March - City of Brenham


March - City of Brenham
March 2012
Newsletter of the Brenham, TX Citizen’s Police Academy Alumni Association
The Informant
Congratulations Officer of the Year 2011!!
Dates to remember this month
CPA class 6:30pm
General Meeting 7pm
CPA class 6:30pm
CPA class 6:30pm
CPA class 6:30pm
Officer James Ferguson was awarded the CPAAA’s Officer of the
Year Award for 2011. To earn this award, Ferguson was chosen by
his peers for an outstanding job during the year. Congratulations!
March Birthdays
Cpl. Bob Lawrence 3/11
Sgt. Dant Lange 3/29
Thank You Carolyn Krause of the
Brazos Valley Retired and Senior
Volunteer Program (RSVP). She
gave an enlightening presentation
at last month’s general meeting.
Did you know that Washington
County has the 2nd highest number of volunteers in the Brazos
Valley next to Brazos County?
This program is all about people
caring for other people. For more
info, see Cpl Chris Jackson.
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Thanks to the following
for directing traffic, parking
cars, and being jailers at the First
Baptist Fundraiser held at the Fairgrounds on March 2nd :
Tom Painter
Rob Aguilar
Tex Davis
James Bassett
Bob Cothern
Dorothy Antkowiak
Dale Green
Carole Petzolt
Monroe Petzolt
Clyde Averitt
Catharine Wood
Charles Lewis
Annette Tiemann
Ron Upchurch
Rob Aguilar
Bob Armour
Helen Bassett
James Bassett
Kevin Braun
Willie Brown
Kent Buford
David Clinkenbeard
Bob Cothern
Glen Daugherty
Juanita Hickey
Bernadette Kamprath
Millie Keller
Tom Painter
Jerry Pieper
Tony Smith
Ron Upchurch
Brian Villella
Darrell Weed
Catharine Wood
Thanks to these fine volunteers that directed traffic at the Matt
Rybarski Drive-Thru Fundraiser on March 1st at the Elks Lodge:
Jack Murski, Clyde Averitt, Rob Aguilar, Dale Green, & James
Congrats to Jack Murski
upon receiving his
certificate of Appreciation
from the Brenham Police
Department's Citizens On
Patrol Program after
donating 167.25 Hours in
Chief Phelps
Brenham’s newest
Police Officer,
Jose Perez.
March 2012
Class 26 In Full Force
The Class Favorites!!
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Participant Corina Smith “gets shot”
during building searches week
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V-Day Nets Big Profit
The Valentines Day flower delivery fundraiser
netted a whopping profit for the organization of
$700.00. Thanks to the team of Kent Buford, Rob
Aguilar, Dorothy Antkowiak, Dale Green, Mary
Schmidt, Larry Neveux, Bob Cothern, James Frederick, Don Williams, Helen and James Bassett,
Millie Keller and Bob Armour. Each delivery
earned $4.00 and that adds up to a LOT of deliveries. Debbie with Brenham Floral wishes to express her appreciation to everyone that helped
with the deliveries. Special Thanks to Annette
Tieman who coordinated the effort and provided boxes, loaded vehicles, and cheered us
on. Thanks team, for all your hard work and
commitment to this organization.
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Brenham Banner-Press 2/20/2012—Members of the
Brenham Police Department (from left) Cpl.
Chris Jackson, Sgt. Trey Gully and Officer Seth
Klehm run a bag of sand up a hill during an
Adventure Run hosted by Brazos Valley Regional Advisory Council at Somerville dam Friday. The event featured a two-mile, crosscountry like trail run starting at the spillway, a
run consisting of four hills and four 50- to 75pound sandbags the participants had to carry
to different check points, and a race where
participants ran up and down the sides of the
dam, culminating with a canoe race on the lake.
The event featured nearly 90 participants from
all across the state, including FBI, law enforcement, EMS, fire department and hospitals.
Well wishes go out to Don Peloquin who is recovering from back surgery. Don is
already back volunteering at the PD!!
Also recuperating from back surgery is Don Williams.
Prayers for a speedy recovery go to Cpl. Bob Lawrence who had 3 vertebrae replaced and is now at home.
Sgt. Daniel Gaskamp has a
new grandson! Daughter
Melanie and her hubby Koy
welcomed Wes Daniel
Warschak into the family on
Feb. 16th. 6 lbs, 9 oz
In Loving Memory
Our deepest condolences go out to Sgt. Daniel Gaskamp who mourns the loss of his father
Melvin H.H. Gaskamp who passed away Feb. 12h,at the age of 83.
Brenham Citizens Police Academy Alumni Association
PO Box 1934, Brenham, TX 77834
2012 Executive Board
Larry Neveux—President
[email protected]
Annette Tiemann—Vice President
[email protected]
Sandra Clickenbeard — Scty
[email protected]
Kent Buford—Treasurer
[email protected]
Mary Schmidt
[email protected]
Benita Schramme
[email protected]
Sue Braun
[email protected]
Charles Lewis
[email protected]
Rob Aguilar—Outgoing President
[email protected]
Save the Date
The CPAAA/PD Annual Picnic
is set for June 10th, 2012
at the
Firemans Training Center