May 8th, 2013 - Walpole Weekly
Walpole Weekly May 8th, 2013 Community News of Walpole, Nornalup, Peaceful Bay & Bow Bridge Proudly published in Litter Free Walpole Walpole’s Skate Park is now a reality … Dateline 2000 – The Community Opportunity Workshop Outcomes lists the construction of a Skate Park in Walpole as being an identified need for the youth of the day, who had very limited recreational activities and even fewer facilities. Since that time the project has been primarily driven by the Shire of Manjimup in enlisting the support and cooperation of the various Rec Centre Managers and Walpole Youth Group Coordinator’s to progress the concept further. Various grants were successful in working towards the overall cost of such a facility. Various ideas and plans were considered. Once it was decided that the most trouble free and streamlined approach to the project would be to build a new skate park, the road forward became clear. Dateline September 2011 – Manjimup Shire received $31,418 for its Walpole Skate Park development. Dateline September 2012 Lotterywest donated a further $91,582 towards the development. Above: Reg Clark Dateline April 2013 and Walpole Skate Park’s construction is finally underway. The ground breaking took place early in the month and the Below: Todd Brown crew from Convic Skateparks and the Shire of Manjimup worked seamlessly together to bring this project to completion. Dateline May 2013 and the project is completed – except for signage and an official opening which are both still to come. The $162,000 project was designed in consultation with Walpole young people and the broader community. The location east of the existing cricket nets at the Walpole Oval seeks to maximize shade from the trees on site and will also see the relocation of the basketball half court. It has been a long process, from identifying the need to choosing the location, bringing in the soil and concrete as well as hiring the right experts for the job. Unfortunately many of the youths who helped get the project onto the Shire’s radar have since left the district however some have returned to the district and when asked for a comment they had this to say; Alicia Johnson, “ It’s great to see that after many, many years of hard work the skate park has come to fruition. It is also great to know that you can make a contribution to the community and although it has taken a long time it has been appreciated..” Ariana Svenson, “Many different people been involved, most of the kids involved in the initial stages are well and truly adults now. I hope the young people of today appreciate all the hard work that goes into getting assets such as the skate park.” Walpole Weekly Produced by Walpole Community Resource Centre (Inc) Latham Ave. (PO Box 197), Walpole, WA 6398 Phone : (08) 9840 1395 Fax (08) 9840 1394 Email: [email protected] Web: Temperatures and rainfall for Sunday April 28th to Saturday May 4th, 2013 Temperatures DISTRIBUTION: 400 copies per week. DEADLINE FOR all advertisements, stories and pictures is 12 noon each Monday at the Community Resource Centre. News Items included at Editor’s discretion. Announcements, notices of meeting etc will be treated as paid advertisements unless they have particular news value. ADVERTISING RATES (including GST) Full page (19 cm wide x 27.7 cm deep) $ 90 If right hand page nominated $100 Half page - 9.2cm x 27.7cm or 13.6cm x 19cm $45 If right hand page nominated $50 Quarter page- 9.2cm x 13.5cm or 19cmx 6.5cm $25 If page 3 or 5 nominated $30 Eighth page 9.2cm wide x 6.5 cm deep $12 If page 3 or 5 nominated $15 If front page nominated $25 Rainfall Min Max mm Sunday 12.0 17.4 9.0 Monday 7.3 18.0 0 Tuesday 11.0 19.5 0 Wednesday 13.7 20.3 0 Thursday 15.8 20.1 41.4 Friday 14.6 18.5 24.4 Saturday 11.8 20.3 2.6 Total rainfall for the week : 77.4 Forecast for the next five days : CLASSIFIED AND PUBLIC NOTICES : Account customers or paid on the day: $6.00 for up to 3 items and $12.00 for more Births, Deaths & Marriages - 50% of scheduled fee; Outside covers, special effects, flyers by arrangement; DISCOUNT : One FREE advertisement if bookings for full year and paid in advance. INVOICE issued at the beginning of the month following appearance SUBSCRIPTION ~ by post - $55 per calendar year ~ hand delivered in the main street - $33 per calendar year. ~ emailed - $55 per calendar year. INTERNET :All editions of The Weekly can be downloaded from— and follow the links. DISCLAIMER: The Management Committee takes no responsibility for the content of contributions and any views expressed are those of the contributor. HAPPY BIRTHDAY! May 10 11 12 14 15 Cody Sawyer, Linda Hoskins, Heidi Arrowsmith Shane Dumbrell Hes Anderson Vaughan Bellanger Audrie Sawyer, Hazel Vermeulen, Darcie Whitelock, Lucia Hoskins May 8th, 2013 — 2 Sources: St George’s Anglican Church Walpole Corner Vista and Pier Streets Holy Communion Sunday 10am. Contact: Rev Sue Lodge-Calvert Telephone: 9848 2173 Website: TIMES TO REMEMBER Walpole Waste Transfer Station Tuesday and Thursday 1 - 5 Sunday 9 - 5 Peaceful Bay Tip Wednesday 9 - 1 Sunday 1 - 4.30 Library Wednesday 9 - 12 and 1 - 3.30 Friday 9 - 12 and 1 - 3.30 Saturday 9 -12 Walpole Op Shop Monday—Friday 9.30 - 11.30 and Saturday 10 -1 Walpole Weekly Community Events Calender Month May Date Details 8 Manjimup Community Visioning workshop Machine Operator / Truck Driver Walpole Depot $49,410 per annum 9 Colin Holt at WCRC 15 Bowling Club AGM 17 Womens Health Broadcast at CRC 25 Opening of Ficifolia Community Garden Position No: PSN 1 / 2 – 14 Job Description: We are seeking a motivated enthusiastic individual to join our Works and Services Team. The successful applicant will have experience in operating a range of plant, machinery and minor earthmoving equipment, knowledge of construction activities including road, drainage and path maintenance and a current HR driving license. Remuneration: The wage and conditions for this position will be in accordance with the Shire of Manjimup Enterprise Agreement 2012-2015, Level 3: Further Information: Please contact David Martin, Works Supervisor on 97717777 or by email at [email protected] Application Package: to access information about this position phone (08) 97717777 or Visit Applications close @ 4pm on Friday 10 May 2013 Andrew Campbell Acting Chief Executive Officer BOWLS Annual General Meeting Wednesday, 15th May 2013 7 pm at the Clubhouse YOUR ATTENDANCE WOULD BE GREATLY APPRECIATED. Plug into the Sun with Great Southern Solar Reduce your home or business power bills Solar power, wind power and solar hot water Quality systems at great prices On and off grid Call Don and the team on 9848 Walpole Weekly 1369 to find out more May 8th, 2013 — 3 LETTER TO THE EDITOR Graffitti = Vandalism To the Community, After wanting a skate park and then defacing it I'm truly sorry for my actions regarding the graffiti . I have let down my family, myself and others and I am embarrassed by it. I would like to thank the local police for their guidance in helping us clean it off. Name withheld by request. Mel Burke and Graham Hawkins are pleased to announce the arrival of Koby Laurence Hawkins On the 5th May, weighing 8lb 14oz. Such a shame. And within 24 hours of the completion of laying the concrete. The Ficifolia Community Garden wall, the rear wall of the brick toilet block nearest the Skate Park and the new Skate Park itself were defaced with spray paint late last week. This act of vandalism was brought to the attention of Sergeant Clifford at his home, by the parent of one of the three offending children. This parent felt quite strongly about their child’s involvement. All parents, together with the Police cleaned up the graffiti. All three children have been formally cautioned for their actions. A number of local residents have expressed disappointment that such a senseless act occurred in our town, proving that even though Walpole is a proudly litter free, community focused township it cannot be taken for granted that the children of the district are like minded. Therein lies the opportunity to harness all this youthful energy in a more positive manner to benefit the community in its quest to maintain such high standards of appearance. Chef Heston Blumenthal is heading back to WA Just minutes before two of his British restaurants were named among the world's top 50 at a prestigious annual event in London on Monday, Blumenthal confirmed he would attend this year's Margaret River Gourmet Escape. "Yes, we're coming to Western Australia and we can't wait," he told The West Australian. "We always hear so many great things about Margaret River. "It was most unfortunate we couldn't make it last year." Blumenthal, arguably the most recognised chef in the world, was one of the headline attractions at last year's event, but was forced to withdraw after two of his top chefs were killed in a traffic accident in Hong Kong. Like last year, Blumenthal plans to spend a few extra days in WA - on either side of the Margaret River festivities - with other members of his family, including mother Celia. "Mum loves Australia so I guess she'll be coming along," he said. May 8th, 2013 — 4 Pictures above; Chef Heston Blumenthal and his mum Celia, Walpole Weekly Jarrah Glen's Home Open Despite the cold and gloomy afternoon of Saturday April 27th, there was lots of chat and the opening and closing of cupboards and drawers. More than 35 locals took the opportunity to inspect what the Retirement Village has to offer at Unit 6 and to wander around the entire complex. It is early days yet as most of the finishing touches are still to be done and the landscaping installed. However there were lots of positive comments about the spacious and comfortable units. The muted colour scheme impressed people and the state of the art appliances were noted with approval. Committee members were kept busy responding to questions relating to the leasehold arrangements and written information was provided to those who wanted to study the detail. Chairperson Rodney Burton said it was really pleasing to see so many people coming to have a look at the project that they have supported for so many years. It is exciting to see the project close to completion. Pictured above; Architects from H & H, Gail Laing and Builder Gibson Towns from Grandeur Homes . New edition Directory ready to hit the presses… The Community and Business Directory of Walpole and Districts 2013 edition is almost complete, with just a few final minor adjustments to be made. Printing is scheduled to begin within the week, with copies available to the public from around 16th May onwards. The Community Directory as it has become known is the initiative of Walpole Community Resource Centre and 2013 edition is the sixth consecutive year the directory has been published. CRC people Hilary Mayger and Lorraine Cooper have once again managed the entire current production—chasing up advertisers, checking currency of details, updating the personal contacts section , offering space to new enterprises—all to ensure that the information contained therein is accurate and informative and is a good representation of the many and varied services and facilities that are available to the community. As in past years the cover has depicted copies of works by local artists and this year is no exception. Debbie Clark’s vibrant water colour of a local coastline scene sets off the front cover, making it easy to spot. Centrefold this year has been allocated to the Walpole Yacht Club’s “In the Trees Regatta” featuring photos highlighting the weekend event earlier in the year. All in all, it is promising once again, to be a “must have” resource to keep close at hand either at work or at home. Revenue from the production has allowed the directories to be provided free of charge to each residence and business in the district. Additional copies will be available at a cost of $5.50 each from the Walpole CRC. Walpole Weekly May 8th, 2013 — 5 Walpole Lotto Syndicate 93 Shares were taken up at a cost of $10 each. Lots of people missed the deadline and therefore were unable to take a share in the $203.05 winnings. The individual share was just $2.18.It is proposed that the winnings be re invested in the $21 million superdraw Saturday 11th May or can be picked up from Walpole Quality Meats. For those interested the odds to win Division 1 are Powerball-1 in 76,767,600 and Saturday Lotto-1 in 8,145,060. If there is enough public interest this can become a regular thing. Expressions of interest should be directed to John at Walpole Quality Meats. Mothers Day Raffle Thursday, Friday & Saturday Outside the Walpole IGA Drawn 2pm Saturday. YOGA CLASSES At the COMMUNITY HALL An 8 week course in lyengar Yoga will commence on Thursday 9 May 6-7.30pm Beginners and experienced yoga students welcome. Please bring a non-slip yoga mat, block, Strap and blanket. All proceeds going to the Cancer Council. Winners will be notified. Fees: $12 per class High school students: $9 Enquiries to Christine Fry 0439 955 278 Enquiries: Phone Jenny 9840 1804 a/h May 8th, 2013 — 6 Walpole Weekly Albany’s Notorious Salmon Holes claims another life Mother’s Day Sunday 12th May Walpole Pharmacy has a range of Giftware available to help spoil your Mum for Mothers day! A Perth man has died after falling into the ocean at the notorious Albany fishing spot, Salmon Holes. Police say the 46-year-old man fell into the water around 1:00 pm on Monday May 6th. *GIFT VOUCHERS AVAILABLE* FREE GIFT WRAPPING Phone/Fax 9840 1127 Available Services at Aradia Blue Mondays: Rosemarie Warnock, Acupuncture & Chinese Medicine. Tuesdays: Bronwyn Clarke, Kinesiology. Wednesdays: Di Pickersgill, Beauty Therapy & Reiki. 4.30 Meditation The incident occurred while the man's wife and brother-in-law were watching on. A bystander attempted to throw a flotation device to the man but it did not work. The man had died and was washed up on a reef by the time rescuers could get to him. Sadly the message of coastal safety is not getting through. Despite the many news articles and warning signs fishers continue to put their lives at risk, by fishing at this location. In 2009 as a memorial to Nathan Drew a Silent Sentry Device was erected at the Salmon Holes. Unfortunately the silent sentry safety device was used but was not able to save the latest victim. Thusdays: Samhadi, Holistic Healing & Massage. Fridays: Di Pickersgill, Beauty Therapy & Reiki. Located on the main street of Walpole, Aradia Blue has an eclectic selection of local produce clothing and giftwares. With a warm welcoming atmosphere come in for a browse or a chat and enjoy the unique ambience that is Aradia Blue on Walpole. 9840 1953 Walpole Weekly Gift Vouchers Available. walpole Op Shop Money has been proffered from all sides recently but if you would like help with a community project please apply to the Op Shop in writing before 18th May. Kate O’Brien PO Box 266 Walpole 6398 May 8th, 2013 — 7 FREE to all communities : Westlink telecasts via Satellite through all CRCs in the State. New are the Womens’ Health & Family Services Program from Episode 1 several times during the week, including nights and weekends. A new episode is broadcast every third Thursday of the month and replayed the following Tuesday. We are also playing the Rural, Remote and Regional Women’s Network WA “Finding Love in the Country” throughout the month at a variety of times, so you can catch this very entertaining program once again. Beyond Gardens LIVE Series 1 and 2 are also being replayed every Wednesday morning and afternoon. Foodbank’s presentation of Food Sensations is proving very popular. As well as new episodes every month, we have scheduled replays of all episodes at different times throughout the month Contact Walpole CRC for viewing times from the comprehensive Program Guide. Pink Ribbon raffle finally resolved At the 2012 Pink Ribbon Breakfast, hosted by Walpole CRC and held in the Walpole Community Centre, there were a number of prizes—totaling around 16 or so—that had been donated to help raise funds for this very worthy cause. In fact, the dollars raised by this event helped take the overall monies raised since the event began back in 2005, to over $10,000, which is no mean feat from such a small community. The first prize in the raffle was accommodation for two nights in the Barnhouse at Tree Elle Resort in Bow Bridge, kindly donated by owner/operators Kim and Peter. Walpole’s own Michael Filby was the lucky winner who generously donated the prize for the use by someone suffering from Breast Cancer and in need of a break away. Enlisting the assistance of Helen Rawlins of Walpole Silver Chain it transpired that no-one was identified or available to take up the offer. So the quest recently went in another direction. Just last week it was confirmed a family from Boyup Brook , whose wife and mother is a Breast Cancer sufferer will be very happy to accept the offer. Arrangements are in hand to confirm the booking. Thankyou, Michael, for your generosity. FAREWELL TO DOUGIE All Walpole Menshed members and friends are invited to join us at our rooms on Thursday, May 9th at 9 am to farewell our hard-working secretary, Dougie Bruce, who is sadly leaving us. (Nominations for the Secretary’s position are now open) Call Peter Newton, 98401300 for more information Will be closed on Saturday 11th May and Sunday 12th May Sorry and Thanks May 8th, 2013 — 8 Walpole Menshed Walpole Weekly Shin Naturopathic Clinic Naturopathy Herbal Medicine Therapeutic Massage Massage for Relaxation Major health funds rebate available Gift vouchers available Ph: 9840 1767 Okhee Callegari ND Massage, Foot Reflexology, & Bowen Technique available by Colin Hill (Dip. Massage, Foot Reflexology, Bowen Technique) ConcessionsWA This year Western Australians will access almost $1 billion in state government concessions, rebates and subsidy schemes. By visiting you can find information on more than 100 state government concessions. PROFESSIONAL THERAPEUTIC MASSEUR 27 years experience For relief of Neck & Back pain, Muscular aches, Stress & Tension. For other pain, including Headaches, Sore feet, Legs, Shoulder, Arms Lymphatic Drainage, Deep tissue & Relaxation For an Appointment please phone 9840 8169 or see Colin (MANAGER) at Peaceful Bay Chalets Peppermint Way, Peaceful Bay Contact information For queries regarding your entitlement to Government of Western Australia concessions, rebates and subsidy schemes, please contact the relevant agency by visiting the ConcessionsWA web portal at For all other enquiries please email [email protected] If you’d prefer to speak to someone, please contact the Department for Department for Communities Gordon Stephenson House 140 William Street, Perth WA 6000 t: (08) 6551 8700 The Whirling Rainbow Holostic Healing Traditions Swedish Massage, Deep Tissue Massage, Reflexology, Reiki, Ear Candling Raindrop Treatment & Holotropic Breathwork. , Introductory Offers: 1 hour massage with organic Living Young oils $75 Ear Candling $55 Redeem this coupon for the above specials . Thursdays at Aradia Blue Enquiries & Appointments Call SAMADHI 9840 9330 or 0423 503 085 Walpole Weekly May 8th, 2013 — 9 Nationals’ chief quits Colin Holt has stood down as the Nationals’ WA president due to his increasingly heavy parliamentary workload. Mr Holt had held the position for four years, was last month appointed Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister for Training and Workforce Development Mr Terry Redman. David Eagles has accepted the role of acting State president until the party’s State conference in August. Several nominations were received for the party’s new candidate for he Federal seat of O’Connor, held by retiring MP Tony Crook. The party’s policy is to not name nominees but one is believed to be William “Chub” Witham, who was a geologist in the Goldfeilds. The candidate will be ratified on May 25th. Friday Nights -Happy Hour with bar snacks 5.30 - 6.30pm. -Chase the ACE $250 drawn at 7pm. Sunday Carvery -All you can eat buffet $25.95. Children under13 $16.95. Restaurant open 5.30 - 8.30pm This weeks hotel specials: Budweiser Stubbies $51.99/ctn Corona Stubbies $56.99/ct Miller Genuine Draft $44.99/ctn XXXX Gold Cans $36.99/ctn VB Stubbies $46.99/ctn Strongbow Original Stubbies $47.99/ctn Emu Export Blocks $43.99 Swan Draught Stubbies $47.99/ctn Carlton Mid Stubbies $40.99/ctn Coopers Pale Ale Stubbies $47.99/ctn Absolut Vodka $38.99 Baileys Irish Cream $28.99 Napoleon 1804 French Brandy $29.99 Walpole Hotel/ Jim Beam White Label $36.99 Motel Black Douglas Scotch $33.99 Op e n 7 d a y s a w e e k Phone: (08)9840 102 Walpole Online Supporting local artisans and crafts people. Marketing Walpole products across the country and around the world An initiative of the Walpole CRC. Walpole Online takes off Since its inception in 2012 Walpole Online has been slow to mature to where it is today – and that is a fully functional online shopping cart representing local artists and craftspeople and providing a means for their products to be sold out-side the local market environment. Walpole Community Resource Centre Trainee Linda Beard has spent the last sixteen months developing and implementing the shopping cart and this week it reached it’s first milestone– it’s first sale. Once the first purchase order came via email and payment was confirmed by paypal, the product was packaged and shipped forthwith. May 8th, 2013 — 10 Walpole Weekly Land donation by the Birkbeck family for the purpose of Munda Biddi Trail 5 Mowday Road DENMARK Quality 4 bedroom, 2 bathroom home set on 4644 sqm block with delightful views through the tree tops. A separate parents bedroom with en-suite and walk-in-robe. The photos do not do this beautiful home justice - an inspection is a must Contact: Cliff Jefferson Mobile: 0408 443 811 A/h: 9840 8486 Asking: $795,000 Knitting or Crochet Get Together Dust off your projects for winter Beginners welcome When: 25/5/2013 Where: Community Hall Time: 10am to 12am Cost: $10—morning tea provided Run by Marg Everett Come along and book in for a class! Will run adult classes if enough interest. Children's Classes to start subject to numbers. When: Wed 22nd May Where: Community Hall Time: 3.30 to 4.30pm Cost: $35—5 week course or $8 per lesson Run By Marg Everett Interested Adults and Children's can book at the Resource Centre or see Marg Everett. Walpole Weekly The Munda Biddi Trail offers a long distance cycle touring experience, stretching between Mundaring, near Perth, and Albany on the South Coast. Cyclists can experience the best the south west has to offer by bike, including stunning scenery, tall trees, the Walpole Wilderness, and delicious local culinary delights like truffle and local wines. One of the highlights of riding on the Munda Biddi Trail on the South Coast is the occasional opportunity to visit its wild blue ocean and stunning beaches. Those internationally renowned Greens Pool is one of the examples. “Identifying a safe alignment to create the link to William Bay National Park was one of the great project challenges experienced by staff” says Kerstin Stender, project coordinator with the Department of Environment and Conservation. “It was only when the Birkbeck family offered to donate two parcels of land that this section of trail was made possible.” The vital link, to be known as “Raintree Link”, represents a connection that has allowed the Munda Biddi Trail to pass through William Bay National Park, past the famous Greens Pool and linking with Lights Beach. This also provides a ’loop trail' from Denmark via the Munda Biddi Trail and Heritage Rail Trail. The land will be donated to the Shire of Denmark, who will permit DEC use of the land for the purpose of the Munda Biddi Trail. “The vision for this was provided to our family by John Sampson and our local shire. We are glad that we can do something that is appreciated” outlined Steve Birkbeck. Other supporters of the trail construction in this area wasthe Great Southern Development Commission, who provided funding through the Royalties for Regions Scheme, and the Denmark Shire who kindly permitted the use of their land for the Trail. “This new section of the Munda Biddi Trail extends the local riding opportunities and will be an attraction in itself for tourists from all over the world” Ms Stender stated. With the future addition of the proposed WOW trail between Ocean Beach and Lights Beach this section of trail between Denmark and William Bay National Park will offer an amazing off-road cycling experience. May 8th, 2013 — 11 May 8th, 2013 — 12 Walpole Weekly Edward Roocke’s epic adventure Congratulations to Edward Roocke and nine other youths from all over West Australia who have just completed an epic adventure with Outward Bound Australia. As part of Outward Bound’s twelve day Navigator program Ed and his team overcame challenges including six days of hiking, three days of rafting across the beautiful Nornalup and Broke Inlets, a high ropes course and just trying to stay warm and dry amidst the heavy rain that we had last week! Along the way the group were pushed to their physical and mental limits and all rose to the challenges that were thrown at them, discovering new strengths within themselves. The Navigator course is run for 15-17 year olds in each Autumn and Spring, Ed was able to attend with the support of the Plantagenet Financial Services, the Walpole Op Shop and the Outward Bound Community Day. Stay tuned next week for Ed’s report on his experience. Walpole’s Wellness Challenge– Final check in for those who registered. It’s been one year since you started the Wellness challenge and it’s now time for the final check in. This time last year, you decided to make Walpole a healthier town, this is your last chance to help your town win the Healthiest Town award. The Walpole final check in will be held on Tuesday the 21st May 11.00am at the Walpole Community Hall. For our final event, we are holding a My Town Rules Cook-off. A Walpole team will compete against the 6 other towns to win the title of “Healthiest Town Cooks. ” The winning team will attend a one day cooking workshop at Foragers in Pemberton which includes: Apron & Recipes, Hands-on Tuition, Morning Tea and Lunch including a beverage. If this is something you would like to take part in, please contact the Wellbeing Warren Blackwood team on 9771 7716 or [email protected] for more information and to register. If cooking isn’t your thing but eating healthy food is, then just by coming along you go into the draw to be a guest judge and lunch is provided for all a on the day. Remember this is your final chance to help make your town the healthiest, so please bring along your Wellness passports and collect any outstanding stamps. As we are not able to place your efforts into the final tally without your passport, it is vital you bring it with you. Alternatively if you are unable to attend on this date, please submit your check in at your town check point by May 31st The Walpole town checkpoint is the Walpole Sports and Recreation Centre. To help us cater for this event, it is important you register your attendance (97717716 or [email protected]). Walpole Weekly May 8th, 2013 — 13 Walpole CENTRAL Building, Latham Avenue, Walpole Phone : 9840 1395 Fax : 9840 1394 Email : [email protected] Per Calendar Year GREAT SOUTHERN INSTITUTE of TECHNOLOGY Campus : Course delivery modes - Individual $35.00 Ind. Concession (incl Seniors) $30.00 Family $50.00 SECRETARIAL SERVICES Family Concession $45.00 SENIORS COMPUTING GROUP Corporate $75.00 Community/Non Profit Groups $50.00 Face to Face, Flexible, External, Satellite, On-Line WALPOLE WEEKLY - Community News VIDEO CONFERENCING FACILITIES DESK TOP PUBLISHING WEBSITE DESIGN and HOSTING PHOTOCOPYING & PRINTOUTS Black & White/Colour LAMINATING DOCUMENT BINDING COMPUTER USE / SCANNING Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday 9.00am 9.00am 9.00am 9.00am 9.00am - 5.00pm 5.00pm 5.00pm 5.00pm 5.00pm Seniors Computing Group 1.00pm - 4.00pm Thursdays BROADBAND INTERNET/e-mail FAX FACILITIES VHS/DVD DUBBING COMPUTER SALES TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE CAMERA DOWNLOADS / CD-DVD BURNING KEY CUTTING ID PHOTOS GOVERNMENT SERVICES INFORMATION AREA CENTRELINK & MEDICAREACCESS POINT DEPT VETERANS AFFAIRS INFORMATION AUSTRALIAN ELECTORAL COMMISSION ATO – INFORMATION UNIT / ONLINE ACCESS TeleSHOP, TeleFLORA, TeleFRESH DENMARK TROPHIES BOCS Ticketing RE-CHARGE IT INKS & RE-INKING BIZZ WIZZ SOFTWARE Reseller WESTNET / iiNET Internet Service Provider BANKING AGENCY STAMP-IT Rubber Stamps Monday—Friday (inclusive) EXAM SUPERVISION—University, CC & SIDE 10.00am — 4.00pm MEETING ROOM HIRE incl LAPTOP, DATA PROJECTOR & SCREEN 24/7 Full ATM facilities FULLY SERVICED OFFICE HIRE St John Ambulance Building, Nockolds Street WALPOLE COMMUNITY CENTRE BOOKINGS May 8th, 2013 — 14 Walpole Weekly Walpole Wallopers ! Police News May 2013 Welcome to Walpole Wallopers. School is back. Time to watch the School Speed Zones and children on the street ! Thank you To our volunteer ambulance officers who were dragged away from the ANZAC day parade to look for the victim of a car & jet ski crash. Unfortunately the young men involved thought it was more important to call their insurance broker and go surfing for 6 hours than to contact the local Police to report the crash. Police issued the driver of the vehicle infringements for having bald tyres and insufficient lights on the trailer (There was no light plug fitted to the car at all !) Sorry ! I am sorry that Walpole Police were unable to attend the dawn service in Peaceful Bay and the service in Walpole as promised. Next year we will hopefully be in attendance. April 2013 Police attended 18 complaints during April and could not attend the ANZAC services due to the crash on ANZAC day and two charming individuals that came to Walpole on the 24th of April. With some timely information from the ladies at a local business police arrested a man and woman from Bridgetown/Greenbushes outside the Post Office. These charming individuals had gone on a mini crime spree shoplifting from the IGA, Visitors Centre and the Pharmacy. After arresting them they were found to be in possession of drugs and items including a balaclava, torch, screwdrivers, hammer and other goodies you might need at night to reek havoc on our lovely town. Walpole Police ruined their planned further activities for our town and sent them packing ! Charges preferred for April 2013 1 x Driving in Excess of .05 (FLORIDA resident who almost hit the Police car at 1.00 pm in the afternoon ! It was an unlucky day for the US of A !) 2 x No Authority to Drive & Vehicles Seizures (Bunbury & Denmark residents) 3x Stealing (Green Bushes/Bridgetown residents) 6 x Possession of Cannabis & Smoking Implements. (Rocky Gully, Perth & Bridgetown) 1 x Aggravated Unlawful Wounding (Stabbing) Southern Cross resident for a stabbing in Southern Cross. (She came to town and we arrested her after finding out she was here.) 1 x Possession of Morphine. (Bridgetown) If you lawfully receive prescription drugs and sell or give them away for someone else’s use you commit an offence. The person using them commits an offence. I am aware that this currently goes on in Walpole !! Cameron CLIFFORD Walpole Police - 98401618 Sergeant 9041 [email protected] 98401618 Walpole Weekly May 8th, 2013 — 15 Nominate a mate! FOR SALE The Regional Achievement & Community Awards have been launched and the search is underway for our local individuals, businesses, groups and organisations that are making a real community contribution and difference. For Sale: Jarrah (FJ) Timber Decking 85mm x 20mm 2700mm lengths @ $7.50 ea. 3600mm lengths @ $10.00 ea. app. 11.2 metres per sm. when laid with 5mm gaps. “These awards give important recognition to our community contributors and I encourage individuals and groups from all walks of life to nominate and get involved” said the Hon Brendon Grylls MLA, Minister for Regional Development and Patron of the Awards. Second hand tyres Four Savero A/T 265 X 75 X R16 116T app 4mm tread. Suit Patrol or sim. $100 Nominations are now open in the following categories: Rinehart Development of Northern Regional WA Award Curtin University Teaching Excellence Award Prime Super Community of the Year Award Horizon Power Leadership & Innovation Award LandCorp Sustainability Award Department of Indigenous Affairs Indigenous Service Award CSBP Environment Award Perth Airport Events and Tourism Award Keystart Home Loans Primary Producer of the Year Award Department for Communities – Community Group of the Year Award One of the ten category award winners will also be selected as the overall state winner, the Department of Regional Development and Lands Regional Achievement and Community Award winner. Great prizes are up for grabs including a share in $22,000 in Bank Accounts from the Commonwealth Bank. Nominations close Tuesday 23rd July and nomination forms are available from sponsors, by contacting the Awards Office on 08 9201 1155, nominating online at or by emailing [email protected]. Finalists and winners will be presented at a Gala Awards Presentation evening in Perth on Friday 18th October. Nominees who do not make the finals but are able to attend will also be presented on stage with framed certificates in recognition of their community contribution. May 8th, 2013 — 16 Peter 9840 1300 For Sale: New Double Bunk Bed (White Pipe Line) $150.00 2x Single Ensembles (V.G.C.) $60.00 each 2x Bar Stools (V.G.C.) $10 each Mazda 2600 4wd, new tyres, spoties, new head, CD, ,serviced, Rego, canopy and Roo Bar ONLY $2,500.00 Boat Belcraft 4.2F/G 35 Evinrude serviced, sounders, spotty, electric winch, new seats ( All Reg) $5,500.00 ) O.N.O Call 0411 816 408 any time For Sale: Part Roll new ringlock Fence wire approx. 100m $100 or nearest offer of cash. Dougie 0408 004 573 For Sale: Tractor, Fiat 513R 3PL/PTO Good Workhorse 5ft Slasher and Carry-all included $4,000 ONO Motorbike Honda 50cc Comes with Boots and gloves $300 ONO Phone; 9840 1019 FREE Sofa Bed - OK Condition Nornalup Riverside Chalets Phone: 98401107 4 seater pink modular couch in good condition. Phone: 9840 1188 CORRECTION Re the article "Joan decorates just one more cake" (Walpole Weekly April 24th ) the cake Joan decorated was for my granddaughter not my daughter. M. Smith Walpole Weekly SPORTS RESULTS Mens Golf Results Scroungers, Par 1st M. Hull 2nd A. Barrington 3rd R. Muir Long Putt N. Fry Best 3rd G. Becker Big Als’a C. Burton NTP R. Muir Best Chip K. Anderson Birdies C. Burton -2 -3 -3 #9 #10 #11 #13 #18 #10 Ladies Golf Results Tuesday 30th April, Pennants Walpole 5 v Albany Gold 1 Thursday 2nd May, Rhonda Perpoli Trophy Winner- Ros Hatfield 72 net R/Up – Sue Hawkins 77 net Las Vegas Winners to be announced. Next gameOpen Day Friday 10th May. Darts Results Last week saw the Riverside Ladies Darts Club’s annual triples championships. All players are drawn at random to make teams of three and a round robin playoff determines the finalists. Certainly a marathon night– the grand final finished at 1am! Congratulations to the winning team, consisting of Linda Beard, Michelle Whitehead and Sharman Symes. KidSport enables Western Australian children to participate in community sport and recreation, no matter their financial circumstances. Eligible youth aged 5–18 years can apply for financial assistance to contribute towards club fees. The fees will go directly to the registered KidSport clubs through their participating local government. While the primary objective of KidSport is to ensure all Western Australian children can participate in sport and recreation clubs, its secondary objective is to engage these children and their families in the community. Applications can be made through all clubs. Many Walpole families have already received assistance from this scheme. Walpole Weekly Football Report Denmark–Walpole Magpies played North Albany Kangas at Collingwood Park on Sunday. Kangas league were quick to give themselves a handy lead. By half time they were in front by 6 goals. This did not stop the Magpies, they fought back, but it was not enough to win. The reserves almost made it over the winning line, only one point being the difference. The return of the U15s, U13s and U11s is this weekend. Denmark-Walpole plays Railways at home—McLean Oval, Denmark. Great Southern Football League Kangas Magpies League 14.13-97 10.17-77 Reserves 8.4-52 6.15-51 Colts 20.7-127 3.3-21 U17s 6.6-42 4.10-34 Bulls Royals League 24.6-150 11.4-70 Reserves Colts U17s League Reserves Colts U17s 7.10-52 0.1-1 0.0-0 Railways 22.20-152 19.12-126 20.11-131 17.12-114 11.6-72 33.15-213 10.13-73 Sharks 7.3-45 2.3-15 4.4-28 3.6-24 Lower South West Football League Boyup Brook Bridgetown League 15.11-101 10.8-68 Reserves 2.3-15 15.14-104 Colts 10.13-73 10.8-68 Kojonup Tigers League 14.10-94 17.12-114 Reserves Colts BYE Southerners Deanmill League 9.16-70 7.10-52 Reserves 12.7-79 5.8-38 Colts BYE BYE Imperials May 8th, 2013 — 17 BRAD PIERCE Mob 0428 927 158 Ph/Fx : 08 9848 3191 Email : [email protected] HOUSE Slabs Verandahs Driveways sheds Exposed Aggregate HONED/GROUND CONCRETE Brick paving PO Box 434 Denmark wa 6333 WALPOLE CONCRETE SUPPLIES and EARTHMOVING SERVICE Pre-mix concrete Sand, Gravel carting Site works, house & shed pads, driveways Back hoe, bobcat, loader and grader hire Blue metal and metal dust available. Block and Firebreak slashing Contact Nigel Fry Phone 9840 1626 - Mobile 0419 948 072 ABN: 56 925 355 168 22T Excavator & D6 LGP Dozer Phone: Rusty0427 000 983 Email: [email protected] HP & LJ FREEZER—CHILLER—GENERAL FREIGHT SERVICING PERTH—MANJIMUP—ALBANY—BUNBURY 9840 8141 0429 850 917 All Transport Enquiries to: Peter - 0427 973 655 Kylie - 0428 761 263 WALPOLE DEPOT 7 Miguel Place (Next to Walpole Concrete) PH/FAX: (08) 9840 1374 PERTH DEPOT 455 Belmont Avenue KEWDALE WA 6105 PH: (08) 9353 5350 Active Sustainability Certified Home Energy Rating Assessments – 6 Stars Energy and Sustainability Audits Section J BCA Approvals Sustainability Advice Albany Based Engineer 0437 208 804 – Peter May 8th, 2013 — 18 BOW BRIDGE EARTHWORKS Servicing Walpole to Kent River. Gravel & Sand Supply. Building Site Preparation. Driveways & Sand Pads. Clearing of Building Envelopes, Parklands & Fencelines. Phone Kim Smith: 9840 8052 Walpole Weekly Walpole Weekly May 8th, 2013 — 19 W AL P O L E W E E K L Y Shire President’s Message (FACET) conference was recently held in Manjimup the Forum Advocating Cultural and Eco Tourism. The theme of the conference was Culinary Journeys - All the Tourism Ingredients. The aim of the conference was to provide an opportunity to bring together tourism, agriculture and marketing minds from different areas to examine issues and identify ways of capitalising on the strong link between tourism and food to create a strong destination. A conference “white paper” has been produced to provide future guidance to decision makers. I would like to thank all involved in organising and attending the conference. Council will be meeting next in Walpole on 30 May 2013. I encourage you to attend and discuss any matter with your Council. SuperTown Construction of the new Manjimup Timber and Heritage Park playground, is taking on an amazing transformation, with all playground equipment now installed. Rock work for the creek and footpaths are now underway. Rubber soft fall materials, sand, garden beds and timber furniture due to start in a few week. Manjimup’s New History House is nearing complete. Internal fit out is due to commence, starting with the installation of cabinet work. Manjimup Agricultural Expansion Project A community workshop will be hosted by Branding and Marketing consultants, Place Match and Braincells, asking for community involvement to help guide the development and promotion of the Food Council. This Workshop will be held at the Gallery in Manjimup’s Community Centre on Wednesday 8 May from 6pm till 9pm. AgriFood Skills Industry Forum held Thursday 11 April 2013 at the Manjimup Country Club, resulted in the formal announcement of the local Industry Steering Group to guide the project over the next three months until the formal appointment of a local Contact Details President Cr Wade De Campo 0427 094 081 South Ward Councillor Cr David Tapley (08) 9840 1170 After Hours Emergencies Only: 6454 4600 May 8th, 2013 — 20 SHIRE BULLETIN 8 M AY 2013 Industry Stakeholder Group. service for those residents who currently receive a Kerbside The Integrated Planning Framework “wheelie bin” collection process is continuing with the draft service Collection date for Strategic Community Plan released for a Walpole is the 27 May four week public consultation period. Currently the Asset Management Strategy 2013.Please have your items out one week and Plans, Corporate Business Plan, Risk prior to the collection start date. For further information contact Waste Management Framework, Long Term Management Officer Klaus Mueller on Financial Plans and Workforce Plan are being finalised. All documents are to be in 97717743. Council Meetings place by 1 July 2013. The next Ordinary Meeting of the Planning and Sustainability An informal public workshop on the draft Manjimup Shire Council will be held at Council Chambers, commencing at Environmental Management and 5.30pm on Thursday 9 May 2013. Any Sustainability Strategy will be held at person wishing to address the Council or 2.30pm on Friday 10 May2013 at the JC ask a question of the Council is welcome Rose Room, Manjimup. The Strategy is to do so at the start of the meeting. currently open for public comment until Notice of Agenda Items 24 May 2013. Proposed Change of Use from Ranger and Emergency Services 'Dwelling' to 'Holiday House' at Lot Fuel hazard reduction is currently 321 Kelly Street, Pemberton. taking place on Shire Reserve. Patrolling for illegal campers in all the Adoption for Advertising Purposes of Pemberton Timber Mill Workers' town sites. Cottages Precinct Conservation Plan. Preparing for the new cat legislation. Dealing with several dog attacks in the Proposed Change of Use from Cellar Door to Second Dwelling at Lot 4 Pemberton and Manjimup areas. Seven Day Road, Jardee. Community Services Consideration of Submissions and The 2013 Seniors Expo was held on Final Adoption of Draft Local Monday 15 April at the Manjimup Town Planning Policy LPS4 6.1.5 Heritage. Hall. More than 400 Seniors enjoyed the Planning Applicaiton for Ancillary opportunity to access information on Accommodation outside of building activities and services from over 30 area at Lot 30 Quenda Drive, businesses and not-for-profit organizations Northcliffe. available in their community. A great day Amendment to Environmental Health was had by all. Policy 5.1.11 Lodging Houses— Well Being Warren Blackwood Management. Local produce and healthy cooking Review of Council Policy 3.4.2 Windy techniques will be highlighted in the My Harbour Leases—Clauses 5 and 12. Town Rules Cooking Competition which Request to Change the Basis of Rating will take place in May. A team of four From UV to Grv for Various cooks will have 75 minutes to Properties in West Manjimup. prepare a three course meal featuring a mystery ingredient. Manjimup’s event will Tigers Gootball Club Reguest to take place at the Town Hall on Friday 10 Extend Lease Area - Portion of May 2013. Reserve 19552. BreastScreen WA Council Financial Payments Breast Screen WA mobile van will be February 2013. located at the front of Warren District Monthly Financial Activity Hospital from 13 June 2013 until 17 July Statement—March 2013. 2013, the mobile van provides a FREE Budget Review Adjustments—March screening mammography 2013. service, all women 40 years and over are Windy Harbour Proposal to welcome to attend. Purchase Gas Barbeques. Waste Management Minutes of the Manjimup Timber and The Shire of Manjimup is again providing Heritage Park Advisory Committee an annual Kerbside Hardwaste Collection Meeting held 9 April 2013. Statutory Services Walpole Library Pier Street Phone: 9840 1108 Wed: 9.00am - 12.00pm & 1.00pm - 3.30pm Friday: 9.00am - 12.00pm & 1pm - 3.30pm Sat 9.00am-12.00pm Walpole Transfer Station Plain Road Tuesday: 1.00pm - 5.00pm Thursday: 1.00pm - 5.00pm Sunday: 9.00am - 5.00pm Administration Centre Monday-Friday 8.30am-5.00pm Phone: (08) 9771 7777 Fax (08) 9771 7771 37-39 Rose St, Manjimup PO Box 1, MANJIMUP WA 6258 Email: [email protected] Web: Chief Executive Officer Jeremy Hubble Walpole Weekly
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