2014 Annual Report - The Village at Rockville


2014 Annual Report - The Village at Rockville
2 A Harmonious Family
Larry Bradshaw, President & CEO
National Lutheran Communities & Services
3 Deep Roots
Rev. Martha M. Sims, Chair
National Lutheran Communities & Services
Board of Trustees
4 Board Chairs
2014 Community Highlights
5 myPotential at Home
Denise Kozlowski, Administrator
6 The Village at Rockville
Jason Gottschalk, Executive Director
7 The Village at Rockville Auxiliary
Jeanne Buster, Auxiliary President
8 The Village at Orchard Ridge
John Midolo, Executive Director
9 The Legacy at North Augusta
Cherie Sims, Executive Director
10 The Village at Crystal Spring
Nicole Antar & Courtney Malengo
A Look at the Heart of Giving
11 A Cherished Gift of Stock
Featuring Joanne Bowers, Donor
12 The Gift of Continuous Giving
Featuring Dick & Jane Gladden, Donors
13 A Humble Heart For Giving
Featuring David & Ruth Swisher, Donors
14 Donors
Financial Direction
24 Financial Performance and Stewardship
26 Consolidated Financial Statements
Our Mission
To fulfill its Christian ministry, National Lutheran
Communities & Services provides an array of
options for seniors including residential living,
along with home and health care services which
are designed to meet individual needs.
by Larry Bradshaw, President & CEO
National Lutheran Communities & Services
As National Lutheran Communities & Services (NLCS) continues its journey of mission and
ministry in serving seniors, we are mindful of the many blessings that enrich our family of staff
and residents alike. Like a well-tuned orchestra whose musicians are in sync with one another,
our team brings their individual talents and skills into harmony as they care for our residents,
families, each other, and into the greater communities beyond our campuses. We continue to
keep the mission at the forefront of all we do and align our goals and objectives in support
of that mission and our strategic plan. As we reflect on 2014 and look at celebrating our 125th
Anniversary throughout 2015, we have much to be grateful for.
Our mission began in 1890, when Sarah Utermehle answered the Evangelical Lutheran Church’s
call to help create support for aging seniors. She donated 27 acres of land so the first National
Lutheran Home could be built at 18th and Douglas Streets, N.E. in Washington, D.C. The first
residents were welcomed in 1895. As our D.C. location grew and expanded several times, it was
time to serve more seniors. In 1980 the National Lutheran Home relocated to Rockville, Md., and
built a 300-bed skilled nursing facility that later added more services to become The Village at
Rockville—A National Lutheran Community.
In 2008 the Board of Trustees created a parent corporation that assumed the organization’s
founding name, The National Lutheran Home for the Aged (now known as National Lutheran
Communities & Services). To spearhead these new initiatives, the Board appointed me as the
organization’s first Chief Executive Officer in 2009. Since then we have grown from one location
to a family of retirement communities and services.
Our first home care organization, myPotential at Home—A National Lutheran Service, was
launched in January 2014. To date it has enabled more than 170 seniors to stay in the comfort
of their own homes. That same month we partnered with fellow Lutheran non-profit Fellowship
Square Foundation to become the management agent for their four Fellowship Houses located
throughout Virginia and Maryland.
By today’s standards, it is no small feat for an organization to reach its quasquicentennial
(125th anniversary). In fact, Harvard Business Review (HBR) tells us that the art of endurance is
increasingly rare. Over the last 50 years, the average lifespan of S&P 500 companies has shrunk
from around 60 years to 18 years, according to HBR. While we aren’t on the S&P or traded as a
commodity, that statistic should remind us of the importance of the long-standing legacy we
have inherited. We will continue to steward our time, talent and treasure, while innovating for
the future, so this organization is prospering another 125 years from now.
by Rev. Martha M. Sims, Chair
National Lutheran Communities & Services
Board of Trustees, 2014-2016
Blessed are those who trust in the LORD …
They shall be like a tree planted by water, sending out its roots by the stream.
It shall not fear when heat comes, and its leaves shall stay green,
in the year of drought it is not anxious, and it does not cease to bear fruit.
Jeremiah 17:7-8
One of the images that comes to my mind when thinking about National Lutheran Communities &
Services (NLCS) is a beautiful, healthy tree with deep roots. With a 125-year-history of commitment
to the mission of providing excellent care and services for seniors, in the compassionate care of
Christ, our roots are indeed deep and the tree fruitful. We have been greatly blessed by God in
many ways throughout our history.
We are blessed with gifted staff and Senior Leadership teams throughout the National Lutheran
family, led by President and CEO Larry Bradshaw. They are well-respected among peers in their
areas of expertise, particularly in the not-for-profit aging services community. I am also thankful
for the gifted and committed individuals who donate their time and talent to serve on the NLCS
Board of Trustees and each community’s board.
Paying close attention to the roots of this tree continues to be the focus of all who work on behalf
of NLCS: keeping our mission central to all we do and providing for a strong, resilient infrastructure
so that this vital and important ministry will thrive for another 125 years and beyond.
2014 was an exciting year for NLCS and each of our communities, including major renovation at
The Village at Rockville and The Legacy at North Augusta, the start-up of the second phase of
construction at The Village at Orchard Ridge, and the beginning of home health services with
the launch of myPotential at Home. As we look to the future, we give thanks for your partnership
in providing the root system of the NLCS “tree.” Thank you for your continued support of this
ministry, and partnering with us in our mission of serving seniors.
The Village at Rockville
A National Lutheran Community
Claudia Harrington, Chair, Board of Trustees
Ms. Claudia Harrington serves as President of
The Village at Rockville Board. She is a retired
teacher and member of the St. Paul Lutheran
Church in Jefferson, Md.
Claudia Harrington
Lisa Behr
Her most recent congregation, synod,
regional or church-wide service positions
include superintendent of Primary Sunday
School Dept., Eucharistic Minister, Assisting
Minister, Chair of the Christian Education
Ministry and Choirchimes. She has served
as a member of the Mission Partnership
Team; board member of the Auxiliary of The
Village at Rockville, Secretary of the Board
of Trustees for The Village at Rockville, and
President of the Feeser Scholarship Fund, Inc.
Ms. Harrington also serves on the DelawareMaryland Synod Council and works with
Mission Interpretation.
Ms. Harrington has also participated in
the Lay School of Theology at Lutheran
Theological Seminary at Gettysburg and
Global Mission Events. She has provided
services to the Jefferson Community Food
Bank, the Frederick Soup Kitchen and is
currently a tutor for Frederick Rescue Mission
and Sylvan Learning Center.
Ms. Harrington received her B.S. degree in
Education from Towson University; M.A. in
Special Education from Hood College; and
additional education courses at the University
of Connecticut.
The Village at Orchard Ridge
A National Lutheran Community
Lisa Behr, Chair, Board of Directors
Ms. Lisa Behr serves as Chair and is also a
member of National Lutheran Communities
& Services’ (NLCS) Board of Trustees.
Ms. Behr is a Realtor and has been with ERA
OakCrest Realty, Inc. in Winchester, Va., since
2001. She is also an owner/manager of both
residential and commercial real estate. From
2004 through 2009, Ms. Behr has earned the
BRAR President’s Award and ERA Leadership
Team Award. In 2009, Ms. Behr was named
of visits
per week
1st in Service by ERA Real Estate, earning the
prestigious Jim Jackson Memorial Award.
Her certifications include, Accredited Buyers
Representative, Cartus/Affinity Certification
and Senior Real Estate Specialist.
She is a member of Grace Evangelical
Lutheran Church, PEO (women’s philanthropic
educational organization), supporter of the
Winchester Royals Baseball Team and the Blue
Ridge Association of Realtors Educational
minutes is the
average length
of a visit
Ms. Behr received a B.A. in Administration
Management from the University of Northern
years young is the
average client’s age
The Legacy at North Augusta
A National Lutheran Community
Dr. Steven Mosher, Chair, Board of Directors
Dr. Mosher is Director of the Health Care
Administration Program at Mary Baldwin
College, Staunton, Va., as well as Professor
of Health Care Administration and Political
Science. He teaches courses in a variety of
Health Care Administration and Political
Science areas that include Health Care
Strategic Management, Economics and
Finance of Health Care, Long-Term Care
Administration, Global Health Care and
Managed Care.
His research interests have been in role and
use of organizational audits, future of health
care systems; long-term care and the quality
of life, ethics in health care; and global health
care Issues. Dr. Mosher has also contributed
his time as a lecturer and presenter at various
colleges and conferences.
Dr. Mosher attended the University of South
Carolina where he received his Ph.D. in
Government and International Studies; M.A.
in International Studies; and B.A. in Political
Science (cum laude).
by Denise Kozlowski, Administrator
myPotential at Home—National Lutheran Communities & Services’ first home care organization—
had an exciting first year of operation in 2014.
In March of 2014, staff members began offering home care services to 28 residents at The Village at
Orchard Ridge (TVOR). These clients received a wide array of services from assistance with bathing
and medication reminders to simple, but much appreciated companionship. We were pleased to
be able to offer support to so many TVOR residents, further enabling their independence.
By the end of the year, myPotential at Home established home care contracts with over 170
residents at TVOR. Seniors can rest assured that when a need arises, myPotential at Home will be
ready to provide the support and assistance they require to stay safe and secure in their home.
Aside from providing high quality in home care to seniors, our staff has spent many hours
this past year implementing our computerized health record system HealthMEDX. This system
provides efficient and safe documenting of all client records and medical information. In 2015,
myPotential at Home will expand our services to seniors beyond the TVOR community. We have
been busy collaborating with several senior communities in the Winchester/Frederick County
area to offer the high quality home care and senior wellness programs to the greater population.
We are excited to see the progression in the coming months.
of all debris removed during
renovation was recycled
by Jason Gottschalk, Executive Director
The Village at Rockville—A National Lutheran Community (TVAR) experienced remarkable
transformation in 2014. Renovation projects continued throughout the Health Center at a
frenetic pace. On any given day there were as many as 50 construction workers on the campus.
Throughout all of this change staff, residents, families and guests have remained joyful and
continue to thrive—a real testament to the spirit and family that TVAR has become.
birthday parties
were held
In August we bid farewell to Executive Director Jana Broughton who was relocating to be closer
to family. She was replaced by an interim administrator, who was able to keep the forward
momentum of the organization moving in anticipation of my return.
Renovation of the Terrace-level offices and meeting spaces was completed in October. Several
crews spent days moving all of the offices that were formerly located on the first floor down
one level. Approximately 75 office moves happened between October and the end of the year.
Thankfully, we have a flexible and resilient staff. The new office and meeting space allows for a
great deal of flexibility and new utilizations including a training room where staff can participate
in online instruction 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
Change is often difficult, but we rejoice in the transformation that is happening at TVAR.
We know that the change we are undergoing is a gift of rebirth, and we remain confident,
as St. James expressed, that “every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from
the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows.” Thanks be
to God.
average age is
number of catering events
by Jeanne Buster, Auxiliary President
meals served
A new assisted living neighborhood and long-term-care neighborhood opened in the fall.
The assisted living neighborhood added an additional 14 private apartments, now totaling
32. Residents, many of whom were from the independent living community, settled in easily
and quickly became a family. The new long-term-care neighborhood that opened completed
the renovation of the second floor. With the opening of this neighborhood, all 94 private rooms
are completely renovated and refurbished. Residents have told us that they adore their new
The Auxiliary at The Village at Rockville’s (TVAR) rich tradition of service reflects its continuing
response to God’s gifts and grace for and on behalf of TVAR residents. With an uncertain future
before us, The Auxiliary would not be what it is today, and what it could and should be in the
future, without its members’ commitments to act on their faith by the unselfish giving of their
time, energy, and expertise in so many ways. The Auxiliary members deserve honor for their
perseverance as they respond unstintingly to the call for assistance and support in order to carry
out the many activities on behalf of the residents. Why is this so important to mention? Because
it is The Auxiliary’s mission to focus on the generosity of giving of one’s self for another’s need or
enjoyment. As volunteers ourselves, we do what we do for others. No one makes us do this; we
want to. We look forward to hearing the words, “let’s do something different!”
During the past year, the Hospitality Committee outdid itself by launching a series of interesting
activities including bingo, the PAL Tea, off-campus luncheons at local restaurants, pizza parties,
and special celebrations commemorating the Chinese New Year and the Fourth of July, as well
as Oktoberfest. The Fall Festival in November was a huge success, thanks to the hardworking
Ways and Means Committee. The Birthday Committee’s monthly birthday parties were eagerly
awaited by the long-term residents and their guests. This year’s Christmas activities included a
Cookie party, and a Christmas gift purchased in the Auxiliary’s Gift Shop was presented to every
one of the long-term residents.
Annual Auxiliary memberships, combined with special donations, and the proceeds from the
Gift Shop and the Fall Festival support The Auxiliary’s annual budget. The Auxiliary continues
to provide Netflix movies and several newspaper subscriptions, donated $15,000 to TVAR to
offset maintenance, and to provide hearing aids and other medical devices for those residents
in need. The Auxiliary also contributed $20,000 toward the purchase of new TVs and mounts for
the two newly opened neighborhoods. Tom Brokow once said: “It’s easy to make a buck. It’s a lot
tougher to make a difference.”
is the average age
pieces of
glass in
the chapel
by John Midolo, Executive Director
by Cherie Sims, Executive Director
It’s hard to believe that we’re in our second year of serving residents at The Village at Orchard
Ridge—A National Lutheran Community (TVOR). It seems like yesterday that we had 132 wooded
acres with no roads and no buildings. Now, we’re a community of more than 300 residents, more
than 100 staff and an expansion project underway.
The Legacy at North Augusta—A National Lutheran Community (TLNA) experienced a very good
year. Our census dipped slightly, but we were able to maintain a 95% occupancy average.
In January, we received our skilled nursing license from the Commonwealth of Virginia. Our first
resident moved into Orchard Woods Health Center in March. We conducted our first resident
satisfaction survey in April which indicated that 97% of residents were satisfied and 98% would
recommend TVOR to others.
Our expansion project commenced this year with the construction of 18 single cottages on the
west side of the campus, which were completed in April 2015. That same month we announced
our Phase II Expansion, including the addition of 80 independent living apartments, a 15,000
square foot wellness center with an indoor pool, a 150-seat dining addition, and an additional 10
skilled nursing suites in Orchard Woods Health Center.
We began accepting reservation deposits on the apartments in April and were 100% reserved
by the fall. This is a great testament to the atmosphere and opportunities that are available at
Orchard Ridge. As another first for our community, we received our Medicare certification in July.
The Chapel at Orchard Ridge: A Center for Faith and Community Life continues to be our venue
for a multitude of events. From our weekly worship services and Bible studies to community-wide
celebrations, the chapel serves as a gathering space for both expression of faith and for community
activities. Highlights included a visit from Elena Poptodorova, the current Ambassador of the
Republic of Bulgaria and the dedication of the Luther Rose stained-glass window in November.
The window was made possible by the generosity of donors and was designed and fabricated
specifically for Orchard Ridge by Stained Glass by Shenandoah. A few weeks later, we celebrated
the arts with the Tapestry of the Arts gala. Over $13,000 was raised for the Winchester Benevolent
Endowment Fund.
In December, we received the Phase II tax-exempt bond financing for $67,835,000. Current
construction schedules indicate that the wellness center and dining addition will be completed
by January 2017.
Together, the residents and staff, have created an enthusiastic and energetic culture throughout
the community—a culture that offers all residents opportunities to explore everything that life
has to offer. From taking up new hobbies to meeting together over dinner or for a book club,
residents delight in the myriad of activities and events that are available each month.
A huge achievement in our nursing department was accomplished by transitioning from charting
paper medical records to completely electronically. This has been a significant benefit to both
our residents and nursing staff, and has increased overall efficiency.
library books
During 2014, five residents formed a Library Committee and completely organized our first floor
Library, and all of the books that are located in the other sitting areas. The books were shelved
according to category and a checkout system was created.
We have been privileged to welcome George Sims as our Director of Philanthropy. He shares his
time with TLNA in addition to his responsibilities as the Director of Philanthropy at The Village
at Orchard Ridge. George has the opportunity to speak with residents about the philanthropic
opportunities available to them. He has been instrumental in helping us to expand the Staunton
Benevolent Fund from $505 to $5,740.
Our monthly Resident Breakfast was implemented this year and has been a huge success among
the residents. The Senior Leadership Team assists the dining staff by serving the residents a
variety of breakfast bites including omelets, waffles and pancakes, just to name a few. More than
70 pancakes, 45 fried eggs and 25 omelets were served. It is a highlight each month enjoyed by
both residents and staff.
Overall, this has been a positive year and we are excited about the future as we continue to
improve the services offered to the residents at TLNA.
number of pineapples in
the community (symbol of
hospitality) … and counting!
average age is
Certainly, our community would not be possible without the hard work of each of our staff
members. I’m proud of our staff as they exhibit a positive and caring attitude each day, while
consistently putting residents first.
The We Care Committee, with Director of Human Resources Rachel Rhodes as Chairperson,
has made great strides this year. We Care is a program that articulates our values, customer
service standards and employee recognition. The committee was instrumental in painting our
staff lounge in the We Care colors. Some We Care events in 2014 included a catered picnic, a
Thanksgiving pot luck, and gifts for both residents and employees at Christmas.
interested seniors
Maryland residents
from Annapolis
from out of state
by Nicole Antar & Courtney Malengo
by Kirsten Haalboom, Director of Philanthropy
The Village at Rockville
Joanne Bowers is a wonderful example of a cheerful giver. She believes in giving according to her
heart, to glorify God and benefit those around her. That is why Joanne decided to make her gift to
the Cherish Campaign for Memory Support by donating stock. She says a gift of stock benefits the
giver and the charity—it’s a win-win. Joanne was happy to share the gifts she received with the
community in which she lives, in a way that demonstrates good financial stewardship.
Joanne grew up in the San Francisco Bay area, but as part of a military family she was used to
moving around. She has moved approximately 24 times during her life! Now, she is glad for all of
her experiences because they are what brought her to our area, where she has found a wonderful
church in Fourth Presbyterian, Bethesda, Md., and a home in The Village at Rockville (TVAR).
“I love it here, and the Lord led me here,” Joanne said. When she heard about Cherish, she knew she
wanted to give more than her usual donation. “Cherish is a wonderful, exciting thing, providing
memory support in a more homelike place,” she noted. Joanne wants to see her gift used so that
every person who receives memory care at TVAR is “treated as an individual, with dignity.”
When Joanne was asked what steps she took to make a gift of stock, she said she simply called
her stockbroker and asked them to choose the one with the best tax benefit. She then gave them
the information she received from the philanthropy office about where to direct the gift, and that
was it.
“I did not even have to write a check or balance my checkbook,” she exclaimed. Best of all, Joanne
was able to give more to Cherish than she would be able to afford if she had simply written a
check. When asked how making this gift of stock made her feel she replied, “God love’s a cheerful
giver and it made me so happy!”
Crystal Spring Annapolis is a new mixed-use planned development located at Forest Drive and
Spa Road in Annapolis, Md., that will be anchored by our proposed Continuing Care Retirement
Community (CCRC) known as The Village at Crystal Spring—A National Lutheran Community
(subject to approval by the Maryland Department of Aging).
The Village at Crystal Spring (TVCS) will be a lifetime CCRC offering seniors a variety of residential,
lifestyle and health care options, several dining venues, hotel-style amenities, a chapel and a
health care center with private rooms.
Health care services will include assisted living, memory support, skilled nursing care and shortterm rehabilitation. Many services can be delivered to the doorstep of one’s cottage or apartment,
bringing services to the residents so long as safety is not compromised.
Future TVCS residents and their families will enjoy coordinated use of a boutique inn and spa and
approximately 145,000 square feet of commercial retail (restaurants, shops, food market). A truly
intergenerational lifestyle is enhanced by Crystal Spring Annapolis’ non-age restricted residences
and more than two acres of village green space for entertainment and community events.
Through 2014, the project team worked collaboratively with various Annapolis City planning
departments and Maryland Department of Aging to continue enhance the overall Crystal Spring
plan and ultimately improve it. 126 out of the 190 acres will be preserved and never to be built
upon. Final approvals are anticipated by fall 2015.
Joanne Bowers
by George Sims, Director of Philanthropy
The Legacy at North Augusta
Like so many of their generation, David and Ruth Swisher value what ultimately matters most:
relationships, family, home and above all, their faith and service to others.
Ruth, who is a member of The Legacy at North Augusta (TLNA) Board of Directors, and her
husband David have come to know that putting others first mirrors words they learned long ago,
“It is more blessed to give, than receive.”
Together they have experienced mission trips to benefit others and, in doing so, felt they were
fortunate to have been part of a team who left tangible results of completed projects behind—a
shored up foundation of one home, new steps and porch for another, and bewildered gratitude
of those they helped.
Dick and Jane Gladden
Photo by Shaun Galang,
Cedar Meade Studios
by George Sims, Director of Philanthropy
The Village at Orchard Ridge
Jane Gladden, speaking for herself and husband, Dick, about their decision to move to The Village
at Orchard Ridge (TVOR) noted, “We were surprised by joy.”
Those same words could also apply to their first acquaintance as youth in Virginia’s tidewater
area, throughout their lives as a couple, career moves and in rearing four children, who like their
parents are dedicated to serving others.
At TVOR they have made a commitment to follow family tradition by supporting the Winchester
Benevolent Endowment—a fund that provides financial assistance to qualified residents at the
community whose personal finances do not cover the cost of monthly living expenses or services
“It is the continuity of giving that allows us to be part of a movement that makes a positive
difference in the ethos of Orchard Ridge,” Dick expressed.
“People we helped could not understand why anyone would take a week off from their own jobs
to work without pay to help another,” Ruth said.
As residents of TLNA, they faithfully support the Staunton Benevolent Endowment Fund. “It is
another way to help others,” David noted.
“People think they have to give a lot, but little or much assures those in need will have a home,”
Ruth said.
Yet still, David and Ruth feel they are the fortunate ones to be able to give.
“ People we helped could not understand
why anyone would take a week off their own
jobs to work without pay to help another.”
Ruth Swisher
Contributions throughout the year show a deep-seeded desire to impact this community and
the lives of others. However, Dick and Jane have taken another step to create a legacy gift for the
Winchester Benevolent Endowment in their estate plans.
“Some think a small amount will not make a difference, but no amount is too small,” Jane observed.
“Small amounts when joined with others are significant.”
And for Dick, “What we have done is a modest base upon which continuing gifts can build.”
“ It is the continuity of giving that allows us
to be part of a movement that makes a positive
difference in the ethos of Orchard Ridge.”
Dick Gladden
Ruth and David Swisher
Sustainers $25,000+
Estate of Anna K. Holliday
Auxiliary of The Village at Rockville
Francis Baker and Louise Baker
Residual Trust
Estate of Ruth M. Ennis
Mr. and Mrs. William C. Hill
Benefactors $10,000+
Evangelical Lutheran Church in
America (ELCA)
Boccina Fund
Rabel Memorial Fund
Phillipy Family Memorial Fund
Philip and Janis Miller Wertheimer Fund
Gertrude Walter Lerch Revocable Trust
Sarah Hoober Trust
Dr. and Mrs. Herbert E. Klingelhofer
Mrs. Nancy Wachter
Patrons $5,000+
Col. and Mrs. Richard Dawson
George Flentje Trust
Gifts of Hope Metro Synod, ELCA
Estate of Mary Olson
Mr. and Mrs. Allen Wild
Champions $1,000+
Supporters $500+
Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Abel
Dr. Richard Ahlberg
Alberta A. Becket Ellis Trust
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Amt
Mr. and Mrs. Arne Anderson
Ms. Kathryn E. Baerwald
Mrs. Helen Barrow
Mr. Walter Belter
Ms. Nancy Birner
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas A. Bly
Mrs. D. Joanne Bowers
Estate of Leona Bracken
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Bradshaw
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Broughton
Mrs. Marjorie Bruffy
Combined Federal Campaign,
National Capital Area 0990
Ms. Laura Dawn Doscher
Mrs. Alberta Ellis
Emmanuel Lutheran Church,
Vienna, Va.
Mrs. Patricia Fitzpatrick
Mrs. Betty Fredericks
Good Shepherd Lutheran Church,
Gaithersburg, Md.
Dr. Jason Gottschalk
Mr. Kenneth Gutschick
Ms. Elizabeth Henriksen
Independent Living Resident’s
Association, The Village at Rockville
Mr. and Mrs. Mel Jaranson
Lutheran Church of the Reformation,
Washington, D.C.
Mrs. Ingrid Margrave
Estate of William Bernard McCarthy
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Murphey
Ms. Janet B. O’Brien
Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Pillote, Sr.
Redeemer Lutheran Church, McLean, Va.
Resurrection Lutheran Church,
Arlington, Va.
Ms. Wenche B. Roth
Ms. Barbara M. Sanders
St. John’s Lutheran Church, Rockville, Md.
Robert Stover Trust
The Estate of Ruth Gaphardt
Dr. Elizabeth Weisburger
Mr. and Mrs.William Wertman
Mr. Mark Zimmerman
Mr. and Mrs. Cornell Abod
Mrs. Eleanor Aspliden
Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. Brown, Jr.
Mr. Robert Buckwalter
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory R. Dahlberg
Rev. and Mrs. Robert Day, Jr.
Mr. Eugene S. Domalski
Mr. Richard W. Duesing
Faith Lutheran Church,
Arlington, Va.
Ms. Kirsten N. Haalboom
Mrs. and Dr. Kathy Kass
Mrs. Anna Wiegand Kerr
St. Matthew’s Lutheran Church,
Lake Ridge, Va.
Mrs. Yulie Nose’
Ms. Carolyn O’Conor
Mrs. Marlene C. Patton
Mrs. Lilly Pedersen
Ms. Pamela J. Rodgers
Ms. Betty Snyder
St. John’s Lutheran Church,
Rockville, Md.
Mr. and Mrs. Dale T. Summers
The Thomas T. & Carolyn J. Hubers Trust
Trinity Lutheran Church,
North Bethesda, Md.
Ms. Alma Vaught
Ms. Helen Vigness
Mr. and Mrs. John Widoff
Mrs. Anne Woodham
Zion Lutheran Church, Takoma Park, Md.
Friends < $500
Ms. Linda Abadie
Abod & Associates LLC
Capt. and Mrs. Eugene B. Ackerman
Ms. Gale V. Adams
Mr. James Adams
Rev. Robert Adams, Jr.
Mr. Ralph Agavino
Mrs. Florence Albert
Mrs. Shirley Allender
America’s Charities
Ms. Emilie Amt
Ms. Heidi Amundson
Ms. Alice Anderson
Ms. Arcadia M. Anderson
Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Anderson
Mr. and Mrs. Fredric Anderson
Mr. Kenneth M. Anderson
Tiiu Anniko
Ms. Mary Arnot
Ms. Colleen M. Atwood
Ms. June A. Atwood
Augustana Lutheran Church,
Washington, D.C.
Mrs. Doris Azhderian
Mr. and Mrs. J.F. Babcock
Mr. and Mrs. Bradley S. Baker
Mr. Frank Barkley, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Barnes
Mr. and Mrs. Murhl Bauer
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Bauersfeld, Jr.
Ms. Joanne Bear
Mrs. Sharon Beardall
Ms. Marie E. Bedard
Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Behnken
Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Bell
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Bell
Mr. James Berkley, Jr.
Ms. Janis Berman
Ms. Christine S. Betts
Rev. Leroy Beutel
Mrs. Woodrith Blazek
Ms. Nina Blecher
Mr. Helmut Boehme
Mr. and Mrs. James T. Bogle
Mr. Rodolfo Bonacci
Ms. N. Addeene Bost
Ms. Jean Bowen
Mrs. Vicki Bowen
Ms. Doris Boyer
Ms. Shirley Boylan
Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Brady
Mr. and Mrs. John Bryan
Ms. Jeanne Buster
Mrs. Ann Callahan
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Campbell
Laidler Campbell
Miss Mary Carlson
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Carow
Ms. Li‑Hui Chan
Mrs. Tung‑Ai Chiang Chiu
Mrs. Elizabeth Colella
Mr. and Mrs. John R. Collier
Ms. Katie Correll
Ms. Gayle C. Crawford
Mr. Stuart Crump
Ms. Ann C. Crytser
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Cuming
Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Dahlman
Ms. Dallas Dean
Ms. Carolyn DeHoff
Ms. Kristin Dehoff
Mr. and Mrs. Gerzan Delgado
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Delphey, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. M. G. Detweiler
Ms. Anne Devaughn
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Dick
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Droege
Ms. Alverta Dronenburg
Mr. and Mrs. Vello Ederma
Ms. Fern Edwards
Mr. Keith Egloff
Emmanuel Lutheran Church,
Baltimore, Md.
Ms. Joan Enterline
Rev. Lois Eriksson
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Fankhauser
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Faulkner
Ficken Family Revocable Trust
The Foudin Family Trust
Financial Accounting Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. William Fisher
Mr. and Mrs. Grant Fitzgerald
Mr. Robert Forbes
Mr. and Mrs. Roland Foster
Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Foudin
Mrs. Carole Fox
Ms. Frances T. Hansen
Ms. Dorothy T. Friant
Ms. Louise Gaertner
Mrs. Ann Gallagher
Ms. Beverley Gardner
Mr. and Mrs. John Gill
Mr. and Mrs. John Gist
Mr. William Gochenour
Mr. Frank H. Goedeke
Mr. Joseph Goldman
Ms. Lakshmi Gopinath
Mr. Douglas A. Grantell
Ms. Sharon S. Gray
Mrs. Elizabeth Guenther
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Guss
Rev. and Mrs. Donald Haas
Mr. Craig Hackett
Ms. Lottie G. Hader
Mrs. Gloria Haher
Mrs. Mildred Hamernik
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hanlin
Ms. Patricia Hannon
Ms. Kathleen M. Harriger
Mrs. Claudia Harrington
Harris Family Inv. Trust DTD
Mr. and Mrs. Richard N. Hartman
Mrs. Caroline Hass
Miss Florence Heckman
Mr. C. Craig Hedberg
Mr. Robert Heine
Ms. Wilda Heiss
Mrs. Ellen Herd
Ms. Jessica Hillenbrand
Mr. and Mrs. Allen Hobbs, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. William Hoffman
Rev. Ivar R. Holmquist
Ms. Jacqueline R. Holtzhauer
Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Hope, Jr.
Hope Lutheran Church, New Castle, De.
Hopkins Family Trust
Host Hotels and Resorts, L.P.
Mrs. Evelyn Houston
Rev. Donald Howitz
Mr. James R. Howton, Jr.
Ms. Shelly Hu
Ms. Jacqueline Huber
Mr. and Mrs. Laurin Huffman II
Ms. Dorothy Hughes
Rev. and Mrs. Scott Ickert
Dr. and Mrs. Henry Irving
Ms. Charlotte Jacobs
Mr. and Mrs. George Jaquay
Ms. Gloria Jones
Mrs. Joan C. Jones
Ms. Helen Joseph
J.T. and C.H. Hickman Family Trust
Judith L. Wagner Revocable Trust
Mr. and Mrs. Helmer Junghans
Ms. Freda Kaplan
Ms. Elizabeth Kaylor
Kenneth Huff RevocableTrust
Ms. Muriel B. Kenney
Ms. Ellen Kessler
Mr. Edward W. Kirk
Mrs. Mary Lee Kleinfelter
Ms. June Knight
Mr. Keith Korschgen
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Krol
Mr. and Mrs. Robert D. Krol
Ms. Eunice O. Kroon
Mr. and Mrs. George Kruer
Mrs. Doris Kurtz
Ms. Janet Land
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Landa
Mr. and Mrs. Brendan J. Lane
Ms. Patricia J. Lavengood
Ms. Frances Leach
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Lee
Mrs. Ruthanna Lehnert
Mr. and Mrs. Ted Lillestolen
Mr. and Mrs. William Lindberg
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Lipp
Living Faith Lutheran Church,
Rockville, Md.
Mr. and Mrs. Oskar Lukk
Mr. and Mrs. David Lundberg
Mrs. Birgit Madsen
Mrs. Courtney Malengo
Mrs. Pauline Manuel
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Margus
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Marquardt
Mrs. Roberta Marsh
Mr. Maurice M. Martin
Mr. Vernon Mayer, Jr.
Mr. Robert McCarthy
Mr. and Mrs. Robert McClintock
Ms. Darlene McCoy
Mr. Phillip A. McDougall
Mr. and Mrs. Walter McKee
Mr. and Mrs. Leland R. McQuaide
Ms. Jane McRonald
Ms. Mary Ellen Meagher
Mr. and Mrs. David Mehler
Mrs. Sharon Mello
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Meyer
Mrs. Helen Midboe
Mr. Paul Miller
Ms. Rhona Miller
Ms. Ruth Miller
Ms. Alexa Molden
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Morrison
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Mortenson
Mr. and Mrs. Eckehard J. Muessig
Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Muhlbach
Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Mulder
Mrs. Charlotte Mullinix
Mrs. Kathleen Murdock
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Nagel
Ms. Dema V. Nappier
Mr. and Mrs. William Nelligan
Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Nelson
Mr. Robert L. Nelson
Ms. Sandra Nelson
Mr. and Mrs. John W. Newland III
Ms. Kathleen B. O’Halloran
Ms. Suzanne Olson
Mr. and Mrs. Ken Onesty
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Page
Ms. Mary Palm
Dr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Pannebaker
Mrs. Laura Parker
Mr. Allan Parrett
Ms. Patricia Martin
Mrs. Pauline T. Flanagan
Sandra Johnson Pagano Trust
Ms. Janice Peterson
Mrs. Connie Phillips
Ms. Jan Phillips
Mr. and Mrs. John Phillips
Mrs. Marguerite Plummer
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Porter
Ms. Nellie T. Porterfield
Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Poston
Mr. and Mrs. Peter G. Poulos
Mrs. Emma M. Preisendorfer
Col. Sara J. Pritchett
Mrs. Ruth Ragan
Mrs. Edna Reavis
Rev. and Mrs. Richard Reichard
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Reilly
Col. and Mrs. William Renner
Mrs. Beverly Ripley
Ms. Leeann Rock
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Rodeffer
Mr. Charles Rosenberg, Jr.
Ms. Mary Rosenberg
Ms. Deborah L. Ross
Mr. and Mrs. Camille Roussel
Mrs. Deborah Row
Mrs. Myrtle Rundell
Ryan & Olsen PLLC
Salem Lutheran Church, Mt. Sidney, Va.
Thomas L. and Kathleen A. Sands
Mr. Frederick K. Schilling
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Schilling
Rev. Ron Schlak
Bishop and Mrs. Theodore Schneider
Dr. and Mrs. P. K. Seidelmann
Ms. Lawrence A. Selby
Dr. Imogene Sevin
Roney Shawe
Mrs. Mary Ellen Shepherd
Mr. Jonathan Siems
Ms. Christina Sisk
Ms. Helen Sisto
Mrs. Betty Smith
Mr. and Mrs. John Snider
Mr. John L. Snyder
Mr. Mark Sorensen
Mr. Andrew E. Spencer
St. Marks Estonian Lutheran Church of
Washington, Bowie, Md.
St. John Lutheran Church Women,
Linthicum, Md.
Ms. Jacqueline Stark
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Stephenson
Ms. Nancy Stewart
Mrs. Ruth Stover
Mr. and Mrs. Russell Strand
Sts. Stephen & James Lutheran Church,
Baltimore, Md.
Mrs. Lora Sullivan
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Summers
W. Bruce Summers Trust
Mr. William Susling
Mrs. Bernice Swanson
Mr. C.W. Switzer
Mrs. Betty Tabb
Ms. Alice H. Tampi
Mrs. Lorelei Tate
Miss Dorothy Taylor
Mrs. Asta Teemant
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Teitman
Mrs. Ida Thomas
The Thorne Family
Mrs. Carol Thornton
Mr. and Mrs. Hans Tiefel
Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Toms
Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church,
Rockville, Md.
Mr. Theodore Trittle, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Tucker
Mrs. Betty Ullery
Mr. and Mrs. John Unguris
Mr. and Mrs. Orland Van Bavel
Ms. Valerie Vanbrocklin
Miss Carol Vezzetti
Vita Designs LLC
Ms. Barbara K. Walker
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Walton
Mr. and Mrs. Paul F. Warnke
Mr. John A. Waters, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Weaver
Mrs. Sylvia Weaver
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Kurtz Weiser
Mrs. Lillian Wells
The Helen West Trust
Ms. Mildred O. White
Mrs. Louie Will
Mr. and Mrs. Larry Willeke
Mr. Jeffrey Williams
Mr. Thomas M. Williams, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. James Wilson
Ms. Karin‑Rita Wilson
Mr. and Mrs. Louis A. Wise
Wolters Family Trust
Mrs. Jeanine E. Worden
J. Galen Wright
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Wright
Mr. and Mrs. William Wymer
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Xander
Zackria & Associates, P.C.
Zensational Designs
Dr. Craig Zimmerman
Gifts In Kind
Ms. Marianne Goldstein
Ms. Ruth Marquis
Mr. George Nolfi
Ms. Mary Rosenberg
Mr. Peter G. Sienkiewicz
Mrs. Zelda Silberman
Ms. Mary Jane F. Smith
Ms. Nancy Stewart
Mr. Kimber Wald
Sarah Utermehle Society
Members (SUS)
Dr. Richard Ahlberg
Ms. Katherine Amoss
Mr. and Mrs. Arne Anderson
Ms. Doris Azhderian
Mr. and Mrs. William S. Ballou
Mrs. Helen Barrow
Ms. Norma A. Bost
Ms. Shirley Boylan
Col. and Mrs. Richard Dawson
Mrs. Evelyn Dise
Mrs. Alberta Ellis
Mr. and Mrs. John Eriksson
Mrs. Pauline Flanagan
Mr. George Goldenbaum
Mr. and Mrs. Carl H. Greenawald
Mr. and Ms. William Hill
Ms. Eva Heller
Ms. Ruth Hickman
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hopkins
Mr. H. Norman Krause
Ms. Doris Kurtz
Ms. Lois Lange
Mr. and Mrs. John Leithauser
Ms. Roberta Marsh
Mrs. Laura Parker
Col. Robert Parrott (Ret.)
Dr. and Mrs. Harry Pfanz
Ms. Ruth Ragan
Rev. and Mrs. Richard Reichard
Mrs. Gladys Roman
Mrs. L. Burns Saltzgiver
Miss Margaret B. Singer
Ms. Helen Stang
Mr. and Mrs. John Swanson
Mrs. Asta Teemant
Dr. and Mrs. Ronald Thomas
Dr. Elizabeth Weisburger
Mr. and Mrs. William Wertman
Mrs. Myrtle Whiting
Mrs. Elizabeth Yeide
Benefactors $10,000+
ARCH Consultants
Hamlin Capital Management, LLC
Shockey Foundation
The Family of James Wilkins, Jr.
Patrons $5,000+
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Bauersfeld, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Fee
Mr. James T. Vickers
Champions $1,000+
Ms. Kathryn E. Baerwald
Mr. and Mrs. P. L. Bartley
Ms. Lisa Behr
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Bradshaw
Mr. Joseph J. Bridy
Mr. George Chapman
Mr. Richard W. Duesing
First Bank, Strasburg, Va.
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence L. Gerik
Mr. and Mrs. Richard W. Graham
Mr. Leo Graveline
Mrs. Marian B. Henschen
Mr. George and Mrs. Heather M.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Karman
Dr. and Mrs. George Kriz
Mr. and Mrs. Marcus Langholz
Mr. and Mrs. John Midolo
Mr. William Oakes
Ms. Judith T. Pattee
Mr. and Mrs. Dale Peterson
Ms. Patricia Preston
Ms. Elizabeth B. Rogers
Shockey Companies
Rev. George L. and
Rev. Martha M. Sims
TVOR Flying Fingers Needlework
TVOR Spring Rummage Sale
Mr. and Mrs. Durbin Williams
Winchester Printers, Inc.
Ms. Elsbeth Wouters
Supporters $500+
Ms. Lisa B. Beggs
Mr. Richard Bohnet
Mr. and Mrs. Gary J. Braswell
Dr. and Mrs. Howard H. Bright
Ms. Barbara J. Diehl
Ms. Joan Dixon
Dr. and Mrs. Richard K. Gladden
Ms. Joyce Hunley
Mrs. Judy McCaughey
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Morith
Ms. Geraldine B. Nienstedt
Mr. and Mrs. William I. Overbey, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Pillote, Sr.
Ms. Ina N. Robertson
Mr. John B. Schroth
Mrs. Jayne Seymour
Mr. John A. Steinkamp
Mr. and Mrs. James R. Stewart
TVOR Bead Group
Ms. Elaine U. Troub
Virginia Synod, ELCA
Friends < $500
Mr. John Acurio
Mr. Neil Alexander
Ann Lowe Barton Brown Household
Trust Account
Ms. Beverly Arnold
Mr. Lawrence Auther
Ms. Phyllis H. Baker
Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Baker
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Baldwin
Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Benford
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald L. Bieber
Ms. Susan Billig
Mr. and Mrs. William Black
Ms. Joan A. Blevins
Mr. and Mrs. John W. Bodanske
Rev. Dr. and Mrs. William Boldin
Ms. Ruth Boteler
Mr. John and Mrs. Jackie Boyd
Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Brady
Mr. and Mrs. William J. Brynda
Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Caddy
Ms. Marilyn P. Carberry
Ms. Loretta F. Carlisle
Mrs. Frances Castleman
Center Ring Design
Ms. Elfreda Cerniglia
Ms. Sherry Chandler
Mr. George A. Chapman Living Trust
Ms. Catherine M. Clark
Mr. John W. Clark and
Ms. Dorothy Sheppard
Mrs. Allison J. Combs
Mrs. Cheryl Conrad
Mr. and Mrs. Albert G. Copenhaver
Ms. Joy Costello
Ms. Susan M. Dailey
Ms. Elaine N. Davis
Mr. and Mrs. L. Linwood DeHaven
Mr. Charles DeSimio
Ms. Mary Ann Dinger
Estate of Virginia Tweedy Edmunds
El Centro of Winchester
EliAnna, LLC
Ms. Sandra L. Elrick
Mr. and Mrs. Clark Elverum
Mr. and Mrs. Bertsel A. Engelhardt
Ms. Kathryn M. Ervin
Mrs. Janet Erwin
Champions $1,000+
Mrs. Susan Morris‑Rollins
Mr. William Oakes
Supporters $500+
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Bradshaw
Mr. Richard W. Duesing
Ms. Donna Duss
Ms. Jane Ferguson‑Clamp
Mr. David W. and Mrs. Ruth Swisher
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Erwin
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Faulkner
Ms. Katherine Faust
Mr. Jerome J. Fee Revocable Trust
Mr. George W. Field
Mrs. Jane M. Foster
Mr. and Mrs. Morgan S. Foulk
Mr. Ned Fredrickson
Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Fretz
Ms. Beverley Gardner
Mr. and Ms. Gordon Gay
Mr. and Ms. Lewis Gleason
Mr. and Ms. Art Gomes
Gravel Springs, St. John’s Lutheran
Parish, Winchester, Va.
Ms. Sharon S. Gray
Ms. Tamma Greenfield
Ms. Mary Ellen Gross
Mr. and Ms. Charles Gyauch
Mr. David Hall
Ms. Elysabeth Hall
Rev. George E. Handley
Mr. John and Rev. Terry P. Hannon
Mrs. Claudia Harrington
Ms. Patricia F. Haymaker
Mr. Edward P. Heinemann
Mrs. Janice Himmelman
Mrs. Ellen Hinlicky
Ms. Ivalee F. Hoffman
Mr. and Ms. Robert C. Holt
Mr. William Hotchkiss
Dr. and Mrs. Hampton Hylton
Mr. and Mrs. Alex Iden
Integrity Home Mortgage Corporation
Mr. and Mrs. Donald L. Irvin
Mr. Bruce W. Jackson
Ms. Margaret Johnson
Ms. Flora Kagey
Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Kaplin
Ms. Ellen Kessler
Ms. Rhoda Kluge
Rev. J. Lowell Knauff
Ms. Karlota Koester
Col. and Mrs. Lester Kroeger
L. L. McKee Hair Salon
Ms. Frances Leach
Ms. Sandra J. LeDrew
Mr. Roderick LeVan
Mrs. Barbara Lloyd
The Lloyd Family
Ms. Irene A. Lobell
Mr. and Mrs. Dan Look
Ms. Joy T. Luke
Ms. Joanne Lyon
Mr. Landon Maddox
Ms. Marilyn Maguire
Mrs. Pauline Manuel
Mr. and Mrs. G. Richard Marzolf
Ms. Genevieve B. Mathews
Bishop James F. Mauney
Mr. and Mrs. Robert P. McDonald‑Walker
Ms. Margaret McDougall
Ms. Susan M. Mitchell
Mrs. Jeanne Moore
Mr. and Ms. Peter Morris
Mr. Kendall N. Moulton
Mr. Robert Mustain, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Gary A. Nichols
Ms. Shirley B. Nickels
Ms. Kathleen B. O’Halloran
Mr. Leroy M. Ottman
Ms. Catherine A. Philapy
Mr. Francis Pogue
Ms. Teri Poling
Ms. Anita Pratt
Presbyterian and Lutheran Services
of Bealeton, Va.
Mr. and Mrs. David B. Price
Ms. June Quintern
Ms. Irene H. Ramm
Ms. Norma Reed
Ms. Janet M. Rhodes
Ms. Jeanette Rhodes
Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Riordan
Dr. Cecil and Mrs. Sallie C. Robinson
Ms. Lori Rosamond
Ms. Susan Rose
Mr. and Mrs. Camille Roussel
Mr. Glenn B. Rudy
Ms. Donna H. Sandin
Ms. Heidemarie A. Sanford
Rev. Ron Schlak
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Schmiesing
Ms. Rachael G. Scott
Ms. Daisy E. Semling
Mr. and Mrs. Michael E. Seward
Mr. Dennis Shaw
Mrs. Lorraine Shelton
Shenandoah Apple Blossom Festival
Shenandoah Sanitary Supply Company
Shenandoah University
Mr. Theodore J. Smith
Ms. Mary A. Sonafelt
St. Timothy Lutheran Church,
Norfolk, Va.
Ms. Jeanne K. Stamper
Ms. Mary L. Strosnider
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Stubblefield
Studio Three Seventeen
Stutts Family Trust
Mr. William Susling
The Uniform Store, LLC
Ms. Elizabeth Thompson
Trinity Lutheran Church,
Newport News, Va.
TVOR Artisan’s Fair
TVOR Wood Working Group
Valley Title Insurance, LLC
Rev. Rhonda Van Dyke Colby
Mr. and Mrs. Donald D. Van Dyke
Ms. Bobbie Vann
Ms. Carol Wallach
Mr. and Mrs. Russell L. Waters
Mrs. Lisa Wells
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth J. Widmaier
Mrs. “Louie” Will
Mrs. Betsy Williamson
Mr. and Mrs. James Wilson
The Winchester Group
Ms. Mary Wright
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Wright
Friends < $500
Mr. Neil Alexander
Rev. Dr. and Mrs. William Boldin
Ms. Ruth Boteler
Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Brady
Mr. and Mrs. Clark Elverum
Mr. Ned Fredrickson
Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Fretz
Ms. Beverley Gardner
Mrs. Claudia Harrington
Ms. Flora Kagey
Ms. Ellen Kessler
Ms. Karlota Koester
Col. and Mrs. Lester Kroeger
Ms. Frances Leach
Bishop James F. Mauney
Ms. Margaret McDougall
Dr. Steven Mosher
Ms. Kathleen B. O’Halloran
Mrs. Mary Lou Parkins
Mr. Francis Pogue
Ms. Edith Ruben
Ms. Cherie Sims
St. Timothy Lutheran Church,
Norfolk, Va.
Trinity Lutheran Church,
Newport News, Va.
Virginia Synod, ELCA
Ms. Carol Wallach
Mrs. Betsy Williamson
Mr. and Mrs. James Wilson
Ms. Selma Wine
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Wright
Gifts In Kind
Mr. John and Rev. Terry P. Hannon
Mr. and Mrs. John Midolo
Dr. and Mrs. Cecil Robinson
Champions $1,000+
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Bradshaw
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Brewer, Jr.
Bishop and Mrs. Richard Graham
Mr. and Mrs. Dan Look
Dr. Tommie L. Robinson
Supporters $500+
Ms. Jeanne Broyhill
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Faulkner
Mr. and Mrs. Mel Jaranson
Friends < $500
Mrs. Alana Aronin
Mr. Shawn Bloom
Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Brady
Mr. Robert Fleshner
Mr. Richard Funke, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Gallagher
Ms. Phyllis Haines
Mrs. Claudia Harrington
Rev. and Mrs. Scott Ickert
Mr. and Mrs. George Kruer
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Mooney, Jr.
Ms. Kathleen B. O’Halloran
Ms. Sandra Johnson Pagano
Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Pillote, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Camille Roussel
Mrs. Melody A. Schneider
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Smaldone
Mr. and Mrs. Carl R. Swanson
Mr. Thomas L. Sr. and
Mrs. Kathleen A. Sands
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Wright
In Honor
Mrs. Dolores Acurio
by Mr. John Acurio
Ms. Gale V. Adams
by Mr. William Oakes
Dr. Richard Ahlberg
by Kenneth Huff RevocableTrust
Ms. Barbara Amt
by Ms. Marilyn P. Carberry
Mr. David Amt
by Mrs. Ruth Stover
Ms. Doris Arias
by Mrs. Carole Fox
Ms. Kathryn E. Baerwald
by Augustana Lutheran Church
by Mr. William Oakes
Mrs. Faith Bauersfeld
by Mr. Kenneth Gutschick
by Mrs. Claudia Harrington
by Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Hope, Jr.
Ms. Nell Beall
by Mrs. Claudia Harrington
by Mr. and Mrs. William Wertman III
Ms. Si Bi
by Mrs. Carole Fox
Mr. Michael J. Brady
by Mrs. Claudia Harrington
Susannah Brooks
by Mrs. Carole Fox
Mrs. Jana Broughton
by Auxiliary of TVAR
by Mr. J.F. and Mrs. Neva Babcock
by Mrs. Marjorie Bruffy
by Mrs. Carole Fox
by Mrs. Claudia Harrington
Mr. Ronilo Canillo
by Mrs. Carole Fox
by Mrs. Helen Midboe
Rev. Robert Day
by Anonymous
by Mr. and Mrs. Michael Carow
Mr. Mervin De Silva
by Mrs. Carole Fox
Mrs. Hedwig Dishart
by Mr. and Mrs. Donald J. Campbell
Ms. Brittany Ehatt
by Mrs. Carole Fox
by Mr. and Mrs. William Wertman III
Ms. Joan Enterline
by Ms. Jessica Hillenbrand
by Ms. Jacqueline R. Holtzhauer
Mrs. Karen Faulkner
by Mr. William Oakes
Mr. Robert Forbes
by Anonymous
by Mrs. Carole Fox
by Mr. and Mrs. William Wertman III
Mrs. Frances Foudin
by The Foudin Family Trust
Ms. Miriam Frank
by Rev. Robert Adams, Jr.
Ms. Amber Franks
by Mrs. Carole Fox
Ms. Nebiyeleul Friew
by Ms. Nancy Stewart
Ms. Zenabwa Giorgis
by Ms. Nancy Stewart
Mr. Gustave Gohore
by Mrs. Carole Fox
Bishop and Mrs. Richard Graham
by Mrs. Claudia Harrington
Mr. Juan Granados
by Anonymous
by Mrs. Carole Fox
Mrs. Faith Bauersfeld and the
Sewing Group
by Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Hope, Jr.
Ms. Kirsten Haalboom
by Anonymous
by Mrs. Carole Fox
by Mr. William Oakes
Ms. Phyllis Haines
by Mrs. Claudia Harrington
Ms. Hazel Hamm
by Mr. and Mrs. Allen Hobbs, Jr.
Ms. Shanique Harris
by Mrs. Carole Fox
Ms. Ursula Heine
by Mr. Robert Heine
Ms. Betty Henriksen
by Mr. and Mrs. William Fisher
Ms. Jessica Hillenbrand
by Mrs. Carole Fox
by Mr. and Mrs. William Wertman III
Ms. Susan O. Hollins
by Mr. and Ms. William I. Overbey, Jr.
Ms. Jacqueline R. Holtzhauer
by Mrs. Claudia Harrington
Mrs. Lorrie Hozhabri
by Anonymous
by Mr. and Mrs. Michael Carow
by Mrs. Carole Fox
Mr. John Igen
by Anonymous
Mr. Jorge Ilieff
by Anonymous
by Anonymous
Ms. Edith Kplivi
by Ms. Nancy Stewart
Mr. Kalsang Lama
by Mrs. Carole Fox
by Mrs. Helen Midboe
Ms. Mary Lee
by Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Lee
The Legacy Staff
by Mr. David W. and Mrs. Ruth Swisher
Ms. Janet Lehner
by Mr. and Mrs. William Wertman III
Mrs. Ester Lillestolen
by Mr. and Mrs. Ted Lillestolen
Mr. Dan Look
by Mrs. Claudia Harrington
Rev. Jan Lookingbill
by Mr. and Mrs. William Wymer
Mrs. Roberta Marsh
by Mrs. Shirley Allender
by Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund
by Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Marquardt
by Ms. Barbara M. Sanders
Dr. Alan B. McKay
by Mrs. Claudia Harrington
Ms. Dawn McKee
by Mr. and Mrs. William Wertman, III
Mr. John Midolo
by Mrs. Claudia Harrington
Rev. Tom Miller
by Anonymous
by Mr. and Mrs. Garnet R. Woodham
Ms. Audrey Monaghan
by Ms. Nancy Stewart
Ms. Anita Moreno
by Mrs. Carole Fox
by Ms. Muriel B. Kenney
by Mr. and Mrs. William Wertman III
Pastor and Mrs. John Muller
by Ms. Joan Enterline
For Those Who Are In Need
by Mr. John A. Steinkamp
Mr. and Mrs. Paul S. Nicholson
by Mrs. Claudia Harrington
Occupational Therapist from
by Anonymous
Dr. Rubin Pelasz
by Anonymous
Ms. Janice Peterson
by Ms. Nancy Stewart
Mrs. Therese Provencher
by Mrs. Claudia Harrington
Rehabilitation Center Staff at
The Village at Rockville
by Ms. Mary Arnot
by Ms. Nancy Stewart
Rev. Dr. Richard and
Melba Reichard
by Mrs. Myrtle Rundell
Mr. Camille Roussel
by Mrs. Claudia Harrington
Ms. Zainab Sandy
by Anonymous
Ms. Lawren Selby
by Mrs. Claudia Harrington
Ms. Patricia Silva
by Mrs. Carole Fox
by Mr. and Mrs. William Wertman, III
Rev. George L. and
Rev. Martha M. Sims
by Mr. William Oakes
by Ms. Judith T. Pattee
The Staff at The Village at Rockville
by Ms. Charlotte Jacobs
by Mrs. and Dr. Kathy Kass
by Ms. Janet O’Brien
by Ms. Janice Peterson
by Mr. and Mrs. Frank Stephenson
by Ms. and Mr. Anne Woodham
Ms. Karen Sturtz
by Ms. Nancy Stewart
Mr. Wellington Wasonga
by Mr. and Mrs. William Wertman III
Mrs. Nelliken Wernicke
by Ms. Janet B. O’Brien
Rev. Thomas White
by Mr. Robert Heine
The Woodshop at The Village at
by Mr. and Mrs. Ray Hawn, Jr.
by Rev. Donald Howitz
by Ms. Patricia J. Lavengood
Ms. Beatriz Zamoramo
by Mrs. and Mr. Muriel Lipp
Mrs. Eleanor Zimmerman
by Mr. Mark Zimmerman
In Memory
Mrs. Rosetta Adams
by Ms. Gale V. Adams and Family
Mrs. Clara Jane S. Ahlberg
by Dr. Richard Ahlberg
by Kenneth Huff RevocableTrust
by Mr. John A. Waters, Jr.
Mr. Charles S. Albert
by Mrs. Florence Albert
Rev. Paul and Mrs. Dorothy Amt
by Mr. and Mrs. Richard Amt
by Ms. Emilie Amt
Mr. George and Mrs. Mabel Anderson
by Mr. and Mrs. Fredric Anderson
Ms. Anna August
by Ms. Heidemarie A. Sanford
Ms. Helen M. Behnken
by Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Behnken
Mr. Francis Besig
by Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Gallagher
Rev. Edward Birner
by Ms. Nancy Birner
Rev. Edward R. Bley
by Mr. and Mrs. Henry Fankhauser
Ms. Bertram Boline
by Financial Accounting Foundation
Ms. Caroline C. Buckwalter
by Mr. Robert Buckwalter
Mr. Ross and Mrs. Grace Bupp
by Dr. and Mrs. Henry Irving
Ms. Sarah M. Burbank
by Mrs. Sylvia Weaver
Ms. Martha V. Callahan
by Ms. Bobbie Vann
Mr. Thomas Callahan, Sr.
by Mrs. Ann Callahan
Mr. Champ and Mrs. Fran Carter
by Mr. and Mrs. Michael Faulkner
Ms. Olga Slaalien Catlin
by Mrs. and Mr. Betty Tabb
Ms. Alice Cereghino
by Mrs. Mary Lou Parkins
Ms. Nancy Chapman
by Mr. and Mrs. William Black
by Mr. and Mrs. Richard W. Graham
by Ms. Sharon S. Gray
by Mr. and Mrs. Donald L. Irvin
by Dr. and Mrs. George Kriz
Mr. Ralph Conrad
by Mrs. Cheryl Conrad
by Ms. Sharon S. Gray
by Ms. Joyce Hunley
by Mr. Kendall N. Moulton
by Mr. Leroy M. Ottman
Ms. Cara Cowon
by Ms. N. Addeene Bost
Ms. Emma Crawford
by Mrs. Ann Gallagher
Ms. Mildred Current
by Mr. and Mrs. Larry Willeke
Ms. Nelle H. Dapp
by Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Poston
Miss Bertie and Miss Sarah Dawson
by Col. and Mrs. Richard Dawson
Ms. Margaret H. Delphey
by Mr. and Mrs. Ray Delphey, Jr.
Mr. Ray G. Delphey, Sr.
by Mr. and Mrs. Ray Delphey, Jr.
Ms. C. Virginia Dennis
by Mrs. Carol Thornton
Ms. Dorothy Deveney
by Miss Dorothy Taylor
Mr. Herbert and Mrs. Ella Dick
by Mr. and Mrs. Charles Dick
Mr. Richard K. Diehl
by Ms. Barbara J. Diehl
Mr. Charles Dixon
by Ms. Joan Dixon
Ms. Emilie C. Doehrer
by Mr. and Mrs. Charles Rodeffer
Mr. Charles Doscher
by Ms. Laura Dawn Doscher
Phyllis O’Hara Duesing
by Mr. Richard W. Duesing
Ms. Catherine Eckert
by Mrs. Marlene C. Patton
Mr. Heino and Mrs. Clara Ederma
by Mr. and Mrs. Vello Ederma
Ms. Virginia Tweedy Edmunds
by Ann Lowe Barton Brown
Household Trust Account
by Mr. and Ms. P. L. Bartley
by Ms. Joan A. Blevins
by Ms. Sherry Chandler
by Ms. Elaine N. Davis
by Ms. Katherine Faust
by Mrs. Jane M. Foster
by Mr. and Ms. Lewis Gleason
by Ms. Sharon S. Gray
by Ms. Tamma Greenfield
by Ms. Elysabeth Hall
by Ms. Joyce Hunley
by Dr. and Ms. George Kriz
by Mr. and Mrs. G. Richard Marzolf
by Mr. Kendall N. Moulton
by Mr. and Ms. William I. Overbey, Jr.
by Ms. Catherine A. Philapy
by Ms. Anita Pratt
by Mr. Dennis Shaw
by Mr. Theodore J. Smith
by Mr. and Mrs. Donald D. Van Dyke
by Ms. Elsbeth Wouters
by Ms. Mary Wright
Miss Eleanor Emch
by Mrs. Eleanor Aspliden
by Mrs. Joan C. Jones
Ms. Louise Engles
by Mr. and Mrs. Murhl Bauer
Miss Mary Flanagan
by Pauline T. Flanagan Revocable
Conv. Trust
Ms. Edith L. Flinner
by Mr. and Mrs. Laurin Huffman II
Rev. Samuel Frank
by Rev. Robert Adams, Jr.
Mr. Leroy Fredericks
by Mr. and Mrs. Scott Fredericks
Ms. Katrine S. Frenning
by Ms. Helen Vigness
Mrs. Hazell Funke
by Mr. Richard Funke, Jr.
Ms. Lillian Garletts
by Ms. Margaret McDougall
Mr. Larry Genebach
by Mr. and Ms. Lewis Gleason
by Dr. and Ms. George Kriz
Mr. Lew Gleason
by Mr. and Mrs. Ronald L. Bieber
by Ms. and Mr. Nancy S. Braswell
by Ms. Elfreda Cerniglia
by Ms. Elaine N. Davis
by Ms. Joan Dixon
by Mr. Richard W. Duesing
Mr. Merrill Knight
by Ms. June Knight
Ms. Valerie Kook
by Mrs. Asta Teemant
Ms. Margaret Klapproth and
Ms. Madeline Koppelman
by Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Walton
Mrs. Marjorie Korschgen
by Mr. Keith Korschgen
Mrs. Mildred Kroon
by Ms. Gayle C. Crawford
by Ms. Eunice O. Kroon
by Mr. and Mrs. William Lindberg
by Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Mulder
Ms. Betty LaCourse
by Dr. and Mrs. George Kriz
Ms. Emily Landa
by Mr. and Mrs. Michael Landa
Mr. Russell Landes
by Mrs. Mary Lou Parkins
Ms. Mae Leitma
by Mr. and Mrs. Oskar Lukk
Mr. Howard and Mrs. Mina Little
by Ms. Anne Devaughn
Mr. Raymond Lloyd
by Ms. Mary Ann Dinger
by Ms. Joan Dixon
by Mr. Richard W. Duesing
by Ms. Sharon S. Gray
by Dr. and Mrs. George Kriz
by Mr. and Mrs. G. Richard Marzolf
by Mr. and Mrs. Donald D. Van Dyke
by Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth J. Widmaier
Mr. John and Mrs. Laura Loberg
by Ms. Laura Dawn Doscher
Ms. Dai Lookingbill
by Mrs. Sharon Beardall
Ms. Alice M. Lovell
by Ms. Judith L. Wagner Revocable Trust
Ms. Marjorie M. Martin
by Mr. Maurice M. Martin
Mr. Vernon and Mrs. Lillie Mayer
by Mr. Vernon Mayer, Jr.
Ms. June McNichols
by Dr. and Mrs. George Kriz
Mr. and Mrs. Albert E. Mertens
by Mrs. Caroline Hass
Ms. Sue Mitchell
by Ms. Sharon S. Gray
by Dr. and Mrs. George Kriz
Ms. Alison T. Morra
by Ms. Sharon S. Gray
Ms. Dorothy Morris
by Mr. Donald Heizer
by Ms. Margaret McDougall
by Mrs. Susan Morris‑Rollins
by Mrs. Mary Lou Parkins
by Ms. Jean Sullenberger
by Ms. Virginia Wetzel
Mr. John Murdock
by Mrs. Kathleen Murdock
Mrs. Margaret Musgrove
by Mr. and Mrs. John Bryan
Mr. Robert and Mrs. Ruth Mustain
by Mr. Robert Mustain, Jr.
Ms. Hazel L. Nelson
by Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Nelson
Mrs. Lois Nelson
by Dr. and Mrs. Richard Ahlberg
by Ms. Li‑Hui Chan
by Mr. Stuart Crump
by Mrs. Carole Fox
by Ms. Helen Joseph
by Mr. and Mrs. Peter Margus
by Mrs. Helen Midboe
by The Thomas T. & Carolyn J. Hubers
by Mr. John A. Waters, Jr.
by J. Galen Wright
Ms. Elizabeth Newby
by The Children of Elizabeth Newby
by Ms. Doris Boyer
Mr. Keller Nichols
by Mrs. Claudia Harrington
Ms. Anna Nieder
by Mrs. Evelyn Houston
Mr. Jerry Norton
by Ms. Jan Phillips
Mr. Akira Paul Nose’
by Mrs. Yulie Nose’
Loved Ones
by Ms. Carolyn DeHoff
by Ms. Dorothy Hughes
Our Parents
by Mr. and Mrs. Morgan S. Foulk
Mrs. Iva M. Parrott
by Capt. and Mrs. Eugene B. Ackerman
by Ms. Heidi Amundson
by Mr. Kenneth M. Anderson
by Ms. Colleen M. Atwood
by Ms. June A. Atwood
by Mr. and Mrs. Bradley S. Baker
by Mr. and Mrs. Carl Bauersfeld, Jr.
by Laidler Campbell
by Mr. and Mrs. Grant D. Fitzgerald
by Mrs. Gloria Haher
by Mrs. Claudia Harrington
by Mr. and Mrs. Richard N. Hartman
by Mr. Phillip A. McDougall
by Mr. and Mrs. Eckehard J. Muessig
by Ms. Mary Palm
by Mr. Allan Parrett
by Patricia Martin Trust
by Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Porter
by Col. Sara J. Pritchett
by Rev. and Mrs. Richard Reichard
by Mrs. and Col. Marlys M. Renner
by Mr. and Mrs. John Snider
by Mr. Thomas L. Sr. and
Mrs. Kathleen A. Sands
by Ms. Valerie Vanbrocklin
by Ms. Mildred O. White
by Mr. Thomas M. Williams, Jr.
by Zensational Designs
Dr. Paul Pedersen
by Mrs. Lilly Pedersen
Ms. Mary Petko
by Mr. Jeffrey Williams
Mrs. Agnes Pillote
by Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Pillote, Sr.
Mr. Fred Plummer
by Mrs. Marguerite Plummer
Mr. Paul F. Plummer
by Mrs. Marguerite Plummer
by Rev. James T. Powers
by Ms. Jacqueline Huber
Mr. Henry J. Preisendorfer
by Mrs. Emma M. Preisendorfer
Ms. Ingrid L. Preisendorfer
by Mrs. Emma M. Preisendorfer
Mr. Preston Pulliam
by Dr. and Mrs. George Kriz
by Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth J. Widmaier
Mr. Henry Pusey
by Dr. and Mrs. George Kriz
Mr. William C. Ross
by Ms. Deborah L. Ross
Ms. Malene Rundvold
by Ms. Christine S. Betts
Ms. Gertrude Haas, Mr. J. Robert and
Ms. Mary Schaake
by The Rev. and Mrs. Donald Haas
Ms. Lucille C. Schilling
by Ms. Louise Gaertner
by Mr. Frederick K. Schilling
Rev. and Mrs. M.L.A. Schilling
by Mr. and Mrs. Mark Schilling
Mrs. Helen Schuetze
by Ms. Ruth Kahn
by Ms. Jacqueline Stark
Ms. Evelyn Schulz
by Ms. Ann C. Crytser
Mr. Melvin A. Schwarz
by Ms. Barbara J. Diehl
Mr. Paul Seifried
by Dr. Elizabeth Weisburger
Ms. Ellie Selander
by Rev. George L. and
Rev. Martha M. Sims
Ms. Hester Sevin
by Dr. Imogene Sevin
Ms. Mary Eleanor Shepherd
by Mrs. Mary Ellen Shepherd
Mr. Michael and
Mrs. Jeanne Shiptisky
by Mrs. Deborah Row
Mr. Ron and Mrs. Mabel Sickafuse
by Ms. Janet Land
Mr. Gerard and Mrs. Ruth Siems
by Mr. Jonathan Siems
Dr. and Mrs. Carl Simon
by Mr. Frank Barkley, Jr.
Ms. Alice Simpson
by Mrs. Pauline Manuel
Ms. Joan Smith
by Mrs. Mary Lou Parkins
Ms. Mildred Snow
by Ms. Dorothy T. Friant
Ms. Blanche M. Snyder
by Mr. John L. Snyder
Rev. Theron M. Snyder
by Ms. Betty Snyder
Ms. Catharine Heiss and
Ms. Bertha Somers
by Ms. Wilda Heiss
Mr. Ron Sonafelt
by Ms. Mary A. Sonafelt
Mrs. Helen Sorensen
by Mr. and Mrs. Gregory R. Dahlberg
by Mr. Mark Sorensen
Ms. Louise Stark
by Ruth Kahn
by Ms. Jacqueline Stark
Ms. Alvena Stern
by Ms. Sandra Nelson
Rev. Russell Stewart
by Ms. Janis Berman
by Ms. Kathleen M. Harriger
by Mr. and Mrs. Leland R. McQuaide
by Ms. Nancy Stewart
by Mr. and Mrs. Louis A. Wise
Mr. John H. Sullivan, Jr.
by Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Broughton
by Mrs. Lora Sullivan
Mr. Rolland Tabb
by Mrs. Betty Tabb
Mr. and Mrs. Rolland Tabb
by Mr. and Mrs. Helmer Junghans
by Mrs. Emma M. Preisendorfer
Mr. Feliks Tamm
by St. Marks Estonian Lutheran Church
of Washington
Mr. Marius Thor
by Mrs. Ingrid Margrave
Mr. Carlton Thorne
by The Thorne Family
Ms. Lillian F. Tuttle
by Mrs. Eleanor Aspliden
Dr. J.B. Umhau
by Mr. and Mrs. M. G. Detweiler
Ms. Anne Frenning Vigness
by Ms. Helen Vigness
Mr. George Weidig
by Ms. Sharon S. Gray
by Dr. and Mrs. George Kriz
Mrs. Marian Whelan
by Mrs. Vicki Bowen
Mr. Harold Wine
by Ms. Selma Wine
Ms. Betty Winter
by Mr. Donald Heizer
by Ms. Margaret McDougall
by Mrs. Mary Lou Parkins
by Ms. Jean Sullenberger
by Ms. Virginia Wetzel
Mr. Garnet R. Woodham
by Mrs. Anne Woodham
Mr. Steven Yablunosky
by Mr. Jeffrey Williams
Ms. Marie Zaoralek
by Mrs. Edna Reavis
Mrs. Eleanor Zimmerman
by Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Abel
by Dr. Richard Ahlberg
by Mrs. Shirley Allender
by Ms. Marie E. Bedard
by Mr. and Mrs. James T. Bogle
by The Rev. Lois Eriksson
by Mr. Frank H. Goedeke
by Mr. Kenneth Gutschick
by Mrs. Arlene Hanlin
by Mr. and Mrs. Richard N. Hartman
by Mr. and Mrs. Frank Krol
by Mr. and Mrs. Robert D. Krol
by Mrs. Courtney Malengo
by Ms. Rhona Miller
by Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Muhlbach
by Mrs. Charlotte Mullinix
by Shirley A. Murphy
by Wolters Family Trust
by Dr. Craig Zimmerman
by Mr. Mark Zimmerman
Ms. Mary J. Zirkle
by Mrs. Louie Will
hank you!
by Ms. Sharon S. Gray
by Ms. Patricia F. Haymaker
by Dr. and Ms. George Kriz
by Mr. and Mrs. G. Richard Marzolf
by Mrs. Judy McCaughey
by Mr. and Mrs. Donald D. Van Dyke
by Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth J. Widmaier
Mr. Irving and Mrs. Beatrice Goldman
by Mr. Joseph Goldman
Ms. Elizabeth M. Grantell
by Mr. Douglas A. Grantell
Mr. Robert T. Grantell
by Mr. Douglas A. Grantell
Mrs. Elizabeth McGehee Graveline
by Mr. Leo Graveline
Mr. Randy Guenther
by Mrs. Elizabeth Guenther
Mr. Melvin A. Haines
by Dr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Pannebaker
Mr. Daniel J. Hamernik
by Mrs. Mildred Hamernik
Dr. Bill Hancock
by Dr. and Mrs. George Kriz
Mr. Quentin and Mrs. Flora Harpine
by Mr. and Mrs. Fredric Anderson
Mr. Harold Harvey
by Mrs. Mary Lou Parkins
Mr. Irving Henschen
by Ms. Phyllis H. Baker
by Mrs. Marian B. Henschen
Mrs. and Mr. Marian B. Henschen
by Mr. and Mrs. William Black
by Mr. and Mrs. Charles Gyauch
by Mr. Bruce W. Jackson
Mr. James H. Herd
by Mrs. Ellen Herd
Ms. Katherine L. Herrmann
by Mrs. and Mr. Janet S. Nelson
Ms. Mary L. Hoffman
by Mrs. Elizabeth Colella
Mr. Robert and Mrs. Carroll Hoffman
by Mr. and Mrs. William Hoffman
Ms. Mary Louise Hollingsworth
by Ms. Darlene McCoy
Ms. Ragnhild Slaalien Holm
by Mrs. and Mr. Betty Tabb
Ms. Gigi Huntress
by Mr. Robert Fleshner
Ms. Bertha Issacs
by Mr. and Mrs. Howard Mooney, Jr.
Ms. Viola Slaalien Jacobs
by Mrs. and Mr. Betty Tabb
Ms. Dorothy Jaquay
by Mrs. Eleanor Aspliden
by Mr. and Mrs. George Jaquay
Mr. Eric and Mrs. Dorothy Johnson
by Ms. Sandra Johnson Pagano
Ms. Jean C. Johnson
by Mr. and Mrs. Mel Jaranson
Mr. Frank Kaplan
by Ms. Freda Kaplan
Ms. Elizabeth Kelly
by Mrs. Ruthanna Lehnert
Mutual Funds: 17%
Alt. Investments: 6.2%
Other Assets: 10.4%
Cash and Cash Equivalents: 8%
Fixed Income: 12.8%
Equity: 45.6%
As NLCS continues to expand its
mission and ministry to seniors, NLCS
remains focused on the financial gifts
it has received, as well as the fiscal
health of the organization. Being
a good steward of these financial
resources is paramount for NLCS as we
continue to look to new or alternative
ways to deliver care beyond the
walls of each campus. This outreach,
combined with the recognition
of the time, talent and treasure of our
residents, staff, donors and volunteers,
keeps NLCS’ financial position poised
to remain strong for many years so
that NLCS can continue to meet the
growing needs of seniors and provide
services to those with varying levels of
financial resources.
Our Employees
Commute From:
2012: 401 employees
2013: 467 employees
2014: 553 employees
2015: 600+ employees*
MD: 354
VA: 179
WV: 18
PA: 1
DC: 1
What areas those 553
employees work in:
Administration: 113
Dining: 113
Environmental: 53
Clinical: 274
0-4 years: 329
5-9 years: 132
10-14 years: 51
15-19 years: 13
20-24 years: 13
25-29 years: 14
30+ years: 1
Benevolent Care
For 2014, benevolent care totaled
$5,173,000, serving residents at The
Village at Rockville (TVAR) and The
Legacy at North Augusta (TLNA).
That means we offset the cost of
care, either a portion or completely,
for approximately 39.2% of residents
at TVAR and 5% of residents at TLNA.
We are proud to say we’ve never
had to ask any resident to leave our
campuses because they were no
longer able to afford the rising costs
of health care.
Investment Allocation
NLCS is blessed with an investment
portfolio that continues to provide
opportunities to help the growing
senior population. The investment
strategy of NLCS continues to be
a conservative approach to help
maintain financial flexibility for the
organization so the NLCS mission
can continue to be carried out for
many years to come.
During 2014 NLCS launched
myPotential at Home—A National
Lutheran Service in Winchester, Va.,
to offer services to seniors within
their own homes. As for each of the
National Lutheran communities,
The Village at Orchard Ridge has
maintained an occupancy of over
95% within the independent living
portion of the campus and now
offers assisted living and longterm-care services too. The Legacy
at North Augusta accommodated
more assisted living services while
maintaining an occupancy rate
of over 93% for 2014. The Village
at Rockville opened its second
assisted living neighborhood and
has now entered the final phase
of renovations to the main health
center, yet still maintained an
occupancy rate of 95% for 2014.
While each of the communities
in the National Lutheran family
continue to evolve and prosper,
resources are strategically allocated
in alignment with the mission.
Growing Number of Seniors Served
As NLCS has expanded its outreach
and ministry, there are a larger
number of seniors now being
served by NLCS. This includes
services delivered to an individual
within their residence either on or
off campus. These services have
expanded over the last few years
and now include home care,
independent living, assisted living,
short-term rehabilitation, and longterm care.
The Village at Rockville
The Legacy at North Augusta
Operational Performance
The Village at Orchard Ridge
myPotential at Home
*projected estimates
National Lutheran Communities & Services
Consolidated Balance Sheet
December 31, 2013 and 2014
2013 2014
National Lutheran Communities & Services
Consolidated Statement of Operations
Years Ended December 31, 2013 and 2014
Unrestricted Revenues
Net resident service revenues
Current Assets:
Cash and cash equivalents
Interest and dividends
Accounts receivable
Realized gains
Accounts receivable, other
Management Fees
Notes receivable-residents
Other than Temporary losses
Total unrestricted revenues
Prepaid expenses and other assets
Current portion of assets whose use is limited
Total current assets
Salaries and wages
Employee benefits and payroll taxes
Assets whose use is limited
Medicare services
Other resident care
Property and Equipment, Net
Professional fees
Funds Held in Trust by Others
Pledges Receivable, Net
Food services
Deferred Costs, Net
Utilities and other occupancy
Total assets $359,568,670
Depreciation and amortization
Liabilities and Net Assets
Current Liabilities:
Insurance and licenses
Accounts payable
Minor equipment
Accrued payable, construction
Repairs and maintenance
Accrued interest
Advertising and recruitment
Accrued expenses
Information technology
Current portion of long-term debt
Legal and accounting
Current portion of annuities payable
Dues and subscriptions
Total current liabilities
Bad debt expense
Monthly Fees Paid in Advance
Deferred revenues from entrance fees
Loss on sale/disposal of assets
Refundable Entrance Fees
Total expenses
Future project refundable deposits
Operating Income (Loss)
Long-term debt, net
Annuities payable, net
Unrealized Gains (Losses)
Total liabilities
Change in unrestricted net assets
Net assets
Temporarily restricted
Permanently restricted
Total net assets
Total liabilities and net assets
2013 2014
National Lutheran Communities & Services
Consolidated Statement of Changes in Net Assets
Years Ended December 31, 2013 and 2014
Unrestricted Net Assets
Change in unrestricted net assets
Temporarily Restricted Net Assets
Change in value of funds held in trust by others
Change in temporarily restricted net assets
Permanently Restricted Net Assets
Change in value of funds held in trust by others
Change in permanently restricted net assets
Change in net assets
Beginning Net Assets
Ending Net Assets
2013 2014
National Lutheran Communities
& Services Board of Trustees
2014 Members and Officers
Chair, Rev. Martha Sims
Vice Chair, Dr. Tommie L. Robinson, Jr., PhD
Treasurer, Mr. Gary Nichols
Secretary, Ms. Claudia Harrington
CEO, Mr. Lawrence R. Bradshaw
Ms. Lisa Behr
Mr. Shawn M. Bloom
Rev. Susanne Blume
Ms. Donna Duss, RN, MSN, RAC-CT
Ms. Elizabeth Flury
Rev. William H. Hall, II
Rev. Scott Ickert
Rev. Dr. Wollom A. Jensen
Rev. Joseph P. Lettrich
Rev. Ronald Schlak
Mr. Dale Summers
The Village at Rockville
Board of Trustees
2014 Members and Officers
Chair, Ms. Claudia Harrington
Vice Chair, Rev. Dr. Scott S. Ickert
Treasurer, Mr. Cornell Abod
Secretary, Ms. Neva Babcock, RN
CEO, Mr. Lawrence R. Bradshaw
Mrs. Marjorie Bruffy
Barbara K. Walker, CPA, MBA
The Village at Orchard Ridge
Board of Directors
2014 Members and Officers
Chair, Ms. Lisa Behr
Vice Chair, Rev. William H. Hall, II
Treasurer, Mr. Gary Nichols
Secretary, Rev. Martha M. Sims
Mr. Lawrence R. Bradshaw, CEO
Mr. Doug McCarthy
Dr. Alan McKay
The Legacy at North Augusta
Board of Directors
2014 Members and Officers
Chair, Dr. Steven Mosher
Vice Chair, Ms. Lisa Behr
Treasurer, Rev. Robert D. McCarty
Secretary, Rev. John Wertz, Jr.
CEO, Mr. Lawrence R. Bradshaw
Mrs. Ruth Swisher
Printed on recycled paper and
with green methods.
Contact Us:
National Lutheran
Communities & Services
2301 Research Boulevard, Suite 310
Rockville, MD 20850
P: 301-354-2710
F: 240-386-8623
Design: Splice Design Group
Printing: Graphics Universal
Editors: Nicole Antar, Courtney Malengo
Contributors: Gale Adams, Kathryn
Baerwald, Larry Bradshaw, Michael Brady,
Jeanne Buster, Jason Gottschalk, Kirsten
Haalboom, Denise Kozlowski, John Midolo,
Cherie Sims, George Sims, Martha Sims
The Village at Rockville
9701 Veirs Drive
Rockville, MD 20850
P: 301-424-9560
F: 301-424-9574
TTD/TTY 800-735-2258
The Village at Orchard Ridge
400 Clocktower Ridge Drive
Winchester, VA 22603
P: 540-431-2800
F: 540-678-3534
The Legacy at North Augusta
1410A North Augusta Street
Staunton, VA 24401
P: 540-885-5454
F: 540-885-5598
Celebrating 125 years, National
Lutheran Communities & Services
(NLCS) is a faith-based, not-for-profit
ministry of the Evangelical Lutheran
Church in America’s (ELCA) DelawareMaryland, Metropolitan Washington,
D.C. and Virginia Synods, serving
people of all beliefs. NLCS provides
seniors with a variety of lifestyle,
residential and health care options
through retirement communities and
services in Maryland and Virginia.
The Village at Crystal Spring
Information Center
1997 Annapolis Exchange Parkway
Suite 300
Annapolis, MD 21401
P: 410-972-4597
myPotential at Home
320 Westside Station Drive
Winchester, VA 22601
P: 540-450-0349
F: 540-450-0872
Support the Mission
National Lutheran Communities &
Services, The Village at Rockville, The
Village at Orchard Ridge and The Legacy
at North Augusta are grateful for your
many financial gifts. Your contributions
enable us to continue our proud
heritage of serving seniors and their
For information about supporting
our ministry, please contact the
Office of Philanthropy at
301-354-2705 or
[email protected].