Liguori - St. John the Evangelist, Emory, TX
Liguori - St. John the Evangelist, Emory, TX
askedhim about it, he said, "Those are the commandments I'm good at." We all had a laugh but, in truth, the commandments bear deeperreflection. To pretendthat our obedienceofthe Ten Commandments is limited to the literal words themselves is spiritually shallow. We may not havekilled someone,but have we everthought how much better it would be if someoneweren'tin our workplaceor school?Have we everhated someonewith a passionthat interfereswith our actions? We maynot havestolen something from God demandsa transformation that dealsnot a retail store, but have we ever taken anything that doesn't belong to us-ideas, suppliesfrom only with the wrong everyone can see,but with work? These don't belong to us. Are there ways the subtle ways we violate God's laws and fail to in which we really want what a friend has or fail love. The middle of Lent is a good time for us to to remain faithful in body, mind, and spirit? The Ten Commandments impact us far more than examine-and repent of-all the ways in which we do this. we realize. MARY KATHARINEDEELEY In today's gospel, lesus demonstrates how sundaybull etin@| far the moneychangers in the temple area have strayed from the true spirit of the worship of God. They probably hadn't given it much thought-it was the way they'd always done business. But their action made things difficult for others. M with c. 822 permission @ 2015tiguori Publications, Liguori,l\4063057-9999.Printedin U.S.A.lmprimatur:"ln accordance to publishhasbeengrantedon october8, 2014, ofSt. Louis.Permission to publishis an indicationthat nothingcontrarytoChurchteachingis €ontained bythe l\4ostReverendEdwardM. Rice,AuxiliaryBishop,Archdiocese in this work. lt doesnot implyanyendorsementofthe opinionsexpressedin the publication;nor is any liabilityassumedby this permission."No pan of this work may be P U B L I C A T I O N Susedin anyform without the prio. written permissionof l-iguoriPublications.Scripturetexts in this work are takenfrom the New Aneican Bible,tevisededition@ 2010, Designby torena limenez.lmages:Shutterstock. To order LiguoriSunday 1991,1986,1970Confraternjtyof ChristianDoctrine,Inc.,Washington,DC.All RightsReserved. Liguori,MO 63057 Eulletins. call800'325'9521. Liguori Masses: Sunday: English:11am Espafrol:12:30pm Tuesdays: Bilingual:6:30pm Rev.Victor Hernandez, Pastor Deacons: Feoeflco Aguilar 903-473-7258 Marcelino Espinosa 903-474-4692 PastoralCouncil: M. Painter C.Blackford M. Conder C.Asbill, F.Aguilar M. Espinosa N. Edwards D.Niflo * Confessions: Before & afterFirstFriday Mass or by appointment. Antes y despuds de Misa en primer Viernes o con cito. St. John the EvangelistCatholic Church Dioceseof Tyler 551 E. FM 2795,Emory,fX 75440 ChurchOffice:903-473-5116 Rectory:9O3-474-9292 EmaiS l: [email protected] Bulletinond Focebookpage con be viewedonline at the following: www.stioh 'Like"uson Facebook: StJohnthe Evangelist Catholic Church-Emory ZOLSBishop'sAppeal ReligiousConcert If youhavenot yet modea gift or pledge,pleoseproyaboutyour decisionondmakeo pledgeor one-timegift. Please be as generous Thankyou in as possible. for yoursupport. advance S t . M a r y M a g d a l e n ei n F l i n ti s s p o n s o r i n g a R e l i g i o u sC o n c e r t i n S p a n i s h w i t h H e r m a n aG l e n d aa t B i s h o pT . K . G o r m a n S c h o ool n M a r c h3 0 t h , 2 0 1 5 .T h e c o n c e r t beginsat 6:30 pm, and will be a good opportunity for prayer. Bishop T. K. Gorman School is located at 1405 ESE Loop 323, in Tyler, Texas. More information:903-894-7647.Donation: S 10.00 Women's Day of Prayer & Reflection March 14, 2OL5, Whitehouse, Texas. The fee is 525 (includes l u n c h ) .F o r m o r e i n f o r m a t i o nc, a l l : Maggie Conder, 972-679-9330. Carpoolsare beingformed. World Meeting of Families: Pope Francis Goming to the US Baptisms: By appointment. Por cito Wedding; Consult Fr. Victor 6 mos. In advance Hable con el Podre seis meses pro adelonte Quinceafieras: Consult Fr. Victor 6 mos. In advance Hable con el Padre seis meses pro adelonte Father BernardBoteju has put together a travel package to lf you wouldliketo Philadelphia. Philadelphia to attend travel to World Marriage of Families Pope 2015 and see Francis,please review the trip registration itine1ary. and form. Space is limited so act fast! Lenten Preparation through the Stationsof the Cross J o i no u r P a r i s hc o m m u n i t ye a c hF r i d a ya t 6 p.m. during Lent as we prepare ourselves during this most Holy of Seasons. LentenMeal of Abstinence The Knightsof Columbusinviteyou to join them and the St. John the Evangelistcommunity every Friday for a Lenten meal of abstinence following the 6pm Stationsof the Cross Lent. during NOTICE! No Faith Formation, RCIA nor Sacrament classes this week. MarchL,201.5- GIFTS Attenddnce: 320* Combined: (2) Moss total* s 7491.92* lfyou hove o loved one who is sick ot in need ofspeciql prayer (not deceosed), please contactthe olfice to ploce their name on the prdyet listfor 4sundays. t o longer period oftime is needed, pleosecall ond renew you rcquest 2week b4ore the pilnted date to the ight ofyour loved one's name, Lord, We Pray that You Bless These Individuals With Your Healing Grace,.. Hayes, GaryWilsonz7zz, Edwina DustyForette, 2/22,Carol Granger z/zz, John Sepeda Jessie 00 k Y v t h F O E Fl H = 9ti F 0 ) E r r o 9 o t r !1 d .Ex o o F r O o 6 ? 9 3 ; o d s 5 = = +J .O t Winters 2/22, Alexandra Flores 2/22, Lyn Bafdwin, Rebecca Gifford 2/22, Jeannie Prendergast,Andres Vasquezzlzz, Mason W. Clarkzlzz, Fr. EfrenB. Naffo,Alvaro Giron2122, Ruben Espinosa 2/22, Paulette Puttonen, Marilyn Doty,Joan Lightcupzlzz,ShelbySpires 2/22, Lisa Decker z1zz, Roger Fitzwater 2/22, JanieSherman2/22,Holly Koiro, Maria Santos z/22, FrcnciscoRomero zlzz, Ervin Sanchez2/22, Ramon Romero 2/22, Angel Camacho 2/22, Hefen Dobbs 2/22, Adam BlounI 2122,and z/zz Salinas Angelica This Week's Calendar Mar.8: Sunday, Mass11 a.m. Mass12:30p.m. meet7Pm Knightof Columbus Mar.9: Monday Zumba6 p.m. 7 P'm. Grupode GuadaluPe Mar.10: Tuesday, BibleStudy10a.m. Ladies GuildL2o.m. Mass:6:30p.m. Mar.11 : Wednesday, Mar.t2z Thursday, 2 P.m. Choirpractice 6 P.m. ChoirPractice Spanish 6 p.m. CAPs Friday,Mar.13: Adoration- all daY Mass6 p.m. of the Cross6:30P.m. Stations Meal7 p.m. Lenten Saturday,Mar. 74: TX Ladies' retreat:Whitehouse, Happy Birthdayl 3/8 VickieJimenez Lopez 3/9 Fernando Vargas 3/9 Veronica 3/L0:RogerWest 3/10 MariaPerez 3/10 ArielGuerrero 3/14 BrandonBacon 3/14 NoraDuran Pray for our Military Families Jr', MariaHoman,StephenLinn,GaryRobinson, Jayde E. Mack, Harley Thompson,Ashleigh Diaz,WilliamBell,DylanNix. Kristine Thompson, or Baptisms- Contactthe officefor your To-Dochecklist! Weddings,Quinceafieras Officehours: 2-5pm 4-4692Tuesdays nosa: 903-47 Marcelino Espi Wednesdays 2-5pm MonicaHughes:804-477-5424 2-5pm Thursdays BeaNipp:903-253-5305 Deadlinefor bulletin items: Email: [email protected] by NoonWednesdays 4 Monday MARCH 9 Lenten Weekday 2 Kgs5:1-15b Lk4:24-30 Tuesday MARCH 1O Lenten Weekday Dn3:25,34-43 M t1 8 : 2 1 - 3 5 Whowrotethe Lord'sPrayerP t{r *$ tr tl t{} f--\ , ! \- tl Wednesday MARCH I1 Lenten Weekday Dt4:1,5-9 Mt 5:17-19 Thursday MARCH I2 Lenten Weekday Jer7:23-28 Lkl1:14-23 Friday 13 MARCH Lenten Weekday Hosl4:2-10 Mkl2:28-34 Saturday 14 MARCH Lenten Weekday Hos6:1-6 L k1 8 : 9 - 1 4 t* t * il I q )d/ 'to- 'hl \ | knowthe Lord'sPragercomesJromScripture, it os we sayit todog? ,, but who composed a When the disciplesaskedthe Lordto teachthem to pray,he taught them the prayerwe know asthe Our Father.Variousversionsof that prayerappearin the gospelsof Matthewand Luke" Theversionusedin the Church's liturgiesisfrom Matthew6:5-13. ln fact, citing St.ThomasAquinas'sSummaTheologiae,the Catechrsm of the CatholicChurchcallsthe Lord'sPrayerthe most perfect prayer. teachingus not only what thingsto prayfor in our prayerbut alsoin what order or prioritywe shoulddesirethem. "lt is at the heartof everyindividualand communalprayer"(2776).We praythe Our Father bearingin mind and heartthe intimaterelationship we havewith our Godassonsand daughtersby adoptionthroughour baptism. As for wording,it's importantto notethat, as in any language,the lt's normaland languagewe usefor prayersis a work in progress" prayers understandable that the specificwordingof our would reflect prayer makes most form in what the sensefor a used a communal setting-that's why we usepluralpronounsinsteadof the singular pronounsusedin the gospelaccountof the Lord'steachinghis disciples to pray. What'smostimportantisthat the substance of the prayerreflects prayer. the samematterthe Lordusedin the F R .S C O I TK A T Z E N B E R GCESRS,R \ sundaybulletin@| @ffiJ1:;@ Sunday MARCH 15 FourthSunday of Lent 2 Chr36:14-16, 19-23 Eph2:4-10 )n 3:14-21 CatholicUpdatehelpsyou keepup with news and issuesthat are important to Catholics.To introduceyou to this wonderful newsletter,we'd like to sendyou severalfree issueson topicssuchas sharingthe faith with your family,forgivingyourselfand others,and reasonsto go to Mass.To claim your free, no-obligationpackage,visit and click on "FreeCatholicUpdateOffer" beforeApril 30, 2015.God blessyou! LlgUOfl PU BI-I CA T 1ON S o zors. Lisuori, Mo63057-eeee