February 2015 • Issue #184 - Wheels on the Road Magazine
February 2015 • Issue #184 - Wheels on the Road Magazine
February 2015 • Issue 184 • Still $3 bucks Standing Up For Our 2nd Amendment Rights! Published by a South Florida Moto-Journalist - Since 1971 - Published Since November 1999 THIS MONTH’S CONTRIBUTORS: Axman, Bars, Chef Joel, Chuck Lehmann, Cliff Frommer, Cookie Dee, David DiCrescenzo, Doob, Doug Scofield, Fern, Freddy J, Gabriel Carrera, Huck, Jerry Breen, Killer Chuck, Michele Koscielniak, MM, Ronnie C, Rogue USMC, Sharon, Stormy, Tattoo Dave, Willie Woo, Coco Puff & Mickey Bear!!! Err, yeah... they are Santa’s helpers... That’s right. In loving memory of Bernie, Chrissy, Clay, Big Ed, Bob Amchir, Animal, Ricky, Pervert, Roger-Kenny & Pauly 1%’ers, Mojo, Vinny Margotta, Poppy, Gunslinger, “Louie”, Davida, Daldone, Irene Powell & Dave Carter Page 1 LUFQ “The South Florida Biker’s Bible Since” 15 Years - February 2015 • Issue #184 • Page 2 In loving memory of Bernie, Chrissy, Clay, Big Ed, Bob Amchir, Animal, Ricky, Pervert, Roger-Kenny & Pauly 1%’ers, Mojo, Vinny Margotta, Poppy, Gunslinger, “Louie”, Davida, Daldone, Irene Powell & Dave Carter Page 3 LUFQ “The South Florida Biker’s Bible Since” 15 Years - February 2015 • Issue #184 • Page 4 In loving memory of Bernie, Chrissy, Clay, Big Ed, Bob Amchir, Animal, Ricky, Pervert, Roger-Kenny & Pauly 1%’ers, Mojo, Vinny Margotta, Poppy, Gunslinger, “Louie”, Davida, Daldone, Irene Powell & Dave Carter Page 5 LUFQ “The South Florida Biker’s Bible Since” 15 Years - February 2015 • Issue #184 • Page 6 Around So Fla by Miami Mike, Publisher [email protected] There was a lot going on in January for everyone to do and the weather for the most part was cool and dry except for one event which I’ll talk about in a moment. The first event was the States MC Pompano’s 23rd Blessing of the Bikes. I remember the 1st Blessing had about 50-75 bikes and there was no big party... we all got blessed while on our bikes and that was about it. Now 23 years later this turned into a big party with vendors, live music (by Roses are Red), good food that included JR’s famous clams. And of course Father Gary and Mother Karen gave their blessings to the “colors” laid out on the table and then spritzing “holy water” on the bikers and bikes outside the clubhouse walls. This year the turnout was very good with about 250 bikes parked up and down the street and in the field. I got a few drops of “holy water” on my camera and face... let’s hope it works... I need the help. On a somber note, Sharon and I attended the memorial celebration for Billy Mijares’ good friend and Calvery Chapel MM member, Pam Kaiser who passed away after a 13 year battle against cancer. She was a real character, I can attest to that from hearing everyone speak fondly about her at the memorial. I can see why everyone loved her. (see page 39 for her obituary) As I said at the start of whatever this is called, the weather was nice all month EXCEPT for one of the usually biggest events of January... The Biker Appreciation Event, that took place at Chester’s Ft. Laud. H-D in Sunrise. My office is close to Chester’s so I figured why get soaked to the bone and stand around dripping for 3 or 4 hours until picture time... so Sharon and I took the car. As it turned out quite a few had that same idea... I don’t think I saw more than 75 bikes in the lot although there were close to 250 or so at the event. But Tatto Dave and Joey slogged through and at 2PM started to give out the ‘Thank You” plaques for those who helped at the Toy Run. Bob Amchir (GBNF) was looking down though because just as Dave started, the rain stopped and only started again after the plaques were awarded and the group shot, (with the $396,000 donation check) was taken. The entire members of the Wings of Gold deserve a big hand for doing the cooking and keeping the party together in the miserable weather. The memorial service at the Wheels of Man Miami Mike continues on page 42 In loving memory of Bernie, Chrissy, Clay, Big Ed, Bob Amchir, Animal, Ricky, Pervert, Roger-Kenny & Pauly 1%’ers, Mojo, Vinny Margotta, Poppy, Gunslinger, “Louie”, Davida, Daldone, Irene Powell & Dave Carter Page 7 RIDING RIDING,, DOWN SOUTH “In Loving Memory of My Dad” By Axman... [email protected] I hope everybody had a great start into the New Year. I sincerely hope that 2015 will be a much better year for all of us. Hopefully, it will be filled with good health and financial prosperity. The first event I attended was the Celebration of Life Ride for our brother Peter Jorge (former President of Wings of Gold MC, Miami) who had lost his battle to Cancer in November. It took place on January 3rd. A large group of people had assembled at the gas station at Dade Corner. There were close to 200 bikes and a bunch of cars in the procession leading up to Café 27. A lot of riders who came directly, were already present when the group arrived. We gathered around the Biker’s Memorial Garden where Dennisse had placed a beautiful plaque. DJ Bert provided the musical background while Gator supplied a large bottle of Gentleman Jack. A lot of little LUFQ red solo cups were filled with the brew so that almost everybody had shots in their hands to make a toast in memory of Peter Jorge. It was a sad moment for all of us. Peter was one of the nicest guys you would ever want to meet. He has touched a lot of people. He did not want us to be sad and we followed his wishes by moving from the Memorial garden over to the bar area where we turned it into a party. A lot of shots were downed all afternoon. The longer the party lasted the more people showed up. Peter had the huge turnout he deserved. R.I.P. my brother. You will be missed but never ever forgotten. The following day (01/04) I rode over to the States MC’s club house in Pompano where the 23rd Annual Blessing of the Bikes was held. This is a must attend event in my books. Ever since I started riding motorcycles again, I attended each and every Blessing. For some reason I feel better when l leave, knowing that my bike has been blessed. Besides this, it is the first official bike event that takes place every year. I arrived kind of early and I took this opportunity to eat 2 dozen of JR’s delicious clams before everybody else was getting in line for them. States MC had a tremendous showing of bikers. I don’t remember the last time having it seen to be that crowded. Bad Boy Drew’s, “Roses are Red” band sounded better than ever, thanks to his new red-headed singer, Ariel. She has some awesome pipes on her. Besides this, she was smoking hot. Thank you Bad Boy for improving your band. Now, we have something to look at too. I like the spot where they placed the tables so that the colors were blessed. I had a great time and so did everybody else. From there I rode to Café 27 to hear another great performance of Mr. Nice Guys Band. They are really killing it. It seems that their “The South Florida Biker’s Bible Since” 15 Years - February 2015 • Issue #184 • Page 8 following is growing from gig to gig. What a great show! You guys really rock! The following Sunday (01/11) the Wings of Gold M/ C hosted their Biker Appreciation Day event at Chester’s Ft. Lauderdale HarleyDavidson. Their flyer in WOTR stated this is a rain or shine event... and boy did it rain! The sun did not come out at all. As a matter of fact, it was raining cats and dogs all afternoon long except for when Tattoo Dave and Joey handed out the plaques. (Bob must have been watching) Unfotunatily, the weather kept a lot of people at home or at a bar to watch the NFL play-off’s. I felt bad for the vendors and the band. However, the weather did not seem to impact Hired Gunz at all. They still kicked out some fantastic tunes. Those of you who faced the bad weather sought shelter either underneath the tents of the vendors or inside the dealership. Just about when Tattoo Dave was wrapping up the presentation, the sky opened up again, leaving only a few bikers for the traditional group photo but it did stop raining for 10 minutes while we took the photo. In any event, the Toy Run raised $396,000.00 which is great. On Sunday (01/ 18) the SE ABATE Chapter held their Semi-Annual Motorcyclist’s Rights Rally at Mickey’s Tiki Bar. Thank God, Mother Nature cooperated very nicely. The weather was picture perfect, which resulted in a really good turnout. Some delicious food was served along with ice cold refreshments. Mighty Quinn provided the musical entertainment. This was the first time I heard them perform and I was impressed. They kicked ass. A lot of door prizes were handed out that afternoon. On behalf of Bars I would like to thank everybody who came out to support your Motorcycle Rights Organization. If you are not already an ABATE member, I urge you to check them out. You can either check out their web site at www.abatese.org or visit one of their monthly meetings which are very informative. Their next meeting will be held at the American Legion Post at 9081 SW 51st Street in Cooper City on February 15th at 10:00AM. As we were going to press MM saved a spot on my page to write about the Der Krieger MC’s 20th Annual Blowout at Cagney’s House of Rock on 01/25. The Der Krieger MC only puts on only one event a year, and they go all out. This year was no different. The entire parking lot in front of the strip mall was blocked off for venders and attendees. This was a good thing as tons of people showed up.It was a huge turnout. The weather could not have been Axman continues on page 12 In loving memory of Bernie, Chrissy, Clay, Big Ed, Bob Amchir, Animal, Ricky, Pervert, Roger-Kenny & Pauly 1%’ers, Mojo, Vinny Margotta, Poppy, Gunslinger, “Louie”, Davida, Daldone, Irene Powell & Dave Carter Page 9 PRICES EFFECTIVE SINCE JAN 2014 AD RATES Prices may change without prior notice - WOTR Accepts All Major Credit Cards Ads must be paid in full before going to printer to be included in WOTR. Payments received after the 17th may not be printed in the following issue, always call first to get deadline. All advertisers must have a valid credit card on file which will be run in the event of a bad check, plus a minimum $25 bank service charge or as allowed under Florida statues. Please note: Because of differences in computer monitors and printers, ad colors can not be guaranteed unless a color proof is supplied by the advertiser. Although the printer will try for an exact match, no discount or refund will be made for color differences in the proof and printed ad in WOTR. For new ads, ad changes & specs contact: Miami Mike, Publisher Wheels on the Road Magazine 10563 NW 53 Street Sunrise, Florida 33351 Ph. 954-578-2900 • Fax 954-533-6412 [email protected] COST PER MONTH/ISSUE B&W Full Page $500 1/2 Pg - $300 • 1/3 Pg - $255 1/4 pg - $195 • 1/5 pg - $145 1/6 pg - $120 • 1/8 pg - $95 Biz Card - $50 • Mini Card - $30 3 Line Biz Listing (6 months $85) Full Color full centerfold /side $800 Full Color full back cover $850 Full Color full page inside covers $750 Full Page Color (other) $650 1/2 Pg - $365 • 1/3 Pg - $315 1/4 pg - $235 • 1/5 pg - $175 Call for other sizes / prices Smaller color sizes may be available (call 1st) 10% B&W discount 3 months pay at a time. 8% Color discount 3 months pay at a time. (20% Discount for M/C’s & Charities) Call or email for ad specs before designing ad. Deadline is approximatey the 16th of the month but call first for exact cutoff. WOTR Ad Reps Miami Mike • Sharon • Freddy J Chef Joel • Huck • Killer Chuck SUBSCRIPTION RATES $39.95 - You get 2 issues per month sent standard mail 5-8 days $60.00 - First Class (1-4 days) We are at the mercy of the Post Office! LUFQ Pick up WOTR at most advertisers Where it's at! ADVERTISER LISTINGS PG # 8th Annual Smiles Ride 4 Kids, Feb 8... 9th Annual Chris Rodriguez Memorial Ride, March 1... 9th Annual Treasure Coast Bikefest, Feb 7... 21st Alternative MC Annual Party, Feb 1... AOA MC Valentines Party at the Tiki Hut, Feb 15... Dee’s Fetish Party, Feb 20... Florida 595 Truck Stop Appreciation Day, Feb 15... Flossies Tuesday Nite Jam... Gabe’s Pan American Fun Raiser, Feb 27... Gabe Carerra’s Pan American Children’s Run... Hermandad MC’s Spring Annual, March 1... Keltics MC Annual Party, March 15... Palm Beach Harley’s Monthly Schedule... Pop’s Memorial Ride to Key Largo, Feb 28... Tropical Tattoo Chopper Show, March 12... West Palm Vintage Motorcycle Show, Feb 21... 26 44 45 34 45 44 5 9 20 23 44 44 45 45 45 45 A1PromotionsGroup.com... 30 A+ American Exterminating (Les will kill your bugs)... 41 Acupuncture Care by George Lenkowitz... 36 AC Repair by Brail (WOM MC)... 36 Affordable Health Care by Kathy Olsey (Mama Bear)... 28 All American Cycle (In Memory of Vinnie Margotta)... 11 Allen Babcock Dog & Cat Rescue... 36 Alternative Transport to Sturgis/Black Hills Rally 2015... 47 A Touch of Class Cleaning Service by Frank... 35 Awesome Detail by Rick... 17 Axman Pictures (axmanpictures.com)... 8 Betty Boop and Friends... 29 Big Bike Riders Children’s Foundation... 26 Bodies in Motion of South Florida (Ms Axman)... 9 Broward Auto Repair (Great work & prices in Sunrise)... 38 Cagney’s House of Rock (The BEST live music around!)... 6 Chester’s Ft Laud. Harley-Davidson in Sunrise... Back Cover Chit Chat’s Bar (Now back with Taco Tuesdays!)... 29 Christian Motorcyclist Association (CMA)... 36 Chrome Glow... 5 Coastal Boot Company... 3 CrossroadsMotorcycleCrew.com... 42 Cycle Lab... (Annual Swap Meet Feb 21st)... 4 Cycles in Time (New Larger shop)... 19 Cynthia Sellers Real Estate ... 18 D-N-D Automotive (Darry, another honest mechanic)... 28 Delray Cycle... 17 Devil Dog Motorcycle Repairs... 19 Diamondhead Studio Jewelers (mailing center for sale)... 43 DOCS' Cycle... 6 Dolphin Bail Bonds (When you get thrown in jail)... 8 Dynasty Cycles (Pizza Bike Nite Feb 4th)... 28 Electrik Krayon Tattoo Studio... 37 Enforcers MC (Bike nites & membership info)... 36 Firedog Saloon (Thurs Bike Nite)... 31 Flossies Bar & Grill (Tuesday Music Jam)... 32 Free Acupuncture for Vet’s & Active Duty... 15 GF1 Floor Coatings (see Jerry’s work at Peterson’s N.)... 39 Harley-Davidson of Miami, N & S Stores... 2 Harley-Davidson of Palm Beach... Centerfold Heaven Cycle... 13 Hermandad MC Miami... 36 Independence Arms (See Barbara for great deals)... 36 J.D. Custom Detail (Miami Mike’s detailer)... 29 Lakes Bookkeeping Service, LLC... 36 Larry Epstein, Investment Consultant Realtor... 36 Laura Doan, The Masseuse That Rides!... 20 Leathernecks MC, Jason Dunham Chapter... 38 Leather Repair (Lauren does great work!)... 35 Leslie Kay Insurance... 5 “The South Florida Biker’s Bible Since” M.A.R.S. Auto Performance (MM’s mechanic)... 35 Michele Koscielniak CPA, LLC... 16 Mickey’s Tiki Bar (2 Big Parties in Feb)... 23 Motorcycle Freight (Hauling Bikes to Sturgis)... 19 Motorcycle Training Institute (Get Legal)... 27 Nam Knights MC... 15 Nita “Stormy” Ipsale (insurance agent)... 34 North Broward Insurance Solutions... 34 O’Malley’s Bar... 43 Prism Music... 16 Prodigals Biker Friendly Church... 36 Revere Indoor Gun Range... 36 Ronnie C, The Biker That Sells Real Estate... 27 Saints Motorcycle Ministry... 36 Sharkey’s Blvd Lounge... 27 Soldiers for Jesus MC... 36 Stumps Towing ... 15 & 36 Sunrise Tactical Supply... 15 Tattoo’s by Shaggy... 28 The Biker Shop... 27 The Law Offices of Christopher Kelly... 36 The Law Offices of Demetrios Kirkiles... 27 The Law Offices of Gabriel Jose Carrera, PA... 21 The Law Offices of James S. Robertson III... 36 The Law Offices of Richard Ansara... 22 The Law Offices of Welt & Rheaume... 35 & 46 The Printers Printer (the WOTR printer)... 29 Transplant Foundation, Inc and Organ Donor Card... 13 Turn 3 Sports Bar... (Mon Jam night with Stet)... 6 V-Twin City (Like them on Facebook)... Centerfold Wings of Gold MC Members Wanted... 12 Articles and Information • 2015 Calendars & Monthly Events... • Ad Rates & 1st Class Subscriptions ($45-$60/yr)... • Animal Adoption & Rescue Services... • Biker Friendly Shops & Businesses / Classifieds... • Best Friends Over the Rainbow Bridge... • In Memory of (email to list your loved one-no photo)... • In Memory of Pam S. Kaiser... • Local Band Listings (Only $100 for a full year)... • VIP FRIENDS of WOTR / Support WOTR in 2015... ABATE Update by Bars... Axman - Riding, Down South (In Memory of my Dad)... Chef Joel, On Special Assignment... Chuck on the Right Side... David DiCrescenzo, The Patriots Press... Doob, My Costa Rican Retirement... Doug Scofield, Good News... Freddy’s A1 Bars & Bands... Gabriel Carrera, The Attorney who Rides... Killer Chuck, Trackside with Chuck... Miami Mike, Around SoFla... Michele Koscielniak, Tax Talk... Q LUF Rogue Warrior... Ronnie C, A Word from Ronnie C... Stormy’s Rider Rhymes... Tattoo Dave Amchir, SFPC Now... Ummm Good Cookin’ with Cookie (Dee)... Woo’s View’s (Caution... read at your own risk)... 33 10 37 35 37 39 39 16 14 14 8 18 38 40 15 13 30 20 40 11 16 16 26 34 11 39 37 The complete contents of "Wheels on the Road" is copyrighted ©2015 and use of any content is permitted only with written consent of the publisher, Miami Mike. Advertisers must NOT discriminate against bikers who wear “colors” or their ad will be pulled. Ads must conform to legal guidelines as to the use of logos and other copyrighted artwork or merchandise, especially the use of the Harley-Davidson Bar & Shield or similar designs. You will be notified if changes are required. In the event an ad has been paid for but is not printed for any reason, our liability is limited only to what you have paid. The advertiser has the responsibility of proofing all ads which will be either faxed or emailed before being printed in WOTR. Color matching is not 100% accurate or guaranteed and no refunds will be given for incorrect colors. All ads, photographs and stories will be considered copyrighted by this publication however, the individual photographers and writers will retain all legal rights. Opinions expressed by the writers are their own and may or may not express the views of the publisher. WOTR e-mail should be addressed to: [email protected]. Snail mail should be sent to: Wheels on the Road Magazine, 10563 NW 53 Street, Sunrise, Florida 33351. Send postage if you want your stuff returned. Printed in the USA by The Printers Printer, Pompano Beach, Florida 33069 © 2015 All Rights Reserved - Wheels on the Road Magazine & Website 15 Years - February 2015 • Issue #184 • Page 10 SFPC NOW! by “Tattoo Dave” Amchir [email protected] National President, Wings of Gold MC Director, SFPC Toys in the Sun Run Thanks to everyone who attended the Biker Appreciation Day at Chester’s Fort Lauderdale Harley-Davidson this past January 11th. Due to the stormy weather the crowd was lighter then normal but for those who came out everyone had a good time and thanks to joe and his band “Hired Gunz” for entertaining the crowd throughout the day. This event is where we hand out “thank you” plaques to everyone who contributed significantly to the SFPC Toys in the Sun Run event, including all SFPC motorcycle clubs and associations and take a group photo holding the big donation check that will be given to the hospital. This year the check was for $396,000.00! Not bad for this economy... plus we gave toys to every child that needed one. At the appreciation event we gave out free food and beverages which were served all day. All SFPC events are rain or shine so if it’s too wet to ride your bike, then you can drive over in an enclosed vehicle. All SFPC clubs & associations put in a lot of work for their annuals and parties to make them enjoyable and entertaining for everyone, so please give them your full suppport. To wrap up this 27th toy run, a few establishments did not support this great charity event even after they said that they were on board: Bokampers, Flannigan’s, Shenanigans, and Landlubbers to be specific. Santa Ed, our beloved Santa Claus, and the official Santa to the kids at Joe Dimaggio Children’s Hospital, personally dropped off toy boxes and spoke with these businesses about participating. They were all very positive when talking to Santa Ed. They were all yes! Yes! Yes!!! But in the end all Santa Ed (and the toy run) were given was a ‘lump of coal’! If they don’t want to be part of the MC community and support a great charitable event, then I feel that we should not patronize these establishments... I know that I won’t. But on a more positive note. In last month’s article I mentioned that I would list all of the individuals, businesses, motorcycle clubs and associations, and everyone who worked on contributing to the 27th Annual Toys in the Sun Run. Here is that list in alphabetical order: 4:30 Board Room Bar A&M Tape & Packaging Aerial Banners, Inc. Allan & Karen Renser Allstar Coaches Amerigas Archbishop Thomas Wenski Axman (Wheels on the Road magazine) Boy Scout Troop #128 Davie, Florida Broward County Parks & Recreation Broward Sheriffs Office Bruce Weinberg & Family Buchanan P.E. Consulting Cagney’s Saloon Camp Usa South Champion Porsche Chester’s Fort Lauderdale Harley-Davidson City Towing, Inc. Cliff Frommer (BSO/WOTR Photographer) Color Reflections Dan Coffey/Sunbelt Rental Pembroke Pines Davila Family Janene Sclafani JD Haff Jeff Ashen Joe Conte Joe Rodriguez Joel Freiberg (Chester’s HD) John Wareham (All American Cycle) Kauff’s Transportation Services Kerry Becker Kevin Remillard Light Bulbs Unlimited Coral Springs Lisa Quinter (Wings of Gold MC) Mad Matt Mardi Gras Casino Debbie Amchir Miami Mike / Janitor, Wheels on the Road Doc/Thunder Press Mike Ryan Mayor, City of Sunrise Donald Amchir Pam Disalvo Downtown Baggers Premier Mechanical Drex Kelsey Progressive Waste Solutions Ed Leclere Let’s Beat Last Years Donation! Rampfree Trailers Emilio Caban Rick & Rita Case Evan Hall Ricki Whitson, Kilowatt Boy, Inc. Flashback Diner Robert “Cowboy” Killebrew Florida Transportation Service Ryan Case Geico Motorcycle Russell Mackie Golf Car Depot “Santa Ed” Braxl Grateful J’s Scott Reilly Graves Family Scott Thomas Gregg Koenig Scott Worobey Growers Equipment Co. Scuotto’s Pizza & Pasta Harley-Davidson of Miami (North & South) Sea Freight Highland Wireless Sea Truck HMC Helicopter Service, Inc. Starr Ice, Inc. Interior Transformations By Triton Stella Marziliano Izzi Enterprises Inc. Continued on next page... Jack Shifrel In loving memory of Bernie, Chrissy, Clay, Big Ed, Bob Amchir, Animal, Ricky, Pervert, Roger-Kenny & Pauly 1%’ers, Mojo, Vinny Margotta, Poppy, Gunslinger, “Louie”, Davida, Daldone, Irene Powell & Dave Carter Page 11 TOY RUN THANK YOU’S CONTINUED Steve & Jeanette Harper Susie’s Scrumptious Sweets The Original Delvecchio’s Pizzeria & Italian Restaurant The Printer’s Printer The Pointe Tijuana taxi Tim Sheehan Toilet Taxi Tom “Oz” Schongar Total Power Electric, Inc. Town of Davie, Florida Van Wagner Aerial Media, LLC Veronica Hotchkiss Waste Pro Winterfest Boat Parade CLUBS & ASSOCIATIONS ABATE Palm Beach ABATE South East Alternative M/C Ft. Lauderdale Alternative M/C Palm Beach Alternative M/C Treasure Coast AOA South Florida AOA West Palm Beach Army of the Lord Black Pistons M/C - Palm Beach County Calvary Chapel Motorcycle Ministry Children’s Charity Riders Association Chrome Knights CMA Alpha & Omega CMA trinity Travelers Cruisers of South Florida Der Krieger M/C Dirty White Boys M/C Fiasco Berothers M/C Fort Lauderdale HOG Chapter Heathens M/C Hermandad M/C Miami Keltics M/C Leathernecks M/C Jason Dunham Chapter Liberty Motorcycle Association Los Coquis M/C Los Tainos Motorcycle Association Miami HOG Chapter Mystic Seven M/C New Attitudes M/C Miami Outcast M/C Rough Riders M/C Scurvy Few M/C Soldiers for Jesus M/C Palm Beach Soldiers for Jesus M/C Treasure Coast Southern M/C States M/C Lake Worth States M/C Pompano Third Tradition M/C Fellowship US Military Vets M/C Chapter 1 US Military Vets M/C Homestead US Military Vets M/C Palm Beach US Military Vets M/C National US Military Vets M/C Martin County US Military Vets M/C South Broward US Military Vets M/C South Florida Wheels of Man M/C Deerfield Wheels of Man M/C Indian River Wings of Gold M/C Miami Wings of gold M/C Orlando Wings of Gold M/C St. Lucie BANDS Blues Brothers Soul Band Hired Gunz Remadee Soulicide Suckerpunch The Flyers Again, a big thank you to all who supported this great event benefitting Joe Dimaggio Children’s Hospital. Finally, if anyone gets the Sunsports Channel, Stu Jones, of the Florida Powerboat Association did a full coverage video of the toy run in two parts. Check your local listing for the Sunsports channel to catch this segment and see the inside back cover of the January issue of WOTR for additional information on Stu’s events. Be Cool, Dave Axman continues from page 9 any nicer. To add more comfort for the people they had put up some tents that offered shade and lots of tables to sit at. The food was out of this world. I had a little bit of everything. The Pasta la Vodka was delicious, so was the rest of my dinner. Deception took the stage and as usual, they did not disappoint. As a matter of fact, they kicked some major ass! People were dancing to their tunes. Cagney’s owners, Mark and Nancy, and their staff made sure that nobody had to wait too long for cold refreshments. Tatiana, did work her (sexy!!!) butt off at the outside bar. As expected, this was an awesome party. On behalf of Hammer and his cloub members, I want to thank everybody for coming out. For those of you who did not attend, that’s too bad... as you have missed one of the best parties of the year. Until next time, ride free & safe! Axman The Der Krieger MC appreciates all the terrific support from our biker community. LUFQ “The South Florida Biker’s Bible Since” 15 Years - February 2015 • Issue #184 • Page 12 Good News by Doug Scofield [email protected] For as little as $25 a month you can have a visible presence in the oldest & best biker magazine in South Florida. Email [email protected] for more info. Copy the Organ Donor Card below, fill it out and put it in your wallet. For additional info contact the Transplant Foundation, Inc. at 701 SW 27th Ave, Ste 705 Miami, FL 33135, 305-817-5645 or website (BELOW) Ronnie C In loving memory of Bernie, Chrissy, Clay, Big Ed, Bob Amchir, Animal, Ricky, Pervert, Roger-Kenny & Pauly 1%’ers, Mojo, Vinny Margotta, Poppy, Gunslinger, “Louie”, Davida, Daldone, Irene Powell & Dave Carter WOTR 2015 what a great start! I love Florida weather. States MC Blessing of the Bikes was a great ride and a great time with some old and very missed friends. I wasn’t able to make it down for the Biker Appreciation event at Chester’s Fort Lauderdale Harley-Davidson but I would like to thank all of the motorcycle clubs and associations for all that they do for the toy run and especially the Wings of Gold MC. Dave Amchir and the rest of his club, work for weeks in advance to insure a smooth and fun filled day for all that attend. A lot of time and hard work goes into getting ready for this event and on top of that, they throw a party for all the local bikers; with free food. Thanks Dave! Please always remember, this event, though a fun day for us; is for the KIDS! February 14th is the day we set aside to tell those that we care about just how important they are to us. I would definitely encourage you to do it way more often than once a year! The Lord has placed people in our lives some are short term others will be there through thick and thin for years... that is if they live. You see we are not promised tomorrow and life can sometimes come to an abrupt end. In the last few months we have said good-bye to so many and it is so hard to see so many go. On January 1st, Pam Sharon Kaiser, Calvary Chapel MM, went home to be with her loving Savior, Jesus Christ, at the age of 55. There are a couple of bible verses that so describes Pam: 2 Corinthians 1:3-4 “Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of compassion and the God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our troubles, so that we can comfort those in any trouble with the comfort we ourselves have received from God.” Though she was battling cancer for 13 years, all we ever saw was that beautiful smile, felt her sincere and warm hugs and saw our Savior’s handy work right there in our midst... just loving us! You are very special to the Creator of the universe. John 3:16 “For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.” Jesus gave His all for you and me and all He wants in return is your love. I find it interesting that Jesus did not die for our sins but rather for our sin (singular). John 1:29 The next day John saw Jesus coming toward him and said, “Look, the Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world!” That sin is unbelief, but that one sin, results in so many others! He went through all that pain and suffering just because He loves you; and all He wants in return is for you to love Him back... WOW! This Valentine’s Day let us examine the bibles definition of love: 1 Corinthians 13:4-7 “Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It is not rude, it is not selfseeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. 1 Corinthians 13:13 “And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love.” Life is short; tell that biker next to you that you love them! Always remember Jesus died for bikers too! If we at Calvary Chapel MM can be of any service e-mail me or give me a call at 954-448-1235 or give Billy a call at 305-7909484. Riding free in South Florida, Doug. Page 13 BECOME A 2015 VIP If you read WOTR help support it. Email or go online to the website & become a 2015 VIP or mail a check or money order to: Wheels on the Road Magazine 10563 NW 53rd Street Sunrise, Florida 33351 Google to see how cool Larry Lights are! donations will New VIP’s Receive a nice WOTR VIP patch. Donations of $100 or more receives a free “Larry Light 1”. Your generous help to keep your Wheels on the Road in 2015. $1000 DOUBLE PLATINUM VIP FRIENDS Big Bike Riders Children’s Foundation The Attorney That Rides (Gabe Carerra), Ft. Laud • $500 PLATINUM VIP FRIENDS • $500 MOTORCYCLE CLUBS & ORGANIZATIONS Mystic 7 MC, Fort Lauderdale Wings of Gold MC Pt. St. Lucie Chapter • $300 GOLD PLUS VIP FRIENDS • $200 GOLD PLUS VIP FRIENDS • $150 GOLD EXTRA VIP FRIENDS Dave the Kid, In Memory of Dumas • $100 GOLD VIP FRIENDS Laura Weiner (Pink) Ft. Lauderdale Q LUF • $75 SILVER PLUS VIP FRIENDS Klondike (Mystic 7 MC) In Memory of Mojo • $25 BRONZE VIP FRIENDS Earl “McBull” McKinney, Miami We thank our supporters for helping keep our Wheels on the Road and in YOUR Hands! Miami Mike, Sharon, MickeyBear & CocoPuff IF YOU READ WOTR CONTRIBUTE Donate online at wheelsontheroad.com You are going to be crying when you can’t get your monthly WOTR fix, and you won’t know where to ride to so you will just end up staying at home and listen to your ol’ lady or (mother) bitch you out about laying around guzzling beer, drinking shotz and watching Jerry Springer... and not even his naked shows because you don’t have cable... LUFQ ABATE UPDATE By Bars, SE Chapter President Bars @wheelsontheroad.com On Saturday December 20th, the SFLCOC held their Annual Christmas Party at the Leathernecks MC Clubhouse in Oakland Park. Even though their house is not that big they opened up the back yard and had plenty of room for people to party. All the MC’s and clubs chipped in and brought food for people to eat. There was so much food that at the end of the night you could even take some home if you wanted. There was chicken, sausage and peppers, baked beans, macaroni salad and even roasted corn on the cob. It was one of the better SFLCOC parties that I have been to. On Sunday December 21st the Southeast Chapter of ABATE held our last meeting for the year at the American Legion in Cooper City. After the meeting we celebrated Christmas and December birthdays with about 45 people. Mr. D’s Pizza did all the cooking for us. There was baked ziti, Italian salad, garlic bread and plain, sausage and pepperoni pizzas with plenty to take home if you wanted leftovers and everything was fabulous. Mr. D’s also does catering for other events. They are located at 4260 Peters Road in Fort Lauderdale and the phone number is 954-581-0373. When you call just ask for Mario and tell him that Bars said to call. If you live in North Dade, Broward or South Palm Beach County there is no reason that you should have missed the 23rd Annual Blessing of the Bikes at the States MC clubhouse in Pompano Beach. This is a nondenominational event and all faiths are welcome. Last year they had about 600 bikes with the same number this year. Father Gary and Mother Karen blessed all of the colors on the table and then blessed all of the bikes up and down the street. I for one stood next to my bike and had myself and my bike blessed. I figured I need all the help I can get riding here in South Florida. The States members did all the cooking with JR doing his fabulous clams as always. Music was by Bad Boy’s new band Roses are Red with a great looking new lead singer named Ariel. She sang as good as she looked too. This is always the first party to start off the new year and if I were you I would not miss next year’s. On Saturday January 10th the Wheels of Man MC, Deerfield Beach Chapter held a celebration of the life of Dave Carter at the clubhouse. There must have been at least 300 of his closest friends there. If you were lucky enough to know him then you would know how full of life he was. Dave got into a motorcycle accident in January 2012 and was in a coma for almost three years before he passed away in December 2014. He ran Mickey’s in Pompano Beach for as long as I can remember. Dave, Alice and I sat out back of Mickey’s one Saturday night until 5AM Sunday morning just talking and laughing the whole time. He was a life member of ABATE and a great supporter. The music at the celebration was by ‘Roses are Red’ and ‘Stet Blancett & the Turn Three Jam Band’. It was good to see Lisa, Chelsea and Tyler. Flash from the Soldiers for Jesus MC gave a nice eulogy and at 10PM we all had a shot and gave Dave’s favorite one finger salute. I know that he is up there looking down on us having a good time knowing that someday we will be up there together and having a great time. Until I see you again rest in peace. I will always think of you. On Sunday January 11th the Southeast Chapter of ABATE held our monthly meeting to talk about our Semi-Annual Motorcyclists Rights Rally at Mickey’s on January 18th. After the meeting we all met up at Chester’s Fort Lauderdale Harley for the Wings of Gold Biker Appreciation Day when they tell everyone how much money was raised for Joe DiMaggio Children’s Hospital. The winners of the toy run bike and cash were: Mike Caswell from Delray Beach (he took the cash), $2500 to Adam Shein and $1000 to Mike Boele. Congratulations to all the winners. It rained on and off all day long but when it came time to present the check for $396,000 don’t you know it stopped raining. The music was by Hired Gunz who played throughout the rain. It didn’t stop them. Great job guys. The trophy for the largest club in attendance went to “The South Florida Biker’s Bible Since” 15 Years - February 2015 • Issue #184 • Page 14 MY CO STA RICAN RETIREMENT COSTA [email protected] I finally feel good and back to normal after 3 months of thinking I was ready to check out of my pussy paradise. I lost around 15lbs. while taking my new meds, including B/P lowering pills. I lost my sex drive (couldnt get it up) and even my 26 yr. old chica thought I was going to Florida in December to die. Thankfully, my V.A. Clinic doc. changed my meds and within a week he had me with no problems, B/P 145 over 70, feeling my old self and ready to return to C.R. While in Sebastian, my brother bought a 2005 FX Superglide cheap for me to take back. The problem was after paying him, then $800 shipping, $150 broker fees and finally C.R.wanted $5000.00 import taxes, I found that I could have bought one locally around the same price. Oh well, at my advanced age I’m better off with my custom Sporty. Yes, I’m back in the saddle and lining up some threesomes again. Pura Vida, Doob. (Happy with Cialis 5 mg) States MC Pompano Beach and for the largest organization again went to ABATE Southeast Chapter. Way to go everyone. I would like to thank everyone who stepped up to make the Toys in the Sun Run a great success and let’s do it again next year. On Sunday January 18th the Southeast Chapter of ABATE held our Semi-Annual Motorcyclists Rights Rally at Mickey’s Tiki Bar in Pompano. Years ago it would always rain on and off at our parties, but lately we have had bright sunny skies... so ABATE must be doing something right. If you missed our party then you missed a great one. We had bikes parked all the way around Mickey’s. Alan has put in a new bar under the tiki hut so now it is even easier to get something to drink. The music was by Mighty Quinn who had the gals up on the bar dancing and everyone was having a good time. We signed up 18 members that day. Jimmy Les was up at the microphone calling out the numbers for the winning tickets and doing an auction as only he can and making sure that everyone was having a good time. If you are thinking of having a party then I suggest you call Alan at Mickey’s and talk to him first. I am sure he will take care of you. On behalf of the Southeast Chapter of ABATE and all our members, I would like to say thank you to Alan and his staff for making our party a great one. Alan, thank you very much. Remember, HERE TODAY GONE TODAY. Bars In loving memory of Bernie, Chrissy, Clay, Big Ed, Bob Amchir, Animal, Ricky, Pervert, Roger-Kenny & Pauly 1%’ers, Mojo, Vinny Margotta, Poppy, Gunslinger, “Louie”, Davida, Daldone, Irene Powell & Dave Carter Page 15 BAND LISTINGS LIKE BELOW $100 / YEAR ROAD WORKS - Call Colin at 954-718-6850 or 954-588-9346 or email: [email protected] Played Asylum, Hollywood Bandstand, WOTR Parties, Mickey's, Beer Barn and other venues. Rogue Warrior [email protected] 1st Ride of the New Year TAX TALK by Michele Koscielniak [email protected] MORE TAX CHANGES? The IRS began accepting tax returns January 20th, 2015. That leaves 7 weeks to complete a business return and 11 weeks to finish a personal tax return. It sure sounds like plenty of time however, it you have a tendency to procrastinate when it comes to completing your tax return, than that time will fly by. If you happened to watch TV or read the papers lately you probably heard that there may be more tax changes coming. The goal would be to move more of the tax burden to the wealthy from the middle class. I guess we will just have to wait and see. Some of the proposed changes would be: 1. Increasing the capital gain and dividend rate from the current maximum of 20% to 28%. 2. Removing the step up basis on inherited property. 3. An additional credit of $500 for households with 2 working parents. Of course limitations apply. Upwards of 24 million couples are expected to benefit. 4. Dependent care credit would increase from a possible $1,050 to $3,000 and the income level before limitations would also increase to $120,000. 5. Higher education tax breaks would be simplified but would provide greater benefits for to those qualify.inThere may AND also beon a the $35 tax a YEAR Bandwho Listings WOTR possibility of financial assistance for the first 2 years of higher WOTR Website. Up to 4 lines in the mag and 5-10 lines education. online and a link to your website (plus a photo if you 6. Retirement savings benefits include an automaticonenrollment want). Mail a $35 checkwould to WOTR. (address pg 10) into an IRA account if the taxpayer qualified. January 1, 2015 was a great day to ride with friends. Kathy and I live in West Palm Beach so we had friends ride up from Miami & Davie, more from West Palm Beach and Stuart, and even more friends from Ft. Pierce, for a total of 15 friends, all meeting at Archie’s Seabreeze for New Year’s Day. It was an outstanding ride to Ft. Pierce and back with the greatest of friends. I make it a point to ride on the first day of the New Year. On January 4th Kathy, I and a couple of friends attended the States MC “Blessing of the Bikes” event down in Pompano Beach. We got our bikes blessed, ate some great food, listened to some awesome music and had an outstanding afternoon with the best people you would ever want to know. Hundreds of bikes and bikers showed up to get their colors and bikes blessed. All you could see all the way down the street was blinding chrome and beautiful bikes. Thanks to the States MC for another terrific event. January 18th was an absolutely outstanding day to hold our SE ABATE Chapter’s “Semi-Annual Motorcyclists Rights Rally”. A few hundred bikers gathered at Mickey’s Tiki Bar in Pompano Beach to help support our chapter and had a load of fun doing so. Awesome music all afternoon by Mighty Quinn band. If you have never had the pleasure of seeing Mighty Quinn then I suggest you do. They are the house band at Mickey’s every Sunday. Nothing but love and friendship all afternoon, this is The above is to provide general information but should not be solely relied upon in the completion of your tax return or for tax planning. As with most items related to tax, there are exceptions and limitations. Please see your tax professional for assistance or call me at (561) 372-1405. Michele LUFQ “The South Florida Biker’s Bible Since” 15 Years - February 2015 • Issue #184 • Page 16 why I’m a biker and why bikers are a breed of their own. Thanks to Alan and all the staff at Mickeys Tiki for all they did to help our chapter make this event the success it was. And a special thanks to all the MC’s, Independents and everyone else who attended. Without your support our SE ABATE Chapter and ABATE of Florida could not continue to protect your motorcyclist rights. Ride Free Ride Safe, Rogue USMC In loving memory of Bernie, Chrissy, Clay, Big Ed, Bob Amchir, Animal, Ricky, Pervert, Roger-Kenny & Pauly 1%’ers, Mojo, Vinny Margotta, Poppy, Gunslinger, “Louie”, Davida, Daldone, Irene Powell & Dave Carter Page 17 On Special Assignment by Chef Joel - [email protected] Well unless you are on lockdown or working your life away, it has been the time of year to get out and ride lately. The mild temperatures and sunny days sure have been incredible lately. This is the time of year that all of our friends up north love to hate us, and then laugh at us in the summer when it is too hot to breathe out there. Enjoy it while you can and make these days count, before you know it the hot and muggy stuff will be back. As far as getting out and about lately, I have been on a break since taking in the new pooch “Willie”. He is a pup still, and he sure does show it. He is great company for Winnie at home, but damn... he has crazy separation anxiety and requires literally every possible moment of my time to work with him. He is worth it though. I will get back to him and the “Williegate” scandal in a little bit. I did get out to support Freddy, of A1 Promotions, for the opening Bike night at “Firedog Saloon” in At Firedog Ft. Lauderdale. The place is really nice and has a downstairs restaurant and bar area with a great menu and very reasonable prices. You step out front and go upstairs to a huge room that is half dance floor and stage area and a bar area that takes up the other half. The staff was very attentive to the crowd and did a great job welcoming us to the venue. Drinks and beer bucket prices were also very reasonable. The evening’s tunes were provided by the very talented and always fun “Blues Brothers Soul Band”. Along with some great giveaways and good music and staff, this should be a good addition to the community for Thursday night fun, and of course their other nights to. Also here locally at my usual hangout, ‘Wetz Pub”, Todd (of Hat Trick days) has been doing a gig along with “Uncle Fred and friends” every couple of weeks on the weekends. Check in on their FB site to see when we do that. It has been a blast seeing friends of days past hanging out to some good tunes there. Ok, now back to what I referred to as “Williegate”, since the “Deflategate” scandal is out there now with the Patriots umm “win”. Well. As a lot of you know, I took in “Willie” the day after Christmas. This was primarily to put my girl “Winnie” at ease since “Harley” passed back in Sept. I hated leaving her here alone each time I left the house, and got the look of despair and stress each time I came home to her at any time of the day or night. So, along with that comes a FB message from a friend in the Weimaraner Rescue Community. I was asked to look at a link from a group that had an “urgent” need for help. I respectfully am keeping LUFQ names of people and organizations out of this for now but if there comes a time the “so-called” ‘Rescuers’ want to push this issue I will gladly post the names. So, I looked at the link that had posted a pic of ‘Willie” on it and said they needed an “urgent” foster or home for him by Friday (which was in 2 days). I saw the pic and could not resist the eyes and look of sadness in them and sent a message to have someone call me about him. I received the first call on Christmas day. From there the calls and e-mails went back and forth to arrange to meet him and make the pick up outside of Tampa the following day. Christina kindly took the ride up there with me to meet the volunteer from the group who had been fostering Willie at his home the past 2 nights. After a 10-15 minute meet and greet with Willie and Winnie (which went great I must say), the volunteer handed me paperwork from the shelter and his ID chip papers and said “here ya go”! I had a blank check with me to make a donation of some sort to the rescue group but he declined to take the check and said to speak with them on Monday. I offered money to cover his gas for traveling over 100 miles round trip to meet me. He declined once again. I had to put it in his shirt pocket to get him to take it. So, Willie was on his way home with us and Winnie is now a big sister to him. Ok, now here is where their controversy begins... 8 days go by (with no calls from the group) and then I receive the first of many emails that first asked “Hey, how is everything going with Winnie & Willie? I replied saying “So far- so good.” Their next email said “that is great- so now please go to our site to complete the adoption contract and pay the $300.00 adoption “fee”. This was to my surprise, so I replied back saying I was not aware of a ‘fee” and thought I needed to merely make a donation. The next email stated “oh-sorry to be the bearer of bad news it is a fee - and since he is a “pure-bred” the fee is $400.00, not $300.00. Ohhhh... ok... now the scam alert signals start tingling in my mind. I in turn go to their website to look at this “contract”, there it states that in the event I cannot keep the dog for “any” reason that “they” are to get him back or I would be liable for up At Firedog to $5000.00 in penalties. So, the calls to our fiend and brother “The Attorney That Rides” Gabe began. He told me to relax and let him handle it. As he stated “a contract cannot be made after the fact”. That fact being the dog was handed to me 8 days before and then they proceeded to tell me the details. Sorry but Momma raised no fool here folks. After doing some research and looking into this ‘rescue group”, I found out they currently have over 400 dogs at their facility that they “rescue” from shelters or get in other ways that are “owner surrenders” or other sad stories. Then “The South Florida Biker’s Bible Since” 15 Years - February 2015 • Issue #184 • Page 18 in turn they clean them up, give them some shots and a new name and “adopt” them back out for a fee. That fee I come to learn goes by weight and size and even age and pedigree. So if you happen to come upon a pure bred puppy there you could be looking at a $600.00 to $700.00 “fee”. So is this a rescue group or a dog selling operation??? I did feel bad about the donation I offered not going to them. But as Gabe explained it would have been construed as some form of agreement with them. So for now it is all quiet on the home front and I hope it stays that way. My point here is that in the event you are ever in one of these “Rescue Situations” and looking to take in a new critter, be aware and ask questions beforehand. As I said, it started with me looking at a FB link that stated they needed “Urgent help”... not a quick sale. Ok, with all of that aside the next big event around the area is of course ‘Leesburg Bikefest’. The dates for it are April 24th, 25th and 26th. My plans are very up in the air as of now and with the new pooch and finances as they are, I am not sure if I am going yet. But for those that are, get your butts on the phone to make your reservations. I have been hearing that places are selling out fast for miles around. As always “Take Care & Ride Safe” Chef Joel FOR SALEURGENT House on 2 acres near Deals Gap for sale. My dad is broke, very ill, 78 yrs old, and losing his home to the bank. House is 2200 sq ft. 3 bedroom, 2.5 bath, central air, big garage. Walk to Hiawassi river. First person with $155K owns it. Please call (828) 837-9402 or (954)793-3773 In loving memory of Bernie, Chrissy, Clay, Big Ed, Bob Amchir, Animal, Ricky, Pervert, Roger-Kenny & Pauly 1%’ers, Mojo, Vinny Margotta, Poppy, Gunslinger, “Louie”, Davida, Daldone, Irene Powell & Dave Carter Page 19 Pan American FUN Run??? Riding and Writing by [email protected] It’s official... the Pan American FUN Raising has begun and I want to thank Roger Buis for his $1,000.00 donation making him the first “GABRIEL’S MIRACLE ANGEL!” I rode part of the Hoka Hey Motorcycle Challenge with Roger and I actually met him during the American Legends Rallies. If you’re my FaceBook friend you KNOW I will be hitting you up for a donation for Joe DiMaggio Children’s Hospital. When you give toward the kids at Joe DiMaggio’s you become one of “Gabriel’s Miracle Angels” that grants a miracle to a medically needy child at Joe DiMaggio’s. The funds go for free operations, medical tests, hospital stays (that could last months), and housing for the parents and siblings. When I visited Santa Ed on a Wednesday, they had just transplanted a child’s heart at the young age of 10 MONTHS old. My goal is to raise $100,000.00 for the kids and that gets applied with money raised at the 2015 SFPC Toys in the Sun Run. If you have been reading my articles you know the Toy Run does not end in December, but goes on all year round with various events, bikers visiting the hospital along with Santa Ed every Wednesday, to feed the kids and comfort the families. Some of you Snow Birds and Canadians that just got down to So Fla might not know what I am taking about. OK, one more time: my latest project involves raising funds for Joe DiMaggio Children’s Hospital this summer. I will ride the Pan American Motorcycle Children’s Run from Tierra Del Fuego, Argentina, to Prudhoe Bay, Alaska. I will try to set the land speed record (the world’s record), and raise up to $100K for the Joe Dimaggio Children’s Hospital located in Hollywood, FL. All the $$$ that is raised will go towards the total amount raised during the 2015 SFPC Toys in the Sun Run. I am proud to announce that the South Florida President’s Counsel has endorsed the Pan American Motorcycle Children’s Run. There will be several events at local biker bars and biker owned businesses to raise money for the biker community’s favorite charity... Joe DiMaggio Children’s Hospital. Keep reading WOTR for updates on these events. I will be accompanied by my support rider and Hoka Hey brother Rodger Annicelli, who in his words stated: “This is a trip of a fucking life time!” Rodger has ridden from Key West to Alaska twice. We met at the Arctic Circle in Alaska as he was coming down from Prudhoe Bay and I was heading up. Rodger is an experienced rider and he is an asset to have on trip. I am looking at him as a Gabes Adventure continues on page 22 LUFQ “The South Florida Biker’s Bible Since” 15 Years - February 2015 • Issue #184 • Page 20 In loving memory of Bernie, Chrissy, Clay, Big Ed, Bob Amchir, Animal, Ricky, Pervert, Roger-Kenny & Pauly 1%’ers, Mojo, Vinny Margotta, Poppy, Gunslinger, “Louie”, Davida, Daldone, Irene Powell & Dave Carter Page 21 Gabes Adventure continues from page 20 partner in this venture. But Rodger knows if he breaks down and we can’t get it fixed in reasonable time I will tow him to the nearest gringo hotel where they speak English, phones, internet, and have safe accommodations; then I take off on my own to complete the trip. His old’ lady is all enthusiastic, calling magazines, looking for sponsorships, endorsements, donations and freebies to raffle out at the Fun Raisers. I have so many folks getting involved and chipping in. If you want to help out or you have an idea don’t call me at work, drop me a private message on FaceBook at my Attorney That Rides biz page or send me an email here at WOTR. Joe Dimaggio gave us our very own page on THEIR hospital website that can be found at: JDCHfoundation.org/ AttorneyThatRides. As promised the first Pan American FUN Raiser event will be held on Friday, February 27, 2015 @ 7 pm. Alan, from “Mickeys Tiki Bar”, was the first At Mickey’s one to step up and offer himself and his bar to help the children. Alan is donating all the food and the fund$ to pay for one of Broward’s top bands... “HIRED GUNZ”! I want to personally thank Alan for his generosity because he gets that this is a community effort to raise the sum of $100K, yes... that is a big nut to crack but it’s a BIKER COMMUNITY EFFORT. If you are a vendor reading this and you want to set up drop me a FB message or an email at my address above. My Pan American Bon Voyage Party date has been designated for April 12, 2015 starting at 11AM. I am in negotiations with the American Legion Post 180 in Plantation where I held the 2014 Hoka Hey Bon SE ABATE Voyage party last year. It’s not confirmed yet but I have my fingers crossed. I am looking NOW for someone to “donate” an old Jap bike so I SE ABATE can hide $$$ in it and charge $1 a whack with a sledge hammer. I would like a decent bike, it does not have to LUFQ run, but please don’t Shouldn’t I be facing offer me an oily rust up for a Happy Ending? bucket. I will need some volunteers to work the Pan American Fun Raiser Feb 27, 2015. So if you’re committed to work and have fun contact me. I want to thank Laura, the Masseuse That RIDES, who brought her massage chair to the S.E. ABATE Biker Rights Party at Mickeys and gave Back-N-Shoulder rubs while you had your clothes on. Some guys tried for a happy ending, but Laura said the only happy ending is their cash tips which are earmarked SE ABATE “The South Florida Biker’s Bible Since” 15 Years - February 2015 • Issue #184 • Page 22 for Joe DiMaggio Children’s Hospital to help raise that $100K. Laura is a professional therapist (and a great gal) that is highly respected in her profession. She donated all $35 of her hard earned cash. The S.E. ABATE Biker Rights Party was WILD in my opinion. It was just old fashioned biker fun. I am proud to be a lifetime member. I want to thank Bars, Jimmy Les, Princess & Shakey, and all of my brothers and sisters of ABATE for making this the best party ever. Keep in touch and I will keep you updated on this community effort to raise $100K for JDCH! Remember to make a donation at: www.JDCHfoundation.org/ AttorneyThatRides. Gabe In loving memory of Bernie, Chrissy, Clay, Big Ed, Bob Amchir, Animal, Ricky, Pervert, Roger-Kenny & Pauly 1%’ers, Mojo, Vinny Margotta, Poppy, Gunslinger, “Louie”, Davida, Daldone, Irene Powell & Dave Carter Page 23 LUFQ “The South Florida Biker’s Bible Since” 15 Years - February 2015 • Issue #184 • Page 24 In loving memory of Bernie, Chrissy, Clay, Big Ed, Bob Amchir, Animal, Ricky, Pervert, Roger-Kenny & Pauly 1%’ers, Mojo, Vinny Margotta, Poppy, Gunslinger, “Louie”, Davida, Daldone, Irene Powell & Dave Carter Page 25 A Word from Ronnie C by Ronnie Catronio [email protected] Chairman / Executive Director of BBRCF SMILES is here! This is the month! On Sunday, Feb 8th, Chester’s Fort Lauderdale Harley-Davidson in Sunrise, will host our event and it is going to be a fabulous day for Big Bike Riders as we present our 8th Annual Smiles event. Net proceeds will benefit Chris Evert Children’s Hospitals (Broward Health) and Marisa’s Way. All we’re asking is that you stop by during the event for the music - 3 live acts, 3 food trucks, coffee, high quality vendors with no duplication, kids activities including face painting, bounce house, Big Bike Bob coloring contest and more. There will be special sales incentives inside Chester’s. There is a Beer Garden hosted by Mickey’s Tiki and Alan Brownfeld, Cobra Joe custom car show, Bike show, Rob Nolli’s BMX Tricksters shows at 11am, 1pm and 3pm, BSO Swat vehicles, fire trucks, and more, and our 1st “Moto-Giro” ride. We are staging a special ride, unescorted through western Broward. You’ll travel roads from Chester’s, to US 27, and points southwest. There will be an Agility test at the turnaround that will be fun. You can choose to do the MotoGiro or Chester’s simply take a LUFQ nice ride and return to Chester’s where our event will unfold. Event Schedule • Registration and FREE Breakfast opens at 8:00am • Opening Ceremonies will commence at 9:15am • AT 10am bikes will begin departing Chester’s on the ride or Moto-Giro • Live music will begin at 10:30am with “Three Live acts”. • Majic 102.7’s Joe Johnson (Beatle Bruch) will be our MC with the Majic tent and prizes. • We ask for a $3.00 per person or $5.00 per couple donation • Kids and families are FREE! • Meet Big Bike Bob and get a FREE coloring Book all day. • Try your luck at our Harley Dice Roll, Spin Wheel and Corn Hole Toss A full day and fun and excitement is planned. We hope that you will mark your calendar to stop by for a while or the day and enjoy the festivities, all to benefit a world-class children’s hospital and an organization (Marisa’s Way) working to prevent “wrong-way” crashes on our roadways. There will be great raffles prizes, a 50/50 and free door prizes available in the BBRCF compound tent in front of Chester’s. See You There. Ronnie C “The South Florida Biker’s Bible Since” 15 Years - February 2015 • Issue #184 • Page 26 In loving memory of Bernie, Chrissy, Clay, Big Ed, Bob Amchir, Animal, Ricky, Pervert, Roger-Kenny & Pauly 1%’ers, Mojo, Vinny Margotta, Poppy, Gunslinger, “Louie”, Davida, Daldone, Irene Powell & Dave Carter Page 27 Win a Larry Light 2 Be the first person to tell me who the guy (with the beard) is and you will receive a Larry Light 2 (retail $16), direct to your mailbox. You MUST email your answer to: miamimike@ WheelsOnTheRoad.com. (LL2 description: 12 high-power LEDs 160 lumens, Red Laser pointer, water and impact resistant, non-slip grip, 180o rotating magnetic clip, 3 AAA batteries included, black or grey color.) LUFQ “The South Florida Biker’s Bible Since” 15 Years - February 2015 • Issue #184 • Page 28 In loving memory of Bernie, Chrissy, Clay, Big Ed, Bob Amchir, Animal, Ricky, Pervert, Roger-Kenny & Pauly 1%’ers, Mojo, Vinny Margotta, Poppy, Gunslinger, “Louie”, Davida, Daldone, Irene Powell & Dave Carter Page 29 One of the hottest young bands to check out these days is TeLL’M. A very talented trio of musicians Alex Mallet, Guitar & Vocals, Eddie Gresely, Drums & Vocals, Robert Sherber, Bass & Vocals. Now mix in one of South Florida’s hottest female lead vocalists, Becca Cesarz. You have a four piece band with four amazing vocalists that will rock your world in many genres of music. Alex Mallet grew up in a house where classic rock was always resonating through the walls. He initially wanted to play bass guitar and follow in his father’s footsteps, who grew up playing in many popular clubs around New York. However, soon after Alex received his first six string guitar along with an effect pedal for Christmas, he knew right then he was going to pursue the guitar, and he hasn’t looked back since. At first, he was heavily influenced by 90’s rock and grunge groups, and then he became very interested in 60’s and 70’s blues and rock bands. At the age of 17 Alex started playing gigs at local bars and restaurants with seasoned musicians in their 40’s. By the age of 18, Alex was involved in several projects including a hip hop/rock fusion band ’21 Grams’ and a one man TeLL’M band looping show. In 2010, Alex had the opportunity to record at Midnight Blue, one of the top studios in Florida. In 2012, Alex recorded with varying artists out of the Sae Studios in Miami, Cyclone Studios in Hollywood, and Vanquish Studios in Davie Florida. Alex also plays with a couple of other bands and a original band that have a range of different genres such as reggae, country, rock, and even jazz. Alex also teaches private and group lessons at Innas Hall of Fame out of Pembroke Pines. In addition to working at the school, he gives private lessons to students of all ages out of his home. Eddie Gresely has been drumming, singing, or both since high school at the Dillard school of performing arts. Over the years he has done TeLL’M jam countless at Cagney’s recording sessions and local concerts including some time with a few notable original bands. He was fortunate enough to study with drumming great Mike Mangini, of Dream Theater, during the 90’s. His experience also includes drumming for several singer/songwriters including Teri Catlin and Reed Waddell and he traveled with country singer, Ryan Weaver. While mostly known as one of the best singing drummer’s in South Florida, Eddie is also a prolific songwriter who records and performs his music acoustically around town whenever he can. Eddie also teaches drums and vocals at the School of Rock, working LUFQ with our talented youth here in South Florida. Robert Sherber is a Florida native who grew up with the variety of sounds that South Florida in the early eighties had to offer. At the age of 14, inspired by such bass players as Flea (Red Hot Chili Peppers), Les Claypool (Primus), and Sting (The Police), he started taking electric bass lessons. By the age of 16 he was playing in local bars and clubs with the Blues/Rock outfit The Midnight Shadows. At the same time Robert attended Dillard School of the Arts and played in the school’s prestigious commercial music ensemble alongside blues prodigy Josh Smith. In 2005 Robert became the bass player for legendary TK recording artist Clarence Reid aka Blowfly X-Rated Rapper. Between 2005 and 2007 Robert did 6 tours with Blowfly which included such notable performances at the CMJ Music Conference (NYC) as well as SXSW (Austin, Tx) two years in a row. In addition to live performances Robert played bass on Blowfly’s Punk Rock Party album as well as two Clarence Reid singles “Primetime” and “Gass Guzzler”, co-written by Robert. In 2009 Robert joined his other band local punk/funkers Camel Toe and celebrated Blowfly’s 70th birthday with a performance at Miami’s PS14, documented in director Jonathan Furmanski’s film The Weird World of Blowfly. In 2010 Robert was asked to perform with Blowfly in Australia’s largest traveling festival along with such bands as Muse, Mastadon, Fear Factory, Lilly Allen, and The Mars Volta. This was the largest Blowfly tour up until that time, starting in Auckland New Zealand and ending in Perth Australia with stops in Brisbane, Sidney, and Melbourne. After the Big Day Out tour Robert parted ways with Blowfly in order to focus on his own music as well as finish his degree in music. Currently Robert splits his time and energy between the bands he plays in which includes Camel Toe, The Bob Miller band, and Tell’M, as well as working on his music degree at Florida International University. Becca Cesarz is one of the hardest working female vocalists in the area, with vocals that will just blow you away. Becca is a rocker on stage and a country girl at heart, which shows in her performance every time she hits the stage. At a early age Becca found herself “The South Florida Biker’s Bible Since” 15 Years - February 2015 • Issue #184 • Page 30 listening to rock bands such as Led Zeppelin, The Doors and her favorite band, Aerosmith, with her dad, while her mom got her hooked on Johnny Cash, Shania Twain and Faith Hill. As she got older the rock and country stuck with her. Becca is a natural. growing up and becoming a drywall superintendent right out of high school she started going to different bars with coworkers singing karaoke during happy hour after work and started to realize she may have a gift. I started to notice Becca when I heard her singing a song or two with some of our local bands. I shot a video of some of Becca’s performances and made it a YouTube demo. I wrote that I was looking for a established band that was looking for a great front singer and performer. The video had over 400 hits in one day, that was over four years ago. Becca was seen by a very popular band that hired her on the spot. She was hired by the very talented Jimmy Piro of the band PIRO. She has been gigging with for the last four years. Becca started coming to Blues Bros our jam nights at Cagney’s at Firedog Saloon hosted by me and Chrissy. About a year ago TeLL’M was just a three piece band. Becca also had a jam night at Cagney’s with Becca’s Army about 2 years prior. Becca started to drop by our jam on Thursday nights and when she performed with TeLL’M there was a chemistry right away. Becca joined TeLL’M when me and Mark Pirolli, co-owner of Cagney’s, talked to her and the other three members of TeLL’M suggesting that it might be a good idea to add Becca as a front singer to the mix. The rest is as they say history. The band has the #1 jam night in South Florida with more musicians, singers and bands that come out week after week then anywhere else in South Florida. TeLL’M has also started playing out at many venues and people just love them. Besides singing with TeLL’M and still with PIRO, Becca and Alex of TeLL’M, also have a duet show they have put together that play at many venues named The TeLL’M Duo. If you have not seen TeLL’M make it a point to check out this amazing band with great musicians and vocals like no other. Or just come to the Thursday night jam at Cagney’s House of Rock and find out for yourself just how amazing the band really is. TeLL’M F—K’ING ROCKS! PERIOD! And if you play or sing join the jam and the party! We now promote 2 more venues that have and will have great LIVE entertainment, Marina 84 Sports Bar & Grill in Fort Lauderdale and Mickey’s Tiki in Pompano Beach. That’s right we are back at Mickey’s. If you have not been to the NEW Thursday night Bike Night at Fire Dog Saloon BIG MISTAKE! The 1st one was great with music by The Blues Brothers Soul Band. What a great turnout. The bikes by Dave Torres, and his team from East Side Custom Choppers were out of this world. The bands that are playing at the new bike night are some of the best around. The food and drinks and the prices are fabulous! Finally a great bike night in Fort Lauderdale that was well over due! Check out their ad. I would like to thank Cagney’s Bithday Parties everyone who came out to my birthday party and The 2nd Annual A1 Promotions and Cagney’s Aquarius Bash! We had over 40 Aquarius’s with music by At CRuSH and Loose Canons, Cagney’s that rocked the house from 9pm til ??? With so many special guest musicians and singers “tooDeception many to mention”, that jumped on the stage to rock all night. It was AMAZING! And I was at the triple birthday party at Cagney’s celebrating with everyone Nancys (the Co-owner of Cagney’s), Jody (Owner of On The Road Again) & Hammer (President of Der Krieger MC) with music by DECEPTION. Cagney’s was slammed all night! People may have called this a birthday party, but if you were there, you now know the meaning of Birthday Bash! Although we were going to press I had a chance to send in and write a few words on the Der Krieger MC’s 20th Annual Blowout Bash at Wings of Gold Cagney’s on Jan clubhouse 25th. What a fabulous day with a great crowd. DECEPTION rocked to 5pm, followed by Sucker Punch then Rough Shot came in and packed the house til midnight. In the next issue I’ll have more to tell & photos to show. In ending have you ever been to a Motorcycle Club open house? You really should check them out. Food, drinks, fun, friends new and old and the hospitality is like no other. I have been to many clubhouses. I went to the Wings of Gold MC open house on Jan 23rd and had the privilege to meet and talk to Donna, Tattoo Dave’s mom. What an amazing lady with a heart of gold. See the photo above and you will get an idea of just how the Motorcycle Clubs make everyone feel right at home. They are Awesome... you will have a great time! Till next time! Support Your Local MC’s, Support Local Music, Support Your Local Everything, and Support WOTR Magazine... The South Florida Bikers Bible. Der Krieger PEACE! Freddy at Cagney’s In loving memory of Bernie, Chrissy, Clay, Big Ed, Bob Amchir, Animal, Ricky, Pervert, Roger-Kenny & Pauly 1%’ers, Mojo, Vinny Margotta, Poppy, Gunslinger, “Louie”, Davida, Daldone, Irene Powell & Dave Carter Page 31 LUFQ “The South Florida Biker’s Bible Since” 15 Years - February 2015 • Issue #184 • Page 32 2015 CALENDAR MONTHLY EVENTS To list your SE Coast motorcycle event at no cost, email: [email protected], fax or mail your flyer before the 20th. I “CRS” so I can’t remind you - you got to remind me. MM FEBRUARY 1-ALTERNATIVE MC - ANNUAL 7-US MILITARY VETS MC HOMESTEAD - PARTY 15-AOA FT. LAUD. - ANNUAL 21-WHEELS OF MAN MC - ANNUAL MARCH 1-HERMANDAD MC - ANNUAL 7th-15th DAYTONA BIKE WEEK 15-KELTICS MC - ANNUAL 22-US MILITARY VETS MC CH.1 - PARTY APRIL 5-CMA EASTER SERVICE 11-MYSTIC SEVEN MC - PARTY 18-OUTCAST MC - ANNUAL 19-STATES MC -ANNUAL 24-26th LEESBURG BIKEFEST MAY 3-SOUTHERN MC - ANNUAL 17-WINGS OF GOLD MC MIAMI - ANNUAL 24-S.E. ABATE - MEMORIAL DAY EVENT 31-LOS COQUIS MC - ANNUAL JUNE 7-NEW ATTITUDES MC - PARTY 13-AOA PAULY, JERRY, ROGER, AND KENNY 1%’ers MEMORIAL 14-WINGS OF GOLD MC FT. LAUD. - ANNUAL JULY 5-US MILITARY VETS MC S. BROW - ANNUAL 12-ALTERNATIVE MC - PARTY 18-WHEELS OF MAN MC - CHILI COOK-OFF • Fri - Outlaws MC WPB Open House at 7PM • 1st Fri - Soldiers for Jesus Open House 7-10PM • 1st Fri - Enforcers MC First Friday of Month Party • 3rd Fri - Cagney’s Big New Bike Night • 4th Fri - American Legion Post 36 Bike Night • Fri & Sat - Keltics MC Open House, 954-864-9764 • Fri & some Sat - O’Malley’s Live Music 954-979-8540 • Fri - Los Coqui MC open house, Hallandale 954-274-5523 • 1st Sat - Wings of Gold MC West Palm clubhouse • 1st & 3rd Sat - AOA MC Dania Open House • 4th Sat - Chrome Angels LMC Open House 7PM • Sat & Sun noon-1 - Chester’s Party on the Patio • Sat - FREE hot dogs & soda’s at H-D Palm Bch,10-2 • Sat - FREE Lunch at V-Twin City at noon... • 2nd Sat - USMV MC Ft. Laud. Open House • 3rd Sat - Chesters Ft. Laud. American Car Show • Sun - WindRider Church Service at Mickey’s at 11AM • Sun - Free pool at Sharkey’s Lounge Margate • Sun - Cagneys Saloon Sunday Fun & Country Night • Sun - Flossies Famous Tiki Hut Biker Sunday • 3rd Sun USMVMC Palm Bch Open House 561-715-2570 • Mon - Ladies nite at Sharky’s 9-2, 241 beverages • Mon - BEST So Fla Jam Nite at Turn 3 with Stet & T3JB • Mon - Karaoke at Mickeys Tiki with Mindi & Todd • 1st Tuesday - Dynasty Cycles Bike Nite (pg 28) • Tues - Flossies Jim Piro Jam & Ladies night 80¢ wings • Tues - Lone Legion Brotherhood Open House • Tues - Taco Tuesday at Chit Chat’s 7:30-11PM • Wed - Bike Nite with Bob Daniels at Turn 3 • Wed - Scurvy Few MC, Open House, 954-325-6838 • Wed - Free BBQ and Chester’s Bike Nite at Chit Chat’s • Wed - Boys nite out & band 9PM -1AM at Cagneys • Thurs - Bike Night at Firedog Saloon • Thurs - Leathernecks MC Open House 8-mid • Thurs - States MC Pompano Dinner Nite 6 start • Thurs - Hermandad MC Open House, 305-299-4731 • Thurs - Ladies Drink Free at Mickey’s Tiki from 8-9PM • 3rd Thurs - H-D Palm Bch Bike Nite at Dealer 5-10PM • 3rd Thurs - Peterson’s Harley South Bike nite 6-10PM • 4th Fri in July - Wings of Gold MC Open House Davie SEPTEMBER 6-SOUTHERN MC - TEDDY BEAR RUN 12-OUTCAST MC - PARTY 13-STATES MC - KEY WEST TUNE UP PARTY 18th-20thPETERSONS KEY WEST POKER RUN 27-KELTICS MC - PARTY OCTOBER 4-MYSTIC SEVEN - ANNUAL 10-NEW ATTITUDES MC - ANNUAL 11-S.E. ABATE RIGHTS RALLY 16th-19thDAYTONA BIKETOBERFEST 25-WHEELS OF MAN MC - HALLOWEEN PARTY MARCH 2015 • Chit Chat’s 25th Anniversary (dates & details next issue) • 1: Hermandad MC Spring Annual... 44 • 1: Chris Rodriguez Memorial Ride... 44 • 12: Tropical Tattoo Old School Chopper Show... 45 • 15: Keltics MC Annual Party at Cowboys... 44 NOVEMBER 7-US MILITARY VETS MC CH 1 - ANNUAL 8-CMA - MEMORIAL EVENT 14-HEATHENS MC - ANNUAL FEBRUARY 2015 8 States M.C. ANNUAL 15 AOA South Florida 22 Mob of Brothers M.C. ANNUAL MARCH 2015 7 Lone Legion Brotherhood M.C. ANNUAL 29 AOA Stinky 1%’ers Birthday Party APRIL 2015 12 Black Pistons M.C. ANNUAL 18 Outcast M.C. 20 AOA 420 PARTY MAY 2015 16 U.S. Military Vets M.C. ANNUAL JUNE 2015 27 ABATE ANNUAL JULY 2015 5 AOA WPB 26 Soldiers For Jesus M.C. ANNUAL AUGUST 2015 9 AOA South Florida Memorial Event OCTOBER 2015 25 Alternative M.C. ANNUAL DECEMBER 2015 5 UBCPBC Christmas Party @ LLBMC 12 Outcast M.C. PBC Event EVENT LISTINGS WITH PRINTED FLYERS FEBRUARY 2015 • 1: 21st Alternative MC Party, 1-5PM... 34 • 1: Super Bowl Parties at most bars (call for info) • 6: Deception Band 1 yr Anniv & Yami’s Birthday... 6 • 6: It’s Shirley’s birthday at Flossies... 32 • 7: Treasure Coast Bikefest... 45 • 8: 8th Annual Smiles Ride 4 Kids... 26 • 13: Valentine’s Party at Chit Chat’s... 29 • 15: AOA MC’s Annual Valentine’s Day Party noon-? 45 • 15: Florida 595 Truck Stop Appreciation Day (3pm-)... 4 • 20: Dee (WOTR’s) Fetish Birthday Party... 23 & 44 • 21: Cycle Lab’s Pre-Daytona Swap Meet... 4 • 21: Palm Beach Vintage Bike Show... 45 • 22: Peterson’s H-D Miami Anniversary Day... 2 • 27: Gabe’s Pan American Joe Dimaggio Event... 20 & 23 • 28: Pops Memorial ride to Caribbean Club... 45 AUGUST 2-WINGS OF GOLD MC MIAMI - PARTY 4-74th STURGIS MOTORCYCLE RALLY 8th-10th SO FLORIDA TATTOO EXPO 9-AOA FT. LAUD. - ANNIVERSARY PARTY 22-LOS COQUIS MC - SMOKEY/DIESEL B-DAY 2014-15 CALENDAR UNITED BIKERS COUNCIL OF PALM BEACH COUNTY APRIL 2015 • 12: Gabe’s Pan American Bon Voyage Party... DECEMBER 6 SFPC TOYS IN THE SUN RUN 12-PETERSONS TOY RUN BIKE DRAWING 12-HERMANDAD MC - ALFREDO MEM/TOY RUN 13-WINGS OF GOLD MC MIAMI - TOY RUN 19-SFLCOC - CHRISTMAS PARTY 20-CALVARY CHAPEL - CHRISTMAS SERVICE In loving memory of Bernie, Chrissy, Clay, Big Ed, Bob Amchir, Animal, Ricky, Pervert, Roger-Kenny & Pauly 1%’ers, Mojo, Vinny Margotta, Poppy, Gunslinger, “Louie”, Davida, Daldone, Irene Powell & Dave Carter Page 33 STORMY’S RIDER RHYMES By [email protected] Valentine’s Day Valentine’s Day is One of life’s little treasures, A day set aside For intimate pleasures… A day to express the feelings We think but may not say. To tell the special person in your life You’re glad they came your way… Everyone is different For some, getting candy is what they like, For me I really would prefer, Something for my bike… Some like getting jewelry To me that’s just a bore, I’d rather just jump on the bike And take a ride along the shore… Make your Valentines your own, Make it your special day. Do what makes you happy Do it your unique way… Valentines is for showing affection Nice thoughts and total niceness, As long as you remember and don’t forget Your day will turn out priceless… Stormy14 Sharon... This would make a real nice Valentines present... You can shoot it too... MM LUFQ “The South Florida Biker’s Bible Since” 15 Years - February 2015 • Issue #184 • Page 34 CLASSIFIED ADS 1” x 3.8” (New or Used Anything - No Shops - Free Help Wanted $12 per 1” per month - magazines are not included in price BIKER FRIENDLY SHOPS & BUSINESSES LUFQ These alphabetical business listings cost only $75.00 for 6 months. Call 954-578-2900 to place your business info here. Chicago Bob's • (954) 972-4478 - 5204 NW 15th Street, Margate, Florida 33063. Chicago Bob can build a trophy winner for you. When you want it done right the 1st time! Halenar Southwest • (954) 609-8655 - Spurs, Bullwhips, Whiskey Barrels, Metal Arts, Western Deco. See us at the shows. Many new and unique items at every event. Check us online at: www.halenarsw.com Sachs Race Bikes • (954) 473-2980 - Engine overhaul & Repair, Head Porting & Repair, Hi-Performance Engine Packages. “The leader in engine technology & reliability for over 30 Years” Willie’s Tropical Tattoo • (386) 672-1888 -825 S. Yonge St (US1), Ormond Bch, Fl 32174 -Home of Willie’s Chopper Shows during Bike Week & Biketoberfest C L A S S I F I E D S HELP / JOBS WANTED CLASSIFIEDS ARE FREE! Looks like this! RENT a Vacation Chalet in Murphy, NC. New 2 bedroom, 2 bath, sleeps 6, furnished. Biker Heaven. Only $625.00 per wk. Call George (Mickey’s old owner) at 754-224-7955. VIDEO CONVERSION SERVICES Convert your old VHS, Hi8 or most other video formats to DVD. We’ll copy anything. Discrete & confidential. 20 years experience. Call Alfredo for complete details. 954-981-7926 (Hollywood) VETERAN INFO: The non profit Multi Purpose Center of Davie would like to make you aware of the wide range of programming for day care & weekend retreats for those suffering the invisible wounds of war that are available. The Center is seeking sponsors to help fund these programs. They are also asking for volunteers to work and oversee our weekend programs. At this time the Viet Nam Vets/Legacy Vets MC are actively involved with the center and welcome all who could benefit from it’s services. Contact information may be obtained from any VNV/LV member at large. Call 954-791-8603 or 954-448-3843. WILD BILL MAHER - Drummer for Hire, Teacher, Touring. Call 908-887-4452. Tell Lloyd Miami Mike sent ya! Jack, Happy Valentines Day from me and Lisa... and all the gals in South Florida! In loving memory of Bernie, Chrissy, Clay, Big Ed, Bob Amchir, Animal, Ricky, Pervert, Roger-Kenny & Pauly 1%’ers, Mojo, Vinny Margotta, Poppy, Gunslinger, “Louie”, Davida, Daldone, Irene Powell & Dave Carter Page 35 THIS SPACE AVAILABLE FOR ONLY $25 A MONTH LUFQ For Sale: Six acres west side of U.S. 27 (about a mile south of Café 27). Zoned agricultural/ residential. Perfect for recluse, nature lovers or bikers. Needs clearing and cleaning. Call 954-736-6524. $299,000. LUFQ “The South Florida Biker’s Bible Since” 15 Years - February 2015 • Issue #184 • Page 36 Woo’s View’s Best Friends Over the Rainbow Bridge [email protected] Hi Gang! Well another month is in the toilet. I’ve been wondering what to talk to you all about and as usual everything is a downer. So, I think I’ll talk about dogs. I know that this will be a big surprise to you all! I have been watching dog rescues by a group in India. These people are amazing! The work they do there to abused dogs IS really mind Little blowing. The abuse that people Koko over there heap and inflict on dogs is heart wrenching. What they do to the pups should be done to them! To all you libs out there who are going to fall back on the tired excuse of “they are only animals” and you can’t compare the life of a human to that of an animal... bullsh-t, all I can say to you is die on the side of the road like the piece of crap that you are! Those same people whine and cry for the poor misunderstood trash that’s raping, stealing and killing other people. That asshole who killed all those people in the movie theater and wounded so many more will get every break in the world. In a truly just society, he would be taken out and hung by the neck without a trial at all. He don’t need a trial. He did it, there are so many witnesses that saw him do it and now they will try to spare his worthless ass by saying he was insane. Insane or not, HANG HIM! The trouble with Libs is that their parents didn’t have enough abortions! Getting back to Dogs, I love them all, but my heart especially goes out to the Molosser Breeds. For those of you who don’t know what they are, they are the Mastiff breeds. The BIG boys (and Girls) of the doggie world. They have been around a long, long time. They were the war dogs of old, the herd guardians, protection dogs, working dogs and so many other things. Any dog is wonderful but when you start getting into the dogs that weigh from 80 to 200 and more pounds, you are talking serious dogs! I have 3 dogs. One is a sweet little guy (28 pounds) and the other two are Molosser breeds. My sweet lady is an Argentine Dogo, the national dog of Argentina. She’s a real sweetheart to me but a beast to others. She could literally take your entire face off if she wanted to. Koco my puppy (10 months old) is a Turkish Kangal. That’s a herd guardian dog, In Turkey they kill wolves, Jackals and fight bears to protect their herds. They have the hardest bite with740 pounds per square inch of jaw pressure. My Dogo has around 525 pounds. A Pit bull has around 300 pounds and a Rotty is around 320 pounds. Of course they are all NOTHING to trifle with, but I just wanted to give you some sort of comparison. My little guy is as much a dog as my two big beasts are. Only when I walk him on the leash, I’m always worried that a dog running free will attack him. There is no such worry when I walk my other two kids. I don’t want my dogs to get in a fight with ANY DOGS, as I love them all and never want to see any dog or critter for that matter get hurt. Yeah! You want to see how excited they all get when I bring the steak or chicken breasts home for them. They literally dance! The big dogs INHALE the food! Both of them eat two pounds of steak or chicken sooo fast it’s amazing! Anyway, if you’re not into dogs, sorry I bored you. For you cat lovers out there, I like them too. If it wasn’t for the fact that my dogs would do it in instantly I’d have a cat too. Anyway Gang, that’s about it for this month. Be well and drive safe, Your Friend, Uncle Willie Louie the WOTR Maskot Dumas Tinkerbell Chyna Blue Itty Bitty 9/13 Liberty Steeler Miss Abigail Corona Princess Harley Butch Anastasia Bully TWD Hat Trick Seger If you want your best friend memorialized on this page, email a photo and name to [email protected]. Due to space I cannot guarantee the photo being in this section for longer than 3 months. If you want to keep your best friend on this page for 1 year than you need to make a $100 (or more) VIP donation to WOTR. See pg 20 for the mailing address. ANIMAL ADOPTION & RESCUE SERVICES Here are a few Legitimate Animal Rescue Places. WOTR’s CHOICE TO SEND $$$ • Mirta Maltes (Park ranger) My Animals Rock Inc. PO Box 630729, Miami, Florida 33163 (Money is needed for vet bills to take care of all the abused animals Mirta picks up. Go to www.myanimalsrock.org and use the Paypal button to give what you can. (501 c3, Donations are Tax Deductible) WOTR SUPPORTS MIRTA! • A Second Chance Puppies & Kittens Rescue West Palm Beach -561-333-1100 • Broward County Animal Control by Ft. Laud Airport (They do put down dogs so be aware of this) ‘DON’T GIVE MONEY TO JUST ANYONE WHO SAYS THEY HELP DOGS!’ In loving memory of Bernie, Chrissy, Clay, Big Ed, Bob Amchir, Animal, Ricky, Pervert, Roger-Kenny & Pauly 1%’ers, Mojo, Vinny Margotta, Poppy, Gunslinger, “Louie”, Davida, Daldone, Irene Powell & Dave Carter Page 37 CHUCK ON THE RIGHT SIDE [email protected] http://chuckontherightside.blogspot.com/ To Lie or Not to Lie, That is the Question! Photo by Mort When most of us were growing up, we were told by our parents that lying was unacceptable behavior and that it wouldn’t be tolerated, under penalty of punishment (that punishment included a swat or more on the behind, deprivation of being able to do something we liked to do, and on rare occasions, washing your mouth out with soap). In our “politically correct” society today, some of those basically harmless punishments would be considered abuse. (My editorial comment - HOGWASH) Over time, it seems that that admonition has been relegated to the scrapheap of social interchange. Look what has occurred over the past few years. We were told that if we passed Obamacare we could keep our health insurance policy, keep our doctor, keep our hospital, and that a family of 4 would save $2,500 per year. Those were all LIES as admitted to by the Obamacare architect, Jonathan Gruber, the government paid economist from M.I.T. We were also told that the increases of costs were fees and not taxes, but that was also a LIE used to pass the law in the face of opposition by skeptical lawmakers. False accusations of college campus rape at two prestigious schools, Duke and Univ. of Virginia, were proven to be LIES in support of a false narrative of an “epidemic” of campus rape by feminist organizations and other left-wing groups and the media. Yes, some rapes have taken place at colleges around the country, and should not be condoned or covered up, but is it an epidemic? NO! Just recently, we had a series of LIES surrounding the killing of a teenager by a policeman in Ferguson, Missouri. In the aftermath of that incident, false statements (LIES) were made that were totally in opposition to subsequent facts of what happened. The false slogan of “Hands Up, Don’t Shoot” was propagated in the media and by the “racial arsonists” headed up by Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson and the Congressional Black Caucus. Instead of shedding light or trying to bring calm to the situation, they were pouring fuel on the fire, thereby causing crimes of arson and assault upon innocent people and businesses. The Ferguson community might never recover from this outrageous behavior. LIES do have dire consequences. LIES were also rampant in the federal government when agencies, set up to serve the citizens, were exposed with conducting activities like what the I.R.S. was involved in in the harassing of conservative groups in getting a 501c3 tax designation. Officials of the I.R.S., either denied any involvement or they took the 5th Amendment in refusing to testify before Congress when testimony overwhelmingly pointed to a cover up, namely LIES by government officials. President Obama was also complicit in the propagation of LIES to further his agenda in pushing for passage of Obamacare and in usurping the dictates of the Constitution by issuing presidential decrees that he himself said many times he couldn’t constitutionally do. That is a case of LYING in the face of facts to the contrary. I don’t say that lying is a new phenomenon in our society, but I do say that it has become so blatantly obvious that we seem to be defining deviancy down to the level that it is normal to LIE, and that by promoting honesty is not something that should be condemned. The people who think that being honest is a good virtue should be heralded and not condemned as being naive. LUFQ So, in answer to our headline “To Lie or Not to Lie, That is the Question”, we should strive to bring back honesty in all our dealings and not let the phrase “the Devil made me do it” be the rule and not the exception by lying to further our agenda and philosophy, all in the name of some lofty goal that may or may not be beneficial to society. Conservative commentary by Chuck Lehmann “The South Florida Biker’s Bible Since” 15 Years - February 2015 • Issue #184 • Page 38 Ummm... Good Cookin’ with Cookie By [email protected] See my Fetish Birthday Flyer on page 44 Healthy Recipe Substitutions When you’re looking to limit sodium, calories, fat, saturated fat, and/or cholesterol in your diet, try these simple cooking substitutions. Dee (Cookie) • What the recipe calls for • 1 whole egg • 1 teaspoon butter • 1 teaspoon butter • 1 teaspoon butter • 1 cup broth • 1 teaspoon soy sauce • 1/2 teaspoon salt 1 ounce ground beef 1 ounce ground beef 1 ounce cheddar cheese • Try this instead • Best for • Try 1/4 cup Egg Beaters® • For Baking, Omelets • Try PAM® Cooking Spray • For Sautéing • Try 1 tsp oil • For Baking • Try 1 tsp Parmesan cheese • For Pasta Dishes • Try 1 cup 99% Fat Free/Reduced Sodium broth • For Soups, Sauces • 1 teaspoon La Choy® Lite Soy Sauce • Asian Style Recipes • 1 teaspoon balsamic vinegar • Tomato-Based Recipes • 1 ounce 93% lean ground turkey or meatless crumbles • Meat Sauces • 1 ounce 90% lean ground beef • Meatloaves, Tacos • 1 ounce feta cheese • Salads Or, try these easy ways to add nutrients such as fiber or whole grain. • 1 cup regular pasta • 1 cup whole-grain pasta • Any Pasta Recipes • 1 cup cooked white rice • 1 cup cooked brown rice • Any Rice Recipes • 1 ounce meat • 1/4 cup canned beans • Soups, Stews • 1 cup iceberg lettuce • 1 cup dark leaf lettuce • Salads, Sandwiches In Memory of Pam S. Kaiser (Calvery Chapel MM) March 26, 1959 - January 1, 2015 Pam suffered with cancer for over 13 years. No one would have guessed as she never let on. Pam was a genuinely joyful person, she took interest in everyone. She greeted everyone with a smile and a kiss. Jesus was number one in her life, Billy number two. She loved angels so she must really be enjoying herself in heaven. Pam had 2 dogs Buddy and Harley, they were Billy’s but once they met her they didn’t want to go home with Billy. Pam loved any gathering and even when not feeling well she would muster the energy to attend. Pammi was a girly girl. Every closet in the house was filled with her clothes and shoes. Lastly Pam had a childlike exuberance for all things and was known to say whatever was one her mind. That was our Pammi. She was very generous, she sponsored children and gave to animal charities. She would cry every time a charity commercial showing dogs and or children would come on. She took care of her 92 year old uncle Jay, a World War II combat vet. Pam passed into heaven at the young age of 55. She served with Calvary Chapel MM for many years, always with a loving, joyful heart. She will be watching over us all until we are called home to join her once again. We love you Pam! GBNF. (Pam & Billy) In Memory of... (IF YOU HAVE MORE INFO FOR THE NAMES BELOW PLEASE EMAIL TO MM) Allan Hippler, Davie Al “Gunslinger” Kropat, Der Krieger MC, Hlwd If you have Animal, Keltics MC, Ft. Laud additional Bill Snedden information Brent Casey, Turn 3 Sports Bar, Boca on any of these Brian, Keltics MC, Ft. Laud people please Cracker, WOM MC, Deerfield Bch email it to MM Crystal Davis, Pompano Bch Dan “Funk” Palo, Keltics MC Dave Carter, Mickeys Bar, Pompano Bch Davida Burenstein, Coral Springs David Teitelbaum, Davie Dozer, Keltics MC, Ft. Laud George “Whore Hay” Hornick, Alternative MC, 2/29/1960 - 1/31/2008, Ft. Laud. “Gorilla” Koppisch, Davie Glyn “Blue” Joy, Leathernecks MC Howard “Pervert”, Der Krieger MC, Hlwd Jerry 1%’er, AOA MC, Dania Beach If you have Jim “Cadillac” Savelle additional Kenny 1%’er, AOA MC, Dania Beach information Kenny “Debaldone” Weingart, Long Island NY on any of these Linda Marchall, West Palm Bch people please Marc Izuierdo email it to MM Melinda Galiano, West Palm Mojo, Mystics MC, Pompano Bch Navajo, USMV MC, Ft. Laud. Pam S. Kaiser, Calvery Chapel MM, 3/26/59 - 1/1/15, Ft. Lauderdale Pauly 1%’er, AOA MC, Dania Beach Peter Jorge, WOG MC, Miami, 7/10/61 - 11/10/14 Phil Petress, Pompano Bch “Pops”, AFAB Cycle Shop, Deerfield Bch Robert Parish, Leathernecks MC Robert Williams Roger Williams 1%’er, AOA MC, Dania Beach Terry Lanis, SE ABATE Vinny Margotta, Miami HOG member, Hollywood To have a loved ones name listed at no cost on this page, email the following: Their name / club name, birth and death dates, club affiliations & hometown. (Example) John Doe, Eagles MC, 1/2/47 - 12/4/2013, Jersey City, NJ. (Names will be listed alpabetically by First Name) Whatever you want to have next to the name is what you should email me but it must fit on one line. I will still print an obituary for one month so you can email a photo and text. There is no cost but you need to send it by the 16th of the month. If I receive it after the 16th it may be printed in the following issue. The names listed above were in the previous issue and if you have additional information please email that to me to properly list them. at: [email protected] In loving memory of Bernie, Chrissy, Clay, Big Ed, Bob Amchir, Animal, Ricky, Pervert, Roger-Kenny & Pauly 1%’ers, Mojo, Vinny Margotta, Poppy, Gunslinger, “Louie”, Davida, Daldone, Irene Powell & Dave Carter Page 39 “Hands up, Don’t MOVE...” By David DiCrescenzo (Editor www.thepatriotspress.com The headlines read, “Man with hands up shot by police,” “unarmed black youth shot by police,” “NYC man choked to death by police,” etc. During the past several months we have been bombarded by stories like this, and the media conveniently forget to discuss the obvious real issue, and they don’t interview police regarding what happens during confrontations. The mayor of NYC, with the all too willing help of Al Sharpton, POTUS, and AG Holder, fueled the fire of racism and hatred of police resulting in two NYPD officers being gunned down last month for no other reason except that they were cops. At the funerals of these brave men, the vast majority of the officers assembled to pay their respects rightfully turned their backs on Mayor DiBlasio, and calls for his resignation continue... As I write this, tensions in Ferguson, MO are probably getting ready to reignite because former officer Darren Wilson will most likely not be facing civil charges in the death of Michael Brown... because there is no evidence to suggest he did anything wrong. And now there is this case from December 30, 2014 out of Bridgeton, NJ. In a nutshell, a car was pulled over and there was a heated exchange between the officers and the occupants of the car. At that point it doesn’t matter the ethnicity of the officers or the alleged perpetrators, such incidents as this and those above escalate rapidly. See the video at: http://www.foxnews.com/us/2015/01/22/ dashboard-camera-videoshows-man-shot-by-nj-policeraising-his-hands/%20%20 The very common sense lesson here is when confronted by any officer at any time is simple, obey the commands of the officers. When an officer says “hands up” and/or “don’t move,” that means for whatever his/her reasons, you have crossed the line and the situation is dangerous for both of you, and is escalating rapidly. All necessary force will be used to quell the situation as quickly as humanly possible. In the story out of NJ, after observing a gun in the glove box, in no uncertain terms, the officers repeatedly ordered the suspects to put their hands up and to not move. They did so because they saw a gun and had no way to know what else the suspects may have had in their possession, and when in the heat of a very tense moment the suspect in the passenger seat decided to ignore the command of “don’t move” and exited the car, push went to shove, and he is now dead. Bad day for everyone. Just like Michael Brown, Eric Garner, and so many others... if they did not resist and simply complied with the officers, they would likely still be alive today. Sure, they might have been arrested, paid a fine, possibly done some time, however they would probably be ALIVE! I’m probably going to catch a lot of heat for this closing statement, but the bottom line is this... cops have a tough job, and yes there are some bad ones out there, however in the majority of cases, the day could end well for LEO and perp if the perps don’t resist. I for one am fed up with the constant race baiting that goes on in these cases that have nothing to do with race and everything to do with obeying the law. David DiCrescenzo, Publisher The Patriots Press, LLC, www.thepatriotspress.com LUFQ Trackside with Chuck [email protected] First off I want to wish everyone a happy and prosperous new year. I was able to hit a couple of local events during the holidays. I was able to attend JJ McKenna’s birthday party at Flossies. I was able to check out a band for the first time, the Flyers. What a unique band with everyone switching back and forth with different instruments. If you ever get the opportunity to see them, you won’t regret it. I was able to stop by Chester’s for the check presentation from the 2014 Toys in the Sun Run. $395,000.00 will be presented to Joe DiMaggio’s Children’s Hospital. Even though Mother Nature decided to not cooperate and rain off and on all day, there was still a decent turnout. The music was provided by Hired Gunz, which did a great job entertaining the wet crowd. My hat goes off to all the great people who put this event together for the children and the hospital every year. Hundreds and hundreds of volunteer hours were put into making all this happen by people who are dedicated to helping children. I am looking forward to next year, this event gets better and better every year. The only racing event I attended was the PRO Winter Warm up at Palm Beach International Raceway. This is the testing event for a lot of the professional race teams. They come down to Florida to escape the cold and prepare for the new racing season. This has been going on for a few years now at PBIR and it’s always an eventful weekend. Don Schumacher Racing brought down all of their top fuel dragsters and fuel funny cars, along with Doug Kalitta’s top fuel dragster, Chad Heads fuel funny car, Dote racing’s fuel dragster and Bob Vandergriff racing had two top fuel dragsters. Don Schumacher Racing was the highlight of the night with one of their drivers, Spencer Massey, ran a blistering 3.73 at 332 mph. They also had two nostalgia fuel funny cars, the Jungle Jim Vega and the Jungle Jim Camaro. My son was working on both of these cars that weekend. They hurt one car and were not able to make any laps on Saturday. Unfortunately, John Force wasn’t able “The South Florida Biker’s Bible Since” 15 Years - February 2015 • Issue #184 • Page 40 Happy Birthday JJ JJ to bring down any of his race cars due to losing both his major sponsorships, Ford and Castrol. He has since partnered up with Chevrolet and Peak Antifreeze to bring out the first Camaro nitro funny car in a long time. The Al-Anabi teams from Qatar were also absent from the race due to the old man/ Shiek pulling the plug on all North America motorsports funding. They closed up shop a couple weeks ago and don’t plan on returning to the sport. Rounding off the night was the Larsen Motorsports and their team of 5 jet dragsters piloted by all females. They lit up the sky with fire and smoke while barreling down the track at speeds of over 270 mph. It was a great weekend for both fans and teams. They were able to gather data to help them start off on the right foot for the first race of the year in Southern California in just a couple weeks. Until next time, Killer Chuck. In loving memory of Bernie, Chrissy, Clay, Big Ed, Bob Amchir, Animal, Ricky, Pervert, Roger-Kenny & Pauly 1%’ers, Mojo, Vinny Margotta, Poppy, Gunslinger, “Louie”, Davida, Daldone, Irene Powell & Dave Carter Page 41 Miami Mike continues from page 7 MC Deerfield for Dave Carter,Chef former Joelowner of Mickey’s, and friend to more than can be counted, was sad and happy at the same time. Dave would not have wanted anyone to feel bad about his passing and would have wanted everyone to drink more than we reasonably should (with the state of DUI’s as it is). But I’m certain that everyone who had someone to drive them home got hammered in Dave’s name. Flash, from the Soldiers of Jesus, gave the eugoly. Lisa, Chelsea and Tyler took turns talking about Dave, as did Bones and a few other people. Stet Blancett and the Turn 3 Jam Band played aa dozen songs and Drew and Ariel from Roses are Red, sang a few songs as well. There was more than enough food for everyone. And at 10PM we saluted Dave by everyone lifting their shotglass to toast his memory. The turnout would have made Dave happy. (Although he would have insisted on a few more shots...) Mighty Quinn On Jan. 18th Sharon and I rode over to Mickey’s for the SE ABATE event. The weather was perfect, bikes filled the lot and people were everywhere. The Sunday house band, MIghty Quinn, rocked the stage. Jimmy Les was the emce giving away door prizes and dooing what he loves to do... on stage that is.. A real nice event and NO RAIN... the ABATE rain curse has officially ended... And I saved my article for last so I can write about the Der Krieger MC Annual at cagney’s, held on Jan 25th. I rode over to Cagney’s with Sharon at 1PM and EVERY parking lot, front, sides, back... were overflowing. This had to be one of the largest parties for Der Krieger and Cagney’s in a long time. Deception was jamming on stage and they had the people dancing and singing along. The large tent out front had seating for 75 or so. The sun was out but it was leather jacket weather. Billy the Kid even wore chaps. Once again, you had to be there to appreciate just how nice this party was so hopefully you were there, or at least ride out to the next MC or organization party Deception and see for yourself. Thanks to Der Krieger and Cagney’s for putting on a great party... and thanks Mark for finally getting something I like to drink... Check out page 33 for all the upcoming events and page 10 for the flyer page locations as well. The big LUFQ “The South Florida Biker’s Bible Since” event for the whole family is the 8th Annual Smiles Event at Chester’s, which will be fantastic so check that flyer on page 26... and the Outlaw’s Valentines Day event will be a big event as usual (people love that Tiki Hut and the lake). See their flyer on page 45. And the BIG yearly party that can bring in over 1500 people will be at Peterson’s HarleyDavidson of Miami on February 22nd. It’s their Anniversary and Customer Appreciation Day. (And hopefully, Mr. P will be able to stop by for his birthday cake and some Myers) So don’t miss these events or bar parties listed in WOTR. Enjoy our South Florida riding weather and keep your ‘Wheels on the Road’ 15 Years - February 2015 • Issue #184 • Page 42 while you still are able to ride because as Bars says... Here Today, Gone Today. Opps... I forgot Dee’s Fetish Birthday Party on Feb 20th. See her flyer on page 44. (Good thing I remembered or she would be like... “No more Zukini breads and pies for you!!!”) In loving memory of Bernie, Chrissy, Clay, Big Ed, Bob Amchir, Animal, Ricky, Pervert, Roger-Kenny & Pauly 1%’ers, Mojo, Vinny Margotta, Poppy, Gunslinger, “Louie”, Davida, Daldone, Irene Powell & Dave Carter Page 43 LUFQ “The South Florida Biker’s Bible Since” 15 Years - February 2015 • Issue #184 • Page 44 Leaving Cagney’s & going on the road with one of the local bands? > In loving memory of Bernie, Chrissy, Clay, Big Ed, Bob Amchir, Animal, Ricky, Pervert, Roger-Kenny & Pauly 1%’ers, Mojo, Vinny Margotta, Poppy, Gunslinger, “Louie”, Davida, Daldone, Irene Powell & Dave Carter Page 45 LUFQ “The South Florida Biker’s Bible Since” 15 Years - February 2015 • Issue #184 • Page 46 Having t-shirt trouble... In loving memory of Bernie, Chrissy, Clay, Big Ed, Bob Amchir, Animal, Ricky, Pervert, Roger-Kenny & Pauly 1%’ers, Mojo, Vinny Margotta, Poppy, Gunslinger, “Louie”, Davida, Daldone, Irene Powell & Dave Carter Page 47 LUFQ “The South Florida Biker’s Bible Since” 15 Years - February 2015 • Issue #184 • Page 48
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