QUICK RELEASE - Bike Santa Barbara County


QUICK RELEASE - Bike Santa Barbara County
Serving Santa Barbara
We’re a countywide advocacy
and resource organization that
promotes bicycling for safe
transportation and recreation.
How to reach us
Santa Barbara Bicycle Coalition
PO Box 92047
Santa Barbara CA 93190-2047
phone 568-3046
email [email protected]
web www.sbbike.org
June 4th meeting
Join us on Tuesday, June 4th for
our general monthly meeting.
Help us celebrate and improve
bicycling during 2002:
Tuesday, 12:00 noon
County Public Works
Conference Room, First Floor
123 East Anapamu Street
Santa Barbara, California
Online email list
We sponsor an online email forum
where you can post and read
messages that pertain to regional
bicycling issues. It’s easy and
free. To subscribe to our general
forum, just send an email message to:
[email protected]
Leave the subject line and body
of the message blank. That’s all!
Join the Coalition
You can help improve bicycling
safety and conditions in Santa
Barbara County by joining others
in our own regional Bicycle Coalition advocacy group. Together
we will continue to make a real
difference. See page 6 for details.
Our video for sale
We’re pleased to offer our own
video “Decide to Ride.” It’s about
a young woman who learns
to bike commute to work. It’s
only $18 (tax and US shipping
included) from us, address above.
A description is available at www.
June 2002
Bike Week brings out ... bicyclists
At first, a girl arrived
by bike. Then a mother came by with her
young son. They were
followed by clusters
coming from different
directions, heading
toward the “Bike to
School Day” banner
and balloons next to
the large bike parking
area at Vieja Valley
School on May 21st.
Eva Inbar was
ready, handing out
reflective stars and
other treats, while
The number of kids bicycling to Vieja Valley School rose by 50% this year over last. Perfect
sunny weather made bicycling a real pleasure for everybody.
greeting the parents
and children. Ralph
Fertig and Wilson Hubbell were there to pass out our new Bicycle Coalition brochures and talk to parents and
teachers as they bicycled in. Coalition member David Madajian biked in with two of his boys.
Last year, there were 97 kids who biked to Vieja Valley school on Bike to School Day. This year, the count
was nearly 150 students! What happened at Vieja Valley was repeated at five other South Coast schools, where
hundreds of kids had the pleasure of bicycling to school. By any measure, the Bicycle Coalition’s Safe Routes to
School program, managed by Dru van Hengel, Ann Lawler and Wilson Hubbell, was a success.
Bike to Work Day was another success, thanks to Erika Lindemann, the site coordinators, and the Bike
Week Committee. Eight sites around the County attracted an estimated 1250 bicyclists in highly visible gatherings. Downtown Santa Barbara again sported our colorful Bike Week flags along State Street.
Our third big venture was a booth at the Children’s Festival in Santa Barbara where we sold helmets to kids
and passed out ID tags, reflective stickers, bumper stickers, and lots of literature. Dru van Hengel was the
guiding force behind the event. Overall, we vigorously succeeded once more in promoting bicycling for all.
Congratulations and thanks to the following people,
companies and organizations that made our Bike Week
an enriching community event:
Albertson’s of Goleta, Aldo’s Restaurant, AllGoode Organics, American Diabetes Society, American Silkscreen, Ann and Mike Lawler, Bicycle Bob’s , Bicycle Connection, Bike Barn, Bit o’ Denmark Restaurant
& Bar, Bob’s trailer, Borders Books and Music, Brandon School, Brian Fahnestock, Brian Halvorson, Cafe
Off Pine Street, CD Coffey, Chaucer & Company Bookstore, Chris King Precision Components, Chumash
Casino, City of Carpinteria, City of Lompoc, City of Santa Barbara, City of Santa Maria, City of Solvang
Recreation, Coastal View News, Coffee and Company, Costco, County of Santa Barbara, Cutting Edge Hair
and Body Salon, Dr. J’s Bicychiatry, Drusilla Van Hengel, Echelon Santa Barbara, Emergen-C, Epiphany
Restaurant, Farmer Boy Restaurant, Food for the Family, Foothill School, Fox Hollow Coffee, Francis
Gilliand, Fred Langeman, Gary Atkins, Gary Wissman, Gina’s Pizza & Pasteria, Goleta Valley Athletic Club,
Goleta Valley Cycling Club, Guayaki Yerba Maté, Hazard’s CycleSport, Isla Vista Bike Boutique, Isla Vista
Food Cooperative, Jack’s Famous Bagels, James Wagner, Java Hut, Kaffee Hus, KBKO, KEYT-1250, KJEE
92.9, KRUZ, KSBL, KSPE, KTYD 99.9, Lynn Mathes, Main Street Cycles, Marborg Industries, Marian Medical Center, Megan Miley Graphic
Design, Montecito YMCA, Mountain View School, Pacific Travellers Supply, Pascucci, Pedal Power, PTA Safety Committee, Ralph Fertig,
Rick Fulmer, Roosevelt School, Santa Barbara Baking Company, Santa Barbara BMX, Santa Barbara City College, Santa Barbara County
Health EMS, Santa Barbara Downtown Organization, Santa Barbara Independent, Santa Barbara Inn, Santa Barbara Maritime Museum,
Santa Barbara Mountain Bike Trail Volunteers, Santa Barbara Museum of Art, Santa Barbara Natural of History Museum, Santa Barbara
News-Press, Santa Barbara Zoological Gardens, Santa Maria Sun, Santa Ynez Valley News, South Coast Railroad Museum, South Side Coffee
Company, Starbucks Coffee, Stratford Coffee House & Cafe, The Family Services Agency, The Gas Company, The Lompoc Record, Tracey
Strobel, Trader Joe’s, Traffic Solutions, UCSB 93106 Newspaper, UCSB Bookstore, UCSB Faculty Club, UCSB Transportation Alternatives,
UCSB UCen Catering, Valley Voice, VeloPro Cyclery, Vieja Valley School, Wilson Hubbell, Woodstock Pizza, and www.unicycle.com.
Word from the President
Mirror, mirror on the bike?
Seems like
there is always more
that people
feel is essential for safe
upon a time
we rode
Wilson Hubbell, President.
mirrors or
helmets—sometimes without shoes—and did
not think much about it. Riding around the
neighborhood and hanging out with friends….
Helmets, mirrors, footwear? Naaaah.
Times have changed and we don’t just ride
around the neighborhood anymore. We go farther, faster and mingle with way more traffic
than ever existed at the end of that cul-de-sac
long ago. We also have a safety consciousness
that makes most of us chose to wear helmets
(and shoes….).
So, what about mirrors? Well…., none of
us would drive a car in traffic without one—it
isn’t safe and it isn’t lawful—but many of us
routinely ride our bikes in traffic without a
mirror. Some time ago I began using a rearview
mirror while bicycling, and now I think it’s as
important as a helmet. You see, a helmet will
save your head in a crash but a rearview mirror
can help prevent one from happening in the
first place.
The League of American Bicyclists makes a
big deal about learning how to turn your head
and look toward the rear so you can see what
is behind you when you ride. This is an important skill to have, but a rearview mirror allows
you to look behind with only subtle head
movements—so you end up monitoring what
is going on to your rear much more frequently
than you would otherwise. Maybe the League
should encourage mirror use and teach people
how to look to the rear.
A mirror also allows you to safely move
out into the roadway to avoid road debris,
car doors and other obstacles without having
to turn your head to see what is behind you.
This is a real benefit in an urban environment
where there are plenty of obstacles and adjacent traffic that needs to be considered—and
not much time or opportunity to turn your
head from what is in front of you toward what
is behind you.
The mirror I use now is one of those tiny
ones that mounts on the inside of my glasses.
It’s very effective and very inconspicuous.
What you may use is up to you, but I recommend that you get a mirror and use it regularly. After awhile you won’t bike without it!
Coalition delivers Cachuma petition
In an attempt to gain support for more bike
Park would allow people using wheelchairs,
facilities in the area of Lake Cachuma, the
skates, bicycles, and their own feet to explore
Bicycle Coalition crafted
the area. Creating an
a petition and gathered
unpaved loop around
names of 216 supporters
the entire Lake would
in a few days. It was sent
enable fit hikers, mounto the US Bureau of Rectain bikers, and equeslamation, the lead agency
trians to make an entire
currently considering
circuit. All trails should
changes in recreational
be limited to non-motoropportunities in the Lake
ized use.”
Cachuma area. Copies of
At this point, things
the petition were sent
are in the hands of the
with explanatory letBureau of Reclamation.
ters to Jennifer Briggs,
They are preparing
Lake Cachuma is tucked in rugged hills,
director of County Parks,
draft documents, a
but new bike trails are possible.
and Lois Capps, our repResource Management
resentative to Congress.
Plan and an Environmental Impact Statement.
People signed the petition to “ask that the Those two draft documents will be issued later
United States Bureau of Reclamation seriously this year for further public comment. Afterconsider increasing trails in the Lake Cachuma wards, final decisions will be made in midarea. Extending a paved trail for a few miles
2003. We’ll keep you posted.
in both directions from Lake Cachuma County
Quick Release • June 2002 • Page 2
Upcoming bike
meetings & events
June 1-2, BMX State Qualifiers, sponsored
by Valley BMX. Two days of qualifiers at the
Buellton BMX track. Details from Mike Swezea
at 964-9205.
June 1, Vandenberg Grand Prix, and June
2, Senior State Road Race Championships,
both sponsored by Team Tailwinds. $9000
in prizes will be awarded. Preregistration is
required for these races at Vandenberg AFB.
Details at www.nakedpage.com/teamtailwinds/pages/
June 4, General Meeting. Meeting at noon,
first Tuesday of the month, County Public
Works conference room, 123 East Anapamu
Street, First Floor, Santa Barbara. Phone president Wilson Hubbell, 568-3046 or email him at
[email protected].
June 21-23, Bike Trek for Life and Breath,
sponsored by the American Lung Association of California. Ride all three days or just
on Saturday, June 22nd. Pedal at your own
pace on quiet roads in the Santa Ynez Valley.
Choose rides each day of 20, 30, or 50 miles
and camp at night. Frequent support stops,
fantastic food, and nightly entertainment.
Phone 963-1426 or email [email protected].
Bicycle Coalition
election on July 2
Nominations were made on May 7 for the Bicycle Coalitions’ nine positions on the Board
of Directors: four officers and five others who
serve on the Board. Bicycle Coalition members
are eligible for voting either in person at our
regular July 2 meeting or by mailing in the
ballot below to the Coalition (PO Box 92047,
Santa Barbara, CA 93190). Copies of the ballot
will be available at the meeting. Vision statements by candidates are available on our web
site www.sbbike.org.
Vote for one person for each of the following offices:
Vice President
❑ Wilson Hubbell
❑ Ralph Fertig
❑ ____________ ❑ ____________
❑ Gary Wissman
❑ Sandra Wintermoss
❑ ____________
❑ ____________
Choose five of the following for Board of Directors:
❑ Dru van Hengel ❑ Pierre Delong
❑ Erika Lindemann
❑ Mike Hecker
❑ Chuck Anderson
❑ Drew Hunter
❑ ____________
❑ ____________
Other bike week events Meet the Buddha on a bike … and love him
dedication: “It [SBBC] is like having our own
personal bicycle lobby.”
Ken Yamamoto came to Santa Barbara 21
Ken expressed fatalism about the way
years ago to attend massage school and recent“humans
are like a virus destroying the host
ly finished marriage family therapist training.
organism,” the earth.
He has been a vegan
“We are an evolutionfor 23 years, comary mistake because
posts, has a vegetable
we are not in balance
garden, recycles, and
with our ecosystem.”
uses greywater.
He fears we are
Ken’s house is
headed for extincfilled with skylights.
tion, an ecological
One corner is filled
collapse, or a nuclear
with drums and the
Bicyclists were attracted to the Isla Vista Food
Co-op for their Bicycle Day.
I asked him why
On May 22, the Cathedral Oaks Athletic Club in
he bothers living
Goleta held its first Bike Day. Manager Charhis life as simply as
and masks.
lotte Valentine encouraged club members to
possible. Ken spoke
Ken reports that he
bicycle by offering bicycle valet parking, enof living life in balergy drinks, raffle prizes and a bag of goodies first became interestance and seeking the
ed in the Santa BarKen Yamamoto uses his bike to shop at the
for every cyclist. Fifty members bicycled out
Buddhist concept of
Santa Barbara Farmers’ Market, filling his bags
of the usual 300 or so who normally visit the
full of fruit and vegetables.
“right livelihood” in
after Jim Hopperstad
club on a weekday.
a world of ignorance,
In Isla Vista on May 25, manager Marcelino
him about the dedication of the key players in
Sepulveda organized an IV Food Cooperative
Ken seems frustrated by the pervasive adour group. Ken expressed amazement over this
Bicycle Day. The Bicycle Coalition was there
diction to the automobile. He told me of a
with our booth, giving away maps, T-shirts,
person he met recently who said that she liked
bumper stickers, and Coalition brochures. The
doing ecological things “as long as it did not
Co-op had raffle prizes and food for bicyclists.
effect her quality of life.”
In contrast, Ken clusters errands to minimize
car trips. He likes bicycles because they proAt our May 7th general meeting, mobility
vide an efficient combination of alternative
coordinator Dru van Hengel commented that transportation and healthy exercise, as well as
Echelon Santa Barbara’s “Smog-Free Critea “request for proposal” RFP would be coming being recreational and environmental. He also
rium” in Goleta May 19 attracted 260 cyclists. out soon for Santa Barbara’s Bikestation, and
is concerned about cyclists who use unsafe road
Indeed, it was a sunny, smog-free day as
that the Bicycle Coalition might consider rehabits. He recently took the League of American
sponding to it.
Bicyclists’ BikeEd training and got feedback
The Bikestation is included in plans for the that he is a natural teacher. Given Ken’s dediupcoming Granada Garage parking structure on cation to the subject of safe cycling, I think
Anacapa street. It’s located next to the Coffee we are all fortunate to have him in our midst.
Cat, with chairs and tables on an outdoor connecting patio. Just what would be involved in
managing the facility remains to be seen. But
it could be a prime opportunity to promote
bicycling further.
by Jamey Wagner
260 racers in Goleta
Can the Coalition run
the Bikestation?
Bikelanes to become
parking for 18 months
The City of Santa Barbara is constructing the
“Granada Garage” parking structure behind the
The 18-19 year-old men line up before Echelon
Granada Theater starting this summer. To comSanta Barbara’s criterium race.
pensate for the lost parking spaces during conpromised. The big news, according to Echelon’s struction, the City created extra spaces here
president Bryan Krouse, was that Cody
and there. Existing bikelanes will be replaced
O’Reilly won both the junior state road race in with parallel parking for three blocks on AnaSisquoc and criterium in Goleta for the 13-14
pamu Street near the Courthouse. When the
age group! Cody is the son of Olympic cyclist
new Garage is completed in 2003, the streets
Rory O’Reilly, Echelon’s Junior Team coach.
will revert to their present conditions.
Quick Release • June 2002 • Page 3
Gaviota trails cleared
Mountain bike race
a great success
On May 5th, the second Firestone Brewing
Company Cross Country Mountain Bike Race
took place. Race producer Mike Hecker reported that nearly 400 racers participated
this year, up from 330 last year. And 50 kids
showed up for the children’s races. Hecker also
invited the Bicycle Coalition to host our booth
there, and we accepted.
Trail volunteers gather at Gaviota State Park for
morning instructions.
by Chuck Anderson
On Saturday, May 18th a veritable army of 100
cyclists, hikers and horse riders gathered at
Gaviota State Park for the spring 2002 installment of King Trail Daze. This was the first time
the King Trail Daze visited Gaviota State Park,
and it was a great success. Volunteer crews
cleared brush and reestablished tread on the
Beach to Backcountry, Woodland, Tunnel View
and Ortega trails. The trails are in beautiful
shape so get our there and enjoy!
Now in their seventh year, the King Trail
Daze events have become the hallmark of volunteer trail maintenance events. Twice a year
the events bring together 100 to 180 volunteers from every walk of the trail community.
Working side by side, mountain bikers, hikers
and equestrians put aside their trivial differences and join in a common effort to preserve
the trails we all use and love.
The start of one of the many races at Firestone
meadow near Los Olivos.
Thanks to Mike and Ann Lawler, Drew Hunter, and Michael Kwan for staffing our booth.
They passed out literature and gathered names
on our two petitions, one for Lake Cachuma
trails, and the other for Gaviota Coastal Trail.
“What a great event,” commented Ann
Lawler. “Beautiful weather, good food, wonderful music all day long! We heard from a lot of
folks who said the course itself was great. We
spoke with a lot of folks about the Santa Barbara Bicycle Coalition, gathered signatures for
the Cachuma trail petition and the petition for
the Coast trail from Ellwood to Gaviota. Many
thanked the Coalition for being there and organizing the petitions.” Lawler summed it up,
“Don’t miss this fun event next year!”
Active members
For Santa Barbara
County Bike Maps,
info on ridesharing
and van pools, just
call: 963-SAVE.
Quick Release • June 2002 • Page 4
We greatly appreciate business membership
of MarBorg Industries and Oasis Design in
Santa Barbara, Rincon Cycles in Carpinteria,
and Lightning Cycle Dynamics in Lompoc.
Please support these businesses.
We’re pleased to welcome new Bicycle
Coalition member Michael Nichols of Santa
Barbara. And we’re grateful to the following
who renewed their memberships: Annemarie
Horner, Carl Beehler, Ken Yamamoto, Dennis & Patricia Forster, Tom Towle, David
& Christine Bourgeous, Mary Byrd & John
Fisher, Michael Takahara, Kathy Blake, Kelley Roberts, and Cheryl Everett.
88 Magazine is out
The first edition of a new
active lifestyle publication called 88
Magazine is
available. The
owner-publisher Brett
has done an
job in collecting 88 activities that visitors and residents alike can enjoy
in the Santa Barbara and Santa Ynez areas.
Brett generously offered the Bicycle Coalition a
free half-page ad, which Ralph Fertig created.
And it’s right in the magazine center when
you flip it open. Right next to “Biking” and
“Mountain Biking” descriptions. Our ad says
the following:
Come ride with us
You’ll find some of the finest year-round
bicycling in the country, both on-road and
off-road, in Santa Barbara County. And we’re
proud to say that a lot of it is because of our
efforts to make it better and safer.
Get the map
The best guide to bicycling is the free Santa
Barbara County Bike Map. Phone 805-9637283 for your copy. It has on-road bicycling
routes throughout the County, plus signed
bike routes in the Santa Barbara area.
Check the web
The best web resource is the Santa Barbara
Bicycle Coalition’s web site www.sbbike.org,
especially the section “Bike Santa Barbara
County” where you’ll find:
• Bike clubs that you can join for rides
• Bike shops for bikes, repairs, accessories and info
• Bike rentals by the hour, day or week
• Bike accessories, shops for those
extras that we need
• Bike books, for on-road and off-road
Bike rides. On our site, you’ll also find a
group of bike rides in the Santa Barbara
area. They range from easy 5-mile rides to a
26-mile tour of the South Coast. They were
created to introduce you to a wide variety
of neighborhoods, features, and destinations in our area. We hope you’ll enjoy every
minute of them!
88 Magazine is free at numerous locations,
just look for it. Our thanks to Ellingsberg for
his publication that increases the visibility of
bicycling in our county.
May meeting topics
Anderson and Orr attend IMBA Summit
Here’s a brief agenda report about what was
discussed at our May 2002 general meeting:
•Nominations were made for Coalition officers
and board members. It was decided to hold
the election in July to allow for mailed ballots to arrive.
•Jamie Goldstein reported on the Isla Vista
Workshops; an important meeting on transportation will take place in July.
•Our Earth Day area was a fine success, but
maybe two locations would be better next
•Petitions for new trails at Lake Cachuma and
the Gaviota Coast will be sent in after additional names are solicited.
•Mike Hecker reported that participation in
his Firestone Cross Country Races increased,
and that racers welcomed our petitions.
•Chuck Anderson reported that Senator
Boxer’s wilderness bill will not limit local
mountain biking, but will in the Sierras.
•Bike Week 2002 activities are lined up and
ready to roll.
•Victor Garza described the changes in parking that will be made during construction of
the City’s Granada Garage.
•The Bicycle Coalition wrote to County Supervisor Gray asking for shoulders on Purisima
Road near Lompoc.
•Our four new bumper stickers have arrived.
•The Coalition will write a welcoming letter
to Tom Roberts, UCSB’s new transportation
•The Santa Barbara Car Free program has
published flyers aimed at tourists to promote
non-motorized and low-pollution transportation around the South Coast.
•Eight bicycle shops have responded to requests to offer discounts to Bicycle Coalition
by Chuck Anderson
shared their experiences and success stories
Chuck Anderson and Chris Orr of the Santa
from dealing with the issue in Santa Barbara.
Barbara Mountain Bike Trail Volunteers joined A working group laid the foundation for
170 other mountain bike advocates from
IMBA’s strategies to help land managers and
around the globe for
IMBA clubs provide
the International
technical riding opMountain Bicycling
portunities while
Association’s 2002
preserving trails and
Mountain Bike Advoensuring the safety
cacy Summit in Moab,
of all trail users.
April 18-21.
Important IMBA
The unprecedented
agreements that
event featured four
resulted from the
days of strategic
summit include: A
planning, networkmemorandum of
ing, information
understanding to
Chuck Anderson chats with a Moab bike advocate
exchange and riding.
promote cooperation
at dinnertime at the IMBA Summit.
Participants included
with the Rivers, Trails
nearly all of IMBA’s state and international
and Conservation Assistance branch of the
reps, key federal land managers from the NaNational Park Service. A renewed partnership
tional Park Service, US Forest Service, BLM and with the BLM that will remain in force until
Army Corps of Engineers, journalists, key IMBA 2007; BLM leaders attended the Summit to
sponsors, and leaders of other cycling and con- gather feedback to develop the agency’s new
servation groups. Summit topics covered the
mountain bike strategy. A formal partnership
spectrum from fundraising and political lobby- between IMBA and the UK Forestry Commising to youth programs and Wilderness issues.
sion that focuses on improving UK mountain
One of the Summit’s hottest topics was
bike opportunities. A partnership between
downhill riding. Chuck moderated the confer- the Army Corps of Engineers and IMBA that
ence session discussing the issue, and Chris
will encourage new trail development on Corps
was a member of the session’s panel. They
Bike kids say goodbye
Ads in “Quick Release”
Quick Release accepts small advertisements.
Circulation is over 400 people. Ads are business card size, 3.5” wide x 2.0” high. Cost per
ad is $18 each, or 12 consecutive ads for $180.
Details and an order form are available on PDF
format online at www.sbbike.org/QR/ad.pdf.
Some SB Middle School students prepare to ride
to school while others finish their breakfasts.
Santa Barbara Middle School kids who meet
each Friday at Mike’s Place restaurant for
breakfast before biking to school said goodbye
for the summer on May 24th. In appreciation, they presented Mike and his staff with a
school jersey signed by the students.
They are ending the school year with bike
trips to either Marin County or Washington
state. Teacher John Seigel-Boettner is leaving soon after with his wife Lynn and a small
group students for a bike ride across America.
They will have digital cameras and computers
to update a web site about their adventures.
Quick Release • June 2002 • Page 5
Santa Barbara Bicycle Coalition
Application for 12 Months of Membership
Yes! Sign me up to help make bicycling better for all of us in Santa Barbara County:
❏ Individual $25 ❏ Minimum $12 ❏ Family $40
❏ Century $100
❏ Business $100 ❏ Sustaining $500
❏ Lifetime $1000
name _________________________________________________________________________________
address ______________________________________________________________________________
city, state, zip ________________________________________________________________________
phone __________________________________ email ______________________________________
❏ New membership ❏ Renewal membership
Make check out to Santa Barbara Bicycle Coalition.
Mail to Santa Barbara Bicycle Coalition, PO Box 92047, Santa Barbara, CA 93190-2047
Santa Barbara Bicycle Coalition
President, Wilson Hubbell, 568-3046
[email protected]
Vice President, Ralph Fertig, 962-1479
[email protected]
Secretary, Sandra Wintermoss, 968-5510
[email protected]
Treasurer, Gary Wissman, 964-4607
[email protected]
Director, Chuck Anderson, 893-4616
[email protected]
Director, Pierre Delong, 696-6267
[email protected]
Director, Drew Hunter, 452-5112
[email protected]
Director, Ann Lawler, 964-3836
[email protected]
Director, Dru van Hengel, 564-5544
[email protected]
Regional bicycle clubs & groups
Bicycle Touring Club of Solvang
Dan Henry, 688-3330
Valley BMX
Dave Carney, 688-7543
Gary Minar, 688-7957
[email protected]
Pat Mickelson, 968-5779
[email protected]
Discounts to
Members of the Santa Barbara
Bicycle Coalition are offered discounts at local bike shops. It’s another reason to join our advocacy
group. To get your discount, take
your copy of Quick Release to the
shop & show them your address
label that says “MEMBER” on it. Or
cut out the label box and take it.
Discount details are posted on our
web site at www.sbbike.org.SBBC/who.
html. Please patronize the following shops:
Bicycle Bob’s
250 Storke Road #A, Goleta
15 Hitchcock Way, Santa Barbara
Cyclone Racing
Echelon Santa Barbara
Bicycle Connection
Big Gear Bike Gear
Beth Wallace, 753-6673
[email protected]
Bryan Krouse, 966-7491
[email protected]
Goleta Valley Cycling Club
Hildy Hoffman, 964-0802
[email protected]
Lompoc Valley Bicycle Club
Bob Grant, 736-5919
[email protected]
SB Mountain Bike Trail Volunteers
Chuck Anderson, 565-7511
[email protected]
Santa Barbara Bicycle Club
Mike Hecker, 966-1807
[email protected]
Santa Barbara BMX, Dale Bowers
[email protected]
Tailwinds Bicycle Club
Larry Moore, 922-4864
[email protected]
Rick Fulmer, 684-5405 x443
[email protected]
Larry Bean, 736-1261
[email protected]
Santa Barbara City
George Gerth, 564-5385
[email protected]
Santa Barbara County
Wilson Hubbell, 568-3046
[email protected]
Santa Maria
Rick Sweet, 925-0951 x227
[email protected]
Dan Daniels, 688-5575
Dennis Whelan, 893-7009
[email protected]
223 W. Ocean Avenue, Lompoc
324 State Street #A, Santa Barbara
Cycles 4 Rent
101 State Street, Santa Barbara
633 E. Cabrillo Blvd, Santa Barbara
1111 E. Cabrillo Blvd, Santa Barbara
Hazard’s Cyclesport
735 Chapala Street, Santa Barbara
Mad Mike’s Bikes
1110 E. Clark Avenue #G, Santa Maria
Open Air Bicycles
224 Chapala Street, Santa Barbara
Pedal Power Bicycles
1740 Broadway, Santa Maria
Road repair contacts
P.O. Box 92047
Santa Barbara, CA 93190-2047
Is an address label missing?
Put your name here by joining the
Bicycle Coalition and have Quick Release
delivered right to you 12 times a year!