara will continue to maintain all grass, pm·k ai·eas not a part of the structure itse11: and WHEREAS, the ad hoc committee for recreation and tourism fond appointed by the Niagara County Legislature to r~view projects brought to Niagara County seekinR fonding from Niagara County through the Niagara Power Coalilion and the Host Community Slaudhig Coinmittee; has recommended that Niagara Countyapprove and support this project, (llld Wl:IEREAS, the Town_of Newfane has utilized great efforts and the other fonds, including in kh1d services of $20,000 placed in the financial breakdown and any funds necessary for signage giving credit for funding to Niagat;a County and dedicationto other GJeenway projects, and WHEREAS) after reoeiJ?t of in-kind services and town ti.Jnqs, tl1e remaining $170,000.00 needed for the matching grant is being requested, now, therefore, be it RESOLVBD, that the Niagara County Legislature does hereby support a_11d spcmsor the fonding of · $25,400.00 for the Town of Ne\Yfone Ye Olde Log Cabih Project when p(esented: to the Niagara P.ower Coaliti.011 and the Host Community Standing Committee, and be it further RESOLVED, that following the Niagara County Attorney's review and approval, the ChairnJan of the Niagara County Legislature be, aHd hereby is, authorized to execute the Lease Agreel11e11t between the County of Ningara and the Town of Newfane for the Ye Olde Log Cabin .Project. LEGISLATOR RICHARD L. ANDRES LEGISLATOR KATHRYN L. LANCE- I I II I I l r i LEGISLATOR ANTHONY J. NBMI LEGIS.LATOR JOHN SYRACUSE LEGISLATOR O\.VEN T. STEED LEGISLATOR DAVID,E. GODFREY PARKS, RECREATION & TOURISM AD HOC COMMITTEE i t ! ! !