Winter 2011 - Mt. Pleasant Animal Shelter


Winter 2011 - Mt. Pleasant Animal Shelter
Volunteer Spotlight
in learning more about our volunteer program?
Please contact Abby Berenbak, MPAS Outreach Coordinator at [email protected] or 973-386-0034.
Want to learn more about how you can foster kittens or puppies? Please contact Adriana at [email protected]
or 973-386-0590, ext. 12.
We are always grateful to each and every one of our volunteers, but each newsletter we like to deliver a special thank
you to some volunteers of note.
Volunteer of Note:
Sister Miriam Cannavale & Lynne Kennedy
Miriam joined us first, soon bringing along Lynne, and the two have become quite the dynamic force helping to ensure
a clean, healthy living environment for our cats. Whenever we need extra hands, Lynne and Miriam are never far
away, coming in bright and early to clean the catteries. They brighten everyone’s day with their contagious smiles and
exuberant passion for all of our feline friends. They are truly a blessing to our animals and our staff.
Jr. Volunteer
Nick Ziegler
Nick hasn’t been here long, but in that time he has made a tremendous effect on our animals. Always eager to help in
any fashion, Nick is a young man willing to get his hands dirty (or get a few paper cuts) to make sure that whatever
needs doing gets done. We are so happy Nick has decided to direct his energy toward us, and we know he will make a
large difference in the lives our homeless animals.
In Memory
Jessica Kale
“You don’t have to take
them to your house, to
make them feel at home...”
A gorgeous, sunny day welcomed more than 800 guests, staff
and volunteers to Lurker Park and Mutts Mania 2011 on Sept. 18.
Northfield Collision was the Title Sponsor of this year’s event.
Acura of Denville and Autosport Honda were Platinum Sponsors.
Also helping to make the event a success were our Gold
Sponsors: The Ristuccia Family, The Bazaar Family,,
and TD Bank. Many others contributed at other levels of support.
We are truly appreciative of the contributions these businesses
and individuals brought to the event. Please visit our website,, to see all our contributors.
Mt. P l e a s a n t A n i m a l S h e l t e r
animal crackers
The Newsletter of Mt. Pleasant Animal Shelter
gives hugs and kisses and the softest
looks. He fancies himself king of the
place. Highly intelligent, Jake has
excelled so far in his training that he
can be told to wait for a treat, be left
for awhile and he won’t take the treat
until his trainer returns and releases
him. He walks and plays with some
of the other dogs and is fantastic
at events. One adoption counselor
considers him an ambassador to the
Attendees enjoyed browsing more than 50 different vendors
and were fortunate to meet our special guests, Maria Milito from
Q104.3 and the NJSPCA. It was an exciting day for pets too,
who got to try the doggie agility classes, compete in the pet
trick contests and enjoy samples of toys and treats. Our Pet
Adoption Expo welcomed rescues and area shelters including St.
Hubert’s and Noah’s Ark that got to showcase the animals they
have available. Two of our lucky pups found forever homes that
Thanks to everyone who came out to enjoy the day!
Jessica Kale
Special Thanks to All of Our Volunteers!
Jake, an absolutely lovable pit mix
Written by Volunteer Paula Ristuccia
For the animals who live at Mt.
Pleasant, time is on their side, but like
the last ones picked for the kickball
team, there’s always a handful who
have been waiting on the sidelines
too long. However, it’s a given that
even the ones who are tough to place
eventually walk out the door to begin
new lives. It is our special wish that
these treasured cats and dogs find a
way to make it home for the holidays.
We are so happy and lucky that
Paul and Linda (not pictured)
Barish have chosen to spend
their evenings and weekends
helping out at the Shelter.
They are always a delight and
never fail to lend a helping
hand (or four).
Paul took one for the team by
participating with Buck in the
kissing contest at this year’s
FOWA event – they won first
Marcy Poquette was one of
dozens of volunteers who helped
make this year’s Mutts Mania
a fantastic success. She and
so many volunteers took a
tremendous amount of time out
of their lives to help plan and run
the event. We couldn’t have had
such a fabulous day without their
Photo from and Michelle Lee
If you have run into Mt. Pleasant
out in the community, chances
are you have met at least one
of three ladies pictured here.
Besides all of their hard work
here in the Shelter, Barbara
Hancock, Diane Tait and Anne
Lynch are always happy to
represent Mt. Pleasant in the
community as well, and we
couldn’t be in better hands.
Next time you run into them, or
any of our volunteers, out in the
community, please make sure to
thank them for all the hard work
they do on behalf our homeless
dogs and cats.
Photos Courtesy of JenFu Cheng
Mt. Pleasant Animal Shelter
194 Route 10 West • East Hanover, NJ 07936 • Phone: 973-386-0590 • Web:
• Kennel Enrichment
• Shelter Partnering
• Community Partnering
• Special Companions
• Home to Home Adoption
• Microchipping
Tuesday & Thursday 12-7
Wednesday & Friday 12-4
Saturday & Sunday 12-5
Closed Mondays and all major
At Mt. Pleasant Animal Shelter, no animal
is ever euthanized for lack of space.
Mt. Pleasant Animal Shelter
is a non-profit animal welfare
organization that is 100%
privately funded.
Our mission is threefold:
• To provide exceptional care
for homeless animals
• To promote spaying/
neutering, microchipping
and humane education
• To place homeless cats and
dogs in permanent, loving
Home for the Holidays: A Wish for Our Long Term Residents
Two of the highlights of the afternoon were the drawing of the
annual Ruff and Fluff 50/50 raffle, which gave more than $7,000
to the winner, and the premiere of our 2012 Pet Photo calendar.
Everyone was excited to see how cute it is. If you missed out,
the calendars are available at the Shelter for $12. They make a
great gift for a pet loving friend, or just for you.
Mt. Pleasant staff and volunteers mourn the loss of Jessica Kale, volunteer and
friend to the Shelter. Jessica was always happy to use her creativity and passion
to ensure a better world for our homeless animals, and so many others. Whether
helping out in the office or selling her art at Mutts Mania, Jessica was a bright
shining star in our day. She will always be a reminder of the healing power of
animals and of the contagious nature of a smile. We will miss her.
Winter 2011
Mt. Pleasant appreciates
your support. Each gift –
no matter the size - makes
a difference in the lives of
our homeless animals. In
accordance with our donor
privacy policy, donor names
will no longer be published in
our newsletters. Mt. Pleasant
does not sell, share, or release
donor information under any
circumstances and will not
publish information without
prior consent.
“Like” us on Facebook.
Mt. Pleasant
Animal Shelter
Follow us on Twitter.
It’s always a big event when someone
signs the adoption papers for one
of our long term pets. Staffers and
volunteers who have come to love
them as their own gather to give
kisses and say good bye. Tears are
shed. Pictures taken. Then everyone
gets back to the work of tending to all
the others. Sponsors who choose to
support the more difficult cases help
with the costs of room and board.
To spotlight a few, let’s start with
Jake, a pit mix who has seen a lot
of other dogs come and go but has
been championed as a favorite of his
caretakers. Jake’s file is decorated
with red hearts and “I Love You”
notes. Those who spend time with
him say he is absolutely loving. He
Sometimes it’s hard to say why
certain cats and dogs linger longer
than others. Juno, a super sweet
tabby, has everyone perplexed as
to why she remains in cattery one.
Friendly and outgoing, she would fit
in with any family. She gets along
well with children and other cats.
Her claim to fame is her role as dog
tester. Though reported to have a
slight heart murmur, it requires no
treatment. Juno is a good natured
kitty who would love to curl up on you
in her new home.
Dawn is another sweet, affectionate
lap cat about whom employees claim
there is no reason she hasn’t been
adopted. Surrendered for financial
reasons, Dawn loves people and
displays lots of spunk and personality.
She is quiet and playful and longs for
a sunny window sill of her own.
If you are looking for a dog in your
life, please consider Pinky, a beagle/
hound mix nearing her first
anniversary. Pinky loves to
zoom around the yard. She
is sure of herself, friendly
and people oriented. Pinky
is a nice, playful dog who
poses sweetly and jumps
up for affection and kisses.
She gets along with dogs
and cats and likes to howl at
While waiting for a family,
Lucy a boxer terrier, benefits
from lots of training. She
learned to walk through the
kennel calmly on a loose
leash. Loyal and smart,
Lucy sits politely. She loves
people and lots of attention
and will roll on her back to show how
warmhearted she is.
Mt. Pleasant Animal Shelter works
hard to place these special cases.
Jake and Lucy celebrated their 15
minutes of fame when featured in
a recent radio appearance. They
reportedly hammed it up and put
on a great show. The staff indulges
long term pets with extra time and
individual care, even bringing them
home for a taste of life outside the
The group in this list can look to
many previous long term residents for
A charming feline named Sammi
found happiness in a real home after
four years in Mt. Pleasant’s west wing.
She was adopted by a volunteer along
with another cat on a special diet and
reportedly loves her new lifestyle.
Bella, an American Staffordshire
Terrier, spent more than a year and
a half here and was growing weary
of shelter life. We are lucky enough
to see updates of her napping on
her pillow in the quiet comfort of her
dream home.
If you have a place at the foot of your
holiday table for one of these precious
pets, come meet them soon and finish
the year with a new beginning.
Bella has a new home and loves to take long naps
on the couch.
Letter From the Director
Mt. Pleasant Animal Shelter’s
For the animals,
Suzanne Roman
Executive Director
Jennifer Gregory
Operations Director
Kathy Gallagher-Leck
Operations Coordinator
Abby Berenbak
Outreach Coordinator
Kristin Flynn
Development Administrator
Gabrielle Scala
Veterinary and Animal Care Technician
Cesar Cruz
Assistant Veterinary Technician
Gina Gailit
Assistant Veterinary Technician
Erin Kuhn
Suzanne Roman
Dear Friends of Mt. Pleasant,
This is the time of year that we reflect on the past year and prepare
for the future. At Mt. Pleasant Animal Shelter, we are thankful for
a banner year. We look back on Mutts Mania 2011, which was our
most successful one ever. We look ahead to Holiday Fair (our yearend fundraiser) and Tribute Tree, when we honor our MPAS family
pets past and present.
We are reminded of the difference we each make when we rescue a dog or cat, care for
it at MPAS and watch it blossom in the homes of our adoptive families. We cry when
our furry friends leave our caring shelter, but we cry tears of joy when we see videos
and pictures of the dogs and cats relaxing and thriving with their loving new families.
Luna is such a joy. She’s settled right
in and learned the rules of the house
within a couple of days. We are amazed
that this eight-year-old cat came to
understand us so rapidly and has given
us such a lot of love and attention. She
was a true find -- thank you so much.
-Ann and Bob B.
Rocky and Flapjack
We are grateful for an energetic, loving and creative staff. Our staff is second to none
in dedication and enthusiasm. After working long hours, our staff members attend
training sessions to hone their professional skills and brainstorm to find new ways to
increase adoptions or to socialize the animals. Our team is a family devoted to finding
the best way to help place our cats and dogs in permanent homes.
Adoption Counselors/
Animal Caregivers:
Rocky and Flapjack (formerly Harley 2)
enjoying the sun on their majestic cat
tower. Life couldn’t get better than this!
Danielle Carpenter
Lead Adoption Counselor
Katherine Izzo
Sarah Mori
Adriana Marcinczyk
Leslie Mink
Danielle Ryerson
Our shelter is blessed to have families like you who are strongly committed and
passionate in your support for Mt. Pleasant Animal Shelter. You make our goals possible
and inspire us every day through your gifts of kindness. We are grateful for your
donations of supplies, food, toys, blankets and gifts of money knowing that in tough
economic times your donations are needed more than ever for us to continue the care
for the increased numbers of abandoned animals who enter our facility. Your continued
generosity allows us to go forward with renewed energy in the year to come.
Night-Shift Caregivers:
On behalf of the Board of Directors, staff and volunteers at Mt. Pleasant Animal Shelter,
we thank you for all you do for us. You are our angels of love. Jax and his shelter
buddies send woofs and meows in agreement.
Marsha Egeth
We wish you a safe and happy holiday season.
Kelly Lustig
President, MPAS Board of Directors
I adopted Henrietta almost two weeks
ago, and she is just the most amazing
cat in the world. She is everything I was
looking for in a cat. She has the cutest
little meow that sounds like a mouse
squeeking so I gave her the middle
name of Mouse... Henrietta Mouse!
-Natasha O.
We are thankful to our volunteers who log countless hours doing everything to assist
our staff in their mission. We could not accomplish our goals without their help. Our
volunteers assist in chores, socializing the cats and dogs, showing them off at outreach
events and assisting at shelter fundraisers. Most of all, they spend time just showing
how much they love each of our adoptable four-legged family members.
Angelica Calle
Abbie Gramatica
I don’t think there is any other dog that
is meant for me as much as Harley is
and vise versa! I get stopped all the
time when we are on walks, and people
tell me what a handsome pup he is and
how good he is.
-Kat L.
Suzanne Roman, Executive Director
Letter From the President
MPAS Staff
-Adam G.
The most convenient method
is to transfer the securities
directly from the donor’s
investment management
custody, or brokerage
account to the Shelter’s
account. This is accomplished
by instructing the person
handling the account to make
a transfer. Suzanne Roman,
the Executive Director would
be happy to provide specific
instructions. Please contact
her at 973-386-0068.
It is also possible to donate a
stock certificate to the Shelter.
The certificate may be given
to the Executive Director at
the Shelter. The certificate
must be registered in the
name of the donor and must
NOT be endorsed on the back.
Instead of endorsing the
certificate, include a separate
signed stock power along
with a letter indicating these
shares are being donated to
Mt. Pleasant Animal Shelter.
The letter should also indicate
that the shares are to be
deposited into the Fidelity
Account (call Suzanne for
the account number) for Mt.
Pleasant Animal Shelter.
The Shelter will furnish the
donor with a letter providing
the valuation of the gift based
on the mean price per share
on the day the shares are
received into the Shelter’s
-Elena C.
The tax ID number of the
Shelter is 237-189-562.
Brandi, a rescue from a hoarding situation,
enjoying life with her new family.
-Jennifer M.
Duke is the former Nino, we adopted
him from Mt. Pleasant Animal Shelter
this summer. He has adjusted well and is
getting along wonderfully with his older
adopted sister. This is a photo of Duke
and Ember taking a break to play in
-Ed W.
*While donations of long
term appreciated securities
normally are tax deductible,
individual circumstances may
vary and we always suggest
consulting your tax advisor.
1. Laundry Detergent
Please come and visit the Shelter during this holiday season and spread the word that
we have many great animals who would love to be “Home for the Holidays.”
2. Kitten Formula
Philip Adelman
Lynn Bailey
Harvey Bazaar
Nicole Lewy Drummond
Melissa Duffner
Carolyn Jandoli
Mary Jane Lenox
Linda Milburn-Pyle
Marcy Poquette
Daniel Schwartz, MD
Abe Van Beveren III, DVM
In 2012, we are looking forward to completing the renovation of our Pet Recovery
Center so that we can ensure all animals receive the best care possible, and we are also
planning staff and volunteer educational and outreach efforts so we can continue to be
a resource for all in need.
Mt. Pleasant Animal Shelter
welcomes and can facilitate
donations* of long term
appreciated securities to the
My girlfriend and I adopted Nikko from
you about a month ago. He is doing
great! We love him so much. Thank you
for giving us the opportunity to adopt
such a fantastic pet!
3. Gas Gift Cards
Joan Beeson
I am also so grateful for the wonderful volunteers and supporters who gave their time
and donations this year to assist us in our efforts to make a difference. Our Shelter in
no way could do what we do without them.
4. Bleach
Henry Ristuccia
5. First Class
Postage Stamps
Valerie Conrad
2nd Vice-President
6. Sponges
Teri Danahey
1st Vice-President
In 2011, Mt. Pleasant opened its doors to homeless animals from
numerous overcrowded NJ Shelters and Animal Control facilities to
save lives when they could not because of finances or overcrowding, and brought the
joy of pet ownership to so many families in our area. When Shelters work together
we can only make NJ stronger in animal welfare advancements, and I look forward to
continued partnerships throughout New Jersey in 2012.
Mt. Pleasant Animal Shelter’s
homeless cats and dogs
unfortunately don’t understand
what it means to be in a recession.
In an effort to increase visitors to
the shelter, and increase holiday
donations, our adoptable animals
created their own version of the
“The Eight Days of Hanukkah”
(December 20-28) and “The Twelve
Days of Christmas” (December 25
through January 5). The animals ask
for your help.
8. Cat Litter Pans
Kelly Lustig
of Appreciated
to the Shelter
Hanukkah And
Christmas Help
7. Pet Store Gift Cards
Board of Directors
In this season of joy and gratitude, I reflect on how very fortunate I
am to be a part of an organization that makes such a difference for
not only homeless animals but for our community as well.
happy tails
Items will be accepted at the shelter
everyday between 10 a.m. - 5 p.m.,
or mailed to: Mt. Pleasant Animal
Shelter, 194 Route 10 West, East
Hanover, NJ 07936.
Mt. Pleasant Animal Shelter will
host their 34th annual Holiday
Fair at the shelter Saturday,
Dec. 3, through Sunday, Dec.
11. Joan Beeson, Mt. Pleasant
supporter and Secretary of the
Board of Directors serves as
chairperson of this extraordinary
shopping extravaganza.
Saturday hours are 9:30 a.m.
to 5 p.m., Sunday from 11 a.m.
to 5 p.m. and the fair will also
be open Tuesday through Friday
during shelter hours of operation.
Thanks to JR Cigar, Greets and
Treats of Livingston, Amiee Lynn
Accessories, and many generous
individuals, the Holiday Fair
features new, donated items of
all kinds at a minimum of 50%
off retail prices!
Merchandise includes a variety
of pet and holiday items, unique
gifts, housewares, toys and
games, books, linens, cosmetics,
jewelry, baby items and a
large selection of accessories
including scarves, ponchos, hats,
gloves, socks and tights. Shop
early and often as new items
are replenished daily. Your
purchases enable the shelter to
care for the homeless cats and
dogs at Mt. Pleasant Animal
Shelter. Shop to save animals,
and shop to save money!
Admission is free. For more
information, please call
The 2012 Mt. Pleasant Animal Shelter Calendar is available
for $12 – they make a great gift this holiday season!