January 2009 - Lincoln-Way Community High School District 210
January 2009 - Lincoln-Way Community High School District 210
The OFFICIAL Newsletter of the Lincoln-Way High School Alumni Association Welcome to our interactive newsletter! Throughout this newsletter there are links to articles for easy reading and navigation. There are also links to the main website – your easiest way to get the latest information. INSIDE TH I S I S S U E LETTER FROM DR. WYLLIE: Lincoln-Way Alumni more» Foundation News more» Lincoln-Way Foundation Annual Dinner Gala more» Lincoln-Way Links Submissions from Classmates from 1956–2006! more» Reunion Review more» About Us... more» Editor: Linda M. Lopez, Foundation Executive Director Graphic Designer: Randy Baum, Class of 1977 Vol. 5 • No. 1 January 2009 Today ’s Lincoln-Way W hen Lincoln-Way alumni see today’s LincolnWay, they may find evidence of change at every turn. Where there was one school, today there are three – soon to be four. There was once a faculty of 34, today the number of certified staff is close to 600. Today Lincoln-Way is home to nearly 7200 students, a number that has grown from the early days when 400 students attended Lincoln-Way Community High School. In 1958, when the first graduating class to complete four years at Lincoln-Way walked across the stage to accept their diplomas – they numbered just over 100. In 2009, nearly 1700 young men and women will graduate in two ceremonies – one at Lincoln-Way Central and one at Lincoln-Way East. In the beginning, there were wrestling, cross country, football, basketball and cheerleading teams. Today’s athletic program features nearly 30 sports – for men and women – from football, soccer and basketball, to bowling, tennis and badminton. Swimming and water polo were once not even imagined; there was no pool. Today, the pools in the district are busy around the clock with classes, more» practices and community use. w w w. l w 2 1 0 . o r g Classrooms equipped with advanced technologies may look different today. However, student achievement remains the focus. Lincoln-Way High School Alumni Association Today’s Lincoln-Way (continued) The OFFICIAL Newsletter of the Lincoln-Way High School Alumni Association Vol. 5 • No. 1 Once when the bell rang at the end of the day, signaling dismissal, the school building emptied and grew dark. Today Lincoln-Way schools are the heart of this community; they are alive with activity and home to fine arts performances, local religious services, college classes, and various community events. The changes are clear. Even classrooms appear different. White boards replace chalk boards; graphing calculators supplant pencils and paper; laptops are often used instead of notebooks. Yet, upon closer inspection, much remains the same. Students are challenged and engaged. Teachers are devoted. The curriculum has expanded to include new opportunities to inspire student success; the dedication to academic excellence and student achievement remains constant. Today Lincoln-Way High School District 210 ranks in the top 6 percent of high school PSAE scores in the state of Illinois. In Will County, Lincoln-Way East and Lincoln-Way Central rank number one and two respectively. And while student achievement is evidenced by high ranking FRONT PAGE NEXT PAGE test scores, fiscal responsibility is equally apparent. Lincoln-Way High School District 210 consistently has one of the lowest perpupil expenditures for all high schools in the six collar county Chicagoland area. The dynamic growth of the district also paves the way for increased opportunities for students to be involved in their school community. Four schools will provide more chances for students to participate in Madrigals, art clubs, school plays, Mathletes, band, chorale, and a host of other activities. More students gain leadership skills as members of the Student Council and as class officers. High school life at Lincoln-Way today may look a bit different, or even a lot different, than when our graduates walked the halls, attended classes, and participated in their favorite activities. Though, at the heart of the matter, the important things remain the same. Today’s students, like those who came before them, have the benefits of challenging academic programs, teachers who care, and a curriculum designed to open doors for future success. w w w. l w 2 1 0 . o r g | January 2009 | Page 2 Dedicated teachers, a challenging curriculum and cutting edge technology create a dynamic learning environment. Lincoln-Way is, as it has always been, a vibrant, evolving community, with a constant and steady mission. Just as our alumni and our students grow and continue the life-long process of “becoming,” so too does LincolnWay. We know that our alumni and today’s students may have varied experiences, yet it is our hope that they share a common, enduring bond: a love for Lincoln-Way. I Lincoln-Way High School Alumni Association Letter from Dr. Lawrence A. Wyllie, Superintendent of Schools The OFFICIAL Newsletter of the Lincoln-Way High School Alumni Association Vol. 5 • No. 1 | January 2009 | Page 3 Lincoln-Way Alumni... T his issue of the alumni newsletter includes updates from nearly 100 Lincoln-Way alumni. Thank you for taking the time to share a glimpse of what is happening in your life. It is exciting to hear about your growing families. We are proud of your educational accomplishments and your business successes. We honor those who are serving our country in far off places like Afghanistan and Iraq; we pray for your safe return. Many of you continue to build your lives here in the Lincoln-Way community; others have relocated to cities throughout the United States. Wherever you are, we hope you carry your love of Lincoln-Way with you. You are each an important part of our Lincoln-Way family. Just as you reach out to us with your news, we share the pride of our accomplishments with you. As a district we continue to grow. Lincoln-Way North is already thriving; Lincoln-Way West will open in August of this year. Most importantly, our students are flourishing. Academically, students from Lincoln-Way East and Lincoln-Way Central have scored in the top 6 percent of high schools in the state of Illinois on the Prairie State Achievement Exam (PSAE). Both schools are in the top 50 out of 654 high schools in Illinois. Lincoln-Way East and LincolnWay Central rank number one and two in Will County, and of the 12 schools in the SWSC Conference. The discipline and strong work ethic that our students experience in our classrooms translate to extra-curricular FRONT PAGE NEXT PAGE w w w. l w 2 1 0 . o r g success. Most recently, a robot built by Lincoln-Way Community High School District 210 students competed in a national competition in Alabama. Lincoln-Way students have been participating in the BEST Robotics Inc. competition each year since 2001. They have qualified for Nationals eight times. Our music programs continue to thrive, producing All-State top performers and State Champions. Our Lincoln-Way students consistently achieve state and national honors in academics, music and sports. Our student athletes continue to rise to the top in each of their competitive conferences, winning conference, regional and state titles. The strength of our athletic programs is consistent with the vigor of our academic demands. Reaching out to others is another Lincoln-Way tradition that continues to thrive. Dozens of soldiers serving in Iraq and Afghanistan this past holiday season received hand-made stockings filled with treats from Lincoln-Way North students. Lincoln-Way Central students created hand-made blankets to donate to children and teens who are ill or otherwise in need. This is just a sampling of the many good things that are happening throughout our district. I sincerely hope you will take every opportunity to continue to be part of this very special place. If you live close by or are in town on vacation, please attend an athletic event or a fine arts performance – or stop by for a visit. I’d enjoy welcoming you. I Lincoln-Way High School Alumni Association Foundation News The OFFICIAL Newsletter of the Lincoln-Way High School Alumni Association Vol. 5 • No. 1 | January 2009 | Page 4 Foundation Leaps from 1 Million in Donations to 2 Million in Just Two Years! T he Lincoln-Way High School District 210 Foundation for Educational Excellence made history in 2008. The Foundation donated to the district a recordshattering $640,000. The first disbursement occurred in April when the Foundation donated $130,000 to fund grant requests, followed by a $10,000 donation in May when the Foundation awarded scholarships to graduating seniors from Central and East. In December, the Foundation wrote a check to the district for $500,000. This donation included $250,000 to fund grant requests, and $250,000 to the building trades program. “There is no doubt that this year’s results surpassed our wildest expectations,” said Foundation Board President Patricia Walker. “What is even more stunning, is that in the last two years we doubled our total donation to the district. In 2006, we reached the million-dollar mark in donations, a quest we more» embarked on in 1994. FRONT PAGE NEXT PAGE The Lincoln-Way High School District 210 Foundation donated $640,000 in 2008, shattering all previous records and reaching the 2-million dollar landmark! Seated, left to right: Kim Warning Foglton, Secretary Amy Guzek, President Patricia Walker, External Vice-President Bryan Bruns, Internal Vice-President June Gill, Diana von Albade and Shelley Wantiez. Standing, left to right: Debbie Burk, Cindy Kokal, Geri Barone, Foundation Executive Director Linda Lopez, Steve Hogan, Steve White, Kris Lindley, Greg Hobbs, School Board Liaison Kevin Molloy, Michelle Moyle, Bob Chiszar, Christa Pietrzyk and Foundation Assistant Diane Hendrickson. Not pictured are board directors: Janet Caschetta, Linda Ernat, Dana Frazier, Bob Kennedy, Doug Schlak, Sue Thomas and Treasurer David Zang. w w w. l w 2 1 0 . o r g Lincoln-Way High School Alumni Association Foundation News (continued) The OFFICIAL Newsletter of the Lincoln-Way High School Alumni Association Vol. 5 • No. 1 From 2006 to 2008 we donated another million dollars to the district, and reached the $2 million mark. Because we share the district’s mission of improving student achievement, and fiscal responsibility, we are able to donate 94 percent of all money raised back to the district.” Lincoln-Way students throughout the district are the beneficiaries of the Foundation’s success. Walker continued, “We make a big difference in our classrooms by funding advanced technologies that give teachers the tools they need to reach kids, and provide a dynamic environment where learning is interactive and hands-on.” Though many of the requests that come to the Foundation from teachers focus on technology, there are also grants funded that cover the costs of non-tech items like research books, popular fiction novels, art easels, world maps and digital cameras, to name just a few. Donations from the Foundation benefit students throughout the district and across the curriculum. FRONT PAGE NEXT PAGE “It takes everyone associated with the Lincoln-Way District to improve student achievement,” said Superintendent Dr. Lawrence Wyllie. “The contributions from the Foundation play a major role in improving academic intensity.” When asked what factored into the Foundation’s unprecedented success, Executive Director Linda Lopez is quick to point out volunteer commitment and community support. “We have an extraordinary board of directors who lead by example,” said Lopez. “They each make an annual cash contribution to the Foundation, they roll up their sleeves and work hard for every fundraiser, and they have the vision to keep moving us forward.” Lopez continued, “The community support for Lincoln-Way is amazing. We are so grateful that even in this challenging economic environment, businesses and individuals throughout the district, and beyond, continue to express their support. We simply couldn’t succeed without them. w w w. l w 2 1 0 . o r g | January 2009 | Page 5 “Finally, and most importantly, we represent an exceptional school district. Our community knows that Lincoln-Way High School District 210 provides unparalleled opportunities for academic achievement and social growth. Our schools stand at the very heart of this community. When people donate to Lincoln-Way, they not only give from the heart, they give with confidence, knowing that their donation will be managed responsibly.” I IMPORTANT INVITATION FOR ALUMNI: Each of you is an important part of our Lincoln-Way tradition! Please join us for our ANNUAL DINNER GALA on Saturday, February 14, 2009, at the Odyssey Country Club in Tinley Park Additional details and registration information on page 6. Lincoln-Way High School Alumni Association Please Join Us... L incoln-Way High School District 210 Foundation for Educational Excellence would love to welcome Lincoln-Way alumni to the Annual Dinner Gala. This year’s event will take place on Saturday, February 14. So why not celebrate Valentine’s Day with us? The festivities will take place at the Odyssey Country Club in Tinley Park. The evening features appetizers, a lovely dinner, open bar, live and silent auctions, as well as entertainment. Reservations are $100 per person. Whether you are with a group of classmates, some close friends, or just that special someone, we promise you will enjoy a beautiful evening. The evening begins with appetizers and silent auction at 6:00 pm. Dinner will be served at 8:00 pm, with a live auction at 9:00 pm; throughout the evening you will enjoy live entertainment. Please join us. Just complete the form at right and return it to the Foundation office. Have you been thinking about getting together with some of your classmates? This might be a perfect opportunity to have your own mini-reunion! The Foundation would be happy to recognize your class with special announcements, just indicate on your response that you are with an alumni group, and indicate which class. FRONT PAGE NEXT PAGE The OFFICIAL Newsletter of the Lincoln-Way High School Alumni Association Vol. 5 • No. 1 | January 2009 | Page 6 ANNUAL DINNER GALA – Registration ■ I would like to make ____________ reservation(s), at $100 per person. ■ I would like to reserve ____________ table(s) of 10 for $1,000 per table for the Class of _________________. ■ Sorry, I cannot attend the Dinner Gala, but I would like to make a tax-deductible contribution of ________________________________________. ■ My check, payable to: Lincoln-Way High School Foundation, is enclosed. ■ Please charge my purchase to the following: ■ ■ Card Number __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ■ Exp. Date ___________________________ Signature ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ NAME CLASS OF ADDRESS CITY STATE ZIP TELEPHONE Please return this registration form to Lincoln-Way High School Foundation, 1801 E. Lincoln Hwy.,New Lenox, IL 60451. You may also make reservations by contacting the Foundation Office at (815) 462-2976. Reservations are requested by January 30, 2009. w w w. l w 2 1 0 . o r g Lincoln-Way High School Alumni Association The OFFICIAL Newsletter of the Lincoln-Way High School Alumni Association Vol. 5 • No. 1 | January 2009 | Page 7 Lincoln-Way Links T his section is designed to help our alumni stay connected. Tell us what is happening in your life. Share family and career news. Let us know about your children or grandchildren. Send us news about your vacation. We are excited about this section of our alumni newsletter. What a wonderful and easy way to stay connected! We are delighted that so many of our alumni sent in their news! If we received your news after the deadline, it will appear in our next issue. Please send your information and photos for our next issue to Linda Lopez at [email protected]. Be sure to include your year of graduation and your last name at the time of graduation. Thank you! Class of 1956 Class of 1962 Ralph A. Eisenbrandt had a 44-year career with the railroads and has been enjoying a busy retirement since 2000. In 2006, he co-authored a book titled Elgin, Joliet & Eastern Railway, with over 200 photos and historical information. He serves on the board of directors of the Frankfort Preservation Foundation and is a life-member of the Frankfort Area Historical Society. He helped found the FAHS and served as its first president. Ralph presents historical programs on the history of the region’s railroads and the Frankfort area. He has portrayed several historical characters at the Historical Society’s Cemetery Walks. Ralph served on the Frankfort Public Library District board of trustees and the Frankfort Fire Department for 22 years. He retired at the rank of Deputy Chief. He also is the co-founder of the Will County Emergency 9-1-1 System and was its first coordinator. Ralph was active in local Cable-TV and produced, directed and appeared in many telecasts. He has been announcing the Frankfort Fall Festival parade each Labor Day weekend for over 30 years. Ralph is most proud of his 18 years of service as an 8th grade Sunday school teacher for St. Peter’s United Church of Christ in Frankfort. He is single now and has two daughters, one son and seven grandchildren. Ed Schleeter and Judi (Owen) Schleeter are enjoying their retirement in South Carolina. Ed retired from Motorola in 2006. They are presently biding Ed, son Derrick, Judi and Derrick’s their time until wife, Gina, at the Indy 500 in May. they can purchase another sailboat and get back on the water. They miss the San Francisco Bay area sailing, where they lived for many years. Their plans for this year are to do an entire West Coast tour. They have three sons, who live in Grass Valley, CA, Indianapolis, IN, and New Lenox. Their oldest granddaughter, Emma Smith, will start at L-W Central in ‘09. They are blessed with 5 grandchildren. If you’d like to get in touch, their email is [email protected]. Class of 1959 Ronald M. Steinberg became a grandfather for the first time on December 3, 2008. Luke Alexander was born to his son, John, and wife Anna. They live in the St. Louis area. You can get more information about him at www.classmates.com. FRONT PAGE NEXT PAGE w w w. l w 2 1 0 . o r g Class of 1963 Lorraine (Kramer) Quirke says that after graduation, she had high hopes of becoming a concert singer. She learned that she had a voice because of a wonderful teacher at Lincoln-Way named Tom Olson. She studied voice for years, but stage fright kept her from attaining her goals. She did sing in churches and at one point she sang with the Grant Park Symphony Chorus. In recent years, she worked as an administrative assistant for a condominium in downtown Chicago. She is now retired, but has started an Avon business. more» Lincoln-Way High School Alumni Association The OFFICIAL Newsletter of the Lincoln-Way High School Alumni Association Vol. 5 • No. 1 Lincoln-Way Links Class of 1963 (continued) Bob Edmonson: see Class of 1964 Class of 1964 Marian (Flatt) Edmonson and Bob Edmonson (Class of 1963) share that Marian retired from the EJ&E Railway in May, 1998 after 31 years in the Ottumwa, IA School District in July, 2007. Bob is working part-time. They have 3 dogs and really enjoy country life. They are “Riding in the Wind” Harley riders. Their daughter, Sheri, and her husband live in Maple Park, IL. Their grandson, Matt, is a sophomore at NIU and Mike is a senior at Kaneland High School. Dave Howell completed his 14th “Ride the Rockies” bike tour, a six-day ride through the Rocky Mountains for a total of 500 miles. Dale Hunt has been retired for a few years now, and has joined the Arkansas Republican Committee and the local Lions Club. His wife is the operations manager of a group of banks. His oldest son is an emergency room RN in Huntsville, AL. His middle son is an exclusive beverage handler for the local rich and famous. His youngest son works in the gas and oil drilling fields in Arkansas. Ralph has five grandchildren. His home is in Conway, Arkansas (Come Visit – Y’all Hear!). Contact Dale at [email protected]. FRONT PAGE NEXT PAGE | January 2009 | Page 8 (continued) Class of 1965 Billie Jean (Hafk) Maslowski and her husband, Jim, sold their home in Tucson and built a new one in Wichita, KS. They became great grandparents on November 4th. Kadin Robert Melahn is the son of their granddaughter, Michelle, and husband Chris. Billie hopes everyone enjoyed a wonderful holiday season. Stop in and say “howdy” if you are ever in Wichita. Diane Moss recently returned from Africa where she participated in her third mission trip to the Jabulani Village, a small village outside Victoria Falls in Zimbabwe. They delivered containers Diane Moss in Africa of donated clothes, shoes, soap, vitamins, solar lanterns and panels, and conducted a two-day medical clinic. This trip was Diane’s 60th birthday present to herself. She became involved with the local charity, Ndebele Art Project, in June, 2006, after receiving their newsletter. She thoroughly enjoyed the passion and dedication of the small group of women who had formed the charitable organization to provide aid and hope to this small village. They ignited that passion in her so she joined as a volunteer in November, 2006. Diane is now a board member and treasurer of the nonprofit organization. She will continue to visit the village as long as she can w w w. l w 2 1 0 . o r g (continued) afford it (each traveler pays her, or his, own expenses), and plans to always support the organization with her time and charitable giving. To learn more, visit please visit www.napafrica.org. Michael Sinks has been promoted to the position of office manager at the H&R Block location in the Matteson, IL, Wal-Mart and would like to see all Lincoln-Way alumni stop in, say hi, and maybe have their taxes done. Class of 1967 Dave Eden is alive and well and living in the Dallas area. He and his beautiful wife, Diane, raised three boys and two girls. Their daughter Dave Eden (above); his work (below) is still at home and is a senior in high school. His current career is a mural & sign artist. He has been a billboard painter, singersongwriter, pastor, kid’s pastor & cartoonist. Dave studied art at ISU and traveled in the early 70’s, touring the Midwest as a drummer in various rock bands. Then, says Dave, he found Jesus. Dave continues, “My purpose, passions & priorities drastically changed forever.” more» Lincoln-Way High School Alumni Association The OFFICIAL Newsletter of the Lincoln-Way High School Alumni Association Vol. 5 • No. 1 Lincoln-Way Links Class of 1968 Linda DeGabriele went to Northern Michigan University and received a BA degree in education. She continued her education at the University of Michigan and received her M.A. Linda became a reading specialist and then a specialist for dyslexic students. She was married for almost 30 years, but has been single now for over 10 years. She has four beautiful children: one son Linda DeGabriele and her three daughters. and three daughters. She has travelled throughout the states and overseas, including such destinations as Canada, Mexico, England, Wales, Australia, New Zealand and the Fiji Islands. She tells us, “Australia has the most beautiful beaches one has ever seen. Kangaroos run wild and there are Koala bears, snakes and reptiles including various sizes of crocs. New Zealand has beautiful mountains and sheep everywhere you travel. The Fiji Islands were a surprise. I always thought there were not many of them and as it turns out there are actually Linda DeGabriele 333 of them. The ocean is | January 2009 | Page 9 (continued) (continued) not only blue but various colors of blues and greens. Sailing the South Seas was quite the adventure. Not only did I sail on many different sail boats but had the opportunity to sail one myself.” Dominick “Danny” Dina traveled with his family from San Antonio, Texas to Mokena to celebrate his mother’s 90th birthday. LincolnWay High School is a family affair for the Dina clan, with Tony (Class of 1959), Mike (Class The Dina Family of 1960) and Danny (Class of 1968). They all graduated from the original school. Christine (Davies) Nelson is currently living in Lafayette, Colorado. Bob Ronna recently retired from Caterpillar, Inc., after working there for 38 years. He and his wife, Billie, now reside in central Florida. They have four children and three grandchildren. His older daughters graduated from Lincoln-Way: Christine in 1989 and Aura in 1992. They are both married and still live in Illinois. Kelly is working in Atlanta after college and Craig is a (continued) junior at Western Carolina University. They have been given many blessings in life. Their recent news is that they are planning and hosting a Florida reunion weekend for the Class of 1968, scheduled for January 17-19, 2009. They will be joined by other Florida alumni of the class of ‘68, as well as those they Bob Ronna and his wife, Billie can convince to travel down to escape winter. Class of 1969 Gale Dunn Volkerding sends the news “We are great, we are fine, we’re the class of ‘69!” This has been a very eventful year. Gale’s father died August 4th at the age of 88, 13 days before his 89th birthday. In June, she and her husband and two oldest daughters were able to help build two houses in San Pedro Sula, Honduras and tour a bit of the North-Central part of the country. Gale and her husband, Dale, have two daughters in college and one in 5th grade. They do not use the “R” word (retire) and are not employed by the auto industry. They feel blessed, living in the chaos of Michigan’s economy during this recession and the war and are praying for all of their friends whose lives have been affected by the current circumstances. more» FRONT PAGE NEXT PAGE w w w. l w 2 1 0 . o r g Lincoln-Way High School Alumni Association The OFFICIAL Newsletter of the Lincoln-Way High School Alumni Association Vol. 5 • No. 1 Lincoln-Way Links | January 2009 | Page 10 (continued) Class of 1970 Class of 1972 Class of 1974 Steven Nusbaum is still working for the Department of Homeland Security, currently serving as Attaché at the US Embassy in Caracas, Venezuela. He reaches mandatory retirement age in May. Steven’s wife, Patt, stayed behind for this tour. She is in Wisconsin where she works for the state. Their daughter, Anne, and her family just moved to Savannah, Georgia. Christopher is in Wisconsin. Jacob and Jeremiah are in the Seattle area. Lorrie (Kirchner) Chaplin went to Macomb, IL to attend WIU and never left the town. Her husband, Bob, is from Evergreen Park. He also attended WIU and never left. Lorrie and Bob celebrated 30 years of marriage this fall. They have one child who is fast approaching 21 and is a junior at SIUE, completing a Bachelor of Science nursing degree. She loves the school, the St. Louis area, and the nursing program. She is now in clinicals and is very excited with the experience. Lorrie works for the Court Services Department as a supervisor in the Probation Department. She has a master’s in counseling and specializes in working with adolescents. She supervises all adult and juvenile services in the department for two counties. Bob is director of the Burlington Northern Santa Fe Railroad Employee Assistance Program. The entire department was outsourced and although he has always done the same job, he now works for Humana as they bought the company. Last summer, Lorrie and her family went to Maine and visited Sue (Alexander) Freeman (Class of 1972), and her husband, Bob. They had a great time! Lisa (Sienknecht) Botts writes that her husband, Jerry, is a professionally-trained chef and she is a stayat-home mother. They live in northern Minnesota on seven acres of wooded land. They have three children, a 20-year-old son, Greg, and two adopted Ojibwa daughters, Caitlyn, age 12 and Kaylee, age 9. They have home-schooled all of their children. Their son just graduated from their home high school program two years ago. They enjoy church activities, hunting, trapping, fishing, gardening, cooking, beading, stamping, reading, and surfing the Internet! They installed a real wood cook stove in their kitchen and are learning to cook on it while it heats their home. They have a good life in the northern woods and are grateful to the Lord for all His blessings. Class of 1971 Diane Skolnick changed her last name to her original family name of Skolnique. She is retired and travels all over the world, mostly with either Smithsonian or National Geographic. This spring she went to Morocco, Diane Skolnique Portugal, Spain and France. In August she was in Montana and Wyoming following the battle of Little Bighorn and Custer. October was spent traveling through Turkey. She went to Dallas, Texas in November. The month of January ‘09 will be spent in Mali, Gambia and Dakar, Africa and a few days in Paris. All of March and April she will be in Namibia, South Africa, Mozambique, Madagascar, French Comoros, Zanzibar, and Dar es Salaam, Tanzania and Kilimanjaro then to Paris. Diane will be buying a flat in Paris to live permanently. She hasn’t married, but not for lack of looking. Diane lives with one cat, five birds and two very spoiled dogs in an apartment in Chicago. Pat (Barten) Proper currently lives in Romeoville and has three grown children. She is the director of Guest Services at Silver Cross Hospital where she has been employed since 1993. Her favorite past-time is vegetable gardening and touring on a Harley Davidson Ultra with her significant other, Ray. She supports many charities, especially Operation Care Package for our US troops stationed overseas. Garry Varner and his wife, Maureen, celebrated their 15th wedding anniversary on October 9th.Their eightyear-old twins, Jaclyn & Jason, are in second grade at Grand Prairie, in Frankfort. Jaclyn loves gymnastics, while Jason was on the Frankfort Baseball I7 All Star Team last year and has quite a golf swing! Garry just returned a few weeks ago from visiting his twin brother, Larry, who moved to Bradenton, Florida just over a year ago. A family visit to Universal Orlando is in the works for 2009. more» FRONT PAGE NEXT PAGE w w w. l w 2 1 0 . o r g Lincoln-Way High School Alumni Association The OFFICIAL Newsletter of the Lincoln-Way High School Alumni Association Vol. 5 • No. 1 Lincoln-Way Links | January 2009 | Page 11 (continued) Class of 1975 Class of 1976 Len Harold lives in Novi, MI, a northwest suburb of Detroit, with his wife, Joan, (1976 graduate of Rich Central) and their three daughters. Their oldest, Claire (20), is a junior at the University of Michigan. They have twin daughters, Hailey and Jillian, who are 18 and will graduate from high school in June of 2009. Jillian plans to attend Michigan State University, while Hailey will attend Western Michigan University. After graduating from Lincoln-Way, Len attended the University of Illinois, majoring in business administration and marketing. His wife, Joan, also attended Illinois and graduated with a nursing degree. Len is the V.P. of Sales and Marketing for a company that supplies tooling and equipment to the plastic injection molding industry. Prior to the plastics industry, he worked for SPX Corporation and managed the company’s tool business with DaimlerChrysler. Immediately after college, he worked for Brunswick Corporation, working his way to the position of general manager of Worldwide Sales. After 20+ years of constantly being on the road or in the air and waking up in some foreign country, it was time for a change. Len enjoys competitive trapshooting and has participated in the Grand American World Trapshooting Championships for 11 years in a row. Their family enjoys boating, snow skiing, and attending all the high school and U of M sporting events they can squeeze in. Len & Joan also enjoy getting out their 1977 Chevy to cruise and attend a few classic car shows in the summer. Dennis and MaryAnn Doughty both stay pretty busy working these days. Mary has been working at Casey’s General Store in Grant Park, IL, for the past 8 years. Dennis drives a truck for Eagle Express Lines and he has been there for nearly 22 years. They also run a small cleaning business. Their son, Andrew, is 21 and is almost finished with his associate’s degree in auto mechanics at Kankakee Community College. Kimberly (McGann) Gougar reports that for the first time since Christmas of 1975, the Gougars: Doug Gougar (Class of 1969), Laurie Gougar (Class of 1975), Kim Gougar (Class of 1976) and Christine Gougar (Class of 1981) celebrated Christmas together here in Illinois. Doug lives in Nevada, Laurie and Kim live in New Lenox, and Chris lives in New Jersey. Maryann (Dokianos) Hancock: see Class of 1980 Kathy Farmer and her husband, John, have had a wonderful year of travel. They spent three weeks in Russia with some hosts that showed them the country. The palaces in St. Petersburg were beautiful and there was history at every turn. They took a week-long trip to St. Thomas to celebrate their seven-year wedding anniversary. They also visited San Diego, Las Vegas and rented a house for a week up in Michigan. In August, the Russians who hosted them came out for a visit and they travelled to Chicago, Washington, D.C., New York and northern California with them. In September, they took their last trip of the year to South Africa and went on safari. Unfortunately when they came home from their last trip, John was diagnosed with inoperable brain cancer. Kathy says that she is so grateful that she will have these wonderful memories of travel with her husband and wants everyone to enjoy life to the fullest! Tammy Lynn worked in the state of Washington as a paralegal. In 1986, a drunk driver injured her and she uses a wheelchair to get around. She lived in Phoenix for 10 years, working at the local independent living center as an advocate. In 2000, she moved to Sarasota, FL Tammy Lynn where she currently lives. Tammy works in accounts receivable, has a beautiful van, owns her own home and is currently single. Life is good. more» FRONT PAGE NEXT PAGE w w w. l w 2 1 0 . o r g Lincoln-Way High School Alumni Association The OFFICIAL Newsletter of the Lincoln-Way High School Alumni Association Vol. 5 • No. 1 Lincoln-Way Links Class of 1976 (continued) Gail (Schofield) Sims recently received an award from the Association of Rehabilitation Nurses for the Nurse Manager of the Year. The Nurse Manager Award is given in recognition of a nurse who has contributed to the Gail Sims (left) advancement of rehabilitation nursing care in a middle management position. Class of 1977 Lori (Johnson) Hausherr and her husband, Jack, are proud grandparents of William Hausherr, son of Chad and April Hausherr (both Class of 2003). Chad is employed in security at Dresden Nuclear Power Plant in Morris, IL. April is a pre-school teacher. Chad and April are expecting their second child in late April. Benjamin Hausherr (Class of 2005) has been promoted to rank of Staff Sergeant in the United States Air Force; he is currently stationed in Minot, North Dakota. Ben and his wife Krystal (Lozenski) Hausherr (Class of 2006), are expecting their first child in July. Cody Hausherr, current Lincoln-Way student, has enlisted in the United States Army. Cody will leave for basic training on July 30th. Their daughter, Jannine married Lee Hofman on October 11, 2008. Jannine is an account executive with CINTAS, and Lee is a teacher at Bremen High school. NEXT PAGE January 2009 | Page 12 (continued) (continued) Lori and Jack are extremely proud of all their kids and appreciate all the support the community extends to our military. Class of 1978 Claude Borders has started a music business in Las Vegas called, SchoolMusicSource.com. He has merged with the Northwest Music Academy. The academy offers lessons for all instruments and voice, sheet music, and instrument rental, sales, and repair, in their studios. Claude is married to Bernadette Bedia Borders, of Des Moines, Iowa, a violist who teaches middle school orchestra. She is the former co-director of the Las Vegas Youth Orchestra. Their children, Rachel (9), and Joshua (8), play cello and violin, respectively. Claude plays the French horn in the UNLV Horn Choir. He and Bernie just celebrated their 12th wedding anniversary. They were married at the USAF Band of Liberty Christmas Party, when Claude played French horn there. Shane Gericke was named deputy director of the International Festival of Thrillers in New York. He is a national bestselling thriller novelist, whose third book will appear in January, 2010. He lives in Naperville with his wife of thirty years, Jerrle. His website is www.shanegericke.com Shane Gericke FRONT PAGE | w w w. l w 2 1 0 . o r g James “Jim” Wilson just started a new job at Denton Regional Medical Center in Denton, Texas. He works in surgery as a certified surgical technologist. His last position was at Pine Creek Medical Center in Dallas, Texas. He currently lives in Trophy Club, Texas with his fiancé, Paula Szymanski, an industrial engineer and supervisor at General Motors. He can be found online at www.facebook.com Jim Wilson with his fiancé, Paula Class of 1980 Daniel Hancock married Maryann (Dokiano) Hancock (Class of 1976) in 1981. He owns Hancock Decorating, Inc., specializing in custom interior painting and decorating. His wife, Maryann, has been working in the kitchen at Lincoln-Way Central for the past 5 years. They have two children, both Lincoln-Way graduates. Elisabeth Hancock (Class of 2002) is 24 years old, married, and is currently teaching math at Carl Sandburg High School and has a master’s degree in counseling. Brian Hancock (Class of 2006) is 21 years old and works full time for Dan’s company as a professional painter. more» Lincoln-Way High School Alumni Association The OFFICIAL Newsletter of the Lincoln-Way High School Alumni Association Vol. 5 • No. 1 Lincoln-Way Links Class of 1980 (continued) Dave Kestel’s daughter, Frankie, is in the Manhattan Jr. High School band. She will be marching in the Rose Bowl Parade January 1, carrying the banner for the Honor Band for Bands of America. Kurt Sangmeister and Gina (Selvas) Sangmeister (Class of 1983) recently completed a Caribbean cruise to St. Thomas and St. Maarten to celebrate their 24th wedding Kurt & Gina Sangmeister anniversary. Kurt is the Court Administrator for the 12th Judicial Circuit Court in Joliet, IL. Gina works as a fingerprint technician for the Illinois State Police. Their daughter, Jordan Sangmeister (Class of 2006), is currently a junior at Murray State University in Murray, Kentucky. She majors in German and is hoping to travel to Europe next summer. The Sangmeisters live in New Lenox and enjoy attending LW Central football and basketball games in addition to using many of the athletic facilities at the school. Jose Antonio (Tony) Tijerino is the president and CEO of Hispanic Heritage Foundation (HHF) which identifies, inspires, promotes and prepares Latino leaders in the classroom community and workforce. In FRONT PAGE NEXT PAGE | January 2009 | Page 13 (continued) (continued) an article entitled “Do the Math” published in the December 2008 issue of Latino magazine, he discusses the importance of providing direction and opportunities for young Latino professionals interested in science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) fields. Tijerino points out that “according to the National Academy of Sciences, China produced 500,000 engineering graduates last year, compared to 200,000 in India and 70,000 in the United States.” For years, Tijerino has been honoring top Latino high school students with the Hispanic Heritage Youth Awards for math, engineering, science and other subjects. HHF recently launched the LOFT (Latinos on Fast Track) Engineering Fellows program with ExxonMobil where college students who meet certain criteria are provided with an educational grant. LOFT Fellows are also assigned to a member of ExxonMobil’s internal Latino group to provide one-on-one inspiration and vision of a career in the industry. Edna “Elaine” (Gordon) West and her husband, Dale, were honored to be selected to participate in a documentary commissioned by the Humane Society of the United States titled: “Eating Mercifully.” A film crew from New York spent 2 days with them at their sanctuary, Rooterville (www.rooterville.org). The film has received many good reviews from newspapers across the country. Edna and Dale became vegan and enjoy sharing the many health benefits of a plant-based diet. Dale is a store manager for Publix and Edna is currently spending her time as a volunteer for Rooterville. w w w. l w 2 1 0 . o r g Class of 1981 Lovell Hatfield is currently working for a pest control company. He is the president of the Fellowship Club of Will County; they sponsor a dinner every year for anyone who has nowhere to go for Thanksgiving. It went very well and they had their biggest turnout ever. He also made it off this continent for the first time when he went to ride Harleys in Maui and had an awesome time. Ron Hughes lives in Ft. Lauderdale, FL, and is completing his doctorate degree in music education. He founded the Treasure Coast Percussion Academy (Vero Beach), which has produced 19 Florida All-State percussionists over the past four years. This ensemble has also been invited to perform at the Florida Music Educator’s (FMEA) convention twice, the Florida Percussive Arts Society festival (Florida Day of Percussion) twice, and the University of South Florida (USF) Marimba Festival. His former ensembles have also performed at several prestigious events. Olympic Heights High School (Boca Raton) has performed at the National Percussion Festival, FMEA, the Florida Day of Percussion, and the USF Marimba Festival. Indian River State College (Ft. Pierce) has performed on two Florida Day of Percussion concerts, and Gifford Middle School (Vero Beach) performed at last year’s FMEA convention. more» Lincoln-Way High School Alumni Association The OFFICIAL Newsletter of the Lincoln-Way High School Alumni Association Vol. 5 • No. 1 Lincoln-Way Links | January 2009 | Page 14 (continued) Class of 1981 Class of 1983 Class of 1985 (continued) David Pittsenbarger says it’s been another busy year at work for both he and his wife in sunny Arizona. He has been doing contract David & Laurie Pittsenbarger software engineering at General Dynamics for seven years. He has also been working on various Army and Marine projects and has been traveling to Quantico,VA to support demonstrations. His wife, Laurie, works at a pro-life women’s clinic in Phoenix, which has seen major growth. She recently gave an impressive speech at their annual banquet, which was highlighted in the local Catholic Sun newspaper. They traveled to Chicago this past spring for his nephews wedding, Ryan McGloin (Class of 1994). Colleen (Diehl) Benson lives in Savannah, Georgia where she is membership director of the Savannah Newcomers. She is also on the social committee with the First City Club. Colleen is a marathon runner, and identifies her greatest accomplishment as running the Goofy Challenge (39.3 miles) at Disney World in 2008. She enjoys wine, great food, friends, her E350 and warm weather. Colleen also likes to travel and has been to Europe, Mexico and the Caribbean. Donald C. Terry, Jr. is a 2004 graduate of Governors State University with a major in business administration & technology. He is employed with the Social Security Administration in the Office of Disability Adjudication and Review as a senior case technician. Joseph Lerner was married for 17 years and has been a single custodial dad for 4½ years raising his four awesome children, Joey (19), Emily (18), Anna (12), and Lizzie (8). The girls are talented Joseph Lerner singers, dancers and actors and like to participate in community theater. His son is in his second year at U of I in the engineering program. Joe has run his own construction business for 17 years (l-r) Anna, Emily, Lizzie and Joey and is looking to start a new business within a month or two. He doesn’t know where the time has gone, but is looking forward to seeing his high school classmates whenever the next reunion comes around. He says he had some pretty fun friends back then and hopes to get to know them again. Wayne Brouwer: see Class of 1985 Gina (Selvas) Sangmeister: see Class of 1980 Class of 1982 Mark Brown graduated from NIU and received a Bachelor of Science degree in public speaking in 1989. Upon graduation he joined the staff with Campus Crusade for Christ. This ministry serves as a spiritual The Mark Brown Family resource to college students. He spent his first two years at Ohio State University working in the Greek system and at Wittenberg University. In the summer of 1990, Mark traveled to the Philippines and Thailand on a mission trip with CCC. Mark married Diane in the summer of 1991 and joined her on staff with CCC at Miami University in Oxford, OH. Mark has been at Miami for the past 18 years, and has served as campus director for the past 12 years. This summer he will celebrate his 20th year on more» FRONT PAGE NEXT PAGE w w w. l w 2 1 0 . o r g Lincoln-Way High School Alumni Association The OFFICIAL Newsletter of the Lincoln-Way High School Alumni Association Vol. 5 • No. 1 Lincoln-Way Links Class of 1985 (continued) staff. Mark has been slowly working on a master’s of divinity from Trinity International University in Deerfield, IL, by taking classes in the summer. He and his wife have four children. Drew (14), Justin (12) and JT (11). Their daughter is 8 years old. In the fall, the youngest three play soccer; Drew plays football. In the winter months all four play on four different basketball teams. In the spring and summer the three youngest play baseball and soccer. His daughter does tap, jazz, ballet, and acrobatic dance two times a week all year long. Mark is also the school board president and the chaplain for their police department. One of the highlights of his staff life occurred a few summers ago when all six staff members traveled to Macedonia on a mission trip. Mark has traveled all over the country and the world through his job. He has been to the Middle East, Eastern Europe, and Western Europe. Mark has just started to re-connect with some classmates through facebook. So, if any of you want to be a “friend,” feel free. Search under Lincoln-Way Central, Class of 1985. Sam Burks resides in Peotone, IL, and is married to Nancy Walters, TF North graduate of 1983. Sam and Nancy have three daughters, Amber (18), Brooke (14), and Courtney (6). Sam is currently the Postmaster of the Manteno Post Office. He has been reconnecting with a lot of classmates on Facebook.com and is coaching his daughters in travel basketball and travel soccer. Sam is also a board member and coach of the Biddy Basketball Program in Peotone, coed, 3rd through 6th grades. | January 2009 | Page 15 (continued) Paul Holba has spent 12 years in the retail gasoline world with Amoco & BP. They have moved quite often, living in Pittsburgh and Baltimore before returning to Plainfield for two The Paul Holba Family short years and finally landing in Louisville, Kentucky in 2003. He is currently working as a learning manager for Humana, managing leadership development for the clinical organization and mail-order pharmacy, RightSource. His wife, DeAnn, is a third-grade teacher in Shelby County, Kentucky. Their son, Brendan, will be starting college next year. Their son, Colin, is a freshman and their daughter, Erin, is in 6th grade. They stay current with happenings at Lincoln-Way through his sister-in-law, Aimee Feehery, who is on staff at LW East and his cousin, Brian Holba, who teaches at LW Central. Jim Johnson: see Class of 1986 Beth Senn-Brouwer and Wayne Brouwer (Class of 1982) have been happily married for 22 years! Raising their two kids, both Lincoln-Way graduates, has always been at the forefront of their lives. Alex Brouwer (Class of 2005) is a senior at Bradley University studying mechanical engineering and Miken Brouwer (Class of (continued) 2009) will attend Westwood College to study criminal justice. Wayne and Beth have long enjoyed every aspect of the outdoors including camping, hiking, fishing, antiquing and running a family business. The also enjoy their Victorian home in New Lenox. Beth currently serves as president of the New Lenox School District 122 Board of Education and runs her own special events business. Wayne and Beth have recently purchased property in Southern Illinois to enjoy the warm weather during the cold winter months here. It is their hope to leave a legacy to their children and grandchildren for years to come. Class of 1986 Scott Estell and his wife, Cindy, have been married since June, 1992. Their children are: Nathan (12), Joshua (10), Caleb (8), Benjamin (6), and Bethany (4). The Scott Estell Family They are living in Ypsilanti, MI, where he is the pastor of FaithWay Baptist Church. Lana (Pelszynski) Johnson and Jim Johnson (Class of 1985) welcomed their second child, daughter Casey this past year. Casey joins big brother Sam, who turned three on Halloween. The Johnsons are enjoying life in Darien, IL, and wish everyone a happy New Year. more» FRONT PAGE NEXT PAGE w w w. l w 2 1 0 . o r g Lincoln-Way High School Alumni Association The OFFICIAL Newsletter of the Lincoln-Way High School Alumni Association Vol. 5 • No. 1 Lincoln-Way Links Class of 1988 Stefanie (Lynch) Rathnau and her husband just had twins, a boy and girl, this past July. Wendy (Szumski) Zona married Jack Zona in 1990 and has been a hairstylist since graduating from Lincoln-Way. She and Jack moved to a small town called Wendy Zona Chatsworth, IL, about 90 miles south of Frankfort. They love it out there. She opened Razor’s Edge Hair Salon in January of 1997. She loves to wake up every morning and go to work each day. Her husband is a woodworker and helped design her salon to make it what it is today. They have no children, just lots of animals. They love camping, Nascar, and their furry little friends. Terina (German) Hasselbring and her husband, Dale, have been married 20 years and are raising their four awesome children: Janell (18), Alicia (16), Deanna (14), and Caleb (13). Dale is a very gifted woodworker at a company in Addison. Terina spends most of her time with the kids, working and/or volunteering at their schools or just hanging out at home in Joliet. God has blessed them and so they try to share that with as many people as they can, in as many ways as possible. Justine Marie (Atchey) Wood has been married to Chris Wood since August 21, 2004. They have two Papillion dogs named Brie and Elle. Justine has been employed with AM General since 2001. She traveled to England and Ireland this past June for a family vacation. This fall she went back to school in the Executive MBA Program at Notre Dame University and her graduation date is May 16, 2010. She is very proud and grateful to say she is a member of the most dedicated and loyal team in the class – IRISH STEW, where S-trong T-eam E-ffort W-orks!! Lastly, she turned 40 on 12/26/2008! Happy 40th B-day Jo (Carpenter) Gallagher (Dec.), Jo’s sister-in-law Deb Gallagher (Dec.) and Cindi (Schleyer) Layman (Jan.)! January 2009 | Page 16 (continued) Class of 1986 (continued) Class of 1987 | Class of 1989 Paul DeMarco writes that his wife, Ernestine, has been promoted to a MTM for her company. She runs the only training facility in PA for Taco Bell. This is a big promotion for her. Paul is getting ready to release his first major video on CMT. He shot his first successful music video for country music already and works for many major stars as a professional photographer and videographer. He has done work for Taylor Swift, Rascal Flatts, and Sugarland, just to name a few. Julie (Platek) Guevara reports that her son is having surgery in Kansas City. He has a cholesteatoma tumor in his ear and needs a few surgeries to remove the disease and then restore his hearing. Julie Guevara’s children Dawn (White) Hull says that things have been going well for Oxbo Muffler and Brake Shops of New Lenox, which she and her husband, Larry, own. She has continued her career as an RN shift coordinator on the sixth floor at Silver Cross Hospital. They have been in numerous car shows over the past year. They show their daughter’s great-grandmother’s 1983 Monte Carlo with a super-charged engine. Every year they look forward to vacationing at their summer home in Wisconsin. more» FRONT PAGE NEXT PAGE w w w. l w 2 1 0 . o r g Lincoln-Way High School Alumni Association The OFFICIAL Newsletter of the Lincoln-Way High School Alumni Association Vol. 5 • No. 1 Lincoln-Way Links Class of 1989 (continued) Doug Mattsey is the 6th-8th grade band director for Macomb, IL, schools. He and his wife, Kate, have three children, Nathan, Samantha and Valerie. He is also the principal tubist with the Air National Guard Band of the Midwest in Peoria, IL, and helps schedule the band’s summer tours throughout the Midwest. This January, Doug will perform with the United States Air Force Ceremonial Brass in the Presidential Inaugural Parade in Washington D.C. He enjoys writing band arrangements and reading to his children in his spare time. Class of 1990 Jana Davis recently moved to Marina del Rey, CA. She is currently working as a financial advisor for ESF Financial Planning Group, Inc. in Manhattan Beach, CA. Jenna (Bissell) Finley was appointed the director of Housing & Residence Life at the University of Northern Colorado in October 2008. Jenna lives in Greeley with her husband, Chris, and three children, Mackenzie (13), Liam (8), and Luke (18 months). Jenna Finley FRONT PAGE NEXT PAGE | January 2009 | Page 17 (continued) Kathryn Kaysen started a new position at Loyola University Chicago’s School of Business Administration focusing on internship development. In this position, she works with undergraduate business students at the Water Tower Campus. Her responsibilities include employer outreach/relationship development, internship advising, teaching career/internship courses, etc. Formerly a member of the Joliet Junior College faculty, teaching career development courses, Kathryn and her children relocated back into the city of Chicago where she now resides in the Albany Park neighborhood. Kathryn has been a career counselor for twelve years and in that capacity, has worked at UIC, DePaul and JJC, as well as run a private practice. In addition to her position at Loyola, she continues to write for Family Time magazine. Eric Swartz currently is married with two children, Alexa (6) and Drayson (3). They are expecting a third child in July. He is working at the Pepsi Center in Denver, Colorado, home to the Colorado Avalanche (NHL), Denver Nuggets (NBA), Colorado Mammoth (NLL) and Colorado Crush (AFL). Eric works as a production manager for all the artists that perform Eric Swartz, managing lighting for at the PC. They the band, One Republic recently featured w w w. l w 2 1 0 . o r g (continued) Metallica, AC/DC and Coldplay, to name a few. They also own a lighting/production company as a part of Pepsi Center called the Opera Shop, and are currently managing lighting for the band, One Republic. Class of 1992 Joel Karns is a proposal/capture manager at ePlus and his wife, June, is counsel for Sprint. They have a 7-yearold son named Quincy. Joel recently became a racing instructor and will compete in the Porsche 944 Spec racing series in 2009. Class of 1993 Melissa (Johnson) Boston attended college in Texas and spent a semester at Walt Disney World working in the college program. Before having her first child, she worked as an executive assistant for a vice president of a telecommunications company. She currently is a stay-at-home mom of two children and has been married for twelve years. She has a sixyear-old girl who loves Melissa Boston’s children gymnastics and dance class. She also has a seven-monthold boy who loves to smile. They moved just outside of Nashville, TN, about two years ago and have enjoyed exploring the state. more» Lincoln-Way High School Alumni Association The OFFICIAL Newsletter of the Lincoln-Way High School Alumni Association Vol. 5 • No. 1 Lincoln-Way Links Class of 1995 Nichole DePaul graduated with a Master of Arts in teaching of science in February 2008 from Western Governors University and has accepted a chemistry teaching position at Ross S. Sterling High School in Baytown, Texas. She built a brand new house in Baytown and is starting her doctorate in education. Lee Barker served 4 years of active service in the United States Marine Corps from 1996 to 2000. While at Camp Hansen, Okinawa, Japan, Lee ran into LincolnWay alumni Ed Payne (Class of 1995), Mike Boyd (Class of 1994), Bill Dunfee (Class of 1995) and a guy from his electronics class. While at Camp Lejeune, North Carolina, he ran into his old baseball umpiring partner Jeff Skole (Class of 1993). SEMPER FI MARINES! Lee married Katie Gruner on May 6, 2006 at the Chicago Hilton and Towers, and recently moved to New Lenox township after living in Chicago and Tinley Park. Their baby girl, Callie Madison, was born on February 29, 2008 (a leapling baby!). Lee has worked in Chicago as a stationary building engineer since 2002. Danielle (Taylor) Woods is living in the Knoxville area with her husband, Brian, and their one-year-old son, Samuel. She recently left her job of ten years as a partner with a Chicagobased investment firm, to go out on her own. She now takes care of their son and is a solo practitioner in law and investment Samuel Woods celebrating management. January 2009 | Page 18 (continued) Class of 1994 Melissa Juvinall just came home from Ethiopia with a 6-month-old baby girl named Iona. They also have a five-year-old son at home named Aidan. Melissa is a stay-at-home mom and a part-time freelance editor. Her husband, Pete, works as a network administrator for the College of Business at Illinois State University. They live in Normal, IL. | Stephanie N. (Blahut) Chambers graduated from Joliet Junior College in 1998. She married David Chambers in 2005. Stephanie was hired in May of 2008 by the Bulletin of Atomic Scientists as a web production association. BAS won the National Magazine Award for General Excellence in 2007. The publication informs the public about threats to the survival and development of humanity from nuclear weapons, climate change, and emerging technologies in the life sciences. Stephanie is planning to enroll as a full-time student at Penn. State to complete her Bachelor of Arts in law and society. Angel Corkery moved to Phoenix, Arizona, in 2002 for the beautiful weather. She has held various supply chain positions with Honeywell and Boeing. She is currently working as a pricing analyst for BE Aerospace. She has an Arizona real estate license and owned a home inspection company. Angel also owns a rabbitry where she breeds and raises pedigree bunnies. In her free time she likes to hike, bike, Angel Corkery do yoga and travel. Her next trip is to Hawaii in May, 2009. Andrew Goerres spent a little over five years in the Navy in the nuclear propulsion field. While in the Navy, he visited Israel, Sicily, Dubai, France and more foreign locations like…Florida! In 2000, he completed his service with the Navy and moved to New York. He now lives in Orange County with Janis, his wife of three years. They have just started construction on a house not far from their current home. Andrew works at a nuclear power plant as a reactor operator. his first birthday more» FRONT PAGE NEXT PAGE w w w. l w 2 1 0 . o r g Lincoln-Way High School Alumni Association The OFFICIAL Newsletter of the Lincoln-Way High School Alumni Association Vol. 5 • No. 1 Lincoln-Way Links | January 2009 | Page 19 (continued) Class of 1995 (continued) Class of 1996 Rick Weaver is still in Afghanistan on his second tour, and his third tour overall (the first was to Iraq). He is a Staff Sergeant in the Army, normally stationed at Fort Campbell, KY. He has been in the Army since his junior year at LW. Currently, he is a UH 60 Blackhawk Helicopter Technical Inspector with D Company, 6th Rick Weaver Battallion, 101st Aviation Regiment, 101st Airborne Division (Air Assault). He will be returning to Fort Campbell at the beginning of January. Rick is married to Jen, his wife of 10 years, and has three wonderful kids, Trevor (9), Kylie (4), and Nathan (2). Since high school, he has been to Korea, Giebelstadt, Germany, Fort Campbell twice, Iraq, Afghanistan and Kuwait. Rick is currently attending American Military University, studying towards a degree in information technology. David Cohn: see Class of 1997 Carrie Davis planned the Class of 1996 10-year reunion. They opened the time capsule at the reunion and many students had letters in there written by them or to them by other students. She has the leftovers and would love to get them to their original authors. If you would like yours, please contact her as soon as possible, at: [email protected]. Rick Hastings has been spending the last several years flying for the air force reserves at Grissom ARB in Indiana. They fly the KC-135R Stratotanker. His (l-r) Tim Hastings, Sean Rufolo and brother Tim Nic Correa in Afghanistan Hastings (Class of 1998), Sean Rufolo (Class of 1997) and Nic Correa (Class of 1996), all Lincoln-Way grads and football players, ran into each other in Afghanistan. They are all military officers, Tim and Sean in the Army and Nic in the Air Force. Sean and Tim actually went out on a mission together while there. Erin (Webster) O’Sullivan says that after working at the same law firm for five years, she recently opened her own law office in Joliet, named Erin Webster O’Sullivan, P.C. Class of 1997 Jenny (Pepper) Bartkus went to the University of Illinois and graduated in 2001. While working as an English teacher in high schools, she earned her master’s degree in educational administration. Her first experience with administration was when she was the head of the English Department at HomewoodFlossmoor High School. She married Steven Bartkus (Class of 1998) in the summer of 2006 and moved to a suburb of Baltimore, Maryland, where Steve works as an electrical engineer in the defense industry. Currently, she works as an assistant principal in a high school in western Maryland. They are happily married and still find it funny when they realize they knew the same people at LWHS but never knew each other! Jill (Love) Cohn married David Cohn (Class of 1996) in August of 2002. They have two children, ages 21⁄2 and one month. Jill is a court reporter in Will County and also holds a real estate license. David is a union bricklayer. They reside in New Lenox. more» FRONT PAGE NEXT PAGE w w w. l w 2 1 0 . o r g Lincoln-Way High School Alumni Association The OFFICIAL Newsletter of the Lincoln-Way High School Alumni Association Vol. 5 • No. 1 Lincoln-Way Links Class of 1998 Summer (Pare) Johnston and her husband, Drew, gave birth to their second daughter, Amaya Autumn. She was 7 lb. 12 oz. and 22 inches long. Their daughter, Kari Ashley, is thrilled to be a big sister. Sarah (Greve) Arabian was married on September 6th. The couple had a beautiful wedding in New York City held at the Armenian Cathedral, with a gorgeous ceremony at the popular Tavern on the Green. Their daughter, Kaiyane, served has their flower girl. After a thankful Thanksgiving in Tempe, AZ Sarah, Kaiyane and her new (where her husband husband finished his first Ironman race), they are looking forward to traveling to Canada to visit with friends and family. James Lawson recently vacationed in Costa Rica and enjoyed whitewater rafting, rock climbing, volcano hiking and zip lining. He purchased a new home in Plainfield three years ago and is the only bachelor in the subdivision. After high school he attended Northern Illinois University for electrical engineering. After all of that schooling, he ended up in the trades as an electrician. He has been at the same shop for eight years and has excelled in his field. He enjoys traveling, working, going to the gym and wakeboarding. Michael Moody lives in Chicago with his fiancée, Michelle. They will marry in November, 2009 in Costa Rica. He has been a personal trainer for the last 4 years and proudly owns www.revivalfitness.com. January 2009 | Page 20 (continued) Class of 1997 (continued) Summer Johnston’s daughters | Steven Bartkus: see Class of 1997 Matt Christensen says that after leaving Illinois in 1998, he spent time in Colorado, New Mexico, back in Illinois, and now he resides in East Lansing, Michigan. He is employed at a large financial services company where he works in information technology. Formally, his title is senior programmer, but he functions more as a technical project manager. Prior to his current job, he started and ran a non-profit organization to help young women in Africa get a primary and secondary education. Mike Chudzinski is currently a police officer in Lombard, where he is also the union president. Oddly enough, his twin brother, Jason Chudzinski, has joined the department as well. They were recently featured in a Chicago Tribune news article about twins working on the same police department. In years Twins, Mike and Jason past, he graduated from Illinois State University with Chudzinski a B.A. in criminal justice. Mike lives in Plainfield. Sarah Grady graduated from Lewis University, Romeoville, with a degree in sports management. She worked for the Joliet Jackhammers for three years as the community relations and promotions manager. She has recently taken a position with the Peoria Chiefs as the events and entertainment manager. She spends her extra time with her family and boyfriend, Nathan. more» FRONT PAGE NEXT PAGE w w w. l w 2 1 0 . o r g Lincoln-Way High School Alumni Association The OFFICIAL Newsletter of the Lincoln-Way High School Alumni Association Vol. 5 • No. 1 Lincoln-Way Links Class of 1998 (continued) Jennifer Nerren graduated from Northern Illinois University in 2002 with a B.S. Ed, with emphasis in special education. She A picturesque view of Colorado currently lives in Springs by Jennifer Nerren Colorado Springs where she teaches elementary students with severe needs. This is her seventh year of teaching. Jennifer just began working on her master’s degree in child and adolescent psychology and applied behavior analysis. Within the past few years, she has traveled to Yellowstone, Grand Canyon, New Mexico, Las Vegas, California, Oregon, Washington, Idaho, Wyoming, and Montana. She has picked up photography as a hobby and has sold a few photographs. Heidi (Garrelts) Stukel and Matt Stukel were married on May 27, 2006 at St. Mary Nativity Catholic Church in Joliet, after dating for more than seven years. She is currently employed at Trinity Services, Inc. as a day program director, | January 2009 | Page 21 (continued) (continued) working with adults with developmental disabilities, mental illness and those who are dually diagnosed. Heidi is a 2002 graduate of the University of St. Francis with a B.A. in psychology and an interdisciplinary business minor. She then went to the Illinois School of Professional Psychology at Argosy University to earn a M.A. in counseling psychology. She graduated from ISPP in 2005, and became a licensed professional counselor (LPC). Currently, she is attending Lewis University in the master’s program to become a certified school counselor. Heidi plans to complete the School Counseling and Guidance Program in December, 2008. She is also working toward completing the rest of her internship hours and also working toward becoming a licensed clinical professional counselor (LCPC). Matt is a graduate of Joliet West High School, also Class of 1998. He is currently self-employed as an owner and operator of Stukels’ Home Maintenance. Heidi and Matt currently reside in the Cathedral Area of Joliet. They enjoy their time relaxing at home, spending quality time with family, friends, and each other. They have no children at this point. However, they have a two-year-old yellow lab, Brown, who keeps them quite busy! Class of 1999 Jonathan Reeves: see Class of 2002 Heidi and Matt Stukel Class of 2000 David Christensen says that since graduating, he has obtained a B.A. in economics from the University of Illinois at Champaign-Urbana and started a career working as a consultant in the field of computer forensics. Shortly after graduating David Christensen from college, he joined Huron Consulting Group and worked for three years under the direction of a computer forensic expert from the Department of Defense. In August of this year, he made the decision to leave Huron and join Deloitte Financial Advisory Services, LLP. He now works in the Analytic and Forensic Technology practice at Deloitte. In November 2007, David took a trip out of the country to Denmark and visited the birthplace of his grandfather, Peter Christensen. The following month, he purchased a home in Oak Lawn and commutes downtown daily to work at Deloitte. Beth (Bartkus) McNamara and her husband recently celebrated their one-year wedding anniversary. In the spring of 2008, she finished her master’s degree in educational administration from Governors State University. Currently, she is the PE/Health/Driver Education Department Chair and sophomore girls’ soccer coach at Lincoln-Way Central High School. Beth McNamara more» FRONT PAGE NEXT PAGE w w w. l w 2 1 0 . o r g Lincoln-Way High School Alumni Association The OFFICIAL Newsletter of the Lincoln-Way High School Alumni Association Vol. 5 • No. 1 Lincoln-Way Links Class of 2000 (continued) John Paul Scudella is currently a baseball instructor at Drive Performance, a baseball/ softball facility in Wheeling, IL. His company works with Major League Baseball doing vision training. In a sense, shooting tennis balls with colors and numbers at speeds of 70 to 150 mph and having players call out John Paul Scudella both color and number if possible. What they are trying to do is slow the game down, training at high speeds makes seeing a baseball going 85 to 90 mph look like a beach ball. He was contracted out by the Tampa Bay Rays this year to become their iTrac Vision Trainer. He worked with such players as the AL Rookie of the Year & All-Star Evan Longoria, Gold Glove Winner Carlos Pena, All-Star Dioneer Navarro, Cliff Floyd, and the rest of the Tampa Bay Ray team. He was proud to have helped them win the AL East, ALCS, ALDS and making their first World Series appearance in franchise history. His company also works with the Chicago Cubs, NY Mets, Cleveland Indians, USA Olympic Softball Team, and they recently just finished instructional league with the San Francisco Giants. | January 2009 | Page 22 (continued) Beth Wroblewski writes that her daughter, Kylie, is turning nine this year and becoming quite the little lady. Beth’s last surgery went well and she is doing better. She has a great man in her life now and hopes everyone has a safe and happy holiday and good things come for all in the New Year...take care. Class of 2001 Allison (Myers) Walton earned a Bachelor of Science degree in health science business and administration from Ohio State University in 2006. She completed her Bachelor of Science in nursing from the University of Texas Health Science Allison & Jake Walton Center at San Antonio in December of 2008, and will sit for the Nursing State Board in January. Allison plans to work as a Registered Nurse in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (ICU) at a hospital in San Antonio. She married Jake Walton on June 2, 2007. They live in San Antonio, Texas. Laura Lowe received her M.S. in library and information science in December 2007 from University of Illinois. She is currently working on an advanced certificate in library administration and is the children’s services librarian at Des Plaines Valley Library District, serving Lockport, Crest Hill, and Romeoville. Class of 2002 Sara (Katauskas) Garza is a graduate of the University of Arizona, where she was a football manager. On October 18, 2008, she married Roderick Garza, and they now live in a beautiful home in north Sara & Roderick Garza Phoenix. Sara’s dad, Tony Katauskas (retired LWHS teacher and coach), and her mom moved to Goodyear, AZ. They love the retired life! Sara is currently a police officer for the city of Phoenix. Her new husband is a special agent with the D.E.A. Elisabeth Hancock: see Class of 1980 Stacy Kim went to school at Miami University of Ohio, where she received a degree with a major in accounting and a minor in finance. After school, she moved to Chicago and has lived in the Lakeview area for two years. She is working as an audit associate at McGladrey & Pullen, a public accounting firm serving middle market clients of all industries. Additionally, she was recently promoted to senior associate. Upon starting her career at McGladrey, she coincidentally met Jonathan Reeves (Class of 1999). They have been dating for almost two years now and have a dog named CeCe. more» FRONT PAGE NEXT PAGE w w w. l w 2 1 0 . o r g Lincoln-Way High School Alumni Association The OFFICIAL Newsletter of the Lincoln-Way High School Alumni Association Vol. 5 • No. 1 Lincoln-Way Links | January 2009 Page 23 (continued) Class of 2002 (continued) Class of 2003 Class of 2005 Stacy (Hunley) Layman and her husband, Rusty, recently celebrated their first wedding anniversary in November. In September of this year, they bought a house in Hobart, IN. They travel to New Lenox frequently to visit family and friends. Meagan Crandall graduated college in December of 2007 and is now an eighth grade teacher. She recently got engaged to Marty Hawrysko (Class of 2003). They are planning a 2011 wedding. Alex Brower: see Class of 1989 Rusty & Stacy Layman | Peter Fattore graduated from Bradley University’s School of Electrical Engineering in 2007. He works as an electrical engineer for Formax in Mokena. He also volunteers as a Sergeant in New Lenox Emergency Services. Don and Jennifer (Newall) Fleck have moved to Miami, Florida. Benjamin Hausherr: see Class of 1977 Class of 2006 Brian Hancock: see Class of 1980 Krystal (Lozenski) Hausherr: see Class of 1977 Jordan Sangmeister: see Class of 1980 Peter Fattore Chad and April Hausherr: see Class of 1977 Allison Mockler is now living in Plano, Texas, and teaching American Sign Language at Allen High School. Although she misses her friends in Illinois, she is loving the weather and not missing the snow (at least not yet). Ryan Underwood just graduated from Miami University in Oxford, Ohio, with degrees in both mechanical engineering and management. He is attending the University of Kentucky to obtain his Ph.D. in biomedical engineering. FRONT PAGE NEXT PAGE w w w. l w 2 1 0 . o r g Lincoln-Way High School Alumni Association The OFFICIAL Newsletter of the Lincoln-Way High School Alumni Association Vol. 5 • No. 1 Lincoln-Way Links | January 2009 | Page 24 (continued) ALUMNI GATHERINGS Class of 1996: 10-Year Reunion Formal and informal gatherings bring Lincoln-Way alumni together. Please share news of your alumni gatherings (large and small). We are happy to feature details and photos in the alumni newsletter. Carrie Davis planned the Class of 1996 10-year reunion. They opened the time capsule at the reunion and many students had letters in there written by them or to them by other students. She has the leftovers and would love to get them to their original authors. If you would like yours, please contact her as soon as possible, at: [email protected]. LWHS Marching Knights Reunion: Classes of 1989-1994 Tracy Bohne sent in some photos (below and upper right) from the LWHS Marching Knights Reunion, including classes 1989-1994, that took place this last August. She says it was a lot of fun and they plan on another one in the summer of 2009. Class of 1958 The Class of 1958 celebrated their 50Year Reunion in early October, kicking off the festivities at the Homecoming Game. Pictured at right is the group with the Lincoln-Way Knight! FRONT PAGE NEXT PAGE w w w. l w 2 1 0 . o r g Lincoln-Way High School Alumni Association The OFFICIAL Newsletter of the Lincoln-Way High School Alumni Association Vol. 5 • No. 1 Reunion Review If your Class plans to celebrate a reunion in 2009, please contact Linda, (815) 462-2976, at the Foundation Office so we can assist, or help share details through our newsletter. The next issue of the newsletter will be in the spring – just in time to forecast the Fall of 2009 reunions. 50-Year Reunion: Class of 1959 Will be held the weekend of June 26, 27, 28, 2009. More Information to follow. 40-Year Reunion: Class of 1969 30-Year Reunion: Class of 1979 20-Year Reunion: Class of 1989 | January 2009 | Page 25 UPCOMING REUNIONS – MARK YOUR CALENDARS Would you like to be a Class Representative? Make a New Year’s Resolution...become involved with the Alumni Association in 2009. We are looking for alumni from Lincoln-Way Community High School, Lincoln-Way Central High School and Lincoln-Way East High School to join us as we “grow” the Alumni Association. We plan to meet quarterly to discuss ways to engage our alumni and encourage them to stay connected. If you are interested, or would like more details, please contact Linda Lopez at (815) 462-2976. Will be held on Friday, October 9, 2009 7:00-11:00pm CD & ME 23320 S. LaGrange Road Frankfort, IL 60423 Contact Mary (Capparelli) Holecek: [email protected] for more information. 10-Year Reunion: Class of 1999 FRONT PAGE NEXT PAGE w w w. l w 2 1 0 . o r g Lincoln-Way High School Alumni Association The OFFICIAL Newsletter of the Lincoln-Way High School Alumni Association Vol. 5 • No. 1 | January 2009 | Page 26 About Us... T he purpose of the Lincoln-Way High School Alumni Association Planning Committee is to provide opportunities for alumni to come back to visit the school, enjoy reunions, and reconnect with former classmates, teachers, and coaches. The Planning Committee invites you to help shape the future of the Alumni Association. Please contact Linda Lopez at (815) 462-2976 or [email protected] to learn more. Alumni Planning Committee Members Randy Baum, 1977 Jim Gast, 1959 Board of Education Judy Hageman, 1959 Larry Hansen, 1977 Mandy Hansen, 1978 Steve Hogan, 1980 Foundation Director Chairman Alumni Committee Kurt Sangmeister, 1980 Kimberlee Warning Foglton, 1979 Foundation Director Liaison Linda Lopez Executive Director of the Foundation FRONT PAGE ALUMNI LINK w w w. l w 2 1 0 . o r g The Alumni Association Planning Committee suggests that all alumni visit our website to update your information and check on upcoming reunions and alumni events. For further information, please contact the Foundation Office at (815) 462-2976. WE VALUE YOUR COMMENTS! Please let us know what you would like to see in future editions of the newsletter. We would like to highlight each class, report news on our alumni, and announce upcoming reunions. If you have something you would like to share about yourself in the next newsletter, please e-mail [email protected]. If you have a photo that you would like to include, please submit it with your information. When submitting information, please include the following: first and last name; maiden name (if it applies); class year; address; telephone number; and e-mail address. Lincoln-Way High School Alumni Association