Service-Learning! - Anne Arundel Community College
Service-Learning! - Anne Arundel Community College
1 Welcome to Service-Learning! Please use this handbook as a guide to help you get started. For further questions or assistance, contact us: Center for Learning through Service CRSC Room 314 410-777-2366/fax: 410-777-4057 [email protected] Table of Contents Page Service-Learning —Definition, Benefits and Community Needs ....................................... 3 Student Procedures with Forms — Steps 1-3 .................................................................... 4-9 Partnership Opportunities: Community ............................................................................................................ 11-68 Schools .................................................................................................................. 71-96 AACC On-Campus .................................................................................................. 99-106 Helpful Tools: The Reflective Journal ............................................................................................ 108 Safety and Service Suggestions for Volunteers ..................................................... 109 2 3 Service-Learning At Anne Arundel Community College Definition Service-learning combines academic studies with community volunteer service, enhancing student learning through a hands-on service experience that meets a community need. Benefits Obtain a “real world” learning experience Learn new skills Meet people in the community from different backgrounds Explore careers Make a difference in the community by sharing your skills and talents Connect with the community Student Comments “Thank you for offering this opportunity to learn through volunteering. This was one of the most rewarding experiences I have ever been involved with.” “…service-learning helps you to get a better sense of community. And it helps you to accept people who are different from you. Another great thing is that it helps to break down certain stereotypes…” “Service-learning helped not only to better my understanding of the class, but also I got to help others and even learn things about myself.” Community Needs Aging • Alcohol & Drug Abuse • Animals • Arts • Disabilities Support • Environment • Family • Health • History • Hunger & Homelessness • Inmate Services • Mental Health • Military • Special Education • Tutoring • Women’s Issues • Youth 4 Student Procedures 3 Easy Steps: Step 1 – Access the Service-Learning Handbook: The service-learning handbook gives you access to the information you will need to get started, including community partner information, forms and general service-learning information. It can be accessed using the AACC Service-Learning Facebook page or at Step 2 – Select and Contact an Organization: Using the guidelines provided by your instructor, review the list of community partners and select a potential partner that meets your instructor’s requirements and looks interesting to you. Call the organization you are interested in and discuss with the volunteer coordinator the available service options (see page 5 sample phone script.) Tell the volunteer coordinator what course you are taking and your instructor’s academic requirements and required hours. Checklist for Selecting a Partnership Site: Appropriate assignments that meet the course and instructor’s requirements Location/driving distance is acceptable Hours of operation to perform the assignment fit your schedule Partnership Opportunities: Community Schools AACC On-Campus Note: You cannot use a partnership site that is not on the list. Step 3 – Complete and Turn in the Service-Learning Forms: a) Service-Learning Contract & Liability Waiver: DUE October 4, 2016 – NO EXCEPTIONS! Once your placement has been confirmed with a partnership site, complete the Servicelearning Contract and Liability Waiver and obtain the signatures of the site supervisor and your course instructor. You are not authorized to begin your service hours until this form has been submitted. Submit the form to the Center for Learning through Service. Report any problems to the Center for Learning through Service as soon as possible, so that we may assist you. b) Hours Log & Evaluation Form: DUE November 29, 2016 – NO EXCEPTIONS! Complete the required number of hours, recording them in the Hours Log Form. When the hours are finished, give the form to the site supervisor so that he/she can fill in the evaluation. Submit the form to the Center for Learning through Service. *All forms should be turned in to the Center for Learning through Service unless otherwise advised by your instructor.* 5 Sample Phone Script & Suggestions for Contacting a Community Partner 1. With whom to speak: When calling the Community Partner, always ask to speak with the contact person identified in the service-learning handbook. If that person no longer works at the site, ask to speak with the volunteer coordinator. (Please e-mail us at [email protected] if the contact person has changed. Thank you!) 2. When to call: Always try to call the contact person during the times they have identified as the best time to reach them. If you must leave a message, identify yourself and state why you are calling, your phone number, and the best time the contact person can reach you. Be persistent. You might have to leave several messages before you are able to reach your contact. Or, email them if you do not get through by phone. 3. What to say: Hi. My name is _________ , and I am a service-learning student at Anne Arundel Community College. I am enrolled in (name of course) and I am interested in volunteering at your site. I need to complete (number of hours your instructor requires) by (state your deadline) and I would like to know if you have any volunteer opportunities where I might be able to help and also learn more about your organization and its services. (Don’t forget to mention any special skills, certifications or experience you have that might be relevant to the organization.) 4. What to ask: What will I be doing? Is there an orientation? Where will I be working? (Ask for specific directions.) What should I wear? Where can I park? If you are interested, ask if you can visit the site before you begin volunteering. 5. Confirm the agreement: Agree on what you will be doing. Determine tentative dates you will perform your service hours. Get the site supervisor to sign your Service-Learning Contract. 6 7 Center for Learning through Service Careers Building Room 314 410-777-2366 Fax: 410-777-4057 [email protected] Step 3a, 2 pages to complete Due October 4, 2016 SERVICE-LEARNING CONTRACT and LIABILITY WAIVER Student: First name MI Last name Address Student ID # Required City Home telephone State Zip Code Business/cell phone Birth date Male Female Email address Community Partner Confirmation – Completed by Site Supervisor Name of Community Partner as listed in the handbook Describe the service-learning assignment and/or student responsibilities __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Site Supervisor’s name (please print) Service Site phone number Supervisor’s signature (required) Date Instructor Confirmation – Completed by Instructor Subject Course number Section number Instructor name - PRINT Hours required Instructor signature- REQUIRED Sample Course Subject Course number Section number Instructor name – PRINT ART 123 001 Joe Smith Hours required 00 CONTINUE TO NEXT PAGE AACC is an equal opportunity, affirmative action, Title IX, ADA Title 504 compliant institution. Call Disability Support Services, 410-777-2306 or Maryland Relay 711, 72 hours in advance to request most accommodations. Requests for sign language interpreters, alternative format books or assistive technology require 30 days’ notice. For information on AACC’s compliance and complaints concerning sexual assault, sexual misconduct, discrimination or harassment, contact the federal compliance officer and Title IX coordinator at 410-777-1239, [email protected] or Maryland Relay 711. Last updated:05/16/2016 8 Due October 4, 2016 (along with contract) LIABILITY WAIVER I, ____________________________________(print name of student), hereby acknowledge that I am enrolled in the Service-Learning Program at Anne Arundel Community College. I understand that to participate in this program, I am required to travel to and from my assigned partnership site. I further understand and agree that Anne Arundel Community College is neither responsible nor liable for any injury, damage, or loss incurred while traveling to or from the partnership site, or while at the partnership site, and that I am solely responsible for my actions, inactions, and/or behavior while participating in this program, and agree to and shall save and hold harmless Anne Arundel Community College, its Board of Trustees, faculty, staff, agents, and employees from any claims, actions or judgments including the expenditure of attorney’s fees and costs arising from my actions or inactions during my participation in this program. I certify that I have no physical condition or disability that I have not disclosed which might affect my participation in this program. Should I develop a condition or injury, which limits my participation in the program (i.e. unable to lift required weights), I will immediately notify the Center for Learning through Service and provide medical documentation as required. Additionally, with my signature below, I acknowledge my permission for any quotation of my comments, video, or still photography made with my image and any sound recording of my voice to be applied to a variety of uses by Anne Arundel Community College parties, cable casting, broadcasting and/or other forms of electric transmission. I hereby give permission for the use of the media described above and I release Anne Arundel Community College, its Board of Trustees, faculty, staff, agents, and employees of and from any claims (monetary or otherwise) that I may have related to the use of said media. Student declares and also agrees to the following: 1. I will comply with agency policies, standards and regulations and serve in a professional manner with respect for others, especially with regard to confidentiality. I understand that all activities, in which I am involved as a service-learner, are strictly confidential. I will not release any type of personal information concerning clients of the agency listed above, without written authorization from appropriate persons. 2. I will complete the service assignment I have made a commitment to and will be on time or call the partnership site if I cannot attend due to illness or emergency. 3. I will contact the Center for Learning through Service (410-777-2366 or [email protected]) if I have concerns, difficulties and/or feedback about this agency or placement. 4. I do not currently nor have I previously worked or volunteered with this agency. I hereby affirm that I have read and understand the terms and conditions of this Liability Waiver and Release Form and agree to accept the terms and conditions. I further agree and acknowledge that I will abide by all responsibilities as outlined in this document. Student Signature______________________________________________________Date_____________________ Parent or Guardian Signature_____________________________________________________Date_____________________ (For students under the age of 18) 9 Step 3b Center for Learning through Service Careers Building Room 314 410-777-2366 Fax: 410-777-4057 [email protected] Due November 29, 2016 Service-Learning Hours Log & Evaluation of Performance Student Information - Completed by Student Student: First name Subject MI Course number Last name Section number Instructor name Student ID # Required Hours required Sample Course Subject Course number Section number Instructor name ART 123 001 Joe Smith Hours required 00 Hours Log Entry - Completed by Student Date of Service Hours served Date of Service Hours served TOTAL HOURS SERVED:___________________ Evaluation of Performance - Completed by Site Supervisor E=Excellent G=Good S=Satisfactory P=Poor Student’s Performance Rating E G S P Student’s Performance Rating Work Quality Initiative Work Ethic Courtesy Cooperation Dependability Teamwork Personal grooming Respect Punctuality and attendance (Did the student call if late or absent?) E G S P Comments: Name of Community Partner as listed in the handbook Site Supervisor’s name (please print) Service Site phone number Supervisor’s signature (required) Date Return completed form to the student or fax to the Center for Learning through Service 410-777-4057. AACC is an equal opportunity, affirmative action, Title IX, ADA Title 504 compliant institution. Call Disability Support Services, 410-777-2306 or Maryland Relay 711, 72 hours in advance to request most accommodations. Requests for sign language interpreters, alternative format books or assistive technology require 30 days’ notice. For information on AACC’s compliance and complaints concerning sexual assault, sexual misconduct, discrimination or harassment, contact the federal compliance officer and Title IX coordinator at 410-777-1239, [email protected] or Maryland Relay 711. Last updated:05/16/2016 10 11 Community Partnerships Area of interest Page Active Day of Annapolis............................................................................................................ Aging Alzheimer’s Association .......................................................................................................... Health Animal Resource Foundation ................................................................................................ Animals Annapolis Maritime Museum................................................................................................. History Annapolis Symphony Orchestra .................................................................................................. Arts Anne Arundel Conflict Resolution Center ................................................................................ Other AACo Board of Elections ........................................................................................................... Other AACo Dept. of Detention Facilities – Ordnance Rd .................................................. Inmate Services AACo Dept. of Recreation and Parks .............................................................................Environment AACo Dept. of Social Services.................................................................. Hunger and Homelessness AACo Food & Resource Bank .................................................................. Hunger and Homelessness Anne Arundel County Volunteer Center .................................................................................. Other Arc Central Chesapeake Region, The ............................................................................... Disabilities Arlington Echo Outdoor Education Center ...................................................................Environment Arthritis Foundation Mid Atlantic ........................................................................................... Health Arundel House of Hope ........................................................................... Hunger and Homelessness Arundel Lodge, Inc...................................................................................................... Mental Health Assistance League of the Chesapeake, Inc .............................................................................. Family Athletes Serving Athletes ................................................................................................ Disabilities Ballet Theatre of Maryland. ........................................................................................................ Arts Banneker-Douglass Museum ................................................................................................. History Bay Community Support Services .................................................................................... Disabilities Bay Ridge Health Care Center .................................................................................................. Aging Bello Machre .................................................................................................................... Disabilities Best Buddies MD .............................................................................................................. Disabilities Birthright of Annapolis ............................................................................................ Women’s Issues Blue Water Baltimore ....................................................................................................Environment Books for International Goodwill ............................................................................................. Other Boys and Girls Club (Salvation Army) ....................................................................................... Youth Boys and Girls Clubs of Annapolis & AACo. .............................................................................. Youth Brightview Severna Park .......................................................................................................... Aging Captain Avery Museum, The .................................................................................................. History Centro de Ayuda............................................................................................... Tutoring/ Mentoring Changing Focus........................................................................................................................ Family Chase Home ................................................................................................................ Aging/History Chesapeake Bay Foundation .........................................................................................Environment Chesapeake Center for Youth Development............................................................................ Youth Chesapeake Center, Inc .................................................................................................... Disabilities Chesapeake Children’s Museum .............................................................................................. Youth Chesterwye Center ............................................................................................................ Disabilities Chrysalis House, Inc................................................................................................ Alcohol and Drug Crofton Care and Rehabilitation Center................................................................................... Aging EcoAdventures ........................................................................................................................ Youth Fidos for Freedom ................................................................................................................. Animals Food Link, Inc........................................................................................... Hunger and Homelessness Free State-Justice ..................................................................................................................... Other Friends of Anne Arundel County Trails..........................................................................Environment 15 15 16 16 17 17 18 19 19 20 20 21 21 22 22 23 23 24 24 25 26 27 27 28 28 29 29 30 30 31 31 32 32 33 33 34 34 35 35 36 36 37 37 38 39 39 40 12 Girl Scouts of Central Maryland ............................................................................................... Youth Glenview Gardens Learning Center..................................................................Tutoring/Mentoring Habitat for Humanity ReStore ................................................................. Hunger and Homelessness Happy Helpers for the Homeless ............................................................ Hunger and Homelessness Head Start.......................................................................................................... Tutoring/Mentoring Heartlands Assisted Living........................................................................................................ Aging Heritage Harbour Health & Rehabilitation Center .................................................................. Aging Historic Annapolis Foundation .............................................................................................. .History Historic London Town and Gardens ....................................................................................... History H.O.P.E. (For All) ...................................................................................... Hunger and Homelessness Hospice of the Chesapeake ...................................................................................................... Aging Housing Authority of the City of Annapolis....................................................... Tutoring/Mentoring Howard County Recreation & Parks ...................................................................................... History Jug Bay Wetlands Sanctuary .........................................................................................Environment Kent Island Federation of Arts..................................................................................................... Arts Leadership Anne Arundel ......................................................................................................... Other Light House, The ...................................................................................... Hunger and Homelessness Lost Towns Project ................................................................................................................. History Mary T. Maryland ............................................................................................................. Disabilities Maryland Therapeutic Riding ........................................................................................... Disabilities Meals on Wheels of Central Maryland.................................................... Hunger and Homelessness Men of Courage International ................................................................................................. Family Moveable Feast ....................................................................................... Hunger and Homelessness Museum of Maritime Pets, Inc, The ...................................................................................... Animals NAMI. ......................................................................................................................... Mental Health Operation Welcome Home. .................................................................................................. Military Opportunity Builders, Inc. ................................................................................................ Disabilities Our Daily Bread Employment Center ...................................................... Hunger and Homelessness Partners in Care ........................................................................................................................ Aging Patuxent Research Refuge ............................................................................................Environment Play and Learn Annapolis ......................................................................................................... Youth Real Food Farm........................................................................................ Hunger and Homelessness Rebuilding Together AACo ...................................................................... Hunger and Homelessness Regency Park Assisted Living .................................................................................................... Aging Residences of Wiley H. Bates Heritage Park, The .................................................................... Other Restoration Community Development ............................................................. Tutoring/Mentoring Sarah’s House .......................................................................................... Hunger and Homelessness Seasons Hospice & Palliative Care of MD................................................................................. Aging Seeds 4 Success ................................................................................................. Tutoring/Mentoring Severna Park Children’s Centre ................................................................................................ Youth Severna Park Community Center ............................................................................................. Youth Smithsonian Environ. Research Center (SERC)..............................................................Environment Somerford Place, Alzheimer’s Assisted Living .......................................................................... Aging South River Federation..................................................................................................Environment South River Health & Rehabilitation Center ............................................................................ Aging SPCA of AACo Inc. .................................................................................................................. Animals Special Olympics of Maryland .................................................................................................. Other St. Mary’s English as a Second Language Program ........................................... Tutoring/Mentoring STAIR – Start The Adventure In Reading .............................................................................. Tutoring Stanton Community Center, Annapolis Rec. and Parks ........................................................... Youth 40 41 41 42 42 43 43 44 44 45 45 46 46 47 47 48 48 49 49 50 50 51 51 52 52 53 53 54 54 55 55 56 56 57 57 58 58 59 59 60 60 61 61 62 62 63 63 64 64 65 13 Sunrise Assisted Living (Annapolis) .......................................................................................... Aging Sunrise Assisted Living (Severna Park) ..................................................................................... Aging United Way of Central MD ....................................................................................................... Other West River United Methodist Center ............................................................................Environment World Relief Anne Arundel ...................................................................................................... Other Y of Central Maryland........................................................................................ Tutoring/Mentoring 65 66 66 67 67 68 14 15 1. Active Day of Annapolis 2525 Riva Road, Suite 100 Annapolis, MD 21401 Contact: Phone: Lindsey Drabczyk (410) 573-9100 Fax: (410) 573-9102 Website: Email: [email protected] Ext: Best time to contact: M-F, 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. Mission/Description: To improve the quality of life of our clients and their caregivers through friendship, dignifying and meaningful activities and innovative clinical leadership. It is a safe, pleasant and lively environment for the elderly and adults with disabilities (physical developmental and/or intellectual) to interact with others during the day. Service-learning opportunities: Activity/program leaders, good opportunity for those who are interested in working with the elderly and physically/mentally disabled (ID/DD) # of students needed: 10 Minimum age: 18 Minimum # of hours: 10 Times when needed: Monday – Friday Orientation: First hour is orientation to center and member issues. More as needed. Special requirements: Application, reference check, and ppd test required prior to start Public transportation Maryland Transit Authority and Annapolis Bus Service: one block away access: Comments: 2. Alzheimer’s Association 1850 York Road Suite D Timonium, MD 21093 Contact: Janine Boulad Phone: (410) 561-9099 Ext: 210 Fax: (410) 561-3433 Email: [email protected] Best time to contact: M-Th, 9:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Website: Mission/Description: To eliminate Alzheimer’s disease through the advancement of research, enhance care and support for individuals, their families, and care givers, and to reduce the risk of dementia through the promotion of brain health. Service-learning opportunities: 1) Community Outreach Volunteer (COV) – The trained COV will attend local health fairs or other public events near to school or home to provide information about Alzheimer’s disease, our services, and resources. This is great way to learn about the disease and give back to the community. Days/times will vary depending on the event and may only be several times a year. You choose which events you can work. Training is one hour. 2) Development/Event Associate: Be a part of the planning and excitement of our fundraising events to create awareness of Alzheimer’s disease. # of students needed: Minimum age: Minimum # of hours: Times when needed: Orientation: Special requirements: Public transportation access: Comments: open N/A Depends on assignment Flexible depending on assigment: evening/weekend possibilities- speak to volunteer coordinator for more specifics on time availability Varies Discussed at training Volunteers must be able to travel to locations. Prior to events, volunteers are provided with an understanding of our mission, the basics of Alzheimer’s, who and how we serve the community, and how students service matters. 16 3. Animal Resource Foundation 51 Piney Narrows Road PO Box 396 Chester, MD 21619 Website: Contact: Phone: Susan Beall (410) 643-8700 Fax: (410) 643-8626 Email: [email protected] Ext: Best time to contact: M-F, 12:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m. Mission/Description: ARF’s mission is to save and improve the lives of abandoned and abused companion animals. Service-learning opportunities: AM/PM dog walkers, clean living areas of the animals, feeding animals, adoption center cleaners. # of students needed: Minimum age: Minimum # of hours: Times when needed: Orientation: Special requirements: Public transportation: Comments: 4 16 or older none M-F, 6 a.m. -5 p.m., Sat & Sun 12 p.m-5 p.m. M-F, 12 p.m.-6 p.m. Must love cats and dogs, 16 years old or older, respectful to all animals, volunteers and staff. Must read and sign Volunteer/Community Services Participation Guidelines. N/A 4. Annapolis Maritime Museum 723 2nd Street PO Box 3088 Annapolis, MD 21403 Contact: Phone: Sarak Krizek (410) 295-0104 Ext: Fax: Email: [email protected] Best time to contact: M-F, 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. 13 Website: Mission/Description: The Annapolis Maritime Museum educates youth and adults about the Annapolis area's rich maritime heritage and the ecology of the Chesapeake Bay through programs, exhibits and community events. Service-learning opportunities: Opportunities in Environmental Education programs for students K-12; Opportunities in Marketing and Public Relations; Opportunities in Museum Studies # of students needed: Varies Minimum age: None Minimum # of hours: 10 Times when needed: Will work with student to establish mutually agreeable schedule Orientation: Will do individually Special requirements: Public transportation: Yes, by Annapolis City bus system. Comments: 17 5. Annapolis Symphony Orchestra Maryland Hall for the Creative Arts 801 Chase Street Annapolis, MD 21401 Contact: Stephanie Abarca Phone: (410) 269-1132 Ext: Fax: (410) 263-0907 Email: [email protected] Best time to contact: 9 a.m. – 5 p.m. Website: Mission/Description: To enhance and enrich the music education of AACC students by providing free access to Annapolis Symphony Orchestra dress rehearsals. Additionally, this program provides real-world social media marketing experience while also increasing the online community awareness of the ASO. Service-learning opportunities: Tweet Seats (AACC music students preferred) AACC students will attend dress rehearsals and tweet their thoughts. Tweets should be positive and may be removed by management if deemed uncomplimentary to the ASO. Every tweet needs to contain @Annapsymphony & may contain other #s that are trending. Students will write a blog post about their experience at dress rehearsal. Each blog is to be no less than 250 words and checked for spelling and grammar prior to submission. Blogs will be reviewed by ASO management and then posted at # of students needed: No restrictions Minimum age: 18 Minimum # of hours: 10 Times when needed: TBD Orientation: Held at Maryland Hall for the Creative Arts Special requirements: Must have access to a smartphone. Wi-fi accessibility is unreliable within the concert hall. Please be able to access your data plan for tweeting. Students may attend performances as well as dress rehearsals in order to reach the 10 hour minimum. If unable to attend rehearsal, student must contact the ASO prior to the Friday evening concert to make arrangements to attend either the Friday or Saturday concert. Public transportation: Bus stop located at corner of Carraway and Spa Road Comments: Blog posts will be submitted to Stephanie Abarca for approval at [email protected] no later than 1 week after attending each dress rehearsal. 6. Anne Arundel Conflict Resolution Center 2666 Riva Road Suite 130 Annapolis, MD 21401 Contact: Lisa Lothian Phone: (410) 266-9033 Ext: Fax: (410) 573-5391 Email: [email protected] Best time to contact: M-F, 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. Website: Mission/Description: The mission of the Anne Arundel Conflict Resolution Center is to provide mediation, facilitation, and education for the peaceful resolution of conflict to all who ask. Service-learning opportunities: To research resources available in Anne Arundel County at a low / no cost basis to assist individuals / families in crisis. The service-learning volunteer will use this information to develop a comprehensive list of services provided by each organization or agency including contact information. The resource list will allow AACRC staff members to assist callers and will be provided to individuals or families in conflict. This service-learning opportunity can be completed online after orientation. # of students needed: 1-2 Minimum age: 18 Minimum # of hours: 2 hours per week (students set their own hours after orientation) Times when needed: M-F, 10:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. Orientation: As students are identified we will work with them to identify a schedule. Special requirements: An ability to work in a chaotic atmosphere at times and an attention to detail. Public transportation: Comments: 18 7. Anne Arundel County Board of Elections 6740 Baymeadow Drive Glen Burnie, MD 21060 Contact: Phone: Joshua Ramos (410) 222-0447 or Ext: (410) 222-0494 Fax: (410) 222-6833 Website: Email: [email protected] Best time to contact: M-F, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Mission/Description: The mission is to provide all eligible citizens of Anne Arundel County convenient access to voter registration; to provide all registered voters accessible locations where they may exercise their right to vote; to ensure uniformity of election practices; to promote fair and equitable elections, and to maintain registration records, and other election-related data, accurately and in a form that is accessible to the public. Earn Student Learning Credit or $175.00 for Election Day. Service-learning opportunities: Election Judge for the Presidential Election: Learn procedures for conducting an election in one of Anne Arundel County’s 160 polling places. Learn how to set up, operate, and close voting equipment on Election Day. A provisional judge assists with opening the polls, and provides a provisional voter with a Provisional Ballot Application and the appropriate ballot. You will need to be very detailed in completing provisional forms for opening, throughout the day, and for closing. You need to account for provisional ballots and envelopes, and ensure security of all provisional ballot materials. Assist in closing of the polls and any other duties assigned by the chief judge. This is a very detailed position and requires a very detail oriented person to do it properly. Election Field Support staff may work on-site at early voting centers during the early voting period and/or at polling places on election day. A polling place is a building where voters cast ballots on election day; a precinct is a geographic division that determines where a voter votes or the voter’s district. EFS staff provide the chief judges and other election judges with assistance and technical support on the Electronic Pollbook and Voting equipment. 2,800 Election Judge positions are available. Recruiting efforts are continuous. Please call our office for current # of students needed: vacancies. Minimum age: Minimum # of hours: Times when needed: Orientation: Special requirements: Public transportation: Comments: 17 3 hours of training and 17 hours of work on Election Day Tuesday, November 8, 2016 5:30 AM-9:30 PM The Anne Arundel County Board of Elections will provide a mandatory hands-on training class. Must attend orientation. No one with charges pending. All subject to criminal background check. Will depend on the polling location. For Election Judges: Must be computer literate, reliable and courteous, neatly dressed, possess good judgment, and be able to follow procedures exactly. Must be a registered voter in the State of Maryland and be able to speak, read and write the English language. While serving as an election judge, a judge may not be a candidate, a campaign manager for a candidate, or a treasurer for a candidate or a political committee. While on duty, an election judge may not engage in any partisan or political activity. 19 8. Anne Arundel County Dept. of Detention Facilities-ORCC 600 E. Ordnance Road Glen Burnie, MD 21060 Contact: Cindy Meyers Phone: (410) 222-4943 Ext: Fax: (410) 222-6360 Email: [email protected] Best time to contact: M-F, daytime (before 3:00 p.m.) Website: (click agencies/detention facilities) Mission/Description: To draw upon the skills, abilities and commitment of members of the community willing to volunteer their time to address the needs of men and women incarcerated in Anne Arundel County's correctional facilities. With willing hands, fresh views, and open minds, volunteers support the Department's mission by enhancing services that provide inmates with the tools necessary to successfully re-enter the community and lead law-abiding lives. Service-learning opportunities: Shadow a corrections officer or counselor, assist adult literacy tutors, assist with women's sewing, design and direct a simple fitness class for women. # of students needed: Minimum age: Minimum # of hours: Times when needed: Orientation: Special requirements: Public transportation: 2-4 each semester 18 12 Varies Varies Must attend orientation. No one with charges pending. All subject to criminal background check. MTA bus 9. Anne Arundel County Dept. of Recreation and Parks 1 Harry S. Truman parkway Annapolis, MD 21401 Contact: Phone: Fax: Email: Carolyn Ryan (410) 222-7313 Ext: 3555 (410) 222-4439 [email protected] or Website: [email protected] Best time to contact: M-F, 9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. Mission/Description: The Anne Arundel County Department of Recreation and Parks is essential to the well being and quality of life of every individual, family, and community in Anne Arundel County. Our mission is to enrich the lives of our citizens by offering quality active and passive recreational opportunties and accessible youth and adult services while pursuing the preservation and enhancement of our natural, cultural and historic resources. Service-learning opportunities: Park projects including special events and restoration projects. Support “Friends” groups with promotions, fundraising, projects and programs. Recreation center clinics and programs, coach special needs youth in non-competitive settings, work with special needs youth to provide a fun and safe environment (Friday Night Social Club). Adaptive Swim programs work with special needs youth in adaptive swim classes. Administrative computer assistant, gather information, edit, make updates, check that information is accurate and current on a web content management system. Race Support Individuals and groups are encouraged to support the department’s “Move More” race series, which includes several races in our county parks throughout the year. Volunteers are needed for course monitoring, registration, refreshments, lining the course and as cheerleaders! This is a great opportunity for groups to come out and support their community. # of students needed: Depends on projects Minimum age: 17 Minimum # of hours: none Times when needed: Variable Orientation: Depends on projects Special requirements: Must be willing to work outdoors, have a desire to learn and have a friendly attitude. Computer assistant some knowledge of one or more: Web Content Management Systems, Adobe Create Suite to include Photoshop and InDesign, some knowledge in proofreading. Swim assistant must be comfortable in pool. Those 18 years or older are required to have a background inquiry. Public transportation: No Comments: Check out our web site for information on upcoming projects; maybe there will be something of interest to you. 20 10. Anne Arundel County Department of Social Services Office of Community Initiatives 80 West Street Annapolis, MD 21401 Contact: Phone: Tanya Steele Clements (410) 269- 4461 Ext: Fax: (410) 269-4426 Email: [email protected] Website: Best time to contact: M-F, 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. Mission/Description: To assist County residents achieve & maintain self-sufficiency; provide services to strengthen individuals & families; join our community partners in the protection of vulnerable children & adults. Service-learning opportunities: 1) Homeless Resource Day is held between March and April of each year. This is a one day event providing free services to more than 400 homeless families and children. More than 80 service providers offer medical care, dental, eye screening, social security, benefits, housing, shelter, legal assistance and many others. More than 450 volunteers serve as guides to help the homeless navigate the services that day. There is a one time training for guides before the event, a set-up night, and the event is all day on a Saturday. 2) Volunteers are always needed to assist us in the Annapolis office, especially during the summer and winter months, when we run the Back to School and Holiday Sharing programs. Good computer and oral communication skills are needed. # of students needed: Minimum age: 18 Minimum # of hours: 10 hours Times when needed: M-F, 8:30am-5:00pm or as defined by the project Orientation: Provided along with training Special requirements: Ability to interact with the public and Confidentiality agreement signed Public transportation: Annapolis transit Comments: 11. Anne Arundel County Food & Resource Bank 120 Marbury Drive Crownsville, MD 21032 Contact: Phone: Fax: Email: Bruce Michalec and Susan Thomas (410) 923-4255 Ext: (410) 923-4256 [email protected] or Website: [email protected] Best time to contact: M-F, 9:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. Mission/Description: To help provide items to our county's less fortunate: food, clothes, furniture, washer/dryer, stove, and all household items. We are a free resource agency for our clients. No service fee is charged. Service-learning opportunities: Contact with clients, pantries and social workers. Opportunities to work with some of our member agencies connected with the homeless. Duties: office work, client information handling, computer work. Learn about federal food shipments, food drives and donors to the food bank. Lunch is free for volunteers. # of students needed: 3 each semester Minimum age: 18 Minimum # of hours: N/A Times when needed: Anytime - varies. Orientation: Ongoing Special requirements: Must be 18 and literate in English. Public transportation No access: Comments: 21 12. Anne Arundel County Volunteer Center 2666 Riva Road Suite 130 Annapolis, MD 21401 Contact: Lisa Spallitta Phone: (410) 897-9207 Ext: Fax: (410) 222-4589 Email: [email protected] Best time to contact: M-F, 8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. Website: Mission/Description: Our mission is to inspire and coordinate volunteers, engage and support nonprofits and build coalitions with businesses, strengthening Anne Arundel County and improving lives in our community. Service-learning opportunities: Many possibilities related to marketing, event planning, graphic arts, and volunteer leadership activities. Help with social networking, establishing a better Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram presence. Help us market to students with creative volunteer projects and fun fundraising events. Volunteer Leader training and leadership opportunities available. # of students needed: Several Minimum age: depends on project/activity Minimum # of hours: 15 preferred per semester and Volunteer Leaders - 20 Hours Times when needed: M-F, flexible or some projects can be worked offsite at own times. Volunteer Leader training and projects may include evenings or weekends Orientation: As needed for the project Special requirements: Dependability and willingness to learn and develop skills. Attention to detail. Public transportation: The Volunteer Center can be reached by City of Annapolis bus. Comments: Volunteer Leaders will be trained to lead service projects spanning a broad range of social issues related to poverty, including education, homelessness, hunger, unemployment, the environment and more. Our goal is to build a calendar of volunteer projects (each project would last 2 to 5 hours) so that agencies will be able to rely on trained Volunteer Leaders. Because of the training and commitment required of Volunteer Leaders, 15 hours per semester is the minimum requirement. 13. The Arc Central Chesapeake Region 931 Spa Road Annapolis, MD 21401 Website: Contact: Phone: Fax: Email: Rena Buckreis (410) 990-1922 Ext: (410) 269-0091 [email protected] Best time to contact: M-F, 10:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m., e-mail contact preferred Mission/Description: We promote community involvement, responsibility, independence, and personal success for people with developmental disabilities. Service-learning opportunities: Computers, culinary, biology, zoology, botany, gardening, reading, sign language, nursing, psychology, social work, automotive. We could really match any interest with the individuals we support. Examples: 1) Helping a person with a developmental disability start and write a business plan 2) Visiting with a person in their home and doing hobbies like reading, knitting, cooking, gardening, puzzles 3) Being a friend 4) Volunteering in an office setting M-F, 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. # of students needed: Minimum age: Minimum # of hours: Times when needed: Orientation: Special requirements: Public transportation: Comments: Unlimited 18 working with adults None M-F 3:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m.; Sat. 3:00 p.m. - 12:00 a.m.; Sun. all day 1 hour PPD test, drug test and criminal background check. This needs to be done 2 weeks before needing to start your hours. Some - call to find out 40 sites available, most in northern Anne Arundel County 22 14. Arlington Echo Outdoor Education Center 975 Indian Landing Road Millersville, MD 21108 Contact: Phone: Jessica Seabright (410) 222-3822 Fax: (410) 222-3826 Website: Email: [email protected] Ext: Best time to contact: 8:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. Mission/Description: Our mission is to provide outdoor experiences for students, teachers and parents in which they develop knowledge, skills and environmental sensitivity. These experiences will enable them to become agents of change in their schools, homes and communities. Service-learning opportunities: Assist Outdoor Education Program with instructional materials and other various tasks. Assist with aquaculture, tree nursery, and facility maintenance. # of students needed: Minimum age: Minimum # of hours: Times when needed: Orientation: Special requirements: Public transportation: Comments: Unlimited M- Th 8 a.m. - 4 p.m.; F 8 a.m. - 1 p.m. Call to schedule No 15. Arthritis Foundation Mid Atlantic Region 9891 Broken Land Parkway, Suite 101 Columbia, MD 21046 Website: Contact: Phone: Fax: Jillian Beam (800) 365-3811 (443) 738-9621 office (410) 312-9270 Email: [email protected] Ext: 4421 Best time to contact: M-F, 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Mission/Description: The Arthritis Foundation’s mission is to improve lives through leadership in the prevention, control and cure of arthritis and related diseases. Service-learning opportunities: Kids Rheum Events, special event planning committees, communications assistant, and development/special event day volunteer (at galas, walks, golf tournament, event health expo, purse auctions.) # of students needed: Event volunteers 20-60; other opportunities up to 10 Minimum age: 16 Minimum # of hours: Any Times when needed: Varies depending on event Orientation: Presentation meeting given by volunteer coordinator or event coordinator Special requirements: Strong writing and computer skills, reliability, attention to detail, organizational skills Public transportation Bus, light rail, MARC access: Comments: Contact if you have questions 23 16. Arundel House of Hope 514 N Crain Highway Glen Burnie, MD 21061 Contact: Phone: Mario Berninzoni (410) 863-4888 Fax: (410) 863-7235 Website: Email: [email protected] Ext: Best time to contact: M-F, 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Mission/Description: Arundel House of Hope provides emergency transitional and permanent housing with support services that include employment and healthcare services for the poor and homeless in Anne Arundel County. Service-learning opportunities: Assist with developing a marketing plan, develop new marketing materials, assist with developing and implementing social networking ideas, assist with filing and other office work, assist with planning special events and fundraising activities, database development and entry, and other computer and networking related duties. # of students needed: 2-3 Minimum age: 18 Minimum # of hours: Varies Times when needed: M-F, 9 a.m.- 5 p.m., some evenings and weekends as well Orientation: TBA Special requirements: Must be able to work with diverse populations Public transportation: Yes, bus line #14 Comments: 17. Arundel Lodge, Inc. 2600 Solomons Island Road Edgewater, MD 21037 Contact: Phone: Cindy Garmoe (443) 433-5906 Fax: (410) 841-6045 Website: Email: [email protected] Ext: Best time to contact: M-F, 8:30 a.m. - 3:30 p.m. Mission/Description: Arundel Lodge, Inc. partners with individuals and families to improve their behavioral health through recovery-oriented services. These services are designed to encourage and support individuals in attaining the greatest level of independence in a community of their choice. Service-learning opportunities: Interact with individuals who have a mental illness, educate and lead groups, provide support to consumers, provide socialization and interaction, and serve as a role model for appropriate behaviors. # of students needed: 2-4 Minimum age: 18 Minimum # of hours: Flexible Times when needed: M-Th, 9:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. Orientation: Flexible Special requirements: Must have background check Public transportation: Annapolis Bus System- 1 mile from facility Comments: 24 18. Assistance League of the Chesapeake, Inc P.O. Box 1776 Millersville, MD 21108 Contact: Phone: Website: Email: Valerie Rees 410-533-8383 Ext: Fax: [email protected] Best time to contact: Late afternoon Mission/Description: To enhance lives through caring, commitment and action. Service-learning opportunities: web design, feasibility study, music notation, social media strategies, and direct mall strategies. # of students needed: Minimum age: Minimum # of hours: Times when needed: Orientation: Special requirements: Public transportation access: Comments: 18 No minimum Virtual work at student’s convenience Not needed 19. Athletes Serving Athletes PO Box 4222 Lutherville, MD 21094 Website: Contact: Phone: Fax: Email: Jen Roussillon 443-799-6346 Ext: [email protected] Best time to contact: Email-anytime, Phone-after 4pm Mission/Description: We empower individuals with disabilities to train and compete in mainstream running and triathlon events. Service-learning opportunities: Volunteers are needed to assist with race registration, general office tasks to running/training with us or being present on race day to help with tent management or spreading the word. # of students needed: Unlimited Minimum age: 18 Minimum # of hours: 1 hour Times when needed: If office work-during workday If training or racing-weekends Orientation: Special requirements: General understanding of our program & must have a passion for working with our disabled athletes. Public transportation : N/A Comments: We are happy to give more information and training to anyone interested in learning more. 25 20. Ballet Theatre of Maryland 801 Chase Street Annapolis, MD 21401 Contact: Phone: Office Manager (410) 224-5644 Fax: (410) 224-5645 Website: Email: [email protected] Ext: Best time to contact: M-F, 10am-5pm Mission/Description: Ballet Theatre of Maryland moves your soul through the transforming power of American dance, releasing passion, individualism and emotion with a language more powerful than words. It fulfills its original mission of providing Maryland with a fully professional ballet company and training academy by: Performing known and original classical and contemporary works of artistic integrity; Creating new eclectic works that express both American and Maryland culture; Educating the community by providing a complete training program as well as other community services that make the ballet more accessible to the underserved; and Preserving the tradition of the classical form, while promoting the continual evolution of dance as an art. Service-learning opportunities: Assist in bulk mailing, publicity mailing, filing, posting online calendar information, updates and assistance with the website, answering phone calls. Possibly helping behind the scenes during performances, per Technical Director's Request. # of students needed: 2 Minimum age: 18 Minimum # of hours: Times when needed: M-F, 9am-5pm Orientation: Special requirements: Public transportation: Yes, West Street in Annapolis Comments: 26 21. Banneker-Douglass Museum 84 Franklin Street Annapolis, MD 21401 Contact: LeRonn Herbert Phone: (410) 216-6187 Ext: Fax: (410) 974-2553 Email: [email protected] Website: Best time to contact: M-F, 9:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. Mission/Description: As the State of Maryland’s official museum of African American heritage, the Banneker-Douglass Museum serves to document, interpret, and promote the history and culture of African American Marylanders through exhibitions, programs, and projects in order to improve the understanding and appreciating of America’s rich cultural diversity for all. Service-learning opportunities: 1) Library/Archives Assistant: Help keep our holdings organized and accessible with such projects as updating the catalog, maintaining the vertical file, or digitizing delicate materials. 2) Docent (tour guide): Provide daily interactive tours to the general public and school groups. Provide interpretation of the Museum’s wealth of exhibits and information (good communication skills, interest in history, comfortable speaking in front of others, and reliable). This position requires more than 10 hours and is ongoing, tours are scheduled TuesdaySaturday 10am-4pm. 3) Program Assistants: Help to preserve and improve access to historical documents and photographs by creating descriptive inventories of selected collections. 4) Administrative Assistants: Provide assistance organizing materials, file, data entry and assist in any duties needed to streamline workflow such as manage the front desk. # of students needed: 15 Minimum age: 16 Minimum # of hours: See above descriptions Times when needed: See above descriptions Orientation: Each one is unique. An orientation for all positions, other than the docents, is provided when the volunteer arrives on site and can be completed in an hour or less. Docent training is ongoing and is set up based on a volunteer’s individual availability. Special requirements: Student must fill out a volunteer application and complete a background check Public transportation: The museum is accessible through the Annapolis Circulator Bus. There is no onsite parking, however city parking garages are nearby as well as 2 hours street parking. 27 22. Bay Community Support Services 3168 Braverton St., Suite 300 Edgewater, MD 21037 Contact: Phone: Brandy Blackstone (301) 863-8870 Ext: 322 (301) 863-8891 Fax: (410) 224-0763 Website: Email: [email protected] Best time to contact: M-F, 8:30 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. Mission/Description: Supporting people with disabilities to attain their fullest possible employment productivity and inclusion into the everyday life of the community, along with assuring their rights, entitlements and choices and educating the community to improve awareness and understanding of people with disabilities. Service-learning opportunities: Help with fundraisers, collecting canisters, assisting with cleaning and detailing our Agency vehicles. Photographers, filmmakers (taking videos) and graphic artists, general house maintenance (yard care, painting & minor repairs.) # of students needed: No limit Minimum age: 18 Minimum # of hours: None Times when needed: Times vary depending on the activity. Orientation: Varies Special requirements: Background checks required when students will be working directly with our clients. Public transportation: Annapolis Transit bus Comments: 23. Bay Ridge Health Care Center Formerly known as Annapolis Nursing and Rehabilitation Center 900 Van Buren Street Annapolis, MD 21403 Website: Contact: Phone: Vileyu Harris (410) 267-8653 Fax: (410) 974-8140 Email: [email protected] Ext: 109 Best time to contact: M-F, 10:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. Mission/Description: Nursing and rehabilitation center, with a combination of long term care and short term rehab. Our residents span the ages from young adult to elderly, living with many different types of disabilities and challenges. Service-learning opportunities: A variety of volunteer opportunities are available, giving students the opportunity to experience the current needs and challenges in health care today. Students may work a combination of one-on-one and as a second person in group leisure activities. Activities can include music and art experiences, yoga, exercise, games, reading, field trips, dance and fine dining nights. Assist with new art program. # of students needed: Minimum age: Minimum # of hours: Times when needed: Orientation: Special requirements: Public transportation: Comments: 6-10 per semester 15 2 hours per visit Every day 10am – 12pm, 2- 4pm Call to set up appointment. Takes about 1 hour. We provide PPD test. Public bus route- Annapolis Transit Some weekends accepted. 28 24. Bello Machre 7765 Freetown Road Glen Burnie, MD 21060 Contact: Phone: Sarah Tentilucci (443) 702-3064 Fax: Email: (410) 255-0055 [email protected] Contact: Phone: Fax: Email: Christy Ramirez (410) 327.9812 Ext: 29 410.327.9816 [email protected] Ext: Website: Best time to contact: M-F, 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Mission/Description: Bello Machre's mission is to provide a meaningful, educational experience for students encouraging leadership, responsibility, and individuality. Through the integration of educational curriculum, volunteer service, and civic mindedness, students can apply learned skills in a professional work environment. Most importantly, our mission is to make a difference in the lives of those we serve. We feel that the interaction between the students and the individuals will not only enhance the lives of the individuals, but the students as well. Service-learning opportunities: Our volunteers open their hearts to develop friendships with the people we serve. Opportunities are available for students to spend time with someone scrapbooking, cooking, watching movies, or playing games; lend their talents for gardening and home repair; or help staff at our administrative office. # of students needed: 6 students Minimum age: Flexible Minimum # of hours: Flexible Times when needed: Day, Evening & Weekend hours Orientation: Orientation and training will be provided Special requirements: Must pass a criminal background check Public transportation : None available Comments: Our background check/orientation process may take several weeks depending on orientation scheduling and how long it takes to get the report back. Therefore, students with specific deadlines will want to keep that in mind when choosing our organization and plan accordingly. 25. Best Buddies Maryland 3500 Boston Street Baltimore, MD 21224 Website: Best time to contact: 9a.m. – 5 p.m. Mission/Description: Best Buddies International is a nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization dedicated to establishing a global volunteer movement that creates opportunities for one-to-one friendships, integrated employment and leadership development for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD). Service-learning opportunities: Service Learning students will have the opportunity to take part in the mission of making a more inclusive society for people with disabilities. For previous Service Learners this has included, but is not limited to, event planning, event facilitation, leadership development trainings and professional development through presentations and recruitment. BBMD Staff will work with students to meet the requirements of both professional goals and class requirements. # of students needed: Minimum age: Minimum # of hours: Times when needed: Orientation: Special requirements: Public transportation Comments: 2-4 18 12 Flexible – We will work with you! Some weekend hours may be required 1-2 hours, will count towards hours Yes If you have any questions regarding this opportunity, please contact Christy Ramirez at 410-3279812 x.29 or by email: [email protected] 29 26. Birthright of Annapolis 269 A Peninsula Farm Road, Bldg. 1 Arnold, MD 21012 Contact: Phone: Fax: Sharon Neptune (410) 384-7700 Ext: Email: [email protected] Best time to contact: T-Th, 9:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. Mission/Description: Our mission is to encourage, support, provide tangible assistance and referrals within the community to help the woman and her baby. Provide emotional and practical support to any woman in an unexpected pregnancy as an alternative to abortion. Service-learning opportunities: Observe human behavior and social behavior consequences, observe management of crisis situations and utilizing community resources. Chart client visits and record keeping, office work, classify and distribute materials assistance, such as baby and maternity items. Spanish interpreter would be helpful. # of students needed: Minimum age: 17 Minimum # of hours: Times when needed: Annapolis M-Th 9:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m., Fri 10:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.. Orientation: Special requirements: As a faith-based organization, our philosophy is to support a woman in pregnancy and carry the baby to term. We do not refer for abortion. *Pro-life is a label, but we do intend to counsel a woman to sustain her pregnancy and will discuss various options within these boundaries. Adoption and parenthood are the two options we offer. Public transportation: Comments: Website: 27. Blue Water Baltimore 3545 Belair Road Baltimore, MD 21213 Website: Contact: Phone: Fax: Volunteer Coordinator (410) 254-1577 Ext: Email: [email protected] 100 Best time to contact: M-F, 9:00 a.m.- 5:00 p.m. Mission/Description: Blue Water Baltimore’s mission is to restore the quality of Baltimore’s rivers, streams and harbor to foster a healthy environment, a strong economy, and thriving communities. Service-learning opportunities: Community greening and cleaning (tree planting, nursery maintenance, stream cleanups, etc.); environmental outreach and education; PR and marketing # of students needed: Minimum age: 18 Minimum # of hours: 6 hours/month or 15 hours/semester Times when needed: Saturday mornings; Tuesdays anytime between 9 a.m.-5 p.m.; other weekday opportunities and working from home are also available. Orientation: As needed, at beginning of service Special requirements: Own transportation helpful, email access is a must Public transportation MTA bus route 15, 22 drop off on Belair Road by office, but projects may be located across access: Baltimore City and County Comments: Most of our events are on weekends. Check our calendar for outstanding volunteer events to help clean up our neighborhoods and waterways. 30 28. Books for International Goodwill 2000 B Capital Drive Annapolis, MD 21401 Contact: Phone: Fax: Email: Steve Frantzich (410) 293-6865 Ext: (410) 293-6876 [email protected] Website: Best time to contact: Mission/Description: Keep books alive; Providing gently used books to underserved populations in the US and abroad. nd th Service-learning opportunities: Book sorting and packing 2 and 4 Saturday mornings of each month 8am-12pm # of students needed: Up to 8 at a time Minimum age: 16 Minimum # of hours: 2 nd th Times when needed: 2 and 4 Saturday morning 8am-12pm Orientation: On arrival Special requirements: We prefer repeat volunteers to reduce the training time necessary Public transportation Yes access: Comments: 29. Boys and Girls Club (Salvation Army) 511 S. Crain Highway Glen Burnie, MD 21061 Website: Contact: Phone: Lisa Lima (410) 749-0849 Fax: Email: (410) 766-9089 [email protected] Ext: Best time to contact: M-F, 10:00 a.m. - 7:00 p.m. Mission/Description: To provide a safe haven for children after school where children are able to get involved in organized structured activities. Service-learning opportunities: Physical education, math tutors, homework help, coaching, computers, dance program. # of students needed: Minimum age: Minimum # of hours: Times when needed: Orientation: Special requirements: Public transportation: Comments: 10-15 per semester 18 None M-F, 3:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m. Phone interview MTA bus stop in front of building 31 30. Boys and Girls Clubs of Annapolis & Anne Arundel County 121 South Villa Avenue Annapolis, MD 21401 Contact: Phone: Patrice Johnson (410) 263-2542 Ext: Fax: (410) 263-5410 Email: [email protected] Website: Best time to contact: M-F, 9:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. Mission/Description: Our mission is to inspire and enable all young people, especially those who need us the most, to realize their full potential as productive, responsible and caring citizens. Service-learning opportunities: Many different programs are conducted each day at the Boys & Girls Clubs of Annapolis & Anne Arundel County. While specific experience is not necessary, we encourage college students to get involved in volunteering and can match your particular field of study to a respective program. # of students needed: Minimum age: Minimum # of hours: Times when needed: Orientation: Special requirements: Public transportation: Comments: 25 18 25 M-F, 2-7pm Ongoing training Yes 31. Brightview Severna Park 469 Jumpers Hole Road Severna Park, MD 21146 Contact: Hillary Gibbons Phone: (410) 544-1605 Ext: 206 Fax: (410) 544-1606 Email: [email protected] Best time to contact: 9:30a.m. - 5:00p.m. Website: Mission/Description: Brightview is a senior-focused part of The Shelter Group, a privately-held company that has been in business for more than 30 years. Brightview is committed to creating vibrant senior living communities by providing excellent service to all of our customers. Our goal is to create environments that are a great place to live and a great place to work. Service-learning opportunities: Students who care about the senior community can share their talents and gifts with residents. This would enhance not only our residents’ lives, but also the students and give them a much better understanding and appreciation for this time in life and those who even at young ages have been afflicted with memory challenges. Assist or lead activities, programs, etc. Create a lesson, activity, or presentation (even if for 1 time) that our residents could experience. There would be some interest for, but not limited to: music-appreciation, History talks-interactive, sewing, ceramics, glass, painting, computer / iPad learning… and almost anything. # of students needed: 2-3 a day, depending on the day Minimum age: 18 years old Minimum # of hours: This depends on the program and student’s availability. We are flexible. Times when needed: Varies but normally 10am- 8pm depending on program. Flexible. Orientation: We have a formal orientation monthly. Special requirements: They need to be able to speak and read English. Public transportation: We are approx. 2 ½ blocks off Benfield Road. There are public buses that stop on Benfield. Comments: We would love to have students who could assist our team in activities, programs, etc. but would also want to give them the opportunity to create something even if for 1 time that our residents would gain from. Something that the student is proficient in and happy to share with the residents. We strive to empower our residents. We are open to ideas. 32 32. The Captain Avery Museum (Shady Side Rural Heritage Society) Post Office Box 89 1418 East-West Shady Side Road Shady Side, MD 20764 Contact: Phone: Fax: Email: Pat Youngmann (410) 867-4486 Ext: [email protected] Best time to contact: Anytime, leave message Website: Mission/Description: Historic house museum and local history archives - home of 19th century waterman Capt. Salem Avery. Service-learning opportunities: Special event volunteer, video editor, archival assistants, oral historians, children's activity assistant, researcher, journalist/writer, docent, buildings and grounds assistant # of students needed: Minimum age: Minimum # of hours: Times when needed: Orientation: Special requirements: Public transportation: Comments: 20 16 6 Varies- depending on project Flexible- depending on project No 33. Centro de Ayuda (Center of Help) 1906 Forest Drive, Ste. 2B Annapolis, MD 21401 Contact: Karen Cline Phone: (410) 295-3434 Ext: Fax: (410) 295-3435 Email: [email protected] Website: Best time to contact: M-F, daytime Mission/Description: A non-profit organization assisting Hispanic/Latinos and other immigrants with our referral/assistance services and our three educational programs: ESOL classes, Homework Help and Leadership Program and a Citizenship and Immigration class. Our mission is to promote self-sufficiency and the successful integration of the immigrant community in Annapolis and Anne Arundel County. Service-learning opportunities: Assist with after-school tutoring program (K-8th grades), coordinate food/clothing drive, office work, bilingual receptionist, literacy program tutors to help with homework and creative writing. Assist on website updating and inclusion of photos and testimonials (html knowledge needed), marketing and PR. Assisting as ESOL teachers. # of students needed: 5-10 Minimum age: 15 Minimum # of hours: 1 Times when needed: M-F, 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. and Saturday from 10:00 am to 12:00 p.m. (Homework Help and Leadership Program) Orientation: On an individual basis Special requirements: No criminal history, patience and a warm smile! Public transportation: Annapolis Transit bus Comments: Bilingual staff available 33 34. Changing Focus 1657 Crofton Parkway (Fellowship Hall) Crofton, MD 21114 Website: Contact: Phone: Fax: Email: Rita Fullem (410) 721-0992 Ext: [email protected] Best time to contact: M-F, 8:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. Mission/Description: Professionally led educational support groups for adults experiencing marital separation/divorce, the death of a spouse and for those individuals who want to improve relationship skills. Service-learning opportunities: Assist clinical social workers with interactive group sessions, office assistance, marketing assistance, computer students help develop and convert lists into computer-based software, adopt a special event and help advertise and publicize it, help with library, sign language interpreter for evening support group in Crofton. # of students needed: Minimum age: Minimum # of hours: Times when needed: Orientation: Special requirements: Public transportation: Comments: Up to 10 18 10 Daily, some evenings Flexible Willingness to learn, take initiative, self-motivated, professional appearance, confidentiality No 35. Chase Home, Inc. 22 Maryland Avenue Annapolis, MD 21401 Contact: Carol Kelly Phone: (443) 994-1830 Ext: Fax: Email: [email protected] Website: Best time to contact: daytime, early evening Mission/Description: Carry on the legacy of Hester Ann Chase Ridout to provide a haven where women “may find a retreat from the vicissitudes of life.” Preserve Chase-Lloyd House. Service-learning opportunities: Social media development, IT, historical research, historic preservation, museum studies, social studies, horticulture, environmental and sustainable program development. # of students needed: 1 Minimum age: 17 Minimum # of hours: 4 Times when needed: Weekdays Orientation: By house manager Special requirements: Public transportation: Chase Home is 4 blocks from public transit. Comments: We look forward to partnering with students. 34 36. Chesapeake Bay Foundation 6 Herndon Avenue Annapolis, MD 21403 Website: Contact: Phone: David Tana (410) 268-8816 Fax: Email: (410) 268-6687 [email protected] Ext: 2156 Best time to contact: M-Th, 9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. Mission/Description: Our motto "Save the Bay", defines the organization's mission and commitment. We are a private 501(c)3 not-for-profit organization. For more information, go to or look for Chesapeake Bay Foundation on Facebook. Service-learning opportunities: Hands-on restoration projects such as oyster restoration, tree plantings, public outreach through fairs and festivals, grassroots outreach and office projects. # of students needed: Varies Minimum age: 16 Minimum # of hours: None Times when needed: Weekdays, weekends Orientation: Flexible Special requirements: Public transportation: No Comments: Check our calendar of events online at for information on upcoming restoration projects. Students may participate in any listed event. 37. Chesapeake Center for Youth Development Chesapeake Alternative School 301 East Patapsco Avenue Baltimore, MD 21225 Contact: Phone: Meleny Thomas (443) 226-4192 Fax: (410) 354-8160 Email: [email protected] Ext: Website: Best time to contact: M-F, 9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. Mission/Description: At CCYD, our mission is to help young people in Baltimore overcome barriers to live productive lives by providing comprehensive services. Service-learning opportunities: CCYD’s Rediscovering Me Clubhouse in Brooklyn Park needs volunteers for various program areas which include: grant writing, tutoring/mentoring, health education, drama/arts production, program recruitment, social media experts, web developers and e-mail marketing experts. # of students needed: Minimum age: Minimum # of hours: Times when needed: Orientation: Special requirements: Public transportation: Comments: 3 18 M - F, 9:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m. (hours needed for Clubhouse program 3-7 pm,) Program orientation plus special training as necessary Facility located near the Maryland Transit Authority No. 16 and No. 64 bus routes. Also, light rail is accessible from these lines. 35 38. Chesapeake Center, Inc. 713 Dover Road PO Box 1906 Easton, MD 21601 Contact: Phone: Donna Harrison (410) 822-4122 Fax: Email: (410) 822-4184 [email protected] Ext: 13 Best time to contact: M-F, 8:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. Website: Mission/Description: Community service provided to adults with disabilities Service-learning opportunities: Residential program, non work day program, vocational training, supported employment # of students needed: Minimum age: Minimum # of hours: Times when needed: Orientation: Special requirements: Public transportation: Comments: 2-4 per semester 21 Evenings, weekends, M-F daytimes TBA Clear TB test No 39. Chesapeake Children's Museum 25 Silopanna Road Annapolis, MD 21403 Website: Contact: Phone: Debbie Wood (410) 990-1993 Fax: Email: (410) 990-1007 [email protected] Ext: Best time to contact: M-F, 10:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. Mission/Description: To create an environment of discovery about oneself, the peoples, the technology and the ecology of the Chesapeake Bay area for all our children and for the child in us all. Service-learning opportunities: Landscaping, teaching, accounting, wall painting, architectural design, special event planning and facilitating, animal care, mentor middle schoolers and conduct water tests. # of students needed: Minimum age: Minimum # of hours: Times when needed: Orientation: Special requirements: Public transportation: Comments: No limit 14 Can do after-hours work as well Individual Child friendly Annapolis Transit to Spa Road transfer, then walking across the footbridge to the museum 36 40. Chesterwye Center, Inc. PO Box 96 Chesterwye Lane Grasonville, MD 21638 Contact: Phone: Fax: Email: Website: Janet Akers or Ivy Bruce (410) 827-7048 Ext: (410) 827-6457 [email protected] & [email protected] Best time to contact: M-F, 9:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. Mission/Description: To provide rehabilitation, service system for adults with developmental disabilities in order to promote independence and an integrated life, through interaction and association with other individuals and groups in the local community. Assisting with computer typing, reading group and sign language. Service-learning opportunities: Working with adults with disabilities in a work setting and possible residential setting. # of students needed: Minimum age: Minimum # of hours: Times when needed: Orientation: Special requirements: Public transportation: Comments: 2 18 12 M-F, 10 a.m. - noon, 1 p.m. - 3 p.m. No 41. Chrysalis House, Inc. 1570 Crownsville Road Crownsville, MD 21032 Contact: Phone: Fax: Email: Christopher J. McCabe (410) 974-6829 Ext: 5123 (410) 974-6350 [email protected] Website: (preferred method) Best time to contact: M-F, 8:30 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. Mission/Description: The mission of Chrysalis House, Inc. is to transform the lives of women and children by providing comprehensive recovery programs and services that support the development of their inherent strengths, talents and potentials. Service-learning opportunities: Childcare: Interact with, educate, and provide recreational activities to children in residence, ages infancy to 10 years. Some activities include reading books, one-on-one activities, playing games, etc. Other opportunities: Office help, bookkeeping, library, tutoring and marketing # of students needed: 8-10 per semester Minimum age: 18 Minimum # of hours: Times when needed: M-F, 8:30am - 4:00pm Orientation: Special requirements: Must sign statement of confidentiality due to sensitivity of program. Preferable to have compassion for recovering addicts. Public transportation: No Comments: 37 42. Crofton Care and Rehabilitation Center 2131 Davidsonville Road Crofton, MD 21114 Website: Contact: Phone: Fax: Email: Mary Wheat (410) 721-1000 Ext: (410) 721-2749 [email protected] 4276 Best time to contact: M-F, 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Mission/Description: To assist our elderly residents to achieve their maximum potential and maintain quality of life and independence for as long as possible. To that end, we endeavor to offer a variety of programs tailored to their many changing needs. Service-learning opportunities: Service-Learning volunteers will be asked to assist in conducting programs as well as performing tasks such as transporting residents to and from activities, helping to decorate the facility, visiting one-on-one with residents as often as possible and medical record charting. # of students needed: Unlimited Minimum age: 18 Minimum # of hours: No minimum # of hours Times when needed: Everyday, 9:00 a.m. - 7:30 p.m. Orientation: Orientation is given in small groups or one-on-one basis as needed Special requirements: All applicants will be required to have a PPD test or to show proof of having had one within the calendar year. CCRC will provide test if necessary. Background check. Public transportation: No Comments: *We have wonderful volunteer opportunities. Our residents benefit from the diverse group of volunteers we provide at Crofton. We have opportunities available Mon.-Sun. 9am-7:30pm. 43. EcoAdventures 216 Najoles Road, Suite 600 Millersville, MD 21180 Website: Contact: Phone: Mei Len Sanchez-Barr 410-987-1300 Ext: Fax: Email: [email protected] Best time to contact: 9 a.m. – 5 p.m. Mission/Description: Hands-on education, enrichment and conversation center. Focus on conservation education inquiry based learning. Service-learning opportunities: Nature and animal programs Assisting with: Birthday parties/special events/scout programs/field trips/camps/parents and me classes/afterschool programs/homeschool/outreach # of students needed: unlimited Minimum age: Minimum # of hours: Times when needed: Orientation: Special requirements: 17 20 Weekends, afterschool 4-6pm, M-F during week as needed On job training/20+ hours training day Varies depending on needs of students with disabilities participating through the transition program on campus. Students can participate right on campus Would prefer 20+ hours due to the intense ”animal safety” training in order to work with animals directly Public transportation: Comments: 38 44. Fidos For Freedom, Inc. 1200 Sandy Springs Road Laurel, MD 20707 Contact: Phone: Website: Fax: Email: L. Denise Portis 240-668-4023 email preferred Ext: [email protected] Best time to contact: 24/7 via email Mission/Description: Fidos For Freedom, Inc. is run by a dedicated group of volunteers who strive to increase the quality of life for people living in the Baltimore-Washington metropolitan community through the use of hearing dogs, service dogs and therapy dogs. The non-profit, 501(c)(3) organization is based in Laurel, Maryland. Our Vision: It is the vision of this organization to increase the quality of life and provide companionship to the residents of our local community through specially trained service dogs, hearing dogs and therapy dogs. Our Mission: • To provide trained Service Dogs or Hearing Dogs to people who are physically challenged, deaf or hard-of-hearing, including on-going support services and training. • To provide quality trained assistance dogs and continued client support and training for the duration of the working team for people with mobility and hearing impairment. • To provide emotional and physical benefits through the use of well-trained therapy dogs and volunteers for patients residing in health care facilities. • To educate, enlighten and enrich the lives of individuals in the use of quality trained dogs in disability awareness presentations and demonstrations in schools, churches, organizations and businesses within the community. • To provide a junior volunteer program, enabling hands on experience with the training of dogs and working with physically challenged individuals while earning community service hours. • To provide a reading literacy program that improves the reading skills of elementary school students by encouraging them to read one-on-one with a Fidos Therapy Dog in a relaxed learning environment. Service-learning opportunities: During client training hours on Wednesday 7:30-8:30 PM and on Saturday from 11-12:30: Need for ASL interpreters for the Deaf and HoH. Interpreters can be “in training” and do not need to be certified. Also have a need for a “mini” ASL class if a student interpreter was available to teach. Assistants for the Director of Client Services, Cara Gregg. Potential service learning hours: Wednesday at the training facility from 6:30-8:30 PM and/or on Saturday from 11 AM-12:30 PM. (Other hours may be available if scheduled with the director). If AACC students complete the “dogless handler class”, weekly assistance for therapy dog teams during training hours on Wed. and Sat. are needed for therapy dog teams who have more than one caped therapy dog. Other student volunteers may be needed in the puppy classes on Wednesday nights. Assistants for various annual events including the International Assistance Dog Awareness Week in August, the annual Stroll ‘n Roll event on October/November, Certification day in May, and Tux and Tails Banquet in May. Other annual events are also scheduled and can be coordinated with Fidos For Freedom as events come up. # of students needed: Minimum age: Minimum # of hours: Times when needed: Orientation: Special requirements: Public transportation access: Comments: 1-6 18 years old Flexible See service learning opportunity notes above Contact L. Denise Portis (partner coordinator) for a time to meet at the facility to go over ways to serve within the organization. Reliable transportation Unknown. Address is 1200 Sandy Spring Road, Laurel, MD 20707 39 45. Food Link, Inc. 2666 Riva Road 3rd Floor, MS 8302 Annapolis, MD 21401 Contact: Phone: Fax: Email: Paula Gordon or Cathy Bird (410) 897-3941 Ext: (410) 222-7855 [email protected] [email protected] Website: Best time to contact: T-F, 9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. Mission/Description: Food Link, Inc. is a grassroots community based organization striving to make a difference in the lives of our struggling neighbors in Anne Arundel, Queen Anne's, Dorchester, Kent and Talbot counties. Service-learning opportunities: Work in office, emergency baby pantry, food pantry, and on events and fundraiser. # of students needed: Varies according to time of year Minimum age: We work with students. Minimum # of hours: None Times when needed: M-F, 9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. Orientation: Special requirements: Able to do a little physical labor. Computer at times. Public transportation: Bus comes right to office. Stops on Riva Road. Comments: 46. Free State-Justice (formerly Equality Maryland) 231 E. Baltimore Street, Suite 1100 Baltimore, MD 21202 Website: Contact: Phone: Fax: Email: Volunteer Coordinator (410) 625-5428 Ext: (410) 625-7423 Best time to contact: M-F, 10:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. Mission/Description: The state’s leading LGBT Civil Rights organization Service-learning opportunities: Data entry, political research, event planning, fundraising, etc. # of students needed: Up to 3 Minimum age: 18 Minimum # of hours: 15 Times when needed: Between 10 a.m. and 5 p.m. Orientation: Yes Special requirements: No Public transportation: Light rail and city bus Comments: 40 47. Friends of Anne Arundel County Trails P.O. Box 464 Severna Park, MD 21146 Contact: Phone: Diane Evans (410) 757-4635 Ext: Fax: (410) 757-4635 Email: [email protected] Website: Best time to contact: daytime Mission/Description: The Friends’ mission is to protect, enhance, and promote our county’s trails. Service-learning opportunities: At Jonas Green Park in Annapolis: general gardening and maintenance; care of the gardens, wetlands, erosion control, native plants, and care of the local park. # of students needed: Minimum age: Minimum # of hours: Times when needed: Orientation: Special requirements: Public transportation: Comments: 1-10 students 18 3 hours Opportunities available year-round, 7 days a week Included at the beginning of each project Sturdy shoes or boots, gloves, hat, work clothes suitable for gardening, sunscreen, water, and snacks if wanted The supervisor will be in attendance for all work sessions, working alongside volunteers. Opportunities exist during the week and on weekends, my personal schedule permitting. 48. Girl Scouts of Central Maryland 4806 Seton Drive Baltimore, MD 21215 Contact: Phone: Kimberly Lohrfink, Ph. D. (410) 358-9711 Ext: 288 Fax: (410) 358-9918 Email: [email protected] Website: Best time to contact: M-F, 8:30 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. Mission/Description: Girl Scouting builds girls of courage, confidence and character who make the world a better place. Girl Scouts is the world’s preeminent organization dedicated solely to girls. Girls develop qualities that will serve them all their lives, like leadership, strong values, social consciousness and conviction about their own potential and self-worth. Service-learning opportunities: Assist at Girl Scout events and/or with our Program Pathways, which on topics based on volunteer’s interests (training for Programs is provided). Assist at recruitment events. Office and database help needed at Baltimore office, translators needed for various in-school programs. Internships are available. Projects available in Anne Arundel County # of students needed: Minimum age: Minimum # of hours: Times when needed: Orientation: Special requirements: Public transportation: Comments: Up to 100 18 1 hour M-F, 8:30am-5:00pm, M-F, 8:30am-5:00pm for office help, other events vary. Offered as needed Volunteers must pass a background check (for anything other than strict data entry) and be registered with GSCM. Many other positions are available as well. The Girl Scouts office is bus accessible and less than a mile from the Baltimore Light Rail. However, the troops meet in various locations and the public transportation access will vary with the location. We are in need of all skill and interest areas, business, accounting, IT, event planning, forestry, early education, language translators, and much more! 41 49. Glenview Gardens Learning Center 7987 Nolpark Court Glen Burnie, MD 21061 Contact: Jerlisa Johnson Phone: (443) 688-6971 Ext: Fax: (410) 969-5991 Email: [email protected] Website: Best time to contact: M-F, 9:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m. Mission/Description: To enhance the lives of residents living in Edgewood Communities by providing structured services, activities and programs. In support of our mission, ESC has established the following goals: Assist residents in the development and pursuit of their special interests Conduct community-based activities that enrich the quality of life of all participants Encourage participants in wholesome activities Inform residents of worthwhile services available to them Promote community empowerment while engaging in activities that stimulate self-industry and creative development Service-learning opportunities: Children’s programming: One-on-one tutoring assistance, program development, program implementation, and non-profit management. Tutors for the following subjects for elementary, middle and high school students: Math, English, Social Studies, ESL and Computer Technology. Adult programming: Assist with adult programming: CPR; health and wellness; job readiness; financial literacy; literacy; ESOL; GED preparation; Computer instruction including lessons on computer operations and email and internet navigation. # of students needed: 5 Minimum age: At least 18 years of age Minimum # of hours: Times when needed: M-F, 3:30-6:30pm Orientation: Available M-F, 11am-6:30pm Special requirements: Background check will be done on everyone Public transportation: Near the bus #14 route Comments: 50. Habitat for Humanity ReStore 8101 Fort Smallwood Road Pasadena, MD 21226 Contact: Volunteer Coordinator Phone: (443) 240-8105 Ext: Fax: (410) 366-1310 Email: [email protected] Website: Best time to contact: Mon-Fri., 9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. Mission/Description: The ReStore accomplishes its mission by accepting donated building materials, appliances, furniture, cabinets, and more and reselling them to the general public. 100% of the profits from the ReStore support Habitat for Humanity of the Chesapeake. Service-learning opportunities: 1) Store Assistant: Greet & assist customers, Clean & prep donations, Receive drop-off donations & Help the ReStore staff with projects as needed (partial or full day shifts are available during store hours) 2) Donation Pickup Assistant: Assist the ReStore Donation Coordinator in picking up donated items, ability to lift up to 50 lbs. (squat, bend, and climb in/out of box-truck), help the ReStore staff with projects as needed (full day shifts available Tuesday through Friday during store hours.) # of students needed: varies Minimum age: 16 Minimum # of hours: 4 hour shift Times when needed: Mon-Sat., 9 a.m. – 6 p.m. Orientation: Orientation upon arrival Special requirements: Sign up to volunteer by emailing [email protected] or call 443-240-8105. Public transportation: Yes Comments: Visit for more information including more ReStore locations. 42 51. Happy Helpers for the Homeless 1550 Caton Center Drive Halethorpe, MD 21227 Contact: Bobbi Coffman Phone: (443) 433-2416 Ext: Fax: (410) 25-1697 Email: [email protected] Website: Best time to contact: Mon-Fri., 9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. Mission/Description: Serving the needy of Glen Burnie and Baltimore City for over 20 years. Service-learning opportunities: Happy Helpers meets on the following days (aside from special occasions): Saturdays: 11:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.: We gather at a 7-11 at 11AM, to gather some supplies in a corner of the 7-11 fridge that was donated to us. From there we go to our headquarters where we make and bag sandwiches. After this, we then head to Harundale Presbyterian Church (1020 Eastway, Glen Burnie, MD 21060) where we give out some of our sandwiches and some other goodies to Glen Burnie’s needy. We are typically finished by 2PM. Sundays: 1:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m.: We meet at the same 7-11 at 1PM, where we carpool up to Our Daily Bread Employment Center. We setup their dining room, organize our goods and clothing, and then hand out all that we can to Baltimore’s needy. Then we clean up and have announcements. We are typically finished by 3:30PM. # of students needed: Minimum age: Minimum # of hours: Times when needed: Orientation: Special requirements: Public transportation: Comments: varies 6 3 hours per shift Saturdays 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. and Sundays 1 – 4 p.m. Orientation upon arrival Sign up to volunteer; dress for weather No We warmly welcome students at “Happy Helpers” and believe that they will find their service deeply meaningful. 52. Head Start (AACO Community Action Agency) 9 Monticello Avenue Annapolis, MD 21401 Contact: Phone: Elizabeth George (410) 626-1900 Ext: 1009 Fax: (410) 626-1928 Email: [email protected] Website: Best time to contact: M-F, 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. Mission/Description: Dedicated and committed to increasing the access to resources and improving the quality of low-income families and individuals, who are residents of Anne Arundel County Service-learning opportunities: Assist the teachers in the classroom with individual and small group activities, read books and play educational games. Students will learn various ways children learn through play and how they interact with each other at different age levels. They will also learn different techniques and strategies teachers implement in the classroom to help the children learn to their fullest potential. Students to help with bilingual children (Spanish speaking). # of students needed: 30 or more per semester Minimum age: 18 Minimum # of hours: 3 hours Times when needed: M-F, 7:45 a.m. - 3:45 p.m. Orientation: Orientation upon arrival at the center Special requirements: Healthy- free of communicable diseases, have an interest in working with children. Sensitive to conditions and needs of children. Public transportation: Yes - in the Annapolis area Comments: Various volunteer sites located around county 43 53. Heartlands Assisted Living 715 Benfield Road Severna Park, MD 21146 Website: Contact: Linda Seegmuller Phone: (410) 729-1600 Ext: Fax: (410) 729-2313 Email: [email protected] Best time to contact: M-F, 9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.; Sat and Su, leave voice mail Mission/Description: Assisted living and dementia unit Service-learning opportunities: One-on-one activities, group activities (discussion groups, games, arts and crafts, current events, bingo, crossword puzzles, etc., group sports such as bowling or flyswatter volleyball, host parties), assist with outings. Also assist in Alzheimer’s unit. Nursing students are welcome in the dementia unit. Men’s group, art instruction, speaking/lectures: current events, history, animals/nature discussions, WWll, Computer/Business Changes. Music students are welcome to perform or instruct music groups, lessons, etc. Language students can teach basic words, and share customs of various countries. # of students needed: Unlimited Minimum age: Minimum # of hours: Times when needed: Daily, 9:00 a.m. - 8:00 p.m.- Hours also available on weekends and evenings Orientation: Activity Director will conduct an orientation and tour of facility before beginning resident contact. All hours will be scheduled. Special requirements: Nice dress or casual dress- No jeans, piercings or large tattoos Public transportation: No Comments: Students are encouraged to share their likes and interest with residents. Students are encouraged to be flexible; residents may have some hearing and sight physical limitations, which will require speaking clearly, slowly and maybe with a little more volume than normal. 54. Heritage Harbour Health and Rehabilitation Center 2700 South Haven Road Annapolis, MD 21401 Website: Contact: Phone: Muge Pars (410) 897-1565 Fax: Email: (410) 897-1301 [email protected] Ext: Best time to contact: 8:30 a.m. - 5:30 p.m. Mission/Description: 51-bed rehabilitation and 96-bed long-term care unit for a total 147-bed facility. A friendly and caring environment dedicated and committed to working with older adults and those recovering from surgery or a serious illness. Service-learning opportunities: Working with the Activities Assistant- one-on-one and group leading opportunities- arts, crafts, music, reading, conversation and resident and family interaction. Social Services Support- family/resident conferences. Rehab transporter. # of students needed: Unlimited Minimum age: 18 Minimum # of hours: 2 per week- hopefully 5 per week Times when needed: Daily, 10:00 a.m. - 8:00 p.m. Orientation: One day facility orientation Special requirements: PPD (TB test)- facility will provide Public transportation access: Comments: 44 55. Historic Annapolis Foundation 18 Pinkney Street Annapolis, MD 21401 Contact: Janet Hall Phone: (410) 990-4514 Ext: Fax: (410) 626-1030 Email: [email protected] Website: Best time to contact: M-F, 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Mission/Description: Historic Annapolis, a non-profit organization, works to protect and promote Annapolis as a viable, living city that celebrates its heritage. We focus on preserving the distinctive character of our capital city through educational programs, museum exhibits, original research, public advocacy, and preservation. Historic Annapolis provides students with experience in the non-profit sector and presents an opportunity to interact with the public in an enriching community setting. Many of our programs are history oriented, but are varied in style, subject, audience and time requirements. We offer ongoing, weekly volunteer opportunities as well as single day events that need many, many volunteers. Service-learning opportunities: Guides and greeters in Historic Annapolis Museum (Available year round) Docents at William Paca House (Available March – December) Afterschool programs, Saturday family programs (Available year round) Marketing, retail, advertising, public relations, office, horticulture, hospitality, data entry, research (Available year round) Special event programs (Available year round) Shift times are between 3 – 5 hours, several separate, on-site service dates are required # of students needed: 1-4 per semester Minimum age: 16 Minimum # of hours: 10-20 based on volunteer position. Times when needed: M-Su, 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. Orientation: On-going training is provided by each department. Special requirements: Varies by volunteer position Public transportation: All sites are within walking distance of Annapolis Transit bus stops in historic downtown area. Comments: Historic properties: William Paca House and Gardens, Shiplap House, The Hogshead, The Historic Annapolis Museum at 99 Main Street, HAF Museum Store 56. Historic London Town and Gardens 839 Londontown Road Edgewater, MD 21037 Contact: Rachel Rabinowitz Phone: (410) 222-1919 Ext: 200 Fax: (410) 222-1918 Email: [email protected] Website: Best time to contact: via email Mission/Description: Revealing a "lost" colonial town and sharing a garden sanctuary at the crossroads of the Chesapeake Bay. Service-learning opportunities: Horticulture/Gardens: Volunteers work on site in our Woodlands, Ornamental and/or Kitchen Gardens. Museum Shop/Administrative Support: Volunteers provide assistance with museum shop, greeting visitors and light administrative duties during public hours. Historic Guide: Volunteers learn how to work with the public by giving tours of our historic area and the national historic landmark William Brown house # of students needed: 2 each term Minimum age: 16 Minimum # of hours: 20 Times when needed: Wednesday through Sunday. Gardening/ Horticulture may be on Mondays or Tuesdays depending on the task. Orientation: Wednesday through Saturday Special requirements: Public transportation: No Comments: 45 57. H.O.P.E. (For All) P.O. Box 1548 Glen Burnie, MD 21060 Contact: Phone: Jeanne Huber (410) 766-0372 Ext: Fax: Email: [email protected] Website: Best time to contact: T-Th, 9:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. Mission/Description: H.O.P.E. For All exists as a Christian-based nonprofit to assist families in Anne Arundel Co., Baltimore City and West Virginia’s Appalachian area to provide basic necessities of life: household, linens, towels, furniture, clothing and school supplies. Service-learning opportunities: Assisiting H.O.P.E. staff in developing and implementing video presentations, grant research and writing, interviewing new families referred by social services groups and partnering churches. Assistance in developing and carrying out a service project. # of students needed: Minimum age: Minimum # of hours: Times when needed: Orientation: Special requirements: Public transportation: Comments: 1-3 18 Variable and Flexible T-Th, 9:00 a.m. - 3 p.m. Other days and times negotiable. Orientation will take place whenever students come on board. Complete Waiver of Liability Form from our website Accessible by light rail or bus We are very flexible with hours based on the project you will be working on. Please feel free to discuss your project with us and we can set the dates and time at that meeting. 58. Hospice of the Chesapeake 90 Ritchie Highway Pasadena, MD 21122 Contact: Diane Sancilio Phone: (443) 837-1549 Ext: Fax: Email: [email protected] Website: Best time to contact: 9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. Mission/Description: Hospice of the Chesapeake's mission is to improve the quality of life for those in our communities experiencing advanced illness or bereavement through hospice and other palliative care, compassionate support and education. Service-learning opportunities: Retail Store-Assist with processing donations, stocking shelves, merchandise displays, and other tasks as needed to help maintain store. (minimum of 20 hours for the semester) Volunteer Coordinator Interns-Help coordinate volunteers with patient requests (minimum of 100 hours for the semester) including honor salutes, pet therapy and other healing arts. Administrative Interns-Assist with compliance of records, entry of progress notes and interested person calls, etc. (minimum of 100 hours for the semester) Marketing –Utilization of social media and other venues to recruit volunteers in the community # of students needed: 1-5 Minimum age: 16 Minimum # of hours: flexible Times when needed: Retail store hours are flexible including evenings and Saturdays. Other Intern positions are Monday through Friday between 8:30am and 5:00pm. Orientation: Yes as arranged by the Volunteer Department Special requirements: Complete volunteer application Public transportation: Yes Comments: 46 59. Housing Authority of the City of Annapolis 1217 Madison Street Annapolis, MD 21403 Contact: Phone: Fax: Leron Fisher (410) 267-8000 (443) 482-3059 (410) 267-8290 Ext: Website: Email: [email protected] Best time to contact: Afternoons Mission/Description: To provide subsidized rental housing to low-income residents of Annapolis Service-learning opportunities: Tutoring children, aged 7- 13, who participate in the Housing Authority's After-School Homework Club. Prefer tutors who could work at least one day, preferably two, per week, for math and reading. # of students needed: Minimum age: Minimum # of hours: Times when needed: Orientation: Special requirements: Public transportation: Comments: 20 We would prefer a commitment of 35 hours or more M-F, 3:30 p.m. - 5 p.m. Orientation will take place whenever students come on board Security check for anyone working with children Yes. Annapolis City Transit 60. Howard County Recreation and Parks Heritage Program 7120 Oakland Mills Road Columbia, MD 21046 Contact: Phone: Fax: Caitlin Chamberlain (410) 313-0420 Email: [email protected] Ext: Website: Best time to contact: Anytime - leave a message. Mission/Description: The Heritage Program aims to engage visitors in local history with dynamic, fun and authentic programs, camps and events that bring the past to life at a variety of historic sites in Ellicott City’s historic district. Service-learning opportunities: A wide variety of options for meaningful work exist in the fields of archaeology, architectural history, research, marketing, children’s programs, and design projects to name a few. Interns and volunteers bring a wide range of knowledge and skills to keep the Heritage Program current and interesting, and we are open to create a project that meets the needs of your educational and career objectives. # of students needed: Unlimited Minimum age: 18 Minimum # of hours: 10 Times when needed: Various Orientation: Can be scheduled any time Special requirements: Flexibility, some weekend and evening work may be involved Public transportation: No Comments: Students have gained service-learning hours through assisting the Heritage Program with weekend events and tours, administrative office work, community outreach and historic research. Opportunities can be customized to a student’s interest and field of study. Potential for students to stay on as volunteers or contingent workers after the service learning project if they wish to continue. 47 61. Jug Bay Wetlands Sanctuary 1361 Wrighton Road Lothian, MD 20711 Contact: Phone: Fax: Email: Melinda Fegler (410) 741-9330 Ext: (410) 741-9346 [email protected] Website: Best time to contact: M, W, F, 9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. Mission/Description: Each year 10,000 visitors come to Jug Bay Wetlands Sanctuary to participate in educational and research projects. The Sanctuary has three primary goals: to provide environmental educational opportunities, to conduct ecological research, and to conserve Jug Bay's unique ecosystem. Service-learning opportunities: Want to work outdoors? Service-learning volunteers are most helpful with our stewardship projects: invasive plant mapping and removals, trash pick-ups, and garden maintenance. Depending on your schedule, you may also have the opportunity to assist with nature-themed outreach events and/or ecological research projects involving plants and animals. # of students needed: Depends on projects Minimum age: 14 Minimum # of hours: None Times when needed: Tues.-Sat., 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. Orientation: Provided as needed Special requirements: Volunteers must be flexible and willing to work on whatever projects are of the highest priority. Public transportation: No Comments: 62. Kent Island Federation of Arts 405 Main Street Stevensville, MD 21666 Contact: Volunteer Coordinator Phone: (410) 643-7424 Ext: Fax: Email: [email protected] Website: Best time to contact: T-F, 9:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. Mission/Description To enhance the cultural and artistic climate of Queen Anne’s County by encouraging participation in and promotion of the visual arts, and to provide an opportunity for people of all ages to better appreciate the visual arts and develop their own creative and artistic skills. This is accomplished primarily through education programs and the public exhibition of art. Service-learning opportunities: Event planning/fundraising/marketing Graphic designers for brochures, posters and visual aids General office work/database upkeep/social media development/grant writers Gallery host/hostess for Saturday/Sunday events; cataloging; and displaying Hospitality: caterers for special events Opportunity for creative artists to put on AACC show for KIFA gallery Landscapers needed for Gallery garden/landscape architecture opportunities; patio planning # of students needed: 15-20 Minimum age: 18 Minimum # of hours: 3 Times when needed: Varies with project Orientation: Telephone conference call Special requirements: Ability to work independently. Public transportation: no Comments: Service hours must be scheduled in advance. 48 63. Leadership Anne Arundel 134 Holiday Court, Suite 316 Annapolis, MD 21401 Contact: Stephanie Goldenberg Phone: (410) 777-1265 Ext: Fax: (410) 777-4057 Email: [email protected] Website: Best time to contact: email preferred Mission/Description: : Leadership Anne Arundel (LAA) is a non-profit leadership development organization whose mission is to provide people of diverse backgrounds with the education, resources, and networks necessary to become successful, proactive leaders. The vision of Leadership Anne Arundel is to develop and nurture current and future leaders to become community trustees who improve the quality of life in Anne Arundel County by convening diverse stakeholders, bridging their divides, and facilitating resolutions for the common good. It accomplishes this through its yearly classes- Flagship, Executive, and Neighborhood. Service-learning opportunities: Leadership Anne Arundel strives to maintain an active and engaged graduate organization, commonly called LAA Alumni. Programs and networking opportunities for LAA program graduates are provided throughout the year. Unfortunately as graduates change jobs or move, many do not notify LAA of their changes and contact with them is lost. This effort is to help LAA reconnect with the many graduates from the programs where contact has been lost. It involves researching publicly available resources and information contained within the LAA records to help locate and provide accurate contact information for these graduates. This provides students with an opportunity to network with the LAA community while providing a valuable service. Skills required include Internet research, communication and attention to detail. # of students needed: Multiple, can divide graduate information according to number of students participating. Minimum age: Minimum # of hours: 10-20 hours per student, could be extended if student desires to continue. Times when needed: Flexible, can be worked out with the student’s schedule. 64. The Light House 10 Hudson Street Annapolis, Maryland 21401 Contact: Phone: Michele Marshall or Carol Drum (410) 349-5056 Ext: 206 (443) 569-4211 Fax: (410) 349-5060 Website: Email: [email protected] [email protected] Best time to contact: M-F, 9:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. Mission/Description: The Light House rebuilds lives with compassion by providing shelter and services to prevent homelessness and empower people as they transition toward self-sufficiency. It serves as a national model for how a community cares for its homeless. We hope to break the cycle of homelessness by providing a place of belonging, life changing programs and a broad continuum of support to people who are homeless or at risk of becoming homeless. Service-learning opportunities: Spanish Language Interpreters Assistance with Lunch and Pantry Bag Distribution Front Desk Administrative Support - Volunteers needed to monitor the front desk, answer phones, greet residents and visitors and assist with other small administrative tasks. Volunteers needed to assist clients, one-on-one, with basic computer skills, employment research, resume writing, completing and submitting job applications and interview tips. Childcare – Both during the day while parents are job-hunting and in the evenings so that parents can attend classes # of students needed: Minimum age: 18- If under 18, you must be accompanied by a parent or guardian Minimum # of hours: Times when needed: Flexible Special requirements: If working with children, additional background screening is required including fingerprinting. There is a fee for this additional screening. Public transportation: Yes Comments: Please email the Light House Volunteer Coordinator, Michele Marshall, with any questions or to volunteer. 49 65. Lost Towns Project 839 Londontown Rd. Edgewater, MD 21037 Contact: Phone: Volunteer Coordinator (410) 222-1318 Ext: Fax: Email: [email protected] Website: Best time to contact: Mission/Description: A team of professional archaeologists and historians, working closely with Anne Arundel County Government to discover and explore the County's rich heritage. The team is committed to sharing the discovery process and the County's rich history with the public through hands-on experiences, lectures, publications, and exhibits. Service-learning opportunities: Participate at an archaeology site within Anne Arundel County or help process artifacts in our archaeology lab. Volunteers are encouraged to be as active as they wish while the Lost Towns Project works to uncover our local past. # of students needed: unlimited Minimum age: 16 Minimum # of hours: Times when needed: Monday-Friday, 9am-3pm Orientation: Special requirements: Self-transportation is essential, dress appropriately for field work (close-toed shoes, long pants, hat, etc.) Public transportation: None Comments: 66. Mary T. Maryland 820 Ritchie Highway, Suite 100 Severna Park, MD 21146 Contact: Lisa Leonard Phone: (410) 544-6813 Ext: Fax: (410) 544-6818 Email: [email protected] Website: Best time to contact: 9:30 a.m. - 5:30 p.m. Mission/Description: Mary T. Maryland provides support services for people living with a brain injury. Our mission is to creatively meet the evolving needs of people living with a brain injury. Service-learning opportunities: To support those living with a brain injury in a variety of ways. One-on-one companionship opportunities- recreation and leisure activities. Marketing opportunities, landscaping and vocational opportunities. # of students needed: Up to five Minimum age: 18 Minimum # of hours: Flexible Times when needed: Mostly 8 a.m. - 4 p.m., but also could be up to 10 p.m. Orientation: 2-3 hours of training needed Special requirements: Background check required Public transportation: Homes in Arnold, Bowie and Hillsmere area are not on bus line. Comments: Residential locations in Arnold, Annapolis, Bowie, Pasadena, and Severna Park 50 67. Maryland Therapeutic Riding 1141 Sunrise Beach Road Crownsville, MD 21032 Contact: Phone: Nichole VandenBossche (443) 494-3150 Ext: Fax: (410) 923-1432 Email: [email protected] Website: Best time to contact: M-F, 9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. Mission/Description: Connecting humans and horses in a healing environment, Maryland Therapeutic Riding (MTR) helps people to conquer physical, developmental and emotional challenges to achieve their full potential. Service-learning opportunities: Assist in therapeutic riding lessons, barn chores and maintenance work # of students needed: 10 Minimum age: 18 Minimum # of hours: 10 weeks, 2 hours per week minimum preferred Times when needed: Open 7 days/week, 6:30am-7pm; greatest need for volunteers is weekday daytimes Orientation: A schedule can be found on their website Special requirements: 1. Submit a volunteer application. 2. Volunteer Manager will call to follow up and schedule orientation. 3. Must attend orientation prior to beginning volunteer service. Can't have allergies to horses or hay. Must enjoy outside work and weather conditions. Volunteers must be able to do the physical demands associated with the riding lessons, barn work and other maintenance work. Students must be reliable, punctual, and demonstrate a professional level of commitment to the program. Students are kindly asked to commit to a shift for the duration of a riding session (approximately 10 weeks). It is preferred that student volunteers be enrolled in a health care curriculum. Public transportation: Comments: No Street address: 1141 Sunrise Beach Road, Crownsville, MD 21032 68. Meals on Wheels of Central MD (AACO) 1517 Ritchie Highway Suite L7 Arnold, MD 21012 Contact: Phone: Kim Street (443) 573-0951 Fax: Email: (410) 626-7547 [email protected] Ext: Best time to contact: M-F, 9:30 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. Website: Mission/Description: To enhance the quality of life for home bound residents through the provision of nutritious meals, personal contact and related services Service-learning opportunities: General office assistance needed M-F, 9 a.m. - 4 p.m., In-home interviewers, visitors. Drive or assist in the delivery of meals to homebound residents. # of students needed: 8 - 10 per semester Minimum age: 18 Minimum # of hours: 1 hour per client interview Times when needed: Flexible Orientation: Flexible Special requirements: Caring attitude, transportation, listening skills Public transportation: No Comments: The driver, visitor duties are M-F, 10:45 a.m.-1:00 p.m. only (holidays included) 51 69. Men of Courage International, Inc. Address: P.O. Box 3 Annapolis, MD 21404 Website: Contact: Phone: Fax: Email: Darin Ford (206) 372-4752 Ext: [email protected] Best time to contact: During the day Mission/Description: An Annapolis-based organization dedicated to strengthening communities through helping men fulfill their duties as servant leaders and hosting local family enriching events with community partners. Service-learning opportunities: Support events, outreach, and create an informational video for Men of Courage International, Inc. to be used for promotion. # of students needed: Minimum age: Minimum # of hours: Times when needed: Orientation: Special requirements: Public transportation: Comments: 25 18 Between 3-6 hours April 9, 2016 (Between 9am to 4pm) April 9, 2016 (Time: 9am to 10am) Yes Guests include: Mayor of Annapolis, Chief of Annapolis Police, Governor’s Office Director of Service and Volunteering, and Annapolis and Broadneck Regional Assistant Superintendent of Anne Arundel County 70. Moveable Feast 901 N. Milton Avenue Baltimore, MD 21205 Contact: Phone: Angie Elliott (410) 327-3420 Ext: 31 Fax: Email: [email protected] Website: Best time to contact: 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Mission/Description: Moveable Feast provides nutritious foods and other services in order to preserve quality of life for people with HIV/AIDS and other life-threatening conditions. Service-learning opportunities: Kitchen Assistant: Duties involve food preparation and packaging, grocery packer, clean up, and occasionally unloading food trucks and stocking the pantries. Garden: Plant, weed, harvest and compost our garden plot. Meal delivery: Deliver meals to our clients using your vehicle M-F between 9am-1pm (usually takes 1-1.5 hours). Must commit to at least once a week for 3 months. Office Assistant: Help with special events, data entry, clients’ cards and more. # of students needed: No more than 15 Minimum age: 14 Minimum # of hours: Times when needed: Weekdays: 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. Weekends: 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Thursday evenings: 5:30 p.m. to 8 p.m. Orientation: To be held before volunteer experience Special requirements: Close-toed shoes, no sleeveless shirts, no dangly jewelry Public transportation: Bus routes #13 and #35 Comments: 52 71. The Museum of Maritime Pets, Inc. 32 Hilltop Lane Annapolis, MD 21403 Contact: Patricia Sullivan Phone: (410) 829-6616 Ext: Fax: (410) 990-1518 Email: [email protected] Best time to contact: 10:00 a.m. – 8:00 p.m. Mission/Description: Young museum seeking to grow its brand, its audience, and its outreach in the greater Baltimore/Annapolis/D.C. areas. Service-learning opportunities: Arts and Humanities: Identify art and historic images to be used in adult and children’s learning materials and books. Sample photos provided. Advertising and Marketing: Expand museum’s use of social media. Prepare audio/visual tools for marketing opportunities and to publicize upcoming events. Upload films and photos to Museum’s Tablet, creating a travelling exhibit. Pre-Veterinary/Veterinary Assistants: Work with animals at museum events and filming demonstrations. Graphic Design/Media Production/Publication Design for the Internet: Design and illustrate educational booklet for young audiences. Record events with camcorder and create multi-media products for use in education, marketing and outreach. # of students needed: 1 Minimum age: 21 Minimum # of hours: Negotiable, on-going Times when needed: Flexible, by arrangement Orientation: To be arranged by applicant and sponsor Special requirements: Experience in primary source research; good communication skills; love of animals and an interest in art and history. Public transportation: Car best Comments: 72. NAMI Maryland 10630 Little Patuxent Parkway, Suite 475 Columbia, MD 21044 Contact: Elizabeth Bloom Phone: (410) 884-8691 Ext: Fax: (410) 884-8695 Email: [email protected] Website: Best time to contact: M-F, 9:00 a.m. - 5:30 p.m. Mission/Description: NAMI Maryland’s mission is to improve the quality of life for individuals with mental illnesses and their families. We are dedicated to providing education, support and advocacy for persons with mental illnesses, their families and the wider community. NAMI Maryland provides educational resources and events, statewide outreach, advocacy and affiliate organizational support. Service-learning opportunities: database development and maintenance, assist policy director with survey development and analysis, assist with advocacy training of stakeholders, event and conference planning, program management, assist with outreach to underserved communities, campus outreach and marketing, assist in development of resource and training materials for law enforcement regarding mental illness, audio/video recording of personal stories for use in training and on website, helpline and referral assistance and basic clerical and office duties. # of students needed: 1-3 Minimum age: At least 18 years of age Minimum # of hours: 5 hours Times when needed: M-F, 9 a.m. - 4 p.m. Orientation: Special requirements: Transportation required Public transportation: No Comments: 53 73. Operation Welcome Home (MD) 984 Placid Court Arnold, MD 21012 (Service Learning takes place at BWI airport) Contact: Kathy Thorp Phone: (410) 757-0982 Ext: Event Line: (410) 630-1555 Fax: Email: [email protected] Website: or Best time to contact: M-F, 7:00 - 9:00 p.m. or Sat/Sun, 9:00 a.m.- 8:00 p.m. Mission/Description: To greet Sailors, Marines, Airmen and Soldiers when they arrive back from their deployments at the International terminal of BWI. Service-learning opportunities: Come with enthusiasm, cheers, and applause, to greet our Service members as they arrive back from their deployments. Students can help with a variety of assignments, from helping the servicemen with their baggage as they walk and shake hands, to hanging posters, or making up snack bags before they arrive. A student could also initiate a card writing campaign to collect cards of thanks which is placed in each snack bag. Great opportunities for news articles, video stories, and photography projects. There may be other options to help this organization. # of students needed: Unlimited Minimum age: None Minimum # of hours: Flexible Times when needed: 7 days a week (6:30am until midnight- flights come in all hours of the day/night) Orientation: Special requirements: Public transportation Yes, light rail access: Comments: This is a family event, and family members are most welcome to assist also. 74. Opportunity Builders, Inc. 8855 Veterans Highway Millersville, MD 21108 Website: Contact: Phone: Fax: Email: Megan Orzechowski (410) 787-0700 Ext: (410) 761-9192 [email protected] Best time to contact: Mission/Description Opportunity Builders, Inc. provides vocational training and employment services to more than 450 adults with developmental disabilities. Its goal is to give their clients the opportunity to be productive, contributing citizens and to help them achieve personal fulfillment and independence. Service-learning opportunities: Office administration (marketing, quality assurance, management, client care follow up work) and direct client care interaction (helping complete work, engaging in an interactive activity.) # of students needed: Varies Minimum age: 18 Minimum # of hours: 15 hours Times when needed: M-F, 9:00 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. Orientation: We ask that all volunteers schedule a tour prior to beginning their volunteer work Special requirements: Public transportation: No Comments: 54 75. Our Daily Bread Employment Center 725 Fallsway Baltimore, MD 21202 Contact: Phone: Fax: Email: Kim Kahl (443) 986-9031 (410) 962-8931 [email protected] Ext: Website: Best time to contact: M-F, 8:00 a.m. - 3:30 p.m. Mission/Description: Committed to providing hospitality to those whose lives are burdened by the hardships of poverty. We serve all with respect. Service-learning opportunities: Serving food to the homeless population # of students needed: Minimum age: Minimum # of hours: Times when needed: Orientation: Special requirements: Public transportation: Comments: 14 with supervision 4 hours Daily, 9:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. Orientation provided the first day MTA Bus system and light rail Service hours must be scheduled in advance 76. Partners In Care 90 B Ritchie Highway Pasadena, MD 21122 Website: Contact: Phone: Fax: Email: Linda Dennis (410) 544-4800 Ext: 208 (410) 421-9105 [email protected] Best time to contact: M-F, 9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. Mission/Description: Community nonprofit assisting older adults with non-medical tasks, such as transportation, handyman repairs, grocery shopping and resource referral, that allow them to remain independent in their own homes. Service-learning opportunities: Resale shop assistance. Group Project: leaf raking and gardening. # of students needed: 5-8 per semester Minimum age: 18 Minimum # of hours: Times when needed: Variable Orientation: 1 hour prior to service (counts toward hours) Special requirements: Good communication skills, own transportation, dependable Public transportation: MTA #14 bus Comments: 55 77. Patuxent Research Refuge 10901 Scarlet Tanager Loop Laurel, MD 20708 Contact: Phone: Diana Ogilvie (301) 497 5565 Ext: Fax: (301) 497 5765 Email: [email protected] Website: Best time to contact: Sun.-Thurs., 8:00 am - 4:30 pm Mission/Description: The Patuxent Research Refuge is the nation's only national wildlife refuge established to support wildlife research. Patuxent's mission is conserving and protecting the nation's wildlife and habitat through research and wildlife management techniques. Service-learning opportunities: Service-learning Volunteers assist with running the visitor center, maintaining the refuge, and supporting wildlife management. Specific activities include meeting and greeting visitors and providing information; leading tours and providing interpretation to the visiting public and groups; taking part in special projects and events; performing clerical and administrative duties; working with computers, exhibits, and other technical equipment; maintaining trails; operating the bookstore; representing the refuge at community functions; developing environmental education materials, assisting with teacher workshops, and leading lessons; assisting with volunteer recruitment efforts, orientation training, and job matching; assisting with hunter harvest surveys at the hunting control station; and participating in wildlife surveys. # of students needed: Minimum age: 16 Minimum # of hours: Times when needed: Orientation: yes Special requirements: Complete a volunteer application Public transportation: Comments: 78. Play and Learn at Annapolis 580 Taylor Avenue B1 Annapolis, MD 21401 Contact: Phone: Yolanda Simms (410) 263-4029 Ext: Fax: Email: Website: Best time to contact: M-F Mission/Description: Our Mission is to Be “Your First Choice for Quality Child Care.” Play Centers is a not-for-profit corporation providing quality care to children. The program is based on the child’s physical, emotional, social, and intellectual development and includes self-selected and planned activities, which alternate in quiet and active periods. Service-learning opportunities: Assist with activities and special projects. Infant & Toddler, Pre-School/Kindergarten, Elementary and Middle School students. # of students needed: varies Minimum age: 18 Minimum # of hours: varies Times when needed: Orientation: yes Special requirements: Public transportation: Comments: 56 79. Real Food Farm 2701 St. Lo Drive Baltimore, MD 21213 Contact: Civic Works Volunteer Coordinator Phone: (443) 531-8533 Ext: 208 Fax: (410) 366-1831 Email: [email protected] Website: or Best time to contact: M-F, 9:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m. Mission/Description: Real Food Farm works toward a just and sustainable food system by improving neighborhood access to healthy food, providing experience-based education, and developing an economically viable, environmentally responsible local agriculture sector. Service-learning opportunities: Production assistants: help with on-farm production volunteering including harvesting, weeding, planting, managing compost and soil health, etc. Drop-in volunteer times are posted on our Facebook page and website. Regular weekly shifts could be arranged Wednesdays - Fridays for repeat volunteers. Education assistants: assist with our weekly youth education programs, either for high school, middle school, or elementary school students. Shifts are available Tuesday through Saturday. Topics include farming, nutrition and food justice. # of students needed: 2-5 Minimum age: Production: 15, with signed parental permission; Education: 18. Minimum # of hours: Production: N/A; Education: 3 hours per week for at least 10 weeks. Times when needed: Varies by position. Orientation: Production: farmer and food safety presentation; Education: 1 hour tour and youth programs orientation and background check. Special requirements: Appropriate clothing – closed-toed shoes, water bottle. (All work is outdoors.) Public transportation: Bike racks on the farm, and multitude of bus lines to Clifton Park. Comments: No experience in agriculture needed, come ready to learn! Education assistants should have some experience teaching youth. 80. Rebuilding Together Anne Arundel County 819 Ritchie Highway, Suite 2000 Severna Park, MD 21146 Contact: Phone: Barbara Cupp (410) 923-9992 Ext: Fax: (410) 923-9996 Email: [email protected] Website: Best time to contact: M-F, 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. Mission/Description: Rebuilding Together Anne Arundel County’s mission is to repair and revitalize the homes & communities of low-income homeowners, to include elderly, veterans, single parent and disabled persons in Anne Arundel County, keeping them warm, safe, dry and independent. Service-learning opportunities: 1) Our organizational opportunities include: media and social media, marketing, event planning, grant writing, volunteer management, client advocacy, office work, data base maintenance, and community liaison for banking, real estate, small business, large business, building industry, civic groups, and faith-based organizations. 2) Our building project opportunities include: interior and exterior painting, carpentry, electrical, landscaping, interior design, architecture (ADA compliance & building permits), roofing, & HVAC. # of students needed: Organizational opportunities- any number can participate. Project Day volunteers 2-15 Minimum age: 14 Minimum # of hours: 1 Times when needed: Opportunities can be accommodated as per your schedule. Project Day volunteers: 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. (almost always on a Saturday) Orientation: As needed Special requirements: none Public transportation: Near AACC Arnold campus Comments: We are known for our Blitz type project days where we completely renovate a home for a lowincome resident in one day. However, as a large National organization, we can accommodate volunteers for many other professional, resume building positions. 57 81. Regency Park Assisted Living 730 Route 3 South Gambrills, MD 21054 Contact: Cathy Maxfield Phone: (410) 923-1200 Ext: 505 Fax: (410) 923-1500 Email: [email protected] Website: Best time to contact: M-F, 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. Mission/Description: Assisted living facility. To provide 24-hour assisted living care for seniors. Service-learning opportunities: Assist with activities for residents such as outings, manicures, socials, Bingo, etc. or one-on-one visits with residents, musical entertainment # of students needed: No limit Minimum age: 18 Minimum # of hours: Times when needed: M-F Orientation: With Activity Director Special requirements: Volunteer guideline list Public transportation: No Comments: 82. The Residences at Wiley H. Bates Heritage Park (a part of the Community Preservation and Development Corporation) 1103 Smithville Street Annapolis, MD 21401 Contact: Volunteer Coordinator Phone: (410) 263-3009 Ext: Fax: (410) 263-3009 Email: Best time to contact: M-F, daytime Website: Mission/Description: Community Preservation and Development Corporation develops vibrant communities through innovation and partnerships. CPDC creates and preserves affordable housing for low to moderate income individuals and families and programs that strengthen communities. Service-learning opportunities: 1) Green Initiative Coordinator: Assist in researching and networking with local organizations that can partner with CPDC to plan and build a community garden accessible to older adult residents on historic property. 2) Community Outreach Coordinator/Health Services Coordinator: Assist in reaching out to local organizations and agencies that provide health education to older adults and lower-income communities in the following topics: diabetes; depression and seasonal affect disorder; exercise; fall prevention; hypertension; nutrition; and medication management. 3) Photographer: Take pictures of residents during activities, while volunteering, or at special events. 4) Book Club Leader: research classic, popular, and fiction novels that might be of interest to the club then guide them in thought-provoking discussions pertinent to the book’s themes once a month. 5) Computer Class Assistant: Assist older residents with software usage (Word and Publisher) and Internet basics. # of students needed: 2-4 Minimum age: 18 Minimum # of hours: Negotiable Times when needed: Flexible, daytime Flexible: Mornings, Afternoons, and/or Late afternoon Orientation: Individual basis Special requirements: Prefer to have students with an interest in health care and gerontology Public transportation: Must have a car Comments: Office space, desk, and new computer available on site for service-learning students 58 83. Restoration Community Development 302 Crain Highway S. Suite 2A Glen Burnie, MD 21061 Contact: Phone: Pastor Sheryl Menendez (410) 766-1044 Ext: Fax: Email: [email protected] Best time to contact: M-Th, 10:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. Website: Mission/Description: To ensure quality community service programs that empower, strengthen and preserve families. Gems and Jewels mentoring program identifies needs and improves the quality of life to children and their families. Service-learning opportunities: To help teach and facilitate: character, esteem building, academics, second step conflict resolution, social skills, fitness, health and drug prevention. (middle school aged children) # of students needed: 10 Minimum age: 19 Minimum # of hours: 2 hours Times when needed: M-T, 2:30 p.m. - 5:00 p.m., W, 2:30 p.m. - 4:00 p.m. Orientation: Special requirements: Public transportation: Yes Comments: 84. Sarah's House 2015 20th Street Ft. Meade, MD 20755 Website: Contact: Phone: Fax: Email: Bruce Clopein (410) 519-5085 Ext: (410) 551-7279 [email protected] Best time to contact: M-F, 12:00 p.m. - 8:30 p.m. Mission/Description: to help homeless families actively develop their potential and gain a new start on the path towards independence. Service-learning opportunities: Assist with child care, summer program, tutoring, data entry, clerical and front desk assistance, meal preparation and service. # of students needed: Minimum age: Minimum # of hours: Times when needed: Orientation: Special requirements: Public transportation: Comments: 4-10 15 Can be coordinated between Sarah's House and AACC M-F, 8 a.m. - 8 p.m. Orientations generally take place on Thursday evenings; please call to make an appointment. No 59 85. Seasons Hospice & Palliative Care of Maryland 6934 Aviation Boulevard, Suites N-R Glen Burnie, MD 21061 Website: Contact: Phone: Karleen Lombard (410) 689-7400 Fax: Email: (410) 689-1869 [email protected] Ext: Best time to contact: M-F, 8:30a.m.-5:00p.m. Mission/Description: Honoring Life-Offering Hope Service-learning opportunities: Seasons Hospice & Palliative Care of Maryland offers quality care for individuals at the end of their life. Volunteers are asked to provide friendly visits in nursing homes or assisted living centers with a life limiting illness. Some volunteers may choose to visit with a home client to offer relief for the primary caregiver. # of students needed: Minimum age: Minimum # of hours: Times when needed: Orientation: Special requirements: Public transportation: Comments: Unlimited 18 2-3 hours a week Flexible, Sunday through Saturday, generally mid-morning through early evening according to volunteer’s schedule Two 2-hour sessions, self study reading and competencies, flexible training offered PPD (provided without charge at our office) & Copy of driver’s license and proof of current auto insurance. Yes 17 Hospice Volunteering is a unique type of volunteer service. The prospective volunteer should be comfortable with the concepts of death and dying and should not have had a significant loss in the past year. 86. Seeds 4 Success (Eastport Girls Club) 1016 President Street Annapolis, MD 21403 Website: Contact: Phone: Fax: Briana Cragwell (443) 924-6575 Email: [email protected] Ext: Best time to contact: daytime Mission/Description: Guiding children living in Annapolis public and subsidized housing communities to be healthy, successful adults. Service-learning opportunities: Seeking tutors for two of our after-school programs: 1) I Am a Reader (IAR) - we need MALE nd tutors interested in working with 2 grade boys. 2) Eastport Girls Club (EGC) we need tutors interested in working with girls in rd th 3 -8 grade. Because our tutors are all volunteers and can’t be there every week, tutors available to substitute when the regular tutor is unavailable would be very helpful. # of students needed: Minimum age: Minimum # of hours: Times when needed: Orientation: Special requirements: Public transportation: Comments: Varies 18 1.5 hour commitment per week Tuesday, 4:00-5:00 pm (MALES ONLY);Wednesday, 3:30-4:30 pm Orientation and training provided Successfully complete the screening and training process which includes a background check. Accessible by public transportation 60 87. Severna Park Children’s Centre 144 Ritchie Hwy Pasadena, MD 21122 Contact: Renee Mundell Phone: (410) 647-3504 Ext: 303 Fax: (410) 647-6530 Email: [email protected] Website: Best time to contact: M-F Mission/Description: Severna Park Children’s Centre, Inc has been serving the community for over 40 years. We feel we are contributing to the peace-of-mind of many parents by providing a safe, secure learning environment for children. We take great pride in knowing that we support our families by assisting them in the development of their children to their fullest potential. A sound preschool learning environment and program is the most effective method to prepare a child for formal schooling. Service-learning opportunities: Assist with activities and special projects. Nursery School, Pre-School/Kindergarten, before and after care. # of students needed: Minimum age: 16 Minimum # of hours: Times when needed: Varies Orientation: Varies Special requirements: Public transportation: Comments: 88. Severna Park Community Center 623 Baltimore Annapolis Boulevard Severna Park, MD 21146 Website: Contact: Phone: Fax: Email: Volunteer Center (410) 647-5843 Ext: (410) 647-8122 [email protected] Best time to contact: M-F, 11:30 a.m. – 5:30 p.m. Mission/Description: The mission is to provide programs and activities that enhance and enrich family life, community life, and individual development in a Christian environment open to all. Our vision is to be a recognized focal point of activities and programs for residents of all ages. There are no membership or residency requirements – all are welcome. Service-learning opportunities: Help to plan and execute numerous special community events and fundraisers for a non-profit organization! Our events include our Annual Spaghetti Dinner, Annual Gala, Golf Tournament, Pancake Breakfast, multiple Triathlons, youth basketball nights and other events! We are always in need to seasonal grounds improvements and organization projects. Students with special skills or interests related to marketing, social media, event planning, grants and fundraising, website design, and even athletics are encouraged to volunteer! If you are interested in hosting a workshop, class, or activity for the community – please share your ideas – we can help make your Service Learning Project an incredible experience! # of students needed: Between 5-15 for each event – but we always have opportunities for volunteers! Minimum age: 16 Minimum # of hours: Times when needed: Varies Orientation: Varies Special requirements: None Public transportation: County bus stop one block away Comments: We are hard at work on creating a gathering place where all of the members of community belong and want you to be a part of it! 61 89. Smithsonian Environmental Research Center (SERC) 647 Contees Wharf Road Edgewater, MD 21037 Contact: Phone: Alison Cawood (443) 482-2271 Ext: Fax: Email: [email protected] Website: Best time to contact: M-TH, 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Mission/Description: SERC leads the nation in research on linkages of land & water ecosystems in the coastal zone & provides st society with knowledge to meet critical environmental challenges in the 21 century. Service-learning opportunities: Participating in SERC research as a citizen scientist. Multiple projects are available. # of students needed: Minimum age: Minimum # of hours: Times when needed: Orientation: Special requirements: Public transportation: Comments: 4-10 16 4 hours per day M-F, 9a.m. - 3p.m. Follow process online for a volunteer No 90. Somerford Place, Alzheimer’s Assisted Living 2717 Riva Road Annapolis, MD 21401 Contact: Phone: Elizabeth Balderrama (410) 224-7300 Ext: 210 Fax: (410) 224-5732 Email: [email protected] Website: Best time to contact: M-F, 9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. Mission/Description: Somerford Place will provide the highest quality residential care for people with Alzheimer's disease or related dementias and deliver superior support service for their families. Service-learning opportunities: Nursing, nutrition, activities and administration # of students needed: Minimum age: Minimum # of hours: Times when needed: Orientation: Special requirements: Public transportation: Comments: Unlimited 18 Daily, evenings also On-the-job training A desire to work with people with memory loss due to Alzheimer's or dementia Annapolis Transit has a bus stop on Riva Road 62 91. South River Federation 2830 Solomons Island Road, Suite. A Edgewater, MD 21037 Contact: Phone: Nancy Merrill (410) 224-3802 Ext: Fax: (410) 224-0364 Email: [email protected] Website: Best time to contact: 9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m., email preferred Mission/Description: To protect, preserve, restore and celebrate the South River and its interdependent living community. Service-learning opportunities: Assist our Volunteer Coordinator with volunteer event support and planning which includes stream cleanups and oyster restoration projects. Assist our Event Coordinator with the planning, marketing, and publicity for events such as the Fall Kayak Sojourn, South River on the Half Shell Live & Silent Auction, and South River Days summer celebration. Students interested in public relations, communications, marketing, or environmental science and ecology are strongly encouraged to apply. # of students needed: 2-3 Minimum age: 18 Minimum # of hours: 12 hours Times when needed: Evenings and weekends are needed the most, although there will be some 9-5 opportunities. Orientation: In office orientation. Special requirements: Willingness to work evenings and weekends when needed. Interest in Chesapeake Bay related issues. Basic computer skills Public transportation: No Comments: If interested, please contact us no later than one week before your AACC paperwork is due so there is time to develop a service-learning schedule. Email contact preferred. 92. South River Health and Rehabilitation Center 144 Washington Road Edgewater, MD 21037 Website: Contact: Phone: Tershai Wiseman (410) 956-5000 Fax: Email: (410) 956-0470 [email protected] Ext: Best time to contact: M-F, 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. Mission/Description: To provide our residents with maximum opportunities for quality of life and independence Service-learning opportunities: Assist activities department in providing programs, transporting residents, and assisting with various administrative tasks # of students needed: Minimum age: Minimum # of hours: Times when needed: Orientation: Special requirements: Public transportation: Comments: 14 15 Daily, 9:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. On an individual basis Must fill out volunteer application which includes required PPD test. Facility will provide if necessary No 63 93. SPCA of Anne Arundel County Inc. 1815 Bay Ridge Avenue Annapolis, MD 21403 Contact: Phone: Rita Melvin (410) 268-4388 Ext: 121 Fax: (410) 268-1139 Email: [email protected] Website: Best time to contact: 9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. Mission/Description: The SPCA of Anne Arundel County provides shelter and humane care for homeless animals in need and work as advocates for animal welfare in our community. Service-learning opportunities: Social media assistance: Twitter, Pinterest, and Instagram pages. Assist with other small projects like adding stories to the blog site and posting events in various media calendars. # of students needed: 1-2 Minimum age: 18 Minimum # of hours: Flexible Times when needed: Orientation: Special requirements: Must complete a volunteer application Public transportation: Annapolis Transit-Purple North Comments: Volunteers must pay attention to details, demonstrate excellent communication, writing, & organization skills, an ability to manage multiple tasks to meet deadlines, and a commitment to the cause of improving the lives of animals. 94. Special Olympics Maryland 3701 Commerce Drive, Suite 103 Baltimore, MD 21227 Website: Contact: Phone: Fax: Email: Volunteer Coordinator (410) 242-1515 Ext: (410) 242-2580 [email protected] 103 Best time to contact: M-F, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Mission/Description: The mission of Special Olympics is to provide year-round sports training and athletic competition in a variety of Olympic-type sports for persons eight years of age and older with intellectual disabilities, giving them continuing opportunities to develop physical fitness, demonstrate courage, experience joy and participate in a sharing of gifts, skills and friendship with their families, other Special Olympics athletes, and the community. Service-learning opportunities: Special Olympics Maryland (SOMD) has a variety of events year-round ranging from sporting events with Special Olympics athletes to fundraising events which are critical to the success of the program. SOMD provides year-round sports training and competition at no cost to the coaches, athletes and their families. In order to continue to increase the number of individuals in our program, we host many fundraising events throughout the year. # of students needed: Varies per event Minimum age: 18 Minimum # of hours: any Times when needed: Varies per event Orientation: Varies per event Special requirements: Public transportation: Varies depending upon event Comments: 64 95. St. Mary's English as a Second Language Program 109 Duke of Gloucester c/o Eneida Green Annapolis, MD 21401 Contact: Phone: Eneida Green or Bunny Wilson (410) 800-4717 Ext: (410) 544-5584 Fax: [email protected] or [email protected] Best time to contact: Daytime or evening Mission/Description: Our mission is to help non-native speakers learn English to help them assimilate in our community. Website: Email: Service-learning opportunities: Assisting and teaching English to non-native speakers, mentor students with literacy needs, record teaching videos of classrooms in action. # of students needed: 2-4 Minimum age: 18 Minimum # of hours: One night per week Times when needed: T-Th, 7:00 p.m. - 8:45 p.m. at St. Mary’s High School Orientation: On-The-Job Training Special requirements: Knowledge of Spanish useful, lesson planning Public transportation: Comments: We’ll provide student(s) with a mentor to monitor their progress. 96. STAIR – Start The Adventure In Reading 171 Duke of Gloucester Street Annapolis, MD. 21401 Website: Contact: Phone: Fax: Email: Linda Barbour (410) 279-6480 Ext: N/A [email protected] Best time to contact: 10 – 5 p.m./M-F Mission/Description: STAIR, which stands for Start The Adventure In Reading, is a proven reading and mentoring program, providing early intervention for elementary school students reading below grade level. Our mission is to increase the reading level of our students, to increase each student’s sense of self-esteem, and to provide a caring environment for our volunteers, students, teachers, and parents. STAIR operates during the school year with training in the August – September timeframe. We may have some summer work as well. Service-learning opportunities: Tutoring; administrative tasks such as materials preparation; social media design # of students needed: Minimum age: Minimum # of hours: Times when needed: Orientation: Special requirements: Public transportation access: Comments: 5 – 10 16 2 After school between 3 and 5 p.m./daytimes between 10 and 3 p.m. Training is provided None Buses from AACC to downtown Annapolis for office work. Must have own transportation if going to tutoring sites. 65 97. Stanton Community Center, Annapolis Recreation and Parks 92 W. Washington Street Annapolis, MD 21401 Contact: Phone: Archie Trader (410) 263-7966 Fax: (410) 295-3813 Website: Email: [email protected] Ext: Best time to contact: M-F, 10:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. Mission/Description: To improve the quality of life for all residents of Annapolis by providing a wide variety of human services to include leisure and cultural activities, special events, facilities and services that encourage health, fitness, relaxation, enjoyment, cultural enrichment and learning, as well as providing opportunities for community involvement. Service-learning opportunities: Some opportunities include helping with after-school homework/tutoring program, reading and math program for lower grade levels, basketball league, art projects, girls group mentoring, cooking classes, tennis classes, help with workshops on drug prevention and conflict resolution, and various other mentoring opportunities for youth ages 6-18 years of age. Great opportunity for education and/or physical education majors to work with children. # of students needed: Minimum age: Minimum # of hours: Times when needed: Orientation: Special requirements: Public transportation: Comments: 10 - 15 per semester 18 M-F, 3:00 p.m. - 6:00 p.m. Orientation is done on the first visit to the Center. Annapolis Transit bus 98. Sunrise Assisted Living (Annapolis) 800 Bestgate Road Annapolis, MD 21401 Website: Contact: Phone: Lynn Norton (410) 266-1400 Fax: Email: (410) 266-7560 [email protected] Ext: Best time to contact: M-F, 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. Mission/Description: Providing care and services to seniors in a homelike, residential environment Service-learning opportunities: One-on-one visits and group activities; serving meals; job shadowing # of students needed: Minimum age: Minimum # of hours: Times when needed: Orientation: Special requirements: Public transportation: Comments: Unlimited 15 Daily, 8:00 a.m. - 8:00 p.m. Please schedule an appointment Annapolis Transit bus 66 99. Sunrise Assisted Living (Severna Park) 43 W. McKinsey Road Severna Park, MD 21146 Website: Contact: Kimberly Best Phone: (410) 544-7200 Fax: (410) 518-6974 Email: Best time to contact: M-F Ext: Mission/Description: Assisted living home for the elderly Service-learning opportunities: Working with care managers, med tech, PT and one-on-one with residents # of students needed: Unlimited Minimum age: Minimum # of hours: Times when needed: M-F, 8:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. Orientation: Call to schedule Special requirements: Public transportation: MTA bus #14 Comments: 100. United Way of Central MD th 100 South Charles St., 5 Floor Baltimore, MD 21203 Contact: Beth Littrell Phone: (410) 895-1330 Ext: Fax: Email: [email protected] Website: Best time to contact: M-F, 9:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m. Mission/Description: Our mission: To mobilize the community to improve people’s lives. Service-learning opportunities: Reader/Tutor with READ LEARN SUCCEED (RLS): Learning to read is a critical part of a child being successful at school. Volunteer to read with/tutor an elementary age child. Classroom Supply Drive: Budgets to our local Head Start schools have been cut drastically. These students need basic supplies in order to spark their learning and achievement. Help organize a classroom supply/book drive to provide for these students. Teachers are in need of construction paper, chalk, crayons, pencils, etc. to make the learning experience meaningful for these children. 2-1-1 Call Center Support Volunteer: Calling for help can often be the hardest part of getting it. Be that voice on the phone that helps callers with the information they need. 2-1-1 Maryland, a state-wide information and referral line, is looking for a volunteers to help call specialists with special projects and follow up with the quality assurance process on past calls to ensure the callers needs were met. Alternative Spring Break (March): Join other college students for a week of volunteerism at various locations throughout Central Maryland. Participants will volunteer at food pantries, local schools, and local farms. This is an amazing experience which creates lasting memories! # of students needed: READ, LEARN, SUCCEED: 5, Donations: 5, and 2-1-1 Maryland: 5 Minimum age: 18 Minimum # of hours: RLS: 1 hours per week and 2-1-1: 3 hours per week Times when needed: M-F, 8:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Orientation: As needed Special requirements: n/a Public transportation: Bus routes are available to downtown Baltimore Comments: 67 101. West River United Methodist Center 5100 Chalk Point Road West River, MD 20778 Contact: Andrew Thornton Phone: (410) 867-0991 Ext: Fax: (410) 867-3741 Email: [email protected] Website: Best time to contact: M-F, 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. Mission/Description: Summer camp and retreat for church, civic and school groups providing opportunities for spiritual growth, relaxation, recreation and fellowship. Service-learning opportunities: 1) Creating summer camp lessons/activities for natural/environmental learning and arts and crafts 2) Creating natural garden landscape areas 3) Environmental projects to deal with erosion and conservation/preservation of natural habitat 4) Work with food service # of students needed: 1-2 Minimum age: 18 Minimum # of hours: Times when needed: As needed Orientation: Onsite as needed Special requirements: None Public transportation: No Comments: 102. World Relief Anne Arundel 102 Sixth Avenue, Suite A Glen Burnie, Maryland 21060 Website: Contact: Nan Ross Phone: (410) 760-4514 Ext: Fax: Email: [email protected] Best time to contact: M-F, 9:00 – 4:00 Mission/Description: Mission: Empowering individuals to serve the most vulnerable Vision: World Relief envisions the most vulnerable people transformed economically, socially, and spiritually. Service-learning opportunities: Case Management support (10 - 30 hours/week) – Provide Case Management support in and out of the office. Assist newly arriving refugees start a new life in MD. Responsibilities may include office support, signing up for Social Security, enrolling family in WIK, enrolling children in school, driving to medical appointments. English Tutor (1 ½ - 2 hours/1 - 2 day per week) – Help newly arriving refugees in their home learn Basic English and become friends in the process! Office Support (4+ hours/day up to 5 days per week) - Welcoming refugees, answering phones, data entry, administrative support. Spanish interpreters (1 – 2 days per week/flexible hours) – Seeking Spanish speaking volunteers to provide Case Management support for parents who are filing CAM applications to bring their children to live in Maryland. CAM (Central American Minor) program reunites children living in Central America with their parents that are living in MD. The volunteer would schedule appointments and meet with the parent(s) to complete the application at the World Relief Anne Arundel office. We are also seeking data entry volunteers to assist with the application process. No experience is needed; training will be provided. Transportation (On call) – Assist with newly arriving refugees with transportation to various medical appointments mostly in Baltimore City / County # of students needed: Varies per position Minimum age: 18 Minimum # of hours: Varies per position Times when needed: Varies per position rd Orientation: Monthly orientation 3 Tuesday monthly / 1:1 orientation Special requirements: Public transportation: Yes 68 103. Y of Central Maryland 303 W. Chesapeake Avenue Baltimore, MD 21204 Greater Annapolis Family Center Y 1209 Richie Highway, Arnold, MD 21012 Contact: Phone: Rachel Dolcine (410) 544-2525 Fax: Email: [email protected] Ext: Best time to contact: 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Website: Mission/Description: The Y of Central Maryland is a charitable organization dedicated to developing the full potential of every individual through programs that build healthy spirit, mind and body for all. Our programs and services are infused with our four positive character values: Caring, Honesty, Respect and Responsibility. We are committed to challenging our members, staff and volunteers to demonstrate these values. Service-learning opportunities: The Y of Central Maryland Before and After School Enrichment Programs are located in 8 school based sites across Anne Arundel County. We are looking for volunteers to help our students with their homework, play games and learn the best practices of working in the youth development field. Elementary schools include: Glen Burnie Park, Richard Henry Lee, Rippling Woods, and Southgate in Glen Burnie; Jessup in Jessup; Millersville and Shipley’s Choice in Millersville; and Rolling Knolls in Annapolis. # of students needed: 4 to 8 Minimum age: 18 Minimum # of hours: 4 Times when needed: 3:00 p.m. – 6:00p.m. Orientation: TBA Special requirements: Public transportation: Depends on the school location Comments: 69 School Partnerships Page Annapolis Elementary School .......................................................................................................... 71 Annapolis High School ..................................................................................................................... 71 Arnold Elementary School ............................................................................................................... 72 Arundel High School ........................................................................................................................ 72 AVID…............................................................................................................................................... 73 Belvedere Elementary School .......................................................................................................... 73 Bodkin Elementary School ............................................................................................................... 74 Broadneck Elementary School ......................................................................................................... 74 Brock Bridge Elementary School ...................................................................................................... 75 Brooklyn Park Elementary School .................................................................................................... 75 Brooklyn Park Middle School ........................................................................................................... 76 Cape St. Claire Elementary School ................................................................................................... 76 Central Special School ...................................................................................................................... 77 Chesapeake Bay Middle School ....................................................................................................... 77 Corkran Middle School .....................................................................................................................78 Crofton Woods Elementary School .................................................................................................. 78 Deale Elementary School ................................................................................................................. 79 Edgewater Elementary School ......................................................................................................... 79 Folger McKinsey Elementary School ................................................................................................ 80 Fort Smallwood Elementary School ..................................................................................................80 George Fox Middle School ............................................................................................................... 81 Georgetown East Elementary School ...............................................................................................81 High Point Elementary School ..........................................................................................................82 Jessup Elementary School ................................................................................................................ 82 Jones Elementary School .................................................................................................................. 83 Lake Shore Elementary School ......................................................................................................... 83 Linthicum Elementary School .......................................................................................................... 84 Lothian Elementary School .............................................................................................................. 84 Magothy River Middle School .......................................................................................................... 85 Marley Elementary School .............................................................................................................. 85 Mayo Elementary School ................................................................................................................. 86 Meade Heights Elementary School................................................................................................... 86 70 Meade Middle School ..................................................................................................................... 87 Mills-Parole Elementary School ......................................................................................................87 Odenton Elementary School .......................................................................................................... 88 Old Mill High School ....................................................................................................................... 88 Overlook Elementary School .......................................................................................................... 89 Point Pleasant Elementary School ................................................................................................. 89 Ridgeway Elementary School ......................................................................................................... 90 Rolling Knolls Elementary School ................................................................................................... 90 Ruth Parker Eason School .............................................................................................................. 91 Severn River Middle School ........................................................................................................... 91 Shady Side Elementary School ....................................................................................................... 92 Solley Elementary School ............................................................................................................... 92 South River High School/AVID ....................................................................................................... 93 Southern High School .................................................................................................................... 93 Southern Middle School.................................................................................................................. 94 Southgate Elementary School ........................................................................................................ 94 Sunset Elementary ......................................................................................................................... 95 Tyler Heights Elementary................................................................................................................ 95 Waugh Chapel Elementary.............................................................................................................. 96 71 104. Annapolis Elementary School 180 Green Street Annapolis, MD 21401 Contact: Phone: Bobbie Kesecker (410) 222-1600 Fax: Email: (410) 222-1601 [email protected] Ext: Website: (select "schools", select "elementary Best time to contact: M-F, 3:00 p.m. schools", select "Annapolis Elementary") Mission/Description: The mission of Annapolis Elementary School is to promote a safe, consistent, nurturing learning environment while meeting the needs of our diverse school community. We will accomplish this by: cultivating the physical, emotional, social, and academic strengths and needs of the whole child; fostering respect for self, others, learning, and property in a rigorous, productive manner; analyzing data to increase student achievement; continuing professional growth with the support of colleagues and the community at large; and encouraging families to be active participant in their child’s education. Service-learning opportunities: Students from Anne Arundel Community College will work with small groups of students or oneon-one with students who have been identified as needing extra help in reading/language arts or math. The service-learning students will reinforce the skills and strategies students have been learning in the classroom. # of students needed: 7 per semester for each subject area (language arts and math) Minimum age: 18 Minimum # of hours: 15 Times when needed: Time varies with each grade level. Please include the times you are available in your email. Orientation: Students will need to watch a media presentation on sexual harassment and child abuse. They will be given a copy of the volunteer handbook after a short orientation. Special requirements: Students will need their driver’s license and/or student ID to get a badge Public transportation: none Comments: 105. Annapolis High School/AVID 2700 Riva Road Annapolis, MD 21401 Contact: Ms. Stefany Grate Phone: (410) 266-5240 Ext: 314 Fax: (410) 266-0687 Email: [email protected] Website: Best time to contact: by 2:15 p.m. or via email Mission/Description: “AVID's mission is to close the achievement gap by preparing all students for college readiness and success in a global society.” Service-learning opportunities: As part of the AVID class, students receive approximately 40 minutes of tutoring from trained volunteers who facilitate small groups of students during tutorials. # of students needed: 5 Minimum age: 18 Minimum # of hours: 18 hours or 9 weeks Times when needed: 7:30 a.m-1:30 p.m. Orientation: Special requirements: AVID Tutor training Public transportation: Bus stop less than a half a mile up the street on Riva Road. Comments: Student must be able to commit to the 9 week marking period. 72 106. Arnold Elementary School 90 Church Road Arnold, MD 21012 Contact: Phone: Margie Smith (410) 222-1670 Fax: Email: (410) 222-1672 [email protected] Ext: Website: (select "schools", select "elementary Best time to contact: M-F, 7:15 a.m. or e-mail schools", select "Arnold Elementary") Mission/Description: The mission of Arnold Elementary School is to create a positive learning environment in which children excel academically, socially, and emotionally, as well as develop and apply principles of ethical behavior. Service-learning opportunities: Service-learning students will observe, tutor, serve as guest readers, and assist teachers in the classroom. # of students needed: Minimum age: 18 Minimum # of hours: 15 Times when needed: 11:15-12:00 Orientation: Students will need to watch a media presentation on sexual harassment and child abuse. Special requirements: Students will need their driver’s license and/or student ID to get a badge Public transportation: none Comments: 107. Arundel High School 1001 Annapolis Rd. Gambrills, MD 21054 Contact: Jennifer Bender Phone: (410) 674-6500 Ext: Fax: (410) 672-3711 Email: [email protected] Website: Best time to contact: Between 7:30 a.m. – 3:00 p.m. Mission/Description: Within the global community of Arundel High School, students are challenged to gain the knowledge, skills, and values that will enable them to become lifelong learners and productive, responsible citizens of the 21st century. Service-learning opportunities: 2 H Tutoring Program: This project is designed to provide homework assistance and tutoring services to students of Arundel High School. Tutors will aid in the completion and comprehension of tasks in the areas of Math, Science, Social Studies, and English. Additionally, tutors will provide students with helpful tools for critical thinking and guiding questions towards independent success. # of students needed: Any number Minimum age: 18 Minimum # of hours: Tutoring: At least a commitment of 1 session per week Times when needed: Tutoring: Wednesdays and Thursdays 2:30 p.m. – 4:00 p.m. Orientation: Tutoring Program: 1 hour Mentor Orientation at Arundel High School or Anne Arundel Community College (Arnold) Special requirements: Tutoring Program: Students should have a strong interest in the areas of Math, Science, Social Studies, or English. View county mandated videos regarding working with children. Public transportation: No Comments: 73 108. AVID (Advancement Via Individual Determination) 2644 Riva Road Annapolis, MD 21401 Contact: Phone: Dot Arida (410) 222-5458 Ext: Fax: (410) 222-5622 Email: [email protected] Website: Best time to contact: M-F, 7:30 a.m. - 2:30 p.m. Mission/Description: AVID is designed help close the achievement gap by preparing all students for success in a global society. The purpose of AVID is to move students from average level classes to more rigorous college-preparatory coursework while providing academic support in this elective. Service-learning opportunities: Tutors serve as facilitators for small groups (4-6) of students under the supervision of a classroom teacher. Tutors will gain valuable classroom experience while helping middle school and high school students with their academic courses. Guest speakers of college students and faculty are also welcome. # of students needed: Minimum age: Minimum # of hours: Times when needed: Orientation: Special requirements: Public transportation: Comments: 300 17 1 hour per week During school hours 3 hour training sessions offered in Gambrills, MD or Annapolis, MD Possible, depending on school location Students will be able to choose the school in which they would like to work. Students can work as many or few hours as they would like each week. Tutors are trained to facilitate a very structured process to help students answer their own academic questions. 109. Belvedere Elementary School 360 Broadwater Road Arnold, MD 21012 Contact: Phone: Claudia Murphy (410) 975-9432 Ext: Fax: (410) 975-9830 Email: [email protected] Website: (select "schools", select "elementary Best time to contact Please email service learning schools", select "Belvedere Elementary") requests to the email address above. Please do not call; I am not always available. Mission/Description: The mission of Belvedere Elementary School is to promote learning within a collaborative community, consisting of staff, parents, neighbors and businesses where all invested members are dedicated toward empowering the students to achieve their fullest potential. Service-learning opportunities: Students from Anne Arundel Community College will work with small groups of students or oneon-one with students who have been identified as needing extra help in reading/language arts or math in first and second grade. The service-learning students will reinforce the skills and strategies Belvedere students have been learning in the classroom. Critical thinking skills will be reinforced when AACC students adjust their teaching in order to meet the needs of students in their groups. # of students needed: 7 per semester for each subject area (language arts and math) Minimum age: 18 Minimum # of hours: 15 Times when needed: Time varies with each grade level. Please include the times you are available in your email. Orientation: Students will need to watch a media presentation on sexual harassment and child abuse. They will be given a copy of the volunteer handbook after a short orientation. Special requirements: Students will need their driver’s license and/or student ID to get a badge Public transportation: none Comments: 74 110. Bodkin Elementary School 8320 Ventor Road Pasadena, MD 21122 Contact: Phone: Rachel Amstutz or Sanda Nee-Jackson (410) 437-0464 Ext: (410) 437-0845 [email protected] [email protected] Best time to contact: Mission/Description: The mission of Bodkin Elementary is to create a warm, safe environment that nurtures each child’s academic and social potential while promoting responsibility and citizenship within a collaborative community. Service-learning opportunities: Service-learning students will assist students in small group activities and assist teachers in the classroom. # of students needed: 10 Minimum age: 18 Minimum # of hours: 10 Times when needed: To Be Arranged with School, Students are in classes from 9:20 am – 3:45 pm Orientation: Students will need to watch a media presentation on sexual harassment and child abuse. Special requirements: Students will need their driver’s license and/or student ID to get a volunteer badge. Public transportation: none Comments: Website: (select "School Links", select "Elementary Schools", select "Bodkin Elementary") Fax: Email: 111. Broadneck Elementary 470 Shore Acres Road Arnold, MD 21012 Contact: Kelly Moore Phone: (410) 222-1680 Ext: Fax: (410) 222-1676 Email: [email protected] Website: (select "schools", select Best time to contact: M-F, 8:30 a.m. - 3:30 p.m.. e-mail is "elementary schools", select "Broadneck Elementary") preferred Mission/Description: "Pride in the Hive" Our guiding principles establish a culturally proficient and diverse educational community in which people interact with one another in respectful and tolerant ways. Service-learning opportunities: Working with students one-on-one and in small groups to provide assistance with math and other academic skills. # of students needed: 2 per semester Minimum age: 18 Minimum # of hours: Times when needed: M-F, 8:30 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. Orientation: Special requirements: View county-mandated child abuse video Public transportation: Comments: 75 112. Brock Bridge Elementary 405 Brock Bridge Rd. Laurel, MD 20724 Contact: Phone: Judy Jacobs (301) 498-6280 Fax: Email: (301) 776-0128 [email protected] Ext: Website: (select "schools", select "elementary schools", select "Brock Bridge Best time to contact: M-F, 8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. Elementary") Mission/Description: Elementary School- grades K-5, Pre-K and special education Service-learning opportunities: Tutoring, help in classrooms, computer lab, media center, guest readers, mentoring, helping teachers, helping in office # of students needed: 2-5 Minimum age: 18 Minimum # of hours: Whatever is possible Times when needed: M-F, 9:00 a.m. - 3:15 p.m. Orientation: Volunteer orientation Special requirements: View county-mandated child abuse/harassment video, county background check. Public transportation: Yes- Bus available on Rt. #198-school is off Rt. #198 within walking distance Comments: Our students love to have you come in to help them. They look forward to it. 113. Brooklyn Park Elementary 200 14th Avenue Baltimore, MD 21225 Website: (select "schools", select "elementary schools", select "Brooklyn Park Elementary") Mission/Description: Elementary School Contact: Laurie Esposito Phone: (410) 222-6590 Ext: Fax: (410) 222-6596 Email: [email protected] Best time to contact: M-F, 8:30 a.m. - 3:30 p.m.. Service-learning opportunities: Working with students one-on-one to provide assistance with academic skills. # of students needed: 2 per semester Minimum age: 18 Minimum # of hours: Times when needed: M-F, 8:30 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. Orientation: Special requirements: View county-mandated child abuse video Public transportation: Yes Comments: 76 114. Brooklyn Park Middle 200 Hammonds Lane Baltimore, MD 21225 Contact: Phone: Fax: Email: Lisa Harding & Wilhelmena Smith (410) 636-2967 Ext: (410) 636-1774 [email protected] Website: (select "schools", select "middle [email protected] schools", select "Brooklyn Park Middle") Best time to contact: anytime Mission/Description: Public middle school, grades 6-8, which enriches students and encourages college attendance. Brooklyn Park Middle School serves students in grades 6 to 8, offering our students the very best in public education. Opened in August 2000 in the former Brooklyn Park Senior High School building, Brooklyn Park Middle School has preserved its treasured past and re-established itself in the community. BPMS showcases the history of its former self while offering a building that holds all the promise for the future. Service-learning opportunities: Success Club: Opportunity for students who may be interested in education, supporting students who need additional support in setting and working to accomplish personal academic goals. The Success Club meets weekly, and volunteers are needed to work with 1 to 3 students. Just Lunch: Just Lunch meets monthly for 1 hour, and volunteers are needed from September to May, with volunteers paired with only 1 student to discuss academic and/or social goals. AVID Program: Opportunity for students who may be interested in education or human services, to assist the AVID teacher (this program is preparing students to attend college) and AVID tutoring. Other activities include classroom tutoring, teaching assistant, student monitoring, small group reading and math assistance. # of students needed: 3-5 Minimum age: 18 years old Minimum # of hours: 12 hours Times when needed: M-F, 8:15 a.m. - 2:30 p.m. Orientation: Special requirements: AACC students must complete the Consumer and/or Investigative Consumer Report (available at the school) at least 2 weeks prior to the start of the service-learning project. Public transportation: Yes- MTA bus within one block Comments: 115. Cape St. Claire Elementary School 931 Blue Ridge Drive Annapolis, MD 21409 Contact: Katherine Zebron Phone: (410) 222-1685 Ext: Fax: (410) 222-1687 Email: [email protected] Website: (select "schools", select " select Best time to contact: M-F, 7:30a.m. – 3:30p.m. "elementary schools", select "Cape St. Claire Elementary School") Mission/Description: The mission of the staff at Cape St. Claire Elementary is to create and maintain an environment that promotes academic success and responsible citizenship as measured by county, state and national standards. We are dedicated to differentiating instruction, maintaining high expectations and collaborating within professional learning communities. Service-learning opportunities Assist teachers and students in the classroom where the classroom teacher sees fit. Opportunities might include working in small groups with students, preparing and planning lessons, and conducting a read-aloud. # of students needed: any Minimum age: 18 Minimum # of hours: 8 Times when needed: During school hours 8:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. Orientation: Students will need to watch a media presentation on sexual harassment and child abuse. Special requirements: Students will need their driver’s license and/or student ID to get a badge. Public transportation: Comments: 77 116. Central Special School 140 Stepney Lane Edgewater, MD 21037 Contact: Joanne Guthrie Phone: (410) 956-5885 Ext: Fax: (410) 956-5889 Email: [email protected] Website: (select "schools", select "other Best time to contact: M-F, 8:30 a.m. – 9:00 a.m., educational centers", select "Central Special School") 3:00p.m. – 4:00 p.m. Mission/Description: Central Special School staff members works closely with special needs students ages 2 1/2 to 21 in reaching their fullest potential. "If you can dream it, you can do it!" Service-learning opportunities: Observing the daily routine of the Health Room, emergency procedures and medications, oxygen use, gastrostomy tube feedings. Assisting special needs students in the classroom and sensory room, motor room, greenhouse and “play” time. # of students needed: 2-3 Minimum age: 18 Minimum # of hours: Negotiable Times when needed: M-F, 9 a.m. – 3:30 p.m. Orientation: To be determined Special requirements: Brief orientation to school, video "Blood Borne Pathogens" and willingness to work with special needs students. Interns will have opportunities to help students academically and socially. They could assist their cooperating teachers with planning and preparing instructional materials. They would work closely with the teacher assistants. Public transportation: No Comments: Students at Central Special have severe and profound disabilities. As part of their disability, many of the students have behavior interventions and health care protocols. We like to make our interns, service learning students, student teachers and volunteers aware of this, so they are prepared. It is encouraged to wear comfortable clothing and to be flexible with their responsibilities (day 1 might be cutting laminate and setting up bulletin boards while day 2 might be recess help) 117. Chesapeake Bay Middle School 4804 Mountain Road Pasadena, MD 21122 Contact: Jennifer Carr Phone: (410) 437-2400 Ext: Fax: (410) 255-6172 Email: [email protected] Best time to contact: M-F, 9:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m. Website: (select "schools", select "middle schools", select "Chesapeake Bay Middle") Mission/Description: CBMS serves students in grades 6-8 in the Pasadena community. Our goal is to increase the level of academic achievement for all students. Service-learning opportunities: There are endless possibilities that could be useful at any given time. On a regular basis we need: Daily tutorials with AVID students (small group or one-on-one), assist teacher with activities in the classroom, after-school homework help, assist PTA with fundraising and other initiatives, assist teachers with preparing work for their classes, work with students on organization, skills practice, or mentoring. We are also interested in finding ways that your interests and skills could be specifically designed to assist the school, so please share your interests when contacting us. # of students needed: Unlimited Minimum age: 18 Minimum # of hours: Flexible hours per week (# of hours would be determined by mutual agreement between the school and the volunteer based on interests and needs) Times when needed: M-F, 8:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. Orientation: View volunteer/tutorial video Special requirements: View county-mandated Child Abuse/Harassment video Public transportation: No Comments: Volunteers must be responsible and positive role models for adolescents. Expectations about appropriate conduct for volunteers will be clearly defined. 78 118. Corkran Middle School 7600 Quarterfield Rd. Glen Burnie, MD 21060 Contact: Phone: Fax: Email: Tiffany Murray (410) 222-6493 Ext: (410) 761-3853 [email protected] Website: (select "schools", select "middle Best time to contact: M-F, 8:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. schools", select "Corkran Middle School") Mission/Description: Corkran Middle School in collaboration with families and the community, promotes a positive academic environment where all students are celebrated and supported as they meet and exceed high academic standards to prepare them to become responsible citizens in a constantly transforming society. Service-learning opportunities: AVID (Advancement Via Individual Determination) is a college preparatory program that gives students extra support needed to become eligible to attend a 2 or 4 year college of choice. Daily tutorials with AVID students. Assist teacher with many activities in classroom. Work with students on a daily basis. # of students needed: Minimum age: Minimum # of hours: Times when needed: 2 18 16 M-F, 8:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m. Orientation: Special requirements: Public transportation: Comments: Fill out volunteer form and watch required AACPS videos. None Yes, there are bus stops. 119. Crofton Woods Elementary 1750 Urby Drive Crofton, MD 21114 Contact: Phone: Fax: Email: Melissa Jones (410) 222-5805 Ext: (410) 451-3021 [email protected] Website: (select "schools", select Best time to contact: M-F, 8:15 a.m. - 2:15 p.m. "elementary schools", select "Crofton Woods Elementary") Mission/Description: Crofton Woods Elementary serves students from Kindergarten through 5th grade. Service-learning opportunities: Preparing classroom materials, working with students # of students needed: Minimum age: Minimum # of hours: Times when needed: Orientation: Special requirements: Public transportation: Comments: 4-5 18 View county-mandated child abuse/harassment video No 79 120. Deale Elementary 759 Mason's Beach Road Deale, MD 20751 Contact: Phone: Fax: Email: John Barzal (410) 222-1695 (410) 222-1696 [email protected] Ext: Website: (select "schools", select Best time to contact: M-F, 8:15 a.m. - 2:15 p.m. "elementary schools", select "Deale Elementary") Mission/Description: Deale Elementary serves students from Kindergarten through 5th grade in the South County area. Service-learning opportunities: Working one-on-one or in small groups with children by tutoring or practicing reading fluency, clerical jobs (copying, typing, cutting, etc.) # of students needed: Minimum age: Minimum # of hours: Times when needed: Orientation: Special requirements: Public transportation: Comments: 6 18 5 M-F, 8:15 a.m. - 2:15 p.m. Scheduled as needed Confidentiality and Flexibility View county-mandated child abuse/harassment video No 121. Edgewater Elementary 1660 Washington Road Edgewater, MD 21037 Contact: Phone: Julie LaBrutte (410) 222-1660 Fax: Email: (410) 222-1696 [email protected] Ext: Website: (select "schools", select Best time to contact: M-F, 8:15 a.m. - 2:15 p.m. "elementary schools", select "Edgewater Elementary") Mission/Description: Edgewater Elementary serves students from Kindergarten through 5th grade in the South County area. Service-learning opportunities: Working one-on-one or in small groups with children by tutoring or practicing reading fluency, clerical jobs (copying, typing, cutting, etc.) # of students needed: Minimum age: Minimum # of hours: Times when needed: Orientation: Special requirements: Public transportation: Comments: 6 18 5 M-F, 8:15 a.m. - 2:15 p.m. Scheduled as needed Confidentiality and Flexibility View county-mandated child abuse/harassment video No 80 122. Folger McKinsey Elementary 175 Arundel Beach Road Severna Park, MD 21146 Website: (select "schools", select "elementary schools", select "Folger McKinsey Elementary") Mission/Description: Elementary School (K-5) Contact: Chad Vosburg Phone: (410) 222-6560 Ext: Fax: (410) 315-8196 Email: [email protected] Best time to contact: M-F, 8:00 a.m. - 9:00 a.m. Service-learning opportunities: Volunteers are needed for math or reading, tutoring, or clerical support # of students needed: Minimum age: Minimum # of hours: Times when needed: Orientation: Special requirements: 3-4 18 45 minutes M-F, 9:00 a.m. - 2:30 p.m. As needed View county-mandated child abuse/harassment video. Students must have consistant attendance and be appropriate with children (show maturity) consistent attendance, appropriate with children (maturity) Public transportation: Comments: No 123. Fort Smallwood Elementary 1720 Poplar Ridge Road Passadena, MD 21122 Contact: Phone: Fax: Email: David Sembly (410) 222-6450 Ext: (410) 222-6452 [email protected] Website: (select "schools", select Best time to contact: M-F, 8:15 a.m. - 2:15 p.m. "elementary schools", select "Fort Smallwood Elementary") Mission/Description: Fort Smallwood Elementary serves students from Kindergarten through 5th grade. Service-learning opportunities: Working one-on-one or in small groups with children by tutoring or practicing reading fluency, clerical jobs (copying, typing, cutting, etc.) # of students needed: Minimum age: Minimum # of hours: Times when needed: Orientation: Special requirements: Public transportation: Comments: 6 18 5 M-F, 8:15 a.m. - 2:15 p.m. Scheduled as needed Confidentiality and Flexibility View county-mandated child abuse/harassment video No 81 124. George Fox Middle School 7922 Outing Avenue Pasadena, MD 21122 Contact: Phone: Fax: Email: Ms. Barber (410) 437-5512 (410) 360-1511 [email protected] Ext: Website: (select "schools", select "middle schools", Best time to contact: M-F, 7:30 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. select "George Fox Middle School") Mission/Description: Our mission is to provide the very highest quality education to help our students achieve their academic, social and behavioral potential in a safe and supporting environment that is geared toward removing barriers to success for all learners. Service-learning opportunities: classroom tutoring, teaching assistant, student monitoring, small group reading and math assistance. # of students needed: 3-5 Minimum age: 18 Minimum # of hours: Times when needed: M-F, 8:10 a.m. - 2:40 p.m. Orientation: Need to view harassment video Special requirements: Background check is required (Students must do this on their own) View county-mandated child abuse/harassement video Public transportation: no Comments: 125. Georgetown East Elementary School 111 Dogwood Road Annapolis, MD 21401 Contact: Phone: Jessica Lane (410) 222-1610 Fax: (410) 222-1612 Email: [email protected] Best time to contact: Ext: Website: (select "schools", select "elementary schools", select "Georgetown East Elementary") Mission/Description: At Georgetown East Elementary School, we serve students who represent diverse backgrounds, cultures, talents, strengths, and needs. We believe our school's programs address all of our students in a nurturing and caring environment. Our staff believes children should leave our building each afternoon, having met with success in learning and eager to return the next day. Service-learning opportunities: Students from Anne Arundel Community College will work with small groups of students or oneon-one with students who have been identified as needing extra help in reading/language arts or math in first and second grade. The service-learning students will reinforce the skills and strategies students have been learning in the classroom. Critical thinking skills will be reinforced when AACC students adjust their teaching in order to meet the needs of students in their groups. # of students needed: Minimum age: 18 Minimum # of hours: Times when needed: Orientation: Students will need to watch a media presentation on sexual harassment and child abuse. They will be given a copy of the volunteer handbook after a short orientation. Special requirements: Students will need their driver’s license and/or student ID to get a badge Public transportation: none Comments: 82 126. High Point Elementary 924 Duvall Highway Pasadena, MD 21122 Contact: Phone: Fax: Email: Timothy M. Merritt (410) 222-6454 (410) 222-6456 [email protected] Ext: Website: (select "schools", select Best time to contact: M-F, 8:15 a.m. - 2:15 p.m. "elementary schools", select "High Point Elementary") Mission/Description: High Point Elementary serves students from Pre-kindergarten through 5th grade. Service-learning opportunities: Preparing classroom materials, working with students, tutoring and mentoring students in need of additional assistance. # of students needed: Minimum age: Minimum # of hours: Times when needed: Orientation: Special requirements: Public transportation: Comments: 18 View county-mandated child abuse/harassment video No 127. Jessup Elementary School 2900 Elementary School Lane Jessup, MD 20794 Website: (select "schools", select "elementary schools", select "Jessup Elementary") Mission/Description: Provide students with academic support Contact: Phone: Fax: Email: Shirley Foreman (410) 222-6490 Ext: (410) 222-6492 [email protected] Best time to contact: M-F, 8:30 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. Service-learning opportunities: Students are needed to tutor boys and girls in the areas of mathematics and reading - grades 35. Able to work with special education students. # of students needed: Minimum age: Minimum # of hours: Times when needed: Orientation: Special requirements: Public transportation: Comments: 2-3 hours per week; longer if possible Hours will depend on the grade selection. Students should have a strong background in the area of math and a strong interest in reading. Please have an exit talk with the Principal after hours are completed. View county-mandated child abuse/harassment video prior service. No 83 128. Jones Elementary School 122 Hoyle Lane Severna Park, MD 21146 Website: (select "schools", select "elementary schools", select "Jones Elementary") Contact: Patricia Keffer Phone: (410) 222-6565 Ext: Fax: Email: [email protected] Best time to contact: 8:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. Mission/Description: As a community of students, staff and parents, we promote a positive and safe learning environment; recognize the individual needs of each student to achieve personal best; and nurture each student to be a lifelong learner. Service-learning opportunities: Tend to gardens, support teachers and students in computer lab, SeaPearch (robotics club), NASA club, Lego Club, 24 Math club, listen to students read. # of students needed: Varies Minimum age: 18 Minimum # of hours: Varies Times when needed: Varies Orientation: Varies Special requirements: All volunteers must watch videos and have background checks Public transportation: No Comments: 129. Lake Shore Elementary School 4531 Mountain Rd. Pasadena, MD 21122 Contact: Phone: Joanna Beaty (410) 222-6465 Fax: Email: (410) 222-6468 [email protected] Ext: Website: "schools", select "elementary Best time to contact: M-F, 9:30 a.m. – 2:30 p.m. schools", select "Lake Shore Elementary") th Mission/Description: Lake Shore Elementary serves students from K through 5 grade. Service-learning opportunities: Working one-on-one or in small groups with children, computer practicing, reading fluency and math facts, monitoring a computer-based math program, clerical jobs, assisting in the media center # of students needed: 5-10 Minimum age: 18 Minimum # of hours: 5 hours Times when needed: M-F, 9:00a.m.-3:15 p.m. Orientation: Schedule as needed, takes approximately 1 hour Special requirements: Confidentiality and flexibility. Must view video-sexual harrassment and child abuse prior to working in the building Public transportation: No Comments: 84 130. Linthicum Elementary School 101 School Lane Linthicum, MD 21090 Contact: Phone: Fax: Email: Barbara Wood (410) 222-6935 (410) 222-6936 [email protected] Ext: Website: "schools", select "elementary Best time to contact: schools", select "Linthicum Elementary") Mission/Description: Linthicum Elementary School is located in northern Anne Arundel County. This year marks our 90th Anniversary! We are home to approximately 400 students in Kindergarten through 5th grade. Service-learning opportunities: assist with K-5 traditional classroom settings, tutoring, assist teachers with classroom activity preparation, etc. # of students needed: Minimum age: Minimum # of hours: Times when needed: Orientation: Special requirements: 18 Confidentiality and flexibility. Must view video-sexual harrassment and child abuse prior to working in the building Public transportation: Comments: 131. Lothian Elementary School 5175 Solomons Island Road Lothian, MD 20711 Website: - (select "schools", select "elementary schools", select "Lothian Elementary") Mission/Description: Public School Contact: Phone: Fax: Email: Carla McConnaughhay (410) 222-1697 Ext: (410) 222-1699 [email protected] Best time to contact: M-F Service-learning opportunities: Clerical, working with small groups of students # of students needed: Minimum age: Minimum # of hours: Times when needed: Orientation: Special requirements: Public transportation: Comments: 4-5 17 15 hours M-F, 9:00 a.m. - 3:30 p.m. Multiple days as needed Background check for some assignments, DVD on Child Abuse/Sexual Harrassment must be viewed. No 85 132. Magothy River Middle School 214 Peninsula Farm Road Arnold, MD 21012 Contact: Phone: Fax: Email: Gina Glennon (410) 544-0926 Ext: (410) 544-1867 [email protected] Website: "schools", select "middle (preferred method) schools", select "Magothy River Middle School") Best time to contact: M-F, 8:30 a.m. - 10:30 a.m. Mission/Description: AVID (Advancement Via Individual Determination) is a college preparatory program that gives students extra support needed to become eligible to attend a 2 or 4 year college of choice. Service-learning opportunities: Daily tutorials with AVID students. Assist teacher with many activities in classroom. Work with students on a daily basis. # of students needed: Minimum age: Minimum # of hours: Times when needed: Orientation: Special requirements: Public transportation: Comments: Unlimited 3 hours per week M-F, 2:00 p.m. - 3:35 p.m. (45 minutes in that time) View volunteer/tutorial video View county-mandated child abuse/harassment video No 133. Marley Elementary School 715 Cooper Road Glen Burnie, MD 21610 Contact: Phone: Fax: Email: Amanda Runion (410) 222-6414 (410) 222-6413 [email protected] Ext: Website: (select "schools", select "elementary Best time to contact: via e-mail schools", select "Marley Elementary") Mission/Description: The mission of Marley Elementary School is to create a supportive, collaborative, and engaging teaching/learning environment that ensures that every member of our diverse school community reaches a high level of academic achievement, determined by state and local assessments. Service-learning opportunities: Service-learning students will assist students in math activities and assist teachers in general. # of students needed: Minimum age: 18 Minimum # of hours: 10 Times when needed: Orientation: Students will need to watch a media presentation on sexual harassment and child abuse. Special requirements: Students will need their driver’s license and/or student ID to get a badge Public transportation: none Comments: 86 134. Mayo Elementary School 1260 Mayo Ridge Rd. Edgewater, MD 21037 Contact: Phone: Fax: Email: Website: "schools", select "elementary schools", select "Mayo Elementary") Mission/Description: Academic support for students in grades K-5th Nancy Hack-Behringer (410) 222-1666 Ext: (410) 956-0070 [email protected] Best time to contact: Service-learning opportunities: Working with students in grades K-5 and Special Education students. Working with individual and small groups of students in a variety of curricular areas. Hours of Operation: M-F 8:00am-2:30pm # of students needed: Minimum age: Minimum # of hours: Times when needed: Orientation: Special requirements: Public transportation: Comments: 5 16 View county-mandated child abuse/harassment video 135. Meade Heights Elementary School 1925 Reece Road Ft. Meade, MD Contact: Phone: Fax: Email: Deanna Corsones (410) 222-6509 Ext: (410) 956-1277 [email protected] Website: (select "schools", select Best time to contact: "elementary schools", select "Meade Heights Elementary") Mission/Description: Meade Heights Elementary School is a traditional elementary school serving students in grades prekindergarten through grade 5. Service-learning opportunities: Working with students one-on-one to provide assistance with academic skills. # of students needed: 2 per semester Minimum age: 18 Minimum # of hours: Times when needed: M-F, 9:25 a.m. - 3:50 p.m. Orientation: Special requirements: View county-mandated child abuse/harassment video Public transportation: Comments: 87 136. Meade Middle School th 1103 26 Street Fort Meade, MD 20755 Contact: Phone: Fax: Email: Jennifer Swiech (410) 674-2355 (410) 674-6590 [email protected] Ext: Website: "schools", select "middle Best time to contact: anytime schools", select "Meade Middle School") Mission/Description: Meade Middle School’s mission is to develop lifelong learners and to provide both a rigorous and a relevant curriculum. AVID is a public middle school signature program that enriches students and encourages college attendance. Service-learning opportunities: 1) Tutoring in the AVID Program: Opportunity for students who may be interested in education or human services, to assist the AVID teacher (this program is preparing students to attend college). Assisting in counseling groups and working with students in the AVID Program. 2) Business-related opportunities: Develop flyers for field trips, help with logistics for fundraisers and events, research potential sponsors and help solicit sponsors, assist with interviewing students for the AVID program, and more. 3) IT-related opportunities: assist with a smart-phone safari scavenger hunt for field trips and more. # of students needed: Minimum age: Minimum # of hours: Times when needed: Orientation: Special requirements: Public transportation: Comments: 2-3 18 12 hours M-F 7:30am-2:46pm; some projects can be accomplished online Students have to be fingerprinted (~$63 charge) and go through volunteer orientation at board or school, View county-mandated child abuse/harassement video. Yes – local bus 137. Mills-Parole Elementary 1 George and Marion Phelps Way Annapolis, Maryland 21401 Contact: Marlene Vasquez Phone: (410) 222-1626 Ext: Fax: (410) 222-1614 Email: [email protected] Website: (select "schools", select Best time to contact: M-F, 8:30 a.m. - 3:30 p.m.. e-mail "elementary schools", select "Mills-Parole Elementary") is preferred Mission/Description: Walter S. Mills-Parole Elementary School, a traditional elementary school serving approximately 630 students in grades pre-kindergarten through grade 5. Service-learning opportunities: Working with students one-on-one to provide assistance with academic skills. # of students needed: 2 per semester Minimum age: 18 Minimum # of hours: Times when needed: M-F, 8:30 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. Orientation: Special requirements: View county-mandated child abuse video Public transportation: Comments: 88 138. Odenton Elementary 1290 Odenton Road Odenton, MD 21113 Contact: Phone: Fax: Email: Tracey Ahern (410) 222-6514 (410) 222-6516 [email protected] Ext: Website: (select "schools", select Best time to contact: M-F, 9:15 a.m. - 3:45 p.m. "elementary schools", select "Odenton Elementary") Mission/Description: Odenton Elementary serves students from Pre-Kindergarten through 5th grade. Service-learning opportunities: Preparing classroom materials, assisting with PTA events, working with students, tutoring and mentoring students in need of additional assistance. # of students needed: Minimum age: Minimum # of hours: Times when needed: Orientation: Special requirements: Public transportation: Comments: 18 9:30-3:45 View county-mandated child abuse/harassment video County Bus Stop located in front of the school 139. Old Mill High School 600 Patriot Lane Millersville, MD 21401 Website: Contact: Phone: Mike Lyons (410) 969-9010 Fax: Email: (410) 761-6017 [email protected] Ext: Best time to contact: M-F, 8:15 a.m. - 2:15 p.m. Mission/Description: AVID is a college preparatory elective offered in high school that helps students earn admission to 4-year universities while giving them the skills necessary to be successful in college. AVID teaches note-taking and study skills, reading and writing skills, character development, and organization habits. Service-learning opportunities: 1. Conduct tutorial sessions with high school students to aid them in understanding difficult material in multiple subject areas. 2. Determine from student notes and discussions, the concepts that need to be taught or retaught. 3. Evaluate student binders, agendas, class and textbook notes, etc. 4. Conduct mini-lessons in the process of writing, study skills, and other aspects of college preparation. 5. Assist students in the college application process (applications, financial aid, etc.) 6. Set an example of personal excellence and high expectations for AVID students to follow. 7. Communicate frequently and honestly with the AVID coordinator/teacher regarding student progress and areas of concern. # of students needed: 1 to 2 students a day, or more. Minimum age: 18 - must be enrolled in college courses. Minimum # of hours: We would like to see a commitment of 6-12 hours so that students have a chance to get to know their college tutor. Times when needed: 1-2 hour time blocks, Monday –Friday, 7:30am -2pm. (See attached class schedule with times.) Orientation: Will be done on an individual basis as college students report to tutoring. Special requirements: Must want to encourage high school students towards college and should know basic math and writing concepts. Public transportation: Unavailable. Comments: This is a wonderful opportunity for anyone interested in any aspect of education, or with a passion for developing young people. 89 140. Overlook Elementary School 401 Hampton Road Linthicum, MD 21090 Contact: Phone: Karen Schmidt (410) 222-6585 Ext: Fax: Email: [email protected] Best time to contact: M-F, 8:15 a.m.. - 4:00 p.m. Website: "schools", select "elementary schools", select "Overlook Elementary") Mission/Description: Overlook Elementary is committed to creating responsible learners in a nurturing environment. Service-learning opportunities: Math mentoring program. Lunch Bunch Book clubs, Service-learning hours can be completed in the folloiwng areas: Reading, Math, Science & Social Studies. # of students needed: Unlimited Minimum age: 16 Minimum # of hours: Negotiable Times when needed: Negotiable Orientation: Video that must be viewed Special requirements: View county-mandated child abuse/harassment video Public transportation: No Comments: We are flexible and accommodate schedules. 141. Point Pleasant Elementary 1035 Dumbarton Rd. Glen Burnie, MD 21060 Contact: Phone: Fax: Email: Barb Holcomb (410) 222-6425 Ext: (410) 222-6459 [email protected] Website: (select "schools", select Best time to contact: after 3:00 p.m. or email "elementary schools", select "Point Pleasant Elementary") Mission/Description (for the counseling office): To foster personal and social growth in every student; and, to offer guidance and support to promote achievement towards both academic and life goals. th th Service-learning opportunities: Volunteer Mentor with a program for boys in 4 and 5 grades # of students needed: 2 Minimum age: 18 Minimum # of hours: 10-15 or more Times when needed: During school-day hours 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. Orientation: Provided and flexible in terms of when during the year. Special requirements: Required school-based videos Public transportation: Not available Comments: 90 142. Ridgeway Elementary School 1440 Evergreen Road Severn, Maryland 21144 Contact: Phone: Fax: Email: Jamie Sweitzer (410) 222-6524 Ext: (410) 222-6526 [email protected] Website: (select "schools", select "elementary schools", select "Ridgeway Elementary") Best time to contact: M-F, 8:30 a.m. - 3:30 p.m.. e-mail is preferred Mission/Description Ridgeway Elementary School is a traditional elementary school serving students in grades pre-kindergarten through grade 5. Service-learning opportunities: Working with students one-on-one to provide assistance with academic skills. # of students needed: 2 Minimum age: 18 Minimum # of hours: Times when needed: M-F, 8:30 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. Orientation: Special requirements: View county-mandated child abuse video Public transportation: No Comments: 143. Rolling Knolls Elementary School 1985 Valley Road Annapolis, MD 21401 Contact: Phone: Fax: Email: Michelle King (410) 222-5820 Ext: (410) 222-5828 [email protected] Website: (select "schools", select Best time to contact: M-F, 9:10 a.m. - 3:30 p.m. "elementary schools", select "Rolling Knolls Elementary") Mission/Description: Rolling Knolls Elementary serves students from Kindergarten through 5th grade. Service-learning opportunities: Preparing classroom materials, working with students, tutoring and mentoring students in need of additional assistance. # of students needed: Minimum age: Minimum # of hours: Times when needed: Orientation: Special requirements: Public transportation: Comments: 18 Scheduled as needed View county-mandated child abuse/harassment video No 91 144. Ruth Parker Eason School 648 Old Mill Road Millersville, MD 21108 Contact: Phone: Fax: Email: Website: (select "schools", select "other educational centers", select "Ruth Parker Eason School") Dan Kempler (410) 222-3815 Ext: (410) 222-3817 [email protected]*preferred Best time to contact: M-F, 8:00 a.m. - 9:00 a.m./ 3:00p.m. - 4:00 p.m. Mission/Description: The community of Ruth Parker Eason School is dedicated to providing a safe, positive, stimulating learning environment that enables individuals to achieve personal excellence. Service-learning opportunities: Assisting special education staff with large and small group activities in the classroom, adapted PE, adapted aquatics, computer access for students, augmentative/alternative communication, music/music therapy, mobility opportunities non-ambulatory students. Can discuss other ideas and options. # of students needed: Minimum age: Minimum # of hours: Times when needed: Orientation: Special requirements: Public transportation: Comments: 3 18 Negotiable M-F, 9:15 a.m. - 3:20 p.m., negotiable Brief orientation including 20 minute required video View county-mandated child abuse/harassment video,Willingness to work with special needs students. No 145. Severn River Middle School 241 Peninsula Farm Road Arnold, MD 21012 Contact: Phone: Jim Vaughn (410) 544-0925 Ext: Fax: (410) 315-8006 Email: [email protected] Best time to contact: M-F, 8:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. Website: ((select "schools", select "middle schools", select "Severn River Middle School") Mission/Description: Meet the needs of our students personally, socially, academically, and vocationally. Service-learning opportunities: Working with students tutoring and/or being a mentor. # of students needed: 10 Minimum age: 18 Minimum # of hours: Minimum of 4 visits or once a week Times when needed: T and Th, 3:35 p.m. - 4:35 p.m. Orientation: Watch 45 minute video on site Special requirements: View county-mandated child abuse/harassment video, and able to work with students ages 11-14. Public transportation: Yes, MTA stop at AACC Comments: 92 146. Shady Side Elementary School 4859 Atwell Road Shady Side, MD 20764 Contact: Jennifer Sturgell Phone: (410) 867-1981 Ext: Fax: (410) 867-4921 Email: [email protected] Best time to contact: M-F, 8:30 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. Website: (select "schools", select "elementary schools", select "Shady Side Elementary School") Mission/Description: To teach students to become lifelong learners; to create a safe and positive environment that nurtures the diversity of children Service-learning opportunities: Assisting individual students # of students needed: Minimum age: Minimum # of hours: Times when needed: Orientation: Special requirements: Public transportation: Comments: Unlimited 18 2 hours M-F, 9:15 a.m.. - 3:30 p.m. TBA View county-mandated child abuse/harassment video No 147. Solley Elementary School 7608 Solley Road Glen Burnie, MD 21060 Contact: Phone: Fax: Email: Kimberly Flanagan (410) 222-6473 (410) 222-6467 Ext: [email protected] Website: (select "schools", select "elementary Best time to contact: after 4 p.m. schools", select "Solley Elementary") Mission/Description: At Solley Elementary all students will acquire the knowledge and skills outlined in the Maryland Voluntary State Curriculum. Students will demonstrate appropriate attitudes and behaviors to become responsible learners and citizens. School and state data will be continually analyzed to differentiate instruction and to monitor student achievement and behavior. Service-learning opportunities: Service-learning students will assist students in math and reading activities and assist teachers in the classroom. # of students needed: Minimum age: 18 Minimum # of hours: 10 Times when needed: Orientation: Students will need to watch a media presentation on sexual harassment and child abuse. Special requirements: Students will need their driver’s license and/or student ID to get a badge Public transportation: none Comments: 93 148. South River High School AVID Program 201 Central Avenue East Edgewater, MD 21037 Contact: Phone: Fax: Email: Zach Lloyd 410-956-5600 Ext: [email protected] Website: Best time to contact: 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. Mission/Description: Provide students in “the middle” with an opportunity to attend college Service-learning opportunities: AVID Tutorial tutoring, promoting critical thinking and inquiry skills Assist with AP and Honors classes, study skills, etc. # of students needed: Minimum age: Minimum # of hours: Times when needed: Orientation: Special requirements: Public transportation: Comments: 2-8 18 6-20 8:45-2:05 (lunch is 10:11-11:11 a.m.) Multiple dates 149. Southern High School 4400 Solomon’s Island Road Harwood, MD 20776 Contact: Alexis Pogonowski Phone: (410 ) 867-7100 Ext: Fax: (410) 867-4153 Email: [email protected] Website: Best time to contact: by email anytime Mission/Description: AVID’s mission is to close the achievement gap by preparing all students for college readiness and success in a global society. Service-learning opportunities: 1. Determine from student notes and discussions, the concepts that need to be taught or retaught 2. Evaluate student binders, including calendars, class and textbook notes, etc. 3. Become familiar with the materials in the AVID Curriculum Libraries 4. Become familiar with the textbooks and materials used by AVID students 5. Conduct tutorial sessions in all areas 6. Conduct mini-lessons in the process of writing in all subject areas, study skills, and other aspects of college preparation 7. Set an example of personal excellence and high expectations for AVID students to follow 8. Communicate frequently and honestly with the AVID coordinator/teacher regarding student progress and areas of concern # of students needed: 2/day would be ideal but more or less are an option. Minimum age: No min – must be enrolled in college courses. Minimum # of hours: We would like to see a commitment of 6-12 hours so that students have a chance to get to know their college tutor. Times when needed: Please email [email protected] for a list of available time options. Orientation: Will be done on an individual basis as college students report to tutoring. Special requirements: Must want to encourage high school students towards college and should know basic math and writing concepts. Public transportation: Unavailable. Comments: This is a wonderful opportunity for anyone interested in any aspect of education. 94 150. Southern Middle School 5235 Solomons Island Road Lothian, MD 20711 Contact: Matt Bieber Phone: (410) 222-1659 Ext: Fax: (410) 867-0231 Email: [email protected] Best time to contact: M-F, 7:30 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. Website: or select Southern Middle from the Middle Schools drop down menu on Mission/Description: Middle School Service-learning opportunities: Clerical and student support (AVID, tutoring, classroom support, etc.) # of students needed: Minimum age: Minimum # of hours: Times when needed: Orientation: Special requirements: Public transportation: Comments: 1-5 18 M-F, 8:10 a.m. - 2:40 p.m. Scheduled as needed View county-mandated child abuse/harassment video No 151. Southgate Elementary 290 Shetlands Lane Glen Burnie, MD 21061 Contact: Colleen McFarland Phone: (410) 222-6445 Ext: Fax: (410) 222-6446 Email: [email protected] Best time to contact: M-F, 8:15 a.m. - 2:15 p.m. Website: (select "schools", select "elementary schools", select "Southgate Elementary") Mission/Description: Southgate Elementary serves students from Kindergarten through 5th grade. Service-learning opportunities: Preparing classroom materials, working with students, tutoring and mentoring students in need of additional assistance. # of students needed: Minimum age: Minimum # of hours: Times when needed: Orientation: Special requirements: Public transportation: Comments: 18 View county-mandated child abuse/harassment video No 95 152. Sunset Elementary School 8572 Fort Smallwood Road Pasadena, MD 21122 Contact: Candida St. John Phone: (410) 222-6478 Ext: Fax: (410) 222-6482 Email: [email protected] Best time to contact: M-F, 8:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. Website: (select "schools", select "elementary schools", select "Sunset Elementary School") Mission/Description: Sunset Elementary is dedicated to meeting the needs of all students in a safe environment that gives each child the opportunity to succeed. Sunset Elementary strives to develop students who are life-long learners with an appreciation and respect for a culturally diverse world. Service-learning opportunities: Grades Pre K-5 in traditional space classroom settings, after-school tutoring and after-school clubs. # of students needed: As many as possible Minimum age: 18 Minimum # of hours: Varies Times when needed: M-F, 8:30 a.m. – 2:50 p.m. Orientation: Special requirements: Public transportation: Comments: Approximately half hour training includes a 15 minute video View county-mandated video titled “Child Abuse & Sexual Harrassment” No 153. Tyler Heights Elementary School 200 Janwall Street Annapolis, MD 21403 Contact: Emilia Gonzalez Phone: (410) 222-1630 Ext: Fax: (410) 222-1683 Email: [email protected] Best time to contact: M-F, 3:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m. Website: (select "schools", select "elementary schools", select "Tyler Heights Elementary School") Mission/Description: Tyler Heights is a Title One School off of Forest Drive in Annapolis. This school has the highest population of English language learners in Anne Arundel County. The mission at Tyler Heights is to engage students in rigorous academics, while fostering a collaborative and positive environment. Staff and students hold themselves accountable and have high expectations for one another. Staff and students maintain a culturally aware and responsive environment. Service-learning opportunities: Computer, library media, math, language arts, science, social studies (k - 5th grade), PE, art, music, English language learning, special education and clerical work.Tutoring. Assist with boys leadership group/mentoring; serve as reading or math facts buddies. Facilitate book club during lunch. Landscape help, planting a garden or building playground outdoor tables. We also have need of book collections and/or school uniforms for the children. # of students needed: unlimited Minimum age: 18 Minimum # of hours: 1 hour per day, 1 day per week or aas project requires Times when needed: M - F, 9:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. Orientation: Will determine as needed by volunteer coordinator Special requirements: Volunteers must be dependable. View county-mandated child abuse/harassment video. Public transportation: No Comments: 96 154. Waugh Chapel Elementary School 840 Sunflower Drive Odenton, MD 21113 Contact: Cheryl Cox Phone: (410) 222-6542 Fax: (410) 222-6963 Email: [email protected] Best time to contact: Ext: Website: (select "schools", select "elementary schools", select "Waugh Chapel Elementary") Mission/Description: The faculty and staff of Waugh Chapel Elementary are dedicated to developing well-rounded citizens who are life-long learners equipped with effective thinking skills for an increasingly technological global society. Focusing on every student, we will work together with the community to provide a safe, nurturing environment promoting rigor and respect for all. We have the confidence that all the students can achieve what they believe. Service-learning opportunities: Service-learning students will assist students in math activities and assist teachers in the classroom. # of students needed: Minimum age: 18 Minimum # of hours: 10 Times when needed: Orientation: Students will need to watch a media presentation on sexual harassment and child abuse. Special requirements: Students will need their driver’s license and/or student ID to get a badge Public transportation: none Comments: 97 On-campus Projects at Anne Arundel Community College Page AACC- BEST (Behavioral Emotional Support & Training) ............................................................. 99 AACC- Center for the Study of Local Issues (CSLI) ....................................................................... 99 AACC- Dept. of Nursing ............................................................................................................... 100 AACC- English as a Second Language (ESL) .................................................................................. 100 AACC- Environmental Center ...................................................................................................... 101 AACC- Health Services................................................................................................................. 101 AACC- Institute for the Future @ AACC ...................................................................................... 102 AACC- Judy Center Partnership ................................................................................................... 102 AACC- Muslim Oral History Project.............................................................................................. 103 AACC- Parenting Center, The ....................................................................................................... 103 AACC- Peer Tutoring ................................................................................................................... 104 AACC- Rainbow Network ............................................................................................................ 104 AACC- Sarbanes Center ............................................................................................................... 105 AACC- Student Ambassador Program ......................................................................................... 105 AACC- Substance Abuse Education Office ................................................................................... 106 AACPS On-Campus Transition Program ....................................................................................... 106 98 99 155. AACC- BEST Program (Behavioral Emotional Support & Training) Anne Arundel Community College 7009 Arundel Mills Cir., St. 309 Hanover, MD 21076 Contact: Stacie Burch Phone: (410) 777-2916 Ext: Fax: (410) 777-4916 Email: [email protected] Best time to contact: M,W,F, 9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. Website: Mission/Description: Assist licensed and registered child care providers and parents in implementing behavior strategies, distinguishing between developmentally appropriate/inappropriate behavior and acquiring appropriate skills in an effort to reduce the number of children removed from care. Service-learning opportunities: Preparing and completing client intake forms, creating behavioral plans, data entry, data analysis. Working in locations around the county to advertise, supplement, or participate in intiatitves that include BEST services. # of students needed: 2 Minimum age: Minimum # of hours: Flexible Times when needed: M, W, F, 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. Orientation: This can be done on an individual basis Special requirements: Must have a clear understanding and willing to abide by all confidentiality laws and regulations. Public transportation: Anne Arundel County Transit Comments: 156. AACC- CSLI Center for the Study of Local Issues Careers 132 CAMPUS MAIL, CRSC 132 Contact: Dan Nataf, Director or Chris Scanlon, Program Specialist (410) 777-2407 Ext: Phone: Fax: Email: [email protected], [email protected] Website:, Best time to contact: M-F, 8:30 a.m. - 4:15 p.m., alternate phone number (410) 777-2733 Mission/Description: The Center performs surveys and other research services. It also engages in civic education by conducting candidate forums. Service-learning opportunities: Students are expected to participate in CSLI's semi-annual survey. There is a sequence of required meetings: (1) An introductory meeting during which CSLI is presented as an organization, the survey process is examined, and previous findings reviewed. This meeting takes about two hours. (2) Three evening meetings during which time students are trained as telephone interviewers and spend between two and three hours calling residents of Anne Arundel County; (3) A final meeting during which students discuss the process, make any suggestions for improvement, examine the findings from the recently concluded survey and test some of their own hypotheses (about 90 minutes); (4) Those students requiring 15 hours of service will also submit a brief, two page paper summarizing what they did, suggestions for improvement, and what they learned from the process. # of students needed: This varies, but is usually between 40 and 50. Minimum age: 18 Minimum # of hours: 12-15 hours Times when needed: Introductory and final meetings are usually held in the afternoons –at 2:00pm and 5:00pm on different days; telephone interviewing is held at night from 5:30pm to 9:00pm Orientation: Training will occur the first night of telephone interviewing Special requirements: Flexibility in being able to attend afternoon and evening events. Interest in public policy and politics is helpful. Public transportation: MTA #14 bus Comments: 100 157. AACC Department of Nursing Anne Arundel Community College Florestano 304 Contact: Denise Lyons Phone: (410) 777-7237 Ext: Fax: (410) 777-7099 Email: [email protected] Website: Best time to contact: M – F, 8:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. Mission/Description: AACC nursing program is a fully accredited 2 year RN program, with approximately 300 students enrolled in the nursing sequence. Service-learning opportunities: We are required by our accrediting agency to complete alumni surveys 6 months and 12 months after graduation. In order to accomplish a good return response, we have initiated a telephone survey. The opportunity would be for you to complete the phone surveys, utilizing a specific form and a script. # of students needed: Minimum age: Minimum # of hours: Times when needed: Orientation: Special requirements: Public transportation: Comments: 2-8 18 Flexible Flexible 1 hour Good communication skills MTA #14 bus 158. AACC- English as a Second Language ( ESL) Anne Arundel Community College Johnson Room 204 CAMPUS MAIL, JOHNSON 206 Contact: Ellen LaFrankie Phone: (410) 777-1191 Ext: Fax: (410) 777-2822 Email: [email protected] Best time to contact: M - F, 9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. Website: Mission/Description: The ESL conversation program is designed to provide English language learners with opportunities to practice their English conversation skills with native English speakers outside the classroom. While building communicative competence and fluency, ESL students also enjoy making new friends and learning about American culture. Service-learning opportunities: The conversation partners meet small in groups of 5-8 in the Johnson Building on campus for one hour per week. Students fulfilling AACC service-learning requirements serve as the native English speakers. The volunteers benefit by meeting ESL students from around the world and broadening their knowledge of foreign cultures. # of students needed: Minimum age: Minimum # of hours: Times when needed: Orientation: Up to 15 17 10 (includes: one hour orientation, 8 weeks of Conversation Partners, 1 hour reflection) M-TH, 12:00pm-5:30 p.m. (Contact Ellen LaFrankie for days/times) One-hour orientation Special requirements: Public transportation: Comments: Must be a native or fluent English language speaker MTA #14 bus 101 159. AACC- Environmental Center Anne Arundel Community College Office CRSC 171 CAMPUS MAIL, DRGN 238 Contact: Dr. Susan Lamont Phone: (410) 777-1219 Ext: Fax: (410) 777-2525 Email: [email protected] Best time to contact: M-F, 8:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. Website: Mission/Description: To participate in research projects conducted by the Environmental Center or maintenance of completed projects. Service-learning opportunities: May include field work, laboratory activities, work in the greenhouse, or maintenance of installed projects, such as campus rain gardens. # of students needed: 10 Minimum age: Minimum # of hours: 20 Times when needed: M-F, 8 a.m. - 4 p.m. Orientation: Brief meeting with committee member to receive specific instructions and training. Special requirements: Must be physically able to do landscaping projects that require digging, pulling and bending. Public transportation MTA #14 bus access: Comments: 160. AACC- Health Services Anne Arundel Community College Student Union Room 120 CAMPUS MAIL, SUN 123 Contact: Beth Mays Phone: (410) 777-2480 Ext: Fax: Email: [email protected] Best time to contact: M-F, 9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. Website: Mission/Description: Health Services provides self-directed health education opportunities for the students and staff at AACC. Service-learning opportunities: Planning, developing and implementing health education displays and activities on a variety of health and wellness topics. Outreach using the mobile cart to share important health-related information with college students, staff, and faculty. # of students needed: Minimum age: Minimum # of hours: Times when needed: Variable Orientation: Special requirements: Some Public transportation: MTA #14 bus Comments: 102 161. AACC- Institute for the Future @AACC Anne Arundel Community College Careers Room 132 CAMPUS MAIL, CRSC 131 Contact: Phone: Fax: Email: Director (410) 777-2708 (410) 777-2135 [email protected] Ext: Best time to contact: Varies each semester—best to email contact. Mission/Description: IF@AACC promotes futures thinking, fosters innovation and engages learners in the art of foresight. Acting as a catalyst for creativity, it develops futures expertise, provides futures tools and creates partnerships. Website: Service-learning opportunities: Serve as a member of the Institute’s Advisory Board and student club—FIG: Futures Interest Group (assist in preparation of, attend and participate in meetings); work with director and/or board members on special projects involving such activities as our monthly e-magazine, Futureportal, our Brown Bag Lecture Series, and futures course and program development; and assist director with various administrative tasks and marketing initiatives (data entry and analysis, correspondence, vendor tables, creating and editing various mediums, etc.) # of students needed: Minimum age: Minimum # of hours: Times when needed: Orientation: Special requirements: Public transportation: Comments: 1-2 students; may vary Flexible Flexible Brief meeting with Director to discuss specific responsibilites and training Interest in futures thinking MTA #14 bus 162. AACC- Judy Center Partnership Anne Arundel Community College 7009 Arundel Mills Cir., St. 309 Hanover, MD 21076 Contact: Stacie Burch Phone: (410) 777-2916 Ext: Fax: (410) 777-4916 Email: [email protected] Best time to contact: M, W, F, 9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. Website: Mission/Description: To provide comprehensive early care and education services for young children and their families for the purpose of promoting continuous improvement toward school readiness. Service-learning opportunities: Provide support to faculty and staff at the Judy Center and in other county locations as they implement a variety of learning activities for children and families. # of students needed: 2 Minimum age: 18 Minimum # of hours: Flexible Times when needed: T, W, Th, 9 a.m. – 5 p.m. Orientation: This can be done on an individual basis. Special requirements: Must have a clear understanding and willingness to abide by all confidentiality laws and regulations. Public transportation: Comments: This work is coordinated through the TEACH Institute at Arundel Mills, but occurs at Hilltop Elementary School in Glen Burnie. 103 163. AACC Muslim Oral History Project 101 College Parkway, Arnold, MD 21012 Contact: Phone: Fax: Email: Chris Ballengee (410) 777-7227 Ext: [email protected] Website: Best time to contact: by email anytime Mission/Description: To counter Islamophobia on a local and global level, the Muslim Oral History Project at AACC seeks to document the experiences of Muslims living within the region serviced by the college. Oral history interviews collected as part of the project are categorized in an online database and are intended for public use and for integration into AACC curricular and extra-curricular projects and programs. Service-learning opportunities: transcribing interviews, editing interview transcriptions, writing interview summaries, preparing subtitles for video-recorded interviews, creating metadata for archival purposes # of students needed: Minimum age: Minimum # of hours: Times when needed: Orientation: Special requirements: Public transportation: Comments: 2-5 16 3 Students should meet with me at least once every two weeks until work is completed. Otherwise they can work on materials via the Internet on personal computers at any time. Informal, TBD 164. AACC- The Parenting Center Anne Arundel Community College at Arundel Mills AMIL 309 CAMPUS MAIL, AMIL 309 Contact: Candace Place Phone: (410) 777-2159 Ext: Fax: (410) 777-1967 Email: [email protected] Best time to contact: M - F, 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Website: Mission/Description: The mission of The Parenting Center at Anne Arundel Community College is to give the local community access to the most current findings from recognized experts on child development, parenting strategies and family relationships. We offer a variety of parenting courses designed to accommodate parents’ busy schedules. Service-learning opportunities: Assist with marketing initiatives (mailings, electronic communication, vendor tables, etc.). Assist in preparing materials for upcoming courses. General office support. # of students needed: Minimum age: Minimum # of hours: Times when needed: Orientation: Special requirements: Public transportation: Comments: 1 per semester Flexible, primarily daytime hours, M-F, 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Brief introduction to mission, objectives and activiites. Mature students capable of representing the Parenting Center via phone, written communication and at live events. MTA #14 bus 104 165. AACC- Peer Tutoring Anne Arundel Community College Library Room 113 CAMPUS MAIL, LIBR 113 Contact: Andrew Blazie Phone: (410) 777-1342 Ext: Fax: (410) 777-4098 Email: [email protected] Best time to contact: M – F, 8:30 am- 4:30 pm Website: Mission/Description: To provide AACC students with tutoring resources to facilitate academic success. Service-learning opportunities: We have an ongoing need for students to serve as peer tutors or office staff. Tutoring positions last one semester, require a 2-hour orientation, and 10+ hours of tutoring. We hire students to tutor in all subject areas except Reading, English and ESL. # of students needed: Varies Minimum age: Minimum # of hours: 10+ for one semester Times when needed: Varies- Flexible, tutors make their own schedule Orientation: 2 hours Special requirements: Peer tutors must have an A in the subject they wish to tutor, a 2.5 GPA overall, and a recommendation from an instructor. Public transportation: MTA #14 bus Comments: 166. AACC Rainbow Network Anne Arundel Community College SSVC120 (Cashiers Office) Contact: Lynne Edwards Phone: (410) 777-1490 Ext: Fax: (410) 777-4295 Email: [email protected] Website: Best time to contact: every day but Friday Mission/Description: The AACC Rainbow Network (ARN) is a community of administrators, faculty, and staff who actively advocate for LGBTQ equity and fight homophobia on campus. Service-learning opportunities: Assist with event promotion and outreach for the Rainbow Network. # of students needed: Minimum age: Minimum # of hours: Times when needed: Orientation: Special requirements: Public transportation: Comments: Any number Friendly and open to diversity on the Arnold Campus 105 167. AACC- Sarbanes Center for Public and Community Service Anne Arundel Community College Careers Room 314 CAMPUS MAIL, CRSC 314 Contact: Cathy Doyle Phone: (410) 777-2902 Ext: Fax: (410) 777-4902 Email: [email protected] Best time to contact: M – F, 8:30 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. Website: Mission/Description: The Sarbanes Center helps students gain real world experience by connecting students with the community in hands-on opportunities with government agencies, schools, businesses and nonprofit organizations. Activities are designed to be mutually beneficial to help enhance what students are learning in the classroom while also helping to meet the needs of the community. The Sarbanes Center coordinates internships, volunteer service through service-learning, research activities, strategic forecasting of the future in problem-based consulting experiences, and travel study. Service-learning opportunities: Photographers needed to capture photographs and/or video of fellow students in community-based experiences Students with excellent communication skills needed to share information about the services of the Sarbanes Center with fellow students at a promotions table on campus # of students needed: Minimum age: Minimum # of hours: Times when needed: Orientation: Special requirements: Public transportation: Comments: 8 Will vary depending on the project Brief meeting with Director for overview of the Center and the project. MTA #14 168. AACC- Student Ambassador Program Anne Arundel Community College Student Services, 150 CAMPUS MAIL, SSVC 150 Arnold, MD 21012 Contact: Heather McFarland Phone: (410) 777-1155 Ext: Fax: (410) 777-4129 Email: [email protected] Best time to contact: M-F, 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. Website: Mission/Description: The Student Ambassador program is an important valued service group of student leaders who will provide outreach, tours, special projects and events for AACC. AACC ambassadors will provide quality services to the college, community and students. Ambassadors will earn lifelong experience. Service-learning opportunities: Provide tours for elementary, middle, and high school students visiting AACC. Support campus events and special projects. This is a good opportunity for business and communications students to practice presentation and oral communication skills. # of students needed: 5 Minimum age: 18 Minimum # of hours: 12 hours per semester Times when needed: Wednesdays, 9:30 to 1:30 p.m.; Saturdays, 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Orientation: Special requirements: Students must have completed at least one semester at AACC. Public transportation: MTA #14 bus Comments: 106 169. AACC- Substance Abuse Education Office Anne Arundel Community College Student Union Room 209 CAMPUS MAIL, SUN 209 Contact: Phone: Loretta Lawson-Munsey (410) 777-2527 Ext: Fax: (410) 777-7044 Email: [email protected] Best time to contact: M, W, via email Website: Mission/Description: Provide prevention programming relating to alcohol and other drugs while learning about the process of recovery from substance abuse. Service-learning opportunities: Work with peer health education and peer support specialist students in SPEAR (Spreading Prevention & Awareness Resources) & CRC(Collegiate Recovery Center) to provide prevention programming throughout college campuses. # of students needed: 2 per semester Minimum age: Minimum # of hours: Times when needed: Dependent on programming Orientation: Attend peer health educator meetings as needed and meet with supervisor or student designee. Special requirements: Ability to work with others and with minimal supervision. Ability to accept guidance and direction from peer health educator & peer support specialist students. Public transportation: MTA #14 bus Comments: Nursing students, Human Service/Addiction, & Psychology students may be particularly interested in this opportunity. 170. AACPS On-Campus Transition Program (takes place here at AACC) Anne Arundel Community College CAMPUS MAIL, SUN 220 Website: Contact: Phone: Fax: Email: Louise Sudduth (410) 533-9608 Ext: (410) 757-1300 (410) 777-4829 [email protected] x303 Broadneck High School office Best time to contact: M-F, 9:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m., email preferred Mission/Description: Program for students with developmental disabilities pursuing a high school certificate. Students attend college in morning and functional life skills classes in the afternoon at AACC. Students pursue their education in a supported environment. Service-learning opportunities: On-going project to develop social, functional reading, writing, and math skills. All activities take place on campus during regular college hours Monday - Friday. Recreational activities off campus are encouraged. # of students needed: Minimum age: Minimum # of hours: Times when needed: Orientation: Special requirements: Public transportation access: Comments: 6 M-F, 9:00 a.m. - 2:30 p.m. & T/Th 8:30am-9:30am On-the-job training Students will work with intellectually disabled young adults. Excellent opportunity for education and health field majors. MTA #14 bus Service learners have worked with students on functional life skills such as money and time. They have also worked with students on college work involving nutrition, first aid skills, muscle structure and exercises. 107 Turn Page 108 The Reflective Journal Keeping a diary or journal of your experiences at the site will help you to consider more deeply the significance of its personal impact as well as any connection to your class studies. If your instructor requires you to keep a journal, always follow your instructor’s requirements when completing your assignment. The following suggestions will provide insight into what you are experiencing and how you are feeling about it. For confidentiality, always use pseudonyms rather than the real names of partnership site clients. Let your thoughts and feelings flow when you write. Don't worry about editing your writing since tinkering with spelling, grammar, etc., could blunt emotions. The writing does not have to sound pretty, profound or poetic. The goal is to develop your senses and observation skills so the writing reflects who you truly are. Just be yourself. It may be helpful to write the factual or objective account of the experience the same day it occurs. This will ensure that the memories are fresh and intact. Students sometimes use this portion to consider any possible links or conflicts between class theory and the event. Next, explore and describe your reactions and perceptions to your day. This is the subjective part of your journal and should represent the free expression of yourself. You will find that this gets easier the more often it is attempted. You will get the greatest rewards in this exercise if you avoid thinking of the journal as only a work log. It can help you to identify positive learning experiences as well as put problems in their proper perspective. The journal can become an excellent tool for you to chart your personal and academic growth. The Purpose of Reflection To promote academic learning Recognize application of knowledge and skills learned in classroom Recognize the use of problem-solving skills Stimulate complex thinking Learn interrelationship between academic subjects To encourage personal development Reveal personal changes in one’s self-image Promote career interest thinking Recognize importance of interpersonal and intrapersonal skills Build learning from experience Recognize benefits of collaboration To improve community program development Improve quality of future service Improve benefits to all parties involved Adapted from Conrad & Hedin's "Practical Suggestions for Reflection Learning from Service: Experience Is the Best Teacher — Or Is It?" Safety and Service Suggestions for Volunteers Service to the community may take you to places that seem different from your own neighborhood. Some people welcome the chance to learn about new areas, but others wonder if they are safe. The following simple precautions make good sense at a service site as well as in your hometown, your favorite weekend spot or on the Anne Arundel Community College campus. Know where you are going. Make sure you have the correct address and a verbal description if possible. Get the telephone number so you can call for directions if you get lost. Have a map. Check the route before you go. Before you go to the site, make an appointment so that people are expecting you. Do not go where you are not expected. Always let someone know where you are going and when to expect you back. Avoid being a target for trouble. Be aware of your environment at all times. Do not display expensive jewelry, large amounts of cash or valuable items such as sports equipment, iPods or cellular phones. Do not leave the same articles visible in your car, whether locked or unlocked. Always lock your car. When returning to a parked car, have the key in your hand as you approach. Before opening the car, visually check around, under and inside. Take action if necessary. It is very unusual to be harassed or threatened while volunteering in the community or traveling to a site. If you should be harassed or threatened, try to leave the area and avoid the situation. Then, notify appropriate authority (i.e. supervisor, police, etc.). Report any incident or accident to your service-learning professor and the Center for Learning through Service.