To provide technical support to Shrimp Industry in Honduras under
To provide technical support to Shrimp Industry in Honduras under
FINAL TECHNICAL REPORT CHOLUTECA, HONDURAS 07 – 13, 2015 BY DRA. MARIA SOLEDAD MORALES-COVARRUBIAS SHRIMP DISEASE CONSULTANT 15CE01U54A PURPOSE: To provide technical support to Shrimp Industry in Honduras under USSEC ITINERARY: TRAVEL DATE JUNE 08 JUNE 09 JUNE 10 JUNE 11 JUNE 12 TRAVELING FROM Choluteca Choluteca Choluteca Choluteca Choluteca TRAVELING TO Playa Negra San Lorenzo Guapinol and Punta Raton Los Prados and Jicarito s Choluteca EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: One technical conference and eight one-on-one meeting were conducted with shrimp farmer to promote the reliance on already-established aquaculture and biosecurity best practices how high quality feed should be used, and environmental stresses avoided, keeping shrimp healthy. The health of pond environments should be carefully maintained and young shrimp should be closely monitored. Any illness should be immediately reported to the proper authorities. Regular fallowing of aquaculture ponds should be considered as part of a routine on-farm program of aquatic animal health, as this practice has been shown to break pathogen life cycles. Off farm, any movement of live or unfrozen shrimp products should also comply with established best practices will help prevent high mortality in shrimp farms. Six meeting were held in shrimp farms for demonstration the wet mount analysis for hepatopancreas and clinical signs of the disease include lethargy, slow growth, an empty stomach and midgut and a pale hepatopancreas, often with black streaks. Within 30 days of a pond being stocked large-scale die-offs begin. One meeting was conducted with technical ANDAH and Granjas marinas San Bernardo shrimp farm. DETAILED REPORT/COMPANY REPORT: Traveler: Dra. María Soledad Morales-Covarrubias Date: June 08, 2015 Company or Organization Name: CUMAR Shrimp Farm, La Flor Langostino shrimp farm, Langostinos San Lorenzo shrimp farm, Langostinos Culmasa shrimp farm, Langostinos 1 shrimp farm, and Langostinos II (LITORAL GROUP) (Playa Negra). Person(s) Contacted: Wendy Lizeth Velasquez Laboratory technician, La Flor Langostino shrimp farm,; Tania Maradiaga, Laboratory technician, Langostinos Culmasa shrimp farm; Mauricio Bacca Farm technician, Langostinos San Lorenzo shrimp farm,; Carlos Avila farm technician; Langostinos II shrimp farm; Gustavo Flores, Farm technician, CUMAR shrimp farm; Donald Ponce, farm technician, Langostinos Cumalsa shrimp farm; Daniel Sierra, farm technician, Langostinos I shrimp farm; and Sergio Rojas, Director manager Litoral group. Knowledge gained from visit: Obtained more background on state of high mortalities in shrimp ponds and method of detection. Teaching technical methods of early detection of early mortality syndrome and detecting symptoms in shrimp as: lethargy, slow growth, an empty stomach and midgut and a pale hepatopancreas. Traveler: Date: June 09, 2015 Company or Organization Name: APEMASUR, Perla del Golfo, Productora independiente; La Jolla del sur; and Acuícola de Maria (San Lorenzo). Person(s) Contacted: Douglas Orestos D´vicente, manager Acuicola Maria shrimp farm; Santiago Flores, manager Perla del Golfo shrimp farm; Donald Lazo manager productora independiente shrimp farm; David Flores manager Perla del Golfo shrimp farm; Manuel Chavarria, manager APEMASUR shrimp farm and Ismar Espinal Cruz, manager La Jolla del Sur shrimp farm Knowledge gained from visit: Obtained more background on state of high mortalities in shrimp ponds and method of detection. Teaching technical methods of early detection of early mortality syndrome and detecting symptoms in shrimp as: lethargy, slow growth, an empty stomach and midgut and a pale hepatopancreas. Report the managers established aquaculture and biosecurity best practices how high quality feed should be used, and environmental stresses avoided, keeping shrimp healthy. The health of pond environments should be carefully maintained and young shrimp should be closely monitored. Any illness should be immediately reported to the proper authorities. Regular fallowing of aquaculture ponds should be considered as part of a routine on-farm program of aquatic animal health, as this practice has been shown to break pathogen life cycles. Off farm, any movement of live or unfrozen shrimp products should also comply with established best practices will help prevent high mortality in shrimp farms. Traveler: Date: June 10, 2015 Company or Organization Name: El Faro group Guapinol and Punta Raton. Person(s) Contacted: Chris Hrusa, manager El Faro shrimp farm; Beatriz Borrega de Sande, laboratory technician El faro shrimp farm and Pablo Cabo shrimp farm technician El Faro shrimp farm. Knowledge gained from visit: Obtained more background on state of high mortalities in shrimp ponds and method of detection. Teaching technical methods of early detection of early mortality syndrome and detecting symptoms in shrimp as: lethargy, slow growth, an empty stomach and midgut and a pale hepatopancreas. Traveler: Date: June 11, 2015 Company or Organization Name: CUMAR Shrimp Farm, La Flor Langostino shrimp farm, Langostinos San Lorenzo shrimp farm, Langostinos Culmasa shrimp farm, Langostinos 1 shrimp farm, and Langostinos II (LITORAL GROUP) Los Prados and Jicaritos. Person(s) Contacted: Wendy Lizeth Velasquez Laboratory technician, La Flor Langostino shrimp farm,; Tania Maradiaga, Laboratory technician, Langostinos Culmasa shrimp farm; Mauricio Bacca Farm technician, Langostinos San Lorenzo shrimp farm,; Carlos Avila farm technician; Langostinos II shrimp farm; Gustavo Flores, Farm technician, CUMAR shrimp farm; Donald Ponce, farm technician, Langostinos Cumalsa shrimp farm; Daniel Sierra, farm technician, Langostinos 1 shrimp farm; and Sergio Rojas, Director manager Litoral group. Knowledge gained from visit: Obtained more background on state of high mortalities in shrimp ponds and method of detection. Teaching technical methods of early detection of early mortality syndrome and detecting symptoms in shrimp as: lethargy, slow growth, an empty stomach and midgut and a pale hepatopancreas. Traveler: Date: June 12, 2015 Company or Organization Name: SENASA (laboratory diagnostic) and granjas Marinas San Bernardo Shrimp farm. Person(s) Contacted: Carlos Giron Technician manager Seajoy shrimp farm, Gustavo Arias manager SENASA, Delia Laboratory technician SENASA-lab; Alejandro Callejas Manager Granjas Marinas San Bernardo Shrimp Farm (Choluteca). Knowledge gained from visit: Obtained more background on state of high mortalities in shrimp ponds and method of detection. Teaching technical methods of early detection of early mortality syndrome and detecting symptoms in shrimp as: lethargy, slow growth, an empty stomach and midgut and a pale hepatopancreas. Wet mount analysis, polymerase chain reaction (PCR), histopathology and bacteriology. FINDINGS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Suspect the Early Mortality Syndrome (EMS) or Acute Hepatopancreatic Necrosis Syndrome (AHPNS) in shrimp. ANDAH SENASA, technicians, farmers, cooperatives and shrimp industry personnel, have all being trained on EMS disease. The training aims to strengthen the knowledge and provide technical scientific tools to the public and private sectors, to implement preventive health measures and spread the disease from entering the country. Alert and preparing technical staff on the symptoms presented by the disease. biosecurity best practices how high quality feed should be used, and environmental stresses avoided, keeping shrimp healthy. KEY CONTACTS: NAME Carlos Giron Wendy Velasquez Sergio Rojas Luis Pacas TITLE Director technician Sea joy group Lizeth Biology Director Litoral group Cargill manager PHONE # +50433928746 COUNTRY Honduras +50496091831 Honduras +50495000959 Honduras +50499952430 Honduras PHOTO EVIDENCE:
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