Biannual News from Good Samaritan Hospital


Biannual News from Good Samaritan Hospital
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Biannual News from Good Samaritan Hospital Foundation • Fall 2015
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More Together
Dear Foundation Family:
When we experience difficult times in our lives, we often find ourselves saying, “At least
we have our health.” As a member of the Good Samaritan Hospital Foundation family, you
understand that ultimately, our health and our relationships are all that really matter.
When those are in jeopardy, Good Sam is here to care for the whole person and family.
This is possible because of your generosity, and for that I am deeply grateful.
Looking back upon this last year, I could not be more proud of what we have accomplished
together. In FY 2015 the Foundation gave $5.4 million of support to Good Samaritan
Hospital, the Good Samaritan Free Health Center, and the Good Samaritan College of
Nursing and Health Science. This record-breaking year was possible because of you,
and your gifts are hard at work in a multitude of ways. From the Robotics Program to the
Behavioral Health Unit and beyond, we are committed to reaching the best outcomes
possible to maximize the impact of your investments.
As a family of donors, our reasons for giving are as unique as each one of us, but our
underlying motivation is the same: provide the highest quality and most compassionate
care possible. In this issue you will see some of our family’s stories about why they give
and why Good Sam means so much to them. While only a few are highlighted, please
know that we appreciate your story as well; it takes all of us coming together to continue
to provide the best-in-class care for which Good Samaritan is known.
I hope these pages serve as a celebration of our momentous achievement this past year as
well as a reminder of the difference you make in people’s lives every single day. During
those hardest times when we cannot say, “at least we have our health,” thankfully we can
say, “at least we have Good Sam.” And so can the Greater Cincinnati community and beyond,
because of your dedication and support. Thank you.
Mary L. Rafferty
President and Chief Executive Officer
Good Samaritan Hospital Foundation
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Compassionate Giving is published biannually
by Good Samaritan Hospital Foundation
The mission of Good Samaritan Hospital Foundation is
to secure and steward philanthropic gifts which will
ensure compassionate care that will last a lifetime.
Steven R. Ortner, Chairman
Pamela D. Sibcy, Vice Chairman
Leon Loewenstein, Secretary
R. Daniel Fales, Treasurer
Mary L. Rafferty, President and Chief Executive Officer
Phyllis Adams
Linda Smith Berry
Jane Birckhead
David Burleigh
Carol Butler
Fran Conners
Sister Barbara Hagedorn, S.C.
Christopher Heekin
Arlen Koth
Joann Lohr, MD
Jodi Mahon
Brian Mooney
Dan Neyer
Gregory Olson
John S. Prout
Cindy Rodriguez
Thomas Sedler
Matthew Sheakley
Carolyn Taggart
Jennifer and Jeff Weitlauf at Legacy Society Event | page 6
| contents fall 2015
Adrienne Cruise
Lindsey Jarvis
Summer Merk
Lynn Meyer
Mary L. Rafferty
Kelly Rowland
Beth Todd
Kelly Vance
Lura Darwish
Char Girmann
Geneva Kincer
Donna Obert
Stephanie Stout-Tracy
Women of Compassion
Planned Giving
The Good Samaritans/Good Samaritan Guild
Robotics at Good Samaritan Hospital
Spirit of Compassion/Legacy Society Event
College of Nursing Scholarships
Tribute Gifts
Good Samaritan Hospital Foundation
Board of Trustees FY 2015
12 Impact Report
17 Fiscal Year 2015 Financials
Good Samaritan Hospital Foundation
375 Dixmyth Avenue
Cincinnati, OH 45220
If you do not wish to receive future issues of Compassionate Giving
magazine or any other future fundraising communications from
Good Samaritan Hospital Foundation, you may opt out of future
communications. You may call 513.862.3786 to opt out or email
[email protected].
| on the cover
Hal and Donna Klink
Impact Feature page 16.
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| Women of Compassion
On Friday, May 8, 2015, Good Samaritan Hospital Foundation
honored 11 extraordinary women in celebration of its
10th Women of Compassion event at the Queen City Club.
Women of Compassion both honors and supports Good
Samaritan Hospital’s history of strong women determined to
make a difference that began with its founding by the Sisters
of Charity in 1852. Developed by the Foundation’s Women
in Philanthropy Advisory Group, Women of Compassion is a
tribute program to honor the remarkable women in our lives
while also making a difference for our community. A woman
is nominated by her family, friends, or colleagues through a
$1,000 gift to the area of their choice at Good Samaritan
Hospital or Good Samaritan College of Nursing and Health
Science. In the last decade, this group has raised more
than $135,000 to support vital efforts at the hospital
and the college.
(From bottom to top, left to right)
Susan Geary nominated by Mary Beth Gibbons, MD
Lynn Bourgraf nominated by Joann Lohr, MD
Rita Riga Cucinotta nominated by Tina Colbert
Colleen Sterling nominated by J. Michael Smith, MD
Patricia Martin nominated by Carolyn Burke and JoAnn Strong
Sally Verdin nominated by Clare Allaire, Mary Jo Kathman, and Diane Motz
Jayne Hirth nominated by Lesli Schmeltzer
Carol Murrish nominated by Karen Gersch, MD
Ann Poynter nominated by Zita Jeanmougin
Mary Rath nominated by Karen Krieg
Mary Pat Raupach nominated by Ken Raupach
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When “I THINK” is not good enough...
Kelly Rowland
Director of Development
Knowing who is the beneficiary of your insurance,
retirement plans, annuities and IRAs is a critical piece
of your estate planning. If you were asked would you
respond – “I think ...” or “I’m sure it must be...?”
Naming beneficiaries is critical. It controls not only how the asset is going to pass upon your death
but can also have large estate and income tax consequences. If a beneficiary is not specifically
named, your “estate” is often the default beneficiary. Your beneficiary designation takes
precedence over your Last Will and Testament. Not only may the resultant beneficiary be contrary
to what you desire, but that asset must be processed through the Probate Court system to be
distributed according to the terms of your Last Will and Testament.
Often, beneficiary designations are completed when the asset is acquired. When you began your
IRA, purchased the life insurance, or began to be covered under your Employer Retirement Plan,
you should have named a beneficiary. However, the beneficiary designation you made then may
be quite different from how you would complete a beneficiary designation now.
It is possible the individuals you named are deceased, or no longer the appropriate beneficiary. It is
possible you named no one. Have you named both a Primary and a Contingent Beneficiary? Naming a charity, such as Good Samaritan Hospital, as a beneficiary may have favorable tax
benefits. Your financial or legal advisor can assist you in that regard.
You should look at each policy or retirement plan and see if you have a copy of the most recent
beneficiary designation. If you do not, you should immediately contact the company to supply you
with a copy of what they currently have on file for you. You might be surprised if the response is
“nothing is on file”.
Don’t rely on “I think ...” or “I’m sure it must be...” Be certain. Check each item. Make sure that
each beneficiary is not only on record with the company, but that they accurately reflect your
wishes. If you would like more information on this subject or any other estate planning topics,
please contact Kelly Rowland, director of development, Good Samaritan Hospital
Foundation, 513. 862.3787 or [email protected].
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2015-2016 Officers of Good Samaritan Hospital Guild
Fran Conners, President
Sandy Kiefer, Vice President/President Elect
Mary Griffin, Treasurer
Anne Cooksey, Corresponding Secretary
Terry Miller, Recording Secretary
Carol Mayborg, Immediate Past President
Darlene Ambach, Chairperson, Activities
Candice Fern, Chairperson, Birth Certificates and Baby Photos
Angie Lamb, Chairperson, Gift Shop
Lilly Ashbrook, Chairperson, Membership
Candy Hart, Chairperson, Special Projects
Amy Hayden, Parliamentarian
Fran Conners, President; Sandy Kiefer, Vice President and
Jamie Easterling, Executive Director, Good Samaritan Hospital
Good Samaritan Hospital Guild installed their new President, Fran Conners
along with Vice President, Sandy Kiefer at the May 2015 Membership
Meeting. We are thankful to both Fran and Sandy along with all of the
Guild officers for their participation in Guild activities.
Interested in becoming a member?
Please contact Lilly Ashbrook at [email protected]
Cindy Rodriguez was installed as the new president of The Good
Samaritans and announced that the 32nd Annual Gala would be held
on Saturday, February 6, 2016 at the Hyatt Regency Cincinnati. The
theme will be “My Big Fat Italian Gala” and will support the creation of
the Concussion Management Program at Good Samaritan Hospital as
well as Good Samaritan Free Health Center and Medical Education
Research Fund.
Melissa Kennedy, Dr. Michael Marcotte, Cindy Ortner and Nancy Fehr
At their annual membership meeting in May 2015, Cindy Ortner of
The Good Samaritans of Good Samaritan Hospital Foundation made
the following award presentations from the proceeds of the 2015 Gala:
Women’s Services for the
Purchase of Ultrasound Equipment
Medical Education Research Fund
Good Samaritan Free Health Center
$ 67,350
$ 67,350
Cindy Rodriguez will work with Sarah Klein to chair this event and
Dr. Emily Dixon will serve as Physician Champion. Ticket prices range
from $500 - $1,000 and a variety of corporate sponsorship and
underwriting opportunities are available.
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Thoracic Surgeon, Karen A. Gersch, MD
Leading Globally, Caring Locally
There is a well-known saying that a small, dedicated group of people can change the world. This certainly holds true for a
group of donors who, this past year, have propelled Good Sam’s Robotics Program to the forefront of minimally invasive,
robotic assisted surgery across the country and the world. Their gifts enabled the purchase of the da Vinci Xi and
Magellan surgical robotic systems, which have already been put to work by the skill and expertise of our gifted surgeons.
da Vinci Xi: With intense precision, the da Vinci Xi is used in multiple types of procedures, including cardiothoracic
surgery. This past spring, Good Sam surgeons performed successful surgeries to treat a cardiac bypass and lung cancer.
The da Vinci Xi continues to draw surgeons from all over the country to Good Sam to train using another donor-supported
resource, the Minimally Invasive Training Center.
Magellan: Designed for use in complex vascular surgery, Good Samaritan Hospital is one of only ten hospitals in the
country to offer the benefits of the Magellan system. In June, Hansen Medical, maker of the Magellan, announced that
Good Sam has the world’s first multi-specialty program for Magellan robotic-assisted surgery. With six different physicians
from three different specialties using this technology, Good Samaritan Hospital has quickly become a global Center of
Excellence for Magellan robotic-assisted procedures. To date, Good Sam has treated more patients with Magellan in 2015
than any other hospital worldwide.
To have world-class surgeons taking care of our community at Good Sam is a tremendous gift; to equip them with the best
technology available and thus provide the best possible care for patients is invaluable. Thank you to the small, dedicated
group of donors who made this possible.
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Honoring someone with a Spirit of Compassion donation is a wonderful opportunity to let a
physician, nurse, or staff member know that the care they have provided has made a difference.
Your generous donation will also make a difference in the lives of others by helping to maintain
our high level of care. You can choose where your donation will be most impactful by designating
where it should be applied. An acknowledgment will be sent to the caregiver, letting them know
of your appreciation. Spirit of Compassion donors play an important role in uplifting staff’s spirits
and boosting their morale.
We invite you to share in our sincere commitment of compassionate care. Please know that
through just one gracious gesture you will have helped ensure that Good Sam’s history of quality
care will continue for generations to come.
They were very professional and
My husband had surgery and it warms my
heart to see such great, compassionate, and
professional caregivers.
compassionate in their care for me,
We were extremely pleased with the
and really helped me be at peace. Their
extraordinary service provided by
dedication went above and beyond
the entire staff.
their job descriptions.
Foundation Honors
Legacy Society
On Wednesday, May 20, 2015, Good Samaritan Hospital Foundation honored
its Legacy Society members at a Top of the Park rooftop terrace experience at
the Marriott Residence Inn in downtown Cincinnati. Everyone attending the
event had a wonderful night filled with food, drinks, comaraderie, and a
wonderful view of the city and riverfront!
ABOVE Legacy members: Betty Rensing, Marilyn Richardson and Diane Lacker
BELOW Dan Fales, Mary Ann Remke, Susan Sargen, Joann Lohr, MD, Nick Sargen
The Legacy Society was created 24 years ago to ensure that Good Sam's
tradition of excellence, innovation, and compassion will continue to thrive
well into the future to provide care to everyone who enters our doors.There
are currently 222 Legacy members who have included Good Samaritan
Hospital in their estate plans.
For more information on how to become a Legacy Society member, contact
Summer Merk at 513.862.3374 or [email protected]. You will
be able to join us next year for our 25th Anniversary Celebration!
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Good Samaritan College Awards
Nursing Scholarships
The Good Samaritan College of Nursing held their annual Scholarship
Banquet on August 30, 2015. Thanks to the ongoing support of our
scholarship donors, GSC was able to award
scholarships totaling more than $163,000 to
95 students. Donations play a vital role in
making these scholarship awards available
each year. These awards would not be
possible without the generous support
of our alumni and friends.
Betty Rush Scully Scholarship
Crystal Merida
Helping Hand Scholarship
Karen Jackson
Brunsman Family Scholarship
Kelly Murphy
Jacqueline Boothe Lips Scholarship
Morgan Mosier
Carl and Joyce Braun
Myeisha Butler
Jacquelyn Mayer Scholarship
Marissa Collins
Carol Mayborg Scholarship
Myeisha Butler
James Brunsman Memorial
Elizabeth Kuka
Carol Rabenstein Brown Becker
Ashley Luers
Jane Hartman Whalen Scholarship
Stephanie Dean
Amber Eckstein
Class of 1958 Scholarship Fund
Brooke Hammiel
Joan Dornette Scholarship
Torey Stang
Class of 1961 Scholarship Fund
Morgan White
Alison Woulms
JoAnn Dellegrotti Memorial
Katie Gray
Bridget McManus
Cora Budde Scholarship
Amy Campbell
Edward and Rita Ross Bramkamp
Jessica Wilson
Erna Dalton Butler Scholarship
Melissa Jones
Sara Reatherford
Ashley Ruble
Ginny Roberts Memorial
Kelly Bowman
Sara Folck
Lauren Morrell
Good Samaritan Hospital
Guild Scholarship
Ashley Bretnitz
Michelle Chambers
Grace Kelly Smith Memorial
Emilie Weber
GSC Honors Scholarship
Katelyn Brown
Carla Weismantel
Marge and Charles J. Schott
Lisa Tyler
The Good Samaritans
Cailyn Locker
Marian and Roy Evers
Asia Underwood
Abbey Wernick-Kaito
TriHealth Diversity Healthcare
Behroze Dalal
Marilee Aubuchon Satchell
Linda Cook
T'Anne Lindsay
Mother Ryan Scholarship
Alexis Johnson
Lynnette Kennedy
Ray Bergman Scholarship
Joseph Macejko
Rita DeFazio Yokers Nursing
Teresa Miller
Rita Howe Hutchinson
Memorial Scholarship
Brittany Gibbons
Maryann Hoffman
Robert and Christine Steinmann
Family Foundation Scholarship
Kyle DiPuccio
Kylie Sharrock
Alyssa Thiel
Katelyn Wilkins
Rose Marie Niehoff Lukens
Caitlyn Schlie
Shaw Family Scholarship
Morgan Krichbaum
Sister Grace Marie Hiltz Scholarship
Andrea Porter
Stephen Jason Morsch
8 Days 1 Hour Scholarship
Angela Moore
John and Mary Sparke
Memorial Scholarship
Kirsten Scalfl
John Sanker Memorial Scholarship
Elyssa Comperchio
Josephine Walters CareStar
Jenifer Bellamy
Emily Burkhart
Stephanie Jacob
Cole Jungbluth
Morgan White
Julie Vollette Memorial Scholarship
Beth Rodriguez
Karen Ann Mulholland
Kelcie Heil
Kathleen Carrigan Scholarship
Tarra Putnam
M. Florence '51 and Leonard J. Schneider
Family Scholarship
Laura Jones
Vivian Honor Oestreicher
Nursing Scholarship
Jessica Sharp
GSC Alumni Association
Deborah Black
Abigail Bruning
Elizabeth Cappel
Katelyn Combs
Darcie Dixon
Sophia Fening
Lucas Gilfillan
Lilly Henize
Brittany Hicks
Erica Hitchcock
Lynnette Kennedy
Ashleigh Khayo
Bobbi Kimble
Jordan Mallon
Shauna Mason
Paige Napier
Lacie Oliver
Ashley Rahm
Nicole Richardson
Maria Roque
Molly Rumpke
Sydney Schmeusser
Jaka Smith
Kendra Spencer
Lakeda Thomas
Carrie Tucker
Bianca Tufano
Micah Walker
Amber Walton
Kelsey Williams
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| Tributes
in memory of…
Jim Adams
Katherine Howell
Irwin and Tirzah Amrein
Patricia L.Bulcher
Sr. Andrew
Barbara Fasce Kelly
Eugene E.Armentrout
Mary M.Malone
Mary L.Atkins
Christine Bihn
Mary Ann Becker
Katherine Howell
Dolores Beckman
Andrea Beckman Hardcorn
Emma G.Bolender
Mr.and Mrs.Randie L.Bolender
Douglas Bowling
Ms.Mary L.Bowling
Vera L.Brantley
Ms.Jeannette Brantley
Patricia Brennan
Bausch-White Masonry
Mr.Lawrence V.Brennan and
Ms. Karen A.Enzweiler
Ms.Jodi Donawerth
Mr.and Mrs.James A.Fortner
Ms.Joan Gillman
Ms.Cheryl Kaelin
Mr.and Mrs.James G.Konerman Sr.
Ms.Krista Konerman
Ms.Phyllis Konerman
Ms.Virginia Konerman
Ms.Marjorie M.Maschmeyer
Ms.Sandra L.Neely
Ms.Donna J.Pickelheimer
Mr.Phillip J.Schworer
Mr.Samuel L.Sutton
Mr.and Mrs.Edward J.Tieman
Ms.Betty Wright
Jean A.Bruns
Joan Brogan
Mary Brinker Skahan
Nancy Buelterman
Peggy Frondorf
Nicholas Busemeyer
Ms.Courtney A.Busemeyer
Margaret Calme
Maureen Calme Bill
Clorinda E.Caproni
Rose Marie Quaing Morrisey
Linda M.Carr
Vickie Wolnitzek
Kathleen A.Carrigan
Barbara Bartlett
Gail Duff
JoAnn Droege Hoppenjans
Bonnie Kemper
Barbara Perazzo Kettler
Barbara Dwyer Mack
Arlene M.Niehaus '69
Evelyn Richter Schweitzer
Jane C.Hartman Whalen
Vickie Wolnitzek
Pamela Huentelman Wolpert
Ida W.Casey
Elaine Ehrhard
Doris Childress
Mr.and Mrs.Thomas J.Schreiber
Elmer B.Cleves
Elizabeth Mastriani
January 1, 2015 - June 30, 2015
Anna Coleman
Mr.Frederick Hunt III
Isaac E.Crosby
Mr.and Mrs.Patrick E.Crosby
Virginia Crowley
Joleen Cullen Coffaro
Jim and Julie Darenkamp
Kevin and Jamie McCrate
Mary Lee Davis
Robert L. Davis
Ms.Evelyn Dreyer
Mr.and Mrs.Theodore K.High
Ms.Mary Lippert
Mr.and Mrs.Ralph J.McCrate
Ann V.Dehner
Ms.Lois Singleton
Alvin F.Delap
Mr.and Mrs.Robert A.Delap
Joann Dellegrotti
Mr.James Amato
Mary Lou Heiselmann
Rita Grosardt Jones
Josephine A.Ottaviani
Mr.Jeffrey C.Tull
Kathryn F.Derrick
James A.Diersing
Karen Roberts
Mary E.Dunlap
Annie Frohn Tromey
William Durstock
Lynn A.Beck
Mallory, Bradley and Owen Ferguson
Mr.and Mrs.Michael Putthoff
Nicole M.Flohr
Mr.and Mrs.John C.Flohr, Sr.
Michael A.Forste
Dr.and Mrs.Kevin J.Grannan
Dr.and Mrs.Eric J.Kuhn
Dr.Christopher McPherson
Dr.David M.Morad and
Dr.Semele Foundas
Drs.John Nurre and Theresa
Dr.and Mrs.Myles Pensak
Dr.and Mrs.Mark A.Snyder
Mechel Frydman
Mr.and Mrs.Jerry Bergson
William and Donna Gentry
Andrea R.Neff
Helen Gibbons
Jean Boehme
Good Samaritan College of Nursing
Class of 1946
Virginia Fleming Walsh
Good Samaritan College of Nursing
Class of 1949
Rita C.Stapleton
Marlene Greulich
Bonnie Kemper
Mary Lou Guethlein
Carol Ann Guethlein Cahill
Matthew C.Hamilton
Mr.and Mrs.Doug Hamilton
Robert Hastings
Nancy Hastings
Eileen Heider
Julia K.Mahoney
Mary A.Shinkle
Lois A.Helfrich
Nancy Steinwert Horn
Sister Grace M.Hiltz
Christine Heimbrock Hiltz
Norman L.Hoffmann
John D.Dovich & Associates, LLC
Anita Hotopp
Stephen G.Hotopp
Alberta Houghton
Leonard Schneider
Isaac Alexander Hudson
Ms.Melanie Hudson
Lucy Hurley
Lucinda Hurley Sauer
Daniel Johnson
Mr.Michael A.Peeden & Family
Marlene Prues and Margie Prues
Jack H.Keen
Joann Sullivan-Mann
Kevin Keller
Mr.and Mrs.Edward F.Weber
IlKwon Kim
Mrs.Mary Anderson
Mr.Jae Kim
Mr.and Mrs.Bruce Peterson
Mr.Ho-Don Ryu
Alma E.Knecht
Janet Deutsch
Norma Kreimer
Linda Kreimer
Dr.George H.Kreyling
Dr.and Mrs.Daniel R.Beckman
Mary E.Kruetzkamp
Kathleen Egan
Dr.Charles Kuntz IV
GSH Medical and Dental Staff
Mike Lalley
Pauline Lalley Trust
Cathleen Lally
Mary Brinker Skahan
Grover C.Lawson
Kathy Balser Lawson
Michael R.Lee
Mrs.Kathleen E.Lee
Ambrose Leopold
Shirley Leopold
Ruby Leopold
Shirley Leopold
Tiger Lewis
Lee Nicole Reed
Sam and Marie Loparo
Mary Jo LoParo Roe
Rose M.Lukens
Dr.and Mrs.Walter Lovenberg
Evelyn Macht
Turner Construction Company
Angela M.Mairose
Diane Mairose Feeney
Fritz Manczyk
Elizabeth Mastriani
Mary L.Martini
Mr.Louis W.Martini
Bill Maston
Mr.and Mrs.William D.Maston II
Jackie C.McCarren
Dr.and Mrs.Lee F.Burroughs
Mr.and Mrs.Brian McCarren
Mr.and Mrs.Kevin McCarren
Ms.Melissa Parks
Anna M.McFerren
Eileen Ashurst
Geraldine McLaughlin
Clare C.Allaire
Terri Schumacher
JoAnn Sommer
Jane C.Hartman Whalen
Anthony and Louise Metelko
Anita Lutz
Carol J.Meyer
Lynn and John* Meyer
John L.Meyer
Clare C.Allaire
Doug and Darlene Ambach
Barbara Apking
Mr.and Mrs.Paul E.Berwanger
Edward* and Rita Bramkamp
Mr.and Mrs.Thomas J.Branigan
Dr.Kristin Coppage and Mr.David
Maureen Cramerding
Mrs.Adrienne P.Cruise
Rita Riga Cucinotta
Mr.and Mrs.John Darwish
Mr.and Mrs.Victor DiPilla
Good Samaritan Hospital Guild
Mary Joyce and Garry Griffin
Mary F.Griffin
John and Brenda Hacker
David L.Hyde and Candy J.Hart
Dr.Linda A.Hayes
Mr.and Mrs.Thomas Humpert
Mrs.Lindsey Jarvis
Mary Jo Kathman
Jean and Steve Kauffman
Carolyn and Frank Kerley
Mr. Patrick Kerley
Rob and Sandy Kiefer
Mr.and Mrs.Karl Kleeman
Dr.and Mrs.David Klein
Mrs.Barbara A.Kock
Mr.and Mrs.Brian Kock
Mary Angela Lamb
Dr.Donna S.Lambers
Mr.Aaron Ley
Dr.and Mrs.Mark A.Manegold
Barb and Ron Martin
Carol Ann Mayborg
Mr.and Mrs.Dan McNamee
Mr.Walter Meirose
Walt and Linda Meirose
Mr.Richard F.Menner
Mr.and Mrs.J.Patrick Merk II
Gail and Mike Merritt
Dr.and Mrs.John Merryman
Mr.and Mrs.William P.Metz
Mr.and Mrs.Kenneth C.Meyer
Ms.Patricia A.Meyer and
Matt Meyer
Ms.Mona L.Mitchell
Ms.Carin Newman
Mr.and Mrs.Steven R.Ortner
Charles and Joan Pace
Nancy Mackenzie Powell
Mary and Rick Rafferty
Mr.and Mrs.Richard Rewalt
Dr.and Mrs.Ernesto Rodriguez
Ms.Marcia A.Ross
Elizabeth Noppenberger Singler
William and Patricia Stetter
Julie Stoffer
The Castellini Foundation
The Good Samaritans
Mrs.Beth Todd
Turner Construction Company
Uptowne Graphics
Hilliard and Kelly Vance
Mr.and Mrs.Melvin L.Vogel
Ms.Joan Volpenhein
Mr.and Mrs.Mark Weber
Mr.and Mrs.Richard T.Weber
Mr.Mark G.Witte
Mr.and Mrs.Timothy J.Wolfer
Kelsey Yerger
Marvin Meyer
Teresa Hornback
Carolyn Miller
Ms.Angelica M.Cope
Geri Minges-Rouff
Mike and Linda Juengling
Mary Mootz
Karen L.Honkomp
Stephen J. Morsch
Ms.Marcia J.Baird
Ms.Jennifer K.Boles
Mr.and Mrs.James M.Carroll
Ms.Jean Conway
Mr.and Mrs.Curtis B.Corbett
Ms.Linda M.Drapp
Mr.and Mrs.David M.Kenline
Ms.Patricia Livermore
Mr.Jerry G.McCarren
Mr.and Mrs.John E.McCarren
Carolyn A.Menner
Mr.and Mrs.William F.O'Brien
Mr.and Mrs.Thomas W.Porter
Ms.Linda L.Schiering
Mr.and Mrs.Dennis J.Stemler
Dr.and Mrs.John A.Williams
Mr.and Mrs.Daniel W.Young
Maureen Murphy
Jean Ann Nienaber Auberger
Marguerite M.Fearn
Cindy Kemper
Gordon K.Murphy, M.D.
Maxwell R.Niesel
Ms.Kelly K.Cowdrey
Robert L.Niesel
Mr.and Mrs.John W.Dirksing
Mr.and Mrs.James A.Gentile
Mr.and Mrs.James R.Templin
Mr.and Mrs.Joe Templin
Mr.and Mrs.Patrick D.Wempe
Jean A.Noppenberger
Elizabeth Noppenberger Singler
William J.Obert
Mrs.Claudia A.Hesselbrock
St.Isaac Jogues Assembly
Molly and Annie Osterman
Mrs.Joan P.Osterman
Betsy Oxley
Ms.Laura Chrysler
Kathryn Peco
Samirah F.Brown
Marguerite Pick
Bernadette M.Brunsman
Mr.and Mrs.Michael Brunsman
Margaret A.Pohlgeers
Nancy Cahill Reidy
Andrew T.Powers
Mr.Steven A.Mombach
Amanda Pratt
N.Lavon Venter Fields
Anna A.Ratledge
Susanne Rohe Lahrman
Patricia Rauckhorst
Ms.Nancy M.Henson
Richard Rauckhorst
Ms.Nancy M.Henson
Dr.Norman L.Rave
Mr.and Mrs.Stanley L.Cosgrove
James A.Rieder
Norma Rieder
Patricia A.Rigsby
Carol Merkel
Ginny Roberts
Mrs.Kenneth H.Roberts
Carol Rolfes
Jean Boehme
Charlotte E.Kettman
Glorine A.Rolfsen
Mrs.Margaret Allen
Mr.and Mrs.Donald Altevers
Boone County Planning
Cincinnati Technical College AAUP
Mr.and Mrs.Jerry Crowder
Mr.and Mrs.Joseph E.Steffen
Mr.and Mrs.Edward C.Sunderhaus
The Cincinnati State Biology
Ms.Alma D.Walls
George and Veneranda Ruschulte
Dolores L.Imam
Dr.George E.Russo
Dr.and Mrs.Charles D.Hafner
Mr.and Mrs.George A.Joseph
Betty Sanker
Susan Partusch
John Sanker
Mr.and Mrs.Ronald A.Bisher
Beatrice Hodovanic
Terri Schumacher
Mr.and Mrs.James H.Vorwald
Connie Sauerbeck
Jerry and Claire Fedasch
Ms. Julie M.Schulkers
Lois Scheidler
Jean Boehme
Mary F.Schneider
Mr.and Mrs.Donald R.Schneider
Glenn and Alice Schrichte
Mr.and Mrs.William D.Maston II
Helen C.Schuler
Betsy Schuler Lorenzi,'69
Dr.Ralph C.Schwarz
Mr.and Mrs.James C.Martini
Myrtle J.Scott
Ms.Sharon G.Scott
Jo Ann M.Sexton
Mr.and Mrs.Terry Carlson
Dorothy Singer Moran
Mr.Kevin Moran
Dorothy Smith
Mr.and Mrs.Michael P.Roy
Grace Smith
Mr.and Mrs.Joel T.Eaves
Dr.Richard M.Smith
Mrs.Lindsey Jarvis
Todd and Rita Washburn
Dr.Paul A.Spaccarelli
Dr.William Schnettler
Drs.Stephen Schuermann and
Jennie Hahn
Mr.and Mrs.David L.Speer
Mr.and Mrs.Chris B.Stovall
Jeanne F.Splain
Bill and Jeanne Splain
Dean Spurlock
Mr.Michael A.Spurlock
Paul Spurlock
Mr.Michael A.Spurlock
Sharon Stadtmiller
Mr.Thomas J Stadtmiller
Sue Stegens
Patricia L.Bulcher
Taylor Stephens
Ms.Lisa Goodlander
CG Fall 15_Layout 1 9/11/15 9:04 AM Page 11
January 1, 2015 - June 30, 2015
Donald Suer
Ms.Julie Wanstrath
Cathy Sziraky
Judy Sziraky Culbertson
Kenneth Thompson
Mr.and Mrs.Augustus Eccleston
Julia L.Vollette
Mr.and Mrs.David Wickham
Dr.Edwin G.Waldrop
Edith Waldrop
Helen Walsh
Ms.Nancy M.Henson
Mary Jane Walsh
Diane Hawthorne Motz
Helen M.Webb
Lucie Webb Clemons
Eileen Weber
Kathy Balser Lawson
Joanne Wessendorf
Mr.Philip F.Wessendorf
Marshall Wilcox
Mrs.Essie M.Wilcox
Joanne Williams
Mary Jo Blankemeyer
Terry Wise
Mary Jo Austing Meyer
Joan Wohlwender
Ms.Nancy M.Henson
John F.and Jacquelyn P.Mayer
Thelma Yakura
Kris Yakura Kurtz
Rita E.Yokers
Mr.and Mrs.George T.Beckett
Bridgeport Elementary School Staff
Mr.and Mrs.Ronald Couch
Ms.Patricia A.Defazio
Mr.and Mrs.Dan Digatono
Ms.Mary E.Douglas
Mr.and Mrs.Donald E.Fischer
Mr.Dean Fischesser
Mr.Bernard J.Kirsch
Dr.and Mrs.Paul V.Kuenzig
Ms.Marjorie E.Newton
Mr.and Mrs.Merle D.Porter
Mr.and Mrs.Michael E.Schlicher
Mr.and Mrs.Joseph E.Vogt
in honor of…
Dr.Robert & Nancee Albright
Mr.David Hicks
Mr.and Mrs.Dennie Hicks
Patricia A.Armstrong
Mr.and Mrs.Thomas M.Armstrong
Dr.Jack B.Basil
Dr.Donna S.Lambers
Karen Berndsen
Mr.and Mrs.David Noll
Patricia A.Berning
Elaine Ehrhard
Julia Bernzott
Mr.and Mrs.Gregory W.Olson
Lynn P.Bourgraf
Dr.Joann M.Lohr and Mr.Michael
Dorian Brown
Ms.Susan Autran
Quinn Caldwell
Paula M.Dziech
Deborah M.Carcutt
Ms.Nancy M.Henson
Sarah Case
Mrs.Viji Jagadeeswari
Joleen Coffaro
Mrs.Ashley N.Coffaro
Julie Crider
Mr.Ming Fang
Rita Cucinotta
Ms.Tina Colbert
Jennifer Doerflein
Mr.and Mrs.Sven C.Schreiber
Eric Eppert
Ms.Katie Bromwell
Sarah J.Evans
Ms.Alison E.Tidwell
Mary Beth Exeler
Mary Jeanne Ryan
Dominic W.Francis
Mr.and Mrs.Gary A.Francis
Medical X-Ray, Inc.
Susan M.Geary
Mary Elizabeth Gibbons M.D.
Good Samaritan College of Nursing Class
of 1958
Mary Ann Reitman Sheets
Good Samaritan College of Nursing Class
of 1965
Elizabeth Bennett
Mrs.Regina Boyd
Mary M.Brown
Mr.and Mrs.Joel T.Eaves
Jeanne Saul Fox '65
Mr.and Mrs.Thomas Gleeson
Pamela Hornsberger
Martha Hornschemeier
Marsha Mitchell
Diane Hawthorne Motz
Janet Roedersheimer Retzler
Linda Archibald Ruff
Rosemary Russo
Vicki Smith
Good Samaritan College of Nursing Class
of 1966
Carol Benjamine Schwab
Good Samaritan College of Nursing Class
of 1967
Margaret Gambetta Mast
Good Samaritan College of Nursing Class
of 1971
Mary Carol Reinhart Heidrich
Gloria Gray
Tisha Bruemmer
Rita Grote
Mr.Lewis H.Masters
GSH 12th Floor Staff
Ms.Dianne Franer
GSH 14 CD Staff
Mrs.and Mr.Stacy A.Schmidt
GSH 14th Floor Staff
Dr.and Mrs.Kenneth J.Zwergel
GSH Cardiac Care Unit Staff
Mr.Bernard W.Bollmer
Ms.Alice L.Kushner
Mr.and Mrs.Robert Mauch
Pat and Joe Sieve
GSH Cardiovascular ICU Staff
Mr.Thomas J.Stadtmiller
GSH Cath Lab Staff
Pat and Joe Sieve
GSH Labor and Delivery Staff
Mr.and Mrs.Syed Hayat
GSH Outpatient Cancer Care Nurses
Mr.and Mrs.Dennie Hicks
GSH Radiology Staff
Mary and Rick Rafferty
GSH Staff
Mr.Otis C.Brown
Kelly Hancock
Mrs.Viji Jagadeeswari
Gerald Haselmayer
Jean P.Kahn and Sanford R.Kahn, Ph.D.
Maurice Henning
Ms.Nancy M.Henson
Beatrice Hodovanic
Mary Jo Kathman
Patricia A.Koral
John F.and Jacquelyn P.Mayer
Pat McMahon
Dr.and Mrs.Steven C.Roschke
Terri Schumacher
JoAnn Sommer
Joann Sullivan-Mann
Anne Hepp
Betty J.Klein
Dr.David D.Hess
Mrs.Andrea A.Bartels
Jayne A.Hirth
Ms.Lesli Schmeltzer
Maggie Huser
Jane M.Menke
Holly and Connor Jung
Mr.and Mrs.Timothy D.Jung
Drew Kaufman
The Kaufman Family
Mr.and Mrs.Robert J.Kaufman
Loraine E.Keller
Mary M.Barker
Thera King
Ms.Terri Pullen
Dr.Steven D.Kleeman
Dr.Donna S.Lambers
Ms.Kathy Winters
Dr.Tara Knipper
Ms.Jennifer Emerson
Dr.Patricia A.Koral
Ms.Nancy M.Henson
Michelle Roa
Dr.Eric J.Kuhn
Mr.Ted McKay Jr.
Dr.Dwight Kulwin
The Richard D.Hannan Family Foundation
Wilbur Lack
Mr.and Mrs.Roger Walker
Dr.James Leonard
Mrs.Marjorie A.Warnecke
Carol Leveque
SC Ministry Foundation
Karen A.Loos
Don and Betty Powley
Mary Marker
Mr.Lewis H.Masters
Patricia Martin
JoAnn Strong
Charleigh Mastrapaolo
Mr.Joe Desmond and Ms.Emily Blaker
Mr.and Mrs.Matt Johnston
Mr.Jack Jump
Mr.Louis R.Listermann
Mr.and Mrs.Mike Listermann
Mr.and Mrs.William Menke
Jacquelyn P.Mayer
Susan Partusch
Julie McCarthy
Ms.Jennifer Emerson
Dr.Nancy K.McDonough
Jean P.Kahn and Sanford R.Kahn, Ph.D.
Dr.Patricia L.McMahon
Ms.Nancy M.Henson
Dr.Juan C.Media
Jean P.Kahn and Sanford R.Kahn, Ph.D.
Summer M.Merk
Jean P.Kahn and Sanford R.Kahn, Ph.D.
Clara M.Mueller
Ms.Lisa A.Lukens
Carol E.Murrish
Dr.Karen A.Gersch and Mr.Jack Clark
Nancy Nelson
Donna Findley
Cheryl Potts
Mrs.Viji Jagadeeswari
Ann M.Poynter
Paul and Zita Jeanmougin
Satya Rath
Kathy McCoy
Luke and Samuel D.Rehn
Mr.and Mrs.John S.Rehn
Bob and Lee VanStone
Dr.Andrew J.Ringer
Ms.Melva Jarvis
Dr.Steven C.Robinson
Jean P.Kahn and Sanford R.Kahn, Ph.D.
Emma, Grant, and Maci Saalfeld
Mr.John P.Reinersman
Dr.Alexander K.Saba
Mr.Luke Rahrig
Dr.and Mrs.James Sanders
Mr.and Mrs.John M.Sanders
Jane M.Schappacher
Mr.David Hicks
Mr.and Mrs.Dennie Hicks
Mr.and Mrs.Jerry Schappacher
Dr.Helmut F.Schellhas
Ms.Susan A.Hummer
Dr.Francis J.Schlueter
Mary and Rick Rafferty
gshfoundation. com
Theresa R.Schumacher
Elaine Ehrhard
Maurice Henning
Ms.Nancy M.Henson
Beatrice Hodovanic
Mary Jo Kathman
Patricia A.Koral
John F.and Jacquelyn P.Mayer
JoAnn Sommer
Joann Sullivan-Mann
Dr.Kimberly Seltzer
Mrs.Janet A.Zerhusen
Brenda Shumard
Mrs.Laura Hagen
Dr.J.Michael Smith
Michael H.Solon
Kimberley L.Roberts
Lori A.Stansell
Ms.Mary E.Miller
Wyatt R.Stewart
Mr.and Mrs.Nathan Stewart
Kimberly Stites
Mr.and Mrs.Gregory Darley-Emerson
Rosemary K.Stoeser
Joyce Sullivan
Virginia Stotler
Mrs.Janet A.Zerhusen
Sandy Suer
Mr.and Mrs.Gregory Darley-Emerson
Sarah N.Verdin
Clare C.Allaire
Mary Jo Kathman
Diane Hawthorne Motz
Virginia K.Walsh
Ms.Nancy M.Henson
Dr.Barbara Wexelman
Mrs.Andrea A.Bartels
Ms.Brenda Stephens
Lucas and Finley Wilscherick
Ms.Karen A.Massaron
Jessica L.Wing
Mr.and Mrs.Gregory Darley-Emerson
Annette Young
Mrs.Janet A.Zerhusen
CG Fall 15_Layout 1 9/11/15 9:05 AM Page 12
Steven R. Ortner
Pamela D. Sibcy
Carol Butler
Vice Chairman
Phyllis Adams
Linda Smith Berry
Jane Birckhead
Christopher Heekin
Leon Loewenstine
Joann Lohr, MD
Dan Neyer
Gregory Olson
Cindy Ortner
CG Fall 15_Layout 1 9/11/15 9:05 AM Page 13
R. Daniel Fales
Mary L. Rafferty
President and Chief
Executive Officer
David Burleigh
Donna deGraaf
Sister Barbara Hagedorn, S.C.
Jodi Mahon
Carol Mayborg
Brian Mooney
John S. Prout
Thomas Sedler
Matthew Sheakley
Carolyn Taggart
CG Fall 15_Layout 1 9/11/15 9:05 AM Page 14
– J. Harry Dornheggen, Jr.
ll patients, no matter the nature of their illness,
deserve the best treatment available and the most
compassionate care possible. As the founder of the
first private psychiatric department in Greater
Cincinnati in 1930, Good Samaritan Hospital
remains committed to this belief and provides care
to more than 2,000 patients every year with mental
illness, many of whom are medically underserved. As
national and local resources for people suffering from
mental illness continue to decline, support for the
Behavioral Health Unit at Good Samaritan Hospital
has become more important than ever.
Dr. Dornheggen also was the son-in-law of William
H. Albers, founder of Albers Super Markets and
creator of the William H. Albers Foundation in the
mid-1950s to advance the quality of life for people
in Cincinnati. Dr. Dornheggen’s children now act
as Trustees for the Foundation and support many
charitable efforts throughout the Cincinnati area.
When they learned that the Behavioral Health Unit
at Good Samaritan Hospital had not been renovated
since their father’s tenure, they were eager to help
ensure that patients experience the healing environment they deserve.
The Trustees of the William H. Albers Foundation
understand this need as well as anyone. Their father,
Dr. J. Harry Dornheggen, was a significant member
of the Psychiatric Unit at Good Sam from 1952-1976
and made many contributions to psychiatric patients
who are far too often overlooked. Dr. Dornheggen
was a tireless advocate for mental health and was
devoted to providing high quality care to patients.
There are many people, both past and present, who
owe Dr. Dornheggen a debt of gratitude for his
“We believe our father’s commitment to caring
for people who many others had discarded was his
greatest achievement. It is not only fitting to honor
him by supporting the Behavioral Health Unit
renovation at Good Sam, it is a privilege and something about which the William H. Albers Foundation
is most proud,” says J. Harry Dornheggen, Jr.
Because of the Foundation’s generosity, the work of
Dr. Dornheggen will continue in an environment
that matches his legacy of compassionate care. The
physical transformation of the Behavioral Health
Unit will enhance the treatment provided there,
resulting in better outcomes that will bring comfort
and peace to countless individuals for years to come.
CG Fall 15_Layout 1 9/11/15 9:05 AM Page 15
ake one step into Lair Kennedy’s office building and you will
instantly know he has a profound respect for history. The office, a
former fire station full of reclaimed building materials and salvaged
items, reflects the heritage of the building itself and those who
served to keep the community safe. At the same time, when you
begin speaking with Lair, you will also instantly know he has his
eye on the future with his interest in robotic-assisted surgery. It is
this combination of respecting the past and continually innovating
and improving for the future that made his gift to help purchase
the Magellan Robotic System for Good Samaritan Hospital
a natural fit.
From the care that Lair and his family have received at Good Sam,
Lair says he “has a deep appreciation for what an incredible place
Good Sam is.” He understands that medical advancements are
critical to improving patients’ lives, recognizing that in the past
patient outcomes have been very different. Therefore, Good Sam’s
robotics program was of particular interest to Lair as an
opportunity to make a difference for the community.
Good Sam has established a leadership position in robotics by
being the first and largest provider of da Vinci surgical procedures
in Cincinnati. Just as the da Vinci robot has revolutionized general
surgery, the Magellan robotics system is causing a paradigm shift in
vascular therapy. Through his professional involvement with the
Magellan system and his knowledge of Good Sam’s market-leading
robotics program, Lair says “Good Sam was the perfect fit to bring
the Magellan system to Cincinnati.” After meeting with Good Sam
surgeons and recognizing their commitment to remain at the forefront of robotic surgery, Lair chose to make a gift to help bring the
Magellan to Good Sam. Of his decision, Lair says “it’s easy to
support an organization that has given so much to my family,
and I want to be able to provide that to other people.”
– Lair Kennedy
In the short time since the Magellan arrived, Good Sam
physicians have pioneered new procedures and have quickly
made Good Sam the worldwide leader in Magellan robotic-assisted
surgeries. “I’m thrilled with the success of the program to date,
and to be part of bringing the robot to Good Sam,” Lair says.
“Cincinnati is so fortunate to have great institutions like Good
Sam because of the rich history of our city. These institutions
have been built to our benefit. It’s very easy to take our institutions
for granted, and it is only with the support of current and future
generations that they will continue to thrive. I want to do my
part to keep that going.” With an impact on patient outcomes
in Cincinnati and around the world, Lair Kennedy has honored
Good Sam’s history of compassionate care by helping propel it
into the future.
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uring their lifetime, Robert and Christine Steinmann
understood that education is the key to caring for self, family,
and community. They also understood that oftentimes the
support and kindness of others can advance someone on his or
her journey during a time of need. That is why they created
the Robert and Christine Steinmann Family Foundation,
which provides scholarships to students at the Good Samaritan
College of Nursing and Health Science each year.
In 1958 she married Robert Steinmann, a pharmacist and
businessman who also came from modest means but worked
hard to build a happy and successful life. Together, they wanted
to provide other individuals the same opportunities they were
given, and believed that investment in education was one way
to accomplish this. The mission of their foundation, they said,
is “to help those in need help themselves, through the practical
application of knowledge and resources that improve the
quality of their lives and the lives of future generations.”
Christine, a graduate of the Good Samaritan Hospital School
of Nursing (as it was then known in the 1950s), was one of six
children. When her mother died at a young age, Christine was
blessed with the help of others to get through that difficult time
and eventually attend nursing school. Christine knew that the
generosity of others allowed her to realize her potential, and
one day wanted to extend this opportunity to others.
This year, Kyle DiPuccio, Kylie Sharrock, Alyssa Thiel and
Katelyn Wilkins are the scholarship recipients of the
Steinmann’s legacy of generosity. These students will learn
not only the science of nursing, but also the art of nursing,
resulting in competent, compassionate care to patients. Robert
and Christine Steinmann would be happy to know that their
gifts are impacting the future of not only these students, but
of all those to whom they will provide care throughout
their career.
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eing proud of and committed to the work we do is something we all strive for in our daily lives. Regardless of the task,
taking pride in our day to day activities is fulfilling and helps give
us a sense of purpose. For Dr. Erik Dunki-Jacobs, being
committed to his work has taken on new meaning since
making a gift to the TriHealth Cancer Institute Patient Fund.
Dr. Dunki-Jacobs did his general surgery residency at Good
Samaritan Hospital. After graduating in 2011, he completed a
two-year fellowship at the University of Louisville in Surgical
Oncology and Hepatico-pancreatico-biliary (HPB) Surgery.
Dr. Dunki-Jacobs returned to Good Sam in 2013 and now
practices as a surgical oncologist in the TriHealth Cancer and
Surgical Institutes. He specializes in delivering advanced surgical
care to patients diagnosed with a variety of cancers. When asked
why he chose this field of medicine, Dr. Dunki-Jacobs explains,
“Oncology is a specialty within surgery where I can have a longterm relationship with my patients and their families.” He also
enjoys the collaborative aspect of his field. He regularly works
with other types of cancer specialists in order to provide the
best possible care for his patients.
While collaboration is critical to his practice of medicine,
Dr. Dunki-Jacobs also believes that collaboration is critical if
philanthropy is going to make a difference for the patients and
the community that Good Sam serves. “To have a hospital where
we are proud to work and a program that provides care we can all
be proud of requires a little bit extra,” he says. “If I am able to
help with just a little part of that, and if other people do their
parts, we can all work together and contribute significantly to
the overall care for our patients.”
Dr. Dunki-Jacobs is clearly dedicated to providing the best, most
compassionate care possible for all patients. He also appreciates
all that Good Sam has given to him and his career, as he considers
Good Sam his “second home.” That’s why his gift, which will
contribute to various efforts that will directly impact the lives of
cancer patients and their families, was an “easy decision.” Of his
gift, Dr. Dunki-Jacobs says, “I think that all of us as physicians are
trying to give the best care to our patients. There are a lot of
patients who can’t afford certain things and deserve a better quality
of care. Giving helps me feel invested in them and invested in
Good Sam. If my gift helps in any way, I’m happy with that.”
Giving back to Good Sam has provided Erik Dunki-Jacobs, MD
with a deeper sense of commitment to the work he does every day
and to the patients that he cares for. His hope is that others will
feel the desire to contribute as well: “The more people who are
helping and giving, the more we can accomplish.”
– Erik Dunki-Jacobs, MD
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ugust 12, 2005 is a date Hal and Donna Klink will
always remember. It was one day before Hal’s birthday, and
he was one of the first 100 people in Greater Cincinnati to
undergo a heart procedure using minimally invasive, robotic-assisted surgery at Good Samaritan Hospital. Although the couple learned of Hal’s heart condition two years prior to
surgery, the thought of a traditional open-chest procedure and
the long, arduous recovery that would follow was too difficult
to undertake. That all changed, however, when they met
Dr. J. Michael Smith.
In 2004, Hal was asked to join the Finance Committee of
the Foundation Board of trustees. It was that involvement
that caused him and Donna to witness the arrival of Good
Sam’s first daVinci surgical robot which was made possible
by generous donors. As time progressed they spoke with
Dr. Smith and learned that Hal was a candidate for roboticassisted surgery with the daVinci. Together, they decided it was
time to address Hal’s heart condition now that there was
a minimally invasive option.
The day of the surgery was a difficult one. They were
simultaneously apprehensive and optimistic about the
opportunity to pioneer new technology. Hal was taken
into surgery, and the wait began for Donna and their two
daughters. Donna remarks that while sitting and waiting
while a loved one is in surgery is incredibly difficult, everyone
at Good Sam was “fabulous,” noting that “all the people who
touch your life that day are very important…I don’t think you
could ask for nicer people to take care of you.” Hal’s surgery
was successful, and due to the benefits of the da Vinci, Hal was
able to return home after only three days in the hospital. He
was back to work in two weeks. When asked of his experience,
Hal has a simple, yet profound response: “It kept me alive.”
– Hal and Donna Klink
Hal and Donna saw firsthand how the generosity of others
can not only save a life, but do so in a way that maintains the
best quality of life possible. Already involved in giving back
to the community, including Good Sam in their efforts was
natural. Hal and Donna support Good Samaritan
Hospital both through gifts of treasure and time. Hal has
served in multiple roles over the years as Chairman and Trustee
of the Foundation, a TriHealth Board Committee Member,
and a Good Samaritan College of Nursing and Health Science
Board Member. Donna is a member of The Good Samaritans,
a volunteer organization associated with the Foundation
dedicated to assisting Good Sam in its mission through
raising funds to support various programs and initiatives.
Their most recent gift helped bring the next generation of robotic
assisted surgery to Good Sam with the da Vinci Xi, the newest
version of the same robot that saved Hal’s life a decade ago. With
their gift, Hal and Donna have one principal hope: to save more
lives. “Good Sam stands for compassion,” Donna says. “Our gift
is just a part of that; it’s about giving back and helping others in the
community where you live, the community where your family
lives.” With the achievements made in Good Sam’s Robotics
Program and the expanded offerings of minimally invasive
procedures now possible with the da Vinci Xi, Hal and Donna
Klink’s hope is coming true every single day.
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Business/Corporation $899,661
Charity Care and
Community Support
Education and
$ 688,800
Capital and
Department Support
*Unaudited Financials July 1, 2014 – June 30, 2015
CG Fall 15_Layout 1 9/11/15 9:05 AM Page 20
PERMIT #9177
375 Dixmyth Avenue
Cincinnati, OH 45220
FEBRUARY 6, 2016
Good Samaritan Hospital
along with
Good Samaritan Free Health Center and Medical Education Research Fund