2010 02 - COPAS of Oklahoma City


2010 02 - COPAS of Oklahoma City
The General
COPAS of Oklahoma City Newsletter
Happy New Year!
Happy New Year! And speaking of new, did you
happen to notice the new name on our newest
committee? The New Professionals Committee is
open to members with five or fewer years of experience in the oil and gas industry. Note that
youth is not a requirement; you need only an interest in learning more about the industry and accounting in the industry.
If you are indeed a New Professional in the oil and
gas industry, please take a moment to introduce
yourself to Jennifer Manning, Krystal Goodman,
and / or Houston Lee. Also, please consider joining our newest committee to take advantage of
this opportunity to learn more about the industry
and meet future key contacts in our local society.
Meeting Information
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
Committee Meetings
Financial Reporting
10 am-Perle Mesta Suite.
Technical Session
11:00 am—11:30 am Venetian Room
Technical Speaker & Lunch
11:30 am—1:00 pm Venetian Room
Lunch Menu
Guest Fee $26
President’s Message
Technical Session Speaker
Committee Information
Board Information
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Classic garden salad with Ranch and champagne vinaigrette
Roasted Pork Loin with spicy strawberry sauce, served with whipped potatoes and
fresh vegetables
Traditional carrot cake or chocolate marquis
President’s Message
Fellow COPAS Members,
I hope everyone had a wonderful holiday season. Personally, I
ate way too much, but I’m sure that everyone else showed great
restraint! Now that we’ve gotten through the beautiful
weather, it’s time to get back to business and clear out all the
emails and other work that was piled up and waiting for us.
Our February meeting is a luncheon meeting, and we are fortunate to have Steve Irizarry, the National COPAS Executive Director as our speaker. Steve has implemented numerous
changes in COPAS at the National level, and has placed a great
deal of emphasis on marketing the COPAS brand and increasing membership. He is an excellent
speaker, and I know everyone will enjoy meeting him and hearing his presentation.
Our annual Education Day is coming up fast. It will be held on Thursday, February 18 at the
UCO Nigh University Center. There is still room, so if you’re interested but haven’t yet registered, bring your registration form to the COPAS meeting on Tuesday, or send it to Melissa
Meeker at Chesapeake. I encourage everyone to consider attending. Melissa has put together
an excellent program, and attendees can earn 7 hours of CPE credit, including 2 hours of Ethics
I look forward to seeing everyone on Tuesday!
Jeff Marsel, President
Email Society President: [email protected]
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Technical Session
At our February 2010 meeting, we have the pleasure of
introducing Steve Irizarry, the Executive Director of
COPAS. Steve began his career working in public
accounting then moved into oil and gas. With 30 years
of experience in the oil and gas industry, Steve spent 15
years with Texaco, 7 years with Kinder Morgan, and
worked as a consultant prior to his tenure with COPAS.
Steve graduated from the University of Florida with a
BSBA and Regis University with an MBA. He is also a
Bighorn Fellow, which is a bipartisan fellowship
sponsored by Colorado State University. Steve currently
lives in Littleton, Colorado and loves to fly fish and tie
flies, ski, and snow shoe and play golf.
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Steve Irizarry
Account 1300—Audit and 1700—Joint Interest
JI Chairs: Dennis McGee, Chesapeake
Melissa Gruenewald (JI), Chesapeake
Audit Chair: Rick Stong, Chesapeake
Hello, everyone. The Audit and JI Committees did not
meet in December. We will not meet on February 9
unless there are significant topics that come up at the
National Meeting. We will likely meet on March 9.
Dennis & Melissa
Joint Interest
Account 1500—Education
Chair: Melissa Meeker, Chesapeake
Mark your calendars for COPAS Spring Education
Day 2010! The event will be held Thursday,
February 18, 2010 at the Nigh Convention Center
on the UCO campus. Attendees can earn 7 hours
of CPE credit, including two hours of Ethics credit.
If you have any questions, comments, concerns or
suggestions, please feel free to contact me at
[email protected].
Account 1800—Membership
Chair: Randy Goben, Chesapeake
Happy New Year everyone! The good news is that
since we have crossed the half way point our dues
are now also only $125. Our membership has now
risen to 277 members. If anyone would like
packets sent to other prospective members please
send me their addresses and I will make sure they
get a membership packet. Please contact Randy
Goben regarding membership information at
[email protected].
P O Box 144
Oklahoma City, OK 73101
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Account 1600—Financial Reporting / Sarbanes Oxley
Chair: Travis Williams, Grant Thornton
The Financial Reporting Committee will meet on
February 9, 2010 at 10:30 am. I will be presenting a
technical accounting update that will be eligible for
CPE credit. The update will include a summary of
recently issued literature and current practice issues.
If you plan to attend, please RSVP to my e-mail
account at [email protected].
I hope to see
you there.
Account 1900—Midstream / Downstream Accounting
Chairs: Stacey Clark, Chesapeake
Julie McCann, Chesapeake
The Midstream / Downstream Accounting
Committee will not meet in February. However,
we look forward to seeing you at the February
If you have any suggestions for speakers or topics to
cover, please let us know.
Stacey & Julie
Account 2000—Revenue
Chairs: Kimberly Marquis, Devon
Tiffany Starnes, Devon
The Revenue Committee will not meet in February,
but we look forward to our March meeting. We
are working out the details on a speaker and we
will be forthcoming with more information.
The MMS will conduct training regarding
“Reporting on Federal Units and Communitization
Agreements” in OKC on March 17th and 18th. The
information obtained during the training will be
used as a discussion guideline for our April meeting.
We will also discuss the other aspects of PAs/CAs.
See you in March,
Kimberly & Tiffany
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Account 2100—Small Oil & Gas Companies
Chair: Diana Voss, Ward Petroleum
The Small Oil and Gas Companies Committee will not
meet in February. If anyone has a speaker in mind
for March please let me know.
Thank you,
Account 2300—New Professionals Committee
Chairs: Jennifer Manning, Devon
Krystal Goodman, Devon
Houston Lee, Devon
New Professionals will not be meeting this month.
We look forward to having a special guest speaker
in March and hope to see more individuals join us
as we begin to have not only young professionals
but NEW professionals as well.
As explained in the last technical session, our
committee name has changed to the New
Professionals to target those in the industry with
five years of experience or less. We are really
excited and eager to grow this committee and
meet the needs of those that are in the beginning
stages of their career in oil & gas.
Account 2200—Tax
Chair: Rebecca Priest, OGE Energy Corp
Our next meeting is on Wednesday, February 17,
2010 at the SandRidge Energy Annex. Our speaker
will be Brian De Luca with Enogex. His presentation
will be on Natural Gas Processing.
The cost for lunch is $20 for COPAS members and
$30 for non-COPAS members. If you are interested
in attending and would like information about the
location, you may RSVP to Samantha Vreeland at
[email protected].
At our last meeting held on January 20, 2010, Terry
Boehrer with Cole & Reed presented a Federal and
State Tax Update.
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Please contact Krystal, Houston, or me if you have
any questions about the committee. We would
love to talk with you about your interest in joining
and any ideas you would have to help evolve this
new committee. See you soon!
Jennifer, Krystal, & Houston
Board of Directors
Jeff Marsel, Chaparral Energy
Ph: 405-426-4464
Fax: 405-425-8464
Email: [email protected]
Amanda Streitmatter, SandRidge Energy
Ph: 405-753-6122
Email: [email protected]
Marith Means, Carl E Gungoll Exploration
Ph: 405-286-6543
Email: [email protected]
Karen Hurley, Ward Petroleum
Ph: 580-234-3229
Email: [email protected]
Susan Clark, GHK
Facilities Coordinator
Ph: 405-840-1811 x102
Fax: 405-840-4422
Email: [email protected]
Kevin Ellis, OGE Energy Corp - Enogex Inc
Education / Training
Ph: 405-557-5204
Fax: 405-558-4610
Email: [email protected]
Randy Goben, Chesapeake Energy
Ph: 405-879-9156
Fax: 405-879-9585
Email: [email protected]
Kelly Poisson, Chaparral Energy LLC
Special Events
Ph: 405-426-4350
Email: [email protected]
Mandy Fuller, Devon Energy
Facilities Coordinator
Ph: 405-228-4402
Fax: 405-228-8202
Email: [email protected]
National Board Liaison
Lynn Boyer
G3 Drilling and Blasting, Inc
[email protected]
Committee Chairs
Rick Stong, Chesapeake Energy
Ph: 405-767-4150
Fax: 405-879-9585
Email: [email protected]
Randy Goben, Chesapeake Energy
Ph: 405-879-9156
Fax: 405-879-9585
Email: [email protected]
Nominating Committee (cont.)
Dennis McGee, Chesapeake Energy
Ph: 405-810-2665
Fax: 405-879-9532
Email: [email protected]
Melissa Meeker, Chesapeake Energy
Ph: 405-935-4979
Fax: 405-849-4979
Email: [email protected]
Kimberly Marquis, Devon Energy
Ph: 405-228-8841
Email: [email protected]
Diana Voss, Ward Petroleum Corp.
Ph: 580-234-3229
Fax: 580-242-6850
Email: [email protected]
Tiffany Starnes, Devon Energy
Ph: 405–552-3662
Email: [email protected]
Mandy Fuller, Devon Energy
Ph: 405-228-4402
Fax: 405-228-8202
Email: [email protected]
Financial Reporting/Sarbanes-Oxley
Travis Williams, Grant Thornton
Email: [email protected]
Joint Interest
Dennis McGee, Chesapeake Energy
Ph: 405-848-2665
Fax: 405-879-9532
Email: [email protected]
Melissa Gruenewald, Chesapeake Energy
Ph: 405-879-9327
Fax: 405-879-9532
Email: [email protected]
Stacey Clark, Chesapeake Energy
Ph: 405-935-9289
Fax: 405-552-1332
Email: [email protected]
Julie McCann, Chesapeake Energy
Email: [email protected]
Rebecca Priest, OGE Energy Corp.
Email: [email protected]
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Small Oil and Gas Companies
Diana Voss, Ward Petroleum Corp.
Ph: 580-234-3229
Fax: 580-242-6850
Email: [email protected]
New Professionals
Jennifer Manning, Devon Energy
Ph: 405-552-3697
Email: [email protected]
Krystal Goodman, Devon Energy
Ph: 405-552-7985
Email: [email protected]
Houston Lee, Devon Energy
Ph: 405-552-8017
Email: [email protected]
Nominating Committee
Mary Kruger, Ward Petroleum Corp.
Ph: 580-234-3229
Email: [email protected]
Johna Dodson
Ph: 405-935-9328
Email: [email protected]
Johna Dodson
Ph: 405-935-9328
Email: [email protected]
Josh Pitts
Email: [email protected]
Paul Bowyer
Email: [email protected]
Website / Newsletter—
Jennifer Manning
Ph: 405-552-3697
Email: [email protected]
Rick Villarma
Ph: 405-228-8376
Email: [email protected]