Vol. 52. SOUTH AMHOY, N. J., FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 18, 1932 No. 35 Eightieth Anniversary Celebration by Members Of Christ Church Parish a After the Storm Price Four Cents fj Many Seek Appointment to City Offices Which Will Be Vacated New Year's Day U First Services Here in Summer of 1833 in Small Wooden Building Close to Present Church Site—Parish Organization Meeting Held November 17, 1852— Present Edifice Started in 1853 Council Will Appoint City Solicitor, Engineer ami Police Justice—Many JMames Already Proposed—Mayorelect Mason Will Also Make Appointments to Education and Works Boards EEV. THOMAS A. CONOVER WILL PREACH SUNDAY COUJNCIL SET-UP LIKELY TO CREATE DISCORD At Christ Church on Sunday evening, there will be a special service to mark the completion of eighty years of active parochial life in the city. The Rev. Thomas A. Conover of Bernurdsville will be the preacher on this occasion and a special musical program will be sung- by the choir under tlie direction of It. Burns Ko,-- Report of City Treasurer Kress linton, organist and choirmaster. A Would Seem to indicate 'l'hat. special elfort is being made to have were sliaip words excliangThe every communicant and all those who ll b f th Hull before the C Conn- ~—~Z"-^^~j have been in any way affiliated with ed at the City H the life of this historical church at- oil got into session Tuesday evening, And at least, one member of ihe uitend the service. The anniversary was commemor- licial family of the City Fathers left the building in what looked like a ated Thursday morning with Holy "bad humor." Eucharist at 7:30. Finances weie suspected to be at The history of the church, like the history of a number of other institu- the bottom of the difficulty. A look at the re.uoit uf Cilly Treasurer. Kress tions in the city, is in a sense, closely connected with the history of the dated October iilst, sustained the beCamden and Amboy, America's first lief. So did a remark made by Councilman Triggs, another by Councilrailroad. j It was before the year 1830 that man Inman the next day. The trouble, it appears, is a com- j John C. Stevens one of those interested in the Camden ami Amboy bination of two or three principal Railroad, established his 'residence in factors, and a host of minor ones. South Amboy. His wife a zealous and Among the principal ithiiigs is the charitable church woman, ran a horse slowness of tax collections, the dwincar to Spotswood on Sunday in or- dling balances left in appropriation der that those who so desired could accounts, the unexpected demands of tlie past, and the failure of anticipaattend services at St. Peter's church ted revenues to materialize. there. It is said however, that while For instance in the report of the quite a number availed themselve: of the transportation provided, many Treasurer, Mr, Kress, fo Sept. 30th, the balance left in the police approof those who rode to Spotswood did not' attend services at St. Peter priation uf $30,000.(10 was $Cyir>!l. In the report for October 31st, one Will Make Another Attempt to Unusual Assortment of Valuable Church there. Merchandise Will Be DisplaySend Member on Way to Head Upon the death of Mrs. Stevens, month later, the balance had dropped ed at Various Booths. of Department. Thomas A. Conover, a commodore in to $.'1,811. Expenditures for the month came to $U,o' 18, ordinary subtrnc the United States Navy came to this Everything is in readiness for the city with his wife and established a tion indicates. And $2,048 was exact-i Following up their declaiatiun that home here. Mrs. Conover, who was :i ly the figure that Councilman Iniinn | they would again malic an attempt to i annual indoor bazaar which is to be at a council session a month agojhave a mieinber of their company elheld by the Sacred Heart Parish besister of Mrs. Stevens also became greatly interested in the church and said was the average expended 1'orK'cted as second assistant chief of the 'ginning on Monday evening, nnd conits work. She gathered together at pollice per month this year. Unless fire department, members of the Pro-1 tinuing 11nr.il Thanksgiving night, _'re is a curtailment of spending gressive Company at their meeting when it closes. The affair, which is her home, a group of young children then and besides giving them the rudi- for the police account either some- Monday nin'ht, endorsed Fiank Hac- luoked upon as an established instibody don't tret paid, or It lie appro- kott, a member of the company as a tution in this city, will be held in the ments of an education, taught some Sacred llea'rt Auditorium on Washof the truths of the Christian relig- priation will be overdrawn $1,485 candidate. Hackctt, lonir active in the affairs ington Avenue. ion. At this time South Amboy had at the end of the year. The appropriation for Fire had a of Progressive Company and the city The usual assortment of merchanneither a school house nor church. In the summer of 183S, a small balance of $118(1 on Oct. 1st; a bal- fire department, is one of the most dise ktands, which have been one of popular members of the company nnd the prominent features of the bazance of $1,072 for Nov. 1st. The acwooden building was erected in the it is felt his endorsement will also front part of the present church count owes $500 for water for the cause members of other companies to aars in .the past will again be offered, yard by the Camden and Amboy Rail- final quarter; and the annual com- set bell in :1 him before the ,-innual el- and will be in charge of the various gioups of the church. The merchanwad Company. In this building re- pensation to the local volunteer fire- ection takes place on December 5th. dise will consist of. divers articles of ligious services were held by the Rev. men. This compensation Councilman Although every other company in Inman claims will come to $1,02"; beauty and value, and is sure to Mr. Wa'rd, who at that time was recthe city department has had a mem- tempt those who attend the affair. Councilman Wnlcznk claims that it tor of St. Peter's at Spotswood. For ber elected chief of the department, will bo soihewhflt less than this sure As a special feature the Young a number of years his successor, Rev. not all the firemen are en- Procrrcsrive has never had this hon- Ladies Sodality will conduct a stand Joseph F. Phillips also conducted seror bestowed on one of its members. titled to a full year's compensation. displaying attractive embroidery, vices in this building. Not only the members of the company On November 17th, 1852, a few The probable overdraft will be in ex- but those in other companies ns well crochet and fancy needlework. These cess of $1,000—may 'reach toward persons met in this building, which feel that the Progressives should be articles are always in great favor had been fitted up as a temporary $1,400. griven recognition this year and the nnd should produce much interest. (Continued on page eight) The Parent Teachers stand will church, to consider the advisability strong sentiment in this direction of forming a parish organization. would seem to point to Ilackett's se- contain articles donated by members. The St. Cecelia's Society and Charles Fish was chosen chairman lection. of the meeting which formed a corOne otner candidate, Jerry Con- the Young Men's Athletic Associaporation called St. Stephen's Pa'risli. nors, of the Protection Company, is tion will act as workers behind (the remaining stands. Mr. Fish and L. D. Morse, M. D. in the race thus far. wore lected wardens and Edwin It. Refreshments will be served each Hanks, John C. Stevens, Abraham night in the lower dining hall, and Evcritt, John Sexton and Peter P. every night a large number of chickVoorhees were eleote'd vestrymen. V:. ens, geese and ducks are to be given L. D. Morse was elected Parish Clerk away. On Wednesday evening a numand Peter P. Voorhees was elected Both Will Be Held in ber of turkeys will be distributed so High | that they may grace the tables oi the Cleric or the Vestry. School Auditorium for Milk winners on Thanksgiving Day. In 1855 Simeon 0. Knickerbocker Fund. WJIH chosen Lay Header and appears Free dancing will be held evetj to have officiated in that, capacity minight with a large orchesl.ra, well Two events planned to add to the til 1857. In that year the temporary known in this vicinity, furnishing milk fund heini; raised by the associ- Piit Rack to Nov. 27th to Avoid church iiml graveyard were deeded to the music. This affair will be the ation lire being arranged by the Pubthe parish by the Camden nnd AmConflict With Anniversary last of a social nature to be held ic School Parent Teachers' Associaunder church auspices before tile boy Railroad Company. This buildService. ion. season of Advent, which begins soon. ing served as the church until 1H5S n The first affair will be a puouctt; „,, . ~7 ,. ,, , when the prosi-n atone edifice, known 1 1 1 The committees are us follows: as Christ Chiuvli, was erected by show to be held on December f> I at L " I^.'iKmomciit <•/ the annual Committee on Stands: Konstanty the High School Auditorium. There! I hanksgiving service ot Joel Parker Miss Ksther II. Stevens, sister of COI UM1 U A Ml l m s b Wisniewslci, Louis Gpiola, John J. ™" John 0. Sfovi-ns, whose remains HIM ,vill be iperfornmncos in flic after- l i 1 " n l'r a l• \*- ° - - ' Cross, John Tomaszewski, John Wal, ,, „ buried in the family vault, under 11M •100,1 and evening. Last year, to rnise " "r 'h, u" - . service, hel.l "nmially upon czak, John Wilk, Joseph Szaro. Anchancel. It was first used for service- nonev for the fund a puppet show i "illation "f tlio State- Councilor ton G. Nelius, Anlton Walczak, Frank on Knstor Hay, April Ith, IK58, the was held which netted a considerable ;l»™c 1 o n e r , was first scheduled for Toinas/iewski, Louis Ploskonk:i, R.iRev. C. S. I,i||le nf New York of- sum and it is expected that tlie r e - i "1 ( tlie xis ll(] o v 2()lh - " l nian Malkiewicz, Thoophil jUarcx.ak, ficmlinir. The title to the property suits of a similar event this venr will l| l' h 0 ' 1 M"r s t B" nyn "'«."'"{-'• , ^ ' Henry Malkiewicz, BernnTd Kubiseven more gratifying. » s t Uuu-cn. was not convoyed In the pnrish how- .11- The llltc iak, Joseph Lagoda, Chester Suminassociation's first venture in < > w l n ""*'' ever until .Inmia'iy, 1Kli2. tin- field of amateur theatricals is h--|! K Sunday, Nov 27th, was made ski, John Kudelka, Thomas Kurzuwn, When Ihe stune elim-eh was erec- ill,.- planned for to take place at tlie I 1 " "rdor that the riianksgiving s o - F k l JJohn h J k i k Frank Slrzolee, Jaskowink. ted the woiiilen building which for- il H i School Auditorium on Febru-! V ! < T would not conflict, with the st-r- Bernard Nowak, S. Miochiszewsl;i, merly served the parish u-as moved nrv '.'. -iii.l :i. when n niiisicnl comedy, i*'.1™8 ."'I'l/lent to i»e celebration of Stanislaus S/.aro, Casimi'i Szarn, to the northeast I'lirner of the church "The Ci.lb'W Mapper," will be pre-1 1 ]"' <''(S'Iil 10Ih anniversary of Christ Chester Szymanski, George (ireinyard and Sunday School services seated by an amateur cast under ipru- ;(-liui-eli. bowicz, Stanley Sioracki, A. Klng.i. Were h.-M I here. The building was I'es-iounl direction. i " Miss Helena Lagoda, Miss Mary also used for the parish school. Kosciidniak, Miss llelc-n KrzyzltowIN A I T R K C I A T I O N ^ On .lime l:.\ ISllO, ivlien the ];,. v . IX A P P R E C I A T I O N ska, Miss Frances Nebus. Miss ADOTo the Citizens of South Amboy: (5. .T. MiiHini mis i-ei-lor. the church To all those who supported my can- The support ai-cordcd me at the lonia Kuc, Jliss Wanda St'iv.ykalska, wan consecrated l>y liishop Oden- didiii-y for councilman from tlie Third H on November 8lh is Uiorouu'liiy Miss Helen Opiola, Miss Cecilia NolioimiM-. The present 'rectory wus Inii!;, Ward" in the recent election, I wish J appreciated. wak, Miss K. Nebus, Mis^ Gertrude itd dnriujr Ihe some your. (•1 ospress my sincere thanks and 111-; j It will be my y sincere endeavor 'o Nowak, Miss Joanna Flaga. Jlis? Til IHRd, the' Kpiwopn Tnl'aiif sure iliem that their ''IVorl.s in my lie-j administer the duties of the office in Helen Pawlowski, iMiss Helen P.ucka, School, which is known Christ half are greatly :i|i|irerinted. a manner that will merit, your ap- Miss Julia Kiilkouskn, Miss Bcatrire Church lioine was liuill by Miss Soprobation. Klosek. lliv'S. JIAUY IMIICiE. phie Stevens, another sister of John fContinuci! on page eiubt) CIIARLKK T. MASON. C. Stevens. Management, of the STOVES i school was ves.cil in the hands of n Don't buy ono until you «oo th>« board of trustees, who in the year tSBS', t'lanslVnvd their trust to ii lino MonnRlinn I>"». The pricoB will ' dVPornt.ion bearing flu- iiiuiie, Christ urpriin you. Dnvid St. near Firil PROCLAMATION Church Home. Nntionnl Bnnli. 9-30-121 In January lXI'.L', the present parTo t h e people of t h e City uf South A m b o y : ish iniiUlinj.1; was eviH-ted liy lUiss Tin's year marks the 51 si anniversary of tlie fonndSnfcty, doppnclnbility nnd low fuel Caroline Cunovor, sister o K. S, inj-V of t h e American lied Cross and t h e completion of Conover ;iuj presented to (he pnrNh cost mala: the Mcrco Hie best Oil for n Sunday school ami parish Hcntcr investment you enn m.-ilce. more than a half century of humanitarian service. DurG. T. Wilhclm, ilistriljutor, 228 First school. ing these years, (lie lied Cross has pn;ved itself not only (Continued on page eight) St., Phono P. A. 292. Adv. BUSINESS MEN ~~~ ALMOST SECURED NEW OFFICERS THAI WORDSATCIIYHALL? RED CROSS WILL PROGRESSIVES BACK INDOOR PARISH FRANK HACKETT FOR BAZAAR OPENING SEW GARMENTS FOR ASSISTANT CHIEF MONDAY EVENING NEEDY OF CITY Local Parent Teachers Plan Puppet Show And Musical Comedy CHURCH SERVICE IS POSTPONED BY JUNIOR ORDER TO TIIK CITIZKiN'S (W SOUTH AMISOY: On Thui'sday. Nnvcnibcv 17th. llu- nututnl s l i i j i D r i v e of ( l i e Unil C i ' o s s lic-jran i n . S o i ' i t h We niusl all work for |.hi« w n v t h y Aniboy. cause this yea)' m o r e t h a n t-vi-r l n - f o r o if <mr IOKK I'di't.iuiaU 1 f e l l o w m e n in Flotilli coniinjr Wintoi' A n i l i o y a r e h i lie t a k e n c u r e nf diirinjr lli<- iimnlliK. We eann'slly solicit your eooiienitioti in t h i s w o r k nl' nu.-rcy. , T I ' K i d ^ , (lener.'il ('liairinati. a practical i n s t r u m e n t of mercy, but it h a s renewed and invigorated our spiritrml life. Within t h e next few weeks every cilizcn will be afforded an opportunity to join in a countrywide recognition of this service through ]>ai'1 icip.xlion in the finnual roll call. tu the im-sent, emci'ircney rcsniltinp; from I.lie depression and accoiiipanyinj;- uni-niployment. tlie demands mi this ajfiiecy have lieen increased mnti\' fold. It is esKenlial thai t h e r e shall he an unusually generous response to tlie annual roll call in order that, t h e lied Cross may effectively meet lln's latest demand. T feel certain 'hat Ihe people of this municipality will meet t h e fiituui.'i'in in chiiracti-rislic fashion. ALFRED T. KKVJl Dated November 17, \'XV,i. • Miivor. , , ,)„.,., Novm, n, Classes Will lieirleld at School No. 2 Alondiiy and Friday Afternoons. Mow with election over, but by n o means forgotten, the attention of local politicians is turned to the annuaS appointments oi the mayor and council. The (problem of considering possible appointees to the office is being; pursued in earnest much earlier t h i s year than heretofore, largely becauseElection Again Postponed This so many points will come up for consideration before any candidate is dej Time Until December 19th. cided upon. | The Business .Men almost had an The three principal appointments, [election when they mot in .McCloud's to ho made by ihe council are City Hall on Monday night. Solicitor, City Kngineer and PoliceTh election f a new stall' of of- Justice, the must sought after a p j Jicers has levelopo I into cine of the J jmintnients within the gift of the ma| must .serious '• problems the members yor and council, : of the association have had to conCon-iderable thought will be giver.; I tend with. to every applicant before any decisWhen the date of election was set ion is made and there is certain to befor a recent meeting, the presidential considerable bickering before any pocampaign was at. its height, and Al- sition is filled. fred K. Kniitli, the "Happy Warrior" The set up of the city council i s of the Democratic party was scheduled to spunk at Newark. No officer (iuite different from what it has beeia in some time and this faci alone will election was held t h a t night for a majority of the business men went to have considerable bearing on the deliberations which will take place. Newark to hear " A l . " The Republicans having gained a n Then came last Monday evening, additional councilman and a mayor to which the election had been 'post- during the last elections are in a poponed. President Klwood R. Brown sition where they will have considerand his fellow officers felt certain able to say about the vacancies. that w a s the last meeting over which On the other hand, it is rather exthey would preside, ami t h a t a new stall' of officers would be selected be- pected that Councilmen Trigjrs ami Walczak will team up in their selecfore the meeting came to a close. When the meeting was adjourned, tions. What attitude Councilmanhowever, they found themselves still elect Manion will take in thi3 direcill office, with no successors appoint- tion is somewhat of a problem. It i s unlikely that Manion, a member of" ed. The meeting was going along fine- the wing of the Democratic party1 ly and President Brown declared that which has opposed the old guard will an election was in order. Officers agree entirely with the selections the* were nominated and elected when one other two Democrats ag-rc-e upon. Much of the discontent in the Demof or of the members rose to a point of or1 Thelocal chapter of the Red Cross has received a large consignment of material which will be used by nicni- tier and declared that the officers bers of the chapter for the fabrk-a- j serving at present had been elected lion of clothing for the needy of the | to serve until January 1, 19.3". A city. ; recess was called, the minutes of the Arrangements have been made for}} previous meo'.in^^ referred to and the g h l d i f i l i of sewing classes in t contention of the protesting m member the holding of ocratic party which resulted in the bi'ter fight in the Third Ward, and! which impaire:! the efficiency of theparty throughout the city, can be d i 'roctly traced to dissatisfaction over appointments made last year and a l Another attempt to elect leged promises which were not kept.. School No. 2 on Fourth street every j verified. With such a glaring example of Monday and F Friday id afternoon ft and; d new officers will take place when a a general invitation has been exten-1 meeting is held on Monday, December what unwise appointments may nieaiv to party harmony before them, bothded to all women in t h e city to a t - ! 19th. tend these classes. Sewing machines' Another effort will be made to have \ Parties will look to the effect it will organization before for the use of the workers have been j a building code, long sponsored b y "hnve upon the " —--•—* = — >--' donated, more are needed and the [the business men. adopted by the city any name is advanced for consideration. committee would appreciate the use: irovornment. A committee consisting On the other hand there is.tlie posof two machines for the winter mon-iof Peril Tedcsco, Leo J. Coakley and 1 ths in order to speed up the work, j William S. Paripen was npnninted sibility that the Republicans who hold A request has also been made that Monday night to interview Mayor- the whip han.l in the veto power of patterns of all kinds be forwarded elect Charles T, Mason with a reoiicst the Mayor may upset the plans of theto the chapter. that lie incorporate recommendations Democratic p a r t y in the event a i t Officers of the organization report for the adoption of a building code- agreement is not reached between theparty representatives because all a p that they expect within a short tima in his message to the council. poin'es will have to have the sanction to receive a shipment of underclythof Mayor-elect Charles T. Mn'on. ing, hosiery and similar articles of clothing from National HeadquarThe office of Police Recoidcr, is a p ters. parently the most sought after of a n y of the three appointments to be made. There arc a host of aspirants fur this post and tlie (licking will indeed be difficult. Linwood Van Cleaf, former police justice, is among tho-e prominently mentioned and it is known that at least one of the Republican Auxiliary to Institution Will members of the council will advance his name for the appointment. ReuHold Election on Dec. 5th. ben Forgotson, present enciinibent, is Many Local Members Plan toj Next Tuesday lias been set aside also bi'iniv backed by a Democratic of the council. iMhvard J . Attend Session in Perth A in as donation day for the South Am- member J, 0 y I boy Memorial Hospital in the var- O'Connor, a former council 11:111. uuf at present justice of the peac:*. N a l _^,_ j ions schools of ihe city. Donations so being considered among the leadToni.>ht Chapter No. 4, K. of C.,-°f f o O ( i stuffs will be collected by ing (-.-.indHires. will meet in Perth Amboy. A large members of the Hospital Auxiliary delegation of members from this ci'yj'lu'rinjr the day. Mrs. Herman EulSo fa;1, but l,\o men liiive lieoll 1011is expected to attend this meeting. I'"' 1 ' ''ends the committee in charge of sidere! for the appointment of City Next Tnosdav evening at. the K . ' t h i s work and has announce;! that Solicitor. Leo J. Cuakk-y, who preof C. Hall the joi-a! council will lion-;«" gifts will be gratefully received, viously .serve-l in this office, has often or the oldi'-.- meinlvrs of the council. I S n u requests that all donations hi- bi-LM mentioned -whin the appointA fine program h-is been arran.TO.I! s ™ 1 to her or that she be ncaiij'l ment of a successor to Francis Coau was nmsHvn-d. Jch?i P. MelJuirt' i s bv a coinniitree headed by Thomas :a n i 1 donations will hi1 called f o r . ' Vail. 1 'I'lio members of the Auxiliary are the other aspirant, who i? being give;v ] Also, at »"xt Tues lay's mectiiu;-: >usy with sewing for the hospit-;' no little tiuiMU'li. and '.vheii a meet in;*-, 'he drawin, r the seven gold pieces i and have been able by this means - •> was held lYcentiy t'» discuss this a p will take p,,. t t .. This will make it i save a considerable sum from the p(-intment. he r<'ei iv^-d the ('mfor-iement of out' of thf Democratic m e m necessary for the mcml-iTs to ha br-rs of (In1 council. At the nr>1'. meeting to take their returns in before thnt tinio. ll(1 A committee of tlie Knights and d ' " '- nurse's homo on December cem ntn. trp John ronlogue prc-f.'nt vJity E n g i g loi 1 ' 1 annual election of officers the miuloi ce will be neer, will again occupy that, nilicv ii? the Catholic Catholic Daughters Daughters have have miu hdd arrangcnients for a benefit ca'rd parhidd an 1 ^ the annual report will lw one of the DrmoeratH- .itember-; of t h e b f i d ty .lo be lield tlu* e^euiiu1,' of Tuesday submitted. council can win his fcllo.v couin'ilmerj Dec. Ii at the D h K. K nf C. rooms. The Th to his views. The oilier r-it-inlwrs of conimittcc is compriserl of Mrs. Frri'iThe next meeting of the South the council that will hari I 11 uh t h o i-is P. Coaii. Miss CatheriiK? Gehci'ty^ Amboy Garden Club will he held on "ph i m s dill'or w i ' h tliis %-it-"W Mrs. Edward Noble, Mrs. John ICiv- Db neceniber ^ when tin? amni:il election are prepared to adv.-in<-e otlifMnan, I\Iiss Mar lr Nirkerson, Jam*1- tit' oll'ii-ers will fake place. !Urs. J a m -A. T. ife.Michaels who several years l^lanig:in, J')se]ih Vail and E h v n n l l e s Keating is chairman of the nonii- asvo servi'd as City Kn^-im-er, nat the Rulli\-an. :iiatinn' committee. bfickinjr of certain numbers of tha new council. Carl Wilbur, another The committee nf Miesr two organizalions will also be assisted in th.1^'1 j Mrs. Kdwnnl Hardy is confined n local engineer, will also be advanced 'iiilciivo"s by the Ln'lics Auxilinry ofiber home on Second street with a for this office, and it is exor-cted will be the candidate of both Republican he Ancient'Order of Hibernians'. jslijrht illness. coimcHiiien. HENEFIT CARD PARTY SPECIAL PRICES Eijual in'erest is iK'iiiir maiu'fcpt irk 1 1 FOll NEKDV FAflIII^. n n >L'Lnlcl's an^ Fumnces nt Monair- tin atiiioini ments of ^rayiii--<.|pct 3Ta—c— linn's. Cot tlicm in stock. Monatf- ^•011, wlio will namo hvo nu'tnbors- of A hciierit curd \cuty for a ufvily ) lnI1 o n Dnvid Street, rent- of First (he linnril of T'liblir Wo-l:-= ;ui<! a nii.'inbi.r of the flnai I of Rdni-atfon. family will lie held 011 next Tuesdnv Natlonnl Bunlc. i)-30-12t TM1*. M:i--nn lias indicated fiat be hn^eveiiinjr at the home nf M :-H. .Tail" arrived at no decision ennrcrninjr Hiiynes nf liosewell street. All of The Merco Automnlic Oil Burner, Iheso n-.nlters and it is hardly lifcely the popular ii'anic:-; 'i.-ill be in play and 1 n hcnlinif unit wo a r e proud to sell Ihii! any iiitiin.'it'oii of h!-- appninlmany bpinitifnl p'-i".--: lire to b. will be made until c!"~-" fo t h o awarded lo winner-. Mir- Kather'ni- Jiiid one you will hr. proud In own. ineiils 1 Ivelley will net as chiiii-iium nf th" G. T. Willulm, diilributor, 228 f i r s ! I inn he and Ihe new emmcil t-il;e« n w . Adv. Ihe affairs of l.he city. affair, and in addition to Uie o'bc-- St., I'IIOIIP S. A. 292. in inerMH'iits. b;is 11 .'I'ane'd If serv" < lei it-ions rof'rf'sliiiK'nts. COUNTY CHAPTER K.OFC. MEETS THIS EVENING Monnfflmn rnrrios n storlc nf P c pairn for Stovon nntl H<'»tt'V». Dn'.M St., nonr Brnnclwny. Tel. 253. 9-30-12! PUBLIC NOTICE Th'pjuise of TlianksKivin« Day, (lie rt'Kiilar coHeeiion nf ^itrlia|><.' will lie clispcnscd wilh on Tliiii'Mliiy, November 21 Hi. Street Coinmisaidiii'r. Hospital Donation Day In Local Schools Tuesday of Next Week NOTICE TO DHUNQURNT TAXPAYERS Notice is hereby givm (hat Ihe list (if delinquent laxpiiyers of nroperlies in Ihe Cily (if South Aniboy has lieen completed and a Tax Sale will be published in Tlie Simlh Amlxiy Citizen in Ihe, issue of NOVK.'MHKK 25Tjr, This nolice will R'ive ample opporluniiy <d (hose desiriii!; lo clcur up Ilicir (axes, and in fhis May avoid the necessary additional cosls of publication, etc. MAKY I'ACZKOWSKA, Colleclor of the City of South Aniboy. PAGE TWO THE SOUTH AMBOY CITIZEN FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 18, 1932. ST. MARY'S COMES Phantoms Failed Ironsides Doubled HIGH SCHOOL AGAIN Local Schools To Scare Musicians Up Score on Cross THROUGH TO WIN FINISHES ON SMALL In Annual Battle Lagoda Topped Winners Next Saturday! IN CLOSING PERIOD Ii Buster River Land Company END OF SCORE With Seventeen Points. As in Some Land* 4U(1 In Australia unollier exploriT found another trilie, the men of which speuk In grunts all the time, not merely at breakfast when tlisy aro reading the morning paper.—Boston Herald. (566 SALVE for HEAD COLDS. Most Speedy Remedies Known The Radio Hospital Ruth Calli Our Specialty] 15 years experience. Pfaoae call bring j an expert for any iofc Iran • tube reylictMn! to a CQinplet^ over^til. Heart Collegians Made it Two in Row Against Holy Trinity • St. Mary's Courtmen Will Have Long Season With Many Battles • i • Eye Trouble Keeps Sacred Hearts From Victory Sun r /r ELECTRICAL NEEDS SJL 97 JOHN S. DOOLING Mnny for wnol MORE ROCKEFELLER DIMES John I). Rockefeller lian hail hlti •WlnUr hciuo In Kliirlda oiiulpiied with tho latest ij'iiit of I'CHIIIPIICU pi'lvato . branch utclmiiKO, m> that, hl.i Florida homo now liaa Ilio mmit niodcrii type 'of tolopHtini! fnt'llltlua. Wliou tho Job nuinploK'tl, Mr. Uooknfcllor pro<«neU tho plant'chlot.und nnctrot Ilio ;ltt8lnlli.M"n who hiul lieou working on ,tJi*Jub wlLd nliiny imw dliiiea. CALL SAVES FAMILY FROM FIRE Hotel Walnut Park Plata PHILADaPHu] 106 North Broadwiy Telephones 170 and 503 lOB BROADWAY PHONE 5 8 7 SOUTH AMBOY. A/J. THANKSGIVING The ideals of our forefathers were never more real, more far-reach ii)g, jnore jnspirational than they are today. As we look back upon so rich a heritage, let us go forward with new courage, strength and confidence. This $ank Will Not Be Opened All Day, Thursday, November 24th Radio Repairs On All Makes Done Promptly A3d At Reasonable Prices FIRST NATIONAL BANK THERE IS ONLY ONE 5-STAR MOTOR OIL and .? COSTS NO MORE! A t e l e p h o n e call iui\i'd the J . S, Wave f:imlly, of Atluntii, (.In., from lioltiK bui'noil li; ihjHlli mm tnunil.'iK roconlly. Mrs. Wmo wuu nrouncd trom iiininil ulcop by" llm i i e . i l . ' i e n t IIIIKIIII; of Imr lek'ph'Uj6, Hlio nimwi'i-cil It anil found It'was n nalKhliur who told Imr, "Your hotmo Is on llro! Hun! ( nlreuily Siiii» culled the lira deuurtment." Plumbing and Heating 316 HENRY STREET NEW VALUE In ii i i i i i ' l l n v i ' s t i ' r l v illi'iM'tlnn. l u l l h i m t n t u r n In n n o r t l i i ' i i s t r r l y Uli'tction, mill t h o Impiii't of t h i ' s e t w o r i i r r c n t s i H i m r o r i i i x Hiu m i n r v inoviwm'iit. Sun Air Oil Burner A. G. NEBUS r CALL New Organization's Object Is To Protect Wfld Life of State Lowest Pricei ID State I • { 666 LIQUID - TABLETS - SALVE Checks Colds first day. Headaches or Neuralgia in 30 minutes, Malm-ilk in 3 days, 3 ^Touchdowns in Closing Stages St. Mary's Picked for Easy Vic- Of Saturday's Game With St. | The Boys Band of the Sacred Locals Have Booked Some of Game Beat Purple and tory Over Purple and Gold. Patrick's of Newark. Strong Teams for Future j Heart parish pushed the Phantoms Cioli Games. In the last few minutes of play, lover the ropes in a recent battle to Tomorrow at St. Mary's field in a hard fought game here Satur- ! hang up their second win of the seaWith the season rapidly drawing the schoolboy ^battle of the season will day, victory came to St. Mary'a I son by a score of 33-24, in a game The Ironsides, a strong local senior take place when South Amboy High to a close, South Amboy High School High School opposing St. Patricks I played last Saturday afternoon at football team traveled to Perth Amgrid team still has something to look School and St. Mary's High School High j the Sacred Heart court. The Bands- boy last Sunday, where the Land School of Elizabeth. come together in the closing game of forward to—their first victory. men grabbed off an early lead and Company of the cross river city bow The teams had millted arou Again on Saturday the wearers of their schedule. were never headed. Buster Lagoda ed before the locals 12-0. The Ironduring the first three quarters ar There is little of the accustomed the Purple and Gold returned to topped the winners with seventeen sides opened up shortly after the greater part of the fourth and town defeated. Their sixth trounc- enthusiasm for this local autumn the as though they were workir points, while H. Morgan caged eight starting (,'iin, when Steve Check ing was administered by Manasquau classic that is usually evident, since looked counts for the Phantoms. slantad off tackle for thirty-five yards the o'.lds aro all in favor of the St. toward another no-score game. High, 18-6. and a touchdown. In the second perThe box score: The local griddcrs staged their la Mary's team which lias made a fairly At the outset it looked as though credible showing and has developed attempt to 'push the ball over t' Boys Band G F fiod l the locals increased their lead it was the local's game, they were during the season from a mediocre invader's goal when they receivi Kolodziejski, f when Anplegate snared a forward 4 0 8 leading by a touchdown margin. E. Lagoda, f 8 1 17 pass and sprinted fifty yards for a into an outfit skilled in all de- the ball on St. Patrick's 40 ya In the second quarter the Primipka eleven score, 2 0 4 partments of the game and capable line. Smith and Kobrynski led tl Grenvbowicz, c lads received the ball on Manas- of The Land Company came back in Zrebiec, g 0 0 0 offering real opposition to any attack that brought two first dowi quan's forty-five yard line. Prasnal school boy team 'representing a school in rapid succession. Several plun Plaskonka, g 1 0 2 the last quarter with a sustained L on the first play got away and car- of its size. march which netted them a touchJankowski, g 1 0 2 es through the line brought the ba ried the ball 15 years before he was down, but the locals braced and wardOn the other hand, Coach Primpka to the 17 yard line. checked. On the next ploy, Eckert ed off all further threats. The IronTotal 16 •went through left tackle for 22 yds. has ha'd no end of trouble with his Then St. Patrick's stiffened an Phantoms sides, by virtue of their excellent G and a first down. Then from the stjuad. He started oft* the season with three attempts by St. Mary's to i showing, have booked some strong 1 two yard line Prasnal went through little- material to work with and through were unsuccessful. On i M. Howard, f outfits in the next few weeks and lots this coupled with the fact that no lo1 play Kobrynski received an B. Troyano, f center and over the stripe for a cal field was available for the practice final of action is promised. Coaching the 2 hurled the ball into the air. It Ian Nelson, f .. touchdown. Ironsides is Leo Barrett, who fovsessions, starte'cl the tejjnpjT at c?n< ed in the arms of McNearney sevei Meinaer, c 1 In the middle of the third quarter sideraJble of a hah'dicap. morly gained considerable experience teen yards further down the fie: H. Morgan, g 4 the tide changed in favor of the with the Fort penning, Georgia, 3 Thq i?e«»on for the Purple and Gold and the latter tore over the goal lir Popeye, g Monmouth county gridmen. To op- has lb<«jR JlM OTlft <He»l aftW an- for six points. Wildcats, where he performed with An attempt b; en the period, Manasquan received other an'd it was not until last Fri- Fleming to gain the extra point w Total 12 0 2<(]« crack service team of that outfit. and marched to the locals forty-five day when they stacked! up against unsuccessful. The lineup: yard line. Rushes by Ross and Bi fed Freehold' team - that the outfit Ironsides Land Co. die brought'the oval to the five yai succeeded in crossing an opponent's The line-ups: 1 LB Inman Tachez ST. MARY'S ST. PATRICK mark. For three downs the loc goal line. , Hensberger LT Zroblec Witczik 0]>penhei team prevented additional yardag LC Stader Christian On all sides it is conceded that next left end but on the next play there was a I Saturday's 1 will be a sone sided Balbaek C ' Collucci Jenspn Moo teral pass from Todd to Ross, thj contest withgame St. Mary's on the big RO Treemoro Applegate left tackle resulted in a touchdown. en'd. RT Zamorski Griffti McCran Nebus Ross's interception of a pass < RE Alppleffato Anderson left guard the forty yard line iput his team o QB Oscnr Po|st Bithey Koarno, the way to another toushdown. Ro; Deiickson Jack's Ranch Victims In Firs' Lit Check center and Riddle advanced the ball to tli Rlf Jaskowlnk Chanpin Wallace Scoit Win. ^ _ ten-yard line and from there Ro, FM Kazmierski Juicy right guard carried it over. The third touchdov Substitutions: Ironsides: Opiojn The Sucrcd Heart Collegians mud' McNearney Czarnln •was scored in the fourth quarto it two in a row last week, downing for Colucci, Znmnrski for Treemorc; right tackle •when Riddle grabbed an Amboy pa Mart the Holy Trinity quintet of Sayre Harris for Jaskowink. Lund Co., Wol on the thirty yard line and afU villo by u count of 30-12, and nosim Ouftnpscn for Post, Flnnov for Dipright end 1 Grassdorf ran it to the ten yard lin Primini out Jnck's Kanch of South liiver ii ricksnn, Milken for Witcznk. Coan Ross pushed it over. another battle. The box score of tli Loss of Several Veterans Will quarterback The line-ups: Zac Holy Trinity gnmo follows: Smith Give Eppinger Much Concern Reit U EnentUl MANASQUAN SO. AMBO left halfback II Collegians G F T TIIB rhythm of earth life Is «!ow; C. Todd Subjac Kilbb, C. Saaro, f 2 1 imitimm nnd winter nro as o^xentlnl t/t One of tho longest and most ardu- Powers left end right halfback ous basketball schedules ove-r carded llrankowski, f 1 0 : (t as spring und summer, nnd rest Ii Chafey Buchana: by a Blue and Gold quintet has been Kobryznski Morro" S. Szaro, f U. 2 Ias OMtentlul IIH niotlnn. A linppy lift left tackle arranged for Charlie Eppingcrt fullback J. l'ohl, c a 0 Imust lie to a i;reii( exloiit a :|iilof life, Corlin Buadlt courtsters this year by Graduate Score 'byy pcriodd S. Hyan, c 1 2 p left guard Manager of Athletics, Joseph Vail, o a—i. Juskowiak, g 1. 0 : for It |H only in ijn, ntuiijHplii'i'c of qt|lel M ? ',,,.,;.i..,:..l...:0 Wermen Jense and St. Mary's court fans will be S Mary?* 0 0—< " Pphi, g 2 i ; thrit trd« Jcj can line".- -ftprtrnnii UiiiPatrick's •..., 0 center treated to some honeyed basketball Touchdown: . _ - . , Substl Morris Nebu during the winter months. All in all, tutlohs: Sir Marys, itc, t-igh Total •:..•.,..: :....:..'.• 12 0 30 right guard twenty-Six games have been booked, end; Fleming, qu»ria,r.back; eBatty O F T ! Bartsast Dobrynsk and with the State and Trenton Dio- loft tackle; MomW,'. -vMt guan Holy Trirt|ty ,--,2. 2 right tackle cesan Tournament games added in, it St. Patrick's: 7 Ho/no, tSft tackle |pwnajJf;'T, ; Schaeffer Iirma appears as though the locals will (par- McNamara, ri^ht end; Havlen, lef Hupp, f 01 right end ticipate in close to thirty-five battles. H a l f b a c k . . ' '•'• • '• • ' H. Todd Ecksri ,, • -:7r . Referee: V*i» Dei-veer, Navy Qulnn, ![•.„: The features of $»e schedule are a •. f quarterback home and home affair with St. Jene- Umpire, Flannigan, Ui»k; Heai Boss Morga dicts of Newark, State Class A Prep Linesman, Manhattan, Lehigh. Total 4 4 12 left halfback School title holders, and a hpme Referee: Jankowski. Trasbors Stadei aihe with Regis High of New York right halfback Pity. The Regis team is coached T>y Kiddle Prasna' Babe Hurley, former lfortHiam UniRESTORER QF YOUTH fullback versity center who was forced to Score by periods: turn to coaching following1 profesManasquan 0 0 12 6—1 sionalism charges two seasons past, South Amboy 0 6 0 0— and is one of the best sehooftoy out- Archie Urbanik, High Score i Touchdowns: Ross 2, Riddle, Pras fits in the game. Last year the ReAgainst St. Stephen's. nal. Substitutions—South Amboy gians defeated the locals by one point. Xieone, left guaird; Ford, rieht guard Other frays which will be eagerly lEnjoying, or rather, not enjoyin; Hetferee—.Davis. Springfield. Hea' awaited by local court fanatics arc a grand and glorious "off" night, thi I/inesman, Conklin, Bueknell. the Blue and Gold's annual series Scarlet-Clad Basketeers reprcsentin] with the Purple of Amboy High, the the Sacred Heart Club of this cit; S|x|s*'* Cathedral battle and the Perth Am- dropped a 28-18 decision to boy Catholic grudge warfare. New- speedy Saint Stephen's quintet at th< comers to the" schedule are Bayley rfoss river court on Sunday night Prep of Morristbwn, Immaculate Evidently having left their "shootin; Conception of Montclair, St. Mary's eyes" home safely locked up in th' if Rutherford and Good Counsel of closet, the Hearts missed twenty four (count 'em) free tries at th Newark. "Elppie," who has led the locals to hooio. heights for the past decade, The poor shooting marred an other Will Swve as Clearing1 House for jreat will have his hands full this year, wise excellent floor 1 g^me put up by All Pish, Game and Wild Life js the loss of .several Veterans by Frankie Zdaniewicz contingent, am'( Problems. graduation and discontent will neces- it was not until the final period tha itate his filljng in some dangerous the Saints drew away from the loFarmers, sportsmen and conser- ?aps, Veterans not available , this cals, caging eleven counts agains vationists of New Jersey hiuve sot up /ear arc Bill Dowling, Henny Ileon- two for! tlje; Hearts. MoS of the !t><r a now organization in tne interest of •rd, Rip Coan and Frank Conroy. In period points nwide \by the Saitits better hunting, fishing and conserva- is. building proaass, Ep has a good were Ipng tosses, -whjch produced retion of wild life in New Jersey and oundation in Sweets Jankowski, Ed- sults nndkiubtealy because of their botter cooperation between farmers ie Fleming and Bernic Hensberger. familiarity with the court. and sportsmen. It was formed at a Experienced substitutes of last Archie Urbanik carried off high recent meeting in Trenton and will l)r. Helun .ImvorsUl of Purls, win) scoring honori for tne Hearts with be known as The Wild Life Council eason. who •will wage hot fights for five points, and Johnny Zdaniewicz ins condui'teil a series of succosaful of New Jersey, with representatives ositions on the varsity are Eddie ran a close second with four counts •^Innovation operations liy Ira'nsfusfrom the following st!i>te-wido organi- •owers, Tom Fitzmoiris, Bun Bud- For St. Stephens, Stretch Krelg«r Inj; the liloml of youn^ men Into the iak and Smith. But Ep^ie is not { nations: essimistic by any means. He has lengthy and lanky, New Brunswick I'elns of ngeil patients without resortState Grange, Farm Bureau, New toted that he has produced winners center, totalled eight points and JCpz- nj; to surgery. He will visit this Jersey Fish and Game Conservation ;fore and intends to do so again, olowski accounted for ten. Toby Ryan •ountry ut the Invitation of lending League, New Jersey Audubon So- ded and abetted by or in spite of and Eddie Ferguson contributed L'lentlsts. ciety, Nuw Jersey State Trapshoot- he excellent "Gallagher's Coaching snaipny floor games, and Horse Janing Association and New Jersey "orporation" advice which usually kowski was stopped cold, missing ^uti0cribo (a (ho Citizen—<}et the real n e m State Skoet Shooting Association. lakes itself prominent when the shots firom all portions of the floor. A committee on organization, oon- inds begin to blow, the stove be- Horse, watched closely by Geneski, ufiBting of Hurry 10. Taylor, secre- ns to glow, the snows begin to never pot set. This was one of the tary of the Farm Bureau, and Robert now, and the boys nre minus dough. bier reasons why th« locals could not cet started on a scoring spree. The Towalt, secretary of the New Jersey The schedule: Hi>nrts looked clasay in spite of the Piah nnd Game1 Conservation League, ov. 23, home, St. Michaels (J. City) defeat and are slated for a pood year. aubmiUed n general plan of policy ov. 28, home, St Patrick's (Eliz.) Wes Hanson handled the whistle and and procedure, which was unanimouskept tho game interesting, not tootly adopted. It sets forth that tho 'ec.fi,home, Jersey City Prep. •ec. lfi, away, St. Benedicts Prep ing it every five seconds "a la Fat Council shall "serve as a clearing Dubin." Iiouso for all fish and game and wild ec. 23, away, So. Amboy High life problems affecting its ainiiateu ec. 28, away, St. Ma'rys (Ruthfd). The line up: ©rgitnlantmim und Individuals inter- ec. HO, home, Cathedral Sacred Hearts (18) ested in those subjects" and that il in. 2, away, Bayley (Morristown). f ehnll work for legislation helpful to nn. I), away, Rt. Rose (Belmar) ' Zdaniewicz, n. C,. away, Immac. Con. (Montcl'r) A. Urbanik, f it» purposes and foster good will and Barnnowski, c n. 10, homo, St. Benedicts reciprocity between the farmers and n. 1.1, home liinnnc. Con. (Trenton) Ferguson, g the sportsmen and conservationists. ftyan, E n. 17, home, P. A. Catholic It will also pursue- a careful study Jim. 20, nwny, St. Patrick (Eli&nb'th) S. Urbanik, g of conditions surrounding wild lj.r-, '.Tun. home, TCogis (New York) in New Jersey und advocate a com •7nn. 21. Totals 24, away, St. Peters jireliensive program of guine produc- •Tnn. St. Stephens (28) 27, limno, Rt, Rose tion, vermin control, leasing or pur31, nwny, Immaculate (Trontnnl Lakomski, f chase of game IUIHIH mid leasing .)f Jim. fienesld, f 3, home, P. AnVboy Catholic hunting nnd lishing .privileges and Fc.l). Szul, f Piili. R. home, Biylrv work for legislation which will make Foli. Kreiger, c 10, home, Rt! Peters New Jersey "a place of undesirable Vch. 10, homo, SI, Peters Fiwart, pf result for pourhi'i's, iniuirnndcr.H and 11. Imine, finod Counsel (N'w'k) | Knsolowski, g . pr«.!nt'.>ry pothunters of nil descrip- Feb. Fob. 11. nwny, Cathedral tions." Fnli. 17. homo, Smith Anvhnv 8 28 Thorfln Tail, former Mayor of ViAi. ?n. nvnv, Cond Counsel fN'nrkl Metuchen was elected chairman; FPII. 2'l. homo. Tmrnnc. Con W n t d V ) Henry W. Stelwa^nn of Ocean City, vice chairman; Mr. Tewalt, scmilnry T'Vk 2R, lmmo. Pt, Marys and (ii'or^e il. ICocck of Morris Combination Plains, treasurer. David il. Agans, Action at Niagara Mnsti'r "f the State Grunge, .mil At the Whirlpool vnplils, at NlaKiirn, Living Room, William C. Spnrgu, president of tho (lie velocity of the slrciim Is over i!8 Farm Bureau, wore umibk' to be miles per hour. Tin1 crests of (he Bed Room present but sent word by Mr. Taylor waves are oricn 10 feet above the WMi U * md IndlvhfMl that they were heartily with the new level nt the edncs. The whirlpool Is movement and reutly to lnu:k it up lo the best of their ability. Moth jm> n little more than IIU miles from the members of the operating committee lltii'HONhoe falls. Here the river rushes Into mi ollimv with tri'iin'tidous forcfl of the council. rrogreuive Colonist* An attempt to rnnnufiu'lure Iron w«j inade by the Virginia colony, noar Jamestown, as early na thti yvnr '/QSA. THE "ESSO" OF MOTOR OILS—HYDROFINED SOUTH AMBOY,MJ. on'td STATE AND COUNTY Radically New Line ITEMS OF INTEREST! ° { Chevrolet Cars to | Taxpayers Will Investigate lloruiigh i New York's Jewels of the Night NEW JERSEY ^OTOR VEHICLE' >\ c s «=r. Appear Next Month i A writ of certiorari authorizing an investigation into the finances ui Now Series Will He Fifth of Six Cylinder Cars. the borough of Foil Lee with special reference to money transactions inDetroit, Mich.—That a radically volved in the construction of the new line of Chevrolet passeniriu' cars Palisaiclcs Gardens improvement in would b« introduced next month was the borough from floallnjr a $1,-made known officially here by W. S. 843,000 bond Lsue was granted by ICnudscn, president and general manSupreme Court Justice I'uiker to ager of the Chevrolet Motor Comtaxpayers livinir in the (Jardens. -•11 be the fifth Th •• ' caus the the according To the Motorists of New Jersey: Wo ask you, In this busy period At any time, now, you muy pro-of the year, and ut a tiiuu when we ompany cure your drivers' licenses and reg- are trying to conserve every posMark Birthplace of Famous Sailor 000 units. extensive istration platea for 1933. On andsible dollar In the Interest of th« The birthplace of Captain Kiel;-1 A longer after December 15th, it Is legnl to motorists, to bear with us, and lo ard Soiners, one of South Jersey's: changes in body design, and a price cooperate by going to the nearest use them. most famous characters in history, j which takes account of todays inagency, at the earliest passible mojeen marked by a stone recently comes" arc promised in the 103.! car. Every year we have found that ment, for your license and plates has been thousands of motorists watt until Invariably, the only complaints placed by the Children of the Amer- The extended wheelbaso, coupled with many improvements in the body, in the closing days of tho year to ob-wp receive, come from motorists ican Revolution at Soiners Point, performance,, economy, power, safety tain their licences and platea. This who have waited until the lost few Captain Somers only 25, lost his works to their disadvantage—and dayB of tho year, and who then critand other factors, indicate a model life before Tripoli on September 4, ours. 3804, when he was credited with much improved over the present line, lelfco the fact that they have to and set at rest rumors current in having deliberately blown up Tho D«partmqnt of Motor Ve- stand In the cola in a waiting lino, hicles trlea .to givja to tho motorists or!are jammed up In an agency ship Intrepid, in an effort to destroy trade circles that the new Chevrolet pf the state the beBt possible ser- that does not give them the prompt the Bartmrry ifiwte fleet. He was a would be a "stripped" model designvice within .the limitations of Its and aourteoub service they feel ened to meet the bare needs of transclose friend of Stephen Decatur. appropriations. The compensation titled to. I am sure you will agree, portation. of our Agents, who serve you In the In view of the fact that the law haa First Woman Elected in Burlington Prom an economic standpoint, the various communities, Is very mod- Men hmcndwt «o that they mny «te • hi Osocr Two Hundrod Years Chevrolet announcement has nationest, and they arc obliged, at their onro their plttteB and ilccnBea durMiss 1. Margaret Warner, 25 yrs.al significance - in that the company own expense, to socuro additional ing tho two months' prior to the of age, a Republican was elected to Jeads all other manufacturers in the help to take oaro nf the "last min- closing of the year, that thetecbtn& seat o)i the Burlington council at largest industry in tho world. This is ute rush" that Inevitably occurs. plaints are unjustified, and deserve the recent election. She was the first one of the major contributions made In New Jersey wo have nearly a, scant nympathy. woman ever to seek or win public of- by any. American company this year million cars to bo registered, and Please help us to help you, by getfic during the 265 years oi' that to national betterment in terms of 1,260,000 drlvora' licences to Issue. ting your plates now, and by putcity's existence. She received five employment and materials consumpYou can Imagine that tho prepara- ting them on your car on December more votes than her opponent of tion. Nearly 50,000 of the new Ifl;i3 tion and oxocutlon of tho forma, tho 16th, the opposite sax. series, valued in excess of $20,000,Sincerely, Issuance ot plates, and thefilingof The successful candidate is a 000, will be required for dealers' annewspaper woman who has also stu- nouncement purposes alone, ami the the proper records, Is a trcmondous task. In splto ot this, the coat of died law, although »Tie has never manufacture of at least that nummotor vehicle administration In practiced. She is a graduate of theber is assured within the next few New Jersey Is but J1.19 per cur, tho Burlington High School and studied weeks, Mr. Kundson said. This output lowest of any Department In the law at the University of Pennsyl- will entail the consumption of more United States furnishing convparvania. than 50,000 tons of iron and steel, nhlo anrvlfla. \A I and the use of large quantities of the Radbwrn Men Will Take Can of thirty other major commodities which Widowp fro into the production of a new ChevHuge Task of Nurses Men of Radburh have banded to- rolet Six, Mr. Knudsen stated. Wonderful African Fnll» gether in an organization known as Aside from, economic consideraThe rlinHin of Victoria fulls, tin the "The Men of ltadburn", for the fi- tions, ho said that Chevrolet was Hod Cross public health nurses, who nancial assistance of widows of embarking on its 1!),'!3 program work In hundreds of oominunltloB, aro Znmhezl rlvrr In northrrn Hhodusln, members of the organization. Ar- shortly because the company felt it mooting the greatest demands tn his- South Africa, Is nnly n!iiiiir one-hill' rangements will be maue iov the was good business and that satisfac- tory for their services, duo to tho Op- IIR w'lilo IIR lliiii of Miifritj'u,1 tml .more thiUi .'Uvlt-c'ilie'ill'titli.; Tii'i li/tlk'ii' "f maintenance of u funu ox about $<1UU tory sales volume would reward any pression. VI»Ua ID' rna'ternliy cas<&, Victorln fnllH is ton ri.^i nt till- rlulit JOT paiyiiieiit to surviving wives oi desirable protecting tho health of Irifnnts and product rightly ipriced and bnnk uijii .'Mil fwl In iho cenlor. The deceased members. nbly merchandised. Observance of children, and nldlng mothers In ills' t h e object of the club is to pre-this policy during the past three troas duo to unemployment of the A'nnirli;jin fiill of Nliipirn In 1/l(»t fret sent a sum of money equal to $1 foryears brought Chevrolet a constant- bread-winners have taken them Into imiitrt mid ui.'i fci't iiiKi'i, while tlio each member to the \v dow or othei , i n c r e a s i n K percentage of total thousands ot home*. The unrsos ttidde Oinuiilliin or llcu'Dcshoc full Is 2,000 dependent after a member oi the o•*• L v n i I a b I c ^ m o b i l e business, and in 1,357,000 vjslts to or on beUftit of indi- feet lironO un<! I5fi foot tilRh, ganization dies. Rapresntatives ot l y 3 2 l a c e d .,. i n t ) ] e ^voraWo viduals, and lrspoctod 949,000 school the club said they feel the nn ie-L position it has ever en- children. .Morothnn 58,000 adults were rativc The host p'nrt!nh u r n good riinn'f dxate financial assistance from ^ & e d in its 21 year history, he poin- Instructed in homo hygiene and care life—his little, nhnid'es*. unronieni' » source, could be accepted by susq"Je(] o u t * •" ' of tho Blejt. •iprml nc'R n' kinilnci*, nnrt of love. viving members of. families, without In - ^ h hitti t obligation * hesitation or a sense of obligation. pany's plants, although on curtailed Cigar Box IV'ua Ballot Box in schedules, never once closed for a continuous shutdown exceeding thir-.-. . Atlantic City At tlie recent general election, 31,- ty days, and then only during the 220 citizens voted in Atlantic City regular annual {interval between and'thus established a record for closing out of old models and introduction of new ones. that city. Formal announcement of a new Tho heavy voting recalled election Tradition has i t , that day in 1«64. That year, when the six prior to the actual showing of the car was made possible for Chevcity was incorporated, there were as Thanksgiving calls for rolet this year, Mr. Knudsen explainmany narries on the ballot as there ed, because an unexpected an.d susTurkey. Thanksgiving were voters. Eighteen persons were eligible to tained upswing in sales extending Turkeys fresh from vote and there were 13 offices to be from August to October brought a nearby farms, tender'anil filled On May 1, the first election depletion of field stocks niuch quickday. A cigar box was used for bal-er than anticipated. The result is delicious. All kina^ of lots. It was "locked" with a strip of that outstanding siocta of 1932 carB Fowl will be found in our yellow tape. A hole was cut in the in dealer's hands are less than three lid to permit the insertion of the per pent—the best "clean up" the market at reasonable company has evejfj had. Used car Blips, stoqti fttso are i t tiie lowest numeriprices. cal point since J92fi, when the ChevBackers Claim Hoartjliiw U finding rolet dealer organization was much Bankers of tlfe State claifn t^hX smaller than today, Mr. Knuds*n tilt end of hoarding is rapidly ap- said. While the Clievrolet exeSutiye priachtagr in the state. The de- did not indicate whether he expects nattmeflt of Banking and Insur- the CbWpara'tlvd excellent riiarket bf a n t HipWs that more than $13,- early autumn to continue until the th Choice ODO.QP .OQP W»s withdrawn from quarter banks new Chevrolet is displayed, and into during the i the the state state during the quarter the new ycixri it is a matter of record K 30th. ,Bn Sept. 30th, the banks held that the company added more thjm Teh. 850 and 851 •lib N. Br _)14,3S2|289 in savings accounts and 800 new dealers in the last quarter, $887,760,050 in checking accounts, bringing the present total' to more : go*.) '. f>: •>':• v SB against $818,047,201 and $346,- than 10,l()0, a mark previously par592,453 three months previously. alleled only in 1929. Since no similar There, are now 204 banking houses e$*nsive addition of dealers h^s under "tho department's supervision, been made at any time in the past three years, the move, in view of as against 288 three years ago. Chevrolet's dealer policy, is interBrmoe.riCs Await Congrcsa O. K. preted as nn assurance th.it'the comFrom Newark comes reports that pany anticipates sufficient volume in within 24 hours after Congress takes the future to enable its dealers to the teoth out of the Volstead Act, conduct profitable operations. beer will ,bo sweeping over the teeth ATTEND^NNUATTDINNER of thirsty citizens of the state. Officials of the Home Brewery deA BAKGAIN OPPORTUNITY THAT IS Jnhn Connors, Jr., and George clared they would be turning out the foamy drink within 24 hours after Wein were among those who were . . . , , , EXCEPTIONALLY UNUSUAL Congress nets, at the rate of 200,000 present at the. 14th anneal dinner of tarrcln a year and Hint production Cotmitanys "II" and "G", 311th InSTAINLESS STEEL KNIFE AND FORK SETS. Handles can he rapidly increased until 510,- fantry, hold at the Cornell Club, New 000 barrels annually can hi' produced. York City on Friday night. in a variety of colors. An inspection will convince Among the former officers present The 8(10,000 ibanvl pro-prohibition you of the unusualness of this offering. Set of six capacity of the Kmegor plant can bewas Captain Harold Resscguie, fordoubled within a few days say of- mer- company commander of "H" knives and six forks $1.59 ficials 'at' the big plant. Hciil bi'cr Company, who travelled from New can be produced overnight, they dc- Hampshire to be present. clnro. ELECTRIC HEATERS $1.49 T TURKEYS STRAIB ttKOS. FOOTBALL EPIC IS FEATURE OF HOLIDAY BILL AT EMPIRE PACE THREE THE SOUTH AMBOY CITIZEN FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 18, 1&32. .t'rt Cross lo Enlist Great Army aj Member* to Fight Distress l^nst y e a r 4.001.tf>!i m e n a n d women joined Hie AiiicrU'iiii [(oil Cross a.s m e m b e r s d u r i n g t h e itniiua! roll cull, Armistii-o D i v to Tliaiik«f;iTiiiK Day. A t»ea<T-ilino a r m y even grc-ntor than this will he netjci<-(] in l!l.'tL'-IS3 to sutniuit and c a r r y on the n a t i o n w i d e roller work nf t h e Rol Cross. T h e r e n r e X.CC9 Had Crosy C h a p t e r s a m i they tiave 10,000 b r a n c h e s . From Mine to Bin U s . V. B. Ftt. OS. THIS STAMP View of the central part of New Xprk 'city fit tight, tiikcn from the seventieth lloor of the n. C. A. building In ftoflcofeller Centre now under construction. protects each ton JEDDO-IIIGHLAND COAL, became our Facts FACTS have a way of lending, themselves to misleading interpretations. Whether your business is measured in hundreds or millions, the facts affecting your line are worth just as much study and consideration. Our officers are always available for a friendly discussion, and our information files are open for your use. of its premium quality und exceptionally cart1 fill preparation. Is worth much more than ordinary fuels. To he sure that you get the genuine product, the Jeddo-Highland Coal Company ifttuetf the fmnoufc Jctldo-lligkland Certification Stamps. When a car of coal leaves the mines, enough Mamps to cover the loitniiRt* arc forwarded to* the dt'rtltr. lie, in turn, at la die* loyour delivery ticket onchtampfor each ton of J^ddo-IIighlanct you receive. ^ For your protection, always order Jeddo-Highland by name pnd insist upon receiving one pf the certificution stamps for every ton delivered. They are your assurance that you arc receiving pure Jeddo-Highland Coal — concentrated, economical heat. Jcddo-Highland is the purest* longcst'burning anthracite mined In America—always uniform. It burns steadily, with little attention from you, Produces minimum ash. At its present low price you can effect real economics by ordering a year's supply now. JEDDOHIGHLAND Aristocrat *f Anthraclt» SOUTH COMPANY FOB PKOMfT MUVUUBt-THMIt. 340 SWAN Hill ICE & COAL CO. ' CMwi. C Appfefit* * Un 14* H.nry » „ StuMi Amboy, N. J. "TOMBOY TES$ 12,. ofTtotTA'TW -TiAifrv •ifvi 315-317 HIGH STREET - By PURITAN DAIRY CO. Te , ^ ^ m b o y 4 . 12 bo-,2oi Blind Readers Get Books Hooka tn braille [or reading by the | bllufi arb tiid.de by vvoinen tintfer Red Croaa direction. Last year 2,813 such books .woro produced In B|nglo copy, anft 3,648 lit double copies. Fiction, -—n —> biography, history, economics arifl First Holiday Matinee Since Re- school books wore among those print- ;; opening. o\l In brttflle. The Red Cross glvOB them to libraries for tree distribution Featuring one of tin; most realis- to blind readers. tic and thrilling of gridiron pictures, tho management of the Empire Theatre has announced a Special matinee on Thanksgiving Day, in nn clTort to FOR THAT accommodate the crowds expected to turn out for the showing of All American, claimed to be the greatest THANKSGIVING DAY epic of sport ever produced. DINNER This will ,be tho first time since its reopening that tho Empire lias held a holiday matinee, ami the perforIt is important that your mance will begin promptly at 2:30 p. Silverware be of the best M. The feature picture, All American has one of the most complete [[uah'ty. casts ever assembled, headed l>y Richard Arlen and tho All American foot- We have a large variety Va]l stars of 11)31, including Frank Carridco of Notre Dame and Albie of patterns from which you Booth of Yale. may choose. Tomorrow Kdinund Lowe will he scon in Clinmlu, tli<' Magician, one We invite you to inspect of the most tallied of pictures of the late season. On Sunday and Mondny them. a picture which is both dramatic and romantic, Six Hours Tn Live, starr"Gift. That Last" ing1 Warner Iliixter, will he shown. On Tiicsdnv anil Wednesday, tin1 favorite of the cinema world, ('onnio Honnel.t, will play the lend in Watchmaker and Jeweler Two Against The Worid, ;i picluri1 of a struggle against the convent ions iif Cluck, Watch and Jewelry society. Thftn on Thursday nml V:uRepairing (l»y, with tli« ninl.inec on Thirrpdny. All ATiiorionri will Ire featured, aur128 North Broadway Tiwiiittfd by h coiiM'dy; a enrtoon, and The l a s t of tho Mojiieans. HERBERT KURZ ROASTERS, alj sizes, from 1 to 10 lb. 75c vtp MAX SEMER Tel. S. A. 223 101 So. Broadway JACKIN&CROSS GARAGE Pan-Am Gas -:- Oils, Grease Located at Pine Avenue and Louisa Street Tel. 77 South Amboy Tel. 77 TIRES TUBES BATTERIES SPARK PLUGS Also Repair and Overhaul Service Service Guaranteed Your Car Culled For and Returned "It's FIXED mien We Do The Job" hmmmm The decision for the underweight child to drin|t Vitamin " D " Certified milk will be agreeable to mother and child. It's creamy and delidious . . . ahd contains 10 to 15 times the amount of Vitamin " D " found in ordinary milk. ..Produced at the Uaritnn Valley Farms. Laboratory Controlled From Farm To You WE ARE DISTRIBUTORS OP RARITAN VALLEY PRODUCTS GRADE A—RAW MILK CERTIFIED MILK VITAMIN D CERTIFIED SOFT CURD CERTIFIED OUR DISTRIBUTION COVERS MIDDLESEX COUNTY 3/5-3/7 HIGH ST. PAGE FOUR THE SOUTH AM BOY CITIZEN FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 18, 19IJ2. Theme: "The Penitent I'rophet, a viz: Nicodemus. Come meet him! Castaway." Among the doubts t i n t Head John II. need answering uve: What is the Tues-.my: 10- 'i p. m. Cruller sale "lot?" Is it gambling? Are the good at the Church. 8 p. in. bii.siness meetever condeiniied with the bad? Is ing of the Men's Club. Refreshments. eatasi rophe of God's Judgment? Has All men OUT. anyone ever been swallowed by u tisli We.lm'sdny, 7:ir» p. ni. Annual A cheering thought in these days anil lived? Was Jonah dead or alive Thanksgiving Service in iihe M. 10. of depression when gloom sproadivs in a fish? Is damnation of CJoii? ChuiTh. Sermon 1>> Pastor Van Horn. J. MELKOHD KOLL. EDITOR are prevalent and humor sct-ms to IK* Charles F. Str;iub*Prediets Great 7:H0 ]j. in. Kvening Worsliip and Friday, S p. m. Mot-ling of the something l?une t o t' l e discard, is welSermon. Continuing the (iosprl of Missionary Society at the home of "Subscription rates: In advance, zones 1 and 2, $1.50; zones 3 to 8, come. Popularity for New Model. ' •li'hn »ur study has to do with one of Mrs. Eleanor Albright, 132 No. The following poL>m by .Miss Kuth Entered in the Post Office at South Arnboy, N. J. as second class Svinson, which makes us laugh at The apiH'Uranee of a new motor the greatest characters in Scripture, Brimdway. wetter. ourselves i-s an example of ti.e kinJ car mole! is an event of considerable of poetry, we see far too little of importance .these \\\\y< and the word nowadays, that the latest mode! of any of the By Nick O'Tino THE I5EST FRIEND OV HARD TIMERS standard cars can be seen, brings FOLKS I'VE MET ;• Since election, the town has divid- many to the showrooms where it is The best iVicnrl if "hard times" is a high tax rate. on exhibition. Reasonable taxes encourage the investment of capital, the I'll introduce some friends so dear ed itself in two separate parts those tliaf. bay "I told you so." And This w-.H-k. Charles F. Stnuib, lo(development and expansion of industry, the employment of labor. But trust .that you'll not find yours ', those who have to listen to the rasp- cal dealer, received one of tile ne.v They encouraKe home building, .savings and business activity of he re; berry and those who "can't take it." mode! Plymouth six sedans and the And yet, how d'reaiy, life would be, all lands. showiooms were the mecca of larpe Ami now it's the appointments numbers of the motor -wise anxious Excessive taxes, on the other hand, have precisely the oppo- If everybody were like me: i that has everybody excited. There U) inspect this new ear hailc.'i as the site effect. They drive money into hoarding or into tax-free gov- I warn you—beware of Mrs. Jones, 'are more unemployed this year an.l greatest sensation in the automobile ernment bonds, thus depriving industry of revenue it sorely For she's the one who breaks up ] consequently more applicants for the world. homes; I posts. needs. They make for unmployment and for widespread econoMr. Straub has pointed out that And then they say that Mrs. Brown \ besides the floating six motor, the mic distress. They discourage the home builder. They cause Owes every creditor in town. I Between those who wanted to #ot new ca'r embraces many features property to be taken over by the municipality for unpaid taxes, elected and now those who want to which will make it one of the most where it at once becomes unproductive. And, oh, that flighty Mrs. White, be appointed, it looks as though popular cars on the market. always ready for a fight; everybody in town wants to be an ofMake no mistake about it, high taxation, whether by the fe- She's And with her travels Mrs. Gray, holder. Tomorrow evening in the High deral government, or states, counties or municipalities, has had Who, live or die, must have her way.ficeThe army of office seekers has be-School Auditorium, the Senior Class anuch to do with creating and prolonging hard times. Every busicome so large that one of the mem-of the South Aniboy High School will ness man in the United States knows that. So does every invest- And nexlt comes two-faced Mrs. bers of the council has suggested hold a Thanksgiving Dance. Black, ON DISPLAY AT THE SHOW ROOMS OF that they have a free for all and the The Cavalier's Orchestra has been o r . So should every worker. The best influence in favor of good Watch H out—she'll talk behind your last man left standing be appointed engaged to furnish the music durin, times would be a decisive cut in the cost of government and the back; to the olfice. the evening. elimination of bureaucratic waste, red tape and inefficiency. And And then there's nosey Mrs. Stout, t h e best place to begin is right in your own home town, county or Who gets the news, without a doubt. Only one City Engineer is to be appointed but by the way they en- FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH s t a t e . The tax bill is fast becoming the barometer of economical And then poor whiney M'rs. Lane, gineer themselves into the race for Broadway & Church St. M «onditions. South Am'boy, N. J. Who always has some ache or pain; appointments, it looks as though Chas. F . Van Horn, Jr., Pastor Anil when she meets old Mrs. Lent, everybody thnt wants a job is n frootl They air their ailments to their engineer no matter what job they THE SOCIALISTIC VOTE A Human Being with a life to seek. heart's content. live, hy going to Church where betOne of the suggestive and interesting results of the ter arc, tlrnws with him his Anil, the critic, M'rs. Blew, FIRST METHODIST EPISCOPAL lovodtilings presidential election was the strikingly large vote polled by the Shu's ones and frinndH; gives new sure to find some faidt with 1 CHURCH courage to those doing church work; M nominee of the Socialistic party—Nornian Thomas of New York. you; Rov. A. C: Polhcmus, Pastor urcumiilatcs power to fight for himSeveral factors account for this increase of Socialists within our And then there's stinpry Mrs. Dean, SUNDAY SERVICES: self; but iibove nil, has thai satisWho siiuoo7.es pennies till they Riiniliiy School, 0:<ir> A. M. •country: faction which cornea to a person who scream. Morning Worship, 11:00 A. M. has (lone his dul'.y. We invite you to First, the popularity of Mr. Thomas and the scholarly charSoup; Service, 7:30 P. M. worship. acter of his addresses. And next comes giddy Mrs. Fay, RcRulnr Service, 7:4G P. M. SUNDAY % Second, the diligence with which he prosecuted his cam- Who, for her npro, acts much too gay; Pnslor will preach on the follow10 A. M., Sunday School in chnrgi paign. Mr. Thomas traveled, with his wife officiating as his And MTR. Smith—she's RO conceited ing subjects: Morning Subject: "ICntcrlninniunt, of our 'Supt. Purman .Sheppn'rl. private secretary and chauffeur, from Maine to California and in- She never knows when she's defeated hnjoyimmt, Bnriclmient." Classes for all ages. cidentally he has the honor of having conducted a remunerative Ami there's nlso tiresome Mrs. Evening Subject: "Kimieini>i)r All 11 a. in. Morning Worship and the Wny." Huff, campaign. His intineraries were not only self-supporting, they Sermon from the Book of Jonah. were profitable; collections and admission fees more than equal- Oh mv, oh my, how she can blulTl And last comes hnupjli/ty Mrs, ing his traveling expenses. Dlnir, Third, the experimental appeal which his political philosophy Who holds .her henil IIIRII In the air, The New Model. Is The Acme of Motor Car Designing lias upon the youmg men arid women of our country, Mr. Thomas —Huth J. Swinsoi Miss Swinson's Poem Inspires a Smile THE SOUTH AM BOY CITIZEN Published Weekly By THE SOUTH AMiiOY PRINTING COMPANY Telephone South Amboy 4 211-213 First Street (Near Broadway) PIPE DREAMS Many View New Plymouth Exhibited By Local Dealer That New Floating Power H< Plymouth Six You've Heard So Much About, Is Here! Charles F. Straub 228 First Street, South Amboy, N. J. "THIS TIME PLYMOUTH SETS THE PACE" At A Price Millions Can Afford lias a large following among our college and university students. Eight or twelve years from now America may have a Socialistic party powerful enough to overthrow our conventional bipart y system and to introduce a multiparty system, similar, in certain respects to those prevailing in France, Germany and Great Britain. The probability is, however, that running true to form, 1 •one or both of our major parties will, before the Socialist party Prompt Work of Melrosc Com Sains sufficient numerical strength to overthrow our two party pany Checks Spread of Flames system, steal a large enough volume of socialistic thunder to pre- Efficient work of the Melrosc Hoso s e n t such a development. !ompany prevented the demolition of the home of Tony Zodlick on Roll American history is well spattered with incidents in which avenue, Melrose, by fire Friday evea minor or minority group has championed a cause from its in- ning, about 10:30. fancy, only to have the brain child stolen from them the minute The fire, of unknown origin, starti t became sufficiently popular so that adoption thereof by one of ed in a pantry a»d was spreading t h e major parties resulted in winning more recruits than would rapidly to other parts of th3 homo the firemen arrived. The Zedliave been lost throuigh desertion had the hands off policy been when lick family wore asleep when the firo perpetrated. was discovered by a neighbor and Its a great game—politics; and one of the most interesting they were forced to escape from the building through a window. phases connected therewith pertains to the methods used to Iceep a major party, major. v Firemen Save Zedlick Home from Flames INTERCOLLEGIATE COMPETITION In a recent edition of "The Spectator", Columbia University's publication, we find the writer of the leading editorial advocatihg the paying of college football players and ,also, that football be looked upon as a "paid advertising medium." What member of the Army team that crushed the Harvard eleven Saturday feels that West Point is indebted to him financially ? What member of the Fordham team is not satisfied that the glory he earned, in the defeat of St. Mary's on November 5th •was sufficient remuneration for his services? Is there a player on the Pitt team that conquered Notre Dame who feels that his Alma Mater should irrfburse him financially for participating in this fray? These interrogations answer themselves. Tlie vast majority of collegiate athletic participants are amply satisfied, in return for their services, with the clean, wholesome pleasure that they derive from engaging in these contests. LOCAL JUNIORS AND LADIES AT LADIES' NIGHT Members of Local Council Won Both Banners at Plainsboro. More than seventy couples from tthis city were present irt the annual HJadica Night of the Middlesex COHIIifcy Junior Order held in the Jr. O. XI. A. M. Hull at 1'lainsboTO last Tuesday evening. The inemiliers of the local delegation wore awarded both the Past Councilor's banner and I he visitor'.; fonnnpr for their livr)»i> nUrailnnco. A chicken supper was served and n program i»l high class entertainment was j'ende'i'i'd, A number of prominent members of the order from other -ections of the state were present, ninone; thorn State Treasure r Mill n. Mrs. Rose J. Linke 1 IFuneral Rites Monday IH the undent SMOKED FRESH HAMS Pound SMOKED HAM Found SMALL PORK LOINS A full sized car with such standard value features as Free Wheeling, Easy Shift, Automatic Clutch, 4 Wheel lOc 1J f £c Pound lv ROUND ROAST Pound Oftc LV CHUCK ROAST Ific Pound 10 BREAST OF LAMB 3 pounds OPc tti LIVER OPe Lv 2 pounds •••••••••••••••••••••••••• H. Wolff & Co. Grocery Specials For CMPIRT Premier Brand Queen Anne Cherries 25c * - ^ SOUTH AMBOY MmJt California Peaches 17c Heinz Mince Meat, 2 lb. can 35c SHOE SHOP At 96 Smith St., Perth Amboy Charles Sommers, formerly with the Junior Vogue Shoe Stores, announces the opening of his own store Tomorrow (Saturday, where patrons may expect the same export care and service rendered in the past. PACKARD SHOES FOR MEN! ARCH AID SHOES FOR WOMEN! MILLER-MAID SHOES FOR CHILDREN! TOMORROW SATURDAY The Sensation of Radio TOMORROW SATURPAY THE \ CHANDUCMAGICIAN,/ STARRING EDMUND LOWE JERSEY TURKEYS Tradition has it that Thanksgiving calls for Turkey. Thanksgiving Turkeys fresh from nearby farms, tender and delicious. Also Fresh Killed Jersey Chickens and Ducks will be found in our market at reasonable prices. Choice Meats 110 N. Broadway California Fresh Prunes, large can SUNDAY MONDAY NOVELTY His Newest Picture -15c N. B. C. Fruit Cake, 2 lbs 5 lb. Cake, with cake tray and cover $1.65 $3.50 20c ...$1.00 LLOYD HAMILTON COMEDY CARTOON Winesap Apples, 16 quart basket _. 65c SUNDAY Macaroni or Spaghetti, 3 pounds 25c Warner Baxter "Six Hours To Live" Old Fashioned Butter Cookies, package --..17c N. B. C. Ginger Snaps, 2 lbs .......29c Table Raisins, package --.10c ANDY CLYDE COMEDY 2l/> lb. jar Mince Meat 29c IN TUESDAY WEDNESDAY CARTOON One of Her Very Good Pictures NEWS TUESDAY WEDNESDAY Constance Bennett "Two Against The World" MACK SENNETT COMEDY CARTOON FREE CHINA WARE TO LADIES THURSDAY FRIDAY BIG HOLIDAY % SHOW NEWS . THURSDAY FRIDAY SPECIAL MATINEE THANKSGIVING DAY AT 2:30 P. M. ALL-AMERICAN STAKRINO STRAUB BROS. Thanksgiving! Beechnut Tomato Juice, jar 6 bottles IN Tels. 850 and 851 Hydraulic Brakes, Rigid X Double Drop Frame. Mrs. Philip T. Dawson, 75 years of age, mother of James Dawson, High School principal, died at the home of her daughter, Mrs. William Meyers at Bolvidere, N. J., Saturday afternoon. The funeral took place Tuesday morning and interment was in the Belvidere. Cemetery. . Susviving fcesiileg Mr. Dawson are three other sons, Robert of Port Jervis. N. Y., Thomas, of Phillipsburg, and Edward of Stroudsburg. Two daughters Mrs. William Meyers of Belvidere and Mrs. Harry Becker of Stroudslwrg also survive. I'IMHIIMI The nmlnliiiiil of MnsMin-lmsetts him .« water front of V2<) miles. The Isiniiil frnnliik'e of the cmnmonwealtli 19 EIGHT BIG SPECIALS Mother ofBighSchool Principal Buried Tuesday SOMMERS Fortran Spirit of Evil and Efficiency 135 NORTH BROADWAY Telephone 146 LAMB CHOPS OAc Pound CM A FULL LINE OF TURKEYS,, JERSEY CHICKENS AND DUCKS OPENING TOMO RROW The funeral of the late Mrs. Hose J . T^inke wits held from her late home on the En'rnston lload at 8:15 Monday morning. At St. Mary's Komnn OCalhnlie Church ,al. !1 a requiem mass twns held with Mgr. K. C. (irilVin as (celelmuit. Interment took place itt St. Mary's cemetery midur the diYeetiun of the (iundrum Service. .Mrs. Linke, who died on November 10th, after a short illness, was blie widow of the late Emil Unite and is survived by two daughters, Mrs. John Elwinger, of this city, nnil Mrs. TMmund Fohl, of Krnston, and five grandchildren. Knur sisters, Mrs. Bdw,ard Tomaszewski, Mrs. John •Conover, Mrs. James Miller, and Mrs. Joseph Met*/., all of this city, me also among the survivors. •4evll, -i (loi-Mmllicaltim of the evil Spirit mid principle of evil, (ho Idea HOiIeh unsworn in Ifie Znroiislrhui religion K, s.iiaii In .IIHIIIISIII it ml Christianity. )'S ECONOMY MEAT MARKET Laird's Cider, gallon jug - .—.49c Green String Beans, 3 cans —.25c Corn. 3 cans 25c Rittcr's Baked Beans, can .... Pure Fruit Preserves Pure Strained Honey 5c ..—.15c - - -—-25c Japanese Toilet Paper, 8 rolls -25c Octagon Soap Powder, 10 for .. .25c Mixed Evaporated Fruits, 2 lbs. 25c New Saur Kraut, 3 pounds 25c ...'.. RICHARD ARLEN ANi.'V THE ALL AMERICAN FOOTHALL STAKS OF 1!W1 LAST Ol'1 MOHICANS CARTOON COMEDY I<Vltus and Washington Sts. Td. I 12 THE SOUTH AMBOY CITIZEN FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 18, 1932. PAGE FIVE Abbreviated Council "Menu" Subject of Talk HUNN HAS NEW Woman's Club Session PLYMOUTH MODEL Meeting Took Place In The Annual Forty Hours devotion IN THE BAG City Collector's Office Yesterday Afternoon services of the Sacred Heart Church •will be held on November 271.1), 28th BeseiRed With Tenta- Only Their Preparation for Thanks- Already y Three Members Present and 29th. rey R S'ivins' and Christmas Dinners and Litlle Business Transacttive Orders for New Car. Irvin House, Robert Welden an.l Explained. ed. Vctr thc pi1.si week thrones of curAVilliam Klejiman were Lake Hopatconff visitors on Monday. At the rejrulnr meeting of the 11V ious people from all sections of the TUP*.lay ni^ht the I'omnmn Council unty have been visiting the show- session was not only crowded out of h man's Club held yesterday aftei-noon Harry Kiejriniin ami George Bren- at the City Hull, tho members of the rooms of William F. Jiuim, Spots- |])H j-L'^ylar rnuni'il chamber, but NEW BRUNSWICK, N.J. nan were New York City visitors on club were treated to a delightful and wood Plymouth Dealer, in an effort thi-oiiL'h abend's of councilman it alMonday. '.imely lecture and demonstration nn to see the new Plymouth ear which most, didn't ^ct ^oinir at all. There is being offered to the .public for-, was card party ^iin^ on in full The November Unit, of the South Holiday SmvK'estions, by Miss Helen mally today. The speculation of the in the council chamber lonp; the Public Service Gasand Amboy Hospital Association will . Biiiloy'of Ekrtric visitors is increased by the fact that,before the time for the council meetliold aa cake, pastry pastry and and delicatessen delicatessen ! •' "• Company's •'.""•'•""•.', Public ' " " ' ; . "Itclatin - : " " " 1 - Mr. Hunn has a new car in his show-! ing because somebody had gotten sale on Friday and Saturday, JJov-1 Bureau. Miss Bailey nctcd in tl,P ab- room, but has it securely covered ' mixed up in their dates, so the sescinbo., 25th and 20th at Tenenbaum'. ! - ; " - « . ^ ' - Helen ^ N e , who w n a with a huge bag, in order to give a j sion, when it wa< he]:!, was held in scheduled to address the club. Department Store on Broadway. fair chance to all who wish to see,1 the collector's office. Miss. Bailey ably demonstrated When the third councilman e.-sonThe Local Boys Doufrhnut and I various clever methods of preparing it when it formally goes on sale. did finally Mr. lltmn. when questioned la'jt tial for a qquorum, , y show Cider Club will bold its first Coffee I menus for the Thanksgiving and h M Ti SStanthe three, Messrs. Tri^fs, Social and Prom nt the Lafayette I Christmas season, and her efforts night, stated thalt he already had been beseiged with tentative orders, and Walczak, decided to coniino Country Club tomorrow evening. were warmly appreciated. MisS itfcand that when the new model is un-lthe business to the barest detail Neil was taken ill at the last min- covered, expects one of the greatest! that just couldn't be mut off. Tho next meetintr of the Pulaski u'e and was unable to carry out her g presiding officer and Clerli Club of Melrosc will be held at the plans, and assigned Miss Bailev to rushes in the historyy of his business, acted as p This is a startling Statement, due to Pisbrow was apparently sadly han•headquarters of the Melrosc Hose the task. dicapped with a bad wrist, n souveThe club changed some of the by- the fact that for many years the Company on Tuesday evening. nir of a hunting trip during thi The "Ginirbnm Girls" will hold a laws to conform with suggestions Hunn agency has been noted for its afternoon, when he fell up—no' by various members, and fol- unusual large amount of sales. •dance at McCloud's Hall on Friday made lowing this Miss Lorenn Although refusing to show the car down—hill. wenintr, December 2. Music will bo daughter A few bills, including the payof Dr. and Mrs. L. V. yesterday, Mr. Hunn remarked that furnished by the Collecians and tickroll, were passed and one resolution Meinzer, entertained with a well dehe had never seen nn automobile valets may be procured from any menv livered recitation. The Hostesses for ue such as Plymouth is froing to of- adapted. The resolution nuthoTi7od •ber of the club. the day were Mrs. DeWitt Blew and fer. The new car is a six cylinder ve- the discounting of n note for $8,000 James Barkalow who underwent Mrs, Fred R. Davis. hicle with denting power, and will in iintieipation of current tax eollec During the medting, Mrs. J. K. sell at a ponular nrice, intended to tions. •an .operation at thc Veteran's HosOther business was deferred foi ipital at Millinprton is1 recovering Shifts was admitted to club mem- take recognition of thc average poc- consideration at a special meeting to bership. ketbook today. rapidly. be called on a date convenient to nl" Mjr. Hunn has made arrangement concerned. The Misses Ma'rp-aret Coan, Catbto fill orders as rapidly as possibl We're out to establish a record for values—make a list of your •erine and Elizabeth Koenan were HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS and promises that all 'requests fo •week end eiie#s of Miss Ruth Samnew cars will be handled .prompt' WILL PRESENT COMEDY urgent needs first ('though we hope our tempting values will nelson of Philadelphia. and satisfactorily, despite the fai Members of the Hi-Y and Tri-Y hat an unprecedented amount < After spending a week as the clubs of the local hip-h school are business predicted. The Hun make you buy lots of things you haven't listed) for we're busting guest of her grandmother, Mrs. Mary busy with plans for a plnv to he nre- showroom ishas been approprinlel, FOR TtRNT: Apartment on Ifrrt/rnm Easmussen of Eidgeivay avenue, Mrs. sented during the first w e * of fW- deeornlod .._ for the showing and tV with BARGAINS and we want you to share these unusual Donald Rodner has returned to her ember, the proceeds of which will be I public is welcome Avenue. (Six rooms, all improveto inspect the ca ments. Inquire 211 Henry Street. home at Farmingdale. given to charitv charitv. ' " '" " without any obligations. f 11-18-lf OPPORTUNITY DAYS VALUES! St. Martha's Guild of Christ Chur- The production will be a five nc The reason wliy ffrupi'frult contin- FLAT FOR WONT: Four large and ch will hold a dance at the parish college comedy titled "fiirl Shv." ligli/t 'rooms, pnntry, sun pnrlor, Miss Virginia Deitz will conch the ues lo be popular Is Hint there la more Tiouse on Saturday evening, Nov. 26. garret, cellar and garage. All lntcast which will be selected within n In It than meets the eye.—ArkaiiHii ost improvements. All busses stop Mass Helen Delaney, a student at «hort time. Onzottr1 in front of door. Ilcnlni reasonable. State Teachers College, Trenton, Address 020 Honlenlown avenue. spent the past week end with her Apply Alpine, same address. 11-18 parents, Mr. and Mrs. George E. Delaney of Fourth Street. Uncle Ebon "I don't bin inn n smart man for Mr. and Mrs. Henry Slover an.l eliangln' Ills mind," fluid Undo ICt/en, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Martin, of Sec"but I kind o' 1wish he'll have mnilo ond street, with a party of friends, lie ehatiOT liefo | took his first nd•witnessed the Bayonne Marathon ulpo," — Woctllmrtnll S'1!1 r Now A Member of the Union Food Stores Dance on Sunday evening. Joseph Wallace, son of Mr. and 122 N. Broadway - South Amboy Mrs. James Wallace, of Pine avenue, "who recently underwent a delicate •operation for an arm injury, is about town and rapidly improving. YOUR THANKSGIVING DINNER: Whether its to be Friendship Council, Daughters of a Savory Roast of Beef or Turkey, Supreme Ham of Liberty, will hold a card party on Superb tenderness and flavor, you'll find no better December 1st at the Jr. 0. U. A. M. place to buy the meat of your choice than at the looms on Bordentown Avenue. Broadway Market. The Young People's Republican 'Club will hold a cake sale tomorrow This big Del Monte Sale ends Saturday! •with Mrs. Dominic Tedesco in charge. SPECIAL FOR THIS WEEK END The Young Ladies Sodality of St. So order at once at these special savings. Legs of Genuine Spring Lamb 17c lb. .Mary's Church will hold its second Legs and Rumps of Milk Fed Veal 15c lb. annual dance in St. Mary's Hall on .Friday evening, November 25th. Fresh Killed Roasting Chickens : 19c lb. SLICED o r HALVES Fresh Killed Selected Fowl 18c lb. The regular weekly instruction Fresh Hams (regulars) llolb. .•classes for the volunteer first aid squad will be held at the city hall on Fresh Shoulders of Pork (nice and lean) ~$ViC lb. Monday evening as usual. SLICED Fresh Loins of Pork (rib end) 13c lb. Chuck Pot Roast 17c lb. The Ladies Auxiliary of the Pro-tection Fire Company will hold a Round, Cross Rib or Top Sirloin 23c lb. card party tonight at the BordenBARTLETT Fresh Spare Ribs 10c lb. town Avenue firehouse. Fresh Pigs Feet 5 lbs. 25c Mr. and Mrs. Frank Zrebiec and Sugar Cured Cali Hams 9c lb. .Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Ziobro, of David Loose Sausage (our own) 2 lbs. 25c street, visited with friends at Linden Link Sausage 16c lb. on Sunday. C h e r r i e s ROYA Asparagus Lamb, Veal or Pork Chops 17c lb. Joseph Lagoda and Anthony MilThanksgiving Foods CROSBY OR Cranberries „. 10c lb. ler of Philadelphia were local visitors GOLDEN BANTAM Pineapple P'.« BRAND over the ,past week end." Print Butter 25c lb. SEEDED OR SEEDLESS GARDEN SWEET PlumPudding!»21c ',:" 39 C Mr. Martin Ziobro and Mrs. J. NONE SUCK Wegryn of Elizabeth were the guests Many Others At This Store Sardines Spinach VEGETABLE Mince Meat X12 c ",,r23 c of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Urbanik of 11 O ! . I Augusta street on Saturday. QUEEN ANNE cam Tomatoes . S. & H. Green Stamps With Every Purchase Mince Meat . 2,*g..15c Mr. and Mrs. L. L. Sheppard of C Fresh Prunes . Igit. con I/ Tomato Juice Main street, and the, Misses L. ApA&P Pumpkin • ...12C Tilegatc and Hazel Brightner were Tomatoes . Tomato Sauce Cranbury visitors recently. Smyrna Figs . W».I*I.10C •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••I YOUNG'S OPPORTUNITY ••DAYS- FRIDAY SATURDAY VALUES 1 W HAT NEVER BE W U a i E D RECEIVED TOO LATE FOR CLASSIFICATION P. J. YOUNG DRY GOODS CO. Broadway Market PHONE 161 Del Monte Sale! PEACHES PINEAPPLE FRUIT SALAD 2 The Misses Wilhomenia McArthur and Marjorie Buckley of Perth Amboy, wore the 'recent guests of Councilman and Mrs. John J. Vail, of Bertram avenue. Mrs. Hannah Wheeler, of Main St., la confined to the South Amboy Hospital an n patient. Mrs. Tess Price is improving vnipidly at the local hospital from the effects of ii broken hip, sustained last week nt her home in Ilergen Hill. Miss Jnnc't Kirk, of Swan Hill, who underwent an operation at the local hospital on Monday, is recovering vapidly. s 15 BeautifulDolls Given Away j Some Talk! Some Walk! THE FINEST DOLLS IN THE COUNTRY HAVE BEEN SELECTED AS PRIZES They will be Given Away to the fifteen little girU receiving the lurgeit number of votes in The Rexall Drug Store Doll Contest. The awards will be made Christmas Day. Apricots No. 2 can Pineapple Juice . 10c GRANDMOTHER'S FRUIT CAKE FRESH FRUITS & VEGETABLES 2 Fresh Cranberries c Cooking Apples 5 >». 17 Eating Apples 3 »>. 1 7 C b 19c DROMEDAR* BRAND 3».10c Yellow Turnips 2*.. 5' WHirE-for boiling »,35C Dixie Mix f»"««™ D a t e s pintD o> uNfintD . PO 1 / CITRON, OIUNGE OH itMON, pk8.10 C Cranberry Sauce 2,=..25C *,13' Rajah Currants . COUPON FANC* ,k.25<= Budded Walnuts SODALITYGIRLS WILL HOLD ANNUAL DANCE NEXT FRIDAY ClmirniJin Miss Doris Drennan Being Assisted by Large CoinmiUee. The night after Tlmnksjrivinjr is the date set for Ibe second annual dance of the Young Ladies Sodality of St. Mary's church, anil I.ind Brothers nnil the Original Cliffwood Beach Casino orchestra has been secured to furnish the music. As nn added feature the committee has arranged for an attractive souvenir program, which will be given to those attending. Miss Doris Brennnn has ibeen elected us chairman of the affair and K being assisted by a large and enthusiastic (.'ommitlee. Tickets for the dance have been selling rapidly, anil a gathering even larger than last yenr is expected. Are We Created Unequal? " T h e lilnlogli'iil discoveries nf n halfcentury or more," I'rof. Harrison I!, l i m i t tnlil Hie IOui:;.iiIi's UrM'nivii association, "Inive ri'vi'iili'd Unit people. Ins t e a d of IIIOIIK iioleiiilally M|inl at blrtli, v a n em rniiiusly, a n d Hint Mich differences a r c often lnlierlied ; so olio might Buy it Is self evident Hint men n r e erenled uneiiiml." Balloon C n " r ' t i t A pilot balloon, i," ensi 'i over tin* w e a t h e r b u r e a u Hint 'ii a' FulrbnnkH, Alnskn, wn» Men In ii. >vc a t a wpeeil of Ml miles an liotir nt it height of 14 miles. Almonds son win , ». 2 1 ' „ 15' Srczil Nuts s«»™ Please enter the name of In the Rexall Drug Store Contest at Peterson's Pharmacy PETEMSIRUTSTORE" •**' Genuine AiP TurU/i will ht identified by the na "Pilgrim" lagged on every bird. 132 North Broadway III Don't risk losing out on one of our fine young, meoty Tlionkigiviiig Turkeys . . . place your order now. This year we ore again offering specially selected, fresh-killed Northwestern Turkeys . . . the very pick of Ihe flocb . . . and ail indica'i— ' - n much lower pricci lhan last year. And remomber . . . in !.:cpmg \.. r policy there wilt be only one quality and oily cru. ice. HllllIiailllDBIIIIIIII FRANK'SMARKET Print Buffer Sliced Bacon White Bread Sunnyfield Fancy lb. LEAVE YOUR ORDER FOR YOUR TURKEY N0W1 We Will Have a Full Line of Fresh Killed Poultry for Thanksiving—Turkeys, Ducks and Chickens Smoked Cali Hams Found Fresh Hams small and lean, lb Sugar Cured Salt Pork, lb SiiRiir Cured Fink's Bacon, lb C 13 14 C 15C 15' Fink's Print Laid, lb Prime Rib Roast, lb. Fresh or Corned Spare Ribs, s'in;i,I 2 lbs New Saur Kraut 1 lbs f 23° 25C 2? {•••••BMHHHHHBBBBBBBia HBHH • • • • » ! ! • • I B & • • • • ' 27c 1/2 lb. package Lucky Slrikei, Camsli, Old Goldi Cheiferfloldi, Raleigh 2 pVgi. 2 5 C wrlon of 10 pligi. ' l ' " CANIREtl & COCHRANE—Pole or Gcldim C STANDARD 2 0 OZ. LARGE LOAF C&C Ginger Ale ,.,,.»..19 Preserves 32.. ,i..29ew... 1 5 FANCY MAINE POTATOES $|O9 U. S. No. I GRADE GINGEP AlE — Pol« or Golden Clicquot Club e S p a r k l e CUMIN 4Pi.8<.19c Macaroni s " pkg 5 C * H o f f m a n Pal. orU Dry 'b.'.'20 C e Perrier Water Grape Juice .£25' Z Fancy Boiled Hams TOP OR BOTTC'A HALF OR WHOLE lb. 12° Round )rot Roast lb. GREAT AHANWC & PACIFIC TEA CO.- 2»..25 A1P PURE C Bonday Candies 3ba,.TOc ^ 2 t " 25c * H o f f m a n Poi. Dry 2"»V.""25 •k For tlolltloui Bakod Ham — (tiling a boiled ham) —mix logetlioi eq'rjl qunoliligt of fine, loll broad crumbl ond brown lugor. Add a liltlo diy musrard, and moiilcn «•>•, /.npyr- 01 cid»r. Romovn •kin of ham and lproad jurlaco wilh Iho crumb mixl"..- ond ilick in tlo.m <il inlt-• .all. Place on rack In baking por ond bako in a modorclfl ^- j n (35CJ°F. J for c'tu- L.t A j nunul'jj. Fresh Hams .10= C & C GINGERALE ",'. 2«,, 2 3 C GRANDMOTHER'S "ANN PAGE"-rURE FRUIT 100 lb. bag . • CANTSEU & COCHRAN:—Pole t>r Golden For Winter Storing ib.14' 2,,;-^.15c GMGfR A l t —Pelf oi Gold™ * Yukon Club Sunnyfield Sugar-Cured lib.. 5= Lean Salt Pork C'!VG*ra ALE—Po'o or Gotten Yukon Club "QUAKER MAID IS BETTER MADE" SPECIAL THIS WEEKI QUALITY JMEATS AND PRODDCB PHONE 277 631 BORDENTOWN AYE. Stuffed Datss « ! • : ,.. 2 ! ' Watch for Price Announcement in Monday Papers C r e a m e r y — 5 a m o Price as Tub ^•••••••••••••••••••••anaBiBaai ,. 19<= M i x e d Nuts * lndlcr.l«l Plul Depolil HALF OR WHOLE PfttDAY, fcoVBfottBft 18, 1932. THE SOUTH THE MESS KIT jOld Grads of High By "Wood Burns" ; School Will Have Party Now that tilt is'reait'st wind jamming prcsi*ntiai baitie in the history ! at H. S. Auditorium of the nation is over ami wo have 4 SHARES NOBEL PRIZE Lighbiing Destroys Big Oil Tanks # a« the dancers must keep in motion li.'i hours ft day, with only 15 niinuto rest pe'riorts. Ill addition to the struggles of the contestants, the management lias desi^naUul Tuesday night, Out of the 70 couples that sUi'rtfd as Treasure Chest Nile, Wednesday •in the Slate Marathon dance a i-uunlo ni^ht. as Country Store Nite, and of weeks ag'o at tli<- Knriutn Audi- Thursday Ni^'ht as Amnfimr Nite. torium in Perth Amboy, only 15 Ray Nichols and his Atlantic City couples and one solo remain and each l'ier oivhestra is in chni'tfo of tho , niftht of the cunte-t the crowds an; musical program. so larjt'e- that it is tiilfieult to even j;vt in the lull. Kinibcr Suyiler, loci.l dancer, was disqualified last week, SlIMVl'Inj; Is a liiciiir instrtllllelli for but his pa'itner, -Miss Kay Morris of shuplni: i-liiiriictiT, ainl w i t h o u t U s Bradley Beach has picked up anothtouch tlie iiui.'-l di'lh'MU' clui-siny oj) t b » er part nor and is still in the race. Spectators usually find something vessel wuulil he Impossible.—Dr. John, doing in the marathon every minute, Watson ONLY FIFTEEN COUPLES STILL GOING IN CROSS RIVER DANCK (.'RIND years to rest up in before we are forced to listen to a lot of pro and conLai-Re Committee" Making Plans arguments in an effort to decide for Event on Nov. 2!»li. which way we .shall vote for our best interest, we are all giving a sigh Following a postponement, the of relief. curd party which is to be held under It might have been a hard cam- the auspices of the South Amboy paign upon the candidates, who wi;r« Alumni Association, ha^ been schedforced to speak every night and uled for Tuesday evening, Nov. 2!Mh, Check up on the other fellow the and will take place at the high school greater ipart of the next day to limb.; auditorium. The committee decided sure he didn't leave any loop holes to change the date in order to avoid in his speech the night before that a conflict with other events of the •••••••••g might be used to advantage as an same kind and also to secure addiattack against him in the nuxt tions to the large number of attracspeech. The candidates may not hawtive prizes already gathered togethhad things easy, but certainly the er. common people he was trying to per- The chairman of the affair ia Fur* Splitwood, four barrels §1.00 suade to vote for him, had no easy man Sheptpard. Assistant ehaimen time either. They only got the sat-ave. • Block Wood, Sidewalk Delivery $1.50 per load Miss Mildred Davis and Mrs. J isfaction of knowing they had lined l rof. Udgiir Douglas Adrian ol Tustin, Others on the commit• Either Pine or Oak Can Be Furnished up on the winning or losing side, James are the Misses Louise Van Pelt, Cani'jrlilge university, KnxlunU, who much as if they had put some money tee Martha and Mary Buchanan, Kath- shares will) .Sir Charles Slieninglon on the ponies or had played the "nig- erine Morgan, TeUln. Kamps, Mar- of Oxford university Ihc 1!«2 Nobel ger pool". The candidates on the Campbell, Edwina Jacques, Al- prize for medicine and |>hysiolocy. other hand had a chance of getting garet ma Tennonbaum Jean Spice, Anita (loth scientists nre of world renown 400 HENRY STREET elected to the office they sought anS Alice Morris, Dora Porgot- u'nd receive the award for their Joint During n storm that struck the Oklahoma City oil flold four huge tnnU> those who spoke in their pehalf had Steuber, Telephone 671 son, Margaret Pippett and Vcra were set nlilnzo by llf-'litnliu: nnd Ihe lire was spread by a gale. I'roperty loss discoveries |n the study of the ; a chance of sharing in the plums, Iioaglaria*. mounted Into the thousands of dollars. neuron. •when the tree was shaken. ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••a 1 I After all, each of us only has one Also the Messrs. Richard Master?yote to cast and it seems rather son, Darwin Dillon, Morris SthevclLif. foolish when you comp to think that owitz, Manvel Scmoneit, William ColA life without suffering would be -it is all over as far. as you are con-ucei, Everett Sheppard and Monroe . cerned in the few minutes It takes Green. a plclure without simile. The pets of you to put the little crosses beforp AS fej-ECTRICITY . . . CLEAN AS ELRCTItlC 1IGHT Nature who do not know a certain Foundation of Liberty the candidates names. rawness, like foolish landsmen who The Mnsna OmrUt was nor directly It seems exceedingly unjust that foun(|e(i op nn>r previous , document, Inugli nl the (errors of the ncenn, be• every person in the douhtry regard- but wns a detailed Klnteinent of feudal cAiifce Ilicy'have ncllher experience less of their standing, should be law, reiterating recognized feuilsil prac- enough to know what these terrors are, nor brain unmigh to Imagine them. permitted but one. vote.- I t seems to be one of the things we have inherit- tice. —P. G. Unmcrton. ed from our sires that badly needs renovating. It hardly seems fair that the man •who can barely read and write nn<: knows little about the candidates and less about what the result of his •vote might be, is permitted to have just as much to say about the future of the country as the man cquippeJ Rates for advertisements In this column: AH advertlacments under thli •with a highly developed intellect who is in a position to vote intelligently. heading, 5 contB per line; minimum charge 35c for one insertion; minimum - We might say that John Jones, charge 25 cents on repeat advertisements. "Help Wanted", "Lost ano the ditch digger has not the same Pound", nnd "For Rent" advertisements, payable in advance. say ais to how the affairs of the country should be conducted us his ihore intelligent fellow man, because he; does not wield the same influence AUTO BRAKE SERVICE FOR RENT—APARTMENTS but is that true after all'! True, John Smith, the ditch digger may not be able to move about in AUTO BRAKE AND WHEEL SER FOR KENT: Four rooms siiid bath, the same circles as his more intelliVICE, INC. Brakc3 adjusted and . heat furnished, irent reasonable. gent brother," but on the other hand Inquire IBS Stockton st. 11-11-lit rellncd. Wheel aligning. Axles he is more dangerous because he is straightened. Tlra Vulcanizing more suscaptible to propaganda and 108 New Brunswick Avenue, Perth APARTMENT For Rent: 5 rooms whispering campaigns and morn This range (s the "Ilotpolnt Hostess "—one of 3 new <i-B Hot point lilccihc Rouges prone to accept the thoughts of . Amboy, N. J. Tel. P. A. 158. and bath, all improvements. Apply others whether they are right or •. : • 1 7-17-13t Dolan, 808 Henry ; st. " ll-18-tf wrong. coil In the Hotpoint ruitf'e^onlicwith # HOYC a cool kitchen this summer On the other hand, the other man, -|-ond all the year 'round advantages clean, flamelass hent, N.j inoro scorched or Booi-bladkcnsd pans~no capable of reasoning- things out for of electric cookery—by installing a AUTO TO FOR RENT—3 rooms.' Inquire lira. more Kcoilrin^ or scrdpin,-*. Hotpomt himself may be able to influence cerC>B Hotpoint Range now, Perfect Julia Samuelson, 252'Henry St1., kitchens stay .clean . . Learn the tain people an dthus increase his woroven inetiljtiou huldi the hoat in-— Phone 737. 10-28-tf marvels o( electric cookery toOr.y. th to the candidate or issue he is backkeeps it out of your kitchen—assures AUTO TOPS-p-Made andj repaired. Discover the new and better \Jz\v.r of ing, but the people he is likely to normal room temperature, As draJ. P. 'jjohnson, ipp, New Brunswick Hotpoint-coohedfrtod Pindl-ir.vG-B exert an influence for good on, he matiu proof of this—a cake of ice on Ave,, Perth Amboy, Tell 1067 P.FIVE ROOMS AND BATH, all ihiHoti>oint bnn£s new does not come in contact with. .top of a highly heated • A . • • • ' • • . . -• '• 7-iUf •provoinents. Located in niee resiuonvenitnee, new Hotpoint oven melts A man of this type moves in a dential section. Reasonable 'rent. It Isn't often thnt these North Dakota IKIJS can make a snow man, enjo.v economy new clean* almost as slowly es circle of people who closely resemble; freedom from their studies, and stage snowtlghts all before winter really nr InJuire, 339 Main Street or tel hutbB. new bours if placed anywhere him in their views and training. AUTO WRECKING phone 586. 10-28-tf ot freedcm.( See elic ID the kitchen. Before we give a man an automo- rives. A combined sleet and snowstorm wns so heavy Hint schools were closed nnd the children had to bo escorted to their homos. Mirny towns were without the new Hotpoint . . . Calrod, General bile license, we make sure he knows models on display Eledtric1 s speedy new how to run an automobile. When light, heat, power, telephone and telegraph communications for 00 hours. The . AMBOY AUTO WRECKING—Abe FOR .R'EN^T: Three apartments. at our 6hon--rooai« eating . photograph wns made In Killdecr. •we give a policeman a revolver to Korb, Pr<>p. Used P a r t t for All 5 ropjns each an dbath, steam heat, use, we make sure he knows how to Lata Hodel Cars—Tij-es and ail improvements; all large, lighl use it in such a way that his use of Tubes. Scott Avenue n]nd High' rooms; alto two garages. Apply R. it will' not endanger others and yet way No. 4, Tel. South Ahiboy 302. Welddn, 262 John St., South Am•we have given no thought to the 7-10-13t* boy. 9-2-3t. "ballot and give the man who is unfit to use it intelligently or efficientj — . ' " ; .'.ill .•... . . — ly the same voice in the affairs of TRUCKING—STORjAGE FOR BErJfT—Modern apartment, our nation as the man capable of : making a wise decision on the prosix rooms,; Jile bath, showers, heat blems and candidates placed before and ho^,yater furnished. Ready EPPSfBS STOKACJB—Moiiern storhim. for occupancy about November 1st. age warehouse. Local and long disIt might be democracy and it may AppW 229 Henry St. or South tance moving. Used furniture for be one of the things that makes a Visit my hosiery shoppe. You don't neid to b i y Amb'Sy Construction Company. sale. j government such as ours continue, 8-26-tf anything. Just stop in for a friendlyj chat and look but it certainly seems to be a subject WE CAN SAVE YOU |IONEY worth a lot of thought. 284-286 State St., Perth Amboy. things over. > At least, it seems as though cerPhone P. A. 4—2318. 12-11-tf APARXMRNT FOR RENT—Fivs tain people in every community rooms and bath, alj improvements. should be permitted to have more to We have Hosiery for Men, Women and Children on Newly decorated arid conveniently say about who is to run the affairs . Jo^ated. Heal furnished. Apply MONEY TO of the nation, the state and the city display and the fine quality of this Hosiery and the low I4C Henry St. G-3 r than some of the others. prices will surprise and delight you, even in these days of The simplest solution seems to be MONEY TO LOAN on!bond aud to permit those who prove themdepression. mortgage in sums of J100, |200, $300 PLAT TO RENT: Five rooms, all selves worthy to make a carbon coimprovements. Heat furnished; $400, $500 and up to $10,000. Office py of their vote and cast both of Hours from 8:20 a. m. to 8:20 p. m. $25 per month. Inquire 115 John them. That might be a start in the Solve your hosiery problem by shopping at Sara's street. 8-9-tf* right direction. Wednesdays and Saturday: from 8.-20 a. m. to 6 p. m. Inquire Jonc A. Cut Kate Hosiery Shoppe. Lovely, Trust Company Building. FOR RENT: Flat at 729 Bordentown Avenue. Five Roonis, Sun Parlor.nnd all improvements. Rent LAUNDRY—DRY CLEANING reasonable. Inquire Sam Lerner, , next door. 11-11-tE* OUR SPECIALTY, Shirts and ColFOR RENT—HOMES lars laundered; ladies and gents garments dry cleaned. Prices very Republicans Lost Out in Neighreasonable. PERTH AMBOY Flats and Apartments to Rent boring Township for First HAND LAUNDRY AND DRY Johnson, 324 Main S t , Phone 21. Time in Many Years. CLEANERS, 315 Maple Street, 8-18-ti * £. Perth Amboy, Tel. P. A. 2050. For tin; first time in many yeuv* 10-2S-tf FOR RENT, 404 Washing-ton iti-eet. the Republican stronghold in MadiSix rooms and bath, all improveson Township fell before the tireless ments. Hardwood floors. Newly and systematic campaigning of DemREAL ESTATE FOR SALE decorated throughout. Combination ocratic leaders at the general eleccoal and gas range. Plenty of clostion hint week when John l',!irtri(lge, WELL, U0NM.T), THIS fMRV> et room. Inquire of Charles Safran. Democratic candidate for Township THA.NKFUU ftEtAUtt? N FOB SALE:—2 Family Apartment, 10-20-tf ConimitiUK'mflii defeiilcd his RepubHA& IMVtTC-O H I M 'ID we!) located. In good condition. Ai) lican rival, Cii'CM'n, by n majority of Improvements. Well loCRted. Inquire 92 votes. The Democrats also elected South Amboy Trust Co. 5-1-U' HOUSE FOR RENT: Five rooms, G00O Mcx^e A N D A, S three Justices of the Peace by safe part improvements at 347 John st. margins. Inquire 313 John street. 10-21-tf This 'showing was mado possible by PERSONAL the efforts of the various workers in the Township, guided by the leader WILL THE YOUNG LADY WHO FOR RENT:—House, 7 rooms, all of the party in that section, Cornelpicked up child injured in Roky improvements. Inquire Briggs Garius A. Wall, and rapresentn serious Theatre, Perth Amboy, on July 9 age, Broadway and Main st. 10-10tf inroads on the G. 0 . P, power- in please communicate with the Citim-v«,-^";••:..-.-..^ -«rv j T H A T rich flavor thnt Madison. The following chart graphzen. • ll-4-4t "i''-'^^i&^'i^Si-i-M^ finely prepared foods have ically shows the trend of the vote. ! FOR RENT, 5 room house part im"M ^ | ! * S 1 comes from using plenty of Districts 1 2 Tot provements. Inquire. 242 Henrv HELP WANTED—FEMALE ffi'^f-'-''**''^ sweet, pure milk. Order Partridge, (D) 211 11*0 M7 748 St. 10-7-tf v ^••':'-S|iit'' "«'GilIi>#Mi« your daily supply from us, Green (It) 213 2!)2 151 050 ^^"'M,- '^rm-^ and be sure of haviriR the Sandy Mac Thrift's a thankful soul, HELP WANTED: Ladies to do tele- FOR IJENT—G room, single house Justice of Peace „ ,,. ,, .».-.,. , best milk. Phone N. B. phone work at home. Apply 300 And thrift is not his only goal. Nicholas (D) ....11 () 200K27 70S on Augusta St., near Broadway. Portia street. 11-11 tf* f " ^ ^ W P & ^ 2400. All improvements. P. J.Monafthiin, Cornell (D) 120 2.'17 080 He likes his neighbors and this town; 208 David St. 0-30-lf Blodgett (Ii) ....2-Iil lilS 158 005 His friendliness brought him renown. SITUATION WANTED 2 IK Oertel (D) YOUNG WIDOW, would like posiHe says, "Here's hoping that you may McOomb (It) .... 7 tion ftp hou^ekeuper in motherless HOUSE FOR RENT: 7 rooms, nil "Be Happy this Thanksgiving Day". improvements, at 22G Church Bt. family, or small adult family. Will Also 3 room apartment at 228 sleep in. Write to Mrs. Murgarit Crothes for the Needy Church at., all improvements. InWidmaier, I?ine\vo_ad Ave., West Mrs. II. E. Stratton, 228 Keaiisburg, Care of Deik,or. 11-18 quire Women volunteers sewing for tbe Church St. 5-lS-tt1' noeily under direction of tbo Red Cross THIS WEEK'S SPECIALS FOR SALE produced 29B.O0O garments last yenr, FOR RENT:—G Room House In good nml will produce millions of garments ..$ .17 29c MODESS location on Henry street; all ImIn the winter ol 19I12-33. Theso will lie BABY CARRIAGE For Sale: In ex- provements. Inquire Besner, 714 Irora tlio nillllnnn of yards ot cotton cellent condition. Inquire! 27-1 First Bordentown ave. 0-25-tf-* . .79 "SELECT MILK" $1.25 KON.TOLA cloth distributed by tho national Red Street. ll-18-tf Croos from tlm 500,000 IralcH ot cotton NEW BRUNSWICK 189-1B5 NEW STREET turned over to tho or;;nnlzntlou by AWNINGS—SHADES Congress, cloth was nnnt to nil chapTelephones: tora requesting It. and later It was AMBOY.SHA ns; *N,£ AWNINO_CO. proposed to Bond Home nlmplo randyNEW DHUNKWICK 2400 PERTH AMDOY 4-23G0 Hcpi's and Store Awnings, Wjnmiilo KnrrunntB, Including troUBom, diW shades. Best materials. ItoftSOUTH AMBOY ZOO overalls, uiulorweur, stocking* ana" BOMbla cost. 28C Elm St., Perth REAL ESTATE • INSURANCE #01. . Tel, 828 P. A. 8-10«tf 210 GEORGE STREET WOOD FOR SALE 5 MARTIN WIATER LEARN ofolechlc Gm£&u/TO DAY Tons of Snow—and No School! SARA SAYSt The Paulus Dairy "Select Milk" Systematic Campaign Brought Democrats Results in Madison Sold In Middlesex County For 40 Years 130 SOUTH BROADWAY '1 SOUTH AHBOY COOKING and BAKING taste better when pure milk is used JAQUES The Paulus Dairy LOTS WANTED! FREDERICK H. tEAR FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 18, 1932. LOOKING BACK 22 YEARS THE SOUTH AMBOY CITIZEN FAGS SEVEN THE FEATHERHEADS The Stage kS^t HUM I—ONUV THIS MORMING /BOUT FBBUM6 AH. IN—ANDtHeM i COME HOME 4ou'RE SO fiooD TO MB, YoU KEEP POSTED W . ADMIT our*, CLUB i s GOING -re <sivs A. SHOWA BIG SHOW—A MUSICAL COMEE>y-,ANt> — (T ISH'f OFTBM Waw- BUT TrilS Al- »S J FELLOW—HB'5 HELP HERE tOTWy AMD US— FIND VoU'ftE OUT ASAlM — HERE ToMoRRov I "DON'T GET Issue of Nov. 19, 1910 VbO KMOW HOW fH WHAT'S ! VISITING THE ANt>ERSoM!T WMO OU WOULDK/'f STAY I AND UNTIL THE. ***** ARE—ALWAVS ON 1 ANP VJE'RE S O FORTUNATE HOME WHEN Vou'ree >2 f'^CD '" CAW The Board of Freeholders, the JerFOR AN •N 6feTfM<5 H , M — r-WHBJ Y 0U GET THE Go sey Central Traction Company, the SET'"" UNUMITEE .._. BR5ATH— New York and Lonf* Branch RailE -TEUL M 6 road Company are all interested in EN6AGEMEII the changing of the route of th FORTUNATE .ABOUT county road to Cheesequake creek. ITThe bridge over the creek at Mo gan is worn out ami unfit for th service that is required of it, and th r freeholders will erect a new ]\ draw this spring to take its plac One half of this expense will be bor Tie by the Jersey Central Tractio Company. The draw will J>e of Kuffi cient width to allow the free trave of trolley, vehicle and foot .pasaen pers. The style of draw will <" the center pile thus jrivinj* the sary room for vessel traffic up an down the creek. ByTedO'Loii«Uin The Morgan road, instead of mak Q WMtra Itewiptpw VOIM Inir a turn at the entrance of th Morjran Heicrhts 'property towan AHD -THBV ARIS TM» VBRY SAMB VUELL/FAMNY- Ol'M Qlde Spye Inn, will run straiph WOLVBS WHICH PURSUtO OSi HURfcV BEING SlMT To <H' across the property of the Jer?e AS vye toio- VH^Y G A I N E D OW os.il CIRCUS (3ROUNPS Central Realtv Company to th0 rail ) COULD HMAK, THEIR HOWLS A S THR Y N w V rpad over which a substantial stce' A D V A N C E D — THEN I COOLO HSAR DOWM A N ' ibriiee of the width of the road •will LAroREO BUeATHlMS —AND THEN I <3BT VEX. I M bfe "built. After crossinp tlte railroad CoUU? FEEL -THBIR MUilLBS T •ru I 6 HOW t i e meadows will be filled up with S|Hd earth to the creek draw, The Jersey Central Traction Com party will strnijrhten their tracks t< conform to the new route nnd thin two curves tn the creek will he ob viated. T i e N. Y. & L. B. -Railroad Coiropany is interested in the route because it will divert traffic from tho dangerous crossing of their tracks n Morpan and the Automobile Association of the State are also the chancre so as to avoid this crossing and also the dangerous curve at Ye Olde Spye House. The county engineer is now busy making plans for this great improvement and expects to soon have everything ready so that bidders may estimate on the contracts. • to'Rairitun and while there wcru On Wednesday the Board of Free- ripp i in marriage by Hev. George holders met with George I. Brown, united NEW YORK '3c TRIP vice president of the Jersey Ccntril Okeson, an unclu of the bride. They Traction Cijmnanv, and J. B. Barnard ore attended by Mr. and Mrs. N. SUNDAY, NOVEMBEB 20th iV. DayMn. The happy couple have engineer of the New York and Lon"WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 23rd Branch Railroad, on the ground and 'cturncd to this city and are now livLeayes Sunday Wednesday held a consultation. The Board told ng at the home of the bride's parLocated At the gentlemen to submit what pro- ents. So. Amboy 9.26 A.M. 9.29 A.M. WHITEHEAD TERRACE portion th'ojrt verb willing to sfcann of * »• •• Returning* tiokctn food on *tty the expense, and then further con(Finest Residential Section of City) The first real snow storm of the Nsw Jeraey Onatrsl train, axoapt sideration, would be Riven th« matter. eason arrive^ on Mondny, night, but The Blue Comet, on datt of »al«. Terms to Suit AH Improvements Oonndt ticket ngeit« for lsnvinghb white flokej) meltdd soon after Mm** 'fom at»tioa» sot «>iaw» U Previous to election Collin Strat- itriking the ground. thl» »«v?rtl«(imout, and nddlttonal For Your THANKSGIVING DINNER: Place your order ton made a friendly wager with one ltaformatlon. (Similar' * ekonraloiiM on Frank Deacon of Camden, has asof our pwjminlsnt citizens thtrt yivian, sumed 'ihoatgq aa semUity of the now for your Turkey, Chicken, Fresh Ham or any kind of «ud Ttk. 265 DAVID ST. TEL. 783 lipwis would "be the next g governor. P. R. R. Y. M. C, A- i"t h i ? city. He L w Fowl, this will insure you receiving a choice selection. NEW JERSEY CENTRAL Mr. p( ing ^he ^ilqon «t>dj jn *a9 fJormdrly assistant' uhdor Sec^ opter supper to be tendered the etary Cox at Camden, •njnner. W Wii s needless dl tto say tthat h tMr. M "Welsh won, so he was invited to enZora Boice and Mr. Hairvld ; 5gy the,, sapper at KeijaH's oaff oh . . . of iSoqtk AWoy, whPi [i HIM i»i iim jui"mmiiriln< JUIOIW mif 'iit{ >iU, #,m,«« I W M I Thursday evening. were contesting at Metuchen in the !-Mr. gtpitton, in his Mrtropto, a\- Gold. Ifedftl wnbest;" desarve B(pccBO invited a number of friends to al rneriMon, as each recited their feast wiflvVhim, anft about 8:30? oWook -' -)tj*»t in 9 *ery able maria ajj assembled at the cafe, where oyof the other, contestants were JULIUS KALMA, FLORIST stfers in'all styles were; seryed tp aujt wom«n Slid men! tfie tastes of the guests. It proved a Donble SvA H. and Elk Stamp. gjland social success, and Mr, Strati tqn was fully repaid by witnessing the If jrim art imi «f 'tW m l l i m whn mint hearty enjoyment, of, his £Ju,estfei Given Saturday* Only. I * «p mmxri Mats a ni«W, j o w treble I* pratablj doe to an irritation of the bladFuneral Designs •During the evening! Mr. Stratton <lar. Jtut trr taking Gold Medal Haarlem •w»s prosejited with i "tQlesrroms" of Oil CapmUeB. Dorla* S8? years thi» fine, consolation ostensibly forwarded by Main Street Telephone 497 Keyport eU prepuaUen bak' helped miUlonk. Why tfie dsfeatied candidates from the Most Enthusiastic We Telefraph Flowert Anywhere — We DelWer Naarby J I i t O K H I 3 S 4 T B governorship down. This caiused| gome )ne of in Association. gfeat ftini Taken altogether th'e ocSOLD MEDAL casion was certainly a bit* success, If you walk in^o the Y. M. C. A. HAARLEM OIL CAPSULES 1 apd Mr. Stratton enjoyed it equally ,ny Wednesday afternoon and hear "With his friends. oming firom a group of eager young« «• • • . : : • . • : • • ' J ' ters talk of France, England, BoliAt 7:30 o'clock on Wednesday eve- 'ia, Austria or any other country, ning, the Methodist Protestant church lon't think they arc mita,ting a sesfilled with friends and invited ion of the League of Nations—it is to witness the marriage of ncrely the Stamp Club meeting. REAL ESTATE—INSURANCE COAL AND WOOD MILK AND CREAM yard English to Miss Catherine The Stamp Club is one of the most _ Jause, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. nterosting and enthusiastic groups llurman Hause, of Second street. been organized far the youn' The decorations were exquisitely ;erat has BITUMINOUS ANTHRACITE people R. E, Chamberlin MILK CREAM arranged, making a most favorable ook hold assince secretary. Phone 267 1Avpi*ession upon those present. At the Every Wednesday the youths meet 347 Catherine f t njjiy a large arch was erected from .nd stamps are traded, a general disvljich was suspended «i floral bell, takes place. Richard Nicarvo PLUMBING AND HEATING T>ineath which stood the hampy coup- sussion Tkraagk at present acting aa sponsor and ]<, as the ceremony was beinc per ilans for the election of officers are firmed by the Rev. N. E. Webb, eing made and the election will probpastor of the church. hly take place in the near future. 1 Miss Ethel Parker of Philadelphia, Members of the club are Richard Sanitary and n cousin of the bride waks maid of louse, Morton Goldsmith, Gor>rge REAL ESTATE AND honor. Mr. Snowell House, a brother ioldsmith. George DeGraw, Berton 214 Pine Avenue INSURANCE Heating Engineer of the bride, Was attendant to tho Robert Steinor and Glen Murgroom, und Miss Charlotte Hause, 107 S. Pln« Avenue RICHARDSON & BOYNTON f^ur years of age, a niece of the 'i>y. South Amboy, N. J. n Telephone 17S South Amboj VAPOR SYSTEM 1>Hde, was the charming little dower HOT WATER AND STIAH fiirl. She carried a basket of Easter Eleven easy-to-reuJ sections of urt* pictures to radio. And BUILT-IN TUBS AND SHOWERS lilies and pink chrysanthemums with news, practical information, don't forget there's a complete nttiiden hair fern tied with pink chifTakphonst 2ff>) Ku, 3M entertainment, interest! From magazine in color, too . . . fon, The ushers were Francis L. 2ZS FIRST STREET Try it next Sunday. Reserve a business to comics. From ifnuse nnd Sponcer Edwards. (guooswor to K. F. Maaonl movies to real estate. From copy now with your regular SOUTH AMBOY, N. J. Attired in a robe of while silk, nnd sports to science. From grav- newsdealer. You be the judge. •currying n bouquet of bridal roses, drs. C. L. Cozzcns Will Serve as WILHELM'S HALL—The idMl tho ibri(H> looked very sweet and charLocal Chairman. FUEL OIL , place to hold Lodge M e d i a n lning. TJhe bridesmaid was attired in Banquets, Card Parties and ParThe quota assigned to this city in ix gown' of white mull, with pink CONCRETE BLOCKS Reliable UNITED STATES Companies trimmings and carried n bouquet of e annual Christmas Seal Sale iihties of all Kinds l>lnk carnations. er the auspi-es of the Middlesex PORTLAND CEMENT EXPLOSION INSURANCE Rates furnished by calling A reception followed after the tounty Tuberculosis League is tho «oremouy at tbu homo of the bride's um of seven hundred dollars, acS. A. 292 ALL KINDS OF NOTARY PUBLIC •parents, The house decorations were (irding to an announcement) made FEED AND GRAIN 'pink and green and wen; bcamtiful- y the league today. Mra. C. L. Coz231 First Street South Amboy ly arranged. f this city will net as local After eongrntulationH bad Ix'mi ex- lininnnn for the worthy project Consult Me For Opinions tended to the happy couple a bounti- nd has expressed her oonfidenco Old Lehigh and Wilkes-Barre ful wedding supper was served. Estimates on All High hat the goal designated will easily The bride received n large number o reached. Grade Plumbing and <»f valuable gifts, A considerable reduction in tho After a brief weildinsr tour, Mr. Heating and Mrs. English will make their iberculosis T.eague's hui'iret for tho ming yenr hns been effectod, not 189 North Broadway Center and Elm Sts. home in this city. Fire, Automobile, Liability, the elimination of services runSouth Amboy • • • •* ored. but by reducimr adrninisliratlvo Phones: Explosion, Casualty, etc. Two special trains were run on tho xwnses. In suite of the ilocreasp in Telephone 584 Rnritnn River Railroad on Rundny So. Amkoy 7 So. River 8 Surety and Fidelity Bonds funds, the loatrue has She's active in club and church under charter of llu1 Lubin Film ilnniiml t'i kenp nn the snleiu'i i wni-k ACETYLENE WELDING Company of Now York. Telephone 347-J w o r k . . locally and state-wide . . is doinir, without stint. Engineer lloirmnn was in charge The League is now curing fnr PAINTS, ETC. of locomotive No. •! and Engineer 343 MAIN ST. SOUTH AMBOY with so much to do she con02 iubermlosis patients in tho McRuirc of No. (i. At n point near VIVM Deveuter'ri mnh' nnd th" doninnd on its ser serves her time and energy . . CONTRACTORS crossing, a train holdup PI'PTIO W^S ces is Itcoomino* inoroa^incly hoa^v. Telephone 435 ELECTRIC AND enacted, and one of the engines was euro, the roiumitt'cr is esmociallv gets things done quickly and 1 hlown up, and .still no person wi.s •siroiis of li.'wintr th^ senl sale urnACETYLENE WELDING injured. nee HIP necessary atlpn'!ant funds easily. . some folks wonder how The robbers are aware that a train the nontin'iation of i\v I.aiijrne's (HucoOHHor to A. T. Kurr) Geural Repairing with the President of the road on yrellent work. . . others know the reason . . board will pass nt a certain time, Scott A«M<t Paints, Oils and Varni»he« and they decide to wreck the train, rilRTST KPTSCOPAL many times they've heard her South Amboy, N. J. and obtain "booty. The president's Main Street. & Tiroiulwuv Bruihea, Glass, Bronze*, dnughter in some manner learns of jThe Rev. TInrry Rt^nsimry Weyrich. GENERAL BUILDING say, "Just telephone me . . it's T.l.phon. S. A. 2S« the plan, anil thinks of the fireman CONSTRUCTION Hector with whom she is deeply in love, much Sunday next hefnre Gold Leaf, Stains, Etc. Ailvent. Nov. 20. cheaper and will save oodles of BAKERIES Altorntiona ond Suggeitioni to the objection of her father. She se- 7:H0 a. in. TInlv Communion. cured another engine and runs it Repalri Promptly Attended To WALL PAPER 0:^n a. m. Church School. time" . . she knows that usually herself with all possible speed to give 10:15 n. m. Tloly Communion nnd 220 Henry St. Tel. S. A. 381 the warning to the other train. The 258 First Street South Araboj tiresome and expensive trips robbers believe that. Ibis is the presi- fVvninn. 423 Henry St. To!. S. A. 83S 7:H0 p. m. Special service in cumdent's train and when it reaches a innnornlion of the ROIh anniversary may be avoided by "there-inSOUTH AMBOY, N. J. certain point blow it up with dyna- nf Christ Church. Preacher: Thr. TAILOR mite and tile fair engineer is blown UPV. ThoniaK A. Connvcpr of Btvrnardan-inttant" telephone chats. CAKES, PIES, SREAD, into a ,pnnd nunrby. About this time the '('resident's train nrrive.t on thesvillc N. .1. All tlioso iifTlllnlod In this rlmrch ROLLS AND ALL TRUCKING scene; ivnd the firpmnti noticing the woman falling in the pond runs to in any way and their friends are nnr'li.'illy invited tn a!tend. BAKED GOODIES tho iTsrno and finds she in his sweetWeek Dny Services heart. After explanation, the PresiWednesday, November 2flrd. dent removes .nil objections to the CARTING OF ANY KIND 131 North Broadway 7:1 fi a. in. Holy Coniniunlnn. WORK CALLED FOR young people's* plans. CRATING AND SHIPPING Thanksgiving Day, Thursday, Nov. 1 /* * * • • AND DELIVERED (Neat ' o I'i't Home) 313 D . T U St. South Amber . On ThurRjfay, Nov..10, Granville 24tli. 7:15 a. in. Holy Communion. P h « « 71 10:00 a. tn. Holy Commiliihm an;l 'Mnnw and Miss Estelln Orover, dail103 South BromlarkT TeUpksiu 9 U of Mr. Pearl (Srover, took n Harmon, FINNEY OF THE FORCE Barking ,Up the Wrong Tree RESTRICTED RESIDENTIAL SITES FOR SALE (Quality Meats of V. J. NEBUS DOLAN & SULLIVAN V J . NEBUS 236 Feltu« St. iifeYPORT Tel. 226 At Night STAMP M B ATFRAerS Plants and Cut Flowers It may be just yotif kind of paper a ity Assigned Christmas Seal Sale Quota THE SOUTH AMBOY BUSINESS DIRECTORY EDWARD CCAL COMPANY PAUL BRYLINSK1 Jlctalb /ETNA-IZE R. A. CASEY FRANK S. KABOSKI AGENCY G. T. WILHELN 0. T. MASON 3Ttitmue "JUST TELEPHONE ME..ITS CHEAPER AND W I L I SAVE TIME" W. HARPER LEWIS COAL Insurance of All Kinds JOHN J CROSS EUGENE A. MORRIS SOUTH AMBOY CONSTRUCTION CO. THE HESS BAKERY I, ROSENTIIAL Tailor ELMER S. FARISEN THE SOUTH AMBOY CITIZEN PAGE EIGHT FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 18, 1932. Hi-ram JlcConnell, John Sexton, Wil- last quarter there is already an overliam Di.xon who according to the par- expenditure of $75 with probably u r L-liJUST CHURCH PAKiSii ish record, was the first person con- quite a number of small bills still to tinued in the parish; Kit-hard Ma- come in. (Continued lrom l J age 1) guire, clerk and treasurer for nearly The Poor Account average expenOn November 13th, VM'l, by ae.seventeen years; John F. Hillnmii, ditures per month lor the ten month of the Ic-gisiauu-e, the name w.i.- Orlando Perrine,. , _L. . _I-\ . _ _Mrinzcr,, Wi!- I period amounts to about $li:!0. In changed to Christ Cliurcn. In tnit, Ham P. liathburn, Ur. Ambrose1 Trpg- this account there was a balance re' dent Saturday Morning. yea'i, largely inrough tile generuoiiy anuwan, JL C. IVrrine and James ported for Nov. 1, as $571.11. This account does not include Emergency Player Lists Were Submitted at The Y M. C. A. team romn g on Francis J. McCarthy, of Raritan oi iliss b. .-5. Conover, the Cliurca ui White. Relief oxpeiife. Funds expended by Conference of Board of Mana- the local alleys against Keyno t A. stiL'et, who was seriously injured in the Holy Trimly a t Roundabouts, The rectors who have been in c-liar- |; the city for this purpose earlier iii C. Wedne •*dav niuht walked ofT with an automobile accident last Saturday now fciayreyille, was built, and in »-e of the church during its long iiisgers. Wash tory are the Rev. Charles L. Little, the year may account for the state(.V(.,y ji-aiiie of the match by a handy morning at 3:30 o'clock, on the Con-18(i7 moved to the village of Washments of city overspending amountHev. Gideon ,7. Burton. Rev. Richard very boulevard in Pertli Amboy, has ington, now South Kiver. The multitude of little details m:i'r^-in. The scores: <. . A. Y. M. C. A. Doane Memorial Chapel was erec U. „. Post. ,„..,. Rev. , „ , , , William „,.„.,,„ Wordsworth ,, i,,-USUUrui ing to thousands of dollars. Rumor-; been discharged from the Perth Amwhich must be attended to before n 191 209 1S7 boy Hospital and is now at home. ted by R. S. Conover in lSiiT. It was. Taylor, Kev. Henry Montague Ponlev about town have it that bills boin-r basketball pennant race is launched, Poulsen . 171 177 19,'! McCarthy, whn is director of athletics located on tho west side of the roa-.l Pearse. Uev. Chapman S. Lewis, Hev. he!.] back for services and goods furwere discussed at the meeting of theJensen ... 202 201 179 :it Carterrt High School, was first to Morgan, and was used us a day Henry Mitchell, Rev. Charles E.' Kei- nished will swell the overdraft greatBoard of Diied;ors of the City Bas- Clayton . nedy and the pre?ent rector, Rev. ketball League held last evening in Thomas . 13d 190 101 thought to have sustained a serious and Sunday school. 202 203 172 fracture of the skull, but has re- In the year 1872, when Rev. R. B. j Harry Stansbury Weyrich. the Y. M. C. A. with Donald Ural, Banzyk . covered rapidly and will soon be on Post was lector, the organ in tne .. Jr., presiding. no2 980 892 his feet afrain. church was moved from a s original IX'DOOR PAH1S11 BAZAAR Chief amonK the mutters discussKEYPORT " OPF\"? vrwriAv vrriiv ed at last nijrli't's session was the apThe injured man is (prominent in position under the tower to the north ™*™£ ; N I G "' 153 224 118 athletic circles in the county and wasside of the chancel and a vested male , proval of ,player lists for the var-Pcn/tcrman ( C o ° t ^ 18I> 212 204 Kinhafer _J_ ious teams. formerly a star ntlilctp nt the local choir was introduced. This, it is be-: 140 107 155 lieved, is only the second instance of; Kitchen Committee- Monday Mrs The schedule of games recently Walling . : h school. At present he is at the 135 183 22 I Carteret school, and has turned out vested male choirs m tne diocese, and ; M. Krolalc. Mrs. V. Domzal Mrs A ' completed calls for the oiieninf; of Culver .... 187 188 138 some championship teams at that has proved an important factor in \ Sohczak Mrs A Kuc the race on Wednesday evenin;;, De:. Kruser ... "Y" ALLEY MEN TOOK \ Coach McCarthy Rapidly Completed Court EVERY GAME IN MATCH Recovering From Injuries Loop Arrangements WITH KEYPORT FIVE|Received in Automobile AcciLast Evening ly beyond those of former years. The drop in a few unticijwitud revenue accounts amounts to something over twenty per cent. l''or instance: sfSOO was exjiected from Petty Licun-H'S. Nothing has been 'realized. PoIkv C'.niri Kim's were i'\-|>cclccl to return S'.JOU to the ci!!y till. Only $(!!). lias tuini' in from Unit source. I5ii3 fees are $1218.85 below expectations. Interest and Costs have brought ill Ijiiliii.ttr) less lhaii was cxperted. Fees and Pt-nnits retunis are $;ilt.i;i below anticipations. Kents, counted on ",o realize 5200, have brnujrht in only S90. And the iiasolini' tax, which was counted on for ?,'!,712.(10, has realized only S2,C.II8.2I to date, \ SPECIAL PRICES IN MEN'S SUITS 7th, when the Catholic Club opposes • Tuesday: Mrs."A. Zdaniewicz, M-s. institution. One of his most impor- the success of the parish. 825 958 877 tant "finds" is Joe Medwick, former the Knights of Columbus and the When Rev. \V. \V. Taylor, success-; A. Wilus, Mrs. A. Trzoniee, Mrs. II. South Amboy Hi^h School Alumni Carteret high school athlete, who isor to Rev. R. it. Posi, was rector, Ui^-1 Suniska, opposes the Sacred Heart Collegians. now with the St. Louis Cardinals in congregation had assumed such pio-j Wednesday: Mrs. J. Maliszewska the National Baseball League. The remainder of the schedule is portion that the enlargement of tlu- Mrs. M. Kiirzawa. Mrs. Stella Dobas follows: chu'i-cli was seriously discussed and a j rzynska, Mrs. E. Wisniewska. fund stiirted for Umt purpose, bur-1 Tlmrsday: Mr?. C. Zyzlcowska, Dec. 14—Knights of Columbus v's ing the rectorship of Rev. II. M. P. j Mrs. C. Perhnvskii, Mrs. S. Gorczyca, Sacred Heart Collegians: Catholic 1'earsu the present chancel, choir Mrs. Sophie Kuc. Club vs Alumni. Recent game3 rolled.in the Y. M. Dec. 21-—Alumni vs Knights of rooms and organ chamber were addo C. A. bowling league, resulted in the Columbus: Sacred Heart Collegians ed to the cdilice. largely through the WAS IT FINANCES THAT following scores, Friday night: vs Catholic Club. generosity of Mrs. Noah I''"™'""- [ CAUSED SHARP WORDS ACES Dec. 28—-Sacred Heart Collegians Dean Baker on July 14th, m>: A TciTY HALL, 190 194 105 vs Alumni: Knights of Columbus vs Rynetz .. hiid the cornerstone of the new chan(Continued from page one) 172 233 157 Gorchess Catholic Club. tself was consec cel and the chancel itself 192 192 1U2 January .1—Alumni vs Catholic Heindle Unable to cope with the ground ! crated by Bishop Scarborough on In the .streets and garbage approClub: Sacred Heart Collegians v ,T. Smith and aerial attack of Rutgers in theJanuary 10, 1893. The remains of priation u similar condition is indiBarber . 154 151 Knights of Columbus. I Miss Sophie C. Stevens, who was re-cated by the City Treasurer's report. <!8th game of their long series playJan. 11—Catholic Club vs Sacred Anderson orig- The Imlaiic 202 157 IS) ed before five thousand spectators in j nsible for the eret'tioli rection of ol the the orig T n ( I i,,. Heart Collegians: Knights of Colum wt ed to the , , « 910 927 921 Taylor Stadium last Saturday, Le- i family vault only a L . ofew m m i l tdays bus vs Alumni. " ' ? I .^» before balance CARDINALS high went down to a crushing 37-(i the new chancel wasf opened | for b f seri / " the Jan. 18—Alumni vs Sacred Heart $1,11^. < i < 193 205 202 defeat. Collegians: Catholic Club vs Knights Rehfuss vice. under thi' nine-month avenue 214 190 181 Nichol .. of Columbus. In 181* I, owing to the tireless OIHT-J The victory was tho fifth this sea179 212 181 Jan. 25—Catholic Club vs Alumni; Wortley gy of the lay reader Ambrose M.j son for the scarlet eliitl Rutgers elev170 180 1G8 Knights of Columbus vs Sacred Russell . (•'onion, the Cha/]>cl of the Good Shop-j , 1 V ( ,j, 164 209 183 en and it came in u game in which 1ard .......i..., Ernston ..... v ,. • ~ - - , ; Mivniu an ovcifixiieni itine the costs Poulson Heart Collegians. wa .... Lehigh was put to rout in two of tin a r d at a tby K r n si!islu>i> t o n w a sSciu-boTOUKli b u i l t a n d d e(> d i»- ! „ . „ „ , , , , ave luul | U 1 ,|to „ ,he „ , mil. , . „ , , in ; , half , , , ]>•;/,. Feb. 1—Sacred Heart Collegiancated ginning the of ' this month. four periods. The vicious thrusts of ..nt...l l.w itiulli.lt SS/MI l - l l l i r m i i r h fill • . . . first . . ' " " Tlin't, " " . DG3 923 953 vs Catholic Club: Alumni vs Knights March Dili, 1804. The Sunday School apparently, has not. been done. Prisco, Dunalp, Kramer and Truex, Tue?day night: of Columbus. building was enlarged and remodeled The Public Buildings appropriathe chief ground gainers for Rutgers at a coal of over $2,500 to form the BROADWAY Feb. 8—Knights of Columbus v? l.r>f> infi 105 and tho alertness of W. Deniares', present parish house, where all social tion balance of $.|.fli as of October Catholic Club: Sacred Heart Coll. McCarthy dwindled another $ai during October. f»ians vs Alumni. Moran 12R ifiO 17i") big Scarlet end, were the dominant functions of the Parish are held. 100 150 192 factors in the Rutgers triumph. The records of the church contain With the account owing the walor Feb. 15—Knights of Columbus vs Adams 20R 200 department a $500 payment for the f t d itl '. 122 Alumni: Catholic Club vs Sacred Prypa After lwinjj held scoreless in tins the iianieM of many connected with Heart Colleginns. Hyers 164 1R1 150 first period the Kutgers cloven un- the early families of .South Amhoy. Feb. 22—Sacred Heart Collegians Some of the names are no longer 759 880 880 loosed their powerful attack in theheard in the city and descendants of vs Knights of Columbus: Alumni vs second when two touchdowns were RAINBOW Caltholie Club. others are Htill members of the Ilawes 187 184 135 scored. The scoring was even more church. The name of John C. StevPoulsen 179 154 105 pronounced in the third period when ens stands forth prominently in the Emmona 138 1G3 Mil they shoved across three touchdowns, curly history of the parish as one Sheppa'rd 144 149 181 and another in the last play of tho who took a dee]) interest in its welCarlisle 229 158 192 final quarter, ibut the latter was call- fare during his life time and who n ltberiil provision for its suped back because of a holding penalty. nuutc port after his death in Will. Commo877 808 822 Lehigh's ground attack counted io: dore Conover, who was a warden of Committee Reports Ticket Supnaught and only in the third period the church for one yea'r and who died ply Being- Rapidly Exhausted. did aerials pave the way for a touch- in 1801 is buried in the vault under down. Three out of four heaves by the church. As ithe day of the 'gold awards ! You'll want to look pros- '.! which are to be made by the local Reidy to Goodrich netted seventy Charles D. Fish was long associapcrous. Knights of Columbus draws near, it yards, and with the ball on the twoted with the early history of the has been reported by the committee parish, serving either as warden, R c i d y pluneed for the You Will If You Make Your i 1 that the ticket supply is rapidly vestryman or treasurer of the parish dwindling and those who wish to parfrom its beginning untiil his death in Purchases at Harry's. '.! The way for the first touchdown in 1875. ticipate should do so before the supTaking all three games Saturday the third period was ipaved -when ply is exhausted. Another of the early members, I! A little will go a long way the Aces of this city won over Phelps blocked a punt and Deinarost The awards will be made on Nov. ,ight,T-, long faithful in the work of the parA.e i>n.i u t The here. 22nd, next Tuesday, and those who the Recreations nof Red n n r recovered on Lehigh's five yard line. ish was Oliver Cox who served as * are working on the committee are scores: l A penalty moved the ball closer and clerk, vestryman and warden from s e c ACES 1011 requested to make their returns to Prisco went across in the first 1857 until 18b'5. His minutes as - | ; | Grand Knight Richa'rd Malone, of Ryentz 169 214 1071.'' votary intimate that he was an o'l'iK- j 181 |'play. Main street, on or before the day of Gorchess 158 191 inal character. , Information handed the award. Heindle 189 2021751 Within a short time Rutgers had down from the early days says he 210 another touchdown, this time when was an Englishman and a schoolmasBarber 157 142 208 Prisco intercepted a forward pass oi ter who wore a wig and false teeth. Anderson 182 193 855 948 'J50, Lehigh's 47 yard line. After being Among the early officers of the 11 I South Broadway RECREATIONS were Dr. L. D. Morse, first 17!) held on two thrusts within a gain, parish Fisher 181 159 592 Truex passed to Demarest ant! thejunior warden; Abraham Everett, Tel. 604 J. Accena * 140 157 who was known as "Boss" Everitt, a Saunders 172 135j90|big end scampered the remaining vestryman for many years; Peter V. distance for a touchdown. lfifi Van Ness 156 208 Voorhees, the first clerk of the vesL. Accena 100 147180 A forward pass was responsible try; Frank S. Conover, warden and for the third and final touchdown if vestryman for many years; R. C. 809 80G 897 Large Stock of Better Grade the session. After Kramer had run a Livingston, warden for two yea'r5; Footwear Will Be Handled. Lehigh punt back to Lehigh's 28 yard Captain P. V. DeGraw, a vestryman Identity a Puzzle mark, Truex tossed a pass to Kra-from 18G2 to 1877, and secretary durWith a complete stock of the latNo definite conclusion lias been mer, who stopped across the goal line ing most of that period; P. J. P a n est sltyles in footwear, Charles Som- reached li.v hlsto^ans regarding the unmolested. sen; R. S. Conover, Hugh Watson, mevs, who formerly was connected Idonllty of the .Man With the Iron with the Junior Vogue Footwear Jlask. lie has been supposed to he (1> Shop, has opened a new store, at 90the duke of Varinandols. a natural son Smith street, Perth Amboy, where he is ready tomorrow to preet his many of l.ouls XIV; (2) an elder brother of friends from South Amboy and viciii- Louis XIV; C!) a twin hrother of Louis XIV; M) ("mint Matthloll. Imity. Mr. Somers, who is an expert in prisoned for treachery; (5) a soldier of fortune named Jlureehlef, and (fl.i the footwear business, has announced that lie has secured a hotter Oen(-i--' <lc llulnnilo. grade footwear which .will be sold at prices which recognize present day Just a Thought financial conditions, and a featured Is the wuvUI all Krown up? Is childservice- of expert, litlinir. Many people in this city know Mr. Rnnimors in- Imnil dead? Or Is there not In the timately and are plea?e-l to len'rM bosom <>r the wises! :md lie-it some of that he will again serve them in thethe chilli's heart lefl. In respond to Its en vilest rniimut men',-••>•- t'liiit-U") tin ml) selection of thoiv footwear. $ RECENT SCORES IN "Y" BOWLING MATCHES Rutgers Conquers Lehigh by 37-6 Before 5,000 JFans I Going To Visit The Old i Folks On Thanksgiving? Knights Gold Award Meets W^th Great Favor RED BANK TEAM LATEST VICTIMS OF ACE R O L L E R S ^ - . HARRY'S Charles Sommer Will Welcome Local Friends , To New Store Tomorrow 5 and up 52 SMITH STREET Near High Street PERTH AMBOY BURKARD'S MEAT AND PRODUCE MARKET 170 NORTH BROADWAY Telephone 803 We will Have a Full Line of Poultry for Thanksgiving. The Turkeys We Will Have Are Not Northwesterns or Marylands, But Are Raised Right on Our Farm at Farmingdale, N. J. Small JERSEY PORK LOINS, either end, lb. 12c Fresh JERSEY HAM, 8 to 12 lb. avg.,,lb lie BALOGNA, 2 pounds 29c Shoulder or BREAST MILK FED VEAL, lb.. 10c Allentown SAUSAGE, with blue label on, lb. 18c Fancy Roasting CHICKENS, 4 11>. avg., lb 20c FRESH JERSEY PORK SHOULDERS, lb. . - 9 c FRESH FLAT SPARE RIBS, lb 10c PLATE or BRISKET CORNED BEEF, lb 8c PHILADELPHIA SCRAPPLE, pound 10c LOOSE SAUSAGE, our own make, lb 15c BLACK HAWK BACON, y2 lb. pkg..._ 10c FRESH CHOPPED HAMBURGER, 3 lbs 25c TENENBAUM'S COAL IS CHEAPER WITH US!! Tenth Anniversary Sale? LADlESTT.ArNNKL GOWNS .... Sale Price 29c Genuine I l i r l l l v U Pocohontas L.AWKS' FULL FASHIONED SILK HOSE .Sale Price 44c Pair CHESTNUT COAL $g.5O LUNCH CLOTHS, part linen, fast colors ._ 1_ Sale Price 19c — •-•• - - • • - . . — — ^ ^ ^ ^. t mi icr ton w»« LOOK FOU THK OKUTIFIUD CERTIFICATE ON ALL DI'U/IVERIKS ailLl)KEJ\'S HOSE ..... Sale Price 8c pair HOY'S KNICKKR HOSE Sale Price 12]/2« P»ir MEN'S SOCKS A Trial Will Convince You M!<NS ROOTS TIVOLI UNDERWEAR .... ..... Stile Price $1.15 Wo Si'll Only (iriiiU- A Quality Coal STOVK COAL NUT COAL PEA COAL HUCKW11KAT COAL per ton per ton per ton per ton $11.50 11.00 9.25 7.50 THESE AH 13 HEnuCEl) PRICES HOPPERS COKE - Sale Price 8c pair $11.00 per ton Full Size- COMFORTERS Sale Price $1.59 Mi-n's and Women's BATH ROBES ....... ..... Sale Price $1.59 Hoy"* Leallu-rette SHEEP LINED COATS .......Sn/r Price $1.95 Many More Bargains Too Numerous To Mention. Call and Convince Yourself Follow the Crowd to our Showroom A S H O R T Unit; ;ii:o, t i l t nuw P l y m o u t h Six was a s only o n l y :i rumor. r u m o r . TIodav o d ; i v i tt'ss ggetting etting inoru "talk" than any other car in town. It's a huge success S t u d l u n i k s . h u t is tin.' only c a r in t h e l o w - p r i c a l li.lil w i t h t h e ggreates reatest e nen Ami no wonder! It not onlv ha:: that "Inrui. car look" . . nor. only a ijrcat new six cyiinil(.v 'jnuinc not nnlv IKIS gineenm.', .'uivanci.' oi the limes—J'LOATIN(i FOWKK! Folks are /'living this new J'lymouth Six! With all those fascinating new features anil ilie fascinating new price—they Hydraulic Brakes .. . n u tonly h a sSafety- j u s t c a n ' 't hhe llp i t l Clu'stmiL Si7,0 Raritan Coal and Charcoal Co. Yiircl iind OITiiT: 111-11!) S. Second Street I'lionc P. A. 1-^01 r> PERTH AMHOY You it* Oi tiers I*'«r Iimm-dinte Deliver*' Dent. Store Known for Good Valur, Low Prices and Reliable Merchandise SOUTH BROADWAY PHONE 511 We (>iv(; and redeem Sh II Green Stamps Spotswood, N. J. Tel. Jamesburg 57-F-3 tntn SOUTH AMBOY, N. J., FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 18, 1932 Vol. 52. No. 35 Eightieth Anniversary Celebration by Members Of Christ Church Parish 0 After the Storm Price Four Cents Pi Many Seek Appointment to Uj City Offices Which Will Be Vacated New Year's Day First Services Here in Summer of 1833 in Small Wooden Building Close to Present Church Site—Parish Organization Meeting Held November 17, 1852— Present Edifice Started in 1858 Council Will Appoint City Solicitor, Engineer and I'olice Justice—Many Names Already Proposed—Mayorelect Mason Will Also Make Appointments to I Education and Works Boards REV. THOMAS A. C0NO\ £R WILL PREACH SUNDAY COUNCIL SET-UP LIKELY TO CREATE DISCORD BUSINESS MEN ALMOST SECURED NEWJFFICERS Now with election over, but by no At Christ Church on Sunday evemeans forgotten, the attention of loning, there will be a special service cal politicians is turned to the annual to mark the completion of eighty appointments of the mayor and counyears of active parochial life in the cil. city. The iproblem of considering posThe Rev. Thomas A. Conover of sible appointees to the office is being: Bernardsville will' be the' preacher pursued in earnest much earlier this on this occasion and a special musical year than heretofore, largely because* program will be sung by the choir Election Again Postponed This so many points will come up for conunder the direction of R. Burns Eg- Report of City~Treasurer Kress Time Until December 19th. sideration before any candidate is delinton, organist and choirmaster. A Would. Seem to Indicate That. cided upon. special effort is being made to have The Business Men almost had an The three principal appointments There were sharp words exchangevery communicant and all those who election when they met in McCloud's to be made by the council are City have been in any way affiliated with ed at the City Hall before the CounHall on Monday night. Solicitor, City Engineer and Polict* the life of this historical church at- cil got into session Tuesday evening. The election of a new staff of of- Justice, the most sought after ap-. And at least one member of 'the oftend the service. ficers has developed into one of the pointmonts within the gift of the maThe anniversary was commemor- ficial family of the City Fathers left most serious problems the members yor and council. ated Thursday morning with Holy the building in what looked like a of the association have had to conConsiderable thought will be given* "bad humor." Eucharist at 7:30. tend with, to every applicant before any decisFinances wove suspected lo bu lit The history of the church, like the When the date of election was set ion is made and there is certain to b© history of a number of other institu- the bottom of the difficulty. A look for a recent meeting, thu presidential considerable bickering before any potions in the city, is in a sense, close- at the report of Cilty Treasurer Kress campaign was at its height, and Al- sition is filled. ly connected with the history of the dated October Dlst, sustained tho befred K Smith, the "Happy Warrior" The set up of the city council is Camden and Amboy, America's first lief. So did a remark made by Counof tho Democratic party was schedulcilman T'riggs, another by Councilrailroad. ed to speak at Newark. No officer quite different from what it has been in some time and this fact alone will man Inman the next day. election was held that night for a maIt was before the year 1830 that jority of tho business men went to have considerable bearing on the deJohn C. Stevens one of those inter- The trouble, it appears, is a comliberations which will take place. Newark to hoar "Al." ested in the Camden and Amiboy bination of two or three principal The Republicans having gained an Railroad, established his 'residence in factors, and a host of minor ones. Then camo last Monday evening, additional councilman and a mayor South Amboy. His wife a zealous and Among the principal ithings is the to which tho election had been '.post- during the last elections are in a pocharitable church woman, ran a horse slowness of tax collections, tho dwinponed. President Elwood II. Brown sition where they will have considercar to Spotswood on Sunday in or- dling balances left in appropriation and his fellow officers felt certain able to say about the vacancies. der that those who so desired could accounts, the unexpected demands of that was the last meeting over which On the other hand, it is rather exthey would preside, and that a now attend services at St. Peter's chuTch the past, and the failure of anticipastaff of officers would bo selected be- pected that Councilmen Triggs and there. It is said however, that while ted revenues to materialize. Walczak will team up in their selecFor instance in the report of the fore the meeting camo to a close. quite a number availed themselves When the meeting was adjourned, tions. What attitude Councilmanof the transportation provided, mnny Treasurer, Mr. Kvoss, fo Se.pt. 30th, however, they found themselves still elect Manion will take in this direcof those who rode to Spotswood did the balance left in the police approin office, with no successors appoint- tion is somewhat of a problem. It is not attend services at St. Peters priation of $30,000.00 was $0,469. unlikely that Manion, a member of ed. In the report for October 31st, one Will Make Another Attempt to Unusual Assortment of Valuable Classes Will Be Held at School Church there. No. 2 Monday and Friday Af- The meeting was Igoing along fine- the wing of the Democratic party Merchandise Will Be DisplaySend Member on Way to Head Upon tlie death of Mrs. Stevens, month later, the balance had dropped ly and President Brown declared that which has opposed the old guard -will! Thomas A. Conover, a commodore in to $3,811. Expenditures for the monternoons. ed at Various Booths. of Department. an election was in order. Officers agree entirely with the selections thet the United States Navy came to this th came to $2,C48, ordinary subtracThe local chapter of the Red Cross were nominated and elected when one other two Democrats agree upon. Everything is In readiness for the city with his wife and established a tion indicates. And $2,048 was exact- Following up their declaration that Much of the discontent in the Demthat Councilman Inman they would ngain make an attempt to annual indoor bajsaar which is to be has received a large consignment of of the members rose to a point of orhome here. Mrs. Conover, who was a ly the figure g i a monthh ago have a member of their company el- held by the Sacred Heart Parish be- material which will be used by mem- der and declared that the officers ocratic party which resulted in the sister of Mrs. Stevens also became att a councilil session bitter fight in tho Third Ward, and!1 serving at present had been elected ected as second assistant chief of the bers of the chapter for the fabricaginning on Monday evening, and consaid average expended for greatly interested in the church and was the g p fire department, members of the Pro- tinuing unltil Thanksgiving night, tion of clothing for the needy of the to serve until January 1, 1933. A which impaired the efficiency of the, th this hi year. Unless l its wcrk. She gathered together at police per month recess was called, the minutes of the party throughout the city, can be diher home, a grouip of young children there is a curtailment of spending gressive Company at their meeting when it closes. The affair, which is city. Arrangements have been made for previous meeting referred to and the rectly traced to dissatisfaction over and besides giving them the rudi- for the police account either some- Monday night, endorsed Frank Hac- looked upon as An established insticontention of the protesting member appointments made last year and alkett, a member of the company as a the holding of sewing classes in tution in this city, will be held in the ments of an education, taught some body don't get paid, or fthe approSacred Heart Auditorium on Wash- School No. 2 on Fourth street every verified. Another attempt to elect leged promises which were not kept. of the truths of the Christian relig- priation will be overdrawn $1,485 candidate. "With such a glaring example of Monday and Friday afternoon and new officers will take place when a Hackett, Jong active in the affairs ington Avenue. ion. At this time South Amboy had at the end of the year. is held on Monday, December what unwise appointments may mean neither a school house nor church. The usual assortment of merchan- a general invitation has been exten- meeting The appropriation for Fire had a of Progressive Company and the city 19th. to party harmony before them, botbt In the summer of 1833, a small balance of $1186 on Oct. 1st; a bal- fire department, is one of the most dise stands, which have been one of ded to all women in the city to atwill look to the effect it will wooden building was erected in the ance of $1,072 for Nov. 1st. The ac- popular members of the company and the prominent features of the baz- tend these classes, Sewing machines Another effort will be made to have parties upon the organization before ?U again be offered, for the use of the workers have been a building code, long -sponsored by have a front part of the present church count owes $500 for water for the it is felt his endorsement will also nara in ithe past will members of other companies to and w(ll be in'cSafge "of-tHe" various* donated; more are needed and- the the business men,- adopted by the city any name is advanced for considerayard4>y the Camden and Amboy Rail- final quarter; and the • annual - com- cause behind him before the pnnual el- gioups* of the church. The merchan- committee would appreciate the use government. A committee consisting tion. road Company. In this building re- pensation to the local volunteer fire- get ection takes place on December Bth. dise will consist of divers articles of of two machines for the winter mon- of Ferd Tedesco, Leo J. Coakley and On the other hand there is the posligious services were held byy the Rev. men. This compensation Councilman g Although every other company in beauty and value, and is sure to ths in order to speed up the work. William S. Parisen was appointed sibility that the Republicans who hold! Inman claims will come to $1,92<>; who at that time was rec'.he city department has had a memA request has also been made that Mr. the whip hand in the veto power of Monday night to interview Mayortempt those who attend the affair. tor of St. Peter's at Spotswood. For Councilman Walczak claims that it a number of years his successor, Rev. will be somewhat loss than this sum h&r elected chief of the department, As a special feature the Young patterns of all kinds be forwarded elect Charles T. .Mason with a request the Mayor may upset the plans of th» has never had this honto the chapter. that he incorporate recommendations Democratic party" in the event am Joseph P. Phillips also conducted ser- because not all the firemen are en- Progressive bestowed on one of its members. Ladies Sodality will conduct a stand Officers of the organization report for the adoption oi a building code agreement is not reached between the? vices in this building. titled to a full year's compensation. or 'displaying attractive embroidery, Not only the members of the company party representatives because all apOn November 17th, 1852, a few The probable overdraft will be in ex- but those in other companies as well crochet and t'ahcy needlework. These that they expect within a short time in his message to the council, pointes will have to have the sanctions persons met in this building, which cess of $1,000—may reach toward feel that the Progressives should be articles.are always in great favor to receive a shipment of underclothof Mayor-elect Oharles T. Mason. ing, hosiery and similar articles of had been fitted up as a temporary $1,400. given recognition this year and the and should produce much interest. The office of Police Recorder, is ap(Continued on page eight) church, to consider the advisability The Parent Teachers stand will clothing from National Headquarstrong sentiment in this direction ters. parently the most sought after of any of forming a parish organization. would seem to point to Hackett's se-" contain articles donated by memof the three appointments to be made. Charles Pish was chosen chairman bers; This St. Cecelia's Society and lection. There are a host of aspirants for this of the meeting which formed a corthe Young Men's Athletic AssociaOne other candidate, Jerry Conpost and the picking will indeed b« poraiion called St. Stephen's Parish. tion will act as workers behind the nors, of the Protection Company, is difficult. Linwood Vnn Cleaf, former Mr. Fish and L. D. Morse, M. D. remaining stands. in the race thus far. police justice, is among those promwere lected wardens and Edwin R. Refreshments will be served each inently mentioned and it is know* Hanks, John C. Stevens, Abraham night in the lower dining hall, and that at least one of the Republican Everitt, John Sexton and Peter P. every night a large number of chick' Auxiliary to Institution Will members of the council will advanceVoorhecs wore elected vestrymen. D \ ens, geese and ducks are to be given his name for the appointment. ReuHold Election on Dec. 5th. L. D. Morse was elected. Parish Clerk away. On Wednesday evening a num ben Forgotsan, present encunibent, is: and Peter P. Voorhec* was elected ber of turkeys will 'be distributed so Both Will Be Held in High Many Local Members Plan to Next Tuesday has been set aside also being backed by a Democratic Clork of tho Vestry. that they may grace the tables of the School Auditorium for Milk Attend Session in Perth Am- as donation day for the South Am- member of the council. Edward J. In 18G5 Simeon C. Knickerbocker winners on Thanksgiving Day. boy Memorial Hospital in the var- O'Connor, a former councilman, and Fund. was chosen Lay Reader and appears boy. Free dancing -will be held every ious schools of ithe city. Donations at present justice of the peace, is alto have officiated in that capacity unnight with a large orchestra, well Two events planned to add to the Tonight Chaptei1 No. i, K. of C. of food stuffs will be collected by so being considered among the leadtil 1807. In that year the temporary known in this vicinity, furnishing of the Hospital Auxiliary ing Candida tes. chureh and graveyard were deeded to Put Back to Nov. 27th to Avoid the music. This affair will be the will meet in Perth Amboy. A large members So far, but two men lmve be*>n coiidelegation of'members from this city dii'ring the dny. Mrs. Herman Eultho parish by tho Camden and Am- ation are being arranged by the Publast of a social nature to be held Conflict With Anniversary ner heads the committee in charge of boy Rall'roiul Compnny. This build- lic School Parent Teachers' Associaunder church • auspices before the is expected to attend this meeting. this work and has announced that sidereJ for the appointment of City Service. tion. Solicitor. Leo J. Coakley, who preNext Tuesday evening at the K. ing served as the church until 1858 season of Advent, which begins soon. The first affair will be a puppett of C. Hall the local council will hon- all gifts will be gratefully received. viously served in this office, hns often when the present, stone edifice, known The postponement of the annual The committees are as follows: show to bo held on December Bth at She requests that all donations be been mentioned when the appointor the older members'of the council. as Christ Church, wns erected by Thanksgiving service of Joel Parker Committee on Stand*!.-Konatanty A fine program has been arranged sent to her or that she be nodded ment of a successor to Francis Coan Miss Gather B. Stevens, aistcr of the High School Auditorium. There Council, Jr. 0. U. A. M. has been Wisniewski, Louis .Ojpiola;; John J. was consifl<M-p(l. -Trvlm P. McGuire is by a committee headed by Thomas and donations will be called for. John C. Stevens, whose remnins are will be [performances in the after- announced. John Toniaszewsjsi, Jqlln Wal- Vail. The members of the Auxiliary arj the other aspirant, who is being given? buried in the family vault under the noon and evening. Last year, to raise The service, held annually upon Cross, czak, John Wilk, Josjepji jSzaro, Anmoney for the fund a puppet show busy with sewing for the hospital no little thought and when n mooting: Also, at "°.xt Tuesday's meeting chancel. It was first used for service? proclamation of the State Councilor G. Nebus, Anltoil W^feik, Frank the ilrawin; >r tho seven gold pieces nnd have been able by this means r,i was held recently to discuss this apon Enstc-r Day, April 4th, 1858, the wns held which netted a considerable of the order, was first scheduled for ton Tomaszewski, Louis .PJpsJtPiika, RoRov. C. S. Little of New'York of- sum and it is expected that the re- next Sunday evening, Nov. 20th, at man Malkiewicz, TheopKll Morcznk, will take pi^ct;. This will make it save a considerable sum from the pointment, he received the endorsement of one of the Democratic memnecessary for the members to have operating expenses. ficiating. The title to tlie property sults of a similar event this year will the First Baptist Church. Henry Malldewicz, IternaM KubisAt the nexft meeting to take pines bers of tho council. was not, conveyed to the (parish how- bo even more gratifying. Tho change of date until the fol- iak, Joseph Lagoda, Chester Sumin- their returns in before that time. The association's first venture in in ithe nurse's home on December 5t"n. ever until Jnmin'ry, 180U, A committee of the Knights and John Conlogue present City EngiAc fiekl of amateur theatricals is be- lowing Sunday, Nov. 27th, was made ski, John Kudclka, Thomas Kurznwa, tho Catholic Daughters have made th annual election of officers will be neer, will again occupy that office iff When tho stone church wns erec- ing in order that the Thanksgiving ser- Frank Strzalee, ' John . Jaskowiak. planned for to tnkc place at the held and the annual report will be arrangements for a benent»civrd parone of the Democratic members of thra ted the wooden building which for- High School Auditorium on Febm- vice would not conflict with the ser- Bernard Nowak, S. Miochiszewski, council can win his fellow cnurrcilmen merly served tho parish was movorl nry 2 and II, when n musical comedy, vices incident to tho celebration of Stanislaus iSzaro, Casinrh1 Szaro, ty ito be held the evening of Tuesday submitted. to his views. The other members of to tho northeast corner of the chureh 'The College Flapper," will be pre- the eightieth anniversary of Christ Chester Szymanski, George Grem- Dec, G at the K. Df C. rooms. The committee is comprised of Mrs, Fran- The next meeting of tho South the council that will hnn-l nut tho yaTil nnd Sunday School services sented by an amateur cast under (pro- Church. bowicz, Stanley Sieraeki, A. Flaga. cis P. Coan, Miss Catherine Geherty, Amboy Garden Club will be held on "plums" differ withe this view and woro hold thorp. The building was fessional direction. Miss Helen Lagoda, Miss Mary Mrs. Edward Noble, Mrs. John Kee- December 2 when the annual election are prepared to advance other names. also used for the parish school. Koscielniak, Miss Holon Krzyzkow- nan, Miss Mary Niekerson, James of officers will take place. Mrs. Jam- A. T. McMichaels who several years IN APPRECIATION On Juno 1!!, 1R00, when the Rev. ska, Mias Frances Nebus,s Miss Apo- Flanigan, Joseph Vail and Edward es Keating is chairman of the nomi- .,) served as City Engineer, hns tho IN APPRECIATION To the Citizens of South Amiboy. G, J. Hurton wns rector, the church To nil those who supported my canThe support accorded me at the lonia Kuc, Miss Wanda Stazyknlska, Sullivan. nating committee. backing of certain members of tho wns consecrated by Bishop OilenMiss Helen Oplola, Miss Cecilia NoThe committee of these two organinew council. Carl Wilbur, another lieimer. Tho present rectory wns built didacy for councilman from the Third polls on November 8th is thoroughly wnk, Miss K. Nebus, Miss Gertrude Wan! in the recent ejection, I wish appreciated. Mrs. Edward Hardy is confined o zations will also be assisted in thenlocal engineer, will also Ix? advanced during the same year. Nowak, Miss Joanna Flaga, Miss endeavors by the Lad'.es Axixiliary of her home on Second street with a for this office, and it is expected will to express my sincere thanks and as1' t will be my sincere endeavor <o In 18lifi, tho Episcopal Infant sure them thnt their efforts in my beslight illness. administer the duties of the office in Helen Pawlowski, Miss Helen Rucka, the Ancient Order of Hibernians. be the candidate of both Republican School, which is known ni< Christ half are greatly appreciated. manner that will merit your ap- Miss Julia Kulkouskn, Miss Beatrice coimcilmen. Church home wns built by Miss RoKlosek. SPECIAL PRICES MRS. MARY PRICK, probation. Equal interest is bcim; manifest in BENEFIT CARD PARTY lihie .Stevens, nnolhcr sister of John (Continued on page eight) CHARLES T. MASON, on Heaters and Furnaces at Monagtlie apTwinltments of Mayor-elect MaC. Stevens. Management of the FOR NEEDY FAMILY son, who will name two members of STOVES hnn'u. Got them in stock. Monsgschool was vested in the hands of a A benefit card party for n needy han on David Street, rear of First the Board of Public Works and a board of trustees, who in the year Don't buy one until you tee th'« member of the Bnnr:l of Education. family will he held on next Tuesday National Bank. 188fi, t'rnnsferral their trust to n lino Monnglmn hns. Tho prices will 9-30-121 Mr. Mnson has indicated, that he has evening at the home of Mirs. Jane corporation bearing the nnme, Christ •urpriie you. David St. near Fir'l PROCLAMATION arrived at no decision concerning llaynes of Rosewell street. All of Chureh Home. The Merco Automatic Oil Burner, these matter'; and it is hardly likely National Bnnk. 9-30-12> the popular games will be in piny and In January 1802, tho present parTo the people of the City of South Amboy: many beautiful prizes are to be henting unit we aro proud to lell that any intimation of his nppointish building wns erected by Miss This year marks the 51st anniversary of the foundawarded to winners. Miss Knthcrinc and one you will be proud to own. lents will be made until close to tho Safety, dependability and low fuel Caroline Conover, sister of R. S. Kelley will act ns chairman of the |G. T. Wilhelm, distributor, 228 First time ho nnd tho new council takes over ing of the American Red Cross and the completion of Conover nni! ppresented to the ppnri»h com make iho Merco the bout Oil Adv. tho affairs of the city. affair, and in addition to the oithe>' St., Phono S. A. 292. Hentor investment you can malic. more than a half century of humanitarian service. Durfor a .Sunday school and parish inducements, has arranged to serve G. T. Wilhelm, distributor, 228 First school. ing these years, the Red Cross has proved itself not only delicious refreshments. St., Phone S. A. 292. Adv. (Continued on page eight) a practical instrument of mercy, but it has renewed and Monnfthnn enrrics n >toclc of Reinvigorated our spiritual life. NOTICE TO DELINQUENT TAXPAYERS pair* for Stoves and Hcntcrs. Dimd Within the next few weeks every citizen will be afSt., near Broadway. Tel. 253. Notice is hereby Riven that the list of delinquent forded an opportunity to join in a countrywide recogni9-30-12t TO THE CITIZENS OF SOUTH AMBOY: i A S II FINANCES THAT CAUSED SHARP WORDS AT 01V HALL? RED CROSS WILL PROGRESSIVES BACK INDOOR PARISH SEW GARMENTS FOR FRANK HACKEH FOR ASSISTANT CHIEF MONDAY EVENING N E M OF CITY Local Parent Teachers Plan Puppet Show And Musical Comedy CHURCH SERVICE IS POSTPONED BY JUNIOR ORDER On Thursday, November 17th, the annual Membership Drive of the Red Cross began in,-South Amboy. We must all work for this worthy cause this year more than ever before if our less fortunate fellow men in South Amboy are to be taken care of during the coming Winter months. \Me earnestly solicit your cooperation in this work of mercy. JOHN J. TR1GGS, General Chairman. tion of this service through participation in the annual roll call. In the present emergency resulting from the depression and accompanying unemployment the demands on this agnecy have been increased many fold. It is essential that there shall be an unusually generous response to the annual roll call in order that the Red Cross may effectively meet this latest demand. T feel certain that the people of this municipality will meet the situation in characteristic fashion. ALFRED T. KERR, Dated November 17, 1932. Mayor. COUNTY"CHAPTER K.OFC. MEETS THIS EVENING PUBLIC NOTICE Because of Thanksgiving Day, the regular collection of Garbage will be dispensed with on Thursday, November 24th. JAMES J. GALLAGHER, Street Commissioner. Hospital Donation Day In Local Schools Tuesday of Next Week taxpayers of properties in the City of South Amboy has been completed and a Tax Sale will be published in The Smith Amboy Citizen in the/issue of NOVEMBER 25TFI, lm This notice will give ample opportunity to those desiring to clear up their taxes, and in this way avoid the necessary additional costs of publication, etc. MAKY PACZKOWSKA, Collector of the City of South Amboy. THE SOUTH AMBOY CITIZEN PACE TWO FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 18, 1932. Ironsides Doubled ST. MARYS COMES Phantoms Failed HIGH SCHOOL AGAIN Local Schools To Scare Musicians Up Score on Cross In Annual Battle THROUGH TOWIN FINISHES ONSMALL Lagoda Topped Winners River Land Company Next Saturday! J N CLOSING PERIOD Uuster END OF SCORE With Seventeen Points. Of Saturday's Game With St. 3 IT«ud)downs in Closing Stages St. Mary's Picked for Easy VicThe Boys Band of the Sacred Locals Have Booked Patrick's of Newark. tory Over Purple and Gold. Strong Teams for Heart parish pushed the Phantoms lof (Game Beat Purple and Games. (Gold. Tomorrow at St. Mary's field; In the last few minutes of play, over the ropes in a recent battle to the schoolboy battle of the season will in a hard fought game here Satur- | hang up their second win of the sea- Wiib the season rapidly drawing t o a Jilese, South Ainboy High School grrid team .still has something to look Sorward to—their first victory. Again on Saturday the wearers of t h e Purple and Gold returned to fcown defeated. Their sixth trouncing was administered by Manasquan High, 18-0. At tlie outset it looked as though i t was the local's 'gumv, they were leading by a touchdown margin. In the second quarter the Pnin,pka lads' received the ball on Manas•quan's forty-five yard line. Prnsnal o n the first play got away and carried the ball 15 years before he was checked. On the next play, Eckert "went through left tackle for 22 yds. a n d a first down. Then from the t w o yard line Prasnal went through center and over the stripe for a touchdown. In the middle of the third quarter 4ho tide changed in favor of the Monmouth county gridmen. To op« n the period, Manasqunn received a n d marched to the locals forty-five y a r d line. Rushes by Ross and Ri. d i e brought the oval to the five yari m a r k . For three downs the loca' t e a m prevented additional yardag fcut on the next play there was a la t e r a l pass from Todd to Ross, tha resulted in a touchdown. Ross's interception of a pass "the forty yard line iput his team o t h e way to another toushilown. Ros and Riddle advanced the ball to tli "ten-yard line and from there Ros •carried it over. The third touehdow -was scored in the fourth quarte1 •when Riddle grabbed an Amboy pa •on the thirty yard line and afte Crassdorf ran it to the ten yard lini EOSB pushed it over. The line-ups: MANASQUAN SO. AMBO Suhjac C Todd left end Chafey Buchana left tackle Corlin Buadlt left guard Woi-men Jensei center Monri3 Nebui right guard Hartsast Dobrynsk right tackle Schaeffer Inma right end H . Todd Eckeri quarterback "Ross Morga: left halfback Trasbors Stadei right halfback Prasna! Kiddle fullback Score by periods: Maiwisquan 0 0 12 6—1 South Amboy 0 6 0 0— Touchdowns: Ross 2, Riddle, Praa nal. Substitutions—South Amboy Xeone, left guaTd; Ford, risrht guard Tteferee—Da-vris, Springfield. . Heai' 1iinesman, Conklin, Bucknell. son by a score of 33-24, in a game take place when South Amboy High day, victory came to St. Mary's i played last Saturday afternoon at School ami St. Mary's High School High School opposing St. Patrick's the Sacred Heart court. The Bandscome together in the closing game of High School of Elizabeth. The teams had millted around men grabbed off an early lead and their schedule. There is little of the accustomed (luring the first three quarters and were never headed. Buster Lagoda enthusiasm for this local autumn the greater part of the fourth and it topped the winners with seventeen classic that is usually evident, since looked as though they were working | points, while H. Morgan caged eight j counts for the Phantoms. the oJils ,are all in favor of the St. toward another no-score game. The box score: The local gridders staged their la Mary's team which has made a fairly G '.? Tl credible showing and has developed attempt to push the ball over tli Boys Band 4 0 8 during tin? season from a mediocre invader's goal when they receive' Kolodziejski, f E. Lagoda, f 8 1 17 eleven into an outfit skilled in all de- the ball on St. Patrick's 40 y a r 2 0 4 partments of the game and capable line. Smith and Kobrynski led th Grembowicz, c 0 0 0 of offering real opposition to any attack that brought two first dowr Zrebiec, g 1 0 school boy team representing a school in rapid succession. Several plunj Plaskonka, g 1 0 of its size. es through the line brought the ba Jankowski, g to the 17 yard line. On the other hand, Coach Primpka Total ' 16 1 33 has hakl no end of trouble with his Then St. Patrick's stiffened an G F Tl squad. He started off the season with three attempts by St. Mary's to g Phantoms 1 0 2 little material to work with and through were unsuccessful. On th M. Howard, f 1 0 2 this coupled with the fact that no lo- final play Kobrynski received an B. Troyano, f 2 0 4 cal field was available for the practice hurled the ball into the air. It Ian/ Nelson, f 1 0 2 sessions, started the team off at con- cd in the arms of McNearney sevei Meinzer, c siderable of a handicap. 4 0 8 teen yards further down the fiel H. Morgan, g Popcye, g 3 0 6 The season for the Purple and Gold j and the latter tore over the goal liiv has been 1just one defeat after an- for six points. An attempt b; other an^ it was not until last F r i - Fleming to gain the extra point wa Total 12 0 24 day when they stacked up against unsuccessful. the Freehold team that the outfit The line-ups: succeeded in crossing an opponent's ST. MARY'S ST. PATRICK' goal line. Hensberger Oppenhei On till sides it is conceded that next left end Saturday's game will be a sone sided Balbnck Moori contest "with St. Mary's on the big left tackle en'il. McCran Nebus left guard Kearn<! Bithey Jack's Ranch Victims In First center Scoit Wallace Win. ' right guard The Sacred Heart Collegians made Cznrnial McNearney it. two in a row last week, downing right tackle Marti the Holy Trinity quintet of SayreWol ville by n count of 30-12, and nosing right end Primiati out' Jack's Hunch of South River in Coan another battle. The box score of the Loss of Several Veterans Will quarterback Zac! Holy Trinity game follows: Give Eppinger Much Concern Smith left halfbnck S H Collegians Ci F Tl Kilbb; C. Szaro, f .. 2 1 One of the longest and most ardu- Powers right halfback Hrankowski, 1 0 ous basketball schedules ever carded Morro\' S. Szaro, f .. by a Blue and Gold quintet has been Kobryznski 2 2 J. Pohl, c .... fullback 3 0 arranged, for Charlie Eppingar's K. Hyan, e ... 1 2 courtsters this year by Graduate Score 'by periods: 0 0 0 G—i Jaskowiak, 1 0 Manager of Athletics, Joseph Vail, St. Mary's .... 0 0 0 0—f C. Pohl, g ~ 2 1 and St, Mary's court fans will be St. Patrick's treated to some honeyed basketball Touchdown: MjcNeamoy. Substl tutions: St. Mary's, White, righ during the winter months. All in all, Total 12 6 30 twenty-six games have been booked, end; Fleming, quarterback; oBatty Holy Trinity G F Tl and with the State and Trenton Dio- left tackle; Chonsky, right guard Eppinger, f 2 2 6 cesan Tournament games added in, it St. Patrick's: Home, loft tackle; Kupp, f Oil appears a s though the .locals will p a r - McNamara, right end; Havlen, lefi Zyskowski, c 0 0 0 ticipate in close to thirty-five battles. halfback. Popowski, g 0 0 0 Referee: Van Derveer, Navy Quinn, g .„ The features of the schedule are a 2 1 5 home and home affair with St. Bene- Umpire, Flnnnijjan, Utah; Hea dicts of Newark, State Class A Prep Linesman, Manhattan, Lehigh. Total 4 4 12 School title holders, and a home Referee: Jankowski. game with Regis High of New York City. The Regis team is coached by Ba.be Hurley, former Fordham UniRESTORER OF YOUTH versity center who was forced to turn to coaching following professionalism charges two seasons past, and is one of the best schoolboy out- Archie Urbanik, High Scorei fits in the game. Last year the ReAgainst St. Stephen's. gians defeated the locals by one point. lEnjoying, or rather, not enjoyin. Other frays which will be eagerly awaited by local court fanatics are a grand and glorious "off" night, thi the Blue and Gold's annual series Scarlet-Clad Basketeers r e p r e s e n t s with the Purple of Amboy High, the the Sacred Heart Club of this cit; Cathedral battle and the Perth Am- dropped a 28-18 decision to t h boy Catholic grudge warfare. New- speedy Saint Stephen's quintet at th< cross river court on Sunday night, comers to the schedule are Bayle'y Evidently having left their "shooting Prep of Morristown, Immaculate eyes" safely locked up in th< lonception of Montclair, St. Mary's closet, home the Hearts missed twenty^ of Rutherford and Good Counsel of four (count 'em) free tries at th' Newark. hooip. "Elppie," who has led the locals to heights for the past decade, The poor shooting marred an otherWill Serve as Clearing House for great will have his hands full this year, wise excellent floor game put up by All Fish, Game and Wild Life as the loss of several-veterans by Frankie Zdaniewicz' contingent, and Problems. ;raduation and discontent will neces- it was not until the final period thai itate his filling in some dangerous the Saints drew away from the lo•Farmers, sportsmen and conser- gaps. Veterans not available this cals, caging eleven counts againsl vationists of New Jersey h w e sot up / o a r are Bill Dowling, Honny Leon- two for the Hearts. Most of the last B new organization in the interest of a'rd, Rip Coan and Frank Conroy. In period points made by the Saints better hunting, fishing and conserva- is building process, E p has a good were long tosses, which produced retion of wild life in New Jersey and oundation in Sweets Jankowski, Ed- sults undoubtedly because of their better cooperation between farmers ic Fleming and Bernic Hensberger. familiarity with the court. a n d sportsmen. It was formed at a Experienced substitutes of last Archie Urbanik carried off high Dr. tlelan .Inworsltl of Paris, who recent meeting in Trenton and will ienson who will wage hot fights for scoring honors for the Hearts with h e known as The Wild Life Council wsitions on the varsity are Eddie five points, and Johnny Zdaniewicz Has conducted a series of successful of New Jersey, with representatives 'owers, Tom Fitzmorris, Bun Bud- ran a close second with four counts rejiinevallon operations by rniusfusfrom the following stitte-wide organl ink and Smith. But Eppie is not For St. Stephens, Stretch Kreiger, the Dluod of young men tntii the nations: icssimistic by any means. He has lenirthy and lanky, New Brunswick .elns of aged patients without resortState Grange, Farm Bureau, Now itated t h a t he has produced winners center, totalled eight points and Koz- ng to surgery. He will visit this J e r s e y Fish and Game Conservation jeforo and intends to do so again, olowski accounted for ten. Toby Ryan •mmtry at tho Invitation of lending League, New Jersey Audubon So- ided and abetted by or in spite of and Eddie Ferguson contributed dentists. ciety, New Jersey State Trapshoot- he excellent "Gallagher's Coaching snaipny floor games, and Horse J a n inB Association and New Jersey Corporation" ndvicc which usually kowski wns stopped cold, missing lllbscribe to tlie Citizen—Get the real newa •nakes itself prominent when the shots from all portions of the floor. -State Skect Shooting Association. A committee on organization, con- finds begin to blow, the stove bc- Horse, watched closely by Gene9kl, .BJBting ot Harry E. Taylor, secre- ins to glow, the snows begin to never got set. This was one of the tory of the Farm Bureau, and Robert now, nnd the boys are minus dough. bier reasons why the locals could not The schedule: pet started on n scoring snree. The Tewalt, secretary of the New Jersey TTrnrts looked classy in spite of the S^ish and Game Conservation League, submitted n general plan of policy ov. 23, home, St. Michaels (J. City) defeat and are slated for a good year. ov. 28, home, St Patrick's (Eliz.) Wes Hanson handled the whistle and and procedure, which was unanimouskept the game interesting, not tootly adopted. It sots forth that the oc. fi, home, Jersey City Prep. ice. in, away, St. Benedicts Prep ing it every five seconds "a la F a t Council shall "servo as a clearing Diibin." ihouse for nil lish and gunw and wild >ec. 2.1, nwny, So. Amboy High ice. 28. away, St. Mn'rys (Itulhfd). The line u p : Jife .'problems uH'ci'liuy; its aU'iliatou organizations and individuals inter- ec. 30, home, Cathedral Sacred Hearts (18) G F Tl. ested in these subjects" and that it nn. 2, away, Tiayley (Morristown). Zdaniewicz, f 1 2 4 shall work for legislation helpful to mi. fl, away, St. Rose (Bclmar) 2 5 A. Urbnnlk, f 1 its purposes and foster good will and nn. (i. away, Immac. Con. (Montcl'r) Bnranowski, c 0 1 1 reciprocity between the fanners and an. 10, homo, St. Benedicts 0 1 1 all. in. home Invmnc. Con. (Trenton) Ferguson, g Uit> sportsmen luid conservationists. Ryan, g 1 0 2 nn. 17, home, P. A. Catholic It will also pursue a careful study Jan. 20. away, St. Patrick (Elizab'th) R.' Urbanik, g 0 1 1 of conditions surrounding wild life in New Jersey uml advocate a com- Jan. 21, homo, Regis (New York) (1 18 Totals 6 prehensive program of game produc- .Tan. 2'1, away, St. Peters St. Stephens (28) G F TI tion, vermin control, leasing or pur- Jan. 27, home. St. Rose 1 Lakomnki, f 4 2 chase of game lands and leasing jf Jjin. 31, away, Immnculnto (Trenton) Cteneski, f 0 0 0 hunting mid (ishing privileges and Fob. H, home, P. Ambny Catholic Raul, f 1 0 2 work for legislation which will make Full. R. home, Biylov Kreiger, c 2 8 New Jersey "u pluce of undi'siniuV Fell. 10. homo. SI,. Peters Ewart, g 2 0 4 resort for poachers, lmrunuiders and Fob. 10. home, St. Peters Kosolowski, g 3 4 10 predatory pothunters of all doscrip- Pel,. 11. home. Good Counsel (N'w'k) Feh, 11. nwny, Cathedral tions." 10 8 28 "oh. 17, homo, South Amhnv Thorh'n Tail, toniicr Mayor of Feb. nwny, Onnr! routiRol (N'nrU) Metuehen was elected chairman; Feb. 21. homo, Tmmne. Con Tl Henry W. Slelwngon of Ocean City, vice chninnnn; Mr. Tcwalt, secretary Feb. 28. homo. Rt. Mnrys (Ruth'rfd) nnd (!eorge J. Koock of Morris \ji—i \1 Combination IPInins, treasurer. David II. Agnus, L i Action at Niagara IMnster of the Stiito (Ji-ann-o, ami At the Whirlpool .•ii[ilil:i, at Niagara, Living Room, William C. Spnrgo, president of the tlie velocity u" the stream Is over 28 Bed Room-' F a r m Bureau, were unable to In- mil™ per hour. T h e c r e s t s of the present but sent word by Mr. Taylor waves nre ni'ton III foi-t aliove the WWi B*Hi *«4 IINHVMMI t h a t they were heartily with the new level nt. the elites. The whirlpool Is Han Styim movement and ready to back it up in the best uf their ability. Both are a little more Hum ;|:.i miles frcm) the $C.OO members of the opernting committee llnrxcshiio fiills. Men; tlio river rushes into nn elhow wilh Irt'iiiendntis force oE the council. Heart Collegians Made it Two in Row Against Holy Trinity St. Mary's Courtmen Will Have Long Season With Many Battles Mnny lionic an "in shorn Mr wool i h " m ••>I,-.W mm conn -CP-M •nfc-i Hotel Walnut Park Plaza PHILADELPHIA^ MORE ROCKEFELLER DIMES CALL SAVES FAMILY FROM FIRE John I). Kockofpller Im.i had hln A leliipliiini! ciill Hiived tho J. H. •winter lioino In Florida oi|ulji|ioil with Ware. TuinHy, of Atlnntn, (in,, from .tho Intnst tyim of renlilonco private lieliig hurneil to (loath one >m>rul:m .' branch VXCIIIUIKO, HO that hla Florida I'Gi'unllr. Mrc. Ware WIUI arousei! from ; homo now lilts I ho mnul i !ri u tyiio 1 Ot toloplinno fncllltlus. Whon tho Job nound sleep by tlio pernlntcnl iiii^lm , of her tolenhiiiic. Him unswnreil It and irau cumiiluliiil, Mf. Rooltnfoller [iro.nontcJ tho plnrt chlof and each ot tho found It wna a nolKhhor who I old her, tlnstnllora who had licon working uti "Your lioutio la on tiro! Hun! I already > thd job wllli ahlny uuw tllmeu. tutv* nailed the flro department." 666 3 days. C60 SALVE for HEAD COLDS. Most Speedy Kcniedics Known The Radio Hospital Rush Calls Our Specialty! IS years experience. Phone call brings an expert for any job from a tube replacement to a complete overhaul. Lowest Price* in State! Sun Air Oil Barner A. G. NEBUS Plumbing and Heating 106 North Broadway Telephones 170 and 503 108 BROADWAY PHONE 5 6 7 Rait It Enentlal The t-ltylInn of earth life In Rloir; autumn nnd winter nrn ns essential to It aa Hprlng anil Hummer, nnd rent la aa essential us million. A hupp? lift must be to a prent extent a :iule,t life, for It Is only In nn almnspltoro of qulel that true Jov eiin live.- •liiTlrund Ilus •ell. FOR YOUR ELECTRICAL NEEDS CALL S.A.97 JOHN S. DOOLING The ideals of our forefathers were never more real, more far-reaching, more inspirational than they are today. As we look back upon so rich a heritage, let us go forward with new courage, strength and confidence. This Bank Will Not Be Opened All Day, 316 HENRY STREET Thursday, November 24th THANKSGIVING DAY Radio Repairs On All Makes Done Promptly Aad At Reasonable Prices * ^ ^£2'* * *• <' 1 ~A*'*"* on't do THERE IS ONLY ONE 5-STAR MOTOR OIL and IT COSTS NO MORE: THE "JESSO" OF MOTOR FIRST NATIONAL BANK SOUTH AMBOY, N. J. NEW VALUE In 11 iKtrlliwi'slerly iHreetlmi, lint has n> Mini In a iiiirllii.iistoi'l.v dlrwllim, anil tlie linpiii't or ihest" Iwn c u r r e n t s IIH"'I|IIL' Conns' ill" nilnrv miiviMin'iit, Irogrestive ColouisU An attempt to manufacture Iron wai made by the Vlrginlu colony, near Jamestown, ns early as tho year 'ttSM, LIQUID - TABLETS . SALVE Checks Colds first day. Headaches or Neuralgia in 30 minutes, Malaria in Some Future The Ironsides, a strong local senior football team traveled to Perth Amboy last Sunday, where the Land Company of the cross river city bowed before the locals 12-C. The Ironsides opened up shortly after the starting gun, when Steve Check slanted off tackle for thirty-five yards and a touchdown. In the second period the locals increased their lead when Applegate snared a forward pass and sprinted fifty yards for a score. The Land Company came back in the last quarter with a sustained march which netted them a touchdown, but the locals braced and warded off all further threats. The Ironsides, by virtue of their excellent showing, have booked some strong outfits in the next few weeks and lots of action is promised. Coaching the Ironsides is Leo Barrett, who formerly gained considerable experience with the Fort Benning, Georgia, Wildcats, where he performed with the crack service team of that outfit. The lineup: Ironsides Land Co. LE Inman Tachez LT Zrebiec Witczak LG Stader Christian C Collucci Jensen RG Trcemore Applegate RT Zamorski Griffi.i RE Alpplegato Anderson QB O«cnr Post U f Check Doiickson U1I .Tasluiwink Chappin FH Knzmicrski Juicy Substitutions: Ironsides: Opiola for Colmvi, Zamorski for Tree-more; ITnrrlx for Jasknwink. Land Co., fJurtiisMon frvr Post, Tlanev for Dorickson, Milken for Witczak. Eye Trouble Keeps Sacred Hearts From Victory Sun. New Organization's Object Is To Protect Wild Life of State A» In Some Ljindt And In Australia another explorer found another tribe, the men of which speak tu grunts all the ttme, not merely at breakfast when they are rending the morning paper.—Boston Her'ild. OILS—HYDROFINED ^ < > ' ^ THEI SOUTH AMBOY CITIZEN FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 18, 1932. STATE AND COUNTY Radically New Line ITEMS OF INTER1ST of Chevrolet Cars to PAGE THREE New York's Jewels of the Night NEW JERSEY'MOTOR VEHICLE^! Red Cross lo Enlisl Great Army of Members lo Fight Distress Appear Next Month, Taxpayers Will Investigate Iluroiiijk Last year 4.0U-1 .-t&!» uien anil woFinanri'x IDLMI joined ttie AimTican Red Croaa A writ of eertioi'ari authorizing as members during MIL1 annual roll an investigation into the finances of New Scries Will He Fifth of Six call. ArmlHtlru Day to ThanksgivCylinder Cars. the borough of Fort Lee with special ing D.iy A peace-time arin^ CTVD reference to money trauracUnus inJJetioit, .Mich.—That a radically] greater than this will be needed volved in the construction of the in l!i::L'-!!:i to support anil carry an Palisaides Gardens ini|>i-ovciiu'iit in new line of Chevrolet passenger cars I the nationwide relief work of the the borough from floating a ?1,-would be introduced next month was Red Cross. There are 3.(i39 Red 843,000 bond issue was granted by iniade known officially here by \V. S. : Knud-'cn, president and general manCross Chapters and they hava Supreme Court Justice Pinker to ager of the Chevrolet Motor Cointaxpayers livintr in the Gardens. 10,000 branches. new series will be the fifth The proceedings were started be- 'pnny. The Chevrolet model to employ a cause the final ordinance calling for !'annual six cylinder engine, the first volume the floating uf tlie bonds covering 'Chevrolet Six having been announcthe cost of the improvement which, ed in November, Since that according to the complaint, was thetime, building sixes1928. exclusively, the We ask you, in this busy period To tho Motorists of New Jersey: actual cost of the improvement. (company manufactured nearly 3,000,I of«the yt'ai', :mU at a limo when we At any time, now, you may pro;000 units. are to conserve every posMark Birtliiiluco of Famous Sailor cure your drivers' licenses and reg- sibletrying dollar In the Interest of th« The birthplace of Captain Rich- I A longer wheelbase, extensive istration plates for 1933. On andmotorists, I changes in body design, and a price to bear with us, and to ard Somers, one of South Jersey's after December 15th, It is legal to [cooperate by going to the nearest most famous characters in history, j which takes account of today's inuse them. ; j comes" are promised in the 1933 car. agency, at the earliest possible mohas been marked by a stone recently Every year we have found that ment, for your license and plates placed by the Children of the Amer- The extended wheelbase, coupled with thousands of motorists wait until ; Invariably, the only complalnta many improvements in the body, in ican Revolution at Somers Point. tho closing days of the year to ob-we receive, come from motorist! performance, economy, power, -safety Captain Somers only 25, lost his and other factors, indicate a model tain their licences and plates. This who have wnltcd until the last few life before Tripoli on September 4 much works to their disadvantage—and days of the year, and who then crltimproved over the present line, ours. 1804, when he was credited with and set at rest rumors current in | lclze the fact that they have to having deliberately blown up his trade circles that the new Chevrolet Tho Department of Motor Ve- ' stand In the cold In a waiting line, ship Intrepid, in an effort to destroy would be a "stripped" model designhicles tries to give to tho motorists ' or are jammed up In an agency the Barbaivy pirate fleet. He was aed to meet the bare needs of transof the state the best possible ser- that does not give them the prompt Bat. V. B. Pit. OI. close friend of Stephen Decatur. vico within the limitations of Its and courteous service they feel en* portation. ' appropriations. The compensation titled to. I am sure you will agree, First Woman Elected in Burlington From an economic standpoint, the of our Agenta, who serve you In thoIn view of the fact that the law has various communities, 1B very mod- beon amended so that they may seIn Over Two Hundred Years Chevrolet announcement has nationest, and they are obligod, at their cure their plates and licenses durView of the central part of New York city at night, taken from the sevMiss J. Margaret Warner, 25 yrs al significance in that the company of age, a Republican was elected lo leads all other manufacturers in the own expense, to secure additional ing the two months' prior to the entieth floor of tho R. C. A. building In Rockefeller Centre now under conhelp to take care of tho "last minatructlon. closing of the year, that these coma seat on the Burlington council at largest industry in the world. This is ute rush" that Inevitably occurs. plaints are unjustified, and deserve the recent election. She was the first one of the major contributions made scant sympathy. woman ever to seek or win public of- by any American company this year In New Jersey wo have noarly a fic during the 255 years of that to national betterment in terms of million cars to be registered, and Please help us to help you, by getcity's existence. She received five employment and materials consump 1,250,000 drivers' llconses to Issue. ting your plates now, and by putmore votes than her opponent of tion. Nearly 50,000 of the new 1!):S3 You can Imagine that the prepara- ting them on your car on December the opposite sex. tion and execution of the forms, tho lBth. series, valued in excess of $20,000,Sincerely, Insurance- of plates, and the filing of The successful candidate is a 000, will be required for dealers' antho proper records, IB a tremendous newspaper woman who has also stu- nouncement purposes alone, and tile JEDDO-HICIH.AND COAL, because task. In splto of this, tho cost of died law, although she has never manufacture of at least that numof Us premium quality and exmotor vehicle administration In practiced. She is a graduate of theber is assured within the next few ceptionally en refill preparation* New Jersey Is but |1.19 per ear, the Burlington High School and studio' weeks, Mr. Kundson said. This output lowest of any Department In the law at the University of Pennsyl- will entail the consumption of more Is worth much more than ordiUnited States furnishing comparvania. than 50,000 tons of iron and steel, nary fuels. To be sure that you nhlo servtaa. and the use of large quantities of the get the genuine product, the Radburn Men Will Take Care of thirty other major commodities which Jcddo-IIighland Cool Company Widows go into the production of a new Chevissues the famous Jeddo'HighHuge Task of Nurset Men of Radburn have banded to- rolet Six, Mr. KnudKen stated. Wonderful African Fnilt lanil Certification Slump*. gether in an organization known as Aside from economic consideraThe elm HI M of Victoria fulls, on the "The Slen of ftauburn", iov the fi-tions, he said that Chevrolet was Rail Cross public health nurses, who When a cur of coal leaves the nancial assistance of widows of embarking on its 19.'!.'! program work In hundreds of communities, are 7nmliozl rlvor In northern Ithddcsln, South Afrlcii, Is only about ono-linlf mines, enough * I amps to cover members of the organization. Ar- shortly the company felt it mooting the greatest demands In lila- IIH wide IIH Iluii of Nlupirn, hut more the tonnage arc forwarded to rangements will-be made for ^thewas goodbecause business and thnt satisfac- tory for their services, duo to tho do- tlum twice iht> rt<']ith. The liolplit of maintenance of a lund OJ. about the dealer. He, in turn, attache* tory sales volume would reward any prosslon. Visits In maternity cases, for payment to surviving wives of desirable product rightly ipriced and Victoria full* M 'J.'li feet nt the rlcht to your delivery ticket one stamp) protecting tho health of Infants and deceased members. for each ton of Jcddo-Highlanbi ably merchandised. Obscrvnnce of children, and aiding mothors In dis- bnnk nnd IM.'t feel In the center. The The object of the club is to pre-this policy during the past three Aiiiprlcnn full of Nhiemi Is MOD feet you receive. * sent a sum of money equal to $1 foryears brought Chevrolet a constant- tress duo to unemployment of the lironil nml i>l"i fi-i'l hlttli. while tho For your protection, alwayseach memoer to the widow or other ly increasing percentage of total broad-wlnnors have ifiken thorn Into rmiiKllmi or Horseshoe full Is 2,(iOO dependent after a member of the or-available automobile business, and in thousands of homes. Tho nurses made feet broml nnd l.Vi feel Mgh, order Jed<Io*IIighland by name ganization dies. Kqpresntatives of 1932 placed it in the most favorable 1,357,000 visits to or on behalf of Indiand insist upon receiving one viduals, and Irapocted 049,000 school the club said they feel the imme- comparative position it has ever enof the certification stamps for Tho host pnrCon uf n good mnn'p diate financial assistance from such joyed in its 21 year history, he poin- children. Moro than G8,000 adults wore every Ion delivered. They area> source, could be accepted by su--ted out. Instructed In homo hygleno and care life—his r llltlc, nameless, unromemyour assurance that you are reviving members of families without of tho sick. herod nr s nr kindness nnd of love. In this three year period the comhesitation or a sense of obligation. ceiving pure Jeddo-lltghUa<£ pany's .plants, although on curtailed Coal — concentrated, economiCigar Box Was Ballot Box in schedules, .never once closed for a PACTS have a way of lending themselves to cal heat. continuous shutdown exceeding thirAtlantic City days, and then only during the misleading interpretations. Whether your . Jeddo-TIighland is the purest,* At the recent general election, 31,- ty annual unterval between 220 citizens voted in Atlantic City regular longest-burning anthracite business is measured in hundreds or millions, out of old models and introand thus established u record for closing mined in America—always uniduction of new ones. the facts affecting your line are worth just as that city. form. It burns steadily, withi Formal announcement of a new The heavy voting recalled election much study and consideration. Our officers little attention from you. ProTradition has it that day in 1S54. That year, when the six prior to the actual showing of duces minimum ash. At it& car was made possible for Chevare always available for a friendly discussion, city was incorporated, there were as the Thanksgiving calls for rolet this year, Mr. Knudsen explainpresent low price you can effect many names on the ballot as there ed, and our information files are open for your use. because an unexpected and susTurkey. Thanksgiving real economics by ordering ft were voters. tained upswing in sales extending year's Bupply now. Eighteen persons were eligible to Turkeys frfesli front August to October brought a vote and there were IS offices to befrom depletion of field stocks much quicknearby farms, tender and filled on May 1, the first election er than anticipated. The result is day. A cigar box was used for bal-that outstanding stocks of 1932 cars delicious. All kinds of lots. It was "locked" with a strip of in dealer's hands are less than three Fowl will be found in OUT yellow tape. A hole was cut in thoper cent—the best "clean up" the lid to permit the insertion of the company has ever had. Used car market at reasonable slips, stocks also nre at the lowest numeriprices. point since 192B, when the ChevBankers Claim Hoarding Is Ending cal rolet dealer organisation was much Bankers of the state claim that smaller than today, Mr. Knudsen the end of hoarding is rapidly ap- said. While the Chevrolet executive Aristocrat of Anthraclt* proaching in the state. The de- did not indicate whether he expects partment of Banking and Insur- the comparative excellent market of ance reports that more than $13,- early autumn to continue until the 000,000 was withdrawn from banks new Chevrolet is displayed, and into Choice Meats in the state during the quarter the to* PROMPT DELIVCMES-rMONC new year, it is a matter of record ending Sept. 30th. that the company added more than 340 On Sept. 30th, the banks held 800 new dealers in the last quarter, Tels. 850 and 851 110 N. Broadway $814,392,289 in savings accounts and bringing the present total to more IMTIAMMT.IJ* f SWAN Hill ICE ft COAL CO. $337,750,050 in checking accounts, than 10,100, a mark previously paras against $818,047,201 and $348,- alleled only in 1829. Since no similar SMl|i E. Appbl.b * SMt 692,<t53 three months previously. ixtensive addition of dealers has 14* HMiry St« tenth Amb«ry, M. X. There are now 204 banking houses boon made at any time in the past undor the department's supervision, three years, •the move, in view of as against 2C8 three years ago. Chevrolet's dealer policy, is interreted ns an nssurance that the comBreweries Await Congress O- K. nnny anticipates sufficient volume in From Newark comes reports that the future to enable ibs dealers to n i l R V I'll HIGH STREET within 24 hours after Congress takes conduct profitable operations. "TOMBOY TESS" UAIKX t,U.315-317 T e , p e r t h A m b o y 4.1200- 1201 the teeth out of the Volstead Act, beer will bo sweeping over the teeth ATTEND ANNUAL DINNER of thirsty citizens of the stale. -AND I LIKETW Officials of the Home Brewery deA BARGAIN OPPORTUNITY THAT IS John Connors, Jr., nnd George | clared they would be turning out the YELLOW Woin were among those who were * foamy drink within 24 hours lifter EXCEPTIONALLY UNUSUAL ONE.THE Congress iwts, ut tho rate of 200,000 present nt the 11th annual dinner of ',', barrels n year and that production Compnnys "11" and "(1", lillth InSTAINLESS STEEL KNIFE AND FORK SETS. Handles can be rapidly increased until 510,- fantry, held at the Cornell Club, New 000 bnrrels annually can .lie produced. York City on Friday night. in a variety of colors. An inspection will convince Among the former officers present Tho ,'100,000 ibnrrnl pro-prohibition you of the unusiialness of this offering. Set of six capacity of the Kruegor plant emi be was Captain Harold Itesscguie, fordoubled within n few days say of- mer company commander of "II" knives and six forks ?1.59 ficials at tho l)ig plant. Real beer Company, who travelled from New Hampshire tn be present. can bo produced overnight, they declare. I ELECTRIC HEATERS $1.49 \ From Mine to Bin THIS STAMP protects each ton Of / Check Your Facts With Ours TURKEYS JEDDOHIGHLAND STRAUB BROS. SOUTH AMBOY TRUST COMPANY Real Thanksgiving Specials! i FOOTBALLFMIS FEATURE OF HOLIDAY BILL AT EMPIRE Blind Readers Get Booki BookB In braille for reading by tho ; • Mind are made by women under Red Oroas direction. Last yoar 2,813 such boolta woro produced hi single* copy, and 3,£38 In donblo copies. Fiction, biography, history, economics and First Holiday Matinee Since Re- school hooka woro among those printod In braille. The Rod CrosB gives ;; opening. thorn to libraries Cor free distribution Featuring one of the most realis- to blind readers. tic and thrilling of gridi'ron pictures, the management of the Empire Theatre has announced a Hpecinl mntineo on Thanksgiving Day, in un effort to accommodate the crowds expected to FOR THAT turn out for the showing uf All American, claimed to bo the greatest THANKSGIVING DAY epic of sport over produced. DINNER This will ,be the first time since its reopening thnt the Empire has held a holiday matinee, and the perforIt is important that your mance will begin promptly at 2:.'1O p. Silverware be of the best M. The feature picture, All American has one of the most complete iiuality. casts ever assembled, hended hy Richard Arlen nnd the All American footWe have a large variety hall stnis of HI31, including Frank Cnrrideo of Notre Uamo nnd Albie of patterns from which you Booth of Yale. may choose, Tomorrow Kdnmnd Lrnve will be seen in Clmndn, the Mngician, ore We invite you to inspect of the most tailed of pictures "f the lute sensnn. On Sunday and Monday (hem. a picture which is both dramiitie nnd romfintie. Si.v Hours To Live, starr"Girt. Thnt U i l " ing Warner Maxtor, will he shown. On Tuesday and "Wednesday, the favorite of the cinema world, Connip Itonnotl, will piny the lead in VVatchmntsr and Jeweler Two Against The World, a pirturc of a struggle against the ('(inventions of Clock, Watch and Jnwclrr society. Then on Thursday and FriRepairing day, with the matinee* on Thursday, All American will be featured, nmr128 North Kroadway roonled by n comedy, a cartoon, and The Lust of the Mohicans, HERBERT KURZ ROASTERS, all sizes, from 1 to 10 lb 75c up ; MAX SEMER II Tel. S. A. 223 j 101 So. Broadway JACKIN&CROSS GARAGE Pan-Am Gas -:- Oils, Grease Located at Pine Avenue and Louisa Street Tel. 77 South Amboy Tel. 77 TIRES TUBES BATTERIES SPARK PLUGS Also Repair and Overhaul Service Serving Guaranteed Your Gar Called For and Returned "It's FIXED When We. Do The Job" The decision for the underweight child to drink Vitamin " D " Certified milk will be agreeable to mother and child. It's creamy and delicious . . . ami contains 10 to 15 times the- amount of Vitamin " D " found in ordinary milk. ..Produced at the Karitan Valley Farms. Laboratory Controlled From Farm To You WE ARE DISTRIBUTORS OP RARITAN VALLEY PRODUCTS GRADE A—RAW MILK CERTIFIED MILK VITAMIN D CERTIFIED SOFT CURD CERTIFIED OUR DISTRIBUTION COVERS MIDDLESEX COUNTY 3/5-3/7 HIGH ST. THE SOUTH AM BOY CITIZEN WAGE FOUR Miss Swinson's Poem i Inspires aSmile THE SOUTH AMBOY CITIZEN Published Weekly By THE SOUTH AM1SOY PRINTING COMPANY Telephone South Amboy 4 211-213 First Street (Near Broadway) FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 13, 1932, Theme: "The Penitent Prophet, a viz: Nicodemua. Come meet him! Castaway." Among the doubts that Head John 3. Many View New n«'d answering are: What is the Tuesday. 10—2 .p. n>. Cruller sale "lot?" Is it gambling? Are the good at the Church. H p. m. business meetPlymouth Exhibited catasuophe ever condemned with the bad? Is ing of the Men's Club. Refreshments. of God's Judgment? Has All men OUT. ever been swallowed by a tifh Wednesday, 7:15 p. m. Annual By Local Dealer, anyone and lived? Was Jonah dead or alive Thanksgiving Service in It ho M. E. PIPE DREAMS A cheering thought in these days of depression when gloom spreaders are prevalent and humor seems to be something gone to the discard, is welSiftseription rates: In advance, zones 1 and 2, ?1.50; zones 3 to 8, come. The following poem by itiss Ruth Entered in the Post Office at South Amboy, N. J. a3 second class Swinson, which makes us laugh at natter. ourselves is an example of the kin;! of poetry, we see far too little of nowadays. ~ in a fish? Is damnation of God? J. MELFOIUTROLL. EDITOR Church. Sermon 1>\ Pastor Van Horn. Charles F. Straub Predicts Great; 7:30 p. m. Evening Worship and Friday, 3 p. m. Meeting of the Popularity for New Model. j Sermon. Continuing the Gospel of Missionnrv Society at the home of John our study has to do with one of Mrs. Eloanor Albright, 132 No. The appearance of a now motor i the greatest characters in Scripture, Broadway. car mojel is an event of considerable; importance .these days and the word! that the latest model of any of the: By Nick O'Tiuo THE I5EST FRIEND OF HARD TIMES standard cars can be seeii, brings J FOLKS I'VE MET Since election, the town has divid- many to the showrooms where it isl The best friend of "hard times" is a high tax rate. on exhibition. itself in two separate parts Reasonable taxes encourage the investment of capital, the I'll introduce some friends so dear ed those thai say "I told you so." And This week, Charles F. Stvaub, lo-l development and expansion of industry, the employment of labor. But trust that you'll not find yours those who have to listen to the rasp- cal dealer, received one of the new here; j berry and those who "can't take it." model Plymouth six sedans and the They encourage home building, savings and business activity of And yet, how dreary, life would be, showrooms were the mecca of large all kinds. And now it's the appointments numbers of the motor wise anxiou.s If everybody were like me: Excessive taxes, on the other hand, have precisely the oppothat has everybody excited. There <o inspect this new car hailed as the site effect. They drive money into hoarding or into tax-free gov- I warn you—heware of Mrs. Jones, are more unemployed this year ami prreatest sensation in the automobile more applicants for the world. «rnment bonds, thus depriving industry of revenue it sorely For she's the one who breaks up consequently posts. homes; Mr. Straub has pointed out that needs. They make for unmployment and for widespread econoAnd then they say that Mis. B'IOWSI Between those who wanted to get besides the floating six motor, the mic distress. They discourage the home builder. They cauee Owes every creditor in town. elected and now those who want to new car embraces many features property to be taken over by the municipality for unpaid taxes, be appointed, it looks as though which will make it one of the most And, oh, that flighty Mrs. White, everybody in town wants to be an of- papular cars on the market. •where it at once becomes unproductive. She's always ready for a fight; Make no mistake about it, high taxation, whether by the fe- And with her travels Mrs. Gray, fice holder. deral government, or states, counties or municipalities, has had Who, live or die, must have her way. The army of office seekers has be- Tomorrow evening in the High School. Auditorium, the Senior Class much to do with creating and prolonging hard times. Every busicome so large that one of the mem of the South Amboy High School will ness man in the United States knows that. So does every invest- And nexlt comes two-faced Mrs bers of the council has suggested hold a Thanksgiving Dance. ON DISPLAY AT THE SHOW ROOMS OF Black, that they have a free for all and the The Cavalier's Orchestra has been or. So should every worker. The best influence in favor of good out—she'll talk behind your last man left standing be appointed engaged to fmnish the music during times would be a decisive cut in the cost of government and the Watch to the office. back; the evening. elimination of bulreaucratic waste, red tape and inefficiency. And And then there's nosey Mrs. Stout t h e best place to begin is right in your own home town, county or Who frets the new*, without a doubt. Only one City Engineer is to be but by the way they en- FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH state. The tax bill is fast becoming the barometer of economical And then poor -whiney M'rs. Lane, appointed gineer themselve3 into the race for Broadway & Church St. •conditions. appointments, it looks an though South AnVboy, N. J. Who always has some ache or pain; Chas. F. Van Horn, J'r., Pastor And when she meets oW Mrs. Lent, everybody that wants a job is a good They air their ailments to their engineer no matter what job they THE SOCIALISTIC VOTE " A Human Being with a life to seek. heart's content. live, by going to Church where betOne of the suggestive and interesting results of the things are, draws'with him hi.n And, the critic, M'rs. Blew, FIRST METHODIST EPISCOPAL ter presidential election was the strikingly large vote polled by the She's loved ones and friends; {fives new sure to find some fault witl CHURCH courage to those doing church work; nominee of the Socialistic party—Nornian Thomas of New York. you; Rev. A. C. Polhemus, pastor accumulates power to light for himSeveral factors account for this increase of Socialists within our And then there's stingy Mrs. Denn SUNDAY SERVICES: self; but above all, has that satis' Who squeezes pennies till they Sunday School, 9:45 A. M. country: faction which comes to a person who scream. Morning Worship, 11:00 A. M hns done his dully. We invite you to First, the popularity of Mr. Thomas and the scholarly charSong Service, 7:30 P, M. worship. acter of his addresses. And next cornea pfitlily Mrs. Fny, Kotrular Service, 7:46 P. M. SUNDAY Second, the diligence with which he prosecuted his cam- Who, for her age, acts much too gay; Pastor will preach on the follow10 A. M., Sunday School in charge paign. Mr. Thomas traveled, with his wife officiating as his And M>rs. Smith—she's no conceited inp subjects: Morninir Subject: "EnU'rtninniont, of our Supt. Fin-man Sheppa'rl. •private secretary and chauffeur, from Maine to California and in- She never knows when she's defeated. Enjoyment, Enrichment," Classes for all ages. «identally he has the honor of having conducted a remunerative And there's also tiresome M'rs. Evening Subject: "Kemcniihcr All 11 ii. m. Morning Worship and the Way." campaign. His intineraries were.not only self-supporting, they Hu(T, Sermon from the fiook of Jonah. "were profitable; collections and admission fees more than equal- Oh my, oh my, how she can bluff! And last comes haugMy Mm. ing his traveling expenses. Blair, Third, the experimental appeal which his political philosophy Who holds her heart high in the nlr. The New Model Is The Acme of Motor Car Designing has upon the youtng men and women of our country, Mr. Thomas —Ruth J. Swinson That New Floating Power Plymouth Six YouVe Heard So Much About, Is Here! Charles F. Straub 228 First Street, South Amboy, N. J. ' "THIS TIME PLYMOUTH " SETS THE PACE" ' lias a large following among our college and university students. Eight or twelve years from now America may have a Socialistic party powerful enough to overthrow our conventional bipart y system and to introduce a multiparty system, similar, in certain respects to those prevailing in France, Germany and Great Britain. The probability is, however, that running true to form, one or both of our major parties will, before the Socialist party Prompt Work of Melrose Comgains sufficient nulmerical strength to overthrow our two party pany Checks Spread of Flames system, steal a large enough volume of socialistic thunder to pre- Efficient work of the Melrose Hoso tvent such a development. Company prevented the demolition of home of Tony Zedlick on Roll American history is well spattered with incidents in which the avenue, Melrose, by fire I'riday eve a minor or minority group hafe championed a cause from its in- ning, about 10:30. fancy, only to have the brain child stolen from them the minute The fire, of unknown origin, start i t became sufficiently popular so that adoption thereof by one of ed in a pantry and was spreading t h e major parties resulted in winning more recruits than would rapidly to other parts of ths home when the firemen arrived. The Zedhave been lost throulgh desertion had the hands off policy been lick family were asleep when the firo perpetrated. was discovered by a neighbor and Its a great game—politics; and one of the most .interesting they were forced to escape from the phases connected therewith pertains to the methods'"'used to building through a window. Steep a major party, major. • Firemen Save Zedlick Home From Flames Mother olffighichool Principal Buried Tuesday INTERCOLLEGIATE COMPETITION In a recent edition of "The Spectator", Columbia University's publication, we find the writer of the leading editorial advocating the paying of college football players and ,also, that Mrs. Philip T. Dawson, 75 years of age, mother of James Dawson, football be looked upon as a "paid advertising medium." High Sthool principal, died at the What member of the Army team that crushed the Harvard home of her daughter, Mrs. William eleven Saturday feels that West Point is indebted to him finan- Meyers at Belvidere, N. J., Saturcially? What member of the Fordham team is not satisfied that day afternoon. the glory he earned, in the defeat of St, Mary's on November 5th The funeral took place Tuesday and interment was in the •was sufficient remuneration for his services ? Is there a player morning Belvidere Cemetery. •on the Pitt team that conquered Notre Dame who feels that his Surviving besides Mr. Dawson are Alma Mater should intburse him financially for participating in three other sons, Robert of Port Jerthis fray? These interrogations answer themselves. The vast vis, N. Y., Thomas, of Phillipsburg, Edward of Ktroudsbvirg. Two majority of collegiate athletic participants are amply satisfied, in and daughters Mrs. William Meyers of aretutrn for their services, with the clean, wholesome pleasure that Belvidere and Mrs. Harry Becker of Stroudsbwg also survive. they,derive from engaging in these contests. LOCAL JUNIORS ' AND LADIES AT OPENING TOMO RROW LADIES' NIGHT SOMMERS Members of Local Council Won Both Banners at Plainsboro. More than seventy couples from (this city were present ivt the animal Hjadies Night of the Middlesex Count y Junior Order held in the Jr. 0. t l . A. M. Hull at Plainshoro last Tuwdny evening. The members of the local delegation .wei'e awarded both the Past Councilor's hanni'r nml the vlsitor'j banner for their lii'rgc attendance. A chicken minpei1 was served nnd n program of high cla«"cn,tertaintm*nt was rendered. A number ot prominent members of the order froin other ^ortionM of tho state were present, among them State Treasurer Muln. Mrs. Rose J. Linke funeral Rites Monday SHOE SHOP At 96 Smith St., Perth Amboy Charles Sommers, formerly with thd Junior Vogue Shoe Stores, announces the opening of his own store Tomorrow (Saturday, where patrons may expect the same expert care and service rendered in the past. PACKARD SHOES FOR MEN! ARCH AID SHOES FOR WOMEN! MILLER-MAID SHOES FOR CHILDREN! 4evil, Spirit Jvhlrli ligion limlty. Pcr.Inn Spirit of Evil 1B tlie undent I'erslim * persoiiillriillon of the evil imil |>rlnWpti> ot t>\il, tln> lilra iitiswi'rts in lln1 ZoroiHIrltin retn Minn In .ImliiUm nml Christ- Tlie mainland of MiisHiipliiiHHfs has a water front of -V-0 miles. Tito lain nil friintnRP of tl'e coinmomvi'iiKli In 250 niilca McCLOUD'S ECONOMY MEAT MARKET JERSEY TURKEYS Tradition has it that Thanksgiving calls for Turkey. Thanksgiving Turkeys fresh from nearby farms, tender and delicious. Also Fresh Killed Jersey Chickens and Ducks will be found in our market at reasonable prices. EIGHT BIG SPECIALS SMOKED FREiSH HAMS Pound ., SMOKED HAM 1'ound SMALL PORK LOINS 10c 10 lOc id jrc Pound :. LIVER 2 pounds OAc uv 1£c 10 OCc LJ OCc M) : LAMB CHOPS OAc Pound £" A FULL LINE OF TURKEYS,, JERSEY CHICKENS AND DUCKS Free Wheeling, Easy Shift, Automatic Clutch, 4 Wheel Hydraulic Brakes, Rigid X Double Drop Frame. ••>••••••••••••••••••••••• H. Wolff & Co. Grocery Specials For iving! California Fresh Prunes, large can SOUTH AMBOY TOMORROW SATURDAY The Sensation of Radio TOMORROW SATURDAY CHANDUUSiW STARRING SUNDAY MONDAY 25c California Peaches 17c Heinz Mince Meat, 2 11). can _ N. B. C. Fruit Cake, 2 lbs 5 lb. Cake, with cake tray and cover 35c ...$1.65 $3.50 .....20c 6 bottles LLOYD HAMILTON COMEDY CARTOON _.15c Premier Brand Queen Anne Cherries Beechnut Tomato Juice, jar EDMUND LOWE $1.00 NOVELTY His Newest Picture SUNDAY MONDAY Warner Baxter Winesap Apples, 16 quart basket 65c Macaroni or Spaghetti, 3 pounds 25c Old Fashioned Butter Cookies, package 17c N. B. C. Ginger Snaps, 2 lbs 29c Table Raisins, package 10c. 2V2 lb. jar Mince Meat 29c Laird's Cider, gallon jug 49c Green String Beans, 3 cans 25c Corn, 3 cans _ 25c IN "Six Hours To Live" ANDY CLYDE COMEDY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY CARTOON One of Her Very I Good Pictures I NEWS TUESDAY WEDNESDAY Constance Bennett "Two Against The World" MACK SENNETT COMEDY CARTOON FREE CHINAWARE TO LADIES THURSDAY FRIDAY BIG HOLIDAY SHOW Ritter's Baked Beans, can 5c NEWS THURSDAY FRIDAY SPECIAL MATINEE THANKSGIVING DAY AT 2:30 P. M. ALL-jAMERICAN STRAUB BROS. RICHARD ARLEN Choice Meals AND THE ALL'AMERICAN FOOTBALL STARS OF I ' M COMEDY CARTOON LAST OF MOHICANS 110 N. Broadway A full sized car with such standard value features as ID ROUND ROAST Pound CHUCK ROAST Pound BREAST OF LAMB 3 pounds STARRING 'Teh. 850 an<) 851 and Efficiency 135 NORTH BROADWAY Telephone 146 IN The funeral of the late Mrs. Hose J . Linke was ht'lcl from her late home •on the Eivrnston Road at 8:15 Monday morning. At St. Mary's Roman Cntliolic Church nl '•) a minium mass was held with Mjr.r. ]£. C. Griffin as celebmnl. Interment took place in St. Mary's cemetery under the diirection of the CJundrum Service. Mrs. Linke, who died tin November 10th, alter n short illness, was the widow of the lati! Emil Linke and irf survived by two daughters, Mrs, John Elwingcr, (if this city, and Mrs. Edmund Polil, of Krnston, and five (rrandchildreii. Four sisters, Mrs. Edw,nrd Toiiiaszcwski, Mrs. John Conovor, Mrs. Jnine" Miller, and Mrs. Joseph Motz, nil of this i'ity; arc also nmuTij» the survivors. AtA Price Millions Can Afford Pure Fruit Preserves _15c Pure Strained Honey 25c Japanese Toilet Paper, 8 rolls .25c Octagon Soap Powder, 10 for 25c Mixed Evaporaled Fruits, 2 lbs. 25c Saur Kraul, 3 pontuls . 25c II. Wolff Feltus iIUKI Wiishintfton Sts. Tel. FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 18, fl-HE SOUTH AMBOV CITIZEN PAGE FIVE Abbreviated Council "Menu" Subject of Talk HUNNHASNEW Woman's Club Session PLYMOUTH MODEL Meeting Took Place In The Annual Forty Hours devotion Yesterday Afternoon IN THE BAG City Collector's Office services of the Sacred Heart Church will be held on November 27th, 28th Their Preparation for Thanks- Already Beseipted With Tenta-;Only Three and 29th. ! jrivintf and Christmas Dinners Irvin House, Robert Welden anJ "William Klepman were Lake Hopat- j Explained. tive Orders for New Car. YOUNG'S Members Present ;ind Little Business Transacted. _^_ . For the past week throngs of cur-| At the regular meeting of the Wo- ioua people from all sections of the; Tuesday night the Common Council Club held yesterday afternoon county have been visiting the show- session was not only crowded out of Harry Klepman and George Bren- Iman's | at the City Hall, the members of the rooms of William F. Hunn, Spots- the regular council chamber, but nan were New York City visitors oi) I dub wore treated to u delightful and wood Plymouth Dealer, in an effort i through absences of councilmen it alMonday. |timely lecture and demonstration on to see the new Plymouth car which most didn't gel going at all. There is being offered to the public for- was a card party going on in ful The November Unit of the South Holiday Suggestions, by Miss Helen mally The speculation of the!swing in the council chamber long Amioy Hospital Association will Bailey of the Public Service Gas and visitorsItodrty. is increased by the fact that before the time far the council meet hold a cake, pastry and delicatessen Electric Company's Public Relations Mr. Hunn has a new car In his show- ing because somebody had gotten sale on Friday and Saturday, Nov- Bureau. Miss Bailey acted in the abember 25th nnd 2Gth at Tcnenbaum's sence of Miss Helen McNeil, who wqs room, but has it securely covered mixed up in their dates, so the seswith a huge ibag, in order to give a sion, when it was held, was held in scheduled to address the club. Department Store on Broadway. Miss Bailey ably demonstrated fair chance to all who wish to see the collector's office. it when it formally goes on sale. When the third councilman essenThe Local Boys Doughnut and various clever methods of preparing Mr. Hunn, when questioned last tial for a quorum, did finally show Cider Club will hold its first Coffee menus for the Thanksgiving and Social and Prom at the Lafayette Christmas season, and her efforts night, stated thalt he already had up, the three, Messrs. Triggs, Stanwere warmly appreciated. Miss Me been beseiged with tentative orders, ton and Walczak, decided to confine Country Club tomorrow evening. Neil was taken il! at the last min and that when the new model is un the business to the barest detail The nr>xt meetinc of the Fulaski U+e and was unable to carry out her covered, expects one of the greatest that just couldn't be rout off. Trigg: Club of Melrose will be held at the plans, and assigned Miss Bailey to rushes in the history of his busines: acted as presiding officer and Clerl "headquarters of the Melrose Hose the task. This is a startling Statement, due t< Disbrow was apparently sadly han Company on Tuesday evening. fact that for many years th< dicapped with a bad wrist, a souve The club changed some of the by- the Hunn agency has been noted for it: nir of a hunting trip during th( The "Ginirham Girls" will hold a laws to conform with suggestions unusual large amount of sales. afternoon, when he fell up—no •dance at McCloud's Hal! on Friday made by various members, and fol- Although refusing to show tho cai down—hill. 'evening, December 2. Music will be lowing this Miss Lorena M«inzei yesterday, A few bills, including the pay Mr. Hunn remarked tha •furnished by the Collegians and tick- (laughter of Dr. and Mrs. L. V he had never seen an automobile val- roll, were passed and one resolution ets may be procured from any mem-Meinzer, entertained with a well de- ue such as Plymouth is going to of- adapted. The resolution authorized livered recitation. The Hostesses for ber of the club. discounting of n note for $8.00 the day were Mrs. De/Witt Blew and fer. The new car is a six cylinder v? the hide with floating power, and wU in anticipation of current tax collec •James Barkalow who underwent Mrs. Fred S. Dans. tions. an operation at the Veteran's Hos- During the meeting, Mrs. J. K. sell at a ponular price, intended tc Other business was deferred for take recognition of the average ponipitai at Millington is recovering Stults was admitted to club mem- ketbook considerntion at a special meeting to today, bership. . rapidly. Mir. Hunnhasmiide arrangements be called on a date convenient to nl ' The Misses Margaret Conn, Cathto fill orders as rapidly as possible, concerned. erine and Elizalbeth Keenan were HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS and promises that all 'requests for week end cue*s of Miss Ruth SamWILL PRESENT COMEDY new cars will be handled .promptly lielson of Philadelphia. ,nd satisfactorily, despite the fnc Members of the Hi-Y and Tri-Y that an unprecedented amount of Alter spending a week as the clubs of the local hip-h school nre business is predicted. The Hum' .•guest of her grandmother, Mrs. Mary husv with nians for a play to b? nre- showroom has been appropriately •Easmussen of Bidgeway avenue, Mrs. sented during the first week of •Dec- decorated for the showing and the FOR RENT: Apartment on Bertram Donald Eodner has returned to her ember, the proceeds of which will lip public is welcome to inspect the car Avenue, fih rooms, nil improve'home at Farming/dale. without any obligations. ments. Inquire 214 Henry Stroot. given to charifv. 11-18-tf St. Martha's Guild of Christ Chu>r- Tho production will bo afivenr<: TIic reason why grapefruit contin- •LAT FOR RENT: Pour )arge and •ch will hold a dance at the parish college comedy titled "Girl Shv." lijrlill 'rooms, pnntry, sun parlor, louse on Saturday evening, Nov. 26.Miss Virginia Dcitz will conrli thn ues to bo popular Is that there Is moreirarrot, collar ami trnrage. All lotenttt which will bf selected within n In It tlinn meets tlie eye,—Arknnsiro ost improvement*. All busses stop Miss Helen Delaney, a student at short time. Onzettir in front of door. Rontnl reusonnbio. Btate Teachers College, Trenton, Address 02!) Bnrdentnwn nvenue. spent the past week end with her Apiply Alpine, sumo address. 11-18 parents, Mr. and Mrs. George R. Deaaney of Fourth Street. Uncle tiben "I don't lilnruo ti snmrt mnn for Mr. and Mrs. Henry Slovcr and Mr. and M'rs. Joseph Martin, of SechniiKlii' his mind." mud Undo Enen, ond street, with a party of friends, "but I kind o' 1wish he'd have mnd» •witnessed the Bayonne Marathon de diimKo hpfo i took his flrsl adNow A Member of the Union Food Stores Dance on Sunday evening. c«."—U'|i«h|fi<rtnii i.-!,,,. cong visitors on Monday. NEW BRUNSWICK, N. J. OPPORTUNITY • •DAYS • • FRIDAY SATURDAY H U E HAT HAY U IE DHUCATED We're out to establish a record for values—make a list of your RECEIVED TOO LATE FOR CLASSIFICATION urgent needs first ('though we hope our tempting values will make you buy lots of tilings you haven't listed) for we're busting with BARGAINS and we want you to share these unusual OPPORTUNITY DAYS VALUES! P. J. YOUNG DRY GOODS CO. Broadway Market Joseph Wallace, son of Mr. and Mrs. James Wallace, of Pine avenue, "who recently underwent a delicate ^operation for an arm injury, is about town and rapidly improving. Friendship Council, Daughters of Xiberty, will hold a card party on December 1st at the Jr. 0. U. A. M. irooms on Bordentown Avenue. The Young People's Republican •Club will hold a cake sale tomorrow •with Mrs. Dominic Tedesco in charge. The Young Ladies Sodality of St. Mniy's Church will hold its second .annual dunce in St. Mary's Hall on JPriday evening, November 25th. The regular weekly instruction •classes for the volunteer first aid squad will be held at the city hall on Monday evening as usual. The Ladies Auxiliary of the Pro tection Fire Company will hold a •card party tonight at the Bortlen town Avenue firehouae. Mr. anil Mrs. Frank Zrebiec and Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Zioln-o, of David street, visited with friends at Linden •on Sunday. Joseph Lapoda and Anthony Miller of Philadelphia were local visitors •over the ipast weelc end. Mr. Martin Ziobro nnd Mrs. J. Weprryn of Elizabeth were the Ruests of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Urbanik of Augusta street on Satu'rday. Mr. and Mrs. L. L. Shcppard of Main street, and the Misses L. Applegatc and Hazel Brightner were 'Cranbury visitors recently. Tho Misses Wilhomenia McArthur and Marjorie Buckley of Perth Amboy, were the 'recent quests o f Councilman and Mrs. John J. Vail, of Bortram avenue. Mrs, Hnnnah Wheeler, of Mnin St., is confined to the South Amboy Hospital ns a patient. Mrs. Teas Price is improving nvpidly at the local hospital from tho effects of n hroken hip, sustained last week nt her liom« in lierRcn Hill. Miss Janet Ki'rk, of Swnn. Hill, who underwent, an operiilinn nt the local liospitnl on Mnmliiy, is recovering rapidly. SODALfflTilLS WILL HOLD ANNUAL DANCE NEXT FRIDAY Chairman Miss Doris Brennan Being Assisted by Large Committee. Tho night after Thanksgiving is tho dale sol fin1 thi> swoml annunl danco of the Young Ladies Sodality of St, Mary's church, mid kind Brothera nnd the Original Clilfwood Bcuch Casino orchestra hus been secured to furnish the music. As nn milled feature the committee lins arranged for an attractive sou'"1 nir !)roj*Tuni, which will be given to . .":;<-- attending. Miss Doris Brcnnnn hns been elected as clininiin)) of Uiu affair and is l>einE assisted by u huge anil enthuaiastic committee. Tickets for tho <lanco have been selling rapidly, and a gathering even larger thnn laat year is expected. Are We Created Balloon pilot weall.cr AlnPkn, Goei hnlloini. hurrnii PHONE 161 YOUR THANKSGIVING DINNER: Whether its to be a Savory Roast of Beef or Turkey, Supreme Ham of Superb tenderness and flavor, you'll find no better place to buy the meat of your choice than (at the Broadway Market. SPECIAL FOB THIS WEEK END Legs of Genuine Spring Lamb Legs and Rumps of Milk Fed Veal Fresh Killed Roasting Chickens Fresh Killed Selected Fowl , Fresh Hams (regulars) Fresh Shoulders of Pork (nice and lean) Fresh Loins of Pork (rib end) Chuck Pot Roast Round, Cross Rib or Top Sirloin Fresh Spare Ribs Fresh Pigs Feet Sugar Cured Cali Hants Loose Sausage (our own) Link Sausage Lamb, Veai or Pork Chops Cranberries «. Print Butter Cliillnn lit over llm l''iilrlinn1iH, W I N s p i ' i i . l ' ' IIIIIV^ n t n K|K»(M1 of 517 mill's nil iVmr nt n tiolKlit of 14 mile?. I Del Monte Sale! ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••a 15 Beautiful Dolls Given Away Some Talk! Some Walk! THE FINEST DOLLS IN THE COUNTRY HAVE BEEN SELECTED AS PRIZES They will be Given Away to the fifteen little girli receiving the largest number of votes in The Rexull Drug Store Doll Con* teat. The awards will be made Christmas Day, PEACHES S,r 2 PINEAPPLE 2 BARUETT FRUIT SALAD Asparagus CROSBY OR GOLDEN BANTAM P O d S GARDEN SWEET !••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••a j••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••«•••••! FRANK'SMARKET QUALITY MEATS AND PRODUCE PHONE 277 631 BORDENTOWN AVE. LEAVE YOUR ORDER FOR YOUR TURKEY NOW! We Will Have a Full Line of Fresh Killed Poultry for Thanksiving—Turkeys, Ducks and Chickens ••09c Lj Cured Fink's ttacon, Hi 1 J"c New Saiir Kraut 1BIR • is.i.=onlO e » Fresh Prunes . Tomatoes . . Pineapple Juice C Atom I«J" c ig.-.«.»17 2^23C OPe Ld NONE SUCH Mince Meat £12''',:'23' QUEEN ANNE Mince Meat -J2C Smyrna Figs rio= . «ik,kB1Oc GRANDMOTHER'S FRUIT CAKE 2 , 19c Fresh Cranberries c . 2,>J5< A8.P Pumpkin FRESH FRUITS & VEGETABLES DSOME0A«y B»AND Cooking Apples 5 ib>.17 Eating Apples 3 »». \7C Dixie Mix ZtrZ,™. ,».35(: WHITE—lor boiling Yellow Turnips 2 ^ 5C D a t e s nmo 01 uNMmo . ngl/c P e e l CITlON.OIANtHOUIUON pt|10 C Order Your THANKSGIVING Cranberry Sauce 2«.,25 e Rajah Currants . *.13 e FANCY Brazil Nuts SIIKHED ,t. 15C Mixed Nuts «.. 19C Holiday Beverages C CrS'GE!! A1E—Pole or GoU«n GINGER AlE—Pole or Goldon l/ 2 Ib. pockag * Yukon Club s 1W C&C For Winter Storing Pea Beans «ST,c«o 2i».. 5 "ANN PAGE'-PURE FRUIT io.l4c Lucky SWk.i, Cornell, Old 6old< FANCr MAINE POTATOES 100 Ib. bag $|O9 0. S. No. 1 GRADE Preserves )i...|.,29« u.,.i«T5e S p a r k l e ciiAiiH omm 4 P i S i 1 9 c GINGER AlE — Pol« or Golden *HoffmanPoleDrLimeDry Perrier Water b"20C 2,.,,25C A1P fURC Macaroni S 'NMS5" Pk8. 5« Grape Juice l£'.25c £ 2 3 ' Bonday Candies 3bo,^10c TOP OR BOVOM . GINGERAtE 's;,g. 2 « » 2 3 C Clicquot Club 2 t " 2 5 ' * Hoffman F°I. Dry 2"'.'.'"25 C •Jt forDellcloiU Baked Ham — |U>ing D boiled ham) —mix logelher eWJl qun<-.li!i«! of flno, soft bread crumU ond brown >ugar. Add a lilllo dry mgilord, and rnoiilon wlt'i <mt",'C- or cidor. Kemovo (kin of ham ond ipmad jurlaco willi Ihe crumb mixluro and Hick In clo-ol al Inlo-'all. Place on rocli in baking pan and bako in a moduralf ovoti {350^.) for d'n.-ft 45 miriul'ji. Fresh Hams ........10c CANIREU1 COCHRAHE—Pol» or Golden C&C Ginger Ale ,5.,.b.,19c Fancy Boiled Hams HALf OR WHOLE . CANTJEU. I. COCHRANE—Polo br Golden GRANDMOTHER'S STANDARD 20 OZ. LARGE LOAF C 2 .^.l5e Yukon Club "QUAKER MAID IS BETTER M A D E " SPECIAL THIS WEEK I . Stuffed Dates io»a «,. 21C Sunnyfiald Fancy Creamery—-Same Price as Tub Sunnyfield Sugar-Cured ib.25« . is. 21 C Almonds son SH!U Watch for Price Announcement in M o n d a y Papers Print Butter Sliced Bacon White Bread Lean Salt Pork Budded Walnuts Don't risk losing out on one of our Fine young, meaty Tliartksgiving Turkeys . . . place your order now. This year we are again offering specially selected, fresh-killed Northwestern Turkeys... the vnry pick of the f l o c k i . . . and all fndfcalfr-•» a much lower prico than last year. And remember... in keeping v/> *r policy there will be only one qualify and only cr,= ice. 2 Ptgi. 2 5 C colon of 10 pkui ' l " Fresh or Corned Spare 1 r*c Ribs, small Ope It) 2 lbs LJ I lbs. s °u^T0 W O r i l GOLDEN BANTAM 3' ."' 25' 6™;25< I..I.M1 1 9 IN T Sardines 3 Ch«iter(leld«, Raleigh Fink's Print Lard, lb Supir Cured Salt Pork, lb Id 2S;29 2IS29« Gtiwln* AiP y will b» idantifitd by the namt "Pilgrim" Fagotti on ov»ry bird, 132 North Broadway Prime Rib Koast. ll> SEEDED OR SEEDLESS TURKEY NOW! PETERSON'S DRUG STORE Fresh Hams small and lean, Ib P i n e a p p l e CRUSHED C Tomatoes . Tomato Juice Tomato Sauce Apricots In the Rexnll Drug Store Contest at Peterson's Pharmacy 13 14 C 2^25' VEGETABLE Please enter the name of C C h e r r i e s ROYAL ANNE «___ WOril COUPON Smoked Cali Hams Pound R«m»mf>«rl Del Wonts Foadi or* always Ihe Same Fin* Qualify. This big Del Monte Sale ends Saturday! So order at once at these special savings. Spinach S. & H. Green Stamps With Every Purchase r*ait rnlciiHiiil 17c lb. 15c lb. 19c Ib18c lb. n c lb. 9i/2c lb. 13c lb. n c lb. 23c lb. .....10c lb. 5 lbs. 25c 9c lb. 2 lbs. 25c 16c lb. 17c lb. 10c lb. ...25c lb. Many Others At This Store Unequal? " T h e lilolugli'nl dlHUiverU's n f u Imlfc e n t u r y o r inure." I'rof. I l n r r l s i u i It. H u n t t o l d tliw KiiKi'iilm lli'si'areh n a s o t i a t i o n , " h i m 1 revrnli'il Unit pt'iiplp, InBtcail of IH'IIIK p n l i ' i i i l n l l y «'i|iiiil nt blrl.li, vm-.v i>iiiirnii>ii>il.v. inul '.lint wu'li U l f f i T c i i d ' s n r « o f t e n IIIIII'I'IIIMI; MI o n e n i l g l i t nny It Is w l f I'vlilcnl Hint m e n lire L'ri'iiii'il IIMWIMIII." A 122 N. Broadway - South Amboy ^ H2C Round Pot Roast u> 2 3 ' GREAT A H A N I f l C & PACIFIC TEA C O . - if Indicatei Plui Depoiit HALF OR WHOLE THE SOUTH AMBOY CITIZEN irrfci PAGE SIX SHARES NQBEt*HizfH|» Old Grads of High By "Wood Burnt" ] School Will Have Party Now that the greatest wind jamming presidential buttle in the history ! a t H. S. Auditorium of the nation is over ami we have 1 years to rest up in before we are forced to listen to a lot of pro and con ! _»arguments in an effort to decide THEMESS KIT Ughtning FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 18, 1932, Destroys Big Oil Tanks (ONLY FIFTEEN COUPLES i STILL GOING IN CROSS RIVER DANCE GRIND Out of the 7C couples that started n the Suite Marathon dance a couple ut weeks ;igo at the liaritan Audimini in Perth Amboy, only lft <-<u pies ami one M>1O m u u i n and eacli night of the contest the crowds are •o large that it is difficult to even K<t in the hull. lumber Snyder, local d.inivr, was disqualified hist week, but his partner, .Hiss Kay Morris of Bi.idley Beach has. picked up anothi i partner and is still in the race. Spectators usually find something doing in the marathon evury minute, as the dancers must keep in motion 23 hours a day, with only 16 minute rest periods. In addition to t h e struggles of the contestants, the m a n a g e ment has designated Tuesday night as Treasure Chest Nite, Wednesdaynight as Country Store Nite, and Thin sday Night as Amateur Nite. liay Nichols and his Atlantic City I'ier orchestra is in charge of the imHcal program. L;ii«i' Committee Making Plans which way we shall vote for on: 1 for Event on Nov. 29th. best interest, we are all giving a sigh i Following a postponement, t h e of relief. SulTi'rini; is a I'liiiiiv I n s t r u m e n t for jeaid party Which is to lie held under shniihiK r.'iiirafier, a n d w i t h o u t Its It might have been a hart] campaign upon the candidates, who were the auspices of the Smith Amboy loiu-h the incisl ilelli'iili' c h a s i n g on tlltt forced to speak every night and i Alumni Association, has been schedv«ssi'l would lie impossible.— Ur. John check up on the other follow the uled for Tuesday evening, Nov. 2ilth, Watson j and will take place a t the high school greater part of the next day to ina!:e sure he didn't leave any loop holes I auditorium. The committee decided in his speech the night before that to change the date in order to avoid might be used to advantage as an a conflict with other events of the attack against him in the. next same kind and also t o secure addispeech. The candidates may not have tions to the large number of attrachad things easy, but certainly the tive prizes already gathered togethcommon people he was trying to per- er. Splitwood, four barrels $1.00 The chairman of the affair is Fursuade to vote for him, had no easy time either. They only got the sat- man Sheppard. Assistant chaimoii • Block Wood, Sidewalk Delivery §1.50 per load isfaction of knowing they had lined are Miss Mildred Davis and Mrs, Prof. Kil^ir Douglas Adrian ol • Either Pine or Oak Can Be Furnished up on the winning or losing side, James Tustin, Others on the commit- Cambridge university, Kn^land, who much as if they had put sonic money tee are the Misses Louise Van Pelt, shares ii'llli Sir Charles on the ponies or had played the "nig- Martha ami Mury Buchanan, Knth- of Oxford university the VXi2 Nobel e-rine Morgan, Tckla Kamps, Mar- prize for medicine and physiology. ger ipool". The candidates on the other hand had a chance of getting garet Campbell, Edwina Jacques, Al- Uoth scientists nre of world renown 400 HENRY STREET elected to the office they sought nnd ma Termenbaum Jean Spice, Anita II ml receive tlje award for tlielr Jolnl UuriiiK n storm thnt struck MIR Oklnlininu City oil Held four liuce lunk.those who spoke in their behalf had Steuber, Alice Morris, Dora ForgotTelephone 671 set uhlnze hy lightning iiml UH> lire wns spread by a gnle. Property loss a chance of sharing in the plums, son, Margaret Pippett a n d Vera discoveries tn (tie study of theivere mounted Into the thousands of dollars.' neuron. Hoagland. •when the tree was shaken. ^•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••B Also the Messrs. Richard MasterAfter all, each of us only has one son, Darwin Dillon, Morris Sthevelvote to cast and it seems rather owitz, Manvel Semoneit, William ColLif. foolish when you come to think that ucci, Everett Sheppard and Monroe A life without Kufferlnfj would be it is all over as far as you are con- Green. a picture without sli.ule. The pets of cerned in the few minutes it takes » W I F T AS E L E C T R I C I T Y . . . CLEAN AS ELECTRIC! L I G H T Nature who do not know a certain you to put the little crosses before Foundation of Liberty rawness, like foolish landsmen who the candidates names. ( The Masnn Chnrta was not directly laugh al the terrors ol the ocean, lieIt seems exceedingly unjust that founded on nny previous document, every person in the country regard- but was a detailed statement of feudal cause they have neither experience less of their standing, should be law, reltcrntlnj; recognized feudal prac- enough lo know what these terrors are, nor liralli enough to linnt'lnu them. permitted but one vote. It seems to be one of the things we have inherit- tice. —P. G. Ilnntcrton. ed from our sires that badly needs renovating. It hardly seems fair that the man who can barely read and write an<i knows little about the candidates and less about what the result of his vote might be, is permitted to have just as much to say about the future of the country as the man equipped Kates for advertisements tn this column: All advertisements under thU •with a highly developed intellect who is in a position to vote intelligently. trending, 5 cents per line; minimum charge 35c tor one insertion; minimum We might say that John Jones, charge 25 cents on repeat advertisements, "Help Wanted", "Lost aad the ditch digger has not the same Found", and "For Ront" ndvertlsemcnts, payable in advance. say as to how the affairs of the country should bo conducted as his more intelligent fellow man, because he does not wield the same influence FOR RENT—APARTMENTS AUTO BRAKE SERVICE but is that true after all? True, John Smith, the ditch digger may not be able to move about in A.UTO BRAKE AND W H E E L SER- F O R K E N T : F o u r rooms land bath, the same circles as his more intelliheat furnished, irent reasonable. VICE, INC. Brakes adjusted und gent brother, but on the other hand Inquire 153 Stockton st. l l - l l - 3 t rolined. Wheel aligning. Axles he is more dangerous because he is straightened. Tire Vulcanizing, more susceptible to propaganda and 108 New Brunswick Avenue, Perth A P A R T M E N T F o r Rent: 5 rooms whispering campaigns and more Amboy, N. J . Tel. P . A. 158. prone to accept the, thoughts of This range is Ike "Hotpoint Hostess"—one of 3 new G-E Ilotpoint Electric Ranges and bath, all improvements. Apply others whether they are right or 7-17-13t» Dolan, 308 Henry st. 11-18-tf wrong. coil in the Hotpoint range^tooks witb 0 Have a coo] kitchen this summer On tho other hand, the other man, clean, flameless heat. No moro —und all the year 'round advantages capable of reasoning things out for scorched or soot-blackened pans—aa> of electric cookery—by installing a FOR R E N T — 3 rooms. Inquire Mrs. AUTO TOPS himself may be able to influence cermore scouring or scraping. Hotpoint G-B Hotpoint Range now. Perfect Julia Snmuel?on, 252 Henry St., tain people an dthus increase his workitchens stay clean . . Learn tba oven insulation holds the heat in— I'hone 737. 10-28-tf th to the candidate or issue he is backmarvels of electric coo';cry to Jay. keeps it out of your kitchen—assures AUTO TOPS—Made and repaired. ing, but the people he is likely to Discover the new and betterflavmof normal room temperature. As dra* J. P. Johnson, 165 New Brunswick exert an influence for good on, he matte proof of this—a cake of ice on Hotpoint-cookedfood. FindhowG-B Ave., Perth Amboy. Tel. 1067 P .F I V E ROOMS AND BATH, all imdoes not come in contact with. Hotpoint brings new top of a highly heated A. 7-3-if provements. Located in nice resiconvenience, nevr Hotpoint Oven melts A man of this type moves in a It Isn't often tlmt these North Dakotu hoys ciin mulie II snow man, enjoy dential sectioTi. Reasonable 'rent. economy, new cleaaalmost as slowly as circle of people who closely resembL freedom from their studies, nnd stnge snowllghts nil before winter renlly nr Imluirc, 339 Main Street or telel i n e s s . new h o u r t if placed anywhere him in their views and training. AUTO WRECKING rives. A combined sleet and snowstorm wns so henv.v that schools were closed phone 58G. 10-28-tf of l r e e d o m . ( See else in the kitchen. Before we give a man an automoand the children had to be escorted (o their homes. Many towns were without the new Hotpoint . . . Catrod, General bile license, we make sure he knows models on display Electrio'sspeedynew how to run an automobile. When light, heat, power, telephone and telegraph communications for GO hours. The . AMBOY AUTO WRECKING—Abe FOR R E N T : Three apartments. at our showroom* s t eel-eo cased heat in £ we give a policeman a revolver to photograph wns made In Kllldcer, Korb, Prop. Used P a r t s for All 5 rooms each a n dbath, steam heat, use, we make sure he knows how to Late Model Cars—Tires a n d all improvements; all large, light use it in such a way that his use of Tubes. Scott Avenue and High- rooms; also two garages. Apply R. it will not endanger others and yet way No. 4, Tel. South Amboy 302. Weldon, 262 John St., South Amwe have given no thought to the 7-10-13t» boy. 9-2-3t. ballot and give the man who is unfit to use it intelligently or efficiently the same voice in the affairs of TRUCKING—STORAGE FOR RENJT—Modern apartment, our nation as the man capable of making a wise decision on the pro six rooms, tile bath, showers, heat blems and candidates placed before and hot water furnished. Ready LEPPEES STORAGE—Modern stor- for occupancy about November 1st. him. age warehouse. Local and long disIt might be democracy and it may Apply 229 Henry St. or South tance, moving. Used furniture for be one of the things that makes Visit my hosiery shoppe. You don't need to buy Amboy Construction Company. government such as ours continue, sale, 8-26-tf anything. Just stop in for a friendly chat and look but it certainly seems to be a subject WE CAN SAVE YOU MONEY worth a lot of thought. 284-286 State St., Perth Amboy. things over. At least, it seems as though cerPhone P. A. 4—2318. 12-11-tf APARTMENT FOR RENT—Five tain people in every community rooms and bath, all improvements. should be permitted to hawe more to We have Hosiery for Men, Women and Children on Newly decorated and conveniently say about who is to run the affairs located. Heat furnished. Apply MONEY TO LOAN of the nation, the state and the city display and the fine quality of this Hosiery and the low 14C Henry St. 6-:i •: than some of the others. prices will surprise and delight you, even in these days of The simplest solution seems to' be M O N E Y TO LOAN on bond and to permit those who prove themdepression, mortgage in sums of $100, $200, $800 FLAT TO RENT: Five rooms, all selves worthy to make a carbon coimprovements. Heat furnished; $400, $500 and up to $10,000. Office py of their vote nnd cast both of $25 iper month. Inquire 115 John them. That might be a start in the noura from 8:20 a. m. to 8:20 p . m. Solve your hosiery problem by shopping at Sara's street. 8-9-tf* right direction. .Wednesdays a n d S a t u r d a y : from Cut Rate Hosiery Shoppe. 8:20 a. m. to 6 p . m. Inquire Joni: A Lovely, T r u s t Company Butldicg. FOR RENT: Flat at 729 Bordentown Avenue. Five Rooms, Sun Parlor and all improvements. Rent LAUNDRY—DRY CLEANING reasonable. Inquire Sam Lerner, next door. 11-11-tf* WOOD FOR SALE MARTIN WIATER LEARN the af£lechlc GnrA&ii/ TO DAY Tons of Snow—and No School! Jersey (entrdlPover&LightCok SARA SAYS: The Paulus Dairy "Select Milk" Systematic Campaign Brought Democrats Results in Madison Sold In Middlesex County For 4 0 Years 130 SOUTH BROADWAY Republicans Lost Out in Neighboring Township for First Time, in Many Yours. For the lirst time in many yours tho fiepiiblioiin stronghold in Madison Township fell before the tireless nnd systematic campaigning of Democratic leaders a t the general election last, week when John Partridge, Democratic candidate for Township C'omniiMuoman dolouli'd his Republican rival. Green, by a majority of !)2 voles. The Democrats also elected three Justices of the Peace by safe margins. This showing wns nindo possible by the efforts of the various workers in the Township, guided by (ho leader nf the party in that seclion, Cornelius A. Wall, and rupresents serious inroads on the (i. 0 . P . power in Madison. Tho following chart graphically shows the I rend of the vote. Districts . 1 2 3 Tot Partridge, (D) 211 100 347 748 Green (R) 2Vi 2112 .151 050 Justice of Peace Nicholas (D) 110 2(10 327 703 Cornell (D) .. 120 237 3,12 G83 Blodgett (R) 2.1!) 1!)8 158 (i05 Oertel (D) ... 213 McOomb (R) 7 * SOUTH AHBOY VVOLI-, DONALD, THIS iHANKl-UL £>«£> IS (JEC/*U<,Ei MO HAS. INVtTL-O H I M T O GOOD HOME AND A JAQUES COOKING and BAKING taste better when pure milk is used (VILL T H E YOUNG LADY W H O FOR RENT:—House, 7 rooms, nil picked up child injured in Roky improvements. Inquire Briggs GarTheatre, Perth Amboy, on July D age, Broadway and Main st. 10-10tf please communicate with the Citizen, 11-4-1t FOR R E N T , 5 room house part improvements. Inquire. 242 Henry HELP WANTED—FEMALE St. 10-7-tf Sandy Mac Thrift's a thankful soul, And thrift is not his only goal. He likes his neighbors and this town; His friendliness brought him renown. He says, "Hero's hoping that you may "Be Happy this Thanksgiving Day". THAT rich flavor that finely prepared foods have conies from using plenty of sweet, pure milk. Order your daily supply from us, and be sure of having: (he best milk. Phone N. B. HELP WANTED: Ladies to do tele- FOR RENT—G room single house phone work at home. Apnly 3(50 on Augusta St., near Brondway. Portia street. 11-11 tf* All improvements, p . J.Monnghiin, 208 DnvitI St. 0-30-tf SITUATION WANTED YOUNG WIDOW, would like position as housekoqpor in motherless HOUSE FOR R E N T : 7 rooms, nil improvements, a t 220 Church st. family, or small adult family. Will AIHO 3 room apartment a t 228 sleep in. Write to Mrs. Margnr<!t Church St., all improvements. InWidmaier, Pinowood Ave., Weal Keansbni'K, Care of Doiltur. 11-18 quire Mrs. II. E . Stratton, 228 Church St. 5-13-tf* Clothes for the Needy Women volunteers solving tor tic needy undor direction of tho Red CrOBB produced 2'JO.OOO gnrnicnis last year, and will produce mllllono of carmontB in tho H-lnlor of 1932-.13. These will be from tho mllllonn of yards of cotton cloth distributed by tho national lied Crona from tho DOO.OOO hnlen of cotton turned over to tho or/tnnlzntloD by Congrciui. Cloth ivni ncnt to ull clinp tors requesting It. and Intor It wan propoBcd to Hontl fjonio nlmplo readymade Barmonln, Including trousOiTi, eTcralln, underwear, ((tacking* and •ox. OUR SPECIALTY, Shirts and ColFOR RENT—HOMES lars laundered; ladies a n d gents garments dry cleaned. Prices very reasonable. PERTH AMBOY Flats and Apartments t o Rent HAND LAUNDRY AND DBY /ohnson, 324 Main St., Phon« 21. CLEANERS, 315 Maple Street, 8-18-t! Perth Amboy, Tel. P. A. 2050. 10-23-tf F O R R E N T , 404 Washington street. Six rooms and btith, all improvements. Hardwood floors. Newly REAL ESTATE FOR SALE decorated throughout. Combination coal and p a s range. Plenty of closet room. Inquire of Charles Safran. FOR S A L E : — 2 Family Apartment, 10-20-tf well located. I n good condition. All improvements. Well located. Inquirt South Amboy Trust Co. B-l-tf' HOUSE FOR R E N T : Five rooms, part improvements a t 347 John st. Inquire 343 John street. ' 10-21-tf PERSONAL THIS WEEK'S SPECIALS FOR SALE 29c MODESS .17 $1.2") KON.TOLA .79 FOR R E N T : — 0 Room House In (food location on Henry street; all imBABY CARIUAOK For Sale: In ox provements. Inquire Besner, 711 (.•client condition. Inquire 271 First Bordontown ave. 9-25-tif-* Street. 11-18-tf LOTS WANTED! FREDERICK H. LEAR REAL KSTATE . JNSURANCK 210 GEORGE STREET AWNINGS—SHADES AMIiOY SHADE AND AWNING CO. House a i d Store Awnings, Wind o v fihndcp /lent materials. BoaBonsblfi cost. 28!i Elm St., Perth Amboy. Tol. 829 P . A . 6-10-tif The Paulus Dairy "SELECT MILK" 189-195 N E W S T R E E T N E W BRUNSWICK Telephones: NEW Lt< J N S W I C K 2400 P E R T H AMBOY 4-2300 SOUTH AMBOY 20C FRIDAY. NOVEMBER 18, 1932. LOOKING BACK 22 YEARS THE SOUTH AMBOY CITIZEN f AGE SEVEN THE FEATHERHEADS Issue of Nov. 19, 1910 The Board of Freeholders, the J e r sey Central Traction Company, the | New York and Long Branch Rail-1 load Company are all interested in the changing of the route of the county road to Cheusequake creek. The bridge over the creek at Morgan is worn out and unfit for the service that is required of it, and the freeholders will erect a new lift 'draw this spring to take its place. / One half of this expense will be bor' ne by the Jersey Central Traction Company. The draw will be of sufficient width to allow the free travel of trolley, vehicle and foot .passengers. The style of draw will obviate the center pile thus giving the necessary room for vessel traffic up and down tho creek. HUH.1—ONLV THIS MORNING VOU WERE COMPIAININ<S ABOUT FBELIWS ALL IN—AND THEM i COME HOME AMP FlHD VoU'ftE O U T ASAlW WOMDER Votl WOULDN'T STAY" • HOME WHEM Vou'use S o T I R E D 1 you ? W E L L - I ' l ' - A6MIT THAT I'M DOWtf BUT I VDWT S E T OUT VER 1 / WOU'RE S O <soot> To M E , Vou K E E P ME POSTED OH WHAT'S • SV "»«< = <->"' IT TiLL I TELL THE HEWS- The Morgan road, instead of makByT.dCCLouthlin ing a turn at the entrance of the O w«n Morgan Heights 'property toward —AMD THey ARK THB VBRY SAME WELL, FAWNY- Ol'M OWe Spye Inn, will run straight W O L V E S WHICH PURSUED US! BEING SlHT To across the property of the Jersey AS W E b I D - T H E / GAIWED OH US If CIRCUS GROUNDS Central Realty Company to the railSHURC AMD Ol i COULD H H A R T H E I R HOWLS A S THmy — NOW road over which a substantial stepl APVANCED—THEN I COULD HEAft COM* POWM AN iriifge <rf the width of the road will L BReATWlWS —AND THEM I Ol'LL GBT YKX I be built. After crossing the railroad, COliU> FEEL THEIR. MUZ.X.LES SHOW t^e meadows will he filled up with ME! HOW DO VOU solid earth to the creek draw. The Jersey Central Traction Company will straighten their tracks to conform to the new route and thus two curves to the creek will be obviated. The N. Y. & L. B. Railroad Comipany is interested in the route because it will divert traffic from the dangerous crossing of their tracks ot Morgan and the Automobile Asso.ciation of the State are also urging the change so as to avoid this crossing and also the dangerous curve at Ye Olde Spye House. The county engineer is now busy •making plans for this great improvement and expects to soon have everything ready so that bidders may estimate on the contracts. On Wednesday the Board of Free- trip to Rairitan and while there wen holders met with George I. Brown, united in marriage by Rev. Geovg vice ^resident of the Jersey Centnl Okeson, an uncle of the bride. They Traction Conronnv, and J. B. Barnard were attended <by Mr. and Mrs. N. engineer of the New York nnd Lonn- W. Dayton. The happy couple havt Branch Railroad, on the ground and returned to this city and are now livTield a consultation. The Board told ing at the homo of the bride's parthe gentlemen to submit what pro- ents. • * • •» portion they were willing to stand of The first real snow storm of the the expense, and then further conseason arrived on Monday night, bu sideration would be given the matter. the white flakes melted soon aftei ***** Previous to election Collin Strat- striking the ground. • •••• For Your THANKSGIVING DINNER: Place your order ton made a friendly wager with one Frank Deacon of Camdon, has as of our prominent citizens that Vivian now for your Turkey, Chicken, Fresh Ham or any kind of sumed chcarge as secretary of the Lewis, nyould be the next governor. Fowl. This will insure you receiving a choice selection. Mr. Welsh taking the Wilson end, an P. B. R. Y. M. C. A. in this city. He oyster supper to lie tendered the was formerly assistant under Sec retary Cox at Camdon. winner. It is needless to say that Mr. "Welsh won, so he was invited to enMiss Zora Boice and Mr. Harold joy the supper at Kenan's cafe on Hoffman of iSouth Amboy, who Thursday evening. were contesting at Metuchen in the Mr. Stratton in his' generosity al- "Gold Medal Contest" deserve specso invited a number of friends to ial mention, as each recited their < 236 Feltns St. Tel. 226 f^ast with' him, and about 8! 30 o'clock selections in a very able manner. a)] assembled at the cafe, where oy- All of the other contestants were rfers in all styles were served to suit young women and men. Free Delivery ( tjie tastes of the guests. It proved a grand social success, and Mr. StratDonBle S. h H. and Elk Stamp* ton was fully repaid by witnessing the hearty enjoyment of his guests. ; Given Saturday! Only. During the evening, Mr. Stratton •was presented with "telegrams" of consolation ostensibly forwarded by the defeated candidates from the One of Most Enthusiastic jjovernorahip down. This caused some Groups in Association. ^ r e a t fun. Taken altogether the oc•casion was certainly a big success, If you walk inttTthe Y. M. C. A. »nd Mr. Stratton enjoyed it equally any Wednesday afternoon and hear "with his friends. coming from a group of eager youngAt 7:30 o'clock on Wednesday eve- sters talk of France, England, Boli•ning, the Methodist Protestant church via, Austria or any other country, •was filled with friends and invited don't think they a're mitating a ses•guests to witness the marriage of sion of the League of Nations—it is •Edward English to Miss Catherine merely the Stamp Club meeting. C. Hause, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. The Stamp Club is one of the most interesting and enthusiastic groups Furman Hause, of Second street. The decorations were exquisitely that has been organized for the younger people since R. E. Chamberlin arranged, making a most favorable impression upon those present. At the took hold as secretary. Every Wednesday the youths meet altar a large arch was erected from •which was suspended a floral bell, and stamps are traded, a general discussion takes place. Richard Nicarvo Twneath which stood the hampy couple, as the ceremony was beine per is at present acting as sponsor and formed by the Rev. N. E. Webb, plans for the election of officers are being made and the election will probpastor of the church. . Miss Ethel Parker of Philadelphia, ably take place in the near future. Members of the club are Richard a cousin of the bride wafc! maid of •honor. Mr. Snowell Hause, a brother House, Morton Goldsmith, Cier>rj»o of the bride, Was attendant to the Goldsmith. George DcGraw, Berton trroom, and Miss Charlotte Hnuse, Lewis, Robert Steiner and Glen Murfour years of age, a niece of the phy. •bride, was the charming little flower girl. She carried a basket of Euster Eleven easv-to-reud sections of urc pictures to radio. And fillies und pink chrysnnthemums with news, practical information, don't forget there's a complete maiden hair fern tied with pink chifentertainment, interest! From mataxine in color, too . . . ion. The ushers wore Francis L. Hause and Spencer Edwards. business to comics. From Try it next Sunday. Reserve a movies to real estate. From copy now with your regular Attired in a robe of white silk, and sports to science. From grav- newsdealer. You be the judge. •carrying " bouquet of bridal roses, Mrs. C. L. Cozzcns Will Serve as the iirido looked very sweet and charLocal Chairman. iff The bridesmaid was attired in The quota assigned to this city in « gown of white mull, with pink trimmings nnil curried n bouquet of the annual Christmas Senl Sale un•pink carnations, der the auspices of the Middlesex A reception followed after the County Tuberculosis League is tho «oroinony at the home of the bride's sum of seven hundred dollars, acparents. The house decorations were cording to nn announcement made iplnk and gruen mid wore beautiful- by the leagu'e todny. Mrs. C. L. Cozu ly nvrnnged. •/.ena of this city will act as local After congratulations liml boon ex- chairman for the worthy project tended to the huppy couple n bounti- nnd has expressed her confld'enco ful wedding supper was served. that the goal designated will easily Tho brido ri'eoived a largo number h? reached. of valuable icifta. A considerable reduction in the After a hrlof wedding tour, Mr. Tuberculosis League's bmliret for tho nnd Mrs. English will mn<ko their coming ywir bus boon effected, not lioine in this city. by the elvmlnntion of services ren• *• • • Two special trains were run on the dered, but by reducing administrative Rnrilnn River Rnilrnml on Sunday expenses. Tn spite of the decrease in the league hat under clinrtcr of tin1 Lubin 1'Mlm workable funds. She's active in club and church planned to keep n" the splom'i 1 wn'k Company of New York. Engineer lloll'nuui wns in charge it. is doinir, without stint. work.. locally and state-wide.. •of locomotive No. >1 nnd Tlnjrmccr The Lea true is now enring for with so much to do she conMcG u ire of No. (i. ,1.1fi2 tuberculosis patients in tho At u point near Vnm Dcventer's cnunlv nnd the ilemand on its spr serves her time and energy., crossing, a train holdup sccno wns rices is heenminir inrreasincly henvy. enacted, nnd onu of tlu> (.'iigines wns ITe.pro, the commit l">e is especially gets things done quickly and blown up, and still no person wis flesirniw of hnvinir th" ?enl sale Tiroinjured. easily . . some folks wonder how Tho r</}»biM'.4 are avvave tlmt n train dnro the necessary attini^.int funds with the Presidenl of the rond on for (lie continuation of the League's excellent work. . . others know the reason . . board will pass lit a certain time, and they decide to wreck the train, CITTUKT EPISCOPAL CHURCH many times they've heard her nnd obtain 'booty. The president's Main Street & Pvoadwnv dnughter in some manner loams of The T!ev. TInrrv Pl.nnsbury Weyricb, say, "Just telephone me . . it's tho plan, and thinks of the fireman Rector with whom she is deeply in love, much cheaper and will save oodles of to the objection of her father. She se-Sunday next before Advent. Nov. 20. 7:3f) n. m. Holy Communion. cured another engine and runs il time" , . she knows that usually 9:11(1 n. m. Church School. herself with nil possible speed to give 10:15 n. in. Holy Communion and the warning to the other train. Tin.1 tiresome and expensive trips robbers believe that this is the presi- Se'mion, 7:J?0 p. in. Special service in comdent's train nnd when it reaches .'i may be voided by "there-inmemorntion of tlie 80th anniversary certain point blow it up with dynnmito and the fair engineer is blown of Christ Church. Trencher: The an-inslant' telephone chats. into a /pond nearby. About this timo KPV. Thomas A. Conover of Tle'niardthe President's tniin arrive.'; on 111'1sville. N. .1. scene; nnd tht fireman untiring th'1 AM those nfriliater! in (his church woman falling in the pond runs t.i in sinv way " i d their friends are corthe rcscuo nnd finds she is his sweel- lially inviu.,i to attonil. henrl. After explanation, (lie Presi-i Week Hay Service.-; dent removes ull object sinus to llicj Wcrlne.^d/iy, Norcjnlx'r 2'lri), yomiR people's plan?. | 7:1fi n. in. Holy Communion, Thiiiiksgivinjr Day, 'Chursdny, Nov. On Thuvsdny, Nov. 10, firnnvllle ^•Ith. 7:lfi n. m. Holy Communion. 10:00 n. in. Holy Communion a n l Mairp? and Mios Rftflln drover, diui/rhlci1 of M'l1. Pearl Grover, took a Sermon. The Stage Is Set our*, CLUB i s GOIHG T o ISIVS A. CHOW— WMV—IT ISM'f OFTEN , _ . . - - - THIS A PIS SHOW—A MUSICAL COME&/-ANP A PROFESSIONAL IS ?FELLOW—HE'S AVAILABLE To HBL.P HERE TOPA, ..... WE VE SOT A REAL. ACTOR To UiRBCT IT AMD APPEAR IM I f — HE HAPPENED To ANyoNE LIKE US HERE TOMORROW ybu KMOW How BE V/SITINS THE AMP ONTlU THE. ARE—ALWAYS OK ANP VMB'RE SO ANt'ER.S'ON'S CAW IN &BTOH6 HIM—• PWH6W You GET THE G o GET RID °F HiM . w U - BREATH— TEUL M 6 WHATT FINNEY OF THE FORCE duality Meats of Y. J. NEBUS V. J. NEBUS STAMP CUJBATTRACTS YOUTHS TO "Y" HERE It may be just your kind of a Sunday paper City Assigned Christmas Seal Sale Quota Xcralb JUST TELEPHONE ME..ITS CHEAPER AND WILL SAVE TIME" >HOME COMPAN*; CZD FOR AN UNUMITEI EW6A6EMEI Barking Up the Wrong Tree RELIEVED? AWP WOULD i "»WAT WAY 7 — To HAD MUZZLEJ NEWARK or nr ROUND NEW YORK / 3 c TRIP RESTRICTED RESIDENTIAL SITES FOR SALE SUNDAY, NOVEMDEB 20tl» WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 23rd Leaves Sunday Wednesday So. Amboy 9.26 A.M. 9,29 A.M. M B t u r ticket! ffooU on my N«w Jerney Central train, txoept Tin Blna Comet, on date of •»[«. Oomult ticket nrrata . for bavins tlmei from itatlona not abown In tnla »avortli«m«nt, and adflltlonal i«fgrm*t|on. MmVar «onnlon» on Ilicamber ttb and 7th. NEW JERSEY CENTRAL Located At WHITEHEAD TERRACE (Finest Residential Section of City) Terms to Suit All Improvements DOLAN & SULLIVAN 265 DAVID ST. TBL. 788 _ DON'T GET UP At Night I t fat a n on* at th* tninLiM who moat f*t np (arenl times a night, your tnobte ta probably due to an irritation of the bUdohr. Joat try taking Gold Medal Haarlem Oil Capaulea. Darin* 397 yean thu fine, old preparation baa helped miUiona. Why not youl Insist on GOLD msDAL. SSc A 75c JULIUS KALMA, FLORIST Plants and Cut Flowers Funeral Designs Main Slraat Telephone 497 W . Talefraph Fiow.r. Anywhar. _ Ktjport W . D.li T ., Naarby GOLD MEDAL HAARLEM OIL CAPSULES THE SOUTH AMBQY BUSINESS DIRECTORY COAL A N D WOOD ANTHRACITE BITUMINOUf EDWARD McDONOUGH CCAL COMPANY REAL ESTATE—INSURANCE /ETNA-I2E R. A. CASEY MILK Phone 267 CUAJf 347 Catherine Si PLUMBING AND HEATING Tar«. ( . COAT FRANK S. KABOSKI AGENCY 214 Pine Avenue REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE South Amboy, N. J. MILK A N D CREAM 107 S. Pin* Avanaa Toliphona 178 Soatk Amboy G. T. WILHELM Sanitary and Heating Engineer BICHARDSON * BOYNTON VAPOR SYSTEM HOT WATER AND STEAM BUILT-IN TUBS AND SHOWEJU PAUL BRYLINSRI 0. T. MASON » a FIRST STREET SOUTH AMBOY, N. J WILHBLM'S HALL—The ideal place to hold Lodge Meetiaga, — IN Banquets, Card Parties and ParReliable UNITED STATES Companies ties of all Kinds EXPLOSION INSURANCE Rates furnished by calUag S. A. 292 NOTARY PUBLIC (Suooeiiortd K. P. Maion) i\^i FUEL OIL CONCRETE BLOCKS PORTLAND CEMENT ALL KINDS OF iiA\ct: FEED AND GRAIN 231 first Street Old Lehigh and Wilkes-Barre COAL Center and Elm Sts. Phones: So. Amboy 7 So. River 8 South Amboy J. M. FABSIB, Insurance of All Kinds Pire, Automobile, Liability, Explosion, Casualty, etc. Surety and Fidelity Bonds Telephone 347-J PAINTS, ETC. EUGENE A. MORRIS (Suocosaor to A. T. Korr) Painti, Oils 343 MAIN ST. SOUTH AMBOY CONTRACTORS Telephone 4S5 and Varniehei Bruahea, Glass, Bronze*, Gold Leaf, Stain* Etc WALL PAPER 2S8 First Street South Ambo) TAILOR TalaphoBMt 292| R a> ) M w. Consult Me For Opinions Estimates on All High Grade Plumbing and Heating 189 North Broadway South Amboy Telephone 584 ACETYLENE WELDING JOHN J CROSS ELECTRIC AND ACETYLENE WELDING SOUTH AMBOY CONSTRUCTION CO. GENERAL BUILDING CONSTRUCTION Alteration! and Suggestions Repair. Promptly Attended To 229 Henry St. Tel. S. A. 381 423 Henrr St. Tel. S. A. 830 SOUTH AMBOV, N. J. Gaaaral Repairiag Scott A v e a » Santa Amboy, N. J. Telephone S. A. 256 BAKERIES THE HESS BAKERY CAKES, PIES, BREAD, TRUCKING L. Tailor WORK CALLED FOR AND DELIVERED Phoa. 7 1 103 ? ROLLS AND ALL ELMER S. PARISEN BAKED COODIES CARTING OF ANY KIND CRATING AND SHIPPING 131 Worth Broadway 113 Duvla St. Soatli Asahe? T«Uj>»»» SIS (Next to Fir* House) FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 18, TH* 80UTH AJ1B0Y CITIZEN PAGi> ... ANN1 VKitSAKY j Hiram MeConneH, John Sexton, Wil- ast quarter there is already an oyer- ly beyond those of former years. CKLfctfiiATlON tit MEMBERS jliam Dixon who according to the par- expenditure of $75 with probably The drop in a few anticipated revV ALLEY MEN TOOK Coach McCarthy Rapidly fclGHTlJST« Completed Court Uk' (JtittlST CHURCH PAIUSHi'sh record, was the first person con- quite a number of small bills still to enue accounts amounts to something over twenty per cent. For instance: firmed in the parish; Richard 51a- come in. from Page 1) guire, clerk and treasurer for nearly The Poor Account average expen- $1100 was expected from Petty LicenLoop Arrangements EVERY GAME IN MATCH Recovering From Injuries On (Continuea November 13th, ltit>'i, by ac,seventeen years; John F. Hillman, ditures per month for tho nen month ses. Nothing has been 'realized. Pothe legislature, the name was Orlando Perrine, L. F. Mcinzer, Wil- period amounts to about ?630. In lice Cuurt Fines were expected to rein A^omobile Acci- otchanged Last Evening WITH KEYPORT FIVE ;Received to Christ Church. In Ihi..liam P. Kathburn, Dr. Ambrose Treg- this account there was a balance re- turn $.500 to the city till. Only $C9. dent Saturday Morning. H. C. Perrine and James ported for Nov. 1, as $571.41. This has come in from that source. Bus year, largely turuugh the generosity ; anowan, account does not include Emergency feus are $218.85 below expectation*?. Relief expense. Funds expended by Interest and Costs have brought ill the city for this purpose earlier in $5^(1.1)5 loss than was expected. Fees the year may account for the state- and lVrmits returns are $ttll,64 below anticipations. Rents, counted ort ington, now South River. Rev. Gideon J. Burton, Rev. Richard ments of city overspending amount- io ma'rgin. The scores: very boulevard in Perth Amboy, has realize $M0, have brought in ' V ing to thousands of dollars. Humors The multitude of little details Itoane Memorial Chapel was erec-, B. Post, Kev. William Wordsworth S. A. Y. M. C. A. | been discharged from the Perth Amabout town have it that bills being $'.10. And the gasoline tax, which must be attended to before a ted by R. S. Conover in 18G7. It was Taylor, Rev. Henry Montague Perdev 191 2091X71M iboy Hospital and is now at home, hold back for services and goods furbasketball pennant race is launched, Poulsen 'j McCarthy, who is director of athletics located on the west side of the road ' Pearse, Rev. Chaiiinan S. Lewis, Rev. nished will swell the overdraft great- was counted mi for »3,712.P 171 177I-' were discussed at the meeting of theJensen 7 9 realized only $2,018.21 to dati to Morgan, and was used as a day Henry Mitchell, Rev. Charles E. KeiI , lit Carteret High School, was first Clayton 202 201 Board of Diredtors of the City Basnedy and the present rector, Rev. 136 100Ijj? thought to have sustained a serious and Sunday school. ketball League held last eveninm ill Thomas 202 203I''- | fracture of the skull, but has re- In the year 1872, when Rev. R. B. j Harry Stansbivry Weyrich. the Y. M. C. A. with Donald Heed, Banzyk .. T 7 I ! covered rapidly and will soon be onPost was rector, the organ in the j Jr., presiding. py church was moved irom its original : INDOOR PARISH BAZAAR i 902 980 892 Chief among the matters discuss:iis feet again. position under the tower to the north : KEYPORT OPENS MONDAY NIGHT ed at last nighft's session was the apThe injured man is .prominent 153 224 148 athletic circles in the county and was side of the chancel and a vested male Penltemian proval of player lists for the var(Continued from Page 1) choir was introduced. This, it is be212 .. 201 186 Kinhafer . ious teams. formerly a star athlete at the local lieved, is only the second instance of .... 146 167 155 Kitchen Committee: Monday: Mrs. ii school. At present he is at the The schedule of games recently Walling .... 135 183 224 arteret school, and has tu'rned out vested male choirs in the diocese, and M. Krolak, Mrs. F. Domzal, Mrs. A. completed calls for the opening; of Culver 187 188 138 some championship teams at that has proved an important factor in Sobezak, Mrs. A. Kuc. the race on Wednesday evening, Dee. Kruser Tuesday: Mrs. A. Zdaniewicz, Mrs. institution. One of his most impor- the success of the parish. 7th, when the Catholic Club opposes 825 958 877 When Rev. W. W. Taylor, success- A. Wilus, Mrs. A. Trzoniec, Mrs. H. tant "finds" is Joe Medwick, former the Knights of Columbus and the or to Rev. H. B. Post, was rector, tin Sumska. 'arteret high school athlete, who is South Amboy High School Alumni now with the St. Louis Cardinals in congregation had assumed such pro-1 Wednesday: Mrs. J. Maliszewska, opposes the Sacred Heart Collegians. portion that the enlargement of tlvj j Mrs. _M. Kurzawa, Mrs. Stella Dobthe National Baseball League. The remainder of the schedule is chu'rch was seriously discussed and a rzynska, MTS. E. Wisniewska. as follows: fund started for that purpose. Dur- Thursday: Mrs. C. Zyzkowska, Dee. 14—Knights of Columbus vs Sacred Heart Collegians: Catholic I ing the rectorship of Kev. H. M. P.Mrs. C. Perlowska, Mrs. S. Gorczyca, Pearse the present chancel, choir Mrs. Sophie Kuc. Club vs Alumni. Recent games rolled in the Y. M. rooms and organ chamber were add52 SMITH STREET Dec. 21—Alumni vs Knights of ed to the edifice largely through the WAS IT FINANCES THAT Columbus: Sacred Heart Collegians C. A. bowling league, resulted in the following scores, Friday night: generosity of Mrs. Noah Furnian. CAUSED SHARP WORDS vs Catholic Club. Near High Street ACES Dean Baker on July 11th, 1892 Dec. 28—.Sacred Heart Collegians AT CITY HALL? 165 194 Rynetz 190 laid the cornerstone of the new chanvs Alumni: Knights of Columbus vs (Continued from page ont) PERTH AMBOY cel and the chancel itself was conseGorchess 172 233 157 Catholic Club. 192 192 192 Unable to cope with the ground crated by Bishop Scarborough on January .4—Alumni vs Catholic Heindle In the streets and garbage appro226 19, 1893. The remains of priation a similar condition is indiClub: Sacred Heart Collegians vs J. Smith and aerial attack of Rutgers in t h e . January - - --. --. Mlsii h w ns Barber 154 151 Knights of Columbus. cated by the City Treasurer's repert. 28th game of their long scries play.??Phfor ,IB $theStCTe , n . s ' wof f °.. 18) 157 ' • sponsible o jsponsiblo erection the' origAnderson 202 Jan. 11—Caitliolic Club vs Sacred The balance on Oct. 1st was $2,702. ed before five thousand spectators in inal edifice were committed to theOctober expenditures were $1,290 Heart Collegians: Knights of Colum910 927 921 Taylor Stadium last Saturday, Le- family vault only n few days before nnd the balance available as of Nov. bus vs Alumni. high went down to a crushing 37-G the new chancel was opened for ser- 1st, $1,412. October expense was Jan. 18—Alumni vs Saered Heart CARDINALS ice. Collegians: Catholic Club vs Knight? Rehfuss $520 under the nine-month average 193 205 202 defeat. In 1894, owing to the tireless ener- mentioned by Councilman Inman in The victory was,the fifth this seuof Columbus. Nichol 214 190 181 Jan. 25—Catholic Club vs Alumni: Wortley 212 179 181 son for the scarlet clad Rutgers elev- gy of the lay reader Ambrose M. his council speech before election. To Knights of Columbus VB Sacred Russell 170 180 1G8 en and it uame. in a game in which Gordon, Hie Chaipol of the Good Shop- avoid an overexpenditurc the costs Heart Collegians. Poulson 164 209 188 Lehigh was put to rout In two of the iird at Ernston was built and dedi- would have had Jo be cut in half becated by Jiishop Scarborough on itinning the first of this month. That, Feb. 1—Sacred Heart Collegians 953 9G3 923 four periods. The vicious thrusts of March 9th, 1894. The Sunday School apparently, has not been done. vs Catholic Clufo: Alumni vs Knights Prisco, Dunnlp, Kramer mid Truex, Tuesday night: building was enlarged and remodeled of Columbus. 170 NORTH BROADWAY Telephone 803 The Public Buildings appropriathe chief ground gainers for Rutgers at a cost of over $2,500 to form the Feb. 8—Knights of Columbus, vs BROADWAY tion balance of $445 as of October 165 and the alertness of \V. Demares*, 166 present parish house, where all social dwindled another $20 during October. Catholic Club: Sacred Heart Colle- McCarthy 15fl 1(19 170 big Scarlet end, were the dominant functions of the Parish are held. gians vs Alumni. Moran 128 156 Willi the account, owing the water 192 factors in the Rutgers triumph. The records of the church contain ilepurlmont a $500 payment for the Feb. 15—Knights of Columbus vs Adams 190 208 200 the nimivH of many connected with Alumni: Catholic Club vs Sacred Pryga After being held scoreless in the122 Heart Collegians. Hyers 164 181 150 first period the Rutgers cloven' un- the early families of South Amboy. Some of the names are no longer Feb. 22—Sacred Heart Collegians 759 880 886 loosed their powerful attack in this heard in the city and descendants of +*************•+***+•*•+++ vs Knights of Columbus: Alumni vs second when two touchdowns were others are still members of the RAINBOW Caltholic Club. Hawes 187 184 135 scored. The scoring was even more church. The name of John C. StevPoulsen 179 154 105 pronounced in the third period when ens stands forth prominently in the Envmons 138 IBS 149 they shoved across tlneo touchdowns, early history of the parish us one Sheppa'rd 144 149 181 and another in the last piny of thewho look a deep interest in its welCarlisle 229 158 192 final quarter, tout the latter was call- fare during his life time and who Small JERSEY PORK LOINS, either end, 1b. 12c ed back because of a holding penalty. made a liberal provision for its Rup877 808 822 after his death in 1800. CommoLchigh's ground attack counted io; port dore Conover, who was a warden of Fresh JERSEY HAM, 8 to 12 lb. avg.,,lb lie Committee Reports Ticket Supnaught and only in the third period the church for ono'ycirr and who died . ply Being Rapidly Exhausted. did aerials pave tho way for a touch- in 18G4 is buried in the vault under BALOGNA, 2 pounds 29c down. Three out o f four heaves by the church. You'll want to look prosAs Ithe day of the gold awards Reidy to Goodrich netted seventy Shoulder or BREAST MILK FED VEAL, lb.-lOc Charles D. Fish was long associawhich are to bo made by the local perous. yards, and with the ball on the two ted with the early history of the Knights of Columbus draws near, it Allentown SAUSAGE, with blue label on, lb. 18c hss been reported by the committee parish, serving either as warden, yard line Reidy plunged for the You Will If You Make Your that the ticket supply is rapidly vestryman or treasurer of the parish touchdown. Fancy Roasting CHICKENS, 4 lb. avg., lb. 20c dwindling and those who wish to parPurchases at Harry's. from its beginning unbil his death in The way for the first touchdown (n 1875. ticipate should do so before the supTaking all three games Saturday the third period was ipaved when ply is exhausted. FRESH JERSEY PORK SHOULDERS, lb. ....9c Another of the ea'rly members, A little will go a long way The awards will be made on Nov.night, the Aces of this city won ovur Phelps blocked a punt and Demarost long faithful in the work of the parhere. FRESH FLAT SPARE RIBS, lb 10c 22nd, ne^t Tuesday, and those who the Recreations of j Red Bank. The recovered on Lehigh's five yard linu. ish was Oliver Cox who served as are working on the committee are scores: A penalty moved the ball closer and clerk, vestryman and warden from ACES PLATE or BRISKET CORNED BEEF, lb 8c requested to make their returns to then Prisco went across in the first 1857 until 18G5. His minutes as «cc169 214 167 Grand Knight Rioha'rd Malone, of Ryentz retary intimate that he was an origplay. 158 191 184 PHILADELPHIA SCRAPPLE, pound 10c Main street, on or before the day of Gorchess inal character. Information handed Heindle 189 202 175 Within a short time Rutgers had down from the early days says he the award. another touchdown, this time when was an Englishman and a schoolmasLOOSE SAUSAGE, our own make, lb 15c Barber 157 142 21G Anderson 182 199 208 Prisco intercepted a forward pass oi ter who wore a wig and false teeth. BLACK HAWK BACON, y lb. pkg 10c 855 948 950 2 Lehigh's 47 yard line. After being I I I South Broadway Among the early officers of the RECREATIONS held on two thrusts within a gain, parish were Dr. L. D. Morse, first FRESH CHOPPED HAMBURGER, 3 lbs 25c Fisher 181 159 17'J Tel. 604 Truex passed to Demarest and thejunior warden; Abraham Everett, J. Accena 140 157 192 big end scampered the remaining who was known as "Boss" Everitt, a ************************ Saunders 172 135 190 vestryman for many years; Peter P. distance for a touchdown. Van Ness 156 208 156 Voorhees, the first clerk of the vesL. Accena 160 147 180 A forward pass was responsible try; Prank S. Conover, warden and for the third and Bnal touchdown of vestryman for many years; R. C. "'. ~ - 809 806 897 the session. After Kramer had run a Livingston, warden for two yea'rs; Large Stock of Better Grade Lehigh punt back to Lehigh's 28 yard Captain P. V. DeGraw, a vestryman Footwear Will Be Handled. Identity a Puzile rrfark, Truex tossed a pass to Kra- from 1862 to 1877, and secretary durNo definite conclusion has been mer, who stepped across the goal line ing most of that period; P. J. PariWith a complete stock of the latest Styles in footwear, Charles Som- reached by historians regarding the unmolested. TT.._V Watson, !»»•„„„ s e n . R. S. Conover, Hugh mers, who formerly was connected Identify of thr Man With the Iron •with the Junior Vogue Footwear Mask. He has been supposed to be (1* Shop, has opened 'a new store, at 96 the duke of Vannnndols, a natural SON Smith street, Perth Amboy, where he of I,oiils XIV; (2) tin elder brother of is ready tomorrow to greet his many friends: from South Amboy and vicin- Louis XIV; (.')) a twin brother of Louis X'lV: M) ("hunt Matthloll, Imity. m/ Mr. Somers, who is an expert in prisoned for treachery; (15) g soldier the footwear business, has announ- of fortune nnined XInrechlcf, and (0) Qener"' do liulonde. ced that he has secured a better grade footwear which will be sold at prices which recognize present day Just a Thought financial conditions, and a featured Is the world all grown up7 Is childservice of expert fitting. Many people hood (IPIHI? Or Is there not In the in this city know Mr. Sommers in- liosom of the wisest and hest some of timately and are pleased to learn that he will ngain serve them in the tlic child's lioart left,e to respond to Us earliest (•n/'tinntmpnt ?—f'hnrlns Lamb selection of their footwear. Aliss b. S. Conovtr, the Church oi White, Player Lists Were Submitted at The Y. M. C. A. team rolling on Francis J. McCarthy, of Raritan ui local alleys against Kcyport A. street, who was seriously injured in the Holy Trinity at Roundabouts, The rectors who have been in charConference of Board of Mana- the C. Wednesday night walked o(f with an automobile accident last Saturday now ISayreville, was built, and inge of the church during ius long hisgers, ivory game of the match by a handy morning at 3:30 o'clock, on the Con- 18u'7 moved to the village of Wash- 1 tory are the Rev. Charles L. Little, tXTIIJITTTTTTTTTTTTIIIIXl. SPECIAL PRICES IN MEN'S SUITS $ RECENT SCORES IN "Y" BOWLING MATCHES Rutgers Conquers 5 and up Lehigh by 37-6 Before 5,000 (Fans BURKARD'S MEAT AND PRODUCE MARKET | Going To Visit The Old] Folks On Thanksgiving? Knights Gold Award Meets W'tli Great Favor RED BANK TEAM LATEST VICTIMS OF ACE ROLLERS II HARRY'S Charles Sommer Will Welcome Local Friends To New Store Tomorrow TENENBAUM'S COAL IS CHEAPER WITH US!! Tenth Anniversary Sale! LADIES'FLANNEL GOWNS „ Genuine l Y i l l V v U Pocohontas CHESTNUT COAL $ft.5O LUNCH CLOTHS, part linen, fast colors Sale Price 19c per ton LOOK FOR THE CERTIFIED CERTIFICATE CHILDREN'S IIO9E MEN'S SOCKS A Trial Will Convince You We Sell Only Grade A Quality Coal $11.50 11.00 9.25 7.50 THESE ARE REDUCED PRICES KOPPERS COKE - Sale Price 8c pair BOY'S KNICKER HOSE ....Sale Price 12y2c pair ON ALL DELIVERIES per ton per ton per ton per ton • $11.00 per ton Sale Price 8c pair MEN'S ROOTS Tl VOLI UNDERWEAR Sale Price $1.15 Full Size COMFORTERS Sale Price $1.59 Men's and Women's BATH ROBES ...., Sale Price $1.59 Boy's Leatherette SHEEP LINED COATS " .......Sale Price $1.95 Many More Bargains Too Numerous To Mention. Call and Convince Yourself Stove or Chestnut Size Raritan Coal and Charcoal Co. Yard and Office: H1-149 S. Second Street Phone P. A. 1-2015 tvmou ot the eiown Sale Price 29c LADIES' FULL FASHIONED SILK HOSE Sale Price 44c Pair STOVE COAL NUT COAL PEA COAL BUCKWHEAT COAL We will Have a Full Line of Poultry for Thanksgiving. The Turkeys We Will Have Are Not Northwesterns or Maryland's, But Are Raised Right on Our Farm at Farmingdale, N. J. PERTH AMBOY Telephone Yours Orders For Immediate Delivery Tenenbauin's Dept. Store Known for Good Value, Low Prices and Reliable Merchandise 110 SOUTH BROADWAY PHONE 511 We give and redeem S & H Green Stamps Follow the Crowd to our Showroom A SHORT time ago, tlie new Plymouth Six was only a rumor. Today it's getting more "talk" than any other car in town. It's a huge success. Steel bodies . . . but is the only car in the low-priced field with the greatest engineering advance of the times—FLOATING POWER! And no wonder! It not only has that "large car look" . . . not only a great new six cylinder engine . not only has Hydraulic Brakes . . . not only has Safety- Folks are buying this new Plymouth Six! With all those fascinating new features . . . and the fascinating new price—they just can't help itl W. F. HUM Spotswood, N. J. Tel. Jamesburg 57-F-3 THE SOUTH AMBOY CITIZEN FRIDAY, DECEMBER 9, 1932. STATE AND COUMIY GOVERNOR AND PARTY ITEMS OF INTEREST WILL BE PRESENT AT Pictorial .!/«;< Of Morris ('<>• Math YOUR FURNACE AND HOW TO RUN IT STATE CHARITY BALL After considerable histuiical research Wilhu jl'iderrion, oi Munistown lias completed a pictorial map Mr. and Ml'S. Mooi'C to Lead of Morris County with notation- ui Masque Costume March. significant events in its hi--ioiy. _,_ The artist lias discovered that the (;,, ci-iiur a n d Mrs. A. H a i r y M o o r e locality was first called "Old h orges ;l)1(jj aV ] J : u .ty o ff ffH u jm | s | W JH \\[[„_, \ <rUosU t and the iirst setllfinenL was made by • ,, r Cinnplroll^r of the Treasury and the Dutch ol' i'oiniiluii in I n t o . i " e v l r s J | ) h n jic-Cutchcon at tho annual county m tae eany nays was i n e j i S l a ; e Oliai-ity Bal Masque in t h e srauie oi .ne n u n nuiusi.y. Ino Iji-st; Ti-Ontou Armory, Wednesday night, era roiling- nun in w cuuiu.y was e»-i December 11th. Mr. McCutclieon is roi in Chairman of the ball. taUiisaeu oy uie ,iacivsuii ;nU,R,sl o f t,J(j economy the Kocjiaway. i ue t'iii iy i«niii oi aitpit?jacK Known as "oeisuy iji^iiLiiin^ ' *s Governor will not ask his military stuff, in full military regalia, to also uepjCLeu on ine map. company him. He has al.-o requested Elliott /I'c/Hucis ljuslid Mentor Runny" LnaL ner uisnussai consti- Mr. McCutclieon to dispense with tuted a violation oi tier tenure riglus dinner that has yearly been given :o the Governor and his friends by the Connnissioner unailes i i . of the ball. The Governor the in-aie uepari,iiK'iiL OJ. ruunc lu-1 chairman uie reini "'"' ^ l r s - Moore will lead the march fitiUCWOll, iCCUll».jy OlUL'lLH of those in masque costume that alA considerable saving of fuel statement oi j u a , n-iit-e ivani&c; ways features is possible by covering tho radiathis social event. Mrs. Vveiuur ol uie mgn tsriuyc bunuuia, Moore heads the tors of a sleam, vapor or hot waof patronesses, Mrs. weiuer uaa ueen a leucnu women prominent list ter system with blankets or rugs socially and many of l/nysicui Training' in tile local of them identified with State work. at night when windows are open schools since berneinoor Ui6, ana ner in the sleeping rooms. Since the The ball this year will aid the enheat-conducting medium in those position was aouiisueu in an economy dowment of the room at Cooper Hossystems circulate back to the move made m june uy Uie coaru oi pital, Camden, that is to cost $10,000 central heater In the basement, Kducation. Aier work tins iun has and provide free treatment for State the exposure of the radiators to been done by a part iime u employees. Previous events of this cold out-door air will chill thin have resulted in the endowment circulating medium. . On returnStale Airports Will I! is Licensed kind of rooms in McKinley and St. Franing to the boiler, the chilled meWith the assistance ot tne federal cis Hospitals, Trenton, nnd St. James dium will lower l\\f average temDepartment ol Coimnieicti, airports Hospital, Newark, each costing $10,perature of tho entile :iy.skm ard anu fields in the state have been 000. No State aid was ever requested thereby decrease this amount of surveyed (and capacity to accommo- or donated in this work of charity. heat delivered to the other rooms <iate planes of various weight classes The sale of tickets accomplished the' whom tho maintenance of a comhas been determined. fortable loinnornlurp N diinireil. result. Plans to license forty-eight airThis charity was inaugurated about ports anu twenty-nine emergency nine years ago by former AssemblyPrefer« Originality to Fact landing netas in New Jersey nave been completed by the btuto UeP'"'1; nan Arthur F. McGrnth who is an "(ieniiiK cil'tcii iiruviM iinli-iiHtnient oi Aviation as Uie lesuit. Lacon assistant to Comptroller McCutcheon. woi'th.v," said 111 llu, (lit; HIIKU of ses win specify the maximum weight David Davies, assistant State Audi- Chinatown, "boeimse It Is niitiirnl for ship wnicn a iieiu will acconimouate tor and former Mayor of Pennine- It to prefer iirlglmillly lo ordinary for commercial purposes. Minimum ton is treasurere. fact."—Washington Star. eauipment must include fire lighting apparatus, first aid facilities aiw axe.crowbar and hacksaw, ihe large airports to be given "unlimited licenses, have available in addition, telephone service, transportation to nearest municipality and complete plane service. Mincemeat Makes Spicy Desserts •' Will Select Official Stale Ubd At the next session ot the btatc Legislature, it is expected tho official State bird will be selected. School children of the state eagerly await the selection. Four birds liovu been nominated by the children for this official position. They are the kingbird, for its bravery and helpfulness; indigo bunting, because it is the color of the State flower, the violet; hummingbird, because it is associated with gardens and New Jersey is known as the "Garden State" and cedar waxwing, because it is buff, the color of the State Hag. Dry Law Advocates Scarcli Records j Dry law advocates in the state, faced with the possibility of losing the things they fought lone foi'i ll* the result of the recent referendum on the state enforcement act and the promises fiom Washington of "beer by Christmas," are scanning state statutes and local ordinances in an effort to develop a line of strategy to ward off the threatened deluge. The contention is that police would be compelled to enforce local d!ry laws regardless of repeal of state enforcement, in communities which voted dry under the State local option law. This law is credited to the late State Senator George W. F. Gaunt. The record is that this bill became law after Gaunt left the Sen ate and while he was suffering a fatal illness attributed to injuries receive! in fighting: a barn fire said to have been started by an intoxicated man. Agricultural Dept. M«u Rent Farms A recent report of the New Jersey State Department of Agriculture tells of the idle farm service recently established, which is calculate* to make idle farms in the State useful to individuals nnd productive of revenue. The report indicates that almost daily inquiries are made by city anil suburban residents who desire to purchase a farm and live in the country. To tljesc persons, the new service sends a description of iillo farms. Township officials hnve furnished the department with names of owners of farms "which arc not bein^ cultivated or used for any iifrrimltural purpose. State Tar Commimtioii Urfied Establishment of a Slato Tax CoinmisHiom'i' and elimination of county tax boards nnd municipal assessors ns a means of assuring "professional appraisini:" and of lvdik'ing the "over incri'asinir county and innnicipnl taxi's" Cli'ii'diM", Wiw ui'irod nr(>f<»sK(ir liy KIIKOIU! By J O S E P H I N E OIASON Director, Heinz Food Institute l y i l N C F . M E A T pie is a traditional delicacy, but during tbe past fewycars mincemeat has been found to have almost limitless uses in preparing delightful, spicy desserts, Hakcd apples stuffed with mincemeat are a very popular dessert. Delicious fruit cake made from mincemeat, allowing the mincemeat to furnish the fruits and spices instead of spending hours collecting and preparing these ingredients, has taken the place of old type fruit cake. This newly discovered fruit cal;o improves with a.c;e, too. Mincemeat iillcil cookies, drop conlacs, upside-down cake, gingerbread, cup cakes and apple dumplings arc a few of many delightful new mincemeat desserts. Fruit Spice Cake—Cream ;-j cup butter; add 1 cup sugar and cream together thoroughly. Add 1 teaspoon vanilla, and two eggs, one ;it a time, beating after each adc-lition until very Unify. Sift 2'/- cups all purpose flour (sifted once before measuring) \V± teaspoons baking powder, Jj teaspoon soda, and )i teaspoon salt together once. Add about one-third of the flour mixture to the butter mixture and beat until smooth; add 1 pound can Mince Meat, Yi cup Pure Apple Butter, and 1 cup nut meats, and til light and fluffy. Sift when well blended add remaining cake flour (sifted once flour. Mix thoroughly, and pour measuring), \(\ teaspoon salt, and into a greased tube pan, having the 2 teaspoons baking powder tobottom lined with waxed paper. gether, and add to first mixture, alBake in moderate oven (325° F.) ternately with Y> cup milk. Butter for 1J4 hours, or until cake springs a shallow scpiare or oblong baking hack when pressed with tho finger. pan. Sprinkle pan with Yi cup sugar May be aged, as ortlinary fruit cake. and line with '/j cup Mince Meat. Turn cake batter over Mince Meat, Baked Apples Stuffed with Mince and bake in moderate oven (350°I\) Meat—Core 6 large red apples, befor about 45 minutes. Serve hot ing sure to remove all of the core, with whipped cream, or lemon or but do not cut through to the other vanilla sauce. Serves 8. side of the apples. Pierce with a fork in several places, and arrange Mince Meat Gingerbread—Pour 1 the apples in a shallow baking dish. cup boiling water over Va cup butFill cavity of each with Mince ter. Add '/• cup sugar and 1 cup Meat and pour over them a sugar molasses. Mix well and allow to syrup made by boiling 1 cup sugar cool. Add '/• cup sugar, 2-y\ cups and \\A nips water together for six Hour, 1 teaspoon cinnamon, 1 tcaminutes. Sprinkle apples with siigai spopn ginger, 1 teaspoon soda, and and bake in a nicdiutiily hot oven J-d teaspoon salt which have been (•10(1' 1\) until tender, basting often sifted together, and stir until a with the syrup. smooth batter is formed. Add 1 Mince Meat Upside Down Cake beaten egg and fold in -'i cup Mince Meat. liake in moderate —Cream \',\ cup butter, add -hi cup Mi;;;ir gradually ami cream well. oven C150" F.) for 35 t o -15 minAdd 2 fugs, one at a time, beating utes. This is a delicious fruity variathoroughly after each addition un- tion of plain gingerbread. of I'Cdiiomk's Ml Rutgers University liilUinrr before tho HOhiwmnnnl ineelini!; of the New Jersey HuiliLin^' and litmn Association at. Asliuiy I'ark. I'ViinciK V. I). Lloyd, president of thu Newark Home Unm Hank, Haid the institution would iimUu every effort In telieve thi! home mortgage situation mid to encourage ip'ititutions to resume the business for which tlu y hud been intended, to stop liquidating niul to start lending to home owners. I Use This New Fuel Dillion Reports Depression Even Hits Florida is I and Save Money New River Smokeless (NO FINE PIECES) NUT AND STOVE SIZE SCREENED You won't be able to go to Florida this winter a s usual? That's too bad, but save your sighs for n better cause, li-eause things aren't unite 30 comfortable down fhive anyhow. The foregoing assertion is bused on a cominuiiieiiliou from S. J . Dillon, local gloheliiiUer, who is spending a portion of Hie ivinler touring the $7.75 • per ton Mr.' Ttillim speaks of the $2.(1(10,000 hotel, file Ponce d T,<'on in Mt. AujrUJitint* and sny;' that- of livo acre.' of door s]vaei', oiil.v I wit limns will be occupied (iurinj1; tin1 rimiin^ senson. Too 'IMHI, hut we wnn't In1 able 1o go down thi''. winter. W'v hnve our own i!'.^j)iv<'ssion in enjoy. Traffic ItUi. N o t N ™ K x r u v n ! n r M luivi! i'nunil t h n f u o n e w a y HllTI't C'NlWl'll 111 I ' o l l l p l ' l l , till' ItIIII n n c i t y w h i e l i WIIK i b s l n i . v e d h y 1111 e r u p t i o n i'f MfMinl Y r s i l v l t m In T'.i. KEYPORT, N. J. TO THE PEOPLE OF SOUTH AMBOY AND VICINITY WE WANT TO EXPRESS OUR MOST SINCERE APPRECIATION FOR YOUR CONFIDENCE IN OUR ADVERTISING AND IN THIS STORE. YOU WERE PROMISED THE .LOWEST PRICES EVER QUOTED ON FURNITURE. THE USUAL GOOD SERVICE AND COURTESIES EXTENDED BY THIS STORE AND THE FACT THAT HUNDREDS OF SOUTH AMBOYANS AND OTHERS IN THE VICINITY OF SO. AMBOY MADE PURCHASES DURING THE PACT FEW DAYS CONVINCES US THAT YOU FOUND WHAT WE STATED TO BE THE .ABSOLUTE TRUTH. THIS SALE WILL RUN UNTIL CHRISTMAS WITH NEW STOCK COMING IN DAILY. NO ONE WILL BE DISAPPOINTED—WE THINK TOO MUCH OF YOUR RESP3NSE TO OUR CIRCULARS, LETTERS AND NEWSPAPER ADVERTISING TO LET ANYTHING LIKE THAT HAPPEN. FOR RANGE AND FURNACE : NO ODOR : : : : NO SMOKE : I H.D.UTTELL Pine Avenue I T10LHI'Hi)NK KOUTH AM HOY 10 WE URGE YOU TO SHOP AT THIS STORE AS OUR GUARANTEE THAT OUR PRICES WILL BE 15 TQ 40% LOWER THAN ANY. OTHER STORE STILL HOLDS GOOD. THANK YOU! i 1 Store open every evening until Christinas 1 $32.75 Reclining Chairand Stool . . . . $16.75 $19.75 Cogswell ' Chair . . . . . $9.75 $14.50 Occasional Queen Anne Chair - $6.75 LIVING ROOM SUITES $69 2-pc. Tapestry Sorry! Impossible phone or mail orders. $24.75 Secretary . $12.75 WALNUT or MAHOGANY to honor -- CEDAR CHESTS $79 3-pc. Jacquard . ; $39 $14.75 36 in. Walnut. $7.75 3-pc. Tapestry ^ -$49$27.75 44 in. Window Seat . . . . 415.50 $139 2-pc. Frieze . . . $39.75 48 in. Console Finest Construction and Coverings Style . . . . $22.75 YOUR CHOICE OF TAPESTRIES MANY OTHERS TO CHOOSE FROM $1.95 Book Trough End Table . . . . 95c L95 Phone Set . . $4.95 UPHOLSTERED CHAIR $1.95 Costumer $6.50 Hand-Painted DINING ROOM SUITES . . $1.00 ALL FINISHES . a BEAUTIFUL FRAME $12.75 Ladies' Fitted Overnight Bags . $7.50 INCLUDES COMPLETE TOILET SET $119 10-pc. Walnut . . $ 5 9 $5.95 Windsor " $129 10-pc. Walnut . . $ 6 9 Chairs . . . . $2.95 FIDDLE BACK $18910-pc. Oak . . $98 $1.25 Pottery Lamp . . 7 5 c $219 10-pc. Duncan $5.95 Parchment Phyfe . . . . $109 Table Lamp . . $2.75 $15.75 Floor Lamp . $5.75 $13.75 Bridge Lamp . $4.75 $5 Bissell Sweeper . $2.95 PRICES INCLUDE COMPLETE LAMP SMOKERS $1.50 Cabinet Style . 85c $3.75 Electric Stand . . $1.95 $10.95 Cabinet Style . . $5.75 Others up to $18.75 Visit Our Toyland BED ROOM S $1.50 Console 4-pc Walnut Mirror - - - . . 79c $119 4-pc. Walnut $5.95 Console $149 7-pc. Maple Mirror . . . . $2.95 $169 7-pc. Oak $7.50 Buffet Mirror . $3.95 $11.75 Boudoir Chair OVER 100 TO CHOOSE FROM $59 .$79 $4.95 BEAUTIFUL BROCATELLES $13.7510-pc. Vanity Sets . . . $6.75 OTHERS UP TO $19.50 (Semi-Bituminuous) cj Globe Trotter Makes Us Decide to Enjoy Our Own Depression. PAGE THREE $2.50 Walnut Coffee Table . . . $1.00 QUEEN ANNE STYLE $1.50 Magazine Rack 75c STANDS ON LEGS $26.50 5-pc. Breakfast Set . . . $15.75 S l n i n l c U»p». Pulloul leave, Windnor chairs. Your choice of nny color RUGS $24.50 9x12 Axminster . .' $13.75 $34.50 9x12 Fringed Velvet . . . $19.75 $39.50 9x12 Domestic Oriental . . $23.50 27x54 Axminster Rug . . . $1.25 36x63 Axminster Rug . . . $2.50 24x48 Imported . . . $1.65 9x12 Under Rug . . $4.50 WAFFLED TOP—BOUND EDGES Toys at Prices That Will" Please Even body Complete Line of Bicycles. $14.75 4-Post Beds $5.95 all sizes A real bed at a real price. Walnut, maple and mahogany. $14.75 Innerspring Mattresses . . $5.95 ALL SIZES $32.50 Lloyd Fibre Suites . . .$15.75 OTHERS UP TO $39.00 $60.00 Philco Clock Radio . . . $29.75 5-Tuhe $17.50 Studio Couch - $9.50 $3^.50 Studio Divan - $19.75 Im-lmlf'B two InnciAprhig Mattretias. O|)(--IIB In full lizn or twin boils. Includoi 3 THE SOUTH AMBOY CITIZEN PAGE FOUR FRIDAY, DECEMBER 9, 1932. LtiUltCH GARDEN CLUB ELECTS OFFICERS; g i£ev. f. Van Horn, Jr., 1'astor. Published Weekly By iJroaUway anu Lauren tit. At the meeting of the South Am- \ THE SOUTH AMBOY PRINTING COMPANY The i_nu.i:ii at. me i>me oi i'iul boy Garden Club Friday, the anTelephone South Amhoy 4 and t'e.er unu lac Apostles was sev-nual election of officers took place! 211-213 First Street erely and continuously persecuted, and Mrs. Rose Duvier was for the (Near Broadway) liuring me lust lour centuries oi lifth eon-ecutive time selected as ! uie Uliurcu alter the death of the president. : J. MELFORD EOLL, EDITOR Mrs. James Keating was elected' Wins Over Frank Hackett In Apostles, the Roman government ue! lerminedly endeavored to stamp it vice president, Mrs. Howard Bergen, Spirited Election. Subscription rates : In advance , zones 1 and 2, $1 .50 ; ?,ones 3 to 8i out by all lour means. Thousands secretary, Mrs. Harold Filskov, cor-! R2.00. Entered in the Post Office at South Amboy, N. J. as second clast ! By a big majority, Jerry Connors were hounded and thousands more responding secretary, and Mis. llow-i j lot the Protection Engine Company suffered a marty's grave. Yet it aril W. Dillon Trea.-urer. cutter. Following the meeting refresh-! ' was elected second assistant chief grew and made progress! Christians nad a conviction and were faithful. mints were served by the hostess. Ai over Frank Hackett of Progressive, i when the lire department held tlie Today there are no martyrs, no per- discussion concerning the annual! QUALITY VS. QUANTITY secution, no organized opposition. making of the Christinas wreaths : annual election Monday night. Balph Stair Butler, vice-president of the General Foods The election of Connor? to the as- How we should be thankful and be was held and the club went on record Corporation, recently made a .statement to the effect that as a re- sistant chiefship was made possible faithful. Come to Church and show as ready to fill orders for the j ,,, sult of reduced advertising appropriations, both National and lo- j by an almost solid vote for Connors it. wreaths. There will be wreaths of j pj Sunday, 10 a. m. Bible School in holly, evergreen, and hemlock, all at- % by the members of the big three of cal, purchasers of newspaper space have become quality contractivelv made. v scious—have taken true cognizance of the fact it is not so the department, Protections, Enter- charge of our superintendent, Furprise andlmlepemleiico. Connors re- man Sheppard. Classes for all ages. much the quantity of a newspaper's circulation which makes it a ceived a total of 81) votes and Hack- Competent teaching of the Bible. Paprofitable advertising medium, but rather the quality of the cir- ett 28. rents are invited to come and bring There were 117 votes cast in the their children. culation. Independence casting 23, 11 a. m. Morning worship and serBy quality circulation we mean the financial ability of those election: Enterprise 24, Protection 'M, Moeli- mon. The second upon the subject: subscribing thereto and reading the advertisements contained anicsville M mil Progressives 17. "Why Jesus Had tu lie Born—From therein of a given publication to purchase an article of merchanAccording to the old fireman cus- the Human Necessity." You will have tom, Edward Fleming, of Indepena better and larger conception of dise after the advertisement has fulfilled its function in stimulatdence Engine and Hose Company, Christmas after hearing this sermon. ing a desire for ownership thereof. To the advertiser, quality present First Assistant Chief will Christ will be magnified. circulation means a larger percentage of customers out of every become head of the department on 7:1)0 p. in. Evening worship and hundred readers; means greater buying power per family unit; the first of the year, succeeding Jam- sermon. From the Gospel of John es Quinlnn, of Protection. Arthur Reas we continue to go through it; and means bigger returns per dollar invested in advertising line- Kar, of Enterprise Hook and Ladder Chapter 5, verses 1-10. The theme: age. Company, will step up to First Assis- "Whole anil Wholesome." Among othBE THOUGHTFUL It is the quality advertising tliat the 11,000 weeklies pub- tant Chief. er vital matters, the pastor will disTHIS XMAS Following the election, a celebracuss: Why have we eliminated feasts Uished in America excel; for these weeklies, to an amazing extent, tion in honor of the now chief, wis and fasting in the church? What is go into the horrte, are placed on the living room table, are kept staged by the members of "the. In-an interpolation of Scripture? Is BY BUYING SHOES there for a number of days and are read by every adolescent and dependence Company when refresh- one whole in perfect health? Does FOR THE KIDDIES ments were served and a general good .•adult member of the family circle; and it is in the twenty-five it pay to obey God? Why are many physicnlly whole yet not wholesome? /million home owners of our country that the major per cent of time took place. What makes one wholesome? Why 'the purchasing power of our Nation is invested. The officials of do so man kyscilose hope? Would a t h e Manufacturers and Industrial Bureau speak the truth when person cured after yenrs of illness behave himself? •they say, "It is a great mistake to overlook or exclude the counTuesday, H p. m. Men's Brothertry newspaper in general advertising campaigns . . . We believe hood. All are invited. 8:.'IO p. m. '.that these newspapers reach a greater potential buying market Monthly meeting of the Board of To meet with your requirei n a more direct manner than probably any other medium." Trustees. ments, we have n complete line Thursday, 7:M p. m. Prayer meetof wonderful shoes for Childing and discussion group. Have you Sacred Heart Club Will Oppose attended Pastor Vim Horn's prayer ren in all sizes and widths. Catholic Club in "Yelping" mooting? Something different, fio:<pel songs. Particular praying. ExBy Nick OTine Contest. position of the Scriptures. RnineThe other night a group of the The third social • meeting of the tliln" von rnnnol; affe.nl to miss. A younger men of the city found there newly formed South Amlxiy Retreat spiril-buildinL' service. Ask somewas a party taking place in a neigliListed below ure the names of the Club will he held on next. Tlmrsd.iy one who lias been there. Sroring city. After an investigation, pupils in School No. 2 who have been evening at Ihe Knights of Columbus Put the church slo^n to work: they decided it would be one worth neither absent nor late during the rooms on David street. The feature Bring a Friend to Church. •while attending. They hadn't any in- month of November. of the session will be a talk by the formation except the name of the city !> " We promise you the same Sixth Year: Jean Applegate, Kvel- Rev. Alexander Zdaniowicz, of St. and the name of the street; so they parish in Perth Amhoy. The Pulnski Club of Molrose will started out and when they arrived on yn Godoniovitz, Blanche Grovcr. Stephen's accurate fitting that you have hold n card party benefit nt the MelFather Zdnniowicz was formerly a the street, one of them traveled from Lorraine Keegan, Dorothy Pearson, resident of this city, and an inti- rose lirebouse on Wednesday evenreceived in the past at today's Jiouse to house ringing door bells and Arline Stumjif, Julia Wiec/.orek mate friend of ninny m.'mbers of the ing. Joseph Jozwiak is general moderate prices. asking if there was a party going on Sixth Year: Huth Gregor, Marian Retreat Club. chairman. in the house, until he found the right Kvist, Rose Kvist, Mary Miller, By wny of contrast, the committee one. Grace Morgan, Florence Muth, Rob- has arranged to present, a "yelping" contest, a quartet from the Sacred Intensely interested in what Con- ert Dowling, Edward Jlcadden, John gress would do in regard to repeal NnTusch, Charles Nan, Russell Spra- Henri Chili to oppose four "night<»f Prohibition on Monday, were two gue, Robert Htegway, Seth Van ingales" representing the. Catholic Club in a vocal duel. Karri team will jocnl men. So interested were they Zanclt. sing and the better and louder of the in fact that they had placed a fair Sixth Grade: Mary Bntehelor, two will be declared the winner. sized bet on the result. One called up a friend from his 'Jeanne Corbin, Ruth Croddick, Do- Ear-muffs will b? on hand for those do not wish to be frightened to place of business and asked the other frothy Harris, Caroline Kurtz, Evel-["'ho jlistener in at the radio how the vote 'yn Lonseth, Dorothy Newcomb, Vir-| ( U ' ! l t n ' Refreshments will be served. '.had gone. "They vote;! it down," jginin Orndorff, Leon Biu-szez, KuARCH-AID SHOES -was the reply that came over the gene Croddick, Stanley Kusic, HerFOR WOMEN •wire. He who had inquired thought A real useful gift is a that meant repeal had been securad ton Lewis, Austin Mnrizo, Glenn ,-and he paid the other man before nfi Murphy, Charles Spezzi, Albert 9xlO'/2 Rug. You can found it was he who had won. Vanni. PACKARD SHOES choose an Armstrong, ConFifth Year: Milton Bloodgood, 1 FOR MEN On: man who expects prohibition John Gregor, Charles Hammell, Rob-j goleum or Harden. ,, 'to last but a short time longer, plans jert Ilawes, Wilson Hull', Edmund to start in the business as soon as la- iKabosky, Lee Lame, James Man- „ . „ . —"— .,,.., „, gal beer is a reality. lie's been look- i hattan, Unssell Ncwcomb, Km.'st ; business Dispensed With TucsSpecial for Saturday, ing about town for good corners anJ !Smailey. Raymond stolte, Watson | day Night as Members Obrecently confided to :i friend that it Monday and Tuesday— was too bad a certain church occu- |Yess, Margaret Selover, Florence i served Coming Holiday. pied a corner he fifruied would be an I Weiss, Irene McCracken. Betty Caily,' Business was dispensed with when 1 $3.49 each Avis Dult'oril, Funnyy Goldsmith,, Pet3deal spot for a thirst parlor. Liberty Republican Women's er Ewtushek, Morton Uoldsmitii, the Club met at Wiihelm's Hall heie oil I seem to be making more enemies Waldo Greenspan, Milton Hamnieil, Christmas Tuesday evening ©very day. Last wool; I mentioned a Limlley Henry, John Ruthbnn, Wal- Party was iK'ltl. certain person in this column and he lace Wood; Ruth Thomson, Claire Coward, The hall was beautifully decorated j stood for more than an hour on 105 S. Broadway by a committee consisting of Miss! Broadway with a rifle in his hand. Alice Shuler, Frances Enibley, Mary Kliz-betli Dayton, Mrs. Ogdcn, Carrj Tel. 844 . 98 SMITH STREET To all who inquired why the firearms, Dobrenski, Kathleen Pasco. Chester and Miss Thelma Stratton. he replied he was waiting for the guy Wortley, Sydney lio-enthnl, Harold The feature of the parly was the Munclc, George DeGraw, Robert K:ie, PERTH AMBOY "who writes "Pipe Dreams" to come presentation of a two act drama Ruth Pierson, Clarence Bubnltz. blong. Fourth Grade: Marion Puffer, Ed- "Christmas Blessing in a Blizzard," j which was thoroughly enjoyed and i This week I walked into a place and na Fox, Mildred Lewis, Monta Mor- was accorded ail enthusiastic recep-1 a person hinted he'd like to have his gan, Minion StuHe. Mary Zuspan. tion. The cast which presented the name in the paper. I asked him whut Ernest Anllioimlos. Nicholas Di drama was compose.! of Mrs. F. M.j he'd done lately to warrant it. He Riase. Frank Hendersholt, Harold Stratton, Mrs. T. Mell, Mrs. R. A. I told me something and I told him it Murnhv. Jolin Nelson, Henry Oni- Mills. Mrs. Sara Clayton, Miss Doro-I •wasn't news. Then one of those pres- dorff, Edward Pr7.ygocl;i, Raymond thv Inman, Miss Mildred Bright, | ent! explained to him the old saying. Senior, Wnlter Rnover. Anita Steuber, Miss Gene Spice Third Grade: Grace Clayton, Es- Miss "If u (log bites a man, it's no news; Miss Vcra Ilongland, Miss Thelma 'but if a man biles a dog it's news." ther Gennt, Doris King, Theresa Stratton, Miss Doris Sprague and "Whereupon I told (lie man to go out Leonnrd, Josephine Spezzi, Phyllis Miss Ethel Hardy. and take a bite out of a dog and I'd McOraeken, Billy ITawes. At the conclusion of the play, Mrs. put his name in the paper nnd lie got Seeonil Year: James An.tholopis, Fred Diinlinm, Edwin Hendershott. Sai;a Clavton distributed gifts from sore. a beautifully decorated tree, to the Harry ITulit, Josenh Leonard. E'lmembers an dtheir guests. A covered T h e question ia asked by everyone, ward Morirnn, Roberta Rae, Marie dish supper was served and various Stevens. No mntler where they nrc, nnd heir guests. A covered F i s t Your: Einmn Harris, Theo- members •Whether they're sitting in u church took place. Or they stand at a '"speukio" bar. dore Gnbpides, John King, Chris AnIhopnlos. ST. MARY'S GRIDMAN "'When the (louncil meets on New , Year's Dny, GETS ALL STATE BERTH Who will receive the jobs?" A singular honor has been given A n d mime will U-uw the hull with n to a member of Charlie Eppinger's smile. EVERY DEPARTMENT IN QUR STORE HAS While others will stifle a sob. 1H32 St. Mary's High football machGIFT SUGGESTIONS,. WHICH WILL PROVE ine with the announcement) that T h e y ' r e going to pick an attorney, Johnny Wojciechowski Jr. has been and judge, VERY ACCEPTABLE TO THE RECIPIENT, Ti'itin Score of 1057 Reached by selected as All State Tackle in the And nn engiiiei.tr :is well. Aces in Victory Over Seniors Class 4 'B" prep school 'division, by But it's three more week* till we find FOR INSTANCE: who they a r e ; A match outstanding in Y. M. C. the New Jersey Interscholascic News Say, isn't this waiting hell? Bureau. A. alley history was staged Wednesday night when the South Amboy FOR MEN Johnny has been an outstanding Seniors took two games from the tower of defense on the Blue and "GEORGE HUOWN AND South Amhoy Aces. Broadcloth Shirts Root's Tivoli UnderCHILDREN IN< AUTO MISHAP The Aces hit a 1057 score in the Gull! lino fur the entire season, bakNeckwear wear OiMii'ge Brown of Coolidge ave- second game that wns featured by n ing a regular position after a year nue. I'arlin, and his two children, '<Ui(i seore by Hurry Anderson. This of preparation on Eppie's . second Pajamas Flannel Sliirts string line during the lfiSl season. game set a new high for the County Gladys anil Cieorgi' Jr. narrowly es- League .season. The live man score is Bath Robes caped serious injury last Friday only HI pins lower than the all time The steady and heady work of Wo•evening, when the car in which they high for the "Y" alleys. The Seniors ieciechowski could not be denied were riding on the State Ilighwny hung up n totnl of 2!MM and in one and honcc bis high rating. FOR WOMEN between this city ami Perth Anibuy game renehed 1021. RAILROAD POLICEMAN The scores: was Rtruck from behind by a bus SOUTH AMBOY ACES Rayon Undies Silk Undies NABS TWO CHARGED traveling in t/he direction of the Uynetz 15fi 172 WITH STEALING COAL neighboring city. Silk Hosiery Handkerchiefs 107 21R 188 Gnrehess Brown escaped uninjured but the Heindle 173 201 177 Chnrged with stealing coal from Blankets Books children received cuts and bruises. Barber 101 178 157 the Pennsylvania Railroad property 103 2G6 108 here Lewis Mislinski, 17, of 526 RidAfter being treated for their injur- Anderson Towel Sets ge-way avenue, and Stanley Szatwaki ies at the Perth Amboy City Hos22, of 409 Rnritaii street, were ar885 1057 892 pital, they were discharged. rested by Special Officer William SO. AMBOY SENIORS FOR CHILDREN 199 222 214 Crozier of the Pennsylvania Railroad IFIRST METHODIST EPISCOPAL Poulsen police Tuesday. Jensen 18!) 178 190 CHURCH Sweater Coats Flexible Flyer Sleds Thomas 203 212 lfif! Later when given a hearing before Rev. A. C. Polhenius, Pastor Clayton 20(i 201 222 Police Justice Forgotson, Szatwaki Sundial Shoes Scooters Banzyk 22.1 171 170 was fined $5 which he paid and MisSUNDA Y~S15R VICES: linski was committed to the county 'Sunday School, 9:45 A. M. Rubber Boots Skates work house. 1021 984 Horning Worship, 11:00 A. M. Rubber Coats Books Song Service, 7:.'!0 P. M. CHRIST EPISCOPAL, CHURCH Regular Service, 7:4G I1. M. WANT GAMES Main Street and Broadwayy S*astor will preach on the followThe Grant Brothers of Elizabeth The Rev. Harry Stansbuty Weyrichi' ing [subjects: Anything selected now v.'ill be held until ! Pastor are booking games. They still have Pastor * Morning S>bje<l: "The Province Third Sunday in Advent (Dec. I I ) . ii few travelling dates on I.heii1 l>nok.«. I{Thin wauled, upon the payment of a deposit. -of Abr.v'iain." "Bunchy" Grunt leads the qnin7:.'l a. in. Holy Comnii.'iiinn Hvpning Subject: "The Lash of THE SOUTH AMBOY CITIZEN JERRY CONNORS VICTOR IN FIRE COMPANY FIGHT I'illsi Thrifty! Rev. A. Zdanewicz Will Talk at Meeting of Retreat Club PIPE DREAMS ATTENDANCE HONOR ROLL, SCHOOL NO. 2 THIS IS THE CHRISTMAS OF USEFUL GIFTS CHRISMAS PARTY HELD BYLIBERTY REPUBLICAN CLUB Sommer's A. SILVER Shoe Shop H. Wolff* SENIORSAM) ACES ROLLED OUTSTANDING GAME WEDNESDAY The radio award of the Enterprise Hook and Ladder Company will take place lit the lOmpire Theatre on Thursday nvenin;'', Heci'inher 22. Thomnu Hi'iilly, of Main nlreet, is recovering from n seriouss illness at Siis home. !(:.'!() a. in. Church School Icf.lo (mil three oT bin brothers fire in ID:1!> n. m. Holy Communion .itiil 11 tho lineup. Tommy LnMonl, nl:<o wears Ihe uniform of Ihe flnwt Bro- sermon 7:.'10 p, in. Evensong mid Addre« thers. The loam' is particularly mixWick Ihiy Service ioiirt to hook lorum: such as the SacFlutter Day Wednesday, l i r e M. red Ilcnrts. 7:15 n. m. Holy Communion i'o • irnmon write to Thomas Everyone is cordially welcome I i»i icn, Manager, 21 Stewnrt Place, every service in thin church. Elizabeth, N. J. Practical Christmas Gifts II. Wolff Keltus nnd Washington Sis. the flower shop ORDER YOUR CHRISTMAS FLOWERS AND PLANTS NOW Christmas Deliveries, Guaranteed Fresh Cut Stock 121 NORTH BROADWAY Telephone 36 McCLOUD'S ECONOMY MEAT MARKET 135 NORTH BROADWAY Telephone 146 EIGHT BIG SPECIALS FRESH HAM' i«ic round XL : 16 CC 13 C 21 C 21 C 19 e 12 c 20 CHUCK ROAST Pound SMOKED HAM Pound LEGS OF LAMB Pound ROASTING CHICKENS Pound FRESH FOWL Pound PORK BUTTS Pound RIB ROAST Pound Radio For Christmas! What could give you more economical all the year 'round pleasure than an up-to-date radio? STANDARD MAKES, from $19.99 up. GET A NEW THRILL OUT OF YOUR RADIO WITH A HOME MICROPHONE, $1.00, THE NEW AERITOR AERIAL ELIMINATOR, $1.00. EASY WASHERS, $59.50. KNOCK DOWN ELECTRIC MOTOR AND BATTERY— AN INTERESTING, EDUCATIONAL GIFT FOR CHILDREN OF ALL AGES, 50c complete with battery. DOLAN BROTHERS 130 North Broadway Phone 294 FMPIRC *—i SOUTH AMBOY * - ^ TONIGHT LAST SHOWING TONIGHT "Old Dark House" TOMORROW SATURDAY . ONE DAY ONLY TOMORROW SATURDAY TOM MIX IN " M y P a l T h e King' Also COMEDY SUNDAY MONDAY NOVELTY A New Racket CARTOON SUNDAY MONDAY VICTOR McLAGLAN IN "RACKETY RAX" Also MONDAY NIGHT: 25 BASKETS OF GROCERIES FREE TO HOLDERS OF LUCKY TICKETS TUESDAY WEDNESDAY GROCERY NITES TUESDAY WEDNESDAY "NIGHT AFTER NIGHT" with George Rait -:- Constance Cumminrs ALSO 25 BASKETS OF GROCERIES FREE THURSDAY FRIDAY GROCERY THURSDAY FRIDAY Clive Brook-:-Miriam Jordan "SHERLOCK HOLMES" ALSO 2'> BASKETS OF GROCERIES KKKIC Tel. 112 ; FRIDAY, DECEMBER 9, 1932. LOOKING BACK 22 YEARS LAT&. VOK WOU- CALL ACrAIM— HUH! WHAT'J THE: MATTER. WHAT'S THEr IDEA? WITH V A. G. NEBUS Plumbing and Heating 10(5 North Broadway Telephones 170 and 503 t , ALARM CLOCK? -fa TeLL. VE.-Z. TH HONEST T R U T H — OI D O U ' f HAi/E. WAN OF= THIM— ME MISSUS ME UP» ^ WELL. THAT'S IT BXACTLVJ OI'M TELLlKl' SHE SHE OVER.SI.epT WAKE. HERSELF, T o o ! BUT FOR. TWO DAYS THERE AIM'T BEES' NEVER USE? too SALESMEN RING IM' -TH1 B5;LL. A N ' WAKIKP HER i i P IfV AW ALAR.M CLocK,EITHER 1 ? "Uneasy Lies the Head-" _ BIS HAM, "t&U To TAKE. A n & t£)Lt> M E I TART IW OUR SHOW/ WAS-to BE AN ITS VERY NICB O F FBLiy— WB NEBP SO MANY VEOPLBWHAT ARE VOU SHE ToiMEr) THE FEATHERHEADS EN6USH COACH- ^ Sg g g MAM— OF Auu AUP I OMLV APPEAR. IK TWO SCENES AMD HAVE BUT ONE _ _ _ -fo s p E A K ! t»VE A .1 , ^ o H , POM'T NOTlOM TO CJUITJ . I p o t H A T , Now FOLKS—REHEARSALS WELL-THEN ITS LUCKY You HAVE NOTHIM6 ELSE. TO PO— SO VOL) CAN S L E E P HANPS- Son KHOW I "DUR.IMG C A M T SLBEP NltiHTi t>AY WRRVIMG ABOUT NOW. NOW— DON'T B6 -THAT WAV, MV G o o P FELLOW! I HAVEr A B i d J O B O N MV ARE A T EIGHT EVERY NI&HT— AtsJP I EXPECT V o u ^^^ HERE- P R O M P T L Y - „ y I UNPERSTAMI ALL THIS.' GUNNERS URGED TO WEAR BRIGHT RED CLOTHING duality Meats of aiTAINUKUV UK N E W .I10U.SBV— llulnvuiiii I"U]<AAViSlvl UUlbUJNU A.\'i|> LOAN A'SSOUIA/MON of Suutli JUVIT, N . J., C'omplitliuunl, uml J O HICI'll WI'lllffliljHU, c l a l s . , Uc.fenilulitn. [.'I. l'v.i. I'or Biilo of inort^nKi-'d l>i-<'inl*eH du'loil Si'ipUinnljoi- lM,,l!»:i;i. Uy v i r t u e of tho almvu ttiiitcil W r i t , to Hie illrocti'il a n d ilcllvorotl, I will oxp i w to *II!L' a t |nC»llc voiullie (in WHn.NBKllAY, TIll'J T W i a N T V - W K i l l . . T i l DAY UK UKUK'MliMIt, NIXK- . . TKKiN HUNIHtWIl AND TlilllTV-TWO ill 1! (I'cloc'k itfMiiulunl Ttinu in tliu afLurnooil of tho Hiilil day u t t h e Shurlll's l u t k u In tliu t-'Hy uf New llrunwwlck, N. J. A I J I J t h a t c e r t a i n lot. I r n r t ur jmriul of liinil anil jni'lnl-sOH, heroluaftiM- lilirtkrulnrly iiesijrll:«il, Hltmitu, lylnK uml IMJIIIK In t h e 'rowiiMhlp (if Kiiyrevllli;, County o t MliMlvMcx mill H t i l o of New Jorwey. UdKltinl'i^ nit ii Htaki. mi tliu N o r t h (MlHtorly cr.rntr of a lot cull vc.vcd to I-. aril I'liiSHcli mill CivLlli'l-llU! 1,'IllKSon, Iliy .Idlm H a r t and \vif(>, 'by (h.t'd d a t n i l>rtul)i-r 28, !*».",; thoni'i, rlllllllllK ( I I wcKlorlv ai'im^ 'Iho lliu- thcri^of IMHIIUIIIIDII mid t i n (110) fci't to a utukn (it t h(. NortliwcHti-rly roinin' of sakl lot; thcnco (^) North oim di.^ref! weHt W foot to a sink.-; tlii'iin, ({I) diiHti-rly jmiiiltnl with Ihi- lirsl OOIII-KII Vino liundrwl mid ti'n (111.1) I'liiii t o l a Hlako: thuli'-e ( I ) KOlith oin> ilcj;ro(; oilHt fortyllvo (15) rni'l Hi Hie phu'ii »f I I'lllnlilns. Dri'l-iM's aioonnt IIII- to a)iinrpxhiiat''lj' fili.MII.II", ToKotli'M- ivith a l l linil fdll[^\ilnr t h e rlelitn,' |irIvlli<K('>'. luTiidh.iinrlitH iinil aiUHirtiMilllicoH tln;l-'-iinti) bi'lopMlni; or lit anywlHO aiiMiet'tulntni^. i If you are pilannin^r to serve Fowl for your Sunday dinner, you will find us especially prepared to serve your needs. 236 Feltus St. RESTRICTED RESIDENTIAL SITES FOR SALE (Mpnt.) Rpcorri-HrrnM. NEW VALUE Combination Living Room, Bed Room • Located At WHITEHEAD TERRACE (Finest Residential Sectioh of City) Terms to Suit All Improvements DOLAN & SULLIVAN TEL. 788 265 DAVID ST. i y $700 $c.oo Hotel Walnut Park Plazaj V. J. NEBUS KEYPORT GREENHOUSES Tel. 226 JULIUS KALMA, FLORIST Free Delivery Double S. & H. and Elk Given Saturdays Only. Plants and Cut Flowers Funeral Designs Main Street Telephone 497 Keyport We Telegraph Flowers Anywhere — We Delirer Nearby ^ THE SOUTH AMBOY BUSINESS DIRECTORY COAL AND WOOD ANTHRACITE 'Calling for Mr. James REAL ESTATE—INSURANCE MILK Phone 267 FRANK S. KABOSKI AGENCY 214 Pine Avenue REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE 107 S. Pine Avenue Telephone 178 South Amboy He'll come down today, SHE'S SECRETARY to a Jersey City merchant who wants'to see Jones in Red Bank today—tells her to look up trains—good secretary —she calls Red Bank first—finds Jones was just leaving—"you'd have missed him sure—he says take the 10.23 tomorrow and he'll meet you." PAUL BRYLINSK1 FUEL OIL CONCRETE BLOCKS PORTLAND CEMENT ALL KINDS OF FEED AND GRAIN Old Lehigh and Wilkes-Barre COAL The call cost only 2 5 cents. O' NEW JERSEY BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY Center and Elm Sts. Phones: So. Amhoy 7 So. River I C.T. MASON 'HucceMOr to It. P, Maaon) JACKIN& CROSS GARAGE Telephone 485 EUGENE A. MORRIS (SuceeMorto A. T. Kern Paii-Am Gas -:- Oils, Grease Located at Pine Avenue and Louisa Street Tel. 77 South Amboy Tel. 77 TIRES TUBES BATTERIES SPARK PLUGS Also Repair and Overliaul Service Service Guaranteed '., Your Car Called For and Returned "It's FIXED When We Do The Job" , BhorllT. •I, KANDOt.l'II AOT'M'JHY, Jit, t'ta.W. , SolteHor la-'Z—4t. V Points, Oils and Varnishei Brushes, Glass, Bronzes, Gold Leaf, Staim, Etc. WALL PAPER 2S8 First Street South Amboj G..T. WILHELM Sanitary and Heating Engineer KICHARDSON ft BOYNTON* VA.POR SYSTEM HOT WATER AND STEAM" BUILT-IN TUBS AND SHOWERS Telephones 2921 R >a . SOS 228 FIRST STREET SOUTH AMBOY, N. J WILHELM'S HALL—The ideal place to hold Lodge Meeting** Banquets, Card Parties and Putties of all Kinds Reliable UNITED STATES Companies EXPLOSION INSURANCE Rates furnished by calling S. A. 292 NOTARY PUBLIC 231 First Street South Ambot J. M. PARKER, Insurance of AH Kinds Fire, Automobile, • Liability, Explosion, Casualty, etc. Surety and Fidelity Bonds Telephone 347-J PAINTS, ETC. ctoum 347 Catherine t i PLUMBING AND HEATING Tkrenfk COAL South Ambov, N. J. MILK AND CREAM R. A. CASEY BITUMINOUI EDWARD McDONOUGH COAL COMPANY IN AI.AW II, B W , And the Safest Tlicru lire ninny Kusollno-Ktivlng <le-' vlcea on the market. A pulr of coinfortnblo shoes In the bent.—Helena Y. J. NEBUS 666 Sun Air Oil Burner An Alarming Situation 1 SHJRE AH'OI'M SORRY— BUT OI OVERSLEPT The social committee of Seneca Tribe No. 23, Improved O. R. M. are busy making elaborate preparation for the district meeting to b« held in Seneca's -wigwam on Thursday's sleep, December 22, at 7:30 p. m. A big attendance is expected from the various tribes of the district, and an Deer Hunting Season Opens on Sunday and Nimrotls Are endeavor is being made to make it an occaaion extraordinary. The social Asked to Be Careful. part will be inaugurated by an enNew Jersey's "big: g«me" season, tertainment consisting of good humor and refreshments will bfi provided for opening Saturday, Deceiriber 17, nnd the inner man. Members of Seneca continuing five days, excepting the Tribe will find great pleasure by be- intervening Sunday, thus giving four ing present at this district meeting, days of actual hunting, is expecte 1 to draw a record army of sportsmen ill Among the allowances decided nn to the deer woods. Vanison on the by Congress for river and harbor hoof is reported as plentiful in many appropriations are the following: sections of the iState, with the best Keyport Harbor, Matawan Creek, prospects, as usual, in the central Raritan and South Rivers, Shoal pinelands. Thousands of nimrods are Harbor and Compton's Creek and completing their plans to camp out Cheesequake Creek, $30,000; Rari- n tents and shacks during the entan Bay, $20,000; Allmvay Creek, $5,- tire season; other thousand? will 000; Mantau Creek, $6,000; Passaic board at farm houses and tens of River above the Montclair bridge, thousands will motor daily to their $5,O00; Tuckerton Creek, $22,380; favorite hunting areas. Woodbridge Creek, $3,000; ShrewsDeer hunting in New Jersey is bury River $10,000; Salem River, open to all holders of .-"".'(lent and ?10,COO; Racoon Creek, $5,000. non-resident hunting licenses. No s'dt 3t ditional big game license is required. Sleighing is being enjoyed by those Many other states charge iheir deer fortunate enough to have a cutter hunters an extra fee. A hunter is and a lively nag. The boys and girls allowed one buck deer during the are finding great pleasure in coast season and must report his success ing on the beautiful snow. to a regular warden or to the State >t * Fish and Game Commission, at TrenA charming young daughter ar- ton, within 48 hours, under penalty rived at the home of MT. and Mrs,.of heavy fine for failure so to do. Theodore iManduka on Saturday. New Jersey protects its docs and »t* The demands for labor on the coal, fawns and the only deer that may be killei legally are bucks with horns piers the past week has been greai-' er than the supply, and' it has become visible three inches above the hair. necessary to get help from the Port Jse of dogs in hounding deer or the taking of dogs into the deer woods is Reading Piers. prohibited. The hunting of raccoons t tt St. Stephen's Lodge, F. & A. M., is suspended temporarily during the held a reception on Monday night, in deer season. Deer may be hunted celebration of the one thousandth only during daylight hours. Use of communication of the lodge. Some rifles or of shotguns smaller than New York talent was engaged as en- 12 ganger in the deer woods is protertainers and a pleasing program hibited and a- heavy penalty also is attached to using or having in iposwas rendered. session in the deer woods, any mis-* » t t Warden Quackenboss was stand- siles other than buckshot. Don't ating at the grated door looking down tempt to skin or mutilate a deer carinto the men's department of the cass while in <the woodis or fields. The county jail Tuesday morning when State regards this as an attempt to on aged German prisoner, ran up hide the animal's sex or identity and to the door and commenced to shnke fixes -a fine. it violently. State wardens are advising all hun"What's the matter with you?" going into the deer woods thi« sharply asked the warden, the Ger-ters year to wear plenty of 'bright red man apparently not seeiing him. This precaution against ac"I'm guilty," shouted the mnn ex-slothing. cident is said to be especially imporcitedly. "I want to go to the electric tant due to the fact that much heavy chair. I am ready to be electrocuted." foliage remains on the trees and "Why don't you go upstairs nnd do brush, the Dutch net?" suggested one of ."Our law provides that only buck the hearers jokingly. with horns three inches long "I will," shouted the old' man, nnd deer may be shot nnd every si»rtsman ran upstairs. school himself not to aim his The warden fearing that the man's shouldnor pull trigger until he hns confinement in jail hnd affected his gun thus positively the game," bniin. locked him up in n cell so that says Protector identified II. Sfaratlon. no could not do any harm to himself. "Thus the hunterJames will help conserve The Gorman is serving a sentence the does and fawns for a future for selling liquor without a license game supply and thus he will provide nt Ernaton. the best insuvanco against accidental shooting of ii fellow hunter. All of tha department cautions for the handling of firearms while hunting, recently issued to young and first year gunners during the upland and LIQUID - TABLETS - SALVE seasons, apply with cqunl Choeki Colds firat clny. Headaches or wildfowl force to the use of guns in deer bunNaurnlgln in 30 minutes, Malaria in ting." 3 daya. GOG SALVE for HEAD COLDS. Moat Speedy Remedies Known PAGE FIVE FINNEY OF THE FORCE &M8WS Issue ot December 10, 1910 t J t ; The Council met in adjourned i meeting at the City Hall on Tuesday evening. Owing to the City Solicitor! being detained in Perth Amboy on! business, the council awaited his ar/ rival and did not commence sessions until 9:20 o'clock. The clerk read a report from the Water Superintendent stating thuti the laying of -150 feet of four inch main on Pine Avenue to connect with the Morgan Heights main had been completed and at a much less cost . than at firs', estimated. He was rea ly to supply water to th,e Morgan Heights people, when application i made and rato established. The cos of laying the main was $205.7'i. t t t A real old fashioned snow storm from the northeast struck this city • Monday night, and continued with much severity all day Tuesday. Trav' el by trolley and railroad was greatly interfered with and running on schedule was impossible. The Jersey Central Traction Company, however did well and kept their cars moving. The Public Service cars between this city and New Brunswick were badly hampered and caused long delays. The public schoole held only half day sessions. The snow fell to a depth of several inches, but the drift piled up in places three feet high. About 8 o'clock p. m. the snow plow was sent out on the Amboy Division. P. R. R. locomotive 2293, engineer Martin, and locomotive 2047 engineer Stratton, were used in pushing the snow through the drifts. Accompanying this combination were Yardmaster Charles T. Grace, Electrician George G. Oliver, Flagman Freeman and> Special Serviceman Samuel Freeman. The route covered was to Jamesburg, Manasquan, Monmouth Junction, Jamesburg and returning to South Amboy at 9:36 a. m., on Wednesday. > t t THE SOUTH AMBOY CITIZEN S43 MAIN- ST. SOUTH AMBOY CONTRACTORS ~W. HARPER LEWIS Consult Me For Opinions n i Estimates on All High Grade Plumbing and Heating 189 North Broadway South Amboy Telephone 584 ACETYLENE WELDING JOHN J CROSS ELECTRIC AND ACETYLENE WELDING SOUTH AMBOY CONSTRUCTION CO. GENERAL BUILDING CONSTRUCTION Alteration! and Suggeitiont Repairs Promptly Attended To 229 Henry St. Tol- S. A. 381 423 Henry St. Tel. S. A. 838 SOUTH AMBOY, N. J. TAILOR General Repairing Scott Airenne South Amboy, N. J. Telephone S. A. 286 BAKERIES THE HESS CAKES, PIES, BREAD, L. ROSENTHAL Tailor TRUCKING ROLLS AND ALL ELMER S. PARISEN BAKED GOODIES WORK CALLED FOR AND DELIVERED Phe», 11 ' SOS Soutb BroaJway CARTING OF ANY KIND CRATING AND SHIPPING 313 D»»U St. South « 013 131 North Broadway (Neat *o P i n HOBM) PAGE SIX THE SOUTH AMBOY CITIZEN THE MESS KIT November .Honor Roll Shows Great Interest By ''Wood Burns" |FORMER MAYOR KVIST ON GRAND JURY LIST DRAWN FRIDAY, DECEMBER 9, 1932. ORDINANCE NO. 30S MILITARY FUNERAL A N o ; t i > ) . \ A N i " j ; iM:u\'il>i.\>i tx>K GIVEN WORLD WAR VET. TIIH HAI.Sl.Xi; OK SJ.OU'J UV Tlllv 1Sril.W.VCr: OK HO.NDd u F TI1K CITY >>K .SOUTH AMIidV. F o i l T i n ; l ' L i l A military fitneral was hell on I'USIJ UK KU.Si^lX.. ul'lsT.lMilNO J'l-;.\ll'oii.U:Y LUJl.lUATlLJ.NiS Jd.il'KU Saturday for W a d a w Bu^urski, ;,u* L <' l ' i . \ . i . \ U K J l S 1'iiUUi.A.U !• Oii of ^k'lrose. Bo^ur^ki died at the lo- The development of two things lias always interested me (ri-cntly. One :s ; bull frogs and the other is politicians. hu Ciij . f Sou.h Ajnboy ca! ho.spitii! on December 1 followBull fro^r.s and politicians are alike ; in;r it jiiu'uoionia attack. JulMlliult CuuiK'll u l aalU Ot'>i ilt;rt;Lutui'L' ; At nine o'clo.k at Sacivil Ui'att St. Mary's Students Are Making in some inspects and yci. they are James W. Hackctl, Howard .SlIUlilitLcLi lu lllu ^Lil-li: ' U.ICCLUl' UI widely different. You can kill a bull Keliel' a iirolii'aai l u r eiu- 'Chuieh, a requiem ma** was celcbiaLeary and Jacob .1. Shuey or i-;iiit;i-g..'iicy Splendid Progress This Year. trust and eat his hind legs, but there itiu.1, jiiL'iil ix-liul, \\ hiuh w a s ivjJruved l>y • ted and interment followed in SacPetit Jury. all; ulln, a n d Lauru w.i.} aiiprujiriiiiciJ tlicl >-•many politicians that a r e cntireThe Honor JJoll of St. Mary's itu1 iJic sum ui l-'uur iijuu^.ijitj j.>uiiarri. ivii Heart Cenv..-tery, Jlcmhcrs of the „ „ , fil.s(. ( l n l v v i ullich auta wjia uuUiu;iri«tU lu be nodL'd I Aniericari Legion oonijticteii the miliof namess G r a m m a r and High Schools i'or th '•• useless. You can pretty nearly, w , . J tnu iaauiuiiu u[ luin.;juraiy i, u iu., or l ta'.'y ritf^ and pa El bearers \vc:e John ss the way a bull fro K is Komg to!f ( ) | . ,, j u (h]t in lh(, a d m i u U . month of November has been a n - ; truess Luiida l'ruiii time 10 t i m e aa lunda u'^rt 11 1 but yuu c a n t t-.-ll about a j.O;- , I Conlo^tie. John Wortley. A'lain Xovnounced and contains a long list nt •J". !'' tl iUol, of sh(,rifr A l a n H . E | y > wllH UL-^aud; a n d pupils who.-* classroom work has >t 'v?n\ ii, i . , , held for the December Term of the W l l K l U i . i S , iliu S t a l e of N t » Jtrsiuy | U'ki, John Cimover, Michael Mii^l'-*. entitled them to tliis homy. : Ihe b u l frog starts out as a U d - | G m m , J n , . v m , u l l t i v , f o m u M . j f a v o , . lias ivitjua [hri;^ niuiitliS priur lu lilt: j Fi'.ink Co-noiv.-ki and F . Jahlnnski. passiii;;^- oi' llii» ordiiumuu nunly i t s I"ull HIGH SCHOOL l>t ile and loses his-tail as he develops.; 4 m i m v N ; K v i s t , v a s a l n o n ( ? l h o , , • •imtriiuutlun ii^ a i d o i such puriju-st;, a n d j Bojjurski during the World W a r Fourth Year: Jamt'S Coan, Mar- Apolitician acqunes more tales; t s | k . k c ( l i Tlni'tv-live names were dvawi it i s llui;yss;iry a n d duaini-bU.. pursuanL ! served ftjr souse time overseas wi.h iu Olia,i,tL'r 1DU of t h e ULWS of N\-\v J e r g a r e t Pribula, Richard Uyan, Ethel in< ..goes alone. The bulllroR (jets i n - | f , . o m t h e u;x , m i t h t , f l l . s t twenty- sey of Jtl'o.l, tliul t h e a i n u u n t ut" sutli i the 78th division a s a member of the Barano.vski, Edward Fleming;, Kuthjto a pond and croaks on summer t h r e t , ( | n H l ( , ] i s t , v i l ] r e uiilsUindinji t e m p o r a r y o b l i g a t i o n s in ex- ! ,'JII7tli Field Artillery in which lie was t fo|. j u j T : cess uf t h e S t a t e ' s e u n t r l b u l i u n be r e - a corporal. While in action in tho Humphreys, Marie Jerome, T h o m a s „nights. " ,Many . •> a I 10 . 1 ' 1 !™" w o u U 1 . ''"Ion December 14. iiiiatieiMl now, therefore McKeon, Mary McKcon, Mary Mon- the world a favor if he too croaked,I Ar^onne Foiest he v.as seriously sh(,,.jff E w ( ] m v t h o n a m i , e ,jf UK I T OltD.VlN'lii.) BY' T H E COMthose who will serve on the Decem- 1ION ajrhan, Anna Mae Muliins, Carmel-jl"»t he don't. He fought also in several I COU'-NCHU F T1113 CITY O F ga=?cd. A politician is simply an ordinary ber petit jury after the selection of .SOUTH AJIBOY: ita Tedesco, Margaret other enfraRements and had two horpaid some the grand jury, Three South AmboySei-tlou 1. T h e r e slmll be issued p u r Third Year: Margaret Abbatiello, icitizen that someboay has paid s u a n t t o C h a p t e r 4UU uf tlii-- Laws of ses shot from under him. hihishhead. d ans; James W. Hnckett, Howard iS'nW Jel-Sey, uf 1!U1, ker, Margaret Betzler, Pau-1 attention to and jt's gone to He trained for overseas service at H e l e n B a k e , . . . o . B - ^ i - — » " " ,' « " - i otlie have Leary and Jacob J. Shuey are among- inns of law itipplieablo :iml tl „ „ = Blaska, Blaska,Catherine Bohen, John John || Politicians are the people pp tv. including i Camp Dix a n ! was well known to exline Catherine Bohen, t'liii,jit<;r }~>'2 of t h e Law* those drawn for petit jury duty. of .Ww Jersey ' Eng-Jchank, Olivia Parity, Cather-1 in. the United States that fill offices nf JIHIJ, aw amended. !>u ills o f t h e C1i t y service men of the city. ine Kach, David Kelly, Florence No- originally intended for statesmen. Two brothers and two s i s t e r s s u t uf South Amboy In t h e a m o u n t of Tin ' Thousand Dollars, or such lesser ainounl vive. Taken from the common herd and Midget Owl bus, Stella Popuwska, Evelyn Scholl, upon th{; Hale thereof in the m a n n e r Bernard Scully, John Week, Fiances made a candidate for office, the poliThe plKiujr owl of Hie I luck •noun ' " " ' " p r o d u c e Paid pi'nvldfd liy Iiuv shall Delaney, Cecelia Cross, Helen Far- tician is always at a loss to knDwi tains region is not imirli large - limp amount, which nmuunt is necesyjiry 10 ivtiNcd J'or (lie puriiiixp nf fun<\\nK*°utley, Aloysius Dewan, Helen Hum- what it's all about. To justify plae-i iin English sparrow ORDINANCE H O . 309 inline t e m p o r a r y ol.liffntlons of t h e phreys, Francis Klimkiewicz, Mar- ing his name on the ballot they genCity of South' Amboy Issued to flnani'e erally AN OHPINANt'l-: PKOVIDl.Vii KOIl guerite O'Brien. its prnKnun f(»r entpluyment i-rlief a s y tell him that he owes it to the recited In t h e - preamble. 1 " hereof, anil T U B U.VIMI.Vll OV Jli.OOO 11V 'I'llIS 1Sl to t. . „.._ i hi services ervices in in the S d Y ..... Second Year: Joseph Baranowski, ,.„,.._ people give his >ayln£ tile rost of Issillnk' H.-lM ftindlllK SII.AX(.:IO OV HO.N'h.S OK T U B CITY OK cause of better government. The only SOUTH AJIHOV. KOI! TI1I0 1'tIUI'Osi; f btt t Th Stanislaus Helpa, William Kokoska, londs. Irene Hart, Martha McKcon, Edith thing ho ever K'ives however is hot 'Kei'tlon L'. S11I1I liolids sliall hear such OK KUNIJINC! OIITST.W'HI.N'C TK.MIKSIIKIl 'I'd lute a n d oiiitore at sm-li t i m e s within I ' o l t A l l V OHblliATIO.NS Schoen, Luke Shawl, James Smith, air. From the time he is elected on, i I T S 1'ltoCUAM I'M It J'OOK tin- iTiiulromeritH ol' hiw a s may be d e Francis Thompson, Lawrence Week, he expects the people to give. He is IT ISN'T THE termined by t h i s Coninum I'-ouiull liy i : ; ] I' OltOAI.NIOl i BV T i l l ' ! CO.MItH resolution h e r e a f t e r adopted. F i Di Ol J L Francis Davins, Olgra Jerome, Lor- the original "gimme" jruy. His name 111'' Tim i: TV OJ1 .-nl 3 Tli.'tt .said bonds Khali lie Sa<ol l j' I'l 1 or.von. A.MHOV : etta Klepp, Virginia Melville, Anna appears on the primary ballot and In HIII'II fiirm, bo luiyiilMn prliu-l,[i;il a n d e t i i n I. It Kuc, Marie Najcle, Catherine Ruzala, he shouts to the membi'TS of his parIs lece.^sai y to t i l l * in Hiieb nieilliini a n d m sueli ty "g;imme a vote." He pets the nomi. uid .shall t e a r Interent a t HUeli Six T i n usallil I Mi l o r < l o r the purpiisi Dorothy Trzoniec, A(?nes Walus. rate, not oxreeilliiK HIX jn'i1 (eiitntn p e r If 1 a n a Kins rell i' 1o I I I , , p o or of tin First Year: Victoria' Lizik, Pas- nation and his name appears on the Til V u f .South A m i n n 111 e\i>esH uf tint illiniii, IIM limy b(» pl-ovliU'tl hy n>»i>lnquale Mai'Kello, Perdynand Lytkow- general election ballot and he shouts ill! 1 noil in any I h i i of t h e C o m m o n 1,'iioiiell. •fit- rain .HUIMT l l t e i l 1' to the voters "gimme a chance at tlimj OKI "1>I luveil Uv fluertor- 111 IT'S THE KelMlon ^. T h i s o i i l i l l l i l l e e K h a l i be ski, Mary Abbatiello, Florence Wolh -] mil iu: t le f l u i d • D i i s t n o i l h i a | i | i r o p r l i i t e f o r I lie i n h - •JUKI •)^el '•y Iti'Ilcl anin, Anna Walus, Martha Ziebiec, office and I'll show you what I can umes s e t f o r t h h e r e i n o i l Himm n u t a l do." If he gets elected and the people Evelyn Hendricks, Paul Dolan. ' e i l d y niHU'oln 1 i i i l e d f u r s i i e h p i i r p i i ' : f N , complain that he has not lived up to GRAMMAR SCHOOL Sel-llon :,. Tin' ('1,1001101 rnimell " f v his election promises, he replies, l i till. HIV of South AlKhoy hereby deter. Eighth Q,raJe: iModesta casey, "(rimnie a chnnce, I haven't Rotten id o l h e r Ni*W .l(-i.sc,v itl1 \y.\ I, oiltieH a m i diM'bii'es: Jemes Dwyer, James Kennedy, Phil- started yet." lie runs for reelection !1 l i (a) 'I'lo averaKe aHMCMHed v i i l m i l 1, ill | ] l Ill,, l.iins nf I'llli, .'mil U s SnVnr.il if l a x a . l d e ri>»i ' i i r o p e r i y (Ituloillni,' li»ip Purcell, Margaret Edwards, Sam- mid tells us "jrimine a chance to finents a n d KupimMueiiU, IIIOIIIH ul' SOME pcuple buy coal on first l i r u v e m e n t M l o f t h ' l l . v nt S i i u l b A i n - •H Iu' It Im!••.<!' uel Freeman, William Comnn, Erna ish up what I started last term." . S o i i l l i A m l i o l - 111 t h e I I I M I I I I I I I imy c-iniiuoli'd n.pnn ( l i e IH-xt i n e e e i l i i i ' " ' ' cost nlunc. They ilon'l «lo|> In' I h r e e v a l u p i t l o n s t h e r i ' n l ' I n < I n . I N U I I I Howley, Kathryn Triers, Inez BroSl\ ThulHund 11'lll.iffi, o r s i i e h less.r mint mi upon Hie hule there.if In t b e imu'lileit b y Seellnn 1:.' ilT C l K i p l e r :r.i phy, Mary James, Martha Kowulew-1 No one could he more weak and realize Ihnt this often IIKHIIH liner pi.,vld.it l.y l a w s h a l l pn.duee uf ihe h a w s of lain, In ? l , : i 7 : i , l s n . n O . ski, John Dtt^gan, Dorothy Maher, ...jre oblig-ing1 than the politician d annuiul, wlileh a i n o u n l IH n e e e s . ^ n y (h) ' I ' b n t u t ili-li it o r t h e C i t y o f Soul pitying much more in llic Dorothy Thorn, Dorothy Besner, .Jo- seeking election, He smiles at every h e I'lil.-ied f u r t h o i n i i ' i i o x i . o f finiilliiK AllllxH" eotujuitei] in I h e milliner pil tin • ' l O t . s t a i u i l i i f : t e t u i i i o r a r y ofdl^ali'.ii^ long run. v l d e . l I n UIIIII H e i ' l l i m I'.", I s J I T : i , 3 7 2 . r > « . seph Bftelier, Helen Lynn,'Rose Fer- opportunity, he listens to every com Mil i d (Jlty n i e u t billed ill .Sei'Uini 1 (c) T h e a n n u a l nnil supplements' ren, William Humphreys, Elizabeth plaint anil he promises everything. •li-lii s l a l i ' i o e n t s r i M i u l r e i l I f x u l d S i ^ - J l u Others buy coal on quality Tobasko, Grace Suraa, Marieta FlemOnce he is elected, he changes iinII' h n i ' i ' lirri: m a d e a n d Illi-il a s llierel . S a i d 1 Ji 11f 1 H M I I I I I I t idii IL-.U1 »uult — and lowest total cost. It (kil ing. .sucli tini r wltlilii J mediately, Then he. 'bni-oiucs a Ke.'lli.n (1, 'I'here nb.-ill 1>< KII l i,y im »ivwax for such people llmt NaSeventh Grade: Mary Quintan, haughty arrogant Individual who •iieh y a r wlille a n y of HIIIII I ii' ouNtioulliiK. In t h e ^aine ninnner on Mary Dolan, Robert McGowan, Aftnes looks down on the common class from ture imiilc Ji:i)iM)-Ili<;iii.AM) il the s a m e tlnus a s other tnxe». a t:i and seems bored coan, Eugene Hayden, James Gordon, which he sprang I. SulU b«iida II b u ANTIIKACITE. Ill a restricted M'IIII nil ttin tnxnhle propel'ty In Hal 1'tjrni jinyitlilu prlucl mill I Veronica Marcey, Kathierine Coak- that ho must live on the same world * 11 v mirnnlont t o pniilner. t h e ill. m ule, nut oxrct-U area at Ihe very licurl of llic i ley, Jean Jerome, Helen Coman, An- with them. if to'lrndnnl nod Interest to bceoinf! rTi( I i u i i |MT .-iiiniini, us m a y ininovhli'i d y n t h e HiincecdInir ye.'ir. 1 gelo Senape, Dorothy Schussler, great Pennsylvania anthracite The advice and suggestions he lisSeetlioi 7. T h i s ' o r d i n a n c e nhall tnli. JL'HI'IIItluu ul' tin. CoiutiHiii Ouunctl, John Mallon. Sect ion .'i. ' 'I'lm Connnori Council nl" tened to, before, he no longer heeds Tff'i-t opon I t s nuidleiitlon fiR provldi' region, she placed her richtliu »'ily «.!' SuiiLli Amhuy hensby ili-tt'rn .Section 2 nf fh.'ipter » H of t h e Uiw Sixth Grade: Nellie Brophy, Rita now. He is not a representative of miiits a n d <]oi'lai'(!H: est deposits — coal HO pure if IMfi us nmeniled. t n c e t h e r with til Hellmuth, Kathryn McNicholas, the people, but an overlord, ruling (:i) Tile iivunim: uMwesscd valuat inn itnteriifnt reuolreil b y said Seetlon. nn and long-burning that, ton uf Inhabit- ival 1 propurty (luchidliiK ImNancy O'Connor, Sebastian Suma, with an iron hand over the common li» Pit,- r?|orl: shall linvp t h e power t ' f l e r t t h e ncwi'i.'uicr In whteh ft shni )iruvi.)ini!i)ts> ul tin; City of South AjnJohn Farrell, Kabhcrine Dtilan, Helen people. Questioned or criticised he for Ion, it far outlasts ordiboy, euiii,}iuli'(i ujtuti tilt iit'Xt p r e u u d h ^ ie ,,u|l'llsl|r-d anil w e e l f v t h o ilnte nfte "Noble, Edward Parisen, Thomas replies without hesitation "I was ihnM: viilualloiiH thtioni" In tliu iiiininor nary fuclB, nml givcH mucli •lilell tho Vnnds Bli.ill h e Issueil nnd d. .providtil la Section 11! ul' CluLptor 2"J~ O'Brien, William Fleming. elected to fill this office and I intend IVereil. nf Dm JWLH'N ur i y j f i in t-i.inw&o.QQ. more convenient and satisfacNOTTOR Fifth Grade: John Carroll, James to do it without any help from the ((.') Tin* not. debt of said City of T h " fnreeoltnr n r r l l n a n r r i\'ns Intro tory heat. South Ain.lioy, c o m p u t e d in t h e m a n n e r Monaghan, Francis Lucitt, Joseph outside. I know what I am doing." Tufeit nnil i)n<me,i nn tlrpf roniPner n t provided in said Section 12, la ?1'73,McCloud. Gordon Kress, Jean Weber, But the time comes around when ner'tbiiT of tl>f> PoiTitnon r"r>uneii on th ,T711.50. There's no disappointment 'fill rtnv nf N'ovcni'iir. 1 ! " " . Tt -will V Doris O'Connor, Marjorie Grimshaw, he must come to the people again for (a) Thi! a n n u a l a n d s u p p l e m e n t a l •onsldervd fnr finnl 'i/iw.vnir(? at a mofli Helen Spina, Joan Malioney, Theresa reelection. Over night he changes r(;<iuhed Ly naicl S e o ntr of The Common ("Vuinell nt r l t y TT-i' debt atiittjinenis Hydzewska, Joseph Coan, William back again and becomes the same liuii I- 1 hiivt; been made a n d liled un in T u e s d a y , P e o e m h e r 1 n _ 1tl^2, nt CITE. No up-keep expense in t'lierein required. >Ylnr>l; n. m., a t wlileh t i m e nil nerpnn Tan-ell. meek person he was before. In th Section tl. Tills ordinance shall be ''M-lntr nhteetlnns t h e r e t o n r e hereby no the form of (lust, fragments, Fourth Grade: Mary Heim, Mary meantime however, he has learned coiiHtrued to be u leHulution uudortukIfled to he nrosent nnd rtresent slate, and other elements that lUK reiiH' in fJicc.H.4 of tiiat nutJint'tl In n. PR.VXTC T>TS Donlin, William Meisheid, Alberta many of the tricks of the game and pruKiam siilnn.itb-d to a m i a/])t|)i'oved Barber, Margaret Juliano, Marie he points with pride to his record mean excessive ash-waste. SOUTH ASfBOV C T T T Z E N City Clerk any by t h e Slatu hlrei-tuf uf JinieiKency U e Adamsen, Mary Coakley, Charles iuring his previous term. If any polJEDDO-HIGHLAND is remark- ISSITK O P DECI5I.MIUBII S9th. 1932. uVr. Eeilly, Agnes Mochen, Helen Marcey, itician has done for the people what Sect ion 7. This ordin:nu*t> sluill he ably rich in carbon. It burns IJBO Monaghan, Crozier,. Ka- , he claims he did, his rcerection, heavconstrued to a.iM>ronri:ite fur the pur„_., „-—-., Teresa -• pose 0*nth hi-ri-in all sums not alslowly, steadily, inexpenen would be so full of politicians therine Hanley, Anna Tabasko, Wil•••••••••••••••••••• rufuly wet {Appropriated i'ur HUL'II purposes. liam Lyons, Mary Harvey, Helen that tliC'i'e would be no room up sively. '•Sortion 8. Tliort. shall he levied in each year while any n\' said 'Vonds shall Stanton, Virginia Crowe. | (,hel.e for t>,0 voters. lie outstanding, in the same ninnnor and JEDDO - HIGHLAND prices Third Grade: Virginia Anderson,.: A politician never admits a misat ihe same time ns 'vtlier taxes, a tax .4 Mary Barrett, Rosalie Dwyer, Mar-j t n . k e . He's always right and always are the lowest at this season upon all the taxa.!;lo property in said City sufficient to prodia-o tiie amount « ion Farrell, Elizabeth Reilly, Jean prepared to prove it. Alibias and li«s in 15 years. Order your supof principitl and in to rent to bei-otm* du« Kyan, Bernicc Scally, Veronica Stef- a r o important things in his stock of In the Kuei'fcdinK year. ply, now! You'll save many anski, Monica /Ha 11 ck, Frances Hen-1 trade. Seotion 9. This oi-dinant-o shall take, dollars on your year's heat effect upon its publication as provided Money is one tiling the politician nessey, Joseph Kress, John Norek. Box Of In Section 2 of Chapter 2~>- of the I*i.ws Second Grade: Phyllis Barry, Mar- is concerned with, no matter what his bill . . . and you'll get a coal of 1910, an amended, topetlier with the garet Casey, William Fitzgerald, Ce- job. He spends it to get elected and 17 CARDS statement required by said Soetion. and that is definitely non-clinkerthe Cltv Clerlt shall have ihp power to •colia }] ana way, Helen Lolkowitz, spends it to get re-elected. Most of select the nowspa.por In which It shall ing, and that burns for hoars Mary Lovely, Ann Lynn, Marie his duties as an office holder concern fie published and after d suiecify u y tlin li date afte .. Meimzey, Jane Monaghan, Eugenis its expenditure. without attention. which lit b d «hnll hll h bonds he iissued and de livered, •O'Connor, Laverne Reilly, Mary SculWhen a young fellow starts out in NOTTCR ly, Alice f Slover, Dorothy Slover, politics, they always tell us he's a The fore.poinK ordlnaneo was introJoan Southard, Jean Stanton, Wil- "promising young man." He spends " Box Of diH'cti and paused on first reading at a liam White, John Dowling, Burton the rest of his political career provjneetinp r>f tlie Comnion Council on the 25 CARDS Howley, Winifred Baker, Anna Bir- ing they are right. A politician will 1'Stth day of November. 1M2. It will he considered for final passase nt a meetardi, Gertrude Brudecki, Kathleen promise you everything from a snow ing of the Common Council at City Hall Covell, Irene Crowe, Eleanor Pisler, storm in summer to an April shower , Tuesday, rVtem'ber i:i, ]fl,12, nt 8 Eileen Najrle. in December. Politicians have made o'clock p, m., at which time all persons having abjections thereto are hereby noFfret Orade: Mary A'rmrftrong, America the "promised land." It has tified to bo proH-ent and present same. Mary Brophy, Helen Coyell, Mary been promised to anybody who ever G. FlUwNK PIXimOW. Box Of City Clerk. Aristocrat of Anthracite Farley, Catherine French, Betty said they wanted it. SOVTH MMiiOY OITIZKN' Jane Gallagher, Mary Gleason, There's no tradesman or profes21—10c CARDS 9th, u OF Mary La.ikin, Mary Leonard, Elea- sional man, or anyone else for that nor Marcey, Marie Martin, Pauline matter, like a .politician. He's in a Tabasco, Francis Bonis, John Con- class by himself. The only place you •nors, Francis Dooling1, Raymond will find people who come anywhere Downs, Eihvard Gleason, Salvadoro near the politician is the actor. The "TOMBOY TESS" Jutiano, Patrick McCarthy, Bernard politician is a comedian that laughs Two hundred votes for • « . U. 8. I'at 0f< at his own jokes and a tragedian who Poulson, Thomas Starnce. Doll Contest with each box declares everybody but him is getting FOR PROMPT DELIVERIES-PHONE of Christmas cards puraway with murder. At times he's a chased. bines singer who tells of -what 340 might hnppen if he isn't re-elected to office. He tries to give you the imSWAN HILL ICE & COAL CO. Mi^j1 WUFPBN pression that he's a grand opera Qnrgt E, Ap'plaiata • Son . singer, when really he's a ham actor. 141 H.nry St., South Amboy, N. J. The country was settled by pioneers travelling across the country in a euvoTcd' wagon, it's being ruled by 132 NO. BROADWAY At Chrislmi)s 1'ui'ty 011 Dec. 11polilicinns climbing on and off the hand wagon. at Melrose Firchousc. sleep? K ciin please tile laddie more Tluiu coming with dad to this store. MacTiirift says that such visits tend To show young DonaUl hov.' to spend. CHRISTMAS SPECIAL BOX OF 21 XMAS GREETING CARDS, $1 value 49c •J. FIRST COST ]>:nl will, of course, his promise keep Hut what chance has the lad to UP-KEEP 1 ( r : : CHRISTMAS CARD: SPECIALS STEAKS, DELICIOUS AND TENDER Steaks so tender that they almost melt in your mouth —so it seems when you enjoy one of the steaks we supply. Cut from prime tender beef, well aged, a steak is a treat. 50c JEDDOHIGHLAND STRAUB BROS. Choice Meats 59c Tels. 850 and 851 110 N. Broadway > ' $1.00 Pulaski CiuTwI •^ PJay Santa Claus To Melrose Children 1 YOUNG 'at 60 A man ts as old nf hln organs; mant men e t n bfl Tigorous ftnd healthy a t GO IUI W(>il u a t 85, If they will but. tnko caro of Uieniselrai properly. Invlgomto yotir vlUit organit w.th Gold Medal llnftrlem Oil Cap«ulon. I t Incnn of tho most reliable pr«pnmtion8 knovn to modtdnc. I t liun boon widely prescrll**! for 237 yvfun, t h e bent proof Ui&t i t wotfca. fo*ftt on OOUl UtSIKU I)5r A V5c OOLD MEDAI. HAARLEM OIL CAPSULES , ARENV YOU ASHAMEP? YOUQ. OWH TEACHER YOU'RE RiGrfr PETERSON'S PHARMACY Open All Day Sundays Dill you ever stop to visualize the meaning of the words "no smoke, no dirt, no fumes," as applied to YOUR kitchen, range? The bottom of u pan (hat lias been used in cnokinr; on an electric range remains so clean that ii will not soil the dninticBt handkerchief. Electric cooking cuts fond shrinkage to a minimum, the natural juices being scaled in by the quick heat, thus also improving flavor. Electric ranges have timing nnd temperature controls. Meals cook them- Rush Calls Our Specialty! 15 year* experience. Phone call bringi an expert for nnv joh from a tube replacement Children are better able to resist the disease germs everywhere about them, when they dunk plenty of Vitamin " D " Certified milk . . . produced a t the Itariian Valley Farms. It's 10 to 15'times richer in sunshine-vitamin content. Laboratory Controlled From Farm To You WE ARE DISTRIBUTORS OF RARITAN VALLEY PRODUCTS GRADE A—RAW MILK CERTIFIED MILK VITAMIN -D CERTIFIED SOFT CURD CERTIFIED BOYS AND GIRLS—Under 15 yeari of age cut out the Tomboy Ten cartoons in each of our ads, color them and tend them in on December 15 with a ilognn of 10 worda or lett to be used in advortUIng our mild—We're giving $50 in cnah prizes for th* bust. OUR DISTRIBUTION COVERS MIDDLESEX COUNTY BO1V<'» without your watching. There aro to a completo overhaul, other ilcnirahlo features which a salesman in our nearest store will l»e glfld to thaw you. Lrifllly these rniiges tiro economical of operation and may he pureltascd on easy pnymt'iil terms. Lowest Prices in Stntol A • ELECTRIC RANGES The Radio Hospital . ! . * • ^ SPECIALIST THE RADIO 100 PMONE 5 8 7 ^ BROADWAY SPECIALIST 3 / FAULT MAMA PEAR "THE Kff? THAW ALWAW "THERE IS1 HOME SNOK i WITH LCTIS1 OF MEASLES''. •"••••••»•••••••••&• No Smoke, no Dirt, no Fumes C F MEAGER THE RADI T "THE Focfr OP n R CLOW AQAW - f th A.bo store Santa (Minis will visit Melro;:;' this Water! Water! Water! year in a big- way and not a single Approximately nl^ht elevenths of the kiddie in that, sect inn will be overlooked. The Pukiski Chili has been I'livllt's surfnre Is covered to an nvorliusy with iplan.- for, Ihe annual «K<! ilei'll) <>f aljoin two miles by Hip Christmas parly for snmc lime and waters or II10 oceans. is planning to make this (Ihiistinas a nKMiioriible one for the kiddies in that The party being planned will IK held during Christmas week at the IMclro-i' liri'lioiise an 1 in addition to cniertiiinnnnt ami refreshments, the IPulnski Club members will distribute gifts to every child. In cases where i t is deemed advisable, gifts will consipt of clothing. In order to raise funds to Make care of this work, a mniiinioiilh card party will be hold in the Molrose Hose Company headquarters on We;lncsduy evening, llcceiiibi'r l l t h , beginning at H i|i. in, A largi- number of attractive and useful prizes have betn secured which will bo awarded wimiiiMf plnytvs. The uiran^ieiiiont committee consists of Jos. Joswiiak,, chairman, John J . Cross and John Andrejewsky. By PURITAN DAIRY Jersey Cfntral Power Lei Fuels Guide You in 1933 H-12.2 PHONE P, A, 4-1200 ! _. 1 a**' ; . _ I H H ^mmmmmmmmmmnmmmmmmm 3/5-3/7 HIGH ST. \_ PAGE SEVEN THE SOUTH AMBOY CITIZEN FRIDAY, DECEMBER 9, 1932. even break it "won't he, the county CITY EXPECTS TO PAY COUNTY TAXES NEXT WEEK can delay the railroad tux check due Many Tickets Are Sold ITALO-AMERICAN LAURENCE HARBOR den.,Fifth Year: Milton Bloodgood, South Amboy. But the county won't keep all of (Continued from page one) for Charity Card Party CITIZENS SOCIETY that $65,082.89 that it gi'ta from Manhattan, Russell Newcomb, RESIDENTS WILL James to the tax title lien stage. Maigarct Selover. $:J5,7«1..J9 City Treasurer Kress admits that ,South ,Amboy. ,, -,, Only , , , . beFifth Grade: Avis Dufford, FanThe Protection Fire Company will i ELECTS JAS. JASPER if the co-operation of local people. ? £ ? >!^* " ? 7 " Entire Proceeds Will Go for ReBE CONSIDERED ny Goldsmith, Alice Kroismer, Walthold a dance at the firehouse- tonight.! continues next week as it has so far ' S . ' -™ "' " ' ™ 1 n s l t h e rest t 7 7 18B r lll M lllt s b u i k cts ls f( s u Of 4 ali er Greenspan. lief of Needy Family. A popular orchestra will play. j there will be no difficulty in moetin;,' tax, and as such will have to be shipWill Succeed Albert Jerome, the Fifth Year: Kathryn, Matthews, county tax payments along with ped on to Trenton. So will $21,123.y Township Committee in the As Head of Organization. The Young- People's Club of Christ! Kathleen Pasco, Ruth Pierson, Sy>l- A response exceeding taking care of the bond maturities. !i8 on account of slate school tax. Church will hold a depression dance j Fight for Improvements in ney Rosenthal, Robert Rac. And there's still another item of $1,most optimistic expectations of the When the annual meeting of the The bonds will get first consideration 059.Cl for soldiers bonus bonds that Fourth Year: Dorothy Greenleaf, commitlee hhas greeted at the'parish house tonight. j That Section. t d the th sale l of f . , . . in any case so us to insure there boEileen Kieismer,' Mildred Lewis, i no blot on the lecord in this the Trenton authorities will jr<'t. The Mrs. Helen Kurerski anil Miss j With a determination which will Irene Mocarske, Mary Zuspan, Har- tickets for the monster charity bcne-jtolo-Amencnn Citizen s Society of respect. The county ini^-ht have 10 items were all on the individual tax lit card party to be held under the;this city was held at Wilnelni s Hall old Murphy, Henry Orndorff, EdMary Primpka, of Bordentown ave-| . , . a few days, which could do nobills passed out to South Amboyans be denied, residents auspices of a group of local business; Monday night, Jajnos Jasper was wait ward Przygocki. nue, were Newark shoppers on Sutui-j „'" ' particular harm beyond breaking th? last spring. And it's only when they of Laurence Harbor have petitioned Third Grade: Margaret Craig, men at Sacred Heart Hall next Mon-jdected president. For the past year city record for promptness in meet- get bulked up like (his that they the Madison Township Oammittee to Thelma Slater, Doris King, Grace day evening. |Albert Jerome has held this post. ing county payments for years an'l The Sacred Heart A. A. will hold t a i i ( , „., t l l e m a t t c J . o f investigating "layton, Helen Liyana, Virginia The entire proceeds of the party Other officers elected were: Sam years past. The county won't suffer look so bijr. a meeting on Sunday afternoon, at the condition of Shoreland Circle. Zuspan, Cavlin Tice, Richard Lettp. ,vill be donated to a needy family and | T l l l . a I l o vice-president; Yutes Ro- inf any ease for there's a big check the 4:30 in the club house. :he committee expec expects to realize a i ' . . , _ . . s„„„.,.* rv« ' Those living near the shore front com,spondil)ff c c l W a i y . D o - coming from the State in the way of large sum for this charitable cause. second class railroad tax distribuThe Misses Jean Farrell and Gert- claim that) due to heavy storms, the financial secre 1I minic Sorruntino, The local Masonic Order will hoid tion. The city's share of that will be A large number of unusual prizes , , . rude Grimes recently visited with rain and flood tides have under- a fish supper in the Temple on Main Ansomething more than half what the business treasurer; friends in New York. tonio Rocco Nicorvo,Coluci, sergeant at arms. mined the roadbed to such an extent street on December 14, -from 5 until have of thebeen city,donated and willbybe awardedmen to;|fai"a; city owes the county—and the coun8 p. m. Trustees elected were Louis Al winners in the various games, ty gets it from the state, keeps Mr. and Mrs?. Teofil Kwilinski have as to render it almost impassable of brown kid gloves. banese, B. Chuilli and Sam Fazio, some, and passes the balance on to LOST:—Pair moved from their former address on and highly dangerous to traffic. Between St. Mary's Church and Council members elected were G. the municipalities. So if the city Bordentown avenue to a residence on The Township Committee was inPine Avenue. Return to Leo Ce-akPezzillo, John Spina and John Scar- "i tould be late, and it's more than ail Pine avenue in this city, not in Perth formed of the matter, formally, at ley, 124 Pine Avenue. Amboy as previously reported. jpellino. its regular meeting held yesterday . 'Mrs. Robert Jerwann and mother ufternoon at the Town Hall. As a SHEBirr'S SALE of Stevens avenue visited with Mrs. result Committeeman Ebenezer BowIX Cl£A.V(_tul- Ul-- .\lu\\ JJiKSIdl'Due .to the sales being made on the next Six CylinHarry Jensen of Freneau yester- ne expressed a willingness to form Uemveun 1'N VWonuKci & L)\\'ZSl$xl an investigating group to study the liuTULUNli AJ.VLI ]JOA-N AiytiOCi.il der Plymouth, we have some exceptional used car values. day. 'IHOuV ol' South Aniuuy, .Vew Jursey, situation. u uuiipurulion Gemplaiiiunl, and JOHiN NEW 19.52 PLYMOUTH SEDAN The committee will be composed Arthur Buah of George street KUUU anil A'.V.N<i. lvUUu, his vile, Mlllor, Uursun & Welsh, John Jiujuspent the past week end with Mr. •of Mr. Bowne, Maxwell Mayer, who 1932 PLYMOUTH COUPE (Floating Power) Now A Member of the Union Food Stores ivvkz ^nu tiiu South lUvur Urlck has been instrumental in starting Ccmnuiiy, uuleudants, Fl. fix. to. and Mrs. J. flnssel of Bloomfield. 1931 CHRYSLER 6 SEDAN thu aale of niurtjraKyd nremlaes dated 122 N.Broadway - South Amboy the movement, Samuel Walker of 1931 CHRYSLER 66 SEDAN ' The Rev. Harry Stansbury Wcy- Morrisey and Walker, owners of the liy virluo of thu itbovu atated writ to mo dlroutud und dolivored, 1 will c*i>OH' rich, rector of Christ Church will ad- property, and Township Counsellor 1929 MARMQN SEDAN to ualu ut jHLlfliu vt'uduo on dress the Mother's Mission of Eman- Berlew. Also interested in the sit' WMUNiWUAV, T11K l-'OUHTll UAV 1929 WHIPPET ROADSTER uel Church, Baltimore, next Friday, uation is the South Amboy Lions ul'' JAIN UAH Y, A U., NliN'iiTJiBN Good meals demand good meats. In the Broadway IIUNDIIKIJ TlllitTY-TiHUiii December 16th. 1929 PLYMOUTH COUPE ut two o'clock SUuxlnnJ 'J'iiuo in the ufClub, which has sent a communicaMarket, you can always find good meats, the basis of tnntui>n uf tho HILIU ilay ut tho Shorllt'H Charles Timmens, local merchant, tion to the committee requesting Oll'k'u in tlio City ol' .Now liruimwick, ALSO SEVERAL CARS SELLING UNDER $100.00. (rood meals. Safeguard your cooking efforts, insure the N. J. of Broadway, who underwent a ser-consideration of the matter. From enjoyment of the meal beforehand. Allow the BroadAll Iht! fulioiWlntj tract or pui'col of ious operation at the local hospita' all appearances it seems ns though hind and pivmlHuH lioi'uiiiiirtcr iKirticllway Market to provide satisfaction of your family. •on Sunday, is improving rapidly. Jarly (it-'w.-ribt'U. tilluitlu, lyiuy. and Oorapid action will be realized, due to IIIK Ul thu IJuriiuKh ill' Sayrovlllii in tlio Cuiinty of AliddliJSL'x and Wlalu "uf Now Leon Barrett, coach of the South the wide interest shown. Dodge and Plymouth Dealer Jorwoy. SPECIAL FOR THIS WEEK END Amboy Ironsides, witnessed the Rut- The request of Laurence Harbor . »l*jiiiNNI-NCi un the. uimtorly aidu of WiilHnK wtroot. al tin) Buuiliwoatorly 228 FIRST STREET, SOUTH AMBOY, N. J. Kers-Manhnttan c h a r i t y football residents to have that locality mode Legs of Genuine Spring Lamb 17c lb. uoiner ut a hit of lailil eonvt;yoii to Ansame in Brooklyn on Saturday. lunlo and Vliuxklu tirotkowutolty hy a distinct Fire Zone was reforred to Telephone South Amboy 292 Legs and Rumps of Milk Fed Veal 15c lb. I'uul aiuHuhluk uml wlfo by dood tlato'-l July Ti, liliil.^, unii from tlionco running Mrs. Prank Nelson is ill at herthe next meeting. Although a rumor Fresh Killed Fowl 15c lb. (.1) nlunis a (uiiuu, tlio lino at said Jot Distributor (or "Flash" approved automatic signal device* was prevalent) at the meeting yeshome on Bordentown avenue. uml lUndiiiK tliurisoii unuiurly oiiu hunFresh Killed Roasting Chickens (best quality) 19c lb. compulsory on commercial vehicles after Jan, 1st. dioil ami tn'unly-thrui. (lc;l) foot lu terday that something unexpected in Kuyru .f 1''4HIIOI'>K I'ompiuiy'a lino; Fresh Hams (nice and lean) l i e lb. Leon Loichle has returned to his the handling of the Emergency RettiuiiL-u CO aloiiu tiiuir lint.- southuiiy home in Morgan after an operation Fresh 'Shoulders of Pork 9c lb. thlltl-llVB (35) loot; tliunco (-J) ulohK performed recently at the local hos- lief problem wns afoot, the matter •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••I ii I'unco lino we-sturly cinu liuiulred twonPrime Rib Roast (best cuts) 19c lb. wns not taken up at any lenffth, ty llirou (12:1.) lout to WallhiB strout pital. thunco (•!) UIOIIK Wulllng .Struct norRound, Cross Rib or Top Sirloin 23c lb. reeholder Lewis Convpton, County thorly tlilrty-'tlirt'u {Ti) l'uut to tho Dr. B. A. Kohinson is seriously ill Relief Director, wns in privnte con- £••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••! JihU'u of UJilli.VMi'NO. Fresh Loins of Pork (rib end) 10c lb. at his home in Morgan. lining t'liu Haniu lirumiHuH eonvoyeil to ference with the Township Director, Ciili Hams (large size) 7c lb. blmon balula und Kntl,, Salulii, his •wJlo, by duuil i,l' All'ro.l WugimMllHt Loose Sausage 2 lbs. 25c The Ladies Auxiliary of the Tisrer Cornelius A. Wall, prior to the meetand Anntllu. Wimiiiirbliist Ills wlfo, by A. 0. will hold n mooting at the home ing, "but what teanspired was not Fresh Spare Ribs 10c lb. ilood daluil thu uli>vonth day or Fobof Miss Dorothv Inman on Pine ave- disclosed to nnyone. rimi-y, I Dili, mid rtcurded la tho OfFresh Pigs Feet 5 lbs. 25c lli'ii ol thu CliTk nf thu County of Midnue on Wednesday night. dlesex tlio tsoventoenUi day of Fo'bruLink Sausage 16c lb. iirj1, 1»'1«, In Uauk SS(J at JJooda, nago >!2ii, (itc. - Miss Jean E. Coogan, of Portia St., QUALITY MEATS AND PRODUCE Lamb, Veal or Best Cuts..Pork Chops 17c lb. wns amoni? the spectators at the I ' J ' " « lunountlnB to apjiroxlmatoly Mothers Oats, package 5c PHONE 277 631 BORDENTOWN AVE. charity football game at Ebbetts ToRothor with all and singular thn Onions or Potatoes (Saturday only) 5 lbs. 10c You will be agreeably surprised when you see the ," Brooklyn, last Saturday. rlirlits, iirlvlloBi'S, •liorc-dltainunts mid )urleiijuiciis tiivrountn belonging or tempting selection of quality meats we offer. > Allow us The Rev. Arthur M. Sharman, Many Others At This Store to serve you once and we are sure that you will always Std., Educational Secretary of the roit.v p. M C o m i i / U N " ' E a,L r i ff be a satisfied customer. Department of the Missions of the KG.+G Solicitor 12-»-it S. & H. Green Stamps With Every Purchase National Council of the Episcopal Church will address a luncheon meet- An unusually -large number of Subucrlbu to I lie Citizen—Get t h e real now» Fresh Hams, Jersey Boston Cut Pork ing of the Woman's Auxiliary of amos are included in the .November Pork, small and lean Christ Episcopal Church to be held honor roll at School No. 2, according Butts, lean, lb. in the Parish House next Tuesday to a list received from the school Jersey Pork Loins at 12 noon. authorities today. Those whose sleeted by expert buyers from the finest live stock A&P MEAT FACTS (Number Two of o Series) Our meal: small, pound names are in the following column Legs of Spring ; from corn-fed hogs raised in the cold mid-wejf; • The South Amboy Council, Kniprhts have the country produces . . . beef from choice young steers: been placed there because of an Lamb, small, lb i that are young and tender, the pick of Northwest of Columbus, will hold a regular average of ninety percent or over for lemb from sections whore the finest lambs are raised; ( Smoked Cali meeting'on next Thumlay evening th month's work: J raised on the country's finest farms. flocks; and top quality poultry, all milk-L Hams, pound a t eight o'clock. Sixth Year: Lorraine Kc-egan, DoFresh Killed Roasting 4 ' T Philadelphia Scrapple The Junior Women's Club will rothy Pearson, Louise Preston. Chickens, lb Whole or Either Half SMALL Sixth Year: Dorothy Newcomb. •present a play tonight at, the City pound '. Hull. The play is called "The Re-Jeanne Corbin, Edith Jensen, Dorothy Harris. Austin Marizo, Robert New Saur Kraut turn of Letty." Fresh or Corned Sterner, Albert Vanni. Kraut, 4 lbs. for Spare Ribs, pound .. Miss Anita Steuber and her class ,. S i x ! ! 2 Y enr: Constance Emblev, of piano students will present a mu-Mary Miller, Florence Muth, Janice • ••••••BIB •••••••BUBM •••••• sical recital on December 20th a_t These pork loins are small and @ McCloud's Hall. deliciously tender . . . cut from B RECEIVED TOO LATE FOR CLASSIFICATION USED CARS Broadway Market PHONE 261 CHARLES F.STRAUB FRANK'SMARKET SCHOLASTIC HONOR ROLL FOR NOVEMBER AT SCHOOL NO. 2 13 C 13 C 13 C W 13 C Miss Anita Steuber and Thomas Peterson- were awarded the first prize in the Strand Theatre Radio tryouts in Perth Amboy on Friday night. c young corn-fed porkers raised in cool mid-west stales where the finest pork is grown. In value and quality, they are typical of all the choice meets sold at A&PmcrkoIi, H H • I Ifcx CUT FROM FIRST SIX RIBS THAT ARE HIGH IN APPEAL AND LOW IN PRICE PRIMERIBS o 21c Sirloin Steak . Top Round Steak It will pay you to do your Christmas shopping early this year. Starting today we are offering hundreds of good, practical, servicable gifts at prices yoii won't be able to resist. The items listed here are typical of many unusual values you will find in every department. Different Kinds of Mail Considered First Class Are Listed. SPECIAL PURCHASE FOR GIFT GIVING 350 Hand-Tufted Candlewick BED SPREADS—$1.25 Superior tufting and soft pre-shrunk sheeting HEMSTITCHED SETS—$7.50 . P o r t e r h o u s e S t e a k CHOICE ORADE ib. 3 5 C , B o i l e d H a m s HUFO> WHOLE X 5e 2 h°!l" 25 e Q u a k e r MOTHERS Oats Set consists of cloth size 2x2V4 yards and 8 din- Tuna Fish WHITE M»T ner size napkins beautifully hemstitched. The Sliced Bacon designs are very attractive. Nicely boxed-ready Pea Beans SS2S CHOICE HAND.MC«D 2 «.•. Grandma's Molasses un>'iP°".°d ''„"' I 8 M a r m a l a d e «oss£ * tucmu's Rumford BAKING POWDER'I'M 7 < ^ ' 2 9 e it. 21c S C O t T i S S U e SOFT AND A1SOS1ENT 3 toll. 2 3 C Wilbert'sNonu.Floor Wax »««. 3 9 ' Lifebuoy Soap . • 3 «>.< I6 c c BIEACHES,DEODORIZES KMOVES S7AINS i»,. ,-or 19 C c . Hormel's Vegetable Soup 2 «... 29C 5° of the country. , ib. 1 9 C . W h i t e Bread ORANOMOTHEM 10' KM, for Christmas giving or forwarding to any part not usually found in spreads at thia price. You'll u>. 29 C ib. 29 C . Fancy No. 1 Smelts | Rinso 2 X 35c "SOAKS CLOTHES WHITEK" recognize the quality and value when you soe them. Come in green, rose, blue, gold, orchid, rod or white tufting in attractive new designs. NOTE: These spreads are made in the South Leave Your Order Now and Have That New FLOUR HEAT-PROOF TABLE PAD Delivered Before Chri.tmns and cannot bo duplicated in time for ChristmoB —so urge seeing them now while assortment is fullest. HECKER'S GOLD, MEDAL PILLSBURY CERESOTA Sizes up to 48x65 inches 'oblong; or up to 64 inches round or square. $3.25 - DOUBLE DAMASK PURE IRISH LINEN Not A Luxury at Young't New Pricet The committee making arrangements has reported that everything la In readiness for the prize drawing to be held by the South Amboy Republican Club in the rooms In the Trust Company Building on Friday evening, December 2,1. A lnrire number of chickens, turIteys and ducks will be awarded and n general invitation has been extended to the general public to attend. Here's your chance to purchase, either for yourself or a friend, a real double damask lull blenched table cloth and a dozen of napkins for the price you would ordinarily pay for just the cloth or napkins, ED, FARRELL WHEN TANK EXPLODES Clotl) 2x2)4 YarcU . . . 12 Nnpkim 22x22 Inches When the gasoline tank of an nutomobile on which ho was working" at the county trarage on Stockton street near Augusln exploded, Friday, Edwnrd Farrell, forty-six, of 11.'! finnrce street, was seriously burned about the fare ami hands. Robert t)obsoh .'tlsn of thb pity received painful burns mid TCosrau •Wilson of nifl Ttrtnsv wns uliirlitl.v fnirni'ti* abinit the fjiec ami hands. TM>aon imi Wllsnn wore working on Hie cur wflli Fiirrctl. Fresh Pork Loins DISTINCTIVE GIFTS Postmaster Issues Bulletin Concerning Christmas Already preparations are being made at the local post office to take .care of Ibo Christmas rush although aovoral weeks still remain, it is evident irom the increased amount of Christmas mail already being handled thnt it will he UH grunt if not gronter than during former yeura. For tho information of patrons, Postmaster Doy lifts issued a bulletin In which is set forth information concerning first cluss mail. Coming under this classification are printal assessment notices with amount written thcroln, 'autograph ftlbums containing printed matter, bank hooka with written entries, printed cards or letters bearing writtea date such us date sender will call. Still' folders that cannot he examined without thu danger of breakage, handwritten, typewritten, letter press, or enrlxm copies, imitaUnmi of typewritten or handwritten, not mailed «t poslofTici! window, or depository, in a minimum number of 20 copies. ' AISD considered as first class mail iuo printed price lists or notices of price'lint changes, ]inVcd receipts with signatures attached, typewritten mutter, unsealed written communications or sealed matter of any class wrapped so thnl it cunuol be examined, except parcel post matter, that boars printed instructions, regarding the nature of shipment., stenographic or shorthand notes. 13C 23C 23* 25C Leaves ITp to 12 Inches Wide, 95c Each Take no chances ruining the top of your dining room table with hot dishes or liquids spilled. These padn are made of insulating felt with washable waterproof tops . . . green felt covering on the back (perfect for card playing). Phds made to order, Bring paper pattern of half your table. Heinz Beans Z'.8C '.'.". 12' A H e i n z SrAMm. ",:;8 e '".12e ,., l l c Heinz Rice Flakes Budweiser »Z?V;ti ,*....49« Old Munich""-«;-'...»....29« B e a n s ou..,.«..» 2'.'." 9 C Baker's Cocca C o C O a QUAm MAIO BED SPREADS—$2.95 APPLES 25' Extra Fancy, Selected Sparkle™!" ." I Jello . . . Pure Hard . . Pillsbury r.«a« tlQVt ONIONS L'Nt:';*A CAKEK5 Alio Sold Separately green ground with nelf designs . Full bed size. Cloth, 3.95—NapkiitSr.f3.9r> Dozen Fig Ntv/tons, Social Teas or Lbrna Boones You'll wcofrnizc the quality at such a low price! . NEW UKUNHVVICK, N, J. Bisquitk .i»o. HiIID fix * fit 47' 27C pi ."•7 C £"23' 3 IK 13 C Y Fancy Wet Shrimp 'V.110' Pancake Flour PI,. 8 ml Qw>% •<.'••,„ Mo 'A can C Buckwheat Flour PH.. 1 0 ' A1P PURL M a p l e Syrup »,W,.II.BI.21C ,»j,i»10t ALL PRICES AM EFFECTIVE mr.0U~l ,,...o .'12' Del Monte ecu A&P Corn ^ ' Fancy Lobster AUNT JEMIMA lutky Sliiim, Ci..,irU, OIJ Goldl C!ici!jr[lHlii3, Hiilr! "u '-",::'" » i - " ^5< NEW-PACK W t i i C r S :.:O'.VrLAK! |,lq 17 C } . o Me*23' MiESH fancy V/hii^— BOILING Wlr.n. Cinorellai 23= Royal oi,AtIH n»i Royal '""ma" Kaffee Hag *cOtftl CARROTS . 1 nstrous rayon in rone, gold, blue, orchid or P. J. YOUNG DRYGOODS CO. 3,...25 C . 't.'.' 5C Carlon of 12 l o t s CALIFORNIA Heinz Kefcfiup 2 pi,,. 25= Campbell's Soups Campbell's Beans GREEN PEAS 2,b, 27= 1 RAYON TAFFETA $7.90 All vofi.li>! txupl TOMATO MclNTOSH SAVJXCAY, OF.CEMDER Wilt THE GRCA1 AT'.AHTIC ft PACii-IC T I A CC. i '"••»-:-___.._.: PAGE EKJHT THE SOUTH AMBOY CITIZEN MRS. HAROLD VILSKOV jPresbyterians Are High School Seniors ; WILL BE IN CHARGE OF | Breaking Records for To Hold Huge Bazaar | MASONIC CARD PARTY; Prayer Meetings And Entertainment Will Be Held Tuesday Evening; at Masonic Temple. ! Numbers Attend MidVVeek Services at Local Church. All plans have been completed for | Since Rev. Charles Van Horn has the monsiLcr card party arty on on Tuesday 1 uesday I;a.s s u m e < 1 c h n l . K e o f l h < ! parish of the 1 evening at the Masoni Church in this some Temple on F h . s t p , . e s b y t e r j a n C Main Street, and the committee in . _ charge, under the direction of Mrs. city, an almost phenomenal growth in Harold Filskov, has assured all that attendance at the regular midweek the affair will be one of the high- prayer service - has been noted. The lights of the month. The December Bible study groups have engaged in Unit of the Woman's Auxiliary of a number of interesting discussions, the local hospital is sponsoring tho which have brought out some of the affair. largest prayer meeting attendances In addition to the many tempting ever in the history of the/ Broadway prizes which will be distributee church. among winners of all games, Mrs At a recent meeting a supper was Filskov has arranged to provide del- served in the social hall before the icious refreshments for those who at- meeting and a quartette consisting tend. The refreshments will be ofof Robert Waterman, Lamont Ingfered without any charge and withraham, J. Lee Larew and Oliver W. out any limit. Lockhart pjave a number of selections with Herbert Dix, Sr., presiding at Ihe piano. The pastor s.poke on the "Omnipresence of Christ." THE TAX MENAGE : A GROWING CRISIS t •;»'* j '" — — - ^ ' By FRANCIS H. SISSON President American Bankers Association N O danger, economic or social, more seriously menaces our life, happiness and prosperity than the rising tide ol t a x e s which threaten to engult us. This Is not Bimply a problem of tho depression. It lias ueen developingformanyyears, growing more serious all the tlino. T h e depression merely brought It to a climax. Unless drastic steps are taken to reverse this trend tho problem will F. H. SISSON sot end with the depression. It will continue to weigh down and retard progress for an Indefinite period. Ancient Love Story The story of "Itemeo and -Juliet" was not originated by Shakespeare, The story was very popular In Italy before Shakespeare wrote his famous tragedy. It Is possible Hint the original.plot was tnlten from life. Ibo Krehl "Is there any biblical authority for calling pnrsons Rev. Mr. Snund-so?" has been asked. There is no definite scriptural Instruction on the point. The word "reverend" appears only once In the lllble,—Psalm 111:1). 23 23 . 24 32 32 34 3r. 41 41 41 41 1.2 4 23 U 24 'J9 31 4S VJ So. Broadway So. Broadway Ilordentown John Ferrlp Gordon Bordentown FRIDAY, DECEMBER 9, 1932, Mrs. E. Berrien -Mrs. K. IJrrrivn Philip Sullivan A.11011 Ikiranou-ski J.-imes Van Pelt Mutual Station 68 70 Mrs. M;ir>- -M.-Connell 13 11 Portia J:i,,>ls,)ii ^ Coldfan'j Co. " i 20 Feltu.s Jolm Ji.van 30 Feltus & Loul^n r*. -I. .M..!-.a.u-lian 40 4 ^ Louisa p. ,1. MonaBhan J'ortla H I M llolilhii,- CV> At High School Auditorium on «•* 11 13 14 Ferris Ivst. Ward Perrine 43 Next Thursday Evening. Fi-rrls !-:.«•. Ward Perrino 17 20 Feltus Harvey Parist'n 79 SO Ward Pn-mo Vanl The Senior Class of South Amboy 5-3 55 Ward Fr.-uiii Leonard High School is sponsoring another B4A «0 « 1 liordentown .Tolin Adnms 105 6 social affair in the form of a hug? j 53 I'arker Kst. Frank Leonard 15 16 Catherine Morris Alpine Entertainment and Bazaar, to be; ? ' 19 20 Catherine Morris Alpine held on Thursday evening, Dec. 15th j 58 23 21 Catherine Morris Alpine 36 37 at the high school auditorium. The | 5^ Catherine Morris Alpine 40 41 Leffert Morris Alpine feature of the evening will be enter- 64 HI Parker <;tro!..mr> Kalnone tainment furnished by Motor Ve- 64 143 146 I'arker Jos. ph Alpine hicle Commissioner Harold G. Hoff- TO 16 I'arker Lillian Miles 1 !£ Acres Uordentown James Van Pelt man, and which will include several 70 T4 9 10 Prospect Mrs. Frank Dlsbrow well known opera stars. Some local 2 Lots Division David Wood 75 talent will also be presented. Division Charles Buckalew 77A % 44 45 Dayton Vincent lllgfrins Following the entertainment the 77A 4.6 Dayton Joseph Smith 86 89 bazaar will go into full swing. Sev- 78A Borilentown Mrs. Frank Dunham 78C 101 10 Catherine Sullivan & Dolan eral-booths will be established to dis78C 111 113 Conlogue Sullivan & Dolan play and sell aprons, miscellaneous j jsc 117 125 Conlogue Sullivan & Dolan articles-, candy, cake ice cream and 78C •Id2 .WO Bertram Sullivan .<• Dolan 7SD 139 146 Catherine Sullivan & Dolan other items. 781) 147 .1-18 Bertram Sullivan & Dolan A popular orchestra has been se- 7SD 190 200 lsdel Rullivan & Dolan 7SE Ml Cath. & lsdel Sullivan & Dolan cured by the committee to furnish 7S13 202 £12 lsdel Sullivan * Doian music for dancing, and those in the 23 George Jolin Culliver charge of arrangements are spending DELINQUENT 1029 PROPERTY TAX every effort to make this event one of the finest of its kind in the city's Blook winter social program. Shallow Grief People Ki'ievi> and bemoan them selves, but it Is not Half so bnd with thsni a» they say. There are moods in which we court suffering, in the hope Hint here at last we ahull find reality, sharp peaks und edges of truth. But It turns out to bo scenepainting .nnd counterfeit. 'Hie only thing grief bus taught me Is t-> knotv how shallow It Is.—Ilalph Waldo Bmcrson, SALE OF LAND FOR TAXES 40 44) 1)1 93 114 •JVJ 213 aia 132 113 4 137 126 12II i;!.'i lisa 12'5 2U1 20-1 2011 205 206 206 201) 209 202 102 Lot VJ 2.1 22 213 24 1 2 'A 3 31 32 6 8 1 6 2 3 2 & 6 1 2 .10 9 '13 9 VJ 10 '3 16 18 11) 20 27 (23 43 4 4 111 % 10 35 40 % 10 1 1 FIRST DISTRICT Street Name Augusta Est. Kerrln Finley Augusta * Mary Finley Ccn.er &. Cedar Lawrence Polowczyk FoltuH Miss Tlioresa Price Uroiulway lilias 'Moaon * Son, Ino. Fourth & Slovens Helen Stuerwald Fourtli & Stevens Charles Struub Fourth it SStovena Helen -Stuerwald Fourth William BUrko Main l'Vank Gordon Fourt-li William. Bunko Alain Mary Flnloy Main William Burko tjeorge 'X'homut} • Main Helen Stuerwuld Fifth Helen Cuntlon Main William -Maatc-rson VVIInrot UrnoHt 'Speaker Wllmot list. James Huff AlliillUt Oacar lUilnoliardt Uarltun Mk-liael l)/.loclol Uarltnn l!>tt. John Anderson Conover TlieoUoro Saundors Conover Jolin Draney Conovor Julius .Sjteaker Wllmot Jerry Connors Second SECOND DISTRICT DELINQUENT PROPERTY TAX 3 4 HOKOWCII Andruw Furimm The owners and occupants of the following described parcels of 21 4 2 Henry F n d Isley, Jr. Oil 0 2 real estate situated in tho taxing district of tho City of South Amboy, in Buvld Fred laley Ii3 14 I>avld Fred Uiur the County of Middlesex, and Stato of New Jersey, and the public, arc 18 20 l*uvld Julia McUunou'ifh hereby notified that ahe taxes thereon severally assessed for tho years 1022 27 28 David Henry Morlaiider •Ii 47 to 1931, inclusive, remain unpaid and that tho said parcels of real estato Henry 1'illllp Sullivan 51 •£> Henry Mrs. Kuphla llcHaner will be offered for sale at public auction at tho Collector's office in.the City 2'5 Vj '57 •*» Henry MIH. ijophio Hesanor liall in said taxing district on Friday, December 23, 1932, at 2:30 o'clock in 211 •12 KtuvoiiH Phlll'P Sullivan •1 the afternoon for the paymenit of said taxes with interest, costs and charges Sti.veuH Philip .Sulllvnn 51 David Fred inley, Jr. thereon, unless tho same shall bo previously paid. •52 In city, county, stato and nation the UavlU Udivard WorMiloy MAifV PAn'/KfiWi i6t> 20 MARY PACZKOWSKA, City Collector. Huvlil -Mary Kelly orgy of spending has run on. It Is estl-. 27 » ihivhi i-'atrlek Moiitughan DELINQUENT 1922 PROPERTY TAX •27 mated that in the United States tho David Patrick 'Moliaghan •10 12 27 David Patrick Mumiglian 13 114 Stroot Niuno • Amount total cost of all government is nearly Block 27 Pavld Mary Ityan 110 '31 SECOND DISTItlCT 27 five times what it was before the Augusta list. AI. A. McCarthy M C>5 27 28 AUehllol .McCarthy 1110.09 Augusta Patrick Momighan World War. Many localities have been 67 27 v\nguBta Angelu Quati'ocel TllIUU DISTRICT 68 69 brought to the verge of bankruptcy by 37 John Clinrli's Hurley •1« Unknown 83.jU 38 their expenditures, while many have David Timothy Hulllvan 6T> 38 Unknown 13.33 David riainlu-1 Iteiner '60 saddled their citizens with a debt bur39 DELINQUENT 1924 PROPERTY TAX Dnyld tloorijo Thomas VJ 20 0 2 IS den that will darken their lives and Block PIn(, George C'hecsonian FIRST DISTRICT Lot 3 4 -II) David Alary O'Toolo hamper their progress for years to 213 0 8 Street Namo - Amount 1 (Ki 13 .14 Broadwny Kmplro Theatre 213 1 '5 Fourth & Stevens Helen Stuorwuld 30.12 1'1'S come. l''lrst Kst. Patrick Delaney '9 113 Fourth &S1ovona Helen S'tuerwuld Jo.Jf :is Henry l^dwar.l Doollng 'A 14 15 1129 50 Fifth Helen Stuerwald 2-1.00 ' The total cost of Federal, state and 17 1 8 , David J.JHI. Thomas Kennedy til CS SECOND DISTRICT 2/3 4 Feltus Josnph Spychala local'government in the United States 62 3S Al A2 David Jolm lliigt'nn David Timothy Sulllvnn is estimated at forty-six million dollars 13 It 18 i'.:i Mnln John DIIKKUII l>nvld St Assessment 72.7;> a day. Based on national Incomo in 103 19 20 MHIII Anna AIcKcon 63 Stockton list. Patrick Anderson . 21 J>avld J a n u s tjuinhm 1930, this represents about one-flfth tho 11 50 54 62 5 6 KUiclUon St. Assessmont 70.00 Feltus Afargaret Dylaney total incomo of our people, or about 13 14 103 Stockton I0st. Patrick Anderson THIRD DISTRICT 12 $110 for every individual in tho naGeorge Harvey I'lirlscn THIRD DISTRICT tion. Total taxes in 1031 are. estlGeorge St. Assessment 45.91 11 George •50 VJ 51 Harvey Farlsen 12 I'ts. 1 4 John Gcorgo John Culllver Aleyylus Haas mated'to have taken moro than 22 per 1-2 48 40 John Harvey l'ariaen (i.-cirKo St. Assessmont l'8.00 cent of the national Income* It Is occa113 22 Catherine tJuiaeii.pi> Montenari sion for serious thought on the part of DELINQUENT 1925 PROPERTY TAX 1 2 23 So. Broadway Mrs. 10, Uerrien 4 23 So. Broadway FIRST DISTRICT Mrs. J'J, Berrien •veryona when one day's Income out of 23 i 6 Pis. 7 Bordentown F o u r t h & Stevens Hi-leu Stuerwald 30.SO Charles Stuerwald, Inc. every four or five must be contributed •22 23 Bordentown F o u r t h & Stevens Helen Stuerwald -36.40 Charles Trow'bridge ai ,22 63 23 • George Fifth Helen Stuerwald 2-4.30 Frank Denaro to the maintenance of government ma53 55 2'1 11 12 Uoorge SECOND DISTRICT \ViUiain Moran chinery. 23 % 24 24 John Henry Fred lsley, Jr. 33.00 Philip Stilllvan 48 49 23 43 Portia AugustaKst. M. A. McCarthy 73.SS Kst. Dr. Gleason Reductions Possible3'2 Ferris 29 34 Anton Baranowskl THIRD DISTRICT •36 38 48 49 Gordon 32 James Van Pelt Gordon James Van Pelt 12.32 : United States Government expendiBordentown 34 Mutual Station Bordentown James Van Pelt 89.60 tures were reduced one hundred and 3a 60 « 1 Geoige Thomas Dugyan Prospect Albert J&rouu 27.23 02 .63 3'5 George Thomas Duggan forty million dollars during the first 213 DELINQUENT 1920 PROPERTY TAX «8 70 3S George Mis. Mui-y HcConnell 1 5 FIRST DISTRICT quarter of the current fiscal, year. The 213 13 14 Portia 4>1 JacouHon & Uoldfarb Co. 9 113 Fourth & Stevens Helen Stuorwald 31.57 25 26 Feltus 41 John Hyan recent action of bankers In calling a 9 Vi 10 Four.th & Stevens Helen Stuerwald . 37.41 30 Feltus & Louisa P . J. Monaghan 4H halt to unnecessary expenditures of Fifth Helen Stuerwald • -24.91 40 4'2 Li P J. J Monaehan M l Louisa P. 4il 21 «2 14 Main Helen Caution 64.67 New York City as prerequisite to loans *1A Pino John Perrlno 27 63 55 SECOND DISTRICT 11 13 411-A Portia • Itoso Holding Co. •will roduco the cost of government In 43 48 3 4 Henry l'"reil lsley, Jr. 34.44 14 43 Ferris Est. Ward Perrine 44 49 Augusta. list. M. A. McCarthy 114.SU the country'3 metropolis, which is sec22 43 Ferris , Jist. Ward Perrlno Pine Oeonge Cheeseman 59.33 35 '37 43 Gordon Mary Schwolowitz ond in Us expenditures to only the 23 1 4 David Mary O'Toole " 22,96 411 42 Leffert Fred Isley, Sr. 4<5 Federal Government. No state In the 32 48 49 C 8 47 Pine Est. iMoyer Sehwolowltz THIRD DISTRICT 60 01 35 '52 17 20 Feltus Harvey Parlson Union, in fact, no other government So. Broadway Mrs. K. Borrlen 20'3.80 79 18O 6.3 Ward Premo Vanl Gordon J a m e s Van P*elt 12.G3 on tula hemisphere, spends half as 68 70 35 5'5 63 Ward . Frank Leonard George T h o m a s Duggan 08 70 35 105 6 6'5 Parker fist. Frank Leonard much as this one- city. These savings • George St. A s s e s s m e n t 143.37 15 10 5-8 Catherine Morris Alpine in Federal and municipal costs are only George Mrs. Mary McConnell 6:79 Bordentown 55 1V4 Acres 19 20 58 Catherino Morris Alpino George Bordontown Mrs. Mury MaConnel] • 78A 80 89 23 2-1 58 Catherine Morris Alpine the beginning of a movement needed Georgo St. Assessment 125.0-6 36 37 58 Catherine Morris Alpine DELINQUENT 1927 PROPERTY throughout the country, It we are to Jam e s Van Pelt TAX 91.84 40 4 1 '58 Leffert Morris .Up I no Frank Dunham 34.44 FIRST •lira DISTRICT be led out of depression into pros44 :.s Catherine Morris Aliplne ll'l 64 Parker Glrolomo Italnone , Amount Street Namo porlty. Block Lot 64 143 146 Parker Joseph Alpino 300.00 Broadway Elian Mason & Son, Inc. 14 70 16 l'arkor Lillian Miles Collier -t Cedar Lawrence Polowczyk 04 70 1 VJ A c r e s Bordentown Jamas Van Pelt 24<1.48 Cedar St. Assessment 71 43 49 Highland Bst. Meyer Sehwolowitz 35.31 Unless tho people can be mndo to 213 Fourth & Stevens Helen Stuerwuld 6 8 7.2 G.1 6 5 Prospect Ethel Pearso 41,73 Fourth & Stevens Hek-n Stuerwald 1 5 reullzo that money for governmental 213 73 27 29 Highland , Est. AI. Schwolowitz Fourth William Hurlio 2 3 74 9 10 Prospect Airs. Frank Disbrow expenditure can como only from their 97.11 Fourth St. Assessment 74 19 Prospect Pearl Grover Fourth . William Burke .37 own pockets at taxpayers, casting de2 Lots Division David Wood Eu.oa Fourth St. Assessment Division Charles Buckaiew pressing effects on both individual ef27.811 Fifth Helen Stuorwald « 113 Division Ernest Wood 144.45 Main llolen Caution » tt 10 fort and general business, there is an % 4'4 4wr. Dayton A'lncont Hlggina 77A 48.41 Wllmot Ki-uest Speaker 1 18 19 Imminent Ihretil. that wo umy ho forced 4'6. Dayton Joseph Smith 77A SECOND DISTRICT 1 " Bordentown Airs, c:ntherlno Carroll 77B to meet ocmiomlc clilllc.ultles similar lo Henry l-reil Isley, Jr. 38.52 »1 2-2 SO 89 Uordentown Mrs. Frank Dunham 7SA 56.31 Diiyld .Henry Moi-laiuk-r 27 28 those that havo so seriously handil'.4 Uordentown Josoph Bessner 78B 58.03 David Alary Kflly 26 GO (17 Joseph Bessner 7'8I) capped other countries. The question 128.40 Augusta Hst. AI. A. .McCarthy 63 IS ConlDgue Joseph Bessner 78H 08 70 132.6,1 Pino George Clu'esoman 43 41 is not primarily <mo of inorcly paring Cathoiino Sulllvnn *. Doinn 78C 101 ilO Pino Phillip I'uri-i'll 1 '2 Conlogue SuHivnn &. Doinn 7 SO•11.1 113 government salaries or SIUIVIHK budgAugusta. St. Assessment 336,20 Conlogue Sullivan & Dolan TS C 117 125 Keltus Joseph Spychula et's, but rntlu-r of curtailing govern2/3 4 Bertram Sullivan & Dolan 78C 126 ISO 55,77 I-Vltus St, Assessment Catherine Sullivan & nolan 7SD 139 .1-4'G niont nc-th»llIeH fur which we cannot THIRD DISTRICT Bertram , Sullivan it Doinn 78D 147 H4S John Aluyalus lloss -nfford to pay. Isdol Sullivan it Dnjan 7SD 190 200 1'tB, 1 4 John St. Assessment 145.72 Cath.& lsdel Sullivan & Dolan 7SK •2W1 Tho Idea that money for these mountJohn ilim-ey rni-lsi-n iFdel Sulllv.-ui & Dolan 78E 48 49 202 212 ing uxlnivugi'iuceH cull lid raised by folJohn .St. Assosamont 100.93 I'ino& Scott Pivino Vnnl 08 Se. Broadwny Alia K. Ben-ion (leorgo . John Cuiliver lowing llio nloi;nn "Soak thn Hlch" Is 12 23 1 4 Ferris Anton Uuninowski 4.2.05 Prospect Alhert Joromo 74 36 3S 29 3-1 utterly fulliii-lous, for sudi a. policy Gordon .Inures Van Pelt 11.IH 71 33 34 48 49 Illghlnnd Jolm Plsi-Itclio Georuo Airs. Mary MeConnoll . will Hlmply vxtpi-iiiliuiln "Mm rich" nnil 78.115 68 70 . Ferris Kst. AVaril Perrlno DELINQUENT 1930 PROPERTY TAX 11 elltiilnnlo sotimm of revenue. It Is IIIHO Fen-is St. Assessment 78.69 FIRST DISTRICT lmpnrlnnt In runtlxn Unit corporate Ferris Kst, Wuril Peniiiu •22 Block Lot Street Name 1-Vnis St. Assessment 78.1!'J business In Ihla country.Is In no posi•10 M a i i i Augusta lOst, Kerrln Flnloy Bordentown JIIIIU-H Van Pelt 65 1 W AcroH 102.72 Augusta Alary Finley 4U 2'3 21 tion to WIIIIHIUIHI I lie OI'I'IM-IH of InikllPortia Mori-Is AIpJuu 143 0 11') Center & Cedar Ljuwrenee Pitlowczyk 9-4 1 2 'h 3 Prospect Ktlii.l Penrso 83.-1 IS 03 (•"> 72 nlto ndvnueoH in tux nifcy. Current Feltus AIlss .Theresa Price 98 31 32 Prospect .H-t. Assessment Broadwny Elian Alamin & Son, Inc. earning reports rcvon! thnt fact be114 Prosopect Mrs. FIJInk Disbroiw . 75.00 9 10 71 Fourth it Stevens Charles Strauib 213 Prospect 'St. Assessment yond shadow of doubt. The tnx base Fourth & Slovens Helen Stuerwuld 1 5 31'3 Prospect Pearl Grovel1-26.Ofl 19 74 muni bo broadened, nnd It thorofnro Fourth St. William Uurfio 2 3 132 Prospect St. ABsesament 108.83 Mn in Frank Gordon 2 H3-I Bordontown Mrs. Frank Dunham auoius likely Mint Congress will bo 80 89 78A 77.01 Fourth William Burko 3 137 Foltus Unknown 23 4 0 411 12.83 called upon lo reconsider the sales tnx, Alain Mary Finley I! 126 DELINQUENT 1928 PROPERTY TAX Alain Wlllhun Hurko 12.1 1 2 at lonsl, as a Uunpornry measure to help Alain ' Goorgo Thomas 133 10 FIRST DISTRICT ' meofa crlllrnl condition In the nnllonV Fifth , Iloh'ii Stuorwald |!2i9 8 H.1 Street . Name Amount Lot Moult Alain Helen Omtioii 1*6 9 H HO fliianco. Aususta K»t. Ken-In Finley 69.58 1,1 21 22 -10 Wllmot William Mastorson 20,1' 3 1 0 AugustaMary Klnley A3.GH »3 iM 40 AVilmot Krnest S-poaker 201 18'19 Hroadway Klhis Alaaon & Son, Ino 1,02.8.60 114 Aljpino I3st. James Huff 203 Variation in T i g e r S k i m 20.20 Fourth it Slovens Helen Stiiei-wuld 0 8 2.13 Harltan Oseiu- Itlilni-hnrdt 205 65.59 1 & Stevens Helen .stuerwuld 1 5 Xhoro Is coiiMiilurulilc difference In 213 Harltan Allchncl llKleclol '23 2011 (.lordon Mil In '143.IS 2 Conover 1-is-t. John Anilerson n 11 206 the Bldna of tigers. Tho Bengal tiger 1H4 William Ifiirkc Fourth 15.13 3 137 Conover ' Theodore Saunders 11 209 W ivl l i a m llurko Main 174.-10 1 2 hag ii short cunt of dnrk ornnge- 1.23 Conover John riniuey 209 VJ 10 (!i orge 'I'liolnji.s 114.9..-J Main 10 Conover Airs. George Vjindomenler J 0 S3 31 Vi 35 brown color with black stripes. Those H e l e n Ktuepwnld 33.28 Fifth 0 11.3 HuriUin Mrs. (leorge Vaiulemonter 13 I I 311 Helen l.'anUon 13.1.15 Mnln from other purls of imlln a r e of the 9 Vk 10 Wllmot Julius Speaker 35 10 K 01.SO Wllmot 18 '19 Sieond Jorry Colinora VJ 10 .111 same color, but have longer Imlr. Est. J a m t s Huff 4'5.38 All pi no 2-2 Airs, lieorgo Vandementer 54.45 1 'onover Those farther mirth, such a s China SECOND DISTRICT 10 st w M 40.38 Marry Forgutson Itnrltnn 11 12 Pn-il lsley, J r . and Mongolia, a r e not only large In 31-1 Henry 9.08 Itarllan .Mi-H. lieorKe Vandomonter 13 II Fred May David 01 f.2 size, but hnve very lung suit hulr of •lullus Slpeaker a s. 1."' 11 Wllmot '3Ti IN Fred Lear David KI 14 Jerry (Connors 14 ,10 1.1 18.15 Julln Mi'IloaoiiBh Soc-oml David ornngp-hrmvn wllli while flunks) and 18 20 SECOND DISTRICT ilenry Meilunder David 27 28 urc marked l V | | | , l.hirl; mrlpi-a. I'hlllip f.tilllvan Rosowoll Andrew l-'unnun Henry 133.10 3 1 •I'G 4 7 Mrs. Suphla Hosflner Henry . Fr.'rt ]«i(!y, Jr. Homy 30.SO 5 4 95 Mrs. Siijihio llessner lli'iiry Dnvlii Fred Lear 13 111 Vi 67 iiS M.ur. I'hlllp Sullivan Ktft Pavld Julln .Mi-Donouig.h IS 211 108.00 Philip Sullivan David Henry Aim-lander 27 28 Turtle'* Amazing l^ittnct 97.80 i Fred Inlcy, Jr. [lonry I'lilllp .Sullivan !5 41! 17 231.83 David On tlii* shores <if Hie Amazon liven n Bilwnrd Worthloy .Slovens Philip Hulllvan 'iti 42 181.60 151 David Mary Kelly .SleveiiH Phllli; .Sullivan IIKH'les of t u r t l e which liiy.s Us ITRS 2« 41 114.115 David •ri2 J*atrU'k .Uoliafflmn David Kdwaril Wortliloy F/3 M.-l I David .no fu t h e sand a few feet nlmvo I lie line Patrick 'MIHIIIKIMM navld Mary K'nlly 20 '00 93.7S luiwld 11 I'alrlck .Moimghnn t h a t will denote hlgh-waler nl tlie time I'atrlrli Munri- lu.n 27 10 12 290.-10 David 1 it 1 " Mary Itynn T':itrick Mnim;lir/i Pavld 27 13 I I 170.40 David when t h e young a r e d u e to npjieiir. 1*1. M. A. MoOarthy 1:1 .11 Itiivld y y 27 30 31 200.110 Patrick M m h no :u T h e cirirs an.' hil'l weeks nliend of t h e Kst. M. A. McCarthy Aiunmta ]21.00 r.:i ST.. Anti.-l.t r>3 ra J s li K John 27.31 II n c l u a l rising or I'nlllm: of t h e river, JoH<>ph fi'7 John J o i lOfi. 2 8 in John <|.h l GS U ! > Bnd In some HPIIKOMH t h e m inn? he n Saii h 100.S3 ni; John l 0 128.(lf> inurgln of ut leant t h r e e miles In Its IHii Chnrlci(HPl-l(--y n m John 10 t-lm[iln 8M.7O l l l o a d ' v a y 1:1 11 Dnvld 'I'lmft1hj~milllvnn width, hut tills KirtolHe .ir hind t u r t l e 10 lit 21.20 I'M n f Kli-fst S t David ,'lanillfil Holder 66 nuver tiiiikofi a inlsliikp, a l w a y s de 133.Ml ' ' " I - TIMIIIHIK K e n n e d y Dnvlil 17 IK PnvM CU'Oi^f Thomnfl ',4 ro x PhlHi, Piin-.-ll f.7,ll7 PintP I , , , , 1 .2 Ocorae nif.efeinfl.n positing them In n Hecurn iipol JIIMI tin; n fi Mii!')i,-iri't Hct;.noy 7 7«0 « , 5 Hi'ondw Knit m i fi II Wmplro Thniiro r i g h t d i s t a n c e above tho line which In J.un.-H g t i l n l a n I''lr»t 11.Ill ISA 1'SB 13 111 Est. Patrick Dolnney , Honry 15<livnrd Doollnff t e r will show t h e I1I14I1 wnler murk. THIRD DISTRICT 3 Dnviu Kfit. ThoinnR Kennedy 00.07 TIB. 1 4 John ' I 1'4 llfi A l i i y s l n n ItONil I17 W *r 42.35 17.5.) 5 27!i3 13/31 U6.S0 74.-.1 ir.T.oO 21.20 1:'. 1« 36.SO 1103 i 11 12 23 23 23 23 24 24 32 32 31 35 12^10 11L93 lu.l 8.78 ' 94.2S 7.56 li.lll 10.89 10.80 10.S9 12.10 33.15 35 35 41 41 4.1 41 4.1A 4ilA 4-3 43 43 4-5 47 52 2.8!i3 108.8 67.48 79.65 18.15 8.7S «.47 72.00 21.18 9.04i 27.23 33.28 24.10 513 51A 55 55 58 58 58 5-8 33^28 58 5.OS 58 33.28 6-1 38.49 64 70 .70 71 Amount 72 78.S5 73 •72.60 75 76.63 75 83.53 780.60 75 77A 39.33 77A 4J2.U_ 77B 84.70 78A 78B M»!23 T8B 1-8.15 7»n 130.08 78C 18l2.fi 0 7'8C MH.00 78C 7RD 146I20 78D 4S.91 78T) • 67.M 78R SI,43 78R 81.75 40.3S 12 15.13 74 4.3.35 27.23 24.20 24.18 Block 1M.0S 3*1.30 72.00 104.90 108.90 97.80 221.8II 187.05 1711.90 102isi 11.2.93 K10.88 93,78 164.33 290,40 170.-10 199.OS 127.05 66.2-4 188.GS 76.03 21.18 100.83 49.79 1'28.OS 12.10 87-1.20 25.05 27.28 133.10 39.82 31.25 33.28 2/3 4 •19 20 5 6 13 11 1 01 I Si U) 40 9-1 98 114 213 213 2(13 132 134 137 126 1123 133 \ti'l 12'5 2011 20il 203 205 208 2011 206 209 209 210 2'111 202 1(12 8l!70 THIRD DISTRICT 1 l a i \ 1 . 1 arisen Aluy.-i.'is lu-ss l l a i v y I arl.-en Mrs. K lienleu 1 :• So. liroaduay 4 Mrs. I i lionieii So. Urontl\v;iy Clurl.-s .Stuerwald, lne 5 6 Pts. 7 Hoirfnitown Ch.n-K-s 'l-row.brldBO Frank IVnaru 63 William .Muiail 11 12 Philip Sullivan 13 '.i 2 4 John Anton U.u-aiiowski 2U 3 1 Vvvrlx James Vanl'elt 48 411 n Mutual .Station Uordentown Thomas iMKKan CO 01 j Thomas Uuugan 62 03 Alls. .Miii-y .MvConnoll •GS 7 0 Jaoib.siui ,t lioldfurb Co. 13 .14 John Hyan M 16 Keltus P. .1. Munaghiin 30 Kultusft I.ouls.-i P. J. Miniughuii 40 4.2 I^oulsa Jolm Pi-n-iue 1 2 1'lni' itose lloldmi.1; Co 11 13 I'lirtia Kst. Wind 1'errliio 14 Ferris Est. Ward Perrlne 0 0 Ferris .Mury .Schwolowitz 35 B7 Gordon Fred isley, Sr. 41 42 Leffcrt Kst, Meyer Suhwolowlts 5 8 Harvty Parlseli Pino •17 20 Premo Vanl Feltus 79 80 John Adams Ward 60 Cl F r a n k Leonard Rordentown lOst. Frank Leonard 53 Ward 105 6 Alorris Alpine Parker Alorris Alpino 1'5 .10 Catherine Alorris Alpine 19 20 Catherine Alorris Alpine 2;3 ** 1 Catherine J l o r r i s Alpine 36 37 Catherino -Morris Alpine 40 41 Leffert C-lrolomo ltuinone 44 Catherino Josoph Alpine 1-11 Parker Lillian Miles 143 146 Parker J a m e s Van Pelt 16 Parker Kst. .Meyer Schwolowitz IVJ Acres Bordentown Ethel I'earse 4.3 49 Highland lost. AI. Schwolowitz «3 65 Prospect David Wood 27 29 Highland Charles Buekalew 2 Lots Division KrneKt Wood Division Vincent Higg-lns JOBBPII Smith Division Vi ii 4'5 Mrs. Catherine Carroll Pay ton 46 AIr«. Frank Dunham Dayton 1 3 Josop'h Bessner Itordeutown Josejih Bes.sner 86 89 nordontown Josepli BesKner 04 Bordentown Sullivan & Dolan 07 Sullivan & Dolan •OS 7 0 Conloisuo Sullivan ti. Holan 104 110 Catherine Sullivan & Dolan |];17 125 ContoR-ne Sullivan & Dolan O B 13fl Bertram Sullivan & Dolan 139 '14.0 Catherino Sullivan & Doinn 1147 '148 Bertram Kulllvan & Dolan 190 200 iRdol Premo Vanl 201 Cath.ft lsdel John 41'ulllvor 202 312 Isdol Albert Jeromo Pino & Scott 23 noorg,, 36 33 Prospect DELINQUENT 1931 PROPERTY TAX Lot 2il 2 2 2>3 2 4 1 2 VJ 3 31 32 'A 1 5 1 5 2 3 2 3 6 1 2 10 •9 113 9 VJ 10 . '3 6 18 .10 « 27 4'3 3 i 4.3 I I 11,1 Mi 16 33 34 >i 3 5 13 1 4 3S 40 'A .10 i l l 22 62 14 20 45 '47 4'2'35 193.00 2.98.45 105.88 18.15 81.53 27.23 4.54 97.80 15.03 98.31 23.33 27.23 77.14 163.35 30.25 15.03 45.S8 2CS.70 214.78 1.5.03 15.03 93.; 8 • 16.03 172.43 121.00 18.15 9.08 18.15 1C.10 118.10 12.10 12.10 15.03 7.56 49.40 24.20 20 26 2« 20 27 27 27' •27 27 27 27 37 37 37 38 38 •39 48 1015 HIS 38 50 61 63 62 103 13.61 40.84 49.91 • lit.SO B'4.45 4S.91 7.50 4'S.91 121.00 3.22 27.2.T 76.03 Amount 84.70, 90.75 8'S.70 66.55 786.50 4<2.35 8.4.70 2-1.20 H<9.23 uc'i;! 193.00 11211.00 60.«0 IIB'7.130 7C.03 07.55 418.4 0 4H'A'O 48.40 •3.35 Ii8,1n 00.50 112.10 3O.:io 21.18 »S'30 7«.'b0 1016.88 108.U0 0'4,7S 170.no 1*1.60 102.85 68,9.1 1OI1.8S 93.78 100.33 200.40 170.40 109,05 137.05 72.60 K.n 179.4S 7fl.O3 21.18 100.S3 8S.HH WH.O.-i 871.20 laiub 41 151 52 60 9 10 12 13 'J4 30 3 1 5.3 55 67 GS 69 a 10 -16 65 66 20 ,32 3 4 13 '14 14 illO '17 118 2/3 4 19 20 5 6 13 14 50 ¥• Gil Ptl 3. " l 4 48 49 1 2 4 S 6 Pts. 7 22 111 '1'2 • 2 3 M 124 29 31 48 49 CO 0 1 62 63 68 7 0 13 14 2*5 2 0 2'6 '20 30 30 23.71 101.33 117.98 48,-10 21.23 60.55 76.63 94.78 1-8.15 18.11a 9.08 8.47 . 03.5.3 84.70 ' 211.18 10.59 60.50 31.70 4« 42 4.0 42 MA 411A 43 43 , 43 4fi 47 52 52 1 2 11 13 14 22 35 37 41 4 2 5 8 17 20 17 20 Pine Portia Ferrln Ferris (iorilrm 1.often Pine Feltus Feltus 63 5IA 54 A 79 80 60 Gl 60 61 Ward Uordentown Bordentown 58 58 64 01 70 70 71 73 74 74 75 75 75 77A 77A 77B 7.8A 78B 7.8B 7'8B 78C 780 7'8-C I-SC 78D 78D 78T) 7R15 7SB 68 1.2 74 llo«k 107 ,1'5 71 39 III 11 15 21 38 39 03 d-5 •IS Sl.iJ 77.14 r<5 105 0 15 1-1 1.9 20 23 2-1 3(i 37 40 M 44 14.1 148 146 16 V- A c r e s 4'3 49 63 05 27 29 9 10 •2 L o t s U « 4i5 40 1 3 •ST. '89 64 67 OS 70 101 10 •M.\1D S8.7& Si'.s* 15.1s 08.31 77.14 103.jr. 2 U.l.\ 45.3&. 42.ee. 211.7515.11. li.lo 03.7S 16.It 172.41 121.0* 18.151G3.359.OS. ID, 159.0& S.OS 8.08 9.08 " 15.1* 7.58 43.3524.2» 22.»8 101.34 117.88 7S.0J27.2S S4.78 1S.15. 18.;» 11.31 10.5T 63.53 84.70 2-1.18. 10E» 10.E» eo.so 31.7F 40.84 49.91 3(1.50. 54.4549.91 7.5S 49.91 117.9877.11 J7.2E Ward Parki-r Catherine Catherine Cntherlno Catherino I.effert Catherine Parker Parker Uordentown Highland Prospeet HlRhlnnd Trof>poct Prospeet Division Division Division Bay ton Dayton ltordeiUown rtnrdontown Uordentown Cnnlowuo Cntherlne in. , I , ' " u ! " i l s t - Assessment John J'errfno Itose Holding Oo. Est. Ward Perrine Lst. Waril Perrlno Alary Schwolowitz Fred Ish.y, Sr. Est. Ali-jer Sehwolowltz Harvey Pnrlsen Harvey l-'arison Fclius St. Assessment Premo Vanl John Adams John Adums ~ - - . m * .«.- 177.6S" 43S.7J. •210.35 JS.02 I10.02 93.15 15.02 171.2S 1-20.2C2114.72 1S.0J 162.27 2U.703.01 l«0 1 1 j|ii|[^; -Morris Alpine Morris Alpine M.irrlN Alpino Aton-ls Alpino Afori-iK Alpine iSlriihiino Itnlnane JnsoiiJi Alplnn Lillian Allies J^amcH Van i'elt 9.?r 9.01 24.IJ* 22.54 loo.cr • 117.1S75.1227.0+ 66.11 78.1S 94.15. 18.03-. 18.01. 11.24 10.ES63.10 84.11 21.0310.5200.10. 3.1.6513.53IJ6r 49.BS-. M.0S 54.(1949.0S7.55; 49.00m.i!>76 0.T 27.04 &!• . % ' " ' Schwolorwlt* Etlici l\-arse Est. M. Sdmolowltz Airs. Frank Disbrow i earl Grover Pavld Wood Charles Buckalow Ernest Wood Vincent Illgglns Josoph Smith Mrs. Cnllii-i-lno Carroll Mrs. Frank Dunham • Jose-pi! BpRRncr Joseph Itessncr Josepli Uessner Sulllvnri & Doinn Sullivan & Doinn Sulllvnn & Ilolan Hulllvnii /!.• Tlnlan Hulllvaii & nolnn Sullivan & Iiolah Sullivan & Polnn Sullivan X- nolnn Kulllnin * Polan Promo Vanl Jolm Cuiliver Alhrrt .ioronifi Bnrtrani Catherino Bertram Ifidol filth, ft Isdol lsdel Pine & Scott 23 floorirn 36 33 ProHDfct DELINQUENT STREET ASSESSMENTS Namn Sit root Lot Jolm AIiMIuIrk Itnrlliin 3 4 John Muslin (ieoi-Ko 71 73 Anthony flostino HlKhland 7 9 Patrick Orlinlpy Augusta 61 02 John .Splna Ktookton 17 OlmrlpM ICI-PIIE Portia 15 110 William Pailscn Itroadway H. r . Smith fatherlno 57 •5 8 A. H. Kurinnn Henry 1rtn. Edward I'-leiulng Davhl 113 in Ohnrlpp Bin,nil David 12 iijl Ililllp Leonnrd David John SKfilkownhl Ha ill an 9 10' Wtigene l.'iirmnn Itarltnn JoHpph Ma.c.klol Fcllus 27 30n Anilrew Chertsoniar Fl'llUH 3 1 Antlmny HnlnslowioR FCUUB 1 1 Mild. Oalhighi'iAutfuHtn ThomaH DftwnH 1 s Fourth JnmoB Flnnnlgan liil Fo J I th 4 Catliorhi*1 Hnranowrtkl I'm (In W'lt. M PrlnHohnocht 17 20 ProRpoot 4(1 A. J. Fennel no 53 I'roBpoot Alor Goldstein no Mr>i. T. .Icnnlnm Prospect 118 71 .lamofl Van Pelt T'rontMMit 39 4'1 John Stfrfnnslt! Homentown 1M CotJiir S 6 1126 .130 139 il*6 117 111 190 200 301 202 HI 2 187.55 20ll.it BS/J4 FIRST DISTRICT «»Streot Namo Amount Augusta list. JCorrin Finley 84.14 Augusta Mary Finley 90.15 Center & Cedar Lawrence Polowczyk 85.70 Feltua Mlaa Theresa Price 60.10 Broadway Ellas Mason & Son, Inc. 661.10 Fourth & Stevens Charles S t r a u b 42.07Fourth & StevenH Helen Sluerwald 8 Fourth & Stevens Helen Stuerwald * Stevens Ave Assessment 574. I f 1 Fourth St. William Burke " """>n"!n' 24.04Main Frank Gordon 14S.2S Fourth William Burk 0 12.02: Alain .Mary Finley 136.23: Main William Burko 192.32. Alain Goors« Thomas 120.20 Fifth Helen Stuerwald 60.10 Main Helen Oantlon 156.26 Wllmot William Alastcraon 7«.ia Wllmot Ernest Speaker 67.11 Alipllli> ' E s t . J a m e s Huff 48.08: Ilarltan ' Oscar Hhlnehnrdt 7«.ia llarltan Michael Dzleclol 49.08 Conover E s t . John Anderson 48.0S Conover Est. John Anderson Connver St. Assessment 11S.3CConover Theodore Saunders , 43.C7 Conover John Bi-aney 36.06 Conover Mrs. George Vandementer 60.10Rnrltan Airs. George Vandementer 12. Of Wllmot Julius Speaker 36.0SSecond Jerry Connors 21.04 SECOND DISTRICT Henry Fiud Isley, J r 36.06: David Fred laley 72.12 David Frud Lear 1OG.1S David Julia AlcDonough lOg.CS David Henry Alerlander 94.15 Henry Philip Sullivan 220.36. Henry Mrs. Sophia Bessner 186.3!' Henry Airs. Sophie Bessner 176.7S> Steveiis Phillip Sullivan 180.30 Stevens Philip Sullivan 102.1T David Fivd Isk.y, J r . 112.1S David Echvard Worthley 106.17 David Alary Kelly 93.15 David -Patrii-k Alonnghan 159.2S David Patrick Alonaghan 2S8.IS David Patrlc* Alonaghan H9.2S D'avld Alary Ityan 19S.2S Augusta Est. Af. A. McCarthy 126.01 Augusta Patrick Alonaghan 72.12 Angela Quatrocci 181.30' John Josiph Sraga 75.12 John Joseph Sr.iKa 178.29John Charles Hurley 76.1Z David Timothy Sullivan 11.0J David Samuel Reiner 100.1S. David George Tliomns 82.1!. • Pin,. George Cheesoninn 127.01 Broadway Empire Theatre 8«5.4« First Est. Patrick Delaney 87.14. Henry Edward Doollng 27.04 , David Est. Tliomns Kennedy 132.22 Feltus Joseph Spychaltt 79.1S Mnin Anna -AI^Keon . 18.09Feltun Margnrct Delanpy 78. IS Stockton Est. Patrick Anderson 81.H: THIRD DISTRICT Georgo * Hinvey I'anaen 80.99John Aloynius HOSK "6.6S John . Harvey Parfaen 84.14. So. Broadway Airs. is. Berrien 48.07 Airs. 13. Borrion So. Broadway Charles Stuerwald, Inc. iiordentcnvn 4» d i a r i e s Tiuwibridgo Ikirdeutown 105.1T William 'Aloran George 83.14. Philip Sullivan John 27.04. Anton Buranowskl Ferris 97.1U. James \ r au Pelt Gordon .Mutual Station 15.02: Bordentown Thomas I Hiegun 97.C6-Tlionuu Dut'gan 27.04 George .Airs Alary MuCounell 27.04. JntHilisun & t;oldfarl> Co 57.63. Portia John Hyan 163.35 Feltua 30.2J. •I" 1 '" "»•«". Foltus St. Imp, Feltus 268. -It) Feltus & LouiBn P.1 .1. Alonaghan 15.02: I . J. Aionaghan Foltus & Louisa 231.ST I'. J. A'lonaghan1"01113* S t a - I r Louisa 45.07 Luul&a I'. J. Alonaghan 4-1 41 58 58 58 79.6J 39.39 7«& Sl.GS Anna AlcKeon A I a r ; ; u n l Helaney E s t . Patrifli AiKlerson 4S VJ ; i'7 58 87.58 77.14 Stl.75 I'CKH.H 50 VJ I'ts. 1 2^ 61 13 18 30.2S Felt u A Main Tear 1925 19,20 1022 1992 1,121 1(K2 19 IS •mi 1020 111.24 WI24 19S4 92« 1020 1D30 1*27 1927 Ami. 327 ".;• M.7« 21.87 3S.P0- 0 8.12 47.19 Hfl.iG I4is.no> 28.84 270.82 GTiO.-ilt as.no 21,7-JU S . -II 321.12 4 :',«:> no.su 191.10 37 S I 19S7 inn 1437 1927 1»2T •i8H,7ir 19M: 114.7« THE SOUTH AMBOY CITIZEN f RIDAY, DECEMBER 9, 1932. PAGE NINE Mrs. J. McComb, spent F r i d a y a t nig-ht is recovering rapidly from hisi the home of he rfather, Peter Kloss injuries. : ! and sinter Kose of Lyndhurst. Mrs. Margaret Houliday, Mrs. : I Mrs. Julia Ayres of Lincoln Av;., Fred Griffith and Mrs. William Hil-.i Following a short Him:."* Britton i entertained her daughter and son in ton, visited Mrs. A. J . Martin of Or-; II. Hendrickson, -43 year? of aire, —"— . ! law, and Mrs. Jack Gavin of Ii-ving- chard avenue, convalescing at th? died at his home ;!72 Highland St., on Sunday. To raise money for the kiddies ; t o | | o v c r l n e w c , e ij e n j # Kearney Hospital, recently. The funeral services were held on C h r i s t m a s fund, a juvenile minstrel; 1Iiss When the election of officers of Wednesday from his late residence •was held in F i r e House No. 1 Friday j / • Emery, formerly of New at 2::!0 with the Rev. A. C. Polhemus ;lv C a s t a n U ller resl Order a n d Saturday e v e n i n g under the di-l " ™ . ™ » - ' ! . ^ I> " Benjamin Franklin Chapter of the Mathodist Episcopal Church .. , f, t ir 1 4 -deuce on Woodbine Ave. of DcMolay of IrviriKton, was held officiating. Interment was in Christ reetion of the nParent-Teacher A.;_^___ soeiation. Mr. and Mrs. James Queen, and recently, Edward S. Tun-ill of Ely Church Cemetery under the direction d M]S_ William Mursell, who directed the M John Sullivan, of Avenue, was elected to the office of of Undertaker Robert P. Mason. show also acted as interim-tor. End Kearney, were recent visitors at the scribe. Besides his mother, Lillian, the Keary LAURENCE HARBOR HAPPENINGS Britton H. Hendrickson men were Ernest Van Sant, Jr., I home of Mr. and Mrs. Harold HolMr. and Mrs. Edward Terrill, Ann (Bones); Oscar Gohmert (Pick), I linger, of JliJIcrest Ave. George Muhler (Ruhfus), Junior! Mr. and Mrs. Fred Baum, Sr., of and Edna Stager, Alice and VirOchsner ([Snowball) HowardWilliam Mull-jI B l .0 0 k a i d e . a v e ' entertained a num- ginia Terrill, Arthur Skclls, Stephen ler (George Washington), William, b(M Qf fj iemh at thei'r shore rcsi- Thomore, Steward Terrill, Theodore Hutchinson (Kastus). i deuce over the week end. Armstrong and son Theodore Jr:, Specialty chorus numbers were F. D. Fenner, of Arbutus Way, will spend the week end at Lake New given by Ernest Van Zantlt, who Tendered "Potatoes Are Cheaper" struck by an auto last Thursday, York. and. "All American Girl;" Jcanette Houliday, sang "I Get The Blues ' When It Eains" and "Tell Tale." Ada Silverman, sang "Don't Be Like I That," Outstanding among the specialty numbers were several numbers on the Dulcumer by Carol Baum who was accompanied by her father . «• the guitar. Other members of the cast who -Tendered selections were Lo'retta Mursell, Tom Hutchinson, Howard • Muhler, Helen' Berducki, Madeline Freeman, Betty Menzies, Mildred Gunn, Ethel Zahn, Edward Hutchinson, Dot McComb and Dot Buckley. William Hutchinson gave a specialty number "St. Louis Blues." Members of the chorus, which contributed measurably to the success Rates for advertisements in this column: All advertisements under thU of the minstrel were: Dot Buckley, heading, 5 cents per line; minimum charge SBc for one insertion; minimum Dot McComb, Loretta Mursell, Rob- charge 25 cents on repent advertisements. "Help Wanted", "Lost and • n-t Thomas, William Van Zandt, Flo Found", and "For Rent" advertisements, payable in advance. Malcheski, Williard Malchp.ski, John •Barry, Ada Silverman, Ethel Silverman, Joanette Houliday, Catherine FOR RENT—APARTMENTS AUTO BRAKE SERVICE Houliday, Madeline Freeman, William La Brie, Thomas Hutchinson, T3dwa-rd Hutchinson, Helen Berdcski VUTO BRAKE AND WHEEL SER FOR RENT: Apartment on Borden-, Mildred Gunn, Ethel Zahn, Tony town Ave. Six rooms, all improveVICE, INC. .Brakes adjusted an Grlmaldi, Jennie Grimaldi, Norman ments. Inquire 244 Henry Streot. relined. Wheel aligning. Axle Thomas, Walter Thomas, Robert Vun 11-18-tf straightened. Tire Vulcanizing, 2an<lt, Betty Mensies. The chorus 168 New Brunswick Avonue, Perth "was attired in costumes of.red and Amboy, N. J. Tel. P. A. 168. FLAT FOR RENT: Four large'and -white. Iighlt rooms, pantry, sun parlor, 7-17-13t The production was received with garret, cellar and garage. All lat•such favor that it is understood reeet improvements. All busses stop in front of door. Rental reasonable. quests have been received from sevAUTO TOPS Address G29 Bordentown avenue. eral nearby communities to repent Apply" Alpine, samo address. 11-18 the show in those sections in the near Juture, ' \UTO TOPS—Made and repaired. J. P. Johnson, 165 New Brunswick APARTMENT For Rent: 6 rooms 'The attendance banner ini the Ave., Perth Amboy. Tel. 1067 P. and bath, all improvements. Apply A. 7-3-t "Laurence Harbor Public School was Dolan, 308 Henry st. 11-18-tf again won by Mrs. Oarhart's room, ifor the month of November with an •average of 95.1%. AUTO WRECKING FIVE ROOMS AND BATH, all imThe average for the other rooms provements. Located in nice resiis as follows: Miss Hoffman's, 93.3; dential section. Reasonable rent. "Mr.. Van Sant's, 92.5; Miss Collins, '. AMBOY AUTO WRECKING—Abe Also furnished rooms. Inquire 339 Korb, Prop. Used Parts for Al 86.2. . Main sltreet or telephone 586., Late Model Cars—Tires and Pupils with perfect attendance Tubes. 10-28-tf Scott Avenue and Highduring the month are: way No. 4, Tel! South Amboy 802. Grades 6-7-8: Ernest Van Sant, 7-10-I3t' FOR RENT: Throe apartments. teacher. Walter Frarra, Edward Hut5 rooms each and bath, steam heat, chinson, Norman Thomas, Walter all improvements; all large, light TRUCKING-rSTORAGE Thomas, Ernest Van Sant, Jr., Wilrooms; also two garages. Apply R. liam Van Sant, Margaret Marks, Weldon,, 262 John St., South AmBetty Menzies,.Lauretta Mursell, Es9-2-3t. telle Silverman, Mary Towney, Ethel CEPPERS STORAGE—Modern stor- boy. 'Zohn, Madeline Freeman, Elvera age warehouse. Local and long dis tance moving. Used furniture for Imkemeier, Mae Aspinall. FOR RENT—Modern apartment, • Grades 3-3-5: Miss E. M. Car- sale. six rooms, tile hath, showers, heat WE CAN SAVE YOU MONEY hart's room: Sabby Ddairo, Lucy and . hot water furnished. Ready 284-286 State St., Perth Amboy. Danstelli, Astrid Franzon, Catherine for occupancy about November 1st. Phone P. A. 4—2318. 12-11-tf Houlday, Mildred Lynch, Elsie Mar,Apply 229 Henry St. or South cjni, Mildred Marks, Alice Massom, Amboy Construction Company. Mary Miassom, Ada ,Silverman, Har8-26-tf old Anderson, Armand Barbetta, Del- LAUNDRY—DRY CLEANING mar Claus, John Di Poalo, Pet u r Di Sciullo, Dominiok Di Sciullo, Dan- SPECIAL PRICES on Dry Cleaning APARTMENT FOR RENT—Five ny Feriante, Alvar Franzon, Thonins and Fall Remodeling. Try U3 for rooms and bath, all improvements. Hutchinson, Danny Mancini, Philip specialized tailoring, expert work- Newly decorated and conveniently manship and guaranteed satisfact- located. Heat furnished. Apply Salvaggio, Robert Thomas. S. Fox, 52 Smith st., Perth Grade 2: Miss Hoffman's room. ion. 146 Henry St. 6-3-tf Amboy. ' 12-2-4t Robert Hilton, Norman Griffith, Jack Renwick, William Mursell, Robert McVcagh, Elveirn De Mattio, OUR SPECIALTY, Shirts and CoV 'LAT TO RENT: Five rooms, all improvements. Heat furnished; Tola Atdare, Betty Jane Fairfleld, lars laundered; ladies and gents $25 iper month. Inquire 115 John Peggy Buckley, Ruth Thomas, Doris garments dry cleaned. Prices very street. 8-9-tf Zahn, Helen Wegener, Grace Towney. reasonable. PERTH AMBOY First Grade: Miss E. M, Collins, HAND LAUNDRY AND DRY teacher. Kenneth Bartlett, Louis FerCLEANERS, 315 Maple Street, FOR RENT: Flat at 729 Borden rnnte, Carl Lauor, Leo Muro, Albert town Avenue. Five Rooms,- Sun Perth Amboy, Tel. P. A. 2060. Hosota, William Freeman. John Vnn Parlor and all improvements. Rent 10-2^-tf Reasonable, inquire Sam Lerner, Snnt, Thomas Houlday, Ira Jordon, next door. 11-11-tf* Theresn Di Mnttio, Alice Franzson, REAL ESTATE FOR SALE Mary Mancini, Gertrude Mursell. The entertainment1 committee of tho Laurence Harbor Democratic Club held n. special meeting Friday evening, when plans wore made for •n monster masquerade nnd civic ball to bo held on New Years Eve at the Ciisino, Frwl ScliuKz, chairman of the entertainment committee appointed the following members on, the committee''Guest coinmlUeo: C. A. Wall, Erne«t Oi-ob, William F. Ohn.siimn, Al. Houliday, Terry Lorichnrl, Walter StneKj>r. A J. Barry. Mrs. J. Silverman, Mrs. Mnrjrnrot Iloulldny, Mrs. Gladys Biirlmv. RefToshnieul committee: fitly Knlor, Howard Harris, Walter i'nrley, ,Tohn Crummy, Lloyd Torrv FOR RENT—HOMES FOR SALE:—2 Family Apartment well located. In good condition. All improvements. Well located. Inquire South Amboy Trust Co. 6-1-tf • SITUATION WANTED YOUNG WIDOW, would like posi- 'OR RENT: Bung-alow, on ^Portia Street, 0 rooms, sun parlor, nnd tion as housekeeper in motherless all improvements. Apply Thomson family, or small adult family. Will 3(» Portia Street. 12-9-lt sleep in. Write to Mrs. Margaret Widmalpr, Pinewood Ave., West Keansburg, Care of Deiker. 11-18 'OR RENT: 6 room house, with bath nnd all improvements. Inquire 2.12 Henry St. 12-2-tf AWNINGS—SHADES rH rRl S /ryy ' 'MMrH ""IHnwr! w f B S/ MM iWilliam Mount M '' '""IHnwr! CCinv i am Mount. Mrs. Koh- AMBOY SHADE AND AWNING CO. loi'. Mrs. Fred Schuitz, It wits IIIRO decided at the meeting to abandon the montWy card pnrtv for December, due to the fact that tire members are using nil available time to ninkc this New Years Party a phenomenal success. Flats and Apartments to Rent ohnson, 824 Main St., Phone 21. 8-18-tt House and Store Awnings, Window shades. Best materials. Reasonable cost. 285 Elm St., Porth Amboy. Tel. 829 P. A. 8-10-tf OR RENT, 404 Washington street. Six rooms and bath, a i r improvements. Hardwood floors. Newly decorated throughout. Combination coal and gas range. Plenty of closet room, inquire of Charles Safrnn. 10-20-tf Early Perfumes Can but Doesn't Perfume made from iiroiuutlc woods A scientist says a mosquito can llj 14 hours without alighting. But It was a toilet accessory of the well' groomed woman 4,0(10 years ago. Following a short illness, Mrs. seldom doe*. Agnes Sphala. IS, of Foltus street, died at her home Thursday night. The funeral took place on Monday with a mass of requiem celebrated at f••••••••••••••••••••••••BBHH••••••••••! Sacred Heart Church at 9:H0. Interment was in Sacred Heart Cemetery. Besides her husband, the deceased is --urvived by a brother Frank, of Splitvvood, four barrels $1.00 this city, and Joseph of Philadelphia; Block Wood, Sidewalk Delivery $1.50 per load two sisters Elly and Dora Wojtush, of this citv. SPHALA WOOD FOR SALE leceased is survived by six sisters, Disappointing Mrs. John MacDowell, Mrs. Hattie other afternoon « child went Hend/iekson, Mrs. Stacy Bloodgood, to The niuvies nnd returned looking Mrs. Mahlon Horner, Mrs. Charles less the tlmn plenseil. H I T mother nsked Agan and Miss Helen Hendrickson. her nlmut It. Was the picture pood? One brother Edward, also survives "J't>rf<>i:|]y tel-rilile," snid the fhlld. SubwrJUe to (1,0 ritlun—Get the r*ol nevv. "1 could lianily sit thr.ni'rh the second porfnrmsuicn." Either Pine or Oak Can Be Furnished MARTIN WIATER 400 HENRY STREET Telephone 671 Listen to Wise Old Santa: 9933 « u e ow/ D O YOU KNOW that saving mone^ the Christmas Savings Club way is the easiest way of saving? It is for this reason: You have a stipulated sum to deposit each week, and naturally you make allowances for that in figuring your budget, while you, are riot allowed to withdraw any part of it for one whole year. Santa knows that for a happy Christmas at least one Christmas Savings account is' necessary. He knows too, for he's been around. FOR SALE Many Laurence Marlim- ,,,1(j j j e w . nrk younger set members were in at- '•(»!,". P.\L3—Axminster Rug, 3120 8x10, in splendid condition. Intendance nt the Beth Abraham'Temquire 210 Church St. ' 12-2-tf ple in Newark Sunday, whore Hurry HotPieks nnd his Laurence Harbor •Orchestra opened the winter mason. SPECIAL PRICES in Men's Suits. Five dollars. Guaranteed fineat The regular monthly meeting of the Laurence Harbor Parent Teach- quality and workmanship. S. Fox, ers Association took plnce Monday 62 Smith street, near High, Porth 12-2-4t evening. The Rev. Stuart. L. Ritz, Amboy. pnstor of the Laurence Harbor community Church nnd Frank Lloyd, of CANARIES FOR SALE Mnfnivnn were Die speakers. OR RENT:—House, 7 rooms, all imrmiTCments. Inquire Briggs Garage, Broadway and Muin st. 10-10tf OR RENT, 5 room house part improvements. Inquire 242 Henry St. 10-7-tf 'OR RENT—B room single house on Augusta St., near Broadway. All improvements. P. J.Monaghnn, 208 David St. 9-30-lf Fire Company No. 1 will hold n GOLDEN CHOPPERS. Guaranteed HOUSE FOR BENT: 7 rooms, all card party tonight in tho headquarSingers. Inquire nt 312 John improvements, at 828 Church st. ters. This party was originally sch- St. ll-2E-4t Also 3 room apartment at 228 eduled for November 11 nnd turkeys Church st., nil improvements. Inpurchased for that dale will be good quire Mrs. H. E. Stratton, 228 for this nffnir. CANARIRS for ijale. Manchester 5-13-tf* White Cinnamon. $1.00 and up. Church St. Mi«.s Rose Colcmnn or Dnyview Call nt 231 Elm Street, Borjren Drive has ostn liRhrtj a new residence Hill. 12-9-21 In Newark. MONEY TO LOAN • Joseph Buckley, of Morrow Place, FORECLOSURE SALE is convelacing n' the Jersey City 0 rtoum Huuao and Bntli, all ImMONEY TO LOAN on bond and Hospital. pi-ovmucnlii. Prico ftnd teri*** lire mortgage In nums of $100, $200, $.'100 {400, $500 and up to $10,000. Office Mrs. Olgn Wall, Imut'onco ITmlio" HElit hourn from 8:20 a. in. to 8:20 p. in. postmistress, nttondod n mooting o." 'FREDERICK ff. LEAI Wednesdays nnd Sntnrdayr from ilio Central Now Jersey Voslmnflteni' 8:20 n. m. to (J p. m. Inquire Jonri A. A»soclntion, held nt the F.lks Clnli REAL ESTATE • INSURANCE In Lftkewood rocexit.lv. 210 GEORGE STOEET Lovely, TruHt Company Building. CHRISTMAS CLUB South Amboy Trust Co., SOUTH AMBOY, N. J. i - p •-'•• FRIDAY, DECEHBlin. SACRED HEARTS BUCKS ARE NOW ST. MARYS BRUSHES UNABLE TO BREAK MILES AHEAD IN ASIDE ST. PETER'S IN RUSH FOR CUP THROUGH FOR WINj BASKETBALL LOOP Last Quarter Jinx Again Up-j fake First Catholic Jersey City Boys Cause Blue & in sets Hearts as Long Branch Gold Little Trouble. Club League at Expense of Wins. Nash Team—Fords Also Win Flashing an offensive drive which Unable to shake off the last quar- went on for four periods without a ter jinx which has been costing them LEAGUE STANDING let-up, Charlie Eppinger's Blue and games since the opening of the seaW P.C Gold basketball tossers rang up son, Frank Zd'aniewiez1 Sacred Buicks . 2 1000 their fourth straight victory in JerHearts lost another game on Satur- Nash 1 500 sey City on Tuesday night, the vicday nijfht, bowing before a fast Fords 1 500 tims being the much-feared St. PetLong Branch club by a count of 39- Auburns 0 000 er's Prep outfit. The final score, 4135. The locals led the' Moninouth Class will always tell! That's why 12 indicates that the locals were county outfit until the closing min- the Buick club in the Catholic Club never in danger. utes of play, and then lapsed into league is now resting comfortably The defense formations also worka coma to fall behind at the whistle. ithank you, in first place. 39-23, the to perfection, as the Hague City Running up an eight point lead in score was, with the leaders easily ed scored only twice from the the first quarter, the Hearts looked piling up a win over the Nash boys. combine one of the two-pointers being like they had at last hit their stride, The Fords also came through on field, made in the closing seconds of play. J>ut the victors ended up with a Tuesday night with a victory over At half time score was 24-2 and dash which could not be denied. And the holders of the celler position, the at the end ofthe the third quarter the the Hearts lost another. This seems Auburns, by a count of 31-25. locals led by a count of 30-6. Until to be the general trend of the season last session the Peter's team had and the locals are fighting hard IO The Fords took the decision in ex- the not scored from the field. tra period play by tossing in six break it. points to none for the tired Auburns. Tuesday's victory indicates that Johnny Zdaniewicz and Horse Jan- This contest was the more thrilling 'Icowski gathered twenty-seven points of the two, tho Buicks being so far the locals can step along in the best between them, but meanwhile, tho ahead that at times they slowed their of company on the courts of the state. Eppie is now priming the boys score shows, the home team was ad-pace down to a walk. for the crucial test, the battle with ding counts also, with every member St. Benedicts of Newark on Dec. 16. Continuing his streak of "luck," of the squad contributing a share. Hendrickson, with five baskets and the "Great McDonnell" garnered A win over Prof. Blood's charges two fouls, led the attack of the win-seventeen points to take scoring hon- would place the locals at the head of ors for the evening. However the the state slate. ners, of the "Great" was mainly In a preliminary fray the St. The Hearts will again resume their success due to excellent team work by his Mary's Reserves took over the St. homo stand on December 29th, with lteanMnat©3, and the law of aver- Peter's Reserves by a score of 31-18. a team determined to perform liko which usually allows seventeen Eddie Powers led the attack with the teams of past years. The boys ages points out of three hundred "shots." thirteen points. will hold many workouts in prepar- "Chesty" Powers, is rapidly St. Mary's (41) G ation and arc out to redeem the lost rounding into form who for the Junior White, f :.. 0 jrrcstlge, Mentor Zdaniewicz has ar- Prom, managed to make eight points Fleming, f .. 3 ranged to present the best of talent much to the amazement of the Budniak, f to tho fans of the city and will also throngs. ... 1 secure the services of an eight piece J. O'Neil, c ... 2 orchestra, the California Collegians, "Simon Legree" Gelsinon was tho Nebus, - 0 who have a reputation rivalling the driving force in tho Ford attack Henaberger, g 3 beat in the state, with eleven points and Mike Nolan Jankowski, g 6 assisted in the finale with ten coun- Quinn, g 2 ters. For the losers Kovelcski scored nine points and Koch eight points. 17 The league will see action ngain next St. Peters (12) G week, as scheduled. The Buicks were G. O'Ncll, f .'. 0 a hit handicapped by the absence of joyle, 1 their star player, and with his posi- Kenny, f 1 tive apr/sntrnnce next week should Walker, f ;: 0 be a sure winner. Keegan, e , ff Buicka (37) G F T Rooney, c 0 Catholic Club Noses out Knights Powers, f King, g '.... 1 4 —Hearts Find Alumni Easy. Dwyer, Cassidy, g 0 Q f 0 S. Ryan, c ' 5 The city basketball league opened Sullivan, g 2 8 12 1 up on Wednesday evening and even Fitzmorris, g Referee Zatts. o the most critical could not ask for a McDonnell, g ,.; 6 more auspicious occasion. Shortly after eight, Mayor-eleit CARDINALS WIN MATCH 16 Charles T. Mason walked out to the (22) G FROM NIGHT HAWKS center of the floor with the ball, and Nash Casey, f 0 as. center Ryan of the Knights of Gadomovltz, f 1 Tuesday night the Cardinals Columbus and center Ryan of the f 1 came out victorious over the Night Catholic Club waited for the throw, Lucitt, Coan, f 0 Hawks, when they grabbed off two lifted the ball into the air and the T R, 3 race was on. T. Ryan, games out of three. The scores: • 1 CARDINALS The opener, between the Catholic Gelsinon, g Nichol 211 214 Club and the Knights might have Coakley, g l Rehfuss 202 172 been rehearsed. It contained every- Flanigan, g 2 Ruszela •' .' 160 189 thing necessary for an opener, even 189 134 9 5 23 Russell going, into two extra periods before Referee— Newmark. Poulson 168 191 it. could be decided upon whose head Fords (31) . G the crown should rest. 939 9611 y, f 22 Neither team had a thing on the Kelly, F G li NIGHT HAWKS Gelsinon, f 5 other during the first quarter and F. 126 j 1 Morris3 152 they came to the end of the period Harrigan, c 190 Stivers ; : .'. 171 with the Catholic Club but one point Mlanion, g : i .224 171 ahead, the score 4-3. In the second Nolan, g Popp 4 193 Jensen 169 quaflter the Knights lifted themsel192 18 ves up and by the end of the period Clayton 198 : Auburna (2B) G • were leading 13-8. The Knights main, i 960 925 tained their lead through the thir<J McCloud, f 2 quarter and went into the final per- Carroll,' f Kosh, c , 3 iod with the score in their favor 16OARD OF THANKS Koveleski, g 4 14. I wish to take this means of thankCampion, g , , 1 The Catholic Club went into the ing those who were instrumental in fourth-quarter determined to become • - - . • ' • .11 a 2 5 electing me Second Assistant Chief of masters of the situation and passed Referees: S. Ryan, Colucci. Scorer: the South Amboy Fire Department. the Knights early in the quarter John Jerry A. Connors. Cleary. , , lkj : ' and were leading 20-16 with but a minute and a half to go when Monnghan heaved in two from the floor to set the score at twenty all, In the extra period Hank Gelsinon arched a neat one in to put the Catholic Club in the lead; A second I»ter Monaghan with a similar performance brought the score back to a tie. Cleary's goal from mid-floor swung the score back in favor of the Knights and a second before the whistle Buhnan threw one in to end the extra period in a 24 all tie. In'the" second extra period "Hank" Gelsinon again parted the shreds for a two" pointer and a second later Toys of all kinds, such as Bullman did likewise while the Cayou have never seen betholic Club boya hold the Knights scorolcss ending the game with the fore. A line of attractive score 28-24, • .. • 'Catholic Club G \F presents for every memNolan, f ber of the family at pricBulmnn, f T, Ryan, c ..,. es almost unbelieVeable. J . Kosh, c Vandovyecr, g Come and bring the kidG> Cielsinnn, g TVo Extra Period Game Marks Opening of City Court Loop Christmas Is Just Around the Corner We have received our entire Christmas stock and it is now on display. There are gifts for men, women and children to fit every pocketbook. Come in and inspect this exceptional merchandise while the stock is complete. A small deposit will secure any gift for Christmas. Santa Glaus Will be here next Tuesday From 2 to 5 P. M. BRING THE CHILDREN Big Surprise Packages - - 10c and 25c Tenenbaum's Dept. Store Known for Good Value, Low Prices and Reliable Merchandise 110 'SOUTH BROADWAY PHONE 511 We give and redeem S & H Green Stamps •• OPPENHEIM'S 10 QflV.nls: Phillips, Umpire nnn, Kefneo, In the second frame between the Sacred Hearts and the Alumni, tho iformor found the going easy except • in tho final quarter when the Alum• ni took u Bpunt and showed n brand • of ball greatly improved from thut 'in tho previous qquarters. Their best efforts however wore not good enough to ondnnjjur tho chances of the product of the Sacred Heart court tenm machine. , < Ending tho first quarter ,tho Hearts were lending by two points 6-4. In the necnud qunrter they added twelve while the Alumni annexed three. At thb ond of tho third quarter tho Hearts held a lead of fifteen points _wlth the score 25-10. Tho final score wns 35-26. The scores. , Alumni O F tl Check, f 2 2 8 Rose, f ; 1 0 2 Atfplogato, 0 0 0 Allen, c 4 0 8 Shsppnrd, g 0 0 0 Kurtz, IT 1 0 2 Peterson ,... 4 0 8 HIOKOK Belt Fitted In null tray box. . Easily worth more At Actual Coot— $3 ALL-WOOL TUETLE NECK SWEATERS 1.77 HANDMADE SILK LINED TIES (Me Valne Slippers A MiraoleValne! Sacred Hearts A,, Urban Ik, H'i'ankowski, Jankowfllci, f Shnro, f .... Nebus, c Bnranowskl, Pohl, pf S. Urbnnskl, ( Jaslcowialc, g S. Sharo, g .. 12 G .. 4 2 . 3 . 0 . 0 . 3 . 1 1 .. 2 .. 0 . 1 17 We Are Closing Out Our Entire Stock Of LADIES' SILK DRESSES Which Formerly Sold For As High As $5.95 For $1 .99 $1.S0 Silk SCARFS 1.38 Ladies and Gents Tailor "We Feature Quality" 143 If. Broadway 1 36 Tel. 466 Large Jersey FRESH HAMS, pound Gift Values! Beg-. $1.50 •5.00 ' Galmrdlno Raincoats . . or sm-iiif tmv flolli. In grey nnd tun. $1.87 S2.UJ5 Ail-Wool Vest* . . . $138 " •4.US Flannel Smoking . $2-58 Windbreikers •4.R5 D o u n j •flannel Knlxvi . . . . . $|.lir /.l|>|ier front — wondi'r value. fj.«7 Felt Hats In novelty styles, lapel and slip-on models, fast color broadcloth. 94c Collar attached and with collars to match —broadcloths, woven madras and Kngllsh tabs — solids and Itrltlsh strlpings. ftlzes I.1H to 18. A Sale That You Will Never Forget! S5c Shorts and Shirts $5 Military 55c Rayon • and Travel Shirts and Sets Shorts . . . : ,. Box of g llncu initial handkerchiefs , 96 Radium Brnsh, comb Silk a n d razor Shirts . . . . . . . . sets — in at- «2.05 tractive Sateen CMOS. Pnjamaa . . . . . 10c Fresh Jersey PORE LOINS, pound 10c GENUINE SPRING LEGS OF LAMB, lb. 20c RUMP OF MILK FED VEAL, lb 18c FRESH SMOKED HAMS, whole or half, Ib...l2c Fresh JERSEY HAM, 8 to 12 lb. avg.,,lb.......lie Allentown SAUSAGE, with blue label on, lb. 18c FRESH JERSEY PORK SHOULDERS, lb. 9c FRESH FLAT SPARE RIBS, lb 10c PHILADELPHIA SCRAPPLE, pound 10c FRESH CHOPPED HAMBURGER, 3 lbs. _ ^ 5 c i \ r si <\iurit 4M Sdiisatlnnal! FIOBKIN SUEDE CAPESKIN 1.38 Table out to fif better and Milk "tltchrd in ivIMIr- GIFT HINTS ' A 8nptr-ifale! $8.05 and $3.60 MAMAS 15c 5C Amazing Value! 39c French Lisle and Silk nnd ,Wnol Ti«. Hacks (Iflr Brush Setn H4r Our greatest value in 10 years — All are silk lined. In all new s h a p e s and shade* popular tills senson, Selection of rich pul Corns and in Mil colam — full ivliltli anil length. . 176 SMITH STREET PERTH AMBOY F. GOLDSMITH SAUER KRAUT, pound Worth »U. With leather heels. SHIRTS OPPORTUNITY SELECTED FRANKFURTERS, pound That Wili Slock (he Town 10.00 • Navy' ' \ . Wlmlhrejikm 12c ALLENTOWN SLICED BACON, V2 lb. pkg.....8c Gift Values 9S:»5 All-Wool Coat Sweaters 9c BROILERSor ROASTING CHICKENS, lb.._..15c 90.00 Bilk Jncqunrd Rohes . . - LEATHER Regular •1.85 to $1.05 HERE'S A WONDERFUL LOOSE SAUSAGE, our own make, l b . . . . Hundreds to Vhnose from Next to Post Office You Want To Save Money? FRESH FLAT SPARE RIBS, pound.,.......! BUY MEN'S GIFTS IN A MAN'S STORE 5c-10c-25c STORE 106 S. Broadway Save on Quality Meats Today and Every Day By Dealing at BurkanPs Market j conditions with the greatest value-demonstration just when «vury ones ituiu^iita arc turned to Christmas gift buying..;Sacrificing co^ts and profits.. .featuring best known quality merchandise of highest repute.. .BUY NOW \ftills- elections »rc complete—get your share of these amazing Pre-Clirlstmas savings. Knights of Columbus McDonald,-f DowliiiR, f Telephone 803 NOWS THE TIME TO BUY At OPPEU'S Sullivan, f S. llynn, e H. Leonard, S Cloary, g Monutrlinn, ...;.' MEAT AND PRODUCE MARKET 170 NORTH BROADWAY for MENSensational! TOYLAND ISOPEN! dies. BURKARD'S IKinhle heel" nnd UHM, fancy putterns and Rollfls. Sixes Oli In IK- YVINTEK UNIONSUITS 77c ;a Winter weight —white nnd natural, sizes .1(1 to BO. $3.95 Suede Wind.x breakers- Amazing purchase) V-Neok All-Wool SWEATERS Pine grade, w e l l mndo, all sizes. $£.77 Regular *2.(M OPPOSITE CRESCENT THEATRE THE SOUTH AMBOY CITIZEN 'FRIDAY, DECEMBER 9, 1932. The Protection Fire Company will hold u dance at the firehousc; tonight, j A popular orchestra will play. | LAURENCE HARBOR RESIDENTS WILL BE CONSIDERED —"— m, „ _ — , T „, , f r i ,;rf I Bv Township Committee y The Young People's Club of Christ j " - ' Church will hold a depression dance: Fifiht for Improvements at the parish house tonight. I T h a t Section. Mrs. Helen Kurernki and Miss determination which will With Mary Primpka, of Bordentown^ ave- evidentlya not be denied, resident nue, were Newark shoppers on Saturof Laurence Harbor have petitioned day. tile Madison Township Committee to The Sacred Heart A. A. will hold take ui> the matter of investigating S meeting on Sunday afternoon, at the condition of Shoreland. Circle. ^:30 in the club house. T h o s ( j l i v j n g n c a r t,)e shol £ f r o n t The Misses Jean Farrell and Gert-' cluiiu that clue to heavy storms, the rude Grimes recently visited with , . a j n a n j flood tides have . underfriends in New York. mined the roadbed to such an extent Mr. and Mrs. Teofil RwilinsM have ns to render its almost impassable moved' from their former address on and highly dangerous to traffic. Bord«ntmvn avenue to a residence on The Township Committee was inPine avenue in this city, not in Perth formed of the matter, formally, at Amboy as previously reported. its regular meeting held yesterday •Mrs. Robert Jerwann and mother iifternoon at the Town Hall. As a result Committeemiin Ebenezer Bowof Stevens avenue visited with Mrs ne expressed a willingness to form Harry Jensen of Freneau yester- tin investigating group to study the day, situation. The committee will he composed Arthur Bush of George street •spent the past -week end with Mr. •of Mr. Bowne, Maxwell Mayer, who has been instrumental in starting and Mrs. J. Hnssel of Bloomfield. the movement, Samuel Walker of The Rev. Hurry Stnnsbury Wcy Morrisey and Walkeiy owners of the Tich, rector of Christ Church will ad- property, and, Township Counsellor dress the Mother's Mission of Ernan- Berlow. Also interested in the sit•uel Church, Baltimore, next Friday, uation is the South Amboy Lions December 16th., Club, which hns sent a communicaCharles Timmens, local merchant, tion to the committee requesting of Broadway, who underwent a ser- consideration of the matter. Prom ious operation at the local hospital all appearances it seems as though on Sunday, is improving rapidly. rapid action will bo realized, due to Leon Barrett, coach of tho South the wide interest shown. Amboy Ironsides, witnessed the Rut- The roquest of Laurence Harbor gcrs-Manhnttan c h a r i t y football residents to have that locality made game in Brooklyn on Saturday. distinct Fire Zone was referred to Mrs. Prank Nelson is ill at her the next meeting. Although a rumor was prevalent at the meeting yesliome on Bordentown avenue. terday that something unexpected in Leon Linchle has returned to his the handling of the Emergency Reliome in Morgan after an operation performed recently at the local hos- lief problem was afoot, the matter was not taken up at nny length. pital. Freeholder Lewis Compton, County Dr. B. A. Robinson is seriousSy ill Relief Director, was in private oonat his home in Monran. furence with the Township Director, The Ladies Auxiliary of the Tiger Cornelius A. Wall, prior to tho meetA. C. will hold a meeting at the home ng, but what transpired was not of Miss Dorothy Inman on Pine ave- disclosed to anyone. nue on Wednesday night. Miss Jean E. Coopcan, of Portia st., "•was among the spectators at the charity football game at Ebbetts FeiM, Brooklyn, last Saturday. The Rev. Arthur M. • Sharman, Std., Educational Secretary of the Department of the Missions of the National Council of the Episcopal Church will address a luncheon meeting of the Woman's Auxiliary of Christ Episcopal Church to be held in the Parish House next Tuesday a t 12 noon. Reese, Irene Sapoznick, Verna Sorenson, Robert Dowling, Edward Headden. Fifth Year: Milton Bluoilgooi, James Manhattan, Russell Newitomb, CITY EXPECTS TO PAY '.even brealj it won't be, the county COUNTY TAXES NEXT WEEK'can delay the railroad tax check due Many Tickets Are Sold IITALO-AMERICAN South Amboy. But the county won't keep all of from page one) for Charity Card Party CITIZENS SOCIETY to the(Continued that $08,682.89 that it gets from tax title lien stage. South Amboy. Only !f:i5,7lil.49 beCity Treasurer Kress admits that longs to Freeholders budgets. Of ELECTS JAS. JASPER continues if the co-operation of local people- the rest, the 'Entire Proceeds Will Go for Reis for slate road , $7,738.38 $, next week as it has so far lief of Needy Family. or Greenspan. Wjll Succeed Albert Jerome, Fifth Year: Kathryn Matthews, A Head Hd Oi Ku.thlrcn Pasco. Ruth Pierson, SydAs off Organization. A response exceeding even the ney Rosenthal, Robert Rae. most optimistic expectations if the, ,.,, ,, , ,. o f ,t h.,e S he tthe h e a n u a l meetln When Fourth Year: JJorothy Gieenleaf, committee has greeted the sale of L " " S Ita! Ame Eileen Kreismer,' Mildred Lewis, tickets for the monster charity bene-j °ncnn Citizen's Society of Irene Mocarske, Mury Zuspan, liar-1 fit cnri\ party to be held under the i this city was held at- Wilhelm's Hall old Murphy, Henry Orndorff, Ed- auspices of a group of local business ^Monday night, James Jasper ward Przygocki. n at Sacred Heart Ha next Mon- elected president. For the past year Third Grade: Margaret Craig, day evening. Albert Jerome has held this post. Thclma Slater, Doris King, Grace The entire proceeds of the party; O t h e l . c,Iected w e r e : S a n l Clayton, Helen Liyana, Virginia wil be donated to a needy family and „, ,, Zuspan, Cavlin Tice, Richard Letts. the committee expects to realize a! 1 '"'""00. vice-i.res.dent; Yutes Eolarge sum for this charitable cause. :mc "< corresponding seci/itary; BoA large number of unusual prizes!™"* Sorrcntino, financial secreThe local Masonic Order will hold fish supper in the Temple on Main havo been donated by business mon'tarq; Rocco Coluci, treasurer; Anstreet on December 14, from 5 until of the city, and will ' be awarded to!' 0 1 " 0 Micorvo, sergeant at ! ' 8 p. m. Trustees elected were Louis Alwinners in the various games. banese, E. Chuilli and Sum Fazio. Council members elected were G. Pezzillo, John Spina and John Scarpellino. USED CARS Due to the sales being made on the next Six Cylinder Plymouth, we have some exceptional used car values. NEW 1932 PLYMOUTH SEDAN 1932 PLYMOUTH COUPE (Floating Power) 1931 CHRYSLER 6 SEDAN 1931 CHRYSLER 66 SEDAN 1929 MARMON SEDAN 1929 WHIPPET ROADSTER 1929 PLYMOUTH COUPE ALSO SEVERAL CARS SELLING UNDER $100.00. CHARLES F.STRAUB Dodge and Plymouth Dealer Telephone South Amboy 292 Distributor for' "Flaah" Approved automatic signal device, compulsory on commercial vehicles after Jan, 1st, ••••••••••••••••••I ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••I FRANK'SMARKET QUALITY MEATS AND PRODUCE • 631 BORDEMTOWN AVE. You will be agreeably surprised when you see the tempting selection of quality meats we offer. Allow us to serve you once and we are sure that you will always be a satisfied customer. Miss Anita Steuber and Thomas Peterson were awarded the first prize in the Strand Theatre Radio tryouts in Perth Amboy on Friday night. When the gasoline tnnk of an automobile on ivliii'h ho wim working at thn county imrngp cm Slocktnn street near Augupla exploded, FrHny, Erlwnrd Farrr.ll, IWly-six, of 1TH f!porge street. wns scriiuisly bui'iic about \hc fiicr nnr] hands. HOIMM-I. Tlcfcnn nlsr, uf Iliii rily r, rnivi'd mi infill burns nnd Ttnsen Wilson nf Old Uriel'"' wnn sliirhth' Uiir".",'.i' ~Lwi»i. the face nnd lmndw 'llo'li^on mul "\VHKOH wf-rc worldntr on HIP oir with Fnri'oll. Jersey Pork Loins small, pound Smoked Cali Hams, pound Philadelphia Scrapple pound Fresh or Corned Spare Ribs, pound .. 13 13° 13C 13C 13° Boston Cut Pork Butts, lean, lb Legs of Spring Lamb, small, lb Fresh Killed Roasting Chickens, lb. ...:. New Saur Kraut Kraut, 4 lbs. for 13° 23C 23C 25 C - of brown kid gloves. Mary's Church and Return to Leo CoakAvenue. 122 N. Broadway - South Amboy PHONE 161 Good meals demand good meats. In the BroadwayMarket, you can always find good meats, the basis of good meals. Safeguard your cooking efforts, insure the enjoyment of the meal beforehand. Allow the Broadway Market to provide satisfaction of your family. SPECIAL FOR THIS WEEK END Legs of Genuine Spring Lamb 17c !b. Legs and Rumps of Milk Fed Veal 15c lb. Fresh Killed Fowl 15c lb. Fresh Killed Roasting Chickens (best quality) 19c lb. Fresh Hams (nice and lean) H e lb. Fresh Shoulders of Pork 9c lb. Prime Rib Roast (best cuts) 19c lb. Round, Cross Rib or Top Sirloin 23c lb. Fresh Loins of Pork (rib end) 10c lb. Cali Hams (large size) ;...7c lb. Loose Sausage 2 lbs. 25c Fresh Spare Ribs 10c lb. Fresh Pigs Feet 5 lbs. 25c Link Sausage 16c lb. Lamb, Veal or Best Cuts..Pork Chops 17c lb. Mothers Oats, package 5c Onions or Potatoes (Saturday only) 5 lbs. 10c Many Others At This Store u p B AUA v LOST:—Pair Between St. Pine Avenue. ley, 121 Pine Now A Member of the Union Food Stores ( — »ii tUt; wiHturly sldo of WullliiK atruul ;it tlio uuutliivuslorly uumol" ul' u lot ol Jjuiil cunvryocl t o Antonio utid 'I'hitxlcln cirutkuivoujky by Hiul Mutkihlck iiutl vvll'o by ducxl daloU J u l y i>. lillilu, mul lruni llimiL'u running U ) IIJUIK,' |L l'ullCO, till: IlllU Ul' Wllll lot mid iMMilliiK tlioi'tjon (.'iiiilytiy wio hu»\druU a n d l'V\cnty-Uirui, Ui-,'1.1 lout to Kuyru k JiflHlH'i'H Coiiriutny'H Him; tlioncu (2J UIIIIIK tllulr llnu Boulliurly tnll'ty-lK'u (Uuj li;ol; Ihimui) ^ > aloiiH u fiuicu Him woMIurly OIIU hundred twenty llmm (123) I'uui vo Walling alroi-t Ilionco (4) uloni; Walllni! s t r o u t norllii'lly tlilrtyJllirci! ( 3 3 ; l'cul to tlio lilmu o l IJI'JlllNNli.N'l!. HulliB tliu mime |>i'uiili»vH uunvuyud Ic Hliniiii Sulula a n d Knti,. .Siilula, hla •wife, by iluuil ol' ,\\{nd WanumblnHt a n d Aniullii Wmiiiii'ljliint. Ilia wlt'u, l y Uucd liiltnl tin, •.-lovuntli d;iy of F c b ruiiry, IUIC. uml n c o r d u d In tho OfL"<! ot thu (JlnrJc of tliu County of MldleHex tho sevuiitcouth djiy of lt'olirury, l'J111, In Book S8CJ of Deeds pagu yi!a, otc. D<M'l'c<! ainountlliir to approximately M.i'Oii.oci. ToBftlicr with nil nml s l n s u l a r tlie rlBlitH, pHvlloBi's, hcrudltiununtH nnil i.'incoH tlii-rciinto 'liclonglng or M caijii.i 3 . RECEIVED TOO LATE FOR CLASSIFICATION Broadway Market "' .Solicitor S. & H. Green Stamps With Every Purchase to I he Clllzen—Get tile real neim MEAT FACTS (Number Two of o Series) Our meats elected by export buyers from ihe finest live stock the country produces . . , beef from choice young steers; ; from corn-fed hogs railed in the cold mid-west; A&P i that are young and tender, the pick of Northwest lamb from sections where tho flnRst lambs a r e raised; i J roised an the country's finest farms. flocks; and top quality poultry, all milk-Fc Whole or Either Half SMALL Fresh Pork Loins •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••a c These pork loins ere small ond deliriously t e n d e r . . . cut from cool mid-west stales where the DISTINCTIVE GIFTS finest pork is grown. In value and quality, the/ a r e typical of all the choice meats sold a l A&Pmorkeli. CUT FROM FIRST SIX RIBS THAT ARE HIGH IN APPEAL AND LOW IN PRICE 21c PRIME RIBS ib. 2 9 C Sirloin Steak . Top Round Steak It will pay you to do your Christmas shopping early this year. Starting today we are offering hundreds of good, practical, servicable gifts at prices, you won't be able to resist. The items listed here are typical of many unusual values you will find in every department. Different Kinds of Mail Considered First Class Are Listed. "ED. FARRET/L BURNED WHEN TANK EXPLODES Fresh Hams, Jersey Pork, small and lean JJiHSHV— tax, and us such will have to be shipped on to Trenton. So will $21,123.38 on account of state school tax. And there's still another item of $1,053.(il for soldiers bonus lmnds that the Trenton authorities will get. The items were all on the individual tux bills passed out to South Amboyans last spring. And it's only when they get bulked up like this that they look so big. young corn-fed porkers raised in Postmaster Issues Bulletin Concerning Christmas Mail Already reparations are being made at thu local post office to take «aio of the Christmas rush although BO-vesrnl weeks still remain, it is evident from the increased uinount o[ Christmas mail already being handled that it will be as great if not greater than during former years, For tho information of patrons, Postmaster Dcy bus issued a bulle,tln in which is set forth information .concerning i»«-.st clnss mail. Coming tiiiclcr thin classification .lire printed assessment notices with nimmnt written therein, autograph albums ciiiitaining printed mutter, bank hooka with written entries, printed curds or letters bearing writtun ilnti! sueli us date sender will cull, SHIT folders that cannot be examined without, thi: danger of brenknRo, handwritten, typewritten, letter press, .<ir carbon copies, imitations of typewritten or handwritten, not ninlled «t postoffU'C windnw, or depository, in a minimum number of 20 copies. Also ctmsiilori'd :i« first class mail lire printed price lists or notices of price list changes, printed receipts with signatures attached, typewril•ten matter, unsealed written comiininicntinns or sealed matter of nny •clnss wrapped so thai it cannot be ex•amined, except parcel post matter, that bears printed instructions, regarding the nature of shipment, stenographic or shorthand notes. The committee making arrangements has reported that everything is in readiness for the prize drawing to be held by the South Amboy Republican Clnb in the rooms in the Trust Company Building on Friday evening, December 23. A large number of chickens, t keys and ducks will be- awarded anil a general invitation hns been extended to the general public to attend. C suEiurr's M i l or e e n uiii^l x!. tolUlW3 it Uu'1'UDl'.Xli A..V1J L.UA.\ Ma(J 1'ioN ol tiuulli Ainuuy, New Joracjy, a corporation OunujkLiuunt, and Jull.\ JvlHJU and AN'.NA K K U U , JUa wile, Jiillltr, Jiorgeii & VVclsli, Julm liujeiwlcz and Liio SuuUi ltlver lirlck cuinimny, UelfiwiantM. Kl. Fa. lor the Hiilu uf murLyiiijecl premises datud i\'^VL'iii'Uyr 4, ly^_. By vlrtuo ut thu u-bavu uUitticl writ to lilu directed uuu dullvc-rtili, 1 wjll eJ^ptJS to HUIU at jmljllc venduu uu WWDNjaaJJA k-, TilE FOUltTIl DA if UK JcAINUAItlf, A. D., MINKTJiliN HU1NDHED TIllllTV-TlllUSl!! at twu o'uloek tiLantinril Time in tlio luE turniiuii uf tho said ihiy ut tlio Slujrltt's Olfleo In tlio City ul1 .Now liruiiawlck. N. .1. All tlu, I'olhi'Wlujj ti'acL oi' parcel uf him! and ruvmltteH liorulnalUjr ]>ai'tiutilurly tli;H,;rl'lHMl, oltuatti, lyli^ and IIIB In the JIuroiiKli uf .Sjiyrovillu In th'o l-'nllilty ul' Mlddk-Hox and Klulu of Now Jy 228 FIRST STREET, SOUTH AMBOY, N. J. SCHOLASTIC HONOR PHONE 277 ROLL FOR NOVEMBER AT SCHOOL NO. 2 An unusually . larfre number of names are included in the November honor roll at School No. 2, according o n list received from the school authorities today. Those whose names are in the following column The South Amboyy Council, Knights g h b l d th have been placed there because of an il h l d a regular l of Columbus, will hold average of ninety percent or over for meeting: on next Thursday evening th month's work: • at eight o'clock. i Sixth Year: Lorraine Keegan, DoThe Junior Women's Club will j rotfty Pearson, Louise Preston., present a play tonight at the CHy jT_fixth Jen;: J>wothy Xewcomb, called "The Re- Jeanne Corbin, Edith Jensen, DoroHall. The play thy Harris Austin Marizo, Robert turn of Letty." sterner, Albert Vanni. ance Miss Anita'Steuber and her class V, Emblcv, cf piano students will present a mu- Mary Florence Muth, Janice sical recital on December 29th at McCloud's Hall. IN there will be no difficulty in meeting the county tax payments along with taking care of the bond maturities. The bonds will get first consideration in any case so as to insure there being no blot on the record in this respect. The county might have to wait a few days, which could do no particular harm beyond breaking thi? city record for promptness in meeting county payments for years and t'ears past. The county won't suffer n any case for there's a big chock coming from the State in the way of second class railroad tax distribution. The city's share of that will be something more than half what thu city owes the county—and the county gets it from the state, keeps some, and passe. the balance on to city the nmnicipalitie!,. So ,,„ if „ lthe m. , should be late, and it's more than u>. 2 9 ' P o r t e r h o u s e S t e a k CHOICECUDE ID. 3 5 B o i l e d H a m s Muo«wHoui Fancy No. 1 Smelts SPECIAL PURCHASE FOR HEMSTITCHED SETS—$7.50 GIFT GIVING Seti consists of cloth size 2x2% yards nnd 8 din- 350 Hand-Tufted Candlewick ner size napkins beautifully hemstitched. The BED SPREADS—$1.25 Superior tufting uitil soft pre-shrunk sheeting T u n a Fish 2 WHITE MEAT designs are very attractive. Nicely boxed ready Sliced Bacon Pea Beans for Christmas giving or forwarding to any part Grandma's Molanet of the country. Marmalade not usually found in spreads at this price. You'll 5« Quick or Standard Rtgutor 2 0 e L p V p . Q u a k e r MOTHERS O a t s SUNNY. i':lD Sugor-Curtd CHOICE HAND-PICKED ht,il,ii. o C ci ton, X 3 ' . . ib 19 C C n>. 21c 'White B r e a d O«AHD«O,«»S »&&«• • 7* Hormel's Vegetable Soup 2 « « 2 9 ' 3 roiu 2 3 C Hlkphg. l O ' Scot Tissue SOFT AND MSOMENT 2 ,b. Wilbert'sNo.u. Floor Wax *..„., 3 9 ; Lifebuoy Soap . . 3 «*.. 16C 5= 19= BtEACHES, DEODORIZES REMOVES STAINS Rumford BAKING POWDER « ' M 7 C < ' ™ 29 C "SOAKS ClOIHES WHITER" \I-1BITIC AA quart bol.'^Xw 2 X. 35< recognize the quality and vnlue when you see them. Come in green, rose, blue, gold, orchid, red or white tufting in attractive new designs, NOTE: These spreads nre mnde in the South Leave Your Order Now and Have That New FLOUR HEAT-PROOF TABLE PAD Delivered Before Chriitmas nnd cannot be duplicated in time for Christmas —so urge seeing them now while assortment is Sizes up to 48x65 inches 'oblong; or up to 64 24'/2 ib. 7 ib. inches round or square. HECKER'S GOLD MEDAL PILLSBURY CERESOTA fullest. $3.25 Leave. Up to 12 Inche. Wide, 95c Each DOUBLE DAMASK Tnke no chances ruining the top uf your dining PURE IRISH LINEN room table with hot Not A Luxury at Young'i New Prices ing on tho back self or. a friend, Pads mnde to order, double damask felt TTith washable wnfcorproor1 tops , , , greon felt cover- Hero's your chance to purchase, either for youra real dishes or liquids spilled. These pnds are made of insulating full bleached table cloth and a dozen of napkins for (perfect for card playing). Bring paper pattern of half your table. the price you would ordinarily pay for just the cloth or napkins. RAYON TAFFETA $7.90 BED SPREADS—$2.95 Cloth 2x2K Yard. . . . 12 Napkin. 22x22 Inchol Heinz Beans * , " 8 e ?.'.I2' Heinz »«oi.m. ",^8 e 'V.12C Heinz Rice Flakes ,it.11e Budweiser S i ' s i».,..49 c Old Munich"•'««;"'...».,..29« Beans »,«».,» . - 2 - 9 ' Baker's Cocca . ';.'.' 1OC 1 nstrous rayon in rose, gold, blue, orchid or Also Sold Separately green ground with self designs . Full bed size. Cloth, 3.95—Napkins, $3.95 Dozen You'll rnciignb.e the (|iinlily nt such a low price! J . . 'Mb n e ... O ' Cation oF 12lol5 FIESH GREEN PEAS 2. h 27= Ketchup ou, t> »"n Fancy White—BOILtNC 19= CARROTS . ku ,h5< V ONIONS . 3 .b. 13= Campbell's Soups Campbell's Beans Royal oiunr. main Royal""™»'»o""- . Kaffee Hag "com.* Bisquick ,w w>io 3....25 1 . «?'5C 3,,,.23 C 3,^23' ?.47« . * " 27C Pillsbury P.MCIMOUR "M"7C Del Maiz co<« > « • 'CS! .~12C Del Monte co.N . f..112<= A&P Coin «-"'.'••.:». . ^ ~'10« Fancy Lobster . U'."23C Fancy Wet Shrimp ' " : ' IOC t;:-!K:'A BAKERS AUNT JEMIMA Fig Nswtons, Social Teas or Lorna Doones Luclc Slri«r, Choitsr;, NKW HRUNSWICK, N . ,1. Extra Fancy, Sohcfod CiiiroRNi* Wofer_ INOV.'FLAK* —^;, P. J. YOUNG DRY GOODS CO. APPLES 25' c Sparkle l">«-1 "".::.'. "'".' 3,.,. i 9 Jello . . . . 3.,,. 23= Pure Lard . . Heinz Ketchup All vorlallti «i»pl 1OMAIO MclNTOSH NEW-PACK SlmiJiml Pancake Flour Buckwheat Flour , Old Coltil A i t PUHf 2 „!.„. 25< Wjnpi CigafPlI .i n ICc Maple Syrup > ALL PRICES ARE FFrtCT/'/C V-ir.ODCH SATUMAY, DECCMHER 10lh ,:, r, THE GREAT /.VlANTIt t, PACIilC \U\ CC. i. • =,;, ;;r »i21' THE SOUTH AMBOY CITIZEN Presbyteriau^Are {High School Seniors WILL BE IN CHA&GEOF Breaking Records for To Hold Huge Bazaar Prayer Meetings And Entertainment MASONIC CARD PARTY •'3 1 2 4 23 23 24 32 32 31 35 41 11 4,1 •11 •HA •13 13 itThe Senior Class of South Amboyj 5f>53 Since Rev. Charles Van Horn has High School is sponsoring another 5 4 A 5-5 assumed charge of the parish of the social affair in the form of a hug? 58 Bazaar, to be 58 First Presbyterian Church in this Entertainment and held on Thursday evening, Dec. 15th 5S city, an almost phenomenal growth in 58 attendance at the regular midweek at the high school auditorium. The 58 prayer service has been noted. The feature of the evening will be enter- 64 Motor Ve- 64 Bible study groups have engaged in tainment furnished by 23 "2 "4 24 !9 34 48 49 68 70 13 11 So. Broadway £0. Broadway Bordentown John Ferris Gordon Borden town Portia Feltus Feltus & Louisa IvOuIsa Portia Ferris Ferris Feltus Ward Wan! Mrdentown Parker Catherine Catherine Catherine Catherine Leffert Parker Parker l'arker Uordentown Prospei-t Division Division Dayton Dayton Borilentown ' Catherine Conlofc-ue Conll^gue Bertram Catherine llertram Isdel Oath. &Isdcl Isdel FRIDAY, DECEMBEt 9, Mrs. E. Berrlen Mr«. K. Uerrivn Cliarlcs T row-bridge rhlliji .Sullivan An10n llaranowski J;irnt_'.s Van I'elt iluui;il Station 3Irs Marv Mcronnell John Jlvan 30 I'. .1. Mnnnglian 40 42 V. J. M o n a g h1 a n 11 IS Rote Holding Co. 14 }•:.-!. W a r d P e r r i n e "2 Kst. W:ird P e r r i n e 17 20 Harvey P a r i s e n 79 80 I'renio Van! 55 Fiitnk Leonard CO 6 1 All plans have been completed for John Adams 103 6 iNt. Fnmk Leonardthe monster curd party on Tuesday 15 1G Morris Alpine evening- at the Masonic Temple on 19 20 Morris Alpine Main Street, and the • committee in 23 21 Morris Alpine 30 37 M o m y Alpine charge, under the direction of Mrs. 40 41 Morris Alpine Harold Filskov, has assured all that 141 <;irolnnio jtafnone the affair will be one of the high143 1IC Josi pii Alpine 10 lAUUin M i l e s lights of the month. The Dccem-bur a number of interesting discussions, hicle Commissioner Harold G. Hoff- 70 70 1 '.4 A c r e s .lanioH V a n P e l t Unit of the Woman's Auxiliary of which have brought out some of the man, and which will include several 74 9 10 Mrs. F r a n k Pis-brow the local hospital is sponsoring the largest prayer meeting attendances well known opera stars. Some local 7.T 2 I^ots I>avld Wood 75 OluirJi'S HiiL'kalow affair. ever in the history of the Broadway talent will also be presented'. 77A >,i 44 45 Vincent IliKpins In addition to the many tempting church. Following the entertainment the. 77A , 46 Josnph Smlt li prizes which will be distributer 78A SO 89 Mrs. Frank Dunham At a recent meeting a supper was bazaar will fro into full swing. Sev- 78C 104 10 Sullivan & Dolan among winners of all games, Mrs eral booths will be established to disserved in the social hall before the 78C 111 113 Sullivan & Dolan Filskov has arranged to provide delplay and sell aprons, miscellaneous 78C 117 I K Sullivan & Dolan meeting and a quartette consisting icious refreshments for those who at 1C2 ,1,36 Sullivan *t Dolan of Robert Waterman, Lamont Ing- articles, candy, cake ice cream and 78C 7SD 139 11G Sullivan & Dolan tend. The refreshments will be of rahnm, J. Leo Larcw and Oliver W. other items. 78D 147 148 Sullivan & Dolan fered without any charge and with A popular orchestra has been se- 7SD 190 20O Sullivan & Dolan Lockhart giave a number of selections 2'0il out any limit. 78E Sullivan & Dolan cured by the committee to furnish with Herbert Dix, Sr., presiding at 78B 202 212 Sullivan & Dolan the piano. The pastor sipoke on the music for dancing, and those in the 12 23 John Clllllver charge of arrangements are spending "Omnipresence of Christ." DELINQUENT 1929 PROPERTY TAX every effort to make this event one FIRST DISTRICT of the finest of its kind in the city's Blook Name Lot Ancient Love Story ** winter social program. Street 40 <i 2.1 S2 EsL Kurrin Finloy Augusta The story of "Itemeo and Juliet" 213 21 4(1 Mary FinloyJ Augusta was not originated by Shakespeare. 9'l 1 « Vi 3 Center & Cedar Lawrence l olowczylc Shallow Grief 98 3i 3a Miss Theresa Price Feltus The story wns very popular In Italy People grieve and bemoan tho 114 Julius'Mason & Son, Inc. liroudway By FRANCIS H. SISSON before Shakespeare wrote his famous C 8 l-'uut-th & Stevens Helen Stuerwald selves, but It is not half so bad 313 213 Fourth &. Stevens Cliarlea Straub President American Bankers Association tragedy. It ia possible thut the origiwith thsin in they suy. There ure 1 fi Fourth & Stevona Helen Stuurwuld aw 2 3 William JUurka O danger, economic or social, more nal plot was taken frnm life. Fourth moods In which we court suffering, In 132 1134 ij Frank Gordon .Main , seriously menaces our lite, happithe hope that here ut Inut we shall K17 3 William liunke Fourth 1 he rrehx ness and prosperity than the rising tide U Mary l-'lnloy .Main find reality, sharp peaks mid edges of 125 "Is there any biblical authority for 123 William uurka 1 a Main of t a x e s -which truth. But It turns out to ho scene- Ii3«l ,10 Ueurgo Thoniaa Main threaten to engulf calling pnrsoas Itev. Mr. Sn-niiil-HO?" 9 ,13 iloicn »Luorwald painting and counterfeit. The only 1129 Fifth 9 l i 10 Jluluu Cuiillon A us. This Is not slm- has been asked. There Is no definite tiling grief lias taught me Is f> knoiv 2 t)U '3 «i Wllinot William Masters on Bcrlpturnl Instruction on the point. m ply a problem of 18 10 how sliiillo'v It Is.—Itulph Waldo 201 Wllinot WrneHL 'Speaker The word "reverend" appears only !!i2 21)3 I'ltil. JllllK'H IlUff Allplnu tho depression. It Bmergon, 2 Of, 30 S7 O«uar ithinohardt Itarltun once In tho nihle.—I'unlm 111 :!'. has been develop2011 12:i Mlciiael Uiluclol Knrttan 43 44 206 iJttt, Jutin Anderson Conover ing for many years. 111 209 Theodora Suundors Coni-vor growing more se>,b 1 0 201) Jolin Jlninoy Conovor 202 35 40 Wllinot Jullutj .Siix^akor rious all the time 1U2 V4 1 0 1 1 Jorry Coniiora Second The depression SECOND DISTRICT merely brought It """" 34 Kosowull Andruw K u r m a n to a climax. UnThe owners and occupanta of the following described parcols of 11 21 22 Jluiiry Krud iwluy, J r . Fu-d i s l e y less drastic steps real cstato situated in the taxing district of tho City of South Amboy, in 11 Da via . 01 m 15 1' 3 14 Uuvltl Prod Lfoar are taken to re- tho County of Middlesex, and State of Now Jersey, and the public, arc 110 18 20 -, Dnvld J u l i a Mi:Uonou<gli If. 27 28 David Jionry Murlandor hereby notified that oho taxes thereon severally assessed for tho years WiZ v e r s o thl8 t r e n d F . H ; SISSON 4,5 47 Henry Philip Hullivan at to 1931, inclusive, remain unpaid and that the said parcelsi of real estate 54 K, Henry MVH, .S«|)lilu Uoasnor not end with the depression. It will will bo offered for Bale at public auction nt tho Collector's office in the Oity 2,5 ',<, '57 5,8 Henry MIH. vSiiphlo JJeaBner 20 42 StuveiiH i'hllip Su 111 van continue to weigh down and retard •M Kail in said taxing district on Friday, December 23, 1932, at 2:30 o'clock in ao Htuvoim l'hlllp Sullivan progress for an Indefinite period. Til iJflVtft F r e d I«luy, J r . 28 tho afternoon for the paymcnlt of said taxes with interest, costs and charge 20 42 Davlil JOdwanl Worthloy In city, county, state and nation the 211 ,60 Duvld Mary Kelly thereon, unless the same * « » & g ™ ^ $ # S K A | C i t y C o l l c c t o r . orgy of spending has run on. It Is esti27 1) Duvld Hit rick Mumuslmn DELINQUENT 1822 PKOPEKTY TAX ,27 ,10 12 Davlil P a t r i c k Alumiffhnn mated that in the United States the 27 13 U-l T»avh1 Patrick Monughan Amount Street Na-nio total cost ot all government Is nearly Blook • Lot 127 30 31 David Mary Jlynn SBCOND DISTRICT five times what It was before tho 27 63 C'S Augu.sta tibl. M. A. M c C a r t h y 119.99 Mluhnul McCarthy 210 28 27 67 AuguHta 1'atrick M o n a g h a n THIRD DISTRICT World War. Many localities have been 33.33 27 68 O'J Au au Kia AUKCIO Q u a t r o c c l Unknown 70 brought to the verge of bankruptcy by MM 1C John Cliailea l l u r l t - / 37 43 38 65 David Timothy Kulllvan their expenditures, while many have DELINQUENT 1924"pUOPERTY TAX 38 601 13a vld SiLinuul i t u l n e r saddled their citizens with a debt burFIRST DISTRICT •39 u, 20 2 !>avlcl Ocorire T h o m a s Amount IS den that will darken their lives and Block Stroot Name i^ cGiuan Lot 30.42 David •49 Mary O'Toolo ' Fourth & StavciiH Helen stuonvnld 6 8 hamper their progress for yours to 213 35.05 Uroiidwv 1 05 iJjnpIro Tlu-utro Fourth & Stovens Helen stuurwald 1 B 213 24.011 Kli-Kt come. I'I 8 Hut. I'atrii-k Delaney 1,'ifth Helen Sluerwald 3 113 US) Henry 38 Wtlward Doollng SECOND DISTRICT David The total cost of Federal, stnto and lint, TliitnuiH Kennedy 50 17 18 David Timothy Sullivan 38 FeltiiH JoHoph Sitychala 01 2/3 4 72.75 local government In the United States David St, Assessment David J o h n nutrBaii Al A 2 62 Stockton list, Patrick Anderson Main is estimated at forty-six million dollars 103 John DiiKKan 18 (!3 70.00 Stockton tit. Assessment Main Anna McKt.-on 03 IS 20 a day. Based on national income In David J a m e s Qujnlan THIRD DISTRICT 03 21 1930, this represents about one-fifth tho l Atargarut Dulancy B0 SI 62 George Hurvuy 1'arlaon S 6 45.91 Wst. K t t r i c k Anderson total Income of our people, or about 103 13 14 Ceort'o St. A s s e s s m e n t 23 Georffo J o h n Cullivor $110 for every Individual In the na18.00 THIRD DISTRICT <,tt>i-Ki- St. A s s e s s m e n t tion. Total taxes In 1031 are esti11 50 \!t £il ll'arvL-y 1'arisen DELINQUENT 1025 PROPERTY TAX J o h n l ' t s . 1 4 AloyHiuH lle«s 12 mated to have taken more than 22 per 48 VJ FIRST DISTRICT Jului JJarvey l'ariaen 30.id cent of the national income. It Is occa11 - ' Cittiioriiio Uuisei>.]>u MonLenari FourLhfc Stevens Union Suu:rvvald G8 13 'JG.-IU tio. Uroudwuy 1 '£ Mr a, K Herrlen Fourth & SUvenn Helen .Sluurwald sion for serious thought on the part of 213 1 5 24.30 So. Broadway Mrs. K. Berrlen Fifth Helen Stuerwald 9 113 everyone when one day's Income out of U29 -•J llordt-ntown 5 0 Pts. 7 Charles Stuunvald, Inc. SECOND DISTRICT every four or five must be contributed 33.CO liordenlown 23 Charles Trowbridjje Henry Fred isluy, Jr. 31 22 14 73.S3 Ueorgo Frank Duiiaro 23 Augusta l-st- M. A. McCarthy to the maintenance of government maS3 65 27 11 12 Ueuryu William Moran •M THIRD DISTRICT chinery. 23 K 24 Julut I'hilip Sullivan 24 12.32 Gordtfn James Van Pelt 32 48 49 Portia Est. Dr. CJloaaon 89.G0 / 2 3 Bordonto-wn James Van Pelt 71 SD 3-1 Ferris Antun Baranowski Reductions Possible 32 • 2J.23 Prospect Albert Jorono 36 33 74 (j onion . it. iH James Van I'elt 32 United States Government expendiDELINQUENT 1920 PROPERTY TAX liorUontown Mutual Station 31 tures were reduced one hundred and 60 <S1 tieotge • Thoniaa Duggan FIRST DISTRICT 35 31.57 1)2 S3 (Jeoi'tjo Tliomaa Duggan Fourth & Stovena Helen Stuerwald 35 forty million dollars during the first 2.13 37.41 68 70 Mrs. Mary McConnell Fourth & Stevens Helen Stuenvald 35 1 5 quarter ot the current fiscal year. The 213 Portia 24.91 13 1 4 Jaco'bsou &. Ooldfarb Co. Fifth Helen. Stuerwald 9 113 lisa Feltus 04.57 25. M John iiyan +1 Main Helen Cantlon recent action of bankers In calling a L25 9 V4 10 Feltus & Louisa P. J. Moiuighan 30 •1 SECOND DISTRICT halt to unnecessary expenditures of Louisa 40 4'2 P. J, Monaghan •11 34.44 Henry Fred Isley, Jr. 2'1 >22 14 1 2 Pino John I'errlne New York City as prerequisite to loans 114.SO Augusta. Est. 'M. A. McCarthy 63 55 27 l'ortla Hose Holding Co. 11 13 4I1A 59.33 Pine Ueopge Cheeseman will reduce the cost ot government in 48 3 4 43 Ferris Est. Ward Perrine H' 43 22.96 David Mary o'Toole 44 49 Ferris Est. Ward Perrine 22 43 the country's metropolis, which is secGordon Mary Schwolowitz 35 '37 43 THIRD DISTRICT ond In Us expenditures to only the 203.80 Leffert 1 4 Fred Isley, Sr. 23 4il 12 So. B r o a d w a y M r s . U. Uerrlen. 12.a Pino 48 49 Est. Meyer Schwolowltz Foderal Government. No state in the 32 5 8 47 ' Gordon J a m e s Van Pelt Feltua 60 61 Harvey Parisen, 35 17 20 •53 ' George Thomas Duggan^ Union, in fact, no other government 143.37 Ward Prenio Vanl 73 « * ticorgo St. A s s e s s m e n t 6.70 on this homlsphere, spends half as Ward 68 70 Frank Leonard 55 55 George M r s . M a r y McConn&U 68 70 Parker J(3at. Frank Leonard 105 6 5<5 G e o r g e M r s . M a r y MoConnelt much as this one city. These savings 129.06 Catherine Morris Alpino IB ill) 58 George St. A s s e s s m e n t 91.84 In Federal and municipal costs are only Catherine Morris Alpino 56 1V4 A c r o s 19 20 58 Bordontown J a m e s V a n Pelt 84.44 Catherine Morris Alpino 78A. 86 89 2.3 24 58 Bordentown Mrs. Frank Dunham the beginning of a movement needed Catherine Morris Alpine 36 37 58 DELINQUENT 1927 PROPERTY TAX throughout tho country. If we are to Leftort Morris ALpino 40 41 58 FffiST DISTRICT Catherine Morris Alpine 44 58 be led out of depression Into prosParker (Ilrolonio Italnono 141 64 Amount Street Namo perity. Block Lot Parker JOKL-JIII Alpino 61 143 14G Broadway Kllay Mason & Son, Inc. 300.00 114 I'arlter Lillian Miles 70 16 Center te Codar Lawrence Polowczyk 94 1 2 'A 3 James Van Pelt 70 1VJ A c r e s Uordentown 241.48 Cedar St. Assessment Kst. Moyor Schwolowltz 71 43 10 Hlgliland Fourth & Stevens Helen Stuenvald 35.31 Unless tho people can bo made to 213 Ethel Pearse Prospect 72 03 05 Fourth & Stovons Helen SLuerwald 41.73 1 5 realize Unit money for governmental 213 Est. M. Hehwolowitz Illfhland 73 27 29 Fourth William Burko 132 2 3 rVotsi-eet Mrs. Frank Dlsibrow 74 0 10 expendlturo can come only from their Fourth St. Assessment 97.10 l'rositt-'Ct Pearl (Jrover 74 10 Fourth William Uurko own pockets nf taxpayers, cabling deDivision David Wood 75 2 I/Ots 55.08 Fourth St. Assessment Division Charles Huckalew pressing effects on both Individual efFifth Helen stuenvald 27.86 3 .13 Ernest Wood Division 144.45 Main Holun Oanilon 9 » 10 fort niul general business, Ihero In an 125 Vincent Illgglna Dayton M 44 4'5 77A Wllinot Knu'st Npt'aker 48.41 201 18 19 IS Dayton Josepli Smith 4'6 77A Imminent threat thnt wo may bo forrud SECOND DISTRICT lionlentown 'Mrs, Catherine Carroll 1 3 77B to meot economic dllllcultlea similar to 38.52 21 22 lUirdentown Mrs. Frank Dunham 14 Homy b'reil l^lt-y, Jr. 86 89 78 A 50.51 27 28 Uonlentoun Joaoph lloasner IS David Ili-nry Alurlundcr those Hull huvo HO .seriously liundl64 7SB 58.03 26 00 Joseph Hcssn'er 27 David *l«ry Kelly 07 78B capped other countries. Thu question 128.10 53 5'5 Joseph Bessncr •» Auguata Hit. -M. A. .McCarthy Conloiguo 68 70 78 Li 132.01 13 14 Sulllvnn & Polan ia not primarily one of moruly paring 1.3 Pino Cem'ge Chee-sonian Catherine 7SC 101 ilO 1 2 Sullivan & Dolan 50 l'lno l'hillln 1'uiTell Ccmlogue 78C I'll I I » government nutarlcs or shnvliiR budg33G.20 Sulllvnii & Dolnn Augusta .St. Assessment Conlogue 7SC •1'17 125 otB, but rathor of curtiillliiK governSullivan & Polan 2/3 4 Feltua ,loKeii>h Hpychala Bert nun 01 78C 126 110 Sullivan & Dolan CatlH-rlno 78D , Feltua St. 'Assessment 139 .14C ment nctlvlllVH fur which wo cannot Sullivan & Dolnn 13crlram 7SD 147 1148 THIRD DISTRICT afford to pay. Kuliiviin & Dolan lsild 78D 190 200 Pts. 1 4 John Aluysius HOHH Sullivan \-, Dolnn Cath. & Isdel H5.72 78K son Tho lilou Hint money for theso mountJohn Kt. Asaessment SulllvMti & Polan 7 8 IS 202 212 48 49 John' Harvey 1'ai-lsen Ing oxtnivimntuM'H run \m niisml J-y folPrtMiio Van) l'l'nc & Scott 1G0.93 68 Jolm St. Assessment John Cnlllver 23 HI.2. 1 4 So. Jiroadwuy Mrs. 13. Berrlon lowing tho NIOKUII "Siuilt tho Rich" IB Alhnrt Jernmo Prospect 36 S8 Ferris Anton Ilai-anuwskl 74 12.or, 20 31 nttfirly I'ullndnus, fur HIH-II a policy John I'lsoltclln IllKhland tio:'doll Jamus Van Pelt 33 34 71 48 4!) 11.13 <U'orKO MiH. Mary AtcConnoll Will simply oxti'i-iiiliiutn "tin! rich" anil 08 70 78.05 DELINQUENT 1930 PROPERTY TAX Fen-la 1'J^I. Ward Perrlno It t!lliulunto sourcoH nt revenue It la nlso I''ei-ria St. Assessment 78.69 FIRST DISTRICT Ferris 10at. Ward Porrlno Important lo rimllxci tlinl eorpcu-ato Street Niiiuu Lot Block l«'nrriK St. Assessment 7S.R9 lniBtiU'MH (n this country Is In no posiAugusta Est. Kerrln Flnley '21 22 40 llordentown Janlon Van Pelt 102.72 IVi Acroa 55 Augusta Mary Flnluy S3 24 10 tion to withstand tlm effects of IndcllPortia Morrla ATplno 83.10 143 0 Si 6 Center &. Cedar [jaiwreneo J'olowczyk « «i 3 91 l'l-oHjiect l^tlR'l I'tufHe 03 I) 5 FultuH Miss Tliert'Ka P r i c e nlto udvntiuon In lux i-nti-u. Oiim-nt 31 32 08 1'rnspect St. Asaossment 7S.00 Broadway Ellas Mason & Son, Inc. 114 onrnliiK rnpurtn rovenl Unit fnct beProsopect Ml'N. Prank Dlabrow 0 10 71 Fourth & Stevens CharioH titraub l'ro»|ioot St. Aasossniont 120.0D, 213 Fourth &. Stevens Helen Htucrwald yond slinilnw of doiibl. The lax hntjo 2113 1 5 Prospect Pearl d r o v e r . 19 Fourth St Willluni Uiu-ko 71 132 must ha lirondnneil, uml It therefore Prosiiect St. Assessment 108.83 M11 In Frank Uordon H31 Uordonlown Mra. Fi-iurk Dunhnm 77.01 80 8!) Fo'urtli William Bunko 7IA. soeins likely Hint Ciingi-caB will bo 137 3 Fcltus Unkniiwn 12.83 •Main Mary Flnloy 23 21) •13 126 called upon to rccim.sldcr tho snloe tux, Main William Uurko 12il c DELINQUENT 1928 PROPERTY TAX Main George Thomas nt lenst ns n temporary .meiiRuro to help Mil I Fifth Helen Stuorwuld FIRST DISTRICT H2'J JO moot n critical condition In the nation'Main Helen Cantlon Street Namo 125 Amount Lot 9 113 Wllmot Will la 111 Afasterson flniuico, Auguata !'2st. Ktm-in Finley 2H1 60.58 9 V4 HO AVilmot Ernunt Siioaker AuBimta Mary Finluy 201 c;i.r,;i •II) II ' 8 A lip ino Eat. JjiinoB Huff 203 Uroatlway l^llas Maaun & Son, Ino 1,02I8.50 11 18 ' l f t Itarltan URt'nr Khlnehnrdt Variation in Tiger S k i m 203 Fourth & Stevens Helon stuuinvald 20.20 2il3 lUi.Htnn Michael Disleolol an 27 2011 05.59 Fourth & Stevena Hclon Sluerwnld 1 '5 Thero is considerable, difference In 213 <"onfivcr IOHI. John Anderson •2:1 I'Yiink Uordon Main W3.18 a 3-1 Cimuver Theoilrjie Saundors •13 I I 06 William llurko tho nklna of tlRers. Tho Bengal tiger Fourth ^ 16.13 201) 3 37 Conovei* John Dranoy •1,1 William Hurko Main 17C.4B 1 a has a short emit of dark orange- 123 Conover 200 Ml H i lloorge Thomas Mnln lW.9>"j ilO Itarlliin Mrs, dooi'Ke Vundomenter 2;10 03 3 4 Mi 'l'i> liek-h Ktuumvald brown color with black stripes. Those 33.28 Fifth a us AVIlnint Mi'H. (Jeiirge Vandemonter 2111 13 14 l|plr>ii (.iiiitlnn Holnn Mnln 139.15 Set-olid JuMua Speaker from other purls of Indlii a r e of the 9 u 10 25 2<>2 :ir» 10 1-: 10nif!Ht Speaker 01.60 Wllmot .lorry Conuora (12 18 '10 \'i 10 .111 snine color, hut luive longer Imlr. SOI Eat. J a i n u s IlufC IlufC 45.38 2M Mrs. .. Ounover 54.4 5 Vnndcmontor Tlinse fnrllii-r north, sueli u s Chlnn SECOND DISTRICT 10 83 31 VJ s""" I lurry 40.118 lluritnii utson 11 13 Henry Fred Isley, Jr. and Mongolia, a r e not only lingo In 21-1 Mra. i; 9.08 llarltan Vandemonter 13 I I 11 01 02 Julius 8 8.15 lmvlil Vreil iHloy Wiliutit ilzn, but him? very IIIIIK unit Imlr of \\'» Ml 10 14 Jerry David Fred Lour ',4 10 H orange-brown ivlih while Hanks and 18 20 David Jullu MePonough SECOND DISTRICT 27 28 David Jlcriry ilerlandur .nre tmirkpil win. hlncn- sirlpes. Ad Androiv K u n n n n Ttiisewc-l in.10 In 17 Henry Philip Sullivan l''ri'<l Inlcy, J r , Henry Sll.SO Henry -W'H. Koplilu Mcssner si.isr, F r e d Lear 0-1.95 Dnvld 13 111 Henry Mr.s. Koplilo Uosaner 1 » 7 fiS J u l i a MoDonoujgih David 10S.90 18 20 Stovonn riilllp Sullivan 211 12 H e n r y Mnrlander 117.80 ltjivid 27 28 Sti'vpns Plilltp .Sullivan Turtlo'** Amazing J ^ l i n c t 111 liilll'n Hulllvan 231.83 Henry 55 15 47 UavM Frcil r.iley. Jr. 26 itl Phllih Sullivan On tin; Hhiiri.-s of (he Anm/.iin lives n 181,50 Stevens llavld Kilwnnl Worthloy 2.11 12 26 Philip Sulllvnn 114.115 Stnvena linvlil Mary Kelly M 41 20 •no HiPt'li'8 of turtle which lays Its eggs Kclwiml Worthloy 63.4-1 Dnvhl Tlavlil I'atrlflc Aronnfrhan 27 9 Mary Kelly fu tho sand a few feet iihovo I hi! line S3.7S Iiavld diivld I'lltt'U-lt 'MonaBhan •27 2« '80 10 12 I'jitrlck MmmKhiin 2110,40 Davlil f'ntrlfk .Munaffhnu 27 that will denote hlgh-wiitcr nl. the lime 27 10 12 13 II P.'ilrlrk .Mnimnhan 170.10 27 Unvlil Mary llyun 27 13 11 31) 3 1 Mary Hyan when tho young lire duu to appear. 200.us 27 .AllKlista 1*1. M. A. MnOrthy "7 30 31 nil M Kst. M. A. McCarthy 121.(10 27 AugMHta The PUBS lire laid weeks alienil of the AiiKlintii J'ntrlelt Mnniwlinn 53 57. 87 Jcidciih Srnna Il !7.31 27 All^ii^lli Ansi'l'i [Jnatroccl !) 08 0:i Jnaopli Hmi;ii actual rlsliiK or fulling nf the river, 100.28 37 .luhn .Iiisi-Dli HriiKft • 9 .11) Siunilfl Itislner , H 37 100.81 nnd In HOIIIO Reasons Ilierd may he n Jolin .losdiih .HritKn 00 i:c.ir«;i' '!lnM*in'mnn in p v l d ;l 37 12S,(1-3 .Irthn Chai'lcB ifurley Umpire T h e a t r o 1:1 I I 10 margin nf at leust three nillcH In Its phi,, 3* SilO.70 Unvld Tlmntliy Sulllvnn 13 I I II li Hni.uhvay 38 24.20 width, but this tortoise or land turtle PavM Saniuol Holner 00 42 I' M . nf First St. , . . , , ,,, V'.nt. 'I'h.miriH Kennedy 139.MI Pnvlil O«nr(je Tlininnfl 17 ,1S 20 32 never iiKiken n inlslnkr, always do IS T.7.J17 Pin,. Philip Piirui-11 Tine rloorite ChocHOumn 1 .2 •111 « l 05 78.05 positing them In n secure spot Just the j-'nltuH MuiKHi-et Polnni>y Hroadway Kmplro Theatro f. 0 in 114 18 11.01 .1,-nu'si Qiilnlan First Kflt. Tntrlok Dolnney 1SA 1811 3 right distance uhnvo the Hue which ia 38 Ilonrv Krtwanl Doollnjr 14 lie. THIRD DISTRICT 50 ter will show the high-water iiinrk. Davli Eat. Tliomna Kennedy 00.07 H7 -.1'8 Pts. 1 4 John AlovHhiH tien-i Hip* School Auditorium on Will Be Held Tuesday Evening Large Numbers Attend Mid- AtNext Thursday Evening. Week Services at Local at Masonic Temple. Church. THE TAX MENACE A GROWING CRISIS N SALE OFLAND FOR TAXES DELINQUENT PROPERTY TAX i'ii \f * * * *? 1 tin ji"' • • ; " i ; 42.35 2/3 i il» 20 5 6 13 14 61 63 10J.8S 74.11 157.iO 12.10 3«.;u 12J0 niisa .1i 3.7S 94.2S 7.5G l'J.10 10.8.y 10.8!) 10.S9 12.]O 33.15 24.^0 2^8.2 3 1012.85 67.4S 79.65 18.15 6.7 S 6.47 72.60 21.18 9.0.8 27.23 33.28 24.i0 3«.:o 83.28 6.05 33.2« 38.49 Amount 78.Sj 72.00 W.H3 63.53 186.50 3933 84.70 149.23 . 130. OS 182.50 as. 3 o He.20 4U.il 1 61.05 51.IS 9'1.7 S 4'0,3S 15,13 43.35 27.23 214,20 2H.18 121.0-5 3<I.3O 72.00 104.110 108.90 97.81) 187,65 i7U.ua lfil.2'5 102.8 1 12,83 100.88 93,78 ICO.3 3 200.10 no. 10 ni'j.c.'i 127,03 6«i.2 I 188.C,-i 70.03 2'1,18 100.83 4«.79 l'28.0S 12.10 871.20 25.Or, 27.M 133.10 3S.S2 31.25 33.2S 30.25 66.5'j 84.70 39.56 87.58 77.il SO. 7 5 &1.52 42.35 19 3.00 2lHi. 15 10;,.S3 18.15 81.53 27 23 4.54 97.80 15.0'3 98.31 23.33 27.S3 77.14 103.3;, 30.25 15.03 45.38 200,70 2H.TS 1,5.03 15.03 93.7 8 18.03 172.43 12,1.00 18.15 9.08 18.15 1C.10 112.10 12.10 U.10 15.03 7.56 49.40 2,4.20 20.74 1011.33 117.93 48.10 27.23 60.55 76. G3 94.78 18.15 18.15 9.08 8.4 7 C3.53 84.70 211.18 10.59 60,30 31.76 13.6'1 40.81 4D.91 ;>i;.:<o 54.45 49.01 7.5li 40.91 121.01) 3.2'2 27,:i.'l 70.03 Amount 81.70 90.73 . 85.70 &D.55 780.50 4E.35 S4.T0 24.20 14«,23 li2.10 130.13 • 183.00 1I2U.00 00.50 1I57J30 70.03 67.55 4'8.10 7«.O3 48.40 4<3.35 1,8.15 60.50 lfl.10 3*6.30 21.18 311.30 7^.1)0 1OT.88 108,110 9-1.7 S MI.J.'I lOT.fi 5 17G.D0 ' 181.50 102.S5 68.93 10(1.8S 9,3.7» Vfl 0,33 J9O.4O 170.10 11)0.05 127.05 72.B0 1*2.110 7,5.0.1 170.48 7B.0S 21.18 lOfl.SB OS 8S.S8 •, 11218.05 671.20 J7.73 W.23 Ui.10 11 12 12 23 23 23 24 24 32 32 34 35 35 33 41 41 41 41 •til A 4.1A 43 43 43 4<5 47 5 0 H 51 Pts. 14 4 8 4-3 1 2 I i 6 Pta. 7 1.1 12 23 >i 21 I'D 31 48 49 «0 61 62 63 6S 70 13 1 4 25 £6 30 4,0 4 3 1 2 11 13 14 35 37 4-1 42 5 8 •17 20 79 80 60 8 1 5'5 105 6 IS JO 19 '20 23 24 30 37 40 41 44 5:5 64 A 55 " 5S 58 58 58 58 58 C4 64 70 73 71 12 73 75 75 75 77A 77A 77B 7'8A 78B 143 146 16 M Ac-res 43 49 63 65 27 29 2 Lots 78C T8C 78C 78D 78D 78D 78R 7 SB 08 13 71 141 46 I 3 «G 89 64 67 «8 70 104 110 11:17 125 ili2'G 13fi 139 il46 W7 148 190 200 201 20,2 i2>12 23 3G ,38 Feltus Josepli Spyehala Sialu Anna MuKeon F«ltus Margaret l>elancy Stocliton Eat. Piurk'k A d THIRD DISTRICT ti;ii-\ ._> 1 a r i s e n Oem-Bo AlujKiiiri ilt'ys Julm l i a i v e j i'uriKen J Ollil .Mrs. i'J. ISernen .So. Uroadway -Mrs. !•:. iierriea So. Broadway L'lKti'irH Si uuiwald, In l>urdt,nto\vn i-'liarlts '1'iuw.ttrld^o lit,rdeii;o\\'n F r a n k 1'riiaio WillliiiM i l u r n n 1 'Inli]) .Suilivim John Anton lJanui(»wsUi Ferris J a m e s VanJV'lt CJoriJon M u t u a l Station Iioi-deiitown Tlioinas Du^gim George T h o m a s ]>u^gun Mrs.. .Mary McConnell Ceorge Jacobson it Uuldt'urb Port til J o h n Kyan Feltus 1*. J . MunaKllan Feltus & Ijouls P. J . .Mttnayluui John I'errine Pine Kose lloliilii^ Co. Port In Hst. Ward 1'urrlno Ferris list. Ward P e r r i n e Mary Sehwolowltz Ferris ^ F r e d Isley, Sr, Gordon Kat. Meyer Sehwolow LefCert Harvey 1'ariseii Pine i'renio Vani Foltus .lolin Adamy Ward F r a n k Ijeonal'd Hordentown Kst. Frank Leonard Ward Morris Alpine M o r r i s Alpine Ciitherine M o r r i s Aliplne Catherine Morris Alpine Catlierino Morris Alpine Catherine Morris Alpine CJirolomo Kjiinone r.crrort Josepli Alpine Calherine Lillian Milea Parker J a m e s Van Pelt Parker Mst. Meyer Schwolow; p-flrker E t h e l I'earse Bordentown Ust. M. Selnvolowltz HlKliland U.'ivld Wood Prospect Charles Huckalew Highland ICrnest Wood Division Vincent Illb'slns Division Josetpli Smith Division Mrs. Catherine Carrol r>;iyton Mrs. F r a n k D u n h a m Dayton .losHirli Uessner Josei)h Bessner Bordnntown Joseph Uessner Bordentown Sullivan & Dolan Sullivan & Dolan Oonlwguo Sullivan & Dolan Cathorino Sullivan & Dolnn Conlopue Sullivan & Dolan nprtram Sullivan & Dolan Catherine Sullivan & Dolan Bertram .Sullivan & Dolan Isdel Prenio Vanl Cath. & Isdol John Cullivor Isilel Albert J e r o m e Pino &. Scott Prospect 73.1(1 36.30 81.6S 77.11 Bl.Tt t'i.i'i187.SC. 296.4& 52.'J1 24.20 88.7S 97.SO 15.11. 98.31 27.22 27.2377.11 1*3.J5 ao.2siIi5.il 46.3S 42.65. 211.73. I16.12. 15.13 93.7b 15.13. 172.42121.00 18.15163.35 9.0S 18.15 9.0& 9.0S 3.0s a.m 15.137.56V 43.3524.2O 22.68101.3* 117.9S. 76.81 27.2S 84.78 T8.1S 18.:5. 11.31 10.5T 63.62 84.70 2,1.1810.S» 60.50 81.7& 40.84 49.91 3H.5054.45+9.91 7.5S49.61 117.9877.11 27.2E DELINQUENT 1931 PROPEETY TA FIRST DISTRICT Block Lot Streot Namo Amount 40 21 22 Auffustn Est. Kerrln Finley 84 84.14 40 23 21 2 Augusta Mary Flnley 90.15 94 1 2 % Z Center & Cedar Lawrence Polowczylc 85.70 98 3 32 31 Feltus Miss Theresa Price 60.1O 114 Broadway Ellun Mason & Son, Ino 66H.10' 213 Fourth & Stevens Charles Straub 42.0721S 1 5 Fourth & Stevens Ilelon Stuenvald 84.14. 2,13 Fourth & Stevens Helen Htuerwald 1 5 Stevens Avo 574.12: 132 2 3 Fourth St. WUIIain Uurko 24.04 13 4 2 Mnln Frank <Jordon 148.253 137 Fourth William Burk 8 12.02 126 li Main Mal-y Flnley 1S5.2SIi23 1 2 Mttlll William Uurko 192.32 13.1 10 Main OooPKe Thomas 120.20 112.S 9 11,3 Fifth Helen Stuenvald 60.100 % 10 1215 Mnln Helen Cantlon 156.26,3 6 2011 Wllinot William Mastorson 7 7«.1» «» 18 ,19 20!l Wlltnot Krnest Speaker 67.11 22 203 Alpino List. James Huff 48. OS 20 27 205 Xtarllnn Oscar Khlnehardt 7a. ia 20li Itorltan Mlcliad Dzleciol 2O0 43 44 49.08. Conover Kst. John Anderson 4>3 44 200 4S.0S Conover Est. John Anderson Conover St. As: 116.30 209 ll.I Conover Theodore Saundors 43.07 20,9 ',4 10 • Conover John Braney 36.06 210 33 31 '4 35 Conover Mrs. (Ji-orfje Vandem nt«r 60.1O .13 II Uni-itaii Mrs. flcorBo Vnndemnnter 12.02: SB 40 Wllmftt Julius Speaker 36.06 Second Jorry Connors Vi -io l i 21.04 SECOND DISTRICT • Henry 21 22 Fred Isley, Jr. 36.0601 62 David Fred Islev 72.12 13 14 David Fred Lear 106.12 18 20 David Julia McDonough 10S.CS 27 28 David Henry Merlander 94.15 45 47 .Henry Philip Sullivan 220.36. Henry Mrs. Sophia Bessner 186.31 Vi '57 5 8 Henry Mrs. .Sophie Bessner 176.7S20 42 Phillip Sullivan Stevens l«00.3J 41 26 Philip Sullivan Stevens 102.1T 26 Fred Lsley, Jr. David 112.18 26 52 Edward Worthley David 106.17 26 Mary Kelly David 93.15 27 9 Patrick Monnghan David 159.26 27 10 12 Patrick Monaglian David 288.4S27 13 '14 Patrick Monnshan David 1«9.2S 30 31 •27 Mary Ryan .David 198.2S. 53 60 27 Est. M. A. McCarthy Augusta 126.01 67 27 Patrick Monaghan Aususta 72.12 63 69 27 Angelo Quatroccl Augusta 181.30 37 Josiph SntBa John 76.12 37 10 Josepli Srnea John 178.2» 37 16 Charles Hurley John 76.12 38 65 . • Timothy Sullivan David 2J.03 38 Samuel Ilelner David 100.15. >•; 20 Oeorgc Thomas David M 32 82.13<Ioorffe Cheeseman .Pino IS 31 4 127.01 13 i l l Empire Theatro OS Broadway 866.44 IS 3 Est. Patrick Dolaney First 87.1 + ,1,5 38 Edu*nrd Doollnjr Henrv 27.04 • 1 1 7 118 50 fiat. Thomas Kenneth David 132.2261 2/3 4 Joseph fipychaln Fcltus 79.1S Anna McKeon Mnln 63 19 20 62 5 6 Mnrgarct Pelaney Feltus 78.IS 03 13 14 Est*. Patrick And'erso: Stockton 81S THIRD DISTRICT George 50 li 511 Harvey i'arlsen 11 80.93John Aloyyius Heas 1,2 76.63Pts. 1 4 John Harvey l'ai-ltjLMi 12 49 81.14 So. !3roadway Mra. li. Berrlen 23 / 1 2 42.07 So. Broadway Mrs. E. Berrlen 23 4 1S6.1L Bordentown Charles Stuenvald, Ir 23 234.49' e 6 Pts. 7 Biinlontonvn Charles Trowbrldfo 23 22 105.1T William 'Moran 24 111 1,2 88 8.at John Philip aulllvan 24 23 J4 124 27.04 31 Ferris Antun Uaranowskl 312 97.16. Gordon James Van Pelt 48 49 1S.02. llofdontown Mutual Station 34 87.6-;. George . Thomas Dugnan 35 CO 01 27.04 George 'J'hoinnn Dugfan 35 62 63 27.04. George Mra. Mary JluConnel] 3S CS 70 67.03: I'ortla J I & Goklfurb C o . 41 13 14 160.35 John Hyan Feltus 41 25 CO 30 "J. Foltus John Kyan, Fultus St. Imp. 41 2,5 CO 2CS.il, 30 l-'eltua & l^oulua P. J. MomiKhnn 4,1 15.02: i-^eltus & Louisa P. J. Mouaghan 411 30 Fellus & & Louls i Sta, ftn 231.57 Ijoulaa 1'. J. M Monnsluin l 41 45.07 P. J. Momiglian Louisa n 41 llxiuisa i S St. Ass 177.6S> Pino 1 2 41A John Perrlno 4?9.73. Portia 11 13 411A Hose Holding Co. 210.35Ferris 14 4i3 Est. Ward Perrino 15.02 Ferris 43 Ust. Ward Perrlno l"5.0£. Gordon 43 36 37 Mary Scliwolowltz 93.15 iS 41 12 Leffert Freil Isley, Kr 15.025 8 Pine 47 Est. Meyer Schwolow ltz 171.2S 17 20 Feltus Harvey Parisen 120.20" 17 20 Feltus Harvey rarisen Feltus St. Ass 214.72 Ward "9 80 53 1'rwiio Vanl 1S.0J. ]tord>'ntov.'n CO IH 5IA John Adunis 16J.27 6U 61 Hurdentown John Adams 54A Fellus St. Assi 214.70IVnril Frank Leonard S.ffl Est. Frank Leonard I'arkiT 105 6 5'5 18.0S-. JIOITIB Alpine Catherine 1.1 10 9.01 -Morris Alpino Catherlno 19 20 - !l,0: Morris Alplnu 23 2^1 Catherine 9.01 Morris Aipino Catherine 30 37 9.01 -Morris Al]>ine Leffert 40 41 58 15.02 Morris Alpine Catherine II 58 7.56; (ilrolomo lililnone I'arker '141 64 43.07 Josepli Alipinu Parker 140 146 61 24.04 Lillian Miles T'arkcr 1(1 70 2,2.54 James Van Pelt 1 U Acres Bordentown 70 loo.er Kst. .\te.\vr Sc-hwoloiv 4-3 49 IllKhlnnd 71 117.19" Ethel IVarse •C3 C5 Prospect 75.12Est. M, Schuolmvitz 27 29 73 Highland 27.04. Mis. I-'rank Disljrow 9 10 74 Proapect 66.11 Pearl r, rover M 74 Prospect 76.12 David Wood 2 Ixits Division 94.15. 75 ChnrleH Hurkalow DlvJsInn 180 f 75 Ernest Wottd 75 18.0S. Vincent lllfriclns "Dnyton ' i 44 4r> 77A 11.2-4 Josispli Smith Dayton 77A 10.59Mrs. C.itlii'i'lne Carroll Bordentown 1 3 77B 63.10' Mrs. Frank Dunham Bordentown .50 .SO 7,8 A 84.14 JoHe-ph Uessner Bordentown (1-1 2I.0.T7811 Joseph Ites:-ner 07 10.32Joseph Hrssner 00. ISC8 70 7 Sulllvnn it Dcilnn 3,1.65. Catherlno 101 10 78C Sulllvnn A Dolan Coiiloguo 13.52111 VI3 780 Sulllvnn & Dolnn iiST 11117 12.5 7*C Sullivan K- Dolnn 49.5S-. olnn 126 ,13fi 7.8C Slli Sullivan D 36.00 Dohin 139 il'4i6 78D 54.OSSulllvnn & Dolan Bertram 147 1 H 78D 49.0S' Sullivan & Dolan Isdel 191) 200 78P 7.SS. Sulllvim & Dolnn Oith. & I.-uiel 201 7SR 49.09Sullivan & Dolan 202 '21 2 7SI3 117.19l Prenio Vanl riim & Scott 70.6S i! a John nulllver •23 27.0* Alliort Jerome 30 38 71 DELINQUENT STREET ASSESSMENTi3 Xumo Street Tenr A m i . t Blooit J o h n MKluirk Hnrltnn 1925 3 I 327 :.2: 207 J o h n Muska George 192B 71 7,1 25.7 t 3-5 v\nthony Oostino Hlirlilnnd 1922 24.ST 7 9 71 P a t r i c k (irlmlny Augusta 33.60111 (12 39 J o h n Splna Ktoekton 17 19'24 7.12 04 Charles Krefcir Portia IS 1I6 10.22 2,1.05 II WUIIain ['arisen Hroadwny 4,1 1915 6-l.SK> In II. r. Smith Cntherlno 1917 57 58 9.12 21 A. II. 1,'urnian Ilnnrv 1920 P!ls. 47.1S I'>lwnrd F l e m i n g Pnvlil 1924 G.1 61 143.1.1 niKirli'!-' ninom nnvld 1924 12 1 3 1 i n.no I l l l l l p Lfonard Pavlii 1924 25 2S.RI John .S/.iitkowfikl Rar,l tan 9 .10 270.S2 Eugene 1,'urm.iu Uarltnn , 192<! 650. -IB Joseph Marklcl Folttm r, .18.00 Anrlrew Cheesninfir Feltiin !7 '0 1920 21.7JAnthony Tlnlnslewlez I^eltUH 34 19-26 138.41 MHz. a i l l n i t h i ' r Augusta 14 1927 321.42 'l'lioina.1 Down* 1 8 H\Hirtli 1927 A/.1-' Jamofl Flcr,itiKiin ,1U 1027 Fourth BO.SS (•Vtlherlnc n.iranowRltl 4 Iil2'f 191.in Port In E.Ml M F r l e s e h n n c h t 17 20 1S27 Prospect A. 3. l'enzi?! 37 SS 39 in 1987 17I.-.S Proffpoci Alex HoldBteln [,0 53 1827 130,fig Mrs. T. Jennlnwa 1'roRpoct OS 71 1927 JamoH Van Pnlt Prosjloct 30 41 11)21 1811,70. John Stcfnnskl Dordentown Acres 1927 114.74' Cellar 8 6 u» • < 8 THE SOUTH AMBOY CITIZEN '0 MBER 9, 1932. LAJRENCE HARBOR HAPPENINGS To raise money for the kiddies Christmas fund, a juvenile minstrel was held in Fire House No. 1 Friday and Saturday evenings unuer the direction of the Parent-Teacher Association. William Mursell, who directed thn show also acted m interluctor. End men were Ernest Van Sant, Jr., (Bones),; Oscar Gohmert (Pick), George Muhler (Ruhfus), Junior Ochsner (Snowball) Howard Muhler (George Washington), William Hutchinson (Rastus). Specialty chorus numbers were given by Ernest Van Zandt, who rendered "Potatoes Are Cheaper" and "All American Girl;" Jeanette Houliday, sang "I Get The Blues When It Rains" and "Tell Tale." Ada Silverman, sang "Don't Be Like That." Outstanding among the specialty numbers were several numbers on the Dulcumer by Carol Baum who was accompanied by her father •on the guitar. Other members of the cast who Tendered selections were LoTetta Mursell, Tom Hutchinson, Howard Muhler, Helen Berducki, Madeline Preeman, Betty Menzies, Mildred Gunn, Ethel Zahn, Edward Hutchinson, Dot MeComb and Dot Buckley. William Hutchinson gave a specialty number "St. Louis Blues." Members of the chorus, which contributed measurably to the success of the minstrel were: Dot Buckley, Dot MeComb, Lorettn Mursell, Robert Thomas, William Van Zandt, Flo Malcheski, Williard Maleheski, John Barry, Ada Silverman, Ethel Silverman, Jeanette Houlidny, Catherine Houliday, Madeline Freeman, William La Brie, Thomas Hntehinso-i, Edward Hutchinson. Helen Berdeski Mildred Gunn, Ethel Zahn, Tony Grimaldi, Jennie Grimaldi, Norman Thomas, Walter Thomas, Robert Vun Zandt, Betty Men'sios. The chorus was attired in costumes of red nnd white. The production was received with -Buch favor that it is understood ro-quests have been received from several nearby communities to repeat the show in those sections in the neor future. ! Mrs. 3. MeComb, spent Friday at nijrht is recovering rapWIy from his he home; of he rfather, Peter Kloss injuries. <nd sister Rose of Lyndhurst. Mrs. Margaret Houliday. Mrs. Following a short illness Britton Mrs. Julia Ayres of Lincoln Av-i., Fred Griffith and Mr?. William Hilentertained her daughter nnd son in ton, visited Mrs. A. J. Martin of Or- H. Hendrickson, i;i years of age, law, and Mrs. Jack Gavin of Irving- chard avenue, convalescing at the aiec' at hi? home H72 Highland st., . on .Sunday. ton over the week end. Kearney Hospital, recently. \ The funeral services were held on Miss J. Emery, formerly of New When the election of officers of Wednesday from his late residence Haven, Conn., has taken up her resi2:30 with the Rev. A. C. Polhenms Benjamin Franklin Chapter Order : at dence on Woodbine Ave. of the Methodist Episcopal Church of DeMolay at Irvington, was held | officiating. Interment was in Christ Mr. and Mrs. James Queen, and recently, Edward S. Ten-ill of Ely ! Church Cemetery under the direction Mr. and Mrs. John Sullivan, of Avenue, was elected to the office of j of Undertaker Robert P. Mason. Kearney, were recent visitors at the scribe. i Besides, his mother, Lillian, the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Holj •incensed is survived by six sisters, linger, of Hilkrest Ave. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Terrill, Aan ! Mrs. John MacDowell, Mrs. Hattie | Mr. and Mrs. Fred Baum, Sr., of and Edna Stager, Alice'and Vir- Hendrickson, Mrs. Stacy Blooogood. Biookside ave., entertained a num- ginia Terrill, Arthur Skells, Stephen ber ol friends at their shore resi- Thomore, Steward Terrill, Theodore [Airan and Miss Helen Hendrickson. j One brother Edward, also survive?. dence over the week end. Armstrong and son , Theodore Jr., F. D. Fenner, of Arbutus Way, will spend the week end at Lake New Sulwirllw to Hie Citizen—Got the r«il struck by an auto last Thursday, York. Brition II. Hendrickson Can bul Do!*k*____.... Perfume murde from aromatic wood* A scientist says u mosquito can tl> 14 hours without alighting. But II was a toilet accessory of the wellgroomed woman 4.000 years ago. Following a short illness, Mr?. seldom docs. Agnes' Sphala, -18, of Feltus street, riied at her home Thursday night. The fnnral took place on Monday with a mass of requiem celebrated at Sliced Heart Church at 9:30. Interment was in Sac-red Heart Cemetery. Besides her husband, the deceased is -urvived by a brother Frank, of Splitwood, four lnu-rels §1- 0 0 this city, and Joseph of Philadelphia; r IJlock Wood, Sidewalk Delivery ?l- >0 per load two sisters Elly and Dora Wojtush, of this city. WOOD FOR SALE Either Pine or Oak Can Be Furnished Disappointing The other afternoon a child went to the rnuvies and returned looking less than plensed. Her mother asked her nlimil It. Was rlit picture good? "I'erlec-lly torrililo." sniil th,> child. "1 could hardly sit tliroiiu'h tin- see (Hid |nT r onnmu-c " MARTIN WIATER 400 HENRY STREET Telephone 671 •••••••••••••••MRBIBB••••••••••••••••• Bates for advertisements in this column: All advertisements under tbU heading, B cents per line; minimum charge 85c for one insertion; minimum charge 25 cents on repeat advertisements, "Help Wanted", "Lost «ad Pound", and "For Rent" advertisements, payable In.advance, AUTO BRAKE SERVICE FOR RENT—APARTMENTS AUTO BRAKE AND WHEEL SER FOR RENT: Apartment on Bordcntown Ave. Six rooms, nil improveVICE, INC. Brakes adjusted and ments. Inquire 244 Henry Street. relined. Wheel aligning. Axles 11-18-tf straightened. Tire Vulcanizing 168 New Brunswick Avenue, Perth Amboy, N. J. Tel. P. A. 168. FLAT FOR KENT: Four largo and lig-hit 'rooms, pantry, sun parlor, 7-17-lSt garret, cellar and garage. Al! latest improvements. AH busses stop in front of door, Rental reasonable. AUTO TOPS Address 629 Bordcntown avenue. Apply-Alpine, same address. 11-1S \UTO TOPS—Made and repaired J. P. John3on, 165 New Brunswick APARTMENT For Rent: 5 rooms The attendance banner int the Ave., Perth Amboy. Tel. 1067 P. and bath, all improvements. Apply Laurence Harbor Public School was A. 7-8-tf Dolan, 308 Henry st. 11-18-tf again won by Mrs. Carhart's room, for the month of November with an AUTO WRECKING average of 95.1 r,'c. FIVE ROOMS AND BATH, all imThe average for the other rooms provements. Located in nice resiis as follows: Miss Hoffman's, 93.3; dential secthn. Reasonable 'rent. Mr. Van Sant's, 92.5; Miss Collins, '. AMBOY AUTO WRECKING—Abe Also furnished rooms. Inquire 3ii9 Korb,' Prop. Used Parts for Al 86.2. Main street or telephone 580. Late Model Cars—Tires and Pupils with perfect attendance Tubes. Scott Avenue and High10-28-tf •during the monith are: way No. 4, Tel. South Amboy 302. Grades G-7-8: Ernest Van Sant, 7-10-13t« FOR RENT: Three apartments. teacher. Walter Franz, Edward Hut5 rooms each and bath, steam heat, chinson, Norman Thomas, Walter all improvements; all large, light TRUCKING—STORAGE Thomas, Ernest Van Sant, Jr., Wilrooms; also two garages. Apply R. liam Van Snnt, Margaret Marks, Weldon, 2C2 John St., South AmBetty Menzies, Lauretta Mursell, Es9-2-3t. telle Silverman, Mary Towney, Ethel LEPPERS STORAGE—Modern stor- boy. Zohn, Madeline Freeman, Elvera age warehouse. Local and long distance moving. Used furniture for Imkemtiier, Mae Aspinall. FOR RENT—Modern apartment, Grades 3-3-5: Miss E. M. Car- sale. six rooms, tile bath, showers, heat WE CAN SAVE YOU MONEY hart's room: Sabby Ddairo, Lucy nnd hot water furnished. Ready Danstelli, Astrid Franzon, Catherine 284-286 State St., Perth Amboy. for occupancy about November 1st. 12-11-tf Houlday, Mildred Lynch, Elsie Mar.- Phone P. A. 4—2318. Apply 229 Henry St. or South cini, Mildred Marks, Alice Massom, Amboy Construction Company. Mary Miassom, Ada Silverman, Har8-26-tf old Anderson, Armnnd Barbetta, Del- LAUNDRY—DRY CLEANING mar Claus, John Di Poalo, PeW Di Sciullo, Dominiok Di Sciullo, Dan- SPECIAL PRICES on Dry Cleaning APARTMENT FOR RENT—Fivo ny Ffriante, Alvar Franzon, Thomas and Fall Remodeling. Try us for rooms and bath, all improvements. Hutchinson, Danny Mancini, Philip specialized tailoring, expert workNewly decorated and conveniently manship and guaranteed satisfacSalvaggio, Robert Thomas. located. Heat furnished. Apply tion. S. Fox, 52 Smith St., Perth Grade 2: Miss Hoffman's room. 14G Henry St. C-3-tf 12-2-4t ' Robert Hilton, Norman Griffith, Amboy. Jack Renwick, William Mursell, Robert McVeagh, Elveira De Mattio, OUR SPECIALTY, Shirts and Col- FLAT TO RENT: Five rooms, all improvements. Heat furnished; Yo)a Atdare, Betty Jane Fairfield, lars laundered; ladies and gents . Peggy Buckley, Ruth Thomas, Doris garments dry cleaned. Prices very , $25 >per month. Inquire 115 John street. 8-9-tf Zahn, Helen Wegpner, Grace Towney. reasonable. PERTH AMBOY First Grade: Miss E. M. Collins, HAND LAUNDRY AND DRY teacher. Kenneth Bartlett. Louis FerCLEANERS, 31S Maple Street, FOR RENT: Flat at.729 Bordcnrante, Carl Lauer, Leo Muro, Albert town Avenue. Five Rooms, Sun Perth Amboy, Tel. P. A. 2050, Rosotn, William Freeman. John Van Parlor and all improvements. Rent 10-23-tf reasonable. Inquire Sam Lerner, Snnt, Thomas Houldny, Tra .Tordon, next door. 11-11-tf* Theresa Di Mattio, Alien Frnnzson, REAL ESTATE FOR SALE Mnry Mancini, Gertrude Mursell. The entertainment committee of the Laurence Harbor Democratic •Club hold a special meotiug Friday evening, when plans were made for a monster masquerade and civic ball to be held on New Years Eve at the Casino, FI-MI Selniltz, chairman of the entertainment committee appointed till' following members on the committeeGuest nomniiUi'c: 0. A. Wall, Krnest ti-roo, William F. Ohnmiiiin, Al. Houlidny, lorry Loclilmrt, Walter StnoMr> M n "','' T ' M r s - •'• Silverman, Mrs.Margaret Honliilay, Mrs. Gladys BuvW. Unrrrahment committee: Guy Kolm-. Howard Harris. Wnlter J'artoy John Crumniy, Lloyd Terry, « JI''S- i-.,,'.T- "'"•'••V. Mrs. Hollingw Vl1Il l m M 1 l>lS\, t : . "» ". Mvs. Guy KohI lor, Mrs. Pred Sehnlfz. MRS. AGNES SPHALA FOR RENT—HOMES FOR SALE:—2 Family Apartment ivell located. In good condition. All Flats and Apartments to Rent improvements. Well locnted. Inquire South Amboy Trust Co. 6-1-M* 'ohnson, 824 Main St., Pbone 21. 8-18-tt SITUATION WANTED YOUNG WIDOW, would like posi- FOR RENT: Bungalow, on Portia Street, G rooms, sun parlor, and tion as housekeeper in motherless all improvements. Apply Thomson family, or small ndult family. Will 303 Portia Street. 12-9-lt sleep in. Write to Mrs. Margaret Widmaicr, Pinewood Ave., West Kcansburg, Care of Deiker. 11-18 'OR RENT: fi room house, with bath and all improvements. Inquire 242 Henry St. 12-2-tf AWNINGS—SHADES AMBOY SHADE AND AWNING CO. House nnd Store Awnings, Window shades. Best materials. Reat II was also derided nt Hie inwtinir sonable cost. 285 Elm St., Perth • t o niinndon the monthly card party Amboy. Tel. 829 P. A. 8-10-tif • for December, due to the fact Umf • t IO members are using nil available •"time to ninlce tins New Years Party FOR SALE n phenomenal Puecess, 'OR RENT, 404 Washington street. Six rooms and bath, all improvements. Hardwood floors. Newly decorated throughput. Combination coal and gas range, Plenty of closet room. Inquire of Charles Safran. 10-20-tf Mnny Lmironee Harbor ami Newark younger .tjt members were in at- i''()l! SALS—Axminster IUig, si.'.n Intendance at the Roth Abraham Tem- SxlO, in splendid condition. quire 210 Church St. 12-2-tf ple in Newark Sunday, where Hnnv Hedncks B m | ],js i,, n m , m . o 7 1 n r l l 0 | , Orcheslrn opened the winter season. HPECIAL PRICES in Men's Suits. Five dollars. Guaranteed finest The regular monthly meeting of the Liuirenco Harbor Parent Teach- quality and workmanship. S. Fox, ers Association took place Monday 52 Smith street, near High, Perth 12-2-4t evening. The R cv . Stuart L. Ritz, Amboy. pastor of the Laurence Harbor raminunity Church nnd Frank Lloyd, (if CANARIES FOR SALE Mntawan were the speakers. OR RENT:—House, 7 rooms, nil improvements. Inquire Briggs Garage, Broadway and Main st. 10-10tf ListentoWise Old Santa: r1?33 Christmas C U B NOW, D O YOU KNOW that saving money the Christmas Savings Club way is the easiest way of saving ? It is for this reason: You have a stipulated sum to deposit each week, and naturally you make allowances for that in figuring your budget, while you are not allowed to withdraw any part of it for one whole year. Santa knows that for a happy Christmas at least one Christmas Savings account is necessary. He knows too, for he's been around. OR RENT, 5 room house part improvements. Inquire. 242 Henry St. 10-7-t'f OR RENT—G room single house on Augusta St., near Broadway. All improvements. P. J.Monnghnn, 208 David Sb. 9-30-lf Fire Compnny No. 1 will hold a GOLDEN CHOPPERS. Guaranteed HOUSE FOR KENT: 7 rooms, all card pnrty tonight in the hendqunr- Singers. Inquire at 312 John improvements, at 226 Church st. ters. This pnrty was originally sch- St. ll-25-4t Also 3 room apartment at 22R eduled for November 11 nnd turkeys Church st., nil improvements. Inpurchased for Unit dnlo will be good quire Mrs, II. E. Strattnn, 228 for this nfTair. CANARIES for Rale. Manchester Church St. 5-13-tf* White Cinnamon. $1.00 and up. Miss Hose Holeman of Bnyview Cull nt 231 Elm Sti-enl, Iicrgen Drive has established a new resl'donpi" Hill. 12-0-21 in Nmvnrk, MONEY TO LOAN Joseph Uneltley, of Morrow Plncc, FORECLOSURE SALE is convolving nt the Jersey City 6 Room iiotisn nnd Bath, nil ImMONEY TO LOAN on bond and Hospital. provements. Price nntl terms ma mortgage in sums of $100, $200, $300 5400, $500 and up to $10,000. Office Mrs. Oljva Wall, Laurence TTnrhnr riffht hours from 8:20 n. m. to 8:20 p. m ixistniist'rem, nil ended a mentinir oT FREDERICK H. LEAR Wednesdays and Saturday: frnnf. the Central Nnw Jersey Postmnslers' 8:20 a. m. to C p. in. Inquire ]onn A Association,.hold nt the. Wilts Club REAL ESTATE . INSURANCE in Lakewood recently. 210 CEORGE STREET Lovely, Trust Company Buildicg. South Amboy Trust Co., SOUTH AMBOY, N. J. m •_• ......I....I.. i.i..';.. ..iriAKft BRUSHES MILS AHEAD IN ASIDE ST. PETER'S THROUGH F6R WIN BASKETBALL LOOP IN RUSH FOR CUP V I I A U U 1U R g p Take First Place in Catholic Jersey City Boys Cause Blue & Last Q Quarter Jinx Again Upsets Hearts as Long Branch Gold Little Trouble. Club League a t Expense of Wins. Niush Team—Fords Also Win Flashing an offensive drive which Unable to shake off the last quarwent on for four periods without a ter jinx which has been costing them LEAGUE STANDING let-up, Charlie Eppinger's Blue and W L P.C. Gold basketball tossers rang up gaines since the opening of the sea2 0 1000 their fourth sjraight victory in Jerson, Frank Zdaniewicz' Sacred Buicks .. 1 1 BOO sey City on Tuesday night, the vicHearts lost another game on Satur- Nash 1 1 500 tims being the much-feared St. Petday . night, bowing- before a fast Fords 0 2 000 er's Prep outfit. The final score, 41Long Branch club by a count of 39- Auburns 35. The locals led the Monmouth Class will always tell! That's why 12 indicates that the locals were county outfit until the closing min- the Buick club in the Catholic: Club never in danger. utes of play, and then lapsed into league is now resting comfortably, a coma to fall behind at the whistle. Ithank you, in fust place. 39-23, the The defense formations also work Running up an eight point lead in score was, with the leaders easily ed to perfection, as the Hague City the first quarter, the Hearts looked piling up a win over the Nash boy;. combine scored only twice from UP like they had at last hit their stride, The Fords also came through on field, one of the two-pointers being made in the closing seconds of play but the victors ended up with n j Tuesday night with a victory over At half time the score was 24-2 and dash which could not be denied. And the holders of the celler position, the at the end of the third quarter the the Hearts lost another. This seems Auburns, by a count of 31-25. locals led by a count of 30-6. Unti to be the general trend of the season The Fords took the decision in ex- the last session the Peter's team had and the locals are fighting hard to tra period play by tossing in six not scored from the field. break it. points to none for the tired Auburn*. Tuesday's victory indicates tha Johnny Zdaniewicz and Horse Ja This eon.test was the more thrilling the locals can step along in the best kowski gathered twenty-seven poini of the two, the Buicks being so far between them, but meanwhile, tl ahead that at times they slowed their of company on the courts of the state. Eppie is now priming the boys score shows, tho home team was a pace down to a walk. for the crucial test, the battle wiih ding counts also, with every memb 1 Continuing his streak of "luck," St. Benedicts of Newark On Dec. 16. of the squad contributing a shan Hendrickson, with five baskets an: the "Great McDonnell" garnered A win over Prof. Blood's charges seventeen points to take scoring hon- would place the locals at the head of two fouls, led the attack of the win ors for the evening. However the the state slate. ners. success of the "Great" was mainly In a preliminary fray the St, The Hearts will again resume thei due to excellent team work by his home stand on December 29th, wit" team-mates, and the law of aver- Mary's Reserves took over the St, a team determined to perform lik ages which usually allows seventeen Polcr's Reserves by a score of 31-18. the teams of past years. The boy points oat of three hundred "shots." Eddie Powers led the attack with will hold many workouts in prepa "Chesty". Powers, who is rapidly thirteen points. St. Mary's (41) G ation and are out to redeem the lo' rounding into form for the Junior prestige. Mentor Zdaniewicz has a 0 Prom, managed to make eight points White, f ranged to present the best of talen much to the amazement of the Fleming, f 3 to the fans of the city and will alsi throngs. Budniak, f 1 secure the services of an eight piec J. O'Nei!, c 2 orchestra, the California Collegian? "Simon Legree." Gelsinon was thoNebus, g • 0 who have a reputation rivalling th driving force in the Ford attack Hensbcrger, g 3 best in tho state. with eleven points and Miko Nolan Jankowski, g 6 assisted in the finale with ten coun- Quinn, g 2 ters. For the losers Koveleski scored nine points and Koch eight points. 17 The league will see action agnin next St. Peters (12) G week, as scheduled. The Buicks were . O'Neil, f 0 a bit handicapped by tho absence of Coylc, f their star player, and with his posi- £enny, f 1 tive appearance noxt week should Walker, f 0 be a sure winner. Keegan, c 0 Buicks (37) G Rooney, 0 y, c Catholic Club Noses out Knights Powers, f, Ki 1 4 King, g —Hearts Find Alumni Easy. Owyer, f Oassidy, g 0 o S. Ryan, c 6 The city basketball league opene (Sullivan, g •2 8 12' ,1 up on Wednesday evening and eve; Fitzmorris, g Referee Zatts. 0 the moat critical could not ask for McDonnell, g 0 more auspicious occasion. • Shortly after eight, Mayor-elec CARDINALS WIN MATCH 16 Charles T..Mason walked out to thi G FROM NIGHT HAWKS center of the floor with the ball, am Nash (22) . 0as center Ryan of the Knights o Casey, f .,.. Tuesday . night the Cardinals .. 1 Columbus and center Ryan of th< Gadomovitz, came out victorious over the Night .. 1 Catholic Club waiicd for the throw Lucitt, f Coan, f Hawk3, when they grabbed off two . 0 lifted the ball into the air and thi T. Ryan, c games out of three. Tho scores: . 3 race was on. "rclsinon, g . 1 CARDINALS The opener, between the Catholi' oakley, g .. . 1 Nichol 211 214 171 Club and • the Knights might havi Flanigan, g Rehfuss 202 172 222 been rehearsed. It contained cveiy Ruszela 109 189 158 thing necessary for an opener, evtr 216 9 6 23 Russell 189 going into two extra periods befo: Referee—Nowmark. 168 191 194 Poulson it could be decided upon whose hcai Fords (31) G the crown should rest. 2 939 900 98 Neither team had a thing on th Kelly, f Gelsinon, f 5 NIGHT HAWKS other during the first quarter am 1' 162 224 Morris3 they came to the end of the perioi Harrigan, c ; i Stivers 171 180 190 with the Catholic Club but one poini Mlanion, g .". Nolan, g 4 171 177 224 Popp ahead, tho score 4-3. In the seconc 171 JJensen 169 181 19 quarter the Knights lifted themsel13 Clayton 198 198 192 ves up and by the end of the period G were leading 13-8. The Knights main- Auburns (25) McClond, f .... 861 960 925 . 1 , tained their lead through the third . 2 quarter and went into the final per- larroll, f .. 3 iod with the score in their favor 16 Kosh, c CARD OF THANKS Koveleski, g .. . 4 14. I wish to take this means of thank"lampion; g .... 1 The Catholic Club went into thi ng those who were instrumental in fourth quarter determined to beconn •J 25 electing me Second Assistant Chief of masters of the situation and passed the South Amboy Fire Department. Referees: S. the Knights early in the quarter ohn Jerry A. Connors. Cleary. and were leading 20-16 with but a minute and a half to go when Monnghan heaved in two from the floor to set the score at twenty all. In the extra period Hank Gelsinon arched a neat one in to put the Catholic Club jn the lead. A second later Monaghan with a similar performance brought the score back to a tie. deary's goal from mid-floor swung the score back in favor of the Knights and a second before the wjiistle Bulman threw one in to end the extra period in a 24 all tie. In the second extra period "Hank Gelsinon again parted the shreds for Toys of all kinds, such as a two pointer and a second later Bulhnan did likewise while the Cayou have never seen betholic Club boys held the Knighils scoreless ending the game with the fore. A line of attractive score 28-24. Catholic Club G F P.C. presents for every memNolan, f .2 1 5 ber of the family at pricBulman, f 3 0 0 T. Ryan, c 2 0 4 es almost unbelieveable. J. Kosh, e 1 0 Vflnderveer, g 1 1 Come and bring the kidC. Gelsinon, g 4 0 Two Extra Period Game Marks Opening of City Court Looj Christmas Is Just Around theCorner We have received our entire Christmas stock and it is now on display. There are gifts for men, women and children to fit every pocketbook. Come in and inspect this exceptional merchandise while the stock is complete. A small deposit will secure any gift for Christmas. Santa Claus Will be here next-Tuesday From 2 to 5 P. M. BRING THE CHILDREN Big Surprise Packages - - 10c and 25c Tenenbaum's Dept. Store 13 G 0 0 0 2 0 ;i r> 2 28 p Tl 0 0 0 0 0 0 '1 0 0 0 (i 0 <i 14 10 4 24 Officials; Phillips, Umpire; Drennnn, Referee. In the second gamo between tin! Sncrtid Hearts and tho Alumni, the formar found tho going easy except in the final quarter when the Alumni took a apunl and showed a brand of ball greatly improved 'from that in the previous qqunrters. Their best efforts however were not good enough io endanger tin1 chancre of the product of the Sacred Heart court team machine. Ending the first quarter ,the Hearts were leading by two points fi-1. In the second quarter they added twelve while the Alumni annexed three. At the end of the third quarter the Hearts held a lend of fifteen points with the score 25-10. The final score was !lfi-20. Tho scores. Alumni o F Tl G 2 Check, f 2 Rose, f J n 2 0 0 Applegate, 0 0 8 Allen, c 4 0 0 Slieppard, g n 2 Kurtz, g 1 n 0 8 Peterson 4 Sacred Hcnrts A. Urban Ik, f .... Hrnnkowski, f ... Jankowski, f Shnro, f Nebus, c Barnnowski, g ... Pohl, K Lairoda, g S. Urbanskl, g .... Jnskowink, ft S. Sharo, g 12 G 17 § a OPPENHEIM'S I <a P la Next to Post Office 110 SOUTH BROADWAY We Are Closing Out Our Entire Stock Of 1 85 170 NORTH BROADWAY Telephone 803 Save on Quality Meats Today and Every Day By Dealing at Burkard's Market FRESH FLAT SPARE RIBS, pound ALLENTOWN SLICED BACON, y2 lb. pkg.....8c SELECTED FRANKFURTERS, pound SAUER KRAUT, pound __5c -.10c Fresh Jersey PORK LOINS, pound ;...10c GENUINE SPRING LEGS OF LAMB, lb 20c RUMP OF MILK FED VEAL, lb 18c Fresh JERSEY HAM, 8 to 12 lb. avg.,,lb "We Feature Quality" 143 N.Broadway Tel. 466 lie PHONE 511 10c PHILADELPHIA SCRAPPLE, pound 10c FRESH CHOPPED HAMBURGER, 3 lbs 25c BUY MEN'S GIFTS IN A MAN'S STORE looting conditions with tho greatest value-rteiuoiiKtnirton jusi when ci.r.v onu N thougnm uro turned to Christina* gift buying.. .Sacrificing Costs anil profits.. .featuring best known quality merchandise) of highest repute.. .BUY NOW while selections are complete—get your share of these amazing I're-Clirlstniua savings. Gift Values That WiL Stock the Town At Actnal Cost— *» f ! B \ n \ I ! SI KI)K $3 ALL-WOOL TUBTLE NECK .c.vmton Windhreakers SWEATERS M.MS Uotan) Runnel HAND-MADE SILK LINED TIES Honwitionnl! PIGSKIN SUEDE OAPESKIN GLOBES 1.38 (We Valne Table cut to fli bettor itml Milk Rtitrhpd In wntr GIFT HINTS A Suptr-Sale!' tt.96 and $3.50 Auiazhig -Value! 39c French Lisle and Bilk and Wool A MiraeleValue! $1.50 Silk SCARFS PAJAMAS In novelty styles, lapel and slip-on models, fast color broadcloth. §) SOCKS Our greatest value in 10 yoaifi — All are silk lined. In all new, s h a p e s and shades this season. Selection of rich patterns and in nil colors — full ivfilth nnri length. Collar attached and with collars to match —broadcloths, woven miidrns and ICngllsh tabs — solids and llrltlsh striping*. Sizes to 18. $5 Military and Travel Sets A Sale That You Will Never Forget! 55c Shorts and Shirts B5c Hiiyon Shirts and Shorts . . . Box of 8 linui initial handkerchiefs WINTER UNION SUITS / "i.oo Winter weight —white tmd nnturnl, sizes to 50. $3.95 Suede Windbreakers Amazing purchase I V-Neck All-Wool SWEATERS 95 RaiUnm Brush, comb Silk Shirtfl and razor seta — in atCractive caaes. ttiea, fancy pot terns and OH lo Hi Fine grade, w a l l made, all sizes. SMITH OPPOSITE STREET CRESCENT PERTH THEATRE AMBOY Ladies and Gents Tailor 15c Large Jersey FRESH HAMS, pound ..„_ 17G F. GOLDSMITH 12c BROILERSor ROASTING CHICKENS, lb. ...15c NOW'S THE TIME TO BUY LADIES' SILK DRESSES $J .99 9c LOOSE SAUSAGE, our own make, 11) Which Formerly Sold For As High As $5.95 For 2 21! F Tl 0 8 0 'I 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 fi 0 0 0 0 0 MEAT AND PRODUCE MARKET Sensational Gift Values! SHIRTS HERE'S A WONDERFUL OPPORTUNITY BURKARD'S' FRESH FLAT SPARE RIBS, lb W e give and redeem S & H Green Stamps ilcgular 91.36 to $1.05 You Want To Save Money? ,j ~^g=Z FRESH JERSEY PORK SHOULDERS, lb. ....9c and Reliable Merchandise 5c-10c-25c STORE 106 S. Broadway . J, AllentoH'ii SAUSAGE, with blue label on, lb. 18c Known for Good Value, Low Prices At OPPENHEIM'S Knights of Columbus McDonald, f .: Bowling, f Sullivan, f S. Ryan, c II. Leonard, j» Clcnry, g Monnghnn, , -, - FRESH SMOKED HAMS, whole or half, Ib...l2c TOYUND IS 0PM dies. .,.,...,.••• ,,,i ••.;-,,
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