The Visitor - April 2016 Issue


The Visitor - April 2016 Issue
by Aly Mazzei • Pastoral Intern • [email protected] • 494-2431 ext. 108
ear Calvary,
Thank you for being you.
If you have not taken a look at the Lenten
community collage then please come on by and check
it out. It will not be going up in any art museums or
doing a world art tour but, what it is, is a piece of art
that we can say we did together as a community. This
past Lenten and Easter season I seem to keep coming
back to the collage to reflect.
Often the phrase, “We are Easter people,” is used
when talking about being Lutheran. While I like this
phrase I admittedly do not always know what to
make of it. Yes, we are modern followers of Jesus
living after the resurrection. And yes, we are people
who live by a liturgical calendar which goes through
the life of Jesus. But what does this mean for our
daily lives? How are we daily “Easter people?”
After experiencing Easter in the daily life of the
church I feel like I am beginning to understanding this
statement more and
more. In daily life we are
faced with despair in the
world. As Lutherans we
can look at it and we can
say that the resurrected
Lord has defeated the
despair of this world.
“Do not abandon
yourselves to despair. We
are the Easter people and
hallelujah is our song.”
– unknown
Intern Aly
I find this quote to be
beautifully true. While despair is present the hallelujah
song rings louder.
Continued on next page..
 Palm Sunday Breakfast ‘Thank You’
 Camp Day a Success
 Set Aside a ‘Morning for Women’
Continued from front page..
This brings me back to the collage. Initially the idea
for the collage was presented as merely a possibility.
Without knowing what the response would be it was
hard to have a concrete image of what this would look
like. We ventured into the darkness, with hope and the
promise that, whatever came of it, it is something we
did together. We had to have faith that whatever the
outcome may be, it was the work of the people.
What came out of this faith journey through the
unknown was a beautiful art project that involved many
different people from our community. The collage is a
representation of a diverse community in Christ. A
diverse community coming together finding creation in
the unknown. We are people who live in the light and
hope of the unknown. “Easter people” live in the light
and hope of the resurrection. We live in the daily
knowledge that the light of Christ, the promise of the
resurrection, shines brighter than despair. The light of
Christ can be seen in the coloring sheets of our diverse
community in Christ. The collage may seem insignificant
in the knowledge of true despair in the world. But it is a
representation of what it looks like when we all work
Reflecting on what I have learned during internship I
would like to refer to the words of Paul to the
“I thank my God every time I remember you,
constantly praying with joy in every one of my
prayers for all of you, because of your sharing in the
gospel from the first day until now. I am confident
of this, that the one who began a good work among
you will bring it to completion by the day of Jesus
Christ. It is right for me to think this way about all
of you, because you hold me in your heart, for all
of you share in God’s grace with me, both in my
imprisonment and in the defense and confirmation
of the gospel. For God is my witness, how I long
for all of you with the compassion of Christ Jesus.
And this is my prayer, that your love may overflow
more and more with knowledge and full insight.”
- Philippians 1:3-9
I thank God for what you have taught me these past
eight months and what you will teach me in the coming
four months.
In God’s Peace,
Pastoral Intern Aly
Calvary Lutheran Church
Office Hours
Mon. thru Thurs. - 8 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Fri. - 8 a.m. to 12 noon
Sat. & Sun. - Closed
Food Pantry Hours
Tues. thru Thurs. - 9 a.m. to 11 a.m.
SCRIP Sales in the Office
Tues. thru Thurs. - 9 a.m. to 11 a.m.
 Mike Anderson - Church Treasurer
[email protected]
 Jane Bergmann - Financial Secretary
494-2431 ext. 304 or [email protected]
 Lynn Des Jardin - Office Manager,
Calvary News Editor 494-2431 ext. 101 or
[email protected]
 Julie Hasser - Office Support (part-time),
494-2431 or [email protected]
 Shelly Hribernik - Office Support (part-time),
The Visitor Editor, 494-2431 ext. 102 or
[email protected]
 Jane Lapinskas - Children’s Ministries
Coordinator 494-2431 ext. 105 or
[email protected]
 Alyssa Mazzei - Pastoral Intern
494-2431 ext. 108 or [email protected]
 Kent Paulsen - Music Coordinator, Organist,
Sr. Choir Director 412-0391 or
[email protected]
 April Peterson - Genesis Christian Pre-School
Director/Teacher 494-2431 ext. 110 or
[email protected]
 Katy Tomlanovich - Confirmation Coordinator,
Middle & High School Ministries Coordinator
494-2431 ext. 109 or [email protected]
 Pastor Earl Vorpagel, III - Sr. Pastor
494-2431 ext. 104 or [email protected]
 Pastor Cindy Warmbier-Meyer - Assoc. Pastor
494-2431 ext. 103 or
[email protected]
Calvary Lutheran
by Jane Lapinskas
• Children’s Ministries Coordinator
• [email protected] • 494-2431 ext. 105
Thank You, Thank You, Thank You to
everyone who contributed to the Sunday School
Water Well Project!!! Our final total was
$3,701.53 which allowed us to buy one well
and a little more than four shares of a second
The Family Farm Project is
going strong too! As of this
writing we have $895.89 —
enough to purchase 1.25 farms
(each “farm” costs $715). This
campaign will run
through May 8, 2016. We
hope to raise $2,145 so we
can purchase three Family
Farms which consists of a
cow, two goats, a dozen
chicks, two pigs, farming
tools, seeds and agricultural
training and support. With this help a
family can achieve a fresh start. With new tools
and techniques crops will grow stronger than
ever. Eggs, milk and meat from the farm animals
provide a lifetime of food to eat and sell on the
market, helping a family escape the cycle of
hunger and poverty for good. Anyone wishing
to contribute to the Family Farm Project can use
a pew envelope, or any envelope, and mark it
During the first two weeks this month the
4K through 3rd Graders will continue their
lessons about Holy Week and Easter. On
April 17, 2016, they will begin their last rotation
and learn all about Doubting Thomas. On April
10, the 4th Graders will begin their last Old
Testament Unit and learn about the exile to
Babylon, the return to Israel 70 years later and
what happened to the country of Israel right up
to the time of Jesus’ birth. The 5th Graders’ last
New Testament Unit will cover Pentecost, the
persecution, how the Gospel spread and some
final words from Revelation.
It’s time to think about Vacation Bible
School. There is a registration form in this issue
of The Visitor. Get your reservations in early
and save! Early registration deadline is June 1,
2016. That may sound like a long time from
now but it will sneak up on all of us.
Our theme this year for VBS is Barnyard
Roundup! Our stories include Jesus the Good
Shepherd, Jesus feeds 5,000 people, Jesus’
parable about the Sower, Jesus’ parable about
the Prodigal Son, and Jesus appearing to Mary in
the Garden. There will be songs, games, crafts,
snacks, stories and lots more! Watch the Atrium
for the VBS display going up this month. If you
would like to volunteer for this exciting week
contact please contact me.
Calvary Lutheran Church  VBS 2016
Give God Five! At Calvary we believe it is
important to read your Bible. When you sit
down to read your favorite book, pick up your
Bible first and read for five minutes. There are
book marks on the table in the Narthex. Take
one home to remind yourself to Give God Five!
See you in Sunday School!
St. Louis Bound
Flooding devastation in the St. Louis area
by Pr. Cindy Warmbier-Meyer • Associate Pastor • [email protected] • 494-2431 ext. 103
We will be traveling to Franklin County, near St. Louis, to assist residents recovering from severe
flooding that occurred in December of 2015. The trip is June 4-11, 2016. All skill levels of adults are
welcome to be part of this experience in serving our neighbors in need.
Trip cost will be about $450 per person and includes travel, housing and most meals. We will travelling
in the church van and expect housing to be in a hotel near the area we are serving.
Please prayerfully consider how you are being called to be God’s hands and feet to others this summer.
This will be a wonderful opportunity to deepen relationships and to grow in faith through service. If you are
interested in being part of this experience please contact me. Watch for an information meeting this month.
Prayers for Those
Serving in the Military
Please keep the following members/family/friends of Calvary in
your prayers as they continue to serve in the Military during
challenging times.
 Jon Beiersdorf
 Garrett Beyer - Don & Shelby Sigl’s grandson
 Brent - friend of Ginny Russell
 Bart Burgoyne - AnnMarie Fronk’s son
 Jason Cox - Linda & Robert Cox’s son
 Damon Harrison - friend of Tina Seifert
 Sylva Lindsley - Trudy Lindsley’s relative
 Justin Swinsky
 Tim Tichonchik
 Jason Van Pietersom - Jim Van Pietersom’s
 AJ Walker - nephew of Tina & Garry Madson
 Michael Wallace
*If you would like someone added to, or removed
from, the Military Prayer List please contact Shelly
in the Church Office ([email protected] or
494-2431 ext. 102).
Visitors to the
Home Bound
by Pr. Cindy Warmbier-Meyer • Associate Pastor •
[email protected] • 494-2431 ext. 103
We are currently looking for more people who
would be willing to visit with our home bound
members and bring them home Communion.
Pr. Earl and I will be hosting a training
on Thursday, April 14, 2016, at 5:00 p.m. in the
Lounge for anyone interested in serving in this
ministry. See you there!
‘Thank You’ from the
Stewardship Committee
by Pr. Cindy Warmbier-Meyer • Associate Pastor •
[email protected] • 494-2431 ext. 103
Thank you – on behalf of
Calvary's mission statement
begins with Jesus’ command to
“Go therefore and make disciples
of all nations.”
We respond to this
command through Evangelism.
Here at Calvary that means 37
percent of our general ministry support is used for
Evangelism ministries.
These include things like financially supporting
area shelters, Lutheran Social Services, the ministries
of the ELCA, our Middle and High School
Ministries, summer camp, events like Evening of
Light and a multitude of other programs that bring
the message of God’s love to a hurting world.
We want you to know that because of your
dedicated financial support of our general ministries,
Evangelism is alive and active at Calvary. Many
lives have been blessed in our congregation, in the
Green Bay area and far beyond our walls during the
first quarter of 2016 and this is all possible because
of your faithful stewardship of the gifts God has
given you.
Thank you for being faithful stewards and
thank you for your continued support
Just a friendly reminder to please
keep the cut-out area, in front of the
Ridge Road entrance, free of parked
Our members and visitors who
require assistance getting in and out of
a vehicle need access to this area.
Thank you so much for your
The 8th Grade Confirmation class
members will Affirm their Baptism at
the 10:30 a.m. service April 24, 2016.
Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!
by Pr. Cindy Warmbier-Meyer • Associate Pastor • [email protected] • 494-2431 ext. 103
What a wonderful response we received
throughout Lent for items needed to
assemble Lutheran World Relief Health Kits.
The kits will be assembled by our 8th
Grade Confirmation students at their retreat
this month and then shipped this fall. Your
generosity is much appreciated and will
make a difference in the
lives of many.
‘Thank You’ from
Member Connie Greiser
Dear Calvary,
I want to thank all those in the
Calvary congregation who prayed for
God to help me come thru a recent
coiling procedure to correct a brain
aneurysm. I was under anesthesia for
six hours and in intensive care for
three days.
I am feeling much better. I’m not
having as many episodes of dizziness
God is wonderful! We need to
thank him every day of our lives for all
the wonderful things in the world.
Thanks to all who donated money
to meet my challenge [Langlade
Property Debt Challenge] to lower
Calvary’s debt. I may extend another
challenge in the future.
Love to All,
Connie Greiser
A Morning
for Women
Women of
Calvary & Friends:
Back by popular
Nicole Johnson
demand your personal
permission slip to take a mental health break
and spend a morning learning and laughing.
Join us in the Lounge A MORNING FOR
WOMEN featuring a DVD presentation from
Nicole Johnson. Nicole’s dramatic portrayals
of the challenges facing today's
mega-multi-tasking women and her "Fresh
Brewed Life" message give "Hope for the Daily
Grind" to thoughtful women who are
motivated but often find themselves
Saturday, April 30, 2016
9 - 11 a.m. at Calvary
Grab some friends, your mom, your sisters and
your neighbor for some time designed just for
Please sign up on the Women’s Board in the
Atrium to help us plan refreshments.
March 2016
James Schuettpelz
Our thoughts and prayers go out to his
family and friends.
by JoAnn Hennigan
• Chair for the Communication Committee at EPH
• [email protected]
This month we’d like to share an update
from a single parent who said she feels this
program has been her “guardian angel.”
Since mid-December 2015 this mother has
completed medical, vision, and dental check-ups
with her daughter. She has completed the
nutrition class, started budget counseling
through Catholic Charities, and is enrolled in a
life skills class.
Why is this mother doing so well? First and
foremost, it’s because she has a can-do, positive
attitude. She is willing to learn and grow.
Second, it’s because she has a Salvation Army
case manager walking with her and guiding her
on her family’s journey. Third, it’s because we
have members of 20 partnership churches who
care enough to provide safe and stable housing
along with other supportive services.
Please keep this mother in your prayers. We
collectively make a difference on her journey
toward self-sufficiency.
Prayer Garden Plaques
Prayer Garden plaque orders
will be placed in May and
October, 2016. Donations may
be made at any time but we
order plaques twice a year because
multiple requests on a single order decreases
the cost of the plaques.
If you are donating in honor, or in
memory, of someone please include how
you would like that listed on the plaque and
send it to the Church Office. All donations
go toward the upkeep of the Prayer
East Central Synod of Wisconsin
Synod Assembly
May 20-21, 2016
We are looking for a few people to be
delegate representatives on behalf of Calvary
at this year’s Synod assembly.
The theme this year is: We are church —
Listening deeply to the voice of the other. We
will experience listening to the voice of the
other whether they be race, religion,
economic, gender, or sexual orientation.
Diversity on all levels will be experienced
through devotion, prayer, speakers, break-out
sessions, and ministry moments in the form
of “Stories Speak.”
If you are interested in being a delegate,
and seeing a part of the larger church in
action, please talk to Pr. Earl (494-2431
ext. 104 or [email protected]) or
Pr. Cindy (494-2431 ext. 103).
Happy Baptismal Anniversary to
the Calvary Members Baptized in April
Edwin Ackerman
Tribhuvani Amarapalli
Karen Anderson
Steven Apfel
David Bachman
Ava Baenen
Carter Baenen
Thomas Bakken
Karen Baye
Brett Baylor
Samantha Beauleau
Pamela Bertrand
Katrina Bodart
Janet Bohm
James Brantner
Maya Brantner
Alec Brayko
Anna Brayko
Benjamin Brockman
Marcia Brockman
Logan Brusewitz
Patricia Buhr
Rachel Campbell
Mackenzie Carlson
Todd Cavil
Mark Champion
Kathryn Cherry
Emma Clusman
Cynthia Cmeyla
Kristin Cmeyla
Marcy Coe
Bonnie Cornell
Rhyan Coughlin
Britta Cullen-Haats
Cade Curtis
Karie Czapanskiy
Jill Decker
Thomas Decker
Austin Delveaux
Lynn Des Jardin
Andrew Diedrick
Vincent Dobry-Dynek
Lindsey Dorner
James Eckerle
Faye Edelburg
Patricia Edlbeck
Dana Egelhoff
Laverne Eklund
Betty Falk
Aaron Frailing
Janice Francini
Braiden Frisch
Caleb Frisch
Isabelle Frisch
David Fritz
Linda Gatske
Darrell Geyer
Josephine Giannunzio
Michael Giese
Allison Gillis
Claire Gilson
Tanner Goddard
David Graves
Finn Gustafson
Mary Hager
Willard Hager
Jennifer Harkins
Roger Hartman
Jenna Hartzheim
Howard Hatfield
Bonnie Haverkorn
Kaleb Haverkorn
Kristina Hendricks
Emme Hilbert
Jason Hintz
Katelyn Jadin
Tavy Jadin
Cohen Junkermann
Drew Kachichian
Taylor Kahoun
John Kalcik
Beth Keller
Renee Koch
Michael Koller
Michael Kraft
Robert Krueger
David Kruse
Kristina Kruse
Jesse Kujawa
Natalie LaBine
Lorraine Lambert
Holly LeMense
Xander Loseke
Jon Lovlien
Jonas Lundberg III
Emma Lundberg
Stephanie Macedo
Garry Madson
Liam McCabe
Megan McLaughlin
Rick Mehlberg
Mary Meyer
David Michaelson
Patricia Mikkelsen
John Miller
Stacy Mingori
Shirley Moore
Tracy Morrow
Roberta Neerdaels
Bernice Nehring
Laney Netzel
John Neuville
Jerrold Ollmann
Cameron Parr
Connor Parr
Tessa Peters
Timothy Peterson
Erin Pitzen
Karin Poirier
Trey Popp
Steven Pott
Sarah Rajkovich
Rebecca Riehl
Ian Ripp
William Robinson III
Beverly Rosaaen
Peyton Rutherford
Stephen Ryskoski
Aaron Sannes
Macalister Scharping
Judy Schermitzler
Brittani Schmitz
Mildred School
Jennifer Schubring
Nathan Schumacher
Lynn Selner
Harold Shepherd
Kathleen Shepherd
Michael Smithback
Ryan Smurawa
Emma Soletski
Olive Srubas
Jennifer Stallsmith
Stacy Stocki
Clarissa Sweet
Timothy Tomlanovich
Michael Tompkins
Kelly Trondson
Benjamin Van Laanen
Michelle Van Lieshout
John Mac Van Mieghem
Sierra Vande Hey
Logan Vanderlin
Bentley Wagner
Austin Weyers
Robert Wickman
Steven Wischow
Amy Woodke
Wanda Zernicke
Hallie Zimmermann
a Big Success!
by Aly Mazzei • Pastoral Intern • [email protected] • 494-2431 ext. 108
Camp day, held February 27, 2016, at Calvary, was a huge success! Thank you all for your
participation, playtime, and prayers!
We had a fun day of crafts, songs, games, fellowship, and worship. The day began with “get to know
you” and “ice-breaker” games. Once we all felt comfortable we split into two “cabin” groups. One group
played camp games with the staff from Crossways Camping Ministries while the other cabin enjoyed craft
time with some very creative volunteers. We then came together for a pizza lunch. Our day was rounded
out with a closing worship with the Crossways staff.
Thank you so much for all of the help from the volunteers and all the awesome kids for coming!
Please sign up for camp this summer and continue the fun and fellowship!
Camp Day Fun!
Palm Sunday Breakfast ‘Thank You’
by Katy Tomlanovich • Confirmation and Middle & High School Ministries Coordinator
• [email protected] • 494-2431 ext. 109
Thank you so much to everyone who volunteered and attended the
Palm Sunday Breakfast. We were blessed with a great and profitable event to benefit Calvary's
Youth Ministries especially the Youth Trip to Appalachia (which is this summer).
It takes many hands to make the Breakfast happen. Thank you very much to all our
volunteers who helped with the prepping, set-up, cooking and serving the meal (see list
below). We are especially grateful for the astounding turn out! We served between 250-280
dinners! The breakfast had a profit of $2,100. What a great success.
We hope you join us next year!
Melanie Brown
Rick Brown
Amanda Brown
Alex Brown
Patti Heisel
Brenda Trewartha
Emma Trewartha & friend, Laney
Daesha Wright
Kayla Laakonen
Katelynn Tordeur
Mabel Kirst
Lexi Parr
AJ Larsen
Breana Van Der Leest
Logan Van Der Leest
Christine Russell
Paige Russell
Tyler Russell
Kris Best
Benji Best
Florence Trondson
Melissa Trondson
Shelly Hribernik
Vince Hribernik
Todd Hribernik
Grace Tomlanovich
Dominic Blanchard
Zach Soletski
Jane Bergmann
Carrie Tallier
‘Thank You’ to the Calvary Youth
What a great sight seeing all the children involved in our Palm Sunday
celebration. Thank you! Calvary kids are great!
~ Calvary Member Ilene Gustafson
by Aly Mazzei • Pastoral Intern • [email protected] • 494-2431 ext. 108
Many people have asked for more information about the videos that were shared during our Wednesday
Lenten worship services. Below is a list of the titles of the videos and the authors, pastors, and ministry
workers who were in the videos.
 Ash Wednesday: “Broken is the Beginning,” featuring Glennon Doyle Melton, author of Carry on Warrior.
 Week One: “Lent and Dying to Yourself,” featuring Diana Butler Bass, author of numerous books including
Christianity After Religion, Grounded: Finding God in the World - A Spiritual Revolution, and Christianity
for the Rest of Us.
 Week two: “Away from Home,” featuring a poem written by Kelly Hall and Phuc Luu. Kelly Hall is an
author, editor, and poet. Phuc Luu is a poet, author, and professor of theology.
 Week Two: “Mending Furniture and Saving Lives,” featuring NT Wright. NT Wright is a leading New
Testament scholar and retired Anglican bishop. Presently he is a professor of New Testament and Early
Christianity at St. Andrew’s University in Scotland.
 Week Three: “Daily Bread,” Benediction based on John 6.
 Week Four: “You are Not Forgotten,” featuring Sarah Bessey, author of Jesus Feminist and Out of Sorts.
 Week Five: “A Defiant Hope,” featuring Nadia Bolz-Weber, ELCA pastor at House for All Sinners and
Saints in Denver, CO. Author of Accidental Saints: Finding God in all the Wrong People and Pastrix: The
Cranky, Beautiful Faith of a Sinner and Saint.
I hope you find this to be helpful. Many of these authors I have read before and I would love to discuss
any of these authors with you. Please do not hesitate to ask.
by Katy Tomlanovich
• Confirmation and
Middle & High School Ministries Coordinator
• [email protected] • 494-2431 ext. 109
The 8th grade Pre-Confirmation Retreat is
scheduled for Saturday, April 9, 2016, from
5:00 p.m. to 9:00 a.m. the next morning.
The 8th grade Confirmation service is
scheduled for Sunday, April 24, 2016, at the
10:30 a.m. service. Please come and celebrate with
the 8th grade class as they Affirm their Baptismal
Penny War ‘Thank you’
by Katy Tomlanovich
• Confirmation and
Middle & High School Ministries Coordinator
• [email protected] • 494-2431 ext. 109
The Confirmation Penny War, in February
2016, was a great success. Thank you very much
to everyone who contributed to the competition.
Every class did a great job raising funds for a
Calvary Ministry or Ministry Partner.
The 7th Grade Class was the winner with the
most points earned. Unfortunately, that means
Confirmation Teacher Kent Paulsen will not get
dunked in the dunk tank (or maybe he still will!)
and I am going into the tank instead! The 6th
Grade class actually raised the most money with
$1,063.00! That money will be donated to
the Sunday School Well Project. The 8th Grade
class raised a little over $900 to be donated to
Simply Smiles. And finally, 7th Grade raised $700
for the Calvary Food Pantry. During the Penny
War we also collected over 400 items for the Food
The Penny War is a lot of fun but it’s also a
great teaching tool. We discussed Stewardship and
how to be cheerful givers throughout this process.
We also use the phrase that it doesn't matter
which class technically wins because "Jesus is the
victor over all.” Thank you again for supporting
our Penny War and participating in the fun. I will
let you know the date for the Dunk Tank Event
which will be outside during warmer weather.
by April Peterson
• Genesis Christian Preschool Director/Teacher
• [email protected] • 494-2431 ext. 110
Where has the time gone?! It feels
like the school year just started and
here we are in the month of April
We have been busy in the Genesis
classroom. We recently went on a
field trip to the Kress Library and also
had a dental hygienist come and visit
us in the classroom. We learned all
about how to keep our teeth healthy.
This month we will order our
caterpillars so we can watch them
change into butterflies. We will also
hold our Father/Child Night to make
the moms a special Mother’s Day
Registration for the 2016-2017
school year is underway. We will
again be running a three-year-old
preschool class on Monday,
Wednesday and Friday from 9-11 a.m.
and on Tuesday-Thursday from
9-11 a.m. next school year.
If you, or someone you know, has a
child who will be three-years-old by
September 1, 2016, please consider
Genesis. We would love for you to visit
our classroom and meet the teachers!
For more information please call
the registration coordinator,
Mary Katers (497-8374).
Happy Spring!
Youth Complete 30 Hour Famine
by Katy Tomlanovich • Confirmation and Middle & High School Ministries Coordinator
• [email protected] • 494-2431 ext. 109
Have you ever gone 30 hours without eating? Can you imagine a
teenager volunteering to go 30 hours without eating?!
Thirty-six Calvary Youth volunteered to do just that on February 27-28, 2016. Students
fasted 30 hours to raise funds and awareness for world hunger. During the 30 hours, Youth
volunteered at several service sites including Woodside Nursing Home, St. Vincent De Paul
and Freedom House.
We delivered 100 smiley-face balloons and 100 carnations to the residents and staff of
Woodside. We also helped with Bingo for the residents and provided the goodie bags.
Students prayed with all of our Calvary members who reside within Woodside including
anyone else who asked us to pray with them which included a staff member. While at
Woodside, students met a Christian author visiting his uncle who provided the Youth group
with a copy of his latest novel about adventure and faith.
St. Vincent's De Paul was a new service site for us this year. We thoroughly enjoyed
volunteering for them. Students did a variety of tasks which included sorting donations,
bagging items at the check-outs, stocking items on the floor, pricing and tagging clothing, and
assisting disabled shoppers. Some of our high school Youth had the pleasure of assisting a
disabled veteran shop for clothes. While helping him carry his purchases to his van, our
Youth realized he lives in his van. These high school students prayed with him and one even
gave him the few dollars he had in his pocket.
At Freedom House, some of our group played games with families in the dining room
while the majority of the group did a thorough spring cleaning. I was really impressed with
how the place looked when we left especially the downstairs childcare where the 7th Grade
boys worked.
Finally, we spent a lot of our time for the famine in prayer and Bible study. We also
watched videos about a young man who lives in Africa and how he only eats once a day. We
broke our fast at exactly 6:00 a.m. on Sunday morning with Communion. It was a special
moment because we were nourished by the Word, prayer and fellowship over the 30 hours
and to break our fast with Communion was very special to all of us. We finally ate breakfast
at Bay Family Restaurant then returned to Calvary for worship.
I would like to say a special “thank you” to Mindy and Chip Dahlin for chaperoning the
event with me. If you can imagine, it takes a lot of patience and kindness to chaperone tired,
hungry kids! We gave out a few awards at the event. Dom Blanchard won the award for the
best stomach
growl. Zoe
Greenwell won
the award for the
most mentions of
food while we
were fasting.
Megan Behnke
won the award for
being nice even
when she is
hungry. Zach
Soletski won the
award for being
the most "hangry"
and finally Grace
Schumacher won
the award for best
Nonprofit Org.
Green Bay, WI
Permit No. 54
Calvary Lutheran Church ELCA
1301 S. Ridge Road
Green Bay, WI 54304
Worship Services
Phone: (920) 494-2431
E-mail: [email protected]
Facebook: Calvary Lutheran Church - Green Bay
Youth at Calvary Green Bay
Pastoral Staff
Senior Pastor - Rev. Earl E. Vorpagel, III
Phone: (920) 494-2431 ext. 104
Cell: (920) 655-4114
E-mail: [email protected]
Associate Pastor - Rev. Cindy Warmbier-Meyer
Phone: (920) 494-2431 ext. 103
Cell: (920) 731-1719
E-mail: [email protected]
Pastoral Intern - Aly Mazzei
Phone: (920) 494-2431 ext. 108
Cell: (513) 600-6807
E-mail: [email protected]
Thursday Evenings
7:00 p.m. in the Chapel
Saturday, Spirit Alive
4:30 p.m. in the Chapel
Sunday Mornings
7:15 a.m., 8:15 a.m. & 10:30 a.m.
The Calvary Visitor is a monthly newsletter
sent to all Calvary Lutheran Church
members. Comments and/or contributions
are welcome. Contributions can be
dropped off at the Church Office or
emailed to the editor.
Editor: Shelly Hribernik
([email protected])
The deadline for the MAY 2016
issue of The Visitor is:
Monday, April 18, 2016