2015 - Girl Scouts of the Desert Southwest


2015 - Girl Scouts of the Desert Southwest
I can’t wait to
2015 GSDSW
Summer Camp
Table of Contents
Camp Director
Camp Mitre Peak
What We Offer
Who Can Attend
Staff Leadership
Camp Mitre Peak Staff
The Value of Camp
Camp Sessions and Pricing
Sample Daily Schedule
Create My Story!
Find My Inner Strength!
Exploring Sisterhood!
Troop Mitre
Older Girl Opportunities
Registration Procedures
First Time Campers
Arrival/Depature from Camp 20
Stay N’ Play
Health Information
Camper Blues
Other Areas of Camp
Trading Post
Desert Dollars
Camper Quiz
Special thanks to Heather “Sprocket” Westerfield
and our other fantastic camp photographers for the
wonderful photos in this publication!
Hello, girls!
Hello, parents!
I invite you to come out and join us for some fun in
the sun at Camp Mitre Peak this summer! We have
some exciting new programs to offer, like scuba diving
at Balmorhea, exploring the Big Bend, kayaking the
Rio Grande, hiking across the beautiful plateaus and
valleys, as well as many of your all-time favorites! You
can sign up to make ice cream in a can, hike to First
Pool and Daffy’s cave, horseback ride down winding
trails, swim in our clear blue pool or take awesome
digital pics to share with your friends, just to name a
few of our “I can’t wait to Capture the Mitre Magic!”
program offerings!
Camp Mitre Peak is for girls of all ages and from all
walks of life! A girl does not have to already be a Girl
Scout to explore and make new friends at camp this
summer. Camp Mitre Peak has served as a Girl Scout
camp for 67 years strong! We pride ourselves on
continuing the strong, positive traditions based on the
Girl Scout Promise and Law:
I am honored to be returning for my 11th summer as
your Camp Director and I am excited to be part of
Mitre Magic again! What’s Mitre Magic you ask? It’s
about lifelong friendships made under starry skies in
the beautiful Davis Mountains. Girls just like you learn
to stand a bit taller and become a stronger version of
who they are when they try new things and when they
share what they know with others! I know Mitre Magic
is happening when I hear the sound of girls laughing
and songs echoing up the canyon, or when I see
tears of joy shared around our Friday night campfire
because you’re leaving the next day! Sometimes, it
even happens when the moon rises just as you start
to sing “Moon on the Meadow”!
So invite your friends, cousins, and neighbors to
come with you to Camp Mitre Peak this summer to
explore, make friends, and to learn some fun new
Your camp director and friend,
Girl Scout Law
I will do my best to be
honest and fair,
friendly and helpful,
considerate and caring,
courageous and strong, and
responsible for what I say and do,
and to
respect myself and others,
respect authority,
use resources wisely,
make the world a better place, and
be a sister to every Girl Scout.
My driver’s license says Jana Jones, but everyone
at camp knows me by my camp name: Willow! I’ve
been going to Camp Mitre Peak since I was a young
camper. I’ve also worked many years at Camp
Mitre Peak as a counselor, Program Director and
Assistant Director. I am also a certified teacher with
over 20 years of classroom and youth leadership
development experience. My goal is to give back to
our future leaders what I know I gained as a camper
and counselor at Camp Mitre Peak! I am committed
to creating a fun and safe camp experience for your
daughter and for all girls where they can play, grow, and
experience the Mitre Magic for themselves!
Camp Mitre Peak
Camp Mitre Peak
Staff Leadership
is located between Fort Davis and Alpine in the rugged
mountains of West Texas at the base of our 6,000 foot
namesake, Mitre Peak. Don’t let the desert environment
fool you. The camp is nestled in a canyon with many large
shade trees surrounded by two 100+ foot plateaus.
The leadership team and counseling staff are selected on
the basis of character, experience working with youth, skills
and certifications in specific areas, maturity, personality,
teamwork, education, and leadership ability. Staff
members include college students and graduates, certified
teachers, program professionals, and former campers that
have completed the Counselor-In-Training preparatory
course. Camp Mitre Peak maintains a supervisory staff
ratio of one counselor for every six to eight campers based
on the girls’ ages. Overall staff to camper ratio is one staff
member to every four girls at camp.
Who Can Attend
While at Girl Scout Camp, girls are encouraged to make
new friends, learn to work and build a community with
others, develop self-confidence, and discover new skills.
Campers are placed with other girls their age in units with
adult supervision. Girl Scouts and non-Girl Scouts are
invited to attend. Camp is open to all girls entering the 1st
through the 12th grade in the fall of 2015.
Staff members are required to attend an intensive training
prior to camp and on-going training and supervision
throughout the camp season to ensure continual focus on
physical and emotional safety, as well as on camp program
goals. These program goals include skill development,
esteem building, personal growth, and leadership. Goals
are accomplished through activities that are fun and
educationally challenging in a safe environment. A fun
summer camping experience is an investment in a girl’s
What We Offer
We offer horseback riding, hiking, crafts, canoeing,
rappelling, star gazing, archery, swimming lessons,
backpacking, trips out of camp, outdoor cooking, and
much more! Camp Mitre Peak is licensed by the Texas
Department of State Health Services.
Camp Mitre Peak Staff
Make new friends,
But keep the old,
One is Silver,
And the other Gold!
Fun filled Days, Laughter, Smiles, and New Friends as
well as Old, that is what Camp Mitre Peak is all about!!!
You need to come join in it all this summer as we
explore Girl Scouting in a camp environment!
I am Patch, the Program Manager! And I am one of the
many persons that make your camping experience
My name is Sprocket (Heather) Westerfield and I’m
super excited to be returning to Camp Mitre Peak this
year as Co-Program Manager. I was introduced to Mitre
Magic as a college student and have worked on staff as
a Unit Counselor/Leader, Pool Staff, Pool Director and
Co-Program Manager.
It is so important to me to share my love of the
outdoors and learning with the girls who come to
Camp Mitre Peak. In addition to my experience at
CMP, I am a State of Texas-certified Early Childhood
through High School teacher with over 10 years of
teaching experience. I currently teach music to 600
elementary students in San Antonio, TX. In addition, I
fabulous and fun. I have been a Girl Scout for 50 years
with 14 years of working on staff at Camp Mitre Peak. I
love what camping has to offer anyone—young and old,
weak and strong, and small and tall—everyone. The
Mitre Magic is there for everyone. So come and join us
as we explore the area around us and venture out on
adventures in the area.
Your Program Manager
and friend,
tch” Be
lead a robotics program and do a little web design and
technology training on my campus.
My personal interests vary greatly, and I love that Camp
Mitre Peak offers a variety of activities that encourage
girls to become well rounded and strong women.
From hiking and photography to horseback riding and
canoeing, this summer promises to be unforgettable.
I can’t wait to see you there and share the magic with
Your Co-Program Manager
and friend,
r “S
Welcome to Camp Mitre Peak! I am excited to be
returning on staff for my 14th summer at Camp Mitre!
As Waterfront Manager, I will ensure safety and a fun
camp experience for your daughter.
I am a certified teacher with 30+ years of classroom
and have youth leadership experience within:
Girl Scouts, Boy Scouts and Outdoor Experiential
Our goal is to help create a magical place for all the
girls, where your daughter can make lifelong friends,
experience new adventures and create unforgettable
memories!! I love watching girls challenge themselves
and observe that joy through their laughter and song.
So bring your friends for the best summer ever!
My goal is to help make dreams come true for your
child here at Camp Mitre Peak! As a parent of a girl that
“grew up” at this camp, I have first hand experience of
what a difference this place can make in the growth of
your daughter. Truly, Mitre Magic Moments does exist!
Your Waterfront Manager
and friend,
ips” M
Janet “Ch
My name is Martin McAllister and I am the Property
Manager for Camp Mitre Peak. As a licensed State of
Texas Peace Officer, I am also employed as a deputy
with the Brewster County Sheriff’s Office in Alpine, TX.
I live on-site directly adjacent to the only entry gate into
camp. In my residence there is an alarm that sounds
whenever someone nears our gate.
As a long-time Texas resident, I have lived in the Big
Bend area since 2000 and lived at Camp Mitre Peak
since 2009. I have established a relationship with a
network of neighbors and law enforcement who
understand that we are here. While we are remote, we
are not forgotten.
I personally enjoy horse riding and golf as hobbies on
and away from Camp.
Your Property Manager
and friend,
The Value and Benefits
of the Camp Experience
Girls Advance within a
Multicultural World
A Strong Sense of Self
By living in a group setting with a diverse
population, girls can increase their
communication skills, strengthen their selfreliance, and gain self-confidence. Group living
shows campers what it’s like to be part of a
democratic community.
Camp is designed to allow young women the
opportunity to learn about themselves and others
in a safe and comfortable environment. Camp
offers campers an authentic experience in which
they can discover and strengthen their own
abilities, while transforming personal challenges
into feats of accomplishment.
Girls Promote Cooperation
and Team Building
Girls Develop Healthy
Relationships with Others
Camp provides girls with guidance from
positive teen and adult role models. Staff
members work together to provide a caring and
encouraging environment for girls in which they
build a relationship based on understanding,
mutual respect, guidance, and assistance.
Camp offers girls a chance to enhance teamwork
and social skills through group play and personal
challenges. Their newfound proficiency in
cooperation and team building helps girls to make
life-long friendships and become more adept at
conflict resolution and respecting the viewpoints
of others.
Girls Feel A Connection to
Communities, Local and Global
Girls Develop Postive Values
Camp provides an atmosphere in which girls can
discover what it means to be honest and fair,
friendly and helpful, considerate and caring,
courageous and strong, and responsible for their
own actions. Girls will learn to respect themselves
and others, respect authority, use resources
wisely, make the world a better place, and be a
sister to their new camp friends.
The outdoor setting of camp provides girls with
an increased awareness and responsibility toward
their natural environment. Field trips off-property
allow girls to come face to face with the local
communities near Camp Mitre Peak.
Camp Sessions
How Resident Camp Works
All Girl Scout Programs are about leadership and girls learning
to Discover, Connect, and Take Action. Camp Mitre Peak is
taking action to make camp a girl-led program where girls are
the leaders and girls take the lead in making choices. Each
week, girls will have the opportunity to earn steps of Journey
Skill badges by participating in the Daily Choice Activities.
Session 1 and 2 have themed activities in the morning and
Daily Choice Activities to be chosen at camp. Session 3
will list a few Daily Choice Activities, but will focus on girls
choosing every activity and customizing how they enjoy
their camp experience. On Sunday, girls will be able to sign
up for activities they want to participate in for the week.
Girls will choose at least one outdoor activity like horseback
riding, swimming, hiking or archery, in addition to selecting
one or two other Daily Choice Activities from sessions
available at that day. (Archery is limited to girls entering the
4th grade and above due to safety issues). Activities are
modified appropriately by age level to ensure the safety of all
participants involved.
There will be minimum and maximum number of activities in
each day, but choices that have a waiting list could be offered
at more than one time during the week. Some activities may
take more than one activity period to complete, but girls will
know that when they sign up (hiking, horseback riding, etc).
Every evening, girls will get a chance to review what they
picked for the next day. If they have changed their mind and
want to try something new, they can do so if the choice is
available. Please note that all themed activities
for Sessions 1 and 2 have a six girl minimum
and will be cancelled if not met!
Girls will experience a part of a Girl Scout Journey with their
unit at camp in the morning and during Tea Time. Completing
parts of the Journey will allows girls to earn steps of badges.
Since our program is girl-led, girls may opt NOT to earn steps
of badges by selecting choices that are for younger or older
grade levels or by selecting any badge activities. (See page
8-10 for Session Information).
Daily Schedule
7:00 am Rise and Shine
7:30 am Hoppes and Flag
7:50 am Flag Raising
8:00 am Breakfast
9:00 am -12:00 pm
Camp Activities
12:00pm Lunch
1:00 pm Me Time
1:45 pm Tea Time- Cookies
and Unit Kapers
2:00-5:30 pm
Camp Activities
5:30 pm Camp Kapers
5:50 pm Lower the Flag
6:00 pm Dinner
7:00 pm All Camp Activitities
- Swimming, Trading Post,
Camp Council Activities
9:00 pm Ready for Bed
10:00 pm Lights out
Create My Story!
Find My Inner Strength!
Grades: 1 through 12
Cost: $425
Session 1: June 28 - July 4
Session 2: July 5 - July 11
The Mitre Magic fills the camp as we take a journey through fairy
gardens, bravery, games and exploration of the past and camp.
These camps allow you spend the morning with friends and
venture out on your own in the afternoon to learn new skills or just
have fun with sports, crafts, and more!
Create My Story! Find My Inner Strength allows you to sign up for a
unit where you and your friends do activities together based on a
theme in the mornings and sign up for daily activity choices in the
afternoon. These grade level choices will help you earn steps in
journeys and badges.
Go On a Journey!
Grades: 7 through 12
Cost: $535 - $685
Session 1: June 28 - July 4
Session 2: July 5 - July 11
Session 3: July 12 - July 18
Ready for an adventure? Girls will spend each week on a high
adventure! Each week has a theme and activities that girls
told us they wanted to do!
Exploring Sisterhood!
Grades: 1 through 12
Cost: $270 per half-week, $425 per full week
Session 3(A): July 12 - July 18 (Full Week)
Session 3(B): July 12 - July 15 (Half Week)
Session 3(C): July 15 - July 18 (Half Week)
Join us as we make new friends, keep the old and experience Mitre
Magic! This week you and your troop can attend with a trained
(*prep-oreed Adult troop leader or two) or you can attend as an
individual girl for a half or full week.
Girls will Camp YOUR way! Girls will spend the half/full week
picking each and every activity they do! This camp will give girls a
“sample” of camp, living in a cabin or tent with other girls, and being
responsible for their own belongings.
These sessions are all about YOU
choosing YOUR experience!
I can’t wait to
Create My Story!
Session 1: June 28 - July 4
Come to camp this week and participate in Enchanted Adventures. This session at camp is about picking a
themed unit prior to coming to camp that you will participate in each morning and then when you arrive at
camp you will pick activities for each afternoon that will help you create your camp story!
Magnificent Fairy/Elf Garden!
Grades 1-3
Join the Girl Scout Flower Friends and Brownie Elf for
a magnificent journey into the garden of the fairies
with flowers, wonderful butterflies, tender music, and
mystical creatures. You will be able to make adorable
fairies, brownie elves, fun miniatures and make your
fairy/elf garden come to life. Sunny Daisy Petal, Rosie
Daisy Petal, Lupe Daisy Petal, Brownie Potter, Brownie
Inventor, Brownie Making Friends
Be Brave!
Grades 4-6
Join us for a week of archery, rapelling, hiking and caving. Take aim and hit your target, shoot for distance and
improve your form; rope up, climb high; hang low, and
belly crawl. Enjoy swimming, horseback riding and hiking,
but the true excitement will be with the challenge of it
all. Enjoy fun and interactive pool and archery games,
discover new trails and overcome your fears by “Being
Brave.” Junior Practice With Purpose, Junior Staying
Fit, Junior Camper
MasterChef Gal!
Grades 4-12
Are you a Culinary Queen or want to be? At this event you can
be a Culinary Artist, Cake Boss, Cupcake Queen or a Snack
Extraordinaire. On arrival at camp your group will decide what they
want to spend your unit time doing for the week. From snacks to
meals this event will have you saying “I can’t wait to be a MasterChef
Gal!” Junior Simple Meals, Cadette New Cuisines, Senior
Locavore, Ambassador Dinner Party
Yo-Yoing Along!
Grades 1-12
Camp Your way! This Daily Choice Activity will have girls choosing
what they want to do at camp! Love nature and the outdoors? Try
some of our hikes! Is performing more your style? Why not give
theater or dance session a try! Love horses? Enjoy horseback riding
lessons and learning about taking care of horses. Love Swimming?
Take a dip in our pool, learn to swim, snorkel or just join in our
pool fun and games. Lupe Daisy Petal, Brownie Potter, Brownie
Painting, Brownie Hiker, Junior Gardner, Junior Camper, Junior
Jeweler, Junior Detective, Cadette Woodworker, Cadette Special
Agent, Cadette Book Artist, Senior Game Visionary, Senior
Textile Artist, Senior Collage
Girl Scout Amazing Race!
Grades 7-12
Ever wonder what it would be like to be on a reality TV
show or to compete with a partner or group on a race
to learn new skills? This week-long journey will have you
searching for clues, trying new things, taking adventures
inside and out of camp and seeing which team is the
cleverest in winning the Race.
Cadette Field Day, Cadette Night Owl, Cadette
Good Sportsmanship, Cadette Trailblazing, Senior
I can’t wait to
Find My Inner Stength!
Session 2: July 5 - 11
What does it mean to find your inner strength? Inner strength is when you get on a horse when you’re a little
afraid, when you go a new hike, learn to swim, or even coming to camp the first time! This session at camp is
about picking a themed unit prior to coming to camp that you will participate each morning in and then when
you arrive at camp trying new things each afternoon to find your inner strength.
Girl Power
Horse Tails
Grades: 1-3
Discover what girl power is all about through trying
activities such as baking, pottery, jewelry, and dance.
You can use your girl power to plan a tea or slumber
party, take a nature walk, hold a creepy crawly bug or
just discover all the fun of being a girl. Gloria Daisy
Petal, Tula Daisy Petal, Brownie Potter, Brownie
Potter, Brownie Painting, Brownie Bugs
Grades: 4-12
Get to know the camp horses. Learn about taking care
of horses, feeding, grooming, saddling and safety. Enjoy
Painting the Ponies, Braiding Manes and Tails, getting in the
saddle, and taking a ride or two around the arena. This is
for those girls who love horses, are new to horses or just
wanting to experience Mitre Horse Magic. Junior Animal
Habitats, Cadette Animal Helpers, Senior Voice for
Girl Scout Pioneer Days
Travel back in time as you experience what life was
really like for early settlers. Say goodbye to your
microwave and try your hand at some old fashioned
bread baking, jam making, and butter churning as you
cook meals over the campfire. Create dip candles, learn
sewing skills, and sleep under a blanket of stars like a
real pioneer girl! Junior Camper, Junior Playing the
Past, Cadette Trailblazing
Yo-Yoing Along!
Grades: 1-12
Camp Your way! This Daily Choice Activity will have girls
choosing what they want to do at camp! Love nature and
the outdoors? Try some of our hikes! Is performing more
your style? Why not give theater or dance session a try!
Love horses? Enjoy horseback riding lessons and learning
about taking care of horses. Love Swimming? Take a dip in
our pool, learn to swim, snorkel or just join in our pool fun
and games. Lupe Daisy Petal, Brownie Potter, Brownie
Painting, Brownie Hiker, Junior Gardner, Junior Camper,
Junior Jeweler, Junior Detective, Cadette Woodworker,
Cadette Special Agent, Cadette Book Artist, Senior
Game Visionary, Senior Textile Artist, Senior Collage
Desert Girl Survivor
Grades: 7-12
Girl Scouts motto is “Be Prepared”. What would happen
if you were alone or lost in the wilderness? Would
you know how to survive a day, week or maybe even
a month off of what nature has to offer ? Girls join us
for a week of Survivor Skills Girl Scout Style. Learn to
pitch a camp site, leave no trace, cook outdoors and
don’t be afraid you will survive! This fun event is for
those looking to test their limits, try new things, learn
new skills or just to say “I can survive”! Cadette Tree,
Cadette Trailblazing, Senior Adventurer, Senior Sky,
Ambassador Water
Exploring Sisterhood!
Session 3: July 12 - 18
Grades: 1-12
Come to camp and explore Sisterhood! You can do this through fun activities such as hiking, horses, games and
making new friends while you keep the old! This week’s session is about picking each and every activity you do
once you arrive at camp. Girls can participate in these activities and more:
Tell My Story
Practice My P’s and Q’s
Take an Adventure
Can you fix your own hair, choose your own clothes or
have your own style? Do you pride yourself on planting,
growing or preparing food? Do you have experience
working with your hands or tools? Camp is a great place
to gain independence! Daisy Mari Petal, Brownie
Household elf, Brownie My Great Day, Junior Gardner,
Junior Independence, Cadette Woodworker, Senior
Room Makeover
How do we tell others about ourselves? We all have
stories about our family, places we have been, what
we want to do, and where we will go in life. Stories help
us know about the past, prepare use for the future
and give us our voice to explore the world! Daisy
Rosie Petal, Brownie My Family Story, Junior Scribe,
Cadette Public Speaker, Senior Troupe Performer
Camp is one adventure after another. You might make
new friends, search for clues, view the night sky or
take a trip outside of camp. The adventure is yours to
choose. Daisy Vi Petal, Brownie Letterboxer, Junior
Geocacher, Cadette Night Owl, Senior Traveler
Flower Power
Being considerate and caring seems like a lot of hard
work, but when you share things, you are caring for
your friends. This fun filled event will have you working
together on a garden tea party. Daisy Vi Petal, Brownie
Snacks, Junior Simple Meals, Cadette New Cuisines,
Ambassador Dinner Party
Are you a little “Miss Manners”? Why are manners so
important? If you want to make new friends or be a
social butterfly you need to know the rules and practice
good etiquette! Daisy Gloria Petal, Brownie Making
Friends, Junior Social Butterfly, Cadette Netiquette,
Senior Business Etiquette
Do it Myself
Head Out into the Great Outdoors
Camp is a great place to spend time in the great
outdoors. At camp you will experience hiking, camping,
and learning outdoor skills. A new adventure awaits you
at every turn! Daisy Tula Petal, Brownie Hiker, Junior
Camper, Cadette Trailblazing, Senior Adventurer
Make New Friends
Do you know what it means to be a sister to every Girl
Scout? Join us as we learn about friendship through
songs, pen pals, friendship bracelets, and arts and
crafts projects. Daisy Vi Petal, Brownie Girl Scout
Way, Junior Girl Scout Way, Senior Girl Scout Way,
Ambassador Girl Scout Way
I can’t wait to...
Older Girl Opportunities
Girls entering 7-12 grade have several choices to choose from this year at Camp Mitre Peak, whether
attending Create My Story!, Finding My Inner Strength! or Exploring Sisterhood! programs where they
can choose a theme or our specialized Go on a Journey! programs that get a sample of camp with a High
Adventure specialty to girls who want to become CIT’S. It’s a camp designed just for you! DEADLINE TO
GO on a Journey!
Ride Like a Cowgirl!
Grades: 7 through 12
Cost: $535
Session 1: June 28 - July 4
Minimum 5 girls
Get your boots on and join us as we spend time learning about horses, cowgirls,
and more. You might take a couple of trail rides, including one under the stars.
Girls must be somewhat experienced horse riders and not afraid to get dirty and
spend time in the great outdoors. Girls will need to provide their own boots, jeans,
bedroll, and will probably pack out on their horse for at least one overnight. Girls
will receive instructions, get to know their horses, and experience an adventure
around camp that is sure to have you saying “Giddy Up! Let’s Go!”
BIG Bend Adventure
Grades: 7 through 12
Cost: $685
Session 2: June 5 - 11
Minimum 6 girls, Maximum 12 girls
There is a place in far West Texas where night skies are
dark as coal and rivers carve temple-canyons into ancient
limestone. This magical place is Big Bend. How do you best
view the Big Bend in the heat of summer? By Horseback,
Kayaking, and foot! This trip meets up with Lajitas Stables
for a 3 hour horse trip to view Petroglyphs, A day in a Kayak
on the Rio Grande River with Angell Expeditions and the
rest of this trip is spent hiking and driving through the Big
Bend to see sights you cannot believe!
This primitive camping experience(Arenosa or Grassy
Banks Campground in the Big Bend State Park) will have girls
tent camping near the Rio Grande, preparing your meals
and carrying a picnic lunch on the water. This adventure will
require girls to prepare, pack and spend time on horseback
and water. Girls will use portable toilets, keep sunscreened
and well hydrated while having lots of fun!
Girls will saddle up for a true western experience of
horseback riding, where they will observe the imprints
of the early ranching families that settled where Native
Americans had camped for thousands of years before. On
this part of the trip girls will travel to the Big Bend National
Park and will be led by certified trained professionals from
Lajitas Stables. Girls must be experienced horse riders
and be comfortable around large animals. Girls must
have BOOTS, JEANS and Camelback or large bottles
of water to carry in saddle bag. This horseback trip will
have horses climbing step hills and walking up and down
The group will also be on the water for a day to day 1/2 in
the kayak with a certified instructor from Angell Expeditions.
Girls on this trip will need a couple pairs of water shoes
or old tennis shoes along with a wide brim hat, long
sleeve shirts, camelback or large water bottle, and lots of
sunscreen. Girls must be good swimmers, feel comfortable
on a small boat, and must be comfortable in water and not
afraid to be in water over their head. GIRLS AND CAMP
Girls will also be hiking around the BIG BEND and must be
able to walk long distances and have good walking shoes or
hiking boots. Remember this is a HIGH ADVENTURE TRIP!
Be a Scuba Girl
Grades: 7 through 12
Cost: $650
Session 3: July 12 - July 18
Minimum 6 girls
Get ready for an underwater adventure. Stay at camp
and experience Suba Diving at Balmorhea State Park with
a certified instructor. Gills will enjoy diving at the largest,
spring-fed, freshwater swimming pool in the United States!
Underwater, girls are able to clearly see the host of aquatic
wildlife that calls the springs their home. Girls can catch
glimpses of two endangered species, the Comanche Springs
Pupfish and the Pecos Gambusia. Also girls can watch
the antics of the soft shell water turtle, crayfish, Mexican
Teteras, and large channel catfish. This facility is truly a
SCUBA paradise and will make for a great adventure. This
trip is also a packout tent camping event at Balmorhea State
Park. Girls will plan, pack and prepare upon arrival at camp
on Sunday.
(Photo by J. Griffis Smith, 2005, TxDOT)
Online SCUBA Pre-Camp Training
All participants of Camp Mitre Peak SCUBA Girls program
are required to go online to watch the SCUBA safety video,
and must complete the online SCUBA education classes
as well. These courses can be completed over time,
instead of in one sitting. Girls will receive instructions
on the online course once you have paid in full for this
Each participant will be required to complete the bookwork
portion of the class before coming to camp. This takes
approximately 8-10 hours to finish the 5 chapter online
course. At the end of each chapter is a review of the
materials that must be completed, printed, and brought
to camp. NO EXCEPTIONS! At camp, you will spend the
mornings review materials and the afternoons in the water.
Girls will need to bring a towel and wear a swimsuit and
sunscreen to the park each day! Camp will provide drinks,
snacks and a sack lunch while away from camp and girls will
eat breakfast and dinner at camp.
Remember, ALL participants must also fill out all of the
Balmorhea and SCUBA forms. At the end of the week, participants that complete all dives
and requirements will have earned their open water diver
certification! This will include ALL food and camp fees, ALL supplies
needed for the course (dive gear, air, park fees) as well as
instructor fees. You do not have to bring any masks, fins,
wetsuits, air tanks, etc., unless you choose to bring your own
personal supplies. You are not required to purchase any of
your own equipment. Once you pre-register and pay for the
course, you will receive the online information that you will
begin using before coming to camp.
This will be a five-day course, conducted everyday from
8am to 4pm at the beautiful San Solomon Springs at
Balmorhea State Park.
Counselor-In-Training (C.I.T.) Leadership Program
Want to be a camp counselor? Find out what a counselor’s life is really like! The C.I.T. Program enables girls
to better understand the Girl Scout practices and principles related to camping and outdoor education. The
C.I.T. Leadership Programs was developed to afford Ambassador Girl Scouts the opportunity to experience
the challenges and rewards of working with younger girls in an outdoor setting. Becoming a C.I.T. also enables
Ambassador Girl Scouts to gain insights into the responsibilities of managing a camp through direct involvement
in daily administrative activities.
C.I.T. is a 6-week program designed to give you a chance to improve your leadership skills. You will learn a lot
about child development, delivery of CMP programs and camp operations, Girl Scout philosophy, and outdoor
skills. Ambassador Girl Scouts are asked to attend a total of six weeks of training over two years with the intent of
working at least one full summer at camp upon graduation from high school. Participation in the C.I.T. program
does not guarantee future employment at Camp Mitre Peak. This course is recognized throughout the camp
industry and certifies graduates to work in all types of camps.
Counselor-in-Training I (C.I.T. I)
Counselor-in-Training II (C.I.T. II)
Grades: 11 and 12
Cost: $535
Session 1-3: June 28 - July 18
Grades: 12
Cost: $485
Session 1-3: June 28 - July 18
Join this leadership program if you are
interested in working at camp in the future. In
this foundational program you will begin to learn
methods for working with children, planning and
implementing programs, and expanding your
team building and outdoor skills. You will create a
portfolio of information, songs, games, and other
program ideas to take with you.
If you have successfully completed C.I.T. I, you are
invited to join us for the second half of this course.
During these three weeks, you will learn to work
directly with children at camp and specialize in
a specific program area, of your choice, such as,
horseback riding, swimming, arts & crafts or as unit
counselor. This will enable you to see what it is
really like to be a camp staff team member.
I can’t wait to
Teach her
something new
Show her what’s
Help her shine
See what she
does next
Be a volunteer
Help every girl be so excited about her future that she
can hardly wait for it, because she knows she can
achieve anything she sets her mind to. That feeling
starts with you.
Queremos que cada niña se emocione tanto por su futuro,
que sienta que ya no puede esperar para que llegue, porque
ella sabe que puede lograr todo lo que se proponga. Esa
sensación empieza contigo.
Become the role model she’ll always
remember at girlscouts.org/volunteer.
Conviértete en el ejemplo que ella siempre
recordará en girlscouts.org/unete.
© 2013 Girl Scouts of the USA. The GIRL SCOUTS® name, mark, and all associated trademarks and
logotypes, including the Trefoil Design, are owned by Girl Scouts of the USA.
Bring a friend to summer camp and you both will earn a patch! Encourage
your friends to attend camp with you this summer and you will earn a
Bring a Friend to Camp patch. Once you find your friend complete this
form and mail or fax it to us. This can either be a new Girl Scout or even
a current Girl Scout that has never attended that specific camp before.
Pass the word along and bring a friend.
The form below must accompany your camp registration. If your friend is not a registered Girl Scout, please fill out the
girl membership form in the back of the book along with the camp registration. Your friend will need to also fill out a camp
registration along with attend all week at camp with you.
Girl Scouts of the Desert Southwest Bring a Friend to Camp Form
Girl name ______________________________________________________________________________________
Parent name ___________________________________________________________________________________
Address ________________________________________________________________________________________
City __________________________________________________ ZIP code _________________________________
Home phone _____________________________ Work or cell __________________________________________
Email __________________________________________________________________________________________
I am bringing ___________________________________________________________________ to camp with me
Session name: ____________________________________ Date of session: ______________________________
Camp scholarships
It is our goal to continue to provide
opportunities for girls who want to go
to camp. Camp scholarships provide
this life-changing experience for girls
who may not otherwise be able to
participate because of their economic
circumstances. Contributions to camp
scholarships make it possible for all girls
throughout the 33 counties we serve
to attend camp and have the same
opportunities and experiences regardlesss
of their ability to pay. In addition camp
It is our
goal to continue
to providethe
for girls who want to go to camp. Camp scholarships provide this lifescholarships
help underwrite
cost of
be able to participate because of their economic circumstances.
camp activities, keeping fees low for all girls.
Contributions to camp scholarships make it possible for all girls throughout the 33 counties we serve to attend camp
With the
we will continue
give Girl Scouts
the opportunities
toaddition camp scholarships help
and have
of their ability
them tto b
be ttomorrow.
d th
underwrite the cost of camp activities, keeping fees low for all girls.
$850 = One week of resident camp for two girls
With your help, we will continue to give Girl Scouts the opportunities they need to become the leaders they want to be
$425 = One week of resident camp for one girl
today, and the leaders our community needs them to be tomorrow.
$270 = Half of one week of resident camp for one girl
$850 = One week of resident camp for two girls
$425 = One week of resident camp for one girl
Donations can be made at gsdsw.org or complete the form below and mail to:
= HalfofofDesert
one week
of resident
for one girl9700 Girl Scout Way, El Paso, TX 79924
- Camp
Donations can be made at gsdsw.org or complete the form below and mail to:
Girl Scouts of Desert Southwest - Camp Scholarship, 9700 Girl Scout Way, El Paso, TX 79924
Yes, I would like to help send a girl to camp!
Name ________________________________________________________________________________________
Address ______________________________________________________________________________________
City _________________________________________________________State___________
Phone_________________________________________ Email _________________________________________
Payment information
 $850  $425
 $270
 Other
$ _______
 Enclosed is my check payable to Girl Scouts of the Desert Southwest
 Please bill my credit card (fill in information below)
Card number ___________________________________________________ Exp date _____________________
Signature _____________________________________________________________________________________
See more of our great
summer resident camp
on Flickr! @GSDSW
Registration Procedures
All girls entering grades 1-12 in the fall of
2015 are eligible to attend camp. Girls
who are currently not Girl Scouts are
welcome to attend as well.
Girls not currently registered as Girl Scouts
must add $15.00 to the camp fee payment to
meet our Girl Scout standard of covering every
girl with required insurance.
A Camper Registration Form, Camper
Confidential Form, and Camp Health
Record & Doctor Exam Form must all
be completed to enroll a girl in camp. All
forms must be downloaded, completed, and
returned with a $75.00 non-refundable deposit
for each program the camper is attending.
The deposit will be applied to the total
camp fee.
Campers can enjoy the entire three weeks of
camp if desired. Campers can remain in camp
for the Saturday between programs in Stay ‘N
Play. This is a day of rest, laundry, and movies
for those attending back-to-back programs.
The Stay ‘N Play fee is $50.00 and is only
available to campers attending programs in
consecutive sessions. Check the Stay ‘N Play
box on the Camper Registration Form.
Mail All Forms and Payment To:
Girl Scouts of the Desert Southwest
ATTN: Camp Registrar
5217 N. Dixie Blvd.
Odessa, TX 79762
Personal checks or money orders made
payable to “Girl Scouts of the Desert
Southwest” or “GSDSW” will be accepted.
Include driver’s license number and
phone number on all checks.
MasterCard, VISA, Discover, and
American Express are accepted.
Complete the credit card information,
including signature, on the Registration
Form and indicate the total amount to be
Girl Scout Desert Dollars earned in the
Girl Scouts of the Desert Southwest
Cookie Sale are accepted.
GSDSW Desert Dollar forms must be
completed and submitted with the
Camper Registration. Credits may not
be used for the $75.00 deposit. GSDSW
Desert Dollars are worth 20% more
when redeemed for Camp Mitre Peak
Resident Camp.
Registrations MUST BE MAILED to the
office in Odessa. Program capacities
will be met based on postmark dates. All forms
and payments must be submitted by June 2,
2015. Late registrations will be accepted up to
one week prior to a camp program, if space is
A limited number of financial
scholarships are made possible for
active Girl Scouts through the generosity
of individual donors. Scholarships are
awarded to pay a portion of camp fees for
girls actively participating in Girl Scouting
and showing a family need.
Late registrations must be accompanied by
full payment, completed Camper Registration
Form, Camper Confidential Form, and Health
Record & Doctor Exam Form.
To apply for a scholarship, girls must
register for camp, pay a $75.00 deposit,
and request a financial assistance
application from the Camp Registrar.
All Desert Dollars must be applied to the
camp fee before financial assistance
is granted.
Girls may register with a friend to go to
camp as “buddies.” To register as
buddies, girls must:
Be in the same grade level or a
maximum of one grade level apart
Register for the same session
Include camp buddy’s name on
registration form
Send enrollment forms and deposits
in the same envelope.
The balance of the camp fee, minus the
$75.00 deposit, is refundable if two weeks
written notice is given or if a physician’s
statement of medical condition is provided
which states the camper is physically unable
to attend camp. There will be no refunds
should a camper leave early for any reason.
Written Notice Should Be Mailed To:
Girl Scouts of the Desert Southwest
ATTN: Camp Registrar
5217 N. Dixie Blvd.
Odessa, TX 79762
First Time Campers
First time campers need family support in
learning how exciting it is to venture away
from home to a camp setting. Talk with
your daughter about the fun things she will
be doing. Let her know that adults at camp
will help her stay safe, healthy, and happy.
Arrange for her to spend several nights with
family or friends prior to coming to camp.
to Camp
- Check-in:
2:00 p.m. CST - 3:00 p.m. CST
- Check-out:
9:30 a.m. CST - 10:30 a.m. CST
Please respect check-in and check-out
times as they have been developed to
accommodate a smooth transition for all
campers. Check-in and check-out times
have also been designed to allow the staff to
have adequate time off between sessions.
8. By this time, your camper’s luggage should
be at her unit living area. Hike to the unit,
meet one of your camper’s counselors,
and help settle your camper into her cabin
or tent by assisting with her luggage and
9. It’s time to say goodbye and for hugs and
kisses for your camper before you head
off to meet the Camp Director. A brief
orientation begins at 3:00 p.m. CST in the
KIVA picnic tables to discuss your camper’s
fun-filled week! This is a good time for
questions and answers.
If an emergency arises and you need to
deviate from the above times, contact the
Camp Office at (800) 238-7760.
Gate will open at 2:00 p.m. CST
2. Park in the parking lot to drop off
camper’s luggage.
3. Keep any medications, Trading Post
monies, and mail for your camper with you.
4. Walk to Station 1 inside the Laura Van Pelt
Education Complex building and pick up
your camper’s health card and complete
any missing information.
5. Move on to Station 2 for the camper
health screening. Staff members will be
checking your camper’s temperature, feet
and hair.
6. Visit with the nurse to leave medications
and/or to discuss any medical conditions.
7. Head over to Station 3 at the KIVA to visit
our Trading Post to: 1) turn in mail; 2) order
a camp picture; 3) leave monies for your
camper’s account.
Campers are far more relaxed and able
to enjoy themselves when they don’t
have to worry about ruining new clothes
or irreplaceable equipment.
Comfortable jeans, shorts, “grubbies,”
tennis shoes, well broken-in boots, and
tattered towels are perfect for camp.
If they get misplaced or torn, it’s not a
crisis. Be sure to label everything with
your daughter’s name or initials.
Campers should pack completely,
but lightly. Trunks, duffle bags, or old
suitcases are recommended. If the
luggage locks, an extra key should be
left with the counselor. Luggage is
stored under or beside the camper’s
bed so try to limit it to two bags.
DO NOT bring sandals, halter-tops,
midriffs, sleeveless shirts, sun-suits,
or tennis socks. These articles do not
provide adequate protection from the
sun and rough terrain. Clothing should
be wash & wear articles that can be
washed and dried easily.
1. As you drive in the gate, stop and learn
the name of the unit where your camper
will be living.
Gate will open at 9:30 a.m. CST
All campers must be picked up by 10:30
a.m. CST. Campers are not allowed to leave
camp with anyone other than the parent or
guardian without a signed, written statement
from the parent authorizing the specific
adult by name that is picking up the child.
This should be discussed with the Camp
Director at check-in, as well as any special
custody arrangements and/or restrictions
for your child.
Stay ‘N Play
Campers may stay overnight at camp
between consecutive resident camp
programs for a fee of $65.00. Girls will enjoy
down-time, movies, special treats, and get
re-charged for the next week. Their laundry
will also get done during this time. Check
Stay ‘N Play on the registration form.
DO NOT bring expensive, valuable, or
irreplaceable clothing, jewelry or toys.
Also, leave at home, iPods, CD players,
and cell phones.
DO NOT bring gum, candy or food of
any kind.
Use non-breakable containers.
Aerosols should NOT be brought
to camp because they destroy the
waterproofing on tents. We request
you bring biodegradable shampoo
and soaps.
Your daughter will need a good
flashlight with extra batteries and bulb
for HEAVY use while at camp.
Be sure any medication(s) and
Trading Post money is packed on top
so it is easily accessible upon arrival
at camp.
Health Information
All campers are required to have a health
history and examination. The Health Record
& Doctor Exam Form must be submitted
with the final payment by June 2, 2015 or at
the time of registration after June 2, 2015.
A physical examination completed
after January 1, 2015 will be accepted.
Current immunizations MUST be
listed on Health Record & Doctor
Exam Form. Immunizations must be
listed by date. Writing “current” is not
Health History & Doctor Exam Form
completed by a physician, nurse
practitioner or physician’s assistant
with original signatures and dates.
Health forms may be duplicated,
but each copy must have original
All medication, prescription or nonprescription, including vitamins must
be in the original container with dosage
instructions clearly shown on the label or
printed clearly and signed by the parent.
Parents must leave medications with the
health supervisor during check-in. Send
enough of all prescriptions to last for her
entire stay at camp. Include medications for
any threatening conditions that require only
occasional use such as epinephrine pens or
The purpose of the on-site health screening
is to ensure that campers are admitted
to camp without a contagious illness
or condition. We screen for 1) Raised
temperature; 2) Scalp infestations; 3) Foot
fungi. Campers will have to remove their
shoes, socks, hair accessories, ponytails,
braids, etc. for screening. No small braids or
hair beads please.
Contagious conditions will prevent a camper
from being admitted into camp and if
detected, it is the responsibility of the parent
to seek treatment. A camper may be allowed
back into camp after prescribed care is
These conditions include, but are not limited
to: a temperature of 100 or more, presence
of athlete’s foot or head lice. Camp fees are
non-refundable when a camper arrives with
a pre-existing condition.
The air-conditioned Health Center houses
the camp nurse, and includes a reception
area, an isolation ward, and meds/clinic
room. Camper’s medications are properly
stored and administered by the camp
nurse. In case of illness or injury, campers
are treated at camp unless the nurse
determines that further care is needed.
When necessary, campers are taken to a
local physician or Big Bend Regional Medical
Center, ten minutes from the camp in
Alpine. In addition to the nurse, camp staff
personnel are also trained in both first aid
and CPR.
Camper Blues
Your encouraging attitude before and during
camp will help prevent Camper Blues. The
little books “Off to Camp” and “Bug Bites and
Campfires” are good for first time campers
and families to read.
Counselors and other campers are
supportive and caring when Camper Blues
occurs. The feeling usually passes in a day or
two and the camper enjoys the rest of the
session. Parents will be contacted for advice
should camp staff need assistance.
Often you can suggest ideas or ways to
overcome the Camper Blues. The camp
procedure for handling Camper Blues does
not include phone calls between parents
and camper since this usually increases
a camper’s missing home. Anytime a
counselor talks with a child who has Camper
Blues or is not actively participating, she
writes the interaction in a logbook in the
Camp Office.
You may talk with your child’s counselor at
any time. Due to scheduled activities, it may
be necessary to leave a message and the
call will be returned later in the day.
Winnie Hall houses the dining hall,
commercial kitchen, and Camp Director’s
office. The dining room seats 170 to 200
people on round tables. Meals are served
family style morning and evening, and buffet
style at lunch. Two counselors sit at each
table along with six to eight campers of
varying ages.
Meals are a time for meeting girls from
other units in camp. This setting allows
counselors the opportunity to supervise
food distribution, intake and offer helpful
tips on table manners.
The hearty meals served each day are
well balanced, dietitian approved, and girl
friendly. A variety of fresh fruit is always
available. Campers enjoy afternoon snacks
in their units. Cookouts are also part of a
camper’s experience.
Four campers are housed in each cabin
or tent with counselors living nearby in
separate quarters. Staff will assist younger
campers with hair brushing, hygiene, and
Personal hygiene is stressed through “smile”
checks, daily showers, and cabin or tent
The three cabin units, Kickapoo, Apache,
and Seminole are located in the beautiful
setting of Fern Canyon. At the end of the
road into Fern Canyon is the Kickapoo
Unit. The two duplex cabins in Kickapoo
house four campers in each side for a total
of sixteen campers. The cabins surround
an activity building, the Kickapoo Lodge.
The cabins and lodge have electricity. The
Kickapoo Unit has a bathhouse that is called
The Rock. The Rock has all the conveniences
of home in a rustic setting including electric
lights, heat, and indoor plumbing.
The Apache and Seminole Units are across
the bridge from the Kickapoo Unit.
Cabins are scattered on the hillside of the
canyon and provide unique living quarters
for campers. Each cabin has four beds,
four storage shelves, electricity and ceiling
fan. The cabins have windows on all sides
to catch the breeze from any direction.
Porches stretch the length of the cabins and
afford beautiful views of Mitre Peak and Fern
Canyon. The Apache and Seminole Units
share The Oaks bathhouse. This bathhouse
is heated with modern conveniences and is
located between the housing units.
the girls from the summer sun. The girls learn
new skills and the certified instructors help
campers continually challenge their skill
The Janice Hill Mathews Amphitheater is
located on a hillside overlooking the KIVA.
Seating over 200, the stone theater is home
to opening and closing campfires, dramatic
performances, singing, skits, and the weekly
camp photo of all campers.
The tent units: Mescalero, Tonkawa, and
Chippewa, lie below magnificent plateaus
with spectacular views of Mitre Peak. Each
tent is mounted on a permanent frame and
houses four campers. Units have covered
shelters, campfire areas and latrines. Girls
shower at the Pool Bathhouse each day.
Other Areas of Camp
The Laura Van Pelt Complex just to the east
of Winnie Hall consists of an Education
Building and a large covered Pavilion. The
Education Building houses five activity
rooms including a dark room, kitchen and
restrooms. They are used for arts, crafts,
music, photography, meetings, receptions,
and cooking programs in the fully furnished
kitchen. The Pavilion is large, well-lit and
covered. It provides protection and space
for all-camp events, program activities, and
games of all kinds.
The Pamela Catherine Haas Horseback
Riding Arena, known as Rebel Arena, includes
a barn, large working arena, small paddocks
and pens, and a sixty-foot round pen. The
facility supports our popular western riding
and trail programs.
The KIVA, located in central camp, serves
as a relaxing place for hanging out, games,
and reading. Staff quarters and the popular
camp store, the Trading Post, are also
located here. The large wrap-around porch
is a great place to rest, talk with friends, read
or enjoy the beautiful view of the mountain.
The large camp pool and bathhouse are
used daily. The pool is a main attraction
on hot summer days. The programming
includes swimming lessons, water safety
instruction, water games, aerobics, and
the camper’s favorite - free swims in the
The Archery Range is the first program area
you see as you arrive at camp. The range
was completed to meet all standards of the
National Archery Association and shades
Lack of mail is the chief cause of “camper
blues.” Letters can be mailed prior to your
daughter’s session OR left at our Trading
Post during check-in. Please allow three to
four days for the postal service to deliver
mail to camp. If mail is left at our Trading
Post, please make sure it is clearly marked
with: name, unit name, and delivery date.
When writing, try to avoid phrases like “we
miss you so much,” “wish you were here,”
“your pet hasn’t eaten for a week,” or “your
friends ask about you.” Be creative and send
your camper fun letters, cartoons or word
Mailing Address
Your Camper’s Name
Camp Mitre Peak - Program
PO Box 9680
Alpine, TX 79831
Bunk Notes is a service that you may
subscribe to in order to send your daughter
emails while she is at camp. This is a one-way
service - you can send your daughter emails
but she is not able to send emails in return.
The emails are printed off every morning
and delivered to the campers along with the
regular mail received that day. Information
on subscribing to Bunk Notes will be sent to
you in the confirmation packets. Not only will
you be able to send you camper emails, but
photos of camp activities are uploaded so
that parents can see their camper in action.
Birthdays are fun celebrations at camp.
Special arrangements for giving a present
or providing treats for your daughter’s
entire unit can be made in advance with the
Camp Director. Girls with birthdays while at
camp are recognized during breakfast on
“their” day.
Trading Post
Our Trading Post has camp t-shirts, healthy
snacks, sundries, and souvenirs available
for purchase ranging in price from $1.00 to
$20.00. You may deposit money into your
daughter’s account during check-in. Desert
Dollars may be used if a completed, signed
coupon is provided. Any monies remaining
will be refunded in the camper envelope
given to parents at check-out. Parents
should review the Trading Post account
card and confirm any leftover monies prior
to leaving camp. Girl Scouts of the Desert
Southwest does not assume liability or
responsibility for the loss of monies after
Consideration is given to the religious
affiliation of all campers in the planning
of menus, activities and days of religious
observance. We are not able to transport
girls into town to participate in religious
services or ceremonies.
The camp staff enjoys hearing from
parents through evaluations or letters.
Positive feedback from parents boosts
morale and sharing of concerns enhances
job performance. Please fill out and return
by mail the parent evaluation, which is
included in the camper envelope given to
parents at check-out. This is one of our
best sources of improvement and growth
of our camping program.
Council policy prohibits gratuities to any of
our camp staff.
Desert Dollars
GSDSW Desert Dollars are worth 20% more
when redeemed for Camp Mitre Peak
Resident Camp. Use some of your hard
earned Desert Dollars from Cookie season
and come to Camp Mitre Peak!
Camper Quiz
Are you ready? Take this quiz and find out! Circle the answer that best describes how you feel.
Add each circled number and check your answer range at the bottom of the page.
1= No Way! 2 = Maybe! 3 = You bet!
1 2 3
1 2 3 1 2 3
1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 Do you enjoy staying overnight at a friend’s house?
Can you shampoo and brush your own hair?
Do you enjoy outdoor activities like hikes, sports, and sleeping in a tent?
Can you go without radio, TV, video games, and a phone for an extended amount of time?
Can you see a daddy long legs, bugs, or mice without running around and shrieking?
Can you make your own bed and keep track of your own things?
Do you like to meet new people and do things with other girls, not just your best friend?
Do you enjoy sleeping outside and listening to the sounds of nature?
Do you like to help plan activities and the things you do?
Could you walk to a nearby building to brush your teeth and go to the bathroom?
Are you ready to sleep in a tent with three or more other girls knowing your counselors are nearby?
Are you willing to help with kapers (camp responsibilities) like sweeping your tent, setting tables, and picking up your own trash?
Do you like having lots of fun?
Can you live by the Girl Scout law?
Are you REALLY excited about going to camp?
Total Points
15 – 25 You may not be ready for a full-week. Talk with your parents to see if you are ready for a
half-week program or troop camping. See Session 3 in the guide.
26 – 35 You would enjoy any of our camp programs, just make sure you are prepared!
36 – 45 You must be an experienced camper! It sounds like you are ready for a
camp stay of a week or longer.
I can’t wait to
Ride a horse
Climb a mountain
Learn to scuba dive
Be an explorer on a reallife adventure
Be the star of my
own story
Capture the Mitre Magic!