the Rum Bible!


the Rum Bible!
The Rum Bible
Welcome to the Rum Barrel! We have
sailed the seven seas to compile the most
comprehensive Rum selection and are proud
to present the finest collection of Rums
in the world.
Whether you are an
aficionado or a novice, we believe you’ll
enjoy tasting the libation that embodies
the history, character and spirit of the
Caribbean. So kick back, relax and be
The Rum Barrel Crew
Table of Contents
RUM 101 ................................................................................................................................................................. PAGE 8
THE ORIGIN OF RUM ......................................................................................................................................... PAGE 8
RUM CATEGORIZATION ................................................................................................................................... PAGE 9
RUM PRODUCTION ............................................................................................................................................. PAGE 9
OUR RUM OFFERINGS ..................................................................................................................................... PAGE 11
T HE R UM S AMPLER .............................................................................................................................................. PAGE 11
R UM F LIGHTS ........................................................................................................................................................ PAGE 11
ANGUILLA ............................................................................................................................................................. PAGE 12
P YRAT C ASK 1623 ........................................................................................................................................... PAGE 12
P YRAT XO R ESERVE ........................................................................................................................................... PAGE 12
ANTIGUA ............................................................................................................................................................... PAGE 12
E NGLISH H ARBOUR R ESERVE 10 YEAR .......................................................................................................... PAGE 12
E NGLISH H ARBOUR 5 YEAR .............................................................................................................................. PAGE 12
BARBADOS ...................................................................................................................................................... PAGE 13-15
M OUNT G AY 1703 ............................................................................................................................................ PAGE 13
M OUNT G AY E XTRA O LD ................................................................................................................................... PAGE 13
M OUNT G AY B LACK B ARREL ............................................................................................................................ PAGE 13
M OUNT G AY S PECIAL R ESERVE ....................................................................................................................... PAGE 13
M OUNT G AY S UGAR C ANE ................................................................................................................................ PAGE 13
M OUNT G AY E CLIPSE ......................................................................................................................................... PAGE 13
M OUNT G AY E CLIPSE S ILVER ........................................................................................................................... PAGE 13
M OUNT G AY E CLIPSE B LACK ........................................................................................................................... PAGE 14
P LANTATION B ARBADOS 20 T H A NNIVERSARY E XTRA O LD ....................................................................... PAGE 14
P LANTATION B ARBADOS R ESERVE 1999 .................................................................................................... PAGE 14
P LANTATION B ARBADOS R ESERVE 2000 .................................................................................................... PAGE 14
P LANTATION B ARBADOS 5 YEAR .................................................................................................................... PAGE 14
C OCKSPUR 12 YEAR ........................................................................................................................................... PAGE 14
C OCKSPUR F INE R UM .......................................................................................................................................... PAGE 14
C OCKSPUR S PICED .............................................................................................................................................. PAGE 14
M ALIBU C OCONUT ............................................................................................................................................... PAGE 14
M ALIBU I SLAND M ELON ..................................................................................................................................... PAGE 15
M ALIBU M ANGO ................................................................................................................................................... PAGE 15
M ALIBU P ASSION F RUIT ..................................................................................................................................... PAGE 15
M ALIBU P INEAPPLE ............................................................................................................................................. PAGE 15
M ALIBU T ROPICAL B ANANA ............................................................................................................................. PAGE 15
M ALIBU B LACK .................................................................................................................................................... PAGE 15
M ALIBU I SLAND S PICED ..................................................................................................................................... PAGE 15
S HELLBACK S PICED ............................................................................................................................................ PAGE 15
S HELLBACK S ILVER ............................................................................................................................................ PAGE 15
T OMMY B AHAMA G OLDEN S UN ........................................................................................................................ PAGE 15
T OMMY B AHAMA W HITE S AND ........................................................................................................................ PAGE 15
BELIZE .................................................................................................................................................................... PAGE 16
1 B ARREL .............................................................................................................................................................. PAGE 16
BERM UDA .............................................................................................................................................................. PAGE 16
G OSLING ’ S B LACK S EAL ................................................................................................................................... PAGE 16
G OSLING ’ S F AMILY R ESERVE O LD R UM ......................................................................................................... PAGE 16
G OSLING ’ S G OLD ................................................................................................................................................ PAGE 16
BRAZIL .............................................................................................................................................................. PAGE 16-17
O RONOCO .............................................................................................................................................................. PAGE 16
L EBLON C ACHAÇA .............................................................................................................................................. PAGE 16
M AISON L EBLON R ESERVA E SPECIAL C ACHAÇA ......................................................................................... PAGE 17
Y PIOCA O URO C ACHAÇA ................................................................................................................................... PAGE 17
COLOMBIA ....................................................................................................................................................... PAGE 17-18
M EDELLIN G RAN R ESERVA 12 YEAR .............................................................................................................. PAGE 17
M EDELLIN E XTRA A ÑEJO 8 YEAR ................................................................................................................... PAGE 17
M EDELLIN A ÑEJO 3 YEAR ................................................................................................................................. PAGE 18
COSTA RICA ........................................................................................................................................................ PAGE 18
C ENTENARIO S ISTEMA S OLERA R ESERVA 25 YEAR ................................................................................... PAGE 18
C ENTENARIO F UNDACION 20 YEAR ................................................................................................................ PAGE 18
C ENTENARIO C ONMEMORATIVO 9 YEAR ........................................................................................................ PAGE 18
C ENTENARIO A ÑEJO E SPECIAL 7 YEAR ......................................................................................................... PAGE 18
CUBA ....................................................................................................................................................................... PAGE 18
DOMINICAN REPUBLIC .............................................................................................................................. PAGE 19-21
A TLANTICO P RIVATE C ASK .............................................................................................................................. PAGE 19
A TLANTICO R ESERVA ......................................................................................................................................... PAGE 19
A TLANTICO P LATINO ......................................................................................................................................... PAGE 19
M ATUSALEM G RAN R ESERVA 18 YEAR ......................................................................................................... PAGE 19
M ATUSALEM G RAN R ESERVA 15 YEAR ......................................................................................................... PAGE 19
M ATUSALEM P LATINO ........................................................................................................................................ PAGE 19
M ATUSALEM C LASICO ........................................................................................................................................ PAGE 19
V IZCAYA VXOP C ASK N O . 21 ....................................................................................................................... PAGE 20
V IZCAYA C ASK N O . 12 .................................................................................................................................... PAGE 20
K IRK AND S WEENEY 12 YEAR .......................................................................................................................... PAGE 20
B ARCELO A ÑEJO 12 YEAR ............................................................................................................................... PAGE 20
B ARCELO I MPERIAL ............................................................................................................................................. PAGE 20
B ARCELO G RAN A ÑEJO ..................................................................................................................................... PAGE 20
B ARCELO D ORADO .............................................................................................................................................. PAGE 20
B ARCELO B LANCO .............................................................................................................................................. PAGE 20
B RUGAL 1888 .................................................................................................................................................... PAGE 20
B RUGAL A ÑEJO .................................................................................................................................................... PAGE 21
C UBANEY G RAN R ESERVA 12 YEAR ............................................................................................................... PAGE 21
C UBANEY S OLERA R ESERVA 8 YEAR .............................................................................................................. PAGE 21
C UBANEY A ÑEJO R ESERVA 5 YEAR ................................................................................................................ PAGE 21
C UBANEY A ÑEJO 3 YEAR .................................................................................................................................. PAGE 21
D OMINICAN C LUB G OLD .................................................................................................................................... PAGE 21
D OMINICAN C LUB S ILVER .................................................................................................................................. PAGE 21
FIJI ............................................................................................................................................................................ PAGE 21
S EVEN T IKI ........................................................................................................................................................... PAGE 21
GUATEMALA ........................................................................................................................................................ PAGE 22
Z ACAPA XO .......................................................................................................................................................... PAGE 22
Z ACAPA C ENTENARIO 23 YEAR ...................................................................................................................... PAGE 22
B OTRAN S OLERA 1893 .................................................................................................................................... PAGE 22
B OTRAN A ÑEJO 12 YEAR ................................................................................................................................. PAGE 22
B OTRAN R ESERVA ............................................................................................................................................... PAGE 22
B OTRAN A ÑEJO 8 YEAR .................................................................................................................................... PAGE 22
M ONTE C RISTO 12 YEAR . ................................................................................................................................. PAGE 22
M ONTE C RISTO .................................................................................................................................................... PAGE 22
GUYANA ................................................................................................................................................................. PAGE 23
E L D ORADO 21 Y EAR ...................................................................................................................................... PAGE 23
E L D ORADO 15 Y EAR ...................................................................................................................................... PAGE 23
E L D ORADO 12 Y EAR ...................................................................................................................................... PAGE 23
E L D ORADO 5 Y EAR ......................................................................................................................................... PAGE 23
E L D ORADO S PICED ............................................................................................................................................ PAGE 23
E L D ORADO R UM C REAM ................................................................................................................................... PAGE 23
HAITI ................................................................................................................................................................... PAGE 23-24
B ARBANCOURT R ESERVE 15 YEAR ................................................................................................................. PAGE 23
B ARBANCOURT 5 S TAR 8 YEAR ...................................................................................................................... PAGE 24
B ARBANCOURT 3 S TAR 4 YEAR ...................................................................................................................... PAGE 24
B ARBANCOURT P ANGO ...................................................................................................................................... PAGE 24
JAMAICA ........................................................................................................................................................... PAGE 24-25
A PPLETON E STATE 21 YEAR ........................................................................................................................... PAGE 24
A PPLETON E STATE E XTRA 12 YEAR ............................................................................................................. PAGE 24
A PPLETON E STATE S PECIAL G OLD ................................................................................................................ PAGE 24
A PPLETON E STATE R ESERVE ........................................................................................................................... PAGE 24
A PPLETON E STATE V/X ................................................................................................................................... PAGE 24
A PPLETON E STATE W HITE ............................................................................................................................... PAGE 24
B LACKWELL .......................................................................................................................................................... PAGE 25
C ORUBA D ARK ..................................................................................................................................................... PAGE 25
C ORUBA G OLD ..................................................................................................................................................... PAGE 25
M YERS ' S O RIGINAL D ARK ................................................................................................................................. PAGE 25
S EA W YNDE .......................................................................................................................................................... PAGE 25
W RAY & N EPHEW O VERPROOF ........................................................................................................................ PAGE 25
MARTINIQUE .................................................................................................................................................... PAGE 25-26
C LÉMENT C UVÉE H OMÈRE ................................................................................................................................. PAGE 25
C LÉMENT V.S.O.P. ............................................................................................................................................ PAGE 25
C LÉMENT C RÉOLE ............................................................................................................................................... PAGE 26
D EPAZ B LUE C ANE ............................................................................................................................................. PAGE 26
S AINT J AMES ....................................................................................................................................................... PAGE 26
MAURITIUS ............................................................................................................................................................ PAGE 26
P ENNY B LUE XO .................................................................................................................................................. PAGE 26
MEXICO .............................................................................................................................................................. PAGE 26-27
B ACARDI A ÑEJO .................................................................................................................................................. PAGE 26
D'A RISTI S PECIAL R ESERVE ............................................................................................................................. PAGE 27
NETHERLANDS .................................................................................................................................................... PAGE 27
B ANKS F IVE I SLAND ........................................................................................................................................... PAGE 27
NETHERLANDS ANTILLES ............................................................................................................................. PAGE 27
R UM J UMBIE .......................................................................................................................................................... PAGE 27
K ILO K AI ............................................................................................................................................................... PAGE 27
NICARAGUA ..................................................................................................................................................... PAGE 27-28
F LOR DE C ANA 18 YEAR .................................................................................................................................. PAGE 27
F LOR DE C ANA 12 YEAR .................................................................................................................................. PAGE 28
F LOR DE C ANA 7 YEAR ..................................................................................................................................... PAGE 28
F LOR D E C ANA 4 YEAR ..................................................................................................................................... PAGE 28
PANAMA ................................................................................................................................................................. PAGE 28
Z AFRA .................................................................................................................................................................... PAGE 28
C ARTA V IEJA G OLDEN C ASK S OLERA 18 YEAR ......................................................................................... PAGE 28
C ARTA V IEJA A ÑEJO ......................................................................................................................................... PAGE 28
A BUELO A ÑEJO R ESERVA E SPECIAL 7 YEAR ............................................................................................... PAGE 28
A BUELO A ÑEJO R ESERVA E SPECIAL .............................................................................................................. PAGE 28
PERU ......................................................................................................................................................................... PAGE 29
M ILLONARIO .......................................................................................................................................................... PAGE 29
PUERTO RICO .................................................................................................................................................. PAGE 29-32
B ACARDI R ESERVA L IMITADA .......................................................................................................................... PAGE 29
B ACARDI 8 YEAR ................................................................................................................................................. PAGE 29
B ACARDI S ELECT ................................................................................................................................................. PAGE 29
B ACARDI 151 ...................................................................................................................................................... PAGE 29
B ACARDI G OLD .................................................................................................................................................... PAGE 29
B ACARDI O AKHEART .......................................................................................................................................... PAGE 30
B ACARDI S UPERIOR ............................................................................................................................................. PAGE 30
B ACARDI C OCO .................................................................................................................................................... PAGE 30
B ACARDI D RAGON B ERRY .................................................................................................................................. PAGE 30
B ACARDI G RAND M ELON ................................................................................................................................... PAGE 30
B ACARDI L IMON ................................................................................................................................................... PAGE 30
B ACARDI O ........................................................................................................................................................... PAGE 30
B ACARDI P EACH R ED ......................................................................................................................................... PAGE 30
C APTAIN M ORGAN P RIVATE S TOCK ............................................................................................................... PAGE 30
C APTAIN M ORGAN B LACK ................................................................................................................................. PAGE 30
C APTAIN M ORGAN 100 .................................................................................................................................... PAGE 30
C APTAIN M ORGAN .............................................................................................................................................. PAGE 31
C APTAIN M ORGAN S ILVER ................................................................................................................................ PAGE 31
C APTAIN M ORGAN W HITE ................................................................................................................................. PAGE 31
D ON Q G RAN A ÑEJO .......................................................................................................................................... PAGE 31
D ON Q G OLD ........................................................................................................................................................ PAGE 31
D ON Q C OCO ....................................................................................................................................................... PAGE 31
D ON Q L IMON ...................................................................................................................................................... PAGE 31
B LACK B EARD S PICED ......................................................................................................................................... PAGE 31
H AVANA C LUB ..................................................................................................................................................... PAGE 32
SPAIN ....................................................................................................................................................................... PAGE 32
D OS M ADERAS P.X. 5+5 ................................................................................................................................. PAGE 32
D OS M ADERAS 5+3 ........................................................................................................................................... PAGE 32
ST. KITTS ......................................................................................................................................................... PAGE 32-33
B RINLEY G OLD S HIPWRECK C OCONUT ........................................................................................................... PAGE 32
B RINLEY G OLD S HIPWRECK C OFFEE ............................................................................................................... PAGE 32
B RINLEY G OLD S HIPWRECK L IME ..................................................................................................................... PAGE 33
B RINLEY G OLD S HIPWRECK M ANGO ............................................................................................................... PAGE 33
B RINLEY G OLD S HIPWRECK V ANILLA ............................................................................................................. PAGE 33
ST. LUCIA .............................................................................................................................................................. PAGE 33
C HAIRMAN ' S R ESERVE ....................................................................................................................................... PAGE 33
C HAIRMAN ' S R ESERVE S PICED ......................................................................................................................... PAGE 33
TRINIDAD & TOBAGO ................................................................................................................................. PAGE 33-34
A NGOSTURA 1824 ............................................................................................................................................ PAGE 33
A NGOSTURA 1919 ............................................................................................................................................ PAGE 33
Z AYA G RAN R ESERVA 12 YEAR ...................................................................................................................... PAGE 34
10 C ANE ............................................................................................................................................................... PAGE 34
T HE K RAKEN B LACK S PICED ............................................................................................................................ PAGE 34
F ERNANDES “19” G OLD ................................................................................................................................... PAGE 34
UNITED STATES ............................................................................................................................................ PAGE 34-38
K EY W EST F IRST L EGAL R UM D ISTILLERY O RIGINAL .................................................................................. PAGE 34
P APA ’ S P ILAR D ARK 24 YEAR ........................................................................................................................ PAGE 34
P APA ’ S P ILAR B LONDE 3 YEAR ....................................................................................................................... PAGE 35
B ALCONES R UMBLE ............................................................................................................................................ PAGE 35
B ANANA J ACK ..................................................................................................................................................... PAGE 35
B LACKHEART P REMIUM S PICED ........................................................................................................................ PAGE 35
C ANE & A BE ........................................................................................................................................................ PAGE 35
C LUB C ARIBE C ITRUS ......................................................................................................................................... PAGE 35
C LUB C ARIBE C OCONUT .................................................................................................................................... PAGE 35
C ORSAIR A RTISAN S PICED ................................................................................................................................ PAGE 35
F LORIDA O LD R ESERVE ..................................................................................................................................... PAGE 36
K OLOA K AUAI D ARK .......................................................................................................................................... PAGE 36
K OLOA K AUAI G OLD .......................................................................................................................................... PAGE 36
M ONTANYA O RO .................................................................................................................................................. PAGE 36
M ONTANYA P LATINO .......................................................................................................................................... PAGE 36
O LD H AVANA R ESERVA DEL C ENTENARIO ................................................................................................... PAGE 36
O LD N EW O RLEANS A MBER 3 YEAR .............................................................................................................. PAGE 37
O LD N EW O RLEANS C RYSTAL ......................................................................................................................... PAGE 37
P RICHARD ’ S F INE R UM ....................................................................................................................................... PAGE 37
P RICHARD ’ S C RYSTAL ........................................................................................................................................ PAGE 37
P RICHARD ’ S S WEET G EORGIA B ELLE P EACH M ANGO ................................................................................ PAGE 37
P RICHARD ’ S K EY L IME ....................................................................................................................................... PAGE 37
P RICHARD ’ S C RANBERRY ................................................................................................................................... PAGE 37
R AGGED M OUNTAIN ............................................................................................................................................ PAGE 38
S IESTA K EY S PICED ............................................................................................................................................ PAGE 38
S IESTA K EY W HITE ............................................................................................................................................. PAGE 38
R UM C HATA ........................................................................................................................................................... PAGE 38
W ICKED D OLPHIN ................................................................................................................................................ PAGE 38
W ICKED D OLPHIN S PICED ................................................................................................................................. PAGE 38
VENEZUELA ..................................................................................................................................................... PAGE 39-40
D IPLOMATICO R ESERVA E XCLUSIVA ............................................................................................................... PAGE 39
D IPLOMATICO R ESERVA ..................................................................................................................................... PAGE 39
D IPLOMATICO A ÑEJO ......................................................................................................................................... PAGE 39
D IPLOMATICO B LANCO ...................................................................................................................................... PAGE 39
P AMPERO A NIVERSARIO ..................................................................................................................................... PAGE 39
S ANTA T ERESA 1796 S OLERA ...................................................................................................................... PAGE 39
S ANTA T ERESA R UM S ELECTO ........................................................................................................................ PAGE 40
S ANTA T ERESA G RAN R ESERVA A ÑEJO ........................................................................................................ PAGE 40
S ANTA T ERESA O RANGE L IQUEUR .................................................................................................................. PAGE 40
VIRGIN ISLANDS ........................................................................................................................................... PAGE 40-41
C ONCH R EPUBLIC D URDY W HITE ..................................................................................................................... PAGE 40
C ONCH R EPUBLIC L IGHT /C ONCH R EPUBLIC D ARK ..................................................................................... PAGE 40
C RUZAN S INGLE B ARREL ................................................................................................................................... PAGE 40
C RUZAN A GED D ARK .......................................................................................................................................... PAGE 41
C RUZAN B LACK S TRAP ...................................................................................................................................... PAGE 41
C RUZAN 9 S PICED .............................................................................................................................................. PAGE 41
C RUZAN A GED L IGHT ......................................................................................................................................... PAGE 41
C RUZAN B ANANA ................................................................................................................................................ PAGE 41
C RUZAN B LACK C HERRY .................................................................................................................................... PAGE 41
C RUZAN C ITRUS ................................................................................................................................................... PAGE 41
C RUZAN M ANGO .................................................................................................................................................. PAGE 41
C RUZAN R ASPBERRY ........................................................................................................................................... PAGE 41
C RUZAN S TRAWBERRY ....................................................................................................................................... PAGE 41
C RUZAN V ANILLA ............................................................................................................................................... PAGE 41
N AKED T URTLE .................................................................................................................................................... PAGE 42
P USSER ’ S B RITISH N AVY R UM ......................................................................................................................... PAGE 42
S AILOR J ERRY S PICED N AVY R UM .................................................................................................................. PAGE 42
ALPHABETICAL INDEX OF DISTILLERIES ........................................................................................ PAGE 43-44
Rum 101
Rum is a distilled beverage made from sugar cane by-products – such as molasses and sugar cane juice –
through a process of fermentation and distillation. The distillate, a clear liquid, is then usually aged in
oak and other casks. While there are Rum producers in places such as Australia, India, Reunion Island,
and elsewhere around the world, the majority of Rum production occurs in and around the Caribbean
and along the Demerara River in South America.
Rum is produced in a variety of styles. Light Rums are commonly used in mixed drinks, while golden and
dark Rums are appropriate for use in cooking as well as more elaborate cocktails. Premium brands of
Rum are also available that are meant to be consumed straight up or on the rocks.
Rum plays a part in the culture of most islands of the West Indies, and has famous associations with the
British Royal Navy and piracy. Rum has also served as a popular medium of exchange throughout
history, providing economic incentive for Australia’s Rum Rebellion and the American Revolution.
The Origin of Rum
Rum n. (ruhm)
1: an alcoholic beverage distilled from a fermented cane product (as molasses)
2: alcoholic liquor (“the demon Rum”)
The word "Rum" had come into common use by May 1657 when the General Court of Massachusetts
made illegal the sale of strong liquor, “whether knowne by the name of Rumme, strong water, wine,
brandy, etc., etc.”
In current usage, the word for Rum is often based on its place of origin. For Rums from Spanishspeaking locales, the word Ron is used. A Ron Añejo indicates that a Rum has been significantly aged.
Rhum is the term used for Rums from French-speaking locales, while Rhum Vieux is an aged French
Some of the many other names for Rum are Rumbullion, Rumbustion, Barbados Water, Rumscullion,
Devil’s Death (or “Kill-Devil”), Nelson’s Blood, and Rumbo. A version of Rum from Newfoundland is
referred to by the name Screech, while some low-grade West Indies Rums are called Tafia.
Rum Categorization
Dividing Rum into meaningful groupings is complicated by the fact that there is no single standard for
what constitutes Rum. Instead, Rum is defined by the varying rules and laws of the nations that produce
the spirit. The differences in definitions include issues such as spirit proof, minimum aging, and even
naming standards.
One such example is Colombia, where Rum is required to possess a minimum alcohol content of 50 ABV
(alcohol by volume), while Chile and Venezuela require only a minimum of 40 ABV. Mexico requires
Rum be aged a minimum of 8 months; the Dominican Republic requires one year; and Venezuela
requires two years. Naming standards also vary, with Argentina defining Rums as White, Gold, Light,
and Extra Light. Barbados uses the terms White, Overproof, and Matured, while the United States
defines the variations as Rum, Rum Liqueur, and Flavored Rum.
Despite these differences in standards and nomenclature, the style of Rum production can generally be
grouped according to the language that is traditionally spoken in the country of origin.
Spanish-speaking islands traditionally produce light Rums with a fairly clean taste. Rums from Cuba and
Puerto Rico are typical of this style.
English-speaking islands are known for darker Rums with a fuller taste that retain a greater amount of
the underlying molasses flavor. Rums from Jamaica and the Demerara region of South America are
typical of this style.
French-speaking islands are best known for their agricultural Rums (RhumAgricole). These Rums, being
produced exclusively from sugar cane juice, retain a greater amount of the original flavor of the sugar
cane. Rums from Martinique and Guadeloupe are typical of this style.
Many countries produce spirits similar to Rum. Cachaça is a spirit similar to Rum that is produced in
Brazil. The Indonesian spirit Batavia Arrack, or Arrak, is a spirit similar to Rum that includes rice in its
production. A spirit known as Aguardiente, distilled from molasses infused with anise, with additional
sugar cane juice added after distillation, is produced in Central America and northern South America.
Rum Production
Unlike some other spirits, such as Cognac and Scotch, Rum has no defined production methods. Instead,
Rum production is based on traditional styles that vary between locations and distillers.
Sugar Cane
Rum distinguishes itself from other spirits by the plant from which it is made. Sugar cane, a member of
the grass family, has its origins in Papua New Guinea; but this hearty plant is grown in tropical climates
around the world. The sweet juice of the mature plant is extracted by pressing the hard stalk in
mechanical mills.
Some distilleries use this fresh juice while others use the by-product of the sugar refining process – known as
molasses – as the raw material for the fermentation process.
The addition of yeast to the sugar cane juice or molasses converts the available sucrose to alcohol in a
process called fermentation. Typically this takes about a day, but some distilleries use yeast that takes as
much as ten days to ferment.
To concentrate the alcohol in the sugar cane wine, the wine is boiled while the vapor is collected and
condensed. While the earliest pot stills resembled a tea kettle with a long spout and were capable of distilling
only a few liters of alcohol at a time, modern continuous stills are vertical columns about 10 meters high and
are capable of distilling as much as 20,000 liters per day.
In the French islands, spirits made from sugar cane juice are typically distilled to a relatively low
distillation purity, resulting in a heavier-tasting spirit.
Since molasses contains higher amounts of sulphur than sugar cane juice does, spirits distilled from
fermented molasses are generally distilled to a high distillation purity in order to reduce the congeners
(impurities) that have been concentrated in the molasses.
Immediately after distillation the fresh or raw spirits contain small amounts of hydrogen sulfide gas, formed
during fermentation, which gives the spirit a hot harsh taste. Although some connoisseurs prefer fresh Rum,
most consumers prefer the more elegant taste of an aged spirit. Today, almost all Rum is aged in previously
used oak barrels that once held whiskey or bourbon. Aging can last from one to thirty years or more,
making Rum one of the most varied of the distilled spirits. During the aging process the Rum acquires a
golden color that changes to a dark brown with time.
Blending and Bottling
Although some Rum is bottled directly from the still, most Rum is aged and then blended before it is
bottled for consumption. Once the spirit is bottled, the aging process is arrested and little change occurs.
Our Rum Offerings
The Rum Sampler
Why try only one? Build your own Rum Flight: select any 4 Rums and enjoy a 25% discount off the price
of the Rums.
Having trouble deciding? Simply choose one of the Rum flights below!
Rum Flights
First Flight, $26
- Bacardi 8 year (Puerto Rico)
- El Dorado 12 year (Guyana)
- Cruzan Single Barrel (Virgin Islands)
- Brugal Añejo (Dominican Republic)
Flavored Flight, $25
- Brinley Gold Vanilla (St. Kitts)
- Brinley Gold Coconut (St. Kitts)
- Barbancourt Pango (Haiti)
- Rum Jumbie Liqueur (Netherlands
Character Builder, $28
- Angostura 1919 (Trinidad & Tobago)
- Matusalem Gran Reserva 15 year
(Dominican Republic)
- Mount Gay Extra Old (Barbados)
- Appleton Estate Reserve (Jamaica)
-Atlantico Private Cask (Dominican Republic)
- Pyrat XO Reserve (Anguilla)
- Zaya Gran Reserva 12 year (Trinidad)
- Zacapa Centenario 23 year (Guatemala)
King’s Flight, $63
- Pyrat Cask 1623 (Anguilla)
- Diplomatico Reserva Exclusiva (Venezuela)
- Centenario Fundacion 20 year (Costa Rica)
- Vizcaya VXOP (Dominican Republic)
Millionaire’s Flight, $94
- Pyrat Cask 1623 (Anguilla)
- El Dorado 21 year (Guyana)
- Mt. Gay 1703 (Barbados)
- Zacapa XO (Guatemala)
Cuba Libre Flight, $24
The original classic Rum cocktail served four different ways, with a vintage bottle of Coca Cola.
Classic Light Rum: Havana Club (Puerto Rico)
Amber Rum: Flor de Cana 7 year (Nicaragua)
Spiced Rum: Kilo Kai (Netherlands Antilles)
Dark Rum: Coruba Dark (Jamaica)
*Please note that the Rum Flights listed have the 25% discount already calculated into their prices.
Located in the Caribbean east of Puerto Rico, and about half the size of Washington, D.C., Anguilla’s
economy is mostly based on salt, fish and lobster, but Rum has always played an important role in the
islands’ history.
Pyrat Cask 1623
Ultra premium, limited edition dark amber Rum. A blend of the finest Caribbean Rums, aged up to 40
years. Delicate and beautifully balanced with a rich, smooth, gentle flavor. Perfect for sipping.
Pyrat XO Reserve
Select blend of fine, 15-year-old Caribbean Rum, smooth and delicious taste, complemented by a rich amber
color. Made from blending nine different fantastic Rums and aging further in oak barrels. Hints of honey,
orange, and molasses.
Located in the Leeward Islands in the Caribbean, Antigua is relatively new to Rum production, which only
began there in 1932. Hard work and dedication to the craft, however, have been rewarded with numerous
international awards.
English Harbour Reserve 10 year
Reddish gold in color with an amazingly complex nose, this rich, smooth blend of Rums aged 10 to 25 years
is pleasantly soft and smoky on the tongue, rich with flavors of tropical fruits and luscious toffee, as well as
hints of cinnamon and others spices, and has a pleasantly sharp finish.
English Harbour 5 year
Aged in Kentucky bourbon barrels which brings out its mahogany color, this 5 year Rum has a complex,
smoky aroma, and strong flavors of molasses and burnt caramel, along with coconut, various spices, and
hints of dry fruit, all of which lead to a medium long finish.
Rum has been produced in Barbados for over 350 years, and Barbados Rum is recognized as one of the
finest (and strongest!) in the world today.
Mount Gay 1703
The world’s oldest Rum distillery commemorates the year of its founding with this exquisite sipping Rum.
Rums aged 10 to 30 years in bourbon casks are blended masterfully to produce 1703. Rich, silky smooth,
tropical, and earthy. Comparisons to fine cognac are inevitable.
Mount Gay Extra Old
Dark blend of single- and double-distilled Rums aged up to 17 years in Kentucky bourbon barrels. Smooth
and smoky, with a light body and rich character.
Mount Gay Black Barrel
This small batch amber Rum, aged in heavily charred used bourbon barrels and blended with Barbados
coral spring water, brings tastes of vanilla, roasted almond, caramel, and charred oak, along with hints of
dried fruits and banana, and has a toasty and somewhat acidic finish.
Mount Gay Special Reserve
Mount Gay Reserve is a full-flavored Rum that is best enjoyed as you would enjoy a cognac.
Mount Gay Sugar Cane
Rich amber spirit with subtle sweetness, it has a fusion of vanilla and bitter almond, with a hint of smoky
wood. Aged in oak barrels, it is a careful blend of single- and double-distilled Rums.
Mount Gay Eclipse
Amber in color, long lasting, slightly sweet aftertaste, aroma of nut, oak and vanilla.
Mount Gay Eclipse Silver
This sophisticated white Rum is rich and woody, with lime and other citrus flavors.
Mount Gay Eclipse Black
Bolder and more full-flavored than regular Eclipse, this 100 proof Rum is excellent for mixing.
Plantation Barbados 20 th Anniversary Extra Old
A complex blend of Rums aged a minimum of 12 years in American Bourbon barrels, then further matured
in French Cognac casks. Excellent for sipping, this Rum presents flavors of spicy vanilla and dark
chocolate, as well as roasted coconut, sugar cane, and banana.
Plantation Barbados Reserve 1999
Artisanal Rum distilled in a small copper pot still. Smooth and well balanced.
Plantation Barbados Reserve 2000
A lovely Rum blended from both column and pot stills, and aged in bourbon and sherry casks. Flavors of
molasses, orange peel, tobacco and leather form a balanced and rich Rum.
Plantation Barbados 5 year
Aged in bourbon casks, giving off a musty aroma containing charred coconut, sweet caramel, and tropical
fruits. Lovely flavors of honey, baking spices, and toasted almonds lead to a sweet finish.
Cockspur 12 year
This Bajan Rum is made from a blend of the oldest crafted Cockspur Rums (8, 10, and 12 year old Rums)
kept on reserve at their distillery in Barbados.
Cockspur Fine Rum
Blend of Bajan Rum, aged in oak barrels. It is distilled from the best cane molasses and pure spring water
emanating from the Barbados limestone aquifer.
Cockspur Spiced
This blend of amber Rum and exotic spices offers a subtle spice taste reminiscent of flavors found in many
traditional Caribbean drinks.
Malibu Coconut
Coconut-flavored light Rum with intense taste and aroma.
Malibu Island Melon
Clear, melon-flavored Rum distilled from fermented molasses.
Malibu Mango
Clear, mango-flavored Rum distilled from fermented molasses.
Malibu Passion Fruit
Clear, passion fruit-flavored Rum distilled from fermented molasses.
Malibu Pineapple
Clear, pineapple-flavored Rum distilled from fermented molasses.
Malibu Tropical Banana
Clear, tropical banana-flavored Rum distilled from fermented molasses.
Malibu Black
A stronger coconut Rum, Malibu Black is rich and warm with a dry coconut flavor, notes of vanilla and
caramel, and a hint of cinnamon.
Malibu Island Spiced
A low calorie spiced Rum with flavors of cinnamon, nutmeg, and vanilla.
Shellback Spiced
Rum distilled with all natural spices including cinnamon, ginger, clove, nutmeg, cassia, vanilla, and allspice,
which is aged for at least 12 months in bourbon barrels, resulting in a smooth taste with flavors of honey,
brown spice, and dark roast.
Shellback Silver
This smooth, clear Rum features floral tones with hints of tropical fruit and vanilla, and a clean finish.
Tommy Bahama Golden Sun
This gold Rum has a fruity nose with hints of coffee, roasted nuts, and sweet pralines.
Tommy Bahama White Sand
This silver Rum starts smooth and ends clean. It possesses hints of tangy tropical fruit.
1 Barrel
Belize’s favorite and best-selling Rum, 1 Barrel is aged in Kentucky oak barrels for 12 months, resulting in a
smooth and flavorful gold Rum with a sweet smoky finish.
Any statement about Bermuda and Rum begins and ends with Gosling’s. A family business for nearly 200
years, Gosling’s is today the only company that blends and bottles in Bermuda, and is the largest exporter of
a Bermuda-made product. For over 50 years the Rum was sold only by draught with local patrons bringing
in their own bottles to be filled.
Gosling’s Black Seal
Rich, full-bodied dark Rum, deep amber color, intense spicy flavors, sweet aftertaste of sugar cane. The
original Dark and Stormy cocktail was made with Gosling’s Black Seal.
Gosling’s Family Reserve Old Rum
Sipping Rum made like Gosling’s Black Seal, but aged longer for a more intense experience.
Gosling’s Gold
Rich, golden amber, robust flavors with hints of citrus, tropical fruits and nutty undertones.
An extraordinarily smooth white Rum, very creamy, with a strong taste of vanilla, hints of cinnamon, and
enjoyable woody finish.
Leblon Cachaça
As the fastest growing spirit in the United States, more and more Americans are discovering Cachaça, the
national spirit of Brazil. Cachaça consumption in the U.S. has grown over 50% since 2007, and shows no
signs of slowing down. Unique to Brazil, Cachaça is pronounced ka-SHA-sa, with the emphasis on the
`SHA.’ Like Hefeweizen, Fahrvegnugen, and Pinot Grigio, Cachaça is a foreign word easy to mispronounce-at least initially. As a newly adopted discovery, Cachaça is quickly becoming part of our `social currency’
lexicon. The same is happening for Cachaça’s cocktail sidekick, the Caipirinha, the national cocktail of
Brazil, which has been popping up on cocktail menus across the country. (Caipirinha is pronounced kaipur-EEN-ya, with the emphasis on the third syllable.)
Cachaça is a Brazilian spirit distilled from sugar cane juice. It is the third most consumed spirit in the world
behind only Vodka and Soju/Shochu, the Asian distillate made predominantly from rice. Historians date the
initial creation of Cachaça between 1532 and 1550 in Brazil, predating the date of creation of Rum (1651 in
Barbados) by more than one hundred years. Unlike Rum, which is usually made from molasses, Cachaça
can only be made from fresh cane juice, and can only be made in Brazil. 99% of Cachaça is consumed in
Brazil--over 1.3 billion liters per year. Brazilian law requires that Cachaça be distilled no higher than 54%
alcohol by volume, and bottled between 38% and 40% alcohol by volume. That being said, most exported
Cachaça has an alcohol content similar to Vodka, Tequila, Rum, or Gin--40% alcohol by volume (or 80
Leblon is distilled at a state-of-the-art distillery, Maison Leblon, in the fertile Minas Gerais region. Leblon’s
approach to Cachaça is unique: Gilles Merlet, the master distiller, approaches the fermentation, distillation,
and finishing of Cachaça like a fine wine. Using techniques from his native France, Gilles manages every
detail of the creation, from the hand-selection of the cane and his proprietary fermentation approach, to the
Alambique batch-distillation and light-casking, triple-filtering, and master blending. Gilles rests the final
distillate in XO Cognac casks from France, giving Leblon an extra special touch. As a result, Leblon
Cachaça has a delicate, fruity nose, combined with an ultra smooth finish. So, now that you understand
what Cachaça is, how to say it, and how to use it, we invite you to explore this wonderful new world. Is
Cachaça the next Tequila? Is the Caipirinha the new Margarita? We have no idea, but we do know this:
it’s a wonderful thing.
Maison Leblon Reserva Especial
This dark, mellow Cachaça is aged for two years in Limousin French Oak Barrels, resulting in a very
smooth sipping Cachaça with earthy tastes of honey and mellow caramel, and a lingering flavor of pine nuts
on the finish.
Ypioca Ouro
From the largest Cachaça producer in the world (pronounced “ee-pee-oka”) and aged for two years in
Brazilian Freijo wood casks, this soft and gentle sipping Cachaça is pale gold in color, with a smoky feel and
flavors of caramel and fruits and a hint of pepper.
Medellin Gran Reserva 12 year
A blend of Colombian Rums naturally aged between 8 and 12 years, the Gran Reserva is well rounded and
slightly spicy, and fantastic for sipping.
Medellin Extra Añejo 8 year
A golden amber Rum, refined and complex, slightly dry on the palate, with flavors of honey, nuts, and a mild
spiciness, and a subtle and understated finish.
Medellin Añejo 3 year
Distilled from fermented sugar cane and aged 3 years in charred oak barrels to produce its unique mellow
flavor. Medium amber in color, with a dry, short finish.
Costa Rica
Centenario Sistema Solera Gran Reserva 25 year
25 years of aging in American oak barrels formerly used for bourbon produces an elegant, sweet, and rich
Rum. Aromas of citrus, vanilla, and molasses give way to flavors of oak, orange, toffee, butterscotch, and
pineapple, with hints of pepper, nutmeg, and allspice, and a long, smooth finish.
Centenario Fundacion 20 year
A special reserve aged for more than 20 years, this Rum is the product of a paused and conscientious aging
process, which results in a Rum with a rich caramel aroma and a lovely blend of oak, vanilla, and cinnamon,
and even a hint of cocoa, on the tongue.
Centenario Conmemorativo 9 year
Exquisite super premium Rum, produced in limited quantities, made with the best ingredients available.
Aged in different barrels to guarantee a delicious and special bouquet.
Centenario Añejo Especial7 year
The finest Rums aged in oak barrels, conserved carefully to ensure an exceptional flavor and smell.
It would be as impossible to ignore Cuba when talking about Rum as it would be when talking about cigars.
Cuba, the “Isle of Rum,” possesses a legendary combination of world class sugar cane, Caribbean climate,
fertile soil, and master Rum-Makers, or “Maestro Roneros.” Due to the U.S. trade embargo against Cuba, it
is impossible (not to mention illegal!) for us to have or sell Cuban Rum, but many Rum companies and their
Maestro Roneros fled Cuba after Fidel Castro’s revolution in 1959, and set up new distilleries in other
countries. So while we can’t currently offer Cuban Rum, you can still get a taste of it made as it was made
for generations in Cuba, from both Matusalem (page 19) and Vizcaya (page 20) in the Dominican Republic,
and from Bacardi (pages 29-30) in Puerto Rico. Sample the products from these fine companies, and enjoy
the “spirit of Cuba.” And join us in looking forward to the happy day when other fine Cuban Rums will once
again be available to Americans.
Dominican Republic
Dominican Rum is ranked among the best in the world. The fertile topsoil is extraordinarily deep and is
surrounded by a lush and wet landscape. Dominican Rum is produced through a more natural process of
distillation, while aging is often done in special American white oak kegs. This makes the Rum a little heartier and
a little less sweet than other Rums made in places like Jamaica and Barbados.
Atlantico Private Cask
This rich, luxurious Rum starts with the finest small batch aged Dominican Rums, which are blended and aged in
bourbon casks for 15-25 years and hand-bottled. The result is a mellow, complex Rum, deep honey in color, with a
rich nose. Strong notes of caramel, toffee, and maple, with a slight floral and smoky finish.
Atlantico Reserva
Very smooth and rich Rum with a light body and strong tastes of vanilla, oak, and caramel, along with a hint of
maple, leading to a long, satisfying, toffee-like finish.
Atlantico Platino
Deeper, fuller-bodied, and more complex than most white Rums, with flavors of sweet butter, vanilla, mild
butterscotch, and light citrus, and a dry but slightly sweet finish.
Matusalem Gran Reserva 18 year
Deep amber in color, with an impressive variety of aromas on the nose. This medium dry Rum has flavors of rich
vanilla, mellow molasses, sweet caramel, and soft fruit, with a hint of oak. It’s delightfully complex, with a long
smooth finish. A classic sipping Rum.
Matusalem Gran Reserva 15 year
This 15-year-old Solera blend, the “Cognac of Rums,” is slightly dry with a full body, and a long spicy oak finish. It
is a rich, buttery, and smooth Rum that is a superb choice for special occasions.
Matusalem Platino
This triple-distilled, Solera-aged Rum is light, crisp, and very refreshing. Made from fermented molasses, it is
extremely smooth and buttery, with traces of citrus and coconut flavors, and has a nice, long finish. A great
selection for drinkers of light Rum.
Matusalem Clasico
Possessing distinctive quality and exceptional smoothness, this full-bodied gold Rum tastes of roasted nuts and
Vizcaya VXOP Cask No. 21
Made from a Cuban formula, this Rum uses Rums aged 8 to 12 years which are blended in the Solera system. This
method results in a rich, smooth, and luxurious final product, with flavors of cloves, nutmeg, molasses, oak, and
apricot, as well as a sweet, warm, long finish.
Vizcaya Cask No. 12
Distilled from sugar cane, aged for six years in oak barrels and meticulously blended, Vizcaya Cask No. 12 has a
complex and rich bouquet, with hints of maple, vanilla, and cocoa, and a velvety finish.
Kirk and Sweeney 12 year
Aged in American white oak, with a smoky vanilla nose, this is a well-balanced Rum with tastes of honey, caramel,
oak, and toffee, which lead to a light, dry finish.
Barcelo Añejo 12 year
“Superior Blend” from a select group of premium Rums, aged naturally for up to 12 years, with smooth golden
tones and a soft aroma.
Barcelo Imperial
A Barcelo family special reserve from a limited stock, this Rum is aged for 10 years in Kentucky oak bourbon
barrels using the finest sugar cane. It is rich in texture with a subtle nuance of flavor.
Barcelo Gran Añejo
Amber in color, citrus aromas, aged up to 4 years in oak bourbon barrels.
Barcelo Dorado
Smooth, enticing golden color, aged for up to 18 months in oak bourbon barrels.
Barcelo Blanco
Made from carefully selected sugar cane molasses, this white Rum is settled in oak casks.
Brugal 1888
Commemorating the year Brugal was founded, 1888 is distilled from 100% Dominican Republic molasses and aged
5-14 years, resulting in a dark amber Rum that is both smooth and complex, with flavors of chocolate, pear, and
dark fruit; an excellent after dinner Rum.
Brugal Añejo
Wonderfully aromatic and sultry, amber in color, smooth and mellow in taste.
Cubaney Gran Reserva 12 year
Aged in oak barrels for 12 years and ideal for sipping.
Cubaney Solera Reserva 8 year
Aged in oak barrels for 8 years to deliver a fullness of deep warmth and smoothness reflected in the translucent
Cubaney Añejo Reserva 5 year
Aged 5 years in oak barrels, a golden blend of rich aged Rums with a mellow taste and rich aroma.
Cubaney Añejo 3 year
Aged 3 years in oak barrels, amber in color, with a smooth and mellow taste.
Dominican Club Gold
Hand-crafted and aged for 2 years, this full-bodied amber Rum tastes pleasantly woody, with hints of fruit and
Dominican Club Silver
Hand-crafted and aged 1 year, this light-bodied, dry Rum is mellow and ideally suited for mixing in tropical
Fiji, a South Pacific island nation, has a culture that is a tapestry of indigenous Fijian, Indian, European,
Chinese, and other nationalities. The culture of Fiji, including traditions, hierarchy and language, has
created a unique communal and national identity.
Seven Tiki
Made with Polynesian sugar cane and pure Fijian water, Seven Tiki is full-bodied with a smooth taste, with a
blend of tropical spices and flavors.
Guatemala is noteworthy in Central America where a variety of primarily medium-bodied Rums from
column stills are produced that lend themselves well to aging. They have recently begun to gain international
Zacapa XO
Reminiscent of a fine Spanish brandy, XO is a blend of Rums distilled from the sweetest first-crush sugar
cane. These Rums are then aged 6 to 25 years in bourbon, sherry, wine and cognac barrels. The result is a
greatly refined and balanced sipping Rum, extraordinarily smooth, with subtle notes of oak, caramel, nuts,
and fruit.
Zacapa Centenario 23 year
The pride of Guatemala, this Rum is distinctive not just for its bottles (which are hand-wrapped in royal
palm), but for its smoothness and complexity of flavor. Distilled from pure sugar cane honey, rather than
molasses, it is aged for over 23 years in wooden casks high in the Guatemalan mountains with the same
method used to create sherry. It has a surprisingly subtle nose and an amazingly smooth taste, with many
flavors vying for attention, including molasses, cocoa, and honey.
Botran Solera 1893
This extremely smooth medium-full bodied Rum is aged in oak for 18+ years. Deep copper in color, with
suggestions of toffee, exotic spices, and figs. Rich, balanced, and elegant.
Botran Añejo 12 year
This Rum is created from “virgin cane honey,” which essentially is the freshly pressed sugar cane juice from
which the water is removed by a heating process. Once distilled, the fresh Rum is then aged 12 years in white
oak toasted bourbon casks.
Botran Reserva
A blend of Rums distilled from the first press of virgin sugar cane and aged 5 to 14 years in a variety of
whiskey, sherry, and port barrels. Rich, smooth, complex and full-bodied, offering a variety of flavors in a
most friendly way.
Botran Añejo 8 year
Made from “virgin cane honey,” this Rum is aged 8 years in white oak toasted bourbon casks.
Monte Cristo 12 year
Aged for a minimum of 12 years, this is a smooth dark Rum with a smoky finish.
Monte Cristo
A premium blended light Rum.
Guyana is justly famous for its rich, heavy Demerara Rums, named for the river of the same name, which are
produced from both pot and column stills. Demerara Rums can be aged for extended periods (25-year-old
varieties are on the market) and are frequently used for blending with lighter Rums from other regions.
Neighboring Surinam and French Guyana produce similar full-bodied Rums.
El Dorado 21 Year
This award-wining Rum is distilled from fermented molasses, blended from select Rum distilled and aged in Guyana, and
aged 21 years in whiskey and bourbon barrels. Rich caramel in color, complex but silky, with tastes of dark chocolate,
almond, vanilla, and toffee, and a sweet nutty finish. An experience not soon forgotten.
El Dorado 15 Year
Rich dark copper in color, with a complex nose, this is full-bodied, with notes of brown sugar, vanilla, and almonds, and a
silky dry caramel finish.
El Dorado 12 Year
Fantastically smooth premium Rum with superb color, taste, and full fragrant aroma.
El Dorado 5 Year
Matured in 45-gallon oak casks to produce a Rum with superb color, smooth taste, and fragrant aroma.
El Dorado Spiced
A robust spiced Rum, with notes of cinnamon, cloves, ginger, nutmeg, coriander, vanilla, and citrus.
El Dorado Rum Cream
The finest 5 year old golden Demerara Rum is used to make this world-class Rum cream liqueur.
(Due to damage done to the Barbancourt Distillery in the January 2010 earthquake in Haiti, the Rum Barrel may not have
various Barbancourt Rhums in stock. However, we have kept this section intact for both your education and to honor the
proud tradition of Barbancourt Rhum. Please ask your server which Barbancourt selections are available at this time.)
Haiti follows the French tradition of heavier Rhums that are double-distilled in pot stills and aged in oak
casks for 3 or more years to produce full-flavored, exceptionally smooth-tasting Rhums.
Barbancourt Reserve 15 year
Aged in Limousin French oak casks to 86 proof, the Reserve has a complex and long finish with tones of
caramel and honey.
Barbancourt 5 Star 8 year
Pot distilled from fresh sugar cane juice and barrel aged in white oak casks, 5 Star has a candy finish with
nice clarity.
Barbancourt 3 Star 4 year
Well-balanced brown Rhum aged four years, with hints of butterscotch and vanilla.
Barbancourt Pango
A distinctively unique Rhum pot distilled from pure sugar cane juice, aged in oak casks in a cognac style,
and blended with exotic fruits and spices to give a rich, full flavor.
Jamaican Rum is naturally fermented for about 3 weeks, meaning yeast from the air settles on the surface of
the mash. The Rum is then distilled twice in pot stills and aged in oak casks for a minimum of five years.
Though Jamaican Rum is dark, it gets most of its color from added molasses, not from the cask.
Appleton Estate 21 year
A rare blend of some of the world’s finest Rums, this is a smooth sipping Rum, aged at least 21 years; it is
delicate, complex, and aromatic.
Appleton Estate Extra 12 year
Distilled in traditional copper pot stills, this 12 year gold Rum has a medium body, and is mild and smooth.
Appleton Estate Special Gold
This medium-bodied gold Rum is a smooth blend of full-flavored pot still Rums.
Appleton Estate Reserve
A master blend of 20 different Rums of varying ages. Vanilla and oak flavors are followed by a sweet
caramel flavor of toasted sugar, and a dry peppery finish.
Appleton Estate V/X
Deep, amber color, full body, medium sweetness, creamy with a mellow finish.
Appleton Estate White
Crisp, medium body, aged up to 2 years in oak barrels.
A dark golden Rum from Chris Blackwell, the man who introduced the world to Bob Marley and reggae
music. Smooth and flavorful, with notes of spice, nuts, tropical fruits, and caramel.
Coruba Dark
Dark reddish brown in color, rich and dark in flavor, smooth and full-bodied, with strong notes of dark
Coruba Gold
Coruba Gold is 100% Jamaican Rum, made in a modern Rum style with its golden color totally due to aging
in small oak barrels.
Myers’s Original Dark
The #1 imported dark Rum in the United States, made from 100% Jamaican molasses blended with up to
nine Rums; dark brown/bronze in color, combining semi-sweet flavors with a hint of cocoa, followed by a
chocolate aftertaste.
Sea Wynde
This delicious mellow sipping Rum is distilled like a cognac, and possesses fragrant subtle aromas and a
lingering honey aftertaste.
Wray & Nephew Overproof
This white overproof Rum is not just the top-selling high strength Rum in the world, but in its native
Jamaica, this crystal-clear Rum is legendary.
Clément Cuvée Homère
A superior hand-selected blend of 1991, 1996, and 1999 Rhum vintages, its dark golden color is reminiscent
of a fine cognac. Having a woody, buttery nose with a hint of pepper, this is highly nuanced and textured to
the taste, with flavors of oak, fruit, tarragon and licorice root, and floral notes and a hint of sweet brine. In
short, an exceptional sipping Rhum.
Clément V.S.O.P.
Orange mahogany in color, this Rhum has a clean nose with notes of cocoa, oak, dried fruits, and spices.
Smooth on the tongue with a dry bouquet, both spicy and fruity with wood notes and hints of tarragon and
licorice root. Finishes dry, peppery, and medium long. This Rhum, aged 4 to 5 years, can be enjoyed neat or
as a way to enhance your favorite Rhum cocktail.
Clément Créole
A blend of white and aged Rhums, with an infusion of Creole spices and bitter orange peels.
Depaz Blue Cane
Made exclusively from seasonally harvested blue cane, produced only in limited quantities.
Saint James
Aged 18 months to 2 years in Limousin Oak barrels. Lightly sweet but potent Rhum in the agricole style,
with a hint of sage.
Mauritius is a small island nation 1,200 miles off the southeast coast of Africa in the Indian Ocean that is
rich in sugarcane and, of course, Rum.
Penny Blue XO
Named after the rarest stamp in the world, this is a blend of Rums aged an average of 7 years and matured
in cognac, whisky, and bourbon casks. Extraordinarily balanced, complex, and smooth, flavors of citrus,
nuts, cloves, cinnamon, and tropical fruits, and a hint of vanilla all lead to a smooth, dry finish. A fantastic
sipping rum.
Rum surprisingly outsells tequila in Mexico and the country produces well over 10 million gallons a year.
However, Mexican Rum is not as accessible in the U.S. due to a monopoly on the market from Puerto Rico
and the Virgin Islands in the form of duty free exports.
Bacardi Añejo
Aged in oak barrels for 6 years, this is a perfect gold Rum for sipping.
D’Aristi Special Reserve
This Mexican Rum starts life as a Caribbean Rum, which is then shipped to the Yucatan and aged in
American oak casks for 10 years. It has a rich nose and flavors of ripe banana, nuts, toast, vanilla, cinnamon,
and fudge.
Banks Five Island
A blend of barrel-aged Rums from five tropical islands, with aromas of tropical flowers and citrus blossoms.
This white Rum drinks more like a dark Rum, with a lively sweet character and tropical flavor.
Netherlands Antilles
The Netherlands Antilles are two island groups in the Caribbean Sea — one includes Curacao and Bonaire
north of Venezuela and the other is east of the Virgin Islands. Rum in the Netherlands Antilles is blended
from imported Rum.
Rum Jumbie
Gold Medal, 2009 Ministry of Rum Tasting Competition
A rich blend of aged Rum, orange, grapefruit, lemon, passion fruit and spices. Can be enjoyed on the rocks
or as a flavorful addition to fancy cocktails.
Kilo Kai
This spiced Rum is pleasant, smooth, and very flavorful, with notes of cherry, vanilla, cinnamon, nutmeg,
citrus, banana, and caramel. Aged 3 years, Kilo Kai is a great alternative to the “usual.”
Nicaragua is noteworthy in Central America where a variety of primarily medium-bodied Nicaraguan Rums
from column stills lend well to aging and have recently begun to gain international recognition.
Flor De Cana 18 year
The oldest of the Flor de Cana family, aged at least 18 years, with a rich dark smoothness.
Flor de Cana 12 year
Mellow, balanced, dried fruit and honey flavors, aged in small used bourbon barrels.
Flor de Cana 7 year
Well-balanced with hints of bourbon. Slow aged with a full impeccable quality.
Flor de Cana 4 year
The youngest of the Flor de Cana brand, it is aged for 4 years. It possesses a medium body with a light
Bronze in color, aged 21 years in bourbon casks, with strong caramel and chocolate flavors, and hints of
black cherry and butterscotch.
Carta Vieja Golden Cask Solera 18 year
Aged and blended in the Solera method, this hidden treasure of Panama is an ultra premium Rum that is
very smooth and perfect for sipping slowly with friends.
Carta Vieja Añejo
This is a blend of Rums aged between 6 and 8 years, which have been distilled from pure cane sugar.
Medium in body, with flavors of cocoa, caramel, licorice, and a hint of orange.
Abuelo Añejo Reserva Especial 7 year
Gold Medal, 2009 Ministry of Rum
This amber Rum has coconut, cream, and toasted nut aromas. A soft round entry leads to a medium-bodied
palate with light, fruity caramel, tea leaf and toasted coconut notes followed by delicate spice.
Abuelo Añejo Reserva Especial
Gold Medal, 2008 Ministry of Rum
Blend of select aged Rums. Slowly distilled in small oak barrels, it is distinguished by its mellow rich flavor.
Peruvian Rum production began in 1929 at the Cartavio Rum Plant, founded by the Cartavio Sugar
Company. In 1968 the Peruvian state took over Rum production, where it remained under government
control until the privatization process in 1994. Since then, Rum production has continued to be exceptional
all the way to winning the best-in-show award at the 2009 Polished Palate International Rum Competition.
A complex and balanced Rum with a solid but gentle finish. Notes of fig, caramel, dried fruits, and custard.
Puerto Rico
Rum is the national drink, and you can buy it in almost any shade. Puerto Rico is the world’s leading Rum
producer; 80% of the Rum consumed in the United States hails from the island. Puerto Rico is known
primarily for light, very dry Rums from column stills. All white Puerto Rican Rums must, by law, be aged a
minimum of one year while dark Rums must be aged three years.
Bacardi Reserva Limitada
Bacardi’s vaunted “founder’s blend” is a rich and brilliantly balanced dark reddish-gold Rum
comparable to cognac. Reserva Limitada is a careful product of aging in American white oak barrels for
10 to 16 years, and until very recently was not available outside of Puerto Rico.
Bacardi 8 year
Slightly sweet, complex, and well balanced with nuances of vanilla, toffee, and honey.
Bacardi Select
Charcoal filtered for smoothness and aged in oak barrels for 1 to 4 years, this bronze colored Rum is
produced by blending dark Rum with select aged Rums.
Bacardi 151
Gold Rum with substantially higher proof than most others.
Bacardi Gold
Charcoal filtered and then aged in oak barrels for up to 2 years, this is a smooth, full-bodied amber Rum,
with pleasant wood flavors.
Bacardi Oakheart
Aged in American white oak barrels, this is Bacardi’s first spiced Rum, and is both smooth and mild, with
emphasis on caramel and vanilla, and a hint of cinnamon.
Bacardi Superior
This light Rum is the #1 selling Rum worldwide. Aged 1 year in oak barrels, it’s clear in color and charcoal
filtered before aging for smoothness. Semi-dry, it has a candy aroma and a peppery finish.
Bacardi Coco
Crisp, dry light Rum with rich coconut flavor.
Bacardi Dragon Berry
Light Rum naturally infused with the Asian dragon fruit and strawberry for a sweet, refreshing berry
flavor, with hints of melon.
Bacardi Grand Melon
A light, refreshing Rum with the essence of fresh, juicy watermelon in every sip.
Bacardi Limon
Natural citrus flavor, intense citrus aroma, and a sweet lemon finish.
Bacardi O
Orange and tangerine flavored Rum, clear in color.
Bacardi Peach Red
Fresh peach flavor is brought to life by the infusion of California Freestone peaches.
Captain Morgan Private Stock
This premium spiced Rum, medium amber/orange in color, has more mature and less spicy aromas, with
spice and vanilla flavors complementing its sweetness.
Captain Morgan Black
Barreled in double charred oak, this is a bold blackstrap Rum, with spice notes ranging from clove and
cassia bark to chocolate, anise, and vanilla. Great over ice.
Captain Morgan 100
This blend of Caribbean Rums, aged in white oak barrels, is stronger yet smoother than regular Captain
Morgan, with more pronounced flavors of oak and caramel. An excellent mixer!
Captain Morgan
Blend of Rums, spices, and other natural flavors, with honey aromas, a creamy texture, and a long tropical
fruit finish.
Captain Morgan Silver
Blend of Rums, spices, and other natural flavors, with a lighter spice taste.
Captain Morgan White
Lightly sweet white Rum with more complexity than most white Rums and a medium dry finish.
Don Q Gran Añejo
93 Points (Excellent), Ultimage Beverage Challenge
Don Q’s premium Rum, this is an elegant, balanced, and complex blend of Rums aged 3 to 12 years in used
whisky and bourbon barrels. With a multi-faceted aroma that is in stark contrast to the lighter nature of
most Puerto Rican Rums, this has a smooth, rich flavor and a warm, smoky finish.
Don Q Gold
Silver Medal (87 Points), Beverage Tasting Institute
Full body, mellow flavor, aged 1 to 5 years.
Don Q Coco
A smooth coconut-flavored Rum, distilled from fermented molasses, and aged at least one year.
Don Q Limon
A light Rum, aged one to three years, infused with native Puerto Rican key limes.
Black Beard Spiced
From the people that brought you Don Q Rum comes this premium aged spiced Rum combining fine
Caribbean spices and a blend of exotic tropical fruits. The resulting flavor is bold yet balanced, with
strong flavors of vanilla, caramel, and spices.
Havana Club
Based on a Cuban recipe from 1935, this light Rum is made from fermented black strap molasses, distilled
five times, then aged three years in oak barrels.
Spain has been producing Rum since the 16th century, and the original sugar cane planted in the Caribbean
came from a Spanish plantation in the 15th century. Since then, Spain has become a master at taking Rum
from their colonies in the Caribbean and other places, blending and aging
them, and producing superior Rums.
Dos Maderas P.X 5+5
One of the few triple-aged Rums in existence, this exquisite Rum starts with a blend of 5 year Rums from
Barbados and Guyana, which are aged an additional 3 years in sherry casks in Spain, followed by a final 2
years of aging in casks formerly used to age 20 year old sherry. Deep mahogany in color, with a nose
featuring molasses, sherry, and burnt sugar. The complex taste includes flavors of rich caramel, honey,
raisins, vanilla, and figs. Rich, amazingly smooth, it’s the perfect reward for any reason…or for no reason
at all.
Dos Maderas 5+3
This amber Rum is distilled from fermented molasses. A blend of select Rums from Barbados and Guyana
is aged 5 years in whiskey barrels, and then another 3 years in sherry casks. Roasted nut, dark chocolate,
dried banana, and tropical spice all vie for attention. Rich and silky with a long dry finish.
St. Kitts
This Caribbean island produces Brinley Gold Shipwreck Rums, which are among the best flavored Rums in
the world. Brinley infuses gold Caribbean Rum with the finest ingredients to achieve award-winning
flavored Rums with a higher proof than most flavored Rums.
Brinley Gold Shipwreck Coconut
Rich and creamy, with toasted coconut and pepper flavors. Liquid coconut candy.
Brinley Gold Shipwreck Coffee
Silky, sweet, and medium-bodied. Dark and smoky, with cocoa and coffee tastes. Great on its own, it is also
a superior addition to coffee.
Brinley Gold Shipwreck Lime
Real Tahitian limes give this a tart, sweet lime flavor, with a powerful body.
Brinley Gold Shipwreck Mango
Clean aroma of ripe mangoes with strong citrus undertones, and a smooth light to medium body.
Brinley Gold Shipwreck Vanilla
One of the smoothest flavored Rums in the world. Deep, rich, sweet, and creamy, with vanilla and coffee
bean aromas, a light to medium body, moderate sweetness, and dark color. Dessert in a glass.
St. Lucia
A vibrant Caribbean island that is known for myriad things, including snorkeling and sailing, mountains
and mountain biking, rainforests and (of course!) Rum distilleries, St. Lucia may well be the
quintessential definition of paradise.
Chairman’s Reserve
A blend of aged pot still and column still Rums distilled from fermented molasses and aged in used whiskey
and bourbon barrels. This medium-bodied Rum brings rich and dark flavors of dried fruit and nuts along
with a hint of honey and vanilla, and has a slightly dry and smoky finish.
Chairman’s Reserve Spiced
This is not a shy spiced Rum! Big notes of cinnamon and clove are accompanied by allspice, orange, lemon,
nutmeg, coconut, and vanilla. But all this spice doesn’t take away from the naturally delicious St. Lucian
Rum that is its base. For people who enjoy even more spice in their Rum and in their life!
Trinidad & Tobago
This tiny Caribbean nation produces mainly light Rums from column stills and has an extensive export
Angostura 1824
This 12 year old dark gold Rum is aged in oak barrels. Full-bodied, it tastes of dark molasses, caramel,
vanilla, spice and nuts, with a hint of smokiness and dark fruit.
Angostura 1919
A blend of Rums aged at least 8 years in whiskey and bourbon barrels. Medium gold in color, with an
excellent nose, it is smoky with a taste of sweet molasses, creamy butter, and toasted nuts.
Zaya Gran Reserva 12 year
Double Gold Medal, San Francisco Spirits
Rich mahogany, subtle toffee and oak nose. Has a bourbon character with the additional sweetness of aged
Rum, making it a rather cordial-like spirit. A fine blend of pure sugar cane Rums each aged a minimum of
12 years.
10 Cane
This premium silver Rum has been reformulated to incorporate some dark Rums into the blending process,
resulting in a cleaner, smoother taste, which is great for use in your favorite Rum cocktail.
The Kraken Black Spiced
A Black Caribbean Rum with 11 secret spices. Its deceptively mellow nose doesn’t prepare you for its rich,
strong flavors of licorice, vanilla, cloves, molasses, black cherry, and cinnamon. And at 94 proof, beware The
Fernandes “19” Gold
A light gold Rum, with a pleasant nose of banana and almond, and a smooth, sippable, slightly peppery
United States
The U.S.A. has a handful of Rum distilleries, mostly in the South, producing a range of light and mediumbodied Rums that are generally marketed with Caribbean-themed names. As the Rum market has grown in
recent years, however, so have the number of new American Rum distilleries.
Key West First Legal Rum Distillery Original
The Key West First Legal Rum Distillery (which is also the first legal distillery in Key West of any kind) was
opened in 2013 by chefs who knew they could use their culinary background to produce amazing Rum. They
use Florida sugar cane and absolutely no preservatives in all of their Rums. The Rum Barrel is proud to
offer their Original First Legal Rum for your drinking pleasure. This white Rum is distilled six times and
charcoal filtered, which results in a smooth, almost creamy white Rum with notes of butterscotch and
The Key West First Legal Rum Distillery is located directly across Simonton Street from the Rum Barrel,
and offers free tours of the distillery as well as bottles of their Rums for sale.
Papa’s Pilar Dark 24 year
A blend of Rums from the Caribbean, Central America, and Florida, this dark Rum is rich, flavorful, and
smooth, with notes of maple, brown sugar, and brandy. Inspired by the life of Ernest Hemingway, and made
with the approval of his estate, this is a new American original destined to be a classic.
Papa’s Pilar Blonde 3 year
In the spirit of Papa himself, here is a smooth blonde Rum, aged in used bourbon, port, and sherry barrels to
achieve its unique nose and flavors. A creamy body and a somewhat floral, sweet, and citrusy nose, lead into
tasty flavors of white chocolate, vanilla, pineapple, and coconut water.
Balcones Rumble
This “Rum-like” spirit from Texas, distilled with wildflower honey, turbinado sugar, and figs, is 94 proof but
surprisingly smooth. Its complex mix of flavors makes it a unique and tasty sipper.
Banana Jack
Go bananas and live it up island style with this smooth and boldly banana-flavored Caribbean Rum.
Blackheart Premium Spiced
A sweet spiced Rum, blended in the U.S. from Virgin Islands Rums. At 93 proof, it packs a pleasant
punch, with tastes of coconut, apple, and cinnamon.
Cane & Abe
Inspired by colonial American distilling tradition, this slightly hazy, dark amber Rum is both smooth and
robust, with pronounced tastes of maple and brown sugar.
Club Caribe Citrus
A light-proofed, light-bodied citrus Rum from Florida, blended from Puerto Rican Rums.
Club Caribe Coconut
A light-proofed, light-bodied coconut Rum from Florida, blended from Puerto Rican Rums.
Corsair Artisan Spiced
Made with real vanilla bean and citrus peel, this spiced Rum is very smooth, with pronounced vanilla on the
tongue and some mild heat on the finish. This is a great spiced Rum for cocktails!
Florida Old Reserve
A handcrafted, small batch Florida Rum made from local Florida cane molasses, aged in Spanish sherry
casks for 3-4 years, and made with absolutely no additives.
Koloa Kauai Dark
Gold Medal Rum, Miami Rum Renaissance 2014
This single batch unaged Hawaiian Rum is created from Hawaiian tall cane, pure Hawaiian mountain water,
and a secret blend of spices. Its sweet brown sugar flavor is accentuated by tastes of vanilla, caramel, and
dark molasses, which lead to a long, smooth finish.
Koloa Kauai Gold
Gold Medal Rum, Miami Rum Renaissance 2014
Made from pale crystallized sugar and pure Hawaiian mountain water, this single batch unaged gold Rum is
mild and inviting, with flavors of honey, citrus, banana, and a hint of pepper.
Montanya Oro
Silver Medal, 2013 American Distilling Institute
Made in Colorado using crushed Hawaiian cane, pure Rocky Mountain cane, caramelized honey, and other
fresh, American-grown ingredients, Montanya Oro is aged in Woodford Reserve bourbon barrels. This
results in a light gold Rum, lightly sweet, with flavors of coffee, spice, and cocoa.
Montanya Platino
Gold Medal, 2010 Miami Rum Renaissance: “Best in Class!”
Made in a manner similar to the Oro, the Platino is more complex than most white Rums, with flavors more
reminiscent of butter and vanilla, with hints of nuts, coffee, and pepper.
Old Havana Reserva del Centenario
A fine Florida Rum commemorating the 100 year anniversary of Cuba’s independence from Spain (2002).
Medium body, subtle balanced taste, slightly floral finish.
Old New Orleans Amber 3 year
This light-bodied amber Rum is made with blackstrap molasses and flavored with caramel, which is
produced right at the distillery. This results in a slightly spicy Rum with flavors of molasses, caramel, and
Old New Orleans Crystal
A small batch white Rum made with blackstrap molasses produced from Louisiana sugar cane, with
Madagascar vanilla added. Rich with a buttery texture, it offers sweet flavors of vanilla and toffee.
Prichard’s Fine Rum
Gold Medal, 2006 International Sugar Cane Spirits Tasting
Distilled from fermented molasses and aged in small oak barrels, this complex, light brown Rum has a bit of
a whiskey quality to it, and offers up flavors of roasted nuts, dark fruit, cinnamon, and vanilla.
Prichard’s Crystal
Gold Medal, 2007 Ministry of Rum Tasting Competition
Distilled five times in copper stills with the finest molasses, this Tennessee Rum is very smooth and mild.
Prichard’s Sweet George Belle Peach Mango
Gold Medal, 2006
International Sugar Cane Spirits Tasting Competition
Made from Louisiana molasses, aged for three years, and blended with natural fruit flavors, this lovely Belle
has a very honeyish texture, lovely peach and mango flavors, and a very smooth finish.
Prichard’s Key Lime
Distilled to capture the spirit of Key West’s most famous fruit, this light and fruity Rum blends wonderfully
in any cocktail.
Prichard’s Cranberry
Made with pure Ocean Spray Cranberry Juice, this is a very refreshing and unique flavored Tennessee
Ragged Mountain
Double Gold Medal, 2009 World Spirits Competition
The first Rum legally distilled in Massachusetts since Prohibition, this medium amber colored Rum
possesses an inviting aroma of roasted nuts, straw, and cinnamon. On the palate, the cinnamon is
pronounced along with a mild heat, and Ragged Mountain finishes somewhat long and very dry.
Siesta Key Spiced
A very smooth spiced Rum with a rich caramel color and a spicy, medium body, and flavors of cinnamon,
vanilla, tropical fruits, allspice, and white pepper.
Siesta Key White
Distilled in Florida, this refreshing white Rum has a floral aroma with hints of fruit, sugar cane, and
pepper. Surprisingly smooth and complex for a white Rum, it tastes of honeyed caramel and spices with a
subtle pepper bite.
Rum Chata
Caribbean Rum. Mexican horchata. Brought together in…Wisconsin??? Despite the seeming absurdity of
the idea, RumChata actually works, and very well. Two wonderful things are combined in a lovely, rich,
creamy, delicious drink, great on its own, over ice, or mixed in a cocktail.
Wicked Dolphin
Best White/Silver Rum, 7th Artisan American Spirits
From the Gulf Coast of Florida comes this crystal clear light Rum, which uses Florida sugar cane and other
locally grown ingredients. Aged in oak barrels, this Rum has flavors of citrus, oak, vanilla, and honey, as
well as a hint of molasses.
Wicked Dolphin Spiced
Made from Florida sugar cane and fresh ground spices, and with aged Rum added for maturity and
smoothness, this spiced Rum has notes of Florida oranges and honey, vanilla and other spices.
Venezuela’s coastline shares the Caribbean with these islands, yet with all the attention focused on its
petroleum industry, few people outside of Venezuela are aware that some of the world’s finest Rums are
produced there. Unlike most Rums sold in the U.S., which are mixed and un-aged, Rum in Venezuela —
where the spirit is serious business — must be aged a minimum of two years in order to be called Rum. That
makes even the less expensive Venezuelan Rums available in the States of high quality.
Diplomatico Exclusiva Reserva
Gold Medal, 2012 Miami Rum Expo
A recipe produced by a master blender over 25 years, who selected his finest and rarest Rums, individually
aged them in white oak barrels, then blended them together for this elite tasting Rum.
Diplomatico Reserva
Gold Medal, 2012 Miami Rum Expo
Dark copper color with vanilla bean and baked banana pie aromas. A palate full of raisins, toffee, molasses
and brown spice makes this ‘decadent’ indeed.
Diplomatico Añejo
Medalla de Plata, Congreso International de Madrid
“Rare Rum of the Caribbean”. Dark and full bodied, with a beautifully balanced flavor.
Diplomatic Blanco
Gold Medal, 2009 Ministry of Rum Tasting
A light-bodied Rum with a rich taste and a soft finish. Notes of butter, vanilla, lime and lemon peel.
Pampero Aniversario
Amazingly smooth 100% dark Rum with a blend of several Rums aged 2 years in white oak casks.
Santa Teresa 1796 Solera
96 Points (Best Buy), Wine Enthusiast
Representing the 200-year anniversary of Santa Teresa Rum, this is a careful blend of the finest Rums
matured over 17 years and aged in Limousin oak barrels.
Santa Teresa Rum Selecto
Oak barrel-aged blend of Rums 3 to 9 years. Mahogany in color. Robust, silky, complex, and smooth.
Santa Teresa Gran Reserva Añejo
Gold Medal, 2006 International Sugar
Can Spirits Competition
Aged in Limousin oak barrels and casks for 2 to 5 years using the highest purity and quality. Smooth, golden
color, light aroma, fruity and firm finish.
Santa Teresa Orange Liqueur
Sweet liqueur, made with mellow aged Rum, aged for two years in barrels of American white oak, and then
combined with an exquisite maceration of orange peel.
Virgin Islands
Making Rum for local consumption was a lucrative business as it was the custom (and still is) to have
copious amounts of alcoholic spirits anywhere two or more gathered, for whatever the occasion. There was
Rum at funerals and weddings, baby christenings, boat launchings or the dedication of a new home or public
building. From planters to laborers, there was always a cause for libations. Indeed, a bottle of Rum, which
was believed to have curative properties, was even kept on hand for first aid purposes. Virgin Islands Rum is
usually dry, light-bodied Rum similar to Puerto Rican Rum.
Conch Republic Durdy White
Aged 4-8 years in charred oak barrels, bottled directly from the cask without charcoal filtration. Originally
produced by the Old Florida Rum Company, Conch Republic Rum is now owned by Cruzan Rums.
Conch Republic Light / Conch Republic Dark
Blends of light-bodied, continuous distilled Rums produced at the Old Florida Distillery and by Cruzan in
the Virgin Islands. All of the Rums used in the blend are aged between 2-3 years in charred oak barrels.
Cruzan Single Barrel
This smoky Rum is made by blending Rums aged from 5 to 12 years in used whiskey and bourbon barrels
with a second aging in a new charred single oak cask, resulting in a fine, Cognac-like Rum.
Cruzan Aged Dark
Dark Rum aged at least 2 years in charred oak bourbon barrels and triple-distilled to remove all impurities.
Light to medium body with a slightly darker color, and a dry clean taste.
Cruzan Black Strap
2 year old barrel-aged Rum, rich in flavor from adding the thickest and darkest molasses (or “black strap”),
intense aroma of molasses and coffee. Rich in taste and aroma and darker in appearance than traditional
Cruzan 9 Spiced
This classic Caribbean spiced Rum uses 9 natural spices (vanilla, nutmeg, cinnamon, ginger, cloves, mace,
allspice, pepper, and juniper berry) to achieve its unique taste, complex layers of spice flavors, and an
intense though slightly dry finish.
Cruzan Aged Light
A blend of Rums aged 1 to 4 years in oak casks, it is smooth and full-bodied, and perfect for many of your
favorite Rum cocktails.
Cruzan Banana
Banana flavored Rum with a clear medium body.
Cruzan Black Cherry
Black cherry flavored Rum blended with natural fruit flavors.
Cruzan Citrus
Soft mango, orange, and pineapple flavors create a sweet citrus taste.
Cruzan Mango
Mango flavored Rum blended with natural fruit flavors.
Cruzan Raspberry
Raspberry flavored Rum blended with natural fruit flavors.
Cruzan Strawberry
Strawberry flavored Rum blended with natural fruit flavors.
Cruzan Vanilla
Vanilla flavored Rum blended with natural vanilla flavors.
Naked Turtle
Light, smooth, and very clean, this clear Rum is surprisingly smooth for a non-oak aged Rum.
Pusser’s British Navy Rum
Rich and full-bodied, dark navy Rum, distilled in wooden pot stills and possessing a higher alcohol content
than most Rums.
Sailor Jerry Spiced Navy Rum
Sailor Jerry’s original spiced Rum recipe blends vanilla and lime and is followed by a spicy fiery aftertaste.
Named after Sailor Jerry Collins who is known to be the most famous tattoo artist of his time.
Not sure where your favorite Rum is from? Find the
distillery in the list below:
1 B ARREL (B ELIZE ) ........................................................................................................................................... PAGE 16
10 C ANE (T RINIDAD & T OBAGO ) .................................................................................................................. PAGE 34
A BUELO (P ANAMA ) ............................................................................................................................................ PAGE 28
A NGOSTURA (T RINIDAD & T OBAGO ) ............................................................................................................ PAGE 33
A PPLETON E STATE (J AMAICA ) ....................................................................................................................... PAGE 24
A TLANTICO (D OMINICAN R EPUBLIC ) ............................................................................................................. PAGE 19
B ACARDI (P UERTO R ICO , M EXICO ) ..................................................................................................... PAGE 29-30, 26
B ALCONES (U NITED S TATES ) ......................................................................................................................... PAGE 35
B ANANA J ACK (U NITED S TATES ) .................................................................................................................. PAGE 35
B ANKS (N ETHERLANDS ) ................................................................................................................................... PAGE 27
B ARBANCOURT (H AITI ) ................................................................................................................................ PAGE 23-24
B ARCELO (D OMINICAN R EPUBLIC ) .................................................................................................................. PAGE 20
B LACK B EARD (P UERTO R ICO ) ......................................................................................................................... PAGE 31
B LACKHEART (U NITED S TATES ) ..................................................................................................................... PAGE 35
B LACKWELL (J AMAICA ) .................................................................................................................................... PAGE 25
B OTRAN (G UATEMALA ) .................................................................................................................................... PAGE 22
B RINLEY G OLD S HIPWRECK (S T . K ITTS ) ................................................................................................. PAGE 32-33
B RUGAL (D OMINICAN R EPUBLIC ) ............................................................................................................... PAGE 20-21
C ANE & A BE (U NITED S TATES ) ..................................................................................................................... PAGE 35
C APTAIN M ORGAN (P UERTO R ICO ) ........................................................................................................... PAGE 30-31
C ARTA V IEJA (P ANAMA ) ................................................................................................................................. PAGE 28
C ENTENARIO (C OSTA R ICA ) ............................................................................................................................ PAGE 18
C HAIRMAN ' S R ESERVE (S T . L UCIA ) .............................................................................................................. PAGE 33
C LÉMENT (M ARTINIQUE ) .............................................................................................................................. PAGE 25-26
C LUB C ARIBE (U NITED S TATES ) .................................................................................................................... PAGE 35
C OCKSPUR (B ARBADOS ) ................................................................................................................................... PAGE 14
C ONCH R EPUBLIC (V IRGIN I SLANDS ) ............................................................................................................. PAGE 40
C ORSAIR A RTISAN (U NITED S TATES ) ........................................................................................................... PAGE 35
C ORUBA (J AMAICA ) ........................................................................................................................................... PAGE 25
C RUZAN (V IRGIN I SLANDS ) ......................................................................................................................... PAGE 40-41
C UBANEY (D OMINICAN R EPUBLIC ) ................................................................................................................. PAGE 21
D'A RISTI (M EXICO ) ............................................................................................................................................ PAGE 27
D EPAZ (M ARTINIQUE ) ........................................................................................................................................ PAGE 26
D IPLOMATICO (V ENEZUELA ) ............................................................................................................................ PAGE 39
D OMINICAN C LUB (D OMINICAN R EPUBLIC ) .................................................................................................. PAGE 21
D ON Q (P UERTO R ICO ) ..................................................................................................................................... PAGE 31
D OS M ADERAS (S PAIN ) .................................................................................................................................... PAGE 32
E L D ORADO (G UYANA ) ..................................................................................................................................... PAGE 23
E NGLISH H ARBOUR (A NTIGUA ) ....................................................................................................................... PAGE 12
F ERNANDES (T RINIDAD & T OBAGO ) .............................................................................................................. PAGE 34
F LOR DE C ANA (N ICARAGUA ) .................................................................................................................... PAGE 27-28
F LORIDA O LD R ESERVE (U NITED S TATES ) .................................................................................................. PAGE 36
G OSLING ’ S (B ERMUDA ) ..................................................................................................................................... PAGE 16
H AVANA C LUB (P UERTO R ICO ) ...................................................................................................................... PAGE 32
K EY W EST F IRST L EGAL R UM D ISTILLERY (U NITED S TATES ) ................................................................ PAGE 34
K ILO K AI (N ETHERLANDS A NTILLES ) ............................................................................................................ PAGE 27
K IRK AND S WEENEY (D OMINICAN R EPUBLIC ) .............................................................................................. PAGE 20
K OLOA K AUAI (U NITED S TATES ) ................................................................................................................... PAGE 36
K RAKEN (T RINIDAD & T OBAGO ) .................................................................................................................... PAGE 34
L EBLON (B RAZIL ) .......................................................................................................................................... PAGE 16-17
M ALIBU (B ARBADOS ) ................................................................................................................................... PAGE 14-15
M ATUSALEM (D OMINICAN R EPUBLIC ) ............................................................................................................ PAGE 19
M EDELLIN (C OLOMBIA ) ................................................................................................................................ PAGE 17-18
M ILLONARIO (P ERU ) .......................................................................................................................................... PAGE 29
M ONTANYA (U NITED S TATES ) ........................................................................................................................ PAGE 36
M ONTE C RISTO (G UATEMALA ) ........................................................................................................................ PAGE 22
M OUNT G AY (B ARBADOS ) ........................................................................................................................... PAGE 13-14
M YERS ' S (J AMAICA ) .......................................................................................................................................... PAGE 25
N AKED T URTLE (V IRGIN I SLANDS ) ................................................................................................................ PAGE 42
O LD H AVANA (U NITED S TATES ) ................................................................................................................... PAGE 36
O LD N EW O RLEANS (U NITED S TATES ) ........................................................................................................ PAGE 37
O RONOCO (B RAZIL ) ........................................................................................................................................... PAGE 16
P AMPERO (V ENEZUELA ) .................................................................................................................................... PAGE 39
P APA ' S P ILAR (U NITED S TATES ) .............................................................................................................. PAGE 34-35
P ENNY B LUE (M AURITIUS ) ............................................................................................................................... PAGE 26
P LANTATION (B ARBADOS ) ............................................................................................................................... PAGE 14
P RICHARD ’ S (U NITED S TATES ) ....................................................................................................................... PAGE 37
P USSER ’ S (V IRGIN I SLANDS ) ........................................................................................................................... PAGE 42
P YRAT (A NGUILLA ) ............................................................................................................................................ PAGE 12
R AGGED M OUNTAIN (U NITED S TATES ) ......................................................................................................... PAGE 38
R UM C HATA (U NITED S TATES ) ........................................................................................................................ PAGE 38
R UM J UMBIE (N ETHERLANDS A NTILLES ) ...................................................................................................... PAGE 27
S AILOR J ERRY (V IRGIN I SLANDS ) ................................................................................................................... PAGE 42
S AINT J AMES (M ARTINIQUE ) ........................................................................................................................... PAGE 26
S ANTA T ERESA (V ENEZUELA ) ................................................................................................................... PAGE 39-40
S EA W YNDE (J AMAICA ) .................................................................................................................................... PAGE 25
S EVEN T IKI (F IJI ) ............................................................................................................................................... PAGE 21
S HELLBACK (B ARBADOS ) ................................................................................................................................. PAGE 15
S IESTA K EY (U NITED S TATES ) ....................................................................................................................... PAGE 38
T OMMY B AHAMA (B ARBADOS ) ....................................................................................................................... PAGE 15
V IZCAYA (D OMINICAN R EPUBLIC ) .................................................................................................................. PAGE 20
W ICKED D OLPHIN (U NITED S TATES ) ............................................................................................................. PAGE 38
W RAY & N EPHEW (J AMAICA ) ......................................................................................................................... PAGE 25
Y PIOCA (B RAZIL ) ................................................................................................................................................ PAGE 17
Z ACAPA (G UATEMALA ) ..................................................................................................................................... PAGE 22
Z AFRA (P ANAMA ) .............................................................................................................................................. PAGE 28
Z AYA (T RINIDAD & T OBAGO ) ......................................................................................................................... PAGE 34
“Where I go, I hope there’s Rum.”
--Jimmy Buffett
“The first time I played the Masters,
I was so nervous I drank a bottle of
Rum before I teed off. I shot the
happiest 83 of my life.”
--Chi Chi Rodriguez
“All roads lead to Rum.”
--W.C. Fields
“I feel bad for people who don’t
drink. When they wake up in the
morning, that’s as good as they’re
going to feel all day.”
--Frank Sinatra
“I drink to make other people
--George Jean Nathan
“Always do sober what you said
you’d do drunk. That will teach you
to keep your mouth shut.”
--Ernest Hemingway