halifax courier_1914_12_05
halifax courier_1914_12_05
MORTIMERS' PATRIOTIC SPECIALITIES IN :EJverf oare ie take©, fo pre'rca,., n. tbs - !( of AD'FBBTlSKaOffiTS wh-wi> NOT . BONA-FfEJ,- o? '«««•» any wa <AKDS. A^ Our display is at Silver-street this year. The exten sive alterations we have made have enlarged the space at »ur disposal, and made it unnecessary for us to take separate premises as in previous yeiars. OiLBNDABS. PBESBHTS, Silver-street and Commercial-street, Ex AN OVER, F^TD i-oiu- . TJ.M, Na Q.1R9 JN9. »jlO.5. l&VV JLOtJO. J3ALIFAX. : M»»TIM, 3s. . raegteteie* for Festing at Newspaper :Rsat« in ! United * ) Kingdom; Canada and Newfoundland at Magazine Rate.I Public Notices, CHOIR FESTIVAL, TO-MORROW (SUNDAY), Dec. 6. Afteraooii, at 2.30 prompt, a spscial MUSICAL SERVICE. Principals : Soprano, Madame BLANCHE STOTT • Con tralto, Miss EDITH FORTUNE; Tenor, Mr. J. W W3D•DOP ; Bass, .Mr. LOUIS DENNIS ; organist, Mr. GEORGE 'H.MOORE ; Conductor, Mr. S. FIELD. v*,^ Selectians by the OROSLAND MOOR HANDBELL RINGERS. A Silver Collection will be taken at. the doors! Evening Service, at 6.30—" MESSIAH." ' Solo Trumpet—Mr. WILLIE WOOD. V : The Handbell Ringers will also give selections. The Rev. O. P. ROUNSEFELL will give a short address. W the same TELKPHONES- News 416, Advertising 417 Heligious Services. 'SUNDAY: LEGTURI .'SQCIEt'Y. V . ."..'- ; :../MONDAY/Dec. ;7th, ;i914,' ; ,,.:'.. For Six Nights and a Matinee. ' ' .7,30*... . (SATURDAY, 7.15); 7.39. Matinee, SATURDAY, Dec.: 12th, at 2.15r ' THE HALIFAX LIGHT OPERA SOCIETY {By kind Permission of Mr. Geo. Edwardes) present the Romantic Light.'Qperai ..''';. '.. . EST END CONGREGATIONAL The Opera produced by Mr. Harry T. Davies. Augmented CHURCH, SO WERBY BRIDGE. Orchestra. > Conductor, Mr. Arthur Haigh. ',;.- ; VICTORIA HALL, T -..'' ' '••.>'.'' ' 1; . ;• At 1T ; P.M.,: -.•••.'' '; • '• • .-'...-• ;': ' •. •. ! «BATTLEFIELDS OF NORTH-EASTERN FRANCE f NVASIONS PAST.; AND -PRESENT." (Lantern Slides); PRICES OF :SEATS,-Oircie Is., : Stallsi and: Ar«» fid. 4lcony 3d. (afew free seatis). v :: . : " ;:., i,'H-' ' ^ •. FRANK S:"MITOHELL, Secretary^" '^' : ,8) Ward's End,-& 26, Highfi^ld-terraos. ABRIGAL . U R WEEK-END. Special Shows -in. all Departments;. Take a walk round all oua-vWiadows. . ,Yow : ;.',-• . 'are sure to.be pleased. ' ,•-..- S" .POWELL-STJREET, Opposiite the G.P.O* pURS ! : r TWO;LARGE .^iNDO-WIS; ; .; -': • . Conit-aining ' all. - .the - late^;- styles in; Enniinia*, Black Fox, Squirorel, Wolf, Marten, SaWes, etc, The low; prices ofSouivFurs are tempting: M ILLINERY I' : ONE LABC3:E WINDOW t .'"' '•,' •:Containing the newest'styles in 'ready-torw«ar Serni-iri'mmed and.! Tiriinmed Hats; Spescial; Lot Trim-med Bats at 5/1'i to-day; OATS!': ONE'WINDOW, •.;•'.'• .".;•:••' ".-;"• .^ Of Ladies' Coats in N4w Styles. and Winter , Colourings. ' Prices from. 9/11 to 49/6^ ijj, CSbeviots, TSfaps, Curl Cloths, and1 Velom? Entire profits in aid of War'Distress Relief Fund. Special Belgian; Night--December 7. , Special Military Night—December 8. •'. SUNDAY, Dec. 13th, 1314, Dress Circle and Stall seats booked in advance; without *xtfa President : Ti W. B.ENSON, Conductor: H. SHEPLEY. In the Afternoon, at 2:30, Part I, and in the Evening at 6 charge. Seats can be booked in Family Circle, 1/6. Box 6'elook, Parts II and III will be given bjr a Ohoirof 180 Voices. Office Open Daily from 10 to t, and 2 t® 4; Saturdays 10 ONCERT to 1. Children half-price to Matinee. Telephone 123, Hi, ' SopranOj Miss B. E. SHEPHERD,, Manchester ; Contralto, . Clxrths.; ,;.•../'. .'••' : ':'••-.> '••'-". -"• ' ;• SCiss LENA PICKLES, Halifax ; Tenor, Mr. T. ROBERTS, " • . •-•";,•• • -'YICTOEIA . MONDAY, 14th December, 1914, - ;' Csstleford ; Bass, Mr. GEORGE OXLEY, Sheffield ;' Solo O-NEY^S^AL-.COATS.!-'-^;-' . " :."''"'-V .-._' .^ Trumpeter, Mr. ALBERT ; HAIGH,- Sowerby Bridge ,(late CLOSED (with the exception of Charity Concert); SATpBDAY, Dec. 12th, 1914, at 7.80, Soprano Oornettist, Besses o'tb' Barn. Band) ; Organist, Mr. KE-OPEN SATURDAY, Dec. .2Sth; 1914, HaridisOrne Giarmento. • Prices firorh -4Q^ Profits devoted fai.the Mayor's Fund for Local Relief. HERBERT 1NGHAM, A.R.Q.O., Blland ; conductor, MB. B. : 5.9/6, 5 Guineas, £7 10s.:, up to £!&• 18&; • '.'.George Edwairdes* . WADSWORTH. Rev. E, Jessop will preside: •;-,-. THE CHORUS OF TEE SOCIETY; , TEA in the Schoolroom at 4.15. Sixpence each. «€HPSY LOVE." • : '.'SPEGIAL i ' FBATUBB-^-M4LE': ; ' VOfOE^ , . . . . ,.. , .:.. -. A Silver Collection on behalf of the Choir Funds will b« Afternoon 2.39j Evening 7.15. Saturday, Dec* 26tk, . • .';. takes at the doors. • : . A Beau'tiful Raage 9f Plain and Striped Assjsted by the Wyke and Brighouse Mal« Vbitf* <31«e .Scarves to choose frorn. Prices from l/ll|, Unions* (120 .Voices). 2/^,;v3/6, 3/11;, 4/11,. 5/11, 6/lli ,7/i^ '•'.,' "The ReveilliB,''—Ed. Elgar. ' TTING CROSS WESLE YAN CHURCHROYAL, HiLIEAX, V;8/li,:iO/9f 13/9^ sup to 18/6. ;// - . • I ":( , •••.." Hymn Before Action,"—Watford Dayias. FOREIGN MISSIONARY ANNIVERSARY, Mr. PHILIP RITTBj Tenor, December 7th-12th. .Every Evening at 7.30. LOUSES: !.••;•'<:"•' ' .-,' •' •'••' ':.'••': '• -v'* ^'-''. -, SUNDAY, December 6th, 19.30 and 6 o'clock. THE HALIFAX LIGHT OPERA SOCIETY Miss MIRIAM: TIMOTHT, Harpi A New Lot of Smart: ^Blouses 'joist to ; hand '-.•'••••'". . - ' ;present •••• -'•'• -' '. '.'-.;•'• - Preacher, Rev. SILVESTER WHITBHEAD, in Crepe de Chine, J<ap S-ilk, Voiles, ; po' : ' .; : Mr. VIC^R BOJBLEEj Flute, •" ': • : ' 'y. Ex-President of the Conference. laines, Popliife, and Velvet. vPricesj l/ll^' *<A GREEK SLAVE.'' At the Piano: Miss ^LICE5;TAYLpR» Tfrp o'clock. JUVENILE MISSIONARY ME.ETlNG'in 2/111,1 3/W^, 4/6,; 5/6, 5/11^, 6/11 tip to the SCHOOL. An Address will be given by the Rev. JOSEPH A Romantic Light Op»ra, by 'Reserved Seats, 3/-, 2/6 and 2/- (Plan at Bevarley's) ;' ' 2,1/- each. ', See our Windows! ; •''• OWEN HALL and SIDNEY JONES. WEST. Miss WA.TKTNSON will distribute Prizes. .A Solo Area, 1/6; Centre Balcony, Jl/-; Side Balcony, 6d. will be rendered by Miss ELSIE GARSIDE. Chairman, Mr. • '• The Entire Profits in Aid o!-.' 'f !: Unreserved Seat Tickets (admitting to early doorsi 8:45 to .. CHARLES GREENWOOD, ' WAR DISTRESS RELIEF FUNDS. , ' 7,1$) ef Messrs. Biyerley. Victoria Miisic Rooihs ; :Priest- . reliable makss of MONDAY, December 7th, MISSIONARY TEA at 5.15 and ley & Sutcliffe, Georis;e-street ; ; Hirid, Waterhousfr-street ; Special Performsinces, ; for Wioifer : ...We»r,-. -;' g,15. MEETING in the OHUBOH at 7.30. Will be Addressed Hemingway, Silver-street ; Membera of the Chorus:; -and the Secretary, s : ;•,•. •'-.•:./-,!••• • • • '. ••.' '.•' ' • : - ' - :. • ••.''• t».y Rev. SILVESTER WHITEHEAD, supported by Rev. if, . Belgian Night—Dec, 7. Grand MilitaryNight—Dec; Si iSpenceia, : Divided Skirts, Corsets, E. BELL. Chairman, Mr. J. G. STIRK, of Wesley Circuit, • ; JOHN E,: TUKNER, 66, Vickerman-street, Halifax . <*to,,. -at: very low prices .to-d^y, MATINEE, SATURDAY, Dec. 12, at;2.15. i .Special Music: by the Choir. ' 'Collection at each Service for Missionary Work. ALIFAX ^ CHORAL SOCIETY^ ...' :. ' Popular Prices. • '••'-.-,'• '-,'.; See ouiyWiiidows!:! :E^ine, ,38 Q IJ A R E C H. U R C H , ' Dress' Circle - per-yard, in./ ,all \ .New and Orchestra Stalls, 2s. fid.; Family Circle E ahdPitStalls. Is. 5 Pit, 6d»:,, Gallery, 4d.:V , =: : .. TO-MORROW, Key. E. S. KIEK, M.A., B.D. I™"*' dainty ;effecte. S;atin " Alluremenit," 46 ins. 10.38, "The temptation of Jesus." i THURSDAY, DECBMEIER 6.39,;": The secret of enduring Discipleshfp." wide,, 3/11, in. New Rioh eblburings. Sattn EAND THEATRE, -HALIIfJLX. : V Orientali" ,. 38 , ins. wide; ' '' ' '•: Miss CAROLINE HATOHARD. Evening Wear. •• •'. •••:' •-;:-,• ^ :' AKOTH E RH O 0 D . J4iss HILDA ;CBAG;G-JAM^S. • 13 .jClL. ; JL> ( SQUARE CHURCH) 3 B.M. •v •'• • Mr. JOHN COATEJS; . OUR, WINDO^rS WILL ILLUSTRATE THESE MONDAY Pecemb«r 7th, 1914, TO-MORROW* Rev. R. LEE FBATHER^TONE,:of the Mr. ROBERT RADFOKD, And every Evenittgj during the week. ,, ' Central Hall Mission, Bradford, a new speaker whom w« GOODS WE' ARE ADVERTISING. " S«s«rved^ Seats.—Orrcle; S/^o/-;^; Stalls, 4,l-t if- ; Area, ehall heartily -welcome. Solos by Mr. METOALF BEOK- '•••' . '• A;NEW DilAMA' ANDiA.;STRONG:bAST. ', ; :^; : 2/8. Plan and Tickets at Beverley's.yictoria Hall. Tel. 1«42. WITH. Adult School,- 9-15 aju., Mr. COOHRAN. Ujiresei'ved Seats.-^•OentrteBalcqnyi,2/-:; Side Balcony, I/Miss HILDA BEVERLEY presents an entirely New and Admitting to early, doqrsiat 6.30 .pirn., niay be obOriginal Melodrama, «n the Burning 'Question of the bajtj Tickets/ . tainsd from Beverjey, Hind, H'eraitiKway^ Priestley "'& SutTHE WHITE SLAVE ^RAFiip/entitl^ /; I, clifie, and from Members Of the ChpruSi GRAND ' "MESSIAH ". CONCERT, _ VTOTORIA BALL, SUNDAY AFTERNOON, Dac, 28. fTH HE Entire proceeds for th« Royal Halifax Infirmary. Preliminary Announcement.—Spscial performance , -Halifax Orchestral Society of 60 Performers. ' .:',-. ' "•:."'-•• ' "ELIJAH,*' "'-"'•- •--' . ' of: :•' Trained Chorus of 260 voices. -Principals announced next For the lj«n«ifit of th« War Fund, February 18th, 1915. f -• week. ; Npte the date, December 26th. , • POPULAR PRICES: Telephone 856. , : V; ;;••:' : ".-^ •••'•' •'..'-'..• Pit Stalls : Upper Circle and I-GIIR 0AD WELL CHURCH. Orchestra .Stalls. T- -ET.'YOUR'';^MAS:., /^:-IFT :BE; ;A .' |j 005-' and Pit. Circle. G G FUR W« sp«oialis» in Ladies' FUR COATS, Mid' are offering to-day some wonderful linea in Coney ,S«»1i Pony Ski^ and Musquash ~ i'^> ': NEW; GONBY;S3SAL:FUB COATS;,; . : :: /All selacj;ed Skins. All lined through with Coloured Silk; Special "Warehouse" prices :— ! :-'y:r\''." £5 50 '•'•'• "'• •'.:'• ^7' • 7••.«.'".:•.-'"-. , ":'.: ,'. £6 60 ''•'.'','• ;£8;'« :> ^. ;'' '•.. •, aad £10 10 ft ;.'-• All bought at bid C6atritctPric«ai i L: ,K . HENRY IRONMONGER. ' 11 a.m. and 6.30 'p.m. • " . , , REFRESHiNC, ;> CALENDARS & xma® cards, v Spepia,lities.—?Mortamiers' r Jt would be^^ diffiouit^.to choose .firiendi o:nei, &at will; add' ;.oomfort to. ; tih,0;.'firjeevery- time you talfe it: up, than Mr. •. •• '.: 'ISt. • •-- TWICE' NIGHTLY. /• -' . ;J.iiO •":.,• edition-,•d.n^Broiitelaud';: , , _..'; \ •""• ''" , MONDAY,;iDeb.::7th.;'; ' :'-• : '':-'-.\'{'^':.'' Tarcijer's).latest Gifti ' '• It is iimppssibl© ,tp ;buy suphi,' a '•"..: ; ENORMOUS'ATTRACTION. ::; '..';• ; '' : fine book oik 3s. >6d'.=:: ilj!uafeatioiis;v.aloriie,are;worth Inland ^pogit, 6d.; foreign; 10d;. First Visit of JAKE FRIEDMAN'S GREAT: REVUE-i " THE.DUTCH HUSSARS.'^in Three Scenes. ; ' A Darlington 1 Lia;dy wrote ; (i^iyv, : 2i3rd, Th« Oast .includes Miss -Florence: Hunton, and th» w«ll! '*.Have jusi r«ad wi.tli' g^^ait ^leasiire this; known Com6disi,n, Jake Friedman. "^' :EENEE,GRAHAME;the Beau id*ai asoyJ: ' : - -• {a|'.\book. ' I' haye a. Mend ? in Ghia* 'j^li-., NOBMAN DONALD,' Happy Scot, in Pathos and Gomedy.: sure, ,wbuLd vbe pleased' tb, possess -a. «x>pyi. ,-i' J ~ JJior«5a^'/<ine:(^:ihiia?': :''I"do'ii(jt:.wsb:'iajrrj . . ..-.' •,,- First Vjsit:;of;JO&& WILLY, -.^V ' ' . .. Eccentric Acrobats ^.nd Balancers. 5trrifcten^ni.!ifc;: .'.^Tctst^afisndI ib, • ^d ; I.;,knJow-3 First Visit of JfJBB <& JERQME, ih their.Speciality. :will >be dejifflited!i ifc6'reilew- !his '.'acqulairitbanoe:•' • -., r'• : .L'. . /•• .j'y ".. • Fkst:.7isit<3f;B' A -Baritone and a Pia'riist. ' PETER'S CHURCH, SOWERBY. On SUNDAY, Dee. 6th, 3914, at 3 p.m., Selections from the ' 'v 6d. Wari A«|vertisemeiits; ..;.- '' o0 RrE I> I E F SOOIALIST ;..;',- •••. '•; • ;;-.v - : SALIJFAX,. on • • v -:; ;•• -;: ^TURDAY ^NEXT; -t)^^.'.^^- . : BAPTIST W'EST- VALETO-MORROW. CHTJRCH, 10.30, Preacher,:.Mr. EXE. JONES. .'.' : 6.30,,Rev. T/'SUGmMj '., ,-.; ' ' ,3 o'clock; Women's.Mesting,.. Speaker: SISTBE Lois. Soloist':-:MissiS[;;. ,,., Collection for SoldiersVOhristmas^und. i ; "SOME .DREAMS," UrW:Ck>mice , •Also a Carefully''S^leciied'P^^^ Balcony & SbaJte 6d,; Orchestra ;.& Side/;£teafes: 3& fpHEATRE DE LUXE, THE OOSY,;JOPULjA^^TUB^ HOUS& - • : ALMA-STREET. "..: '-.-.'.-"- . : - ' 2.J45. . The 5:SfeafceF 6.38• • • TO-MORROW will be Mr. 'LAVERACK, of Normanton. Inspirational Speaker. , SUNDAY; Dec. 13, Mr. AARON' WILKlNSON. Olairvoyant. All are welcome. :•, , T . TO-MORROW: Rer, F. E. M. DOCKER, M. A., B.D., ". . .. • . V '.'. '. :AT 10.30 ::and 6.30. . . '. '. "^ ' '••, ORTHGATE-END CHAPEL, Halifax. ; TO-MORROW, SUNPAYJ Dec. fi. Preacher: Rev..W. .LAWRENCE SCH|tQEDER, M A. • -. •;< 10.45 a.m.," Quietism.'.' ...: . Adult Class : •' Wealth and its Distribution." 6.30 p.m.. "•'Civilisation." ' ' UEEN 'S-ROAD P M,- CHURCH, -. .. TO-MORROW (SUNDAY),- l "';v- ''-'•'. ' 10.3Qand-G; Rev. JO.HNSTON'.DjpDDi PYE NEST P.M. ' .GHTJRGH. : • • • :,,•„^ •. • • IQiSO:and.-6, Mi-4 K HARRISON. Q THIRST •J- . TO-NIGHT, at &30. By Special 'B^(«:esti : a -JJ^ttrn; Visit of .. .. ..,....•.- Londoii EJ5)erience,. ^et'ornSs..^. AdyicsE'ree. I«SXT,VISIT IK):HAL13PAX;-:SASlIRDATi:Dec. 5,; 'A., Most Beauiiful: PathjeeoloU' Matinees, 'GHIJRCH OF CHRIST SCIENTIST. CENTRAL-STREET, HALIFAX 1 TO-MORROWCSimday), 10.45 and 6.30. • Free to all. -,. Subject': : ''Godj:the only Cause and Creator." ; Sun day School 2:15;.: Testimony Meeting, WEDNESDAY, 8.. ^ Reading Room open from •(• lo, 9.,-p.m. daily. .: ; . f T 0 L E~¥ lARISH CB[U RCH \J MEMORIAL SBlt^lGE, in memoiy' of the . late lieutenant MICHAETi GEORGE STOCKS, killed in action November 10th, at Ypres:: Service at 11 a.in., SUNDAY, peeetnber 6th. , ,, .__; _.. . •'• • ', ; -. • • •• '"• '• ' (^HRlSTAl)M3PSlAl^;> MONDAY. TUESDAY & WEDNESDAY: ; "THE BATTLE OF'SHILOTRj" ••••''-•' "A Military MasterDiece. ' ,; • , , " THURSDAY, FRIDAY, AND SATURDAY ' v -., ,-' Dec.10,11,'12, ' ••: • , '' ' "THE LADY OF THE ISLAND,'' • A Guardian's: Yillainy Frustrated.' . LATEST WAR PICTURES :at; each perfdrmanco.f Children's Matineo every Saturday, 2.30. Full Star Programrae each evening at 7.30. Prices as usual- OSY C O K N E R PICTURE QUEEN'S-ROAD. TO-DAl* (SATURDAY). At 6.30. Continuous "TRAITORS TO.THE HRUM HOUSE i Hpnrs—9^a..ai; to 1 p.m. iTe, upon reeeipt of a Post riffi wiait- upoit^ :you' to quotie'pricefl. V. - ' NORTHERN RUGBY LEAGUE MATG3BC. TO-DAY (SATURDAY). .'':.• Kiok-off, 2.45. 6d.; Boys. 3d., j Stanid® ^o^W^^ BEST~T is .the subject" : of • a Discourse to bes delivered in ilie Ohristadelphian 'M'eeti'rig Room,IIarrisoii-road, To-m6rrow evening at 6.30, by Mi-. J.••B.:RADF..QRD. OT. JAMES" ^SMRITUAL .TEMPLE, ^ • AL MA-STR EET. -Speaker on s'UN'Dky, Mrs. Dodssvorth, 3 '& 6.20i'_On. Wednesdaiy evening, Mr. 3. Oldfleld, .at 8 U.M.C.V T ^t>RTH2pARADE^ .: ', 10.30, Rev, W. SC'OTT^',-•'_; _,__ J . ; -;.• • .>' •. S ALEM"" . AID OF THE RED GROSS AND THE I..'•'•N WAR REFUGEES', RELIB'F FUNDS'' . " Tenor,; Mki "Arnold IBodigsorr (Halifax):; Humorist, : Mr. vAGc<ymparLisfc, -Ma% Geo* F Swift. SALE ;OF. WANTED FOR THE DELIVERY OF COKE I THROUGHOUT THE BOROUGH. APPLY AT THE, GAS WORKS. S QYLAND URBAN .CHAPEL. To-morrow, 2.30, Rev. C. H Pitt, B.A.,' Ludfflenden. Bu¥T^G"B^l3N"^APTiSf :ESSifA'U,5 ..:','•• . • . COUNCIL, SPECIAL NOTICE, A LI FAX, PL Y-.I'N'.G; =0 L U E A MEMBERS' SHOW Will be held at the SADDLE HOTEL, On SATURDAY, December 5th,;l914.Classes will be judged by Mr. S. Fryer, Brighouse, and Mr, W. Earnshaw, Melthatn. -:Show; opeh.:at 4. Close at 8 Admission 2d. per person, by Catalogue. Birds to be pennei between the hours of land 2, o'clock P.S.'—The Seoretar would be pleased to receive promises of Specials Jor th Show, which any member may feel: disposed to give,. thu: helping to maUe the Showa huge success.______ • R j THE LETHAL CHAMBER for the painless destructioa of DOGS and OATS is^ OPEN to the Public everr WEDNBSDAY and-SATURDAY for the small charg of ONE SHILLING, each AnimaL :BY;A- : CHORUS ;OF .100 ' Elland',' Staainland,'' Greeilaaid, and West: Vale, . PRINCIPALS:/. - ; i'-.: . . ' Miss DOROTHY WALE'ER, . Miss SUSAN BRIG'GS-,: Mr. HENRY BREARLEY^ Mr HARRY HORNER. Conductor ; , Mr. HARRY SHEPLEYl\ , . Will b& ... k the ^GJHOOLROOM on 2/- (Reserved); Second' Seats, I/-'.- GREAT ALBiON-STREET GIRLS' CLUB. Under the Patronage of HIS WORSHIP THE " MAYOR O'F HALIFAX and th® 'HIGH SCHOOL GOVERNORS. '.''.!• 1st Select Cliass of Girls. . Miss M... SbaTisfleld; Con^ tralto, ]\iiss;M|S*chell:; Tenor,-Mr. E. Mitoheil: Biass, Mr.-:rf. ;:TowiSaend; Elocutionists, Miss Boltor NATIONAL SONGS, -and DANCE'S by *h« SaMfax High School .for Girl®. and, Mi''.' N' ;lrt6ib^Hall; Accompa,riist, Mr. J; W, Garbiutt. --"''. -. ,.v. '..•-•' ... DRAMATIC SKETCH by the Misses Nugent and .;; . MI-S..O., PENNE-y .HUNT will preside. Mr. A. N. Bxushfield; ' Tickets 4d. each, and may, be obtained frpm-anj m-enib^r of.;'the class; Children under 12, 3d. 'In -the THEATRE ROYAL, HALIFAX Doors open at 6 o'clock, Concert at 6.i5 prompt. ..Leave the Booth Town and Queensbury oars at (by kind permission of the Nor/them Theatres Co.), RaAvson-street. , ' . • - WEDNESDAY Dec. 16th, 7.30 p.m. ADDITIONAL SUBSCRIPTIONS. '' Amount previously acknowledged, £6,677 15.?. 2-2-c Dean" Clough Piuishing Dept.., 10th instalment, 5s.: 4d.; Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Bradlej', Urbona! Ohio, £1; Employes Campbell Gas Engine Co. FRIDAY, December 11,19H« Ltd., 13th insfcalment, £9-""3s. 7d. ;• Employes awe Lecture—" Some books-that matter," by Staff,- Wm. Asqmfch, -Ltd., 9th in®balinem-t, £S Mr. JAMES PARKER, M'.P16s. lOd.; L. & Y. Railway Halifax Goods Porter Admission 3d. each. iage Staff, ;!O-th instalment, 4e. lOd.; Crossley aj);d Apply Police Station, Harrison-road. Radcliffe, llth insrta-hnent, 19a. 3d.; Jas. Hy iSTett proceeds for Local Relief Fund. _______^ T. PAUL rS COAL SOCIETY, LTD Cockroft, Boston, U.S.A., formerly of Halifax. £1 kJ> NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN ' that a SPEOIA1 total, £6,693 5s.'O^d. RABAZO^ EMPLOY MENT GENERAL -"-"•• - : MEETING will be held in the PKOVJOBNOI SOCIETY. SOHOOLROOM, QUEBN'S-ROAD, on'TUESDAY, December 15th A SALE OF WOEK RINCESS MARY' 1914, at 7.bO. Business: Complete Amendment of Rules. Men-. Will be held at the CHRiISTMAS1 'bers must produce their cards on admission. WORKHOUSE, GIEBBT-STRBBT, • • lo-Tcrr™ W AVT,<TR. secretary, On WEDNESDAY, December Sth;3-5-;p.B3b .1 FUR STORE, : THEA.TKICAL WK5S AND MAKEA3R .! ; -"--' : 'J.-V H;:; WILSONS &:; ; SON,.' : ; Hairdressers and Fancy Goods Dealers, 44-46; BRAD FO5JO. '' MAKKET-ST-EEET, '' ' : this yea.r. . seleet.ion, of .Fresents a/fc: Morfciiiiets'j, Tenders^ •;: ; ;;-. : - :;• CONTRACT ' WAR "'' i6;.niow nearly :1^0:BelgiajQi: Refugees m , Funds .for ; mamtenance urgently ^iieeded^ Preydously acknowl^g-^d :,....!.., .. £l,3tQO 18s. 7d!. Adidiitionial Sub'scriptions.:- Rotihweil Mouiri't T«ttn.is Ctob, £l';2s. :6d;-; Mias OUerenshaw f3rd) r:: IOs, j -from.sale of'••'•Potted^ Meat: i#iss E. Rickaad' l€s.,j Itfir. B.^Oi Osborai, £B 3». ;; ;Par«nts' Day a* Lee .^Idtimt Girls' Sehoc^ '.per :;Miss 'H, Smithy £8 10s. ; -13eiajn ©lougb Finishing1 Dept., 5s, 4d. ; Employes Wrigtot ' & Cb, (2ihd}, 12s . §&. Jo'hii Ambtilance, Halifax^ NJisinamg: Division, "i;5e.'.j^^Pelfori4an©: Baptist Quiet iHour (gird? 12& "SdC; Messrs,.] E. 'Fo^ser .& Sbrte, Ltdv (3rd), £5 ; P^-OV Sfeff ; (4th'); '£3«s. lid. ;- M*. EU, Rodfe© artd' fcieads,' ' . . . ISON, Oculist; an<i Ani;isfc-(&f Isftn's'Eys amid Ba« The Guai'dians of this Union are pse:pared':to ,r«:eeiv* 'Mr. ispensair^, Ltd:,.:. -Leeds;. EstabiisKed 18711), w:i3latteB*:af TE^DEES for' the SUPPLY of the following AKTIOLES, Qneea Hotel, Huddarsflisld, Saturday, Dec; 5, hours 19 ta *c. (or any .bf'Siein), for the AJr° Qife.het-stre9t, ' '" ',and: 1.30. Royal Hotal, Dewsbury, Saturday, Dec. 12, :houra.'la the Hospital, Salterhebljte. .' ;/ ; to 1.2. Queen Dec. 7, fb.oars 18l3tf tp - '''. ^Tetel, ' " Todniord • , : 'en, Moffday. BEEF' ''........-;..,;r:;,;;^..:.:....^..:.. . " '' , ' '" ' : . -' MUTTON.. .'..Jvi;.....v.......;:..v;...;..... ;.A w Treatment. WITHOtTT OPESATION. Wrft* f»F questions. S»nt /*»«.';' ' (Best Irisli or Tjest Banish).;. .THOMAS ISOH, Oetdist POTATOESand. ONIONS...:.....-.;.... QHEBSE •;,... ....«......,;.....;;:;.....;...... At_«ndaace at Leeds eysry Tuesday (hours 10 te ' 7) ' HORSE PROVENDER.......;.. ..,.,..>); , ^ Saiiu: r4ays,:Dec. 12 and 26. :H6urs2to7:/ Estimates of the qwan'tities likely to be leijuired attfl forms Artiftcial ''Eyes/IBs. ; SiJeetacles. Ss. to Ite.: of tender may be obtaiiied at rriy; Offices, :4, Caiitbn'S; Halifax. All tenders raust be oa the fprms provided, your «PihQtQ^ra.pjis• for r^Lm^s iaa must be sent to m& by^TUESDAY, 22n'd Deeemfe'a^iS 1-6 Ajsd., in sealed envelopes .and endorsed. '"Tender1 for-4-"'' 17^v:ListeasilaAe. The Guardians do riot bind themselves to :accapt, the lowest or any tender,: and reserve to then-iseJlves th« right to divide ..'-' ':'-" ':."." '. ''the-temder.-^By Order, Solicitor Pjttibff Offiees,' Garitpq-street, Halifax. The ovefhai-g inwite TENBEES .for ' the supply of S, ; ENGJJSH BEEF & MUTTON, O ANTKKLAMB' and vCOAi,Srfor:th* VHaltvefar :tedin^;<38th' : items !;,of -tender. ;in«fcbe,riadlrQitt; :D,:;Lo^; e^ •.;l:e>it^3ir|^dv-' Ji!i6t^•.•;JatS^.;' '"' : *" '" l •".•tiJi8a5l1 ' ' '"' • Bros., •:£$> Os:: Tdu:;Emplbye8 :: Pottjt (9tij • £2 9s, 2<J.-; Employes JI Gre©!^ ,., :Lijdi. {9tfo), ;17s. 6^1.; •Employes;Gas Wbrlcs ;p.i3tfe),.;£1 • 3fc 8dt';;' Employes Industrial .Society (9th),, £f 4s, 8dv: .Hoinlray & 0o,, Ltd. .(9ffi), , £^;,::,SJaff "New-*oacl Inifiant^ ; B&pfc, : 9s.; 'Staff New^.rd.. iMikedi JDep't., £1: 2e. •: Staff NationM Boys, l!4ai;'- Staff National '. Girls . . a»Btcj- Infants,: 19sv.: 6dte; m'mployes Hy Brdadben*y \%&& (12th), £i:-;:7ss-ll^--:-F;/Berry.and!?Sdns^ £2f>; Emptoyes F. Beiiry ^Soras > (13.th)> £1 lls.r 2d>; Word Col lections, £i:'is. ;6'd.> 13s.; Id^ and 7a M ; Com pany Waiters^' Arnisf £1 2s. :6d.; Simfi •' Norland Chwrch School, 14s.; iiotai; £2,265 l,fe lid, -Otefentogvpromfees^. £107, 'total £2,372 19e. lldi. V Paid' .o:ut;:-£522 l9s 6di Gifts of oloiajing,: Mrs.-yj.-^&DB,''.' Mxs^.- WA .Ashwojrfch,' M^;;. '' Arthur '0^ sind. . i .^^^ ovided by aiid ^must: oe purchased ; frbni the .Comrnittee a/t prices tovbe tjbliained from the-Town.Qlerfc. *CI?ti:e:'cIothiog''.wili haveio be' .itf All Aspects eaijal. to. samples. :#tiich?in'ft.y: be seen 6n ia.pplieatiort-.to the-Waterworks Engi30eBr,''6ib'D6fc-street,- Halifax.- Kurther particulars and'forms Jl:' itendef and conditions of iContract iaay be oblaiiied; from :t.h^ Town Clerte upori.: paj^a&n,t -of,th0.saun of '&!,.which will be^ forfeited s,h:bjfi-ld iffielc.bntractornot/send in a/bona-^ fid»' tender''or aftbrwardis::::wit:hdraw his tender.: Tend-erSi endorsed ' " Waterworks JSmplj>yees* Clothing1,'' and wi.thout. th« name of jjer^en^tena^rlQjS a,ppsarin^( on the outside, must bo sent to the undersigned not later' than 12 o'clock: nooa eii Friday, L}th.Deeemberil9l4. Tho person.whose tenders are. .accepted- win, be regained', to obBervB tJ;e Pair. CoDjfcracts Clauses adopted' by^:;iie'iCorpora*iio.ai Tfe: .Coihm-itt.ee do 'not "biad'^th^emsialv^s to:\ accept the towesfc or-aax-y tender, and.reserve to themselves tlfe right to accept- the whole or part of anylender. ; : '' B,v order, JTown ,'Ball, Halifax^6tb^^6rTl9J4 '. . Dres^ Circle and Orchestra Stalls (Reserved) Family Caroie and Pit Stalls •". (Reserved) Pit .......... ... ... . ..: .-.,- . . ... ... .. .......... Gallory .,..................,.......:.... .... 2/6 1/6 9d. 4d. HALIFAX. Bank. :rYF V THCQME iDeo. 1st, 1914, i derived^ from, iaivesfcmerats 'W^l1 'be-iiaibl© to^^Incsanae Tiax, at the 1/- ta 2/6 in'tibe'riB"-- 7,9,1*; . Calling at TENteili'FEi ,DAPE~l-6:WN.',and;HOBABT - r ' . i.. .: . , STEAMEES . , (largest in the trade) leave London Grav«aehd following- day. O.ORIN'j;HIO (twin so»ew) Deceiver. 19th. . '• TAINTJI (twin, screw) January 7*h. Wireles.s Telegraphy, Unsurpassed- Aceommodation:, for Passaneers, 1st, 2nd, and 3rd. Class. SPACIOUS- ,$TA'TJS- . vr&d-for thp-varioae-Works reMii-ed M the. , .TIOH ot NEW SUNDAY SOIiOm ^INSTITUTE, >t Oreetland. Bills of.,cyiantWi«s wi'H Iw-rea'dy- on Wed-hesflay,' the 9tk inst., and tenders to'be delwerecjat tfea affioes of the,' undersigned on Wed^esdas;, {Jie letjiinst; JAOKSiQN & FOX, ArchitectH, 7, Hawson-street, Halifax. L, . SOUTH & EAST A-FEI@A ROYAL MAIL ROUT®. THE CAPE, vy TKANSVA AL; EHODESIA; T IN'E EAST "AFRIOMI PORTS.-' •Jj. MAUEITIUS, &o. ' For Sailings and other information' apply to the Head Office, 3, Fenchurch Street, London, E.O., ____ __ or .to :'Loca.I. Ageats. . ___ D E I S :BYTHE'- ITILDING OOGIE T O Tax aind alloiws the sfuii iutetneist •witih'crat- defdwotdon in all- Slree. ./ OFFICE •?]"'' . , . PRINCESS STREET, HALIFAX-.. ENQCM HILL, F-GJ:®., and S A.. PULMAN &'-. SONS,;. LTD., . ' MOWON-STBBBT, HALIFAX. A T E N T S.' i' TKSi;«AEK.s"AN~D" __ _„—— , OBTAINED BY JOHN E.. '• WALSH,, W'ATBBHOUSB CHAMBERS, . GBjdSS.LBtiST^ H.X. EOTAL EXOHANG'' BCH-AMBISES.-BOA-R.LANE!. LEBBS Telephone 35x. Handbook Free. -*-* , and Arbitrator oSifaehinery and-. Plant for ailPurBOse WEST WARD JEONWOBKS, HAmON-LAI^E SCHOOL, BSTB. 1860. T & A'F.P. L E Y. A R D» JJ PATENT AGENTS, PENNY BANK .CHAMBERS HALIFAX. London Office: 8, Quality-court Oharicerylane. Tel 402. _ __^_^__ ___ ____ T^.XPERTS -IS "PATENTS.-—-C. JOHN' THOMPSON. JDiCSnsed Herse Nerth Bi-idge-sti-set, Wanted, a lar^e quantity et DeadorAlivs Cattle. Horses 15s. ta ^s., and 1.5s. tsSSs. Aninials destroyed by Hjuaaas *•. Dog and Pexiltry Meat supplied. Telepiaas* Halifax. .,--•-' HdgM Smwterland Farm, SM-bdjaa, Hx/ Slaughtered by latest, No. 1676 Halifax. Books , atid Bookbinding, Sunday School Kewml Baafe^ .IKJW «a vjflw,WOOD'S Boefc Store. Bull Green. A Commercial Stationer. -^ BAKRON & LE WIN, .Market-st., 1 Halifax, and ytation treet Buildings, Hudderafiet.d. "'-'-- 1 -•- "" — R T H U E HQLDEN, CT®WH - street^ Cliambers, Crown-street,.Rent a,ad Debt Oollecto: and Insurance Broker. Book Debts Bought Tele. J32x. - Insurance., TAMES MITCHELL, Incorporated IR"^ ^ Local Business Directory, jSlaughterers, Professional. T EWIS J. AKEOY£>, Practical Taluer, Education. -EAT'H - GRAMMAR J^i es ia stecfc from 3 x'1$ to;S9 x 8. igth/ required at a moment's n< •TTNION•\J- HEADMASTER: W. EDWARDS, M.A. (Oambridga). i Boys admitted from eight years of age. Apply for Prospectus, etc., tcfMr. M. SPEN^EE, Chartered Accouiitant,.-!, Harrison-road ; or to the Headmaster RAWING AND PAINTING Taught by our Artist, Mi-. ARTHUR COMFOKT.-at his STUDIO, l(i, l^ALA'Tl'NE CHAMBERS, MARK-ETAYOR'S NATIONAL RELIEF FUND. STREET ; also, VOICE 'PRODUCTION and SINGING, —...__ Pupil of Siguor..G-usl;ave Garcia) ADDITIONAL SUBSCRIPTIONS. GILBERT. LO-NSDALE' ~receiv«s Amount previously acknowledged, £10,965.7s. Id. » Pupils for th© VIOLONCELLO, at 73., HTfDEFARE Halifax Staff, Saxone Shoe Co., Lt^, iOs.; ROAD, Halifffi.. Terms .on apptidstlon. ____. ~ " L. & Y. Railway: Halifax Goods CMeilaai Staff MTS. COPLEY7~Teaeher of Piano{13th i-nstalment) £1 6s. 2d., Outdoor Staff (13th forte. Terms mederafce.-r4,4, PAEKINSON-LANE. Instalment) 7s. 1'Od., North Bridge (13th instalim*n^ 3s.; Pirooeeds of eale of Grouse by. the Midg| R'AMSDEuSV Theasher of ley smd W«d«woriii Low Moor Shooting » Pia,nofortas Tuhe4 aad: Bepssired.- M T®lepbone 338. OF HALIFAX. Tbe Highways Qelmmlttee of tlia Halifax Corporation invite T^NDEES for- tha Execution of PRIVATE IMPROVEMENT vWOKKSiu Spring- Hall-yard,' BlaBs may be ^se&n, _ and |orms , of, Tender and Specifieatioa; Railway Notices. obtained, on application.: to op.- JAMES LORD, .'M.EC.E;, Borou-gh Eagineer,< Towa : Hall, Halifax, upon payment of the sum. of £t; which, will be forfeited should tha Contractor Hot sand i in a bonarfida Tender, or afterw.ards .Vfithdraw liis...'Tender. Tenders • endorsed "PX •' : (Via ThoriiMiiv and Midland Linis). Works; Serins Hall-yard," .must -be sent to :th« umd^rCOOK'S EXG0RSIONS FROM HALIFAX si^ned not later than 12 o'clock: nooa .'on.-. SATUJSBAiY, For the Week, Dec. 7tb to 14th, 1914. 12th Dtectobep 1914. . The^ei-soa w-hose Tender is accepted' will ,be .required tp observe the.'ffair Osntraets Clauses •iDeb1.:" .-'''" - ; ": •••.•••'-' .-TO:"' .-v .''--.' : : - '-Period .adopted by the Corporation. : Th^ Committee do not :(days) Time. bindByOrde'r. themselves' *-.'•'' to accspt thp -Iswast or any Tender. •pEBCriSAU Every»(. West: &, South of England.;. 8 or 15 ' • SgeMls, • ' • "• ''t SOJJTff'^AIjES,'.;..^:.:... Town Ball, Halifax, 4th, December, ..... -.:. 8orl5 Q-._. .liill« FrMyj EASTBRW COUNTIES ...... 7-i 8, 14,15 See bills 11; 14, SOOTH-END- : SO.-COAST 8 or 15 See bills LOND! bs.:---..--': -v.::.....-..i(; .......... various Seeliills 14, etc., MID-LA"NDS GO UNTIES ..„.. 2 or 5 See bills: ... . . \-.' ' The ab.ove bookings vill ; be Tlic Imprffvemeht Committee of the Hslifai Cerparatien. , continued to end of March. -are prepared to receivexTEND&RS for 'P-ULLING'DOWN Ev.i:Sat. Gheltsntiam, Bristol, ,<£c;. .......; ""5,6, 7': See bills BUILDINGSI,and :BEMOVI,NG HCATERIALS (exclusiva of Plate-glsiss) in: connectionwith the Bull Green imprcrveinent, Tickets, etc., any. time in advancb at the; L. & T. Station- in two lofe. -Plans map be seen aiid further particulars oband Town Offices, or Cook's ExcursiQn 'Office.-'.'. on application te the ?6raugh, Engineer; Town Halli . j.'j._____••• "•;____: ;- • ;; ; By: Order.. ; !" 'tained Halifstx. Tenders, endorsed "Bull Greenlinpi'ovement,.Lot ljsr"2," musli be sentto -the undersigned on-br bflfore 'MON DAY, Wth Decembisr, 1914. The Gommitteji de not Mad themselves to accept the hlfihest-or any tan'dor.—By order, from HALIFAX (Old). .'.".' PERCY SAU-Nl>ERS,'.Towa Clerk. To tOUDON (Kinfi's -Gross) on -Deci lib, for 2, 3 or 9 days; 9th, for -2,3 or 4 days; 14th and28th, for.2,5 or.8 Town Hall, Halifax, 4th December, 1914 days, depart ^Halifax 6.42 a.m. (Breakfast par Express, due OT7NTY iBOBOUGH OF HALIFAX. King's Gross? 11.30 a:j;n). . ' -: , J • • For full particulars of the above and .excursions to Hunt itfgdon, taicester, Nottingham, Peterborough, 'Eastern : : ; .BULL GREEN ..,._,,__,._. Counties, West &nd South of Englah^i etei, see bills at1 Th» Iraprpvementi'Oommittea.of the Halifax OorporatiosL^ stations and G.N.'^fflee, 44, Orown-streot,-Halifax. ..re prepared to receive THN0ERS |6r" the PDROHASE of ; _____ O. H. PlSNT. General Managers the PLATE-GLASS -from Shpps about to be Demolished W Barum Tapand Bull Green, in Two Lots. Furtker particu-'i -& A : S O.'3SF, . Jars may; -be obtained, on apj)lioation ' to the Borough, Engines, .TOWH Hall, Halifax - ' Ten4&rs, endorsed " Plata-1 Saloon, Second and Third ptes.. • Glass, Bull Green> Let lor 2,"must be s»at' ts the under* STEAMSHJiP PASSAGES. BY, ALL' LINES. siffned.'oHa^r er bafore^ONDAr, I4tb. Depsrber, ^—---— ---• TICKETS to S WITZEBLAND and. the RIVIERA. «re», ,I4tb. W14; Gbmraitte* do to accsspt the highest 24 SODTHGATE, HALIFAX, -- not bind themselVes • any Tender.-—] .'-•'• P-ESOY S1UNBEES, tl. Halifax, <ith Defflembei-, 1914. EOOMS for ONE. TWO, or THREi PERSONS at •MODEB ATE FAKES. Aipply to :Shaw, Savill and "Albion Co., Btd.t 34, TJI A I'D ; ;0'F B E-L'GIAN': IIE-:LIE"F Leadehhall-street, E.O,, and 62,, Pall M;aU;orto Wfaite Star Line, Liverpool and 1, Ooekspur-street, S.'W. .''."' ' ' - AND' ,THE -: ' •' : '• y DISTRICT ORTH PAI:"A"DE BAPTIST CH URCH TO-MORROW, Preaclier, Rev. R, -C. SLOAN, 10.3S »nd6.30. ,. __ _ __ __ PUBLIC HALL, WEST VALE, on WEDNESDAY, Decv 16th, at 7.30; "' • ;" ; By Members . Of; ftie Grirls' Pr6be€;3s; are ; for . tH« Belgian Refugees' Fund Adraissipii by Programme : Sixpence Each. may :b'e Kad from the •Programme Seore; <ii*h : ^.BM«'stdwl, 6, .Osbbrne-street, . off; any : Member of tite .Girls' Giiild ; or ;Berry j 1 Oh apelke'eper, 32, Pellon-lane. Gas Works, Halifax, 4th December, 1914. --.'. NE;W: WATERWORK:Si RU.LEg '& .SEQULATJONS. ' ';-Th*: ' iSoyland'Urbaa District Council ': :HERBBY GIVE NOTICE*Mat new Waterworks Rules and^Eegulations h been adopted, on the Iftrst-.- day. o: T- TO-MORROW i at 10.30 and 6 o'clobk,: Rev J6H April, 1915. ; and will come into : force -''-.--'." gAYTQR. Sacrament.-at 7.30. •' A Copy can be obtained Free of Charge on application at the Council Offices, Elland-road, Ripponden. Dated the 13th day of November, 1914. ' : >^' Rev. K. T. BLOICE SMITH,-.B;D. 10.30,.': The L. H. LONGBOTHAM, Solicitor and Clerk to the Council,: Window open towards Jerusalem."-,^JO,^Follow^Me." 4, Carlton-street, Halifax._____ ________•. ' ';•'•'; ___ ^-ROAI) BAPTIST CHURCH. Buy as. many tickets as you feel yoii can. honestly a-fford. There are /scores of : ; people, not perhaps so weU ;6ffi as, yoil, who '•'. '. are all doing, their; best to help the good catise. It's tip iS> you to do 'the same. • •HAPPINESS IS; 'CHEAP-PASS' ,lTvON.:; "; '-^[ , Tiokefe can be::i&iad at all prices from 6dv to i 2/6. .Buy an extra ticket and hand it on to someone who at this time cannot :.••• afford to 'share/, yoixr pleasures. -, It w^l bring delight and happiness both to them and : to you. • ,' . . ••.•:••''.' '•' ' " '.• ' EVERY BIT HELPS-DO YOUB B|T. ..»;. .' J ; . ' All the profits' gx> t6 the. War DisfireeS . , - • (Relief Ftod. ©eminence at ;7 Rev. HENRY KNOWLES,. M.A- ' 10.30—",A Baj-gain with <3od;" 6.30—" Teinptation : and iympathy." C'ommunipn>aiJterEvening Service. ' j"AT THEATBE ROYAL, Dec! 7-12. Tickets may be obtained from Mar. 0. Holden, 19, Lord-sfcreej; ; Mr. A. T Hanson, 1, W^iard'e-end ; or :the hon. se<?., Mr, 13. ''' M*gsbn, 87, ' ' Pelloli-lane. ;;('Ar^ang«il';V'by'' the', ©iris' CARTERS, HORSES AND CARTS HO'db,..Pel!bh-lanei~Open S'ONDAY, Dec. 6th, at 3.15. Speaker, .Mr. H. COWBURN. Soloist,': Miss LENA PICKLES. • Everybody \yelcome. ; ;P;E^B;AV:C[;C);q;i :E:T;-^ • " • • K-^1' • • '. ' • "": ; ' •'." • '' • -^'^=GIIEEK ;-$LAV&'V • : \.;':^-': - SUNDAY SQHOOL; LECTURE ^^ HALL, OBNT.RAL HAIL, Union-street. ; ..:., "" -ww: for :Dec.-6th, ; " The: Heavens and the Earth : The Destruction of the Old,-anc|.*ha-Creation of the New.1' Speaker, Mr. R.MA'RSDEN', of Brighouse. • Conimenoe 6.30 pan. _A11 are welcome,____ __ . ; Superfluous Hairs. Moles, &G-, by. latest Hygjenjc ,M ejibods. teavirig no sca.r& Absolute eatisfaction gB'irante^d. Adtice/ Free, ' Pee from 2/6. Doctors' """ ""'" Mtehds BENTLET'S COMMEEGIAL HOTEL,-v Halifax, - ;every WEDNESDAY, ^;3Q p.m. to 8.SQ p;m..: O;?her houis by apppihtment. ;, J HALL : "O ALIFAX. 0 TEMPERANCE : "HOTEL,: ;MOLES '• C ; H: U/R.C H. ;'' N - H[ALi^xy;:; ; --.:->•..•••.•• ' : A hearty welcome /to all. ST. PAUL'S .SPJRITIJAL GHTJRCH, C5' . . . iniay oe h/ad from MrV/Jf. W. Cbrfield!, 8; ^&'f^^'^^\\ ::: .^S/ii^ R.. Ecoles',: '21, , Gibbetfc-street; 'Mr.: 3. ;; .W. Gaiiijett, Corifeefeoner,. Lee Mount'; or the;Caretaker, I.L;P' ... MEN'S; M80C'iATlbN:-j-Ali: Milk Retailers ax* xe- !fcnstitute;v St.: jaaies'ff-siferieet. . • ' :•: • ••'•'. -^ qtieSted'to-MEET at the'SAijDLE HoTSi,; on TUESDAY, Dee .BEHINDJ^""/ 8th; at g^p-Bi.-^'. 'V ' v .< J;. W iLONGBQTTOM^ General Smith,SOWERBY•;, BRIDGE. . „„„„„.„ Matinee from :2;to :(5.v ,-Full; Star. Programme to 10.80. latesfe ,Special--.^election .*f , COSTUMES SUITABLE FOE DANQESj: foir bh« '' Boy'3 at the froi3*:rrbm 5 : 'A Tale 6t Mystery • and : Renmnbe. 'I LAHBST: WAF PIGWEES.. fO-MORROW . 10.30,Rey.:C. J. HOSEIN (Tbdmorden). , 6.30, R&V. O. PENNEY HUNT, B.A. thjs ,/'- : No matter how _ow the price may be th«< QUALITY is the BEST PROCURABLE^ - The.tcst of satisfaction is the QUALITY^, '^^O^il^^i^^^^j^^^j^ , —„,,„,., -^. v^^nff.v.^"'-" .^^^,^^.^4, :,of:;61,,years, yro•- haTe "THE ^Bb^K^mJMJmJ,'^ Demoting * -. !: revived NOTICE'TO QUIT bur;; premise^': h> WharJ-street Man's Eitr-a-vagarjice ahd'.FirLaftpiai Embarrassment On^jd;:aite^sthis;daiie^ Busijijels, will1 b'e> ^arried/fl'^at^6ur w^w tir^i^n: n.w" •'""ijip. SowERBT BaiDOB, w^h'ere we>hope : " WHAT' HAKPfiNED 'TO; SgrtJI/TZ*' •"• • '-•'• •- "Workmanship which, has SUND AY,: December ;fe.: Preacher, 10.39 andS^e, , . , REV. 3. N.; FIGSIS, Litfe E)., of the 'Community of the ' Resurrection. OUR eellection includes noveltias in style and design. WADSWORTHj I?N-Q';i-< Tlie^lpllojWiiing, Artist^) are kindly;: '.gfemg ;:,their " 'lO^^is^lGrTven^'GariJiett ^,:;G5onittf3*P, '''' Collections in .aid- of .the.Ohurch. expenses/ AU That is a question that is in almost eyerjf. mind just now. Settle the Xmas Gift Problem by deciding to give Fairs. / ; THE Mr. ;'fiERBEK,T BARRETT, (Mr, PillLIg' PIOKLESf '' Mr. WILFRED KERSHAW, | and the Choir Boys. :• ':' ;, Mr. BOOTH SBARlP, A.R:OiO.V Organist and Qhoirmaster;. , , 55/6 What shall I give for Xmas Gifts ?.•-./. 62-68, ^N or tligatey ' s o: THE PROGRESSIVE HOUSE JFOR EURS! •JL-.. •'.;.:• ..,-,'. EBENEZER, St. James's-road. Preacher. SUNDAY. 10.39 and 6 •; : R«T. R. LEE FEATHERSTONE, MONDAY; BERT eOULBEOK • Will LECTORE at 7.30 p.m. Subject— " FROM COCKLE CART TO PULPIT." 2d. 3d. "PALACE '" ' PRIMITIVE METHODIST CHURCH, X 6d. 9d. . Early Door Is. Purchased dwring the Summetr from tihie. beat' ; Ix>ndo!n : Sta^Ttfactur«rs—^ab will : be impbiSsible to repeal these a<fc t&e . :: ' with: head "Emd; tail...--..... .;;..... ..,."... v ..:l.;.- ''18/9 Muffs t6;miateli .:.... ,,.^... ; .. ...... ... .V.!t.......P 39/9 BLACK FO2d STOLES, teight glossy, ; ekins, 2 hpads ai back real bi'oelies ai ;..coidi8 :,--.,. .,..;;..;„,.;.....,,.,........,.,...;....•....,,..;.„.; '';-.63/*;. Animal Muff to mateli ............. ... 63/» CONEY SCARVES, about 2 yards l«onig a/ftd 5 iriichies vride, , .lined Sc(!tu3?rel lock .............................. 18/9 Pillow :M^ffs to ^raatKyh ...,.......:. ...',....'. .,.;... 14/9 quality PITCB STOLES, ; 4 large 4t . ffooiit wad etnid®, ' best ......... haadeome lepg^v: from. epiBciall^ __ :itneid; soft salk >............. ...... B H .62—88, : ' TT: 0;¥ S;^ : •'• •:• '. ' •:-:PE.RxuYi -. ALL;EN,.: :. :•. .-.'.;:; , ' Trade ^:ddress©s. Trade Addresses, Public Notices. 'T'HEATRE suratice .Brokar, X5,?O6in.merciai-ati-, Halifax. ..T,el. *JBB Every Requisite Ssx Office to an' Empire Typewriftsr or W'OOS, S4, Bull Green. .a,p6nB.y having ADVEKTISEME-NTB -^ . for tae Oolumns of OOU-BSBB-" (WEEKLY EDJTIOI will pieas« r " Copy in the after ,tfais . Bead if ,«ec>ejiT..eii it*' HALIFAX. CO..OKiJ&li, SATtlJttU A if. .DECEMBER 5, 1914. To be Let. Hotels. ST. JAMES'S M.I.S. 1/9. ! f^ QUNTRY BEERHOUSa', free, m*in road1, PEG VIDBNCE CONGREGATIONAL TO SCOTLAND . TO JOIN. There are people in Brighousis whe deelar* that they -~~*~. ^___ *&.' . good trade; easy ingoing and rental. Apply CHURCH. At the weekly m.eetiaiig on M'ond'ay, Dr. heard thsHeckmondwike explosion OH Wednesday. Th» Mr. Willie Stott, son of Mr, Aaitfhur rent -D'avid. .B. Nettleton, ThiQ At Home arid- eaile of wio^-k ocsooluded <m "How first impression was that it was afL " i! " -SKB, " --D-j-Bpri-lane; "-- '-'" -- -; ''iBawBon-S'treet, Halifax, Auctioneer end -Valuer, Joimes terracej JRipponden, weili known as olerk at giatuaiday. fe oaaie Ear the faeaJlifch of "'the isicJuool oMW.*' Miss seWre thunder clap. W: E. Caflvet* and Mrs. Cavort, the railway station, yesterday left the district to iniBig^onth,, Mr. Alice G-reemwood opened tbe diisic-UBisiom, arid Mr were host amd hostess, with. Mr O. To. pitevenit diseiase: Birigihousie Educiaitiori Coirijourney-to Ayr, where h© will join the Roy.al ScotJ, Alidecrson pa-esddied. . . ' A Trigg ahairraan.. The laidnee in ctbarge of toe mittee bas idecdideid to diedirifoct soboode by spray- tish Fusiliers. He is'the fourth from St; Bar- eta'lls -w«irie: Mna A. Wilson amid Miiss-S. Gal vert. CONCERT AT LUDDENDEN ing faroiailiai over .floors, and walls once im 3 tholomew's C3i,urcihi Yourig Men's Class to join the. da-apiery; Mesdiaanes Tirdgg, W.rjrah,, Robinsora andi DEAN. . - . w^eeks. This wiM cost. £10 a yeaar. : Army. Sca-tchard, .refo-iestoments ; Maai M-. Woodhieaid, A concert was given in Dean Wesleyan School The licence of the Lower George Inn, Rastrick, sweet etatl. The. ladies 'im chairgie of the supper THE CIVIL GUARD. on Saturday,- iand '-in spite of wretched- weather, was at B.rtighouse y-esterdayi transferred from J. H, , wiere Mesidiariias T. . Tutraier, Barnishaw and caoxieir, white Mlowing her ^mpkyymeoit at Brook- the room was full.. The programme was ably Greerwoiod to .Wm. Glaytonj also that of the- A few weeks ago a civil guard waa formed for 'HorefalL Monsio was .giviem by the ladies,, and a Ripponden, and twice a week, drilling took place: Md her. light given, by these friends: Soprano, Mrs,. W , L. Prince Albert Inn, Brighouse, .from. John Dysori 'bo in the Victoria EtalL With Mr. Smith (who has ketch by Missies Wooidteatdi HcildoT- a«id W,alkeir, hand oaiught in niaiGhiiii.eiry,, >amd Saville; contralto, Miss Ethel Strange; tenor ,Mr. received' his commission as lieutenant), one of tlhe and Messrs. EUlliott mid Ritehfortih,. entitled She wias 'taken. :to bl H. Thomas; baritone, Mr. H. C. Jackson.; elocu. The porOideeds for the two diays, imaaiters at the Grammar School., and a member of £47 17®., wieffie.Friday'-si 'meeting: of tihs.- r;Sfeind'and - Wesleyan tionist, Miss Hilda Sbarff; accompanist, Mr W. L. foir the ctonah, .and district'r, ireGIFTS .FOR .BfaiGBOUSE, DISTRESS. the O.T.O., the members received thorough instrucYoung Mien's -Society was "Aniigkt with the -.poets." Saville (all of Halifax); humorist, Mr. Cecil Rey'-,.... , , , The weekly meeting of the Brighouse Distress tion, and developed love for the work. Lately, Idef fumd.1 . nolds (Bradford). Local Relief benefited to the ' . _ North Bridge^end:;: quiet, cente^ sheltered Eev. W. Outlibert .piresidedPEOVIDENCE CONGREGATIONAL GUILD. WitJi tihis of £14 a very fine result from a remote Oommittee was held on Thiirsday^ the Maycxr .{Aid. however, the number has fallen off. ppation^r-Inquirei NoV-3.; ; -:' > -> "./ X ! '< ;' ' '' Mr. Thomas H. Qrossley: suibmitted a paper to thV extent R. Thorn'fcon^ pireaiding. 'A letter wias read stating state before them^ and with the probability of On Thursday, in substitution for her son, Mr. E. L '. • • ' ' H!olyweUGa-eenyciiang'..Men^8 Society at Friday's and sparse population; ' , : , that tike National Fund Committee were forwarding busin'ess men and others, not eligible to join the FisherrSmith, who is undergoing military training • U.M. "AT' HOMES." ; v . raeeting on " England' s."opp'<srtu.niitby' for tiiie world's » atiaoa, also wellfUghted' jwa^h-kitchen; 19s. six. cheeses, tferee cases of canned salmon, and 12 ranks, diegiring to fall in, a meeting was held on Lady Fieher-Smith gave a naost interesting-, lantern commeree." .The dhair was^dccypied by itfie presi- s To 'Augment church furidSj, .the United Metho- saplcs of potatoes for distribution in Brighouse. Monday in the Victoria Hall, to put the body on lecture upon a tour in the United States of somo four pxonthly oleajr.-t-A'P-piy .Lewis dent (Mr. J. W. Barkea-). , : 'diiste .on .Wednesdav, opened a, series-of At Homes' Tlhe secretary reported tihaifa the . National Fund a proper footing. Mr.,E. W. Orossley, J.P., pre- months' duratioiij which, albng with Sir George and in St. James's School, whdcih was nicely arranged stood at' £92.4 1^. ,10d.,, and the Local Fund sided _T!here W!as a representative gathering. It her son 'she took in summer this year. Omitting the ' «!0«^Ka!3i.--..t^t^eSaF. .bedrooms*; -iB -garden; -yery for 'the Occasion. Mr. arid Mrs. John AJdersori £1,236 12s. 3d. The expenditure^on the former was decided to call a further meeting and appeal more hackneyed places such :as tha Eastern cities, the SOCTET¥'8' ; EFFORT. . : Teal, Crown-st Tne concert^ which formed had been £236' 4s. 7d., and. on theMatter £213 " ;widier supporib. Cbrs. B. Berry andi E. Orow- slides were devoted to the distant wonders of nature The Musical, Society members are busy rehears^ received1-.the guests; in the South-Western and Pacific States. Interesting ' It was announced tihat the Mayoress's iher Were elected on the executive. ing. for ; a special e'ifjfort wMoh they are making on thie .chief attraction, .wias .contributed by .the choir, 17s. 2d. slides were shown of the Grand Canyon of Arizona, .. garden, behalf _ of f,tJi6-! local; -waa?' fund. They will probably who gave glees; by Messrs, ,F. Whiteleyi W; Alder- Belgian Refugee Fund totalled £223 7s. Id.; £3 , RECREATION CLUB. perhaps the most remarkable freak of nature in the jga£a.ge.i-^leriie3iit Lloyd, . George-square. only give ibis one 'concert this season "The Mes- son, J. W. Pickles, and James Mifcchell, who gave 10s. fead been exipendted'^^ during itfie p«isib week. The members of the Zion Congregational Church world. It is an enormofls assure in the earth a mile GATE, Savfle Park; imme siah," on Dec. 20. An invitation is being given songs; by Messrs. H. M. Greenwood and WiUiarri Young Men's Recreation Club, Ripponden, held deep, 13 miles wide,; and 230 miles in dia,te I?... Farrax, to outside vocalists to help and many already Patrick,, who recited; and by. Mr. W. H:'.Wilde-,, iheir aririual tea, concert, and social on Saturday, length, the sides being practically perpenTh® .ariri-ual meeting of the Brighouse arid Disthe accornpianist. Several took part ,m iihe sketch, 'have promised to give assistance* trict Licensed Victuallers' Association was held) on when 220 persons had tea. Mr. Miles Wadsworth dicular. From thencs to the orange groves and "The Misfortunes of Mr. Wiseacre."'. ' ' .-. Halifax, excelHe charming cities of the Pacific Coast and through the ' WESEEJYAN' MISSlONAiRY SEE^VICSBS. Thursd'ay, Mr.. T. H. Hughes presiding.' Mr. W^ presided over the subsequent proceedings. Thursday evening was set apart for children. 'A W.o., ete; rent'JB16,. ;Yosemite Valley with its enormous sequoia The annuia! missionary festival waa heldl on Sat- number' 'of tihem, trained by Miss -E. J. Piatariek> Briggs^, the . secretary, in his aririutal ' report, said riaentioned that nine young men connected wi'fji the wonderful p..G-aines,. 63, Rhodes-street; were serving their 'country. They were trees, incredibly old, a healthy specimen of 8,000 years . ui'day. /.evening, Cor. F. Holroyd. J.P, (Elliand);, who accompanied, appearedin the operetta, "This that the accounts showed a favourable balance of club of those who had. answered the country's of age, were pictured. The Yellowstone Park . wias VILLAS, 'Sowerby Bridge; drawing, presiding. The annual report was submitted by Doll's House Party. V Taking part" were." Misses- £35 Os. lid., compared with £37 Is. 8|d. ^ last proud with its boiling, springs, sulphur mountains, kitchen, wash-kitchen, four bed- the.'Bey. H. T. Oapft (Greetland;).; iHe announced! Annie , Picklea, Eyeiyn. .A'lderson, -S. A.. - Webster, year. He thought .that this record was satisfac' call. Their names were: Privates A. McCor- Visited^ water and mud geysers and other curiosities of nature's mick, Hugh Ballantyre, Joe Whiteley, Albert HolLiberty'Jan.*!. Apply ' 2;-' that the total GO'lleoted was about ifihe same as last M. A. Goggs, L. Goggs, Emiily AlderHpn, : Lena tory, taking into account the heavy exiperises which royd). Waiter Marshall, Roland Hey, Charles Hit-' wierd checiicallaboratory. Then over .the Canadian rooms, yeiaT.j, The diepiutation was. iihe Bev. J.: Stainer Pipfcfes, E. Midgley, F. Alderson, Cora Patrick, G; included- a donation, of £20 to th© local Distress chen, Joe Riley, arid Willie Hey. The secretary, border to Vancouver and across the glorious Rocky He congratuil.ated the members upon the fry on ground, floor,, facing Vfillcinison. wiho haidi spent, 'five, yeaiis da missionary Kershaw, R. H; Whitaker.'D, Rushtea, C/ Pickles, fund. An Mountains, those towering giants which dwarf even Mr. A. Simpsori, gave a eatlsfactory report, 'The work in 'lndia.r ;.:.' ". '.. >'. " ..' '. ' . ';; ^..^.;- D. Kersjhaw'. B, Fawliiirop, and .'H, Alderson. good conduct or their 'hoiises, only one imember excellent the Swiss Alps in their sublime majesty. The slides enteortainment .was given byhaving 'beeam conjvicted! dtiriasr &Q year.; The mem' MINISTER LEAVING.' aieties," comprising Misses E. Greenwood, M. were doubly interesting in being all from Kodak snap...... ,. ^OTTAGE To: Let in country; bership was 58, as against 55 at th* comime.nce- Jackson, MasPn, R. Arundel, and Messrs. shots, and full of the personal touch. Lady Fisher wdnrfcer terms, 5s. 6d. weel£ly; help if needed:; The pastor of Booth Congregational Church, Kev, There was a* inoderate attendance at tKe weekly of the year.. Mir. T. H. Hughes was elected A. Niphiol,P. L.A. Wadsworthv J. W. Smith mentioned quite a number of "might-have^- -i - 'Write'A33,;Courier Office. ,: \ meeting1 ' of ' -the Diaily Exrenita. C?lub. 'Stainlaaid', <yo. Harri Bev'ap, has been offered, and has 'accepted, the men* president, Mr. W. * Briggs; seofetar^, : andi Mr. R. Broadbent, and tX Mrtchell.-J. Normanton, been " accidents .in the trip. The identical train " The National Anministry pfRotchfordj near London. Coming to LET, No. 17, HEATH-AVENUE, now in Fifidaiy erenang; wifoedtt the EBT. ;Jl : Gr. MoKenzie, Waring; "treasurer. It- w®a decided that no of the Allies ' blosed the enterta.inm'eriti on which the party travelled to Arizona was Booth in October, 1906, as successor to Key,. Geo. dinoer should' be e. occupation of , Edward Marsden.r- Write M.Aj, i,-.,, HoilyweE Groen,. subiaitted a this year. Messrs. J. W. and A. Simpson accompanied the derailed-the following week and badly smashed, several Huttley (pastor 19 -years), stpd after the Ipf8ce.had beeu on ''Muefzsieilbid.". . '. .A giood dasoaeeion ^Q'S for' appointment fed view. Tele. 14D3. singing and afterwards supplied music fof dancing1. persons being killed. Another ytrain on which they vacant over a year, he maintained a'ifair .limbunf of taken part in several members. i . Anrtfcbur ' ' '!LET, 2 .HOtJSES^now^Jn, one), 4 and 5, Messrs. C. arid E. Simpson Were M.C.S. Prior were travelling was derailed, but owing to the fortunprosperity in trying circumstances. Boisith; like many The sale of Work, opened at St. John's Church, fact that -it was slowing up for a station, the a<ne, . Hoilnifield, known as " Suaxny R. 'Sihia'w' (piresitieirit)': was iri the chair. other country places, suffers from the outflow into trick, on Friday afternoon, was continued on Saturday, "jo the entertainment prizes for the best cricket ate CONCERT AT SALENDINE NOOK. the oid\cottage and giardens adjoining. townsj and the remarkably fine church and buildings, when Mr. D. Turner performed the opening ceremony, averages were presented to Messrs, F; Hello-well passengers-escaped with nothing worse than a savers' & Sons,, 'Estate' Agents, , Holmfield , A jepnoert was.'held on Saturday: in the Salendiae once thought necessary, have for some time been more with Mr. Clay as chairman. This year the yeting men batting1, R. Brpadley bowling, and Sv Whiteley shaking. The coach pit which the party travelled through l^osemite was held up by bandits a week later fielding. ; ' " ' than adequate, Mr. Sevan revived a waning N>pfcBaiptist School, ik aid of th«Poplar andBromley had ao stall, but they contributed £10; The proceeds UOtTSE &' SHOP, 59, and all the passengers rifled of irieney and jewellery. enthused the school, formed oh the jSrst day were £i4 J3s. 6Ad., and oa Saturday £48 21, Gladstone-road; to. let or sell,^24, Tabernacle. Mr. J. Wilfrid Shaw presided over a good congregation, REOEUITTNG' AT BISHWORTH, Added to these was the further excitement of getting brotherhob'd nearly six years ago, in 12s. 5|d.; total £91 is. Madame Hetty Sykes gave an artistic selec- a ^'Apr>lyJ. Bentley, ' ''' 8, Central-street, attendance. A irLeeting to 'stimulate recruiting was .held1 on home at the outbreak of war,, bertha being difficult to tion of songs. ;Her "Summer night" wftsaicel j? sung. several directions improving the outlook, A WelshCHILD'S DEAZTH. Monday in the Baptist School, Rishworth,. Ccr. obtain. The liner tookaa extreme northern course to Mr.'Charles Haigh had, two popular songs in " Tba man, gifted with all a Celt's imagination, he has ,.. BLALEY -HILL, good! House & Shop,..newly Trumpeter " and; " Friend 0' Mine," and secured a. preached with much ability, enriched with remarkable Mr. E. H. Hill, coroner, inquired into th* death of 3. Rv H. Wiheelwright. J.P., presiding over a large avoid marauding German cruisers. Aldi L. Calvert * . p.ain\tedi externally, formerly neweagenit and well-merited encore, v The duet's, "The moon hath illustrations. .. He hasjheld many offioes;, ho has been atteridanpe. Supporting him, 'besides the, chief presided, and Mr. Louis Trigg operated the lantern. iMobieoojnistj suit almost any trade;1 district tihickly raised her lamp ",and " Tenor and Baritone," by president of the Halifax Christian Endeavour Union, Harry Teala, fitter, 4, Alegar-street, Clifton. The ia speakers, were Ccr, O. Whiteley, Lieut. Smith, Sir easy rent. -Apply Lewis Teal';' Crown-st. Messrs. C. Haigh arid H. Lseming, ware (squally sue* and president and secretary of Ludderideh FP6t arid quest was Held in the '.Clifton Parish Council Room. i Messrs. O.'W. Oroesley, and S. S. Barrett. ^ ' .- . . .:,PELLOH. .. ..-.';. '": ' ' Mr. Herbert Leearing had a satirical comi Mythofmroyd Fre® Church Council; meinber of Hali- Lilian Teale, mother, stated that since an attack of G, Fisiher-SrriKh, who- had a tousing reception^ near Queen's-road,, Hopwood- cessful. fax St. David's Society, he spoke with fbrcs, at the pneumonia, six months ago, the Child had enjoyed good gave & thoughtful address. He pointed out that lan«:;; convenient through house-;; parlour, ment upon the music hall soag ia" The Art of S A .SUCCESSFUL EFFORT. three bedrooms, w.o.; 29s. writing;" while his .dramatic recital" Lasca," ,,.«, last annual meeting/ Able;^i6h p«tfa1so^h® iias writ- health. On Thursday morning, while playing OB the should Gerrirany perchance invade this country, given with . all the necessary expressieaSi He ten stories and poems, and the latter havei^appeared in floor, heigayo a scream. She picked him up and he the Bame, or perhaps worse, treatment would be |)gir-'moriith clear. Apply, 150, Queen's-road.; The financial result of tihe sale of work organised: earri«d.:sev8ral encoresi ; ' r V ' ;" ; * ; our columns from time to time. A native of Msh- died Within a few minutas. Dr. Somartiilei, wl»e had oaeted out to__ us 'as was given Belgium ; it by Pellon Biaptiet friends at the cloise of the first i'7jj Bedford-street;.; 3 bedguard, he was trained at Brecon College j and Cardiff conducted a ppst-mprtem examination, said that th6 fore behoved every young man to answer the call diay was £41 The sale wasi reopened on SaturMARB1AGE: JOaNSTONE AEEOYD. -andi ihot waier throughout ; rent ::'. University. His prior pastorates have been Newport, child was well nourished* but ill-developed. In hia of duty, and do his share by strengthening thp day, being children's day, and the platform promontfi. dapital WAREHOUSE, B^fordThe wedding was solemnised at Holywell Green ExmouthjAllerton, and Goodmayles (Essex), o^inipci death was dtie to convulsions brought on by forces, to naake victory more certain arid quicker; S£fc by^ 15ft. Apply ';N©ttfetori^'" teething troubles, and accelerated by th« weak condi- Mr. Stansfeld, JJ*., also made -a robust appea] for yided a pretty feature for the large laudience that . om nirBdiay. of ; 'Mar. vB. Th© presiding lady was, Miss Alice Andrew (Roy) Johnstone, second eon oi' the late Revi tion of the lungs; -The jury returned a Tat-dipt in men. Rawson-gtreet, Halifax. Bernhardi, he said, stated frankly that assembled^ __ acoordanes with this evidence. Germany wanted War against England, because Greaves, who though only a little girl filled heir , KOUlE, 6, O^nce-strieet, 4/11 week W.-*3 ohnstotfe, wke' was: for 16 years pastor of the above The prayer was taken by to Miss |STellie Afcroyd, second daughter of she stood in their waf. They were determin©4 part - very creditably. clear; House, 8;, Smitih-street Nbrtih, Range church, REJOINS THE COLOURS. Akroyd', James-strest, Holy well Green. The they possibly could, to get into /this couritry; Miss Barbara Riley; and Master _ A. _ 'E. Fawrar fc, 2/g weekly; Cottage, 17, Snaitli'sicouri:,' Mr. Jesse Ccr, C. Haxby, one of the Labour members of the if was coBducted by Rely. J. 6. Mckenzie, M.A.^ on§ of their first >moves would be the manufactur- diecliaaredi the sale open in a spjlendid litblei speecib* inige Bank, 2/ weekly. Apiply Holden, Accoun- service B.D. (pastor), assisted by Rev. W. Johnstone (Bristol^ The ;furierial took place pri Saturdiay; ' IB St. Brighouse Town Council, has rejoined tha colours. ing diBtricts hlce the West Riding. Ccr, A vote of thanks was spoken to by Master Clifford brother of th® bridegroem. The bridej who was given Mary's Oslrietery, Ludidierideri, of Mr. Sirn'feon ;Park, Formerly he was a sergeant in the East Biding Regi- bottom mentioned that in Sowerby Bridge Jowett,and Miss Gladys Webster. Su^portinig the HI(^HFIELI)-TERIKA 5Es Parkinson-lane;, 2 away :by her Brother, Mr. Harold AkPoyd, was attended Hiailifax-lane-bottoim, ja late meniber of Halifax ment, and has been granted his former rank. Since were rather backward at first, but be was .glad to friends on tihe platform were the children of th© > liaise kitchen and; scullery on one by her sister, Miss Fib. Akrqyd, as bridesmnid. Rev. TOWB. CSouinoil, who died pn Nov.:26. There were joining the Brighpuse Corporation, Cor. Haxby say 202 men were now training. noticed primary department, of the Sunday school, who , batli, &o;; rent £28; inimediate W. Davies (Sheffield) officiated as best num. Mr.and many evidences of the 'esteem iri which :he had been has been a most painstaking member, and. Ripponden had sent about 80. andi heHehoped Satardlay's' takings the slang1 the opening hymn. hia services have been highly appreciated . Utley, Hebbleth'W.ai'te ' ' and Utley, '' 10, Mrs. Johnstone have been the recipients fef, very many held,, a large- number of -'old firi;ends .and colleagues by Other member*. In point of years he number would fos dpubled before lori'g.-f-Ccri amounted "to £41 4s. 7d., so iihait tihe total for the presents. They will reside at Tlrisley, o>arK§|iaEeld. ,attenidirig to pay a last tnbuite. 15ie choijr of Sfc was the youngest member. At the election of Mayor' ShackletPn, Halifax^ thought- the war would save two diays was1 .£82 6s. 7di., and the promises of 5 ' . . ; Rsv> ^ Johnstone, tueationed above, is : pastbr of a O LET, QPLEY DENE , six reception rooms, GoBgregational Church at Bnisfcol. Belag ' aaxf 0os to jam\es'a /tTvM. CSiureh. imoluding, Bearly, 30 pei?- on Nov. 9, he was one who supported the re-election of the country an eriormous sum annually by reduo- pear cent. :mad!e by Aid' A.. Fiawcett. .bffisrxi rox>m, kitchen, ofSces, four bedroom^ assist his, country, he offered himself as a chaplain, but sona, walked at tbe, head of the' prpoeSHkun. ,iri Aid. Thornton to tha mayoralty, arid on that occasioa tion of armariients, which was bound to . followt '..' : WOMAN'S DEATH: INQUEST. the; cemetery chapel .they, sang, conducted by Mi.; he paid a glowing tribute to the work accomplished by Comparing; the influence of German demooratio re, and* atisuaa; larero, gar dens and tennis there being no vacancy h» joined the Army as An inquest was held on Wednesday, in tli© InA., 13. Pickles,., " O God ;ousr help ia, ages< past," ««id Messrs. Huntrias. and Huntriss, Hop- His <9xaraple:was foUowed worship during the two strikes that Brighouse presentatives, hev had heard it feaid, at an interla,: Ms by 'Met. E. H. HdiU, Tespectiag the-deiaftlht ''"' '' at the gr4vesidie, flie beautiifpl^ hymn,'' " VfcSey of bis wood Hall, Halifax. . .'. -..." ' ' ; .' ' ^ congregation. "- ' '.' ''.; ' many' joung m«ji want through a while agov It is most anlifc*ly that tha riatibnial coriference, than on« English representa- fiiiiniary, of Mary (29) wife, of Thos. Hy. Coarrigi&n, , . Eden." . The- seryices were > ROOMFIELD,'* Mansion & 'groimds, divided ' '' oonduote^ ' "' % Rev. ' ' H. Town Council will take action to declare the seat vacant labcwirier, 29, Moumt Peilooti. The husibsund said man said it ; didri't matter whether ! he was under but how ths Labour Party will act is not sure. In . .... ... .. . _. .... for ea-ltabfe tenants. To view plans and ; parhad had medioaJ. attecnitiijon -fidar initfsnial piain®. 01" MB. JOSEPH BOOGSCM : The famiily njourriers were : Mm Park ', (widow), some quarters it is thought that ths officiala of the the Eaiser or King George, send him to Germany she £>. apply Scott and Bagna-11, ArcMtectSj - 2, 24 a dcncitoor was oailed, ftnd on his Mr. and .Mrs.- John Wiaddiagfeo, (Sbwerby BridgeV party ha,v» hia resignation already in hand te present a bit. ^Cbr. H. A. Lumb, proposing thanks, men- On Nov. Portland-place. Unique Building; Plots for sale eihe was iremnoveid to the Infirmiairy on till© on the Estate; ; ' ''"' brother-in-law and si&ter),; Miissi F. Gibison i(niece)y or withdraw as they deem best.i Perhaps if Cor. tioned that Rishworth was considerably below the advice 2 6th.- Dr. Gedldfe, semicKr hotisie surgeiori, said EM3RIiiERLy OF HOLYWELL Mrv .and' Mrs. Gflavtpn (biotlieir-m-law aridl/sisterj, Haxby were allowed free choice in the matter: he average of 7 per cent, for i the couritry for recruit Mars. Conrdgaji on adani0siijoin was suffering from LET or SELL, efearaningly situated Residence Mr. Wm." and Mr; Fred: Waddingtori: (bro^ersHm- would immediately havs resigned, for he is nd ing. ' Rishworth had riot sent 1 per .befit..,- frut he inteiriijail hemoririhiatg>e. This oonitin.u.e'd two daiys, It is. with regrBi! w& record; thd death of '• * known as LONGROYD HALL, Ras*rick, to) r Mr, and Mrs. Young Gibson (bf other-ia-liaw1 believer of honouring service in the breach ; and it boped the figure Would now be increased.r- Ccr ,it_ was thouigiht necossiaary to hay© a slight g^liheir wififau 39 acres of grass land and plantations, Joseph Hodgson, of &, St. Be^ans-road, Skiroo^t liaw; arjd sister},,; Mr. and Mars. Cleigg (nepihew and niecel, may be that the Labour Party will take the same G. C. Hewitt, as secretary of the committee to formerly of BOblywell GreenV m. Ttoeirie w«ne edigns of a septic b f Apply 'tedgaS" Woodcock, Estate Agent, Mafket- Green,. -Halifax, Mr. and Mrs. John P,ark (riephew arid- aiece) , MrS. course. No doubt the political armistice arranged for meet .the .employers, said L he .had repUes -peaoefiuJily.; Blaeding < eitopped, ( but 'she.- did' not etreet, Huddersfield. H'arjriaon, ;' Mrs/, ; Lister,, M*^, ;Jack»oii. the November elections, would hold good in this efase. ©very employer :. Saying everyone who .enlisted pnpvie. The question of a second op>6nation advanced age of 84^ yearsi Mr. O LET, 4, HIMHFIELD-TERRACE, Parkin- confined to; bed. for about a, fqrtnagiht, the loause of would be reinstated ' after -the close of ; the war ; Mrs,, Joe HarrisOn! (niece),; Mr. iand Mrs; r BETHEL. SALE m WORE. brofugiht up beoaue© of ioxtestiniaJl trouble, but ' '-* son-larie; good, convenient house, bath, w.c:, death being senile deiay; , Deceased had resided Messrs. 3. W. Wheehmg'ht and Co. said a notice owing'to her weak coiidiiiiofQ tJids ; was thought iin* , Mi1.' and. Mrs,. Jphm Mjifohell, Mr; ^nd Tlhe^ lamnual sale of woffe•-in cp>nneotion witih, ithe to this effect had been posted in their mills some femall garden; pleasant position;'immediate pos- for two or tihree years at Skiircoat Green, with Ms Mrs.. J. W, W;addiiigtoin ^ (neplieiws; arid niiiecesjj Mrsi She di&d' on Nov. 30, at noon. A ' ' ., Church, Brighouse, was v held last time. -The: Chairman intimated that ; Rishworth' s : sesson., Rent £28. Utley, Hebblethwaite .and Maqkrilf, Shell/ where he' was in much ,Bemie% .' ' ..' Misa 'Gibsbn,' Mi;; Geo. On Saturday the pperiinig peremony population was almost 900,, : and 7 per cent, of Waterhottse^street, [Uiley, respect by hisneighbours. He was a wonderfully Gibso'n (iiiece vand n6ph'iew), Mra. Oddel, ,MrS, GcabganigtneiniCHUS effeuts. Thieire was- also iperformed:' iby Ccr. G. Sugdieri, -vrath; Cor, T; He appealed for that iium'ber at .tree, M*& Miller, Mi-.- arid Mrs.;H. M. Greemwood., iBa|ri^t^iri ithe eh: air,. while OIL Monday Cor/ J.; that wa^ 63, IOOD FAMILY HOUSE To Let from Jan. 1, active man,:arid. when the weather was at all fit, TO-pfttiiria Thiese had caused dfeatK A l.east to be raisedv At this .'stage "it traps^red1 arid;'Mr'g.: m aoctotFdariLoer-wo/tin.'thais was r"eter!nied. ' 1915 ;j quaet < s%t'atiom, B'ea»r People'a:;Park andi was tp,'be seen out taking1 a. walk alptt "'" " " ~' '" " J4P-: ;-depl;a*ed;!' -the ealev.operi,' that a wouridedi soldier, a visitpr tp; the dastriot, ' ;who Bil will bei f ^andK drawing-rooms,; s^c^iririaiik' 1 "'' Tie 'pro- who :hsd been m the thick of 0e' fii^h'tarig ^froin -"-'"•• flporvample '. :hi^ and' , prnmericemerit of^ the^war to Yprefi: :.wtlieii -hie nanie m^s| be;vkno^wii;; in abadft evety jtousehold. Patrick, .. ' ; ••: received the worincl duririig1 a 'bayonet chargie, ~ was the^ -'oh'pir, aoted' :as '' bearers1. A'teo' Hei^t/ne was : /erj? ' tauoh . isBspeotedi ! flrid: MB Wiaternouse-street. A rorisinig cheer• ^sa'; given him, arid he. ';' J. memory will ^linger green! for many a ye^ar. Bora were : Or, Eli These passed, 'away at hiis -residieride, Bradmoor, received congraftulatTOns MHJL BANKV WEBLtffcAN. ;M.I.S.'V ? : /. '/ frorii a large number. (,S-eoii6ta.ry;)fi .. ia 1830 at Bggleston Abbey, near' Barnard ; Castl0j Nibholr.'-and Ker Brig-house,, , -after » , toag .Hlv Me. T Radcliffe (president) presidied 'over a Shops r Off ices, andWarehouses. ,pa' /Nicwr.. .-; ..''-SO., '..-' .Mr.'-'. -CSwwrl**:'1 ,- HoHin.g- "Rishwotth and Ryburji "?allev; ban1? played, and large it *?M be ;seeri that Mr. 'HodigiaQD has lived- under -&haW-,; irep.resenJtiin .Ludldendieri Foot Tradesmen's ,Asriaeeting on Monday, when a paper was read1 the,, meeting kept : a -good pitcK of four Sov^eoreigris, George I^., Queen Vietoria, Kiri'^ of whieJi Mr.' Park wag brie.of 'the Deceased,-;, who 'was J 'in" his 0.4 Worde Once, 6d.; 3 Times, I/-; 7 Times, 1/9.. Edwiaordj, aaid our poresehi King1. 'apg .men adjourned to the" iriqiriry-room; '-pec/of by Mr ^F. Batespn on "The split in -the progresOn earning, ;tb loiinders. year, _,was . extremely wedl-fcriowa. Sa came sive. vote," A good discussion wa^s taken part ^ tt. -.'.- ••. .; .-"..;-. v J: W* Hooson (<^airnaari) r arid; Mr.- John tp Bfighouse 3)§ yeiars: togdy workin-g as a dyer, but FLOOlt ROOM in Waxelious^, Port- live- : in ; Hoiywell Green, h& ;waa employed :by in"...by.-., tie President,, Messrs. J. Sunderland, F. Messrs. Jrio. Sihaw .& 'Son*,, Ltd. f 'Brookroydi Mills, Cwabtree, rep/tesentiriig Luddenden Buirtal Board; later established a> fent :shop. in Eipg^street^ to lanot-street. 4pply 65, Clare-rpad. Wolfenden, S. Berry, G; Barker, W, Lumb, and; ''. Heliwell, : 'and-. Wm;.' :T^tterTCor!ffii.y which he wholly applied , himself . - Deoeaisedt waa others. OtJK-UP SHOP^ workroom, light oeUar, la, as fooremaji joiner. AJtogeifcher^h© niusst. have been is for Warley Ward of HMifiax T/owri twice niar^ed, and leaves thiree children tp: .inourB I ; reduced renti^r-Eey next' door., ,.- with Messrs i Shaw's, fully 50 years^ and he only retired when ;he had reached 70- ears of age. ^ Mesfersi. : J!'. Grumraeijfe, arid;: Thos. Fielding hisi loss. ' ; - ; ' '. ', ,-v'y" ....... ';'.". " ' ; . . '- .'" '" : ' . ;, OOD Light SHED, Cellar, and 2 Rooms at There is a. lasting' testimonial to ';:th& excellent (Luddenden Foot II. M.) ; Mr. SaBa Murfeiatrpyd (ari N&T '( WANTED^: ; ' > Cor!. Harison presided over the large audience BESLE STTlAIGtHT Hasscm, : Adelaide-street.. craftsmanship of Mr. HodgSOH in Congrega- old! colleague on Watley District Council), Ccr, J. At the irieeting_, on Tuesday night, 'Cors. H. : A. which assembled in St. Mary_'s School on Monday T*he rrieiebirig of the Braghofuee,, Auxiliary Lumb. J.P .'. (cihaiirmari), j. Siykes, J, Hplroyd, W. evening:tp hear Miss Relf give the fourtih, lecture: Tekphone '254. tional Church. Messrs W. Gaukroger {Midgl.ey'),.Mri 'E,. N.aylor, of: ih® Britieh amd .F«redgn. Bible Society,., wias H. <>awsiliaw, E. OrpwthW, ; J./BoPiiih,; C. ; Whiteley, Pf her series. The subject was "The requirements Sevan (Booth), J. Whitaker (Ssw/erby);, and hnwO WAREHOUSE'S, Ghurch-street, Elknd ; ' " '' * ''' held in the Coumicoil Chikmheo: on^ TTieis,day, Rev. and F. Holroyd were presenfe. ; Arising^ from a of yourig ! children. " As the lecturei1 proceeded^ Jt House, Cbp ley -street, Halifax; rent 3s: ,3<f. executed under Mr. Hodgson?s suj>eririfeendeno&. Mr. Thos. -Craven. * . ....,. ., . . The church was;, built by Messrs. Berij; Edwards The csoffin, of carved wadriscot,' oak, R. P. WMttiitigiton (vksao*}, ; presdidiiflig. : He was refer enpe to the recerit fire at Broad Holliris _'Farm, it ;became very clear to -the audierice that a childi week. - Beaumont, "" .B.roomfi-eld. .Elland. ' ' unpoEtsJied' ' '''' siipported by" the Mayor, R0y' A. B. MJaee, amd wMch/the wateir irisipector ait-tended with appliances, is not "a sriiall adult." Miss_ Relf proved very O LET. g.imp2oVis'fcer-la;ne ; £13 8s. 6<f. and Sons, of Holy well Green, ©ne of the sorisr .Mr. other®. -Mr. J. W. Thoiuipison's- aririuiai Kej ' .'" ' - ;': ; . .SIMEON FARE, he suggested notice-boardis be , fixed puteide places conclusively that certain principles? underlie the clear- ; posgessiou December 1st. Apply Hol- Alfred, marrying orie^ of Mr Hiodgsori's daughters; siaid' Mr ;Heiaiey and Mr: O. R. JoHiison had 'Born June 6, these .appliances are kept. , It was; deci- feeding of-Children., .and that'some of the 90,0.00 iden, Accountant, Crown'Street. ; . ; When the deceased was resident in Holywell ,sigii id -as .vioe-priesaideriite lie^ving tiKe dastiiot.'.. To where Green, he was devotedly attached to the Congfe... " -; . . .Died; . Nm r 2 .. . . to have a %& m;ade to hpld the :apj)liarice^ infants under one year, who d"ie each year, mig'ht their; plaoes had fee&n ietl^bted AJid. Stqcks- aand ded ABG.E. ROOM . To; . Let, 44, Corporalioii-street,, gregational Ohoroh, .BEe'was miade ,a^ life die fixed on ttihe wall iri the (pburicil's- yard at Dysooi' bf saved if these princaples.were better understood Floral remembrarioes were sent as, foHow: In dor. B^ttoriiliey, Th&.ifliiC!Oinie. w.a® ^girowing; suitable ariy" trade. ' Taylor', H,azelhurst, Sow- of -the' church,, and; for tfhe long pesipd of Mrj Steadi was thianked for kindly flow- and acted ; upon. . .Questipris were asked at the riiiemory frdm his dear wife1 ; frpiri John; be..dieniM that 'dieiiiariids ;upoih ferby Bridge. years he was superintendent and teiaeher 'ia the Emily,; Young, and family ; Mrr and -Mrs: .Clay ton;; It oonl:di ..not ppnclusiori 'of :&« lecture, arid Miss Relf dealt fully ' Cihrifejtiiaai 'pJoiMte becomue ginaaiter, ' but ing tthie appliances; to be kept at his office' with the same, • , ? :: '-. ' ;" .;"''.. ,'- ; ;; : .,;.;':.': . '".;or Warehouse, well lighted, 280 Siinday ScBxjoL . On his retirement from the Church arid congregation, Luddienden U.M. C. ; the' wi<>rid-wiidie Work >of ' 'that TEIE' CJOMfN^ OF THE CARS: MOTOR-BUSiES . yds.^near Horton-street^rent £25; more superintendency ,he was the Eeoipiemt <sf a beau- choir, . St.. .James's H.M.C..;. MrJ" and Mrs; Clegg; tha __ «Mi'Ordty ' '.:::: ^WESLET^N;SIJ3SfDAY.S^ :7 : • shouid appeal. Lasit ' year riinie millioii, REPORTED SOOUTED. ; arranged if required. Apply Greenwood tiful illuminated address, the text of this read- Lesliei; and :Mrs. HorsfaH (Allerfprd,. 'Somerset); Society thyeSoriptote^;; were published, an inA concert' wias prorrioied on "Saturday, by seaioir TJhe Cfek reported receipt, of a copy of lie ,Deal-stre rfc,. off Churcht-iStre^i, Halifax. ing: "To Mr. Joseph Hodgson. Dear Sir, ^Wev The trustees Warley CJpugh P.M.O> ; L'uddenden copiies of of o-V'Sr one riiiUdori, ',aai'd ; juist-d<)fublie the .agxeeriient;between the Council and Halifax Cor- scholars varid childiren., uinder the direotiori of Mrsi. »REMlS'ES,in Portland-street, recently 'occupied the soholars, teachers, and superintendents, of the Foot and Di'stridb Tradesmen's . Association ; ;Fr'o'm"' ;Of ; 15 yoars. ' k©o.; ; - The ; 'S ig'aird : ;;to; trains, ctwning into the i*red Biroadberiit, '^° -"'M' spiecially trained m : . ; by Labour Exchange; also Warehouse and Holywell Green Congregational Sunday Sohool, bi-otheor.'FEed,,. and famfly. • ':-., - . in 4'66 .disitinct forms of epie'ech. ,T!hie ' ,He had gprie 'parefnlly tihrough M Mr. Eli B^tterwor'th . (Messrs.! Eli .Aldersoii:, tod income for i the year /Wats , £275,447, 11, :vVeymou.th-street.^A:pply Carter, desire' to: express'^ our grateful th^ftks. ofv.the feitih^ compared 'it; withi the 'forriier/ -orie, and. found ful service .you have rendered; as; teacher 'and siiiper- Co., Luddend'en Foot) was--, the undertakerj ;£275,298.-T-The . he wiaiS .very OPowell House, Powell-street. ' ''' ' them exactly alike. ,- ' .Cer.. ;3;o*)ff3i said. ,;he i^as m intendent for the long period of 32 years. ThrougE-^. of ?; the ; ; v>Silitiia.bIec' thai ' iSociety had ,. giv'eri to .tinderstajnd by; ia:\meriibeT of >ih|BVT^pwii T ARGE FRONT ROOMS To Let"over Driver's out that: tim;© you h^ve earnestly, diEgentIjr and ' ,i-n, nieowxpy.^ of . Cbuncil tihiat the Corpoariation EM foregone;.motorPark was' '.riiiisiskiaiary; work; . 'TJieair M -" ^Shop, 2:, Old Market; suitable for Offices, done work 1 entrusted to- ypu. In 'it & great-debt. . .Sundajr ;^at Sffe. James'ls. busies. >lf that was.so-j w;hich,he belieyedi, it, w;as CJh;urch M Commercial School, or Store Rooms, etc. Apply retiring fpcan the- work of the school, you. can dp heldThe MavKDil' :®ai'd £hiat Jiie^-itCoiiild -iiot Driver's. ' . .'" '-'-.'-. , all the more favourable fldr tKeip. , ;;Motp'r-buises hadiibe&n s© O m so in Qie assurance^ that it has riot, been in vain. . /seieimedi -to decrease :iii,: their were not mentioned in the copy of tiheiBill pjrdri--' Ae: ISie bo'rigiriegiatLcHi D m O LET, 15, SILVER-STREET, Halifax, Shop Your example, your words, your. .life, must have Jotog intares.t' in thie Wprfc ' ; of ^at^imistcLl/iiitioni. , He ..did in As ; ted' in thie newspapeh , He was told^motor-buses M , . afiJ Basement; each, m'aasuriiig^ 55;rj;. by 20ft., infused fof good many of the scholars and^ teachers^ The 'dhiodir hope Brighiooisie' womtd .-. .-..... its : ;initerest of the gave :;of . "Gtod vfere : tOp expensive, arid when.the cost of the W ,.,,<-.liow ocettpied by A. Misani, Confectioner; also We devoutly pray that vpu. may fee; lon^ spared to rio' plliace of ,\wiiriahiipv and mo keep1, and) the* inconveriien6& caused/ijlirough: M m M ;;iJWadrehousie. and) Basement- behind, size 4'0ft. by country ^ ,: ; dependent foom the trains to- the^ buses at the termini: M ';*£, SOft For 'particulars and rente, apply Simp'son and ant with the glow; of the happy memories of the solo iiri, .iiie latter. .vAll, ttpipin: the icaicidulaifiiJotn iof; flae Woiid of' God. It irig .eire -(taken ,into consideration., it . was tfhought, best m Lffcdi, -.next door" ; -''.- .,..-, f- service' and/ fellowship of the past.-^Signed-, by Rev., ;thie; diity of 'tOaedr '^iHiistesS'/to take deepier ;w 'wiMilej the ' argianiafc played':'" the :,D'eiaid to abandon thj<& .idea /of running mo'tor-busiesi; amd '' ' M C ;W'm, Johnstone, presideHtr Messrs. JnOi G: White> fetjt it ±tat^ea?''eitrorigly, begin with trama at ti&e . outlet. The^ C3erk'in.ti--> .. ,, m ley and '. . Sylvesffcsr Booth, siipeifiritSrideip.1ssi; tKat was 4 riaiaidEial Mis^tptaoaa appieialijig; to mated .that he had better -see ( the Tpwn Cler|sf Rev, H.'-GK; Mills, Works, &c. ^ Messrs. Leonard ^Cfegg arid1 J;. A. 'Quarmby, secreall, espbioris iarid cjliasisies of, the oOimnuinity. ' ' H© about- the <;riiatf;eT befor©,- ; iJheyi nnyiy,, sealed. ^fehe . T wbtfild waike ; tip to fora/ a Sia-bbefch; ®®st i. foir the pteio^kfe of Ckud. " 6d.; 3 Tbaes,^ I/-;: "7' M W Y Mr. Hodg'son woa one of ':the founders^ of the Wh&o.^ he 'Comtemp'lated: ishs tjaM; of liiiefe b^roiher and take dieP'piecp^interest in thie work. ' ; .-', '.. ..' - .-. ' .- ' . - :'•*:.i;.\' . -', l '^,- '-,..' QUESTiON OF. RECRUITING. . M ORKSHOPS To Let in Back Lord-street from Stainland Co-operative Sofflieiy,; 'arid was ^treasurer lne::eiaid> wfes ha : hjdui^liifc' d1 the ptoflsabjlity ,; The, pliairmian, ..repgrted: jiie>progress mad'e iby M ,Rev,; H. 'K. .Miassideoi,\.M,A., (Loede), For a time he ' of .. 1/6 week clear. Apply 24, Silver-street. ;. .for the Society for soriae time. ..aiid iasectp,etary.i ;spoke on " The;'' Bible: Society and the Lboal Coniniittee efnce the last meeting', at which was -Oinie of the rinanagers of' tfi© Britieh; spiration,, those w^ords ftt«heid tiposa. him. .,.,,: 4-ftefp , SHEDS, Rooms, Warehouse. Apply Softools,'.-at... Hdlywell. Green. War/' ;,.,- He , th.ainked .tihe'' MWOT for his efcnaight it was formed. Officers^had been: elected iandair;He, loved the Stone Dam; Estate Co., Ltd., Well-lane, Hx. Stainland district and: all ife: affairs, and.lt _ .was diay, when wioirk was di0ne thane .wias the: p.F©indise ', ;i&nid...ex.pa:e»sed. me hope .tihiat they would Tiaittgeiments ^naafl'e" .for:;meetings*.; ^ei :firstb had HED &, MILL togetih&r, or separate rooms; only* natural tp; find him at ©tie; time occupying a of jresii. Afteir latl It was, aworiidiei'-ful eoraoepStKQ '-, abouir a. betfer sitate. 'of : IjhamigBy ." TH^ey been iheld the previous evening at Rishwortih, and suitable^ for tool making, &c. Apply Denton, pcMf/ipn oti the, District Councal, arid . u/pon: the that :tihe G^ospel giave theim Jtihat there weir* in-1 ouight to do better in Briighoufej.he feew;that as they had Reason1 :*pf beliieve ithsir: efforts had; not been in. vtain... .Their secretary had published: a House Furnasher, Market-street, Halifax. , deafiht, of Mr. Jno. !feriggs., a former dhairmam, he de©'<3 .Tiasijikng pJiaoes .by the waysidie, and the p«r- well as anybody: The people who oii;ght to .} •••:•- : :-'' . list of riomes of lihose:' servinig' ttheiir cxiiuntey frorh temTDorary chairman.; and afte1!"-. feetion -of it6St;>a% fee en-p! x>f thie joutraiie^ , Bavinig '.them, were nob them . . < ARGE W/ORKSHOPS To L&t, suit englneerW thie Ripponden{distriot, in. drd'ej- tio"clear .the stignia givien;a heiaiatiiful ©xposifMioin of the vision.. .0* .nefct re-ele<3tedi ~ fkjir a _. fuarthef teritt'.: . . ini or otiher tirades. -Apply Rushworth and M m -w!ha<ih 'Iliad;;,got abroad. On tihe motion , stoeit,iaiiiiied thiipjTigh. much weaadsince , ib,iS''wife New -Bank-, Halifax. ••• m OhiairinJan; seconded by. Cor,, Qrowther, tEh wihiat ia : bieia/TJ/tif tS raembiry there . it is , strigttlar' ' .tnafe both, .^husband'.'tKSfS-. wiile ®6rii$ feil, m m wag inefcructed to-convey tEe. Cbumciil'a thaiksi m/ust i)ia ' ,iaisisb<rf.aSi0d with a life of 75 yeaans lived died on a Monday, and' that ffih'e mterm«nt Farms, Land, Stables, &c. liheir ,flriendi9^.at Rishwoirth for their' .assidiafioej to with :thie Cihiris-tiairi M-tih.' POPULAR SPECTACLE AT BRIDG© 3SND. of Mr. Hodgson took, -place ori a/ Thursday, the siame . , r aseiociiated iaH tfheir diays ^viitih To allow of th« Brighonse Company pf the 4t sup^orlin'g' tlheni in theiir .eft'ports for recruiting", atan<f day of ihe weefe thatM* wif© wa?,, laid to reafc. :Twd i Tmn ^TABL^To Let, two-stall and looslTboxT brauicih.- of . tfe JT^ly OafciEo Chtiirch thia,t. they (Reserve) West Riding Kegimerit appearing in miritary to ttie\ :<^iirrnan for presicling. N M H O D *-3 room, covered and open yard. 2, Laurel Bank sons and ;thr©:e : daughters, afi: iBarried--oriie' daugrh- dress, Mayor's Sunday at Brighouse was postponed 'SatiBfaotory'Tieplies, had been^^ 'rec&fefed" fitom tihie M beganming _ early-^ a widow 'SMimve ' tlie ''de- oaled ter, Marg. " -' '' Shell, LET, WARLEY GLIFFE FARM, 16, or 21 am the worsihaip of G-od in tha-t from Nov. i5th to the 29th. Thousands.: watched this meni'ber of Parliament irl ^response : to v-*- acres; house and excellent farm' buildings. of ira Uie sioffligB attd. tlie procession from the-.Public Offices to ithe,, Bridge uncil's nliOtion, .uarging ; .tihei Government to im-THE FUNEKA!>-." K W fiossesision Feb. 1st; A. S. McCrea, Warley House ly : promulgate and , publish a aatisfiactory M M STAINLAND. BANK TOP PRIMITIVE BAND OF The annual tea arid concert were held on day. The concert was presided over by B« i J. Robson. Aa address was given by ^5? % Winduss, Halifax. A miscellaneous^ given by Band of Hope children, /the being Miss.L. Pdley. On Sunday sermon* preached by Messrs. J. Oddy and N (HaKfax). . ' The ordinary monthly meeting was held on TV day, presided over by Ccr. Hebblethwaife T^ The meeting was about the shortest on re ing over in a very few minutes. Accounts ing to £84 were passed. The bank reported to be £13 932 12s. od. It that the tender of the Shap Granite Go. tons of granite, arid the Low Moor Go. tons of drossy had been accepted. The Mr. Ramoth Gillett, for the carting was The tender of Messrs, dayton, Gill, an general team labour, for the year ending 1915 was also accepted. A letter was read Mr. Trevelyan, M.P.,_ acknowledging re^ the Counoirs resolution- re State' prb'risipn soldiers, sailors, and dependents of same^ foid ing that it had his support. A letter wa, from the Elland Gas* Co. with regard to additional lamp- at- Brookfoot, stating the was receiving attention^ The Clerk reported had received no further communication from Halifax Tramways Committee with extension to the Pack Horse. '.SDWEBBYi wieek a sfcart was 'm)ad!ei DtttaBg posed schorne for the disposal of sewag^ ig Sowenby Council's aigsa, excayiations ^avdn on the Jack Hey Farm^ near I^gibottoai bridge. ; . , ; ; Th« weekly meeting was held on Monday, ?«t-AV)j«of irt e? rvoriAi* r\n ** -HPEija r\i*rktrrAca /\f ' «i:«*i M m M D m W W ,'\ o . -- . 4i-r" ' - ' _»;I«vi-v>W 1-ii- '- . - ' - ' ' He was; quiite . iS-are ' it; Vf-m . ia faith,.wad Milic3wah.ip' t!hat thieir jed Btfapeittgta (tto gio omf to 0eirve 'iin the iiri'w&at^tliey ®pim0tdimes ctailfed tihe oeiial,' cM'e,.'"•Qiia.d^ ^itieal .liabioror, Oa tine) laisfe day whieoi tibjeir baxstiher- epiuM^ talk .arad ihe miOV'smjesais he i Iiaid feeeia aSSiociiaited I2ie clwaindfa, hjoldiriig, most i0f its offiiq^ in i&fa Sabbatfe Sidhiooil as, teacihi©r (xtemife -.for , . ,.,, . ' p&eam&e worked^, ia9 fa wioirkear in d;vi6'.; and ipoli . ia :he fife,, of tihie KiWii b&re Ms paittr <aH these he dwelt \ori. ' in tfcnich wi'Hi the feiia® thjqsie ' !liailbi naiFS iiiitio: He thortgthlii ' " and danigihifee*-!, Mfe Vivian Shell; (^nan4of ;a,viMe ' >>g® ®fb I" i, James Hotels, Hyxiros, :Etc» C«r, S. Shaw> E; J. E'. Eli «ttd . V- ''M-, Wlidteiey FOOT. . . TOrOTEL TTTYDRO. Mire.' S&eH.iaaiid seiit by " Flow«iEis '-ksfe1 . . Haaniiaih," aaat ' . Vivian, f EUR-HOTEL, with and Mm. ' Bpoofce, Mis. Aiapdniafll, offertories beiing fpr the euxxsee^fully, .ariid m&a&ews on© roof. Latest foams of ELECTRICAL r aad the Eiev, T. "MetpaJfe, M.A. fund. ' : The Mr; HorofaJEt,' &SATMENT. Resident" Physicians. ' , .w/ere preachers, aad rtih© choir reri1'' ' ' Situation, 600ft. above Sea-Level, dered! an^heins. anitieErmefnit fe&fe ptoe- at Hblywell, ' on. O LET, $TABLES, Sunderland's-yard, Listerlane (suitable for Workshop) , comprising , three vi«ae <»Bidia)ct9d fey tlev. J. .Thf& s< istalls j-Stprage for Oar,tsy and. Large Room above, B.D. ' by-- :12.-. - "Ifflttiediate'' possession. Rent £14 '' . of ., ' "TO LET, STABLES, Sunderland's-yard, Lister- 84 - s ... .• ,.•• -..': ' . lan*. .comprising two stalls and Cart Shed adjoio30, -1014. - - .-,:•'. ' ' iigig; Reiit £11. Possession Jan, Istv :>'TO' LET, STABLES, . Swires-road,- containing Mt. and Mrs. Edward m'oairijSesps ' ted,'-'.HK&U,' loose '.bdx, ddach^ousei 'harness room, (sofl 'a-Tiididi»tig'Mer'iin4a'w), MT. arid Mm Large /RoomjaboTe, also yard adjoining, Jaonaes Hodg'sbm '(spaa, and d^ughter-m-law), tes. Immediate .possession. -rlaw amid diau®h*0r}, Mr. ajiid Mere. A. Shaw' (sonChambe!ra. ' ' ' Tel. "1504. " tTO 40,, LDDGAEJ, m A UMO H m m m w w M M m m D M H B A m m w H m A w W m m H w W B m H H M w A w © © M TTT TP Q ^ u T S 11 & M m m M m m m ^ m m w m m w m m m m m M w H m Y m H D WM AND _ W m ' - S I <> " N D 0 N.-W. I L D E ' S M O W ^ ^in-thie, famous Walter Scott Country. Accom'jaodates 800 guests. Elegant "Appointrflents* Spacious BALL ROOM. ORCHESTRA dicing fife-"*--!. Delightful Grounds. Spacious L&wns for TENNIS, CBOQTJET, BowiA ; silent 18-liole course. MOTOB Send for IHuatnated Tari-fE. A, THIEM, m m m m T T ^ M W m m M GBEEH". U.M.0. wens held,, nd foirfedigin. mifltsiioinia. The .piretacihiei' was Piaster KDilKmred ' /viangeliet^ Leeds. , Hiia diswea?e exeelleiriit, latfiid. v«'iry toyipiPGtpa&iStbe. an Air&ara matlVe', h® •m» >aMei to vividly the ^Ifect of miasaoiris oa »© people of orie-time Diark Qo«tlanien& Hfa vim, v/'a-s will: rio .eliaaibt be prod»otive 0ri.|oyt6d, mg in.tet«i9t in Ee work of of good jai the Missionary Society. The Baste is also he siamg "Maa*.y. soloist of ,ino maairi .ability, , ., Martha," "The old, /OtH atory," and "My Lord, delivered Pa.ri(L0L" In th© «fMtioon he HO T E L, a,ve m inibenesitang acldress to tbe aoholatos. lam iia latt!l« daughter, Oldv©, pleasiTi®ly &ung " by His'' fldde," And gti>v<& , /a recitation Tihie r." She. i» a Mtt-W artiste be ihearid. Odilexjfiaciai £2, - .M Zmn. Congriagationai Church, where divine service was opn{diicted.': by.; th«f Rev. E> j^^ Sax ton. There could have bean no better outwsrd manifestation of tha popularity P f the Mayor than the representative(attendance in the procession and the interest of the people in the streets, /This, procession .was headed by members of ;the police force, Inspectoi1 Archer being in charge, and ]\ly;ers resppnsible for the general marshalling,! The Brighouse and Raatrick Temperance Band ware next, and played patriotic airs as well as[sabred musip. The ^ChumS;"'cofnpanyj in their BeiW'i»ilitarjr^putQtj^. pftrticaJarfy saiJirt. Then foilowedi representati'res of the Natibnal'-'.'BeseTv^ Ambul^ncej Fire Brigades, burgesses,^ oiiBBcials,; members of the Town Council, magistrates, aldermen, and the Mayor, accompanied by $h;e {iiaee-*be»rer, the poliee bringing up the rear. Althoygb his worship is 78 years, of age, He talked the stiff incline from Bridge End np to the church with a firmness riot possessed by many voanger nten'..';'.'-' -; ' -:; ...' -;' "'.. . '.,-;/'.. '. ..' . '' :.' v ' -' .V Aff the tast con-gregatipn was iassembling .Mr, A* Nettleton, A.H.C.O., played vbluatapies OB the organ. During the service Mr* Aiithur Roebuck gave a fine rendering of the solo "'Bshoid I stand at the door/' A collection on behalf of the Belgian refugee fund realised £11 13s. 9 Jd, Tlis Rev. E. J. Saxton iopfcforhls text: "If thei Lord delight in us, then He wiir brin us into this lafid, and give it us ; a^land which with milk and honey." (Numbers xiv, 8), BEO31AN- , CONCERT. ' ' -. HALIFAX 4UDITORS; ELECTEIX . Comimitbse. *% Iftiddieadeii F^ot At aiQ >extiraorddiniary gienieinatl meieitdiig of resfptori&iM& feoc1 u fine concert in the Co-operative riian's Ucnibed BrteaverieB, Ltd., ; :Miandbestef, heilt Hall OH Tuesday, one of the beat held in the district at Manchester on Wednesday, for & Ion® time. The Cpriimitibee we-re fortunate, j Halifax, for they had secwred the services of balenbed artistes eilieoted todufboirs. The total paid-up oapdtaJ OJ . free of cpiSt. Oer, 3. T.' MearieddtS pi-e- the Co., iaaciliudiimig mortgiagie arid the lafig^ room was crowded. to £6f97,280:.; . weJoome was extended to about 30 Belgian®, who pooupied seata in froni Moiist Jaoops aptly responded, The prograimmie1 wias S'Uatained by the PERFECTLY healthy 'jSolian Ooncerl; BamtyJTodmoitlen), including Mista J^are gQ«er>dlly happy; but a very Cissiie Farnar (sopa-ainp), Mfea Idi* Slbansneld (con* slight stomiaoh trouble is often trwlto), Mr. J. W,' Itoblnaon (t/enor)^ and Mb?.. enough to make them misembla, Firth (bass). M«. F. Porter, Mytholmroyd, _ That is the time to try a Steedman'a solo violinist, arid1 M*. J. Stansfieldi enterta Powder. You; will find that it acts Mac. J. Hindle, A.T.C.L., Was pianist. All w.erelike itiag'Jo. Steadman's encored. County Ocr. S. Diigid'ale, .moved, t contain no poison oif Rev. A Wiakeliri' eeooridted tlhanks "bo th« jp^nS in ,all cases of d'eath or injury to meonbers of 'his Majesty^s forces' whilst ejigiage caused by;, active service. No doubt, tihe i^solutions hadi had i an i effect in on the- Governinient, and since tlhe W was , ; passed /?b^ revised! :saal)e^ had come; into force. m m m m M M m K m H M W C W m B w m m m m H M W m M m m Parceds of oloiMng arid] other gifta Mave; 'been M serit liiis week to the spldiefrs in. camp at mm m m arid 'to tiae Belgian Relief Cfommittee. M m w the Tradesmen/a meetang, on Tuesday, aarm M fangiemen'tei ..were vmiadei for , the Ohrisferniaia shop M A H dressmg oomp&titibii. TheTe aare fivo oecM M W tions, and! ia_igood! show 19 e Y M W M m IN AID Of T:HE:BiJLGIANS. M m W K W The MytKolmroyd Wesleyan School wag M m H W on Saturday .evening, when a concert vfas pro. D M m moted by the erickef) club for the local Belgian M M m Fund and' the Red Cross Fund. Rev. J. C. Y Staiifieid' ^as in the chair. ; The Belgian refugees H M M in ihe district were present, and to these Gcr. Tbos. ' m M extend'ed a cordial Welcome, Mons. Afelhton, M W .Oscar Versicshelde, late of Ostend; feplyinig. A splendid programme was ssustained -.,T>y.. the Nelson O w M m Priestley Aribn Male Quartet, -Mlsa Mabel M (violinist), <:.and Miss Cissie Farrar (soprano). There was a profit of £14, ' m F*om th© kdies' Wesleyan working 'party at Mym W K flholtnTOyd1 we have1 received, per Rev. J. O. Stan- M M M W fieldi, a oonsid'eraSl'e parcel of" clothing"for -iflra BelK M giwtt It eadtjuiarters in v London. w m M LITTLE DISTRE9S. W Cw, C. Robertshaw presided over the Mytholih- W mm royd JMiei. Committee on Monday. The relief {void is £169, and the Beligian fund £138. Since Ae War sbairted only 11 oases have had to be r©imred, arid ithese hav© now nearly all dropped off, HO K G Ito GNDVernimien.t grants being rooeived. The M W K 'e, :to t«9e the expression of an "bfficiaJ, are J m out of work;" Thsj, Jia-ve eight Belgian 5 m w m W m m m w K M m W M W m M m m Y " w m A w ^^ M w M m M M M M W m M M M M M THE HALIFAX __. J- ^ IDEAL, EMPIRE MARK H^:;;;^;^^ Registered in Classes three and forty Trade Mark Act, .1965. "Well suited for foreign export of chemical, pharmaceutical preparations^ motor tyres, &Ci-^Address M.vP., Courier OlEce, Halifax. 'i. ,"." ' v':/ -.-' ' ' : :./:; ^:- ,. : S, 19I& the IJajted States. ; He lately wr^te to aon j dead <w: iniiigsing, ^nd, to some extents ge-tttletoan, : '?'.'. I take this opportunity wounded. There is also an aanple maj?gin for to express to you the vivid interest with, which" Belgian - ohilda-en -there are about 26,000 of you I am following ^Ga-ea-t Bi-itaiii's, course ia this them here, and :the num'ber is likely .to ibe> fw'air , But the testimony to the uprightness 30,000 shortly. The .gifts' are mostly warni and efficiency of her imperial, rule, given,; by clothing of all. sorts, but there , -is 'also '•» perthe strong adhesion and support of India; amd centage of food proidtuctS) >and even toys; and sweets^:' ; ;. '.V ,-. . -' /- '". .:/ ' ; ,..' ... ". ; ; :-i \': -.;X,:V the Dominions; is a glory exceiedin'g pitched battle and overwihelming CAPTURE OF , PR 'WET. ,De Wet'e adventurous career in 8ou%' Africa is at an endv He was captured on Monday at a- farm at Waterburg, 100 'miles ea(St of; Mafeking by CJoninian diaih t , Brite , : ' The rebels, num b;ering; 52,:.; gave. themselvesup/ witbV out firing a shpt. It was a ve;ry disagreeable cdrcumstance to he^ar^ ^awaaidis ;tlieVeiid of Octb-; : her, that this abie m^an, distinguished iji many ways, :;:ha.d; : set upi : the :stahdard of civil warj nce, ;and joiining: Genera.! Beyers in the field in support with .-<, costs. ''-. of the insui're^onj.agairist the IJnion G'^vernwere more fatal accident ;on,tlief jiiO':ad. through ment. o Their influence, with: that of; ; Colonel; drivers trying to avoid 'minning over, .hens and MaritZj/ T^hoj was/ djiscovered to he in revolt, dtogsjthan anything: elseV; V; :" ; '. ..':: '; ^i' K ;.-> >'/' about; a fortnight ;:hefore, v.^as 'considerable^ SHARP PUNISHMENT JFQEi A CRUEt and they were w^l.:tilk«ly'''-]bOi.^:l>tra^;,4^Sfe.e^d-" eiements among- jh© p'Opularfcion. ; . The rebels; appear ; vnevef ' to have ;-been ; ^auiinerou^ the mass of the) populatio^ / nising ;t|te'; f'ally as well a§ : th@ :e>:treme :danger THE; ROOT .CRQPS Ofi'THE YEAR,. involved in the rising. ' ; : The leadei-s , especially The "Boiafd <>f Agriculture report excellent pe Wet, -have been; fani<>us fpr;'elusive: root; crops ?this year in England .arid Wales. until the present: had served- Dev Wet The yield of potatoes' amounts to ;2,955,299 ' tons, or some 60:,000 tons more than, liast:,year, Th© total production of turnips', Swedle®, ^arid1 _ _ _ .1.1- _. •-..'•: •.*!••"'• r •' .-'r' . ."iV II • T . , iof ,-'-,. --. . ..-... Ibis W«s notv fctte' first ibmiie ;I/ hiawJ heien seiis&d way.- -fo^1 VI ;-luaid-id, isiniilto;:e^p0tteilce eonie of ask for W; NOVELTIES IN ENDLESS VARIETY .And1 Sell at Manufiacturera' Mimimum MJGH-CLASS WORKMANSmP. Diamond aixd This is certainly the fiirisfc 'War in (have, been week4eoids off These brief epells of Cleave ane nuimeTpuis! anidl m-ueh appreciated . : The Ameri'caoi paipers,; regasrd1 the evidence las overvphelming that^German ^access in tiie twar is no longer posisrble. x ' MTS. Winsitota Ohurohill, opening a social Dikifc for . wives aaid mothers pf soldiers and Bailors, said that never, ; even in, the: warsi of have ouir; ni<&n; b^eii: h^avei.;'' . "f COLD DEQEMiBER HATH SET M V ; : 'i The, Ghristmas; inonth ; Was , heralded? at Colchester1:'. -iii time-honoured f aehioii on Tuesday .inorning, when' the tpiWn cirier went rpjund; ^HALIFAX .-MAN'S : AD VENTUROU8'' ' ' the streets icihantihg the lines::---^ ;V ; i : i, ..Cipilidi December hiaith setiin, -.. ".;..'. :;i ,i;,.;'i . Mr f ijnp. Wm; Failloii;, ;~L9r Franklinrrstreet, has ' ;:;; Poor pi^ppiie's; backs ire> 'clothed tfiini; : i returned after Spending ' ; ihcee years '/ in Fernsandp .; ' The trees a/tre biaiFe, ^ ; ; ". :PQ,ii'l5h^ iSp.anish ;,isfoiixi;:;pff §oixifcrWe^t ; Africa; ;£ac: ;?>-. Ai;p'pt ianid toiast wpiild; vfia-y/TOell ' in.gr' t%- Cani^r6biis:*i H^^hats^beeiri: opnwri4rciaily eijb.ploy.0d', as interpreted, afi?er 14:'; y;earS: irii Spaitt.: QUEEN' ;AI;EXANPB)A or Dorwji with th© :Gernlians," sainid /our - 6^?n soldiers have genersaliy favoured .patriotic designs, suoh as a bulJdog standing by the pinion Jfack :/; -,' !: .' ;- - /'-:. -: .";''.>. " rv>; -" : . ,: ':;'; ; If /Germajiy waxute i/Q 1Ttiow wb^y 4.iheVie>nS fre profoundly hoping ishait the winrieir of the war will not be ; .G<arnia.7iy ( she will find./ the answer in the one woridi' " Belgium.:' ' " New; fork .Herald."; ] •/••'• ;/://- ;;;' , .- ; -.; : -/',. V;^- *'' VV:T;:'; T/He war havoc ainong the chdeif faniilies of ii?her oountry > is -: £ffcriking3y:; : il^steated ;by ;the gact that the- heifts^ to ele ^ I'^eers have fallen yri. tine hattlefield. / In* several eases these officers have left no ehiMren, 9-nidi youiiger broiJhers now stand neit: in s,uceession., Ananias was reaidiitg the war repotts wiben deeply " I fee|r' ? he mtirirnured^ that I ;:nru^t/ J>ie^ looked; on ^as -,a^ very e^a^d m^J'^ 1 In olden times, ijhdeV^ Mkei the/ Germiaii soldiers wiho loot would have beeii Ihung on crosses. To-day »r« hung ' tihi© crosses ' ' ' on. " DESIGNS. , DIAMONDS, PiEABLS, WRIST WATCHES, OPERA GLASSES, GLOOKS- WATCHES, :<?IITLERY SQfcID SILVER GOOIB. * ''R .. '.. Thiato-ks to? ibjs Ctermrwi,: friend, heihieitrs ,/.'. ' '. .' .." York' MilTiSiter iPraSshimg; rotind Ms &KC&- ' : -'-'/.--;-. "", '.'; ; ./ .--.VV:'.^': "-;'-''' - -' 'Punch.*' "'- At Marlborough House, oai Tuesday, Xjueen Alekandra ^ceilebrated her seventieth, birthday. Beautiful-flowers; were^ among ;the 'many ; pre^ sprits from TflemilberB of ; the Royal, family and' personal friehids. Tetegrapjhic congratulation's, received at Marlborough House'inoluded messages; ir<>m the. King and BJEincie of Wales, in Fr,ance,yand-fronl 1ihe C^ neutral pouhtries of Europe;. The Queen anid Princess Mjary, hincfheid, wifch; her .M^jeisty . .: at l!$airlfeorough House; At joxjoii Queen Alexandra received an address sigijed on behalf of some ihunidreds of Danisih citizens resident in this country. ; ;;;-' : ^ >,- .v\>;.,.;; v- ; .' r . : : .••••,•' :--\-' FiEtlGHTF^Li. tiO-S^^ : l!n;;point of ^casualties the ;' Biattierof Flanidiers is ^believed' to have beeii the greatest history.: A^cofresp^'ndeht;' aftfer:f going over th& ground,:;,oom!p;utes the: total ;lcisse^'v on hotih .sides at SOOjSoQ men^ Of these the' Germaoas lost at least ^(^,;pOO men^;v : TheV Allied losses ar0^ ptit 'down at 1(K),QGH},,; aitd half ;6f: these were: British, the; reasoh being^ that it : fell , |o the lot of the British Ariay and tlhe Inidian foirces to withstand the \ most- furiotts iattack^ of f the: ;enemy.:. ;:-Sance; the^otithreak^of :t^e' ' warA .the Brrfash Army; ;has sufflered; lossesi :atriou;ntingi it ; ;isi : estimated^ to :;.S4,000^ Counting ^killed j w:ound«ed3 and ''missing.' ^ But our forces had to bear ^fche brunt of ihe :fihidn^ ^ i A' :eu'ri.iOiusf;;s^oiiyiii,is; Vtplld ;:, of ^ tfiree; Owing to our premises being reqijiped for street improvements we are forced to clear out—-entire 'etc.-~eire:rytj|siiig; ' i tci";"'' be : Everything reduced. No goods specially bought for this Sale. This will be the biggest GENUINE Stioe Sale ever held in Halifax. Yon take no chances here—except the biggest chance you ever -;Ka: d-. :to save money. ;'/'..-•'••; -; -^-'•'•^-, : :: .,;-;•' ,.i.;,;i, ;^rea''otf^:FraU'ce in; tthe ' '' ' early: day^' "' The si-xty-sixth anniversary of the accession; of the ; Emperor Frsancis Joseph to 'the^ throne 0f Austria .was oetebrated^ on .Wednesday. The IPrancevof ^Wales' N^ional; |leli iiow' esceedis. four 1 pounds; anidi ;is'' still ' 'mflilion ' it;;. mig|it - he? ^de^ir'a'ble t<3{'. ^tpcie'ed^h' order ;tp niiid work to rediice <sn- mass of ; uiieodiployihent; ' .Locial ;Bo^rd: have; now , given effectb at:r ; -the; present V to5 £18,0000 whi&h ' ' the; ;bqrro^ing ^of : ,the . The reoognition : raade'iby^ Pelten: Ward of the services '"rendered: to the ; . w-and^ ;and the tpwn by ;ex-Ald.; Enoeh •: iRohinsbinj during;1 his 24 imentb!^hip;:.:ol"i^e';T4ww;iO^ ; deserved; : ' / .; ,5' v Mr . :..; ,. Robinson; i" as; , ' :Mr . ,M.P'., ippiirbed >put,. ;was ;neverx a meniher to; is^ki- adveriasem^ent for himself. ; H© Tvas rardy-heard in; ideb^te: in iopeit ; Couhjeil, Jbut ttiere was i^'Biensh^whOj: when "Me', did speakj,;wias. listened to wjth greater, attention. ,!His . Viiews, were " always .-biriefly, yet ; ppin't©dly carrieid! great asiiihe inclusions of :ajpi:actical business ;anxio:us i fori ji/he aidministration sof the; Opirpor*-' jtiPii on safe.'and sound business lines. - On the WITH JOHN HARTLEY <^iriniitteee-pf the 'Cpii'p'p'fatipnjWhiere the work 'pi: the^ bpripugfe! is niiaihly transacted^ h& was .always diHgent ;in a;tten>(3^aicer and; it was there,. , otit: . of .- theiilimielight^ ; 'that ; his great, iseirvioes: ip?ere rendered;.'; ; ;He carries with: him in 'his ; retirement;^ the:/ best i:wis.hes,, -not only, of Pellon Ward,' i but;-: .';.qf the inhabitants -.- of ;;the "At ^Halifax" Town ; Councilf onithe:> only minute^ arouising debtate wia& e> re-, to;'provide ;ifre0 gas " fpr B^lgiaai mover of v fe refer this back based his plea on. the aFgument ,thM.t ; ^Belgians; : below1 :;the; ; age ; of/ 4-5vsh-6ttfd be fighting: for their country"' f we ^have- not noticed ithat; King Aibert: has .:askad'; foa-- nien. up to tibaft; age), ': and the sec^d^: i urged ifi time;; had !;airrived for : the. jSpvernnsent to assume iflilir / responsibility fo<r the 'refugeesv Both; spoke -'- on principle " and^ their arguments "w ere not influenced , by 'any lack of sympathy with our unfPrtuna.te* '. .- gu'esfe, 'but the ,Gcran>eiI was almpst i unanimously against .them. - That-; is a ; verdi&t^thrat wJll vbe: ; ve*y generally endorsed, fof the matter 'in itself 'was trivial, and the largeness of 'heart "'manifest towards .th,ei " Belgians:-is "''widespread ' "''and a French cQibny,'; a. similar process was^ £ojie thrquigin by the; authorities.! / When they got i io Rio,de Qro they saw the cruiser ;^ilhelta' de Griiosse :cut":in ;twov{ iMr- Failon : spoke ito fisher-; men., wrhovi&aid! the battle lasted:: tfeee-quarit^fs ^p£ an hour.: Arriving at Teneriffe, 11 of the C5ermans; on" the/advw>e of"; the^piiiptaini went::ashore:.; .^f^e; ;l^ey ,;^t^ arii armed Brftis1i» niereh;antmta;n.^^bo^t thre^ miles from,, sh/bre; the ;ffighfjyje^ officers wept: aboard.'"]...• iT^iey;i:topk; : ftie four; irem:aihinjg G^i5m^:ns:;prisbnefsr^ it^aimer was;;'again; ! ;mspecte(d.^; .Froni.. there to Ga'doz, where ; Mr.;: Fallen joined;5 th© : -Lagaspe. PEtssmgi j&ibraJfcar; in the-night, three;' submarines cariie ;i alongside. Xvifib: flashHghts/ mquirinig:-as; to paasjengers and ; cargp , : .'Mr Failon went on to Barcelona, siayiiig seven"idays. Several .Germans were:;there, ,. He; sailed next , ;by T:;tihe; "Tambre, wMcli, at Gibraltar, w.-as: stoppled by a ;bcirp>edo boat/ Spanish, peoples generally, says Mr. "Fal-^ Ion; favour;the British and French, but tSheVArray7 and the Gar list par ty -• support the, Gerniansi , because they are strdngly in favour of milita;rism, :.Th\e -Spanish Army.,. engagiedi in guerilk- warfare; in Morocco, receive 50 per ^ oent. mdre wages' whilst" it lasts, and arei desircius of keeping it uij.4rAf:ter his; a,dyenturoui voyaige. Mrv Failon^arrived' " '"'iivi Liverpool on;i^oy.;;l±;;:; i:--,; ;; .. - ' .;. ,; : ; ., :; : . ; ; ^ Efec|esiastical; :serac©; O'f^ the .cplintry; aij> the present; Hemhlysi ia -Natioiial ^Reservist,; home:: is. at- 64, ^ak^field-road, ; Brig^, is with the 1st W.R.^ ;whilst he has five .two :;sp'ns-i%iaiwy;;a;; brother-in-law,, and ia nephew ,in the armjr; ' vThneir names,i in the order ; mentioined1, are: : Odmpany Majoir 'C ;:HemMys,; 3rd : 'W.R:.:j ' 'Corpl: H«nijblys,; llth W.R;j • ::;>Sergi: A. Hemblys, Mounted Ani'bulance, /attaehed :to: the>', Sikhs ; Bandsnian; ; ; Percy "Heinblys'; 2nd W.Ri j foooper S.' W. HemWys, 18jfli:,Hussars|;;Corpl3 A. D-awson, Seafprth Highlainders| Company Quartermiaster-Sergt T Sfeo'rroc,ks, 3rd W.R..; Pte'i- H. Bland,., ;lst; W^R. j ; and , Corpl; .'.;' Djrivej- i; J .:i Hy C. Drjain ,; ',-'. 37th ' Battalion MoDonald, 3rdi W.;R., the two latter residing Royal iField Artillery ; of . . Barking, has won in Rf^ ; terrace, Halifax^ -'- :, .- '-. -•••?. .-.-^••'- : i;he;V.C,;asi a volunteer helping to save guns under, fire from infantry 100 yards away .. He is: 18ji and ;a f ornier 'ma«:fcer idescrihes him;.a^, one of 'the : worst.', boys in' theiSchoOl. ; i;" .- ; : :.i :, -N-q-w COiUNTRY. ; the tune qf "-Ch&sr EiOy , :h©ed --"iYour'-''Kin,g - ••'• ajnd -L - Gooihtrv -' - : '--' '••' ."'.; . 'PROGBiSS'IpNS AN-D RECRiOITING.Arrangements.:; are; b.ein.g;.oompileted for the huge motor-reeruiting tour to-day, in the Craven district, ' ' '. ,Tli.ezie will be/ower' iO'0;,'4ecoriated oars inC'liidiii,g;'somie. : fnom;' Hudidersfield. The pTOC'eesion will ' "''ebaoRt, from Skia-ooait; ' ' M-oof '' at r; A very delicious dish, which is both wholesome arid full of nutriment is Stewed Prunes • or:;figs served .with- -.'' - ' ". - Without using a single egg you obtain with BIRD'S, a rich, creamy and nutrit ious Custard, or. Hot Sauce. ••,-,.- • •, -, T, i of us,, all in snow-white beds The cast fey person it trifling. tu bre ^ that thm that you.could shave wath it. .. and) AMERICA'S SANTA CLAUS. . Mr H. Samuel, M,P.> inspected, tlhe gifts MAHAN'S FINE TRIBUTE. j brought by the American banta, Uaus .sJup^ of Admiral '- on Thursday. Ttie consagnm. in England will week Mr. Justice Horridgej sitting- ; withouti a jury,;.'.rersumed'the. bearing,i at^LeedSt Assizes onWednesday, of t£e .action brought by the EoonProio Stores (Halifax), ;IAd., against Mary/ Elizabeth JMioyle and Hiannah- B.roqke, of Newrroad, th* owper^ ; of pK> perty at the back of plaintiffs' premises in King street, Halifax The/ action raased the ownership of the yaard between th© two properties. Counsel for the' -.plaintiffs were Mr E- Tiudal Atkineori, .K.C.; and Mr. R/, A, S'hep'heird, - ; instructed iby Medics, Jubb, Bootsh. and H^iJ we'll,; and' defendant were represented by' Mr, W. J Waugh, K.C., and Mr. T "P Perks, instructed by Messrsi Lpngbotham and Sons, Plainbiffs, who olaithed .the ownership of the yiaj?d, aitegedi -that d'efendants had .tree. passed 6n tiie yard and made alterations bhere, thereby oaUisinig water to ooUect an«d percolate into their warefecrasei doing damage to goods iniside. Defendia.nt«,' on their part, denied that any damage had ; beeri dione, and claimed the yard as . their property^ basing their cla-im ori possessory title dating back to 1726 i Plaintiffs admitted having obtained conveyance of the yarcl from the Corporation after defendants' Alleged trespass and alierafeionis were effected. . ; Mr. Tindall Atkinson suggested, that the yard hid :been preserved^ by the Corporation preTiously by mistake or oversigiht , ; . -.-.'..' ' :,-'.' , ;i , ' : / His I-orclsihdp, in giving judglneniti, following on oorisidenable evidence arid1 argument, said thfe plain. MfE.s ; asked for an injunction to compeil defendacuts to remove soil, etc. . that they; bad put on. the Mnd in dispute, tliereby ra-ising it toi the same level as their ownr^yard' Plaintiffs alleged' thati by so doiinjg, defendia-nibs had caused damage to thseat warehouse by causing a ^arge quantity of water to piass into it. The plaratiffs themselves lia/d to ad'n>it that they never axjqirired a title in itsKiis pro1 perty until Marchy this yeaT, and the alteration by djefendanits was vmade some time before Th'erefore, it 'was quite impossible, even if plaintiffs vrere entitled to succeed, for him to say what water had come into the warehouse since plaintiffs took conveyanoe of the site of land'. .', Mr. Aitkinson had agreed no* to ask him to decide ' t}i*t impossible queation by waiving any claim for dam'aig'es. Thus the que$tiion reisolved itself into iihia, " 1>id-.''the, defendia-nts do tiiis work on lalwJ wTiich, a* ihe time, was invested in the -.Corporation f' 1 If the land, bj1 subsequent convey.anoe from the Corporation, was th'e property of pjiaintiffs, Mir. Waug-h .agreed that it must be ctaalt witli bv defendants givinfr sun undertakinj? to remove the work complained of. To whom. then, did t'his land belong? In th© conv©yan6e to the Corporation by Mrs. Mevnel Ingram. m 1891, it was clear tlmi this piece of latid was inc'I'Udled, The Corporation, in their conveyance to plia,intiffs^ predecessor's of April 13, 1898, did not include it. In Miarcli last, however, plaintiffs took conveya-nce of the site, no doubt for the purpose of bringing this Action. .'The, question was whether the Oopnoraitvion had1 a right in the land vsrfcich they could convey to the plaintiffs? Cbnveyances in themselves proved nothing, .unlees thore was possession, ancf the question he had to decide was whether the Oortiora.tion were in possession of the land a.fter it had Krtfen conveyecl to tJKem by Mrs. Meyni! Ing-ram. He was safeefipcl, on the evidence called, fih at this porfcion of the land._ before the buHd'imgs tJie Corporation aeqitired wem pwlled dx^vm, formed w-feat wes Cferposa- ticnn pulled doTvn the buildings, and at 4ih.e of the sale to the plaintiffs, izhey ware, in fact, inl possession., -Thras I3i« plaintafEa, h». fcraindv ,; W«BB entitled to recover in this ;actidn, and n« gw* Tfu^p" menit that defendWite must restore tiKe yard to Jta former <?6ndition within six weeks Ooete were allowed, so fiar as txroof of latlie was. concerned, bo* not as to the claim for damages. It was stated' in tbe course of th« b^aaang that thi actual value of tfie land in disipiuifce waa £12 GRAN1> >ver 12 niontihs a^o.Mr. GS-. Rogers, of Farm, New Thundersley, Essex, was cured of severe Blood Poisbning by Clark^'s Blood Mixture after frying _ several ottier remedies and doctor's medicines wifhout success. , He /-wi lies': " A rash' covered" my body; and T became so weak iMt I was as helpless as a child. Aftrr ifcaking four bottles of Clorke's Blood Mixture I was quite cured, and! hav^ had no return: since. I consider it a graaad! medicine." Clarice's BlcK>d_i Mixture, by reason of its _ reniarku,bie blood purifyinig properties cainbe'relied upon to effect a lasting cure in all cases of disease due .to impure blood, such as Eczemai, .Scrofula.,' Scurvy, Bed Legs, AbsjesseSiBoils^ Pimples. Sores of all .kinds. Glandular Swellings, Blood Poison, Rheumatism, etc. Thousands) of testimonials. Over 50 years' sTicoesgy Of «di_ Chemists an<J stores ^. 9d. bottle./ RefuseT Substitute*. / ..." - •'' . ;;•''•- : '-."•'• •''''' ''•:••:['", HALIFAX MOTOR-CYCLIST PTNBD.t ^t Hndd»rsfi*ild on Monday, Carl Johnson Lumb, 203 Gibb*t-.stre«t, Halifax, was summoned for riding a motbr-cyclft without a light, and also for 1 earing his motor-cycle in ths str««st longsir thau was n«c*ssary, P.C. Wardraan stated that at 6.35 p.m. on th« 9th Nor, in Dppor Brpw-ro»a, Paddock, he saw a motor-cyclw, with ..aid*.- car attached* without head light. Ther* was a small red rear light. Th« rnachih* was on the wrong side of the road, and remained there for three-quarters of aa hour. The machine was in a Tory dangerous position, eear th« Fifty Steps.—A private witness g»v» corroborative evidence,—-Defendant said hV l«ft the cycle under neath A street lamp, so that it could easily be seen. When he left the machine the head-light was onit had «vidently gone out. He thought he did no* leave the cycle more than 20 minutes.—The Chief C&Bstable witbdrew the second charge.—On "th«"'first, guttmons the defendant was fiaed 10s. and lls. costs and his licence was endorsed. / 'Sample Box Free. In » few daya correct all irre^nlarities, also cure anaemia, and are invaluable. By post, under cover 1/1J or 2/9 froM HORTON & CO., Chemi,«te (€hie> Dispenser frois the late Binaintham Lying-in Hospital) Dept. 103, Ast®» 'Manor, BinBingham. Sod for o?er 50 years Supplied direct only. Seldom Ever Fail. AH t*dies sbonld eend penny etamp tor a free sample of Pills, also improved Sanitary Towoi »ndii interesting B<toklet Past Free .gtf 3 ""'^"r« •fi'8*li' e*is.£i 1^" sf « . *1 : *- tS -; TS<; i*--*-! 8. g l^fi-: ^.l «t.-' f"™! g MS.' ,-§tf^. -.?» •'&•>'. o S .© -J3 ; 3. ' ..« P-i d rd S'O fe 5> S ^ ' :T5 r- *'. ":U r i-:.r> j-r'.r*-?., • •. • •<*) ( jj."'lfe;--" f\ -•.., -'-j?1 •'*=*••( *fi^fi*S$* .•^::;i:^'*^|;:f ^!|-ft':!; '. 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Si Oi £;-* pplfl km^:' m ^K.-p-f - ,- -:>^«,W' *:S;: » •i^J'^vS' ^^•*: , (&"'S;^^,,: «:^ig:©: t' -p-a c8 :t3 •'i»^--g--#'J r-^gs tfli,f*f:fo^'.ih:.f **f;-*:^-fe'S^^.*:: :^li:»ll if if •mm - ^Slf^ -•^•^f..; P]-gc QH^g' - IlMilM*ffBftISI5l ; :v ^ifiap^iii|iifaiifp«:'ispi« ^^••SSiJ^ :W^1I^$%'|^1^^ ^^ft^^%®fem g^jpfi i^i^S.•"••p.:-t«s:;s$:.'M ~:> ::.;-K-6tPl;:S ;-^;;:p^^ W' iS^i •^j -vS •Vi3' i "-H vi-i-'•V* tj?' : »' .iS^-lS. ;' ®" " ^'^':&M:^:^^S^^m ;¥^fti^:J?^ii^^'v§S) :v. ;; ^*./S -'»:'••• :":M-ip;.:':^••;'&iW;iiS?^&.i '^iL«5sp0;^.i^f1i»! jr'?.. •ij!>"if3".t>»R'..i:.'-e8l^H •'•"•ioi-'<3 i- -/.-.'m -.W.: ©' ^;^^^^;l;i|t:^v^.|^ ^MWtol^ .;S^:i^'-;%l3^.^;2^:^::^&.*; tj-.''H'.:V'--'1*?.^' ; ^^tl:P: ;:t\«'.-S'1 S--' :--'=i> '"••'•fli —p,X. •."«>• fe^fcS-S-;^ :ipiisi ,;..-.S"'i pS:'-- 1 S.v'. •rJjK-sgf*&r:;' -='fi P".S" "?-«K >F° S^iVf •& S•;»• '.'gJ-'.eS.V* '-_&; Is^S;-^' :^;:;^^;£^^^!-^.K^-S:^f§-^^:?S< B-'i^^iQiJlS.-s**;-^''- E£^S-;§'''' &4'^^W^4^'i:'; H "fclllll i^:^I-M5:l^ ^^^^.Jllll^ ^mm^eAf&^ism^mmmm^^m^ mKmm^mimmm^ <^i;^fess ^Sfl-s W Vl»" : ; :,f-'S: "S f^Wia^^M?|"-:^iWl: ... iS:t :lff i^^^S; ^^.^••a;v-v-:s?'-av.'.'3.-;."& b^gv.^JBi^^^/i' *-- '-^ 'm^^mmmw^^-^^-'^ Jiliii lililfwi .^p^lJfil^liv m |p : i®:: :g -iSi^^f • «•;: Pl'1^ ;:s§: "S^^O •:'-§ :S§; >5- i:,>jS;^ ^ ^ .^j^i.^i^j^^pif.iliS/: ]g .;•.»- ^5:,; Plii||i;;? ''tef:i23"fe ii :'i| -^ RP'^a-S-*-. •;•«?••><•)•••.-^?.-: o--^-.--*? -a r ^;|:^:::^^pti: ::«S:^ •*:'• >::.:&_• Via". ^Il:: lift *• ^.:SrO.S.! /i&fgi1 ®-."--"'*^;, f ^^'^|:< 3.,o-ea"^ ^iisSM^Si^lM^^i^ ^m :^>43:: llffiifllll .,, ; :r;SiVi>.ffl.^ Si:f |Jf :.tel-^ecs^^t^(i>:;i s^- • -»• fyl-:®'-:-'-^*^;^ aili'it>*? ^^^^.iKl-fetaiii. :|.#l*lii;?'£|i: -o:-\bo •.-':, •(? . •"**. w PS ' a • . § •' a*. &• ct•'''/• >T! c3 :^s;: SB'S ••&•'• i--.::-: •^•iSW^^^^'S^ 11*1: .•-•.-^••.•JO:-;1a:---:--:vrrf..'S' :E1 ^S ;;E.,- ^--ts.-^j ^II' ;<«- : (M^' .-p <4-l :_j i'.&-*i !;^:,|-.So ;:&jpjcg|^$-; -*rS'::5^- -sm »il ' ^^lis 1!B^«; ,^*-*f^l-l?»4--«^ :^-m is^^ii^^H^^p ^I'^^^l^^5 '•rp.iN:'^'ffl'-.>?<, :-:-";'>-;.'-?'.."'-« r;™--: n:-: '-o"-'ii£:' :«!-^B'"•?•:• ^l4f^|:M;@sycr* I:§'jS: ^:-;^:^i::S'§S^. :fP>»lf lllllii Pifift «:|M ; ;.:"®.J;R-S ,;!liliii»lilliili •^i^^'^?^, :;rff>m: ?:5 ^S^'KO^-' •!^lllftp)f^'i ""'3W ;§- :i&^'".'!0'- i;iii^i'i i 'i'9''; p-'.-S-''1'-S?: *Q"3'- ~- >-;a ^Si^l^s§;i ^^gi| 5iJJ|iltlS(: ll .&! M^4: l^^-^'l^ li^^S^iiSgiSIS ^^^"ft^^S^^ ^ ;•»... g-'-Enp'. ^ ;-:::,^ :-.ffl '«:••.'-Li'-v.gv. •«:.*:«:«': .:."Sj~4J-..r-*i .<r?-. i*r • -Cr ; • ^••.',&.--'®-.*-:.aiv: '•'•-?Klv::.B.-pa--:6 :g ••.'/! J.Mftl^.^'Sii :'K>>«••« S 'rS".a;i<"'^ ^ •§;--p'if;ife—>:f v ' v^1 : "§^^-il;I ;-J^ f^^'-fe^i^-^S^fef^l1 ;!! ;; *> • • vJm-i-:^:;«y i:^.-:g;JHtei '^ffOT:i:|f|l^^: ^ ^^•:f^:^^^^:^^^S:% sff:^|^i.^mlf^^«^^^^JO^^a >%: h. • -.O -• IS.' •^TT 1 ^ »• -- »> ^ii|ti%i^2^a^*^3i»^w.*-.» i;;|§;i§fi^ii^^lffl^j y^te^™»i • "<$' f-^i^^^t^^^^vcV'll^j :•.$ &(,.O^ L p'l$;W :. S':' •ci •' $.6'"'"-"v flJ -;t ;: (=i."'Ei O - 4> ^£.<N^ll^fe^ btr•"•'•'•g til ;-n--ft';-P''v ''JS'^'S-'' ri - <D-".O.-.-Tfi '"•¥.'• P*::'.i'-! i.;a>-t»f-'is.'i i»: --?^H.-.y -Sr^vf 0.|S;-g>. 1^1'fl^*^ -.•-^•l-J-'^jfc-g^ i^>s; J-S'-ID* n^isi fc:B^p^« ^ --^: •s-^^^pa* #g££f^ •-< ":.»:; '.>n; -.-.:„•• ;. •pj.",ja-'. ».Hrb«*,- •"--.:©"-P-.y-'fci"'- ;H • • •aq'.'-P'.'V" •' :"ife'-:!S-'.'^;': ? :'-';' : J § 1 W;1 -'95' :: •** Vt«r ' " P ^!'JSJ:;|?^'-.feiyrr::r*5.'.^'.: ffi*i%*:i iiK« :>*•£* Si^fefe^-- :•&• .••.••ff;M3';:5^:SV ..:-:.:i-r? --g;;p •il*| ^S^^g :'*•••• Irpcf^l^^f:^-: ^^l^l^Mtt^i^l^-isi^i iv,-siJ^l^te§Mi^l- •~:^; ..-;••• ^li^feii^^^^S^Sy- :» ._3 W: ^; spiii if^IC f^.g'^' 1 i^Pff^-fl*^ ,w--f . ^ i•.*•*-•-'JJ'ie-% |tJ^'^fel*->l : &81 ;S^;g;«|-S2j;f2f;ft^;-g: |||;|;f||||:| ''Wit •:|!^* ftfpfp: ^a;t: ePf. ! JO>*i *; A. ; t^^::fe-r?:.; J3:TS., T : ® _,' ^vlv^^fe OpJi^rf1 l; " .^^«^s^. .'••S^ ^.eS.Sc^xfe, ^.3. - 1.M *}'•<•$'•*•:•.:.•&* >-'--£--*%y#">»-:-*'- MX: n ;->*» $&&&M$&&&3 ""'ii; :^sii ! ^ «- : vir "'^^"te : -> s"'?^-. ' ;sr;:3 :i^^l^|;f^iff|:| :>r:r:S "S'_Q :rSjQ3- ::&, 'fH'S'.-'^rJ^ ^-&>£ "^; ;•«•'-* :&•ftst.-fi^'-.Js^S^-i^:!:||^:^I^;i:" *i*iiiSlP: ^j5:^^i#.;^.;x#*3::S-' --•PS/-.60-... •§ ^-^ -O'riSS ,^;jl^ : fr^f'S S. . '-W'.'H- S S g ; 'va •iP.-.1$-«-;cl--i iff^t-&fA11:: ^lfel P FJ ^: •M'S 'i.M^.-|.Jv S5^:fftfl^;:i:1:,;,l|lv§;i:5il:l : 53" •.*ri - rf&v ^i!ii :i^t-^sifp -I ^ I j |;|;^; •-.: ^: a:||^t|;|i:l^#f' 23 !;*| ;|:0'S) ^; •:&Il';a; ^itl:f w>J ttsiSil: .-rd ;!'!;&: 1 l^:ul; -•; -,J4il^:}i:^fU^P- 0 :o?iiii?-^ _•' !t<^ '•:. •;«l: ;5* ;:;^ : |Z 1 '&"'••&: ^1' ii*ei ,V;/:;'V.CO": ^ ;S^S rl ^ 118;•& 1 ;§;^: J^§ ri;';i |. ; J .«? S;"g;^ I1,! ^;; ^ &f^J l :^;' ~ •» !>/*'•" .S>5 J^S' B S -'. ..g..--.^, ^ig:§ : g fe^^'^^'-^-'''.'''''^' Illf««plllp :0fiie,I!ll •S.S.S 1 :C8-: T?^".'i _a a R iS <$. "*• •«*'•! •"!••§•" •p-.a..* ..S ?:-:.:--:.;:.--^Q^> B :•'•-:••.,:^m:^ :^ 2 .:§*§€ ^ : W :"._>r: : . 2z HH; ; -'•'•§ ; 'EO. %••& ^3;: fv,g;Afe;22;; .«;: ¥?:•&' .•*j-"S-S s* •.^••s- S:^,^:if §«^-. I f2,.g;•* J "5^ :f © «*-, o-' ^ 05 « fi -sa- S«. w^ H »2 .§ j,«..-8 (i•••? ; 3 •..»::< o. &=« pa •'*$ ii;is:^ii Ipll^tlf ".SSffl-wS-.ll.i ; ••.••• s ffi l ". .:• .Q..-;/:. I • - ^fp;|.|^;^^ te:iSf^^:^i't^i ;S|lf€^ll:^pl-^l [;\;i';-fe'i|^1f^M^^i§.l''J^fei:^fe •t^Sg-ft^ig^^gil^ Sfeailisiaii iiUlilW 02 &.' 1 ^ .'W- Q r ^'»r-t . ^il* -r^-s: !;|«fJ^^I^ :i; l:^ .., :;:;--v: ,> I'ti >^'g^ "^g: <S5"TS"S Trrt O d. :-ife-ii';§ <s-i,®§ 3 !i^ -'«^l^S-S-iK ;^;-ifi||:; jr* -.•:»-.."© S"&:*^telfe 5".ff a^l- lepfflMl-.:®J::l:k.S»''^-:|: g: •*^fes3=gS: IPI^d* !M-|^ffte feg-lif^. li:l« ll^.i; ''•STa«:i^ g-a,j3 a sm- r^K^i-'^-'.'^S^^.'S-' .fB:: a:i :.$»£q^^ §»,jj-: [fg fri ^ j.^,. ^ > ft S :? 4- S-rS r^gl'arP-^- Isllll ^^^lf,i;|t^ ' rl M5 2^ f-i &« .11^1 10CAL HQIES FUND. DEATH OF MB. ERNEST TRAMWAY AND MOTPR-BUS RECEIPTS, The djearfxh ifcbok The reoip^a on the Btalifax iaramways for th TT _ ended ___ Deb. __ 1_ were „__ slightly __.o . ....... , Erruasb Pindier, 14, Mayfteild-teorwje, down as jpare'd "with the""~oorre8poiiding" week of last, year, | Aid. . Pinidieor.. /He amounting tb £1,942 4s. 0£d., contraste 1 wifo'n&8^,pr^ ~^ ' - '- 1-- E.--———•!—•„„had ^.^ been „.,„.„ '1" ^ £1,960 4s. 2d. For th© longer period fxom^ Pindiea- did not//attempt to follow bis bJdc lif.e) ,dievtoitdin,g -al. has atteaitton to iMaity thanfaj to all the good; friends • April 1, however, 'the -.'; commencenaecit of the ehicxp-beiaag Na/H, Aircade. He was 43 ? municipal 'INFANTRY ... -.---. • - t . : ^nue ] to ; ppu* out, pracabal eymp athy,. » . •-,.-.'. ijr • Vvear,: ;••• the/comparison . 11 • <•< •' • ••• is:-:-n:still <"•-, favourable .nrrn KOT aoiid a» eioiru PACTS" /FOCUSSED.-: t. for /the present i-year, the figuares;: bem£/;679,527 of ^ PE.MR "'" " " AND '""" COND/UCTOR '" "'(2^,/df/Moojik: . . .. , to . . ; « s. 6d. r^\ -Zi \- : ' year, • • .and -j £7% nnr 7neir\ g«a3eroua respomes this 60 "-K SB. GBEENBOYD BOWLING- CLIT^, .of the te motpr-bus receipts for the week T very et&cjcieissifiil aftea-nioon whist di*i V0 ^I'B^berW^^ were:- Wainstalls, £23 6s. :7id.,sagainst •on. Wedine/sday. in tibe Gneemiroyd in iitg. Club, by i^e la/diesc ««Dirn!mjttee./ By iihe help'.o MU^w^f^ V*;£;T - fr>: - - : ,:' - • "^-i-- 0 ""'."v^.-f."-:' • 7" :--\':ft/v-::^-/.;:"•.v..v.'.' -'•/> ,; > ttiiteretttiafaoa;. betweeni ^lo'oal^affld--iJa^pnai-fuin&^ ftM -- •-:•-: '•••••..'•: • ,-V- --'•' ••-•'." '•' .' '" •'•-•:- "• . •'kind friienide ' tfoey' am &bfe; to hiatid over .-£5 wea;liin"pur:'mociist. ;- ^Anpl^aowvi^^he^time' wnenvin. taeae-r,;:--^!:-,-...^y v^v.:,;, -... ; .:: ,:,-•". ..""v.,; -^ : : -' i-:-. ^:'>;, •:-; -V-.T--:-_., . 2i A;.-,.... - ;-:• i • :• ••:•:••.",•- ••-. '-•-•...- '•••:^-^-±-.^ : t'~-, -. .,-.-.-, .... i -,-.- .- ,-. - .-. - .-•-.- . -.-.,,.. . . mi ••: -...-a •-" »"~, •u^.uj.-jwuo, beyonbj/So:w©rb/y:':-Bi^id,ge, -large1' -:NAVAI.A PENSIONEB-S -'DEATH: :-IN tb the. B^ligian Fuind. // Tfce n^ret prizfe ' ;thariev: i8 thev greai&eM .iieed. .(./.The': 1,-::/>-•" v^r/-.^^--"<Vv;v, ^,-;':';-vv •:„'• .-:^v i-•'••' v=--^/ - A 1 • by;;lV^./S, /Faster, the 2nd by.MTO./I. fe<MiMainib^ i?ias issued ,:!^d/.^^/'A^^ith'//^r^^ .. i£:p|3^:.£e&^^ coaromea-,/ ooiidweted a«n am.d >tJia ;Sfd by Mrs.. P Hoidiiswoirth. . : :':,;:. ^u^^befoS : ^&:? ^^ ^^ -i^:/t^/Fuodid:/Ciowtrit; LOCAL OFFICERS' PROMOTIONS; ^:jTO^]t/tS''jib^ ^ tsH . retaspfeS • 8):, .In 'Tl^ip^d^to'^ wlip .died OB" ^b;<^€^^'-^ of.- its;; jtea*ri)CKigJl: ;/pbiS!i^b!Ov-^10j^^D^ivsTi. in^rttiitteiit oa-nnon/ade betweein :--''' Pinobiaition-a'ry /WliiiteiHiall,'^Si.W.//"/^'/ /'//'/;; /;/ /;-v:- ://•:;/,;, "'b£ato^^^^j/^t:;::: <^^ Gio-wtiiorp©, B.N.B., tlie/o6nv:'35ai); suit <!. 'Fiind., ; ;:as:/follows/^Hebden : B^TOL'^^FI^E^ /^S^]dlI^^^^C<>^. the en~ :;-';^;Vv-'£^: £^^ PLEjASBiMBi ;®snd> i^r. /Ji./ /Hfenderspn/ r.-M:3P.; •••'aar'e.,-.Axxjiid^Ei^e^^ :-b©ei):: *5#%^$$^^ 3U.t:;-/:,uy(j.re<»u^:an^ •-•<,.-,-,;.«-, ,-^v .,.,,,,,,..„,.,.. .»...,. j- ., _v .,,..., ,,. : ^_. .,:,,!,.„..,., -.,..... f^g-^ti'-t^^^u^pv^fUStairti^^ Maroaijbiile lecM;:/yegir4e:sf;/s<;y.l^ H'1U-fiWf-r-e' libvnl /^^h'^- ; 'l^iaiifflx//]0ji:24h;fc ^^M^*lj^ : -v^il-iA^-: "Trt^.ltiirf^^B ^/^y*£ jKK*v.: -rnaliVvn::./ ^/Pp^nj-bf; ' ;rir»vphl/in -./Sf-: the:!: ^JiTiifl !' ^^: 4**:^.^ in:.; -14s . 1 ^'U.^ : K^.K-i'^ : -r^f <• T\iMi3iQ.lriri,cr' Vuritf. - TV(3it^iNnrfllir?rf»il!l:V.: dw,/^/^ ;!r;/Tl]^^ m<e>mb<3>r of ^^•;-»rmy,;vAp'a;rt:j^ .$^-^;;^^^ Conirieir '" staff, and jaiE: oid Heath. -these;s'pMe; thousands/liave; lue/wdutLd:: be/bad^:foir a /diay or two. iSeifajoioilJboy. : ;; > Osn 6*tcuotog hfe -extra. ^A/^r^tk^/foi^^ qtiialifioaiticai in -the ineotebaait : '-servioe, .liJe/ given *a oommissttjon ' BAST NIGHT'S WIRES, PEQFFSSIONB APFECTED BY . '•/;, / v THE WAR. // '" ''^;.'; /; //•/./•:' «k Mfeer to xiis iKtiss Elijzabieifch. Asqui^. eayis with, regaond to the great •dietress catusad by War a.inoinig flieaiibems of thie «urtd&ti<J: profess :.fl!t*Bps> ar© being taken/to obviate ovei-IaiH .Thie/ affitMic pflfofesisiQCD.e,. : being ,si^nigifftu^;::.;it)bedar.' nipp^a! .by atsitoic^ns :'in;/1:<*ranaing ^ <jaattiai riot>i' , einifcitled the/ '^A'rts Fuiwi, ''* ; ;: . ;6tffi CIRGLI OF KINDLY HEARTS. p. VHJJ. UIJ.U9 ,7 C*«O.^ «/MAA .V • v, . vv uu. 0! Tip-., beang appoifnted to tfoe <jpinmanid <ef- ; ;arrangenients cur ' the 1^/it^r^j-/;,^/^^..'^)!--^ follow:—' the ^^^Qptrig;/;-;///'/// :>//V/;r ,cpn^d'i3ratipii 'of;: .;*he:/shi^;rrvvih<?iih©r; •; appellants/ ;,wexe, There lias been, :&onae cannoiiia4iiig m^en/b/cif /eight/rniili»n;^ to;;:Lpn^piii;; :^h-ich:/tp;6k :/pl^e;^ few^^^ ted: IJoiraine^districts. / / ;; / On 'ffias epeciail idtttF b« and is"«fc pipeseint,v^0a(g'ecL : /::: ;///.'ffi'-:/^ Last /niigihit'B ; "Gia.Z'ette'''. eoratainied^^ tb.«:/fo33tew*^ "UTEudefT iihlO ^ uii j B^tt^lfoii'the^T>a£e of WeOlirigiboii's hiapov/Ii6te& Ridj n,g to be Jiieaafceniainib. In Alsace •••* 1®*: '£145 ,,,. ,.,.,. . t•-.-. , r - /••• • ?.i : "---..'v••• -- n-;:• :f-.-.'i. .„--.•,-•:. •* M:.: , i:::• Ahbther,:evsnit, .fixed; foi? Saturday./hext. wall Be a&d Bidding .. ._ . te;.«fc*l^^^^ . /: Queerisbury., £3Q to.be-xiaptsuiitt;.:-.«,n!dv.:J(eg,ad ,wd;:vi(•.;! T^m,^_s,w^.;-KTi^i.. ..w ^' ' •'-•--•••; /Sow?by Bi'dgfe:^ CIVILIANS £150 I/bok ' atv :<ihe ;iarrajr/.p| aritistiea: ad.iuta.nt. ' . : ^Spwerby/:;.-./ '' " roiit, page:.', ;:.Wtio :. wpuld'n't v:. ;:////// ^/^Attisteidami;/Friday., /'/own"... .'AT/ ...... of ,:>a-;:nighrt':like this?/?:: :Th4nk /Soylian/d'.:v; show; thai «P' tp the end/; of Aug. Staiiijand. . .. . o&-eacmg Ilue |.l;|leMef;/.^|/;t^e/baok//pf/.;Jt;: abput :it,:;i2/!name^ im^jthe' .prpgramirie,. 6*12 civilians; had lall5!: ' ' "''" ' - •viand/;Loca!l -' ; '-' tpdmorden' ..„._. at Trinityrroiad B.ap'ti&t , _ Exchange. . /•:/// on /Wednesday, when the host and hostess were/BeVi:/ ^B/DISBlJBSEiMlillTO^/^^ P3^''^ ;the/' Russian -• -Govbrrim^rrt/ for/ ;.-tn: e/ purpose;/bf:- prp^-!! T^: mohthly^heetin'g:pf^ b"*:^ -/pf t^fepf/aill the/.gpbd, ;«^eferat0d by :'^f:fajil^i .> w.£*»®<&'. ,. B. C. and/MirB. Sfoan. Tlnerie was a laorge a>tten:c~ ifle .monwiy PW^ng pi vme 11^^ fiaaiax yv.ar. .Bgws*,,,,^ ,——,.^; ^. ^fe /.|^ /^^^/^.^^/j^o-^^^ Miss Diji-ioitiliy Noble bandied Mrs. Slosua ; ^"Awtfug-c •. -jvajnvuw-,*: v«iii«sMw [ui jitjvy. : ta'orijpicMJwyiiB -;oirO;- .._iir;li; j,-u.- v_A . U>i,i;. j.--';1 ;_i-i :f~^_^ Ti/r r J .'rx.-: Jil' : i -• -T V<Y-I""«»U<^-V- ,<x ««: ^. v^^» : j.,t>wupi-u<iij-, .MiJjmtjx . uiiw . WJ.OTH-. 11 jedit: boniquiet > y^^,-a^t ,^01.:. ^ jSlV^^for lfi»idi,*,fgs; :0 f :aiit«,ind^«»sR^:ffi ^.»^^ W, L./.Savdife; jtvocaltetfe v •tiva^wy/-'m-; manjv: ^ ..... .,..,. ....... ...,... ...... Mire/ ParJc-eor '-(fpiainio «/nid violom), Miss ^ i.wiiO; arrived ^e/;.;i^iaiij;;:p^iblip- ' ' Toma," rwhesn. foe » bjearty olid-tnan;-—Jaito; ......... Wjh<i^:ailiso/l^dgied;/M\tibe:1 :Bam/dfey wa^ "Inoit a. very: slfcriQinig I t: bomiplaiihied1 aibpiuit hiis;hfifadth;. j w-as piresemit wiieii hedieid aboiiit 8.10 om u niortiniitjig. H© ep'tea?©d ia ;irioo|nij cpbssBt! it,.:.ia.n4,; saifc/down;.:iri^'-a'ooirinieir./ /.Witneias^ dtorijly afterwiajrtds, fsreroit tb him but foun d lie 7? as deiadi. •He fiaJdi.iiofc <SoTrip|]iaitied•'•'^biytit^ Mis hjeart.;_,, He lap: of /body.; , •••••»'••• •>=-• '--••---• - j lK ! ;*'I \ thank you :re;esfcablishmg long ,;and' 'happy:; peace. .this had rested:;soteiy: With , i\ '•]• j : • r - •:• •-•••r-'.j • •.-.';.,•,.:...--. i, j j ,,.:..,, . ,., - ' ^•^,*g^-^.tf*^.r^,^^ iTheV;' T?ois:«-fel^rj^ /*s; /s^rStar^;/; f,j?^Qpi^|'A ^at//.^-^-^^/^^^^!--*-ri--: • •-' i-^-^-- ' '- ••'•-• ••!,-.'"-" •» - ••• .viv:i-." •>'j /Clnited Eingdpm^ ^e^ce/pt/^afte/rJibp^SultaiiiibM^i^ymwr hinges: i/^/Lftrtge/S/r^^bntiMS'^ouSe^/.;-^ in' vr his;'/,Majesty's'/.(Sbv-ernraeriti v in'./ cases;:/^vh/E*e/::/the j/iK^,o •„• ^rf^ ^r) •d^ ^ were: i:al9b-:/Wre6k-edi:./ /;: :ifcyv%is. ^^:^1- ? -~^^ :~;; ^4;b/le/;'^ :^^^/lb^/bf/:!iife;;'/::/:Th;ere/^ere/ /^P^^^^Ki^iwfte^ot/ /^^utfei ...„.., -,---•: v_ ./I'iri^u^ip^.;/////; 1/'///-//;,/,:;;;:;;".:"•^••'A,,'^ -.;:/:/.;:;-/,;;;/;^//^r; ^^ ' feeting '/inisit£t|l-ed/ peai- ;iiM3gid S>:/^u)iip/ th/tgi/1,6:6 G/ ''""'" '"' ^""''iSici^b^J/^^///,//:.// .-to- '^^^^.^ ;Sitiabey^ /grKfeefc^-^uiid/ " '" F^jliliiisiM'^ ^;iafiidie^frjafy /<3^n^aaa^'s :JiiabiJ^y/^tiridie^:: &' '' the Peppl't that tlier ; CflasgpV ;13tigl;iiand)eTfev o ;p>opular Territorial5 .Regimenti ;in; . Ihiriiig; ^3siis;-twEple/ M;' ;i)fartiipT;pa^'ajS/b*i^K!3^: K^^.ii^^-1 :1^^.^;^:^:]^.-.,^!,:^^^-:: ' for:; tJle : soldier^ 'ifeia/enieiiMjess" b/eillbv'&d/tb /bete-£f:/ .......^.iififi...,._.. .... _. 1^:-'::!&]Wt$/J^$ij&f %^^;;:b^-/j!3i^iified:v-; /^ //."""' jfcf^;;tbj^^y:::9fli?^^S^i was/ ^ipKp(sii^D-iW;,/i3b4b/ :S&c^yi; :;il^;:be/iJ)Sbd:,:by/ tie/: i : :^^ :grad ,'' eonnrms^ :;iihat/:the: j3;errnia,Bbs,: den*. Mr;: -F; of th-ei most despera^ description; and E,. D: Wafd, -:Se0d, ;; -lossies; hiaVe e^oaped tiie "Etussda-n Atmieai and/have,re-orrnbd on the "centre: of ;whicih; TO;-situated;,' to' the-•,.• . nbrtli, The southern izone ; constitutes^;*, -tfegipn^ -pfoithe ley) press dead, the oarniaige .hSavinig been/ terrible, -arnd; the S. ; trebches are' :fiMed; with : borpse8.' /: ;;... '•-:'/'; - J'/ ;:;'•' ;; / :; f !h the/ Biedav^-Siapb^ tas reoo'mmenCed,: the advaniage being1 with -/the B/Tpseiaiis. , ;/The Grand v Duke/' witlv ;h;is reserTO^ <>n Monday drove back J-ini -disorder; ith©' i-eihfbrcem'eriita whicli;va.rriyed^ ; via Kialiscz. .-:-• • •;-'/;/ /:': : :/,'//', ./:'/.;-/'/ • The Germati® Me;repiCKrjfed;/to ; be, ;desiipus;; 'bf : wfctenn^ -iii' immiense" entrenche3: .li '• the : Vistula , «o , G'r;acowi--rClentr;ari;Newsv: ; ///://; / --;;:;;T.BFE '\'.(^Eli^^^;: :/^ ; : An officiiial; Gernian;;;wir©lbs^ /news ,-.. .In the :easfen: theatres of; war:;th;e Jeast ,of '--Siei-pilattri\ 'p^JEv^ei/'^^ujian ;puilBed, wiih.,, h^eiB!^/lpsses/tbj-^eJ offensive -, in;' 'Pofend' is;: tal?;in.g '' ' :its/ The -: Klaiser . ar rrved': 3n; Berlin ;on r: :a j short •' iiud(?9'. X Our b'evortvd _ •/ i -'...- '£30,000 .---^ -•,,*•' i.."' • ' ;'^ ' Pfe. Ttarris adds ./tie.; wias/ in /: .-';^:; !Messrs.:/:Al<i, . ;Mr. /A;./ JOdxiy j;' feeafiirer, V..: a.':- -.' .;^K T^n^ed.,:::Higi^^ i©t/^^^ ' tp' /.by; /Halifax gentleitQan;: far^tbp -eJ3erly/ ' : ANTI-KIAiSER' Lord. :Kcitohen;er paid .a; visit ;tp /the' Prime/Minis. -. ter at 10y, : I)'pwning-sita<eet: yesiter^day. './; In; spite of the . various :;r:eports to the cpntrary^ ;^.e;'.War.'; ; : ister; iae not ibeen- ;wii?h the; /Eing/iri- .France, /but has, on tihe cpntrtary, had I/ondon e'ngiagemerife'dtiir.inig. every .day of; the i ourrent week.; : It. is .-.• bffieially that :the- /la^guia.ge;i,^ai^ributed;;/te/ E;arl •-: KitpheneT; in_ an Arrierieari. interview: was/ not; . ployed by his ' ;, ihis •, /;R^^^/:(4^);/:;fin!a3ticieri.;;f ..e^^//a^i;em.pting; ; tpviiir/ :nl!pTiey:w:-by/ rj^j^bajdtfeg'/jhejf; fby/:..''.;bne'-:.^iib^et!^;r^8g!ij8iibip^.. :' ."-But /yet,;; it /wbujd.-.be/: :af<3bt ; If /TpriMtny /had; J Now, ,wheh. you.:;arriyeV .Tipm, , as'/suieljf/'ybtl/ Please /give/::yout old/socks /to'-dear Cousin Billf For HeT hiis/ Great Army, his- Sygtetn all ''bu®ilj Will then,' like/your plcl socIra,b^. !.Hb,|e-y^ Worsted.: -*Note ^:Printer's-D^l-:'/ ;: /'.: /' : " This fellp^ can't spell. I expeptli lj .,-/./ 'drive '.;J. ;;::Y^ ^ /i3:-/8;;: bir ::i^^^ it -w^;'<^tiinwal ; vest!^^ Probate .andv/iDrvoree': Ijivisioni /•- •;/ Mrs;: :;"opoadi;uidied): : <m<ck ©vidianioe ;-'6J-: Itadlies in Giving /:/:!&/ l 'Arid, tliqiugih known Cohimbift ; Sops, ,:Mills,- -/ .BCalif Errtplo/ye^ of, John /Carter,.:-'iSd..^. ooating/{ ; - //' manufacturers, / : Kingston ///Mills, ^ (lOfch J.iistalment) ...>:i.,..,.:,.,i .s.i«.:.' ;EJiiployes.. of Me>a3iris. .--H../ IT ^Wbrlfg, ; : of : M^srs. ihjm: 10 - and: . . kJiaJca;.'./|ctoa;.' :".. :of. the , Scottish ..Football lad •tion. wiho took part in. the inljsrnational, cpaiference in London/on Thiiirsd.ay to considfe-r the -advisabilitfy or otbea-wise .of OPBitiinuing1 fopfcbaull during'' the /war /Lest tjhib foemie/n / caill,: .1 •have been constrained to dissent fro>m./the Eoo'-diiisaste*,:: if ! one-ailept, : //Ori/thie ineet .would /fail...; of the other ai&p.resentativcs/at t-he epn.fer.ehee, Ttos, -wibiile tired yesterday called: at ;the: .War ;:OfEpe, to:int'ervie^ Mr, Tennant, M.P., Un'der-Secretary. :•,/ They In the coarse of. .th©.'interview: the representa ; foa tives explained .th;a:t,r so far as-, Scotland is: concer 't.M? mepsage oeraa, ,Arad in ned, th«y fe'Lfc '.thaifc' the res'olution : piassed .at. tihe thfe silent /night,; Donferenee .did not go":.far: eiiou'g'h, and they •, ex groves; bl :foeiS:".aBid / pressed the \yillix^gness /and desire of the 'Scotitish in gallant -fight. .^• FootbaJ'l A6®ociatipn to give up/durmg. the .periodli' of the war uitermatiohal rmatciie'siand; blip-ties./;.' ' . O'-er/tbe Dover : Sfcadts, : .- , In, reply, Mr. Tennanit said: In: my /interview Over peaeefuil Brdtieili to/wns,. with Mr GJegg yesterday, I was quits definite in ..'•'' To;. the football giates, -, . my sfcatemeiit that; I;'"thought'' bath, inb&rniational Asking ^lyiery fo^tbiaJll/oaiuia, matches and cup-ties'\ should /be.-.-. wiithdrawn , from •;•' Who •' is. sound; amd fit. ^ / the pr'OgramaM.e for &n& .season.-\':..;!.'recogniise the Mates in many Bugby/ soi'tiia, •difficulties. of ;tiie complete;cessation' of p'rofeesional , : * fC'cfee laih'd do a: bit.'' / . / fpotba-Hi bu.t as I /have stated previously in ia Dotn't yQU : know th«:(fc :itQ -the letter which was published; I dp not consider: thac lieri: anrie needed1' siorie, ; : : : •'••• when so njany homes are bereaved ^;nd so many. Don't you IOTOW that Gen'iriail French, brave men -are laying down their lives for. our Needis yqu^ in^irie a<nid m<xrie, .- /~ country, the full/progr'amme /of. ^amusement wiiicth Doift't you feao-w th© wair is jwsfc, . " we welcome in times of peace is in accord wath- the Airid thiat iall; isfhouild. see public sentiment, or with the .pruel realities of in^ spite of/all'w© this devastating- war. I am giad! to thank thia* orar guatmnteie? ./.. many thoughtful people shai-e^ these views, a$ is toe Briitis'li treaiioliies tihett demonstmted by numerous correspondents I wel ' Let thie Gerniiam ,'s Imtow, •/; come the attitude of the representatives of thfe • • -. That we feave. no AEWik of mi0n / " Scqtcish Football AssO'ciation, .who. have .always -Fit to1 faee; tihie foe, ; ,'•• / been prepared--'-to accept the view of, the Wa-r • 'And.im evieiry ; bay'net Office, and who are now quite willing to .adopt the / 'In -eaicih victoiry won, view I have s&b forth, viz., the abandonment of Pa-ove'umto thie- woanl'd -ait matches and cup-ties. . • : Biraton's not yet WELL DONE, MANCHESTER-AND ••1^: :^ ;Eirip/lbyes of IMfr. 'Bichard' / Turner, :/:;'Thr«in Ball C&binet W^rks (2nd -.. -:-/until Tiieidiaiy staibeid/thjeiTta/ wias a' fortmii^abfe woa?a,; ' ^ , ,.:... ......... Collected ^ by -Masters; .Harry/Se/well= .32, . ' St. and/;:Eenneta -/of Binii® /& ©ngiiieers, To/win^ (12th in-; . , pf : Mr.; Robert Riley/ irprimpoiger, : -O-l'd, .-Market (2inid: Insbad- . • •"-. '"• " It /is; ; ^tpHishdilig;;; bo :;me ' -tliaiti 350,000 can w-atdh fpptljaH;; ma,tcihe& wOieji /the? who1:e^ 'iS-/ in tihie melfcinig pot , ' ' - . said ; the /Bidhop < of speafciiig ^:.ffioxns^\<^ ; &s^^ ': 0 wdmig/ to ,iam/^iid!8:rnaic. otO ;measiiieis arid wlb/oopairi® cxyafgfci thje :,|I^dd'e!r®f|:eil'd.; . Elduea-tioin. Comma'ttee have, dcicted '-'to^-djipee'•\^eI.i(nf'ani|Bi>-'''s(eoKo.n; :'.)of;.SuIll ;wh.d ; /(Jeiioitniiiiatioijfail aohjoo.te in/ /t&e ntjS iSeb;: -I/ /::;: // :•- ;/':•':/• : / '••/"' '•". '•'••-• . The" New.Xork iJerald; '' l«arriB:.ifchat the Goe:b;en -is .lying ppppsite to Therapia: in -the Bpsphjprus. HtHidre-de of workmen :for days piaSfc have been, re pairing : thie; sever© diainsge done; to her .engines by' the [Russian shells. :.. : . '."••• ..'•... •'••/•"•'' :/://'A '''jpippiSnairy Rest Club " is bbing e: b'Sniefit: bf/.tbe wayi&s, . 'RKDOTJ.S hiaye /beetn talseoi/iin York* aiid. they vwiill b« .GairB/.Ljtid-,.:Lxsitoin, hais given a . fitted. wiifch - ^oiliid tyres,;to tins Bed C.r!OBis: •"Soicdi&ty," whio intetiid -usaing '-•$£. ®is.::a sooip kiteihien o;r tffiavejling..^^^ sba/ll, ,at tllie fiTont. Thie v,ia!luie:of this gift jis £455. : / . V Ltd;, kirk /..(.Staid ',bl-; Wm.- • //iBrass timber ;. meirc3uapfc, ; :/ : : .Siaw Mill (5tih 'jnsfaSl!... Bill Collacftfon ' by Mastea'/'-.Jacjj HaJ'//'•: sfcaajd,-3, .Brier's C'arart :/....:,.u:.;./....: Collecte4/by/Little K^fci/dr^prge (Master; Beiitley> Ward'^end)//, // •;'-. '..;u./^-ployes .of/ Mesana.'.. E. Haargireiave/ affiid; Co., :iaxwifoijti'die^rei, W<a,terEmployes :of Messre.. J. .'••'•.; Water4arie, fpundry- .department ..-,:.; :(6tli^:instalment) /./>,.,.;;,./.._;....•;•./..-, Employes of Messr^. ^John : erossland , ., and .Sons,: timber merohants,..:Bed-: ; Bord-street 'NorfcH (12th;; instalment}', 3rd Collection by Miss Hilda Smith,, . Junction Inn, (3harlestown~road..... /of Messrs. Kindier :aaidi. :Slajtor,. B;laekwx>6d Mills, .per Mr. McPhail (4th: insfcaikrien't) ........... of; 'TMJesars. S, Claiytoai and Co., Beeoh Hill. -STilis '.(10th'.," ' Mr.- J. .W. Sugden, of Crofk>n-roa;d, Heaton* of 5f,rl -Joseph, Bmdfpi-'d, fpr- four years' '' representative/of: the timbeir TQI& Heatpri .Ward oh the Bradford City Council, wfip died on'Oct. : 25,last, left estate Vakied at £2,837 / ; isfajeifet1 (13th. 2nd /.CoflQtribii'fnoai from thie gross,-/with net personalty i81yS54 : / ••'.. of Pai'k Lodge La.MiKliry, " Blessed; is the mian thiat. eettfed lias quarrels HOBNEE. Watooyd, " Motunt ...,......,.......;.... ............... just. /But tlmiice^^ Mesfe is.lie, who. gets liis blow My.' James Pr,att, Wliieatliey ............... . hbme .fu-sife," .the pennairk of a eoldier iii the Miss Stocks, Bydal •Mpunti. Halifax..,,.: . /has A Swiss dioofcor.. of NeuiCibatel,.. from Bearlin, saw-,, a large placard on th© vis-itcxrs' : book of on^'df tfe Cliiirdii Army's: re- Mrs. Friend, TMrd-avenue .../:.'-.........:.... L. 25, Swift, """ """" • ' ^ SALFOED. v :' .' With the completion of the'-8fch City Battalion ' . wh.ic,h: read.: — cnea-tiooi tents/for troops iii"tnaimug. . railway station of the Manchester Regiment, officially announced Give ofustfcift bread! Giv-e-us oar-cJu'Jdiren,!^ Give Frank Hiipdholiffe, -the you'iig Blackpool solicitor's Collected by, Mr. J. /Hitchen., hairyesterday, Manchester and Salford since the war us'tfee truth!" <He adds that'the "outsidie" pf dre&ser, 40, Lee Mount-road ......... •whio was' ,-sfhot in the back on July 13 while: began have enlisted 53,500 reciru.its to the Army, Berlin is .as sr,av „., as _ tviea% -._-, but - ... the "iinsad>e" is . , serving1 'a .writ upon Jam! e6 Hiargr'eaveai. a : retired: j rou-g-hly, about one-third of the men of beciauise read news has begrm to j solicitor, of 52, Osborne-ro:a4 South Shore, Blackfirom tb to 10 5 10 0 10 io o 90 8>6 8 6 80 ' . Mr. : Qrossley : leptured at/the Brool? (jbuiiil) : Sehopl, :, pn SSiiUjreday:; at/=tih«. West/ :and; fln Friday; kt St; ;Ma-r tin's tihe; ;- .•- Itv & gmfcifying'.-. to ; nbfte tftiat^ pf w;elljkn«>wn: ledbiurers, Mf~. ppiy:/onie fengiaged; to lectuire; af th© three" The^military tattoo : and v gymnkstioc display// iS/ Thrurn.;: ;Hall, ^bii/ Saturday -night,/ were in aid p|/ ft /Fund,1/ for rneii of thy We^t;"\fijtar; atvthe froiit, ^anp^ the/feCruitiiig fei^ penses_ fuiid;' The arranigenients' had/:beenv mad* .by a ppui'niittea composed of /^ld; iSpeiiber ^^ Col.: K : P. Foster,: M^fe/C, : S^^W^ i, -ai)d,Jj. SjiitcJififb,' 'With Mietsare.-.I);'/. ;and; ;Av ; !pua-nei/as: joint, sees;// /The/;arrain^riierati • fbr the; ;miIitaTy part of the p.rograotnrhe were 'parv put und&r' ; the supervision < /Coll ThorbM,, adingthe/ troops,, and; Col. . . ;Thle grpunds had been electrically il by-"the:; vSaufa3c/ CorpOpation/ Electricity ^ejit;;\ prpininent objects ; being: the v Royal in1 /me atpprecj&tion:- ;p y they elSBcieot and /the ^Eitig's^ and the Quee/ri's/monogriains,. pnj .jElJQi^^/'JBl^^^ the front of the:football:pavilipny while eritwmmgt/ TB®; Treasurer: of tliis<; in^ifeutipi). begs ;io;,^knofe -the;:pjllar^s. ;pf -tlie graftd .stand were myriads/ pfi vari-cbloured electric--globes^: // / /The./: effect:; was:;' nip^t • pleasing,/ and 'it was neightened when I3iat tprbh-bearers of';;the 4th : (Reserve) ;Battalron. lineal/ e* •• 'i -iv '-iri V •••-.t*T-••-•-'-'• .w^-Paying;:area .of -the football ground; : /Tha; now in isuiiwnersfcitll,, ^-Us.; ^ane, Wynne,- climatio conditidns were not very favourable/for/ j^ lrpnt '^--^ 2s, )p^dv;:K^;;Doyle,/10s,;:6d. J; ilaa^ ac^ ' "; """"" :^^!/;^^/^/[^^ the / MaybM/ " ••**•>* apjd; MaypresS,; .",th:e- M^aypr of Eeighley,-.;Sir/G:isbi'g<#/ and, La/dy Fislier-^niith, Sir Algern-on F.» •: arid Lidy|i ^ Firthj. :Goi;/ Heth/eral,;u.M/rs.;, Land,/ -Mrs.v/iQ '•/,%$'_• Spehce^ ;a party;pf:,Beh>ian' refugees (about ; -SCK/ i^riumber),/:aad/ officers of/the 'Reserve BattilioiMPO^/^yeirtii5»^ep1j/^ ' "'""'.". .'sbpeept:/-vA. Riding;'Regiment. ; i / :-;:/- / •'/•/://:/\.//-::/ :: ,/-'/-/ emergeihciieg : :;23-r^:2'9 diechia/rged will/be^ the : ;wi&ek, /27 ;: , ViMce. clipiii' of/1-20 vioiifeeisy, ©bzorpoiseid;; of,, : of.'• this .SblGHieity fwid;:^^:,of-r Brigihoiuisie; 'iai5 : /At the 3Ti.-M.'0.-A..).; 'P'ai?k,/-an/ 24';;^dJenta<l: Gaae?, 2i;;/;c^t-pen::::admitted ^during: : tjniio^/fef/ivinjiibh/;^^ Shiespjey - a®" optoidikotbr)/ /It the : weeki 64; ,/• / VisiBoirs" for/ ; the ; ien6w.|ng/:iwee;k:: mentwaa given, on Sunday. ^ programme -beii prpyided ;by , King - Gross Wesleyan : Orchestral: ;pie5^ ::;!i.,;/Wh;ite/^ Society, under Mr. J. Ilanspn; The solp cbrneilWhiitworth, "Spwerby /B^rio^ge;/;!M'r. r J. ri. -Bbltpn, .was Mr. /Oasspn, /tlie -vocalist.. being Miss' 'CoraS Albert .. Mills, ^ ;^wbr;By. / Bridge/f /Mr;-'H.-.,.Jacksbny: Grossley, '' / -pjr^vid)b,, of Parfc/bhoir, with Mr. A/> Kit8pii,r.: th© ,ftUia(lilii:es- '<>f '. thje cihiOiir,::; In view- ol 'Bottom :.Sh:ed, : /.Spwerby ''' ' F. R. C. 0.. Mus. Bao,, P^r k' so i%an i st,' as ~ accorrw ioitio niatel'e bf ib^;:«^ panist. ,/• Th© meri, /who hunibbred B;bout 150,| wdil/u.n:doubteidly be •'-': :F<ocp; .Bimipiiire ;fwn<d for : King " ware, ad)djrieis§6d/b:y.Mi'. /Wliitlie»y,- M.P., and B^fvj rousing ted •emotional ; CKjjnpioisdltdipflQ by Dtc1. Binrn. On. Mbniiday the pcnopyaymme w;p •wihiefe ' giain>6d/ iJbie'fiansfc ; ipvize> iri _ in.7 ried put by the soldiers themselves^ songs/ /Ehrapiire,'' ico . ;in th;e/ riistmas.; To given: by about 12 of Kitchener's: Army, tliei Mr. tEis: .; Si'e uppn' tfe Riesierv-ej .Biatt., lete.—-On:: Tuieisida«y;; Mr/ aaid V: Maist'. . <>f H.-' Fostea* .aln.d.. pa<i*tj' -w-eirie.: r-ef.pransible for-'thg: ^ ;of j: :. there^ b^eihg no • ohe,r/ f . Gfee is - bl prpgramme.--The EnterJfcamment Ob-mmittee de of , ;plothing::/suii3able' fb;r .iaibui of; :w&jn} iilave ;nieb: to /ajid/^^ games, cided tp request all--desirous of taking part in enU ;^ Mr. soldiers to advise Mr. C. D. Beard etb.:, . for'Cthe toys, : ©1x5.;, for tertainmentfpr '' n^fen's ward®,' ;aiidj/:dbJl*i i : of i 12, /Gladstone-road. •/:,'/ •.-. •:''/'.. •'• •. •'. •' // : x, .-.; be /gf.atfuJIy LJEOTURE.---////•;-• ;/ 'afld • a(^ripwle<Jge4; by ;iffie ^actinig /matron, ' -v^//,/ '''./ " ':' % '/ by ; /Miss On Friday evening, Dec. 18, at the ! Theatre Royatv Halifax, Dr. Drury (who has been appointed lecturer by* is "(updiar/ ^iei''/^)8it»(jii^0;.-;'.i6|'/ :'tihie''- liatlifax tjE^cruiting, at Jlalifas: BsErracks ie prpoeeding the National Reljef Fund for' the Halifax District)'•'; ITiiited Eiongdjoaij. 0oniua!e'"tC'ijaJ[ mbre satisfactorily, the total for: the week/ being will deliver & War lectura iHustrated by, over 100, Jaia» and its' •>' p/atrio-fe 208. On Saturday 1 there wei-f 11^ Mpnday 54, tern slides. These include Many views showing th*Hj devaRtatioH of Belgium, numerousmother incidents 'inri 'o^ugihA/Vfe''-.i£i*pjp^iiail;.-.-'b(>'; a la/rge : clretie.: ''" ' '51.; /:Thui?sdayv ' '' '' ' '20; ' and " ' th« War, and a large'number of lahtera pictures of thai Wihen ifc is.meoneinboiieiii &at .thie • profits/t?'^-/be; Tuesday -61,; ' W©anessdaj: British, French, Belgian and German Armies, also* to. looail pelieif, .thgirie' :eeeans n.b/ reason "Daily Graphic>" "Daily Mirrpr,"^Daily Sketch?1 '• Victoiria ISMIL' sliio'uild;n'ict be; well filled:, pai •next.. •:'•:;//'-//..:-'•:.'-//'.;;//;/-//- : '-/ •:,/ ::/, :- ,-'//:.;. ,/-: ,/.//:'; '/^LEC^rtTRE,^;- ,-.• ;--/ ,':•' :;;;:/ and "Piinch" War Cartoons. A spescially selecterf chbruV ; ;r ; ; Mr,. :.P.erdjv:.^lleni ; te • feeturer/ for' th« Sunday will sing' patriotic airs. Ths proceeds'will be "han.deJ/^rl Lecture /^pciety to-morrow: . /eyening, had ;/fis:e'd over to. the Prince b.f Wales's /Natioual /Relief Foa3( : / J "Jpan of ATb''->:as;.ihis'-;su;b5ect.';/'Tn view, however, and credited to the Major's Halifax Central Fund/ iat tSie1 Cjaf-e Ife^M on Tlh^ of the/ war, he has, -with the ready assent pf;-tfee,-(; Further particulars will be announced early next tw.o viKj&-p-rasideinte; .of ithie 'liaaigtiie -(of wlwxih committee, substituted /another-\- lebture, .entitled ./::,; /. L DAMAGE BY •THE/GALE.//•' ; • l J. :/H. 'W.toi-tleiy : .is,;:p^eisLd^Ht).:' ,;;;.: -A friendly 'Battle Fields pf;-Nor^h-Easterh France: Invasions About five a.m..,on S'aturday a heavy gal«,~whichi aoid ,tbe effoaTtiixjv-ed/mosit . past ., ..and .present." ' The change, /we doubt1 not,, 'amid : thje-tiihdted . effotts; ol will be. acceptable to: patrpns : of 'tbe Societj* In sprang irp"in, the early hours, did :cpnsiderabla dam.ige^ itntecpestad), wiho /geinieaxniMy gave prizes: :hi9/_lecture, .Mr " Alien . will- deal with /Abbeville, to the gable end of the grocer's shop occupiedw> t/he .."£10' will : bs hiari>ded ' [/Rheirn's, Laoji,/ Sojssoiis, Compiegrie, Ar-. Mr. W. H. Mitchell. in King <Jrps»-street. The ta*ry,;. •,-', :/ '-/-/- ; .'/"•.• .' :. /-/,.;-: '// ••/- : v... ;;. • ./, Amiens,' ras, and 5h'e ; Valley; of tfce Aisne, all : in the pre end is in /york-street, and the top portion, tb/ taa?; depth of four or five feet, was blown down. Fortu-, Mi.SS' LAVENA SALTONSTALL'S VIEW® -ON sent battle area. His lantern slides include many nately'all the debris fell outwards, .and no iaterioff. ••••' '•••'.•;• : : v •/ TSffi -WAR.'' .•.;;-;:•-.-,'. .•";.;. up-to-date /pictures. /':.., -.'. - . / ; . : danaage/was sustained. The shop ,is a lock-up shppy . Miss Lavena Saltonstall >last evenijag addiressted - THE/DRUIDS' ,ARM§.; ANNUAL; DINNER. ' aii'd Mr. Mitohell,.who lives in Hyde Park-rpad, did Salem . Litena<ry-'•. ;Sp.oie%. on :"One woman's view The 10th annual dinner was held on Wednesday,when a not hear about the accident "until two hours later. of tfee war/! The, opening portion was brilliantly company of 66 sat dpwn. The host and hostess were It was lucky that the incident took plsoe at so'quiefc descriptive of her impressions on the eve of, and Mr. and Mrs. Brookty jind the ohairtnari Mr. J. W. an hour, as in the^daytimpt the street is usually basy? el-ter the declaration, of war.; 1;b.e 'latter portion Simpsori. After dinner the National Anthein was with.children playing. oonsisifced of a string of poignant opinions on the. sung. Mr. J. Mel*illo, comedian, gave onffl or two CADDY FIELD WESLT3YAN "AT HOMES." w-ar and all/ Bating /to; i*. The: foHowinig are/a songs, and Mr. Ryder and a frsend su»g duets. Mr. These were continued PU Saturday, when the ropta; ; few, thotighits - taken . from . her discussion, whfeh Brooke, |nn.^ was the pianist. was again crowded. Cor. S. Wrjght was in the ch;?^ lasted an hour and a qu-ai'1>©f :— Wars will not ceasi ST. PAULS? SPIRITUAL CHURCH. ALMAand Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Mackrell wera-host and hosttS. until tlie workei's ihave mor© say /in.r. foreign poli ; /';/'.. '--•' /. ; . /STREET,../'./ .;// ' / ' The proceedings were cornruencad by the siDgingyo£tics.—'German militarism is not going, to be put On Sunday the platform was occupied by Miss Annie the Nationftl Anthem, and, after prayer by Eev. S; Lj do-win,- in this wiar if the A|lie» win. •- It will be put, Brbadley, trance speaker and clairvpyante, of Burnlev. Evans, words of welcome were spoken /by Mr." W.* down by th« working classes, and1 not by the Eiig- Good congregations wei-ft presided over by Mr. Wi.JT. i Lyon. Songs wer0"abl.y'.tend«r«rf" by Miss lish, French,, and .Russian militarists.'— Those ..who; Banme. .Taking as her subject in the aftenaopn "Per- Miss Fowler, Miss Cro^-ther and. Mr, K, Jsnkinson'/ bring, wars -a/bout .should have to go into the firing j sonal responsibility,'' she. gave an inspiriijg] discourse, and selections were again given-by the , kSqunrft Orchss-*' line.—-The cause of the war is misunderstanding.. | fol)bw«d by well-recognised clairvoyance^ Tn the tral Society, under the cooductorship of /Mr. -.Holloa.' \ and red-fepeism. We Tiad some evidence of it when evening shft/ 'dealt with th® recent utterances ,. A „ vote ._.._ of ,, thanks .„.._„„ was ..„„„,,__ „„ ^v .. l,.^0,..,vtl, spoken to by ili Mr. J. Darstell. AW Ifc ., .wan* -was declared.. ; We could not: luouse ou.r re- regarding spirit return of Sir Oliver Lodge. Glair- j is expected that the total receipts will be about £60, y cruitS)'nor clothe them, nor. provicte for their child-! voyance ' was /-given, assisted by Mrs. R.. Crossley, I ————.:;' /-// . • T\ ren, not because of deliberate saving-, but because (Halifax), who also gave the closing.invocation. The] At Halifax Borough Ooui't.-yesterdar, lioance ofi i of'red-tape.—A concludang thought was: There -is .1 choirsang "All Thy works praise Thee" (Smallwood). j the Greenhill Tavern was temporarily transferred ' only -one thing that will stop war in the futurie,/ The after.circl®, attended by a large number, was OOH-: frOrn Harry Know'les, who'Shad enliri-d. lo his wife> -"i - - •' -• - "•••'• '•••••••• '•••'•' "•• ductad by. Mrs. W. H. Bauraa. Mr. E., Sharp© r-'en- [Annie Rebecca. . / /.."."' '••"• .' ( ..'| ancl that is real: education of the peoples /of. B-urope; not one.el'ass, .but all classes-j;not better *" To the Halifax Advertisinar CHib an addrPSB 'orf tvwa^es'"and-- better co-nditions pf living; it is .not | / .HALIFAX "« Efficiency HALIFAX CHILD SHOT IN" THE HAND, Bfficiencv in Adiverfising Adlverfisina- " was'giveri.oh wa« . ffiv«r, ^ Wednesx \VoriM« n .nationalisation of •industries J'th^- will bridge the i- Ernest Knight'4), Gharlestown-road, was shot in th« day by' Mr.' T. Russell, London^pa-esident Incor: -: the :; /At^fiie:; Firm thieiliaqiibjs, ;'^(Bjil^}/:re^^' VrC^^ ralfce/ii^i.e/jb$|ibit^e ;bl; bd^/£or/^tiieifil; _^_0 . _ r _ _. ^^h^bl/^/bhea^ ;-Mfcfcidiagr/ -^t:Bpitea8iei;: ;sew; /to-; tSie^^-^ftSwoirfc^//^ i ed,rly ^/rJbs^biea;;niPte/<^ theirs • -^^-i ; --' ^ ^-<K-~I^ ^n^a — ;-^^^ Mr; .,'..!&i/-.-'Wb'o'1 5//--^^'<^^.^y Briggs,/S^pbdhe|idj;:';Rtir^t;' .';•• ;: '^.^^ftyj^./:^ ing: . ' "The fesepn was : read :/by's fei p):. The: ' Eenyoii iatteiitipii ; the^apprppriate and /HE. /Irpmftipiiger dbliyei?edl;by; and: cbuttnaster Bn Thursday there was aiarg* cpngregatiioB//at a^f based ^~1"' Ch/urcb< when M :prgan = and yiplinr /recital ,byMr. ShackletpnPollard, Mus.;~ """]''~'~/ .M« aqd Mr. Fred Kitesbeiv The prq^r«|nito^ d/; a ^suitable /to-charaptsr,, embraced five organ 5plos ! selectlpps;-. by /Mr. Kitbbenv// Bpth : ^pr , wd: the.; tarylB^;-.nature/;bi/ hoMi;^;: the/:' :seryice;,: jsieces'gayeVafeuniilant scopft for - the displii^ /bf: |B:jnaBjpulatioii of/the interpretations/ -* pf ,/the/ Musib: /and ; Queep's, " -^ . to .wage _ prpficiency, :with/r the/^lkjiittiiig^ --needle^i;/;,;::T^uS/ far;, :^;^b^er;?': .: J:?uMi^ he/;has yprbduc/ed^ ;fiye'/]*ai^ stbcll:ings^.^:(th^; :;is/:th^::;ve^^ lady -critic, /and/ sjie: -/believes/lie^is ':- ?'kMttu^/rnorie/|:/: ;; Tjllie:Vj^:'^%ra^;F^a^-'^;/^(Mi>ejd;/:; :l5y-/-i -il^r'^//A/ for;:j;berba;u.se'')^- //Tllis/g^ . : for//the; ' ;MbtVi/. '' fe^s v^eteymined; ;;that; ;;<f(;: 1^^ /aon'xj^be^/lMSi^i^ :,riigjht bpclily;/:coriifp'rt ... . ,. . Central /News "learmi ^'iiai,N/uj« British^ 'autboriti.es, actirig in conjunction^ %Ith ih.e French .niilitary cen- : Bprship, iiitehda,:to discoura'g'ei ; eendihg tp: the frdiit from friends at home picture postcards ridiculing; or oaripaturing the Kaiser ;br t!he; G^erniaii' Crown: Priiiice. It has been discovered thiat where such pro<iuetiphs , have been - fpund ' on prisoners /;. or iwounded soldiers, they/'have', accprdmg to ,the .Gerr man Biilitary Qode, rendered themselves liable to summary treatmenit. In sonie: eaisee they been maltreated or even shot. / ;Nbthinig : ently riles the Germans nabre, a rieptesentartive of the Central News was informed io-dayV than to discover that, a. captured eneriiy possesses pictures derogatory to the Kaiser: or/ Ilia family, aiid for that reason it were better / not to ridicule ;the Kaiser, certainly riot at: the front. ' , ;' '-: •/.. . /v '.'./ iiid took part iii a ; dwef ;' (,:The Mr. JIariald Foefer -ciieatbd; , M^^e^K^oig^ ^aisjvjwilh-t' b/uit"^/' /bvwiig1"""'" ;^: ^./-w^riiMg """ iaiidito/r:,:.;;Mr:; Pifl^rfc '• jOfj; . stirring (Highroad ^ : v-;.-ffii^i- ;Wo9?lEer, " ^thie/^piapfeir: . of Tte•i uniaistafcabL& elbpnjed ? . : very /h^lM^dis^i:}^ twp./miserable;/days mans ;were only/ spnie:' 70,; yardj?/: aw.ay ^fronir/th'e:/: nearest British//trenches. : /-/S^^is/'/^iaTCi/bur^fiiiig-;'.- £30 ^>: -Oi about 100 yards/frOinhirhy bait/fevr coiild/realise ful a^s -. we .how safe :they. wersvin these; : dug^pufe : '" "" ' " ' were epme SOt) Grlasgpw^^.;Highlaiidsrs. sang• " : Gome:^^ sdaag/."to iiie'' ^>d '' ^airy % • ' '-."n- 1 -" " - --•---.- • 'n-- 1 . . • •-, "TI-* -T -" i- " /•' "i -' '•."•-" "•-• • ' " ; -. -^iir" --- '" ieserved ..eoiicSpirie.. -;lais6 ''My Fadiiy Drjeam" ,..,..,.. ,^b'<s6in^,e^^TOtfe -s^/; m'p«^9ii^ti;^a/f_^tot^ M.r ;Duckett g'ave "{Dbwn-Vanx-f/ 'the/pi^biit: a/pd fu/^ <s/ weHf./receivied^ / / Co)stuariid;/ wiay, tha^tifested;/oii/iSuiidiay. irjprn/mg^/^when; "Sooifccli qne>el,". .and-•'•".Irishi,/: 3JSi// vireMe. gtveii vby Misses / SfliOtt,: GTundy, of the ti©w trpop /witlt / /this •/ - :piace.' / ;6f; Every ;iten» /being; //scpuitniastrer;: ..this? i:httia,^n/^r^ee v ni^bered; 16. trbbpg^represented^/iiiere .were five cpnv ^ " ;^gnrpad/'v^e;l^:::PaTk^//&n^///l^ : '' 'C:.:'.-'- ~'':>'?^. : *^j*i-- 'VfJijenSe l<3$e'-{'Xii^ C . befel. Lfeut./Cowie, they returwed J t r. . :Gpllecte/d by... :JVIfuster Herbert apd / Pte. /Harris, ^f^i;inig' from ;Fr-abce;/on :: -NViy.? 29, • Says they spe;nt;: 4'8 ;}iOjufB/'in/the. treneheSf and had . ffuocessfu31y.:; ; and Mi». . •;-. Th® ' ^VV-ailfcstr;; piro-vied/- aln able a<?c<xmi 'maM -arfe^l^b^^Ei^i^i!3fpbitt/w^ /;,: , Mr.. '"'?,';:vA.' -^;"iSTobJle.Iiad ''"prpved BENEFiT CONCEBj AT (CENTBAL/ for tbe/bemiefiifc of a goM i)Qjnjpedj'iini| :ihieJLd/^t ffie ;v f^ ^ ^ „, ; at:Tpasit ;;^iew,;;|;su:b^coni:toiil^e%/^% :/*ppo|:rete(3:;-tb- :; see/ ^/ifeheic-::das- XJlarSi'-^ale;;; Sir ; Johii ; : French,' addiressing- V^e; :;l^t; Battalioii Royal . Berkshire ; R0gim<siiu : i,t^ the ; f rciiit J about a week Ago, said i '"It -is : ;inieri -.;?lik:e! \ybu that/ have ^nabled jas^ to; gain, .the/siiccesses ; that : (haye . b^en; Wioiii •:- vyb'ur glorious •, colours C bea* • ;th«; namee ;df ; nearly , all ; the ^battles -in. . which; :;th^"/Briti5h;;: -Arin;y: lias been ;engag^^ Conduct throtighput: the^ ba.nipa;igTii has; b/een ; ixiag" ''' '" ; ' : '-"'' ' ., , ..•%_.-.•.-...-. -1-,- -r-------—- —~--vp/s^LCh/:bE:ild'^en^ (pianist):: Hb-tnes h« ^ V5;//;: ^gM^;^; sW^;-^Wb/;:bf.:/!i|i^:: ;^ifistr4^v/:^ ,^:;i^;5^^ ::^^^/;:fp.o:^.'i:^b.iyop^ :<j^.;3:^^^^ , ' ' jiaet©d'v': as^^ . ;:;;;;-,:-::;/.'i:'--:f::':K/iu//-:/X;.:v i ./v;; /:: /^'//^///i-^^f^^ad..^^^-^"^!^^/^ ':^^^^-i!^S^^ii^^'v^ The -"Telegraaf" learns ;; iftorn- Brussels; General; J/^man :has tbttHy rescbTered frpiij the'1 effect: of inhaling^poisp;ne^:iga^e? at : /th ;: of; X*anoonv but ojieipf '<the ;ltot;s 'Gii the^^iler.al' foot had to b^^^ amputatedVpij iccpii^t of the r&ceiyed;; during the ^seijge: ' of •; \Oege,'—Excihaiig^. : ';; ; ^/jpirSvilegbd^tp: ^;^fy/il3iaJ5fax//ini^ '.Apari;,frt)na; . lJ;: • :pv:eri;:; l(i)J50.0:/ . .. -gulf betwteen the classesi: it is education..-—A Iree-n ; j,and on Monday- by accidental firing of a rifle which pora,ted Society pf Advertising Consultants, 6 disoussion^oiDeraedi by^ the^ chairman; anal pastor . his father held. H© wEts taken to the Infirmary. o' ] (Rev. ~ W. D. ~ ' is said to be ssnous. -'.'.. The formerly advertising nlanager of the "Times'." F. King presided over a good attendance 6~The most delicious Pastry for Fruit Tarts -use .ttcDOtmAOTS' SHE-RAISING FLOUR. Christmas grows rapidly nearer. Two tw-eeks on Friday it will be> heira, and we shall Jbe secure in. the shelter of our homes because our soldiers aa-e holding the trenches in the [North of Fraaoe, and our 7sailors ifehe seas. " :''/. ': ar© - ''.holding " '.'.' -.'' ,""'• . '. ' ' - * * »'.' .- » . _ '.. 7 .-. "' ' - ' -- . A soldier on aotive. service is the most gratefui man in the world for >a message, and mtwih jnaore for a, gift, from home. Bfe prutg the reatest goodwill to the oredit of the smallest t our word to tlhe OommaMer of «?very regiment of Halifax and district lads, .twhetiher at the fighting front or in camfp to aM, in fact, whom we think should he re<mem1b^ days, and especially as Ohristmas is near that we will doi all we can to re-arouse public sympathy in their behalf. 3-n a day or two we are fully hoping to be informed of all their exact requirements, from the quartermasters .on the spot. W)9 hold ;two letters, and in theseI liar & officially stated inedr pressing wante: .7 .'•'••• /v'7 - ';'"'- G Squadron, Yorkshire Dragoon^, ki woollen sweaters, dark .woollen glovfeis, v /'-' ; : ."/ " V' ;'' ;;;,- ;-;Y;;. 1*.A.M,C. \Kv '4 ; - !.' ; " 31 .sweaters, 24 -pairs of socks/ 3 sleeping ;^l:Q.ets,':..6 -.-sh.iris,' in addiition to smokes. • •"• •-• .- •> . .. .-' •».. » *"".:..*'• . -•: . , ' . • " ifany ladies' agency in the town otdistrict is willing to supply some of these goods, either direct or through us, we shall be glad to be informed, to avoid duplication. 0videne© -grows each <day tinafe the artriibe. front ;arid ariiihome, are feeling moid .the tbj&rebe tlhe nib^e glaidi of many of the articles :fac€> a'bobt to send, theni." ' ' sooner %rtie^iea ^ isooner ihey will reach their destination.. Even tf :tthey ave Christmas gifts^ they might go at once. The extreme ttrgjency m;ilst be patent j)^jd'. giving ai thought ^to>tihe TJBffi SATURDAY, BEGEM: time. At a lull in the 'battle Schofield and thirea things you would have thought too low for any comrades walked across to a -farm yard foor some white man I am ashamed to talk of them. The water. Nptcing a bundle on the roadside he m- German trenches had been well prepared. Great vestigated it and found, wrapped up in cloth, efforts were 'made to break through the British "'.. ADDITIONAL, NAMES. the dead body_ of a girl about 9 years of age, ."She.. lines, but our men stuck .heroically. Our officers lhad been 'stripped of all her clothing and her , -'°ften said they were proud of'their men, arid we _ Sinpe our list/of Nov. 21, the following' have throat was gashed open from ear to ear. .What, wer® proud.'.of our officers, for they always fought joined the 4th Bait. West Riding1 Regiment ("Chums-), and enrolled at Sowerby Bridge :^ had been done to the girl Or who Lad committed j ^ our sides. German officers always drove their the ghastly deed Go-d knows, but it is-.a-Laot that men into^ battle. After the lon.g-drayvn-out fight Willie Su'tcliffe, Bridge Inn, : Sowerby Bridge. th© Germans had been' occupying the place but a on the Aisne, Stansfiekl told how the British were Harold Wilson, 15, Derby-street, Sowerby Bridge. few hours before." Pte.. Schbfield,, who limps .succeeded in-trenches .by-the French,. ..and then he Frederick Wm. Waltorij 25a, Bblton Brow. other British troops went round to.. badly, ha-s to report ..himself at Newcastle 6n Box-J,as. Brio Robertsli,; >v, 2, Pall Mall, Mytholniiroyd. ing Day. Apart from Pte. Tom SutcMffe (previ- Bassee and_Ypres. . Eigihiing here he received his Frank ,Brown, 2,-"Lower Water Hills, Sbwerby ';-.. .Bridge. '. . '.'-: .. ' .-- ' '.'"';':'/. '•':' ; .-' , ously ' -mentioned); '-Pte.- Sohofield saw no'-brie on the wounds, being hit five times with flying scraps of day; however » He was located close to -a. convent, when Fred Mitcheil, 406, Burnley-road, Sowerby Bridge. battlefield whom he knew, -''' and the' I'"a "coal box"'.':-Pame came over and £shattered the. convent Ohas. Wm. Hall, 38,:Union-street, Sowerby Bridge. he xan aoross a Pte. -in the Scots Guards, ,?oa'i £?** teeth were jWm. Hy Holroyd,' 15, Cote Hill-yard. latter told-him that Pte. :«ill, of Hebden Bridge. ^alL ^With the exception of 5;'~his , .._.,.._ ___.__., ,__,.._._ ___,_ . —— -XT. ,_-,,,.-.,. 5, knocked l™™'™^ ^"* but. T^he3 ;gun -gun w^^^ waggon was blown up s\\\ one.. "driver; . . » ». « gunners,;and gunners, ;_and three horses/ horses were Francis Pettitt, 11, Old ',• Causeway, Sowerby ftitl for. I am veary pileaseid to; t0H you thia* killed. In ,: tfax-nr.st,7 hospital he; was; shelled out Bridge. tup to tihie preeaiitouir men .are keep'iiiigriip tKeir by Genroiane,: S*^t mari-y 'GJ-erman wounded, 'iri it Albert Collins, Green Head, Norland. :^ Yorkshire aame. Eve'iry oB?''<rf''-th!eim^nwJheh it were .killed. .Eventually he got to England; '4e Ariihur Berry, Lower ;Gaukrog©r, Sowerby. must -report on Dec. 17. ;, It "is not. likely he ; will, Harold Longbottbm, 13, Woodhouse-terrace, oomes to getting :.hWiid-to-hiaad witih the enemy, , ' '.;' ' ; ; RESGiKE 'Q'F AN OFFICER. , ' be accepted, on account of his weak state. ;'»nd man-ito-miaiTiii; .always keetps tii© rfepiitati'on A; Hia-lifiax ; lad; "one of the many. :lias distin.- then ,;-:;':..' NIGHT'S; : TERRORS, ' :: ,;% -."-.' ;4f ^good old 'Yorkshire. Sir, we .aid wish, you a, uished himself for bravery at the fiont,.. arid the Stanafield. tells ho.w he- lias seen a. Hgthted cagiar- The /following were omitted from the last return: dney Cockroft, Tuel-lane,; Sowerby Bridge. Mertry CSliristmias aaijd a P-rospieroiis New act _.th.ait. he .is only. 19 years of age to ;hiSjette piass along the•-'' .artillery, ;/ so -.scarce were alter Brury, Burnley-road, Ludderiden Foot credat. : .The lad in _queMion- is P^te.; ;Belieye: us. tp.;r©maanr ,. '"'. .-'-,. ' .- . ; '' " near; then they (who has since been promoted to corporal). thwai-te (10,93$), King's Own Royal;' 3L,iancaster;:;kniew ; ,*he Garriians had found their poeitiori//and t The following. .have enlisted m Eitchener's Army Kegurienti, ; ;wh<3 ij-escued an officer^ I>ieult. / D. VG.;|ihe;; Order; given to move :to; a fresh .point. :V-At ,smce/Nov. 25.:-'7 ":."-7 "•':• '..'" ' , 7/;; ' .'. "'"-•' : ' . ' '"'. , ,-7' Robinson,, the famous^ ; ia;ll-E'iigland bricketerv during ''otl^er times ttey Would.vhear a. sadden yelling arid Gaukroger, Back Wharf -street, /Le ^Pouquet.; : /The :; officer /was :ecreaming^^« signal /.that ,a/ night .attack of in '-Willie / :B,ridge.; / '. '-''' '•.":. ."'..:•• ••- ' "•, -..'- - '; - ; the first erig-aigement, ; and got /.jeffc ; f antry, was .in ''.pjxt§T.esBt. In , places,; . oppo^irig1 inHarry ; ^witeliffe, 13, Ohapel%treet,' beihind in tlie jt.'fenohes, where there was "no cover. -i ;fa.nitry /were ; . ' Major Av Eilatn, 2nd /Duke -of / Bridge.; ...'7.'7L - ... ' ~: '//'//7... . 7'/ - .-... ': Pt Oornthwaite orh ' p'erilous ' :. Pte. ^ /saw his officer's p<^itioji.. ,i.;same ::.pitiable ; ; Refugees, ,.i , women, West / Riding, Regiment, aeknowledges _ ._.._, ' '', Harold D. .Horlock, 7Mill. House,N Triangle. : ; like_ a true 'Briton, : asked to I be Sallowed to ] arid /old ;fblk ,' scarcely ; ^ab-le' ..' to ;walk. :';:;'Sorrie of a number of parcels forwarded by the" KsuUtak Ernest Hoi-lock,; Mill House, Triangle. 7 ; rescue him;. . ; Perririission . hiaying, /been girantedt been; wburided:, by .sliells;; / /One night lie ^ heard/the. . Courier," /and is desijed, 7 by all ranks of the ' dull tramp'/of feet,/ :lrut; instead of- siuepebbed ;;Ger- Abert Pager 38,,- PaTk-sfereet, Sbwerby Bridige. ;Biaiit-aJi<>h-,7t67i r^tfirn:'.|hi'eir7-liear.t3r .thanks tb the young Cbrttihw'ai'be / riians thei-e walked' : iri :camp .weary and helpless LThe following have enlisted in the Liverpool kind .donors who have presented ; these parcels, lay./ . ;.;/ ; The special representative of '-the' ^' .......AMiiP. refugees. Tliough -;th-ey fed ;had : «.':;bard day's "Bantams" : Wihioh . ;h'ave proved most acceptable aind added describing said: "Seven h . ,.... _ the . . episode ^...... ..,-,.....-^- huridred; yards fighting1,, the. soldier.fe .-.readily prepared t^a 'for these Jas. Wm.! Horner, 9, Cari-ton-Btfeet, Sowerby greatly to .the comfort of'the men." 7' 7 ; people, (and; Binridffe. .Lieu:t.-Ool./ Atkinson also -Acknowledged our away Lay the trenbhes,; much of the distance open with /them, their"..own Luddenden. parcel to the- 4$h Battalion /.at Donoaster. as. f61- ground swept by shells, shrapnel,; 7arid withering rati<ms of bread arid .dhfese. ._. Gerraan; prisoners James Brown, 9, Halifax-lane-fold, ' ' _-,._. lbws:--Noy,.27i-19l4, ._..-......_., __., . ' Dear'7Sir:,^--The\ _. . ,.,_ _, a—!.*- ..-.rifle ^re- .: Cornthwaite; Worked his way/along the taved at .food: as/if .itihfey w'&re 'starving." /'One said1 :: . . . .. . . have. .arrived, and-iii the. underigrowth., taking,.advantages' ^Andrew Marshall; 21, Sparkihouse-laiiey -.ENGLISH '' ' '"'" '' "'"' and " ' arran.gein.ents J[/tfoank haW you / bb©m7tna)dei/hedges very %uoh' ^ "' "" . ' " .Cheshire Regimeht. ; , .; .-.;, , • . / . . '-' ; . . . . 1 ' the\edge ,pf i;he ppen^^^^ ^ for samel; Gilbert -Stott, 5//Sparkhouserlane,: R.AM.G. >/ /; /; f ^Artillery;'killed plenty, ^h|e« i ^a4<3e'(:l.; //A lad of second he dashed racross to the^ trenches^ picked,ur> 16;5wajs : captured| off/-: / He onty George/;Ba|(e, ^50,:. Park-street, ,, Sowerby Bridige, his officer, / slung him/ acrosss' his7 back, and^bbre^ ';;/. : ' " ' : Bedfordshire JElegimsnt. ;o; //; ;;/, . ,". / / :.. -' . Not the' ileast/. him safely into the, lines. Irnmediajtely after' this, :l ooB.stant, - wet./ / ;< 'EveTy// mbth&r -arid; / wife , $wif t, v 31 still undier heavyrfiref Corrithwaite:: got.;abr6ss:alone/! so desrre may their name and adress to the ^ticle; whirih they send, in'onder ^ihiat the reca|>iejnt may kn><3w from \whoni it ;comes. It : *oiild -be helpful if everyon^ who sent in1 an ^Srt&feX ;.wooM Estate ;on ttie v cover of ^the pa*eel/ 3feth^ ; ife\ contentisi iaaid, the > itaime ' .desired [: appie^ witlh alnwsst ^^al |dcrce r ^Bridge, I^d^en|3fenV;^>o^ Brighotise,v-as tc Halifax, beoaiaee, y tttefi Comprising ' the tfe^gdnieiits -i we sure an with, andi /- wprfciing-j'forj" aire ^•^??^:^^^;]^^^^^^^^^^ saw aeryipe-iri;Souibh;Airicia.saj^a-t.eaxtipaign 250 cigiareitfceis Ooze, tobiacco, 3 paddns .sfleki, 3" '' ' . ,., , '"' .. . ' . Aniony.ibiO''u®: Body belt a.Hd'4 .piadi-s. socks, wiifch Ghiris'tanias carids amid cigairotteis insd^e, 1 card is iaiisiciribetd u iFjiom a ft^nd : t(Eus/tiing y<mu Get a little bit of comfort from the enclosed," Mrs. Walter Richardson, Parkirisonflane, 2 pairs socks,1 1 pair gloves, and E. Richardson^ 7s., pro- . "With Mr. Tweedy 's compliments," 10 packets of "Fine Art" and "Campaigner" cigarettes. u I;. .encitaee 3 pairs <3f sojckg *wiid! : :4- eGsurves, from of Barfcisilaaiid liill; ' ' BaarMsliand. ' ' ' " . . . e^ arty ^nold York-oresb^nlb, .King CSross,;2 muMer® proteetorst/-; / 7. . '7- ' - , .7 ' :- :-_: : . ;'/' - Mrs. ;S."lBirbok, 4; pinihoe-ratree 100 ^'Q^d Fl^ 'Friendi ecarf- arid 1 pair sooks' (' Frien-d " Wifere nabs* nededi '•), ;;wAiN*s.;;;;' -7 7;/; t5eFr<>rit."j : of'' h, .' .(!7i'6^5) .. .' ";:-B''^Vpfi!i!]j;[*j^yi72iiid 3tio^'; ^fell.; /wbflMds^ ECcxW'airidiS, ; ; 2lstfc '!Bri'gia<d(e,..' :7th7 ;reguiri©d ;but h«eire Eiip^ii(tAc^ia.^^F^w^ -/rrriting 'aiOooivHi]J;|few-; ^ isaiys :---I /ant; stiE ;a|ivie io; tibjQ pink; Oif . ; With "khaki 'neckerchief is this ^tiote; aiid ooinidiJtiioai./ 7 1 jam^niOiti yet wjowiatlied «> <d<> pot; ]be; tlhiE«b thietrie are eiktes i -New-street, ; Stainland.; , Dear Sol ^hbme .do '' ; who ''' trc»ubJin;g ;y«jair^eJ^ ;,;;I;.%ni cjrast; . ; you.;"; /'/ ;;;; -;/ J^srve-knit Mis isearf, 4aid I am sending: it{ yoUj jabbut g«ttd.ng ii®ep^,^ffi hoping^ it will keep you warrn this;' winter/ ', t'-aKa" also sending you a fews, cigarettes, aid; I hope you ,. ;.thiaifc tlie ;(^eirin«;aiS;mivie; will enjoy them. I hopei the> ^a,r^ will, soon be> g&b this letter.. over, vso;-tnai you ,\wul :!ber'al>le'.-te^ooBa«. 1 'b^ck^';tp Eng^ land.r--VVith love, from tTwei A. Patkj age 9; ^ '.-odp/ 'efeiack / a/t ;t(be!ra: .'aignEfeis' .weiie,; Khski eca,rf /knitted by Doris ;Sutclifre., Town ;by /fioiiir/to ^btai ©ate^ ; ; Stainlan.d, ; > and pa^ckets of ^G ;<sbtld. . ';yarcls,; ,bf ;buir ^t : Toi another - khaki Jsearf ;ia :; Stitched ;W^en'^w^,^d; '' ' ' j^raild -. h-ayie/eeeii '• tifa bowl , ;oyeitt ; bii /tihiey. daK>p/p;adi :'bitjh: lers : sending .;;';-' At laisfb we-^njnp knit myself,; ; and it ; vrill \keepv :ypu warni. I i'l/^haJilTbe-^O' -JBSS^B'' would mce jwi , ; beat e G^rnians ;b^fore "' get ^,77.7 .^/77: 77;.;7..; ipjasV ;'4J ;oome« /;; 77: ; ;: ' 7^YTliOLji^^ l^alsp i^nd ypu ;a v.'o^WCj?.'; Jirii, G/liedliiU/; Clbjt^^ ori Wednesday rebeived a? letter frori^' h^s/sc«i;7Pt6. ;mainid.eir ; . ^J!tJi^,;'wii)O is /to France 7witli^^ triatniS'piOirit of...tiuio A.SiGv /H-e--Ii0ft/5i..poir^on tiniS^ soiuiui w^sist?xiri Nov. 19 itn'-A big.0£iir'goei '-piOia!y, '>ainjd )I; ^onk; tjuafc: uip -to'"&wSi "wiEiS fourr 'dijfcy® iiG^'CiniMiig idi /Fire^'iG'jQ/iwsiTu,.. :Tn-0 siajil, ^""^^-^^^liable;'It^fo 'aarm; waa full bf.intefrjeet,'.'di.ssijpiba a;;fi^idy Soiugih"j^EifSTibje yJcyuatiig/ mei 7ii!liaidin:g/ -i;fc7'n«e!ffirilsy;;jrn^Mb^siipe^to; tup ;«and V^gn'/bin ;; pnb-ey^ifaiiinsg^nie^ " iaig /Tear.1' ; iiot ;jsje|e hill wjas ;; they . "We' ^ouid ; .- p*ef0r, ; hofweyer, '/ giyen;rin; the me%ntime,v ^ndi then ype ^fcatt^end th^i additional eomforts ;asked for, in ' ?the; '' way ' ;of ' smpkes, ' ' out' of our ' eash. : /'.- " . '.; /. A:>®f«Eyey, Said -Dukfe^ of you ..os. 3oy>6ly presient .youVjbjaye-rSenifc csati to ' iss, asid , wMab. I can ia®suir.& you thsvfe w-eiaire very grate* r JFrom flia Tren^lies. t. , .. heirs, -has retomed, 'wou^d».4.;: -^ fisan iihe trenohes ,>'«wnd- Ypiresyand ;at his femie^ ;orov ;Band-stret, Hebr, >.deja Bridge, ihe /gave a " C/purier-"; man an ' i .i ;Weeks; 'te has been Under fire and' ^has iad; a - « ... ; ; jGernaaais. Priviaffce. Sohofield was b>lled;;up as a; :;. /Reserve, -and he" arriyedi at the, /front wlien Uhe ; - Britisili .and Frencjh .airmdeo were 'liegiiining'' to tarn toack General Yon Kluck's army from fbe maroh on : . Piris. His first shot was at a Tbube aeroplane. /'For oyer a week Ae Fu^iKefs were engaged night ; ;®5a -^ay in pressing back the Germans f rom the Marne, and nnailly readhed t!he Aisne.. . Here Sph/ofi01d. and ;liis comrades dug themselves ii/ito .;^-;te^ohe8,''-:.aiKl-- for a ftyntnigfit were engaged in ; atiackinig iflie enemy's lines -.-' an^ iii ohiec i^oujttter attacks. The men were relieved ..f tttieir ardiJOTis task, b'ut after t/hree days' rest petuxiied "to the tr-enisttes for: .another week; During : tfeis longtdrawniourti 'batble, im winch the firitig on ^feolih sides never ceased ; ;-." . , T - \ EPTHER^ DAY OR NIGHT, ^ie _ Allies^ made elig>M thioug-n ooinsHterit prog«s^ ; .against a stubborn opposition.;; .T'hm came a ) ;of "taoticsl iThb Britisili .troops' received ; to proceed to a new: ;area', and^troo /rn^n -left - pcfefe Tender cover of darkness. Most of; t9ie were jjransf erred :• by rail, bui the Fusiliers Week of hard riaglat maroiiiag, Even-, ;jrejoined the figlhting Jine a.t La Bjiisste, , heire,; isaid ;- Private ;^hio6eld.-iheywfkre six; ho^Js iny^ 'Whi?ir Jie Was mixed- up/ witih diiriotig ;ten weeks' at <i e : ^frojifc. -- The:, Genrnsns;;; liurled- '^^iihemselyes witJi ^.Cgfeat weigfet /'upon -the , " 'ifliin . kbaki.;; line ":. ^aad ;/ ipoured xib^n^a merciless rsliower of is/hofc ;aijd ;sBesll. ':£.%& was ^;^mendoiis sia^n,;upon their nerves, .but ?#" fhe British; troops n«ld^; tiiheiTrg^und., at/ a price, and succeeded in £&ak|n^^ fo^lowimg night :tihe Fusilii&rs dug thfernselTes in, ;J:ia;nd were then fT^Jy\p^eiiared;;;for A^nex* assaur.. ffljtt ^reply- -to /bur' inqtdry ;if ilie; men; :did noi/ find ;'; ;it jaoi: ardtto^s te f-Sctoofield ®aid feat; 1^; meri htad. riot '' j: /about 'the; tilling .a^/lafequri.' '.'"'.' ; Every/ man:;kc©w :'^^he ^ckerran«JVilh«;d^ ; ./ l5he;,BO<xner ;Ubey . woiold be ^indeF: ooy<a v;i jibullets' and Aritpnel, of"the enemy,: and- fJilis ^W^':/;-. 1 '.^ WORE^EI) FOR DfeAR LIFK -v'V v '. ,W;Pr<Mft /La ;Ba^8ee/-the .' !Pusiliers ; puabed oti to -AnMi^a^BBes.V and^ wer©^ just in itime to reinforce, tihe jLooidotn Scofetjsih ; after tiheir memotiaibde >< ;Wriva*e S<3iofield said' fee had nb. "wisfc -''tb "' praase from. A;e fine acyevement; bf '$h* Sc^fctiaJi, /but at tihe same/ iame tfeat ;regi; done half what oiaoy of the.Resrular a<!complisih0d. It was -a Wearing TeWforceanenfe were elo»6 at hand, for ;i3he :Sbo*tMh. were in a oritioal: posifiaom wh>en; 'ijhe Fusi» .Kers /and other; tfoops arrived a* Messisies, . After Mte Britisih^ Hne ^ a-t ifluis point h<od been mad© quite aecuire, Private Sohofie|d oibtained a-«>^iei' mxee idoya' rest, and ffiien worked round to the treaadhee eats* of Ypres. . H>sre tibety were betfiraimg to ofi/ake Aemsedvea as oomlortable as poasibie wh^n ifihe enemy made tflMVi; supreme effort to batter a way -ifliroTigilii "fh* defence, otitoinating .'in-fhe tfoe charge by i(he Prusaiaan GuaiMl. Bay dja7 *"ta British troops' h»d -litible oppoirfor more than ahort koatohes of sleep. Many men were lost, but tibe tin* remained uanlxroken Respite the repeated eliooks it had to E./ MORTlMEB. ' working . '///7.;, 7'" ' .: ;.DBED:;QF T^e following* d«ed of ittrrangement his baen filed under the TPeeds of Arrangi Mitchftll, Hubert Narman, ^radiQ^; as fi Son & Co., 32a, V?ade-sl^eetv don-av«hue, Halifax, carpet unsecured £484, estitosted net ass;ets ^185* Novamber 27. ' Trustee, Av ' '' Gray, 9> f t*JUU . ........ of ; ^uij;;-Pl^^ l be 6n|&red /on ^ti; additibnal rblK / ."Naihes; :.bf::'-:'O'f e.r;r;''bld;;;.;schbla'rs5'^;^b^ ;bee_n omrtted will^ : f stipi)Ked,; l3e;;duly insoribiedi Jt is : interesting /tb ofeth^-^yerj' teacfcer ,6f bbfett iriJan/fiS' ,and: m . uns-/o /-ft/:oa ;obnTtnMitee^ cheerfully ;: -actin^: 'f^^^c^^ W'alfefirij; ;;iJ.Ai^ ;is:^^>Mrmaii,-.;]^^^J;;;; :Ei4g;ar yOfflttes. ;treasurer,t ^nd; /iftte headma-ster-;>6f ; ;tihs& / Gounbia ;Scnobl ij3 sfecwtaryi ,: ;], The roll of honour^ in glazjed foamei^xjooupiea a, oonspiouous place '' ' in' the " ";DiM . sj secondary ,7d. to';-!7i 1^044 ; ; sih^pv 2,36:8. EngMsihf/wheM" iin snjall (supply ;a; nsoney, viz., 15s. 6d, to 1^- 6<d7p |ha»- regained *nb recent ;redTictipn, dbw, Barley a vsliade' easier/bri^tl 35si beihg7 the price per quarteri 25a. |t«p 2'8s. per ^uarite;r. b&6ie7e Other leed^miffvst .. ^ but/a;' diayfor iibwo/ ago/MSffl»,fljlda,: ^ jBa^ ;1 '' ^rdei and;thjs. nji^enirig; ^e |ii|lrtfe garl h^^ -' ; -Bank, :. '&!'&&£::-}itt^lisfai!^ :;'''I;;;ripw7/^k>7^e';;;^e'at^t;': ot^;ple|i^ ^: vy^^r',..'''TP^;>M.r^Pj.!:lS|I^ , 29 tancaspr«- : & • ^IiOOdon ©rfcy : !$Bg-7;OttT.7;:gT< /l aH;/^e-|)eniri( jif .,--' /;f.r - a ' J3fbi'- '180',' '/'! ' V ; 1QiS.' ;;ie;:; Iff/ J«sepn/' : . 10//18" ; ; -;: /B«.; ' . ., kJtidiea-ljy/ /;aip«aiiDg ; for :y^a*iety;-greft?d' u-srfor iner.: ;and and teaj;:'i!iiinaiV'-'^fi^fl^' i -Jxp.ifc/,.l?&j!j'. :us'' ^dinner, ;retire/ tombed ;5anl6iss Tthby /^wished- .us \* ^gbb^-night.'^ f rbnl:: thei '* -bodies, iihas ;nbi .toe^n' marked, /, ';feut ; ' fee . waa . ''of'"; bpiaicm ihat, - if weather ih^ad /been ibtj^the vt«oops'/wbuld! , haye Ibeen driven -from / their-^ pbsVtibns/ ;1^ the^ smell. ^ Whilst ;the men weje ^ even /when ; nb assault vf^as bemgr deve'lbped, they were also shelled by the iheavy : gunii wnKsK were stationjedafeout 1,000 yards away and always cleverly coriciealed; When a^ked how iihey dealt with ! the Pirussiaji Guards, Pte. :Sphofield replied1, that , it ; ^p-aa d]i fficult; :to vv reaiemfc^er :in detail tihe fierce numerous ;>thinigs which happen battle, so engrossed is ievery mail with tlhe partiettlar task immediately - in front of hairi. / lie said- that the Gufards/ aa in all other assaults; came forward shoulder to shoiilder, in. two -lines, the second being muoh deeper than thb first, Thje British ordejr was to withBold fire uplul the eoaemy gotyto. within easy n, .. ,. . • . Taylbr's lirug <3o.-^Mr, Ji H; ;A;r.n»i;t8 »v *nnn*l.:'; 'Meeting /;, Of ' Ta'Tl0t>. :;,;^' Iiii8ds.r/!. For the ;:y!ear,;"'th* 7 ^rbfits £14,222, %» cbmt)ar»a with ^10^319 min 1312^ A dividend 'of 7 p^r cSrit. thi-brdinary Bhirfls ;/;-;£8i4 ^;^i6^^o ,C^ayeti-^errace- . ' ;ies to handi but there is no hurry all naving as, much /work ' , , Pr ice& of ;;yarn., ' ' * ?;« pay in h»lf>yeatly interim shsrw, or1ft par cent. p«ir ; annum, ^•iS^tg^: / Pjjain.;s-~itih.'ey.;^^liniisih^; .tMnk; ^ e' nigint ^ up. , /.For ;;Gro6S-'ba-eds aiid; ^n a ., .Steady,, trade -at ; iinchan/ged arfeTquieterj aid '". pE^^^BRl^E';:.;^^Il^ ^^Q^I)^'I ^Hiild^VjvX miay hiave- the pleasur.^' of'. calliiniS -irQund .;tb jDrrv&r Fa*ed Stainsfield, R.F.3i.j? :lia^ returned ;fe see.^yjoUi,- bless 'Godj! when ;ttte "W"ar i^oyep* -;.'/ Ir,dbn-fc it(hin^7I/^*y^-^^;riioj!;i& /ii(>%^- ;: n'^i:;;^;I^wSi!:;;cl<>se. S ajefeiyieidi PHI ^eV:$iattlefieid.7 ;-]E!e with:; my- ^e^^t/.l)bye,;ii;j^7a^7my7>oi(3n^a<Je^i; bjf _ wata in; Beyerial ejjigagemenits, 7l>o^^;b^'pu^.;heikrt» ; wast t^ ^ea^ly ast Ogden, May Ogden. and) month,' by; -''iilatiii^^.^l^p^ " .; ti)9y7^^Rlay./Gb<i i; fallinig ;m'a;son:ryi.: BtSJisfMd^s .b'atteiry;.' was; for', _. . imb iri/;blose; -tbuoh; Toffee,:;Ma^ber Perfey Taylbr /'Mr. aw: ^m^ ^i9,' ;;: eon. ;/bf '; Mir.;/.J.'/lWv;;": iioberfslliat?, ;with Jhe Belgian^ ;^^, .a ' . - . yeirs);, Rhowste Ttooe -;.. Bower, ;;1!^ytih^^oydy/vhas:: ^gpie tO:,/^e Miss : ;;; CtotttTiiLe; rBrioofce, 2 76 f ipnt' : ^ii!]^;,the; ^ •'•&•"&. ^ Pfe«. r>atii<3 Kennedy, .. nibtOr,Sj:~ha^iri^ fead ;a. va-^ b^'<iy|'\''fe<^^^dt''vWiriili"' forge arid repa.iririg imple- laeiatj; writesi ^oms to his, wife Saymg he is itf hospital 23 riiien^-^-a mania/iiure : blacksMQi-th./ and : meclianib'e; whilst h* ^was in thf trench. H«»; is sufffring f rbm :sh0^i.> ;t ;Be\:hiad -a ; ;gbod sendrojpf on-;:S,a^u*diay , ' when shock and is expecting to be s«ttt;hb«ia :hat^ til thai r«cby)srisi : K^: lefii. /with' his ?yahi, bji -Miidh v(?as': ; |he;^ed £feisa, (greenwood,; ; Oa iis' Ay ; to la Soutlfernf port .h.eV^lle'Ji a;t;^he c^inp nrsreet -ouit' -'"':.^»^.*:i.'..'. "; of ; wounded/ sotldpers; ,aiid»; . of ;tKe; Ring's .Royal RiJMes^/wliiejrji^-i^^ .Mii?. ; Noartnaai T^hipelfialf (Prize^ Joke) : ?; . : /oh!aflge^ ;;lii^^;.^firp^ lads: aTe ; in tra.iiii;ingj';arid has sent a m,|issage homey ABoJDiymous (Prize ;-Joke) ... ; .. v ,..,.... , . ; ;tb;;^fe; iMJast©*' ,b;f ; ;1 saying ;JiQ /f6und;;^hemv ..all; Weil./;a£id poking , fully*-; T. A.JDav.idaon,;..; Luddeaideii ; (prize joke triaaned.;^ld!iers;: . . t'M'r. Robe^jiia^;h^s crowed over; S^ Master^ G. H^ , paokles, r55v Fred Hi]lJ to France,' and vby this/; miy' /be; at: work ;;at *tlhe^ 96, :istfe;Sbo;fe?:(|uardsi; bf ;;. ^'-: (prdze joke),./ ^.>.^ . .. .. .:.. : '' MelbbUriie-streetv BridgeV ;/ "ia^ V;iit%iBdted;, aad;<.a;,pri^n'e'i*:;^ g>n.. v ' / : ':iEps"..sister-v:li;a&: received1 'ia:le*eri ..:.^, .. ; THEMSEL,yES;.v the f^m^rand all rigti up ;tb; three ; ;.-" :.P. 0.3 ; Grayspn :;- ;a£pB: ; : : ; Eearris; vv. Halifa? " A*: ;iihe: ;point wihere .Tr'w Pblioey. /who. / are /Military ,/:- li| PoJSce / &i and that /of -tfce; eneiny was ;<toK diyaded"-by ajdisi- France,; writing;/ 16; 6hief Tnspec uiier tanoeV varying^'fisorn ;30 'fo/ilo^^y^ds. ';" /it was :da^;;Nov;;: ;2^,/^y'.;;;;f ':I3pi to .-the /present we iare /in, llCCE^ts 7igiftl' : (9hpriM7;!««% us tb^^ke^ ;;;.Shaj®,' r;|^17i,;- 2nd-;; B:mg?^;;'Own7 ; nwfcriyv" bkJtjhJs** :S%. gbthd- iieal?ili ;and; spirits, ,;quite <&n|byin'g-;. OMir&elves, what ^sle^p :. wb boiild by " hi'titn^ian;^^ :; V--^*: ' You'; aie ; j^v;;dbub;;;awarve;, we-/.^ ;-; /figKting JEIalilax, ^Sas'been;-prisoner-/bf;' jour ; yaisn :thbi" first so far:/as;isleepin% et^^mtaaMon. , ws ; :^^tipg; hbme{ hia" acl ; : M*V" -f i$, ^BKr^;;prMr :i ac|ioji; ;yiritlii .. ;.:;, ';We;;:,; only .;jdiriieTC,7;pp:,/:i Eyery iaoTKqaeat of /3bh$ e^eniy could , b^ iseeii.( ; ;^J)hM^\'{!eiEJIii4.-;njw'i wife.' .tween the /lines- we eacli;Jhadi ^otirj own/ wim eritan n;;;:;;;7;;j!libse;. ',^ao"7/leffc ments» "&o& ^ strewn/ about least^ Mrs. VChesthut-sijreet articleb of olothinir a^ied for>; jkiiow Jby our letter feom i3iem thiat A. ;John Bro^k, e/^sajMei-^egT^eredr^ son: o->r;airTieyr : ' ' ' ' ' '' ' Earnshawi / vFraink : Greef , -, Wilfred . ; Greenwood/ Ernest /^Kiftgst^v^-'Erribst ; l^gbbttbm, ' ; ;Lew4s umb, /Bertiard ?Norris, Wilfred 'Palfremian, Ari^iu*, Rushwbrth>;/!I;ryine;; Sheard.v Colin Stuart, AraoM Webster, ;;^ictof / Whiteley, 4; arid ; ; Arthur /Womers;ley^; Since- 1;feejrblll*a^ rs -is j^ ^s, Pte, ^./ WtEbrdi to rebeive -anytihing : but ntewsp'apers./. ;Yi6u. 1^ allowed tb./ i Wi^s n'ot. :Hea!r ThinXi at - tnie; tiini6, - but -7T ;i-ncjUiiired' S'tpaigiiiibW^ay: after inxni.;' ; &.. lot - -went d'b'wn-, arid;, about :'2$:': 'vr>is^r:^&k^y^ici^£fii^ts^. a^s; we stuck ..to /the jronr goiodis*of;-*;;',#; yoTir to LEADING-STOICER Stoker1 Morlmer, \wiho went down witii ifhe BulTRADE wark, ;was ia ' fine fell6w,;;'24 years of age. ; ¥$ : /''',/ . , v /; tOQAL .' ./ :' ;.' : ' :; : ;; :• . '- -% Friday .^. ho«Q.e was' at 2, Sykes4erraeej SiiroggB-rOad,; Wool. A 'few more orders; to ihand foifai/ and niueh synipathy^ill ;bV 'extended /to ;meht cloth^ have caused the -wool murke parents; ;';He; had served. ,b^ kttle brisker foi suitable ,^*aw prders ; were anticipateid, and prices fi&ck i'Brince, /Dirake Magship, ; Roxbutgli, of •:• tbe" HaliBa«x ; and; lame on these,':/he was a mere7Sikirmisih ;cpmpa<redL tb ithis." ' Hfe;'haact Bociety ;aiia ; Baoik had been. ; three :mori<;hf; ;this ;WarJ; began.: seen /German dead ;piled an heaps, /arid /often the; Redrafted intb/Alfe Service, :he/was placed/ on^; *he ; 4th'enemy decHried, to ;bu;ry .thiem, ,tihe^ idea.being to Bulwark; QB Wednesday his'/; mother: received troops. '.:. The the following f roin /the-••' Admiralty : :-^'TT'We; regret; to __- ,_, ....._ ,. .. affected iall, .and LUCK'l.liroWU i , I-' , Ja. J-HWilU. >-"*U JJICMUU-y " ".**"". -0 --T - T...VI ' t ^ '1 ' ".i_«^ horses ;weh!t;.m^d.wvitth;fr'ight,;/,ahdrneri R^^vt^^rE^^eon^ 2;6th mlt,,; and:;^h'at the^halJie^of ^Albert lost v cotitrol of^^ th'6Ki:selyes. 7He saw a FtiealiieiB, Rider, _.,__ Mor4iHie;r,^ /rating:/acting'leading;: stopk^r Irishman hit; hie; j'um.ped off'hjs .,hb;rse :; and 1 (official nurnber7308j 375), v^ho;is_ believed^tc-^ave 'fbr/this^;GerHifl''n lineis^^ single :;hianded:,'shouting':''-Yoiii ROLL OF HON^DR. i. been on .,... " diirty, doggy, .oom'e.'.'.o^it .,a/nd fight fair." Indians were;-!earfes9.-,-\^'In /the'; trenches he sa/w 'General .-'Mr.- W. :.E. Hare, ;ari hono-ured member of-the yivbrs1 received ; in tihis; department.; , Under these i/afiv has tastefully desigried a :rbl!7 of /honour,; bircumstances, it is feared tnat, in the: absence of 2 6v Hare-street, !has /a letler, French .and/Eing-:; AJbeirfe,..'': Bbth/iftot-ed rarribnig';;i any/evidehbe to, the contrary, he must be regarded . . In' eaffy morniing giving the names?of former scholars who are now broifihier.,; ;;Pte.A:Ei ; Ogdfett troopie.,:- rurioin.g .the ;as having; lost'his Jife." J Accompanying/.this was servirig; with thei forces^. ,The list cbritains th'S ;^©re:;Jike jocks vof; birds. " ; He h^d :Seen (^,056), ' wirifbbar ttames of /V^illie; A:ddy;7 I^ew-is Ambler, Lepniird: a. carpular expressing the "true sympiathj / of His ; '-' Jujst to leir;yoti, .jfcnofw ..iajfiijjjj.'"^!^1 ''best of neajtn, Majesty:and;,the Queen." /;'; ;..;';;/; ,; .;' .-,.'. . '".;, Barry, Abraham Booth, Johi E. Booth, Midg" although; 4/priisoner of; .wiir:;in;vGesfrriiany.'; ;;-, We are '-" V:-", '-"- !" •:"•'."':'.''.- '• ;Iibnday Urivers -5-ft.- . Goniiers ;5-ft. TPte. /CJornthwaite's parents liye ,at 101,, Nortfrgfitej and are naturally proud of their son's heroism* He attained his 19feh birthday last May, arid joined the Army 12 months;laai;; Christinas. He; wds ednicated at Trinity Sohool, aaid was a ;scholar • ••" -.' i ; - f ',•'• i :•-""• ' , « - 1 • ' .1 '-,Y ' ' - . •' ' ' .. - •••••'"• at Square Suiidiay School. :' /KDisv^arent§/: h;aye-; 'reoeeas of making patriotic badges. ' ' piost'Ojardsi from -him, saying that he w;as ... 1,1 ' 1 -1 ' 1 .... '• . r :1. . . ..1 . . . il-.» . • . '/ •— / ' . Mrs. R.; M, Brooke, EUanc pair knee caps, quite well, but hav.e no|< heard /anything in con-, 2 pairs socks, and soarf. neption :tli«9 'explicit re^iouli'ted; above. Oat '•'• J-.;;: 7'Jf-;..'sontie of"; 1>h)e: goods.5 Hiere .;.: are; Brlvers aed t CHDREN ' ; -:' .-',-;' '.'.-v;.. " / : ..V MtlTE ,; ''''-;;.-." .?TO ?' ';-.''.' I ; iSOLDIERSj ""'. '.. -: - -. --.:' -r !y, :" - -i-fVe ,'Wiaitt tfetighijfol ladie^ to feeejr aai^eye '^^ <3Tir*iists ;' : attd:: only to ioake the goods (for that are a^ke^ for. ; ; ' thfe ^soldieKi) ' ' ': has feeHn 3?eci6iyiecl by Mr and jjjg T , jjtuoyuie, C!hiaip«l-lanie, Milmsbridgie, flotrarieiiv « Jubil'ete-rioiad, Siddial, tiba.t tlieir eldest sooi m Joa HiaOTry, aged 31, hias been killed in He was in tliie I9tli Yorks. Regiment Howarde), arad (bad been im the Aimy 9 Butt foor tihie War he would have finished hi/1 lasfc montii. Th>e family removed ' 10 years ago. ^.--;fi%fe;Tit%^|5S ..... ito;A3P^SW«4i'';a»i* ;e%iri^l'r^ l|;--S«^ ''' Do'«rg» /Do: . ./ShepKerd- 4; Blackburn,, ^ ;Samps»B! &^S^^lAA.^ /--::-, »«f:/ - / , -4 /f»er :: cent / es^;fwli^;,;;iia^;:;.''be«n, *7;.driyefl7 for; Ihbse ; fit /pftiW^ilirigtoh's Bnt)yi/wtp j s^;rcppr ted jfrouaded fmd 'iP|^;:; >.i/^ $&?.$?£!.:m&!si^: \;^;&^2i;is^i^r ;;As^^ IS ";' Wwtsc>n Josebfi A ;-'1 ' /Db; v: '10 /per: - Wfl'ljjy-'-'A-"- Paarsna; ;t^L/;Oiyl'imry;: ' ' t .' "' We -h]ayb../fcadt^ry. aclose' .^ayesj^arid/ ;h!aye:; y0ry' tipn for thrtte ysara. ;s^0citiad-Li^uti HJ C^sHendorsoBi,; wbo is similarly reported, was only appointsd from selveis. '' 'Grrayson;- w^ -sfeftping;-with his ;hpr»e in/<a ;Sandfaurst i;o the Halifax corps ia August last, 7 / 'came ihrc^tigii^Tand grazied brie; cbriiiade's /^M*iiid^eT, and; they luckily eso^ed7 b^iiig; '/struck .again, GierinaBfa shel-letf Ypre?, Q,ra.yson was7 "^tii^igrh7';<^^.m^-n>.^reefc-..'; iM' of prisoner;, wheri; a;shell striU'ok; a house, ''i; in,; ;frbnt, arid /blew ^e;wlible lot; out ^in^ ; iihe street. Fearns' was; escortiiig troops ; initb /• th;e> tfenohegy ran mtb/ =both: rifle arid ;gun ;fire, .hut luckily .escapee! witli ; ;a ; ;bullet in m' s water-ibottle.'. ;T}ie; ^boy e are -a fbw of- f our e»perieri:2es, land they have B.OW .become d'aily bcbu*renoes, a>rid we get used tb them. .: "'If. we h.aye;.a d'ay and; only1 hear boe or-two shieUs we^ are nearly in the ruts.; iLast ^niglife we /struck/ oil. iHaye ;beeri billeted in; a maoiiskmi ;with grand 5 piano in d'riawirig^r.o6m, and during ;&pare ;half^ .7. ^-i;v--;; i lp;iH^EiasiJi ?TQ.-,_^_,..,.., we -have ripping1 cpn<jents.'-.,,-;VHopb \by iEakter a Jdeadiy fire, . Still tliey foepife, bn,,, bui by the hours (as we hear but:;here) to ^be ';back: ' :. agaiji, uriSder,; time they were ,30 yards frbrri.;the British' jbrenohes your / Orickson' (another Jjalifay policethe. jrbnt7line7was .practically swept/away, and Tthe pian) ".commanid; >w.as Cjrayson : saw '' all right when ' "'' '"' '' " him, -.last' seco^nd rjadly-rdi^br'^^ ned, accornjpamted by a; hail ;of bullets. :': - A little lat^, Sbhofield' was wounded in the fbbt by, fshirapFRONT :nel^after1 being in; the Isrtincli'at ypires'fcW'; twelve d^ays. ; The very last 7izhin'g\:'-!h|0'7^^'., il>biFo^/.'tebeit.« iriig Bi« wound:,'vri^---^'.\bniiy^A'!'^^^6^/l)^^^.''^^ : S^rgfe / Hubert Moodg^liffey of! / W0st ffcidr '"'" ": Ifr-was cerbiirily aj sad task, but/^thev;;r.e;' ;'rReimerit;, iwriting;=46,:'/ihMl; at ;^bln^ dier ^aid^ /th«7in«n; ;gojtiha^den^;;to « ^<>p^ ^e/,higihly d/that the , :gifts^ ;firth, ,,and;iptcee^ted ^ern7as'-^ was Able to/TCalk : intbTthe lic^itai;i>eMc(d; jJie fitirig . ';T;h%r - of', line. Affrtbr /fce;in the7fa»^e hospital,' itneir "own Country, e 7feeirig7bn:. :;th>:;:i%i; came7feome ;dtiririg affe jjlenty/ of : gbod wias; in :a?t jliarid'tb^arid -fi'ghtingi ^erm'an 7W;eliiMjg1ton;" trying;;; . -ib and . under :shell ,7'5!:tiij". WEST: ^I)jNG^;v SA^^' ; ;I^^H3]^.^ The firsit joffibial. itrientioln of 'yiie.Tg^l^ of the 2nd Biattalibn Duke; p|, tVellingtoin's; W_est jRidiinig Regiment M the rj&trea't ! frpmTMoii?, ;v^® 7;ppera^iorjs ,;&^ SOO meji, hiaS/just ebittg ijito bte liAhda ^asya iihe H.«.S7 '" (3teeryer;'**); -It' giveis the regiment the hijgftesb pther H s'erviri^. p*aise, afaxL :is in keepimg/with ;the Major-General &it\ Chai-lesi* eoniiitnian(llngtli0 Fifth |>ivJSioii dt J^itis, 4; ::;" ':|ii8;.': 5^iMi!ri«-/ f tlie ' ' ;ap|>ointirig,' iiim;! to . ^ji-3?i||iB^v;i nygienic. ? ^3^d&|^^l^!i day^ iRe».: Q.-P.: ^'Ro')cias!9f>il|f;^ay>:ii*^@ji^ on th> 1 if e bf fchi late I.drd/R(?b0r^ ?% soiw*^ ari."; ;"The,splo|sti ; Vfiss;tcHf"»<)«f«>n "p; beaulift»V solos, their parfliofl, /but; it is tjfbiibtmlwh*%eriray 00)10 jj«ny :«yer^n joy*d . ^e,>ris^-T«is'':go;^H ;';- ' :. / Much o f th(s»js«oo«i88 wfis d«» to ^ftdfBSf-v^hoL/d} ij ;:«Y^ryMii rig /; prisajbli^ / -'- 'to ;nia;ke;t^;''gu0sts;le'el;;^t:fert*.^;/',;'Th0 ' : T6o«!i;{; ,b;iid^bp . :'ar>tfy ;Ay; dleoratisdi'' '^h }^ i^:;Aofi ren!cb;: ;;;7^r.W;;-:B^r«niM'< ;ahd pother/;;.-in-'v;^tji«i;) . ^)rpg.i"i6R>tia# ;;Sb3'g^>wer;e?g(iT;^iii;;i;i|s.t® j;M^ Firth' And RarblfliF{»ste^;iRrid i lclilbailljy "West BiSi . ... the ;diaifee'"of-, tifee ^i ^airicy '' bf Ev :' L./, ;Me>Ri|®sipQ^i)E3^ ;;;:'"' '""" ^^0r^7i.^9]tii;;;7 ^tijRiding ftegi* .jectedl'^ith; ?i:; f\QW>:th^r;7fll;nes^17fot,/.:^r;yJcev?'aiSTb^j;^ : ^h^iBri^aiJio^; aaa .. aad:;^h.e;.'^:;pl['e;s«St;". y^tMf)&a^- he,.;:feh'ea' autl ;fc; tfeisi r ;. ; veb^iii^-1 fic;;7parj;lcuiar -ntjfcicfe wtiiiBii,/,7:.,tfaerft7.;>are ; ^ &fa' ;;~-:.:$f$f-Kai>$& $wl ments. in. thei Frenches; the men are lpoke$ bbmfo*ta/My ^s^ caji be -^jp&^edl.^ /.-.Tfeey foax: plenty of ^obd food Md any* itmbuni'of' to bacco. Tahe big^tesfc7was:iq keep w%*m: but,in the open ind in, contin'Uia/1 r^in. TFoif eight da.ya73ie was; ;on dttty^arid;^7his clo^iw .were; neyj&r dir7, At ihese .times,lie found .that thfli best thdng tb db to maituiffl/in.circulation was to; keep On 'digging at ihe tr«nohi side,, even if the soil was simply pUifcTback again. ,&inb& the first ba/ttj^,'on th^>'-Mairnd wtoiiefo he took part .too. lis Regirnent had lost nuariy inert and officers, a large percentage being wounded. Once he saw Sir John French. t On eyery hand the trodps/are bheerfitl, and there te no doubt whatever on their piart as to the ultittiiate i»stl©i \Vheni he left Ypree> wa« 1/ittle more thftni a h0iap of ruins; tfen weeke' W'arjd^fin^s, h© »aw many] sights vilja/gag in flames^ homeS'teaxlB Arid ^iserable looking' .refugees, both w;ornen and ohiMTOQ, Wiftjidering *bbtt4 the coun^tey with mot ». oen-t/to call^^ tihciT own. 'He neyer s^w abuse of fclbb -white flag, tftrt one :-. ^'tixis ;:p\rury,,; ';^pi|ffwe-?:; ?; . . do not seem.of ;isiqu^/bla!elineas;(oii jug blacker: than^tKe; other*) :you AstignVatism, . ind ^-tliij'/greaiest^ '' l ' r,,7H/J7lj^7;lt|^7;ib|;';palB.,.... "Ejotid^sri./ Alntsiqtcaflrfiaiil' Soofefe; /!l7ke^n:/iate;reS|i;;ia^jSi^V ; age'3 / and; ;.-i;rii;;a'tid;;;tiB;?^g*geri^ ^ J>riyer Frei Stariffl&eld, a wounded, !R.F.A; who$e parents uye in Orossley Hillv ^iRebden Brid«6. gave a vivid accouait 6f his experiences in ' " _with - 1 the1 first/British an intervieVs He went, ', if tef leaving the troops, .ssh'd- the fi«at niefht in had ,a'surprise railway, Ma queer1. Happily we got the ....... away/ and, then fougiht a retreating battle for imaiiy days. For 22'days we then drove the en0my ' ' " rn.Ma.rri'O to Aisrie. During, this big-ad- riinspectipri-the BlJtlitalibm; ^n^i». art;; attackoa an erieiny rep»es(sMt«d*y t^67bo'niparjie9 of the 6th Battal i&n^—-statioiied a /couple of niiles away: The efficient waj in which theTiJbhadvalicedf^onipoirit; vtd!|»bmt iri extaiatlisd Birder^ and the^ prbfttptitnde with wiiicli thftrreirifprcfehiorits were kept up,^^ tbgst'hor with the mttnn«r, of ^ taking coyer,-' were, jioted by the in'apectitig stnff whb fbllciwea acrbss;cpnntry on horiebnok. Th'tii ;encmy,halving fasen located, th» BattaHba crept to close range an<l charged with ixid bayonets;7"; General BaWock was pleased With th* behavibttr bli 'fch'i^ Battation,^and oOmplimented Lieutv-Gol, AtkinsODt. dri tftftir .work; The Mtter, throirgh. the officers ;cbmmancTiug cbnipanieSj also coHveyoa his obmpliments,tb. theiraei), iind Major Bugden cbtiiplimerited the 6th ObmpaBy (Halifax)^in particolar. vanoe; I saw tne most awful effects upon the civil , The efcipper of tihe Floietwood trawler Belnjojil, rerxw-ts the firtdiiz^ of on ' /.» *--. !_ -t_,?l_ ' - -- _-^Jl.^ .J/ ri, we grieye to j?iiyj c)^ 3'rd Diagobns^bns^ 6*en killed inaction Tn», lisfc'of ; ttalifax .soldiars fallang in the iight is being increased airttosjbdaily. ' ;'. W'S'^egtret to TOoo^cl/tli©; ^ |ax; .soldiiOT ^ ;ihie =inbait. .- -^^..';^d :oeistion-Btreieife, jhias : iifeeeived i^irniaiibin /' ttei Jseqr 8 pep c^fiit* on pentj •seta,.: .Lajnrie^C^rpl-' R^dib^ts.-Aifea.7Sit«fer': (8493) te^Sd; 27, ;"B"; .Obmpiamy;,:,-2'ijd ^Yorfcs. Begiraseri* wdis 'fcHI| e^''-^'.'';aic4kwi.\:,oto :-]Sk)iy'.'-i''2. ; Wker« -is ' efcatefd. , TBB/^sfeasod toad;'fieeii ? ! y6aHrSj'-aai feuttoied fpjiH "Jwdi&ta iservicie. .i» /;F4B./ " iJ laf^eir /;ibiie_biesaiime an laitteridiaiiQiii at the .Piietare Hi&tisa, : ;W^rld''s /BHbV land by sftanei. vi&itarti- may bet TOmi&inberieid. He WIEKS iiiniinaatri-ed, 7 i SSi-B. Simcocki 9, Baker-streot, Pellon-lan*, has Jtoformation that her son, Drmrimer Frcdoridc John, ^996,^nd Yorkshire R»gifljerit (Green Howaids) v*» 3ciJl««J JB iBOtioa betwe«ia Nov. 22 and 30; He -w««»M ;» b*en 21 y«j»rs of age on CbristmRa Dtot. Tie «0tt ^^ ' '""' ' StfBB£ TELEHAEIFAX COTITlIBE/SATTraiDMv DECEMBEK S, 1911: «xbdl apin-bually strong. They migrht _ ^ essbnts from 'tihe War, He would thiree inetanoe^ of "atrength." A man was strong when ooh^idwat® to others, and like General Hugh. Hamilton, wiho would never ask hio men to do ainyithing he would not do himself, \ Some da.y they magtt be in positions of auibhority, when they' should sihow sbrenigth in cbneideriation for others. To be strong a itxan must DO tborougiu Sir John French gained Ijia . position by tvhor^ugihn«s8:, by knowing1 his jpb., c Years agio Sir Evelyn Wood, ii.spectiri'g .pJtvialiry barnacks,.: and ribticing a: voting jnajor, a^ked wiiat he was worth. ; The eolbnel; rep-lied h« did not kapw,: but he spen* all spare; tiriie '"" ~ 1ihig i;iiM|ita:ry; lii^tpry;; TEat ybung^majp*; was, GREETLAND& WEST VALE. Corporation Bhould b© a»lw>d to install at apparatus at tihe outlets of the service reservoira. AJs; it is improbable that they could b® compelled! ttb take such a measure - by -proof of the present ',. J. A. Qttiairmby, .teadmiaabeor of _tfoe (3-reet- supply .being .detrimental ,to heaHtih, it was mpught Ooanicdl Siohoal, tuadiarwaQit * ©etiouis opeona- tih«.t it wpuld be '«. fair thing if the cost of installing " we tune piksaaed to stete is iand miaiiii'bain.ing suxsh an apparatus was cshiawged on all districts using water from ieuah reservoirs (including the borou,gJx of iljlaliirax), in proportion to_ their opnsUimp^ion. of water., . ; . From inquiries made, it would appear that tihe cost of such tifeatriiestit by meoh'anacial filtetr would not exioeed betwieien Id. and l^d. per million; gallons,, an4 fchia ops* to any Oounpil. woudd probably, be less, than :the amouait isffi present piaid for .watear imn- to was»a^ sb tzhuat in tie end there; would:; be a. saying j quite aptait from th© - avoidano©. of ' cbiox plaints from; tia'tep-ayors as to ;tlhie: jsuipply of The trustees of the North DeanWood Charity aire graiitingr £40 from the funds to provide neoes&ary articles for poor people in Elland, G-reetland^ and Upper Greetlarid. , In bur abcpunt of Ch« funeral of Mr. H; Fox, bf W«st Valis, a; wreath was attributed to "Brother and &eUi«j" it should have read ;" In loving rriemory otifiy dear prbtuer frptn Nellie.'' . ' pngviriari w'asisgbbd;and r^igiou . of one of the strbri^e^t Men th'e Airny eVer •WJ$$:.y;4&® ,j';y;belbngiug; to Ivja ;P.iblb ; daily.:;/ iaie ta*ua*ed in M* given;up aa lost, !3lib ; -'.ever: teaching others to; dp the samb. f re^i^ibnfcairiiixliated b^r:; prominent fishing ::, expedition: to" the ; Si3iJ?be;:lsl^ds.; 4; ;S& Admiral dJelHcpe wiis; ;sig,htedv'by; other ;traw;lers, .''but-;-' Itever' called Gb?n.Tfi'Unipn .ey^i*?: rtiprning;: pii /his flag1arid so;bn Nov. :20 she The: greatvttfMriiSf: in' liJK'-w?as- to build bharab; hope;, pracidcally . $,baiianid',! sa-b'Q'V'b ^.-crbw:;-pf:; : ;iC:v^'Th^phief; - iiyv^'diay in ;. I, may rnentiPri, :iJte'iiMp.VjQi^ . _,.....,.-,,...,--.-,-, ,. sorrie six or, eigM weeik^ agbv at thje^time ivlibn the r^servpirsi were getting loyr, and epme itiiedlical ptaic- himself Gdd, and , ^ S. ;lish- -. ' Jba; . ^ ^ ;IV.?-;-iJfe^y^'^acbba^ 'and .-.ffftetiioibi ; ^ainw^igh't, riiaitRem^ ,IJI;UjGfe. jt. JBrbake, Bngi iish . and; F ren'oR jS . Fienolbi ;; John ' Dougias ' arid a^iirhm-afeio . . -F; ;-B^arle;f ,- W. J.;;:w, Hoore IVIr:. B\ Park, of .andxTL Sohofield ges^ ti:ttib A qujet) brettj^-. Church, MlSpdy ois W«iHrtes>dByI BbrnfersBt, .'and ; :Mias C : special m&et;ing;;of the Eilanid Old: Age \Peosibns Frorne, -OQiJiimitte'e was ;held aifc Souifli Sjputh .House, on daugbtsr bf ythe -'.'lait.i* \T5iJiTisa3lay; .: tO': i consider. ; applibatiibn's for :; soldiersi'; strsst, iEltand, were niivrried. ;; ;Th^;;:c^^njonT; was; per/dependents.. I'll© pension bffioer subnii'tted three fOrniod by Oaooh :yPirjtef'-.-(.root,o^r)v.:.';-'Th8';;]bVi-d0jr.n«^i'tty' reports, /wliich. tihe opmmiiftjee approyedj graiiting atti red in nav y blue clpth, yras jattencjfed fey M i sS; Park '(sister1 bi'the bndegrppqi}; ;whilf, ;Rlri; B. Sc'ratiBhei'd yi&$ best: man. V Anibftg-,;the pres^rits &ei'*a;:bouplVbf papel'pictures- iaiid;:a'::J6wei;; casket^x :b'r*iS*n;ted:;;:tio;<: ;tbi at: iihie weekly :Hli&6ting> of Ijridb by^ her \assobiates in :the Elfend/ Y yoTiiig' meoi's ^kfi&^o inhere ishe has beeri eogaged fbr th^ paist M^i atid,w<>|n^.''.y Mn and Mrsi Park tvill reside;a,t i^fotJWfe: :v . eteolnoliiie P'riesijdetds.- , Tlbae '- discussibn,' ; was • '•:• & ' :;fc*r ; ; ' jjain-tings in, ^brdier : ik iroiti ihai ;; parig.maii&d panels ii^^ tir have .fcaid' Walter Barret (83), erfio, (?-:oHd> Greetland, wb spinier; Wllioh took placj**' in GreistlaDd jjiBerftl lu bn.;Skturday eV^aiflg,1 fras inquired jnto bjr !\!rr, l!}, H, ;npp/i lacoouti'te fpf:yi0a^ .eBdin^'il^arpfe. .011) (district tioToSer)••'• iii ''" '' on ; JVfoiadfty ' ..t»itte ....... v^aa; ; reduced, 'frpin £.5,:7.53 -,-to. Mr;; A^ vias.; paid ,pff {sinking: fund, :aiio! ibjatorio BiritiaijQ '" tb ifee ^-,._....4ni:n^«^^;^^t'.p:;-.Si^^.-;re1 p'6T>i^ tJieir 1st mslalment. Tlie funo"; was i siilH bopeii.;:! /;:-;;:;;:': '•-••:'-' ' v ; : ;;: '. - s^'-'v.v'-.; v '.;\s;.-'';'-: : --V^-' X L: -;-/--- DliBTBI^T tJOXJ^CIIfe 1?h.e alintlaJ gsath-ertrtg^ of:', teabhbra, rwufe;: held* J on ^ajtttfday^ .^ - : After;;,fea-> -the; :Stey: - V3^:. v&;:;^ Vanes,, B;A;«»::i*^esiid^ '"and;;^e Vfpllpy^ ;>,;Siff-~M.y. .Ituffiriessr ofteri brings me intb lha: distribt' pmoeia fpr -:;ihe; jyear;r :;Sueriieiiderits ltess^si';; A. Hi5!;t' BBIGLADE cJ^rlSdkp y i; Btiplrinijeja^P^iiti, bf El land ,ftnd>West; Vale* .-.; -Twice: $1 ^ha-ra. ^iKid^tbi^eSip' ,.. . ;Sllb^J3^'^-Il ?;^-^>^f^-^tiig^^jl!attiSB^': '""*:0tfi^ -- ^ ,;|^(|EM^:;<)^^^ ' ; wife i 'ar tniif»; ; iaiifin ''ttsis^b f ha> vjia j 'i!^^ i,. -.-. « 1^ -.,-.; *. -- day:,ji. :UqMJle' amid Coraeiria, ; Atml Mia-iry iaad. .IJoMjie- J«wme» j ^U it; Mr; an-d Mis. H : <34tr; .Mm.: Hp^aji; ^liidfrt)^ Mis. J. Gri&eawoiod and./Miss iiagtioiiti-; Mrs;-,tcmnb MX! Mm. Biici^b^t^ aad Mrs. Crosateyj Mar, athd Mrs. WieeBi&ai; ,, *; " In tofceai of reepeot arud deepest eon;|)lo'5r>sfi "; Awufc' Ennaa aaid ''' We. "E, Tjidsrosn* Sowiaribx been^ a'dded.'.vto Sbwerby B^ige ^Library. ;biriv.' a'l'lV*. pli/^tiiLrtJ'd^/'eY&h-: lie. ,,h'a'd a tiS8|i):i; th6ii:h4d t«^. mttcli ::vb ^^ b^ '^^-Vmcpme,, othe^1 fcMri 'Ipatts^ £5.,486.'•'-.". Gtot of ,tnw came; Irbm (^©nJeral ;District;'.; rate.-,: j^iTh'e; .' -.V-fint; ^btqiiies, xfoalirig xwitK ita^ipfia. ** .<wsa«v: ^14..in^abeiris',-;\yieiie presietnt at\-._ _ . \ J: . ''- .. :,- . i abb,, - Hayiij g, hd'^ fti . fteurish*di had marked this . It was exceptional s^'}c* ^ebBJi attendant disease 1*hioti sffeojied ;tl^ h<satt. t is it in saying that h is maro bershi p begsn RS ; f»fe :ba<ifc; ;Fpr m ujiithpss duties^ h«s^ cbiat;inue-d' aa: a iTblunt^ry : i Hei.: |ta& rpbotered TaJ'ii^bi*;; serTibei.'; .'Jjpjt ^eiiljr - ''' Th6 heart Ms Ito his , , ^yV to" thembTetrs of ilie B*<^pee8, ,oir : : vt^pmgijptt, / Jj ' ;.;:.. :'Mr'.; . • : ... ' " Miss Seor&l tlbotoiii :^^ ^ I*- tteb^^iiiKai; K.ad. beenTyetyy^B^.:;: iSb^-;<sbpLd:ifQ; $^*fr$$:-<(& -^^fy ' werre^r : Ipaitidh s^ 'i oti tb«swj geirisf^ll^, aiJ(i; has devoted/ skill^; 'fegulari^; ^ind; :rev®rerice: ;tb the B^rvice bf ttie clyilchi* :^::;J$jiSV::;:f*Hpwii chbir will;miss:hia:^ . sa|egusird tlie csiiast an<j lungs against perils of dkia^<j<)l^ <>r fogg^ Wv^; ^ : . 3Pep)B ax© i^a tinBqtiftllecl Jo* hacknxg ipotighiij cpld% ,;bro3iclu.tis,; il^ftiiaa ^ 0OTigrb» ; ^wheszaness, cbiigli, drmip and. oimdren^ chest troubleau --., fide'frpDa^Efu'didtirsfield fco^esjb "V?ale, ; and otti a nici fliay;viib-;:is-^'t,r'e;^;;ind^di: ^':^r-;ft^^ new^Irain s^rTJee baslputi spma riew;l;ifeihVthe district. It_has of teri ipbkeii £ very dall plftpe'tp n>9; not -miich; fell, and would have geua off th« seat had ha aot been brightness afeiput the placed ; I ge^^p; retoPb; why Wesrt1 lead:; will b» fo)low»d ;!by repreS«Ht*tiXrei3j and :tihat: kindly:: cheer : W® enH Elaad Church^ . Btrppliy^'J-ffiadr;'."'clisfeioi!':- iot. H,.-"; Sill/ :: ,'. ;;, -' tiirre sl tli* cbbiitry. It is a kinaiy;t;^bjjg^ ;lhb:;.-^OBgrega'tib^al ;: ;.;.Ghutbh^^ seriesi; of ^jrab^iLe it;;-:of;-tite~"" ' ~ ^brbiaapted th^ui: trt 1 bbt^in; ;i|Piticle^ of;r. bi(>thiB^ ^ifftrettsB^ &c^,; arid; fouwafiS-theni aa, Ghristirrias tpkenS r^Mir.' E; tb : soldiers :who have ; , Mac. -, 1,^ lie .'haying for :;hii3 i^ ^: . .- no .cause of em -'-e'.amTifftbn^ <an4 they" d<> mot; ;the!r;efore, thnrtfc ' it neceissaury :' 'to'.:. j.oin ''in tll«f'' proposed "''' .d^i&*.*'s1;^ . o'eibokV i ! Dp ^o 9 b'blebk ;h« saw Mitt Rbout th»chibVaiW^ theva ' seexn^I to b» nothliBgcthe ftiiattefi I^f ;9 o^oibpk hi §at ^y JBar^iit ^ftd i taik«yi witli li|itoi IJ^l ^rd ; lib^ ,btit said ha thbtigftlit- rather loo f^i to ; S o; Etliiftd >b ^brk^rlle;, (^tness) ^ . '' ' .had '^ about5, mother and bro ; In the fighting; liiie> arid^ witb;:th* cpiours6 sands pf past scholars :f;rpEBi: the' -Sundwy schools :0f .. .&43bn5h^ ttliere;; -w&r&i btrba^ly, .s^aikaing'^jlr^b vi%ya:.in; jppkdiigv -^ ;i;h.em;.; '•'}. 0ne:;wa^ toj-loofc; upon; ;fee^;.«u? p?uredy; ; iliustraJiaons, and; atootlieir tv^ ' , a<s.;.dteeo^tiKDihe:; /.;;:,: 3P;aam pieoes': : . being i.ohiieflyv tb of ' (Jnra&biaai : .art ; ;. A;;tyeBtYale labourer, John-fiainesj ^di.ed^ Very ; end'<dfl^l|;iilb-:i@li i;aDd\o'kif.Th'u;i>sda'y.V' »8 a; ji»b<?urei'by Messrs, ;K.: jBllftnd, and vvas; ftsslstmg.' in: work^/f01* that fltrii Pers*Tcrafice, Works ^ W'hen he collapsed i and 'di Martlia, f-lanftali liarrot^^^ never ,haViiJg; : 'ha<i a d6;d<i«:r siric* :the.y , :Gf , .' S/; ' 3*d class'' V IsKBiT ' ' ';;-.;;':;, 7>;-A'M':ip^^ /^V^^ of bf: : tthings Engineer:: w^^Mr;;- :S»;;{Eieiiwiietej;;;kon:;pf Mrs,;-: Ifeifc-.-. .'V --..'.I: i'ii of 44, CJbeen-lEtne, West ^ale; : Hje was 40 pf. agey ^married;,' vvi'th-. tio 'faniily,' and 33)3iS< for.. many. years:'.".;'.' ":,, ;.:.--:"/'O;'.;:''. '^'^''' 1 ''''i ' 1^ i^^^ : '^^!,•'-. : as iwok^p art ;ilhe;y iiip^fs ^(D^i^;;-; ;^";^^ . -of:; an^prt^QC^::iir:;a:Y;piaiii^ so; risueh tihe ssnibjeot as Ife tii^fem%£|; ofi ;i4, Men'^Gwii1 _. .....,..,,.,.... .. ^j^. sttbject ind l^a^meirt : ^re Si : iiitijij&tbly *h^.:it ^a$:dimc^ •<&;... . ; artistes and >en;<iexii-;;;, :.::-;;v^;\ •^'^.'•.':^:: ; A?: ..i";;f::.' : . -^v-H- - : Cliuioli)i^deliver«l an P« ' .- :A}»JtC6-/--iXOOiCl '•:. OI;; ' |QOjliurt9riTjO:. ; XTJ^JLO» M, j^ij^juicw .-o^ a-^.vt '< iro-iaiyu.y ,wjui . £!. . ., ;T)i$;; chair-was,oqbtipied;; by IVEm eejit ttem ;- :tp . . j_av '' - , annuat night. ar, of HeRthftrstone, Halifax^ granddivuglitor pf tfte :El^ 0 -^^tlatidas a injsSipnaryi; Shi» v Was abcbnibanied; by husband,- ; SlrSi Bjarte gave i^ brief ^ketch o'f'her -'- ia my s^ Pfe§i,::;:]p.,,;5Eeniti; -Ib^i0erlyj;'%ai^tna^: a|- tne^iWMtp Hptels ;Sebden Bridge, ^rid'A iwiitias 5o,, iad; dfeais &L, tar 3i,000. o ?T3feie |Da,v© teen 39 base? yof i liey^:;iiiiimibrist.;:', Mr-. ...., BrjiSge, HIS bajitiBiai At 'Httlir;^,^^^f0a3v; ~ ":"'' i 1 . :; " t'::'.tiie' '•'*'-• ' '" ~~~~"~-~ "" ~* ; " •'"•~ ~ f- ' --"~~>J!~r~ ---T-» ., - -'"'".. "; .•'• * « , : *- Tl.'S'SluI'Gy--J iax by tih* ;JKe.Vb-Qh^rlis Atntor*, hi»> : work;'= as a local ; 's;.j&VEll<a^:^^^ rende>ed^by,|^oliniyi, """'''" 1 -Miss --"A^a;^^^i---':ia^^p^d^-; '.::I^i*--:-; h^:'-se.l^b^;-;;|i'o;stefc! """" ' : "' -• -•••^' --- ^...-.-. M; Burial VCJ^^ FIBSTi J815 as a nii^sioriafy tp Gey loni/(he iricrldJEiin^:^«J'3^:-m$^^ &¥*? : ,vv,. ^i|rfAN7;^pi3?sg!; ft ;;^:;; v,. Bftlf aladjl^ith^jrisiiiffrlta^lahistbr; ,.- ,,-, ; tag JHebdfen 4 laissiohary work later^fthioiig the Babimaaas iti; Sbutb .,..._,..., ....... . ,,V-,, T ...__,- ;(5i:re1^^sp-/theit;.-;b-ustoria^ camfe ior '1^ p^::^ r:$$*>*?^^^ ? ^! ;T^E : p^^^e^Bwix^ : ' ; : : " ! : : ' ^ 1 ^ 3^^ Ajfri<S«,;;/:.He"di«d in 3t867i i J v;-;^:. ^•&'^: s .^.:^:ZZZ tendered vaoarit- , .by-;\:.:ti}ie : . i^igia^tibii ibf ^.Mf ^ '; Fyv Milrier; vappeareo;; bjisfpre:'vtihe ; cbmaaitfeej^ (she: filial y;sbn :B,.: Mi*bhBil» «wlib ibr ____^_ is^^^^^-^^^ Bllaitid-Bciet; QfS^(W;iFpaia.y;; ^ j ehould^ The monthly m0et|ttf b| th* « School oh ^Thurfiidjaiy night j| :pr«s^«nt^Mr,;>J. :": After th® District .Ooiwicii nieetihg oft etening, Ocr. S.:-Lumb^v W<-\, '.(chairman ) tertained the menibers of' the/ Urban Authority>and the Belgian: refugee.s; rsisident: at/ EllaiBd^; tb;suppeh During the evening : musical i iteMS,f ',&is^, w«9r«;>coatrifeuted, Belgian members ; 'bf : the company rendering 'WWe: ;^ ;.;f!Pii|Wi^;-;;;^is:'; ;-^.!3till;;:;;;:: wpb:a;£;:;tl!i0 ;will ;: -;Bispjarediy;;/;:;,\:tn^k(»;;:t,jbe;r';;wrat^ i'lb-ji'^'jBn.S.^-lth'a^^f^ih.aia.d^^ipi^ '.Hifl;-10iilu.^;i^]i;ofl;'^jiB1;.:-t'hiKti'-'-,th-il^'i --^.ryi war'""wbjjild briog0bu;t^;^b "'"' "/ft'-war "" - - - - - ----for universal wbald frbiri 4h' is; strvi:g:gl^ 'phast^ that <>xir^ caijiso is gopti,; that ,v?e atrbv« ;fbr peAce: tb: ;tlis v*ry. Jlast ' - tabine^l,^ -:that:^ now. ':;: we ' ;' ;ai;«' ^'figh'1^gV:: fbr ^ J.P.i, presided^ ;:;Ai3p»"cin) rh«etHig iWaS;: , when Scorrepppnd^rice from the ;d was subtnittedi A letter of Noverober 4 set:out : that;;'Hhe Bbard do not expect the sewag* ,^ On "tuBSiday, m/hioxito'U)^' 'of-.'-'tafe ':Lewis Bailisy. ...'.AJter tlie^vrepiasifc; diamcang dixlg-ed in, the ifiasic jfeeiijng S'uppli'ea by ."V? . ,, ton's/Band. Scrags wane ,j?eftl1deir'&d;b:y'..MesSrs. aJf was ''jnjSSfied m sMyw^s :^^1Btei^«^;: - :-i - 'i/lt'j "- JI * -y-fcptijvl- - - - Tiri-frW"'^"^'" '- ^ ii» « fc-W"; ';S*'i3'3ute.- ."-"-" -' i bj; MisS ' Kitty E>a»& i wllo kindly; gjive iih^ir pwm 03!k ^arl;irjiG»Uirried *^ 'f . ^ blapk veivflthiity, jtyititm^d ^with-gbld beiiv '*!-;-^'.* "^ tempbrary<statidBs: ^ and.; Miss May Town (ebusvhv f;Mr. A|?c Whiteley (porisiti ojf bri^egrobBij ; was Jbssjtr Irian, iaixd ' fflr.; Brpadbant brpther? {(gropniiiniaii)'. ^SltSi iSrpad-; ' , . the r*c>ui ting st^tibn; bf^ijed iti N«*tf-*di nbt;e3cbecSt«dvTh> f^iot that brjily' two cfiIeV;:and ^ lab; ^grispliaft RBy^i1. BK Ciinlifley^Tl^., fcpofcvthjai ^dding: iiri eirdea; in iiaiiSMiig tH© HJi^tbeir on lihe The recepti ofi ; was he Id at :|he r Jub i lee C&fet EGa Hhi^refioii'©Meisit: down, wiAesr .flibi;epl.';,iA;:-riH^ opeyativsi rlall bn Wi|s|pe8d*y to hf a'r ;MW % t^ill JtotiS, bandi,<ift<;eo fbrJlSarllijgt^ British; Etopire, ' Prpoeedinig tb enlarge oa toisslohary i ' ' thje^ISulrppean .' whicji had^eeh grotisipg the:;':o3t-Pr^?ideiit ;shbvfei|i j;; he^; Moh^mttt^danism riatipril, (|«irimany^ la ^.-'i-a/'^the' W;SeVe'r»l;:'"- courifcriea 'v:::ia the ' , _,,,...... : I, arid how Christi^pit^i*'l is jtoarytflloHaly aprearflng Jri IftdJA -ftnd: iri China ftt a: rtite that tjia niis< - - - - flottib tbflcbpc with) tile etf*ot jn ;the Ghiniay;Including Oantbn,; jyhero iha nthly imeetingbrHebdeh Bridge and Dijstribt tfhie : >rs, feeing jpiartiqiilarly stnitilttg - withiri ;H«1 jef Coin mi tie* was; held bn '^odhesdayi Ccr. A. 'Jiyiiig-lnoibpry.; -\;.>;-.;:v/.;.;.-:r:yi:,:,-\|:'--" !'- ; ^'..•••^j;•'? ;:'-"-; i-^"'i "^tt-t.is!i;fl^?P^|^a:,;t^t^^ :' ;. "Th® i^e»s.• W^Guthbjferti'itiid ;)ttJT»:iQa;pealsp took-part ;ftnd well^cared fbr* Arrangements were;}ii h»bd fbt a in; tfaw in^feti0|)( tod 5t vbtft idi| thfinks' WaS spokoui^tp',> by :ariited gatlierittit of^Ibcal refuges. Mr*;S.^gdfen (cleric) J^r/:j.:-:8.;:i^ar?ispvn;ahd^^ distress wft8 svideritly 'deereas'ingi In r ; Sd Far/ar r^plyihg;;: ;The aiin<iiirit raislBd for tlie; fbreign; aid,- 'Odti;: ^25i:::aiid:v,N:ovV:; £lf.::=They'ha missions it, Gri-iiieifcirtndfife th|ii< fintitversfvry is £19 llsiTdi, 0rid|ei 2 rlebtbbSt^l!, '2 Blapkshaw If ci; :; al Hall works to be compl«»ked iri:six: months, br^^ny snoh ,.. ._. ., 'M:Mjf:- peripdy and : if; satisfactory progress is; triad** with:: elud l^edoifl of_:Burpp6 and;the; World.;:; ; All partiesUfl Mfy ^ h5ai ing thft lesspns oflthiai War*; :A timi\bf war shbuld^ba a; time; of riibr* ^tjiftt ;pt«.jt«i; j mbre 'thpuglitf ul hei!j»»; ;: tooTe thbrbugh «si6 pf thb taeans of grkpe^ riibrcs ra^ttlar j attondance ja;li :the feprvafeS :pf Gpd's;. house, eispeici*|ly'; ''. ; ' ;th9^.gr^ iat&rbessipn fbr;bth^rsj tti the libSy ' ' when; ...;][ anibag you tiling tne that I Bhit>n,rd Bad littl* deep epiritual lifeihdr*. 1 »m afraid there was aipro thin ia gra in bf truth i a that 1* ttorv- Wi» i h Jivo sp-cal lod ' succossf ul' ssrvicoa at fasti vals, especially those which ara not the* Church's .; t'«stiVftl8>; BUCK - as harvest and Sunday school anhiverSaJy : but thegraat fastivals of Easter, Christrnft% andV Whitsuntide'., are sndiy negleot«d» Those; wlib at1* oorifli'mod soon gfow tired of;cbiriing to. tba Holy CoMmunion,; 1 do not wish' to grumble, touch less to sooldj but fkcts>speak for thwrnselves. W® rarely lVi>VenVbre than a dozen peiopla a't Holy Coruniunioa on Sunday'. The Holy Cortiuiunioa weak-day iritsroession pervicft^ in ' this; War-tima; pannot be h«ild tiS no one comes. ' I have expi'pssod.iiay wiHingness to hold these serVioss at; an eiirly hour' but no one asks' for theai ;_ and the intercessioh !Servic<5B,oriThur«di<y nights ara vary poorly>ttendi»d, and I fe'arlsprrii!! stay awsy f^brh Jthe Sunday ovbHsong beoaase they dp nbt w^nfc to r6tiiSiitt' >fpr t'ha iriterceaeiori sevvic'?, and do not quite Jikft: to vv'alk but, vl know Ay«^ fere not f«S»lifl'j»,thb pinch artd stress.p'lf'..' wftr, 1 ku;6W many are tired from working /bvertinve. .Bufr the .fact that w* ar« rapre; "fortonata hero; timrt many :^li«i ... ., . -. reoeaved piaymiaijit <. foo1 ;atrf>eitw3 ra . . _,..._._.,. __ "' n'L ? Tlie^'AiCiob(anltlaiut repli^X'iCte&tSJaia )9r; was; --«.blte--.ib6v-vgt!r ;-;' of -te . . (lies:) related ;bjis: esof; /the:: J^Uaea,: Mid ia-jpulrriey tb re etc.: Hb Wias of the miJl for: ^ dirdJil too: jihe ^C^ . and. C<sr. GOT. J. Bates eaa'd fibiiis wtouLd; be Jfetdrd -libj^y; .hfflndxbeen: ; k> the pjiiuircih in; 12 tfebiiji^i&t; tfeey; .slwyuiM' iaJce. a; widieir : fal%ese;iihffijQ^ ioiiid 'give: Noaiii&dnifotrmiiSit a c^a.'rioe;. ; G^ CpiL:: Xifed^ara>d ; MA E*e^ineaa!fe to/^teil?^ jireili, brat:;Uie ,;GpiL t pepped tihafe lie vbsudi E>isifetiptv:0c^eil:- Offioe; -bcyidy niiade iuirangietaietD'te witE: Oaaipii: "Bbjai: tb: :i sit , , fee Jhadi b|seii; ; v a- inill : pf. '. ^hicli, : were? \fPiind ''' ,', jni. '. thb the work dl^ring'theifiUspensibri the- Iliv4i'8,Bbard will , have nO'pbjection to agreeing to anotri«ri suipQnsiprii" ' evidence ;;:dhpiW'ed tell if Menibers who hRd Interviewed .Dr. Wi 1 spiii reported . tliath6;gaverib^nd'to; uriderstatid ;that; if the; plans _<^^A^JI^ before fthe: Ipoal ; court :s'he admired :iitie Pffenc.b.; lacted ks :M:d;;'' Measr& L.' Ba^iey wad/G. arid report which bad ; bsftrt obtained: were? 'inside.: AnPtiher.. keiy-was ;'p(r:bouiried,:;ainid members; weine^present ;oirjt" Wedteesdlay itt made use of,, they should be sobrnitt«id to ths were tlib . opened. - - •• vTJpiSifcaira; "Newsbmei ' was . ' of Quieeneifeiuiryi Gotuncil. bateih'.of Local Goverrinierit Board within two nibnths, but if la*rivled.:in;.;Hebde>a- lying on his back; in--.'ie .tlii other plans'and reports had to be obtained^ th^n, he Bridge vbii T'u6sd:ay., said, after b&ing welooimed to; nave died / wliilst; in hiff R. ;j. I)enliolm;r : (Mr; • ., cfpnsiciered theCounbil should have three taptithsi in ., the , ' "(Gone,' -A. ••. Suteliff©, g-avb evideraoe fpf ;"having ranee, -. Ibctixrer, :was: at w'hicn tb place thetu fe«fore thd Bbard, On that /'uti!'--. botliam) o?i tbje 6tM«aaent of Ewsoottinte he faad J.I?.),.;,. fcliiey : wierie- tftkeil.. to: ,. b'bdy-,-.- anid'M.; Ms opinion, &« ; man f !bat$ been .dead mdtfcted bo: iriieimberis.r; ' ; " It'; hiaidybeiein^ v«(ry;/.iiite*i e eii 5h.u-rch during last^^eelirteri^,,..- -.: , _, ; ._.., fjer|tiiridihg the Cburioil: aiit^ori^edVthe blark ;^Mr* J, 3?BBoideiiT[iCiei this Pardisih ftiriiielied five (xf elix :diayi&, probably'.'a^ %vebk."-"T!h.e paiuse of b ' of a series arranged .^thrbu^tptiii tine St. Gla^Ksbtt) tp consent to; an brder of the Halifax :wi; b li dea& wia^, prooalily fietnoirAage ott the braiin,---A , o : ^circ uit. . ?v At the J mbriiing;. service;; at^fcift Gouttty Council in th¥tesri»s ;b| th^ ; draft subm'jfctedj tFhanigh.' Verdict of dearth' ;ffomriiartju.r^l;causes: accoirdiing to . - \?e^eyad--Chr^i!ch:-'b^.Su^-'ay;:.^P\*^: v-.-vr'-;''4 and decided:; tb> ;'f»dvfertise for: competitive iplans j iihia medioal evidence;,^ was returned, r.,: : J, h''ftpi*^-'.an':d^reports;': ThfcBrtibutes vv®re,app " preached on '' ; T^;-;:b1)i^r^'O!WW^^V'JM/e%^--^A^ Belgiaai : (deputy cflierk), . :aicKn.K>'w\li&digiinig! :t . . the - evening Mr. ^eunbliri's subject : was;::; :; ; M.:a&,§; ' by. ' afeb diib ; to tfce jsua;ve.yor ; By the dfeath of Ijiliss teiiiily Aan Atkmsori, 139^ \Bo\;chief end." :At: the l^et.^^^^^^^^.^n reported;on an ;irit«ir*;iew with^ the chairman ton Brpwi on l$aturd«*yi a; farniJiar :flgur» haa been excellent attendance;;' On J^nday- everiiri^.Jto. chairni'k'nf:fi>f^^ the /Hnddersrlsld; Tramwaysj land their la/ro 'i rem bved. She wfts on ly; 37 y »arfl b f age. A dan ghter Deriholm; lectured •< tp.; *he- : .child*en.: pfavv; ^a-ae of :th p;lat«i TVfr.fand Mrs. ' the Sid;:;fere from Huddersneiy to ;B!land, The farmer's fright," illustea^ng; his. ppints withaahterri; ..iss Atkirison; has, tak«ii 5s. each, : w«&e»Kly; : . ibniasUed fprvthei,..stsgej to bs brought tb the slides Over'--fche proceedings;Mr.; W,;Iredale: pre. E. part' in the:controlv of ths basiri*ss sifted the sided Mr. W. IJ...Diickettbeing;the\lant6rnisi;..yI^ter endi of the footpath; Reading across ;the; Banks, and :, . .G-csPi BrsiggB. esaM'^.tliey nxusifc offer deatiibf her parents a ffew years ago. The deceased ;of ;'S: al'e(m. Mr, "penhplm lectured;, ; tp. oWer /people., on 'The; this the^ bhairnianlptomised to ; teCotQaiend; With tiaras ftojMr. LoB.gbot3iiaini on his 50th. was; actively associ»tied.. ''with^ Bolton Brow Wesieyan menace at honie; or ^he natipaial; ktipottarioe:; pf refsrence;to :th'a'-;sdggested; ;fcfttnSf«Jt ;fronl the fep /of, b>oth;a,m a gaieait number . dfyfeEum , Wbj;en ; Church, arid' her de^th will be' deeply mourned. ..... 'tempemjice; " ; Mr. J/; W.-Goliinson, bf; Halifax,; West-gate t0 Ifest Valej ; the; Huddersfleld: chairnjan pto :-;Th"-e^-'in)teimetl,i f ;-;t(jbik v.:--p];aioe .quietly 'pn Wedthis ,Boaa?d; i>f. :GrimMa.<05a:^ '"lie they hftd;dis6;usBed the snl*jectsev6ral times, ,-fill for ptharBk Advent, theii,. comes to us with a ' had be©B expected, tp preside,, but he,-,was unable.to, said thoy concert was : given in Hbptpnstbajl could aot;seethsir way to. grant trie request eriee.pf itiiieiiir'.:.GiQrk. ;: Mr. special, call this year to roiisa ourselves to i'rash 'tee present and the chair .^aS^occupied^by^ Mr. but M'fea;;'^''-^n-n8<to.-v :toplt : '-.'-ia«iia'vi9-. on- Saturday .toyeni^ig; uridet-: /the: garfed' as ; poaie of i3ie ^ . of ElIfiiid ;V < it wbuld .set.;*' preced&ntv and tliey had nQ efforts to w.afre, and; watch, and ;'pray«; I-trust) tha James Lumb, supported yby the Sev:: S. .-B. Evans ^d.; y toes ;:= iu;:;;B(uddersneld, ;.;.:> ^p:. hopes for the Nioartlu : II fe said la^yilhisng, ;t3iey interest in the, casing, business "built up by oppbftunities of this aoascm wilV not ba allowed ; to ''"''' '' '' teasftbr). During the lectiu-e. Mr.: D4nhplm: .quoted ^transfer b»ing grnntBd were held out. Ccr. ia tlip cliiair, .made an uirgent appeal ffiitheiV: arid she was; :&;\vigilattt .wprke¥ pf^Bn -iJhie ^ ^4- d/eeisdpn ' ' advice " ' ' /wq.® ' riot' f,air ' off a pronbun&eaient.of. the Kaiser' in; 1910. ; :-. Iri'-ttte -, ...-., ,,,__..j, men:of • the: diistriot tb ..offer.their 6$r-" Broy?;: t^esleyan' Chuircihu, ier?;vfit'h a deputation .repbrtftd' also oil an it "The; service was taken next war, said the -German .: :flmperor.bri: Chat: oe> of thei Obnntv^CoiiriGilifesp iCting the estate!ish.iii«.nt of ...... ..,,, ...... .-,..-.,.. .-.^-r,,-. ..... .,.. said it liaud vibes tp the' Ariiiy.:: In ; a .brief; repo-rt,. th» secre- by Bev. J; A; ^anes. 5-'".- . : ':-..''.'--'., ::. ;;;-;;: -::' ?' . ; ' oasion, victory will rest ;wi^i ^tiie^fo'rc^s which .cdri- a (Hspefisary ill, Bllanfl' tp; serVd HJlIandj )Qr«etlaiid tos gopid forbtuiie tio. kiw>w thie Gferk a good tary ;said they had pliayed, seven niatclies to date, The^ rjiourners, in coaches, T^ere :" * At G-jfeetLand Council, held on Monday, gume the least .alcohol." Z, The lecttire was ot an ", : and part of Barkisiftrid yiaa,rs.: : He tr/wsbed toe .i^oiuld ihtavie.;" ; tih<!ree; and Ip^st foxtir.; ;;;;T5ie secpnd 'fea-m "ng'ures l.st-^Mj-ss 'Atkinson (sister); .Mr. : Janies' "Robert wesra ; preseat; Ccrs. W , Eta-meri v J;P : (ohairman), wpn. instructive character,: ,. .--. ; /'; '••'••'••'••:••." '•{.• ' .V-' ' ;' were exactly: th© Same1 . . .r~ItV wias-:."nbii.--.-tp-';-'-b;e-,- :.'ex*' and P:ixbyt , The co^iin:itteeagre;ed that the diRtricts . tbam He had r©iieiiitRy-r-(iieair,; feaar). K. B^Wbod,: :J, ;E. Binins,, :^V' Shackleton, W. -But- pet|;e^;\:ith'at';'-'ith.e'.; .ci;ub''.bPt;ild;;dp.as well as iiast.:year, Atkinson (brother), Mr; a-M .Mrs.,' Thbmaa Lewis should petition the County Authority. > ; ;: ,; ; . W A. Barker, Wi"Bottomfey. D. W. for:'- several players liaid' ioined. the colours, , ;H-e Atkinson: :(brotHer and: sistor-iri4aw), Master, TV H» It was reported the ..-Halifax: postmaster .would meet <saairyiai.g oiut ,thie;:en.- 'terwoirth, At. Masonic Hall, Eliand," pn; ; TTi^dayv: Ht: J. : Atfcinson.(nephe;w), Mr. : H. "Marsdien. > .;; . Smith;--'; J-v -B..-.'.JEElI,'-.-'S. Naylpr, and ;W. GLedhill. ;witK negiairtd. to, Qv^irflows, a&d The the .president's special prize for E Horsfall w.a» ; installed ;Wprshipf ul Master .of a deputation to discuss the Question of aa: ; early post : 2nd Mr. Fred- Greenwood (imele), Mr^ and Mrs. Nuisarice Inspector, Sir. J H; Robinson, rewaSworth giving for Bavile Lodge: (1,231), a large compiaDj: assembling. of; lexers ;forTrelan<l. The conii^ittee agreed tb inak« that, with Tiesipieiot ;to tlie remjaiiriidjBir,: tile Eivers ported 1 base each of typhoid fever and scarlet Haign; (uncle and auni)^ Mrs, . Joseph Atkinson. were >in a; gPod . poMtipn,;: haviri-g cbmmenoed / the (aunt), Mr. ;Sarry Atkinson (cousin). . . for the cereinony. ; H>6 inveB*e.d. his \omoers as applicatioh to the Pdstniaster-Gfeneral for sub-olficest .Boarid be 'advised thiaA ;Hie0ars.. ;]?<>5ter arid: Spa fever; both treated in oSvn houses. The typhoid at Up|ier Edge and Biijoklpy.--Tlle Olerk reported he liad pipoipoumidteid a eobj6me wlienifeby ^efa ,w.ith.-ia>' balance of £10. T<he first half of 1 Srd-^-Mr. ;and I^Ers. Throp (uncle and follows-: W."-Bro.- E,. J. King, I;PcM,; Bxo. H, A. Plans for workshop in season received plans from Hal!fax Corporation for : trade effluent, 70,000 gialEota.s diadly, would be patient died Nov 22. tlte programriie wiais ah. bnjo'yiab'le concert by Mr. J. Frank Atkirieon (uncle), Mr. Tliomas Boberte. S.W. Bro;-.F;,, Mills; J.W.; Bro. ; A. E . had ithe Gaidar and Hebfele to Elland Town toeated by tfeinseilves; anid ^9 the CJonwcil th,ink Grxeeiiwood-street, and wiarehouse .behind .-the " ; " Mbrry: BiiterifcainerSj" and later; a (uncle). Mrs; Jolin Lorigbotiiom (auM). Mander,' chaplairr; W. B-rp. G, Marsden, treasure-r; tramways/from the proposition, of the Chairman and Ccr. tihien tbe ,works; 'wilii s be 'aMfe to tfieat .tne dtlie* Glotniers' Arms, were approved, ; The Clerk was play, "Tlie New Waifer," wias given. 4tli- Mr. and Mrs. Wbrsiok (obuiSins), Mrs. HoiW Bro F A. Winkw'Prtih., seoretary; ,B,ro. -T. Ball.^On Kastwbod, theSfi were passed to the General Purposes sewage wittuout cpmplia/iiriifc, thie _ Bio-acrd Mlipw thie instructed to write owners of property abutting.on Tlh© pMceeds ware diivided between the club and den (friend), Mr. W, Wig-gleswbrth (bousin). Wood, S:D.; Bro. W.: H. Handley, J.D.; W. Bra. Conittiittee. '/.. 1... :" -' ' ''' '' ' . '.'/ ' . '. . . V road, to abate a , u>ui&anoe c-aused" by the local diisferess fund. m&bbet''. to etairid till iifc is ttbonoiigMy ascerifcMaiad -v -.: , 5l1h-^Mr. and Mrs. John Greenwood': (uncle arid J.. W Broadh-ead, P.P.G.S.D., D.O.; Bro. R. M, surface water flowing over |;he footpath. The what the works'can accomplisli'. aunt), Mr.; and'Mrs. James Gfeenwbod (tmble^arid Brooks.'assistant'D.G.; ;:W. Bro. W E. Smithies, _ Lamplightera a,n •,"•.'•'. aidnriaincb Is. treasurer reported a balance of £2,666 , Yorkaunt), P P G D .admonejr; Bro.. I/. Holt, organist; Bco. GBACE / RAMBDEH'S:: ;; SCHOOL. weekly.;. . ./,'-' wene . . '; : ;;given '..- . . / of '.-.-' sh;ii?« Electrical. Distribution Co. wrote, in reply Gfcli: Mrs. Lumb (aunii); Mr. and Mrs. Helliwell H Garside ; I.Gr.; Brp, H. J ToPgPOd/ O.G ; BTO. to_ the ciuegfciPH i^hen bhiey proposed to bring eleo(uncle and aunt), Mr9. Saltonstall (aunt)". J.' E. .Newsp'me, S.L.S.; Bro B : Muff, 3-^-& I 'tfieity into the district, that they had been seri7th -Mr. and Mrs. Wilson (uncle arid aunt), B«ro HE Ma#ede(n, S.G, j Bro. I; Thorpe, J.Sv; BY ously delayed, by so many of their servants enlistMr. and Mrs. ;H. Clay ton (friends). and Bro Rev. D. B. Lewis,;assistant S.v . . ing, hut they were endeavouring to have a eupply Tihe prizes ..and certificates: were distribu'ted to tihe 8th Mr. and Mrs. McKeilzie,, Mr. W., Wray, and .After an exoelleni ba-nquet, a length v. toast list boys available early next year. Geo. Ingham & Co., Are.. Bririvalled for all Irregularities; &c,., they speedily Mrs. RobinSbri (friends). at Gxaoe Ramsden's School, Blknd, on Mon' ;.' .- ' '. was presented. Tihe loyal toast vtS£<: that _ of Wie day by the c-h-aiTmati of the governors, Archdeacon Ltd., _Pi'osp'6ot Mills, _a;sked if anything had been afford relief and neve? fail to alleviate all suffering. SALE AT NORWOOD GREEK 9i3hr"Mf. and Mrs. Wiseman, Mrs Tordoff, arid Grand Lodge we're proposed irom the cli*ii% and Norris. -He oongrafculiated tie school on th© suc^ dpite iri coftn-eetion with housing. They had pre- They supersede' Penny.rtfy'ai Pil Goc.hia, Bitter Apple, &c. M*9. Pickles (friends). . : to the latter W. B.I-OS. H. G. B. GfPen, W«* York- cess of one,old boy, Eric .Coatee, who had won a At Norwood Green district Church, 9h SaturJay, ths viously written. _ The Clerk said the matter was "BLANCIiARD'8 are the Best of all Pills for Women:," lOth Mrs. L; - Clay, Mrs. Crossley, Mrs. Ainley,. Soid in boxes 1/1$ by BOOTS' Branches, TAYLORS' DRDG Go. shire Provincial Seoretafy, and Townsend (bydtey, scholarship of £100, for 5 years, at Oxford. .He j annual sale of woik was held in the school. Rev. C. still UK ster coiisideriation. '....". -. - Bran<;hes, & all Ghcrniste, or post, free same price from Mrs. Broadbent, and Mr. and Mrs. Uttley Austraba), responded. Bro. H. A, Boberis^pro- had been at Heath jusifc over 2 years^ this w,aa the ; Diggle, curate-in-oharge, s»id the undertaking was on :. nead. the loillowiipg letter, . LESLIE MARTIKi 'M Chemists, 34 Dalston-Jane.London (friends). posed Provincial Lodge, W. Bro. A. W. liaw, second mathema'tioal sohodarship won by a Grade; a reduced scale, owing to:the war. The proceedings cota '" "-'< f.poim tbo Hippeiiiiolme Tihe eofikiv of biiowii'-oa-k, hsA silver casket ITree Sample and valuable Rookl«t,. .post free id. stamp. Miericed with tea, at which thers was a fnir attendance. P.P.G.D., implying. "The Army and Na^y Ramsdeii old boy during this ye<ar frorn HeiathJ The and tliiia iaiscriiiititoni : , . , /. -,--:' v Nov. 27, 1914. stalls were presided over by the members of the was appropriately introduced by W. Bro. H. .H. School. The gaining .of these scholarshipis w.as | Ladies-Bowing Union, The proceeds are for the ^Tihe Hipperliolme Council have on ma.ny ocoa"";/ EMILY ANN Waller. P.P.G.D.'. .and W, Bro. S. Dyson a.nd^Brp. largely due to tihorough groundirig. Tlieira mighifc j HALIFAX SUNDAY LECTURE SOCIETY, aions found ftliat the water supply to tlieir district! building fund. ,/ B'omn Juily There was a good attendance on Sunday at the VicCapt, Kirby replied. The 1P.M. P™*****. hls not be'-one of the largest schools, but it hapi a j Died Nov. ,28,', 1914.' / successor in the "chair,, and Bro. F. MiHe tbe re- mame for sound teachittg, which should ©noourage < Tlie prespn'teiiive patherinEC of visitors. W Bro. ^^ them to -make up. t'heur mind's to win, and. those j Another parity of Belgians, seieoted from the for use. and, in consequence, large quantrated lecture on "Through the Rhone Valley to •. BratteT^oirtili. J. Brigge, W. Brioaidbent, E. S] ailso toaMed the Irwta.'H.insr Master, W. BrP. J W won who .make up their minds to. do; so. If .one Halifax contingent, arrived at Hipperhokoe on i.ti-tiea have been run away by consumers in the the Italian Lakes." The views shown, a numerous I mid J. T0 -J 1- *• BroRdhead. " The Masonic Charities, honoured started in & race, k'nowmg thiat i he had ,a good Tuesday. The names of the visitors are Emileand at the call of W. Bro. J. H. .Dyson.'was replied *o binanoe, he entered with good spirit.;; but. if, on the his wife. Madam© Van. Mol and two nieces, MdJiles. endeavour to get clean water, thus causing much successioB of lovely isxecutpd slides, were linked toge- j :Flonail triteuteg wane seait by tihi'e. fdtWing re, cpmipiUmt fTOm natepayers, arid an. increase iri Hho ther by chatty information, racily delivered and with; lativea and firielwte: " e 3?yvm tlie sorrowiaiff bv Hie ^.airman of the ooinmittee, W. Bro. W. other hand, lie knew he had no chance, ba lost M:arie and Lo'uiea Via;n Cuyl. The Reception which hnppy wit was agreeably associated. Oft tho family:' eistens and bnothers"; frotm Thooijaa, E Gray B.ro. W H. ftandtey gave the-I.P:M. hoart. They had-their .ohanPes'because-they were CTomTOittee, on b&L-i£.,.0f , Hipperholme Westeyan W£U£ir .account due from the Council. Iniereiore some of the neighbouring Council® Iflctnrer's last visit to the country the war broke out ; Herbert, Jesen'ie, Emily j jnd Harry- Mr Herbert and P.okm.asters. W. Bro, S. Iredale the Offiters -at that school, and tiii^y must make: the best use coTigiiegation, are Mesdamss J. Moilott, .Ja.s. Crow- were invited to se«.d reprasentativeis he was and i.,, ho bad difficulties in o.vj..c«r'siu;eji, "*' ' '' ----'-^ -__-.._. 'to . ...a confer^^ whilst ...... ,.._ .. ,.still J4I , there, I.HOID, ««« «..v. v,. iu^«, u ,v.u .« VJOUSSJUH, lujiumajii; ivir. 'B.Bid JWIIQ- -Mrs. Birs. vv. Cb'osii.na, Mr. W. of the Lodge, and Bro. H. ?. Toogood tfae.Tylers of them and win. It'.was the spirit inside boys tber, Maud©,_ and Tatfcersali, who have furnished a enoe^ at ^.the ttpperholjfnie. Councid Offices, wbioh getting away, the recital of which and the additional Mapsiden: StoTOy, Halafax ; Mr. and Mrs. Lorn,bottom Mi's. toast.' The musical, director and accompanist was they ?we»re anxious about at that school; he wanted at T,rijjflifcy-plao© f<xr $fa 1^24^1115^,^116:0.14 pictures introduced added to thsi s«oo9S8 of a fesoina- A. Wood, ;SouiibJp<ofrt; Mr. ~ WQ$ Mrs. ffearrand; A '"" ~Vi~"~- 1- ' •<*« ,-» -i!__« i . . .-. .»*-. .-,-. ^^ ^^ . W. Bro. J. Brook (Soathporfc), P.P.G. * ^^ them1: to'b© s-^o^, «,«»» LIGHTGLIFFE. o^;:-.-??itt)£ j;bnurbnV:: irid 'jM^^>;';.:|j,Tj/fig^» . 'l:^!^l|ife :>Ta3;:giveri-:iM. :Jibei;r bpntribatipnfi toxvthty"niifiBibriaJ'y cause , :,._.,.__. r jii^iaige crip^liag i:ts^btivity> ile^eplift^ ^^SiU'^jrtfdS^ed. -; -by f ifelta,! pjlgj^t; bfli urgediftgainsl ^hfisti^i(ty^<scftuse the war r^'^elgiMAr'iftfi -GHristisni:: > J;;:'nfttion.sy:/-;:-:b)tilii;:;;;:':: Bai^:f ;.: hov: the years 1913 and IS^.l'heseijshp^^df^ciHal Castt pavin>nts within ;.the yisari 19J0 : ^1,609 2a. S^A., »ad 1914 £1,623 tlSi 8di, tihe 3foritt*r ; year including; ;the -rates £116 17s. Ild.> which; w«re' iabi:iacjudfedv] j«i; he lie:?:1914 account. An: applicatjonlby l^ies y::-1^ )jD^triictressi for an increase ', bf iSalajp consideratiott : of f the: j^lnt cotaiwltitee appointed her,: , coniprisiag ; f epre^n1;dtiy«s paragraph;:; Aii ' oil.'.- 1;^^- ysubjepif: of :;'J^^pile^CpiamStJ, Eilnhd, Sbwerby Bridge^ and l&ri$hduse. t It i 'azirie." Presuinr- .rfroim:. Birt^els,, ;iw3ips.e;^ophi^ilii^ repoi-tedi that a joint, cbnitnittee^ -representirig: ithe issue Mlland, Brighouse, Hiastficfc'aiad jylirfield;:S0hbbls ;j;8: VV^nter: feecrtbr)'::|b&'iivreoL::.x;';Eic '.--' . /--. -••'•:- i :• '>.-i - -.' -."•'•,'•. <~ •-. -TVT '-itr' ' T. .--.••1'i-iL - - •' '/'•''•':;"-- ." -\ "•-. t : ;«.>r. -r. '-/Sri;-' -,-'' ':"^>. ':.••••.; ;: : ••-- v.\--:-'."'^--',- •'• "conMdering a joii»6 apppintinsttt bf airi art fiiast«r ifor tVlibai!d th'e.'-fQiir Schools, |ii ptftoe of M:^:?. 3, |»^rso;n, ;^ho: By iOarpi; tp;do ;any; ba^pi; Sin&m/g, singing, .v!r«J'1 w/:> ;J-v-":' i-Jeyvia, luayHaiiesy \ifasa):, ivtr; JGju.tU'UOi'H. has received a'q-;app!Oi: ib.t;i^en-t'-ht- it.li«.\Bta:dfb\r'd ;:Giirai3|i: ttiaj ':tvie^4re",h:Qping.J:^er^^:.:.:(so^ -i:--.-..:.- ••,-••:•.- '", '-,- . ..f:- -... .i -« *^, .Jjawley: ^Immibrist!) '-'•:••. *A ^eat^suGbe^s-'^as' : School,; The siftlary; offered is £150;^ pet -anaUnv, with '""-'" ~ " "" ": " l -' : "~'": ' "' 'f-'";pala^-B'1at! '( &S> »ddi tionn t f or trayelli ng ;e?p«>nise's,: - :Th* rflastarf is5 ;u;p ; . ' to attend three half-days per; we«k at Elinnfi and Eastalibrii,,;w-hb> 'under' Mi. ...;; ;s^g:;te6aijftir! hbweyer,: fJiatv iae -. m •a3i ^i trick, and two hallidays "(at ^ighouse ,aad Mirfieldi :: (B^in^^bjidifrii^a^ The Fjiianco OqB)mittee;ha<iI passed1 accbuqts ampunt-i . .,.,..,.... .,^_ ..,,.__,,_. ..--,,,- .-,. .dai^'tii^H^ifere-der , ing to £455 7s. tdi oil- teehriidal:;accow(lt, and: bad tEat ;Qiieensbury should; not la.^ behifid :in ^ :- receiired £455 7s* Id, For 'the Secondary.VSphopi ^the; a '""''' : '';tp^fe(fe:;^e.:;';lBei^^ that tip; one .^-wil^giyfe; support, eitheir JtttoJttetary;; jksc^H&ts4Miounted;to 4253v7s^^^ j : ?tp v r. any ; ; people wlieliher .' Tobaliste or; i^vbre^^^refu^^-;:^ ijie^Viila^e.i: recmred^S 7s. Ms ^he'ti^M^ti^:^:^e:^^ttk^^ , ;:;w1hp :;disi;ur b :tHe: ppaiCe: -;pf :{^5Mmiafl:;:!EVe, ' : i^^''^^.^i'i^^v&^f'^^^^.':^^o^i £269 Os. 6d, ? An e.stiniafe Pf^HCpni* >afi.d eip^nciitnt'e: p by :>i-n;garig ' ; '^<^*ifetiaaciB.; : :a^l?eF' r^ini'rtlie.' for the year 19J.6 vviis adbptfd,:and brdered ; :bf.:;'tfe©.: ,^iglit:':::eri;^ to the W^t; ftiding^<0buaty;!; CbusbiJ* :;:, %h.en;,;iihey; bjuglit; fcpi be people ' '- wer's'' made for 'giving free tuitiQn^ito ; w : Iri chiidren, and alfblto; othev^ Bel^iad^ childreiii . .- fee brought- into the; district^ ; -;:; •:•-.. ' ;...; >.:. •;:•_,•. ;; ;; ,; - : worsted, ©pinners,,, v b|id;*y<»r 8*011^1 aiid biir^nfiu^iiiae iheir %i^ the 1*:;:*^ - id iihiab sbnjiethaing ^ Wihiiti"; :a^3 r _ __„.,..__ r ....._.._....., -,.-.„--..,.,,...., .... , r .......W Iddiies^Bliisis 1%^^^ aiidvbprisblationxftirs,- -;06d'dpftB;j;:v ;ge-nts^ : ;lst ;-;.M^;V W«; :inie |^^.;'ij]!t)e^:';tb; Prput, 2nd Mr. Ji Gashj ari^bQnsolatipn-Miaa, M. it^n,^^;;p]|finieetm^;.tliei ~" " ;fQliowed by^a sh^rfe cpriciBrb< Son^s :' raopllecjtibns $ bf':; _,,._. A_^ _,.__ . ., .. _, »ri^;; v(^dee'n6buryi; :Baptiist).-,; ; ;j|fe:;: cliair^^^ Patriots^l^roli ^sserably ;Ro;bins, -Bbltbnv I^ ti'--_____L'_i.,.TV.-'*:-Ji:.^:.~ --«li' _l*ji- .-".^"i *.*it:» "-1 ^.-i.w-1- .--t>' l-^ibn ' 'T^All'Ar'-1' miernbesris;: fed, . batihs, ii^!. th<raieainid ; decaidid,' ' . ., , of *&>- kfctliiFr will bseiti&ndied form 2P' yd®. . by 7ft; V to- 35 by ;10. If|e smtaM baAlr wjlllwb0 , . wjiil--j.be niidiPe public aiCiepniittodiaitdloii, ; wtthi .dressing 'bases. Ib diiiibe fiiteatkai wilt " '' '' On Satu.'rda,y the girle of the second ^clasd IwsIS^tfiif. emtertamiTiie^nt laiicl ebciial. 'Songis were gavein by;Miss; gH. :Woodh.ead isaid; Miss t*.' P«/rrishv Shelf, arict by Misis ;"0.1 A; :.Barracl6ugfe, Butiersha.w ; - ^Tlie! iristrU'meritalists: -were.; " ..iVtjss Eth.e'1 Murg'atrbyiJ: (piano;) and Mr. G-: .H,^ Hplden (violin). .;;^Sie procebds, £)4, ikife divided between; tihe ..Belgiiaj*' national f'unid and: ;the purchase of a oarpbt for ttiif scliool plaitform..-." '" ' ; /;' ' : : ~ . -./ :/:-.-';::'.-'"' : ': ;''--'-,;.;-.; ;V:: \-. .- .:-> R^XLI». ..;Qff;;-:'-HO]SrOtJR,':-::;';C;-y-;;',; :Z 'Old«sr residents who remembier : ' tits .laibe Mtti Philip Bickles, who was postmaster.. a* SHeff ^ foaf niariy years, : will be glad to know that three ^f; ^'"ll ' gt-andsons, sons of Dr... J .J. Pickles, Leedsf, :jpiri'ed the ^f'Orces. : : Dr". Philip;; Picklesy * Niav,al iReserve. .iH.M.S. . Russell;" , ,. Laeuib,. O. Q." PioHesv 5th Yorbsliire.-E,egimienS '" ' ' ; Tile Coun'ty dounpil call to m&et •fare amo.uritirig' to £548 is- apportipried loyrs:; Higher educiationy £44; elemerifery,; other expewdittwe..£124;.police, £,§2. ',. .;; ;,_,_ . ; '/. . '::',-' -' D1STBI0T , OOTJNOli/., -..-.-' ••>. .:':v-l :' '' m ^?*,tno"th1y meeting was heir? oh Tn«sday, (3or. Jlj r. Kallett,' J.P., in the ch'air. The surveyor'hftd spent m wagfcs durins the pnst month £40; Acconnts to ;£7S were passed. It was reported a footpath ObstrUQtloa at Uppesr Brackens Farm had not .been removed ^aa prornisod ; the clerk, was instructed to give ,14 days" riorice to remove it. The clerk was also psk«sd. to writa ,Mr. B. Barraolosiffh asking .him tp Repair this footpflth IcadinR from Green-bn* to Bethel Chapel. A draft of the agreement with Halifax Cor-, poration with respect to thair trnmwavs~in th;«" Sh;elf district was approved. It was resolved to advartis* for tenders for soavenging for th* whole district fora year. The Surveyor was asfeod to see that hedges wnd tress overhanging roads are lopped or dressed during wi_ntor. Tenders for the supply of bonMer for th» district.ronds were considered^ and th* lowest' accented. Ihe Chairman reported on the nice-tin" of a Joint£ommittee with respect to the water supply in bulk' ftons Bradford Corporation, held that dav in Leeds - J THE HALIFAX 5, ^^999999999999999999999999999 PRIZE JOKES AND STORIES' CHILDREN^ COUNCIL MEETING, HALIFAX ANTIQUARIES. |acK>m on ihie staff at the Town wb s 25s. to 30s. a w«ek. Ccr.. !Lotnigbotfco'Xa, . Aye theysmpposed to be taking the places of miales ©nistsd? In the event of the mailes returninig, is it proposed that these ladiies shall be dispensed with? Aid; Thomsion: Thes;e ladies are really additions to the -staff. Before wis emgaged them.; Mr. Fry .and I w-ant into the whole need, and whilst we intend that all men gome to the front shall! be re-instated, we ehaJl have sufficient work for th« lady clerks in addition. ME J -LISTER'S 'SERVICES TO 'THE LOCAL SOCIETY. This Society's work was reviewed on . Tuesday THE COMING OF "rHE*"MUNICIPAL LADY Competitors for prizes in this column must mark at the annual meeting, held at Bank Field, Mr. CLERK. their envelopes or postcards "Jokes." J. Lister, M.A,, presiding. Mr^S. H. Hamer,, S'fi CHATS WITH THE CHILDREN. The proceedings at the montlJy meeting of iihe in his report, said they commencedi the^ear mth; Halifax Town Coimcil on Wednesday, heH under JACK'S "PRAYER-SCRIPT." 104 membe^ and closed ^JV0' J^' f^ Little Jack prays every night for all the different tha presideoicy of the Mayor (Aid.. W. H. IngJ. S Beverley and Mr. J. Whrteley Ward, J.P., members of his family. His father had been away ham), wea^e brief, .oocupying,exactly 20 minrates. had died. The average afemdanoe at meetings.; THE BRITISH YOU HAVE A VOTE. once;on a short journey, and thp.t night Jack was SKIRCOAT TIP. and excursions had been 26.28, agaanst 24.21*^•'•• : •• RJITR1JAT praying-.for him as usual. . Folio wing on an undeirtakinc; giveoi On behalf The-v added to their printed records the >rov«-FETE FOR BELGIAN FUND. "Bless papa, iand take care of him," he was say- of the Coxpoaiation, in an .action against th'em im ships of Rastrick, Hipperholm©, /«~J' - fl -K" . .J)e5pa.fche8-. delating to tlie We have now entered., th© month of December, ing, when suddenly he raised his'head and listened. the High C~urt, the Impnoyemiefnt Committee and'-aill .qihdldiriein wall.iigate© th.aib the last bit of the "Never mind about it now, Lord," ended the little had accepted tha teaider of Mr. J. F. Wake, Dar- CHILDREN'S HAPPY EFFORT AT SQUARE. copied by Mr. Lister, with, nonaes British Naval Brigades. . undet tne How She Was Saved From Mr. Kendall." .. , year is the betsfc. Foir we 'plly'lciok forward to fellow, '"cos I hear him clown in the hall." lington, for the spreading and levelling', of the The Chairman thougiht the report very satisfacMajor- General- A: ' P'aris/^-'artouii Th« spirit of holding out the helping hand _ to Chrdistnlias. Now I do 'mot. intend .to talk about H. Cecil, .28, Commercial-street, Halifax. , Surgeon's Knife by Lydia material at SkiLrooat-roaid tip, foir £750. Cer. those in distress has been" very prominent during tory. They were very (good with regard to BQBsmthis great festival .this Week,- bmtI want just to Hodigson, .ae chairman, moved in lieu of this that the past few months, much more sb than usual, bership; fchey_did not morease, and could seaway \ : :Q&b. '-3 fe 9.; wsrs ; issued last '; !'-.y OR-A'TABLE-SPOON.; E, Pinkham's Vegetable of Messrs. Bowe,r Bros, t and riot to be outdone, the staff and children of | expect to. , They could do with more youngK 'P,a.t;.i5:: -statos ont'Oet'/-. 8 it It was on a local train. The ancient engine the tender _ A NEW COMPETITION per cubic yard, wi.th a guiar- Square Primary Department on Tuesday held an I members, because the work was left ra*her ••.. on' Compound. wheezed laboriously over equally ancient the Anr,p,ework at lOd.cubic wJiaeh will be veii-y inteir«is.tdiQ!g fo>r all my young having : K^l'gi.an A'rmy ' ; cpul d liot ' liotd tH«: jort yards, b^ .acceip.ted.. Mr. entertainmenit in that school, in aid of Wie Belgian the hands of a few. They could do wiath sojae jolted to a restful spot at no place in particu- ! antee Wafap"ofhe20,000 folk. evieory member of our GuiXd i?o rails, red:used to sign the con- Fund. It was gratifying to find the school packed fresh workers to conduct exoursiona and give leplar. Time passed tediously. Some of the pas- Wake, VV!dlis-B' afteirexplained, and to avoid disaster fee retir&d "The first two years I was married I eiriter this ootn.test, 'this time esipecially sengers tract, he had viewed the tip. Other with an appreciative audience. The entertainment The report was adopted. . looked anxiously out~of:the windows,, while the mione etniferd£is the gneaiter the fun. were then invited, and Messrs... IJiQw^er's was arranged by Miss A. Ratcliffe, ably assisted by tnres. Suffered so much from, female troubles Mr D. T. Mallinson, iareasu'rer, oangiacfcuMAed. .darkness.. 'The: roads were crojvxie^. -witlr fe others drew their hats down over their eyes and tenders You laine to: write out yo^tr laV'Otirite .:,..' £83 more thaoa that of Mr. Wake. The Miss Gladys Kaye, in conn; ection with the singing1 ** Society upon a sound financial condition, Th^; andk bearing down troops, .'refugees, cattle and vehicles^ Tajrd : to forget it. , When half an hour iliad was contract had been signed,.,and the work was in and dancing-, while praise is due also to Mi&sea " ,'. !:; • • : PJOEM- ON- cilEiSTMAS, ; :.; - : : •"•,; tried the year with 13s. 9d. in hand, and bank elapsed the guard oajnae along. pains that I could not 'for this reason, partly. 'on account <?f progress, as they were iioquested by the underNow pleaee pay eveiat laititienitdibh to what I :am 5 £43 The ^ale of publicakons had "Hi, guard," said a querulous voiced old ..man, taking given in the High Court to hav,e the tip Gladys Coluiison, Janet Walmsley, and Hilbes*' gpinig to teflil you just heire. I want a/11 .the©e 'as near as you can tell/ what's. the trouble?" for assistance at rehearsals. There were in th»' frorn £11 13s. Id. to £1 I2a. lid.; h*. .partly -i i'o.m unexplained ; causes .larger: spopead 11 weeks from last Friday. The varia- room fruit stalls, presided over by Misses James. , popped enough to do my poems: tny by. Dec, 20th. Theaa I want to piib- ..''We're taking in water," was the explanation. ^-MJ. wondered how that could b» accoun.'ted for, the . . 1st .'-.-Naval Brigade :,x Mcaaie: Jish lae many ias p'Oiasiible idinmiing the two fo'llowioig : "Well, ywhy on earth don't, you get another tea- tion, seconded by Cor. Foster, was agreed to. , ~ M. work. The doctor; " Fearnley, ~ " "' Smith, Hubbard, King, and could not think interest m their work was ', - -. ' - ''-. .y '-' HOLIDAYS AT THE BOROUGH MARKETS. Fleming, arid Carter. W'Seka. / After that I woMid like :the yjjeiaaecrs . to spoon:?"- y;' : -: - ; y :': : : ; .: ,-. '.-Clerical work was don© dwindling. Their receipts were £83. They had iiaroljing /all vnigBty: "the liiairi .body said I would have to The .Markets .Committeie had agreed thai the be:, the ..-judges.. So I '.initerid to ask. eyerybiody -rJ, Rowton, Queensbury. ' : : by Mr. Geo. Badrstow, and Mr. Geo. Greenwood *paid £1 .towards lihe ©xcavatiotis at i)h© Roman. .and effected tlieir retreat. Tne; .; .i'ea.rgua,rd V ' yundergo an opera. „ —-, 11_ _ _:__^ij j* •„' i-.j-4-l^w .(ithat imieikid'eis yoiii) ' -to'* aend ia on .ia postclaM: the . ' ;."' :;' ' - y ;;: ./-; : -INCONSISTENT. '-' ,: . ': . ' . ' : - '.-.' holi'days. to be observed at the Boro'iigh Markets (Horton-street) e^ectetl the platform without settlement, Cambodunum; they would do a " ; .; ':.' , • •'./.: ' : . : more. They bad paid £1 Is. towards research for tion, but my husband be Boxing Day, Easteo.- Mondiay, Whit "-Monday-, charge. the:Roj'ia.l Marine ]3j;isado^fentxained :l^r:f: Eiajneis of the ftyair . poeojiisytheiy thdixk the besit., \ . . -y. The 1 other: day pa spbke'abou.t , '" ' : ' :, and.. .Wakes Monday and ? Tuesciaiy ' Ccf. ; Wad.By this pOian ; every : coinipotitoa' has .an eqmal The programme oonsisi;&i. x>$ natibnal songs and the Society's benefit. Printing and publications! \Fanted me to try . ,; . aslted.. what .was beiiig,, dooiie as to Chris%. dances, given by the children, and scenes from cost £28,, and the cost of tihe special :pttblioatKui - wi tli. li u tid I'ods; of .;ref ugees j -but the '- oiigiiie chiaincie_of - ,a prize,,; aaiid the "feist: four boys and .,- ... ..The blessings of ' a/ kindly 'heart,; I-ydia E. Pinkham's ; And '..said .whatever .happened;. I ' V y mas Day and Good Friday'? Cor. .Eoarefieldi coin- Charles Kingsley's "Water babies." _ Interested (the groveships) was £11 lOs.., rather a ii railed, : aiid--.t'he. eaeitij^opfe'necl.fire; gMs.wilO. be the .piize-winaieitis. : : In. other wonds, . ' . . Should always take my sister's part, . ";-' ' " . Vegetable Compound miittee's .chai^mjaai, s-aid on fHosie.days, :being feasi members of the audience were Be^ian rerugees, item, but very valuable to the Society, the iawairdis will .-be giyeai to the lads and lassies And yet'" toVday.. he slippered, me, . . : days, the markets HaV! ' ,'' ' * V - '- 1oeed" by"' Act first. I took three who ocouipied reserved seats. The programme closed the year rvith a bank balance of-. £22_ _ Until. I feel like one 'big abhe, : •/ • opened with the National Anthem, after which l-Od., and l4e. 8d. in feand. Thae was_adopted, ^The prdze,s will . bottles and it made : Because I did as he, had said. "St. George for Merryj Merry England"f i .. | Miss abouifc this oonteet next week; . 'FREE GAS FOR' BELGIANS. ;' , J.VA,lC*y OgdSen, v^gUAR3JUj reporting j-^j^vyj-'wiuui^ as **" UU'i cwTltiHl^ » ^ meywell and strong and I aypided a And" collared Maggie's 'piece of cake ! y : y 'Thein,.iailiso, I hopie .to, ®aiinoiuiH(ae"thie nantes of °;i° j »' I library, a.l&ough 'smiald nevertheless furnsned iarCcor. Shackle-ton, in regard to a proposia.i;of tl. - riven, and then L. E, R,, 1. Mayneld-grove, Parkinson-lane. dreadful operation. I now have two fine death of Nelson," -ithiQ^ .wtt'iite'rs of the best ^ istoiiieis '..oai'yia postoard, Gi9jS Committee to allow friae,. gas. for the houses , y . :/ ., -^'SE-SAW'THE/WAY.'"'. .'.' '-Ay '>' in the boroiugh oa6uipie.d by refaTgees, asked wha "Last rose of fiimmer," "The shamrock," y" God terestiAg tihiags, and was of service Jo members. sirJerable^orifuMdn. It was.dark,.,in<j healthy children; and I cannot say too which has been a YeiFy:goiod 'Ctomstiietiitiion i Roth's They had added by puxohas* Mr. Tommy was reading the war news." When he Bumbeir of able-bodii'ed mm weaie amongst them bless the Prince of Wales," "Soldiers of the King,'* "Genesis of Halifax Banking.".j "Old Halla and of'-.tihi'S'' refaeftes made, the 'passing ..of •':"••• '.;; ' ':". -y , yMXJBIEL'S -^ISTAKE.y' : y much about what Lydia E. Pinkham's finished he came over to his'mbtuor:and :said: between 2O and 45 t. .;• ' ° ' ': , .'...,' and "It's a long way to Tipperary," the audience Manor Houses," by Ambler*; and Mr. ComforfB.'- ' I ,'idio ihdink fl >am -to be poitii©d.. No one Vegetable Compound has done for me," yks b'al.i:;alloii. ho^vVetj ' fMamma, how, do wars begin?" y •":'"" ' y Aid. Whirtley Thomston wias tmable, "off hanid, to at the invitation of the tiny tot vocalist, joining second book of "; Sketches of Old Hia-Ua" In exbadlyyoff .as I lam,*'^ grumbted ilMuiriiaL.Maarie y (Name;aad address on Yfequest^ in the choruses.. The dances ware, Sir iRogier die .. lapid, :jAs :ehe '• sia* 'With: h&f . ..to^is;.; <m .- ijhe .nursery y '.'Well, suppose the Germans hauled do;wh t^ ©ay, but they,, .wesrie.. vary/few iradeeid. ^ iWhy will women take the risk o£ aa Cor. ShacMtetoii, in &e absesnce <of definite in- Coverley, sailotfr liornpipe, Highland reel, and f ©nidieir, '.heir elbows on her kniees, iand her chinVin .Austrian flagj and that the Austrians - ."' They were grateflxl to Mar. , , :BR*e Tbmmy's father intervened. "My dear," formation, moved1 thia.t the matter be referred Irish jig. The second part was devoted to scenes tr.aciiig' on cdoth of certain plans oiwtam Mir. operation or drag out a sickly, halfher haffiids, ooa ^ -very^weit jday m Novecmiberl : he said,::''the: Germans would not ^." from "Water babies," and the way the children back. Tthe Gooihcil, :as ;.. .a naatter/ of prLoibiplie, ... ".Oh. StKs.Mprdi.el,- you aire^wriGfed'to complain, Lister Shad ihe loan, an interesting survey _in tw» to^oJ: : ^ hearted existenee, missing thiree-fourths ought to tee just, as weil ,a^ ^ge'nedbiiiie, and hie don- acquitted ytHem^lv^; reflected great credit upon parts of the why you havo evieir'ythA'nig in' the wibffild to 'mi^ke .-' Mother ::;: "Excuse rney " theyC would , -' -.".y'. >:-' ' River Halez from Lee Bridge to y Of the joy of Evmgr when they can find "Now, dear, who ever heard -of such a thing:? "~ that, -; if. there; w^ire ainy abte-bodied. men Miss.Ratcliffe and hWassistants. In the third part W'adSworfh Mill, near Halifiaa:, ibaken for the* you haippy. .1 ne't'er see siuidh -,a disconteiifteid y health in^ Lydia E, Pmkham's "Vegetable ;: ; "the nefragfeea, ..and theyyV.ere physically fit, the Belgian, Russian, and French National . An- owmer, /Lord Viscount Irwin^ by Arflitir Bcott, in. yoiang lady in all iny biotei 'diays. Now " - y "Pray do not interrupt." ji Fr«3ilcrr '-But ,yoii are giving Tommy:.".r wrong, ;i(3ea!" : th_ey ought to go back to their country; arid fight therhs were sung, .in addition to "The British 'L'7:4-9 ; Etene Miuirfel jompeid wp, and gradijiig behind the plans of streetis in Btalifax about did ' not ,i!cc'lii^i&. j ..tfe'& : . ' savng: "I'm not, '^ir I" '.y: ..'.'.. : .; : y :' .y: ,-. yy with the Allies in liieliping to itedieeim the eiitoa- Grenadiers" and "Now pray we for our boumtry." sarn© period, and another of , ifehe road feom chiaia? on whoioh hucrsei 'sait, :sjfoe, pfiit 'heir two ohubby There is scarcely a civilized country "You :'ar°, ' ^ adam,!"' : ; ' ."; '" '- ••••••* •'-''. >". y'.. tiom. He Mit justified in moving, the atoenid- The singing of "God Save^^ the King" closed a rniost Gabbagef-liane to the;''Gross. hands <>fVi&r: tlie;.^'inMi^g.mouth, ^the^eby ...snuotihier-. They; had alsoy-apft- / bng-a.de d alayed / where . Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable The accompaniments were ceived 14 photographs from Mr. I'DonH-callyme madam ! I won't: allow you !*' mant so long as there .was ianiy ymeinbei.*' of this enjoyable evening. iaiig; tli.e.reTn.aind.ea; of : ;ii!iafs%;'e spiee-dili. :. : Kendall of old ren'oig red possffc;;e tli© feubteeC(uen;t;; valuably oSfc^jj, ably played by Miss Dilbert, while, durinig the in- buildings."'CoEapound is not to be had. In this "J'l call you what I choose! I'm sorry I ever d.e«c.Tiption among -refugees in Halifax. '•"'.".-.'• •: -; :'' ; . '.'.' . ' ' '. ''' .." Dom't preach 'ait ni.e, yo'u'lll buily inake in© tervals :Beliectibns; from "Britannia" were played .Aid. Th/oineoH ahmounceid ^ tti: a «t he ..So Faw-.you,!:' You are .so ;" . ' : : . v . . . country any chemist v^''5upply ft -1-Co. lainid niirise. If you want to tellll tio:n: of -;.t ' ' The CJhiairmian. isaid the Ebraay was capable oi :y " .y ; :: Tommy (going; out) :; : ' 'It's all right; I think I give definite information. Among 'the/Belgians by Miss Ainsworth. ';.': ' -' ' -'Vnioe I y il Jfeteiit buit. .don't let' it be largely extend'ed. He was rather surprisee per bottle, .or, 4s. Cg: for a -Vs,;^- la ' begin. " iinHiailifax, last, 'week, theire. : woefre: thr-e^ men -. The children who took part in the entertainment being how War's abqixufci gopid MittJe vho, meveir .did wrong, I it was not made more use of. Th» repOTt was ;ybottle. Arty womaii -^hc v^iB ?ciid a beftwieeti the agies mentioned. ../ ' Two, hoj3V«v«r, were: -ChJaracters in "Water babies" : Tom, Louie iaccep.fed. Alfred Selby, 7, Bethel-street, Ovend'en. . '' : :y. ; -,y ' "' ' ..-".' .'.,,' stoiriieis abiou navighty vcliildr'eai who air© sulhad: bean 'debarred .umfit for military peirvioe, Hartley; Mr.. Grimes;. Emily Broadbent; Ellie, postcard to The Lady Manager; c/o The i<nbo( aiid things," ''' , eald ' Mr. iHa-rner proposedl that, for isbe 14$n time, , : EAsiESty WAY, ' y 'iV ' : leavinig only < -.);e e,li.gable for ,Aff!my work. : : Gladys Layoook; Mrs. Be-done-by-as-you-did, Mr, Lydia E. Pinkham1 Medicine , Co.j 42a, Mantel .. . . . Mr. Lister was, iw _ At a bertaJrv asylu rn the ; keeper: was watohiffg : tih;« Gcr. Bi-oadleiy seconded the iftmfimdiiietit. He I>o-as-you-TOuld-be-.done-by, Nellie Burton; Old Mr Li'ster be presidient. Could we have talceai, a peep into inrnateis saw Jistinpstead Road, London, N.W., will ' when he Noticed ah /old;:- man considered :that,; with, 'adit due respect for: the Dame, L\>ris Cawthra; Water Fairy, Lilian Veal; said; A 1 in the office, and they hoped he woulc in whiicSi M-priel Marfie :M'aitila<nd was fitting that ". :but had no* y receive a free private book to women only. 6ym- Nurse, Polly Scott; Sir John, Lily 'Hill; Groom, have health and strengiih to keep the posfc^ many the afternoon we should) heiiye op«ein'e«i r otur eyes in done :much. 7 .Going" up to him he "found- the ttiari years'. Mr. Kendall, Becondingr, -said to birn the Yera, Watso^; Dairymaid, Doris Rothery;, Polioepathy foir thiem, . they weme ovjar-doing ,the >Shei will also supply the medicme, if de:«wsit)oiiiiishmfi(nt Fianoy : a. a|iit|itllle tniaid eunrottnidied was working^ wiiih the saw upside : dowri. The :jlieis$. ...;. -Ae.-.'Oin.e ' wiiio' had vevieory syonpiaithy focr :Edith Jones? y 'School ; ,-; Children, Society would be poor indeed without Mr. Listerssiredi post free at tbe prices iianied. >b y : .every possible ioxuiry bieiing diisoooife't ed . ' keeper explained this to hinri,' but "% o^ly :said : Under Hs guidance they had reason, to congratn. laliaii ith, y.;. 'G-irac.e-:' .: Robinson, th&m, he\ <50iniaidi6reid it iahout time 'Yet ;Mua?ieJ''s .'protty; fee© .wiasy sipodled ^byyan ugily,,: :^"Have yqu tried ithis way?"::;'.-''V' :-:v. : v : :-: •'••Earhshaw, Beatrice Hanson, Nellie Green- late themselves upon-thei work of the $ajst 14 years, HALIFA.X CHILD'S^ rrOwai, and the yfoMmy-ythipg ".' vjrids' that, that ugly y ''No," ,said the keeper.- ..;'yy,j.r :': ;y : :;y. -;:':yy r.i y".'. took their: miajinfenarneei'in' hiand. ,, thear alii,', for saving wood, Annie, Holme, Alice Sutcliffe, Dbris Mr Lister had spurredy him on, been an example ':<5oun:bryv ^ uiiiiesig;, iits owneir had: They old: man .oh:hearing this ?:^ptied': ;-Then had loiSifc Mr. E. H. Hill, Coroner, cbnd acted ananq He took interest in oiher . That::wa9 -be- Rothery J Water Babies, Molly Naylor, Winnie ia more ways than one. exciteimeint. Infirmary on Tuesday,j on~: Lily'HblhiMJIT)* . noise : : ;l^e.-ti5ied ;boiihr :^H-Jthis, is ; the ypnd iwgrtinenl;, ^and t-his;\y«a|l:^ .antiquarian^ m.a*ter« before tih© Sooiety was formed rlalifax V-Eth^;;Marsh, ;Evelyn Gledihul/ Mary-ColIn one eorneiry of the beiautiful room daughter of Q«orga Frederick Holmes, i bottjc ! '-'- ' ' ' \ms'i ia .'.-•easiest! ? ,-Ehflumatism shonld ^ Ida;yCarteri Laui-a Hubbard, Annie Homer. but since its formiairion he had donr Tniuoh^rhore. 28, Back Beacon-parade., r safely gand, na/d^ beraiefited .most of a Inspector : 0. Soldiers : of -the King: Solo, Arthur Bootih;, Khaki; Mr. J: H Hoyle su.pported> and the resolution. v^as N.S.P/D.O., was'preseiit. 5 ;1 : . ;<y::y': ; i-: .*.. ':v : ;':-;..-: . ;-. :.- ;v --:->, -., isfiy^sm^ ;dar the: <$afo. hiairiid, said atcly h'av'p recourseta BABE'S but -this <xii9tity toy had .Ibng ceased to: intertesit • , ' '-- ! .''•,.- frQrpfYT>T>TjlT~Y ^nTTTT' ' /* T -ATDTXif- *9 i' ' • " on: thei;^oth^r.; .:' /If -thiis SQldiers, Hugh ;Collinson, Leonard Ratcliffe, Nor- iadopted. 'Mr. Lister, in reply, saad he was sensible : to:i\JK.i^&lj iS3..\<t .Al'AJIAM. ' PILLS. vffBnflrftds of T«stiIfranccs Holmes, tbjs'i&oth^^ man -Staff, ; ;George^ Watson,c:Jack .Faweettj Eric of their kindness 311 yputting him at fce Head '•<?. cwi^Vto, .givB>,;: fiee; gas ; . . iW _ _, m»niali3 hav^ been rcceivcci Mtirielj, .-bepaiueiey she knfewyotf- :. a ilittle Mistress^: :y;''Wh<a.t; did "ou: :s'fiby.tha't:;clock:in your leaving-Lily and * two ojIJ^AIDE'S TRILLS. Iro0i": " all sorts and conditions whose '(Joill's howae was fittedryup; with :roornyfor,: Jjanet" ; v;y.: y'.;'- y: : y:y':; .'; •"'•^•^•"•'•\ \y. 'X ought ix? >do ^he: iaain wi$ Smith vDonald\ Carnell; v'Sailoirs,; ;, Harry Baxter, ; such a Society. : ii£ it had been a miccess, it *-~* childree in charge of Edith,,; thaxeldest^ Of yooiua.'Se the giieait 'trofuhle of jLLd-v /- ; ; ; 'JU"y 6f ftaeh," testifying to the won- Ught. Percy; Smith, liarrj Eastwood, Roland Midgley; not be duie to 'tihi president, bu* to Jane.: :''Because, :mum, * the ..''. plaguy jthinjary has ABE'S "OiLIiS, fScrful, power ^fchese Pills have /life' was. in the fiaot-that ;>slhie had never had p'0nd--: soMy, oir iargsl.y, on /some sort of:jit, ; every mbrning; muni, ;j re!aef . . All French Sbldibr, Allan Smith; French Drummer Boy, supported him. / If,: he sjpunred 'others '..at:, the of flannelette, ; , -.'. '-: " . J7'. in giving relief in the very TOifihetf: oir .sdistber; theitefoire , nioithing .thai "wias'- wants to ; sleep." -^ : "-);J-: - ' '.'y-.'^; .:v:v:y ;.yy : of^Halifax George Halstead; Belgian ' Soldier!; George Horner; Degimn|ing, ne niao. .^-u^-v**^ *r** .«a Eirtle —~*,~-** fepuirrin^ £-«.* —<-, him>: -~~-, i- jncr UTWSSB was wws oi'rwu-ciw'* -.-"- Witofiss *y i!i,tnsc ; haid "sgot' .their -«-TiiTTTC! *orst ca^es. : f h«se Pills ar« -T : _ _. _i-. "T^T i"i _:^_"- " ^H .i_"! " •'vr '' r*V. : i ' i r* 'i i' ''.-''. * ^_._ ' ,vein!her was ©var righit, biecaiuue ehe was lonely.; •-—Harry Suteh'ffe,,J;Su'therjla;D'cl Ix>rd: Nelson, y;. .- Scotch Sotdieiv Anmie self.: ' He y felt pfeased toy fe-Vin'." that pdsition,, ^2.30 to 8.45i Wheays^':fsrriT*d:iiibine TjILLb. purely ye»«fcai»l«i. and perfectly Really,it-is veiry \yondeirf:U)l.:,hiow .umhiappy.one "•'•••"•"• • ': '' ^(MINING-: -'THE Booth ; ' Daughter of the Regiment^ JPltorence no spirit of thbughi he lihiouiglit one should not remain pjer-^ ...'-.safe ijn their action. •,.-,.-.• not tell witness hbiw^ shey^gb^oiii^fltle; > may become if he oryisfee.gets in thehabit, of hill ;. Irish Girls Mabel Hines, maneniily in;tihb office. ' ' . , , Witness on her return -fbund*a:: firei feih?tlieK be.'*"""'" Soldier: ANB E^PUJLI CCEB THI * The day .followingy : they wet' philainthropy had: gone about far Doris ^Rothery; Elsie BeYerley ;, "Sootclh Girls/ '':;.T:he'.;-..fbllowii3]igr were re-eleoted.: Treasurer, Mr- which y wiSs* not burning:-;: wh«n:y Bb«)leffcgthe' li«h ; 'aer;opiaae, your " ' RHEUMATISM, you aboTi*:was bright' :.-;': aridv Mabel Hiries, Annie Balstead, ; Winnie -Horner, Mallinson ';'. secretary, Mr.Haaner; editor, Mr.'j. Lds^ Witness 'bad left the children in the house. GOUT, ' ',:. ;; "-N--^y nbion. I have ' ' :tbld ' '" ''-.y: • ' "":.'V'.';",'"; Connie :Harrison; English Girls; Lilian Smith, ter; librairian . Miss Ogclen; and all the members was no fender in the: bedrooia. ; Sh« had never known IN THE : TTRATV : FACE; ANB UMBS, : '"" ' "" " - r jo Te-eleetion as Bdi>h:Wfht a fire in tb» bfedropm. ,. "Miss Muriel, I-have -v Gernian Soldier: \'Nb,:but : I told the;newspapers: feat* the largest recommendation ever fiveB any Frances Si^h,^r0ne :Holt. of last year's eouincil. , Patent Medicine/ef its class. :. : you tby^e ihiadyurged. , :I3Ce 'aippealad-jtiOi thi6in, nowever,: to .' The ;:ieitii^eflptaiinimieip.t ;wiais , .. editoa*j and .aocep&ng a bciuid vblutoe of ' i&e Edith - to keeping tha ; fehiidren^vfrpfli j _ ;SiOimiei "" " '^..^d^not^.por^s^to- a vfbte. .;.- TO d«o so : evening. ., :.: Min^ , Hbfc<s ! '(UniiotDt- Society's 1013; fcransactions, Mr. Lister said,he:enth» fire. She had cantioaed Kaiser: "Excellent! Give him anotiiier Iron wia.$: looking .just as^ look like .oriitiiGi^angf;tiii6^--''-ji!|iiB<^p '''iJi:'- i t]bea*; siihacribed ^61 Is. . aiad othieij: erab- joyed .theywork, and in-i* hie diid not live pa idle hoase. Witp*ss could Vnot, SPHE RE&tJLT THIS SAME] frowo . on her 'fiace, .real.!^ >'she 'was extern, Cross. " toousse.: ; ^Ctese:'.pe^jpilie^yhjad had; ;to^ piUifc ttp 7, £erizaijce Place, He took an initerest .in life at Shibden Bawtreyy ' children Tipst*irs,-uivlesS; it was to « r keep .^•» -- • - : " --.!.•:60 •. -'••-'. Baines-,street, -• • -'. A.--. : ...- .- - -.. juist now,: -for .she :wm smacking heir biiggietst'' .i©©;veire- ' lo-sis^t:;v"'fibeiir.::-l;at;e :life 'lia,d been; ia '. Slotting Mi, W.:: : v^ork, although he w,as '-stfnaid. before d)pE, Arab^ilai -beciauiae: '. ' ^friie stupid tbaifig did ;niOt. . : :-'; y: J vuie I3tfc;, -1913. trageidy, •&&$' thei-ief'-p^ei.^0v^-n^ foom'pu'r;e _ Edith Holmes (13), said sh« was give: it up because his sight -was not, as gbod ^ .... Shv As/ a ; terrible -sufferer taffi," ,:, Salf ^.an-vhoOTyliiaAeT lluriely atod yNurse : . :Oooic©sisatoiny'O'f it used to be. y Many people were findir^ 3.n. m- Lily;aod ber bebtber and! sister on teom Rheffinat-icy&6ut, 1 beg to ;two boy^s: were v of Not beimg1. aJl : ,ou- tibfe Witness lit the fire in tbe'bedroora because she, wailSWic v testify to the efficacy of -your ^ "-"ho for some years has been re- tere&t in tkenr pipers. :» nc^ ;;*! pretty littte newly^ra.ised feiice; 'Slick!y,ii6 bills; tb keep theai indoors. The othar. children« said-sttiey Pills. Aifter ; suffering "the gird ^boiit;;iiaine ::yeiaj» same lilies, they 'aippealed to' people .:3f iiif eront ?" 'said: one.; : ^ •''. -);•'"' " ^Jr _.__ ,. _ brin.g'iiiiig the Carl _.Operi^Cb. to , of , ' a:nd forrri^ ol"abusiht " " ' wonld sttirt ^crt^ming if;she-did rvnofriJight>«thdi'-fi^ . awful pain for ' fc^ree y raontliB Halifax; at Ohiristmas, infarrnsyus owing to and ; 1;aMng Peurt0&n : Jbifttfcles^bf Muiriel) was; 'iwiirisdiig1; >a Jsi^ baibiy; : boy; ^visrt, IJatifas:: this year.: .Mr. medicine,. -J . ,^^^'dil-y-;i(rbn^..y :P4iili!^ ftooT ; -roa® laniolhea': iffittley boy, bualiddng «^ 'the reco.nimendation of y a; with' ": ':-:. - '.'-'- ""-. vi: /'..::. v:-:y- : ,y:,: -. - ,\..'.y to arrange for :the " ' " yiaits After dteot*ssion i*'.'"-was agreed to discuss -jj* iihe I ^r*^P ^/^* ^'t 0^8*^ SBUMATISMc^^y^''" * ' " "" ": " : - ,,: - ; ; ,; A BUNDIJE ^O .. of ^ -"WeH/'if;, oldlKayser Bill Tytas ••£&*•. come and[ in' am jaaranchadir , \v,as Ta gdjrt; of ftf a severe ; 'axj la feiifei I'd : stick 'im,; an' cBa.nce; it -!" . tisra and - sciatica,: iod ; T: ara !.; ;C.; ; LEWIN:g;;;LEeTURE. of ' beiiig -niisTairid-eriStoiod, hand ::>at ; work v?ii!;h;:jl!cniufet^g ;® delighted -, toy say: tha* -my erie ;waiis foiil Akarbydbn i^ictoria .Bowling 'Club oft : experience haa been , iBetant wheri ffljgraTings of: the ^1^ ^«^- , ^; KendaJl ^^ ^^ bedroom, ' > Obe ^siae^f hetpti* the;- yBelgiaiiS: ;cia*pab|©- of ; 'beiaajirig? ;.orimi3 .da >Ir1 yip3, ;:C3.yL^TOn:/dbliye'r^;his\ .".,."... '-relief after, the:: first, .dose, and; /.how / a fepeedy. cure in rapid- time. ; 'I . . t ; Jwas his: duty fe: ;glp' ' hacky to -Ms: own:: .scnJ'y tio ^War cjjffi'tfo:/fitea.^: which isvf'ull;of interesting de^ hady vcftllectaon ^l''^ate^'R/?^»-*^d-<>'tb6^w^ a..|..^ 'ey<^ze*fe'.anoou.ncn^^ have; gnen many of my: work ? Office, vb* put' in :tne; Icttet .box : srfi ©onis:i and; chrlciitheirs. ::ylleyin-i taals and ! mlf^hiatabiii:^ such v a^ critical time. -Mr. .Wiith .a. the iniates coinplaimffg »f g«at 'a staves, ,and .hai^oufts/^rVVSirley), ;a. censu^i^j^^ V?fiea Lily ^gofc^dow^stalw'she'smada'^ofttli^ :ap;:.to:- ' isideti1 ^ -presidesd-over aygood! gia%er^ viriiffw. o£;y«urspills, :and: }n each ipofy: .... . ,.. ?n«,'^ fr%9*^e £?6r^ ^gi and' frieri^sj 'Who /were ^rea/l|yyin^ ~~ ' ' :"ca*e;;y'(;he.;''"r6»u!:tr has /been-.y^Kis' at the feegMiiling:: - m "last -centery^;; -and, s;tin ae*eairiitii»;y kH»d-Mi'S^vR«»an:';; rtt^Hiit^LtH/i'sfeiifffc'' Hearty Jfehanks w^ere' admirably .accorded . . ... . : haviaig saisae '-as:;my own; therefore ,1 Mr. ^T^yW. yHaneon'y showed; two; specimen's ; .y <sf and fiong it'' round the child. 'd:;^^ 'oo'nsider it my duty, as : a work^ ,.. ,.. . mTC,T,jr ing maa to send yes «"'« regpry. AJterwardsXa btJtectiony was taken 'for " I aan gfltad ;b_aby. .is ;off.: ^ EDEUMATISM. unsolicited ;testim«nial."othier wsis lighting papiranidiL .... __,,___ -.-, 3incerelyt ;pAyilP only when, I It.': yife.:Kfe;H,!i^ti-h>r;{i««!t-v8iij^,i|jgy6i:t':; morther when sjh4 OQimeis ;hom'ei fopomfyw;orki'.' '' turned to a certaiii ' They hkd'iiot bisi^ii piayltf|;iaib>ii|lit|i position.. B:elgiuBiyBeed^ is less;:cultiure s and more Littto .Chiajr'I'ie picked .up; hfe slacks arid/ PABE^S ^TDT: A^fi: RHEJ7MATIO ;Pltl/5 "Me make mujnimy/f,a lovely ; piieoe' of 'toast; " /- ':''i ..^W.iashingtbriyPosfc*' ,/':;:;.-/ - y- .' '..',;'-.?'.' . . _ y_,_ _.y»H GhifflfstsV in b%ttl(5S; Is. lid ;.a,nd known them to play^ with;liglit^d^ap^^fbrev ABy :N^iireie:.an Mu.rielvywaikSd home the; little 'There yam' 23,;55i;;-ein-g|e>:.wO^n:iiij:.;il^ United Sir p<Bn| post £re« 'for postal wier by ! the Proprietor,, Staite^. paying income tax iand / ally ^the 'foreign/ '%!BQE iB EADE, 238, Goswclhroad, E.G. Askfar,and be beard a Sinre ybaobtaia. EADB'S @0UT * RHEUMATIC! PILLS. leamt.a seoFet that noble;naen: tied-upyinyEurope! ; ; '-.-; ,' > . ^ -ShaQl sieteret? ; '::y; : :' V': ' , Weill iit is jus* this Poopfe a*re ni&ver . happy. tBian the O'ther fellow; in war,; it nab-anB destrbying front door 'of ti» /Holmes's'dppr>; :I:do not ask that ,he:inay, never ;yield \: .'.''' ;V-; ILL S. wheny-thij&y larie .selfiiah.,, D E S grow ooti.tented.; ':'...'. ''7' but"1 : '. by.'-^ heJpirig V- ' ':' ..-" '" othei;s« ' yy; 'v'y''w:' more. " India-piapolie News." winci blowing at jbhe ..jtima;.'.'-''- Another i*w>m»fl^; :When ftgntuig ^pn ;tihe ifoam :or^ on' the field; ; : -.:U-!.- 1 -.",.-; : :;Not ;'Sinoe'-this I.;know: :: r : -^''-:'-\ --. . : '^;-\; '>: ;.,' ::> ".'. .', v ness a rug, and ^sha :rolie^^ti Next day a bigy parcel ofy toys weoit -to ytil >Shft%xtin|tuisbed thai Iliftmeaand^too^ Where'er.: his country cstl^^my/.inian. will : qhiiilidflpein im th« .tiny ,M'i>chen , 'apd aiOTOiething ele - " I\hey Have; six, months' raioyf ^season in: Potac doors, «ut hear clothes, and f put some ' p'lir^oiljjojlMWSfe :i weoi.t ailiso. Th© ugily frown frem MuirieFff face. " Hum. : Not muoli chance /bf ^getting; a, loaned ness added ^ * i feop« this^Hl^^ >: -? : .- vyy/y y ;,-... -y-y. ,"\ '•• ,UNCLE: ^CHAEL'IE. • .'That, . . tbird ohiid r hawei saved "from :--.fire,'r-f-3Dhe-f umbrella "back;" " Pittsburg " Yoti guard and him day ';Jjy mother tiad ;bB«n/,,aire:she>ppmg.---Bjrs ? Th« ^y:'y ;' ;yy'; ''V v .;;iN! .LONpQ%_. ;ix>',7 ?*eiid. ihi Jittle ; An.d,;:giye': me: st mother did not of ten ' ThotSe Zeppelil'i-a^niay^: never }a^'cive,:bajfc;ithe?':ayeirhe ; comes;: : ; Dt- James: D. ' ^Forresteiy 'i hous« age Londoner tbiriks it's a 16t safer to "fanayelA Shampoo PoTrdfer, clean, Holmes was; admitted ;tio the Infir,rtary^i| :and pleasant: to, use,"" !.and .really ' The death took .place on Siaturday of Miss Caw, days in' the tupjp-eriny tube than on top of % buss.:3Sfoveinb"er:5l8,-and died at 4 a.m, effectual. Nurses 'recommend:'it; Greenroyde, Hest yBahk, near-Morecambe,. fonnetrly : Boston Post, t waB^snfferutg froin ; turns 'and shoctv ch.i]d45en. like it. Oontaiitts no poison: of: Hia;lifax, ^a.nd for naa,ny years' prominently asso.fbt. . . things in London are Speaking ''JR»i&r;.tKy who W ;of ; the ;ctfest^the^ back, and arms. ' Wbrid." ^ ciated wiiJh St. Mary's Church. In a letter, to egs werfe iiot burafc. Tbe b^urp8,'We"r : ^Stj.yMary's ^icar, .1 ready by: hdm to the'congregation Conscious when adaiit ted. She die of the needle. The thread follows ifche on 'Sunday, it was staied that she died .after, a In gumming up, Tramp: I'm SomS CJhri'fftmas /shopping' will be :ipbstponedj: ' '' '''''' • ' >adr-.fiasei^ as; a pravioos oh<». ^^^ps.;^ .Shew^Q^ vears.of;;age^^,: -. y . vt the job I .. ,. t . ... ,. .,.,,.,.. , . . sfappping and lef t* their child refr in cihajfge Miss Isobel M. Caw was.daughter of Mr;. John | Gentlemjan; :(Sarciastioally)'*: And ihyatris being1 / bribe: child who was quite capable of A bribe...:pti'ts 'the y who had the honour oft|&ing firstpiaaw^eryof'.] on ia'wirejess tele'g'r-aphvi supp-bse?; _): liever speaks. 'the' truth. Tins 2d. eacii of':'all ctenists,.Jor Ha,lrfax: Joint Stock'Bank (1829), previousjy hold-M-.. Tminp^: A yerdiot of 'vDeiath f rbin bums '=thrbugh; , n<jtihin^^y.absurd . I<[ov poste, s like :tnat. free toiysfcam.ps from Thos. Keating, ing a:,position in, Huddersfield Joint Stocky'Bank.-! Oolbrih' meerschaum.* pipes.--^^^.: pp : ybu: kniowyof::anythingy ay maa aetting her clothes en fire "' Timesv" do in order :to live* ia: hundred, years? ylrisiiHeyretire(p frprn. theyifialifax Blank in\18,54; to\b;e^J WATSON.; iman: Certainiy.' He's only; to keep 06 breathing! bbinie: Auditor for; the; ^est. 'JtiSiiif bf: iOie" County, j : S4,What« -do you mban by .faking :me^bufeyof r ;a. of:, .^orky : ,- Miss Gaw ;:beoame assbciiaited .<wifeh - St. ; | ' Does Wombat pwiny or sound sleep like -. tihat?":;growled Jay;man.y ; : '-My M^y'syDhurohi^when; it: ;was ,:bui|t iriy 187% : and j 'JMCijsi ;. &«.". ..__. _-,.,. -.. _____.,,_.,.,,,....,,..... dear," ^replied:>:hjs.: wife yswee^ly, ::j" ib ywas: such a wiay:...to;- take' off JEat yis :to';;nse.-:da^g^u6,'"ijSigs, ,-... ..... worked hard i^r the ^place: upyto:her' rerti&vai frorn:| (''How db:you onVthe "iet or ;tafe':s;i^n'iibuis;> *ep Halifax ;inl9p8- The parishiifoagaziae iti.Aiigwstj ;'•" T knoW(::aJl riglh*; of that year, thtis allude^ to"her work:;" For inan-f ' the ;reOent y--'yy:y.y.'y ; REMEMBER;'- .THIS.:V:? :;:-;; ;--v,. : ;PARENT.; iffliiOiU)s«Midis :: bf men i and .THose: wiho:doo.'t- pay-;,<^r;;balffi ^ake ^e ;cost,=bJ : P.apa.,: what is am escutcheon ?" yeaSsy^agOjv^andy^iiyi^hig^er^ bin ; ;tfb ihe: fa* was : a blot This ia simple ;-ys: cJiUircih; iWiasybuilty; y/jpur- gills' yschbbl. with i%s; ftiM escutcheon,'' of ": hot waiber o^ea?y'a 'dfliam of class: and ; regular^^ r:aniii') w'ellrprepiEured Jeachers; ^re '''^ -'^' :^r-'^^V: : '( : ; ''!:'^;'.y:V-V''''-' Oh.^^ yes!^^^ :An escutcheon is a _ it.etand foar a ; in(ijnnit0, "them: sian'diijgyeyideiices ^^^pie -vatoe of iher fai't3aful yand vest. ' He :had:piobiably been oarrying, an inferior 3 otiinoes of Cirola 'Bark" mucEy reyerbd^Sfofvli60g."- > eiln: :Optober,:; 19C)8,v tie \fountatth.,pen;'" -- '^ ^-- 1; y: ,;: y::;' .; y •,•(:y,' thie 'mdsitrtine :mbo '""&•'• biople and ' as . ?a/:i ;,/:.tbken:. of, 'in ' " ' motrttmg, rubbing it jjb ;;with: tim© du/ltiviatedy t , __,._ ..... af3Eecti(onate ;irecognjtipn";of. ; pa?ev«Ms'to-day a,n«d noVbeaxiity^^ .with a roisiy ;A. Stbbry is beifiigtold; of a.well-known ayiator wiho, work in ;inany caiwcities :in'.: "iK:e wdiH almost of i hjeaMi: %oiild willinig'ly ^eMsrifioe isbas not feeling ;very welli thought h^'^^ld: consult her /with- ^..silver -spirit-ketble. -y, ''Thouigh .she ^ ctbiia>rnl;ystdil .tflieire ia!re :n^ainy, gMfls jvho physician;' to -whom he ; wias a Stranger, v He told away 'from the town, she 'always remembered S't. felephona 271. ...-.'.*' i!0isieia : "" .-.otn" -itheM?. ofejeigks,:.b?oatu bha: doctor; his symipitioms> The yidioctbir , examined Mary's, her gifjbs on special ocoasibns and anniver- blood is not.'in &, pure, iidh ,oonidition. barefully, "and isaid: '" ;My. jdeac sir, -you 'are saries being forwarded regularly. \ ' On July ;1» -*'- ~ - J **--••--- - theiir CTOibpttinig' .figuajeis \anid--dtiili all ' ' right. " ' ' Wtoat you wiarit i$ plenty of -freish 4Jr.'*' ' ' 1911, shfi; yf'&& proud to lay ,a eornear*&ton@ .fop tHe ; swnken ©yes iridi«sate the infltyeaittiJiy eifcaibe tih«iy:rturi( school extension, receiving ;as xnementoes a silver in. ' ' If this " " . . . . . eitwte ie n«(glectbed tih© James yfeaad has a personiail reference i of - the trOTrel and. rnallet. Besades, .making for memory ansemiio.vgiril. niaiy ,a igienii>;mv.atlijd for life sort. ; We suppose this eminent .golfer aver- interest -in .the :war, -'andyhaisxa sweet to many ran organisation by quiet paving, amd ..no: . wanits ,a;n. invia'Jid wite. ages two. roTuadsia day, or, sayy, 50 mites' 'Walking ing^hep thibugiitsy to writing.;; .Miss Gaw^wias many years a worker ;for iHalifax lac1^ Otheir :mseriieS' afllict the girl . Yet when he; went to a Turkish staii example of her 'efforts Blind.. Society, acting:, '«» conVener of the collec- he.a.lthy blood;. She .haa he^diaiches/anid ' ' bath in a northern fcowni ihe shampbOer t<sldy him It ; ran:;:ftOh^ lihe; tor* and subscribers. .'"'..,.' ., ' '' " frioirii ; backiadb.e ; hetr appetdiba he y?®®, putting on: too much flesh, iand blighty to go him scream; when .amid waaJj to The interment took plaoe oin Tuesday, at "St.. every now ' laind again : for ;a iew miles.' trampv y gentle hold: of his trbuses.' into life's . Paul's Ohuroh, Erig1 iCross.. .The Rev. A. E one thingoan aa/ve heir, .iaiad malce -heir ffimilias -vviks tibkled' by iihiiyentirely ., ,_,. _.-^.,...... . .T. B, Barrov (vicar,, : of Si- Mary's) conducted ' A;- GOBMLii' / and laitifcnaetivie!. " It is nifew, ridti :blood reference to iihe; Mad- IMg<:o|-Eurb^K-"ffla; the services .at the church ; and s'.rav'eeiid'e. A Apropos ;of1 .Miss Mlaiae :.Cbrieilii's. .new novel, : thiiis terions did; y_ou: hjeat; afco^"the,"IV*- "* T^-:-'""-J: -w--^^w»* As a-bl'biod-bwildieir thia.t . birim@s baiok hea«lih, well number.,., of o'ld: friends' ;.a+fend'ed the 'sterrice, lady is the onily ^novelist who does not perrnit her "I read:,a:bout>ii The mourners were' ;' Mr. .land MJrs. A. H, Dilworfh developed , fifnine, . iaaiid' rcisy 1'Oa.kireis, books to be sent:arit ; gratuitously fe\review. She plied Mie and ^nieoe). ^Mr. .and v Mirs. Jofe Oaw Wi'Hiams'y Pimk Pills ha-v© a, great r©p;u has TIO uiseifor ;the:pires9 critica anyy^nore.: : ;S thiouisiainids of gdirfe aaid womieii ..haive proved /r.epihew and Hiece). 'Mr. JohpyCla'w. \ ; aiid Mrs. IB:(says "London Opiinaon ' ');like.'the^ mari;whot went Hyatt Mr.;: Herbe-rt Boocock So begiiai the isimpUe 'duity of ytaMng a . to the- grocer's wiiih''. tlfie'.^tfeisdabny::'^:4!.:^^;:-:;^^!-- sell pected '' oouinae of D*r:< ; Williaams' Pink Pilte, You wi| of '; ' course.'' ' s.. W, Sons). ; ; Mr. sta-le eggs?'' ' No.;" said1 -the grocer.with a:smife^ . wiith-tha xshange ira : yc(ua: heralthv , ilao repre- be tthiaffimed " buife. I've : got some," '* Well, gave nae:' all you've !5brd; MT.: W, Hodason Al dieaJiers se;l;; 'thenfl.: , or if 'you pijefiea* Fbr-'it - -soyfalley but;y,yyv y >: f-:{--:-y- ;y?I'i-y .' Ha,:Ti)?bii: epijrits> 9d. Halifax ,'BliTid go(t," saidythe stranger." ; The 'grocer iaughe'd and for one boss oa: 13®.- 0d. for rsix tc what: we ^have-we^prize 'nbtvto'yfifce; '' a.nd Mr«. - Thorn-ton (boih of Halifax said.,v " I expect yotir!rei going to see ;B[amlet' toliamis', ;Mediciney- Oo^ 46 , Hibiboorai F you catch jcold easily It night aifc the theatre'?'' " :Nb," ;eaidythe stranger, Ttenipierance Soci-ety,, of which Miss Ga.w lioirndioai. -.- :' Business as,;tE.i-jjad. , Why.ythen: we ;ra,ck was . . af belbyed and'-viftlued' rrietid).': ' >" > indicsttfss a Ipwaess of vitality "I'ni going to^ :play ^iamlet;to-nigh!f3 ; at the «_«/ Pla,iin Tlailkis to Women'? a : Thie vittu :, of oak, ^viaS; in'sbribted r1.'-:'/ and lessened power of resist hciioJf, ;far lady;; Tieadeo^s.-. : ; ;S.end-. -:st> , rWhalesiy/it WILL'S: REOORD Q!JIETv ance, which Hall's Wine more ' .'. It is imen'tii'onea that, during one of; the battles Holboraj all else wi \vhen Joffre and Fre'noh were, turniing' the tide, the . . weaary Kiaiser :sat on: his horae for..twoy.houtrs, in If you have already takin cold or _I^Tejlyfl6ra]L offerings dfead^ isilenoe^ watching the whirl of'events. Never ichiH, a ^wineglass of Hall' . IDflworih:;/:Alice and Arithury 'Hest Bank ;; Ernest before; since hia accession has, .he been silent 'for A.' baipatal;, ;Tlhiese eervioes on Suinday -,. proved .very pronfr in hot wiateij tateen a iaiidy:Iiiaiiy !!Hyatti iHlp^perfel^ two-houirs in his. waking, moments. All that time i^ le. The^^ preaieheir, RI&VV :G. will usually suffice to break it tip. Southport ; M*. and life. .HelUiwell and Margaret;; he neither issued an ultinaaturn, or comiposed an Mrs. < Jj.': '^t1i<Mnipson : y«^y -. Miss Kays9,yiPrbspe;ct :Ht«nifc, B:.Av; yvyho ^0ke on John: ,ivi, ;22, , .,Th^t^|eis; ;|sf-v opera, or found'ed a new civilisisition, or reorganised QiE its usefulness In lafltienza, * He«t,, Bjajnfc:; ifeetsisesyEebden:; In loving' that toriie : :woirship was onily posaible wher©; desred ; by,-;thje : iiaiia^CKn^'^irt>^;]^w:-;pir^-%|^ the <arnny, or diidi anything. ' It reads like the writes: ''In ;the was also tiTie knowledge. ,,.: Juet as .we o iiay loving! ;teabh:er ?;ajpd; d^ar friend, H. man's is :^k^w^ridid,l!6, .£«*: of a broken man. " Sydney Bulletin." , kniOwiedigie' by the/ evidenioes <xf his after AID FOR BELGIANS'; A PROTEST. PRIZE JOKES ONE SHILLING EACH. W*T3 1XOUJ.US9 V»J. Op J.t/fr. ————V ', j .1 E ^$gsjg&&t ^ib^,^ %ti^m^^^mmm^ McS,^^ r his no-equal. 1 ' T OUAKANXBB -If, »ft«r buylijn bottl* *n4 ,mln* ben«(lt, ««tum u«tk« h«lf. omptr b»tti« in 14 days »nd w» refund outUy. «« &««/«, J/ff; Mwlht *<M, powens (feiaid ife: praadhieir)^isb we Mr. sand MrS. ./ ^oocock> at' ;St.: .airiid iteaJiiisei ;Gk>til in : His- -gTOat Mary's / :. teachers ' ' .and schbMrs at; St. Mary'is Christ. The -aflitfeim. was: ''!H'a^ Sunday'. School.. eotos b^in>g 'ahlyy suiog . by ,:ltos..3eibe :!4«)dv Mis, Bray, in .the eveniiiig Be;y. J. Sifcainer Wilim ;eOiri . poached yf.rom .Psialm :126,A :a" Psaliny ,o .thainlcsigiivriaa^ ' afibeir the 'r&tilrar of the Jews firor oaptivity,, ioonolTiiddiig ,a yeryss finie feermon . wit! -the :woirds "Poir- right is right,; edaioe God. %ia.nit} rdigiht the day must win : to dicxiibt would b diMoyialty, to fialibeir vWuld be ein,. They anthem was ; " By BifobyJiooa's wave."y y. At . the fl'eirvaicie a phioda' of 85 .gave cfeoruBieiSi. Tlie Mr W. Gf. -Bentiett, Dev.0n.«jM!pq-eit^(et K'eiighliey, gave deilightfu;! rendieiriwigis-. Mis &e&d'.ialpio wflfl V'0r;y pleasiing, and Madaanie Aim '.i Mi^N,' . N flodij Bodi Jiowetb was liotod to adiVMltagie. who Wfts in oapitol voice, gr^bly dAgMed, Ml THE NOVEMBER. November has had ia':very watery record, there having" been only 5 days without rain, Nov. '1» 16, 17., 18, and 20. The heaviest fall was yon Nov. 11, when 1.12: inches and 1.10 inches re-; spectively were reoorded. at, Widdop arid" Gibbet Reservoirs (to take two-- guages' representative of all). On Nov. 6, 12 , 1-3. and 28 over half nailinch was registered^ and WfWt can; be describee]; as heavy' rain also fell on Nov. 2, 6/9, 10 14, 15, 26, 27, 29, arid 30. . The averag'e for the month over .all .the gtuiges w.as 6.83 inches ag>ainst 5.18 inches last year. The yo&ervoire, of course, Iwtvfe 3 Weietom Niohd.il, comidoiotoa', fulfilled his benefited consid'fii'ftbly. On Nov. 1 t/he total quan- adrn^nnibly.. 'M-r, W. L. S^viWie at tihe tity in storo was 707,371.000 gallons, which .in- imisplpinig. Coliteiotioin., £14. creased on Dec. 1 to 1,434,829,000 gallons, or 568,090,000 gallons more fcha.n on Dec. 1, .1913. ,THE LUXTJRY'OFA"I?AT"H ie iHconi.plet* without til addition of SORUBB'S AMMONIA, which refreshes «*<> InviROfatoa »nd <s a most, valunble a«.jUjJ^Jn ,*"]?' »®^j for »)l Idottiflsil*' jJiiTposflft, -:./ .Bold evr"""' " " *"'" Jiving i» Berlin About 7OO I Injuriotis Irafiatlona, Prico One Sn> i&y Ijeeottie qlJficers beciau^e coiir^ge^ jaiicl tnousands, ^M ii^ii-Coinitiiissra^ Post OiEce you can obtain the address c?f the nearest Recruiting 0fEce; Enter ypwname to-day on the Roll of Profe^or (in geology): The geOilogist iihinlcsi noth- iihie same perfprmea5s-?' in:g of ia thousand' years. : ./.;••'•'. . _ ':•" " ' ': yv--. .. '•'••-•'. Sfcud'0nt: Great "gains !-. : A-nd I 'lea* -a, Jgeplogdsl five pbunde yesberday! i- -'• -. --' '".,;y ^'.A.HAPPY-'LOT.^, ••., , :fi.elid,1 ., Cubesfeyv and : 'Wap^^. ' Mrs. d^uit^a«*^ofeli^ed^^ w^ y Give m© a gardtea an.d ia cot, *wib :<xinea- ae^6e.tiotriis v;,giipeav as yenooirie'fe-' , A little love decaying noifc, by : Mrs. v vT,V. : S. -RaidieiMife1, ;,^::Masteir yand: ., L A piarlouir clean; and; rri&e firoia song by Mm SmMx, •t'T&e&t home A w'ife a sweet forget-me-not, songis by Mrs; : Cal-pert, A something boiling in the bot, Ifet's Jo ::it;..;ag.aij^ ij fxiiead," ^iad: " . A friend wlio will not flinch a jot, '" well rteeeivied.. '.A consdence pur© and fi'ee from blot, took: the duet This Sxvreiy were a happy lot. ; A HER CATEGORY. diameB Niaylor mid sohool iriapeotor stopped a little girl in itlhi "JJ.aVie yorar own *'Nowj'tell me what you .are?" Bu oliir0. Smttfoh, and'' " ' '"M*.; the lifetle girl- ; shook iher head. " Well, let n»e try and gue*. Are you a 'little boy?" Anotihei Odidy. ;A Aake. of the head. "A litfcle giirl, then?" Am ing was • ' dosed: .•••.byyet, another shake. . Then in a softer and more geritle mianner, "Please tell me." At last the ice was broken. She whispered!, " I'm a junior! waved the THE HALIFAX COtJftlER, SATTJEDAY, DECEMBER 24 YEARS' SERVICE, HALIFAX BOROUGH COURT. EX-ALD ROBINSON'S .WOKK FOR THE .-. : TOWN: ' oessiTe hours. Th© wialkang1 ground waB a fieTd not far from Moulmt Tiabor. Deo. 8. At a meeting of the Halifax Chamber of Commerce * resolution '* viewing, with much sat.sfaction *he propiosition to change th© market for ;he sale of Yorkshire goods from Rochdiaie to Halifax," was passed. . '.' -. Deoi 9, The -dontiraot to enclose thie stalls under the covered area in the market, "so that .the persons who occupy them will not have to take home their goods every markets day," was let to Messrs. Jno. Dyson, and SoriSj King <>o>si. Dee.: 10. A druggist's shop in Elland was the scene of two. aJbtempits, by edme misoreants, «f burigl-ary. The attempts were happily frustrated1. Tbja 24 yeaitis serviC'© rendered to tiie M>t©payers by Mr. Enoch Robinson, J.P., As a "" ~~ . TUESDAY. HUSBAND ATTACKS WIFE IN fiALIFAX STREET. Woffiiam Whitaker (50), labourer;, 1, row, Fiaundiry-stireet, surrendered to answer a of being .disorderly in Norfhgafe the r -_._-_' diay. . P.O. ahaokleton said he saw defendant, in drink, running his wife. He struck her Violently on the fane, knocking her on her back on tram lines. Sustaining a wound at the back of the head she was taken to'the Infirmary. An independent witness, Arthur Laycock, having corroborated, defendant said his wife had pawned his best clothes and got drunk. He did riot strike wilfully. He was fined 10s*, aM 5s. 6d. costs, or 14 days. FRIDAY, ISTElGHBOtlELY AMENITIE1S. . AiTftihfuir Bipoadibemifc, 1, Drake-fittest. Aran Lavin, by , Bedlfoind CQinirt,, few?' Nov. 13. On the application of Mr, J, H. MackrelU for the defence, all witnesses were ordered out _ of court. Mr. W. Storey, for complainant, said his client was going out for her husband's supper beer, -, day, by the pres&ntada<wi to him of am designed and pleadingly executed i^umitna-ted , Keighley to Susannah ocholefield, both tlali .addotese.' This took place ait a social, following a tea,'at tlie Ldbeonal Club, with Aid, A. Fawcett fax. > T D9 OS; J^; aM C^J. Hoae^>e! Dec. S^^rish: Jos. TEludman. to Mr, V^viV jti. JL/t Vycl'UCD-) tl .'X ..> cwiAnj. N_y*>.i. • *-» • —•*• —— «~-n —•-— — ——• — . . •s C1 ' T_ i: i. TT ' «•*• municipal representatives ol the Waaxl, as hosts. ! Barne* both^ Sowerby,-Jno. Speigh* -to '.j^*"* I&U.MT,-,-T*4«^s.Ai,ftn,rf -i^n-hr, ^.A borttefl" 1. both Halifax, ^vw^-^j i ____ *_ .rifhliftMifited _- border of '. fi-.lfidhii Gl-edhill, Halifax Ash worth Wild to Jill en vv^wv^., both __, ~ .... Fielding Wilson- to Ilia address w<eir>e the ii&eip'ieihft's portra-it, A view Wa/llwork, of the Town Ball, arid a rep'r^seintatlo.n of tJie Hannah JesSop, both Ell-a-nd. St. Thomas s, BradBorough Goat of Arms. The text was:^ '.; ford: Jos. Slater, Luddenden Foot, bo Ann Eickey, To-d,morden. Sqtiare: Wm. ..II.lin,gworth to Mrs,_ To Enoch Robinson, Esq., J.Pf Jafile Illingwo'i;th, both El'land. South-parade: Sir,, . . Oh behalf of the meanbers. of - the P-eliom Michael Dirake to Aan Hartley, both-.Brighouse,, 0 Register: Jno. Worth to Emma Keagh^Ward Liberia! Assocdation, Libeofal Club, and friemdts, we desire by this addoteiss to place m ley, both Halifax. : ' / ; : ; Dec. 7 Parish.; By. Jordinson, Lockwood, to 1889. ffigeord our high lappireciation apd _ thanks for Dec. 4 Park: Jno. Lomas, Salterhebble, to Agnes the great service that you as Councilloif, Alder- Eliza Jane Crowthery Southowiram. Geo. Lister to Haigihv Halifax. -St. Joseph's, Brighouse: Thoa, man and Mayor of th© Counity Borough1 of Ellen Holmes, both Oyenden. Jos. Thomas, Heb- Ashton, 'Brighouse, to Mrs. Mary Ann Shiinmins, den Bridge, to S-arah Hannah Whitfeley, WadsHalifax foir 24 yeans oolleotively have so faithRast.rick. -Roomfield-l'ane, Todmorden: Thoe, fully given, to the town and th<0 Labeiral eaiise, Worfch.^Pirovidence, Stainland. Jos. Park to Sarah Pilling to Betsy Mitchell, both Stansfield-^Birs6015 and patti'eul.afly for the dili.g.eiit ctare and Marsden,, both Stainland. talli'Jnoi Piarkin to Mary .Capper, both Highrowh, Dec. 8 Parish: Jno. Batfnesy ,Sow©r.by, to M'ary ttoi6ugiht you have alwiaytS eiereised on behalf of Dec. 5 Parish: Wm. Whiteley to Mary Hannah Pelloii Wartd. . ' ' Green-yy-Ood, Warley. Jno; '.Fa'wthrop, Warley, to Mallalieu, both Soyland.^ Warley Congregational: used some disgusting language. -Complainant's bus, band asked the man, who was with the woman, to try and Sarah Ann Helliweil,, Sowerby. Hy. Sykes to Arthur Wilkinson Bibby to Emma Binns, We .eBpeciaJiy defitoe to 'express ouir =-buy a box of Be&6hanl'6 Pills amd keep thein keep the woman quiet, but instead of doing so, the thanks for the very; ready >and generous Elizabeth Holroyd, both Barkisland. Warley. Si George's, Lee Mount':' Harry by you ready foif nee when Squirted. ' Likie most aiice yoii have eonifcihuially given to the1 A^sociaDec. 10 Parish: Jno, Broadbent, Sowerby, to Wheatley-lane, to Mary Mien Lister, Shroggs. - man rushed and got hold of him. Several people came people, /no doiibt you sbohieitinies feed ",a ,, Club, and all, causes for the wedtfar© of the Sarah. Mitchell,' W<arlejr. Stephen Halstead' to Patmos: J. Illing.worth, Sheffield, to Hannah out, among thorn a woman named Pearson, who had a below ,: par " " off cstotir "-pdyspeiptic. iUgh and-, its citizens^ * t Elizabeth Wood, both EHand. Laycock Harr Chambers, Todmorden,-^Register: Jno. Rushton poker. Pearson struck the complainant on the hand, piretsS'eid, liverish, irriiabia, diespomdieai-t or hopie you will ^njoy many years of h'appigreaves, Langfietld, to Sarah Ami Haigh, Sowerby. Thompson, Halifax, to Ellen Ann Nutter, Bolton- and then handed the poker to Broadbent, who deliberwise " onit-of-sioris." T|iie86 a*s iamori.g ;t3l ately struck the complainant on the head, causing _a , health, and well earned nsst. which with Jos. Hartley to Harriet Tut-nterj; Hipperholme. by-Bolland. indications tihat the d)igie»tive 6i-gians are iir ft 'di» and lacerated wound,3ins, long. Mrs. Lavin you* labo'uns in our midst you have sti well Jno. Hesse'lden to Sarah Ann Jackson, both 1 OvenDec. 7 Parish: Thos.Ackroyd, Heptonstall, to contused ' ordered state. , ~.; to be medically attended, and was still suffering;. . ....---,., den; Jas. Hoyle, Triangle, to,Sarah Ingham, Skir- Lucilla Fletoher, Stansfield. Timothy Conway, had Approaches bad been made for a settlement, which had Jas. Holden (presiident) Jo'hn McPmal coat. Thos. Jenmings ' to Sarah Aldersbn, both tary), Pollori Ward Libeiral AssocdatiotQ, Wm. Southowram. Sidney Norton to Elizabeth Stott, to Ellen Lang, both Halifax. ^-Thos. Kershaw to Seen refused. Complainant having given evidence, was cross-examined by Mr. Mackrell, and denied having JL Thiosl Holdeoi, (pjnesidieinifc), H. ^ both NorthoWram. JoSiWhiteley to Maxy Thomas, Hiahriah Wood, both Northowram. Wm, Kinder pushed against the woman McbontiouRh, or that he taryj Pello'n W,aM Liberal Cltib; to Alice Holt, both Brighouse. George 'Pogson, leered at her. When she was struck she was both Halifax. Ltd., a dose or two of Eleecham's Piliis Sowerby, to Eliza Greenwood, Wadsworth. Fred on her - x doorstep. She denied raising a ,quarb l^hie address, th.^ work m Stott you can keep yourself fcree fropa '-eUl such Wias eiiicioS'ed iii a hianids Ratcliffe to Sarah Jane Jackson, both Soyland. jug td strike the woman MoDonnough with it. DIED 50 YEARS AGO. plaaemt . isyiflfptoans. This weM-kjiown p_re.p*tiaThos. Thornton Walker, Halifax, to Mary Hannah She Was not drunk, and it was not .in consequence of Ov&i' tlie rsoeial Cer.. James Hoddiem .^-^—, tion is widely rieej&gnaeed as-' a rei&lily rW'able jt Was, hie cJiaioiad, a daetiuietiioii to the Ward tc Isles, Northowrtim.-jiSt. Thomas's: Wm. Maud© her condition she fell, striking her head against the ' tfeihedy 'for stomac-h and liver ailrft (n.ts. AH'' ver Dec. ,4 Thos. Barker (34), Todmorden.-^-Eliza- to Hannah Fletcher, Halifax. Pellon-lane: Aked gtone stairs. Further evidence in support 6E the ""so ViaJaiaJble a repireeenitative aas Mr thie wor;ld th^r« are people Who have proved seizing them on the- Town Council .'.fta beth (16), daughter of J. M. Brannan, solicitor, Clhapiman,. .Siddial, to Ellen Bradley,.' Halifax: Bummons was givea by Dr. Simon Brodsrick, who by. , a-cufba.1 experi«nice' the inestiiffiabio v^adwe of Halifax. Edmund Hartley (57), Oariton-street. Square: Jos. (3ockroft to Emily Ann Foster, both said Mrs. Lavin was perfectly sober, Thomas LatiBi BeechainT's Pill®. Th^y givS new stfehigth to the Ttbe Rigihit Bom. J. H, Wfcdffclevy, M:l*., attended Mary (33),'. wife ; of Jno. A; In.gham, Shaw, Tod- Halifax. Heptonstall: Jnoi. Fagep, Todmorden, Katie Lavin, & Margaret Lavin, For the defence, Mr. .tired;- ov«r-worked iSfeomach and ^iert & ' ' , Mackrell absolutely denied any Violence had been to make the pf-esentatioii, and paid a high tribute 0^7), widow of Wm Stocks, Hip- to Eliz., Escntt, Stansfield, and stimmlatiaig effect uipdto the liver. So if to Aid. Robinson's work, Dec. 9 Parish: Greenwood Oldfi&ld t6 Emma used by his client. He denied that any poker had beea perholm©. Eli Thwaite(64), Greenland. you- woiil'd' areally "ido yotir®eil:f a good turn,'' used. Whatever accident Mrs. Lavin sustained was Brearley, both Wadswortih. Mr. Robinson was cordially received on rising, Dec. 5 Sarah .Bolton, (48), Inchfield, through falling in the doorway. Dafendant denied TTie handisOme address they had presented to (41), wife of Hy. Dyson, Southowram. striking at all. He denied having sent his toother tto him Would, he assured the donors, be looked upon Ratcliffe (14)] son. of Eli Dyson, Sowerby Bridge. DIED 25 YEARS AGO. complainant to settle; He went with his mother to bysihim with pleasure and delight as long as 'h< Jahiriah Heyworth (31), Lobb Mill, Todmorden. ~ 18S9. '.- / - -.'. ' - ' ' ' . "/ - the doctor's, and heard her'asking him to. Evidence; iye«d. and1 he was eure that it would be treaswed Dhos, Smith. (50), Sowerby Bridge. Jno. Stead Dee. 4 Joshuia Culpari (61), Abbotfs-terrace, Dy his family afterwards. .vAt the same time,_hei KC1 S ^altster, Salifax. Wm. Sutcllffe (54), solici- Gibbet-lane. Lilly (22), daughter of Luke-.Tay- for the defence was given by Elizabeth McDonnough, :id not consider tnat he had ever done anything or, 'Hebderi Bridge. Mrs, Chas. Tettey (48), lor. Stoop, Soyland. Sarah. -Hannah (39). .wife Lewis Hudson who said complairiaBt and her husband thuraped him so much that he "thought the Germans " " '••'•." : - '"' ' " -' ;o deserve it, only what it was his duty to do. As, Ihelf-' of Edward Frederick Williams, bank. accountaiit, had come " Margaret -ElleB Pearson, Mrs. Beatrice lowsver, ii Was their wish, that he should accept Dec. 6--Thos, Cockroft (77),, Southowram. Jas. West View. - ''-"--.-,' '. . ., Chambers, Thomas McDonnough and Frank Emmett t, he gladly did so, and he Was obliged to them Haley (38), Haley Hill. . : '.'.' Dec. 5 Ann Blackburn (64), Hebden., Bridge. --After a lengthy hearing*the case was dismissed, or the honour they had done him. H© might Dec. "7 Wm; Crossley (27), Sowerby, EKzabteth Hy. Cockroft (64), Hebden Bridge. Thomas THOMAS BEECHAM; St. Heden^ HUSBAKJ) AND WIFE. say tihai M had represented Pellon Ward ori the 5,7), widow of Saml. Parker, Wesley-«treet. 'Jno. Whiteiey (88), Soylandi v ' "- '' Sold everywhere in bdS'SSi . Town Couincil ever since it was made a Tivia-rd (48),.- S-kircoat-r'J'as. Riley, (51), SoyFred Cookroft; 14,. Smithy-stree^ was sumDec. 6^-Hy ! La/wson (28), FitzwilUam-street.jxcusa 1/14 (56 piMs)"<i 2/9 (168-piiUs), afidv ' . ' ." ' / ; -" . '---. . . ' -' . . . ' ' ' . .: ' -' hear, hear.). He. dame to live in the .ward in Women's Act, the . Married Grace (52), wife of Mesbaeh Patchett, 12, Welling^ moned under 1867, and "he built Battinson-road Mills in 1875, Dee: 8-^-Franklin Pratt (57), Bnghous©, Henry ton-place, by his wife, Blanche, with 'persistent oruelty. sngaging Aid. FawOett as his firist engine man iViismaji''.(4Q)'-, Brighouse. Jno. Bates (6O)-, StanDea 7 Emma Blackburn (49), Enowlwood. Complainant said her husband had agreed hear, hear). Aid. Fawcett was then quite a yoiing njary-rjoiad.-' Hannah (52), widow of Jas. Saville, Jos, Boothroyd (25), Brig-house. M[ary (55), wife to a separation, and to allow her 5Si a weeki The nan,'land he remained witii ham for about 20 years, , Rhoda (50),. wif« of Thos.' Walsh, of Jos. Bower, Lightcliffe. Hannah Brdadbent Mayor "(presiding) said the Bench oould not grant a tot losing 20 hours the whole time, .either, by a 'outhowram., , ' . (61), Hebden Bridge. Geo. Fleming (75), BAok separatum order by consent, and adjourning the case jreakdown or a, p*etende of any land (hear, hear). Dec. 9^-Mary (74), wife .of Timothy Ambler, Fo'undry-etreet. Joshua Graham (65), Mland. for a Week, advised cemplainaht to consult * solicitor. -. J. . That, ibe was sure, spoke well foy the <aJdernia,n. . Elizabeth r(77<), widow of Thos. Jno. d-ray (25), Charlestown. Jno; Haigh ;(61), HE B-'N I A S --f- B-.-O I A £ 1 S f About "th-iis time'the High Level Railway was; proSun-;fold. Alf. Holt (44), Halifax.^ Joshua Jackson Shelf. Ann; Riley -(25); Hipperholme. HALIFAX WEST RIDING COURT. moted, and, it was found very difficult to .get shares 12, UNION-STB-BIT, HALIFAX De:c. '-lO^-Charles (16), son of Wm. Crowther, (77), Broolcfoot.--Saxah (67), wife of Wm. Holt, SATURDAY. iaken up. N He formed the conclusion that, If;the jibbet-street. Jno. ,Greemwood Sttgden, J.P., Skirctfat. Emma* (47), .wife of Jacob Phillips, makes the latest IrapraTed Appliances for the line ftoukl be secured, it would pay" him to - take Hous^e, Eeighley. . ; _ J. E. Sinaw (dbaAriniain), 'Aid. J. F. iSTorthowraml ' .'" , ... .' . . RELIEF & CUJta OF HBltNlA, some shares, efen if he lost the lot, C/oal at that Dec. 8 Jas. Gockro'ft (81), Wadsworth. Sarah Clay, Aid,. B. Fiirtfch, Ma-. E. W. Ciroi^iley, Mr. and all other kinds ef snrsieal Bupports, at time had to be fetched from the Old Stati(>4> and Ellen (34), wife of Wright Crabtree, Orenden. P. Hofeo-yd, Mr, E. P^el, Cam.- J> T. prices.. A female attendant for ladies. .Tel, . Events of 50 Years Ag-o. they could only go four times per diay\ When tihe ELASTIC! STOCKINGS ft(Sfl» S/6. Nathan Oulpan (62), Sowerby Bridge. Saiiah (4Q); Eelett, amid J. Cli'aibbtKca.., ' LADIES' BELTS frtnS 4/6 to £3 &(* High Level line was obtained .they could fetch 16 widow of Thos. Haigh, Hove F/dge. Btannah (56), AMBLER THORN «'CBOW" FINED. - 1KEMA8. - ' ' ; -. loads per day, and it was that consideration^ thai FROM THE "HALIFAX COURIER "OF 1864 wife of Wm. Romaihe, Siddal. a man cannot with imp-upity tihw'^rt t^e CLINICAL THBEM©MlTBia from 1/6, induced him to tsiupport the line. After iif had Dieb. 9 Agnes (31), wife of Joshua ,'CIegg, Dec. 4.-rA tradesman, in busmess in N orth- Heckmondwike. Grace FoS;ter (79), Heptonstall. poiMee in ddsdhiarige o>f thiedir dtttieis, was/illiiS' been opened, the line was- taken over by the Greal IJakwrs ts the Halifar and Huddersfield North'ern and the Lancashire and "Yorkshire Com- giate, receivedl the sum.' of 10s., and tho Jetter Hy. Frankland (69), CArossley-terrace.-^Ruth teaJbed . wliem Wm. Einnieist W'ood, etone. : dresser, pianaeE!, and actually the shareholders lost but very tccompa/nying it stated the Bender had, some years HannaJh. Helliwell (21), Health-stre.et. Nancy Tay- ^tmblei1 Tihio^n, was ctuamgied with, obsamcting . . - . little-^'(hear, hear). BJe.-hiad already spoken of Aid Mreviously, given to Itihe tnadesiman's son "a bad lor (38), Ovenden. Maria .(53), widow, .of Solomon tiie police. You.can make Sxipt. Myeacs sadid, ,d«f«inidiaM hiad oibstrocibed the Faweett. As to their other representatives on the ialf-crown." The 7s. 6d. was interest. Tordoff Wyfce. Dec. '10 Francis Green Atter C51), phath«,m- polioe in the 'discibarg'e of tfluedir dxiAd«t3. Offioetrs. Deo. 5. A new organ-, costing £300, was opened Town Council, Cdr. Oates had made his nmrk;there delicious Plum Puddmgs street. Frank Broadbent (81), Sowerbyl Martha wetpe watching some gamblers, amd wecre :pcpain: good time, and tihe tdwn was experiencing the n North-parade Baptist .Chapel. vented from aoiresitiiig them by diefendant rumDec; 6.-^During the hearing of a chargei of atAnn (38), wife of Milford Earnshaw, Qvehdeh. with benefit of his sea-vices. OCT. Holden had returnee ,a*nid sihoiutinig " Th© polioe." Tibeire wa$ no to the Council to continue the good work he ;empted miurtleT at: HaHfax, it was stated, accused Mary Greenwood (68), Halifax. Margaret, (68), tQin,g Gambling " threw a womian into the, canal i&he sank several wife of Martin Hanley, Haley Hill. Jno. Haw- dotibt the police were otostruoted. did there. vary rife in the distraict. , , behalf .of the meeting iihaee. and; butt) for her crinoline would have'been king (19), .Beech-street. Jos. Hirst (52), Bailiffe wias Cor. A. D. Oafes, Gamw'Oioid saaid thiarf; ipai Siindiay, Nor. . -.. ,' "",/.- .- -..-: ; : ,-, ; :.' Bridge. -Jno. Summerscales (54), Back-street. 22,P.C. offeredl congtatulations to Aid. Fawcett oil his pro drowned'."; at 11.35 a..m. he amd P.S. Monkman w«ose Deo. 7.^ Greiat interest was taken in the,attempt Geo. Wade (54), Hove Edge, Mary (70), wife of in motion.as aJdierm>an, and to COT. Holden on his re SMbdsn VajU'ey wa/t-chimig a "iscliiOiol " of gam.-; by a woman to walk 1,000 miles in 1,000 suc- Jno; Wilaon, Nortfobwram. .: ; sumption o-f Council work. ; biers at HamgJmgrO'yd Baxxw. They W'&re tossing : Aid. 1 Fawcett, .in acknowledgment, mentioned tha wilih ooine. They saw defendant at;the top of it :was? 39 years since he and Mr. Robinson camt Just like home-made tiEe via/Hay giodpg baclrwiard and forward. Tliey together, and during the whole of that,: time the RURAL DISTRICT COUNGIL. THE MAYORESS'S FUND. tried to igi'eit past haan. unideir the hillsid.e. but by but more convenient happiest relationships had existed between \ them the time ^ey got there diefen'diaait came wiishdaT and economical. When he left Mr. Robinson's service, the latter 14 or 15 yards of tlhein. Seeing them, Ee nan QtTBSTlQNS APFgCTING THE OUTNOBLE WORK ACCOMPLISHED. granted him a retiring pension: of dSl p&r week, anc Made by the • towards tlie gamblers, g.avie them .t3ie sigiial, arid --.'. DISTRfCTS....... Marmalade firm. A meeting of the Mayoress's;.;workers was held that he d/rew until h<& could not fasibion to take^i ran^awiaiy, eo tibait they (the polioe) w«cre ttn/abie any longer (laughter).. He went to him an3-said at the Town-Hall, on, Thursday morning, to hear Sir Geia .to^^ idmtify amy of the gambl'Sie- -,.,. , '•....:•••./ "T want to give up talcing this, brass," and Mr the working and financial reports, and to discuss nootti oy«r tbe monthily ineetdiiig '6f Hia/lifax P.S. Monkmjain 9^,3 they got ^diishiri 200 vaafos Robinison made .reply, ". W^ell,---! have not grumbled thjg work, for the, future, , ;.»; - :^,.j 1, .-..!:'. District Gounedil. ^-^Dt..-^!)!^^.^]^-/^^^.'^^*" of the gaira^feiris;; :ajnid btufc focc ^dfefendiaait they The working report given by r.tlje seor.etaries port, eaiid tJiere had beem riiii© birth's,:J:'5 wouJid have got much nea<ner Defem daoit asked ',£EERIBLE EXPLOSION. Ccr. Holden replied that in hig Council work, a, showed that the committee have, sent to the; 2nd and 4 females, and 6 deaitl^, ,3^o^ Diistoiet GcranKsil. ;wi'p'fce that in tibej . D«feadant: How mueh. did I offer you? Wit. in his friendly society ,and co-operative labours, his Batt. West Riding Regiment in France, ; 486, WIDESPREAD DISASTER NEAR continued aim would be to render the best servic shirts, 714 .pairs socks, 336, mufflers,; 1,56 ; hel-, wiater .-;, was. disioovefred «, larigie amo'uint of peaty ness: You didn't offer me amytbing. I told you mets, S66 belts, 288 pairs mittens, 72 pairs, ouf?s> and oonsequently large quantitieis of you must not talk like feat. '.-; HECKMONDWIKE. '-, possible. - ''.' ' ' , .- . .. : ' ... b&esn run to waste by the oomsoimers in Defenpdiaimfc: I simply admit being tih.ere, and as Afterwlards. Mr. W. T. Hold'en, on behalf of th, 69 handkerchiefs;' to 3rd, 4th, 5th, 8th, 10th, Three magazines exploded on Wednesday near pre and llth .Batt. West Riding Regiments, in ^traininig to get a wlhpliasome .supply. _ They soon as-.'I saw them coining, I tooik my chanoe, club, presented Mr". Robinson with an enlargemen mises used for the manufacture of explosives a White Lea, .a district situated between Biatley of the photo^aph. taken during his Mayoralty ing, 1,228 sihirts, 4,799 pairs socks,' 413 rnuf- asked the Counioil's opinion /on the question of but I sweat? by AlmigMy God, I did not. give flers, 155 helmets* 724 belts, 123 pairs mittens_, 'asking tihe.Balifiax Ooirpioiratioitt to erect_a filtef- them ;a sigrial. . ' Dewsbury, aaid Heckmoindwlke. Sixpeopte wer framed in fumed oak. _ TJie Gbaiinnan: But wihy did. yoiu rum Sir Geoirgte and ' L-a^dy 202 handkerchiefs; to Halifax men in other regi- inig asppainata-s at 'thieir' refiiervoir, it being LateTn the killed and four are -missing.. The works tiherii that the cost of that ereotioin should Supt. Myeis: Were you tibe J eeives were wreckedj considerable diamag& was done Fisher-Smith and^ the Mayor and MayotesB adBec ments, 30 shirts, 44 pairs socks, 28 mufflers, 14. ' '- ; '-'drow? 1 ' '' :' '.-'"•-. '' : ' hehnets, 30 belts, 18 pairs mittens, 12 'handker- with the variouB Coiincdls. Tihe Medi<?ial Officer I was. ''...' ' ';-.'.' ' ' congratulations. to other buildings near, windows more than a mile oomplaanite regiardchiefe; to the Navy, 50 shirts,, 50 pairs socks, 50 said he had not What w6re yott^ero for?^ I was tJiere to look away -were broken, and the explosion itself could irig the water. Cer. Black said the matron at the out for .the police-^-(la.ughjteir). mufflers, 21 helmets, 21' belts, ,36 pairs mittens;' ba heard, many mile® away. E^en at the camp of ST, JAMES'S,' SALE-OF -WORK to hospitals. 153 bedjaokets, 96 helpless '• shirts, that tihe water ; was very For the purpose, of giving them the signal!Hi© Leeds Battalion at Colsterdale, , nearly 50 miles , .si referred to the Sani- DefehdiaTit;. Yas, but I didn't give them tlie 74 night shirts, 24 nightingales, 25'^pneumonia - tway from the scene of the explosion, the report I isimply aian away, .amd took fmy owo : jackets, 192 pillow cases, 250 ^handkerchiefs, tary and Water Committee. _ ' :; : . : 6'ias so clearly heard as to lead the officers there LOOKING ON THE BRIGHT SIDE OF Cor. J. B. C'arber, reportuig as to Norwood dressing gowns, etc.; bandages, siplints,.pads, etc., co telephone to Leeds for an; explanation of tihe " ' . . .-.'. .THINGS. - ': _ ;.. . \ ' ;. The CfoadtniKuv fining 'di^feai'dfemt 5e. 6d., costs Coley ratepayers lighting to headquarters of St; . Jqhn Ambulance Associa- Green and ' nioise. . . ; ' '' ' . A thre© days' annual sale of work, in. aid. of :S tion, English ancj Anglo-French Red Cross question, 'said that the new: scheme provided for 9s. 6'd.,'eai.d if dtelemdiaait came agiain; on a ohiarg'e The picric ,acid works .at White Lea, owned by James's tiie ereetioii-of 32 lamps, 16 in Norwood Green of a simiiiliar nature he would have TO pay much Ghuroh funds, was opened on Thursda'y, ir Societies. _ Messi-e. Henry Elhson, Ltd., of Cleokhiaaton. were ihe presence was 42s. per lamp, Mrs. J. H. Whitley read the financial report, /and 16 in Coley. The prioe of a large attendance. The opene p before the outbreak of war idle for some time, but was for 14 years. . , a, former, vicar, an which showed that £1,097 1 5s. 9^d. had been and _the Dr R. L. REGALCITRANT-TENAOSIT. ' , j : ' of late the wbrks have been kept :at top pressure was Rev.others Expenditure: Flannel Id. in tlie £ would bring in £12, p present were Miss Bellamy, Rev received in subscriptions. Applying for the transfer of tihe licence of they , for the mianiufaofcure of picric acid. -The magazines among Of for shirts, £626 Os. 4d ; wool for comforts, £359 of lighting would ,amottnt to £67 a yeiaar. 3. J. -Eley (former curate), Rev. S. Hill (vicar were isolated from the m/ain works buildingsi. »o ianons Ivens and Rowe, Rev. O. B/ Dixpn, an 4s. 4d. ; Red Cross materials, £29 8s. lOd. ; post- that £12 " Norwood *Green wO'Uild pay £9 and New Inn, Briggate, Eiland, from Albert Driver terrific was th-e explosion, however, that hot only MEessTs. E. C. Lewm and Gr. H. Conway (wardens age, carriage, paper, 'string, packing, etc., £6 5s. Coley tih-e. remiai'nider. , He moved that the Smith to John Hardy, Mr. E. W. Hinchliffe saidthe case hiad been before the justices on .- a preWe're th« whole of the works buildings involved in Elev. S. Hill, who presided, said the War had cas 4d. ; advertisements, etc., in papers, £73 2s. 4d. ; schemie be .appoxjved by the Coonicil and thajfc tha vious occasion. On Oct. 17 a, subpoana was _ ' ifche ruin, but property within a radiu^ of (hundreds over the proceedings a gloom. In September the a totaJ of £1,094 Is 2d., leaving a balance of agreement with the .Corporaitioin be left in- the granted to compel .ishe attendance of the outgoing j of yards suffered damage. s of himself aaad the Clerk to deal with. tenant, Mr. Smith, but the subpoena could *iot be . , discussed the. question whether to hold the sale o £3 14s. 7id. .': rasiqliutiioin was. . eeoomdiea by Ccr. The committee are almost daily receiving apLIKE AN EARTHQUAKE SHOCK. not, and it was diecided 10 do so, or the churc] On that date he aleo put in a registered oarri^d. , -,' . . ... : ; !r '.. ,' ' , : ' ' . peals for help from our local men, as well as those The ground wias shtaken as if by aft earthquake, wardens would lave landed in debt, from whic The Clerk __ r&ported tihat, 'in; regard to the letter which had been addressed to ..Mr.f Smife Hospital requisites are urgently and ..when the huge volumes of .dense yellow emoke >hey had been free for two E asters. They trie at the front. but had been returned. The position Jiibw-'WQ* had partially cleared not a vestige of the maga- so look on the bright .side of things^ and worke needed by the Red Ctoss Societies; the local:- Red electrd'C ligiuting of tipper Gineieifcland iihe poles priactically tihe same. They had- tried their best. zines* was to b© seen. Nothing was left to ini'di- is cheerfully and willingly as they could, hopin Cross Branch working under the Mayoress's Com- ware in tihe r-oad, ian,d theiy preferred that they cate their site but a liuge hole several yards deep !or the best. They were encouraged by the pre- mittee, have sent out' all they 'haVe and are asked eihOTiM be ejected iti the fenoe. They had, how- to serve the subpoena on the outgoing teiiant* but in the field where they had stood. The buildiriga sence of .their old friend, Dr. Bollamy. Dr. Bel- for more. Letters of thanks show how much the ever, agrieeid with' the"''.larnd owners to put thie although he had been heard ol in ith4 district someMajor Elam, poles'' jbacfc !0ubj6icit. to a sligM aeknowfod'gimient. in the immediate neighbourhood: which, had nob .amy expressed the, pleasure of his sister and him- gifts are needed and appreciated. in a letter from the At Clifton there liad been isix electric ligihts where he had been unable to be met with, and his been totally wrecked by the first shock seemed in self to see so many familiar faces. They were 2nd Biaittalian W.R> . wife had refused to give information where he a tottering condiition. Other works, buildings, _,and perfectly right in going on with the sale. At the front, dated! Nov. 23, says: " Two of your p.aaroels placed in WiaSdy«B'fcnk-lianie/.aB,d in ordier to save could be found:. Under the1 circumstances he agree,miem.t wiiii the Bower Co'., cottages in the neighbourhood were paortially beginning of the. War there was a little hesitation arrivied yesterday. .. . ._. The large parcels having a lengthy. at the. Council lam/d Co. sliouiid sign asked the justices to grant the fuH licence.-^-P.St. you iare. -sending out are p'arbiculiarly Suitable." Ife wrecked, and the peopje rushed terror stricken about such gatherings, but most people had come Ho tihe ^Soc-i tihiat the provision of Walton &aid he had mad© efforts to .trace Smith. was Uinanimousily decide/d to make another appeal ifrom their houses. ;. "_' ' . -. . to the conclusion that the proper thing was to go six lamps -in .Clifton should be on tihe same tecrrnis He had 'heard of him being 'in Halifax with his One man was found wiith his head oonrpletelj1 ahead with those necessary and cheerful under- for subscriptions so that the work may be carried as in tine lagreiem'ent einitei-eid -.inito iin 1911, which. wife a fortnight ago, but he was now supposed , , -; blown off ; others had lost several limbs. Several takings. Perhaps there was no place in the world on <3nx>ugh .the winter. Gifts of money should be sen* to the Mayoress, referred io the lighting of Hartsiheaid, the Coum- to be in Bradford, 'though his address was unwere lying some considerable distance from tJh>» where there was more cheerfulness and good spirit known. His wife had refused to tell where he cil to pay the euni of £5 17s. for extra nragazines. than in our trenches. They did not want to take Savil© Heath, or to Mrs. J. H. WhitJey, Brant- This was. —,The Chairman' (Mr. J. E. Shaw) said that agreed upion. wood; and of miaterials to the headquartersi, 'Eiye WELL-KNOWN. FOOTBALLER AMONG THE a light view of 'things as they were, and they would and Eiar Hospital, iHortion-stoeet, which is open under the circumstances .they would dispense with get through air the better if they kept spirits up. Smith's attendance, and grant the full tnansfer, INJURED. Monday® and Tuesdays from 11 a.m. to 5.30 p.nv Several of the workmen who were near the maga- He was glad they had not only the sale, but also •'.'''.. MONDAY. . " ,' They were zine were blown into the air and yet escaped with the entertainments, going as usual. Before Messrs. F. Holroydi (presiding), ®a& very small inj'Ury, while others were hit by falling entitled to be cheerful so long as they were, doing HOMING, SOCIETIES' FEDERATION MEETING. Should send two stamps .for oar 32 page illustrated Aid. B. Firth. . ' tim'ben Six of the injured were conveyed to _ the their part. jSTo good purpose would be served by Tha annual meeting of the West Yorkshire Federa- Book, containing Valuable Information how all Irregution of Homing Societies was held on Saturday even- larities and Suppressions may be entirely avoided or Batley Hospital and four to Dewsbur^ Hospital, not having it,, and going headlong into debt BVIDENQE OF HANL)S.S where one .man, Clifford Thornton, died, shortly Mr E. O. Lewm, proposing thanks, mentioned that ing at the Saddle Hotel, Halifax, headquarters. In the removed by simple means. Recommended by eminent Sam Jones,uo fixed abode,pleaded guilty to begging at absence of Mr. R. H. Inghara (president), Mr. A. Physicians, as the only Safe, Sure and Genuin« Remedy. Stainland on Sunday morning. He had in his possesafterwards. Among those taken to the Dewsbury Never Pails Thousands of Testimonials. Established 1862. debt. \Iti the vote he included the ladies, who Thomas (Hebden Bridge) presided. The balance-sheet, sion four large, muffins, a currant cake, a pasty and a Infirmary were James Gr.ath, formerly captain ol Mr PAUL BLANCHABD, penny. Prisoner said he had been working on a farm ifche Bafley Rugbv (Northern Union) team, ,and had been working steadily week after week. Many which was submitted and adopted without much disOlareaaont House, Dalston Lane. London. near Longwood last week, but spent up on Saturday^ Patrick <5urly, mason's labourer, while William had been working hard for the Red Cross Society cussion, showed that tho year began with a balance of and was begging for his breakfast on Silnday mornGaraide, an employe at the .works, .and Georg* as well as the sale, and they had an arduous 15s. 8Jd. Levies brought in £49 10s., entries, and MORE BELGIANS AERIVB : SOME RETURN ing. Questioned by the chairman, ;prisoner had forJohnson, a-n enigineef, were also picked up, injUrec time.-^Mr. G. H. Conway seconded, and D(r. Bel- pools for Guernsey races £41 6s. 6d., for Eeriwss £74 in his reply, declared the sal© open. lls., totalling, with, sinaller accounts, £180 18s. gotten the name 0f the farmer he worked for, but the TO FIGHT. and bleeding, and taken to Batley Hospital, where lamy, A* the ne-opiening yieisterdia.v Rev. S. Hill 8|d. Tho chief items of expenditurs were £23 2s. lOd. week before he had been employed by a Mr. M^rton, th© latt-e-r's . face was fouiid to be sodded ^ with (who Mor« Belgians arrived in Halifax on Tuesday, and Warlev. He had lost, his insurarice card. Superintensaid seeing that as ladies did so eost of rnces, £26 6s. 6d. combine, entries, etc., £74 pieoesi of gliaes and one of Ms arms severely injiured miicli presided) for the sale of work they omight to take piart lla. for other entries. Tha balance in hand at tho close had a kindly reception. They had come from Holland dent Myers, examining prisoner's hands, remarked to Folkestone, and travelling from the latter placo "They ar® softer than nain«." Committed'for seven THE DEAD. . in the opening. He threw that out as a hint for Was 17s. 4|d. Mr. Frank Wilcock (secretary), in his annual report, on Tuesday arrived at 8.15, Among those welthe future. Introducing Mr. R. P. Stafford, he The following is a list of the dead : them were Mrs. E. Marchetti, Mrs. said that gentleman's family -had long been con- stated that on the whole the season had been a had coming , WEDNESDAY, ,. . ' E. H. Hill, Mrs. Riley Pat, Fred Wrigh*, ma.n:agier and chemisib at the works. nected witlh St. James' Church. Mr. Stafford, onej They had had only 9 races instead of 12, The Bnrn, Mrs, Mrs. Wanklyn, Mrs. James (Hipper- Before Mr. J. E. Shaw (chairman), and Mr. E. Nimrod Firth, 15, Lobley-street, Heokmondwike, his sdns and daughter, had -all helped as teaohera numbers of birds sent Aut were : Federation old birds ehett, Albert Firth, brother of the above. 3,867, young birds 5,263. Taken altogether, the season holme), Revs. B. S. Kiek and G. T. Dickin,-Messrs. J. . . \ Peel. ... and w'orkers.: ' . B. Hoyle, H. Van Dyk, A. Culpan, T. Smith, J. W. WalJames Nicholas, foreman., of Hollinbank* Heck' Mi*. Stafford, declaring the sale open, said he' had passed off as well as they expected ,under the lis, ,7. Illingworth, J. Halliday, and H. Campbell. The TROUBLED MINDS TILL EVE ' OF circumstances. The Federation delegates dealt with mondwike. ' ,' , was a scholar iri that day school in 1850. He . ' .-.; CHRISTMAS. ; . :;., Percy Aisbtori, j'oinei*, Tidswell-street, Heckmohd remembered Mr. Sternwhite, Mr. Hartley, Mr. th* crisis as it presented itself, and arrangements wore .party numbered 18 adults an three children. Arrange- .Three Sowerby Bridge boys were _ charged were made for them to have tea at Square, and wike. . 'I .- ' ".'' " Gregory, artd the late Mr. Jessop, who was his carried out And all races cancelled, The report was ments the short walk from the station was undertaken in with trespassing on ' ' ' the railway i? euoh . Clifford Thornton W'hite Lea, Heckmdnd'wike. Sunday school teacher. He had clear recollections adopted. as. to expose themselTes to danger. They The chairman, moving -the re-election of Mr. R. H. pouring rain. By a coincidence an entertainment was STATEMENT BY A .MEMBER OF THE FIRM of Rev. W. R. Morrison. He snowed how the Ingharn pleaded guilty. . An official of the L. &'Y. R. said proceeding in .the school in aid of the Belgian fund. ns president, said he had given great satisfacMr. Henry Ellison, a member of the firm, $aic parish in the 50's had much prosperity, and that The secretary said they were all sorry hishealth Ladies attended to the comfort of the visitors at the on Sunday, Nov. 22, about 2.45 p.m., he caught that neither he nor Mr, EltiSon, sen., was near out of St. James', '.St. Augustine's and St..: Mary's. tion. had not been good lately, but trusted he would soon be tea tables. There were, in all, five families, 2 having two of them in the store-'sihed of the goods-yard, the premises when the explosion occurred, and i had b^^Ti foi'mpd. Asked what they, were doing, them again. The re-election was unani- come from Brussels, £ from Ostend, and 1 from Liege. Sower by Bridge. was quite impossible for them to give any reasbji Mir E. C. Lewin, p'ropO?ing thanks to Mr. Staf- with town a few they said, they were looking for sticks. . They gave moufl,^ Mr. Thomas was chosen senior vice-president, Several Beigiaas, resident in for the disaster. It was picric acid, he_ added ford, said -itfiat wherever the Stafford fiamiiy ^and and the following vice-presidents were»lso re-elected : weeks, were at the station and Square. . The new false names and addresses, and the youngest boy he had kno\vli three geriertationg associated, they Messrs. T. Hirst (Stainland), F. Holmes (Outlane), R. arrivals speak French, and there was consequently ran away.- Replying to the Chairman, the eldest that was being manufactured, and not lyddite; There were about 30 people employed at J. Holmes J. Suteliffe (Booth TOTTD), A. E. Thorps (Halifax), A. little difficulty. After tea the visitors were taken by boy they were -brothere-^said they went to play. of their best. ^ Vorks and there were two or three magazines. iBeconded.. Fi«ld!ng (Greetland), and H. Lister (Qneensbury). friends to homes which have been kindly and gener- Their mlother said Bhe could not watch The receipts for the first day totalled £38 3s. 9d. Other officers re-elected ware : Emergpncy Committee, ously provided for them as follow : Prescott-street, though she did her best. The two younger onea Messrs. B, H. Ingham, H. Lister, A. Thomas, A. E. by Parish Church friends ; Stafford-road, by All were led by the eldest. The Chairman said tile Saints ; Hipperholme, by Wesleyans ; and Heath REFUSAL OF UNEMPLOYMENT BENEFIT Thorpe and A. Fielding; combine delegates, Messrs. Avenue, by residents. In response to their country's "charge w>as not much of itself, but it was vety seriR. J. Sutcliffp, Thorpe and Lister; convoyer, Mr. Isaac ous, coming after the charges' made agaiinst them, TO A HALIFAX MAN. 3 Linden Terraee, Hill-sto?©et, Kingswod, Bris Priestley ; sftcretary and treasurer, Mr. Franlt Wilcock; call, issued last week, for unmarried men, physically but three weeks ago. and would necessitate a more f^l ' Rtw "'Twelve months ago I first saw tn A meeting of the Halifax Trades Council was auditors'. Massrs. T. Hirst afid A. Thomas ; and wirer to fit,'to return, lialf-a-dozen have gone from Halifax, careful looking into. Mr. Perry, probation officer, those remaining being unfit for further service. Several mid he called on Nov. 27, and learnt that the syinptoSs of eczema in the form of * tedI p- held on Tuesday, Mr. W. Brearley presiding. A convoyer, Mr. Thorpe. ofl mv instep. Tile ecz«ma .went on^. my _ letter was read from the Board of Trade with, reMr. Thorpe, speaking as representative frem .the Belgians who cams a few weeks ago are making splenterrible itching atod form-ing fresh w^ter ference to a resolution of the Council protesting Halifax Flying Club, moved that they "resign from the did progress with our language, and can now make boys had been sent to Sunday school, 'but the eldest, refusing1 to go, the other® followed him to It still continued to go fur- against the refusal of unemployment benefit under Yorkshire Combine unless the continually-running themselves understood quite readily. every tlie railway . A still older broibher told , him the rea-ched my face, part 2 of the Insurance Act to a member of the clock become compulsory." He i?aid they bad 'been until it ther up my eldest of the culprits was the ring leader. They local branch of the Amalgamated .Engineer's agitating for that a long time, but the Combine nevar completely closing my eyes, Mj' legs LITERARY SIDE OF THE SUNDAY made no trouble at home, but became trpublesornw were also much swollen. Society who had refused employment with a Hali- moved. Mr. Hartley seconded. The Chairman reSCHOOL UNION. : outside. The youngest had lately been living with fco pay some one to do my work fax firm offered through the Labour Exchange, his marked that by seceding from the Combine they bad At the monthly meeting of Halifax Sunday >a married sister at Luddenden Foot, and the second! Society haying prohibited members from going to nothing to lose. The resolution was unanimously agreed School Union in the Mechanics' Institute on Tues- boy: -at To d'.mor den. The Chairman eaid that the the firm. The Board stated that the case was fully to. It Was also resolved "That we oppose any com- day it was decided to hold the annual meeting in additional charge, while they were under probation considered by the Court of Referees and by the pulsory form of ring scheme,1' The meeting closed Queeii's-road U.M. Church on Saturday,' March for the mother, made the matter more serious, and Umpire, on appeal^ and they endorsed a copy _of with hearty thanks to Mr. James Greenwood, the host, 6, under the chairmanship of the President (Rev. they could not deal with it .fust then. An adjournthe Umpire's decision, 'which staated the claim for his many kindnesses. .not fit to be seen. , , J. Young). Sir Geo. Croydon Marks, M.P., will ment would ' be made until Deo. 23, when they 'I had treatni'ent for some time^but should be disallowed. The Secretary (Mr. W. H. be the speaker. Mr, J. Walker Clark. J.P., gave would also be dealt with for breaking the .recogget any relief. I bought some Dean) remarked that the trouble Was due to an EMINENT SURGEONS FOR THE FRONT. a report of the London Council meeting, and then nisances which they signed, promising to be of good and a box of Cuticura Ointmenit a«ju attempt of the firm in question to introduce the It is understood that Sir Berkeley Moynihan and introduced to the .meeting the literature of the to say I foTiud instant relief from tt V premium bonus system." The Engineers'-Society Mr. L. R. Braithwaite, both of Leeds, will shortly Sunday School Union. Mr. Clark stated that the behaviour. burnin-g. I continued to use both Mrs"' refused to allow their members to work under j proceed to the front as consultants in abdominal sur- publishing department made-an annual profit of eczema has oompletely goB'^.' ''. that system without serrne uhderetandiing being j gery. Sir Berkeley Moynihan holds the rank of £1,500, which was devoted entirely to Sunday Emily Morgan, Jan. 21, 1914. come to with the firm. It was entirely a question colonel, and Mr, Braithwaite that of captain in the school work. In Showing the difficulties to be whcin preparing yiom/r Puddings amid cuna'Soap a.)id' Ointment a*e sold _ of conditions, and the Society held that the Urn- , Territorial branch of the Royal Army Medical Corps. overcome in securing' good magazines for our Buy Slunedded XTORA Beef ~Suefc, it is guaraii. tliroughout the world A sample of ea-ch. witai of Referees had not acknow Mr. Braithwaite is a son of ex-Aid. Braithwaite, young _people, he stated that £6,400 hnd been teed absolutely pure., goes fuirtbeir mid keeps for - pi Halifax, and a nephew of ex-Akl. W. Brear, spent in producing one magazine. The Union moir.tlie. Yotur Gr.TO>eer ©eMs it. _ Insist upom issued all kinds of books and -periodicals suitable ATORA, re-fu,se sub Cha.TterhO'Use-squ.a.r'e, Londotfi. E.G. war can »eve;r oease -until King Albert for Sunday school work, including materials for tlhe Minisibems will n&ixum from B&ir- MARRIED 25 YEARS ACKK IRONMONGERS. BRASS AND ANTIQKE COPPER COAL B0XE§ ism. . : '.- ; . ;" ; FLAWt POTS, FIRE SCREENS, KERB SUITES^ ! Table & Pocket Cutlery, Razors, •!*»• iD-t> r/>\ A T\ om tt is* laf1 fin & foJi 53%,' JDltUAJLl bTJtiJiJi JL , ' ' -. ..'. : ' f Brewed ft®m tlie finest of and By the nrost moderti jiyglettic Riethodj They contain NO eh^mfoal are conditioned their own natural gas. consider the Rates of Interest of Established 1871, £3 0 .0 per Cent Deposit. Any amount may be paid in. 75/Secarity for ; .-'pvery »lt £3 IZ 0 perCent Paid-up Shares. £10. Any number may be taken up at any time. Absolute Security. No Fees or Charges. Assets £1,000,000. £3 15 0 per Cent' £450 per Cent Paid-up Shares, Investment Class B, for sums Sb*ares, 10/> eacn. of £500 and Payable every upwards. lunar month. Easy Withdrawals. Strict Secrecy. INTEREST FRES OF INCOME TAX. Head Office r SILVER STREET, HALIFAX. ' ' ..--' . ;'. ; . , : J. HARGER MITCHELL, Secretary. . Mr. J. H. WHITE, Hill Top Farm, Staaley, Derby, says : " I had a fourshilling packet, and gave it a practical test oo some calves, using it on some and not on others. Those that \ gave Stock Food to "are now WORTH £1 PER HEAD MORE THAN THE OTHERS." HAS THE LARGEST SALE IN THE WORLb. for Horses, Colts, Cattle, Calves, Sheep, Lambs, Pigs and Poultry. Prepared 'front*!, medicinal, powdered Roots, Herbs, Seeds and Barks, to be fed in small amounts as an addition t0 the usual feed. It purifies the blood, "tones up" and permanently strengthens the entire system and greatly aids digestion and assimilation so that each animal obtains-more nutrition item food eaten. It increases the quantity and quality of milk. Produces Healtliy Calves and Promotes Rapid Growth. . INTERNATIONAL POULTRY FOOD fattens quicker and is a wonderful egg producer. /n , -J-l'-SlI- <§ 41.-, Pails (1,250 feeds), l'4\-. ALL CORN-CHANDUERS, STORES, fts. STOCK FOOD CO., 19, ST. BRIDE STREET, LONDON, $j& Jowe.it & Son, New Road; J. Thomas & Son, Hanson Lane: •• * G. M. Hayward, Grocer, SieigSiley ' - ,.:. .,.^-»-. '-S NO REST FROM ECZEMA ... In the West Ei-ding Regimjeoit, ip. Eride lias beieJi Union of Young Worshippers, and primary depart-- - senooi. prizes and wssc literature* In. The Coffee Maid, of Symington's, says i " No Coffee Hke mine, I only use Symington's." Be sure the water is boiling. TKOS. SYMINOTON Sr CO,. Edinburgh ana London. DEARER BOOTS. At an adjourned meetmg of Halifax Boot and Shoe Repairers, on. Monday, it was* decided to make an adyanoe of 6d. per pair on the soling and h&eling1 of boots. This is in consequence of tihe inetreas'ed ooab of leather and other materials, to the war. j ' SANTAL RJIDY. Relieves in 48 hoars derangemente of the Urinary Organs. Superior to Copaiba, Cubebg and Injections, Cures rapidly, leaves no nauseating or bad effects. Ot all Chemists, or post free for 3/6 from & .C©, (Dept, 22), 49, Haymarket, I<on4on, S W. |9<LARKE'S B41 PILLS can be tc XV cure, in either sex, all acquired or , _ .__ piscsarges from the Urinary Organs, Gravel^ and Paina in :;the:back Free from Mercury Established-apwardii ^f ,50'years.1 'In'boxes 4s 6d each', Qf" >[):'Chet&isrts *s<\ Patent Medicine Vendors throughout She WWl4v of se-nlN for, sixty stamps, by tlie makers. The Ivinco-'n and Midland :\Counties, Drug Oompany Lincoln.. '; ' ; ' i^ " If all paimta-sioin Bail, tiheaa .there-' an-e ctJuetr V nxea,ns of getting men to refeaod tlueir oo-Unt^'v,' :^ staid Mr. EOihs G-riffith, Undeor-Secretary of ,: : Ho'ma D0piafrttni'0n(fc, spieaking at on TuesdW niglit. Sales by. Auction. Sales by Private Contract. T. E. AKROYB & CO. MOODY.—NOT, SO, aged 93 years, MerOv Sales • by Private Contract, Sales, by Private Contract.. rae'BHCOTne of Birtlis^ Marriagsej xoA D®»Chs aw 7, Alfred-street, Brighouae. ^ charged as. fid. each prepaid. Exta* insertians la. PINDEiR.—Nov. 27, aged- 60 years Erlm x j»ar day. . 14 Words—Once 6d.; 3 Times I/-; 7 Times 1/9'. 14 Words—Once, 6d.; 3 Times, I/-; 7 Times. 1/9. 14 Words—Once, 6d.;'.3 Times I/-; 7 Times 1/9. ^' M°14 Eacb aotic® eaast fee aneheaiticated fey respoasibl* persose. These Rates do not apply to Trade Notices. Thesa Rates do not apply to Trade Notices. Workpeopie, Assistants CiSerks, &c -__ "In Memoriae" ahd "Acknowledgment" Notices, SUTCLIFFE.— Dec. 1, aged 5 months, T Ss.fid. each, and where verse is introduced four «ra«s ARGfi' ' S~HOP, Mirror, Fixtures, Counters, Swtcliffe, 'Slack-topi Heptonstall. i A SPIN ALL & CO.. make Costumes, Dsess Skirts, ISS~CTjEVONS, Post Office Buildings, has are allowed; ,3d a iiae. beyond. Shelving-, large Copper' Lamp, &c. ; cheap.— •*"* Blo'uaes, Aprons,. Pinafores, and Undercloth WEBSTER.— Nov. 28, aged 54 ye«airs Rv^ vacancies for PUPILS. Tuition in Shorthand B.—Notices of Birbhs, Marriages o<r DeatliB caaaot ' Websrtea-,- 23, Trooper-lane, Halifax ' ' *M ing _of_every_d6soriptioa.--30. Broad-st. (top shop),. Rothera, Market Hall. and Typewriting day and evening. Pupils may aay circnHistances be accepted per WHAflffiBURTON.— Dec. 1, aged" 77 years, Jaj,, , 40 inches wide,, commence any date. Reasonable terms. Type Wharburtorii, Banksfieldfe-terrace, Mythohlirovd Mouses, Shops., Mills , Estates, <&c. ^ 6_d. per ya.rd; 50 inches wide, 10-^d. per yard. writing, Duplicating, : &c,, promptly and efficiently ••- . - . Births, — Aspiiiajl &jgp.JL_30_,JBr0ad-stree't (top shop). done. Telephone 1345. _ 14 Words—Once, 6d,; 3 Times, I/-; 7 Times, 1/9. T ACE "C?U^ATN^s717ni7^7ilir^/6, 3/11J, • Acknowledgments. ACHINISTS Wanted r'7egular~~em.ployment, DOOPER.—At. Yabsley-avenue, Petersham-road, Miamckville, Sydney, N.S.W., Mrs. Cooper late ATKINSON.—The' sister and brothers of fcha J^- 4/6, 4/11, 5/11, 6/11 per pair. 'Oorfaan.Nete good wages.—-Dodd & Co., Portland -streel GEMI-DETACHED RESIDENCE, facing Savile 6gd^pjer^yajd.— Asp_miall_& Co., 3'Q, Broad-street. of Warley-i-oad, Halifax. Oct. llth, a daughter, E'mily Ann Atkinson desire to tender i FFICE BOirWanled, good" writer.— V5 Pia-rk; sptenddd open view and in perfect con 'HILLIPS.-On Nov. 30th, 1914, at The Grange, sincere sympathy for all expressioiis pf gym "A RT SERGE, Green^nd^R^T^S^inches^wrde, Solicitor, Greetlahd. dition ; price £l) 320.-^Clement Lloyd, Architect, and florial tributes senib them during their'; -CSk- Is. yard.—-AspinaH'g.,13_0,_Broad-at. (top shop). Oldbuxy, Atherstone, the wife of J. JH. fillips FFIOE BOY, fresh from school preferred.— bereavement.—139, Bolton. Brow, S<v (nee Dorothea Mary Land, daughter of CoL W. HILD 'S""fRiON""TCOT "TalsoTiPush Ohair^ood John ; Foster and Sons, Boot Factors, Savile 'Park-road, stabling; and Bridge. ' " V4 ^" H.. Land, V.D.) of a son. . oo.ndii'fc.ion.— 17, Mayfield-st., King Cross. ; Carlton-place. . •*••*•'garage, nice .garden; retired situation, ne, BARSTOW.—Mre. Milner., Barstow and fannljry'^ • tgwnj_prioe £2,500.-—Clement IJoyd/George-sq. . • , '. Marriages. sire .to bhanfc alll relatives. iand friendla ior o«m! Musical Instruments, • <&c. -a- 1 Wanted for : an indefinite period, BOY or ILLS, Sheds, Warehouses and Works in vari dolencea and fianaJ. tribuites sent during •jj)™,, BKOADBENT—TOWN.—On Dec. 2nd, at Sowerby GIRL, age 13 to 16 yea-rs, for the office..—Apply ous parts of the Borough.—Apply Clement 0. Bridge Baptist Church, by the Rev. F. H. 1 reoeat bereavement.—27. Norfolk-mount, H'ili 14 Words—Once, 6d,"; 3 Times, I/-; 7 Times, ,1/9. personally, Central Stores, Monday, Dec._7, 7 30. Lloyd,_ Impei-ial Chambers. _ __ :1> LOCK ~"''~ fax.. ', : .. •'.' / .•...,•'.•'"•.' //, /-:"" Cunliffe, A.T.S., Harold, eldest son of, Mr. and ,"O ESPECTABLE PERSON Wanted' for washing Mrs. Harry Broadbent, 'Myrtle House. Sowerby I'JMLDING.—M.r. Walker Fielding begs,; to •*-*y and cleaning. 1—Apiply Courier Office. cost £1000; price £490; net rental over £50. Bridge bo Ethel, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. lall relatives, friendsy and neighbors ior/kiu,,. JL*/ Red hanks, Is. Cannot repeat.— John Stod- Clement Lloydi, Imperial Ghiambers, George-square. RESPECTABLE YOUTH Wanted for hotel Levi Town, Myrtle-terrace, Sowerby Bridge, land 'sympathy shown; also for beautifui fl^| dart's, Broad-street. JLsy work.—Write D50., Courier Office. . /^ ENTR A'LLlT Sitii^te'ff:''d^bTe-lro'nted~SHOP, tokens .sent ill his recent .bereayement.—!" OHNSTONE—AKROYD.-Deo. 3rd, at Holywedl "SMART 'YOUTH,..: for briass finisher's .cutting .Green Congregational Church, by the, Ifcev. W. Month : f2~Chair Suites \J wifch first class upper rooms for ehow or wa<relane, ffom £4 10s.-—Kershaw and •Wilkinsbn,,'- Niew housing; capital position. Price £1,900.— Cl«m©nt ^-3 macihine, one acousitomed to" the job pred'erred; Johns-tone, Thornbury, Gloucester, and Rev. J. J;OHNYS.—Mr. and' Mrs. Johnys and •Bomid-street, Halifax. // : ; '" : -: Lloyd, George-square. . :. : good wajgeis.—Brass Oo., West, Viale. •__. G. MeKenzie, M.A., B.D., Holywell Green,, >fao thaak all friendfe '-for 'fclie many ec.^__„ IANOFORTES, f* ASEliiE^t^dUlRiAl!NS.'--Ladies . are invited "OUrLDING SITES from 500 yards upwards, Robert Andrew, son of the late'Rev., William MART 1 GlRL Wanted; .a little experience piesympathy and; fior.a-1 tributes /seat, during^ '- . .':' recent bereavement.---8, "7"-~;!:'"'-;>-—-'-•• •'.•"• \~~t- to look round our Curtain Department. Fents -M in all parts of the Borough, for Mills, Sheds „ ferred.—Lipton, Ltd., Halifax./ ., ,'__' ; Jdhnstone and Mrs. Johnstone, Tinsley, Sheffield, of Casement and Odd Lace Curtains at half -price. Warehouses, Residences, &c., from 1/6 per yard. .to Nellie, daughter of Mr. and Mrs, J. Akroyd, Pleasing .Design, Perfect in Construction, TR/ONG'BOY Wanted at once.- -Apply Heron, KENYON.—The family/ of: the late: Any kind' of casements made to order. • Bargains -^Clement\.Lloyd,._ Architect, Imperial Chambers. and of Charming tone. Holywell Green, Halifax. ; King Cross Game. Stores. . . . . of the Star Inn,'Elland, beg to thank all __ in Curtain Net, Sham/ Blinding, and <5as«ment m HE "RESlD"E^CE,"~Ta"tely~ lSown~':aF~'rThe TRONG LAD Wanted for wool warehouse, age 'lOKLES—DAVIDSON.—On Sept. 9th, at the , 'for kind expressions of aympaMiv shown to tfi^ Trimmings.—John Stoddart's Curtain Warehouse, -^ Gleddings,'' Savile Park, together with the We shall /be pleased to examine your Old Piano Presbyteoan Ohurch, West Olive, New Zealand', 'about 16;—Berwick, Deal-street.,___ • ______ Broad'-sbree>t. ' " : ; v •• ; '••'' ornamental grounds, stabling etc.— Further par diutung bheii- recent sadl bereavemient, ai<3 , and allow : you full value in part paymeoit for by the Rev, F. Tucker, Lawrence- Pioklesy those wihp forwiaarded florial ifaributea on the ITUATION Wanted! in office or warehotiserby ticulars _Clement Lloyd. Architect,/ George-square. , low price; aS second son of Mr. and Mrs. John Pickles, "' ~~'~ • a New Piano, or Player-Piano. .'_.',/..'" of the funeral;'.. . . -' .-'. './ .';'"//// active man., -during war or permanent.—Write descent Pendants, complete "•.•3s. each. Aspley House, Bury,, to Miss Margaret Davidaon, eanraCourier Office, PIOKFORD.—Mr. and /Mrs. Pickford wish ;to .Highley, /Pellon-lane. ... . '•.,.'/ , : : .,, . ./ ;• ; ,; ; , •:-,,.' road, Savile Park-road, Rocks Promenade, •Special attention .is given to tuning and repairing daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. John DavidHORTHAND, Handwriting, • Typewriting, Book press their sincere thanks to all friends " rpHE REASON WHY-The quality of materials, Skircoat Green, Greenroyd, West End.,. Ovenden, eon, of Olive. by competent, experienced workmen from keeping PUPILS. Proficdenoy Guaranteed. kind sympathy and floriar tributes in " ' •*; the superior workmanship, and the reasonable Shibden, LightclifEe, Queensbury, :Harrogate, IlkSMITH—ROBEiRTSHAW.-^Oct. 1st, 1914, at St. Fees Moderate. Students .assisted to Situations. sad bereaTement.—25. , bur own factory. /Tunings by contract from price are the magteets that bring customers back Luke's Ohurch, Toowoombai 'Queensland, by the Prospectus free from Jennings & Co., Southgate fax. ; / here when requiring Harden Srnppks and Mill '..;;'• 10s, pat annum. ; .'./•// ODERN :SHEp; for sale, ;Baiifax, Rev. Canon Oakley. Hubert John, youmgest son Chambers, Halifax. Est. 26 years. (Over 2,000 Skirts— Mafsiband : Bros;, Queeh's-road (opp6sit-e -117|t., •..."•with- power; ampl© water supply if of the late W. J. Smith, Toronto' Ho'Ufie, Oleve- WHE[ELWMGHT.---Mri :F pupils have been individually trained.) •/__ Board Sohool).' V : : • ; •. ' : • ;• ; ;, \ '.'•'. • r equ-ir ed—• Q! em^nt Lloyd, Arohrbgiot,; George-squiare famiily diesire to^*e(nder thek .sincere;. don, Somerset, to Dorothy, youngest daughter TRONG LAD, 14-16, Wanted, used to Grocery ' , • all;kind .friends,.and relatives for .the lOR ^MAS.-Tricycles, Motor OarB,. .TMPORTAN of Alfred Robeintsihaw, Trindiby Roydi, Halifax. ~ ON trade.-^Write / E44, Courier Office. . ; c^ndaLeiice and the beautiful' floral -*- Engiaes,: ; &c. See our; "Window '''ftjid com street, Halifax,, over 5:0/feet.:..window frontage/ MART BOY Wanted at once.—Apply Saxone CARTER—LiUMB.—Nov. 30, at S*. Mary's. tlienl in their recent isad' pare pirices, size and qu^ty of ;Toj: Garriagea. Possession April next.: : Priee £6,000.—Ctement PRINCESS Sihiaw 'Farm, .__ .^Shoe Co., Ltd,-, '37,:;Qfown-street. / .// • •" Vacuum," " Vacuum," The Good ^Housekeeper Lloyd,yArchiteot, ; GeoEge-square.:. '•' -.. ."';' ':., : ; . : /•'.'. r :/ Church, Elkndl,. Mar. Joseph Carter, to Mrs. : •/..;. 'HALIFAX. S~~iEART' BQY wariited ; for office,-r-Apply' own (19/6), equal to on© at 5 guineas.—Woodhead and Martha Jane Lumb, bath of Elland. '"SALE., ^'SEMI-DETA.CHED/'RESIDEN'OB, In. Memoriasn^ hrandlwiriting to Rhodes, Rawlin'g and Shaw, CLAPHAM—COCKGROFT.—Nov. 29, at OEtestCo., 10, Bull Green. ;: .,Niaoing /Saviie Pairk, in best position a,nd per Square-rpad. ,••••• • ; : ' ' '/'". ' ' • •'/ wopd Oorugregationial Church, Mr. W. Clapham, .TNOANDESOENT PENDANTS,^ 'Mill .Lights,: fect order; price £l,32Q.-JOlemen* Lloyd, Archi. —'In a£f ectioniate remembiranco of a PIANO, splendid condition • £51 Todnaorden, to Miss Laura Cockorof*, Walsden. YOUNG MAN Wanted as ^Labourer -*•_ &o. .Largest "variety, low-e^t price in tect,_Geprgej-sqUiare. » ... • - : ' '•• -^ v; who died Dec, 6tfc, 19l2;-iA when: - new. — Write S50,. ,CourigrOfBce. : . Hightey, ' ''' for brass foundry; also Youth, a'bbut 15, to CR10WTSER—BOTTOMLiEY.—Nov, 28; at Hali -. lovei from his daughters, 21^ , fax Parish Ohuroh, Mr. MaHinson_ Orpwtherj for i sale, a bargain,' Pohl-man Upright, learn brasa finishing and one for brass moulding; Halifax. .-'. ;• • ••/. ... '. ; /'•/';:/' UY YOUlR, XM AS "FEUITS from tram; roitte.;. net rental £45.-n-DeyJ /SoIioi'tor.. epinninig overlooker,. Greetlandi, to Miss Rebeceia good condition, eight gain>eias.—Apply . Courier. good openings.—Johnson,, Pellon-lane. Currants 3|d. per Ib. Finest Currants 4d. Ib. EMMENS.—In ever loving" memory of\ ..SALOSv RESIDENCE, wTStllftrge /garden, .%/fAGNIFICENTv 45 Guinea Botbomleiy, Salterihebble. ' MART ERRAND BOY Wanted at once.Sultanas, -6&.: ', and! 7d. per Ib. Lemon Peel, 5d. -|T\)'N; sister /EditL, wtho died Dec. Sird. 1913.; fLEDHILL—KTERSHAW.—Nov, 28, at Bethel -*-^ sou;fch asp-eot, :fin© lofty! rooms, .garage, etc., J-°4-:new last: August, ,25s. Music Stool-included, Apply , Hi G. King, Commercial-street. ^_ and 6d. Ib. Large Nutmegs, 5 for Id. Lion Sayife Piairk-road. Proc 6 £1,1 00. ---Clement: Lloyd, United Methodist Churdb, Brighousei Mr. The golden igjates were 'openedy: // Baking Powder,1 86zs, for ,'3£dV Brown Si^ga-r, Architect,/ SMART, Educated YOUTH as A,pprentice7 Will George-square; ' ; // , : ' / : / : : / /•Wilfred Gfledhill, to ; Miss- Sanah Emma Kersihaw, , A gentle voice said "Cbnxe," 3d. lib. Finest Castor Sugar, 3|d. Ib. Fine Danish :QE:QOND-HAND Londfori-mad> PIANOFORTE, be thorouglily taught his trade.—Irvine Hindle,, And with' faJrewells unspoken,; . both of Rasbrick. • • - . , S, Sou'thga.te: .' TbI. -'8.32.. > .•• '. . '•-•'•;• HOUSMAN—MABSLAND.—Nov. Butter, 1/3^ Ib. Best Pure; Lard, 7d. Ib. Large j^OR; 'SALE, by priviate^SMA.Et? HOLDING, ^ in v-eiry good conditib.n; only £10-10s. qashj 28, at HaJifax /-/: ' She. calmly entered/ honie;-•••''••'• /;;/'; ^ Bottles of Non-Alcoholic Wines, 8|d. Buy from -&- AsJigrqve1 : F_arm, Barjcisland;/ iKvomy house, inistailtilents airrajigiedi^Hihd, WaterJhouse-Sbreeifa. '• ,• Wanted; Parisih 'Ghiurcifo, .Mr. John.! Joseph Houaman,' fur us and save('money. •••• ^ ; . , .:•'.. ; i. good farm buildings, :3,i acres iandV pleasant situa 'TUPRIGHT Iron Gria-nd PIANOFORTE, art •[A token of love firom her sisters, acciis'tbmeci ^ to tool worrk ; ; . also Hammer Men nace be'nitea% to Miss 'Mabeil .Marsiandi,/ both of tion, / within/ one, v rnileof -Ripponden Statioh.^STOERY'S, ; 250; : GIBBET-ST., HALIFAX, Rih odes, 13, '''' " ; to pneumatic chipping hammer.— T. H. Halifax.... .. '• . :•' ''•''- / •/ .. ••'••'. •- / Mrs. Ohelsea, London. ' H^ELS, :TROTTERS. ; Fresh cooked Pickles and Sons, Iron Foundry, Mythplriiroyd. LO'CKWOOD—WRIGHT.—Nov. 28, a* St. Mark's (UOTTAGES, /for £11001; ':"•$>&?': 12- per : eewb.^ *:_ daily. Best Dripping^ .and^Neatsfoot Oil.... etc.; .-^n. loving iaemorjr of our' dear ClhuTch, Elland, Mr. Alfred Lockwood, to Mi'33 rpWO. or ;three BOYS .Wanted., for rivet "heating, ', :Saxoh-sii3ree't,: '' deliyered : any where. — Farrar Bros., Trip© Wbrksi Edith/ Ernmens, who piassed away Deoi Edith Hanriet Wrigh*, both of EMand. ./•/. 'vj^ f ull-time— Luinby •;• :Son & Wood, Ld,:, Gi'eetland . ..:. ..... .. . .-. .. .. Hebden BridgTelephone '85. , • 1913 ; .also our dear mqtther, who feE a^leen : iy/, private : treatry, 'six '-Scullery: Allison P,iano, thbrbughly renovated^ cash £6 ':., lOs. '".'TI.WiQ'- or /th^:lJIRLS V Waited, Mi-time.— S: MrUIJCEY—SOHOLFIELD.—-Nov. 28, at St. Patul's 10th, 1912.; : , '•:,. ' '/: '/ /;'-';/ . : :/ •^.• : : HOUSES, /N;osv:.2 sto ;i;2j /lyy^streetv Savile P-ark Hartley/Piano, .thbrpughly/ren^atedi :cash:£8" / ECOND-HAND FT^RNITJJRE; BedrooW Suite Cihurcth. Cross Stone, • Tcidmorden, Corpl. Saiauel /A /Claytpn -^Cd.^Beetib. Hill 'Mills. :::.//: ',^. and through: Dwel|ingho.Use,'' N^. 9; X^apton-plaoe. £4 17s.; 6d.; Handsome •Maihoga/ny Sideboard, Afeahiam Mulley, R.I.F., Dubilan/, to Miss Emily .":'•• Her. chieeorful smile^ 'and frien^/ " Iron: Fr-ato^ Piano, : perfect VcQMition,'Oash^£l3,:10s.: Wante-d, / also Winder and £f lOs;; ; W'^1™^ SidBboard; ^6; 15i^.; ; W;a^lhut . /Are pleasant to recall;/ / : . Soholneld, - Millwood. / . ./ . ," 'Thaliberg/ Overstrun'g, pe-rfeot: coiidi1^ion>:? oash ' £190 fie^lei]t';~QT-1ajmby Bros., Holywell. Green. Chair Suite; r£4 15s.; 'another, £ 6 los.; Cabinet, mO ." SEIL,/HUSErNo. .fe; : 'ARK—WHITELEY.—Dec. 2- /at. /St. /Mary's ; , Siho bad a kindly wotrd fbrAiettdhi, Many;/.btheKs/m-: stpck/ /Ih&talmewte arrangedV : ' £4 4s.}: Chesterfield ; Couches,'';Easy ;(%airs,; Tables,, ••f-- Skircoat ' Gvreen, -: -i/rajii ,: ternrin/usr' ^eontains ett- ' FETTLERS for;' iron i foundfry, / - /?; ^And died beloved by adl. '-.' • './ '• Ohuroh, iEIa.!^, Mr. Frederick Park, Trowbridge, : .:.;-:. Cairpets: aiid Rugsii O^ak (^mbihatistiin>B^d'stea;ds rtraoicJei passage, iront and /back roonis', ' 'scullery, .3 i'rSagar & Co.,= 'IM . . iWilitshire," to 'Missi Clara Jane .Whatefey, ..Elland. '— ", Gone,- biib not .fiorgoiten,''-— (new), 19s.; others from 10/6.—Spehcef's . Furhi- bedTobmsi bath-room, good wash cellars ;.• garden :PRAjCTICAL -i PICOOj'FJS^MAM'HALiL.—Dec.: 2,. ;at ;,St./ Bard's -ft ANO/ /• MAKER, ANTED immediately gopd CASTING and ' from, hei brother andl /sistfcer; Annii© tuare Stores, 188, Pellpn-Jane. .'• - ^' ' ,'•• ' ; ;••' ; : x; ;.••-::: back .i and front, ' '/•t'rice. Ohtirch, Cross' Stonb, Todmbrden, Mr, James A. BOILER FITTERS.—Apply Lumby,/ Sbhi ' £310::^W. .&. ;R. Ribhard' ' Woolwioh.. '/.. /:; . ;.../-, / .-/: . picM.es,, Birpadstone, to Miss :Sarah H. Marshalil, g^d/ Wood. /Ltd.,. :Greetland;/ • :./:.::.::.:•. '-.' . -. /: '• OLDING CARD ^TABLES, 3s? 3d., 4s. 9d., ;;—In .loving Mifilw'obd. '/•' .'",• '- / ..•,;•/:• "/.":•:/.- -''..--•' '.•-//'•'/, . 6s. ^Biasket Chairs,."'5s. 3d. to 24s.-^H'anson, ' ' ANTED./; g>bod TWINER, /xme / with~Piecers ATIjE.DG.EI—HOYLE.--NOV. 2,S, at Halifax Edith JSmrnieiis, who passed Nest-lane, cpmpTiisin.g; \2i:'-'ctottage*?,';. -"stable^ out'. /preferired,-— goy^le, Yjctoria Mills, , Brighouse. Srd, 19l3.—" Those who loved her best"' Parish ChuroB, Mr./EH Ratledge, cloibh,/fuller,: to EGOND^HASCD ^Wahrut SIDEBOAARD, £3,15s. buildingis,/aiid over I7,OOO, sq_. ydis.: ibuilclling larid-v-^ .''^A..^ tokepi of love fpona liouisa, ;5, Miss: A/nin Eliiziabeth Hoyfo,,, botih of; Sowerby '' Drawing-room "Suite, £9. r yT^vo Chairs in Apiply ,. Lewis- ;,-!.: , Dey, •- Splicitbr, Brearley, :"Jamesistr^eet/Mill, Ellaiid. ,. / ' Halifax. "' Bridge.: / •' /• / ' •'/ :-.. -•"'.- ,-•. -,- : -•'-,".-.- • • .-••.•". .•••':•. " : • 14r Words—One©, 6d. ; ^; 7 Tiniest: 1/9. Moquette, £1.—Hanson, ' Southgate. ' -/-•'•:• ,^ '~ ANTED as :sup;ply^ oapable1 BAKER, mal© or RiUBiE^-BOTTOMLEY.—Dec. I/; at RobmBeld BiROO'KE.—-In . -lovinjg naemorjr . Businesses. female. —$''.'-• jBodgson, , '.Confectioher;; Baptdat; .ChuroE,' Pte: William Herman Ruhe, 6th Hpldfeworth Brooke; whp; died Deb; Oak/ ditto,/ 2ls.;: Wool Mattress, 12s. 6dV-Hopwood4an«.: //../', j./''V .////-•/••;/•• \// ../'/' C50, Battalion ;Lancasihire; Fusiliens', to Miss Edith May ' ' e; meeit Hanson, Southgate,,'//-/; __;j___ Bjoibtomiiey, Totdmoardte'ri. • / . : -. ; /ll7"OOLIvEN FETTLERS :, & WEAVERS Wanted , , ALM,- STANDS, -,-4s.-v 3d:.,/, 5s./lid., STYAN—MAUDE,.—Nov'./aS, at: Hialifax Parish ; : Ouir ALIFAX—Wanted <to .'pur.bhae'e, three or fouo- v/y/T/ --Apply/ .R.awr'pyd :Mill: ;Cb., : Holywell jfe-ther, wihoia , we c[ispo®al.;;; feame'.Kands many , Coal /Boxes, 6s.-3d. to; 35s/; Copper ;Eerb, Cthiirch, Mr. John* Wjl^ra^-1 Sutclifie Styan, /; .''/... .Has only/ gone before. 'Small, DWELLINGHOUSES, ;'Gbttages.— .MULE/ :SPIN:NERS.; -Wanted /for ' '' 4s, 6d.—-Han'Spn, Southgate. // /""•. ;••_,/./ : :'•/••• ; /"•,.'•• labourer., /to.; Miss /Nellie; Maude, both: of /Lee 'From hie wife ajad night,; ;«r day /-vvbrk,': afao" Pieceneia— Apply :Mo>unt.:/ .. '••••'". '• ./ '•' : '.-,: -/ - ; /' . -; ••'/' '/ ; /e for 50, 2/10i:for 25^ .Watson./Mills,- Sowerby; Bridge. . .///:. ; CHICEENS-M-DUCKS/ Ranted,//any SUDDICK—HORNE.—Dec. 3, at Halifax Parish . • Ludd/end'en, Foot/ ., . Gold sB -ake <.*i^afevbtes,. 5Q tin 1/2.—Storry's, ehahged. hands • splendid: bpeiimg lor couple.—__'_ ___ !,/Old:.,;Market.-//•-.;/;/;/;. ANTED .. at /-once, "good, : strong aofciye Ohiurch, 'Mr. Williiain Suddick, labourer, Halifax, ,EEOYLE> —In; loving .memory ^pf ]B5rneet . Cash::GrpoB-^, 256, Gibbet-^treel, .Tel. 1027. ,;- •Newell /.and ".- Co., ,': 5Gfcbs$ley-sitre«t.- " • /.: : 'v : •.. 'y: , // v ^ : ' '•'"•• LA^OURERS,ib replace men :oalied up;>tb 'ANTEi),/;, Regular'. or jOccasiipniai; /Wptk,/.:jfar entered. ,'..vpib6..;rest- ;,Deo. : 5th, 1912 /bo Miss Nellie Hornie. Sonoithowram. :' • , -Upwardsr-To -/Sell ' :jV'SK v:THE; 1^!^ :v^ of: our: Blue ther/Army. : Minimum' wiage 6d.. ; per hotix ; / gbod ^AIjSH-f-HlNOlILIFFE.—Nov. loving ratoither, 9, Arundel-streeifc,/ :HaJifiax 30; at S*. Marie's **-.,"•'" jacketsv: his; opinidn of: them—his ppinibii 9d. per^/hotir. : / Railwiay/ farei,:to 'Selby '.dhureh^-.te. Edlwarcl ' WalshV *b^ Mis*/ An.riie ~~J ' IIOUSE,:/4;;or Wbrkmen >ISTE!R.—-Iii loTOnig1 memoirjr ; of -Grtace cb'iints. • /Then: follow 'his advice and; you'll go will :be refunded at -the end 'of 'the /first mbn dr ; 3. reception wife and ooimpanipni of st*aighit to : Marsliand Bros., 194, Queenrs-<rdadi jipply Olympia iQil & .G$ke. /OoV^/Lfcd.:, , '^elb'y. ' ' " "' two: miiles of. ' Bridge 'ind near' , / -rohb; died/ ; Nov: 29lih, They make Blue jackets :feaii; satisfy. -:';:. ..;- : ?-f-; ; niain ::ro:ad, /gbo'd/tu'rnb:verj/easy'^h.gbi^g'; ;:/p^ ;4 • ODGSON^S ,Choice: Value In JEWELLERY, seniK//'bwner;;.,' ovi&r^ 30-:; ye^r®;: . ^/never ./;• cfeunged one -who .has been: abcustom^d to^ such Shiple-y.. • ; ;, ," • d£5'j000 /and i£10,000, /a* 5 per a'ge/ 30 tb:;i 40..-r Apply ":J. Dewhirst ,'and Cb. s Ltd., APPfeEYARD.--<)ii-Deo. /Isfc;'1914,/a* his/resi i/Ne^tleto :Av|ctiotieef ' ' dence, ' 4, Abbptsi-terrace Gibbet-street, Halifax, Solid^^ Signet; ^Riniga, 9ct. HaU-maa-ked, new^ PEAR,SON.~lDt loyiing! memory: of i: :HaMfax. Alisbn' Appleyardi, / the- beloved 'Ihuisband' / of ,-•'• est designs, 10/6 :io;. 19/6;^Special Value^:-; ^:i| ;. ,; Peiarison^/whio /died1 Dec./Isib, 1913 SALE,' •Cartingv Agent ^BUSIMESS ;S YOUTH wanted;/ for .'Aftn: Appjeyard1 ,:- i*i Ks:-^8;l^'ry:©ar./ Inter^ let;—Write B:e&utifuily ; En^r^ved: Stet: r' 'fitall^marfeed Locket Dam, wiilo* ^iedi-JHily lQbh,/l90S" ' - Wni. : Beck, !29,.-:Q1ueen''9-Toad Works : Office,/about 17; yeairs old1 ; t<>-d!a^: s(S^tJur9a^),-LDep; ^thi^tj/St: Mary'sOhuEcin,•• &nd ;L6yely l$ecklet,,g£l: ^3.^6,4;,;"^^^O^bice., T/he? imidtoight stars shine; o'er tih good workeK-^Sim:pson; and' 'Sons, Skircoatrroad NSURANCE'; BOOK /for Cottoia Stones, cortege; ileaying; ,houise; ;at. l.; 30vrq \-•';••'• Of Lovely' 9ot;.;'(3old-Ch/ased^ ;-Curt>- Bjangle;:fengTai,yed those w' " •Works/"/JHalifax.///••/////:.S;\;.: '--y :. ! ./:/. : ;/.vi//:// ./ ••____ .;., doin%,;aJ" Frienids please acoepit; this (th® ,:bnly) -intimatipni' ^.: padlock,;:::£1: ; 15js;•;.;; : Exceptkfeual -.Vakie.: ,•';: •;".-.;••':"•."• Office, ' ''^ifs^~^^-';^^r::ii^'^' boot trade, .TKINSON!.—On'.':;Nov. • ,28"ih. at,, her '+ residence^ Silver English; Lever, alP Britisli^ 'eveary.';mod-OTir : Wheai/we: meet again in th/e1 'better as. / .teiiiporary. 'help.-r-,My:; Bootmakers, improvemenit,'extra, jewelled, £2' 10s. *,<: 'Waiirafitedi 139, Bolton Brow, Sowerby: Bridge, Emily Ann, Gire«n, .Halifax.. /''-///' ^,,>!;;^'/.. /; ;'•;.: •••'.'•'•- /.// From: his loving! wife ' and' family/ aged/37 years, the;eldest and beloved daughter of " ;: 7; ; 'ARCADE ROYALEy : atod 7 • ASSISTANT.. the :lat0 ;:LewliS,/aiidi Grace Atkinson. . ;Initerred': 55, :Wan|ed/fbrJ Halifax.;, ".-—In,. !i^ediion[a^ Steep^ane .Baptist^^ OJlapel, Spvrerby, on WecU XjlOR SALE," Second-hand: /HGXRSE: ROLLER, 14 Words— Oioei, !6d.;;/3/ Times I/- ; 7 Times , n,; M'uirgia'trbyd ^and! ' afternopny.D'ec 2nd.^-Friends please soil iand • broither,^ Jesse .SCbavf,1 ; >wi& ''.; •*-':•<:' weight' 'jaboui lg. tons/f-A-pply ; F. ' . 191Q, , :-, ; : •^;^ [ /;i^:'' this;,(they only}; ihtiinationv ,•'•'•, ;/' ( . : /v ; s :Surv:§ypr, Olifi^n, ,B^i '' / White; Orpingitbit,: PUJtLIBTS, • ;Mifes . .\ E ^G ream ?of /Mfe • v :Barik/ ^JLIOU^^^.O.. ., -Qa-:' N6v. . ; "28th, -1914,,'.;.suddenlj',' RIME EK3MS FED: PORK; Spare iBibi ^tei ;;4h ' ./.( '.26Q ; .egg1; ;eljr:ain;^AI "' ;/: jPicklesi '" 7,. '• Biiit, /Btill/.thein'vaoaiit,; c^arr Waite^ 'the.pearly,:.b;eloysd| hugbarid.-;of :MJarbhia, ^ "Finest, Quality ot Beef. :,• ''Aiiy''"'-.'.'«rei^&^-'dUt.r 'Sbu:febowr.aih.'""'"' "' iBiarr.ett,' "aged;,:: 33; years; / ;Iiater-red at: yjl/ .: Aked^jfeat • Pr.UTTey<yr.,;;- 37, Hansonrleme. ^ , . , ^4. ;":. 'smart >: h YOliNG ; /.MAN •' Wahte.d •/ as , br,ed/;>ibird'^^Mitch;ellj /14, , , •PuEE^HOIJS"E7^iier, ^;and:over lQft; ; of ;£i ' ' •Rake/: Bank; _ ''^:: diesiires' to express/her .sincere'; :/:Drivei-;— Apply,/-1 w'ith' , teltimonialsy -• y Falcon : Tirinrtyj; of love ;the ';;familyv ' " r\\ Wrought :IyQn Piping.--3:60y ^ " from ;" ' .; Laundyy,/.Saltefhebble;':/' y: ;':/:/,----: ---'7..::-i..- •••//: : -/':-/' -v' : :ii;h<£ifil£fc to : ^ ' ALE; 6; ^onths/old^re.; OR SALE {Rdom 1 SFlTE,^Si^boardt Economy ,taifeive& for/ the; Sb^a'utifu'lVflbr,aI/toljens'; and 'the, SMlTH;-~[n loving1' :memory/ of o-pi GEiNERALi/f.amily /^wo, gbbd; wages, and1 Whifce/Legho'rns and/yAnconjas,;. 2/6 :ieach to vTabiey 'Bediroom Suite;; .•kindness .shown : tpvilher in ; /:her/ sudden v,and. sad Satjirday and 'iSuhday ^ Eliza ;:Arm Smilih ; -who .died Dec. /1th, 'clear. ^—Wor5n6p,^'W'i-llQW--t&r;race,/:So-werBy Bridge. .-^*- ^ahd /Yo'iuth for, /General / Draper; y.^J;' " bHj aftei/Orchard'-terrace, ____ ______________ . 'PULLETS, also.200 yMds;g4pd Eenc-. Oark, ; '-Crbwn/streetj /Halifax; /;- // ; / / . . :" /. No friehd on : eaasfch -. like :;ypu inim^ed'iately.:;; ; also; 'capable BAfeSTOW^On; Sunday,- .............. . •ing and a/few.'- Wood Huts.— Apply' iS./, Mobrr< , WELL-MADE : F^RNITtJRE :Nprfolk: Mount, ^ing/Oross-rbad,; Haiifsax, Milner ;, ,';; ; ?When diays a<Pe';<3ia*k'an.d 'fnen . referenoee,. /w ' B;arstoW,:: in /his 73rdJ/ year, /- Jiiiberxed :/.,at : .'.; ,' i / Dear mother, .-hsow- 'we'/.long '^for ' ycitts'^ ';S!/,;:// Offered / for Inspection at/ YOUTH"';Wanted'.to vvork in,:;bffic© and.'piece/ ;pellew'ell,; Woodlands,, -- -, u -.--,_ yptahg :ipnea,/ suitable Birbhcliffe Oeirie'tery. Hebden^^Bridge, on:Wednes room; good nppenahg.^-Address^'W;:,W>;' Suncter,^ A/tbkeii:vo| io^ frbm'.h;er/j[ov^ •Christmas or stock-,^Webster; Forest-view; day: -afternoon, :Dec. 2ndi: • // ; /^: /• // -/'' : land), disengaiefed; ;/Wia;shj' bake;, ;cpok.;-—72;. / G/flda> /,-;Eccles-.-•:>../// ':/';'/••"/•*.;/••('.///•'-v'';"/;: /:-//; CJAW.—Nov^ v28-th; 1914. /at^" Greenrpyd©,^ Hest . ; : >.-^ 'ti Ve'; :Stock j':' Premieir ^ Spindle1 /iand- :'Flyer- :Cp. ::Weil-ilane, Wan*ed .to/'live/in .^)a, ^ Halifax.^ .in,', he'r •; 71st .''year ' • ••.' In;teirred. iaifc' StG444, ;.CQurier;. : ' '/^V/- :^ r v^/;: ±^& ^ ' P aril's /Churchy.aird1, Halif ax<' On T' --0^ce, : 6d. ;/ i ' 1/9. ;room/STJiTE, covered^ in rich plain velye't. A 14 ' ' iroa-y^ first-class ; job; 'Only £13 • 18s. ;:6d. .Also Hansbn-lane.' required.-^ . Eagtendangr : Dining TablB, /. >y iiirh ; two :/lo.qse "; leaves, ^Vf.<e;w;:.nic;e'^^ ; Gape'Town, South/ Africa,':Clara,v eldest ^daughter W^.nted;-^Apply Courier : Office; • A token of j?e!m.enabra,nQe vfroni/;h.r ^ ' £3 5s.—West Riding Furn%hing /Co.; V -.o'f" William Frederick Fleming, brush, maniufacPear-etr©et, ::HjalifaxJ /:: ;/^ ,;'•'•.-" / •-••-: /^ : Wanted lTto" look f ;)SfoH;h,g!ate; '' " PAIRED ALE after "©Idjerly/singl^ man;1 live, :put ; references HCAPELKliBPER/: Wanted/ for IStaffold: Square; INJCLiBRi-r-rtln-;. Jbviiig ap|enddd o guard.,-tApply ,Courier/CliBc;e. GREENWOOD.—On .'Nov.:. 3Qth,, 'a4 126; Burniey- ;.Jack:' --- Wfrflfe- -B50, :- :;,/Westey,an/Chapelji /Salterhebblev :/ / ]Pari : time required. ' Polished Chippendafo' Tinkler;, /-v^ -.—_,. -..._,_,.... .__.._. Ctoufier/OfSee. ,. ..^,_ road; Lu^dehdeh ;,Fppt, .Sarah Greenwood,/ in her OE'/SALiE;:' ^and/^Airedafe-/DOGv PUP,;-..five '^ ';stating : sialary^ reqijiredj/ /.to :Bedif-om ; StJITE, with .beautifully /Housemaid 4th, /1913,..;a^d;/ " '' / ';76itb ye>ar;, InterTed on". Thursday, Deo. ;3rd, -mbnthsv—Appl^/H.:.Town;/Hipperholme;: i/ ; ' /rn / Ro-be : :a;n(d Dyes^iiig / iC^est; ,/and high Waitresses. '•^ General Seryants;'--Mrs. / Batley ••; ,The , thr€iad!/o!p v:Jif e^; 1914,; /at : the /Wesleyaff -Church;/: Luddehden. tilled back Wash®tand ; • aJs'd^ JUphoisd}efed::®haifes to '(opp/psite ^Palace) : •; : :/: Egtablished 1868 ;:;' -;, -—Friendfe'.,'kindly,:v . : :/./ : We/ mb.rtaJs cjan,nipt: fell ; accept/ this intimation. / /No Only -^l^-Ws.; /FTill^siae^JVPo^' L,. Sbijt'thpwnamf weekly '/aad; <3b;mnais!siOn ; pe:riiaaiient;^-G, ; :0tir dear pie passed^ beyond ifa'e:::v / flbwers by,•request. ./-.•" i. ,-•/ ; ' , /: - /,. ' ,/;.; /, ? Furnishing . Courier- Office. ; -' / "Eire/" we1 '" cbuld/ ^y /;faieVsreil;: '/ HARDY.—-On Bee. 2nd, 1914, at^ /Dbfnoasterylnand A ibriburte of fcve/f roin his/la/fcher a^; 'i nrntiary^'/«f^4umoma, Driver- Bernard HJardy, I'C'a'Idet-avenUei :^:: iBridgg. Listi vOf /diities/ i tipnal : Halifax. : ^: ' •' '.'•';/ - '•. :;^-/ : OLID -\¥ALNTIT: Tlpyal Field . Artillery,; ,|3ie',;. .belbved '.,.."hu^-. b / band;.'of, /Mary Ann//Hairdy,:/agiedi ; .33; /years. WITHAM.—-In - ever' iov-ing •'•: toeinc^^ol ^ing befctep to be; b}ad. ( Only, £8 • 8s. -6d. ^/s '••'-' Cortege,: ieiayes idiis^ hou'Sie..at /Two o'clock to-day Wibham, who died -= -at aji: applicati©ns /must: be sent • iiot/later ' Dittci, ;£3/10a • ' /Solid 0>ak ;Bookc^se anfl: l DINE-::AT- //// '^. /;;,; -/... // (Satttrdiay).^—30; Moprfieid^^-street.,, Halifax.' ,.;/-•;. :Dec.?4thi/ 1.913.— ':' R^st: Bureau., / ohlyi. £4 :^ iJs.r^ylesi^/Ridiing : Furnishing" Wife and family. :/ ; /,/ •//.v^/://./. '•¥>: ESTAU RANT. : / - v • Co., ,' 46, & .4 '' ' ' ' ' , /;-:;/---/'"; /;JIk-'-//';-;,-:-;; ••.".-..-/,;///-"• ,. •'•' Saltijriiebble,. Mary ,Jan-e, the deai'ly beloved wafe ORTIi.-^!!!, ./loving miemory :.p'f regular; w;ork/^A-p"ply.\;iU^iQh;/:Mills ^Cofctbit /.Gnir/Rpbm/ and iCafe.; ..:•". ,; /;.:•'' ,-Efiima : Wortihi;:.^3j6'.'.<3 ' , of/AnthonyyidSiairtiey^'-:aged] ; 6:3,:;years'.^ ^Interred iTCTULL-SIZE 'SplidT v^alnu^'SIDEB'OARi),; ' Cb. ,.'"; Hblrnfield ; 'Mills : 4 4 , / Salisbur '' ,'/ pfc''' ' ' y? dear father, John on .Fridayj'.E)'|c,: 4th;, at, liiater-lanie Gfemetery.—CHURCH-STREET. BLACKPOOI, Bacon; PIGySQW/in : pig, :aiid>!6.;fow-mohiths-. piace> ,**•':' Jairge i<>vjal:nli^poT/back, richly: carved) ^and, well ' . Firiends i kiridlyr iaecept this ; (the only). iritiihation. ma*de. : Only ;£8vl>6s, /Smalleir/sizes in ;^?tock from i>ld; PORKERS.—Turkey; Lod.g'e, ' :<3r;ag!/^alev/ /; V . , must. £3 18s.' :-6d. :,, WJe: give; iihe best yalu^ in /the/ddsHOD'GSON.-^-Ott Nov./ 22rid> . 19l4 i //at , -'21, E/(^iNING; ^OR'SE-ICEEP^NG^On'e'/Powerlif ax. 'trict -for these .goods:. — W;e'9t ,:Ridin;gr-Furnishing Co., .. HAY;CEfQPPER,:,by ^Richmond/^;Cfeandfe;; ;r Oalle. Tons'::yJGallarzo, S&n/ Ahdre'ss, Barcelpna, ; Telep;hon© 'No.-' : 989 46 :_& 48v:Northgat:e;: Halifax.^ •. ' / : './:""' '-;'*/ - ;/*0 '' Corn/ Grinder and Kibbler,' by/Barfbrd ;:& "Perkirig ; ,lp XPERIENCED ' OVERLOOKER /; Wafited^/for •( Spain,. Clifford, oniy• so*n, of';Stansfield/and. Aiibe :-^f: ;piain^ a'ndldobby : looms ; : s]ffite experieno^:;: good Hodigson (formerly pfi'/Hailifax). in his. 29th year'.; Car, rubbei*.'tyrefi,.su:i'l< i^p/ifo.'lS haildis; 'wages .for tiapable . mA;,— Moyton and;/ / Holcroft, TRONG, 'Servioaple: Se*tee: •SUITE, ,cbVe*ed ; in Governess. ' ' ' •. /—-Frjiends please .accepib this/.(the.only) intkaatioh.^ OOMPLETB ' .PtTNERAL ..55; best quality mbquette. ^ Our price £8 18s, 6d. Light Siagl«/B'r;ough!am.—Apply. 2,^'Lteiur&l- Bank. HODGSON.—'On'. Nov, /30th,;:;l91.4, /at.. the^resi: •-;• / .BE.LL/.HALLV Ditbo in «a.r.riage repp,/ £J ': 18si 6d: /^eil-mad'e . reciruifedV/piie'used OANS; to^: any ^amount v on , ProinisoTy Note, Lift ,. dence of, his dauglhter,' 9, St. Bevan's-rpad,, Sltirf Motors, . ; Cyc!es,,/^c.;. 93. to;/cellar'.," and, hotel r^ routine;— Write ; ESO,Gouch Suite, coveired in good quality .velvet, .only .Eplicies^ ; Jieversions, i (fee.;'; Lowest /Interest; strictes coat Green, Hialifax, Joseph; the beloved hitteband Coiiri-er; 0ffioe. •/• // ,-;/ •:''..•..'••• '. ''/. ;/ :•••;.,..• ;/ - .'•' ^ '/" ' .;•;;:'• priyaijy; honoiU'rable . ti-fiathieD't,.—:J.;. BENTLEy/ (sup £5 1.9s.. ::6d.-'We9t Riding Furmishing. Co. , ;46. 'and Times^ I/- { ;7- Times, 1/9; of 'the laite Elizabeifah Hodgson, in. his 85th y-ear. J; : 'A.ihley),, Z, Cenio-ai-street /HaHfaxI - '' 48, NoT-tihgiate,; Halifax. .;.;; v, ' • /:v/i / ,14 Words ^iftST'-eLAS'S : FlTTER '" wai^tted ; for /machine/-interred.', /on/ Thu-rsday,. Dec.. 3rdir at Hoilyv^elll Misceilaiieoiisv if-:, .tool's, . as : working : foreman ; ' H;alif ax //district ;: ' .Green Congregational-/Ghuroh' ,it's; Coming!: -/,: : .^ 'used'/to .latest designs ,of 'lathes ;. gobd opening to : *A./Boiri::CHEISTMAB,! *-' Al-e: y,olvprepared ? . 'D'on't leave .everything lo:t'he las :SCHOOLMASTER (S%anci •*-* comprising nia/saive Wasrdrobe with two large .rig;hli^^.-:-W^t€^o:!c^^ ^iiomelit. Attend i>6w.,: We^ the.B.'F: Cp'.i'the.li'anious'iFin- HQLDSW;ORTH.— Oii ,Dec/ 3rd, 19l4 f 'suddenlyi will „ OTOR E'P A; I.R:S:v oyial mirroxs, Dressinig Chest with large centre arid 'at. : 49, ; 'Wheatley-road, Wheatley, ':- Albert A. aneiers,'are:.ready foryo'u. /HaX'6 you seen our/Free Pros -O^ObT^ffEIR^ , and /Co.,; Hiqu.ir.e/'25,____ eid© reflex mirrors. High tiled back Wasl^stand wi<?h ' pBcttis, ?'•/ It is esiseiitial that you should. . No 'rn.atter wha ... /Holdswbr-th,/ in 'has 72nd year. . .Interment on attached • towei rails, also three Upholstered'-OJi'airs _ other firms:are advertising, bur terms fire the- .best, ,£5 t STROLOGY—ReMable writeen —— Monday; Dec. 7th, ,,a4 IJlingworfch Moor Wesleyan ;£a;,0(J(*Lenti Privately. /• / ',.,:. ; -'-. ;;.:/:/;•;' •-•'• s •': •to,.toatoh./! O'ur.' price only i615 ; "i 5s. p'a^h.—West .^ .-•• /; . ' •'•;., ' ALBERT /FARNELL' ' ,' '// . '_ ' '/ , , 'Future/,events,/ Marriage/ Partner Chapel,// cortegi© leaving^ , ^the house at Two £o,; Loan f-s. nipnthty." . •'. £100 L.oa:n £4 monthly... / . rnpulding,^ ^alsb Appi\e'iitic^/to.Bra^ ;Fiiiishihg. . ,-, • £^0 Riding Furnishing Co., 46. & :48; ;Northg'ate, Hx6' diocfk.—^Frien'ds/',please ; accept /this, (theu only) Changes,, Journeys;' Mphey; prpspeifei/, = - £1 ; • : £500 • • ^^O ;' : / .possesses the. Finest Plant ..and exc'eptipnal —Edward ''/Foster a-nd Son,: /Ltd;;- ./'Central-;';: Brass B.ank days. Fprtuiuate, s<iasbh§, Business sUcoess; Notes sent by; post. Existing Loahs. paid out. -This is facilities for the Repair of any//make ot 1CJIGH,CLASS /Solid -' Oak.: Ch«5terfiekl^ 'j Works'^ .Vyooisho.pa,/ ; , , '•/'./; - /.'•"••/.v •///' :,'.:.':;, '.'•: ; •/•/•/ -a'-b'pn'a flde. ETigtish concern, not 'a linaited company. // tion,: etc.—Send birth date, ;ls./P.Q., "" On Nov ,28th t 1914, Jeremiah,/the velope:'—-Madame Car, .quickly, . efficiently,' and at reasonable '•*-,-«. with drop -end 'Settee,, two .Divan''- Eaisy, Marion,;/ l.l;2', ''" '^"^O^Ol^p^llEELER/S "arid : Twimfl'^ieGeSv'Ilsb ./•/ British l( inanc© O6.,'S^, Market-st.i Manchester., : /rates.'//:/ ';.•'., .-.'" /•' /, .,/•/ /'/^ ", •'/ . ;. '/••.."' '-•':, beloved' husband of Sarah Ann Ho war th. aged 50 .and four SmaiL Chairs, ...all! . upholstered in good ^J^ Man Wanted: for wa rehouse/ ..tq'^lpok;; after; ..--. £3 aiid upwards advaiioed to ' al .years, /: Iiiberred on Tuesday, Dec. //1st,/ axi ___ quality velvet. / Only '£13 13s. Also yeiry gopd .steaming. —Apply VE;. /Whiteley /and Bbns,/Hpll ings . respectable hoiise'hb'jclieis.vyoirking men, trades 'ATg, \:Mice,'. Jlyl^s^^BSetites g ' Illiiigworth Ohua'ch.-^-Friends please /.accept,, this Overmaartel to macch. Ocoasional Tabl4, • 14/6 Mills, Soyye/rby/ Bridge.; \ •'•'; //,;--;^j : •.-'"• ' / /.- :'- •: ;/ ''•/••-:•,;/. 'men, / sbopkd'jpei-s, farm ers,. and ; all - pertsons • worthy o . ./(the (only) .intirna'tibn. HARillSON'S "RELIABLE'?:: RA ' . -';,/.• -:-••'"' and 10/6.— West Riding Furnishing Co. , 46 .and' ;<sre>diit, with o.r. /lyiithon.t. sureties: / Call ' OT -write;!' in/ cenfi ;, Gatss; iarid /Dogis^ -vnirupt touch,it. ::W( ahted: 'it'^DtsOFT/ ROLLER i -48, : 'Northg.ate,. Halifax, /.. •/ / :;•':'/"•/: V dence to S, ; LEVI at .37, ' North parade. Halifax. . and 'all accessories^ PINDER.—^On'Dec. ,4, 1914, at;his residehce^ 14, and 'ieaVe'-'. ho smell, i Pric.es, 6d.',ls^: 2a.: '" " ^e , Mills./ 3./Ma.rtin-Sitreet//,: : ^T- /Johi HoldswoEi;h/&. ;Cb., Sfeaw . Mayfield-terrace,. Halifax, Ernest, third .son?' of Ss. Sd.; postage^ 2d: •/G. W/Kliar>i^; OLID OAK; BEDROOM SUITE;/ compri^g Bradfbrd;;/ ALIFAX /INDUSTRIAL SOCIETY,' TO-',dB5,Oflb' ADVANCED by, Private Lende Aid.; and -Mrs. .Ezra Pinde.r,; in his . 4 3rd-/'year. Reading..;Sofe Agent for' Halifax,: J. ;E.- .; Wardrobe ' wkh • good /centre ;mirror, Full-size . _ . on/Simple pTO-aaissory Note. No pills o ;^Wanted; /YO'CJTH, /aged:: 15 /y\eafs, / :-Farnell, /Bradford. Intei'meint ,pn Tuesday1, Dec. :'8th, at Coley Church, Gbemist, /&9, Northgaie • lor <JiieensbTiEyV: Diressiag Table and Wasihstand, compljeite wii?h ': /Fruit " Dept.,; • Quee4,?s-road;/:Bria,nch.—^Apply sals talceii, aijd absolute t>rivacy guaranteed. rFirs •" -cortege /leaving . the : house: -, at . 1.30.—Friends son. Post Office;'" for • Sowerby "''iV Bridge '"" aniager':s ;Office,: ^North-paradej /.Tue:sday, lett.er :bf apRl.ica't.idn^ receives prompt attention,' an. '••" kindly 'accept iihis intimation'.,, •',:,;,-/': oh-aire. Only £91%. ] Solid Oak Bestead/to intending borrowera, are /waited upoii by a reoresenita '8. pvhi... .//' match, 3.0s.— Wegfc Riding Furnishing Co., • 4 6 arid _____ who is eiupowered to complete transaqtibn en "OTOR/ For -28th, '1914,^ ', at/ : .8. :38,- NoHngate, Halifax. ; •/- '/ •'; •/"•/" •;/•/- "•; : ;/ • : / :/ / :LTD.-: tive, terms,-" mufcaally arranged, no charge being/made TURNER.—Nov/; spat 6, in splendid/ condition-.-;'. disposal, owing / buildihgs, Oyenden,-Hannah, the beloved wif.e of ^^ stored to its original coldur': by using', antes bus'iness/.actually obmpleted: ./a/ YOUTH,!' a;ge; 17:-yeaTS. to :tabe: fer/^hort-loans:/' •' :;:'•.'-'./• Special ..~ •'" : / /quotation /' ' George .Turn'e.r, in her 42nd1 yeiar Inteir'Stl ERY/FINE Inlaid: Mahogany China CABINET, tb death-^Holden) Acbbuntaiit,;CroW'n-s:t.L:_^el.I15Q4 c'biarge Wanted, SON'S EIAIR COLOUR TRES^RER^ " 'of ^Coal ./Depbit.-and assist 'with, /loading ."at OY PRAMS, 12s. 6.d,, ';l7s.:• r6d.,' \-18s^ 6d., . : Jllinig\v.orth Moor / Wesleyan : Oemetery, on : Mon- a dye, but by natural "means acts :as a Write In conid^nee to^, mly £5 ISs. 6d. ; cost rjeoently £8/10^. One Statib.n.—Apply /Bo'aa-d^ Room, New :/.: . .:• • ' •/./:' 6*. / W-B-L^LS ' ."' . : / • . . ; .. 21s./; jCbild-'s: Toy/Push/Cars, iSsl/'tb; 7s.v 6d',—.: . •.-.'day','. Nov. 3Qbh.—Friends pfeiase accept' thisj (the Contains nothing injurious, : and- is b siz« larger, £7 ISs. • 6d/ Chipp^d-al .Tuesday, /8th inat-, 8_,.p£n. '•:'. OOEBIDOR OHAMBER.S, LEICESTER; ^-. . "only) intimiatip'o.' ."'/.. ., ;'' : . ....'-'; .,. H>8ins6M, :S.outhgate. • ;•• .';;;•/'',•/•/,--. .// ''//.'/^^/./ ^_V_v,;: the growth and beauty of the -flair. -: ^Cabinet, only £7 ISs, 6d. Corner .'Inlaid ALlFAX-.INDUSTRIAL: •SOCIETY,: LTD.— ; 49/6. Inlaid Mahogany "Music > Cabinet £2:10^; i|SrEl^AliSB^L'A~fORS / of. the ; /Highest //-Class, : Dec. ,1st,, 1914,, /aged 6,9 prioe Is. 6d. (postage 3d. extra,). • MJ /-Wanted I WATCH; ^OBBER/r must/ be . .Sa •1850.-'•'•; .;•.'-,..K ;/: •' :: \*.••; ;: : ,//-/ -1372 ,WADSWORTH.--On '*-• Plated //Fittings,'; B.£vll-bearing ; Whe^lsi froiia ' years,; Thomas Wadisworth, Reap. Hurst, Grimsoair G; W. /Harrispn, Hair Specialist, Reading^ thoroughly , practioal /man.;— Apply ./by letter,, .be- S^*~ Sefrorn from 'the Local. English Firm, /•"if . i/i 10s.;' ;i. /Choice '/:selfeC!bixm,:in: .,;Toy^ Peiiambs;— Ipre/ilobn: Foot, Hud'dlersfield/ • Interred a* Birchenciiffe ior .Halifax: J./^. Wormald Cheniis' " Tuesday;,./ 8th inst,,5 enclosing cpipies /of - "£2:10s:, to £500 Lent Daily, on Note-of; Hand,. No bonds Rhodes, 49, Crown-sitreet,' Halifax. •"''/.'•'/-:/:|: -/ : -•:;/:: Church^ Dec. 4th.-^Please accept this (the':only) TMPORTATSfT ' TO ^JOTHERS.----Every /MoiiK^*,: 'two ^eceht :itestimohials,-/endbrse'd; /':' Je^v-eUery.:'^ ,' required: /,/St.ricftlji private. Ver.y reasonable term /intimation.—"Peace, perfect peace.''. -/ -: / . / -"- : valuing health and/ clfeahlinBss f3.n her. jeMl^fl^; PECIALITY-Bbatishape /^/'PRAMS, ;^ ••'{•SSi.'i / 46 & 48, NORTHGATE; HALIFAX. / ;"D^AN.DY-MAN wahted- -to//assist: .meolianic in .arrahiged./lfuLI amount tent. ^JSlo fees, .No'fines. No .delay Harrison's Nursery Pomade. Orr lapphcafcioti Iffif*/ others^ .eqtuaily cheiap.-r-Bedford/ Works, ProBapt atten'tion. Life Policies bought: Hours, 9.3( ' ''' ; 30, - JV»T : worsfced mill:rr- Write :Box /E5O,; ;<3ourier. all Nits and Ineects. B«aufefies and strei ' 1""" Telephone 1316, All Goods Delivered Free. i& 7. (Sa-H or write (in <x;niidenc«) to the eldest firm _ LIGHT OPERA , ..SOCIETY.- . '': .E. H, ; GATTMLL, ;'39, .LISTER-LANE, HX. AINSWORTH.-.Dec, 2, aged/ 81 years, Tiibmas the hair. '.: Rem<>Ye« Scurf and Dandruff,/p? CARRIAGES, exbl-usive. designs.. -«-•*. .Wanted at- onoe,. _ __ OAK! Dinirig-room' SUITE for. -sale, cheap •growth. Price 4|d. and ;9d., "postage ;ld. two 'TALL MEN as ; Supers. : Cowling Aiiisworth,/Stoney-lane, Lig'htoliffe. The "largest makers in the district~-,ahy —Apply to the •Seereitary,. Hi ' Mjagsony 87-, Pellon—Apply Clift'e, ,5, ^Hall-street,. Halifax,. .; ' by Chemis-ts-,—Harrison,..Oheniist,.Reading BARSTOW.—Nov. 29, aged 73 jears, " kinds of ! repairs done ' by comp'eten* Workmen. iahe, or any evening1 at the -Society's Rooms, ..Top on haying Harrison's Ppmade. Agent f or ' Stocks and Shares. Barsitow, Norfollo-mouoat, Halifax. ADIES / J. Ei Wormald, Chemist, 99,; Nofthgate^ "•:.••' '', ."-V* ' *• - • PribeiS and Value cannbt be equalle.3.-r-Wpodh©ad' of Wegfe-parade. ' ' .. ' ' and Co-, 10, Bull Green (bottom King Crbs^st. ).. ANTED, Offers for 26 Shares Richard Whit CARTEiR.—Nov. 30, aged 78 years, Hannah, Bradge-: , W. F. 'M-tirrell,-:' Byburn " Carter. Hollme-te,rrace, M'yitholmroyd. ' '.. . Apprentice' to Fitting-. ^-Malkin :a£ei?. '& S6ns £1O! Preference Sliares. YOU TRIED OUR HARD WEAR LINEN Queenabury: A. Hanspn. Post Offioe.' GOSWIEtLL.—Dee. .1, aged 43 years, Elizabeth : and . Binri-s, Woo/d-wbrking Machinery ; Makers, ; and/'Tools Couraer Office • ; CORSETS, only l/ll_j also very special lines Coil Goiswell, 49, Comme-roial-road, iHaiiflax, . Pyeoin-street, King . Cross. Springs Corsets, only l/9£. We also have a very T IFE Policies aald Reversions purchased; gop< OINER Wan ted,—Apply- J. B. Farrar &:Sons, •JM price given.—J. Noi-nlian Lister, 2la,, Silver HAIGH.—Nov. 25, aged 70 years, Heary Haigh, good line in Llama Holeproof Stockings, I/- pair. Words—Once, 6d.; 3 Time^, I/-; i Times, 1/9. Horn© Farm, Brighoiuse. • .Ltd.,. Wa,die,e;treet. 'Special Lings in Millinery. Velvet Hats from 1/6A, street. "Halifax. HALSTE.AD.—Dec, 1, aged , 65 >ealrs, George KEA& Just a few' "Oilcloth Hearth Lengths left at !,/-. NITTER Wanted for hand machine, or Girl, EAT 3 horse GAS ENGINE, £12 10s.; ^ : Henry Hafoteadi, Victoria-t'eraace, Miil Bank Note Address: E. BYRNES, Milliner & Costumie*, 11J?_29i- t^.learil -r:^Vi;^.e K50. Courier. horse, £6 10g.; 90 Rolls New Belting1,, halfTriangle. . ." • ' 50, St. JarnesVroad (first shop p as b Nbrth-P'ar'ad'o). Lost and Found. BREWERS, HIPPERHOLME. T~ANCASHIRE. &~"YORK:SHlRlB RAILWAY •5, Gill's-oourfc,' HOLDSWORTH.—Nov, 23, :,aged 63 years, James vERCOA/I s, I^KADY-TO^~wlj»rAR "or^~TO OILED 4-^ a-equiro a few t g «od MEN from 20 to 2_5 iHpidsworthi, 1, Odurt No 5, Rastrick. 12 g-uiinaa drop-liead SEWERS,' 86s. ; ALE AND STOUT IN MEASURE at three special price*; 25«., 30a,, years of age> for positions of Reserve Shunters in 14 Words—Once, 6d.; 3 Times, .I/-; 7 Times, 1/9 HOLLIND.RAKE.—Nov. 30, .aged 62 years, ner 35s.—Webst'or, Wharf-street, • Sowerb 85s. Ladies' Great Coa/ts from the same olotha at district.—Apply to Goods, Agent, Shaw 'Syko Chiaries Hollimgdrako, " Bradmoor," Bracken'•-.,'• CONDITldN. _ ___ __ _ _____ OST, GOLD BROOCH, ruby and two smal the sam« orices. During the Wax, w© ar« looking Bridge. Toad, B'rig-hotise. _,-._ ___ _• •___ SBWIATG and" KNITTING j,Station,' Halifax. ^ __ .diamionds. Finder rewarded,—Bond, Pos HOLMES.—Dec. 2, aged 84 yews, ^^ for work to k«ep our workroom employed. Profit .Tl/jf ACJgINISTS"& FITTERS,, used" to high-olass MACHINES, EJ.C ncforne Drop-head Cabn.) 1; does not enter into our' calculations \ in ;.tih« special Office ' IJipilmes^ 49, Babh--plaoe, Woodsid:©, Halifa-x. Printed and Published, by ''Th* Halite value offered. All work, done oh the premises. j Machines by Jones,,; White, .Nev/home, Singers, IVA machine tool and gaa engine work, Wanted T OS'l, Gr«y Felt HAT, W«d'ne6day, 6 p.m., "^"^^ ' -Nov. 28, agedi 59 yeaxs,. Rebecca 1 at once; only firefc-ol'iasa •wodrkmen,—Kyjioch, Ltd. Limited,'^ *t the; Office, , etc, from £6. Repairs oidl feincl,?.— Rhodes, 49, See that your orders keej your townsmen employed .—28, Abbey /Walk, Halifax I«n, EBand. to w-hioh 1 Dep_t.. JE, '" '' " ' rrFrank Roper... ?.f Th«s TaUqr," Nortih-paraj^,, Us.; 14 \$o(rds—Once, 6d.; 3 Times, I/-; 7 Times, 1/9. These Rates do not apply to Trade Notices. E. AKKOYD >LANKETS— We secured a manufacturer's stock of slightly damaged and odd Blankets AUCTIONEERS, VALUERS, & ESTATE AGENTS when they were much cheaper than to-day. We T H E S A L E R O O M S are offering at last winter's pirices; this is an op::v ?u', WATERHO USE-STREET, HALIFAX, portiinity of gettfcia® exceptional! vaflue; all wool liatabhshed 1892.N STOCK. Teleohoae 12f)R TA. Fletoher, 69, Noritbgate. J-^Phene, 1208. NB GUINEA—The best value obtainable in - DOWN QUILTS; nothing'better for serviec; •pure down. 21s.-—A. Fletahier, 69, ¥ ADIES' FURS, Coasts," and Capes, made into •*^ Hats, Necklets, and Muffs, latest style; ^HK SALE ROOM, 23. WATBRHQTJ&E-Sr!. HALIFAX Motor Coats,, re-made and repaired; Cloth Coats lined for.— Mme. Scott,; 35O, Prospect View TUESDAY NEXT. December 8th, 1914, at Two o'clock. Ovendeh. ' for Sate a few CHAIR SUITES from E. AKROYD & CO. are favoured £5 10s.; now's your chance. —Kershaw and with instructions from Mr. William Alfred Proctor and others to SKLL BY AUCTION, as above/a fine assemson^^New Bond-street Halifax.______ T NCANDE SCENT DEALERST&c. -1,500 Opal • ANTIQUE AND UNIQUE ITEMS, -*• Shades, , 1,000 Globes.-Highley, , Pellon-lane. Telephone 134x.~ •-.-• . .; " •'_,'"-' ', "• • Including :— Chippendale and Oak Overmantels, Sheraton Table, Oak Maid Grandfather Clock,: Sheffield Plate, '' Bronzes, Kara Sld^Sn*?' Engravings, Elmwood Arm Ohairs. Oak Tables, Card^abies. Chess Tables (very old), Pottery, Old Silver and Eleetro-Plata, Urns <6c. ••<Sc~"-" •.•--•• • .. Brass Candlesticks, Copper ., . -..'." / ;Oh view rnoarnieg of sate. • •/• N.B.—The sale is entirely without reserve, and 19 per cent of the gro?s proceeds will be given to the Local Belgian "igieiugee Jnind. ..--•... , Entries are invited for this Sal* <& In Bankruptcy, Re A. ETlournor. THUBSDAY NEXT, December 10th, 1914./ : ~ E, AKBOYD & GO. are instructed -ky tne Official Receiver in Bankruptcy, toSELI/Bt ION as above, upon the premises at • -.;•''•' 79, NEW BANK, HALIFAX, • ,": ">HOUSEHOLD FURNISHINGi-S & CATERER'S ; r STOG&-IN-TRADE, : Including "Walnut/Pianoforte by Crane, Suite covered in figured plush, Tables, Ohairs, Curb, Overmantels, Firebrasses, I4noleum, Walnut Washstand, Mahogany Washstand, JWalaufc Dressing Table with .glass affixed, Bjass and Iron Bedstead, Brass and Iron Combination Bedsteads, Bed dings, Bed Linen, &c. Also Portable Oven by Portway and Son, Cepper Boiler, Brass Scales and Weights. Freezer, Crockery ware, Glassware, 4 Refreshment Tables, Wood. Partitions, with seats attached; Baker's Sundries, <&c., &c. Sale to commence at Eleven in the forenoon. : / ./ Oa View ifrom Nine o'clock day of Hale.. BY MESSRS. GARSIBE & WARING. F. A. i., AtrOTIONBERS. VALUERS. AND ; -.. -ESTATE- AGENTS/ '; : ,- - • •'••. - MA1JT," OARLTON-PIjACE, JSALIfAX. Established 1856. Telephone Ne. 227' : PREMMINAKY. ELM ROYDE,"/' WAKEFIELD-ROAD, LIGHTCLlFFE,, AUSIBE-',;& WARING have receive^ . .. instructions iroin the Executors of the late Mrs. Baines : to batalogue and SELL BY AUCTION, at the residence, ,®lm - RoySe, Wakefleld-road, Lightcliffe, on .MONDAY & 'ffUESDAY, December 21st and 22nd, 1914, the well made e v HOUSEHOLD; FURNISHINGS,' GLASS, OH INA; ELECTRO -PLATE,', GARRETS; &b. ' • iPnrther 'particulars in next week's issue, and catalogues, jyhlchare in cjourse of preparation. .••'-.:' •: BY MR, JAJffiES A. BREARLEY. ':; A.:,; BREABLBYy :;.Atiotioneer, 'W Valuer, Estate :Agent,.&,nd Certified Baiiiff: Sales of ;:eyery: description reasonably conducted. Furniture and , ; i •' Jlr'ade Stacks included in weekly sale. 'Phone Sal. ;. sOffleea -and Sale Rooms, 12, Orossley-stree^ Halifai. T • S DAY (SATURDAY ), at Two and Six p.m. prompt" CENTRAL HALL, ELLAND. :: A;.: BKBAB.LM:, Costiy CARPETS, -/Lrnoletuns,-' Qileloths, Rugs, general girapery, Fancy Goods, etc., etc. ;SALB ROOMS, HAilEAX. "'• :,,, JSION3>AY NEST, December 7th, at Two p.m. prompt. BRBAIILEY / -will ; SELL new and secondhand HQtJSEHOLI) S, Piano and ojiier effects, 4 Gramaphones, toii^Orbcki Waltham L«vers, etc:y:etc. .;v g.On -viaw thji day (Saturday) and morning of sale. MESSRS. JSTEAK & SINGLETON;Js3' -Stead), Auctioneers, Hotel -and Tenant Right Valuers Valuations made for Probate Transfer, etc. So\ftert»y Bridge jjjad. Halifax on Saturdays. Tel. IQlg . -:.'• : y >:V- T-^BSOSTKE- NEST FARM, LUDDENDEN FOOT : >~,* -. c• (Near the Friendlylnri), ' s f EA^0; AN!) SINGJLETQN will SELL 'AtrOTION, /for Messr^. ' ; ; Olegg and Ainley, on ' .. .. FARM: STOCK, . , Fine. OATTLE, 2 HORDES* and Part of - .. of a. Large ' . _ "Mow . . ,Enrther particulars nest week and in posters. m. BY M. CHAREES WM. Aactioaeers* Institute by \Exafl3ination), ChapibeiB, Geei-ge--street. H-alifax. .Tel, No. 29x Re John Fletcher.-*[n Bankrufitcy. WATER-LANE, HALIFAX. : : . : has • re- ">x ceiTedSnstructians from W. Durrance, Esc[., the Official ;S8cei*er-in Bankruptcy, Vto SELL BY : AUCTION, on' the iabove premises, OIJL MONO 14th, whole, " '' -' . . AY, ' .^• December • •.•,, -.•.-. •- 1914, ' :- '-'the ••. ' " -• AKERS PLANT, MACHINERY, ^-:- v: AND STOCK OF 1HMBE5E, •-• ~ "/'•• ,: linclud1ngl5in. Panel Plariinig: and Thicltnessing 'Machine, •: -Spiadlo Moulding Machine, Grindstone, Shafting, Pulleys, ;^eltins, Beiichi Block Cart, Hand Ban-dw, Tools, .Deal Desk, ''ami: numerous other Effects." Also. TIMBER, -including ;:»b>ut 2,500 feet of scantlings, 3fin. by fin: ;, . . , ; . ; ; ^ : //iSsil9t6commenqe atTwo o'clack in tHe Afternoon prompt.' ^^Qri view morning of sale. '-."'' •'...'" :-JgY MESSRS^ BAN CRQSSLEY S CRdSLAND . ;GiiostAND, A.A.I. (by exam, henorirs)'., :-!AUOTIONBBRS, VAitUEES, and ESTATE ••••AG'ENJTS, - WARWIOE CHAMBERS. SO ETTHG ATE, Halifax (TelSO Mao at ALBERT-STREET. HEBi>EN BRIDGE (Tel. 45* ,SANQICTGROYD LIVERY STABLES, .HEBDEN BRIDGE P " AN" GBDSSLEY: -v fc.-. V'OEOSLAlSrD • will SELLr:©iT AtJOTION, f©r Mr. Gill Hirst,^ on 1ETJESDAY; 15th.'-December, 1914, at 1.30 p.m.,,:•:Ms : : v" ;'" r -'w' -v;T-:-LIVERY .PLANT:' V ' : -,>.;' '..'."'v^(2 Capital Harness Horses, Carriages, &c.) next week and cards. ' = BYMESSSS. HARSIS0N & iSON AND .VALUBES- : •',,'.' - ; Rooms: NQB.I'WGATE. HALIFAX.; HAEJtlSON'S SAIj! BOOMS, NORTHGATE, Bf3L. v THIS I)AY at Five p.m.' ; :: : :: MONDAY and WEDNESDAY at Two p;m. v • ESSES; HARBISON; &:;SOKS -; win 8E]jL a large Stock'., bt DRAPEKX, Boots /and Shoes, Quilts, Grey Sheets, Bed Ticks, 'Lace Curtains, Men's Shirts, Singlets and Pants, Towels; Corsets, Hosiery, Urntarellas, &e. ' ''.--• ' .. • : . Also on FRIDAY EVENING, at 6.30-p.m ' ' BY MESSRS. HUGO ELLISON & SON DENHOLME LANE FARM, DENHOLME, . HUGO, ELLISDH AND SON voured with instructions froni Mr, Thackray Glaph'am, who is leaving the above Farm, to SELL BY ADOTION, WEDNESDAY, December 9th, 1914, as follows; 21 bead H.orned CATTLE, 6 Ewes, 50 head Poultry, Implements, &c. '. '.'/'. ' .'/// Further particulars see Posters. . : / : CerrimenOkig at One o'clock p.in. './•' . .. USTATB & G-ENEIiAL AUCT1ONBEES & VALTJRM ilACHINBfiY SALES '& VALUATIONS a SPECIAI/fODY "//;:: ; V; / ^ESTABLISHED 1835. • /Offices: 11. Harrisoii-road. Halifax. TeJ. 326. •.--B;:'• -N : E T T.L'BTON, :AuCTibNEER, VALUER, and ESTATE AGENT, :J8,•' RA'WiSiON-STREET, HALIFAX- Telephone 89. - Balesof Real Estate, Machinery, Furniture, :and : : ••;-'/'•;'/'/•'•: Farm.Stocks. .' /-. . ': -:yaluer of Hotels, lor Probate, and Mortgage purposes. ••ESSES. AGKROYB 7 & SONS, aciisafea i Valners ef Hotels, PqbliG-houses, Tenant Eighth ia Land,: Estate Agents, &c., Keig-hley $1]$' Haworih. and at Grand Jrinctien Hotel, Halifax, •ri'. Saturdays 3 txa 5. Telephone 146. Keighley. SCARBOROUGH & SON, SAMS-PEN ADGTIONBEES. HOTBt/. & TENANT EIGHT '""' 'ELLAND * RRTGHOUSE, Lodgings, Etc. Words—Once, 6d.; 3 Times, I/-; 7 Times, 1/9, amd Sittingrioom, or combtned room, by young' lady.-^State, ' terms, N50, ' • etreet, Working , Melt.:'. LODGERS ; Terms moderate.— Apply 114, ' Oak-' ' FurniAsd BEDROOM may be at reaswtnable teo-'ms, penitr.al.—Wj-ite P50, Office; / FITTING-ROOM and). BEDROOM ^ liberty; /N? batih; fcj.; good locality.-"16, Veotnor-terrace, .HOME, good locality Sowerby for two respectable men; bath, piano. -Wri'te N45, Courier Office. ,' ADY has private BED-SITTING ROOM at, liberty, bath, etc.; suit married couple, or young gentlemen, close to oars, two' minutes station,—Write D39, Courier Office. L f ) C P S S S S S S S S " F S W • P H » S E S V S L I J K S B L