June 2013 - St. John the Baptist Greek Orthodox Church
The Desert Messenger “Behold, I send My messenger before Your Face, who shall prepare Your way...” (Matthew 11:10) Volume 11, Issue 6 From Father John St. John the Baptist Greek Orthodox Church, Las Vegas, NV June 2013 “But when the Counselor comes, Whom I shall send to you from the Father, even the Spirit of truth, Who proceeds from the Father, He will bear witness to Me . . .” (John 15:26) Beloved in Christ: Χριστος Ανεστη! This year the Feast of Holy Pentecost falls on Sunday, June 23, the day on which the Orthodox Christian Church commemorates – in fulfillment of our Lord’s promise – the descent of the Holy and Life-giving Spirit as tongues of fire upon the Apostles. On this Sunday, fifty days after the Resurrection of our Savior Jesus Christ, the Divine Economia – that is, God’s plan of salvation for mankind – came full circle as the Spirit of truth was poured forth upon the Holy Apostles for the growth of His Holy Church and thereby His Kingdom. By the Gift of the Holy Spirit, the Apostles were empowered from on high to fulfill the Great Commission of Christ, going near and far to make new disciples through Baptism in the Name of the Holy Trinity and teaching the necessity of following His Commandments. They went from place to place preaching the “Good News” of the Risen Lord, in the native tongue of those hearing the Word, traveling even to unchartered areas to increase the number of those being saved and establish new communities of faith, and in the process, suffering much persecution – yet, for all their sufferings, they were filled abundantly with a holy joy and peace. By God’s loving will, the Apostolic mission continues still today in the Orthodox Christian Church, which is the true and living receptacle of the Holy Spirit – and it is through the Church that each believer personally becomes the temple of the Life-giving Spirit by the ancient worship and prayers, the unchanging teachings of Jesus Christ and the Holy Mysteries. As our patron, St. John the Baptist foretold, Christ would Baptize “with the Holy Spirit” (Matthew 3:11): Through the Church, which is the mystical Body of Christ, we the faithful received that very Holy Spirit at the moment we were Chrismated (this Sacrament is appropriately referred to as our “personal Pentecost”). As the same “Holy Fire” that illuminated and empowered the Holy Apostles has been given to us as well, we must now truthfully discern how we are actively participating in their sacred mission. If we are honest, we all need to be recharged in our faith, and so the Feast of Pentecost allows for yet another opportunity for us to rekindle our walk with the Lord and life in His Church: Quite literally, on that day as we bend our knees in prayer (and more importantly, “the knees of our heart”) during the Kneeling Vespers which follows the Divine Liturgy, we will be renewed as vessels of the Holy Spirit. May the renewed Gift of the Holy Spirit be unto our spiritual growth and restore or awaken our love and genuine desire to serve God, His Church and His world: Come and abide in us, Holy Spirit, cleanse us of all impurity and save our souls! With love in Christ, The Desert Messenger WORSHIP SCHEDULE Sundays: 8:45 am Orthros ~ 10:00 am Divine Liturgy Church School Commencement on Sunday, June 2 Sunday, June 2/5th Sunday of Pascha/ Saturday, June 22/Saturday of Souls The Samaritan Woman/St. Nikephoros 8:00 am Orthros ~ 9:00 am Divine Liturgy Orthros: Tone Four Resurrection Gospel (Orthros): John 20:1-10 Epistle: Acts 11:19-30 Gospel: John 4:5-42 Sunday, June 9/6th Sunday of Pascha/ The Blind Man/St. Cyril of Alexandria Orthros: Tone Five (First Plagal) Resurrection Gospel (Orthros): John 20:11-18 Epistle: Acts 16:16-34 Gospel: John 9:1-38 Wednesday, June 12 5:00 pm Orthros ~ 6:00 pm Divine Liturgy (Holy Ascension of Our Lord) Epistle: Acts 1:1-12 Gospel: Luke 24:36-53 Thursday, June 13/Holy Ascension of Our Lord (Liturgy Celebrated on Wednesday Evening) Sunday, June 16/7th Sunday of Pascha/ Holy Fathers of the 1st Ecumenical Council Orthros: Tone Six (Second Plagal) Resurrection Gospel (Orthros): John 21:1-14 Epistle: Acts 20:16-18, 28-36 Gospel: John 17:1-13 Happy Father’s Day! Epistle: 1 Thessalonians 4:13-17 Gospel: John 21:14-25 Memorial follows Liturgy Sunday, June 23/HOLY PENTECOST Orthros: Festal Resurrection Gospel (Orthros): John 20:19-31 Epistle: Acts 2:1-11 Gospel: John 7:37-52; 8:12 Kneeling Vespers following Liturgy No Fasting All Week Monday, June 24/Monday of the Holy Spirit/ Nativity of St. John the Baptist 8:00 am Orthros ~ 9:00 am Divine Liturgy Epistle: Ephesians 5:8-19 Gospel: Luke 1:1-25, 57-68, 76, 80 Saturday, June 29/Holy Apostles Peter and Paul 8:00 am Orthros ~ 9:00 am Divine Liturgy Epistle: 2 Corinthians 11:21-33; 12:1-9 Gospel: Matthew 16:13-19 Sunday, June 30/1st Sunday of Matthew/All Saints/ Synaxis of the 12 Holy Apostles Orthros: Tone Eight (Fourth Plagal) Resurrection Gospel (Orthros): Matthew 28:16-20 Epistle: 1 Corinthians 4:9-16 Gospel: Matthew 10:32-33, 37-38; 19:27-30 His Eminence Metropolitan Gerasimos made his annual Palm Sunday pilgrimage to St. John the Baptist Greek Orthodox Church on April 27-28. On Saturday evening, His Eminence prayed the Great Vespers of Palm Sunday, and met with parish members in Kokkos Hall following the service. On Sunday, he celebrated the Hierarchical Liturgy for the Great Feast, and then in the evening the First Bridegroom Service. John Michael Boyer, a seminarian and Metropolis Proto-Psaltis, also joined us. (Photo by Amy Bauck) 2 The Desert Messenger “COME, TAKE PART IN THE VISION AND GROWTH OF OUR CHURCH!” Notice of Parish Assembly Sunday, June 9, 2013 Immediately Following the Divine Liturgy in Panos Hall! AGENDA: Call to Order/Opening Prayer Election of Assembly Chair Approval of Assembly Minutes: November 18, 2012 Assistant Priest Financial & Stewardship Reports Greek Food Festival: September 27-29, 2013 Building & Maintenance Report For the Good of the Parish Adjournment/Closing Prayer All Pledged Stewards in Good Standing for 2013 are encouraged to participate at this vital Assembly! SUNDAY SCHEDULE June 2: Church School Commencement Ushers: Adam Bieker, John Fotopoulos, Stephanie Demoleas, George Bochanis, Jim Monoyudis and Demetrious Asim Fellowship: Folk Dance Groups June 9: Parish Assembly Ushers: Tami Stefanatos, Ramona Tasios, John Fotopoulos, Paula Kelesis, Stacy Mavrantonis and Jeremy Bauck Fellowship: Pan-Arcadians June 16: Fathers Day Ushers: Jim Monoyudis, Demetrious Asim, John Koutsulis, George Bochanis, Stephanie Demoleas and Adam Bieker Memorial: Peter Pappas (9 months); Elias Spanopoulos (1 year). Fellowship: Dina Delalis June 23: HOLY PENTECOST Ushers: Stacy Mavrantonis, Paula Kelesis, Ramona Tasios, Tami Stefanatos, Jeremy Bauck and John Fotopoulos Fellowship: Forerunners ~ The Seniors of St. John the Baptist June 30: All Saints/Holy Apostles Ushers: Jeremy Bauck, John Koutsulis, Adam Bieker, Jim Monoyudis, Paula Kelesis and George Bochanis Fellowship: Orthodox Connection Las Vegas 3 The Desert Messenger Reverend Fathers and Brothers and Sisters in Christ, CHRISTOS ANESTI! Thanks to all who gave of their time and resources in making this holiday a beautiful one. Don’t ever think that your support and dedication go unnoticed. Congratulations to the newly elected Philoptochos Officers; with your continued service I know that this community will move toward an even stronger support of our Church programs. On behalf of the entire Parish Council and St. John the Baptist Greek Orthodox Church, I want to thank Geri Kypreos for her tireless work in philanthropy and service to the ministry. We hope and pray that God always keeps her and her family in good health and she continues to be active in the Philoptochos and her Church. In an ongoing effort to keep our stewards informed, I want to make all of you aware that the Parish Council is pursuing to bring into our Church the services of a full-time Assistant Priest. This in no means is meant to replace either of our “retired” priests, Father Dean or Father Paul. As you are aware, these priests have been assisting Father John and will continue to do so. They are very well respected within our community and their willingness to come on Sundays and help where needed has been exemplary. The purpose and reason for a second full-time priest has become imperative if we plan to advance our position with the youth ministries and functions related to keeping our children connected with the Church, so that they will continue to be active as adults. We know that Father John has made himself readily available to serve our spiritual and family needs through meetings, sacraments or visitations, whether in time of joy or sadness. St. John the Baptist Greek Orthodox Church is one of the largest parishes in the San Francisco Metropolis; as such, there is no way for one priest to effectively meet our various ministry needs. With a younger priest to assist Father John, by God’s grace we will be able to give all our ministries the best attention possible. I have personally visited parishes smaller than ours that have two full-time clergymen and it is amazing to see the attendance and involvement of the youth. We plan to have this as one of the most important agenda items for the upcoming Parish Assembly on Sunday, June 9, following Liturgy. Please support us on this matter and know that with all of our prayers, efforts and continued hard work, we can accomplish anything as a strong Christian family in Christ. May God Bless All of Us and Again . . . CHRISTOS ANESTI! John Fotopoulos, Parish Council President Parish Council Report C H R I S T T R U L Y ANASTASI 2013 H E I S I S R I S E N R I S E N Photo by David Collins 4 The Desert Messenger Christos Anesti! Christ is Risen! Truly, He is Risen! Before we look back on the past two years, we must begin with many thanks to all of the ladies who gave their time, talents and treasures during our Holy Week activities. Our ladies set up and served at the Palm Sunday Luncheon, assisted as ushers during the services, dyed the Red Eggs, baked Tsourekia and Koulourakia, and sold pastries for the Agape Picnic. To all of you who lent a helping hand whenever you could, we cannot express enough gratitude: Thank You! It has been a great honor and privilege to serve this parish as President of Philoptochos the past two years. I want to thank my fellow Board Members: Kiki Mavrantonis, Georgia Kostopoulos, Catherine Manolakos, Dora Hart, Dianne Bacon, Marcie Karas, April Karalis, Ernestine Kachikis, Donna Maland, Chloe Christian, Alexia Chandrinos, Litza Smith, Bernadette Anthony, Andrea Takas, Cheryl Pandelis, Joanne DeMangus and Bessie Chachas. As always, this community has been generous to us, allowing us to fulfill all of our National and Metropolis obligations; additionally, we placed a leaf for the donor tree in the new National Philoptochos Building recognizing our chapter and our beloved St. John the Baptist Greek Orthodox Church. We had a variety of hands-on projects which included: *Assembling packages for our troops overseas which included an Orthodox prayer book; *Providing teddy bears and blankets as well as activity bags for the older children at UMC; *Making over 300 sandwiches for the homeless; *Supporting Dress for Success with over 100 suits provided by the women who attended our Membership Tea; *Providing over 8,000 meals with donations made to Three Square Food Bank; *Supported the shoe voucher program for at-risk schools in Clark County; *Supported the Clark County reading program; *Supported Camp Agape as well as our own Camp Cartwheel; *Supported a helping hands clinic for children who need vaccinations; *A new project to benefit Rancho High School Students; *Last but not least, for the past two years Philoptochos continued to help support Father John’s Discretionary Account which offers aid to those in need in our community, the Kokkos Scholarship Fund and other ministries within our parish. I offer a special thanks to everyone who attended the President’s Dinner; it was a lovely affair. As you can see it has been a very busy two years for all of us and we could not have accomplished this without the whole community coming together. I hope you will welcome Bernadette Anthony as the next Philoptochos President and her new Board. ~ Geri Kypreos Philoptochos News The 2013-15 Philoptochos Board took the Oath of Office on Mothers Day, Sunday, May 12. Photo by Jeremy Bauck 5 The Desert Messenger Congratulations, Graduates! George Chomakos George Chomakos, son of Dean and Tammy Chomakos, will graduate with his Advanced Honors Diploma from West Career and Technical Academy, where he has been enrolled in the Sports Medicine program. George has been accepted (and is undecided) to both Boise State University and UNLV, to pursue his Bachelors in Athletic Training; he eventually plans to achieve a Masters in Kinesiology. George was a recent recipient of an AHEPA Academic Scholarship and the National Utility Contractors Association Scholarship. George has been very active from a young age at St. John the Baptist Greek Orthodox Church, participating in Church School, Youth Choir, Altar Servers, Greek Folk Dance (both as a dancer and director) and GOYA President. Lindsey Flangas Lindsey Flangas, daughter of Gary and Amanda Flangas, is graduating from Faith Lutheran High School as Valedictorian of her class. She will be attending the University of Texas to pursue an engineering degree. During her senior year she was a participant in a Service Leadership class at Faith Lutheran that goes out into the Las Vegas area weekly for community service. Lindsey has been an active member and officer for six years with Opportunity Village Kids, an organization that has bimonthly activities with young adults with intellectual disabilities. Lindsey has participated in Holy Week and Pascha services as a Myrrh-Bearer and in GOYA, traveling to California to represent our parish in volleyball tournaments. Maritza Kelesis Maritza Kelesis, daughter of George Kelesis and Sandra Robelledo, goddaughter and niece of Paula Kelesis and granddaughter to Dina Kelesis, is graduating from Bishop Gorman High School on June 2 as Valedictorian. She was in Gaels on Broadway for three years; she also was in Honor Society all four years of High School. Maritza traveled to Europe, Africa and throughout America and found different cultures and geographic areas interesting and plans to continue to travel. Maritza will continue her academic career at UCLA this fall, majoring in the sciences with her final goal to become a physician. 6 The Desert Messenger Class of 2013! Alexandra Kilgore Alexandra (Alex) Kilgore, daughter of Richard and Eleni Kilgore, will graduate from Centennial High School on June 7. Alex participated in theater, choir and acting throughout her school career. She has also competed in junior dragster racing, singing, and beauty/talent pageants as a hobby; she has won various school awards, racing awards, and holds state and national pageant titles. Alex also volunteers her time helping with special needs children in an early childhood classroom. Alexandra babysits special needs children too. Alexandra has grown up in St. John Church and her involvement includes GOYA, Church School (attending from Kindergarten), feeding the homeless, collecting items for homeless teens, the annual GOYA Lenten Retreat, Myrrh-Bearers and volunteering at the Greek Food Festival. Alex will attend CSN in the fall, as she begins the next step in her journey to becoming an early childhood special education teacher. Alexandra Lemelson Alexandra Lemelson graduated Cum Laude with a Bachelor of Arts in Psychology from the Harvard Extension School. Alexandra will be continuing her Graduate studies in Clinical Psychology this summer at the Harvard Extension School. Her future plans include working with children and pursuing her Doctoral degree in Clinical Psychology at Harvard. Alexandra is the daughter of Kathy Lemelson, mother of Matthew Lemelson, and the sister of Father Emmanuel Lemelson. Talia Orlando Talia Orlando, daughter of Alleck and Jennifer Orlando, will graduate from Centennial High School, receiving both an Advanced Honors Diploma and High Honors Award. She enjoyed participating in her school through community service, choir, theater productions and student council; she lettered in Leadership and Academics. Talia proudly accepted admission to Arizona State University as a New American University Scholar, receiving the Dean's Award Scholarship. She will major in Social and Behavioral Sciences, and cannot wait to be a Sun Devil. Talia has participated in many St. John Church ministries, including Youth Choir, Church School, and especially loved dancing and directing with the Greek Folk Dance groups. She will continue her Church activities at St. Katherine in Chandler, AZ. Talia wishes to thank AHEPA for awarding her a scholarship. 7 The Desert Messenger God Bless Our Graduates! Demetrios Philippou Demetrios Philippou, son of Demetri and Luanne Philippou, is graduating from Shadow Ridge High School with an Advanced Diploma. In addition to his studies, he was on the baseball team throughout high school, lettering his Junior and Senior years. He has been involved with baseball in the community with the Miracle League, assisting special needs children in the sport. Demetrios has been active at St. John the Baptist Church in Church School, the Greek Folk Dance ministry and GOYA. He volunteers each year for the Greek Food Festival. Demetrios plans to attend St Katherine College in Encinitas this fall and has received a baseball scholarship. He will pursue a degree in Business/Management. Alexander Szukiewicz Alexander Szukiewicz, son of Joseph and Justina (Jennia) Szukiewicz, is graduating from Foothill High School with an Advanced Diploma. Alex was on Varsity Football and Varsity Bowling. He plans to attend UNLV in the fall with an undeclared major for now, but he hopes to eventually work for the FBI. From a young age, Alex has served the Church as Altar Server and was appointed Altar Captain the past two years. He has also participated in GOYA and volunteers each year at the Greek Food Festival. Alex is the recipient of both the Kokkos and AHEPA scholarships this year. Top Honors for Christopher! Christopher Zimmerman, son of Paul and Angela Zimmerman, received the Clifford J. Lawrence Award, in recognition of his leadership, citizenship, scholarship and student involvement at his junior high school. Congratulations, Christopher! 8 “Any circumstance in which a man finds himself unwillingly is a prison for him. So be content with whatever circumstances you may now be in, lest, by being ungrateful, you punish yourself unwittingly.” ~ St. Anthony the Great The Desert Messenger Our Community Registry ST. JOHN THE BAPTIST GREEK ORTHODOX CHURCH Baptized into Christ: Na Mas Zisoun! 5300 S. El Camino Rd. Las Vegas, NV 89118 Nicoletta (Aubree Jo), daughter of Christina Blevins, on May 12, 2013. Godparent: Nick Bilikopoulos. Rev. Father John Hondros Evangelos (Angelo), son of Joseph and Christine Pierro, on May 26, 2013. Godparent: Maria-Elena Pierro. Chrismation Athanasios (Thomas) Mitchell on May 19, 2013. Sponsor: Adam Bieker Karen Rawlinson Administrative Assistant Maria Kakavulias Business Administrator Tom Welsh Facilities and Catering Manager Office Hours Monday - Friday 9:00 am - 5:00 pm Marriage: Na Zisete! Peter Walid Nesheiwat and Ida Anna Ohan on May 11, 2013. Koumbaros: David Walid Nesheiwat. Nicholas Minakis and Tanya Kevo on May 18, 2013. Koumbaros: Theodore P. Manasses. Telephone: (702) 221-8245 FAX: (702) 221-9167 E-mail: [email protected] Website: vegasgreekorthodox.com Parish Council: John Fotopoulos Joseph Anthony Pierro, Jr. and Christine Suzanne Fortuna on May 25, 2013. Koumbara: Rhonda Kay Pierro. Philoptochos: Bernadette Anthony Evangelos Palios and Tania Hermes on May 25, 2013. Koumbaros: George Vlahos. Chanters/Youth Choir: Presvytera Maria Hondros Fallen Asleep in the Lord: Eternal Memory Church School: Eileen Koutsulis Eftie Grabovoi on May 4, 2013. Funeral on May 11. Altar Servers: Alex Szukiewicz Choir: Athena Mertes Stewardship Committee: Jennia Szukiewicz Notes from the Loft Christos Anesti! Thank you again to the Choir for the beautiful hymns sung during Holy Week and Pascha! The Youth Choir will be singing the Divine Liturgy on Sunday, June 2. We will have a brief Rehearsal immediately following Liturgy on Sunday, June 16. This will rehearsal will prepare us for the hymns of Pentecost sung on Sunday, June 23. No other rehearsals will be scheduled for this month. I will be attending the Church Music Conference June 27 - 30 at St. Sophia Cathedral in Los Angeles and serving as the Youth Choir Director. Some of our Choir members are planning to attend the conference and it would be wonderful to have a small group from our parish attend this year. The hotel registration deadline is June 10 and the conference registration information will be available soon. Please see me if you would like to attend the conference. If you are interested in joining the Choir, the conference would be an excellent introduction into the world of Liturgical music and fellowship! Athena Mertes, Director “Now concerning the contribution to the saints . . . On the first day of every week, each of you is to put something aside and store it up, as he may prosper . . .” (1 Corinthians 16:1, 2) 9 Hellenic Historical Society: Nitsa Filios GOYA: Tammy Chomakos & Kouli Pouridis HOPE and JOY: Sharon Katsaros Orthodox Family Fellowship: Amy & Jeremy Bauck Youth Ministries: Eileen Koutsulis Orthodox Connection Las Vegas: Adam Bieker Adult Basketball: Panagiote Tsolis Forerunners: Marie & Gary Setian Greek Folk Dance: Tammy Chomakos Greek School: Paula Kelesis Orthodox Bookstore: Adam Bieker Bill Andrews Library: Spero Demoleas Kokkos Scholarship Committee: Helen Stock The Desert Messenger Youth Ministries Church School Christos Anesti! I cannot believe another year is coming to an end. We will be celebrating Church School Commencement on Sunday, June 2. At that time we will honor our High School Graduates, our Church School participants, and announce the Kokkos Scholarship Recipients. I will also announce as the Pennies and Prayers amount that we collected for Mission Parishes during Lent. Thanks to our students who donated every week; it is such a great cause and the money will be well spent. I would like to congratulate all of our high school seniors for all of their hard work. We wish them much success in the future! I would like to take this time to thank all of our teachers who all do a fantastic job: All of us should be thankful for each and every one of them. Our classrooms were even more enriched this year with Presvytera Maria coming into our classroom teaching all sorts of wonderful things, including Church hymns, how to make Kollyva and even how and when we cense our homes. We are so blessed to have her helping with our program. I would like to thank the Ladies Philoptochos for hosting our end-of-the-year party after Commencement – they so generously sponsor this for us every year. Our staff must also be acknowledged: Sheryl and the custodial staff (Fernando, Roman and Andrea) for making sure that our rooms and facilities are in tip-top shape; and Karen for taking care of all our administrative needs weekly – I could not do without her. Last and certainly not least, thanks to Father John for his love, knowledge, support and everything he does for our program. I feel blessed to have him as our wonderful parish priest. We will be starting our New Church School Year on Sunday, September 8. Please feel free to reach out to me with any questions or concerns. Eileen Koutsulis, Church School Director (702)521-6516 or [email protected] Youth Choir News Christos Anesti! The Youth Choir did a fabulous job chanting the Holy Saturday Morning service. It was a very enthusiastic group; we even had help from some of our Youth Choir “graduates.” To coincide with Church School Commencement, the Youth Choir will chant the Divine Liturgy on Sunday, June 2. Please be on time at 9:40 am in the usual spot. The Youth Choir enjoyed a mini-golf outing in late May as an appreciation for all their excellent effort. Please remember that new voices are encouraged to join us in the fall. Thank you! Love, Presvytera Maria Y O U T H C H O I R 10 The Desert Messenger Greek Folk Dance Registration for Greek Folk Dance continues through August 27. A table will be set up during Fellowship on various Sundays or you can mail your registration to the Church Office. We would like to encourage new and old dancers to join, as this is a wonderful way to meet and make new friends, stay connected with our Church and to learn the dances of our ancestors. The fee is $100 per dancer and $75 for each additional sibling. Late registration will be allowed August 28 through October 1: During this period, the fee increases to $200 per dancer. There will be no registrations allowed after October 1. New this year, the registration for Division III (non competitive) is $50 per dancer. Registration is open to all children who have been baptized and/or chrismated in the Orthodox Church, and who are at least 4 years old as of December 31, 2013. Proof of such must be turned in at the time of registration; if you do not have a copy of your baptismal certificate, you should get on top of this ASAP. Dancers must attend Divine Liturgy on Sundays on a regular basis and those who are of age (4-17 years) must be a regular participant of Church School. Also, the parent(s) must be a Steward of St. John Church for 2013. Tammy Chomakos and the Folk Dance Board Orthodox Family Fellowship We would like to thank those who joined us in May to donate their time and talents in helping to make our Church grounds look nice. Orthodox Family Fellowship will not be meeting during the summer months. If you have any ideas for future Days of Service within our community, please feel free to contact Amy at [email protected] or via phone at (702) 250-5064. We hope you all have a blessed summer break. God Bless, Jeremy and Amy Bauck HOPE and JOY We kicked off summer with a picnic at Mountain's Edge Park and had a great time! We will be going out with GOYA once again for a night under the stars in June! Spring Mountain Ranch will be performing "The Music Man." Please join us on Saturday, June 15 for this great night of fellowship! The show starts at 8:05 pm. For more information and directions, go to http://supersummertheatre.org/. Please RSVP with me at (702) 292-0850 so we know to look for you. Your Sister in Christ, Sharon Katsaros, HOPE and JOY Advisor GOYA Christ is Risen, GOYAns! Congratulations to All Our Graduates! May God, His Holy Mother, the Saints and Heavenly Hosts be with you as you take your first steps in life as adults. Always remember what your parents have taught you and try your best to uphold the Commandments of our Lord. Please do not forget your daily prayers and to attend Divine Liturgy regularly. We love you all . . . Kali Pro-otho (Good Progress)! This month, we will join together with HOPE & JOY for a night under the stars. Spring Mountain Ranch is performing “The Music Man” on Saturday, June 15 at 8:05 pm. Please join us for this great night of fellowship. For more information and directions, go to http://supersummertheatre.org/. GOYA is a youth ministry for teens in Junior and High School: Please call or email our advisors to join and participate. Love in our Ascended Lord, Tammy Chomakos (702) 338-4671 or [email protected] and Kouli Pouridis (702) 604-0885 [email protected] 11 The Desert Messenger Pan-Arcadians: Greek Language Classes My Fellow Parishioners, Congratulations to the Pan-Arcadian 2013 Greek Language Program Graduates: Irene Caredis, Anastasia Cho, Eleni Cho, Eleni Cuilla, Maria Demetriou, George Filios, Nikoletta Filios, Pete Flangas, Sofia Foskaris, Stefania Foskaris, Stephen Gebhard, Alexandra Liaos, Alyssa Nicole Liaos, Juliana Likourinou, Irene Sinopoulos, George Sinopoulos, Sophia Stilianessis, Zoe Zachariou, Theodore Zachariou, Whitney Zamora, Alexandros Zarkos, Nikoletta Zarkos and Yiannis Zarkos. The Pan Arcadians are working on the Greek Language Program curriculum for next year. Preregistration for continuing students has begun and continues through August 23. Registration forms for children and adults are available at the Church Office; space is limited so please register early. The Greek Language Program is free of charge for all current Stewards of St. John the Baptist Church. Please call me at (702) 417-4703 for any questions regarding the program. ~ Eleni Soursos Forerunners - The Seniors of St. John the Baptist Once again Forerunners had another flourishing year of monthly meetings and get-togethers. For our final meeting until the fall, we will meet at the Rio World Buffet within the Rio Hotel/Casino on Monday, June 10 at 11:30 am. Please try to get there on time so that we can be seated per our plan. The cost is $10 per person; we hope all of you will make it there. Just as a reminder: We will host Fellowship on Pentecost Sunday, June 23, following the Divine Liturgy and Kneeling Vespers. Please do not forget to bring your goodies to the hall before Liturgy. We have had a productive year, supporting various charities, donating to our Church and having delicious luncheons, during which we have enjoyed positive discussions and wonderful entertainment. We now have 69 paid members, the majority of whom join us for most meetings. We continue to help within our parish as needed, and we look forward to helping once again before and during the Greek Food Festival. Thanks to our Presidents, Gary and Marie, and all the “usual suspects” who continue to help at each meeting and contribute to the success of Forerunners. Have a safe summer, keep hydrated, wear sun block and enjoy this wonderful life we have been given. Yours in Christ, Ruth Plentzas Stewardship and Community Outreach Christos Anesti! I hope everyone is having a wonderful Paschal Season! Also, congratulations to all our graduating seniors! As we celebrate these special occasions each year we also know that it is time to look forward to summer. Please remember the Lord and His Holy Orthodox Church during the months when vacation seems to be the top priority. Our beloved Church does not close its doors, like schools, for the hot summer months. So we must do our best to continue with our spiritual endeavors through this time of year: Attending services, visiting the sick and homebound and providing financial support to our parish should still be of utmost importance for each and every one of us Orthodox Christians. May we all be blessed in our acts of good faith. To the Glory of our Merciful Lord Jesus Christ . . . Justina Szukiewicz, Stewardship and Community Outreach 12 The Desert Messenger Orthodox Connection Las Vegas Christos Anesti! “I know your works; you are neither cold nor hot. Would that you are cold or hot! So, because you are lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will spew you out of my mouth.” (Revelation 3:15-16) Having just completed a Lenten season, how do we see our efforts as we look back? Did we approach Christ with all our hearts and give everything we could, so that we knew at the end we had no excuses? Or, did we have struggles that pushed us past our breaking point and made us question ourselves and our own resolve as Christians – yet through this questioning we found the answers in the unending love of Christ? Or were we like the majority, who went through the motions of Lent as if it was an obligation, without truly experiencing a change of mind and the love of Christ in the process? Christ wants our zeal and our passion, He wants our heartbreak and struggles, but He does not want our complacency. If we are ever under the impression that we have done enough, or that Christ owes us something for our efforts, then it is time to sit down with our priest. Regardless of our efforts, we are never worthy of Him; rather, it is only through Christ’s forgiveness, which is continuously offered by Him through His Church that we are saved. Just because this Lenten season has come to end does not mean that we have to wait for another fasting period to try again. Being a Christian is a lifestyle that occurs each second of each day the Lord grants us. Once we realize that we are sinners and need to repent, then we either gain the zeal or the humility – and hopefully both – that puts us in His favor and keeps us from being “spewed out of His mouth.” For the month of June, please join us in an evening of fellowship as we learn humility by finding out what type of bowlers we are. OCLV will gather on Friday, June 14, 7:30 pm, at the Orleans Bowling Lanes. Please RSVP by Tuesday, June 11 so lanes may be reserved. Mark your calendars for Sunday, June 30, as OCLV will be hosting Fellowship. Please email me what you will bring for everyone to enjoy. In Christ, Adam Bieker [email protected] WE ARE TRAVELING TO EPHESUS . . . Through the Word of God! Please Join Us for a Summer Adult Study with Father John! St. Paul’s Letter to the Ephesians Starting Wednesday, June 5 at 7:00 pm Meeting Wednesday Evenings in Kokkos Hall BYOB (Bring Your Own Bible)! We will Follow the RSV Edition: Available in the Orthodox Bookstore Orthodox Bookstore I am eager to assist as the temporary Director of the Bookstore. I hope to meet more of you as you come in after Liturgy; please share your opinions on how this vital ministry can meet your spiritual needs. Come, check out our books and other spiritual aids to get help you through the summer. This is a great time to dive into a new book on your trip, or even if enjoying time off at home. Spiritual reading is always helpful for the summer months to keep our mind from getting too relaxed. Have a great summer! As the Greek Food Festival approaches, please let me know if any of you are interested in volunteering for the Orthodox Bookstore Booth. Christos Anesti! Adam Bieker 13 The Desert Messenger From Palms to the Empty Tomb! Photos by Amy Bauck & David Collins 14 The Desert Messenger Holy Week 2013 15 The Desert Messenger 2013 Stewardship Report 2013 Stewardship Status as of May 20, 2013: Pledges Stewardship Target – 2013 Initial Pledges: Additional Stewardship: Increased Stewardship: Stewardship Gifts Pledged: $340,000 $307,087 $488 $0 $307,575 Gifts Received Stewardship Gifts Pledged: Stewardship Gifts Rcvd: Stewardship Unpaid Balance: Pledge Range $1-$49 $50-$149 $150-$249 $250-$599 $600-$999 $1,000-$1,499 $1,500-$2,499 $2,500-$4,999 $5,000-$11,999 $12,000+ Stewardship Target Deficit: Stewardship Target Overage: Percentage of Goal Pledged: Stewardship Families Pledged: $32,425 $0 90% 361 $307,575 $156,871 $150,704* Number of Families 8 55 40 116 44 45 27 18 7 1 $ of Gifts Pledged $150 $5,250 $7,703 $46,892 $30,470 $49,250 $50,655 $58,825 $43,380 $15,000 *Stewardship pledges that are unfulfilled as of May 20, 2013 Financial Status for Month of April 2013 Bank Accounts General Operating Building/Maintenance Community/Education Ctr Construction (Loan Paymts) Food Festival Icon Money Market Library Checking Bookstore Checking Loans Construction Loan (6% Interest) Revolving Line of Credit (5.75% Interest) Term Loan (5 years at 5.75% Interest) Beginning Balance as of 3.31.13 Income $84,721.33 $54,297.30 $29,932.70 $650.00 $12,070.86 $16,138.73 $32,327.79 $490.46 $7,212.85 $620.35 $1,980.67 $1,155.37 $1,230.55 Expenses $49,316.03 $16,747.38 $5,348.22 $5,597.94 $473.71 $7.00 $7.00 $92.70 Principal $2,492.99 Internal Bank Transfers Transfers In Transfers Out $27,000.00 $13,000.00 $14,000.00 $519,063.45 Payment $5,174.82 Interest $2,681.83 $50,000.00 (Principal balance transferred to term loan) YTD Interest $10,547.04 Balances as of 3.31.13 $62,702.60 $13,835.32 $22,861.37 $26,729.85 $16.75 $20,826.20 $15,973.67 $2,293.22 $516,570.46 $1,354.56 $50,000.00 $50,000.00 Greek Food Festival Payables Party Time Rentals $1,939.22 ($1,443.14 disputing invoice for missing/damaged items) “. . . And no one can say, ‘Jesus is Lord’ except by the Holy Spirit.” (1 Corinthians 12:3) 16 The Desert Messenger 2013 Stewards and Contributors: “Chosen and Appointed by God to Go and Bear Fruit” Adamy, Marina Agnos, Dimitrios and Angeline Ahlume, Almaz Alcala, Phil and Georgia Alvonellos, Tim and Katerina Anastasakis, Mark and Elaine Anastasiou, Andrew and Kathleen Andraktos, Manuel Andrews, Catherine Anthony, Stavros and Bernadette Anton, Manuel and Carol Aristides, George and Diana Asim, Demetrious Asselanis, George and Samantha Attard, Constantine and Sophia Bacon, Ken and Dianne Bagis, Eleni Balodimas, James Barbarino, Demetra Bartzos, Sam and Eugenia Bauck, Jeremy and Amy Berendji, Jim and Vivian Berta, Irene Bicos, Andriana Bieker, Adam and Cassie Bigler, Louis Birtas, Ann Birtas, Helen Bochanis, George Borzekas, Stephen Bosnos, Kostas and Mary Brilis, George and Satoko Britten, Ronald and Carol Brown, Faye Bruninga, William Bucy, Brent and Elaine Carabas, Stephen and Linda Carahalis, John and Jillian Caras, Louis Caredis, Jon and Marjorie Carrico, William and Alexandra Carson, Michele Carter, Maria Cero, Dean Chachas, Bessie Chachas, James Chandrinos, Alexia Chandrinos. Peter Chanos, George Chomakos, Dean and Tammy Chomakos, George and Nikki Chondrakis, Dimos and Kaaren Kragerd Christian, Clair and Chloe Christopoulos, Ann Chumas, Russell and Stella Cole, Darrick and Carla Collins, David Collins, Dean Cominos, Ted Conger, William and Alexia Constantine, Bill Corum, Evgenia Costacos, John Costas, Charles and Louise Costin, Sergiu and Garanin, Lucia Costuros, George and Marsha Cosulas, Rev. Basil and Samantha Cotsilis, Jenny Couluris, Chris and Catherine Coutris, Angela Dalacas, Dimitri and Athanasia Dalacas, Eleni Dalacas, Eugenia Dalacas, Nick and Georgia Dawood, Evon Delalis, Dina Delia, Joel and Scarlet DeMangus, Joanne Demolas, Illias and Jody Demolas, Maria Demoleas, Helen Demoleas, Spero and Grace Demoleas, Stephanie Demopoulos, Tommy and Vasiliki Deverikos, Peter and Angela DeWindt, Dennis and Susan Dominguez, Eric and Amalia Doskas, Athanasios and Anastasia Dougan, Linda Doukakis, Panagiotis and Chrisi Dounis, Dina Dounis, Georgia Dounis, Kiki Economon, Andrew and Stacy Eliades, Harry and Agapi Eliades, Katerina Eliakis, Peter and Glenda Eliakis, Varthie and Lee Ann Eliopulos, Goldie Exarhos, Nick and Sharon Eyler, Fr. Paul and Presv. Ilean Eyler, John and Elizabeth Failla, Jon and Jennifer Farren, Anthony and Maritsa Filios, George and Nitsa Filios, Spiridon and Eleni Flangas, Bill and Marilyn Fotopoulos, John and Barbara Frangakis, Christos and Anastasia Frangakis, Costa Frangakis, John Franzi, Jack George, Pete and Georgia Georgiou, Byron and Therese Georgiou, Eleftherios and Jennifer Georgis, John and Kaliopi Gialketsis, Barbara Gialketsis, Bill and Shelli Gialketsis, Julie Gialketsis, Steve Gialketsis, William and Terry Gianakoulias, Nick and Magda Goddard, Elizabeth Gordon, Victor and Demetria Gott, Thomas Gousdovas, Nikos Grabovoi, Daniel Grabovoi, Daphne Grabovoi, Eftie + Grigore, Vally and Ana Grillas, Roula Grissom, Tony and Georgeea Gruber, Ernest and Zoe Hamilton, Mary Hamilton, Paul and Brandi Harmon, Nicholas and Barbara Harrison, Angie Haynes, Leonard and Maria Hetzel, David and Joanne Hoadrea, Jimmy and Monci Hondros, Catherine Hondros, Christina Hondros, Fr. John and Presv. Maria Hoover, Patrick and Pauline Howard, William and Willie Hristopoulou, Spiridoula Iteen, Robert and Sophia Janlerri, Sotiraq Kachikis, Paul and Ernestine Kakavulias, Christina Kakavulias, George and Helen Kakavulias, John Kakavulias, Maria Kanellis, Ann Kanoles, Konstantine Kanoles, Helene Kaptain, Catherine Karalias, Petros and Constance Karas, James Karas, John and Marcie Karas, Vasiliki Karris, Mark and Suzanne Karvounidis, Nick and Alexandra Katris, Nick and Kathryn Katsaros, Thomas and Sharon Kelesis, Dina Kelesis, George Kelesis, Paula Kentros, William Khoury, Ray and Nicole Kilgore, Richard and Eleni Kleanthis, George and Zanetta Kokenes, Katherine Koliambas, Eleni Kolokithas, Thomas and Vangie Konsolakis, George and Sophia Kostopoulos, Georgia Kotonias, George and Patricia Kountanis, Panagiota Kourlos, Georgia Koutsulis, John and Eileen Koutsulis, Sam and Effie Kratky, Frank and Constance Kypreos, George Kypreos, Peter and Geri Kyprianou, Gilbert and Alexis Ladies Philoptochos Society Lakis, Antoinette Lapi, Llazaraq and Natasha Latelle, Penny Lazarakis, John and Panagiota Lekar, Michael and Effie Leonis, Nick and Sophia Leonis, Tishe Leventis, Nicholas and Christina Leventis, Petros and Maja Lewis, Foula 17 Liaos, James and Tina Liaos, Steven and Francine Liaos, William and Irene Likourinou, Angie Likourinou, Steve and June Loughton, Dustin and Rena Luckey, Jason and Shawna Lymberopoulos, Mary Maddox, Thomas and Maria Malamatos, Kindina Malpee, Mack and Kalliope Mamasis, Dena Mamasis, Tessie Maniatakos, Ted and Maria Manolakos, Catherine Manos, Patricia Mansour, Muna Manteris, Arthur and Sue Margaretis, John and Lucila Matsis, Alexandra Matsis, John and Rebecca Matsis, Mike and Kristin Mavrantonis, Kiki and Stacy Mavroidis, Demetrios and Debra Mavros, Alex and Clark, Jen Mavros, Michael and Debbie Mavroudis, Frank and Vess, Olga McKinney, Michael and Mersene McNear, Elizabeth Menegatos, James and Dana Mengisie, Melaku Mertes, Patrick and Athena Millet, Jennie + Minas, Arthur and Ewa Miner, George and Loreane Mirich, Kyle Monoyudis, Jim and Julie Mulopulos, George Murnane, Sharon Murphy, Terry and Karen Myers, Stella Nadzan, Don and Athena Nedelcu, Laura and Ciprian Neocleous, Plato Newell, Eric and Devona Newell, Ronald and Maria Nicholas, John and Estella Nichols, Georgia Christ Nichols, Mary Nikitas, Rigas and Aphrodite Nikolopoulos, Nick and Dimitra O'Brien, Christoula Olmsted, Travis and Marilyn Orlando, Alleck and Jennifer Osborn, Pearl Ostis, Sotirios Pacheco, Nia & Adrian Pallis, Paul Pan Arcadians Pandelis, Cheryl Panos, William and Jeanne Pantos, James Papas, Christian and Nicole Papas, Peter and Rita Pappas, Antonia Pappas, Constantine and Karina The Desert Messenger 2013 Stewards and Contributors Pappas, Libby Pappas, Rita Paton, Mia Paul, Janet Payan, Luis and Eleni Pelletier, Michael Pendleton, Tricia Petro, Aleko and Georgia Petrou, Jim and Penelopi Philippou, Demetrios and Luanne Pierro, Joe and Rhonda Pierro, Joseph Jr. and Christine Platis, Anna Plentzas, Spiros and Ruth Polimerou, Angeline Politis, Mayra & Victor Poulos, Christine Pouridis, Kouli and Para Powers, Russell and Rebecca Prifti, Mirela Prokopis, Chris and Ritsa Punsalan, Basil and Sophie Pytikakis, Manos and Mary Qeleshi, Elton and Ornela Radosta, Athena Raptis, Fr. Dean and Presv. Evonne Rifakes, John and Carol Rodis, Dimitri Rodis, Sophia Rouvas, John and Keri Rubje, Eva Rudolph, Brandon and Kordogiannis, Christina Ruffner, Skip and Kathy Salon, Nicholas and Janelle Salvarlis, Thomas and Joyce Savvas, Savva Setian, Gary and Marie Shields, William and Oda, Etenesh Shinas, George and Sharon Skalkotos, Nikolas and Georgia Skandros, Georgia Skarlatos, Irene Smith, Kathleen Snow, Clifford and Christina Snowden, Robert and Niki Soper, Robert and Maria Sorkin, Olga Sparangis, Spyro and Helen Sparkuhl, Alexander and Antoinette Stasinis, Argery Staubs, Douglas and Anastasia Stavropoulos, Terry and Niki Stefanatos, Michael and Tami Stenos, Louis Stilianessis, Howard and Antonia Stock, Helen Struzas, Maria Sukhov, Boris and Katerina Szukiewicz, Alex Szukiewicz ,Joe Szukiewicz, Joseph and Jennia Tafoya, Steven and Irene Takas, Andrea Tasios, Pete and Ramona Taxiarchos, Andrew and Alexandra Taxopoulos, Bryan Teed, Charles Thomas, Angie Thompson, Maggy Tohme, Tony and May Touroutoglou, Nikolaos Tringas, Chris and Brigette Tselikis, Nicholas and Jennifer Tsiralidis, Kosmas and Katerina Tsolis, Christos and Panagioula Tsolis, Panagiote Tzelalis, Steve Tzortzis, Vasilios and Maria Varinos, Nick and Kiki Vergos, Charles and Eve Vlassopoulos, Maria Wagner, Christopher and Sophye Walter, Vernon and Alice Walters, Lane and Mary Waterhouse, David Waters, Gary and Susan White, William Willey, Anthony 18 Williams, Anthony and Anna Wilson, Steven and Cleo Womack, Karl Womack, Kimberly Wronski, Chuck Xerogianes, Nick and Nikki Xikis, Victoria Yurkov, Nikolina Zachariou, Aspasia and Sozos Zaferatos, Ted and Marinella Zimmerman, Paul and Angela Zoumboulis, Tina 19 Apostles/All Saints 8:45 am Orthros 10:00 am Divine Liturgy 30 Synaxis of Holy Holy Pentecost 24 Monday of the 8:45 am Orthros Holy Spirit/Nativity of 10:00 am Divine Liturgy St. John the Baptist & Kneeling Vespers 8:00 am Orthros 9:00 am Div. Liturgy 7:30 pm Basketball 27 20 of Our Lord (Liturgy celebrated 6/12) 13 Holy Ascension 6 28 Peter and Paul 8:00 am Orthros 9:00 am Divine Ltiurgy 29 Holy Apostles 8:00 am Orthros 9:00 am Divine Liturgy (Memorial follows Liturgy) 22 Saturday of Souls 8:05 pm GOYA/HOPE & JOY: “The Music Man” at Spring Mountain Ranch 21 15 8 1 Saturday 7:30 pm OCLV at Orleans Bowling Lanes Friday 14 7 Pentecost Week: No Fasting All Week 7:00 pm Adult Study 26 25 19 23 18 6:00 pm Parish Council 7:00 pm Adult Study 6:30 pm Philoptochos Board at RePete’s 17 8:45 am Orthros 7:30 pm Adult 10:00 am Divine Liturgy Basketball Happy Father’s Day! 16 5:00 pm Orthros 6:00 pm Divine Liturgy (Holy Ascension) 7:30 pm Adult Study 12 11:30 am Forerunners Luncheon at Rio Buffet 7:30 pm Adult Basketball 11 10 8:45 am Orthros 10:00 am Divine Liturgy Parish Assembly follows Liturgy 5 Wednesday Thursday 9 4 Tuesday 7:00 pm Adult Study: Letter to the Ephesians 3 Monday 8:45 am Orthros 7:30 pm Adult 10:00 am Divine Liturgy Basketball Youth Choir Chants Church School Commencement 2 Sunday JUNE 2013 - IN THE YEAR OF THE LORD The Desert Messenger The Desert Messenger NONPROFIT ORG U.S. POSTAGE PAID LAS VEGAS NV PERMIT NO. 98 St. John the Baptist Greek Orthodox Church 5300 South El Camino Road Las Vegas, Nevada 89118-1922 RETURN SERVICE REQUESTED POSTMASTER : DATED MATERIAL - PLEASE EXPEDITE The Desert Messenger The Way of the Lord “O my brothers, though we do not see our Lord, we see His works, which have sanctified the whole of human history from beginning to end and have illuminated the significance of the spiritual in all creation under the heavens. If we do not see the Lord, we see His Holy Church, built on His innocent blood, and from innumerable saints and righteous ones and unnumbered souls baptized in His Name through ages and ages. If we have not beheld our Lord face to face as the Apostles looked on Him, we believe that He is with us in the Body and Blood which we by His commandment receive in Communion and will receive and rejoice with joy unspeakable.” ~ Bishop Nikolai Velimirovic
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