ProNovia SAP PLM Glossary
ProNovia SAP PLM Glossary
Manual ProNovia SAP PLM Glossary Imprint Legal Notices Issue August 2016 / B.01.0 All rights reserved. Copyright and Usage Rights This document is copyrighted and may not be modified without the prior written consent of the publisher. Reproduction and distribution is permitted only with the following legal notice: © 2016 ProNovia AG Changes and updates without notice. Microsoft is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation. SAP is registered trademark of SAP AG. ProNovia is a registered trademark of ProNovia AG. Disclaimer ProNovia AG assumes no responsibility for any typographical, technical, or other inaccuracies, errors, or omissions and their consequences. Liability in respect of the software described herein, please see our software terms. Publisher / Contact ProNovia AG P.O. Box CH-8180 Bülach Fon +41 44 860 13 06 Fax +41 44 860 13 07 Website E-Mail info [at] 2 Table of Content 1 Introduction ..............................................................................................5 1.1 Other ..................................................................................................................................5 Documents 1.2 Prerequisites ..................................................................................................................................5 1.3 Abbreviations ..................................................................................................................................5 1.4 Symbols ..................................................................................................................................5 in this Document 2 A ..............................................................................................6 3 B ..............................................................................................7 4 C ..............................................................................................8 5 D ..............................................................................................11 6 E–F ..............................................................................................14 7 G – H ..............................................................................................15 8 I–J ..............................................................................................16 9 K–L ..............................................................................................17 10 M – N ..............................................................................................18 11 0 ..............................................................................................20 12 P ..............................................................................................21 13 R ..............................................................................................23 14 S ..............................................................................................24 15 T ..............................................................................................25 16 U ..............................................................................................26 ProNovia AG, P.O. Box, CH-8180 Bülach 3 17 V ..............................................................................................27 18 W ..............................................................................................28 19 X, Y, Z ..............................................................................................29 4 ProNovia AG, P.O. Box, CH-8180 Bülach PLM Glossary Introduction 1 Introduction When working with ProNovia SAP PLM products, projects and solutions certain basic terms as well as technical terms are often used. In order to have a better understanding on all sides, the most important terms are explained in this document. This document/glossary includes the following topics: Fundamental and technical terms relevant for ProNovia SAP PLM products, projects and solutions. 1.1 Other Documents All relevant and available documents are found in the ProNovia Support Center: 1.2 Prerequisites 1.3 Abbreviations 1.4 Symbols in this Document ProNovia AG, P.O. Box, CH-8180 Bülach 5 PLM Glossary A 2 A Term Origin Description ABAP SAP Advanced Business Application Programming. ABAP is a programming language for product SAP. Except for the Kernel the complete SAP System is based on ABAP. The ABAP programming is supported by a development workbench. AddIn PN Application specific MSO program code, which is responsible for the automatic data filling of documents with data from SAP. A file for the automatic data filling will provide all required control information. ADM PN Abbreviation for ProNovia SAP PLM product: ProNovia SAP PLM Administrator. Adobe Reader Adobe Reader, former Acrobat Reader, is a computer program from the company „Adobe“ to view PDF-documents, therefor it is a file viewer. It can be downloaded free of charge form the internet. Application (PC-) SAP Application on a local work station (PC), from which the documents are edited. This can be Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word or any other PCApplication. Archive SAP The archive (digital archive) is a secure storage area, to which the original files will be transferred via SAP ArchiveLink - or http–interface. The data in the archive can not be altered. The archiving process runs on a special archive server. Archive development kit SAP Functionality of SAP for the archiving process. ArchiveLink SAP ArchiveLink is special service, integrated in to SAP to link the archived documents with the all related application documents stored in the SAPSystem. Archiving SAP The archiving of data is necessary in order to remove all mass data (master data, such as document info record, material master record, BOM etc.) from the data bank, which are not longer used in the SAP system, but should still be stored for further evaluations. ASCII American Standard Code for Information Interchange. It describes a code set, based on the Latin alphabet, as used in modern English, by computers and many other communication devices to view text. Automatic data filling file PN-SDF File, written by the ProNovia SDF. This file contains the control information for the MSO AddIns as well as the actual data for the automatic filling. Automatic filling PN-SDF Automatic filling adds current values from SAP to a master original in relation to a defined status and saves it (if it has been saved before). The user has no possibility for own inputs. 6 ProNovia AG, P.O. Box, CH-8180 Bülach PLM Glossary B 3 B Term Origin Description Basic material PNPRM ProNovia SAP PLM ProcessManager allows setting up basic materials and their material documents can be assigned to a KOFIMA items. A basic material, relevant for ProNovia SAP PLM, consists of a material with an assigned primary document. Using SAP PLM classification functions it is possible to add characteristics to the material of basic materials. Batch Bill of Material (BOM) Amount of goods with equal properties, which is produced in a connected production process or which has been ordered together. SAP BOM BOM Main object to map a product structures, with a material as head of the BOM and different objects as components, e.g. materials, text, classes etc. Bill of Material PLM Bill of Material: List of all components (parts) of a product or assemblies. The list is complete for the related purpose, it has a formal set-up and lists description, quantity and unit of all single parts. A comprehensive PLM solution supports the following BOM types: productand requirements structures, material BOM, document BOM, equipment BOM, functional location BOM, project BOM, client request BOM. ProNovia AG, P.O. Box, CH-8180 Bülach 7 PLM Glossary C 4 C Term Origin Description C5C PN Abbreviation for ProNovia SAP PLM Product: ProNovia SAP PLM CATIA-V5-Conversion (Cenit) CA interface SAP Cache CAD The CAD-Interface is a connection between the SAP system with the external technical application. (e.g. CAD, PDM, GIS). Because the data exchange between a technical system and a SAP system is possible in both directions, the data between both systems will always remain consistently. Component of the storage system. In a cache the data, which is used frequently will be stored. Therefor the data is accessible very fast. CAD English: Computer Aided Design Computer aided construction in technical, architecture and science to describe the geometry of products. Central function in the mechanical construction and the creation of 2D-drawings and 3D-models. CAD is part of a computer integrated Production (CIM). CAD integration PLM CAE See also CAD Interface. Computer Aided Engineering This term includes all possibilities of computer support for various engineering processes. CAM Computer Aided Manufacturing This term includes all possibilities of computer support for the technical control and surveillance of production and assembling, incl. transport and storage in a production plant. CAM is part of a computer integrated production (CIM). CATIA CAD CATIA (Computer Aided Three-Dimensional Interactive Application) is a 3DCAD-program from the French company Dassault Systèmes. CCA PN Abbreviation for ProNovia SAP PLM Product: ProNovia SAP PLM PRM CATIA-V5 Plug-in CGM CAD Computer Graphics Metafile. CGM-Format is a hybrid raster, vector format, e.g. it is an ANSI-standard for the exchange of graphic data between different graphic software, which is independent of devices and platforms. Change management SAP The change management is a main logistic function, which can be used to change certain logistic basic data as well as master data with history (e.g. with date validity). Change master SAP Master record of the SAP change management, it defines the validity of the SAP objects, e.g. by the valid-from-date or eventually by date elements. CHD PN Abbreviation for ProNovia SAP PLM Product: ProNovia SAP DMS ChangeDoc 8 ProNovia AG, P.O. Box, CH-8180 Bülach PLM Glossary C Term Origin Description Check-in SAP PLM Check-out SAP PLM CIM Process when storing a (master-)original in any storage system of the SAP system. Process when a user requests a copy of any existing (master-)original for further processing. After a check-out the file will be locked for other users. Computer Integrated Manufacturing This is a collecting term for different activities in a company which are supported by the computer. Part of CIM are: · CAD (computer aided design) · CAP (computer aided planning) · CAQ (computer added quality control) · CAM (computer aided production) · PPS (computer aided production, planning, controlling) Class SAP All objects which must be classified must be registered in classes and are described more detailed with their characteristics. These classes are built up in the SAP class system and can be structured hierarchically by class hierarchies in a class tree or class net. Class group SAP A class group is used to group certain classes. The possible groups can be defined in the customizing of the SAP class system. ProNovia SAP EasyBrowse is using these class groups to assign the display type). Class hierarchy SAP The SAP class system also allows hierarchic structuring of classes, in order to search for objects in a class tree or class net. Class system PLM A class system is used to describe any object with certain characteristics and to group similar objects in classes, so they can be found more easily later. Client SAP A client is a legal and organizational participant in a SAP system. Because of the client system several independent plants can be managed in a SAP system. Clone PN A clone process via BOM with ProNovia SAP PLM StructureControlClone copies a (part) structure, including the objects. Each object in the structure can be either cloned, accepted or ignored. A clone process on material views with ProNovia SAP PLM StructureControlClone clones views on other organizational units and if plant views are cloned, also (part) structures are copied from one plant to another. Configuration PLM Views of the product structure, dependent on different states of change or structure functions. (BOM BASE, maintenance structure). ProNovia AG, P.O. Box, CH-8180 Bülach 9 PLM Glossary C Term Origin Description Configuration variants PLM Description of complex products, which are produced in many different variants. All variants are defined with a variant product, which has a maximum BOM, containing all components used for this product and a maximum work schedule with a work operation for the production of this product. Certain characteristics are given to each product variant by assigning a class. Evaluating the characteristics, based on the knowledge of relationship, it can be guaranteed that correct components and processes are selected from the maxim BOM or the maximal work schedule. ConfigurationsManagement PLM Functions product or structures consistent systems. Content server SAP The SAP content server is the default storage system of the SAP Web Application Servers for document focus applications and business processes (in SAP DMS used as protected storage for originals). The SAP content server is called from a Knowledge-Provider infrastructure and will be integrated via HTT interface. Conversion Conversion server of a configuration management include all objects, describing a project in a certain phase of its lifecycle in a meta object e.g. in as-designed -, as-built - and as-maintained. This leads to and reproducible configurations, which can be distributed to other Transformation of a file with one file format to a new file with a new file format. Used in the PLM field to create long-time-formats like a digital paper or digital product. SAP Server used for the actual conversion. All converter and communication software is installed on this server. The SAP system communicates via a RFC connection with the conversion server. Cross plant material PNstatus PRM · The cross plant material status indicates the stand, maturity of a KOFIMA item in its life cycle. · The cross plant material status allows adding a maturity to a material. · The cross plant material status is controlled by processing scenarios of the ProNovia SAP PLM ProcessManager. Customer exit SAP PN Customizing SAP PN 10 Customer exits allow changes and enhancements of SAP or ProNovia SAP PLM products at various predefined positions with client specific function modules. Settings for applications and SAP-transaction as well as ProNovia SAP PLM products. ProNovia AG, P.O. Box, CH-8180 Bülach PLM Glossary D 5 D Term Origin Description Data archiving SAP See archiving. Data package PNPRM A data package is an object of the ProNovia SAP PLM ProcessManager, which is grouping the document objects. The data packages of a KOFIMAItem are used to structure objects which are necessary to describe the materials. The grouping of the documents in a data package is mostly based on the significance and the chronological sequence. Date element SAP Additional object in the change master record, for the definition of a new validfrom-date for all SAP-Objects, which are assigned to this date element. Digital archive SAP Protected storage system of SAP DMS or Archive system of SAP to store (Master-) Originals, original documents / SAP – data. The digital archive is integrated into in SAP via ArchiveLink. The integration of a digital archive can be certified by SAP AG. Digital mockup CAD Geometrically based, realistic computer simulation for support of development, production and product service. Objectives: · Improvement of error detection concerning collisions, accessibility and ergonomic factors · Communication node of engineering disciplines · Complete three-dimensional visualization of complex assembly units in real time · Combination of different CAD formats Digital paper PN Long lasting 2D-original, derived from the master original, controlled via the document info record, mostly in file format „PDF“ „PDF/A“ or „TIFF“, for viewing and plotting. Digital product PN Long lasting 3D-original, derived from the master original, controlled via document info record, mostly in file format „JT“ or „XLV/A“ or „TIFF“, for viewing and DMU (Digital mockup. Digital signature A digital signature has the same function as a handwritten signature in the processing of digital data. The digital signature guarantees, that the person signing the digital document can be identified and his name will be registered together with the document, date and time. Distribution line specific material status PNPRM · The distribution line specific material status indicated the status, maturity of the KOFIMA items, based on an organizational unit. · The distribution line specific material status is controlled by the processing scenarios of the ProNovia SAP PLM ProcessManager. ProNovia AG, P.O. Box, CH-8180 Bülach 11 PLM Glossary D Term Origin Description DMS PLM Document Management System. Registration and Management of all documents in a company. Besides management functions and safety concerning the storage, also search functions, version handling, status management and caching of contents are important DMS functions. DMU PLM See Digital mockup. Document PLM Document (lat.: documentum = provides information of an official nature) is an object which consists of one or several originals and a set of meta data (info record). In general a document has the following characteristics: · Physical properties (paper, file etc.) · Formal properties (form, layout etc.) · Order (functional affiliation, version etc.) · Content (reference to center etc.) · Character (archiving, editing etc.) · Time (time of creation, expiring date etc.) · Creator (sender, creator, author etc.) · User (recipient, authorized user etc.) In the document management system SAP-DMS of SAP PLM the documents (master-)original are managed by the document info record (meta data). Document info record SAP A document info record is the master record within the document management system (SAP-DMS) of SAP PLM, which saves all related document information. Whereas the document info record contains all meta data (e.g. storage location), the original file (e.g. construction drawing) contains the actual document information. Document subtype PN The document subtype is an optional SAP PLM key, which allows grouping the documents of the same document type additionally. The document subtype is being used in the ProNovia environment. It defines additional document properties and has control functions. Document type SAP The document type is a central SAP PLM key, which assigns the document info record to a certain document group. The document type defines specific document properties and has very important SAP PLM control functions. Document-BOM SAP Central object to map the document structure (e.g. part structure or WaveLink structure of the 3D-CAD system, or a dossier structure of EasyDMS, or data packages of the ProNovia SAP PLM ProcessManagers). It includes a document as BOM head and documents or texts as components. DTO SAP Develop To Order. Business process: „Development, Innovation based on an internal order“. DUG 12 PN Abbreviation for ProNovia SAP PLM Product: ProNovia AG, P.O. Box, CH-8180 Bülach PLM Glossary D Term Origin Description ProNovia SAP PLM PRM UG Plug-in DXF CAD Drawing Interchange Format This file format to exchange CAD data is specified by the company „Autodesk“. The version number of the format is not dependent on the version of the CAD-programs „AutoCAD“. DXF is a proprietary, but open file format. . ProNovia AG, P.O. Box, CH-8180 Bülach 13 PLM Glossary E–F 6 E–F Term Origin Description EAI viewer SAP See ECL-Viewer Easy DMS SAP SAP Easy DMS (SAP Easy Document Management) is a Windows user interface for the SAP Document Management system SAP-DMS. Based on the Microsoft Windows Explorer, SAP Easy DMS shows the hierarchic structure of documents and folders directly from SAP-DMS. ECL viewer SAP The ECL Viewer, also called Engineering Client Viewer or EAI Viewer is a tool to view 2D- and 3D-graphics outside the CAD-environment. The ECL Viewer is integrated into the SAP-environment like all normal SAP Controls and available with SAPGui for Windows as well as PlatinGui for Java. ECM SAP Engineering Change Management Business process: „Change Management“. EDM PLM Engineering Data Management. Synonym for Product Data Management. Equipment SAP ERP Technical object from maintenance, describing an object, which has to be maintained individually and therefor has a maintenance history. Equipment can be mounted in a technical installation or plant section. Examples: production materials, transport material, test equipment, production tools, buildings, PCs etc. Enterprise-Resource-Planning (Production Planning and Control). Enterprise-Resource-Planning-Systems are production planning and control systems, which also include modules for cost accounting, financial accounting and personnel administration. ESB PN Abbreviation for ProNovia SAP PLM Product: ProNovia SAP EasyBrowse. ETO Engineer To Order. Business Process: „Development and production of installations based on a client order, whereas the engineering activities are a major part of the added value. Full text search Full text search refers to techniques for searching text in numerous similar or different files on a computer, a server or in the internet. Search ranges are previously tagged with internal program or program independent index tools. Functional location Organizational logistic unit which organizes the company’s objects according to functional, process orientated or spatial aspects. A functional location stands for a place where maintenance actions are to be performed. 14 ProNovia AG, P.O. Box, CH-8180 Bülach PLM Glossary G–H 7 G–H Term Origin Description GOS SAP GUI The Generic Object Services (GOS) offer functions that are available in various SAP applications. These functions always refer to the application object in use, for example, adding an attachment to the application object, showing linked objects to this one, or starting a workflow from this object. These services can be included in all applications using Business Objects. Graphical User Interface. Graphical user interface which allows interaction between the user and the application with graphical elements. History PLM Complete summary of all changes on all objects. Changes which have been set back, e.g. after a rejection of a status change and a reset to the predecessor status will not lead to a deletion of the entry in the history. HPGL PLM Hewlett Packard Graphic Language. Vector based programming language to address plotters. Also used for data exchanged between different CAD systems. ProNovia AG, P.O. Box, CH-8180 Bülach 15 PLM Glossary I–J 8 I–J Term Origin Description IBASE SAP SAP-IBASE is a functionality, which is used to map the As-Built – configuration via installations in SAP. IGES CAD Initial Graphics Exchange Specification. IGES is a producer independent Public Domain-file format, which is used as an international standard to exchange product’s definition data between different CAD/CAM system clients. IGES was mainly developed to transfer geometrical data. Inventor IVT Inventor is a 3D-CAD-program from company AutoDesk. PN Abbreviation for ProNovia SAP PLM Product: ProNovia SAP PLM PRM INVENTOR Plug-in JT 16 PLM JT is a file format from company „UGS PLM Solutions“, which enables the visualization of products, the distribution of information and the common use of data from different PLM-solutions. ProNovia AG, P.O. Box, CH-8180 Bülach PLM Glossary K–L 9 K–L Term Origin Description KOFIMA PLM See Configuration Management. KOFIMA item PLM A KOnFIguration Management item is a node in the product structure with all relevant data (SAP objects), which are necessary to describe the configuration, such as material, BOM, document, Document BOM etc. KPRO SAP Knowledge Provider. The SAP knowledge provider, integrated in the SAP base is an application and media independent infrastructure for the management of documents and document like objects. The SAP Knowledge Provider is able to use different physical storage medias, so-called Content-Server. ProNovia AG, P.O. Box, CH-8180 Bülach 17 PLM Glossary M–N 10 M–N Term Origin Description Master Original PNSDF File (document) which can be edited with its original application, e.g. MSWORD, MS-EXCEL, AutoCAD, UNIGRAPHICS, etc., managed by the document info record, always in the file format of the original application, such as. „DOC“ / „XLS“ / „PRT“ / etc. Material master SAP Central object of a KOFIMA-Item, used as material, part or article in another system. The material master has a hierarchic structures and is similar to an organizational structure of a company. Some client data are valid for all organizational levels, some only on certain levels. The following organization levels exist: · Client · Company code · Plant · Storage location · Purchase organization · Sales Organization · Warehouse number · Warehouse type A client is the highest organizational level. Different company codes can be assigned to one client. Different plants can be assigned to one company code and one plant can have several storage locations. This way, plants with different company codes cannot have the same number, whereas warehouse numbers can be used multiply, as long as they are referring to different plants. Material master record PNPRM The material master record is the central element of a KOFIMA-Item. Furthermore it’s the central element of a product structure for the commissioning regarding purchase (order specification, order) and internal sourcing. The material master record also illustrates the lifecycle of a KOFIMA-Item. Therefore normally the material state is used. Material revision PRM Using the material revision it is possible to describe different states of a KOFIMA-Item over its lifecycle. Material status SAP The material status indicates and describes the restriction on the availability of any material. A material can be under development or a discontinued material. The usage of a material can be restricted in different ways. Based on the subsequent status the material can be blocked for certain business transactions: · Plant specific material status For a default material master, this field is present on the data views of calculation, disposition, production resources and tools, purchase, quality management and work scheduling. 18 ProNovia AG, P.O. Box, CH-8180 Bülach PLM Glossary M–N Term Origin Description · Cross plant material status For a default material master this field is present on the data view of the basic data. It is valid for the entire client. The material can be blocked for certain business transactions because of one of the following status: · Distribution line specific material status · Cross distribution line material Status For a default material master both fields will be present on the distribution view: distribution organization data. The cross distribution line material status is valid for the entire client. Material type SAP The material type is a central SAP PLM key, which assigns the material master record to a group of materials. The material type defines the properties of a material and has very important SAP PLM control functions. Meta data (DMS) PLM A Document management differentiates between master originals and originals of a document and meta data, which are used to identify, classify and describe a document. Meta data will be stored separately from the (master-)original. Meta data (in general) MMS Data which are used to describe other data. PN Abbreviation for ProNovia SAP PLM Product: ProNovia SAP PLM MaterialMasterSupport Movement data MSC In contrast to the master data, the movement data are changing along with a business process. Movement data for a logistic process can be e.g. orders, productions orders, good receipt, shipping data, Q-messages. PN Abbreviation for ProNovia SAP PLM Product: ProNovia StructureControl. MSO PN Abbreviation for ProNovia SAP PLM Product: ProNovia SAP DMS MSOfficeIntegration MTO Make To Order Business process: „Production on client order“ of a product developed in an innovation process (DTO). NX CAD NX (former Unigraphics); 3D-CAD program from company UGS PLM Solutions. ProNovia AG, P.O. Box, CH-8180 Bülach 19 PLM Glossary 0 11 0 Term Origin Description Object dependencies PNPRM ProNovia SAP PLM ProcessManager offers options to define and control the dependencies between objects. This way it is possible to guarantee the consistence of data of the data model. Object link SAP Relation between document info record and SAP-objects which are described by the document, e.g. material, change master record, PSP-element, etc. Object Management Record SAP Relation between a change management record (eventually with a date element) and the corresponding SAP object, e.g. material, which has been created, changed with a change management record. Object relevance PNPRM The necessity and importance of objects in a data package within a configuration type is controlled by the object relevance. The characteristic and importance of the relevance depends on the data package. A distinction is made between the following: · Primary object · Secondary object · Third, resp. tertiary object Objects PLM Data to be managed in a PLM environment, such as norm parts, purchase parts, spare parts, production resources and tools, work places, suppliers, regulations etc. OLM PN Abbreviation for ProNovia SAP PLM Product: ProNovia SAP PLM Object Lifecycle Manager. Original 20 PLM File („document“) which can be edited with the original application, e.g. MSWORD, MS-EXCEL, UNIGRAPHICS. The file format corresponds to the original application, e.g. „DOC“, „XLS“, „PRT“ etc., and is managed by the document info record. See also Document. ProNovia AG, P.O. Box, CH-8180 Bülach PLM Glossary P 12 P Term Origin Description Parasolid CAD Parasolid is a geometric modeling kernel originally developed by ShapeData, now owned by Siemens PLM Software (formerly UGS Corp. „Unigraphics Solution“), that can be licensed by other companies for use in their 3D computer graphics software products. Parasolid is not only used for CAD systems by Unigraphics Solutions (SolidEdge, UNIGRAPHICS), but also for more then 60 other CAD-Systems, Finite-Elements -, Analytical-, NCPrograms of various suppliers. Part families PNPRM (Part-) families are a group of materials which are partly handled together by the ProNovia SAP PLM ProcessManager and presented as a complete family by the ProNovia SAP PLM ProcessManager Workbench. The materials remain single KOFIMA-Items, whereas their product life cycle has been integrated. PDF Portable Document Format. Portable Document Format (PDF) is a proprietary but open file format used to represent documents independent of application software, hardware, and operating systems. See also the PDF Reference Manual of Adobe Systems. PDF allows sharing documents, including text formatting and inline images, among computer users of disparate platforms who may not have access to mutually-compatible application software. Based on this format various industry standards such as PDF/A, PDF/X, PDF/E have been established. PDF/A PDF/A (A = Archiving) is an ISO-standardized version of the Portable Document Format (PDF) specialized for the digital preservation of electronic documents. It’s a part set of PDF possibilities, especially for long-term archiving. The PDF/ A-1 norm is a part of PDF reference version 1.4 and specified under ISO 19005-1:2005. PDF/A-2 is based on PDF reference version 1.7 and ISO 19005-2:2011 A key element to this reproducibility is the requirement for PDF/A documents to be 100% self-contained. All of the information necessary for displaying the document in the same manner every time is embedded in the file. This includes, but is not limited to, all content (text, raster images and vector graphics), fonts, and color information. A PDF/A document is not permitted to be reliant on information from external sources (e.g. font programs and hyperlinks). PDM PLM Product Data Management A system which has been developed especially to manage product data during the development and construction process. In general a PDM-System manages information like geometrical models, CAD-drawings, documents and construction BOM; it also support PDM-System approval and change processes. PDM functions are part of a PLM system. Plant specific material status PNPRM · The plant specific material status indicates the stand, maturity of a KOFIMA item, related to an organizational unit. · The plant specific material status is controlled by the processing scenarios of the ProNovia SAP PLM ProcessManager. ProNovia AG, P.O. Box, CH-8180 Bülach 21 PLM Glossary P Term Origin Description PLG PN Abbreviation for ProNovia SAP PLM Product: ProNovia SAP PLM GUI. PLM PLM Product Lifecycle Management. Solution which supports industry specific business processes and guarantees the integration of processes and the availability of information over the entire product lifecycle. PostScript PostScript is a page-description language, which has been developed 1982 by the company „Adobe Systems“. Graphics and print pages are created as files in PostScript format for loss less output in any size with any output device. Graphic elements and fonts are described using vectors. Bitmap graphics are rasterized. PPS Abbreviation for Production planning and - management. PRL PNPRM Abbreviation for ProNovia SAP PLM Product: PNPRM Abbreviation for ProNovia SAP PLM Product: PRM-WB PNPRM See ProNovia SAP PLM ProcessManager Workbench Pro/ENGINEER CAD Pro/ENGINEER, also known as ProE or Pro/E is a 3D-CAD program from the company Parametric Technology Corporation (PTC). Processing scenario PNPRM Process part on a KOFIMA-Item, mostly initiated by a change of the material status, leads to mutations in the structure of the KOFIMA-Items and handles the related objects consistently and according to the customizing. Serially connected processing scenarios form phases and processes. All processing scenarios passed in total are representing the lifecycle of the KOFIMA-Item. Product LifeCycle PLM A Product Life Cycle is defined by consecutive product life phases, e.g. planning, development, construction/ planning, work preparation, production (manufacturing, assembly, supply), distribution, product use, recycling. Product Structure PLM Based on the product structure a „bill of material“ BOM is generated, which can be exploded from product down to components and basic materials. ProNovia SAP PLM PNProcessManager PRM Navigator The ProNovia SAP PLM ProcessManager Navigator provides functions to navigate graphically within the managed data models and objects. ProNovia SAP PLM PNProcessManager PRM Workbench The ProNovia SAP PLM ProcessManager Workbench is a SAP PLM application which allows manipulating or displaying KOFIMA-Items. PRM 22 ProNovia SAP PLM ProcessManager LogisticExtension. ProNovia SAP PLM ProcessManager. ProNovia SAP PLM ProcessManager Navigator is part of the ProNovia SAP PLM ProcessManager. ProNovia SAP PLM ProcessManager Workbench is part of the ProNovia SAP PLM ProcessManager. ProNovia AG, P.O. Box, CH-8180 Bülach PLM Glossary R 13 Term R Origin Description Redlining The "Redlining- function” for digital papers or digital products allows adding “handwritten” remarks, notes, change requests etc., similar to the “red pencil” used for conventional documents. The original file will not be altered; the remarks are saved in a separate file. This function is mainly used in release processes, in order to add related correction suggestions for the author of the document. „Redlining“ functions are available in combination with the SAP ECL-Viewer. Release PLM After a check the release allows the use of data, originals, documents etc. Revision SAP Revision level of a material master or document info record, only available with SAP change management process, comparable to an index in other systems. ProNovia AG, P.O. Box, CH-8180 Bülach 23 PLM Glossary S 14 S Term Origin Description SCC PN Abbreviation for ProNovia SAP PLM Product: ProNovia SAP PLM StructureControlClone SDF PNSDF Abbreviation for ProNovia SAP PLM Product: ProNovia SAP DMS FrameWork Signature Signature. See also term Digital signature. SQL Structured Query Language. Simple and potent language, industrial standard for data base access and date management. Status-ID PNSDF During its life cycle, each document runs through several statuses. The status-ID defines the keywords for each status. STEP CAD Standard for the Exchange of Product Data. PROSTEP Inc., founded by leading automobile producers, implements STEP based software interfaces (APIs) and further applications for product date integration and migration. Storage system SAP PLM The storage system of the SAP system allows a safe storage of (master-) originals, which are handled with the SAP document management system SAP-DMS. In a SAP system the following storage systems exist: · vault · content server, SAP-KPRO · digital archive 24 ProNovia AG, P.O. Box, CH-8180 Bülach PLM Glossary T 15 T Term Origin Description TCS SAP Technical Customer Service. Business process: „Preventive maintenance (revision) or after damage, also includes defect reporting systems, complaint handling, spare part service etc. Template Document PNSDF TIFF File, used as PC application template, as master original template with a document info record in the document management system SAP DMS. Tagged Image File Format. File format to save graphic data in Bitmap format. TRC PN Abbreviation for ProNovia SAP PLM Product: ProNovia Trace TREX SAP Some SAP applications are delivered with search engine TREX (Text Retrieval and Information Extraction), e.g. the Knowledge Warehouse or the SAP Enterprise Portal. TREX helps fast tracking of information in huge date bases. Using TREX it is also possible to realize a full text search in original files of documents within SAP DMS. ProNovia AG, P.O. Box, CH-8180 Bülach 25 PLM Glossary U 16 U Term Origin Description UGC PN Abbreviation for ProNovia SAP PLM Product: ProNovia SAP PLM UG-Conversion (Marenco) Unigraphics/UG CAD See NX. UTI PN Abbreviation for ProNovia SAP PLM product: ProNovia Basic Library 26 ProNovia AG, P.O. Box, CH-8180 Bülach PLM Glossary V 17 V Term Origin Description Valid-from date SAP The valid-from date of a “change head” automatically defines the validity of a change object, which is handled in relation to the change number as long as no other date element has been set. Else the valid-from date of this date element is relevant for the validity. Validity PLM The validity is an essential characteristic to describe configuration states. It defines a certain configuration or product state over a certain validity time range. Vault SAP Protected section for data storage in a PLM system. A vault is part of the DMS infrastructure (see also DMS) View/Viewing VRML Display of a file, using a certain program. CAD Virtual Reality Modeling Language. Description languages for 3D-scenes as well as geometrics, illuminations or inter action options. Most 3D modeling tools allow importing and exporting VRML data whereas the file format has also been established as exchange format for 3D models. ProNovia AG, P.O. Box, CH-8180 Bülach 27 PLM Glossary W 18 W Term Origin Description Where-used List PLM Workflow Work-Item 28 The where-used-list provides information about the usage of objects in BOM. A workflow is a process (business event or procedure) which consists of single activities, related to parts of a business process or other organizational events. All single activities are related. Each workflow always has a defined start, an organized operational sequence and a defined end. SAP Work items in workflows are the smallest execution unit. In general they have assigned an activity, execution resources (staff, machines) or applied resources (tools, machines, other auxiliary equipment) and time dependencies (sequence, execution time) etc. ProNovia AG, P.O. Box, CH-8180 Bülach PLM Glossary X, Y, Z 19 Term XML X, Y, Z Origin Description Extended Markup Language. Name of a description language to create hyper medial documents. XVL XVL (eXtensible Virtuel world description Language) is a 3D-Format, based on XML, which allows using 3D data across departments in the company. XLV stands for extremely high compression with very high quality. Different applications allow multiple use of 3D models, e.g. in quality control, production, assembling, distribution or service. Generated XVL-Models can easily be exported to spare part catalogs or used for eLearning programs. ProNovia AG, P.O. Box, CH-8180 Bülach 29