amateur-satellite service
amateur-satellite service
AMATEUR-SATELLITE SERVICE ADVANCE PUBLICATION (API) CAPTURE Verify if you have the latest version of SpaceCap Capture the main characteristics of the network By default the SpaceCap submission page will be: IT IS ASSUMED THAT IN MOST OF THE CASES, AMATEUR SATELLITE STATIONS ARE: NON-GEOSTATIONARY AND NOT SUBJECT TO COORDINATION CAPTURE APPROPRIATE ADJUSTEMENTS NOTE CAPTURE RECEIVING BEAM INFORMATION CAPTURE GROUP INFORMATION COMMON CHARACTERISTICS AND GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS REMINDER Applications in bands allocated to the amateur-satellite service (kHz) REMINDER Applications in bands allocated to the amateur-satellite service (MHz) REMINDER Applications in bands allocated to the amateur-satellite service (GHz) FREQUENCY RANGES EMISSIONS ASSOCIATED EARTH STATION CAPTURE TRANSMITTING BEAM INFORMATION EMISSION AND FREQUENCY SCREEN AS IDENTICAL FOR RECEIVING AND TRANSMITTING BEAMS ASSOCIATED EARTH STATION SCREEN IS ALMOST IDENTICAL IN RECEPTION AND EMISSION IT’S MANDATORY TO USE THE VALIDATION PROGRAMME TO CHECK THE RESULT OF THE CAPTURE Verify if you have the latest version of SpaceVal STEP 1 STEP 2 SELECT YOUR ACCESS DATABASE SELECT ON YOUR HARD DISK THE FILE CONTAINING YOUR CAPTURE CONFIRM YOUR SELECTION STEP 3 LAUNCH THE VALIDATION PROCESS STEP 4 WHEN THE VALIDATION IS COMPLETED DISPLAY THE VALIDATION REPORT PROCEED WITH ANALYZE AND CORRECTIONS How to submit a filing to the Bureau? • Administrations may submit electronic filings to the Bureau on a CD-ROM or as email file attachement (zipped) • Each Directory/Folder or zipped file should then contain the following files, as appropriate, for that particular network: – One Network_Name/Station_Name.mdb file in the SNS file format (this file should contain only ONE network !!) – One or several files for the submission of graphical data, notes on the diagrams in English only – One Network_Name/Station_Name.doc file (for any comments pertaining to the network) Basic rules related to submission of the notices • All mail must be sent to the following address: Radiocommunication Bureau ITU Place des Nations CH-1211 Geneva 20 Switzerland • All telefaxes must be sent to:+41 22 730 5785 (several lines) • All E-mail must be sent to: [email protected] – Information received in the BR Registry by E-mail shall be acknowledged immediately by E-mail from the BR mail server – Please check your E-mail account for this message - if such acknowledgment message is not received, administration should contact the BR by FAX – In case of E-mail submission a confirmation by telefax or letter is required from the Administration within 7 days of the date of the E-mail 33 FOR ANY SPECIFIC CASE PLEASE CONTACT THE BUREAU [email protected]
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