November 2014 - St. John the Baptist Greek Orthodox Church
The Desert Messenger “Behold, I send My messenger before Your Face, who shall prepare Your way...” (Matthew 11:10) Volume 12, Issue 10 St. John the Baptist Greek Orthodox Church, Las Vegas, NV From Father John November 2014 “From God every family in heaven and on earth is named.” (Ephesians 3:15) Beloved in Christ: These words of St. Paul, which inspire the theme of the 2015 Stewardship Ministry, make it unequivocally clear that apart from God there is no genuine family – and moreover, apart from our Creator and Savior, there is no lasting name for each of us. The Family Tree that really matters is the one whose foundation is Jesus Christ . . . whose members, regardless of their roots, find their true identity in Him . . . and whose legacy rests, not on the generational worth of a “family name” based on human status or wealth, but rather on the unsurpassable love and mercy of the Incarnate God, Who shed His priceless blood and rose from the dead to reinstate us, by grace, as the children of His Kingdom. People in our contemporary times hunger for connections because, quite frankly, the family unit has suffered irreparable dysfunction and breakdown: For decades we have witnessed the rise in gangs, which are really nothing more than an unhealthy, rebellious replacement for a non-existent home life, and a place where young people find an identity and a sense of belonging. In recent years, Facebook has become the new means of creating familial bonds with long-lost relatives, lovers and friends – although, to be honest, these relationships that we tended to move on from over the years often replace the real time spent with immediate family members who live in the same household, resulting in a new form of family breakdown. Just what is family? The true family is not the one personified on “Leave it to Beaver”, nor is it one of the diverse family units defined in current social science textbooks or by secular politicians: Rather, the family that God established is the blessed union of a man and a woman, grounded in mutual love and a common faith in the Trinitarian God. Within the Orthodox Marriage Ceremony, there are many prayers asking that God bless the newlyweds with a household of children, whether this occurs naturally, through adoption or through taking a child in need under their wings: In other words, creating a family is an essential part of God’s design of marriage. It is also significant to note that the Orthodox Sacrament of Marriage is intended to take place before the Holy Altar – for when the crowning of the couple occurs, it is an expression that the newlyweds are to take home with them this holy experience and grace, creating the little church of their family, as an extension of the larger Eucharistic community of which they are part. Bringing God’s Kingdom into the home is defined most concretely by the practices of prayer, fasting the reading of Holy Scriptures, and nurturing the family to participate regularly in the Sunday Liturgy and Great Feasts of the Church. This month of Thanksgiving provides us yet another opportunity to offer our prayerful gratitude to God for the blessing of our family and, equally so, our parish family. The 2015 Stewardship theme makes it clear that there is an integral link between the Stewardship of Family and our Stewardship as Baptized Members of our Church Family – those with whom we worship, fellowship and serve the community. On Stewardship Sunday, November 16, our parish invites all of us to take the time to pause and give thanks to God and furthermore, to respond as good and faithful Stewards of the families He blesses us with in our homes, in our parish and in the greater community . . . and wholeheartedly for His glory! With love in Christ, The Desert Messenger WORSHIP SCHEDULE Sundays: 8:45 am Orthros ~ 10:00 am Divine Liturgy Church School follows Holy Communion Saturday, November 1/Ss. Cosmas & Damianos Friday, November 21/The Entrance of the 8:00 am Orthros ~ 9:00 am Divine Liturgy Theotokos into the Temple 8:00 am Orthros ~ 9:00 am Divine Liturgy Epistle: 1 Corinthians 12:27-31; 13:1-8 Gospel: Matthew 10:1, 5-8 Sunday, November 2/5th Sunday of Luke Orthros: Tone Four Resurrection Gospel (Orthros): John 21:1-14 Epistle: Galatians 2:16-20 Gospel: Luke 16:19-31 Saturday, November 8/Holy Archangels 8:00 am Orthros ~ 9:00 am Divine Liturgy Epistle: Hebrews 2:2-10 Gospel: Luke 10:16-21 Sunday, November 9/7th of Luke/St. Nectarios Orthros: Tone Five (First Plagal) Resurrection Gospel (Orthros): John 21:14-25 Epistle: Galatians 6:11-18 Gospel: Luke 8:41-56 Nativity Fast: November 15 - December 24 Sunday, November 16/Holy Apostle Matthew Orthros: Tone Six (Second Plagal) Resurrection Gospel (Orthros): Matthew 28:16-20 Epistle: Romans 10:11-21; 11:1-2 Gospel: Matthew 9:9-13 Epistle: Hebrews 9:1-7 Gospel: Luke 8:38-42; 11:27-28 Sunday, November 23/9th Sunday of Luke Orthros: Tone Seven (Grave) Resurrection Gospel: Mark 16:1-8 Epistle: Ephesians 2:14-22 Gospel: Luke 12:16-21 Tuesday, November 25/Great Martyr Catherine 8:00 am Orthros ~ 9:00 am Divine Liturgy Epistle: Galatians 3:23-29; 4:1-5 Gospel: Mark 5:24-34 Wednesday, November 26/Thanksgiving Liturgy 6:00 pm Divine Liturgy & Artoclasia Epistle: 2 Thessalonians 2:13-17; 3:1-5 Gospel: Luke 18:31-34 Sunday, November 30/Holy Apostle Andrew Orthros: Tone Eight (Fourth Plagal) Resurrection Gospel: Mark 16:9-20 Epistle: 1 Corinthians 4:9-16 Gospel: John 1:36-52 Artoclasia (Blessing of the Five Loaves) follows (offered by the Christou Family) St. Nicholas NYC Ground-Breaking Parish Member Paula Kelesis attended the ground-breaking ceremony for the new St. Nicholas Church in New York City, which was demolished on September 11. “I was so happy to realize that the ground-breaking ceremony for St. Nicholas would coincide with my trip to New York,” wrote Paula. “I arrived early, and after much circling, the cab driver dropped us off on Liberty at Ground Zero. I had not seen the 9/11 memorials yet and had only seen the destruction and mayhem after 9/11. “As soon as you set foot at Ground Zero, you are transformed. Feelings come pouring forth and it takes you by surprise. The first is the enormous sadness and humbleness you feel. It also breaks your heart as you look around to see the water memorials and the 3,000 trees planted in honor of the deceased. “The ceremony began with a solemn procession led by Achbishop Demetrios to the site; not a dry eye was to be seen. The ceremony was truly beautiful and heartfelt. Dignitaries – from the Archbishop to Governor Pataki – offered thoughtful words about St. Nicholas Church and its rightful place on Ground Zero. “Everyone was very proud to be Greek Orthodox that day. The pride in the beautiful Church that will be built could not be contained by anyone. Amidst the black steel and mirrored buildings St. Nicholas will stand out as a shining incandescent beacon of white light. It truly will be one of the highlights on Ground Zero, for everyone in the world to visit and find refuge.” 2 The Desert Messenger SUNDAY SCHEDULE NOVEMBER 2 Ushers: Stacy Mavrantonis, Demetrious Asim, Ramona Tasios, John Koutsulis, Jeremy Bauck and John Fotopoulos Memorial: Ivanka Zartcheva (40 days); Margaret Carras Fronimos (6 months); Katerina Soto (6 months); Vasso Dangard (2 years), Tina Gianopulos (4 years); Vasilios Grillas (4 years) and Carol J. Pappas (5 years). Fellowship: Forerunners, the Seniors of St. John the Baptist NOVEMBER 9 Ushers: Paula Kelesis, John Fotopoulos, Skip Ruffner, George Bochanis, Stephanie Demoleas and Adam Bieker Fellowship: Daughters of Penelope NOVEMBER 16: STEWARDSHIP SUNDAY & PARISH ASSEMBLY Ushers: Ramona Tasios, Stephanie Demoleas, Jeremy Bauck, Stacy Mavrantonis, Demetrious Asim and John Koutsulis Memorial: Vera Kostic (40 days); Gus Chagares (9 months), Marianne Chagares (2 years), Eftihia Metzedis (3 years), Mandia Chagares, William Chagares and George Chagares. Fellowship: Folk Dance Groups NOVEMBER 23: AUTUMN BAKE SALE Ushers: Adam Bieker, Jeremy Bauck, Demetrious Asim, Kouli Pouridis, Skip Ruffner and George Bochanis Fellowship: Philoptochos Autumn Bake Sale NOVEMBER 30 Ushers: John Koutsulis, George Bochanis, John Fotopoulos, Stephanie Demoleas, Ramona Tasios and Paula Kelesis Fellowship: Dina Delalis “Six Classes on the Orthodox Faith” Our Final Class Meets on Wednesday, November 5 7:00 - 8:30 pm in Kokkos Hall. Join Father John on Wednesday, November 19 at 7:00 pm for a One-Night Seminar on “The Hymns of the Nativity of Christ.” Thursday Morning Study Please join us each Thursday at 10:30 am in the Library for a Daytime Adult Study focusing on the Sunday Epistle and Gospel Readings. If you are interested, please contact Father Matthew at [email protected]. You and Your Loved Ones are Lovingly Invited to Sing Praises and Offer Gratitude to God and Receive the Food for Life . . . THANKSGIVING LITURGY WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 26, 6:00 PM 3 The Desert Messenger Dear Reverend Fathers and Brothers and Sisters in Christ: It is absolutely amazing the turnout we have had at our classes on the Orthodox Faith – truly a sign of God’s presence. There are so many newcomers who want to learn more about our Faith. Though our Greek Food Festival was not as financially successful as in the past, the spiritual draw of the Church Tours has resonated with many people. The consumption of spiritual knowledge far exceeds the best edible plate set before us. If we are able to nurture new people in the Orthodox Faith, I think we have accomplished a far better “return” from the Festival. Thank you to our reverend fathers and those who reached out with warmth and hospitality to the people visiting our Festival. We have come to a period in the calendar year, at Thanksgiving and Christmas, where giving thanks to the Lord should have our utmost attention. What makes this community strong is your participation in the ministries and your support as a steward. It is not easy to coordinate these extra activities – Sunday Fellowship, special events, etc. – which are all designed to share our lives with other Orthodox Faithful. It is even more difficult when we are challenged by the evil one, who desires strife and division rather than communion with each other. This negativity should not be magnified by our involvement. When I hear that this person does not like this person or ministry, it saddens me greatly. We should come together within the walls of our Church. We – myself included – should learn to forgive and speak positively concerning our Church and its people. As we would not criticize our own family members, we should not criticize or cause difficulty or dissention within our Christian family. I want to remind all of our stewards that a Parish Assembly and Stewardship Sunday are scheduled for November 16. Let’s plan on attending to discuss the state of our Church and its future direction. I pray, as we come into the Thanksgiving feast, that we thank God for having this beautiful facility to honor, promote and worship in His name, and that we take full advantage of what He has provided us, working together as a loving body in Christ. May God continue to bless us all! John Fotopoulos, Parish Council President Parish Council Report Stewardship and Community Outreach Thank you for attending the Ministry Fair last month and finding out about the many ways to serve our Lord at St. John the Baptist Church. The attendance and enthusiasm shown by our fellow parishioners is indeed evidence of a vibrant community. As we assist the parish in its Stewardship Ministry, we are often asked, “Why do I need to donate any money to the Church?” or “What does being a steward of the Church really mean?” According to Webster’s dictionary, stewardship is “the careful and responsible management of something entrusted to one's care.” However, the Holy Bible provides us with a much more compelling explanation of stewardship. In the Parable of the Talents (Matthew 25:14-30), our Lord explains that everything we have – our talents, possessions, and time – comes from God Himself, and that we are only caretakers of these gifts for but a short time. Furthermore, how we use these gifts and how we return them to Our Lord will be considered at Our Lord’s Second Coming. Fortunate are those who will hear God say, “Well done, good and faithful servant.” So the oft-asked question really should be, “How can I return to God that which I have been given to oversee?” On November 16, 2014, we will have Stewardship Sunday for the upcoming 2015 calendar year. On that day, we invite every parishioner at St. John the Baptist Church to make a pledge, through time, talents and treasure, to express the love and commitment to Our Lord for the blessings we have each received. In Peace, Mark Karris and Jennia Szukiewicz, Stewardship and Community Outreach You will soon receive your 2015 Stewardship Pledge Form in the mail. Please prayerfully fill out your 2015 Pledge and return it on Sunday, November 16 at the Divine Liturgy. Thank you and God bless you! 4 The Desert Messenger The 32nd Annual Ladies Philoptochos Society Holiday Pastry Sale Treat your holiday guests to traditional Greek cookies and baklava lovingly baked and packaged in a decorative box. Sixteen delicious Traditional Greek cookies for only $20.00. Please note quantities are limited. Guarantee your order by pre-ordering and pre-paying. Send your order in to Ladies Philoptochos Society, attn.: Christmas Pastry Sale, 5300 El Camino Rd. Las Vegas, NV 89118. Name: _______________________________________________________________________ Day Telephone: ____________________________________________________ Cell or Evening Telephone: _________________________________________ Email Address: _____________________________________________________ Number of boxes: ______ @ $20.00 = _________________________________ Make checks payable to the Ladies Philoptochos Society Check enclosed ___________ Check Number__________________________ Order total _____________________________________________________ If you wish to pay by credit card for your order, please call Karen at the Church Office (702) 221-8245 All orders will be ready for pickup at St. John Church on Sunday, December 7, 2014 following Divine Liturgy. Your generous support of this and all Philoptochos projects are returned to the many ministries and needs of St. John the Baptist, the Las Vegas community at large and around the world. May God bless you and your family during this Holy Season and throughout the coming year. 5 The Desert Messenger November is the time of the year when the Ladies Philoptochos Society goes into action. We look forward to seeing all of our 103 members at one or more of the events that are on the calendar. Please put a “Save the Date” for each of the following events: Philoptochos News Tuesday, November 4, at 6:30 pm in Kokkos Hall: General Meeting. Getting ready for the Autumn Bake Sale, Holiday Pastry Sale, and Christmas Card Sale. Lots of information to be shared, and of course great time for Fellowship. Saturday, November 8, at 10:00 am in Panos Hall Kitchen: Baking Day. Come join Eleni and Kiki at 10:00 am sharp, ready to rock and roll. Many hands make quick work. Please come and share a couple of your hours with us. It always a fun day! Saturday, November 22, at Assumption Church, Long Beach, CA: “Light the Path” Christmas Luncheon. The Metropolis of San Francisco Philoptochos will offer this luncheon to benefit the Bishop Anthony Philoptochos Student Aid Endowment Fund, which supports our students at Holy Cross Seminary. Information will be available at the General Meeting. Sunday, November 23, after Liturgy: The Autumn Bake Sale. We invite all Philoptochos members to impress and wow us with your favorite cookies, breads, cakes and seasonal homemade items for the always fabulous Autumn Bake Sale. Please contact Aphrodite Wirtz if you have any questions or to let her know what you will be bringing. All proceeds will support Ladies Philoptochos Society projects, missions and charities. In closing, many thanks to the women who came to learn more about breast cancer at our last meeting. It is our duty to protect and preserve these bodies which God has given us to inhabit during our time on earth. We learned that the American Cancer Society can provide more than just information about cancer: They offer rides to doctor appointments, free wigs and other equipment. The Ladies Philoptochos Society looks forward to presenting interesting speakers in the future, which will add to the quality experience of being an active member of the Ladies Philoptochos Society. If you have a suggestion please let me know. Your Sister in Christ, Bernadette Anthony Notice of Parish Assembly Sunday, November 16 Following the Divine Liturgy in Panos Hall AGENDA: Call to Order/Opening Prayer Election of Assembly Chair Stewardship Report & 2015 Stewardship Drive Greek Food Festival Report Financial Review Approval of 2015 Budget Elect Nominations/Election Committee Nominations for Parish Council 2015-16 Closing Prayer/Adjournment Everyone is encouraged to participate, although only Pledged Stewards in Good Standing for 2014 may vote. 6 The Desert Messenger Wine Experience Raffle We are quickly approaching the Wine Experience on November 15, benefitting the Folk Dance ministry. We would like to have more items and baskets in our drawing this year, and we are reaching out to the community for support. Here are a number of ways you can participate: ~A donation of a gift or basket – wrapped or decorated if possible ($25 minimum value). ~A donation of a gift card to a local eatery or popular store ($25 minimum value). ~Ask a local business for a donation. (A modest donation may be combined with another by the committee.) ~Or you are welcome to donate cash which will go toward a gift or basket. We want to create at least two themed Grand Baskets: “Thanksgiving Holiday and Family Time.” Please see me for ideas. I will be at the Wine Experience table during Sunday Fellowship to receive donations and answer questions. Please reach me at [email protected] or by calling (702) 336-7377. Christina Leventis COMMUNITY CHRISTMAS CARD 2014 Christmas Card Submission Form Name & Phone or Email: ________________________________________________________________________________________ Print Your Name as you wish it to appear on the card (names only ~ no greeting, please): ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Donation: $20 per family ~ Deadline: Sunday, November 30, 2014 For assistance, see Andrea Takas or Niki Stavropoulos ~ Submit form & payment to Philoptochos c/o St. John Church 7 The Desert Messenger From Father Matthew This past month two of Presvytera Annie’s grandparents fell asleep in the Lord – her father’s parents passed away within a week of each other, after 65 years of marriage. Their passing was relatively peaceful, though they both had health complications in the final years of life. It has been difficult because the patriarch and matriarch of her father’s large family (he had five siblings and numerous nieces and nephews) are no longer here with us walking the Earth. One generation has passed on, leaving the next generation to fill their shoes. However in the case of Presvytera Annie’s grandparents, there is also happiness. For one thing, the two of them left this life together, moving into the next life side by side. Yet more importantly, they lived their earthly lives devoted to our Lord. They were faithful and practicing Christians who worked as missionaries in the Philippines for more than 20 years. They lived simply, not attaching much value to physical possessions. So, by God’s grace, in heaven they will continue the life which they have led, ever devoted to our Lord. In the Gospel of Matthew, Jesus Christ said: “Do not lay up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy and where thieves break in and steal; but lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust destroys and where thieves do not break in and steal. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.” (Matthew 6:19-21) Our earthly life is preparation for eternal life. What we do here is a model, a foretaste of what we experience after our death. We can live our lives devoted to God and to our fellow humans . . . or devoted to other more transient things. That which we value and put our energy into now becomes our future treasure. If we expend great effort on things which pass away – possessions, promotions, the praise of others, etc. – then we will have little treasure to look forward to after our death. However if we place our effort in that which lasts eternally – our relationship with God and with those around us – then we will receive the fruit of that labor when we enter eternal rest (as well as the fruit which we receive in this life: love, contentment and peace). St. Basil the Great described Christian life like that of a honey bee. The bee flies all around seeking only the beautiful flowers. It passes by anything which is less beautiful than a flower. And in return for its focused effort it receives the sweet nectar. This is the way which we are called to live: we must focus on the imperishable treasure in this life, rather than the perishable treasure which “moth and rust destroy and where thieves break in and steal” After all, there is a life we can lead which is the opposite of the bee: We can be like the fly, which seeks out rotting food, dead things, and manure. Here in Las Vegas, this analogy hits home even more. There is much around us which glorifies the life of the fly, feasting on that which leads to death. Yet despite the gross things which a fly feasts on, its life is alluring to many. In fact, the fly does not think that its feast is repulsive. And many who follow this path believe that they are tasting of the finest delights. My brothers and sisters, we must turn away from the perishable “treasures” which fade away in this life and those things to which the fly is attracted. Be like the bee, seeking out the true flowers in this life – love, joy, peace . . . the fruit of the Spirit (Galatians 5:22) – for this is how we prepare to enter eternal life. In Christ’s Undying Love, Serving Dinner to the Homeless Beginning in December, the community of St. John the Baptist has the special blessing of helping the most disadvantaged in one small way: Each third Thursday of the month, starting on December 18, our parish has committed to serving dinner to the homeless at the Las Vegas Rescue Mission. Please join us each month and see why “it is more blessed to give than to receive.” (Acts 20:35) 8 “Cast me not away from Your Presence and take not Your Holy Spirit from me.” (Psalm 51:11) The Desert Messenger Youth and Family Ministries Church School We are getting into the swing of things so far. We have just over 100 students registered. Parents, please make sure that your children are registered. The forms are on the bulletin boards and can be given to myself, the teachers or Karen during the week. Remember, the student must be 4 years-old by September 30 to be enrolled in our Pre-Kindergarten class. Do you want to know what our students are up to? Take a look at the lesson plans on the bulletin boards outside of the classrooms. This is the perfect opportunity to ask your children what they learned in Church School. It is also nice to get your child involved in the other youth activities in our parish. Notices of those events are located in The Desert Messenger. Please let us know if you are willing to help out or if you have any special talents that you would like to share. We are always open for parent involvement. Dates to remember . . . Saturday, December 20, 11:00 am: Christmas Pageant Rehearsal, followed by Church School luncheon. Sunday, December 21, following Divine Liturgy: The Annual Church School Christmas Pageant. If you have any questions, please contact me. In Christ, Eileen Koutsulis, Church School Director (702) 521-6516 or [email protected] Youth Choir News Our Youth Choir has been asked to perform Christmas Carols for a private showing at the Macy’s Home Store on Sunday, November 9 at 6:00 pm. This is very exciting for us because it gives us more exposure to the community outside of our Church family. We are chanting the Divine Liturgy that day anyway, so please be at Church by 9:40 am that morning. PLEASE mark in your calendars for this performance. I would like to have full participation of our entire group AND will follow up with phone calls with everybody. Since we have to refresh our memory with Christmas carols, practice will still be on Sunday, November 2, at 12: 15 pm in the 4th and 5th Grades classroom, but for a longer period of time. I am asking the parents to join us at our practice in the back of the room so we can work out more details about our performance. We will also be wearing our black and white outfits which we have not done in a little while. For the new members of this group, the outfit is black (or very dark blue) pants and white shirt for the boys, and black (or dark blue) solid color skirts and white blouses/white sweaters for the girls. Any questions, please see me. Thank you ahead for your participation. Love in Christ, Presvytera Maria Orthodox Family Fellowship We had a fabulous day with our families at Gilcrease Orchard. The children got to experience a hay ride, pick fruits and vegetables, and see HUGE pumpkins. The beautiful weather is here! Come with us on Tuesday, November 11 (Veteran’s Day) to Death Valley as we go hiking, spend time with friends and family and enjoy the great outdoors. Don’t forget your water, lunch, snack, hiking shoes, and most importantly your smile. We will be experiencing the beauty of nature with GOYA, so come on out. We look forward to seeing you all there. We will get an early start on the day to see as much as we can. Please meet us either a) in the Church parking lot at 8:00 am SHARP, or b) in the Olive Garden parking lot at I-95 and Cheyenne at 8:30 am SHARP. If you plan to drive, please let Father Matthew know if you have any empty seats. Politimi Zondiros and Elaine Bucy, OFF Advisors 9 The Desert Messenger Youth and Family Ministries GOYA We had a great time at our first meeting in October. Nearly 40 middle school and high school students showed up. They played volleyball and soccer and enjoyed having dinner with their Orthodox peers. Father Mathew held a group discussion with students on how to have a closer relationship with the Lord as an Orthodox Christian. Please join us for our monthly meetings the first Sunday of every month. We will continue to start off our meetings with fun activities, enjoy dinner at Church, and learn together about our Faith. Our “First Sunday” meeting this month will be on Sunday, November 2, 6:00-8:00 pm, at the Church. Last month we also had a blast on our trip to Valley of Fire State Park. We hiked and climbed out way through much of the park, finding all kinds of crevices, caves, and rock walls. Our next outing will be to Death Valley National Park on Veterans Day, Tuesday, November 11. This is an amazing opportunity to see the hottest, driest and lowest place in the Western Hemisphere. There are massive sand dunes, salt flats and other-worldly landscape. Don’t forget your water, lunch, snack, hiking shoes, and most importantly your smile. We will get an early start on the day to see as much as we can. Please meet us either a) in the Church parking lot at 8:00 am SHARP, or b) in the Olive Garden parking lot at I-95 and Cheyenne at 8:30 am SHARP. If you plan to drive, please let Father Matthew know if you have any empty seats. Our children of St. John’s Parish are on a path to develop stronger friendships with other Orthodox Christians their age. Through GOYA they will serve the Lord, our Church, our community and those in need - together with open hearts. With Love in Christ, June Likourinou and Kouli Pouridis, GOYA Advisors. Greek Folk Dance The new year of Greek Folk Dance has started: Registration for our youngest and non-compete (Division III) group, Liondaria, will remain open through the dance year. Dancers for this group are between the ages of 4 and 7 years-old. Practices are on Sundays after Church School. This is a great opportunity to introduce our beautiful culture to your children. Please mark your calendars for our annual Wine Experience on November 15 in Panos Hall. You will taste different wines, tequila, beers and vodka. Light mezedakia (appetizers) will be served. Tickets for the event can be purchased for $50 by visiting the sales table at Fellowship or by emailing the event chair Tammy Chomakos at [email protected]. To donate raffle items for this even, please contact Christina Leventis at [email protected]. The Folk Dance Ministry would like to thank the community for supporting our performances at this year’s Greek Food Festival. In Christ, Pete Tsolis, Chairman, and the Folk Dance Board Notes from the Choir Loft Rehearsals for this month will be Wednesday, November 12 and 19 at 6:00 pm. Please mark your calendars! We will be working on the summer conference music and the hymns for Christmas. If you are interested in singing with the Choir, please join us for Wednesday rehearsals and Sunday Liturgies! We are working full speed ahead on all the Choir Conference details. Vicki Xikis, our chairperson, is doing a great job in forming and organizing our committees. We look forward to working with all of you to plan this wonderful parish event! Thank you! Athena Mertes, Director 10 The Desert Messenger Adult and Young Adult Ministries Orthodox Connection Las Vegas ~ For Young Adults (20s & 30s) On Saturday, November 8, from 4:30 pm to 6:30 pm OCLV will be assisting the Las Vegas Rescue Mission with feeding the homeless. This is a worthwhile experience, and a great way to serve those in need. The Rescue Mission is located at 480 W. Bonanza Rd, in downtown Las Vegas. If you need transportation, contact me at [email protected]. Please wear close-toed shoes, long pants and no tank tops. Afterwards, we will enjoy some dinner and fellowship at the nearby Container Park. In Christ’s Service, Nick Harmon Orthodox Christian Fellowship ~ For College Students ‘Tis the season! As the holiday season approaches, we have some fun events planned. This month, OCF will be gathering at Penny and Demetri Philippou’s home for a dinner and bonfire on Sunday, November 9, at 6:00 pm. Please e-mail Father Matthew for the address and directions. For the month of December, we will continue our holiday tradition of having a White Elephant Gift Exchange at Aris Bochanis’ home. We hope to see you there! In Christ, Fani Mavrantonis and Alex Szukiewicz Kali Parea ~ “Good Company” for the 40+ Crowd This month Kali Parea – our new ministry for 40+ – is going out for dinner and a stroll through the Christmas cactus garden at Ethel M Chocolates. We will meet for dinner on Friday, November 14 at 6:00 pm at Blue Fin Restaurant (3980 E. Sunset Rd, Las Vegas, NV 89120). After the meal – around 8:00 pm – we will go to Ethel M to see some amazing Christmas lights in their famous cactus garden, while enjoying warm coffee or hot chocolate. For more information, please e-mail me at [email protected]. Demetri Asim, Kali Parea Advisor Mr. & Mrs. ~ A Couples Fellowship Last month M&Ms had another wonderful dinner at Effie and Mike Lekar’s home. We all enjoyed the company of other couples, as well as the personal stories of each couple. Thank you to Effie and Mike for hosting, and to all of the couples for bringing such delicious food. This month we will have a Wine and Cheese Reception at the Bauck home on Sunday, November 23, at 7:00 pm. Amy and Jeremy will provide appetizers for the group. Please bring your significant other and a beverage of your choice. We look forward to seeing you there! Father John, Father Matthew and their Presvyteres Forerunners ~ The Seniors of St. John the Baptist It was so great to see everyone after the long summer at our October kick-off luncheon! We enjoyed delicious lamb chops and spanakopita by Chef Manny. We hope to see more of you at our next luncheon. On Sunday, November 2, we will be hosting fellowship, please plan to bring goodies for everyone to share. On Monday, November 10, at 11:30 am we will have our monthly luncheon in Panos Hall. We have surprise entertainment planned, which will be fun for everyone! Lastly, mark your calendars for Monday, December 8, when we will have our Annual Christmas Party at the Mad Greek. More information to follow. Gary and Marie Setian, Forerunners Co-Presidents 11 The Desert Messenger Adult Basketball Come join us – men and women – on Mondays at 6:30 pm for a pick-up basketball game in Panos Hall. Please e-mail Pete Tsolis at [email protected] to add your name to the list, because times and dates can change, depending on other Church functions and holidays. Thanks to all of you who visited the Hellenic Historical Society table at the Ministry Fair last month. Many of you found pictures of yourselves in the binders that depict the rich history of St. John Church. Among the overheard comments were, “Look here, I’ll show you more pictures of your daddy when he was a little boy,” and, “Wow, here I am on the Parish Council back in the day. Look how young I was!” But we also heard disappointment. “I’ve been involved for years. Why are there no pictures of me in these albums?” The only way you can be guaranteed representation in the pictorial history of the Church is if you submit your own personal photos and memorabilia. We are especially interested in acquiring photos, documents, invitations, programs, etc., for the years since 2009, but all years are wanted, needed and welcomed. Your mementos will be safely handled, copied and returned to you. Many of you enjoyed the Food Festival display in Kokkos Hall and we look forward to arranging the next exhibit for your viewing pleasure. Please call or e-mail either Cheryl Pandelis (702-338-1601, [email protected]) or Susan Stamis (702-460-9954, [email protected]) to ask any questions or to submit historical items. Susan Stamis and Cheryl Pandelis Orthodox Bookstore Stop by the Orthodox Bookstore on a Sunday or during the week and see what God has offered to us through the Fathers of our Church in all generations. Reading Orthodox spiritual books – such as the Philokalia and writings of the Desert Fathers and holy monastics – helps us to heal our souls which have been attacked and tortured by the dark forces since we were born into this world. To aid us in this spiritual warfare, we have an excellent collection of prayer books, prayer ropes, and items for your home prayer altar. ICXC NIKA, Constantine Frangakis Daughters of Penelope The Daughters of Penelope will be celebrating Founders Day on Sunday, November 9, when we will host Fellowship. Donations we receive will go toward Father John’s Discretionary Fund, which is used for assistance to those in need – in the parish family and in the greater Las Vegas community. In addition to this philanthropic cause, the Daughters of Penelope also support: Seeing-Eye Dog Scholarships, Cancer Research, St. Basil’s Academy for Children, and St. Nicholas Church at Ground Zero in New York City. Julie Benincasa, President Our Community Registry Baptized into Christ: Na Mas Zisi! Adrianos, son of Matthew Myers and Panagiota Hristopoulou on October 11, 2014. Godparent: Caroline Agapi Lekar. Greek Language Program Chrismation: Greek Classes have started, and we have 40 students registered! It is not too late to register your child – we will catch them up on material missed. Classes are held Tuesdays, 4:30-6:00 pm. Children (3-18 years) are FREE for St. John Church Stewards. NEW . . . Adult classes – $100 for stewards and $200 for non-stewards. We meet Wednesdays, 5:30-7:00 pm. If you have any questions please contact me at (702) 249-4740. Paula Kelesis, Director Simon Woldezghi on October 5, 2014. Sponsor: Henok Woldezghi. Marriage: Na Zisete! Stephen Crescenti and Katherine Netherton on October 14, 2014. Koumbaros: George Kinney. 12 The Desert Messenger 2014 Stewards and Contributors (as of 10/22/14) Abberger, Lou and Geraldine Adamy, Marina Agnos, Jim and Angeline Alcala, Georgia KalkasAnastasakis, Mark and Elaine Anastasiou, Andrew and Kathleen Andraktos, Manuel Andrews, Catherine Andrews, Vikki Andricopoulos, Margo Anthony, Stavros and Bernadette Aristides, George and Diana Asim, Demetrious Attard, Sofia Bacon, Ken and Dianne Balason, Anna Balodimas, James Barbarino, Demetra Bartzos, Sam and Eugenia Bauck, Jeremy and Amy Beeler, Mike and Carolyn Beeman, Joey and Ivana Belch, George Berendji, Jim and Vivian Berta, Irene Bicos, Andriana Bieker, Adam and Cassie Bigler, Louis Bingham, Robert and Melissa Birtas, Ann Birtas, Helen Bochanis, George T. Borzekas, Stephen Bratta, Georgene Brilis, George and Satoko Britten, Ronald and Carol Brown, Faye Bruninga, Bill Bucy, Brent and Elaine Calancea, Valentin and Corina Campbell, Theodore and Cheryl Capre, Julio and Betty Carabas, Stephen and Linda Carabas, Thymios and Sotiroulla Carahalis, John and Jillian Caras, Louis Caredis, Jon and Marjorie Carrico, William and Alexandra Carson, Michele Carter, Maria Cero, Dean Chachas, Bessie Chachas, James Chagares, Kiki Chandrinos, Alexia Chandrinos, Peter + Chirilov, Igor and Tatiana Chomakos, Dean and Tammy Chomakos, George and Nikki Chondrakis, Dimos Christian, Clair and Chloe Christou, Andreas and Toni Ciulla, Anthony and Kleri Clarke, Richard and Jovanna Cole, Carla Collins, David Collins, Dean Conger, William and Alexia Conklin, Ted and Demetra Constantinou, Magdeline Costacos, John Costas, Charles and Louise Costin, Sergiu and Garanin, Lucia Costuros, George and Marsha Cosulas, Fr. Basil and Presv. Samantha Cotsilis, Jenny Couluris, Chris and Catherine Crescenti, Stephen and Katherine Dalacas, Eleni Dalacas, Eugenia Dalacas, Dimitri and Athanasia Dalacas, Nick and Georgia Daskalos, George and Stella Dawood, Evon Delalis, Dina DeMangus, Joanne Demetriou, Demetrios and Bessie Demetropoulos, Nick and Judith Demolas, Maria and Nour, Reza Demoleas, Spero and Grace Demoleas, Stephanie Demopoulos, Vasiliki Deverikos, Peter and Angela Dominguez, Eric and Amalia Doskas, Athanasios and Anastasia Dounis, Dina Dounis, Georgia Dounis, Kiki Dramitinos, Mary Drewnowski, Carl Dudanakis, Michael Earl, Christine Eliades, Aristotelis and Caroline Eliades, Artemisa Eliades, Gregory and Maria Eliades, Harry and Agapi Eliades, Katerina Eliades, Peter Eliakis, Peter and Glenda Eliakis, Varthie and Lee Ann Eliopulos, Goldie Ene, Ovidiu and Mira English, Marika Exarhos, Nick and Sharon Eyler, Fr. Paul and Presv. Ilean Eyler, John and Elizabeth Farren, Anthony and Maritsa Filios, George and Nitsa Filios, Spiridon and Eleni Fischer, Bob and Cheryl Flangas, Bill and Marilyn Flangas, Gary and Amanda Flangas, Gus and Tamara Foskaris, Thomas Fotopoulos, John and Barbara Frangakis, Christos and Anastasia Frangakis, Constantine Frangakis, John Franzi, Jack Funk, Helen Gain, Jeff and Wessels, Allison Garza, Evarardo and Eliades, Eleni Geiger, Dan and Hart, Dora George, Louis George, Pete and Georgia Georgiadis, Savvas and Soursos, Helene Georgis, John and Kaliopi Gialketsis, Barbara Gianakoulias, Nick and Magda Giouzelis, Anastasia Goddard, Elizabeth Goodman, Robert and Linda Gordon, Victor and Demetria Gott, C. Thomas Gousdovas, Nikos Gousias, Elias and Maria Grabovoi, Dan Grabovoi, Daphne Grillas, Roula Grissom, Tony and Georgeea Gutierrez, Connie Hadzoglon, Christos and Barbara Hamilton, Mary Hamilton, Paul and Brandi Hardge, Dion and Zoe Harmon, Nicholas and Barbara Harris, Melty and Angeline Hastings, Teri and Audra Haynes, Maria Hemmers, Oliver and Pantelas, Anne Henneforth, Rula Hernquist, Lindsay Hetzel, David and Joanne Hoadrea, Jimmy and Monci Hondros, Catherine Hondros, Christina Hondros, Christopher Hondros, Fr. John and Presv. Maria Hoover, Patrick and Pauline Howard, William and Willie Hristopoulou, Spiridoula Huffington, Michael Iteen, Robert and Sophia Iteen, William and Ingrid Itoafa, Mihai and Sanela Kachikis, Paul and Ernestine Kakavulias, Christina Kakavulias, George and Helen Kakavulias, John Kalkas, John and Rena Kambouris, Nick and Litsa Kane, Larry and Irene Kanellis, Ann Kanoles, Helene Kanoles, Konstantine Kapeles, Bill and Tara Kaptain, Catherine Karalias, Petros and Constance Karas, James Karas, John and Marcie Karas, Vasiliki Karris, Mark and Suzanne Karvounidis, Nick and Alexandra Katris, Nick and Kathy Katsaros, Thomas and Sharon 13 Kelesis, Dina+ Kelesis, George Kelesis, Paula Khoury, Ray and Nicole Kinney, George Kleanthis, George and Zanetta Kleros, Dina Kokenes, Katherine Koliambas, Eleni Komashko, Kitty Konsolakis, George and Sophia Konstantarakis, Michelle Korbos, Theodore Kostopoulos, Georgia Kotonias, George and Patricia Kountanis, Pat Kouris, Anastasios Kourlos, Georgia Koutsulis, John and Eileen Koutsulis, Sam and Effie Kramer, Peter and Lucinda Kratsas, Chris and Marjorie Kypreos, George Kypreos, Peter and Geri Kypreos, Sophia Kyprianou, Gilbert and Alexis Ladies Philoptochos Society Lagomarsino, Sophia Lakis, Antoinette LaMancusa, Lisa Latelle, Penny Lavelle, Eleissa Lazarakis, John and Panagiota Lechner, Sofia Lekar, Michael and Effie Lemelson, Alexandra Lemelson, K. Leonis, Nick and Sophia Leonis, Tishe Leventis, Nicholas and Christina Leventis, Petros and Maja Lewis, Foula Liaos, Jim and Tina Liaos, Steven and Francine Liaos, William and Irene Likourinou, Angie Likourinou, Steve and June Little, Martin and Kaytia, Patricia Lymberopoulos, Mary Malamatos, Kindina Malpee, Mack and Kalliope Maniatakos, Ted and Maria Manolakos, Catherine Manos, Constantine Manos, Patricia Manteris, Arthur and Sue Markakis, Catherine Matsis, John and Rebecca Mavrantonis, Stacy and Kiki Mavrantonis, Theofania Mavroidis, Demetrios and Debra Mavros, Michael and Debbie Mavroudis, Frank and Vess, Olga McKinney, Michael and Mersene McManus, Jeanette Poulos McNear, Elizabeth The Desert Messenger “The rich man is the one who gives much.” Melnichuk, Andrew and Marcella Melton, Donald and Susan Mertes, Patrick and Athena Minas, Arthur Miner, George and Loreane Mirich, Kyle and Heather Mitchell, Tom Moffett, Todd and Eliopulos, Tina Monoyudis, Jim and Julie Mulopulos, George and Jenny Murphy, Terry and Karen Murray, Christopher and George, Veneta Myers, Stella Nadzan, Don and Athena Neocleous, Plato Newell, Eric and Devonna Newell, Ronald and Maria Nicholas, John and Estella Nichols, Marissa Nichols, Mary Nikitas, Rigas and Aphrodite Nikolopoulos, Nick and Demetra Nixon, John O’Brien, Christoula Olmsted, Travis and Marilyn Orlando, Alleck and Jennifer Osborn, Pearl Ostis, Sotirios Paikos, Thomas Palivos, Peter and Vicky Pan-Arcadians Pandelis, Cheryl Panos, William and Jeanne Papas, Christian and Nicole Papas, Louis and Magaly Papas, Peter and Rita Pappas, Antonia Pappas, Constantine and Karina Pappas, Libby Pappas, Rita Paton, Mia Payan, Luis and Eleni Pearson, Jeff and Adrienne Pelletier, Michael Pendleton, Patricia Pentogenis, Michael and Kathy Petersen, Todd and Diane Petro, Aleko and Georgia Petrou, James and Penelopi Philippou, Demetrios and Luanne Pierro, Joe and Rhonda Pierro, Joseph and Christine Pistalu, Constantin and Roxana Platis, Anna Plentzas, Spike and Ruth Polimerou, Angeline Politis, Pantelis and Dimitra Poulos, Christine Pouridis, Kouli and Para Powers, Russell and Rebecca Prokopis, Chris+ and Ritsa Punsalan, Basil and Sophie Radosta, Athena Raptis, Fr. Dean and Presv. Evonne Rifakes, John Rigas, Anthony and Mary Robison, Patricia and Diane Rodis, Dimitri Rodis, Sophia Rouvas, John and Keri Rudolph, Brandon and Kordogiannis, Christina Ruffner, Skip and Kathy Salon, Nicholas and Janelle Salvarles, Thomas and Joyce Savvas, Savva Serpetini, Athanasia Setian, Gary and Marie Simpson, Bryan and Zacharias, Julie Sirhan, Michael and Imtisal Skalkotos, Nikolas and Georgia Skarlatos, Irene Snow, Clifford and Christina Snowden, Robert and Niki Sparangis, Spyro and Helen Sparkuhl, Alex and Antoinette Speer, Erin Stamatakos, Christine Stamis, Angelo and Susan Stamis, Barbara Stamis, Joseph and Jennifer Stavropoulos, Terry and Niki Stefanatos, Michael and Tami Stenos, Louis and Litsa Stock, Helen Struzas, Maria Swehla, Fr. Matthew and Presv. Annie Szukiewicz, Alex Szukiewicz, Joe Szukiewicz, Joseph and Jennia Tafoya, Steven and Irene Takas, Andrea Tasios, Ramona and Pete Taxiarchos, Andrew and Alexandra Taylor, Pamela Teed, Charles + Temple, Jonathan and Voula Thomas, Angie Thompson, Maggy Tohme, Tony and May Touroutoglou, Nikolaos Tringas, Chris and Brigette Tselikis, Nicholas and Jennifer Tsilis, Dimitri and Stephanie Tsiralidis, Kosmas and Katherine Tsironis, Alex and Melissa Tsolis, Christos and Panagioula Tsolis, Panagiote Tzelalis, Antonia Tzelalis, Steve Varinos, Nick and Kiki Vassiliadis, Athena Vaughn, Sophia Vervilos, James and Anna Walter, Vernon and Alice Walters, Lane and Mary Waterhouse, David and Aleighzja Waters, Gary and Susan Wilcox, Thalia Wilkerson, Chuck and Kristina Williams, Anthony and Anna Wilson, Steven and Cleo Womack, Karl Womack, Kimberly Woldezghi, Simon Wood, Nadine Xerogianes, Nick and Nikki Xikis, Victoria Zaferatos, Ted and Marinella Zaharof, Phyllis Zamir, Talor and Michelle Zapata, Cesar and Smith, Litza Zarkos, Nick and Dina Zarras, Nick and Chery Zervou-Hadzic, Evangelia Zimmerman, Paul and Angela Zoumboulis, Tina ST. JOHN THE BAPTIST GREEK ORTHODOX CHURCH 5300 S. El Camino Rd. Las Vegas, NV 89118 Rev. Father John Hondros [email protected] Rev. Father Matthew Swehla [email protected] Karen Rawlinson Administrative Assistant Nancy Haga Bookkeeper Eric Kornbluh Catering & Events Manager Office Hours Monday - Friday 9:00 am - 5:00 pm Telephone: (702) 221-8245 FAX: (702) 221-9167 Parish Council: John Fotopoulos Philoptochos: Bernadette Anthony Stewardship & Outreach: Mark Karris & Justina Szukiewicz Choir: Athena Mertes Chanters & Youth Choir: Presvytera Maria Hondros Church School: Eileen Koutsulis Altar Servers: Alex Szukiewicz GOYA: Kouli Pouridis & June Likourinou Orthodox Family Fellowship: Elaine Bucy & Politimi Zondiros Greek Folk Dance: Panagiote Tsolis Greek School: Paula Kelesis Orthodox Connection Las Vegas: Nick Harmon Orthodox Christian Fellowship: Alex Szukiewicz & Fani Mavrantonis Mr. & Mrs.: Fr. John, Fr. Matthew & Presvyteres Kali Parea: Demetri Asim East Valley Fellowship: Bill Bruninga Adult Basketball: Panagiote Tsolis 2014 Stewardship Report (as of 10/22/14) Stewardship Gifts Pledged: $352,036 Stewardship Gifts Received: $281,084 Unfulfilled Pledge Balance: $ 70,952 Stewardship Families Pledged: 405 Forerunners: Marie & Gary Setian Orthodox Bookstore: Constantine Frangakis Bill Andrews Library: Cheryl Pandelis and Susan Stamis Hellenic Historical Society: Cheryl Pandelis and Susan Stamis “Be imitators of God, as beloved children.” (Ephesians 5:1) 14 Kokkos Scholarship Committee: Helen Stock 3 Monday 13 14 15 15 8:45 am Orthros 10:00 am Divine Liturgy & Artoclasia 30 Apostle Andrew 8:45 am Orthros 6:30 pm Adult Basketball 10:00 am Divine Liturgy 7:00 pm Mr. & Mrs. at Bauck Home 27 28 the Theotokos 8:00 am Orthros 9:00 am Divine Liturgy 29 22 Greek Folk Dance Practice: Sundays: Liondaria 12:45-1:30 pm; Delfinia 1:00-2:30 pm; Hrisi Thisvri 1:00-2:30 pm; Stavroforoi 2:30-4:00 pm. Tuesdays: Delfinia 6:00-7:30 pm; Hrisi Thisavri 6:00-7:30 pm; Stavroforoi 7:30-9:00 pm. Liturgy Thanksgiving Day 6:00 pm Divine Liturgy Church Office Closed Church Office Closed & Artoclasia (No Adult Study) 26 Thanksgiving 25 Great Martyr 23 Catherine 8:00 am Orthros 9:00 am Divine Liturgy 4:30 pm Youth Greek Language Classes 10:30 am Thursday Morning Study 5:30 pm Adult Greek 6:00 pm Adult Choir Practice in Choir Loft 7:00 pm Adult Seminar 4:30 pm Youth Greek Language Classes 6:00 pm Parish Council in Library 24 20 19 18 17 8:45 am Orthros 6:30 pm Adult Basketball 10:00 am Divine Liturgy Parish Assembly Stewardship Sunday 21 The Entrance of 12 Holy Archangels 8:00 am Orthros 9:00 am Divine Liturgy 10:00 am Philop. Baking 4:30 pm OCLV at Rescue Mission 8 Damianos 8:00 am Orthros 9:00 am Divine Liturgy 1 Ss. Cosmas & Saturday 16 Apostle Matthew 11 7 Friday 6:00 pm Kali Parea at Nativity Fast Begins Blue Fin Restaurant 7:00 pm Folk Dance Wine Experience in Panos Hall 10 10:30 am Thursday Morning Study 6 Wednesday Thursday Youth Greek 5 Language 5:30 pm Adult Greek 6:00 pm Parish Council 7:00 pm Adult Study: Budget Meeting Orthodoxy Class #6 6:30 pm Philoptochos General Mtg. in Kokkos 4 4:30 pm Tuesday 8:45 am Orthros 11:30 am Forerunners 8:00 am GOYA & OFF 5:30 pm Adult Greek 10:30 am Thursday 6:00 pm Adult Choir 10:00 am Divine Liturgy Luncheon in Panos Hall Hike at Death Valley Morning Study Youth Choir Chants 6:30 pm Adult Basketball 4:30 pm Youth Greek Practice in Choir Loft 6:00 pm OCF Dinner at Language Classes Philippou Home Fr. John at Pan-Orthodox Clergy Retreat at St. Nicholas Ranch 9 St. Nectarios 8:45 am Orthros 6:30 pm Adult Basketball 10:00 am Divine Liturgy 12:15 pm Youth Choir Practice in 4th / 5th Grade 6:00 pm GOYA Fellowship in Panos Hall 2 Sunday NOVEMBER 2014 - IN THE YEAR OF THE LORD The Desert Messenger The Desert Messenger St. John the Baptist Greek Orthodox Church 5300 South El Camino Road Las Vegas, Nevada 89118-1922 NONPROFIT ORG U.S. POSTAGE PAID LAS VEGAS NV PERMIT NO. 98 RETURN SERVICE REQUESTED POSTMASTER : DATED MATERIAL - PLEASE EXPEDITE The Desert Messenger The Way of the Lord “There is one body and one Spirit, just as you were called to the one hope that belongs to your call, one Lord, one faith, one Baptism, one God and Father of us all, Who is above all and through all and in all. But grace was given to each of us according to the measure of Christ’s gift.” (Ephesians 4:4-7)
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