2013 - Breakthrough San Francisco


2013 - Breakthrough San Francisco
Annual Report 2012-2013
SFDS Mission Statement:
San Francisco Day School educates, nurtures, and inspires
girls and boys of diverse backgrounds to achieve their highest
academic and creative potential, to embrace ethical values, and
to become active contributors to their communities.
Table of Contents
From the Head of School............................................................................2
From the Presidents of the Board of Trustees...........................................3
New Trustees, 2013–2014............................................................................4
From the Treasurer.......................................................................................6
Financial Overview 2012-2013.....................................................................7
Supporting San Francisco Day School.......................................................9
From the President of the Parents Association.........................................10
Parents Association......................................................................................11
Annual Fund.................................................................................................12
Endowment Gifts and Funds...................................................................... 22
CultureFest 2013: SFDSJazzFest.................................................................24
From the Executive Director of Breakthrough San Francisco..................28
Faculty Profiles..............................................................................................34
Alumni Profiles.............................................................................................36
Alumni Class Notes......................................................................................38
High School and College Matriculations...................................................42
Faculty and Staff...........................................................................................44
From the
Head of School
I believe it is the obligation of each generation to deepen the implementation of the School’s
mission and founding values. While the adoption of our strategic plan brought us another
step closer to achieving this goal, the countless actions and contributions by everyone in our
community enabled us to deepen the rigorous academic experience at SFDS.
In 2012-2013, we kicked off the school year with enhanced facilities and a reaffirmed commitment to develop students into
strong critical thinkers and creative problem solvers. Our entire community — teachers, parents, students, and staff — was
instrumental to the growth of our program. Some examples that come to mind:
• Teachers shadowed students to experience a day in the life of a busy upper schooler at SFDS.
• Parents shared their sincere passion for science in order to generate excitement and support for a much-needed science
lab renovation.
• Students led the first ever Peace Forum at our school, analyzing, discussing, and collaborating on potential solutions for
conflict-ridden regions around the world.
• Teachers, parents, and students alike embraced advancing technology, experimenting with iPads while learning from
mistakes and each other.
• Alumni returned to campus to host a panel for SFDS high school graduates preparing to enter their first year of college.
I feel fortunate and privileged to be working in a community that holds such deep respect for each other. We ended the year
on a high note, and with the engagement and participation of parents, were able to articulate our school’s purpose and vision
with clarity in a compelling video that resonated deeply with our community.
As we continue to look forward to a new year that is bound to hold more change —as we continue to grow as a school and
as a community—I am filled with excitement and anticipation. To faculty, parents, students, and friends of SFDS—your efforts
have not gone unnoticed, or unappreciated. Thank you for the support and commitment you bestow upon our school each
and every day.
David E. Jackson Ed.D
Head of School
From the
Board Presidents
As two parents with a combined seven children and over a
decade of SFDS experience between us, we could not be
happier to take on this new role at San Francisco Day School.
In addition to a secure financial portfolio and thriving academic program, former Board President Michael Halper left large
shoes to fill, and we are excited to have the opportunity to uphold his caliber of leadership for the School, our children, and
our community.
On many fronts, this was a successful year for San Francisco Day School. We continue to take purposeful and productive steps
forward in the implementation of our strategic plan. Our students and faculty have benefitted greatly from the completion of
our facilities projects and are enjoying our new cafeteria, lower school playground, and upper school roof. We strengthened
our school’s financial foundation, and are poised to conclude an ambitious endowment campaign in the year to come.
Each time we step onto campus we are filled with appreciation for the careful relationships and programs that have been
cultivated for our children. Our board and Parents Association played an integral role in this effort, due to their outstanding
guidance and commitment to shaping our community: from raising critical funds for our school’s discounted tuition program,
to facilitating an intelligent and thought-provoking community movie night and discussion, to supporting our faculty and staff
on a daily basis.
In terms of financial stewardship, the investment committee did an exceptional job of managing our portfolio, ending the year
with a total return on investment of 11.4%. Once again we were able to exceed our Annual Fund goal and raise $1.2 million,
thanks to the generosity of our community.
As we look forward to a new year, the board is pleased to welcome new trustees: Reed Colley, Dawn Hartman, and
Gabrey Means.
We have an ambitious year ahead of us, with important plans for continuing the growth of our school. Achieving these goals
would not be possible without the ongoing support of our faculty, staff, and administration, and the earnest contributions of
our parent community. Your sincere optimism and engaged presence make SFDS a school we are honored to serve, and we
thank you.
Carl Kawaja
Laura Spivy
Co-Presidents, 2012-2013
In Memoriam: Thomas Battat
We were immeasurably saddened by the passing of our
community. Tommy’s warmth and deep humanity enabled
fellow board member and dear friend, Thomas Battat. He
him to genuinely connect with people and build consensus.
was a trusted advisor known for his sound judgment and clear
He was deeply admired and respected as a husband, father,
vision. Tommy was instrumental in guiding Breakthrough in its
and community member. We miss him dearly.
recent expansion from a two-year program to a more in-depth
and rigorous four-year program. Although he was admired for
his financial acumen and insightful business analysis, it was
Tommy’s values and character that most benefitted the SFDS
Please note: we have received a huge outpouring of support
for the Breakthrough program in memory of Tommy Battat.
These gifts will appear in the 2013-2014 Annual Report.
New Trustees
Reed Colley
Reed Colley is a Senior Vice President of Advent Software in
San Francisco, where he focuses on corporate strategy and
acquisitions. Reed joined Advent in 2011 following the sale
of the company he founded, Black Diamond Performance
Reporting, to Advent. Reed founded Black Diamond Performance Reporting in 2003 and, under his leadership, it was
recognized as one of the top two fastest growing companies
in North Florida, as well as a “Best Place to Work.” Reed has
been in financial services software for over 14 years. Reed
and his wife, Katie Colley, are founders and trustees of Do
Something Great Today Foundation, which focuses on creating technology to enable donors to give of their time and
resources more effectively to the charities of their choice. Reed graduated from Vanderbilt University in 1998 with degrees in economics and engineering science. Reed was also
a starting pitcher on Vanderbilt’s baseball team. Reed and
Katie have four children – Jake (3rd grade), Olivia (1st grade),
Zoe and Noah (both 3 years old).
Dawn Hartman
Dawn Hartman is currently President of the San Francisco Day
School Parents Association. She has been an active member
of the community since her daughter started Kindergarten in
2010, co-chairing the Admission Committee from 2011-2012
and serving as Vice President in 2012. Dawn has participated
in several SFDS Parent Groups (Diversity and Education),
while also serving as a leader of the Adoptive Families Group.
Most important, however, she volunteers as often as possible
in her daughter’s classroom.
She holds a B.A. in history from UCLA (magna cum laude).
Dawn continued her studies in the Stanford University graduate program, focusing on United States history. Dawn and her
family love to travel, ski, swim, and ride bikes together.
Board of Trustees
Carl Kawaja, Co-President
Laura Spivy, Co-President
Alicia Nogales, Vice President
Tommy Battat, Treasurer
Sandy Dean, Secretary
Nicole Krassner, PA President
David E. Jackson, Head of School
Katie Albright
Gabrey Means
Gabrey Means is Co-Founder and Creative Director of Grow
Marketing, an engagement marketing, social media and public relations shop founded in San Francisco in 2001. Gabrey
has built Grow from a two-person direct-to-brand consultancy into a thriving shop with multiple offices and the most
prestigious brand clients in the world. Grow crafts brand
strategies and compelling experiences that engage targetright consumers and create communities of brand advocates.
Grow has crafted award-winning campaigns for a range of
clients from Google and Intuit to Gap and LVMH, Pepsi and
University of California to GE and Lincoln.
Gabrey is married to fellow entrepreneur and Creative Director, Tommy Means. Their children, Teddy (4th grade) and Lilli
(2nd grade), are currently thriving at SFDS. The Means lend
their creative talents and time to support their passions from
producing fundraising films, opening their home and offices
for community-building fundraising events, and lending their
brand expertise to support a range of beloved organizations.
Orlando Bravo
Lesley Bunim ‘91
Tommy Davis ‘96
Peter Dickstein
Humberto A. Galleno
Fif Ghobadian
John Hayashi
Malcolm John
Janet McKinley
Ken McNeely
Jenny Pearlman
Ann Roberts
Topher Solmssen
Leslee Subak
Christy Tripp
Grace Won
Molly Wood
From the Treasurer
Tommy Battat served as the Treasurer for the
2012-13 fiscal year and was a tremendous steward
of the School’s finances.
I am honored to take over this important role in
overseeing SFDS’s financial health during my
seventh and final year on the board of trustees.
San Francisco Day School once again ended the fiscal year in a strong financial position. We
continue to be debt-free, have healthy reserves, and maintain a solid balance sheet. This was
possible through the diligent management of expenses by the administration, sound guidance by the board of trustees, and the ongoing generosity of the community in supporting the
School’s fundraising efforts.
In 2012-2013, the School raised $1,217,000 for the Annual Fund, a new record. 90% of our current families participated in
this effort and we received substantial support from alumni parents, grandparents, and alumni. We also received $291,100 in
directed gifts. Current-use funds are especially vital as we seek to balance the budget every year with maintaining and enhancing the program offered to all our students.
Events continue to be an important contributor to the financial health of the School. CultureFest 2013: JazzFest raised
$308,404 for our discounted tuition program and an additional $101,600 in the Raise Your Paddle to renovate a science classroom (work that was completed over the summer). The Library Party once again provided the Library Media Center with its full
budget for the year.
A strong emphasis on long-term financial planning is one of the ongoing focuses of the strategic plan. In 2011, the school
launched an endowment campaign in order to enhance long-term financial sustainability. Through the silent phase of the campaign the community has contributed $13,100,000 in new funds to support this effort. In 2012–2013, our community gave and
pledged $1,992,000 to Endowing Excellence.
We ended last year with over $20 million in the endowment, excluding pledges to the campaign. This is the fourth consecutive
year that our endowment has grown substantially, thanks to generous gifts from our community and trusted guidance from our
investment committee. As we enter the public phase of our campaign we are committed to meeting our goal of $15 million in
new funds for the endowment by 2015.
As we move forward, the finance committee will continue to support the administration’s goal to maintain the breadth and
depth of the educational program while meeting strict cost controls. Fundraising will continue to be a major focus as we seek
to complete our endowment campaign, raise sufficient current use funds, and begin to contemplate future facilities projects.
Thank you to the entire SFDS community for your support of our efforts.
Lesley Bunim ’91
Treasurer, 2013-2014
Revenues and Expenses 2012-2013
Tuition and Fees · 81%
Salaries and Benefits · 65%
Fundraising · 13%
Discounted Tuition · 13%
Endowment and Interest · 6%
Instructional · 7%
Provision for Plant/
Depreciation · 6%
Administration · 4%
Facilities · 5%
2012-2013 Gifts Received for Annual Support
Annual Fund $1,217,000
Directed Gifts (Current Use) $291,100
Directed Gifts (Facilities) $101,600
Event Fundraising & Parents Association $322,100
Total Voluntary Support $1,931,800
Supporting San Francisco Day School
San Francisco Day School has enjoyed remarkable success in raising funds to support
the growth of its programs and facilities. The School encourages every member of the
community to continue this tradition of philanthropy and be a partner in helping to
preserve the financial health of the School.
Operational Support
Annual Fund
Special Events
and Gifts
Planned Giving
These gifts help bridge the gap between tuition and
the actual cost of an SFDS education. The Annual
Fund includes parent, alumni, parent of alumni, grandparent, trustee, and faculty donations.
Discounted Tuition and
Special Programs
This includes events and programs such as eScrip,
Library Party, and CultureFest, our major annual fundraiser to support the Discounted Tuition program.
Concentrated Effort for a
Specified Goal
Potential: Endowing Excellence for SFDS launched in
2011 and is specifically focused on endowment growth
and long-term financial sustainability.
Endowment and Special Funds
Planned gifts may include bequests, trusts, and property
transfers. Planned giving donors are also valued members of the SFDS Dolphin Society.
San Francisco
As part of its sponsorship of the Breakthrough program,
SFDS contributes 10% of the organization’s annual operating expenses. For the remainder, Breakthrough relies
on gifts from foundations, corporations, and individuals.
Day School parents comprise a significant portion of
Breakthrough’s donor base and are urged to support the
organization’s work toward educational equity.
From the President
of the Parents
Nicole Krassner
Dear SFDS Community,
As always, last year was incredibly busy for the Parents Association – the year began with a palpable energy; a feeling of forward momentum that we sustained throughout the school year.
Our mission is to create an inclusive community at San Francisco Day School, and parents stepped up in a million ways to
bring this spirit to life. Together, we carpooled children to and from outdoor ed trips, we brought food and played games
at the Fall Picnic, we put smiles on the faces of faculty and staff with delicious monthly treats, and we took time to sincerely
and enthusiastically welcome new families and students to our community. It has been so gratifying to work alongside such a
warm, intelligent, and generous parent body.
When offered an opportunity to support the science program, our parents spread their love for science by sharing personal
stories. Their passion for science drove the Raise Your Paddle effort, ultimately raising $101,600 for the science classroom
renovation. We also increased PA fundraising efforts by encouraging our community to use eScrip and Sports Basement. I
am especially grateful to our Parent Group on Diversity, Parent Education Group, and Parent Group on Learning Differences.
They partnered with Breakthrough SF and hosted a thoughtful screening and honest discussion of a documentary analyzing
the independent school experience of two African-American families and their sons, “American Promise.” All of these efforts
have contributed to a stronger home-school partnership, a cornerstone of the Day School mission.
Above all, our PA seeks opportunities to give parents a voice within our community. As we deepen implementation of the strategic plan, the PA’s role will become even more integral to ensuring we are communicating with trust and transparency. Thank
you to the Executive Committee for your important work in facilitating an ongoing dialogue:
President: Nicole Krassner
Vice-President: Dawn Hartman
Treasurer: Bridget O’Rourke
Secretary: Regan Pritzker
Diversity Chair: Susan Wilkens
Volunteer Chair: Lael Sturm
This was my second year as PA President, and my eighth year at SFDS. I am immensely grateful for the energy and support
I have received in my time here, and I look forward to many good things to come under the capable leadership of
Dawn Hartman.
Nicole Krassner
PA President, 2011-2013
SFDS Parents Association
San Francisco Day School extends heartfelt appreciation to everyone who so generously
donated time and talent to our Parents Association. Your leadership and commitment
has made an enormous impact on our school. Without your gift of volunteerism, we would
not have so many wonderful community events, successful fundraisers, or educational
achievements for our students. Thank you for your support.
Executive Committee
Grandparents & Special Friends Day
President: Ladan Chamine, Inder Dhillon, Mary Haber
Nicole Krassner
Vice-President: Dawn Hartman
Treasurer: Bridget O’Rourke
Secretary: Regan Pritzker
Diversity Chair: Susan Wilkens
Volunteer Chair: Lael Sturm
Samantha Cho, Dawn Hartman, Rick Kuno,
Ken McNeely, Chris Wilkens
Art Library Media Center Party Shannon Bennett, Kian Beyzavi, Jennifer Holderness,
Courtney Norris
Library Volunteer Program Corinne Corrigan LINC
Jennifer Soenens, Nicola Miner
Parent Education Sanders Pitman, Elizabeth Traub
Cathy Dean, Chris Irsfeld
Cafeteria Parent Group on Diversity
Claire Alt
Katrina Madsen, Susan Wilkens
Parent Group on Learning Differences Kristin Glickman, Sue Rochman
Deborah Davis Han, Frank Han, Alexis Woods
Community Service
eScrip & School Store: Sandra Kim, Minnie Reichek, Hassan Zaidi
CultureFest David Glickman (eScrip), Teresa Goodwin (School Store)
Staff Appreciation Holiday Party Scott Elaine Case, Regan Pritzker
Regan Pritzker
Family Photo Night Staff Appreciation Monthly Treats Monica Khushf, Blythe Lang
Anny Martinez Welcome Back Picnic Kurt Gantert, Howard Sackson, Joe Sweeney
Annual Fund 2012-2013
San Francisco Day School is deeply grateful to the Annual Fund donors for their wonderful generosity to the school.
Presidio Spires
Gabriella Sarlo
Jill and Thatcher Thompson
Wendy Holcombe
and Carl Kawaja
Barbary Coasters
Silver Dolphins
Jennifer and Thomas Battat
Orlando Bravo
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Kawaja
Jane and Roger Mortimer
Laura and Greg Spivy
Jenni and Hassan Zaidi
Treasure Islanders
Scott E. and J. Scott Case
Cathy and Sandy Dean
Laura and John Fisher
Lareina Yee
and Humberto Galleno
Grace Won
and Richard Holden
Jennifer and Stephen Kawaja
Anette Marweld
Inder Dhillon
and Ken McNeely
Ann and Brian Roberts
Ms. Madeleine Albright
Claire and Eric Alt
Su-Moon Paik
and Robert Brown
Sara and Tom Byrne
Erica and Francis Desouza
Lisa Giannone
and Michael Dillingham
Carrie and Stouffer Egan
Mrs. Doris Fisher
Andrea Evans
and Christopher Lehane
Mrs. Judith Little
Wendy and James Miller
Sasha Novakovich
and Raj Moorthy
Ron Zeff
Yerba Buenas
Anonymous (2)
Caitlin and Tom Brown
Patricia Tierney
and Chris Flanagan
Kelly and Michael Halper
Tracy and Patrick Jennings
Jenny Pearlman
and Jack McDonald
Gabrey and Tommy Means
Skye and Don Pillsbury
Lisa Bransten
and John Rumsey
Claudia Lewis
and Woody Scal
Bettina Steffen
and Scott Setrakian
Melissa Buckley
and Rajesh Atluru
Cheryl and Greg Blaine
Courtney Norris
and Alex Burnett
Jiyeon and Steven Choi
Yvonne Wu
and Howard Chung
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Conner
Jennifer Lively
and Eric Edmondson
Melinda Ellis Evers
and William Evers
Randi and Bob Fisher
Sakurako and William Fisher
91% 93% 93%
Buena Vistas
Katrina Madsen
and Elizabeth Andrews
Pam and Larry Baer
Annual Fund
Annual Fund Class Participation
Fif Ghobadian
Laura and Charles Hespe
Amelia and Steve Hirsch
Jennifer and
Howard Holderness
Gabrielle Hull
Leslie and George Hume
Janet and Tom McKinley
Sheryl and James Reuben
Natalie Rome
and John Pendleton
Sally and Toby Rosenblatt
Maria and Claude Ruibal
Noelle and Mika Salmi
Laura Sanchez
Katie Albright
and Jake Schatz
Deborah Kamali
and Kevan Shokat
Courtney Cooney
and Topher Solmssen
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Tierney
Andrea Topper
Ethan Topper
93% 93% 93%
Mardi Dier
Scott Hartman
Wendy Miller
Ed Connor
Stouffer Egan
Josh Frieman
Laura Hespe
Patrick Jennings
Don Pillsbury
Maria Ruibal
Hassan Zaidi
Second Third
Seventh Eighth Parents
Ann and Chris Barber
Yuhong Du and Hai Chen
Wendy Xa and Stefan Chin
Ginny and Ed Conner
Aiko and John de Souza
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph
Jennifer and Scott Derringer
Alexis Woods
and Daniel Donahoe
Diane Harwood
and Andy Dreyfus
Risa Stack and Paul Joyce
Allison and Vince Kim
Christine Wong
and Denny Kwon
Beth Mulcahy
and Thomas Martin
Laura Catena
and Daniel McDermott
Kimberley Tompkins Pettigrew
and Stephen Pettigrew
Michelle and Andrew Potts
Toma Ramirez
Blair and Rick Shane
Danielle and BJ Siegel
Sona Sippy-Sondhi
and Vijay Sondhi
Shirley and Buzz Thompson
Gina and Michael Warren
Susan and
Christopher Wilkens
Frances Ho and George Yu
Twin Peaks
Anonymous (2)
Valina and Bryan Agbabian
Kian Beyzavi
and Hamid Amiri
Sally and Gordon Atkinson
Ann and Jim Avery
Carol Cunningham-Barron
and Hal Barron
Mr. and Mrs. James Berliner
Diana Wolf
and Darren Bianchi
Alisa Won
and David Biesemeyer
Sherri and Edward Bullard
Mikki Bourne
and David Bunim
Lesley Bunim ‘91
Ladan and Shirzad Chamine
Gail Chang
Carla Baird Crane
and David Crane
John Crew
Beth and Andy Daecher
Tommy Davis ‘96
Rebecca and
Andy Diamondstein
Christina Huizar
and Paolo Diaz
Lisa Neimeth
and Peter Dickstein
Mardi Dier
Vanessa Maren
and Dean Donovan
Carmel Conway
and Stephen Duffin
Teresa Goodwin
and Michael Dulworth
Lisa Kessler and Glenn Egrie
Betsy and Roy Eisenhardt
Martha Siegel
and Adam Elsesser
Clare Albanese
and Amy Errett
Maria and
Joseph Feigenbaum
Jenna and Steven Feinberg
Nonna Volfson
and Lev Finkelstein
Nicole Rimpel
and Lane Foard
Dana and Josh Frieman
Martha French
and Anthony Fusco
Claudia Futter-Denton
Dr. and Mrs. Humberto
Gabrielle Toledano
and Kurt Gantert
Alisa Gilden and Lisa Inman
Alexandra and
Steven Gordon
Jim Fisher and Eric Guerin
Mary Haber
Susan Bailey-Harnden
and David Harnden
Elisa and John Hayashi
Beth Berliner
and Larry Hirschhorn
Megan and Matt Howard
Lilah Hume ‘00
Amy and Rob Hurlbut
Phyllis and David E. Jackson
Carol Edgarian
and Tom Jenks
Gina Moreno-John
and Malcolm John
Frances and Gerry Jue
Roja and Masoud Kamali
Kamini Ramani
and Omar Khan
Annie and Perry Klebahn
Monique and
Martin Kobinger
Nicole and Michael Krassner
Caroline and Eric Kress
Katherine and
Alexander Ladd
Andrea Sello
and Clay Leighton
Sandra Kim and Vitus Leung
Shanon Loftus
and Sean Martin
Donna and Rick Matcovich
Wendy Berry
and Michael Mendes
Nancy Dudum
and Mark Messer
Noe and Mel Murphy
Nicole and Matthew Murray
Jean and Ken Nakamura
Jennifer Ozanne
Sally Palmer
Blythe Lang and Matt Rivitz
Johanna and Brian Roberts
Christine Winoto
and Daniel Rosenman
Rohini and Ravi Sadarangani
Gay Outlaw
and Robert Schmitz
K. Samantha Cho
and Joseph Song
Anne and Craig Stoll
Bridget O’Rourke
and Jeffrey Tucker
Lynda Twomey
Suzzanne Uhland
Emily and Michael Wilkins
Richard Kuno
and Robert Williams
Marcia and Danny Wong
Carol and Henry Wu
Kristen Growney
and Ronald Yamamoto
Mrs. Joyce Zeff
Masonic Partners
Anonymous (2)
Barbara and Fred Abbott
Rita Abraldes
and Brie Williams
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Adeeb
Meghan Adler
Vanessa and
Matthew Alexander
David Anderson
Nicholas Anton
Marcella Anwandter
Catherine Aragon
Aimee Arost
Sara Dunn and
Michael Baldonado
Bernadette and
David Barker-Plummer
Tauseef Bashir
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Beck
Sarah Hale and Evan Becker
Laurie Wayburn
and Connie Best
Mr. and Mrs. Terrence Blaine
Ben Blatteis ‘00
Leah Rosenkrantz
and Jeffrey Bluestone
Kelly Stiles
and Laura Bongiorno
Jill and Philip Bouchard
Randall Bowman
Jessica Lee Boyles
Deborah Brenner-Liss
Aaron Brill
Melissa Brown
Dr. and Mrs. Martel Bryant
Candy Shue and
Peter Buckner
Daniel Bunker ‘96
Megan Buttery
Wendy Yamamura
and Michael Cavanaugh
Adam Chaitin-Lefcourt ‘99
Juliet Chaitin-Lefcourt ‘04
Lisa Bradbury Chao
and George Chao
Sam Chao ‘10
Michelle Chen
and Seak Chao
Stacie and David Cherner
Mr. Henry Chung
Lisa Busby and Hovey Clark
Mr. William M. Cockrum III
Eleanor Coffelt
Sue and Brian Collentine
Ms. Marlene Cooney
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Cooney
Kerry and Ed Cooper
Elizabeth and Clay Corbus
Corinne and
Christopher Corrigan
Karen Covington
Mary and Harold Cranston
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Croft III
Damian Crosby
Mr. and Mrs. John Cryan
Phuong Le
and Nicholas Da Silva
Jan D’Alessandro
and Mark Haffenreffer
Katharine Daugherty
Christine Irsfeld Dawkins
and Douglas Dawkins
Nichole and Danny De Leon
Daniel DeLuca
Richard Denton
Joelle Chartier
and Ellen DiGiacomo
Mrs. Joan Donovan
Jody and Michael Driscoll
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Egrie
Jesse Eisenhardt ‘93
Charles W. Elliott
Sylvie Elliott
Ellen Burgin and Peter Fair
Dr. and Mrs. Richard B. Fair
Dr. and Mrs. Gerald Fein
Nicole and Mark Fein
Marsha Cohen
and Robert Feyer
Cynthia Traina
and Steven Fillipow
Alexandra Fisher ‘00
John Fisher ‘03
Samuel G.T. Fisher ‘03
Gabriella Fracchia Archini ‘91
Sae’da and Kip Fuller
Mr. and Mrs. Don Gaines
Elizabeth Gedney
and Daniel Polk
Mr. and Mrs. Ellis Gedney
Jolinda and
Kenneth Gladstein
Mr. and Mrs. David Glickman
Kristin and David Glickman
Sandee Blechman
and Steven Goldberg
Grady Gordon
Jennifer Guittard
and Tim Grace
Carter Graham
Belinda Gray
Andrea Green
Svetlana and
James Greenberg
Laura Gustafson
Minette and Isac Gutfreund
Margarita Gutierrez
and Tam Blood
Ms. Tanako Hagiwara
Janet and Mark Hall
Cissy Harris
Mr. and Mrs. William Hartman
Karen and Mark Hensley
Mark Hertsgaard
Susan Leal and Susan Hirsch
Brent Hoff
Mr. and Mrs. James Holden
Kim Holland
J. Mira Kopell
and Paul Holzman
Alison Pachynski
and Nancy Hoopes
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Howard
Parker Hume ‘92
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hurlbut
Amie Nenninger
and Bill Hynes
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Hynes
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Inman
Laura Jones ‘96
Matthew Kahn ‘91
Rebecca Lewis
and Chris Kanelopoulos
Shannon Bennett
and Durrell Kapan
Ellen Towell
and Howard Karel
Mr. and Mrs. Van Kasper
Kate Philpott and Rich Kenny
Mr. and Mrs. Morris Kessler
Monika Khushf
Fukuko and Patrick Kitano
Mary Ann Cryan
and John Kollins
Dede and Daniel Kramer
Leena and Jim Krasno
William Kushner
Louise Davis Langheier ‘95
Sheri Leavitt
Marsha Maytum
and William Leddy
Michelle Kuroda
and Louis Lee
Ellen Chaitin
and V. Roy Lefcourt
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Lewis
Elinor and Martin Liberman
Mary and Robert Lin
Patti Low
Michelle and
Angus MacDonald
Marta Madrigal
Julia Malkin ‘98
Heather and Michael Mancini
Evelyn C. Manies
Karla Martin
Ann and Robert Martinez
Mr. R.J. Matcovich
Courtney Mattison ‘00
Leslee Subak
and Linda McAllister
Karen A. Dauer McCabe
Marisa McCarthy ‘95
Kathryn McKinley ‘01
Sara McKinley ‘95
Thomas McKinley ‘98
Dagny Mendelsohn ‘93
Barbara and
Richard Mendelsohn
Whitney Mendelsohn ‘97
Kevin Mendoza
Jane Echlin and James Miller
Mr. and Mrs. Dick Mitchell
Joyce Tom
and Leonard Moon
Caroline Tsen
and James Morris
Laura and Loren Moyé
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Murray
Elizabeth Finlayson
and Jim Nadel
Ellen and David Newman
Mr. and Mrs. Vaso
Christine Kim
and William O’Connor
Dasha Ostrova
M. Renée Otero
Lucinda Otto
Maria Padilla
Anne Paine
Debra Nuñez
and Karl Pastella
Ms. Ann Pastreich
Michelle Patterson
Laurie and Stephen Pearce
Michelle Phillips
Sanders Pitman
and Lance Fulford
Sheila Post ‘98
Anthony Powell
Radhika Ramanan
Shahab Rejali
Alice and Dan Reynolds
Mr. and Mrs. David Roberts
Susan Rochman
and Robin Romdalvik
Dillon Rogers ‘92
Carol Ann
and Nielsen Rogers
Alison and Jonathan Ruff
Ms. Julianne Rumsey
Lynda Sanjurjo-Rutter
and Daniel Rutter
Nancy and Howard Sackson
Carolyn Sasser
Margarita Cabrera-Scarlata
and Karim Scarlata
Mr. and Mrs. Jay Seeman
Rebecca Sheehan
Mr. and Mrs. Michael
Leah Shoaff
Danielle Short
Andrea Shuel
Vanessa Cho
and Matt Simmons
Wendy and Bob Singley
Susanna Bonetti
and Rico Solinas
Mr. and Mrs. Hans Solmssen
Helen Manber
and Bradley Solomon
Paula Birnbaum
and Neil Solomon
Mr. and Mrs. Robert
Margaret Song
Susan Sonnemaker
Vishal Sood
Audrey Soriano
Maria Cristini
and Abrasha Staszewski
Tristen and Lael Sturm
Leslee Subak
and Linda McAllister
Homa Hanjani
and Hadi Tabatabai
Elinor Tappé
Sheila Marie Taylor
Chery Thomas
Margie Conard
and Dana Tommasino
Elizabeth and Daniel Traub
Christy and Alan Tripp
Alice Tripp ‘05
Maryanne Downes
and Granger Tripp
Francesca Vietor
Mary and Terry Vogt
Mr. and Mrs. James
Mia Walker
Mr. and Mrs. Roger Walther
Chloe and Stephen Wei
Mary Kay Melvin
and Christopher Weltzien
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Werner
Beverley and
Robert Wesman
Judie and Howard Wexler
Mr. and Mrs. Ben Williams
Holly Holter and Jay Williams
Sally and Steven Winn
Janet and Art Wong
Dagny Maidman
and Molly Wood
Alice Woodman-Russell
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Woods
Winnie and West Woon
Erin and Craig Yamamura
Abby Snay and Edward Yelin
Sara Myers Yoo ‘91
Deborah Bain
and Joel Young
Kathy Louie
and Kelwin Young
Christina and
Philip Zimbardo
Google, Inc.
Kaiser Permanente
Community Giving
Kohlberg Kravis Roberts
& Co.
The Levi Strauss Foundation
The Moody’s Foundation
NYSE Euronext Foundation
Susquehanna International
Group, LLP
Visa GivingStation
The Walmart Foundation
Wells Fargo Educational
Matching Gift Program
Matching Gifts
Bank of America Matching
Gifts Program
The Buckingham
Research Group
Capital Group Companies
Charitable Foundation
Deutsche Bank of Americas
Disney Employee Matching
Gifts Program
Electronic Arts
Freecause, Inc.
The Gap Foundation
General Atlantic
Service Company
Goldman Sachs Matching
Gift Program
Please note that matching gifts are gifts generously donated by corporations on behalf of their employees and do not
necessarily represent an endorsement of SFDS and its mission.
At the close of the 2012-2013 academic year, 90% of current parents contributed gifts to the SFDS Annual Fund. We extend our
sincere appreciation to those parents who generously support our Annual Fund, year after year.
Barbara and Fred Abbott
Rita Abraldes
and Brie Williams
Valina and Bryan Agbabian
Claire and Eric Alt
Kian Beyzavi
and Hamid Amiri
Nicola Miner
and Robert Anderson
Katrina Madsen
and Elizabeth Andrews
Aimee Arost
Melissa Buckley
and Rajesh Atluru
Ann and Jim Avery
Pam and Larry Baer
Sara Dunn
and Michael Baldonado
Ann and Chris Barber
Bernadette and
David Barker-Plummer
Carol Cunningham-Barron
and Hal Barron
Tauseef Bashir
Jennifer and Thomas Battat
Sarah Hale and Evan Becker
Laurie Wayburn
and Connie Best
Diana Wolf
and Darren Bianchi
Alisa Won
and David Biesemeyer
Cheryl and Gregory Blaine
Laura Bongiorno
and Kelly Stiles
Jill and Philip Bouchard
Orlando Bravo
Susan and Samuel Britton
Su-Moon Paik
and Robert Brown
Caitlin and Tom Brown
Candy Shue
and Peter Buckner
Courtney Norris
and Alex Burnett
Sara and Tom Byrne
Alice and Adam Cahan
Scott E. and J. Scott Case
Ladan and Shirzad Chamine
Gail Chang
Michelle Chen
and Seak Chao
Yuhong Du and Hai Chen
Stacie and David Cherner
Wendy Xa and Stefan Chin
Jiyeon and Steven Choi
Yvonne Wu
and Howard Chung
Lisa Busby and Hovey Clark
Eleanor Coffelt
Katie and Reed Colley
Ginny and Ed Conner
Kerry and Ed Cooper
Elizabeth and Clay Corbus
Corinne and
Christopher Corrigan
Karen Covington
Phuong Le
and Nicholas Da Silva
Beth and Andy Daecher
Theresa and Philip Dah
Jan D’Alessandro
and Mark Haffenreffer
Christine Irsfeld Dawkins
and Douglas Dawkins
Cathy and Sandy Dean
Nichole and Danny De Leon
Aiko and John de Souza
Richard Denton
Jennifer and Scott Derringer
Erica and Francis Desouza
Aiko and John de Souza
Rebecca and
Andy Diamondstein
Christina Huizar
and Paolo Diaz
Lisa Neimeth
and Peter Dickstein
Mardi Dier
Joelle Chartier
and Ellen DiGiacomo
Lisa Giannone
and Mike Dillingham
Alexis Woods
and Daniel Donahoe
Vanessa Maren
and Dean Donovan
Diane Harwood
and Andy Dreyfus
Jody and Michael Driscoll
Carmel Conway
and Stephen Duffin
Teresa Goodwin
and Michael Dulworth
Jennifer Lively
and Eric Edmondson
Carrie and Stouffer Egan
Lisa Kessler and Glenn Egrie
Charles W. Elliott
Sylvie Elliott
Martha Siegel
and Adam Elsesser
Gillian and Peter Emblad
Clare Albanese
and Amy Errett
Melinda Ellis Evers
and Will Evers
Ellen Burgin and Peter Fair
Maria and
Joseph Feigenbaum
Nicole and Mark Fein
Jenna and Steven Feinberg
Cynthia Traina
and Steven Fillipow
Nonna Volfson
and Lev Finkelstein
Trish Tierney
and Chris Flanagan
Nicole Rimpel
and Lane Foard
Dana and Josh Frieman
Sae’da and Kip Fuller
Shannon Tobin
and Steven Funk
Martha French
and Anthony Fusco
Claudia Futter-Denton
Lareina Yee
and Humberto Galleno
Gabrielle Toledano
and Kurt Gantert
Elizabeth Gedney
and Daniel Polk
Fif Ghobadian
Lisa Inman and Alisa Gilden
Jolinda and
Kenneth Gladstein
Kristin and David Glickman
Alexandra and
Steven Gordon
Jennifer Guittard
and Tim Grace
Svetlana and
James Greenberg
Jim Fisher and Eric Guerin
Laura Gustafson
Margarita Gutierrez
and Tam Blood
Mary Haber
Janet and Mark Hall
Kelly and Michael Halper
Dawn and Scott Hartman
Elisa and John Hayashi
Mark Hertsgaard
Laura and Charles Hespe
Amelia and Steve Hirsch
Beth Berliner
and Larry Hirschhorn
Brent Hoff
Grace Won
and Richard Holden
Jennifer and
Howard Holderness
J. Mira Kopell
and Paul Holzman
Alison Pachynski
and Nancy Hoopes
Megan and Matt Howard
Gabrielle Hull
Amy and Rob Hurlbut
Amie Nenninger and
Bill Hynes
Carol Edgarian
and Tom Jenks
Tracy and Patrick Jennings
Gina Moreno-John
and Malcolm John
Risa Stack and Paul Joyce
Frances and Gerry Jue
Roja and Masoud Kamali
Rebecca Lewis
and Chris Kanelopoulos
Shannon Bennett
and Durrell Kapan
Ellen Towell
and Howard Karel
Wendy Holcombe
and Carl Kawaja
Jennifer and Stephen Kawaja
Kamini Ramani
and Omar Khan
Monika Khushf
Allison and Vince Kim
Fukuko and Patrick Kitano
Annie and Perry Klebahn
Monique and
Martin Kobinger
Mary Ann Cryan
and John Kollins
Dede and Daniel Kramer
Nicole and Michael Krassner
Caroline and Eric Kress
Richard Kuno
and Robert Williams
Will Kushner
Christine Wong
and Denny Kwon
Katherine and
Alexander Ladd
Sheri Leavitt
Michelle Kuroda
and Louis Lee
Andrea Evans
and Christopher Lehane
Sandra Kim and Vitus Leung
Alicia Nogales
and Greg Little
Patti Low
Michelle and
Angus MacDonald
Marta Madrigal
Heather and Michael Mancini
Karla Martin
Shanon Loftus
and Sean Martin
Beth Mulcahy
and Thomas Martin
Ann and Robert Martinez
Anette Marweld
Donna and Rick Matcovich
Leslee Subak
and Linda McAllister
Laura Catena
and Daniel McDermott
Jenny Pearlman
and Jack McDonald
Inder Dhillon
and Ken McNeely
Gabrey and Tommy Means
Wendy Berry
and Michael Mendes
Kevin Mendoza
Nancy Dudum
and Mark Messer
Jane Echlin and James Miller
Wendy and James Miller
Joyce Tom
and Leonard Moon
Sasha Novakovich
and Raj Moorthy
Caroline Tsen
and James Morris
Jane and Roger Mortimer
Laura and Loren Moyé
Noe and Mel Murphy
Nicole and Matthew Murray
Elizabeth Finlayson
and Jim Nadel
Jean and Ken Nakamura
Meagan and Daniel Nye
Christine Kim
and William O’Connor
Regan Pritzker
and Christopher Olin
Lucinda Otto
Jennifer Ozanne
Maria Padilla
Sally Palmer
Kimberley Tompkins Pettigrew
and Stephen Pettigrew
Skye and Don Pillsbury
Lance Fulford
and Sanders Pitman
Michelle and Andrew Potts
Anthony Powell
Radhika Ramanan
Toma Ramirez
Sheryl and James Reuben
Alice and Dan Reynolds
Blythe Lang and Matt Rivitz
Ann and Brian Roberts
Johanna and Brian Roberts
Susan Rochman
and Robin Romdalvik
Natalie Rome
and John Pendleton
Christine Winoto
and Daniel Rosenman
Alison and Jonathan Ruff
Maria and Claude Ruibal
Lisa Bransten
and John Rumsey
Lynda Sanjurjo-Rutter
and Daniel Rutter
Nancy and Howard Sackson
Rohini and Ravi Sadarangani
Noelle and Mika Salmi
Laura Sanchez
Gabriella Sarlo
Claudia Lewis
and Woody Scal
Margarita Cabrera-Scarlata
and Karim Scarlata
Katie Albright
and Jake Schatz
Gay Outlaw
and Robert Schmitz
Bettina Steffen
and Scott Setrakian
Blair and Rick Shane
Rebecca Sheehan
Deborah Kamali
and Kevan Shokat
Danielle and BJ Siegel
Vanessa Cho
and Matt Simmons
Diana Kapp
and David Singer
Susanna Bonetti
and Rico Solinas
Courtney Cooney
and Topher Solmssen
Helen Manber
and Bradley Solomon
Paula Birnbaum
and Neil Solomon
Sona Sippy-Sondhi
and Vijay Sondhi
K. Samantha Cho
and Joseph Song
Margaret Song
Laura and Greg Spivy
Anne and Craig Stoll
Tristen and Lael Sturm
Laura and Joseph Sweeney
Homa Hanjani
and Hadi Tabatabai
Sheila Marie Taylor
Shirley and Buzz Thompson
Jill and Thatcher Thompson
Margie Conard
and Dana Tommasino
Andrea Topper
Ethan Topper
Elizabeth and Daniel Traub
Christy and Alan Tripp
Bridget O’Rourke
and Jeffrey Tucker
Lynda Twomey
Suzzanne Uhland
Francesca Vietor
Mia Walker
Gina and Michael Warren
Chloe and Stephen Wei
Mary Kay Melvin
and Christopher Weltzien
Susan and
Christopher Wilkens
Emily and Michael Wilkins
Marcia and Danny Wong
Carol and Henry Wu
Kristen Growney
and Ronald Yamamoto
Erin and Craig Yamamura
Kathy Louie
and Kelwin Young
Frances Ho and George Yu
Jenni and Hassan Zaidi
Ron Zeff
Parents Of Alumni, Grandparents, and Friends
We thank those parents of alumni, grandparents, and friends of San Francisco Day School who continuously support the
Annual Fund. Our students and faculty are beneficiaries of this loyal extended support that upholds the outstanding academic
program at SFDS.
Alumni Parents
Sally and Gordon Atkinson
Leah Rosenkrantz
and Jeffrey Bluestone
Deborah Brenner-Liss
Sherri and Edward Bullard
Mikki Bourne
and David Bunim
Wendy Yamamura and
Michael Cavanaugh
Lisa Bradbury Chao
and George Chao
Sue and Brian Collentine
Carla Baird Crane
and David Crane
Mary and Harold Cranston
John Crew
Betsy and
Roy Eisenhardt
Marsha Cohen
and Bob Feyer
Randi and Bob Fisher
Laura and John Fisher
Sakurako and William Fisher
Sandee Blechman and
Steven Goldberg
Minette and Isac Gutfreund
Susan Bailey-Harnden
and David Harnden
Cissy Harris
Karen and Mark Hensley
Susan Leal and Susan Hirsch
Leslie and George Hume
Leena and James Krasno
Marsha Maytum
and William Leddy
Ellen Chaitin
and Roy Lefcourt
Andrea Sello
and Clay Leighton
Elinor and Martin Liberman
Mary and Bob Lin
Janet and Tom McKinley
Barbara and
Richard Mendelsohn
Ellen and David Newman
Deborah Nuñez
and Karl Pastella
Michelle Patterson
Laurie and Stephen Pearce
Kate Philpott
and Rich Kenny
Mary and Patric Powell
Carol Ann and
Nielsen Rogers
Sally and Toby Rosenblatt
Wendy and Bob Singley
Maria Cristini
and Abrasha Staszewski
Chery Thomas
Mimi Downes
and Granger Tripp
Mary and Terry Vogt
Beverley and
Robert Wesman
Judie and Howard Wexler
Holly Holter
and Jay Williams
Sally and Steven Winn
Janet and Art Wong
Marcia and Danny Wong
Winnie and West Woon
Abby Snay
and Edward Yelin
Deborah Bain
and Joel Young
Christina and
Philip Zimbardo
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Adeeb
Ms. Madeleine Albright
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Beck
Mr. and Mrs. James Berliner
Mr. and Mrs. Terrence
Dr. and Mrs. Martel Bryant
Mr. Henry Chung
Mr. William M. Cockrum III
Mr. and Mrs. Edward
Ms. Marlene Cooney
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Cooney
Mr. and Mrs. Edward
Croft III
Mr. and Mrs. John Cryan
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph
Mrs. Joan Donovan
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Egrie
Dr. and Mrs. Richard B. Fair
Dr. and Mrs. Gerald Fein
Mr. and Mrs. Don Gaines
Dr. and Mrs. Humberto
Mr. and Mrs. Ellis Gedney
Mr. and Mrs. David Glickman
Ms. Tanako Hagiwara
Mr. and Mrs. William
Mr. and Mrs. James Holden
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Howard
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hurlbut
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Hynes
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Inman
Mr. and Mrs. Van Kasper
Mr. and Mrs. Michael
Mr. and Mrs. Morris Kessler
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Kuroda
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Lewis
Mrs. Judith Little
Mr. R.J. Matcovich
Mr. and Mrs. Dick Mitchell
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy
Mr. and Mrs. Vaso
Ms. Ann Pastreich
Mr. and Mrs. David Roberts
Ms. Julianne Rumsey
Mr. and Mrs. Jay Seeman
Mr. and Mrs. Michael
Mr. and Mrs. Hans Solmssen
Mr. and Mrs. Robert
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Tierney
Mr. and Mrs. James
Mr. and Mrs. Roger Walther
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Werner
Mr. and Mrs. Ben Williams
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Woods
Mrs. Joyce Zeff
David Anderson
Mrs. Doris Fisher*
Dagny Maidman
and Molly Wood
*Alumni Grandparent
SFDS Faculty and Staff
The board of trustees acknowledges with deep appreciation the faculty and staff who support the School each year.
Meghan Adler
Vanessa Alexander
Lindsay Anderson
Nicholas Anton
Marcella Anwandter
Catherine Aragon
Randall Bowman
Jessica Lee Boyles
Aaron Brill
Melissa Brown
Lisa Busby
Megan Buttery
Eleanor Coffelt
Sue Collentine
Christopher Corrigan
Damian Crosby
Katharine Daugherty
Danny De Leon
Daniel De Luca
Elizabeth Gedney
Grady Gordon
Carter Graham
Belinda Gray
Andrea Green
Sarah Hale
Homa Hanjani
Brian Herrick
Kim Holland
David E. Jackson
Sheri Leavitt
Rebecca Lewis
Michael Mancini
Evelyn C. Manies
Karen Dauer McCabe
Loren Moyé
Meagan Nye
Dasha Ostrova
M. Renée Otero
Anne Paine
Michelle Phillips
Kate Philpott
Shahab Rejali
Leah Rosenkrantz
Alison Ruff
Carolyn Sasser
Leah Shoaff
Danielle Short
Andrea Shuel
Susan Sonnemaker
Vishal Sood
Audrey Soriano
Tristen Sturm
Elinor Tappé
Chery Thomas
Alice Woodman-Russell
Joel Young
We extend our gratitude to those alumni who remain loyal to SFDS through the Annual Fund. Your faithful support helps us
continue to strive for excellence.
Golden Gate Society
($250+ or $100+ if graduated
in the last 10 years)
Lesley Bunim ‘91*
Sam Chao ‘10
Tommy Davis ‘96*
John Fisher ‘03*
Samuel G.T. Fisher ‘03
Lilah Hume ‘00*
Parker Hume ‘92
Matthew Kahn ‘91
Kathryn McKinley ‘01*
Sara McKinley ‘95*
Thomas McKinley ‘98*
Dillon Rogers ‘92*
Alumni Giving Circle
Ben Blatteis ‘00
Daniel Bunker ‘96
Adam Chaitin-Lefcourt ‘99*
Juliet Chaitin-Lefcourt ‘04*
Jesse Eisenhardt ‘93*
Alexandra Fisher ‘00*
Gabriella Fracchia
Archini ‘91*
Laura Jones ‘96
Louise Davis Langheier ‘95*
Julia Malkin ‘98
Courtney Mattison ‘00
Marisa McCarthy ‘95
Dagny Mendelsohn ‘93
Whitney Mendelsohn ‘97
Sheila Post ‘98
Alice Tripp ‘05*
Sara Myers Yoo ‘91*
*3+ years consecutive donor
Honorary and Memorial Gifts
San Francisco Day School is grateful for the contributions made in honor and in memory of parents, students, faculty, and
friends of SFDS.
In honor of Zach Baer ’13
Sheryl and James Reuben
In honor of Mia Blaine ’14
Margaret and Terrence Blaine
In honor of Tomicia Blunt ’13
Sheila Marie Taylor
In honor of the BTSF Staff: Andy, Heidi, Jenee,
and Sasha
Teresa and Bradley Graham
In honor of Sarah ’14, Thomas ’16, and Emma ’17
William M. Cockrum III
In honor of Danielle (Dany) Derringer ‘21
Carolyn and Joseph Derringer
In honor of Ethan Diamondstein ’21
Felice and Jay Seeman
In honor of Keira Donahoe ’17
Kay and Frank Woods
In honor of Ashalia Donovan ’20
Vanessa Maren and Dean Donovan
In honor of Maya Egrie ’20
Nelly and Paul Egrie
Debbi and Morris Kessler
In honor of Abigail ‘16 and Lucia
‘19 Pachynski-Hoopes
Alison Pachynski and Nancy Hoopes
In honor of Mary and Patric Powell
Blair and Rick Shane
In honor of Max ’16, Pippa ’19, and Maisie
’20 Solmssen
Anne and Robert Cooney
In honor of Teddy Solomon ’16
Barbara and Robert Solomon
In Honor of Elissa Spelman, Breakthrough
Greater Boston
Mike Daniels
In honor of her students
Kim Holland
In honor of Harry Topper ’13
Ethan Topper
In honor of Ben Tripp ’16
Anne and Roger Walther
In honor of Molly Wood and Dagny Maidman and
the birth of their twins
Wendy Holcombe and Carl Kawaja
In honor of Hattie Fair ’18
In honor of Abigail Walker ’14, Caroline Reuben
’14, Alana Baer ’14, Jack Halper ’14, and Matt
Halper ’14
Clare and Richard Fair
Leah Rosenkrantz and Jeffrey Bluestone
In honor of Felix Fein ’18
In honor of Balti Zeff ’13
Joyce and Gerald Fein
In honor of Tessa Hartman ’19
Joyce Zeff
Patricia and William Hartman
In Memoriam
In honor of Byron ’12 and Lucy ’17 Hurlbut
In memory of Hildy Burness
Nancy and Robert Hurlbut
Lilah Hume ’00
In honor of Sloane Gedney Rilliet ’21
and Elizabeth Gedney
In memory of Deborah Davis
Sally and Ellis Gedney
Thomas J. Davis IV
Tommy Davis ’96
In honor of Samantha Glickman ’17
In memory of deceased relatives
Merrill and Van Kasper
In honor of Chiara Hertsgaard ’19
Francesca Vietor
In honor of Jane Mortimer
Grace Won and Richard Holden
Pallavi Sharma and Vishal Tayal
In memory of Sheila Gadsden
Simone Crew ’05, Erica Crew ’09, and John Crew
Julie and John Elam
In memory of William L. Goodwin
Teresa Goodwin and Michael Dulworth
Directed Gifts
San Francisco Day School is incredibly grateful to a small number of donors who have generously supported the School
through these directed gifts over the past several years. These current-use gifts are in addition to Annual Fund contributions,
and are designated by the donor, to support special programs. For FY 2013, donors contributed a total of $291,100 to the
following programs.
Discounted Tuition
Differentiated Instruction and Learning
Resource Program
The School remains deeply committed to providing tuition
This program upholds our founding mission to serve
student body. Year after year, our community has stepped
our community as a family school, while benefitting
up time and again to demonstrate their commitment.
each and every student with the thoughtful care and
In 2012–2013, 21% of students received some form of
attention they deserve. SFDS is devoted to enabling all
tuition assistance.
students to reach their highest levels of accomplishment
Leah Rosenkrantz and Jeffrey Bluestone
Susan and Samuel Britton
assistance to preserve our socio-economically diverse
and academic excellence.
Claire and Eric Alt
Linda Burch and Rajen Dalal
Grace Won and Richard Holden
Donna and Rick Matcovich
Institute for Teaching and Learning
Established in 2008, this fund provides faculty professional
development opportunities as a means to implement the
most effective curriculum and instructional methods, and to
Unrestricted Gifts
reinvigorate teachers’ excitement about their profession.
Inder Dhillon and Ken McNeely
Wendy Berry and Michael Mendes
Jennifer and Thomas Battat
Alice and Adam Cahan
Grace Won and Richard Holden
Other Contributions
2013 Raise Your Paddle – Science Lab Renovation
The School is committed to providing facilities that strengthen and enhance the academic experience of our students.
In 2012-2013, $101,600 was raised through Raise Your Paddle at CultureFest. This project could not have happened without
the generosity of our community, and we are deeply grateful on behalf of our faculty, staff, and students.
Anonymous (3)
Valina and Bryan Agbabian
Vanessa and
Matthew Alexander
Claire and Eric Alt
Carol Cunningham-Barron
and Hal Barron
Jill and Philip Bouchard
Susan and Samuel Britton
Courtney Norris
and Alex Burnett
Sara and Tom Byrne
Alice and Adam Cahan
Scott E. and J. Scott Case
Ladan and Shirzad Chamine
Yuhong Du and Hai Chen
Karen Covington
Phuong Le and
Nicholas Da Silva
Tommy Davis ‘96
Cathy and Sandy Dean
Jennifer and Scott Derringer
Erica and Francis Desouza
Rebecca and
Andy Diamondstein
Christina Huizar
and Paolo Diaz
Carmel Conway
and Stephen Duffin
Carrie and Stouffer Egan
Gillian and Peter Emblad
Lareina Yee
and Humberto Galleno
Gabrielle Toledano
and Kurt Gantert
Alexandra and
Steven Gordon
Elisa and John Hayashi
Lindsay Anderson
and Brian Herrick
Grace Won
and Richard Holden
Alison Pachynski
and Nancy Hoopes
Tracy and Patrick Jennings
Risa Stack and Paul Joyce
Wendy Holcombe
and Carl Kawaja
Monique and
Martin Kobinger
Nicole and Michael Krassner
Andrea Evans
and Christopher Lehane
Beth Mulcahy
and Thomas Martin
Leslee Subak
and Linda McAllister
Inder Dhillon
and Ken McNeely
Gabrey and Tommy Means
Wendy and James Miller
Jane and Roger Mortimer
Laura and Loren Moyé
Nicole and Matthew Murray
Skye and Don Pillsbury
Susan and Nicholas Pritzker
Johanna and Brian Roberts
Natalie Rome
and John Pendleton
Maria and Claude Ruibal
Noelle and Mika Salmi
Judith Sansone
Claudia Lewis
and Woody Scal
Bettina Steffen
and Scott Setrakian
Deborah Kamali
and Kevan Shokat
Danielle and BJ Siegel
Sona Sippy-Sondhi
and Vijay Sondhi
K. Samantha Cho
and Joseph Song
Laura and Greg Spivy
Jill and Thatcher Thompson
Christy and Alan Tripp
Mary Kay Melvin
and Christopher Weltzien
Susan and
Christopher Wilkens
Emily and Michael Wilkins
Frances Ho and George Yu
Jenni and Hassan Zaidi
Art Department
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Croft III
Mr. and Mrs. John Cryan
Mr. and Mrs. John
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Daecher
Mr. and Mrs. Antonio
De Leon
Ms. Barbara Deeming
Mr. and Mrs. Sidney
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Didier
Mrs. Joan Donovan
Mr. and Mrs. Edward
Ms. Marilyn Dunn
Ms. Susan Egan
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Egrie
Ms. Sylvia Elsesser
Mr. and Mrs. Tersh Everest
Dr. and Mrs. Richard B. Fair
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph
Ms. Shirley Feigenbaum
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Feinberg
Mr. and Mrs. Michael
Ms. Ann French
Ms. Pat Fusco
Mr. and Mrs. Don Gaines
Ms. Anna Gale
Dr. and Mrs. Humberto
Ms. Sarah Gedney
Mr. and Mrs. Bud Glickman
Mr. and Mrs. David Gottlieb
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Grace
Ms. Charlene Green
Mr. and Mrs. Sheldon Green
Ms. JoAnne Growney
Ms. Tanako Hagiwara
Mr. and Mrs. Lee Hammer
Mr. and Mrs. William
Nancy and Wayne Heldt
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry
Mr. and Mrs. Roger Ho
Mr. and Mrs. Mel Hodder
Mr. and Mrs. James Holden
Ms. Martha Holderness
and Mr. Karl Kuhlmann
Ms. Evelynne Horrilleno
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Howard
Ms. JoAnn Hughes
and Mr. Charles Weiner
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hull
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hurlbut
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Hynes
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Inman
Mr. and Mrs. Nick Irsfeld
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Jue
Mr. and Mrs. Hitoshi
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Kapp
Mr. and Mrs. Van Kasper
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Kawaja
Mr. and Mrs. Doyle Keith
Mr. and Mrs. John Kennedy
Mr. and Mrs. Morris Kessler
Mr. and Mrs. Jussi Ketonen
Ms. Florence Kress
Ms. Kathleen Ladd
Ms. Marian Larkin
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Lavin
Mr. and Mrs. Randal Lee
Ms. Edwina Leggett
Ms. Renata Lewis
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Lewis
Mrs. Judith Little
Mr. and Mrs. Lindbergh Low
Ms. Leanne MacDougall
Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Martin
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Martin
Mr. R.J. Matcovich
Ms. Ervinia Miller
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas
Mr. and Mrs. Dick Mitchell
Mr. and Mrs. J.K. Morris
Ms. Mary Ann Mulcahy
Ms. Sharon Mullen
and Ms. Evelyn Baca
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Murray
Mr. and Mrs. Richard
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Nenninger
Mr. Kermit Norris
Mr. and Mrs. Bob Northrop
Mr. and Mrs. Vaso
Mr. and Mrs. Gene O’Rourke
Mr. Leonard Orsak
Ms. Dorothy Outlaw
Ms. Cynthia Pao
Dr. Vichai Phungrasamee
Ms. Marnie Pillsbury
Mr. and Mrs. Nathaniel
Mr. and Mrs. James Reuben
Ms. Diana Rilliet
Dr. and Mrs. Auguste
E. Rimpel
Mr. and Mrs. David Roberts
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Rohlen
Dr. and Mrs. Samuel Rudick
Mr. and Mrs. Rudolpho
Ms. Julianne Rumsey
Ms. Kathy Eklund
and Mr. Eric Sansone
Ms. Jan Sansone
and Mr. Nurtan Esmen
Mr. and Mrs. Stan Schloz
Mr. and Mrs. Jay Seeman
Mr. and Mrs. Rick Shane
Mr. and Mrs. Michael
Ms. Ruth Sixstone-Wells
Mr. and Mrs. Norman Sohn
Mr. and Mrs. Hans Solmssen
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Solomon
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Spivy
Mrs. Joan Sweeney
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Werner
Ms. Kerry Wilkins
Mr. and Mrs. Ben Williams
Ms. Florence Williams
Ms. Norine Yamamura
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Yee
Mrs. Joyce Zeff
Larissa Roesch
and Jason Crethar
Lisa Bransten
and John Rumsey
Elizabeth and Daniel Traub
Global Education Fund
Caitlin and Tom Brown
Linda Burch and Rajen Dalal
Joyce Tom
and Leonard Moon
Natalie Rome
and John Pendleton
Julie and Jeffrey Rosen
Deborah Kamali
and Kevan Shokat
Jill and Thatcher Thompson
Suzzanne Uhland
Gina and Michael Warren
Outdoor Education
& Athletics
Music Department
Library Media Center
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Adeeb
Dr. and Mrs. Mihran
Ms. Madeleine Albright
Ms. Dorothy Andrews
Ms. Ann Barber
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Battat
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Beck
Mr. and Mrs. James Berliner
Mr. and Mrs. Terrence Blaine
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Blood
Mr. and Mrs. Robert
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bransten
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Brown
Mrs. Jill Buckley
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Burnett
Ms. Marlene Cooney
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Cooney
SFDS Endowment Gifts and Funds
The SFDS endowment consists of an investment pool of many diverse funds. Endowed funds are
created through gifts made to provide long-term funding for designated purposes, or monies set
aside by the board of trustees. Those interested in establishing a named endowed fund may do so
if they meet certain minimum contribution requirements. Funds may be specified for a designated
purpose, or donors may elect to have their fund provide current use dollars to be used at the
discretion of the School. In addition, donors may supplement existing funds with a gift of any amount.
Although each fund is distinct in designation or restriction, endowed funds are commingled in an
investment pool.
Thanks to sound management by the SFDS investment committee, our endowment return on
investment was 11.4%. Taking a 4.5% draw yielded $821,000, which was applied to the operating
budget. We are positioned well going forward, with 62% of our portfolio in equity, 34% in fixed
income, and 4% in cash or cash equivalents.
Investments 2012-2013
Total: $20,092,600
New Endowment Gifts 2012-2013
New gifts and pledges in FY 2013 totaled $1,992,000.
2010-11, SFDS has raised over $13 million in gifts and pledges.
Since embarking on a campaign to increase our endowment in
We are grateful for the endowment gifts from families and
friends of the School to support our effort in maintaining a strong
financial standing well into the future.
Gifts to the endowment help preserve the financial and academic
health of San Francisco Day School. Investments in SFDS’s
endowment ensure the overall fiscal security of the School while
providing for faculty salaries, discounted tuition, and faculty and
curriculum development.
Anonymous (3)
Lesley Bunim ‘91
Lynn Bunim and Sandy Fetter
Cathy and Sandy Dean
Carrie and Stouffer Egan
Melinda Ellis Evers
and William Evers
Randi and Bob Fisher
Laura and John Fisher
Sakurako and William Fisher
Kelly and Michael Halper
Wendy Holcombe
and Carl Kawaja
Meagan and Dan Nye
Olivia Pollak ‘08
Lisa and John Pritzker
Ann and Brian Roberts
Katie Albright and Jake Schatz
Laura and Greg Spivy
Laurie and Jeff Ubben
Current Use Endowment
Potential: Endowing
Excellence for SFDS
Established in 2011 with gifts from
families and friends of the School,
following the adoption of the
2011-2012 strategic plan, “The Power of Potential”. This campaign
is specifically focused on endowment growth to increase the longterm financial sustainability of SFDS. Portions are allocated for
Discounted Tuition, Institute for Teaching and Learning, and
Differentiated Instruction programs. Additional gifts to the
campaign are included in other endowed funds.
Cornerstone Campaign—Imagine our Tomorrow
Established in 2001 with gifts from families and friends of the
School to boost the School’s endowment for faculty salaries,
program support, and discounted tuition.
The Endowment for San Francisco Day School
Established in 1993 with gifts from parents, grandparents, faculty,
alumni, students, and friends to the Next Steps campaign and
supplemented since then. This fund is unrestricted with the income to be used at the discretion of the School.
SFDS Enrichment Fund
Miriam and Peter Haas Endowment Fund
Faculty Support
Olivia and Julia Pollak Financial Aid Fund
Established in 2011 with an anonymous gift to the Endowing
Excellence campaign to support faculty salaries, programs, and
discounted tuition.
The Endowment for Faculty Salaries
Established in 2000 with an anonymous gift in honor of the
SFDS faculty.
Jim Telander Fund
Established in 2004 with gifts from SFDS families to augment the
Cornerstone Campaign’s first endowment initiative to increase
teacher compensation.
Kawaja Family Fund for Professional Development
The fund, established in 2011 with a gift from Wendy Holcombe
and Carl Kawaja, provides income to support faculty professional
development through the Institute for Teaching and Learning at
SFDS. Additional income from the fund may support the School’s
general operating budget.
The Nancy S. Boettiger Endowment for Faculty
Established in 1991 with gifts from parents, grandparents, faculty,
and friends to honor the leadership and vision of founding head,
Nancy Simon Boettiger (1981–1991). Income provides support for
faculty salaries.
Nye Family Fund for Faculty Development
Established in 2013 by Meagan and Dan Nye, income from the
fund provides support for curricular research and program development, workshops and conferences, and teacher training.
Discounted Tuition
Day School Discounted Tuition
Established in 2008 with an anonymous family gift. This fund has
grown in recent years through subsequent family contributions to
the Endowing Excellence campaign.
Gerson Bakar Financial Aid Endowment Fund
Established in 1986 with a gift from Mr. Bakar.
Gregg Hedlund Fund
Established in 1998 with gifts from families, parents, faculty, and
friends in memory of Gregg Hedlund, father of Nick Hedlund ’01.
Income from the fund supports discounted tuition.
Hearst Student Aid Endowment Fund
Established in 1986 with a gift from the William Randolph Hearst
Foundation and later supplemented by additional gifts from
the Foundation.
Michael Peterson Fund
The School’s first endowed fund was established in 1982 with
a gift from Miriam and Peter Haas to provide income for
discounted tuition.
Established in 2011 by Mr. and Mrs. Harry W. Havemeyer in honor
of their granddaughters, Olivia ’08 and Julia ’11. Income from the
fund supports the School’s tuition assistance program.
SFDS Tuition Support Endowment Fund
Established in 2000 with an anonymous gift.
William Knox Holt Scholarship Fund
Established in 1988 with a gift from the William Knox Holt
Foundation. Income from the fund supports discounted tuition.
Program Support
The Cultural Enrichment Fund
Established with an anonymous gift in 1998. Income is intended
for special field trips, workshops, performances, and guest speakers to enrich the curriculum for the students.
The Jerold C. Kindred Educational Symposium
Established in 1995 with gifts from family and friends in memory
of founding trustee Jerry Kindred. Income supports enrichment
programs for faculty, students, and parents.
The McKinley Family Endowment for Faculty
Enrichment and Learning Resources Grant
A fund established by Sara ’95, Thomas ’98, and Kathryn ’01
to provide funds to faculty for continuing education, special
programs, or training in technology, and for investments that
encourage or enrich technology in the curriculum. The fund
also provides special grants to support the Differentiated
Instruction program.
Other Funds
Eighth Grade Endowment Fund
Initially funded by students in the Class of 2010 to establish a gift
tradition for future graduating classes. Income from the fund is
intended to support an eighth grade culminating experience,
including, but not limited to, a service learning trip (such as
Puerto Rico), an international experience, or cultural enrichment.
Sally’s Day Off Fund
Established in 1991 with a gift in honor of Day School founder
Sally Rosenblatt. Income to be used for Sally’s Day Off, a day
of celebration for eighth graders and their faculty. Supplemented by gifts from Sally and Toby Rosenblatt and The James
Irvine Foundation.
Established in 1997 with gifts from faculty, parents, and students
in memory of fifth grade teacher, Michael Peterson, member of
the faculty from 1995–1997. Income supports discounted tuition.
CultureFest 2013:
The board of trustees, faculty, and staff are deeply grateful to the volunteers, underwriters, and donors who generously gave of their time and resources to support CultureFest: SFDSJazzFest. The May 2013 event generated a
noteworthy $308,404 for our discounted tuition program and $101,600 for “Raise Your Paddle” to support science
classroom renovations. We extend our sincere gratitude for your ongoing commitment to preserve a socioeconomically diverse student body at San Francisco Day School.
Auction Chairs
Scott Elaine Case
Regan Pritzker
Vanessa Maren
Jane Mortimer
Grace Won
Online Auction Chairs
Claire Alt
Ed Cooper
Martha French
Kurt Gantert
Meagan Nye
Skye Pillsbury
Michelle Potts
Blair Shane
Alexis Woods
Live Auction Chairs
Kelly Halper
Alicia Nogales
Su-Moon Paik
Maria Ruibal
Claire Alt
Event Design
Nicole Krassner
Quiz Night
Scott Derringer
Alexandra Gordon
J. Mira Kopell
Amie E. Nenninger
Judith Sansone
Jenni Chang
Nicholas Da Silva
Andy Dreyfus
Diane Harwood
Kelly Stiles
Art Show
Ellen Burgin
Ladan Chamine
Buddy Day Art Project
Teresa Goodwin
Mary Kay Melvin
Kevin Mendoza
Erica Desouza
Ginny Conner
Aiko and John De Souza
Amelia Hirsch
Lisa Kessler
Shannon Loftus
Sona Sondhi
Raise Your Paddle for
Danny De Leon
Erica Desouza
Tommy and Gabrey Means
Alison Pachynski
SFDS Science Department
Christine Irsfeld Dawkins
Richard Holden
Eric Kress
Kay Parekh
Topher Solmssen
Lael Sturm
Jill Thompson
Wendy Xa
Eric Alt
Kian Beyzavi
Tom Byrne
JazzFest Video
Paul Holzman
J. Mira Kopell
Jazz Advisors
Jim Nadel
Joe Sweeney
Lael Sturm
Jazz Dads
David Cherner
Scott Derringer
Peter Fair
Scott Hartman
Don Pillsbury
Anthony Powell
The Dolphonics
Valina Agbabian
Lindsay Anderson
Lindsay Anton
Shannon Bennett
Susanna Bonetti
Randall Bowman
Lisa Busby
Paolo Diaz
Kim Holland
Durrell Kapan
Susan Pritzker
Daniel Donahoe
The Red Slips
Andrew Brennan
Andrea Green
Sabina Piersol
Steve Roberts
Jason Stone
Justin Wiener
A special thank you for
providing the drinking
wine at the event:
Jennifer Guittard
and Tim Grace
Maca and Agustin Huneeus
Laura Catena
and Daniel McDermott
Anonymous (5)
Barbara and Fred Abbott
Valina and Bryan Agbabian
Claire and Eric Alt
Kian Beyzavi
and Hamid Amiri
Jennifer and Thomas Battat
Kelly Stiles
and Laura Bongiorno
Orlando Bravo
Susan and Samuel Britton
Su-Moon Paik
and Robert Brown
Courtney Norris
and Alex Burnett
Sara and Tom Byrne
Scott E. and J. Scott Case
Yvonne Wu
and Howard Chung
Katie and Reed Colley
Ginny and Ed Conner
Linda Burch and Rajen Dalal
Cathy and Sandy Dean
Jennifer and Scott Derringer
Erica and Francis Desouza
Vanessa Maren
and Dean Donovan
Diane Harwood
and Andy Dreyfus
Carmel Conway
and Stephen Duffin
Josephine and Carlos Duque
Carrie and Stouffer Egan
Martha Siegel
and Adam Elsesser
Melinda Ellis Evers
and William Evers
Nicole Rimpel
and Lane Foard
Martha French
and Anthony Fusco
Lareina Yee
and Humberto Galleno
Margarita Gutierrez
and Tam Blood
Laura and Charles Hespe
Grace Won
and Richard Holden
Jennifer and
Howard Holderness
Tracy and Patrick Jennings
Risa Stack and Paul Joyce
Frances and Gerry Jue
Wendy Holcombe
and Carl Kawaja
Annie and Perry Klebahn
Monique and
Martin Kobinger
Robert Williams
and Richard Kuno
Christine Wong
and Denny Kwon
Katherine and
Alexander Ladd
Beth Mulcahy
and Tom Martin
Donna and Rick Matcovich
Jenny Pearlman
and Jack McDonald
Janet and Thomas McKinley
Inder Dhillon
and Ken McNeely
Gabrey and Tommy Means
Nancy Dudum
and Mark Messer
Alexandra Novakovich
and Raj Moorthy
Jane and Roger Mortimer
Noe and Mel Murphy
Nicole and Matthew Murray
Regan Pritzker
and Christopher Olin
Ann and Brian Roberts
Robin Romdalvik
and Sue Rochman
Maria and Claude Ruibal
Katie Albright
and Jake Schatz
Bettina Steffen
and Scott Setrakian
SFDS Alumni Board
Courtney Cooney
and Topher Solmssen
Samantha Cho
and Joseph Song
Shirley and Buzz Thompson
Jill and Thatcher Thompson
Bridget O’Rourke
and Jeffrey Tucker
Connie Best
and Laurie Wayburn
Chloe and Stephen Wei
Susan and
Christopher Wilkens
Carol and Henry Wu
Auction Donors
SFDS Community
Barbara and Fred Abbott
Rita Abraldes
and Brie Williams
Meghan Adler
Ms. Madeleine Albright
Claire and Eric Alt
Lindsay Anton
Ann and Jim Avery
Pam and Larry Baer
Carol Cunningham-Barron
and Hal Barron
Jennifer and Tommy Battat
Jill and Philip Bouchard
Su-Moon Paik
and Robert Brown
Courtney Norris
and Alex Burnett
Megan Buttery
Sara and Tom Byrne
Alice and Adam Cahan
Beth Callaghan
Scott E. and J. Scott Case
Ladan and Shirzad Chamine
Jiyeon and Steven Choi
Hardie and Charles Cobbs
Eleanor Coffelt
Katie and Reed Colley
Ginny and Ed Conner
Kerry and Ed Cooper
Karen Covington
Damian Crosby
Jan D’Alessandro
and Mark Haffenreffer
Phuong Le
and Nicholas Da Silva
Beth and Andy Daecher
Linda Burch and Rajen Dalal
Aiko and John de Souza
Cathy and Sandy Dean
Jennifer and Scott Derringer
Erica and Francis Desouza
Christina Huizar
and Paolo Diaz
Lisa Neimeth
and Peter Dickstein
Mardi Dier
Joelle Chartier
and Ellen DiGiacomo
Alexis Woods
and Daniel Donahoe
Vanessa Maren
and Dean Donovan
Jody Driscoll
Carmel Conway
and Stephen Duffin
Jennifer Lively
and Eric Edmondson
Carrie and Stouffer Egan
Amanda Elliston
Gillian and Peter Emblad
Melinda Ellis Evers
and William Evers
Rodney Ewing
Ellen Burgin and Peter Fair
Maria and
Joseph Feigenbaum
Nicole and Mark Fein
Jennifer and
Steven Feinberg
Eric Guerin and Jim Fisher
Dana and Josh Frieman
Sae’da and Kip Fuller
Martha French
and Anthony Fusco
Paul Fusco
Lareina Yee
and Humberto Galleno
Gabrielle Toledano
and Kurt Gantert
Elizabeth Gedney
and Daniel Polk
Fif Ghobadian
Alisa Gilden and Lisa Inman
Grady Gordon
Jennifer Guittard
and Tim Grace
Belinda Gray
Andrea Green
Sarah Hale
Janet and Mark Hall
Kelly and Mike Halper
Deborah and Frank Han
Dawn and Scott Hartman
Beth Hatem
Elisa Kamimoto
and John Hayashi
Lindsay Anderson
and Brian Herrick
Mark Hertsgaard
Amelia and Steve Hirsch
Grace Won
and Richard Holden
Jennifer and
Howard Holderness
Megan and Matt Howard
Amie Nenninger
and Bill Hynes
David E. Jackson
Tracy and Patrick Jennings
Roja and Masoud Kamali
Shannon Bennett
and Durell Kapan
Wendy Holcombe
and Carl Kawaja
Jennifer and Stephen Kawaja
Monika Khushf
Allison and Vince Kim
Fukuko and Patrick Kitano
Annie and Perry Klebahn
Kathryn Hall
and Tom Knutsen
Monique and
Martin Kobinger
Dede and Daniel Kramer
Nicole and Michael Krassner
Richard Kuno
and Robert Williams
Michelle Kuroda
and Louis Lee
Andrea Evans
and Christopher Lehane
Sandra Kim and Vitus Leung
Rebecca Lewis
Alicia Nogales
and Greg Little
Heather and Michael Mancini
Evelyn C. Manies
Laura Catena
and Daniel McDermott
Jenny Pearlman
and Jack McDonald
Gabrey and Tommy Means
Nancy Dudum
and Mark Messer
Wendy and James Miller
Joyce Tom
and Leonard Moon
Alexandra Novakovich
and Raj Moorthy
Nuannoi and Mel Murphy
Nicole and Matthew Murray
Meagan and Daniel Nye
Mary O’Brian
Regan Pritzker
and Christopher Olin
Jennifer Ozanne
Nancy Hoopes
and Alison Pachynski
Parents Association
Ann Pattison
Kimberley Tompkins Pettigrew
and Stephen Pettigrew
Sabina Piersol
Skye and Don Pillsbury
Katie Quach
Toma Ramirez
Sheryl and James Reuben
Karen Richards
Blythe Lang and Matt Rivitz
Ann and Brian Roberts
Johanna and Brian Roberts
Shelagh and Tom Rohlen
Sue Rochman
and Robin Romdalvik
Maria and Claude Ruibal
Lisa Bransten
and John Rumsey
Rohini and Ravi Sadarangani
Noelle and Mika Salmi
Gay Outlaw
and Robert Schmitz
Phoebe Doering
and Sotweed Schneble
Rebecca Sheehan
Danielle and BJ Siegel
Diana Kapp
and David Singer
Jennifer and
Jacques Soenens
Susanna Bonetti
and Rico Solinas
Courtney Cooney
and Topher Solmssen
Helen Manber
and Bradley Solomon
Sona Sippy-Sondhi
and Vijay Sondhi
Audrey Soriano
Laura and Greg Spivy
Kelly Stiles
and Laura Bongiorno
Anne and Craig Stoll
Tristen and Lael Sturm
Laura and Joseph Sweeney
Homa Hanjani
and Hadi Tabatabai
Chaz Thomas
Shirley and Buzz Thompson
Jill and Thatcher Thompson
Jason Tognetti
Dana Tommasino
and Margie Conard
Bridget O’Rourke
and Jeffrey Tucker
Jeff Turner
Hope Van Sciver
Adriana Lopez
and Aaron Vermut
Ramsey Walker
Rosa Wang-McClung
Laurie Wayburn
and Connie Best
Mary Kay Melvin
and Christopher Weltzien
Susan and
Christopher Wilkens
Emily and Michael Wilkins
Kristin Growney
and Ron Yamamoto
Joel Young
Ron Zeff
SFDS Community
Carmel Valley Ranch
Darioush Epicurus
The Corner Store
Goody Foods
Pica Pica Maize Kitchen
Sanders Pitman Designs
Thompson Tax
& Associates, LLC
Greater San Francisco
1AM Gallery
3 Fish Studios
Advanced Wellness
Adventure Cat
Sailing Charters
Alaya Boutique,
San Francisco
Ambassador Toys
American Gymnastics Club
American River Rafting
Aperto Restaurant
ArtWorks Fine Art Studio
Asian Art Museum
Audi San Francisco
The Bar Method
Downtown SF
Bath Sense
Bay Area Shakespeare Camp
Beauty Company and Salon
Belli Capelli
betty lin
Bill’s Place
Bird School of Music
Blue Bottle Coffee
Blue Waters Kayaking
Book Passage
Books Inc.
The Booksmith
Brooks Shoes for Kids
California Shakespeare
Carolyn Rebuffel Designs
& WorkRoom C
Cartoon Art Museum
City Lights Booksellers
& Publishers
Cole Hardware
Commonwealth Club
of California
Contemporary Jewish
Crustacean Restaurant
DEMA Clothing Boutique
Demo Sport
diPietro Todd Salons
+ Academy
Duckhorn Wine Company
Ehren Reed
Emmy’s Spaghetti Shack
Fillmore Bakeshop
Foxy Garden Residential
Fresh Inc.
Galette 88
Galileo Learning
Garden Conservancy
Geary Dance Center
Giorgio’s Pizzeria
Goat Hill Pizza
Golden State Warriors
The Golf Club
at Gray’s Crossing
Good Juicery
Good Life Grocery
Heath Ceramics
Heather Wilcoxon
Hyatt Hotels Corporation
Hyatt Regency New Orleans
Ian Johnson
Indagare Travel Inc.
International Orange Spa
Japanese Weekend Inc.
Jim Winters
Joshua Ets-Hokin
Kara’s Cupcakes
The Kleid Design Group
Kids’ Posh Parties
Liz Rossof
Lovejoy’s Tea Room
Magic Theatre
Magrane Associates
Landscape Designs
Marilyn Jaeger Skincare
The Marine Mammal Center
The Marsh
Martis Camp
Mels Drive-in
Mendel’s Far Out Fabrics
on Haight Street
Mimi Interiors
Mountain Play Association
Mozzarella di Bufala
Neiman Marcus
New Conservatory
Theatre Center
ODC School and Rhythm
& Motion
One Medical Group
Partida Tequila LLC
Pauline’s Pizza
Peju Province Winery
Pet Camp
Peter Olivetti Photography
Planet Granite
Presidio Bowling Center
Presidio Community YMCA
Primal Fitness Bootcamp
Quady Winery
RAA Ventures
Range Restaurant
Recharge Medical & Day Spa
Rhino Entertainment
Roughing It Day Camp
Ruth Cross-Vilez
San Francisco Ballet
San Francisco Fencers Club
San Francisco Rock Project
San Francisco Symphony
Sanders Pitman Designs
Sara Feinberg Fashion Stylist
+ Personal Shopper
Serena + Lily
Slow Club
Small Frys
Sonoma Traintown Railroad
Sports Basement
Stanford Jazz Workshop
State Bird Provisions
Sue Fisher King Co.
Sushi On North Beach Katsu
Susie Cakes
The Tech Museum
of Innovation
Thomas Hickey Painting
Tony Hawk Foundation
Tortilla Heights
Toy Boat Dessert Cafe
Union Street Goldsmith
United Studios
of Self Defense
USF Athletics
The Walt Disney
Family Museum
Wee Scotty Sewing School
Wondersitter LLC
Yank Sing Restaurant
From the
Director of
Dear Friends of Breakthrough,
One afternoon this summer, I overheard a conversation on the playground that made me immensely happy. One of our
rising eighth graders was listing the high schools he planned to apply to, and his classmates were adding their thoughts.
They debated the merits of Lowell for a few minutes – strong academics, a baseball program, but maybe bigger than he was
looking for.
The conversation might not seem extraordinary. But in the past, our students approached the high school admissions process
without much guidance, many of them ending up at low-performing schools. This year, for the first time, all are receiving
individualized admissions support from our program staff, with the goal of sending all of them to academically rigorous
high schools. This work is part of Breakthrough’s expansion from a two-year to an eight-year program that helps each of our
students earn a Bachelor’s degree.
Our 26 eighth graders were among 134 students participating in our program in 2013 – the most ever. All students received
personalized tutoring, attended challenging academic classes, and took part in special opportunities like Career Day and
outdoor education. Meanwhile, 32 outstanding college students participated in our intensive, eight-week summer teaching
internship, learning firsthand the rewards and challenges of an education career. And 144 volunteers, including 38 current or
former SFDS students, tutored in our after-school program or took part in our revamped summer leadership program for high
school students.
From a financial standpoint, 2013 was our most successful year to date. Due to the generosity of our supporters, revenues
totaled $525,944. Foundation support was particularly noteworthy, totaling $123,500 and returning, finally, to pre-recession
The year ended, however, on a devastating note, with the loss of Tommy Battat. Tommy served on the Breakthrough
committee of the SFDS Board for several years. He was an incredible advocate, approaching the work in his characteristic
fashion, with tremendous cheerfulness, commitment, and kindness. Tommy served as President of Liberty Gold Fruit Co., Inc.
and traveled often, yet somehow attended closely to the goings-on at Breakthrough and San Francisco Day School, while
being immensely devoted to his family and friends. He will be mourned by so many around the world, but no place more than
in his native San Francisco. Tommy, we miss you greatly.
With thanks to each of you,
Andy Shin
Executive Director
Breakthrough Financial Highlights
Total Expenses 2013
Total Revenues 2013
Program · $391,326
Individuals · $209,227
Administration · $95,931
Corporate · $37,500
Foundation · $123,500
Government · $15,478
Endowment · $85,762
SF Day School · $54,477
Breakthrough Advisory Board and Staff 2012-2013
Advisory Board
Andy Shin, Executive Director
Barbara Abbott
Vanessa Alexander
K. Samantha Cho
Cathy Dean
Megan Howard
David E. Jackson
Patrick Jennings
Carl Kawaja
Ahmed Khaishgi
Sandra Kim
Katy Gaul, Director of Instruction
Sasha Mungal, Director of Volunteer Programs
Jenee Scott Palmer, Director of School Guidance
and Student Support
Andre Lira Gordenstein
June Marcel
Jane Mortimer
Courtney Norris
Navid Oreizy
Abhay Parekh
Jenny Pearlman
Brian Roberts
Joyce Truong
S. Hassan Zaidi
Breakthrough San Francisco
When Breakthrough staff presented to the fourth graders at her school, they got Linda’s attention.
Linda did well academically, but longed for greater access to books and more individual attention from
her teachers, who dealt with large numbers of high-need students.
At Breakthrough, she found what she was looking for. Classes
of eight freed her teachers to plan their lessons around their
students’ needs and interests. Linda also appreciated their
willingness to invest as much time as necessary. “When you
don’t understand something, you can find them at lunch,”
she says. “They explain it in a different way so you’ll understand it.”
those places. On Career Day you see what the job is like and
you find out about the responsibilities, the schools you need
to go to.” Linda visited the central office of San Francisco
Unified School District, where she met with staff and saw the
computer systems used to store data. She began thinking it
would be interesting to work in education, helping teachers
and thereby helping kids.
Classes were engaging. Linda remembers learning to solve
equations and calculate the circumference of a circle in math
class. In health science, she learned about trans-fats and
high-fructose corn syrup; one day, the whole class ate healthy
cheese doodles.
Linda graduated from The Hamlin School and recently started
ninth grade at San Francisco University High School. She
feels her time at Breakthrough has prepared her well for an
academically rigorous college-preparatory environment —
everything from organizing her binder to annotating text.
The students at Breakthrough are “really nice. If you have any
troubles, they’re more than willing to help you. They’ll support
you – they won’t make fun of you. If you need a friend to be
there, they’ll tell you about a time they went through the
same thing.”
She feels her time at Breakthrough has
One of the special opportunities Linda appreciated most was
Career Day. “You always hear, ‘Oh, I want to be a doctor,’ or,
‘Oh, I want to be a lawyer.’ But you never get to actually visit
environment – everything from
prepared her well for an academically
rigorous college-preparatory
organizing her binder to annotating text.
Bobby first got involved with Breakthrough in 2003, as an undergraduate at UC Berkeley. He’d taken
classes on educational policy and decided to experience teaching firsthand. He interned at Breakthrough the following two summers, at both the University High School and San Francisco Day School
sites. The experience gave him a concrete sense of students’ diverse learning needs and the camaraderie of the teaching profession, as well as the challenging, but gratifying, nature of the work. “There are
not a lot of careers where you get so close to the impact you make.”
After graduating from Cal in 2004, Bobby returned to SFDS
as an Associate Teacher, working with a number of faculty
members including Megan Green (née Buttery), who remains
a fourth grade lead teacher at the School. Watching students progress over the course of a full year in the classroom
was memorable, as well as seeing the breadth of resources
employed to support each student. “It really heightened my
expectations for the schools I’ve worked in since.”
After some time at Breakthrough’s national office, Bobby
enrolled in the Stanford Teacher Education Program, earning his M.Ed. He subsequently taught World Studies in the IB
program at Berkeley High School before accepting a position
in the history department at Summit Preparatory Charter High
School in Redwood City.
In 2012, Bobby returned to Breakthrough for the first of two
summers as an Instructional Coach, training and supporting
the college-aged intern teachers in the writing department.
He not only made an impact, he feels, but also developed his
own practice. The summers also left him “really reinvigorated
and reenergized. We have a chance to work with some of the
strongest, most interesting young people in the country – who
are voluntarily doing something really, really challenging.”
“I always think of myself as someone who got really lucky,” he
adds, “who basically sneaked into college and a career and
a successful life. Neither of my parents went to college out of
high school, so even though I got pretty good grades, I wasn’t
always sure that I was making the right choices about which
classes to sign up for, or how to prepare myself for the next
thing.” Having overcome the obstacles on his own path to
higher education, Bobby is determined to help other young
people do the same.
“We have a chance to work with some
of the strongest, most interesting
young people in the country – who are
voluntarily doing something really,
really challenging.”
Breakthrough SF Supporters
S.H. Cowell Foundation
Lisa and Douglas
Goldman Fund
Kimball Foundation
San Francisco Day School
Melissa Buckley
and Rajesh Atluru
Jennifer and Thomas Battat
Cleo Foundation
Dodge & Cox Investment
Laura and John Fisher
Google Community
Grants Fund of the
Tides Foundation
Jenerosity Foundation
Susan Byrd
and Mark Lampert
Ann and Brian Roberts
The Walther Foundation
Weinstein Family Charitable
Courtney Norris
and Alex Burnett
The Capital Group Companies
Charitable Foundation
Cathy and Sandy Dean
Randi and Bob Fisher
Tracy and Patrick Jennings
Wendy Holcombe
and Carl Kawaja
Uzma and Ahmed Khaishgi
Jane and Roger Mortimer
Eve Niquette
and Charles Pohl
The Walmart Foundation
Anonymous (2)
Barbara and Fred Abbott
Susan and Samuel Britton
Dolev Dermatology
Grace Won
and Richard Holden
Leslie and George Hume
iSearch Media
June and Cody Marcel
Inder Dhillon
and Ken McNeely
Roslyn and Lisle Payne
Lisa Bransten
and John Rumsey
Laura Sanchez
Katie Albright
and Jake Schatz
Seung-il Shin
SFDS Administrative Team
Jill and Thatcher Thompson
Jenni and Hassan Zaidi
Anonymous (3)
Claire and Eric Alt
Kian Beyzavi
and Hamid Amiri
Diana Nelson
and John Atwater
Alice and Adam Cahan
Katie and Reed Colley
Beth and Andy Daecher
Teresa Goodwin
and Michael Dulworth
Carrie and Stouffer Egan
Lisa Kessler and Glenn Egrie
Betsy and Roy Eisenhardt
Gillian and Peter Emblad
Melinda Ellis Evers
and William Evers
Anna Gale
Gabrielle Toledano
and Kurt Gantert
Anne and Nick Germanacos
Fif Ghobadian
Goldman Sachs
Matching Gift Program
Kaatri and Douglas Grigg
Kelly and Michael Halper
Monique and
Martin Kobinger
David Kremer
Christine Wong
and Denny Kwon
Sandra Kim and Vitus Leung
Donna and Rick Matcovich
Jenny Pearlman
and Jack McDonald
Gabrey and Tommy Means
The Moody’s Foundation
Matching Gift Program
Jenny and Nehal Raj
Blythe Lang and Matt Rivitz
Sally and Toby Rosenblatt
Salesforce.com Foundation
Noelle and Mika Salmi
Mark A. Scheel
Karlo Ng and Andy Shin
Donna and Alex Slusky
Courtney Cooney
and Topher Solmssen
Paula Birnbaum
and Neil Solomon
K. Samantha Cho
and Joseph Song
Laura and Greg Spivy
Elizabeth and
Andrew Spokes
Mathea Falco
and Peter Tarnoff
Will Weinstein
Frances Ho and George Yu
Brenda and Joe Adeeb
Breakthrough Collaborative
Scott E. and J. Scott Case
Jiyeon and Steven Choi
Ginny and Ed Conner
Meghan Shannon
and Jose Davila
Lisa Giannone
and Michael Dillingham
Alexis Woods
and Daniel Donahoe
Vanessa Maren
and Dean Donovan
Jennifer Lively
and Eric Edmondson
Electronic Arts
Ellen Burgin and Peter Fair
Jenna and Steven Feinberg
Ann French
Claudia Futter Denton
Lareina Yee
and Humberto Galleno
Lisa Inman and Alisa Gilden
Janie Green
Jim Fisher and Eric Guerin
Elizabeth and Ian Halifax
Susan Bailey-Harnden
and David Harnden
Laura and Charles Hespe
Marian and Bill Howard
Megan and Matt Howard
Tip Kim
Annie and Perry Klebahn
Caroline and Eric Kress
Kim Niquette
and Winston Krone
William Kushner
Marsha Maytum
and William Leddy
Leslee Subak
and Linda McAllister
Nancy Dudum
and Mark Messer
Wendy and James Miller
Joyce Tom
and Leonard Moon
Noe and Mel Murphy
Navid Oreizy
Kimberley Tompkins Pettigrew
and Stephen Pettigrew
Lance Fulford
and Sanders Pitman
Shahnaz Taplin
and Carl Pope
Gay Outlaw
and Robert Schmitz
Jessica and Eric Spaly
Julie Kim and Thomas Stahl
Suzzanne Uhland
Susan and
Christopher Wilkens
Emily and Michael Wikins
Janet and Art Wong
Ron Zeff
Vanessa and
Matthew Alexander
Patricia Anwandter
Diana Wolf
and Darren Bianchi
Lesley Bunim ‘91
Ladan and Shirzad Chamine
Michelle Chen
and Seak Chao
Jennifer and Scott Derringer
Mardi Dier
Lynn Bunim and Sandy Fetter
Martha French
and Anthony Fusco
Christy and Scott Habetz
Meredith Osborn
and Christiaan Highsmith
Jennifer and
Howard Holderness
Katherine and
Alexander Ladd
Celeste and Anthony Meier
Elizabeth Gedney
and Daniel Polk
Susan Rochman
and Robin Romdalvik
Margarita Cabrera-Scarlata
and Karim Scarlata
Barbara and John Seegal
Christy and Alan Tripp
Kate O’Hanlan
and Leonie Walker
Holly Holter and Jay Williams
Tajel Shah
and John Abraham
Elizabeth Balassone
Bank of America Matching
Gifts Program
Leah Rosenkrantz
and Jeffrey Bluestone
Alice Woodman-Russell
and Ryan Brill
Jill Buckley
David Cannington
Yvonne Wu
and Howard Chung
Amy Conger
Meredyth Skemp
and Bobby Cupp
Sheryl Davis
Nina de Clerq
Shelly Dolev
Julie and Jon Elam, in
Memory of Sheila Gadsden
Marsha Cohen
and Robert Feyer
Cynthia Traina
and Steven Fillipow
Ellen Kaye
and Wim Fleishhacker
Jane Ibrahim Gaito
and Michael Gaito
Colette and Stephen Galiani
Ruth and Bill Goldman
Albert R. Gonzales, Jr.
Margene Filson
and Hans Hartman
Elisa and John Hayashi
Erica Hernandez
Roja and Masoud Kamali
Yvonne Keene
Josephine Kennedy
Allison and Vince Kim
Leah Tessler
and Rupert McConnell
Sarah W. McKay
John Fernandes
and Kevin McSpadden
Caroline Tsen
and James Morris
Becky Mortimer
and Doug Nugent
Sharon Olken
Jennifer Ozanne
Eleanor Bigelow
and Tom Paper
Jumee and David Park
Christin and Andrew Pienkny
Pirzada Family Foundation
Katy Gaul and Alex Reese
Gerard Regan
Suzanne Klein
and Dan Rosenbaum
Samantha Graham
and Michael Savulescu
Barbara and Robert Scavullo
Meghan Schwartz
Bettina Steffen
and Scott Setrakian
Arden Hoffman
and Dana Sherwood
Wendy and Bob Singley
Helen Manber
and Bradley Solomon
Pallavi Sharma
and Vishal Tayal
Shirley and Buzz Thompson
Judie and Howard Wexler
Jessica Brooks
Michael Daniels
Belann Giarretto
Carter Graham
Rose and Peter Helm
Harriette and Henry Helmer
Eleanor Hicks
Monika Khushf
Carisa Dorosh
and Andre Lira Gordenstein
Evelyn C. Manies
Anne Paine
Brian Silveira
Vanessa Cho
and Matt Simmons
Susan Sonnemaker
Elinor Tappé
Christopher Wilcox
Andrea Wise
Pei Hua Chen
and Kwok Jing Yeung
In-Kind Support
Adler & Colvin
Breakthrough Collaborative
California Academy
of Sciences
Yvonne Wu
and Howard Chung
Conifer Securities, LLC
Darioush Epicurus
Gillian and Peter Emblad
Cynthia Traina
and Steven Fillipow
Goldman Sachs
iSearch Media
Kaiser Permanente
Kim Niquette
and Winston Krone
Leddy Maytum
Stacy Architects
Andrea Evans
and Chris Lehane
Renee Otero
Jennifer Ozanne
Ann Pattison
Roslyn and Lisle Payne
Natalie Rome
and John Pendleton
Alice and Dan Reynolds
Laura Robertson
Rocket Lawyer
Alison and Jon Ruff
San Francisco Day School
Barbara and Robert Scavullo
Scavullo Design Interiors
Vicky Simonds
and Tom Scharffenberger
Superior Court of California County of San Francisco
Faculty Profile:
Rebecca Lewis
Rebecca Lewis joined the San Francisco Day
School community as an assistant teacher in
1994, and then came back as a kindergarten
lead teacher in 1999. Rebecca also has two
children currently attending SFDS; a son in
third grade and a son in fifth grade.
Why did you choose to become a teacher?
How does being a parent inform your teaching?
I grew up in a family of educators, so teaching has always
been a natural part of my life – my father and sister are both
teachers, as well as several of my cousins. I recall my dad being so satisfied in his profession, just completely fulfilled and
engaged in his teaching career. He sincerely believed that it is
important to love what you do and I agree with him. Working
with children is something that I’ve always enjoyed.
I definitely became more empathetic after becoming a parent. Raising children helps you to understand how difficult
parenting really is. Now that I have some distance and more
perspective, I am able to anticipate certain things and plan
differently. I feel like my work with parents has grown, because I can offer them my thoughts on what to expect further
down the line. I am more comfortable with what the trajectory
of student life looks like here, so it also helps me to promote
the sanctity of play and unstructured time in kindergarten.
What brought you to SFDS?
I originally worked at SFDS for two years as an assistant
teacher in Kindergarten, with a lead teacher named Margarita
Rhodes. She was an incredible mentor to me and we stayed
in touch after I left and worked at a public school in south
San Francisco. I returned to SFDS after Margarita reached out
and encouraged me to apply for the permanent position. I
know from experience that this was a great place to teach – I
loved my colleagues, and working next door to Margarita was
too hard to pass up. It really is amazing, what we offer here.
I sometimes wonder what would I be like, if I had gone to a
school like this, in a community like ours.
What do you value about our school?
I really appreciate our focus on professional development.
It really gives you the space to focus and work on your skills.
For example – I once had a project that was about listening
to children and watching their body language. It taught me to
listen in more ways than one, and to notice the small things.
It’s like being a detective in a sense, seeking out and making
sure that children’s sensory needs are being met, so that they
are ready to learn.
What is something you are looking forward to in the upcoming year?
My class this year is really special – they just love to sing,
even more so than some of my classes in the past. They are
naturally engaged in singing and I want to embrace that.
Singing is a stretch for me – rhythm and memorization don’t
come easily to me, so it is something that I am always working
to improve. This is a great class for me to push myself – a real
growth mindset opportunity.
“It really is amazing, what we offer
here. I sometimes wonder what would
I be like, if I had gone to a school like
this, in a community like ours.”
Faculty Profile:
Anne Paine
Anne Paine joined the San Francisco Day
School community in 2002. Anne is a sixth
and seventh grade world history teacher
and a seventh grade advisor. Anne is also
our school’s resident “Queen Bee”: each
year, she facilitates a beloved Day School
tradition, the National GeoBee.
What inspires you about teaching at SFDS?
It’s all about the children and their enthusiasm for learning. I
have former students come back to visit who are history majors or work in related fields, and it all started here at the Day
School. I also love having the opportunity to create my own
curriculum, and to help children understand what the story of
human events really is. I tell my students all the time: history is
just stories.
How has being an advisor impacted your work here?
As an advisor, I have the opportunity to get to know my
advisees really well – not just the girl or boy we see here
every day, but I am able to learn about their lives beyond the
school, whether it’s extracurricular activities or home life. It’s
important for children to have an adult that they can go to
for counsel, even beyond academic advice. Helping children
feel safe and valuable while nurturing these relationships is an
important aspect of teaching adolescents.
What are some aspects of your career that you
most value?
I am very fond of this age group – I feel like an adolescent
specialist! I find connections with this group and their families, and can address the need of the whole child. I also really
appreciate the colleagues that I have here. They are a collection of intelligent, kind, and humorous people that make the
working environment a place where not only children work,
learn, and grow, but adults do too. I love that we take care of
each other.
“As an advisor, I have the opportunity
to get to know my advisees really well
— not just the girl or boy we see here
every day, but I am able to learn about
their lives beyond the school, whether
it’s extracurricular activities or
home life.”
Alumni Profile:
Michael DuryeeBrowner ‘03
& Michelle Low ‘03
Michael Duryee-Browner ’03 and Michelle Low ’03 both returned to the San Francisco Day
School community as assistant teachers in 2012. Michael earned a BA in history from Emory
University, and now teaches fourth grade with Beth Hatem. Michelle graduated from University
of the Pacific with a BA in liberal studies, and teaches third grade with Stephanie Tybinka.
Why did you choose to become a teacher?
Michael: Generally, I enjoy hearing what young people have
to say. They are elegantly honest in a way that is refreshing. I
actually started as a Day School tutor in 7th grade for Breakthrough. I found myself back in the Breakthrough program
several years later – I was working harder than I ever had, but
I loved every minute of it.
Michelle: Ever since the 8th grade, I knew that I wanted
to work with children. Throughout my high school career I
tutored students and I applied to an education program for
college. During college, I realized that the field of education
was where I belonged and that teaching was my calling.
How has SFDS influenced your career choice?
Michael: Strength of community was something that I
focused on during my job search, and San Francisco Day
School has it in spades.
Michelle: When I first set off on this journey, I knew that I
wanted to come back to SFDS to teach. Hildy Burness, my
third grade teacher here, made a huge impact on the person
I am today. She is someone I aspire to be like, and I want to
have the same kind of influence on my students.
What was it like to return as a teacher?
Michael: As a student, you assume your teachers are just
moving from station to station, day to day, just like you are. In
reality, the amount of pre-planning, prep work, and reflection
required of teachers at this school is astounding.
Michelle: Being on the other side of the desk definitely
required an adjustment period. It was nice to see familiar
faces and have that warm welcoming feeling, but the most
difficult thing for me was learning to call the teachers by their
first names!
Alumni Profile:
Charles Thieriot ’92
Charles (Charlie) Thieriot ’92 received a BA in English language and literature from the University of Vermont. He is a department manager at Llano Seco Organic Meats, Heirloom Beans
and Grains. Llano Seco is a local provider of fresh and processed organic pork, beef, beans,
and grains. Charlie is also the first San Francisco Day School graduate to have a child follow in
his footsteps at SFDS—his son is a kindergartner.
What was it like to come back to SFDS as a parent?
I came to the Day School in fifth grade, so this is actually my
first time experiencing the lower school here. All I knew was
that I had a great experience here, but I didn’t know what to
expect in kindergarten for my son. During the bridge conferences this year, I saw that our teachers still spend a huge
amount of time learning about the children. It makes me
happy to see teachers taking the time to invest in my son, just
as teachers like Mr. Young and Mr. Trapasso did with me.
Looking back, are there specific moments that stand out
to you?
Mr. Young made a huge impression on me. I was a somewhat
difficult student, and he was one of the first teachers who
inspired me and made me feel like I had a personal relationship with a teacher. Day in and day out, Mr. Young would go
out of his way to check in with me. I always felt that he was
coming from a place of true empathy, and not a place of
judgment. His confidence helped me become a more serious
student, which I was able to carry with me into high school
and throughout my career.
How did you get into your field of work?
I come from a long line of ranchers; Llano Seco has been in
my family for six generations. I’ve been directly involved for
the past three years, overseeing a private-label program and
managing all relationships associated with consumers via our
brand. I took over the organic meat brand and expanded
our network of supporters and partners beyond groceries,
to also include restaurant and chef relationships. In a sense, I
reinvented our business model, so although I receive a lot of
support I am often playing the role of salesman and educator,
which is tricky.
What are some of the challenges you face?
I am representing my family, which has intrinsic stresses. All
of the department heads live on the property, so together
we are constantly mindful of living synergistically with our
animals and the natural environment. There’s no such thing
as going on vacation and getting away – you have to be on
top of every detail, especially when you work in this industry.
The regulations and certifications around organic and natural
products hold us to a very specific standard. Thankfully this is
an incredibly friendly market. People here embrace the combination of technology and food, so it is the perfect space for
testing new ideas and connecting local farmers to consumers.
What do you most value about your work?
As a society, we have moved away from knowing or caring
where our meat comes from-we have become disconnected.
I grew up as a hunter and fisherman, so knowing and understanding where food comes from feels more ethical to me. I
am able to both respect and feel responsible for the animals
that I eat; I have learned to hold both ideas in my mind and
heart, and I hope to teach my son the same. Animals are
sentient, sociable beings, and if my business succeeds, then
I know it is because the animals are living as I do – as happily
and healthily as possible.
Alumni Class Notes
Charles Thieriot ’92
Caitlin Collentine ’97
My son Matias is attending SFDS Kindergarten this fall.
I would love to educate the SFDS students and staff about
organic and heirloom food production.
I work as a stylist at The Pretty Pretty Collective in SF’s
Mission District.
Abigail Munn ’93
I’m living and working in Nanjing, China.
Alan Cheng ’99
I am the Artistic Director of Circus Bella. www.circusbella.com
Max Tremblay ’99
Che Hashim ’94
I co-edited White Riot: Punk Rock and the Politics of Race
(New York: Verso, 2011).
I’m currently working as an attorney representing employees
in actions against employers, and the criminally accused in
state court actions throughout the Bay Area.
Ben Blatteis ’00
Jonas Heineman ’95
I am based in Shanghai and will be moving to Hong Kong
soon. Please drop me a line if any SFDS graduates are passing through!
I spent seven years in Ohio and Illinois working on progressive political campaigns; it’s good to be home!
Courtney Mattison ’00
Jonathan Perrelli ’95
I recently moved to Denver, CO and have set up my own studio and small private gallery called the “Inland Sea Studio.”
That’s where I create my large-scale ceramic sculptural work
and smaller home decor objects to inspire marine conservation with the trade name Corallia. I’m living with my boyfriend
of five years, Thad, who is in his first year of medical school at
University of CO. And I have tons of amazing memories from
SF Day!!
My brother, Alexander Perrelli, and I started a kids clothing
company called Dinosaurus (www.WeAreDinosaurus.com).
We make clothes based on dinosaurs that inspire imagination
and education and aim to encourage kids to get outside and
into their imaginations.
Benjamin Bert ’96
I am completing my cornea fellowship at the Doheny Eye
Institute at USC to be able to perform corneal transplant
surgeries and laser refractive surgeries as well as treat corneal
and external diseases of the eye. After 13 years away from
San Francisco I will be returning this summer (July 2013) to
join my father in our joint ophthalmology practice downtown.
Besse Gardner ’96
I have lived in Los Angeles the last 7.5 years but am about
to transfer to London for 2 years. Don’t worry; I’ll always be a
San Franciscan.
Jesse Biroscak ’97
I moved back to SF in May 2012 after a long time abroad. Am
very happy to be back ...and living near SFDS!
Emily Proud ’00
You can visit my art portfolio at www.emilyproud.com and follow me on twitter @emproud.
Sam Feigenbaum ’01
I absolutely love art, music, and creative writing - so naturally
I went deeper into academia where none of that is encouraged. While there, I coauthored a book that is quite popular
in the integrative peacebuilding community and nowhere
else. I am currently working on my master’s thesis about the
Rohingya in Burma, which is too depressing to mention here,
and a novel (like actually working on it, not just sitting around
thinking about how it’d be great to be an accomplished
author) about an inappropriate few months I spent in Mexico.
Neither of these is titled yet but I’ll update accordingly.
Meghan Healy Luecke ’01
Joren Dawson ’05
I recently joined the U.S. Foreign Service and will soon begin
my first full tour in Nairobi, Kenya. During my first year, I will
serve as a Political Officer working on human rights, religious
freedom and Kenyan politics. In my second year, I will serve
as Special Assistant to Ambassador Robert Godec. While in
training at the State Department, I’ve had an unexpected
perk: I get to see an old SFDS friend, Katharine Kendrick, who
works on internet freedom here!
I haven’t followed the path that most others have taken out
of SFDS. I’m a professional circus performer. After graduating from the Urban School, I moved to Montreal to go to the
National Circus School. At school I focused my time on aerial
straps and Chinese hoop diving. I like to jump and fly about.
Since graduating about nine months ago I yet to have any
time off! I have been mainly employed by three companies
and have done some events for others. My work has taken me
to Germany, Italy, Brazil, the US, and a million small towns of
Quebec (taxes are getting complicated). Check out my work
at JorenDawson.com and follow my artist page at https://
www.facebook.com/JorenDawson. If we ever cross paths
anywhere in the world be sure to let me know!
Douglas Go ’02
I’m currently studying optometry, with aspirations of following
in the footsteps of my father, Dr. Randall Go.
Ned Klein ’03
I learned more at SFDS than any of the schools I have since
Rebecca Lynch ’04
I’m currently working on my master’s degree in Biology.
Armen Melikian ‘04
I graduated from the Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore,
MD in May 2012, earning a Bachelor of Science in Materials
Science and Engineering. I’m in my first year of a Master of
Science program in Systems and Information Engineering
at the University of Virginia. While at JHU, I worked in the
national security and defense community, and that work has
continued through to his graduate work and research. I’m
scheduled to complete my MS in 2014.
Adrian Fernandez ’05
Next year I’ll be working with a doctor who’s also a professor at Stanford. We’ll be analyzing specifically what types of
forces are involved in concussive hits by distributing mouth
guards that the lab engineered to include accelerometers and
gyrometers to Stanford athletic teams. The doctor is also the
medical director of the 49ers and I work as a medical intern
and research assistant for the team.
Sara Ach ’06
I’m playing NCAA soccer for Pitzer College.
Monica Natali Renteria Rios ’07
Recently went on an Alternative Breaks Trip to Guatemala
to concentrate on education sustainability while having the
chance to interact and teach the children a bit as well as go
for a day to a disability center while taking part in various
traditions in honor of holy week.
Liza Ach ’08
I’m studying to become a nurse practitioner.
Molly Seligman ’08
I’m a member of the D1 national championship contending
rugby team at Stanford.
Alumni Class of 2009 Reunion
In June 2013, our SFDS Alumni Board & Young Alumni Committee hosted a reunion luncheon
for the Class of 2009. Day Schoolers came back to campus for a panel chat with our Alumni
Board and Young Alumni Committee members. The panel offered our new alumni an
opportunity to discuss life after high school, what to expect freshman year of college, and
how to stay connected with the community moving forward. Many board members shared
their personal experiences post-high school, discussing topics including time management,
changing relationships, new surroundings, and managing personal finances. Following
the panel discussion, alums both old and new exchanged information and made plans to
reconnect at our next reunion event.
Alumni Board 2012-2013
The SFDS Alumni Board was launched on February 11, 2013, and is comprised of former San
Francisco Day School students spanning more than 20 graduation years. Trustee Tommy Davis
‘96 helped SFDS spearhead this initiative and acts as the liaison between the Alumni Board
and the SFDS Board of Trustees.
Front Row: Kate Goldstein-Breyer ‘93, Marisa McCarthy ‘95
Back Row: Max Jan ‘99, Claire Fisher ‘05, Max Wesman ‘97, Lexie Fisher ‘00, Matt Stratton ‘92
Not pictured: Ezra Berman ‘94, Stevie Howell ‘95, Lilah Hume ‘00, Sarah Seegal ‘00, Matthew Kahn ‘91 and Jesse Biroscak ‘97
Alumni Board 2012-2013
Matt Stratton ‘92, President
Ezra Berman ‘94
Lilah Hume ‘00
Lexie Fisher ‘00, Co-Vice President
Jesse Biroscak ‘97
Max Jan ‘99
Max Wesman ‘97, Co-Vice President
Kate Goldstein-Breyer ‘93
Matthew Kahn ‘91
Marisa McCarthy ‘95, Secretary
Claire Fisher ‘05
Sarah Seegal ‘00
Stevie Howell ‘95
High School Matriculation: Class of 2013
Congratulations to the SFDS Class of 2013! We look forward to their future endeavors and
achievements as they embark on their high school careers.
Abraham Lincoln High School
Lowell High School (2)
The Bay School of San Francisco (6)
Saint Ignatius College Preparatory
Branson School
Somerville House, Australia
Cate School
Stuart Hall High School
Convent of the Sacred Heart High School (5)
University High School (10)
Drew College Preparatory (2)
Urban School of San Francisco (5)
International High School (2)
San Francisco Waldorf School
Lick Wilmerding High School (7)
College Matriculation: Class of 2009*
Best wishes to the Class of 2009 as they conclude their high school careers as they move on to
pursue new opportunities. We are proud to have SFDS alumni attending the following colleges
and universities, among others:
Bard College
Northwestern University
Boston University
Reed College
Chapman University
Stanford University (2)
Dartmouth College
Tufts University
Dickinson College
United States Military Academy
Drexel University
University of California, Davis
Emory University
University of California, Los Angeles
George Washington University
University of California, Santa Barbara
Georgetown University
University of Denver
Grinnell College
University of Pennsylvania (2)
Haverford College (2)
University of Washington
Ithaca College
Vanderbilt University
Lewis and Clark College
Vassar College
Middlebury College
Wesleyan University (2)
New York University
*Partial listing
Faculty and Staff
Meg Adler
Vanessa Alexander
Annette Allen
Lindsay Anderson
Nicholas Anton
Marcella Anwandter
Cathy Aragon
Erin Acharya
Herb Bool
Randall Bowman
Jessica Boyles
Aaron Brill
Melissa Brown
Lisa Busby
Megan Buttery
Wesley Carter
Eleanor Coffelt
Sue Collentine
Chris Corrigan
Damian Crosby
Karen Dauer
Katharine Daugherty
Danny De Leon
Daniel DeLuca
Natalie Dunn
Michael Duryee-Browner
Amanda Elliston
Heidi Erbe
Rodney Ewing
Elizabeth Gedney
Sandi Gilmore
Eric Gladstone
Grady Gordon
Carter Graham
Belinda Gray
Andrea Green
Sarah Hale
Homa Hanjani
Beth Hatem
Brian Herrick
Kim Holland
Elise Holston
David E. Jackson
Sheri Leavitt
Jesse Lee
Rebecca Lewis
Michelle Low
Michael Mancini
Evelyn Manies
Andrew Manton
Ilona Marshall
Melissa Mendiola
Loren Moyé
Sasha Mungal
Sarah Nahabedian
Meagan Nye
Mary O’Brien
Dasha Ostrova
Renée Otero
Anne Paine
Ally Parker
Michael Pastor
Ann Pattison
Michelle Phillips
Kate Philpott
Sabina Piersol
Regan Pritzker
Katie Quach
Jose Ramirez
Jorge Recinos
Shahab Rejali
Karen Richards
Steve Roberts
Leah Rosenkrantz
Naomi Rudolph
Alison Ruff
Carolyn Sasser
Randi Schor
Jenee Scott
Andy Shin
Leah Shoaff
Danielle Short
Andrea Shuel
Andrew Smith
Susan Sonnemaker
Vishal Sood
Audrey Soriano
Tristen Sturm
Elinor Tappé
Isabel Taylor
Chaz Thomas
Chery Thomas
Alexandra Tobin
Jason Tognetti
Jeff Turner
Hope Van Sciver
Elizabeth Wachtler
Rosa Wang-McClung
Chris Wilcox
David Wildkress
Alice Woodman-Russell
Joel Young
Acknowledgments and Credits
We extend our profound gratitude to the many donors who generously supported SFDS during the fiscal year
of July 1, 2012 through June 30, 2013. Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the information
and listings in this report. Please accept our sincere apologies if any errors or omissions have been made. Please
bring oversights to the attention of the SFDS development office.
The Annual Report is published by San Francisco Day School development office.
Director of Development
Vanessa Alexander
Michelle Phillips
Annual Fund and Alumni Relations
Jamieson Bunn
Database Management
Danielle Short
Dasha Ostrova
Mugsy Clicks Photography
Staff and Parent Volunteers
Julie Rozelle Contreras,
For additional copies or more information, please contact the development office at 415-568-3631.
San Francisco Day School admits students of any race, color, national and ethnic origin to all rights, privileges,
programs, and activities available to students at the School. It does not discriminate on the basis of gender,
race, color, nationality, ethnic origin, or sexual orientation in administration of its tuition assistance, athletic, and
other school-administered programs.
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