t - Union Public Schools


t - Union Public Schools
------tlse eommunicatpr _ _ _ _ __
December 1985
Page 8
As predicted early this year the
Oklahoma Secondary School
Activities As sociation adopted
the 8-team footba ll district plan.
With the adoption of this format
for football the conference
alignments and ties were greatly
Beginning in the fall of 1986 the
Fronti er Conference wi ll includ e
the following schools: Union.
Broken Arrow, J enks, Hal e,
II is always su ch a pleasure 10
see !h e cmmlerzance of a child
when th e holiday seaso n
approaches. They !i1 era llv g lo11 '
ll'il h 1h e expec!UI ious !luu o ull" (/
child cw1 e.relllplify. May each
of us 1/e\'er reach 1l1 e pui111 iu
our life 1ha1 \\ 'e CWIIIOI feel 1hw
swne spiri1 LIS our eli ildreu. Mm ·
Dr. Wesley Jarman
each o f us pause SU III C'lillle
during our huslle and bus!Le
and 1hiuk abolll uur guud
for ILl n e. This guu d fun uue e.\"ll.'llds IU bl.'iug hum iu
America, !lze laud of !h e hun •e oud 1lu:: lw111 e of !h e
free. There are leelllillg 111iliiu11s uruuud !he 11 ·u rld
11'h o 1vuuld gil'e all 1h e1· 011 ' II ur cu1 1ld e 1Tr IIIJfJ C' 10
acquire just/0 be(/ cili;:.ell uf !his greul loud rlwl
being the case, ll 'e ueed lu spend 1his lwlidov
season searchiug our ol\ ' 11 !i1 •es jus/ lu see 11'lw1
contribwion 11 •e ore nwkiug 1u 1his sucielv .
We su1· eduu11iu11 is £1 re/leeliull u/suL·il.'l\", su 1/CJ\\ '
lei's 11£; /.,.U\\' i11 e foul s u/ uur CUillri!mliun lu see
11'luu euc/1 u/us cull dufur educuJiou, u11d uwre
.~p ec ificu/11", 11-lull 11·e cu11 du fur Uuiu11 J>uhlic
Sclwuls J We lul\'e u ,!!,reo! silwlliuu £11 Uuiuu - !lUI
JJL'I'/c:CI - !Jll! ({ rl.'Uf OfJJJUUIIIlil\' IU l1efp !Ju\'S wuf
,!!,iris. }·u ur SIIJYJJUI'I i/1/(1 CU//Cer/1 is l'i!U/ ill IIIUkiug
1l1 iss \'Sf(' 111 11 ·urk. 111 e 1·u lwll eer prugrw 11 is gel/ iuy,
u!/ 1u.u greu 1 sf u u u ud !l1ere is ruu111 fuuli I 11'1 /U 11 ·ish
1u heiv
My lwlidor 11 ·is h i~ !IIlii i.'Uc/1 ul you 1\'ii!lllllke
yo ur coni ri!JLI 1iou w 1lz is greu 1 1usk w zd !lw I eucl1 uf
yo u have a hoppy uud prosperous lwhdov
Dr. Weslev Jumwn
Superin lendenl
The h o liday season is 1he 1i111 e
of th e yea r w hen 11 ·e both reflecl
on the past and look w 1he
future wilh oplimism. When
looking back we musl reali::.e
!hat we never achieve all of our
hopes and aspircuiorzs. Hop e. fully this year 's molllenls of
discou rageme/Zl will be I h e
Bryan Coats
fresh s/arls leading W 11ex1 yea r's
accomplishm enls. Bw even if
Board of Education we are nor co mple1eh · success ful, ll'e cw1 s1illface 1h e fuiure ll'ilh op1imis111
knowing thai our childreu cwz and 11 ·i//
acco111plish many 1hings 1ha1 \\ 'e as pare111s ur
educa10rs have jus/ begun.
Orz behalf of the en/ ire Board of Educalion I
would like /u ex/end 10 each ofyuu our besl H•ishes
for a joyous holiday season and a very happy and
successful nevv yea r.
Bryan Coals, Pres idenl
U11ion Board of Educa lion
-COMMENTTh ere has long been a stigm a a ttach ed to at hl eti cs in
Oklah o m a th at football is king and every thing else is
seco nd rate. Whil e th e p erc eption of thi s w ill certainly
carry over to Uni o n, nothing cou ld be furth e r fro m
the truth.
Gil Cloud
Director of Athle tics
Bartlesville, Sa nd Springs, Sapulpa and Stillwater. Th e
new 9-team conference will co mpete fo r cha mpion ships in
the following sports: cross-country (boys/girls) ; softba ll
(girls); wrestling, ba sketball (boys/girl s); swimming (boys/
girls); volleyball (girls) ; baseball ; track (boys/girls) ; tennis
(boys/ girl s); golf (boys/ girls) and soccer (boys/ girls).
Two sports which are still in question, as far as conference
championship is concerned , are football and gymnastics.
Because of the 8 -team district p lan in footb all, each of th e 9
conference schools can not play the whole conference in a
match game.
The conference is currently considerin~ alternatives to a
conference schedule and the members will decide in
January on how to proceed .
Gymnastics must remain an independent sport as only 4
of th e 9 members have a gymnastics team. Conference
rules state that over 50% of the schools involved must
participate in an activity to constitute a conference
The 7th Annual Union Redskins Roundball C lassic wi ll
begin January 6 and run through January 11 at two sites
(high school gym and junior high gym) . Si xteen girls teams
will fill two 8 -team brackets and 10 boys teams will
compete for the title in the boys divisions. This is an
outstanding week of basketball with exce llent teams and
individual players competing for the championship. Make
plans to attend!
Volume 12, Number 4
Published by Union Public Schools
Tulsa, Oklahoma
December 1985
5656 S. 129th E. Ave.
Tulsa, Oklahoma 74134-6715
!Juring a n average year football which has ove t 39U
stud ents invo lved will spend about 20 % o f th e total
athl etic budg et. During th at sa m e ave rage yea r
foo tb all revenue w ill be bi ll ed fo r cross -countr y.
so ftb all, gymn as ti cs. sw imming. wres tl ing. track. golf.
tenni s. base ball , vo lle y ba ll an d soccer or to put it
ano ther wa y. footba ll reve nu e pays fo r 18 o f th e 1 Y
spo rts that we hav e at Uni o n Ba sketball w ill
annu ally break eve n if we have good a tt e n danc ~ at
th e Reds kin Cla ss ic
It beco m es quit e evid ent that in o t der to n1dk ~ th e
athl etic bud get balance we must have a !> twn~
foo tba ll program as that is wha t wil l entice the tan s to
come to th e stad ium and pay the wa y lot out oth et
progra m s.
B eing a p atron. parent and tax pa ye r in th e Uni on
Sc hoo l Di stri c t. l ca n ass ure yo u that each individu al
sport is dealt with and given th e full est consideration
when th e budget proc ess is developed. Wheth et it is
o ur football tea m playing in fr o nt of 8.000 peo pl e o r
our golf team pl ay ing with not o n e sp ec tator. those
stud ents and their coac hes have equal impo rt ance to
m e.
Uuring th e p ast ten yea rs we have added the
foll owing sports: girls so ftb a ll in 1976. boys and gitb
, golf in 1977. boys and girl s ten ni s in 1Y77. gitl !>
gymnastic s in 1978. boys and girl s swimming in
197 9. girl s vo ll ey ba ll in 1980. boys and girl s socce r in
1 Y83. During th at same p eriod . the reve nu e to help
th ese added sports had to come from gate rece ipts.
On e can readily see that paid a tt end anc e of athl eti c
events is th e life blood of th e program. With th at in
mind. l hope to see each and eve ryo ne o f vo u at out
nex t game. match or contest.
- - - - - - t l s e eommunicatpr _ _ _ _ __
Page 2
December 1985
- - - - - - t l s e eommunicapr- - - - December 1985
January 1986 Calendar
A THANKSGIVING GIFT.. .from Union Junior High School
Un io n Junior High Sc hoo l recently he ld a ca nn ed food
drive to be nefit those fa m ili es in th e Tulsa area who are in
need. T he class th at co ll ected th e most ca ns was Ms. Jana
Loper's third hou r who a m assed a pproxiametely 1,200
canned goods a nd , beca use o f that effort, will be awarded a
pizza party. Several classes ha d a n overwhelm ing
response to the drive an d co ntrib uted over 1,200 cans
which added to the sc hoo l' s gran d to ta l o f 7, 7 4 0 cans.
Dua nea Le ist a nd C heri Kr use, st udent co unci l me m bers,
were appo inted cha irm en of th e comm ittee whic h was in
charge o f th e food dri ve. Ms. Willi a ms, U.J .H.S. scie nce
teacher and st ud e nt co un cil advisor fee ls, .. Th e stu de nts
need to be aware that th ere a re many peopl e in th e T ulsa
area which incl ud es the Unio n Sc hoo i !Jistrict who are in
fina ncia l need, Wh en each person gives a littl e, it benefits a
large number of peopl e ...
Th e Union School Board Ele ction has bee n set for
J a nua ry 2 8, 1986. This year th e re are two School Board
positions to be filled . They are Zone 1 and Zon e 4 .
Th e annual millage election will also be he ld on Janua ry
2 8 th. The passage of these mills are critical to the
operation of the school system next year.
Polling p laces are:
(1) Briarglen Elementary
3303 South 121st E. Ave.
Tulsa, Oklahoma
Darnaby Elementary
7625 East 87th Street South
Tulsa, Oklahoma
Peters Elementary
2900 West College
Broken Arrow
Union Junior High
1601 North Garnett
(66th & S. Garnett, Tulsa)
Broken Arrow
January 3
January 13-16
January 23
Basketball - Union vs. Broken Arrow here 4:00 p m.
STANFORD DIAGNOSTIC MATH TEST (oil elementories) 6th Grode Only
January 4
January 13
Wrestling . Quad Union. Moore, Putnam City N., Shawnee
Administotive Center - Board Meeting (tenta ti ve)
Jr. High - Basketball Broken Arrow Cen tral & South
8th & 9th boys & girls there 4:30 p.m.
Clork - Opera tion Aware (6 th grade)
Oornoby . 3rd grade program - Johnny Appleseed
Wrestling- Union vs. Broken Arrow (there)
January 24 & 25
January 14
January 27-30
Elementary Strings Concert UPAC 7:30 p.m.
Administrative Center · PTA Council Meeti ng 9:30 a.m.
Jr. High·: Wrestling Muskogee here 6:00 p.m.
Clark - Operation Aware (5th & 6th Grades)
Boevers - PTA Meeting 7:00 p.m.
Basketball - Union vs. Ponca City there 5:00 p.m.
Wrestling - Union vs. Bixby there
All Elementories- 6th Grade Gates McGinitie Readtng
Testing (al l week)
January 6-11
Union High School Redskin Roundboll dossic - UHS Gym &
January 6-1 0
Jr. High · ARC Parent Conference (all week)
January 7
Food Drive Co mmittee in clude. from left to right , sitti ng. Jenifer
Mooberry, Cheri Kr use, Duanea Leist, Robin Bibb, Nancy Jones. Jennifer
Parker. S tanding are Gaea Wi lliams and Bob Powell.
Page 7
I. If bad weath e r se ts in after sc hoo l has d ismissed or
be fore 10:00 p.m., Mr. G ill will no ti fy Mr. S toc kstill of the
co nditi o n o f th e res id e ntia l streets. Mr. S toc kstill sha ll
d ete rmin e wh e th e r th ey sho uld dri ve th e di strict aga in.
O ne of th e two will co nsult surro und ing school di stricts of
th e ir inte nt.
II. If snow/ ice con di tions exis t a ft e r 10 :00 p.m. or
beco me m o re severe, Mr. Sto ckstill a nd Mr. Gi ll will meet to
drive -th e di stri ct roa ds a t 4 :00 a. m. a nd will no tify Ur.
J arma n by 5:30 a. m. of th e ir eva lua ti o n of the
co ndi tio ns.
Ill. If a sto rm sets in while sc hool is in sessio n, th e sc hoo ls
will dismi ss a t re gul a r time. This will he lp in th e supe rvisio n
of stud e nts for pa re nts a nd a lso th e bus drive rs will be a ble
to dri ve with o ut having to make special a rra nge men ts
whe n th ey a re working at o th e r sit es.
Jr. High - Basketball Sapul pa 8th & 9th Boys & Gtrls here
4:30 p m.
Jr. High . Wres tl ing Sapulpa the re 6:00 p.m.
Administration Center · PTA Counci l Board Meeting 10:00 a.m. January 16
Clark - Operatton Aware (5th & 6th grades)
Jr. High - Wrestli ng Bartlesvi lle (there) 6:00 p.m.
Peters· PTA Skating 4-6 :00 p.m.
January 8
Briorglen - 6th Grade Growth & Development
Peters - PTA Popcorn Day
dark . Operat ion Aware (6th Grade)
dark - Honor Roll Asse mbly 2:30 (grades 3-6)
January 9
Jr. High - Basketball - 8!9 boys & girl s vs. Claremore
Jr. High - Semes ter Exams (Odd Hours)
there 4:30 p.m.
High School - UCTA Meeting 7:30 a.m. Rm. 201 1
Wrestling - Union vs. Midwest City here 6:00 p.m.
Clork ·Opera tion Aware (6th Grade)
dark · PTA Skating Party, Ska teworld 7:00p. m.
Dornoby . "Kids on the Block" presentations (4 th
Grade St udents)
Boevers - PTA Executive Board Meeting 1:00 p m.
Jr. High - Basketball - 8/9 vs. Cascia Hall there 6:00 p.m.
January 10-11
Wrestling . '' B" Schedule Wagoner Tournament there
Wrestling - Geary Tourna ment there
High School - All District Band Festtval UPAC (a ll day)
January 10
January 17
January 10
Clark . Spelling Bee
High School - Gymnast iCS Meet (all day) UH S
Jr. High - Semester Exams (even hours)
Clark - Popcorn Day
2 fo r 1 offer o n th e nex t "Southside Series" co nce rt
o nly:
Sc ho ols
Jarm an
Issued to patrons of the Union Public Sc hool system free of charge.
Subscriptio n ra tes to othe1 int erested parties available upon
requ est.
Un ion PTA Council will sponsor a Ca ndidates' Forum on
January 16, 1986 at 7 :00p.m . at the 7th Grade Ce nter.
School Board candidates for Zone 1 and Zone 4 will be
available to respond to questions from the audi e nce. All
Un ion District patrons are invited to attend.
The CO MMUNICATOR (U SPS 097 430) is published month ly by
the Unio n Pu blic Schools. 5656 S. 129 th E. Ave. Tulsa. OK 74 134 671 5. Seco nd class postage paid at Tulsa. OK POSTMASTER:
Send add ress changes to th e Com munica tor, 5656 S. ! 29t h E.
Ave., Tul sa. OK 741 34- 67 15.
January 17 -8:00p.m.- Union Performing Arts
15 uy one ticke t at full price. get a seco nd ticke t o f sa me
or less value free t
Bring this cou po n to the box off ice o r ca ll 5 8 4-2533
to get yo ur free ticket.
Tic kets: $ 19
Darnaby Science Fair
Janaury 30
Boevers -PTA Skating Part y 6-8:00 p.m.
Jr. High · Basketball Jenks 8th & 9th girls & boys
here 4:30 p. m.
Jr. High . Wrestling Jenks (there) 6:00 p.m.
Briorglen · PTA Boa rd Mee ting 7:00 p.m.
dark · Operation Aware (5th & 6th Grades)
W es l ~y
January 29 & 30
Dornoby - PTA Popcorn Sales
Boevers - Staff Break fast 8:00 a. m.
Wrestling · Union vs. Ponca City (there)
I >r.
Briorglen, Dornoby, Union Jr. High, Peters- ANN UAL
SC HOOL ELE CTIO N 7:00 a.m. - 7:00 p.m
Clark · Opera tion Awa re (5th & 6th Grades)
Wrestling- Union vs. Midwest Ci ty (here)
January 31
!:J up l'ri nl l' nd e nt o t
January 28
dark - Career Educa lion Week
Jr. High - Bui ld ing Academic Fai r (a ll week)
Anno un ce m e nts of dismi ssa l will be ma de o n th e th ree
ma in Tulsa TV statio ns as we ll as rad io sta tio ns. KRM G .
KVOO a nd KELl.
Editors: Joe Eidson
Alison Moore
Janaury 27
Jr. High · Basketba ll Bar tl esville Madison
8th girls & boys (there) 6:00 p.m.
January 20-24
,-x -----------------I
Briorglen - Career Educat ion Week
Clark - Book Fair
Jr. High · Basketball Sand Spri ngs Centra l
8th & 9th boys & girl s (there) 4:30 p m.
Jr. High - Wrestli ng - Sand Springs Centra l
Here 6:00 p.m.
dark · Operat ion Aware- 6th Grade
Dr. J arm a n will m a ke th e fin a l de cisio n o n sc hool
ca nce lla ti o n due to ba d weath er. If !Jr. J a rma n is
un ava ila ble , Ha ro ld Stockstill will m a ke the d ec isio n.
7:00a.m.- 7:00p.m.
January 27-31
Tulsa Philharmonic Orchestra Southside Series Concert
Natalie Hinderos, Piano - UPAC
Jr. High - Career Day # 4 (English Department)
Jr. High . Grade Cards Go Out
Basketball · Union vs. Sa nd Spring s there 4:00 p.m.
Wrestling . Union vs. Sapulpa there 6:0 0 p.m.
January 20
Wrestling Edison Tournament (there)
$ 16
$ 12
Also: $3.U U Stud en t Rush Ti cke ts a re ava il a bl e 15
minu tes before the p e rt orma nce.
L __________________ _
On e hundre d fift y-six ma th e ma tics teach ers, re prese nting the ir profession from 50 sta tes, Th e District o f
Co lumbi a, and Puerto Rico, we re winners in the 1985
Presi de ntia l Awa rd s for Exce ll ence in Scie nce an d
Ma the ma tics Teach ing pro gra m admin iste red by th e
Na ti o na l Scie nce Fo unda tion .
Na ncy Louise Maco n, Union Junio r High teac her, was
o ne o f th ree tea ch e rs selected for th e Sta te of
Okla homa.
We a re pro ud o f yo u, Na ncy!
- - - - - - t l u eommunica(!lr-----Page 3
December 1985
Th e November Employee of the
Month is Mrs. Phylli s Grimes. S he
has se rved as receptionist at
Andersen Ele mentary for the
past two years.
Janice Lu ce ha s taug ht third
grade at Boevers tor fi ve yea rs She has done an outstanding job.
He r classe s a re a lwa ys well
di sciplin ed. a nd we ll orga ni Le d.
Ph ylli s has a very important ro le .
She is th e fi1st per son most
people ta lk with whe n the y ca ll 0 1
visi t our building. Ph ylli s has th e
l '" ~· u, l;'"""''
;esponsibility o f crea ting a good
fits! impression ot out sc hool. She ha ndl es thi s responsib il ity extre mely we ll. Ph ylli s trul y cares about peo pl e , a nd
it shows whe n shes dealing with peo pl e.
Mrs. Luc e wo rks close ly with the
Vf A in editi ng and publis hing our
schoo l newsp ape r- Beave r Ta les.
A lo t o f tim e and e ffort is put into
o ur newspa per a nd everyone
looks forward to reading it.
ben though Phyllis has only worked a t Andet se n fot th e
pa st two yea rs. her ties wi th Union go back mu ch further.
Her. so n Mike. is a form er Re d s kin. an d Ph ylli s has been
active in PTA a nd band organiLations since Mikes ea rl y
ye c1 1s in schoo l.
It is a pleas ur e to honot Ph ylli s as th e emp loyee of th e
She is magnanimous. according to her principa l. Sh e
gives of herse lf in m a n y, ma n y ways. From taking hom e
stud e nts who missed their bu s to soot hing litt le hurt
feelings. she is a lways there to meet the challenges of a
sc hool office. Parents find a sympathetic ea r to voice th e ir
problems a nd conce rns because the y soo n lea rn that
listening a nd caring are two of J a ne· s stronges t attributes.
The faculty and staff at Grove consid er th e mse lves
fortun a te to hav e Jan e Chea tham as th e ir rece ptionist.
They say s he is truly a pl eas ure to work with a nd the y love
her. Congratulations. Jane' I I I I I I
December 1985
(6) A motion was made by Mrs. Bentley and seconded by
Mr. Zenthoefer to approve the hiring of Virginia Cody and
Catherine Doerr for the 1985-86 school year.
Approved: 3-0
Jw 11Ct'
Lu ce
Mr s. Luce is most deserving of this Educator of the Month
Award. She is very cooperative. easy to work with. a nd is
a lway s wil lin g to do whatever it takes to get a job done .
We need m a th tutors at Uni o n High School.
In terested perso n pl ease contact Virginia Bays.
Uir ector ot Volunt ee rs, a t 252-3561.
Du a na Miller, Union Junior
High teacher has been se lected
as the December Educator of the
Month. Mrs. Miller is a tribute to
her stud e nts, the faculty, Union
Junior High School, and to
e ducation accord ing to her
principal Bob Powe ll. She
illuminates the profession of
.. teac he r'· for everyone. Duana
IJauna M i ller
works diligently to en hance the learning of English and
teaches the importance of educa tion and the value of
lea rning.
Mr s. Miller has exemp lifi ed excellent teaching at Union
Junior High School for five years. H er .. extra .. hours are
a lways directed toward the learning of her st ud ents, her
Eng li sh co ll eagues, a nd other faculty members. She stands
out a nd s he is a wonder to watch on a day-to-day basis.
The faculty and staff at the junior high are very proud to
note that Mrs. Miller has been named Educator of the
Month and that her s kill as a teacher, student advis er, her
role model stat us for young people, and her enthusiasm for
teac hing a re recognized for the exce llence she portra ys as
a teacher.
Congra tulations, Duana.
Page 6
(5) A motion was made by Mrs. Bentley and seconded by
Mr. Zenthoefer to accept the resignations of Tammy
McDaris and Sally Margetson.
Approved: 3-0
J a ne
Chea tham.
Elementary receptioni st has bee n
se lected as th e Dece mb e r
employe e of th e Month. She is
th e .. voice of Grove .. acco rding to
principal David Brown. He says
s he is a public re lations ex pert
and s he does it with in comparable finesse' Her excepJu ll e l-'" ec~ t!lwn
tion a lly tactful approach to_
dea ling wi th the public in a school se tting is vita l to Grove·s
image with the community. Mr. Brown a lso says that J a ne s
consistent enthusiasm, charming se nse of humor and
impeccable character delight a ll who have th e pleas ure of
meeting her.
- - - - - - t l u eommunica{or------
(7) A motion was made by Mr. Zenthoefer and seconded
by Mrs. Bentley to approve the transportation contract with
the Vo-Tech School for the 1985-86 schoo l year in the
amount of $24,039.75.
Approved: 3-0
(8) A motion was reluctantly made by Mr. Zenthoefer and
seconded by Mrs. Bentley to pay our portion of the Tulsa
County Assessor's Revaluation Budget for the 1985-86
fiscal year in the amount of $129,233.24.
Approved: 3-0
(9) A motion was made by Mrs. Bentley and seconded by
Mr. Zenthoefer to approve the annual election resolutions,
adding the Junior High School as a fourth polling place
and listing the address as 1601 N. Garnett, Broken Arrow
(66th & Garnett, Tulsa).
Approved: 3-0
(1 0) Mr. Coats announced that th e Renegade Regiment
had won the State Championship at Stillwater on
Saturday. Mr. Coats announced that the tenative date for
the the mid-month meeting was November 18 .
(11) A motion was made by Mrs. Bentley and seconded by
Mr. Zenthoefer to adjourn at 8:25 PM until the next
regularly scheduled meeting or any other meeting
required for conducting school business.
The Board of Education met in regular session November
18, 1985. A quorum being present, the Board President
called the meeting to order and the following action were
(1) A motion was made by Mr. Reed and seconded by Mr
Zenthoefer regarding the central office computer. The
motion was withdrawn and a new motion was made by Mr.
Reed and seconded by Mr. Zenthoefer to adopt Plan Cas
presented for a total purchase price of $380.354.00 which
includes a monthly instal lment payment of $11.181.5Y
plus one tim e anticipated installation costs of
Approved: 4-1
(2) A motion was made by Mr. Reed and seconded by Mr.
Miller to approve Board Policy 5025 ·Student Attendance
Policy as presented.
Approved: 5-0
(3) A motion was made by Mr. Reed and seconded by Mr.
Zenthoefer to approve both Open Records Act policies,
one dealing with the Oklahoma law and one dealing with
the fed era l law.
Approved: 5 -0
(4) A motion was made by Mr. Reed a nd seconded by Mr.
Miller to approve the word changes on the fund raising
policy # 1010 and # lOll , e limin ating 7 .5 on policy
# lOll.
Approved: 5-0
(5) A motion was made by Mr. Reed and seconded by Mr.
Miller to approve Board Policy 5250-Field Trips as
Approved: 5-0
(6) It was the consensus of th e Board not to change Policy
5032 - Weighted Grade and Class Ranking Procedure.
(7) A motion was made by Mr. Reed and seconded by Mr.
Miller to adjourn to Executi ve S ess ion at 9:01 PM to
discuss the evaluation form to be used for the Superintendent's evaluation.
Approved: 5-0
A motion was made by Mr. Reed and seconded by Mr.
ZentLoefer to return to regular session at 10:36 PM
(8) A motion was made by Mr. Zenthoefer and second ed
by Mr. Miller to adjourn at 10: 3 7 PM until the next regularly
scheduled meeting any other meeting required for
conducting school business.
Un Thur sd ay. Nove mb ~ t 7. 1 Yt:\5. the thitd gradet s at
Elem e nta ry School we te pl eased to have a s theit
guest speaker. Ma yo t l ' e tr ~ Youn!::J.
1Jc1rn a b~;
Mayo r Yo ung spoke to the students abo ut th e ma ny
opportunities there a te fot famil y lite a nd in dustry in I ulsa.
Following hi s presentatio n. a quest ion a nd a nswe r pet iod
wa::; he ld.
!'he students were impt esse d with th e Mayors casual a nd
mann er while he. · in turn. co mplim e nted the
students o n theit p,rovacative LJUesti o ns.
hi e ndl ~
MrJy o r Youngs visit to Datn aby highlighte d the Jtd
!::Jradet s S oc ia l Studi es Unit on th e Lit~· o t Tu lsa
Do You Know of a HANDICAPPED CHILD lfrom birtlr to 21 years of
agel in your neighbodwod who may require special services for an
Call 252 356 I
Union Public Schools
- - - - - - t l s e eommunU:atpr===========
December 1985
------ttse eommunU:atpr===========
December 1985
Page 5
The Union Board of Education met in regular session
October 7, 1985. A quorum being present, the Board
President called the meeting to order and the following
actions were taken:
(7) A motion was made by Mr. Reed and seconded by Mr.
Miller to approve the revision of Board Policy 1350 Useage of School Facilities as presented.
Approved: 5-0
(1) A motion was made by Mr. Reed and seconded by Mr.
Miller to approve the consent agenda. The consent agenda
consisted of approving the minutes of September 9, 23
and 26, 1985 as presented, approving a resolution
"allowing the school district treasurer to deposit all idle
funds into interest bearing accounts at the highest rate
available", approving the monthly payroll and operating
amount of $361,648.57 .
Approved: 5-0
(8) A motion was made by Mr. Reed and seconded by Mrs.
(2) Dr. Jarman reported that work on the High School
Phase IV addition was proceeding very slowly. The Board
reported they had been told the final design drawings had
not been completed. Dr. Jarman responded that he had no
understanding of that being the case. The Board asked Dr.
Jarman to find out why the project is two months behind
and to get a work schedule from Mr. Day.
Work on Andersen Elementary is about two weeks
behind schedule. Interior and exterior walls are complete.
Roofing had been started and should speed up construction progress. The punch list on landscaping and
irrigation is being worked out now. Playing fields are
Substantial completion took place October 4 and the arts
& crafts and music classes were moving to the new
classrooms October 7.
(3) Mr. Stockstill introduced Beverly Thummel, central
media secretary as Employee of the Month. Mr. Harmon
introduced Steve Miller, U.S. Hlstory teacher and assistant
varsity football coach, as Educator of the Month.
(4) Mr. Don Akin, Chairman of the Planning Committee,
reported to the Board on his committee's last meeting and
recommended that the Board postpone a bond issue until
the Spring. No Board action was taken at this time.
(5) Mr. Patton gave a general fund budget presentation to
the Board. As a result of discussion generated by the
presentation, the Board asked the administration to check
the varying quantities on textbooks and find out about the
discrepencies in the schools and report back to the Board.
No further action was taken at this time.
(6) A motion was made by Mr. Zenthoefer and seconded
by Mr. Miller to reject the superintendent's recommendation on awarding a contract on the tennis courts at
the Junior High School and to direct the administration to
file a supplemental report for the purp-:>se of transferring
those funds set aside for this project from reserves to the
general fund.
Approved: 4-1
Bentley to approve the revision of Board Policies 4050
and 4055 - Involuntary Separation of Certified and
Support Personnel as prepared by the attorneys for the
school district.
Approved: 5-0
(9) The Board discussed Policy 5025 - Student
Attendance and changed item 8 - delete the word
emergency and under the examples, item 1 to add lunch
period at the senior high school is excepted and after the
changes are made for the administration to send a copy of
the policy and the AR to the secondary schools and
secondary PTA units. The Board will vote on this policy at
the regular November meeting.
(10) The Board discussed Policy 5250- Field Trips and
directed administration to send a copy to all schools.
During the discussion on this policy, the Board also talked
about fund raisers and asked the administration to find out
what fund raisers are going on in the schools and report
back to them. The Board will vote on this policy at the
regular November meeting.
(11) A motion was made by Mr. Reed and seconded by Mr.
Miller to accept the resignation of Carol Goddard.
Approved: 5-0
(12) A motion was made by Mr. Reed and seconded by
Mrs. Bentley to approve the hiring of Shirley Collins, Carol
Cowan, Carol Daly, Marla Lewis, Mary Philpott, Jacqueline
Rosenfeld, Cheryl Wilburn and Lori Wojciehowski for the
1985-86 school year.
Approved: 5-0
(13) A motion was made by Mrs. Bentley and seconded by
Mr. Miller to reject a claim from Mr. Terry Penix on his
daughter, Amy, so that tort liability can take over and
process the claim.
Approved: 5-0
(14) A motion was made by Mr. Miller and seconded by
Mrs. Bentley to reject a request from the Southeast Tulsa
Jaycees to rent the PAC at a free or reduced rate.
Approved: 5-0
(15) A motion was made by Mr. Reed and seconded by Mr.
Miller to approve the Vocational programs contract for the
1985-85 school year.
Approved: 5 -0
(16) A motion was made by Mr. Reed and seconded by Mr.
Miller to adjourn at 11:09 PM until the next regularly
scheduled meeting or any other meeting required for
conducting school business.
The Union Board of Education met in regular session
October 28, 1985. A quorum being present, the Board
President called the meeting to order and the following
actions were taken:
(1) The Board went through the previously established
goals for 1984-85. The Board requested that the
administration check on the status of uniforms for the JHS
band and check on what has been done with the old high
school un iforms , the Board further requested that the
administration check on blazers for the JH academic team.
No further Board action was required.
(2) Following comments from the floor, the Board
discussed the Fund Raising Policies # 1010 and 1011.
During the discussion a motion was made by Mr. Miller and
seconded by Mrs. Bentley to exempt the book fair from the
fund raising policy and for the administration to
recommend wording change to be voted on at the next
Approved: 4-1
(3) During further discussion the Board requested
information on how the $10,000 allotted to the Athletic
Department is distributed by school and what the schools
are spending it on. The Board also requested information
on the activity and building funds and what the money is
being spent on. The research will be based on 84-85
expenditures and the report will be ,due in midNovember.
(4) The Board discussed the Attendance Policy # 5025.
No action was taken at this time.
(5) The Board discussed Policy # 2040 - Bid Opening
Procedure and decided that since the IHS project could
have as many as fifty alternates that the architects and the
administration could schedule the opening of those bids
during the day and report to the Board at a later date.
(6) A motion was made by Mr. Reed and seconded by Mr.
Miller declaring the dynamometer a surplus item and allow
Mr. Stockstill to take steps to find a buyer for it.
Approved: 4-0
(7) The Board discussed the possible installation of a new
central office computer. The Board requested that the
administration put together information on the payment
options and they will vote on the computer in midNovember.
(8) A motion was made by Mr. Zenthoefer and seconded
by Mr. Miller to join the other school districts in Tulsa
County in the lawsuit against the District Attorney in
regards to the Open Records Act
Approved: 5-0
(9) A motion was made by Mr. Reed and seconded by Mrs.
Bentley to adjourn to Executive Session at 10:16 PM to
discuss the evaluation procedures for the Superintendent.
Approved: 5-0
The Board returned from Executive Session at 11:12
(1 0) A motion was made by Mr. Reed and seconded by Mr.
Zenthoefer to adjourn at 11:15 PM until the next regularly
scheduled meeting or any other meeting required for
conducting school business.
The Union Board of Education met in regular session
November 4 , 1985. A quorum being present, the Board
President called the meeting to order and the following
actions were taken:
(1) A motion was made by Mr. Zenthoefer and seconded
by Mrs. Bentley to approve the consent agenda. The
consent agenda consisted of approving the minutes of
October 7 and 28, 1985 as presented, approving a
resolution "allowing the school district treasurer to deposit
all idle funds into interest bearing accounts at the highest
rate available", approving the monthly payroll and
operating expenses and approving bond fund claims # 3540 in the amount of $230,998.75.
Approved: 3-0
(2) Dr. Jarman gave the Board a construction update on
the various projects. The Board requested a proposal form
and scope of work on the IHS so that they could get an idea
of what all of the alternates to be bid would contain.
(3) Mr. Stockstill introduced Phyllis Grimes, receptionist at
Andersen Elementary as Employee of the Month. Mr.
Harmon introduced Janice Luce, third grade teacher at
Boevers Elementary as Educator of the Month.
(4) The Board discussed Policy 5032 - Weighted Grade
and Class Ranking Procedure. The Board pointed out that
there was an error in the listing of classes, i.e. Biology
should be Advanced Biology or Honor Biology. Following
discussion, the Board decided to make this an agenda item
for December 2 and for the administrative staff to prepare a
report on the policy as it stands now and how the staff views
the problem, possible solutions, etc.
Continued on Page 6
- - - - - - t l s e eommunU:atpr===========
December 1985
------ttse eommunU:atpr===========
December 1985
Page 5
The Union Board of Education met in regular session
October 7, 1985. A quorum being present, the Board
President called the meeting to order and the following
actions were taken:
(7) A motion was made by Mr. Reed and seconded by Mr.
Miller to approve the revision of Board Policy 1350 Useage of School Facilities as presented.
Approved: 5-0
(1) A motion was made by Mr. Reed and seconded by Mr.
Miller to approve the consent agenda. The consent agenda
consisted of approving the minutes of September 9, 23
and 26, 1985 as presented, approving a resolution
"allowing the school district treasurer to deposit all idle
funds into interest bearing accounts at the highest rate
available", approving the monthly payroll and operating
amount of $361,648.57 .
Approved: 5-0
(8) A motion was made by Mr. Reed and seconded by Mrs.
(2) Dr. Jarman reported that work on the High School
Phase IV addition was proceeding very slowly. The Board
reported they had been told the final design drawings had
not been completed. Dr. Jarman responded that he had no
understanding of that being the case. The Board asked Dr.
Jarman to find out why the project is two months behind
and to get a work schedule from Mr. Day.
Work on Andersen Elementary is about two weeks
behind schedule. Interior and exterior walls are complete.
Roofing had been started and should speed up construction progress. The punch list on landscaping and
irrigation is being worked out now. Playing fields are
Substantial completion took place October 4 and the arts
& crafts and music classes were moving to the new
classrooms October 7.
(3) Mr. Stockstill introduced Beverly Thummel, central
media secretary as Employee of the Month. Mr. Harmon
introduced Steve Miller, U.S. Hlstory teacher and assistant
varsity football coach, as Educator of the Month.
(4) Mr. Don Akin, Chairman of the Planning Committee,
reported to the Board on his committee's last meeting and
recommended that the Board postpone a bond issue until
the Spring. No Board action was taken at this time.
(5) Mr. Patton gave a general fund budget presentation to
the Board. As a result of discussion generated by the
presentation, the Board asked the administration to check
the varying quantities on textbooks and find out about the
discrepencies in the schools and report back to the Board.
No further action was taken at this time.
(6) A motion was made by Mr. Zenthoefer and seconded
by Mr. Miller to reject the superintendent's recommendation on awarding a contract on the tennis courts at
the Junior High School and to direct the administration to
file a supplemental report for the purp-:>se of transferring
those funds set aside for this project from reserves to the
general fund.
Approved: 4-1
Bentley to approve the revision of Board Policies 4050
and 4055 - Involuntary Separation of Certified and
Support Personnel as prepared by the attorneys for the
school district.
Approved: 5-0
(9) The Board discussed Policy 5025 - Student
Attendance and changed item 8 - delete the word
emergency and under the examples, item 1 to add lunch
period at the senior high school is excepted and after the
changes are made for the administration to send a copy of
the policy and the AR to the secondary schools and
secondary PTA units. The Board will vote on this policy at
the regular November meeting.
(10) The Board discussed Policy 5250- Field Trips and
directed administration to send a copy to all schools.
During the discussion on this policy, the Board also talked
about fund raisers and asked the administration to find out
what fund raisers are going on in the schools and report
back to them. The Board will vote on this policy at the
regular November meeting.
(11) A motion was made by Mr. Reed and seconded by Mr.
Miller to accept the resignation of Carol Goddard.
Approved: 5-0
(12) A motion was made by Mr. Reed and seconded by
Mrs. Bentley to approve the hiring of Shirley Collins, Carol
Cowan, Carol Daly, Marla Lewis, Mary Philpott, Jacqueline
Rosenfeld, Cheryl Wilburn and Lori Wojciehowski for the
1985-86 school year.
Approved: 5-0
(13) A motion was made by Mrs. Bentley and seconded by
Mr. Miller to reject a claim from Mr. Terry Penix on his
daughter, Amy, so that tort liability can take over and
process the claim.
Approved: 5-0
(14) A motion was made by Mr. Miller and seconded by
Mrs. Bentley to reject a request from the Southeast Tulsa
Jaycees to rent the PAC at a free or reduced rate.
Approved: 5-0
(15) A motion was made by Mr. Reed and seconded by Mr.
Miller to approve the Vocational programs contract for the
1985-85 school year.
Approved: 5 -0
(16) A motion was made by Mr. Reed and seconded by Mr.
Miller to adjourn at 11:09 PM until the next regularly
scheduled meeting or any other meeting required for
conducting school business.
The Union Board of Education met in regular session
October 28, 1985. A quorum being present, the Board
President called the meeting to order and the following
actions were taken:
(1) The Board went through the previously established
goals for 1984-85. The Board requested that the
administration check on the status of uniforms for the JHS
band and check on what has been done with the old high
school un iforms , the Board further requested that the
administration check on blazers for the JH academic team.
No further Board action was required.
(2) Following comments from the floor, the Board
discussed the Fund Raising Policies # 1010 and 1011.
During the discussion a motion was made by Mr. Miller and
seconded by Mrs. Bentley to exempt the book fair from the
fund raising policy and for the administration to
recommend wording change to be voted on at the next
Approved: 4-1
(3) During further discussion the Board requested
information on how the $10,000 allotted to the Athletic
Department is distributed by school and what the schools
are spending it on. The Board also requested information
on the activity and building funds and what the money is
being spent on. The research will be based on 84-85
expenditures and the report will be ,due in midNovember.
(4) The Board discussed the Attendance Policy # 5025.
No action was taken at this time.
(5) The Board discussed Policy # 2040 - Bid Opening
Procedure and decided that since the IHS project could
have as many as fifty alternates that the architects and the
administration could schedule the opening of those bids
during the day and report to the Board at a later date.
(6) A motion was made by Mr. Reed and seconded by Mr.
Miller declaring the dynamometer a surplus item and allow
Mr. Stockstill to take steps to find a buyer for it.
Approved: 4-0
(7) The Board discussed the possible installation of a new
central office computer. The Board requested that the
administration put together information on the payment
options and they will vote on the computer in midNovember.
(8) A motion was made by Mr. Zenthoefer and seconded
by Mr. Miller to join the other school districts in Tulsa
County in the lawsuit against the District Attorney in
regards to the Open Records Act
Approved: 5-0
(9) A motion was made by Mr. Reed and seconded by Mrs.
Bentley to adjourn to Executive Session at 10:16 PM to
discuss the evaluation procedures for the Superintendent.
Approved: 5-0
The Board returned from Executive Session at 11:12
(1 0) A motion was made by Mr. Reed and seconded by Mr.
Zenthoefer to adjourn at 11:15 PM until the next regularly
scheduled meeting or any other meeting required for
conducting school business.
The Union Board of Education met in regular session
November 4 , 1985. A quorum being present, the Board
President called the meeting to order and the following
actions were taken:
(1) A motion was made by Mr. Zenthoefer and seconded
by Mrs. Bentley to approve the consent agenda. The
consent agenda consisted of approving the minutes of
October 7 and 28, 1985 as presented, approving a
resolution "allowing the school district treasurer to deposit
all idle funds into interest bearing accounts at the highest
rate available", approving the monthly payroll and
operating expenses and approving bond fund claims # 3540 in the amount of $230,998.75.
Approved: 3-0
(2) Dr. Jarman gave the Board a construction update on
the various projects. The Board requested a proposal form
and scope of work on the IHS so that they could get an idea
of what all of the alternates to be bid would contain.
(3) Mr. Stockstill introduced Phyllis Grimes, receptionist at
Andersen Elementary as Employee of the Month. Mr.
Harmon introduced Janice Luce, third grade teacher at
Boevers Elementary as Educator of the Month.
(4) The Board discussed Policy 5032 - Weighted Grade
and Class Ranking Procedure. The Board pointed out that
there was an error in the listing of classes, i.e. Biology
should be Advanced Biology or Honor Biology. Following
discussion, the Board decided to make this an agenda item
for December 2 and for the administrative staff to prepare a
report on the policy as it stands now and how the staff views
the problem, possible solutions, etc.
Continued on Page 6
- - - - - - t l u eommunica(!lr-----Page 3
December 1985
Th e November Employee of the
Month is Mrs. Phylli s Grimes. S he
has se rved as receptionist at
Andersen Ele mentary for the
past two years.
Janice Lu ce ha s taug ht third
grade at Boevers tor fi ve yea rs She has done an outstanding job.
He r classe s a re a lwa ys well
di sciplin ed. a nd we ll orga ni Le d.
Ph ylli s has a very important ro le .
She is th e fi1st per son most
people ta lk with whe n the y ca ll 0 1
visi t our building. Ph ylli s has th e
l '" ~· u, l;'"""''
;esponsibility o f crea ting a good
fits! impression ot out sc hool. She ha ndl es thi s responsib il ity extre mely we ll. Ph ylli s trul y cares about peo pl e , a nd
it shows whe n shes dealing with peo pl e.
Mrs. Luc e wo rks close ly with the
Vf A in editi ng and publis hing our
schoo l newsp ape r- Beave r Ta les.
A lo t o f tim e and e ffort is put into
o ur newspa per a nd everyone
looks forward to reading it.
ben though Phyllis has only worked a t Andet se n fot th e
pa st two yea rs. her ties wi th Union go back mu ch further.
Her. so n Mike. is a form er Re d s kin. an d Ph ylli s has been
active in PTA a nd band organiLations since Mikes ea rl y
ye c1 1s in schoo l.
It is a pleas ur e to honot Ph ylli s as th e emp loyee of th e
She is magnanimous. according to her principa l. Sh e
gives of herse lf in m a n y, ma n y ways. From taking hom e
stud e nts who missed their bu s to soot hing litt le hurt
feelings. she is a lways there to meet the challenges of a
sc hool office. Parents find a sympathetic ea r to voice th e ir
problems a nd conce rns because the y soo n lea rn that
listening a nd caring are two of J a ne· s stronges t attributes.
The faculty and staff at Grove consid er th e mse lves
fortun a te to hav e Jan e Chea tham as th e ir rece ptionist.
They say s he is truly a pl eas ure to work with a nd the y love
her. Congratulations. Jane' I I I I I I
December 1985
(6) A motion was made by Mrs. Bentley and seconded by
Mr. Zenthoefer to approve the hiring of Virginia Cody and
Catherine Doerr for the 1985-86 school year.
Approved: 3-0
Jw 11Ct'
Lu ce
Mr s. Luce is most deserving of this Educator of the Month
Award. She is very cooperative. easy to work with. a nd is
a lway s wil lin g to do whatever it takes to get a job done .
We need m a th tutors at Uni o n High School.
In terested perso n pl ease contact Virginia Bays.
Uir ector ot Volunt ee rs, a t 252-3561.
Du a na Miller, Union Junior
High teacher has been se lected
as the December Educator of the
Month. Mrs. Miller is a tribute to
her stud e nts, the faculty, Union
Junior High School, and to
e ducation accord ing to her
principal Bob Powe ll. She
illuminates the profession of
.. teac he r'· for everyone. Duana
IJauna M i ller
works diligently to en hance the learning of English and
teaches the importance of educa tion and the value of
lea rning.
Mr s. Miller has exemp lifi ed excellent teaching at Union
Junior High School for five years. H er .. extra .. hours are
a lways directed toward the learning of her st ud ents, her
Eng li sh co ll eagues, a nd other faculty members. She stands
out a nd s he is a wonder to watch on a day-to-day basis.
The faculty and staff at the junior high are very proud to
note that Mrs. Miller has been named Educator of the
Month and that her s kill as a teacher, student advis er, her
role model stat us for young people, and her enthusiasm for
teac hing a re recognized for the exce llence she portra ys as
a teacher.
Congra tulations, Duana.
Page 6
(5) A motion was made by Mrs. Bentley and seconded by
Mr. Zenthoefer to accept the resignations of Tammy
McDaris and Sally Margetson.
Approved: 3-0
J a ne
Chea tham.
Elementary receptioni st has bee n
se lected as th e Dece mb e r
employe e of th e Month. She is
th e .. voice of Grove .. acco rding to
principal David Brown. He says
s he is a public re lations ex pert
and s he does it with in comparable finesse' Her excepJu ll e l-'" ec~ t!lwn
tion a lly tactful approach to_
dea ling wi th the public in a school se tting is vita l to Grove·s
image with the community. Mr. Brown a lso says that J a ne s
consistent enthusiasm, charming se nse of humor and
impeccable character delight a ll who have th e pleas ure of
meeting her.
- - - - - - t l u eommunica{or------
(7) A motion was made by Mr. Zenthoefer and seconded
by Mrs. Bentley to approve the transportation contract with
the Vo-Tech School for the 1985-86 schoo l year in the
amount of $24,039.75.
Approved: 3-0
(8) A motion was reluctantly made by Mr. Zenthoefer and
seconded by Mrs. Bentley to pay our portion of the Tulsa
County Assessor's Revaluation Budget for the 1985-86
fiscal year in the amount of $129,233.24.
Approved: 3-0
(9) A motion was made by Mrs. Bentley and seconded by
Mr. Zenthoefer to approve the annual election resolutions,
adding the Junior High School as a fourth polling place
and listing the address as 1601 N. Garnett, Broken Arrow
(66th & Garnett, Tulsa).
Approved: 3-0
(1 0) Mr. Coats announced that th e Renegade Regiment
had won the State Championship at Stillwater on
Saturday. Mr. Coats announced that the tenative date for
the the mid-month meeting was November 18 .
(11) A motion was made by Mrs. Bentley and seconded by
Mr. Zenthoefer to adjourn at 8:25 PM until the next
regularly scheduled meeting or any other meeting
required for conducting school business.
The Board of Education met in regular session November
18, 1985. A quorum being present, the Board President
called the meeting to order and the following action were
(1) A motion was made by Mr. Reed and seconded by Mr
Zenthoefer regarding the central office computer. The
motion was withdrawn and a new motion was made by Mr.
Reed and seconded by Mr. Zenthoefer to adopt Plan Cas
presented for a total purchase price of $380.354.00 which
includes a monthly instal lment payment of $11.181.5Y
plus one tim e anticipated installation costs of
Approved: 4-1
(2) A motion was made by Mr. Reed and seconded by Mr.
Miller to approve Board Policy 5025 ·Student Attendance
Policy as presented.
Approved: 5-0
(3) A motion was made by Mr. Reed and seconded by Mr.
Zenthoefer to approve both Open Records Act policies,
one dealing with the Oklahoma law and one dealing with
the fed era l law.
Approved: 5 -0
(4) A motion was made by Mr. Reed a nd seconded by Mr.
Miller to approve the word changes on the fund raising
policy # 1010 and # lOll , e limin ating 7 .5 on policy
# lOll.
Approved: 5-0
(5) A motion was made by Mr. Reed and seconded by Mr.
Miller to approve Board Policy 5250-Field Trips as
Approved: 5-0
(6) It was the consensus of th e Board not to change Policy
5032 - Weighted Grade and Class Ranking Procedure.
(7) A motion was made by Mr. Reed and seconded by Mr.
Miller to adjourn to Executi ve S ess ion at 9:01 PM to
discuss the evaluation form to be used for the Superintendent's evaluation.
Approved: 5-0
A motion was made by Mr. Reed and seconded by Mr.
ZentLoefer to return to regular session at 10:36 PM
(8) A motion was made by Mr. Zenthoefer and second ed
by Mr. Miller to adjourn at 10: 3 7 PM until the next regularly
scheduled meeting any other meeting required for
conducting school business.
Un Thur sd ay. Nove mb ~ t 7. 1 Yt:\5. the thitd gradet s at
Elem e nta ry School we te pl eased to have a s theit
guest speaker. Ma yo t l ' e tr ~ Youn!::J.
1Jc1rn a b~;
Mayo r Yo ung spoke to the students abo ut th e ma ny
opportunities there a te fot famil y lite a nd in dustry in I ulsa.
Following hi s presentatio n. a quest ion a nd a nswe r pet iod
wa::; he ld.
!'he students were impt esse d with th e Mayors casual a nd
mann er while he. · in turn. co mplim e nted the
students o n theit p,rovacative LJUesti o ns.
hi e ndl ~
MrJy o r Youngs visit to Datn aby highlighte d the Jtd
!::Jradet s S oc ia l Studi es Unit on th e Lit~· o t Tu lsa
Do You Know of a HANDICAPPED CHILD lfrom birtlr to 21 years of
agel in your neighbodwod who may require special services for an
Call 252 356 I
Union Public Schools
- - - - - - t l s e eommunicatpr _ _ _ _ __
Page 2
December 1985
- - - - - - t l s e eommunicapr- - - - December 1985
January 1986 Calendar
A THANKSGIVING GIFT.. .from Union Junior High School
Un io n Junior High Sc hoo l recently he ld a ca nn ed food
drive to be nefit those fa m ili es in th e Tulsa area who are in
need. T he class th at co ll ected th e most ca ns was Ms. Jana
Loper's third hou r who a m assed a pproxiametely 1,200
canned goods a nd , beca use o f that effort, will be awarded a
pizza party. Several classes ha d a n overwhelm ing
response to the drive an d co ntrib uted over 1,200 cans
which added to the sc hoo l' s gran d to ta l o f 7, 7 4 0 cans.
Dua nea Le ist a nd C heri Kr use, st udent co unci l me m bers,
were appo inted cha irm en of th e comm ittee whic h was in
charge o f th e food dri ve. Ms. Willi a ms, U.J .H.S. scie nce
teacher and st ud e nt co un cil advisor fee ls, .. Th e stu de nts
need to be aware that th ere a re many peopl e in th e T ulsa
area which incl ud es the Unio n Sc hoo i !Jistrict who are in
fina ncia l need, Wh en each person gives a littl e, it benefits a
large number of peopl e ...
Th e Union School Board Ele ction has bee n set for
J a nua ry 2 8, 1986. This year th e re are two School Board
positions to be filled . They are Zone 1 and Zon e 4 .
Th e annual millage election will also be he ld on Janua ry
2 8 th. The passage of these mills are critical to the
operation of the school system next year.
Polling p laces are:
(1) Briarglen Elementary
3303 South 121st E. Ave.
Tulsa, Oklahoma
Darnaby Elementary
7625 East 87th Street South
Tulsa, Oklahoma
Peters Elementary
2900 West College
Broken Arrow
Union Junior High
1601 North Garnett
(66th & S. Garnett, Tulsa)
Broken Arrow
January 3
January 13-16
January 23
Basketball - Union vs. Broken Arrow here 4:00 p m.
STANFORD DIAGNOSTIC MATH TEST (oil elementories) 6th Grode Only
January 4
January 13
Wrestling . Quad Union. Moore, Putnam City N., Shawnee
Administotive Center - Board Meeting (tenta ti ve)
Jr. High - Basketball Broken Arrow Cen tral & South
8th & 9th boys & girls there 4:30 p.m.
Clork - Opera tion Aware (6 th grade)
Oornoby . 3rd grade program - Johnny Appleseed
Wrestling- Union vs. Broken Arrow (there)
January 24 & 25
January 14
January 27-30
Elementary Strings Concert UPAC 7:30 p.m.
Administrative Center · PTA Council Meeti ng 9:30 a.m.
Jr. High·: Wrestling Muskogee here 6:00 p.m.
Clark - Operation Aware (5th & 6th Grades)
Boevers - PTA Meeting 7:00 p.m.
Basketball - Union vs. Ponca City there 5:00 p.m.
Wrestling - Union vs. Bixby there
All Elementories- 6th Grade Gates McGinitie Readtng
Testing (al l week)
January 6-11
Union High School Redskin Roundboll dossic - UHS Gym &
January 6-1 0
Jr. High · ARC Parent Conference (all week)
January 7
Food Drive Co mmittee in clude. from left to right , sitti ng. Jenifer
Mooberry, Cheri Kr use, Duanea Leist, Robin Bibb, Nancy Jones. Jennifer
Parker. S tanding are Gaea Wi lliams and Bob Powell.
Page 7
I. If bad weath e r se ts in after sc hoo l has d ismissed or
be fore 10:00 p.m., Mr. G ill will no ti fy Mr. S toc kstill of the
co nditi o n o f th e res id e ntia l streets. Mr. S toc kstill sha ll
d ete rmin e wh e th e r th ey sho uld dri ve th e di strict aga in.
O ne of th e two will co nsult surro und ing school di stricts of
th e ir inte nt.
II. If snow/ ice con di tions exis t a ft e r 10 :00 p.m. or
beco me m o re severe, Mr. Sto ckstill a nd Mr. Gi ll will meet to
drive -th e di stri ct roa ds a t 4 :00 a. m. a nd will no tify Ur.
J arma n by 5:30 a. m. of th e ir eva lua ti o n of the
co ndi tio ns.
Ill. If a sto rm sets in while sc hool is in sessio n, th e sc hoo ls
will dismi ss a t re gul a r time. This will he lp in th e supe rvisio n
of stud e nts for pa re nts a nd a lso th e bus drive rs will be a ble
to dri ve with o ut having to make special a rra nge men ts
whe n th ey a re working at o th e r sit es.
Jr. High - Basketball Sapul pa 8th & 9th Boys & Gtrls here
4:30 p m.
Jr. High . Wres tl ing Sapulpa the re 6:00 p.m.
Administration Center · PTA Counci l Board Meeting 10:00 a.m. January 16
Clark - Operatton Aware (5th & 6th grades)
Jr. High - Wrestli ng Bartlesvi lle (there) 6:00 p.m.
Peters· PTA Skating 4-6 :00 p.m.
January 8
Briorglen - 6th Grade Growth & Development
Peters - PTA Popcorn Day
dark . Operat ion Aware (6th Grade)
dark - Honor Roll Asse mbly 2:30 (grades 3-6)
January 9
Jr. High - Basketball - 8!9 boys & girl s vs. Claremore
Jr. High - Semes ter Exams (Odd Hours)
there 4:30 p.m.
High School - UCTA Meeting 7:30 a.m. Rm. 201 1
Wrestling - Union vs. Midwest City here 6:00 p.m.
Clork ·Opera tion Aware (6th Grade)
dark · PTA Skating Party, Ska teworld 7:00p. m.
Dornoby . "Kids on the Block" presentations (4 th
Grade St udents)
Boevers - PTA Executive Board Meeting 1:00 p m.
Jr. High - Basketball - 8/9 vs. Cascia Hall there 6:00 p.m.
January 10-11
Wrestling . '' B" Schedule Wagoner Tournament there
Wrestling - Geary Tourna ment there
High School - All District Band Festtval UPAC (a ll day)
January 10
January 17
January 10
Clark . Spelling Bee
High School - Gymnast iCS Meet (all day) UH S
Jr. High - Semester Exams (even hours)
Clark - Popcorn Day
2 fo r 1 offer o n th e nex t "Southside Series" co nce rt
o nly:
Sc ho ols
Jarm an
Issued to patrons of the Union Public Sc hool system free of charge.
Subscriptio n ra tes to othe1 int erested parties available upon
requ est.
Un ion PTA Council will sponsor a Ca ndidates' Forum on
January 16, 1986 at 7 :00p.m . at the 7th Grade Ce nter.
School Board candidates for Zone 1 and Zone 4 will be
available to respond to questions from the audi e nce. All
Un ion District patrons are invited to attend.
The CO MMUNICATOR (U SPS 097 430) is published month ly by
the Unio n Pu blic Schools. 5656 S. 129 th E. Ave. Tulsa. OK 74 134 671 5. Seco nd class postage paid at Tulsa. OK POSTMASTER:
Send add ress changes to th e Com munica tor, 5656 S. ! 29t h E.
Ave., Tul sa. OK 741 34- 67 15.
January 17 -8:00p.m.- Union Performing Arts
15 uy one ticke t at full price. get a seco nd ticke t o f sa me
or less value free t
Bring this cou po n to the box off ice o r ca ll 5 8 4-2533
to get yo ur free ticket.
Tic kets: $ 19
Darnaby Science Fair
Janaury 30
Boevers -PTA Skating Part y 6-8:00 p.m.
Jr. High · Basketball Jenks 8th & 9th girls & boys
here 4:30 p. m.
Jr. High . Wrestling Jenks (there) 6:00 p.m.
Briorglen · PTA Boa rd Mee ting 7:00 p.m.
dark · Operation Aware (5th & 6th Grades)
W es l ~y
January 29 & 30
Dornoby - PTA Popcorn Sales
Boevers - Staff Break fast 8:00 a. m.
Wrestling · Union vs. Ponca City (there)
I >r.
Briorglen, Dornoby, Union Jr. High, Peters- ANN UAL
SC HOOL ELE CTIO N 7:00 a.m. - 7:00 p.m
Clark · Opera tion Awa re (5th & 6th Grades)
Wrestling- Union vs. Midwest Ci ty (here)
January 31
!:J up l'ri nl l' nd e nt o t
January 28
dark - Career Educa lion Week
Jr. High - Bui ld ing Academic Fai r (a ll week)
Anno un ce m e nts of dismi ssa l will be ma de o n th e th ree
ma in Tulsa TV statio ns as we ll as rad io sta tio ns. KRM G .
KVOO a nd KELl.
Editors: Joe Eidson
Alison Moore
Janaury 27
Jr. High · Basketba ll Bar tl esville Madison
8th girls & boys (there) 6:00 p.m.
January 20-24
,-x -----------------I
Briorglen - Career Educat ion Week
Clark - Book Fair
Jr. High · Basketball Sand Spri ngs Centra l
8th & 9th boys & girl s (there) 4:30 p m.
Jr. High - Wrestli ng - Sand Springs Centra l
Here 6:00 p.m.
dark · Operat ion Aware- 6th Grade
Dr. J arm a n will m a ke th e fin a l de cisio n o n sc hool
ca nce lla ti o n due to ba d weath er. If !Jr. J a rma n is
un ava ila ble , Ha ro ld Stockstill will m a ke the d ec isio n.
7:00a.m.- 7:00p.m.
January 27-31
Tulsa Philharmonic Orchestra Southside Series Concert
Natalie Hinderos, Piano - UPAC
Jr. High - Career Day # 4 (English Department)
Jr. High . Grade Cards Go Out
Basketball · Union vs. Sa nd Spring s there 4:00 p.m.
Wrestling . Union vs. Sapulpa there 6:0 0 p.m.
January 20
Wrestling Edison Tournament (there)
$ 16
$ 12
Also: $3.U U Stud en t Rush Ti cke ts a re ava il a bl e 15
minu tes before the p e rt orma nce.
L __________________ _
On e hundre d fift y-six ma th e ma tics teach ers, re prese nting the ir profession from 50 sta tes, Th e District o f
Co lumbi a, and Puerto Rico, we re winners in the 1985
Presi de ntia l Awa rd s for Exce ll ence in Scie nce an d
Ma the ma tics Teach ing pro gra m admin iste red by th e
Na ti o na l Scie nce Fo unda tion .
Na ncy Louise Maco n, Union Junio r High teac her, was
o ne o f th ree tea ch e rs selected for th e Sta te of
Okla homa.
We a re pro ud o f yo u, Na ncy!
------tlse eommunicatpr _ _ _ _ __
December 1985
Page 8
As predicted early this year the
Oklahoma Secondary School
Activities As sociation adopted
the 8-team footba ll district plan.
With the adoption of this format
for football the conference
alignments and ties were greatly
Beginning in the fall of 1986 the
Fronti er Conference wi ll includ e
the following schools: Union.
Broken Arrow, J enks, Hal e,
II is always su ch a pleasure 10
see !h e cmmlerzance of a child
when th e holiday seaso n
approaches. They !i1 era llv g lo11 '
ll'il h 1h e expec!UI ious !luu o ull" (/
child cw1 e.relllplify. May each
of us 1/e\'er reach 1l1 e pui111 iu
our life 1ha1 \\ 'e CWIIIOI feel 1hw
swne spiri1 LIS our eli ildreu. Mm ·
Dr. Wesley Jarman
each o f us pause SU III C'lillle
during our huslle and bus!Le
and 1hiuk abolll uur guud
for ILl n e. This guu d fun uue e.\"ll.'llds IU bl.'iug hum iu
America, !lze laud of !h e hun •e oud 1lu:: lw111 e of !h e
free. There are leelllillg 111iliiu11s uruuud !he 11 ·u rld
11'h o 1vuuld gil'e all 1h e1· 011 ' II ur cu1 1ld e 1Tr IIIJfJ C' 10
acquire just/0 be(/ cili;:.ell uf !his greul loud rlwl
being the case, ll 'e ueed lu spend 1his lwlidov
season searchiug our ol\ ' 11 !i1 •es jus/ lu see 11'lw1
contribwion 11 •e ore nwkiug 1u 1his sucielv .
We su1· eduu11iu11 is £1 re/leeliull u/suL·il.'l\", su 1/CJ\\ '
lei's 11£; /.,.U\\' i11 e foul s u/ uur CUillri!mliun lu see
11'luu euc/1 u/us cull dufur educuJiou, u11d uwre
.~p ec ificu/11", 11-lull 11·e cu11 du fur Uuiu11 J>uhlic
Sclwuls J We lul\'e u ,!!,reo! silwlliuu £11 Uuiuu - !lUI
JJL'I'/c:CI - !Jll! ({ rl.'Uf OfJJJUUIIIlil\' IU l1efp !Ju\'S wuf
,!!,iris. }·u ur SIIJYJJUI'I i/1/(1 CU//Cer/1 is l'i!U/ ill IIIUkiug
1l1 iss \'Sf(' 111 11 ·urk. 111 e 1·u lwll eer prugrw 11 is gel/ iuy,
u!/ 1u.u greu 1 sf u u u ud !l1ere is ruu111 fuuli I 11'1 /U 11 ·ish
1u heiv
My lwlidor 11 ·is h i~ !IIlii i.'Uc/1 ul you 1\'ii!lllllke
yo ur coni ri!JLI 1iou w 1lz is greu 1 1usk w zd !lw I eucl1 uf
yo u have a hoppy uud prosperous lwhdov
Dr. Weslev Jumwn
Superin lendenl
The h o liday season is 1he 1i111 e
of th e yea r w hen 11 ·e both reflecl
on the past and look w 1he
future wilh oplimism. When
looking back we musl reali::.e
!hat we never achieve all of our
hopes and aspircuiorzs. Hop e. fully this year 's molllenls of
discou rageme/Zl will be I h e
Bryan Coats
fresh s/arls leading W 11ex1 yea r's
accomplishm enls. Bw even if
Board of Education we are nor co mple1eh · success ful, ll'e cw1 s1illface 1h e fuiure ll'ilh op1imis111
knowing thai our childreu cwz and 11 ·i//
acco111plish many 1hings 1ha1 \\ 'e as pare111s ur
educa10rs have jus/ begun.
Orz behalf of the en/ ire Board of Educalion I
would like /u ex/end 10 each ofyuu our besl H•ishes
for a joyous holiday season and a very happy and
successful nevv yea r.
Bryan Coals, Pres idenl
U11ion Board of Educa lion
-COMMENTTh ere has long been a stigm a a ttach ed to at hl eti cs in
Oklah o m a th at football is king and every thing else is
seco nd rate. Whil e th e p erc eption of thi s w ill certainly
carry over to Uni o n, nothing cou ld be furth e r fro m
the truth.
Gil Cloud
Director of Athle tics
Bartlesville, Sa nd Springs, Sapulpa and Stillwater. Th e
new 9-team conference will co mpete fo r cha mpion ships in
the following sports: cross-country (boys/girls) ; softba ll
(girls); wrestling, ba sketball (boys/girl s); swimming (boys/
girls); volleyball (girls) ; baseball ; track (boys/girls) ; tennis
(boys/ girl s); golf (boys/ girls) and soccer (boys/ girls).
Two sports which are still in question, as far as conference
championship is concerned , are football and gymnastics.
Because of the 8 -team district p lan in footb all, each of th e 9
conference schools can not play the whole conference in a
match game.
The conference is currently considerin~ alternatives to a
conference schedule and the members will decide in
January on how to proceed .
Gymnastics must remain an independent sport as only 4
of th e 9 members have a gymnastics team. Conference
rules state that over 50% of the schools involved must
participate in an activity to constitute a conference
The 7th Annual Union Redskins Roundball C lassic wi ll
begin January 6 and run through January 11 at two sites
(high school gym and junior high gym) . Si xteen girls teams
will fill two 8 -team brackets and 10 boys teams will
compete for the title in the boys divisions. This is an
outstanding week of basketball with exce llent teams and
individual players competing for the championship. Make
plans to attend!
Volume 12, Number 4
Published by Union Public Schools
Tulsa, Oklahoma
December 1985
5656 S. 129th E. Ave.
Tulsa, Oklahoma 74134-6715
!Juring a n average year football which has ove t 39U
stud ents invo lved will spend about 20 % o f th e total
athl etic budg et. During th at sa m e ave rage yea r
foo tb all revenue w ill be bi ll ed fo r cross -countr y.
so ftb all, gymn as ti cs. sw imming. wres tl ing. track. golf.
tenni s. base ball , vo lle y ba ll an d soccer or to put it
ano ther wa y. footba ll reve nu e pays fo r 18 o f th e 1 Y
spo rts that we hav e at Uni o n Ba sketball w ill
annu ally break eve n if we have good a tt e n danc ~ at
th e Reds kin Cla ss ic
It beco m es quit e evid ent that in o t der to n1dk ~ th e
athl etic bud get balance we must have a !> twn~
foo tba ll program as that is wha t wil l entice the tan s to
come to th e stad ium and pay the wa y lot out oth et
progra m s.
B eing a p atron. parent and tax pa ye r in th e Uni on
Sc hoo l Di stri c t. l ca n ass ure yo u that each individu al
sport is dealt with and given th e full est consideration
when th e budget proc ess is developed. Wheth et it is
o ur football tea m playing in fr o nt of 8.000 peo pl e o r
our golf team pl ay ing with not o n e sp ec tator. those
stud ents and their coac hes have equal impo rt ance to
m e.
Uuring th e p ast ten yea rs we have added the
foll owing sports: girls so ftb a ll in 1976. boys and gitb
, golf in 1977. boys and girl s ten ni s in 1Y77. gitl !>
gymnastic s in 1978. boys and girl s swimming in
197 9. girl s vo ll ey ba ll in 1980. boys and girl s socce r in
1 Y83. During th at same p eriod . the reve nu e to help
th ese added sports had to come from gate rece ipts.
On e can readily see that paid a tt end anc e of athl eti c
events is th e life blood of th e program. With th at in
mind. l hope to see each and eve ryo ne o f vo u at out
nex t game. match or contest.