our friend dave carter is still not doing well
June 2014 • Issue 176 • Still $3 bucks Standing Up For Our 2nd Amendment Rights! Published by a South Florida Moto-Journalist - Since 1971 - CONTRIBUTORS: Al De Maio, Allen West Axman, Bars, Chef Joel, Chuck Lehmann, Cookie Dee, Dave DiCrescenzo, Doob, Doug Scofield, Fern, Freddy J (A1), Gabriel Carrera, Huck, Jerry Breen, Killer Chuck, Michele Koscielniak, MM, Ronnie C, Rouge, Sharon, Stormy, Tattoo Dave, Willie Woo, Coco Puff & me... ...Mickey Bear!! OUR FRIEND DAVE CARTER IS STILL NOT DOING WELL - READ ABOUT DAVE ON PAGE 12 On Poppy’s Memorial Ride In Loving Memory of Irene Powell Flossies Anniversary Vet’s Fundraiser at O’Meara’s SE ABATE Memorial Day Event In loving memory of Bernie, Chrissy, Clay, Big Ed, Bob Amchir, Animal, Ricky, Pervert, Roger-Kenny & Pauly 1%’ers, Mojo, Vinny Margotta, Poppy, Gunslinger, “Louie”, Davida, Debaldone & Irene Powell Page 1 LUFQ “The South Florida Biker’s Bible Since 1999 - Pray for Dave!!! 14 Years - June 2014 • Issue #176 • Page 2 In loving memory of Bernie, Chrissy, Clay, Big Ed, Bob Amchir, Animal, Ricky, Pervert, Roger-Kenny & Pauly 1%’ers, Mojo, Vinny Margotta, Poppy, Gunslinger, “Louie”, Davida, Debaldone & Irene Powell Page 3 LUFQ “The South Florida Biker’s Bible Since 1999 - Pray for Dave!!! 14 Years - June 2014 • Issue #176 • Page 4 In loving memory of Bernie, Chrissy, Clay, Big Ed, Bob Amchir, Animal, Ricky, Pervert, Roger-Kenny & Pauly 1%’ers, Mojo, Vinny Margotta, Poppy, Gunslinger, “Louie”, Davida, Debaldone & Irene Powell Page 5 LUFQ “The South Florida Biker’s Bible Since 1999 - Pray for Dave!!! 14 Years - June 2014 • Issue #176 • Page 6 Around So Fla by Miami Mike, Publisher [email protected] Most parents hope that they pass away before their kids and of course we never want or expect our parents to pass away... it’s just a fact of life. On May 21st, Sharon lost her mom, Irene, suddenly at Memorial Hospital. Irene had gone in to have an operation but before it was preformed she slipped away while we watched and could do nothing. Irene was only 77 and we hoped for many more years with her but it wasn’t to be. Sharon is of course devastated as well as myself and Sharon’s son Ray (who also lost his dad this past October). Irene was laid to rest in Hollywood near her sister, her grand daughter Chrissy (Sharon’s daughter), and other family members. Sharon and I want to thank everyone for their condolences and especially those who could make the time to be at Boyd’s funeral home on the 25th and those who sent flowers and donated to the Transplant Organization. We also thank Calvary Chapel Motorcycle Ministry members, Billy Mijares (who spoke at the funeral home and cemetery) and Doug Scofield (who came down from Pt. St. Lucie just for the funeral) and also spoke at the cemetery. It is comforting to attend a funeral when you know the people who are speaking for the family and for the deceased and not just some person who you just met. Irene will be sadly missed but fondly remembered by many people, especially Sharon who was as close to her mom as anyone I have ever met in my life. It is difficult to write about the other events and bike nites we attended during May so I will keep it brief and toss in a few more photos than I normally do. My other WOTR journalists have most likely covered the events in their articles. In no particular order Sharon and I stopped by O’Meara’s for the Vet’s Event and their Bike Nite, O’Malley’s Bike Nite (with Soulicide too), Chit Chat’s for a pre-wedding party then their Chesters Bike Nite, Flossies 39th Anniversary Party (which was awesome to say the least) Maria and Jeff’s Birthdays at the Mystic 7 Clubhouse (great time too) ending on June 1st (actually) at Cagney’s with the Der Krieger MC Annual. (Even though I finished this issue on Friday the 27th, I saved a slot for a small Der Krieger group shot and sent it to the printer) Next issue I’m sure Axman and Freddy will have more to say about that event as well as having more great photos. Sharon and I were quite surprised when Gabe called us and said he had tickets to hear Zac Brown at the Cruzan Amphitheater in West Palm on Sat. May 28th. We had never been there before and we sat on the lawn. We forgot our binoculars but thankfully there were 4 or 5 large screens to see the Miami Mike continues on page 51 In loving memory of Bernie, Chrissy, Clay, Big Ed, Bob Amchir, Animal, Ricky, Pervert, Roger-Kenny & Pauly 1%’ers, Mojo, Vinny Margotta, Poppy, Gunslinger, “Louie”, Davida, Debaldone & Irene Powell Page 7 Heaven Cycle Steve & Road Rage Jorge LUFQ “The South Florida Biker’s Bible Since 1999 - Pray for Dave!!! 14 Years - June 2014 • Issue #176 • Page 8 RIDING RIDING,, DOWN SOUTH “In Loving Memory of My Dad” By Axman... [email protected] On Saturday (04/26) I covered another exquisite Wedding. My wife’s cousin Dorothea got married to Randall Johnson. The wedding took place at their beautiful home in South Miami. Their big back yard was nicely decorated. All in Good Taste Catering provided top notch food and service. I had a lot of fun capturing Randall & Dorothea’s “Big Day”. Congratulations to the both of you! The first weekend of May was very busy for me. I had four must attend events on my “To-Do-List”. On Friday (05/ 02) my friend Alex and I went to the Broward Convention Center where this year’s Exxxotica was held. The Exxxotica Expo: (XXXoticaExpo.com) is the largest event in the USA dedicated to love and sex. I usually go only on Saturday nights however this year I went on Friday night. It was Ladies night and the show saw a record number of female attendees Axman continues on page 12 In loving memory of Bernie, Chrissy, Clay, Big Ed, Bob Amchir, Animal, Ricky, Pervert, Roger-Kenny & Pauly 1%’ers, Mojo, Vinny Margotta, Poppy, Gunslinger, “Louie”, Davida, Debaldone & Irene Powell Page 9 PRICES EFFECTIVE JAN 2014 AD RATES Prices may change without prior notice - WOTR Accepts All Major Credit Cards Ads must be paid in full before the 16th to be included in WOTR. Payments received after the 16th will be printed in the following issue. All advertisers must have a valid credit card on file which will be run in the event of a bad check, plus a minimum $25 bank service charge or as allowed under Florida statues. Please note: Because of differences in computer monitors and printers, ad colors can not be guaranteed unless a color proof is supplied by the advertiser. Although the printer will try for an exact match, no discount or refund will be made for color differences in the proof and printed ad in WOTR. For new ads, ad changes & specs contact: Miami Mike, Publisher Wheels on the Road Magazine (New Address) 10563 NW 53 Street Sunrise, Florida 33351 Ph. 954-578-2900 • (Call 1st to fax) [email protected] www.wheelsontheroad.com COST PER MONTH/ISSUE B&W Full Page $500 1/2 Pg - $300 • 1/3 Pg - $255 1/4 pg - $195 • 1/5 pg - $145 1/6 pg - $120 • 1/8 pg - $95 Biz Card - $50 • Mini Card - $30 3 Line Biz Listing (6 months $85) Full Color full centerfold /side $800 Full Color full back cover $850 Full Color full page inside covers $750 Full Page Color (other) $650 1/2 Pg - $365 • 1/3 Pg - $315 1/4 pg - $235 • 1/5 pg - $175 Smaller color sizes may be available (call 1st) 10% B&W discount 3 months pay at a time. 8% Color discount 3 months pay at a time. (20% Discount for M/C’s & Charities) Call or email for ad specs before designing ad. Deadline is the 16th of the month WOTR Ad Reps Miami Mike • Sharon Chef Joel • Freddy (A1 Productions) SUBSCRIPTION RATES $39.95 - You get 2 issues per month sent standard mail 2-5 days $60.00 - First Class (1-2 days) LUFQ Pick up WOTR at most advertisers Where it's at! ADVERTISER LISTINGS PG # Alternative MC Ft. Laud 20th Annual July 13th... 35 AOA Memorial Kenny, Jerry, Roger 1%’ers June 21st. 8, 45 2nd Annual South Beach Bike Week Aug 20-Sept 1... 54 19th Annual So Fla Tattoo Expo, August 8-10, Cover 42nd Peterson’s Key West Poker Run Sept. 18th-21st... 53 Aaron Vaughn Memorial Frogman Swim June 28th... 50 Bears & BBQ July 19th... 50 Cagney’s Redemption Party July 6... 27 Chrome Angels LMC Summer Bash July 26... 49 Ethan’s Benefit @ Chesters w/Nam Knights July 27th... 50 Fly~In Wheels MC Christmas in July party, July 5... 52 Flossies Tuesday Nite Jam... 42 Hoke Hey Alaska or Bust Party July 12... 26 Los Coquis MC party July 12th... 34 Palm Beach Harley Upcoming Special Events... 50 Rocking & Barking Benefit July 12th... 34 USMV MC Ch 2 Annual Party June 29th... 49 Wings of Gold MC Stars & Stripes Annual June 22... 11, 50 Wheels of Man MC Chili Cookoff July 19th... 33 A1PromotionsGroup.com... 37 A+ American Exterminating (Les will kill your bugs)... 30 Acupuncture Care by George Lenkowitz... 40 AC Repair by Brail (WOM MC)... 40 Airbrush Art by Angelo... 40 All American Cycle... 11 Allen Babcock Dog & Cat Rescue... 40 A Touch of Class Cleaning Service by Frank... 38 Awesome Detail by Rick... 30 Axman Pictures (axmanpictures.com)... 9 Big Bike Riders Children’s Foundation... 14 Bodies in Motion of South Florida (Ms Axman)... 42 Boog N Geez Biker Jewelry... 31 Broward Auto Repair (Great work & prices in Sunrise)... 39 Bungee Bitch Strap (Did you get yours yet??)... 30 Cafe’ 27... 6 Cagney’s House of Rock (The BEST live music around!)... 27 Candy’s Cycle Shop... 17 Chester’s Ft Laud. Harley-Davidson in Sunrise... Back Cover Children’s Charity Riders... 19 Chit Chat’s... 8 Christian Motorcyclist Association (CMA)... 40 Chrome Glow (returning advertiser)... 6 Cosmic Hog Pen... 40 Cycle Lab... 9 Cycles in Time... 30 D-N-D Automotive (another honest mechanic)... 20 Dads of Florida... 40 Delray Cycle... 15 Devil Dog Motorcycle Repairs... 49 Diamondhead Studio Jewelers (and mailing center)... 21 Dixie Cycle... 5 DOCS' Cycle... 31 Dolphin Bail Bonds (When you get thrown in jail)... 19 Dorinda - The Weight Is Over... 46 Dynasty Cycles... 13 Electrik Krayon Tattoo Studio... 46 Enforcers MC (Bike nites & membership info)... 40 Flossies Bar & Grill (Tuesday Music Jam)... 8, 42 Free Milwaukee Jack 1%er... 39 GF1 Floor Coatings (see Jerry’s work at Peterson’s N.)... 46 Harley-Davidson of Miami, N & S Stores... 2, 3 Harley-Davidson of Palm Beach... Centerfold Harris Affordable Roofing... 18 Heaven Cycle... 12 Hermandad MC... 40 Homes for Loving Pets (Get a little pisser like Coco)... 41 Independence Arms (See Barbara for great deals)... 40 J.D. Custom Detail (Miami Mike’s detailer)... 13 Lakes Bookkeeping Service, LLC... 40 Leathernecks MC, Jason Dunham Chapter... 46 Leather Repair (Lauren does great work!)... 44 Leslie Kay Insurance... 5 Lock N Roll Locksmith... 40 Lone Legion Brotherhood Open House... 44 “The South Florida Biker’s Bible Since 1999 - Pray for Dave!!! M.A.R.S. Auto Performance (MM’s mechanic)... 38 Michele Koscielniak CPA, LLC... 18 Motorcycle Training Institute (Get Legal)... 31 Nam Knights MC... 19 New Attitudes MC.. 39 Nita “Stormy” Ipsale (insurance agent)... 38 North Broward Insurance Solutions... 18 O’Malley’s Sports Bar & Grill ... 31 O’Meara’s Irish Pub... 26 Pop-A-Lock... 40 Pops Custom Cycle (Quality Work - Great Prices)... 43 Prism Music... 47 Prodigals Biker Friendly Church... 40 Rellek Garage (new advertiser)... 45 Revere Indoor Gun Range... 40 Saints Motorcycle Ministry... 40 Sharkey’s Blvd Lounge... 43 Soldiers for Jesus MC... 33, 40 South Florida Trailer Rentals... 43 Sunrise Tactical Supply (A+++ gunshop in Sunrise... 40, 42 The Biker Shop... 27 The Sports Barn (formerly The Beer Barn)... 32 The Law Offices of Christopher Kelly... 45 The Law Offices of Demetrios Kirkiles... 30 The Law Offices of Gabriel Jose Carrera, PA... 25, 38 The Law Offices of James Elkins, PA... 23 The Law Offices of James S. Robertson III... 45 The Law Offices of Welt & Rheaume... 4, 43 The Printers Printer (the WOTR printer)... 47 Transplant Foundation, Inc and Organ Donor Card... 18 Treasure Coast Harley-Davidson... 55 Turn 3 Sports Bar... (Mon Jam night with Stet)... 26 US Military Vets MC Ft. Laud. Open House... 45 V-Twin City (Like them on Facebook)... Centerfold Wings of Gold MC Members Wanted... 11 Articles and Information • Ad Rates & 1st Class Subscriptions ($45-$60/yr)... • Biker Friendly Shops & Businesses / Classifieds... • In Memory - G.B.N.F... • In Memory of Our Best Friends... • Local Band Listings (RENEW just $35 a YEAR!)... • 2014 Calendars & Monthly Events... • VIP FRIENDS of WOTR / Support WOTR in 2014... • Animal Adoption & Rescue Services... • Dave Carter Update... Allen West, Steadfast and Loyal (special pickup)... ABATE Update by Bars... Axman - Riding, Down South (In Memory of my Dad)... Chef Joel, On Special Assignment... Chuck on the Right Side... David DiCrescenzo, The Patriots Press... Doob, My Costa Rican Retirement... Doug Scofield, Good News... Al’s In!... Freddy’s A1 Bars & Bands... Gabriel Carrera, We the People!... Huck Goes Further... Jerry Breen, (political cartoons & stuff)... Killer Chuck, Trackside with Chuck... Miami Mike, Around SoFla... Michele Koscielniak, Tax Talk... Ronnie C, A Word from Ronnie C... Stormy’s Rider Rhymes... Q LUF Tattoo Dave Amchir, SFPC Now... Ummm Good Cookin’ with Cookie (Dee)... Woo’s View’s... 10 39 47 41 47 33 14 41 12 22 16 9 23 19 20 17 22 44 36 24 35 51 48 7 18 14 38 11 46 41 The complete contents of "Wheels on the Road" is copyrighted ©2014 and use of any content is permitted only with written consent of the publisher, Miami Mike. Advertisers must NOT discriminate against bikers who wear “colors” or their ad will be pulled. Ads must conform to legal guidelines as to the use of logos and other copyrighted artwork or merchandise, especially the use of the Harley-Davidson Bar & Shield or similar designs. You will be notified if changes are required. In the event an ad has been paid for but is not printed for any reason, our liability is limited only to what you have paid. The advertiser has the responsibility of proofing all ads which will be either faxed or emailed before being printed in WOTR. Color matching is not 100% accurate or guaranteed and no refunds will be given for incorrect colors. All ads, photographs and stories will be considered copyrighted by this publication however, the individual photographers and writers will retain all legal rights. Opinions expressed by the writers are their own and may or may not express the views of the publisher. WOTR e-mail should be addressed to: [email protected]. Snail mail should be sent to: Wheels on the Road Magazine, 10563 NW 53 Street, Sunrise, Florida 33351. Send postage if you want your stuff returned. Printed in the USA by The Printers Printer, Pompano Beach, Florida 33069 © 2013 All Rights Reserved - Wheels on the Road Magazine & Website 14 Years - June 2014 • Issue #176 • Page 10 SFPC NOW! by “Tattoo Dave” Amchir [email protected] National President, Wings of Gold MC Director, SFPC Toys in the Sun Run I hope everyone enjoyed their Memorial Day Holiday Weekend and paid respect to all our past and present men and women serving in the U.S. Armed Forces. South East ABATE held their annual Memorial Day party on Sunday May 25th at the Pompano Beach Elks Lodge #1898. They had a great turnout as well as beautiful sunny and warm weather. Hopefully if you didn’t get a chance to attend this event there were many other events all over South Florida honoring our troops who fight to protect our freedom every day. Remember the 19th Annual South Florida Tattoo Expo is around the corner taking place at the Marriott Hotel in Coral Springs on August 8, 9 and 10. This will be a kick ass event with many chills and thrills. So if you plan on staying at the hotel and party for just one night, or the entire weekend, please make your reservations now. To hold your room call the hotel direct at 954-753-5598 and be sure to mention the Tattoo Expo for your special rate, or visit the website at FloridaTattooExpo.com. For more info on the event concerning vendors or artists please call 954-868-7040. There are a few M/C Events in June starting with the Der Krieger M/C Annual, being held at Cagney’s Bar in Davie on the 1st. The New Attitudes M/C party on the 8th has been cancelled. On June 21st the A.O.A M/C Memorial for Jerry, Roger and Kenny 1%er’s will be taking place at their Dania clubhouse starting at 4PM. My Wings of Gold M/C Ft. Lauderdale Chapter will be having our annual Stars and Stripes event on June 22nd at the ‘Sports Barn’ formally The Beer Barn in Davie, located at 4223 Davie Road. Jackson and Kevin are the new owners of the establishment and have completely renovated the place inside and out. Soulicide will be laying down the beat in the Barn Yard all day with their intense brand of music. There will be a classic Hot Rod and Rat Rod Car Show as well as many vendors and contests throughout the day. There will be food and beverages of all kinds as well as special guest appearances. Also on July 6th the Sports Barn will be hosting the Paralyzed Veterans of America Florida Chapter event. Doors open at 12 noon with music by Soulicide and a guest appearance by Lee Tiger of the Tiger Tiger Band. There will be a barbeque with a free meal and a 16 ounce draft for all military personnel with proper Military ID, drink specials and 50/50 raffle plus door prizes going on throughout the day so come out and bring the entire family. (See the Sports Barn ad page 32) On the 29th of June the U.S Military Vets M/C South Broward Chapter will be having their annual party at the Elks Lodge #2365 located at 7190 Davie Road Extension in Davie between Stirling Road and University Drive. Myself, along with my entire Wings of Gold Motorcycle Club and Chapters, send our condolences on the passing of Miami Mike’s girlfriend Sharon’s mom, Irene Powell. Until next month, Be Cool. Dave. In loving memory of Bernie, Chrissy, Clay, Big Ed, Bob Amchir, Animal, Ricky, Pervert, Roger-Kenny & Pauly 1%’ers, Mojo, Vinny Margotta, Poppy, Gunslinger, “Louie”, Davida, Debaldone & Irene Powell Page 11 THE DAVE CARTER UPDATE!!! Dave’s condition has not improved and at this time does not look to get any better. Lisa and Chelsea appreciate all the support they have received in the past from the biker community. Lisa also said that she does NOT want any organization, hall, club or bar to hold a ‘Wake Up Dave’ service, but she said that everyone should personally keep Dave in their thoughts and prayers... Miami Mike I’m not doing well, keep praying. Axman continues from page 9 who came with their men, some solo, and many with their BFF’s for a memorable girl’s night out. They enjoyed female-geared entertainment such as the Bad Boys of Australia, women-only seminars and much more. Needless to say, there was a lot of stuff going on that made the guys very happy too. As matter of fact, I felt like a kid in a candy store. But speaking of candy, there was a lot of eye-candy to be seen which made for great Kodak moments. (Note: to Mrs Axman... all the photos with Axman and these sexy, half naked, young gals are all... Photoshopped! Axman was not in ANY of these photos... I just made it look like he was having a hell of a good time... but he really didn’t have a good time... really...scouts honor... MM) The following day (05/03) I attended the 25th Annual South East Police Motorcycle Rodeo which took place at the Seminole Hard Rock Hotel and Casino in Hollywood. These Safety Trials are an Annual Police Motorcycle Skills Event that benefits the Concerns of Police Survivors (C.O.P.S.). C.O.P.S. is a national organization that LUFQ benefits the children of police officers killed in the Line of Duty. I truly enjoy watching all these Motormen perform year after year. All of them demonstrate extreme riding skills. This year’s field had close to160 officers competing for the honor to become Mr. Rodeo. Contestants came from Florida, Louisiana and Maryland. I took a bunch “The South Florida Biker’s Bible Since 1999 - Pray for Dave!!! 14 Years - June 2014 • Issue #176 • Page 12 of photos which I posted on my web site. I was very pleased with one photo in particular. It showed Officer Jeff Young of the Plantation Police Department preparing to lean into a sharp turn. The other day I met him at the Police Department and I presented him with a beautiful metallic photo He is a super nice guy. He placed 9th in the category of Novice Riders. Good job! If you have never attended one of these Rodeos, I suggest to pencil in some time for next year’s event. On Sunday (05/04) I had to get up early to ride down to the Police Headquarter in Doral, from where the “Cops Ride for Kids – POAT!” took off. This is a twice yearly police escorted ride to benefit the Axman continues on page 42 In loving memory of Bernie, Chrissy, Clay, Big Ed, Bob Amchir, Animal, Ricky, Pervert, Roger-Kenny & Pauly 1%’ers, Mojo, Vinny Margotta, Poppy, Gunslinger, “Louie”, Davida, Debaldone & Irene Powell Page 13 BECOME A 2014 VIP If you read WOTR help support it. Email or go online to the website & become a 2014 VIP or mail a check or money order to: Wheels on the Road Magazine 10563 NW 53rd Street Sunrise, Florida 33351 New VIP’s Receive a nice WOTR VIP Google patch. to see how cool Larry Donations of Lights are! $100 or more receives a free “Larry Light”. Your generous donations will help to keep your Wheels on the Road in 2014. $1000 DOUBLE PLATINUM VIP FRIENDS Big Bike Riders Children’s Foundation The Attorney That Rides (Gabe Carerra), Ft. Laud • $500 PLATINUM VIP FRIENDS • $500 MOTORCYCLE CLUBS & ORGANIZATIONS Alternative MC - Fort Lauderdale Keltics MC - Davie Lone Legion Brotherhood MC - Boynton Beach Mystic 7 MC - Fort Lauderdale Nam Knights MC - Boca/West Palm Wings of Gold MC Miami Chapter Wings of Gold MC Pt. St. Lucie Chapter A Word from Ronnie Chief by Ronnie Catronio [email protected] Chairman / Executive Director of BBRCF When Benevolence and Charity Becomes A Passion-Redux 2014 Are you of a benevolent nature? Many of us in the biker community are. So you might be and not even know it. Have you ever attended an event not really knowing what it was for and then found out your money went to a worthy cause or individual. Many times we mount our bikes and head out onto the open road in quest of a good time. We bikers know how to have a good time. Many times our happiness leads to the happiness of another. That is called unknown benevolence; and it’s a good thing. “Benevolent” as: be·nev·o·lent -Adjective 1. Characterized by or expressing goodwill or kindly feelings: a benevolent attitude; her benevolent smile. 2. Desiring to help others; charitable: gifts from several benevolent alumni. 3. Intended for benefits rather than profit: a benevolent institution. “Charity” as: char·i·ty [char-i-tee] –Noun, plural -ties. 1. Generous actions or donations to aid the poor, ill, or helpless: to devote one’s life to charity. 2. Something given to a person or persons in need; alms: She asked for work, not charity. 3. A charitable act or work. 4. A charitable fund, foundation, or institution: He left his estate to a charity. 5. Biker-with hearts a big as a nation they give unselfishly of their time and money to support worthy causes in their communities. (I found it quite interesting that bikers were not listed there specifically so I added a number five under charity.) • $200 GOLD PLUS VIP FRIENDS Jimmy Les, Davie We (Local South Florida bikers) have huge hearts for giving. Oh yes, if it’s a ride and we can go along for a few bucks and at the same time raise money for a worthy causewe’re in. But the act of charitable giving has never been so prevalent as it is now in our south Florida communities. Economic times being what they are makes it difficult for us to give as much as we might like to, so doing a ride for a charity helps us to enjoy our passion for riding and at the same time give to a worthy cause. With the amazing reach and social ability of Wheels on the Road mag, Facebook, Twitter and a growing list of other social media, we now are made aware of and are invited to more rides and events than we can possibly attend. Choose wisely and • $150 GOLD EXTRA VIP FRIENDS Dave the Kid, in Memory of Dumas Trinity Travelers Ch 242, Plantation ($225) • $100 GOLD VIP FRIENDS Angel Dency, Margate George Lenkowitz, Pompano Bch Keith Smith, Miami Gardens Laura Weiner (Pink) Ft. Lauderdale • $75 SILVER PLUS VIP FRIENDS Klondike (Mystic 7 MC) In Memory of Mojo GBNF • $25 BRONZE VIP FRIENDS Pam Gayton / Flossies Bar, Dania Beach We thank our supporters... Miami Mike, Sharon, MickeyBear & CocoPuff IF YOU READ WOTR CONTRIBUTE Donate online at wheelsontheroad.com LUFQ LUF Q “The South Florida Biker’s Bible Since 1999 - Pray for Dave!!! 14 Years - June 2014 • Issue #176 • Page 14 with your heart. We get to choose where, when and who we want to give to. But that’s the beauty of the whole process. We can turn our good time at an event into a giving experience. Many of you give unselfishly and on a continual basis. But with economic times being what they are some of us have to be careful not to overload on charitable giving. As they say charity begins at home. Yes, us first. So why not invest your time as a volunteer. Many causes need man/ woman power. Look for rides, events and activities that you can step up and raise your hand and say, I’m here to help, what can I do? When we formed the Big Bike Riders Children’s Foundation back in July of 2009 we knew that we would be able to touch the lives of so many more children then we ever could before. BBRCF is a 501 (c) 3, tax-exempt non-profit foundation. We did know that we wanted to do wonderful things for the kids. Like many other great local motorcycle clubs, associations and organizations, we needed help; we needed volunteers and those with a passion for benevolence. We found them right here in south Florida. You guys are great! So next time your MC, group or riding clubs decides to promote a ride or event that needs human support, raise your hand and see what just doing the job gives you. You’ll see that your benevolence and charity will become a passion-Ride Safe-Ronnie C In loving memory of Bernie, Chrissy, Clay, Big Ed, Bob Amchir, Animal, Ricky, Pervert, Roger-Kenny & Pauly 1%’ers, Mojo, Vinny Margotta, Poppy, Gunslinger, “Louie”, Davida, Debaldone & Irene Powell Page 15 ABATE UPDATE By Bars, SE Chapter President [email protected] On April 19 the Outcast M. C. Mother Chapter held their 12th Annual “Another Damn Good Outcast Party” at their Clubhouse in Lauderhill which now has A/ C. If you have never been to one of their party’s then you missed a great one. They even brought one of their brother’s down from Georgia to do the cooking. They cooked chicken on an old style grill, and when smoke from the grill started to go in the wind you could smell how good it was going to be. ‘Q’... another Damn Good Party as promised. On April 20th, the next morning, we met at the American Legion Post 321 in Cooper City for an early morning ride down to Peterson’s Harley-Davidson North for the Annual Easter Biker Service that the Christian Motorcyclist’s Association (CMA) puts on. I said that it was early because the night before I was at the Outcast party. Our Vice-President “Poppie” and his daughter Fran, Ada, Alice and myself had a nice ride down to the Easter Day Service, which is the only time that I have biscuits with sausage gravy.They had a guest speaker. His name was Ian Hendrix and he really had the crowd of about 100 people listening to his every word. Then after the service I had my Bike blessed. On April the 26th while everybody was up in Leesburg, we went to the American Legion Post 142 in Pompano Beach for their Annual ‘Bikers, Burgers,and Bunzs’. It was the first time being there and they made us feel like we were old friends. We had a lot of people show up and they served food and drink all day long. The tunes were spun by DJ Lori B. and she was the emcee and did some singing too [good voice]. She can be reached at 954-8957464 or [email protected]. Tell her Bars from Southeast ABATE sent you. When she played Lee Greenwood’s God Bless the U.S.A. everybody stood up LUFQ and there was not a dry eye in the house, not even a WWII vet who was celebrating his 90th birthday. To top off the day our “T-Man” won the last basket of cheer that they raffled off. On Sunday “May the 4th be with you” to quote Star Wars” the Southeast Chapter of ABATE took a ride to the Southern M. C. Annual Party in Homestead. We met at the American Legion Post 321 in Cooper City. For the ride down we had 9 bikes and 12 people when we left. The rides to the Southern Parties are the ones that I look forward to every year. Going down 27 to 997 and then to their clubhouse is just the best. Being on that two lane road riding through the Glades just clears my head with no stops... just sit back and ride. The music was by Gypsy Road and they played all day long. They had great food by Boss Hogg and plenty of it for a good price. I would like to thank Joey and all his Southern M. C. brother’s for a great time. On May 18th The Southeast Chapter of ABATE was back at our regular meeting place; the American Legion Post 321 in Cooper City. We held our third round of nominations for chapter offices for the upcoming year. We have two people running for Vice-President: Frank “Poppie” Cocci and Marty “Tank “ Essenberg, and two running for Secretary: Paul Melcer and Marie Baxter. If you forget your membership card but your name is on the membership rolls you will be allowed to vote. Voting will begin at 8:30 AM. The June meeting will be on the 22nd instead of the third Sunday. I have to attend our State meeting to vote for the people who are running for State offices. More to come on who won those elections in the July Issue. On May 25th the Southeast Chapter of ABATE held our Memorial Day Party at the Elks Lodge #1898 in Pompano Beach. The weather was just great for a party outside under the trees with grass under your feet. By the turnout that we had I can see that everybody found it OK. I would like to thank all the MC’s (too many to mention) who showed up to help us get through another couple of months. I’d like to thank all the independents who showed up and all the Elk members as well. The band was a country and western called the Jamie Mitchell Band ([email protected]). They had the crowd up and dancing all day and some people sitting and listening to them sing. As usual we had the Vets from the Sandy Nininger Home as our guests. By the looks on their faces you could see that they were enjoying being outside in the fresh air. The honor guard service was the best I’ve seen in all the years we’ve been doing it. Kudos to Jimmy Les & Suzanne for putting it all together. Thanks also to our speakers: Brent from CMA and our own VP Poppie. Remember, HERE TODAY GONE TODAY. Bars “The South Florida Biker’s Bible Since 1999 - Pray for Dave!!! 14 Years - June 2014 • Issue #176 • Page 16 MY CO STA RICAN RETIREMENT COS [email protected] Costa Rica hosted the H.O.G. Annual International Biker event in the month of May.This was the last time H/D rentals were available in country because the H/D rental store is closing. This HOG ride included crossing the border, riding to, and touring three towns in Nicaragua. The Pacific beach town of San Juan del Sur, the Lake Nicaragua town of Grenada, and the mountain town of Esteli. Fortunally, the border hassles were minimal both ways, the hotel activites were good, and the days were rain free. A good time in a poor country with cheaper prices than in C.R.. On the local scene we went to an association clubs annual party recently. The Corre Caminos M/C a.k.a. the Road Runners M/C put on an event that most of the clubs attended. Biker events,Rock Band, Beer, Booze and Pretty Chicas... my kind of day. I took a photo of the jello shot chica for you. Also spotted a new group started up, called the Brotherhood. Different patch than the Pompano guys had. Another day in chica paradise where I met five new ones in May keeping me young. Pura Vida, Doob In loving memory of Bernie, Chrissy, Clay, Big Ed, Bob Amchir, Animal, Ricky, Pervert, Roger-Kenny & Pauly 1%’ers, Mojo, Vinny Margotta, Poppy, Gunslinger, “Louie”, Davida, Debaldone & Irene Powell Page 17 TAX TALK by Michele Koscielniak [email protected] Tax Related Myths This tax season, like the ones before, brings up some interesting tax myths. A recurring item relates to charitable contributions. Every taxpayer is not allowed a specific amount automatically. I heard the same this year regarding medical expense. Cash and non-cash charitable contributions and medical expenses for each taxpayer equals the amount actually donated or paid out, nothing more, nothing less. Just yesterday I also heard that income under $600 (per payor) is not reportable. This was information the taxpayer received from fellow workers. I clarified that a business is not required to file a 1099 for an individual, LLC, attorney or medical facility that was paid less than $600. This does not mean that the individual receiving the funds is not required to report the income. As I have noted many times before, beware of who you are taking tax advise from. My first meeting with a potential individual tax client, can be quite interesting sometimes. I review their prior year tax return briefly and mention any items that come to my attention. I am frequently concerned when the taxpayer does not seem to really know what was reported on their tax return. Since the tax payer is ultimately responsible for the amounts reported on their tax return, it behooves one to review the return with the preparer and to understand what is there. Do not sign unless you fully understand what you are signing. I provide a draft of the tax return to all my clients and ask them to review it. There is no better person to complete this review than the taxpayer who is the only one that is fully knowledgeable of everything that transpired during the tax year. They may not understand the tax consequences, but that is what they have hired me to do. My meeting with the individual taxpayer is limited to maybe an hour, not enough time to discuss everything that happened throughout the year that may have a tax consequence. The above is to provide general information but should not be solely relied upon in the completion of your tax return or for tax planning. As with most items related to tax, there are exceptions and limitations. Please see your tax professional for assistance or call me at (561) 3721405. Michele Copy the Organ Donor Card below, fill it out and put it in your wallet. For additional info contact the Transplant Foundation, Inc. at 701 SW 27th Ave, Ste 705 Miami, FL 33135, 305-817-5645 or website (BELOW) WOTR Ronnie C LUFQ “The South Florida Biker’s Bible Since 1999 - Pray for Dave!!! 14 Years - June 2014 • Issue #176 • Page 18 CHUCK ON THE RIGHT SIDE [email protected] http://chuckontherightside.blogspot.com/ Can You Change “Mother Nature”? Photo by Mort To listen to the Democrats, you’d think that they have a means to change the climate, both here in the U.S. and around the world, whether it needs change or not. (Might they not be carrying Obama’s slogan of “Hope and Change” a little too far?) In fact , they spent all night just recently in Congress bloviating about how “man” has caused the nonexistent phenomenon of “global warming” (a/k/a climate change). According to them 98% of “all” scientists have determined that it is man who caused this global warming that is threatening nobody. Where they got that number (98%) is a mystery? It looks as if one of their colleagues bent over and they pulled that figure out of his/her butt. No mention was made on the floor of Congress regarding the 2007 report of the Global Warming Project (a/k/a the Oregon Petition), urging politicians to reject any policies based on concerns over global warming. The petition had over 31,000 signatories of scientists with over 9,000 of that number being PhD.’s. So to refute those learned Congressmen, and acolytes of Al Gore, you could come to the conclusion that there is no “settled science” regarding man-made global warming. The claim by most “global warming” advocates, is that excessive amounts of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere causes “global warming”. A closer look at carbon dioxide is that instead of being a “pollutant”, it is actually plant and tree food. That’s right, plant and tree food. We all learned in elementary school that we humans breathe out carbon dioxide and the plants and trees breathe it in as food, and then convert that to oxygen which we humans breathe in for sustenance. Could it be that this “evil” gas, which is inundating our planet is actually producing plants and trees that are getting bigger and stronger, and as a result are sending out more (Co2) oxygen in the atmosphere? So, instead of being a detriment to our society, it is actually a major benefit to our society. But you might ask, who am I to rebuff the acolytes of Al Gore (and Bill Clinton and Barack Hussein Obama I might add) and the Democrats in Congress, who seem to know everything there is to know about “global warming”? But then again, don’t just take my word for it, ask the following experts: Dr. Timothy Ball, environmental consultant and former professor of meteorology at the Univ. Of Winnipeg; Dr. Richard Lindzen, meteorologist and Alfred P. Sloan professor of meteorology and climatology at M.I.T; and John Coleman, meteorologist and founder of the “Weather Channel”, who has called man-made global warming “the biggest scientific scam in history”. They are all “global warming” deniers. So, the answer to the headline of this piece is “NO”, you can’t change “Mother Nature”, no matter how hard you try. It is beyond the mortal human being to change something which he has no control of - no matter what the omniscient Democrats say are the facts. My advice to them is to go back to the library and brush up on their ignorance. Chuck To Join or for more information call 954-448-2121 See us on Facebook at Children’s Charity Riders In loving memory of Bernie, Chrissy, Clay, Big Ed, Bob Amchir, Animal, Ricky, Pervert, Roger-Kenny & Pauly 1%’ers, Mojo, Vinny Margotta, Poppy, Gunslinger, “Louie”, Davida, Debaldone & Irene Powell Page 19 One more of our Our Nation’s Dilemma’s David DiCrescenzo (Editor: www.thepatriotspress.com) Tremors of Evil in Oklahoma Does anyone with even half a brain still think humanity isn’t on a path straight to hell?! I wish I could say this was a first; however, it is not, and it is certainly not the last. There is an infamous, if mostly unknown, statue to the enemy of mankind in Madrid, Spain which has been there since the 1880’s. The placement of that mostly forgotten edifice, only a flutter of an eye in time for the spirit realm, was merely cracking the door ajar a bit. However, it is significant given the ‘new’ mindset of many in the culture. On a daily basis, we see the work of satan. Christians and others, tortured, burned alive, beheaded, and enslaved around the planet. We see violent crime of every type on the rise; rape, murder, pornography, pedophilia, and the list goes on and on. We are seeing more and more of the thinking that satan and the dark side is cool. As a perfect example of just how far society is falling, look at the recent display at the Grammy’s. Among other things, the hosts, (CBS) thought it would be a great idea to allow Katy Perry to perform what amounted to a satanic, illuminati ritual right on stage. That ‘magical’ moment was just the latest in a long list of depravity aired on television. It reminded me of something that a friend of my mother said well over fifty years ago during a visit. We were in the living room, and I don’t recall if we were watching it or not; but he looked at the TV and casually stated that it “was the devil’s eye.” At the time the comment meant nothing; but I never forgot it, and over the years I’ve learned to fully comprehend and agree with it. It is one of the most efficient tools the great deceiver has ever had at his disposal. By now you’re probably wondering, what in the name of hell, (pun intended) am I talking about? In case you haven’t heard about this very under-reported story, a satanic temple in New York is demanding that the State of Oklahoma allows a seven foot statue of the great deceiver to be constructed and placed next to or at least nearby the display of The Ten Commandments inside the Oklahoma Capitol. Visceral reactions aside, unless a lot of good men and women stand up and be counted, this evil will prevail, if not this time... certainly the next. We will have come full cycle from removing God and prayer in schools, to replacing Him with pure evil; and don’t think for a minute that if this is allowed in the OK Capitol, it won’t also be allowed, nay, forced in schools and public venues everywhere. There is a very famous and often quoted statement by Edmund Burke which highlights this thought; “The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.” Consider this; for the past fifty years or more, under the guise of so called “separation of church and state,” atheists and anti-Christian groups of all kinds and stripes have sought to remove any mention of God or allow any religious based themes at any public venue. We have arrived at a place where we are not even supposed to say “Merry Christmas” anymore at public events. They claim that doing so, or even now allowing people a private moment to pray silently violates the ‘establishment clause,’ and they intentionally misconstrue that clause and its meaning from a statement written by Jefferson in a letter discussing the need for a “wall of separation between church and state.” In that letter, which was in response to his being asked to proclaim a National Day of Thanksgiving, and which he wrote as President, he was specifically referring to the Federal LUFQ Government’s role in such matters so that the United States would not have a forced national religion such as what existed with the Church of England, (an entity wholly controlled by the British Monarchy) and which had begun to take hold in some of the colonies. However, when he was Governor of Virginia, Jefferson did make such a proclamation, asking the people “to give thanks... that He hath diffused the glorious light of the Gospel, whereby through the merits of our gracious Redeemer we may become the heirs of His eternal glory.” His call further asked Virginians to pray that... “He would grant to His church the plentiful effusions of Divine grace and pour out His Holy Spirit on all ministers of the Gospel; that He would bless and prosper the means of education and spread the light of Christian knowledge through the remotest corners of the Earth,” and, very importantly, he, Jefferson, actively encouraged the role of the church in governmental affairs; however, he was against the state being involved in church affairs. Additionally, from around 1800, with Jefferson in regular attendance then and throughout his future presidency, to just after the Civil War, the Capitol was regularly used for church services. Even if that bit of history isn’t enough, and there’s a lot more from places like Wallbuilders, let’s be reasonable for a minute here. For the purposes of this argument, it doesn’t matter whether you are Christian, Jewish, Zoroastrian, Muslim, Buddhist, Hindu, Agnostic, or any of thousands of other faiths; nor is it a partisan issue, although a certain political party did boo God at its National Convention in 2012. We are discussing the enemy of mankind here! Even those who do worship him are not his friends; they may think they are, but at the end of the day, they are merely his useful idiots, luring as many weak minded individuals as they can to keep him company in hell for eternity. With the exception of the fraction of a percent of individuals that have fallen into that dark, empty abyss, and maybe the ACLU, what right minded individual would honestly stand up and say it’s absolutely okay to place a statue of the prince of darkness in a public venue of any kind? What parent or teacher with even one thin shred of decency left would do such a thing? This wouldn’t be just a meaningless, ‘harmless’ stone statue or anything even close to that. This would in fact be a statement by the State of Oklahoma, and those that would follow such a lead, that evil is to be accepted as equally valid as wholesome faith in All Mighty God. Indeed, the proposed statue itself is of a nightmarish, horned goat-like creature known as ‘baphomet,’ (a common depiction of satan) with a pentagram above its “The South Florida Biker’s Bible Since 1999 - Pray for Dave!!! 14 Years - June 2014 • Issue #176 • Page 20 head. Its lap is designed to be ‘utilitarian’ for potential use as a “contemplation” seat. And of course, it includes two children staring up at it in admiration. Please research this subject, look up the horrific things these satanic cults do and have done over the centuries. I recently wrote an article on the subject of the rise of pedophilia, and I discussed how millennia ago, babies were offered up as burnt offerings to molech. I also stated that “We may no longer see graven stone images with the likeness of molech, nor the blazing ritual fires used to devour those helpless infants…!” I’m here to say that if this huge step is allowed, we will start seeing such images everywhere, and before long, just as I believe pedophiles will use the same tactics as their predecessors to be ‘normalized,’ satan worship and these statues will gain acceptance, or at very least be tolerated. If you think I’m crazy, consider the other ‘gods’ we have come to worship and idolize; money, power, sex, pop culture, our material possessions, and so many other things that divert our attention. It is easy to associate those things and redirect their worship anywhere ‘they’ want; even to statues of satan. I would suggest the real and only answer to the dilemma is that our nation gets back to our Christian roots. Maybe we should take a poll, and slice up the equal time thing by percentage and offer only the top three faith systems by US representation a chance at displaying their faith icons; maybe we should eliminate all? Before you jump at the latter, realize this, if we did simply not allow any displays of any kind, the minority that supports that idea will have accomplished its goal. And as a result, the enemy will have won the day, will continue to chip away at the moral fabric, and before long statues of satan will be everywhere anyway. Think about it, this crucial issue is a wake-up call to everyone that recognizes the face of evil. My final thoughts on this subject today are what almost happened back in early May of 2014 up at Harvard. The Cultural Studies Club was going to host a ‘black mass,’ (satanic ritual) on the grounds of the campus, however, due to just a ton of negative publicity and public outcry, the event was canceled and moved to a site off campus. Frankly, I was stunned that Harvard, an institution originally founded as a Divinity School has sunk so low as to have a population that would even consider such a vile thing. And just before going to press I came across this gem; apparently there is a shoe company called ‘fallen’ which is marketing footwear to our children with the same image of baphomet imprinted on them as the one on the statue. Wake up and check what your kids are wearing and listening to, and get involved with stopping this growing nightmare. See the following links for further info on my atricle. Link #1 http://spainattractions.es/fallen-angel-madrid/ Link #2 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pUvE4IyOjM0 Link #3 http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2014/05/05/satanic-group-saysoklahoma-must-give-devil-his-due/ Link #4 http://www.ecollege.edu/about-us/veritas-aeterna/383-religion-ofjefferson Link #5 http://www.wallbuilders.com/ Link #6 http://www.wallbuilders.com/ Link #7 http://www.news9.com/story/25412123/satanic-temple-revealsfirst-look-at-monument-at-state-capitol Link #8 http://thepatriotspress.com/ index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=1411:the-patriots-presspedophilia-accepted&catid=37&Itemid=186 Link #9 http://cnsnews.com/mrctv-blog/michael-chapman/child-friendlysatan-statue-okla-state-capitol-awaits-final-judgment Link #10 http://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation-now/2014/05/13/ black-mass-harvard-canceled/9030131/ ?AID=10709313&PID=4003003&SID=1h3ncjhjao7sa Link #11 http://tomohalloran.com/2014/05/24/shoes-teens-satanicbaphomet-symbol/ As always, feel free to visit the site at www.thepatriotspress.com for this story and more. Respectfully, David DiCrescenzo Publisher, The Patriots Press, LLC www.thepatriotspress.com [email protected] In loving memory of Bernie, Chrissy, Clay, Big Ed, Bob Amchir, Animal, Ricky, Pervert, Roger-Kenny & Pauly 1%’ers, Mojo, Vinny Margotta, Poppy, Gunslinger, “Louie”, Davida, Debaldone & Irene Powell Page 21 Good News Article used with permission of Allen West Visit Allen’s website at allenbwest.com by Doug Scofield [email protected] “LIKE” Allen on Facebook May 3rd was the Booze Fighters MC annual charity event for the Lupus Foundation of America. Even though it was a rainny day they managed to raise $1,500.00 for the foundation. They would like to thank everyone that braved the weather for their generosity and support. Great job Booze Fighters MC! May 10 th was Leathernecks MC annual at Johnny Z’s, a great turn out! Wings of Gold MC held their annual Chili Cook Off on May 17th. I was not able to attend, but I heard there was a very large crowd. Wings of Gold MC PSL always puts on a top notch event; join them the 3rd Saturday of the month for their open house, good food-good times. Rough Riders MC held their annual at Johnny Z’s May 18th and it was a full house! June 15th is Fathers Day, take the time to hug your dad and let him know that he is appreciated and loved. It’s an incredible responsibility to be a father, to be there for the care and nurture of another and to prepare him/her for adulthood. Fathers do not take this responsibility lightly, remember God has entrusted YOU to this task. Psalm 127:3 Behold, children are a heritage from the LORD, The fruit of the womb is a reward. Proverbs 22:6 Train a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not turn from it. My father had a hard time displaying his love and to be honest; so did I. The only example he had was his dad and it wasn’t such a good one. To him love equaled roof over your head, clothes on your back and food in your belly. There is so much more to being a dad and when I became a Christian I went to set the record straight with my father and we had a great relationship for several years. It only took those simple words that so often seem so hard to say... “I love you!” The bible tells me that the Creator is not only a Holy Father but He is also my Friend and my Daddy. ABBA [AB ah] (father) - an Aramaic word which corresponds to our “Daddy” or “Papa.” It is found three times in the New Testament: in the Garden of Gethsemane, Jesus prayed, Mark 14:36 “Abba, Father,” he said, “everything is possible for you. Take this cup from me. Yet not what I will, but what you will.” The apostle Paul linked the Christian’s cry of “Abba, Father” with the “Spirit of adoption” (Romans 8:15) “you did not receive a spirit that makes you a slave again to fear, but you received the Spirit of sonship. And by Him we cry, “Abba, Father.” Again, Paul writes, (Galatians 4:6) “Because you are sons, God has sent forth the Spirit of His Son into your hearts, crying out, ‘Abba, Father!’”. What a blessed privilege to be able to call the Creator of the universe “Our Father”! (from Nelson’s Illustrated Bible Dictionary) Abba is a term of endearment. A sign that you have a personal relationship with the Creator and you can pray to Him one on One and know that He is listening and Jesus even gave an example on how to pray in Matthew 6:9-13 “This, then, is how you should pray: “‘Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name, your kingdom come, your will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us today our daily bread. Forgive us our debts, as we also have forgiven our debtors. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one.’ Your Dad (heavenly and earthly) loves you and all He wants in return is your love! Remember Jesus died for bikers too! If we at Calvary Chapel MM can be of any service give me a call at 954-448-1235 or call Billy at 305-790-9484. Riding free in South Florida, Doug. LUFQ Call to action: Military Fair Pay Act and Marine Sgt. Tahmooressi You have to wonder if there are any government employees on food stamps or having to work a second job to make ends meet for their families. I found it quite interesting that President Obama –the Commander-in-Chief Obama – pushes for an executive order for government contract employees to get a $10.10 minimum wage — but said nothing about those who serve in uniform. Let’s compare: who works longer hours and under far more challenging conditions, civilian government employees and contractors at the EPA or IRA — or a young sergeant on his third combat tour of duty with a wife and two kids? Thankfully, a piece of legislation is being drafted in the U.S. House of Representatives, the Military Fair Pay Act. I cannot imagine any Representative who would not support it. The political games being played with our military are unconscionable — to include now allowing illegal immigrants to serve for citizenship. The decimation of our Armed Forces and the lip service and speeches given with no definitive actions taken to improve their quality of life — not to mention capability and capacity to defeat the enemy — is unforgivable. How is it that our government can sit back and do nothing while one of our own, Marine SGT Andrew Tahmooressi, sits in a Mexican jail and apparently, according Fox News, has been beaten with a bat so brutally, it dislocated Tahmooressi’s jaw. Mark Podlaski, a friend of the sergeant’s said he spoke on the phone to Tahmooressi who also told him he was stripped naked and chained to a bed. Mexico is supposed to be a U.S. ally. We send them aid. It is absurd, but not as absurd as a government that allows its troops to be treated that way. President Obama spoke at the graduation of future Army leaders at the commencement at West Point. His words are meaningless to Sergeant Tahmooressi. Are any liberal media stations even covering his story? Bart Santos, a private investigator who has been working with Tahmooressi’s family since his arrest, has been keeping me apprised via email. Santos also told Fox News that the torture was inflicted before Andrew Tahmooressi’s mother went to the media. Santos said the Marine was kept in uncomfortable restraints and beaten regularly by prison guards “like an animal.” America, we have a United States Marine wrongly detained and beaten in a Mexican jail. We have veterans dying under the hand of the Veterans Administration. We have record numbers of servicemen and women and their families on food stamps. Is this all part of the “fundamental transformation” of America? Is this what you’re willing to accept from the Community-Organizer-in-Chief? It’s call to action time. Melt down the White House phone lines, call your representatives and ask if they’re cosponsoring the “Military Fair Pay Act” — and if not, then why not? Doing nothing is the same as being complicit. Allen West Read more on this at http://allenbwest.com/2014/05/call-actionmilitary-fair-pay-act-marine-sgt-tahmooressi/#Iq0IAovj41I7v9xI.99. There are many other articles as well on Allen’s Website. “The South Florida Biker’s Bible Since 1999 - Pray for Dave!!! 14 Years - June 2014 • Issue #176 • Page 22 On Special Assignment by Chef Joel - [email protected] Here it is... the official start to summer people, even though the last few weeks have already felt like it. I hope you all got in the cooler riding days, because for the next few months it will be those “Dog Days” of summer heat. As I have said before it is all about hydrating and no, ice cubes in a cocktail do not count. No joke, keep up on your H20 intake, whether you are at home working in the yard, at work and especially out on the bike. Heat strokes can sneak up on you fast and it is nothing to play around with. I got to start and close out the month with a few good rides and parties here in town. It started out of course with a couple of good Sundays out at Café 27 with the usual packed parking lot and good crowds for the bands and people watching. As always “Classic Rock Therapy” gave everybody the kind of therapy we all love-good music and fun combined. They have their following of people that are always good to see along with the band. The Sunday routine as usual takes us out to Flossie’s for the late afternoon into the evening festivities which also never fails to provide good music, good food and good friends. And speaking of Flossie’s, I hope you got the chance to celebrate their 39th Anniversary party. The legend has continued for nearly 4 decades now and continues to be the place to be. I can’t wait to see what next year’s 40th party will be like. “The Storm” put on the tunes for the evening and had everyone going, and Hector of course wowed the crowd with a great food spread. Special congratulations go out to Pam and of course Lori and the staff for always being on top of the local scene. Also at Flossie’s, the party to be at was for Pam’s daughter Ashleigh. She came back from Cali for her 30th B’day Bash along with a bunch of her Cali type hottie girlfriends. All of us old guys were drooling all night. I watched as Petey “Pops” nearly had the big one... as in a heart attack! (just kiddin sorta). But no doubt-the place was a lot better looking all around seeing some fresh young ladies there to make the evening a great pleasure. Ashleigh, of course, just gets better looking as she gets older. DK and I was wondering if Pam had her when she was like err... 12??? (Chef Joel goes on and on for another 3 pages about Ashleigh, the California gals, Pam, etc.. but I don’t have enough room... and he would probably get arrested... MM) Flossies = Summer Fun! It seems that as the weather gets hotter, myself and others like to come out a little later in the day to beat the heat. There is nothing wrong with that, but do remember- the storm season is upon us again. Not only does the “H” word season start (I never like to write it), we are in for those crazy afternoon thunder storms. Some of those can be pretty friggin scary. Don’t kid yourself and ride into one of them out in the distance. If you see that the skies are black, and what looks like smoke going from the road guess what... you’re about to get slammed! Not only with possible isolated tornado stuff and sudden dangerous wind gusts, we get the lightning to go with it. Unfortunately along with that comes the huge puddles and spotty flooding areas where water does not drain off very fast. After downpours like that you need to be on your game when you are coming up on standing water. If you are flying along and see what looks like “just a puddle”... it could end up very bad. You need to look out even more so at night when you cannot see ahead far enough to slow down in time. Plus remember that spooky feeling you get when you hit the brakes and nothing happens?? PLEASE Chef Joel finishes on page 34 In loving memory of Bernie, Chrissy, Clay, Big Ed, Bob Amchir, Animal, Ricky, Pervert, Roger-Kenny & Pauly 1%’ers, Mojo, Vinny Margotta, Poppy, Gunslinger, “Louie”, Davida, Debaldone & Irene Powell Page 23 We the People! By Gabriel Carrera ([email protected]) A True Brother–Free Hoka Hey Bon Voyage Party: ALASKA OR BUST 2014! I would like to dedicate this article to a true brother who saw me in trouble and sacrificed himself to save my ass. Cary Kroll is the guy who sets up his biker gear tent every Sunday at Café 27. (and at many other events and he’s in the Chrome Glow ad). He sells helmets, leather vests, boots, and other biker gear. I broke down on the Virginia/North Carolina border line. My primary took a shit and Cary drove 14 hours to pick me up to get my sled back home. To Cary I say thank you! To the WOTR readers who go to Café 27 on Sunday, or see Cary at many motorcycle events, go and buy something from Cary. He’s a True Brother! I was on a trip to Connecticut and back trying out my Road King and getting used to the road miles, Cary preparing for the Hoka Hey Challenge that leaves Key West, FL on July 20, 2014, to Homer, Alaska. I stayed in Arlington, VA outside Washington DC for “Rolling Cary Thunder” with some friends. On the way back... BAM!... Primary quit. The good news is that this won’t happen on the way to Alaska and I will be eye-balling the inner & outer primary mechanisms along with the transmission. Another set of good news is that The Medicine Show Land Trust - promoters of the toughest motorcycle ride on Earth, are waiving each rider’s ($1,000) entry fee for the 2014 Hey Motorcycle Challenge™! “It is our way to sincerely thank all the Challengers of past events and to welcome all of those who will continue to support the ‘New’ Hoka Hey Motorcycle Challenge™ into the future.” said Director of Operations, Beth Durham. The rules still apply and your motorcycle must be American manufacturers like Harley-Davidson, Indian, Victory, etc, etc. No hotels or navigational devices on your bike or extra fuel tanks. You must sleep next to your bike at night so say good-bye to that Holiday Inn Express since you must ride like the ancient warriors of days old from The Pine Ridge Indian Tribe. Now, since there is no entry fee there are no prizes for completion; other than those prizes that can only be earned by doing. Free or not this is still the most difficult challenge you will ever be a part of; long days and endless miles. Sunny days, rain, hail, cold and dust... these will be your companions during this adventurous ride. The destination is located in Homer, Alaska, which is south of Anchorage. Homer is on the shore of Kachemak Bay on the southwest side of the Kenai Peninsula. In fact, Homer is just 15 miles away from the westernmost point in the North American highway system at Anchor Point, AK. Homer’s most distinguishing feature is the Homer Spit, a narrow 4.5 mile (7 km) long gravel bar that extends into the bay. And it is here that our Challengers will find the end of the road. Plus, when the Challengers arrive here; they will be greeted by one of the most enthusiastic and endearing group of people you could ever hope to meet! LUFQ Home to the iconic features like the Salty Dawg Saloon and the Time Bandit from the Discovery Channel’s hit show Deadliest Catch; Homer has been called a “quaint little drinking village with a fishing problem.” But don’t be mis-lead; Homer is full of the nicest and most gracious people I am told I will ever met. There are several details yet to be worked out with the Marriott Beachside Hotel regarding the departure on the morning of the 20th. However, registration and inspection will be held at the Marriott Key West Beachside Hotel. Challengers will be given an appointment time for registration. Each participant will be notified by email and snail mail when the date & time of their appointment has been established. There will be NO impound/quarantine for the bikes. The HHC will be doing the inspections and registration at the Marriott Key West Beachside Hotel and once the bike has been cleared, Challengers will be able to ride away on it. Also, you will not want to miss the Hoka Hey event during Sturgis Bike Week (4-10 AUG) where the Hoka Hey Challenge will change hands to a new LLC; specific date and location to be announced so keep watch and plan accordingly. The Attorney That RIDES is planning a “Bon Voyage Party Themed: ALASKA OR BUST 2014” Hoka Hey! On Saturday, July 12, 2014 at the American legion, Post 180, located on 1208 SW 44th Terrace, Fort Lauderdale, FL 33317, party from 3PM to 7PM. (In time for the Los Coquis MC Party at 8PM) There will be a FREE BEER, “Wack a Jap Bike” (with a sledge hammer), a motorcycle burnout pit, inside Cold AC, live music by , tattoo artists, cigar rollers, 50/25/25, raffles, jello shots, low drink prices, pool table, Vendors, and more, much more! This is open to the public, but more importantly to wish off all the Hoka Hey Challengers. Set your calendars for this awesome party! (See the flyer on the following page 26) After my party ends, Cary Michelle Simms will be celebrating her birthday that evening. Many know her since she is an American legion Rider at Post 180 under the directorship of “Manster” aka Manny Ayala. The American Legion Riders will be serving hot food that evening as well as playing “Left, Right, Center” at the bar and a fireworks show after dark. Did I mention that they have a killer Air Conditioning at the post? I hope some of the 2014 Hoka Hey Challengers (and past challengers) can make it to the party. Cars will park in the back as motorcycles have the VIP front parking. Now, for you BMW “riders” I want to warn you that this is a BIKER BASH and not a power ranger convention. All bikes are welcome; leave your ‘tudes at home, bring a sexy woman with you and get ready for the time of your life! Maybe even a wet-t-shirt contest... This is the part of my article where I go on my personal rant regarding WOTR. Most in the biker community do not appreciate a good magazine like WOTR. You don’t miss something until it’s gone. WOTR is not going anywhere especially since Miami Mike has been printing for over 14-1/2 years. Back in the days when our voices were not heard and I would come across a biker magazine I swelled with pride in knowing that some brother or sister was getting the word out. It’s my opinion that Gabe continues on page 26 “The South Florida Biker’s Bible Since 1999 - Pray for Dave!!! 14 Years - June 2014 • Issue #176 • Page 24 In loving memory of Bernie, Chrissy, Clay, Big Ed, Bob Amchir, Animal, Ricky, Pervert, Roger-Kenny & Pauly 1%’ers, Mojo, Vinny Margotta, Poppy, Gunslinger, “Louie”, Davida, Debaldone & Irene Powell Page 25 Gabe continues from page 24 many South Florida bikers have been spoiled with all the excessive media that they’re surrounded by. Don’t take our biker resources for granted. If you have a business, a club, a bar, an event, or you just want to sell something in the classified section; then you should call Miami Mike and pay for an ad. That’s how you support your local biker magazine. Where else can you go in South Florida and pick up a publication and see what MC is having a party, what biker band is playing, and view pictures from the events. So this month I challenge you to pick up a magazine and share it with one of the business establishments that you go to and ask them to take an ad out in WOTR. Gabe LUFQ “The South Florida Biker’s Bible Since 1999 - Pray for Dave!!! 14 Years - June 2014 • Issue #176 • Page 26 RAIN OR SHINE!!!! It’s gonna be another big party at Cagney’s House of Rock! >>> In loving memory of Bernie, Chrissy, Clay, Big Ed, Bob Amchir, Animal, Ricky, Pervert, Roger-Kenny & Pauly 1%’ers, Mojo, Vinny Margotta, Poppy, Gunslinger, “Louie”, Davida, Debaldone & Irene Powell Page 27 LUFQ “The South Florida Biker’s Bible Since 1999 - Pray for Dave!!! 14 Years - June 2014 • Issue #176 • Page 28 In loving memory of Bernie, Chrissy, Clay, Big Ed, Bob Amchir, Animal, Ricky, Pervert, Roger-Kenny & Pauly 1%’ers, Mojo, Vinny Margotta, Poppy, Gunslinger, “Louie”, Davida, Debaldone & Irene Powell Page 29 LUFQ “The South Florida Biker’s Bible Since 1999 - Pray for Dave!!! 14 Years - June 2014 • Issue #176 • Page 30 In loving memory of Bernie, Chrissy, Clay, Big Ed, Bob Amchir, Animal, Ricky, Pervert, Roger-Kenny & Pauly 1%’ers, Mojo, Vinny Margotta, Poppy, Gunslinger, “Louie”, Davida, Debaldone & Irene Powell Page 31 LUFQ “The South Florida Biker’s Bible Since 1999 - Pray for Dave!!! 14 Years - June 2014 • Issue #176 • Page 32 2014 CALENDAR Treasure Coast Presidents Council 2014 Calendar of Events JUNE 1 AOA TC party 29 Alternatives MC annual JUNE 2014 1st - DER KRIEGER MC ANNUAL CANCELLED >>> (8th - NEW ATTITUDES MC - PARTY) 21st - JERRY, ROGER, KENNY 1%er <<< DATE CHANGED 22nd - WINGS OF GOLD MC FT. LAUD. - ANNUAL 29th - US MILITARY VETS MC S. BROWARD - ANNUAL JULY 2014 13th - ALTERNATIVE MC - PARTY <<<DATE CHANGE 19th - WHEELS OF MAN MC - CHILI COOK-OFF AUGUST 2014 2nd - WINGS OF GOLD MC MIAMI - PARTY 4th-10th - 74th STURGIS MOTORCYCLE RALLY 8th-10th - SOUTH FLORIDA TATTOO CONVENTION 10th - AOA FT. LAUD. - ANNIVERSARY PARTY SEPTEMBER 2014 7th - SOUTHERN MC - TEDDY BEAR RUN 13th - OUTCAST MC - PARTY 14th - STATES MC - KEY WEST TUNE UP PARTY 19th-21st - PETERSONS KEY WEST POKER RUN 28th - KELTICS MC - PARTY OCTOBER 2014 4th - MYSTIC SEVEN - ANNUAL 11th - NEW ATTITUDES MC - ANNUAL 12th - S.E. ABATE - ANNUAL 16th-19th - DAYTONA BIKETOBERFEST 25th - WHEELS OF MAN MC - HALLOWEEN PARTY NOVEMBER 2014 1st - HEATHENS MC - ANNUAL <<<<<<<<< Date change) 8th - US MILITARY VETS MC CH 1 - ANNUAL 9th - CMA - MEMORIAL EVENT DECEMBER 2014 7th - SFPC TOYS IN THE SUN RUN 13th - PETERSONS TOY RUN BIKE DRAWING 13th - HERMANDAD MC - ALFREDO MEMORIAL/TOY RUN 14th - WINGS OF GOLD MC MIAMI - TOY RUN 20th - SFLCOC - CHRISTMAS PARTY 21st - CALVARY CHAPEL - CHRISTMAS SERVICE Contact Miami Mike to change your date “AFTER” you confirm that change with Tattoo Dave (Wings of Gold MC) or Indian (Wheels of Man MC) JULY 6 AOA WPB annual 12 Wheels of Man MC annual 27 Soldiers for Jesus MC annual August 4-10 Sturgis bike week 8-10 S. Florida Tattoo Convention 17 Wings of Gold MC annual 23 Booze Fighters MC annual September 13 Alternatives MC off annual 19-21 Key West Poker Run 27 FLNY MC party 28 Fiasco Brothers MC off annual October 5 Rough Riders MC annual 16-19 Daytona Biketoberfest November 2 AOA TC annual 30 USMV MC TOY RUN December 7 SFPC TOY RUN 20 SFLCOC Christmas party 21 Calvary Chapel Christmas Service 2014 CALENDAR UNITED BIKERS COUNCIL OF PALM BEACH COUNTY June 2014 28 – ABATE July 2014 6 – AOA 27 – Soldiers For Jesus M.C. August 2014 10 – AOA South Florida October 2014 26 - Alternative M.C. December 2014 9 – UBCPBC Christmas Party 13 – Outcast M.C. PBC Event 20 – Sport Bike Event MONTHLY EVENTS To list your SE Coast motorcycle event at no cost, email: [email protected], fax or mail your flyer before the 20th. I “CRS” so I can’t remind you - you got to remind me. MM • Fri - Outlaws MC WPB Open House at 7PM • 1st Fri - Bike Night at Chesters Harley with Live Music • 1st Fri - Soldiers for Jesus Open House 7-10PM • 1st Fri - Enforcers MC First Friday of Month Party • 3rd Fri - Cagney’s Big New Bike Night • 4th Fri - American Legion Post 36 Bike Night • Fri & Sat - O’Meara’s Irish Pub, Live Music at 10PM • Fri & Sat - Keltics MC Open House, 954-232-4476 • Fri & some Sat - O’Malley’s Live Music 954-979-8540 • Fri & Sat - El Coqui open house, Hallandale 954-274-5523 • 1st Sat - Wings of Gold MC West Palm clubhouse • 1st & 3rd Sat - AOA MC Dania Open House • 4th Sat - Chrome Angels LMC Open House 7PM • Saturday’s - Chester’s PArty on the Patio 12-3PM • Sat Nite - Country night at Cafe’ 27 • Sat - FREE hot dogs & soda’s at H-D Palm Bch,10-2 • 2nd Sat - USMV MC Ft. Laud. Open House • Sun - WindRider Church Service at Mickeys at 11AM • Sun - Free pool at Sharkey’s Lounge Margate • Sun - Cagneys Saloon Sunday Fun & Country Night • Sun - Flossies Famous Tiki Hut Biker Sunday • Sun - Live Music at Cafe’ 27 • Sun - O’Meara’s “Mickey’s Style” Bloody Mary’s • 3rd Sun USMVMC Palm Bch Open House 561-715-2570 • Mon - Ladies nite at Sharky’s 9-2, 241 beverages • Mon - BEST So Fla Jam Nite at Turn 3 with Stet & T3JB • Tues - Flossies Jim Piro Jam & Ladies night 80¢ wings • Tues - Lone Legion Brotherhood Open House • Wed - Bike Nite with Bob Daniels at Turn 3 • Wed - Chit Chat’s Bike Night FREE BBQ & more! • Wed - Scurvy Few MC, Open House, 954-325-6838 • Thurs - Musicians Jam at Cagneys with Tell em’ Band • Thurs - States MC Pompano Dinner Nite 6 start • Thurs - Cagney’s Jam Nite 8-??? by A1 Freddy • Thurs - Hermandad MC Open House, 305-299-4731 • Thurs - Cafe’ 27 Bike Nite, Bikini Contest & Live Music • 3rd Thurs - H-D Palm Bch Bike Nite at Dealer 5-10PM • 3rd Thurs - Peterson’s Harley South Bike nite 6-10PM • Every Day - The Sports Barn has something special see ad. EVENT LISTINGS WITH PRINTED FLYERS JUNE 2014 (This issue is online the 2nd) • 8 - Jimmy Robinett’s 50th Birthday at Flossies... 8 • 15 - Petersons North - HUGE! Hot Rods & Harleys... 2 • 13 - Karen & Kents Anniversary Party at Cagney’s... 27 • 21 - AOA Memorial Kenny, Jerry Roger 1%ers... 8 & 45 • 22 - Wings of Gold MC Annual Stars & Stripes 11 & 50 • 28 - Aaron Vaughn Memorial Frogman Swim... 50 • 28 - Jim Labar’s 50K Giveaway at Treasure Coast HD... 55 • 29 - USMV MC Deuces Wild Annual Party... 49 JULY 2014 • July 4th Weekend Parties - Check All Ads for Info • 5 - Fly~In Wheels Christmas in July Party... • 6 - Cagney’s Redemption Party & Tatiana’s Birthday... • 6 - Paralyzed Vets of America Event at Sports Barn... • 12 - Rocking & Barking Abandoned Dog Benefit... • 12 - Gabe’s Hoka Hey Alaska or Bust 2014 Event... • 12 - Los Coquis Party at Mickey’s 8-???... • 13 - Alternative MC Ft. Laud. 20th Off-Annual Party... • 19 - Bears & BBQ Benefit (LaBelle)... • 19 - Wheels of Man MC Chili Cook-Off & Birthdays... • 27 - Ethan’s Benefit at Chesters by Nam Knights... • 29 - Chrome Angels LMC Summer Bash Party... 52 27 32 34 26 34 35 50 33 50 49 AUGUST 2014 • 8-10 - 19th Annual So Fla Tattoo Expo... Cover • Aug. 29th - Sept 1st South Beach Bike Week 2014... 54 SEPTEMBER 2014 • Peterson’s Key West Poker Run Weekend... In loving memory of Bernie, Chrissy, Clay, Big Ed, Bob Amchir, Animal, Ricky, Pervert, Roger-Kenny & Pauly 1%’ers, Mojo, Vinny Margotta, Poppy, Gunslinger, “Louie”, Davida, Debaldone & Irene Powell 53 Page 33 Chef Joel continues from page 23 THINK-AND BE SAFE!! I got to close out the month for “Memorial Day” over at Wetz Pub in Sunrise with a bunch of us. We had a fantastic Pig Roast with a 82 lb. beauty in “Ray’s” cooker/trailer. That piggy was awesome. Special thanks to Ray for bringing it out. Despite the ridiculous heat and the other parties around town, we still had a good turnout. Myself, Mike, Louis, and the staff thank you for showing up to show appreciation for our troops and to those who served and still are serving. A huge special thanks again to my support and cooking crew “Robbie” on the grill (as always) and being my carving partner-we cut that hog up like “Ginsu Warriors”, “Jake” on everything and of course to the girls and others that helped. Like I always say when people thank me or tell me how good everything was I very much appreciate it - but, it was not just me. No way could it be done without good teamwork. Ok now back to my local living scene. For now it seems you all get to keep me around for a while longer. The house/ restaurant deal I was looking at in Sebring fell through or might be put off for a while. So that means be ready for the “Brass Balls B’day Bash” again in August at my house. This one will be on my actual birthday this year Aug. 30th -so put that on your calendars people. My only hope is the “Joey” Hat Trick is going to be feeling better by then after his second back surgery. Along with me being here local, I need to get back into job mode of finding one or making my own. I am in the middle of looking for both. The possibility of me opening another small pizza, subs, wings, catering/takeout (with a few tables) type restaurant someplace close to home is highly possible. If anybody has any ideas for either case- please let me know (my e-mail address is up top). Remember, I cook pretty good stuff, have management experience in the industry and as far as locations for a place, I’m trying to stay out here in the Sunrise/Tamarac area. In closing here, my thoughts and condolences go out to Sharon (Miami Mikes g/f) on the passing of her Mom and best friend. That is one of the hardest moments of life I’m sure. It just makes reality much clearer that each day with a parent or loved one is limited - so make it good while it counts. Hang in there Sharon and please stay strong. Again people be aware the summer is here - it gets HOT - DRINK WATER!! It is storm season and rain’s hard - use your head and RIDE CAREFULLY!! (on your bike or in your cage). As always, “Take Care and Ride Safe”, Chef Joel LUFQ “The South Florida Biker’s Bible Since 1999 - Pray for Dave!!! 14 Years - June 2014 • Issue #176 • Page 34 HUCK Goes Further [email protected] We have all heard that Daytona Bike Week is too big, Myrtle Beach, hostile, and if the Lone Star Rally is too far, try going to Laconia! I suppose Leesburg is just right. So many people reminded me that it’s not good for my bike to ride on the sand while in Daytona. While I was photographing an alligator chomping on the butt of an unsuspected visitor at Gator’s Harley-Davidson another biker was having less fun trying to share the road with a truck. The same folks that believe riding a thousand miles a day is too much also think that only posers ride on fair weather weekends. Our opinions mean a lot to us but they are not as important to others. I have searched for that book that explains what’s right and wrong. It was written soon after we were expelled from the Garden of Eden; when we came into the knowledge of good and evil. Most people read it and share its contents but I have never seen an original copy. I heard about drinking and driving so much that I suspect it’s in there. I hope drinking while out shooting is not on the list. If we are not allowed to ride in that special motorcycle only lane on the side of the highways, why did they build it? Slowing down while turning right on red is almost like stopping. By the way, Thou shall not kill, steal. etc. is in that other more popular book. When I hear complaints about Daytona Bike Week, Leesburg or the small local events, I wonder why I still have so much fun. I like riding, seeing and meeting new friends, drinking, and ogling the girls. If it’s too hot, or raining, cross town or a less than favorable venue, I’m still excited. A couple of nights before leaving with the Legion Riders, to camp at the ABATE, Lake County in Leesburg, I couldn’t sleep! My mind was checking things off my to-do list: Cooler/beer, tents, air pump and mattresses; extra poles, stakes, tarps, ropes, camp chairs and table. What am I missing? Sleeping bag, change of clothes; wait a minute, who the heck cares, I’ll manage! Things don’t have to be perfect—to be perfect. – Huck Deception In loving memory of Bernie, Chrissy, Clay, Big Ed, Bob Amchir, Animal, Ricky, Pervert, Roger-Kenny & Pauly 1%’ers, Mojo, Vinny Margotta, Poppy, Gunslinger, “Louie”, Davida, Debaldone & Irene Powell Page 35 Photo by Michael Polissky I would like to start out this month with a SHOUT out to Sherry & Pat Palmer and to my good friend Dori and the rest of the great staff at Chit Chat’s. We stopped by Chit Chats on May 23rd for Bryce Kretz’s birthday party with his band Rough Shot playing. What a great night of friends that I have not seen in a while and have missed. The bar is a rocking place to go. Tuesday nights it’s Karaoke with a band, The Wednesday night bike nights are great with a free Kick Ass BBQ, killer bands and great drink specials. They now have a Thursday night jeep night! And on Friday and Saturday nights some of the best bands in South Florida. It felt good to drop by Chit Chat’s and the welcome mat is always out. Chit Chat’s you ROCK! I hit a new bar in Hollywood, The Moonshine Country Rock Saloon at 1820 S Young Circle, next to Mama Mia’s Restaurant. What a great place with LIVE Country and Southern Rock in the heart of Hollywood with a fabulous staff and fantastic specials. Look for some great entertainment coming from Moonshine Country Rock Saloon. Grand opening T.B.A. We have a new Duo here in South Florida who is turning heads. The Lisa Jean Leonard Duo featuring on guitar Eddie Greg. Lisa and Eddie are not new to the South Florida music scene by no means. They have been rock’n for over 30 years. This is not your normal acoustic duo this is electric and exciting to watch and listen to. Lisa’s vocals on Rock n Blues are off the chain, now add in a great guitar player like Eddie and the sound is amazing. Lisa Jean Leonard is a Hollywood, Florida born artist. Lisa Jean began singing live performances at 15 years of age on Hollywood Lisa & Beach and Miami Beach, in Eddie restaurants, bars, hotels, showrooms and carribean cruise lines. Her debut CD release in 19956 entitled “Plaything” was recorded in Nashville with fine talented musicians such as The Memphis Horns, Donny Wynn of The Robert Palmer Band, Johnny Neel of Gov’t Mule and many others, on which there are four original compositions by Lisa and Eddie. She was the house band and host at clubs in the South Florida area from West Palm Beach to the Florida Keys for many years and is now based out of Dania. Some of her musical influences include BB King, Billie Holiday, Etta James, Aretha Franklin, Elmore James, Chuck Berry, The Rolling Stones, The Beatles, Stevie Ray Vaughn and others. Currently Lisa is appearing at South Florida venues and events as The Lisa Jean Leonard Duo with guitarist Eddie Gregg, doing a variety of Rock n Blues, R&B and standard favorites. Guitarist Eddie Gregg is from Long Island, NY. He’s an Artist/Songwriter, who has been playing in South Florida for the past 30 years. Known for his unique guitar sound, he specializes in customizing tube amps. Formerly of the bands Screamin’ Sneakers and Texas West, Eddie has acquired a following and has played with national touring acts such as Joey DeGraw (Gavin DeGraw’s brother) and others. His musical influences are Albert King, Jimmy Hendrix, Leslie West, John Coltrane, Miles Davis and Jeff Beck. Huge on the Jeff Beck I might say. Look for The Lisa Jean Leonard Duo with Eddie Greg playing everywhere. If you have a venue that is looking to get a early crowd going and hold your patrons or a private party this Amazing Duo will get the job done No Doubt! Why wouldn’t they. They only have about 1,000 songs on LUFQ their song list. If kick Ass non stop Rock with a killer light, laser and smoke show in a concert like setting is what your looking for, check out South Florida’s newest rock band... DECEPTION. Deception has been ripping it up for the last three month in South Florida. Their fan base is getting larger and larger at every gig. Deception, featuring on Drums and Vocals Mike Dezzutti who is the center of the sound. Mike is not just a mere drummer. Mike plays the drums with a kind of wild frenzy and heart pounding sound with pure energy. On Lead Guitar and Vocals John Delvecchio who rips it... Shreds it Deception and plays a great guitar! John has such a tremendous amount of talent and technique in what he does it’s absurd. On Bass and Vocals John Christie. John outlines the harmony of the music in the band. John is not your quite type of bassist who just stands around and plays, this guy is all over the stage and in the crowd doing what he loves to do! Entertain! On Lead Vocals Brian Kudlac. Brian is a great frontman with tremendous powerful vocals who does not only pump up the crowd but pumps up the whole venue with song after song the way it was meant to be sung. Doing sound for the band is the incredibly talented Barry Thomas who not only has a killer sound system but Barry is also known for his drumming. Rounding out this Amazing band is the new addition to the band and now the 6th member, Johnny Smoke. Johnny was born John Nigro and raised in upstate NY. John started playing bass and working with some of his musician friends bands at about age 13. Around age 16 he used to go and rent lights from a friend (Bill Reinhardt) who had a business out of his parents garage. After working with and managing bands for a few years John was asked by Mr. Reinhardt to work for the lighting company that he had started, Starfire Stage And Studio Supply. By this time Mr. Reinhardt had grown and moved into a warehouse. John worked with his company for several years working with local bands and some national acts. Some of the bands he worked with were The Romantics, Blackfoot, and Emmy Lou Harris to just name a few. John also did other things like working with comedian Robert Klein and some off Broadway plays. In July of 1985 John moved to South Florida with his girlfriend Bert and got married. He gave up the lights, had one son and took a job at the City of Miami where he worked until 2011 when he retired. He had lost contact with Bill Reinhardt until a friend of his was at a Kansas concert and saw him there doing lights and sound. John found out that he had done very well and now has a company in Troy NY called American Concert and Entertainment Services. Living here and being a music lover John had began working and helping out with Soulicide for a couple years before he Johnny retired. In late 2013 he decided it was time Smoke to have fun and take up his passion once again so he put together a light show to work with some local bands. When he decided to do it he told his wife Bert “if I’m going to do it I’m going to do it right” So he planned what he needed to make the show the way he wanted it. The idea was to give the feel of a rock concert in the bars, venues and clubs here in South Florida. So he put together 16 par 64’s several effect lights and lasers and some geyser fog machines. The response from the bands and the patrons has been great “The South Florida Biker’s Bible Since 1999 - Pray for Dave!!! 14 Years - June 2014 • Issue #176 • Page 36 and John is having a hell of a lot of fun doing it. John just became involved with Deception Rock Band and is now the 6th member of the band. He loves working with the guys in the band and they are having a great time together. Johnny Smoke says he will keep adding and keep making the show better-so if you’re looking to go out and see a kick ass light, laser and smoke show with a kick ass band with a killer sound and don’t want the same old thing, check out DECEPTION with The Johnny Smoke Show. The Johnny Smoke Show is available to do gigs with other bands but only if Deception is off and the price is right! Look for Deception with The Johnny Smoke Show coming to a location near you! If you’re a singer, musician or a band and open mics and jams are your thing, we have some great jam nights going on in South Florida. Monday nights at Turn 3 in Boca Raton hosted by Stet Blancett, Tuesday nights at Flossie’s Bar Fort Lauderdale hosted by Jimmy Piro, Wednesday nights at Cheers Ft Lauderdale hosted by The 3 Man Electrical Pro Jam, Thursday nights at Cagney’s Saloon Davie, hosted by A1 Promotions & TeLL’M. Jam nights are for everyone to see and hear great talent. It is where you can go and meet new people and maybe find that missing link for your next band. I have started to take the A1 Promotions Jam on the road, last month on May 6th we did a special jam at Murphy’s Law and we have more special jam sessions coming soon to a few locations. I have been putting a new jam night together at O’Meara’s Irish Pub on a Saturday night. We did the first on May 17th with CRuSH, for musicians and singers who can’t come to a jam on a weekday and for bands that have no gigs. What a great turn out with about 40 musicians. We are doing it again on June 14th, this time hosted by TeLL’M at O’Meara’s at 9pm. And Speaking about O’Meara’s Irish Pub. On Sunday May 18th we helped put together a fundraiser with Bill McDonald, the owner of O’Mearas, Amber Espanet, Billy Reasons and Nash Carey for The 1st Annual Armed Forces Country Music & Food Festival Benefiting THE BILLY REASONS MILITARY SUPPORT FOUNDATION. What a Great Day it was. The event was to be held in another city but due to some issues it was moved to the city of Margate with only a month to put it together and to get all the proper paperwork done. Permits, insurance etc. By the time everything was approved we only had 5 days to get everything ready. So we contacted everyone we knew to make this event happen and to try and raise money for this great cause. The food trucks were brought in, Downtown Baggers gave back the 50/50 money 6 bands played to (L)Mayor Lesa Peerman & (R)Billy Reasons outside Ciara Rae Band, 33 Years, Cecilia Lauren and the Ocoee River Band, Rough Shot. The Nash Carey Band & Billy Reasons with The Nash Carey Band and 2 bands played inside O’Meara’s, Bustin’ Strings & The Lisa Jean Leonard Duo Featuring Eddie Greg. We at A1 Promotions brought in Phil Ulrich, of Phil Rich Sound Productions to do sound outside. All the bands played for FREE I might add. The turnout was great with a estimate of about 600 people that came out to listen to some great music and to Support Our Troops. It truly was a great day put together by a great team and I might say a great team that has never worked together before and did it all without one single problem! That’s what I call teamwork! I do not know the amount raised but as they say IT’S NEVER TO LATE TO DONATE! For donations and for more info contact Amber Espanet or Nash Carey for The Billy Reasons MILITARY SUPPORT FOUNDATION. The Registration # is: CH40802. The expiration date is April 24, 2015. A COPY OF THE OFFICIAL REGISTRATION AND FINANCIAL INFORMATION MAY BE OBTAINED FROM THE DIVISION OF CONSUMER SERVICES BY CALLING TOLL-FREE (800) 435-7352 Some other bike nights in Broward is O’Meara’s on the 2nd Friday of the month sponsored by V-Twin City. This month on Friday June 13th it’s Cecilia Lauren and the Ocoee River Band LIVE music by Skwirls Gone Bad, who are a crowd pleaser wherever they play and another band T.B.A. starting at 7:30pm. And on the 3rd Friday of the month at Cagney’s Saloon Davie, sponsored by Downtown Baggers. On Friday June 20th it’s LIVE music by Deception and another band T.B.A. starting at 8:00pm. The A1 Promotions once a month Astrology birthday parties are doing great and the number of people coming out to celebrate their birth sign is Amazing! The next one is the Cancer Party on June 27th at Cagney’s! So if your birthday is June 22 to July 22 you are a Cancer. It is the fourth Sign of the Zodiac: The sign of the Crab. The Birthstone of Cancer is Ruby so it will be a Black & Red colored themed party. So come out and party with all the other Cancer’s and celebrate your birth sign. And finally, Cagney’s 5th Anniversary Redemption party will take place (rain or shine) on Sunday July 6th with 7 bands starting at 2:00pm. Till next time! Support Local Music, Support Your Local Everything! And Support WOTR Magazine... The Bikers Bible. PEACE! Freddy. In loving memory of Bernie, Chrissy, Clay, Big Ed, Bob Amchir, Animal, Ricky, Pervert, Roger-Kenny & Pauly 1%’ers, Mojo, Vinny Margotta, Poppy, Gunslinger, “Louie”, Davida, Debaldone & Irene Powell Page 37 STORMY’S RIDER RHYMES By [email protected] Father’s Day The Ultimate Goal, When a Man takes a Wife, Is to be a Good Father, His main journey in life… To share all your interests, All the things that you like, Whether it’s Music or Sports, Or riding a Bike… You don’t really know, Will you be good at it or bad? It Takes energy and patience, To make a great Dad… A Father will give advice, You can take it or not. And will see you through to the end, And never puts you on the Spot… Every Child deserves a Father, To help and watch them grow. To walk along beside them, On any journey you may go… Your Dad will stand beside you, Even if you go astray, He will be there if you need him, Sometimes meeting you halfway… So if your Dad’s a great one, Make sure you are squared away, Give him a special thanks, On his day “Fathers Day”… Happy Fathers Day to all the Great Dads out there. Stormy Tell Lloyd Miami Mike LUFQ “The South Florida Biker’s Bible Since 1999 - Pray for Dave!!! 14 Years - June 2014 • Issue #176 • Page 38 CLASSIFIED ADS 1” x 3.8” (New or Used Anything - No Shops - Free Help Wanted $12 per 1” per month - magazines are not included in price BIKER FRIENDLY SHOPS & BUSINESSES LUFQ These alphabetical business listings cost only $75.00 for 6 months. Call 954-578-2900 to place your business info here. Chicago Bob's • (954) 972-4478 - 5204 NW 15th Street, Margate, Florida 33063. Chicago Bob can build a trophy winner for you. When you want it done right the 1st time! Halenar Southwest • (954) 609-8655 - Spurs, Bullwhips, Whiskey Barrels, Metal Arts, Western Deco. See us at the shows. Many new and unique items at every event. Check us online at: www.halenarsw.com Sachs Race Bikes • (954) 473-2980 - Engine overhaul & Repair, Head Porting & Repair, Hi-Performance Engine Packages. “The leader in engine technology & reliability for over 30 Years” Willie’s Tropical Tattoo • (386) 672-1888 -825 S. Yonge St (US1), Ormond Bch, Fl 32174 -Home of Willie’s Chopper Shows during Bike Week & Biketoberfest C L A S S I F I E D S HELP / JOBS WANTED CLASSIFIEDS ARE FREE! Looks like this! RENT a Vacation Chalet in Murphy, NC. New 2 bedroom, 2 bath, sleeps 6, furnished. Biker Heaven. Only $625.00 per wk. Call George (Mickey’s old owner) at 754-224-7955. VIDEO CONVERSION SERVICES Convert your old VHS, Hi8 or most other video formats to DVD. We’ll copy anything. Discrete & confidential. 20 years experience. Call True Fantasy Video Productions for complete details. 954-981-7926 (Hlwd) VETERAN INFO: The non profit Multi Purpose Center of Davie would like to make you aware of the wide range of programming for day care & weekend retreats for those suffering the invisible wounds of war that are available. The Center is seeking sponsors to help fund these programs. They are also asking for volunteers to work and oversee our weekend programs. At this time the Viet Nam Vets/Legacy Vets MC are actively involved with the center and welcome all who could benefit from it’s services. Contact information may be obtained from any VNV/LV member at large. Call 954-791-8603 or 954-448-3843. Happy Fathers Day We All Love You Jack In loving memory of Bernie, Chrissy, Clay, Big Ed, Bob Amchir, Animal, Ricky, Pervert, Roger-Kenny & Pauly 1%’ers, Mojo, Vinny Margotta, Poppy, Gunslinger, “Louie”, Davida, Debaldone & Irene Powell Page 39 LUFQ DADS OF FLORIDA Dads of Florida has formed a support group of divorced and unwed fathers, second wives, grandparents and other persons interested in changing the present laws against fathers. Meetings are the second Tuesday of each month from 7pm to 9pm@ St. David's Catholic Church, 2nd floor of the Parish Hall building room 204, 3900 S. University Drive Davie, FL 33328, Phone (954) 4939763. Website: www. dadsofflorida.org. For Sale: Six acres west side of U.S. 27 (about a mile south of Café 27). Zoned agricultural/ residential. Perfect for recluse, nature lovers or bikers. Needs clearing and cleaning. Call 954-736-6524. $299,000. LUFQ “The South Florida Biker’s Bible Since 1999 - Pray for Dave!!! 14 Years - June 2014 • Issue #176 • Page 40 Woo’s View’s Best Friends Over the Rainbow Bridge [email protected] Well Gang, Another month is here and luckily so are we! I had a wonderful thing happen last month. You know I LOVE dogs. Especially the Molooser breeds (Mastiffs). I already have an Argentine Mastiff (Dogo) and my little Squeaky, the Beagle/Jack Russel mix. Well, I finally went and done it. I got a Turkish Kangel pup. He was 8 weeks and some days old when I got him and he weighed 28 lbs! He should get to be anywhere between 135-150 lbs! They are herd guardian dogs and if you look them up on the Internet, you will see what wonderful and dangerous dogs they are. They are GREAT watch dogs, and that’s what I need around here. With the people who they are raised with and other animals too, they are wonderfully loving and protective. To everyone else, they are not very pleasant!! LOL Little Koco is such a sweetheart that it’s hard to realize what he will be later. I guess baby polar bears are wonderfully cute when very small too! I can hardly believe how much I have been getting into dogs. Breeds, health, how they think and react to different things, how to train them without ANY brutality. Koco will be raised exactly like Precious was. Nothing but love, hugs and kisses! If you think it don’t work, just walk up to me yelling and being aggressive. I’ve seen her really pissed, and she’s downright scary!!! When she’s pissed, the 12 dogs they used in breeding Dogo’s all leave and only the foundation dog they started with is left to take care of business. The foundation dog I speak of is no longer in existence. They were the greatest fighting dogs. They were so aggressive that when they were mating,the males would kill the females. The were called, “ The fighting dogs of Cordoba”. Look them up. Dogo’s by the way, were bred to hunt wild boars and big cats (Pumas). They are VERY IMPRESSIVE!!! Another dog NOT to triffel with. Precious is a svelt 107 lbs now. She is also incredibly strong. Just think, Koco will tower over Miss Precious! To be honest with you all, I LOVE all dogs. Small, medium and large, but I especially favor the giants of the dog world. The Molooser Breeds. English Mastiffs, Neapolitans, Boerboels, Cane Corsos, Brazilian Filas, Pressa Canaros, Newfoundlands, Caucasian Shepard’s, Asian shepherds, Tibetan Mastiffs, Bully Kuttas, Alibis, and all the other Molooser breeds. They are the Biggest, Baddest, Toughest dogs on the planet! They all have one trait in common though, they LOVE their masters and the critters they were raised with and dislike all others. Wonderful watch dogs with the power to repel and or incapacitate aggressors. A small dog may alert you, but these dogs take the fight to the bad guys and usually hurt them very badly! Something to remember about them before you rush out to get one, they ARE NOT for the first time dog owner. Just like you wouldn’t learn to shoot using a Barrett .50, you wouldn’t get any of these dogs as a first time dog owner. You can learn so very much about any and all these dogs on the Yeah! Internet. They also have some GREAT training videos on You Tube. One guy I particularly like is a trainer by the name of ZAC GEORGE. He trains without any brutality whatsoever! He refuses to use choke chain collars, spiked prong collars or electric shock collars. I would never use any of them on my dogs either, although I’ve seen some unruly little bastard kids in the stores that I think shock collars would do wonders for! Well, another rant comes to an end for this month. See you all next month, Good Lord willing! Till then, Uncle Willie. Louie the WOTR Maskot Chyna Blue Tinkerbell Itty Bitty Dumas Bandit Cocoa Boo Boo Remy Hypno 9/13 Peachy Liberty Steeler Miss Abigail Corona If you want your best friend memorialized on this page, email a photo and name to [email protected]. Due to space I cannot guarantee the photo being in this section for longer than 3 months. If you want to keep your best friend on this page for 1 year than you need to make a $100 (or more) VIP donation to WOTR. See pg 20 for the mailing address. Homes for Loving Pets HEHA Local Rescue Adoptions Online at Adoptapet.com Call Sharyn (954) 826-7699 CHECK OUT SHARKY’S BAR It’s a Great Place for a Cold Brew! ANIMAL ADOPTION & RESCUE SERVICES Here are a few Legitimate Animal Rescue Places. WOTR’s CHOICE TO SEND $$$ • Mirta Maltes (Park ranger) My Animals Rock Inc. PO Box 630729, Miami, Florida 33163 (Money is needed for vet bills to take care of all the abused animals Mirta picks up. Go to www.myanimalsrock.org and use the Paypal button to give what you can. (501 c3, Donations are Tax Deductible) WOTR SUPPORTS MIRTA! • A Second Chance Puppies & Kittens Rescue West Palm Beach -561-333-1100 • Broward County Animal Control by Ft. Laud Airport (They do put down dogs so be aware of this) ‘DON’T GIVE MONEY TO JUST ANYONE WHO SAYS THEY HELP DOGS!’ In loving memory of Bernie, Chrissy, Clay, Big Ed, Bob Amchir, Animal, Ricky, Pervert, Roger-Kenny & Pauly 1%’ers, Mojo, Vinny Margotta, Poppy, Gunslinger, “Louie”, Davida, Debaldone & Irene Powell Page 41 Axman continues from page 13 POAT’s ( Police Officers Assistance Trust ) Holiday Gifts for surviving Children who lost their parent(s) in the line of duty. The final destination of this Ride was the Postcard Inn on Holiday Isle, Islamorada. Mother Nature only had the finest of weather in store for us. Close to 600 bikes were in the procession. This time around, I did the ride as well. I was surprised how smoothly it went. I have no idea how many motormen were involved, but it seemed they had covered every single intersection all along the way. We achieved speeds up to 70 miles per hour on the Turnpike and up to 50 miles per hour during the ride through the keys. One can only ask to have the same riding conditions for the up-coming Peterson’s Poker Run to Key West in September. Their next ride will take place on December 6th, the day before the SFPC Toys in the Sun Run. Please come and join us (for both). Both are a great ride for great causes. On my way back I stopped at Southern M/C’s Clubhouse in the Redlands. They held their Annual Event that day. Even though I have mentioned it already over and over, I have to point it out again: I really like their Southern hospitality. Thank you guys for taking care of me. At the time I arrived I was pretty much exhausted from being out in the sun from early that morning. I enjoyed a couple of cold ones, delicious food and great company. On my way home I made a quick pit stop at Café 27 where I saw a lot of familiar faces. The last event I covered in May was the SE ABATE Memorial Day Event. This is another must attend event for me. I rode over to the Alexander “Sandy” Nininger JR States Veteran’s Nursing Home in LUFQ Pembroke Pines. I was kind of disappointed that not more bikers have shown up to greet and thank the Veterans for the services they provided for us. In any event, it is a good feeling for me to shake their hands and thank them from the bottom of my heart. Seven Veterans joined us to participate in the festivities which were held at the Elks Lodge 1898 in Pompano Beach. I really liked that location a lot because the vendors had room to spread out. They had an inside and outside bar (which was necessary to cool off). The drink prices very reasonable and the food was “The South Florida Biker’s Bible Since 1999 - Pray for Dave!!! 14 Years - June 2014 • Issue #176 • Page 42 great. Tons of raffle prizes were given out. The Jamie Mitchell Band put out some kick-ass tunes. About 350 bikes enjoyed a great afternoon which included the Color-Guard and a 21 Gun Salute. At this point I Axman finishes on page 45 In loving memory of Bernie, Chrissy, Clay, Big Ed, Bob Amchir, Animal, Ricky, Pervert, Roger-Kenny & Pauly 1%’ers, Mojo, Vinny Margotta, Poppy, Gunslinger, “Louie”, Davida, Debaldone & Irene Powell Page 43 Al’s In! By [email protected] Ella and I had the opportunity to head up to Leesburg during Bike Fest. This was our first time there for Bike Fest and we were fortunate enough to be invited to stay with Slim and Lisa at “Slim’s Hotel and Campground” in Fruitland Park. We rolled in Friday night at 11:30pm and we found all the usual suspects from South Florida: Pete & Nicole, Bonanza & Jeanette, Ernie & Shirley, Jody, Animal, Cowboy and Bob just to name a few. The weather was perfect, everyone joking and kidding around, there was just something special in the air. The next morning we all mounted up and rode to Stormy Hill Harley Davidson in Clermont where we assembled for the 4th Annual “Ridin’ for Poppy” Run. A number of years ago Poppy and Pete were riding though the rolling hills outside of Clermont and they came upon a lovely green meadow, rolling down off Sugarloaf Mountain Road with a killer view of Lady Lake off in the distance. They pulled over, parked their bikes and walked into the meadow to admire the view. Poppy looked at Pete and told him “This is where we needed to be”. Right there and then, they made a pact; if either one of them passes the other would spread his ashes in this lush, green meadow overlooking the lake. Over the years Poppy took ill and sadly passed away. True to the pact, Pete took Poppy’s ashes to that exact spot where they stood years earlier, scattered Poppy’s ashes, and planted a tree to mark the spot. Kick stands were up at noon and over 30 bikes with over 40 riders roared North up U.S. 27 to pay their respects to Poppy. Once we got to the meadow, we circled the tree, raised a toast to Poppy and shared stories. It was a very nice and respectful gathering for remembering an Old Friend. After the ceremony we all headed off to Harris Lake Pub where more stories were shared and more toasts were made. After some libation and a sandwich our group headed off to Gator Harley-Davidson to take in some of the Leesburg festivities. Gator HD was mobbed with bikers browsing apparel, parts, and all the new bikes. Gator’s parking lot was also full of vendors. Just about anything a biker could want was out there. We walked the fairway and checked out the vendors when we were informed it was time to head back to Slim’s for dinner. We rode back to “Slim’s Hotel and Campground”; cleaned up and sat back chatting about the day’s events and planned for a night on the town in Leesburg. In the meantime Slim was hard at work preparing a Steak Dinner fit for a King! 2 inch thick sirloins with all the trimmings. After a dinner like this it was no surprise no one could make it to Downtown Leesburg that night. The next morning we broke camp. Tents taken down and put away, sleeping bags rolled up, folding chairs packed away, all of this done as LUFQ H we all enjoyed another fine breakfast prepared by “Chef” Slim. After the cleanup we all finally headed to Downtown Leesburg and walked the “Fairway”. Vendors everywhere; Bike Parts, Tee Shirts, Patches, Belts, Gloves, Food and more; the unfortunate part, it was still morning and we were all headed back home soon. Sure we missed all the concerts, we missed all the wild happenings in Downtown Leesburg, but what we didn’t miss was the Special Time at Slim’s Hotel and Campgrounds; a group of friends assembled for one reason, to Pay Respect and Remember a Fallen Friend... Poppy, a Man who Always wore a Smile on His Face! Gone But Never Forgotten. Live Your Life Like Ya Stole It! Al “The South Florida Biker’s Bible Since 1999 - Pray for Dave!!! 14 Years - June 2014 • Issue #176 • Page 44 Harley Axman ends here would like to thank all Veterans, living and deceased, and all Military Personnel who are currently serving to protect our Country and our Freedom. On a personal note, I would like to encourage you to check out my newest gallery “2014 Weddings” on my web site www.axmanpictures.com. Please keep me in mind for any photography needs you may have. I shoot corporate and private events, birthday parties, Quinces’, Sweet Sixteen’s Weddings. Etc. Invest in an artist. Your memories are worth it. Until next time, Ride free In loving memory of Bernie, Chrissy, Clay, Big Ed, Bob Amchir, Animal, Ricky, Pervert, Roger-Kenny & Pauly 1%’ers, Mojo, Vinny Margotta, Poppy, Gunslinger, “Louie”, Davida, Debaldone & Irene Powell Page 45 Ummm... Good Cookin’ with Cookie By [email protected] How To Prepare a Wonderful Son Ingrediants: 1 cup tolerance, 1 cup encouragement, 2 cups praise, 2 cups security, 2 cups protection, 2 cups peace, 6 cups understanding 10 cups laughter, 5 cups choice, 3 cups community, 6 cups accomplishment 6 cups meaning, 100 cups cups faith 100 cups God. Procedure: Mix all together and you will hopefully get a son who is patient, confident, appreciative, has faith in himself and for those around him, feels safe, feels calm, is encouraged, feels happy, feels supported, feels confident, feels fulfilled. Final Entre’: My son... with all my guidance and teachings and praise you have turned out to be an Amazing man. You have overcome losing your dad at age 5, being Bullied and struggled with school at times. But I taught you to never give up and showed you how to be strong. You sure are! You became a straight A student, are very popular, you’re a pillar of our community. They say our children are a reflection of ourselves. My son, I praise the lord that you have my loving caring heart. Always care for others before yourself. In our house there was never yelling, always lot’s of food and ‘zukini’ bread. I chose to devote my life to bringing you up as the man you have become today. Nothing was more important then you. Now as you are a man I can look back at the recipe I started 19 years ago and say this was the longest hardest recipe I ever had to prepare. It took 19 years and I can say it’s my BEST ONE EVER! On June 1st you will graduate from high school. On Sept 2nd you will be going into the US Army. I know with all the tools I have implanted in you and the recipe for life, I can rest knowing you will do fine in your life’s journey. I love you my son, Justin. You have made me, and all of my friends, very proud of you. I say it’s not a job it’s called a “Recipe for Bringing Your Son Up The Right Way. Love Mom (Cookie) LUFQ “The South Florida Biker’s Bible Since 1999 - Pray for Dave!!! 14 Years - June 2014 • Issue #176 • Page 46 In Memory - G.B.N.F. Pictures will be posted for 2 months. Additional months depends on available space. To assure a memory photo remains on this page a minimum donation of $100 per year is requested. Bernie Shapiro BAND-DJ-ENTERTAINMENT LISTINGS Diver (USMVMC) Bob Amchir Irene Powell Sportster John Vinny Margotta (Vinny’s EZ Cycles) Seleta Woo “Poppy” Big Ed Stricklin Denise Kwiatkowski $35 a YEAR for Band Listings in WOTR AND on the WOTR Website. Up to 4 lines in the mag and 5-10 lines online and a link to your website (plus a photo if you want). Mail a $35 check to WOTR. (address on pg 10) ROAD WORKS - Call Colin at 954-718-6850 or 954-588-9346 or email: [email protected] Played Asylum, Hollywood Bandstand, WOTR Parties, Mickey's, Beer Barn and other venues. (See ad) Roger 1%er AOA Kenny 1%er AOA Jerry 1%er AOA Big Art 1%er AOA Pauly 1%’er AOA SOULICIDE - Call Kent @ 754-264-2563. “High Energy” R&R. We get the people up on the dance floor. Playing at Mickeys, Cagneys, others. WWW.SoulicideRocks.com. See us on Facebook/Soulicide. THE STEMS - “Good Funkin Rock”. For booking info: e-mail egresely@hotmail or call Eddie@954-547-7982 or Tony@954-5475652. See our Facebook page. Brian-Keltics MC “Animal” Keltics Dozer Dan “Funk” Palo (Keltics MC) (Keltics MC) Alternative MC “Gunslinger” BAND LISTING HERE $35 A YEAR! Plus you’re listed on the WOTR Website with any link you want. Davida Burenstein Howard “Pervert” “GUNNER” Robert Parish Leathernecks MC Allan Hippler Mojo Mystics 7 Mc Navajo USMVMC “Hawk” Jim “Cadillac” Saville Robin D’Avignon Brent Casey (Turn 3) Al Kropat (Der Krieger MC) Terry Lanis Crystal Jason West (WOG MC PSL) Steven Lambach Ronnie Lyss Kenny Weingart “Debaldone” “Evil” Dennis Riggs Sean Gerovitz Glyn “Blue” Joy Leathernecks MC Doug Knowles In loving memory of Bernie, Chrissy, Clay, Big Ed, Bob Amchir, Animal, Ricky, Pervert, Roger-Kenny & Pauly 1%’ers, Mojo, Vinny Margotta, Poppy, Gunslinger, “Louie”, Davida, Debaldone & Irene Powell Page 47 Trackside with Chuck [email protected] I started off this month at the IHRA Nitro Jam at Palm Beach International Raceway witch a really kool event that includes the Nitro Breathing nostalgia funny cars of the days gone past. Almost everybody remembers the cars named Jungle Jim, Blue Max, Brand X, Mr Explosive, Candies and Hughes, and the McAttact along with Nitro Alterds. Quarter mile passes of feet steering Top Fuel Harleys, front tires never hitting the pavement till the end of the track. I can’t forget the main show line up of the 4, yes 4 Jet Dragsters from the Larsen Motorsports Racing Team which is owned by Elaine Larsen, which by the way, my son and I worked for when it was a on Dragster team and now it’s piloted by four of the Hottest babes in the racing business and these chicks fly right around 290 + mph in the Quarter mile. Friday night we did get some rain but the track crew was able to get the race in, but come Saturday by 1:00 pm all hell broke loose and the pro race had to be cancelled. Then it was off to South Georgia Motorsports Park for the debut of the PDRA’S second race of the season which included some of the fastest car’s in the country, from pro stock, pro mods, pro extreme, motorcycles and jr dragsters. Friday was a great time but Saturday afternoon guess what... Mother Nature opened up and the race would have finished on Sunday but becasue my long drive I missed the finals. Then it was off to Orlando Speed World for the debut of the second race of season for the new Florida Street Outlaw racing organization in which at the end of the year they will crown the 10 fastest street cars of their event. You couldn’t ask for better weather but it was a bit hot. It was a great day of racing and my hat is off to John Townsend for winning the race for his second time and staying number one on the list. Keep up the good work! And last but not least back to Palm Beach to attend the event called Dragmania which is an import verses domestic cars race that actually brought imports from as far as Puerto Rico to line up against our local racers, along with vendors great food and music. I would like to congratulate all of local gear heads for winning all but one class at this race. Thanks as always to the staff at PBIR for showing me a ton of hospitality. I always enjoy shooting at Palm Beach. See you all soon. KILLER CHUCK LUFQ “The South Florida Biker’s Bible Since 1999 - Pray for Dave!!! 14 Years - June 2014 • Issue #176 • Page 48 In loving memory of Bernie, Chrissy, Clay, Big Ed, Bob Amchir, Animal, Ricky, Pervert, Roger-Kenny & Pauly 1%’ers, Mojo, Vinny Margotta, Poppy, Gunslinger, “Louie”, Davida, Debaldone & Irene Powell Page 49 LUFQ “The South Florida Biker’s Bible Since 1999 - Pray for Dave!!! 14 Years - June 2014 • Issue #176 • Page 50 The STORM at Flossies Sharon and her mom, Irene musicians... and the sound system was excellent. Next time though we’re gonna get real seats... right Gabe? Until next issue, give your mom and dad a call and a big hug... and Keep Your Wheels on the Road. In loving memory of Bernie, Chrissy, Clay, Big Ed, Bob Amchir, Animal, Ricky, Pervert, Roger-Kenny & Pauly 1%’ers, Mojo, Vinny Margotta, Poppy, Gunslinger, “Louie”, Davida, Debaldone & Irene Powell Page 51 LUFQ “The South Florida Biker’s Bible Since 1999 - Pray for Dave!!! 14 Years - June 2014 • Issue #176 • Page 52 In loving memory of Bernie, Chrissy, Clay, Big Ed, Bob Amchir, Animal, Ricky, Pervert, Roger-Kenny & Pauly 1%’ers, Mojo, Vinny Margotta, Poppy, Gunslinger, “Louie”, Davida, Debaldone & Irene Powell Page 53 LUFQ “The South Florida Biker’s Bible Since 1999 - Pray for Dave!!! 14 Years - June 2014 • Issue #176 • Page 54 Having t-shirt trouble... In loving memory of Bernie, Chrissy, Clay, Big Ed, Bob Amchir, Animal, Ricky, Pervert, Roger-Kenny & Pauly 1%’ers, Mojo, Vinny Margotta, Poppy, Gunslinger, “Louie”, Davida, Debaldone & Irene Powell Page 55 LUFQ “The South Florida Biker’s Bible Since 1999 - Pray for Dave!!! 14 Years - June 2014 • Issue #176 • Page 56
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