TB #19 - Casement crimping
TB #19 - Casement crimping
CASEMENT CORNER CRIMPING 101 October 2013 Technical Bulletin 19 www.hbs.co.za EQUIPMENT ADJUSTMENTS REQUIRED As we have improved our Nuklip Casement design the crimping for the system has been altered. Below are some of our recommenda -tions for crimping the improved profiles. Inside Crimping (HSG12 CLEAT) The crimper blade should be for a 28mm base system which our Nuklip Casement range has been based on. Using the HSG12 cleat the ideal blade thickness to be 29.9mm to get the ideal crimp on the profiles. CAPE TOWN DURBAN JOHANNESBURG 021 534-7420 031 564-7350 011 626-3330 ALUMINIUM SYSTEMS CASEMENT CORNER CRIMPING 101 Outside Crimping (HSG13 CLEAT) Using the HSG13 cleat the crimper blades should be adjusted so the pressure is not too high as not to fold the cleat closed. The depth of the crimp should be only enough as to deform the metal onto the cleat on the inside surface. The HSG13 cleat has been designed with many surfaces as to allow for very small adjustments to get an ideal crimp. Visit our website for an extensive range of technical bulletins. October 2013 Technical Bulletin 19 www.hbs.co.za CAPE TOWN DURBAN JOHANNESBURG 021 534-7420 031 564-7350 011 626-3330 ALUMINIUM SYSTEMS