September 2015 • Issue #191 - Wheels on the Road Magazine
September 2015 • Issue #191 - Wheels on the Road Magazine
Published Since November 1999 September 2015 • Issue 191 • Still $3 bucks Standing Up For Our 2nd Amendment Rights! Published by a South Florida Moto-Journalist - Since 1971 - THIS MONTH’S CONTRIBUTORS: Axman, Charley Blackwolf, Chuck Lehmann, Cookie Dee, Doob, Doug Scofield, Frank T, Fern, Freddy J, Gabe Carrera, Huck, Killer Chuck, MM, Sharon, Stormy, Tattoo Dave, Willie Woo, Coco Puff & Mickey Bear!!! Happy y a D r o b a L Johnny’s 1st day at school! I’m gonna get me a new babe! See page 45 for Full Flyer Tattoo Expo Born to be wildddd... In loving memory of Bernie, Chrissy, Clay, Big Ed, Bob Amchir, Animal, Ricky, Pervert, Roger-Kenny & Pauly 1%’ers, Mojo, Vinny Margotta, Poppy, Gunslinger, “Louie”, Davida, Daldone, Irene Powell & Dave Carter Page 1 LUFQ “The South Florida Biker’s Bible Since” 15 Years - September 2015 • Issue #191 • Page 2 In loving memory of Bernie, Chrissy, Clay, Big Ed, Bob Amchir, Animal, Ricky, Pervert, Roger-Kenny & Pauly 1%’ers, Mojo, Vinny Margotta, Poppy, Gunslinger, “Louie”, Davida, Daldone, Irene Powell & Dave Carter Page 3 LUFQ “The South Florida Biker’s Bible Since” 15 Years - September 2015 • Issue #191 • Page 4 In loving memory of Bernie, Chrissy, Clay, Big Ed, Bob Amchir, Animal, Ricky, Pervert, Roger-Kenny & Pauly 1%’ers, Mojo, Vinny Margotta, Poppy, Gunslinger, “Louie”, Davida, Daldone, Irene Powell & Dave Carter Page 5 Around So Fla by Miami Mike, Publisher [email protected] This past month we lost a few good brothers. Dirty Dick 1%er, (AOA Ft. Laud), Wrench (Keltics MC) and Pyle, (Wheels of Man MC). The funeral for Dirty Dick 1%er was held at the AOA Dania Beach clubhouse with well over 400 people in attendance. Cookie (Dee) cooked for days to prepare an awesome buffet which the crowd appreciated. The stuffed cabbage was awesome... but went too fast! (Dee explains how she makes them in this issue by the way.) The memorial ‘Blow Out’ celebration for Wrench was just how he wanted it to be... but maybe with a little less rain. The club put on an awesome buffet as they usually do at any Keltic clubhouse event. Plye’s memorial and party will be held on September 11th at the Wheels of Man clubhouse. See the flyer on page 43. Because of some health issues we did not go to many other events this past month, however we did get out to Smokey and Diesel’s birthday party at their Los Coquis MC clubhouse. The pool table was weighed down by all the trays of food which is a requirement (in their bylaws I think) of a Los Coquis party. I spotted Jimmy Les banging on the bongos like a chimpanzee... (Les, don’t quit your exterminating job) The house was packed to the max. If you were claustrophic it was best to stay outside. Smokey and Diesel said they were real happy that everyone showed up and enjoyed their hospitality. The other two parties we went to were the Scurvey Few MC event which had a great turnout especially because of the on and off rain showers brought to us by the remanants of Tropical Storm Erika. The food was prepared by the club members and it was especially good, and the music by Grant Piper was also very good. They played a lot of covers you usually don’t hear. I was there for a couple of hours and I had a good time with the Scurvy Few crew. Later that evening we rode over to Post 180 to listen to Gabe thank everyone who helped him on his “trip”. (It was really all ‘blue screen’ LUFQ “The South Florida Biker’s Bible Since” 15 Years - September 2015 • Issue #191 • Page 6 like the moon landing... as he hid in my office for 3 months) But, he raised close to 50 grand (and counting) and that was a good thing for the kids that rely on their medical care at Joe Dimaggio Children’s Hospital. Gabe and everyone at the post had a great time, especially with the price of drinks where as Gabe put it... “you can get plastered for less than 20 bucks...” or something to that effect. Next issue you will read more about these events as Axman and Gabe had already finished their articles, but I left mine until the very last minute before going to the printer. (Unfortunately I was not able to go to the AOA Anniversary or the Tattoo Expo for the first time since it’s inception, but Axman, Chuck and others went and wrote about it in this issue). Next month there are a few benefits. One is for Contos, who is unable to walk and is in a wheelschair from complications due to some fucked up medical procedure. Another benefit is to raise money for a large reward to catch the killers of Carley Chapman, the daughter of a member of the Fly~In Wheels MC, and for her friend, Se’ Sawn Danford. Outcast, States and Keltics MC’s are all having parties in September (Mystic Seven MC is holding their Annual Oct 4th) and of course the Key West Poker Run will be celebrating it’s 43rd year. If you plan on going and DO NOT have a room you are going to need a lot of luck finding a place to stay since I heard that there were no rooms left in Key West. I also want to remind those of you who are going to buy a damn $10 poker hand or three! Most of the hotels, bars and shops in Key West do not donate a nickle to the charities but those that do will be listed on brochues you can find once you get down there. In addition to poker hand cards, all the profits from Poker Run merchandise that is sold at Peterson’s is donated to the Diabetes Research Foundation. (The profits down in the keys is donated to the Florida Keys Rotary Clubs) So plan on spending $10 or more to make sure the Peterson charities receive a big chuck of change, plus you will feel like you are doing something worthwhile and not just riding down for a party! (All event and party flyers can be found in this issue.) Remember that if you are a club or organization and are having a moneymaking event you should spend a few bucks and place a party flyer in WOTR. And if you have a business you should also run an ad. Prices are listed on page 10 and there are some Look at that... he broke his finger... Thanks for the birthday presents... Now what do I do with them??? Hi Coco... Smokey hold’in Jimmy Jam’in We told you to buy a poker hand didn’t we??? Man, this guy spent $800 on a hotel room & booze & didn’t buy a $10 poker hand!!! Miami Mike continues on page 42 In loving memory of Bernie, Chrissy, Clay, Big Ed, Bob Amchir, Animal, Ricky, Pervert, Roger-Kenny & Pauly 1%’ers, Mojo, Vinny Margotta, Poppy, Gunslinger, “Louie”, Davida, Daldone, Irene Powell & Dave Carter Page 7 RIDING, DOWN SOUTH “In Loving Memory of My Dad” By Axman... [email protected] My wife and I have been long overdue for a vacation. For the last two years we have only been able to take a three day weekend now and then. Both of us have worked very hard, putting in long hours and having very little time for ourselves. This is going to change. We have booked a seven day cruise! She tricked me into it and I am very glad and thankful that she did. When it comes to vacation time, my objective always has been to visit my Mom in Germany. My Dad passed away three years ago. Vicky and I attended his funeral which also marked our last vacation. I have been checking the internet for reasonable airfares to Bremen all year long, but the rates have been incredibly high. Depending on the airline and the routing they wanted between $ 1500.00 and $ $2000.00 per person. Spending that much money just to get there, without even having had a German Bratwurst or my favorite “Krauesen” LUFQ (beer) was simply not in the budget. Vicky did a lot of research and she found us a great deal on Norwegian Cruise Lines for a little over $1800.00 for the both us, which obviously includes all food, a room with a balcony and the full liquor package. Now, we are talking! I mentioned this to my Mom and she was really excited for the both of us. She said that whenever we come to Germany we do not have a real vacation, as we are running around to see our friends (which I certainly don’t mind) and I am still answering all my work e-mails in the morning and at night. When she gave me her o.k. I immediately called Vicky to set us up. We will be leaving on October 3rd, the day before her birthday, returning on October 10th. The ports of call will be St. Thomas, Tortola and Nassau. For the first time in a very long time, I will be completely disconnecting from work and I will be re-charging my batteries. This was also the reason why we decided to go for the liquor package instead of the WIFI package. On Saturday (07/31) Vicky and I had tickets to see the Dave Matthews Band in concert at the Perfect Vodka Amphitheatre in West Palm Beach. We were very glad that we had assigned seats under the covered area as it was raining cats and dogs all afternoon long “The South Florida Biker’s Bible Since” 15 Years - September 2015 • Issue #191 • Page 8 Tell Lloyd Miami Mike sent ya! and for a big part of the show. It was another great DBM concert and we enjoyed it a lot. I still say that it did not come close to Rolling Stones concert. However, my wife begs to differ. On Saturday (08/08) I attended the 20th South Florida Tattoo Expo which was held at the Marriott Coral Springs Hotel on Heron Bay Blvd. My friend Alex had rented a room again and I was very thankful that he did. I arrived around 2:00 p.m., met up with him, got the key for they room, dropped off my backpack and jumped into action. I was able to get a sneak preview of the girls that had signed up for the bikini contest. Obviously, that made for the some great Kodak moments right there. I was looking forward to watching the competition as the contestants looked far better than the gals from the year before. For some reason, a fight broke out which cut the contest short... oh well. Listening to the buzzing sounds in the main room always gets me really excited. It makes me want to get another tattoo. Once I have finally figured out what I want, I will ask Danny King of Cool Cat Tattoos to draw something up for me. I am pretty certain that it will have something to do with our beloved cat, Princess, which we lost last year. Tons of great vendors displayed their goodies and some of the greatest tattoo artists put their artwork on to human canvas. The musical entertainment was out of this world as well. We are very blessed with a lot of local bands that are very talented. Bands that stuck out for me in particular were, My Soul to Keep and Lipstick Killers, with Kent “Bam Bam” Blankenship on drums. I had already seen My Soul to Keep on several occasions, but Lip Stick Killers was another first for me. I was blown away by the band, their sound and their stage show. Their front man, “Gypsy Alice” had everybody under his spell. What a great performance! Keep up the good work. The following day (08/09) I rode over to the Outlaw MC’s clubhouse where their 48th Anniversary Party was held. It was also Moldy 1%er’s 67th birthday. A lot of people came out to celebrate his birthday with him. As a matter of fact, the yard was jampacked. It was a very hot afternoon, and the cold refreshments came in very handy. Hired Gunz cranked out some great tunes for everybody’s enjoyment. I was having a great time and I stayed for quite a while. On my way home I made a pit-stop a Flossie’s. All of a sudden I got very dizzy and I had to get inside the airconditioned bar. I was completely dehydrated. I had plenty of ice cold water and some food. I stayed inside for almost two hours before I started to feel better again. In the meantime, I watched the Fly~In Axman continues on page 18 In loving memory of Bernie, Chrissy, Clay, Big Ed, Bob Amchir, Animal, Ricky, Pervert, Roger-Kenny & Pauly 1%’ers, Mojo, Vinny Margotta, Poppy, Gunslinger, “Louie”, Davida, Daldone, Irene Powell & Dave Carter Page 9 PRICES EFFECTIVE SINCE JAN 2014 AD RATES Prices may change without prior notice - WOTR Accepts All Major Credit Cards Ads must be paid in full before going to printer to be included in WOTR. Payments received after the 17th may not be printed in the following issue, always call first to get deadline. All advertisers must have a valid credit card on file which will be run in the event of a bad check, plus a minimum $25 bank service charge or as allowed under Florida statues. Please note: Because of differences in computer monitors and printers, ad colors can not be guaranteed unless a color proof is supplied by the advertiser. Although the printer will try for an exact match, no discount or refund will be made for color differences in the proof and printed ad in WOTR. Pick up WOTR at most advertisers Motorcycle Training Institute (Get Legal)... Where it's at! ADVERTISER LISTINGS PG # 19 Nam Knights MC... 16 Nita “Stormy” Ipsale (insurance agent)... 33 North Broward Insurance Solutions... 16 O’Malley’s Bar (Live Music & Thurs Jam night)... 4 3rd Annual Halfway to Delray Bch Fundraiser, Sept 13... 42 Prism Music... 34 21st Key West Blessing of the Bikes, Sept 19... 44 Revere Indoor Gun Range... 36 22nd Annual Key West Tune Up Party... 44 Ronnie C, The Biker That Sells Real Estate... 26 35th Annual ABATE event, October 11... 15 Rookie’s Ale House... 43 43rd Annual Key West Poker Run, Sept 17-20... 45 Saints Motorcycle Ministry... 36 Benefit for Contos, Sept 26... 32 Sharkey’s Blvd Lounge... 41 Flossies/Chit Chat’s Breast Cancer Benefit, Oct 2/4... 28-29 Soldiers for Jesus MC... 36 Flossies Tuesday Nite Jam... 40 Sunrise Tactical Supply... 16 Key West Poker Run Kick-Off Party... 2 The Biker Shop (Poker Run Specials)... 26 Keltics MC Ride Em’ Hard Pardee 5, Sept 27... 44 The Law Offices of Christopher Kelly... 36 Memorial & Party for Pyle, WOM MC, Sept 11... 43 The Law Offices of Engleberg & Milgrin PA... 38 Mystic 7 MC, Annual Party, Oct 4,,, 35 The Law Offices of Gabriel Jose Carrera, PA... 21 Outcast MC Fl, It’s Another Damn Good Party Sept 12... 9 The Law Offices of James S. Robertson III... Palm Beach Harley Anniversary & Event Schedule... The Law Offices of Welt & Rheaume... Reward Benefit for Unsolved Murders Oct 4, 27 Cover & 32 36 Pages 34 & 46 The Printers Printer (the WOTR printer)... 23 Transplant Foundation, Inc. - Organ Donor Card... 39 Tropical Tattoo Old School Chopper Show Oct 15... 32 31 V-Twin City (Bike night & bikini bike wash)... A+ American Exterminating (Les will kill your bugs)... 22 Wings of Gold MC Members Wanted... For new ads, ad changes & specs contact: Acupuncture Care by George Lenkowitz... 36 Miami Mike, Publisher Wheels on the Road Magazine 10563 NW 53 Street Sunrise, Florida 33351 Ph. 954-578-2900 • Fax 954-533-6412 AC Repair by Brail (WOM MC)... 36 All American Cycle... 11 Allen Babcock Dog & Cat Rescue... 36 • 2015 Calendars & Monthly Events... A Touch of Class Cleaning Service by Frank... 37 • Ad Rates, Ad Index & Subscriptions... This page Awesome Detail by Rick... 18 • Animal Adoption & Rescue Services... 37 Axman Pictures ( 8 • Biker Friendly Shops & Businesses / Classifieds... 34 Betty Boop and Friends... 42 • Best Friends Over the Rainbow Bridge... 37 Big Bike Riders Children’s Foundation is “Wish Nation”... 26 • In Memory of (email to list your loved one-no photo)... 39 Black Sun - White Sand (A novel by Charlie Blackwolf)... 13 • Local Band Listings (Only $100 for a full year)... 16 Bodies in Motion of South Florida (Ms Axman)... 9 • VIP FRIENDS of WOTR / Support WOTR... 14 Broward Auto Repair (Miami Mike’s other mechanic)... 12 [email protected] COST PER MONTH/ISSUE B&W Full Page $500 1/2 Pg - $300 • 1/3 Pg - $255 1/4 pg - $195 • 1/5 pg - $145 1/6 pg - $120 • 1/8 pg - $95 Biz Card - $50 • Mini Card - $30 3 Line Biz Listing (6 months $85) Full Color full centerfold /side $800 Full Color full back cover $850 Full Color full page inside covers $750 Full Page Color (other) $650 1/2 Pg - $365 • 1/3 Pg - $315 1/4 pg - $235 • 1/5 pg - $175 Call for other sizes / prices Smaller color sizes may be available (call 1st) 10% B&W discount 3 months pay at a time. 8% Color discount 3 months pay at a time. (20% Discount for M/C’s & Charities) Call or email for ad specs before designing ad. Deadline is approximatey the 16th of the month but call first for exact cutoff. WOTR Ad Reps Miami Mike • Sharon • Freddy J Chef Joel • Huck • Killer Chuck SUBSCRIPTION RATES $39.95 - You get 2 issues per month sent standard mail 5-8 days $60.00 - First Class (1-4 days) We are at the mercy of the Post Office! LUFQ Turn 3 Sports Bar... (Mon Jam night with Stet)... 43 Centerfold 11 Articles and Information 33 • Charlie Blackwolf (The Times We Live In)... 13 Chester’s Ft Laud. Harley-Davidson in Sunrise... Back Cover • In Memory of Dirty Dick 1%er... 39 Chit Chat’s Bar (Check out their Wed Bike Nite!)... 28 • In Memory of Pyle, Wheels of Man MC... 32 Christian Motorcyclist Association (CMA)... 36 ABATE Update by “Frank T”... 14 Chrome Glow (Now at a NEW Location)... 5 Axman - Riding, Down South (In Memory of my Dad)... 8 Coastal Boot Company (Now with 2 locations)... 3 Chuck on the Right Side... 38 Coral Motorsports / Victory Motorcycles... 17 Doob, My Costa Rican Retirement... 15 Cycles in Time (New Larger shop)... 19 Doug Scofield, Good News... 12 Cynthia Sellers Real Estate ... 18 Freddy’s A1 Bars & Bands... 30 D-N-D Automotive (Darry, another honest mechanic)... 22 Gabe Carrera, The Attorney who Rides, Parties & works? 20 Devil Dog Motorcycle Repairs... 18 Killer Chuck, Trackside with Chuck.... 40 Diamondhead Studio Jewelers (mailing center for sale)... 8 Miami Mike, Around SoFla... 6 DOCS' Cycle... 42 Rogue Warrior (On Vacation) Dolphin Bail Bonds (When you get thrown in jail)... 12 Stormy’s Rider Rhymes... Dynasty Cycles (A MUST ATTEND Pizza Bike Nite )... 27 Tattoo Dave Amchir, SFPC Now... Electrik Krayon Tattoo Studio... 36 Ummm Good Cookin’ with Cookie (Dee)... Enforcers MC (Bike nites & membership info)... 36 Woo’s View’s (Caution... read at your own risk)... Flossies Bar & Grill (Tuesday Music Jam)... 29 GEICO Insurance (Your local Davie agent)... 41 GF1 Floor Coatings (see Jerry’s work at Peterson’s N.)... 9 Harley-Davidson of Miami, N & S Stores... 2 Harley of Palm Beach... 33 11 LUF Q 16 37 Centerfold Indian Motorcycle of Miami... 47 J.D. Custom Detail (Miami Mike’s detailer)... 23 Lakes Bookkeeping Service, LLC... 36 Laura Doan, The Masseuse That Rides!... 23 Leathernecks MC, Jason Dunham Chapter... 12 Leather Repair (Lauren does great work!)... 12 Leslie Kay Insurance... 4 Lone Legion Open House every Tuesday... 34 Marisa’ 23 M.A.R.S. Auto Performance (MM’s mechanic)... 9 Michele Koscielniak CPA, LLC... 16 “The South Florida Biker’s Bible Since” The complete contents of "Wheels on the Road" is copyrighted ©2015 and use of any content is permitted only with written consent of the publisher, Miami Mike. Advertisers must NOT discriminate against bikers who wear “colors” or their ad will be pulled. Ads must conform to legal guidelines as to the use of logos and other copyrighted artwork or merchandise, especially the use of the Harley-Davidson Bar & Shield or similar designs. You will be notified if changes are required. In the event an ad has been paid for but is not printed for any reason, our liability is limited only to what you have paid. The advertiser has the responsibility of proofing all ads which will be either faxed or emailed before being printed in WOTR. Color matching is not 100% accurate or guaranteed and no refunds will be given for incorrect colors. All ads, photographs and stories will be considered copyrighted by this publication however, the individual photographers and writers will retain all legal rights. Opinions expressed by the writers are their own and may or may not express the views of the publisher. WOTR e-mail should be addressed to: [email protected]. Snail mail should be sent to: Wheels on the Road Magazine, 10563 NW 53 Street, Sunrise, Florida 33351. Send postage if you want your stuff returned. Printed in the USA by The Printers Printer, Pompano Beach, Florida 33069 © 2015 All Rights Reserved - Wheels on the Road Magazine & Website 15 Years - September 2015 • Issue #191 • Page 10 SFPC NOW! by “Tattoo Dave” Amchir [email protected] National President: Wings of Gold MC Chief Director: SFPC Toys in the Sun Run In Memory of Bob Amchir Thanks to everyone who came out and supported the 20th Annual South Florida Tattoo Expo on August 7-9 at the Coral Springs Marriott Hotel. This event benefits the Joe DiMaggio Children’s Hospital and this year we were able to raise over $40,000, despite other multiple events happening on the same weekend throughout South Florida and beyond. There were many tattoo artists from many shops from across the East Coast inking from open to close, nonstop, all weekend. Spike TV’s Inkmaster was on site with many past and present celebrity tattoo artists at their booths giving tips and techniques to many inquisitive minds. The music never seemed to stop with great performances by My Soul To Keep, Lipstick Killers, Jolly Badfellow, 1000 Pounds of Thrust, Skinny Jimmy & the Stingrays, Slip & the Spinouts, Cuban Pete & the Hialeah Hooligans and Jeff Vitolo & the Quarter Mile Rebels (all the way from the West Coast) closing out both Friday and Saturday nights to a packed house! Also, thanks to Morgan LaRue & her Shimmy Shake Revue performing her outstanding burlesque shows, and Joe Amato and Skin Mechanics 2016 FLHX Street Glide Standard with their off the wall suspension shows throughout the weekend. Thanks to Dr. Larry Katt for offering his services all weekend to allow the suspension shows to take place at this great event. Without a doctor present at any said event across the United States, suspension shows cannot be legally performed. Thanks to Cruisers of South Florida for a great classic car/ motorcycle show on Sunday with over 100 show cars and motorcycles. A big thanks to Scary Mary and her Evolpets for their fetish shows which were enjoyed by all. And last, thanks to all my Wings of Gold MC members, DWB and the Midnight Reapers. From the Staff to the Security we had no issues and the event was run like a well-oiled machine. Next year’s event will take place on August 12-14, 2016 at the Coral Springs Marriott Hotel. Check out the South Florida Tattoo Expo Facebook page for many photos from the event. Also, see the list of all the winners from this year’sonline as well. Preparation for this year’s SFPC Toys in the Sun Run, scheduled for Sunday, December 6, 2015, is underway! Magic 102.7 radio station is our official station for this year’s run. Bands that have been mentioned and are in negotiation as our headliners are George Thorogood and the Destroyers, Peter Frampton, REO Speedwagon and 38 Special. Next month’s issue we will have the entertainment secured. This year’s Toy Run Raffle Bike is a 2016 HD FLHX Street Glide Standard (pictured at left) with a trailer. For the month of September Southern MC will be hosting their Annual Teddy Bear Run on the 6th at their Clubhouse in Homestead. On Saturday the 12th the Outcasts MC will be hosting a party at Mickey’s and on Sunday the 13th the States MC will be hosting their Annual Key West Poker Run Tune Up Party at their clubhouse in Pompano. Phil Peterson’s Annual Key West Poker Run will start on September 17 and end on Sunday the 20th. And last for the SFPC Calendar of Events, the Keltics MC will be having a party on the 27th. See Flyers in this issue for more info on these events and remember to support the SFPC MC Clubs and Associations. Until next month, B-Cool, Tattoo Dave Amchir In loving memory of Bernie, Chrissy, Clay, Big Ed, Bob Amchir, Animal, Ricky, Pervert, Roger-Kenny & Pauly 1%’ers, Mojo, Vinny Margotta, Poppy, Gunslinger, “Louie”, Davida, Daldone, Irene Powell & Dave Carter Page 11 Good News By Doug Scofield [email protected] As the council’s from West Palm Beach and the Treasure Coast came together and rode to Fort Lauderdale to support AOA and the loss of one of their brothers I couldn’t help but to reflect on how grateful I am to be part of the motorcycle community that comes together to support each other; whether it be to help with hospital bills or to say good bye to one of our own... for we are family. This has been a rough month and unfortunately as we age, death’s are going to be more frequent. Recently, I’ve had to offer my condolences to family and friends of four old riding buddies. We all rode together some 30-35 years ago and it really bothers me that it has to be a long distant correspondence. We aren’t promised tomorrow, scripture puts it this way: James 4:13-14 Come now, you who say, “Today or tomorrow we will go to such and such a city, spend a year there, buy and sell, and make a profit”; whereas you do not know what will happen tomorrow. For what is your life? It is even a vapor that appears for a little time and then vanishes away. The anniversary of 911 is always on my mind when I write my September article. I pray that future generations will never forget what transpired on that horrific day; the innocent lives lost and the sacrifices that first responders made and for those that went to war to protect our freedoms. On that day those in the Twin Towers or on those planes, were making plans for that afternoon or that evening or planning vacations and then, unexpected tragedy. We have chosen a dangerous life-style; especially in south Florida and especially during the winter months when snowbirds return. The rider must be very aware of the vehicles on the road at all times. When I travel south I usually have at least one that isn’t paying attention, I know that all that ride have lots of close calls... are you ready? I am thankful that the Maker of the universe extends love, grace and mercy to all that seek. Rev 3:20-21 “Behold, I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears My voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and dine with him, and he with Me. To him who overcomes I will grant to sit with Me on My throne, as I also overcame and sat down with My Father on His throne.” Jesus loves bikers so much that He endured a horrible beating and public humiliation and He willingly stretched out His hands and died for us, so we can enjoy a freedom that God planned since He created the heavens and earth. If you have any questions or if Calvary Chapel MM can be of any service, e-mail me or call me at 954-448-1235. Riding free on the Treasure Coast, Doug. LUFQ “The South Florida Biker’s Bible Since” 15 Years - September 2015 • Issue #191 • Page 12 The Times We Live In By Charley Blackwolf • Email: [email protected] BROKEN SYSTEMS AND DELICATE SENSIBILITIES (written August 7th, following the FOX News debate) The truth is it’s not about Ms. Kelly’s or anyone else’s delicate sensibilities being offended. Nobody gives a flying crap if she is having her period. It’s about saving our country. Washington and the Democratic and Republican parties are beyond corrupt. What is currently in place and has been for the past fifty years is unsustainable. I wrote Black Sun – White Sand in 1993, before Timothy McVeigh and Terry Nichols bombed the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building in downtown Oklahoma City. Publishers told me, “Too far-fetched, could never happen.” Then on September 11, 2001 some religious, zealot, perverted, crazies crashed two passenger jets into the World Trade Center. So much for “too far-fetched.” This was followed in 2003 by George W. Bush’s administration determining that Iraq had weapons of mass destruction and invasion was the solution. At this point in time we have exactly what I predicted in 1993 and that is a political system that has become so corrupt that it is no longer functional. God bless those trying to work within it to make change, Fiorina, Rubio, Cruz, Bush, etc. All good people and obviously extremely dedicated. The problem is they are trying to work within a dysfunctional, antiquated, selfserving environment. Sad truth is they are actually part of the problem in that they are so ingrained and such slaves to that system the likelihood of them ever leaving their comfort zone, overcoming the current entrenched bureaucracy and actually managing to get done what needs to be done has to be regarded as extremely remote. Not only are the Republican and Democratic Parties part of the problem, the news media is also so corrupt in self-serving bias that they no longer give a damn what the public thinks and serve only to promote prescribed agenda as dictated to them. In fact both CNN and FOX have finally managed to reach the point where they substantiate Joseph Goebbels in the Nazi party line, “Propaganda must not investigate the truth objectively and, in so far as it is favorable to the other side, present it according to the theoretical rules of justice; yet it must present only that aspect of the truth which is favorable to its own side.” FOX clearly demonstrated this by starting the Republican debate with a biased question, specifically directed to attack Trump. If he had not been there do you really think the question regarding party loyalty would have been asked? Get real! FOX hierarchy either directed (or strongly suggested) mediators specifically ask that question. There was no point to the question as no information was gained. If you don’t know Donald Trump is outside the established party system, you’ve been living under a rock. Difficult to believe FOX or anyone else in the news business lives there. CNN is just as bad, maybe worse. CNN will tell you what they (and their bosses) want you to hear. Pretty much reflects the propaganda philosophy of WWII Germany, likely dictated by self-serving personalities reflective of characters developed in Black Sun – White Sand that would like to see redistribution of wealth in this country. In fact news agencies... all of them, CBS, ABC, NBC, FOX, CNN, Washington Post, NY Times, etc., simply no longer deserve public trust. Advertising economics forces them to be completely in bed with party bosses in promoting information suitable to specific cause as they are directed. Despite open and honest claims truth in news reporting is not the objective when it comes in conflict with political views of those spending money on advertising time and as a result reporting is slanted to promote desired bias. It is truly a sad state of affairs when the most trustworthy thing reported is the weather. Now institutionalized, the system has become unmanageable and is filled with politically astute that are certain to oppose any fundamental change to its processes and procedures of doing business. There is little imagination in determining that anyone trying to work through a dysfunctional system is doomed to failure. Consider history. A fundamental fact is that, humans haven’t changed. In 410 it is likely that Alaric of the Visigoths considered the Romans in the same way right before they invaded and conquered Rome as did Ragnar Lodbrok, and his Vikings when they found Charles the Bald to be weak and appeasing after he paid them nearly 6000 pounds of silver and gold to leave Paris. An action that pretty much bankrupted all of Europe. Same thing with the Aztecs and the Spaniards. Current policies out of Washington dictate the same response of appeasement and payoff. Just consider this: How much time are we giving Iranians before an inspection of their nuclear facilities? It’s a joke! Clearly history demonstrates appeasement and payoff as a poorly conceived success path. It is hard to think that, after the actions of the current administration, that the Iranian Ayatollahs would not consider the United States as “fruit ripe for the picking”. Obviously, as it relates to our global standing, many other international leaders and agencies are certain to share a similar sense of disrespect. Is Donald Trump an arrogant asshole? You bet! No question about that. So was General Patton. Trump is blunt and to the point. But you know what, he’s the same arrogant asshole that understands economics, fundamental business practices and organizational development and can see through the bullshit of Vladimir, the Chinese, Mexicans, Koreans and the Iranian Ayatollahs because in dealing with Donald there would be no doubt that if your screw with the United States we will kick your ass. Quite frankly while blunt, offensive to some, Mr. Trump is a refreshing change from the status quo and is likely the only chance we have to prevent us from repeating the history of the Romans. If we don’t make the change to an economically viable, sustainable government with secure borders and a strong military our children or grandchildren will likely be bar-b-queuing their house cats and shooting each other in the streets for a can of beans. Also, no matter how FOX tries to spin it, it is highly doubtful 24 million people tuned in to listen to Jeb Bush or to discuss Ms. Kelly’s menstruation cycle. Mr. Trump brought those ratings and will continue to survive and do well because he represents the patriotic will and capability to make changes that will ensure our children and grandchildren do not grow up learning to speak Chinese. In parting consider this: How do you get the Mexicans to pay for the fence? Don’t really think that is a problem. Current laws would allow tariffs to restrict trade and increase the price of imported goods and services from Mexico (or wherever) and we can certainly tax the hell out of anybody that wants to go there... or come here on vacation. Fence paid for... The End! Charley Blackwolf AUGUST 25th POST SCRIPT: Iowa, New Hampshire and Alabama polls indicate I was right. The Iranian deal is even worse than we thought. The Chinese have crashed the stock market. Now I pray... every day... that I’m wrong in Black Sun-White Sand. CB In loving memory of Bernie, Chrissy, Clay, Big Ed, Bob Amchir, Animal, Ricky, Pervert, Roger-Kenny & Pauly 1%’ers, Mojo, Vinny Margotta, Poppy, Gunslinger, “Louie”, Davida, Daldone, Irene Powell & Dave Carter Page 13 BECOME A 2015 VIP If you read WOTR help support it. Email or go online to the website & become a 2015 VIP or mail a check or money order to: Wheels on the Road Magazine 10563 NW 53rd Street Sunrise, Florida 33351 New VIP’s Receive a nice WOTR VIP patch. Google Donations of $100 or to see how more receives a free cool Larry “Larry Light 1”. Lights are! Your generous donations will help to keep your Wheels on the Road in 2015. $1000 DOUBLE PLATINUM VIP FRIENDS Big Bike Riders Children’s Foundation Charley Blackwolf Biker/Author, Black Sun White Sand The Attorney That Rides (Gabe Carerra), Ft. Laud • $550 MOTORCYCLE CLUBS & ORGANIZATIONS Keltics MC, Davie Mystic 7 MC, Fort Lauderdale Nam Knights MC, Broward/West Palm Wings of Gold MC Pt. St. Lucie Chapter • $500 PLATINUM VIP FRIENDS • $150 GOLD EXTRA VIP FRIENDS Dave the Kid, In Memory of Dumas • $100 GOLD VIP FRIENDS Laura Weiner (Pink) Ft. Lauderdale • $75 SILVER PLUS VIP FRIENDS Klondike (Mystic 7 MC) In Memory of Mojo LUF Q • $50 SILVER VIP FRIENDS Tim Purvis, West Palm Beach • $25 BRONZE VIP FRIENDS Earl “McBull” McKinney, Miami We thank our supporters for helping keep our Wheels on the Road and in YOUR Hands! Miami Mike, Sharon, MickeyBear & CocoPuff IF YOU READ WOTR CONTRIBUTE Donate online at You are going to be crying when you can’t get your monthly WOTR fix, and you won’t know where to ride to so you will just end up staying at home and listen to your ol’ lady or (mother) bitch you out about laying around guzzling beer, drinking shotz and watching Jerry Springer... and not even his naked shows because you don’t have cable... LUFQ ABATE UPDATE By “Frank T” Hammons, SE Chapter President Email: [email protected] This has been one hell of a month. I have had the opportunity to visit a bunch of clubhouses and have many more to visit. During these travels I have had the pleasure of meeting and shaking hands with more members of the local biker community than I can count, with many more to meet. I’m trying to meet the MC leadership to introduce myself, and put a name on a face. Of course, I’m also promoting ABATE of Florida Inc., discussing issues that might be of concern, and seeking support by inviting individuals to officially sign up and join ABATE to support our mission. I have been pleasantly surprised in meeting a large number of ABATE members, who upon initial meeting you would never know that they were ABATE members, some of which are lifetime members. The only way you would know is if you asked them. Just because you don’t see an ABATE patch, it doesn’t mean that person is not a member. The Southeast Chapter has 530 members. ABATE Southeast members represented the Chapter while attending the South Florida Tattoo Expo (hosting our safety booth) Other events I attended included: the AOA 48th Anniversary Party, Ft. Lauderdale Anniversary Party, and the LOS COQUIS MC Birthday Party for Smokey and Diesel. If you missed any of these events, you missed a good time. On a very sad note, also this past month ABATE Southeast members attended the funeral service for AOA’s Dirty Dick 1%er and the celebration of life and blowout party for Wrench, Keltics MC. The services were heartfelt, solemn and respectfully attended by a large contingent of the bikers from national, regional and local communities. Both bikers will be greatly missed and are GBNF. There was a letter to the editor on August 2nd in the Sun-Sentinel titled “state motorcycle organizing lobby effort”. It is a plea for information from anyone who has lost someone in a motorcycle crash that was the fault of another vehicle, Especially when the other vehicle involved was just cited with a traffic violation and nothing more. If you have such knowledge or suffered from such a situation, ABATE of Florida would like to hear from you. Please contact Darrin Brooks via [email protected] for other details. The Southeast Chapter is working to invite some of our local public officials, including politicians, to our monthly chapter meetings for discussions, questions and answers. This will be your opportunity to voice your concerns and issues in public. These meetings will be held at our chapter meeting, time and location will be announced well in advance on our webpage and hotline and Miami Mike will send out bulk emails. When these events occur I hope that we have a strong biker attendance to show that they are not dealing with fewer than 30 people. For those of us who ride motorcycles we know it is dangerous to ride in South Florida, but how dangerous is it? Hardly a week passes that we don’t read in the newspaper of another biker losing a life on our local highways. As a matter of fact, according the latest data released by the Florida Department of Transportation, Miami-Dade County leads the State in motorcycle fatalities and Broward County is third. The National Highway Transportation and Safety Administration (NHTSA) published their 2013 national motorcycle data on May 2015. The data indicated that Florida is second nationally in motorcycle fatalities with 485 deaths, with Texas being first with 491. Helmet wear was a key topic in this report. It stated that nationally, helmet use saved 1,630 lives and estimated that it could have saved 715 more if helmets had been worn. ABATE of Florida Inc., is not pro-helmet or no-helmet, it is prochoice. Let “Those Who Ride Decide” in lieu of a state law mandating that helmets be worn. Without ABATE’s membership fighting for your right to decide, Florida would most likely become like the 19 state’s that require mandatory helmet use. Florida’s helmet law requires helmet use only for anyone under the age of 21. In Florida it is your decision to wear or not wear a helmet if you are over the age of 21 and have $10,000 worth of medical benefit insurance to cover your injuries as a result of a motorcycle accident. NHTSA reported that 50% of those who died on a motorcycle in Florida were not wearing helmets and the remainder were. Additionally, they reported 27% of those who died nationally did not have a valid motorcycle license. So ride safe and legal. Florida has over 900,000 endorsed/licensed motorcycle riders and over 500,000 registered motorcycles. However, ABATE of Florida, Inc., has fewer than 7,000 members. ABATE represents all of Florida’s motorcyclists even if you are not an ABATE member, but we need your membership to support our efforts in protecting your Right to Decide. Sadly, statewide 15 Years - September 2015 • Issue #191 • Page 14 “The South Florida Biker’s Bible Since” MY CO STA RICAN RETIREMENT COSTA By Doob: [email protected] A recent ride took us high up in the mountains to visit the Poas Volcano. We stopped for breakfast just below the summit and the entrance to the National Park. After DKFST we entered, paid the fee, parked,and walked the 1/4 mile on a paved road to the viewing platform. The crater, almost a 1/2 mile wide is dormant now, but has erupted 39 times since 1828 and its last major eruption was in 1910. At 8,885 ft. it is above the frost line and sometimes it is bitting cold at the rim, and you can smell sulfur emiting below. A morning visit is a must because of cloud cover in the afternoon. On clear days you can see both the Atlantic and Pacific Coasts. It is an awesome view. One of many great places to see in C.R. Pura Vida, Doob. (Just as I was going to print I received an email from Doob that he was in a motorcycle accident and fractured his foot. Hopefully he will get past this quickly so he can get back to his normal job... chasing all the gals in Costa Rica... He’s a tough M-F so he should be back in the saddle before the end of the month. MM) ABATE membership is decreasing and the number of individuals who support “biker rights”, when especially asked by our state politicians, makes a difference. Even the Southeast Chapter is feeling the pinch; August 2014 our chapter had 593 members and August 2015 our membership is now down to 530. In my opinion every motorcyclist should want their biker rights protected and should support that effort by being a member of ABATE ($20 annually). Mark my words, if ABATE of Florida goes away from the lack of biker community support, each of us will be left to the whims of our state legislators. Most of whom do not ride motorcycles nor care about bikers in general. I encourage each of us to unite as one loud biker voice to be heard in Tallahassee. The Southeast Chapter has 530 active members and how awesome would it be if each of those 530 members signed up, just ONE brother or sister?? We could become a very, very powerful force and voice for biker rights, not only locally but statewide... think about it. I’m just sayin’, United We Stand, Divided We Fall. Mark your calendars for a visit to Avon Park to attend the ABATE of Florida Autumn Bike Fest that is happening October 2-3-4, 2015. The event will encompass the entire Main Street of Avon Park. There will be biker and family activities, live bands, food and beer garden, primitive camping available, and numerous vendors. This is now the major fundraiser for ABATE of Florida Inc., and your support would be greatly appreciated. Event information can be found at Everyone is invited to attend our Southeast Chapter’s monthly meeting and events. Our next meeting is September 20th at the American Legion Post 321, 9081 SW 51st, Cooper City, at 10 a.m. To keep up to date with the ABATE Southeast Chapter, checkout our website ( or Hotline 24/7 (954-310-4636) for Chapter information. You may always contact me at [email protected]. RIDE FREE RIDE SAFE!!! With respect, Frank T. In loving memory of Bernie, Chrissy, Clay, Big Ed, Bob Amchir, Animal, Ricky, Pervert, Roger-Kenny & Pauly 1%’ers, Mojo, Vinny Margotta, Poppy, Gunslinger, “Louie”, Davida, Daldone, Irene Powell & Dave Carter Page 15 BAND LISTINGS LIKE BELOW $100 / YEAR Ummm... Good Cookin’ with Cookie By Dee: [email protected] ROAD WORKS - Call Colin at 954-718-6850 or 954-588-9346 or email: [email protected] Played Asylum, Hollywood Bandstand, all WOTR Parties, Flossies, Rookies, and many other venues. Stuffed Cabbage 1 large head green cabbage, about 2 to 2¼ pounds 1 pound ground beef 1 pound ground chicken (can just use all beef if you want I like it healthier ) 2 eggs (not necessary, you can leave them out, but they do make the meat fluffier) 1 medium onion, grated or minced 4 garlic cloves, minced 2 teaspoons sea salt 1 teaspoon black pepper ½ cup raw long-grain white rice Tomato Sauce 2 tablespoons butter 2 cloveS garlic, finely chopped 1 medium onion, chopped (medium dice) 2 15-ounce cans tomato sauce 2 tablespoons (or more to taste) apple cider vinegar ¼ to ¾ cup dark brown sugar (Depending on amount of sweetness you prefer. Start with ¼ cup and taste sauce, adding if you like it sweeter. Salt and pepper to taste. Fill a large pot with water and bring it to a rolling boil. When the water comes to a boil, fill a large bowl with ice water. Cut out as much of the core as you can from the bottom of the cabbage, then drop the whole, cored head into the boiling water for 5 to 10 minutes. Once the leaves separate and are pliable, immediately remove and drop the blanched leaves that separated in the ice water. Once cooled down, remove and pat the leaves dry. Set aside about 16 of the largest leaves for stuffing and rolling, then chop some of the remaining leaves to make 1 cup of chopped cabbage and reserve. Mix the ground beef with the eggs, grated onion, garlic, salt, pepper, and rice. (If you use cooked rice, you can test the seasoning of the meat mixture to your liking by frying up or microwaving a piece of it and tasting, if desired). Divide this mixture into sixteen 2-ounce balls. Using moistened hands, form the balls long. Place a long ball of filling near the bottom of a cabbage leaf (if the vein in the leaf is really thick, shave it down with a knife before placing the beef on it, being careful not to cut through the leaf itself.). Begin to roll it up, folding both sides over the filling, and finish rolling to enclose the filling, like an eggroll. Continue, filling and rolling all the cabbage leaves. Place them, seam side down, on a tray or baking sheet. Cover and refrigerate until ready to use. Over medium heat, melt the butter in a heavy saucepan. Sauté the second onion until soft and golden. Add the garlic and saute for 2 more minutes, then add the reserved chopped cabbage and sauté briefly. Add the tomato sauce, lemon juice, brown sugar, salt and pepper to taste, and stir to combine. Increase the heat until it comes to a boil, then lower it and simmer for 5 minutes. Line the bottom of a 13 x 9 roasting pan or glass dish with a layer of sauce. Place cabbage rolls, seam side down, on top of sauce. Top cabbage rolls with remaining sauce and sprinkle a little brown sugar on top then cover the whole pan with tin foil. Bake for 2 hours in a preheated 350F oven. Enjoy! Dee LUFQ “The South Florida Biker’s Bible Since” 15 Years - September 2015 • Issue #191 • Page 16 In loving memory of Bernie, Chrissy, Clay, Big Ed, Bob Amchir, Animal, Ricky, Pervert, Roger-Kenny & Pauly 1%’ers, Mojo, Vinny Margotta, Poppy, Gunslinger, “Louie”, Davida, Daldone, Irene Powell & Dave Carter Page 17 Axman continues from page 9 Wheels MC presenting a surprise birthday cake to their brother Bear. The cake looked awesome. I was very glad that they offered me a piece as it was very yummy. On Saturday (08/15) I missed the funeral for Dirty Dick 1%er which was held the Outlaw MC’s Clubhouse as I had to go to work that day. By the time I arrived the crowd had thinned out quite a bit. From what I was told it was a beautiful service with many in attendance. I rode home from there to spend some time with my wife. After a nice long hot shower and a great dinner I scooted over the clubhouse of the Keltics MC to participate in the celebration of Carl “Wrench” Levene’s life who had lost his battle with cancer. Wrench has been a great brother. He was very well liked and respected by the local biker community. Needless to say, the turnout of people was huge, even though the weather was less than perfect. A band by the name of Gridlock was hired to entertain the masses. They sounded really great, but unfortunately their gig was cut short due to a heavy downpour flooding the whole LUFQ parking lot. They ended up donating their money including the tips they had received, back to the Keltics MC. Nice going – thank you guys. As usual there was plenty of great food available for which I had no room for. Wrench got his final wish. He wanted no sadness, but a great party and that is exactly what he got. I am sure that he was very pleased with what he saw when he looked down on us. He will be missed, but he will never ever be forgotten. Rest in Peace Wrench, GBNF! On Wednesday (08/29) I attended the check presentation at the Georgia Pig BBQ and Restaurant “The South Florida Biker’s Bible Since” 15 Years - September 2015 • Issue #191 • Page 18 on 441 in Ft. Lauderdale. I had never been to this place before. Apparently, everybody who ate there was praising the food. Not only that, it is also a family owned biker friendly restaurant that supported Gabe’s great effort to raise money for the Joe DiMaggio Children’s Hospital. They had made a pledge to donate $600 on Gabe’s (crazy) hero. I am very proud of you for finishing up the ride and raising the money. Next month we have lot of great events in store starting with Southern MC’s Teddy Bear Run (09/06), Outcast MC’s Party (09/ 12), States MC’s Key West Tuneup Party (09/13), Peterson’s H-D Key West Poker Run (09/17-09/20), and last but not least the Keltics MC Party (09/27) – see flyers in this issue. I hope to see you all at these events. Until next time, Ride free & safe! Axman record breaking trip from Argentina to Alaska. They ended up cutting a check for a cool $1000.00 which was $400.00 more than they had initially committed to. Good going! We got to watch a sneak preview for Gabe’s up-coming documentary. I can’t wait to see the whole thing. Again, Gabe you are my See more photos on page 26 In loving memory of Bernie, Chrissy, Clay, Big Ed, Bob Amchir, Animal, Ricky, Pervert, Roger-Kenny & Pauly 1%’ers, Mojo, Vinny Margotta, Poppy, Gunslinger, “Louie”, Davida, Daldone, Irene Powell & Dave Carter Page 19 PARTY TIME (and work) By Gabe Carerra [email protected] If I would have to guess I would say that the question most asked by friends and supporters is if I am still married. I am happy as an attorney that practices divorce law “THAT I AM STILL HAPPILY MARRIED!” Sorry ladies... When I left my bike in storage in Billings Montana and walked off that plane in Fort Lauderdale/Hollywood my wife ran crying to me holding me in a bear hug! My children grabbed us and it was one big love fest. My wife looked up at me with tears flowing down her face threatening me, “If you ever leave me like this again you won’t find me in the house when you come back.” Damn! I decided not HOG so folks could see me day and night, and Chester’s Fort Lauderdale Harley-Davison in Sunrise. Georgia Pig, a local family owned BBQ diner located near 441 & Davie Blvd, known by many WOTR readers as serving the to tell her how I want to do the Pan American run all over again in 2017. It’s like a drug... I want more, more, more riding time! Life back home quickly became boring with lots of legal work. I had come to Fort Lauderdale with $300 in my pocket and $400 in the bank. I had no other savings since it took me an additional six weeks to complete the trip due to break-downs caused by mechanics at Cuernavaca, Mexico Harley-Davidson that screwed up my wiring harness that burned up the wires causing shorts in my system from Mexico to Canada. If ya want more detailed info find me at one of the local MC events and ask me. I am getting back on my feet after almost three (3) months of establishing a world’s record. Now back to reality... The Georgia Pig Check Presentation: Many folks were not aware of the sponsors that pledged, with a handshake, towards my trip. Some of the sponsors were: Phil Peterson’s Harley-Davidson of Miami, StarTron Gas Additive, that cures ethanol problems, (and it does), Chrome Glow a WOTR advertiser that is a super store of LED lights and sponsored me with bright and powerful LED lights on my LUFQ best Southern BBQ ever, also pledged $$$ towards my run that benefitted the SFPC Toys in the Sun Run which benefits Joe DiMaggio Children’s Hospital and other local South Florida charities. They pledged an amount that totaled $650. I held a check presentation there in August and it was standing room only. Tattoo Dave & Joey (WOG MC), Santa Ed, Hammer (president of Der Kreiger MC), Manny and the Legion Riders from Post 180, WOTR’s very own Axeman and Killer Chuck, plus a ton of other great folks showed up to eat BBQ! The owners of the Georgia Pig got so inspired by Santa Ed’s speech on how crappy the conditions were at JDCH until the SFPC got involved by helping them with the $$$ raised by the Toys in the Sun Run that they added more $$$ to the check totalling $1,000! Axeman got terri-eyed and stood up and expressed his support by donating a crispy $100 bill toward the kids. Thank you Axeman for your kind heart... brother I appreciate ya much. If you missed it your shit out of luck because Ken and I filmed a commercial for the 2015 SFPC Toys in the Sun Run to get the word out. If you see the commercial on Facebook or other social media post Gabe’s Pan Am Adventure continues on page 22 “The South Florida Biker’s Bible Since” 15 Years - September 2015 • Issue #191 • Page 20 He Di dI t!!! HE’S BACK FROM HIS ADVENTURE AND READY TO HELP YOU! YOU! In loving memory of Bernie, Chrissy, Clay, Big Ed, Bob Amchir, Animal, Ricky, Pervert, Roger-Kenny & Pauly 1%’ers, Mojo, Vinny Margotta, Poppy, Gunslinger, “Louie”, Davida, Daldone, Irene Powell & Dave Carter Page 21 Gabes Adventures continues from page 20 it on your page and let’s get everyone out to the toy run to make it the best EVER! You will see many faces that you know in the video and it’s quite funny somewhat but it gets the point across! By the way, if you want to hear some trip war stories come down to the Peterson’s Key West Poker Run where I will be setting up my tent for the first time on Duval across the street from Sloppy Joes Saloon. Thanks Tommy (Thug Cycles) for the spot brother... big respect! The Pan American Run Documentary: I wrote that I was going to film, take interviews, rider video reports and such to later create a documentary. Local bands like Hired Guns, Soulicide, and Silent Addiction are going to donate their time to create original music for the soundtrack and background sounds. I think they are also making some type of Christmas CD if that is still the case. I currently have 2.5 terabytes of footage and that’s not counting me narrating the scenes that also had to be recorded. I am not a movie star although I look better than Brad Pitt, but I will do my best to put out a good product with Ken’s help. The 2015 SFPC Tattoo Expo: Yet another great Tattoo Expo came and went with all new people getting inked up. I wanted Papa Doc to doGabe’s me upplane... but time did not allow his ink gun to get near my skin. Lots of LUFQ $$$ was raised for Joe DiMaggio Children’s Hospital (around 40 g’s). Most folks don’t understand how much the local bikers give to charity every year throughout events like this, the Toy Run, Christmas in July, etc. Club members from the Wings of Gold and other club volunteers rocked the house with how they ran the event. Kudos and my hat comes off to you.... that is if I can find it. The Hoka Hey Motorcycle Challenge 2016 is quickly coming up. I am gearing up for that if I can just raise the $600 or so to get my damn Road King back from Montana. As I mentioned before, I got back to FL broke after setting this record. Most people think Attorneys are rich... I wish I were. I am more of a Blue Collar attorney because I refuse to work 70 hours a week with no life. I prefer to enjoy my family and the wind in my face. Because of that I am going to work hard to compete in the Hoka Hey for 2016 that will start in Southern California to northern Maine. Throw some spaghetti on the map and that is our mapped course. For more info on what is the Hoka Hey Motorcycle Challenge and why they claim it is the HARDEST MOTORCYCLE RUN “The South Florida Biker’s Bible Since” 15 Years - September 2015 • Issue #191 • Page 22 EVER please go to: I’ll Do It Again On An Indian MC: Now please don’t tell my wife but I desire to beat my record from Tierra Del Fuego, 150 miles north of Antarctica, to Prudhoe Bay, Alaska in the spring of 2017 if I am still alive. This time I want to do it on an Indian Motorcycle. I want to try something different other than a Harley but keep American! I have two years to garner sponsors and support for the run. Might even fool them into giving me a free motorcycle for the trip for 2017. I made a few mistakes that I promise not to make again. For example... I will have my bike shipped to Ushuaia instead of killing myself diving it down from Santiago, Chile. Those 2,500 miles took me 8 days. I would just fly down to Tierra Del Fuego and commence my run from the bottom! Who knows, I might even set the speed record this time. The record that I set was the longest run from South to North on an American Made Motorcycle. Can’t wait! Gabe In loving memory of Bernie, Chrissy, Clay, Big Ed, Bob Amchir, Animal, Ricky, Pervert, Roger-Kenny & Pauly 1%’ers, Mojo, Vinny Margotta, Poppy, Gunslinger, “Louie”, Davida, Daldone, Irene Powell & Dave Carter Page 23 LUFQ “The South Florida Biker’s Bible Since” 15 Years - September 2015 • Issue #191 • Page 24 In loving memory of Bernie, Chrissy, Clay, Big Ed, Bob Amchir, Animal, Ricky, Pervert, Roger-Kenny & Pauly 1%’ers, Mojo, Vinny Margotta, Poppy, Gunslinger, “Louie”, Davida, Daldone, Irene Powell & Dave Carter Page 25 Axman’s photos continued from page 19 LUFQ “The South Florida Biker’s Bible Since” 15 Years - September 2015 • Issue #191 • Page 26 “Wrench” G.B.N.F. In loving memory of Bernie, Chrissy, Clay, Big Ed, Bob Amchir, Animal, Ricky, Pervert, Roger-Kenny & Pauly 1%’ers, Mojo, Vinny Margotta, Poppy, Gunslinger, “Louie”, Davida, Daldone, Irene Powell & Dave Carter Page 27 LUFQ “The South Florida Biker’s Bible Since” 15 Years - September 2015 • Issue #191 • Page 28 In loving memory of Bernie, Chrissy, Clay, Big Ed, Bob Amchir, Animal, Ricky, Pervert, Roger-Kenny & Pauly 1%’ers, Mojo, Vinny Margotta, Poppy, Gunslinger, “Louie”, Davida, Daldone, Irene Powell & Dave Carter Page 29 Thank You to Todd and Jen and their great staff at The 19th Hole Sports Bar in believing in us to help get The 19th Hole rolling with LIVE music. Nothing this huge has happened in Hallandale Beach since the Button South days! YOU ALL ROCK! The one downfall of the event on day 2 was that I tried to put together By Freddy: [email protected] a scavenger hunt ride and donate the proceeds from the ride to Joe DiMaggio Children’s Hospital. I only had 3 riders, so therefore I did not The 20th Annual South Florida Tattoo charge the riders, but did give them all an oil change gift certificate from Expo was AMAZING! Great Music, Great V-Twin City and On The Road Again. Sadly I was not able to raise any Entertainment and Great Tattoo Artists money for the charity. I guess there was a lot going on early that day but with so many other special events going on we will try to do it again. Thank you to Jeff Kohn and his friends for and things to do, it has to be a 3 day event. doing the ride. If you have never been to the South Florida I have been checking out some great original bands in the South Tattoo Expo check it out next year! You Florida area and have been doing some original music festivals in too will be AMAZED!!! Broward. Since the beginning of August I was All the working on a special musical event with Eunoia original A1 Promotions and Todd Stauffer and his bands that wife Jen, owners of The 19th Hole Sports played at Bar At The Alley’s in Hallandale Beach The Leo for a outside three day event named The Music Leo Music Festival for the weekend of Festival Friday August 21st thru Sunday August caught my 23rd with 27 Bands Plus DJ’s, Comedians, Karaoke & other great acts! attention, I’m talking 13 genres of music non-stop for three days. The idea of the so over event was to celebrate everyone’s birthday who is the sign of LEO and the next couple of months I will be writing about them starting with for Todd’s birthday as well. But the main reason to do a event this big Eunoia and Quantum Waves. was to introduce the venue to our local music and to introduce everyone Eunoia is a Proggresive Metal, Trash Metal, Alternative Rock & in our local ass sound and vocals Quantum Rock Band. The band is amazing with a kick Scott music scene to that will give you goose bumps. The band also does cover songs! Waves the venue. Todd Their cover songs of Pink Floyd was so close to Pink Floyd, and his wife Jen Youtube will not even let me load it... LOL. The Band Members have only owned are Alexandro Moreno Vocals/Bass, Bryan Moreno Guitars/ The 19th Hole Vocals, Holden Gregory Drums/Percussion/ Vocals, David for a short time, Maddox Guitar, Zachary Lang Keyboard. The bands influences are but believe me Silverchair, Pink Floyd, Creed, Black Sabbath, Muse, Radiohead, they are not new Megadeth, Mushroomhead, Queen, Mastodon,Tool, Slipknot, to the bar and Radiohead, Rammstein, Lamb of God, Rob Zombie, Pink Floyd, music scene by System Of A Down, Stone Temple Pilots, Silverchair, King no means. The Diamond, Depeche Mode and others. Believe me, Eunoia is a young venue will be having live entertainment 4 to 5 nights a week starting in original band that is to be reckoned with. Look for them to start playing September. out everywhere in South Florida and Beyond. JUST A NOTE... Holden Day one of The Leo Music Festival kicked off on Friday August 21st Gregory from Eunoia and A1 Promotions & Friends will be doing a with Motown, Funk, Reggae, Hip Hop, Blues & Top 40 Music on two special event at Gulfstream Park, who also has not had live stages Hosted by A1 Promotions and our friend Wayman WayOn Davis. entertainment in some time! The event will be in October with Eunoia Featuring The Too Hot Band, WayOn, RiiahWORLD, Nova, Ysae, Dayand 2 other great original bands and 1 Great local cover band. The date Ja La Dama, Trivi Triv Trelleon, Billionaire baby, Kane, DJ Dirty Red will be announced soon, so look for it on Facebook and on other social and Special Guest Ciro The Comic. Saturday August 22nd was Classic media! Rock, Southern Rock, Motown and Country with ten Great cover bands Another hosted by A1 Promotions and Big Whiskey & Opium Kings featuring one of South Big Whiskey & Opium Kings, Spank The Band, Electric Arrow, Florida’s Payback Band, Headless Mind, The Stems, The Too Hot Duet, Nova young kick Drive, Grid Lock, Heavy Gravy and Big Whiskey & Opium Kings ass original again, due to Heavy Gravy having to cancel because of a emergency. rock bands is Chrissy at A1 Promotions said when we do a event with so many bands Quantum we always have a host band for each day, just in case of a problem or an Waves. emergency. We can just have the host band play first and last. Sunday Quantum August 23rd was Original Music With Rock, Metal, Hard Rock & Latin Waves is a Quantum Waves Rock with seven great bands! Hosted by A1 Promotions and TeLL’M progressive with cover music and six kick ass original bands, who also did some rock band looking to infuse several musical genres and elaborate cover songs Featuring Quantum Waves, Eunoia, Spoonbeach, Luck You, metaphorical lyrics to give their own philosophical approach to music. D/EFFEkTOR, Ovrhol Followed by Sam I Am Karaoke at 9:00pm Quantum Waves is a poly-genre musical expedition that blends inside. All 3 days were live streamed on the internet on the A1 electronic and orchestral among very many other sounds. In other words Promotions channel at these guys rock with a mix of music that will blow your mind! The hosted by What A Great 3 Day Event it turned out members of the band are Kevin Arita electric bass, Bryan Medina to be at a venue that has not had live entertainment in years. I would like electric guitar, Ryan Bauta lead vocals, Nicholas Rodriguez synthesizer to thank the sponsors V-Twin City, Realiteez, Worldwide Talent and keyboard, Alberto Alonso drums. Magazine, On The Road Again and Musicianstream and a Special thank Bryan Medina has played the guitar for eight years, playing many you to all the Bands, Musicians, Singers, Comedians & All Their Fans shows and becoming well adapted to performing in live venues. He said: that made this event a big success and for the help of bringing live music I studied music theory obsessively, and have composed for almost as into the venue. Thank you to everyone that came out! And a HUGE LUFQ “The South Florida Biker’s Bible Since” 15 Years - September 2015 • Issue #191 • Page 30 long as my love affair with the guitar has lasted. I do not stop to sit and wait, I constantly move and learn; I compose the works of our future because no one will compose for us. Nicholas Rodriguez said: Music has always had an impact in my life, some of my earliest memories are interwoven with the sounds of music. More than just a soundtrack to my life, music was therapy for me as I was growing up. I originally started playing bass to the sound of Tool, and getting interested in classic rock. As I learned to play bass I studied the electronics that made the sounds I heard possible. Although I eventually moved away from bass and playing, I kept the curiosity for electronics and my love for music. Somewhere along the way I started to write poetry, when Bryan read some of it he pleaded for me to return to making music so Bryan and I composed one song together. I was hooked. I sang in our self-titled album, but my niche was electronics; I didn’t need to be front and center. The sounds that make people go “huh?” is what I specialize in. In live performances I cover everything that’s MIDI, synth, and even some piano. I can comfortably say that my live role is playing keys. Kevin Arita said: In my early years of playing, I was completely autodidactic; I learned how to play by learning the music I liked to listen to (Led Zeppelin, Pink Floyd, etc.) on the electric bass. Shortly after I started playing, I V-Twin broadened my horizons for the first time with the guitar and piano. Eventually, as I studied music theory, I added more instruments to my repertoire. I learned how to play the harmonica, flute, upright bass, tenor saxophone, bass clarinet, and even the mandolin. Despite learning how to play all of those instruments, the bass will always be my home. Alberto Alonso said: Drumming is my life. I spend most of my days practicing drums, improving on the details of my drumming as I have been for eight years. A good portion of my drumming education has been formal, during my secondary schooling I was consistently involved with a band and have even done drumming at the collegiate level. However, despite my formal schooling the bulk of my drumming education didn’t transpire in a classroom. Drumming began for me with my dad who was a drummer himself and taught me the basics. I haven’t put the drumsticks down V since that day that my dad Twin(s) began teaching me. Maybe drumming is in my genes because I was born to drum. Ryan Bauta said: I’ve been performing for as long as I can remember, from performing in the chorus in my pre-school days to landing lead roles in musicals today. My Todd & Jen Owners of the 19th Hole involvement with bands began when I was about thirteen and I even began playing guitar along the way. However, being vocally trained, I aspire to one day become known for my vocal performance. On my free time I like to write songs, but my musical focus now is Quantum Waves. Slip & The Spinouts You can check out this amazing band Quantum Waves all around South Florida and coming to many venues that will be hosting a original music festival in Broward by A1 Promotions in September thru December. Kent V-Twin City’s Bike Night has been off the chain! In August there was Live music by Slip & The Spinouts, a FREE BBQ & refreshments, a Vape Cloud Contest by Cozy Corner, a Tattoo Contest By Hyperink Studios, Pole Dancers and more! The next V-Twin City Bike Night is on Friday Sept 11th at 7:00pm. A Special 9/11 Tribute BIKE NIGHT Remembering Our Fallen Heroes. Also SAVE THE DATE Sept 25th It’s Cruise Night and Kill The keg Night at Rookies Ale House with Live music and remember to please drink responsibly. Check out the A1 Promotions ad in Wheels On The Road for all the other up-coming events we will be at! Till next time! Support Local Music, Support Your Local Everything! and Support WOTR Magazine, The South Florida Bikers Bible. PEACE! Freddy J In loving memory of Bernie, Chrissy, Clay, Big Ed, Bob Amchir, Animal, Ricky, Pervert, Roger-Kenny & Pauly 1%’ers, Mojo, Vinny Margotta, Poppy, Gunslinger, “Louie”, Davida, Daldone, Irene Powell & Dave Carter Page 31 A memorial & party for Pyle will take place 7PM Friday, September 11th with the service at 9PM at the Wheels of Man MC clubhouse, 1252 SW 1st Way, Deerfield Beach. See flyer pg 43. LUFQ “The South Florida Biker’s Bible Since” 15 Years - September 2015 • Issue #191 • Page 32 2015 CALENDAR SEPTEMBER 5: SOUTHERN MC - TEDDY BEAR RUN<UPDATE 12: OUTCAST MC - PARTY 13: STATES MC - KEY WEST TUNE UP PARTY 17th-20th:PETERSONS KEY WEST POKER RUN 27: KELTICS MC - PARTY OCTOBER 4: MYSTIC SEVEN - ANNUAL 10: NEW ATTITUDES MC - ANNUAL 11: S.E. ABATE RIGHTS RALLY 16th-19th:DAYTONA BIKETOBERFEST 24: WHEELS OF MAN MC - HALLOWEEN PARTY NOVEMBER 7: US MILITARY VETS MC CH 1 - ANNUAL 8: CMA - MEMORIAL EVENT 14: HEATHENS MC - ANNUAL 21: LEATHERNECKS MC ANNUAL 22: CALVARY CHAPEL - THANKSGIVING SERVE DECEMBER 6: SFPC TOYS IN THE SUN RUN 12: PETERSONS TOY RUN BIKE DRAWING 12: HERMANDAD MC - ALFREDO MEM/TOY RUN 13: WINGS OF GOLD MC MIAMI - TOY RUN 19: SFLCOC - CHRISTMAS PARTY TREASURE COAST PRESIDENT’S COUNCIL SEPTEMBER 19 WPB Black Pistons MC party 26 FLNY MC Annual 27 Alternatives MC party OCTOBER 4 Rough Riders MC Annual 10 US Military Vets MC state chapter party 15 - 18 Biketoberfest NOVEMBER 8 Treasure Coast Black Pistons MC party 14 Tuckahoe MC Annual 15 AOA Treasure Coast Annual 22 Wings of Gold MC Annual 29 USMV MC Treasure Coast toy run DECEMBER 5 UBCPBC Christmas Party 6 SFPC Toys In The Sun Run UNITED BIKERS COUNCIL OF PALM BCH CTNY OCTOBER 2015 25 Alternative M.C. ANNUAL DECEMBER 2015 5 UBCPBC Christmas Party @ LLBMC 12 Outcast M.C. PBC Event MONTHLY EVENTS To list your SE Coast motorcycle event at no cost, email: [email protected], fax or mail your flyer before the 20th. I “CRS” so I can’t remind you - you got to remind me. MM • Fri - Los Coquis MC open house, Hallandale 954-274-5523 • Fri - Outlaws MC WPB Open House at 7PM • Fri - USMV MC Ch 2 open house at 8PM (Dania Beach) • 1st Fri - Soldiers for Jesus Open House 7-10PM • 1st Fri - Enforcers MC First Friday of Month Party • 2nd Fri - V-Twin City 7PM Free Buffet Bike Nite • 4th Fri - American Legion Post 36 Bike Night • Fri & Sat - Keltics MC Open House, 954-864-9764 • Fri & some Sat - O’Malley’s Live Music 954-979-8540 • 1st Sat - Wings of Gold MC West Palm clubhouse • 1st & 3rd Sat - AOA MC Dania Open House • 1st & Last Sat - V-Twin City Bikini Bike Wash • 4th Sat - Chrome Angels LMC Open House 7PM • Sat - Something happening at Chester’s • Sat - FREE hot dogs & soda’s at H-D Palm Bch,10-2 • Sat - FREE Lunch at V-Twin City at noon... • 2nd Sat - USMV MC Ft. Laud. Open House • Sun - Chesters Ft. Laud. Demo Sunday & Free Hot Dogs • Sun - Free pool at Sharkey’s Lounge Margate • Sun - Flossies Famous Tiki Hut Biker Sunday • 1st Mon - Dynasty Cycles bike nite at Nicks Pizza • Mon - Ladies nite at Sharky’s 9-2, 241 beverages • Mon - Jam Nite at Turn 3 with Stet & T3JB • Mon - Free pool at O’Malleys & 50¢ wings • 1st Tuesday - Dynasty Cycles Bike Nite • Tues - Flossies Jim Piro Jam & Ladies night 80¢ wings • Tues - Lone Legion Brotherhood Open House • Tues - Taco Tuesday at Chit Chat’s 7:30-11PM • Last Tues USMVMC Palm Bch Open House 561-715-2570 • Wed - Scurvy Few MC, Open House, 954-325-6838 • Wed - Free BBQ Bike Nite at Chit Chat’s • Thurs - Jam night at O’Malley’s w/ Ken Hurley • Thurs - Leathernecks MC Open House 8-mid • Thurs - States MC Pompano Dinner Nite 6 start • Thurs - Hermandad MC Open House, 305-299-4731 • 3rd Thurs - H-D Palm Bch Bike Nite at Dealer 5-10PM • 3rd Thurs - Peterson’s Harley South Bike nite 6-10PM • 4th Fri in July - Wings of Gold MC Open House Davie EVENT LISTINGS WITH PRINTED FLYERS/AD INFO SEPTEMBER 2015 • 11: Memorial & Party for Pyle, WOM MC... 43 • 11: V-Twin City Bike Nite... 24 • 12: Outcast MC Another Damn Good Party... 9 • 12 & 13: Phil Peterson’s Poker Run Kick Off Party... 2 • 11-13: Chesters new model launch... Back cover • 13: States Key West Tune Up Party... 44 • 3rd Annual Halfway to Delray Bch St Pattys Day... 44 • 17-20: Phil Peterson’s Key West Poker Run... 45 • 19: 21st Blessing of the Bikes in Key West... 44 • 19: V-Twin City Bikini Bike Wash... 24 • 26: Benefit for Contos... 32 • 27: Keltics MC Ride Em’ Hard Pardee 5... 44 OCTOBER 2015 • 2: Chit Chat’s & Flossies Breast Cancer Benefit... • 2: Dori’s Birthday Bash, Chit Chat’s 28 • 4: Mystic Seven MC Annual Party... 35 • 4: Benefit to raise reward money for unsolved murders... cover & 32 • 11: SE ABATE 35th Annual Event... 15 • 15: Tropical Tattoo Chopper Show.. 32 STORMY’S RIDER RHYMES By Stormy: [email protected] Most Americans work so hard each day, And struggle to make ends meet, For some it all comes easy, But to some it’s no small feat... Labor Day is a day to honor, to be thankful for our jobs. Be thankful if you’re in a Union, Or just a small “Mom and Pop”... In America We have the right to work, If you want to you have the chance. Most people can find a job if they try, no matter the circumstance... Some people are very fortunate, They get to do the work that they love. Some just do what they have to do, And they still thank the lord above.. But the hardest worker in America, Is our Military by far, And to this list Our Firefighters, And the Officers in squad cars... So if you’re working be thankful, Count your blessings every day, Say ‘thank you’ to the ones that protect us, And fight to keep us safe... Happy Labor Day... Stormy 28 & 29 • NOVEMBER 2015 • 1 Palm Bch Harley Anniversary... 25 Chester’s has many monthly events, see ad/schedule on the back cover It won’t kill ya to send in $25 bucks after all the years you’ve been reading WOTR... In loving memory of Bernie, Chrissy, Clay, Big Ed, Bob Amchir, Animal, Ricky, Pervert, Roger-Kenny & Pauly 1%’ers, Mojo, Vinny Margotta, Poppy, Gunslinger, “Louie”, Davida, Daldone, Irene Powell & Dave Carter Page 33 CLASSIFIED ADS 1” x 3.8” (New or Used Anything - No Shops - Free Help Wanted $12 per 1” per month - magazines are not included in price BIKER FRIENDLY SHOPS & BUSINESSES These alphabetical business listings cost only $75.00 for 6 months. Call 954-578-2900 to place your business info here. Chicago Bob's • (954) 972-4478 - 5204 NW 15th Street, Margate, Florida 33063. Chicago Bob can build a trophy winner for you. When you want it done right the 1st time! Willie’s Tropical Tattoo • (386) 672-1888 -825 S. Yonge St (US1), Ormond Bch, Fl 32174 -Home of Willie’s Chopper Shows during Bike Week & Biketoberfest C L A S S I F I E D S LUFQ HELP / JOBS WANTED CLASSIFIEDS ARE FREE! Looks like this! RENT a Vacation Chalet in Murphy, NC. New 2 bedroom, 2 bath, sleeps 6, furnished. Biker Heaven. Only $625.00 per wk. Call George (Mickey’s old owner) at 754-224-7955. VHS TO DVD CONVERSION Convert your VHS Hi8 or C VHS Tape to DVD. Those family videos are your family heirlooms so why not put them forever on DVD. Pickup and Delivery service available - prices depend on location. Mail orders accepted. 20 years experience. Call Al for complete details 954-981-7926 VETERAN INFO: The non profit Multi Purpose Center of Davie would like to make you aware of the wide range of programming for day care & weekend retreats for those suffering the invisible wounds of war that are available. The Center is seeking sponsors to help fund these programs. They are also asking for volunteers to work and oversee our weekend programs. At this time the Viet Nam Vets/Legacy Vets MC are actively involved with the center and welcome all who could benefit from it’s services. Contact information may be obtained from any VNV/LV member at large. Call 954-791-8603 or 954-448-3843. WILD BILL MAHER - Drummer for Hire, Teacher, Touring. Call 908-887-4452. Big Jack, Greetings from the South Florida Tattoo Expo!!! Delora, Catherine, Jack Jr. LUFQ “The South Florida Biker’s Bible Since” 15 Years - September 2015 • Issue #191 • Page 34 In loving memory of Bernie, Chrissy, Clay, Big Ed, Bob Amchir, Animal, Ricky, Pervert, Roger-Kenny & Pauly 1%’ers, Mojo, Vinny Margotta, Poppy, Gunslinger, “Louie”, Davida, Daldone, Irene Powell & Dave Carter Page 35 MINI ADS THIS PAGE only $25 a month or $100 for 6 months... email: [email protected] to start this or other size ads LUFQ For Sale: Six acres west side of U.S. 27 (about a mile south of Café 27). Zoned agricultural/ residential. Perfect for recluse, nature lovers or bikers. Needs clearing and cleaning. Call 954-736-6524. $299,000. LUFQ “The South Florida Biker’s Bible Since” 15 Years - September 2015 • Issue #191 • Page 36 Woo’s View’s Best Friends Over the Rainbow Bridge By Willie Woo: [email protected] Don’t say we didn’t warn you after reading his articles. Hi Gang, Well another month has passed and 2015 is well on its way to being history. The GREAT thing about it is that barry obammbamm’s getting real close to being out on his ass! Know that really hurts you brain dead morons who not only voted for the lame duck the first time, but actually voted for the incompetent bastard the second time. To all you old liberal Jews out there, I hope you like the screwing you’re getting with obammbamm care. Debbie What’shername Shits is still running her lying mouth and you morons are still believing the shit she’s giving you and calling it sugar! You deserve what you get!!! And now to Happy talk... The pups I kept are now going on 4 months old and are so damm beautiful. They are getting BIG and have really great personalities too! They are completely different from each other. Tank, the bigger of the two takes more after his dad the Kangal. He’s tall and narrow at the shoulders. He has a longer snout too, like his daddy. Nappy (short for Napoleon) takes after Precious. His snout is shorter, he’s not as tall, but he’s at least twice as wide at the shoulder than Tank is. He will probably be a runty little dog only weighing 100-120 lbs and standing 30 inches high at the shoulders. Tank on the other hand will be taller by a few inches at least and outweigh Nappy by 10-20 lbs. They are both extremely aggressive ( I wonder if the Dogo-Kangal mix has anything to do with it... LOL). They are also both super smart and independent with Nappy the most stubborn of the two. Nappy is my favorite as he is the one I saved. When he was two days old I came into the puppy room and Precious was nursing the pups laying on her right side. As is the habit I have, I counted the pups nursing. I only counted six. There was one missing. I looked around the puppy pen and didn’t see the seventh. I looked behind her and saw a little tail sticking out from behind her back. I lifted her up and pulled the pup out. It was Nappy. He was the runt of the litter. He was unconscious and unresponsive. I had him in my hand and his head was at my finger tips and his butt was at my wrist to let you know how small he was! I put his whole snout in my mouth and very gently started to give him mouth to snout recitation. I knew he had tiny little lungs and didn’t want to do any damage to them by blowing too hard. At the same time I was doing that, I was rubbing him firmly. Not squeezing, but rubbing. After about 7 or 8 breaths he opened his left eye and then his right and started squirming in my hand. I took him to Precious who was still on her side nursing the other pups and put him on a vacant tit where he immediately started nursing by himself. I guess that moment he became my favorite. Don’t get the wrong idea, I love Tank dearly too. He’s the friendlier of the two. He’s already been to Protection training for his first lessons. By the time he’s a year old, taking him for his walk will be like having a license to open carry! Last month I had my cataracts removed and new lenses placed in my eyes. FUKEN AMAZING!!! For the first time in at least 25 years I can see without glasses! I only need them to read small print. I can actually Yeah! see colors that now are bright where before they were muddy! Gang, if you ever take my word for anything, if you EVER get cataracts, get the procedure! It is totally painless and you can see when you leave the office, but it does take awhile before you can see perfectly, as with all procedures. Anyway, you all have a wonderful month and Ride Sober and Safe. Wishing you all the very best... even you Moron Libs. Your Friend, Uncle Willie Louie the WOTR Maskot Liberty Tinkerbell Miss Abigail Dumas Corona Chyna Blue Princess Itty Bitty Harley Chi chi Bella Butch Anastasia Bully TWD Hat Trick Seger If you want your best friend memorialized on this page, email a photo and name to [email protected]. Due to space I cannot guarantee the photo being in this section for longer than 3 months. If you want to keep your best friend on this page for 1 year than you need to make a $100 (or more) VIP donation to WOTR. See pg 20 for the mailing address. ANIMAL ADOPTION & RESCUE SERVICES Here are a few Legitimate Animal Rescue Places. WOTR’s CHOICE TO SEND $$$ • Mirta Maltes (Park ranger) My Animals Rock Inc. PO Box 630729, Miami, Florida 33163 (Money is needed for vet bills to take care of all the abused animals Mirta picks up. Go to and use the Paypal button to give what you can. (501 c3, Donations are Tax Deductible) WOTR SUPPORTS MIRTA! • A Second Chance Puppies & Kittens Rescue West Palm Beach -561-333-1100 • Broward County Animal Control by Ft. Laud Airport (They do put down dogs so be aware of this) ‘DON’T GIVE MONEY TO JUST ANYONE WHO SAYS THEY HELP DOGS!’ In loving memory of Bernie, Chrissy, Clay, Big Ed, Bob Amchir, Animal, Ricky, Pervert, Roger-Kenny & Pauly 1%’ers, Mojo, Vinny Margotta, Poppy, Gunslinger, “Louie”, Davida, Daldone, Irene Powell & Dave Carter Page 37 CHUCK ON THE RIGHT SIDE Chuck Lehman: [email protected] Photo by Mort Are We Stupid or What? President Obama and Secretary of State John Kerry, have stated that the nuclear deal that they negotiated with Iran will prevent the Iranians from getting a nuclear weapon. Do those assurances by our “esteemed” leaders remind you of past agreements with rogue nations? In 1938, Neville Chamberlain, negotiated an agreement with Nazi Chancellor Adolph Hitler, which according to Chamberlain, would bring “Peace in our time”. Well, how did that agreement work out? (within a year WWII broke out) Next, we had President Clinton negotiate a nuclear agreement in 1994 with North Korea, another rogue nation. In announcing an agreement with North Korea, Clinton made the following statement: “This agreement is good for the United States, good for our allies, and good for the safety of the entire world”. He said, “The deal requires them (N. Korea) to “freeze” their existing nuclear program and to accept international inspection of all existing facilities”. He then went on to say, “The agreement does not rely on trust. Compliance will be certified by the International Atomic Energy Agency”. Well, how did that work out? Within a year or two, North Korea was testing nuclear weapons. Do those appeasing agreements sound similar to the agreement that Obama and Kerry want us to accept? We were not negotiating with Mother Teresa, we were negotiating with another rogue nation (Iran), who just a week before the announcement, held a massive rally condemning both the U.S.A. and Israel. In addition, the demonstrators called for the death of Americans and Israeli’s. How can you negotiate with a country who has called for your death? Leading up to this ridiculous agreement that will (hopefully not) be reached with Iran, we stated, unequivocally, that we would agree not to allow Iran to purchase conventional weapons and ballistic missiles. In addition, we said that any agreement with Iran would include unfettered inspection of any nuclear site. Well, what happened to those assurances in the deal which will soon be submitted to Congress for approval or rejection? Iran will be able to purchase conventional weapons after 5 years, and Iran does not have to agree to unannounced inspections anytime or anywhere. What did we get in return for those concessions? Nada, nil, zilch, and nothing, except that Iran would agree to this toothless agreement. It seems Obama would agree to anything just to get an agreement signed (regardless of how bad it might be), especially as it it might enhance his legacy (in his mind). LUFQ In this worthless agreement, we agreed to “unfreeze” Iranian assets that we have withheld for years, which amounts to many billions of dollars. Iran can’t wait to get their hands on that flow of funds as it will not only prop up their pitiful economy, but it could also be used to further their efforts to support and export terrorism around the Middle East and around the world. Does any sane person, knowing how Iran has acted in the past, believe that Iran will not use this money to support the Assad regime, Hezbollah, Yemeni Houthi rebels, Hamas, Palestinian Islamic Jihad, and other terrorist groups? One thing that can be said about this deal is that it has formed an alliance between former enemies. That alliance now includes Israel, Jordan, Egypt, the Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia, and Kuwait. Can you imagine that arch enemies in the past just a few short years ago, are now in harmony against this abomination that Obama and Kerry has agreed to with Iran? Maybe those countries know something that Obama and Kerry don’t know, that this deal is something that we should not accept no matter what meaningless assurances are made by both our negotiators and Iran. So, the answer to the headline is, YES, Obama and Kerry do think we are stupid if we accept this appeasing document with our avowed enemy, Iran. Let’s hope Congress rejects this agreement. Chuck “The South Florida Biker’s Bible Since” 15 Years - September 2015 • Issue #191 • Page 38 In Memory of... In Loving Memory of Dirty Dick 1%er - O.F.F.O. March 16, 1929 - August 6, 2015 IF YOU HAVE MORE INFO FOR THE NAMES BELOW EMAIL TO: MIAMIMIKE@WHEELSONTHEROAD>COM When I come to the end of the road and the sun has set on me... I want no rites in a gloom filled room just put my ashes out to sea... Remember my love for the ocean as you put my ashes in the waters I know... Let your sorrow float with them Miss me... but let me go. Moldy 1%er Richard L. Brainard G.B.N.F. - O.F.F.O. Copy the Organ Donor Card below, fill it out and put it in your wallet. For additional info contact the Transplant Foundation, Inc. at 701 SW 27th Ave, Ste 705 Miami, FL 33135, 305-817-5645 or website (BELOW) Allan Hippler, Davie Al “Gunslinger” Kropat, Der Krieger MC, Hlwd Animal, Keltics MC, Ft. Laud Bernie Shapiro, 1927-2006, Brooklyn NY - Tamarac Big Art 1%er, AOA MC, Dania Beach Bill Snedden Bob Amchir, Founder/President: Wings of Gold MC, SFPC Toys in the Sun Run Brent Casey, Turn 3 Sports Bar, Boca Brian, Keltics MC, Ft. Laud Carl “Wrench” Levene, Keltics MC, Fort Laauderdale Chrissy Mading, 7/20/81 - 10/2006, Sunrise Cracker, WOM MC, Deerfield Bch If you have Crystal Davis, Pompano Bch additional Dan “Funk” Palo, Keltics MC information Dave Carter, Mickeys Bar, Pompano Bch Davida Burenstein, Coral Springs on any of these David Teitelbaum, Davie people please Dirty Dick 1%er, AOA MC South Florida email it to MM Dozer, Keltics MC, Ft. Laud Gene, Keltics MC, Ft. Laud George “Whore Hay” Hornick, Alternative MC, 2/29/1960 - 1/31/2008, Ft. Laud. “Gorilla” Koppisch, Davie Glyn “Blue” Joy, Leathernecks MC Howard “Pervert”, Der Krieger MC, Hlwd Irvin “Tank” Drumheller, Der Krieger MC, Davie Jerald Jeffery Jones Jr., Miami Jerry 1%’er, AOA MC, Dania Beach Jim “Cadillac” Savelle John Holcomb “Pyle”, Wheels of Man MC, Deerfield Beach Jose Luis Lopez Navarro “Cholin”, President: Steel Angels MC, Panama Justin Cook, Plantation Kenny 1%er, AOA MC, Dania Beach Kenny “Debaldone” & Rene’ Weingart, Long Island NY Linda Marchall, West Palm Bch Mark “Bear” Sheehan, Alternative MC Palm Bch, US Army Special Forces Vet Marc Izuierdo Melinda Galiano, West Palm Mojo, Mystics MC, Pompano Bch Navajo, USMV MC, Ft. Laud. Pam S. Kaiser, Calvery Chapel MM, 3/26/59 - 1/1/15, Ft. Lauderdale Pauly 1%er, AOA MC, Dania Beach Patty Lefkowitz While, Pompano Beach (What a nice person she was) Peter Jorge, WOG MC, Miami, 7/10/61 - 11/10/14 Phil Petress, Pompano Bch “Pops”, AFAB Cycle Shop, Deerfield Bch If you have Robert Parish, Leathernecks MC additional Robert Williams information Roger Williams 1%er, AOA MC, Dania Beach on any of these Scott Goodman, Ft. Laud. people please Terry Lanis, SE ABATE email it to MM Vinny Margotta, Miami HOG member, Hollywood Willie Roslund, Ft. Laud. To have a loved ones name listed at no cost on this page, email the following: Their name / club name, birth and death dates, club affiliations & hometown. (Example) John Doe, Eagles MC, 1/2/47 - 12/4/2013, Jersey City, NJ. (Names will be listed alpabetically by First Name) Whatever you want to have next to the name is what you should email me but it must fit on one line. I will still print an obituary for one month so you can email a photo and text. There is no cost but you need to send it by the 16th of the month. If I receive it after the 16th it is printed in the following issue. WOTR Ronnie C For as little as $25 a month you can have a visible presence in the oldest & best biker magazine in South Florida. Email [email protected] for more info. In loving memory of Bernie, Chrissy, Clay, Big Ed, Bob Amchir, Animal, Ricky, Pervert, Roger-Kenny & Pauly 1%’ers, Mojo, Vinny Margotta, Poppy, Gunslinger, “Louie”, Davida, Daldone, Irene Powell & Dave Carter Page 39 Trackside with Chuck [email protected] Well this is the price we pay for living in a tropical paradise; the dog days of summer are upon us. With that comes the rain, the humidity and the heat. So needless to say racing hasn’t been very active due to Mother Nature. However, I was able to attend a couple of events at Palm Beach International Raceway that were held at night. With the summer being brutal in South Florida, many racers use the Friday night and Saturday night test-n-tune sessions as a way to fine-tune their programs before the fall rolls around and its racing almost every weekend. So needless to say anybody who was anybody was out testing their cars, trucks and bikes for one of the baddest races in the country, No Mercy 6 at South Georgia Motorsports Park in Valdosta, Georgia. This race attracts participants from all over the country for their chance at taking home the trophy and most importantly, the check. This is the race that is known for its “flying cars”. Stock type suspension cars with no wheelie bars that literally do wheelstands that cause the car to go air born completely, putting on a spectacular show for the spectators. There are over 500 competitors that come from as far as Canada and California. The promoter of this race puts on two huge events a year at South Georgia Motorsports Park. One in September and one in February, called The Night the Lights Went Out in Georgia. The format is the exact same but it gives those who can’t attend the September race a chance at taking home some serious coin. Donald Long is the brain child behind all of this madness and has been putting races on for a very long time. He never fails at putting on an awesome event for both spectators and racers. His events have been dubbed the nickname of “The Baddest Small Tire Races in the World”. If you’re a car speed nut like I am, this is one you don’t want to miss. The drive is worth every second of the action you will encounter at SGMP. I was able to attend the 20th Anniversary of the South Florida Tattoo Expo. This event is put on every year and never ceases to amaze its fans. There was everything from live tattoo expos to live music. It draws people from all over to check out all the local talent here in South Florida when it comes to tattooing. Along with all of the LUFQ artists displaying their work, there was also a car show, suspension show and a burlesque show. It was a great turn out and all the proceeds from the event went to Joe DiMaggio’s Children’s Hospital. I look forward to attend next year’s event and hope it draws even more people to help support Joe DiMaggio. Speaking of Joe DiMaggio, Gabriel Carrera, The Attorney That Rides, just completed his 16,000+ mile Pan-American charity run. Yes you read that right, 16,000 plus miles he traveled on two wheels over the course 3 months all to raise money for Joe’s kids. From what I understand, it is also a world record because he was the first to do it on a Harley-Davidson. So congratulations to Gabriel for pulling off something that many people would never consider attempting. Helping Gabriel was The Georgia Pig restaurant by sponsoring him with a check for $1,000. Way to go Georgia Pig!! If you are ever in the area or get the opportunity, they have Santa some of the best BBQ in Ed South Florida, you will not be disappointed. Last but not least was the Confederate Flag Rally. This event started at Plantation Heritage Park and ended in Sunrise at Markham Park. If you are a Confederate Flag lover, this was your event. It drew hundreds of people showing their support for the battle flag and its heritage. Unfortunately it didn’t come without protesters with megaphones and facemasks. That didn’t stop the peace rally and 8 mile ride from Plantation to Sunrise to help raise awareness for the Flag’s heritage. Until next time, Ride safe and stay cool. Killer Chuck “The South Florida Biker’s Bible Since” 15 Years - September 2015 • Issue #191 • Page 40 Joel “Danny” Cool Cat Tattoo’s In loving memory of Bernie, Chrissy, Clay, Big Ed, Bob Amchir, Animal, Ricky, Pervert, Roger-Kenny & Pauly 1%’ers, Mojo, Vinny Margotta, Poppy, Gunslinger, “Louie”, Davida, Daldone, Irene Powell & Dave Carter Page 41 Miami Mike continues from page 7 discounts available. If you were a previous advertiser and want to renew your advertising, and are able to pay for your ad before the magazine goes to the printer, and not weeks or months later... than send me an email and we can discuss prices. By the way... I heard the entertainment at the SFPC Toy Run is going to be ‘off the hook’. I would tell you now but I would be forced to leave town and forever look over my shoulder. So you will just have to wait until next month when Tattoo Dave gives all the details in his article. Until next issue, don’t ride through big puddles and keep your Wheels on the Road. Whoz Robert??? LUFQ Changing of the guards... “The South Florida Biker’s Bible Since” 15 Years - September 2015 • Issue #191 • Page 42 In loving memory of Bernie, Chrissy, Clay, Big Ed, Bob Amchir, Animal, Ricky, Pervert, Roger-Kenny & Pauly 1%’ers, Mojo, Vinny Margotta, Poppy, Gunslinger, “Louie”, Davida, Daldone, Irene Powell & Dave Carter Page 43 LUFQ “The South Florida Biker’s Bible Since” 15 Years - September 2015 • Issue #191 • Page 44 In loving memory of Bernie, Chrissy, Clay, Big Ed, Bob Amchir, Animal, Ricky, Pervert, Roger-Kenny & Pauly 1%’ers, Mojo, Vinny Margotta, Poppy, Gunslinger, “Louie”, Davida, Daldone, Irene Powell & Dave Carter Page 45 LUFQ “The South Florida Biker’s Bible Since” 15 Years - September 2015 • Issue #191 • Page 46 Having t-shirt trouble... In loving memory of Bernie, Chrissy, Clay, Big Ed, Bob Amchir, Animal, Ricky, Pervert, Roger-Kenny & Pauly 1%’ers, Mojo, Vinny Margotta, Poppy, Gunslinger, “Louie”, Davida, Daldone, Irene Powell & Dave Carter Page 47 LUFQ “The South Florida Biker’s Bible Since” 15 Years - September 2015 • Issue #191 • Page 48
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