A Prayerlife in The Divine Mercy and Will of God


A Prayerlife in The Divine Mercy and Will of God
A Prayerlife in
The Divine Mercy
and Will of God
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JESUS, I trust in You!
03/12/2006 11:20:20
Jesus, asks us to help him
Jesus said:
The people who spread the honour of My Mercy,
I shield through their entire life, and at the hour of
their death, I will not be a just judge for them, but
the Merciful Saviour.
Diary of St. Faustina (111. 1075)
Do whatever is within your power to spread
devotion to My Mercy; I will make up for what
you lack. Tell aching mankind to come close to
my merciful heart, and I will fill them with peace.
Diary of St. Faustina (111.1074)
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Divine Mercy Apostolate
Cardiff and South Wales
Divine Mercy Prayer Groups
St.Albans, St.Peter’s, St.Cadoc’s, Cardiff
Our Lady of the Angels, Cwmbran.
This prayer book has been made possible by The
St.Alban’s & St.Peter’s Divine Mercy Prayer
Group in association with our annual Great Feast
of Mercy. This enables us to give most of what we
produce away free. Anyone who may wish to assist
in this Divine enterprise may send donations to:
Mr.Philip Illsley, 18, Meadow Hill, St.David’s
Manor, Church Village, East Glamorgan, CF38 1RX.
Those who may have an interest in the writings or
talks about St.Faustina, the Spirituality of the Servant of God, Luisa Piccarreta, or The Divine Will
prayer indices key, may direct enquiries for more
information to:
Mr.Philip Illsley
Telephone: (01443) 203305
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Copyright © 2006
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Act of consecration to The Divine Mercy
Pope John Paul II at the shrine of Divine Mercy, Poland
Act of entrustment of the world to Divine Mercy
Prayer to The Most Holy Trinity
A personal plea from Jesus to all of us
Become Apostles of Divine Mercy
Apostles’ prayer
Saint Maria Faustina of The Most Blessed Sacrament
2nd Sunday of Easter - Now Divine Mercy Sunday
Recognise My mercy now while there is still time
The Image of Divine Mercy
The Feast of The Divine Mercy
The Chaplet of Divine Mercy
Divine Mercy Sunday
The three o’clock prayer
The Chaplet of Divine Mercy
Blessing for the Image on The Feast of Mercy
The Novena
The Novena for Nine Days
The Prayer of St.Gertrude
Prayers for the souls in purgatory
Be mothers and fathers of the dying souls of each day
Saint Faustina Intercessory Prayer
An Introduction to the Gift of Prayer In
The Divine Will
The Way of Life in The Divine Will
The Prevenient Act - Morning Prayer
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Prayers in The Divine Will (for private use).
Prayers before The Rosary.
Prayer before The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass.
Prayer before The Chaplet of Divine Mercy.
Prayer Grace before meals.
Prayer for The Holy Souls.
Prayer for The Sick and Dying.
The Divine Office. Daily Exercise of prayer.
Rounds in the Divine Will.
Prayer Reparation for Lost Souls.
Prayers for constant utterance.
Our Lord’s Omnipotent Prayer
Our Lady’s May Prayer.
Footnote: Re indices.
Divine Will Prayer, an enlightenment.
Without knowledge there is no understanding.
The Welsh Pilgrimage to Medjugorje.
Bosnian Orphan’s Trust.
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Consecrate yourself and
your families daily to The
Divine Mercy Image and
venerate it daily.
(Diary 1.49)
Act of Consecration
Jesus I trust in You
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Jesus, we consecrate our entire
life from here on, to you without reserve, into your hands we
abandon our past, our present, our
future, Jesus, we ask you from this
day on, to look after this family. Help us to be true children of
God and children of your blessed
Mother Mary. Through this image
may your Divine Mercy triumph
over all the powers of evil the
world over. May all who venerate
it never perish, may it be their joy
in life, their hope in death, and
their glory in eternity. This we ask
through Christ Our Lord.
Jesus I trust in You
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Pope John Paul II at the Shrine
of Divine Mercy in Krakow - Lagiewniki Poland
17th August 2002
Dedicating the whole world and his Petrine
ministry to The Divine Mercy.
For I, The Lord, your God, am . . . . bestowing
mercy down to the thousandth generation on
the children of those who love me and keep my
commandments. (Ex 20:5)
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Act of Entrustment of the World
By Pope John Paul II
Act of Entrustment of
the World to Divine Mercy
God, merciful Father, in your Son, Jesus Christ, you have
revealed your love and poured it out upon us in the Holy
Spirit, the Comforter.
We entrust to you today the destiny of the world and of every
man and woman.
Bend down to us sinners, heal our weakness, conquer all evil,
and grant that all the peoples of the earth may experience
your mercy.
In You, the Triune God, may they ever find the source of
Eternal Father, for the sake of the sorrowful Passion and
Resurrection of your Son, have mercy on us and upon the
whole world!
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17th August 2002 Poland
Say these prayers daily
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Prayer to The Most Holy Trinity
Infinite Mercy of the Heart of God the Father
Have mercy on us and on the whole world!
Infinite Mercy and tenderness of the Heart of God the
Have mercy on us and on the whole world!
Infinite Mercy and Love of the Holy Spirit,
Have mercy on us and on the whole world!
Heavenly Father who art God, we present to You with the
Heart of Jesus Your Son, the Heart of Mary, Mother of Mercy
and through their merits we beg You to pardon our sins and
those of the whole world.
We present to You and we offer to You the souls of all innocent children. They merit mercy and goodness. Through
their innocence we beseech You to have pity on us and on the
whole world.
Eternal Father most kind, holy and merciful, we offer You the
purity of virgins. They ravish Your Heart by the whiteness of
their souls and by the love through which they offer themselves to You. By their chastity, purify the world, have mercy
on all those whose vice and sensual pleasures have carried
them far from You.
Eternal Father, through the innocence of all the little children
and through the tears of all those who suffer, we beseech You
save mankind from chastisement and bless the Church.
Source: Messages of Merciful Love (Milan 1969)
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Say these prayers daily
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A Personal plea from Jesus to all of us
JESUS: You will be the apostle of My Merciful Love. I
will bless you, and shower on you abundant graces and
great gifts.
Thank you for the distribution of My Sacred Image. I
will bless the families who expose my Image in their
homes and I will convert the sinners who live there, I
will help the good to perfect themselves, the lukewarm
to rekindle their hearts, I will bless their interests. I will
provide for their needs and I will help them in all their
necessities, spiritual and material. Speak to Me often
and invoke Me thus: “Merciful Jesus, we trust in You;
have pity on us and on the whole world”.
Have faith and confidence. All that you do for Me will
be recompensed a hundred fold.
“Whoever venerates with love and devotion in his
home My Divine Image will be preserved from the
chastisement, in the same way as the ancient Hebrews
marked their houses with a cross made with the blood
of the Paschal lamb and were spared by the
Exterminating Angel, so it will be in these sad times for
those who will have honoured and exposed My Image”
Source: Messages of Merciful Love
(Milan 1969)
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Become Apostles of Divine Mercy
“0 Jesus, Good Jesus, whose infinite love has created and
redeemed the world, and wishes to save it, accept me
among the number of those who wish to become Your
Apostles, and help to spread Your Message of Love on
For this end, receive the complete offering of myself which
I place at Your service.
I will help to communicate Your Message of Divine Love
once again to mankind as You ask, and to fulfil Your desire
that this word be spread, through love of Man for his
fellow man.
I will distribute the Message of Divine Mercy and of Your
Divine Image, asking You to inspire in all souls the spirit of
Your Divine Love.
0 Jesus, work miracles of conversions, and help the
Apostles of this new era, in their efforts to answer Your
Spread over the whole world Your Merciful Love, which
destroys evil: renew the earth, and let all hearts filled with
love and compassion put into practice the Gospel.”
Source: Messages of Merciful Love (Milan 1969)
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Merciful Jesus, we believe in You
and we trust in You.
Come to the aid of our weakness and our incapacity.
Grant that we may be able to make You known
and loved by all
and that, confident in the immensity of Your Love
we may be able to combat the evil
which is in us and all the world,
for Your Glory and our Salvation.
Bishop of Termoli
This beautiful prayer was inspired by
It was the express wish of Jesus, that kindness and compassion from the heart, must be shown
towards all people, by those who come forward to
serve as Apostles of the Message of Merciful Love.
Source: Messages of Merciful Love
(Milan 1969)
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Say this prayer daily
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Saint Maria Faustina
The Most Blessed Sacrament
On the 30th of April 2000 a Sunday now known as Divine
Mercy Sunday, Sister Maria Faustina of the Most Blessed
Sacrament, was canonised the first saint of the new
She will certainly be seen in the future as one of the
greatest saints in the recent history of the Church.
The Divine Mercy message and devotions, made known
through her writings, have inspired the world like no other
devotions have done since the revelations to St. Margaret
Mary and devotion to the Sacred Heart.
The Feast of Mercy on the Sunday after Easter, requested
by Our Lord through Sister Faustina, is celebrated by large
numbers of the faithful all over the world and is becoming
the most attended Feast Day anywhere.
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2nd Sunday of Easter, Now Divine Mercy Sunday
On Divine Mercy
Sunday April 30th
2000 Pope John Paul II
Canonised St.Faustina,
and at the same time he
decreed that the Second
Sunday of Easter be
henceforth known as
“Divine Mercy Sunday”.
Five days later on May
5th 2000 by virtue
of a decree issued by
the Sacred Congregation for the Divine Mercy and the
Discipline of the Sacraments, the Holy See proclaimed the
Second Sunday of Easter as Divine Mercy Sunday. The
Congregation for the Divine Worship and the Discipline
of the Sacraments now publishes these decisions of the
Supreme Pontiff so that they may take effect. Anything to
the contrary not withstanding.
From the offices of the Congregation for Divine Worship
and the Discipline of the Sacraments, 5th May 2000.
Cardinal Jorge A Medina Estevez - Prefect Francesco Pio
Tamburrino Archbishop Secretary
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Recognise My Mercy Now - While there is still time .
Jesus said:
‘Write down these words, my daughter.
Speak to the world about My Mercy: let all mankind
recognise My unfathomable mercy. It is a sign for the end
of times, after it will come the day of justice.
While there is still time, let them have recourse to the
fount of My Mercy: let them profit from the blood and
water which gushed forth for them.
Diary (11.848)
Reason for the Devotion to the Divine Mercy
As unpleasant or out-of-place some people may consider
the thought of ‘end times’ to be, there is no way of
avoiding the fact that today. Jesus is calling on mankind to
turn with devotion to His Divine Mercy as a preparation
for His return in glory
Diary (II.848)
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The Image of Divine Mercy
(February 22nd 1931)
Jesus appeared to this humble
nun bringing with Him a
wonderful message of Mercy for
all mankind. Sister Faustina tells
us in her diary under this date:
‘In the evening, when I was in
my cell. I became aware of Jesus
clothed in a white garment. One
hand was raised in blessing, the
other was touching his breast.
From the opening in the garment
at the breast there came forth
red and pale rays. In silence I gazed intently at the Lord,
my soul was overwhelmed with fear, but also with great
joy. After a while Jesus said to me: ‘Paint my image
according to what you see, with the signature: Jesus, I
trust in You’ Diary: (1.47)
Some time later. Our Lord again spoke to her:
‘The pale rays stand for the water which makes souls
righteous: the red stands for the blood which is the life of
the souls. These rays issued forth from the depths of My
most tender Mercy at that time when my agonising Heart
was opened by a lance on the cross... Fortunate is the one
who will dwell in their shelter, for the just hand of God
shall not lay hold of them.’ Diary(1.299)
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The Feast of The Divine Mercy
The Feast
As a further sign of His forgiving love. Jesus called for a
Feast of His Divine Mercy to be celebrated in the whole
Church. He said to Sister Faustina:
‘I want this image to be solemnly blessed on the first
Sunday after Easter: that Sunday is to be the Feast of
Mercy. On that day, the depths of My Mercy will be open
to all. Diary (1.341 and 1.49)
Whoever will go to Confession and Holy Communion on
that day will receive complete forgiveness of sin and all
punishment. Mankind will not enjoy peace until it turns
with confidence to My Mercy ‘. Diary (11.699)
Jesus said:
“If a soul is sincere and repentant and goes to
Confession and Communion on my Feast of Mercy, he
or she will be forgiven ALL PAST SINS and will not
suffer any punishment for those sins in the next life”
Diary (111.1109)
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The Chaplet of Divine Mercy
Jesus said later to Blessed Faustina ‘Say unceasingly
this chaplet that 1 have taught you. Anyone who says it
will receive great Mercy at the hour of death. Priests will
recommend it to sinners as the last hope. Even the most
hardened sinner, if he recites this Chaplet even once, will
receive grace from my infinite Mercy. I want the whole world
to know My infinite Mercy. I want to give unimaginable
graces to those who trust in My Mercy’. Diary: (11.687)
The Chaplet can be said on ordinary Rosary beads
I never reject a contrite heart. Your misery will disappear
in the depths of my Mercy. You will give me pleasure if
you hand over all your troubles and griefs. I will pour out
upon you treasures of my grace. Oh what great graces I
will grant people, who will recite this Chaplet. By means
of it you can ask and obtain anything, if what you ask is
compatible with my Will. I want the whole world to know
my infinite Mercy. I want to give unimaginable graces to
those who trust in my Mercy.
Unceasingly say the Chaplet that I have taught you whoever will recite it will receive great mercy at the hour of
death. Priests will recommend it to sinners as their last
hope of salvation. (Diary II.687)
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Divine Mercy Sunday
At St.Alban’s Cardiff
every first Sunday after Easter
2.00 pm
4.00 pm
Several Priests to hear Confessions
Traditional private, open Confessions
HALL OPEN 2.00pm Refreshments
4.00pm Sale of devotional aids
Divine Mercy Etc.
3 o’clock Prayer Chaplet of Mercy Hymn :- 506 Sweet Heart of Jesus
4.30 pm Blessing of Image ceremoniously blessed by Priest
Where all taking part in the Celebration can if they wish
approach and touch the Image - and say
“Jesus I trust in You”
4.45pm 5.00pm 5.05pm 5.15pm 5.20pm 5.25pm Sermon - God’s Mercy - Priest
Exposition Blessed Sacrament
Hymn 671
Benediction - Divine Praises
Hymn 575 To Jesus Heart All Burning
Thank You - Philip Illsley
End - Retiring collection - Divine Mercy
Retiring collection to cover costs of advertising The Divine Mercy would
be very much appreciated.
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The 3 o’clock prayer
Three o’clock in the afternoon the Hour of Great Mercy
A devotion most dear to Our Lord is the veneration of His Passion
at the very hour that recalls His death on the Cross. Through the
Passion and death of Our Lord Jesus, the very Kingdom of God
has been opened to us. What love should fill our hearts and how
willingly we should respond to the request of Our Lord who said
to Sister Faustina:
“At three o’clock implore my mercy especially for sinners; and
if only for a brief moment, immerse yourself in My Passion,
particularly in My abandonment at the moment of agony... This is
the hour of great mercy for the whole world... At this hour I will
refuse nothing to the soul that makes a request of Me in virtue of
My Passion. Diary: (lV.1320)
I remind you. My daughter, that as often as you hear the clock strike
the third hour, immerse yourself completely in My Mercy, adoring
and glorifying it, invoke its omnipotence for the whole world, and
particularly for poor sinners; for at that moment mercy was opened
wide for every soul At this hour you can obtain everything for
yourself and for others for the asking; it was the time of grace for
the whole world - the moment that mercy triumphed over justice.
(Diary (V.1572)
You expired, Jesus, but the source of life gushed forth for souls
and the ocean of mercy opened up for the whole world. 0 Fount of
Life, unfathomable Divine Mercy, envelop the whole world and
empty Yourself out upon us. O Blood and Water, which gushed
forth from the Heart of Jesus as a fount of mercy for us, I trust in
You. Diary: (V.1572)
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The Chaplet
(for private recitation on ordinary rosary beads)
Begin with:
Our Father..., Hail Mary..., The Creed.
On the five large beads:
Eternal Father, I offer you the Body and Blood, Soul and
Divinity of Your dearly beloved Son, Our Lord Jesus Christ
in atonement for our sins and those of the whole world.
On the ten small beads:
For the sake of His sorrowful Passion have mercy on us and
on the whole world.
Conclude with:
Holy God, Holy Mighty One, Holy Immortal One, have
mercy on us and on the whole world.
(Three times)
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Diary: (1.476)
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PRIEST:-Our help is in the name of the Lord.
GROUP:-Who made heaven and earth.
PRIEST:-The Lord be with you.
GROUP:-And also with you.
Let us pray:
Almighty, eternal God, You have allowed pictures and statues
of our Saints to be painted and carved, so that as often as we
look upon them with our bodily eyes, we may recall with our
more inward eyes their deeds and their sanctity and learn to
imitate them. In Your goodness, therefore, bless and sanctify
this picture fashioned to reveal to us the unfathomable love of
our Crucified and Risen Saviour - Divine Mercy Personified
- and to recall to our minds the streams of Blood and Water
gushing forth from His pierced Heart to be a Fount of Mercy
for us. Grant to all who invoke Your Mercy with this picture
before their eyes, the grace of true repentance, pardon and
peace. Shield them from every danger to soul and body.
Loving Saviour, establish in this picture the Throne of Your
Mercy. Pour out upon all who approach it with faith and
trust, the purifying, healing and sanctifying rays of grace
ever emanating from it as from a blazing sun. Gaze upon
them from it as You did from the Cross with irresistible love
and compassion.
Through this Image may Your Divine Mercy triumph over
all the powers and wiles of Satan the world over. May all
who venerate it never perish. May it be their joy in life, their
hope in death and their glory in eternity. This we ask through
Christ Our Lord. Amen.
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The Novena
The Novena
Jesus further asked that this Feast of his Divine Mercy be
preceded by a Novena of chaplets which would begin on
Good Friday. He gave a special novena to (Sr.Faustina) to
say for nine days for his own intentions, saving for the last
day the most difficult intention of all the lukewarm and
indifferent of whom He said: ‘ These souls cause Me more
suffering than any others it was from such souls that I felt
the most revulsion in the Garden of Olives.
Diary (111.1209)
It was on their account that I said: ‘My Father, if it is
possible, let this cup pass Me by’. The last hope of salvation
for them is to come to My Mercy now. Diary:(111.1228)
“Where if not in the Divine Mercy can the world find refuge
and the light of hope”.
Pope John Paul II 21 April 1998
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The Novena for Nine Days
Jesus asked that his feast of The Divine Mercy be
preceded by a Novena to the Divine Mercy which would
begin on Good Friday. He gave her an intention to pray
for on each day of the Novena
Diary: (111.1209)
Jesus I trust in You!
Day 1: Today bring Me all mankind, all sinners and immerse them in the ocean
of My Mercy. In this way, you will console Me in the grief in which the loss of
souls plunges Me.
Day 2: Today bring Me the souls of priests and religious. They give me strength to
endure My passion. Through them My Mercy flows out to mankind.
Day 3: Today bring Me all faithful souls. They brought Me consolation in an
ocean of bitterness.
Day 4: Today bring Me those who do not yet know Me. I was thinking of them
during My Passion and their future zeal comforted My Heart.
Day 5: Today bring Me the separated brethren, during My Passion they tore at My
Body, My Church. As they return to unity with the Church, My wounds heal.
Day 6: Today bring Me the meek and humble souls of children. They strengthened
Me during My agony. Only the humble soul is able to receive My grace.
Day 7: Today bring Me the souls who glorify My Mercy. They are living images
of My Heart. Not one of them will go into the fire of hell.
Day 8: Today bring Me the souls in purgatory. They are greatly loved by Me. It is in
your power to bring them relief. Draw from the indulgences of My Church.
Day 9: Today bring Me the souls who have become lukewarm. For them, the last
hope of salvation is to flee to My Mercy.
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A prayer which would release 1,000 souls from purgatory
each time it is said.
Our Lord told St.Gertrude the Great, that the following
prayer would release 1,000 souls from purgatory each
time it is said. The prayer was later extended to include
living sinners as well.
Approval and Recommendation
signed by M. Cardinal Pahiarca, Lisbon, Portugal.4/3.36
The Approval and Reccomendation does NOT include the
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My Jesus Mercy
Through the messages of Merciful love (Milan 1969).
Our Lord tells us that to pray for the souls in purgatory is a duty itself, whose reward
will be our salvation itself - this double motive their liberation, and your good must
impel you to accomplish this act of charity so agreeable to my Heart.
O Jesus, You suffered and died that all mankind might be saved and brought to eternal
happiness. Hear our pleas for further mercy on the souls of:My dear parents and grandparents,
My brothers and sisters and other near relatives
My godparents and sponsors of confirmation,
My spiritual and temporal benefactors,
My friends and neighbours,
All for whom love or duty bids me pray,
Those who have offended me,
Those who have suffered disadvantage or harm through me,
Those who are especially beloved by You,
Those whose release is near at hand,
Those who desire most to be united to You,
Those who endure the greatest sufferings,
Those whose release is most remote,
Those who are least remembered,
Those who are most deserving on account of their services to the Church,
The rich, who now are the most destitute,
The mighty, who now are powerless,
Those once spiritually blind, who now see their folly, and idleness,
The poor, who did not seek treasures of heaven,
The tepid, who devoted little time to prayer,
The indolent, who neglected to perform good works,
Those of little faith, who neglected the frequent reception of the Sacraments,
The habitual sinners, who owe their salvation to a miracle of grace,
Parents who failed to watch over their children,
Superiors who were not solicitous for the salvation of those entrusted to them,
Those who strove for wordly riches and pleasures,
The worldly-minded, who failed to use their wealth and talents in the service
of God,
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My Jesus Mercy
Those who witnessed the death of others, but would not think of their own,
Those who did not provide for the life hereafter,
Those whose sentence is severe because of the great things entrusted to them,
The popes, kings and rulers,
The bishops and their counsellers,
My teachers and spiritual advisers,
The deceased priests of this diocese,
The priests and religious of the Catholic Church
The defenders of the holy faith,
Those who fought for their country,
Those who were buried in the sea,
Those who died of apoplexy,
Those who died of heart attacks,
Those who suffered and died of cancer,
Those who died suddenly in accidents,
Those who died without the last rites of the Church,
Those who shall die within the next twentyfour hours,
My own poor soul when I shall have to appear before Your judgement seat.
Eternal rest grant unto them, 0 Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon them;
For evermore with Your Saints, because You are gracious.
P. The Lord be with you.
S. And with your spirit.
May the prayer of Your suppliant people, we beseech you, 0 Lord, benefit
the souls of Your departed servants and handmaids : That You may both
deliver them from all sins, and make them to be partakers of Your
redemption. Amen.
Eternal rest grant unto them, 0 Lord, And let perpetual light shine on them. May
their souls and souls of all the faithful departed, through the mercy of
God, rest in peace. Amen.
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Be Mothers & Fathers, Of the dying souls of each day.
My Daughter, It is not hidden to you as to what is happening
in the world and how many souls find themselves each day
suddenly in the presence of God, to be Judged, Many are Lost, I
am particularly indulgent towards these souls who are suddenly
recalled in death, and I put to work all My Wisdom and My
Power in order to realize My plan of salvation; and I save them.
I very often , give an efficacious ray of light, which is sufficient
for the mind to conceive a good thought, a good sentiment. Now
this Light comes to the dying through the means of your prayer,
your sacrifice, and above all , your Love. That is why I say to
you ; Be Mothers & Fathers, of the dying souls of each day. I
promise you that at your death, a throng of souls shall come to
meet you and shall be your crown in eternity. I bless you, and I
thank you.
Prayer for the dying souls of each day.
Console and comfort all your sick and suffering, Lord, Oh
Merciful Jesus, Lover of souls , We beseech You , by the
agony of Your most Sacred Heart and by the sorrows of your
Immaculate Mother, wash clean in your blood the sinners of the
whole world, Who are now in their agony and are to die this day.
Jesus, I beg You , by the inconceivable power of Your Mercy, let
all the souls who will die this day, escape the fire of hell, even
if they have been the greatest sinners the world has ever known.
May Your Divine Mercy Jesus, save them all from eternal
My Jesus, Mercy.
Source: Messages of Merciful Love (Milan 1969)
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Saint Faustina Intercessory Prayer
Intercessory Prayer
ALL: Saint Faustina, you told us that your mission
would continue after your death and that you would
not forget us.
Our Lord also granted you a great privelege, telling
you to “distribute graces as you will, and when you
will” Diary (1.31)
Relying on this, I ask your intercession for the grace
I need especially .... (mention your intentions)
Help me, above all, to trust in Jesus as you did and
thus to glorify His Mercy every moment of my life.
Eternal God, in whom mercy is endless and the
treasury of compassion inexhaustible, look kindly
upon us and increase your mercy on us, that in difficult moments we might not despair nor become
despondent, but with great confidence submit ourselves to Your Holy Will, which is love and mercy
itself Diary (11.950)
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An Introduction to The Gift of Prayer in the
Divine Will
For Private Use only
The Divine Will Prayers in this Prayer Book are for Private use. All
are formed strictly from The Divine Will Messages of Jesus, given to the
Servant of God, Luisa Piccarreta, they received the Imprimatur and Nihil
Obstat in her lifetime. Her “Cause “ for her Beatification and Canonisation is with the Congregation of Saints in The Vatican. She spent sixtyfour
years confined to bed in almost total abstinence from food and water,
living only on the Holy Eucharist and The Divine Will. The Divine Will
incorporates the Holy Trinity, every aspect of Heaven and creation, every
moment in the Lives of God’s children, from Adam to the last to be born.
Jesus when on earth in His humanity, prayed to His Father in ‘The
Divine Will’ as the Second Person of The Trinity. He gave the gift of
The Divine Will to Luisa Piccarreta. Also, through her, He has offered to
us this gift, to pray in The Divine Will, whereby we may rise above our
human will, this, by His action alone. That we may offer greater honour
and glory to the Father.
This entails, Primarily, a firm purpose and an upright desire to live
in The Divine Will. A morning prayer, the ‘Prevenient Act’ dedicating each day is essential to avail ourselves of this gift of prayer in The
Divine Will. ‘Current Acts’ of short prayers which have an increased
value are desired during the day. In this state, Jesus see’s us as He
see’s Himself.
Our Sacramental Life in the church is unchanged,but ‘falls’ interrupt life
in The Divine Will requiring resort to the Sacrament.
Without this desire the Divine Will prayers have only the value of normal
prayer in the human will. Jesus says, ‘One single act in The Divine Will
is more than all the good you could ever do in your entire life. This is
because it is He who is facilitating it.”
The intention of prayer in the Divine Will can equally be for one or any
number of purposes, prayers, Masses, or Rosaries etc. in an instant, By
Jesus’s Gift and Act in His Divine Will.
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The Way of Life in The Divine Will
 Of Our Lady, Jesus said, ....’I gave my Mother nothing. Yet
She was the portent of portents, the miracle of miracles, the true and
perfect crucified. There is no one else like Her. V12/ 17.01.21.
 Luisa Piccarreta wrote, under obedience thirtysix books of
Messages from Jesus, during forty years. Her Spiritual Director now,
St. Hannibale di Francia, said to her, ‘Write absolutely everything that
The Lord reveals to you nothing must be deleted. It is The Word of the
Uncreated Wisdom, and one word is worth more than the entire universe.’
Letter: 4.09.26
 Jesus said, to enter into The Divine Will, ‘Creatures need but
remove the pebble of their own will... their will is alien to my Will because that pebble, a soul’s own will, hinders the flow of my Will, ... but if
a soul removes the rock of her own will, that very same instant she flows
in Me and I in her”. V16.02.21.
Jesus said, ‘Now I wish to tell you why I asked you for your
FIAT, your ‘Yes’ in my Will. It is because of the prayer that I taught:
‘Thy Will Be Done On Earth As It Is In Heaven’ the prayer of so many
generations, I want it now to be fulfilled. V.17.01.21.
Jesus said, of the Writings of the Book of Heaven: ‘ .. in my
Allseeingness I see that These Writings Will Be For My Church As A
New Sun that will rise in her midst. And men, attracted by it’s radiant
light, will strive to transform themselves into this light to become spiritualized and divinized, thereby, Renewing the Church , They shall transform
the face of the earth’ V10.02.24.
Jesus said to Luisa, “All of creation is to Me what the body is
to the soul of a creature as the skin is to the fruit. I am in continous, current
action with man; but created things conceal Me, just as the body conceals
the soul. Yet without the soul, the body would have no life. In the same
way I approach man through all created things, I touch him and give him
life. I am hidden in fire, and approach man with it’s heat. If I were not in
the fire, it would give no heat. It would be like a painted fire, with no life.
V.12.05.22 (V=Volumes of Writings eg: 4.09.26.)
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The Prevenient Act - Morning Prayer
How to begin the day in The Divine Will
”Luisa: Hardly awoken, as the eyes open to the light of the day, thus let
us make all our being rise in the light of the Will of God and let us begin
our rounds.
The first act must be an act of love in The Divine Will. Let us make
this act diffuse into all the intelligences of creatures, in all glances, in
the words, in the movements, in the steps, in the heartbeats and in each
breath. Let us then tie all our acts to the last one done by Adam in the
Holy Will of God. Let us also tie all our acts to the acts which the creatures who will live in the Will of God will do unto that last one that will
be completed upon the earth.
Let us then elevate ourselves a little higher in the creation. For the love
of the creature, God has created the sun, the stars, the sea, the earth, the
birds, the flowers; and we take all this love spread in the Creation. Let us
make it ours and offer it to our Creator as so many other acts of homage,
of love, of blessings and of praise. And now let us go higher, up there in
Paradise; let us make our rounds for all the Angels and for the Saints; let
us unite ourselves to all the heavenly Court and for each and every one let
us give an act of love to Jesus.
Let us then draw near to the Blessed Virgin, to our dear mother. She is
ready to make a gift to us of all her merits; and we, with the confidence of
children, let us take that which She has done from the first instant of her
Conception to the last breath; and, as if all were ours, let us offer it to our
God as the most beautiful act.
And then, let us go to the Word, and let us ask Him to make us partakers of all His acts: His Conception, His Birth, His escape into Egypt, the
thirty years of His hidden life, the years of His public life, His Passion,
His Death and His Ascension to Heaven; He did all this for us. Let us
make it ours and offer it to the Sacrosanct Trinity. Only thus, as miserable
creatures that we are, can we offer Him an act, the most complete and
most holy, because in such a way the creature does not give anything of
his own, but returns to God all the Glory that is his due from that which
He Himself has done.”
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Prayers in The Divine Will - For private use
Prayers assembled by J.P.Rigby,: Reading Divine Will for 10yrs at
2006. The indices refer to words or phrases used in the prayers.
See the indices key source which is given on page 36
Prayer before The Rosary
The Rosary 1 Repetitive prayer. See ‘Repeat incessantly without tiring’.
Lord Jesus, entered inside you and transformed into you2 taking that
which I find in you3, and in your humanity4, fused and difused5 in an
act6in your Divine Will7, I desire8, to pray the Rosary.
I desire to perfect in the Divine Will, all rosaries prayed in the human
will9 and tie10, them to those prayed11, in the Divine Will12. All, past,
present and future13, as at a single point14, by taking15, them all16, from
the immensity17of the Divine Will18 making them my own19 and offering
this prayer to the Eternal Father to give Him all honour and glory20 and
all due honour to Our Lady, Queen of the Kingdom of the Divine Will
on earth21. Amen Fiat 22
Intentions23. For Our Lady’s intentions24. The coming of the Kingdom
of the Divine Will on earth. The Triumph of the Heart of Mary.25 Etc.
Prayer before The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass.
Lord Jesus,entered inside you and transformed into you taking that
which I find in you and in your humanity, fused and difused in an act
in your Divine Will, I desire to offer this Holy Mass.
I desire to perfect in the Divine Will, all Masses offered in the human
Will, All past, present, and future, as at a single point, by taking them
all from the immensity of the Divine Will, making them my own, and
on behalf of all creatures, offering them to the Eternal Father, to give
Him a perfect return of praise, glory and thanksgiving for this Divine
Sacrament. Amen Fiat.
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Prayer before The Chaplet of Divine Mercy
Lord Jesus, entered inside you taking that which I find in you, and in
your humanity, fused and difused in an act in your Divine Will, I desire
to pray the Chaplet of Divine Mercy.
I desire to perfect in the Divine Will, all Chaplets of Mercy prayed in
the human will and tie them to those prayed in the Divine Will. All past,
present,and future as at a single point, by taking them from the immensity
of the Divine Will, making them my own, offering them to
the Eternal Father to make a perfect plea for mercy, on us and on all the
world, and to give Him a perfect return of glory and thanksgiving for
His Divine Mercy 26 He grants to repentent sinners.
Amen Fiat.
Prayer Grace for Meals
Lord Jesus, entered inside you and transformed into you, taking that
which I find in you and in your humanity, fused and difused in an act
in your Divine Will, I desire to thank you for my food and to ask you
to bless27 it.
I desire to perfect in the Divine Will, all such thanksgivings made or
omitted 28 in the human will, and tie them to those prayed in the Divine
Will. All past, present, and future as at a single point, by taking them
all from the immensity of the Divine Will, making them my own and
offering them to the Eternal Father to give Him a perfect return of praise
and glory for His goodness to creatures 29.
Amen Fiat.
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Prayer for The Holy Souls
Lord Jesus,entered inside you and transformed into you, taking
that which I find in you and in your humanity, fused and diffused
in an act in your Divine Will, I desire to pray for the relief of
the suffering and deliverance of the Holy souls in Purgatory. All
past,present and future, as at a single point, by taking them all
from the immensity of the Divine Will, and making them all my
own, I offer them to the Eternal Father that Divine Justice being
satisfied, the Holy Souls may receive the supreme benefit of His
Infinite Mercy. 0 Holy Souls obtain for me the grace of faith and
works and perennial life in the Divine Will in the humanity of Jesus.
Also the grace to bring down Suns of Acts for Jesus’ deposition of
the Divine Will on earth30 .
Amen Fiat.
Intention, Invoke the aid of the Holy souls, - who are assured of
Prayer for The Sick and The Dying
Lord Jesus,entered inside you and transformed into you, taking
that which I find in you and in your humanity, fused and difused
in an act in your Divine Will, I desire to pray for the sick 31 and
the dying.
I desire to perfect in the Divine Will, all prayers and Masses for
the sick and the dying offered in the human will, and I tie them to
those prayed in the Divine Will. All past, present and future, as at
a single point, by taking them all from the immensity of the Divine
Will, making them all my own, and I offer them to the Eternal Father
on behalf of the sick and the dying as supplications for healing and
peaceful resignation to His Divine Will.
Amen Fiat.
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The Divine Office,
or our own daily exerise of prayer
Lord Jesus, entered inside you and transformed into you. taking that
which I find in you and in your humanity, fused and difused in an act in
your Divine Will. I desire to pray the Divine Office. I desire to perfect
in the Divine Will all Divine Offices prayed in the human will, and I
tie them to those said in acts in the Divine Will. All past, present, and
future,as at a single point, by taking them from the immensity of the
Divine Will, making them all my own and offering them to the Eternal
Father as a perfect return of His Holy Word in this Gift of his
Sacred liturgy to his Church, for His Eternal praise and glory.
Amen Fiat.
Rounds in The Divine Will
Rounds in The Divine Will 32
This is a minor introduction to a vast subject
Lord Jesus, I have come into your Will where all is immense and eternal. l come to give You a return of Love, with your will for everyone,
for each created thing in which you have placed so much love inside.
Therefore, I love you for each star that you have created, for each
raindrop, for each snowflake,for each hailstone. For each seed of seed
bearing plants and trees, for each fungal spore. I love you for each
blade of grass, of each dewdrop and the colours of the sun reflected
in them, and in the rainbows. I love you for each heartbeat and each
breath of creatures. All past present and future as at a single point.
Lord Jesus, let each and everyone exclaim to you; l love you, 1 love
you, I love you with your Will. I can never match your incomprehensible love with equal love. How much of a nothing33 I can grow to be.
Everything I do I take from you, only to return it to you, so that what
is mine, being in you, may have perfect continuous activity and life
in you 34 , while I remain always more nothing. Yes Lord, help me to
make the ‘rounds’ incessantly.35
Amen Fiat.
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Prayer Reparation to Jesus for Lost Souls39
Lord Jesus,” My love, in your Will I find all generations, and on
behalf of the entire human family I adore you, I kiss you, and I
make reparation for all. I give your wounds and your blood to all
so that all will find their salvation. Although the lost souls cannot
receive any benefit from your most Holy Blood, nor can they love
you; in their place I take your Blood and do what they should do. I
do not want your Love to be disappointed by creatures in any way.
On behalf of all I want to respond, to make reparation, to love you,
to adore you, to bless you to praise you and to thank you for the
first to the last man to exist.” Amen Fiat.
Prayers for constant utterance36
Jesus, I love you with your Will.
Jesus I adore you with your Will.
Jesus I bless you with your Will.
Jesus I praise you with your Will.
Jesus I thank you with your Will.
Amen Fiat.
Our Lords Omnipotent Prayer37
Lord Jesus,I want to create so much love, so many prayers, so
many blessings and so much glory for my God, that I compensate
for everyone and everything; to fill heaven and earth.
Amen Fiat.
Our Lady’s May Prayer38
In the morning, at midday and in the evening, that is, three times a
day, climb up on the knees of your celestial Mother and, embraced
by her arms, say to Her: “My Mother, I love you. Love me too, and
give me a sip of the Will of God for my soul. Give me your blessing
also so that I might do all my actions under your maternal gaze.”
Amen Fiat.
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Re Page 31- Footnote Re Indices to the
Divine Will ‘private’ prayers:
*The Archbishop of Trani-Barletta-Bisceglie, Titular of Nazareth.Corato,
States; “Prudence is required in speaking of the thoughts of Luisa.
Today we can allow Luisa to be known for her virtues,but it is prudent
and sensible not to give teachings based on her writings. If we dedicate
ourselves to studying them with care and in the grace of the Holy Spirit,
and if we await an accepted edition with criticism, with results conforming
to the doctrine of the Church, her writings can be published, for which the
assent of the Congregation of the Saints will also be needed”...”Now, we
must look to the example (of) her Christian life which shines out brightly
for all.” The Theologian Rev.Joseph lannuzzi closely involved with this
work recommends study of the writings in prayer groups, in liaison with
approved clergy. The spirituality of Luisa Piccarreta was her formation
over forty years by Jesus, under ‘Obedience’, to a series of Archbishops
and their appointed Confessors including seventeen years ‘Direction’ by
-now- St. Hanibale. di Francia.
* Spirituality in prayer and Acts in The Divine Will, can be that of Jesus
if they are done as if in his humanity, as if all comes out from Him.
Message 28.11.1906.
The common Introductory part of some of the prayers, which can
richly be applied to any prayers, include indices which identify a word
or phrase with its source and nuance in the Messages, this preserves
integrity, excludes human interpretation and provides access to the
remarkable merits of Divine Will prayer, which only extensive study of
the Messages reveals. Without this recommended knowledge the Divine
Intention would be somewhat obscure and misunderstood. The Indices key
list is available by request to those who desire it, see Page 1.
*The ‘Prevenient Act’ offers up all the acts of the day in the Divine Will
. Current acts are more valuable, made as they occur; ‘Jesus I love You’
is an example. Initially the essential Prevenient Act may be in a shorter
form but the desire must be held. ‘The desire gives life to the act,’ which
requires all due knowledge. The ‘Divine Will’ Mysticism ‘Cause’ awaits
the assent of the “Congregation of the Saints ruling.”
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Divine Will Prayer, an Enlightenment
*The way that Jesus prayed in his true humanity during his life on earth is
revealed as ‘complete satisfaction to the Father, and to redeem the human
generations’ as his Message given to Luisa Piccarreta on 3.5.1916. He
said: ‘Mv daughter, pray, but pray as I pray. Pour yourself entirely
into mv Will and you will find God and all the creatures in It .....
This was the life of my Humanity upon earth. As Holy as it was.
I still needed the Divine Volition (Will) in order to give complete
satisfaction to the Father.’
This is the distinction between Luisa’s prayer in her human will,
and by reflection ours, and his instruction to pray entirely, into
His Divine Will.’ This is remarkable enough but Jesus savs more. He
continues in the same Message; ‘In fact only in this Divine Volition could
I find all venerations, past. present and future, and all their thoughts.
word, acts. etc., as though in act. In this Holy Will. I took all the thoughts
into my Mind - nothing could escape Me - and for each one of them in
particular I placed Myself before the Supreme Majesty and I repaired
them.’ This multiple prayer is of the Will of God. He has told her
to, ‘pray as I pray..... entirely into my Will, .and you will find God
and all creatures in It’ He is offering her this gift of gifts, the same
attributes that he has, for her spiritual activities. For those who
desire it a gift of great responsibilities.! Jesus speaks with much
imagery and intellectual language.The meaning of the words in the
Prayers cannot be fully understood without clarification, they are
all taken directly from the Messages, and refer to specific merits
given by Jesus which amplify the value of the prayer in which the
‘Intention gives life to the act’ On 30. 5.1907 Jesus said to Luisa: ‘Mv
daughter, prayer is a single point. Moreover, being only one point, it can
gather all the other points. Thus. one can impetrate (obtain) much if he
prays only for himself: and one can impetrate as much if he prays for
others. Its efficacy is one.’The Rosary uses this term ‘one point’ and
it is utilised at every opportunity elsewhere to enrich the prayers.
Its Indices is 14 in the key of indices.
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Without Knowledge there is no
*The term The Will of God we know well, and the human will we are
well aware of, Jesus said, ‘Without me you can do nothing.’ True prayer
in the ‘Divine Will’ is a revelation by Jesus to his mystic the Servant of
God Luisa Piccaretta.
*In the Holy Trinity there is One Will in three Persons,- the ‘Divine
Will’- with complete unanimity. Each human person has one will with all
forms of divergence. Adam and Eve created in the Image and Likeness
of God lived in the ‘Divine Will’ until the Fall. The Virgin Mary lived in
the Divine Will through her Immaculate Conception and the perfection
of her earthly life. Jesus was the Divine Will as Son of God. No other
creatures lived in the ‘Divine Will’ until Luisa Piccarreta.
*The Will of God, we know, is to live under God’s Command. The
‘Divine Will’ of God was made accessible to the Servant of God, Luisa
Piccarreta. by Jesus and through her to all who desire to live in it. It is the
means whereby mankind’s relationship with God, severed by the Fall,
can be reinstated, and mankind prepared for the fulfillment of the prayer
in the Lord’s Prayer for the coming of God’s Kingdom on earth; “Thy
Kingdom come Thy Will be done on earth as it is in heaven.”
*This statement cannot be given corroborative support in this small
space, but the understanding of the ‘Divine Will’ prayers follows from
it. Suffice to say that perfection in the life of the Divine Will stands
on all that is held in the teachings of the Church from which there
can be no deviation. The enhancement of Prayer in the Divine Will is
overpowering, it isn’t possible to proceed hastily, but to grow slowly
with a constant expectation of increments in understanding and heavenly
merit. Praise and Glory be to God!.
*The opportunity is taken to observe on the fact that the purpose of these
prayers and notes is to learn and grow in the practice of the spirituality
of the Servant of God, Luisa Piccorreta in accordance with Episcopal
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Apparitions of the Mother of God
1981 - Present Day
To go to Medjugorje, flying from
Cardiff International Airport
every May, contact:
Mr.Philip Illsley 01443 203305
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Prayer to Jesus
O My Jesus, I beg of You to enter into the life of
the person who receives your image and messages
this day.
Help us in our mission to spread the messages of
Your merciful love, give us all the courage and
love neccessary to bring Your Divine Image into
all homes and before all peoples.
Jesus, I serve You for all that is good, just and true.
Help me to be a true Christian.
Jesus I trust in You
Source: Messages of Merciful Love (Milan 1969)
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Join St.Faustina and Luisa Piccarreta in
For both these extraordinary women, prayer was
the very air they breathed. Do you think you are too
busy or distracted or don’t have the time to pray?
Make a new committment today to join St. Faustina
and Luisa in prayer.
Pray these prayers of St. Faustina, the Apostle
of Divine Mercy, and the Servant of God, Luisa
Piccarreta. Pray them daily, pray them from the
heart, and your lives will be transformed; just like
Prayer was the most important act of their daily
lives; try and make prayer the most important act in
your life.
Our Lady taught them this in their day, and She calls
us in the same way today in Medjugorje
Pray, Pray, Pray.
Enquiries about The Pious Association:Luisa Piccarreta Little
Children of The Divine Will:
Sister Assunta,
Pia Associazione,
Luisa Piccarreta P.F.V.D.
Sede Centrale,
Via Luisa Piccarretta, 25-27,
70033 Corato (Ba) Italia
Website http://www.luisalasanta.com
Email: [email protected]
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