ALHOSN University Catalogue Global Knowledge with Local Vision


ALHOSN University Catalogue Global Knowledge with Local Vision
ALHOSN University
Global Knowledge with Local Vision
Academic Year 2012 – 2013
Global Knowledge with Local Vision
ALHOSN University
Global Knowledge with Local Vision
ALHOSN University
In the Center of the City of Abu Dhabi
Contact Us
Main Operators
+971 2 407 0700
+971 2 407 0500
Mailing Address
ALHOSN University
P.O. Box 38772
Abu Dhabi, UAE
ALHOSN Webpage
Table of Contents
MESSAGE FROM THE VICE CHANCELLOR........................................................ 11
BOARD OF TRUSTEES .................................................................................................... 12
INTRODUCTION................................................................................................................. 12
ACADEMIC YEAR CALENDAR 2012 – 2013 ............................................................ 13
DIRECTORY ......................................................................................................................... 15
UNIVERSITY OVERVIEW ............................................................................................. 17
PHILOSOPHY ..................................................................................................................................................... 17
UNIVERSITY VISION........................................................................................................................................ 17
UNIVERSITY MISSION..................................................................................................................................... 17
UNIVERSITY GOALS ........................................................................................................................................ 17
BOARD OF TRUSTEES ..................................................................................................................................... 18
CHANCELLOR ................................................................................................................................................... 18
VICE CHANCELLOR ......................................................................................................................................... 18
PROVOST ........................................................................................................................................................... 18
DIRECTOR OF ADMINISTRATIVE AND FINANCIAL AFFAIRS ................................................................ 18
DEAN OF STUDENT AFFAIRS ........................................................................................................................ 18
REGISTRAR........................................................................................................................................................ 18
ALHOSN UNIVERSITY ORGANIZATIONAL CHART .................................................................................. 19
ADMISSIONS AND REGISTRATION ........................................................................ 21
APPLICATION PROCEDURE ........................................................................................................................... 21
ADMISSION REQUIREMENTS ........................................................................................................................ 21
Faculty of Engineering and Applied Sciences .................................................................................................. 21
Faculty of Business and Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences .......................................................................... 21
ENGLISH LANGUAGE PROFICIENCY TEST ................................................................................................ 22
CONDITIONAL OR PROVISIONAL ADMISSION.......................................................................................... 22
TRANSFER CREDIT POLICY ........................................................................................................................... 23
OTHER APPLICANTS CATEGORIES .............................................................................................................. 23
Transient Students ............................................................................................................................................ 23
Non-Degree Students ....................................................................................................................................... 23
RE-ADMISSION PROCEDURE ......................................................................................................................... 23
Postponing Admission ..................................................................................................................................... 24
REGISTRATION ................................................................................................................................................. 24
Returning Students ........................................................................................................................................... 24
Registration Procedure ..................................................................................................................................... 24
A Quick Guide to Online Registration ............................................................................................................. 25
ORIENTATION PROGRAM .............................................................................................................................. 25
ACADEMIC ADVISING .................................................................................................................................... 26
Advising Goals................................................................................................................................................. 26
Statement of Advisor Expectations .................................................................................................................. 27
Add/Drop Courses Regulations ........................................................................................................................ 27
Transfer within University Faculties ................................................................................................................ 27
Withdrawal from the University....................................................................................................................... 28
Off Campus Studies (Exchange Students) ........................................................................................................ 28
Taking a Course at Another University ............................................................................................................ 29
ACADEMIC REGULATIONS......................................................................................... 29
COURSE LOAD LIMITATIONS ....................................................................................................................... 29
Class Length .................................................................................................................................................... 30
Overlapping Classes ......................................................................................................................................... 30
ATTENDANCE ................................................................................................................................................... 30
Notification of Reasons for Absence ................................................................................................................ 30
COURSE SYLLABUS......................................................................................................................................... 31
CODE OF CONDUCT ......................................................................................................................................... 31
Class Schedule and Attendance ........................................................................................................................ 31
Classroom Regulations..................................................................................................................................... 32
Student Discipline System ............................................................................................................................... 32
ACADEMIC INTEGRITY .................................................................................................................................. 32
Recognition of a Violation of Academic Integrity Procedures ......................................................................... 33
Processing a Disputed Violation ...................................................................................................................... 33
Appeal Process ................................................................................................................................................. 33
Record Keeping and Procedures ...................................................................................................................... 34
Examinations ................................................................................................................................................... 34
Grade and Grading System............................................................................................................................... 34
Dean’s List ....................................................................................................................................................... 35
Grade Point Average (GPA)............................................................................................................................. 36
Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) ....................................................................................................... 36
Final Grade and Appeal Policy Change of Grade or Removal of Incompletes ................................................. 36
ACADEMIC STANDING ................................................................................................................................... 36
Repeating a Course .......................................................................................................................................... 37
Degree Completion Requirements ................................................................................................................... 37
FINANCIAL INFORMATION ........................................................................................ 39
TUITION AND FEES .......................................................................................................................................... 39
Schedule of Fees .............................................................................................................................................. 39
Tuition.............................................................................................................................................................. 39
Late Registration .............................................................................................................................................. 40
Add/Drop ......................................................................................................................................................... 40
REFUND POLICY .............................................................................................................................................. 40
Refund on Withdrawal ..................................................................................................................................... 40
Fall and Spring Semesters ................................................................................................................................ 40
Summer Sessions ............................................................................................................................................. 40
FEES FOR OTHER SERVICES .......................................................................................................................... 41
SCHOLARSHIPS AND FINANCIAL AID.................................................................. 42
PURPOSE ............................................................................................................................................................ 42
POLICY ............................................................................................................................................................... 42
TYPES OF SCHOLARSHIPS AND FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE .................................................................... 42
Scholarships ..................................................................................................................................................... 42
Financial Assistance ......................................................................................................................................... 43
DEGREES AND ACADEMIC DEPARTMENTS...................................................... 45
UNIVERSITY GENERAL REQUIREMENTS .......................................................... 46
COURSE CODING SYSTEM OF CREDIT HOURS ......................................................................................... 48
UGR COURSE DESCRIPTIONS........................................................................................................................ 48
Faculty of Business .......................................................................................................................................... 48
Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences ................................................................................................................. 48
Faculty of Engineering and Applied Sciences .................................................................................................. 51
ENGLISH LANGUAGE CENTER ................................................................................ 57
OVERVIEW ........................................................................................................................................................ 57
CURRICULUM ................................................................................................................................................... 58
COURSE DESCRIPTIONS ................................................................................................................................. 58
GRADES .............................................................................................................................................................. 59
STANDARDIZED TEST SCORES REQUIRED TO DROP ELC COURSES .................................................. 59
ELC TEACHING STAFF .................................................................................................................................... 59
FACULTY OF BUSINESS ................................................................................................ 62
DEPARTMENT OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION ...................................................................................... 62
Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) ........................................................................... 62
BBA EIGHT SEMESTER STUDY PLAN .......................................................................................................... 64
Course Descriptions ......................................................................................................................................... 65
FACULTY AND TEACHING STAFF – BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION ...................................................... 72
DEPARTMENT OF ACCOUNTING.................................................................................................................. 74
Bachelor of Business Administration in Accounting (BBA in Accounting) ......................... 74
BBA IN ACCOUNTING ELECTIVE COURSES .............................................................................................. 75
BBA-ACC EIGHT SEMESTER STUDY PLAN ................................................................................................ 76
Course Descriptions ......................................................................................................................................... 77
FACULTY AND TEACHING STAFF – ACCOUNTING .................................................................................. 78
DEPARTMENT OF MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SYSTEMS ................................................................ 79
BACHELOR OF MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SYSTEMS (BMIS) .................................................. 79
BMIS EIGHT SEMESTER STUDY PLAN ........................................................................................................ 81
Course Descriptions ......................................................................................................................................... 82
FACULTY OF ENGINEERING & APPLIED SCIENCES .................................... 86
DEPARTMENT OF ARCHITECTURAL ENGINEERING ............................................................................... 86
Bachelor of Architectural Engineering (BAE) ........................................................................ 86
BAE EIGHT SEMESTER STUDY PLAN .......................................................................................................... 88
Course Descriptions ......................................................................................................................................... 89
FACULTY AND TEACHING STAFF – ARCHITECTURAL ENGINEERING ............................................... 93
DEPARTMENT OF CIVIL ENGINEERING ..................................................................................................... 94
BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN CIVIL ENGINEERING (BSCE) ................................................................. 94
BSCE EIGHT SEMESTER STUDY PLAN ........................................................................................................ 97
Course Descriptions ......................................................................................................................................... 98
FACULTY AND TEACHING STAFF – CIVIL ENGINEERING ................................................................... 101
DEPARTMENT OF MECHANICAL AND INDUSTRIAL ENGINEERING ................................................. 103
Bachelor of Science in Industrial Engineering (BSIE) ......................................................... 103
Industrial Training/Internship ........................................................................................................................ 105
BSIE EIGHT SEMESTER STUDY PLAN ....................................................................................................... 107
Course Descriptions ....................................................................................................................................... 108
Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering (BSME) .................................................... 112
BSME EIGHT SEMESTER STUDY PLAN ..................................................................................................... 116
Course Descriptions ....................................................................................................................................... 118
DEPARTMENT OF INTERIOR DESIGN ........................................................................................................ 125
Bachelor of Interior Design (BID) .......................................................................................... 125
BID EIGHT SEMESTER STUDY PLAN ......................................................................................................... 127
Course Descriptions ....................................................................................................................................... 128
FACULTY AND TEACHING STAFF – INTERIOR DESIGN ........................................................................ 133
DEPARTMENT OF SOFTWARE ENGINEERING ......................................................................................... 134
Bachelor of Science in Software Engineering (BSSE) .......................................................... 134
BSSE EIGHT SEMESTER STUDY PLAN ...................................................................................................... 136
Course Descriptions ....................................................................................................................................... 137
FACULTY AND TEACHING STAFF – SOFTWARE ENGINEERING ......................................................... 141
DEPARTMENT OF URBAN PLANNING ....................................................................................................... 142
Bachelor of Urban Planning (BUP) ........................................................................................ 142
BUP EIGHT SEMESTER STUDY PLAN ........................................................................................................ 144
Course Descriptions ....................................................................................................................................... 145
FACULTY AND TEACHING STAFF – URBAN PLANNING ....................................................................... 149
DEPARTMENT OF MATHEMATICS AND NATURAL SCIENCES ............................................................ 150
FACULTY OF ARTS AND SOCIAL SCIENCES .................................................. 152
DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION ................................................................................................................... 152
FACULTY AND TEACHING STAFF – EDUCATION ................................................................................... 152
Bachelor of Education (BEd in Arabic and Islamic Studies) .............................................. 153
Course Descriptions ....................................................................................................................................... 154
DEPARTMENT OF ENGLISH ......................................................................................................................... 160
BACHELOR OF EDUCATION (BED IN ENGLISH) ................................................................................. 160
BED IN ENGLISH STUDY PLAN ................................................................................................................... 161
Course Descriptions ....................................................................................................................................... 162
FACULTY AND TEACHING STAFF – ENGLISH ......................................................................................... 164
DEPARTMENT OF SOCIAL SCIENCES ........................................................................................................ 165
Faculty and Teaching Staff – Social Sciences ................................................................................................ 165
GRADUATE PROGRAMS ............................................................................................. 167
MISSION OF GRADUATE STUDIES ............................................................................................................. 167
GRADUATE STUDIES ADMISSIONS ........................................................................................................... 167
General Requirements for Admission ............................................................................................................ 167
GENERAL REQUIREMENTS OF GRADUATE STUDIES ............................................................................ 169
FACULTY OF BUSINESS – Graduate Programs .................................................. 172
Master of Business Administration (MBA) ........................................................................... 172
CONCENTRATIONS ........................................................................................................................................ 174
General Management Electives ...................................................................................................................... 175
International Business Electives ..................................................................................................................... 175
Management Information System Electives ................................................................................................... 176
Finance Electives ........................................................................................................................................... 176
Accounting Electives ..................................................................................................................................... 177
Banking Electives .......................................................................................................................................... 177
Course Descriptions ....................................................................................................................................... 177
Programs ................................................................................................................................ 184
Master in Building Engineering (MBE) ................................................................................. 184
MBE STUDY PLAN.......................................................................................................................................... 185
Course Descriptions ....................................................................................................................................... 186
Graduate Certificate in Buildings Engineering (GradCertBE) ........................................... 188
Curriculum ..................................................................................................................................................... 189
Master in Engineering Management (MEM) ........................................................................ 190
MEM PROGRAM ACADEMIC PLAN ............................................................................................................. 192
MEM FOUR SEMESTER PLAN ...................................................................................................................... 193
Course Descriptions ....................................................................................................................................... 193
Graduate Certificate in Engineering Management (GradCertEM) ................................... 197
Curriculum ................................................................................................................................................... 198
Master of Education (M Ed) ................................................................................................... 199
M ED FOUR SEMESTER STUDY PLAN ....................................................................................................... 200
Course Descriptions ....................................................................................................................................... 200
Diploma in Education (Post Baccalaureate) (GradDipEd) .................................................. 203
DIPLOMA IN ARABIC ACADEMIC PLAN ................................................................................................... 204
Course Descriptions ....................................................................................................................................... 204
ALHOSN UNIVERSITY LIBRARY ............................................................................. 207
OVERVIEW OF LIBRARY AND LEARNING RESOURCES ....................................................................... 207
Library Services Public Services – Reference Service ................................................................................... 207
AMERICAN CORNER AT ALHOSN ......................................................................... 211
AMERICAN CORNER COMMUNITY EVENTS ........................................................................................... 211
INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY (IT) ...................................................................... 212
STUDENT ACTIVITIES ................................................................................................. 214
Dear Students and Parents:
As ALHOSN University enters its 8th year of existence, I believe we will have an exceptional
academic year. We do not just base this positive outlook on good fortune; rather, we derive our
confidence from the high quality of our programs, educational facilities, the dedication of our
employees, the vision of our Board of Trustees, and the passion of our students for learning. This
year, we shall once again welcome youths of various nationalities who will partake in our holistic
approach to personal and professional growth.
When the founders of ALHOSN first opened its doors in 2005, they introduced the vibrant city of
Abu Dhabi to the university mission encapsulated in the motto “Global Knowledge with Local
Vision.” Since then a lot of water has gone under the bridge as ALHOSN has earned a great deal of
respect for cultivating a multicultural and diverse learning environment that encourages women to
pursue technical careers, advocates social and environmental awareness among students, and instills a
strong sense of responsibility towards the community. We have also garnered acclaim for setting
exemplary educational standards via the collaborative development of programs with some of North
America’s top educators and universities. We will build on what has been achieved before to progress
with ALHOSN further in its march for excellence. Last March, three of ALHOSN Engineering
programs have received international recognition with the award of the American Board of Engineering
and Technology (ABET) Accreditation, to become the first and the only university in the UAE to offer
ABET accredited BSc in Industrial Engineering, and BSc in Software Engineering; and the first private
university in Abu Dhabi to offer an ABET accredited BSc in Civil Engineering; all great
accomplishments for a young university like ALHOSN.
Excellence is a never-ending pursuit, though, and so despite our many achievements we intend to
institute even more new improvements to our services, learning methods, educational programs and
curricula, amenities, activities and faculty in the months to come. We zero in on every detail of
student life, from the very first moment they set foot on campus up to their graduation day. The
results speak for themselves: Many of our alumni have gone on to become productive members of
society who continue to embody the values they have learned at ALHOSN and to initiate and sustain
change in their personal, professional, and familial lives.
Speaking of family, ALHOSN University recognizes the importance of the home as the primary site for
motivation, encouragement and character-building for youths. We thus closely communicate with
parents and guardians to discuss the progress, achievements, and concerns of their offspring. Our
doors are always open to those in need of advice, counseling, or mentoring. Since school is considered
the second home of students, we embrace a spirit of community in everything we plan and do. By
engaging students in community service, extracurricular activities and heritage events, we show them
how they can make a difference in their lives and the lives of those around them.
On behalf of ALHOSN University, I would like to extend a warm welcome to our new and continuing
students. Rest assured that you will be in good hands as you pursue your career goals and ambitions
within a student-friendly and learning-supportive environment.
Professor Abdul-Rahim Sabouni
BSc (Hons), MSc (GWU), PhD (Cornell), PEng, FASCE, FACI, FCIOB
Vice Chancellor & CEO
H.E. Khalifa Mohamed Rubaya Al Muhairi
H.E. Dr. Khalid Mohammed Kadfoor Al Muhairi
Vice Chairman
H.E. Dr. Hamdan Musallam Al Mazrouei
H.E. Ahmed Humaid Al Mazroui
H.E. Mohammed Mania Saeed Al Otaiba
H.E. Ahmed Matar Al Muhairi
H.E. Ahmed Mubarak Al Mazrouei
H.E. Ateeq Fetr Al Rumaithi
H.E. Naif Musallam Hamad Hamror Al Amri
H.E. Prof. Abdul Rahim Sabouni
The University Catalogue is a basic reference concerning policies, procedures, programs, and
regulations affecting ALHOSN University (ALHOSN) faculty and students. The Catalogue is intended
to serve as a convenient guide, and does not contain each and every policy pertaining to students
and faculty. Faculty and students may obtain complete information from the actual policy documents
located in the Office of the Vice Chancellor, including, the University’s constitution and bylaws, policy
statements and the official governance documents for the University administration and faculty
issued by the Office of the Vice Chancellor, the University’s general manual containing policies,
procedures, and descriptions concerning the University’s structure and academic programs, the Student
Handbook, and human resource memoranda and current policies concerning employment, issued by the
Office of Administrative and Financial Affairs.
Information contained in this Catalogue does not create any rights for University teaching staff or
students beyond those rights already existing under individual policies, decrees, contracts and under
UAE law. The misapplication or failure to follow any specific provision in this catalogue should not be
grounds for setting aside or modifying any decision when it has been determined by the appropriate
administrative authority that the decision was fairly made and in the best interest of the University. The
University may make changes to these policies as it deems fit and necessary subject to various external
legal and regulatory forces.
(Undergraduate and Graduate)
Fall Semester 2012
25 OCT ‐
43 ‐NOV
16 DEC–5
6 ‐ 10
9 ‐ 10
Faculty report to their respective departments
Math Placement Test for new students
Announcement of acceptance into programs
Orientation for new students
Beginning of Fall Semester ‐ Classes Begin
Last day to drop courses and receive a full refund of the tuition fees
Last day to withdraw and receive a full‐refund of the tuition fees
Last day to add courses through the online registration system
Last day to add courses with a special request
Last day to pay the first installment of the Fall Semester fees
Last day to drop courses and receive a partial refund (80%) of tuition
a partial
of the
Last day
to day
a partial
of tuition
and receive
a partial refund (60%) of the
Last day
to day
any refund
tuition fees
dropped after this date will receive a ‘W’ grade
Last day to pay Fall Semester fees (final installment) without penalty
Eid Al Adha Holiday*
Mid‐Semester Exams
Classes Resume
Hijri New Year*
Last day to drop courses with “W” without special permission from the
Courses dropped after this date will receive an ‘F’ grade
Last day to withdraw. Withdrawal after this date will result in an ‘F’
for allofcourses
registered for
early registration
for the
Semester 2013
National Day Break
Students’ Fall Semester Break
New Year Day
Classes Resume
Capstone Exams
Reading Break
Final Exams Begin
Final Exams End
Mawlid al Nabawi (Prophet Mohammed’s PBUH Birthday)*
Mid‐year Break begins (Students Only)
Announcement of Fall Semester results
Registration begins
Math Placement Test for new students
Orientation for Spring Semester
Spring Semester 2013
24 ‐ 30
31MAR ‐
Sunday – Saturday
Beginning of Spring Semester ‐ Classes begin
Last day to drop courses and receive a full refund of the tuition fees
Last day to withdraw from the University and receive a full‐refund of
the tuition fees
add courses through
the online
Last day
to day
add to
and graduate
with a special
Last day to pay the first installment of the Fall Semester fees
Last day to drop courses and receive a partial refund (80%) of tuition
Last day to drop courses and receive a partial refund (60%) of tuition
fees Last day to withdraw and receive a partial refund (80%) of
and receive
a partial
(60%) of the
Last day
any refund
of tuition
Courses dropped after this date will receive a ‘W’ grade
Last day to pay Spring Semester fees (final installment) without penalty
Mid‐Semester Exams
Students’ Spring Semester Break
26 – 30
29 – 30
Sunday –
Thursday ‐
Classes Resume
Last day to drop courses with “W” without special permission from the
Courses dropped after this date will receive an ‘F’ grade
Last day to withdraw. Withdrawal after this date will result in an ‘F’
for allofcourses
registered for
early registration
for the
Capstone Exams
Reading Break
Final Exams Begin
Israa wal Miraj*
Final Exams End
Start of Summer Holidays for faculty members
Summer I Term 2013
Beginning of Summer Term I – Classes Begin
Last day to drop courses and receive a full refund of the tuition fees
Last day to withdraw and receive a full‐refund of the tuition fees
Last day for admission or re‐admission to degree programs
Last day to add courses
Last day to pay the first installment fees
Last day to drop courses and receive a partial refund (80%) of tuition fees
Last day to withdraw and receive a partial refund (80%) of the tuition fees
Last day to drop courses and receive a partial refund (60%) of tuition fees
Last day to withdraw and receive a partial refund (60%) of the tuition fees
Last day to drop courses without any refund of tuition fees
Courses dropped after this date will receive a ‘W’ grade
Mid‐Term Exams
Last day to drop courses with “W” without special permission from the
Courses dropped after this date will receive an ‘F’ grade
Last day to withdraw. Withdrawal after this date will result in an ‘F’
grade Exams
for all courses registered for the term
Summer II Term 2013
4 – 10
Sunday –
Beginning of Summer Term II
Last day to drop courses and receive a full refund of the tuition fees
Last day to withdraw and receive a full‐refund of the tuition fees
Last day for admission or re‐admission to degree program
Last day to add courses
Last day to pay the first installment fees.
Last day to drop courses and receive a partial refund (80%) of tuition fees
Last day to withdraw and receive a partial refund (80%) of the tuition fees
Last day to drop courses and receive a partial refund (60%) of tuition fees
Last day to withdraw and receive a partial refund (60%) of the tuition fees
Last day to drop courses without any refund of tuition fees
Courses dropped after this date will receive a ‘W’ grade
Mid Term Exams
Eid el Fitr Holiday*
Last day to drop courses with “W” without special permission from the
Courses dropped after this date will receive an ‘F’ grade
Last day to withdraw. Withdrawal after this date will result in an ‘F’
all courses registered for the term
Final for
All Faculty report to their respective departments
Beginning of Fall Semester ‐ Classes Begin
*Islamic Holidays are subject to change based on the Hijri Year Calendar
ALHOSN University, P.O. Box 38772, Abu Dhabi, UAE
Men’s Campus
4070 700 or 4070 556
Women’s Campus
4070 500 or 4070 553
Office of the Vice Chancellor
4070 702 or 4070 720
Office of the Executive Director, Vice Chancellor’s Office
Office of the Provost
4070 513
4070 738 or 4070 538
Office of the Administrative and Financial Affairs
4070 548
Quality Assurance and Accreditation (QAA)
4070 753
Outreach and International Affairs (OIR)
4070 549
Research and Graduate Programs
4070 723
University Foundation Program (UFP)
4070 565
Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences
4070 757 or 4070 809
Department of Education – Arabic and Islamic Studies
4070 739
Department of English
4070 757
Department of Social Sciences
4070 574
Faculty of Business
4070 730 or 4070 837
Department of Business Administration
4070 519
Department of Accounting
4070 523
Department of Management Information Systems
4070 570
Faculty of Engineering and Applied Sciences
4070 741 or 4070 806
Department of Architectural Engineering
4070 505
Department of Civil Engineering
4070 726
Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering
4070 516
Department of Interior Design
4070 736
Department of Software Engineering
4070 567
Department of Urban Planning
4070 563
Department of Mathematics and Natural Sciences
4070 724
Students Affairs
4070 511 or 4070 538
4070 787
Library and Resource Center
4070 728
Information Technology (IT)
4070 540
Facility, Maintenance and Security Department
4070 557
Finance Department
4070 709
Human Resources Department
4070 888
Marketing and Public Relations Department
4070 747
Procurement Department
4070 502
American Corner of Abu Dhabi City
4070 895
Global Knowledge with Local Vision
Catalogue 2012 – 2013
ALHOSN University aims to play a prominent role in fostering the growth of engineering, science,
business and arts and social sciences in the UAE to help the country educate the workforce and
become more self-reliant.
University Vision
ALHOSN University envisions becoming internationally recognized as a university where all of its
members are committed to producing graduates with a solid foundation of career and life skills. In
order to accomplish this, ALHOSN University intends to create a community of learners, who are
empowered, informed, and responsible.
ALHOSN University will:
Be recognized as one of the top private educational and research universities in the United
Arab Emirates, attracting the best students, faculty, and staff.
Prepare students to be leaders and decision makers, articulate and principled, innovative
and confident, and able to think critically with sound reasoning.
Be research-intensive institution where faculty discovery enhances learning and prepares
students to compete in a knowledge-based society.
Be engaged in local, national, and regional social and economic development for the benefit
of both the public and private sectors.
University Mission
ALHOSN University believes in educating professionals to be leaders for a modern community. As
an institution of higher education, it prides itself on being a creative agent for change and diversity. It
pledges to emphasize a faculty-student learning community that promotes the value of service and
research and employs collaborative educational strategies that develop teamwork, utilizes real-life
experience, fosters caring, and prepares for the realities of the marketplace of the future.
University Goals
ALHOSN University expresses its commitment to its mission by pursuing the following goals:
1. Growth - Expanding and diversifying our financial base to enable us achieve our mission.
2. People - Valuing people and creating a well performing organization. Enhancing its current
programs and establishing new programs to recruit, retain, and develop the best students,
faculty, and staff who will have an important impact in their professions and communities.
3. Academic Excellence - Attaining national recognition as a top private education and research
4. Outreach - Seeking to broaden its role in the community through regular engagement of its
alumni and enhanced interaction with the community, institutions, and agencies.
5. Resources and Infrastructure - Secure the resources – human, financial and infrastructure –
necessary to support its academic and research programs in a learning and working
environment of the highest possible quality. ALHOSN University will identify the resources
needed to implement these goals and to address any resulting concerns.
Board of Trustees
The Board of Trustees oversees and supports the management of the academic and administrative
operations of the University. The Board derives its authority from the collective agreement of the
entire Board, and not of individual members. Board members participate actively in the duties of the
Board, exercise critical and independent judgment, and communicate to the Chair any significant
concern regarding the operations of the Board or University. The Board reviews and approves the
general policies, budget allocation, and major contracts and appointments.
The Chancellor, the highest ranking officer in the University, is in charge of advancing the University’s
welfare, image and reputation in the United Arab Emirates and internationally. The Chancellor presents
the general policies of the University at home and abroad, confers degrees awarded by the University
to students; and provides guidance to the implementation of the general policies of the University.
Vice Chancellor
The Vice Chancellor is the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of the University. The Vice Chancellor must
hold a PhD with a track record in teaching, research and leadership. The Vice Chancellor is
responsible for the University’s academic, administrative and community affairs, and he/she supervises
the execution of its by-laws, regulations and policies, and represents it before the courts and other
bodies. The Vice Chancellor deputizes the Chancellor in his/her absence.
The Provost is the Chief Academic Officer (CAO) of the University, and is responsible for monitoring
the overall academic affairs of the University, including implementation of academic policies,
curricula, academic support services, and educational technology. He/she reports directly to the Vice
Chancellor and works closely and in harmony with the Deans and Departmental Chairs. The Provost
also performs other duties the Vice Chancellor may assign or delegate to him/her. The Provost deputizes
the Vice Chancellor in his/her absence.
Director of Administrative and Financial Affairs
The Director of Administrative and Financial Affairs reports directly to the Vice Chancellor and is
responsible for overseeing and implementing all financial and administrative arrangements of the
University. His/her duties also include the development of the long-range plan for facilities operation,
forecast fiscal needs, manage annual operating budgets, and perform periodic cost and productivity
Dean of Student Affairs
The Dean of Student Affairs is responsible for maintaining the well-being of students, managing
student learning and development opportunities, community service, career advice, sport activities,
complaints, scholarships and financial aid to students. He/she reports directly to the Provost.
The Registrar is responsible under the direction of the Dean of Student Affairs for providing quality
student service in the area of registration, tuition assessment and academic records, and to insure the
confidentiality and accuracy of student records. This includes coordinating the preregistration,
completion, registration and drop/add. The registrar shall insure compliance with student records
policy, produce official student lists, reports, statistics, collect grades from faculty, prepare, publish,
distribute class and examination schedules, assign classrooms.
ALHOSN University Organizational Chart
Note: Faculty members report to their respective chairs.
Global Knowledge with Local Vision
Catalogue 2012 – 2013
Application Procedure
ALHOSN admits students irrespective of their national origin, color, gender, disability or religion to
all the rights, privileges and programs offered by the University. The maximum number of students to be
enrolled in each semester is determined by the University Board of Trustees in accordance with the
available resources of the University.
Applicants must complete the application forms and submit together with all other required
documentation to the Admission Office by the specified deadlines. In general, the following documents
are to be submitted.
An application for admission to the University (Application forms can be obtained from
the Admission Office).
A UAE Secondary School Certificate or its equivalent as approved by the Ministry of
Education, certified secondary school grades, or official University transcript (for transfer
students only).
A copy of the applicant’s passport valid for a minimum period of six months.
Six recent passport-size photographs.
A TOEFL score of at least 500 (computer based minimum of 173, and IBT score of 61) or
an IELTS score of 5.0 for undergraduate admission.
Official copy of TOEFL score (550) or IELTS (6.0) for postgraduate admission.
A non-refundable application fee of UAE AED 250/ to be paid before taking the placement test.
A Registration fee of UAE AED 1500 (non-refundable) has to be paid prior to registration.
A recent health certificate.
Application forms and other relevant admission information may be obtained by writing to the
Admissions Office, ALHOSN University, P.O. Box 38772,, Abu Dhabi, UAE.
Each applicant must fill in a copy of the application form and return it to the Admissions Office with
the nonrefundable application fee.
Each applicant must request that official transcripts or official academic credentials from all colleges or
universities attended be sent directly to the Admissions Office. Failure to declare attendance in other
institutions could cause invalidation of admission and any credits or degrees earned.
Admission Requirements
ALHOSN requires the minimum overall average for admission to the university as specified by the
UAE Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research must be met. However, ALHOSN has
additional requirements for direct admission to programs within its academic faculties as follows:
Faculty of Engineering and Applied Sciences
All programs offered within this faculty require a UAE Secondary School Certificate (SSC) or its
equivalent as approved by UAE Ministry of Education and Scientific Research with a Minimum overall
achievement of 75%. Applicants who do not meet the minimum requirement for direct admission into
the Faculty of Engineering and Applied Sciences may be considered for conditional admission upon
evaluation of their High School grades in related subjects.
Faculty of Business and Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences
All programs offered within these faculties require a UAE Secondary School Certificate (SSC) or its
equivalent as approved by UAE Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research with a
minimum overall achievements of 70%. Applicants of Faculty of Business or the Faculty of Arts and
Social Sciences who do not meet the minimum requirement may be considered for conditional
admission upon evaluation of their High School grades in related subjects.
Students who obtained their secondary school certificates from outside the UAE have to meet the
minimum admission requirements set by the UAE Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific
Research. Their credentials must be certified by the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Foreign
Affairs, and the UAE Embassy in the country of origin. Only subjects classified as academic will be
accepted for admission consideration.
A TOEFL score of at least 500 (if computer based minimum score 173 and/or IBT minimum score
of 61) or an ILETS minimum score of 5.0 is required for all undergraduate programs.
Passing the ALHOSN MATH Placement Test is required for all undergraduate programs.
Requirements for Students with British System Certificates
A minimum of 11 years of schooling is required; school leaving certificate must be provided
showing the last grade (year) completed.
A Pass in seven academic subjects from IGCSE / GCSE (O-levels) and / or GCE (AS- level, A-level), or
combination between these levels in at least four groups from the following:
 Mathematics
 Languages
 Science
 Humanities and Social Studies
 Art and Creativity with Minimum grades of:
o C: for the O-level
o D: for the AS-level
o E: for the A-level
English Language Proficiency Test
To complete the requirements for admission, applicants must have an English language proficiency
test score. The purpose of this score is to place students in an appropriate course. Students may be
placed in either non-credit English courses or undergraduate credit courses depending on their
proficiency in English.
The following guidelines have been developed:
 All students must take an English language proficiency test unless they present an official
certificate of English proficiency on an international standardized test indicating that their score
meets the required level for their program of study.
 If the English language proficiency test results indicate that students need to improve
their English skills, they must register in non-credit English courses.
 Students with a TOEFL score of 500, IELTS 5.0, or equivalent can register for all
undergraduate programs.
Conditional or Provisional Admission
Students will be admitted on a competitive basis based on their academic credentials up to the specific
enrollment target. Only students strictly meeting the admission requirements can receive official
admission. AHU does not issue conditional or provisional admission. However, students who are in
the process of completing specific admission requirements may receive from ALHOSN University a
letter of Intent of Admission, pending their completion of all admission requirements. A letter of
Intent of Admission does not constitute or imply official admission.
Students with an overall average of 60 to 65% in the UAE General Secondary School Certificate or its
equivalent may be accepted on probation for a period of one year. The number of students on
probation should not exceed 10% of the total accepted students during the academic year. The
students on probation must maintain a minimum average of 2.0 during the probation period in order to
remove the probation status.
Transfer Credit Policy
1. Transfer students must meet the basic admission requirements of ALHOSN.
2. Students who present official transcripts of college-level credit from UAE (MoHESR)
accredited institutions may receive transfer credits toward a degree to the extent that:
a. The grades are equivalent to a minimum average of C (2.0).
b. The subjects are similar in content to the requirements for the specific degree at
ALHOSN University.
c. The CGPA is a minimum of 2.0.
d. The total number of credit hours transferred must not exceed 50 % of the total credit
hours required for completion of that specific degree.
e. Upper division courses, specifically 3rd and 4th year courses, major or area of
concentration courses and capstone courses must be taken at ALHOSN. However, in case
of a student who completed some courses in the 3rd and 4th year in another institution,
ALHOSN will accept only the equivalent of 9 to 12 credit hour courses from these years.
3. The total number of credit hours of accepted college-level work will be entered on the
student’s permanent academic record; however, the transfer credit hours will not be included in
the cumulative grade point average reflected on the transcript of the academic record.
4. Students will be informed of their transferable credits prior to their admission. The final
decision is subject to the approval of the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research.
5. Students must be enrolled as degree candidates at ALHOSN in order to have the number
of transfer credits added to their ALHOSN Permanent Record.
6. Required Assessment and Remediation for Transfer: Students transferring to ALHOSN with
less than 61 semester hours must meet the requirements of the ALHOSN’s Assessment of
7. Specified ALHOSN degree requirements must all be met before obtaining a bachelor’s degree.
Other Applicants Categories
Transient Students
Transient (temporary) students are those who are actively enrolled in other institutions of higher
learning and wish to enroll for a session at ALHOSN. Transient students wishing to continue at
ALHOSN for more than one academic session should follow the procedures for admission of transfer
Non-Degree Students
Individuals who wish to pursue courses of special interest without submitting academic credentials may
register for a maximum of six hours per semester (or 3 per summer term), accumulating up to 12
semester hours of undergraduate non- degree credit. Thereafter, non-degree students must comply
with university admission requirements.
CAUTION: Non-degree students should not enroll in courses that are required in the general
education program. Courses taken for non-degree credit are not applicable toward a degree unless
validated later by the student’s meeting all conditions of admission to the university, including
remediation requirements.
Non-degree students are required to submit all admission credentials listed under “Admission
Procedure”. Non-degree students are required to meet the same course prerequisites as degree students.
Re-admission Procedure
Students who were previously enrolled as degree candidates at ALHOSN University and are eligible to
return to the University can register for classes at the Admission and Registration Office. Registration
must be completed by the end of the first day of classes.
Former students who were suspended or dismissed for academic or disciplinary reasons must file an
application for re-enrollment at the Admissions and Registration Office. Applications should be filed at
least one month prior to the beginning of a semester or term. Students who earn credits at other
colleges or universities and wish to have that work evaluated for transfer credits must have an official
transcript(s) sent to ALHOSN University.
The Fresh Start Policy is designed to help ALHOSN University students return to good academic
standing after an absence of at least two calendar years. When students are suspended or dismissed for
academic reasons, the Office of Admissions and Registration will inform them about re-enrollment
opportunities, including the Fresh Start option. The Office of Admissions and Registration will inform
any suspended or dismissed student being readmitted following a two-year continued absence that they
may apply for Fresh Start status. A request for Fresh Start status must be submitted within one year of
re-enrollment and applies only to courses taken before re- enrollment. After Fresh Start status is
approved, a notation will be added to the student’s academic record indicating that all ALHOSN
University credit hours earned prior to re-enrollment will be subject to the following conditions:
Courses taken prior to Fresh Start are excluded from the cumulative grade point average
calculation, and the student starts with a new cumulative grade point average.
Credit earned at ALHOSN University with a grade of less than a C (2.0) is forfeited.
Grades from all course work taken at ALHOSN University will be used in calculating
eligibility for graduation with honors.
Students choosing to re-enroll under the Fresh Start policy are subject to the academic
regulations in effect at the time of their re-entry.
Fresh Start students must re-declare their major or majors, or reapply for admission to the major
if admission is required, and must complete all current academic requirements.
Fresh Start status is applicable only to baccalaureate degrees and may be granted only one time.
Postponing Admission
The Office of Admissions and Registration may postpone the admission of a new student, upon the
student’s written request, and after full payment of the tuition fees for the semester in which he/she
was accepted. The postponement will be for one semester or a maximum of two semesters; provided
he/she has a legitimate reason (e.g. sudden serious illness) preventing him/her from completing the
registration procedures during a maximum period of four weeks from the date of the beginning of the
semester in which he/she was admitted. The Department will be informed, and if the student fails to
register after that, his/her admission to the University will be cancelled. However, the admission of a
new student is cancelled if he/she does not complete his/her course registration in the semester in
which he/she was admitted.
In making admission decisions, ALHOSN considers academic qualifications and the diversity of the
student body and applicants’ special abilities, talents, and achievements. The University believes that
the diversity of the student body enhances the quality of the education its students receive.
Returning Students
Students who changed their major in a previous semester must meet the academic advisor for their
new major.
Registration Procedure
Registration must be completed by the end of the fifth day of classes each semester. Authority to
extend this deadline is vested in the University Provost. After conferring with an advisor on the
selection of courses, the student completes registration by filling out the prescribed forms and by
payment of fees. No student can be admitted to or receive credit for a course in which he/she is not
properly registered if he/she has not paid the required fees. The procedure of registration is subject to the
 By the date indicated in the University calendar, all students must have completed their
advance registration for the following semester.
 To determine his/her class schedule, the student is asked to consult his/her academic advisor.
 Each student is normally asked to enroll 15 credit hours per semester. Any student who
registers for more than 18 credits should have the Dean’s approval.
There are some special cases when the student can register for less than 12 credit hours, such as
reasons related to health, employment or deficient background. In any of these cases, the
applicant has to first apply for and be granted approval.
During the add/drop period of the semester the student may change his/ her registration with
the approval of his/her advisor and notification to the Registration Office. No student is allowed
to join a class after the second week of the semester.
Any student who fails to meet the deadline of registration determined by the University
and/or fails to contact any of the officials regarding this problem will be withdrawn from the
university. This withdrawal will carry also financial forfeitures of tuition fees assessed for the
semester. In this case, the student consults the Registration Office.
A Quick Guide to Online Registration
Students must settle all financial obligations to the University before attempting to register online.
Students with outstanding debts to ALHOSN University will not be allowed to register.
STEP ONE: Class schedule
 Check all offered courses.
 Enter your Student ID (e.g. 200510624)
 Complete a proposal class schedule before you start registration.
STEP TWO: Enter the secure area
Enter password: your default Password is your Date of Birth in the DDMMYYYY format
(e.g. 15/8/1988 should be entered as 15081988).
STEP THREE: Register for courses
Check the Add Course From then pick from the Drop down list:
o University General Requirement – Compulsory
o University General Requirement – Elective
o University General Requirement – Free
o Faculty Requirement – Compulsory
o Program Requirement – Compulsory
o Program Requirement – Elective
o Please refer to your Study plan for more information
Click the Add+ Button
Tick the course and select section number, then click on add Selected Courses button.
To drop a course from your schedule, click the Delete button next to the course you would
like to drop.
After you have added and/or dropped all your courses, click Confirm.
Re-enter your Password and click Register. This processes your registration.
Review your schedule to make sure it is correct.
Review your schedule to make sure it is correct.
To view your weekly schedule, click on Student’s Schedule.
Sign out and close all browser windows to ensure your privacy
Students who have questions regarding the system or who encounter problems while using the system
can call the Registrar’s Office during business hours.
Orientation Program
All incoming Freshmen/Transfer students are expected to attend the orientation program.
Orientation Schedule/Detail
Orientation is a 90-minute seminar that provides an overview of ALHOSN University and the
admissions process. All prospective students are encouraged to attend this brief introductory session in
order to ensure a smooth transition into university life at ALHOSN University. University officials are
present to provide pertinent information and answer students’ questions. Orientation is mandatory for
students enrolling for the first time at ALHOSN University.
Academic Advising
All first-time freshmen (first year students) are initially advised in the Registration Office prior to
formal enrollment in the University. Advisors are available to assist students on an individual basis
with problems and challenges which may arise once they are enrolled in the University. Students are
assigned an academic advisor once they complete the enrollment process and prior to the start of
classes. Students must meet their academic advisors before registering for courses each semester.
All students must have registration and other related academic forms completed with the signature of
their academic advisor. All students are required to participate in academic advising meetings with their
individual academic advisor at least once each semester. The list of advisors at the Registration Office
should be checked to identify the current academic advisor. Students are encouraged to seek advising
regarding not only immediate course decisions but also long term academic goals.
All faculty except the Dean are assigned undergraduate advisees. The Dean advises incoming students
and also takes over as advisor if the student’s designated advisor is not available.
Students must personally assume the responsibility for completing all requirements established by the
University for their degree. A student’s advisor cannot assume these responsibilities. Any substitution,
waiver or exemption from any established requirement or academic standard may be accomplished
only with appropriate approval. The academic advisor may refer a student to other offices for further
services in counseling, career planning and placement, tutoring and skills development.
Advising Goals
To assist students in the selection of courses that will meet their educational goals, and
ensure progress towards a degree.
To counsel students on professional and career opportunities, and on graduate studies
when appropriate.
To help students with personal problems related to their academic progress and find the
resources that they need to deal with their problems.
Academic advisors are best able to help in planning each student’s course of study if the student
contacts them early and consults with them regularly.
A student is assigned to an advisor who is normally a faculty in the department that offers the
student’s program of study.
The maximum number of advisees per faculty is 25 students.
The advisor will have access to the academic records of his/her advisees.
Students have a right to the best possible advising and counseling. The University has an obligation to
provide an advisor who will be interested in their welfare throughout their academic careers at the
University. The advisor may be changed if he/she is not serving the student’s needs. Specifically, this
means that the student’s advisor should:
1. Establish and adhere to reasonable office hours.
2. Be knowledgeable about the different interests of students and their diversity and adapt the
advice accordingly.
3. Understand the mechanics of enrolling students for a semester, such as scheduling, telephone
registration, and closed-class situations.
4. Understand the University grading policy.
5. Be familiar with the variety of University degree offerings, to assist students in making choices.
6. Know where to refer students in cases of special needs (e.g. Academic Advancement
Center, Career Services, Counseling and Psychological Services, etc.).
7. Be aware of departmental major requirements as well as the University General Education
8. Help each student plan his/her course of study, designed through personal interaction between
the student and the advisor, compatible with the student’s career interests and academic
records, as well as available information on the frequency of course offerings and possible
scheduling conflicts.
9. Help students re-think the course of study in the event that their interests change, refer students
to an appropriate source for improvement of study and other skills when necessary.
10. Relay information about available activities that may enhance student’s learning experiences.
Statement of Advisor Expectations
Members of the ALHOSN University faculty accept the responsibility of being informed and
concerned about students assigned to them as advisees. Advising involves helping students move
through a sequential decision-making process toward realistic, flexible academic and professional
goals. In order for faculty advisors to provide this service, it is expected that each student will:
1. Consult with his/her advisor at least once a semester;
2. Make appointments for such counseling during office hours.
3. Respect appointments time. If the student finds that it is impossible to keep the
appointment, he/she should notify his/her advisor before the appointed time.
4. Discuss academic and career-related needs as they develop.
5. Be prepared for the appointment and bring appropriate materials and documents.
6. Seek assistance with decisions to be made rather than expect the advisor to make them.
7. Follow through with appropriate action after the advising session, or consult with the advisor
if critical decisions cannot be accomplished.
8. Seek additional counsel from other appropriate sources.
9. Evaluate advising sessions and give feedback to the advisor in order to strengthen the
advising process.
10. Seek reassignment to another advisor when appropriate.
Add/Drop Courses Regulations
Adding a Course
Students may add courses to their schedules until the published add/drop day. Students cannot add
courses after that date. See academic calendar for the last day to add courses.
Dropping a Course
It is the student’s responsibility to officially drop a course. When dropping a course within three
calendar weeks from the date when classes begin, no grade will appear on the student’s record. When a
student drops a course after the third week of class and before the end of the 8th week of class, a grade
of “W” will be recorded on the student’s academic record. When a student drops a course after the 8th
week of class, he/she will receive an F grade.
Transfer within University Faculties
First-Semester Students
First-semester students may apply to transfer within the university from one specialization to another
during the drop- add period. This application is processed through the Admissions and Registration
Office in accordance with the following conditions:
1. The applicants should meet the admission requirements of the field of specialization where
they are transferring.
2. There is availability of vacancies in the specialization where they are transferring.
3. There is approval of the two faculties/ departments concerned.
Regular Students
Regular students may transfer from one specialization (major) to another within the university provided
that they fulfill items 2 and 3 above, in addition to the following:
1. They should have completed at least one full semester in the university.
2. Each student is entitled to one transfer only throughout his/her course of study at the university.
3. The last semester average should be equivalent to the new specialization requirements.
4. The number of semester credits a student can carry to the new specialization is limited to 60
credit hours.
5. The application for transfer should be submitted within the period announced by the Office
Admissions and Registration. The student’s academic level should not exceed the level of the
program where he/she requested to transfer.
Withdrawal from the University
A student desiring at any time to withdraw completely from the University must obtain an official
withdrawal form from the Office of Registration. The date of withdrawal is the date the completed
form is returned to the Office of Registration. If a student drops out of the University without
permission, the official transcript will show a grade of “F” in all courses for that semester or term.
There are two categories of students who may leave ALHOSN University:
1. Leave of Absence (LOA) is granted by the University in cases of documented hardship or
for other reasons receiving prior approval. “Documented hardship” would include medical,
psychological, family crisis or other reasons which can render the student unable to attend
classes for a designated period of time. The leave must be approved by the Office of the Dean
of Student Affairs, upon recommendation of the concerned Dean. A Leave of Absence may be
for one or two semesters. A one- semester leave may be extended for an additional semester if
approved by the Office of the Dean of Student Affairs. Re- admittance following a leave may
be subject to review by the Office of the Dean of Student Affairs. If a student does not return
after two semesters, the LOA reverts to a withdrawal (see below), and the enrollment deposit is
a. Academic Leaves of Absence may be approved by the Office of the Dean of Student
Affairs upon recommendation of the concerned Dean and Department Chairperson.
Awarding the course credit will depend on a course-by-course evaluation of the completed
b. This category enables students to retain all of the rights and privileges accorded to
enrolled students.
2. Withdrawal from the University can be student initiated or administrative, the latter
occurring when a student simply leaves campus, is suspended for academic or disciplinary
reasons, does not return from a leave of absence or is deemed ineligible to continue enrollment
because of an outstanding account balance.
a. Unsatisfactory academic performance does not by itself necessarily lead to official
withdrawal. As soon as possible, and no later than two weeks before final exams, the
student should first meet with the Dean of Student Affairs to explore his/her options.
Approved requests receive W in all courses for the term of leave. Any student who stops
attending classes without completing the withdrawal procedure receives an F in courses for
which the student is registered.
Off Campus Studies (Exchange Students)
1. Students may apply to study off campus after completing one year of study at ALHOSN
2. Students must complete at least 50% of the credits required for degree completion at ALHOSN
3. Students must study their senior (Final) year courses at ALHOSN University.
4. Students must have a minimum GPA of 2.5, but those with at least a 3.0 will be given
preference. Petitions may be submitted requesting special consideration for students with a
GPA under 2.5. Exceptions are rare. Students may start the ALHOSN approval process any
time during their sophomore year (Second year student). However, it is important to note that,
while there is no deadline for ALHOSN University approval, specific programs do have
deadlines. Students should be sure to check with the Dean of Student Affairs as early as they
5. Applications will be evaluated on the basis of Academic performance Evidence of academic
and social maturity.
6. Permission to extend a student leave will be considered on a case by case basis. Such approval
is not automatic and will be reviewed after first-time applicants have been considered.
7. The number of students approved to participate in off-campus study programs is limited to
10% of projected enrollment of the total student body per year.
8. An administrative fee is charged to each student whose application for study off-campus is
approved. The fee is refundable only if the student notifies the University in writing of his or
her decision to withdraw from the program prior to the due date for semester bills.
9. Students who withdraw to attend off- campus programs not endorsed by ALHOSN University,
or who go on an off-campus program without approval will not have their course credits
transferred to ALHOSN University.
Taking a Course at Another University
Students who wish to enroll in courses at other institutions where the credit earned will be used for
fulfilling degree requirements at ALHOSN University must adhere to the following policy:
1. Obtain written approval from their ALHOSN University advisor.
2. Obtain a written approval from ALHOSN University Department Chair and Dean of Faculty
if the course is part of their major curriculum.
3. Obtain written approval from the ALHOSN University Dean of Student Affairs.
4. Have a minimum GPA of 2.0.
5. A maximum of 2 courses can be registered at the other approved academic institution.
6. Have an official transcript submitted to the ALHOSN University Dean of Student Affairs office
immediately upon completion of the course.
7. After completing 75% of course work, no student may take or transfer courses from any other
academic institution.
8. Courses accepted for transfer credit will be evaluated in terms of ALHOSN University’s
academic policies, curriculum and the student’s proposed program at ALHOSN University.
Fractional credit will not be granted for partial completion of any course.
Credit hours will transfer for courses in which the student earns at least a grade of “C” in the other
courses. Grades earned at other institutions are not used to compute ALHOSN University’s Grade
Point Average (GPA).
Course Load Limitations
1. The full-time student’s normal study load in one academic semester is 15 credit hours but
can range from a minimum of 12 credit hours to a maximum of 18 credit hours.
2. If the student has received a second or third academic warning, the concerned Dean may
decrease the study load for a full-time student to 9 credit hours.
3. The study load for a full-time student may be increased to 21 credit hours (Fall/ Spring) if any
of the following cases hold:
a. The student’s cumulative GPA is not less than 3.5 at the end of the previous semester.
b. The student is graduating in the same or following semester.
c. If the remaining credit hours for the student about to graduate do not exceed 9 credit hours
in the following semester.
At ALHOSN University, a student is not considered to be officially enrolled until the end of the last
date of enrollment. This allows more freedom for class drops or University withdrawals, as they are
not permanently recorded before these census dates.
Lecture may be audited without credit in accordance with the audit fee schedule and the consent of the
instructor. Audited courses will not be included in determining maximum credit hours in course
registration. Courses such as laboratory or studio work, requiring the active participation of the
student, may be audited, but will be charged at the same fee rate as regular credit-hour courses. These
courses will be considered in determining the maximum credit hours in course registration. The
requirements for auditing a course are established by the instructor. An instructor may request the
Admissions and Registration Office to drop a student from a course if the student is not fulfilling the
audit requirements of a course.
Class Length
During a regular academic year, classes may last 50 minutes, or three to four hours depending on
course credit and lab configurations. Longer classes that meet three or four hours at a sitting should
have one or two short breaks of ten to fifteen minutes.
Overlapping Classes
No student shall be permitted to register for classes that overlap. Classes that have any common
meeting time are considered to be overlapping, as are any back-to-back classes that have start and end
times closer together than the standard change period for the campus.
Only under extenuating circumstances shall petitions for overrides for such conflicts be permitted, and
shall require the signatures of all faculty members involved. The decision to approve or disapprove
such a petition for override is entirely discretionary with each faculty member involved.
Students must officially cancel any course for which they have enrolled and subsequently been denied
Classes and Events during Exams and Reading Days
1. No classes will be permitted after the last day of instruction for any course that normally
includes undergraduate students.
2. No University-sponsored extracurricular events which require the participation of students may
be scheduled during Finals Week.
1. It is expected that students should attend all classes.
2. All matters related to student absences, including the making up of work missed, are to be
arranged between the student and the instructor.
3. All instructors will, at the beginning of each term, make a clear statement to all their classes
concerning the policies in the syllabus for handling absences. Instructors will also be
responsible for counseling their students regarding the academic consequences of absences
from their classes or laboratories. Students are obligated to adhere to the requirements of
each course as stated by the instructor.
4. Attendance will be recorded and managed by the University online attendance system. Student
may consult this facility through the Student Portal for their absence status.
Notification of Reasons for Absence
Under certain conditions a notification of absence enabling a student to make up work missed may be
obtained from the appropriate office as indicated below. The following rules apply:
1. When a student has participated in an authorized University activity (a department trip, sport or
debate activity, etc.), the notification should be issued by the sponsoring office.
2. A student who receives medical care from officially recognized health care personnel or
facilities is expected to present to the Registration Office medical certificate with verification of
the date(s) in which such care was received, not later 1 week after the end of the last day of
3. Instructors are urged to assist, without prejudice, students returning to a class after a legitimate
absence, such as illness, death in the immediate family, religious observance or involvement in
University-sponsored activities. Makeup work will be arranged subject to any limitations
previously announced by the instructor. There are occasions where the size or nature of the
course makes it necessary to set limits on the number of excused absences or the availability of
makeup work, particularly for exams or special events such as field trips or outside speakers.
Such limitations will be explained in the instructor’s statement of attendance policy at the
beginning of each course. Students with scheduled activities must check with the instructor as
early as possible to clarify that there will be no conflict with the policy.
4. In the event of injury or illness, a student may submit a written request to the Dean of the
Faculty, not later than ten (10) days from the first absence, for a medical leave of absence
and include documentation to justify need for a medical leave from the treating physician.
Denial of a request for a medical leave of absence may be appealed in writing to the Dean of
Student Affairs whose decision will be final.
5. All records concerning medical leaves of absence are considered confidential and will only
be kept by the appropriate office(s) at the University. The notation, “Leave of Absence,”
will be placed on the student’s transcript. Where appropriate, and in accordance with
University policy, such records will be destroyed upon the student’s graduation.
Course Syllabus
Course syllabi shall contain the following items of information:
1. Complete course title and cod number, name of instructor, term, year.
2. Statement of faculty member’s accessibility to students outside of class (e.g., office hours,
telephone number, email address).
3. Pre-requisites and co-requisites (if any) for the course.
4. Course objectives that specify measurable and/or observable student learning outcomes.
These learning outcomes should state course objectives in a language that makes explicit the
knowledge and skills students should have acquired after completing the course. Consequently,
these objectives may be quantitative or qualitative, as appropriate for the learning outcomes.
5. Course assignments (e.g. required readings and activities) and due dates.
6. Specific course requirements (e.g. written and oral tests and reports, research papers,
performances). The course requirements will specify any projects and/or other activities
required and the criteria by which student work will be judged.
7. Grading policy: how the final grade is to be determined with respect to the weights assigned to
various course requirements.
8. Syllabi should state specific requirements for the frequency and kind of participation by
designated channels.
9. List of textbook(s) or other required course materials such as software, websites, CD’s, etc.
Code of Conduct
ALHOSN University stands for the human dignity and worth of every person. We believe, therefore, in
values that foster the human respect needed for people to live, work, study and recreate together as a
community. Living these values requires each of us to make an effort towards building a campus
community that will be known for love of truth, active care and concern for the common good and
selfless sacrifice towards others.
Good order is a sign that a community is working to achieve the goals it has set for itself. When order is
absent or disrupted, not only are individuals harmed, but the community suffers too. To acquire
these goals, ALHOSN University has a discipline system, which promotes the well being of individuals
and groups who make up the campus community. This discipline system is concerned with fostering
community in two ways. First, it encourages a sense of the common good among members of the
campus community by setting standards of behavior that appropriately reflect the character and
purpose of ALHOSN University. Second, it establishes a system to be used when someone
compromises those standards in any way that undermines the common good. In both of these
purposes, the discipline system participates in the educational mission of ALHOSN University, helping
students grow into more responsible persons.
Rules and regulations provide the basis for a reasonably ordered campus life. The mere observance of
rules, however, without the cooperation and personal appropriation of the values they protect, falls
short of what ALHOSN University hopes for everyone who is part of the campus community.
Honesty, integrity, responsibility, and respect for persons and property, especially property belonging to
the community, identify members of the ALHOSN University community. Acting against these
values diminishes the understanding of community. Such action, because of the injury it does to the
community, is taken seriously and is handled fairly yet firmly.
Class Schedule and Attendance
Only officially registered students should be permitted to attend classes. Appropriate proof of student
registration is the student’s name listed on the class roster.
Classroom Regulations
Cellular telephones must be disengaged while the student is in the University Library or in
any classroom/lab.
Instructors and students are not allowed to bring food and/or drinks in the ALHOSN
Library or any Classroom/lab.
Smoking is not permitted in any ALHOSN University facility except where indicated otherwise.
Students are expected to dress according to locally accepted standards of neatness,
cleanliness, modesty and good taste.
Instructors and students in the classroom are expected to use language that is not abusive. If
a student uses language deemed by the instructor to be insulting, obscene, or vulgar, that
student will be asked to refrain from using offensive language in the classroom. If the student
continues to use offensive language in the classroom after being warned, he/she may be
asked to leave the classroom. If an instructor is reported by a student or students to be using
abusive language in class, the college dean will inquire into the matter.
Student Discipline System
The student discipline system exists to handle infractions against University rules and regulations.
This system is based on a philosophy of fairness for all parties concerned in any situation involving
noncompliance with a University policy or regulation by a student. This system provides an alleged
violator the opportunity to respond to complaints brought against him or her and to offer an
explanation. When it is deemed appropriate for a case to be forwarded to a Hearing Committee, the
respondent will be provided an opportunity to confront the complainant, to respond to the testimony of
the witnesses and to a right to a hearing board composed of students, faculty, and/ or administrators
to determine whether the student is responsible or not.
The student discipline system is designed to be an educational system and does not function as a court of
law. Therefore, the rules of evidence and various other procedural issues are handled in a manner
consistent with that educational focus. Where the allegations are more serious, and therefore the
consequences more serious, the rules of procedure are structured appropriately. The student discipline
system is not a substitute for the criminal and civil courts but an additional option for complainants
when the alleged violator is an enrolled ALHOSN University student.
If the violation warrants a written reprimand, fine, or work sanction only, there is no appeal and the
sanction must be completed within the indicated time. All other sanctions may be appealed. If the
sanction is either suspension or dismissal from University-owned housing or the University, and the
student appeals, the case shall immediately be scheduled for a hearing before the Appeals Committee.
The Committee is composed of one student member, a faculty member and the designated dean. Cases
can only be appealed once.
Academic Integrity
Adherence to the highest standards of academic integrity is vital to achieving the goals and objectives of
the educational process. The exhibition of honesty in all areas of academic life is basic to maintaining
this integrity. Dishonesty compromises and threatens the pursuit and acquisition of knowledge and
therefore will not be tolerated. Academic dishonesty is the unauthorized giving, taking, or
presenting any information or material by a student with the intent of aiding himself/herself or another
on any academic work which is to be considered in the determination of the course grade or
completion of other academic requirements. Academic dishonesty includes, but is not limited to,
deceptive acts such as the following:
Using unauthorized notes or materials (crib notes, books, etc.) as an aid during an examination.
Substituting the examination answers of another for the student’s own; that is, copying
another’s examination paper.
Acquiring, receiving and/or possessing an examination or assignment or any part thereof, at
any time or in any manner not prescribed by the instructor.
Submission by a student of any course materials or activities, not his/her own, to be evaluated
by the instructor in determining the student’s course grade, allowing such a submission to be
made for the student, or masking such a submission for another.
Plagiarism: using the ideas, organization, or words of others, whether it be from a book, article,
paper or file, in any assignment to be evaluated by the instructor without giving proper credit
by following accepted rules of citation.
The instructor may supplement this definition as necessary to provide a more comprehensive
definition of academic dishonesty. Any such supplements to this definition will be
communicated to the student so as to give the student reasonable notice thereof.
Recognition of a Violation of Academic Integrity Procedures
1. When a faculty member suspects a student of a violation of academic integrity, the
faculty member should consult with the student about the suspected violation. In the case of
plagiarism, the instructor could detect that a paper or assignment is plagiarized in basically two
a. By identifying the source, or
b. By showing the discrepancy of style between previous papers and the paper in question,
or between different sections/parts of the paper.
2. If a misunderstanding has occurred and there has been no violation, then the matter can be
settled amicably between the instructor and the student.
3. If it appears to be a clear violation of academic integrity standards, the incident is to be reported
to the Dean of the respective Faculty.
a. In the case of plagiarism:
i. The instructor may ask the student to rewrite the paper using correct forms of citation
and documentation.
ii. In the event that the student insists on submitting the same work without making
proper amendments as requested, the instructor is empowered by university regulations
to assign the student a failing grade in the course.
iii. As an added measure to curb such practices, at the end of each semester, Department
chairs with the cooperation of the course instructor will carry out random inspection
of students’ work for courses offered by their departments, and report their findings to
the Chair of UGR unit. For Requirement courses, the Chair of UGR unit will carry out
such tasks.
iv. When a student suspects that a violation of academic integrity has taken place in a
course, she/he has the option of speaking to the instructor about the suspected behavior.
Processing a Disputed Violation
1. The Dean contacts the student requesting information about the alleged violation.
2. The designated Dean contacts the student requesting information about the alleged violation.
3. The student will be given an option of a hearing before the special subcommittee of the
Academic Standards Committee or having the case determined by the committee without a
4. Both the student and the faculty member involved will be informed of the decision of the
sub- committee concerning the alleged violation of academic integrity in a timely fashion.
Appeal Process
If the student wishes to appeal the decision by the sub-committee on Academic Standards, he or she
should make the appeal in writing to the Office of the Provost within ten days of the notification. (The
Provost may designate one or more members of his/her staff to consider the appeal.)
It is important for all concerned that there is uniformity in the process and punishment of violations of
academic integrity.
Sanctions are to be determined by the sub-committee of the Academic and Accreditation Committee.
The following sanctions are recommended when an instance of a violation of academic integrity has
been ascertained:
1. First Violation – A grade of zero on the quiz, exam, etc., or, in certain cases, a failing grade in
the course.
2. Second Violation – Suspension for a semester. In extreme circumstances, dismissal from
the University is an available option.
3. Third Violation – Dismissal from the University
Record Keeping and Procedures
The designated Dean of the Faculty and the Dean of Student Affairs will keep all records of violations of
academic integrity within a confidential file in a secure area so that information may be kept to identify
any repeat offenses by students.
Records must be kept for a minimum of three years after the student has left the institution. In cases of
dismissal from the university, a copy of the dismissal letter will be placed in the student’s confidential
educational record file in the Dean of Student Affairs Office where it will be kept for eight years.
1. All students must arrive and be seated in the Exam’s room at least 5 minutes before the start
of the exam. No student will be permitted to enter the exam’s room after the first 20 minutes.
2. Examinations during the term (e.g., mid-terms) shall be given only during the midterm
exam week scheduled by the university, and may not be held at times other than the regularly
scheduled period.
3. A student who could not sit for any exam, test or quiz during the semester, for any
reason (including medical excuses), will not be allowed to do make-up exams, tests or
quizzes. The marks allocated for the exam, test or quiz will be accumulated and added to the
Final Exam.
4. Undergraduate students will not be allowed to have Take-Home Exams.
5. All classes that normally permit undergraduates to enroll shall follow a standard
examination schedule.
6. Final examinations for summer session shall be scheduled during the final exam week
scheduled by the university. However, if there are more than 17 students enrolled in the course,
the mid-term will be scheduled by the Instructor in two different classes as required.
7. Midterm examinations for summer sessions shall be given only during the regular class sessions.
8. Students with mid-term or final examination conflicts or with three (or more) examinations in
one calendar day shall inform the Provost Office so that conflicts will be eliminated. Instructors
must agree to give an alternative examination to any student having examination conflicts or
three (or more) examinations in one calendar day.
9. Missing the Final Exam: A student who could not attend the Final Exam for an accepted reason
(including medical excuses) will be given a grade of ‘I’ (Incomplete) and are required to take
the make-up of the Final Exam in the following semester during the Final Exam Week. The
Admissions and Registration Office will send notification to the Instructor of the Course to
prepare and submit the examination to the Admissions and Registration Office, who will then
schedule the exam. The student must request to sit for the make-up of the Final Exam. No
student shall be allowed to take the make-up of the Final Exam at any other time unless
approved by the Provost.
Grade and Grading System
1. Grades represent faculty appraisal of the quality of students’ work. Term grades are assigned
by faculty members and can be changed only for a just cause and with administrative approval.
2. Grade reports are sent to each student at the end of each semester.
3. A letter grade and plus-minus system for evaluating academic performance is used for
evaluating all undergraduate students. Each letter grade has a Grade Point value for each
semester hour it represents. The hours and quality points are used in determining a student’s
Grade Point Average for a semester’s work and in averaging grades for all work completed to
find a student’s cumulative Grade Point Average.
4. Academic eligibility for a student shall be determined by current regulations. The
university adopts the following grading system (see Table below).
Grading System
Letter Grades
WF *
* Effective September 2011
Performance Designation
Grade Points
Below 50
The following grades are not factored into the GPA (see Table below).
Dropped English
Grade Pending
Given to audited classes and listed on the permanent record
Given when a course is dropped by the university for administrative
Given when a student is unable to complete the required work because
of an unavoidable circumstance such as illness. It is not to be given to
enable a student to do additional work to improve a grade. An
incomplete grade must be removed within two semesters (excluding
summer sessions) or it will automatically be converted to a grade of
WF. In the determination of quality hours and Grade Point Averages,
an “I” is not counted in the calculation.
Given only for University Honors College courses until the project is
The “AU’s”, “AW’s”, and “W’s” will be listed as attempted hours, but not as quality hours for
calculating Grade Point Averages.
Dean’s List
The semester Dean’s List includes all undergraduate students who achieve a cumulative GPA of 3.7 or
more with a minimum of 15 credit hours enrolled and attempted for letter grades that are used to
calculate the students GPA.
Grade Point Average (GPA)
The GPA is calculated as follows:
Each letter grade is converted to a grade point (A = 4, A- = 3.7, B+ = 3.3, B = 3, etc). Each grade
point is then multiplied by the number of credits in the courses. These products are then added
together and divided by the total number of credits to calculate the GPA (see example below).
Grade Point Average (GPA) Calculation
Calculus I
Islamic Culture
Credit Hours
Grade Point
Credit Hours Times Grade Point
3  3.3  3  4.0   3 1.0   3  0   3 1.7  30
 2.0
Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA)
The Cumulative GPA is the weighted average of all grades for a student starting from the first
semester of enrollment until the end of the final semester (graduation). It is calculated the same as the
example above taking into account all courses the student has taken while attending the University.
Final Grade and Appeal Policy Change of Grade or Removal of Incompletes
Change of Grade: An incomplete grade once reported may be changed only upon recommendation of
the instructor with the approval of the dean of his or her division.
A grade of “I” may be removed by repeating the course when, in the instructor’s judgment, this is the
most suitable course of action for completing the requirements of the course. The course must be
taken for letter grade. Once the course has been completed, the grade of incomplete will be removed
from the record. This arrangement must be reported to the Provost Office in writing prior to enrolling in
the course for the second time. An incomplete grade must be completed within two semesters
(excluding summer sessions) or it will automatically be converted to a grade of WF.
Academic Standing
Academic Warning and Probation Policy
The specific aim of this policy is to ensure that students make adequate progress toward the general
graduation requirement of a 2.0 grade point average (GPA) and that in doing so they do not accumulate
an excessive number of failing grades.
After the end of the second semester, a student, whose cumulative GPA falls below 2.0, will be placed
on probation and will be given an academic warning.
A student given a first academic warning is not allowed to register for more than 12 credits in the
subsequent semester. If he/ she fails to raise his/her cumulative GPA above 2.0 within one semester,
he/she will be given a second academic warning and will not be allowed to register for more than 9
credits in the subsequent semester.
If the student continues to fail to raise his/her cumulative GPA at least to 2.0 within one semester after
the second warning, he/she will be required to withdraw from ALHOSN University for at least one
academic semester. Should the student wish to return to the University, he/she must submit a request
for re-admission to his/her Dean. This request should explain why the student believes his/her
academic performance will improve in the future.
In such a case, the student’s file will be evaluated and the University will make a decision on readmittance. Expulsion may be permanent if in the opinion of the University the student cannot benefit
from being readmitted to ALHOSN University, the student request can be declined.
Repeating a Course
Effective September 2011, a student may repeat once, without the Dean’s approval, a maximum of
three courses in which credit has previously been earned. The highest grade achieved in a repeated
course is counted in the cumulative average, but the credit hours earned in the repeated course will
count only once toward graduation.
The deadline for submitting the petition to repeat a course is the last day to add a course in the
semester or term the repeated course is being taken. A form for this purpose is available online and/or in
the Office of Admissions and Registration Office.
Repeating a course may influence a student’s financial aid or sports eligibility. Courses repeated after
graduation will not change the graduation GPA.
Degree Completion Requirements
Completion Requirements for Baccalaureate Graduation
Each candidate for graduation must meet all of the following requirements:
1. Have completed the minimum semester hours of course work in accordance with specific
degree program requirements.
2. Have a minimum overall cumulative Grade Point Average of 2.0 and have a minimum
cumulative Grade Point Average of 2.0 in all work attempted at ALHOSN University.
3. Be registered at ALHOSN University during the academic year in which the student’s
graduation occurs.
4. Meet all the program requirements stated in the catalog which were current at the time the
student entered ALHOSN University, or all those of a subsequent catalog. Students will not be
allowed to partially meet some of the requirements of one catalog and some of the requirements
of another previous or subsequent Catalog.
5. Meet the program requirements as stated in the catalog in effect at the time of readmission, or
those of a subsequent catalogue, if attendance is interrupted for more than one semester.
6. Must earn at least 50% of the credits required for degree completion from courses studied at
ALHOSN University.
7. Complete the degree requirements within a minimum of seven regular semesters a maximum of
14 regular semesters.
8. Have made an application for the degree.
9. The Degree Application Form can be obtained from the Office of the Dean of Student
10. A prescribed non-refundable graduation fee must accompany the application by the required
date, or an additional late filing fee will be charged.
11. If a candidate fails to qualify by the time of commencement of graduation, but does qualify at a
later time, the student must submit another application and a diploma fee.
12. If the candidate fails to meet this requirement as specified, the student must wait until the next
commencement to receive his or her degree.
13. Satisfy all financial obligations to the University.
Global Knowledge with Local Vision
Catalogue 2012 – 2013
Students should meet all of their financial responsibilities to the university. Failure to meet any
financial obligations will be considered as a lack of financial responsibility. In addition, students who
have submitted a dishonored check (unless due to bank error), will be assessed according to the bank
charges. It is the students’ responsibility to present evidence of the bank error, if any. Encumbrances
and returned checks must be cleared by cash or a cashier’s check. Returned checks will not be redeposited. If the check was presented for payment of tuition fees or installments towards tuition fees,
the return of the check will result in a AED 100/- late installment fee plus the bank charges AED
50/- per case.
Students who have not fulfilled their financial obligations at the end of the semester may have their
records adjusted to reflect the students’ failure to properly enroll for that semester and no grades will be
issued. There will be an additional AED 200/- reinstatement fee attached to the existing debt. For the
students’ to be eligible for enrollment in subsequent semesters, all penalties and outstanding balances
must be paid in full. Students must be in good financial standing at all times. A student’s failure to meet
financial responsibilities may result in expulsion and disqualification from registration for the
subsequent semester. Statements of credits or transcripts will not be given to, or on behalf of, a student
until all financial responsibilities have been met.
Tuition and Fees
Students are responsible for being aware of the current financial regulations of the university. Current
regulations are applicable to all students regardless of the date of admission to the university. The
university reserves the right to modify any statement as necessitated by any unforeseen condition. The
fees for the ELC levels 1, 2, and 3 (Regular) include the required text books for registered courses and
one TOEFL I-PBT exam at the end of the term. The fees for ELC level 3 (Alternate) include only the
required text books.
Schedule of Fees
Application Fee (non-refundable) AED 250/Registration Fee (non-refundable) AED 1500/-.
New Students
Old Students
Starting in the Fall semester of the academic year
2008-2009, the tuition fee structure per Credit at
ALHOSN University will be as follows:
Students registered at ALHOSN University who have
completed at least one semester of full time study
before the Fall semester of 2008-2009, the tuition fee
structure per Credit will be as follows:
Undergraduate Degree, Faculty of
Engineering and Applied Sciences
Undergraduate Degree, Faculty of
Undergraduate Degree, Faculty of
Arts and Social Sciences
Master of Education
Diploma in Education (Post
Baccalaureate Level)
ELC Level 3 per semester
ELC Level 2 per semester
ELC Level 1 per semester
General English per semester
Undergraduate Degree, Faculty of
Engineering and Applied Sciences
Undergraduate Degree, Faculty of
Undergraduate Degree, Faculty of
Arts and Social Sciences
Master of Engineering
Master of Education
Diploma in Education (Post
Baccalaureate Level)
ELC Level 3 per semester
ELC Level 2 per semester
ELC Level 1 per semester
General English per semester
Late Registration
All dates specified in the academic calendar must be strictly adhered to. The calendar is posted well in
advance of each semester. It is the students’ responsibility to be informed of the dates for registration,
examinations, etc. A late registration fee of AED 400/- per course is levied upon students who fail to
register for courses at the designated time.
Schedule revision (add/drop) may be made during the first week of classes of the specific semester.
Students who drop courses during the first week of the semester will receive a full refund of tuition
for that course.
Refund Policy
Refund on Withdrawal
Students who pay tuition and fees for any term and who subsequently cancel their registration through
the Office of Admissions and Registration prior to the first day of classes for that semester as
specified in the academic calendar are entitled to a full refund of their tuition fees. Students who
officially withdraw from the university after the classes begin may be eligible for a partial refund of
tuition fees. The applicable refund is based upon the date of official withdrawal. Application for
withdrawal must be made to the Office of Admissions and Registration. Withdrawals by mail are
effective on the date of receipt of the correspondence.
The university reserves the right to deduct any outstanding financial obligations from the refund. No
refund will be made to students who leave the university without officially withdrawing. Tuition fees
will be refunded in accordance with the following schedule, provided that the student officially
withdraws from the University.
Fall and Spring Semesters
Prior to the first class day: 100% minus the Registration Fee
During the first week: 80%
During the second week: 60%
After the second week: None
Summer Sessions
 Prior to the first class day: 100% minus the Registration Fee
 During the first week: 50%
 After the first week: None
Class days are counted from the first day of the commencement of classes at the university as
indicated in the academic calendar for that semester. The refund is not made immediately upon official
withdrawal. Refunds will be processed after completion of all registration for that semester. A check
will be mailed to the student’s officially listed address.
Tuition and fees of students who postpone their date of admission until the following semester or
withdraw from the program will be transferred to the next semester. Refunds of fees will be made
only to those students who terminate their studies at the university with the understanding that they
will not seek to register for courses in the future. A completed withdrawal form must be filed with the
Office of Admissions and Registration. The forms for withdrawal may be obtained from the Office of
Admissions and Registration.
Fees for Other Services
Change of Major
Course Syllabus
English Language Test
Late English Language Test
Grade Appeal Request
Incomplete Grades
Issuing of New University ID (for 4 years)
Issuing of Transcripts
Late Application and Registration
Locker Deposit
Locker Rent / Semester
Lost ID
Passport Deposit (refundable)
Registration Fees (non-refundable)
Student Residence Visa
Student Services Fee (internet, labs, etc.)
To Whom it May Concern Letter
Transfer of Credit Evaluation / Course
Fee (AED)
Note: Tuition and Fees for Other Services are subject to change within one semester without
advance notice.
Global Knowledge with Local Vision
University education is one of the most important investments students and families can make. They will
be expected to contribute as much as they can from their own financial resources to help meet the
students’ university expenses.
The purpose of financial assistance is to help special need students and families meet educational
expenses that cannot be met through their own resources.
All scholarship and financial assistance are by application, therefore it is the responsibility of
the student to apply according to the regulations and deadlines set by the university
Scholarship and financial assistance at ALHOSN University is available only to full-time
Students may apply for scholarships and financial assistance regardless of their race,
gender, religion or national origin. The university has funds available for highly qualified
students with limited financial resources.
Situations of limited financial resources include, but not limited to, a reduction in income due
to loss of employment, retirement, disability or death of the family’s wage earner; divorce or
separation, etc.
The university’s financial assistance policy is formulated to help students with limited
financial resources to pay for their educational expenses. Also, it encourages students to be on
top of their classes.
Only one type of scholarship and or financial assistance is granted.
The University has the right to change the rules and regulations of awarding such
scholarship without any prior notice.
Types of Scholarships and Financial Assistance
ALHOSN University offers the following types of scholarships and financial assistance:
1. High School Merit scholarship
 Students with 90-94.9% grade will be awarded a waiver of 25% of the total fees for that
specific semester only.
 Students with 95% and over will be awarded a waiver of 50% of the total fees for that
specific semester only.
 The scholarship is granted for one semester and is renewed as long as the student
maintains a minimum of CGPA 3.7 for each subsequent semester.
 If the CGPA drops below 3.7 the student will automatically lose the scholarship for the
semester concerned.
 Successful candidates only will be notified within 6 weeks from the beginning of each
regular semester.
DEADLINE: Applications will be considered within 4 weeks of the beginning of each
regular semester. An online “Secondary School scholarship form” must be completed for this
2. Academic Merit Scholarship
 A waiver of 25% of the total fees will be given to students with AGPA of 4.0.
 Students must at least be in their second semester at ALHOSN University.
 Successful candidates will be notified within 6 weeks from the beginning of each regular
 The University has the right to decide the number of Academic Scholarship offered for
each semester.
DEADLINE: Applications will be considered within 4 weeks of the beginning of each regular
semester. An online “Academic Merit scholarship form” must be completed for this scholarship.
3. Women in Engineering Scholarship
ALHOSN University offers scholarships to students enrolling on rare Majors such as
Engineering which the University is keen on promoting as one of the significant areas
contributing to the economic and industrial development of the country. ALHOSN University
will offer a limited number of scholarships to its current and future women students to
enable them to complete their studies at the university.
The Women in Engineering Scholarship covers half the tuition fees for the final half of student
total number of credit hours at ALHOSN University from admission up to graduation.
New/transfer students may register on a predetermined Engineering program of study and be
eligible for the scholarship. Students applying for this scholarship must meet ALL of the
following criteria:
 Be a full time registered student at ALHOSN University.
 Maintain a minimum of CGPA of 2.5.
 Not be registered as full time student at any other academic institution.
 Abide by the scholarship regulations as laid by the university.
 Complete the online "Women in Engineering scholarship form.”
Financial Assistance
1. Student Financial Assistance
ALHOSN University offers grants and assistance with fee payment for students whose family
income is limited. A 25% waiver of tuition fees shall be awarded. Assistance is eligible under
the following conditions:
 Complete successfully at least 15 credit hours.
 Be a full time registered student at ALHOSN University.
 Not be registered as full time student at any other academic institution.
 Abide by the scholarship regulations as laid by the university. Only successful candidates
will be notified by the Scholarship Committee to provide the following necessary
documents to the Provost Office:
a. Cover letter summarizing the family financial status and number of family members.
b. Original "salary letter" of the guardian/ parents.
c. Copy of student ID card and IELTS / TOEFL score.
d. Any other supporting documents.
 Only successful candidates for financial assistance will be contacted with 6 weeks of
the beginning of each regular semester to be informed of the FINAL decision of the
Scholarship Committee.
 Only online hardship requests will be considered. Providing hard copies without filling the
online hardship form is not recommended.
 The scholarship applies only for ONE semester. Students should reapply online using the
online financial assistance form each semester.
DEADLINE: Applications will be considered within four weeks of the beginning of each
regular semester. An online “Financial Assistance form” must be completed for this financial assistance.
2. Brother and Sister Financial Assistance
A wavier of 10% of the total fees will be awarded to brothers\sisters enrolling as a full time student
at the ALHOSN University. An online “Brother\Sister Financial Assistance form” must be
completed to apply for this financial assistance.
Global Knowledge with Local Vision
Catalogue 2012 – 2013
ALHOSN University grants the following degrees:
Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences
Department of Education
Bachelor of Education (Elem Education in Arabic Language and Islamic Studies) (BEd Arabic)
Diploma in Education (Post Baccalaureate Level) (GradDipEd)
Department of English
Bachelor of Education (Elementary Education in Teaching English) (BEd English)
Master of Education (MEd)
Department of Social Sciences
Faculty of Business
Department of Business Administration
Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA)
Master of Business Administration (MBA)
Department of Accounting
Bachelor of Business Administration in Accounting (BBA-Accounting)
Department of Management Information Systems
Bachelor of Management Information Systems (BMIS)
Faculty of Engineering and Applied Sciences
Department of Architectural Engineering
Bachelor of Architectural Engineering (BAE)
Department of Civil Engineering
Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering (BSCE)
Graduate Certificate in Buildings Engineering (GradCertBE)
Master in Buildings Engineering (MBE)
Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering
Bachelor of Science in Industrial Engineering (BSIE)
Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering (BSME)
Graduate Certificate in Engineering Management (GradCertEM)
Master in Engineering Management (MEM)
Department of Interior Design
Bachelor of Interior Design (BID)
Department of Software Engineering
Bachelor of Science in Software Engineering (BSSE)
Department of Urban Planning
Bachelor of Urban Planning (BUP)
Department of Mathematics and Natural Sciences
The degree programs at ALHOSN University are designed to provide students with both a specialized
and a liberal education. Through a specialized education, students obtain depth of knowledge in an
academic discipline and perhaps in a career area. Through a liberal education, students develop a basis
and a context both for their specialized studies and for their lives within and beyond the university.
The following statement concerns itself with the liberal education or what is often called the general
education component of the degree programs at ALHOSN University.
General education is enabling education, providing students with the fundamental academic and life
skills. At its best, general education enables students to develop academic skills; acquire liberal
knowledge; shape individual values; and apply all three (skills, knowledge, and values) in their
academic, professional, personal, and societal lives. General studies programs are typically called
upon to provide students with instruction in these areas. At ALHOSN University, the general education
program is committed to this same mission.
The general education program includes the language skills of reading, writing, speaking, and listing in
both English and Arabic; thinking skills; mathematical and statistical skills; information technology
skills and research skills. They make it possible for students to acquire and create knowledge, and
consequently, they enable students to assess existing values and to develop new ones. Academic skills
are, moreover, the vehicles for critical analysis and synthesis of ideas and attitudes. They are, in fact,
the primary means of communication. The liberal knowledge component of the general education
program concerns itself, in broad terms, with the intellectual context of the students’ specialized
studies and of their lives within and beyond the university. This context includes several separate,
though interrelated, areas of knowledge where students will inevitably exercise choices and be required
to make well- informed judgments. In their liberal studies, therefore, students acquire knowledge of
basic concepts and current thinking in the physical and biological sciences, the social and behavioral
sciences and the arts and humanities. They also begin to understand the interrelationship of these
disciplines and, indeed, of all knowledge and experience.
At ALHOSN University, the general education program asks students to deal directly with their own
values and with values other than their own. The skills, knowledge, and values developed by students in
this program are clearly applicable to their academic, professional, personal, and society lives. They
enable students to improve the quality of their lives both during and after their studies in the
university. Ultimately, this is the true test of their success and the success of ALHOSN University.
The program is intended to:
1. Provide all students regardless of their majors, with the basic foundation they need to help
themselves succeed in their college study, and ongoing life-long learning after graduation,
as better informed members of the society.
2. Help students understand the values inherent in their culture, and to be aware of the
Islamic culture and civilization and beliefs.
3. Help students develop their intellectual and communication skills in a global technology –
based environment.
4. Help student understand and appreciate the role of science and technology in the development
of society and their effects on man-kind’s welfare in the 21st century.
5. Prepare students to think critically, and to use creative thinking and analytical techniques
in problem solving throughout their academic and professional life.
6. Increase students’ awareness of current global environmental, economic, cultural, health, and
social issues of today’s complex and diverse world
7. Develop students’ understanding of professional ethics.
8. Enhance students’ aesthetic values and taste in order for them to appreciate and create
beautiful surroundings.
9. Apply students’ learning to their professional, personal, and societal lives.
The University General Requirement (UGR) courses offered by various Faculties are shown in the Table
below. The UGR Program is based on the following philosophy:
An education is to be valued. It is the key to individual development, the substance of civilization.
ALHOSN University, through its curriculum, faculty, facilities, and leadership, makes the enrichment of
individual lives and of the civilization possible in its degree programs. Fundamental to this enrichment
is the general education (UGR) component of the degree. Fundamental also to this enrichment is the
willingness of students to understand what is offered them by the university in general education
(UGR) and to take responsibility for their learning in the program.
FBA 100
FBA 102
FBA 103
FBA 104
FBA 120
FES 101
FES 102
Calculus I
FES 103
Calculus II
Introduction to Economics
Introduction to
‫ﻣﻘﺪﺔﻣ ﻓﻲ اﻹﺣﺼﺎء‬
FES 104
FES 110
‫ﻃﺮق اﺤﺒﻟﺚ‬
Computer Applications
FAS 100
Creative Thinking
FAS 101
Communication Skills (English)
FAS 102
‫ﻣﻬﺎتار اﻻﺗﺎﺼل ﺑﺎﻟﻠﻐﺔ اﻟﻴﺑﺮﻌﺔ‬
FAS 103
Islamic Culture
FAS 104
FAS 105
Scientific Miraculousness of The
FAS 106
History of Science
FAS 107
Sports in our Life
FAS 108
FAS 109
Human Rights in Law and Shari’ah
FAS 110
‫اﻟﻔﺘﻜﻴﺮ اﺑﻻﺘﺎﻜير‬
FAS 105
‫اﻹﻋﺎﺠز اﻲﻤﻠﻌﻟ ﻓﻲ اﻘﻟﺮﺁن اﻟﻜﻳﺮﻢ‬
FAS 118
(‫ﺎﻬﻣتار اﺎﺼﺗﻻل )إﻧﺰﻴﻠﺠي‬
FAS 121
‫اﻟﺔﻓﺎﻘﺜ اﺳﻹﻼﻣﻴﺔ‬
FAS 123
FAS 120
Scientific and Technical Writing
FAS 130
Introduction to Sociology
FAS 140
Introduction to French
FAS 210
Politics, Government and Planning
FAS 220
Understanding Society
FES 111
FES 112
FES 120
FES 121
FES 122
FES 150
FES 156
Programming I
Programming II
‫ﻣﻘﺪﺔﻣ ﻓﻲ اﻹﺣﺼﺎء‬
‫اﻟﻮ ا‬
Natural Sciences
Natural Sciences for Engineering
FES 160
FES 201
FES 202
FES 203
FES 204
FES 205
FES 206
FES 207
FES 220
FES 230
FES 231
FES 232
FES 233
FES 234
FAS 230
FAS 300
FAS 310
FES 236
FES 240
FES 241
Research Methods
Matrix Algebra for Engineers
Introduction to Statistics
Statistics for Engineers
Introduction to Discrete Structures
Matrix Algebra for Engineers
Calculus III
Differential Equations and Applications
Engineering Chemistry
Fundamentals of Physics
Physical Science I
Physical Science II
Physics I: Waves, Optics and Modern
Electricity and Magnetism
Laboratory in Engineering Fundamentals
FES 270
FES 280
FES 281
FES 282
MTH 005
Materials Science
Landscape and Flower Arrangement
Human Health
Interior Design
Basic Algebra
FBA 121
FAS 320
Introduction to Psychology
Industrial/Organizational Psychology
Human Behavior in a Cross-Cultural
Cultural Context
Sociology of Work
Course Coding System of Credit Hours
The course descriptions include the notation of three digits in parentheses (x = y + z), which, from left
to right, represent the total number of credit hours, the number of lecture credit hours, and the number
of laboratory credit hours. The total number of credit hours “x” equals the number of lecture credit
hours “y” plus the number of laboratory credit hours “z” and describes the proportions of a course that
are dedicated to lectures and labs. As an example, the course FES 232 Physical Science I (3 = 2 + 1) is a
three-credit course with two-thirds of the course dedicated to lectures and one-third dedicated to labs.
UGR Course Descriptions
Faculty of Business
FBA 100 Introduction to Economics (3 = 3 + 0)
Prerequisite: None
This course is designed to provide students with the essentials of both microeconomics and macroeconomics. It
covers the scarcity problem, supply and demand, the market structure, competitive and monopolistic markets,
national income, economic policies, foreign trade and the international economy.
FBA 102 Introduction to Entrepreneurship (3 = 3 + 0)
Prerequisite: None
This course is designed to introduce the entrepreneurship concept to the students and to examine the
fundamentals of organizing a small business. In this course Entrepreneurship is approached as a way of thinking
and acting, as an attitude and a behavior. The course covers topics such as the challenges of entrepreneurship,
building the business plan, strategic planning, forms of ownership, marketing, pricing, cash flows, and financial
FBA 103 Algebra (3 = 3 + 0)
Prerequisite: MTH 005
Topics covered include: algebra; matrices and basic matrix operations; determinants, equations and inequalities,
sequences and series; counting.
FBA 104 Calculus (3 = 3 + 0)
Prerequisite: FBA 103
This course covers limits and continuity of functions of one variable, derivatives and applications to business,
rate of change, techniques of differentiation, graph and derivative, integrals and definite integrals, fundamental
theorem of calculus, application of integration to business.
‫ ساعات معتمدة‬3(FBA120) ‫مقدمة في االقتصاد‬
‫ ويضم هذا المساق عدة محاور كتعريف علم االقتصاد وطبيعة المشاكل االقتصادية‬،‫يهدف هذا المساق إلى تزويد الطلبة أساسيات علم االقتصاد‬
‫ونظريات الطلب والعرض وما يتفرع منها من عالقات ومرونة الطلب والعرض ومفهومهما ومنحنياتهما كما يشمل النظريات االقتصادية وما يتعلق‬
Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences
FAS 100 Creative Thinking (3 = 3 + 0)
Prerequisite: None
This course aims to help develop student’s ability in analysis, synthesis, prescription, and application of problem
solving, creative thinking and decision making within the work environment. Topics covered include: the nature
of creative thinking, problem and solution analysis techniques and skills in creative thinking, deduction and
induction, definition, justification of judgments, blocks to problem solving, and textural analysis. The course
includes practical application of creative thinking which allows students to apply various skills and techniques
to identify and solve organizational problems and provide strategic direction.
FAS 101 Communication Skills (English) (3 = 2 + 1)
Prerequisite: None
This course aims at developing academic reading, writing and vocabulary skills in English. It covers listening and
speaking, reading, writing, and grammar in an integrated manner. Intensive writing practice is undertaken
incorporating topic sentences, introductions, body text and conclusions. Applications of note-taking from different
sources, writing essays, presentation, reports and summaries will be emphasized.
FAS 102 Communication Skills (Arabic) (3 = 2 + 1)
Prerequisite: None
This course aims at developing students’ skills and competencies in the Arabic language. It covers procedural
techniques of the functional text structure in standard Arabic. Emphasis is placed on expression and writing skills,
avoiding common errors, and editing various kinds of written Arabic texts in different forms such as research
articles, broadcast speech, dialogue, technical reports, minutes of meetings and summaries. Techniques of oral
presentation in Arabic will be also addressed.
‫ ساعات معتمدة‬3 (FAS102) ‫مهارات االتصال باللغة العربية‬
‫ ومن الموضوعات التي يتم تناولها‬،)‫يهدف هذا المساق إلى تطوير قدرات الطالب المعرفية في مهارات االتصال (االستماع والكالم والقراءة والكتابة‬
‫ ومن خالل استعراض المساق لعناصر االتصال اللغوي يتناول‬،‫مفهوم اللغة ووظائفها وخصائص اللغة العربية ومفهوم االتصال اللغوي وأهميته‬
‫ واإلرسال (الكالم) ومحدداً لكل‬،)‫ فيعرض أوالً لالتصال الشفهي من حيث االستقبال (االستماع‬،ً‫عمليتي اإلرسال واالستقبال للغة شفهياً وتحريريا‬
‫ ويعرض المساق ثانياً لالتصال‬.‫ ومركزاً على مجاالت االتصال الشفهي الوظيفي في العمل اإلداري‬،‫منهما المفاهيم والمهارات وأسس الكفاءة‬
‫ ومركزاً على مجاالت االتصال التحريري‬،‫ واإلرسال (الكتابة) محدداً لكل منهما المفهوم واألهمية والمهارات‬،)‫التحريري من حيث االستقبال (القراءة‬
.‫الوظيفي في العمل اإلداري‬
FAS 103 Islamic Culture (3 = 3 + 0)
Prerequisite: None
This course aims to cover certain areas of Islamic thoughts and concepts related to different aspects of life. It
emphasizes the Islamic creed as shown in the Holy Quran and the Hadeeth of the Prophet Mohammad
(PBUH). It deals with aspects of existence of the God, Unity, the fundamentals of faith and its effects in life. It
deals also with issues related to orientalism, recent global challenges facing Islam, the economy in Islam and
family rights and duties in Islam.
FAS 104 Globalization (3 = 3 + 0)
Prerequisite: None
This course is designed to help students understand Globalization. It describes the political, economic, and cultural
changes currently taking place as a result of the increased mobility of information, capital, technology,
goods, services and labor, and throughout the world. The course will be broad ranging, looking at the impact of
globalization on world finance, population and immigration, the environment, and national security and
intelligence, as well as the cultural and political impact information technology may have in both the developed
and developing countries.
FAS 105 Scientific Miraculousness of the Quran (3 = 3 + 0)
Prerequisite: None
This course is designed to introduce the scientific miraculousness of The Holy Quran as one of its several
miraculous aspects. Fourteen centuries ago, The Qur’an spoke of the universe, of plants, animals, mountains,
astronomy, geology, oceans, earth, insects, stars, planets etc. It contains definite scientific information that is huge
in quantity and is spread all over the different fields of scientific research and human scientific activity. Almost
all of this knowledge was not discovered by science until many centuries later. This course will discuss some of
these facts. Selected topics include the origin, the expansion and the fate of the universe, human development, the
water cycle and the seas, the earth’s atmosphere and the clouds, light and movement and health related issues.
‫ ساعات معتمدة‬3 )FAS105( ‫اإلعجاز العلمي في القرآن الكريم‬
،‫ كما يتعرض لقضية اإلعجاز العلمي للقرآن بين المؤيدين والمعارضين‬،‫يهدف هذا المساق إلى تقديم إطار نظري حول نشأة علم اإلعجاز وتطوره‬
.‫ومواقف وضوابط كل منهما‬
FAS 106 History of Science (3 = 3 + 0)
Prerequisite: None
This course aims at enlightening students with information on significant episodes in the historical development
of science and its relations with technology. Emphasis is given to the major breakthroughs of scientific
discoveries and achievements that are considered as landmarks in the history of mankind. Course contents start
with the scientific revolution in the 17th century, the birth of the industrial revolution in the 18th century, the
origins of the three modern disciplines of science in the late 18th and 19th centuries, the 19th century as the
century of science and technology, the modern world of science and technology in the 20 th Century and the new
millennium. The role of new scientific discoveries and their technological applications in shaping our modern life
is also discussed.
FAS 107 Sports in our Life (3 = 3 + 0)
Prerequisite: None
This course is designed to acquaint students with the different aspects of the field of sports and their impact on our
life. The course will include the basic skill techniques of exercise and sporting activities throughout the life span.
The course will cover modern techniques and equipment and their limitations and criteria for choosing appropriate
equipment. Emphasis will also be applied on enriching, enhancing, and improving the student’s organic, social and
mental wellness.
FAS 108 Ethics (3 = 3 + 0)
Prerequisite: None
The course will encompass two main areas: An introduction to some of the main theoretical issues in ethics,
including Kantian moral philosophy, utilitarianism, character ethics, diversity and moral relativism. An
examination, from a professional ethics point of view, of moral problems often encountered in education,
business, computer technology, science and engineering.
FAS 109 Human Rights in Law and Shari’ah (3 = 3 + 0)
Prerequisite: None
This course provides an overview of human rights. This term refers to a wide continuum of values that are
universal in character and in some sense equally claimed for all human beings. The course will discuss the role
of Islamic Shari’ah and international laws in protecting human rights. The course considers specific human rights
concerns of women and children, and identifies the impact of health policy on human rights. Also, the
contemporary human rights issues of universality and accountability are addressed.
‫ ساعات معتمدة‬3 (FAS110)‫التفكير االبتكاري‬
‫ ومهارات‬،‫ والتفكير الناقد واالبتكاري‬،‫يهدف هذا المساق إلى تنمية قدرة الطالب على التحليل والتركيب والتطبيق الخاصة بمهارات حل المشكالت‬
‫ والتي تتيح للطالب تطبيق المهارات واألساليب المختلفة والمتنوعة‬،‫ ويتضمن المساق تطبيقات عملية للتفكير االبتكاري‬،‫اتخاذ القرار في بيئة العمل‬
.‫لتحديد المشكالت وحلها‬
‫( ساعات معتمدة‬FAS 118) 3‫األخالق‬
‫يهدف هذا المساق إلى تزويد الطلبة بمعارف عن ماهية األخالق والتصنيفات األخالقية وأسسها والتربية األخالقية ودور المؤسسات التربوية في‬
.‫ وكيفية مواجهة المشاكل األخالقية المعاصرة‬،‫ ونماذج من األخالق ويهدف إلى تربية الشباب خلقيا بشكل عام‬،‫تعزيزها‬
FAS 120 Scientific and Technical Writing (3 = 2 + 1) Prerequisite: None
This Intermediate Level course focuses on one particular type of communication, namely, scientific and
technical writing and is intended especially, though not exclusively, for those students who wish to apply their
training in business writing or journalistic writing to a career in this field. The course introduces students to the
formal and stylistic issues involved in scientific and technical writing. Further, it helps students develop the
necessary skills through analyzing, researching, writing and orally presenting different kinds of scientific and
technical topics and texts.
‫ ساعات معتمدة‬3 (FAS 123) ‫الثقافة اإلسالمية‬
‫ حيث يتم التركيز على الفكر اإلسالمي‬،‫ والمفاهيم المرتبطة بمناحي الحياة المختلفة‬،‫يهدف هذا المساق إلى تغطية مجاالت محددة من الفكر اإلسالمي‬
‫ والمراحل التي مرت بها الثقافة‬،‫ ومن الموضوعات التي يتم تناولها مفهوم الثقافة اإلسالمية‬،‫المبين في القرآن الكريم واألحاديث النبوية الشريفة‬
‫ باإلضافة إلى موضوعات مرتبطة بالحضارة الشرقية‬،‫ ووجو د الخالق سبحانه وتعالى ووحدانيته وأركان اإليمان وأثرها في الحياة‬،‫اإلسالمية‬
.‫ وكذلك االقتصاد اإلسالمي والحقوق العائلية في اإلسالم‬،‫والتحديات الغربية التي تواجه اإلسالم‬
FAS 130 Introduction to Sociology (3 = 3 + 0)
Prerequisite: None
This course examines major theoretical issues in the field of Sociology from the perspective of an emerging
global society and the debates surrounding its social, cultural, political and economic structuring. The focus is on
such topics as the changing world of work, global inequalities involving gender, race and class, population and
migration, global tourism, global crime, the mass media and consumer culture and social movements such as
feminist and green movements.
FAS 210 Politics, Government and Planning (3 = 3 + 0)
Prerequisite: None
The major focus of this course is a critical examination of governmental institutions at all levels that affect cities
and regions. Topics include government and democratic theory, the impact of globalization and urbanization,
political and administrative structures, intergovernmental relations and major actors, such as business and citizen
groups. The course will also address the major governmental challenges facing cities and regions today.
FAS 220 Understanding Society (3 = 3 + 0)
Prerequisite: None
The origins and significance of cities and regions in human history are explored in the context of
contemporary sociological theories of urban development. Within this context, students will learn about the rise of
differing forms of social inequality, the urban/rural dichotomy, the global city, cycles of growth/decay, and their
impact on social life.
FAS 230 Introduction to Psychology (3 = 3 + 0)
Prerequisite: None
This course is an introductory survey of the methods and findings of modern scientific psychology, including
history and methodology, biological psychology, sensation and perception, learning and motivation, verbal and
cognitive processes, development psychology, social psychology, individual differences (intelligence and
personality), and clinical psychology.
FAS 300 Industrial Psychology (3 = 3 + 0)
Prerequisite: FAS 230
This course covers the theories, methods, findings and applications of industrial and organizational psychology
including: personnel recruitment and selection; employee training and development; performance appraisal, work
attitudes and motivation; leadership and group processes; organizational design.
FAS 310 Human Behavior in Cross Cultural Context (3 = 3 + 0)
Prerequisite: FAS 230
A study of the differing values, ethics and attitudes with specific reference to cultural practices and prohibitions in
business relationships. Topics include cultural identity and biases; verbal and nonverbal intercultural
communication; code usage; and developing cross-cultural competence in interpersonal relationships.
FAS 320 Sociology of Work (3 = 3 + 0)
Prerequisite: FAS 130
This course examines recent developments in the theory and practice of work, including domestic work,
globalization, gender, resistance, child labor and labor relations. The theoretical approaches incorporate
theories of time, technology, identify, change, and discipline. Case studies of individual nations highlight the
international differences in sociological approaches to workplace issues.
Faculty of Engineering and Applied Sciences
FES 100 Mathematics (3 = 3 + 0)
Prerequisite: MTH 005
This course deals with basic concepts of mathematics and its application. Selected topics include the real number
system, equations, polynomials, sets and percents. It also includes geometry, trigonometry, the Cartesian
coordinate system and various measurement tools (as area, perimeter and volume).
‫ ساعات معتمدة‬3 (FES 101) ‫تطبيقات الحاسوب‬
‫سيتعرف الطالب من خالل دراسة هذا المساق المكونات األساسية للحاسوب ووظائفه واستخدامات الحاسوب وبرامج األوفس من أجل إنشاء وتصميم‬
،‫ والبحث في الشبكة واستخدام البريد االلكتروني‬،‫ وإدارة الملفات‬،‫ مبادئ عمل الحاسوب‬:‫ ومن أهم المواضيع التي سيتم مناقشتها هي‬.‫صفحات الويب‬
. MS Project ‫ و‬MS Front Page‫ و‬PowerPoint MS‫و‬MS Excel ‫و‬MS Word ‫وبرامج‬
FES 102 Calculus I (3 = 3 + 0)
Prerequisite: MTH 005
Topic covered include: functions and their graphs; limits, continuity; differentiation and its applications; chain
rule; l’Hospital’s rule; minimum and maximum of a function; introduction to the anti-derivative.
FES 103 Calculus II (3 = 3 + 0)
Prerequisite: FES 102
Topic covered include: Integration, techniques of integration with applications such as: area, work, arc length,
volumes; polar coordinates and area; improper integrals; series and tests for convergence, partial derivatives of a
function of more than one variable.
‫ ساعات معتمدة‬3(FES 104( ‫طرق البحث‬
.‫يهدف هذا المساق إلى اكتساب الطالب المفاهيم المتعلقة بالبحث العلمي التي يمكن تطبيقها في المجاالت المختلفة وتنمية مهارات البحث لديه‬
‫ طرق جمعها وتحليلها واستخالص النتائج‬،‫ أنواع البيانات‬،‫ مصادر المعلومات‬،‫ويتضمن المساق مفهوم البحث وصياغة افتراضات البحوث‬
.‫ سيتم التركيز أيضاً على أخالقيات البحث العلمي عند كتابة البحوث‬.‫ ووضع التوصيات‬،‫وعرضها‬
FES 110 Computer Applications (3 = 3 + 0)
Prerequisite: None
This course is an introduction to the basics of computers and commonly used computer applications. In this
course we will discuss various components in understanding how computers work and how we can make them
work for us. These components include history of computers, computer mechanics, word processing, databases,
spreadsheets, data presentations and internet applications. Course work will include some computer application
FES 111 Programming I (3 = 2 + 1)
Prerequisite: Grade 12 Mathematics
Introduction to designing, implementing, and understanding computer programs using a modern programming
language. Topics include fundamentals of problem solving, program design, algorithms, and programming using a
high-level language. Introduction to Object Oriented Programming.
FES 112 Programming II (3 = 2 + 1)
Prerequisite: FES 111
This course covers subjects including: More Object Oriented Programming, basic concepts of data types
(strings, arrays, records, sets, files); data structures (linked lists, stacks, queues, trees); searching and sorting
‫ ساعات معتمدة‬3(FES 120) ‫الرياضيات‬
‫ يغطي مساق الرياضيات باللغة العربية معظم أساسيات الرياضيات‬.‫ وهو عبارة عن ثالث ساعات معتمدة‬،‫هذا المساق مخصص لطلبة قسم التربية‬
.‫ومبادئها بمستوى يتناسب واحتياجات تخصص التربية‬
‫ ساعات معتمدة‬3(FES 121 ( ‫مقدمة في اإلحصاء‬
)‫ المقاييس اإلحصائية (النزعة المركزية والتشتت وااللتواء واالرتباط‬،‫ العرض ألجدولي‬،‫ العرض البياني‬،‫يتضمن هذا المساق طرق جمع البيانات‬
‫ و بالمقاييس‬،‫ ويهدف إلى تعريف الطالب ببعض المفاهيم اإلحصائية وطرق جمع البيانات‬،‫ اختبارات مربع كل ى‬،‫ واختبارات النسب‬،‫والتوزيع الطبيعي‬
‫ وتنمية مهارات استخدام الحاسب اآللي في التعامل مع‬،‫ وبطرق االستدالل اإلحصائي المستخدمة في مجال االتصال الجماهيري‬،‫اإلحصائية المختلفة واستخدامها‬
.‫ واكتساب مهارات في اختيار األساليب اإلحصائية المناسبة للتطبيقات اإلحصائية‬،‫البيانات‬
‫ ساعات معتمدة‬3 (FES122) ‫العلوم الطبيعية‬
‫ والكون والمجموعة الشمسية وموقع األرض‬،‫يهدف المساق إلى إكساب الطلبة المعرفة الوظيفية للمفاهيم العلمية األساسية المتصلة بالبيئة ومشكالتها‬
‫ وتعريف بعلم الكيمياء والعناصر والمركبات‬،‫ والتركيب العام للنبات والحيوان‬،‫ والتنوع في الكائنات الحية‬،‫ والخلية الحية وعظياتها‬،‫في الكون‬
. ‫ والطاقة ومصادرها‬،‫الكيميائية‬
FES 150 Natural Sciences (3 = 3 + 0)
Prerequisite: None
This course aims at providing students with fundamentals of chemistry, physics and biology, and widening
their appreciation and conceptual understanding of the application of sciences and technologies for the
development of modern life. Topics covered include: physical laws, depleting and renewable sources of energy,
earth and the atmosphere, environmental pollution and its sources and consequences; concepts of chemical
reactions, chemical compounds and their uses in our life, basics of heredity and gene expression, and the concept
of biotechnology and its applications in contemporary life.
FES 156 Natural Sciences for Engineers (3 = 3 + 0)
Prerequisite: None
The aim of this course is to introduce the fundamental of biology and earth science and widening their appreciation
and conceptual understanding of the application of sciences and technologies for the development of modern life.
The subjects which will be discussed are the nature of living things; the history of life on the earth; human biology;
earth and the atmosphere; ecology and environment.
FES 160 Research Methods (3 = 3 + 0)
Prerequisite: None
The course aims at introducing to students fundamentals of research methods which can be applied to different
fields, and developing their research skills. Topics covered include defining research problems and objectives,
hypothesis, sources of information, data types and collection, data analysis and presentation of results, and
drawing conclusions. Emphasis is put on the ethics of research at its various stages.
FES 201 Matrix Algebra for Engineers (3 = 3 + 0)
Prerequisite: MTH 005
Complex numbers; matrices and basic matrix operations; system of linear equations; determinants; eigenvalues
and eigenvectors; vector spaces, orthogonality, dot product.
FES 202 Introduction to Statistics (3 = 3 + 0)
Prerequisite: FES 102
This course is an introduction to the nature of statistics, sampling, descriptive statistics, probability, its application
for engineering, probability distributions for discrete random variables and continuous random variables;
sampling; Confidence intervals.
FES 203 Statistics for Engineers (3 = 3 + 0)
Prerequisites: FES 202, FES 103
This course enables students to understand Important concepts in Inferential statistics concerning (means,
variances and Proportions), hypothesis testing, nonparametric tests, Curve fitting, multiple regression, and
Factorial Experimentation and applications to reliability, quality control.
FES 204 Introduction to Discrete Structures (3 = 3 + 0)
Prerequisite: FES 102
Topics to be covered include: set algebra including mappings and relations; algebraic structures including semigroups and groups; elements of the theory of directed and undirected graphs; Boolean algebra and prepositional
logic; these structures applied to various areas of computer science.
FES 205 Matrix Algebra for Engineers (3 = 3 + 0)
Prerequisite: MTH 005
Complex numbers; matrices and basic matrix operations; system of linear equations; determinants; eigenvalues
and eigenvectors; vector spaces, orthogonality, dot product.
FES 207 Differential Equations with Applications (3 = 3 + 0)
Prerequisite: FES 103
Introduction to differential equations such as: first order and higher order differential equations; system of
differential equations; Mathematical Models involving differential equations. Laplace transform and its
applications, Power Series and their applications.
FES 220 Engineering Chemistry (3 = 3 + 0)
Prerequisites: None
This course introduces fundamental concepts of chemistry. It is meant to broaden the background of students so
that their knowledge in Engineering will have a context in basic science. Topics covered include: Stoichiometry,
atomic and molecular structure; chemical bonding; gases, liquids, and solids; solutions and phase equilibria;
equilibrium; chemical thermodynamics; electrochemistry.
FES 230 Fundamentals of Physics (3 = 2 + 1)
Prerequisite: FES 102
Simple harmonic motion; wave motion, sinusoidal waves, phase velocity, Huygens’ Principle, resonance,
reflection, refraction and interference; sound; the classic Doppler effect; ray and first order matrix optics, total
internal reflection and dispersion; the electromagnetic spectrum; selected topics in modern physics.
FES 231 Dynamics (3 = 2 + 1)
Prerequisite: FES 240
The objective of the course is to introduce the student to the concepts and methods of mechanics of rigid bodies.
It also includes the principles of dynamics. Topics covered include: Newton’s laws, reaction forces, free body
diagrams, friction, equilibrium of rigid bodies, torque, centre of gravity, linear and rotational kinematics and
dynamics, conservation of linear and angular momentum and energy, moment of inertia, work and power and
FES 232 Physical Science I (3 = 2 + 1)
Prerequisite: FES 102
Topic covered include: Simple harmonic motion; wave motion, sinusoidal waves, phase velocity, Huygens’
Principle, resonance, reflection, refraction and interference; sound; the classic Doppler effect; ray and first order
matrix optics, total internal reflection and dispersion; the electromagnetic spectrum; selected topics in modern
FES 233 Physical Science II (3 = 2 + 1)
Prerequisite: FES 232
This course aims to studying the basic concepts of physics related to electricity and magnetism; and applying it in
an engineering project and laboratory experiments. Topics covered include: Coulomb's Law, the electrostatic
field, the electrostatic potential, capacitance and dielectrics, magnetic field and magnetic forces, sources of
magnetic fields, electromagnetic induction, AC circuits, engineering applications in electricity and magnetism.
FES 234 Electricity and Magnetism (3 = 2 + 1)
Prerequisite: FES 230
This course aims to studying the basic concepts of physics related to electricity and magnetism; and applying it in
an engineering project and laboratory experiments. Topics covered include: Coulomb's Law, the electrostatic
field, the electrostatic potential, capacitance and dielectrics, magnetic field and magnetic forces, sources of
magnetic fields, electromagnetic induction, AC circuits, engineering applications in electricity and magnetism.
FES 240 Statics (3 = 2 + 1)
Prerequisites: FES 103
This course introduces basic concepts in mechanics to the student. Topics covered include: Forces, moments of
forces, couples, resultants of force systems; distributed loads; conditions of equilibrium and applications to particles
and rigid bodies in two dimension; analysis of statically determinate structures including beams, trusses and arches;
bending moment and shear force diagrams; dry friction.
FES 241 Laboratory in Engineering Fundamentals (2 = 0 + 2)
Prerequisites: FES 240
This course uses knowledge acquired in fundamental sciences courses to design, build and analyze simple
electromechanical systems. The objective of this course is to introduce students to concepts in electrical, computer,
and mechanical engineering through a practical project to be undertaken by teams of students. The project will
involve mechanical construction, sensing of mechanical quantity by electrical means, as well as interfacing to
and programming of a simple microcontroller. Students will be required to acquire suitable components,
demonstrate their designs, and write a report documenting their efforts.
FES 270 Materials Science (3 = 2 + 1)
Prerequisite: FES 220
This course is intended to provide the foundation for more detailed studies of the mechanical, physical and the
chemical behavior of materials for proper selection in design. The course focuses on the fundamental science that
is concerned with the internal structure, properties and processing of materials. Emphasis will be on the materials
synthesis, selection and processing in engineering practices of design, testing, and manufacturing. Topics that will
be discussed include atomic structure and bonding, crystal structures and its analysis using x-ray diffraction,
imperfections and diffusion in solids, phase diagrams and phase transformations, structures of metals, polymers
and ceramics, corrosion and degradation of materials, mechanical and thermal properties of materials. All topics
will be related to materials selection and design.
FES 280 Landscaping and Flower Arrangement (3 = 3 + 0)
Prerequisite: None
This course aims at introducing students to the principles of landscape design, use of ornamental plants in
landscaping streets and different gardens such as parks, home gardens, window gardens, desert and water
gardens. It also covers production of cut flowers as well as principles, elements and basic techniques of floral
design. Students will create different flower arrangement styles.
FES 281 Human Health (3 = 3 + 0)
Prerequisite: None
This course is designed to provide an exploration and analysis of areas of human health and contemporary healthrelated issues. General topics include communicable and non-communicable disease; physical fitness, weight
management and nutrition; stress management and mental health; drug use and abuse; cancer; heart diseases;
sexually transmitted diseases, HIV and others; women’s health and environmental health. Preventive medicine and
vaccinations will also be emphasized.
FES 282 Interior Design (3 = 3 + 0)
Prerequisite: None
This course is an introduction to the basics of interior design. Course content provides opportunities for students
to explore the elements, principles and the aesthetic aspects of residential and nonresidential interior design. It
includes space planning, furnishing, lighting, and components used in interior design. This course is also designed
to provide an understanding of the interior environment, installing, growing and maintaining indoor plants for
interior landscapes.
MTH 005 Basic Algebra (non credit = 3 + 0) Prerequisite: None
The course will review properties of real number system, operations on real numbers, evaluating and simplifying
algebraic expressions, solving and graphing linear equations, solving a system of linear equations, and introduce
to the students various methods of solving a system of Linear equations, integer exponents and polynomials,
factoring polynomials, rational expressions, Quadratic equations and inequalities.
Global Knowledge with Local Vision
Catalogue 2012 – 2013
The English Language Center (ELC) at ALHOSN University aims to provide sound, research validated,
language instruction that respects multiple paths of learning as a way to achieve linguistic excellence.
The ELC promotes a student centered environment which is characterized by enquiry, problemposing and problem solving activities. One of the strengths of the ELC is its instructors. Each is a
qualified, experienced professional in the teaching of English as a foreign language. The ELC
constantly supports and encourages all students to ensure that success is the only option. The ELC
meets the language needs of the university community, students interested in their professional
development and the community at large.
The ELC aims to develop adequate linguistic aptitude in the pursuit of different academic studies. It
aspires to create a community of learners that promotes both independent and collaborative learning
opportunities. The learning context promotes students’ intellectual growth while helping to develop
their critical and analytical thinking processes and problem solving skills.
The ELC at ALHOSN University aims to:
1. Enable learning within a rich environment using innovative technology.
2. Provide sound, research validated instructional practices that help students meet or exceed the
language proficiency standards set by the university.
3. Prepare students for an academic environment through the development of study skills,
autonomous learning, and critical thinking.
4. Work in collaboration with the other university faculties to provide appropriate EAP and
ESP courses.
5. Cater to the community’s English language needs for specific domains and interests.
6. Expose students to the different cultures of English while relating them to their own.
Upon completion of the ELC courses, students will have developed relevant language skills to
succeed in their desired academic program using English. Students who successfully complete the
courses offered by the ELC will be prepared to write standardized tests which satisfy the following
university admission requirements.
Graduate programs
Undergraduate programs
The ELC offers non-credit English courses which prepare students to study in English medium
tertiary institutions and prepare for standardized international English language proficiency tests. The
courses are organized in three levels. Each level consists of two classes with different instructors.
General English – GE 01 and GE 02 – Students have 10 classes/week and study for a total of 15
Level 1 – ELC 101 and ELC 102 – Students take 10 classes per week totaling 15 hours.
Level 2 – ELC 201 and ELC 202 – Students take 8 classes per week totaling 12 hours.
Level 3 – ELC 301 and ELC 302 – Students take 6 classes per week totaling 9 hours.
Course Code
Course Title
General English
GE 01
GE 02
ELC 101
ELC 102
ELC 201
ELC 202
ELC 301
ELC 302
General English A
General English B
Level 1
Foundations: Integrated Skills A
Foundations: Integrated Skills B
Level 2
Essentials: Integrated Skills A
Essentials: Integrated Skills B
Level 3
Initiatives: Integrated Skills A
Initiatives: Integrated Skills B
Course Descriptions
GE 01 General English A
A non-credit course designed to prepare students for basic communicative competency at an elementary level of
English. The goal of the course is to begin to develop the basic skills of listening and speaking, while focusing at
the same time on the basic grammar and vocabulary. The course will focus on skills related to the themes that
students are familiar with.
GE 02 General English B
A non-credit course designed to prepare students for basic communicative competency at an elementary level of
English. The goal of the course is to begin to develop the basic skills of reading and writing, while focusing at the
same time on the basic grammar and vocabulary. The course will focus on skills related to the themes that students
are familiar with.
ELC 101 Foundations: Integrated Skills A
A non-credit course designed to prepare students for academic communicative competency at a highbeginner/low-intermediate level of English proficiency. Students will begin learning the skills necessary for
success in English speaking academic programs. The goal of the course is to develop overall English for
Academic Purposes comprehension and production skills, particularly in relation to listening, speaking and
vocabulary. The course emphasizes communication skills related to various themes such as education, science and
nature, technology and the environment.
ELC 102 Foundations: Integrated Skills B
A non-credit course designed to teach English for Academic Purposes to high-beginner/low-intermediate level
students. Students will learn English language skills, begin to develop writing capabilities, learn comprehension
skills for reading English language materials and gain knowledge of basic English grammar. The goal of the
course is to develop overall English comprehension and production skills. The course emphasizes
communication skills specifically related to the themes found in educational settings.
ELC 201 Essentials: Integrated Skills A
A non-credit course designed to prepare students for academic communicative competency at an intermediate
level of English proficiency. Students will continue to develop the skills necessary for success in English speaking
academic programs. The goal of the course is to develop overall English for Academic Purposes comprehension
and production skills, particularly in relation to listening, speaking and vocabulary. Emphasis on communication
skills specifically related topics such as education, science and nature, technology, and the environment.
ELC 202 Essentials: Integrated Skills B
A non-credit course designed to teach English for Academic Purposes to intermediate level students. Students will
learn English language skills, develop writing capabilities, learn comprehension skills for reading English
language materials and gain an increased knowledge of English grammar.
ELC 301 Initiatives: Integrated Skills A
A non-credit course designed to prepare students for academic communicative competency at an upperintermediate level of English proficiency. This course is designed to set the stage for students to master the skills
necessary for success in English speaking academic programs. The goal of the course is to develop overall English
for Academic Purposes comprehension and production skills, particularly in relation to listening, speaking and
vocabulary. Emphasis on communication skills specifically related to the themes found in academic contexts
including education, science and nature, technology, and the environment.
ELC 302 Initiatives: Integrated Skills B
A non-credit course designed to teach English for Academic Purposes to upper intermediate level students.
Students will begin to master the skills necessary for success in English speaking academic programs. Students
will learn English language skills, develop writing capabilities, learn comprehension skills for reading English
language materials and English grammar. The goal of the course is to develop overall English comprehension and
production skills as appropriate on this level.
All students need a minimum of 60% in the exams and tests to get a “P” (Pass) grade in their ELC
courses. If students score under 60%, they will get an “F” (Fail) grade and must repeat the course.
Standardized Test Scores Required to Drop ELC Courses
Undergraduate students may only drop their ELC courses when they achieve a score of TOEFL 500 or
IELTS 5.0 or equivalent.
Students who achieve a score of TOEFL 500 or IELTS 5.0 during the semester may drop their ELC
courses and may be eligible for a partial refund of their ELC fees.
If students achieve a TOEFL or IELTS score which places them in a higher level during the term, they
will remain in their current level. However, the remainder of their outstanding fees will be calculated
based on the fees of the next level. Students may only receive a reduction in fees once per semester.
ELC Teaching Staff
Mr Mongi Baratli
ESL Instructor and ELC Coordinator
BA (English Language & Literature), Faculty of Letters and Humanities, Tunis, 1968,
Certificate (General Psychology), Faculty of Letters and Humanities, Tunis, Tunis, 1965
Ms Chantal Mercier
ESL Instructor
MSc ( TESOL), University of Southern Queensland, 2009, BA ( Communications in Culture and
Language), Brock University, 1994
Ms Maha Elhami
ESL Instructor
BA (English), October Six University, Egypt, 2007
ELC Coordinator
The ELC Coordinator is available for students who need language and ELC course counseling. The
Coordinator meets with students on a drop-in and appointment basis. All students are encouraged to
meet with the Coordinator throughout the semester.
Global Knowledge with Local Vision
Catalogue 2012 – 2013
Global Knowledge with Local Vision
Catalogue 2012 – 2013
Prof Ahmad Zohdi Bin Abd Hamid (Dean)
The Faculty of Business has three departments: Business Administration, Management Information
Systems, and Accounting.
Department of Business Administration
The Department of Business Administration offers one undergraduate degree program: Bachelor of
Business Administration (BBA).
Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA)
The Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) is an integrated, multidisciplinary degree program.
Compared to other undergraduate business programs which emphasize high level of specialization in
business specific courses, this program’s principal strength is its combination of business, liberal arts
and social science courses.
The primary goal of this program is to prepare students for effective professional and managerial
careers in an increasingly global business environment by focusing on developing a well-balanced
personality, strong business acumen, sensitivity to diverse cultural values amidst the challenges and
advancement in the global business. More specifically, this program develops student’s capacity for
critical thinking, ability in integrating knowledge across different disciplines, and utilizing current
theory in approaching practical business problems. This is achieved by providing students with
knowledge in quantitative, analytical and communication skills, while grounding students in applied
theory and practice across the major business management disciplines. Additional depth of knowledge is
achieved through completion of specialized areas in related disciplines in International Business or
International Economics. In the future other specialized disciplines such as Human Resource
Management, Finance, and Marketing will also be offered.
Specifically the BBA program seeks to:
1. Equip students with skills and competencies in the core functional areas of business (i.e.,
accounting, finance, marketing, operations management, and strategic management
2. Expose students to the various concepts and theories in their chosen area of specialization
such as International Business, International Economics, Human Resource Management,
Finance, or Marketing to enable them understand the impact, interrelatedness and
interdependencies of business environment
3. Expose students to the economic theories and concepts which underpin many business decisions
4. Inculcate in students noble values and sensitivity to diverse cultural dimensions of people of
different backgrounds
5. Develop students with effective interpersonal and communication skills as well as inculcate
teamwork to enable them to effectively contribute toward group performance in the workplace
6. Develop students with quantitative and analytical skills required for business analysis and
7. Develop students with specialized skills and competencies in a particular business disciplines
(International Business, International Economics, Human Resource Management, Finance, or
Learning Outcomes
Upon completion of the BBA program, students should be able to:
a. Demonstrate knowledge of the business management theories and concepts which underpin
many business decisions and practices;
b. Identify the various components that make up the economic and external environment of
c. Apply critical knowledge in business management disciplines to solve problems related to
fields in business using appropriate methodologies and tools;
d. Recognize the impact of globalization on business practices;
e. Understand the code of professional conduct used in business and be aware of the importance of
being sensitive to diverse cultural dimensions of people of different backgrounds;
f. Apply research and analytical skills in preparing business research-related projects;
g. Function well in group settings by practicing effective teamwork and leadership skills;
h. Prepare written reports and analyses on business issues;
i. Demonstrate oral presentation and communication skills.
The BBA curriculum requires a minimum total of 126 credit hours. Out of these 126 credit hours, 36
hours are courses under the University General Requirement in which 24 are compulsory and 12 are
electives. The compulsory courses are: FAS 100, FAS 101, FAS 102 or 109, FAS 103, FAS 130, FAS
230, FBA 103, FBA 104 and FES 150; three hours of Free Electives; and the other six hours could be
completed by taking any two of FAS 300, FAS 310 and FAS 320. Sixty of the total credit hours are
Faculty Requirement courses including six hours of internship (industrial training) where students are
required to complete after completing their third year of study program.
Students with one year of full time working experience are exempted from this internship. To
strengthen their business fundamentals, another 18 hours are designated as Program Requirement.
The final balance of 12 hours is allocated for a specialized area of business where students could
choose to either focus more on International Business or International Economics. These 12 credit
hours in the specialized area of business consist of nine hours of compulsory courses and three hours
of an elective course. In the near future, the Department is planning to offer additional areas of
specialization including Human Resource Management, Marketing and Finance. The following table
shows the courses according to the semesters they are offered.
BBA Eight Semester Study Plan
Course Code
BBA Course Title
First Semester (Fall)
ECN 101
FAS 101
FBA 103
MGT 100
MIS 101
ACT 210
ECN 102
FAS 102/109
FBA 104
MGT 200
ACT 220
ACT 250
FAS 100
FIN 201
MGT 102
ACT 260
FAS 103
MGT 201
MKT 201
QNT 201
ECN 201
FAS 120
FAS 130
MGT 301
QNT 301
ECN 202
MGT 303
MGT 304
QNT 401
MGT 499
FAS 230
FES 150
MGT 401
QNT 402
ELE 901
FAS 3xx
FAS 3xx
Introduction to Microeconomics
Communication Skills (English)
Introduction to Business
Management Information Systems: Concepts and Techniques
Second Semester (Spring)
Financial Accounting I
Introduction to Macroeconomics
Communication Skills (Arabic) or Human Rights in Law and Shari’ah
Principles of Management
First Semester (Fall)
Financial Accounting II
Cost Accounting
Creative Thinking
Principles of Finance
Management Communications
Second Semester (Spring)
Management Accounting
Islamic Culture
Organizational Behavior
Principles of Marketing
Statistics I
First Semester (Fall)
Intermediate Microeconomic Theory
Scientific and Technical Writing
Introduction to Sociology
Business Law
Statistics II
Second Semester (Spring)
Intermediate Macroeconomic Theory
International Business
Human Resource Management
Operations Management
Choose one of Specialization Compulsory Courses
Industrial Training/ Internship
First Semester (Fall)
Introduction to Psychology
Natural Sciences
Strategic Management
Research Methodology
Choose one from Specialization Compulsory Courses
Second Semester (Spring)
Free Elective 1
Social Sciences Elective (FAS 300, 320, or 330)
Social Sciences Elective (FAS 300, 320, or 330)
Choose one from Specialization Compulsory Courses
Choose one from Specialization Elective Courses
Total Credit Hours for BBA Program: 126
BBA Elective Courses
Specialization: International Business
FIN 452
International Finance
MGT 452
Supply Chain management
MKT 451
Global Marketing Management
ECN 454
International Trade
FIN 455
Islamic Banking and Finance
FIN 455
Islamic Banking and Finance
MGT 453
Global Strategic Management
MGT 454
Comparative International Business
MGT 456
Special Topics in Int. Business
Specialization: International Economics
FIN 452
International Finance
ECN 454
International Trade
MGT 454
Comparative International Business
ECN 451
Third World Development
ECN 455
Comparative Economic Systems
ECN 456
Special Topics in Int. Economics
FIN 455
Islamic Banking and Finance
New Areas of Specialization (Tentative)
Specialization: Human Resource Management
FIN 452
International Finance
MGT 452
Supply Chain Management
MKT 451
Global Marketing Management
ECN 454
International Trade
FIN 455
Islamic Banking and Finance
FIN 455
Islamic Banking and Finance
MGT 453
Global Strategic Management
MGT 454
Comparative International Business
MGT 456
Special Topics in Int. Business
Specialization: Finance
FIN 301
Corporate Finance
FIN 451
Portfolio Theory and Investment
FIN 454
Financial Institutions and Markets
FIN 452
International Finance
FIN 453
Islamic Banking and Finance
FIN 456
Insurance and Risk Management
FIN 457
Special Topics in Finance
Specialization: Marketing
MKT 452
Consumer Behavior
MKT 453
Marketing Research
MKT 454
Marketing Strategy
MKT 455
Retail Marketing
MKT 456
Selling and Sales Management
MKT 457
MKT 458
Service Marketing
Social Sciences Electives
FAS 300
Industrial Psychology
FAS 310
Human Behavior in Cross Cultural
FAS 320
Sociology of Work
Course Descriptions
ECN 101 Introduction to Microeconomics (3 = 3 + 0)
Prerequisite: None
This course is designed to introduce the fundamental concepts and theories of microeconomics with a focus on the
application of principles and practices to solving microeconomic problems related to business, finance and
managerial economics. It starts with a discussion on the problem of scarcity, demand, supply, equilibrium prices;
role of price as a guide to production and consumption decisions is discussed. Various concepts such as
opportunity cost, production possibilities frontier, consumer and producer surplus and marginal analysis are
covered. The course will then discuss the consumer choice theory and firm’s production decisions. Various
market structures: theory of firm in perfect competition, monopoly, monopolistic competition and oligopoly
markets are discussed. In each of these market models, equilibrium price, output and profits are reviewed.
Contemporary microeconomic issues influencing individuals, businesses are discussed with involvement of
government decisions.
ECN 102 Introduction to Macroeconomics (3 = 3 + 0)
Prerequisite: ECN 101
This is an introductory course to macroeconomic theory and its applications. It does provide an introduction to
theories and methodologies used in applying its basic principles in the area macroeconomic affairs and its
implications on businesses. The course is initially devoted to examining the national economy: its various
macroeconomic components; economic fluctuations, inflation, unemployment, aggregate demand and supply,
productivity and growth. Then it discusses the aggregate demand and supply, the effect of fiscal and monetary
theories and policies. Contemporary economic issues and problems influencing individual, business, and
government decision making behaviors will be highlighted. Various case studies from the book will be used for
further clarifications and student’s participation on this matter is very crucial.
ECN 201 Intermediate Microeconomic Theory (3 = 3 + 0)
Prerequisite: ECN 101
Building upon the foundational knowledge acquired in ECN 101, this course offers a more advanced theoretical
approach to the study of microeconomics. The relationship, both theoretical and applied, between the academic
disciplines of economics and business administration is very close. Economics is the science that deals with the
allocation of limited resources to satisfy unlimited human wants. The scarcity of resources means that we are
constrained in the choices we can make about the goods and services we produce, and which human wants we
will ultimately satisfy. Managers, too, are continually faced with the challenges of managing their
organizations efficiently, a task invariably complicated by the vagaries of economic forces, both micro and
macro. Understanding economic trends is therefore fundamental knowledge for all managers. Microeconomics
studies the economic behavior of individual economic decision makers, such as a consumer, a worker, a firm, or a
manager. It also analyzes the behavior of individual households, industries, markets, labor unions, or trade
ECN 202 Intermediate Macroeconomic Theory (3 = 3 + 0)
Prerequisite: ECN 102
This course provides a more in-depth theoretical approach to the concepts of macroeconomics introduced in ECN
102; this course studies theories of national income accounts; price indexes; economic growth, various models of
income or output determination, money supply process and monetary system, usefulness of fiscal and monetary
policies, theories of aggregate demand and aggregate supply with their deeper understanding and practical
implications; determination of real income; employment; wages; interest rates and the price level.
ECN 451 Third World Economic Development (3 = 3 + 0)
Prerequisite: ECN 101, ECN 102
This course provides a review of the economic problems of third world countries identifying the nature of
the process of economic development. Topics covered include the structure of developing countries' economies;
various theories of economic growth and development; development and human welfare; planning and markets;
human resources in development; savings and the financing of capital formation in the development process; the
role of international trade and capital flows; natural resources and agriculture in economic development.
ECN 454 International Trade (3 = 3 + 0)
Prerequisites: ECN 101, ECN 102
This course is an analysis of commodity trade and foreign investment among nations. The welfare effects
associated with international trade and the effects of government interference with free trade receive special
attention. Various economic models of foreign trade are considered, along with international factor movements,
the political economy of trade policy, and trade policy in developing countries.
ECN 455 Comparative Economic Systems (3 = 3 + 0)
Prerequisites: ECN 101, ECN 102
This course examines how alternative economic systems resolve economic problems. It provides a comparison
between theory and practice in different forms of economic organization found in the capitalist and (formerly)
socialist world. Topics include: forms of ownership, pricing and valuation, incentives, planning versus markets,
and the reform or transition of socialist economies.
ECN 456 Special Topics in International Economic (3 = 3 + 0)
Prerequisites: ECN 454
This course examines how alternative economic systems resolve economic problems. It provides a comparison
between theory and practice in differ.
FIN 201 Principles of Finance (3 = 3 + 0)
Prerequisite: ACT 210
This course introduces students to the role of financial management in business firms. It emphasizes on the basic
concepts in finance and techniques used in financial decision-making. Topics to be covered include financial
analysis and planning, time value of money, interest rates and bond valuation, stock valuation, risk and return and
capital budgeting.
FIN 301 Corporate Finance (3 = 3 + 0)
Prerequisite: FIN 201
This course builds on the concepts introduced in FIN 201. It explains the theory of corporate finance and teaches
students the analytical techniques to apply theory in practical situations. It considers the impact of risk on the cost of
capital and investment decisions and proceeds to discuss advanced topics in corporate finance. Topics include
project analysis, risk and expected return, the cost of capital, financial leverage, capital structure policy, dividend
policy, options and corporate finance, derivative securities and risk management, mergers and acquisitions, and
FIN 451 Portfolio Theory and Investment Analysis (3 = 3 + 0)
Prerequisite: FIN 201
The course exposes students to the fundamental concepts of investment and portfolio theory. The course deals
with important aspects of financial securities and markets. The course examines topics such as optimal portfolio
choice, evaluating portfolio performance, portfolio diversification, arbitrage and option pricing, security analysis,
and efficient market hypothesis.
FIN 452 International Finance (3 = 3 + 0)
Prerequisite: FIN 201, MGT 303
This course provides background on the global aspects of finance and focuses on financial management from the
perspective of multinational corporations (MNC) and other firms that engage in international transactions. Topics
covered in the course include the global financial environment, exchange rate determination, currency derivatives,
purchasing power parity (PPP), international trade and foreign direct investment, international analysis and
securities, conditions, models of exchange rate determination, multinational capital budgeting, and multinational
cost of capital and capital structure.
FIN 453 Islamic Banking and Finance (3 = 3 + 0)
Prerequisite: FIN 201
This course offers a clear and understandable examination of this dynamic area of finance. It will help participants
to fully understand the fundamental principles underlying modern Islamic finance, as well as modern practices
prevailing in this industry. It provides a basic knowledge of the general principles of sharia’a (fiqh al muamalat)
and its application to Islamic banking and finance, the Islamic banking model and alternative modes of financing,
financial markets and the structuring of Islamic investment funds, and the different types of Islamic finance
contracts and products. It also examines current issues in the theory and practice of Islamic banking and the
practices used in the Islamic financial markets.
FIN 454 Financial Institutions and Markets (3 = 3 + 0) (Tentative)
Prerequisite: FIN 201
The purpose of this course is to instruct students about the financial system and the various types of financial
institutions and markets. It examines topics such as the components of the financial system; deposit-taking
institutions; non-deposit-taking institutions; the money market; the capital markets. The course also exposes
students to the interest rates in general; the structure of interest rate; foreign exchange markets; and international
capital markets.
FIN 456 Insurance and Risk Management (3 = 3 + 0) (Tentative)
Prerequisite: FIN 201
This course introduces the fundamentals of insurance and risk management. It examines risk management issues
faced by firms and individuals and discusses ways to protect firm value and personal wealth. The course covers
the areas of general risk management process, property and liability insurance, life and health insurance,
annuities and employee benefits. The insurance industry and regulatory concerns are also addressed.
FIN 457 Special Topics in Finance (3 = 3 + 0)
Prerequisites: FIN 30, FIN 451, FIN 454
This course shall provide critical analysis of current issues and trends in finance and financial theories,
research, and practice. Emphasis shall also be on the analysis, synthesis, and evaluation of contemporary financial
issues with specific reference to UAE and GCC countries. The syllabus will be prepared by a competent instructor
and must be approved by the Chair of the Department.
HRM 451 Employee Staffing and Development (3 = 3 + 0) (Tentative)
Prerequisite: MGT 304
This course is designed to introduce undergraduate business students to theories, research, and practice in
recruiting, selecting, and training/developing individuals for employment in business and public organizations.
The course covers staffing and development issues in the following areas: staffing strategy, legal environment,
recruitment, predictor measurement and decision making, job analysis, selection tools, criterion measurement, and
training design, implementation, transfer, and evaluation.
HRM 452 Performance Appraisal and Rewards Systems (3 = 3 + 0) (Tentative)
Prerequisite: MGT 304
This course will cover theories underpinning performance management and studies of performance appraisal, pay
policies, promotion systems and non-pay rewards. It will also include skill development in core techniques such as
job evaluation and performance appraisal design. A survey of policies and practices of performance and reward
systems in UAE organizations will also be covered.
HRM 453 Employment Law and Employee Relations (3 = 3 + 0) (Tentative)
Prerequisite: MGT 304
This course will expose students to various aspects of the laws and regulations that govern human resources
management in United Arab Emirates. These aspects include employment law, employee relations, benefits and
compensations, industrial safety and health, termination and other labor legislatives as mandated by the
government. It will, equip students with in-depth knowledge of the legislative issues, with an emphasis on
preparing them for to be competent in the labor regulations.
HRM 454 Strategic Human Resource Management (3 = 3 + 0) (Tentative)
Prerequisite: MGT 304, MGT 401
This course analyzes how human resource management might aid in developing competitive advantage and what
might be done to fulfill this potential. Emphasis is on the processes and activities used to formulate HR objectives,
practices, and policies to meet the short-range and long-range organizational needs and opportunities, to guide
and lead the change process, and to evaluate the contributions of human resources to organizational
effectiveness. The course shall attempt to examine the context while developing a framework for the practice of
strategic HR and their implementation in a few traditional functional areas of HR like staffing, performance
management, compensation, etc.
HRM 455 Organizational Development and Transformation (3 = 3 + 0) (Tentative)
Prerequisite: MGT 304
Organizational development (OD) is a systematic process of data collection, diagnosis, action planning,
intervention, and evaluation aimed at increasing the effectiveness of the organization and developing the
potential of all individuals. The goal of this course is to identify and diagnose organizational problems and
opportunities and apply management principles to support organizational change in general as well as those which
are contextually specific to organizations in UAE and the Middle East. The course examines the organization
development process, including intervention strategies, and the role of organization development in creating the
changes that improve individuals, teams, and organizations.
HRM 456 International Human Resource Management (3 = 3 + 0) (Tentative)
Prerequisite: MGT 303, MGT 304
This course provides an introduction to the critical issues facing organizations in simultaneously managing their
human resources at home and abroad. It focuses on the connection between corporate strategies and the effective
management of human resources, which at times, may require differing policies across countries. The course is
based on the notion that competitive firms and economies require appropriate structures, policies, and strategies
for managing their employees at every level of the enterprise. This is particularly true of multinational enterprises
(MNEs) and transnational corporations (TCs) intricately involved in a global environment.
HRM 457 Special Topics in Human Resource Management (3 = 3 + 0) (Tentative)
Prerequisite: MGT 304
This course shall provide critical analysis of current trends in human resource management theory, research, and
practice. Emphasis shall also be on the analysis, synthesis, and evaluation of contemporary human resource
management issues with specific reference to UAE and GCC countries. The syllabus will be prepared and must be
approved by the Chair of the Department.
MGT 100 Introduction to Business (3 = 3 + 0)
Prerequisite: None
This course represents an early exposure to the concepts of business and management. It will focus mainly on
topics like business trends, business ownerships and business management, among others. This enables the
students to comprehend higher level business courses which will be offered in subsequent semesters.
MGT 102 Management Communications (3 = 3 + 0)
Prerequisite: FAS 101
The objective of this course is to present a framework in which students can develop their written and oral
communication skills. The course introduces communication theories and strategies for a variety of business
situations including, letters, presentations, reports, and technology-based communications. The course examines
methods for organizing ideas, analyzing data, addressing topics such as women in business and leadership,
presenting information, and developing a professional communication style. Students are expected to gain an
understanding of effective business communication through reading, writing, small group discussions, oral
presentation, and other experiential learning opportunities. Class work emphasizes critical and strategic thinking,
active learning, and teamwork. Methods of organizing information and developing a professional communication
style will be covered.
MGT 200 Principles of Management (3 = 3 + 0)
Prerequisite: MGT 100
This is an introductory course examining the role of the manager in modern business. It will focus on the theory
and fundamental concepts of management including planning, organization, leadership, and control. This class will
review the evolution of management thought, function and practice and will stress current approaches and
emerging concepts.
MGT 201 Organizational Behavior (3 = 3 + 0)
Prerequisite: MGT 200
This course provides a multi-disciplinary approach to the study of human behavior in organizations from the
individual, group and organizational levels of explanation. Topics include personality and learning, workplace
behaviors, motivation, teamwork, leadership, communication, decision making, conflict, and organizational change
and structures.
MGT 301 Business Law (3 = 3 + 0)
Prerequisite: MGT 101
An introduction to the field of business (commercial) law with emphasis on the law of torts, the law of contract, and
the special contractual relationships involving commercial transactions, the employment relationship, business
organizations, and property.
MGT 303 International Business (3 = 3 + 0)
Prerequisites: FAS 120, FIN 201, MKT 201
This course is designed to give students a fundamental understanding of the environment in which international
business operates and of the business practices required to compete successfully in global markets. This
course shall provide an overview of the environment, concepts, and basic differences involved in international
business. Topics include forms of foreign involvement, international trade theory, governmental influences on
trade and strategies, international organizations, multinational corporations, personnel management, and
international marketing. Upon completion, students should be able to describe the foundation of international
MGT 304 Human Resource Management (3 = 3 + 0)
Prerequisite: FAS 120, MGT 201
This course provides an overview of the theory and practice of the human resources management (HRM)
function in the organization. HRM is examined from the perspectives of various stakeholders, including
management (supervisors and managers), employees, employers (the organization), as well as human resource
practitioners and HR departments. The thematic focus is the structures and processes of effective human resources
management within the organization, including staffing, performance management, training and development,
human resource planning and strategy, compensation and financial rewards. Consideration also is given to the
various environments in which HRM occurs, addressing legal compliance issues, work place equality,
occupational health, safety and wellness, and the evolving role of the HRM function.
MGT 401 Strategic Management (3 = 3 + 0)
Prerequisites: FAS 120, FIN 201, MKT 201
MGT 401 is intended to be a challenging and exciting capstone course for the Business Administration curriculum.
It is first and foremost a course about “strategy” and about “managing for success.” The course centers on the
theme that a company achieves sustained success if and only if its managers (1) have an astute, timely strategic
game plan for running the company, and (2) implement and execute the plan with proficiency. We shall explore in
some depth how and why a well-conceived well-executed strategy nearly always enhances a company’s long-term
MGT 452 Supply Chain Management (3 = 3 + 0)
Prerequisite: QNT 401
This course is an exploration of supply chain management from an operation perspective. Supply chain
management is a system approach to managing the entire flow of information, materials and services from raw
materials suppliers through factories and warehouses to the end consumer. Globalization of economy and
electronic commerce has heightened the strategic importance and of supply chain information system and created
new opportunities for using supply chain strategy and planning as a competitive tool. Electronic commerce has
not only created new distribution channels for consumers but also revolutionized the industrial marketplace by
facilitating inter-firm communication and by creating efficient markets through trading communities.
MGT 453 Global Strategic Management (3 = 3 + 0)
Prerequisites: MGT 303, MGT 401
This course analyses the needs and means of moving from a domestic base to international operations, and
understanding how established global firms develop and implement strategy in an international setting. The
emphasis is three-fold: the development of strategy in multinational corporations; the organizational
capabilities required to deliver the strategic imperatives; and the management challenges of operating a successful
multinational corporation.
MGT 454 Comparative International Business (3 = 3 + 0)
Prerequisite: MGT 303
This course provides an examination of business practices around the world as well as the market structures
found in countries in the major trading blocs (Europe, North America, Japan, Asia, Latin America). Topics include
country risk; financial aspects; the history of global economic institutions since World War II and their relevance
for international commerce.
MGT 499 Industrial Training and Internship (12 Weeks: 6)
Prerequisite: MGT 303, MGT 304, QNT 401
The main aim of Bachelor of Business Administration Program is to develop potential business leaders and
managers who will rise in their careers in a competitive and changing global economy. In this century, the
business environment is becoming more dynamic as compared to the past. Not only that the economy is facing
with the challenges of globalization and liberalization, but also the business operation is becoming more
sophisticated with the advent of information and communication technology. Employers expect fresh graduates to
be able to assimilate into the working environment and able to perform upon the inception of their
employment. Hence, the business internship or practical training program will provide students with workrelated experience and at the same time give them an edge over other job applicants when it comes to job
MKT 201 Principles of Marketing (3 = 3 + 0)
Prerequisite: MGT 100
This course is designed to introduce students to the fundamental concepts and issues underlying marketing today.
Emphasis will be placed on marketing in the context of the firm and society. The course content includes a study
of the relationship between marketing and society, nature and functions of marketing, marketing management
processes, marketing tools, the markets, and the consumers.
MKT 451 Global Marketing Management (3 = 3 + 0)
Prerequisite: MGT 303
This course takes an interdisciplinary approach to managing the marketing function on a global basis. Topics
include understanding the global cultural, political and legal environment; global market research, segmentation
and strategies; product design, pricing, logistics and distribution for global markets.
MKT 452 Consumer Behavior (3 = 3 + 0) (Tentative)
Prerequisite: MKT 201
This course will use a model that provide a roadmap or blueprint for assimilating all of diverse knowledge to
understand consumer decision making. The contents of the course include introduction to consumer behavior,
consumer decision making, individual determinants of consumer behavior, environmental influences on consumer
behavior, and influencing consumer behavior.
MKT 453 Marketing Research (3 = 3 + 0) (Tentative)
Prerequisite: MKT 201, QNT 402
This course provides a systematic process for developing marketing research. The topics include the marketing
research process, research design, research methodology, measurement in marketing research, data collection, data
analysis, interpreting data and presenting the research results.
MKT 454 Marketing Strategy (3 = 3 + 0) (Tentative)
Prerequisite: MKT 201
This course provides a systematic process for developing customer-oriented marketing strategies and plans that
match an organization to its internal and external environments. The approach focuses on real-world applications
and practical methods of marketing planning, including the process of developing a marketing plan.
MKT 455 Retail Marketing Management (3 = 3 + 0) (Tentative)
Prerequisite: MKT 201, MKT 452
This course will provide the theory concepts and practice of retailing The course will cover the topics of
introduction to retailing marketing, consumer behavior and retail operations, the retail marketing mix and the retail
product, retail pricing, retail communication and promotion, methods and approaches to retail strategy and
marketing planning, international retailing and the future of retailing.
MKT 456 Selling and Sales Management (3 = 3 + 0) (Tentative)
Prerequisite: MKT 201, MKT 452
This course is designed to explain the selling and sales management process from both the theoretical and practical
viewpoints. The content is split into five logical parts: Sales Perspective, Sales Technique, Sales Environment, Sales
Management and Sales Control.
MKT 457 Pricing (3 = 3 + 0) (Tentative)
Prerequisite: MKT 201, MKT 452
This course is designed to provide students with an integrative framework for making price decisions. The topics
include economic foundations of pricing theory, understanding customer and buyer behaviour, profitability analysis
for pricing decisions, developing pricing strategies, managing the pricing function, and special topics on pricing.
MKT 458 Service Marketing (3 = 3 + 0) (Tentative)
Prerequisite: MKT 201, MKT 452
This course is designed to explore and understand services marketing. The content focuses on knowledge needed to
implement service strategies for competitive advantage across industries. Included are frameworks for customerfocused management, and strategies for increasing customer satisfaction and retention through service.
QNT 201 Statistics I (3 = 3 + 0)
Prerequisites: FBA 104
This course is an introduction to the nature of statistics, topics include descriptive statistics and graphs;
random variables, data collection, introduction to the probability principles; sampling distribution.
QNT 301 Statistics II (3 = 3 + 0)
Prerequisite: QNT 201
This course is a continuation of the introduction to statistics covered in QNT 201 – Statistics I. Topics
covered in this course include analysis of variance, multiple regression, Hypothesis testing, chi-squared test,
time series, nonparametric statistics, and decision analysis.
QNT 401 Operations Management (3 = 3 + 0)
Prerequisites: FIN 201, MKT 201, QNT 301
The basic purpose of this course is to provide students with a broad understanding and knowledge of several
operations management concepts. Such concepts include (but are not limited to) operations strategy, process
design, forecasting, inventory management, scheduling, and quality management. Emphasis will be placed on
the application of these concepts to actual business situations. The course makes considerable use of business
cases. The course concludes with writing operations management project which combines all the operations
management elements that are studied during the semester.
QNT 402 Research Methodology (3 = 3 + 0)
Prerequisite: FAS 120, QNT 301
This course covers the process of doing proper research that follows appropriate method, and is acceptable and
able to withstand the test of validity, reliability and timely. The course objective is to prepare students for the later
Research Project. The emphasis is made on practical work and not on memorizing or deriving formulas. Students
will develop understanding of the meaning of research and will practice various research techniques such as writing
of short reports, use of statistical tools in oral presentations, preparation of effective tables, graphs, and diagrams
as well as bibliographical references. Use of Excel Formulas, SPSS, Minitab, and internet searching will be
conducted for students to be well verse in computer programs that will assist them in statistical analysis. Ethical
aspects of research will be emphasized. The course concludes with writing a research proposal which combines all
the business research elements that are studied during the semester.
Faculty and Teaching Staff – Business Administration
Dr Hazem Marashdeh (Chair)
Assistant Professor
PhD (Financial Economics), University of Wollongong, 2006; MA (Economics), University of AlAlbait, 1999; BA (Economics and Accounting), Yarmouk University, 1995
Prof Ahmad Zohdi Bin Abd Hamid
Professor and Dean of Business
DBA (Management), Mississippi State University, USA, 1996; MBA (Management), Washington State
University, USA, 1986; BSc (Agric Economics), University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA, 1984
Prof Djamel Eddine Laouisset
PhD (Business Administration), University of Miami, USA, 1983; MPA, University of Miami, USA,
1981; MA, University of Miami, 1975; BA, University of Algiers, Algeria, 1975
Dr Abdullah M Alhumoud
Associate Professor
PhD (Business Administration – Marketing), University of Wollongong, Australia, 2000; MS
(Business Management), University of Wisconsin, USA, 1994; BSc (Business Management),
University of Wisconsin, USA, 1993
Dr Belal Yousuf Barhem
Associate Professor
PhD (Management), Malaysian Graduate School of Management, Universiti Putra Malaysia, Malaysia,
2002; Master (Public Administration), Yarmouk University, Jordan, 1996; Bachelor (Public
Administration and Computer Science), Yarmouk University, Jordan, 1988
Dr Mehmut Haluk Koksal
Associate Professor
PhD (Management Studies), Exeter University, Exeter, England, 1996; PhD (Management Studies),
Dokuz Eylül University, Izmir, Turkey, 1991; MBA (Management Studies), Dokuz Eylül University,
Izmir, Turkey, 1986; BA (Management Studies), Dokuz Eylül University, Izmir, Turkey, 1983
Dr Abu Reza Mohammad Islam
Assistant Professor
PhD (Economics), Simon Fraser University, Canada, 1999; MEc (Distinction), University of New
England, Australia, 1990; Diploma (Agric Econ), University of New England, Australia, 1988; MSc
(Agric Econ), Bangladesh Agricultural University, 1980; BSc(Agric Econ – First Class Honors),
Bangladesh Agricultural University, 1979
Dr Banchongsan Charoensook
Assistant Professor
PhD (Statistics and Applied Mathematics to Economics), University of Turin, Italy, 2011; MA
(Financial Economics), University of Freiburg, Germany, 2007; BBA (Asia Pacific Management)
Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University, Japan, 2004
Dr Candy Chiu
Assistant Professor
PhD (Economics), Kyoto University, Japan, 2009; MBA, University of Santo Tomas, Philippines, 2004;
BSc (Commerce – Management), St Paul University, Philippines, 2001
Dr Mohammad Ishfaq
Assistant Professor
PhD (Economics), Quaid-i-Azam University, Pakistan, 2004; MPhil (Economics 1st Div); Quaid-iAzam University, Pakistan, 1992; MSc (Economics 1st Div), Quaid-i-Azam University, Pakistan,
1988; BA (Economics), University of Punjab, India, 1986
Dr Taimur Reza Mohammed Sharif
Assistant Professor
PhD (International Business), London South Bank University, UK, 2011; MSc (Quantitative Methods in
Economics), Stockholm University, Sweden, 1998); MA (Economics) Aligarh Muslim University,
India, 1996; BA (Economics and Statistics), Aligarh Muslim University, India, 1994
Ms Rekha Pillai
Assistant Instructor
Master (Philosophy in Commerce) Madurai University, India, 2004; Master (Commerce), Kerala
University, India, 2000; Bachelor (Commerce), Kerala University, India, 1998
Ms Abir Ben Hadj Hamida
Teaching Assistant
Master (Management and Internationalization of Economics), University of Economic Sciences
and Management, Tunisia, 2008, Bachelor (Business Studies), University of Economic Sciences
and Management, Tunisia, 2003
Ms Maryam Idrees
Teaching Assistant
Master (Business Administration), University of Punjab, Pakistan, 2008; BBA Hons (Banking and
Finance), University of Punjab, Pakistan, 2006
Department of Accounting
The Department of Accounting offers one undergraduate degree program: Bachelor of Business
Administration in Accounting (BBA-Accounting)
Bachelor of Business Administration in Accounting (BBA in Accounting)
ALHOSN University’s four-year Bachelor of Business Administration in Accounting (BBA in
Accounting) is an integrated, multidisciplinary degree program with an emphasis in accounting.
Compared to other undergraduate business accounting programs which emphasize a high level of
specialization in accounting specific courses, this program is unique in that its principal strength is its
combination of business, liberal arts and social science courses. As such the focus of this program is to
develop business leaders and managers having well-balanced personality, strong business acumen and
comprehensive knowledge of accounting theory and practice, sensitive to diverse cultural values, amidst
the challenges and advancement in the global business.
The main goal of the Bachelor of Business Administration in Accounting (BBA - Accounting)
program is to develop students’ general business management knowledge and skills. This program
enables students to think critically and strategically and to develop their analytical skills. More
specifically, it aims to develop students’ interpersonal and leadership skills. This is achieved by
providing students with accounting knowledge in quantitative, analytical and communication skills,
while grounding students in applied theory and practice across the major accounting and business
management disciplines.
Specifically the BBA-Accounting program seeks to:
1. Equip students with skills and competencies in the core functional areas of Accounting.
2. Provide students with the fundamental concepts and theory of business practice in the major
functional areas and the understanding of the interrelationships among them.
3. Provide students the opportunities to develop their critical and strategic thinking skills.
4. Enhance student skills in using the library and computer resources both to gather and present
business and accounting information.
5. Develop students with the ability to source, analyze, compare, and interpret facts and figures.
6. Develop students with the ability to communicate effectively both orally and in writing in
professional business situations.
7. Develop students with the ability to interact appropriately and effectively with others in
business settings.
8. Develop students with the basic but comprehensive knowledge of accounting theory and
practice in a curriculum consistent with the standards and appropriate for entry level
accounting positions at the bachelor degree level or preparation for graduate studies in
accounting and related disciplines.
Upon completion of the BBA-Accounting program, students should be able to:
a. Demonstrate knowledge of the business management theories and concepts which underpin
many business decisions and practices;
b. Identify the various components and processes that make up the fundamental accounting
knowledge relating to financial statement preparation and analysis, management decision
making, internal controls and business processes, and principles of income taxation;
c. Apply critical knowledge in accounting discipline to solve accounting-related business problem
using appropriate methodologies and tools;
d. Analyze and integrate complex information to facilitate management decision making
e. Understand the code of professional conduct used in business and be aware of the importance of
being sensitive to diverse cultural dimensions of people of different backgrounds;
f. Apply research and analytical skills in preparing business research-related projects;
g. Function well in group settings by practicing effective teamwork and leadership skills;
h. Prepare written reports and analyses on business issues;
i. Demonstrate oral presentation and communication skills.
The BBA-Accounting curriculum requires a minimum total of 126 credit hours. Out of these 126
credit hours, 33 hours are courses under the University General Requirement in which 27 are
compulsory and 6 are electives. The compulsory courses are: FAS 100, FAS 101, FAS 102 or 109,
FAS 103, FAS 130, FAS 230, FBA 103, FBA 104 and FES 150. The other six hours could be
completed by taking any two of FAS 300, FAS 310 and FAS 320. Sixty-nine of the total credit hours
are Faculty Requirement courses. Another 24 hours of the total are designated as Program Requirement
(21 compulsory and 3 electives). The student is also required to complete an internship (industrial
training) program, which carries six credit hours, as early as in the third year of the program.
BBA in Accounting Elective Courses
Business Elective Courses
ACT 450
ECN 453
FIN 452
FIN 453
Social Sciences Electives
FAS 300
FAS 310
FAS 320
Special Topics in Accounting
Public Finance
International Finance
Islamic Banking and Finance
Industrial Psychology
Human Behavior in Cross Cultural Context
Sociology of Work
The following table shows the courses according to the semesters they are offered.
Global Knowledge with Local Vision
BBA-Acc Eight Semester Study Plan
Course Code
BBA-Acc Course Title
First Semester (Fall)
ECN 101
FAS 101
FBA 103
MGT 100
MIS 101
ACT 210
ECN 102
FAS 102/109
FBA 104
MGT 200
ACT 220
ACT 250
FAS 100
FIN 201
MGT 102
ACT 260
FAS 103
MGT 201
MKT 201
QNT 201
ACT 310
FAS 130
MGT 301
MGT 304
QNT 301
ACT 320
FIN 301
MGT 303
QNT 401
QNT 402
MGT 499
ACT 402
ACT 405
FAS 230
FES 150
MGT 401
ACT 403
ACT 404
FAS 3xx
FAS 3xx
Introduction to Microeconomics
Communication Skills (English)
Introduction to Business
Management Information Systems: Concepts and Techniques
Second Semester (Spring)
Financial Accounting I
Introduction to Macroeconomics
Communication Skills (Arabic) or Human Rights in Law and Shari’ah
Principles of Management
First Semester (Fall)
Financial Accounting II
Cost Accounting
Creative Thinking
Principles of Finance
Management Communications
Second Semester (Spring)
Management Accounting
Islamic Culture
Organizational Behavior
Principles of Marketing
Statistics I
First Semester (Fall)
Intermediate Accounting I
Introduction to Sociology
Business Law
Human Resource Management
Statistics II
Second Semester (Spring)
Intermediate Accounting II
Corporate Finance
International Business
Operations Management
Research Methodology
Industrial Training/Internship
First Semester (Fall)
Accounting Information Systems
Introduction to Psychology
Natural Sciences
Strategic Management
Second Semester (Spring)
Advanced Accounting
Social Sciences Elective (FAS 300, 320, or 330)
Social Sciences Elective (FAS 300, 320, or 330)
Business Elective Course
Total Credit Hours for BBA-Acc Program: 126
Course Descriptions
ACT 210 Financial Accounting I (3 = 3 + 0)
Prerequisite: MGT 100
This course attempts to introduce students to the elements of financial accounting and reporting, considerations
pertaining to the preparation of accounting records and reports, uses of financial reports, and the limitations
of financial reports An in depth examination of the development of financial statements, and the assessment of
their uses and limitations will be covered. Particular attention is given to accounting problems and practices
involving merchandising, inventories, and cash.
ACT 220 Financial Accounting II (3 = 3 + 0)
Prerequisite: ACT 210
As a continuation of BUS 200, this course examines such issues in management accounting as the treatment of
receivables; assets; liabilities; shareholder’s equity; investments, cash flows, and financial analysis.
ACT 250 Cost Accounting (3 = 3 + 0)
Prerequisite: ACT 210
The course is designed for students taking cost accounting for the first time. The course will take both a practical
and theoretical approach. Cost accounting provides key data to managers for planning and controlling, as well as
data on costing products, services, and customers. By focusing on basic concepts, analyses, uses, and procedures
instead of procedures alone, cost accounting is recognized as a managerial tool.
ACT 260 Management Accounting (3 = 3 + 0)
Prerequisite: ACT 250
This course addresses cost classifications, cost-volume-profit relationships; budgeting; standards costs; flexible
budgets; segment reporting and relevant cost for decision making.
ACT 310 Intermediate Accounting I (3 = 3 + 0)
Prerequisite: ACT 220, ACT 260
This course provides an intensive examination of the concepts, principles, and practices of identifying and
evaluating assets and disclosing the information in financial statements prepared for third parties. In addition,
students will learn to recognize, measure, and report on issues regarding liabilities, owners’ equity and
related revenues and expenses. Topics include the economic and institutional setting for reporting, accrual
accounting and the application of principles in the preparation and reporting of information on liabilities, income
tax, pension and reporting equity.
ACT 320 Intermediate Accounting II (3 = 3 + 0)
Prerequisite: ACT 310
The course is the second of two in-depth financial accounting courses. Theory, concepts and applications are
stressed. In order to be consistent with the purpose and to complement with Intermediate Accounting 1, this
course starts with an introduction about accounting as an information system, then it covers the accounting theory
and application relates to transactions upon inventory, long-lived assets, intangible assets, receivables and end up
with a discussion of how accounting works as a mechanism for disclosing information about businesses to different
users especially those outside the business.
ACT 402 Auditing (3 = 3 + 0)
Prerequisite: ACT 320
This course teaches the theory of auditing and its application in business from the view point of both internal and
external auditors. It examines the principles and theory that underlie the practice of auditing and gives students
understanding of the auditor's role in adding credibility to external financial and internal operational
information. The course concludes by an examination of the nature, extent, and timing of auditing procedures and
reviews the ethical and professional responsibilities of auditors.
ACT 403 Taxation (3 = 3 + 0)
Prerequisite: ACT 320
This course provides a general microeconomics-based framework to explain the fundamental principles of taxation
and the related tax planning strategies. The theory and applications will be integrated with the core business
subjects of accounting, finance, and economics.
ACT 404 Advanced Accounting (3 = 3 + 0)
Prerequisite: ACT 320
This course is designed to develop students’ understanding of the corporate accounting concepts, principles, and
procedures required to prepare corporate accounts and also consolidated financial statements for organizations.
This course teaches the basic concepts and develops the skills necessary to prepare the consolidated balance sheet
and income statement. Wherever relevant, students will explore and examine business practices, cases and real
examples from local and regional environment in business combination and merger in addition to intensive
reading and examination of consolidated financial statements of UAE companies. Such statements and reports will
be addressed in class and also be used in exams and quizzes as material for assessments.
ACT 405 Accounting Information Systems (3 = 3 + 0)
Prerequisite: MIS 100 and ACT 320
This course provides an introduction to the issues and terms related to accounting information systems. The
purpose is to develop student skills to read and create graphical representations of systems, understand databases
and data flows, and utilize computerized accounting information systems to transaction cycles and internal
ACT 499 Industrial Training and Internship (6 = 0 + 6) (12 Weeks)
Prerequisite: ACT 320, MGT 303, QNT 401
The main aim of ALHOSN University’s undergraduate degree program is to develop students and
professionals to be leaders who will rise in their careers in a competitive and changing global environment. In
this era, not only that the socio-economic condition is facing challenges of globalization and liberalization but
the workplace environment is also becoming more dynamic as compared to the past. Employers expect fresh
graduates to be able to assimilate into the complex working environment and able to perform upon the
inception of their employment. Hence, the Internship or Industrial Practical Training program should be able to
provide students with work- related experience and at the same time give them an edge over other job applicants
when it comes to job opportunities.
Faculty and Teaching Staff – Accounting
Dr Shaniz Khan (Chair)
Associate Professor
PhD (Business Administration), University Sains Malaysia, 2005; MBA, University Sains Malaysia,
1998; BA (Accounting), International Islamic University, Malaysia, 1996
Prof Munther Talal Momany
Professor and Director of Administrative and Financial Affairs
PhD (Accounting), University of Santo Tomas, Philippines, 1993; Master (Accounting and Taxation),
University of Santo Tomas, Philippines, 1990; BSc (Accounting), Yarmouk University, Jordan, 1988
Dr Afaf Mubarak Mohd Ali
Assistant Professor
PhD (Accounting), Sheffield Hallam University, UK, 2000; Master of Commerce (Cost Accounting),
Cairo University, Egypt, 1992; BA (Accounting), Cairo University, Egypt, 1986
Department of Management Information Systems
Management Information Systems (MIS) is an applied discipline that studies the processes of the
creation, operation, and business contexts and consequences of management systems that manipulate
information. The creation and operation of such systems requires the subprocesses of systems analysis,
design, implementation and management which are bracketed at the beginning by business context and
at completion by business consequences. Education in Information Systems has traditionally dealt with
building competencies in systems analysis, design and management, which has in the past separated
it from computer science, and software engineering in particular, which concentrate on computer
program development. However, more recently, it is the foregrounding of the brackets around the
technical competencies, along with their expansion into new technologies, that is, business context
and consequences of Information Systems that is a significant differentiator of the Management
Information Systems discipline from allied disciplines of Software Engineering, Computer Science and
Computer Engineering.
Bachelor of Management Information Systems (BMIS)
In line with ALHOSN University’s mission of educating professionals to be leaders for a modern
community, the Bachelor of Management Information Systems (BMIS) program seeks to develop
leaders who use information technology to support and be subservient to management functions and
roles in order to deliver strategic business value. The MIS curriculum combines a solid base in
technical capabilities (computer programming, database management, and information systems analysis
and design) with advanced work in business and e-business systems design and strategic business
The goals of the BMIS program are to:
1. Produce marketable MIS graduates who can contribute to the development of the IT
industry through high quality education of Management Information Systems.
2. Equip students with a diversity of skills drawn from a large cross-section of the Humanities
and the Social Sciences to improve the communication skills and interpersonal competencies
required to succeed in the current IT industry.
3. Encourage students to conduct research that may contribute to understanding optimal ways
of integrating Information Technology into our individual, societal and organizational ways of
4. Provide students with significant opportunities to develop their professional careers in MIS.
5. Expose students to improvements in the use of IT in other disciplines that use
Information Systems for their professional needs and development.
6. Encourage students’ innovativeness, creativity and leadership in using IT tools, meeting the
organization’s information needs, and appreciating professional ethics and social responsibility.
The BMIS program objectives are built around the idea of developing in students the highest level of
fluency in Information Technology knowledge. This fluency consists of three forms of knowledge:
contemporary skills in the use of today’s computer applications; foundational and advanced concepts
on the principles of information, programming, computers and networks; and, intellectual capabilities to
apply Information Technology in complex business situations.
The Bachelor of Management Information System (BMIS) program is designed to:
1. Develop an educational program committed to producing graduates with the highest skills
and fluency in communication.
2. Produce graduates with the tools necessary to be successful professionals in their chosen fields.
3. Equip graduates with abilities and competencies in problem solving.
4. Train graduates who can work in professional interpersonal work environments.
5. Prepare students to achieve their fullest potential of innovativeness, creativity, and leadership.
6. Inculcate students with an appreciation of ethics and social responsibility in the professional
7. Instill in students the values of intellectual vitality that enables them to be creative about
meeting the organization’s information needs.
8. Build up MIS students’ technical skills and management knowledge to enable them use
information technology tools to meet management needs both individually and organizationally.
9. Prepare MIS students for an entry- level position in MIS field so they can effectively
manage information systems projects and value the principle of lifelong learning.
Upon completion of the BMIS program, graduates should be able to pursue a career as Information
Systems (IS) professionals who acquire professional skills in the areas of computer-based information
systems, programming, database management systems, data communications and networking,
intelligent decision support systems, Web development and Internet programming and other skills
needed by the expanding field of information technology management.
In order to assess the degree to which the BMIS program is successful in achieving each of the
program objectives shown above, the following measurable program outcomes have been developed.
Upon completion of the BMIS program, graduates will have the ability to:
a. Write reports and analysis and demonstrate oral presentation and communication skills.
b. Participate in multi-disciplinary teams in professional settings.
c. Identify, formulate, and solve problems related to management information systems in light of
the business management theories and concepts.
d. Understand the impact of information systems solutions in business and societal contexts.
e. Recognize the professional and ethical responsibilities of MIS professionals.
f. Evaluate current practices and contemporary issues based on research and analytical skills in
preparing management information systems projects to address business problems.
g. Apply critical knowledge and appropriate methodologies and tools to develop efficient and
effective information systems to meet organizational needs.
h. Define, assemble, deploy, monitor and manage MIS resources and project activities to meet MIS
project objectives and in turn organizational goals.
The BMIS program includes University General Education (UGR) requirements, Faculty
Requirements, and BMIS Program Requirements which include both compulsory and elective courses in
each category. The “Eight-Semester Plan” below shows a typical student schedule for completing the
BMIS Program in four years.
BMIS Eight Semester Study Plan
BMIS Course Title
First Semester (Fall)
FAS 101
ECN 101
FAS 230
FBA 103
MGT 101
ACT 201
FBA 104
MIS 100
ECN 102
FAS 102/109
FIN 201
MGT 102
FAS 100
MIS 206
MIS 205
ACT 251
QNT 201
MKT 201
FAS 103
MIS 207
QNT 301
MGT 301
FAS 130
MIS 208
MIS 307
QNT 401
QNT 402
MGT 303
MIS 304
MIS 305
MIS 499
MGT 401
FES 150
MIS 308
MIS 400
MIS 451/455
FAS 300, 310
FAS 300, 310
MIS 408
MIS 407
ELE 901
Communication Skills (English)
Intro to Macroeconomics
Intro to Psychology
Linear Algebra
Principles of Business
Second Semester (Spring)
Financial Accounting
Management Information Systems: Concepts and Techniques
Intro to Macroeconomics
Communication Skills (Arabic) or Human Rights in Law and Shari’ah
First Semester (Fall)
Management Communications
Creative Thinking
Intro to Programming
Database Management
Second Semester (Spring)
Managerial Accounting
Statistics I
Islamic Culture
Information Systems Analysis and Design
First Semester (Fall)
Statistics II
Business Law
Intro to Sociology
Web Development
Information Systems Design and Implementation
Second Semester (Spring)
Operations Management
Research Methodology
International Business
Data Communications and Networking
Advanced Database
First Semester (Fall)
Strategic Management
Natural Sciences
Web-based Enterprise Systems Development
Intelligent Information Systems
MIS Elective: Strategic IT Management or Security and Privacy of Information and Info Systems
Second Semester (Spring)
Humanities Elective: Industrial Psychology or Human Behavior in Cross Cultural Context
Humanities Elective: Industrial Psychology or Human Behavior in Cross Cultural Context
Info Systems Development Projects
Free Elective
Total Credit Hours for BMIS Program: 126
Course Descriptions
MIS 100 Management Information Systems Concepts and Techniques (3 = 0 + 3)
Equivalent to FES 110
Prerequisites: None
This course is an introduction to the fundamentals of information technologies and to the strategic
opportunities and challenges presented by these technologies. The course is based on the belief that business
opportunities and challenges are best addressed through a fundamental understanding of management and
technological concepts. Topics covered include databases, data communications and networking, local area
networking and wireless local area networking technologies, Internet technologies, enterprise systems and IT
security. Laboratory sessions will deal with Microsoft Office as a significant IT application for business.
MIS 205 Database Management (3 = 0 + 3)
Prerequisites: MIS 100
This course is designed to provide individuals with a complete introduction to database concepts. It is a study of
the terminology, design, implementation and software associated with database systems, the role and the needs
for database management systems. Topics include QBE, SQL, normalization, introduction to design
methodologies, and database administration.
MIS 206 Introduction to Programming (3 = 0 + 3)
Prerequisites: MIS 100
This is an introductory course in programming. The major topics include problem solving, data representation,
input, output, built-in functions, subroutines, functions, decision with logical operators, repetition and arrays.
Students may work in groups for labs and individual projects will be assigned. Visual Basic.Net or JAVA will be
used for labs and projects.
MIS 207 Information Systems Analysis and Design (3 = 0 + 3)
Prerequisites: MIS 205 and MIS 206
This is the first in two consecutive courses in systems analysis and design. The course covers contemporary
themes and issues involved in developing high quality information systems that meet users' expectations.
Students will learn the basic theory and techniques and gain skills that systems analysts need. This includes
documenting requirements and projecting plans for complex information systems projects. Since software system
development practice is a rapidly evolving area, a cross- section of current, as well as time tested best practices
methods will be presented. Topics include the general systems theory, overview of systems analysis and design,
Systems Development Life Cycle (SDLC), feasibility analysis, data flow diagrams, data dictionary, requirements
articulation with use cases, CASE tools, prototyping, object-oriented models and diagramming, hardware and
software evaluation.
MIS 208 Web Development (3 = 0 + 3)
Prerequisites: MIS 100
This course builds upon the skills and knowledge developed in MIS100. Students will learn some of the most
important topics of HTML, from the basics of creating Web pages with graphics and links, using tables, and
controlling page layout with frames, to more advanced topics including cascading style sheets, programming with
JavaScript and JavaScript objects and events, creating a multimedia Web page, and creating a Web page with
forms. Hands-on experience using Dreamweaver 8 (Macromedia Visual Studio).
MIS 307 Information Systems Project Management (3 = 0 + 3)
Prerequisites: MIS 207
This is the second in two consecutive courses in systems analysis and design. It builds on what the MIS 207
started. The current course assumes students’ previous knowledge about the tools necessary to analyze
information systems. Its focus is on the design and implementation phases of the SDLC. The course is intended to
be a group–based course. It aims at providing the student with the experience of working on small projects to
design and implement a computer-based information system. Throughout the course, students will be able to
illustrate and utilize the tools of design and implementation of information systems. These tools include: use of
case, structured design, programming languages, and advanced web development. A functional well-designed
and implemented information system should represent the main product of the course.
MIS 304 Data Communications and Networking (3 = 0 + 3)
Prerequisites: MIS 206
This course is an introduction to fundamentals of data communications technologies as well as business
opportunities and challenges presented by these technologies. The course covers a balanced mix of data
communications fundamentals, emerging data communications technologies, and business and IT management
concepts. The first part aims to develop a coherent understanding of the fundamental data communications
concepts and technologies. The second part turns to networking in specific. It deals with network components,
topologies and configuration. All topics will be developed with extensive hands-on lab work and homework
assignments. Topics will include user perspective, hardware and software, inter- networking, network operation
systems and system administration. Included will be a server installation, configuration and management.
MIS 305 Advanced Database (3 = 0 + 3)
Prerequisites: MIS 205
This course provides a balanced introduction to corporate database management system design, implementation
and administration. By understanding the information needs and data flows within an organization, it creates a
database solution that best serves the users. Given a database design, and the corresponding hardware and network
environment, the next crucial step of the process is the implementation phase (using Oracle SQL Server as the
primary vehicle for mastering the database implementation process and ASP for the user interface component of
web-based databases). Given a basic design and implementation, the next step of the process is the ongoing
administration, monitoring and revision of the database management system.
MIS 308 Web-based Enterprise Systems Development (3 = 0 + 3)
Prerequisites: MIS 205 and MIS 208
This course builds upon the skills and knowledge developed in MIS 208. Emphasis is placed upon the development
of enterprise applications in Internet environments. Major topics focus on Web development and implementation.
Design methodologies, client-side and server- side programming, and implementation techniques for enterprisewide web applications are covered. Students will use XML, PHP, Flash, and ColdFusion as development tools.
Web application development techniques covered include both client-side and server-side programming in
Javascript, VBscript, and Java.
MIS 400 Intelligent Information Systems (3 = 0 + 3)
Prerequisites: MIS 305
This course provides the student with an introduction to the fundamentals of Intelligent Systems. Businesses are
becoming increasingly “knowledge intensive”. In particular, with the explosion in the amount of data available,
there is an increasing need for systems that help people filter, summarize, and interpret large amounts of very
disparate kinds of data. At the same time, the enabling technologies such as database systems, networks, desktops,
and Artificial Intelligence techniques have reached industrial strength maturity, providing unprecedented
opportunities for building powerful decision support systems. This course provides the student with a broad
understanding of these technologies, a methodology that lets the student evaluate the pros and cons of each of the
technologies in the context of real-world problems, and exposure to business cases where this methodology has
been applied.
MIS 407 Information Systems Development Projects (3 = 0 + 3)
Prerequisites: MIS 305, MIS 307 and MIS 308
This course is the capstone of the MIS program through which students develop their graduation projects. It
further develops software analysis and design techniques with particular emphasis on object-oriented analysis and
design. It provides an opportunity for students to apply the knowledge and skills acquired in the core courses to
larger and more complex problems and to gain experience in working in teams. The course also offers hands-on
experience with UML and structured analysis and design tools.
MIS 408 E-Commerce (3 = 0 + 3)
Prerequisites: MIS 308 and MIS 305
This course focuses on the evolution of electronic commerce where business is conducted between organizations
and individuals relying primarily on digital media and transmission. Participants investigate the opportunities and
challenges of exchanging goods and services over communications networks as well as the manner in which
relationships are being reshaped. New forms of business arrangements are also examined. Course activities are
designed to provide both managerial and entrepreneurial assessments of anticipated advances in information
technology with respect to business systems and electronic markets.
MIS 451 Strategic IT Management (3 = 0 + 3)
Prerequisite: MIS 304 and MIS 305
This course defines information technology management strategies, explores the possible information technology
strategies of an organization, and provides conceptual frameworks for the development and evaluation of
information technology management strategies. It also examines concepts of strategic information technology
systems, approaches for analyzing strategic applications, and systems planning as it relates to information
technology management strategy and the interface with organizational strategies.
MIS 455 Security and Privacy of Information and Info Systems (3 = 0 + 3)
Prerequisites: MIS 304 and MIS 305
The purpose of this course is to introduce the business student to the rapidly evolving and critical
international arenas of Privacy, Information Security, and Critical Infrastructure. This course is designed to
develop knowledge and skills for security of information and information systems within organizations. It focuses
on concepts and methods associated with security across several systems platforms, including internal and
Internet-facing systems. The course utilizes a world view to examine critical infrastructure concepts as well as
techniques for assessing risk associated with accidental and intentional breaches of security in a global network. It
introduces the associated issues of ethical uses of information and of privacy considerations.
MIS 456 Advanced Object-Oriented Programming (3 = 0 + 3)
Prerequisite: MIS 302
This course is an introduction to the Java programming language. The Object- Oriented (OO) nature of Java as a
programming language for the Internet will be emphasized. Topics include: Java language basics, Java ObjectOriented programming for event-driven applications, and advanced topics such as JDBC and Servlet.
MIS 499 MIS Internship (12 Weeks: 6)
Prerequisite: Senior Standing
The BMIS program is designed to prepare students for successful careers in the field of Management Information
Systems (MIS) by exposing them to real world experience in a professional organization. This six-credit course,
MIS 499 Internship, is specifically designed to provide undergraduate students with an opportunity to gain
practical experience in IT, IS and related activities. At the same time, students have the opportunity to meet
potential employers and learn first-hand about future employment prospects.
Faculty and Teaching Staff – Management Information Systems
Dr Fadia M Hegazy (Chair)
Associate Professor
PhD (Management Information Systems), University of Bradford, UK, 2001, MBA (Management
Information Systems), State University of New York at Buffalo, USA, 1982, BSc (Business
Administration), State University of New York at Buffalo, USA, 1980)
Prof Kamel Ghorab
PhD (Management Systems), State University of New York, USA, 1982, MBA (Management
Science/Corporate Finance), State University of New York, USA, 1977, BSc (Business
Administration), Cairo, 1974
Dr Mhamed Zineddine
Assistant Professor
PhD (IT Management-Security), Capella University, USA, 2008, Master (Telecommunications), IONA
College, USA, 1998, BSc (Computer Sciences), University of Sciences, Morocco, 1993
Ms Huda Manhl Kindi
Teaching Assistant
MBA (International Business), ALHOSN University, UAE,
Information System), ALHOSN University, UAE, 2007
BA (Management
Ms Nahla Arafa
Teaching Assistant
BSc (Computer Engineering), Arab Academy for Science and Technology and Maritime
Transport, Egypt, 2009
Global Knowledge with Local Vision
Catalogue 2012 – 2013
Prof Mohamed Ezzat Sobaih (Dean)
The Faculty of Engineering and Applied Sciences has seven departments: Architectural Engineering,
Civil Engineering, Industrial Engineering, Interior Design, Software Engineering, Urban Planning, and
Mathematics and Applied Sciences.
Department of Architectural Engineering
The Department of Architecture at ALHOSN University is the first in Abu Dhabi to offer a four-year
program leading to a Bachelor of Architectural Engineering (BAE). The mission of this Department is to
strengthen the option of the University for providing the employment market with highly skilled
specialists and designers of the built environment. Its aim is to respond to the growing need for
appropriate architecture adapted to the cultural, economic and technological characteristics and
potential of the region.
Bachelor of Architectural Engineering (BAE)
Program Goals
The fundamental role of the Architectural Engineering Program is to provide its students with a broad
education in Architecture that will enable them to apply the tools of the architect and the science of
the engineer to identify users’ needs and think of creative answers to those needs with a total respect to
the cultural, social and natural context.
The goals of the Architectural Engineering Program are to:
1. Equip students with a comprehensive education in the theories of architecture as well as in the
engineering and technical fields.
2. Initiate the student and consolidate his practice of the process of learning through the
studio courses.
3. Provide students with an area of specialization through a rigorous curriculum of core and
technical elective courses.
4. Engage students in complementary studies in the University General Requirement (UGR)
5. Afford students learning opportunities which utilize investigation and analytical techniques
along with design processes in the study of architectural engineering as well as collaborative
classroom environments and teamwork activities.
6. Encourage students to become self- learners with the conviction that university education is
only the beginning of a life-long learning commitment by using innovative teaching practices
that engage students in the learning process.
7. Introduce students to architectural work environments, ethical practices, and professionalism.
8. Produce graduates who will contribute as professionals in academia, industry, and the
Program Objectives
To accomplish its goals the Department of Architecture has defined the following objectives for its
1. Introduce architectural theories as elemental processes, values, concepts, and design
influences leading to a personal philosophy of architectural design.
2. Introduce the physical and cultural parameters of the human being and the subsequent
requirements for shelter and accommodation.
3. Develop an awareness of the context’s influence on the design of architecture.
4. Cultivate an awareness of the design influences of contemporary societies, their impact on
the built form, and future directions.
5. Develop a wide vocabulary of techniques to explore design solutions (2-D and 3-D graphics
and spatial comprehension, color, texture, lighting).
6. Develop the ability for analytical thinking as a means of addressing architectural problems
through research, data collection, and analysis of information leading to a clear understanding
of the problem.
7. Develop an ability to contribute constructively to a team effort in group learning situations.
8. Introduce nature and the use of materials, construction assemblies and methodologies that
define the building envelope.
9. Acknowledge structure as an integral component of architectural design and become fully
conversant with structural engineering principles applied to the built form.
10. Become knowledgeable regarding the building services (mechanical, electrical systems).
11. Become aware of the parameters involved in the preservation, renovation, and conversion
of architectural structures.
12. Instill in the student a sense of social responsibility: the preservation of the biosphere as well
as responding to other social priorities (handicap accessibility, homelessness, cultural heritage,
13. Introduce issues of legal responsibilities, professional and business ethics, the building codes,
by- laws, zoning and other elements pertaining to a professional practice.
14. Introduce the financial and business management aspects of an architectural practice.
15. Introduce the role of professional associations in the architectural practice.
Program Outcomes
Upon completion of this program, graduates should be able to:
a. Recognize current best practices and contemporary issues in architectural engineering.
b. Apply the techniques, skills, and modern architectural theories and tools necessary for
professional practice.
c. Analyze and interpret data in different contexts.
d. Recognize the architect’s role as the privileged interlocutor of the client, users, contractors
and society.
e. Identify the clients’/users’ needs and model architectural alternatives in response to them.
f. Recognize the professional and ethical responsibilities of architectural engineers.
g. Understand the impact of architectural structures in a global and societal context.
h. Participate creatively in multi-disciplinary professional teams and positively influence the
quality of the built environment.
i. Pursue graduate studies in architecture, or urban planning.
The Architectural Engineering curriculum requires a minimum total of 138 credit hours. Out of these
138 hours, twenty-four (24) credit hours are for courses under the University General Education, in
which 18 are compulsory and 6 are electives. The compulsory UGEs are: FAS 100, FAS 101, FAS
102 or 109, FAS 103, FAS 108, FBA 100. The University General Electives could be taken from the
following list: FAS 105, FAS 106, FAS 107, FAS 109, FES 103, FES 280, FES 281, FES 282, FBA
102. Eighteen (18) credit hours are for courses under the Faculty Requirements, all of which are
compulsory. There are ninety-six (96) credit hours for courses under the program requirements (87)
Compulsory and (9) Electives.
The course schedule below, organized over four years is illustrative for Architectural engineering
students who enter directly from high school. Transfer students, with the help of their advisors, will
adjust according to their individual needs.
BAE Eight Semester Study Plan
BAE Course Title
First Semester (Fall)
FAS 100
FAS 101
FAS 102
FES 110
FES 102
ARC 101
Creative Thinking
Communication Skills (English)
Communication Skills (Arabic)
Computer Applications
Calculus I
Introduction to Architecture
FAS 103
FBA 100
FES 103
FES 150
FES 160
ARC 210
Islamic Culture
Intro to Economics
Calculus II
Natural Sciences
Research Methods
Components of Architecture
Second Semester (Spring)
First Semester (Fall)
ARC 201
ARC 203
ARC 206
ARC 208
FES 240
ARC 205
Studio I
History / Theory I
Graphic Communications
Materials and Methods
Fundamentals of Engineering
Site Planning
ARC 202
ARC 204
ARC 207
ARC 209
ARC 211
Studio II
History / Theory II
Computer Communications I
Structures I
UGR Elective
Second Semester (Spring)
First Semester (Fall)
ARC 301
ARC 305
ARC 308
ARC 310
ARC 312
FAS 108
Studio III
History / Theory III
Computer Communications II
Structures II
Building Services I
ARC 302
ARC 311
ARC 314
ARC 313
ARC 450’s
Studio IV
Project Management
Building Performance
Building Services II
Technical Elective
ARC 499
Internship Program
Second Semester (Spring)
First Semester (Fall)
ARC 401
ARC 415
ARC 418
ARC 450’s
Final Studio Project
Professional Practice I
Building Economics
Technical Elective
ARC 402
ARC 416
ARC 450’s
Final Studio Project
Professional Practice II
UGR Elective
Technical Elective
Second Semester (Spring)
Total Credit Hours for BAE Program: 138
Course Descriptions
The Architectural Core Course and Technical Elective Course Descriptions are as follows.
Architectural Core Courses
ARC 101 Introduction to Architecture (3 = 3 + 0)
This initial architectural course introduces the student to the basic elements of an architectural education and the
factors that are to be considered in approaching the design of a building. The course emphasizes the importance of
physical, cultural and technical context as a determinant of form and considers the effects of changing contexts on
existing circumstances. The systemic process of design in general and architectural design in particular is
ARC 201 Studio I (4 = 0 + 4)
Prerequisite: ARC 101/ ARC 206
This initial studio course introduces the student to the vocabulary of design elements, including 2D and 3D
studies, and the use of color, texture, scale, etc. The course examines the relationship of humans to their physical
environment through analysis and creative thinking in the solution of problems dealing with space and issues such
as use, function, and circulation.
ARC 203 History/Theory I (3 = 3 + 0)
This course traces the roots of architecture as the combination of art and science in developing the physical
environment, and examines the basic elements that are present in architectural design. This initial course in the
series studies primitive structures, and building from antiquity to the rise of Gothic architecture.
ARC 205 Site Planning (3 = 3 + 0)
This is a detailed course on the techniques of the planning and development of sites as a response to human
criteria and the contextual environment. The role of analysis is emphasized as the basis for site development, and
analytical approaches are surveyed. Methods of developing sites at large and small scales are explored with
reference to the constraints and opportunities of the natural, controlled and built environment.
ARC 206 Graphic Communication (3 = 2 + 1)
This course introduces the student to a variety of graphic presentation techniques and media as the elemental
means of design and architectural communication. Exercises include sketching, architectural representation,
drawing and drafting styles, perspective, orthographic and axonometric drawing, and model making, in
conjunction with the projects undertaken in Studio I.
ARC 208 Materials and Methods (3 = 3 + 0)
This course examines the fundamental properties of materials, including molecular bonding, crystal structure, and
the inherent mechanical properties. The particular properties and uses of the following materials are examined:
wood, stone, masonry, metals, ceramics, composites, and finishes and coatings. The use of these materials is
considered over a range of building types and construction techniques.
ARC 210 Components of Architecture (3 = 2 + 1)
Prerequisite: ARC 206
This course introduces the methods and materials of building construction through an examination of the site,
services and all basic design elements that relate to the enclosure of an architectural project. Elements of the
building envelope and building science principles are examined, including walls, windows and roof construction.
ARC 202 Studio II (4 = 0 + 4)
Prerequisite: ARC 201
The second semester of the studio work continues with design studies and projects of increasing complexity, and
introduces the student to programming, function, structure, and building science, together with exercises in
conceptualization and site planning. Sustainable design principles and universal design criteria are introduced.
ARC 204 History / Theory II (3 = 3 + 0)
Prerequisite: ARC 203
This course, the second of a series of three, continues the history of architecture from Gothic, through the
Renaissance, to the beginnings of Industrialization, and studies the resultant architectural forms emanating from
the social and technical influences that are characteristically reflected in art and design.
ARC 207 Computer Communications (3 = 2 + 1)
Prerequisite: FES 110
This course builds on the previous computer and graphic communications courses and focuses on the use of the
computer in architectural applications. Students are introduced to the principles of computer-aided design and
drafting, CAD, as they apply to elemental technical drawings and details, leading to rendering and presentation
techniques. This is done in conjunction with Studio projects.
ARC 209 Structures I (3 = 2 + 1)
Prerequisite: FES 240
The basic principles of statics and strength of materials are examined through the application of these principles to
simple structural systems. The external forces that act upon the elements of buildings are identified and their
resultant impact on the structure is examined, providing insight into the selection of materials and appropriate
forms of structural systems. This course begins to examine structure as it relates to masonry and wood
ARC 211 Separators (3 = 3 + 0)
Prerequisite: ARC 210
This course investigates the building science theories and principles applied to the control of moisture, heat, air, and
solar radiation as they apply to buildings and construction techniques. Fire safety and acoustic control are
included as part of the building elements comprising separation. The technical principles studied in this course are
incorporated as practical applications in the design of studio projects.
ARC 301 Studio III (4 = 0 + 4)
Prerequisite: ARC 202
This studio course immerses students in complex design development process. Students analyze urban and
environmental conditions that determine the final outcome of buildings including component parts and
construction methodology. Projects require the integration of the design experience gained in previous studios as
well as the knowledge of concurrent courses into the Design process. They involve both individual and group
work and may involve actual clients and existing site and program conditions.
ARC 305 History/Theory III (3 = 3 + 0)
Prerequisite: ARC 204
This third course in the series continues with the history of architecture from Industrialization to post- Modernism
and contemporary architecture, and examines the theories of individual architects and how their philosophical
approaches to architecture has influenced building design on an international scale.
ARC 308 Computer Communications II (3 = 2 + 1)
Prerequisite: ARC 207
This course focuses on the continued development of computer aided design, and includes an introduction to
digital modeling, computer imaging, the creation and manipulation of architectural forms, and threedimensional rendering.
ARC 310 Structures II (3 = 2 + 1)
Prerequisite: ARC 209
This course continues with the further development and refinement of structural systems as they relate to loading
and examines in detail the relevant applications of steel and concrete construction. The course also includes
discussion of connections, detailing, atypical loading situations and unconventional structures.
ARC 312 Building Services I (3 = 2 + 1)
Prerequisite: ARC 211
This course presents in detail, the theory and design of basic services for buildings, including the
environmental control systems of heating, ventilation and air- conditioning, as well as the basic principles of
electrical distribution, security systems, and plumbing.
ARC 302 Studio IV (4 = 0 + 4)
Prerequisite: ARC 301
This studio course continues with the application of design principles to projects that are complex in nature and
involve research and case studies in the development of the design concept. Architectural solutions incorporating
actual sites and programs are developed incorporating technical considerations, sustainable design principles, and
universal design criteria.
ARC 311 Project Management (3 = 3 + 0)
This course presents a broad synopsis of management principles, concepts and practice, including an overview of
the construction industry with its participants and documentation; the principles of construction management and
the role of the Project Manager; project organization and scheduling; contracting methods; and communications in
ARC 313 Building Services II (3 = 3 + 0)
Prerequisite: ARC 312
This course continues the assessment of building services in more detail and considers the practical application of
the systems to building designs. Detailed examination of HVAC systems is explored, and fire safety and
information technology is incorporated. The course includes lighting as an essential component of building
services and introduces energy management and consideration of renewable resources.
ARC 314 Building Performance (3 = 3 + 0)
This course examines the necessity for building performance evaluations both in terms of the physical parameters
of the building as well as economic considerations of operating the building. The criteria involved in making
these assessments are defined and the techniques employed are discussed. Documentation of the performance
evaluations is reviewed and the economic implications are identified.
ARC 401 Final Studio Project Research (4 = 0 + 4)
Prerequisite: ARC 302
This course is the lead-in to the Final Studio Project and consists of the development and definition of the program
and site for the Final Project in the following semester, through extensive research, case studies, technical
investigation, site definition, and the effective presentation of a research report.
ARC 415 Professional Practice I (3 = 3 + 0)
This course presents an overview of the structure, organization and changing roles of the design professions
through history and introduces the role and responsibilities of the architect across society. The nature of the
building industry, stakeholders, participants and their responsibilities are examined together with the social
responsibilities of the professional.
ARC 417 Internship Program (3 = 0 + 3)
Prerequisite: ARC 302
The Internship Program which takes place during the summer after the third year of the program, is intended to
introduce students to the practicalities of the profession, to provide valuable experience on the job, to gain
knowledge of current practices and processes, and to augment the theoretical knowledge acquired in classes with
the practical skills and experience obtained in a real-life working situation.
ARC 418 Building Economics (3 = 3 + 0)
This course introduces the estimation of costs associated with constructing a building and considers the overall
financial aspects of proceeding with a project. Methods of estimating and considerations of current market costs are
reviewed, full project expenditures are identified, cash flow is derived, and a project proforma is developed.
ARC 402 Final Studio Project (4 = 0 + 4)
Prerequisite: ARC 401
The Final Studio Project involves the application of the knowledge and abilities that have been acquired through
the previous three years of studies. The student selects an architectural project of an appropriate type, scale and
complexity and with the guidance of a faculty advisor and input from practicing professionals, presents a
thorough architectural design proposal complete with technical and research documentation.
ARC 416 Professional Practice II (3 = 3 + 0)
Prerequisite: ARC 415
This course relates to the operation of a professional practice looking at business management, including internal
scheduling, human resources, and financial management, i.e. planning, cost analysis, and budgeting. Office
policies, communications, marketing, and other administrative responsibilities are also explored through the
Technical Elective Courses
The following are a list of Architectural Elective courses and outline course descriptions that are offered as
part of the curriculum to augment and expand upon the core courses that make up the focus of the program.
ARC 450 Conservation and Preservation (3 = 1 + 2)
This is a course on the theoretical studies and critical issues in the field of architectural conservation and
preservation of historical buildings and sites in general. Emphasis is placed on the identification of architectural
styles and historical periods of local vernacular architecture and on the identification of conceptual criteria for
preservation. The course also involves the measuring, recording, and documenting of existing historical buildings,
and the production of drawings of a selected and approved significant local building.
ARC 452 Sustainable Housing Design (3 = 1 + 2)
The Sustainable Housing Design course deals with the design of low-rise, multiple-unit, residential housing which
demonstrates and promotes advanced levels of energy efficiency, resource conservation strategies and sustainable
development policies. Sustainable housing is viewed from a holistic approach, investigating issues as they relate to
architecture, building science and energy systems.
ARC 453 Principles of Universal Design (3 = 1 + 2)
The concept of Universal Design encompasses the design of products, environments, and communications to be
useable by all people to the greatest extent possible. Through architectural example and application, this
course studies and illustrates the principles of equitable, flexible and intuitive usage; perceptible information
services; tolerance for error and safety; low physical effort; and appropriate size, space, and equipment for the
accommodation of all peoples.
ARC 454 The Architecture of Entertainment (3 = 1 + 2)
This course is focused on architecture that incorporates specific design aspects of circulation, large scale crowds
and subsequent traffic control and safety factors, the elements of event lighting as well as ambient and
maintenance lighting, the significance of acoustics as a design element in architecture, the importance of detail in
addressing human factors, and a study of contrasting scales in events that embrace the above factors.
ARC 455 Housing (3 = 1 + 2)
This course is designed to develop an understanding of the role of housing in the lives of the individual
and the community. The relationships of the “Individual to Home” and of “Housing to the Community” will be
studied as well as the adaptation of the physical environment to meet the needs of habitation. The physical,
psychological, social, economic and cultural needs of housing and their determinants will be examined in the
context of contemporary society and urban issues.
ARC 456 Architecture and Ecology (3 = 1 + 2)
This course surveys the complexities and dynamics of the eco-system and sub-systems; the functional relations
among them; and the external factors that influence the behavior of natural systems. Concepts introduced include
energy flows, nutrient cycles, population dynamics, communities, and habitats. The relationship between the
primary factors of geology, surficial deposits, hydrology, flora and fauna, and the effects of humans and
urbanization on the natural processes will be studied. The concept of sustainability is introduced, stressing
energy as the central issue that underlies design and/or management of the built environment.
ARC 457 Architectural Lighting Design (3 = 1 + 2)
This course presents the fundamentals and physics of light and visual perception; an introduction to light sources;
basic lighting principles and design; human factors in lighting; building interiors; color in lighting; building
exterior lighting and special lighting applications. The course also presents an introduction to Day lighting design
and the importance of lighting energy management.
ARC 458 Architecture and Urban Design (3 = 1 + 2)
This course involves the study of the impact of built form on the urban landscape through an understanding of the
shaping and use of public urban spaces. The course looks at impact factors on urban form, movement of
pedestrians, vehicles and their interface; and non-material influences on the perception, organization, and use of
urban spaces. Design guidelines and principles are explored related to squares, public spaces and urban open
ARC 459 Architecture and Photography (3 = 1 + 2)
This course provides students with an opportunity to improve their photography skills and utilize a variety of
camera settings and picture editing techniques to prepare effective presentations of architectural interiors and
exteriors and exteriors as well as landscapes. History and impact of digital technology on architectural
photography and presentation is examined. It is conducted as a seminar, hands-on course with photography
poster assignments and compelling portfolio presentations. The course is augmented with local as well as
regional field trips.
Faculty and Teaching Staff – Architectural Engineering
Dr Marko Savic (Chair)
Assistant Professor
PhD (Architecture / Curriculum Development), University of Belgrade, 2007, MSc (Architecture),
University of Belgrade, 1995, Diploma (Engineer in Architecture), University of Belgrade, 1989
Dr Mohamad Kashef
Associate Professor and Dean of Student Affairs
PhD (Urban Planning and Design, University of Waterloo, USA, 2003), MSc (History of Art and
Architecture), American University in Cairo, Egypt, 1990, Bachelor of Architecture Cairo University,
Egypt, 1984
Ms Rania Akkad
MSc (Materials Engineering Science), UAE University 2006, BSc (Architectural Engineering), UAE
University, UAE, 2000
Ms Salma Aboulela
Teaching Assistant
BSc, (Architectural Engineering/Construction Engineering), American University in Cairo, Egypt, 2011
Global Knowledge with Local Vision
Department of Civil Engineering
What is Civil Engineering?
This discipline deals with a vast number of applications, ranging from buildings, airports, and bridges to
water treatment plants, pipelines and space-age materials. The oldest known engineering work relates to
civil engineering activities is the construction of pyramids some 2500 BC. In the post- industrial
revolution era, civil engineering involved all physical structures, including those related to energy,
production, natural resource development, environmental issues, transportation, and others. In the
information age, civil engineering includes space-age material development, bioengineering, and smart
transportation systems.
Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering (BSCE)
The Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering (BSCE) is designed to prepare students for a successful
career in civil engineering industry, particularly the sector dealing with infrastructures construction
and maintenance in the civil sector. Students are exposed to a wide range of theories and practices of
civil engineering through a series of dynamic curricula.
The mission of the Civil Engineering Program at ALHOSN University is to provide engineering
students the ability to design and construct physical infrastructures as related to civil, energy,
environment, and communication activities in our society. This mission is carried out through a set of
objectives and goals which describe the expected accomplishments of the program and include
adopted methods to provide students with the required knowledge in applied theory and practice to
prepare them for the present and future demands and challenges of the civil engineering profession.
BSCE Program Goals
1. Equip the students with comprehensive education during their first two years in physical
sciences, mathematics, engineering sciences, and design.
2. Widen the students' knowledge by exposing them to complementary studies in the
University General Requirement (UGR) Program.
3. Provide the students with specialized courses in Civil Engineering in their third and fourth
year through a rigorous curriculum of core courses and technical electives.
4. Encourage the students to become self-learners to be ready for a life-long learning experience
by engaging them in the learning process.
5. Introduce students to engineering work environments, ethical practices, and professional issues.
6. Produce graduates who are ready to join the Civil Engineering profession and have a
positive effect on their community.
BSCE Program Objectives
The Educational Objectives are the foundation upon which the Outcomes and curriculum for the CE
degree are built. These Educational Objectives have been developed that are consistent with the
mission of the university, the College of Engineering and are intended to satisfy the needs of our
constituents. The following are the Objectives of our Civil Engineering program:
1. Provide graduates with the knowledge and ability to develop and manage society's physical
macroscopic and microscopic infrastructure;
2. Provide graduates with the ability to plan, design, construct, and maintain buildings,
bridges, dams, airports, highways, transportation networks, energy sources, offshore structures,
irrigation systems, water supply, waste water treatment facilities, and structural materials;
3. Provide graduates with the ability to carry out independent observation, analysis, and
research planning of both man-made and natural phenomena and infrastructures, hence help
them in developing analytical skills of research for graduate studies; and
4. Provide graduates with the ability to function within the engineering community and the society
at large and lead the society in developing technologies that are environmentally sustainable
and socially responsible.
The above objectives will be reached through an intensive four year study program and one summer
internship. In the first two years, students will develop broad background in engineering, while the final
two years will focus on areas of municipal engineering, engineering economics, project management,
environmental engineering, structural engineering, geotechnical engineering, resource management, and
transportation engineering. Following is a broad outlook of the Four year program.
Year 1: Students will be exposed to general education of University requirement courses in order for
them to develop the aptitude for higher education. Specifically, they will be involved in Calculus,
Mechanics, Computers, Introduction to Engineering, Chemistry, Differential Equations, Linear Algebra,
Electromagnetism, communication skills, and an elective general studies course.
Year 2: Students will be engaged in a number of Mathematics, Geology, and Engineering courses. In
particular, they will be involved in Advanced Mechanics, Mechanics of Solids, Thermodynamics,
GIS, Surveying and Graphics, Engineering Geology, Numerical Methods, Mathematical Methods,
Materials, and Fluid Mechanics.
Year 3: Students will begin to specialize in Civil Engineering. They will be exposed to various fields in
civil engineering, including Structural Analysis and Design, Soil Mechanics, Engineering Economics,
Structural Materials, Statistical Modeling, Specialized advanced Mechanics, Design Courses (steel,
concrete, etc.), Transportation, Basic Water Resources Management, and a number of civil engineeringrelated elective courses.
Year 4: Students will complete their Civil Engineering requirements. They will be exposed to the
following general civil engineering topics: Engineering Project Development and Management,
Geotechnical Engineering, Municipal Engineering, Highway Engineering, and Water Resources System
Design and Management.
The BSCE Program at ALHOSN University will have 130 credit hours of study program and one
summer internship program. Each course will count toward 3 credit hours.
Training and Internship (CIV 499)
The BSCE degree includes a mandatory Training and Internship component of one summer semester in
the Third Year of the program. This training provides practical on-the-job experience to compliment the
university classroom studies. Training and Internship is an integral component of the degree program.
This work experience helps students develop an understanding of the industry that they will need in
their professional careers. It allows students to transition between the classroom and field applications
and allows them to see the big picture of the industry that they will be required to serve and lead.
BSCE Program Outcomes
Upon completion of the BS in Civil Engineering program, graduates will be able to:
a. Acquire and apply basic knowledge of mathematics and science.
b. Design and conduct experiments, as well as to analyze and interpret data.
c. Design a system, component, or process to meet desired needs within realistic constraints such
as economic, environmental, social, political, ethical, health and safety, manufacturability, and
d. Function on multi-disciplinary teams.
e. Identify, formulate, and solve engineering problems.
f. Recognize the professional and ethical responsibilities of civil engineers.
g. Communicate ideas effectively.
h. Understand the impact of engineering solutions in a global economic, environmental, and
societal context.
i. Engage in life-long learning.
j. Recognize current best practices and contemporary issues in civil engineering.
k. Apply the techniques, skills, and modern engineering tools to design civil structures.
Career Prospective of Civil Engineers
Civil Engineers are highly skilled professionals with expertise in analysis, design, computer
applications, and management. They work for all levels of government and in a variety of consulting
engineering firms. Graduates of the Civil Engineering program are expected to work around the world
on challenging and technically advanced civil engineering projects. This will include various sectors of
conventional civil engineering.
Admission Requirements
ALHOSN University requires for admission the UAE General Secondary School Certificate or its
equivalent as certified by the U.A.E. Ministry of Education with a minimum overall average of 75%. In
addition to ALHOSN general requirements, the Civil Engineering program may have explicit
admission requirements to ensure students have an adequate background in specific areas. Students
who obtained their secondary school completion certificate outside the UAE have to meet the
admission requirements set by the Ministry of Education. Their qualifications must be certified by the
Ministry of Education of the relevant government. Only academic subjects are eligible for admission
The BS in Civil Engineering requires a minimum total of 130 Credit Hours as follows:
1. University General Requirements (24 CH)
2. Faculty Requirements (38 CH)
3. Program Requirements (68 CH) (56 credits compulsory and 12 credits electives)
BSCE Elective Courses
CIV 404
CIV 405
CIV 406
CIV 407
CIV 408
CIV 409
CIV 414
CIV 415
CIV 416
CIV 417
CIV 418
Transportation Systems
Alluvial Channels and River Engineering
Engineering Hydrogeology
Introduction to Finite Element Methods for Structural Systems
Applied Geomatics
Risk Assessment and Management
Highway Engineering
Hydraulic Engineering
Water Distribution and Sewerage Systems
Water and Wastewater Treatment
Petroleum Engineering
The following table shows a typical eight-semester plan.
BSCE Eight Semester Study Plan
BSCE Course Title
First Semester (Fall)
FAS 108
FAS 101
FAS 102
FES 111
FES 102
Communication Skills (English)
Communication Skills (Arabic)
Programming I
Calculus I
FES 103
FAS 103
FBA 100
FES 202
FAS 120
FAS 106
Calculus II
Islamic Culture
Intro to Economics
Intro to Statistics
Scientific and Technical Writing
History of Sciences
Second Semester (Spring)
First Semester (Fall)
FES 220
FES 230
FES 207
FES 201
FES 240
IND 212
FES 203
FES 270
FES 231
FES 241
FES xxx
CIV 301
CIV 302
CIV 303
CIV 304
CIV 305
CIV 306
CIV 311
CIV 312
CIV 313
CIV 314
CIV 315
CIV 316
CIV 411
CIV 402
CIV 497
CIV Elective
CIV Elective
CIV 419
CIV 401
CIV 498
CIV Elective
CIV Elective
Engineering Chemistry
Fundamentals of Physics
Differential Equations and Applications
Matrix Algebra for Engineers
Engineering Fundamentals
Second Semester (Spring)
Engineering Design and Drafting
Statistics for Engineers
Materials Science
Laboratory in Engineering Fundamentals
Free Elective
First Semester (Fall)
Soil Mechanics
Structural Systems I
Mechanics of Structural Materials
Construction Materials
Introduction to Geology for Engineers
Second Semester (Spring)
Transportation Engineering
Engineering Hydrology
Structural Systems II
Computations and Systems Modeling
Construction Planning
Heavy Construction Materials
First Semester (Fall)
Reinforced Concrete Design
Design of Steel Structures
Senior Design 1
Civil Engineering Elective from CIV 404, 405, 406, 407, 408, and 409
Civil Engineering Elective from CIV 404, 405, 406, 407, 408, and 409
Second Semester (Spring)
Energy, Environment and Communication
Geotechnical Engineering
Senior Design 2
Civil Engineering Elective from CIV 414, 415, 416, 417, and 418
Civil Engineering Elective from CIV 414, 415, 416, 417, and 418
Total Credit Hours for BSCE Program: 130
Course Descriptions
CIV 301 Soil Mechanics (3 = 2 + 1) (Fall)
Prerequisite: FES 270
This course is concerned with the physical and mechanical properties of soils. It includes topics of soil chemistry
and soil fabric, soil classification, compaction, hydraulic conductivity, one-dimensional and two-dimensional
seepage, soil compressibility, time dependent deformation of soils, and shear strength behavior of soils.
Laboratory sessions involve experimentally evaluating the engineering properties of several different soil types and
the application of these results to engineering problems.
CIV 302 Hydraulics (3 = 2 + 1) (Fall)
Prerequisite: FES 240
Fluid mechanics principles are applied to practical hydraulic problems involving flow in closed conduits and in
open channels. Topics in pipe flow include losses in pipes, pipes in series and parallel, and network analysis.
Topics in open channel flow deal with classification of flows, open channels and their properties, energy and
momentum principles, uniform flow, design of erodible and non- erodible channels, and gradually varied flow.
These aspects are explained in lectures and validated by laboratory measurements and demonstrations.
CIV 303 Structural Systems I (3 = 2 + 1) (Fall)
Prerequisite: FES 240
The basic principles of statics examined through the application of these principles to simple structural systems.
The external forces that act upon the elements of buildings are identified and their resultant impact on the
structure is examined. This course aims at providing the students with the skills and techniques required for the
analysis of statically determinate structures. It includes the discussion and review of basic statics; stability and
determinacy; analysis of determinant structures (trusses, beams, and frames). It also aims to providing
students with the techniques required to perform the deflection analysis for structures such as trusses, beams and
frames using the elastic beam theories and the energy approaches.
CIV 304 Mechanics of Structural Materials (3 = 3 + 0) (Fall)
Prerequisite: FES 231
The content is focused on the application of the principles of the mechanics of solids in the design and analysis of
structural materials and components. Building on engineering skills gained in the first two years, the class will
examine general stress analysis, failure criteria, flexure, shear, torsion, and compression buckling and plasticity as
these aspects apply to structural components.
CIV 305 Construction Materials (3 = 2 + 1) (Fall)
Prerequisite: FES 231
The purpose of this class is to provide students with knowledge of residential and commercial building
techniques and materials. In it, the properties and applications of common construction materials, components,
and systems that relate to steel and concrete-frame structures are examined.
CIV 306 Introduction to Geology for Engineers (3 = 3 + 0) (Fall)
Prerequisite: FES 270
This class deals with the fundamental principles of geology. Topics include mineralogy, rock-forming processes,
weathering, erosion, groundwater, glaciations, mass wasting, running water, deserts, shorelines, geologic structures,
tectonism, and Earth interior. The links between geology, engineering and the environment are explored through case
CIV 311 Transportation Engineering (3 = 3 + 0) (Spring)
Prerequisite: FES 203
This class commences with an introduction to Transportation Engineering context of planning, design and
operations of urban and rural systems. The class also provides an introduction location with special emphasis
on Canadian standards and specifications. It also includes detailed study of road design elements, vehicle
motion, pavement interaction, and principles of roadway capacity.
CIV 312 Engineering Hydrology (3 = 3 + 0) (Spring)
Prerequisite: CIV 302
The emphasis in this course is on quantitatively describing the physical processes in the hydrologic cycle. Such
processes include precipitation, evaporation, evapotranspiration, infiltration, groundwater flow, surface runoff, as
well as channel and reservoir routing effects. Specific reference will be made to hydrological processes in arid
zones. Hydrologic design approaches in connection with civil engineering disciplines and statistics applications to
hydrologic design problems are also discussed.
CIV 313 Structural Systems II (3 = 3 + 0) (Spring)
Prerequisite: CIV 303
This course continues with the further development and refinement of structural systems as they relate to loading. It
aims at providing students with the techniques required to analyze statically indeterminate structures such as
trusses, beams and frames using several common methods such as the force method, slope deflection method and
the moment distribution method. The basics of the design philosophy are also introduced in this course.
CIV 314 Computations and Systems Modeling (3 = 3 + 0) (Spring)
Prerequisite: CIV 303
This class introduces the application of various computational methods for solving a range of practical problems in
civil engineering. Basic numerical methods for solving algebraic equations, non-linear and eigenvalue
problems, as well as numerical differentiation and integration introduced. Curve- fitting and non-linear
regression techniques are presented. Computational tools are introduced and used to analyze structural systems
and other topics of interest in infrastructure systems.
CIV 315 Construction Planning (3 = 3 + 0) (Spring)
Prerequisite: CIV 305
This class deals with construction administration, bidding procedures, contracting methods, planning and
execution of civil engineering construction projects. The class also covers planning and scheduling techniques
such as CPM. The class presents basic methods of estimating construction costs, with applications to
construction projects.
CIV 316 Heavy Construction Materials (3 = 3 + 0) (Spring)
Prerequisite: CIV 305
This course deals with the functions and planning of heavy construction materials. Equipment used in earth
moving, bridge building, and heavy lifting, as applied in construction of buildings, bridges, high rise, and other
applications will be studied in details. Local construction sites will be visited as part of the laboratory sessions. The
field trips will form the basis of design and simulation work involved in heavy construction materials.
Optimization of such resources will also be presented.
CIV 401 Geotechnical Engineering (3 = 2 + 1) (Spring)
Prerequisite: CIV 301
This class is concerned with the geotechnical aspects of temporary and permanent retaining walls for
infrastructure or environmental works, deep and shallow foundations and design/analysis of natural cuts and
embankments. The application of these design/analyses to particular infrastructure and environmental structures
are emphasized in the laboratory sessions.
CIV 402 Design of Steel Structures (3 = 3 + 0) (Fall)
Prerequisite: CIV 303 and CIV 313
This introductory design class emphasizes the behavior and design of steel members resisting tensile,
compressive, and flexural loads and simple connections of these elements. Members subject to combined loading
will also be studied. Upon class completion, the student will be able to design steel structural elements according
to current design code provisions though most design examples will be based on framed buildings. Many of the
concepts apply equally to other types of structures; e.g. bridges, towers, and submarine hulls.
CIV 411 Reinforced Concrete Design (3 = 3 + 0) (Fall)
Prerequisite: CIV 313
This class will provide students with a basic understanding of the behavior and analysis of reinforced concrete as
a structural material and utilize them with elementary skills and concepts necessary for designing a variety of
common structural elements. Current design code provisions related to flexure, shear and compression members
will be reviewed leading to practical design examples for beams, columns and slabs. Appropriate analysis
techniques and code approximations will be presented through the use of relative software.
CIV 419 Energy, Environment and Communication (3 = 3 + 0) (Fall)
Prerequisite: CIV 315
This course introduces the history of engineering and develops understanding of the role of industrialization in
the modern age in shaping the lifestyle of the society. Various traits of the information age are identified and the
principal features of technology development are discussed in this course. The flaws and strengths of the currently
practiced engineering approaches are highlighted in order to develop understanding of the role of an engineer in the
CIV497 Senior Design 1 (3 = 0 + 3) (Fall)
Prerequisite: CIV 411
The class objective is to provide experience in the application of engineering principles to the solution of a specific
civil engineering design problem. Students are required to select a topic, prepare a proposal, and prepare a work
schedule. The project is executed under the supervision of the instructor and should focus on a design problem.
Students are required to prepare a formal report and make an oral presentation of their project.
CIV498 Senior Design 2 (3 = 0 + 3) (Spring)
Prerequisite: CIV 497
This course is a continuation of Senior Design 1 (CIV 497) where students can continue their design work for a
selected civil engineering project. This course will enable student to implement all design skills at the inter and/or
multi-disciplinary level they learn and acquire in Senior Design 1 to produce the final design output of the
anticipated project in hand. This course aims to improve the practical and professional experience of graduating
Technical Electives
CIV 404 Transportation Systems (3 = 3 + 0) (Fall)
Prerequisite: CIV 311
This class covers urban transportation planning, transportation demand and supply, transportation management.
The environmental impact of transportation systems such as noise and air pollution will be examined. Methods to
measure, predict, and evaluate impact of transportation modes will be covered.
CIV 405 Alluvial Channels and River Engineering (3 = 3 + 0) (Fall)
Prerequisite: CIV 312
This course will consider various aspects of fluvial geomorphology from a civil engineering point-of- view. This
will include discussion of hydraulic resistance based on quantitative estimates of channel roughness, regime
concepts for artificial and natural rivers, uses of boundary shear stress and unit stream power in bed-load
estimations, the hydraulics and statistics of suspended sediment, numerical versus physical modeling, and a
review of case histories of responses of rivers to human activity. Ephemeral flows, flashfloods and other
aspects relevant to streams in arid zones will be discussed. The application of HEC-RAS to a brook is also part
of the course.
CIV 406 Engineering Hydrogeology (3 = 3 + 0) (Fall)
Prerequisite: CIV 306 and CIV 312
This is relatively a quantitative introduction to hydrogeology with a review of key definitions and hydraulic
principles pertaining to flow to porous media. This is followed by consideration of well hydraulics in the
context of the evaluation and management of groundwater resources. Aspects relevant to groundwater in arid
zones will be discussed. The theory and application of numerical methods are discussed in relation to simple
groundwater systems, and this is followed by discussion of the chemistry of both natural and contaminated
CIV 407 Introduction to Finite Element Methods for Structural Systems (3 = 2 + 1) (Fall)
Prerequisite: CIV 313
The class represents an introduction to the theory and application of the finite element method. The basic linear
elasticity, principles of minimum work and energy methods will be used in developing the methodology. Students
will gain practical experience, using a commercial software package, to treat a balance set of real-life two and
three-dimensional stress formation problem under static and dynamic loading systems that are of interest to
structural engineers.
CIV 408 Applied Geomatics (3 = 2 + 1) (Fall)
Prerequisite: CIV 311
The class covers principles of Geomatics utilizing exercises to show applications of the use of Global Positioning
Systems (GPS) and Geographical Information Systems (GIS) technologies in engineering projects. Concepts of
GPS such as data collection, processing and integration are discussed. GIS tools are used to acquire existing data
sets, to merge GPS observations with these data, and to produce maps and to perform common, as well as more
complex, analyses on a prototype GIS.
CIV 409 Risk Assessment and Management (3 = 3 + 0) (Fall)
Prerequisite: CIV 315
This course prepares students with basic tools of project management. Fundamental concepts of engineering
management will be presented in this course. Various risk analysis techniques will be presented and methods
of risk minimization and process optimization discussed. The shortcomings of the currently used models for
engineering management and their possible remediation will be presented. Emerging techniques for novel
processes will be introduced.
CIV 414 Highway Engineering (3 = 2 + 1) (Spring)
Prerequisite: CIV 311
Fundamental features of road design will be discussed in this course. International standards for highway design
will be presented. A surveying workshop will be part of this course in order to familiarize students with surveying
and monitoring devices that are used in highway construction and monitoring. Among others, vertical and
horizontal curves, roadway design elements, drainage and earthwork operations, highway material and pavement
design will be presented. The laboratory component will deal with survey as well as demonstration of
fundamental principles of highway engineering.
CIV415 Hydraulic Engineering (3 = 2 + 1) (Spring)
Prerequisite: CIV 302
This course introduces design of hydraulic systems in civil engineering applications. Various applications ranging
from culvert systems to various dams will be covered in this course. Various earth materials as well as
machineries used in hydraulic engineering will be presented.
CIV 416 Water Distribution and Sewerage Systems (3 = 3 + 0) (Spring)
Prerequisite: CIV 312
This course deals with the hydraulic and hydrologic basis for water-related urban infrastructure. Specifically, the
design of potable water distribution systems, wastewater collection systems, and storm water management
systems are presented. Students develop the pre-design of one of these systems for an actual subdivision, and
present their design to the class. The minimization of the environmental impacts associated with the construction
of a subdivision is also presented, both qualitatively and quantitatively.
CIV 417 Water and Wastewater Treatment (3 = 2 + 1) (Spring)
Prerequisite: CIV 312
The focus of the class is on design of water treatment and municipal pollution control plants. Lectures and
laboratory periods are on physical chemical and microbiological qualities of water and municipal wastewater.
Lectures include various unit operations and unit processes of water and domestic wastewater treatment. Field
visits to local and water and wastewater treatment plants are included.
CIV 418 Petroleum Engineering (3 = 2 + 1) (Spring)
Prerequisite: CIV 306 and CIV 312
This course deals with the relationships of geology, basic reservoir rock properties, surface and interfacial
phenomena, the flow of fluids through porous media, classification of oil and natural gas reservoirs, and reserve
estimation principles. This course is the first technical course for petroleum engineering majors, and a rigorous
overlook for students of other engineering disciplines.
Faculty and Teaching Staff – Civil Engineering
Dr Sharaf Alkheder (Chair)
Associate Professor
PhD (Civil Engineering), Purdue University, Indiana, USA, 2006, MSc (Civil Engineering), Jordan
University of Science and Technology, Jordan, 2002, BSc (Civil Engineering), Jordan
University of Science and Technology, Jordan, 2000
Prof Mohamed Ezzat Sobaih
Professor and Dean of Engineering and Applied Sciences
PhD (Civil Engineering), Sherbrook University, Canada, 1974, MSc (Structural Engineering),
Cairo University, Egypt, 1970, BSc (Civil Engineering), Cairo University, Egypt, 1967
Dr Khaled Hyari
Associate Professor
PhD (Civil Engineering), University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Illinois, Urbana, USA,
2004; MSc (Civil Engineering), University of Jordan, Amman, Jordan, 1999; BSc (Civil
Engineering), University of Jordan, Amman, Jordan, 1990
Dr George Markou
Assistant Professor
PhD (Computational Mechanics/Civil Engineering), National Technical University of Athens,
Greece, 2011, MSc (Civil Engineering), National Technical University of Athens, Greece, 2005,
BSc (Civil Engineering), National Technical University of Athens, Greece, 2004
Dr Hassan Amoud
Assistant Professor
PhD (Environmental Engineering), Wroclaw University of Technology, Poland, 1990, MSc
(Environmental Engineering), Wroclaw University of Technology, Poland, 1987, BSc (Civil
Engineering), Damascus University, Syria, 1982
Dr Rafik A M Al-Sakkaf
Assistant Professor
PhD (Water Resources Engineering), Delft University of Technology, Netherlands, 2005, MSc
(Hydrological Engineering), UNESCO-IHE, Delft, Netherlands, 1996, BSc (Civil Engineering
and Architectural Engineering), University of Miami, USA, 1984
Dr Reem Sabouni
Assistant Professor
PhD (Civil Engineering), University of Western Ontario, Canada, 2008, MSc (Civil Engineering),
University of Western Ontario, Canada, 2004, BSc (Civil Engineering), United Arab Emirates
University, UAE, 2002
Mr Ahmed Mohamed Moussa
Teaching Assistant
BSc (Civil Engineering), ALHOSN University, UAE, 2011
Mr Ahmed Al Ghazali
Teaching Assistant
BSc (Civil Engineering), ALHOSN University, UAE, 2010
Global Knowledge with Local Vision
Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering
The Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering offers undergraduate programs leading to the
Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering and the Bachelor of Science in Industrial Engineering.
The programs are accredited by the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research.
Bachelor of Science in Industrial Engineering (BSIE)
While other engineering disciplines are known for the products they design, industrial engineers (IEs)
are known for the systems they design and improve. “Industrial Engineering is concerned with the
design, improvement, and installation of integrated systems of people, materials, information,
equipment and energy”.
Industrial engineering is about choices and making things better: making human life better when
interfacing with machines or processes, making processes better by cutting waste and streamlining,
making environment better by reducing energy consumption, making parts and service movements
better using supply chain, and more importantly making the customer life better by focusing on
quality and customer satisfaction
The mission of the Industrial Engineering at ALHOSN is to produce Industrial Engineering graduates
with the creativity, knowledge and skills they need to design, model, analyze, implement, improve
and manage production systems and to attain excellence in industrial engineering education while
providing an accredited undergraduate program of study in the discipline, thus preparing students for
successful careers in the field of industrial engineering.
The Industrial Engineering program aims to produce graduates who have the knowledge and ability to
design and conduct experiments, to analyze and interpret data, to analyze and develop alternative
solutions to problems, and to design systems, components, or processes to satisfy defined needs and
1. The Program is designed to provide its graduates good communication skills, a thorough
understanding of professional and ethical responsibilities, and the ability to be effective and
efficient in multi-disciplinary teams.
2. The ability to self-learn and the conviction that university education is only the beginning of
a life-long learning commitment are important characteristics that the Program focuses to instill
in students.
3. The Program reinforces the concept of life-long learning by promoting creativity,
resourcefulness, team cooperation, and active participation in class activities.
4. The students are introduced to new and emerging technologies by faculty who are active in
engineering research and development.
Since Industrial Engineering is a versatile discipline, it leads to careers in a wide range of
specializations in industry, academe, and even in non-technical areas. With this in mind, the objective of
the program is to provide a high-quality education in Industrial engineering for those who wish to
pursue professional careers in engineering or to advance their education at the graduate level. To
ensure that students develop strong communication skills, they are expected, throughout the program, to
communicate in a professional manner by making presentations, writing memoranda and reports, and
collaborating in team activities.
The Department believes that engineers must be conscientious and good citizens of the world. Thus,
the needs of the society, physically-challenged individuals, and the environment are given paramount
importance in the Program. This attitude is reflected in all courses offered, as well as in the student
design projects. In all components of the Industrial Engineering program, the impact of engineering
on society and the environment is discussed to ensure that the students develop an appreciation of
these issues from a global and social perspective, and are capable of dealing with them in a responsible
and competent manner.
To keep the Program and objectives current and relevant, the Department continuously reviews and
adjusts its curriculum and the content of the courses. The required Internship provides vital engineering
experience and insight to all Industrial Engineering students.
Program Goals
The fundamental premise of the Industrial Engineering program is to provide its students with a broad
and high quality Industrial Engineering education that will enable them to apply the principles of
mathematics, science, and engineering to identify, formulate, and solve engineering problems.
The program provides to its students:
1. A comprehensive education in the first two years in physical sciences, mathematics,
engineering sciences and design.
2. A measure of specialization in the third and fourth year through core and technical
elective courses in the areas of Manufacturing system, Control system, Information system,
Quality assurance, Production engineering/ Management, Engineering design, and International
business management.
3. An exposure to complementary studies subjects including engineering economics, the impact
of technology on society, and communication skills.
4. An exposure to engineering work environments and roles, which is emphasized by the
Industrial Training INTERNSHIP.
Program Educational Objectives
Consistent with its commitment to provide its graduates with a solid foundation in mathematical,
scientific and industrial engineering broad-based knowledge, systematic thinking and effective
communication skills, and develop their engineering creativity and curiosity, professional ethics, as
well as an environmental and a societal consciousness that will serve them throughout their lifetime,
graduates of the Industrial Engineering Program at ALHOSN University are expected to be able to:
PEO-1: Practice their Industrial Engineering profession with professionalism and ethical
responsibilities and use effective communication and teamwork for excellence.
PEO-2: Demonstrate the broad nature of industrial engineering disciplines, research, find more
information when needed, self-learn and show that university education is only the
beginning of a lifelong learning process.
PEO-3: Pursue successful careers in their profession or graduate studies if so desired.
Program Outcomes
The undergraduate industrial Engineering curriculum includes a foundation of mathematics, physics,
and chemistry. Engineering courses in fundamental areas constitute the core of the remaining
curriculum. Several technical electives allow the undergraduate student to specialize somewhat or to
pursue broader understanding. An internship program embeds the junior students to real-world
working engineering environments. A senior capstone design experience culminates the curriculum.
The articulated BSIE program outcomes shall lead to the satisfaction of all program educational
objectives and embed ABET outcomes (a-k) and the industrial engineering program criteria. Upon
completion of the BSIE Program, graduates shall have:
PO-A: an ability to apply knowledge of mathematics, science, and engineering [ABET (a)]
PO-B: an ability to design and conduct experiments, as well as to analyze and interpret data
[ABET (b)]
PO-C: an ability to design a system, component, or process to meet desired needs within realistic
constraints such as economic, environmental, social, political, ethical, health and safety,
manufacturability, and sustainability [ABET (c)]
PO-D: an ability to function on multidisciplinary teams [ABET (d)]
PO-E: an ability to identify, formulate, and solve engineering problems [ABET (e)]
PO-F: an understanding of professional and ethical responsibility of industrial engineers [ABET
PO-G: an ability to communicate effectively [ABET (g)]
PO-H: the broad education necessary to understand the impact of engineering solutions in a
global, economic, environmental, and societal context [ABET (h)]
PO-I: a recognition of the need for, and an ability to engage in life-long learning [ABET (i)]
PO-J: a knowledge of contemporary issues [ABET (j)]
PO-K: an ability to use the techniques, skills, and modern engineering tools necessary for
engineering practice [ABET (k)]
PO-L: an ability to design, develop, implement, and improve integrated systems that include
people, materials, information, equipment and energy [ABET Specific IE program criterion].
Main Careers of IE’s?
Industrial engineers determine the most effective ways for an organization to make a product or
provide a service. They design, improve, and install systems of people, materials, information,
equipment, and energy. Industrial engineers are the bridge between management goals and operational
performance because they are concerned with increasing productivity through the management of
people, methods of business, and technology. Industrial engineers often move into top management
positions because of their management skills and holistic view of the organization. They work for just
about any business or company that wants a better product or deliver a better service. Many IE’s start
their companies or go into consulting. Industrial engineering is challenging, rewarding, and full of
There are many professional choices for IE’s such as:
Process engineer: define proper work methods and processes and ways to measure the
performance of these processes. In addition, perform continuous improvement activities to
improve capacity and solve problems.
Quality/Reliability engineer: verifying that products and services meet customer requirement
over the useful life of the product.
Operations engineer/manager: utilizing all resources efficiently and effectively with cost
and performance in mind. The need for operation engineers is on the rise: starting from plants,
hospitals, hotels, and educational systems.
Production engineer: optimization of incoming and outgoing material including in-house
inventory, managing resources, and maintaining schedules to meet required production and
distribution schedules.
Manufacturing engineer: work on developing and optimizing methods to manufacture products.
Safety, human factor or ergonomics engineer: look for better ways to design products, tools
and processes according to human capability.
Project manager: manage projects by mapping out who does what, when, and how it can be
done more efficiently. Form and direct teams to work toward a specific task and objectives.
Supply chain engineers: manage supplier relationships, supplier cost and performance, and
work with outsourcing to ensure product or service quality, delivery and cost are on target.
Strategic planning engineer: develop long range planning models and identify anticipated
investments, develop preliminary financial impacts including profitability and ROI.
Financial engineer: determine production and service cost, forecast and develop budgets,
and perform cost benefit analysis for prospective projects.
Industrial Training/Internship
The BSIE degree includes a mandatory training/internship component of one summer semester at the
end of the third year of the program (at least 4-week duration full-time or equivalent). This training
provides practical on-the-job experience to compliment the university classroom studies. The
training/internship is an integral component of the degree program. This work experience helps
students develop an understanding of the industry that will need them in their professional capacity in
the near future. It will allow students to see the transition between the classroom and the field and
creates an aptitude so they can see the big picture of the industry that they will be required to serve
and lead. The industrial training/internship program has the specific objective of providing students
with the ability to function within the engineering community and the society at large and to lead the
society in developing technologies that are environmentally sustainable and socially responsible.
Through this program, students will acquire first-hand knowledge of the modus operandi of companies
and ascertain the value of their theoretical knowledge when applied to real-world situations. This will
create a unique opportunity for students to demonstrate their ability as a professional engineer and
secure a track record before even graduating.
Admission Requirements
In addition to ALHOSN University general requirements the Industrial Engineering program has
explicit admissions and retention policies consistent with high quality undergraduate studies. In
particular, the grades achieved by candidate students in math and sciences will be critical in granting
admission on a competitive basis. In all cases, a minimum grade of 65% in math and sciences is
strictly required for admission.
Students with math and science grades at 60% level could be accepted on probation for a period of
one year. The students on probation must maintain a minimum of C (2.0) average during the
probation period of one year in order to remove the probation status.
The Bachelor of Industrial engineering requires a minimum total of 127 Credit Hours (+ labs) broken
down as follows:
1. University General Requirements (27 credit hours):
21 credits of compulsory courses, and 06 credit hours of elective courses;
2. Faculty Requirements (41 credit hours):
35 credits of compulsory courses, and 6 credits of math/basic science selected elective courses;
3. Program Requirements (59 credit hours):
50 credits of compulsory courses, and 9 credits of technical elective courses (list provided
The following table shows the courses according to the semesters they are offered.
Global Knowledge with Local Vision
BSIE Eight Semester Study Plan
BSIE Course Title
First Semester (Fall)
FAS 108
FAS 101
FAS 102/109
FES 111
FES 102
FAS 103
FBA 100
FES 103
FAS 120
FAS 106
FES 220
FES 230
FES 202
FES 201
FES 240
IND 212
FES 203
FES 270
FES 231
FES 241
FES xxx
IND 301
IND 303
IND 305
IND 307
FES xxx
IND 312
IND 314
IND 316
IND 318
UGR 901
IND xxx
IND 499
IND 401
IND 403
IND 405
IND 407
IND xxx
UGR 902
IND 412
IND 414
IND 416
IND 418
IND xxx
Communication Skills (English)
Communication Skills (Arabic) or Human Rights in Law and Shari’ah
Programming I
Calculus I
Second Semester (Spring)
Islamic Culture
Introduction to Economics
Calculus II
Scientific and Technical Writing
History of Sciences
First Semester (Fall)
Engineering Chemistry
Fundamentals of Physics
Introduction to Statistics
Matrix Algebra for Engineers
Engineering Fundamentals
Second Semester (Spring)
Engineering Design and Drafting
Statistics for Engineers
Materials Science
Laboratory in Engineering Fundamentals
Math/Science Selected Elective I
First Semester (Fall)
Engineering Economics
Work Analysis and Ergonomics
Manufacturing Processes
Math/Science Selected Elective II
Second Semester (Spring)
Introduction to Engineering Management
Algorithms and Web-based Systems
Electric Circuits
Facilities Design
UGR Elective I
Technical Elective I
Industrial Engineering Internship
First Semester (Fall)
Operations Research
Modeling and Simulation
Quality Assurance
Capstone Design
Technical Elective II
UGR Elective II
Second Semester (Spring)
Production and Inventory Systems
Project Management
Computer-Aided Manufacturing
Law and Professionalism
Technical Elective III
Total Credit Hours for BSIE Program: 127
BSIE Elective Courses
Selective Elective courses aim at providing students with a broad flexibility for their individual
development in math and basic sciences. A total of 6 hours of selected electives is required
University General Requirement Elective courses aim at enriching the student’s global perspective
and intellectual level. A total of 6 hours of UGR is required
Technical Elective courses aim at providing the student a method, technique and/or skill as a
complement to Industrial Engineering. Special care must be taken for the course to be selected as
“Complementary” so that its content does not coincide with an IE course. (New courses other than
stated below are evaluated accordingly).
A total of 9 hours of technical electives is required, of which 6 hours must be industrial engineering
courses. The choice of courses to be taken must be made in consultation with the student’s advisor.
Technical Electives (IE)
Course Code
Course Description
IND 452
Decision Systems
IND 454
Risk Assessment
IND 460
Product Design and Development
IND 462
Statistical Models and Design of Experiments
IND 471
IND 472
Logistics and Supply Chain Management
IND 473
Financial Engineering
IND 475
Safety Engineering
Course Descriptions
IND 212 Engineering Design and Drafting (2 = 1 + 1)
Co-requisite: FAS 120
Introduction to design: role of design in engineering, problem analysis, conceptual design and analysis, systems
approach and detailed design including design for product life cycle. Technical drawing in compliance with
engineering standards: orthographic and auxiliary views, sections, dimensioning and tolerancing, assembly and
working drawings. Sketching and CAD-based methods. A team-based design project will provide an overview of
real design situations.
IND 301 Engineering Economics (3 = 3 + 0)
Prerequisite: FBA 100
Engineering economic decision making based on comparisons of the worth of alternative courses of action with
respect to expected costs and benefits. Topics to be covered include comparison methods of present, annual worth
of cash flow, and internal, external rates of return, depreciation, taxes, inflation and replacement analysis.
IND 303 Work Analysis and Design (3 = 2 + 1)
Prerequisite: IND 212
General IE functions are introduced. Operation process chart, flow process chart, flow diagram, worker and
machine process chart, and gang process chart are considered as recording and analysis tools. Principles of motion
economy and motion study are discussed for manual work design. Work measurement tools covered include
predetermined time systems: MTM-1, MTM-2, MTM-3, Maynard Operation Sequence Technique (MOST) and
introduction to computer-based MOST; time-study systems: fundamentals of continuous and snap-back techniques
for stop-watch, datamyte and palm- pilots; and analytical systems: work sampling and standard data development.
A work-system design project is introduced requiring the integration and analysis of the topics covered.
IND 305 Manufacturing Processes (3 = 2 + 1)
Prerequisites: FES 240, FES 270
An overview of manufacturing processes and methods with emphasis on understanding of the physical
fundamentals of processes. The course will cover Material Removal Processes, Metal- Casting Processes and
Equipment, Forming and Shaping processes and Shaping Processes for Plastics. Introduction to areas of
Engineering Metrology, Quality control, and related subjects. Labs will be used to demonstrate the operation and
capabilities of machine tools and devices used in engineering Metrology.
IND 307 Thermofluids (3 = 2 + 1)
Prerequisite: FES 231
The scope and limitations of thermodynamics, macroscopic-approach heat, work, energy and first law.
Properties and state of simple substances and fluids. Control-mass and control-volume energy analysis. The
second law of thermodynamics, entropy limiting cycle efficiencies, criteria for equilibrium. Conservation
equations for the flow of fluids. Application to one dimensional fluid flow.
IND 312 Introduction to Engineering Management (3 = 3 + 0)
Co-requisite: FAS 120
This study of the theories and practices of Management begins with an understanding of the environment in
which they operate. This includes the task of the worker, the typical industrial organization, the formation and
operation of a trade union. Case studies and in-plant assignments may be employed. The latest management
theories and applications will be examined. The Japanese industrial organization and the new role of Management
will be studied.
IND 314 Algorithms and Web-Based Systems (3 = 2 + 1)
Prerequisites: FES 111, FES 201
The first part of this course is concerned with the design and analysis of algorithms. Topics include algorithm
analysis and design, data structures, basic algorithms for searching and sorting, recursion, list processing. The
second part of this course is an introduction to web programming. Topics include HTML fundamentals.
Assignments will involve programming online search routines and web-based industrial engineering applications.
IND 316 Electric Circuits (3 = 2 + 1)
Prerequisite: FES 230
Fundamentals of electricity and electronics for non-electrical engineering students. Passive electrical components
and electrical power sources. Characteristics of electric circuits, both d.c. and a.c. Circuit analysis and theorems.
Steady-state, transient, and resonant modes. Dependant sources and amplifiers. The operational amplifier in various
small-signal and large-signal situations. Instrumentation applications using resistive input transducers
IND 318 Facilities Design (3 = 3 + 0)
Prerequisites: IND 303, IND 305
Principles and practices in layout and material handling for design of industrial and service facilities. Analytical
treatment of facilities location, physical layout, material flow and handling. Integration of product, process and
functional design of facilities. Use of design projects for applying fundamental concepts.
IND 401 Operations Research I (3 = 2 + 1)
Prerequisite: IND 314
Study of the basic principles of Operations Research with special emphasis on the paradigms associated with
linear programming and queuing theory. These include generic modeling; mathematical modeling; the “max”,
“min”, and “mixed case” simplex algorithms; sensitivity analysis; duality; “assignment”, “transportation” and
“trans-shipment” models; and basic principles and models associated with queuing or “waiting-line” problems.
IND 403 Modeling and Simulation (3 = 2 + 1)
Prerequisites: FES 203, IND 314
Simulation models of discrete and continuous, deterministic and stochastic systems in terms of procedural
behaviors. Dynamic simulation models will also be studied. Formulating and implementing simulation models,
verification and validation of models, analysis of input and output data, statistical techniques for comparing
alternative systems. Computer simulation languages and simulators will be introduced.
IND 405 Quality Assurance (3 = 3 + 0)
Prerequisites: FES 203, IND 312
Introduction to the design of experiments as well as statistical quality control. Topics on experimental design
include single-factor experiments, block designs, factorial designs, 2-factor experiments and Taguchi’s approach
to parameter design. Topics on quality control include product flow chart, cause- effect diagram, Pareto Analysis,
statistical process control, acceptance sampling and Taguchi’s approach to quality.
IND 499 Industrial Training/ Internship (0 = 0 + 0)
Prerequisite: 3rd Year Level
The Internship course is specifically designed to assimilate students into the industrial culture before even they
graduate. Students must spend at least four (4) weeks (full-time) working in a position, either compensated or
not, with an organization approved by the Faculty from the start of an academic semester. Students must submit an
internship report when the internship is completed. The course is graded as Pass/Fail.
IND 407 Capstone Design (3 = 2 + 1)
Prerequisite: 90 Credit Hours
Requires completion of an approved independent project under the supervision of a faculty member. Students are
required to demonstrate the ability to integrate the information and the skills accumulated in their industrial
engineering program courses through rigorous written and oral communications. Students must prepare a
written report and present a seminar describing the work to the examination committee.
IND 412 Production and Inventory Systems (3 = 3 + 0)
Prerequisites: IND 312, IND 318
Features of production/service systems, methods of modeling their operation and their control system. Topics
include aggregate planning, forecasting techniques, work-force and operations scheduling and material
requirement planning. Models and techniques for managing inventory systems. The deterministic and stochastic
inventory models and lot sizing in continuous and periodic review systems will be included. Analytical
approaches in the solution of system problems will be studied.
IND 414 Project Management (3 = 3 + 0)
Prerequisites: IND 301, IND 312
Examination of the fundamentals of project management using a life-cycle approach, from idea generation to
termination/close phase. Human, mathematical, engineering and managerial issues surrounding project
management. Project screening and selection, evaluation methods of projects, project structures, management and
control, project scheduling, resource management, life-cycle costing, research and development projects, computer
support for project management, and project termination.
IND 416 Computer Aided Manufacturing (3 = 2 + 1)
Prerequisite: IND 305
Integration of automation components into manufacturing systems. Topics include actuators, sensors,
computerized data acquisition (including vision systems), automated guided vehicle systems, automated storage
and retrieval systems, robots and their peripheral equipment. Analysis and discussion of operational issues in
computer integrated manufacturing.
IND 418 Law and Professionalism (3 = 3 + 0)
Prerequisite: 4th Year Level
Study and analysis of the engineering profession, business corporations and organization, Tort liability and
contract law, legal and ethical aspects of engineering practice, business contract law and conflict resolution,
intellectual and industrial property, employment and labor law including occupational health and safety, WHMIS,
corporate social responsibility, environmental considerations and sustainable development, international standards
and trade. Topics will be tailored to local conditions.
Technical Electives
IND 452 Decision Systems (3 = 2 + 1)
Prerequisites: FES 203, IND 301
Analytical approaches to decision-making. Topics to be covered include decision structuring, influence diagrams,
decision trees, subjective probability, utility theory, multiple objective decision- making, and multiple participant
decision making.
IND 454 Risk Assessment (3 = 2 + 1)
Prerequisites: FES 203, IND 301
Introduction of reliability engineering and risk assessment for engineering systems. Topics to be covered include
reliability functions, reliability distributions, analysis of failure data, reliability of systems, probabilistic risk
assessment, design for reliability, maintenance, reliability testing, and organizational aspects of engineering system
IND 460 Product Design and Development (3 = 2 + 1)
Prerequisites: IND 212, IND 305
The ability to develop new products and bring them successfully to the highly competitive and paced market is a
critical capability for all companies nowadays. This course covers modern tools and methods for product design
and development. Topics include identifying customer needs, concept generation, product architecture,
industrial design, design-for manufacturing, and intellectual property.
IND 462 Statistical Models and Design of Experiments (3 = 3 + 0)
Prerequisite: FES 203
Descriptive and Inferential Statistics, Data Representation, Probability Theory and Random Distributions, Point
and Interval Estimations, Hypothesis Testing, Analysis of Variance, Randomized Blocks, Latin Squares and
Related Designs, Incomplete Block Designs, Factorial Designs, Fractional Factorial Designs, Regression Analysis
and Goodness of Fit Tests, Response Surface Methods, Taguchi Methods - Loss Function and Optimization.
IND 471 E-Commerce (3 = 0 + 3)
Prerequisite: IND 314
This course focuses on the evolution of electronic commerce where business is conducted between organizations
and individuals relying primarily on digital media and transmission. Participants investigate the opportunities and
challenges of exchanging goods and services over communications networks as well as the manner in which
relationships are being reshaped. New forms of business arrangements are also examined. Course activities are
designed to provide both managerial and entrepreneurial assessments of anticipated advances in information
technology with respect to business systems and electronic markets.
IND 472 Logistics and Supply Chain Management (3 = 3 + 0)
Co-requisite: IND 401
This course examines logistics systems that support the physical supply of raw and semi-finished materials to
a firm, the planning and control of operations, and the delivery of the products or services up to the final
customers, with the objective of achieving a sustainable competitive advantage and optimizing the value and the
long-term performance of the firm and the supply chain as a whole. The focus will be on the design, planning,
organization and control of the associated activities. The following topics will be covered: supply chain
structure, objectives and evaluation drivers and metrics, network design and facility location in a supply chain,
demand and sales forecasting, aggregate planning, planning and managing inventory in a supply chain
transportation operations, sourcing and procurement, pricing, and information technologies in supply chain
IND 473 Financial Engineering (3 = 3 + 0)
Prerequisite: IND 301
Financial Engineering is the tailoring of cash flows over time to be as desirable as possible. This involves the
scientific design of financial products which are traded in the financial markets. This course aims to introduce
students to the investment process and financial markets, and explain how Financial Engineering is applied to
structure an important class of financial securities. Specifically, the course will focus on pricing and portfolio
composition of fixed-income securities (e.g. bonds) involving “deterministic” cash flows and financial
instruments modeled as single- period random cash flows (e.g. stocks). The course will also provide the students
with a good exposure to areas such as mathematical modeling, optimization, probability, and, more generally, to
finance, and operations research.
IND 475 Safety Engineering (3 = 3 + 0)
Prerequisites: FES 203, FES 230
Occupational safety engineering and management with emphasis on control of hazardous materials, safety
considerations in production facility design and maintenance, operation of effective safety programs, and systems
safety analysis techniques.
Faculty and Teaching Staff for Industrial Engineering are listed after Mechanical Engineering.
Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering (BSME)
Mechanical engineering is a discipline of engineering that applies the principles of physics and
materials science for analysis, design, manufacturing, and maintenance of mechanical systems. This
branch of engineering involves the production and usage of heat and mechanical power for the design,
production, and operation of machines and tools.
Mechanical engineering is one of the oldest and broadest engineering disciplines. The field has
continually evolved to incorporate advancements in technology, and mechanical engineers today are
pursuing developments in such fields as composites, mechatronics, and nanotechnology.
Mechanical engineers must have a solid understanding of mathematics and physics, and become
conversant in fields such as design, mechanics, kinematics, thermodynamics, fluid mechanics, and
energy theory. They conceive, plan, design, implement, optimize, and direct the manufacture,
distribution, and operation of a wide variety of devices, machines, and systems -including complex
human-machine systems- for energy conversion, bio-fuel production, environmental control, materials
processing and handling, transportation, biomedical applications, and other purposes.
Mechanical engineers find a wide variety of career opportunities in industry, government, and
education. Mechanical engineers form an integral part of most industries, including aerospace firms,
energy companies, automobile manufacturers, health care providers, food- and metal-processing
industries, petroleum refineries, electronic and computer manufacturers, heavy construction and
agricultural vehicle manufacturers, wind turbine manufacturers, thermal comfort equipment firms, farm
equipment firms, consulting and construction companies, to name just a few!
The mission of the Mechanical Engineering Program is to provide high-quality education, research
and service to prepare graduates for successful and diverse careers in mechanical engineering and
related fields. Employing student-centered and collaborative educational strategies, the program
strives to prepare graduates to address the evolving needs of society, engage in leadership and be
creative agents for the development of a more competitive, innovative, and sustainable industry in the
United Arab Emirates and the Region.
Because mechanical engineering encompasses so much, it is often the case that as you reach the end of
your time at university, you become more specialized in a certain area of mechanical engineering.
There are three main different areas of emphasis in mechanical engineering: thermal fluid applications,
machine and product design, and materials science and processing. The mechanical engineering
program at ALHOSN University drives from these main areas and offers specializations in the
Thermo-fluids and Energy – Emphasizes air quality control, energy production and
conversion, and sustainability. The nuclear engineering basket focuses on the design,
operation, control and safety of nuclear reactors, and nuclear waste management.
Instrumentation and Control – This area of concentration emphasizes modeling, sensing
and control of dynamic processes in engineering systems, and reliability.
Materials and Manufacturing – This area of concentration emphasizes topics in mechanics
of materials, advanced manufacturing and quality control.
Program Goals
The fundamental premise of the Mechanical Engineering Program is to provide its students with
a broad and high quality education in mechanical engineering that will enable them to apply the
principles of mathematics, science, and engineering to identify, formulate, and solve
engineering problems. The goals of the Mechanical Engineering Program are to:
PG-1: Provide high quality education in mechanical engineering by continuously pursuing the
best teaching methods, facilities and the state-of-the-art technologies; and produce
well-rounded mechanical engineering graduates with a strong theoretical and
applications background, whose analytical, design and laboratory experiences and
communication skills make them attractive to industry both in local and international
set- ups.
PG-2: Equip graduates with abilities to work logically, accurately, ethically and efficiently,
generate new knowledge, ideas or products and implement these solutions in practice,
and to enhance their careers through life-long learning; whether through learning from
others, self-study, continuing education courses or workshops, or through formal
graduate level education and encourage others to have this same motivation.
PG-3: Provide technical expertise and training to industry and government agencies, support for
high quality faculty research to contribute to the expansion of knowledge and ensure
high quality education, set and maintain the program’s regional and international
Program Educational Objectives
Consistent with its commitment to provide its graduates with a solid foundation in mathematical,
scientific and mechanical engineering broad-based knowledge, systematic thinking and effective
communication skills, and develop their engineering creativity and curiosity, professional ethics,
as well as an environmental and a societal consciousness that will serve them throughout their
lifetime, graduates of the Mechanical Engineering Program at ALHOSN University are expected
to be able to:
PEO-1: Pursue successful careers as mechanical engineers and/or advanced studies in
mechanical engineering or related fields.
PEO-2: Use their broad base of knowledge and systematic thinking to be creative and effective
problems solvers; design, analyze, test, and implement mechanical systems and
PEO-3: Communicate effectively with a wide range of audiences, use modern engineering
tools, perform well in (multidisciplinary) teams, have a commitment to life- long
learning and motivation towards continued professional development.
PEO-4: Commit to the highest standards of ethical practice, understand the social, cultural and
global environment, and serve society effectively.
PEO-5: Research, acquire, use the tools and skills necessary for promoting diverse, healthy
and sustainable industrial/economic endeavors.
Program Outcomes
The undergraduate Mechanical Engineering curriculum includes a foundation of mathematics, physics,
and chemistry. Engineering courses in fundamental areas constitute the core of the remaining
curriculum. Several technical electives allow the undergraduate student to specialize somewhat or to
pursue broader understanding. An internship program embeds the junior students to real-world
working engineering environments. A senior capstone design experience culminates the curriculum.
The articulated BSME program outcomes shall lead to the satisfaction of all program educational
objectives and embed ABET outcomes (a-k) and the mechanical engineering program criteria. Upon
completion of AHU Mechanical Engineering Program, graduates shall have:
PO-A: an ability to apply knowledge of mathematics (including multivariable calculus, differential
equations, linear algebra and statistics), science (including chemistry and in-depth calculusbased physics) and engineering fundamentals to mechanical engineering problems [ABET
PO-B: an ability to design and conduct experiments as well as to analyze and interpret data
[ABET (b)]
PO-C: an ability to design thermal and mechanical systems, component or processes to meet
desired needs within realistic constraints such as economic, environmental, social,
political, ethical, health and safety, manufacturability, and sustainability [ABET (c)]
PO-D: an ability to function on multi-disciplinary teams in professional settings, as individual
contributor and sometimes in a leadership role [ABET (d)]
an ability to identify, formulate and solve engineering problems [ABET (e)]
an understanding of professional and ethical responsibility [ABET (f)]
an ability to communicate effectively with a wide range of audiences with written, oral and
visual means within the context of mechanical engineering practice [ABET (g)]
the broad education necessary to understand the impact of engineering solutions in a
global, economic, environmental, and societal context [ABET (h)]
a recognition of the need for, and an ability to engage in life-long learning [ABET (i)]
a knowledge of contemporary issues and an awareness of current best practices in
mechanical engineering and a recognition of the need and an ability to engage in
entrepreneurial activities [ABET (j, f, h, k)]
an ability to use the techniques, skills, and modern engineering tools necessary for
engineering practice [ABET (k)]
Overall perhaps the greatest single reason for studying mechanical engineering is that students
become well prepared for employment in a very wide range of exciting industries including aerospace,
automotive, chemical industry, computers, electronics, fossil and nuclear power, manufacturing,
pharmaceuticals, robotics, and textiles.
Mechanical engineers find employment in eight broad classifications within the field: research,
development, design, testing and evaluation, production and manufacturing, operation and maintenance,
marketing and sales, and administration. The breadth of the mechanical engineering program also
provides for greater mobility for career shifts later in life.
Program Outlook
The mechanical engineering curriculum is a four-year program (133 credit hours course work plus a
compulsory internship/industrial training of two credit hours) leading to a Bachelor of Science
Mechanical Engineering; many courses have a hands-on laboratory component.
This undergraduate program combines a broad-based education in the engineering sciences (mechanics,
materials, fluid and thermal sciences, systems, and control) with a strong grounding in quantitative,
problem-solving, design, and communications skills. By emphasizing both analytical and creative
methods, the program intends to give students the broad skills set they need to pursue their goals;
whether that means working as engineers, founding a company, or continuing on to graduate studies
and research.
Many courses throughout the curriculum incorporate design projects into the classroom experience.
After their junior year, students participate in a summer internship program that requires them to work in
an engineering environment for no less than four weeks (full-time) or equivalent. Before graduation, all
students complete a yearlong (2 terms) senior design project plus an internship.
The mechanical engineering is built to help students develop independence, creative talent, and
leadership, as well as the capability for continuing professional growth.
Following is a broad outlook of the 4-year program:
Year 1: Students will be exposed to general education of university requirement courses in order for
them to develop the aptitude for higher education. Specifically, they will be involved in calculus I and
II, engineering chemistry, waves, optics and modern physics, engineering design and drawing,
communication skills, scientific and technical writing, history of science, human rights in law and
shari’ah and an exploratory engineering course; i.e. laboratory in engineering fundamentals.
Year 2: Students will be engaged in a number of mathematics, physics, mechanics, and engineering
courses. In particular, they will be involved in differential equations and linear algebra, calculus III,
statistics, electromagnetism, electric circuits and devices, statics and dynamics, mechanics of materials,
materials science, as well as engineering thermodynamics I, programming, and introduction to
economics or introduction to entrepreneurship.
Year 3: Students will begin to specialize in mechanical engineering. They will be exposed to the
following: manufacturing processes, fluid mechanics, machine design, engineering thermodynamics II,
numerical analysis, systems dynamics and control, engineering economics and accounting, engineering
management and marketing, an introductory course in nuclear engineering and two technical elective
Year 4: Students will complete their mechanical engineering requirements. They will be exposed to
the following topics: kinematics and dynamics of mechanisms, heat and mass transfer, Islamic
culture, ethics, and four more technical electives in the areas of instrumentation and control, thermofluid and energy, materials and manufacturing. The students will attend the internship program either
during the summer leading to (or during) the fall of the fourth year. They will complete their
curriculum with the capstone design projects I and II.
Industrial Training/Internship
The BSME degree includes a mandatory training/internship component of one summer semester at the
end of the third year of the program (at least 4-week duration full-time or equivalent). This training
provides practical on-the-job experience to compliment the university classroom studies. The
training/internship is an integral component of the degree program. This work experience helps
students develop an understanding of the industry that will need them in their professional capacity in
the near future. It will allow students to see the transition between the classroom and the field and
creates an aptitude so they can see the big picture of the industry that they will be required to serve
and lead. The industrial training/internship program has the specific objective of providing students
with the ability to function within the engineering community and the society at large and to lead the
society in developing technologies that are environmentally sustainable and socially responsible.
Through this program, students will acquire first-hand knowledge of the modus operandi of companies
and ascertain the value of their theoretical knowledge when applied to real-world situations. This will
create a unique opportunity for students to demonstrate their ability as a professional engineer and
secure a track record before even graduating.
Admission Requirements
In addition to ALHOSN University general requirements the mechanical engineering program has
explicit admissions and retention policies consistent with high quality undergraduate studies. As a
new born program, the mechanical engineering program is committed to excellence and its goal is to
attract motivated and up-to-the-challenge students to build a strong reputation. In particular, the
grades achieved in math and sciences will be critical in granting admission on a competitive basis;
with a minimum grade of 65% in math and sciences strictly required. Moreover candidate students
will have to demonstrate their inclination/interest for science and engineering in an admission
Students with math and science grades at 60% level and demonstrated interest for the mechanical
engineering profession could be accepted on probation for a period of one year. The students on
probation must maintain a minimum of C (2.0) average during the probation period of one year in
order to remove the probation status.
The Bachelor of mechanical engineering requires a minimum total of 135 Credit Hours (+ labs):
1. University General Requirements (21 credit hours):
15 credits of compulsory courses, and 6 credit hours of elective courses;
2. Faculty Requirements (35 credit hours):
35 credits of compulsory courses, and 0 credits of math/basic science selected elective courses;
3. Program Requirements (79 credit hours):
59 credits of compulsory courses, 18 credits of technical elective courses, and 2 credits for internship.
The following table shows the courses according to the semesters they are offered.
BSME Eight Semester Study Plan
Course Code
BSME Course Title
First Semester (Fall)
FAS 101
FAS 102/109
FES 102
FES 201
FES 220
FES 241
FAS 106
MEC 121
FES 103
FES 234
FAS 120
FES 202
MEC 215
FES 206
FES 236
MEC 213
FES 111
FBA 100/102
FES 207
FES 270
MEC 222
MEC 223
MEC 221
MEC 314
MEC 315
MEC 311
MEC 313
MEC 312
MEC xxx
MEC 325
MEC 324
MEC 321
MEC 322
MEC 323
MEC xxx
MEC 499
MEC 412
MEC xxx
MEC xxx
MEC 401
MEC 413
FAS 103
FAS 108
MEC xxx
MEC xxx
MEC 402
Communication Skills (English)
Communication Skills (Arabic) or Human Rights in Law and Shari’ah
Calculus I
Matrix Algebra for Engineers
Engineering Chemistry
Laboratory in Engineering Fundamentals
Second Semester (Spring)
History of Science
Engineering Design and Drawing
Calculus II
Physics I: Waves, Optics and Modern Physics
Scientific and Technical Writing
First Semester (Fall)
Introduction to Statistics
Engineering Thermodynamics I
Calculus III
Physics II: Electricity and Magnetism
Programming I
Second Semester (Spring)
Introduction to Economics or Introduction to Entrepreneurship
Differential Equations and Applications
Materials Science
Electric Circuits and Devices
Mechanics of Materials
First Semester (Fall)
Engineering Economics and Accounting
Numerical Analysis in Mechanical Engineering
Manufacturing Processes
Nuclear Engineering Fundamentals
Fluid Mechanics I
Technical Elective I
Second Semester (Spring)
Engineering Management and Marketing
Engineering Thermodynamics II
Machine Design
System Dynamics and Control
Fluid Mechanics II
Technical Elective II
Mechanical Engineering Internship
First Semester (Fall)
Kinematics and Dynamics of Mechanisms
Technical Elective III
Technical Elective IV
Capstone Design Project I
Heat and Mass Transfer
Second Semester (Spring)
Islamic Culture
Technical Elective V
Technical Elective VI
Capstone Design Project II
Total Credit Hours for BSME Program: 135
BSME Labs and Projects
(1*) The course has a lab component of less than 1 addition to the lecture hours (usually 5 to 7
labs of 2 hours each).
N.B. MEC 401 and 402 do not carry regular lab/lecture hours and project teams meet at least once
every week with their advisor. A weekly average of 3-4 hours of workshop and/or research work is
required per credit hour of each capstone design course.
The BSME program consists of university general requirement courses (21 credit hours), faculty
requirement courses (35 credits hours), mechanical engineering program core courses (59 credit
hours) and mechanical engineering technical elective courses (18 credit hours) and a 2-credit hour
industrial training/internship.
Technical Electives
Technical Elective courses allow the undergraduate student to specialize somewhat or to pursue
broader understanding. They aim at providing the student a method, technique and/or skill as a
complement to core mechanical engineering. There is great care to exercise in the choice of technical
electives and students are strongly encouraged to make their choices in consultation with their
academic advisor. In choosing the technical electives, all three areas of concentration namely thermofluid and energy, instrumentation and control and, materials and manufacturing should be covered. A
maximum of 12 credit hours can originate from the same basket. The list of the technical elective
courses will be regularly revisited to allow the program stay current with contemporary issues,
industry/society needs, economic trends, and advances in areas of competency.
Course Code
Course Description
Thermo-Fluid and Energy
MEC 406
Atomic and Nuclear Physics
MEC 430
Refrigeration and Air Conditioning
MEC 431
Air Conditioning Systems
MEC 436
MEC 440
Thermal and Mechanical
MEC 441
Environmental Effects of Radiation
MEC 442
Nuclear Plant Operation and
MEC 443
Fluid Power Systems
MEC 444
Sustainable and Alternative Energy
MEC 445
Selected Topics
MEC 450
Mechanical Vibrations and Control
MEC 454
Maintenance and Reliability
MEC 455
Mechanical Engineering
MEC 456
Engineering Acoustics and
MEC 460
Selected Topics
Instrumentation and Control
Materials and Manufacturing
MEC 472
Advanced Manufacturing Processes
MEC 473
Manufacturing System Automation
MEC 474
Failure of Mechanical
MEC 481
Quality Control
MEC 485
Selected Topics
Course Descriptions
Core Courses
MEC 121 Engineering Design and Drawing (2 = 1 + 1)
Co-requisite: FAS 120
This course introduces the principles and processes of engineering design and drafting. It explores the role of
design in engineering, difference between product design and system design, steps involved in the traditional
design approach and the concurrent engineering approach from problem identification, conceptual design, and
analysis till final implementation. It introduces the tools used to communicate graphically and explains
visualization in the context of engineering design, shows how to create simple sketches, 2-D and 3-D
geometry and create multi-view and technical drawings in compliance with engineering standards using a
professional CAD software. A team-based design project provides an overview of real design situations.
MEC 213 Statics (3 = 2 + 1)
Prerequisite: FES 103
This course is an introduction to basic concepts in mechanics. Topics include forces, moments of forces,
couples, resultants of force systems; distributed loads; conditions of equilibrium and applications to particles and
rigid bodies in two dimension; analysis of statically determinate structures including beams, trusses and arches;
bending moment and shear force diagrams; dry friction.
MEC 215 Engineering Thermodynamics I (3 = 3 + 0)
Prerequisite: FES 103
This is a basic course in engineering thermodynamics. Topics covered include the global picture of energy,
sources and utilization, energy conversion; economical and environmental aspects; properties and behavior of
pure substances; equation of states for ideal and real gases; compressibility factor; first and second laws of
thermodynamics; control mass and control volume analyses; applications of first and second laws of
thermodynamics to closed systems, open systems and simple thermal cycles.
MEC 221 Mechanics of Materials (3 = 2 + 1)
Prerequisite: MEC 213
This course provides both the theory and application of the fundamental principles of mechanics of materials. It
prepares students to later design machine components, mechanisms, predict failure and understand the physical
properties of materials. It gives the student the basic tools for stress, strain and deformation analysis. Students
study the mechanical behavior of materials under different loadings such as; axial, bending, transverse, shear,
torsion and combined loadings. Stress and strain transformation is discussed. Deflections of beams and columns
are covered. This course will also prepare the students to conduct design of mechanical elements to withstand
both static and dynamic loading. Engineering design concepts are integrated throughout the course.
MEC 222 Electric Circuits and Devices (3 = 2 + 1)
Prerequisite: FES 236
This course covers the fundamentals of electricity and electronics for non-electrical engineering students. Topics
include passive electrical components and electrical power sources, characteristics of electric circuits, both d.c.
and a.c. The course looks at circuit analysis and theorems, steady-state, transient, and resonant modes, and
dependant sources and amplifiers. The operational amplifier is investigated in various small-signal and largesignal situations as well as instrumentation applications using resistive input transducers. DC, synchronous and
induction machines are also introduced.
MEC 223 Dynamics (3 = 2 + 1)
Prerequisite: MEC 213
The objective of the course is to examine the fundamentals concepts of kinematics and kinetics of particles and
rigid bodies. Topics include: kinematics and kinetics of particles, rectilinear and curvilinear motion of particles,
Newton’s second law, work and energy, impulse and momentum, impact, dynamics of systems of particles; planar
kinematics and kinetics of rigid bodies, dependant motions, forces and acceleration, energy and momentum
MEC 311 Manufacturing Processes (3 = 2 + 1)
Prerequisites: FES 270, MEC 213
The course represents an overview of manufacturing processes and methods with emphasis on understanding of
the physical fundamentals of processes. This course aims to provide students with an understanding and
appreciation of the breadth and depth of the field of manufacturing, and the strong interrelationships between
manufacturing processes, product design and material properties. It will introduce some traditional
manufacturing processes such as material removal processes, metal-casting processes and equipments, forming
and shaping processes and shaping processes for plastics. Labs will be used to demonstrate the operation and
capabilities of the manufacturing operations, machine tools and devices used in engineering metrology.
MEC 312 Fluid Mechanics I (3 = 2 + 1)
Prerequisite: MEC 223
This course is an introduction of basic concepts of fluid mechanics. Topics include properties of fluids, force
measurements in hydrostatic conditions, elementary fluid dynamics and Bernoulli equation, differential analysis of
fluid flow, similitude and dimensional analysis.
MEC 313 Nuclear Engineering Fundamentals (3 = 3 + 0)
Prerequisites: FES 234, MEC 215
The purpose of this course is to introduce the students to the fundamental principles of nuclear engineering. The
subjects that will be discussed are historical developments, atomic structure, nuclear structure reactions and
energy; general nuclear reactions, binding energy, fusion and fission; types of nuclear reactors; basic components
of nuclear reactors; radioactivity and radiation detection; protection and shielding; nuclear waste disposal.
MEC 314 Engineering Economics and Accounting (3 = 3 + 0)
Prerequisite: FBA 102
This course focuses on the engineering economic and accounting concepts needed in the design of industrial
engineering systems. The course deals with engineering decision-making based on comparisons of the worth of
alternative courses of action with respect to expected costs and benefits. Comparisons methods based on present
worth of cash flow, simple, internal and external rates of return are studied. Students will learn how to assess
whether the earnings from a project will satisfy investors sufficiently to obtain the capital to build the project.
Other topics covered include depreciation, inflation and replacement decisions. The cost and managerial
accounting concepts are also introduced.
MEC 315 Numerical Analysis in Mechanical Engineering (3 = 2 + 1)
Prerequisite: FES 207
This course introduces the students to the formulation, methodology, and techniques for numerical solution of
engineering problems. It includes elements of error analysis, real roots of an equation, polynomial
approximation by finite difference and least square methods, numerical interpolation, quadrature, numerical
solution of ordinary differential equations, and numerical solutions of systems of linear equations and error and
convergence analysis. Students develop algorithms and implement them in MATLAB, a programming language,
which offers a rich set of capabilities to solve problems in engineering, scientific computing, and mathematical
MEC 321 Machine Design (3 = 3 + 0)
Prerequisites: MEC 121, MEC 221
This course is an introduction to the fundamental elements of mechanical design including load determination,
failure analysis under static and dynamic loads, surface failure and the selection of engineering materials and
manufacturing processes. Consideration is given to the characteristics and selection of machine elements such as
bearings, shafts, couplings, gears and fasteners. The course explores stresses and deflection of engineering
members, statistical considerations in design, steady and variable loading, and the design of screws, fasteners, and
non-permanent joints, as well as welded joints.
MEC 322 System Dynamics and Control (3 = 2 + 1)
Prerequisites: FES 111, MEC 222, MEC 223
This course covers the dynamics of mechanical, fluid, electrical and thermal systems including equations of
motion, dynamic response of elementary systems, transfer functions and pole-zero diagrams. Simulation of the
dynamics of complex systems and the dynamic stability of systems are investigated as well as open and closedloop systems and basic control actions. Laboratory sessions will involve the use of computers for simulation of
dynamic systems and analysis of control systems.
MEC 323 Fluid Mechanics II (3 = 2 + 1)
Prerequisite: MEC 312
This course introduces some intermediate level topics in fluid mechanics. Topics covered include fundamental
equations of viscous flow, steady fully developed flow in ducts, laminar boundary-layer flow, incompressible
turbulent mean flow, inviscid incompressible flow, introduction to hydraulic machinery, introduction to
compressible flow and shock.
MEC 324 Engineering Thermodynamics II (3 = 2 + 1)
Prerequisite: MEC 215
This course covers transient processes; second law analysis; irreversibility and availability; cycles: Rankine,
Brayton and air standard cycles; gas and vapor mixtures; psychometrics and applications to air conditioning,
thermodynamic functions, chemical reactions and applications to combustion processes.
MEC 325 Engineering Management and Marketing (3 = 3 + 0)
Co-requisite: FAS 120
The study of the theories and practices of management begins with an understanding of the environment in which
they operate. This includes the task of the worker, the typical industrial organization, the formation and operation
of a trade union. The latest management theories and applications will be examined. The Japanese industrial
organization and the new role of Management will be studied. In a very concise manner students will also be
introduced to the fundamental concepts and issues underlying marketing today: nature and functions of marketing,
marketing tools, marketing management processes, relationship between marketing and society.
MEC 401 Capstone Design Project I (2 = 0 + 2)
Prerequisite: MEC 323
The capstone course collects various components of the curriculum in a comprehensive engineering experience so
that the basic sciences, mathematics, and engineering sciences which the student has learned in his freshman-tosenior years of study can be integrated and applied. It considers design of a complete project or (part of) system
including establishment of objectives and criteria, formulation of the problem statements, preparation of
specifications, consideration of alternative solutions, feasibility considerations, and detailed engineering designs.
The design should take into consideration appropriate constraints such as economic factors, safety, reliability,
ethics and, environmental and social impact. Submission of a final report and oral presentation before an
examination committee are requisites for the completion of the course.
MEC 402 Capstone Design Project II (4 = 0 + 4)
Prerequisite: MEC 401
This is the continuation of the Capstone Design Project 1. The capstone course collects various components of the
curriculum in a comprehensive engineering experience so that the basic sciences, mathematics, and engineering
sciences which the student has learned in his freshman-to-senior years of study can be integrated and applied. It
considers design of a complete project or (part of) system including establishment of objectives and criteria,
formulation of the problem statements, preparation of specifications, consideration of alternative solutions,
feasibility considerations, and detailed engineering designs. The design should take into consideration appropriate
constraints such as economic factors, safety, reliability, ethics and, environmental and social impact.
Submission of a final report and oral presentation before an examination committee are requisites for the
completion of the course.
MEC 406 Atomic and Nuclear Physics (3 = 3 + 0)
Prerequisite: MEC 313
This course constitutes an optional course in Mechanical engineering department. The aim of this course is to
understand the basic ground-state properties, energetics and macroscopic features of atomic nuclei; to study the
basic constituents of matter and the interactions between them; to provide a basic knowledge of the physics of
atomic nuclei, models of the structure of the nucleus and basic mechanisms of radioactive decay and nuclear
MEC 412 Kinematics and Dynamics of Mechanisms (3 = 3 + 0)
Prerequisite: MEC 322
An introduction to the synthesis and analysis of linkages, cams and gear trains is presented. The design
process is introduced and used to solve unstructured design problems in linkage and cam design. Algebraic and
graphical techniques to analyze the displacement, velocity and acceleration of linkages and cams are developed.
Computer programs for the design and analysis of linkages are used by students. Results of student design projects
are presented in professional engineering reports.
MEC 413 Heat and Mass Transfer (3 = 2 + 1)
Prerequisites: FES 207, MEC 215, MEC 323
This course explains the basic modes of heat transfer and their equations and introduces mass transfer. Topics
covered include conduction heat transfer, convection heat transfer and practical analysis, natural and forced
convection, internal flow, external flow, flow in enclosed spaces, radiation heat transfer; mass transfer.
MEC 499 Mechanical Engineering Internship (2 = 0 + 2)
Prerequisite: MEC 323
The Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering (BSME) is designed to prepare students for a successful
career in the mechanical engineering “industry”, particularly the sector dealing with infrastructures,
manufacturing, energy, and the environment. Students are exposed to a wide range of theories and practices of
mechanical engineering through a series of dynamic curricula. This is done through the selection of elective
courses in various topics. The Industrial Training/Internship course is specifically designed to assimilate students
into the industrial culture before even they graduate. By spending the summer within the industry, engineering
students are likely to gather invaluable experience without the added stress that accompanies full-time
employment. At the same time, students will have the option of impressing upon their future employers and
securing future employment. The potential employers will have the unique opportunity to benefit from the
service provided by engineering students who are at the peak of their creativity. The employer also will have an
opportunity to impress upon the future engineers who would be able to carry the name of the company. For
engineering, this program can save large sum of money for the company in training professionals and secure job
opportunities for the students. It is well known that major companies spend as much money in training new
employees as often needed for students to go through the entire university program.
Concentration 1: Thermo-Fluid and Energy
MEC 430 Refrigeration and Air Conditioning (3 = 2 + 1)
Pre(Co)requisites: MEC 215 (MEC 413)
This course aims at introducing basic concepts of refrigeration and air conditioning. Topics covered include single
and multi-pressure vapor compression cycles, refrigerants, components characteristics, absorption refrigeration
cycles, introduction to air conditioning, load estimation, psychometric representation, air conditioning systems.
MEC 431 Air Conditioning Systems (3 = 3 + 0)
Pre(Co)requisites: MEC 323, MEC 324 (MEC 413)
Air-conditioning Systems, cooling load calculations, types of air-conditioning systems, central stations: all-air
systems: fixed and variable-air-volume, air distribution systems, controlling flow rate. Cooling water systems:
water chillers, design systems of water distribution. Matching of different components of the system vibration
and noise problems in the air-conditioning systems.
MEC 436 Turbomachinery (3 = 3 + 0)
Prerequisites: MEC 323, MEC 324
This course covers a broad treatment of axial and radial turbomachines, thermofluidynamics aspects of fluid
flow, dimensional analysis, basic laws and equations, hydraulic pumps, pump and system matching, centrifugal
compressors and fans, pre-whirl, surging, choking, axial compressors and fans, stage reaction and stage loading,
multi-stage performance, axial-flow ducted fans, axial and radial flow turbines, stator and rotor losses,
efficiencies, and preliminary design fundamentals of turbomachines and three-dimensional considerations.
MEC 440 Thermal and Mechanical Design of Nuclear Power Reactors (3 = 3 + 0)
Pre(Co)requisites: MEC 324, MEC 406 (MEC 413)
This course covers the basic principles of the thermo-mechanical design and analysis of nuclear power
reactors. Topics include: reactor heat generation and removal; steady- and unsteady-state conduction in reactor
elements; single phase, two-phase, and liquid metal cooling; core thermal design.
MEC 441 Environmental Effects of Radiation and Radioactive Waste Management (3 = 3 + 0)
Prerequisite: MEC 406
This course investigates natural and artificial environmental radiation including units and measurements,
biological effects, maximum permissible public dose, release of radioisotopes to the environment, dispersion in
the atmosphere and aquatic environment, food chain, meteorological, geologic, hydrologic and seismic
characteristics, derived emission limits, radiation dose. Topics on radioactive waste include the origin of low,
intermediate and high activity waste, forms and quantity of radioactive waste, production of radioactive waste at
each stage of the nuclear cycle, fuel fabrication, reactor operation and maintenance, spent fuel, medical and
industrial waste, handling, transporting, storing and disposing technologies, on-site and off-site storage, spent fuel
reprocessing and disposal methods, radioactive waste management plans and practices in various countries, and
public concerns and perception of radioactive waste management.
MEC 442 Nuclear Plant Operation and Reactor Control (3 = 3 + 0)
Pre(Co)requisites: MEC 322, MEC 406 (MEC 413)
This course constitutes an optional course in Mechanical engineering department. The aim of this course is to
introduce the concepts of nuclear engineering and the resulting applications. The subject which will be discussed
are principle of nuclear energetic; nuclear reactor design and cooling; nuclear propulsion; boiling water reactors
and pressurized water reactors; reactor protection and safeguards actuation; nuclear waste disposal.
MEC 443 Fluid Power Systems (3 = 3 + 0)
Prerequisite: MEC 323
The course reviews relevant fluid mechanics principles and proceeds with treatments of individual components.
Discussions of individual components include principles of operation, mathematical models, and design
considerations. The course will cover: Fluid power circuit diagrams: valves, pumps, actuators, filters, intensifiers,
reservoirs, accumulators. Design of positive displacement pumps. Analysis of fluid leakage, hydrostatic
transmissions, hydraulic stiffness, and performance of positive displacement pumps and actuators.
MEC 444 Sustainable And Alternative Energy Technologies (3 = 3 + 0)
Prerequisite: MEC 324
This course covers descriptions of systems and design issues and parameters, including performance, operating
characteristics, reliability, small-scale hydraulic energy, tidal and wave energy, solar energy systems, including
photovoltaics and thermal systems, wind energy systems, biomass energy, district energy, and hydrogen energy
systems, including production, storage, transport and utilization technologies. Topics in fuel cells include fuel
cell thermodynamics, electrode kinetics, and types, including proton exchange membrane and solid oxide fuel
cells. Topics in energy storage include thermal, compressed air and battery storage, geothermal energy systems,
magnetohydrodynamics, thermoelectrics, and thermionics.
Concentration 2: Instrumentation and Control
MEC 450 Mechanical Vibration and Control (3 = 2 + 1)
Prerequisite: MEC 322
This course is an introduction to modeling and oscillatory response analysis for discrete and continuous
mechanical and structural systems. Fundamental aspects of mechanical vibrations, types and causes of various
vibratory motions, the concepts of mathematical modeling of the vibratory systems and model elements including
mass/inertia, spring and damper elements and their corresponding describing equations are studied. Various
vibration control concepts and techniques are presented including vibration isolation, vibration absorption and
balancing to reduce the intensity of the source of excitation. MATLAB software will be used by the students
to implement numerical techniques in solving dynamics and vibrations problems.
MEC 454 Maintenance and Reliability (3 = 3 + 0)
Prerequisite: FES 202
This course provides students with reliability analysis tools and techniques for designing and operating systems
with high reliability and introduces reliability engineering and risk assessment for engineering systems. The
course helps prepare the student to understand and anticipate the possible causes of failures, and provides them
with the knowledge on how to prevent them. Topics include reliability functions, reliability distributions, analysis
of failure data, reliability of systems, probabilistic risk assessment, design for reliability, maintenance, reliability
testing and organizational aspects of engineering system safety.
MEC 455 Mechanical Engineering Metrology (3 = 2 + 1)
Prerequisite: MEC 322
The course introduces the students to the principals involved in and the various instruments and modern machines
used for measuring dimensional features such as length, angle, flatness and roundness. Thread Metrology. Surface
roughness and measurements, flow, temperature, basic electrical measurements and sensing device, force, torque
and strain measurements, design of load cells are also explored. This course investigates general concepts of
measurement systems, classification of sensors and sensor types, interfacing concepts, data acquisition,
manipulation, transmission, and recording. The course utilizes LABVIEW, applications, a team project on design,
and implementation of a measuring device.
MEC 456 Engineering Acoustics and Noise Control (3 = 2 + 1)
Prerequisite: MEC 322
Theory and practice in the analysis and measurement of sound and vibration as applied to noise control. Basic
concepts of vibration and acoustic theory are developed, and a variety of sound and vibration measuring
equipment is used in laboratory experiments. Practical aspects of noise control as applied to products, machinery,
buildings, vehicles, and other systems. Topics include sound propagation, sound in small and large enclosures, and
design of enclosures, ducts, and mufflers, isolation and damping.
Concentration 3: Materials and Manufacturing
MEC 472 Advanced Manufacturing Processes (3 = 3 + 0)
Prerequisite: MEC 311
The present course is intended to teach up-to-date/non-traditional manufacturing processes (electrical discharge
machining, water-jet, chemical machining) precision and high speed manufacturing (ultrasonic, plasma, laser,
rapid prototyping) and economics of manufacturing processes. The course deals with the fabrication processing of
non-metallic engineering materials such as ceramics, polymers, and composites. The course emphasizes process
capabilities and limitations, and guidelines for process selection. In addition it introduces the state of art
technology in micro and nano fabrication.
MEC 473 Manufacturing System Automation (3 = 2 + 1)
Prerequisite: MEC 311
The course is intended to teach the students the art and science of automation in manufacturing processes and
operations. The ability to reliably and economically produce parts with high accuracy and production rates is
aided greatly by the use of automation. The topics covered in the course include hardware components for
automation, numerical control, discrete control, automation of material transport system and storage system and
flexible manufacturing system.
MEC 474 Failure of Mechanical Components (3 = 2 + 1)
Prerequisite: MEC 221
This course is an introduction to the techniques of designing for life and material considerations involved in the
process. The course investigates how to analyze those components which do fail, and evaluate safe-life and
remaining life in a design through the study of real-life component design and current failures.
MEC 481 Quality Control (3 = 3 + 0)
Prerequisites: FES 202, MEC 311
This course introduces the students to the modern statistical methods for quality control and improvement. It
covers a variety of topics including quality improvement and productivity; quality costs, total quality
management; statistical process control; control of incoming material, control charts for attribute and variable
data, process capability. Process optimization and design of experiments; screening methods, fractional factorial
experiments, Taguchi methods, empirical regression models; acceptance sampling.
Faculty and Teaching Staff – Mechanical and Industrial Engineering
Dr Mama Chacha (Chair)
Associate Professor
PhD (Mechanical Engineering), Université Aix-Marseille I, France, 1995, MSc (Mechanical
Engineering), Université Aix-Marseille I, France, 1991, BSc (Mechanical Engineering), Institute of
Industrial Thermal Systems, France, 1990
Prof Samir El Dessouky
PhD (Operations Research and Computational Science), George Washington University, USA, 1985,
MSc (Operations Research and Computational Science), George Washington University, USA, 1981,
BSc (Mechanical Engineering), Ain Shams University, Egypt, 1969
Dr Adnan A Bashir
Associate Professor
PhD (Industrial Engineering), Florida State University, USA, 2003, MSc (Industrial and Management
Engineering), University of Jordan, Jordan, 1991, BSc (Civil Engineering), University of Jordan,
Jordan, 1986
Dr Mehdi Shemirani
Assistant Professor
PhD (Mechanical Engineering), Ryerson University, Canada, 2011, MSc (Mechanical Engineering),
Ryerson University, Canada, 2008, BE (Manufacturing Engineering Technology), McMaster
University, Canada, 2006
Dr Noha Mohamed Hassan
Assistant Professor
PhD (Engineering Mechanics), Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, USA, 2005, MSc
(Mechanical Engineering Design), American University in Cairo, Egypt, 2001, BSc (Mechanical
Engineering), American University in Cairo, Egypt, 1999
Dr Rani A Kady
Assistant Professor
PhD (Industrial and Systems Engineering), Auburn University, 2008, MSc (Industrial Engineering
Technology), East Tennessee State University, 2002, BSc (Industrial Engineering), University of
Jordan, 1999
Dr Tawfiq Jaber
Assistant Professor
PhD (Mechanical Engineering), Ryerson University, Canada, 2010, MSc (Mechanical Engineering),
Ryerson University, Canada, 2006, BSc (Mechanical Engineering), University of Technology,
Baghdad, 1991
Mr Ahmad Khairul Hazwan Ahmad Zohdi
Teaching Assistant
MEng (Mechanical Engineering), University of Wollongong, NSW Australia, 2012, BSc
(Mechatronics Engineering), International Islamic University, Malaysia, 2007
Mr Mohammad Nidal Abdulla
Teaching Assistant
BSc (Industrial Engineering), ALHOSN University, UAE, 2010
Mr Omar Awni Abu ObidAlla
Teaching Assistant
MEng (Engineering Management), ALHOSN
Engineering), ALHOSN University, UAE, 2009
Global Knowledge with Local Vision
Department of Interior Design
Interior Design plays an active role in creating this context for cultural development and interaction by
establishing the designed conditions within which all human activity takes place. It is a discipline that
embraces the cultural conditions, historical contexts, and symbolic meanings of societies, by creating
relationships between human beings and the constructs of their imagination.
Bachelor of Interior Design (BID)
The Interior Design program seeks to enable students to develop their own expression of ideas through
both verbal and visual development and practice. As producers of interior images, places and
environments, students will define, enhance and transform our vision of an ever-changing world.
The Interior Design program at ALHOSN University will educate students in the creative activity of
conceptualizing, modifying and realizing the design of space to support human activity and delight,
emphasizing the discipline as an architecturally related program. It is also a program that attempts to
integrate design within the present and future of evolving ideas, technologies and changing cultural
values as an expression of personality, creativity, craft and culture. Providing students with a depth of
insight, emerging designers will learn to create alternative design solutions for changing cultural,
economic and social realities. The BID program is modelled after international standards of education,
ensuring students are exposed to the most current developments and approaches in the field of Interior
To achieve this mission the program has several goals.
1. To provide a rigorous foundation in both the theory and practice of Interior Design through
an applied studio-based experience, research and field internship.
2. To prepare students to actively engage in the Interior Design profession with the confidence
and capability necessary to assume leadership roles in developing creative, expressive, and
habitable interior environments in a variety of applications.
3. To provide a broad contextual understanding of the fundamental aspects of human environment
and culture by offering education in related liberal studies such as sociology, ecology, history,
science and the humanities.
4. To provide knowledge of the processes, technology, and applied techniques utilized in the
planning, design, building and construction of interior space.
5. To give students an understanding of physical, economic, professional and business skills
necessary for Interior Design practice.
1. To advance the Interior Design discipline through the research, work, and projects carried out at
the school. To develop evocative and meaningful solutions focusing on the design of interior
spaces, materials, decoration, furniture and fixtures in a variety of contexts and to focus on
teaching a methodology of innovation.
2. To create an emphasis on design, which is responsive to people’s cultural, functional and
aesthetic needs, and that has a beneficial impact on people’s lives by providing a strong foundation
of cultural and design knowledge. To expand the competence of the interior designer to embrace
the behavioural sciences and the understanding of cultural anthropology by assuming the role of
the designer as social innovator.
3. To provide the application of knowledge and theory into practice through the creative and
experiential learning of the studio, and the practical application of theory through materials,
methods, technology and practice.
4. To adopt a design methodology and process of research, analysis, design, and presentation, with
a strong emphasis on conceptual development, by emphasizing aspects of research, writing and
design theory.
5. To provide a program that relates concept to aesthetics, presentation, decoration and applied
arts centred on human need and sensibility.
6. To encourage a spirit of collaboration through studio work, and multi-discipline teamwork
and collaboration on projects.
Careers in Interior Design
Today, schools in both Canada and the United States are attempting to provide a broader education
augmented by discipline-specific training in technology, materials, process and practice to meet
current professional accreditation standards and to prepare those students who are seeking careers as
professional interior designers.
ALHOSN University’s four year program is conceived to meet the requirements for a Bachelor of
Interior Design (B.I.D.) to prepare the graduate for internship and practice within an Interior Design
office, to meet and acquire professional licensure to satisfy established international accreditation
requirements, and for professional Interior Design practice in the United Arab Emirates, and
surrounding regions. Students embarking in leadership design roles may be doing so in the stream of
global economy and migration that many business entrepreneurs have embraced.
Global Knowledge with Local Vision
BID Eight Semester Study Plan
BID Course Title
First Semester (Fall)
FAS 100
FAS 101
FAS 102
FAS 103
FES 150
DES 111
Creative Thinking
Communication Skills (English)
Communication Skills (Arabic)
Islamic Culture
Natural Sciences
Intro to Drawing
FES 100
FES 160
DES 102
DES 131
INT 107
INT 201
Research Methods
History of Material Culture
Design Fundamentals
Interior Design
Second Year Studio Core 1
Second Semester (Spring)
INT 202
INT 203
INT 204
INT 207
INT 251
INT 470
INT 252
INT 253
INT 254
INT 255
INT 256
INT 301
INT 302A or
INT 302B
INT 303
INT 304
INT 473
INT Elective
UGR xxx
INT 351
INT 352A or
INT 352 B
INT 353
INT 402
INT Elective
INT 355
INT 401
INT 403
INT 474
UGR xxx
INT 451
INT 453
INT Elective
First Semester (Fall)
Explorations Studio: Principles and Elements
Concepts, Methods and Design Process
Design Communication: Sketching and Drawing
Computer Communications
Second Year Studio Core 2
History of Design 1
Second Semester (Spring)
Explorations Studio: Fabrication and Development
Interior Design and Construction 1
Color and Materials for the Interior Environment 1
Design Communication: Technical Drawing
Design Communication: Presentation and Rendering
Third Year Studio Core 1 [Residential]
First Semester (Fall)
Interior Design Option Studio A [Restaurant, Hotel and Hospitality] or
Interior Design Option Studio B [Institutional, Healthcare and Medical]
Interior Design and Construction 2
Color and Materials for the Interior Environment 2
History of Design 2
Interior Design Elective
Humanity / Sociology Free Elective
Second Semester (Spring)
Third Year Studio Core 2 Office and Corporate
Interior Design Option Studio A [Retailing and Merchandising] or
Interior Design Option Studio B [Recreational, Sports and Entertainment]
Interior Systems: Lighting, Furniture and Fixtures
Interior Design and Construction 3: Construction and Detailing
Interior Design Elective
Interior Design Internship
First Semester (Fall)
Fourth Year Studio Core Senior Project 1
Intro to Design Practice
History of Design 3
Humanity / Sciences Free Elective
Second Semester (Spring)
Fourth Year Studio Core Senior Project 2
Professional Practice
Interior Design Elective
Total Credit Hours for BID Program: 129
BID Technical Elective Courses
Elective Requirements (18 Credits / 6 courses)
Course Code
Course Title
INT 467
Advanced Computer Communications
INT 468
Photography for Interior Design
INT 470
History of Design 1
INT 471
Furniture, Decorative Styles, Textiles and Accessories
INT 472
Sustainable Interior Design Practices
INT 473
History of Design 2
INT 474
Furniture Design and Detailing
INT 475
Theatrical and Scenic Design
INT 476
History of Design 3
INT 477
Design for Healthcare and Aging
INT 478
Sensory Environments: Ambient Technologies
INT 479
INT 480
Heritage Preservation and Conservation
INT 481
Interior Design Field Trips
INT 482
Interior Design Competition
Course Descriptions
INT 107 Introduction to Interior Design (3 = 2 + 1)
This course is an introduction to the basics of interior design. Course content provides opportunities for students
to explore the elements, principles and the aesthetic aspects of residential and nonresidential interior design. It
includes space planning, furnishing, lighting, and components used in interior design. This course is also
designed to provide an understanding of interior environment, installing, growing and maintaining indoor plants
for interior landscapes.
INT 201 Second Year Studio Core 1 (3 = 1 + 2)
Prerequisites: DES 111
Students are introduced to a conceptual approach to the design of form and planning in interiors. As a preliminary
core studio, several projects with a specific personal human scale focus on materials emphasize three-dimensional
design and will require the student to develop, build and present models of their work. It is through these initial
studies of space, interior architectural language, and form that student’s interior design vocabulary is developed.
INT 202 Explorations Studio: Principles and Elements (3 = 2 + 1)
Prerequisites: INT 201
This course will introduce students to the principles and elements utilized in the design of interior space.
Emphasis will be on the exploration of three-dimensional design principles and elements in smaller
exploratory, conceptual drawing and modeling projects. Students will investigate the spatial language of plan,
section, elevation and their implied interior design volumes and expression.
INT 203 Concepts, Methods and Design Process (3 = 2 + 1)
Prerequisites: INT 201
Understanding the nature of design ideas, approaches, activities and methodologies applied in the realization
of conceptual ideas are critical for the emerging designer. This course examines the work of a number of key
designers in order to study their design approaches in the context of their individual philosophies, design
vocabularies and the parameters within which they worked. Case studies, and written analytical work are key
exercises in this research.
INT 204 Design Communication: Sketching and Drawing (3 = 2 + 1)
Prerequisite: DES 111 and DES 131
The designer’s need to express ideas clearly to depict ideas, concept and form visually is important in successful
design. Students will develop their sketching skills for visualization and idea drawing to communicate those ideas.
Assignments will focus on the various requirements of design drawing associated with the design process from
that of observation and the drawing of existing environments to the visualization of ideas, and orthographic
INT 207 Computer Communications (3 = 2 + 1)
Prerequisite: DES 111
This course builds on the previous computer and graphic communications courses and focuses on the use of the
computer in architectural applications. Students are introduced to the principles of computer-aided design and
drafting, CAD, as they apply to elemental technical drawings and details, leading to rendering and presentation
techniques. This is done in conjunction with Studio projects.
INT 251 Second Year Studio Core 2 (3 = 1 + 2)
Prerequisites: FAS 100, FAS 101, DES 111, DES 131, INT 107, INT 201
This course follows from the Core 1 studio conceptual approach to the design of form and interiors. The focus of
this studio shifts to larger interior architectural places for groups of people, developing pragmatic planning
approaches, and organizational design strategies for social spaces in several studio projects. As a core studio,
emphasis will be on three-dimensional conceptual design and will require the student to develop, build and present
models of their work.
INT 252 Explorations Studio: Fabrication and Design (3 = 2 + 1)
Prerequisites: DES 111, INT 202, INT 251
This course will introduce students to the fundamentals of studio fabrication for studio concept projects. Emphasis
will be on choosing and developing appropriate modeling and prototype techniques using a variety of materials, to
demonstrate design approaches, joinery and skill of fabrication. The studio will be divided into equal sessions of
wood and metal fabrication techniques and processes with associated workshops.
INT 253 Interior Design and Construction 1 (3 = 2 + 1)
Prerequisite: INT 251
Students will gain an understanding of basic interior architectural building materials and construction techniques
as applied to interior construction. Research and comparison of natural and man – made structure aids to
illustrate basic structural approaches, while more in-depth study of assemblies provide knowledge about
construction elements.
INT 254 Color and Materials for the Interior Environment (3 = 3 + 0)
Prerequisite: INT 107
The understanding of color, and it’s relationship to light and materials as a conceptual, formal, decorative and
physical determinant of space is important to the interior design practitioners. Students will study the physical and
psychological implications of color, light and materials as design elements. Color trends, color forecasting, natural
and human – made materials, and lighting sources will also be investigated.
INT 255 Design Communication: Technical Drawing (3 = 2 + 1)
Prerequisite: DES 111, INT 207, INT 251
In this course, students will develop the ability to utilize orthographic drawing to communicate ideas. The drawing
as a fabricated visual picture of design intentions is explored in both hand-drawn and computer assisted technical
drawing. Assignments will explore the conditions of design drawing as a medium to support, develop and present
INT 256 Design Communication: Presentation and Rendering (3 = 2 + 1)
Prerequisite: INT 204, INT 207, INT 251
Designers must learn to select and develop suitable drawing and rendering techniques to communicate effectively
the concept, mood, form and structure of an interior project. This course examines the variety of media used
by professional designers, which are typical techniques used to produce presentation drawings. The role of the
computer with respect to hand rendering is also explored and discussed.
INT 301 Third Year Studio Core 1 (3 = 1 + 2)
Prerequisites: FES 150, INT 207, INT 251
The focus of this course is on the conceptual development and planning aspects of a small residential design
project. The smaller scale of this work allows the student to develop a more complete conceptual project that
includes strong ideas about form and structure, materials, thematic ideas, and detail design. The stages of the
project will develop the student’s skills in client profiling, gathering program requirements, program analysis, and
organizing these requirements with conceptual ideas to develop a comprehensive design.
INT 302A Interior Design Option Studio A: Restaurant, Hotel and Hospitality (3 = 2 + 1)
Prerequisites: FES 100, FES 160, INT 255, INT 256, INT 301
As an option Interior design studio, students concentrate on developing their knowledge base related to
hospitality design. The course focuses on developing an expanded vocabulary of color, material, and finish
thematic ideas within the hospitality interior concept plan resulting in a variety of developed material based
presentations, and detail work.
INT 302B Interior Design Option Studio B: Community Institutional & Medical Facilities (3 = 2 + 1)
Prerequisites: FES 100, FES 160, INT 255, INT 256, INT 301
As an option Interior design studio, students concentrate on developing their knowledge base related to
community institutional and medical related facilities design. The course focuses on developing an understanding
of the small community medical, dental, chiropractic or similar facility, or clinic. Knowledge of interior program
and planning requirements, client care consultancy needs and procedures provide the student with information to
create thematic ideas, and a variety of developed material based presentations, and detail work.
INT 303 Interior Design and Construction 1 (3 = 3 + 0)
Prerequisite: INT 253
This course builds on the knowledge of the previous construction course developing further understanding in the
utilization of interior building materials and construction techniques. An investigation of engineered constructional
systems, fabrication and assembly techniques, as applicable to interior and architectural structures will enable the
student to understand the more pragmatic constructional nature of their conceptual designs.
INT 304 Color and Materials for the Interior Environment (3 = 3 + 0)
Prerequisite: INT 254
This course builds on the applied practices and techniques developed in Color 1. More in – depth knowledge
is explored through investigative color and material assignments designed to augment studio project work.
INT 351 Third Year Studio Core 1 (3 = 1 + 2)
Prerequisites: INT 301, INT 255, INT 256
This course concentrates on the development of detail interior design aspects of an office project studio. The
course focuses on developing the student’s vocabulary of furniture, lighting and fittings in conjunction with the
materials and color palate for the project. Students will develop a further understanding of the relationship of
concept, and interior design themes to actual detail design, furniture planning, furnishing styles, and furnishing and
fitting selection.
INT 352A Interior Design Option Studio A: Retail and Merchandising (3 = 2 + 1)
Prerequisites: INT 351, INT 255, INT 256
As a secondary supplementary Interior design studio, students concentrate on developing the interior design
aspects of a larger retail related studio project, with a variety of developed material based presentations, and
detail work. The course focuses on combining planning, and conceptual design with an expanded vocabulary
of material, finish and color within the retail and merchandising interiors project.
INT 352B Interior Design Option Studio B: Recreation, Sports and Entertainment (3 = 2 + 1)
Prerequisites: INT 351, INT 255, INT 256
As a secondary supplementary Interior design studio, students concentrate on developing the interior design
aspects of a larger recreational environment studio project, such as an entertainment, theatre or sports complex
with a variety of developed material based presentations, and detail work. The course focuses on combining
planning, and conceptual design with an expanded vocabulary of material, finish and color within the interiors
INT 353 Interior Systems: Detail Lighting, Furniture, and Fixtures Design (3 = 3 + 0)
Prerequisite: INT 253, INT 301
Students will gain a thorough understanding of applied interior systems, within the context of human factors,
ergonomics, and the anthropometrics of use. Areas of focus are lighting, furniture, and fixture systems in the
context of interior environments in a variety of applications. A series of visiting lectures by professionals
supplements the knowledge base of the course material and discussion.
INT 355 Interior Design Internship (3 = 2 + 1)
Prerequisites: INT 403
This course aligns the theory and studio practice of the academic studio with real project experience. Students visit
building sites at various stages of construction, and prepare visual and written synopsis of their field experience.
This course is the coordinating foundation course for internship and practice, and outlines the procedures, options
and approaches to internship. On-going documentation, consultation, and internship reports document the summer
internship experience. Final reporting of work and project experience is required for this course.
INT 401 Fourth Year Studio Core 1 (3 = 1 + 2)
Prerequisites: INT 352A or INT 352B
This course focuses on the a fourth year project and the students area of interest in design and exposes the student
to the organizational tools dealing with a larger more complex interior facility and project. A phased project
develops the student’s skills in gathering program requirements, program analysis, and organizing these
requirements with conceptual ideas, and development of a comprehensive design, through to presentation and
detailing, material, furniture and finish selection.
INT 402 Interior Design and Construction 3: Construction and Detailing (3 = 2 + 1)
Prerequisite: INT 303
This course builds on the knowledge of the previous construction course developing further understanding of the
utilization of interior building materials and construction techniques in the production of fabrication and
construction documents. The student develops in-depth knowledge of the design to build process by developing a
set of construction detail and fabrication drawings.
INT 403 Intro to Design Practice (3 = 3 + 0)
Prerequisite: INT 301
This course introduces the student to the legal, administrative and business practices of an Interior Design office.
Standard forms, proposals, office and project processes are outlined and discussed with visiting professionals.
Course delivery includes lectures, in-class discussions, and assignment work that require verbal, visual and
written components.
INT 451 Fourth Year Studio Core 1 (3 = 1 + 2)
Prerequisite: INT 401
This course focuses on the development of the fourth year project began in the last term. A phased project
develops the student’s skills in the development of the design, focusing on detailing, material, furniture and finish
selection through to final presentation of the project.
INT 453 Professional Practice (3 = 3 + 0)
Prerequisite: INT 355, INT 403
This course builds on the legal, administrative and business practices of the previous course. More advanced
office and project processes are outlined and discussed to provide the student with managerial and facility
management models, needed for project planning and coordination.
Interior Design Elective Courses
INT 467 Advanced Computer Communications (3 = 2 + 1)
Prerequisite: INT 207
This course focuses on the continued development of computer aided design, and includes an introduction to
digital modeling, computer imaging, the creation and manipulation of architectural forms, and threedimensional rendering.
INT 468 Photography for Interior Design (3 = 2 + 1)
Prerequisite: INT 107, INT 201
This course introduces the student to the fundamentals of photographic theory and lens-based imaging as it pertains
to architectural form and detail. Studies include the principles of light and visual acuity; the history of
photography; camera formats; lighting control, glare and shade; architectural scale model photography; film
media and digital imaging; and an introduction to computer software and the manipulation of electronic images.
INT 470 History of Design 1 (3 = 2 + 1)
Prerequisite: FAS 102, FAS 103, DES 102, INT 107
This course traces the architecture, landscape architecture, interior design and furniture preceding and leading into
the industrial revolution and modernism. The course establishes key philosophies associated with this period, and
is discussed through the analysis of the work of key designers and architects of the period, and their related
theoretical approaches. The development of industrialization and subsequent decline of craft and ornamentalism in
the production of artifacts and design of the modernist period has shaped our views of design today. Major design
monuments cover a broad range of architectural, interior, furniture, object, and furnishing examples, and are
discussed in terms of their geographic, local, social, religious, economic, and political significance in history.
INT 471 Furniture, Decorative Styles, Textiles and Accessories (3 = 3 + 0)
Prerequisite: DES 102, INT 107
This course introduces the student to the underlying principles and theory of the decorative arts and crafts periods,
proceeding, during, and following the impending industrial revolution. The course establishes key philosophies
associated with movements, and is discussed through the analysis of the work of key designers and architects of
the period, and their related theoretical approaches. Course material covers a broad range of interior, furniture,
object, and furnishing examples.
INT 472 Sustainable Interior Design Practices (3 = 2 + 1)
Prerequisite: INT 301
Designers today utilize more sustainable materials that are responsible, ecological design solutions. This course
focuses on the issues, practices, materials and applications that are eco-friendly solutions, and techniques to
provide more self sufficient, environmentally responsive designs. Students will explore such topics as: the
degrading environment, sensitivity, leadership, ethics and responsibility in the context of sustainability. Areas of
focus within Interior design such as air quality and pollution, urban sprawl, deforestation and resource depletion,
sick building syndrome, material off-gassing and CO2 emissions, as applicable in design applications will be
discussed as methods of ecological accountability and practice.
INT 473 History of Design 2 (3 = 2 + 1)
Prerequisite: FAS 102, FAS 103, DES 102, INT 107
This course examines the major principles advocated throughout the modern movement focusing on key examples
in the context of their political, philosophical, and economic climates. This course examines the principles,
philosophies and theory behind architecture, furniture, artifacts and interior work during this period of 1930 today, that have become the fundamentals of key design approaches.
INT 474 Furniture Design and Detailing (3 = 3 + 0)
Prerequisite: INT 301
This course aims to develop the students' appreciation of the social, cultural and philosophical issues that inform
the discipline of furniture design and investigates current approaches and market concerns. Within this context,
technology and process, structural possibilities, material characteristics and production issues will also be
examined. The course focuses on developing the student's vocabulary of furniture, lighting and fittings in
conjunction with the materials.
INT 475 Theatrical Design and Detailing (3 = 3 + 0)
Prerequisite: INT 301
Design for cultural venues and entertainment is a key area of Interior Design today. This course explores design
of both the theatre and entertainment environments, and design for the stage performance itself. As a primer of
theatrical design, sceno-graphic design and production, techniques associated with the staged set, lighting,
acoustics, background sets, and other elements specific to performance spaces are discussed, in the context of
Interior architectural design.
INT 476 History of Design 3 (3 = 2 + 1)
Prerequisite: FAS 102, FAS 103, DES 102, INT 107
This course examines contemporary design issues and approaches in architecture, interior design and art in the
western world. Emphasis on understanding current pluralism expressed in the renewed interest of humanism,
contextualism, ornament, historicism, and industrial pop movements. The Interior design profession is explored
from its early successors to today; discussing key current practitioners such as Philippe Starck, and other
leading designers such as Frank Gehry, Charles Moore, Arata Isozaki, and Robert Stern to name a few.
INT 477 Design for Health Care and Aging (3 = 3 + 0)
Prerequisite: INT 107, INT 301
Design for the Healthcare environment is a crucial area of design today requiring more in-depth knowledge of
the related issues, support, equipment and general conditions of medical and care spaces. Relevant topics
such as ambulatory accessibility, patient space requirements, universal design approaches, design for specific
disabilities, and basic design responsibility for the aged are covered.
INT 478 Sensory Environments: Technology in Contemporary Design (3 = 3 + 0)
Prerequisite: INT 301
This course examines the influences and effects of emerging communication systems and building technology
strategies, and building and furniture systems, in the context of the human interactive experience, and
environmental concerns of our physical surroundings. Interior architecture is traditionally articulated and
understood by the physical and static elements of walls, roofs and floors. An addition more qualitative approach is
to think of interior architecture as an experience: the ephemeral sounds, smells, images, temperatures and even
social relations that surround us and program the way we interact with space. This new area of experience
redefines the traditional scopes of industrial and interior design, and requires a new more integrated experiential
INT 479 Biomimetics: Design Utilizing Biological Principles (3 = 3 + 0)
Prerequisite: INT 301
This course provides a fundamental overview of the principles and applications of current approaches utilizing
biological principles in design. This field of biomimetics which utilizes ideas from nature and integrates or
extrapolates them into design applications in structural design, new materials technology, sustainability and
engineering uses biology as a base of design concept knowledge. Natural biologic processes may be used as
design sources for the development of forms, structures, systems and interactions.
INT 480 Heritage Preservation and Conservation (3 = 2 + 1)
Prerequisite: DES 102, INT 301
This is a course on the theoretical studies and critical issues in the field of architectural conservation and
preservation of historical buildings and sites in general. Emphasis is placed on the identification of architectural
and interior design styles, and historical periods of local vernacular architecture and on the identification of
conceptual criteria for preservation. The course also involves the measuring, recording, and documenting of
existing historical buildings, and the production of drawings of a selected and approved significant local building.
INT 481 Interior Design Field Trips (3 = 2 + 1)
Prerequisite: INT 301
As part of their design education, students will explore first hand modern and historical interior design,
architecture and furniture in the form of organized field trips to various exhibitions, conferences and special
events that take place both abroad and in the UAE throughout the academic year. A series of lectures will take
place in situ and students must present their findings in the form of written illustrated reports. The final content of
the course will be defined by the instructor at the time that the course is offered. In order to take the course,
students must be in good standing with prior faculty approval. In addition to course associated fees, the student is
responsible for all costs connected with the field trips and accommodation fees.
INT 482 Interior Design Competition (3 = 2 + 1)
Prerequisite: INT 251
This course could be considered as an elective course or as a studio substitute with prior faculty approval.
Students will take part in national and international design competitions. Students will be introduced to the
limitations and design criteria of the real world of design competitions.
Students must be in good standing and need to apply to the chair’s office. The final content of the course will
be defined by the instructor at the time that the course is offered. In addition to course associated fees, the
student might be responsible for extra costs connected with the field trips and accommodation fees.
Faculty and Teaching Staff – Interior Design
Prof Ali Al Amaireh (Chair)
PhD, University of Glasgow, Scotland, UK, 1988, MSc ( Interior Design), Helwan University, Cairo,
Dr Seif Khiati
Assistant Professor
PhD, University of Washington, USA, 2004, Master of Architecture, University of Washington,
USA, 1988
Ms Patricia Ball
Master ( Graphic Communication), Leicester Polytechnic, UK, 1981, Bachelor in Interior Design,
Leeds Polytechnic, UK, 1971
Department of Software Engineering
Software engineering (SE) is a profession dedicated to designing, implementing, and modifying
software so that it is of higher quality, more affordable, maintainable, and faster to build. It is a
"systematic approach to the analysis, design, assessment, implementation, test, maintenance and reengineering of a software by applying engineering to the software". SE applications are used in a wide
range of activities, from industry to entertainment. Software applications improve user productivity
and quality of life.
Bachelor of Science in Software Engineering (BSSE)
The main goal of ALHOSN University Software Engineering program is to offer to its students a
wide education that will enable them to apply the principles of computer science, design, engineering,
management, mathematics and other disciplines to solve engineering problems. Our Program offers a
challenging undergraduate program that prepares graduates for the present and future demands and
challenges of the software industry. The goals can be summarized as follows:
1. Help students in attaining software engineering positions in a chosen field.
2. Provide a solid foundation that will allow graduates to adapt effectively in a quickly
changing field.
3. Prepare students to pursue education at the graduate level.
Regardless of the fact that the field is rapidly changing, Software Engineering still has solid based
objectives. Students who graduate from software engineering are expected to:
1. Excel in the practice of software engineering and understand engineered systems in terms of
the relevant fundamental principles of mathematics, science and engineering;
2. Effectively communicate in the workplace and demonstrate the ability to identify, analyze
and solve engineering problems and specify, design, and test, engineering systems, processes or
3. Obtain professional skills, and recognize the need for engaging in life-long learning; and
4. Have the necessary qualifications for employment in software engineering and related
professions, for entry into advanced studies, and for assuming eventual leadership roles in their
While we consider these objectives to be adequate, we are planning to reevaluate them
continuously in terms of feedback from our principal communities: faculty members and students.
Students’ committees will provide short-term evaluation of the curriculum. The faculty members
that constitute the program’s Advisory Board supply a more strategic perspective. The program’s
Advisory Board meets once a year to review the current status and to both initiate and evaluate
changes to the curriculum.
The Software Engineering program outcomes are nearer term goals. By the time of their graduation,
all students in the software engineering program will have demonstrated the ability to:
1. Apply knowledge of mathematics, science, and software engineering.
2. Design and conduct software projects, as well as to analyze and interpret data.
3. Design a computer system, component, or process to meet desired needs within realistic
constraints such as economic, environmental, social, political, ethical, health and safety,
manufacturability, and sustainability.
4. Function on multidisciplinary teams.
5. Identify, formulate, and solve software engineering problems.
6. Understand software professional and ethical responsibility.
7. Communicate effectively.
8. Understand the impact of software engineering solutions in a global, economic,
environmental, and societal context.
9. Recognize the need for, and an ability to engage in life-long learning.
10. Know software contemporary issues.
11. Use the techniques, skills, and modern software engineering tools necessary for
engineering practice.
Admission Requirements
In addition to ALHOSN University general requirements, it is required for admission in the Software
Engineering Program the UAE General Secondary School Certificate or its equivalent as certified by
the U.A.E. Ministry of Education with a minimum overall average of 65%.
The Department has a strong commitment to excellence and its goal is to attract top students based on
its good reputation. The Software Engineering program has explicit admissions and retention policies
consistent with high quality undergraduate studies. In particular, the grades achieved by candidate
students in math and sciences will be critical in granting admission on a competitive basis. In all
cases, a minimum grade of 65 % in math and sciences is strictly required for admission.
Students with math and science grades at 60% level could be accepted on probation for a period of
one year. The students on probation must maintain a minimum of C (2.0) average during the
probation period of one year in order to remove the probation status.
The SWE curriculum requires a minimum total of 129 credit hours. Out of these 129 hours, 24 credit
hours are for courses under the University General Education in which 21 are compulsory and 3 are
electives. The compulsory courses are: FBA 100, FAS 101, FAS 102 or 109, FAS 103, FAS 106,
FAS 108, and FAS 120. The other three hours could be taken from any non-major courses. Thirty three
(33) credit hours are for courses under the Faculty Requirements all of which are compulsory. There
are seventy-two credit hours for courses under the Program Requirements (63 compulsory and 9
Technical electives).
The following table shows the courses according to the semesters they are offered.
Global Knowledge with Local Vision
BSSE Eight Semester Study Plan
BSSE Course Title
First Semester (Fall)
FAS 108
FAS 101
FAS 102/109
FES 111
FES 102
FAS 103
FBA 100
FES 103
FAS 120
FES 112
FES 201
FAS 106
FES 202
FES 232
FES 204
FES 206
CSC 225
FES 150
CSC 210
FES 207
FES 233
SWE 265
CSC 327
CSC 230
SWE 310
Free Elective
CSC 350
CSC 330
SWE 362
CSC 360
CSC 371
SWE 320
CSC 370
CSC 429
CSC 425
SWE 498
Tech. Elective
Tech. Elective
SWE 425
SWE 426
SWE 499
SWE 421
Tech Elective
Communication Skills (English)
Communication Skills (Arabic) or Human Rights in Law and Shari’ah
Programming I
Calculus I
Second Semester (Spring)
Islamic Culture
Intro to Economics
Calculus II
Scientific and Technical Writing
Programming II
Matrix Algebra for Engineers
First Semester (Fall)
History of Sciences
Intro to Statistics
Physical Science I
Introduction to Discrete Structures
Calculus III
Advanced Data Structures and Algorithm Analysis
Second Semester (Spring)
Natural Science
Digital Logic
Differential Equations with Applications
Physical Science II
Intro to Software Engineering
First Semester (Fall)
Fundamentals of Database Systems
Computer Organization and Assembly Language
Human Computer interfaces
Free Elective
Computer Ethics
Second Semester (Spring)
Computer Architecture
Software Design and Architecture
Computer Networks
Web Programming and Technologies
Soft. Project Management
First Semester (Fall)
Operating Systems
Computer and Network Security
Theory of Computing
Capstone Project-1
SWE 4xx or CSC 4xx Elective
SWE 4xx or CSC 4xx Elective
Second Semester (Spring)
Software Testing and Measurement
Software Quality Control
Capstone Project-2
SWE Requirements and Specification
SWE 4xx or CSC 4xx Elective
Total Credit Hours for BSSE Program: 129
BSSE Technical Elective Courses
Course Code
Course Title
CSC 455
Computer Graphics
CSC 456
Advanced Programming
CSC 460
Programming Languages and Compiler
CSC 462
Object Oriented Design Patterns
CSC 463
Introduction to OOP using Java
CSC 475
Analysis of Algorithms
CSC 480
Numerical Methods
SWE 451
Multi-Media Applications
SWE 462
Distributed Systems
SWE 471
Software Evolution
SWE 475
Software Systems Development
SWE 484
Artificial Intelligence
SWE 485
Pattern Recognition
SWE 486
Course Descriptions
CSC 210 Digital Logic and Computer Organization (3 = 2 + 1)
Prerequisite: FES 111 and FES 204
This course introduces the building blocks of modern day digital hardware. Students will get theoretical and
practical view point on how systems of various degrees of complexity can be built using these building blocks,
logic and state machines.
CSC 225 Advanced Data Structures and Algorithm Analysis (3 = 2 + 1)
Prerequisite: FES 112
Random access machine model. Time and space complexity, average and worst case analysis, upper and lower
bounds. Application of correctness proof techniques. Algorithms: internal searching, merging, sorting, selection,
hashing; graphs: traversals, topological sort, transitive closure, strongly connected components, shortest path,
minimum spanning tree. The existence of intractable problems, heuristics. Data structures: B-trees, heaps and
CSC 230 Computer Organization and Assembly Language (3 = 2 + 1)
Prerequisites: FES 112, CSC 210
Topics covered include: instruction sets, symbolic addressing, bus organization, instruction fetch and execution,
read/write cycles, interrupt processing, I/O processing, general microprocessor design. Assembly language
CSC 327 Fundamental of Database Systems (3 = 2 + 1)
Prerequisite: FES 112
Topics to be covered include: data entities and relationships; data modeling using Entity-Relation Diagrams:
hierarchical, network and relational models of databases; query languages; physical representation of data in
secondary storage; relational algebra and calculus as applied to the design of databases; security and integrity in
the context of concurrent use; and basic ethical issues associated with database design and use.
CSC 330 Computer Architecture (3 = 3 + 0)
Prerequisites: CSC 230, FES 202
This course provides an overview of the architectures of computers. The focus is on instructions set driven
architectures, computer systems design and approaches. Memory management and control is also presented.
CSC 350 Computer Ethics (3 = 3 + 0)
Prerequisite: SWE 265
This course involves social issues, such as access rights, working place monitoring, censorship and junk mail;
professional issues such as professional responsibility and code of conduct; legal issues such as legal
obligations, data protection, computer misuse and software piracy.
CSC 360 Computer Networks (3 = 2 + 1)
Prerequisites: FES 202, CSC 225
Topics Will Include layered network architectures, packet switching networks, local area networks, protocol
design and verification, network security, and applications in distributed computing.
CSC 370 Operating Systems (3 = 2 + 1)
Prerequisites: CSC 330, FES 202, CSC 225 An introduction to the major concepts of operating systems and
study of the interrelationships between the operating system and the architecture of computer systems. Topics
discussed include operating system structures, concurrent programming techniques, CPU scheduling, deadlocks,
memory management, file systems and protection.
CSC 371 Web Programming and Technologies (3 = 2 + 1)
Prerequisite: CSC 327
The course will focus on the design and development of web based applications using a number of currently
popular tools and strategies; also to be explored is the use of databases as data repositories for web applications.
Topics to be examined include: introduction to html, server side and client side scripting, database connectivity,
scalability, security and other web technologies.
CSC 425 Theory of Computing (3 = 3 + 0)
Prerequisites: CSC 225, FES 204
A survey of formal models and results that form the theoretical foundations of computer science; typical
topics include finite automata, Turing machines, undecidable problems, context free languages and computational
CSC 429 Computer and Network Security (3 = 2 + 1)
Prerequisites: CSC 360 Topics include an overview of computer and network security, protection, disaster
planning, and recovery. Risk analysis and security plans. Basics of cryptography. Public key cryptography and
protocols. Security models, kernel design and systems testing. Database, network and web security. The course
discusses applications which need various combinations of confidentiality, availability, integrity and covertness
properties; mechanisms to incorporate these properties in systems. Policy and legal issues are also covered.
SWE 265 Introduction to Software Engineering (3 = 3 + 0)
Prerequisite: FES 112
Tools and techniques to promote programming productivity and software quality. Topics include specifications,
code review and inspection techniques, testing and debugging methods and tools, reusable software components
and templates, file system navigation, scripting languages, software configuration management, software tools,
environments, and instrumenting and profiling.
SWE 310 Human Computer Interfaces (3 = 2 + 1)
Prerequisites: SWE 265, FES 112
Understanding human behavior as it applies to user interfaces: work activity analysis, observational techniques,
questionnaire administration and unobtrusive measures. Operating parameters of the human cognitive system, task
analysis and cognitive modeling techniques and their application to designing interfaces. Interface representation
and prototyping tools. Cognitive walkthroughs, usability studies and verbal protocol analysis. Case studies of
specific user interfaces.
SWE 320 Software Project management (3 = 3 + 0)
Prerequisite: SWE 265
The course provides the essential knowledge, processes and tools required for students to successfully direct and
oversee a software development project. Topics include planning, leading, organizing, estimating, directing,
monitoring and controlling software projects and their teams. Quantitative progress measures, software lifecycles,
estimating and risk management are emphasized throughout the course.
SWE 362 Software Design and Architecture (3 = 3 + 0)
Prerequisite: SWE 265
The course discusses the analysis, selection, and evaluation of an appropriate architecture; architectural tactics and
architectural patterns; documenting a software architecture; identifying and scheduling architectural releases;
identifying constraints on and enablers for architectural decisions; and analyzing architectural trade-offs.
SWE 421 Software Engineering Requirements and Specifications (3 = 3 + 0)
Prerequisites: SWE 265, FES 204
Combines a range of topics integral to the design, implementation, and testing of a medium-scale software
system with the practical experience of implementing such a project as a member of a programming team.
Introduces formal methods, requirements engineering, specifications, software life cycle models.
SWE 425 Software Testing and Measurement (3 = 3 + 0)
Prerequisite: SWE 362
This course is concerned with the principles underlying the development of software that needs to meet
specific external goals, where these goals need to be expressible in measurable terms. It covers the principles of
software measurement, and the ways in which they are used in planning software projects, and in monitoring how
well projects are being carried out. It also examines the methods used for software testing and discusses the
application of software measurement techniques to these testing methods.
SWE 426 Software Quality Control (3 = 3 + 0)
Prerequisite: SWE 362
The students will learn how to choose appropriate quality goals and select, plan, and execute quality assurance
activities throughout development, evolution and testing to predictably meet quality and schedule goals. They
will learn how quality assurance can be incorporated into process improvement feedback loops that amplify the
ability of an organization to cost- effectively prevent and detect faults.
SWE 498, SWE 499 Capstone Project-1 and 2 (3 = 3 + 0)
Prerequisite: 4th Year standing in Faculty
The student is required to pursue an independent group project under the supervision of a faculty member, to
prepare a written report and present a seminar describing the work. This is a 2-semester course.
Technical Electives
CSC 455 Computer Graphics (3 = 3 + 0)
Prerequisite: 4th Year standing in Faculty The fundamental algorithms and data structures used in generative
computer graphics. Topics discussed include structure of interactive graphics programs, raster algorithms, color,
two-dimensional and three-dimensional geometric transformations, animation, parallel and perspective
projection, hidden line and hidden surface algorithms, cubic curves and surfaces, and shading models.
Students will use high resolution raster display workstations, and other graphical devices.
CSC 456 Advanced Programming (3 = 3 + 0)
Prerequisite: 4th Year standing in Faculty
This course is designed to introduce students to the advanced concepts in application development. Topics include:
system level programming, multithreading and multiprocessing, network programming, advanced web
programming, and enterprise computing.
CSC 460 Programming Languages and Compilers (3 = 3 + 0)
Prerequisite: 4th Year standing in Faculty
The core requirement for the course is the construction of a compiler for a simple but nontrivial language of the
ALGOL family with nested scope and heap-allocated records, supplemented by written exercises, and exams.
Important techniques such as: abstract syntax trees to avoid dangling syntax with semantics, separation of
instruction selection from register allocation, sophisticated copy propagation to allow greater flexibility to earlier
phases of the compiler, and careful containment of target-machine dependencies to one module. Some additional
concepts to be covered include: garbage collection, compilation of object-oriented and functional languages,
dataflow analysis, loop optimizations, parser error recovery, code-generator generators, byte-code interpreters,
static single- assignment form, instruction scheduling and software pipelining, parallelization techniques, and
cache-locality optimizations such as pre-fetching, blocking, instruction-cache layout, and branch prediction.
CSC 461 Object Oriented Programming and C++ (3 = 2 + 1)
Prerequisite: 4th Year standing in Faculty
This course is an in-depth look at Object- oriented programming using C++ as the method for learning.
The course reviews methods of programming, OOP and related concepts, C++ and OO within C++, and
relations between C++ and C.
CSC 462 Object Oriented Design Patterns (3 = 3 + 0)
Prerequisite: 4th Year standing in Faculty
This course provides a number of distinct object oriented design patterns which help students formulate programs
and concepts in programming. These design patterns fit into the software engineering process to create reliable,
consistent and maintainable software.
CSC 463 Introduction to OOP Using JAVA (3 = 2 + 1)
Prerequisite: 4th Year standing in Faculty
This course provides an introduction to Object-Oriented Programming and Software Development with Java.
Subjects covered include: Numerical Data, Classes, Selection Statements, Repetition Statements, Exceptions and
Assertions, Characters and Strings, Arrays, Sorting and Searching, File Input and Output, Inheritance and
Polymorphism, GUI and Event-Driven Programming, Recursive Algorithms.
CSC 475 Analysis of Algorithms (3 = 3 + 0)
Prerequisite: 4th Year standing in Faculty
General techniques for designing and analyzing algorithms; an in-depth examination of several problems and
algorithms with respect to their time and space requirements; advanced data structures; sorting and searching;
graph algorithms; backtracking; NP-complete problems; approximation algorithms.
CSC 480 Numerical Methods (3 = 3 + 0)
Prerequisite: 4th Year standing in Faculty
The course will cover computer-oriented methods for solving numerical problems in science and engineering,
including finding roots (including iterative solutions such as Newton’s method), interpolation and approximation
(including curve fitting), numerical integration and differentiation (including Simpson’s rule), solving linear
equations (including linear algebra), solving differential equations (including Euler’s method), and, possibly,
optimization and simulation. It will also cover numerical analysis, i.e., the mathematics and theory behind the
numerical methods (including floating point arithmetic, errors, stability, convergence, Taylor‘s series, explicit and
implicit methods, and possibly, finite differences), plus a short discussion of history leading to the current interest
in scientific computing.
SWE 451 Multi-Media Applications (3 = 3 + 0)
Prerequisite: 4th Year standing in Faculty
Topics include: digital video representations; three-dimensional images; physical interfaces; computational tools
and media that help people learn new things in new ways (tele-learning); knowledge representation; machine
interpretation of sensory data.
SWE 462 Distributed Systems (3 = 3 + 0)
Prerequisite: CSC 370 and CSC 429 The exponential growth of Internet services demonstrates the importance and
potential of large-scale distributed systems. Concepts covered include: Content delivery networks can potentially
speed these services by cleverly caching Web pages; Peer-to-peer applications allow sharing of content;
Multimedia services provide streaming delivery of audio and video. The new classes of distributed applications
that are becoming ubiquitous seems endless: cluster computing, grid computing, game services, pervasive
computing, etc. A fundamental challenge is to provide scalable, secure and robust services in the presence of besteffort communication and unreliable nodes.
SWE 471 Software Evolution (3 = 3 + 0)
Prerequisite: 4th Year standing in Faculty Topics include software engineering techniques for programming-inthe-large, programming-in-the-many, legacy software systems, software architecture, software evolution, software
maintenance, reverse engineering, program understanding, software visualization, advanced issues in objectoriented programming, design patterns, antipatterns, and client-server computing. This course culminates in a team
SWE 475 Software Systems Development (3 = 2 + 1)
Prerequisite: 4th Year standing in Faculty
Software engineering, or software systems development, is concerned with problems relating to the application of
sound engineering principles to the production of quality software. This course involves a broad range of topics
including: theory and examples, history of software development, current methods, human issues, and computer
aided software engineering (CASE), as well as modern approaches such as object-oriented development, metrics
and cost estimation, process considerations, and new applications such as software reuse.
SWE 484 Artificial Intelligence (3 = 3 + 0)
Prerequisite: 4th Year standing in Faculty
The focus of this course is on an intelligent agent acting in an environment. Introductory concepts such as
simple agents acting in simple, static environments and gradually increase the power of the agents to cope with
more challenging worlds. For simple agents in simple worlds we start with a highly restricted simple logic.
Then as the agent/environment requires, the logical power of the formalism is increased. LISP or Prolog, can
be used to support these implementations.
SWE 485 Pattern Recognition (3 = 3 + 0)
Prerequisite: 4th Year standing in Faculty
Parallel and sequential recognition methods. Bayesian decision procedures, perceptrons, statistical and syntactic
approaches, recognition grammars. Applications to be considered include: feature extraction and selection, scene
analysis, and optical character recognition.
SWE 486 Robotics (3 = 3 + 0)
Prerequisite: 4th Year standing in Faculty
This course provides a good introduction to all issues in mobile robotics, from locomotion to robot perception,
hardware, sensors, planning, reasoning and poise. The focus is on the computational aspects of robotics.
Faculty and Teaching Staff – Software Engineering
Dr Samia Loucif (Chair)
Associate Professor
PhD (Computer Science), Glasgow University, Scotland, UK, 1999, MSc (Computer Science),
Constantine University with the collaboration of Glasgow University, 1990, BSc (Computer Science),
Constantine University, Algeria, 1986
Dr Adel Khelifi
Associate Professor and Dean of Research and Graduate Studies
PhD (Software Engineering), ETS-Quebec University, Canada, 2005, MS (Management Information
System), University of Quebec at Montreal, Canada, 2001, Analyst Diploma (Computer Systems),
National Center of Informatics, Tunisia, 1995, BE (Industrial and Metallurgy Engineering), Annaba
University, Algeria, 1991
Dr Maher Ragheb Aburrous
Assistant Professor
PhD (Computer Science), University of Bradford, UK, 2010, MS University of Bradford, UK, 2007, MS
(Computer Information System), University of Banking and Financial Sciences, Jordan, 2003, BS
(Computer Science and Programming), University of Kuwait, Kuwait, 1989
Ms Haifaa Kattan
Assistant Instructor
MSc (Computer Science), University of Jordan, Jordan, 2005, BSc (Computer Science),
University of Petra, Jordan, 1999
Mr Murad Mustafa Al Rajab
Assistant Instructor
MSc (Computer Science), New York Institute of Technology, UAE, 2008, BSc (Computer
Science), Ajman University of Science and Technology, UAE, 2005
Ms Amal Aboaziza
Teaching Assistant
BSc (Computer Science), Garyounis University, Libya, 2003, Diploma (Liberal Arts), Miramar
College, USA, 1998
Department of Urban Planning
The Bachelor of Urban Planning (BUP) degree program is the first program of its kind accredited in the
United Arab Emirates. It responds to the growing needs for adequate planning in view of the rapid local
urban growth along with the associated housing, transportation, social and environmental challenges.
The BUP program stresses planning as a problem-solving activity oriented towards the future—with
special emphasis on the built and natural environments and on improving the quality of life.
Bachelor of Urban Planning (BUP)
The four-year curriculum consists of general and specialized professional planning lectures, seminar
courses, a sequence of “studio” courses, and a professional practice (internship) course. Studios are
planning exercises based on real-world projects. They provide the students with an opportunity to gain
hands-on experience in urban planning techniques while working in groups as team members.
Substantive program materials are not limited to courses in city and regional planning, but additional
disciplines such as geography, ecology, sociology, economics and politics are also integrated into the
core learning material in order to provide students with a multi-disciplinary approach towards effective
urban and regional planning.
The primary goal of the BUP program is to introduce students to the general knowledge required by
the profession, as well as to ground students in physical, computer, graphic design, and communication
skills. All BUP students participate in a summer internship opportunity which permits students to have a
semester of meaningful professionally-related experience integrated with their academic study on
The objectives of the BUP program are to:
1. Produce graduates who have the knowledge and skills to act as effective urban planners,
to analyze and interpret data, to develop alternative solutions to problems, and to design
strategies and processes to satisfy defined needs and criteria that are suitable for the UAE
and the Gulf region urban context at large,
2. Produce professionals with specialization in community planning, environmental
management, housing, transportation, and urban design that can function within municipalities,
infrastructure agencies, real estate developers, and consulting firms to solve existing and
emerging urban problems of the region.
3. Have students acquire a sound understanding of both the theory and practice of city and
regional planning including physical, social, economic and environmental factors, through
formal lectures, seminars, project based studios and field experience,
4. Provide its graduates with good communication skills, a thorough understanding of
professional and ethical responsibilities, and the ability to be effective and efficient in multidisciplinary teams, and
5. Train students to self-learn and instill in them a life-long learning commitment to
accommodate novel technologies, new ideas and emerging problems, and to enforce creativity,
resourcefulness and active involvement in the learning process.
Career Prospects
With a solid professional planning education, graduates from the Urban Planning Program at ALHOSN
will understand the complexities of how cities and regions function and evolve. They will be able to
identify problems, develop appropriate analyses, formulate meaningful responses, and implement
decisions within dynamic and constantly changing environments.
As negotiators, they will be capable to manage conflicting needs, create growth development strategies,
and preserve urban and rural communities. As advisors, they will be integral key players in the
important aspects of decision-making that affect social, economic, cultural, environmental and
resource-based planning. Graduates of Urban Planning are qualified to work as professional city
planners both domestically and internationally, to serve as consultants and private developers, and as
directors and managers of regeneration and redevelopment initiatives. They can lead interdisciplinary
teams and integrate land-use planning into environmental impact assessment procedures and policies
on behalf of all levels of government. Some graduates may work at the local level with municipal
governments and nongovernmental organizations as facilitators and community economic
development planners. Others may be involved in coordinating international planning efforts and
renewal schemes to rebuild cities in a variety of settings on behalf of international organizations.
Degree Requirements
The Bachelor of Urban Planning curriculum requires a minimum total of 128 credit hours. Out of these
128 hours, 27 credit hours are for courses under the University General Education in which 18 credits
are compulsory and 6 are for electives. The compulsory courses are: FAS 100, FAS 101, FAS
102 or 109, FAS 103, FAS 220, and FBA 100. The other six hours could be completed by completing
any two of the courses listed in the table below under UGR electives. Twenty-one (21) credit hours are
for courses under the Faculty Requirements (15 compulsory credits and 6 credits for free electives), and
another 80 hours are for courses under the Program Requirements (71 core course credits, and 9 credits
for the BUP technical electives listed below).
The course schedule below, organized over four years, is illustrative for Urban Planning students
who enter directly from high school. Transfer students will adjust them according to their individual
needs in consultation with their academic advisors.
Global Knowledge with Local Vision
BUP Eight Semester Study Plan
Course Code
BUP Description
First Semester (Fall)
FAS 100
FAS 101
FAS 102/109
FES 110
FES 100
ELE 901
FAS 103
FBA 100
FES 150
FES 202
UPL 201
UPL 202
UPL 203
UPL 206
FAS 220
UPL 200
UPL 204
UPL 205
UPL 210
UGR Elective
UPL 311
UPL 310
UPL 303
UPL 306
UPL 308
UPL 302
UPL 314
UPL 315
UPL 307
UGR Elective
UPL 403
UPL 410
UPL 402
UPL 408
UPL 406
UPL xxx
UPL 400
UPL 407
UPL xxx
UPL xxx
ELE 902
Creative Thinking
Communication Skills (English)
Communication Skills (Arabic) or Human Rights in Law and Shari’ah
Computer Applications
Second Semester (Spring)
Free Elective I
Islamic Culture
Introduction to Economics
Natural Sciences
Introduction to Statistics
First Semester (Fall)
Introduction to Urban Planning
Process and Theory of Planning
Introduction to GIS
Graphic Communication for Planners
Understanding Society
Second Semester (Spring)
Planning Theory and History
Research Methods in Planning
Urban Ecology
Planning Studio I
UGR Elective
First Semester (Fall)
Planning Principles I
Planning Studio II
Introduction to Urban Design
Public Infrastructure and Finance
Introduction to Policy Making
Second Semester (Spring)
Economic Development
Planning Principles II
Planning Studio III
Strategic Planning
UGR Elective
Professional Practice Internship
First Semester (Fall)
Planning Studio IV
Senior Project I (Capstone I)
Professional Practice Seminar
Alternative Dispute Resolution
Urban Planning Technical Elective
Second Semester (Spring)
Planning Law and Practice
Senior Project II (Capstone II)
Urban Planning Technical Elective
Urban Planning Technical Elective
Free Elective II
Total Credit Hours for BUP Program: 128
BUP Technical Elective Courses
BUP students must select three technical elective courses (9 credits) from the following list:
UPL 456 Urban Transportation Planning
UPL 458 Selected Topics in City and Regional Planning
UPL 459 Site Design and Planning
UPL 460 International Development
UPL 461 Advanced Topics in Geographic Information Systems
UGR Electives (6 Credits Required)
BUP students should select two of the following UGR electives:
ARC 101 Introduction to Architecture; DES 111 Introduction to Drawing; FAS 104 Globalization; FAS
105 Scientific Miraculousness of the Quran; FAS 106 History of Sciences; FAS 108 Ethics; FAS 109
Human Rights in Law and Shari'ah; FAS 120 Scientific and Technical Writing; FBA 102 Introduction to
Entrepreneurship; FES 107 Interior Design
Free Electives (6 Credits)
ELE 901, ELE 902 designate free elective courses which could be any courses at ALHOSN.
Course Descriptions
UPL 200 History of Urban Planning (3 = 2 + 1)
Prerequisite: UPL 201
This course provides a context for modern urban planning by reviewing the origins and development of cities in
Europe, Asia, Africa, and America. As part of this context, students will examine the importance of social,
economic, political, environmental, cultural and technological interrelationships that have determined location and
form of cities and regions, and also the cycles of growth and decline of cities over time.
UPL 201 Introduction to Urban Planning (3 = 2 + 1)
Prerequisite: FES 202, FBA 100
This course introduces students to the purposes of planning against the context of an historical background to
contemporary planning. It presents the rationale for planned intervention, approaches to ordering land uses and
activities, planning of residential, commercial, and other activities, and transportation systems. The course also
emphasizes the implementation of plans, zoning and its alternatives, and the concept of public policy intervention.
UPL 202 Process and Theory of Planning (3 = 2 + 1)
Prerequisite: FAS 101, FBA 100
Planning is a development process that needs to take into account the spatial and sectoral dimensions as well as the
cultural systems. This course will introduce the study of city and regional planning, theories of urban change
together with the theoretical principles and values that influence planning practice, and the role that planners play
in the change process. It will also focus on planning in a pluralistic, multicultural society; planning practice both in
government and the private sector; and the professional and ethical responsibilities of planners.
UPL 203 Introduction to GIS (3 = 1 + 2)
Prerequisite: FES 110, FAS 150, FES 202
This course introduces the concepts and principles of geographical analysis and mapping including location and
coordinate systems, Geographic Information Systems (GIS) linkages to other software packages, tabular data
manipulation, familiarization with GIS software (ArcGIS), geocoding, and generation of GIS maps and outputs.
Through the use of case studies, students will also build data bases, and learn elementary modeling and analysis.
UPL 204 Research Methods in Planning (3 = 1 + 2)
Prerequisite: UPL 201, UPL 202
This is an introductory course on the basic problems and strategies involved in data collection in the social
sciences. It explains how quantitative and qualitative researchers acquire their data. Quantitative methods will
review probability and descriptive statistics, types and sources of basic planning data, collection and organization
of data in tables, graphs and figures, and analysis and interpretation of quantitative information. UPL 204 will
also introduce analytical methods from a qualitative perspective and illustrate a variety of instruments including
surveys, case studies, action research, participant observation, focus groups, interviews, and textual analysis.
Additional work on databases and spatial analysis will be included as well.
UPL 205 Urban Ecology (3 = 2 + 1)
Prerequisite: UPL 201
This course will introduce the concepts and principles of basic ecology; the cycling of elements; energetic and
structural organization of major ecological systems; population dynamics; impact of natural resource management
practices and urban and industrial development on the environment; and the incorporation of environmental
quality considerations into development activities. The course focuses mainly on the interface between planning
systems and environmental management using the concept of sustainable development as an integrating
conceptual framework. The evolution of the concept of sustainability is discussed and attention is focused on the
development and use of sustainability indicators, policies for sustainability and the transition to sustainable
development paths. Field study of natural and disturbed ecosystems, urban and applied ecology will be an integral
part of study.
UPL 206 Graphic Communication for Planners (4 = 1 + 3)
Co-requisite: UPL 201, UPL 202
This course teaches students the basics of graphic presentation techniques for planners. The students will learn
the principles of hand-drawing, coloring, map scale, planning-specific graphic symbols, orthographic
projections, and some essential computer skills such as AutoCAD and Photoshop. This course will be
administered in a studio format.
UPL 210: Planning Studio I (4 = 1 + 3)
Prerequisites: UPL 206
This is the first of four planning studios in which students work as teams to complete a large scale project. The
studio topic will correspond to a real-life and ongoing planning problem, and will be situated within an existing
local site. In UPL 210, the students will work on developing a community-level land use plan.
UPL 311 Planning Principles I (Environment and Transportation) (3 = 2 + 1)
Prerequisites: UPL 203, UPL 204
This course is the first half of a two- semester offering in planning principles which introduces four key
functional planning areas: environmental planning and transportation planning, housing, and social planning.
The planning principles courses establish bridges between these areas and comprehensive planning theory and
practice. The UPL 300 course will cover basic environmental and transportation concepts and principles.
UPL 310 Planning Studio II (Land Use Planning) (4 = 1 + 3)
Co-requisite: UPL 300; Prerequisite: UPL 210
This is the second of the program’s four planning studios. UPL 310 will have a similar land-use focus to UPL 210
but with added complexity. In the studio, the students will develop a community level land-use plan.
UPL 302 Economic Development (3 = 2 + 1)
Prerequisites: UPL 306, UPL 308
In this course, students will learn the practical application and critical appraisal of regional analysis techniques,
including projection and forecasting, employment and demographic trends, and investment and decision-making
and cost benefit analysis. In addition, the concept and practice of community economic development will also
be introduced as an alternative mechanism for enhancing the long-term growth and development of cities and
UPL 303 Introduction to Urban Design (3 = 2 + 1)
Prerequisites: UPL 206, UPL 210
This course introduces the role of design in the built environment by focusing on issues of fabric, form, and
typology together with character and aesthetic quality. It will also illustrate how an examination of urban design
strategies and the assessment of developments can be applied through a design perspective. Material will cover
historical precedents, but contemporary situations drawn from local and international settings will also be used.
UPL 314 Planning Principles II (Housing and Social Planning) (3 = 2 + 1)
Prerequisites: UPL 300
The Planning Principles II course establishes linkages between the substantive areas of housing and social
planning and comprehensive planning theory and practice.
UPL 315 Planning Studio III (Environmental Planning) (4 = 1 + 3)
Prerequisites: UPL 310
This is the third planning studio course. In UPL 315, students will develop a community level land- use plan,
with an emphasis on an additional planning theme such as the environment, housing policies, transportation
planning, or social planning.
UPL 306 Public Infrastructure and Finance (3 = 2 + 1)
Prerequisite: FAS 210, UPL 204
This course will examine how infrastructure systems such as transportation, energy, water, and public facilities
serve people and their activities. It will teach skills for infrastructure planning, evaluation, and implementation.
Students will also learn about municipal budgets and accounting concepts, public-private sector partnerships, and
the process and practice of municipal finance.
UPL 307 Strategic Planning (3 = 2 + 1)
Prerequisites: UPL 308
This course will introduce students to the concept and practice of strategic planning. It will emphasize the
application of a strategic planning process in government and public sector organizations, and how to overcome
barriers to implementation. Acquiring an understanding of the role of planners in terms of public decisionmaking, strategic planning and management approaches, and the creation of appropriate responses is a major course
UPL 308 Introduction to Policy-Making (3 = 2 + 1)
Prerequisites: FAS 220
This course is an introduction to the process of policy-making. The roles of institutions, processes and political
elements in the creation of policy and its implementation are discussed. These roles will be examined in the
context of all levels of government. In addition, the course will focus on the way values and ideas shape and
contribute to the policy agenda, and the role of the public in the policy- making process.
UPL 400 Planning Law and Practice (3 = 2 + 1)
Prerequisites: UPL 410
This course introduces students to all aspects of the legal controls governing planning. It will review planning
legislation from all levels of government; the concept and practice of zoning and development controls; legal
requirements guiding the preparation and execution of Master Plan processes and documents; and land use control
systems. Students will also learn how to prepare planning documents that meet legal regulations.
UPL 410 Planning Studio IV (Community Planning) (4 = 1 + 3)
Prerequisite: UPL 304, UPL 315
The fourth and final studio builds on what students learned in the previous three studios and throughout the
program as a whole. This final studio closes the loop: students will develop a comprehensive community plan
covering all areas of planning. In addition to the maps and plans, the final deliverables for this studio should
include a written comprehensive report.
UPL 402 Senior Studio Project I (4 = 1 + 3)
Co-Requisite: UPL 410 and completion of 90 credit-hours prior to registering for this course.
The Senior Planning Project is an opportunity for students to pursue a topic of interest in depth under the
individualized supervision of a faculty member. Students will learn how to develop a project proposal, carry
out a research program of study, and write a major paper. The course will emphasize both the process of
research, and the product that represents the culmination of the effort. This project also serves as an
integrating mechanism and draws on everything the student has learned throughout the program.
UPL 403: Professional Practice Internship (3 = 0 + 3)
Prerequisites: UPL 300
The Professional Practice Internship course requires that the student works for a planning agency (either in
the public or private sectors) to become accustomed with the real-life planning profession. The duration of this
work should not be less than 2 months (or 8 weeks) under the supervision of a faculty member. Ideally, this
internship should take place in the summer of the student’s third year at the university.
UPL 408 Professional Practice Seminar (3 = 0 + 3)
Prerequisite: UPL 305, UPL 403
This course supplements the internship course UPL 403. It involves students in regular de-briefings to discuss the
practice of planning within the context of a variety of professional environments. Students will reflect on their
internships, compare work-related experiences and situations, learn about the roots modern planning, planning
ethics, leadership, and discuss the changing roles of planning professionals in city and regional development.
UPL 406 Alternative Dispute Resolution (3 = 2 + 1)
Prerequisite: UPL 302, UPL 307
Alternative dispute resolution has gained increasing popularity in planning as a response to congestion in the legal
system, delays in litigation, and rising legal costs. This course familiarizes students with theory, concept, and
practice for managing conflict and resolving disputes. Students will make extensive use of simulations to develop
analytical and practical skills in conciliation, negotiation, mediation, and arbitration, and learn how to respond to
conflict in planning and community disputes.
UPL 407 Senior Studio Project II (4 = 0 + 4)
Prerequisite: UPL 402
This course is an advanced continuation of UPL 402. The Senior Planning Project is an opportunity for students
to pursue a topic of interest in depth under the individualized supervision of a faculty member. Students will learn
how to develop a project proposal, carry out a research program of study, and write a major paper. The course will
emphasize both the process of research, and the product that represents the culmination of the effort. This
project also serves as an integrating mechanism and draws on everything the student has learned throughout the
UPL 456 Urban Transportation Planning (3 = 2 + 1)
Prerequisite: UPL 300
This course will introduce supply and demand management approaches to transportation planning within land
use/transportation interface. It will also teach the function of travel modes, modeling local and regional flows, the
finance politics and policy of transportation planning; and the class four-state model: trip generation, trip
distribution, modal split, and trip assignment. Cost and capacity relationships are also discussed.
UPL 458 Selected Topics in City and Regional Planning (3 = 2 + 1)
Prerequisite: UPL 204
A current topic in city and regional planning, in which students require competence, will constitute the focus of
this course. The topic may be issue-based, geographically related to specific regions or cities, or project- focused.
Selected topics will vary each term, and will be developed/proposed by individual faculty members, or in
response to student request.
UPL 459 Site Design and Planning (3 = 2 + 1)
Prerequisite: UPL 206
Using a studio approach, students will be introduced to the planning and design of distinct land uses on existing
sites. The emphasis will be on the design of suitable built form units within the context of an understanding of
environmental, engineering, technical, administrative, regulatory, cultural, and aesthetic factors which influence
and regulate planning and the design process. Within the context of this understanding, the student will develop
either a residential subdivision plan or a plan for a moderate sized retail development.
UPL 460 International Development (3 = 2 + 1)
Prerequisite: UPL 300
Planners often work in developing countries. This course begins with an examination of the dynamics of
development, and emphasizes the linkages between population, health and development; participation in
development planning; human settlements; sustainable development; and capacity building. Case studies are
used to illustrate the range of approaches currently being used by governments, multi-lateral organizations, and
non-governmental groups.
UPL 461 Advanced GIS for the Urban Environment (3 = 1 + 2)
Prerequisite: UPL 203
This course builds on the introductory course to GIS (UPL 203). It provides students with a thorough
understanding of GIS techniques and enables them to make full use of them. It also offers students a taste of the
real-world activities that are often required in urban GIS projects but rarely included in prepared lab work—tasks
such as data acquisition, integration of data in to the GIS, and manipulation of real data. Another objective is to
demonstrate project design and analysis methodologies through presentation of real examples— case studies—of
urban GIS projects.
Faculty and Teaching Staff – Urban Planning
Dr Abdellatif A Qamhaieh (Chair)
Chair and Assistant Professor
PhD (Urban and Regional Planning), University of Florida, USA, 2007, MA (Urban and Regional
Planning), University of Florida-Gainesville, USA, 2002, BSc (Architecture), An-Najah National
University, Palestine, 1998
Dr Adnan Husnéin
Assistant Professor
PhD (Urban Design and Planning), University of Washington, USA, 2006, MUP (Urban Design
and Planning), University of Washington, USA, 1991, BSc (Architectural Engineering), University of
Tripoli, Libya, 1983
Dr Hisako Kobayashi
Assistant Professor
PhD (Policy, Planning and Development), University of Southern California, USA, 2011, Master
(Regional Planning), Cornell University, USA, 2003, Bachelor (Agriculture in Environmental Studies
for Open Space), Chiba University, Japan, 1992
Dr Surajit Chakravarty
Assistant Professor
PhD (Policy, Planning and Development), University of Southern California, USA, 2010, MA (Urban
Planning), University of Illinois, USA, 2003, BA (Planning, School of Planning and Architecture),
India, 2001
Ms Marwa Yousef
Teaching Assistant
BA (Urban Studies), University of Minnesota, USA, 2009, Associate Degree (Arts), Rochester
Community and Technical College, USA, 2007
Global Knowledge with Local Vision
Department of Mathematics and Natural Sciences
The Department of Mathematics and Natural Sciences provides the mathematics and science curriculum
through courses and labs in support of the Engineering and Applied Sciences programs. In addition, the
department offers courses as part of the University General Requirement (UGR) program for all
Faculty and Teaching Staff – Mathematics and Natural Sciences
Prof Abdelaziz Soufyane (Chair)
PhD (Applied Mathematics), Université de Franche-Comté, France, 1999, MSc (Applied
Mathematics), Université de Franche-Comté, France, 1994
Prof Raymond Tennant
Professor and Provost
PhD (Mathematics), State University of New York at Albany, USA, 1988, BSc (Mathematics), Union
College, USA, 1983
Dr Ahmad Mousa Al Mahmoud
Associate Professor
PhD (Statistics), Mississippi State University, USA, 1999, MSc (Statistics), Yarmouk University,
Jordan, BSc (Mathematics), Yarmouk University, Jordan
Dr Mawia B Kaddoura
Assistant Professor
PhD (Applied Statistics), University of Alabama, USA, 2000, MSc (Applied Statistics), University of
Alabama, USA, 1984, BSc (Physics and Mathematics), University of Tripoli, Libya, 1976
Mr Ashraf Hammad Salem Abuhammad
Lab Instructor
MSc (Physics), Al-Albayt University (Almafraq), 2009); Higher Diploma, Educational Psychology (E.P), Na'aour
College, (UNRWA), Amman, Jordan, 2009; BSc (Physics), Al-Albayt University (Almafraq), 2003
Ms Nisrine Shaya
MA (Mathematics Education), Lebanese American University, Lebanon, 2010, BSc (Mathematics),
Lebanese American University, Lebanon, 2006
Mr Ibrahim Awadallah
Teaching Assistant
MA (Mathematics and Statistics), Mu'tah University, 2009; BSc (Mathematics and Statistics), Mu'tah
University, 2006
Global Knowledge with Local Vision
Catalogue 2012 – 2013
Prof Hassan Mustapha (Dean)
The Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences has three departments: Education, English, and Social
Sciences. The English Language Center described earlier in a separate section is part of the Department
of English.
Department of Education
The Department of Education offers two degrees in Arabic, the BEd in Arabic and Islamic Studies and
the Postgraduate Diploma (GradDipEd). The Postgraduate Diploma program is described in the section
on Graduate Programs. The department also offers courses in Arabic as part of the University General
Requirement (UGR) program.
Faculty and Teaching Staff – Education
Dr Mohamed Saeed Hasab El Naby (Chair)
Assistant Professor
PhD (Education), Mansoura University, Egypt, 2006, Masters (Education), Mansoura University,
Egypt, 2002, Diploma (Curricula and Methods of Instruction – Arabic Language and Islamic
Studies), Mansoura University, Egypt, 1998
Dr Hassan Al Samarrai
Associate Professor
PhD (Vocational Technical Education Development), College of (VET) University of Tennessee
Knoxville, USA, 1981, MA (Management and Economics), University of Tennessee Knoxville, USA,
1978, BA (Economics and Administration), Al Musterinia University, Iraq, 1975
Dr Teirab Ashshareef
Associate Professor
PhD (Arabic Literature and Culture), Indiana University, USA, 1988, MA (Arabic Literature), Indiana
University, USA, 1983, MA (Folklore), University of Khartoum, Sudan, 1978, BA Hons (Arabic and
English), University of Khartoum, Sudan, 1969
Dr Basem Younis Al Bdairat
Assistant Professor
PhD (Linguistic Studies), Mu’ta University, Jordan, MA (Arabic Language – Syntax), Mu’ta
University, Jordan, BA (Arabic Language), Mu’ta University, Jordan
Dr Saleh M Al-Nusairat
Assistant Professor
PhD (Education), Virginia Polytechnic University, USA 1999, MA (Applied Linguistics/TESOL),
State University of New York, USA 1980, BA (Arabic Language and Education), University of
Jordan, Jordan, 1978
‫)‪Bachelor of Education (BEd in Arabic and Islamic Studies‬‬
‫بكالوريوس في التربية معلم المرحلة االبتدائية‪/‬‬
‫مسار معلم مجال اللغة العربية والتربية اإلسالمية‬
‫طورت جامعة الحصن برنامج " معلم المرحلة االبتدائية ‪ /‬معلم المجال " في ضوء شعارها المهني " المعلم ميسراً للتعلم" لتلبية حاجات‬
‫الطلبة المعلمين الذين لم يحصلوا على تدريب منهجي في إحدى مؤسسات التعليم العالي المعترف بها‪ .‬ويتسق البرنامج مع رؤية جامعة‬
‫الحصن ورسالتها وتوجهها في إعداد برامج متطورة ومواكبة العصر‪ .‬كما يرتكز البرنامج على أفضل المستويات والمعايير العالمية ذات‬
‫الجودة العالية‪ ،‬والتي وضعتها المنظمات المهنية العالمية المتخصصة في مجال إعداد المعلم‪.‬‬
‫يعتمد القسم فلسفة تربوية تدور حول المتعلم والبيئة الصفية‪ ،‬انطالقاً من تصور مفاده أنّ المعلّم ميسّر للتعلم وأن المتلقي مشارك متفاعل‬
‫في اكتساب المعرفة من جهة ومطور لقدراته مهاراته التي اكتسبها من جهة أخرى‪.‬‬
‫‪ -1‬أن يطور الطلبة المعلمون معارفهم ومفاهيمهم ويستخدموا المبادئ األساسية والنظريات واألبحاث ذات العالقة بتطور أطفال‬
‫المرحلة االبتدائية من أجل بناء فرص تعليمية مناسبة تدعم تطور كل طالب على حده‪ ،‬باإلضافة إلى اكتسابه المعرفة والرغبة‬
‫في التعلم‪.‬‬
‫‪ -2‬أن يكتسب الطلبة المعلمون المعارف والمفاهيم ويستخدموا المبادئ الرئيسة وأدوات االستقصاء ومحتوى المنهاج؛ لمساعدة‬
‫أطفال المرحلة االبتدائية على اكتساب المعارف والمهارات األساسية‪.‬‬
‫‪ -3‬أن يربط الطلبة المعلمون الخبرات التعليمية بالعملية النمائية لألطفال والمجتمع بطريقة تأملية تفكرية‪.‬‬
‫‪ -4‬أن يخطط الطلبة المعلمون للتدريس وينفذوه بناء على المعارف ونظريات التعلم والمواد الدراسية وأهداف المنهاج آخذين‬
‫بعين االعتبار الفروق الفردية واستخدام التفكير الناقد واإلبداعي والتعلم النشط وحل المشكالت والتواصل الفعال‪.‬‬
‫‪ -5‬أن يستخدم الطلبة المعلمون طرق تدريس تتالءم مع الخبرات المتعددة لألطفال ويستجيبوا ألشكال التعلم واألداء المختلفة‬
‫‪ -6‬أن يوظف الطلبة المعلمون استراتيجيات التقويم المنهجية وغير المنهجية (مثال ذلك المالحظة وملفات إنجاز األطفال‬
‫واالختبارات التي يضعها المعلمون والمهام األدائية‪ ،‬والمشروعات‪ ،‬واختبار التقويم الذاتي‪ ،‬وأدوات تقويم الرفاق‬
‫واالختبارات المقننة) لتحسين معلوماتهم عن أطفالهم وتقويم تقدمهم وأدائهم ولتعديل استراتيجيات التعليم والتعلم‪.‬‬
‫‪ -7‬أن يطبق الطلبة المعلمون الممارسات والسلوكيات المهنية‪ ،‬مثل التفكر في ممارسات التدريس وإقامة عالقات تعاونية مع أسر‬
‫األطفال وزمالء المهنة‪ ،‬والقطاعات المجتمعية المختلفة‪.‬‬
‫يتوقع من الطالب بعد دراسته مساقات البرنامج أن يكون قادراً على أن‪:‬‬
‫‪ .1‬يستخدم بكفاءة األمثلة الصحيحة للمفاهيم اللغوية والدينية‪ ،‬ويربطها بما سبق لألطفال اكتسابه من المفاهيم ‪.‬‬
‫‪ .2‬يطبق أحكام تجويد القرآن وقواعد تالوته؛ ليتمكنوا من تالوته تالوة صحيحة وتعليمها ألطفاله‬
‫‪ .3‬يطبق المعارف الفقهية المرتبطة بأحكام العبادات وقضايا األسرة حتى يمكن أطفاله من تأديتها على نحو صحيح‬
‫‪ .4‬يستخدم المفاهيم‪ ،‬والمهارات‪ ،‬واألفكار‪ ،‬والمعلومات المتضمنة في النصوص اللغوية المقررة في تربية األطفال تربية لغوية‬
‫تمكنهم من الكالم‪ ،‬والقراءة‪ ،‬والكتابة‪ ،‬بلغة عربية صحيحة‪.‬‬
‫‪ .5‬يوظف استراتيجيات تدريس اللغة العربية والتربية اإلسالمية في تعليمهما وتنمية مهاراتهما‪ ،‬مستخدماً األساليب التكنولوجية‬
‫والوسائل التعليمية الحديثة‪.‬‬
‫‪ .6‬يوظف استراتيجيات التقويم المنهجية‪ ،‬وكذلك استراتيجيات البيئة الصفية الفاعلة عند تدريس مادتي اللغة العربية والتربية‬
‫‪ .7‬يوظف مبادئ علم النفس التربوي ومفاهيمه ونظرياته المتعلقة بالتعلم والتحصيل وجوانب نمو الطفل النفسية‪ ،‬والعقلية‪،‬‬
‫واللغوية‪ ،‬واالجتماعية التي تسهم في تكوين شخصية صحية سوية‪.‬‬
‫‪ .8‬ينوع في طرائق التدريس وأساليبها لمراعاة الفروق الفردية عند المتعلمين وذوي االحتياجات الخاصة متفهماً سياسة الدمج‬
‫التي تنتهجها الدولة‪.‬‬
‫‪ .9‬يدرك التكامل بين المعارف والمفاهيم والمهارات التي اكتسبها خالل مساقات البرنامج موظفاً في السياقات التعليمية المختلفة‬
‫والبحث العلمي‪.‬‬
‫ﻒﻴﺻﻮﺗ ﺎﻗﺎﺴﻣت ﺞﻣﺎﻧﺮﺑ اﺔﻴﺑﺮﺘﻟ ﺺﺼﺨﺗ ﻢﻠﻌﻣ ﻣﺎﺠل )اﺔﻐﻠﻟ اﺔﻐﻠﻟ اﻟﻌﺔﻴﺑﺮ اوﺪﻟارﺎﺳت اﺔﻴﻣﻼﺳﻹ(‬
‫‪Course Descriptions‬‬
‫التفكير االبتكاري )‪ 3 (FAS 110‬ساعات معتمدة‬
‫يهدف هذا المساق إلى تنمية قدرة الطالب على التحليل والتركيب والتطبيق الخاصة بمهارات حل المشكلة‪ ،‬والتفكير الناقد واالبتكاري‪ ،‬ومهارات اتخاذ‬
‫القرار في بيئة العمل‪ ،‬ويتضمن المساق تطبيقات عملية للتفكير االبتكاري‪ ،‬والتي تتيح للطالب تطبيق المهارات واألساليب المختلفة والمتنوعة لتحديد‬
‫المشكالت وحلها‪.‬‬
‫العلوم الطبيعية )‪ 3 (FES 122‬ساعات معتمدة‬
‫يهدف المساق إلى إكساب الطلبة المعرفة الوظيفية للمفاهيم العلمية األساسية المتصلة بالبيئة ومشكالتها‪ ،‬والكون والمجموعة الشمسية وموقع األرض‬
‫في الكون‪ ،‬والخلية الحية وعظياتها ‪ ،‬والتنوع في الكائنات الحية‪ ،‬والتركيب العام للنبات والحيوان‪ ،‬وتعريف بعلم الكيمياء والعناصر والمركبات‬
‫الكيميائية‪ ،‬والطاقة ومصادرها ‪.‬‬
‫مهارات االتصال باللغة العربية )‪ 3 (FAS 102‬ساعات معتمدة‬
‫يهدف هذا المساق إلى تطوير قدرات الطالب المعرفية في مهارات االتصال (االستماع والكالم والقراءة والكتابة )‪ ،‬ومن الموضوعات التي يتم تناولها‬
‫مفهوم اللغة ووظائفها وخصائص اللغة العربية ومفهوم االتصال اللغوي وأهميته‪ ،‬ومن خالل استعراض المساق لعناصر االتصال اللغوي يتناول‬
‫عمليتي اإلرسال واالستقبال للغة شفهياً وتحريرياً‪ ،‬فيعرض أوالً لالتصال الشفهي من حيث االستقبال (االستماع)‪ ،‬واإلرسال (الكالم) ومحدداً لكل منهما‬
‫المفاهيم والمهارات وأسس الكفاءة‪ ،‬ومركزاً على مجاالت االتصال الشفهي الوظيفي في العمل اإلداري‪ .‬ويعرض المساق ثانياً لالتصال التحريري من‬
‫حيث االستقبال (القراءة)‪ ،‬واإلرسال (الكتابة) محدداً لكل منهما المفهوم واألهمية والمهارات‪ ،‬ومركزاً على مجاالت االتصال التحريري الوظيفي في‬
‫العمل اإلداري‪.‬‬
‫‪Communication Skills in English (FAS 121) 3 credit hours‬‬
‫‪This course is designed to provide students with the necessary communicative skills required for‬‬
‫‪academic performance. The course aims to develop overall English comprehension and communication‬‬
‫‪skills. The course will focus on two key areas of communication: reading and writing.‬‬
‫الثقافة اإلسالمية )‪ 3(FAS 123‬ساعات معتمدة‬
‫يهدف هذا المساق إلى تغطية مجاالت محددة من الفكر اإلسالمي‪ ،‬والمفاهيم المرتبطة بمناحي الحياة المختلفة‪ ،‬حيث يتم التركيز على الفكر اإلسالمي‬
‫المبين في القرآن الكريم واألحاديث النبوية الشريفة‪ ،‬ومن الموضوعات التي يتم تناولها مفهوم الثقافة اإلسالمية‪ ،‬والمراحل التي مرت بها الثقافة‬
‫اإلسالمية‪ ،‬ووجود الخالق سبحانه وتعالى ووحدانيته وأركان اإليمان وأثرها في الحياة‪ ،‬باإلضافة إلى موضوعات مرتبطة بالحضارة الشرقية‬
‫والتحديات الغربية التي تواجه اإلسالم‪ ،‬وكذلك االقتصاد اإلسالمي والحقوق العائلية في اإلسالم‪.‬‬
‫طرق البحث (‪ 3 (FES 104‬ساعات معتمدة‬
‫يهدف هذا المساق إلى أن يقدم للطالب طرق البحث األساسية التي يمكن تطبيقها في المجاالت المختلفة وتنمية مهارات البحث لديه‪ .‬يتضمن المساق‬
‫تعريف ماهية البحث وصياغة افتراضات البحوث‪ ،‬مصادر المعلومات وأنواع البيانات وطرق جمعها وتحليلها واستخالص النتائج وعرضها والوصول‬
‫إلى الخالصات‪ .‬سيتم التركيز أيضاً على أخالقيات البحث العلمي وكتابة البحوث‪.‬‬
‫الرياضيات )‪ 3(FES 120‬ساعات معتمدة‬
‫هذا المساق مخصص لطلبة قسم التربية‪ ،‬وهو عبارة عن ثالث ساعات معتمدة‪ .‬يغطي مساق الرياضيات باللغة العربية معظم أساسيات الرياضيات‬
‫ومبادئها بمستوى يتناسب واحتياجات تخصص التربية‪.‬‬
‫مقدمة في اإلحصاء )‪(FES 121‬‬
‫‪ 3‬ساعات معتمدة‬
‫يهدف هذا المساق إلى تزويد الطالب بطرق جمع البيانات‪ ،‬العرض البياني‪ ،‬العرض الجدولي‪ ،‬المقاييس اإلحصائية (النزعة المركزية والتشتت‬
‫وااللتواء واالرتباط)‪ ،‬والتوزيع الطبيعي‪ ،‬واختبارات النسب‪ ،‬اختبارات مربع كاي‪.‬‬
‫مقدمة في االقتصاد )‪ 3(FBA 120‬ساعات معتمدة‬
‫يهدف هذا المساق إلى تزويد الطلبة أساسيات علم االقتصاد‪ ،‬ويضم هذا المساق عدة محاور كتعريف علم االقتصاد وطبيعة المشاكل االقتصادية‬
‫ونظريات الطلب والعرض وما يتفرع م نها من عالقات ومرونة الطلب والعرض ومفهومهما ومنحنياتهما كما يشمل النظريات االقتصادية وما يتعلق‬
‫تطبيقات الحاسوب )‪ 3(FES 101‬ساعات معتمدة‬
‫سيتعرف الطالب من خالل دراسة هذه المادة المكونات األساسية للحاسوب ووظائفه واستخدامات الحاسوب وبرامج األوفس من أجل حل المسائل‬
‫وإنشاء وتصميم صفحات الويب‪ .‬ومن أهم المواضيع التي سيتم مناقشتها هي‪ :‬مبادئ عمل الحاسوب‪ ،‬وإدارة الملفات‪ ،‬والبحث في الشبكة واستخدام‬
‫البريد االلكتروني‪ ،‬وبرامج ‪MS Word‬و‪ MS Excel‬و‪ MS PowerPoint‬و‪ MS Front Page‬و ‪.MS Project‬‬
‫األخالق )‪ 3(FAS 118‬ساعات معتمدة‬
‫يهدف هذا المساق إلى تزويد الطلبة بمعارف عن ماهية األخالق والتصنيفات األخالقية وأسسها والتربية األخالقية ودور المؤسسات التربوية في‬
‫تعزيزها‪ ،‬ونماذج من األخالق ويهدف إلى تربية الشباب خلقيا بشكل عام‪ ،‬وكيفية مواجهة المشاكل األخالقية المعاصرة‪.‬‬
‫اإلعجاز العلمي في القرآن الكريم (‪ 3 )FAS 105‬ساعات معتمدة‬
‫يهدف هذا المساق إلى تقديم إطار نظري حول نشأة علم اإلعجاز وتطوره‪ ،‬كما يتعرض لقضية اإلعجاز العلمي للقرآن بين المؤيدين والمعارضين‪،‬‬
‫ومواقف وضوابط كل منهما‪.‬‬
‫علم النفس التربوي (‪ 3 )PSY 201‬ساعات معتمدة‬
‫يهدف هذا المساق إلى تقديم نظريات التعلم المختلفة ومبادئها في مجال علم النفس التربوي للطالب المعلمين‪ .‬ومن بين الموضوعات التي يغطيها هذا‬
‫المساق نظريات النمو المختلفة (كالنمو المعرفي‪ ،‬واللغوي‪ ،‬والنفسي)‪ ،‬نظريات التعلم‪ ،‬ونظريات الدافعية‪ ،‬التحصيل الدراسي والعوامل المؤثرة فيه‪،‬‬
‫والفروق الفردية بين المتعلمين‪.‬‬
‫المدرسة والمجتمع (‪ 3 )EDU 201‬ساعات معتمدة‬
‫يهدف هذا المساق إلى تزويد الطالب المعلم بمعلومات حول أسر األطفال‪ ،‬والمجتمع وزمالء المهنة‪ ،‬وكيف يتم التواصل بينهم بفاعلية‪ ،‬ومن بين‬
‫الموضوعات التي يغطيها هذا المساق‪ ،‬مشاركة األسرة في دعم األنشطة المدرسية‪ ،‬والمدرسة كمنظمة للتغيير داخل المجتمع‪ ،‬ومجتمعات التعلم‪ .‬هذا‬
‫باإلضافة إلى تنمية المفاهيم والمهارات األساسية المتعلقة بأخالقيات مهنة التدريس وتطويرها‪ .‬ويؤكد المساق على التواصل بين المدرسة والمجتمع‬
‫وإعطاء الطالب الفرصة ليطور خطة نموه المهني‪.‬‬
‫تدريس التالميذ ذوي االحتياجات الخاصة (‪ 3 )EDU 202‬ساعات معتمدة‬
‫يهدف هذا المساق إلى تعريف الطالب المعلم بالمعارف والمهارات الضرورية للتعامل مع األطفال ذوي االحتياجات الخاصة داخل الصفوف العادية‪،‬‬
‫ويغطي المساق مفاهيم التربية الخاصة ومبادئها ونظرياتها باإلضافة إلى النواحي القانونية وااللتزامات األخالقية‪ ،‬وإجراءات تحديد وتقييم هؤالء‬
‫األطفال وتعديل المنهج واستراتيجيات التدريس والبيئة الصفية بما يتالءم مع احتياجاتهم‪ .‬ويركز المساق على تخطيط برامج التعليم الفردي لذوي‬
‫االحتياجات الخاصة كما تشكل الزيارات المدرسية جزءاً ال يتجزأ من المساق‪.‬‬
‫تكنولوجيا التعليم (‪ 3 )EDU 203‬ساعات معتمدة‬
‫يهدف هذا المساق إلى تزويد الطالب المعلم بالنواحي النظرية والعملية إلدماج التكنولوجيا في عمليات التعليم والتعلم‪ .‬ومن بين الموضوعات التي‬
‫يشملها المساق‪ :‬دور التكنولوجيا في التعليم‪ ،‬نظريات التعليم والتعلم والتكنولوجيا‪ ،‬تصميم التعليم‪ ،‬ومبادئ واستراتيجيات استخدام التكنولوجيا‬
‫والوسائل التعليمية‪ .‬ويركز المساق على دمج التكنولوجيا في منهج المدرسة االبتدائية ويعتبر الجانب العملي أساسياً في هذا المساق‪.‬‬
‫بناء المنهج وتنفيذه ( ‪ 3 )EDU 204‬ساعات معتمدة‬
‫يهدف هذا المساق إلى تعريف الطالب بعمليات تنفيذ المنهج في دولة اإلمارات العربية المتحدة‪ ،‬حيث يدرس الطالب موضوعات من بينها‪ :‬تخطيط‬
‫المنهج‪ ،‬و تنفيذه‪ ،‬وتقويمه‪ ،‬وتطوير خبرات تربوية ذات معنى ومناسبة لتالميذ المرحلة االبتدائية‪ ،‬ويؤكد المساق بصفة خاصة على إكساب الطالب‬
‫المعلم القدرة على تعديل عناصر المنهج لتتواءم مع تنوع تالميذ هذه المرحلة‪.‬‬
‫أصول التربية )‪ 3(EDU 205‬ساعات معتمدة‬
‫يتضمن هذا المساق تعريفاً عاماً بالتربية وما يتصل بها من مفاهيم وخصائص‪ ،‬وتعرف أصولها المجتمعية المختلفة وأنواعها ومؤسساتها وتوجهاتها‬
‫المستقبلية‪ ،‬كما يتضمن تطور التربية وتعريفاً بأهم أعالمها في العصور المختلفة‪ ،‬باإلضافة إلى األصول االجتماعية والثقافية والحضارية واالقتصادية‬
‫للتربية‪ ،‬وتحديداً ألهم القضايا والمضامين المرتبطة بكل هذه األصول وسبل التعامل معها‪ .‬مع تعرف أخالقيات مهنة التعليم‪.‬‬
‫التربية األسرية في اإلسالم )‪ 3(ISL 201‬ساعات معتمدة‬
‫يهدف هذا المساق إلى تزويد الطلبة بأهم موضوع من موضوعات الفقه اإلسالمي وهو موضوع التربية األسرية في اإلسالم ويغطي جميع جوانب‬
‫الموضوع فيتناول‪ :‬تربية الطفل في اإلسالم‪ ،‬واألسرة المسلمة‪ ،‬والعالقات األسرية في اإلسالم‪ ،‬ومسئوليات أفراد األسرة الكبير والصغير‪ ،‬وحقوق‬
‫الطفل في اإلسالم والمرأة في األسرة المسلمة‪ .‬ويركز على استنباط األحكام الفقهية الخاصة باألسرة من المصادر الفقهية المختلفة‪ ،‬وربطها بالمشكالت‬
‫االجتماعية المعاصرة‪.‬‬
‫علوم الحديث )‪ 3(ISL 203‬ساعات معتمدة‬
‫يهدف هذا المساق إلى تزويد الطلبة بالمفاهيم األساسية لعلم الحديث‪ ،‬وإكسابه القدرة على استخدام مراجع علم الحديث مثل كتب الصحاح والسنن‬
‫والمسانيد‪ ،‬وتدريب الطلبة على استخدامها‪ ،‬كما تكسبه القدرة على تدريبهم على استنباط األحكام واآلداب اإلسالمية من األحاديث الشريفة‪ ،‬وتبصيرهم‬
‫بالعالقة الوثيقة بين الحديث الشريف والقرآن الكريم‪.‬‬
‫فقه العبادات )‪ 3(ISL 202‬ساعات معتمدة‬
‫يهدف هذا المساق إلى تزويد الطلبة بالمصطلحات الفقهية‪ ،‬واألحكام الخاصة بكل عبادة‪ ،‬وكيفية أداء هذه العبادات على الوجه األكمل‪ ،‬كما يتطلب‬
‫االستخدام األمثل لألدلة الشرعية لتدعيم مناقشة األحكام الشرعية مع طالبه‪ ،‬واستنباط هذه الحكام من مصادر التشريع‪.‬‬
‫األدب العربي )‪ 3(ARA 303‬ساعات معتمدة‬
‫يتناول هذا المساق تطور األدب العربي في عصوره المختلفة‪ :‬الجاهلي‪ ،‬وصدر اإلسالم‪ ،‬و األموي‪ ،‬والعباسي‪ ،‬واألندلسي‪ ،‬والنهضة‪ ،‬والحديث‪ ،‬وذلك‬
‫من خالل دراسة نصوص مختارة من مختلف األجناس األدبية في هذه العصور‪ :‬الشعر‪ ،‬والقصة‪ ،‬والسيرة‪ ،‬والسيرة الذاتية‪ ،‬والمسرح‪ ،‬والرواية‪،‬‬
‫والقصة القصيرة‪ ،‬ووضعها في سياقها التاريخي‪ ،‬واالجتماعي‪ ،‬والثقافي‪ .‬كما يتعرض المساق للمدارس‪ ،‬واالتجاهات‪ ،‬والمذاهب األدبية في هذه‬
‫العصور‪ .‬ومن متطلبات المساق كذلك تدريب الطالب علي تحليل النصوص األدبية وتفسيرها من خالل النماذج المختارة‪.‬‬
‫البالغة العربية ‪( 1‬البيان والبديع) )‪ 3(ARA 202‬ساعات معتمدة‬
‫يتناول هذا المساق قضايا بالغية هامة تتصل بنشأة علوم البالغة بشكل عام مركزاً على علمي البيان والبديع وما يتصل بهما من موضوعات من حيث‪:‬‬
‫التشبيه و أركانه وأنواعه‪ ،‬واالستعارة‪ ،‬والمجاز‪ ،‬والكناية‪ ،‬وما يتصل بعلم البديع من محسنات لفظية أو معنوية كالجناس‪ ،‬والسجع‪ ،‬والتورية‪ ،‬والطباق‪،‬‬
‫والمقابلة‪ ،‬وغيرها‪ .‬وسيتم استكمال متطلبات هذا العلم (البالغة) في مساق تالٍ‪ ،‬مع التركيز على الجانب التطبيقي من النصوص القرآنية وكالم العرب‬
‫نثره وشعره‪.‬‬
‫البالغة العربية (‪ ( )2‬علم المعاني) )‪ 3(ARA 302‬ساعات معتمدة‬
‫يستكمل هذا المساق ما تم دراسته في مساق البالغة (‪ )1‬من موضوعات في علمي البيان والبديع‪ .‬وسيقتصر على موضوعات من علم المعاني لها دور‬
‫في إعداد معلمي اللغة العربية‪ ،‬ومنها‪ :‬الخبر و اإلنشاء‪،‬واإلسناد وأحواله‪ ،‬والقصر والوصل‪ ،‬واإليجاز واإلطناب‪ ،‬مع التركيز على الجانب التطبيقي‬
‫على نصوص من القرآن وكالم العرب شعره ونثره‪.‬‬
‫النقد األدبي العربي )‪ 3(ARA 402‬ساعات معتمدة‬
‫يتناول هذا المساق نشأة النقد األدبي عند العرب وتطوره عبر العصور‪ .‬كما يتناول المسائل النقدية الرئيسة التى شغلت النقاد العرب القدامى‪ :‬كاللفظ‬
‫والمعنى‪ ،‬والطبع والصنعة‪ ،‬والسرقات األدبية‪ ،‬وعمود الشعر‪ ،‬وطبقات الشعراء‪ .‬ويتعرض المساق أيضاً لمناقشة نظريات كبار النقاد القدامى‪ .‬ويشمل‬
‫الجزء األخير من المساق النقد األدبي العربي في العصر الحديث‪ ،‬وتأثره بالمدارس النقدية األوربية الحديثة‪ .‬ومن متطلبات المساق كذلك تدريب‬
‫الطالب على تحليل النصوص األدبية وتفسيرها من خالل نماذج مختارة‪.‬‬
‫علم العروض )‪ 3(ARA 403‬ساعات معتمدة‬
‫يتناول هذا المساق نشأة علم العروض وموضوعاته‪ ،‬مثل‪ :‬البحور الشعرية‪ ،‬القافية‪ ،‬والزحافات والعلل‪ ،‬والضرورة الشعرية‪ ،‬وغيرها‪ .‬مع اإلشارة إلى‬
‫التغيير الذي طرأ على موسيقى الشعر العربي في العصر الحديث‪ ،‬مركزاً على الجانب التطبيقي‪.‬‬
‫السيرة النبوية (‪3 )ISL 301‬ساعات معتمدة‬
‫يهدف هذا المساق إلى تزويد الطالب المعلم بطائفة من حياة النبي بدءاً بمولده صلى اهلل عليه وسلم وبيئته وزواجه وأخالقه‪ ،‬ومواقفه من مشركي مكة‪،‬‬
‫وهجرته إلى المدينة وبداية العهد المدني‪ ،‬ثم غزواته وسراياه وفقهها وأخذ العبرة منها‪ ،‬ثم مكاتبات النبي صلى اهلل عليه وسلم إلى الملوك ودعوتهم إلى‬
‫اإلسالم‪ ،‬وانتهاءً بحجة الوداع ورسم معالم الدعوة إلى اهلل بعد رحيله صلى اهلل عليه وسلم‪.‬‬
‫فقه المعامالت )‪ 3 (ISL 302‬ساعات معتمدة‬
‫يتناول هذا المساق دراسة تحليلية ألحكام العقود الشرعية‪ ،‬مثل‪ :‬العقود‪ ،‬وحقيقتها‪ ،‬والبيوع وأنواعها‪ ،‬وأحكام السلم‪ ،‬واالستصناع‪ ،‬والربا‪ ،‬واإلجازة‪،‬‬
‫والوكالة‪ ،‬والرهن‪ ،‬والكفالة‪ ،‬والشركات‪ ،‬والمزارعة التي تنظم وفق أحكام الشريعة اإلسالمية‪.‬‬
‫تدريس التربية اإلسالمية في المدرسة االبتدائية (‪ 3 )EDU 302‬ساعات معتمدة‬
‫يهدف المساق إلى تزويد الطالب المعلم بالنماذج واالستراتيجيات الحديثة في تدريس التربية اإلسالمية بالمدرسة االبتدائية‪ .‬ويغطي المساق موضوعات‬
‫مثل‪ :‬طبيعة التربية اإلسالمية‪ ،‬أهداف تدريس التربية اإلسالمية‪ ،‬تدريس القرآن الكريم‪ ،‬تدريس الحديث الشريف‪ ،‬تدريس العقائد‪ ،‬تدريس العبادات‪،‬‬
‫تدريس السيرة‪ ،‬تدريس التهذيب‪ ،‬والطبيعة التكاملية للت ربية اإلسالمية أيضاً‪ ،‬باإلضافة إلى مهارات التخطيط والتدريس والتقييم وذلك بصورة متكاملة‪،‬‬
‫كما يبرز المساق تطبيقات مبادئ التربية اإلسالمية في مواقف مختلفة‪ ،‬ويعتبر التدريس المصغر جزءاً مهماً في المساق‪.‬‬
‫تدريس اللغة العربية في المدرسة االبتدائية (‪ 3 )EDU 303‬ساعات معتمدة‬
‫يهدف هذا المساق إلى تزويد الطالب المعلم بالنماذج واالستراتيجيات الحديثة في تدريس اللغة العربية في المدرسة االبتدائية ويغطي المساق‬
‫موضوعات مختلفة منها‪ :‬طبيعة اللغة العربية‪ ،‬معايير تدريس اللغة العربية‪ ،‬والمداخل المختلفة لتدريسها‪ .‬ويؤكد المساق على المدخل التكاملي في‬
‫تدريس فنون اللغة العربية (القراءة‪ ،‬الكتابة‪ ،‬التحدث‪ ،‬واالستماع) ‪ ،‬ويعتبر التدريس المصغر جزءاً مهماً في هذا المساق‪.‬‬
‫أدب األطفال )‪ 3(EDU 206‬ساعات معتمدة‬
‫يتناول هذا المساق مفهوم أدب األطفال وأهميته وتأثيره في شخصية األطفال‪ ،‬ودوره في إشباع حاجاتهم النفسية‪ ،‬مع استعراض لفنون أدب األطفال‬
‫والميول األدبية لألطفال ودور المدرسة في تنميتها‪ .‬كما يتعرض المساق لقصص األطفال في المرحلة االبتدائية‪ ،‬ومقومات تأليف قصص األطفال‬
‫اإلدارة المدرسية والصفية (‪ 3 )EDU 310‬ساعات معتمدة‬
‫يهدف هذا المساق إلى تزويد الطالب المعلم بمداخل مختلفة للمحافظة على بيئة صفية حافزة وإيجابية‪ .‬ومن بين الموضوعات التي يشملها المساق‪:‬‬
‫إجراءات اإلدارة الصفية الفعالة‪ ،‬الدافعية اإلنسانية والسلوك‪ ،‬تنظيم البيئة الفيزيقية‪ ،‬التفاعل اللفظي وغير اللفظي‪ ،‬وسائل وأدوات هذا التواصل‪ .‬ويهتم‬
‫المساق بصفة خاصة بتعديل البيئة الصفية لتواكب تنوع حاجات التالميذ‪.‬‬
‫الصحة النفسية )‪ 3(EDU 313‬ساعات معتمدة‬
‫يتناول هذا المساق مفهوم الصحة النفسية واإلطار التصوري لهذا العلم عن الشخصية السوية والالسوية وخصائص كل منهما‪ ،‬وأهميتها ونظرياتها‪،‬‬
‫وأساليب اإلرشاد النفسي وفنياته وطرقه المختلفة ومجاالته ومناهجه وأدواته ووسائل جمع المعلومات وبرامجه وفريق العمل اإلرشادي وما ينطوي‬
‫عليه من معايير أخالقية للعملية اإلرشادية ‪.‬‬
‫علم نفس النمو (‪ 3 )PSY 301‬ساعات معتمدة‬
‫يهدف هذا المساق إلى تعريف الطالب المعلم بجوانب النمو الجسمي واالجتماعي والوجداني والعقلي ألطفال المرحلة االبتدائية‪ .‬ومن بين الموضوعات‬
‫التي يشملها المساق‪ :‬المفاهيم‪ ،‬المبادئ‪ ،‬والنظريات المتعلقة بنمو األطفال وتكوين الشخصية‪ ،‬ومعايير النمو الطبيعي‪ ،‬ويؤكد المساق على مساعدة‬
‫الطالب المعلم على إيجاد بيئة مناسبة تساعد على إكساب األطفال أقصى درجات الفهم والدافعية والنمو‪.‬‬
‫مناهج البحث العلمي (‪3 )EDU 401‬ساعات معتمدة‬
‫يهدف هذا المساق المدخلي إلى تزويد الطالب المعلم بفهم عام ألسس البحث اإلجرائي التربوي وأهدافه ومبادئه‪ .‬وعلى الرغم من أن المعلمين ومديري‬
‫المدارس لديهم كم هائل من المعا رف حول ممارساتهم‪ ،‬وتالميذهم؛ إال أنهم كثيراً ما يتلقون معلومات من خبراء من خارج المدرسة عن المشكالت التي‬
‫تواجههم‪ .‬لذا فإن هذا المساق سوف يساعد المعلمين والمهنيين اآلخرين بالمدرسة لبناء معارفهم وجعلها متاحة لزمالئهم لالستفادة منها وإفادة تالميذهم‪.‬‬
‫إن هذا ال مساق صمم لمساعدة التربويين والمهنيين بالمدارس على فهم العالقة بين نموهم المهني وبين تحسين تعلم زمالئهم وتالميذهم‪.‬‬
‫أدب الخليج العربي المعاصر )‪ 3 (ARA 302‬ساعات معتمدة‬
‫يقدم هذا المساق صورة واضحة لإلطار الزماني والمكاني ألدب الخليج العربي المعاصر‪ ،‬ويبين أثر عوامل النهضة األدبية الحديثة في الشعر‬
‫الخليجي‪ ،‬وتياراته التقليدية واإلحيائية والواقعية والرومانسية والحداثية‪ ،‬كما يبين فنون النثر في أدب الخليج العربي المعاصر من مقالة ورواية وقصة‬
‫ومسرحية ‪.‬‬
‫نحو وصرف (‪ 3 (ARA 301))1‬ساعات معتمدة‬
‫يقدم هذا المساق مقداراً كافياً من المعلومات النحوية والصرفية النظرية األساسية التي تعمل على إكساب الطلبة السالمة اللغوية الشفهية والكتابية‬
‫والقرائية‪ ،‬ويتم التركيز في هذا المساق على النحو والصرف الوظيفي‪ ،‬ما من شأنه تأهيل المعلمين بالمعلومات والمهارات الضرورية التي يحتاجون‬
‫إليها في حياتهم العملية بما يحقق األهداف المرجوة من تدريس هذا المساق‪.‬‬
‫نحو وصرف (‪ 3 (ARA 401) )2‬ساعات معتمدة‬
‫هذا المساق تكميل لما سبقت دراسته في مساق‪ :‬نحو وصرف (‪ )1‬حيث يتم التركيز فيه‪ -‬نحواً‪ -‬على الجملة الفعلية ومكمالتها من مرفوعات‬
‫ومنصوبات ومجرورات‪ ،‬والتوابع‪ ،‬وبعض األساليب النحوية المهمة‪.‬‬
‫ويتم التركيز – صرفاً– على التصغير والنسب واإلعالل واإلبدال‪ ،‬وتعمل هذه المفردات على إكساب الطلبة مهارات السالمة اللغوية الشفهية والقرائية‬
‫والكتابية‪ ،‬بما يحقق األهداف المرجوة من تدريس هذا المساق‪.‬‬
‫التقويم النفسي والتربوي (‪ 3 )EDU 410‬ساعات معتمدة‬
‫يهدف هذا المساق إلى تزويد الطالب المعلم بالمفاهيم األساسية في القياس والتقويم‪ ،‬وتصنيف أدوات القياس والتقويم‪ .‬ويتناول هذا المساق مفاهيم القياس‬
‫والتقويم الصفي‪ ،‬وأنواع التقويم‪ ،‬وأنواع االختبارات‪ ،‬واألهداف التعليمية وعالقتها بالتقويم‪ ،‬وإعداد االختبارات التحصيلية ‪ ،‬وإخراجها‪ ،‬وتطبيقها في‬
‫المرحلة االبتدائية ‪.‬‬
‫الدين والحياة )‪ 3(ISL 201‬ساعات معتمدة‬
‫يهدف هذا المساق إلى تزويد الطلبة بخلفية نظرية عن الدين ومفهومه‪ ،‬واإلسالم واإليمان مركزاً على األخالق والقيم وعالقة ذلك بالحياة‪ ،‬مبرزاً عالقة‬
‫الدين بالحياة السياسية‪ ،‬واالقتصادية‪ ،‬واالجتماعية باإلضافة إلى غرس الشعور الديني لدى األطفال‪.‬‬
‫علوم القرآن والتالوة والتجويد )‪ 3(ISL 403‬ساعات معتمدة‬
‫يهدف هذا المساق إلى تزويد الطلبة باألحكام المتصلة بالعقيدة‪ ،‬واألحكام األخالقية‪ ،‬واألحكام العملية المتعلقة بأفعال المكلفين وأقوالهم‪ ،‬وهو محور‬
‫لدراسات عديدة لغوية وشرعية‪ .‬إن دراسة الطالب المعلم لعلوم القرآن تكسبه مفاهيم ومعارف أساسية ترتبط بالقرآن الكريم خاصة وبمادة التربية‬
‫اإل سالمية عامة‪ ،‬كما تكسبه القدرة على إبراز المواقف المختلفة من خالل القصص القرآني‪ ،‬وتمكنه من استخدام أساليب الحوار وضرب‬
‫األمثال‪ ...‬وغيرها؛ مما يجعله قادراً على تدريس القرآن الكريم بكفاءة‪ .‬كما أن المعلم في حاجة شديدة إلى إجادة تطبيق أحكام التالوة والتجويد عند تالوة‬
‫اآليات القرآنية أمام طالبه‪ ،‬ولكي يقدر على إكسابهم هذه المهارات فالبد من إتقانها‪.‬‬
‫المنظومة القيمية في اإلسالم )‪ 3(ISL 406‬ساعات معتمدة‬
‫يتناول هذا المساق التصورات األساسية لدى األفراد والجماعات للخير والشر‪ ،‬والحق والباطل‪ ،‬والصالح والطالح‪ ،‬والحسن والقبيح‪ ،‬وما يعرف عند‬
‫المسلمين باألمر بالمعروف والنهى عن المنكر‪ .‬إضافة إلى مصادر تلك القيم متمثلة في القرآن والسنة والتراث اإلسالمي‪.‬‬
‫علم اللغة العام )‪3 (ARA 402‬ساعات معتمدة‬
‫يتناول هذا المساق مفهوم اللغة‪ ،‬وطبيعتها ووظيفتها‪ ،‬ومستويات التحليل اللغوي‪ :‬الصوتية والصرفية والتركيبية والداللية‪ ،‬وعالقة اللغة بالمجتمع‪،‬‬
‫وعالقة علم اللغة بفقه اللغة‪ ،‬ومناهج البحث اللغوي‪ :‬المعياري والوصفي والتاريخي والمقارن والتقابلي‪ ،‬كما يتناول هذا المساق العلوم ذات العالقة‬
‫بدراسة اللغة كعلم النفس اللغوي‪ ،‬وعلم االجتماع اللغوي‪ ،‬وعلم اللغة التطبيقي‪.‬‬
‫لغويات تطبيقية )‪ 3(ARA 403‬ساعات معتمدة‬
‫يتناول هذا المساق المدخل إلى الدراسة التطبيقية للنظريات اللغوية في مجاالتها المختلفة مثل‪:‬مفهوم اللغة‪ ،‬وتطوّرها‪ ،‬واجتماعيتها‪ ،‬ودورها في‬
‫التواصل ضمن المجتمع‪ .‬واالكتساب اللغوي وطرائقه والعوامل المؤثرة فيه‪ ،‬وكذلك المهارات اللغوية والتقويم اللغوي‪ ،‬والتحليل اللغوي لألخطاء‪،‬‬
‫ومعالجة المشكالت المتعلقة باكتساب اللغة وتعليمها للطلبة‪.‬‬
‫العقيدة اإلسالمية )‪ 3(ISL 404‬ساعات معتمدة‬
‫يهدف هذا المساق إلى تزويد الطلبة بخلفية نظرية عن ثالثة موضوعات أساسية‪ :‬الموضوع األول اإللهيات ويتضمن‪ :‬اإللهيـات (إثبات الذات‬
‫والصفات)‪ ،‬واإللهيـات (المعرفة)‪ ،‬واإللهيـات (الرؤية)‪ ،‬اإللهيات (القضاء والقدر)‪ ،‬والموضوع الثاني النبوات ويتضمن‪ :‬الوحي‪ ،‬وإرسال الرسـل‪،‬‬
‫والموضوع الثالث السمعيات ويتضمن‪ :‬المالئكـة والجن‪ ،‬وأحـوال القبـر(سؤال القبر‪ ،‬وعذاب القبر ونعيمه)‪ ،‬وأحوال القيامة (الشفاعة‪ ،‬الحساب‪،‬‬
‫الميزان‪ ،‬الصراط‪ ،‬الحوض‪ ،‬البعث‪ ،‬الجنة والنار)‪.‬‬
‫التربية العملية (‪ 3 )EDU 402‬ساعات معتمدة‬
‫يهدف هذا المساق إلى توفير الفرص للطلبة المعلمين لتطبيق معارفهم المهنية والتربوية واألكاديمية بطرق مختلفة داخل المدارس‪ ،‬بحيث يعكس هذه‬
‫المعارف والمهارات واالتجاهات إتقانهم لعمليات التخطيط والتنفيذ والتقييم وإدارة البيئة الصفية‪ ،‬وقدرتهم على النمو المهني‪ ،‬هذا باإلضافة إلى‬
‫التواصل الفعال مع تالميذ المدرسة وأولياء أمورهم‪ ،‬وزمالئهم والمجتمع المحلي‪ .‬ومن المتوقع أن يقضي الطالب فصالً دراسياً كامالً في التدريب‬
‫الميداني على التدريس بإحدى المدارس االبتدائية‪.‬‬
‫‪B Ed in Arabic and Islamic Studies Eight Semester Study Plan‬‬
‫الخطة الدراسية بكالوريوس في التربية معلم المرحلة االبتدائية ‪ /‬مسار معلم مجال اللغة العربية والتربية اإلسالمية تسلسل‬
‫المساقات وتوزيعها على الفصول الدراسية‬
‫رﻢﻗ اﺎﺴﻤﻟق‬
‫اﻢﺳ اﺎﺴﻤﻟق‬
‫اﺔﻨﺴﻟ اﻷوﻰﻟ )‪ 30‬ﺔﻋﺎﺳ ﺪﻤﺘﻌﻣة( ﺞﻣﺎﻧﺮﺑ اﻢﻴﻠﻌﺘﻟ اﻌﻟﺎم‬
‫اﻞﺼﻔﻟ اﺪﻟارﻲﺳ اﻷلو‬
‫اﺮﻴﻜﻔﺘﻟ اﺎﻜﺘﺑﻻير‬
‫ﺎﻬﻣتار اﺎﺼﺗﻻل )إﺰﻴﻠﺠﻧي(‬
‫ﺎﻬﻣتار اﺎﺼﺗﻻل )ﻋﺮﺑﻲ(‬
‫ﺎﻘﻴﺒﻄﺗت اﻮﺳﺎﺤﻟب‬
‫اﺔﻓﺎﻘﺜﻟ اﻹﺔﻴﻣﻼﺳ‬
‫اﻞﺼﻔﻟ اﺪﻟارﻲﺳ اﻲﻧﺎﺜﻟ‬
‫ﺔﻣﺪﻘﻣ ﻲﻓ اﺎﺼﺘﻗﻻد‬
‫ﺔﻣﺪﻘﻣ ﻲﻓ اﺎﺼﺣﻹء‬
‫اﻮﻠﻌﻟم اﺔﻴﻌﻴﺒﻄﻟ‬
‫ﻃﺮق اﺚﺤﺒﻟ‬
‫اﺐﻠﻄﺘﻤﻟ اﻖﺑﺎﺴﻟ‬
‫‪Total 15‬‬
‫اﺐﻠﻄﺘﻤﻟ اﻖﺑﺎﺴﻟ‬
‫‪Total 18‬‬
‫اﺐﻠﻄﺘﻤﻟ اﻖﺑﺎﺴﻟ‬
‫‪EDU 203‬‬
‫‪PSY 201‬‬
‫‪EDU 203‬‬
‫‪EDU 203‬‬
‫‪ARA 202‬‬
‫اﺐﻠﻄﺘﻤﻟ اﻖﺑﺎﺴﻟ‬
‫‪Total 15‬‬
‫رﻢﻗ اﺎﺴﻤﻟق‬
‫اﻢﺳ اﺎﺴﻤﻟق‬
‫اﺔﻨﺴﻟ اﺔﻴﻧﺎﺜﻟ )‪ 30‬ﺔﻋﺎﺳ ﺪﻤﺘﻌﻣة(‬
‫اﻞﺼﻔﻟ اﺪﻟارﻲﺳ اﻷلو‬
‫أﻮﺻل اﺔﻴﺑﺮﺘﻟ‬
‫ﺪﺗرﺲﻳ اﺬﻴﻣﻼﺘﻟ يوذ اﺎﺟﺎﻴﺘﺣﻻت اﻟﺔﺻﺎﺨ‬
‫ﻮﻠﻋم اﺚﻳﺪﺤﻟ‬
‫ﺬﻴﻔﻨﺗ اﺞﻬﻨﻤﻟ‬
‫ﺎﺴﻣق اﺎﻴﺘﺧير ﻋﺎم‬
‫اﻞﺼﻔﻟ اﺪﻟارﻲﺳ اﻲﻧﺎﺜﻟ‬
‫ﻢﻠﻋ اﺲﻔﻨﻟ اﻮﺑﺮﺘﻟي‬
‫ﺎﻴﺟﻮﻟﻮﻨﻜﺗ اﻴﻠﻌﺘﻟﻢ‬
‫ﻪﻘﻓ اﺎﺒﻌﻟتاد‬
‫بدأ اﺎﻔﻃﻷل‬
‫اﻦﻳﺪﻟ اوﺎﻴﺤﻟة‬
‫ﺎﺴﻣق اﺎﻴﺘﺧير ﻋﺎم‬
‫‪Total 18‬‬
‫رﻢﻗ اﺎﺴﻤﻟق‬
‫‪201, 405, 406‬‬
‫رﻢﻗ اﺎﺴﻤﻟق‬
‫‪302, 402, 403‬‬
‫اﻢﺳ اﺎﺴﻤﻟق‬
‫اﺔﻨﺴﻟ اﺔﺜﻟﺎﺜﻟ )‪ 33‬ﺔﻋﺎﺳ ﺪﻤﺘﻌﻣة(‬
‫اﻞﺼﻔﻟ اﺪﻟارﻲﺳ اﻷلو‬
‫ﺪﺗرﺲﻳ اﺔﻴﺑﺮﺘﻟ اﺔﻴﻣﻼﺳﻹ ﻲﻓ اﺪﻤﻟرﺔﺳ اﺪﺘﺑﻻاﺋﻴﺔ‬
‫ﻮﻤﻧ اﻟﻄﻔﻞ‬
‫اﺔﻏﻼﺒﻟ اﺔﻴﺑﺮﻌﻟ ‪I‬‬
‫ﻮﺤﻧ وﺮﺻف ‪1‬‬
‫ﻪﻘﻓ اﻼﻣﺎﻌﻤﻟت‬
‫اﺮﻴﺴﻟة اﻳﻮﺒﻨﻟﺔ‬
‫اﻞﺼﻔﻟ اﺪﻟارﻲﺳ اﻲﻧﺎﺜﻟ‬
‫ﺪﺗرﺲﻳ اﺔﻐﻠﻟ اﻌﻟﺮﺑﺔﻴ ﻲﻓ اﺪﻤﻟرﺔﺳ اﺪﺘﺑﻻاﻴﺋﺔ‬
‫اﻹةراد اﺪﻤﻟرﺔﻴﺳ اوﺔﻴﻔﺼﻟ‬
‫اﺔﻏﻼﺒﻟ اﺔﻴﺑﺮﻌﻟ ‪II‬‬
‫اﻷبد اﻲﺑﺮﻌﻟ‬
‫ﺎﺴﻣق اﺎﻴﺘﺧير إﻲﻣﻼﺳ‬
‫‪Total 18‬‬
‫‪Total 15‬‬
‫اﻢﺳ اﺎﺴﻤﻟق‬
‫اﺔﻨﺴﻟ اﺮﻟاﺔﻌﺑ )‪ 33‬ﺔﻋﺎﺳ ﺪﻤﺘﻌﻣة(‬
‫اﻞﺼﻔﻟ اﺪﻟارﻲﺳ اﻷلو‬
‫ﺎﻨﻣهﺞ اﺚﺤﺒﻟ اﻲﻤﻠﻌﻟ‬
‫اﺪﻴﻘﻌﻟة اﻹﺔﻴﻣﻼﺳ‬
‫‪ARA 301‬‬
‫ﻮﺤﻧ وﺮﺻف ‪2‬‬
‫ﻮﻠﻋم اﺁﺮﻘﻟن اوﻟﺘﻼةو اوﺪﻳﻮﺠﺘﻟ‬
‫ﺎﺴﻣق اﺎﻴﺘﺧير ﻮﺑﺮﺗي‬
‫‪Total 15‬‬
‫اﻞﺼﻔﻟ اﺪﻟارﻲﺳ اﻲﻧﺎﺜﻟ‬
‫ﺎﺴﻣق اﺎﻴﺘﺧير ﻲﺑﺮﻋ‬
‫‪ARA 301‬‬
‫اﺪﻘﻨﻟ اﻷدﺑﻲ اﻲﺑﺮﻌﻟ‬
‫اﺔﻴﺑﺮﺘﻟ اﺔﻴﻠﻤﻌﻟ‬
‫‪Total 12‬‬
‫‪Total Credit Hours for BEd in Arabic Program: 126‬‬
Department of English
The Department of English has two degrees focused on the training of teachers in English; the Bachelor
of Education (BEd in English) and the Master of Education (MEd). The MEd program is described in
the section on Graduate Programs. The department offers courses in critical thinking, communication
skills, and scientific and technical writing as part of the University General Requirement (UGR)
Bachelor of Education (BEd in English)
The BEd in English (Elementary Education Program) “Teacher as Facilitator of Learning” is designed
for pre-service teachers who have not received formal professional preparation in kindergarten through
elementary teaching at an accredited Faculty or university. The program responds to ALHOSN
University mission of developing up-to-date programs. It is both anchored to and aligned with the
Association for Childhood Education International (ACEI) standards. The program has been prepared
based on the new trends in teacher education namely performance-based education.
The Department of Education is committed to a learner-centered philosophy, environment, and focus.
Planning, research, and collaboration are the key to being successful in preparing teachers for their
roles in helping all students learn. To assist in meeting our goals we will form collaborative
partnerships with the Ministry of Education and Youth, school zones, schools around the country as
well as all stakeholders involved in the education of the youth in the UAE.
The Department of Education Program will enable candidates to:
1. Show evidence of systemic planning.
2. Create learning experiences that make instruction meaningful to their future students.
3. Use their knowledge and skills of effective verbal, nonverbal, media and information technology
techniques to foster active inquiry, collaboration and supportive interaction in the classroom.
4. Understand and use a variety of instructional strategies, including those that are adapted to
diverse learners to encourage development of critical thinking, problem solving and performance
(Adopted form ACEI 2000 Standards developed by Association for Childhood Education InternationalACEI).
1. Candidates know, understand, and use the major concepts, principles, theories, and
research related to development of children and young adolescents. Candidates construct
learning opportunities that support individual students’ development, acquisition of knowledge,
and motivation.
2. Candidates know, understand, and use the central concepts, tools of inquiry, and structures
of content for students across grades.
3. Candidates can create meaningful learning experiences that develop students’ competence
in subject matter and skills for various developmental levels.
The BEd in English requires a minimum of 129 credit hours including “Student Teaching”. The BEd
Program includes 42 credits for University requirements, 24 credits for elective courses with the
remainder being compulsory courses as shown in the Study Plan below.
BEd in English Study Plan
Course Code
FES 100
FAS 100
FAS 101
FAS 102
FES 101
FBA 100
FBA 101
FES 102
FAS 103
FES 104
FBA 102
FAS 105
FAS 109
FAS 220
MGT 102
UPL 200
UPL 204
FAS 104
FES 105
FAS 106
FAS 107
FAS 108
FES 107
EDU 201
PSY 201
EDU 202
EDU 203
EDU 204
EDU 301
EDU 306
EDU 307
PSY 301
EDU 310
EDU 410
PSY 401
EDU 311
EDU 312
EDU 313
EDU 314
EDU 401
EDU 402
ENG 201
ENG 202
ENG 203
ENG 204
ENG 205
ENG 301
ENG 302
ENG 303
ENG 304
ENG 401
ENG 402
ENG 403
ENG 404
ENG 405
ENG 406
BEd in English Course Title
University General Requirements (39 Credits)
Creative Thinking
Communication Skills (English)
Communication Skills (Arabic)
Computer Applications
Introduction to Economics
Introduction to Statistics
Natural Sciences
Islamic Culture
Research Methods
University Elective Requirements (9 Credit Hours )
Introduction to Entrepreneurship
Scientific Miraculousness in the Qur’an
Human Rights in Law and Shari’ah
Understanding Society
Management Communication in English
History of Cities and regions
Quantitative and Quantitative Research Methods
Landscaping and Flower Arrangement
History of Sciences
Sports in our Life
Interior Design
Faculty Requirements (54 Credit Hours)
School, Society and the Profession
Educational Psychology
Teaching Students with Special Needs
Instructional Technology
Curriculum Implementation
Compulsory Courses (18 Credit Hours)
Language Development in Elementary School
Teaching English for Young Children
Teaching English in the Elementary School
Child Development
Classroom Environment in the Elementary School
Classroom Assessment in the Elementary School
Elective Courses (6 Credit Hours)
Gifted and Talented
Software Development
Art Education
Physical Education
Action Research
Field Experience (15 Credit Hours)
Seminar in Student Teaching
Student Teaching
Program Requirements (33 Credit Hours)
Listening and Speaking I
Writing I
Basic Grammar and Usage
Reading Comprehension
Listening and Speaking 2
Writing 2
Introduction to Literature
First and Second Language Acquisition
Advanced Writing
Electives in English (6 Credit Hours)
Child Literature in the Classroom
Introduction to Linguistics I
Survey of English/American Literature
Intro to Linguistics II
English Phonetics
English Syntax
Total Credit Hours for BEd English Program: 129
BEd in English University General Requirements (UGR) Courses
Course Code
Course Title
FAS 104
FBA 102
Intro to Entrepreneurship
FES 105
Landscaping and Flower Arrangement
FAS 105
Scientific Miraculousness in The Quran
FAS 106
History of Sciences
FAS 107
Sports in our Life
FAS 108
FES 106
Human and Health
FES 107
Interior Design
FAS 109
Human Rights in Law and Shari’ah
Course Descriptions
ENG 201 Listening and Speaking 1 – ENG (3 = 3 + 0)
This course helps students to use correct grammatical structures in spoken English; to develop a speaking
vocabulary useful for their academic work in the department; to use standard pronunciation useful for an
international setting; and to develop listening and speaking strategies useful to academic settings. Where cultural
settings of discourse are unfamiliar to Arab students, the course teaches the basics in effective communication for
that strategy. Students are also asked to listen to stories and retell them in the classroom.
ENG 202 Writing 1 (3 = 3 + 0)
An introduction to the composition process from the sentence on to the paragraph via various approaches, with
emphasis on editing and revising for format, usage, punctuation, spelling, and capitalization. The student is taught
to employ sentence patterns and methods of sentence formation into a sequence conveying a central idea of
thought in the composition of descriptive, comparative, and explanatory paragraphs.
ENG 203 Basic Grammar and Usage (3 = 3 + 0)
This course is designed to activate the student’s passive language base and make him/her more conscious of the
basic formal workings of grammar in English. Emphasis is on grammar in action for the purposes of oral and
written communication.
ENG 204 Reading Comprehension (3 = 3 + 0)
The course provides practice for intensive and extensive reading at an advanced level. Texts are selected with a
view of their variety of subject matter and style, in addition to being relevant to the students’ interests and needs.
Students are expected to read a variety of texts including reading maps, tables, charts and diagrams. They are
also expected to read critically (see Teaching and Learning Strategies in this course syllabus).
ENG 205 Listening and Speaking 2 – ENG (3 = 3 + 0)
This is a continuation of Listening and Speaking 1 with the four main concerns remaining. A higher level of
fluency is expected in completing the course. However, this course includes more intensive practice in
communications that are likely to be cross-cultural. It is based on audio tapes, film and analysis of film narrative.
Films form a substantial body of communication that helps us to form our views of the world. They are a key
to contemporary culture and are worthy of serious critical attention. Indeed, their effect is so great that it is
essential that they are understood in a critical way. Students will learn to ‘read’ film in the same way as they read a
novel or any text. They will discuss the various aspects of films, such as theme, characterization and character
motivation, plot development etc., as well as other topics related to the film. Students are also asked to listen to
stories and tell them in the classroom.
ENG 301 Writing 2 (3 = 3 + 0)
This is the second course in the writing sequence. It integrates the methods of Writing I into more complex
writing strategies to give students a solid grounding in writing techniques and skills (analysis, comparison/contrast,
cause-effect, argumentation, narrative, description, and critique). There is particular attention here to the use of
self-expressive, communicative and rhetorical methods in the organization and development of longer and more
challenging paragraphs. In addition, the course offers classroom analysis and discussion of professional models of
expository prose, followed by written exercises in long paragraph writing with some individual attention.
ENG 302 Introduction to Literature (3 = 3 + 0)
This is the initial course in literature. It introduces literature and the nature of literary language including critical
commentary on the social, literary, and cultural influences which have shaped it. By introducing student readers to
its three major genres (poetry, fiction, and drama), the course analyzes the diverse elements of literature as a field
of study and also urges the student to familiarize himself/herself with different aspects and forms of literature
including Anglophone literature outside of England and the USA and children’s literature before taking more
complex and more intellectually demanding upper-level literature courses.
ENG 303 First and Second Language Acquisition (3 = 3 + 0)
This course introduces key concepts in language learning and teaching. It covers topics such first language
acquisition, age and acquisition, styles and strategies and personality factors influencing language learning.
Emphasis is placed on interpreting these theories as they relate to learning English in the UAE environment.
ENG 304 Advanced Writing (3 = 3 + 0)
The third course in the writing sequence emphasizes the techniques and methods essential to a thoughtful,
carefully written, and well-designed essay. The course is envisaged as comprising three focuses in terms of the
principal structural stages of the unified essay: the beginning, the body, and the conclusion. The course outline
adheres to that sequence.
EDU 306 Teaching Methods of English for Young Learners (3 = 3 + 0)
This course aims at introducing prospective teachers to recent models and strategies of teaching English for young
children (1- 3) in the Elementary School. Among the topic covered are: language and child development, English
teaching standards, and approaches to teaching language skills to lower elementary children such as TPR, and
learning activities. Emphasis is placed on active learning of language skills as well as classroom practices that
address the needs of diverse students. Microteaching is part of this course.
EDU 307 Teaching Methods of English in the Elementary School (3 = 3 + 0)
This course aims at introducing prospective teachers to recent models and strategies of teaching English as a
foreign language (EFL) in upper Elementary School. Among the topics covered are: whole language methods
of integrating language skills (reading, writing, speaking, listening, rhymes, and storytelling). Emphasis is placed
on successful classroom practices that address the needs of diverse students. Microteaching is part of this course.
ENG 401 Child Literature in the Classroom (3 = 3 + 0)
This course aims at introducing prospective teachers to the different formats of children’s literature and their
contribution to young learners’ acquisition of a foreign language. It covers traditional folktales, fables and legends
as well as modern fantasy, poetry, contemporary fiction and multicultural literature. The course also deals with
literature groups such as book clubs and discussion groups and their impact on language learning.
ENG 403 Survey of English/American Literature (3 = 3 + 0)
This is a survey course of the main literature genres in British and American literature (poetry, fiction, and drama)
from the beginnings to the late 20th century. A general treatment covers major authors and their work in a
historical context with selections from such works. The course is geared towards the courses in literature offered
by the department and acts as a background to authors and ages covered in those courses. Emphasis is placed on
modern literary works, and students are required to reflect on their readings.
ENG 404 Introduction to Linguistics (3 = 3 + 0)
An introductory course in the field of modern linguistics. It covers the basic ideas concerning the scientific
study of Language as a system of communication and a form of human behavior. It also introduces the student
to linguistic analysis by solving problems from English. Finally, this course covers the interrelationship
between linguistics and other disciplines such as psychology, sociology, and anthropology.
ENG 405 English Phonetics (3 = 3 + 0)
A study of the sound system of the English language treating the production and perception of sounds and
clarifying the concepts of ‘contrast’ and ‘distribution’. Drills in pronunciation and transcription accompany this.
ENG 406 English Syntax (3 = 3 + 0)
An analysis of English syntax using modern approaches. This course presupposes earlier instruction in grammar,
remedial or otherwise, within the scope of the introductory language courses. A degree of overlap is expected and
recommended. However, the nature of the approach is different. This course aims at a comprehensive treatment
of the Sentence in English. The course does not lend itself to any particular approach as long as the totality of
topic is maintained.
Faculty and Teaching Staff – English
Dr Hassan Mustapha (Chair)
Professor and Dean of Arts and Social Sciences
PhD (Arabic Language – Linguistics, University of Essex, UK, 1983), MA (Linguistics, University of
Essex, UK, 1972), Dip (TEFL, TEFL, UWIST, Cardiff University, UK, 1970), BA Hons (English
Language and Literature, Alexandria University, Egypt, 1961), Fellow, Chartered Institute of
Linguists, UK
Dr Hassan Belhiah
Associate Professor
PhD (English Language and Linguistics, University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA, 2005), Master of
Arts (English Applied Linguistics, University of Wisconsin- Madison, USA, 1998)
Ms Amanda Tinnin
MA (TESL/TEFL, St Michael’s College, USA, 2005), BA (History and Historiography, Marlboro
College, USA, 2003)
Mr Mark Neville
MA (Linguistics and Applied Linguistics, York University, Canada, 2010), CTESL, University of
Toronto, Canada, 2005, BA Hons (Political Science, University of Western Ontario, Canada, 2000)
Mr Richard Baltus
MA (Applied Linguistics, York University, Canada, 2007), CTESL, University of Toronto, Canada,
2005, BEd (Primary/ Junior, Brock University, Canada, 200), BA Hons (Economics, McMaster
University, Canada, 1996)
Ms Sherien Farahat Al Wakeel
Teaching Assistant
MA (Special Education, Translation Part, Alexandria University, 1997)
Note – The list of English Language Center teaching staff is provided in the section on the
English Language Center.
Department of Social Sciences
The Department of Social Sciences provides the component of the curriculum related to the humanities
including courses in psychology, sociology, ethics, international law, history of science, politics, and
government. The department offers courses as part of the University General Requirement (UGR)
program for all students.
Faculty and Teaching Staff – Social Sciences
Dr Gregory Mavrides (Chair)
PhD (Social Work), Columbia University, USA, 1990, Fellowship (Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy),
New York University, USA, 1986, MSc (Clinical Social Work), Columbia University, USA, 1980, BA
(Psychology), State University of New York, USA, 1978
Dr Mohamed Jawad Ali
Associate Professor
PhD (International Law), University of Baghdad, Iraq, 1994, MA (Political Science-International
Relations), Aligarh University, India, 1979, BA (Political Science), University of Bagdad
Dr Alexander Soldat
Assistant Professor
PhD (Social Psychology), University of Alberta, Canada, 2001, BSc (Psychology), University of
Alberta, Canada, 1993
Dr Alhaj Salim Mustafa
Assistant Professor
PhD (Library and Information Studies), University of Wales, UK, 1992, MA (Librarianship), Leeds
Metropolitan University, UK, 1987, BA (Librarianship), Omdurman Islamic University, Sudan, 1981
Mr Moustafa Abdel Moneim Wahdan
MA (Sociology/Anthropology), American University in Cairo, 2005, BA (Middle East Studies),
American University in Cairo, 1995
Global Knowledge with Local Vision
Catalogue 2012 – 2013
Dr Adel Khelifi
Dean of Research and Graduate Programs
Mission of Graduate Studies
The mission of Graduate Studies at ALHOSN University is to:
1. Provide graduate students advanced academic study beyond the baccalaureate.
2. Provide graduate students opportunities in which to develop methods of independent and
systematic investigation.
3. Provide graduate students and faculty with an environment conducive to learning and
scholarly activities.
In fulfilling this mission, ALHOSN University will promote, enhance, develop, and monitor graduate
studies and provide individuals with effective, efficient, and courteous assistance in admission,
registration, academic progress, graduation, and post-graduation services.
Graduate Studies Admissions
General Requirements for Admission
The admission information contained in this publication most accurately describes the admission
policies, regulations, requirements and procedures of the University. The University reserves the right to
delete, substitute, change or supplement any statement in this publication without prior notice.
Admission Policy
The Admissions and Registration Office is responsible for the administration of the University’s
graduate admission policy. The decision to admit an applicant to pursue graduate study at ALHOSN
University is based upon evaluations of both qualitative and quantitative information.
All applicants must provide a completed application form, a statement of purpose for graduate study,
three letters of recommendation, and records of previous academic achievements. Some degree
programs may require additional credentials, such as the results of the Graduate Record Examination or
another standardized test score. The minimum entry requirement into graduate programs at ALHOSN
University is a Bachelor’s degree in relevant field from a UAE (MoHESR) accredited institution.
The decision to admit is restricted to the degree program of study identified in the application and the
student may not enroll in another degree program without formal admission. Once a student is
admitted to a degree program and enrolls in classes he/ she must remain in that program for one
semester before admission will be approved to change to another degree program. Such a request will
have the status of a new application for admission, subject to the current conditions.
The decision to admit is valid for one academic year (with departmental approval) for use in
making initial enrollment to a given program. After the lapse of one fall or spring semester without
enrollment, an applicant must submit a new application, statement of purpose, and application fee. Based
on the graduate coordinator of each program’s recommendation, the graduate school dean has the
authority to grant admission to the graduate program, which will be communicated to the Admissions
and Registration Office and to the applicant. Only a written notice of admission is valid proof of
admission. After applications and supporting credentials have been received, applicants for admission
are notified of the action taken on their application.
Admission to ALHOSN University for graduate study is open to qualified students regardless of race,
creed, color, natural origin, handicap, sex, or veteran status. To be considered for admission all
supporting materials should be in the Admissions and Registration Office according to the following
schedule: Applying For Deadline:
Fall Semester – August 1
Spring Semester – December 1
Some departments may have a different deadline. Please refer to the departmental listings in this
publication or the department’s website for degree specific admission deadlines.
Admission Requirement
A. Undergraduate degree GPA (or equivalent) requirements:
1. A 3.0 CGPA (out of 4.0 point scale or its established equivalent) is required for admission
to graduate programs.
2. Probationary admittance may be granted to:
a. A student with CGPA of 2.5 or higher and a TOEFL score of 530, or its equivalent using
a standardized test approved by Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research
(MHESR), may be provisionally admitted to a Master’s program if:
 The student achieves a TOEFL score of 550 by the end of the first semester.
 The student takes maximum of six (6) credit hours in the first semester during which
they also take intensive English whereby they must achieve an average score of B in the
credit courses taken.
 If either provision is not met, the student is dismissed.
b. A student with a CGPA between 2.5 and 2.99 and a TOEFL score of 550, or its
equivalent using a standardized test approved by MHESR, can take a maximum of 9 credit
hours in the first semester. He/she must achieve a semester average score of B in the credit
courses taken to continue in the program. If not, the student is dismissed.
B. English Proficiency Requirement:
A TOEFL score of 550, IELTS score of 6.0, or the equivalent of another standardized test approved
by the MHESR is required of all students admitted to a Master’s program with the following
1. A native speaker of English who has completed his/her undergraduate education in an
English medium institution in a country where English is the official language.
2. A student admitted to and graduated from an English medium institution that can provide
evidence of acquiring a TOEFL score of 500, or its standardized equivalent approved by the
MHESR, upon admission to the undergraduate program.
Admission Procedure
An individual who wishes to apply for admission to graduate study and who possesses appropriate
qualification as described above can access information and application materials and apply online on
the ALHOSN University website at An applicant can also request for an
application packet by e-mail ([email protected]), telephone (+971 2 4070700) or fax (+971 2 4070799).
Student applicants must complete the application forms and make sure that such forms and all other
required items as stated below reach the Admissions and Registration Office by the stipulated
1. Completed Application Form
2. Non-refundable Application Fee
3. Statement of Purpose
4. Three Letters of Recommendation
5. Official Academic Records (transcript from each university/college attended)
6. A copy of the applicant’s passport valid for a minimum period of six months.
7. Six recent passport-size photographs.
8. Evidence of Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) score of at least 550 (paperbased) or 231 (computer-based), or IELTS bandscore of 6. (Applicants who do not meet the
language requirement shall be required to pay AED250 to take ALHOSN University’s English
Placement Test.
All applicants to the program, including international applicants, must request and submit their
application to the following address:
Admission and Registration Office, ALHOSN University, P.O. Box 38772, Abu Dhabi, United
Arab Emirates
General Requirements of Graduate Studies
A graduate student admitted to a degree program meets with his or her advisor before registration to
determine the course(s) for which the student should register. The courses are recorded on the
student’s program of study along with the semester they will be taken.
Orientation Program
All incoming new students are expected to attend the orientation program, normally scheduled for 90
minutes, that provides an overview of ALHOSN University and the admissions process. All prospective
students are encouraged to attend this brief introductory session in order to ensure a smooth transition
into university life at ALHOSN University. University officials will be present to provide pertinent
information and answer students’ questions. Orientation is mandated for students enrolling for the
first time in ALHOSN University.
Academic Advising
All new graduate students will be assigned a faculty member as their academic advisors upon
registration. Academic advisors assist students on an individual basis with problems and challenges
which may arise once they are enrolled in the University. Students must meet academic advisors
before registering for courses each semester. The list of students’ academic advisors is available at the
Admissions and Registration Office and should be checked to identify the current academic advisor.
Students are encouraged to seek advising regarding not only immediate course decisions but also long
term academic goals.
Students must personally assume the responsibility for completing all requirements established by the
University for their Degrees. A student’s advisor cannot assume these responsibilities. Any
substitution, waiver or exemption from any established requirement or academic standard may be
accomplished only with appropriate approval. The academic advisor may refer a student to other
offices for further services in counseling, career planning and placement, tutoring and skills
Academic Schedule
ALHOSN University practices the Semester System, where in each academic year there are two
semesters normally mandatory for students to register and attend classes. Each semester there are 14
weeks of classes, an additional week for midterm exams, and two additional weeks for final exams.
Week 1
1. The semester officially begins.
2. A student may still enroll at the Admissions and Registration Office and a late fee will be
3. If a student’s classes have been cancelled, he/she may re-register during this week.
4. Week 1 is the last week to add a course or change a section. If a student does not meet
the requirements for a course he/she wants to take, he/she must submit the necessary waiver or
approval for classification, and check with his/her advisor.
5. Week 1 is the last week to drop a course and receive a full refund of tuition and fees.
6. Students withdrawing from the University are entitled to 100% of their tuition and some of
the refundable fees only.
7. Change of majors must be processed by the end of the first week of the semester to be
effective the same semester.
Week 2
1. Class rosters are sent to instructors to verify enrollment in their courses.
2. Students withdrawing from the University or dropping all their classes are entitled to a
60% refund of tuition only. No refund of tuition fees past Week 2.
Week 3
Last week to drop a course without having it appears on the student’s academic record.
Week 4
Starting this week, courses dropped will appear on the student’s academic record with a W grade.
Students may drop courses through Week 8 without special permission from the Provost Office.
Week 8
Last week to drop a course without special permission from the Provost Office. A ‘W’ appears on the
student’s academic record.
Week 9
1. If a student drops a course starting from week 9 onwards, he/she will receive an F grade for that
2. Students withdrawing from the University after the eighth week receive an F grade. The
Admissions and Registration Office notifies the instructor of the withdrawal.
Weeks 9–10
Students register for the following semester.
Week 14 (Last week of classes)
In addition to the 14 weeks of instruction, a midterm week is scheduled halfway through the
semester typically between the seventh and eighth weeks of instruction. Final exams are held
during the two weeks immediately following the fourteenth week of instruction. Students should
remember that no final exam will be given at an earlier time than was published; no student shall be
required to take more than three final exams per day. After the semester ends, the Provost acts on
academic probation and dismissals, and grades will be made available at the Admissions and
Registration Office.
Credit Transfer
A graduate from another institution seeking admission for graduate study must furnish official
transcripts from all former institutions attended at the time he or she files the formal application for
admission (see General Requirements for Admission). A student who wishes to transfer graduate
work must receive permission from the graduate advisor and must submit an application to the
Admissions and Registration Office within two weeks of the first semester the student registers at
ALHOSN University. Application must be made by completing appropriate form together with the
courses syllabus and official transcripts. Only courses that have equivalent content to the course offered
at ALHOSN University’s MBA program and with grades of at least ‘B’ shall be given credit transfer.
Courses in the MBA Electives are not transferable. Courses that have been given credit transfers shall
be noted ‘EX on the student’s transcript and the credit hours of these courses shall not be included in
computing the student’s GPA.
Each graduate student should become thoroughly familiar with the forms required for his or her
degree program. The Admissions and Registration Office website contains the forms in fill-in PDF
format. These forms and their proper use are critical as the student begins, progresses through, and
completes the degree program. The report of examination results is the only form not available to the
student; the major professor or graduate dean will request this form from the Admissions and
Registration Office at the appropriate time.
Registration of Continuing Students
All continuing students must register for courses within two weeks from the announcement date for
registration according to the instructions and procedures established by the University. The actual
dates of registration and other important dates will be announced by the University. Before classes
begin in each semester, the student should notify the Admissions and Registration Office if he/she
has/had a change of address, name change, etc
Adding and Dropping Courses Credits
The course(s) registered may be added or dropped within the first three weeks of the regular semester.
Registered courses dropped during the first three weeks of the regular semester will not be noted in
the student’s transcript. However students who drop courses from the third to the eighth week of the
semester shall be given a grade “W”. Students who withdraw after the eighth week will not be entitled to
a refund.
Minimum Workload
The minimum workload that a student shall register for each semester is one course. This should be
planned in a manner that the student will complete the program within the maximum period allowed.
Continuous Registration
All students must maintain a continuous registration each semester throughout their period of study. A
student who does not register in any semester is assumed to have withdrawn from his/her program of
study. A letter, terminating his/her study will be subsequently issued by the University. A student
must register every semester to remain in the program.
Global Knowledge with Local Vision
FACULTY OF BUSINESS – Graduate Programs
Master of Business Administration (MBA)
The mission of the Master of Business Administration program at ALHOSN University is to provide a
high-quality professional graduate degree program to students, holding any undergraduate degree,
who aspire to holding positions of senior managerial and leadership nature in organizations through
education in the broad scope of business administration and through in-depth knowledge in one or
more specialized areas of business.
The Master of Business Administration (MBA) program at ALHOSN University envisions itself in the
future to be recognized as one of the top private higher educational professional degree offering
programs in the field of Business Administration in the United Arab Emirates with the leading edge in
research, analytical methods and technology, attracting the best students, faculty, and staff.
This program focuses specifically on exposing students to key business management concepts and
provides students with the opportunity to develop and apply professional skills in a number of areas
critical to managerial leadership in today’s competitive business environment. The goals of the MBA
program are to develop graduates with:
1. The most appropriate competencies in conceptualizing, organizing, and resolving complex
business problems while considering the impact of technology, globalization, emerging
markets, and demographic diversity on the organization,
2. The most useful in-depth knowledge of a selected area of specialization to be able to make
significant contributions at the work place
3. Sufficient awareness of the major challenges facing contemporary global business such as
the need for innovation, integrity, ability to manage change, globalization, and effective
management of technology,
4. Extensive understanding of human behavior in business situations and the manager’s role as
a leader in influencing behavior,
5. Intensive appreciation of teamwork, communication, creativity, decision- making, and
strategic planning competencies in order to be able to apply these competencies in formulating,
executing, and evaluating organizational initiatives and decision- making processes.
6. A broad understanding of the implication of the legal and ethical framework that applies to
both business and the professions concerned.
Graduates of this program should be able to utilize business knowledge in accounting, economics,
finance, information technology, marketing, management and international business in making
managerial decisions and executing organizational initiatives, understand human behavior in business
situations and the manager’s role as a leader in influencing behavior, and demonstrate an understanding
and application of the legal and ethical framework that applies to both business and the professions
Specifically, the objectives of the MBA program are:
1. To train students on the use of advanced decision-making tools and techniques such as the
case analysis method, problem solving approach and computerized simulations to be able to
conceptualize, organize, and solve complex business problems.
2. To prepare students to be able to account for the impact of technology, globalization,
emerging markets, and demographic diversity in the organization.
3. To furnish students with in-depth knowledge of a selected area of specialization.
4. To prepare students to be able to apply this in-depth knowledge of a selected area of
specialization to their individual work place conditions and make recognizable contributions.
5. To build up in students, the ability to perform critical analyses of the major challenges
facing contemporary business.
6. To prepare students to be able to recognize the effects of the major challenges facing
contemporary business firms performance and deal with them, considering different alternative
7. To introduce students to modern theories of management and the different ways they deal
with human factors in organizations nowadays.
8. To train students to understand human behavior, predict its effects on management and
performance, and deal with them.
9. To encourage students to conduct research that investigates the empirical impact of human
factors on the performance of modern business firms.
10. To train students to appreciate the importance of teamwork, communication, creativity,
decision- making, and strategic management in modern business firm.
11. To direct students’ research endeavors to investigate the effect of employing teamwork,
communication, creativity, decision-making, and strategic management on performance in
modern business firms.
12. To introduce students to the legal and ethical framework that applies to both business
and professional environments.
13. To train students in performing critical analysis of modern business firm’s legal and
ethical environments and factors within a global environment.
14. To encourage students to conduct research to investigate the empirical effect of legal and
ethical factors on the performance of modern business firms.
Program Learning Outcomes
Upon completion of the MBA program, students will have the ability to:
a. Apply knowledge of business operations from a system perspective with knowledge of
management, marketing, finance, information systems and accounting.
b. Analyze business problems and opportunities in social and technological environments.
c. Identify, evaluate, formulate, and solve business problems.
d. Conduct business analysis in the classroom or in the field.
e. Demonstrate strong written and oral communication skills
f. Recognize current best practices and contemporary issues in business.
g. Integrate the techniques, skills, and modern analytical tools necessary for business practice.
h. Discuss the role of ethics in business decision-making.
i. Recognize the impact of business solutions in a societal context.
Course work for the MBA program consists of the foundation, core, and electives. At a minimum the
candidate for the MBA must complete 36 hours of course work beyond the foundation level.
MBA Foundation Courses – The foundation level courses provide a comprehensive general business
education and serves as the bases for advanced studies in business management. These courses are
often referred to as the common body of knowledge of a typical undergraduate business program.
MBA students must complete the following foundation courses of two credit hours each either as an
undergraduate student or prior to enrolling in the first MBA course:
Course Code
MBA Foundation Course Title
ACT 501
ECN 501
Financial Accounting
Managerial Economics
FIN 501
Financial Management
MGT 501
Management Concepts and Theories
MIS 501
Information Technology in Business
MKT 501
Marketing Management
QNT 501
Probability and Statistics for
Equivalent courses successfully completed (with “A”, “B” or “C” grades) in the student’s
undergraduate program at a UAE (MoHESR) accredited institution are considered as sufficient
preparation. Otherwise, the student must complete the required courses in the foundation prior to
enrolling in the first MBA course. Students who consider themselves proficient through experience or
self-study in any of these courses may complete a “Satisfaction by Exam” in lieu of course work.
MBA Core Courses – The core courses, built upon the foundation coursework, provide the MBA
student with in-depth exposure to the interrelated functional disciplines of business. Advanced
coursework in business such as Accounting, Finance, Marketing and Management also prepares
students for courses in their specific concentration. At the same time, the approach in these courses
reflects that business problems require integrated solutions, solid communication skills are necessary to
conduct business, that teamwork is the way to get things done, and that every individual is a leader who
is responsible and accountable for their performance. Each MBA student is required to satisfy eight
courses in the MBA core area. These courses are intended to provide the student the depth and breadth
of knowledge with the rigors of graduate- level study beyond the foundation.
Course Code
MBA Core Course Title
ACT 601
Managerial Accounting
ACT 501
FIN 601
Corporate Finance
ECN 501, FIN 501
MGT 601
Managerial Leadership
MGT 501
MGT 602
Legal and Ethical Aspects of
MGT 501
MGT 603
Strategic Management
ACT 601, FIN 601, MGT 601,
MIS 601
Information Technology and Decision
MIS 501
MKT 601
Strategic Marketing
MKT 501
QNT 601
Quantitative Analysis for Decision Making
QNT 501
MBA Elective Courses – These courses provide a more advanced and in-depth knowledge of specific
areas in business management. The main aim of these specialized courses is to enable MBA students to
gain in-depth understanding of specific areas relevant to their interest as well as provide them an extra
edge in their career. There are six elective areas (concentrations) that students could choose from in
completing their MBA program:
a . General Management,
b . International Business,
c. Management Information Systems,
d. Finance,
e. Accounting, and
f. Banking.
Each elective area requires that students complete 12 credit hours or four courses.
General Management Electives
The MBA General Management elective option gives particular attention to understanding the role of
the business firm in society, the management function of planning and control, and the tools with
which modern management performs the functions of production, marketing, finance, and industrial
relations. In addition to a working knowledge of modern management, students develop appreciation of
the economic, political, cultural, and technological trends which affect the responsibilities of managers.
The objective is to educate students who can combine competence, imaginative new uses of
management theory, and sensitivity to the realities of human organizations and their environments.
In addition to the core requirements of the MBA program, this elective option requires three obligatory
courses and an elective as detailed below.
MGT 611
Managing Human Resources
MGT 601
MGT 612
Technology Management
MGT 601
MGT 613
Global Strategic Management
FIN 601 & MKT 601
MGT 651
Electives (select one)
Management Practicum
MGT 601
MGT 652
FIN 501 & MKT 501
MGT 699
Special Topics in Management
MGT 601
Course Code
Course Title
International Business Electives
The International Business elective is intended to provide students with a comprehensive overview of
the principal topics and issues in international business. In addition, this area focuses on skill
development related to the management of international business partnerships and complex
multinational operations.
This elective option requires students to take a total of four courses concerned with the political,
economic, legal, and social dimensions of international business. The International Business electives
are designed as a stand-alone MBA option. The International Business elective option includes
opportunities for overseas internships and study abroad programs integrated with the MBA program.
Course Code
Course Title
FIN 611
International Finance
FIN 601
IBS 652
International Business Environment
MGT 601
MKT 611
International Marketing
MKT 601
Electives (select one)
MGT 613
Global Strategic Management
FIN 601 & MKT 601
MGT 652
FIN 501 & MKT 501
IBS 699
Special Topics in International Business
MIS 601
Management Information System Electives
The Management Information Systems elective option is intended to provide students with a
comprehensive overview of the principal topics and issues in management information systems. In
addition, the option focuses on skill development related to the management of information systems
and e-business operations.
Through this option, students will gain a thorough grounding in how technology can be applied to
solving problems and exploiting business opportunities. Students will explore the application of
computerized information systems, including Web technologies, to run a modern technology-based
MIS 611
Critical Database Mgt Systems Issues
MIS 601
MIS 612
Knowledge Systems: Development and Use
MIS 601
MIS 613
IT and Collaborative Work
MIS 601
MIS 652
Electives (select one)
Advanced Topics in MIS
MIS 601
MIS 653
Advanced Topics in e-Commerce
MIS 601
MIS 652
IT and Supply Chain Management
MIS 601
Course Code
Course Title
Finance Electives
The purpose of the Finance elective courses is to meet the demand by MBA students and employers
for specialized education in finance. This specialization offers a detailed knowledge of the principles
and techniques of financial decision-making, valuation, and capital markets. The option emphasizes
analytical, computational and managerial skills for financial problems faced by decision makers.
In addition to the core requirements of the MBA program, this option requires four compulsory
courses in finance, and an elective, as detailed below.
Course Code
Course Title
FIN 612
Investment Management
FIN 601
FIN 613
Financial Risk Management
FIN 601
FIN 651
Islamic Banking and Finance
FIN 601
Electives (choose one)
ACT 611
Analysis of Financial Statements
ACT 601
FIN 611
International Finance
FIN 601
FIN 699
Special Topics in Finance
FIN 601
Accounting Electives
The Accounting elective option prepares students for careers in public accounting, industry, or
government, within the framework of the broad-based educational perspective provided by the MBA
program. Graduates entering industry or government are prepared to function as financial information
specialists on the management team. Those entering public accounting bring the larger picture of an
organization and extensive cutting-edge technical training in audit, tax, and consulting projects.
The curriculum shown is designed for the student with a bachelor’s degree in an area other than
accounting. The MBA Accounting Elective option requires the following courses:
Course Code
Course Title
ACT 611
Analysis of Financial Statements
ACT 601 & FIN 601
ACT 612
Advanced Financial Reporting
ACT 601
ACT 613
Advanced Topics in Accounting
ACT 601
MGT 652
FIN 501 & MKT 501
BNK 651
Islamic Banking and Finance
FIN 601
ACT 699
Special Topics in Accounting
FIN 601
Electives (choose one)
Banking Electives
The purpose of the Banking elective option is to meet the demand by MBA students and employers for
specialized education in banking. This specialization offers a detailed knowledge of the principles and
techniques of banking, investment banking, commercial and consumer lending markets. The option
emphasizes analytical, computational and managerial skills for banking problems faced by decision
In addition to the core requirements of the MBA program, this elective requires three compulsory
courses in banking, and one elective banking course, as detailed below.
Course Code
Course Title
ACT 611
Analysis of Financial
BNK 611
Investment Banking
BNK 612
Global Banking and Capital
Electives (choose one)
BNK 651
Islamic Banking and Finance
BNK 652
Managing the Bank
MKT 651
Services Marketing
Course Descriptions
ACT 501 Financial Accounting
Prerequisites: None
This course attempts to introduce students to the elements of financial accounting and reporting, considerations
pertaining to the preparation of accounting records and reports, analysis of financial reports, and the limitations of
financial reports. An in depth examination of the development of financial statements, and the assessment of their
uses and limitations will be covered. Particular attention is given to accounting problems and practices
involving merchandising, inventories, and cash.
ACT 601 Managerial Accounting
Prerequisites: ACT 501
This course explores the effective use of accounting information in support of organizational decision making. The
identification, measurement, preparation, interpretation, and communication of financial information in support of
planning, evaluation, and control functions are discussed. Inventory, allocation of costs, planning and budgeting
processes, and financial evaluation of organizational performance are also included.
ACT 611 Analysis of Financial Statements
Prerequisites: ACT 601 and FIN 611
The purpose of the course is to provide students with tools to analyze and exploit information in corporate
financial statements. The course will introduce students to how the information in financial statements is used for
valuation, credit risk assessment, and other economic decisions. The course will also examine the issues that
corporate managers face as they design and implement financial reporting strategies, increasing students’
awareness of potential earnings management. The framework developed in this course is intended to enhance
analytical skills for all students planning careers that will bring them in contact with financial statements.
ACT 612 Advanced Financial Reporting
Prerequisites: ACT 601
This course provides students with the knowledge of financial reporting standards and practices, and to provide
insight into (a) the process of setting accounting standards as well as (b) recent developments in the setting of
international accounting standards. In this way, they will become more informed and incisive analysts of financial
statements, whether as users or preparers.
ACT 613 Advanced Topics in Accounting
Prerequisites: ACT 601
This course is an in-depth study of advanced accounting topics with significant emphasis on business
combinations and consolidation practices, and cost accounting, including budgeting, standard costs and cost and
profit analysis for decision making.
ACT 699 Special Topics in Accounting
Prerequisites: FIN 601
This course shall provide critical analysis of current trends and issues in accounting theory, research, and practice.
Emphasis shall also be on the analysis, synthesis, and evaluation of contemporary accounting issues with specific
reference to UAE and GCC countries. The syllabus will be prepared by a competent faculty member and must be
approved by the Chair of the Department.
ECN 501 Managerial Economics
Prerequisites None
The course introduces the concepts and methods of economic analysis that are essential for effective managerial
decision-making. The course begins with a review of basic economic concepts, such as opportunity cost, profit,
and marginal analysis and then examines the market forces of supply and demand, define elasticity and
examine its role in managerial decision-making, and study the theory of individual behavior on which market
demand is based. In the next segment of the course, we review production, cost, and revenue concepts, and we
analyze input demand and output supply decisions in the so-called “perfectly competitive” markets. In the last
segment of the course, market power and study the influence of government on the marketplace will be discussed.
FIN 501 Financial Management
Prerequisites: None
This course introduces students to the role of financial management in business firms. It emphasizes on the basic
concepts in finance and techniques used in financial decision-making. Topics to be covered include financial
analysis and planning, time value of money, interest rates and bond valuation, stock valuation, risk and return and
capital budgeting.
FIN 601 Corporate Finance
Prerequisites: FIN 501, ECN 501
This course will explore the theory and practice of corporate finance. Material covered will focus on areas of
relevance to corporate managers as financial decision-makers. Corporate financial decisions include how to raise
capital (for example through security issues, bank borrowings, selling assets, et cetera), and what to do with it
once it has been raised (for example investment in projects, payment of dividends, repurchasing securities).
Special emphasis will be placed upon the understanding of the role of the financial manager, the goals of the
firm, and the agency relationship between the managers and shareholders in the context of these goals. The course
also will cover topics related to risk and return, capital budgeting, options, short-term financing, and mergers and
FIN 611 International Finance
Prerequisites: FIN 601
This course provides background on the global aspects of finance and focuses on financial management from the
perspective of multinational corporations and other firms that engage in international transactions. Topics covered
in the course include the global financial environment, exchange rate determination, international trade and
foreign direct investment, international analysis and securities, international arbitrage and interest rate parity,
relationships among inflation, interest rates, and exchange rates, and international corporate finance.
FIN 612 Investment Management
Prerequisites: FIN 601
This course examines the application of principles and techniques of investment management in solving
investment problems of individuals and financial institutions. It considers apportionment of investment funds
among alternatives, analysis of risk, valuation timing of security acquisitions. This course focuses on investment
analysis and valuation of financial instruments, portfolio theory and management, and efficient market theory.
FIN 613 Financial Risk Management
Prerequisites: FIN 601
This course is designed to acquaint students with the fundamental issues in business development and risk
management using financial markets. It deals with the ways in which different risk sources are quantified and
managed by financial institutions. Emphasize will be given on how hedgers can reduce their risks using different
vehicle such as forwards contracts and options. Among the topics covered are interest rate risk, value at risk
(VaR), volatility, market risk, credit risk, operational risk, liquidity risk, and the credit crisis of 2007.
FIN 614 Portfolio Theory and Strategy
Prerequisites: FIN 601
This course provides an in-depth discussion of investment and portfolio management, in terms of both theory and
practice. Students are expected to learn about the investment alternatives that are available in the market. To
facilitate this process, students must develop and manage a portfolio that satisfies a specific risk-return objective.
In addition, students are required to work on an extended research project designed to provide them with indepth exposure to some aspect of the theory and/or practice of investments.
FIN 615 Financial Planning and Evaluation
Prerequisites: FIN 601
This course examines the knowledge required and the competencies needed to manage personal financial
resources. It develops the principles upon which effective management is based. Emphasis is placed on the
understanding, mathematical analysis, and evaluation of financial products and strategies. The perspective taken
in this course is an active decision- making one as opposed to a passive information acquisition one. Students
will be guided to not only learn the basics, but to implement them in a way that will improve their own personal
financial situations, and to enhance their professional competencies and credibility if they work in the financial
services industry. Topics include the time value of money, debt management, tax planning, risk management and
insurance, investment management, retirement planning, and estate planning. Issues relating to the advisory
process in the context of the financial services industry are also discussed.
FIN 651 Islamic Banking and Finance
Prerequisites: FIN 601
This course offers a clear and understandable examination of this dynamic area of finance. It will help participants
to fully understand the fundamental principles underlying modern Islamic finance, as well as modern practices
prevailing in this industry. It provides a basic knowledge of the general principles of sharia’a (fiqh al muamalat)
and its application to Islamic banking and finance, the Islamic banking model and alternative modes of financing,
financial markets and the structuring of Islamic investment funds, and the different types of Islamic finance
contracts and products. It also examines current issues in the theory and practice of Islamic banking and the
practices used in the Islamic financial markets.
FIN 659 Special Topics in Finance
Prerequisites: FIN 601
This course shall provide critical analysis of current trends and issues in financial theory, research, and
practice. Emphasis shall also be on the analysis, synthesis, and evaluation of contemporary financial issues with
specific reference to UAE and GCC countries. The syllabus will be prepared by a competent faculty member and
must be approved by the Chair of the Department.
IBS 652 International Business Environment
Prerequisite: MGT 601
As global economic growth occurs, understanding business environment in all cultures is increasingly important.
This course, International Business Environment, addresses global issues and describes concepts relevant to all
international business executives, regardless of the extent of their international involvement. An
environmental/cultural approach to international business permits a truly global orientation. The business
executive’s horizons are not limited to any specific nation or to the particular ways of doing business in a
single nation. Instead, the businessman should identify and analyze the important cultural and environmental
uniqueness of any nation or global region. Thus, when surveying the tasks of business in a foreign milieu, the
impact of crucial cultural issues will not be overlooked. Special attention will be given to The World geography in
focusing on countries and regions and their special characteristics. The World as consisting of developed-,
emerging-, and undeveloped markets will be investigated. Patterns of Cross- Cultural Business Behavior will be
looked at. Key subjects of the course are: World geography; world environment (natural resources, political-,
social-, religious-, economic environment); emerging economies; market regions and market groups; Triad (USJapan-Europe), cross- cultural business behavior; topical global subjects.
IBS 699 Special Topics in International Business
Prerequisite: MIS 601
This course shall provide critical analysis of current trends and issues in international business theory, research,
and practice. Emphasis shall also be on the analysis, synthesis, and evaluation of contemporary international
business issues with specific reference to UAE and GCC countries. The syllabus will be prepared by a competent
faculty member and must be approved by the Chair of the Department.
MGT 501 Management Concepts and Theories
Prerequisite: None
This course exposes students the concepts and theories of management. It focuses on management principles
and theories and how these principles and theories are applied in managing organization.
MGT 601 Managerial Leadership
Prerequisite: MGT 501
Organizational leadership is the process of influencing other people to achieve organizational goals. This
leadership course reviews and builds upon the basic knowledge of leadership provided in principles of
management course by expanding the scope and depth of the student's knowledge of leadership theories, by
providing practice in basic leadership skills, and by developing the student's self-knowledge of his or her preferred
leadership styles.
MGT 602 Legal and Ethical Aspects of Management
Prerequisite: MGT 501
This course develops and utilizes critical thinking skills in examining the environment of legal, political, and
regulatory processes as they pertain to profit and nonprofit organizations and their impact on management
decisions in relation to the general public, employees, customers, competitors, suppliers, and the wider national
and international community. Emphasis also is given to specifics of formulating, negotiating, and enforcing
contracts; anticipating, neutralizing, and defending against liabilities; evaluating the various forms of business
ownership and investment modes; incorporating government regulations and decisions; and working with
attorneys and the legal/regulatory system. This course will provide balanced, in-depth coverage of controversial
and timely topics in the areas of law and ethics within the business environment. Its goal is to bring to life the
complex situations where business imperatives, legal rules, and ethical concepts collide, and to give students the
tools for and practice with making some of the tough ethical choices and decisions they may be confronted
with as business managers.
MGT 603 Strategic Management
Prerequisite: ACT 601, FIN 601, MGT 601 and MKT 601
This course is intended to be a challenging and exciting capstone course for the Business Administration
curriculum. It is first and foremost a course about ―strategy and about ― managing for success. The course
centers on the theme that a company achieves sustained success if and only if its managers (1) have an astute,
timely strategic game plan for running the company, and (2) implement and execute the plan with proficiency.
We shall explore in some depth how and why a well-conceived well-executed strategy nearly always enhances a
company‘s long-term performance
MGT 611 Managing Human Resources
Prerequisite: MGT 601
This course will examine Human Resources from a strategic perspective, emphasizing the contribution of HR
decisions to the development of a high performance organization. HRM will be treated as a dynamic system that
enables organizations to cope more quickly and effectively with a rapidly changing environment. The course will
emphasize those topics, such as reward systems, performance management and the selection and retention of high
performance employees, which confront managers in a variety of organizational roles. Emphasis will be given to
the identification, evaluation and solution of specific HR problems facing managers with these responsibilities.
MGT 612 Technology Management
Prerequisite: MGT 601
This course provides a comprehensive introduction to technology and innovation management, and identifies the
management skills, corporation flexibility, culture, competencies and resources required to respond to radical
technical change in the global marketplace. The course focuses on managing innovation process, producing
streams of marketable products and services, and management of new and existing technology. In addition, this
course bridges the gap between business strategy and technology, illustrating how the two functions intertwine
while driving change through technology and innovation. The approach taken in this course is applicable no
matter what the educational background of the student, providing practical insight into the management of
technology and innovation.
MGT 613 Global Strategic Management
Prerequisite: FIN 601 and MKT 601
The course focuses on building management skills needed to develop strategies, design organizations, and manage
the operations of companies whose activities span national boundaries. This course should be of interest if
you expect to be involved in managing or advising companies that either compete internationally or face
international competitors in their home markets. The course draws on a combination of lectures, cases, and
conceptual readings.
MGT 652 Entrepreneurship
Prerequisite: FIN 501 and MKT 501
The purpose of this course is to help students learn how to start and run a successful business so that they can
utilize their gifts and talents, become financially independent, and contribute to society. Four domains associated
with the topic of entrepreneurship are examined in detail.
MGT 653 International Management
Prerequisite: MGT 601
This course examines unique management issues that arise as a result of doing business in an international
context. Student knowledge of the various functional areas such as marketing, and human resource
management will be extended to topics for management in an international environment. The pedagogy involves
a mixture of lectures, case studies, and experiential learning activities.
MGT 699 Special Topics in Management
Prerequisite: MGT 601
This course shall provide critical analysis of current trends and issues in management theory, research, and
practice. Emphasis shall also be on the analysis, synthesis, and evaluation of contemporary management issues
with specific reference to UAE and GCC countries. The syllabus will be prepared by a competent faculty member
and must be approved by the Chair of the Department.
MIS 501 Information Technology in Business
Prerequisite: None
This course is an introduction to the fundamentals of information technologies and to the strategic
opportunities and challenges presented by these technologies. The course is based on the belief that business
opportunities and challenges are best addressed through a fundamental understanding of management and
technological concepts. Topics covered include databases, data communications and networking, local area
networking and wireless local area networking technologies, Internet technologies, enterprise systems and IT
security. Case analysis is applied to each of the course topics. Laboratory sessions will deal with Microsoft Office
as a significant IT application for business.
MIS 601 Information Technology and Decision Strategies
Prerequisite: MIS 501
The course is designed around a model that views the firm as an information processing entity that must sense
and respond to its environment. It provides an understanding of the role and potential contribution of
information technology for organizations. In addition, it furnishes different ways to understand the opportunities
and threats posed by IT in contemporary competitive environments. Further, the course recognizes the growing
importance of E-commerce in business and how information technologies are enabling this important business
paradigm. The course will emphasize the strategic role that computer-based information systems now play in
modern organizations. The course will explore how rapid advances in hardware and software technology are
impacting strategies, structures and processes within organization. Much of what managers do involves the search,
processing, interpretation and use of information. As a bridge between information search and information use,
managers often need to build and manipulate models. The course examines how information technology can
help managers, groups, and organizations search for information, analyze relationships between information, and
make decisions. Finally, the course will explore various approaches for developing or acquiring information
MIS 611 Critical Database Mgt Systems Issues
Prerequisite: MIS 601
Developing and managing efficient and effective database applications requires critical understanding of the
fundamentals of database management systems, techniques for the design of databases, and principles of
database administration. This course emphasizes database concepts, development, use, and management in three
main sections: database concepts, practice, and emerging trends. Relational database systems are the main focus,
but other types, including object-oriented databases, are studied. Practical design of databases and developing
database applications using modern software tools will be emphasized.
MIS 612 Knowledge Systems: Development and Use
Prerequisite: MIS 601
This course covers the development and use of knowledge intensive systems in business applications. Businesses
are becoming increasingly “knowledge intensive”. Techniques to support knowledge intensive business processes
and exploiting the vast amount of data available, especially in the Internet age are explored. Several
development environments for the construction of knowledge intensive applications are studied. Various tools and
techniques used in the development of knowledge intensive systems will be studied and the tradeoffs involved in
choosing from among them will be evaluated. Case studies of several knowledge intensive systems are used for
insight into their motivation, construction, and use. Innovative e-business applications of knowledge intensive
systems will be discussed.
MIS 613 IT and Collaborative Work
Prerequisite: MIS 601
This course aims at striking a balance between providing current information about products and practices as well as
insights reached by MIS research. Although cognitive mapping, web groupware, and Electronic Meeting Systems
will be emphasized, at the end of this course, students will be familiar with all the basic categories of groupware as
a result of reading recent articles by practitioners and hearing presentations about GSS research. In addition,
students will have hands-on experience with selected groupware products. These include Decision Explorer,
GroupSystems, NetMeeting, and online demonstrations of Lotus Notes.
MIS 652 Advanced Topics in MIS
Prerequisite: MIS 601
This course provides an in-depth treatment of one or more advanced topics in the management of information
systems. The topics covered will vary with each offering so the course may be repeated for credit.
MIS 653 Advanced Topics in e-Commerce
Prerequisite: MIS 601
This course provides an in-depth treatment of one or more advanced topics in the e-commerce. The topics
covered will vary with each offering so the course may be repeated for credit.
MKT 501 Marketing Management
Prerequisite: None
This introductory course at the MBA level examines the character and importance of the marketing process, its
essential functions, and the institutions performing them. Attention is focused on the major policies, such as
distribution, product, price, and promotion, which underlie the marketing structure, and the managerial, economic,
and societal implications of such policies. The lectures are supplemented by case studies designed to highlight
important marketing concepts as they are realized in the business world today.
MKT 601 Strategic Marketing
Prerequisite: MKT 501
In this course emphasis is placed on the firm and the marketing manager‘s role in strategy formulation and the
marketing manager‘s role in marketing management and decision making. Topics to be included are introduction
and market definition, market analysis, marketing objectives and marketing strategies and marketing
implementation and control.
MKT 611 International Marketing
Prerequisite: MKT 601
In this course the emphasis is placed on the firm and its marketing role in international market. The theoretical
and cultural parts will be discussed at the beginning to learn how the company can best operate in a new cultural
environment. The topics also focus on how the firm enters new international markets. Global marketing
management such as global segmentation and positioning, global products and services, global pricing, global
promotion, and global distribution will also be discussed.
QNT 501 Probability and Statistics for Managers
Prerequisite: None
This course is an introduction to the nature of statistics, topics include descriptive statistics and graphs;
random variables, data collection, introduction to the probability principles; sampling distribution.
QNT 601 Quantitative Analysis for Decision Making
Prerequisite: QNT 501
The course advances students’ ability to think, adapt, build, apply, evaluate and conduct analysis using
quantitative techniques in support of business decision making. Topics include introduction to quantitative
analysis, probability concepts and applications, decision analysis, regression models, forecasting, inventory
control models, linear programming models, transportation and assignment models, integer programming and
nonlinear programming, network models, project management, waiting lines and queuing theory, simulation
modeling, Markov analysis, and statistical quality control.
Global Knowledge with Local Vision
SCIENCES – Graduate Programs
Master in Building Engineering (MBE)
The Master in Building Engineering (MBE) is a course oriented program designed to train highly
qualified personnel in an environment that combines engineering theories and practice to contribute to
the growing body of engineering knowledge. The mission of this program is to provide practicing
engineers with advanced knowledge beyond the undergraduate level and enhanced professional skills.
After completing the degree, students will be able to apply the learned advanced knowledge not only in
the construction industry, but also in government and service sectors through critical thinking and
integrated problem solving capabilities. It will provide highly qualified professionals with solid
fundamental and theoretical knowledge for system design, innovation, modeling and problem solving in
different areas, such as facilities, quality, production and management in construction systems and
other challenging problems in logistics, transportation and distribution systems.
MBE Program Objectives (PEO’s)
Graduates from the Master in Building Engineering program are expected to be able to achieve the
following objectives:
1. Apply advanced Building Engineering and Management theories, concepts, tools, and
techniques to design, analyze and improve construction and service systems.
2. Identify, model and solve Building Engineering problems using advanced techniques from
mathematics, engineering sciences, and management.
3. Engage in successful professional careers, communicate research results effectively, in written
and oral form; and also expand knowledge and skills through lifelong learning.
4. Engage in service to professional societies and communities through practice engineering
work with professionalism and ethics
MBE Program Outcomes
Upon graduation, graduates from MBE program should be able to achieve the following outcomes:
1. Apply knowledge of mathematics, engineering sciences, and management theories to
identify, formulate and solve Building Engineering problems.
2. Design building systems and processes to meet desired needs within realistic constraints such
as economical, environmental, social, political, ethical, health and safety, and sustainability.
3. Function within multi-disciplinary teams and realize the importance of professional and
ethical responsibilities in a work environment.
4. Understand the impact of engineering solutions in a global, economic, environmental and
societal context.
5. Realize the importance of professional and ethical responsibilities in work environment.
6. Recognize the need for and engage in lifelong learning with knowledge of contemporary issues.
Admission Requirements
Applicants to the MBE Program must hold a bachelor degree in engineering (civil, building,
mechanical, electrical, petroleum and architecture) or equivalent with high standing. Qualified
applicants requiring undergraduate prerequisite courses may be asked to take such courses in addition to
their regular graduate program.
MBE Curriculum
The minimum degree requirement for the MBE program is 36 credit hours composed as follows:
1. Thesis Option: 30 credit hours of course work and 6 credit hours for the thesis.
2. Professional Project Option: 33 credit hours of course work and 3 credit hours for the project.
The credit hour distribution for the MBE Program is shown in the Table below.
General Courses
9 credits
Specialized Courses
9 credits
Compulsory Courses
Elective Courses
MBE Project, or
MBE Thesis
MBE Study Plan
Course Title
Core Courses (List 1)
MEM 602
Project Management
MEM 603
Statistics and Decision Analysis
MBE 616
Advanced Surveying Engineering
Total (3 courses)
MBE Concentrations
(1) Building Structures
Core Courses (List 2)
MBE 612
Matrix Analysis of Structures
MBE 614
Introduction to Earthquake Engineering
MBE 615
Advanced Foundation Engineering
Total (3 courses)
(2) Construction Management
Core Courses (List 3)
MBE 601
Advanced Engineering Economy
MBE 605
Construction Contract Administration
MBE 606
Construction Planning and Control
Total (3 courses)
Elective Courses (List 4)
MBE 620
Seismic Design of Buildings
MBE 622
Structural Systems for Buildings
MBE 624
Analysis and Design of Tall Buildings
MBE 626
Advanced Reinforced Concrete
MBE 628
Advanced Steel Design
MBE 602
Construction Estimating
MGT 611
Managing Human Resources
MGT 652
MBE 603
Construction Equipment and Operations
MEM 614
Topics in Engineering Management
MBE 604
Computer Applications in Construction Management
MBE 608
Topics in Building Engineering
MBE 610
Research Seminar
Total (4-5 courses)
MBE 698
MBE 699
Project / Thesis
MBE 610
Total credits for MBE Program: 18
Course Descriptions
Core Courses (List 1)
MEM 602: Project Management
This course provides an overview of the discipline of project management. It is done from both a technical
perspective (use of CPM, PERT, work breakdown structure, advanced use of Microsoft Project) and from the
perspective of the practice of project management (project planning, estimating costs and activities length,
human resource planning and on site management, practical role of an effective project manager, project
management vs. quantity surveying, project knowledge management, etc.). This class will also explore the
different types of project organizations (IT, for innovation, for change, construction, etc.).
MEM 603: Statistics and Decision Analysis
The course introduces the students to statistics, the development of a basic theory of decision making under
uncertainty. Other topics include rationales of decision makers, utility, the concept of the value of perfect
information, the Bayesian approach to decision making; pre-posterior analysis and optimal fixed-sized analysis for
random processes, decision analysis with multiple objective, structuring the problem, multi-attributed utility
functions. The course also includes case studies and a project.
MBE 616: Advanced Surveying Engineering
This course provides students with advanced experience and practical training in surveying as related to building
construction. A review of the basic fundamental concepts in surveying will be presented including distance
measurements and corrections, leveling, traverse and angles computations. Basic statistics as applied to surveying,
error estimation, error propagation, basic matrix algebra, level network analysis, 3-D traverse analysis, and GPS
vector network analysis will be introduced. The course will also cover topics related to geodetic horizontal and
vertical datums, plane projection systems, localization of projection coordinates, datum transformations,
astronomic observations, cadastral surveying, creation of survey products in a computer-aided drafting
environment, and engineering related photogrammetry.
Building Structures Core Courses (List 2)
MBE 612: Matrix Analysis of Structures
A review of the basic concepts in structural analysis and matrix algebra is presented, and show how the latter
provides an excellent mathematical framework for the former. Then it will be shown that, through many
examples, how matrix methods can be applied to linear static analysis of skeletal structures (beams, plane trusses,
frames, grids, space trusses and frames) by the stiffness method. The flexibility method is also discussed.
MBE 614: Introduction to Earthquake Engineering
Earthquakes: causes, seismic waves, scales, regionalization – Experiences from past earthquakes – Aseismic
design of RC buildings – Regulations and codes for aseismic design – Evaluation of Existing buildings –
Retrofitting of buildings.
MBE 615: Advanced Foundation Engineering
Advanced treatment of topics in foundation engineering, including analysis and design of shallow and deep
foundations, including drilled piers and driven piles, earth pressure theories, design of earth retaining structures,
bearing capacity, ground improvement for foundation support.
Construction Management Core Courses (List 3)
MBE 601: Advanced Engineering Economy
Development of economic performance measures of interest to developers, owners, contractors and users: Sources
of finance and the determinants of the cost of money. Elementary estimating; cost indices; forecasting
techniques; value of money; economic comparison techniques; evaluation of projects in private and public sectors;
tax regulations; inflation; life-cycle costing; risk analysis; non- economic attributes. Case studies of economic
analysis of projects, single building and building components.
MBE 605: Construction Contract Administration
Principles of construction contracts administration, project delivery approaches, contract pricing formats, bidding
procedures, construction documents, specification writing approaches, drawings, bonds and insurance,
subcontracting, variations and change orders, measurement and payment, construction contract claims, delay
analysis, alternative methods of dispute resolution, FIDIC conditions of contract for construction, and innovative
contracting methods.
MBE 606: Construction Planning and Control
Principles of planning, monitoring, and controlling construction projects. Developing schedules using bar charts,
critical path method, precedence diagrams, program evaluation and review techniques (PERT), and linear
scheduling methods. The course covers also resource histograms and s-curves, resource allocation and resource
leveling, schedule constraints, project control and earned value concept, short-interval schedules.
Elective Courses (List 4)
MBE 620: Seismic Design of Buildings
Architectural considerations - Seismic design of buildings: reinforced concrete, steel and masonry - Geotechnical
and foundation design considerations – Design of nonstructural systems and components.
MBE 622: Structural Systems for Buildings
Specialized topics in structural design and structural engineering related to construction processes. Emphasis
on understanding behavior of structural systems rather than individual components. Topics may include:
structural bracing during construction, special considerations in long span structures, selection of structural
system layouts and other unique subjects.
MBE 624: Analysis and Design of Tall Buildings
Introduces design strategies for tall buildings. Covers the following topics: selection of the structural systems for
tall buildings, modeling of gravity, wind, and earthquake loads using relevant codes, structural modeling and static
and dynamic analysis of tall buildings.
MBE 626: Advanced Reinforced Concrete
Topics include design of continuous beams, short columns under biaxial bending, slender columns, and torsion
in beams. Direct design and equivalent frame method for two-way slabs, and flat slabs. Behavior and design of
brackets, beam-column joints, shear walls and foundations.
MBE 628: Advanced Steel Design
Bolted and welded connections, Building Connections, Rigid Steel frames, elastic and plastic design methods,
supports of rigid frames, composite design.
MBE 602: Construction Estimating
Application of scientific principles to costs and estimates of costs in construction engineering; concepts and
statistical measurements of the factors involved in cost estimating; and the fundamentals of cost recording accounts
and cost controls, risk and uncertainty, range estimating, types of cost estimating, estimating materials cost,
estimating labor costs, estimating equipment costs, overhead and contingencies, cost markups and profits, detailed
cost estimating, cost of concrete structures, time/cost trade-off analysis, bidding strategies, cash flow analysis,
value engineering and project life cycle costing.
MGT 611: Managing Human Resources
This course will examine Human Resources from a strategic perspective, emphasizing the contribution of HR
decisions to the development of a high performance organization. The course will emphasize those topics, such as
reward systems, performance management and the selection and retention of high performance employees,
which confront managers in a variety of organizational roles. Emphasis will be given to the identification,
evaluation and solution of specific HR problems facing managers with these responsibilities.
MGT 652: Entrepreneurship
The course will discuss all basic needs an entrepreneur should have for starting up the new small business.
The course will also discuss the types of start-up business, including the franchise opportunities. The goal is to
develop entrepreneurial skills, managerial skills, and creative thinking in order to become a successful
MBE 603: Construction Equipment and Operations
Study of construction operations as dynamic production processes. The course covers a wide range of equipment
utilization in various construction operations such as; earthmoving operations, excavating and lifting, loading and
hauling, compaction and finishing, tunneling, and asphalt paving and surface treatment operations. Also it covers
estimating and measuring equipment productivity, work improvement techniques, construction equipment
economics, maintenance management of equipment, and night time construction operations.
MEM 614: Topics in Engineering Management
This course covers a wide range of relevant topics affecting the future roles of engineering managers. Topics
include basic functions of engineering management such as planning, organizing, leading and controlling; global
orientated perspective of engineering management; cost accounting, financial analysis, financial management and
marketing management. Business case studies will focus on engineering and
technology management.
MBE 604: Computer Applications in Construction Management
Use of computers in estimating, cost engineering, scheduling and resource analyses, materials control, report
generation and operations simulation. Considerations for computer usage in construction firms; hardware, software,
operations, economic, human and organizational. A project.
MBE 608: Topics in Building Engineering
Subject matter may vary from semester to semester and from year to year. Topics of interest to students and
faculty which are not available in the existing MBE curriculum can be offered through this course. Students may
register for these courses providing that the course content has changed. Prior approval of the course material and
syllabus by the Dean is required.
MBE 610: Research Seminar
Independent study or research topic selected based on the background and interests of the student. An outline of
the proposed work is submitted for approval by the faculty member who serves as adviser. Students must prepare
a written report and present a seminar to faculty and students on the results of their work.
MBE 698: Project
Requires completion of an approved professional project under the supervision of a faculty member. Students are
required to demonstrate the ability to integrate the information and the skills accumulated in their program courses
through rigorous written and oral communications. Students must prepare a written report including an
introduction, literature review, research methodology, collection and analysis of data, conclusions and
recommendations, list of references and appendices of important information and present a seminar describing
the work to the examination committee.
MBE 699: Thesis
Prerequisite: MBE 610
The student has to undertake and complete a research topic under the supervision of a faculty member. The
thesis work should provide the student with in-depth perceptive of a particular research problem in his chosen
field of specialization. It is anticipated that the student be able to carry out his research fairly independently under
the direction of his supervisor. The student is required to submit a final thesis documenting his research and defend
his work in front of a committee.
Graduate Certificate in Buildings Engineering (GradCertBE)
The Graduate Certificate in Building Engineering is a one-year course oriented program designed to
prepare engineers and scientists for technical decision-making and for increased leadership
responsibility in system design, modeling and problem solving in different areas, such as facilities,
quality, production and management in construction systems. Areas of application include traditional
construction and high technology applications processes essential to the economy. In addition to
production and service systems, application areas include engineering systems such as transportation,
infrastructure management, and resource allocation.
Goals and Objectives
After completion of the program, the graduate students will be able to:
1. Demonstrate proficiency in applying fundamental mathematical, scientific, and engineering
principles in formulating and solving Building Engineering problems.
2. Develop the capacity to think critically and communicate and gain significant experience in
designing systems and components in building applications in both individual and team contexts.
3. Acquire up-to-date skills for analysis, data collection, modeling, project management,
professional development, communication, and presentation.
4. Develop an understanding of professional and social issues suitable for participation and
leadership in their communities.
The resulting program outcomes are that students will be able to:
1. Apply knowledge of mathematics, science, and engineering to identify, formulate, and solve
building engineering problems.
2. Design and conduct experiments, as well as to analyze and interpret data.
3. Design building systems and processes to meet desired needs within realistic constraints such
as economic, environmental, social, political, ethical, health and safety, manufacturability, and
4. Function on multi-disciplinary teams communicate effectively and understanding of
professional and ethical responsibility.
5. Recognize the need for, and an ability to engage in life-long learning.
6. Use the techniques, skills, and modern engineering tools necessary for engineering practice.
Admission Requirements
Applicants to the Graduate Certificate Program must hold a bachelor degree in engineering (civil,
building, mechanical, electrical, petroleum and architecture) or equivalent with high standing. Qualified
applicants requiring undergraduate prerequisite courses may be asked to take such courses in addition
to their regular graduate program.
The minimum degree requirement for the Graduate Certificate in Building Engineering is 18 credit
hours composed as follows:
Course Title
MBE 615
Advanced Foundation Engineering
MBE 616
Advanced Surveying Engineering
MBE 626
Advanced Reinforced Concrete
MBE 628
Advanced Steel Design
MBE 608
Topics in Building Engineering
MBE 698
Total Credits
Course descriptions can be found within the Master of Building Engineering (MBE) Program.
Master in Engineering Management (MEM)
The Master of Engineering Management at ALHOSN University is a course oriented program
designed to train highly qualified personnel in an environment that combines engineering and
management theories and practices to contribute to the growing body of engineering knowledge.
The mission of the Master of Engineering Management at ALHOSN University is to prepare graduates
from engineering and science backgrounds and experienced professionals to become future leaders and
entrepreneurs, and develop engineering managers ready to solve multidimensional problems and
respond efficiently to the management challenges of complex business settings in private and
public sector of today’s highly technical, dynamic, and competitive global economy.
The program provides technical and managerial skills to integrate various resources including people,
machines, information and processes to better satisfy customer needs. After completing the
requirements for the degree, graduates will be able to apply engineering and management knowledge to
successfully lead and execute complex engineering projects with innovative solutions. Students will be
trained to design, model, manage and control complex systems and be prepared to play leadership roles
in industry and government.
The graduates from the MEM program are expected to be able to achieve the following academic
1. Apply engineering and management knowledge and techniques to solve engineering problems.
2. Analyze, synthesize and evaluate information, solve real-world problems, and effectively
perform engineering and management tasks for successful execution of engineering projects.
3. Engage in successful professional careers, communicate effectively, collaborate and work
in diverse teams, make successful management of personal and professional career choices, and
continue development through lifelong learning and professional involvement.
4. Engage in service to professional societies and communities through practicing engineering
work with professionalism and ethics.
Program Learning Outcomes
The specific educational outcomes that support the objectives of the MEM program are to graduate
students who are able to:
1. Use knowledge of mathematics, engineering sciences, and management to identify, prioritize,
model, and solve complex problems in highly technical environments.
2. Apply engineering, management and economics knowledge to successfully lead and execute
engineering projects, operations and processes.
3. Function within multi-disciplinary teams and realize the importance of professional and ethical
responsibilities in work environment.
4. Understand the impact of engineering solutions in a global, economic, environmental and
societal context.
5. Communicate effectively and recognize the need for and ability to engage in life-long learning.
6. Assess and integrate tools and techniques, state-of-the art technological advances, resources,
organizational systems, and decision making processes for the successful management of
projects, operations and processes.
Admission Requirements
In order to be granted admission to the MEM program, an applicant must satisfy the general admission
requirements to a graduate program at ALHOSN University as well as the following MEM program
specific requirements.
A. Applicants to the MEM Program must hold a bachelor degree in engineering (civil, building,
mechanical, electrical, petroleum and architecture) or equivalent, or, a bachelor degree from
a quantitative discipline including: mathematics, physics, chemistry, or equivalent.
B. Qualified applicants requiring prerequisite courses may be required to take such courses in
addition to their regular graduate program. Specifically, (Students with no prior background
in probability and statistics will be required to take MEM 501 Fundamentals of Probability and
Statistics for Engineers. Students with no prior background in engineering economy will be
required to take MEM 502 Fundamentals of Engineering Economy).
Students in the MEM program must take four core courses from List 1, six elective courses from List 2
and complete Project Reports I and II from List 3. Students may take two courses from List 4
(MBA program) to replace two elective courses.
Global Knowledge with Local Vision
MEM Program Academic Plan
MEM Course Title
MEM Foundation Courses
MEM 501
Fundamentals of Probability and Statistics for Engineers
MEM 502
Fundamentals of Engineering Economy
MEM Core Courses (List 1)
MEM 600
Engineering Management Concepts
MEM 601
Advanced Engineering Economics
MEM 602
Project Management
MEM 502
MEM 603
Statistics and Decision Analysis
MEM 501
MEM 604
Info Technology Applications in Engineering Projects
MEM 501
Total (Four courses)
MEM Elective Courses (List 2)
MEM 605
Legal Issues And Contract Administration
MEM 606
Planning and Control
MEM 607
Advanced Planning and Control
MEM 501
MEM 608
Project Cost Estimating
MEM 609
Applied Operations Research
MEM 501
MEM 610
Project Acquisition and Control
MEM 611
Fundamentals of Facility Management
MEM 612
Business Practices in Construction
MEM 613
Project Quality Management
MEM 501
MEM 614
Topics in Engineering Management
MEM 502
MEM 615
Product Design and Development
MEM 502
MEM 616
Operations Management
MEM 501, MEM 502
MBA course 1 (from MBA electives)
MBA course 2 (from MBA electives)
Total (Six courses including up to two MBA courses)
Research Project Reports (List 3)
MEM 698
Graduate Project – 1
Two full semesters
MEM 699
Graduate Project – 2
MEM 698
Total (Two courses)
MBA Electives (List 4)
ACT 501
Financial Accounting
FIN 501
Financial Management
MKT 501
Marketing Management
IBS 611
International Business
MGT 603
Strategic Management
MGT 611
Managing Human Resources
MGT 652
(Up to two courses substituted for electives above)
Total credits for MEM Program
* Pass (P)/Fail (F) grade only; or exemption (EX)
The Master of Engineering Management program includes Foundation requirements, compulsory
courses, and electives and is displayed in the eight-semester plan below. The plan shows a typical
student schedule for completing the MEM program in four semesters.
MEM Four Semester Plan
MEM Program – Course Title
First Semester (Fall) (9 Credit hours)
MEM 600
Engineering Management Concepts
MEM 601
Advanced Engineering Economics
MEM 502
MEM 602
Project Management
MEM 502
MEM 501
Second Semester (Spring) (9 Credit hours)
MEM 603
Statistics and Decision Analysis
MEM 604
Info Technology Applications in Engineering Projects
Elective 1
Third Semester (Fall) (9 Credit hours)
Elective 2
Elective 3
MEM 698
Graduate Project – 1
Fourth Semester (Spring) (9 Credit hours)
2 full-time
Elective 4
Elective 5
MEM 699
Graduate Project – 2
MEM 698
Total Credits for MEM Program
Course Descriptions
MEM Foundation Courses
MEM 501 Fundamentals of Probability and Statistics for Engineers
Prerequisite: None
This course develops a thorough understanding of the methods of probability and statistics which are used to
model engineering problems and develop the necessary skills to implement and analyze basic statistical models
using computer software packages. The course covers the following topics: Fundamentals of probability,
distribution theory, data analysis and statistics, interval estimation, hypothesis testing, and regression analysis.
MEM 502 Fundamentals of Engineering Economy
Prerequisite: None
This course deals with the application of economic analysis models for decisions between alternatives. In
particular we approach problem solving by considering the time value of money. In general, a dollar of revenue or
expense today is not equivalent to a dollar of revenue or expense three years from now. Concepts in this class are
equally applicable to engineering, business and financial systems problems. Comparisons methods based on
present worth of cash flow, and simple, internal and external rates of return are studied.
MEM Core Courses (List 1)
MEM 600 Engineering Management Concepts
Prerequisite: None
This course is focused on demonstrating the latest applications of engineering management techniques in real
engineering and management systems. These multidisciplinary techniques are based on a range of engineering
management topics such as project management, optimization, operations management, international business,
modeling and simulation, statistical analyses and decision making, quality management, facility management,
planning and control, product design and development, and information technology. The course helps articulate a
globally-orientated perspective of engineering management to emphasize on new challenges for engineering
managers in the new millennium.
MEM 601 Advanced Engineering Economics
Prerequisite: MEM 502 or equivalent
Development of economic performance measures of interest to developers, owners, contractors and users: Sources
of finance and the determinants of the cost of money. Elementary estimating; cost indices; forecasting
techniques; value of money; economic comparison techniques; evaluation of projects in private and public sectors;
tax regulations; inflation; life-cycle costing; risk analysis; non- economic attributes. Case studies of economic
analysis of projects, single building and building components.
MEM 602 Project Management
Prerequisite: MEM 502 or equivalent
This course provides an overview of the discipline of project management. It is done from both a technical
perspective (use of CPM, PERT, work breakdown structure, advanced use of Microsoft Project) and from the
perspective of the practice of project management (project planning, estimating costs and activities length,
human resource planning and on site management, practical role of an effective project manager, project
management vs. quantity surveying, project knowledge management, etc.). This class will also explore the
different types of project organizations (IT, for innovation, for change, construction, etc.)
MEM 603 Statistics and Decision Analysis
Prerequisite: MEM 501 or equivalent
The course introduces students to statistics, the development of a basic theory of decision making under
uncertainty. Other topics include rationales of decision makers, utility, and the concept of the value of perfect
information, the Bayesian approach to decision making; pre-posterior analysis and optimal fixed-sized analysis for
random processes, decision analysis with multiple objective, structuring the problem, multi-attributed utility
functions. The course also includes case studies and a course project.
MEM 604 Information Technology Applications in Engineering Projects
Prerequisite: None
Use of computers in estimating, cost engineering, scheduling and resource analyses, materials control, report
generation and operations simulation. Information systems: information-based theories of management;
information technology, cost and value information; analysis, design and implementation of a network based
control system. Considerations for computer usage in construction firms; hardware, software, operations,
economic, human and organizational. Product and process modeling; Internet use in product delivery. A project.
MEM Elective Courses (List 2)
MEM 605 Legal Issues and Contract Administration
Prerequisite: None
Legal concepts and processes applicable to the development of constructed facilities and to the operation of the
construction firm. Emphasis on contract law and contract administration. Case studies.
MEM 606 Planning and Control
Prerequisite: None
Methods of delivering construction. Contractual relationships and organizational structures. Phases of project
development. Estimating resource requirements; costs and durations. Bidding strategies. Network analysis using
CPM and PERT, time-cost trade-off, resource allocation. Cash flow analysis. Earned-value concept for integrated
time and cost control. Quality control. Value engineering. A case study and project.
MEM 607 Advanced Planning and Control
(New code and name: MEM 617 Advanced Simulation Techniques)
Prerequisite: MEM 501
The course introduces students to principles of modeling and simulation, classification and validation of
simulation models, analysis of input data and outputs, Object Oriented Simulation (OOS), simulation languages,
and application of discrete event simulation in various engineering-oriented problems. Simulation models of
discrete, stochastic, and dynamic systems, in terms of procedural behaviors, will be studied. These include
formulating and implementing simulation models, analysis of input and output data, statistical techniques for
models of single systems and competing alternative systems, simulation optimization. Computer program Arena
will be used extensively throughout the course. The course also includes case studies and a course project.
MEM 608 Project Cost Estimating
Prerequisite: None
Project cost estimating covers the essentials of project estimating, progress monitoring, and cost management.
Emphasis is focused on estimate accuracy and the issues surrounding cost and schedule overruns. The course is
intended to provide a review of the process of estimating the cost of projects for project professionals.
MEM 609 Applied Operations Research
Prerequisite: MEM 501
The practice of engineering and business in modern societies is characterized by complex organization, limited
resources, changing conditions, conflicting objectives, as well as a high level of uncertainty, and managers are
increasingly aware that success can only be achieved if the best decisions are taken under such circumstances.
This course is an introduction to management science and decision making, a field in which a scientific approach
based on a set of quantitative methods is used to solve engineering and managerial problems and make better
decisions. The goal of management science is to provide a methodology for modeling decision making
problems, finding solutions that optimize one or several objectives, and implementing the solutions in order to
solve the problem. In the course we will study problem formulation and some of the most frequently used
management science methods. Topics covered include linear programming, integer programming, network flow
models, nonlinear programming, multi-criteria decision making, and important applications such as queuing
model analysis. In addition, we will have an opportunity to use computer software for problem solving. The
course will be a combination of lectures, problem solving sessions, discussion, and case studies.
MEM 610 Project Acquisition and Control
Prerequisite: None
Study of techniques and procedures used for construction project procurement and control. Topics treated
include: marketing, bidding strategies, work break-down structure and contract packages, techniques for integrated
time and cost control; management information systems for control, procurement; productivity measurement,
contingency and escalation analysis and control. A project.
MEM 611 Fundamentals of Facility Management
Prerequisite: None
Systems approach to planning, organization and implementation of a facility, including space allocation, leasing
and marketing, operation, maintenance, and renovation over the life of the building. Forecast of budget
requirements for effective operation, maintenance, and renovation. Correlation between the operation of the
building and health risks, comfort, productivity, and costs. Integrated approach to the planning, analysis,
evaluation, organization and optimization of physical systems of facilities. Case studies.
MEM 612 Business Practices in Construction
Prerequisite: None
A study of business practices as they relate to the construction industry. Topics treated include: organization;
marketing; bid preparation; bonding; personnel management; financing; accounting; cash-flow analysis; capital
budgeting. The principles are first presented and then followed by case studies. A project.
MEM 613 Project Quality Management
Prerequisite: MEM 501
Role of a manager in leading and enforcing quality practices, defining performance measures and critical-toquality requirements, common continuous improvement projects schemes such as Six Sigma, Kaizan and TQM,
basic quality tools such as SPC and capability studies, achievement of bottom-line financial improvement through
customer satisfaction led projects, quality award models, quality audit and management systems (QMS).
MEM 614 Topics in Engineering Management
Prerequisite: MEM 502
This course covers a wide range of relevant topics affecting the future roles of engineering managers. Topics
include basic functions of engineering management such as planning, organizing, leading and controlling; global
orientated perspective of engineering management; cost accounting, financial analysis, financial management and
marketing management. Business case studies will focus on engineering and technology management.
MEM 615 Product Design and Development
Prerequisite: MEM 502
The ability to develop new products and bring them successfully to the highly competitive and fast paced market
is a critical capability of all companies nowadays. This course covers modern tools and methods for product
design and development. Topics include identifying customer needs, concept generation, product architecture,
industrial design, design-for-manufacturing, and intellectual property.
MEM 616 Operations Management
Prerequisites: MEM 501, MEM 502
Matching supply with demand is a primary challenge for any enterprise. In this course, the first focus is on
modeling, analyzing and improving business processes; students see examples of a number of processes and learn
how to describe a process with a flow diagram. The second focus of the course is on the effect of variability on
process performance; issues include waiting times, lost demand due to poor service, and lost output due to poor
Research Projects (List 3)
MEM 698 Graduate Project 1
Prerequisite: at least two semesters full time
Requires completion of an approved independent project under the supervision of a faculty member over two
semesters. Students are required to demonstrate the ability to integrate the information and the skills accumulated
in their program courses through rigorous written and oral communications. Students must prepare a written
report and present a seminar describing the work to the examination committee.
MEM 699 Graduate Project 2
Prerequisite: MEM 698
Requires completion of an approved independent project under the supervision of a faculty member, over two
semesters. Students are required to demonstrate the ability to integrate the information and the skills accumulated
in their program courses through rigorous written and oral communications. Students must prepare a written
report and present a seminar describing the work to the examination committee.
MBA Electives (List 4)
ACT 501 Financial Accounting
Prerequisite: None
This course attempts to introduce students to the elements of financial accounting and reporting, considerations
pertaining to the preparation of accounting records and reports, analysis of financial reports, and the limitations
of financial reports. An in depth examination of the development of financial statements, and the assessment of their
uses and limitations will be covered. Particular attention is given to accounting problems and practices involving
merchandising, inventories, and cash.
FIN 501 Financial Management
Prerequisite: None
This course introduces students to the role of financial management in business firms. It emphasizes on the basic
concepts in finance and techniques used in financial decision-making. Topics to be covered include financial
analysis and planning, time value of money, interest rates and bond valuation, stock valuation, risk and return and
capital budgeting.
MKT 501 Marketing Management
Prerequisite: None
This introductory course at the MBA level examines the character and importance of the marketing process, it’s
essential functions, and the institutions performing them. Attention is focused on the major policies, such as
distribution, product, price, and promotion, which underlie the marketing structure, and the managerial, economic,
and societal implications of such policies. The lectures are supplemented by case studies designed to highlight
important marketing concepts as they are realized in the business world today.
IBS 611 International Business
Prerequisite: None
This course will examine Human Resources from a strategic perspective, emphasizing the contribution of HR
decisions to the development of a high performance organization. HRM will be treated as a dynamic system that
enables organizations to cope more quickly and effectively with a rapidly changing environment. The course will
emphasize those topics, such as reward systems, performance management and the selection and retention of high
performance employees, which confront managers in a variety of organizational roles. Emphasis will be given to
the identification, evaluation and solution of specific HR problems facing managers with these responsibilities.
MGT 603 Strategic Management
Prerequisite: None
The aim of this course is to provide the analytic techniques and tools to help develop an understanding of how
competitive advantage can be created and sustained. This is an integrative course that examines the firm as a
whole and adopts the perspective of the general manager. It draws together and builds on ideas from courses in
functional areas such as marketing, finance and operations. There is extensive use of cases. Specific topics
covered include analyzing industries, analyzing firm resources and capabilities, understanding organization
structure and management systems, developing competitive strategies and understanding competitive behaviour,
determining the scope of the firm, developing corporate strategies, managing the multi-business firm, and
understanding corporate governance mechanisms.
MGT 611 Managing Human Resources
Prerequisite: None
This course will examine Human Resources from a strategic perspective, emphasizing the contribution of HR
decisions to the development of a high performance organization. HRM will be treated as a dynamic system that
enables organizations to cope more quickly and effectively with a rapidly changing environment. The course will
emphasize those topics, such as reward systems, performance management and the selection and retention of high
performance employees, which confront managers in a variety of organizational roles. Emphasis will be given to
the identification, evaluation and solution of specific HR problems facing managers with these responsibilities.
MGT 652 Entrepreneurship
Prerequisite: None
This course will focus on the entrepreneurial process for small business enterprise. In the process, the course will
explore 1) the entrepreneurial start-up process 2) the analysis of the environment including internal and external
environment 3) opportunity for start-up small business 4) the start-up resources and 5) the new venture
organization. The course will discuss all basic needs an entrepreneur should have for starting up the new
small business. The course will also discuss the types of start-up business, including the franchise opportunities.
The goal is to develop entrepreneurial skills, managerial skills, and creative thinking in order to become a
successful entrepreneur.
Graduate Certificate in Engineering Management (GradCertEM)
The Graduate Certificate in Engineering Management at ALHOSN University is a one-year course
oriented program designed to train highly qualified personnel in an environment that combines
engineering and management theories and practices to contribute to the growing body of engineering
The Graduate Certificate in Engineering Management is specifically designed to prepare engineers
and scientists from various fields to manage complex systems in the UAE and Gulf region countries.
The program provides technical and managerial skills to integrate various resources including people,
machines, information and processes to better satisfy customer needs.
Graduates from the program will be trained for technical decision-making and for increased leadership
responsibility in a multi-disciplinary environment. Students will be prepared to play leadership roles in
industry and government.
The academic objectives of the Graduate Certificate in Engineering Management program are:
1. To prepare graduates for technical or management positions.
2. To train graduates on techniques and provide them with skills required to manage, plan
and control technical aspects of engineering projects.
3. To provide graduates with skill, confidence and business knowledge to manage technical
4. To provide graduates the expertise that will enable them to advance in their careers.
The specific educational outcomes that support the objectives of the Graduate Certificate in Engineering
Management program are to graduate students who are able to:
1. Develop and expand knowledge and skills in engineering and management.
2. Understand the role, duties, and responsibilities of the members of the team, including the
working relationship between technicians and professionals.
Provide opportunities for continuing professional development.
Understand processes from the transformation of an idea or need into a completed project.
Demonstrate communication skills to be successful in employment environment.
Demonstrate critical thinking and problem solving skills in the employment environment.
Admission Requirements
In order to be granted admission to the GCEM program, an applicant must satisfy the general
admission requirements to a graduate program at ALHOSN as well as the following GCEM program
specific requirements.
A. Applicants to the MEM Program must hold a bachelor degree in engineering (civil, building,
mechanical, electrical, petroleum and architecture) or equivalent, or, a bachelor degree from
a quantitative discipline including: mathematics, physics, chemistry, or equivalent.
B. Qualified applicants requiring prerequisite courses may be required to take such courses in
addition to their regular graduate program. (Specifically, Students with no prior background
in probability and statistics will be required to take MEM 501 Fundamentals of Probability and
Statistics for Engineers. Students with no prior background in engineering economy will be
required to take MEM 502 Fundamentals of Engineering Economy).
A fully qualified Graduate Certificate student is required to satisfy completion of five courses (15
credit hours). Two of these courses should be from list 1 (refer to the MEM program for course lists).
The remaining three courses should be taken from list 2. Students may take up to six credit hours from
List 4 (MBA program courses) to replace two elective courses.
Grad Cert EM Program – Course Title
First Semester (Fall) (9 Credit hours)
MEM 601
Advanced Engineering Economics
MEM 502
MEM 602
Project Management
MEM 502
Elective 1
Second Semester (Spring) (6 Credit hours)
Elective 2
Elective 3
Total Credits
Course descriptions can be found within the Master of Engineering Management (MEM)
Graduate Programs
Master of Education (M Ed)
The Master of Education program was developed as a non-traditional teacher education program using
high quality standards that have proven over the years to be the best in the field. The program has
been aligned with the Core Propositions of the National Board of Professional Teaching Standards
Program development included the following main tasks: (1) developing Faculty Vision, Mission and
Conceptual Framework; (2) identifying the credit hours to be assigned to each of the four components of
teacher education programs; (3) developing program goals and learning outcomes; (4) mapping
program outcomes to courses; developing curriculum and study plan; developing admission,
continuation and graduation requirements, (7) developing course description, and (8) developing course
1. Teachers are committed to students and their learning.
2. Teachers know the subjects they teach and how to teach those subjects to students.
3. Teachers are responsible for managing and monitoring student learning.
4. Teachers think systematically about their practice and learn from experience.
5. Teachers are members of learning communities.
1. Teachers are committed to students and their learning.
a. Accomplished teachers recognize individual differences in their students and adjust
their practice accordingly.
b. Accomplished teachers understand how students develop and learn.
c. Accomplished teachers treat students equitably.
d. Accomplished teachers’ missions extend beyond developing the cognitive capacity of
their students.
2. Teachers know the subjects they teach and how to teach those subjects to students.
a. Accomplished teachers appreciate how knowledge in their subjects is created, organized,
and linked to other disciplines.
b. Accomplished teachers command specialized knowledge of how to convey and reveal
subject matter to students.
c. Accomplished teachers’ instructional repertoire allows them to create multiple paths to
the subjects they teach, and are adept at teaching students how to pose and solve their own
3. Teachers are responsible for managing and monitoring student learning.
a. Accomplished teachers call on multiple methods to meet their goals.
b. Accomplished teachers orchestrate learning in group settings.
c. Accomplished teachers place a premium on student engagement.
d. Accomplished teachers regularly assess student progress.
e. Accomplished teachers are mindful of their principal objectives.
4. Teachers think systematically about their practice and learn from experience.
a. Accomplished teachers are continually making difficult choices that test their judgment.
b. Accomplished teachers seek the advice of others and draw on educational research
and scholarship to improve practice.
5. Teachers are members of learning communities.
a. Accomplished teachers contribute to the effectiveness of the school by working
collaboratively with other professionals on instructional policy, curriculum development
and staff development.
b. Accomplished teachers work collaboratively with parents.
c. Accomplished teachers take advantage of community resources.
The MEd curriculum requires a minimum of 33 credit hours in total including the Master Thesis or
Capstone project. All courses are specific to the degree. Further details of distribution of credit and
contact hours are available on application.
M Ed Four Semester Study Plan
Course Code
Course Title
EDU 551
Schooling in Emirati Society
EDU 552
Creating Communities of Learners
EDU 553
Education of Youth and Adolescents
First Semester (Fall)
Second Semester (Spring)
EDU 554
Assessment Practices Serving All Students
EDU 555
Knowledge Construction and Subject Matter
EDU 556
Pedagogy and Curriculum Instruction
EDU 557
Teaching as Inquiry
EDU 558 a – e
Elective Course
Third Semester (Fall)
Fourth Semester (Spring)
EDU 559
Research Methods
EDU 560a Or
Master’s Thesis Or Capstone Project
MEd Elective Courses
Choose one for 3 credit hours
Course Code
Course Title
EDU 558a
Leading Change in Schools
EDU 558b
Educational Reform
EDU 558c
Literacy and Language Development
EDU 558d
Differentiated Instruction for Gifted Students
EDU 558e
Technology as a Powerful Pedagogical Tool
Course Descriptions
EDU 551 Schooling in Emirati Society
This course introduces aspiring school leaders to selected social issues and their impact upon teaching, learning,
and school organizations. Research on the Emirati society will be explored and community agencies surveyed
in order to identify possible community-based networks to help educators deal with social issues and encourage
closer school-community relations. Students will also explore the Emirati public school system: current dominant
modes of teaching, historical and contemporary issues surrounding public school education and the complexities
of teaching and learning in the UAE.
EDU 552 Creating Communities of Learners
This course will explore how teachers can take an active role in developing a safe, successful, and caring
classroom. Topics such as classroom management; the use of strategies to create safe environment within the
classroom; the value of class meetings; the use of cooperative and collaborative learning; and the use of
curriculum content to highlight issues of cooperation, trust, responsibility, and empowerment. The course will
also introduce students to ideas on how to create communities of learners outside the school setting, exploring
strategies to involve the family and community in the learning process of students.
EDU 553 Education of Youth and Adolescents
This course will examine the major theories of child and adolescent development, including intellectual,
biological, and psychological development. Models of learning based on these theories will be explored along
with the major theorists who have influenced educational thinking. Included in this course is an overview of first
and second language acquisition and how it influences learning. Successful completion of the course will enable
students to move these theories into effective classroom practice.
EDU 554 Assessment Practices Serving All Learners
This course is designed to provide students with an understanding of the multiple methods of assessment
available; formative and summative as well as traditional and performance based. Students will examine the role of
preconceptions and background knowledge a student brings to their classroom and how to follow student
progress with a variety of assessment practices. In addition, strategies for data analysis will help candidates be
prepared to assess individual students as well as whole class progress. Particular emphasis in the course will be
placed on aligning assessment strategies with curriculum goals while meeting the needs of diverse learners.
EDU 555 Knowledge Construction and Subject Matter Competence
This course is designed to provide reflection on the theory of learning and instruction, create an understanding of
theoretical frameworks, and provide an opportunity to connect philosophy to teaching practice. Topics will
include the various ways of knowing, the impact of subject matter competence on knowledge construction, and
ideas of life-long learning and reflective practice.
EDU 556 Pedagogy and Curriculum Innovations
This course will examine current trends in elementary and secondary school curriculums. Students will analyze
the continuum of instructional methods and recent innovations in curriculum implementation to better understand
their own practice. Students will also explore processes for designing and developing curriculum within their
own schools.
EDU 557 Teaching as Inquiry
This course will examine the recent trend of using student work to assess learning. The close and
collaborative examination of student work has become a practice in many innovative schools. Student work has
become not only a source of insight into student learning but also a method to assess the effectiveness of
instruction, curriculum, and resources of the learning environment. The course will investigate the ways in which
student products can be studied as evidence of teaching and learning. Candidates will explore how methods of
inquiry can reveal the subtle processes of learning and the interactions among learners’ minds, subject matter,
materials, and the learning environment.
EDU 558a Leading Change in Schools
This course introduces students to school leadership practice, emphasizes adult learning theory, reflective practice,
content-based decision making, the formation of learning communities, and leadership ethics. Candidates will
begin to organize their professional portfolios.
EDU 558b Educational Reform
This course examines the many forms of formal and informal teacher leadership and explores the role that teachers
must play in the reform of public schools. It analyzes the challenges to teacher leadership created by the structure
of schools and the culture of teaching and assesses teacher leadership in relation to the developmental needs of a
rapidly changing society. A strong focus on innovative curriculum and instruction as a means to improve the
teaching – learning process will form the basis of the course.
EDU 558c Literacy and Language Development
This course focuses on the examination of the theory, research and practices that affect reading and writing as
well as Second Language acquisition. Based on current theory, practices, and research- based skills and
knowledge about instructional strategies, the following elements of a balanced literacy program are covered in
this course:
 Developmental instructional strategies aligned with ongoing formal and informal assessments to meet
the needs of all students.
 The development of fluent reading in students at all grade levels.
 Reading comprehension strategies (e.g. text analysis, thinking and study strategies, and independent
reading of high quality books), including foundational skills in academic language, background
knowledge, concept formation, and vocabulary development.
EDU 558d Differentiated Instruction for Gifted Students
This course examines the characteristics of appropriate and defensible curriculum for gifted children and youth.
Particular emphasis is placed on instructional strategies, curriculum theories, flexible grouping techniques, and
meeting the needs of gifted learning in the regular classroom.
EDU 558e Technology as a Powerful Pedagogical Tool
This is an educational technology advanced course in which technology is considered as an essential and integral
component of the teaching/learning process. The course covers a variety of topics that focus on theory and
practice. Candidates acquire the necessary skills to effectively integrate technology into teaching. In addition,
candidates acquire the skills that enable them to design, develop, and evaluate technology-based projects,
media, and lessons. The course gives special emphasis on the state-of-the-art of technology and its application in
real educational settings.
EDU 559 Research Methods
This course focuses on analysis of diverse types of educational research; familiarization with research sources and
literature survey procedures; evaluation of educational research; its implications for, and application to,
educational practice; with emphasis on the scientific methods of investigation(including action research);
development of competency to conduct a study and write a research report. This course also invites students to
focus on a selected area of learning and instruction. Students will plan a research thesis or project.
EDU 560a Master’s Thesis or EDU 560b Capstone Project
This course is designed as independent study to allow students the time, resources, and support necessary to
complete their master’s thesis or capstone project. While no ‘official’ class time is required, each student and
their faculty advisor will meet regularly to discuss the progress of their work and to identify challenges to be
overcome so that a successful conclusion to the Master’s Program can be achieved.
Global Knowledge with Local Vision
‫)‪Diploma in Education (Post Baccalaureate) (GradDipEd‬‬
‫دبلوم التربية‬
‫يطرح قسم التربية بجامعة الحصن برنامج دبلوم الدراسات العليا في التربية والذي يتبنى شعار "المعلم ميسرًا للتعلم"‪ ،‬وذلك‬
‫للحاصلين على درجة البكالوريوس ولم يحصلوا على إعداد مهني للتدريس في مراحل التعليم قبل الجامعي‪ ،‬وكذلك‬
‫للراغبين في استكمال دراساتهم العليا في مجال التربية‪ .‬وهذا البرنامج متوافق مع اإلطار المفاهيمي لقسم التربية في جامعة‬
‫الحصن‪ ،‬والقائم على المعايير العالمية التي أرستها هيئة تقييم المعلمين الجدد ‪ INTASC‬من المجلس الوطني األمريكي‬
‫العتماد برامج إعداد المعلم‪ ،‬ويركز هذا البرنامج على إعداد معلم القرن الحادي والعشرين المسلح بالمعارف والمهارات‬
‫واالتجاهات الالزمة للتعامل مع متطلبات األلفية الثالثة‪.‬‬
‫أهداف البرنامج ‪:‬‬
‫‪ ‬إثراء معارف الطلبة ومهارات التفكير المختلفة‪.‬‬
‫‪ ‬استخدام استراتيجيات التفكير لتقييم الممارسات التربوية‪.‬‬
‫‪ ‬تطبيق أساليب البحث التربوي‪.‬‬
‫‪ ‬التفاعل مع حاجات الطلبة ودوافعهم التعليمية‪.‬‬
‫‪ ‬توظيف تقنيات الحاسوب في التدريس‪.‬‬
‫‪ ‬تطبيق استراتيجيات التقويم المختلفة‪.‬‬
‫المتطلبات العامة للبرنامج ‪:‬‬
‫‪ ‬شهادة بكالوريوس أودراسات جامعية عليا‬
‫‪ ‬معدل جامعي عام )‪ (2.5‬وما فوق‪.‬‬
‫‪ ‬أفضلية القبول لذوي الخبرة في مجال التدريس‬
‫الخطة الدراسية للبرنامج (‪ )33‬ساعة معتمدة‬
‫الفصل الدراسي األول (‪ 11‬ساعة معتمدة)‬
‫‪ ‬المدرسة‪ ،‬المجتمع المهني‬
‫‪ ‬تدريس التالميذ ذوي االحتياجات الخاصة‬
‫‪ ‬تكنولوجيا التعليم‬
‫‪ ‬تنفيذ المنهج‬
‫‪ ‬طرق تدريس‬
‫‪ ‬التقييم الصفي في المدارس اإلعدادية والثانوية‬
‫الفصل الدراسي الثاني (‪ 12‬ساعة معتمدة)‬
‫‪ ‬البيئة الصفية في المدرسة اإلعدادية والثانوية‬
‫‪ ‬التربية العملية بالمدارس اإلعدادية والثانوية‬
‫‪Diploma in Arabic Academic Plan‬‬
‫س ‪.‬م‬
‫المدرسة‪ ،‬المجتمع‪ ،‬والمهنة‬
‫تدريس التالميذ ذوي االحتياجات‬
‫تكنولوجيا التعليم‬
‫تنفيذ المنهج‬
‫طرق تدريس اللغة العربية و التربية‬
‫‪EDU 504‬‬
‫التقييم الصفي في المدارس اإلعدادية‬
‫و الثانوية‬
‫‪EDU 504‬‬
‫اسم المساق‬
‫س ‪.‬م‬
‫اسم المساق‬
‫البيئة الصفية في المدرسة اإلعدادية و‬
‫‪EDU 504‬‬
‫التربية العملية بالمدارس اإلعدادية و‬
‫طرق تدريس اللغة‬
‫العربية و التربية‬
‫وصف المساقات‬
‫‪Course Descriptions‬‬
‫‪EDU 501‬‬
‫المدرسة‪ ،‬المجتمع‪ ،‬والمهنة‬
‫‪3‬ساعات معتمدة‬
‫يهدف هذا المساق إلى تزويد الطلبة المعلمين بالمفاهيم الرئيسة لألسرة‪ ،‬والمجتمع المحلي والمدرسة ومجتمع الدولة‪ ،‬ومجتمعات التعلم والمهنة ‪.‬‬
‫ويتضمن المساق موضوعات مختلفة منها ‪:‬العالقات المتبادلة بين المدارس واألسر والمجتمعات المحلية‪ ،‬كما يؤكد المساق على دور المعلم كممارس‬
‫مهني وصانع قرار في تحسين التفاعل بين المدرسة‪ ،‬واألسرة‪ ،‬والمجتمع‪.‬‬
‫‪EDU 502‬‬
‫تدريس الطالب ذوي االحتياجات الخاصة‬
‫‪ 3‬ساعات معتمدة‬
‫يهدف المساق إلى تعريف الطالب المعلمين بالحاجات التربوية للطالب الذين لديهم حاجات تعليمية خاصة داخل الصفوف العادية ومن بين‬
‫الموضوعات التي تناقش في هذا المساق ‪ :‬الخصائص المختلفة للمتعلمين ذوي الحاجات الخاصة‪ ،‬القضايا األخالقية والمهنية لتعليم هؤالء الطالب‪،‬‬
‫والحرص على تمايز التعليم وتنويعه لهؤالء الطالب‪ ،‬باإلضافة إلى تعريف الطالب المعلمين بطرق إشراك أولياء األمور في تعليم ذوي االحتياجات‬
‫‪EDU 503‬‬
‫تكنولوجيا التعليم‬
‫‪ 3‬ساعات معتمدة‬
‫يهدف المساق إلى تزويد الطالب المعلمين بتطبيقات تكنولوجيا التعليم داخل الصفوف الدراسية‪ ،‬ويتضمن موضوعات متنوعة منها‪ :‬الوسائط‬
‫المتعددة‪ ،‬والوسائط التفاعلية‪ ،‬واستخدام اإلنترنت في العملية التعليمية‪ ،‬والقضايا األخالقية المرتبطة بها‪ ،‬ويؤكد المساق على استخدام التكنولوجيا‬
‫المرتبطة بالحاسوب وتطبيقاتها على المهام التربوية‪ .‬ويرتكز المساق على الجانب العملي توظيفاً وتطبيقاً‪.‬‬
‫‪EDU 504‬‬
‫تنفيذ المنهج‬
‫‪ 3‬ساعات معتمدة‬
‫يهدف المساق إلى تزويد الطالب المعلمين بالعناصر األساسية لتطوير المنهج وتنفيذه بالمرحلة الثانوية‪ ،‬ومناقشة موضوعات منها‪ :‬تخطيط المنهج‪،‬‬
‫وتنفيذه وتقويمه‪ ،‬ودعم الطالب المعلمين بخبرات تعلمية ثرية تقابل الفروق الفردية لطالب المرحلة الثانوية‪.‬‬
‫‪EDU 511‬‬
‫طرق تدريس اللغة العربية والتربية اإلسالمية في المدارس اإلعدادية والثانوية‬
‫‪ 3‬ساعات معتمدة‬
‫يهدف المساق إلى تزويد الطالب المعلمين بالمداخل والنماذج واالستراتيجيات التدريسية المناسبة لتدريس اللغة العربية والتربية اإلسالمية بالمدارس‬
‫اإلعدادية والثانوية‪ ،‬ويتناول المساق موضوعات منها‪ :‬مهارات معلم اللغة العربية والتربية اإلسالمية‪ ،‬المفاهيم المتعلقة بتعليم اللغة العربية والتربية‬
‫اإلسالمية‪ ،‬باإلضافة إلى تخطيط الدروس وتنفيذها وتقييمها‪ .‬ويعد التدريس المصغر أساسياً في هذا المساق‪.‬‬
‫‪EDU 512‬‬
‫التقييم الصفي في المدارس اإلعدادية والثانوية‬
‫‪ 3‬ساعات معتمدة‬
‫يهدف إلى تزويد الطالب المعلمين بأساليب وأدوات متنوعة للتقييم الصفي‪ ،‬ويتناول المساق موضوعات منها‪ :‬التقييم الرسمي وغير الرسمي‪ ،‬التقييم‬
‫البديل والواقعي وتقييم األداء‪ ،‬ويؤكد المساق على تزويد الطالب المعلمين بالخبرات الضرورية الستخدام البرمجيات الخاصة بتحليل نتائج االختبارات‪.‬‬
‫‪EDU 522‬‬
‫البيئة الصفية في المدارس اإلعدادية والثانوية‬
‫‪ 3‬ساعات معتمدة‬
‫يتم تزويد الطالب المعلمين في هذا المساق باألنواع المختلفة من التفاعل الصفي وإدارته‪ .‬ومن الموضوعات التي يتضمنها منها‪ :‬التفاعل اللفظي وغير‬
‫اللفظي‪ ،‬العالقة بين المعلم وتالميذه‪ ،‬ومسئوليات المعلم والتالميذ في اإلدارة الصفية‪ ،‬والتأكيد بوجه خاص على تعزيز قدرات المعلم التواصلية القادرة‬
‫على التعامل مع الفروق الفردية بين المتعلمين‪.‬‬
‫‪EDU 523‬‬
‫التربية العملية في المدارس اإلعدادية والثانوية‬
‫‪ 9‬ساعات معتمدة‬
‫يهدف التدريب العملي إلى تزويد الطالب المعلمين بفرص مناسبة لتطبيق معارفهم األكاديمية والتربوية في مواقف مدرسية متنوعة‪ ،‬بحيث تعكس هذه‬
‫المعارف والمهارات واالتجاهات إتقانهم لعمليات التخطيط والتنفيذ والتقييم وإدارة البيئة الصفية‪ ،‬وقدراتهم على النمو المهني‪ ،‬هذا باإلضافة إلى‬
‫التواصل الفعال مع طالب المدرسة وأولياء أمورهم وزمالئهم المعلمين والمجتمع المحلي‪ ،‬ومن المتوقع أن يقضي الطالب المعلمين فصالً دراسياً‬
‫كامالً في التدريب الميداني على التدريس بإحدى المدارس اإلعدادية أو الثانوية‪.‬‬
Global Knowledge with Local Vision
Catalogue 2012 – 2013
Director of Library and Resource Center, Dr Alhaj Salim Mustafa
Overview of Library and Learning Resources
ALHOSN University library serves the entire university community. The collections support all
programs taught at the university by housing a number of resources in various formats to suit all
needs. Reference materials, monographs, multimedia collections, on line electronic databases, journals,
and a state-of-the- art library management system, as well as professional staff who are dedicated to
ensure an efficient and supportive learning environment to all. An annual budget has been allocated for
the smooth functioning and maintenance of the university library.
The library collections are of sufficient size and quality to ensure effectiveness in the instructional
programs of the university. To meet current and projected educational needs and trends, collection
development is carefully outlined by the librarians, in conjunction with faculty members.
The library uses the Library of Congress Classification System. Resources could be searched using
the library databases. The library portal includes access to full-text electronic journals databases, a
collection of e-books and other web-based portals and links.
The library is open from 8:30 am to 8:00 pm to ensure access to all. Classes are also encouraged to be
held in the library and information literacy skills sessions are delivered throughout the academic year to
ensure proper and most efficient use of the various library resources.
Mission Statement of ALHOSN Library
ALHOSN library strives to develop independent and lifelong learners by:
 Acquiring , developing, and providing access to learning resources;
 Assisting students to develop the skills required to succeed in a knowledge-based society;
 Collaborating with faculty to create and deliver innovative learning opportunities;
 Using the most effective technologies available to provide services.
The collections to be developed and maintained by the library will serve the following purposes:
Instructional support for students, faculty members and teaching staff;
Professional and operational support for staff and the university;
Support for lifelong learning for students, faculty members and teaching staff.
The library collections aim to fulfill the following objectives:
Support all courses and programs offered at the university by providing varied and
relevant materials in a variety of formats (electronic, printed, audio/video, etc.);
Provide adequate resources to assist faculty members and teaching staff in their teaching
Develop core collection of materials to support program delivery in the two campuses;
Provide general interest material for the overall enrichment of the university community;
Develop reference collections that allow the library to provide information services in support
of the university instructions and operations;
Provide career and continuing education resources in support of the continuing education
Maintain copies of required textbooks for all courses, supplementary teaching Support
research requirements of the various faculties in conjunction with the programs offered at the
Develop and maintain archival materials in addition to materials documenting the development
of ALHOSN University.
Library Services Public Services – Reference Service
The reference section provides this service which includes inter-alia: enquiries, information retrieval,
usage, and user education. Normally, reference materials cannot be taken out of the library, however, at
the discretion of a reference staff member a reference book may be checked out by a faculty/ teaching
staff member for few hours or overnight. (For more details see the circulation policy.)
The policy governing the lending of library materials for use by the university community is designed to
allow maximum use of these materials outside the library. All members of the University community
(students and faculty) may borrow materials from the library. Borrowing privileges are also extended to
other university support staff. (Please refer to the circulation policy and procedures for more details.)
Audio visuals
The media services section houses the library audio / video materials such as audiotapes, videotapes,
slides films, CD.
A pre-paid photocopying machine using a card is made available in the library for patrons use at very
reasonable prices.
Technical Services
Acquisition Section
The acquisition section is in charge of developing the library collection in support of teaching and
research at the university faculties and centers.
Cataloguing and Classification
The section is in charge of all technical services within the library which include among other things
cataloguing and classification. The Library uses the AACR2 and the Library of Congress Classification
and the MARC applications.
System Section
This section supervises the work of the electronic library system used in the library and ensures its
proper functioning. It also provides training sessions for all library patrons on the search of information
through the library portal.
Library Open Hours
Regular Semester (Fall and Spring)
Sunday to Wednesday
8:30 am - 8:00 pm
8:30 am - 5:30 pm
Inter Semester Break
Sunday to Thursday
8:30 am - 5:30 pm
Extended hours may be announced if needed.
Summer Semester
Sunday to Thursday
8:30 am - 6:00 pm
The Library is closed on Fridays and Saturdays.
Instructions to All Library Users
The university library is a quiet place designed and prepared for reading, study and research activities.
For optimal use of the library resources, it is requested from all library users to abide by the following
Please keep quiet while in the library.
No food or drink is allowed in the library.
The use of mobile phones inside the library is strictly prohibited.
Please don’t return the books to the shelves after use (Leave them on the reading tables).
Please keep the library clean and tidy.
Please don’t leave your personal belongings inside the library on leaving.
Please follow the instructions issued by the library staff and co-operate fully with them (they
are here to help you).
Failure to follow these instructions will infringe the rights of other library users.
Who May Borrow From the Library
All members of the university community (students and faculty) may borrow materials from the library.
Borrowing privileges are also extended to other university support staff who hold valid identification
cards. Individuals from outside the university may be permitted on a case by case basis to use the
library’s resources only within the library building (for details, see the library use by outsider’s policy)
Circulating Materials
The maximum number of items that may be borrowed, and the retention period allowed, are as
Undergraduate Students
Maximum Number of Items and Time Borrowed
AV Media Materials
4 books for 4 weeks
2 items for 5 days
Graduate Students
8 books for 4 weeks
5 items for 7 days
8 books for 8 weeks
8 books for 8 weeks
5 items for 4 weeks
2 items for 5 days
Non Circulating Materials
Normally, non circulating materials cannot be taken out of the Library. However in case of a pressing
need, such materials may be checked out by a faculty or a staff member for few hours or overnight. Each
borrower is allowed two defaults, after which he will be deprived of this exceptional service for the rest
of the academic year.
Reference Books
Reference materials such as dictionaries, encyclopedias, etc., cannot be taken outside the library.
Special collections
With the permission of the librarian for special collections, an item maybe checked out by a
faculty/staff member for few hours or overnight. In his absence, the on-duty reference staff may grant
such permission. Maps, standards and specifications and theses are not allowed to be taken out of the
Faculty and staff members may borrow up to 2 issues of any journal for few hours or overnight.
Reserved books
Reserved books may be checked out overnight, if permitted, by the concerned faculty member. A
maximum of one item may be checked out by a student.
The borrowed item must be checked out 30 minutes before closing the library, and must be returned
the following day within 30 minutes following the opening of the library.
All circulating books must be returned to the circulation desk by the due date.
Unless a hold has been placed on a borrowed book by another patron, the borrower may renew the
loan period only 2 times by presenting the book to the circulation desk.
Search and Hold
The library user may request a search on an item he/she cannot locate in the stacks. When found, the
circulation staff will put a hold on that item and notify the patron.
The library user may request a hold on an item checked out by another patron. When the item is
returned, the user will be notified immediately.
In the above two cases, the materials will be placed “on hold” for 5 days then re- shelved.
The library may recall any item after being charged to a faculty/staff for at least 7 days if needed by
another borrower. When returned, the other borrower checks it out and retains it for 7 days, after
which the original borrower has the right to re-check it out. Materials needed for reserve use can be
recalled at anytime.
Overdue Notices
Borrowed materials must be returned or renewed by the due date. If not, the borrower will be notified in
the manner outlined below.
Students who fail to return or renew borrowed materials by the due date will be notified via the library
A maximum of two emails will be sent, after which the director of the library will contact the student
affairs department requesting positive action. If the material is not returned or renewed within a week of
the second email, the library issues a “Lost Book Notice” requesting the borrower to pay the charges
Faculty Members and Teaching Staff
Overdue notices will be mailed every week to faculty and staff for materials that are not returned or
renewed by the due date. A maximum of two overdue notices will be sent after which the director of the
library will contact the defaulter. After the 2nd overdue notice, the patron will be blacklisted. The patron
loses his/her borrowing privileges until he/she returns, renews or pays for the lost material.
Fines on Overdue Books
Students are charged a fine of 2 Dirhams (Dhs) a day per item (up to a maximum of 15 days) on late
return of materials. If an item is more than 15 days late, the student pays the fine for the first 15 days,
while his/her borrowing privileges are suspended for a number of days equal to those exceeding 15.
Faculty members and teaching staff are charged a fine of 5 Dhs a day per item (up to 15 days) on late
return of materials. If an item is more than 15 days late, faculty/staff pays the fine at the rate of 5 Dhs a
day for the first 15 days and at the rate of 10 Dhs for each additional day.
Lost, Damaged or Mutilated Materials
Borrowers are responsible for any loss, damage or mutilation of materials charged to them. Those
who underline words, deface mark, cut or mutilate a book if caught will pay the full cost involved in
replacing it.
Charges for lost, damaged or mutilated books are calculated as follows.
 The borrower pays the current list price or,
 if that price is not known, the price the library paid plus 50% handling and processing charges.
 A higher charge may be incurred if an item is out of print or hard to replace. If the lost material
is found and returned by the patron within 30 days of payment, he/she is entitled to a refund
provided that the material is returned in good condition. The normal overdue fines and
penalties will, however be imposed.
Borrowers will lose their borrowing privileges until all fines/charges are paid.
The reserve system is a service that provides students with an all time access to materials that are
requested reading for a particular course.
At the beginning of each semester, faculty members may place materials on reserve for courses they
Reserve materials may include either or both of the following:
Materials owned by the library.
Materials belonging to faculty members.
Materials are kept on reserve for the duration of the course, or as specified by the instructor on the
reserve material request form. Reserve materials cannot be taken out of the Library. However and with
the instructor’s permission, materials can be taken out overnight.
The American Corner at ALHOSN University was officially opened in January 2011 to promote
mutual understanding and an exchange of ideas between the United States of America and the United
Arab Emirates by providing access to current and reliable information about the US through book and
DVD collections, internet databases, as well as local programming to the general public.
The American Corner at ALHOSN University is one of over 400 American Corners world-wide, one of
four in the United Arab Emirates, and the first American Corner in the city of Abu Dhabi.
American Corner Community Events
The American Corner hosts a variety of events which involve students, faculty, international dignitaries,
and members from the local community. The latest activities and events included:
 A faculty presentation, “Avoiding Possible Legal Risks: The case of IP, Plagiarism,
Copyright, and Trademarks”
 A faculty presentation “Seven Years in the Middle Kingdom: A Retrospective Look at an
American Professor in Mainland China”.
 A training session on the Virtual Library for the Master of Education Students.
 An American educator speaking on “Access to Learning for Students Who Are Blind or
Have Low Vision”
 Movie Time screening the Oscar winning documentary on Al Gore’s campaign ‘An
Inconvenient Truth.
 An evening with the Green Sheikh’ H.E. Sheikh Abdulaziz Al Nuaimi who visited campus as
part of “Earth Day @ ALHOSN”.
 A presentation and discussion “The Digital Divide: Is it Real?” led by Mr. John
D’Amicantonio, Information Resource Officer from the American Embassy in Abu Dhabi.
 Ms. Manal Omar from the US Institute of Peace visited ALHOSN University’s American
Corner to share her insights into how an American woman fights for the rights of Arab women.
 Ms. Dawn McCall, Coordinator of the US Department of State’s Bureau of International
Information Programs (IIP), visited the American Corner to discuss recent trends in
education, employment and the labor market.
 Faculty and staff at ALHOSN were given a hands-on workshop on setting up a virtual library
at ALHOSN University.
A logo competition at ALHOSN produced the winning student entry, shown below, which depicts an
American eagles flying by the ALHOSN tower. The logo is prominently displayed on the ALHOSN
American Corner website at
Director of Information Technology, Dr. Mhamed Zineddine
Overview of Information Technology Resources and Facilities
ALHOSN University IT Department provides the state-of-the-art computing needs of the University
such as online university e-services (for student and course), library services, online research and
Learning Management System (LMS), automated students attendance, and student information systems.
The University has eight computer labs connected to a local switch with 100MB speed. Wireless access
points are also available to students and staff with laptops. The infrastructure backbone is connected
with fiber optic cabling of 1GB, and 100 MB to each network point. The Internet browsing is connected
to faculty and students PCs at 2 MB speed.
Computer Systems Acceptable Use Policy
This policy is designed to guide students, faculty, and staff in the acceptable use of computer and
information systems and networks provided by ALHOSN University. More importantly, it is meant as an
application of the principles of respect and reverence for every person that are at the core of ALHOSN
Guiding Principles
The ALHOSN University community is encouraged to make innovative and creative use of information
technologies in support of education and research. Access to information representing a multitude of
views on current and historical issues should be allowed for the interest, information and enlightenment
of the ALHOSN University community. Consistent with other University policies, this policy is
intended to respect the rights and obligations of academic freedom. The University recognizes that the
purpose of copyright is to protect the rights of the creators of intellectual property and to prevent the
unauthorized use or sale of works available in the private sector. Also consistent with other University
policies, an individual’s right of access to computer materials should not be denied or abridged
because of race, creed, color, age, national origin, gender, sexual orientation, or disability.
The University cannot protect individuals against the existence or receipt of material that may be
offensive to them. As such, those who make use of electronic communications are warned that they
may come across or be recipients of material they find offensive. Those who use e-mail and/or make
information about themselves available on the Internet should be forewarned that the University
cannot protect them from invasions of privacy and other possible dangers that could result from the
individual’s distribution of personal information.
The computing and network facilities of the University are limited and should be used wisely and
carefully with consideration for the needs of others. Computers and network systems offer powerful
tools for communications among members of the community and of communities outside the
University. When used appropriately, these tools can enhance dialogue and communications. When
used unlawfully or inappropriately, however, these tools can infringe on the beliefs or rights of others.
The following examples, though not covering every situation, specify some of the responsibilities that
accompany computer use at ALHOSN University and/or on networks to which ALHOSN University is
ALHOSN University‘s computing and network resources are to be used only for University-related
research, instruction, learning, enrichment, dissemination of scholarly information and administrative
 Users may not attempt to modify the University system or network facilities or attempt to crash
systems. They should not tamper with any software protections or restrictions placed on
computer applications or files.
 Users may use only their own computer accounts. Users may not supply false or misleading
data nor improperly obtain another’s password in order to gain access to computers or network
systems, data or information. The negligence or naiveté of another user in revealing an account
name or password is not considered authorized use. Convenience of file or printer sharing is
not sufficient reason for sharing a computer account. Users should not attempt to subvert the
restrictions associated with their computer accounts.
Users are responsible for all use of their computer account(s). They should make appropriate
use of the system and network- provided protection features and take precautions against others
obtaining access to their computer resources. Individual password security is the responsibility
of each user.
Users may not encroach on others’ use of computer resources. Such activities would include,
but are not limited to, tying up computer resources for excessive game playing or other trivial
applications; sending harassing messages; sending frivolous or excessive messages, including
chain letters, junk mail, and other types of broadcast messages, either locally or over the
Internet; using excessive amounts of storage; intentionally introducing any computer viruses,
worms, Trojan Horses, or other rogue programs to ALHOSN University hardware or software;
physically damaging systems; or running grossly inefficient programs when efficient ones are
Users are responsible for making use of software and electronic materials in accordance with
copyright and licensing restrictions and applicable university policies. ALHOSN University
equipment and software may not be used to violate copyright or the terms of any license
agreement. No one may inspect, modify, distribute, or copy proprietary data, directories,
programs, files, disks or other software without proper authorization. Users must remember that
information distributed through the University’s computing and networking facilities is a form
of publishing, and some of the same standards apply. For example, anything generated at
ALHOSN University that is available on the Internet represents ALHOSN University and not
just an individual. Even with disclaimers, the University is represented by its students,
faculty and staff, and appropriate language, behavior and style is warranted.
Administration and Implementation
The University encourages all members of its community to use electronic communications in a
manner that is respectful to others. While respecting users’ confidentiality and privacy, the University
reserves the right to examine all computer files. The University takes this step to enforce its policies
regarding harassment and the safety of individuals; to prevent the posting of proprietary software or
electronic copies of electronic texts or images in disregard of copyright restrictions or contractual
obligations; to safeguard the integrity of computers, networks, and data either at the University or
elsewhere; and to protect the University against seriously damaging consequences. The University
may restrict the use of its computers and network systems for electronic communications when faced
with evidence of violation of University policies or local laws. The University reserves the right to limit
access to its networks through University-owned or other computers, and to remove or limit access
to material posted on University-owned computers.
All users are expected to conduct themselves consistent with these responsibilities and all other
applicable University policies. Abuse of computing privileges will subject the user to disciplinary
action, as established by the applicable operating policies and procedures of the University. Abuse of
networks or computers at other sites through the use of ALHOSN University resources will be treated as
an abuse of computing privileges at the University. When appropriate, temporary restrictive actions will
be taken by system or network administrators pending further disciplinary action; the loss of
computing privileges may result.
The University and users recognize that all members of the University community are bound by laws
relating to civil rights, harassment, copyright, security and other statutes relating to electronic media. It
should be understood that this policy does not preclude enforcement under the laws and regulations of
the United Arab Emirates.
Computer Lab Hours
The computer lab hours are as follows:
Saturday to Thursday: 8:00 a.m. to 11:00 p.m.
8:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. (Lab Assistant available)
Thursday and Friday:
Dr Mohamad Kashef
Dean of Student Affairs
ALHOSN University is committed to offering opportunities for students that enrich University life
and broaden learning experiences to include activities outside the traditional classroom. Numerous
organizations, clubs, seminar programs, and community outreach programs have been designed with
the goal of challenging students with new avenues of thinking. Some opportunities and services open to
students are described below.
International Organizational Memberships
The American Society of Civil Engineers, ASCE-UAE Section.
The American Concrete Institute in the UAE, ACI-UAE Chapter.
The Council of Tall Buildings and Urban Habitat, CTBUH, USA.
The United States Green building Council, USAGB.
Student Clubs and Organizations
The Society of Women in Engineering was founded in 2009 to promote women pursuing career
in engineering fields.
The Reading Club of ALHOSN University host events focused on the Arabic language with
noted calligraphers, poets, and scholars from the region.
The MIS Club provides a forum for students to be involved with the ever-changing world
of management information systems.
The American Concrete Institute in the UAE, ACI-UAE Chapter has an affiliate Student
Chapter at ALHOSN University.
The Green Club is a student-run organization catering to student interest and involvement in
the environment.
The Institute of Industrial Engineers (IIE) has a Student Chapter on campus.
Academic and Professional Seminars
The Engineering and Applied Sciences Seminar is a weekly forum for faculty and
students highlighting research by ALHOSN faculty members.
The Faculty of Business Conference Series hosts invited talks by ALHOSN faculty and
Professionals from the area.
Student Events
The American Corner of Abu Dhabi City hosts invited presentations and discussions by
noted professionals from the US and other parts of the world as well as community-based
cultural events.
International Day takes place each winter with students and faculty settings up booths
with cultural artifacts and exotic foods from their home countries.
Professional Competitions and Visits to Cultural Locations
Mobile Application Contest is a student competition in software engineering.
Field trips to construction sites, local businesses, and educational institutions.