The Visitor - May 2016 Issue - Calvary Lutheran Church ELCA


The Visitor - May 2016 Issue - Calvary Lutheran Church ELCA
by Pr. Cindy Warmbier-Meyer • Associate Pastor • [email protected] • 494-2431 ext. 103
embership has its privileges.”
That tag line may be true for credit
cards, gyms, and clubs but does it apply
to the church?
I have often been asked, “If I don’t need to be a
member to attend, or get married, or have my child
baptized, then why should I join the church? What
do I get out of it?”
Good question!
Unlike credit cards, gyms and clubs, membership
at a church isn’t about privilege OR what you get.
It’s really quite the opposite. Joining a faith
community is about what you bring and what you
can give to enrich the life of the church.
Membership means you are making a
commitment, not to a building, but to God’s mission
in the world through a particular people and place.
Actually joining a church versus simply attending is
much like the difference between choosing marriage
versus simply living
together. Membership
means you
recognize your
responsibility for
God’s ministry in this
place and among this
people. It means that
each time a child is
baptized, you as a
member of this
congregation, are
committed to help
Pr. Cindy
them grow in their
faith. It means that
you know you are part of something bigger than
yourself and that you have a connection and
responsibility to all of God’s people.
Continued on next page..
 Pickleball… it’s kind of a big dill!
 Synod collecting donations for campus ministry.
 Library receives large donation. Check it out.
Membership Continued from page 1
Actually, the more I think about it now, church
membership does have its privileges.
Membership gives us the privilege of pledging to use
our time to the glory of God in this place.
Membership gives us the privilege of promising to
offer our talents to the glory of God in this place.
Membership gives us the privilege of committing to
give from our financial resources to the glory of God in
this place.
Membership matters because membership carries
with it the privilege of real commitment.
If you are not a member of this faith community I
encourage you to consider making the commitment to
join in God’s mission in this place. If you are a member
of this faith community I encourage you to prayerfully
consider how you are honoring your membership. Have
you faithfully committed your time, talent and treasure
to God’s mission in this place? If not, what’s holding
you back?
Membership -- it does have its privileges.
Prayers for Those
Serving in the Military
Please keep the following members/family/friends of Calvary in
your prayers as they continue to serve in the Military during
challenging times.
 Jon Beiersdorf
 Garrett Beyer - Don & Shelby Sigl’s grandson
 Brent - friend of Ginny Russell
 Jason Cox - Linda & Robert Cox’s son
 Damon Harrison - friend of Tina Seifert
 Sylva Lindsley - Trudy Lindsley’s relative
 Justin Swinsky
 Tim Tichonchik
 Jason Van Pietersom - Jim Van Pietersom’s
 AJ Walker - nephew of Tina & Garry Madson
 Michael Wallace
*If you would like someone added to, or removed
from, the Military Prayer List please contact Shelly
in the Church Office ([email protected] or
494-2431 ext. 102).
Calvary Lutheran Church
Office Hours
Mon. thru Thurs. - 8 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Fri. - 8 a.m. to 12 noon
Sat. & Sun. - Closed
Food Pantry Hours
Tues. thru Thurs. - 9 a.m. to 11 a.m.
SCRIP Sales in the Office
Tues. thru Thurs. - 9 a.m. to 11 a.m.
 Mike Anderson - Church Treasurer
[email protected]
 Jane Bergmann - Financial Secretary
494-2431 ext. 304 or [email protected]
 Lynn Des Jardin - Office Manager,
Calvary News Editor 494-2431 ext. 101 or
[email protected]
 Julie Hasser - Office Support (part-time),
494-2431 or [email protected]
 Shelly Hribernik - Office Support (part-time),
The Visitor Editor, 494-2431 ext. 102 or
[email protected]
 Jane Lapinskas - Children’s Ministries
Coordinator 494-2431 ext. 105 or
[email protected]
 Alyssa Mazzei - Pastoral Intern
494-2431 ext. 108 or [email protected]
 Kent Paulsen - Music Coordinator, Organist,
Sr. Choir Director 412-0391 or
[email protected]
 April Peterson - Genesis Christian Pre-School
Director/Teacher 494-2431 ext. 110 or
[email protected]
 Katy Tomlanovich - Confirmation Coordinator,
Middle & High School Ministries Coordinator
494-2431 ext. 109 or [email protected]
 Pastor Earl Vorpagel, III - Sr. Pastor
494-2431 ext. 104 or [email protected]
 Pastor Cindy Warmbier-Meyer - Assoc. Pastor
494-2431 ext. 103 or
[email protected]
Calvary Lutheran
by Jane Lapinskas • Children’s Ministries Coordinator
• [email protected] • 494-2431 ext. 105
For the Sunday School Family Farm Project
we already have enough funds to purchase two
farms! This campaign will run through May 8,
2016. A Family Farm costs $715. We just need
$715 to reach our goal of three farms! A Family
Farm consists of a cow, two goats, a dozen
chicks, two pigs, farming tools, seeds
and agricultural training and
support. With this help a
family can achieve a fresh
With new tools and
techniques, crops will
grow stronger than ever.
Eggs, milk and meat from
the farm animals provide a
lifetime of food to eat and
sell on the market, helping a
family escape the cycle of
hunger and poverty – for
good. Congregation members who
want to contribute to the Family Farm project
can use a pew envelope, or any envelope, and
mark it FARM!
The 4k through 3rd Grade classes are
learning all about Doubting Thomas. The 4th
Graders are learning about the exile to Babylon,
the return to Israel 70 years later, and what
happened to the country of Israel right up to
the time of Jesus birth! The 5th Graders are
studying about Pentecost, the persecution, how
the Gospel spread, and some final words from
The last day of Sunday School is May 8,
It’s time to think about Vacation Bible
School!!! Get your registrations in early and
save! Early registration deadline is June 1, 2016.
Our theme this year is Barnyard Roundup! Our
stories include Jesus the Good Shepherd, Jesus
feeds 5,000 people, Jesus’ parable about the
Sower, Jesus’ parable about the Prodigal Son,
and Jesus appearing to Mary in the Garden.
There will be songs and games and crafts and
snacks and stories and lots more! Registration
forms are available on Calvary’s Facebook page,
or at church — see the amazing display in the
Atrium. If you would like to volunteer for this
exciting week contact me. We would appreciate
the help.
adult to coordinate childcare for the hour before
VBS starts from 8 a.m. to 9 a.m. We have
discovered that some parents need to be able to
drop their children off between 8 a.m. and
8:30 a.m. due to work and other commitments.
If someone could provide childcare during that
time every morning more children would be
able to participate in VBS. This special person
would have Youth to help but would be
responsible for check-in and check-out and
safety during that hour. Once the children begin
their day in VBS you would be free to go.
(Unless you want to stay for all the other fun
we have!!!) Please contact me if you can help.
See you in Sunday School!
Calvary Lutheran Church  VBS 2016
Synod Collecting Items
by Pr. Cindy Warmbier-Meyer • Associate Pastor • [email protected] • 494-2431 ext. 103
This month, at our Synod Assembly, The Gathering Place is one of
the ministries we will be supporting with in-kind offerings.
The Lutheran Campus Ministry at The Gathering Place,
located on the University of Wisconsin-Oshkosh campus,
brings the love of God to students and faculty. It offers a
weekly worship service, weekly hot meal, and a place for
students to gather and grow in their faith through fellowship
and service.
We have been asked to support this ministry by collecting donations of the following items:
 Paper plates (any size)
 Paper towels
 Napkins
 Paper cups for hot beverages
 Napkins
 Toilet Paper
 Reams of copy/printer paper
(white or colored)
Please place your donations in the baskets in the Narthex by Sunday, May 15, 2016, and we will make sure
they get to the Synod Assembly. Thank you.
*Note: Calvary’s Synod Assembly representatives will be Ashley McCabe and Jerry Beiersdorf.
Library Donation to Check Out
by Karen Saari • Calvary Library Volunteer
A treasure has come to our Church Library! We have just catalogued material from the collection Pastor
Earl has used for his Calvary College classes. We have six different series now available to be viewed on
DVD with accompanying transcripts and guidebooks.
Set 1: “Great Authors of Western Literary Tradition.” The course spans 30 centuries and covers almost
five dozen timeless works in 84 lectures, from epics and dramas of the ancient Hebrews and
Greeks to the prose fiction of the 20th century -- John Milton, James Joyce, William Faulkner,
Shakespeare, and Yeats are included.
Set 2: “Christian Theology” and “Exploring the Roots of Religion.”
Set 3: “The Bible.” It includes “The Holy Land Revealed,” “The Old Testament,” “Jesus and the Gospels,”
and “Greatest Controversies of Christian History,” among others.
Set 4: “Moral Decision Making” and “Cognitive Behavioral Therapy.”
Set 5: “Experiencing Rome: A Visual Exploration of Antiquity's Greatest Empire.” This set offers lectures
on “The History of Ancient Rome,” “Daily Life in the Ancient World,” and “Cities of the Ancient
Set 6: “Luther,” “American Religious History,” “Great Figures of the New Testament,” and “Early
These courses can be found in the bookcase under the clock in the Library. They can be checked out for
one week at a time. Please take advantage of this wonderful gift.
Calvary Lutheran Church
1“It’s kind of a big dill!”
by Katy Tomlanovich • Confirmation and Middle & High School Ministries Coordinator
• [email protected] • 494-2431 ext. 109
Calvary's Summer Pickleball League is forming! What is Pickleball? It
is a newer sport that has taken over America! It is a combination of tennis,
badminton, and ping pong and played on a shorter court with paddles and
wiffle balls. It’s so much fun!
Want to try Pickleball? No experience is necessary! Come on May 15 and/or May 22
and try it with other Calvary members in a fun, non-competitive environment. The event is open to ages 7th
grade and up. Paddles and balls are provided. Come and watch us play too from the tennis center balcony!
You do not need to be a Calvary member to play nor do you need a partner. We will match skill-levels so
experienced players can play matches and beginners can learn the game.
When: Sunday, May 15 and/or Sunday May 22, 2:00-4:00 p.m.
Where: Green Bay Tennis Center, 1516 Fernando Drive
Cost: $5 per person
No RSVP needed, but is appreciated: to me
Calvary’s Summer Pickleball League will be on Sunday afternoons from 3:30-5:30 p.m. at Ashwaubenon's
new Pickleball courts! We will meet for four Sundays and continue for an additional four Sundays if there is
interest. League begins on Sunday, June 12, 2016. Cost is $20 per person. Paddles and balls are provided.
Spring & SCRIP
by Jill Lauritsen & Vanessa Trondson • SCRIP Coordinators
It’s time to plant flowers, weed the garden, pick up a new bike for the kids, stop in for ice cream,
gas up the car and head out for a picnic. Purchase SCRIP for all of the above activities and you'll be
helping Calvary!
We have on hand: BP, Shell, Mobil, Walmart, Copps , Festival Foods, Smart Cow, Dairy Queen,
Target, Sears, Shopko, Fleet Farm, Menards, and Home Depot to name a few.
Do you like to fish? Purchase a gift card for Gander Mt. or Cabela’s?
Thinking of treating that special someone, your parents, your kids or just interested in dining out?
Tony Roma's, Los Banditos, Long Horn Steakhouse, Old Chicago, Chili's, or Chipotle gift cards are all
available with our SCRIP program.
Purchase your gift cards and use just like cash without the hassle of carrying money. Any leftover on
the card can be used in the future. Purchasing gift cards helps the church with various programs.
Gift cards are available on some Sundays, or in the Church Office Tuesday, Wednesday and
Thursday from 9 to 11 a.m.
by Katy Tomlanovich • Confirmation and Middle & High School Ministries Coordinator
• [email protected] • 494-2431 ext. 109
Last Day of Confirmation Classes for 2015-16!
On the last day of Confirmation classes for the year we traditionally do
another large service project. This year we made fleece-tie blankets, as we
have done in the past. We made over 30 blankets that will be distributed on
the Youth Summer Mission Trip to Appalachia.
Students wore their Confirmation t-shirts and celebrated our successful
year with an ice cream social. Thank you to our Confirmation teachers, Josh
and Aubrey Wygralak, Kent Paulsen and Betsy Srubas for all their hard work
this school year and caring so much for Calvary's Youth! Thank you also to
the high school students who helped
that day.
Pre-Confirmation Retreat
by Katy Tomlanovich • Confirmation and Middle & High School Ministries Coordinator
• [email protected] • 494-2431 ext. 109
The 8th Grade Confirmation students attended a Pre-Confirmation
Retreat on Saturday, April 9, 2016. We had a great time while
preparing for Confirmation Day. Thank you to our parent chaperones
and the high school Youth leaders who attended. A special thank you
to the Swenson family who prepared a taco dinner for 30! Thank you
so much.
Making stoles.
Singing for worship following the Retreat.
March & April 2016
Gerald Karnopp
Eileen Hassett
Ken Krueger
Our thoughts and prayers go out to their
family and friends.
The successful women’s painting event held
April 13, 2016, produced beautiful paintings and a
demand for Calvary Member Andrea Koch’s fruit
salsa and chips recipe! Here is the recipe… oh,
and, there will definitely be more painting classes
offered in the near future. Thanks to everyone
who attended.
Fruit Salsa with Baked
Cinnamon Chips
(Best when made and eaten the same day.)
 2 kiwis, peeled and diced
 2 Golden Delicious apples - peeled, cored and diced
 8 ounces raspberries
 1 (16 oz) carton of strawberries, diced
 2 tablespoons white sugar (more or less to taste)
 1 tablespoon brown sugar (more or less to taste)
 3 tablespoons fruit preserves, any flavor (I used strawberry)
 10 (10 inch) flour tortillas (or use Stacy's cinnamon chips)
 melted butter or butter flavored cooking spray
Cinnamon sugar:
 1 cup white sugar
 2 Tablespoons cinnamon
1. In a large bowl, thoroughly mix kiwis, apples, raspberries, strawberries, white sugar, brown sugar and
fruit preserves. Cover and chill in the refrigerator at least 15 minutes. (Preheat oven to 350 degrees.)
2. Coat one side of each flour tortilla with melted butter or butter flavored cooking spray. Sprinkle
tortillas with cinnamon sugar. Cut into wedges and arrange in a single layer on a large baking sheet.
Spray again with cooking spray (not necessary if using melted butter).
3. Bake in the preheated oven 8 to 10 minutes. Repeat with any remaining tortilla wedges. Allow to
cool approximately 15 minutes. Serve with chilled fruit mixture. This salsa can also be serve with
cinnamon graham crackers or cinnamon pita chips.
Attention High School
High School Seniors, you and your families are
invited to a special Graduation Worship Service
on Sunday, June 5, 2016, at 8:15 a.m. Students will
process in their gowns and sit together for worship.
Immediately following the service seniors, families
and the congregation are invited for cake and ice
cream in the Multi-Purpose Room.
Seniors please watch for an upcoming mailing
with more information.
Happy Baptismal Anniversary to
the Calvary Members Baptized in May
Keith Ammerman
Brad Andress
Melissa Bannach
John Behnke
Benji Best
Chris Blazek
Connor Blazek
Kendra Bodart
Andy Bronander
Chad Brown
Nathan Brusewitz
Larry Carlson
Toni Champion
Angela Clayton
Fulton Clusman
Logan Coughlin
Jaret Curtis
Katie Czapanskiy
Gary Dallman
James Dobratz
Shawn Dockry
Adam Dorner
Matthew Eayrs
Mike Eayrs
Amber Edges
Sandy Egelhoff
Valarie Eggleston
Connie Engler
Peter Forster
Ruth Freiwald
Andrew Fritz
Missy Gallagher
Hutson Giannunzio
Robyn Gillis
Tony Glaser
Lillianna Graf
Ian Greenwell
Iva Hansen
Sarah Hanson
Sisi Harris
Kelle Hartman
Saskia Haverkorn
Joyce Heim
Casey Hermans
Caitlyn Hintz
Luke Jacobs
James Jacquart
Cloey Jensky
Carolyn Johnson
Karen Jordan
Chelsea Junkermann
Nathan Kalnins
John Kasel
Bob Keller
Darleen Kimber
Janet Kisling
Joshua Koch
Ron Krines
Karmen Kruse
Karsen Kruse
Amy Kupsh
Carol Lawrence
Tracy Laws
Marian LeMere
Trudy Lindsley
Carl Lovlien
Darrel Luebke
Andrea Luecke
Karla Maitland
David Malewiski
Ryan Manske
Tracey Martinson
Melissa Mc Kinnon
Colin McCambridge
Lynne Mehlberg
Meg Mehlberg-Fuss
Sally Meverden
Libby Meyer
Ethan Mingori
Ione Murphy
Carole Nelson
Jessie Smith
Karen Neuman
Emily Smithback
Deb Neuville
John Solka
Rodney Offield Jr.
Cade Sommers
Sandy Oleniczak
Brian Stock
Melanie Otto
Mary Stoltenberg
Lexi Parr
Dwight Sundquist
Troy Parr
Maddox Swanson
Ellie Paulsen
Pat Swiekatowski
Emily Paulsen
Ashley Takala
Miles Paulsen
Deanna Takala
John Peterson
Mike Takala
Linda Peterson
Lisa Vollrath
Al Wagner
Michelle Peterson
Earl Wagner
Josh Poirier
Madison Wagner
Kathi Pophal
Simon Wagner
Matt Pophal
Heather Walter
Jace Proski
Ana Ward
Amy Pruitt
Cindy Warmbier-Meyer
John Rasmussen
Bailey Watermolen
Sue Rasmussen
Eric Watson
Justin Renier
April Whittington
Stephanie Riska
Brooke Wiegert
Debbie Rosera
Chuck Wischow
Allison Rutten
Karen Wygralak
Karen Saari
Peg Yanke
Meg Scanlan
Colin Zelzer
Kyle Schahczinski
Heather Zelzer
Raya Schermitzler
Megan Zimmerman
Elyse Schubring
Molly Schuessler
Atticus Schuh
Grace Schumacher
Eric Scidmore
Cami Selissen-Sommers
Andy Servais
Ashley Servais
Logan Shepherd
Miranda Shepherd
Amanda Simmons
GaGa Fun!
by Katy Tomlanovich • Confirmation and Middle & High School Ministries Coordinator
• [email protected] • 494-2431 ext. 109
Have you heard of Gaga Ball? It is a sport that has been gaining popularity for several years
especially in Northeast Wisconsin. It originated in Israel as a form of dodge ball and "gaga" means
"touch-touch" in Hebrew. It is a fun, fast-paced game that is easy to learn and play. Calvary is now
the proud owner of a portable Gaga Pit! Casey Rentmeester, a friend of Calvary, made the portable
pit for us and we inaugurated it at the Youth Lenten party this year. We had a great time learning all
the different versions of the game and having pizza for dinner. We found out that our best Gaga
player at the party was Zach Offield (6th Grader).
If you are associated with Girl Scouts or Boy Scouts, there is a Gaga Ball fun patch for Girl Scouts
and Gaga Ball can be a lot of fun to do after learning about a merit badge in Boy Scouts. If you are
interested in trying Gaga Ball in your scouting
group, please contact me. It is a lot of fun for
Youth Beading Event
by Katy Tomlanovich
• Confirmation and Middle & High School Ministries Coordinator
• [email protected] • 494-2431 ext. 109
"Thank you” to Sofia Lemmens for teaching a
group of Calvary Youth how to do some
beautiful bead work. We had an amazing time
and learned a little Spanish too!
If you are interested in joining our beading
group please let me know. All are welcome!
Youth Mission Trip First Meeting Set
by Katy Tomlanovich • Confirmation and Middle & High School Ministries Coordinator
• [email protected] • 494-2431 ext. 109
Our group is finalized and it's time to start getting ready for Appalachia! Our first team meeting
is on Monday, May 9, 2016, at 6 p.m. in the Lounge. It is okay if you are not able to make it
because that night we will work on a meeting schedule and send it out to the group. It is also okay
to come later too. Please bring your Bibles because Pastoral Intern Aly has offered to lead a kick-off
Bible study for us. Also, please let me know if you can bring a small snack for the group.
So.... again please plan to attend our first meeting on Monday, May 9. If you cannot attend or
will come later, please email me. Also, if you need a ride to church or home, please let me know
Thank you! God bless!
Special Faith & Family Night
at the Bullfrogs Game
by Katy Tomlanovich • Confirmation and Middle & High School Ministries Coordinator
• [email protected] • 494-2431 ext. 109
Everyone is invited to this fun event that includes an all-you-can eat picnic and
ball game. Come and see Pastor Earl throw out the first pitch…. and Intern Aly catch
Tons of fun! Please fill out an order form (see next page). On May 5, 8 and 15,
2016, a member of the Membership & Evangelism Committee will be in the Atrium
with information and forms.
Calvary has learned some of our quilts the
Quilters made were sent to Syrian refugee
camps. Some of our many School Kits were
sent to Serbia. That is a really a quick
turnaround, as kits were first shipped out
on October 8, 2015.
We sent a total of 175 Quilts, and 200
School Kits. Thanks for your help in putting all
these kits together.
Note: The Quilters could still use your help on
Wednesday mornings (8:30-10:30 a.m.). Stop in
and see what we do. We’d love to see you.
May 2016
Nonprofit Org.
Green Bay, WI
Permit No. 54
Calvary Lutheran Church ELCA
1301 S. Ridge Road
Green Bay, WI 54304
Worship Services
Phone: (920) 494-2431
E-mail: [email protected]
Facebook: Calvary Lutheran Church - Green Bay
Youth at Calvary Green Bay
Pastoral Staff
Senior Pastor - Rev. Earl E. Vorpagel, III
Phone: (920) 494-2431 ext. 104
Cell: (920) 655-4114
E-mail: [email protected]
Associate Pastor - Rev. Cindy Warmbier-Meyer
Phone: (920) 494-2431 ext. 103
Cell: (920) 731-1719
E-mail: [email protected]
Pastoral Intern - Aly Mazzei
Phone: (920) 494-2431 ext. 108
Cell: (513) 600-6807
E-mail: [email protected]
Thursday Evenings
7:00 p.m. in the Chapel
Saturday, Spirit Alive
4:30 p.m. in the Chapel
Sunday Mornings
7:15 a.m., 8:15 a.m. & 10:30 a.m.
The Calvary Visitor is a monthly newsletter
sent to all Calvary Lutheran Church
members. Comments and/or contributions
are welcome. Contributions can be
dropped off at the Church Office or
emailed to the editor.
Editor: Shelly Hribernik
([email protected])
The deadline for the JUNE/JULY Sumemr 2016
issue of The Visitor is:
Monday, May 16, 2016