2011 - Alzheimer`s Services of the Capital Area


2011 - Alzheimer`s Services of the Capital Area
All funds raised here, stay HERE.
annual report
president's message
Dear Friends,
2011 was a busy year with many successes. Alzheimer’s Services continued to expand programs and services, meeting and exceeding goals.
The growth I have seen in this organization has been tremendous, and we
now are reaching more people than ever.
However, it was tough year for me personally. I lost my mother, Noblet
Beryl Huye Barry, to Alzheimer’s on November 13th. She was 89. The last
four years, she just wasn’t there. My siblings and family members all were
mourning the loss before she was gone, a clear example that Alzheimer’s
is sometimes harder on the family and caregivers. I personally understand
the stress, anger, frustration, exhaustion, challenges and at times, joy, of
caregiving. It is the main reason I am happy to serve this organization.
In January 2011, we saw Alzheimer’s disease garner national attention
with the National Alzheimer’s Project Act set into motion. The 27 member
Advisory Committee met throughout the year to make recommendations
to the US Department of Health and Human Services for priority actions
to expand, coordinate, and condense programs in order to improve the
health outcomes of people with Alzheimer’s disease and related dementias
and reduce the financial burden of these conditions on those with the diseases, their families, and society. Alzheimer’s Services chose to be represented on this committee through the Alzheimer’s Foundation of America and
participated in discussions, made recommendations, and voiced priorities
based on information from our Community Needs Assessment, Caregiver
Support Groups, and Helpline requests. Among the recommendations are
to prevent and effectively treat Alzheimer’s by 2025, expand research, and
identify early and pre-symptomatic stages of the disease. A full report can
be read at http://aspe.hhs.gov/daltcp/napa/NatlPlan.pdf.
The organization made advancements in several areas guided by the
strategic goals set in 2010 to be achieved in three years. Two of the three
goals were achieved in year two of the plan. The first, a 300% increase in
service delivery with a physical presence to serve the 10 parish area was aggressive. The third, education services that meet the knowledge and skills
required for quality care inspired the staff to evaluate the existing programs and develop additional programming to meet the emerging needs.
Staff members increased delivery of programs, expanded the audience,
developed new programs, and concentrated publicity efforts to reach all
those affected. Sharing the Journey classes were delivered in Ascension
and Livingston parishes and saw record numbers in attendance. Sixteen
Caregiver Network Support Groups met monthly across the service area.
Staff responded to nearly double the Helpline calls and implemented a
streamlined reporting system that enabled reports to quantify who was
being served where and areas may be underserved. Over 800 professional
caregivers were trained in our Dementia Care Training program that was
the first program to be certified by the state meeting requirement standards implemented in 2011.
Making a difference for all those affected continues to drive our mission
with innovative programs. Assessing and developing programs for the special needs population was integral to expanding those we serve including
individuals with Early Onset Alzheimer’s, qualified as developing in those
younger than age 65. The Memory Café was established with a support
curriculum meeting the unique challenges of Alzheimer’s in a population
still raising children who may also be caring for aging parents. LGBT Liaisons was established to address the needs of this special population and
caregivers who again deal with unique legal and caregiving challenges.
The third goal of a universal awareness among the medical community
and other key referral services industries continues to be addressed with
much of the goal reached. The Family Resource Guide was updated and
over 3,500 were delivered to area physicians, hospitals, social workers,
Our Mission
and other referral agencies. The
Faces of Alzheimer’s created a
great deal of awareness during
the month long photographic
exhibit at the Shaw Center,
the exhibit continues to be displayed at area libraries throughout 2012. The photos were
featured in the Baton Rouge
Business Report’s supplement
What’s New in Healthcare and
The Advocate’s People section
raising the profile of the organization significantly. Charlie’s Place remains a model of
person-centered care and serves
as a training environment for
nursing, physical therapy, and
social work students impacting our professional caregivers of the future.
In the last year of the plan the staff continues to implement the recommendations developed to reach the goal.
The organization’s financial health remains strong. Both Programs and
the Fund Development departments use sustainability models to further
the mission of Alzheimer’s Services. The Program Department has developed several fee-for-service programs (i.e. Dementia Care Training and
the Emergency Preparedness Manual) that offset costs of other programs
that are valued by the constituency but do not generate funds. Charlie’s
Place is also considered a social entrepreneur program that was initially
heavily subsidized. The Finance Committee implemented an increase in
the fees in June 2011 based on 3 years of cost analysis raising the income
to a sustainable level requiring less subsidy.
The Rosemary Society has grown in part because of the support from
the Huey and Angelina Wilson Foundation Challenge grants that inspire
donors to have their first year’s gift matched. This contributes to the financial health of the organization through multi-year pledges that allow
the organization to withstand economic instability and plan for growth
based on projected income. Corporate support has shifted somewhat shying away from multi-year agreements. The organization has adapted to
allow Corporate Partners to renew their support one year at a time. The
organization appreciates the support of the Rosemary Society, Corporate
Partners, and donors for their trust and investment in our mission.
The organization sought more grant funding to expand programs and
meet emerging needs. We received the Alzheimer’s Foundation of America’s
Brodsky Grant to develop the Recollection Collection and the Irene W. and
C. B. Pennington grant to develop a consultative program for community
based respite centers like Charlie’s Place. Both programs are designed to
become sustainable with the Recollection Collection, a tool kit for nursing
home Alzheimer’s care units, already garnering statewide interest.
In summary, 2011 was a productive year with many advances made, challenges met, and people served. We appreciate your support and hope to continue our relationship as we assist those families coping with Alzheimer’s.
What’s new in the
battle against a
growing menace.
Sponsored articles on
health programs, trends
and options
Alzheimer’s Services
board president
Wilfred Barry with
his mother, Noblet
Sponsored By:
(l to r) Vicki Daviet and Glenda DeLong
Mission statement
The mission of Alzheimer’s Services of the Capital Area is to make a significant difference in the lives of those coping with Alzheimer's disease in
our community.
wHO IS Alzheimer's services
Alzheimer’s Services of the Capital Area is a local nonprofit organization in the Greater Baton Rouge Area dedicated to providing education
programs and support services to those affected by Alzheimer’s disease or dementia. Alzheimer's Services is not affiliated with a national organization; therefore, all funds raised remain in our ten parish service area to fulfill our mission of serving those coping with the disease in our
What is Alzheimer's Disease?
Alzheimer’s disease is a progressive, degenerative disease of the brain that results in memory loss, impaired thinking, difficulty speaking and
personality changes. During the course of the disease, there is a continual loss of nerve cells in areas of the brain that are crucial to memory and
other mental functions. Currently, there is no cure for Alzheimer’s disease, but some drugs are available to treat some symptoms, as well as to
slow the progression of the disease for a period of time.
Wilfred Barry
Board President
Who We are
financial report
Service Area
Corporate partners
3772 North Boulevard, Baton Rouge, Louisiana 70806
(225) 334-7494 | Tollfree (800) 548-1211 | www.BRhope.com
Board of Directors
Wilfred Barry
Barbara W. Auten
Crissie Head Landry
Dana Territo
Kelsey Kornick Funes
Cheryl Payne
Richard Byrd
Steve Carville
Dudley W. Coates
John D'Angelo
Charlene Favre
Kathi Gill
Edward Hardin, Jr.
Dr. Robert I. Hart
Pat Hoffman
Kelly Hurtado
Jeffrey Keller, PhD
William S. Slaughter, PhD
Terrie Sterling
Dr. Chris Trevino
Charles Valluzzo
Honorary Board Members
Alex Postlethwaite (deceased)
Ralph Sims (deceased)
Executive Director
Director of Services
Debbie Kidder Little
Director of Development
Ascension, Assumption, East and West
Baton Rouge, East and West Feliciana,
Iberville, Livingston, Pointe Coupee,
and St. Helena
Alzheimer’s Services of the Capital Area
Statement of Activities*
Year Ended December 31, 2011
Contributions, Gifts & Grants:
Direct Public Support:
Donated Services/Goods
Indirect Public Support:
Grants for Restricted Purposes
Respite Center Income
Special Events
Investment Income
Investment Gains/Loss
Other Income
Monique Poreé
Facts about
Alzheimer’s Disease
Ed Picard
Respite Center Coordinator
• Every 68 seconds someone in America
develops Alzheimer’s disease.
Expenses (includes donated goods and services):
Program Services
Management and General
Fund Raising
Marcia Kirk
• 1 in 8 persons over the age of 65
develops Alzheimer’s disease.
Effie Marcantel
• Of the top 10 diseases, it is the only
disease with no prevention, treatment,
or cure
Katherine Schillings
• Alzheimer’s disease is the 6th leading
cause of death in the U.S.
Administrative Assistant
Respite Center Assistant
Program Coordinator
Program Coordinator
Ashley Motsinger
Public Relations Coordinator
*Teri Brantley
Development Associate
*Julie Darden
Program Coordinator
*Rashida Keith
• Over 5.4 million people in the U.S. are
living with Alzheimer's. By 2050, there
will be 16 million.
• In 2011, over 220,000 caregivers spent
over 250 million hours caring for a
loved one with Alzheimer's
2012 Alzheimer's Disease Facts & Figures provided by Alzheimer's Association
NET ASSETS, Beginning of Year
NET ASSETS, End of Year
2011 Expenses
Programs and Services - 78%
Expenses 58%, Inkind 20%
Program Coordinator
*Dusty Manson
Fundraising - 11%
Expenses 7%, Inkind 4%
* Not currently employed
Management and General - 11%
Expenses 10%, Inkind 1%
Development Associate
our programs & Services
Lunch-N-Learn — Free one-hour educational
program on a topic relating to Alzheimer’s disease
or dementia, with specific information on the disease and aspects of care, with lunch served.
Sharing the Journey — Four-class series on
educational and support that guides caregivers and families through the disease
process and available resources.
Video Ed — Lunch-N-Learn program is recorded and converted to video, which can be
viewed or checked out in our resource library
the month following the presentation.
Health Fairs — Participation in health and
wellness functions that support the aging
community and caregivers of Alzheimer’s
and dementia patients.
Education Conference — Annual one-day
program that features a leading health professional in the field of dementia or Alzheimer’s
disease and provides continuing education for
professionals and caregivers.
Alzheimer's and Dementia Care: An Emergency
Preparedness and Disaster Manual — An
emergency manual for pre-planning and essential
information in dealing specifically with individuals suffering from Alzheimer’s and dementia-related disorders during a disaster situation.
Speaker’s Bureau — Presentations provided for
community organizations, businesses, and professional associations on various topics surrounding
aging, dementia and Alzheimer’s disease.
November Awareness — Annual Program(s)
open to the community, promoting brain health
and healthful aging while raising awareness in the
10-parish area.
State of Louisiana Dementia Care Training —
Certified training in dementia care for adult residential care facilities and nursing facility employees. This training is in compliance with Louisiana
Legislature passed ACT 571 in 2008.
Resource Library — Extensive collection of
videos and print resources for caregivers and
professionals that may be checked out.
A Cause to Remember — Monthly informational sessions presenting who we are and
what we do in the community.
Family Resource Guide — Informational
brochure including general disease and contact information for Alzheimer’s Services and
related resources that is distributed to medical professionals and area agencies in the 10parish area.
Newsletter — Provides current information
on programs and services, information on
Alzheimer's disease, and a calendar of events.
Caregiver Network Groups — Monthly
meetings, sponsored by Alzheimer’s Services,
held throughout the 10-parish area by trained
facilitators that provide caregivers support
and encouragement.
Walk/Run to Remember — Annual event
held each fall to raise awareness and funds for
Alzheimer's Services.
Helpline — Provides telephone support for
disease information, caregiving issues and community resources.
Charlie’s Place — Award-winning respite care
program designed to give caregivers a break,
while providing cognitive stimulation and social
interaction for individuals with mild to moderate Alzheimer’s disease or dementia.
Respite Reimbursement Program — Assists
caregivers and theire families in covering expenses incurred from using sitters, adult day
centers, and other care programs while caring
for a loved one at home.
In an effort to continue to provide quality
services to those affected by Alzheimer’s disease, Alzheimer’s Services received the Brodsky Grant from the Alzheimer’s Foundation
of America to supply outreach services to 40
long long-term care and assisted living facilities in the ten parish area we serve. Through
outreach efforts, nursing home staff, residents,
and family caregivers will benefit from “Recollection Connection” Kits containing selfguided program activities and ready-made
appropriate activities to engage the residents
in socialization and cognitive abilities.
Junior League TLC Events
Swaying in Paradise
Dancing to the music of Don Gros and
enjoying food provided by Drusilla Catering, caregivers and their loved ones
enjoyed an afternoon of dancing, fun,
and fellowship in paradise.
Wreath-Making & Munchies
at the Mansion
The Old Governor’s Mansion was the
setting of a fun-filled day for caregivers
and their loved ones to create holiday or
sports-themed wreaths. Malcolm Andes
of Andes Floral and Bridal Design aissted
the group in making the wreaths.
Narcisse and Luz enjoying the TLC Luau
Jeanne McManus
TLC for Caregivers — Social events designed
for caregivers to enjoy activities with other
Alzheimer’s affected individuals and family
members. Hosted by community partner, the
Junior League of Baton Rouge.
Safe Return — Nationwide identification program that helps identify, locate individuals who
wander, and return them in a timely manner
through I.D. bracelets, necklaces or clothing
18th Annual Education Conference
on Alzheimer's Disease
Christmas Baskets — Gift baskets filled with
donated goods from community organizations
gifted to designated families assisted by Alzheimer’s Services.
Over 160 participants attended the 18th annual Education Conference held at
Pennington Biomedical Research Center. Keynote speaker, Rev. Kathleen J. Rusnak, Ph.D., presented “After They Forget: Psychological Issues in Advanced Dementia and Maintaining a Holistic Approach.” In her presentation, Dr. Rusnak
stressed the importance of recognizing “person-hood” in the individual with
Alzheimer’s, explaining that person-hood is about “inclusion” --respecting and
valuing the individual as a full member of society and understanding the history,
life, and purpose of that person.
Website — Provides information on programs and services, as well as educational resources and links to online disease information, including the Alzheimer's Services blog.
Visit us online at www.BRhope.com.
Social Media — Organization's blog, Facebook page, and Twitter feed provide up-todate details on Alzheimer's Services' events as
well as personal stories, photos, and information on Alzheimer's disease.
Charlie's Place Client, Irene, shares a dance with
Development Director, Debbie Little.
Alzheimer’s Services
Receives Brodsky Grant
Volunteer, Dorothy LeBlanc, shown playing the washboard,
entertains and leads Charlie's Place clients
in song every Monday.
our supporters
Corporate Partners
$20,000 and above
McDonald's of Baton Rouge
Our Lady of the Lake Regional
Medical Center*
$10,000 - $19,999
Amedisys Home Health Services
Home Instead Senior Care*
Cajun Industries
$5,000 - $9,999
Baton Rouge Coca Cola Bottling Co.
Cardinal Hospice
Jarreau, Voorhies & Waters
MAPP Construction, LLC
Peoples Health
Phelps Dunbar, Inc.*
St. James Place
* All or a portion of this partnership is in-kind
Memories Luncheon
Challenge Gift
The Huey & Angelina Wilson
Rosemary Society
$25,000 and above
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Valluzzo
$1500 - $24,999
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Albritton
ASA Properties
Ms. Charlene Belk
Mr. & Mrs. Tony Boagni
Mr. & Mrs. Bill Borne
Mr. & Mrs. Dudley W. Coates
Mr. & Mrs. Benny DiChiara
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Frey
Mr. & Mrs. Tom Hawkins
Mr. & Mrs. J.D. Lyle
The John Gact Fund
Mr. & Mrs. Rolfe McCollister
Mr. & Mrs. Walter Morales
The Boo Grigsby Foundation
Mr. Hank Saurage
Mr. Russell Washer
$1,000 -$1499
Mrs. Robelynn Abadie
Mr. & Mrs. William Auten
Mr. & Mrs. James M. Baker
Dr. & Mrs. Brent Bankston
Mr. & Mrs. Princeton Bardwell
Mr. & Mrs. John Barksdale
Mr. Wilfred B. Barry/SJB Group
Mr. Johnny Battaglia
Mr. & Mrs. Jim Bernhard
Mr. Tom Besselman
Dr. & Mrs. Rajat Bhushan
Mr. Carroll Blewster
Mr. & Mrs. Barry Blumberg
Mr. & Mrs. Ace Bourgeois
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Buchart
Mr. & Mrs. Damian Calato
Mr. Brian Campbell
Mr. & Mrs. James Carville
Congressman & Mrs. Bill Cassidy
Mr. & Mrs. Mike Cohn
Mr. John D'Angelo
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Davidge
Mr. Robert DeAngelo
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Divincenti
Mr. & Mrs. Bill Dixon
Mr. Alvin Fairburn, Jr.
Ms. Charlene Favre
Mr. Wayne Fluitt
Dr. & Mrs. Chris Funes
Mrs. Diane Gaffney
Mr. Steve Gaffney
Dr. & Mrs. W. Patrick Gahan
Ms. Candace Gary
Mr. & Mrs. Milton Graugnard
Mr. E. Eric Guirard
Mr. & Mrs. Butch Hart
Drs. Robert I. Hart & Susan Nelson
Mrs. Crissie Head-Landry
Mr. & Mrs. Rory Henderson
Pat & Sparky Hoffman
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Jenkins
Mr. & Mrs. Gary Johnson
Mr. & Mrs. Jerry G. Jolly
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Lamar
Mr. & Mrs. Scott Landry
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Lipsey
Ms. Mary Joyce Malhiet
Mr. Ben Marmande
Mr. & Mrs. Frank McArthur
Mr. & Mrs. Fermin Montes De Oca
Dr. & Mrs. Scott Nelson
Mr. John Neyland
Mr. & Mrs. Fred Parks
Mr. & Mrs. Mike Phillips
Mr. Richard Piazza
Mr. & Mrs. Mackie Robinson
Mr. & Mrs. Buddy Roemer
Mr. C. J. Roth
Ms. Linda Roth
Dr. William Russell
our supporters
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Ryder
Mr. & Mrs. Len Sedlin
Mr. & Mrs. Neal Sheets
Mr. & Mrs. William S. Slaughter, III
Mr. Cale Smith
Mr. & Mrs. Marvin Smith
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Songy
Dr. & Mrs. Steven Soper
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph J. Spera
Ms. Patricia Talbot
Mr. William "Bill" Taylor, Jr.
Ms. Betsy Thomas
Mr. James Thompson
Dr. & Mrs. Graham E. Tujague
Mr. & Mrs. John C. Valluzzo
Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Valluzzo
Mr. Robert Valluzzo
Mr. Rocco C. Valluzzo
Mr. & Mrs. Tim Valluzzo
Mr. Sonny Vaughan
Mr. Troy Wagener
Mr. & Mrs. Gary Warrington
Reverend Ronnie L. Williams
$999 and below
Mr. & Mrs. Steve Carville
Ms. Kathi Gill
Milton J. Womack Jr. Foundation
Ms. Ann S. Monroe
Mr. & Mrs. Todd Sheets
Corporate Sponsorships
Cash and In-Kind Donations
$3,000 - $8,000
Albemarle Corporation/Foundation
Blue Cross & Blue Shield of Louisiana
CommCare Corporation
Lamar Advertising/
Mr. Charles Lamar
Peoples Health
$1,000 - $2,999
Always Best Care
Alzheimer's Foundation of America
Apex Industries Corp.
The Baton Rouge Clinic
Cracker Barrel Convenience Stores
Capitol City Produce
Dudley Debosier Injury Lawyers
Kean Miller, LLP
Our House For Respite
SGS Petroleum Service Corporation
Sunrise Assisted Living ( Siegan)
Sunrise Assisted Living
of Baton Rouge
$300 - $999
Amber Terrace Retirement
Comfort Keepers
Feliciana Home Health
Gulf South Hospice of Louisiana
Luba Worker's Comp
Nursing Care Connections, Inc.
Oakwood Village Assisted Living
Our House For Respite
Physicians Home Care
Organization, llc
Sigma Consulting Group, Inc.
Gifts of Spirit
Multi-Year Pledge
$100 - 1000
Mr. Charles Abboud
Mr. Stewart Abercrombie
Ms. Jackie Airhart
Ms. Karen Allen
Mr. & Mrs. Mike Anderson
Mr. Bob Barton
Mr. & Mrs. Terry Bellon
Ms. Terri Borde
Mr. & Mrs. Johnny Bradberry
Ms. Julia Breaux
Mr. Kevin Brian
Mr. Ronald Bullion
Mr. Paul Cangelosi
Mr. David R. Cassidy
Ms. Betty Cassidy
Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Castleberry
Mrs. Janel Chapman
Mr. & Mrs. David Corona
Mr. & Mrs. John Daniel
Mr. Dane D'Aquin
Ms. Therese DeMouy
Mr. & Mrs. Johnny Fife
Ms. Carol Fitch
Mr. & Mrs. Derek Fitch
Ms. Sarah Fontenot
Mr. Brandon Frey
Ms. Carmenza Funes
Mr. & Mrs. John Paul Funes
Mr. Marc Goldstein
Mr. Doug Gonzales
Ms. Michelle Gosserand
Mrs. Lowry Griffon
Ms. Lillian Grossley
Mr. David Hebert
Mr. & Mrs. Neal Hendrick
Ms. Kathleen Hoffpauir
Mr. & Mrs. Dan Holliday
Mr. Stephen M. Huggins
Mr. Joe Hynes
Ms. Michele Killen
Ms. Susan Law
Ms. Lyndra Lea
Ms. Andrea LeFebvre
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Levy
Ms. Debbie Little
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Lumpkin
Ms. Erica Malone
Mr. & Mrs. David Mancuso
Ms. Jennifer "Dusty" W. Manson
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen McCollister
Mr. & Mrs. Mike McGaugh
Ms. Linda Melancon
Ms. Harriet Babin Miller
Mr. Steve Miller
Mr. Matt Mullins
Dr. & Mrs. Penny Nelson
Mr. & Mrs. Jay Noland
Ms. Trudy Panepinto
Ms. Cheryl Payne
Mr. Michael Perrault
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Pitts
Bob & Sue Rainer
Mr. Gregory Romig
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Setliff
Ms. Jeri Shread
Ms. Terre Smith
Mr. John Snow
Ms. Donna St. Cyr
Mr. Todd Stevens
Ms. Moffett LeBlanc Strain
Mrs. Gwynne C. Wales
Mr. & Mrs. Kyle Waters
Mr. Charles Weidig
Gifts of Friendship
$10,000 and Above
Mr. & Mrs. Martin Kearns
Mr. Charles Valluzzo
$1000 - $9999
Mr. Darian Chustz
Mr. Randy Garrett
Ms. Tracey Koch
Mrs. Yvonne Lemoine
Mr. Randall Roberts
Ms. Linda Saurage
Special Children's Foundation, Inc.
New York Life Insurance/
Mr. Maurice Springer
Mrs. Terrie Sterling
Mr. Troy Stevens
Mr. Richard D. Thornhill
Mrs. Michelle Todd
Dr. Kate Abbott
Ms. Kathleen Allen
Mr. Kenneth Allen
Mr. Ara Arman
Mr. Eiad Asbahi
Mr. Ryan Babin
Mr. Peter Bahlinger
Mr. Lionel Bailey
Mr. Bill Baker
Ms. Michel Barksdale
Mr. Wilfred Barry
Ms. Theresa Becnel
Chris Van Beneden, Maureen
& Claudia
Kim & Lamar Bevil
Ms. Amy Bongiovanni
Ms. Cindy Bourgeois
Ms. Suzanne Bourgeois
Ms. Joan Bourgeois
Mrs. Lynn Bradley
Mr. Alan K. Breaud
Ms. Julie Breeden
Ms. Julie Brignac
Ms. Melanie Carmen Brown
Mrs. Norma G. Buckles
Mr. Ronald Bullion
Ms. Katherine Burns
Mrs. Eileen Burroughs
Mr. & Mrs. George Caballero
Taylor & Mary Ann Caffery
Mr. Vincent Cannatella
Mr. Joseph Carlock
Ms. Kathy Carmouche
Mr. David Cassidy
Mr. Dean Cazenave
Ms. Katherine Chenevert
Mr. & Mrs. Dudley W. Coates
Mrs. Rose Colley, L.C.S.W.
Ms. Monica Courville
Mrs. Sue Anne Cox
Cox Walker & Associates, Inc.
Creed Law Firm
Dr. Steve Crump
John & Priscilla Dale
Mrs. Jackie Daniels
Mr. Scott Daughtery
Mr. Lawrence Davis
Mr. & Mrs. Pat Davis
Ms. Rose Doolittle
Ms. Kathleen Doughty
Ms. Ellen C. Ducote
Craig Duhe
Mr. Ralph Dupuy
Mrs. Sarita Duvernay
Mr. Richard Dykes
Mr. Richard Ellis
Mrs. Pearl Faser
Ms. Tammie Faul
Jerry Fischer
Ms. Linda Frey
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Frey
Mr. & Mrs. John Paul Funes
Ms. Bonnie Gaudin
Mr. David Gilin
Ms. Samantha Givens
Mr. Joe Goodson
Mrs. Carol Gordon
Charlotte & Ricky Gordy
Mr. Mike Grand
Ms. Cathy Gravois
Ms. Cherie Gravois
Mr. Charles Haase
Ms. Effie Hardy
Mr. Tom Hawkins
Mr. James O. Hebert
Mr. & Mrs. Neal Hendrick
Mrs. Thelma Herthum
Ms. Holly Hildalgo-Dekeyzer
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Holub
Ms. Virginia Hopper
Mr. Will Hornsby
Mr. Tommy Hyde
Consultants Hydro
Mr. Tom Iglehart
Ms. Lisa James
Ms. Diane Johnson
Ms. Elisabeth Jones
Ms. Paula Jones
Ms. Marsha Jumonville
Kantrow, Spaht, Weaver & Blitzer
Ms. Cathey Kavanaugh
Mr. Richard Kean
Jeffrey Keller, Ph.D.
Kendall Pretzel Corp.
Kleinpeter Farms Dairy, LLC
Leon R. Kleinpeter, III
Mr. & Mrs. Harvey Koenig
Ms. Kimberly M. Koporc
Mr. & Mrs. Howard Kossack
Mr. George Kurz
LA Travel Promotion Association
Tere Labarre
Mr. & Mrs. Errol Labat
Ms. Laure Lamontagne
Mr. Charles Landry
Ms. Sandra Landry
Mr. Tim Larroux
Ms. Susan Law
Larry & Evelyn Lee
Susan & William Lefever
Mr. Guy Lewis
Ms. Narcille Lorio
Ms. Renee S. Lorio
Ms. Rachel E. Lyle
Mr. Gerald P. Lyons
Ms. Beryl Mack
Ms. Lisa Mahoney
Mr. Ray Marchand
Mr. Frank Marino
Mr. & Mrs. William Marks
Matherne Family
Mr. Michael McGaugh
Mrs. Mae C. McGuffery
Mr. Slater McKay
Wayne & Claire McVadon
Ms. Jennifer Mestayer
Ms. Cynthia Michael
Ms. Jojan Miller
Morel Contracting Services
Ms. Kerrie Morgan
Ms. Paula Neck
Ms. Elaine S. Neese
Dr. & Mrs. Scott Nelson
Dr. Charles Nolan
Ms. Donna M. Olinde
Orleans Parish Criminal District Court
Ms. Angela Owen
Neighbors on Bentley Drive
Mrs. Thelma Pattan
Mr. David Patterson
Mr. R. Dave Peek
Mr. Mac Peek
Ms. Joy Petty
Mr. Richard Piazza
Mr. Paul Plauche
Dee & Billy Poe
Dr. Scott Porta
Ms. Sonya Porta
Postlethwaite & Netterville, APAC
Ms. Carmen Prescott
Mary Elsen & Jere Price
Pujol & Pryor
R. Robert & Jeanette Rackley
Bob & Sue Rainer
Ms. Robyn Richard
Mrs. Kim Robertson
Mr. Larry Roedel
Mr. & Mrs. Mel Rue
Michael & Maureen Sause
Mr. Bill Scheffy
School of the Woods
Mrs. Joann Severio
Ms. Beverly G. Shea
Mrs. Karin Simmons
Mr. & Mrs. William S. Slaughter, III
our supporters
Ms. Sandi R. Smith
Mr. Ralph Stephens
Donna & Art Sterling
Mrs. Terrie Sterling
Mr. & Mrs. Steve Storey
Mr. James Taylor
Mr. & Mrs. William Taylor, Sr.
Tellepsen Builders, L.P.
Mr. Mike Tham
Ms. Lisa Thomas
Mr. Scott Thurston
Sally & Roger Toups
Mr. David Treppendahl
Triton Industries, L.L.C.
Carmen & Ken Trull
Mr. & Mrs. Randy Tullier
Ms. Suzanne Turner
Mr. John Turner
Mr. Marshall Vass
Ms. Angela Wales
Mr. & Mrs. Norm Warren
Carolyn & Billy Watts
Mr. J. Don Weathers
Ms. Lori West
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald G. White
Ms. Allison Williamson
Ms. LaKedra Williams
Mr. Brian Wilson
Ms. Susan S. Windham
Ms. Alyssa Winkler
Mr. Fernie Wood
Ms. Carolyn M. Woolrough
Tribute Gifts
Includes both honorary and
memorial donations for the
following individuals
Ms. Helen Achord
Mrs. Olive Marie Berteau Alexander
Mr. Harding Alleman, Sr.
Mr. Bobby Ray Allen
Mrs. Marilyn Ann Michel Anderson
Mrs. Loretta Alice Applegate
Mr. Charles "Jack" Arnold
Mrs. Grace Barnett
Mrs. Noblet Beryl Huye Barry
Mrs. Nancy Maurin Bean
Mrs. Dottie H. Bennett
Mrs. Blewster
Mrs. Bonnie Hattier Bonnette
Mrs. June Boudreaux
Mr. Daniel Edwards "Dan" Brabham
Mrs. Verna Mary Brewer
Mr. Aubrey Buckles
Mrs. Gloria Louise Buesing
Mr. David Butler
Mr. Billy Caldwell
Mr. & Mrs. John Carnahan
Mrs. Nippy Carville
Mrs. Patricia Yongue Chiquelin
Mrs. Lillian Marie Fabre Chustz
Mr. Clarence L. Clopton
Mr. Ronald Couget
Aaron, Warren & J. S. Couvillion
Mr. Hester P. Couvillion
Mrs. Florence D. Couvillon
Mr. Naylor Matthew Cragin
Mr. & Mrs. Roland Daigre, Jr.
Mr. Nicholas J. "Nicky" Danna
Mrs. Vicki Daviet
Col. (U.S.A.F. Ret.) Edward T. Davis
Marlene H. Davis
Mrs. Joyce Hubbs Thornhill Day
Mr. Cesir Decareaux
Mr. Joseph Dennis Defreitas
Mrs. Thilda Diez
Mr. Hilary Lanier "Don" Donellan
Christine Downing
Mr. Huron J. "Sam" Ducote, Jr.
Mrs. Judith Solar Duggan
Mrs. Annabel Eckman
Mrs. Joy Grace Ellis
Mr. Floyd Alcee Eskine
Mrs. Grace Etheridge
Christian Faser, Jr.
Mrs. Laura Field
Mrs. Ouida Magee Ford
Mrs. Shirley May Babin Frost
Mrs. Mable Elizabeth Falcon Garrett
Dorothy C. Garrison
Mr. Paul Gates
Mrs. Nita Fay Simpson Gautreau
Mrs. Mary Attuso Gentile
Mrs. Tanina Giambrone
Mrs. Ann Rita Carlino Gioia
Mrs. Margaret Bennett Gordon
Mrs. Rodia Rabalais Lemoine
Mrs. Carol Ann Gravois
Mrs. Elva Dean Gray
Mrs. Mary Stella Greaud
Mr. James Leroy Green
Roy P. Harris
Mrs. Addie Marie Harrison
Mrs. Margaret Michel Head
Mr. Charles Neal Hebert
Mary A. Henson
Mrs. Rita Marino Hibbs
Mr. Leland Hoffmann, Sr.
Mrs. Balistine Williams Tarver Hopkins
Mrs. Alma Aikens James
our supporters
Mr. Lee Elliott "Jesse" James
Mr. C.M. "Max" Johnson
Ms. Mary Johnson
Mr. Bobbie James Juneau
Mrs. Dorothy Kaiser
Bess & Joe Kelley
Mrs. Dannie Kelly
Mr. Audrey Nolan Kennedy
Mr. Ronald Gary Kinchen
Mr. Dewell Fred King
Ms. Faye Kovich
Mrs. Gloria Labat
Mrs. Freda Anderson Lacaze
Mr. Glenn V. Lamendola
Leonard Lamonica
Mrs. Renee Landry
J. "Buddy" Larguier
Mr. Price Leblanc, Sr.
Mrs. Augusta Bond "Gussie" Leche
Mrs. Mary Margaret Lee
Mr. Herman Legier
Mr. Jay Leidner
Ms. Cecile K. Lorio
Lundin/Vacarro Families
Mr. Gene Arnold Lunsford
Mr. & Mrs. J.D. Lyle
Mrs. Ann Forrester Lyles
Mr. Mark "Speedy" Malhiet
Mrs. Anita Kelly Mannear
Mr. Harold C. Matherne, Sr.
Mrs. Berta Laycock Mayer
Mrs. Eloise Polk McAdams
Mrs. Dot McCollister
Mr. Tom McKay
Mr. Robert McKenzie
Mrs. Felma H. McKnight
Mrs. Lucy D. McLin
Mr. Curtis Locke Meredith, Sr.
Mr. Frank Joseph Mobley
Mrs. Peggy Mockler
Ms. Mary Joyce Monet
Mr. Henry Carmon Moore, Sr.
Mr. Reynolds Moran, Sr.
Mr. Joseph Salvador "Muff"
Mrs. Opal Myers
Mrs. Sallie Nijoka
Mr. Eddie Olivier
Mrs. Madeline Maggio Palazzotto
Mr. Charles Joseph Pasqua
Mr. Paul Pattan
Mrs. Pamela Helms Piazza
Mr. & Mrs. R.C. Pitts
Mrs. Ella Kempton Plaisance
Mrs. Frances Briehn "Fannie" Ponson
Mr. Milford "Trey" Rayborn, III
Mrs. Patricia Bercegeay Rebowe
Mr. Bob Reynolds
Mrs. Ada Louise Jones Rich
Mrs. Therese Landry Rivere
Mrs. Hazel Lafoy Taylor Rountree
Mr. & Mrs. Louis Ruffino
Mr. Joseph Luke "J.L." Saizan
Mr. Bernard Joseph "Knocker"
Sanchez, Jr.
Mr. Anthony Nicolo "Scotty" Scardina
Ms. Kathy Screen
Mr. Louis Shar, Jr.
Mrs. Betty H. Sherouse
Mrs. Mary Nordstrom "Nincy"
Catherine Smith
Mrs. Judith Margaret Smith
Mrs. Margaret Smith
Mr. Salvador F. Spano
Mrs. Myrtle Lusk St. Pierre
Mrs. Jeannette Stacks
Mrs. Anne Day Record Stout
Mr. E. Morgan Stuart, Jr.
Mrs. Neva Sykes
Mr. & Mrs. Guy Tanner
Ms. Jan Tarver
Mr. Walter Tauriac
Mr. Lloyd Taylor, Sr.
Mrs. Mary Jane Bordelon Thielman
Mr. & Mrs. Joe Thomas
Tommy Totten
Mrs. Doris Levert Toups
Mrs. Arominta Bennett "Polly" Travis
Mrs. Mary Louise Trayler
Mr. Charles Valluzzo
Mr. Raymond M. Vargo
Mrs. Evelyn H. Veilleux
Mrs. Mary Lea Ardoin Vidrine
Dr. Sam S. Vinci
Mr. William Walther
Mrs. Shirley S. Ward
Mrs. Laura "Peggy" Connelly Watkins
Mr. Clyde L. Watson
Mrs. Jean ReMus Neher Watson
Mrs. Margie Martin Watson
Sadie H. Watts
Mr. Derek A. Waugh
Mrs. Rita Mae Werner
Mrs. Bertha West
Mrs. Janice Turner Westbrook
Mrs. Anita Gloria Vidrine White
Mrs. Marie Wilson
Mrs. Murrell Wilson
Nathan Wilson
Mr. Thomas Woods
Ms. Cynthia Woody
Doug & Mary Woolfolk
Mr. Ted Ziegler
Third Party Fundraisers
The Bourgeois Family & Friends
Camelot College
Community Health Charities of LA & MS
Delta Zeta Sorority
Dodge Drive for Charity
Kiwanis Club of Baton Rouge
Our Lady of the Lake RMC
Pilot Club of Denham Springs LA, Inc.
Foundation/Grant Contributors
Albemarle Corporation/Foundation
Alzheimer's Foundation of America Brodsky Grant
Baton Rouge State Fair Foundation, Inc.
The Boo Grigsby Foundation
Capital Area Agency On Aging
Charles Lamar Family Foundation
Credit Bureau Of Baton Rouge Foundation
Irene W. & C.B. Pennington Foundation
The Karen & Herbert Lotman Foundation
Mary Ellen Clements & Jere K. Price Fund
Milford Wampold Support Foundation
Million Dollar Round Table Foundation
New York Life Insurance
Northwestern Mutual Foundation
Awarded In Honor Of Damian Calato
Turner Industries Fund
William Edwin Montan Trust
Young Women's Christian Organization
Charlie’s Place Donors
Damian Calato
Nationally Recognized
as a Top Volunteer
Alzheimer’s Services of the Capital
Area received a $10,000 award from
the Northwestern Mutual Foundation
in recognition of financial representative Damian Calato’s outstanding volunteer commitment, as part of the
company’s 17th annual national Community Service Award program.
(l to r) Damien Calato and Bill Slaughter
Memories in the Making Luncheon
The annual Memories in the Making Luncheon, which raises awareness and sustainable funding for the organization, was held in May at the Marriott. Over 380 guests enjoyed Executive
Director, Barbara Auten's vision for
the future, Mike Buchart's and Elizabeth Henderson's personal testimonies, and an inspirational video.
Damian Calato rounded out the
program with a request for guests
to join in our cause, resulting in
over $260,000 raised.
(l to r) Charlie Valluzzo, Barbara Auten, Mike Buchart,
and Elizabeth and Rory Henderson
Includes In-Kind Donations
EBR Council On Aging
Congregate Meal Program
Home Instead Senior Care
Louisiana Nursery
SAIA Health Solutions
Sweet Wishes
Mr. Charles Valluzzo
Specialty Donations
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Byrd
The 36-Hour Day
Anne R. & Robert Stout Fund
A Time to Remember
The Bourgeois Family and Friends
presented "A Time to Remember"
in June at the Clarion Inn and Conference Center in Gonzales, LA. This
silent auction and dessert social
raised more than $33,753 for Alzheimer's Services. With a family history
of Alzheimer's disease, the Bourgeois
family serves as ambassadors for the
FACES of Alzheimer's Exhibit
Andrea Babin (middle) with her parents Juanda and Mike Babin
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Valluzzo
FACES of Alzheimer's Exhibit
We have made every effort to ensure that all contributors or tributes were included. Please inform
us if we have omitted or misspelled a name.
Cause to Remember
Alzheimer’s Services offers a free informational tour of the facility and Charlie’s Place once
a month. The one-hour informational session is designed to inform and increase awareness
about the programs and services offered by the organization. Learn all about volunteer opportunities and become an ambassador for the organization. All guests are welcome. Please
call Debbie Little at 225-334-7494 or email [email protected] for more information or to RSVP.
The Faces of Alzheimer's
The Faces of Alzheimer's
our volunteers
Dedicated Volunteers
Approximately 8,123 hours, valued at $173,507 were donated by volunteers to Alzheimer's Services in
2011 through various events, programs and services.
“The Faces of Alzheimer’s” photo exhibit highlighted National Alzheimer’s Disease Awareness month in November. The black and white photo exhibit featured the many faces of
Alzheimer’s, captured by photographers, Aaron Hogan and Tate Tullier, and were displayed
at the Shaw Center for the Arts. A coinciding digital photo display with photos provided
by caregivers continually played alongside the exhibit. The exhibit was displayed the entire
month of November 2011, and, beginning in January 2012, the exhibit travelled to libraries
in the 10-parish area served.
(l to r) Jensy and Aaron Hogan and Tate and Sarah Tullier
Appreciation Luncheon
Alzheimer’s Services held their annual volunteer appreciation luncheon at Boudreaux's in
January of 2012 for volunteers of 2011. Many
dedicated volunteers were recognized for their
years of service.
Alzheimer’s Services honored two outstanding volunteers with the Rosemary
Award. These volunteers have demonstrated
exceptional commitment to the organization.
Pat Hoffman and Mary Anne Olivier became involved with us in 1999 as they coped
with their mother’s Alzheimer’s. Both have
been instrumental in advancing the mission
of the organization over the last 13 years
by serving on the Board of Directors. Mary
Anne was instrumental in developing the
respite center concept and remains a member
of both the Education and Respite Advisory
Committees. Pat served as President of the
Board during the building renovation and
build out in 2006 and 2007. They have served
on countless committees, volunteered at the
Walk and raised funds through the Memories
in the Making Luncheon.
The Charlie Award
Also Part of November Awareness
TLC with Chef John Folse and Paul Gates
Caregivers enjoyed cooking up a special
BLEND with Chef John Folse and Paul Gates
at White Oak Plantation
Presented by Alzheimer’s Services in collaboration with the Junior League of Baton Rouge,
Chef John Folse and retired TV Reporter Paul
Gates, who has been diagnosed with Alzheimer’s, joined together to provide a lively BLEND
of cooking demos, conversation and great food!
(l to r) Paul Gates assists Chef John Folse with a
cooking demonstration.
Healthy Eating Lifestyles
Peter Sclafani, Owner/Executive Chef of
Ruffino’s Restaurant presented Healthy Eating Lifestyles at the Restaurant on Highland
Road. Chef Peter gave participants an enlightening cooking demonstration, with ideas and
strategies for healthy eating alternatives for the
brain and body.
This new award is given to a volunteer for outstanding contributions to Charlie’s Place Respite Center.
The award is named to honor the three Charlie’s that have been supportive of the organization-Charlie
Valluzzo, Charlie Lamar and the late Charlie Spera, son of Mary and Joseph Spera. Ragan Hinshaw,
Anne Maddox and Lynn Harville are the first recipients of this award.
(l to r) Pat Hoffman, Mary Anne Olivier, and Barbara Auten
(l to r) Five-year Awardees
(l to r) Barbara Auten, Ragan Hinshaw, Charlie Lamar, Mary and Joesph Spera,
Lynn Harville, Charlie Valluzzo and Anne Maddox
Charlie's place
Charlie's Place Respite Center
A caregiver of a new client dropped off her mom for her first day at Charlie’s Place. As the caregiver was getting
back into her car, she told the staff, “This is my first day off in two whole months.”
The Respite Center enables caregivers that “day-off”-the free time to run errands, schedule doctor appointments, take care of obligations, or just relax from the day-to-day responsibility of 24/7 caregiving.
Inasmuch as the caregivers are enjoying a respite, the clients at Charlie’s Place are reaping the benefits of a structured day through a host of activities during their stay. Cooking, gardening, arts and crafts, pet therapy, exercise,
word games, story-telling, music therapy, and reminiscing are among the activities always planned to promote
mental stimulation and socialization and to give clients a meaningful and purposeful day.
“My wife leaves Charlie’s Place with a smile and loves to go back.” a caregiver comments. “ I love the attitude
of all the employees and their obvious love for what they do.”
With 100% of staff being certified as Qualified Dementia Care Providers by the Alzheimer’s Foundation of America, person-centered care is the
hallmark of the award-winning Respite Center.
Charlie’s Place is designed for individuals with early-stage Alzheimer’s and related dementia disorders. The Center is one of only 32 sites in the United
States that holds the Excellence in Care Dementia Program of Distinction by the Alzheimer’s Foundation of America.
For more information, please contact Dana Territo, Director of Services or Ed Picard, Respite Care Coordinator at (225) 334-7494.
Pennington Foundation Grant
for Charlie’s Place Business Model
With grant funding from the Pennington Foundation, Alzheimer’s Services is developing a
Respite Center Manual and consultation program. Realizing the need for more adult respite
centers, the program will be marketed to long-term and adult day care facilities as well as
community-based organizations developing respite programs. Understanding the future
needs of respite care, the organization will consult on best practices for person-centered
care for Alzheimer's-affected individuals.
Music...A Universal Language
The Baton Rouge State Fair Foundation awarded a grant to purchase a new player piano. for
Charlies Place, which was dedicated in September. The Foundation Board Members were honored and thanked at a special luncheon and dedication. The new digital player piano is limitless
in its capacity to play thousands of music titles of any genre.
"The piano is wonderful. We love having it here." - Wes, Charlie's Place client.
(l to r) Greater Baton Rouge Fair Foundation Members and Raph O'Neill
Charlie's Place Client, Wes, enjoying the new player paino
Alzheimer’s Services Walk/Run to Remember
Bill and Christel Slaughter, Honorary Chairs for the 2011 Walk/Run to Remember, led more than 8,000 attendees in the annual fundraising and
awareness event.
Runners ar the Walk/Run to Remember
Bill and Christel Slaughter receive a proclamation from Mayor Holden.
Activities in the Children's Village
Mark your Calendar - 2013 Walk/Run to Remember is Saturday, October 19
2011 Walk/Run
"A" Team
"Mr. Vic"
A First Name Basis
Home Care
Adams & Reese, LLP
Adult Day Healthcare of
Livingston Parish
All Star
Always Best Care Senior
Alzheimer's Services
Amazing Grace
Amedisys Home Health
& Hospice
Baton Rouge Business
Baton Rouge Coca Cola**
Baton Rouge Delta
Alumnae Chapter
Delta Sigma Theta
Sorority Inc.
Baton Rouge Eagles
Beaucoup de Coeur
Big Bad Bourgeois*
Big Daddy
Top Family Team*
Top Corporate Team**
Boogie Queen's Bunch
BRCC Nursing
Capital Area Technical
Capitol City Produce
Capitol Steppers
Chi Teens
Comfort Keepers Team
Dan's Our Man
Dawn Patrol
Dudley DeBosier
Evans Family Team
Exchange Train
FBBC Walkers
GBR Hope Academy
Grammys & Nannys
Grand Construction
Guaranty Corporation
Hannis T. Bourgeois CPAs,
Count on Us
Home Instead Senior Care
Honey's Hearts
Hospice Associates Baton
Hospice Compassus
Hospice in His Care
Islamic Center of Baton
Johnny's Girls
Judy's Joggers
Keep On Keeping On
Lamar Advertising
Lee Michaels
Legacy Center of LA
Legs for Lettie
Lester's Kids
Long Term Care Access
LSU Gammas
Maw's Sugar Bowls
MawMaw Essie
Memory Joggers
Memory Patrol
Mockler Beverage
Nanny's Team
Nathan's "Possee"
Neighbor's FCU
Nippy's Walkers
Old Jefferson Community
Care Center
OLOL Senior Services
On Eagles' Wings
Papaw's Team
Pelican State Credit Union
Peoples Health
Poise 'N Ivy Strutters
Pop Pop's Party
Postlethwaite &
Regions Insurance
Remembering Our
Right at Home
SJB Strutters
Sonnyboy Transit
Southern University Tau
Pi Chapter of Sigma
Theta Tau
SSA Consultants
St. James Place
St. John Vianney
St. Joseph Baptist
Church Outreach
St. Mary Baptist Church
Star HIll Walkers
Sunrise at Siegen
Sunrise of Baton Rouge
Team Albemarle
Team Anne
Team Cardinal Hospice
Team DeLaune
Team Journey
Team LaPorte
Team Life Source
Team Marshall
Team Mary and Betty
Team New Hope SIC
Team New Hope SIC 2
Team Overton
Team Thomas
Team Zeno
Team Zumo
The Baba Support Crew
The Girlz
The Oceans Wave
The Suzie Q's
Theta Chi
Tony's Tigers
USAgencies Cruising for
Vincent A. Ferachi Team
Walking for Bobbie
Walking for Dads
Walking For Wayne