Packet - City of Brenham
Packet - City of Brenham
NOTICE OF A REGULAR MEETING THE BRENHAM CITY COUNCIL THURSDAY DECEMBER 20, 2012 AT 1:00 P.M. SECOND FLOOR CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS 200 W. VULCAN BRENHAM, TEXAS 1. Call Meeting to Order 2. Invocation and Pledges to the US and Texas Flags – Councilmember Keith Herring 3. Citizens Comments CONSENT AGENDA 4. Statutory Consent Agenda The Statutory Consent Agenda includes non-controversial and routine items that Council may act on with one single vote. A councilmember may pull any item from the Consent Agenda in order that the Council discuss and act upon it individually as part of the Regular Agenda. 4-a. Ordinance No. O-12-031 on its Second Reading Amending the Rate Tariff Schedule(s) for the City of Brenham Transfer/Collection Station Rates Page 1 - 4 WORK SESSION 5. Discussion and Update on the Tax Phase-In Compliance Review Committee and Findings Related to the Committee’s Review of Tax Phase-In Projects Page 5 – 6 6. Discussion on January 2013 Council Meeting Dates Page 7 - 8 REGULAR AGENDA 7. Discuss and Possibly Act Upon an Ordinance on its First Reading Amending the FY2011-12 Adopted Budget Page 9 - 11 8. Discuss and Possibly Act Upon Resolution No. R-12-023 Approving the Modification of the Amortization Schedule of the Promissory Note from the Brenham Community Development Corporation (BCDC) to the City of Brenham Related to the Funding for Southwest Industrial Park, Section 3, and Authorize the Mayor to Execute Any Necessary Documentation Page 12 - 26 9. Discuss and Possibly Act Upon the Purchase of New Vehicles for the City of Brenham Police Department from the BuyBoard Local Government Purchasing Cooperative and Authorize the Mayor to Execute Any Necessary Documentation Page 27 10. Discuss and Possibly Act Upon a Rate Increase Proposed by Texas Commercial Waste for Commercial Sanitation Services and Authorize the Mayor to Execute Any Necessary Documentation Page 28 - 32 11. Discuss and Possibly Act Upon Bid No. 13-003 for the Annual Contract Relating to Road Base Material for the City of Brenham’s Street Department and Authorize the Mayor to Execute Any Necessary Documentation Page 33 - 36 12. Discuss and Possibly Act Upon Recommendations for Appointments and/or ReAppointments to Various City Advisory Boards Page 37 - 39 EXECUTIVE SESSION 13. Texas Government Code Section 551.072 – Deliberation Regarding Real Property – Discussion and Deliberation Concerning the Possible Acquisition of Park Land Page 40 14. Texas Government Code Section 551.071 – Consultation with Attorney – Consultation with City Attorney Concerning Legal Issues Related to the Demolition and Abatement of the Abandoned Municipal Building Located at 210 N. Park Street Page 41 RE-OPEN REGULAR AGENDA 15. Discuss and Possibly Act Upon Final Payment to 1 Priority Environmental Services, Inc. for the Demolition and Abatement of the Abandoned Municipal Building Located at 210 N. Park Street and Authorize the Mayor to Execute any Necessary Documentation Page 42 Administrative/Elected Officials Reports: Reports from City Officials or City staff regarding items of community interest, including expression of thanks, congratulations or condolences; information regarding holiday schedules; honorary or salutary recognitions of public officials, public employees or other citizens; reminders about upcoming events organized or sponsored by the City; information regarding social, ceremonial, or community events organized or sponsored by a non-City entity that is scheduled to be attended by City officials or employees; and announcements involving imminent threats to the public health and safety of people in the City that have arisen after the posting of the agenda. 16. Administrative/Elected Officials Report Adjourn Executive Sessions: The City Council for the City of Brenham reserves the right to convene into executive session at any time during the course of this meeting to discuss any of the matters listed, as authorized by Texas Government Code, Chapter 551, including but not limited to §551.071 – Consultation with Attorney, §551.072 – Real Property, §551.073 – Prospective Gifts, §551.074 - Personnel Matters, §551.076 – Security Devices, §551.086 - Utility Competitive Matters, and §551.087 – Economic Development Negotiations. CERTIFICATION I certify that a copy of the December 20, 2012 agenda of items to be considered by the City of Brenham City Council was posted to the City Hall bulletin board at 200 W. Vulcan, Brenham, Texas on December 17, 2012 at 12:00 PM. Jeana Bellinger, TRMC City Secretary Disability Access Statement: This meeting is wheelchair accessible. The accessible entrance is located at the Vulcan Street entrance to the City Administration Building. Accessible parking spaces are located adjoining the entrance. Auxiliary aids and services are available upon request (interpreters for the deaf must be requested twentyfour (24) hours before the meeting) by calling (979) 337-7567 for assistance. I certify that the attached notice and agenda of items to be considered by the City Council was removed by me from the City Hall bulletin board on the ________ day of ___________________, 2012 at __________ AM PM. ___________________________________ Signature ___________________________________ Title ORDINANCE NO. O-12-031 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE GARBAGE COLLECTION/CITIZEN’S COLLECTION STATION RATE TARIFF SCHEDULE FOR THE CITY OF BRENHAM, TEXAS; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE OF THIS ORDINANCE. WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Brenham, Texas deems it necessary to change the rates for all compacted waste that is disposed of at the City of Brenham’s Transfer Station. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT ORDAINED by the City Council of the City of Brenham, Texas: SECTION I. The City Council of the City of Brenham, Texas, does hereby adopt the Garbage Collection/Citizen’s Collection Station Rate Schedule for compacted waste that is disposed of at the City of Brenham’s Transfer Station as set forth in the attached Exhibit “A”, which is made a part hereof for all purposes pertinent, to be effective with utility billing occurring on or after January 1, 2013. SECTION II This Ordinance shall take effect as provided by the Charter of the City of Brenham, Texas. The implementation of rates as set forth herein and on the attached Exhibit "A" shall be effective with utility billing occurring on and after January 1, 2013. PASSED and APPROVED on its first reading this the 6th day of December, 2012. PASSED and APPROVED on its second reading this the 20th day of December, 2012. __________________________________ Milton Y. Tate, Jr. Mayor ATTEST: ____________________________________ Jeana Bellinger, TRMC City Secretary 1 ALL SERVICES 800 810 TARIFF GARBAGE COLLECTION/CITIZEN’S COLLECTION STATION RATE SCHEDULE SECTION TITLE SECTION NO. SHEET NO. January 1, 2013 EFFECTIVE DATE (Supersedes Rate Change effective11.01/10) SANITATION RATE SCHEDULE Residential Collection Single Family - Homes, Apartments, Mobile Homes Code A $l3.75 per month Twice Per Week Collection Inside City Limits Code C $20.13 per month Twice Per Week Collection Senior Citizen (Age 55 or older) $11.00 per month Application required for discounted rate Citizens Collection Station (Non-compacted Waste) $80.00/ton or .04 cents per pound $5.50 minimum (<160 lbs.) $1.00 per trash bag Disposal of vehicle tires at the city collection station; charges and collection: (a) The city herewith imposes the following surcharges for disposal of vehicle tires at the city collection station: (1) Cars and passenger trucks (15 inch and below)..............................................$ 2.00 per tire (2) Large truck tires (16 inch and above)..............................................................$ 5.00 per tire (3) Large truck and tractor tires with dimension greater than eighteen (18) inches wide, forty-nine (49) inches in diameter, and 15-ply ......................................................................................................$35.00 per tire (b) The charges set forth immediately above are to be collected at the Collection Station site by city personnel or, in the case of commercial or industrial charge accounts, will be billed to the applicable customers each month. 2 ALL SERVICES 800 811 TARIFF GARBAGE COLLECTION/CITIZEN’S COLLECTION STATION RATE SCHEDULE SECTION TITLE SECTION NO. SHEET NO. January 1,2013 EFFECTIVE DATE (Supersedes Rate Change effective 10/01/09) Commercial Brush $15.00/ton or .0075 cents per pound $15.00 minimum (1 ton minimum) Transfer Station (Compacted Waste) In-city Out of city $ 42.50/ton or 2.125 cents per pound $45.50/ton or 2.275 cents per pound 3 ALL SERVICES 800 812 TARIFF GARBAGE COLLECTION/CITIZEN’S COLLECTION STATION RATE SCHEDULE SECTION TITLE SECTION NO. SHEET NO. NOVEMBER 8, 2006 EFFECTIVE DATE (Supersedes Rate Change effective 03/01/2006) POLICIES FOR SANITATION COLLECTION 1. A new customer or a change in service requires Form 7, Application of Service, be filled out at the Public Utilities Office. The form must be signed by the applicant. Copies will be disbursed to the following departments: Public Utilities, Billing Department, Sanitation Department. 2. Effective date for new or changed service will be established by the Sanitation Department Head. Billing Department will adjust customer bills accordingly. 3. Any customer requesting a Senior Citizen Rate must complete the necessary form and provide proof of age. 4. Any customer who has residential utility service with the City shall be subject to charges for garbage service and shall comply with all City health ordinances regarding the disposal of solid waste. Charges for garbage service may be waived by the Utility Director or City Manager for customers with residential utility service that do not reside on a current residential truck route. 5. The City's garbage service to residential customers shall be exclusive and no other person, firm or corporation shall provide residential garbage service within the City limits of Brenham. Residential garbage service shall include garbage pick up at any residence at least monthly. 6. Outside the city limits services are available to residential customers presently residing on a current residential truck route that is adjacent to the city limits. 7. Garbage must be at the curb by 8:00 A.M. on collection day. 8. All garbage must be placed within five feet of curb or edge of pavement. 9. Bags shall at all times be kept secure and fastened to prevent scattering of the contents by the wind and so that flies and other insects may not have access to the contents. 10. Residential collection trucks will not pick up tires, grass clippings, leaves, tree trimming, batteries, carpet, construction materials, furniture and heavy metal objects. 11. Disposal of hazardous waste, explosives, ammunition, used oil and filters, flammable liquids, radioactive waste and/or lead-acid batteries in the City's Sanitation Collection Station is strictly prohibited. Vehicle tires shall not be placed for collection by the City, but will be accepted for disposal at the City's Collection Station 12. A special yard waste collection is provided every Wednesday for those residents who are unable to take their yard waste to the Citizens Collection Station. 4 AGENDA ITEM 5 DATE OF MEETING: December 20, 2012 DATE SUBMITTED: December 17, 2012 DEPT. OF ORIGIN: Administration SUBMITTED BY: Clint Kolby MEETING TYPE: CLASSIFICATION: ORDINANCE: REGULAR PUBLIC HEARING 1ST READING SPECIAL CONSENT 2ND READING EXECUTIVE SESSION REGULAR RESOLUTION WORK SESSION AGENDA ITEM DESCRIPTION: Discussion and Update on the Tax Phase-In Compliance Review Committee and Findings Related to the Committee’s Review of Tax Phase-In Projects SUMMARY STATEMENT: See attached memo from Clint Kolby. STAFF ANALYSIS (For Ordinances or Regular Agenda Items): A. PROS: B. CONS: ALTERNATIVES (In Suggested Order of Staff Preference): ATTACHMENTS: (1) Memo from Clint Kolby FUNDING SOURCE (Where Applicable): RECOMMENDED ACTION: Discussion only APPROVALS: Terry K. Roberts 5 MEMO 2012 Board of Directors William Krueger, Chair Jones & Carter Barbara Maurer, Vice Chair Chase, Retired Gary Weiss, Secretary Germania Insurance Billy Holle, Treasurer Seidel Schroeder & Company Paul Kruse, Past Chair Blue Bell Creameries Mike Baker MIC Group Tee Dippel Brenham National Bank Cory Flencher Citizens State Bank Jon Hill Appel Ford Stephen Miller Brenham Wholesale Grocery Co. Mike Shoup Antique Rose Emporium Brett Smith Lee Anderson Company Arlen Thielemann Thielemann Construction Co. Jarvis Van Dyke Van Dyke Rankin Insurance Donald Voelter, Ph.D. Blinn College, Retired David Yeager Blinn Technical Education Center To: Mayor and City Council Date: November 30, 2012 Re: Annual Tax Phase-In Compliance Review Committee Report According to the City of Brenham’s Tax Phase-In Policy, a Compliance Review Committee shall collect from every tax phase-in incentive recipient a sworn statement of compliance and verifying documents ensuring that all requirements have been met. The Committee shall then provide a report on the status of all Tax Phase-In incentive agreements to the City Council on or before December 15 of each calendar year. This year, the Committee reviewed two companies for compliance, Advanced Data Storage (ADS) and Stanpac. ADS received the tax phase-in incentive in 2009 for locating their new facility in the Brenham Business Center. Their tax phase-in period began in 2011 after they became fully operational in 2010. Stanpac received the tax phase-in incentive in 2010 for relocating their operations from Dallas to the former Mount Vernon Mills facility here in Brenham. This is their first year to receive the tax phase-in. The Tax Phase-In Compliance Review Committee, consisting of Susan Ebel, Catherine Kenjura, Roger Chambers, John Gunn, and Willy Dilworth, met on November 26 to review the signed affidavits and employment records from ADS and Stanpac. Both companies have met the tax phase-in policy’s criteria of creating/retaining at least 10 jobs at an average base salary of $30,000 including benefits and adding at least $300,000 in new value to the property tax roll. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact the Economic Development Foundation office at 979-836-8927 or [email protected]. STAFF Page Michel President & CEO Clint Kolby Project Manager 314 South Austin Street ▪ Brenham, Texas 77833 ▪ 979.836.8927 ▪ Fax 979.836.3563 6 AGENDA ITEM 6 DATE OF MEETING: December 20, 2012 DATE SUBMITTED: December 17, 2012 DEPT. OF ORIGIN: Administration SUBMITTED BY: Terry Roberts MEETING TYPE: CLASSIFICATION: ORDINANCE: REGULAR PUBLIC HEARING 1ST READING SPECIAL CONSENT 2ND READING EXECUTIVE SESSION REGULAR RESOLUTION WORK SESSION AGENDA ITEM DESCRIPTION: Discussion on January 2013 Council Meeting Dates SUMMARY STATEMENT: See attached memo from Terry Roberts. STAFF ANALYSIS (For Ordinances or Regular Agenda Items): A. PROS: B. CONS: ALTERNATIVES (In Suggested Order of Staff Preference): ATTACHMENTS: (1) Memo from Terry Roberts FUNDING SOURCE (Where Applicable): RECOMMENDED ACTION: Discussion only APPROVALS: 7 To: Mayor and City Council From: Terry K. Roberts, City Manager Subject: January 2013 Council Meeting Schedule Date: December 17, 2012 There are five Thursdays in the month of January 2013. The first Thursday of the new month is January 3rd which is near the New Year’s Holiday period. We want to discuss with you this week whether you want to consider an adjusted meeting schedule in January. Agenda preparation for a January 3rd meeting would need to take place during the week between Christmas and New Year’s Day when many of the staff take vacation time off with their families. However, if January 3rd is the best day for you we will keep that date. There are conflicts for two Council meeting regulars in January as well. City Secretary Jeana Bellinger will be attending the State elections seminar on January 17th and Mayor Tate is out of the City on January 24th. We would like to discuss with you whether shifting our January meeting dates to January 10th and January 31st are possible for your meeting schedule. On a related matter, many of you have suggested it would be helpful to meet in workshop as a full Council to discuss the specifics of our interlocal agreements with the County. We could add that to either or both of the Council meeting agendas or look for a separate date to just have a work session on that specific topic. Your feedback and direction is requested. 8 AGENDA ITEM 7 DATE OF MEETING: December 20, 2012 DATE SUBMITTED: December 17, 2012 DEPT. OF ORIGIN: Finance SUBMITTED BY: Carolyn D. Miller MEETING TYPE: CLASSIFICATION: ORDINANCE: REGULAR PUBLIC HEARING 1ST READING SPECIAL CONSENT 2ND READING EXECUTIVE SESSION REGULAR RESOLUTION WORK SESSION AGENDA ITEM DESCRIPTION: Discuss and Possibly Act Upon an Ordinance on its First Reading Amending the FY2011-12 Adopted Budget SUMMARY STATEMENT: The proposed Ordinance will be our only amendment to the FY2011-12 budget. The General Fund revenues are being increased for Sales Tax revenue, GovDeals online auction funds, and insurance proceeds. Other expenditure amendment items, whether increases or (decreases), are offset by revenues or transfers (in)/out. The largest item in the General Fund column is related to the ABNR transfer-out to the Hwy 290 Fund for completion of Westwood Drive and Stringer Street. The other amendment items are for BCDC activity, the AMR smart meter project and year-end budget realignment (clean-up). STAFF ANALYSIS (For Ordinances or Regular Agenda Items): A. PROS: B. CONS: ALTERNATIVES (In Suggested Order of Staff Preference): ATTACHMENTS: (1) Ordinance; and (2) Exhibit A (Amendment Number 1) FUNDING SOURCE (Where Applicable): RECOMMENDED ACTION: Approve an Ordinance on its first reading amending the FY2011-12 Budget. APPROVALS: Carolyn D. Miller 9 ORDINANCE NO. ___________ AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF BRENHAM, TEXAS AMENDING THE FY2011-12 ADOPTED BUDGET; AND DECLARING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Brenham, Texas has previously approved a budget for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2012, after having filed the same with the City Secretary and after holding public hearings on same, all after due notice as required by statute; and WHEREAS, due to unforeseen circumstances and/or conditions, the City Council finds it is necessary to amend the FY2011-12 Budget for municipal purposes; NOW THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the City Council of the City of Brenham, Texas: SECTION I. That the City Council of the City of Brenham, Texas, does hereby amend the budget for the City of Brenham, Texas for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2012, as shown on Exhibit A. SECTION II. This Ordinance shall take effect as provided by State Law and the Charter of the City of Brenham, Texas. PASSED and APPROVED on its first reading this the ____ day of _____________, 2012. PASSED and APPROVED on its second reading this the ____ day of ____________, 2013. ______________________________ Milton Y. Tate, Jr. Mayor ATTEST: ____________________________________ Jeana Bellinger, TRMC City Secretary 10 t Fund 05 0 05 0 Electri 55111 22475 1000 32475 Donati s Crimnal Law Enforcem t 5483 5483 3795 5483 5483 5483 PD 13286 BCDC Capital Projects Fund 12 30 9862 31053 BCDC I Hotel 23416 Fund N U M B E R O c u p a n y C o u n t y BRENIAM YEAR A OF CITY EXHIBT 09 AMENDT FISCAL Tax Ocupancy Capital Fund Parks 67106 11607 11607 6280 1 5000 2230 3813 15 3417 2250 Grant 2250 22500 Service 59313 Equipment Fund Emergncy Mgmt Fund 59313 5931 S 12958 12958 12958 Forest Texas Limted Pond not for 20750 52047 286 828 14000 02705 14000 151 32000 34697 3200 286 59313 1400 19745 240 S C D I C D A F Ii 0 11 I 1 K C I M N Project Truck Zone Restrom Revnue Auction Grant Mes age Revnues Asociatn Donati s Online Departm n Security Amphitea r Rev nue Fund Revnue Bo ster DEC INC REVNUS Clear Sign for Revnue Fire Proceds Aviaton Tax Deals of Sales Gov Sale for sOwner Fund HOT Donati s Shelt r Insurance TxDOT Homeland Donati s HOT County Property Police Animal construi Canceld SExWpanIsPio SWIP Zone DEC and Fund Fund INC Projects BCDC Wastew r BALA E n f o r c e m t Westwod Transfer Transfer TRANSFE FUND Equipment Airport Drive REVNUS DEC HSeorictaiegety Grant Project Consulta Strelights EXPNDITURS BUDGET Departmn County Signage Contigecy Aviaton Mesage Restrom Audits PCraojpeicttasl PMreotjeerct BUDGET TRANSFE Transfer Transfer Seizure CParopjeitcatls CPraopjeitcatsl BUDGET BUD TO AL EXPNDITURS Volunter Washingto Aditonal TxDOT Purchase Amphitear BCDC BCDC AMR TO AL BUDGET Increas Reduce Reduce Narcoti BCDC BCDC TO AL HAN during in 290 Clear Hwy for for INC for for Sign Fund and Fire Fund HOT of 290 Fund Law Capital PD to to D to to to Fund E Hwy E K of the expnditures the for to be to the as by in the to of the but the Powerd Oswner Fund Stre t reduce sale Fund pdam ge rotecion Solar Amphitear Property Section lisgtrhetintg tracked andStringer therfoe from Projects proceds wind forurnaway Grant complet share SWIP Sales Drive 755282 Capital Center land Security rata ad iton Metric 59313 transfer BCDC Westwod the zone of 3 on the the in to a of for the the is of of can We Co the in to to designate acquire Homeland 2250 their improve nts Aqua ap roved from Recration paid aproved from lower was the at Stringer 9 reported funded from purchase engi erng wil pro Stre t Cancel d 3 by be be the A Ii in Gen ral Gen ral equipment Detnio resv Section transfer used ofset Matching Fees operating SWIP Council budget d partialy expnditures fund Fund Truck Board project BCDC Drive ap roved seizure from Bo ster Mes age Restrom Asociatn paid 108 were amount narcoti BCDC were Longw od the Gen ral Fund 931049 9234 3200 33081 each the for 286 Improvent Util ty Fund Fund Tax Funds 12958 Ilwy Fund 52047 Fund ABNR Notes the 290 Airport Capital 23563 8436 231 64502 2250 Prof 1607 11956 23416 64502 Hotel FTuaxnd 67106 290617 13286 to by the of action and ap roved Buildng to a project ac ept d theamount Operative 201 the drain ge Board and the equipment improve nts for were 12 1 FYI 009 12 R transwfeerde canel d Council Novembr Electri wipatvhing me ting reading agremnts Resolutin proce ds met r me ting Aviaton m20e1ting asocited B2C0D1C purchase me ting Note Tax 2011 Tproce ds xDOT recwievreed 2Blue0bon1t cost autom ed construi equipment 2012 Limted April 2012 Dec mber D e c m b e r May b u d g e t d June October purchase NOTES Insurance Donati s Engierng The Engierng Residual Council Co Comunicats for in for 1 I 21 of the the the Al At In A B C D and F The At In E G H 3 1 J K the At L M 11 AGENDA ITEM 8 DATE OF MEETING: December 20, 2012 DATE SUBMITTED: December 17, 2012 DEPT. OF ORIGIN: Finance SUBMITTED BY: Carolyn D. Miller MEETING TYPE: CLASSIFICATION: ORDINANCE: REGULAR PUBLIC HEARING 1ST READING SPECIAL CONSENT 2ND READING EXECUTIVE SESSION REGULAR RESOLUTION WORK SESSION AGENDA ITEM DESCRIPTION: Discuss and Possibly Act Upon Resolution No. R-12-023 Approving the Modification of the Amortization Schedule of the Promissory Note from the Brenham Community Development Corporation (BCDC) to the City of Brenham Related to the Funding for Southwest Industrial Park, Section 3, and Authorize the Mayor to Execute Any Necessary Documentation SUMMARY STATEMENT: This item is being brought to Council to amend the original loan amortization schedule for the $1 million loan to BCDC for land acquisition in the Southwest Industrial Park. In 2010 when Council approved Resolution No. R-10-008, an exhibit was attached detailing the principal and interest payments to be made over the term of the loan (see attached resolution and exhibit). Subsequently, upon issuance of the $760,000 Limited Tax Notes for infrastructure improvements, Specialized Public Finance (Garry Kimball) provided the City with a debt service schedule for BCDC related to this $1 million loan. As you can see, the annual breakdown of principal and interest payments are different from the original exhibit, and the total interest to be repaid has been reduced from $901,616.50 to $817,520.11. We are asking Council to accept the Debt Service Schedule prepared by Specialized Public Finance as the amortization schedule for the repayment of the $1 million loan. STAFF ANALYSIS (For Ordinances or Regular Agenda Items): A. PROS: B. CONS: ALTERNATIVES (In Suggested Order of Staff Preference): 12 ATTACHMENTS: (1) Resolution No. R-12-023; (2) Modification Agreement; (3) Copy of Resolution R-10008 approved by Council in April, 2010. FUNDING SOURCE (Where Applicable): RECOMMENDED ACTION: Approve Resolution No. R-12-023 to modify the Amortization Schedule of the Promissory Note from the Brenham Community Development Corporation (BCDC) to the City of Brenham. APPROVALS: Carolyn D. Miller 13 RESOLUTION NO. R-12-023 A RESOLUTION APPROVING THE MODIFICATION OF THE AMORTIZATION SCHEDULE OF THE PREOMISSORY NOTE FROM THE BRENHAM COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION (BCDC) TO THE CITY OF BRENHAM RELATED TO THE FUNDING FOR SOUTHWEST INDUSTRIAL PARK, SECTION 3 WHEREAS, in 2010 the Brenham Community Development Corporation (“BCDC”) acquired land for industrial park purposes; and WHEREAS, the City of Brenham (“City”) assisted the BCDC with a portion of the financial resources necessary to acquire the land in the form of a loan in the amount of $1,000,000.00; and WHEREAS, the BCDC executed a promissory note to the City in the amount of $1,000,000.00, which is also secured by a deed of trust; and WHEREAS, recent review of the promissory note’s amortization schedule revealed that the amount of interest payments due to the City were overstated; and WHEREAS, the BCDC and the City desire to replace the original amortization schedule of the note with a modified amortization schedule to accurately reflect the amount of interest due to the City pursuant to the terms of the note; NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BRENHAM, TEXAS: 1. That the City Council hereby approves the Modification Agreement, attached hereto and incorporated herein for all purposes, related to the City’s loan to the BCDC for funding of the Southwest Industrial Park, Section 3, providing for the replacement of the original amortization schedule with the corrected amortization schedule attached to the Modification Agreement as Exhibit “A.” 2. That the Mayor is hereby authorized to execute any and all documents, including without limitation said Modification Agreement, necessary to implement this Resolution. RESOLVED this 20th day of December, 2012. _____________________________ Milton Y. Tate, Jr., Mayor ATTEST: ___________________________________ Jeana Bellinger, TRMC, City Secretary 14 NOTICE OF CONFIDENTIALITY RIGHTS: IF YOU ARE A NATURAL PERSON, YOU MAY REMOVE OR STRIKE ANY OR ALL OF THE FOLLOWING INFORMATION FROM ANY INSTRUMENT THAT TRANSFERS AN INTEREST IN REAL PROPERTY BEFORE IT IS FILED FOR RECORD IN THE PUBLIC RECORDS: YOUR SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER OR YOUR DRIVER'S LICENSE NUMBER. Modification Agreement Date: _______________________, 2012 Holder of Note and Lien: City of Brenham, a Texas Home Rule Municipality. Holder's Mailing Address: City of Brenham c/o Finance Department 200 W. Vulcan Brenham, Texas 77833 Washington County Obligor: Brenham Community Development Corporation, a Texas non-profit corporation created pursuant to art. 5190.6, Tex. Rev. Civ. Stat. Ann., and the Texas Non-Profit Corporation Act. Obligor's Mailing Address: Brenham Community Development Corporation 200 W. Vulcan Brenham, Texas 77833 Washington County Note Date: August 6, 2010 Original principal amount: $1,000,000.00 Borrower: Brenham Community Development Corporation Lender: City of Brenham, a Texas Home Rule Municipality. Maturity date: September 1, 2029 Unpaid Principal and Interest on Note: $1,000,000.00 Lien Documents: Deed of Trust recorded in Volume 1359, Page 005 of the Official Records of Washington County, Texas 15 Property (including any improvements): All that certain tract or parcel of land lying and being situated in Washington County, Texas, being more particularly described the Deed of Trust recorded in Volume 1359, Page 005 of the Official Records of Washington County, Texas. Modified Terms: The amortization schedule attached to this Modification Agreement as Exhibit “A” is incorporated herein for all purposes and shall in all respects replace and be substituted for the amortization schedule attached as Exhibit “A” to the original Note dated August 6, 2010; the remaining terms and provisions of the Note continue as written. The Note is secured by liens against the Property. Whether Obligor is primarily liable on the Note or not, Obligor nevertheless agrees to pay the Note and comply with the obligations expressed in the Lien Documents. For value received, Obligor renews the Note and promises to pay to the order of Holder of Note and Lien, according to the Modified Terms, the Unpaid Principal and Interest on Note. All unpaid amounts are due by the Maturity Date of Note. Obligor also extends the liens described in the Lien Documents. The Note and the Lien Documents continue as written, except as provided in this agreement. Obligor warrants to Holder of Note and Lien that the Note and the Lien Documents, as modified, are valid and enforceable and represents that they are not subject to rights of offset, rescission, or other claims. When the context requires, singular nouns and pronouns include the plural. Brenham Community Development Corporation _________________________________ Terry K. Roberts, President City of Brenham, Texas ______________________________ Milton Y. Tate, Jr., Mayor Attest: Attest: ____________________________________ Secretary ______________________________ Jeana Bellinger, City Secretary 16 EXHIBIT A 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 AGENDA ITEM 9 DATE OF MEETING: December 20, 2012 DATE SUBMITTED: December 17, 2012 DEPT. OF ORIGIN: Administration SUBMITTED BY: Wende Ragonis MEETING TYPE: CLASSIFICATION: ORDINANCE: REGULAR PUBLIC HEARING 1ST READING SPECIAL CONSENT 2ND READING EXECUTIVE SESSION REGULAR RESOLUTION WORK SESSION AGENDA ITEM DESCRIPTION: Discuss and Possibly Act Upon the Purchase of New Vehicles for the City of Brenham Police Department from the BuyBoard Local Government Purchasing Cooperative and Authorize the Mayor to Execute Any Necessary Documentation SUMMARY STATEMENT: This purchase of five (5) police pursuit vehicles is to replace the existing vehicles due to their retirement under the Brenham Police Department’s five-year vehicle replacement program. STAFF ANALYSIS (For Ordinances or Regular Agenda Items): A. PROS: B. CONS: ALTERNATIVES (In Suggested Order of Staff Preference): ATTACHMENTS: None FUNDING SOURCE (Where Applicable): FY13 budget: 236-5-100-813.51 RECOMMENDED ACTION: Approve the purchase of five (5) new vehicles for the City of Brenham Police Department from the BuyBoard Local Government Purchasing Cooperative and authorize the Mayor to execute any necessary documentation APPROVALS: Rex Phelps 27 AGENDA ITEM 10 DATE OF MEETING: 12/20/2012 DATE SUBMITTED: 12/13/2012 DEPT. OF ORIGIN: Public Utilities SUBMITTED BY: Dane Rau MEETING TYPE: CLASSIFICATION: ORDINANCE: REGULAR PUBLIC HEARING 1ST READING SPECIAL CONSENT 2ND READING EXECUTIVE SESSION REGULAR RESOLUTION WORK SESSION AGENDA ITEM DESCRIPTION: Discuss and Possibly Act Upon a Rate Increase Proposed by Texas Commercial Waste for Commercial Sanitation Services and Authorize the Mayor to Execute Any Necessary Documentation. SUMMARY STATEMENT: On February 6, 2003 the City of Brenham entered into an exclusive agreement with Texas Commercial Waste to provide commercial garbage collection to local businesses and industries within city limits. The original agreement was for five (5) years with a commencement date of May 1, 2003. The contract also called for an automatic extension for an additional five (5) year term, which was awarded to TCW in May of 2008. Over the last 9 years TCW has provided a very reliable service to the City of Brenham and its commercial accounts. Throughout these years TCW has been very cautious about rate increases and has only requested increases when absolutely needed. In the last 9 years four increase have been seen such as a 5% increase in 2005, a 16.7% increase in 2008, a 2.5% increase in 2009 and a 5% increase in 2010. Three of these four increases were directly related to higher tipping fees passed onto TCW by the Brenham Transfer Station. Texas Commercial Waste has informed the City of Brenham that due to the most recent tipping fee increase at the City of Brenham Transfer Station that a (2%) increase is needed at this time to cover those additional costs. Staff has looked at the proposed rates and understands the increase proposed by Texas Commercial Waste. If council approves of this rate increase, a letter detailing the rate increase will be sent to customers who utilize the service immediately. The increased rates will become effective January 1 and will be noticed on utility bills in February for January’s usage. Staff recommends councils approval of the 2% rate increase proposed by Texas Commercial Waste. STAFF ANALYSIS (For Ordinances or Regular Agenda Items): A. PROS: No change in service provider B. CONS: Rates for commercial sanitation customers will rise 2%. 28 ALTERNATIVES (In Suggested Order of Staff Preference): ATTACHMENTS: (1.) Letter from Texas Commercial Waste; and (2) Proposed Rate Schedule FUNDING SOURCE (Where Applicable): RECOMMENDED ACTION: Approve a 2% rate increase proposed by Texas Commercial Waste on commercial sanitation service(s) throughout the City of Brenham and authorize the Mayor to execute any necessary documentation. APPROVALS: Terry Roberts 29 30 31 32 AGENDA ITEM 11 DATE OF MEETING: 12/20/12 DATE SUBMITTED: 12/6/12 DEPT. OF ORIGIN: Public Works SUBMITTED BY: Dane Rau MEETING TYPE: CLASSIFICATION: ORDINANCE: REGULAR PUBLIC HEARING 1ST READING SPECIAL CONSENT 2ND READING EXECUTIVE SESSION REGULAR RESOLUTION WORK SESSION AGENDA ITEM DESCRIPTION: Discuss and Possibly Act Upon Bid No. 13-003 for the Annual Contract Relating to Road Base Material for the City of Brenham’s Street Department and Authorize the Mayor to Execute Any Necessary Documentation SUMMARY STATEMENT: On November 28, 2012 the purchasing department opened bids regarding the annual contract for supplying road base material to City of Brenham. There were 9 bids sent out with three bids being received on November 28th. As you recall, this item was re-bid due to the lack of bids received in October. We are pleased to say that we received three competitive bids with the lowest bid submitted by Lhoist North America in the amount of $21.00/ton. This price includes delivery to site. This price is lower than the bid submitted in October of 2012 by $3.95/ton, but more than the 2011 bid of $16.95/ton. Increases have been seen across the board mainly in trucking costs. Based on the attached bid tabulation we recommend council awarding the bid to Lhoist North American for the annual road base material contract in the amount of $21.00/ton STAFF ANALYSIS (For Ordinances or Regular Agenda Items): A. PROS: Gained a better price by re-bidding and getting competitive quotes B. CONS: Price has increased since last year. ALTERNATIVES (In Suggested Order of Staff Preference): ATTACHMENTS: (1) Bid Information; and (2) Bid Tabulation Sheet FUNDING SOURCE (Where Applicable.) 101-5-141-315.00 33 RECOMMENDED ACTION: Approve and award Bid No. 13-003 to Lhoist North America in the amount of $21.00/ton for the annual contract of road base material and authorize the Mayor to execute any necessary documentation. APPROVALS: Terry Roberts 34 Bid Information Sheet November 28, 2012 Bid No. 13-003 For: Rebid-Annual Contract-Road Base Material Purchase not to exceed budgeted funds. Number of bidders sent a bid packet: 9 Number of completed bids returned to Purchasing: 3 35 BID TABULATION REBID-ANNUAL CONTRACT-ROAD BASE MATERIAL (Crushed Limestone) BID #13-003 Knife Lhoist Statewide North River America Materials Estimated Tons 10,000 10,000 10,000 Freight Rate Per Ton 8.50 17.00 17.64 Material Cost Per Ton 16.75 4.00 5.67 Total Cost Per Ton 25.25 21.00 23.31 Total Estimated $ Amount $252,500.00 $210,000.00 $233,100.00 36 AGENDA ITEM 12 DATE OF MEETING: December 20, 2012 DATE SUBMITTED: December 17, 2012 DEPT. OF ORIGIN: Administration SUBMITTED BY: Terry Roberts MEETING TYPE: CLASSIFICATION: ORDINANCE: REGULAR PUBLIC HEARING 1ST READING SPECIAL CONSENT 2ND READING EXECUTIVE SESSION REGULAR RESOLUTION WORK SESSION AGENDA ITEM DESCRIPTION: Discuss and Possibly Act Upon Recommendations for Appointments and/or Re-Appointments to Various City Advisory Boards SUMMARY STATEMENT: See attached memo from Terry Roberts. STAFF ANALYSIS (For Ordinances or Regular Agenda Items): A. PROS: B. CONS: ALTERNATIVES (In Suggested Order of Staff Preference): ATTACHMENTS: (1) Memo from Terry Roberts FUNDING SOURCE (Where Applicable): RECOMMENDED ACTION: Approve the recommendations for appointments and/or re-appointments to various city advisory boards, as presented. APPROVALS: Milton Y. Tate, Jr. 37 To: Mayor and City Council From: Terry K. Roberts, City Manager Subject: Advisory Board Recommendations 2012 Date: December 13, 2012 Under the new guidelines for board appointments, persons interested in serving fill out an application of interest. This includes current board members who are willing and interested in continuing their service. As part of the guidelines, the Mayor and City Manager are to review the board appointments and offer a recommendation to the City Council. Our recommendations are shown below: Airport Advisory: Bryan Butler and Mark Whitehead recommended for reappointment. Brent Nedbalek to replace Mickey Walker. Board of Adjustment: Walt Schoenvogel and Mike Haywood recommended for reappointment. One vacancy still remains for the position held by Darren Heine who requested to not be reappointed. Brenham Housing Authority: Richard Flammer and Harvey Williams are incumbents who are willing to continue service and are being recommended for reappointment. Brenham Community Development Corporation: Incumbents John Barkman, Bill Betts and John Hasskarl recommended for reappointment. Hotel Occupancy Tax Board: Of the two city positions up for reappointment, Jean Shoup is willing to be reappointed and Brett Smith does not wish to continue service. Ms. Shoup is recommended for reappointment. We are contacting others for the other vacancy and will bring a recommendation on that position later. 38 Advisory Board Recommendations 2012 Page 2 of 2 Library Advisory Board: Keith Herring and Meg Cone are incumbents who are willing to continue service and are being recommended for reappointment. Main Street Board: The three incumbents who are eligible for reappointment have expressed a willingness to stay on the board and are recommended for reappointment. They are Traci Pyle, Leslie Harrell and Tommy Upchurch. Parks Advisory Board: Three positions on the board are up for appointment. Four persons have expressed interest including the three incumbents. The incumbents are recommended for reappointment and include Jeff Tilley, Jim Baker and Robert Haberman. The fourth citizen to express interest is Luis Mendoza. If he is not appointed, the staff would be willing to advise him of the opportunity for future consideration as vacancies occur. Planning and Zoning Commission: The following incumbents have expressed an interest in continuing service on the P&Z and are recommended for reappointment: Walt Schoenvogel, Leroy Jefferson, Calvin Kossie and Lynette Sheffield. Joe Al Picone and Dennis Mahlmann are incumbents that were held over but have expressed an interest in being replaced. Three citizens have expressed interest in replacing Mr. Picone and Mr. Mahlmann: Deanna Alfred, Charlie Pyle and Darren Heine. All three are good candidates for service. The recommendation is to appoint Ms. Alfred and Mr. Pyle in 2012 and consider Mr. Heine in the future if another vacancy occurs. This packet includes a recap of the boards and their members as well as a copy of the individual forms filled out by the citizens expressing an interest in serving. If you have any questions, please get with the Mayor or me. 39 AGENDA ITEM 13 DATE OF MEETING: December 20, 2012 DATE SUBMITTED: December 17, 2012 DEPT. OF ORIGIN: Administration SUBMITTED BY: Terry K. Roberts MEETING TYPE: CLASSIFICATION: ORDINANCE: REGULAR PUBLIC HEARING 1ST READING SPECIAL CONSENT 2ND READING EXECUTIVE SESSION REGULAR RESOLUTION WORK SESSION AGENDA ITEM DESCRIPTION: Texas Government Code Section 551.072 – Deliberation Regarding Real Property – Discussion and Deliberation Concerning the Possible Acquisition of Park Land SUMMARY STATEMENT: Executive Session discussion. STAFF ANALYSIS (For Ordinances or Regular Agenda Items): A. PROS: B. CONS: ALTERNATIVES (In Suggested Order of Staff Preference): ATTACHMENTS: None. FUNDING SOURCE (Where Applicable): RECOMMENDED ACTION: Discussion only. APPROVALS: Terry K. Roberts 40 AGENDA ITEM 14 DATE OF MEETING: December 20, 2012 DATE SUBMITTED: December 17, 2012 DEPT. OF ORIGIN: Administration SUBMITTED BY: Terry K. Roberts MEETING TYPE: CLASSIFICATION: ORDINANCE: REGULAR PUBLIC HEARING 1ST READING SPECIAL CONSENT 2ND READING EXECUTIVE SESSION REGULAR RESOLUTION WORK SESSION AGENDA ITEM DESCRIPTION: Texas Government Code Section 551.071 – Consultation with Attorney – Consultation with City Attorney Concerning Legal Issues Related to the Demolition and Abatement of the Abandoned Municipal Building Located at 210 N. Park Street SUMMARY STATEMENT: Executive Session discussion. STAFF ANALYSIS (For Ordinances or Regular Agenda Items): A. PROS: B. CONS: ALTERNATIVES (In Suggested Order of Staff Preference): ATTACHMENTS: None. FUNDING SOURCE (Where Applicable): RECOMMENDED ACTION: Discussion only. APPROVALS: Terry K. Roberts 41 AGENDA ITEM 15 DATE OF MEETING: December 20, 2012 DATE SUBMITTED: December 17, 2012 DEPT. OF ORIGIN: Administration SUBMITTED BY: Terry K. Roberts MEETING TYPE: CLASSIFICATION: ORDINANCE: REGULAR PUBLIC HEARING 1ST READING SPECIAL CONSENT 2ND READING EXECUTIVE SESSION REGULAR RESOLUTION WORK SESSION AGENDA ITEM DESCRIPTION: Discuss and Possibly Act Upon Final Payment to 1 Priority Environmental Services, Inc. for the Demolition and Abatement of the Abandoned Municipal Building Located at 210 N. Park Street and Authorize the Mayor to Execute any Necessary Documentation SUMMARY STATEMENT: To be discussed in Executive Session. STAFF ANALYSIS (For Ordinances or Regular Agenda Items): A. PROS: B. CONS: ALTERNATIVES (In Suggested Order of Staff Preference): ATTACHMENTS: None FUNDING SOURCE (Where Applicable): RECOMMENDED ACTION: As discussed in Executive Session APPROVALS: Terry K. Roberts 42
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