The Visitor - March 2016 Issue
The Visitor - March 2016 Issue
I by Pastor Earl E. Vorpagel, III • Senior Pastor • [email protected] • 494-2431 ext. 104 ’m not sure why but I have always liked the season of Lent. Maybe it’s because Lent is a worship tradition my family always followed. It changed our family’s routine, which moved our focus from what we normally did, to what Jesus did. Perhaps I’ve loved Lent because it suits my more reflective side as it invites us to quietness and prayer. Or, maybe it’s the minor key music that helps me see in my mind’s eye the trials Jesus endured for us. There are many reasons for appreciating this season. As I reflect on this Lent, Holy Week and Easter seasons I am drawn to the invitation to change. As the snow and cold give way to the songs of birds and the hints of green grass, I am invited to change from my old way of life and into a new way of living. This change, and new way of living, is only possible because of Jesus. Were it not for him I would have no grounds for believing I am Forgiven — that tomorrow is a new day and there is a better day still to come. Without Jesus I would not have the compulsion to forgive, the desire to change, and the strength to live a faithful life while I await that new day. As we continue to Pastor Earl move through Lent and toward Easter I invite you to join us on this journey. Our theme is brokenness. The promise Jesus offers is that of being made whole. It’s a wonderful way to change your routines, to listen and pray, and to anticipate the new life Jesus has prepared just for you. † Come to the Palm Sunday Breakfast Help Needed for the Food Pantry Lent and Easter Worship Schedule Calvary Lutheran Church Office Hours Mon. thru Thurs. - 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Fri. - 8 a.m. to 12 noon Sat. & Sun. - Closed Food Pantry Hours Tues. thru Thurs. - 9 a.m. to 11 a.m. Just a friendly reminder to please keep the cut-out area, in front of the Ridge Road entrance, free of parked cars. Our members and visitors who require assistance getting in and out of a vehicle need access to this area. Thank you so much for your cooperation. † SCRIP Sales in the Office Tues. thru Thurs. - 9 a.m. to 11 a.m. Staff Mike Anderson - Church Treasurer [email protected] Jane Bergmann - Financial Secretary 494-2431 ext. 304 or [email protected] Lynn Des Jardin - Office Manager, Calvary News Editor 494-2431 ext. 101 or [email protected] Julie Hasser - Office Support (part-time), Women’s Event Save the Date for another Morning for Women April 30, 2016 9-11a.m. Watch for more details. 494-2431 or [email protected] Shelly Hribernik - Office Support (part-time), The Visitor Editor, 494-2431 ext. 102 or [email protected] Jane Lapinskas - Children’s Ministries Coordinator 494-2431 ext. 105 or [email protected] Alyssa Mazzei - Pastoral Intern 494-2431 ext. 108 or [email protected] Kent Paulsen - Music Coordinator, Organist, Sr. Choir Director 412-0391 or [email protected] April Peterson - Genesis Christian Pre-School Director/Teacher 494-2431 ext. 110 or [email protected] Katy Tomlanovich - Confirmation Coordinator, Middle & High School Ministries Coordinator 494-2431 ext. 109 or [email protected] Pastor Earl Vorpagel, III - Sr. Pastor 494-2431 ext. 104 or [email protected] Pastor Cindy Warmbier-Meyer - Assoc. Pastor 494-2431 ext. 103 or [email protected] Calvary Lutheran by Jane Lapinskas • Children’s Ministries Coordinator • [email protected] • 494-2431 ext. 105 February 28, was the last day to contribute to the Water Well project. As of this writing we have 191 bricks and hope to have 250 by the close of the campaign. Thank you to everyone who contributed to the Water Well project! We will change lives by what we have done! The last project for the Sunday School this year is a Family Farm. This campaign will run from March 6 through May 8, 2016. A Family Farm costs $715. We hope to raise $2,145 so we can purchase three Family Farms. A Family Farm consists of a cow, two goats, a dozen chicks, two pigs, farming tools, seeds and agricultural training and support. With this help a family can achieve a fresh start. With new tools and techniques, crops will grow stronger than ever. Eggs, milk and meat from the farm animals provide a lifetime of food to eat and sell on the market, helping a family escape the cycle of hunger and poverty – for good. Congregation members who want to contribute to the Family Farm project can use a pew envelope, or any envelope, and mark it FARM. During the month of March the 4K through 3rd Graders will be learning about Holy Week and Easter. The 4th Graders are learning about the Old Testament kings and prophets. The 5th Graders are studying the conversion of Saul to Paul and Paul’s teachings about the Gospel, the law, grace and the cross! On Palm Sunday, March 20, 2016, the Cherub and the Gospel CATS choirs will be singing for the Palm Sunday Breakfast. When they are done singing the choir directors will take them to get set up for singing at the 10:30 a.m. service. We hope this will allow parents and students to enjoy the Palm Sunday Breakfast together and also enjoy an exciting choir concert. Sunday School parents watch for an email with more details about this. Give God Five! At Calvary we believe it is important to read your Bible. When you sit down to read your favorite book, pick up your Bible first and read for five minutes. There are bookmarks on the table in the Narthex. Take one home to remind yourself to Give God Five! Looking Ahead – In April we will begin taking registrations for Vacation Bible School. (Watch for the display going up after Easter.) Our theme this year is Barnyard Roundup. You can bet there are going to be lots of farm animals hanging around in the Atrium!!! See you in Sunday School! † Calvary Lutheran Church VBS 2016 by Katy Tomlanovich • Confirmation and Middle & High School Ministries Coordinator • [email protected] • 494-2431 ext. 109 Thank you to everyone who volunteered and attended our Family Bingo Night fundraiser last month to benefit the 2016 Youth Mission Trip to Appalachia. We had a great time despite the frigid weather outside. We had 72 Bingo players! Calvary Member Jerry Lapinskas was a great MC/Bingo caller for the evening. We all loved his "10 Commandments of Bingo" and "You know you're a Lutheran if..." jokes. Many Youth and parents volunteered for the event and their time and talents are greatly appreciated. We will definitely host another Bingo event. Maybe even this fall -— it was so much fun! 2 1 3 Bingo Night festivities. #1: Kayla Laakonen (left) and Tina Madson greet Bingo players and distribute cards. #2: Abigail Martinson (left) and Grace Tomlanovich assist winners at the prize table. #3: Bingo players stay focused on the game! † by Pr. Cindy Warmbier-Meyer • Associate Pastor • [email protected] • 494-2431 ext. 103 Adult We continue to trust the Holy Spirit regarding where we will be serving the week of June 4-11, 2016. We are waiting on word from Lutheran Disaster Relief regarding the place in the U.S. God is calling us to serve. All skill levels of adults are welcome to be part of this trip. As soon as the location is determined I will hold an informational meeting. Based on previous experience I am estimating trip costs to be around $450 per person. We will travel by van and housing is projected to be in a hotel nearby the site we are serving. Please prayerfully consider if you are being called to be God’s hands and feet to others this summer. This will be a wonderful opportunity to deepen relationships and to grow in faith through service. You won’t want to miss it! trips We are Church: Listening Deeply to the Voice of the Other East Central Synod of Wisconsin Synod Assembly – May 20-21, 2016 We are looking for a few people to be delegate representatives on behalf of Calvary at this year’s Synod assembly. The theme this year is: We are church — Listening deeply to the voice of the other. We will experience listening to the voice of the other whether they be race, religion, economic, gender, or sexual orientation. Diversity on all levels will be experienced through devotion, prayer, speakers, break-out sessions, and ministry moments in the form of “Stories Speak.” If you are interested in being a delegate, and seeing a part of the larger church in action, please talk to Pr. Earl (494-2431 ext. 104 or [email protected]) or Pr. Cindy (494-2431 ext. 103). † Sunday, March 20, 2016 8-11 a.m. in the Multi-Purpose Room $10 for Adults, $5 for kids 4-12 years-old, kids 3 & under are free Proceeds Benefit Calvary’s Youth Ministry Menu: Buttermilk Pancakes Chocolate Chip Pancakes Scrambled Eggs Cheesy, Tex-Mex Eggs Ham Fruit Assorted Pastries Coffee, Orange Juice & Milk Our Sunday School children will be entertaining diners during a portion of the breakfast! † F lowers for by Julie Hasser • Staff Member • [email protected] • 494-2431 Did you know…last year Calvary was able to help 1,518 households through our Food Pantry?! Of course this wouldn’t have been possible without the amazing support of our members who have donated their time and financial contributions. We are now in need of some additional help distributing the bags of food. As you know, the Food Pantry is open Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday mornings from 9-11 a.m. If you (or you and a friend) would like to help during these hours we would love to have you! It is an easy way to volunteer your time to help those in need. If you are interested, or would like additional information, please feel free to contact me in the Church Office. † the Sanctuary If you would like to donate flowers to decorate the Sanctuary for Easter Sunday, please use the flower envelope in your bulletin, March 6, 13 or 20, and place it in the offering plate. Suggested donation is $10. Flowers can be removed from the Sanctuary and taken home following the 11 a.m. Easter Sunday worship. † February 2016 Elaine Dantoin Our thoughts and prayers go out to her family and friends. Update by JoAnn Hennigan • Chair for the Communication Committee at EPH • [email protected] “What expectations do you have of families?” This is a question which comes up quite often. The most accurate response is, “It depends on the needs of the family.” When a family enters one of our homes, a Salvation Army case manager completes an assessment looking at 17 different areas of self-sufficiency. The assessment tool was developed collaboratively by our partnership, and assesses areas such as housing, income, education, mental and physical health, and financial needs. Using the assessment is a starting point. A case manager guides and assists the family in setting goals for themselves and in developing weekly action plans for evaluating progress. As an example, a young mother who came to us in January has goals related to budget counseling, education, nutrition for her family, and spiritual growth. Working together, our EPH partnership is providing safety, stability, and solutions for homeless families in our community. † SCRIP by Jill Lauritsen & Vanessa Trondson • SCRIP Coordinators SCRIP is available year-round not just during the holidays. Use SCRIP for Food Pantry shopping, gas, groceries, movies, dining out, gifts, remodeling, hunting, fishing, pet supplies, birthdays, anniversaries, weddings, or vacations. Some SCRIP gift cards Calvary carries on-hand include: Barnes and Noble, TJ Maxx, Gordman's, Longhorn Steakhouse, JCPenney, Gander Mt, Menard's, Red Robin, Taco Bell, American Eagle, GAP, Home Depot, Walmart, BP, Shell, Mobil, Amazon, Noodles, Claire's, Family Video, Sears, Ihop, Texas Roadhouse, Bay Family Restaurant, and Pet Smart. SCRIP is available before and after some church services (as this is all volunteer) and in the Church Office Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, 9-11 a.m. You can also go online to the national SCRIP site to see what is available at Great Lakes SCRIP. If you would like to place an order let Jill know (471-2602). Thank you. † Prayers for Those Serving in the Military Please keep the following members/family/friends of Calvary in your prayers as they continue to serve in the Military during these difficult times. Jon Beiersdorf Garrett Beyer - Don & Shelby Sigl’s grandson Brent - friend of Ginny Russell Bart Burgoyne - AnnMarie Fronk’s son Jason Cox - Linda & Robert Cox’s son Damon Harrison - friend of Tina Seifert Sylva Lindsley - Trudy Lindsley’s relative Justin Swinsky Tim Tichonchik Jason Van Pietersom - Jim Van Pietersom’s brother AJ Walker - nephew of Tina & Garry Madson Michael Wallace *If you would like someone added to, or removed from, the Military Prayer List please contact Shelly in the Church Office ([email protected] or 494-2431 ext. 102). † SUMMER IS CAMP TIME AND YOUR CHILD SHOULD BE THERE!!! by Pr. Cindy Warmbier-Meyer • Associate Pastor • [email protected] • 494-2431 ext. 103 Camp is an amazing place to build friendships and to strengthen and grow faith. This year we are encouraging all our students to give camp a try! We have chosen the week of July 17, 2016, at Imago Dei Village (but your child can certainly attend any of the weeks) as the time to try and get as many of Calvary’s kids to camp as we can. We believe so strongly that faith lives are impacted by a camp experience that Calvary is offering scholarship support to help as many students attend as possible. Students registering for the Pioneers half-week programs will receive $100 scholarships and those registering for Pathfinders, Mavericks or Settlers will receive $200 scholarships from Calvary. Please contact me for additional scholarship information. To find out more about camp, visit Crossways Camping Ministries online ( PIONEERS (Completed Grades 1-3) PIONEER A: SUNDAY-TUESDAY WEEK 6: JUL. 17-19, IMAGO DEI VILLAGE OR PIONEER B: WEDNESDAY-FRIDAY WEEK 6: JUL. 20-22, IMAGO DEI VILLAGE This 3-day long program is a great way to introduce your youngest to camp. This program provides the full camp experience complete with campfires, Bible studies, crafts, games, and swimming. FULL PRICE - $220 ($210 BY MARCH 16) PATHFINDERS (Completed Grades 3-5) WEEK 6: JUL. 17-22, IMAGO DEI VILLAGE This week-long program includes all the excitement of camp from swimming, campfires, worship, Bible study, and field games. FULL PRICE - $425 ($410 BY MARCH 16) MAVERICKS (Completed Grades 6-8) WEEK 6: JUL. 17-22, IMAGO DEI VILLAGE AND WAYPOST CAMP Join a cabin of your peers for a week of games, worship, crafts, swimming, and endless fun! FULL PRICE - $425 ($410 BY MARCH 16) SETTLERS (Completed Grades 9-12) WEEK 6: JUL. 17-22, IMAGO DEI VILLAGE Come to camp and experience the thrill of canoeing, kayaking, the challenge course, and more. Cabin leaders will take you deep into Bible studies and worship. FULL PRICE - $425 ($410 BY MARCH 16) † by Katy Tomlanovich • Confirmation and Middle & High School Ministries Coordinator • [email protected] • 494-2431 ext. 109 Thank you to Calvary Member Keith Lindstrom who coordinates the meal at the New Community Shelter each month. The 8th Grade Confirmation students who served at the Shelter also received a tour and learned about homelessness in Green Bay and how they can, as Christians, strive for peace and justice in our world. † Confirmation Classes’ Penny War by Katy Tomlanovich • Confirmation and Middle & High School Ministries Coordinator • [email protected] • 494-2431 ext. 109 The Confirmation Penny War is in full swing! Thank you so much for saving your pennies and donating them to our lesson on Stewardship. Each class will decide which of Calvary's ministries will receive their class' offering. This year we added to the competition by upping the ante for the winning class. The winning class gets to decide which Confirmation teacher gets placed in a dunk tank this Spring! If 8th Grade wins, Kent Paulsen will get dunked. If 7th Grade wins, I will get dunked (yikes, help!). If 6th Grade wins....??? (they are keeping their teacher/victim a secret!). We will continue to update you! † Happy Baptismal Anniversary to the Calvary Members Baptized in March Susan Adelbush Anna Anderson Jonathan Anderson Jean Baxter Harrison Baylor Megan Behnke Jon Beiersdorf Jane Bergmann Heather Bloch Richard Brown Susan Bukowski Leah Busch Rhonda Carlson Cheryl Carol Caitlin Carrigan Gavin Carrigan Ione Cedergren Barbara Christensen Julie Clayton Jessica Clusman Robert Cox Alexander Dahlin Frank Daul Richard De Roach Katherine DeBauche Kristin Durfee Jan Erickson Lawrence Fink Ellen Finley Lyla Frailing Stephanie Giannunzio Oliver Gillis Steven Gillis Patricia Goin Stefen Graf Doris Greve Leigha Greve Randall Grunwald Lloyd Gutzman Jeanette Hansen Stanley Hanson Caitlin Harkins Mark Harrison Patti Heisel Thomas Heisel Casey Herek Karen Hjort Elizabeth Hoeft William Hoeft Vincent Hribernik Kari Jacobs Ryan Jadin Arlene Jaeger Amanda Johnson Ryan Johnson Simon Johnson Kylie Kahoun Shirley Karnopp Krista Katers Mary Katers Holly Kaul Valerie King Caralyn Koch Darlene Kramer Lori Krueger Megan Kujawa Elyn Kwaterski Paul La Haye Richard LaPlante Michelle Lauters Stacey LeMere Luke Lemmens Owen Lemmens Jill Lemmer Michael Lemmer Thomas Lemmer Orville Lohuis Emily Luebke Leo Luebke Dale Lyndahl Brianna Martinson Emily McGuire Tina McPeek Samuel Mehlberg Michael Meyer Nathaniel Mielke Bailey Morrow Jaslynn Nash CariAnne Ninaus Carly Noe Kyle Noe Stephanie Olson Marie Ott Patsy Paradise Priscilla Peterson Nathan Preslaski Joette Renier Robert Riendl Axel Rosner Jacob Schahczinski Michael Schoenwalder Gabrielle Schumacher Christine Seigneur Cletus Selissen Sandra Selissen Jeffrey Senkerik Jonathan Seyler Ayden Smits Heather Smurawa Suzanne Snethen Michael Soletski Zachary Soletski Karen Starkweather Brian Steel Jr. Maya Steel Brodie Swanson Sophia Sweet Josephine Thorsen Brittany Tompkins Amelia Van Laanen Sawyer Van Lieshout Jayne Vanderlin Daniel Vermeulen Laura Wamboldt Danielle Warren Jessica Watermolen Gabrielle Watts Jackson Watts Patricia Wawiorka Donald Wickman Alexis Wiegert Timothy Williams Jocelyn Wirth Polly Wischow Tricia Yarbro Carol Zelzer James Zelzer Keith Zimmerman † Youth Party You are invited to the Youth Lenten Party! RSVP to Katy (required) email [email protected] by 3/10/16 † Elected at the Annual Meeting, January 17, 2016 Thank you for serving! Have a Blessed Easter! by Katy Tomlanovich • Confirmation and Middle & High School Ministries Coordinator • [email protected] • 494-2431 ext. 109 We had 77 Youth and eight adults attend the Calvary Youth Tubing Event on January 24, 2016 in Kewaunee. We had a pleasant evening of tubing and warming up in the chalet with popcorn and hot cocoa. There was a little additional excitement when the school bus got stuck in the parking lot but thankfully we had amazing volunteers who helped to get us "unstuck.” The Youth had a great time and I think the parents did too! The hill was really fast and a lot of fun. I plan to host it again next year. Thank you to all our chaperones and the Youth who attended! † by Katy Tomlanovich • Confirmation and Middle & High School Ministries Coordinator • [email protected] • 494-2431 ext. 109 The Youth Painting Event January 30, 2016, was a huge success! Over 45 painters, both Youth and adult, joined us for this creative event. Thank you to all who attended. We had a great time expressing God’s divine creation. † Calvary Lutheran Church - Lent & Easter Information The season of Lent continues. During Lent we carry out Lenten disciplines that remind us of the 40-day fast of Jesus in the wilderness (Matthew 4:2, Luke 4:1-2) and Moses’ 40-day fast on Mount Sinai (Exodus 34:28). As we journey together through weekly Wednesday worship services that follow along the theme of Restored in Christ, we dwell in the Word of God, given to our broken world, and the restorative actions of Christ. Wednesday worship services are at 12:15 p.m. (in the Chapel), and 4:30 and 6:30 p.m. (in the Sanctuary). Soup Suppers will be served in the Lounge from 5:00-6:00 p.m. (A free-will offering will be Confirmation students helping out collected.) at the Lenten Soup Supper. Remaining Wednesday Lenten Services March 2 - Third Wednesday in Lent: Broken Bread March 9 - Forth Wednesday in Lent: Broken Promises March 16 - Fifth Wednesday in Lent: Broken Justice Each week, as part of a Lenten discipline, you will have the opportunity to color a special sheet as it relates to our Restored in Christ series. Color your sheet during, or after, the Wednesday service and return it to Calvary by that Friday. A collage will be made with all the pages created. Holy Week Services March 20 - Palm Sunday – 7:15, 8:15 and 10:30 a.m. services Palm Sunday Breakfast will be served in the Multi-Purpose Room from 8-11 a.m. with proceeds going toward the Calvary Youth Summer Mission Trip. Our Sunday School children will also be entertaining diners during a portion of the breakfast. March 24 - Maundy Thursday – 4:30 and 7:00 p.m. services March 25 - Good Friday – 12:15 p.m. service; 7:00 p.m. Tenebrae service March 27 - EASTER SUNDAY – 6:30, 8:00, 9:30 and 11:00 a.m. services Blessings to you this Lenten and Easter Season! Learning & Having Fun! 6th Grade 7th Grade 8th Grade Nonprofit Org. U.S. POSTAGE PAID Green Bay, WI Permit No. 54 Calvary Lutheran Church ELCA 1301 S. Ridge Road Green Bay, WI 54304 C L C alvary utheran Worship Services hurch ELCA Phone: (920) 494-2431 E-mail: [email protected] Web-Site: Facebook: Calvary Lutheran Church - Green Bay Youth at Calvary Green Bay Pastoral Staff Senior Pastor - Rev. Earl E. Vorpagel, III Phone: (920) 494-2431 ext. 104 Cell: (920) 655-4114 E-mail: [email protected] Associate Pastor - Rev. Cindy Warmbier-Meyer Phone: (920) 494-2431 ext. 103 Cell: (920) 731-1719 E-mail: [email protected] Pastoral Intern - Aly Mazzei Phone: (920) 494-2431 ext. 108 Cell: (513) 600-6807 E-mail: [email protected] Thursday Evenings 7:00 p.m. in the Chapel Saturday, Spirit Alive 4:30 p.m. in the Chapel Sunday Mornings 7:15 a.m., 8:15 a.m. & 10:30 a.m. The Calvary Visitor is a monthly newsletter sent to all Calvary Lutheran Church members. Comments and/or contributions are welcome. Contributions can be dropped off at the Church Office or emailed to the editor. Editor: Shelly Hribernik ([email protected]) The deadline for the April 2016 issue of The Visitor is: Monday, March 21, 2016