Bearcat Buzz - Webster Area Schools


Bearcat Buzz - Webster Area Schools
Bearcat Buzz
School Mission:
“To educate our students to become productive citizens in an ever-changing world.”
Webster Area School District
Dates to Remember:
Mon., Dec. 23-Wed., Jan. 1: Christmas Vacation
Thurs., Jan. 2: School Resumes
Fri., Jan. 3: School In-Session
Thurs., Jan. 9: End of 2nd Quarter and 1st Semester
Fri., Jan. 10: Student Services
Fri., Jan. 17: No Services
Fri., Jan. 24: Student Services
Fri., Jan. 31: No Services
1st Graders Celebrate Grinch Day
By: Ms. Hortness & Mrs. Mahlen
Friday, December 6 was an exciting day in the
first grade classrooms, we celebrated Grinch Day!
The day began by reading the story and working
on many educational activities highlighting The
Some of our activities included a story sequence, describing characteristics of The Grinch,
completing a Venn Diagram that compared The
Grinch with his heart two sizes too small and the
Grinch after his heart grows, watching the cartoon, and doing an art project.
January 2014
Feed the Hungry
By: Mrs. Anderson
Fifth graders are in a competition to feed the hungry. We are feeding the hungry by playing the "Rice
Bowl" online games. For each answer that we get
correct; 10 grains of rice is donated by a non-profit
organization to feed the hungry. This is a great way
to help those in need during the season of giving or
If you go to Rice Bowl online and check out how
many we are feeding, for example: Username: manderson5 Password :Oliver*09, click on groups and
then click mandersonsharks, you can see how many
bowls of rice we have filled.
We challenged the other 5th grade class, Ms. Miles
class to a rice bowl challenge to see which class gets
the most rice. : )) We are
excited and going for it!
This can be done at
home (anytime) or during school hours if appropriated by the classroom teacher.
In the True Spirit of Christmas
By: Ms. Wilkinson
Rather than exchange gifts within the classroom
this year, Ms. Wilkinson's 3rd graders decided to
give presents to a couple of kids in our community rather than to each other. We chose one boy's
and one girl's name off of the angel tree at the
bank, and each student brought money to buy
these children gifts for Christmas. The students
were very generous, as we collected $87.
After a trip to Alco to choose gifts for each person, we wrapped the gifts in the classroom and
walked back to the bank to put
the presents under the tree. The
students were so excited about
this project and their generosity
showed what Christmas is really all about!
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2014 Snow Queens Crowned
Block and Shoemaker to Reign
Omaha Hosts
Students of
the Month
Romeo &
As the soft prelude
music began to play,
the snow queen contestants took their
places on the stage.
December 7, 2013
will remain a pleasant memory forever
for the young ladies
competing in the
annual Webster
Community Club’s
Snow Queen Contest.
Mariah Block was
crowned as the 2014 senior
snow queen. First runnerup was Lorisa Schoenbeck,
and Hannah Leschisin as
second runner-up.
The remaining senior
contestants were Haley
Coon, Marisa Keller, and
Sarah Dolney.
Sr. Snow Queen: Mariah Block
Jr. Snow Queen: Faith Shoemaker
The junior snow queen
was Faith Shoemaker. Lindsey Schoenbeck was first
runner-up, and second runner-up was Samantha Stern.
Additional junior candidates were Kayla Ewalt,
Hayley Rithmiller, and Cait-
lyn Schlotte.
The snow prince
was Gage Miotke
and the snow princess was Karli
Both Mariah and
Faith will have the
opportunity to represent the Community of Webster and
the Webster Area
School in January
at the State Snow
Queen Festival in Aberdeen. Good luck ladies!
Snow Queens and their Courts
Front Row: Gage Miotke, Snow Prince, Mariah Block, Faith Shoemaker, Karli Sannes, Snow Princess
Back Row: Sarah Dolney, Marisa Keller, Haley Coon, Hannah Leschisin, Lorisa Schoenbeck, Jade Storley, 2012 Sr. Snow Queen, Gabriella Premus, 2012 SD Jr. Snow Queen, Lindsey Schoenbeck, Samantha
Stern, Kayla Ewalt, Haley Rithmiller, and Caityln Schlotte
Omaha Hosts Youth Leaders at FCCLA Conference at
Century Link Center
More than 2,800 students and advisers converged for inspiration, training
and opportunities to make a difference locally and across the country
Information Shared By: Lorisa Schoenbeck, FCCLA Secretary
Family, Career and Community
sentative and Lorisa Schoenbeck –
Leaders of America (FCCLA)
Media Consultant along with advi-
Family, Career and Community
brought more than 2,800 of its stu-
sor Kristi Storms. Other members in Leaders of America (FCCLA), is
dent leaders, members and advisers
attendance included Breanna
a dynamic and effective national
to the CenturyLink Center this past
Bullert, Allison Duerre and Alecia
student organization that helps
weekend to participate in the larg-
young men and women become
est of three regional con-
leaders and address important
ferences – known as Na-
personal, family, work, and
tional Cluster Meetings -
societal issues through Family
being held around the
and Consumer Sciences edu-
country this month.
cation. FCCLA has 200,000
The meetings provided
members and more than 5,500
an opportunity for students
chapters from 49 state associ-
and advisers to come to-
ations, Puerto Rico, and the
gether for fun and to listen to in-
A highlight of the Omaha meeting Virgin Islands. The organization
spiring speakers, as well as to ex-
was the speakers Ashley Rhodes-
has involved more than ten mil-
pand leadership skills, sharpen tal-
Courtier and Johan Khalilian. Ash-
lion youth since its founding in
ents and explore career pathways.
ley, an author and welfare advocate
The theme of this year’s confer-
presented a speech titled “Three Lit-
FCCLA: The Ultimate Leader-
ence was “Exceeding Expecta-
tle Words – Turning Pain into Pow-
ship Experience is unique among
tions” and attendees were chal-
er”. Johan Khalilian, an advocate for youth organizations because its
lenged to go beyond what is ex-
pursuing dreams, shared his speech,
pected of them to make lasting,
“The Crazy Ones”. During the Clus- members. It is the only career
positive impressions in their fami-
ter Meeting additional breakout ses-
lies, schools and communities.
sion were attended focusing on each organization with the family as its
Webster had seven individuals at-
of the main aspects of FCCLA –
central focus. Participation in
tend this event. Webster FCCLA
Family, Career, Community and
national programs and chapter
Chapter Officers in attendance
Leadership. Additional FCCLA Na-
activities helps members become
were Lindsey Vogl- President, Bri-
tional Cluster Meetings were held
strong leaders in their families,
anna Mount – Junior High Repre-
this month in Charlotte, N.C., and
careers, and communities.
programs are planned and run by
and technical in-school student
Spokane, Wash.
December Students of the Month
Bearcat Boosters
Have you checked out
the latest Bearcat Spirit
items? At each home
game, Bearcat Booster
Club Members will be
selling and modeling the
latest clothing and accessories!
Support the Bearcats!
Abby Snell
Tristen Bent
Olivia Breske
Levi Johnson
Caly Bornsen
Lindsey Vogl
Nathan Duerre
New Addition to the Armory
An exciting addition has recently been added
at the Armory; a new scorers table!
This new feature will not only provide a more
modern look to this area, but it will provide a
sturdier place for those who run the scoreboard,
possession arrow, and manage the official book
to work.
Our new score table is a great way to welcome visiting teams and fans, plus show our
Bearcat Pride!
Students Bowl in Tournaments
By: Mrs. Bauer
Students from the Webster
Area School enjoyed going to
the Special Olympics Bowling
Tournaments in Aberdeen on
October 11 and November 1.
The students competed with
other students from schools in
the state of South Dakota. The
students had a great time and
brought home many medals and
ribbons. A special thanks goes
out to the Knights of Columbus
for helping fund this event.
Students in back, left to right: Maray Larson, Makayla Pies. In front, left to right:
Deidra Gregerson, Breanna Gregerson, Hunter Jaspers, Bethany Gregerson, Christian Arnold. Coaches not pictured: Ashley Reints, Chris Chapin and Pam Bauer
Annual Door Decorating Contest Held
Key Club held their annual
door decorating contest. This
year there wasn’t a set theme, so
the imagination was the limit!
Many of the homerooms participated in this fun event, but they
were no match for the winning
doors. After extensive deliberation, the judges made their decisions.
First place went to a group of
senior girls who missed having
homeroom. Their chosen theme
was, “The Polar Express”.
Second place
honors were
awarded to the
FACS Classroom with,
Thank you to
all of the homerooms who participated!
Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer
Damian Coon, Ben Fromelt, Heather
Michlitsch, and Blake Jacobson
Not Pictured: Abby Kwasniewski and
Gabriella Premus
The Polar Express
Brianna Bullert, Hannah Leschisin, Mariah Block,
Marissa Keller, and Calen Johnson
Like our Facebook page at:
Romeo and Juliet--still relevant in the 21st Century?
By: Mrs. Dulitz
At least one generation of
3.They can see that drama can be
adults who came through Webpresented in many different ways.
ster Area High School can tell
Romeo and Juliet has had such adyou who the light was that
aptations as the musical West Side
through “Yon window breaks.”
Story, the feud story used in an old
They know it is “the East and JuAndy Griffith Show, the 1994 Baz
liet is the Sun.” Those students
Luhrmann version using gangs and
and former students can easily
guns and lots of noise and the 1968
recognize that this is a line from
version that quietly told the story
the balcony scene of
and also influRomeo and Juliet.
enced fashion
Romeo and Juliet,
for several
a play written by
William Shakespeare
4. Studying
in the 1590’s, has
Romeo and Julibeen a mainstay of
et helps us to
literature for high
understand the
school students.
current cell
Some may wonder ,
phone commerthough, why study a
cial that quotes
play that is 423 years
the balcony sceold. Webster Area
William Shakespeare
students encounter Ro5. We learn
meo and Juliet as freshmen when
about the culture of the time in
they are at nearly the same ages
which the play was written. Couas the Romeo and Juliet. They
ples then did not meet, date and
listen to the dialogue, hear explamarry. At that time, the marriages
nations, watch the video and are
were arranged between a young
man and the girl’s father.
What relevance can it have to
6. The English language has
people today? What can we learn
evolved since the play was origifrom this play?
nally written but some of what we
Some thought has resulted in
speak today was the result of
several ideas as to why Romeo
Shakespeare’s language. Over
and Juliet is still important to stu1700 words were coined by Shakedents today.
speare including such words as ad1.Students can see that there are vertising, amazement, bump,
differences between the concepts
blushing, elbow, zany, skim milk
of love and infatuation.
and rant.
2. Students learn about the dan7. We can find out how a theater
gers of making unwise and rash
with a.) no electricity or b.) curdecisions. (Unlike Romeo and
tain or c.) sound system can hold a
Juliet, the students can easily see
play for 2000 people.
that there were much more reaa.) The plays were held in the
sonable and less damagingly perafternoon so there was natural
manent means of solving their
light. The theater had a roof over
the seats but not over the central
area of this octagonal building.
b.) There was no need for
curtains so exits were written
into the script and there were
several levels and rooms in
the stage area that functioned
as locations for acting.
c.) The plays were written
in poetry to make it easy for
the audience to pick up words
they may have missed. They
were also written in the language of the time so it was as
easy for those theater goers to
understand the plays as it is
for us to understand our TV
programs or movies.
8. The students learn cultural differences such as the fact
that only men were allowed to
act in the original Shakespearean times. Young men played
the female parts.
9. They learn that plays
were for everyone and not just
the wealthy. (The wealthiest
got the best seats—on the
stage. Those who had the
least means paid two cents
and stood in the standing
room only pit.)
10. Advertising was fairly
easy. If there was a play on a
particular day, a flag was
raised at the theater and everyone took it as a sign that there
was a play at 4:00 that day.
(No TV, radio, Facebook, etc.
—just a simple flag….)
Webster School District 2013-2014 Calendar
A complete listing can be located at:
Jan. 1 Christmas Break
2 School Resumes
9 End of 2nd Quarter
Feb. 10 Parent Teacher Conferences
14 Parent Teacher Conferences
Mar. 13 End of 3rd Quarter
Apr. 11 Prom
18 Good Friday
May 14 Baccalaureate
18 Graduation
22 Last Day of School
Assistant HS Principal & Director of Student Services Corner
Mrs. Amy Miller, email: [email protected]
Phone: 345-4653
What Can I Buy To Do Better On My ACT’s??
There are plenty of companies out there looking to sell our juniors, seniors, and their parents. ACT prep
materials. I have even got some recent reports of parents getting unsolicited sales calls offering test prep
products. There are many resources out there, but it’s definitely a buyer beware situation. The only product
that I endorse is Method Test Prep. This program is so good that the state of South Dakota has purchased a
license for every student in the state. They have free access to it through their SDmylife account. I provide
training on how to use this program in the spring of the year for all juniors. But students can access it anytime. If they have forgotten their SDmylife passwords they just need to ask me or one of their English
What I love about Method Test Prep is it gives: individualized experiences. Students can study in all areas, just certain subject (say you are low in math), certain skills (quadratic equations are a struggle), or you
can take entire practice exams. But no matter what material you use the biggest factor is actually using it.
Students should make studying for the exam a long term going in the months leading up to the exam. Not
just cramming the night before. ACT tests are offered 6 times a year. Student should take them for the first
time between April and June of their 11th grade year.