

December 2013 / Kislev­Tevet 5774
A Message from Our President... .Page 3
A Message from Rabbi Brown......Page 4
Religious School.............................Page 5
Rabbi Moskovitz remarks/Installation Page 6
Sisterhood......................................Page 8
ARZA Canada.................................Page 11
Temple Sholom`s Chanukah Party
Sunday, December 1, from 6:30 to 7:30pm
at Temple Sholom
Featuring Josh Niehaus’ band:
The Sababas,
Upcoming Event
with their Chanukah Puppetry, Storytelling and Musical Show.
We’ll also have Art Activities and, of course, Suffganiot!
This is a free event. All are welcome!
Friday Family Service
On the first Friday of every month, please join us for a family-friendly musical Service:
celebrate Shabbat with ruach
Friday, December 6
(spirit) and fun for families, so
5:45pm: Homemade Dinner
please join us for this meaningful
6:30pm: Family Service
community celebration of Shabbat.
7:15pm: Oneg Shabbat
With Rabbi Moskovitz, Rabbi Brown
service will be geared towards kids
aged 0 to 12 and their families. We’ll
Please RSVP. Call: 604-266-7190.
Dinner is provided free of charge.
Please note: There will also be
a regular 8:15pm service.
Shabbat in Song
Please join us for our always very popular musical Service led by our Davening Team:
Friday, December 20
6:30pm: Musical Shabbat Service
7:30pm: Catered Shabbat Dinner
Stay as long as you like. BYOB.
Adults $18, Children $6 (1-9 years old), Babies-free
Please RSVP for the Shabbat Dinner by December 17 at 4:00pm.
Call: 604-266-7190.
Please note: There will not be an 8:15pm service.
Live, Learn and Celebrate Shabbat
Saturday, December 7 at 1:00pm
With Rabbi Carey Brown
Topic: “A Good Cry: What the Tears of
Joseph Can Teach Us”.
When Joseph and his brothers have their
dramatic reunion in parashat Vayigash, Joseph
breaks down in tears. Rabbi Brown will lead a
study session focused upon the multiple episodes
of crying in this parasha.
We will explore the significance of tears in the
Torah and their healing and reconciliatory power.
Live, Learn & Celebrate Shabbat is part of the
Sisterhood’s Shabbaton Weekend. See page 8 for
details. Call the office, 604.266.7190, to reserve
your spot for the Sisterhood Kiddush lunch
following services, by no later than Wednesday,
December 4.
B’mishpechotanu ub,jpanc
In Our Temple Family
unjb unjb
cuy kzn
Nachamu, Nachamu, Condolences To:
Mazel Tov, Congratulations To:
Marie Henry, on the death of her husband,
John Henry
Erica Leyland, on the death of her father,
Samuel Mednick
Hannah Leyland, on the death of her grandfather, Samuel Mednick
Dana Sair, on the death of her mother,
Sarah Sair
Fern Rafelson, on the death of her sister,
Sarah Sair
Sara Ciacci, for receiving the Paula Lenga Award
which is given to “an ordinary person who does
extraordinary things through volunteering at
JFSA.” It is one of the most significant awards
given out by JFSA. It is in recognition of her leading
role in raising the majority of funding through
Jewish Women International for food purchased for
the Jewish Food Bank.
* If you wish to add your e-mail address to our
death notices distribution list, please call
Temple Sholom office 604-266-7190.
Shar Levine & Paul Rosenberg, on the birth of their
grandson, Logan Max
Jonathan Scholnick & Jessica Munson on the
Conversion of their sons, Noah & Aaron Scholnick
Evelyn & Nissan Goldman, on the birth of their
vnka vtupr
David & Samantha Cohene, on the birth of their
daughter, Ziva Isabelle Cohene
Refuah Shleimah, Speedy Recovery To:
Rick Biggs
Joan Howitt
Jill Luyt
Maxine Vines
Elizabeth Wolak
Lee & Susan Cohene, on the birth of their
granddaughter, Ziva Isabelle Cohene
vcr vsu,
Todah Rabah, Thank You To:
* If you or a member of your family are sick and
you would like a visit from the Rabbinical staff,
please call the office: 604-266-7190.
All the members of the Welcoming Committee for
their contributions to the many events that were
planned to facilitate Rabbi Moskovitz's transition to
Vancouver and into the position of Senior Rabbi.
Anne Andrew, Jeff Balin, Debby Freiman, Arlene
Gladstone, Ellen Gordon, Barbara Halperin, Karen
James, Rob Philipp, Melody Robens-Paradise,
Deborah Ross-Grayman, and Alexis Rothschild.
Thanks also to Robert Matas and Sara Ciacci for
their help with publicity for Rabbi Moskovitz.
Bruchim Habayim,
Welcome to Our New Congregants:
Jack Gardner
Stephen & Lois Kathnelson
Installation Weekend
November 15-17, 2013
In Our Temple Family
Dear Congregants,
The Installation of Rabbi Moskovitz weekend was a
wonderful simcha.
The weekend began with a sold out Shabbat
congregational dinner organized by the Welcoming
Committee, led by Anne Andrew. There were words
of greeting from Joyce Murray MP and the Jewish
Federation of Greater Vancouver. Following dinner
there was a special musical Shabbat service with
musicians and vocalists led by Josh Niehaus and the
Sisterhood choir adding to the festive nature of the
At the Shabbat evening service, Rabbis Moskovitz,
Brown and Cantor Taussig wore their beautiful new
bold blue matching tallitot with the Temple Sholom
logo. Rabbi Jan Offel, Congregational Network
Rabbinic Director, URJ West District, brought
greetings from the URJ and memories of rabbinical
school with Rabbi Moskovitz. Rabbi Don Goor,
Rabbi Emeritus of Temple Judea, LA, Rabbi
Moskovitz's friend and mentor spoke glowingly
about Rabbi Moskovitz and gave the Installation
Blessing. Rabbi Goor hired Rabbi Moskovitz directly
out of rabbinical school to be his Assistant Rabbi at
Temple Judea, thirteen years ago. Rabbi Bregman,
Rabbi Emeritus, gave the Benediction at the Service.
The Service was attended by many relatives of Rabbi
Moskovitz and more than two dozen congregants
from Temple Judea, LA travelled here to show their
love for Rabbi Moskovitz and to share this special
moment with him.
A beautiful, one-of-a-kind work of art incorporating
messages/prayers/blessings from Temple congregants was presented to Rabbi Moskovitz in honour
of his installation. The net proceeds from this
fundraiser will go to the Temple Sholom Adult
Education Fund.
The Shabbat morning service included honours to
the Rabbi ‘s children, Judah, Levi and Estee and
their cousins Aaron and Evelyn and the friends of
Rabbi Moskovitz visiting from out of town. Aliyot
were given to the Rabbi’s family and the Search
Committee, the Board and the Staff & Faculty. The
Haftarah was beautifully read by Patty Moskovitz,
the Rabbi’s mother. Rabbi Goor gave a very
interesting drash about his reasons for and
experiences in making aliyah to Israel.
That evening, the Sisterhood Autumn Fling was a
great success and added to the joyfulness of the
weekend. Attendees enjoyed a live band, dancing including a rousing Israeli dance segment, and
delicious appetizers and dessert buffet.
With the Installation we move from welcoming
Rabbi Moskovitz and his family to Temple Sholom
to embarking on a sacred journey together in this
next phase of Temple Sholom.
Just as Rabbi Moskovitz is getting to know each of
us, let us all dedicate ourselves to coming to know
each other. Together, through a relational approach
to Judaism and Jewish life, we will only deepen our
appreciation for our Temple community and the
many blessings it adds to our lives.
The Temple Sholom App, created by Rabbi
Moskovitz, is now available for free for iPhones and
Androids from iTunes and Google, making it easier
for Congregants to obtain useful information about
The Union For Reform Judaism (URJ) Biennial and
the Women of Reform Judaism (WRJ) Assembly
will take place in sunny San Diego, Dec. 11-15, 2013.
I am proud to advise you that seventeen Temple
Members, the largest Temple Sholom delegation
ever, will be attending with Rabbi Moskovitz.
December is a major food distribution time for the
Jewish Food Bank’s Project Isaiah. As we prepare to
celebrate Chanukah with our family and friends, we
should remember to share with those in our
community who may be less fortunate. This is a
good time to donate to the Jewish Food Bank, either
with non-perishable food or a cash donation. There
is always a collection basket in the Temple foyer and
monetary donations can be left with the office.
I encourage you and your friends to shop at Sholom
Judaica, our gift shop for your Chanukah shopping
and to say Shalom and Todah Rabah to Marion
Cassirer and Bente Nathan-Thomsen who will be
retiring after years of devoted service as of
December 31, 2013.
Wishing you and your family a Happy Chanukah.
B’ Shalom,
David Schwartz, President
B’mishpechotanu ub,jpanc
A Message from Our President
B’mishpechotanu ub,jpanc
In Our Temple Family
A Message from Rabbi Carey Brown
Dear Friends,
Each year during Hanukkah, we relive the story of
the Maccabees’ victory over the military giants of
the Syrian-Greek Empire in the second century
B.C.E. Woven between the layers of the story is an
internal Jewish struggle over the community’s
relationship with the Hellenistic culture of the
A new kind of Jew was prevalent throughout
Jerusalem and the wider Mediterranean world at
this time – the “Hellenizer”: Jewish by virtue of his
ethnic origin, Greek by virtue of his language, dress
and daily habits.
Why was the Hellenizer a problem for the
Maccabees? Because in Jerusalem, Hellenism stood
for a point of view in which Greek civilization stood
on a higher ethical plane above Judaism. Hellenism
was in conflict with Judaism because its proponents
wanted to supersede Judaism with Hellenism,
rather than integrate Greek ideas into a Jewish context. Mordecai Kaplan, well known rabbi, thinker
and founder of the Reconstructionist Movement
wrote about the distinctions between the assimilation of the Hellenistic Jews of the time. In his classic
Meaning of God in Modern Jewish Religion (1937),
he distinguished two kinds of assimilation — active
and passive. In active assimilation, the minority
group adopts just enough of the surrounding culture
and language so that it can define itself in a way that
the majority will recognize. This creative reorientation of surrounding culture serves to preserve the
minority’s unique identity. Passive assimilation,
however, is fraught with potential dangers:
“[The minority] may be so overawed by the achievements and prestige of the majority civilization as to
accept the standards of the latter uncritically, lose
its own self-respect and abandon its national sancta
altogether. In that case, it is doomed to extinction.”
As modern, Canadian Jews, we know all too well
about both the benefits and difficulties associated
with assimilation – perhaps most clearly at this time
of the year when the Christmas season surrounds us
so pervasively. In fact, the prevalence of Hanukkah
in the broader culture today is very much a reaction
to the fears of assimilation that we face as a minority
in a largely Christian society.
We have much in common with the Jewish community of the 2nd century. Kaplan helps us to
understand how we need to focus on active
assimilation, in which we continue to recognize the
sanctity of our Jewish identity and religion.
Hanukkah’s deepest meaning resides in its
affirmation of the freedom to be different and
maintain our distinct religious practices and beliefs
even while we are influenced, and influence
significantly, the wider culture that surrounds us.
Chag Urim Sameach – May you
have a joyous festival of lights!
Rabbi Carey Brown
Shabbat in Whistler with Temple Sholom
December 27-28, 2013
q Friday, December 27, 6:00pm
Kabbalat Shabbat Services and Dinner
The Aspens (Party Room), 4800 Spearhead
Drive, Whistler, BC
Please bring something to share for a potluck
dinner (Dairy)
All are welcome!
Please RSVP to Temple Sholom’s office,
604.266.7190 or [email protected] by
December 20th
Shabbat services will also be held in the synagogue on Friday night and Saturday morning
q Saturday, December 28, 5:00pm
Havdallah and Hot Cocoa
The home of Barbara and Lawrence Halparin
Contact Temple Sholom for the address
Religious School
December 1
December 8
December 15
December 22
December 29
No classes (Chanukah Festivities at 6:30pm)
Regular Classes (*Gr.5)
Regular Classes (Gr.6)
Winter Break
Winter Break
*snack responsibilities in parentheses
Todah Rabah!
q To all of the students and families who attended
Mitzvah Day on November 3. In addition to
completing a variety of hands-on projects, our
students also made and sold cookie mix and art
calendars to raise money for a camp scholarship.
Kol Ha Kavod!
q To our school families for supporting Jewish
Family Services Food Bank gift program. The
gifts were distributed and very much appreciated. At this time of year, bringing light to people in
need is an important part of tikkun olam. Thanks
for your support of this worth while Tzedakah
q To Jenny Glickman-Rynd for taking such good
care of the school over the past year. Thanks for
your dedication and commitment!
!vcr vsu,
Midweek Hebrew Clubs
December 1­4
Regular classes
December 8­11
Regular classes
December 11­18
Regular classes
December 22­25
Regular classes
December 29 ­Jan. 1 Winter Break
Wimpel (Torah binder) Workshop
December 15th
Families of our B’nei Mitzvah class will be making
wimpels in Sarah’s Tent beginning right after our
Ruach Rally. Please call or email Jen with any questions, as wimple kits need to be prepared ahead of
Save the Date
Our Tu BiShvat program will take place on Sunday
January 12th. For families in preschool – Grade 3,
Rabbi Brown will be leading a fun musical Seder.
Families in Grades 4-7 will be participating in a
special program with Rabbi Dan at an off-site
location. More details to follow.
In Case of Snow
A message will be left on the Synagogue answering
machine by 8:30 am to let you know if classes are
Mitzvah Day 2013
Temple Sholom Mitzvah Day 2013 was a huge
success! Huge thanks to all the babies and toddlers,
Religious School kids, teenagers and parents who
came out to volunteer their time. We accomplished
an enormous amount of gemilut chasadim, acts of
loving kindness, during a couple of hours on a
Sunday morning.
v We collected over 20 boxes of gifts to be
donated to the Lookout Society
v We made over 110 lunches for Street Soccer
and the Lookout Society
v We volunteered with Street Soccer and had a
fun day playing soccer in the sunshine
v We made 60 balloon animals that were delivered to terminally ill patients at Pearson Hospital
v We painted the entire Temple Sholom parking
garage. (And it looks great!)
v We wrote 50 letters to Israeli soldiers
v We made 80 gift tags for Chanukah Gifts that
we collected for families that get food from the
Jewish Foodbank
v We created 30 Birthday Cards for seniors aged
80+ in our congregation
v We made 36 cookies that were donated to the
Lookout Society
v We decorated 8 mirrors with the seniors at
Sunrise Seniors Home
We made 20 bird feeders and baked 50 dog
biscuits that were donated to RASP
v We entertained 50 seniors at Louis Brier with
our toddlers and preschoolers singing and dancing
There were some people who need an extra special
thanks as they volunteered a lot time and resources
to ensure this day was a success. Those people are:
Rhea Lazar
David Coblin
Mark Melul
Linda Arato
Barbara Halparin Reesa Devlin
Anne Andrew
Religious School
Religious School
B’mishpechotanu ub,jpanc
In Our Temple Family
Excerpt from remarks by Rabbi Moskovitz on the occasion of his
Installation as Senior Rabbi of Temple Sholom, November 15, 2013
Temple Sholom is special. It is a jewel. The
congregation I inherit is extraordinary in so many
ways. A pillar of this community, respected across
North America and up and down Oak Street. A shul
above politics and turf battles, with a sanctuary
reasonably full on Friday nights AND Saturday
mornings and a religious school that is innovative
and engaging. We have a morning minyan and
ongoing Torah study that exists because of the
Jewish values of our members. A sisterhood and
sixty plus program that not only wins awards but
more importantly wins our hearts through the
chessed, the KINDNESS they show everyone they
touch. I am inheriting a wonderful congregation –
my first priority as your senior rabbi will be not to
break it.
In the book of proverbs, a book attributed to wise
King Solomon, he wrote, ‘Without a vision, the
people perish’ (Prov. 29:18). My vision for our
community simply put is more Joy less Oy. It is a
vision guided by faith not fear. Faith that together
we can be as Torah commands us to be - a house for
all people, a community of sacred purpose, built
upon a foundation of meaningful relationships. A
community that is about people not programs.
Vikor Frankl, whose great philosophical observations grew out of his own torment in the Shoah
observed, “Life is not primarily a quest for pleasure,
or a quest for power, but a quest for meaning.”
The greatest task in life is to find meaning. That task
is amplified when shared by a whole community.
The gift of faith in general and Judaism in particular
is the gift of meaning. Why be Jewish? Because
Judaism holds the answer to the ultimate question –
what is the meaning of life, for what purpose was I
For generations of Jews the answer to the question
why be Jewish was victimhood; ‘they tried to kill us’.
Victimhood colored with a little guilt – or, said more
politely, obligation. ‘My parents went to shul so I go
to shul.’ Why be Jewish? ‘Because the world will not
accept me as anything else.’
Those answers are utterly insufficient today. We
cannot be a people living in fear of our own demise.
That is not meaning enough. Fear will not sustain
our community; fear and guilt will not grow our
Over these past four months, I have sat in dozens of
living rooms, spoken with hundreds on the phone or
in person over countless cups of coffee. Indeed, on
the High Holy Days, I probably shook 2,000 hands
and exchanged words of greeting and hopefully
moments of connection.
If I have learned anything from these invaluable
opportunities to meet you and get to know your
stories; it is that the road to a meaningful Jewish life
and community is not paved by fear, not driven by
paranoia or victimhood, but rather a quest for
A vibrant, relevant, inclusive and unapologetic
Canadian Reform Judaism is what our community
needs. A modern Jewish endeavor based on the
ancient values our ancestors lived and for which
they were prepared to die. On justice, compassion,
love of the stranger, the sanctity and joy of life and
the dignity of every human being without regard to
color, culture, creed, gender, age or orientation.
You taught me that. Your stories of intermarried
children who feel unwelcome in synagogue. Of
grandchildren and your own school-age children
who see religious school as more burden than
blessing. Of families feeling bound by technological
chains, obligated in so many directions that the
Sabbath they need most of all moves farther and
farther out of reach. You showed me when I met
with young single adults who find no reason to join
a synagogue because to them Judaism is not a
religious experience but rather a cultural expression.
Singles and seniors who are alone and isolated;
yearning for meaningful relationships and a
supportive community at a time when people dear to
them are slipping away.
More Joy less Oy
Faith not Fear
People not Programs
The three pillars of my vision for Temple Sholom at
this unique moment in our history.
The verse I chose for this evening’s invitation was
from Pirkei Avot; aseh lechah rav v’koneh lechah
haver. Get for yourself a teacher, a rabbi, and you
will acquire for yourself a friend. I am humbled and
deeply grateful to be your rabbi, I look forward and
would be honoured to earn your friendship.
In Our Temple Family
Join us in commemorating these very special congregants’ 80+ Birthdays!
Barney Bloom f Sara Ciacci f Adele Chechik f Mildred Feldman
Arthur Guttman f Asher Hamer f Nomi Kaplan
Fanny Lewis f Molly Tenenbaum f Jermaine White
60+ Group
Our next meeting will be on:
Wednesday, December 4
Business meeting
Latkes lunch
Chanukah celebration
WRJ Lilith Salon for Women in their 30s & 40s
Meaningful conversations, connections and
community for women:
Facilitated by Rabbi
Carey Brown and Lisa
Next Lilith Salon:
Thursday, December
12, 2013
at 7:30 to 9:00pm
at Temple Sholom
We will be discussing the Reproductive Selves
Generation I.V.F
Abortion Foremother
Generation Midwife
Please RSVP to Rabbi Brown by December 6th at:
[email protected]
We encourage you to subscribe to Lilith for $16.
There are 4 issues a year. Subscriptions can be
ordered through the Temple Sholom office. The current issue is ready to be picked up at the office or
will be mailed to you with a subscription.
Knit One, Purl Two ­ Learn to Knit? Yes, You!
Beginner Adult Knitting Lessons
Four Wednesday evenings, January 8,
15, 22 & 29,2014 at
at Temple Sholom
The lessons will be taught
by a very skilled, talented
and creative teacher with
support from the members
of Sisterhood’s Knitting
Group. The expectation is
that you will complete a
project by the end of the
four weeks.
No charge for the lessons, however, those who
register will be emailed a supply list of items to
purchase before the first class.
The class size is limited to 15 people, first come,
first served. We will try to arrange carpooling
for those who need it.
You must register in advance by emailing Elaine
Book through Sisterhood at:
[email protected]. Please
indicate in your response if you need a ride.
Sponsored by Sisterhood
B’mishpechotanu ub,jpanc
Celebrating their Special Birthday in December
Sisterhood News
Sisterhood News
Sisterhood’s Shabbaton Weekend
Inspired by the Past Committed to the Future
Friday, December 6 & Saturday, December 7, 2013
For planning purposes, please RSVP your attendance at lunch to the Temple office at 604-266-7190
OR by email to [email protected]
no later than Wednesday, December 4, 2013.
Friday, December 6
8:15pm: Sisterhood Shabbat Service
Led by Sisterhood members and our Sisterhood
Choir using the Sisterhood Service Booklet.
Saturday, December 7
Live, Learn & Celebrate Shabbat
1:00pm: Rabbi Carey Brown
Oneg Shabbat following services,
sponsored by Sisterhood.
Saturday, December 7
10:00am: Sisterhood Shabbat Service
led by Sisterhood members and our Sisterhood
Topic: “A Good Cry: What the Tears of
Joseph Can Teach Us”
When Joseph and his brothers have
their dramatic reunion in parashat
Vayigash, Joseph breaks down in
Rabbi Brown will lead a study
session focused upon the multiple
episodes of crying in this parasha.
We will explore the significance of tears in the Torah
and their healing and reconciliatory power.
Kiddush Lunch following services,
sponsored by Sisterhood.
Autumn Fling is a Big Success and Lots of Fun!
Sisterhood’s major fundraiser of the year, the
Autumn Fling “Celebrating the Installation
of Rabbi Dan Moskovitz”, held on November 16
at Temple, was great fun with the “Usual Suspects”
live dance band, appetizers, silent auction,
raffle, and fabulous dessert buffet.
Rothschild, Shelley Shindler, Leonor Etkin, Faye
Samson, Arlene James, Cheryl Dennis, Annica
Carlsson, Joyce Cherry, Evelyn Lazare, Julia
Bennett, Alexis Rothschild, Mary Cohene, Corrine
Tracz (Marie’s sister), Bob Devlin, Jan Nordin
and Jack Lewis.
A huge thank you to the core committee:
We are also very grateful for the support and
assistance provided by the Temple office
staff and building staff with the organization
and set up of this event. A special thanks to
Bernie and Rufina who, as usual, did an
incredible job, especially because of the fast
turn-around required for set up after Rabbi
Moskovitz’s installation events.
Reesa Devlin, (Convener), Donna
Ornstein, Toni Kennedy, Bonnie Elster,
Sara Ciacci, Gayda Coblin, Debbie
Rootman, Linda Arato and Marie Henry,
Thank you also to the many Sisterhood members
(and husbands and sister) who volunteered their
time with the set up of the silent auction and raffle,
contributing baking, picking up items, setting up
and decorating the social hall and working at the
ticket desk, the cashier’s desk and the silent auction:
Sisterhood gratefully acknowledges the large number of donations made by Temple members and
local individuals, companies and merchants as well
as all the patrons for the event who helped us cover
our costs.
Annette Kozicki, Bella Sherman, Myra Elson, Riitta
Nihtila, Jean Angus, Phyllis Lewis, Sunny
Donors of Gift Certificates, Merchandise & Services to Silent Auction & Raffle
Reesa & Bob Devlin
iCare Child Care
Ashia Mode
Renaissance Stone & Tile
Iris Dayson
Alexis Rothschild
Jana Timko
Allison Berry
Richard Cohen
Jewish Independent
Annette Kozicki
Richmond Golf & Country Club
Joan Fader
Annica Carlsson
Riitta Nihtila
Joe Fortes Seafood & Chop House
Barbara Brezer
River Rock Casino Resort & Casino
John (z’l) & Marie Henry
Bella Sherman
Robert Jang All Pro Services
Julien Grenier Salon
Benee Rubin
Robin Fried
Len & Annette Hamm
Benton Bros. Fine Cheese
Leo Frankel Optical, The Spectacle Rosedale on Robson Suite Hotel
Bonnie & Mark Elster
(Jodi Sprackman)
Buchan’s Stationary
Rustom & Tiabiba Teja
Leslie Strike
Cabello Spa and Salon
Sofra Restaurant
Linda Arato
Dana Sair & Rick Kohn
St. John Ambulance (Tri-Cities)
Lisa Pozen
Daniel Hospitality Group
Shirley Hyman
Miriam Friedberg
Debbie Rootman
Stacy Wertz
Minerva’s Restaurant
Donna & Neil Ornstein
Susan Jung-Kemeny
Muriel Morris
Dorothy Scott
Temple Sholom
Musqueam Golf & Learning
Early Music Vancouver
The Perfect Gift
Ego Hair Salon
The Right Shoe
Myra Elson
Enda B
The Umbrella Shop
Naomi Taussig
Enigma Restaurant
Tikun Olam GoGo’s
Norman & Annette Rothstein
Faye Samson
Tim Horton’s (Tsawwassen)
Theatre (Mary Louise Albert)
Geraldine Bieley
True Carnivores Raw Pet Food
Gerri Klein
Panty by Post
Hair by Gina & Co (Gina Zilli)
West Coast Country Club
Parthenon Supermarket
Hanja at Sebastian One, Sheraton
White Spot Restaurant
Penny Heaton
Wall Centre
Peter Austin, Vancouver
Happy Dog Mobile Bath & Home
Wildebeest Restaurant
(Annette & Ryan Kozicki)
Rabbi Dan Moskovitz
Hollywood Nails
Raber Glove Mfg Co. Ltd
Horatio & Jackie Kemeny
Patrons for Autumn Fling
Jack & Phyllis Lewis
Arlene Gladstone
Alexis Rothschild & Shawn Gold
Arlene James
Jeffrey & Hildy Barnett
Rosa Mabe-Tessler
Bill & Noemi Gruenthal
Karen James
Sara Ciacci
Brian & Vera Davis
Leonor Etkin
Beverley J. Korman
Bruce & Joan Howitt
Marie Henry
Wolfman Brothers (Three Vets)
David Schwartz & Debbie Freiman Neal Chark
David Porte (Porte Realty)
Eric & Anne Andrew
Neil and Donna Ornstein
Ken & Maureen Neuman
Eugene & Shirley Trademan
Faye, Molly & Toby Samson
Rochelle Garfinkel
Irving & Sharon Kates
Donors for Appetizers & Dessert Buffet
Annica Carlsson
Bon Bon Bakery
Bon Ton Bakery
Breka Bakery & Café
Cake Conspiracy
Canada Safeway (Arbutus Mall)
Choices Markets (Kits)
Cupcakes (Broadway)
Famous Foods
Faye Samson
Garden City Bakery
Julia Bennett
Lazy Gourmet
Leonor Etkin
Lil's Catering
Mary Cohene
Moore's Bakery
Nava Creative Kosher Cuisine
Omnitsky Kosher
Panne Rizzo
Patisserie Bordeaux
Phyllis Lewis
Que Pasa Mexican Foods
(Nature’s Path)
Richmond Country Club
Sara Ciacci
Solly’s Bagelry
Sweet Obsessions
The Perfect Bite
True Confections
Urban Catering
More Sisterhood news on page 10
Sisterhood News
Sisterhood News
Thank you to:
Sisterhood News
Sisterhood News
Ongoing Sisterhood Programs:
For more information and updates please go to: www.templesholom.ca/sisterhood
Rosh Chodesh Renewal
The December Rosh Chodesh meeting
will be on Wednesday, December 4 at the
home of Kathy Jones. It will begin with
T'rumah, Exodus 25:1, instructions for
building the tabernacle.
There will be no session in January as
Rosh Chodesh is too close to New Years
The Knitting Circle
Exchange knitting ideas & experience and
knit items for various mitzvah projects. No
experience is required to join this group; the
experienced knitters are happy to assist
beginning knitters. The Circle meets once a
month on the third Monday at the home of one of the
participants from 7:00- 9:00pm.
Cost: No charge for attending; Bring your own
knitting supplies.
Upcoming Meetings: Monday, December 16 at
7:00pm at the home of Iris Dayson. They are also
making hats and scarves for Covenant house.
RSVP to Annette Kozicki, Coordinator, at:
[email protected]
Book and a Bagel
the tragedy and sadness of living beyond one’s
source, is the sad stuff out of which this charming,
unlikely novel is made.” - Mac Barrett, The
Brooklyn Rail
Monday, January 13, 2014 at 6:30 pm
at the home of Alexis Rothschild, Richmond
Book for Discussion:
“Nothing Is Quite Forgotten in Brooklyn”
by Alice Mattison
“In unexpectedly postmodern moments
throughout Alice Mattison’s new novel,
Nothing is Quite Forgotten in Brooklyn,
the author addresses the reader. Mattison
tells you, firstly, that despite what the title
may suggest this is not a story about memory, and that though it may seem odd she
has good reason for the structure she has
chosen. This is a novel about living alongside the person who gave you life and, when the time
comes, without her; so it’s fitting for the story to
acknowledge its own origin. Mothers, their death,
To join the Book & a Bagel group, or for further
information, please contact Barbara Brezer,
the coordinator, at:
[email protected]
New members are welcome. This Meeting
will start promptly at 6:30 p.m. with a light
supper provided by the hostess.
Cost: $5.00 per person. An early RSVP is
advisable as some hostesses may have to curtail numbers due to space limitations.
Please RSVP no later than Thursday, January 8,
2014 to Alexis c/o Sisterhood at
[email protected]
Get Your Game On!
Sunday Afternoon, January 12, 2014 w 1:30-4:00pm at Temple Sholom
Get in the Game!
Come and play either:
Bridge (Kitchen style) OR
Mah Jongg (American style)
(Bring your 2013 Mah Jongg Card)
Everyone welcome (including
husbands, partners, friends) but you must register
in advance by Tuesday, January 7, 2014 at
the latest so we have enough time to
prepare. We will try to arrange carpooling
for those who need it.
Cost $5.00 per person payable at the time of
registration (cheques or visa/ mastercard)
Coffee & Light Refreshments will be served at the
conclusion of play.
Please register by emailing the Convenor, Gayda
Coblin, through Sisterhood at:
[email protected]
Please indicate in your
response if you need a ride.
Please confirm if you can bring
your Mah Jongg Set.
Sponsored by Sisterhood
ARZA Canada Report
progressive agenda was adopted by this Council is a
huge indication that things are changing. At the
time of our meetings the Knesset was debating legislation for civil and non-orthodox marriages
Please join us for Services and dinner on Friday,
December 20. We will be joined by Miriam
Pearlman, vice-president of ARZA Canada.
Miriam will be speaking briefly during services and
leading a discussion during dinner regarding issues
of religious pluralism in Israel.
Les Rothschild, president of ARZA Canada, just
returned from a trip to Israel. Over the ten days
there he attended several meetings. Here is part of
his report: “Pluralistic and progressive Judaism is
truly coming into its own in Israel. The mood of the
country is ready for a change to lessen the hold of
ultra orthodox on all parts of society. We are not
treated as equals yet but my perception is that we
are truly coming closer. It was a very full 10 days
and I made some contacts that I hope will improve
ARZA Canada's efforts and programs in the future.”
Les attended these meetings:
• ARZENU, with representatives from Germany,
Austria, France, South Africa, Australia, New
Zealand, Holland, the United States and Canada, as
well as from the Israel Movement and the World
Union of Progressive Judaism. Updates from the
Israelis on the ground were encouraging. Canadian
Rabbi Larry Englander was confirmed as Chair
Elect of ARZENU.
• World Zionist General Council, where
resolutions affecting the nature of the political
climate in Israel are debated and passed. ARZENU,
with Labour and Meretz as partners, leads the
largest faction in the WZO. This influence translates into actual dollars being allocated to Reform
Judaism. The result was a big win for our faction, as
we had the whole Council adopt our resolutions:
- Supporting the Sharansky Kotel proposal
(the orthodox walked out when they lost this vote!!),
- Urging the government to recognize and
support all major streams of Judaism,
- Urging the government to provide
freedom of marriage as well as civil marriage
• Jewish Agency Assembly: There was a panel
discussion of new MKs from 5 of the main parties.
It was a lively debate but clearly even the right wing
Habiyit Yehudi MK seemed to be progressive in his
outlook on most points. The closing event was a
speech by Prime Minister Netanyahu. He said that
"the Kotel is in Israel but belongs to all of the
Jewish people”.
• Women of the Wall: This was Les’s second
time attending a Service with the WOW. Last time
participants were detained by police for wearing
talitot. This time 500 or more came to celebrate the
25th anniversary. There were orthodox young
women to counter the progressive agenda, but
things were peaceful and despite a few men yelling
and screaming, the police kept things under control. Clearly the progressive agenda has been
advanced by the public actions of these women. The
government is taking the Kotel and the negative
influence of the ultra orthodox seriously. The general Israeli public, who really don't care about the
Kotel, have been awakened to see that things can be
done to lessen the control that the ultra orthodox
have on many aspects of everyday life.
• Jewish Federations of North America
General Assembly: Rabbi Rick Jacobs presented
to a committee of the Knesset; a speech like that
would not have been imaginable in the recent past.
Hebrew words of the month:
Holidays - chofesh - apuj
Dark - Choshech - lauj
ARZA Canada is the Zionist organization of the Reform
Movement. It reaches out to Reform Jews in Canada to
help foster a better understanding of and connection to
Israel. It also supports the Reform Movement in Israel.
Please consider joining ARZA Canada-you can join with
the tick box on your Temple Sholom dues form or at
www.arzacanada.org .
All of these issues are a tremendous gain for a more
pluralistic Israel and could not have been successful
in the Council a year or two ago. The fact that our
Rhea Lazar
Temple Sholom Rep
[email protected]
B’mishpechotanu ub,jpanc
In Our Temple Family
Yahrtzeit Observances
Yahrtzeit Observances
Sunday, Dec 1, to
Saturday, December 7,
28 Kislev to 4 Tevet
Motel Babins
Nicolas Berczeller
Helen Brickman
Eva Brooks
Lillian Brown
Ettie Brown
Ryan Coblin
Freda Coblin
Shirley Fishman
Lili Frinton
Oyzer Fuchs
Samuel George Gordon
Jack L. Gordon
Leo James
Nathan Joffre
Princess Kantor
Max Karp
Alice Knott
Sophie Kohn
Leon Krygier
Craig Moss
Nancy Phyllis Mundinger
H. Peter Oberlander
David Rabinovitch
Moe Roberts
Ronald Rootman
Louis Rudin
Belle Rykiss
Derek Saltzberg
Heinz Seelig
Mary Shaffer
Morris Slate
Mollie Soudack
Joseph Stern
Bessie Stern
Eduardo Tesler-Mabe
Irvin Weinstein
Sunday, December 8,
to Saturday, Dec 14,
5 Tevet to 11 Tevet
Albert Ackerman
Henri Berger
Sarah Cleiman
Bob Cronk
Frieda Cymbalista
Vernon Dewitt
Dora Elson
Fanny Fayerman
Willie Glassberg
Harry Gold
Marjorie Hamilton
Samuel Heller
Nessie Herman
Lester Kahn
Ralph Kalef
Nathan Kaplan
Henry J. Lange
Blanka Lederer
Gertie Lerner
Minnie Menkes
Leo Mittleman
Alan Nicholls
Evelyn Oser
Larry Pleet
Lina Rubenson
Leslie Sallai
Judith Schachter
Sadie Sherman
Khalil Tamim
Henry Zimmerman
Morris Zygleman
Chaim Miller
Phillipp Nathan
Minnie Needleman
Richard Newman
Fanie Pascal
Elsie Pudavik
Harry Rosenberg
David Sair
Sherie Salute
Ethel Schatz
Fanny Seelig
Jacob Sherman
Joe Silverman
Masooda Somekh
Eva Winestock
Peter Winkler
Rose Wolchuk
Rachel Zebberman
Sunday, December 22,
to Saturday, Dec 28,
19 Tevet to 25 Tevet
Hinda Alter
Dora Bakalinsky
Gaetan Bax
Annie Broudy
Sonia Carlsson Bernstein
Louis De Vries
Rosetta Edwards
Bernard Fleischer
Moisha Chaim Garfinkel
Cassia Gold
Jenny Golden
Sarah Gorfin
David Gotthilf
Samuel Greenberg
Joachim Grubner
Dolly Hollenberg
Philip Kates
Jennie Katz
Theresa Kaufmann
Alexandra Kerjner
Gilbert Krause
Ruth Tow Krieger
Jeno Lacko
Bela Levental
Sam Lewis
Geraldine Nacht
Eva Miller Newman
Cheryl Olma
Millie Rosoff
Frances Semel
David Silvers
Jack Sklar
Sunday, December 15,
to Saturday, Dec 21,
12 Tevet to 18 Tevet
Marianne Aidelbaum
Ruby Aronin
Jacob Aronson
Laurence Bertrand
Rose Brandstadter
Jack Broudy
Rose Butts
William Butts
David Cainer
Hy Corne
Jack Davis
Bertram Edwards
Violeta Esquinazi
Fanny Faust
Yerachmiel Frieberg
Sydney Gelmon
Arnold Golumbia
Yehoshua Goslin
Gilbert Goslin
Risa Greene
Rose Growe
Rae Horner
Rose Katzman
Lilli Kirsh
Margaret Klein
Morris Kliman
Samuel Korbin
Jack Kussin
Jean Lederman
Jack Stein
Robert Tabakman
Ron Verbian
Beatrice White
Evelyn Wiesenthal
Eva Wong
Rod Yamanouchi
Sunday, December 29,
to Sat, January 4, 2014
26 Tevet to 3 Shevat
Evgenii Altshuler
Hyman Atnikov
Cecelia Barber
Mike Block
Florence Bookman
Samuel Bregman
Edith Brooks
Sadie Cainer
Sidney Cole
Lee Dobbs
Edward Dozar
Cecilia Eisenberg
Kurt Friedrichs
Bella Gertsoyg
Ida Goldstein
Iren Gulyas
Debbie (Devorah) Izen
William Andrew Jenkins
Cindy Kaplan
Jack Kay
Leon Komar
Paul Krieger
Kate Lange
Dr. Alexander Lester
Kate Lowenberg-Groschler
Ivan Netter
Jan Pollack
Cindy Roadburg
Mollie Rosenblat
David Rudy
Sybil Frances Shack
Rebecca Shafron
Simcha Silver
Marshall Silverman
Renee Stahl
Sam Steiman
Rose Vinsky
Fred Walker
Daniel Weinstein
Nachum Weisbom
Adam Werenka
Jonah Winkler
Peter Wronsky
Cheryl Meyers
Marty Billinkoff
Beverley Golden
Anthony Brookstone
Joyce Silverman
Glenda Mindlin
Anita Winestock
David Coblin
Diana Coop
Sophie Cymbalista
Sally Karlinsky
Gina Shulman
Debby Freiman
Debby Freiman
Allan Feldman
Rena Mazor
Rena Mazor
Debby Freiman
Debby Freiman
Jemima Stein
Vera Frinton
Esther Weinstein
Ivan Gasoi
Tanya Gertsoyg
Ken Gillespie
Claire Golumbia
Claire Golumbia
Ellen Gordon
Bill Gruenthal
Lawrence Halparin
Fern Rafelson
Rowena Huberman
Rowena Huberman
Jack Karp
Miriam Karp
Naomi Desormeau
Sandra Davos
Betty Davids
Tanya Gertsoyg
Jean Kramer
Beverley Golden
Alicia Matas
Lynn Lutterman
Alexander Magil
Myra Elson
Myra Elson
Robert Matas
Edith Mayer
Monique Kliman
Samuel Mazor
Samuel Mazor
Samuel Mazor
Roslyn Gould
Corrine Tapley
Frances Rudin
Gail Rudin
Claire Golumbia
Norma Saltzberg
Ted Cohn
Pnina Shapiro
Melissa Shafron
Tamara Shenkier
Sherri Silverman
Sheila Smith
Lenny Smith
Avrum Soudack
Eric Stine
Carlos Tesler-Mabe
Gabriela Tesler
Rosa Tesler-Mabe
Simon Tsemakhovich
Dubravka Ungar
Esther Weinstein
Marcie Weinstein Smith
Tom Winkler
Elizabeth Wolak
Elizabeth Wolak
Annie Coblin
Michael Giligson
Linda Arato
Norma Saltzberg
Gerry Zimmerman
Yahrtzeit Donations
Yahrtzeit Donations
Beit Halochem Fund
Marie Henry & Family
On the death of her husband,
John Henry
Jack & Brenda Karp
Speedy Recovery:
Vev Ganetsky
Max & Sharon Morton
B’nai Mitzvah Fund
Mazel Tov:
Aidan & Hallie
On their B’nai Mitzvah
Phyllis Nurgitz & Mel Wine
In Appreciation:
Rabbi Carey Brown &
Gregg Gardner
Esther Weinstein
Isabelle & Moshe Somekh
Marie Henry & Family
On the death of her husband,
John Henry
Bud & Fay Riback
In Appreciation:
Kathy Izen-Mondlak
Barry Garfield & Ellen Gilfix
Cantor Naomi Taussig
Barry Garfield & Ellen Gilfix
Rabbi Bregman & Cathy
Barbara Cook
Rabbi Carey Brown
Barry Garfield & Ellen Gilfix
Rabbi Dan Moskovitz
Barry Garfield & Ellen Gilfix
Rabbi Philip Bregman
Barry Garfield & Ellen Gilfix
Susan Mendelson & Jack Lutsky
Mazel Tov:
Philip & Iris Dayson
On the birth of their granddaughter, Taylor
Bud & Fay Riback
Rabbi Dan Moskovitz
On his installation as Senior
Alex & Ketty Magil
Sara Ciacci
On receiving the Paula Lenga
Bud & Fay Riback
On your special Birthday:
Marian Dewitt
Bud & Fay Riback
Family & Youth Fund
Healing Fund
Mazel Tov:
Don & Carol Walker
On the birth of their new
Philip & Iris Dayson
Karen Gelmon
On the death of her mother,
Endowment Fund
Marie Henry
On the death of her husband,
John Henry
Debby Freiman & David Schwartz
Marie Henry
On the death of her husband,
John Henry
Flower Fund
Marie Henry
On the death of her husband,
John Henry
Goldie Kassen
Harlene Riback
Scholarship Fund
Dana Sair
On the death of her mother
Robert & Beverly Philipp
Harold Gutavich & Gail
On the death of his father
Howard & Donna Riback
Marie Henry
On the death of her husband,
John Henry
Deborah Ross-Grayman
Marie Henry
On the death of her husband,
John Henry
Deborah Snider & Eric Fielder
Rosa Tesler-Mabe
John & Alexene Silver
Frank & Freda Kaplan
Sharon & Micahel Isaacson
and Abby Disend
Mazel Tov:
Cornelia Oberlander
On her achievments
Karen Gelmon & Peter Busby
Debby Freiman & David
On the marriage of their son
Andrew Rozen & Julianne
Speedy Recovery:
Wendy Seelig
John & Alexene Silver
Magen David
Adom Fund
Mazel Tov:
Robert & Naomi Desormeau
On Ross’s Bar Mitzvah
Sharon Kahn & Barrie Mac
On your special Birthday:
Lila Goldin
Esther Weinstein
Mazon Fund
Erica Leyland
On the death of her father,
Samuel Mednick
Gerald & Sheila Stern
Jack Lewis
On the death of his brother,
Jack & Shirley Hyman
Joel & Tara, Kallner &
Condolences on the loss of
father, father-in-law &
grandfather, Phil Linder
Paul & Jodi Sprackman
Marie Henry
On the death of her husband,
John Henry
David & Judy Coblin
Salomon Mondlak &
Katherine Izen-Mondlak
Ellen Miller
Bente Nathan-Thomsen
Mel & Anita Karp
Speedy Recovery:
Joan Gales-Howitt
David & Judy Coblin
Thinking of you:
Linda Arato
Rosa Tesler-Mabe
Rabbi Dan Moskovitz
Aaron & Derry Lubell
Landscape Fund
Marie Henry
On the death of her husband,
John Henry
In Appreciation:
Rabbi Dan Moskovitz
Mel & Anita Karp
Mazel Tov:
Amanda & Eric Versteeg
On the birth of their son,
Deborah Snider & Eric
Carol & Don Walker
On the birth of their grandson
Jerry & Susan Lampert
Mel & Anita Karp
Ed Kroft
On winning the 2013 Leslie
Reggel Memorial
Don & Carol Walker & Family
Mel & Anita Karp
On the birth of their grandson, Zachary
Deborah Snider & Eric Fielder
Philip & Iris Dayson
On the birth of their granddaughter
Ted & Dale Wormeli
Robert & Naomi
On the Bar Mitzvah of their
Dennis & Suzanne Pavlich
Shar Levine & Paul
On the birth of their grandson, Logan Max
Deborah Snider & Eric
Music Fund
Marie Henry
On the death of her husband,
John Henry
Florence Beytin
Deborah & Henry Ross
Marie Henry & Family
On the death of her husband,
John Henry
Karen Gelmon & Peter Busby
Ted & Shirley Cohn
In Appreciation:
Arthur Guttman
Esther Weinstein & Family
Kathleen Bjorseth
Gordon & Joyce Cherry
Speedy Recovery:
Beverley Corber
Rosa Tesler-Mabe
Outreach Fund
Marie Henry & Family
On the death of her husband,
John Henry
Lee & Susan Cohene
Rabbi Moskovitz
Discretionary Fund
Andrew Henry
On the death of his father,
John Henry
Uniglobe Travel Partners
Marie Henry
On the death of her husband,
John Henry
Virginia Edwards
Andrew Henry & Family
On the death of his father,
John Henry
Nicki Krygier & Family
Dana Sair
On the death of her mother
Muriel Morris
Jack & Phyllis Lewis
On the death of Jack’s brother, Bert
Kenneth & Gayda Coblin
Marie Henry
On the death of her husband,
John Henry
Arthur & Glenda Guttman
Marty & Darcy Billinkoff
Helen Parker
Kenneth & Gayda Coblin
Jerry & Susan Lampert
Stephen & Bonnie Gertsman
Robert & Alicia Matas
Philip & Iris Dayson
Jen & Joel Jaffe
Uniglobe Travel Partners
Marsha & Allan Simmons
Sharon & Irving Kates
Robert & Beverly Philipp
Lorne & Jill Weinstein
In Appreciation:
Rabbi Dan Moskovitz
Edward & Heather Korbin
Rabbi Dan Moskovitz
Michael Comly & Jessica
In Memory of:
Miriam Gelmon
Chris & Rhoda Friedrichs
Mazel Tov:
Rabbi Dan Moskovitz
On your installation as
Senior Rabbi
Andrew Rozen & Julianne
Sam & Rena Mazor
Don & Carol Walker & Family
Bruce Howitt & Joan Gales
Ellen Miller
Gordon & Joyce Cherry
Donna & Neil Ornstein
David & Rowena Huberman
Rabbi Dan Moskovitz
On his Installation as Senior
Tammy & Jeff Lerman
Rabbi Moskovitz & Family
On his installation as Senior
Bonnie Friedman & Cantor
Gerald Miller
Rabbi Brown’s
Discretionary Fund
In Appreciation:
Rabbi Carey Brown
Edward & Heather Korbin
Rabbi Bregman’s
Discretionary Fund
Marie Henry
On the death of her husband,
John Henry
David & Judy Mandleman
Religious School
Marie Henry & Family
On the death of her husband,
John Henry
Robert & Naomi Desormeau
Mazel Tov:
Arnice Pollock
On becoming a Bronze Life
Carol Pollock
Don & Carol Walker
On the birth of their grandson
Carol Pollock
Mel & Anita Karp
On the birth of their grandson, Zachary
Karen James
Seniors Fund
Dana Sair & Family
On the death of her mother
Helen Parker
Morry & Lee Harrison
Tom Kavadias & Family
On the death of his sister,
Deborah Snider & Eric
On your special Birthday:
Lila Goldin
Australia & Singapore Family
Thinking of you:
Mrs. Rhoda Dordick
Helen Parker
Sisterhood Fund
Jack Lewis
On the death of his brother
Stewart & Lynn Levitt
Linda Arato
On the death of John Henry
Sandra Naiberg
Andrew Rozen & Julianne
Marie Henry
On the death of her husband,
John Henry
Stephen & Joan Fader
Michael & Claire Conrad
Barry & Joyce Silverman
Sandra Naiberg
Andrew Rozen & Julianne
Annica Carlsson
Gordon & Joyce Cherry
Judith & Tony Sago
Jana Timko
Donna & Neil Ornstein
Dennis & Suzanne Pavlich
Horatio & Jackie Kemeny
Sharon Kahn & Barrie Mac
Jack & Phyllis Lewis
Robert Devlin & Reesa
Bruce Howitt & Joan Gales
Jean Angus
David & Patricia Nerman
Jeffrey & Shelley Shindler
Mark & Bonnie Elster
Toni Kennedy
Ted & Dale Wormeli
Richard Kurland
On the death of his father,
Lenny Kurland
Mark & Bonnie Elster
In Appreciation:
Faye Samson
Carol Pollock
Mazel Tov:
Amanda & Eric Versteeg
On the birth of their son
Sharon Kahn & Barrie Mac
Carol & Don Walker
On the marriage of their son,
Carol Pollock
Mel & Anita Karp
On the birth of their grandson
Sharon Kahn & Barrie Mac
Philip & Iris Dayson
On the birth of their granddaughter, Taylor
Don & Carol Walker & Family
Reesa Margolis-Devlin
On her presidency of
Carol Pollock
Sara Ciacci
On receiving the Paula
Lenga Award
Gordon & Joyce Cherry
Barry & Joyce Silverman
Susan Jaffe
Memorial Fund
In Memory of:
Susan Jaffe & Dick
Dolly & Doug Browne
Tzedaka Fund
Mazel Tov:
Brian & Roberta
On the birth of their grandson
Deborah Snider & Eric
Evelyn & Nissan Goldman
On the birth of their granddaughter
Deborah Snider & Eric
Temple Teens
NFTY – Winter Social Action Weekend
For teens in Grade 8 to 12 in Vancouver!
Yes, we are hosting NFTY Winter
and we need your help!
Pick one and join us on December 15th:
Like to play soccer? Join Temple Sholom and Street
Soccer from 10am to Noon at Strathcona Park – the
Southeast Corner at Raymur and Prior
1. Offer to house a couple of teens at your home for the
2. Make sure your teen doesn’t miss this opportunity to
connect with a 100 other Jewish teens in Vancouver.
For more information and/or if you’re able to host,
please be in touch with Lisa at:
[email protected] or 604-266-7190
Like to help out – Join us in the Temple Sholom
kitchen where we will put together lunch for all the
soccer players from 10 to 11:30am.
Street Soccer
Love soccer? Want to play soccer and help out at the
same time? Sari Raber is a member of Temple Sholom
and on the Board of Street Soccer (Soccer for
Homeless People) and we want to get Temple Sholom
involved! On Mitzvah Day, a few of our teens joined a
Street Soccer practice and had a great time.
Meanwhile, we made 40 lunches that were brought to
the players to enjoy. We’d like Temple Sholom to get
involved in Street Soccer on the 3rd Sunday of every
month. The first chance is Sunday, December 15th.
Future Street Soccer Dates:
January 18th, 2014
February 15th, 2014
March 15th, 2014
April 19th, 2014
May 17th, 2014
June 21st, 2014
July 19th, 2014
August 16th, 2014
For more information and to volunteer on December
15th, be in touch with Lisa at [email protected] or
Sheila Stern, Sales Associate
Coldwell Banker Premier Realty
6272 East Boulevard Vancouver, BC
Office: 604.266.1364 , Mobile: 604.788.0882,
Fax: 604.266.2466
Email: [email protected]
Website: www.sternhomes.ca
"A Perfect Balance" - Experience & Dedication. We never stop moving
A Canadian Reform congregation that honours and sanctifies each and every
person, integrating a deep sense of Jewish tradition with contemporary life.
Senior Rabbi
Cantorial Soloist
Dan Moskovitz
Naomi Taussig
Executive Director
Rochelle Garfinkel
Cantorial Soloist
Carey Brown
Rabbi Emeritus
Philip L. Bregman
Arthur Guttman
Carl Rothschild
Bev Korman
David Schwartz
Jeffrey Balin
Carol Chipkin
Religious School
Jen Jaffe
Senior Program
Lisa Pozin
Office Assistants
Naama Telias
Karina Tselnik
Ashleigh Mctavish
B’nai Mitzvah
Kathe Izen-Mondlak
60 Plus
Bud Riback
Allan Feldman
Temple Sholom
7190 Oak Street
Vancouver, BC
V6P 3Z9
Tel. 604 266-7190
Fax 604 266-7126
[email protected]
Gift Shop:
Tel. 604 266-1957