Ven y sígueme - St. Ansgar Roman Catholic Church


Ven y sígueme - St. Ansgar Roman Catholic Church
St. Ansgar Catholic Church
Archdiocese of Chicago
October 14, 2012
Twenty-eighth Sunday
in Ordinary Time
14 de octubre de 2012
Vigésimo Octavo Domingo
del Tiempo Ordinario
Ven y sígueme
Pray for the Sick
Oren por los Enfermos
Mass Intentions
Intenciones de las Misas
Sunday, October 14—28th Sunday in Ordinary Time
7:30 am
9:00 am
En acción de gracias a la Virgen de Guadalupe;
Armando Favela Chávez
11:00 am
Edward Hudik
1:00 pm
Enrique Lara, Justo Martínez,
Leticia Olvera, Guadalupe Martínez y
Alfonso Olvera
Monday, October 15
8:00 am
Communion Service
Tuesday, October 16 (Sts. Hedwig and Margaret Mary Alacoque /
Santas Eduviges y Margarita María Alacoque)
8:00 am
7:00 pm
Fr. Jerome F. Riordan
Por la salud de Raquel Lomelí Reyes;
Jorge Sánchez Torres
Wednesday, October 17 (St. Ignatius of Antioch /
San Ignacio de Antioquía)
8:00 am
Private intentions of Rose Bryla
Thursday, October 18 (St. Luke / San Lucas)
8:00 am
Private intentions of Derek & Anna Fulmer
7:00 pm
Marta Julia Sagastume
Friday, October 19 (Sts. John de Brébeuf, Isaac Jogues and
Companions / Santos Juan de Brébeuf,
Isaac Jogues y compañeros)
8:00 am
Alfred Jones, Juan Jones
Saturday, October 20 (St. Paul of the Cross/San Pablo de la Cruz)
8:00 am
People of St. Ansgar
5:00 pm
34th Wedding Anniversary of Tom & Sue Gore
6:30 pm
Cumpleaños de Gerardo Hernández
Sunday, October 21—29th Sunday in Ordinary Time
7:30 am
9:00 am
Francisco Cartagena, Albertina Soto,
Victor Manuel Soto, Pedro Juan Soto y
Armando Favela Chávez
11:00 am
Janet Daniels
1:00 pm
Por la familia del bebé Ángel De Jesús
Sanchez Moran;
Camilo Muñeton, Margarita Godoy,
José Alvarado Jacobo, Elías Esqueda
Be sober, as God’s athlete. The prize
is incorruption and life eternal.
—St. Ignatius of Antioch
Sr. Bernadette Voss
Oralia Chacon
Debra Ettawageshik
Anthony Andrise
Kathy Bellino
Lynnda Hanrahan
James Young
Russell Ladwig
Molly Ladwig
Bernice Keto
Laurel Pence
Mindy Dabels
Rosemary Harrington
Angelo Silva
Jose Guzman
Baby Alexandro Zepeda
Mary Ann Rumoro
Marlene Tumilty
Bertha Escobar
Logan Williams
Adriana Arenas
Stephanie Hermosa
Roxana Flores Rubio
Enriqueta Juarez
Evelia Godinez
Pete Umlor
Josue Servin
Ken Kolk
Born to Eternal Life
Jean Krall and Emilio Tawas Santiago have
passed into Eternal Life. We pray that they will inherit
the promise of Christ.
Más que ninguna exterior constitución, la interior ley de la
caridad y amor que el Espíritu Santo escribe e imprime en
los corazones ha de ayudar. —San Ignacio de Loyola
Readings for the Week
Gal 4:22-24, 26-27, 31 — 5:1; Lk 11:29-32
Gal 5:1-6; Lk 11:37-41
Gal 5:18-25; Lk 11:42-46
2 Tm 4:10-17b; Lk 10:1-9
Eph 1:11-14; Lk 12:1-7
Eph 1:15-23; Lk 12:8-12
Is 53:10-11; Ps 33; Heb 4:14-16;
Mk 10:35-45 [42-45]
Katherine Herrera
Bud Brown
Pamela Bonfield
Carol Crain
Kitty Heflin
Marco Antonio Villarreal
Bill Bartlett
Graciela Ascencio
Kyle Drexler
Jan Dittmer
Adamirna Nava
Enedina Velazquez
Natividad Favela
Evangelina Juarez
Baby Alan Cornejo
Max Prociuk
Ray Shumway
Stopka Family
Nick Borodaj
Phyllis Romeo
Kevin Ramirez
Isabel Vasquez
Gilberto Patiño
Destiny Cantu
Bill Kelly
Jorge Hurtado
Raquel Lomelí Reyes
Lecturas de la Semana
Gál 4:22-24, 26-27, 31 — 5:1; Lc 11:29-32
Gál 5:1-6; Lc 11:37-41
Gál 5:18-25; Lc 11:42-46
2 Tim 4:10-17b; Lc 10:1-9
Ef 1:11-14; Lc 12:1-7
Ef 1:15-23; Lc 12:8-12
Is 53:10-11; Sal 33 (32); Heb 4:14-16;
Mc 10:35-45 [42-45]
Weekly Calendar
Monday, October 15
7:00 am
Holy Hour
6:30 pm
Hispanic Religious Education
Tuesday, October 16
7:00 am
Holy Hour
6:30 pm
Grades 6-8
6:30 pm
6:30 pm Choir
7:00 pm
To Be Continued
8:00 pm
Hispanic Prayer Group
Wednesday, October 17
7:00 am
Holy Hour
6:00 pm
Hispanic Children’s Choir
6:30 pm
Hispanic Confirmation Class
7:00 pm
Hispanic Youth Group
7:00 pm
Hospital Ministry
7:00 pm
Murder Mystery Rehearsal
7:00 pm
11:00 am Choir
7:30 pm
1:00 pm Choir
Thursday, October 18
7:00 am
Holy Hour
6:30 pm
Grades 1-5
6:30 pm
Liturgy Committee
7:30 pm
Parish Council
Friday, October 19
7:00 am
Holy Hour
6:30 pm
Hispanic Religious Education
6:30 pm
Holy Hour For Life
Saturday, October 20
7:00 am
Holy Hour
9:00 am
Individual Confessions
9:00 am
Spanish Catechesis for Adults
10:00 am
English Baptism Preparation Class
12:00 pm
English Baptism Ceremony
5:30 pm
Murder Mystery Dinner Ticket Sale
Sunday, October 21
8:00 am
Murder Mystery Dinner Ticket Sale
9:00 am
Saturday, October 27, 2012
7:30 pm
Admission: $15 (price includes dinner and show)
Tickets on sale after all Masses
Friday October 19,
St. Ansgar’s Respect
Life Group is sponsoring a Bi-Lingual
Holy Hour for Life.
This is an event that
is for ALL PARISH-
El Grupo del Respeto
a la Vida de St. Ansgar
les invita a participar
de una Hora Santa
por la Vida, el viernes
19 de octubre, a las
6:30 pm. Este evento
We will begin at
6:30 pm with the recitation
of the Rosary (bilingual).
Exposition of the Blessed
Sacrament with Benediction
along with prayers and
petitions for life will follow
the Rosary. Please make
every effort to attend this
parish wide event. Make
this a family night! Light
refreshments will be served
Tendremos Rosario, Exposición
del Santísimo Sacramento y
Bendición. Por favor haga
el intento de asistir a este
evento parroquial. ¡Haga de
esto una actividad familiar!
Al término, se servirá un
ligero aperitivo.
Si desea participar, por favor
llame a Sandy al 630-289-3604
o Maureen al 630-837-5553.
If you would like to participate
contact Sandy at 630-289-3604
or Maureen at 630-837-5553.
November is
And our goal is 400 pies!!!
That means St. Ansgar profits can increase to 30%!!!
And that means the Market Day fund will pay our loan
IN FULL for the month of November! Can you help
with buying one or two? This will be our last sale before
Thanksgiving – why not save yourself some time I the
kitchen – Market Day Pies are frozen, and easy to bake,
or just defrost! From the classic favorite Pumpkin Pie to
the Turtle Cheesecake or French Silk Pie – there’s a wide
variety, and something for all tastes! Check it out on line
at or pick up an order form in the
this month! Pick is Saturday 10/27 at 8:00 AM
Tell your family! Tell your friends!
Saint Ansgar Roman Catholic Church
in collaboration with
The Honorable U.S. Congressman Joe Walsh
Invite you to a night of discussion about:
Immigration Policy over the Next Two Years
A Plan to Create Jobs and Move our Economy
National & Border Security and Terrorism
Religious Freedom & Right-to-life
The Town Hall will take place:
Saturday, October 20th, 2012
From 7:30pm—9:00pm
in Riordan Hall
The Town Hall will be conducted in both English and Spanish. For more information please call the church office.
This is the third of four bulle n inserts to o!er guidance and reßec on points from Illinois’ Catholic Bishops in prepara on for the elec ons
of November 6, 2012. The Þrst insert was an introduc on to this e!ort. The second insert discussed the expecta ons of a well-formed conscience.
“Christ…fully reveals man to man himself and makes his supreme calling clear.” –Gaudium et Spes, 22
As followers of Jesus Christ, we understand the human person in light of the mystery of the Incarna on. HUMAN DIGNITY ßows both from
our origin (being created in the image and likeness of God) and from our ul mate des ny, which is communion with God. Legi mate concern for
the material well-being of all must never eclipse our concern for their spiritual and moral well-being. [Ma!hew 10:28]
The preciousness of every human being demands our concern for well-being of all, beginning with those closest to us for whom we bear
the greatest responsibility, and with a special concern for the weakest and most vulnerable among us and for future genera ons.
The moral impera ve to respond to the fundamental needs of our neighbors—needs such as food, shelter, basic health care, educa on,
and meaningful work—is universally binding on our conscience, but may be legi mately fulÞlled by a variety of means. These responsibili es
cannot be simply delegated to the State.
As the Catechism reminds us, “It is not the role of the Pastors of the Church to intervene directly in the poli cal structuring and organiza on of
social life. This task is part of the voca on of the lay faithful, ac ng on their own ini a ve with their fellow ci zens.” Relying on well-formed
consciences, Catholics ci zens must use prudence in responding to these needs and serving the COMMON GOOD.
While there may be many legi mate ways to address the needs of our neighbors, there are some ac ons which are always and everywhere
immoral. As Catholics, we must recognize that not all issues carry the same moral weight. The con nuing slaughter of innocent children
through legal abor on—to take the most appalling example of such “intrinsic evil”—is a grave o"ense against God and our own human
dignity, and cries out for jus ce. Accordingly, “the moral obliga on to oppose intrinsically evil acts has a special claim on our consciences
and our ac ons.”
Those who knowingly, willingly and directly support public policies or legisla on that protect and perpetuate such injus ce cooperate with
that grave evil. Candidates who promise to support the common good, while at the same me glossing over their support for intrinsic evils such
as abor on, perpetrate a lie. Catholic candidates who do so are also a cause of scandal among the faithful.
Finally, two other issues of par cular importance in this elec on year demand our a!en on. The Þrst is marriage: the permanent, faithful
rela onship of a man and a woman as husband and wife is the root of a family and the founda on for all of society. The decline of marriage in
our culture has already inßicted untold spiritual and material costs upon society and individuals alike. A!empts to redeÞne marriage are
contrary to the natural and moral law and only serve to further erode this fundamental ins tu on. The defense of marriage is a ma!er of
social jus ce. The second issue—which is of such pressing importance that the Þnal insert, beginning on October 28th, will address it speciÞcally—is
religious freedom. Addi onal informa on can be found on the Catholic Conference of Illinois website, or at