Baltimore, MD - Holy Rosary Church
Baltimore, MD - Holy Rosary Church
March 6, 2016 Archdiocesan Shrine of The Divine Mercy March 5 - Saturday (sobota) - Lenten Weekday 8:30 am O Opiękę Boża i błogosławieństwo dla Bogusławy Szymanskiej z rodziną (zpodziękowaniem od Jun-Juna) 5:00 pm +Jadwiga Dabrowski (Grażyna& Darren Purwin) March 6 - (niedz.) FOURTH SUNDAY OF LENT 8:30 am +Irene Choinski (Stanley & Teresa Choinski) 10:30 am ++Józef i Stanisława Krajewscy (Halina Szyjka) 12:30 pm +Aniela Wozniak (Kaz & Gretchen Krajewski Baltimore, MD POLISH MASS This Sunday - Agnieszka Krajewski & Anna Mroz Next Sunday - Janina Gradus & Lidia Gajec ENGLISH MASS Saturday 5:00 pm - Luisa DiIorio Sunday 8:30 am - Edward Marcinko Sunday 12:30 pm - Jeannette Król & Kathleen Jamitis & family) March 7 - Monday (poniedziałek) - Lenten Weekday 6:30 pm Holy Rosary Parishioners March 8 - Tuesday (wtorek) - Lenten Weekday 6:30 pm +Aniela Wozniak (Anna Potoniec) March 9 - Wednesday (środa) - Lenten Weekday 6:30pm +Aniela Wozniak (Ewa Marcisz) [ March 10 - Thursday (czwartek) - Lenten Weekday 6:30 pm God’s Blessing for good health for body & soul for Michał Ryzner March 11 - Friday (piątek) - Lenten Weekday 3:00 pm +Aniela Wozniak (Mark & Kari Obrebski) 7:00 pm +Stanisława i Stansław Kałużny (córka) Stations of the Cross: Wednesdays at 7:00 pm (English) Fridays (piątki) o 8:00 pm w jezyku polskim (Polish) Eucharistic Adoration: Fridays from 3:00 pm to 7:00 pm Confession: Weekdays at 6:00 pm Sundays: 30 minutes before Mass. Gorzkie Żale: Niedziela o 10:00 am This Sunday the second collection after Holy Communion is for Catholic Relief Services. As always, thank you for your generosity. March 12 - Saturday (sobota) - Lenten Weekday 8:30 am O Opiekę Bożą i błogosławieństwo dla Ks. Zdzisława Nawrockego, SChr. MASS ATTENDANCE Weekend February 28 - 298 (z podziękowaniem od Jun-Juna) 5:00 pm +Aniela Wozniak (Barbara & Dorothy Rostkowski) Donations 1st Collection $ 2,090 March 13 - (niedz.) FIFTH SUNDAY OF LENT Building Fund New Church Roof $ 1,259 8:30 am +Aniela Wozniak (Stanley & Teresa Choinski) 10:30 am ++Józefa i Mikołaj Gorski i Jerzy Huk (rodzina Gorski) 12:30 pm +Aniela Wozniak (Mirek & Christine Grabowski) Candles $ 122 Poor Box $ 17 Gift Shop $ 48 Total $ 3,536 March 6, 2016 Archdiocesan Shrine of The Divine Mercy TRIDUUM AND EASTER SCHEDULE HOLY THURSDAY - March 24 Baltimore, MD Zapraszamy wszystkich serdecznie na film pt. "PASJA " Mela Gibsona w niedzielę 13 marca o godz. 12pm (zaraz po kawie) 7:00 pm - Mass of the Lord’s Last Supper (bilingual) Film tłumaczony na język polski. with Foot Washing Service - Followed by Eucharistic Adoration "PASJA" jest wstrząsającym until 11:00pm opisem ostatnich 12 godzin życia Jezusa Chrystusa. To zdecydowanie najmocniejsze przedstawienie Pasji z jakim (First day of Divine Mercy Novena) spotkaliśmy sie do tej pory w 3:00 pm - The Lord’s Passion celebration kinie. Film jest wierny Followed by Divine Mercy and Stations of the Cross in English przekazom historycznym, biblijnym oraz teologicznym. 7:00 pm Service in Polish Aby podkreślić autentyczność historii, aktorzy posługują się HOLY SATURDAY - MARCH 26 dwoma wymarłymi językami: i łaciną. "Pasja" to 12:00 noon, 2:00 pm, 4:00 pm - Blessing Easter Food Baskets aramejskim obrazowe dzieło sztuki 8:00 pm - Easter Vigil Mass followed by Resurrection prowokujace do poważnego „Rezureckcja” Procession (bilingual) myślenia i refleksji nad śmiercią Chrystusa. Jest to EASTER SUNDAY - March 27 film o wierze, nadziei, miłości i przebaczeniu, a wiec o tym 8:30 am & 12:30 pm - Mass in English czego bardzo potrzeba w Followed by Divine Mercy Novena dzisiejszych burzliwych czasach. 10:30 am - Msza święta in Polish GOOD FRIDAY -March 25 zakończona Nowenną do Miłosierdzia Bożego FLOWERS in the Divine Mercy Shrine were donated by Karina Kasztelnik. God’s Blessing . KWIATY w Sanktuarium Bożego Miłosierdzia ufundowała: Karina Kasztelnik. B ó g z a p ła ć ! po/82/33/38233/7517638.3.jpg FLOWERS for Our Lady of Perpetual Help were donated by Friends of the Merciful Jesus Apostolate. God’s Blessing! KWIATY dla Matki Bożej Nieustającej Pomocy ufundowaly Apostolat Przyjaciół Jezusa Miłosiernego. Bó g z a p ła ć ! Please pray for God’s Blessing for continued recovery for 2nd Time Asking Diane Wisniewski. We publish the banns of marriage between Piotr Józef Bandyk & Katarzyna Joanna Czerwińska If any of you know just cause or any impediment why these persons should not be joined together in the sacrament of Matrimony, you are to declare it. Please pray for recently departed Maria Chorabik May her soul rest in God’s loving arms. March 6, 2016 Archdiocesan Shrine of The Divine Mercy In the scripture... The merciful Father who welcomed home his lost son Jesus illustrates this passover from slavery to sin and condemnation to freedom and new life in Christ with the longest parable recorded in the Gospels (Luke 15:11-32). What is the main point of Jesus' story about two ungrateful sons and their extravagant loving father? Is it the contrast between a grudging obedient son and a rebellious son who had wished his father was dead? Or the warm reception given to a spendthrift son and the cold reception given by the eldest son? Jesus does contrast the eldest son's cold and aloof reception for his errant brother with the father's warm embrace and lavish homecoming party for his repentant son. While the errant son had wasted his father's money, his father, nonetheless, maintained unbroken love for his son. The son, while he was away, learned a lot about himself. And he realized that his father had given him love which he had not returned. He had yet to learn about the depth of his father's love for him. His deep humiliation at finding himself obliged to feed on the husks of pigs and his Baltimore, MD reflection on all he had lost, led to his repentance and decision to declare himself guilty before his father. While he hoped for reconciliation with his father, he could not have imagined a full restoration of relationship. The father did not need to speak words of forgiveness to his son; his actions spoke more loudly and clearly! The beautiful robe, the ring, and the festive banquet symbolize the new life - pure, worthy, and joyful - of every person who returns to God. The prodigal could not return to the garden of innocence, but he was welcomed and reinstated as a son who had been missed much and greatly loved by his father. The errant son's dramatic change from grief and guilt to forgiveness and restoration express in picture-language the resurrection from the dead which Jesus makes possible to everyone who believes in him, a rebirth to new life from death. The parable also contrasts mercy and its opposite unforgiveness. The father who had been wronged, was forgiving. But the eldest son, who had not been wronged, was unforgiving. His unforgiveness turns into spiteful pride and contempt for his brother. And his resentment leads to his isolation and estrangement from the community of forgiven sinners. God's mercy and kindness knows no bounds In this parable Jesus gives a vivid picture of God and what God is like. God is truly kinder than any of us. He does not lose hope or give up when we stray from him. He is always on the lookout for those who have a change of heart and want to return. He rejoices in finding the lost and in welcoming them home. Do you know the joy of repentance and the restoration of relationship as a son or daughter of your heavenly Father? Has this ever happened before? Jubilee years have traditionally been called every 25 to 50 years. The most recent one was called by Pope St. John Paul II in the year 2000. Throughout Church history there have been 26 ordinary Jubilees and only 3 extraordinary Jubilees. Pope Francis has specifically titled this year's Extraordinary Jubilee as the Year of Mercy. Although past Jubilees have not been designated as the Year of Mercy, all Jubilees place emphasis on pardoning and forgiving others—an important facet of mercy. The large Votive Lamps on the Main Altar & at the Divine Mercy Shrine are lit for your special intentions on Friday night and continue to burn the following week until the candle burns itself out. The envelopes for lighting a Votive Lamp are in the pews and on the table in back of the church. This week candles are burning for: 1. Personal intention of Karina Kasztelnik 2. Personal intention of parishioner March 6, 2016 Archdiocesan Shrine of The Divine Mercy Baltimore, MD Fridays during Lent are days of abstinence. Abstinence binds all persons who are at least 14 years old, unless prevented by poor health. On days of abstinence, the consumption of meat is not allowed. The Church strongly encourages the observance of Friday abstinence, however, failure to do so is not regarded as a sin. Lent is a penitential season and as such religious practices such as daily Mass, reception of the Sacrament of Penance, the devotion of the Stations of the Cross, works of charity and justice, and acts of self-denial are highly encouraged. G oo d F rid a y i s d a y of f a st & ab stin enc e . Fasting binds people 18 years old up to 59 years old, unless prevented by poor health. On days of fasting, one full meal is allowed. Two other meals, sufficient to maintain strength, may be taken according to one’s own needs. Eating between meals is not allowed although fluids may be taken. REKOLEKCJE ZAPRASZAM NA REKOLEKCJE WIELKOPOSTNE Rekolekcje Wielkopostne w Holy Rosary poprowadzi w dniach 18, 19, 20 marca ks. Wieslaw Wojcik SChr. dyrektor Instytutu Duszpasterstwa Emigracyjnego . W sobotę 19 marca zapraszam osoby chore, cierpiące. W dniu tym udzielony będzie Sakrament Chorych. Podczas Rekolekcji okazja do skorzystania z Sakramentu Spowiedzi Świętej Pamiętaj — marzec 18 tego o 7:00 pm 19 tego o 7:00 pm 20 tego o 10:30 am B i e r z m o wa n i e Confir mation Nasza młodzież przyjmie Sakrament Bierzmowania 10 kwietnia 2016 Our Youth will receive Sacrament of Confirmation on April 10, 2016 Sakramentu udzieli— BISHOP W I T O L D M R OZ I E W S K I , Z DIECEZJI BROOKLYN MSZA ŚWIĘTA W TYM DNIU O GODZINIE 10:00 AM LENTEN RETREAT You are cordially invited to come to the Lenten Retreat Fr. Michael Zoufal from Chicago will preach the Lenten Retreat on March 11, 12, 13. Friday 11th at 3:00 pm Saturday 12th at 5:00pm Sunday 13th at 8:30 am and 12:30 pm Remember — March 11, 12, 13 Catholic Review The Archdiocese has sent additional copies of the March 2016 issue of the Catholic Review. The additional copies are in the vestibule of the Church for a donation of $4.00. Please put donation in an envelope marked Catholic Review and your envelope number and drop in box or mail to the office. Registered Parishioners with envelopes will be mailed 4 issues a year at no cost. The additional 8 issues are available for a donation of $4.00 an issue. WELCOME NEW PARISHIONER VONDA Mc DONALD
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