Sacred Heart Bulletin 05-20-12
Sacred Heart Bulletin 05-20-12
Sacred Heart Church Winnetka - Glencoe Sunday, May 20, 2012 Seventh Sunday of Easter THE TOWER Mass Schedule Monday—Friday 7:00 am & 8:30 am Saturday 8:30 am & 5:00 pm Sunday 7:30 am, 9:00 am, 10:30 am, 4:30 pm Sacrament of Reconciliation Saturday 9:00—9:30 am Office Hours: 8:30 AM—4:30 PM, Monday through Friday 8:00 AM—12 Noon, Sunday 1077 Tower Road, Winnetka, Illinois 60093 Find Us on Facebook Follow Us on Twitter A TIME TO READ, AND A TIME TO REFRAIN FROM READING I know that you are reading this column, but where are you right now? That’s right, ‘where are you right now?’ Are you sitting at home, or in a coffee shop after Mass, or are you sitting in one of the pews waiting for Mass to begin? Now, I hope that your response to this question will not be that you are presently reading this during Mass. If that is the case – ‘Houston, we have a problem!’ While the weekly bulletin surely contains very important information about what is happening in the parish, it should never distract us from what is taking place while we are at prayer. I have known churches where the bulletins are not even available to the parishioners until they exit following the dismissal at Mass – a drastic measure, or perhaps not? My reason for noting this is that I often observe people walking into church with the bulletin in their hand, and then walking right past the stands holding the worship aids, which are intended to help people participate during Mass. Since one of my responsibilities is preparing these leaflets, I often feel like singing the line from an old spiritual which goes, “Sometimes I feel discouraged and think my work’s in vain, but then the Holy Spirit revives my soul again.” Ideally, one of our greeters or ushers would be handing out the worship aid as a personal invitation to fully and consciously enter into the celebration. Sometimes, however, we don’t always have greeters available at every entrance, which then places the responsibility on people to pick them up as they enter the church. We now have been in our first year of adapting to the changes in the Mass, and overall, it seems like many of the responses are becoming easier and more natural. Beginning in July 2012 through July of 2013, the Strategic Pastoral Plan for the Archdiocese of Chicago has identified this time as the “Year of the Sunday Mass.” Hopefully, this will be a time for us to focus on the importance of what we do when we come together as a community each Sunday to celebrate the Eucharist. Most of us enter our church out of a very busy, complex world that often is increasingly at odds with the spirituality at the core of our faith. May we all come to understand how to grow closer to Christ and to one another by eliminating the distractions that prevent us from entering fully into our worship. ~ Todd Gresick Director of Music Congratulations to Fr Kisaka! May 21st marks the one year anniversary of his ordination. We love you and are so glad you're here @ Sacred Heart ! Love, from all of the Staff and Parishioners ANNUAL CATHOLIC APPEAL PLEDGE REPORT The monthly pledge billings for the Archdiocesan Annual Catholic Appeal pledges have been mailed. It is very important that these pledges be paid so that our parish will reach and, hopefully, exceed our goal. Once the pledge payments have exceeded our goal, all of the additional funds are returned to our parish for use in our ministries. PARISH GOAL: AMOUNT PLEDGED: AMOUNT PAID: 67,411.26 50,700.00 35,500.00 SCHOOL NEWS! The 2012-2013 Calendar is up! You can see it on our website at You can subscribe to it on your computer, tablet, or smart phone and you will automatically get any changes or updates as they happen. Transition meetings for parents: Monday, May 21st, from 2:15 to 3:15 pm the meeting will be for parents of 3rd graders going into 4th grade, and on Thursday, May 24th, from 9:30 to 10:30 am the meeting will be for parents of JK students going into Kindergarten. All meetings will be held in the parish center and they will be full of information on the transition to these grades. Wednesday, May 23th, at the 8:30 am all school Mass, the 2012-2013 newly elected student council members will be inducted. Please join us for this special Mass and to congratulate our new student council. There will be no school on Monday, May 28th to celebrate Memorial Day. Enjoy the long weekend. Wednesday, May 30th at 8:30 am is our annual Thank You Mass. This mass is to celebrate and thank all the parents who volunteer for things such as: coaching, lunchroom duty, PTO, School Board, field trip chaperones, classroom parents, Nite Lites, library, and any other parent involved activity. Please join us for the mass, and afterwards for a brief reception in the gathering space in church so the teachers, staff, and students can give you a big thank you for all their help throughout the year. CATECHISTS NEEDED—CONSIDER THIS May is Catechist Recruitment month. In this column each week we’d like you to meet some of our catechists and hear why they teach religious education. Perhaps you have the gifts and ability to be a catechist and would be willing to call to talk further to Sr. Luanne about volunteering (847-446-6535). Ordinarily, we have two catechists per class and it isn’t necessary to be a parent. Sometimes we have a parent-teen team or husband-wife team. This column is back by popular demand and hopefully, will be a catalyst for drawing more into this wonderful ministry. Here are some stories: My name is Patty Sanfilippo and I am the mother of two teens, Anna and Michael. We have been Sacred Heart parishioners for about 20 years and both of our children attended Sacred Heart Religious Education. I have been a 5th grade catechist for the past 6 years. There are 3 main reasons I teach Religious Education: I learn a lot. Even though I’ve taught for the past 6 years I still find myself learning something new each time I review the weekly lesson materials and prepare for class. Plus, the students ask the most interesting questions! We’ve done a bunch of role-playing over the years and I’m always amazed by the “smarts” and creativity of the students. It’s another way to connect to the parish community. This is a great way for me to give back and to connect on a personal level with moms, dads, students, other catechists, parish staff—people I would otherwise probably never meet. It’s fun. Yes, sometimes I’d rather sleep in on Sunday morning but once I’m in class I find myself energized..and that feeling carries over into my whole day! I strongly encourage you to consider making the commitment; it’s not hard and there are lots of us “olds-timers” around to help if you need it. Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions (847-525-3754) Take the plunge! Patty Sanfilippo Hey everybody! Be sure to join the Facebook group “Sparked Hearts YM” and subscribe to updates so you will be in the know on all the great stuff happening with Sparked Hearts! All you need to do is scan the code below! You can also follow us on TWITTER @SparkedHearts!! Check out our area of the BULLETIN BOARD at the entrance of church – it has a calendar of events and more info about what is happening with Sparked Hearts! Everyone in high school is welcome to our events! FUN EXPLOSION: This Sunday, May 20, we will be having the most fun possible helping the Teen Trip to Haiti with the car wash. BYOB—Bring Your Own Bucket! It will be a BLAST!! NO SPARKED HEARTS: Next Sunday, May 27, we will not have Sparked Hearts because of Memorial Day. Have a pleasant holiday! SERVICE RETREAT JUNE 9-10. This will be a day of service in the city followed by a night in the Parish Center and ending with mass Sunday morning. All the newly graduated 8th graders are invited! Check elsewhere in the bulletin for more info! MARK YOUR CALENDARS: North Side Kairos Retreat August 10-13. The Kairos retreat is a wonderful experience! We will be participating in the North Side Kairos that pulls from several parishes on the North Side. It is held at Ballarmine Retreat House in Barrington, and is open to entering juniors, seniors, and college freshmen. Pick up a pamphlet at the bulletin board, the table by the office entrance, and the materials at the church front entrance. Facebook group RELIGIOUS EDUCATION NEWS This weekend one of the Religious Ed Board Members will be speaking briefly at the Masses to ask for volunteers to teach religious education. Please do consider this and call the office to talk further (847-446-6535). Registration for the 2012-2013 Religious Education year continues. Registration and payment of tuition/fees are now available on-line. Favor please--when you register take time to seriously consider enrolling for the Sunday afternoon 5:30-6:45 classes so as to help maintain the balance that is needed for our program to work. We moved class time up by 15 minutes so we’ll be out by 6:45, and not too late to get home for a Sunday evening supper together. The results are in. As of today our Lenten Mission project of library books for Haiti has brought in $1754 from our Religious Education families. THANKS to all who returned their banks and made donations for this worthwhile project. CONGRATULATIONS and BLESSINGS to our SHRE GRADUATING CLASS OF 2012 Nicholas Adams Andrew Huber Liam O'Neill Elisse Albian Haley Hunken Hannah Padavic Erin Allgaier Jack Kane Jake Paschen Christopher Bechtel Sean Kane Atticus Pluta Kate Carter Maddie Kingsbury Courtney Prosniewski John Dolan Nick Kish Erin Robinson Christian Dooley Sydney Kowalski Marcus Sanders Alex Dudek Chiara Lommer Sara Schuham Kailyn Farrell Madison Mangan Peter Schulz Cammy Frei Erin Mirkovic Bailey Seymour Michael Gallo Matthew Morette Jon Spinner Dillon Gorham Matthew Murlick Graham Tarling Aidan Graver Matthew Myers Francis Thinnes Claire Hartman Alexander Nickel Megan Trott Emma Hermanson Ryan Nolan Hannah von Kreuter Esteban Hernandez Jackie O'Brien THANK YOU FR. KEVIN! Join us for coffee and conversation after the 10:30am Mass Sunday (today) as we extend our thanks and bid farewell to Fr. Kevin Gillespie Fr. Kevin has been a visiting presider here at Sacred Heart for the last two years while he served as the Associate Provost at Loyola University in Chicago. During that time, he came to know our parish well and we came to know his humor and spirituality. He will be sorely missed! He will still have a Mass here next weekend (9:00am) but then he will be leaving to begin his new assignment as the President of St. Joseph University in Philadelphia. We would like to take this opportunity to thank Fr. Kevin for his guidance, his generous spirit and the gift of his priesthood to our community. We wish him well in his new ministry. FINANCES AT A GLANCE—MAY 13, 2012 Our YTD shortfall is $25K, compared to $22K last week. Only 6 weeks left until our fiscal year-end. Let’s close the gap. Thank you for your generosity! ATTENTION ALL ALTAR SERVERS, EUCHARISTIC MINISTERS, GREETERS, AND LECTORS! We are preparing to create the next schedule for Altar Servers, Eucharistic Ministers, Greeters, and Lectors. The Spring schedule will run from Monday, June 18th, through Sunday, September 9th, 2012. Please let Barbara Anderson know your UNAVAILABLE dates by TODAY, Sunday, May 20th for this time period; she can be reached at [email protected] . If you do not have email, please leave a message with your unavailable dates at the Sacred Heart office: (847) 4460856. Many thanks! MEMORIAL DAY MASS SACRED HEART CEMETARY Sacred Heart Cemetery Lee Road just north of Dundee Road, Northbrook Monday, May 28, 2012 at 10:00 AM EUCHARISTIC ADORATION Please join us on Friday, June 1, to spend some time in quiet meditation Parish Office Chapel 7:30 a.m.—12:00 p.m. and concluding with Benediction at Noon Planning for the YEAR OF SUNDAY MASS, the second year of the Archdiocese's Strategic Pastoral Plan that will begin in July 2012, is underway. Catholics of all ages are being asked to share their viewpoints on the importance of Sunday Mass. Visit and click on the View Points - What About Sunday Mass? Ad on the right side to share your views. Sacred Heart Teens are going to Haiti this Summer and they want you to have a clean car! Our Teen Trip to Haiti 2012 has 13 Teens and 5 Adults who will be visiting St Jean Baptiste, our twin Parish in Sassier for 9 days this summer. We are having a Car Wash on May 20 to raise money for the Trip and to make sure that you have a clean Ride for the Memorial Day Please bring your cars to get cleaned up and help us pay our way to Haiti! When: Sunday, May 20, 2012 11:30 AM to 1:00 PM Where: Sacred Heart Church Parking Lot Thank your very much for helping us make our Trip a Success!! SACRED HEART NETWORKING GROUP—NEW!!! Even though job search networking is one of the most successful ways to find a new job, it can sound intimidating and sometimes seems a little bit scary. It doesn't have to be. The Sacred Heart Networking Group focuses on connecting those in various industries to their next opportunity. At least 60% - some report even higher statistics - of all jobs are found by networking. You'll find that many of the participants have the same goals you do and will be glad to exchange business cards and information - there's security in numbers. Join us for our inaugural meeting on Thursday, May 24th at 7:00PM in the Parish Center Rotunda. Our meeting format is simple: 1) 5 - 6 people per table for 30 minutes 2) 5 minutes per person introducing themselves AND target list of companies 3) Table members will help provide network contacts/insights into members target list of companies 4) We'll rotate tables and start the process over with new introductions with new table members 5) This is a FREE service - we believe in "Paying-it-Forward" concept. Requirements: - Resumes/Handbills - Target list of companies - Willing to help others The rest is up to you to follow up. Join us on LinkedIn (Sacred Heart Networking Group) and get connected ! THIS WEEK AT SACRED HEART Monday, May 21 Transition Mtg., 2:00PM/PCR Finance Council Mtg., 7:00PM/CR Tuesday May 22 Prayer Meeting, 9:00AM/Fireplace Room Everyone is welcome! Parish Council Mtg., 7:00PM/CR Saturday, May 26 Rosary Group, 8:00AM/Chapel Sunday, May 27 Sparked Hearts Youth Ministry, 11:30AM/PC Teen Rm Thursday, May 24 Nursing Home Angels Lake Cook/Marijo Erzinger Glen Oaks/Cathy Nowacki, Frieda Baker Choir Rehearsal, 7:30PM/PCMR PRESIDERS Saturday, May 26 5:00 PM—Fr. Nyache/Deacon Gerald Keenan Sunday, May 27 7:30 AM—Fr. Heidenreich/Deacon John Fay 9:00 AM—Fr. Gillespie/Deacon Gerald Keenan 10:30 AM—Fr. Nyache 4:30 PM—Fr. Nyache LECTORS Saturday, May 26 5:00 PM—Lisa Franke Sunday, May 27 7:30 AM—Pete Wais 9:00 AM—Joan Forte 10:30 AM—Joe Ogiony 4:30 PM—Dan Kubasiak ALTAR SERVERS Like us on Facebook! See up-to-the-minute news about Sacred Heart! Saturday, May 26 5:00 PM—Grace Clarke, Cade Fitzwater, Claire Russell Sunday, May 27 7:30 AM—Maggie Graves, Ian Graves, Joe Graves 9:00 AM—Maureen Hines, Matty Mangan, Josephine Olson 10:30 AM—John Berner, Caroline Berner, Caileigh Kengott 4:30 PM—Nick Collins, Brian Hill, Alexandra Riedinger Daily Altar Servers , 5/28—6/2 Hailey Collins, Ward Madigan MASS INTENTIONS Monday, May 21 7:00 AM - Hank Zanarini & John Zanarini 8:30 AM - Rowland & Rosemary Hoffman Tuesday, May 22 7:00 AM - Benita McNeal 8:30 AM - Tony Cascino, Sr. Wednesday, May 23 7:00 AM - Benita McNeal 8:30 AM - Elizabeth Hamlin Thursday, May 24 7:00 AM - Special Intentions 8:30 AM - Richard Hamlin Friday, May 25 7:00 AM - William Hartnett 8:30 AM - Missy O’Neill Saturday, May 26 8:30 AM - Parishioners of Sacred Heart 5:00 PM - Jane Mitchel Sunday, May 27 7:30 AM - Josephine Vargas 9:00 AM - Claire Madden 10:30 AM - Special Intentions of Mary Catherine Hayes 4:30 PM - Jeanne Ann Lawson EUCHARISTIC MINISTERS Saturday, May 26 5:00 PM—Jack Farley Lisa Franke, Ludy Mariano, Phyllis Russell, John Russell Sunday, May 27 7:30 AM—Claudia Mann, Nancy Wais, Pete Wais 9:00 AM—Tom Forte, Kay Madden, John Madden, Roseanne Madden, Robert Maganuco 10:30 AM—Mark Kengott, Carleasia Kengott, Christine Kengott, Peter Mesrobian, Marion Powers 4:30 PM—Don Devlin, Sheila Devlin, Ellie McGarry GREETERS Saturday, May 26 5:00 PM—Mabel Grace, Edna Smith Sunday, May 27 7:30 AM—Claudia Mann 9:00 AM—Barbara Anderson, Gerry Bellanca 10:30 AM—Peter Mesrobian, Marion Powers 4:30 PM—Dan Hagedorn CHOIR Saturday, May 26 5:00 PM—Dan MacDonald Sunday, May 27 9:00 AM—Sacred Heart Choir 10:30 AM—One Voice 4:30 PM—Children & Kathy Janega Keenan Sacred Heart Parish Contact Information 1077 Tower Road, Winnetka, IL 60093 847.446.0856; fax 847.501.5311 email: [email protected] / Pastor - Rev. Robert J. Heidenreich - Parish Office ext. 138; Rectory ext. 116 / [email protected] Associate Pastor - Rev. Collins Kisaka Nyache - Rectory, ext. 115 / Office ext. 113 [email protected] Pastor Emeritus - Rev. Robert E. Ferrigan - 312-943-0910 Pastoral Associate - Judy Pyke - ext. 124/[email protected] Permanent Deacons - John Fay / [email protected], Michael J. McNulty / [email protected], ext. 120, Gerry Keenan / [email protected], 773-251-6626 Director of Music - Todd Gresick - ext. 107/[email protected] Children’s Choir - Kathy Janega Keenan/[email protected], 847-736-3198 One Voice Youth Ensemble - Anne Lentino, [email protected] Sacristan Coordinator - June Hocter - ext. 136 Business Manager - Michelle Wasielewski / [email protected], ext. 131 Accounting/Census/Contributions/Tuition, Cindy Atsaves - ext. 114/ [email protected] Bookkeeping, Suzie Danstrom - ext. 141/[email protected] Building Engineer, Michael King - ext. 119 Administrative Assistant & Bulletin Coordinator (Monday—Thursday), Cindy Reid - ext. 101/ [email protected] Administrative Assistant (part-time, Friday and Sunday) Trish O’Toole - ext. 101/[email protected] Website Administrator/Consultant (Offsite), Andy Duran - [email protected] Youth Minister, Carol Nowatzke - ext. 132/ [email protected] Elementary School Principal - Sr. Kathleen Donnelly, O.P., / 1095 Gage Street - 847.446.0005 Religious Education Director - Sr. Luanne Wilhelm, SLW, / 1095 Gage Street - 847.446.6535 Baptism - By Appointment - We celebrate Baptisms on Sundays following the 10:30 Mass. Our Baptism Guidelines and Baptism Information Forms are available on our website . For further information, please contact our Baptism Coordinator at 847-446-0856. Baptism Preparation - 4th Sunday of the month 9:15 - 10:15 a.m. in the Parish Offices Conference Room. Sacrament of Matrimony - Contact priest or deacon 6 months prior to the anticipated date of marriage Sacrament of Anointing - Please call one of the priests - 847.446.0856 ext. 115, ext. 116 CHURCH NAME AND NUMBER — Sacred Heart Church #862 ADDRESS — 1077 Tower Road Winnetka, Illinois 60093 PHONE — 847-446-0856 CONTACT PERSON — Cindy Reid x 101 SOFTWARE — Microsoft Publisher 2007 Adobe Acrobat 8.0 Windows XP Professional PRINTER — HP Laserjet 1022 NUMBER OF PAGES SENT = 12 SUNDAY DATE OF BULLETIN May 20, 2012 THANK YOU!
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Pastor - Rev. Robert J. Heidenreich - Parish Office ext. 138; Rectory ext. 116 / [email protected]
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