April 10, 2011 - St Mary Catholic Church
April 10, 2011 - St Mary Catholic Church
St. Mary Parish Where the Spirit Moves in Woolmarket April 9 and 10, 2011 Fifth Sunday of Lent ●Monday●Tuesday and●Friday-8 AM—2 PM ●Wednesday●Thursday - CLOSED St. Mary catholic church 8343 Woolmarket Road, Biloxi, MS 39532 E-Mail: [email protected] Website: stmarycc.net Office: (228) 392-1999 Fax: 392-4552 Pastor Very Reverend Dominick Fullam, JCL,VG Emergencies 392-7500 or 861-2001 Deacon Parish Office Music Director Al Stockert Susie Peresich 832-0035 861-2001 Cherie Prentiss 365-4017 RCIA Mike and Elizabeth Lingenfelder,354-8377 Directors of Religious Education Lucy Peterson Judy Carter Emily Cloud CCD Coordinator Edge® Coordinator LifeTeen® Coordinator 392-8948 831-8122 424-7292 Pastoral Council Thad Anderson 341-6053 Finance Council Tina Perkins Dr. Richard Schmidt 392-7574 392-6891 Stating the obvious John 11:1-45 Ever wonder why the stoplight was invented? Well, of course, everybody knows that - but do they? Somewhere along the line someone taught us about stoplights. We had to learn what green, red and yellow meant. And it was a while before our reactions become second nature. Our parents stated the obvious, again and again, reminding us to “Watch the signals, look both ways, be careful!” When Jesus raised Lazarus he prayed to His Father, “I know that you always hear me, but because of the crowd here, I have said so that they may believe.” Jesus entire life and ministry taught people the power of prayer, and faith in God. How many miracles did it take to make that point clear? But Jesus took the time to state the obvious because someone there needed to hear it. We need to do the same thing today. We can’t assume “everyone already knows”. It’s our job to share the good news with people we meet and those we already know, to tell them about God and His wonderful gifts. Go ahead, state the obvious, maybe today the person who needs it is you. ©Copyright 2005 C L Enterprises Weekend Masses: Saturday: 5 PM Mass Sunday: 8:30 AM, 11 AM, and April 9, Saturday Jer 11: 18-20; Ps 7; Jn 7: 40-53 a 5 PM LifeTeen® Mass April 10, FIFTH SUNDAY OF LENT Ez 37: 12-14; Ps 130; Rom 8: 8-11; Jn 11: 1-45 April 11, Monday, Stanislaus Dn 13: 1-62; Ps 23; Jn 8: 1-11 April 12, Tuesday, Martin I 8 AM NO MASS Nm 21: 4-9; Ps 102; Jn 8: 21-30 6:30 PM Sunday, April 24 April 13, Wednesday (Easter Sunday) Stations of the Cross-Friday 6:30 PM Dn 3: 14-95, Dn 3: 52-56; Jn 8: 31-42 5 PM LifeTeen® April 14, Thursday Gn 17: 3-9; Ps 105; Jn 8: 51-59 Mass Saturday 4:30 PM or By Appointment April 15, Friday Jer 20: 10-13; Ps 18; Jn 10: 31-42 April 16, Saturday Sacrament of Baptism: Sacrament of Matrimony: Ez 37: 21-28; Jer 31; Jn 11: 45-56 Expectant parents should contact Deacon Al Couples must be an registered/active member Stockert at 228-832-0035 to set up an of the parish for at least 6 months prior to the April 17, Palm Sunday of the Lord’s Passion appointment to schedule the baptism. wedding date. Please call the Parish Office to Procession: Mt 21: 1-11; Mass: Is 50: 4-7; Ps 22; 8-24; Phil 2: 6-11; Mt 26:14-27: 66 set up an appointment. Weekday Masses: Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and FridayWednesday- Sacrament of Reconciliation: Adoration of the Holy Eucharist: First Friday, 8:30-9:30 AM Adult Bible Study: Charlotte Randazzo, 392-3056 Altar Society Rhonda McClellan, 228-392-2382 Cursillo Prayer Meeting: Wed, 7 PM, Murray Hall Joyce Ryals Memorial Healing Rosary: Second Wednesdays following Mass Knights of Columbus Meeting: Patrick Chubb, GK, 861-6165 1st Mondays, 6:30 PM, Murray Hall Knights of Columbus Ladies Auxiliary: Marilou Porado, President, 392-0958 2nd Mondays, 6:30 PM, Murray Hall Parish Pot Luck Dinner: First Saturday of Month 6 PM, Murray Hall RCIA Meeting: 5 PM Rita, Felix, and Sherrill 8:30 AM 11 AM 5 PM 8 AM Elaine Bosarge 8 AM Margaret Harris Arceneaux St Mary Parishioners Father’s Intention (L) Noelie Leathers 6:30 PM (L) Tony Martino 8 AM Elizabeth Landry Poche 8 AM Jerrod Thompson 5 PM Ess and Dola Bienvenue Date of Baptism 8:30 AM Joyce Ryals 11 AM St Mary Parishioners 5 PM Father’s Intention St. Joseph Altar Society: Cristal Lupo, President, 392-7623 St. Mary-SVDP: Kay Mihelich or Sandy Firth, 392-1999, ext 2 7 PM Tuesdays, Murray Hall St. Mary Adult/Children Choir: Cherie Prentiss, 365-4017(Oct-May) Homebound Ministry UTRSS Bible Study-Wednesdays: Al Stockert, 832-0035 Joan Murphy, 832-5639 Angie Oakes, 697-7171 2011 Catholic Sharing Appeal CCD CCD - 9:45-10:45 AM Sundays For more information contact the Parish Office for more information, 392-1999 or Lucy Peterson at 392-8948 Edge and LifeTeen ® ® ●LifeTeen® Mass, Sunday, 5 PM ●Edge®, Sunday, 3:30-4:45 PM ●LifeNight®, Sunday, 6 PM. For more information, please call Emily at 424-7292. The Youth Choir is for ages 4-12 years old Practices: Tuesday, April 12, 5:30-6:15 PM Tuesday, April 19, 5:30-6:15 PM Sing on Sunday, April 24, 11 AM Mass For more information, please call The LifeTeen® Gift Case located in Murray Hall has just received a shipment of new unique items and is fully stocked and has lots of gifts. Support our youth and buy gifts here! Call Terri Plummer at 392-6099 or Sam Orr 860-2901. Adult Bible Study UTRSS Bible Study Wednesdays in Murray Hall, 9 AM - 11 AM If you are interested in attending, please contact Joan Murphy at [email protected] or 832-5639. St. Mary Bible Study The classes are held on Sunday mornings from 10-10:45 AM in the Parish Office. For more info, please contact Charlotte Randazzo at 396-3056 Classes in the Catholic Faith (RCIA) Classes in RCIA, for interested adults on Tuesdays 7-8:30 PM in Murray Hall are addressed to persons who may be interested in becoming catholic as well as catholics who have only been baptized. Others (parishioners or visitors) who wish a review of their faith may also attend. If you or someone you know is interested in joining these classes, phone The RCIA Program Administrators, Mike and Elizabeth Lingenfelder at 354-8377. Topic: Presentation of the Lord’s Prayer Knights of Columbus #9673 and The Lions Club We are still collecting old prescription glasses. Thanks to everyone who brought in old prescription glasses, we have collected over 386 pairs of glasses. Knights of Columbus James D. Hart Council #9673 Food Drive To benefit our St. Mary-SVDP Society. Collection boxes are in Murray Hall and the back of church. Recycle Drive We have collected over $ 761.83 worth of old ink cartridges. Thanks to all you have donated. This is an on-going project and we will have a collection box located in the back of the Church. We would like to thank everyone who has generously donated their used cartridges to our program. It has been determined that the Laser cartridges are no longer accepted, so please don’t bring those up to the church, they will just be thrown away. Though Martha professes, “You are the Son of God,” her belief is still lacking for she chides Jesus for not saving her brother. Even when belief is a struggle and less than perfect, Jesus still acts to bring new life. In just the same way, we are called to bring new life to hose who struggle in their faith through ministry programs funded by the Catholic Sharing Appeal. Let us be generous in supporting this great program in our church. Parish Goal: $ 18,498.00 Amount Pledged: $ 20,924.00 Percentage to Goal: 113% Please remember that when our parish reaches its goal, all funds raised over our goal are returned to the parish for our use. Sacred Heart Elementary School 5th Annual Children’s Art Festival Saturday, April 16, 2011 9 AM-3 PM Front lawn of Sacred Heart Catholic Elementary School on LeMoyne Blvd, D’Iberville We will have crafts, food, Scholastic book sale, egg hunt, entertainment, games, pony rides and pictures with the Easter Bunny. For more information call Kathryn Villarreal at 228-392-4180 Benefit Prize Bingo Woolmarket Community Center April 29, 2011 6:30 PM Come out to help a good cause and have fun! Bring a Friend Homemade desserts and drinks will also be available. All proceeds will go toward burial expenses for Mrs Lyn Summers who passed away Christmas morning ● Saturday, April 9th - Life Teen Movie night - "Soul Surfer" at Grand theater in D'Iberville @ 7pm. Movie tickets are $8.50. Please get your tickets early, there is a chance it will sell out. ●Sunday, April 10th - *schedule change; following our 5 pm Life Teen Mass, we are going to St. Elizabeth Seton in Ocean Springs for "A Night with Cody Roth." Please bring $1 for a donation to St. Vincent de Paul. All teens are responsible for their own transportation. ●Steubenville on the Bayou - June 1619. The total cost is approx $225-250. Mandatory meeting Sunday, April 17th for parents and participants following Life Teen Mass. $100 deposit due at this meeting. (*Anyone who would like to partially or fully sponsor a teen to go to this conference, please contact Emily 4247292) ●Please participate in the Life Teen Change drive. All donations will be given to the Catholic Relief services for the relief efforts in Japan. Collection jar in the back of the church. Goal 42 units St. Mary Blood Drive The Blood Drive will be held on Sunday, April 17 8 AM-2 PM, in memory of 2 parishioners, Vincent Lupo and Janice Stockert. On behalf of the 2 families, we would like to extend their sincerest gratitude for your participation in this worthily cause. If you can’t give blood, you are welcome to make snacks or bring sodas. Need volunteers for the Blood drive. A list is located in the back of the church. Easter Group Mass Intention Envelopes are available in the back of the Church. Please fill out and return via the Collection Basket and a list will be in Easter Sunday’s Bulletin, as well as rest on the altar for the remainder of the Easter Season. Easter Lilies Sponsorship Envelopes are available on the back table. Each Lily sponsorship is $10.00 and a list will be published on Easter. ● The KCLA’s will have their monthly meeting on Monday, April 11, 6:30 PM in Murray Hall Confirmation Classes If you are a Junior or Senior in High School and haven’t made your Confirmation you will need to attend these Confirmation Special Sessions. The Special Session Dates are set on Wednesdays, 5-7 PM on the following dates: April 13 Confirmation is set for Thursday, May 12th. Collection April 2 and 3, 2011 Thank you for your Stewardship! General Collection………………….. $ 4,832.47 Children’s Collection………………. $ 19.25 Building Fund………………………. $ 35.00 Capital Improvement Fund…………. $ 10.00 Maintenance Fund………………….. $ 153.00 St. Mary-SVDP………………….….. $ 231.00 Rosary Stones………………………. $ 475.00 Catholic Relief Services……………. $ 695.00 Sale of Religious Item……………… $ 10.00 Easter Flowers……………………… $ 50.00 Easter Mass……….………………… $ 50.00 Haitian Relief……………………….. $ 15.00 Japan…………….………………….. $ 20.00 2011 CSA………………………….. $ 460.00 Mass Stipend…………..……...…..... $ 20.00 Total Collected $ 7,075.72 During Lent we will not have flowers on the Altar If you would like to place flowers at the tabernacle for a memorial or special occasion, please use the sign-up sheet at the back for the church. Arrangements are $25.00. Please make checks payable to St. Mary Flower Fund. Tabernacle Candle Janice Stockert If you or someone from St. Mary is hospitalized, please contact Susie at 861-2001 so Fr. Dominick is aware. Volunteers Needed: Good Friday Ecumenical Service Reception at 7 AM in Murray Hall If you would like to help, please call Monica Easterling at 539-0097. St. Vincent de Paul Community Pharmacy Charity Golf Tournament April 19, Grand Bear Course Shotgun starts: 8 AM and 1 PM; 4-person handicap Scramble; Cost: $250/player includes lunch, prizes & shirt. $20,00 in prizes and gifts; benefits St. Vincent de Paul Pharmacy (a 501© organization; contributions tax deductible); info or to register: [email protected] or 228-248-4389. St. Mary Lenten Schedule FRIDAYS Stations of the Cross -Stations of the Cross-6:30 PM -Soup Supper-7 PM, MH April 15-Pastoral Council (Thad Anderson) April 22-Good Friday (Fr. Dominick) Stations at Noon, with soup supper to follow in Murray Hall Parish Office Hours -Monday-Tuesday-Friday-8 AM-2 PM Closed Wednesday and Thursday Second Collections: Catholic Relief Services-April 3 Holy Land (Good Friday)-April 22 Saints Corner St. Stanislaus Feastday: April 11 Stanislaus was born of noble parents on July 26th at Szczepanow near Cracow, Poland. He was educated at Gnesen and was ordained there. He was given a canonry by Bishop Lampert Zula of Cracow, who made him his preacher, and soon he became noted for his preaching. He became a much sought after spiritual adviser. He was successful in his reforming efforts, and in 1072 was named Bishop of Cracow. He incurred the enmity of King Boleslaus the Bold when he denounced the King's cruelties and injustices and especially his kidnapping of the beautiful wife of a nobleman. When Stanislaus excommunicated the King and stopped services at the Cathedral when Boleslaus entered, Boleslaus himself killed Stanislaus while the Bishop was saying Mass in a chapel outside the city on April 11. Stanislaus has long been the symbol of Polish nationhood. He was canonized by Pope Innocent IV in 1253 and is the principle patron of Cracow. His feast day is April 11th. We all appreciate a clean and neat pew for Mass Please consider the following: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Did you put the music books and missals back in the holder? Did you put the envelopes and pen back in the holder? Do you have your bulletin or any other papers that were given to you before mass? Did you allow your children to write on offertory envelopes during Mass? We have Children’s Bulletins for them located on the back table of the Church. The envelopes are costly and if written on they can’t be used by the next person who sits in the pews. Did you gather all your children’s belongings and trash? Thank you, Altar Society Cursillo Movement of South Mississippi APR 4/11-22/12 Women's Cursillo #237 MAY 5/3-6/12 Women's Cursillo #237 5/24-27/12 Men's Cursillo #238 JUNE 6/21-24/2012 Women's Cursillo #239 SEPT 9/27-30/2012 Men’s Cursillo #240 101/26-28/2012 Women's Arise #69 NOV 11/2-4/2012 Men's Arise # 70 11/29-12/2/2012 Women's Cursillo # 241 Applications on the back table Holy Week Schedule Monday, April 18 -Mass-8:00 AM Tuesday, April 19 -Mass-8:00 AM Wednesday, April 20 -Mass-6:30 PM Holy Thursday, April 21 -Mass-7:00 PM Good Friday, April 22 -Ecumenical Service-7 AM (St. Mary) -Stations of the Cross-12:00 PM -Soup Supper to follow, MH -Liturgy-3:00 PM Saturday Vigil, April 23 New Fire-7:30 PM -Mass-7:45 PM bring bells Easter Sunday, April 24 -Mass-8:30 AM -Easter Egg Hunt-10 AM -Mass-11:00 AM -NO 5:00 PM Mass Monday-April 25—Friday-April 29 NO Daily Masses (Fr Dominick on Retreat) MH =Murray Hall CH=Church *Saturday, April 9 -4:30 PM Confessions -5 PM Vigil Mass *Sunday, April 10 -8:30 AM Mass -KC Breakfast-9:30-10:30 AM, MH -CCD - 9:45-10:45 AM -11 AM Mass -3:30 PM Edge® -5 PM LifeTeen® Mass -6 PM LifeNight® *Monday, April 11 -8 AM Mass -6:30 PM, KCLA Mtg, MH *Tuesday, April 12 -8 AM Mass -5:30-7 PM LifeTeen® Bible Study, MH -7 PM RCIA *Wednesday, April 13 -Office Closed -9-11 AM, ENDOW-MH -6:30 PM Mass *Thursday, April 14 -Office Closed -8 AM Mass *Friday, April 15 -8 AM Mass -6:30 PM Stations of the Cross -7 PM Soup Supper, MH *Saturday, April 16 -4:30 PM Confessions -5 PM Vigil Mass *Sunday, April 17 -8 AM Blood Drive, MH 8 AM-1 PM -8:30 AM Mass -NO CCD -11 AM Mass -NO Edge® -5 PM LifeTeen® Mass -NO LifeNight® *Monday, April 18 -8 AM Mass *Tuesday, April 19 -8 AM Mass -10:30 AM Chrism Mass, Nativity -5:30-7 PM LifeTeen® Bible Study, MH *Wednesday, April 20 -Office Closed -9-11 AM, ENDOW-MH -6:30 PM Mass *Thursday, April 21, Holy Thursday -Office Closed -7 PM Mass *Friday, April 22, Good Friday -7 AM Ecumenical Service, St. Mary, MH -12 PM (NOON) Stations of the Cross -12:30 PM Soup Supper, MH -3 PM Liturgy Service WOOLMARKET PHARMACY, INC 13066 Hwy 67, Suite F Biloxi, MS 39532 TELEPHONE 228-392-5355 C’est Hair Joseph Bergeron President cell (228) 424-7756 (228) 832-5992 office Web: www.fullmetalroofing.com 1-866-766-3881 toll free Email: [email protected] for Bulletin Tuesdays 9 AM If you know someone who is homebound and would like to receive Holy Communion, please contact Angela Oakes at 228-697-7171 or Deacon Al Stockert at 832-0035 to arrange for someone to visit . BEAUTY SALON Cathy Ross Lisa Dobson Susan Miller Charlotte Mosley 10470A D’Iberville Blvd. D’Iberville, MS 39540 228-392-2658 ELSIE RAYMOND, OWNER Multiple Listing Service MLS™ Lorraine Raiteri-Santo, CRS, RRC, SRES, SRS Lorraine Santo 902 W Birch Dr PO BOX 2095 Gulfport Mississippi 39503 228/832-3890 Fax: 228/865-0515 Cell: 228/365-2769 E-Mail: [email protected] 12404 John Lee Rd, Woolmarket, MS 39532 Corner of John Lee and Lorraine Rd. Locally Owned and Operated by Anthony Taranto and Family Licensed ● Bonded ● Insured Commercial ● Residential ● Renovations 10 Years Experience Serving Mississippi Gulf Coast Pete Quave, Parishioner www.myfloortrader.com Gulfport Gautier 831-5777 497-2500 Mobile (251) 607-1129 ADS=SALES Place your Ad here WHY IS IT A man wakes up after sleeping under an ADVERTISED blanket on an ADVERTISED mattress and pulls off ADVERTISED pajamas bathes in an ADVERTISED shower shaves with an ADVERTISED razor brushes his teeth with ADVERTISED toothpaste washes with ADVERTISED soap puts on ADVERTISED clothes drinks a cup of ADVERTISED coffee drives to work in an ADVERTISED car and then…. Refuses to ADVERTISE believing it doesn’t pay. Later if business is poor he ADVERTISES it a for sale. WHY IS IT? Crawfish ● Poboys ● Seafood Dine In— or Take Out 228-392-0990 Kitchen Hours: 11am-9pm Closed Mondays Boiling Room Hours: 8am-5pm POUNDS PLUMBING, INC. Lee Pounds, Owner 12117 Marlane Place Gulfport MS 39503 Office/Fax: 228-539-8087 TARANTO’S Radich Heating, Air Conditioning and Refrigeration, Inc. Tom Radich, Owner 3232 Quave Road D’Iberville, MS 39532 (228) 392-3773 (228) 396-2200 Fax CoaCoa’s Creations This spot is available for $225.00 a year. Run 52 times and that’s a cost of $4.33 a week for advertizing. If you are interested, please call Susie at 861-2001. Skip the Web Surf the bulletin For everything you need. Prayer During Hurricane Season We ask Mary our Mother to join us in praying that God will protect us and our neighbors during this hurricane season from the dangers and ravages of storms, AMEN Nora Bergeron, Pearl Bosarge, Sherman Broussard, Sr., Mary Buley, Terry Cannette, Debra and Michael Cox, Sr., John and Ann Cruso, Sr., Artie Desporte, Emile Desporte, Shirley Desporte, Becky Diaz, David Dominick, Teresa Dubaz, Donna Entrekin, Randy Fountain, Glenn Goss, Jr., Thelma Graham, Dawn Harrison, Jack Harrison, Helga Hendry, George, Higginbotham, Melba Higginbotham, Shirley Higginbotham Parker, Diane Insalaco, Gene Kifer, Brandon Ladner, Joe Leidig, Leo Lenczewski, Troy Marcel, Wayne Marcel, Tony Martino, Cecil Montgomery, Rose Moran, Herbert Monroe, Ruby Monroe, Lexi Moore, Brad & Heather Nelson, Larry Nelson, Kelli Norris, Mozzie Parker, DVM., Susie Peresich, Kenny & Mary Lou Porado, Robert Porche, Jr., Gloria Quave, Theresa Robinson, Tony & Lorraine Santo, Vincent Seib, Joe Seidule, Leo & Jana Sweeney, Hazel Wallace, Faye Waltman, and Theresa Whiteside If you know anyone who should be added or removed from our prayer list, please call the office, 392-1999. Please __add or __remove this name to the Parish Prayer list. __________________________ Please print Barbara Taranto, Owner Take Out or Dine In 228-392-4678 14538 Highway 67, Biloxi MS 39532 SILENCE IN THE CHURCH Silence before our Lord present in the tabernacle fosters adoration before the Lord really and truly present in the Most Holy and Blessed Sacrament of the altar. Please keep this in mind before and after Mass. Please ensure your cell phones are off before you enter the Church. If you are interested in placing an ad, please call Susie at 861-2001 ●1¾”x ½“-$150 ●1¾”x 1”-$175 ●1¾”x 1½“-$200 ●3¼”x 2¼”-$700 ●1¾”x 1¾”-$225 (Floor Traders) ●2¼”x 1”-$475 (Bayou Concrete) ●2¼”x ¾”-$200 (Woolmarket Pharmacy) ●1½”x 1½”-$200 (Taranto's) ●2¼”x 1”-$225 (C’est Hair) ●2¼”x 1¼”-$235 ●1½”x 1”-$175 (Palazzo) ●2¾”x 1¼”-$250 ●1½”x 1¼”- $175 ●2”x 1¾”-$350 ●ads runs 52 times a year St. Mary Parish Quick Registration Form Name: ________________________ Address: ______________________ City: _________________________ State: __________Zip Code:_______ Phone Number: _________________ Alternate Phone Number: _________ Please Check all that apply: □ I would like a call from the Priest □ Want Offeratory Envelopes □ Moving out of Parish □ Change of Address □ New Registration Saturday, April 9th - Life Teen Movie night - "Soul Surfer" at Grand theater in D'Iberville @ 7pm. Movie tickets are $8.50. Please get your ti early, there is a chance it will sell out. Sunday, April 10th - *schedule change; following our 5 pm Life Teen Mass, we are going to St. Elizabeth Seton in Ocean Springs for "A Night Cody Roth." Please bring $1 for a donation to St. Vincent de Paul. All teens are responsible for their own transportation. Steubenville on the Bayou - June 16-19. The total cost is approx $225-250. Mandatory meeting Sunday, April 17th for parents and participants foll ing Life Teen Mass. $100 deposit due at this meeting. (*Anyone who would like to partially or fully sponsor a teen to go to this conference, please contact Emily 424-7292) Please participate in the Life Teen Change drive. All donations will be given to the Catholic Relief services for the relief efforts in Jap in the back of the church. Two Ends Every person has two ends: an end to think with and an end to sit with. What he accomplishes depends on the end he chooses heads, he wins; tails, he loses. Awww, Mom! Jesus was walking along one day, when He came upon a group of people surrounding a lady of ill repute. It was obvious that the crowd was preparing to stone her, so Jesus made His now famous statement, “Let the person who has no sin cast the first stone.” The crowd was shamed and one by one began to turn away. All of a sudden, a lovely little woman made her way through the crowd. Finally getting to the front, she tossed a pebble towards the woman. Jesus slapped His forehead and groaned, “I really hate it when you do that, Mom.” Cars 4 Toys Donate Your Old Car-Help a Child-Receive Tax Deduction of $500 or More! Cars 4 Toys, an IRS 501(c) 3 Not-For-Profit organization, helps boost the spirits of children in hospitals battling illness. Toys are given to child patients on special occasions such as finishing a round of treatment or just to brighten a particularly difficult day. One vehicle donation can often bring toys to 50+ children! If you would like to donate a vehicle, in any condition, whose proceeds will be used to brighten the day for those children, please visit us at Cars4Toys.org. With mention of this bulletin, 10% of your vehicle proceeds will go directly to St. Mary Catholic Church. Your unwanted vehicle can bring a lot of happiness to ailing children! Life is an altar Too many believe Christian life is a barrel of blessings from which they are privileged to feed. Out of it they demand clothing and food and money and security. That isn't living at all. The Christian life is an altar, not a smorgasbord. And what goes on an altar? A sacrifice. It’s all in the way you look at it Old Mr. Brown and his grandson were out in their garden one day. After weeks of hard work, the whole garden had been meticulously weeded, watered, and fertilized. The flowers and vegetables were all flourishing and beautiful. Along came their local priest. Stopping to admire the garden, he said, “Greetings! Isn't it a miracle what the Lord can do in a garden?” Before Mr. Brown could answer his little grandson piped up: “I don’t know about that Father. You should have seen it when He had it all to Himself.” Pray for our Military Fr. Dominick will be on sabbatical from April 25th—29th. The Parish Office is closed April 20th—April 25th. In case of emergency, please call Susie at 861-2001. You are invited to bring small bells for the Easter Vigil Mass. St. Mary Annual Easter Egg Hunt St. Mary Annual t Easter Egg Hun Easter Sunday, April 24th—10 AM If you are interested in donating some items for the Easter Egg Hunt or helping the Easter Bunny, please contact Christy at 228-669-8193 Congratulations! Jack Husley and Emily Smith received the St. Timothy Award at the CYO Convention last weekend. Also, St. Mary LifeTeen® won the Spirit of Convention (an awesome spirit stick) and recognition for participating in Ad Sales. SOUTH MISSISSIPPI KAIROS OUTSIDE P.O. Box 2333 Gulfport, MS 39505 [email protected] Kairos Outside is a support retreat for women, 20 years and older, who have a relative or friend who is, or has been incarcerated in federal, state, city, county, or youth facility. South MS Kairos Outside first retreat weekend will be held May 20-22, 2011, at the Sacred Heart Retreat Center in Dedeaux. The purpose of Kairos Outside is to demonstrate God’s grace and love through Christian support. During the weekend, the Guests will have a chance to interact with other women who are in similar situations. St. Mary Parish The list of those who donated an Easter Lily in someone’s name EL-Easter Lily 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. EM-Easter Mass Intention EL/EM-Margaret Tremmel Peresich, Margaret Roberts Tremmel, Gina Raiteri, Marie Santo Jones, and Burt Tremmel, Jr. EL/EM-Arthur Bressler, Sr., and Grandma Irene EL/EM-Pat M. Williams EM-Gertrude Lenczewski and Peter Lenczewski EL-Juliet and Harry Wheeler EL-Leona and Otis Broussard EL/EM-Arthur Bressler, Sr., and Grandma Irene EL/EM-Members of the Lewis and Watson/Schliess Families EL/EM-Betty Blakeman EL/EM-Daniel and Isabella Howlett EL/EM-Arthur Bressler, Sr., and Grandma Irene EL/EM-Mr. and Mrs. John B. Trochesset EL/EM-Mr. and Mrs. John E. Bertucci EL/EM-Jackie Gaudet EL/EM-Jack and Bonnie Taylor EL/EM-James Robinson, Walter Robinson, Riter Robinson Septime Robinson, Chaily Robinson EL/EM- 2011 Pat, Susie, and Michael Peresich Regina Bressler Alvin Williams Kathleen Moon Judy and Sherman Broussard, Sr. Judy and Sherman Broussard, Sr. Irene and Rocky Cleveland Chuck and Joyce Lewis Joe and Nora Bergeron Joe and Nora Bergeron Regina Bressler Kenny and Carol Bertucci Kenny and Carol Bertucci Tommy and Terry Plummer Tommy and Terry Plummer Nellie Robinson St. Mary Parish The list of those who donated an Easter Lily in someone’s name EL-Easter Lily EM-Easter Mass Intention 2011 Father’s Announcements April 9 and 10, 2011 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. RCIA ● Tuesday, 7 PM, Murray Hall ● TOPIC: Presentation of the Lord’s Prayer Lenten Stations of the Cross and Soup Suppers ● Fridays, Stations of the Cross, 6:30 PM ● Soup Supper to follow in Murray Hall ● Next Week will be hosted by the Pastorial Council LifeTeen® ● Please participate in the Life Teen Change drive. All donations will be given to the Catholic Relief Services for the relief efforts in Japan. Collection jar in the back of the church. ● Mandatory meeting for all who plan to attend Steubenville on the Bayou, April 17, following the 5 PM LifeTeen Mass® Easter Egg Hunt ● Box in Murray Hall for donations Good Friday Eccumenical Service ● We are hosting the 7 AM Service St Mary Blood Drive ● Palm Sunday, 8 AM-1 PM ——Goal 42 units ● Need volunteers to help, sign up sheet in the back of church ● You can sign up to make your appt on the back sheet or you can log into the computer, more info in bulletin St. Mary Parish Edited: March 25, 2011 27 Sun -8:30 AM Mass -9:45-10:30 AM-CCD (Pre-K-5th Grade) -11 AM Mass, Children’s Choir -3:30-4:45 PM Edge®, MH Mon Tue 28 29 -8 AM Mass -8 AM Mass -7 PM RCIA, MH (Presentation of the Creed) 30 Wed Thu Fri Sat 31 Apr 1 Apr 2 -8 AM Mass -6:30 PM Mass -Office Closed -8 AM Mass -Set up for Garage Sale -6:30 PMStations of the Cross, CH (KC & KCLA) with Soup Supper to follow -9 AM-Altar Server Trng, CH -4:30 PM-Confessions -5 PM-Vigil Mass -6 PM- Potluck Dinner, MH 7 8 9 -Office Closed -9-11 AM UTRSS, MH -Confirmation Meeting, 5-7 PM -5 PM LifeTeen® Mass Apr 3 Apr 4 5 6 -8:30 AM Mass -9:45-10:30 AM-CCD (Pre-K-5th Grade) -11 AM Mass-3:30-4:45 PM Edge®, MH -8 AM Mass -6:30 PM, KC Mtg, Murray Hall, -8 AM Mass -7 PM RCIA, MH -8 AM Mass (Freedom in Christ) -Office Closed -Office Closed -9-11 AM ENDOW, MH -8 AM Mass -6:30 PM Mass 11 12 13 14 15 16 -Office Closed -Office Closed -8 AM Mass -4:30 PM-Confessions -5 PM-Vigil Mass -5 PM LifeTeen® Mass -6 PM LifeNight®, MH 10 -8:30 AM Mass -9:45-10:30 AM-CCD (Pre-K-5th Grade) -9:30-10:30 AM KC Breakfast -11 AM Mass -3:30-4:45 PM Edge®, MH -8 AM Mass -6:30 PM, KCLA Mtg, Murray Hall, -5 PM LifeTeen® Mass 17 -8 AM-2 PM Blood Drive, MH -8:30 AM Mass -NO-CCD -11 AM Mass -NO Edge®, -8:30 AM Mass -NO-CCD -10 AM Easter Egg Hunt -11 AM Mass, Children’s Choir -NO Edge®, -NO LifeTeen® Mass -NO LifeNight® -7 PM RCIA, MH (Presentation of The Lord’s Prayer) -9-11 AM ENDOW, MH -8 AM Mass -6:30 PM Mass 18 19 -8 AM Mass Office Closed -8 AM Mass -Office Closed -9-11 AM ENDOW, MH -7 PM Mass -5:30-6:15 PM -8 PM Adoration Children’s Choir -6:30 PM Mass -Chrism Mass, 10:30 AM, Nativity -5 PM LifeTeen® Mass -NO LifeNight® 24 -8 AM Mass -5:30-6:15 PM Children’s Choir 25 26 -Office Closed -NO MASS -NO Mass 20 27 21 28 -Office Closed -Office Closed -9-11 AM ENDOW, MH -NO Mass -NO Mass -4:30 PM-Confessions -6:30 PM-5 PM-Vigil Mass Stations of the Cross, CH (Edge®) with Soup Supper to follow -6:30 PMStations of the Cross, CH (Pastoral Council) with Soup Supper to follow 22 -Office Closed -7 AM Ecumenical Service, St Mary -Noon- Stations of the Cross, CH (Fr Dominick) with Soup Supper to follow -3 PM Service 23 -4:30 PM-Confessions -7:30 PM New Fire -7:45 PM-Easter Vigil Mass -9 PM Reception MH 29 30 -NO Mass -4:30 PM-Confessions -5 PM-Vigil Mass Prayers of the Faithful Fourth Sunday of Lent April 9 and 10, 2011 1. For those who face death by war, by hunger, or by disease, and for those whose lives are rendered hopeless through injustice without redress, that they may live indeed, Let us Pray to the Lord 2. For those whose life is paralyzed by fear, who are unable to laugh or to be angry, to venture any risk, or to love, that they may experience the freedom which God’s spirit brings, Let us Pray to the Lord 3. For those who are lost in the death of sin, whose lives are choked by their cruelty or callousness or greed or lust or apathy, that they may come to recognize a brother of a sister in every human being, Let us Pray to the Lord 4. For those who have departed from us in death, whether they died strong in faith or in confusion and fear, that they may rise in glory with Jesus on the last day, Let us Pray to the Lord 5. That we who have been sealed with the Holy Spirit might strive to develop a profound Christian life for the service of mankind, Let us Pray to the Lord 6. That we may be good mindful of those in need by supporting the Catholic Sharing Appeal, Let us Pray to the Lord 7. For our military serving our country, we thank them for their service and pray for their safety amidst difficult circumstances, Let us Pray to the Lord April 9, Saturday Jer 11: 18-20; Ps 7; Jn 7: 40-53 April 10, FIFTH SUNDAY OF LENT Ez 37: 12-14; Ps 130; Rom 8: 8-11; Jn 11: 1-45 April 11, Monday, Stanislaus Dn 13: 1-62; Ps 23; Jn 8: 1-11 April 12, Tuesday, Martin I Nm 21: 4-9; Ps 102; Jn 8: 21-30 5 PM Rita, Felix, and Sherrill Arceneaux 8:30 AM Elaine Bosarge 11 AM St Mary Parishioners 5 PM Father’s Intention 8 AM (L) Noelie Leathers 8 AM Margaret Harris April 13, Wednesday 6:30 PM (L) Tony Martino Dn 3: 14-95, Dn 3: 52-56; Jn 8: 31-42 April 14, Thursday 8 AM Elizabeth Landry Poche Gn 17: 3-9; Ps 105; Jn 8: 51-59 April 15, Friday 8 AM Jerrod Thompson Jer 20: 10-13; Ps 18; Jn 10: 31-42 Date of Baptism April 16, Saturday 5 PM Ess and Dola Bienvenue Ez 37: 21-28; Jer 31; Jn 11: 45-56 April 17, Palm Sunday of the Lord’s Passion 8:30 AM Joyce Ryals Procession: Mt 21: 1-11; Mass: Is 50: 4-7; 11 AM St Mary Parishioners Ps 22; 8-24; Phil 2: 6-11; Mt 26:14-27: 66 5 PM Father’s Intention