liposuction - The Skin Care Centre


liposuction - The Skin Care Centre
Experience & aesthetics
As with all cosmetic
Enhance your physique
surgery, it is essential that you choose a surgeon
who has both exceptional technical expertise
Liposuction can dramatically reveal your
and a finely developed aesthetic sense. I have
underlying beauty, shaping and defining your
been helping patients attain newfound confidence
body and giving you a renewed sense of
in their bodies since 1995. My focus on physical
poise and confidence. I encourage you to
proportion and the three-dimensional profile
speak openly about the results you hope
enables me to create the most elegant, balanced
to obtain and to ask any questions you may
and natural-looking results for each individual.
have about the procedure. Together, we
can decide on the best course of action to
help you achieve the look you want.
D r . D av i d Z l o t y
Dedicated to improving and
expanding current cosmetic surgical techniques,
Interested in attaining a dramatic and
Dr. David Zloty is Clinical Assistant Professor and
flattering silhouette? Please contact me for
Director of Surgical Education in the Division
more information about transforming your
of Dermatology at UBC and the Medical Director of
look through tumescent liposuction.
the Dermatologic Surgery Centre, one of BC’s
Dr. David M. Zloty BSc, MD, FRCP
liposuction treatment to “love handles”
28-year-old male
Cosmetic Dermat0logic Surgery
Dermatologic Oncology
Clinical Assistant Professor, UBC
Cosmetic Excisions
Facial Rejuvenation
Soft Tissue Fillers
Hair Transplantation
t: 604.875.4888
f: 604.875.4777
e: [email protected]
835 West 10th Avenue, Vancouver, bc v5z 4e8
design: emdoubleyu design text: inscript language & writing photography: albert normandin
The possibilities are limitless.
premier sites for cosmetic surgery.
Dr. David M. Zloty
Cosmetic Dermat0logic Surgeon
Clinical Assistant Professor
Bring new definition to specific
A n e a s i ly t o l e r at e d & p r e c i s e
areas of your body—refining &
enhancing your look.
Ta k e yo u r b o d y t o t h e n e xt l e v e l
We all have things we’d like to change about our
silhouette. Yet even with exercise and dieting,
First developed in the 1980s, tumescent
R e s u lt s t h at l a s t
You will notice a difference
about a week after the procedure, with the full
liposuction combines an extremely good safety
results becoming apparent in three to six months’
profile with great precision in fat removal. It is
time. If your weight remains stable, results will be
also easily tolerated, has a fast post-operative
permanent. Tiny scars associated with the surgery
recovery time and produces optimal results. Most
will, in almost all cases, virtually disappear.
importantly, it is an option for healthy women
And because the procedure maintains the fibrous
and men of all ages.
connections between the skin and its underlying
Only local anesthetic, combined with a
tissue, there is no need to worry about excessive
some localized areas of body fat — often inherited
light sedative, is used during the treatment, so
skin folds. With healing, these fibrous bands
or age-related — are almost impossible to
you are drowsy but remain awake and relaxed.
contract and pull the skin into its new shapely
Compared with other body sculpting procedures,
contour. However, while liposuction can improve
tumescent liposuction involves virtually no blood
cellulite, it will not eliminate it entirely.
With liposuction and the right cosmetic
surgeon, however, the possibilities are limitless.
loss and minimal risk of infection, as the local
Liposuction gives you the opportunity to sculpt
anesthetic used may inhibit the growth of bacteria.
and refine your body – bringing new definition to
Most patients return to work three to five days
W h at i s t h e t u m e s c e n t l i p o s u c t i o n
specific areas and helping you attain the shape
after the treatment and resume an active lifestyle
you want.
shortly thereafter.
very best in safety and excellence. No general
Undesired fat can now be safely removed
from almost any body area, including the neck,
Tumescent liposuction represents the
anesthetic or intravenous sedation is used. First, a
Yo u r s a f e t y i s pa r a m o u n t
True tumescent
dilute anesthetic solution is injected almost painlessly
arms, male and female breasts, abdomen, back,
liposuction is extremely safe, with no known
into the fatty tissue, causing the area to become
waist and love handles, buttocks, inner and
deaths or serious complications ever reported
tumescent (firm and swollen). Tiny straw-like instru-
outer thighs, knees, calves and ankles.
from its use in North America. The Dermatologic
ments called microcannulas are then inserted into
Surgery Centre is a fully accredited out-patient
fat compartments under the skin — enabling the
facility that meets all safety standards of a
surgeon to gently loosen and remove the unwanted
fat deposits. This method ensures the safe and
effective removal of large amounts of fat uniformly,
with few skin irregularities, minimal bleeding
and bruising, and little post-operative discomfort.
liposuction treatment to hips & outer
thighs, 38-year-old female
liposuction treatment to upper & lower
abdomen, 39-year-old female
liposuction treatment to chest,
25-year-old male